EX-14.1 5 ntn_10k-ex1401.htm CODE OF ETHICS



Code of Ethics


I. Introduction


NTN BUZZTIME, INC. and its subsidiaries (collectively, the "Company" or “Buzztime”) conduct business in accordance with uncompromising ethical standards (this “Code”). Adherence to these standards will not be compromised in favor of financial or other business objectives. High ethical standards are vital to maintain competitive advantage, the pride and confidence of our team members and to provide quality products and services to customers and clients. Integrity, honesty, forthrightness, respect and fairness are of primary importance in all business relationships within the Company and in outside transactions involving the Company.


The Company expects every director, officer and employee (hereinafter, each a “team member”) to adhere to high ethical standards and to promote ethical behavior.  Every action should be assessed by considering whether it is legal, fair to all concerned and whether it would withstand the scrutiny of outsiders. Every team member is expected to follow the letter, as well as the spirit, of this Code. Team members whose behavior is found to violate this Code will be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, termination.


This Code is not intended to be all encompassing. Situations may arise that are not expressly covered here or where the proper course of action is unclear. Team members are to consult with their supervisors if any questions arise as to a course of conduct. Additionally, team members may raise issues with regard to this Code to the attention of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or Vice President of Human Resources; the Company maintains an “open door” policy in that regard.


The Company may modify or supplement this Code from time to time, to comply with evolving corporate governance standards, applicable corporate governance or other requirements adopted by law, the SEC or the NYSE MKT and otherwise as it deems appropriate.


Any team member having information or knowledge regarding a possible violation or potential violation of this Code should immediately report it to his or her supervisor or alternatively, to the CFO, or V.P. of Human Resources. All such communications will be treated as confidential to the extent practical. However, proper investigation may require disclosure at the appropriate time to persons affected or to government officials. Retaliation or reprisal of any kind against a team member who in good faith reports a violation or potential violation of this Code is strictly prohibited and will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. “Good faith” does not mean that a reported concern must be correct, but it does require that you provide complete and truthful information and that you reasonably and sincerely believe that what you are reporting is a violation.


The purpose of this Code is to promote:


·Compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations;


·Honest and ethical conduct including, the ethical handling of actual or potential conflicts of interest;


·The safeguarding of the Company’s assets;


·Complete, accurate and timely reporting of the Company’s financial condition and results of operations including disclosures made in documents filed with, or furnished to, the SEC and in other public communications and complete and accurate recordkeeping;


·A healthy work environment that promotes work force diversity and is free of harassment and discrimination; and


·The prompt internal reporting and investigation of violations of this Code.




II. When to Seek Guidance


Compliance with ethical and legal standards is everyone’s responsibility. At times, the best course of action is not always clear. If you are not sure of the correct way to handle a particular situation, start by asking yourself the following questions:


·Is it legal?
·Does it comply with our policies?
·How would it look if reported by an informed and critical reporter in the newspaper?
·Is it the right thing to do?
·How would I feel if my family, friends and neighbors knew what I was doing?


If you are unsure of the answer to any of these questions, or if you have further questions, do not hesitate to seek help or guidance. Remember, do not make a difficult decision alone. There are resources available to assist you in resolving any issue that you encounter.


III. Available Resources to Assist You


Should you face a situation that you are uncertain about, ask your supervisor or another leader for guidance or you may contact the following other resources:


·Toll Free Hotline 866-233-4090
·Intranet http://intranet/default.aspx
·Email ntn@openboard.info
·Kendra Berger, Chief Financial Officer
·Jenna Zdanowski, Vice President, Human Resources


Should you have a concern about accounting practices, internal controls or auditing matters you can contact the Audit Committee directly by calling the Toll Free Hotline or submitting your concern in writing to: NTN Buzztime, Inc., Chairman of the Audit Committee c/o Mary Beth Lewis, 2231 Rutherford, Suite 200, Carlsbad, CA 92008


Acts of hostility or imminent danger should be reported immediately to the local law enforcement or a 911 operator and then followed up with a call to Human Resources.


IV. Company Response to Reports of Misconduct


Reports of suspected violations are promptly investigated, and if appropriate, corrective action taken and, if legally required, reported to the proper government authority. If you are asked to cooperate in an investigation, you will be subject to disciplinary action if you fail to do so. In addition, you may never disclose or discuss an investigation with unauthorized persons. Buzztime has a policy of protecting the confidentiality of those making reports of possible misconduct to the maximum extent possible, consistent with the requirements necessary to conduct an effective investigation and the law.

V. Code Enforcement


Buzztime strives to enforce this code on a uniform and consistent basis without regard to an employee’s position. If you violate this Code, you will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of your employment. Supervisors and managers of a disciplined team member may also be subject to disciplinary action for their failure to properly oversee a team member’s conduct, or for retaliation against a team member who reports a violation in good faith. In addition, failure by any team member to report wrongdoing will be considered in retention decisions, job appraisals, pay increases, incentive pay, equity compensation and other rewards and recognition programs.


Buzztime’s response to misconduct will depend upon a number of factors, including whether the improper conduct involved is illegal. You should be aware that certain actions and omissions prohibited by the Code might be crimes that could lead to individual criminal prosecution and, upon conviction, fines and imprisonment.




If the alleged misconduct involves an executive officer or director, the Audit Committee of our Board of Directors is charged with determining whether there is a Code violation and, if so, what discipline is appropriate.


This Code is in addition to, and not intended to alter or interpret, other Company policies, some of which are referred to below, including the Employee Handbook. Employees must be familiar with and comply with all Company policies, handbooks and codes.


VI. Waivers


Buzztime expects all team members, officers, and directors to comply with the provisions and spirit of the Code.  Any waivers or exceptions to the Code may be granted from time to time under appropriate circumstances. If you feel an exception is appropriate, you must speak with your supervisor or manager and obtain the Chief Financial Officers approval. A waiver of this Code for an executive officer or director may be made only by our Board of Directors and will be promptly disclosed to the public as required by law and any applicable stock exchange requirements. When necessary, a waiver will be accompanied by appropriate controls designed to protect the Company.




VII. Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations


Every team member shall obey all applicable laws including, but not limited to, laws that apply to securities, taxes, gaming, alcoholic beverages, civil rights, copyright and patent rights, environmental protection, campaign finance and corrupt practices. While the Company does not expect team members to be experts in legal matters, it holds each team member responsible for being familiar with the laws governing his or her areas of responsibility. Team members should seek advice from the Legal or Human Resources Department whenever they have a question concerning the application of the law. Buzztime will not condone and will not tolerate any activity that violates applicable law.


The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is of particular importance in this area. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act generally forbids giving anything of value to foreign government officials or foreign political candidates in order to obtain or retain business. It is therefore important to discuss these types of payments, including any gifts of the type discussed in the Gifts and Entertainment section below, in advance with your supervisor to make sure the Company's ethical standards are maintained and the law is followed.


VIII. Honest and Ethical Conduct


Each team member will deal honestly and fairly with clients, customers, suppliers, financial and other partners, as well as competitors. The long term success of the Company depends upon establishing mutually beneficial relationships built on integrity. It is important not only to act honestly and ethically, but also to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. If in doubt, consider the questions listed in Section II above, and discuss the situation with your supervisor or another manager such as the CFO or VP of Human Resources.


IX. Conflicts of Interest


Team members have a duty to avoid actual or potential conflicts of interest situations and to avoid the appearance of impropriety.  An actual conflict of interest need not be present for a problem to arise. Its mere appearance must be avoided. Conflicts of interest can arise innocently because of circumstances alone, without deliberate action on the part of an individual. For example, if a Buzztime manager's brother owns a recruiting agency and that company does recruiting for Buzztime, it may appear that the Buzztime manager is favoring his brother's firm over its competitors. The best course of action here would be for Buzztime to switch to a different recruiting agency to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest. Some areas in which conflicts of interest can arise include:




·personal investments in Buzztime’s business partners or competitors
·outside employment, advisory and board roles, and your own business
·business opportunities found through work
·intellectual property; inventions
·friends and relatives; co-worker relationships
·gifts and entertainment
·improper use of our assets, products or services for yourself or others


Many of these areas are more specifically addressed throughout this Code.


With regard to personal and family financial interests, a team member having any personal, family or other non-Buzztime interest, direct or indirect (other than an ownership interest of 5% or less in a publicly-held company), in any Company business, transaction, supplier, customer or competitor is to make prompt disclosure to the Company and obtain written approval from the CFO and VP Human Resources to continue the relationship or participate in related projects or tasks. Team members are not to offer their skills or services to competitors or engage in outside businesses that compete with or sell goods or services to the Company. Employing family members in direct supervisory-subordinate relationships is to be avoided unless the family and employment relationships are indirect and authorization is obtained in advance. See also Section XVI below.


X. Gifts and Entertainment


The exchange of customary gifts of nominal value with customers and suppliers is a normal and acceptable business practice. However, giving or receiving gifts of significant value could compromise the objectivity of a team member as well as create the appearance of impropriety. Accordingly, gifts given or received by a team member in excess of $200 (retail value) must be disclosed to his or her supervisor. The supervisor will determine whether the gift may be accepted, relinquished to the Company, or returned. Gifts of perishable items (e.g., flowers and fruit baskets) or commemorative items (e.g., plaques and framed photographs) are not subject to this $200 limit. They should, however, have little or no intrinsic or resale value. Entertainment, whether provided or received by Company employees, is to be lawful, appropriate, modest, within acceptable boundaries of good taste and incidental to a legitimate business interaction where the Company employee is in attendance. The Company does not permit or condone the use or receipt of bribes, kickbacks, or any other illegal or improper payment or transfer in the course of its business. In any non-US business interaction, care should be taken to comply with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, regardless of this gift and entertainment policy.


XI. Protection and Proper Use of Company and Third-Party Assets


Every team member is expected to preserve and protect our assets and resources, and the assets of third parties, and to promote efficient use for only legitimate and approved business purposes. Your obligation to protect company assets includes our proprietary information and intellectual property, such as trade secrets, copyrights, business marketing plans and unpublished databases and records, as well as physical assets including computers and information systems.


Improper or unauthorized use, personal use, or use for third parties (including charities), of supplies, equipment, premises or other assets, whether tangible or intangible, belonging to the Company or its clients or other business partners is prohibited unless prior written permission is received from a supervisor and adequate compensation is arranged if appropriate.


In particular we do not use, without proper authorization, the intellectual property of other persons or companies, be they business partners or otherwise. This includes not copying, downloading, misappropriating or otherwise misusing software, images, video or other property of third parties. The Company has a separate Software Code of Ethics and you are required to be familiar with and to comply with that Code.




 To better protect Company and third-party assets, provide excellent service and ensure a safe workplace, it may be necessary to monitor team member activities and company systems. As permitted by law, Buzztime reserves the right to inspect, monitor, and record the use of all company property including vehicles, systems and facilities, with or without notice, and to search any and all company property at any time. This includes such items as Company-supplied computers, email and phones. Buzztime has a Workplace Searches and Security Measures Policyyou are required to familiarize yourself and comply with in addition to this Code.  


Please also refer to our Employee Handbook for additional policies in these areas.


XII. Complete, Accurate and Timely Financial Reporting and Recordkeeping


The Company's books and records will be kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and according to established finance and accounting policies. All team members will cooperate fully with internal and outside auditors during their examinations of the Company's books, records and operations.  The Company’s CEO, CFO and Controller are ultimately responsible for taking all steps necessary to ensure that all financial reports and disclosures filed with, or furnished to, the SEC and the Company’s shareholders are complete, accurate and timely.  All team members will take appropriate steps within their area of responsibility to ensure the same. The integrity of the Company’s accounting, technical, personnel, financial and other records is based on their validity, accuracy and completeness.


This integrity depends in large part on complete and accurate recordkeeping and document retention. Employees must maintain Company books and records of all kinds in a manner which is both accurate and auditable. It is against this Code to make entries that intentionally conceal or disguise the true nature of any transaction. We only destroy or discard documents in accordance with the law and Company policy. Among other things, this means that relevant documents may not be altered, destroyed or discarded when we have reason to believe they will be requested by a court, administrative agency or other government authority or when we are aware that they are relevant to a government investigation.


We maintain a separate Document Retention Policy which you must be familiar with and follow.


XIII. Healthy and Professional Work Environment; Political Activity


Team members will treat others fairly, with dignity and with respect. All team members are entitled to a work environment free of verbal or physical abuse and/or sexual or other improper harassment. The Company will not tolerate such harassment at any level.


It is the Company’s policy to investigate thoroughly and to remedy any alleged acts of harassment. In order to accomplish this, acts of harassment must be brought to the attention of the Company. Team members who feel aggrieved because of an alleged act of harassment are under a duty to notify their supervisor or V.P. of Human Resources. All complaints will be treated as confidential to the extent practical as discussed above, and all investigations will be conducted as expeditiously as possible. Retaliation or reprisal of any kind against a team member who in good faith reports harassment or other violation (or a potential violation) of this Code is strictly prohibited.


Any team member who is found to have harassed another team member, customer or vendor will be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, termination.


Buzztime is committed to a safe and drug-free workplace. The misuse of alcohol or legal drugs and the use of illegal drugs are prohibited. This policy applies when you are on Company premises or when conducting business outside the office; for example, at any Company function, at client meetings or dinners, or at conventions or trade shows. You must promptly report all unsafe conditions or work-related injuries, illnesses and accidents.


The Company maintains a strong policy of equal employment opportunity for all team members and applicants for employment. The Company hires, trains, promotes and compensates team members on the basis of individual competence and potential and without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital status or non-job related disability, as well as all other classifications protected by applicable laws. The Company believes promotion of work force diversity is an important objective in its own right, is a source of competitive advantage; it is also a requirement of Equal Employment Opportunity laws.




The Company’s equal employment opportunity philosophy applies to all aspects of employment with the Company including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, training, transfer, promotion, benefits and compensation, termination, and leaves of absence.


Please see the Employee Handbook for more specific policies in the above areas.


Team members who become involved with a political group must make it clear that his or her activities are being conducted purely in a personal capacity and not on behalf of or in connection with the Company or the team member’s position, and must maintain his/her personal political activities separate from the Company's business. The Company encourages personal participation by team members in the political process outside of work hours and responsibilities. This includes service on government bodies and participation in partisan political activities. However, such activities should not be conducted in a way that interferes with the team member's job responsibilities. Team members are not to make political contributions using Company funds or take public positions on behalf of the Company, nor use the Company name, Company information or any other Company assets for political purposes.


XIV. Confidential Information


Team members must maintain the confidentiality of information entrusted to you not only by the Company, but also by suppliers, customers and other entities in connection with our business. Confidential information includes all non-public information (whether or not considered proprietary) that you learn, create or develop in the course of your employment with, or service as an employee of Buzztime, whether it belongs to Buzztime or some other party.


As part of your employment, you entered into a Confidentiality and Inventions Agreement which more specifically defines your obligations with respect to confidential information and intellectual property.


XV. Insider Trading


Federal and State law prohibits the use of “material non-public information” when trading in or recommending securities, e.g. giving a stock “tip” to someone else. Generally, you must not engage in transactions in Buzztime’s securities while in possession of material non-public information. In addition, if you are in possession of material non-public information, you may not communicate such information to or tip third parties who could use such information in the decision to purchase or sell Buzztime’s securities. These restrictions also apply to securities of other companies if you learn of material inside information about them in the course of your duties.


Buzztime has an Insider Trading Policy you are required to familiarize yourself and comply with.


XVI. Outside Employment, Affiliations or Activities


Full-time regular team members’ primary employment and professional obligation is to NTN Buzztime, Inc. Team members may not use Buzztime’s customers, suppliers, title, name, influence, assets, facilities, materials or services of other team members for outside activities unless specifically authorized.


Team members may not conduct Buzztime business with a firm owned or controlled by themselves or a member of their family, or directly supervise, review or influence the job evaluation, pay or benefits of any member of their family who is an employee of Buzztime. Additionally, if your family member works for a business that is itself in competition with Buzztime, this circumstance must be disclosed to the CFO and the VP, Human Resources.


XVII. Prompt Internal Reporting of Code Violations


The integrity of the Company is diminished whenever this Code is violated. If you believe that a violation of this Code is imminent or has occurred, you are to consider the following options:


·Discuss your concerns with your supervisor;


·Contact the CFO or V.P. of Human Resources, named above.




·Call the hotline 1-866-233-4090, where you may anonymously report known or suspected violations of this Code.


·Alternatively, you may access the Company’s intranet site home page and click on the “Integrity” link to anonymously submit an email or web form to report known or suspected violations of this Code. While the Company prefers that team members who wish to file a complaint, express a concern or report a possible violation of this Code identify themselves so that matters may be more effectively and efficiently addressed, team members may use this option.  In either case, retaliation or reprisal of any kind against a team member who reports a violation (or, in good faith, a potential violation) of this Code is strictly prohibited.


Prompt reporting is vital to a thorough and timely resolution of any alleged violation.

















Acknowledgement of Receipt and Commitment to Compliance


I have received my copy of the NTN Buzztime, Inc. Code of Ethics. I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to read and familiarize myself with the standards of conduct contained in the Code of Ethics, to report any possible violation as soon as practicable and understand it is a requirement of my employment.


I understand and agree that the Code of Ethics is a statement of Company policy and nothing in it creates or is intended to create a contract or promise, nor any representation of continued employment and that employment by the Company is employment at-will.


Please sign and return this page to Human Resources. Thank you!



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