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As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission

on May 17, 2024

Registration No. 333-278504


Washington, D.C. 20549





Pre-Effective Amendment No. ____

   [ ] 

Post-Effective Amendment No. 1


Fidelity Investment Trust

(Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

Registrant’s Telephone Number (617) 563-7000

245 Summer St., Boston, MA 02210

(Address Of Principal Executive Offices)

Margaret Carey, Secretary and Chief Legal Officer

245 Summer Street

Boston, MA 02210

(Name and Address of Agent for Service)

It is proposed that this filing will become effective immediately upon filing pursuant to paragraph (b).

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Proxy Materials




Dear Shareholder:

A special meeting of shareholders of the Fidelity fund mentioned above will be held on July 16, 2024. The purpose of the meeting is to provide you with the opportunity to vote on important proposals that affect the fund and your investment in it. As a shareholder and a valued Fidelity customer, you can make your voice heard.

Proxy campaigns are costly, so your timely vote will help to control proxy expenses that are borne by shareholders. This letter and accompanying proxy statement contain important information about the proposals and the materials to use when casting your vote.

Please read the enclosed proxy materials and cast your vote on the proxy card(s). Please vote your shares promptly. Your vote is extremely important, no matter how large or small your holdings may be.

Each proposal has been carefully reviewed by the Board of Trustees. The Trustees, most of whom are not affiliated with Fidelity, are responsible for protecting your interests as a shareholder. The Trustees believe that each of these proposals are in the best interests of shareholders: Proposal 1 – the proposal to elect a Board of Trustees and Proposal 2 – the proposal to merge Fidelity Latin America Fund into Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund. They recommend that you vote for these proposals.

The following Q&A is provided to assist you in understanding each proposal. The proposals are also described in greater detail in the enclosed proxy statement.

Voting is quick and easy. To cast your vote, you may:



Visit the web site indicated on your proxy card(s), enter the control number found on the card(s), and follow the on-line instructions, OR



Call the toll-free number indicated on your proxy card(s), enter the control number found on the card(s), and follow the recorded instructions, OR;



If you have received a paper copy of the proxy card(s), complete the proxy card(s) and return the signed card(s) in the postage-paid envelope.

If you have any questions before you vote, please call Fidelity at the toll-free number on your proxy card(s). We will be glad to help you submit your vote. Thank you for voting your shares and for your confidence in entrusting Fidelity with your investments.




Robert A. Lawrence

Acting Chairman

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Important information to help you understand and vote on the proposals

Please read the full text of the proxy statement. We have provided a brief overview of the proposals to be voted upon below. Your vote is important. We appreciate you placing your trust in Fidelity and look forward to helping you achieve your financial goals.

What proposals am I being asked to vote on?

You are being asked to vote on the following proposals:

Proposal 1 – To elect a Board of Trustees.

Proposal 2 – Shareholders of Fidelity Latin America Fund are being asked to vote on Proposal 2. As more fully described in Proposal 2 in the attached proxy statement, shareholders of Fidelity Latin America Fund are being asked to approve merging the fund into Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund by approving an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization.

1. To elect a Board of Trustees.

What role does the Board play?

The Trustees serve as representatives of the funds’ shareholders. Members of the Board are fiduciaries and have an obligation to serve the best interests of shareholders, including consideration of policy changes. In addition, the Trustees review fund performance, oversee fund activities, and review contractual arrangements with companies that provide services to the funds.

Has the fund’s Board of Trustees approved the proposal?

Yes. The Board of Trustees has unanimously approved the proposal and recommends that you vote to approve it.

2. For shareholders of Fidelity Latin America Fund, to approve merging the fund into Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund by approving an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization.

Has the fund’s Board of Trustees approved the Reorganization?

Yes. The Board of Trustees has carefully reviewed the proposal and approved the Agreement and Reorganization. The Board of Trustees unanimously recommends that you vote in favor of your fund’s Agreement and Plan of Reorganization by approving your fund’s proposal. If shareholder approval of the Agreement cannot be achieved, the Board of Trustees has approved a plan of liquidation for Fidelity Latin America Fund.

What are the reasons for and advantages of the proposed Reorganization?

We believe, and the Board of Trustees unanimously agreed, that the Reorganization, also known as a merger, is in the best interest of shareholders.

Proposal 2 – Merge Fidelity Latin America Fund into Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund: The Board considered that the merger will permit Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholders to pursue a similar investment objective and somewhat similar investment strategies in a more diversified, larger, higher-rated fund with better long-term performance and lower expenses.

The Board also considered that Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholders will benefit from Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund’s lower maximum management fee rates for each class. Each class’s management fee rate is expected to decrease by approximately 1 to 4 basis points, depending on the class. The Board further considered that Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholders are also expected to benefit from an expense reduction ranging from approximately 8 to 11 basis points, depending on the class.

For more information, please refer to the section entitled “The Proposed Transactions – Proposal 2 – Reasons for Reorganization.”

Do Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund have similar investment objectives and policies?

Yes, the funds have similar investment objectives. Fidelity Latin America Fund seeks long-term growth of capital and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund seeks capital appreciation. Although the funds have similar investment objectives and somewhat similar principal investment strategies, there are some differences of which you should be aware. A comparison of the investment strategies is included in the attached proxy statement.

Who are the managers for each fund?

Fidelity Latin America Fund

Will Pruett is Portfolio Manager of Fidelity Latin America Fund, which he has managed since 2015. He also manages other funds. Since joining Fidelity Investments in 2008, Mr. Pruett has worked as a research analyst and portfolio manager.

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund

John Dance is Portfolio Manager of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, which he has managed since 2019. Since joining Fidelity Investments in 2006, Mr. Dance has worked as a research analyst and portfolio manager. He is expected to continue to be responsible for portfolio management of the combined fund after the merger.

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How will you determine the number of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund shares that I will receive?

Although the number of shares you own will most likely change, the total value of your holdings will not change as a result of the Reorganization. As of the close of business of the New York Stock Exchange on the closing date of the Reorganization, the number of shares to be issued will be based on the relative net asset values of each fund at the time of the exchange.

The anticipated closing date of the Reorganization is on or about September 13, 2024.

Is the Reorganization considered a taxable event for federal income tax purposes?

No. Each fund will receive an opinion of counsel that the Reorganization will not result in any gain or loss for federal income tax purposes to either fund or to shareholders of either fund.

For more information, please refer to the section entitled “The Proposed Transactions – Proposal 2 – Federal Income Tax Considerations.”

What if there are not enough votes to reach quorum by the scheduled shareholder meeting date or if the Reorganization is not approved?

To facilitate receiving a sufficient number of votes, we may need to take further action. Computershare Fund Services, a proxy solicitation firm, or Fidelity, may contact you by mail or telephone. Therefore, we encourage shareholders to vote as soon as they receive the enclosed proxy materials to avoid additional mailings or telephone calls, as well as increased expenses to the fund.

If shareholder approval of the Agreement cannot be achieved, the Board of Trustees has approved a plan of liquidation for Fidelity Latin America Fund.

Who will pay for the expenses associated with each proposal?

With respect to Proposal 1, unless the fund has a contract in place where the proxy costs will be covered by the Adviser, each fund will bear its applicable expenses in connection with preparing this Proxy Statement and its enclosures and all solicitations.

With respect to Proposal 2, FMR will bear a portion of the one-time administrative costs associated with the Reorganization.

For more information, please refer to the section entitled “Voting Information – Solicitation of Proxies; Expenses.”

What role does the Board play?

The Trustees serve as representatives of the funds’ shareholders. Members of the Board are fiduciaries and have an obligation to serve the best interests of shareholders, including consideration of policy changes. In addition, the Trustees review fund performance, oversee fund activities, and review contractual arrangements with companies that provide services to the funds.

General Questions on the Proxy

Who is Computershare Fund Services?

Computershare Fund Services is a third party proxy vendor that has been hired to call shareholders and record proxy votes. In order to hold a shareholder meeting, quorum must be reached. If quorum is not met (or the required vote is not achieved), the meeting may adjourn to a future date. The campaign attempts to reach shareholders via multiple mailings to remind them to cast their vote. As the meeting approaches, phone calls may be made to clients who have not yet voted their shares so that the shareholder meeting does not have to be adjourned.

Voting your shares immediately will help minimize additional solicitation expenses and prevent the need to call to you to solicit your vote.

How many votes am I entitled to cast?

As a shareholder, you are entitled to one vote for each dollar of net asset value you own of each of the funds on the record date, with fractional dollar amounts entitled to a proportional fractional vote. The record date is May 20, 2024.

How do I vote my shares?

You can vote your shares by visiting the web site indicated on your proxy card(s), entering the control number found on the card(s), and following the on-line instructions. You may also vote by touch-tone telephone by calling the toll-free number on your proxy card(s) and following the recorded instructions. In addition, if you have requested paper proxy materials, you may vote by completing and signing the proxy card(s) and mailing them in the postage-paid envelope. If you need any assistance, or have any questions regarding the proposal or how to vote your shares, please call Fidelity at the toll-free number on your proxy card(s).

How do I sign the proxy card?

Individual Accounts:   Shareholders should sign exactly as their names appear on the account registration shown on the card or form.
Joint Accounts:   Either owner may sign, but the name of the person signing should conform exactly to a name shown in the registration.
All Other Accounts:   The person signing must indicate his or her capacity. For example, a trustee for a trust or other entity should sign, “Ann B. Collins, Trustee.”

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Table of Contents

Important Notice Regarding the Availability

of Proxy Materials for the

Shareholder Meeting to be held on July 16, 2024

The Letter to Shareholders, Notice of Meeting, and Proxy Statement are available at https://www.proxy-direct.com/Fidelity.




245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210

1-800-544-8544 (Retail classes)

1-877-208-0098 (Advisor classes)


To the Shareholders of the above fund:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting of Shareholders (the Meeting) of Fidelity Latin America Fund (the fund), a series of Fidelity Investment Trust (Investment Trust or the trust) will be held on July 16, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time (ET). Shareholders of other Fidelity funds are receiving a separate proxy statement in connection with Proposal 1. Appendix A contains a list of all funds that are holding a special meeting of shareholders to vote on Proposal 1.

The purpose of the Meeting is to consider and act upon the following proposals and to transact such other business as may properly come before the Meeting or any adjournments thereof.



To elect a Board of Trustees.



To approve an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization providing for the transfer of all of the assets of Fidelity Latin America Fund to Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund in exchange solely for corresponding shares of beneficial interest of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund and the assumption by Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund of Fidelity Latin America Fund’s liabilities, in complete liquidation of Fidelity Latin America Fund.

The Board of Trustees has fixed the close of business on May 20, 2024, as the record date for the determination of the shareholders of the fund entitled to notice of, and to vote at, such Meeting and any adjournments thereof.

By order of the Board of Trustees,


Secretary and Chief Legal Officer

May 20, 2024

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Your vote is important – please vote your shares promptly.

The Meeting will be held in a virtual format only. Shareholders are invited to attend the Meeting by means of remote audio communication at meetnow.global/MQZDHHG. You will not be able to attend the Meeting in person. You will be required to enter the control number found on your proxy card or voting instruction form you previously received. If you have lost or misplaced your control number, please email Computershare Fund Services, the proxy tabulator for the Meeting (“Computershare”), at shareholdermeetings@computershare.com (include your full name, street address, city, state & zip code) to verify your identity and obtain your control number.

If your shares are held through a brokerage account or by a bank or other holder of record you will need to request a legal proxy in order to receive access to the virtual Meeting. To do so, you must submit proof of your proxy power (legal proxy) reflecting your holdings, along with your name and email address, to Computershare. Requests for registration must be labeled as “Legal Proxy” and be received no later than 5:00 p.m. ET on Thursday, July, 11, 2024. You will receive a confirmation of your registration by email that includes the control number necessary to access and vote at the Meeting. Requests for registration should be directed to Computershare at shareholdermeetings@computershare.com.

Questions from shareholders to be considered at the Meeting must be submitted to Computershare at shareholdermeetings@computershare.com no later than 8:00 a.m. ET on Monday, July 15, 2024.

Any shareholder who does not expect to virtually attend the Meeting is urged to vote using the touch-tone telephone or internet voting instructions that follow or by indicating voting instructions on the enclosed proxy card, dating and signing it, and returning it in the envelope provided, which needs no postage if mailed in the United States. In order to avoid unnecessary expense, we ask for your cooperation in responding promptly, no matter how large or small your holdings may be. If you wish to wait until the Meeting to vote your shares, you will need to follow the instructions available on the Meeting’s website during the Meeting in order to do so.


The following general rules for executing proxy cards may be of assistance to you and help avoid the time and expense involved in validating your vote if you fail to execute your proxy card properly.



Individual Accounts: Your name should be signed exactly as it appears in the registration on the proxy card.



Joint Accounts: Either party may sign, but the name of the party signing should conform exactly to a name shown in the registration.



All other accounts should show the capacity of the individual signing. This can be shown either in the form of the account registration itself or by the individual executing the proxy card. For example:






 A.     1)     ABC Corp.   John Smith, Treasurer
    2)     ABC Corp.   John Smith, Treasurer
    c/o John Smith, Treasurer  
 B.     1)     ABC Corp. Profit Sharing Plan   Ann B. Collins, Trustee
    2)     ABC Trust   Ann B. Collins, Trustee
    3)     Ann B. Collins, Trustee   Ann B. Collins, Trustee
    u/t/d 12/28/78  
 C.     1)     Anthony B. Craft, Cust.   Anthony B. Craft
    f/b/o Anthony B. Craft, Jr.  




Read the proxy statement, and have your proxy card handy.



Call the toll-free number or visit the web site indicated on your proxy card.



Enter the number found in the box on the front of your proxy card.



Follow the recorded or on-line instructions to cast your vote up until 11:59 p.m. ET on July 15, 2024.

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MAY 20, 2024

This combined Proxy Statement and Prospectus (Proxy Statement) is furnished to shareholders of Fidelity Latin America Fund, a series of Fidelity Investment Trust (Investment Trust or the trust), in connection with a solicitation of proxies made by, and on behalf of, Investment Trust’s Board of Trustees to be used at the Special Meeting of Shareholders of Fidelity Latin America Fund and at any adjournments thereof (the Meeting), to be held on July 16, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time (ET) The Board of Trustees and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC (FMR) have determined that the Meeting will be held in a virtual format only. The Meeting will be accessible solely by means of remote audio communication. Shareholders of other Fidelity funds are receiving a separate proxy statement in connection with Proposal 1. Appendix A contains a list of all funds that are holding a special meeting of shareholders to vote on Proposal 1.

The following table summarizes the proposals applicable to the fund:


Proposal Number    Proposal Description
1.    To elect a Board of Trustees.
2.    To approve an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization providing for the transfer of all of the assets of Fidelity Latin America Fund to Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund in exchange solely for corresponding shares of beneficial interest of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund and the assumption by Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund of Fidelity Latin America Fund’s liabilities, in complete liquidation of Fidelity Latin America Fund.

If Proposal 2 is approved by the fund’s shareholders and the Reorganization occurs, each shareholder of Fidelity Latin America Fund will become a shareholder of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund. Fidelity Latin America Fund will transfer all of its assets to Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund in exchange solely for shares of beneficial interest of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund and the assumption by Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund of Fidelity Latin America Fund’s liabilities in complete liquidation of Fidelity Latin America Fund. The total value of your fund holdings will not change as a result of the Reorganization. The Reorganization is currently scheduled to take place as of the close of business of the New York Stock Exchange (the NYSE) on or about September 13, 2024, or such other time and date as the parties may agree (the Closing Date). If shareholder approval of the Agreement cannot be achieved, the Board of Trustees has approved a plan of liquidation for Fidelity Latin America Fund and the fund would liquidate on or about September 13, 2024.

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund is a diversified series of Fidelity Investment Trust, an open-end management investment company registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC). Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund seeks capital appreciation. Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by normally investing at least 80% of assets in securities of issuers in emerging markets and other investments that are tied economically to emerging markets. Emerging markets include countries that have an emerging stock market as defined by MSCI, countries or markets with low- to middle-income economies as classified by the World Bank, and other countries or markets that the Adviser identifies as having similar emerging markets characteristics.

The principal business address of FMR, the fund’s investment adviser, is 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210 and FIL Investment Advisors (FIA), the fund’s sub-adviser, is Pembroke Hall, 42 Crow Lane, Pembroke HM19, Bermuda. For each fund holding a special meeting of shareholders to vote on Proposal 1, each fund’s sub-adviser(s) and each sub-adviser’s principal business address are included in Appendix B. The principal business address of Fidelity Distributors Corporation (FDC), the fund’s principal underwriter and distribution agent, is 900 Salem Street, Smithfield, Rhode Island 02917.


This solicitation is being made primarily by the mailing of this Proxy Statement and the accompanying proxy cards on or about May 20, 2024. For more detailed information about the solicitation with respect to each Proposal, please refer to the “Other Information About the Fund – Voting Information” section of this Proxy Statement. The Proxy Statement sets forth concisely the information about the Proposals that you should know before voting on the Proposals. Please read it carefully and keep it for future reference.

Solely for purposes of Proposal 2, the following documents have been filed with the SEC and are incorporated into this Proxy Statement by reference, which means they are part of this Proxy Statement for legal purposes:

(i) the Statement of Additional Information dated May 20, 2024, relating to this Proxy Statement;

Table of Contents

(ii) the Prospectus for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund relating to Class A, Class M, Class C, Class I, and Class Z shares, dated December 30, 2023, as supplemented March 1, 2024;

(iii) the Prospectus for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund and Fidelity Latin America Fund relating to retail class shares of each fund, dated December 30, 2023, as supplemented March 1, 2024;

(iv) the Prospectus for Fidelity Latin America relating to Class A, Class M, Class C, Class I, and Class Z shares Fund, dated December 30, 2023, as supplemented March 1, 2024.

(v) the Statement of Additional Information for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund and Fidelity Latin America Fund relating to Class A, Class M, Class C, Class I, and Class Z shares, dated December 30, 2023, as supplemented March  1, 2024;

(vi) the Statement of Additional Information for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund and Fidelity Latin America Fund, relating to retail class shares of each fund, dated December 30, 2023, as supplemented March 1, 2024; and

(vii) the Annual Report for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund for the fiscal year ended October  31, 2023; and

(viii) the Annual Report for Fidelity Latin America Fund for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2023.

An investment in the fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although the fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in the fund.

For a free copy of the fund’s current Prospectus, Statement of Additional Information or annual and/or semiannual reports, call Fidelity at 1-800-544-8544 (Retail class) or 1-877-208-0098 (Advisor classes), visit Fidelity’s web sites at www.fidelity.com, institutional.fidelity.com, or www.401k.com (plan accounts), or write to Fidelity Distributors Company LLC at 100 Salem Street, Smithfield, Rhode Island 02917.

Table of Contents



Proposal 1      9  
Proposal 2      21  



Comparison of Principal Risk Factors


The Proposed Transaction


Financial Highlights and Other Information about the Funds

Other Information About the Funds      47  

Voting Information

Miscellaneous      48  
Notice to Banks, Broker-Dealers and Voting Trustees and Their Nominees      49  
Exhibit 1. Equity and High Income Funds Governance and Nominating Committee Charter      50  
Exhibit 2. Form of Agreement and Plan of Reorganization (Proposal 2)      53  
Appendix A. List of Funds Holding a Vote on Proposal 1      60  
Appendix B. Sub-Advisers      67  
Appendix C. Board Composition      74  
Appendix D. Equity Securities Beneficially Owned      76  
Appendix E. Trustee Compensation      104  
Appendix F. Board and Committee Meetings      118  
Appendix G. Fees and Services of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm      119  
Appendix H. Fees and Services of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm Required to be Approved by Audit Committee      134  
Appendix I. Non-Audit Fees of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm      138  
Appendix J. Cost of Solicitation Services      142  
Appendix K. Fund Shares Issued and Outstanding      149  
Appendix L. Record and/or Beneficial Ownership      165  



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The purpose of this proposal is to elect a Board of Trustees. Appendix C shows the composition of the Board of Trustees of each trust for the funds holding a vote on Proposal 1 and the length of service of each Trustee and Member of the Advisory Board. All nominees named below are currently Trustees or Advisory Board Members of the trusts and have served in that capacity continuously since originally elected or appointed. Certain nominees were previously elected by shareholders to serve as Trustees of certain trusts, while other nominees were initially appointed by the Trustees and have not yet been elected by shareholders of all trusts. With respect to the nominees not previously elected by shareholders of one or more trusts, a third-party search firm identified Vijay C. Advani, Thomas P. Bostick, Thomas A. Kennedy, Oscar Munoz, and Karen B. Peetz as candidates. The Governance and Nominating Committee has recommended all Independent Trustee candidates.

In the election of Trustees, those nominees receiving the highest number of votes cast at the Meeting, provided a quorum is present, shall be elected. A nominee shall be elected immediately upon shareholder approval. For each such trust other than Fidelity Advisor Series Advisor Series VIII, Fidelity Concord Street Trust, Fidelity Investment Trust, Fidelity Puritan Trust, and Fidelity Securities Fund, the election of the nominees will result in a board comprised of 13 Trustees, and for Fidelity Advisor Series VIII, Fidelity Concord Street Trust, Fidelity Investment Trust, Fidelity Puritan Trust, and Fidelity Securities Fund, the election of the nominees will result in a board comprised of 14 Trustees, the maximum number permitted under each trust’s organizational documents.

Except for Mr. Advani and Ms. Peetz, each of the nominees currently oversees 323 Fidelity funds. Mr. Advani currently oversees 216 Fidelity funds. Ms, Peetz is currently a Member of the Advisory Board of each trust and has served in that capacity continuously since originally appointed. Jonathan Chiel currently oversees 192 Fidelity funds.

The nominees you are being asked to elect as Trustees of the fund are as follows:

Interested Nominees*:

Correspondence intended for each Interested Nominee (that is, the nominees that are interested persons (as defined in the 1940 Act)) may be sent to Fidelity Investments, 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210.

Name, Year of Birth; Principal Occupations and Other Relevant Experience+

Bettina Doulton (1964)

Ms. Doulton also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Prior to her retirement, Ms. Doulton served in a variety of positions at Fidelity Investments, including as a managing director of research (2006-2007), portfolio manager to certain Fidelity® funds (1993-2005), equity analyst and portfolio assistant (1990-1993), and research assistant (1987-1990). Ms. Doulton currently owns and operates Phi Builders + Architects and Cellardoor Winery. Previously, Ms. Doulton served as a member of the Board of Brown Capital Management, LLC (2014-2018).

Robert A. Lawrence (1952)

Chair of the Board of Trustees

Mr. Lawrence also serves as Trustee of other funds. Previously, Mr. Lawrence served as a Trustee and Member of the Advisory Board of certain funds. Prior to his retirement in 2008, Mr. Lawrence served as Vice President of certain Fidelity® funds (2006-2008), Senior Vice President, Head of High Income Division of Fidelity Management & Research Company (investment adviser firm, 2006-2008), and President of Fidelity Strategic Investments (investment adviser firm, 2002-2005).



Determined to be an “Interested Nominee” by virtue of, among other things, his or her affiliation with the trust or various entities under common control with FMR.



The information includes each nominee’s principal occupation during the last five years and other information relating to the experience, attributes, and skills relevant to the nominee’s qualifications to serve as a Trustee, which led to the conclusion that the nominee should serve as a Trustee for the fund.



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Independent Nominees:

Correspondence intended for each Independent Nominee (that is, the nominees that are not interested persons (as defined in the 1940 Act)) may be sent to Fidelity Investments, P.O. Box 55235, Boston, Massachusetts 02205-5235.

Name, Year of Birth; Principal Occupations and Other Relevant Experience+

Vijay C. Advani (1960)

Mr. Advani also serves as Trustee or Member of the Advisory Board of other funds. Previously, Mr. Advani served as Executive Chairman (2020-2022), Chief Executive Officer (2017-2020) and Chief Operating Officer (2016-2017) of Nuveen (global investment manager). He also served in various capacities at Franklin Resources (global investment manager), including Co-President (2015-2016), Executive Vice President, Global Advisory Services (2008-2015), Head of Global Retail Distribution (2005-2008), Executive Managing Director, International Retail Development (2002-2005), Managing Director, Product Developments, Sales & Marketing, Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa (2000-2002) and President, Templeton Asset Management India (1995-2000). Mr. Advani also served as Senior Investment Officer of International Finance Corporation (private equity and venture capital arm of The World Bank, 1984-1995). Mr. Advani is Chairman Emeritus of the U.S. India Business Council (2018-present), a Director of The Global Impact Investing Network (2019-present), a Director of LOK Capital (Mauritius) (2022-present), a member of the Advisory Council of LOK Capital (2022-present), a Senior Advisor of Neuberger Berman (2021-present), a Senior Advisor of Seviora Holdings Pte. Ltd (Temasek-Singapore) (2021-present), a Director of Seviora Capital (Singapore) (2021-present) and an Advisor of EQUIAM (2021-present). Mr. Advani formerly served as a member of the Board of BowX Acquisition Corp. (special purpose acquisition company, 2020-2021), a member of the Board of Intellecap (advisory arm of The Aavishkaar Group, 2018-2020), a member of the Board of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (2017-2020) and a member of the Board of Docusign (software, 2016-2019).

Thomas P. Bostick (1956)

Lieutenant General Bostick also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Prior to his retirement, General Bostick (United States Army, Retired) held a variety of positions within the U.S. Army, including Commanding General and Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (2012-2016) and Deputy Chief of Staff and Director of Human Resources, U.S. Army (2009-2012). General Bostick currently serves as a member of the Board and Finance and Governance & Sustainability Committees of CSX Corporation (transportation, 2020-present) and a member of the Board and Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee of Perma-Fix Environmental Services, Inc. (nuclear waste management, 2020-present). General Bostick serves as Chief Executive Officer of Bostick Global Strategies, LLC (consulting, 2016-present), as a member of the Board of HireVue, Inc. (video interview and assessment, 2020-present), as a member of the Board of Allonnia (biotechnology and engineering solutions, 2022-present) and on the Advisory Board of Solugen, Inc. (specialty bio-based chemicals manufacturer, 2022-present). Previously, General Bostick served as a Member of the Advisory Board of certain Fidelity® funds (2021), President, Intrexon Bioengineering (2018-2020) and Chief Operating Officer (2017-2020) and Senior Vice President of the Environment Sector (2016-2017) of Intrexon Corporation (biopharmaceutical company).

Donald F. Donahue (1950)

Mr. Donahue also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Mr. Donahue serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of Miranda Partners, LLC (risk consulting for the financial services industry, 2012-present). Previously, Mr. Donahue served as Chief Executive Officer (2006-2012), Chief Operating Officer (2003-2006) and Managing Director, Customer Marketing and Development (1999-2003) of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (financial markets infrastructure). Mr. Donahue currently serves as a member (2007-present) and Co-Chairman (2016-present) of the Board of United Way of New York. Mr. Donahue previously served as a member of the Advisory Board of certain Fidelity® funds (2015-2018) and as a member of the Board of The Leadership Academy (previously NYC Leadership Academy) (2012-2022).

Vicki L. Fuller (1957)

Ms. Fuller also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Previously, Ms. Fuller served as a member of the Advisory Board of certain Fidelity® funds (2018-2020), Chief Investment Officer of the New York State Common Retirement Fund (2012-2018) and held a variety of positions at AllianceBernstein L.P. (global asset management, 1985-2012), including Managing Director (2006-2012) and Senior Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager (2001-2006). Ms. Fuller currently serves as a member of the Board, Audit Committee and Nominating and Governance Committee of two Blackstone business development companies (2020-present), as a member of the Board of Treliant, LLC (consulting, 2019-present), as a member of the Board of Ariel Alternatives, LLC (private equity, 2022-present) and as a member of the Board and Chair of the Audit Committee of Gusto, Inc. (software, 2021-present). In addition, Ms. Fuller currently serves as a member of the Board of Roosevelt University (2019-present) and as a member of the Executive Board of New York University’s Stern School of Business. Ms. Fuller previously served as a member of the Board, Audit Committee and Nominating and Governance Committee of The Williams Companies, Inc. (natural gas infrastructure, 2018-2021).



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Patricia L. Kampling (1959)

Ms. Kampling also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Prior to her retirement, Ms. Kampling served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer (2012-2019), President and Chief Operating Officer (2011-2012) and Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (2010-2011) of Alliant Energy Corporation. Ms. Kampling currently serves as a member of the Board, Finance Committee and Governance, Compensation and Nominating Committee of Xcel Energy Inc. (utilities company, 2020-present) and as a member of the Board, Audit, Finance and Risk Committee and Safety, Environmental, Technology and Operations Committee and Chair of the Executive Development and Compensation Committee of American Water Works Company, Inc. (utilities company, 2019-present). In addition, Ms. Kampling currently serves as a member of the Board of the Nature Conservancy, Wisconsin Chapter (2019-present). Previously, Ms. Kampling served as a Member of the Advisory Board of certain Fidelity® funds (2020), a member of the Board, Compensation Committee and Executive Committee and Chair of the Audit Committee of Briggs & Stratton Corporation (manufacturing, 2011-2021), a member of the Board of Interstate Power and Light Company (2012-2019) and Wisconsin Power and Light Company (2012-2019) (each a subsidiary of Alliant Energy Corporation) and as a member of the Board and Workforce Development Committee of the Business Roundtable (2018-2019).

Thomas A. Kennedy (1955)

Mr. Kennedy also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Previously, Mr. Kennedy served as a Member of the Advisory Board of certain Fidelity® funds (2020) and held a variety of positions at Raytheon Company (aerospace and defense, 1983-2020), including Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (2014-2020) and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer (2013-2014). Mr. Kennedy served as Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors of Raytheon Technologies Corporation (aerospace and defense, 2020-2021). Mr. Kennedy serves as a Director of the Board of Directors of Textron Inc. (aerospace and defense, 2023-present).

Oscar Munoz (1959)

Mr. Munoz also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Prior to his retirement, Mr. Munoz served as Executive Chairman (2020-2021), Chief Executive Officer (2015-2020), President (2015-2016) and a member of the Board (2010-2021) of United Airlines Holdings, Inc. Mr. Munoz currently serves as a member of the Board of CBRE Group, Inc. (commercial real estate, 2020-present), a member of the Board of Univision Communications, Inc. (Hispanic media, 2020-present), a member of the Board of Archer Aviation Inc. (2021-present), a member of the Defense Business Board of the United States Department of Defense (2021-present) and a member of the Board of Salesforce.com, Inc. (cloud-based software, 2022-present). Previously, Mr. Munoz served as a Member of the Advisory Board of certain Fidelity® funds (2021).

Karen B. Peetz (1955)

Ms. Peetz also serves as a Member of the Advisory Board of other funds. Previously, Ms. Peetz served as Chief Administration Officer (2020-2023) of Citigroup Inc. (a diversified financial service company). She also served in various capacities at Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, including President (2013-2016), Vice Chairman, Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of Financial Markets & Treasury Services (2010-2013), Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of Global Corporate Trust (2003-2008), Senior Vice President and Division Manager of Global Payments & Trade Services (2002-2003) and Senior Vice President and Division Manager of Domestic Corporate Trust (1998-2002). Ms. Peetz also served in various capacities at Chase Manhattan Corporation (1982-1998), including Senior Vice President and Manager of Corporate Trust International Business (1996-1998), Managing Director and Manager of Corporate Trust Services (1994-1996) and Managing Director and Group Manager of Financial Institution Sales (1990-1993). Ms. Peetz currently serves as Chair of Amherst Holdings Advisory Council (2018-present), Trustee of Johns Hopkins University (2016-present), Chair of the Carey Business School Advisory Council, Member of the Johns Hopkins Medicine Board and Finance Committee and Chair of the Lyme and Tick Related Disease Institute Advisory Council. Ms. Peetz previously served as a member of the Board of Guardian Life Insurance Company of America (2019-2023), a member of the Board of Trane Technologies (2018-2022), a member of the Board of Wells Fargo Corp. (2017-2019), a member of the Board of SunCoke Energy Inc. (2012-2016), a member of the Board of Private Export Funding Corporation (2010-2016) and as a Trustee of Penn State University (2010-2014) and the United Way of New York City (2008-2010).

David M. Thomas (1949)

Lead Independent Trustee

Mr. Thomas also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Previously, Mr. Thomas served as Executive Chairman (2005-2006) and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (2000-2005) of IMS Health, Inc. (pharmaceutical and healthcare information solutions). Mr. Thomas currently serves as a member of the Board of Fortune Brands Home and Security (home and security products, 2004-present) and as Director (2013-present) and Non-Executive Chairman of the Board (2022-present) of Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc. (marketing communication).



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Susan Tomasky (1953)

Ms. Tomasky also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Prior to her retirement, Ms. Tomasky served in various executive officer positions at American Electric Power Company, Inc. (1998-2011), including most recently as President of AEP Transmission (2007-2011). Ms. Tomasky currently serves as a member of the Board and Sustainability Committee and as Chair of the Audit Committee of Marathon Petroleum Corporation (2018-present) and as a member of the Board, Executive Committee, Corporate Governance Committee and Organization and Compensation Committee and as Lead Director of the Board of Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc. (utilities company, 2012-present) and as a member of the Board of its subsidiary company, Public Service Electric and Gas Co. (2021-present). In addition, Ms. Tomasky currently serves as a member (2009-present) and President (2020-present) of the Board of the Royal Shakespeare Company – America (2009-present), as a member of the Board of the Columbus Association for the Performing Arts (2011-present) and as a member of the Board and Kenyon in the World Committee of Kenyon College (2016-present). Previously, Ms. Tomasky served as a Member of the Advisory Board of certain Fidelity® funds (2020), as a member of the Board of the Columbus Regional Airport Authority (2007-2020), as a member of the Board (2011-2018) and Lead Independent Director (2015-2018) of Andeavor Corporation (previously Tesoro Corporation) (independent oil refiner and marketer) and as a member of the Board of Summit Midstream Partners LP (energy, 2012-2018).

Michael E. Wiley (1950)

Mr. Wiley also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Previously, Mr. Wiley served as a member of the Advisory Board of certain Fidelity® funds (2018-2020), Chairman, President and CEO of Baker Hughes, Inc. (oilfield services, 2000-2004). Mr. Wiley also previously served as a member of the Board of Andeavor Corporation (independent oil refiner and marketer, 2005-2018), a member of the Board of Andeavor Logistics LP (natural resources logistics, 2015-2018) and a member of the Board of High Point Resources (exploration and production, 2005-2020).



The information includes the nominee’s principal occupation during the last five years and other information relating to the experience, attributes, and skills relevant to the nominee’s qualifications to serve as a Trustee, which led to the conclusion that the nominee should serve as a Trustee for the fund.

As of March 31, 2024, the Trustees and nominees for election as Trustee and the officers of the trusts and each fund holding a vote on Proposal 1 owned, in the aggregate, less than 1% of each fund’s outstanding shares apart from Fidelity Climate Action Fund. As of March 31, 2024, the Trustees, Members of the Advisory Board (if any), and officers of the Fidelity Climate Action Fund owned, in the aggregate, 1.67% of Fidelity Climate Action Fund’s total outstanding shares.

During the period June 1, 2022 through March 31, 2024, no transactions were entered into by Trustees and nominees as Trustee of the trust involving more than 1% of the voting common, non-voting common and equivalent stock, or preferred stock of FMR LLC.

If elected, the Trustees will hold office without limit in time except that (a) any Trustee may resign; (b) any Trustee may be removed by written instrument, signed by at least two-thirds of the number of Trustees prior to such removal; (c) any Trustee who requests to be retired or who has become incapacitated by illness or injury may be retired by written instrument signed by a majority of the other Trustees; and (d) a Trustee may be removed at any special meeting of shareholders by a two-thirds vote of the outstanding voting securities of the trust. Each Independent Trustee shall retire not later than the last day of the calendar year in which his or her 75th birthday occurs. The Independent Trustees may waive this mandatory retirement age policy with respect to individual Trustees. In case a vacancy shall for any reason exist, the remaining Trustees will fill such vacancy by appointing another Trustee, so long as, immediately after such appointment, at least two-thirds of the Trustees have been elected by shareholders. If, at any time, less than a majority of the Trustees holding office has been elected by the shareholders, the Trustees then in office will promptly call a shareholders’ meeting for the purpose of electing a Board of Trustees. Otherwise, there will normally be no meeting of shareholders for the purpose of electing Trustees.

For more information about the current Trustee who is not a nominee in this Proxy Statement, refer to the section entitled “Trustees, Advisory Board Members, and Officers of the Fund.” For information about the fund’s Board structure and risk oversight function, and current standing committees of the fund’s Trustees, refer to the section entitled “Board Structure and Oversight Function and Standing Committees of the Fund’s Trustees.”

The dollar range of equity securities beneficially owned as of March 31, 2024 by each nominee and Trustee in each fund holding a special meeting of shareholders to vote on Proposal 1 and in all funds in the aggregate within the same fund family overseen or to be overseen by the nominee or Trustees is included in Appendix D.

Trustee compensation information for each fund holding a special meeting of shareholders to vote on Proposal 1 is included in Appendix E.



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Correspondence intended for each Independent Trustee may be sent to the attention of the individual Trustee or to the Board of Trustees at Fidelity Investments, P.O. Box 55235, Boston, Massachusetts 02205-5235. Correspondence intended for each Interested Trustee may be sent to the attention of the individual Trustee or to the Board of Trustees at Fidelity Investments, 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210. The current process for collecting and organizing shareholder communications requires that the Board of Trustees receive copies of all communications addressed to it. All communications addressed to the Board of Trustees or any individual Trustee are logged and sent to the Board or individual Trustee. The funds do not hold annual meetings and therefore do not have a policy with regard to Trustees’ attendance at such meetings. However, as a matter of practice, at least one Trustee attends special meetings.

Mr. Lawrence is an interested person and currently serves as Chairman. The Trustees have determined that an interested Chairman is appropriate and benefits shareholders because an interested Chairman has a personal and professional stake in the quality and continuity of services provided to the funds. Independent Trustees exercise their informed business judgment to appoint an individual of their choosing to serve as Chairman, regardless of whether the Trustee happens to be independent or a member of management. The Independent Trustees have determined that they can act independently and effectively without having an Independent Trustee serve as Chairman and that a key structural component for assuring that they are in a position to do so is for the Independent Trustees to constitute a substantial majority for the Board. The Independent Trustees also regularly meet in executive session. Mr. Thomas serve as Lead Independent Trustees and as such (i) acts as a liaison between the Independent Trustees and management with respect to matters important to the Independent Trustees and (ii) with management prepares agendas for Board meetings.

Fidelity® funds are overseen by different Boards of Trustees. The funds’ Board oversees Fidelity’s high income and certain equity funds, and other Boards oversee Fidelity’s alternative investment, investment-grade bond, money market, asset allocation, and other equity funds. The asset allocation funds may invest in Fidelity® funds overseen by the funds’ Board. The use of separate Boards, each with its own committee structure, allows the Trustees of each group of Fidelity® funds to focus on the unique issues of the funds they oversee, including common research, investment, and operational issues. On occasion, the separate Boards establish joint committees to address issues of overlapping consequences for the Fidelity® funds overseen by each Board.

The Trustees operate using a system of committees to facilitate the timely and efficient consideration of all matters of importance to the Trustees, the fund, and fund shareholders and to facilitate compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and oversight of the funds’ activities and associated risks. The Board, acting through its committees, has charged FMR and its affiliates with (i) identifying events or circumstances the occurrence of which could have demonstrably adverse effects on the funds’ business and/or reputation; (ii) implementing processes and controls to lessen the possibility that such events or circumstances occur or to mitigate the effects of such events or circumstances if they do occur; and (iii) creating and maintaining a system designed to evaluate continuously business and market conditions in order to facilitate the identification and implementation processes described in (i) and (ii) above. Because the day-to-day operations and activities of the funds are carried out by or through FMR, its affiliates, and other service providers, the funds’ exposure to risks is mitigated but not eliminated by the processes overseen by the Trustees. While each of the Board’s committees has responsibility for overseeing different aspects of the funds’ activities, oversight is exercised primarily through the Operations, Audit, and Compliance Committees. Appropriate personnel, including but not limited to the funds’ Chief Compliance Officer (CCO), the adviser’s internal auditor, the independent accountants, the funds’ Treasurer and portfolio management personnel, make periodic reports to the Board’s committees, as appropriate, including an annual review of Fidelity’s risk management program for the Fidelity® funds.

The Board of Trustees has established various committees to support the Independent Trustees in acting independently in pursuing the best interests of the funds and their shareholders. Currently, the Board of Trustees has 9 standing committees. The members of each committee are Independent Trustees. Advisory Board Members may be invited to attend meetings of the committees. See Appendix F for the number of meetings each standing committee held during each fund’s last fiscal year.

The Operations Committee is composed of all of the Independent Trustees, with Mr. Thomas currently serving as Chair and Mr. Wiley serving as Vice Chair. The committee serves as a forum for consideration of issues of importance to, or calling for particular determinations by, the Independent Trustees. The committee also considers matters involving potential conflicts of interest between the funds and FMR and its affiliates and reviews proposed contracts and the proposed continuation of contracts between the funds and FMR and its affiliates, and reviews and makes recommendations regarding contracts with third parties unaffiliated with FMR, including insurance coverage and custody agreements. The committee also monitors additional issues including the nature, levels and quality of services provided to shareholders and significant litigation. The committee also has oversight of compliance issues not specifically within the scope of any other committee. The committee is also responsible for definitive action on all compliance matters involving the potential for significant reimbursement by FMR.

The Fair Value Oversight Committee is composed of Mses. Fuller (Chair) and Tomasky, and Messrs. Advani, Bostick, and Donahue. The Fair Value Oversight Committee oversees the valuation of fund investments by the valuation designee, receives and reviews related reports and information, and monitors matters of disclosure to the extent required to fulfill its statutory responsibilities.



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The Board of Trustees has established two Fund Oversight Committees: the Equity I Committee (composed of Ms. Tomasky (Chair) and Messrs. Advani, Bostick, Donahue, and Munoz) and the Equity II Committee (composed of Messrs. Kennedy (Chair), Thomas, and Wiley, and Mses. Fuller, Kampling, and Peetz). Each committee develops an understanding of and reviews the investment objectives, policies, and practices of each fund under its oversight. Each committee also monitors investment performance, compliance by each relevant fund with its investment policies and restrictions and reviews appropriate benchmarks, competitive universes, unusual or exceptional investment matters, the personnel and other resources devoted to the management of each fund and all other matters bearing on each fund’s investment results. Each committee will review and recommend any required action to the Board in respect of specific funds, including new funds, changes in fundamental and non-fundamental investment policies and restrictions, partial or full closing to new investors, fund mergers, fund name changes, and liquidations of funds. The members of each committee may organize working groups to make recommendations concerning issues related to funds that are within the scope of the committee’s review. These working groups report to the committee or to the Independent Trustees, or both, as appropriate. Each working group may request from FMR such information from FMR as may be appropriate to the working group’s deliberations.

The Shareholder, Distribution, Brokerage and Proxy Voting Committee is composed of Ms. Kampling (Chair) and Messrs. Kennedy, Munoz, Thomas, and Wiley. Regarding shareholder services, the committee considers the structure and amount of the funds’ transfer agency fees and fees, including direct fees to investors (other than sales loads), such as bookkeeping and custodial fees, and the nature and quality of services rendered by FMR and its affiliates or third parties (such as custodians) in consideration of these fees. The committee also considers other non-investment management services rendered to the funds by FMR and its affiliates, including pricing and bookkeeping services. The committee monitors and recommends policies concerning the securities transactions of the funds, including brokerage. The committee periodically reviews the policies and practices with respect to efforts to achieve best execution, commissions paid to firms supplying research and brokerage services or paying fund expenses, and policies and procedures designed to assure that any allocation of portfolio transactions is not influenced by the sale of fund shares. The committee also monitors brokerage and other similar relationships between the funds and firms affiliated with FMR that participate in the execution of securities transactions. Regarding the distribution of fund shares, the committee considers issues bearing on the various distribution channels employed by the funds, including issues regarding Rule 18f-3 plans and related consideration of classes of shares, sales load structures (including breakpoints), load waivers, selling concessions and service charges paid to intermediaries, Rule 12b-1 plans, contingent deferred sales charges, and finder’s fees, and other means by which intermediaries are compensated for selling fund shares or providing shareholder servicing, including revenue sharing. The committee also considers issues bearing on the preparation and use of advertisements and sales literature for the funds, policies and procedures regarding frequent purchase of fund shares, and selective disclosure of portfolio holdings. Regarding proxy voting, the committee reviews the fund’s proxy voting policies, considers changes to the policies, and reviews the manner in which the policies have been applied. The committee will receive reports on the manner in which proxy votes have been cast under the proxy voting policies and reports on consultations between the fund’s investment advisers and portfolio companies concerning matters presented to shareholders for approval. The committee will address issues relating to the fund’s annual voting report filed with the SEC. The committee will receive reports concerning the implementation of procedures and controls designed to ensure that the proxy voting policies are implemented in accordance with their terms. The committee will consider FMR’s recommendations concerning certain non-routine proposals not covered by the proxy voting policies. The committee will receive reports with respect to steps taken by FMR to assure that proxy voting has been done without regard to any other FMR relationships, business or otherwise, with that portfolio company. The committee will make recommendations to the Board concerning the casting of proxy votes in circumstances where FMR has determined that, because of a conflict of interest, the proposal to be voted on should be reviewed by the Board.

The Audit Committee is composed of Messrs. Donahue (Chair), Advani, and Kennedy, and Mses. Peetz and Tomasky. All committee members must be able to read and understand fundamental financial statements, including a company’s balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. At least one committee member will be an “audit committee financial expert” as defined by the SEC. The committee meets separately at least annually with the funds’ Treasurer, with the funds’ Chief Financial Officer, with personnel responsible for the internal audit function of FMR LLC, with the funds’ independent auditors, and with the funds’ CCO. The committee has direct responsibility for the appointment, compensation, and oversight of the work of the independent auditors employed by the funds. The committee assists the Trustees in fulfilling their responsibility to oversee: (i) the systems relating to internal control over financial reporting of the funds and the funds’ service providers; (ii) the funds’ auditors and the annual audits of the funds’ financial statements; (iii) the financial reporting processes of the funds; (iv) the handling of whistleblower reports relating to internal accounting and/or financial control matters; (v) the accounting policies and disclosures of the funds; and (vi) studies of fund profitability and other comparative analyses relevant to the board’s consideration of the investment management contracts for the funds. The committee considers and acts upon (i) the provision by any independent auditor of any non-audit services for any fund, and (ii) the provision by any independent auditor of certain non-audit services to fund service providers and their affiliates to the extent that such approval (in the case of this clause (ii)) is required under applicable regulations of the SEC. In furtherance of the foregoing, the committee has adopted (and may from time to time amend or supplement) and provides oversight of policies and procedures for non-audit engagements by independent auditors of the funds. The committee is responsible for approving all audit engagement fees and terms for the funds and for resolving disagreements between a fund and any independent auditor regarding any fund’s financial reporting. Auditors of the funds report directly to the committee. The committee will obtain assurance of independence and objectivity from the independent auditors, including a formal written statement delineating all relationships between the auditor and the funds and any



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service providers consistent with the rules of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. It will discuss regularly and oversee the review of internal controls of and the management of risks by the funds and their service providers with respect to accounting and financial matters (including financial reporting relating to the funds), including a review of: (i) any significant deficiencies or material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting that are reasonably likely to adversely affect the funds’ ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial data; (ii) any change in the fund’s internal control over financial reporting that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the fund’s internal control over financial reporting; and (iii) any fraud, whether material or not, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the funds’ or service providers’ internal control over financial reporting. The committee will also review periodically the funds’ major exposures relating to internal control over financial reporting and the steps that have been taken to monitor and control such exposures. In connection to such reviews the committee will receive periodic reports on the funds’ service providers’ internal control over financial reporting. It will also review any correspondence with regulators or governmental agencies or published reports that raise material issues regarding the funds’ financial statements or accounting policies. These matters may also be reviewed by the Compliance Committee or the Operations Committee. The Chair of the Audit Committee will coordinate with the Chairs of other committees, as appropriate. The committee reviews at least annually a report from each independent auditor describing any material issues raised by the most recent internal quality control, peer review, or Public Company Accounting Oversight Board examination of the auditing firm and any material issues raised by any inquiry or investigation by governmental or professional authorities of the auditing firm and in each case any steps taken to deal with such issues. The committee will oversee and receive reports on the funds’ financial reporting process, will discuss with FMR, the funds’ Treasurer, independent auditors and, if appropriate, internal audit personnel of FMR LLC, their qualitative judgments about the appropriateness and acceptability of accounting principles and financial disclosure practices used or proposed for adoption by the funds. The committee will review with FMR, the funds’ Treasurer, independent auditor, and internal audit personnel of FMR LLC and, as appropriate, legal counsel the results of audits of the funds’ financial statements.

The Governance and Nominating Committee is composed of Messrs. Thomas (Chair), Donahue, Wiley, and Ms. Fuller. With respect to fund governance and board administration matters, the committee periodically reviews procedures of the Board of Trustees and its committees (including committee charters) and periodically reviews compensation of Independent Trustees. The committee monitors corporate governance matters and makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees on the frequency and structure of the Board of Trustee meetings and on any other aspect of Board procedures. It acts as the administrative committee under the retirement plan for Independent Trustees who retired prior to December 30, 1996 and under the fee deferral plan for Independent Trustees. It reviews the performance of legal counsel employed by the funds and the Independent Trustees. On behalf of the Independent Trustees, the committee will make such findings and determinations as to the independence of counsel for the Independent Trustees as may be necessary or appropriate under applicable regulations or otherwise. The committee is also responsible for Board administrative matters applicable to Independent Trustees, such as expense reimbursement policies and compensation for attendance at meetings, conferences and other events. The committee monitors compliance with, acts as the administrator of, and makes determinations in respect of, the provisions of the code of ethics and any supplemental policies regarding personal securities transactions applicable to the Independent Trustees. The committee monitors the functioning of each Board committee and makes recommendations for any changes, including the creation or elimination of standing or ad hoc Board committees. The committee monitors regulatory and other developments to determine whether to recommend modifications to the committee’s responsibilities or other Trustee policies and procedures in light of rule changes, reports concerning “best practices” in corporate governance, and other developments in mutual fund governance. The committee reports regularly to the Independent Trustees with respect to these activities. The committee recommends that the Board establish such special or ad hoc Board committees as may be desirable or necessary from time to time in order to address ethical, legal, or other matters that may arise. The committee also oversees the annual self-evaluation of the Board of Trustees and of each committee and establishes procedures to allow it to exercise this oversight function. In conducting this oversight, the committee shall address all matters that it considers relevant to the performance of the Board of Trustees and shall report the results of its evaluation to the Board of Trustees, including any recommended amendments to the principles of governance, and any recommended changes to the funds’ or the Board of Trustees’ policies, procedures, and structures. The committee reviews periodically the size and composition of the Board of Trustees as a whole and recommends, if necessary, measures to be taken so that the Board of Trustees reflects the appropriate balance of knowledge, experience, skills, expertise, and diversity required for the Board as a whole and contains at least the minimum number of Independent Trustees required by law. The committee makes nominations for the election or appointment of Independent Trustees and non-management Members of any Advisory Board, and for membership on committees. The committee shall have authority to retain and terminate any third-party advisers, including authority to approve fees and other retention terms. Such advisers may include search firms to identify Independent Trustee candidates and board compensation consultants. The committee may conduct or authorize investigations into or studies of matters within the committee’s scope of responsibilities, and may retain, at the funds’ expense, such independent counsel or other advisers as it deems necessary. The committee will consider Independent Trustee candidates to the Board of Trustees recommended by shareholders based upon the criteria applied to candidates presented to the committee by a search firm or other source. Recommendations, along with appropriate background material concerning the candidate that demonstrates his or her ability to serve as an Independent Trustee of the funds, should be submitted to the Chair of the committee at the address maintained for communications with Independent Trustees. If the committee retains a search firm, the Chair will generally forward all such submissions to the search firm for evaluation. With respect to the criteria for selecting Independent Trustees, it is expected that all candidates will possess the following minimum qualifications: (i) unquestioned personal integrity; (ii) not an interested person of the funds within the meaning of the 1940 Act; (iii) does not have a



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material relationship (e.g., commercial, banking, consulting, legal, or accounting) with the adviser, any sub-adviser, or their affiliates that could create an appearance of lack of independence in respect of the funds; (iv) has the disposition to act independently in respect of FMR and its affiliates and others in order to protect the interests of the funds and all shareholders; (v) ability to attend regularly scheduled meetings during the year; (vi) demonstrates sound business judgment gained through broad experience in significant positions where the candidate has dealt with management, technical, financial, or regulatory issues; (vii) sufficient financial or accounting knowledge to add value in the complex financial environment of the funds; (viii) experience on corporate or other institutional oversight bodies having similar responsibilities, but which board memberships or other relationships could not result in business or regulatory conflicts with the funds; and (ix) capacity for the hard work and attention to detail that is required to be an effective Independent Trustee in light of the funds’ complex regulatory, operational, and marketing setting. The Governance and Nominating Committee may determine that a candidate who does not have the type of previous experience or knowledge referred to above should nevertheless be considered as a nominee if the Governance and Nominating Committee finds that the candidate has additional qualifications such that his or her qualifications, taken as a whole, demonstrate the same level of fitness to serve as an Independent Trustee.

The Compliance Committee is composed of Messrs. Wiley (Chair), Bostick, and Munoz, and Mses. Fuller, Kampling, and Peetz. The committee oversees the administration and operation of the compliance policies and procedures of the funds and their service providers as required by Rule 38a-1 of the 1940 Act. The committee is responsible for the review and approval of policies and procedures relating to (i) provisions of the Code of Ethics, (ii) anti-money laundering requirements, (iii) compliance with investment restrictions and limitations, (iv) privacy, (v) recordkeeping, and (vi) other compliance policies and procedures which are not otherwise delegated to another committee. The committee has responsibility for recommending to the Board the designation of a CCO of the funds. The committee serves as the primary point of contact between the CCO and the Board, oversees the annual performance review and compensation of the CCO, and makes recommendations to the Board with respect to the removal of the appointed CCO, as appropriate. The committee receives reports of significant correspondence with regulators or governmental agencies, employee complaints or published reports which raise concerns regarding compliance matters, and copies of significant non-routine correspondence with the SEC. The committee receives reports from the CCO including the annual report concerning the funds’ compliance policies as required by Rule 38a-1, quarterly reports in respect of any breaches of fiduciary duty or violations of federal securities laws, and reports on any other compliance or related matters that would otherwise be subject to periodic reporting or that may have a significant impact on the funds. The committee will recommend to the Board, what actions, if any, should be taken with respect to such reports.

The Research Committee is composed of all of the Independent Trustees, with Mr. Bostick currently serving as Chair. The Committee’s purpose is to assess the quality of the investment research available to FMR’s investment professionals. As such, the Committee reviews information pertaining to the sources of such research, the categories of research, the manner in which the funds bear the cost of research, and FMR’s internal research capabilities, including performance metrics, interactions between FMR portfolio managers and research analysts, and the professional quality of analysts in research careers. Where necessary, the Committee recommends actions with respect to various reports providing information on FMR’s research function.

Appendix F sets forth the number of Board meetings held during each fund’s last fiscal year for the fund’s holding a vote on Proposal 1.


The firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) or Deloitte & Touche LLP (Deloitte), the member firms of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, and their respective affiliates (collectively, Deloitte Entities), has been selected as the independent registered public accounting firm for the funds holding a vote on Proposal 1, as indicated in Appendix A. PwC and Deloitte Entities, in accordance with Public Company Accounting Oversight Board rules, have confirmed to the Audit Committee of the trust, as applicable, that they are the independent registered public accounting firms with respect to the funds.

The independent registered public accounting firms audit annual financial statements for the funds and provide other audit-related, non-audit, and tax-related services to the funds. Representatives of PwC and Deloitte Entities are not expected to be present at the Meeting, but have been given the opportunity to make a statement if they so desire and will be available should any matter arise requiring their presence.

The trust’s Audit Committee must pre-approve all audit and non-audit services provided by a fund’s independent registered public accounting firm relating to the operations or financial reporting of the funds. Prior to the commencement of any audit or non-audit services to a fund, the Audit Committee reviews the services to determine whether they are appropriate and permissible under applicable law.

The trust’s Audit Committee has adopted policies and procedures to, among other purposes, provide a framework for the Committee’s consideration of non-audit services by the audit firms that audit the Fidelity funds. The policies and procedures require that any non-audit service provided by a fund audit firm to a Fidelity fund and any non-audit service provided by a fund auditor to FMR and entities controlling, controlled by, or under common control with FMR (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser) that provide ongoing services to the funds (Fund Service Providers) that relates directly to the operations and financial reporting of a Fidelity fund (Covered Service) are subject to approval by the Audit Committee before such service is provided. All Covered Services must be approved in advance of provision of



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the service either: (i) by formal resolution of the Audit Committee, or (ii) by oral or written approval of the service by the Chair of the Audit Committee (or if the Chair is unavailable, such other member of the Audit Committee as may be designated by the Chair to act in the Chair’s absence). The approval contemplated by (ii) above is permitted where the Treasurer determines that action on such an engagement is necessary before the next meeting of the Audit Committee.

Non-audit services provided by a fund audit firm to a Fund Service Provider that do not relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of a Fidelity fund (Non-Covered Service) are reported to the Audit Committee on a periodic basis.

The trust’s Audit Committee has considered non-audit services that were not pre-approved that were provided by PwC and Deloitte Entities to Fund Service Providers to be compatible with maintaining the independence of PwC and Deloitte Entities in their audit of the funds, taking into account representations from PwC and Deloitte Entities, in accordance with Public Company Accounting Oversight Board rules, regarding their independence from the funds and their related entities and FMR’s review of the appropriateness and permissibility under applicable law of such non-audit services prior to their provision to the Fund Service Providers.

Fees and Services

Appendix G presents fees billed by PwC and Deloitte Entities in each of the last two fiscal years for services rendered to the funds holding a special meeting of shareholders to vote on Proposal 1.

Appendix H presents fees billed by PwC and Deloitte Entities that were required to be approved by each trust’s Audit Committee for services that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the funds and that are rendered on behalf of Fund Service Providers.

Appendix I presents the aggregate non-audit fees billed by PwC and Deloitte Entities for services rendered to the funds and any Fund Service Provider for each of the last two fiscal years of the funds holding a special meeting of shareholders to vote on Proposal 1.

There were no non-audit services approved or required to be approved by each trust’s Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception during the funds’ last two fiscal years relating to services provided to (i) the funds or (ii) any Fund Service Provider that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the funds.



The officers of the fund include: Heather Bonner, Craig S. Brown, John J. Burke III, Margaret Carey, William C. Coffey, Timothy M. Cohen, Jonathan Davis, Laura M. Del Prato, Colm A. Hogan, Pamela R. Holding, Chris Maher, Jason P. Pogorelec, Brett Segaloff, Stacie M. Smith, and Jim Wegmann. Additional information about Mr. Chiel and the officers of the fund can be found in the following table.

Interested Trustees*:

Correspondence intended for a Trustee who is an interested person may be sent to Fidelity Investments, 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210.

Name, Year of Birth; Principal Occupations and Other Relevant Experience+

Jonathan Chiel (1957)

Mr. Chiel also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Mr. Chiel is General Counsel (2012-present) and Head of Legal, Risk and Compliance (2022-present). Mr. Chiel serves as Executive Vice President and General Counsel for FMR LLC (diversified financial services company, 2012-present) and Director and President for OH Company LLC (holding company, 2018-present). Previously, Mr. Chiel served as general counsel (2004-2012) and senior vice president and deputy general counsel (2000-2004) for John Hancock Financial Services; a partner with Choate, Hall & Stewart (1996-2000) (law firm); and an Assistant United States Attorney for the United States Attorney’s Office of the District of Massachusetts (1986-95), including Chief of the Criminal Division (1993-1995). Mr. Chiel is a director on the boards of the Boston Bar Foundation and the Maimonides School.



Determined to be an “Interested Trustee” by virtue of, among other things, his affiliation with the trust or various entities under common control with FMR.



The information includes the Trustee’s principal occupation during the last five years and other information relating to the experience, attributes, and skills relevant to the Trustee’s qualifications to serve as a Trustee, which led to the conclusion that the Trustee should serve as a Trustee for the fund.



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Advisory Board Members and Officers:

The officers and Advisory Board Members hold office without limit in time, except that any officer or Advisory Board Member may resign or may be removed by a vote of a majority of the Trustees at any regular meeting or any special meeting of the Trustees. Information about Mr. Advani and Ms. Peetz, each a nominee, is included in Proposal 1. Correspondence intended for each officer and Advisory Board Member may be sent to Fidelity Investments, 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210.

Name, Year of Birth; Principal Occupation

Peter S. Lynch (1944)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2003

Member of the Advisory Board

Mr. Lynch also serves as a Member of the Advisory Board of other Fidelity® funds. Mr. Lynch is Vice Chairman and a Director of Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC (investment adviser firm). In addition, Mr. Lynch serves as a Trustee of Boston College and as the Chairman of the Inner-City Scholarship Fund. Previously, Mr. Lynch served as Vice Chairman and a Director of FMR Co., Inc. (investment adviser firm) and on the Special Olympics International Board of Directors (1997-2006).

Heather Bonner (1977)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2023

Assistant Treasurer

Ms. Bonner also serves as an officer of other funds. Ms. Bonner is a Senior Vice President (2022-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments (2022-present). Ms. Bonner serves as Vice President, Treasurer, or Assistant Treasurer of certain Fidelity entities. Prior to joining Fidelity, Ms. Bonner served as Managing Director at AQR Capital Management (2013-2022) and was the Treasurer and Principal Financial Officer of the AQR Funds (2013-2022).

Craig S. Brown (1977)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2022

Deputy Treasurer

Mr. Brown also serves as an officer of other funds. Mr. Brown is a Vice President (2015-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments. Mr. Brown serves as Assistant Treasurer of FIMM, LLC (2021-present). Previously, Mr. Brown served as Assistant Treasurer of certain Fidelity® funds (2019-2022).

John J. Burke III (1964)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2018

Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Burke also serves as Chief Financial Officer of other funds. Mr. Burke is Head of Fidelity Fund and Investment Operations (2018-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments. Mr. Burke serves as President, Executive Vice President, or Director of certain Fidelity entities. Previously Mr. Burke served as head of Asset Management Investment Operations (2012-2018).

Margaret Carey (1973)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2023

Secretary and Chief Legal Officer (CLO)

Ms. Carey also serves as an officer of other funds and as CLO of certain Fidelity entities. Ms. Carey is a Senior Vice President, Deputy General Counsel (2019-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments.

William C. Coffey (1969)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2019

Assistant Secretary

Mr. Coffey also serves as Assistant Secretary of other funds. Mr. Coffey is a Senior Vice President, Deputy General Counsel (2010-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments. Previously, Mr. Coffey served as Secretary and CLO of certain funds (2018-2019); CLO, Secretary, or Senior Vice President of certain Fidelity entities and Assistant Secretary of certain funds (2009-2018).

Timothy M. Cohen (1969)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2018

Vice President

Mr. Cohen also serves as Vice President of other funds. Mr. Cohen is Co-Head of Equity (2018-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments. Mr. Cohen serves as Director of Fidelity Management & Research (Japan) Limited (investment adviser firm, 2016-present). Previously, Mr. Cohen served as Executive Vice President of Fidelity SelectCo, LLC (2019) and Head of Global Equity Research (2016-2018).



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Jonathan Davis (1968)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2010

Assistant Treasurer

Mr. Davis also serves as an officer of other funds. Mr. Davis is a Vice President (2006-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments. Mr. Davis serves as Assistant Treasurer of certain Fidelity entities.

Laura M. Del Prato (1964)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2018

Assistant Treasurer

Ms. Del Prato also serves as an officer of other funds. Ms. Del Prato is a Senior Vice President (2017-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments. Ms. Del Prato serves as Vice President or Assistant Treasurer of certain Fidelity entities. Previously, Ms. Del Prato served as President and Treasurer of The North Carolina Capital Management Trust: Cash Portfolio and Term Portfolio (2018-2020).

Colm A. Hogan (1973)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2020

Assistant Treasurer

Mr. Hogan also serves as an officer of other funds. Mr. Hogan is a Vice President (2016-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments. Mr. Hogan serves as Assistant Treasurer of certain Fidelity entities. Previously, Mr. Hogan served as Deputy Treasurer of certain Fidelity® funds (2016-2020) and Assistant Treasurer of certain Fidelity® funds (2016-2018).

Pamela R. Holding (1964)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2018

Vice President

Ms. Holding also serves as Vice President of other funds. Ms. Holding is Co-Head of Equity (2018-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments. Previously, Ms. Holding served as Executive Vice President of Fidelity SelectCo, LLC (2019) and as Chief Investment Officer of Fidelity Institutional Asset Management (2013-2018).

Chris Maher (1972)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2020

Deputy Treasurer

Mr. Maher also serves as an officer of other funds. Mr. Maher is a Vice President (2008-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments. Mr. Maher serves as Assistant Treasurer of certain Fidelity entities. Previously, Mr. Maher served as Assistant Treasurer of certain funds (2013-2020).

Jason P. Pogorelec (1975)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2020

Chief Compliance Officer

Mr. Pogorelec also serves as Chief Compliance Officer of other funds. Mr. Pogorelec is a Senior Vice President of Asset Management Compliance (2020-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments. Mr. Pogorelec serves as Compliance Officer of Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC (investment adviser firm, 2023-present) and Ballyrock Investment Advisors LLC (2023-present). Previously, Mr. Pogorelec served as a Vice President, Associate General Counsel for Fidelity Investments (2010-2020) and Assistant Secretary of certain Fidelity® funds (2015-2020).

Brett Segaloff (1972)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2021

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Officer

Mr. Segaloff also serves as AML Officer of other funds. Mr. Segaloff is a Vice President (2022-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments. Mr. Segaloff serves as Anti Money Laundering Compliance Officer or Anti Money Laundering/Bank Secrecy Act Compliance Officer of certain Fidelity entities.

Stacie M. Smith (1974)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2016

President and Treasurer

Ms. Smith also serves as an officer of other funds. Ms. Smith is a Senior Vice President (2016-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments. Ms. Smith serves as Assistant Treasurer of certain Fidelity entities and has served in other fund officer roles.



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Jim Wegmann (1979)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2019

Assistant Treasurer

Mr. Wegmann also serves as an officer of other funds. Mr. Wegmann is a Vice President (2016-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments. Mr. Wegmann serves as Assistant Treasurer of FIMM, LLC (2021-present). Previously, Mr. Wegmann served as Assistant Treasurer of certain Fidelity® funds (2019-2021).

The Board of Trustees recommends that shareholders vote FOR Proposal 1.



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The following is a summary of certain information contained elsewhere in the description of this Proposal 2 in this Proxy Statement, in the Agreement, and/or in the Prospectuses and Statements of Additional Information of Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund (for purposes of Proposal 2, each, a fund, and collectively, the funds), which are incorporated herein by reference. Shareholders should read the entire Proxy Statement and the Prospectus of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund carefully for more complete information.

What proposal am I being asked to vote on?

As more fully described in the “Proposed Transaction” below, shareholders of Fidelity Latin America Fund are being asked to approve the Agreement relating to the proposed acquisition of Fidelity Latin America Fund by Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund.

Shareholders of record as of the close of business on May 20, 2024 will be entitled to vote at the Meeting.

If the Agreement is approved by fund shareholders and the Reorganization occurs, each shareholder of Fidelity Latin America Fund will become a shareholder of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund instead. Fidelity Latin America Fund will transfer all of its assets to Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund in exchange solely for shares of beneficial interest of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund and the assumption by Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund of Fidelity Latin America Fund’s liabilities in complete liquidation of the fund. Each shareholder of Fidelity Latin America Fund will receive shares of the corresponding class of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund. The Reorganization is currently scheduled to take place as of the close of business of the NYSE on the Closing Date.

For more information, please refer to the section entitled “The Proposed Transaction – Agreement and Plan of Reorganization.”

Has the Board of Trustees approved the proposal?

Yes. The fund’s Board of Trustees has carefully reviewed the proposal and approved the Agreement and the Reorganization. The Board of Trustees unanimously recommends that shareholders vote in favor of the Reorganization by approving the Agreement.

What are the reasons for the proposal?

The Board of Trustees considered the following factors, among others, in determining to recommend that shareholders vote in favor of the Reorganization by approving the Agreement:



Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholders will be able to pursue a similar investment objective and somewhat similar investment strategies in a more diversified, larger, higher-rated fund with better long-term performance and lower expenses.



Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholders will gain exposure to a broader investment mandate.



The funds have the same management fee schedules, but Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholders will benefit from Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund’s lower maximum management fee rates for each class. Each class’s management fee rate is expected to decrease by approximately 1 to 4 basis points, depending on the class.



Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholders are expected to benefit from an expense reduction ranging from approximately 8 to 11 basis points, depending on the class.



The Agreement contains provisions designed to protect shareholders from dilution.



The Reorganization will qualify as a tax-free reorganization for federal income tax purposes.

For more information, please refer to the section entitled “The Proposed Transaction – Reasons for the Reorganization.”

How will you determine the number of shares of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund that I will receive?

Although the number of shares you own will mostly likely change, the total value of your holdings will not change as a result of the Reorganization.

As provided in the Agreement, Fidelity Latin America Fund will distribute shares of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund to its shareholders so that each shareholder will receive the number of full and fractional shares of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund equal in value to the net asset value of shares of Fidelity Latin America Fund held by such shareholder on the Closing Date.

For more information, please refer to the section entitled “The Proposed Transaction – Agreement and Plan of Reorganization.”

What class of shares of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund will I receive?

Holders of Fidelity Latin America Fund (Retail Class), Class A, Class M, Class C, Class I, and Class Z shares of Fidelity Latin America Fund will receive, respectively, Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund (Retail Class), Class A, Class M, Class C, Class I, and Class Z shares of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund.



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Is the Reorganization considered a taxable event for federal income tax purposes?

No. Each fund will receive an opinion of counsel that the Reorganization will not result in any gain or loss for federal income tax purposes either to Fidelity Latin America Fund or Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund or to the shareholders of either fund, except that Fidelity Latin America Fund may recognize gain or loss with respect to assets (if any) that are subject to “mark-to-market” tax accounting. Fidelity Latin America Fund is not expected to recognize material gain or loss with respect to assets that are subject to “mark-to-market” tax accounting. In addition, any portfolio adjustments to the funds may result in net realized gains which may need to be distributed in the form of taxable distributions to shareholders before and/or after the date of the Reorganization.

For more information, please refer to the section entitled “The Proposed Transaction – Federal Income Tax Considerations.”

How do the funds’ investment objectives, strategies, policies, and limitations compare?

Although the funds have similar investment objectives and somewhat similar principal investment strategies, there are some differences of which you should be aware. The following compares the investment objectives and principal investment strategies of Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund:


Fidelity Latin America Fund   Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund
Investment Objective (subject to change only by shareholder approval)   Investment Objective (non-fundamental and may be changed without shareholder approval.)
Fidelity® Latin America Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.   Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Principal Investment Strategies   Principal Investment Strategies
The Adviser normally invests at least 80% of the fund’s assets in securities of Latin American issuers and other investments that are tied economically to Latin America. Latin America includes Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Panama, and Venezuela.   The Adviser normally invests at least 80% of the fund’s assets in securities of issuers in emerging markets and other investments that are tied economically to emerging markets. Emerging markets include countries that have an emerging stock market as defined by MSCI, countries or markets with low- to middle-income economies as classified by the World Bank, and other countries or markets that the Adviser identifies as having similar emerging markets characteristics. Emerging markets tend to have relatively low gross national product per capita compared to the world’s major economies and may have the potential for rapid economic growth.
The Adviser normally invests the fund’s assets primarily in common stocks.   Same principal strategy.
The Adviser normally allocates the fund’s investments across different Latin American countries.   The Adviser normally allocates the fund’s investments across different emerging markets countries.
The Adviser may invest up to 35% of the fund’s total assets in any industry that accounts for more than 20% of the Latin American market as a whole, as represented by an index determined by the Adviser to be an appropriate measure of the market, currently the MSCI EM (Emerging Markets) Latin America Index. The Adviser intends to measure the percentage of the index represented by each industry no less frequently than once per month.   No corresponding principal investment strategy.
Because the fund is classified as non-diversified, the Adviser may invest a significant percentage of the fund’s assets in relatively few companies and up to 25% in a single issuer.   No corresponding principal investment strategy.
In buying and selling securities for the fund, the Adviser relies on fundamental analysis, which involves a bottom-up assessment of a company’s potential for success in light of factors including its financial condition, earnings outlook, strategy, management, industry position, and economic and market conditions.   Same principal strategy.



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For a comparison of the principal risks associated with the funds’ principal investment strategies, please refer to the section entitled “Comparison of Principal Risk Factors.”

Although the funds have similar fundamental and non-fundamental investment policies and limitations, there are some differences of which you should be aware. The following summarizes the investment policy and limitation differences between Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund:


Fidelity Latin America Fund   Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund
Fundamental policies and limitations (subject to change only by shareholder vote)   Fundamental policies and limitations (subject to change only by shareholder vote)
Fidelity Latin America Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.   No corresponding policy or limitation.
No corresponding policy or limitation.   The fund may not with respect to 75% of the fund’s total assets, purchase the securities of any issuer (other than securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Government or any of its agencies or instrumentalities, or securities of other investment companies) if, as a result, (a) more than 5% of the fund’s total assets would be invested in the securities of that issuer, or (b) the fund would hold more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities of that issuer.
The fund may not purchase the securities of any issuer (other than securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Government or any of its agencies or instrumentalities) if, as a result, more than 25% of the fund’s total assets would be invested in the securities of companies whose principal business activities are in the same industry, except that the fund may purchase the securities of any issuer, if as a result, no more than 35% of the fund’s total assets would be invested in any industry that accounts for more than 20% of the Latin American market as a whole, as measured by an index determined by FMR to be an appropriate measure of the Latin American market.   The fund may not purchase the securities of any issuer (other than securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Government or any of its agencies or instrumentalities) if, as a result, more than 25% of the fund’s total assets would be invested in companies whose principal business activities are in the same industry.
Non-Fundamental Policies and Limitations   Non-Fundamental Policies and Limitations
In order to qualify as a “regulated investment company” under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, the fund currently intends to comply with certain diversification limits imposed by Subchapter M.   Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund intends to comply both with the Subchapter M diversification requirements and with the diversification requirements described in the fundamental investment limitations disclosure above.
Subchapter M generally requires a fund to invest no more than 25% of its total assets in securities of any one issuer or in the securities of certain publicly-traded partnerships and to invest at least 50% of its total assets so that (a) no more than 5% of the fund’s total assets are invested in securities of any one issuer, and (b) the fund does not hold more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities of that issuer. However, Subchapter M allows unlimited investments in cash, cash items, government securities (as defined in Subchapter M) and securities of other regulated investment companies. These tax requirements are generally applied at the end of each quarter of the fund’s taxable year.    

Except as noted above, the funds have the same fundamental and non-fundamental investment policies and limitations.

For more information about the funds’ investment objectives, strategies, policies, and limitations, please refer to the “Investment Details” section of the funds’ Prospectus, and to the “Investment Policies and Limitations” section of the funds’ Statements of Additional Information, which is incorporated herein by reference.



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Following the Reorganization, the combined fund will be managed in accordance with the investment objective, strategies, policies, and limitations of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund.

How do the funds’ management and distribution arrangements compare?

The following summarizes the management and distribution arrangements of Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund:

Management of the Funds

The introductory section to this Proxy Statement provides the principal business address of FMR, each fund’s investment adviser and administrator and FIL Investment Advisors (FIA), a sub-adviser to the funds.

As the manager, FMR has overall responsibility for directing the funds’ investments and handling their business affairs. As of December 31, 2023, FMR had approximately $3.9 trillion in discretionary assets under management, and approximately $4.9 trillion when combined with all of its affiliates’ assets under management.

FIL Investment Advisors (FIA), at Pembroke Hall, 42 Crow Lane, Pembroke HM19, Bermuda, serves as a sub-adviser for each fund. As of December 31, 2022, FIA had approximately $9.0 billion in discretionary assets under management.

FMR Investment Management (UK) Limited (FMR UK), at 1 St. Martin’s Le Grand, London, EC1A 4AS, United Kingdom; Fidelity Management & Research (Hong Kong) Limited (FMR H.K.), at Floor 19, 41 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong; Fidelity Management & Research (Japan) Limited (FMR Japan), at Kamiyacho Prime Place, 1-17, Toranomon-4-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan; and FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited (FIA(UK)), at Beech Gate, Millfield Lane, Lower Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey, KT20 6RP, United Kingdom are also sub-advisers to the funds.

FMR and each of the sub-advisers are expected to continue serving as manager or sub-adviser of the combined fund after the Reorganization.

Will Pruett is Portfolio Manager of Fidelity Latin America Fund, which he has managed since 2015. He also manages other funds. Since joining Fidelity Investments in 2008, Mr. Pruett has worked as a research analyst and portfolio manager.

John Dance is Portfolio Manager of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, which he has managed since 2019. Since joining Fidelity Investments in 2006, Mr. Dance has worked as a research analyst and portfolio manager.

John Dance, who is currently the Portfolio Manager of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, is expected to continue to be responsible for portfolio management of the combined fund after the Reorganization.

For information about the compensation of, any other accounts managed by, and any fund shares held by a fund’s portfolio manager(s), please refer to the “Management Contract(s)” section of each fund’s Statements of Additional Information, which are incorporated herein by reference.

Each fund has entered into a management contract with FMR, pursuant to which FMR furnishes investment advisory and other services.

Each class of each fund pays a management fee to the Adviser. The management fee is calculated and paid to the Adviser every month. When determining a class’s management fee, a mandate rate is calculated based on the monthly average net assets of a group of funds advised by FMR within a designated asset class. A discount rate is subtracted from the mandate rate once the fund’s monthly average net assets reach a certain level. The mandate rate and discount rate may vary by class. The management fees paid by each class of the funds is outlined in the table below:

The annual management fee rate for each class of shares of each fund is the lesser of (1) the class’s mandate rate reduced by the class’s discount rate (if applicable) or (2) the amount listed below:


Fidelity Latin America Fund
Retail   0.88%
Class A   0.88%
Class M   0.88%
Class C   0.88%
Class I   0.88%
Class Z   0.72%



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Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund
Retail   0.84%
Class A   0.86%
Class M   0.86%
Class C   0.86%
Class I   0.85%
Class Z   0.71%

One-twelfth of the management fee rate for a class is applied to the average net assets of the class for the month, giving a dollar amount which is the management fee for the class for that month.

A different management fee rate may be applicable to each class of a fund. The difference between classes is the result of separate arrangements for class-level services and/or waivers of certain expenses. It is not the result of any difference in advisory or custodial fees or other expenses related to the management of a fund’s assets, which do not vary by class.

The basis for the Board of Trustees approving the management contract and sub-advisory agreements for each Fund is available in the fund’s annual report for the fiscal period ended October 31, 2023 and will be included in each fund’s semi-annual report for the fiscal period ending April 30, 2024, when available.

If the Reorganization is approved, the combined fund will retain Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund’s management fee structure.

For more information about fund management, please refer to the “Fund Management” section of the funds’ Prospectuses, and to the “Control of Investment Advisers” and “Management Contracts” sections of the funds’ Statements of Additional Information, each of which is incorporated herein by reference.

Expense Arrangements

For more information about the funds’ fees and operating expenses, please refer to the funds’ Prospectuses, which are incorporated herein by reference, and to “Annual Fund and Class Operating Expenses” below.

If the proposed Reorganization is not approved, Fidelity Latin America Fund will maintain its current expense structure until its liquidation, as discussed in greater detail below.

Distribution of Fund Shares

Fidelity Latin America Fund (Retail Class) and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund (Retail Class) have each adopted a Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (1940 Act) that recognizes that FMR may use its management fee revenues, as well as its past profits or its resources from any other source, to pay FDC for expenses incurred in connection with providing services intended to result in the sale of fund shares and/or shareholder support services. A fund’s Distribution and Service Plan does not authorize payments by the fund other than those that are to be made to FMR under the fund’s management contract.

Class A, Class M, Class C, and Class I of Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund have each adopted a Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act.

Class A of each fund has adopted a Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act. Under the plan, Class A of each fund is authorized to pay FDC a monthly 12b-1 (distribution) fee as compensation for providing services intended to result in the sale of Class A shares. Class A of each fund may pay this 12b-1 (distribution) fee at an annual rate of 0.50% of its average net assets, or such lesser amount as the Trustees may determine from time to time. Currently, the Trustees have not approved such payments. The Trustees may approve 12b-1 (distribution) fee payments at an annual rate of up to 0.15% of Class A’s average net assets when the Trustees believe that it is in the best interests of Class A shareholders to do so.

In addition, pursuant to each Class A plan, Class A of each fund pays FDC a monthly 12b-1 (service) fee at an annual rate of 0.25% of Class A’s average net assets throughout the month for providing shareholder support services.

Class M of each fund has adopted a Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act. Under the plan, Class M of each fund is authorized to pay FDC a monthly 12b-1 (distribution) fee as compensation for providing services intended to result in the sale of Class M shares. Class M of each fund may pay this 12b-1 (distribution) fee at an annual rate of 0.50% of its average net assets, or such lesser amount as the Trustees may determine from time to time. Class M of each fund currently pays FDC a monthly 12b-1 (distribution) fee at an annual rate of 0.25% of its average net assets throughout the month.. The Trustees may approve 12b-1 (distribution) fee payments at an annual rate of up to 0.50% of Class M’s average net assets when the Trustees believe that it is in the best interests of Class M shareholders to do so.



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In addition, pursuant to each Class M plan, Class M of each fund pays FDC a monthly 12b-1 (service) fee at an annual rate of 0.25% of Class M’s average net assets throughout the month for providing shareholder support services.

Class C of each fund has adopted a Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act. Under the plan, Class C of each fund is authorized to pay FDC a monthly 12b-1 (distribution) fee as compensation for providing services intended to result in the sale of Class C shares. Class C of each fund currently pays FDC a monthly 12b-1 (distribution) fee at an annual rate of 0.75% of its average net assets throughout the month.

In addition, pursuant to each Class C plan, Class C of each fund pays FDC a monthly 12b-1 (service) fee at an annual rate of 0.25% of Class C’s average net assets throughout the month for providing shareholder support services.

Class I and Class Z of each fund have adopted a Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act that recognizes that the Adviser may use its management fee revenues, as well as its past profits or its resources from any other source, to pay FDC for expenses incurred in connection with providing services intended to result in the sale of Class I shares and/or shareholder support services. The Adviser, directly or through FDC, may pay significant amounts to intermediaries that provide those services. Currently, the Board of Trustees of each fund has authorized such payments for Class I.

The Distribution and Service Plans for the combined fund will remain unchanged.

How do the funds’ fees and operating expenses compare, and what are the combined fund’s fees and operating expenses estimated to be following the Reorganization?

The following tables allow you to compare the fees and expenses of each fund and to analyze the pro forma estimated fees and expenses of the combined fund.

Annual Fund and Class Operating Expenses

The following tables show the fees and expenses of Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund for the 12 months ended October 31, 2023 (adjusted to reflect current contractual arrangements), and the pro forma estimated fees and expenses of the combined fund based on the same time period after giving effect to the Reorganization. Sales charges, if applicable, are paid directly to FDC, each fund’s distributor. Annual fund or class operating expenses are paid by each fund or class, as applicable.

As shown below, the Reorganization is expected to result in lower total annual operating expenses for shareholders of Fidelity Latin America Fund.

Retail Class

Shareholder Fees (paid directly from your investment)


Markets Fund
Pro Forma
Maximum sales charge (load) on purchases (as a % of offering price)     None       None       None  
Maximum contingent deferred sales charge (as a % of the lesser of original purchase price or redemption proceeds)     None       None       None  

Annual Fund Operating Expenses

(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Markets Fund
Pro Forma
Management fee     0.88% A,B      0.84% A,B      0.84% A,B 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees     None       None       None  
Other expenses     0.10% B      0.03% B      0.03% B 









Total annual operating expenses     0.98%       0.87%       0.87%  

A The management fee covers administrative services previously provided under separate services agreements with the fund, for which 0.25% for Fidelity Latin America Fund and 0.19% for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund was previously charged under the services agreements.

B Adjusted to reflect current fees.



Table of Contents

Class A

Shareholder Fees (paid directly from your investment)


Markets Fund
Pro forma
Maximum sales charge (load) on purchases (as a % of offering price)     5.75     5.75     5.75
Maximum contingent deferred sales charge (as a % of the lesser of original purchase price or redemption proceeds)     None A      None A      None A 

A Class A purchases of $1 million or more will not be subject to a front-end sales charge. Such Class A purchases may be subject, upon redemption, to a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) of 1.00%.

Annual Class Operating Expenses

(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)








Markets Fund
Pro forma
Management fee     0.88% A,B      0.86% A,B      0.86% A,B 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees     0.25%       0.25%       0.25%  
Other expenses     0.10% B      0.03% B      0.03% B 









Total annual operating expenses     1.23%       1.14%       1.14%  

A The management fee covers administrative services previously provided under separate services agreements with the fund, for which 0.25% for Fidelity Latin America Fund and 0.22% for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund was previously charged under the services agreements.

B Adjusted to reflect current fees.

Class M

Shareholder Fees (paid directly from your investment)


Markets Fund
Pro forma
Maximum sales charge (load) on purchases (as a % of offering price)     3.50%       3.50%       3.50%  
Maximum contingent deferred sales charge (as a % of the lesser of original purchase price or redemption proceeds)     None A      None A      None A 

A Class M purchases of $1 million or more will not be subject to a front-end sales charge. Such Class M purchases may be subject, upon redemption, to a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) of 0.25%.

Annual Class Operating Expenses

(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)








Markets Fund
Pro forma
Management fee     0.88% A,B      0.86% A,B      0.86% A,B 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees     0.50%       0.50%       0.50%  
Other expenses     0.10% B      0.03% B      0.03% B 









Total annual operating expenses     1.48%       1.39%       1.39%  

A The management fee covers administrative services previously provided under separate services agreements with the fund, for which 0.25% for Fidelity Latin America Fund and 0.22% for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund was previously charged under the services agreements.

B Adjusted to reflect current fees.



Table of Contents

Class C

Shareholder Fees (paid directly from your investment)


Markets Fund
Pro forma
Maximum sales charge (load) on purchases (as a % of offering price)     None       None       None  
Maximum contingent deferred sales charge (as a % of the lesser of original purchase price or redemption proceeds)     1.00% A      1.00% A      1.00% A 

A On Class C shares redeemed less than one year after purchase.

Annual Class Operating Expenses

(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)








Markets Fund
Pro forma
Management fee     0.88% A,B      0.86% A,B      0.86% A,B 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees     1.00%       1.00%       1.00%  
Other expenses     0.09% B      0.03% B      0.03% B 









Total annual operating expenses     1.97%       1.89%       1.89%  

A The management fee covers administrative services previously provided under separate services agreements with the fund, for which 0.25% for Fidelity Latin America Fund and 0.22% for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund was previously charged under the services agreements.

B Adjusted to reflect current fees.

Class I

Shareholder Fees (paid directly from your investment)


Markets Fund
Pro forma
Maximum sales charge (load) on purchases (as a % of offering price)     None       None       None  
Maximum contingent deferred sales charge (as a % of the lesser of original purchase price or redemption proceeds)     None       None       None  

Annual Class Operating Expenses

(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)








Markets Fund
Pro forma
Management fee     0.88% A,B      0.85% A,B      0.85% A,B 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees     None       None       None  
Other expenses     0.10% B      0.03% B      0.03% B 









Total annual operating expenses     0.98%       0.88%       0.88%  

A The management fee covers administrative services previously provided under separate services agreements with the fund, for which 0.25% for Fidelity Latin America Fund and 0.21% for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund was previously charged under the services agreements.

B Adjusted to reflect current fees.



Table of Contents

Class Z

Shareholder Fees (paid directly from your investment)


Markets Fund
Pro forma
Maximum sales charge (load) on purchases (as a % of offering price)     None       None       None  
Maximum contingent deferred sales charge (as a % of the lesser of original purchase price or redemption proceeds)     None       None       None  

Annual Class Operating Expenses

(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)








Markets Fund
Pro forma
Management fee     0.72% A,B      0.71% A,B      0.71% A,B 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees     None       None       None  
Other expenses     0.10% B      0.03% B      0.03% B 









Total annual operating expenses     0.82%       0.74%       0.74%  

A The management fee covers administrative services previously provided under separate services agreements with the fund, for which 0.09% for Fidelity Latin America Fund and 0.06% for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund was previously charged under the services agreements.

B Adjusted to reflect current fees.

Examples of Effect of Fund Expenses

The following tables illustrate the expenses on a hypothetical $10,000 investment in each fund under the current and pro forma (combined fund) expenses calculated at the rates stated above, assuming a 5% annual return after giving effect to the Reorganization. The table illustrates how much a shareholder would pay in total expenses if the shareholder sells all of his or her shares at the end of each time period indicated.

Retail Class






Markets Fund

Pro forma

1 year    $ 100      $ 89      $ 89  
3 years    $ 312      $ 278      $ 278  
5 years    $ 542      $ 482      $ 482  
10 years    $  1,201      $  1,073      $  1,037  

Class A




Latin America




Emerging Markets Fund



Emerging Markets Fund

Pro forma


     Sell All      Hold All      Sell All      Hold All      Sell All      Hold All  
1 year    $ 693      $ 693      $ 685      $ 685      $ 685      $ 685  
3 years    $ 943      $ 943      $ 916      $ 916      $ 916      $ 916  
5 years    $ 1,212      $ 1,212      $ 1,167      $ 1,167      $ 1,167      $ 1,167  
10 years    $  1,978      $  1,978      $  1,881      $  1,881      $  1,881      $  1,881  



Table of Contents

Class M




Latin America




Emerging Markets Fund



Emerging Markets Fund

Pro forma


     Sell All      Hold All      Sell All      Hold All      Sell All      Hold All  
1 year    $ 495      $ 495      $ 487      $ 487      $ 487      $ 487  
3 years    $ 802      $ 802      $ 775      $ 775      $ 775      $ 775  
5 years    $ 1,130      $ 1,130      $ 1,084      $ 1,084      $ 1,084      $ 1,084  
10 years    $  2,057      $  2,057      $  1,960      $  1,960      $  1,960      $  1,960  

Class C



Latin America


Emerging Markets Fund

Emerging Markets Fund

Pro forma

     Sell All      Hold All      Sell All      Hold All      Sell All      Hold All  
1 year    $ 300      $ 200      $ 292      $ 192      $ 292      $ 192  
3 years    $ 618      $ 618      $ 594      $ 594      $ 594      $ 594  
5 years    $ 1,062      $ 1,062      $ 1,021      $ 1,021      $ 1,021      $ 1,021  
10 years    $  2,296      $  2,296      $  2,212      $  2,212      $  2,212      $  2,212  

Class I



Latin America


Emerging Markets Fund

Emerging Markets Fund

Pro forma

     Sell All      Hold All      Sell All      Hold All      Sell All      Hold All  
1 year    $ 100      $ 100      $ 90      $ 90      $ 90      $ 90  
3 years    $ 312      $ 312      $ 281      $ 281      $ 281      $ 281  
5 years    $ 542      $ 542      $ 488      $ 488      $ 488      $ 488  
10 years    $  1,201      $  1,201      $  1,084      $  1,084      $  1,084      $  1,084  

Class Z



Latin America


Emerging Markets Fund

Emerging Markets Fund

Pro forma

     Sell All      Hold All      Sell All      Hold All      Sell All      Hold All  
1 year    $ 84      $ 84      $ 76      $ 76      $ 76      $ 76  
3 years    $ 262      $ 262      $ 237      $ 237      $ 237      $ 237  
5 years    $ 455      $ 455      $ 411      $ 411      $ 411      $ 411  
10 years    $  1,014      $  1,014      $  918      $  918      $  918      $  918  

These examples assume that all dividends and other distributions are reinvested and that the percentage amounts listed under Annual Operating Expenses remain the same in the years shown. These examples illustrate the effect of expenses, but are not meant to suggest actual or expected expenses, which may vary. The assumed return of 5% is not a prediction of, and does not represent, actual or expected performance of any fund.

Do the procedures for purchasing and redeeming shares of the funds differ?

Except as discussed below, the procedures for purchasing and redeeming shares of the funds are the same.

In connection with seeking shareholder approval of the Agreement, effective after the close of business on March 22, 2024, new positions in Fidelity Latin America Fund may no longer be opened. Shareholders of Fidelity Latin America Fund on that date may continue to add to their fund positions existing on that date. Shareholders of Fidelity Latin America Fund may redeem shares of the fund through the Closing Date of the Reorganization.



Table of Contents

Aside from the closing of Fidelity Latin America Fund, the procedures for purchasing and redeeming shares of the funds are the same. If the Reorganization is approved, the procedures for purchasing and redeeming shares of each of the corresponding classes of the combined fund will remain unchanged.

If shareholder approval of the Agreement cannot be achieved, the Board of Trustees has approved a plan of liquidation for Fidelity Latin America Fund. Prior to such liquidation the fund’s assets will be managed to provide for sufficient liquidity to meet redemptions prior to liquidation. In this event, effective after the close of business on July 16, 2024, Fidelity Latin America Fund will no longer permit new positions in the fund to be opened. Existing shareholders will be permitted to continue to hold their shares and purchase additional shares through the reinvestment of dividend and capital gain distributions until the fund’s liquidation on or about September 13, 2024.

For information about the procedures for purchasing and redeeming the funds’ shares, please refer to the “Additional Information about the Purchase and Sale of Shares” section of the funds’ Prospectuses, and to the “Buying, Selling, and Exchanging Information” section of the funds’ Statements of Additional Information, each of which is incorporated herein by reference.

Do the funds’ exchange privileges differ?

No. The exchange privileges currently offered by each of the corresponding classes of the funds are the same. If the Reorganization is approved, the exchange privilege offered by the combined fund will remain unchanged.

For more information about the funds’ exchange privileges, please refer to the “Exchanging Shares” section of the funds’ Prospectuses, and to the “Buying, Selling and Exchanging Information” section of the funds’ Statements of Additional Information, each of which is incorporated herein by reference.

Do the funds’ dividend and distribution policies differ?

No. The funds’ dividend and distribution policies are the same. If the Reorganization is approved, the dividend and distribution policies of the combined fund will remain unchanged.

On or before the Closing Date, Fidelity Latin America Fund may declare additional dividends or other distributions in order to distribute substantially all of its investment company taxable income and net realized capital gain (if any).

For information about the funds’ dividend and distribution policies, please refer to the “Dividends and Capital Gain Distributions” section of the funds’ Prospectuses, and to the “Distributions and Taxes” section of the funds’ Statements of Additional Information, each of which is incorporated herein by reference.

Who bears the expenses associated with the Reorganization?

FMR will bear a portion of the one-time administrative costs associated with the Reorganization. Any transaction costs associated with portfolio adjustments to Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund due to the Reorganization that occur prior to the Closing Date will be borne by Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, respectively. Any transaction costs associated with portfolio adjustments to Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund due to the Reorganization that occur after the Closing Date and any additional merger-related costs attributable to Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund occur after the Closing Date will be borne by Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund.

For more information, please refer to the section entitled “Voting Information – Solicitation of Proxies – Expenses.”


Many factors affect each fund’s performance. Developments that disrupt global economies and financial markets, such as pandemics and epidemics, may magnify factors that affect a fund’s performance. A fund’s share price changes daily based on changes in market conditions and interest rates and in response to other economic, political, or financial developments. A fund’s reaction to these developments will be affected by the types of securities in which the fund invests, the financial condition, industry and economic sector, and geographic location of an issuer, and the fund’s level of investment in the securities of that issuer. Because each fund concentrates its investments in a particular country or group of countries, the fund’s performance is expected to be closely tied to economic and political conditions within that country or group of countries and to be more volatile than the performance of more geographically diversified funds. In addition, because Fidelity Latin America Fund may invest a significant percentage of assets in a single issuer, the fund’s performance could be closely tied to that one issuer and could be more volatile than the performance of more diversified funds. When you sell your shares they may be worth more or less than what you paid for them, which means that you could lose money by investing in a fund.

The following is a summary of the principal risks associated with an investment in the funds. Because the funds have similar investment objectives and somewhat similar strategies as described above, the funds are subject to substantially similar investment risks. Because the funds have some different principal investment strategies as described above, the funds are also subject to some different investment risks, of which you should be aware.



Table of Contents

What risks are associated with an investment in each of the funds?

Each fund is subject to the following principal risks:

Stock Market Volatility. Stock markets are volatile and can decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments. Different parts of the market, including different market sectors, and different types of securities can react differently to these developments.

Foreign and Emerging Markets Risk. Foreign markets, particularly emerging markets, can be more volatile than the U.S. market due to increased risks of adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments and can perform differently from the U.S. market.

The extent of economic development; political stability; market depth, infrastructure, and capitalization; and regulatory oversight can be less than in more developed markets. Emerging markets typically have less established legal, accounting and financial reporting systems than those in more developed markets, which may reduce the scope or quality of financial information available to investors.

Emerging markets can be subject to greater social, economic, regulatory, and political uncertainties and can be extremely volatile.

Foreign exchange rates also can be extremely volatile.

Issuer-Specific Changes. The value of an individual security or particular type of security can be more volatile than, and can perform differently from, the market as a whole.

What additional risks are associated with an investment in Fidelity Latin America Fund?

Fidelity Latin America Fund is subject to the following principal risk, which is not a principal risk generally associated with an investment in Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund.

Geographic Concentration in Latin America. Because the fund concentrates its investments in Latin America, the fund’s performance is expected to be closely tied to social, political, and economic conditions within Latin America and to be more volatile than the performance of more geographically diversified funds.

What additional risks are associated with an investment in Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund?

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund is subject to the following principal risk, which is not a principal risk generally associated with an investment in Fidelity Latin America Fund.

Geographic Exposure to China. Because the fund invests a meaningful portion of its assets in China, the fund’s performance is expected to be closely tied to social, political, and economic conditions in China and to be more volatile than the performance of more geographically diversified funds. The fund may obtain exposure to companies based or operated in China by investing through legal structures known as variable interest entities (VIEs). Instead of directly owning the equity securities of a Chinese company, a VIE enters into service and other contracts with the Chinese company. Although the VIE has no equity ownership of the Chinese company, the contractual arrangements permit the VIE to consolidate the Chinese company into its financial statements. Intervention by the Chinese government with respect to VIEs could significantly affect the Chinese company’s performance and the enforceability of the VIE’s contractual arrangements with the Chinese company.

For more information about the principal risks associated with an investment in the funds, please refer to the “Investment Details” section of the funds’ Prospectuses, and to the “Investment Policies and Limitations” section of the funds’ Statements of Additional Information, each of which are incorporated herein by reference.

How do the funds compare in terms of their performance?

The following information is intended to help you understand the risks of investing in the funds. The information illustrates the changes in the performance of each fund’s shares from year to year and compares the performance of each fund’s shares to the performance of a securities market index over various periods of time. The index description appears in the “Additional Index Information” section of the funds’ Prospectuses. Past performance (before and after taxes, if applicable) is not an indication of future performance.



Table of Contents

Fidelity Latin America Fund – Retail Class

Year-by-Year Returns





During the periods shown in the chart for the fund      Returns      Quarter ended

Highest Quarter Return

     26.86    December 31, 2020

Lowest Quarter Return

     –49.27    March 31, 2020

Year-to-Date Return

     –2.51    March 31, 2024

Fidelity Latin America Fund – Class A

Year-by-Year Returns

The returns in the bar chart do not reflect any applicable sales charges; if sales charges were reflected, returns would be lower than those shown.





During the periods shown in the chart for the fund    Returns      Quarter ended

Highest Quarter Return

     26.79    December 31, 2020

Lowest Quarter Return

     –49.32    March 31, 2020

Year-to-Date Return

     –2.60    March 31, 2024



Table of Contents

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund – Retail Class

Year-by-Year Returns





During the periods shown in the chart for the fund      Returns      Quarter ended

Highest Quarter Return

     23.85    June 30, 2020

Lowest Quarter Return

     –19.16    March 31, 2020

Year-to-Date Return

     5.20    March 31, 2024

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund – Class A

Year-by-Year Returns

The returns in the bar chart do not reflect any applicable sales charges; if sales charges were reflected, returns would be lower than those shown.





During the periods shown in the chart for the fund      Returns      Quarter ended

Highest Quarter Return

     8.88    December 31, 2022

Lowest Quarter Return

     –13.80    March 31, 2022

Year-to-Date Return

     5.13    March 31, 2024



Table of Contents

Average Annual Returns

After-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates, but do not reflect the impact of state or local taxes. Actual after-tax returns may differ depending on your individual circumstances. The after-tax returns shown are not relevant if you hold your shares in a retirement account or in another tax-deferred arrangement, such as an employee benefit plan (profit sharing, 401(k), or 403(b) plan). Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares may be higher than other returns for the same period due to a tax benefit of realizing a capital loss upon the sale of fund shares.

Fidelity Latin America Fund


For the periods ended

December 31, 2023

   Past 1
     Past 5
   Past 10 years/
Life of Class
Retail Class         

Return Before Taxes

     23.95%      3.43%      –0.28

Return After Taxes on Distributions

     22.15%      2.24%      –1.30

Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares

     14.44%      2.27%      –0.46
Class A      16.48%      1.93%      –1.15
Class M      18.94%      2.14%      –1.18
Class C      21.68%      2.37%      –1.16
Class I      23.92%      3.48%      –0.23
Class Z      24.22%      3.64%      3.84 %A 
MSCI EM (Emerging Markets) Latin America Index (reflects no deduction for fees or expenses)      33.13%      6.33%      2.32

A From October 2, 2018.

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund


For the periods ended

December 31, 2023

   Past 1
     Past 5 years/
life of class
   Past 10
Retail Class         

Return Before Taxes

     15.16%        8.44%      5.53

Return After Taxes on Distributions

     15.02%        8.02%      5.31

Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares

     9.36%        6.84%      4.56
Class A      8.22%      –7.28%A       
Class M      10.52%      –7.54%A       
Class C      12.96%      –8.00%A       
Class I      15.15%      –7.00%A       
Class Z      15.30%      –6.87%A       
MSCI Emerging Markets Index (reflects no deduction for fees or expenses)      9.86%        3.71%      2.70

A From May 11, 2021.



Table of Contents



Agreement and Plan of Reorganization

The terms and conditions under which the proposed transaction may be consummated are set forth in the Agreement. Significant provisions of the Agreement are summarized below; however, this summary is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Agreement, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit 2 to this Proxy Statement.

The Agreement contemplates (a) Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund acquiring as of the Closing Date all of the assets of Fidelity Latin America Fund in exchange solely for shares of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund and the assumption by Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund of Fidelity Latin America Fund’s liabilities; and (b) the distribution of shares of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund to the shareholders of Fidelity Latin America Fund as provided for in the Agreement.

The value of Fidelity Latin America Fund’s assets to be acquired by Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund and the amount of its liabilities to be assumed by Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund will be determined as of the close of business of the NYSE on the Closing Date, using the valuation procedures set forth in Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund’s then-current Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information. The net asset value of a share of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund will be determined as of the same time using the valuation procedures set forth in its then-current Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information (Valuation Procedures).

As of the Closing Date, Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund will deliver to Fidelity Latin America Fund, and Fidelity Latin America Fund will distribute to its shareholders of record, shares of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund so that each Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholder will receive the number of full and fractional shares of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund equal in value to the aggregate net asset value of shares of Fidelity Latin America Fund held by such shareholder on the Closing Date; Fidelity Latin America Fund will be liquidated as soon as practicable thereafter. Each Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholder’s account shall be credited with the respective pro rata number of full and fractional shares of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund due that shareholder. The net asset value per share of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund will be unchanged by the transaction. Thus, the Reorganization will not result in a dilution of any shareholder’s interest.

The Acquiring Fund will be the accounting survivor.

Any transfer taxes payable upon issuance of shares of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund in a name other than that of the registered holder of the shares on the books of Fidelity Latin America Fund as of that time shall be paid by the person to whom such shares are to be issued as a condition of such transfer. Any reporting responsibility of Fidelity Latin America Fund is and will continue to be its responsibility up to and including the Closing Date and such later date on which Fidelity Latin America Fund is liquidated.

FMR will bear a portion of the one-time administrative costs associated with the Reorganization, including professional fees, expenses associated with the filing of registration statements, and the cost of soliciting proxies for the Meeting, which will consist principally of printing and mailing prospectuses and the Proxy Statement, together with the cost of any supplementary solicitation.

If shareholders approve the Reorganization, FMR will sell a portion of the securities held by Fidelity Latin America Fund and purchase other securities. Any transaction costs associated with portfolio adjustments to Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund due to the Reorganization that occur prior to the Closing Date will be borne by Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, respectively. Any transaction costs associated with portfolio adjustments to Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund due to the Reorganization that occur after the Closing Date and any additional merger-related costs attributable to Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund that occur after the Closing Date will be borne by Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund. The funds may recognize a taxable gain or loss on the disposition of securities pursuant to these portfolio adjustments.

The consummation of the Reorganization is subject to a number of conditions set forth in the Agreement, some of which may be waived by a fund. In addition, the Agreement may be amended in any mutually agreeable manner, except that no amendment that may have a materially adverse effect on Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholders’ interests may be made subsequent to the Meeting.

Reasons for the Reorganization

In determining whether to approve the Reorganization, each fund’s Board of Trustees (the Board) considered a number of factors, including the following:



the compatibility of the investment objectives, strategies, and policies of the funds;



the historical performance of the funds;



the fees and expenses and the relative expense ratios of the funds;



the potential benefit of the Reorganization to shareholders of the funds;



Table of Contents

(5) the costs to be incurred by each fund as a result of the Reorganization;



the tax consequences of the Reorganization;



the relative size of the funds; and



the potential benefit of the Reorganization to FMR and its affiliates, such as reducing the number of funds managed.

In proposing the Reorganization, FMR advised the Board that the Reorganization would permit Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholders to pursue a similar investment objective in a more diversified, larger, higher-rated fund with better long-term performance and lower expenses. The Board also considered that the funds have the same management fee schedules, but Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholders will benefit from Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund’s lower maximum management fee rates for each class and that each class’s management fee rate is expected to decrease by approximately 1 to 4 basis points, depending on the class. The Board also considered that Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholders are expected to benefit from an expense reduction ranging from approximately 8 to 11 basis points, depending on the class.

The Reorganization is expected to qualify as a tax-free reorganization for federal income tax purposes.

Each fund’s Board carefully reviewed the proposal and determined that the Reorganization is in the best interests of the shareholders of each fund and that the Reorganization will not result in a dilution of the interests of the shareholders of either fund.

Description of the Securities to be Issued

Holders of the Fidelity Latin America Fund (Retail Class), Class A, Class M, Class C, Class I, and Class Z shares of Fidelity Latin America Fund will receive, respectively, Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund (Retail Class), Class A, Class M, Class C, Class I, and Class Z shares of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund.

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund is a series of Fidelity Investment Trust. The Trustees of Fidelity Investment Trust are authorized to issue an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest of separate series. Each share of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund represents an equal proportionate interest with each other share of the fund, and each such share of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund is entitled to equal voting, dividend, liquidation, and redemption rights. Each shareholder of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund is entitled to one vote for each dollar of net asset value of the fund that shareholder owns, with fractional dollar amounts entitled to a proportionate fractional vote. Shares of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund have no preemptive or conversion rights. Shares are fully paid and nonassessable, except as set forth in the “Description of the Trust – Shareholder Liability” section of the fund’s Statement of Additional Information, which is incorporated herein by reference.

The trust does not hold annual meetings of shareholders. There will normally be no meetings of shareholders for the purpose of electing Trustees unless less than a majority of the Trustees holding office have been elected by shareholders, at which time the Trustees then in office will call a shareholder meeting for the election of Trustees.

Under the 1940 Act, shareholders of record of at least two-thirds of the outstanding shares of an investment company may remove a Trustee by votes cast in person or by proxy at a meeting called for that purpose. The Trustees are required to call a meeting of shareholders for the purpose of voting upon the question of removal of any Trustee when requested in writing to do so by the shareholders of record holding at least 10% of the trust’s outstanding shares.

For more information about voting rights and dividend rights, please refer to the “Description of the Trust – Voting Rights” and the “Distributions and Taxes” sections, respectively, of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund’s Statements of Additional Information, which are incorporated herein by reference. For more information about redemption rights and exchange privileges, please refer to the “Additional Information about the Purchase and Sale of Shares” and the “Exchanging Shares” sections, respectively, of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund’s Prospectuses, which are incorporated herein by reference.

Federal Income Tax Considerations

The following is a general summary of some of the important U.S. federal income tax consequences of the Reorganization and is based upon the current provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Code), the existing U.S. Treasury Regulations thereunder, current administrative rulings of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and published judicial decisions, all of which are subject to change, possibly with retroactive effect. These considerations are general in nature and apply with respect to Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholders that have their Fidelity Latin America Fund shares exchanged for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund shares. Individual shareholders should consult their own tax advisors as to the federal, state, local, and foreign tax considerations applicable to them and their individual circumstances.



Table of Contents

The exchange of Fidelity Latin America Fund’s assets for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund’s shares and the assumption of the liabilities of Fidelity Latin America Fund by Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund is intended to qualify for federal income tax purposes as a tax-free reorganization under the Code. With respect to the Reorganization, the participating funds will receive an opinion from Dechert LLP, counsel to Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, substantially to the effect that:

(i) The acquisition by Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund of substantially all of the assets of Fidelity Latin America Fund in exchange solely for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund shares and the assumption by Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund of all liabilities of Fidelity Latin America Fund followed by the distribution of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund shares to the Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholders in exchange for their Fidelity Latin America Fund shares in complete liquidation and termination of Fidelity Latin America Fund will constitute a tax-free reorganization under Section 368(a) of the Code;

(ii) Fidelity Latin America Fund will recognize no gain or loss upon the transfer of substantially all of its assets to Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund in exchange solely for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund shares and the assumption by Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund of all liabilities of Fidelity Latin America Fund, except that Fidelity Latin America Fund may be required to recognize gain or loss with respect to contracts described in Section 1256(b) of the Code or stock in a passive foreign investment company, as defined in Section 1297(a) of the Code;

(iii) Fidelity Latin America Fund will recognize no gain or loss upon the distribution to its shareholders of the Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund shares received by Fidelity Latin America Fund in the Reorganization;

(iv) Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund will recognize no gain or loss upon the receipt of the assets of Fidelity Latin America Fund in exchange solely for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund shares and the assumption of all liabilities of Fidelity Latin America Fund;

(v) The adjusted basis to Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund of the assets of Fidelity Latin America Fund received by Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund in the Reorganization will be the same as the adjusted basis of those assets in the hands of Fidelity Latin America Fund immediately before the exchange;

(vi) Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund’s holding periods with respect to the assets of Fidelity Latin America Fund that Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund acquires in the Reorganization will include the respective periods for which those assets were held by Fidelity Latin America Fund (except where investment activities of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund have the effect of reducing or eliminating a holding period with respect to an asset);

(vii) The Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholders will recognize no gain or loss upon receiving Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund shares in exchange solely for Fidelity Latin America Fund shares;

(viii) The aggregate basis of the Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund shares received by a Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholder in the Reorganization will be the same as the aggregate basis of the Fidelity Latin America Fund shares surrendered by the Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholder in exchange therefor; and

(ix) A Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholder’s holding period for the Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund shares received by the Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholder in the Reorganization will include the holding period during which the Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholder held Fidelity Latin America Fund shares surrendered in exchange therefor, provided that the Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholder held such shares as a capital asset on the date of the Reorganization.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, no opinion will be expressed as to the tax consequences of the Reorganization on contracts or securities on which gain or loss is recognized upon the transfer of an asset regardless of whether such transfer would otherwise be a nonrecognition transaction under the Code. None of the funds have requested or will request an advance ruling from the IRS as to the U.S. federal income tax consequences of the Reorganization. The opinion is not binding on the IRS or the courts and is not a guarantee that the tax consequences of the Reorganization will be as described above. If the Reorganization were consummated but the IRS or the courts were to determine that the Reorganization did not qualify as a tax-free reorganization under the Code and thus were taxable, then Fidelity Latin America Fund would recognize gain or loss on the transfer of its assets to Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, and each Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholder that held shares in a taxable account would recognize a taxable gain or loss equal to the difference between its tax basis in its Fidelity Latin America Fund shares and the fair market value of the Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund shares it received.

The Reorganization is expected to end the tax year of Fidelity Latin America Fund, which could accelerate distributions to shareholders from Fidelity Latin America Fund for its short tax year ending on the Closing Date. On or before the Closing Date, Fidelity Latin America Fund may declare one or more distributions to its shareholders, which together with all previous distributions, will have the effect of distributing to shareholders all of its investment company taxable income (computed without regard to the deduction for dividends paid), net tax-exempt income, if any, and net realized capital gains, if any, through the Closing Date (including any gains attributable to portfolio repositing to the Reorganization). Any of the foregoing distributions, may be taxable.

The table below shows each fund’s approximate net assets, net realized gains/losses (including capital loss carryforwards) and net unrealized gains/losses as of January 31, 2024. Assuming the Reorganization qualifies as a tax-free reorganization, as expected, Fidelity Latin America Fund’s unrealized gains/losses and net realized losses (if any) at the time of the Reorganization will generally carryover to Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund in the Reorganization and, based on the data shown below, Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund



Table of Contents

could have larger net unrealized gains and smaller net realized losses (in each case as a percentage of assets) than Fidelity Latin America. The Reorganization could also trigger tax rules that would impose an annual limit on Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund’s ability to use Fidelity Latin America Fund’s net realized and/or net unrealized losses (if any at the time of the Reorganization) to offset gains following the Reorganization. As a result of the foregoing, Fidelity Latin America Fund shareholders could end up receiving capital gain distributions sooner and/or in larger amounts than they would if Fidelity Latin America Fund continued as a standalone fund.

Tax Position as of January 31, 2024 ($M)


Fund Name



Year End









Capital Loss







Fidelity Latin America Fund      October 31      $ 272.0      $ (79.6)      $ 18.3  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund      October 31      $  7,787.5      $      (773.4)      $  1,593.7  

Shareholders of Fidelity Latin America Fund should consult their tax advisers regarding the effect, if any, of the Reorganization in light of their individual circumstances. Because the foregoing discussion relates only to the federal income tax consequences of the Reorganization, those shareholders also should consult their tax advisers as to state and local and foreign tax consequences, if any, of the Reorganization.

Forms of Organization

Fidelity Latin America Fund is a non-diversified series of Fidelity Investment Trust, an open-end management investment company organized as a Massachusetts business trust on April 20, 1984. Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund is a diversified series of Fidelity Investment Trust. Fidelity Investment Trust is authorized to issue an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest. Because the funds are series of a Massachusetts business trust and governed by the same Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust, the rights of the security holders of Fidelity Latin America Fund under state law and the governing documents are expected to remain unchanged after the Reorganization.

For more information regarding shareholder rights, please refer to the “Description of the Trust” section of the funds’ Statements of Additional Information, which are incorporated herein by reference.

Operations of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund Following the Reorganization

FMR does not expect Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund to revise its investment policies as a result of the Reorganization. In addition, FMR does not anticipate significant changes to Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund’s management or to entities that provide the fund with services. Specifically, the Trustees and officers, the investment adviser, distributor, and other entities will continue to serve Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund in their current capacities. John Dance, who is currently the Portfolio Manager of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, is expected to continue to be responsible for portfolio management of the combined fund after the Reorganization.



Table of Contents


The following table shows the capitalization of Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund as of October 31, 2023, and on a pro forma combined basis (unaudited) as of that date giving effect to the Reorganization. The following table also shows the capitalization on a pro forma combined basis (unaudited) as of that date giving effect to the Reorganization and the Non-Contingent Reorganizations. As of October 31, 2023, the net assets of Fidelity Latin America Fund were $240,262,076, or 3.5% of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund.



Net Assets


Net Asset Value

Per Share




Fidelity Latin America Fund         

Retail Class

   $ 217,335,730      $ 17.87        12,162,674  

Class A

   $ 12,309,038      $ 17.89        688,223  

Class M

   $ 2,606,412      $ 17.91        145,529  

Class C

   $ 1,134,076      $ 18.04        62,865  

Class I

   $ 6,213,156      $ 17.85        348,052  

Class Z

   $ 663,664      $ 17.92        37,030  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund         

Retail Class

   $ 3,985,433,297      $ 31.97        124,665,297  

Class A

   $ 15,288,422      $ 31.80        480,762  

Class M

   $ 3,069,981      $ 31.80        96,535  

Class C

   $ 1,767,549      $ 31.54        56,043  

Class I

   $ 114,991,934      $ 31.89        3,606,015  

Class Z

   $ 1,611,575,447      $ 31.96        50,418,561  
Pro Forma Combined Fund         

Retail Class

   $ 4,202,769,027      $ 31.97        131,463,412  

Class A

   $ 27,597,460      $ 31.80        867,839  

Class M

   $ 5,676,393      $ 31.80        178,498  

Class C

   $ 2,901,625      $ 31.54        92,000  

Class I

   $ 121,205,090      $ 31.89        3,800,846  

Class Z

   $  1,612,239,111      $ 31.96        50,439,326  

Fidelity Latin America Fund’s estimated one-time Reorganization costs is approximately $183,000.

The table above assumes that the Reorganization occurred on October 31, 2023. The table is for informational purposes only. No assurance can be given as to how many Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund shares will be received by shareholders of Fidelity Latin America Fund on the date that the Reorganization takes place, and the foregoing should not be relied upon to reflect the number of shares of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund that actually will be received on or after that date.


The Agreement and the Reorganization were approved by the Board of Trustees of Fidelity Investment Trust at a meeting held on March 6, 2024. The Board of Trustees determined that the proposed Reorganization is in the best interests of shareholders of Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund and that the interests of existing shareholders of Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund would not be diluted as a result of the Reorganization. If shareholder approval of the Agreement cannot be achieved, the Board of Trustees has approved a plan of liquidation for Fidelity Latin America Fund and the fund would liquidate on or about September 13, 2024.

The Board of Trustees of Fidelity Latin America Fund unanimously recommends that shareholders vote IN FAVOR of the Reorganization by approving the Agreement.



Table of Contents


Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund’s financial highlights for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2023 (audited), are shown in the table below:


Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund


Years ended October 31,    2023     2022     2021     2020     2019  
Selected Per-Share Data           
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 27.87     $ 47.56     $ 40.26     $ 33.03     $ 26.66  















Income from Investment Operations           

Net investment income (loss)A, B

     .36 C      .28 D      .12       .15       .61 E 

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     3.98       (17.35     7.81       7.68       5.98  















Total from investment operations      4.34     (17.07     7.93     7.83     6.59  















Distributions from net investment income      (.24     (.46     (.09     (.60     (.22
Distributions from net realized gain            (2.16     (.54            
















Total distributions

     (.24     (2.62     (.63     (.60     (.22















Net asset value, end of period    $ 31.97     $ 27.87     $ 47.56     $ 40.26     $ 33.03  















Total ReturnF      15.56     (37.83 )%      19.83     24.09     24.91
Ratios to Average Net AssetsB, G, H           

Expenses before reductions

     .90     .90     .88     .92     .94

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

     .90     .90     .88     .92     .94

Expenses net of all reductions

     .90     .90     .88     .91     .92

Net investment income (loss)

     1.07 %C      .76 %D      .26     .43     2.02 %E 
Supplemental Data           

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $  3,985,433     $  3,330,900     $  5,016,159     $  4,526,531     $  3,104,887  

Portfolio turnover rateI

     23     34     38 %J      34     85 %K 



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.11 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .74%.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.08 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .53%.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.34 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .88%.



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.



Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).



The portfolio turnover rate does not include the assets acquired in the merger.



Portfolio turnover rate excludes securities received or delivered in-kind.



Table of Contents

Fidelity Advisor® Emerging Markets Fund Class A


Years ended October 31,    2023     2022     2021A  
Selected Per-Share Data       
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 27.73     $ 47.48     $ 46.83  









Income from Investment Operations       

Net investment income (loss)B, C

     .26 D      .16 E      (.04

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     3.95       (17.27     .69  









Total from investment operations      4.21     (17.11     .65  









Distributions from net investment income      (.14     (.48      
Distributions from net realized gain            (2.16      










Total distributions

     (.14     (2.64      









Net asset value, end of period    $ 31.80     $ 27.73     $ 47.48  









Total ReturnF, G, H      15.18     (38.00 )%      1.39
Ratios to Average Net AssetsC, I, J       

Expenses before reductions

     1.20     1.21     1.25 %K 

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

     1.20     1.21     1.25 %K 

Expenses net of all reductions

     1.20     1.21     1.25 %K 

Net investment income (loss)

     .77 %D      .45 %E      (.17 )%K 
Supplemental Data       

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $  15,288     $  10,046     $  6,248  

Portfolio turnover rateL

     23     34     38 %K, M 



For the period May 11, 2021 (commencement of sale of shares) through October 31, 2021.



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.11 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .44%.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.08 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .22%.



Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Total returns do not include the effect of the sales charges.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.






Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).



The portfolio turnover rate does not include the assets acquired in the merger.



Table of Contents

Fidelity Advisor® Emerging Markets Fund Class M


Years ended October 31,    2023     2022     2021A  
Selected Per-Share Data       
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 27.71     $ 47.42     $ 46.83  









Income from Investment Operations       

Net investment income (loss)B, C

     .17 D      .05 E      (.09

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     3.96       (17.29     .68  









Total from investment operations      4.13     (17.24     .59  









Distributions from net investment income      (.04     (.32      
Distributions from net realized gain            (2.16      










Total distributions

     (.04     (2.47 )F       









Net asset value, end of period    $  31.80     $ 27.71     $ 47.42  









Total ReturnG, H, I      14.90     (38.20 )%      1.26
Ratios to Average Net AssetsC, J, K       

Expenses before reductions

     1.48     1.51     1.52 %L 

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

     1.47     1.50     1.51 %L 

Expenses net of all reductions

     1.47     1.50     1.51 %L 

Net investment income (loss)

     .50 %D      .15 %E      (.39 )%L 
Supplemental Data       

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $ 3,070     $  1,392     $  2,234  

Portfolio turnover rateM

     23     34     38 %L, N 



For the period May 11, 2021 (commencement of sale of shares) through October 31, 2021.



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.11 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .17%.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.08 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been (.08)%.



Total distributions per share do not sum due to rounding.



Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Total returns do not include the effect of the sales charges.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.






Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).



The portfolio turnover rate does not include the assets acquired in the merger.



Table of Contents

Fidelity Advisor® Emerging Markets Fund Class C


Years ended October 31,    2023     2022     2021A  
Selected Per-Share Data       
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 27.59     $ 47.31     $ 46.83  









Income from Investment Operations       

Net investment income (loss)B, C

     D, E      (.12 )F      (.19

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     3.95       (17.26     .67  









Total from investment operations      3.95     (17.38     .48  









Distributions from net investment income            (.18      
Distributions from net realized gain            (2.16      










Total distributions










Net asset value, end of period    $  31.54     $  27.59     $  47.31  









Total ReturnG, H, I      14.32     (38.50 )%      1.02
Ratios to Average Net AssetsC, J, K       

Expenses before reductions

     1.98     2.00     2.01 %L 

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

     1.98     2.00     2.01 %L 

Expenses net of all reductions

     1.97     2.00     2.01 %L 

Net investment income (loss)

     (.01 )%D      (.34 )%F      (.86 )%L 
Supplemental Data       

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $ 1,768     $ 1,377     $ 1,587  

Portfolio turnover rateM

     23     34     38 %L, N 



For the period May 11, 2021 (commencement of sale of shares) through October 31, 2021.



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.11 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been (.34)%.



Amount represents less than $.005 per share.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.08 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been (.57)%.



Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Total returns do not include the effect of the contingent deferred sales charge.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.






Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).



The portfolio turnover rate does not include the assets acquired in the merger.



Table of Contents

Fidelity Advisor® Emerging Markets Fund Class I


Years ended October 31,    2023     2022     2021A  
Selected Per-Share Data       
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 27.83     $ 47.55     $ 46.83  









Income from Investment Operations       

Net investment income (loss)B, C

     .36 D      .26 E      .04  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     3.97       (17.29     .68  









Total from investment operations      4.33     (17.03     .72  









Distributions from net investment income      (.27     (.53      
Distributions from net realized gain            (2.16      










Total distributions

     (.27     (2.69      









Net asset value, end of period    $ 31.89     $ 27.83     $ 47.55  









Total ReturnF, G      15.54     (37.81 )%      1.54
Ratios to Average Net AssetsC, H, I       

Expenses before reductions

     .91     .89     .94 %J 

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

     .90     .89     .93 %J 

Expenses net of all reductions

     .90     .89     .93 %J 

Net investment income (loss)

     1.06 %D      .76 %E      .17 %J 
Supplemental Data       

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $  114,992     $  47,819     $  25,824  

Portfolio turnover rateK

     23     34     38 %J, L 



For the period May 11, 2021 (commencement of sale of shares) through October 31, 2021.



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.11 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .73%.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.08 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .53%.



Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.






Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).



The portfolio turnover rate does not include the assets acquired in the merger.



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Fidelity Advisor® Emerging Markets Fund Class Z


Years ended October 31,    2023     2022     2021A  
Selected Per-Share Data       
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 27.87     $ 47.59     $ 46.83  









Income from Investment Operations       

Net investment income (loss)B, C

     .40 D      .32 E      (.03

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     3.97       (17.33     .79  









Total from investment operations      4.37     (17.01     .76  









Distributions from net investment income      (.28     (.55      
Distributions from net realized gain            (2.16      










Total distributions

     (.28     (2.71      









Net asset value, end of period    $ 31.96     $ 27.87     $ 47.59  









Total ReturnF, G      15.67     (37.74 )%      1.62
Ratios to Average Net AssetsC, H, I       

Expenses before reductions

     .77     .77     .78 %J 

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

     .76     .77     .78 %J 

Expenses net of all reductions

     .76     .77     .78 %J 

Net investment income (loss)

     1.20 %D      .88 %E      (.13 )%J 
Supplemental Data       

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $  1,611,575     $  1,306,539     $  1,797,766  

Portfolio turnover rateK

     23     34     38 %J, L 



For the period May 11, 2021 (commencement of sale of shares) through October 31, 2021.



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.11 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .87%.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.08 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .66%.



Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.






Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).



The portfolio turnover rate does not include the assets acquired in the merger.

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund’s financial highlights should be read in conjunction with the financial statements audited by PwC contained in the fund’s Annual Report to Shareholders and the unaudited financial statements contained in the fund’s Semiannual Report to Shareholders, which are incorporated by reference into the Statement of Additional Information relating to this Proxy Statement.

Fidelity Latin America Fund’s financial highlights for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2023, which are included in the fund’s Prospectus and incorporated herein by reference, have been audited by PwC, independent registered public accounting firm, whose report thereon is included in the fund’s Annual Report to Shareholders.

The financial highlights audited by PwC have been incorporated by reference in reliance on their reports given on their authority as experts in auditing and accounting.



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Voting Information

Solicitation of Proxies; Expenses

This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with a solicitation of proxies made by, and on behalf of, the trust’s Board of Trustees to be used at the Meeting. The purpose of the Meeting is set forth in the accompanying Notice.

The solicitation is being made primarily by the mailing of this Proxy Statement and the accompanying proxy card on or about May 20, 2024. Shareholders of other Fidelity funds are receiving a separate proxy statement in connection with Proposal 1. Appendix A contains a list of all funds that are holding a special meeting of shareholders to vote on Proposal 1. Supplementary solicitations may be made by mail, telephone, facsimile or electronic means, or by personal interview by representatives of the trust. In addition, Computershare Limited (Computershare) may be paid on a per-call basis to solicit shareholders by telephone on behalf of the fund. The fund may also arrange to have votes recorded by telephone. Computershare may be paid on a per-call basis for vote-by-phone solicitations on behalf of the fund.

The approximate anticipated total cost of these services is detailed in Appendix J.

The fund will bear its applicable expenses in connection with preparing this Proxy Statement and its enclosures and all solicitations. Unless otherwise indicated in Appendix A, (i) the expenses in connection with preparing the relevant Proxy Statement, its enclosures, and all solicitations and (ii) the expenses associated with reimbursing brokerage firms and others for their reasonable expenses in forwarding solicitation material to the beneficial owners of shares, will be borne by each fund that is holding a special meeting of shareholders to vote on Proposal 1.

The fund will reimburse brokerage firms and others for their reasonable expenses in forwarding solicitation material to the beneficial owners of shares. The costs are allocated on a pro rata basis to each class of a fund based on the net assets of each class relative to the total net assets of the fund.

With respect to Proposal 2, FMR will bear a portion of the one-time administrative costs associated with the Reorganization, including professional fees, expenses associated with the filing of registration statements, and the cost of soliciting proxies for the Meeting, which will consist principally of printing and mailing prospectuses and the Proxy Statement, together with the cost of any supplementary solicitation.

For each fund listed on Appendix A, for a free copy of the fund’s current Prospectus, Statement of Additional Information or annual and/or semiannual reports, call Fidelity at 1-800-544-8544 (Retail funds and/or classes), 1-800-FIDELITY (Fidelity ETFs), 1-877-208-0098 (Advisor funds and/or classes), or 1-800-835-5092 (K6 funds and/or Class K), visit Fidelity’s web sites at www.fidelity.com, institutional.fidelity.com, or www.401k.com (plan accounts), or write to Fidelity Distributors Company LLC at 100 Salem Street, Smithfield, Rhode Island 02917.

Record Date; Quorum; and Method of Tabulation

Shareholders of record as of the close of business on May 20, 2024 will be entitled to vote at the Meeting. Each such shareholder will be entitled to one vote for each dollar of net asset value held as of that date, with fractional dollar amounts entitled to a proportional fractional vote.

If the enclosed proxy card is executed and returned, that vote may nevertheless be revoked at any time prior to its use by written notification received by the trust, by the execution of a later-dated proxy card, or by attending the Meeting and voting in person.

All proxies solicited by the Board of Trustees that are properly executed and received by the Secretary prior to the Meeting, and that are not revoked, will be voted at the Meeting. Shares represented by such proxies will be voted in accordance with the instructions thereon. If no specification is made on a properly executed proxy, it will be voted FOR the matters specified on the proxy card. All shares that are voted and votes to ABSTAIN will be counted toward establishing a quorum, as will broker non-votes. (Broker non-votes are shares for which (i) the beneficial owner has not voted and (ii) the broker holding the shares does not have discretionary authority to vote on the particular matter.)

With respect to fund shares held in Fidelity individual retirement accounts (including Traditional, Rollover, SEP, SAR-SEP, Roth and SIMPLE IRAs), the IRA Custodian will vote those shares for which it has received instructions from shareholders only in accordance with such instructions. If Fidelity IRA shareholders do not vote their shares, the IRA Custodian will vote their shares for them, in the same proportion as other Fidelity IRA shareholders have voted.

With respect to Proposal 1, one-third of the trust’s outstanding voting securities entitled to vote constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business at the Meeting. With respect to Proposal 2, one-third of the Fidelity Latin America Fund’s outstanding voting securities entitled to vote constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business at the Meeting. If a quorum is not present at the Meeting, or if a quorum is present at the Meeting but sufficient votes to approve one or more of the proposed items are not received, or if other matters arise requiring shareholder attention, the persons named as proxy agents may propose one or more adjournments of the



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Meeting to permit further solicitation of proxies. Any such adjournment will require the affirmative vote of a majority of those shares present at the Meeting or represented by proxy. When voting on a proposed adjournment, the persons named as proxy agents will vote FOR the proposed adjournment all shares that they are entitled to vote with respect to each item, unless directed to vote AGAINST an item, in which case such shares will be voted AGAINST the proposed adjournment with respect to that item. A shareholder vote may be taken on one or more of the items in this Proxy Statement prior to such adjournment if sufficient votes have been received and it is otherwise appropriate.

FMR has advised the trust that certain shares are registered to FMR or an FMR affiliate. To the extent that FMR or an FMR affiliate has discretion to vote, these shares will be voted at the Meeting FOR a proposal. Otherwise, these shares will be voted in accordance with the plan or agreement governing the shares. Although the terms of the plans and agreements vary, generally the shares must be voted either (i) in accordance with instructions received from shareholders or (ii) in accordance with instructions received from shareholders and, for shareholders who do not vote, in the same proportion as certain other shareholders have voted.

Share Ownership

As of March 31, 2024, shares of each class of each fund holding a special meeting of shareholders to vote on Proposal 1 issued and outstanding are indicated in Appendix K.

Substantial (5% or more) record and/or beneficial ownership of each fund and class holding a special meeting of shareholders to vote on Proposal 1, as applicable, is detailed in Appendix L. Other than disclosed in Appendix L, to the knowledge of the trust, no other shareholder owned of record or beneficially more than 5% of the outstanding shares of each fund and class, as applicable, on that date.

Required Vote

Approval of Proposal 1 requires the affirmative vote of a plurality of the shares of the applicable trust voted in person or by proxy at the Meeting. Approval of Proposal 2 requires the affirmative vote of a “majority of the outstanding voting securities” of the Fidelity Latin America Fund. Under the 1940 Act, the vote of a “majority of the outstanding voting securities” means the affirmative vote of the lesser of (a) 67% or more of the voting securities present at the Meeting or represented by proxy if the holders of more than 50% of the outstanding voting securities are present or represented by proxy or (b) more than 50% of the outstanding voting securities. With respect to Proposal 1, votes to ABSTAIN and broker non-votes will have no effect. With respect to Proposal 2, votes to ABSTAIN and broker non-votes will have the same effect as votes cast against the proposal.


The trust does not hold annual shareholder meetings. Shareholders wishing to submit proposals for inclusion in a proxy statement for a subsequent shareholder meeting should send their written proposals to the Secretary of the fund, attention “Fund Shareholder Meetings,” 245 Summer Street, Mailzone V10A, Boston, Massachusetts 02210. Proposals must be received a reasonable time before the fund begins to print and send its proxy materials to be considered for inclusion in the proxy materials for the meeting. Timely submission of a proposal does not, however, necessarily mean the proposal will be included. With respect to proposals submitted on an untimely basis and presented at a shareholder meeting, persons named as proxy agents will vote in their discretion.


The Board knows of no other business to be brought before the Meeting. However, if any other matters properly come before the Meeting, it is the intention that proxies that do not contain specific instructions to the contrary will be voted on such matters in accordance with the judgment of the persons therein designated.


Legal Matters (Proposal 2 Only)

Certain legal matters in connection with the issuance of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund shares have been passed upon by Dechert LLP, counsel to Fidelity Investment Trust.

Experts (Proposal 2 Only)

The audited financial statements of Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund are incorporated by reference into the Statement of Additional Information relating to this Proxy Statement and have been audited by PwC, independent registered public accounting firm, whose reports thereon are included in the funds’ Annual Reports to Shareholders for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2023.



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Please advise the trust, in care of Fidelity Investments Institutional Operations Company, Inc., 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210, whether other persons are beneficial owners of shares for which proxies are being solicited and, if so, the number of copies of the Proxy Statement and Annual Reports you wish to receive in order to supply copies to the beneficial owners of the respective shares.



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A. Background

The investment companies managed or administered by Fidelity Management & Research Company or its affiliates (collectively, “Fidelity”) comprising the Equity and High Income Funds of the Fidelity Funds are referred to as the “Funds”; the Boards of Trustees of the Funds are referred to collectively as the “Board of Trustees” and the members are referred to as the “Trustees”; Trustees who are not “interested persons” (as such term is defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940) of the Funds are referred to as the “Independent Trustees”; and other Trustees are referred to as the “Management Trustees.” The Board of Trustees, including at least a majority of the Independent Trustees, has adopted this Charter, which may from time to time be amended or supplemented by vote of the Board of Trustees, including at least a majority of the Independent Trustees, upon the recommendation of the Governance and Nominating Committee. The Governance and Nominating Committee is referred to herein as the “Committee.”

B. Purposes of the Committee

The purposes of the Committee are as follows:

(1) To identify individuals qualified to serve as Independent Trustees.

(2) To advise the Board of Trustees with respect to Board composition, procedures and committees.

(3) To oversee periodic self-assessments of the Board of Trustees and committees of the Board of Directors.

(4) To monitor corporate governance matters and make recommendations in respect thereof to the Board of Trustees.

(5) To act as the administrative committee with respect to Board of Trustees policies and procedures, committee policies and procedures and codes of ethics as they relate to Independent Directors.

(6) To review and make recommendations to the Board of Directors in respect of Independent Director compensation.

C. Composition of the Committee

All members of the Committee will be Independent Trustees. The members and the Chair of the Committee will be determined annually by vote of the Independent Trustees, upon the recommendation of the Committee. If a Vice Chair of the Independent Trustees has been designated, such Vice Chair will normally serve on the Committee. Advisory Board members, if any, may be invited to attend meetings of the Committee.

D. Chair; Functions of the Chair

An Independent Trustee will act as Chair of the Committee (the “Chair”). The Chair will have the following responsibilities:

(1) The Chair will preside at all meetings of the Committee. The Vice Chair, if any, or in such Vice Chair’s absence, any designated acting or other lead Independent Trustee alternate will preside in the Committee Chair’s absence.

(2) The Chair will be responsible for reviewing and providing direction on meeting agendas.

(3) The Chair will coordinate with the chairs of other committees as appropriate.

(4) At meetings of the Operations Committee or the Board of Trustees the Chair will report on the Committee’s recommendations on applicable resolutions and on any important actions by or discussions at the Committee.

(5) The Chair will coordinate with counsel for the Funds and/or counsel to the Independent Trustees on matters requiring legal advice.

(6) The Chair may make temporary assignments of members and chairs of other Board Committees to fill vacancies or to provide for absences.

E. Meetings and Procedures of the Committee

(1) The Committee will normally meet each time the full Board meets, or more frequently as called by the Chair. The Chair or a majority of the members of the Committee may call a special meeting of the Committee.

(2) The Committee may determine its own rules of procedure, which shall be consistent with the Declaration of Trust or other charter document of the applicable Fund, the Bylaws of such Fund and this Charter.

(3) A majority of the members of the Committee, present in person or by means of a conference telephone or other communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can communicate with each other, shall constitute a quorum. The Committee may take action by written consent if at least the number of members required for approval at a meeting consent to the action in writing and the written consents are filed with the records of meetings of the Committee, unless otherwise required by applicable law.



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(4) The Committee may request that any trustees, officers or employees of a Fund, or other persons whose advice and counsel are sought by the Committee, attend any meeting of the Committee to provide such information as the Committee requests.

(5) The Committee shall keep written minutes of its meetings, which minutes shall be maintained with the books and records of the applicable Fund.

F. Particular Actions of the Committee

(1) Governance Functions

(a) Periodically review Board and Committee procedures and Committee Charters.

(b) Periodically review Independent Trustee compensation and recommend any changes deemed by the Committee to be appropriate.

(c) Make recommendations on the frequency and structure of Board of Trustees meetings.

(d) Make recommendations concerning any other aspect of the procedures of the Board that the Committee considers warranted.

(e) Make recommendations as to the size and members, the chair, vice chair if any, alternate presiding members and alternate members of each standing or ad hoc Board Committee. The members and the chair of each Board Committee will be as determined by majority vote of the Independent Trustees upon the recommendation of the Committee. It is anticipated that members and chairs of any Committee will be designated annually (other than the Chairs of the Operations Committee and the Governance and Nominating Committee), with membership periodically rotated to give Independent Trustees the opportunity to broaden their experience. Rotation will be accomplished in a manner that provides reasonable continuity of membership.

(f) Review the annual calendar of Board Committee meetings and the schedule for consideration of routine or recurring matters.

(g) Make recommendations on the requirements for, and means of, Board of Trustees orientation and training.

(h) Act as administrative committee under the Funds’ fee deferral plan for Independent Trustees.

(i) Monitor the performance of legal counsel employed by the Funds and the Independent Trustees and be responsible for the supervision of counsel for the Independent Trustees. The selection and oversight of fund counsel shall be the joint responsibility of the Committee and Fidelity. On behalf of the Independent Trustees, the Committee will make such findings and determinations as to the independence of counsel for the Independent Trustees as may be necessary or appropriate under applicable regulations or otherwise.

(j) Be responsible for oversight of Independent Trustees administrative matters, such as expense reimbursement policies and compensation for attendance at meetings, conferences and other events.

(k) Monitor compliance with, act as the administrator of, and make determinations in respect of (a) the provisions of the Code of Ethics applicable to the Independent Trustees, and (b) supplemental policies adopted by the Independent Trustees in respect of personal securities transactions of Independent Trustees.

(l) Monitor the functioning of the Board Committees and make recommendations for any changes, including the creation or elimination of standing or ad hoc Board Committees.

(m) Monitor regulatory and other developments to determine whether to recommend modifications to the Committee’s responsibilities or other Trustee policies and procedures in light of rule changes, reports concerning “best practices” in corporate governance and other developments in mutual fund governance. The Committee will report regularly to the Independent Trustees with respect to these activities.

(n) Recommend that the Board establish such special or ad hoc Board Committees as may be desirable or necessary from time to time in order to address ethical, legal or other matters that may arise. The Committee’s power to make such a recommendation under this Charter shall be without prejudice to the right of any other committee of the Board, or any individual trustee/director, to make such a recommendation at any time.

(o) Oversee the annual self-evaluation of the Board of Trustees. The Committee shall establish procedures to allow it to exercise this oversight function. In conducting this oversight, the Committee shall address all matters that the Committee considers relevant to the Board of Trustees’ performance. The Committee shall report to the Board of Trustees on the results of its evaluation, including any recommended amendments to the principles of governance, and any recommended changes to the Funds’ or the Board of Trustees’ policies, procedures and structures. This report may be written or oral.

(2) Nominating Functions

(a) Identification of Candidates

(i) Review periodically the size and composition of the Board of Trustees as a whole and recommend, if necessary, measures to be taken so that the Board of Trustees reflects the appropriate balance of knowledge, experience, skills, expertise and diversity required for the Board as a whole and contains at least the minimum number of Independent Trustees required by law.



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(ii) Periodically review the Independent Trustees’ Statement of Policy on Criteria for Selecting Independent Trustees (“Statement of Policy”), which may from time to time be revised by vote of a majority of Independent Trustees upon the recommendation of the Committee.

(iii) Make nominations for the appointment or election of Independent Trustees in accordance with the Statement of Policy. The selection of Independent Trustees will be committed solely to the discretion of the Independent Trustees; persons so selected will be “disinterested” in terms of both the letter and spirit of the Investment Company Act.

(iv) Make nominations for the appointment of any non-management member of any Advisory Board which the Board of Trustees shall have from time to time established. Each member of any Advisory Board shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees. In accordance with the definition of “advisory board” in Section 2(a)(1) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, any Advisory Board shall be distinct from the Board of Trustees and shall serve such advisory functions as to investments and such other roles as may be designated by the Board of Trustees, but shall have no power to determine that any security or other investment shall be purchased or sold by any fund. In the discretion of the Board of Trustees, each Advisory Board member may be indemnified in respect of claims arising in connection with his or her services as such. Any member of an Advisory Board shall be compensated in accordance with policies in respect thereof adopted by the Board of Trustees. Service by a person on an Advisory Board shall not preclude such person’s subsequent service as a Trustee.

(v) Consider Independent Trustee candidates recommended by Fund shareholders. Any such candidates will be considered based upon the criteria applied to candidates presented to the Committee by a search firm or other sources, as set forth in the Statement of Policy. The names of such candidates should be submitted to the Chair in writing at the address maintained for communications with Independent Trustees. The submission should be accompanied by appropriate background material concerning the candidate that demonstrates his or her ability to serve as an Independent Trustee of the Funds. If the Committee retains a search firm, the Chair will generally forward such submissions to the search firm for evaluation unless the Committee concludes that the credentials of such candidate are not consistent with the criteria that are to be applied by the Committee in such search.

G. Consultants; Investigations and Studies; Outside Advisers

The Committee shall have the authority to carry out its duties and responsibilities as set forth in this Charter. The Committee shall have authority to retain and terminate any third-party advisers, including authority to approve fees and other retention terms. The Committee may conduct or authorize investigations into or studies of matters within the Committee’s scope of responsibilities, and may retain, at the Funds’ expense, such independent counsel or other advisers as it deems necessary. The Committee may call upon the Funds’ independent accountants (with the concurrence of the Audit Committee) or other third parties for such fact-finding and analysis as may be appropriate in light of the objectives of this Charter.

H. Self-Assessment; Amendment of Charter

The Committee shall, on an annual basis, assess its performance. The Committee shall address such matters as the Committee considers relevant to its performance. The Committee shall report to the Board on an annual basis the results of its evaluation, including any recommended amendments to this Charter and any recommended changes to a Fund’s or the Board’s policies or procedures. This report may be oral or written. The Committee may from time to time recommend to the Board such amendments to this Charter as the Committee determines to be necessary or appropriate.



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Exhibit 2



THIS AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF REORGANIZATION (the Agreement) is made as of May 20, 2024, by and between Fidelity Investment Trust, a Massachusetts business trust, on behalf of its series Fidelity Latin America Fund (the Acquired Fund) and Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund (the Acquiring Fund). Fidelity Investment Trust may be referred to herein as the “Trust. The Trust is a duly organized business trust under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts with its principal place of business at 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210. The Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund may be referred to herein collectively as the “Funds” or each individually as the “Fund.”

This Agreement is intended to be, and is adopted as, a plan of reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Code). The reorganization will comprise: (a) the transfer of all of the assets of the Acquired Fund to the Acquiring Fund solely in exchange for shares of beneficial interest in the Acquiring Fund (the Acquiring Fund Shares) and the assumption by the Acquiring Fund of the Acquired Fund’s liabilities; and (b) the constructive distribution of such shares by the Acquired Fund pro rata to its shareholders in complete liquidation and termination of the Acquired Fund, all upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. The foregoing transactions are referred to herein as the “Reorganization.”

In consideration of the mutual promises and subject to the terms and conditions herein, the parties covenant and agree as follows:

1. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE ACQUIRED FUND. The Acquired Fund represents and warrants to and agrees with the Acquiring Fund that:

(a) The Acquired Fund is a series of the Trust, a business trust duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and has the power to own all of its properties and assets and to carry out its obligations under this Agreement. It has all necessary federal, state, and local authorizations to carry on its business as now being conducted and to carry out this Agreement;

(b) The Trust is an open-end, management investment company duly registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the 1940 Act), and such registration is in full force and effect;

(c) The Prospectuses and Statements of Additional Information of the Acquired Fund dated December 30, 2023, as supplemented, previously furnished to the Acquiring Fund, did not and do not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading;

(d) Except as disclosed in writing to the Acquiring Fund, there are no material legal, administrative, or other proceedings pending or, to the knowledge of the Acquired Fund, threatened against the Acquired Fund which assert liability on the part of the Acquired Fund. The Acquired Fund knows of no facts which might reasonably form the basis for the institution of such proceedings, except as otherwise disclosed to the Acquiring Fund;

(e) The Acquired Fund is not in, and the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement will not result in, violation of any provision of its Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust or By-laws, or, to the knowledge of the Acquired Fund, of any agreement, indenture, instrument, contract, lease, or other undertaking to which the Acquired Fund is a party or by which the Acquired Fund is bound or result in the acceleration of any obligation or the imposition of any penalty under any agreement, judgment or decree to which the Acquired Fund is a party or is bound;

(f) The Statement of Assets and Liabilities, the Statement of Operations, the Statement of Changes in Net Assets, Financial Highlights, and the Schedule of Investments (including market values) of the Acquired Fund at October 31, 2023, have been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, independent registered public accounting firm, and have been furnished to the Acquiring Fund together with such unaudited financial statements and schedule of investments (including market values) for the six month period ended April 30, 2023. Said Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Schedule of Investments fairly present the Acquired Fund’s financial position as of such date and said Statement of Operations, Statement of Changes in Net Assets, and Financial Highlights fairly reflect the Acquired Fund’s results of operations, changes in financial position, and financial highlights for the periods covered thereby in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied;

(g) The Acquired Fund has no known liabilities of a material nature, contingent or otherwise, other than those shown as belonging to it on its statement of assets and liabilities as of October 31, 2023 and those incurred in the ordinary course of the Acquired Fund’s business as an investment company since October 31, 2023;

(h) The registration statement (Registration Statement) filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (Commission) by the Trust on Form N–14 relating to the shares of the Acquiring Fund issuable hereunder and the proxy statement of the Acquired Fund included therein (Proxy Statement), on the effective date of the Registration Statement and insofar as they relate to the Acquired Fund (i) comply in all material respects with the provisions of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the 1933 Act), the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the 1934 Act), and the 1940 Act, and the rules and regulations thereunder, and (ii) do not contain



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any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading; and at the time of the shareholders’ meeting referred to in Section 7 and on the Closing Date (as defined in Section 6), the prospectus contained in the Registration Statement of which the Proxy Statement is a part (the Prospectus), as amended or supplemented, insofar as it relates to the Acquired Fund, will not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading;

(i) No consent, approval, authorization, or order of any court or governmental authority is required for the consummation by the Acquired Fund of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, except such as have been obtained under the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act, the 1940 Act, and state securities or blue sky laws (which term as used in this Agreement shall include the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico);

(j) The Acquired Fund has filed or will file all federal and state tax returns which, to the knowledge of the Acquired Fund’s officers, are required to be filed by the Acquired Fund and has paid or will pay all federal and state taxes shown to be due on said returns or provision shall have been made for the payment thereof, and, to the best of the Acquired Fund’s knowledge, no such return is currently under audit and no assessment has been asserted with respect to such returns;

(k) The Acquired Fund has met the requirements of Subchapter M of the Code for qualification and treatment as a regulated investment company for all prior taxable years and intends to meet such requirements for its current taxable year ending on the Closing Date;

(l) All of the issued and outstanding shares of the Acquired Fund are, and at the Closing Date will be, duly and validly issued and outstanding and fully paid and nonassessable as a matter of Massachusetts law (except as disclosed in the Acquired Fund’s Statements of Additional Information), and have been offered for sale and in conformity with all applicable federal securities laws. All of the issued and outstanding shares of the Acquired Fund will, at the Closing Date, be held by the persons and in the amounts set forth in the list of shareholders submitted to the Acquiring Fund in accordance with this Agreement;

(m) As of both the Valuation Time (as defined in Section 4) and the Closing Date, the Acquired Fund will have the full right, power, and authority to sell, assign, transfer, and deliver its portfolio securities and any other assets of the Acquired Fund to be transferred to the Acquiring Fund pursuant to this Agreement. As of the Closing Date, subject only to the delivery of the Acquired Fund’s portfolio securities and any such other assets as contemplated by this Agreement, the Acquiring Fund will acquire the Acquired Fund’s portfolio securities and any such other assets subject to no encumbrances, liens, or security interests (except for those that may arise in the ordinary course and are disclosed to the Acquiring Fund) and without any restrictions upon the transfer thereof; and

(n) The execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement will have been duly authorized prior to the Closing Date by all necessary corporate action on the part of the Acquired Fund, and this Agreement constitutes a valid and binding obligation of the Acquired Fund enforceable in accordance with its terms , subject to approval by the shareholders of the Acquired Fund.

2. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE ACQUIRING FUND. The Acquiring Fund represents and warrants to and agrees with the Acquired Fund that:

(a) The Acquiring Fund is a series of the Trust, a business trust duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and has the power to own all of its properties and assets and to carry out its obligations under this Agreement. It has all necessary federal, state, and local authorizations to carry on its business as now being conducted and to carry out this Agreement;

(b) The Trust is an open–end, management investment company duly registered under the 1940 Act, and such registration is in full force and effect;

(c) The Prospectuses and Statements of Additional Information of the Acquiring Fund, dated December 30, 2023, as supplemented, previously furnished to the Acquired Fund, did not and do not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading;

(d) Except as disclosed in writing to the Acquired Fund, there are no material legal, administrative, or other proceedings pending or, to the knowledge of the Acquiring Fund, threatened against the Acquiring Fund which assert liability on the part of the Acquiring Fund. The Acquiring Fund knows of no facts which might reasonably form the basis for the institution of such proceedings, except as otherwise disclosed to the Acquired Fund;

(e) The Acquiring Fund is not in, and the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement will not result in, violation of any provision of its Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust or By–laws, or, to the knowledge of the Acquiring Fund, of any agreement, indenture, instrument, contract, lease, or other undertaking to which the Acquiring Fund is a party or by which the Acquiring Fund is bound or result in the acceleration of any obligation or the imposition of any penalty under any agreement, judgment, or decree to which the Acquiring Fund is a party or is bound;

(f) The Statement of Assets and Liabilities, the Statement of Operations, the Statement of Changes in Net Assets, Financial Highlights, and the Schedule of Investments (including market values) of the Acquiring Fund at October 31, 2023, have been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, independent registered public accounting firm, and have been furnished to the Acquired Fund together



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with such unaudited financial statements and schedule of investments (including market values) for the six month period ended April 30, 2023. Said Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Schedule of Investments fairly present the Acquiring Fund’s financial position as of such date and said Statement of Operations, Statement of Changes in Net Assets, and Financial Highlights fairly reflect the Acquiring Fund’s results of operations, changes in financial position, and financial highlights for the periods covered thereby in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied;

(g) The Acquiring Fund has no known liabilities of a material nature, contingent or otherwise, other than those shown as belonging to it on its statement of assets and liabilities as of October 31, 2023 and those incurred in the ordinary course of the Acquiring Fund’s business as an investment company since October 31, 2023;

(h) No consent, approval, authorization, or order of any court or governmental authority is required for the consummation by the Acquiring Fund of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, except such as have been obtained under the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act, the 1940 Act, and state securities or blue sky laws;

(i) The Acquiring Fund has filed or will file all federal and state tax returns which, to the knowledge of the Acquiring Fund’s officers, are required to be filed by the Acquiring Fund and has paid or will pay all federal and state taxes shown to be due on said returns or provision shall have been made for the payment thereof, and, to the best of the Acquiring Fund’s knowledge, no such return is currently under audit and no assessment has been asserted with respect to such returns;

(j) The Acquiring Fund has met the requirements of Subchapter M of the Code for qualification and treatment as a regulated investment company for all prior taxable years and intends to meet such requirements for its current taxable year ending on October 31, 2024;

(k) As of the Closing Date, the shares of beneficial interest of the Acquiring Fund to be issued to the Acquired Fund will have been duly authorized and, when issued and delivered pursuant to this Agreement, will be legally and validly issued and will be fully paid and nonassessable (except as disclosed in the Acquiring Fund’s Statement of Additional Information) by the Acquiring Fund, and no shareholder of the Acquiring Fund will have any preemptive right of subscription or purchase in respect thereof;

(l) The execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement will have been duly authorized prior to the Closing Date by all necessary corporate action on the part of the Acquiring Fund, and this Agreement constitutes a valid and binding obligation of the Acquiring Fund enforceable in accordance with its terms , subject to approval by the shareholders of the Acquired Fund;

(m) The Registration Statement and the Proxy Statement, on the effective date of the Registration Statement and insofar as they relate to the Acquiring Fund (i) comply in all material respects with the provisions of the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act, and the 1940 Act, and the rules and regulations thereunder, and (ii) do not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading; and at the time of the shareholders’ meeting referred to in Section 7 and on the Closing Date, the Prospectus, as amended or supplemented, insofar as it relates to the Acquiring Fund, will not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading;

(n) The issuance of the Acquiring Fund Shares pursuant to this Agreement will be in compliance with all applicable federal securities laws; and

(o) All of the issued and outstanding shares of beneficial interest of the Acquiring Fund have been offered for sale and sold in conformity with the federal securities laws.


(a) Subject to the requisite approval of the shareholders of the Acquired Fund and to the other terms and conditions contained herein, the Acquired Fund agrees to assign, sell, convey, transfer, and deliver to the Acquiring Fund as of the Closing Date all of the assets of the Acquired Fund of every kind and nature existing on the Closing Date. The Acquiring Fund agrees in exchange therefor: (i) to assume all of the Acquired Fund’s liabilities existing on or after the Closing Date, whether or not determinable on the Closing Date, and (ii) to issue and deliver to the Acquired Fund the number of full and fractional shares of the Acquiring Fund having an aggregate net asset value equal to the value of the assets of the Acquired Fund transferred hereunder, less the value of the liabilities of the Acquired Fund, determined as provided for under Section 4.

(b) The assets of the Acquired Fund to be acquired by the Acquiring Fund shall include, without limitation, all cash, cash equivalents, securities, commodities and futures interests, receivables (including interest or dividends receivables), claims, choses in action, and other property owned by the Acquired Fund, and any deferred or prepaid expenses shown as an asset on the books of the Acquired Fund on the Closing Date. The Acquired Fund will pay or cause to be paid to the Acquiring Fund any dividend or interest payments received by it on or after the Closing Date with respect to the assets transferred to the Acquiring Fund hereunder, and the Acquiring Fund will retain any dividend or interest payments received by it after the Valuation Time with respect to the assets transferred hereunder without regard to the payment date thereof.



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(c) The liabilities of the Acquired Fund to be assumed by the Acquiring Fund shall include (except as otherwise provided for herein) all of the Acquired Fund’s liabilities, debts, obligations, and duties, of whatever kind or nature, whether absolute, accrued, contingent, or otherwise, whether or not arising in the ordinary course of business, whether or not determinable on the Closing Date, and whether or not specifically referred to in this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Acquired Fund agrees to use its best efforts to discharge all of its known liabilities prior to the Closing Date, other than liabilities incurred in the ordinary course of business.

(d) Pursuant to this Agreement, as soon after the Closing Date as is conveniently practicable, the Acquired Fund will constructively distribute pro rata to its shareholders of record, determined as of the Valuation Time on the Closing Date, the Acquiring Fund Shares in exchange for such shareholders’ shares of beneficial interest in the Acquired Fund and the Acquired Fund will be liquidated in accordance with the Acquired Fund’s Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust. Such distribution shall be accomplished by the Funds’ transfer agent opening accounts on the Acquiring Fund’s share transfer books in the names of the Acquired Fund shareholders and transferring the Acquiring Fund shares thereto. Each Acquired Fund shareholder’s account shall be credited with the respective pro rata number of full and fractional Acquiring Fund shares due that shareholder. All outstanding Acquired Fund shares, including any represented by certificates, shall simultaneously be canceled on the Acquired Fund’s share transfer records. The Acquiring Fund shall not issue certificates representing the Acquiring Fund Shares in connection with the Reorganization.

(e) Any reporting responsibility of the Acquired Fund is and shall remain its responsibility up to and including the date on which it is terminated.

(f) Any transfer taxes payable upon issuance of the Acquiring Fund shares in a name other than that of the registered holder on the Acquired Fund’s books of the Acquired Fund shares constructively exchanged for the Acquiring Fund Shares shall be paid by the person to whom such Acquiring Fund Shares are to be issued, as a condition of such transfer.


(a) The Valuation Time shall be as of the close of business of the New York Stock Exchange on the Closing Date, or such other date as may be mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties hereto (the Valuation Time).

(b) As of the Closing Date, the Acquiring Fund will deliver to the Acquired Fund the number of Acquiring Fund Shares having an aggregate net asset value equal to the value of the assets of the Acquired Fund transferred hereunder less the liabilities of the Acquired Fund, determined as provided in this Section 4.

(c) The net asset value per share of the Acquiring Fund shares to be delivered to the Acquired Fund, the value of the assets of the Acquired Fund transferred hereunder, and the value of the liabilities of the Acquired Fund to be assumed hereunder shall in each case be determined as of the Valuation Time.

(d) The net asset value per share of the Acquiring Fund shares and the value of the assets and liabilities of the Acquired Fund shall be computed in the manner set forth in the then–current Acquiring Fund Prospectuses and Statements of Additional Information.

(e) All computations pursuant to this Section shall be made by or under the direction of Fidelity Service Company, Inc., a wholly–owned subsidiary of FMR LLC, in accordance with its regular practice as pricing agent for the Acquired Fund and the Acquiring Fund.


(a) The Acquired Fund’s investment adviser (the “Adviser”) will assume a portion of the expenses incurred by the Trust and the Acquired Fund in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, whether or not the transactions contemplated hereby are consummated. Such expenses shall include, without limitation: (i) expenses incurred in connection with the entering into and the carrying out of the provisions of this Agreement; (ii) expenses associated with the preparation and filing of the Registration Statement under the 1933 Act covering the Acquiring Fund shares to be issued pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement; (iii) registration or qualification fees and expenses of preparing and filing such forms as are necessary under applicable state securities laws to qualify Acquiring Fund shares to be issued in connection herewith in each state in which Acquired Fund shareholders are resident as of the date of the mailing of the Proxy Statement to such shareholders; (iv) postage; (v) printing; (vi) accounting fees; and (vii) legal fees. The Acquired Fund shall be responsible for all remaining expenses not assumed by the Adviser, fees and other charges in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

(b) Each of the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund represents that there is no person who has dealt with it who by reason of such dealings is entitled to any broker’s or finder’s or other similar fee or commission arising out of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


(a) The Reorganization, together with related acts necessary to consummate the same (the Closing), unless otherwise provided herein, shall occur at the principal office of the Trust, 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts, as of the Valuation Time on September 13, 2024, or at some other time, date, and place agreed to by the Acquired Fund and the Acquiring Fund (the Closing Date).



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(b) In the event that on the Closing Date: (i) any of the markets for securities held by the Funds is closed to trading, or (ii) trading thereon is restricted, or (iii) trading or the reporting of trading on said market or elsewhere is disrupted, all so that accurate appraisal of the total net asset value of the Acquired Fund and the net asset value per share of the Acquiring Fund is impracticable, the Valuation Time and the Closing Date shall be postponed until the first business day after the day when such trading shall have been fully resumed and such reporting shall have been restored, or such other date as the parties may agree.


(a) The Acquired Fund agrees to call a meeting of its shareholders after the effective date of the Registration Statement, to consider transferring its assets to the Acquiring Fund as herein provided, adopting this Agreement, and authorizing the liquidation of the Acquired Fund.

(b) The Acquired Fund agrees that as soon as reasonably practicable after distribution of the Acquiring Fund Shares, the Acquired Fund shall be terminated as a series of the Trust pursuant to its Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust, any further actions shall be taken in connection therewith as required by applicable law, and on and after the Closing Date the Acquired Fund shall not conduct any business except in connection with its liquidation and termination.


(a) That, as of the Valuation Time and the Closing Date, all representations and warranties of the Acquired Fund made in this Agreement are true and correct in all material respects and that the Acquired Fund has complied with all the agreements and satisfied all the conditions on its part to be performed or satisfied at or prior to such dates;

(b) That this Agreement and the transactions contemplated herein are approved by the requisite vote of the holders of the outstanding shares of beneficial interest of the Acquired Fund;

(c) That, on or prior to the Closing Date, the Acquired Fund will declare one or more dividends or distributions which, together with all previous such dividends or distributions attributable to its current taxable year, shall have the effect of distributing to the shareholders of the Acquired Fund substantially all of the Acquired Fund’s investment company taxable income and all of its net realized capital gain, if any, as of the Closing Date;

(d) That the Acquiring Fund at the Closing shall have access to a statement of the Acquired Fund’s assets and liabilities, together with a list of its portfolio securities showing each such security’s adjusted tax basis and holding period by lot, with values determined as provided in Section 4 of this Agreement, all as of the Valuation Time;

(e) That the Acquired Fund’s custodian shall deliver to the Acquiring Fund a certificate identifying the assets of the Acquired Fund held by such custodian as of the Valuation Time on the Closing Date and stating that as of the Valuation Time: (i) the assets held by the custodian will be transferred to the Acquiring Fund; (ii) the Acquired Fund’s assets have been duly endorsed in proper form for transfer in such condition as to constitute good delivery thereof; and (iii) to the best of the custodian’s knowledge, all applicable taxes (including stock transfer taxes, if any) in conjunction with the delivery of the assets, that the custodian has been notified are due, have been paid or provision for payment has been made;

(f) That the Acquiring Fund at the Closing shall have access to the number of shares of the Acquired Fund outstanding as of the Valuation Time and the name and address of each holder of record of any such shares and the number of shares held of record by each such shareholder, as maintained by the Acquired Fund’s transfer agent;

(g) That the Acquired Fund calls a meeting of its shareholders to be held after the effective date of the Registration Statement, to consider transferring its assets to the Acquiring Fund as herein provided, adopting this Agreement, and authorizing the liquidation and termination of the Acquired Fund;

(h) That there has been no material adverse change in the Acquired Fund’s financial position since October 31, 2023, other than changes in the market value of its portfolio securities, or changes due to net redemptions of its shares, dividends paid, or losses from operations; and

(i) That all of the issued and outstanding shares of beneficial interest of the Acquired Fund shall have been offered for sale and sold in conformity with all applicable state securities laws and, to the extent that any audit of the records of the Acquired Fund or its transfer agent by the Acquiring Fund or its agents shall have revealed otherwise, the Acquired Fund shall have taken all actions that in the opinion of the Acquiring Fund are necessary to remedy any prior failure on the part of the Acquired Fund to have offered for sale and sold such shares in conformity with such laws.


(a) That the Acquiring Fund shall have executed and delivered to the Acquired Fund an Assumption of Liabilities, certified by an authorized officer of the Trust, dated as of the Closing Date pursuant to which the Acquiring Fund will assume all of the liabilities of the Acquired Fund existing at the Valuation Time in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;




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(b) That, as of the Valuation Time and the Closing Date, all representations and warranties of the Acquiring Fund made in this Agreement are true and correct in all material respects, and the Acquiring Fund has complied with all the agreements and satisfied all the conditions on its part to be performed or satisfied at or prior to such dates; and

(c) That the Acquired Fund shall have received an opinion of Dechert LLP, counsel to the Acquired Fund and the Acquiring Fund, to the effect that the Acquiring Fund shares are duly authorized and upon delivery to the Acquired Fund as provided in this Agreement will be validly issued and will be fully paid and nonassessable by the Acquiring Fund (except as disclosed in the Acquiring Fund’s Statements of Additional Information) and no shareholder of the Acquiring Fund has any preemptive right of subscription or purchase in respect thereof.


(a) That this Agreement shall have been adopted and the transactions contemplated herein shall have been approved by the requisite vote of the holders of the outstanding shares of beneficial interest of the Acquired Fund;

(b) That all consents of other parties and all other consents, orders, and permits of federal, state, and local regulatory authorities (including those of the Commission and of state blue sky and securities authorities, and including “no action” positions of such federal or state authorities) deemed necessary by the Acquiring Fund or the Acquired Fund to permit consummation, in all material respects, of the transactions contemplated hereby shall have been obtained, except where failure to obtain any such consent, order, or permit would not involve a risk of a material adverse effect on the assets or properties of the Acquiring Fund or the Acquired Fund, provided that either party hereto may for itself waive any of such conditions;

(c) That all proceedings taken by either Fund in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and all documents incidental thereto shall be satisfactory in form and substance to it and its counsel, Dechert LLP;

(d) That there shall not be any material litigation pending with respect to the matters contemplated by this Agreement;

(e) That the Registration Statement shall have become effective under the 1933 Act, and no stop order suspending such effectiveness shall have been instituted or, to the knowledge of the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund, threatened by the Commission; and

(f) That the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund shall have received an opinion of Dechert LLP satisfactory to the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund substantially to the effect that for federal income tax purposes:

(i) The Reorganization will constitute a tax–free reorganization under Section 368(a) of the Code.

(ii) The Acquired Fund will not recognize gain or loss upon the transfer of substantially all of its assets to the Acquiring Fund in exchange solely for the Acquiring Fund Shares and the assumption of all liabilities of the Acquired Fund, except that the Acquired Fund may be required to recognize gain or loss with respect to contracts described in Section 1256(b) of the Code or stock in a passive foreign investment company, as defined in Section 1297(a) of the Code.

(iii) The Acquired Fund will not recognize gain or loss upon the distribution to its shareholders of the Acquiring Fund Shares received by the Acquired Fund in the Reorganization.

(iv) The Acquiring Fund will recognize no gain or loss upon receiving the properties of the Acquired Fund in exchange solely for the Acquiring Fund Shares and the assumption of all liabilities of the Acquired Fund.

(v) The adjusted basis to the Acquiring Fund of the properties of the Acquired Fund received by the Acquiring Fund in the Reorganization will be the same as the adjusted basis of those properties in the hands of the Acquired Fund immediately before the exchange.

(vi) The Acquiring Fund’s holding periods with respect to the properties of the Acquired Fund that the Acquiring Fund acquires in the Reorganization will include the respective periods for which those properties were held by the Acquired Fund (except where investment activities of the Acquiring Fund have the effect of reducing or eliminating a holding period with respect to an asset).

(vii) The Acquired Fund shareholders will recognize no gain or loss upon receiving the Acquiring Fund Shares solely in exchange for the Acquired Fund shares.

(viii) The aggregate basis of the Acquiring Fund Shares received by an Acquired Fund shareholder in the Reorganization will be the same as the aggregate basis of the Acquired Fund shares surrendered by the Acquired Fund shareholder in exchange therefor.

(ix) An Acquired Fund shareholder’s holding period for the Acquiring Fund Shares received by the Acquired Fund shareholder in the Reorganization will include the holding period during which the Acquired Fund shareholder held the Acquired Fund shares surrendered in exchange therefor, provided that the Acquired Fund shareholder held such shares as a capital asset on the date of the Reorganization.

Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, neither the Acquired Fund nor the Acquiring Fund may waive the conditions set forth in this subsection 10(f).




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(a) The Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund each covenants to operate its respective business in the ordinary course between the date hereof and the Closing Date, it being understood that such ordinary course of business will include the payment of customary dividends and distributions, and provided further that during the period between shareholder approval and the Closing Date, the Acquired Fund expects to temporarily depart from its 80% name test policy to facilitate aligning its investments with the Acquiring Fund in preparation for the Closing;

(b) The Acquired Fund covenants that it is not acquiring the Acquiring Fund shares for the purpose of making any distribution other than in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;

(c) The Acquired Fund covenants that it will assist the Acquiring Fund in obtaining such information as the Acquiring Fund reasonably requests concerning the beneficial ownership of the Acquired Fund’s shares; and

(d) The Acquired Fund covenants that its liquidation and termination will be effected in the manner provided in its Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust in accordance with applicable law, and after the Closing Date, the Acquired Fund will not conduct any business except in connection with its liquidation and termination.


The Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund may terminate this Agreement by mutual agreement. In addition, either the Acquiring Fund or the Acquired Fund may at its option terminate this Agreement at or prior to the Closing Date because:

(i) of a material breach by the other of any representation, warranty, or agreement contained herein to be performed at or prior to the Closing Date; or

(ii) a condition herein expressed to be precedent to the obligations of the terminating party has not been met and it reasonably appears that it will not or cannot be met.

In the event of any such termination, there shall be no liability for damages on the part of the Acquired Fund or the Acquiring Fund, or their respective Trustees or officers.


(a) This Agreement supersedes all previous correspondence and oral communications between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof, constitutes the only understanding with respect to such subject matter, may not be changed except by a letter of agreement signed by each party hereto and shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

(b) This Agreement may be amended, modified, or supplemented in such manner as may be mutually agreed upon in writing by the respective President, any Vice President, or Treasurer of the Acquiring Fund or the Acquired Fund; provided, however, that following the shareholders’ meeting called by the Acquired Fund pursuant to Section 7 of this Agreement, no such amendment may have the effect of changing the provisions for determining the number of the Acquiring Fund Shares to be paid to the Acquired Fund shareholders under this Agreement to the detriment of such shareholders without their further approval.

(c) Either Fund may waive any condition to its obligations hereunder, provided that such waiver does not have any material adverse effect on the interests of such Fund’s shareholders.

The representations, warranties, and covenants contained in the Agreement, or in any document delivered pursuant hereto or in connection herewith, shall survive the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereunder.


A copy of each Fund’s Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust is on file with the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and notice is hereby given that this instrument is executed on behalf of the Trustees of each Fund as trustees and not individually and that the obligations of each Fund under this instrument are not binding upon any of such Fund’s Trustees, officers, or shareholders individually but are binding only upon the assets and property of such Fund. Each Fund agrees that its obligations hereunder apply only to such Fund and not to its shareholders individually or to the Trustees of such Fund.


This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns, but no assignment or transfer of any rights or obligations hereunder shall be made by any party without the written consent of the other parties. Nothing herein expressed or implied is intended or shall be construed to confer upon or give any person, firm, or corporation other than the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement.

This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which, when executed and delivered, shall be deemed to be an original.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this Agreement to be executed by an appropriate officer.



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List of trusts and funds, most recent fiscal year ends, and fund auditors.


TRUST/Fund    Auditor1      FYE  
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund      Deloitte        8/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund      PwC        11/30/23  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund      Deloitte        11/30/23  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund      Deloitte        11/30/23  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund      Deloitte        11/30/23  
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund      Deloitte        10/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund      Deloitte        11/30/23  
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund      Deloitte        11/30/23  
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund      Deloitte        10/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund      Deloitte        11/30/23  
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund      PwC        7/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund      Deloitte        12/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund      PwC        11/30/23  
Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund      Deloitte        11/30/23  
Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund      PwC        11/30/23  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund      PwC        11/30/23  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund      Deloitte        11/30/23  
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund      Deloitte        10/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund      Deloitte        11/30/23  
Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund      PwC        11/30/23  
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund      Deloitte        7/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund      Deloitte        7/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund      Deloitte        7/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund      Deloitte        7/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund      Deloitte        7/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund      Deloitte        7/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund      Deloitte        7/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund      Deloitte        7/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund      Deloitte        7/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund      Deloitte        7/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund      Deloitte        7/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund      PwC        10/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund      PwC        10/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund      Deloitte        10/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund      PwC        10/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund      PwC        10/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund      Deloitte        10/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund      PwC        10/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund      PwC        10/31/23  
Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund      PwC        10/31/23  
Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund      PwC        10/31/23  
Fidelity Focused Stock Fund      PwC        10/31/23  



Table of Contents
TRUST/Fund    Auditor1    FYE  
Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund    Deloitte      9/30/23  
Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Value Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Equity Central Fund    Deloitte      9/30/23  
Fidelity Floating Rate Central Fund    Deloitte      9/30/23  
Fidelity High Income Central Fund    Deloitte      8/31/23  
Fidelity International Equity Central Fund    Deloitte      9/30/23  
Fidelity Real Estate Equity Central Fund    Deloitte      9/30/23  
Fidelity Specialized High Income Central Fund    Deloitte      8/31/23  
Fidelity U.S. Equity Central Fund    Deloitte      6/30/23  
Fidelity® Nasdaq Composite Index® ETF    PwC      11/30/23  
Fidelity 500 Index Fund2    PwC      2/29/24  
Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund2    PwC      2/29/24  
Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund    Deloitte      2/29/24  
Fidelity Founders Fund    PwC      4/30/24  
Fidelity International Index Fund2    PwC      2/29/24  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund    Deloitte      4/30/24  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund    Deloitte      4/30/24  
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund    Deloitte      4/30/24  
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund    PwC      4/30/24  
Fidelity® Nasdaq Composite Index® Fund    Deloitte      11/30/23  
Fidelity SAI International Small Cap Index Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity SAI Japan Stock Index Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity Series International Index Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Core Fund    Deloitte      4/30/24  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund    Deloitte      4/30/24  
Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund    PwC      2/29/24  
Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund    Deloitte      4/30/24  
Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund    Deloitte      4/30/24  
Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund    Deloitte      4/30/24  
Fidelity Total Market Index Fund2    PwC      2/29/24  
Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund2    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund2    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund2    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund2    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund    PwC      12/31/23  
Fidelity Contrafund    PwC      12/31/23  
Fidelity Contrafund K6    PwC      12/31/23  
Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund    PwC      12/31/23  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth ETF    PwC      7/31/23  
Fidelity Blue Chip Value ETF    PwC      7/31/23  
Fidelity Clean Energy ETF    Deloitte      6/30/23  
Fidelity Cloud Computing ETF    Deloitte      6/30/23  



Table of Contents
TRUST/Fund    Auditor1    FYE  
Fidelity Crypto Industry and Digital Payments ETF    Deloitte      6/30/23  
Fidelity Digital Health ETF    Deloitte      6/30/23  
Fidelity Disruptive Automation ETF    PwC      5/31/23  
Fidelity Disruptive Communications ETF    PwC      5/31/23  
Fidelity Disruptive Finance ETF    PwC      5/31/23  
Fidelity Disruptive Medicine ETF    PwC      5/31/23  
Fidelity Disruptive Technology ETF    PwC      5/31/23  
Fidelity Disruptors ETF    Deloitte      5/31/23  
Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates    PwC      7/31/23  
Fidelity Electric Vehicles and Future Transportation ETF    Deloitte      6/30/23  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Multifactor ETF    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Enhanced International ETF    PwC      8/31/23  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Core ETF    PwC      8/31/23  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Growth ETF    PwC      8/31/23  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Value ETF    PwC      8/31/23  
Fidelity Enhanced Mid Cap ETF    PwC      8/31/23  
Fidelity Enhanced Small Cap ETF    PwC      2/29/24  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Core ETF    PwC      7/31/23  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Growth ETF    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Value ETF    PwC      7/31/23  
Fidelity Fundamental Small-Mid Cap ETF    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity High Dividend ETF    PwC      7/31/23  
Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF    PwC      8/31/23  
Fidelity International High Dividend ETF    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity International Multifactor ETF    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity International Value Factor ETF    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF    PwC      7/31/23  
Fidelity Magellan ETF    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity Metaverse ETF    Deloitte      6/30/23  
Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF    PwC      7/31/23  
Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF2    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF2    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF2    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF2    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF2    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF2    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF2    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF2    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF2    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF2    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF2    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity Preferred Securities & Income ETF    PwC      8/31/23  
Fidelity Quality Factor ETF    PwC      7/31/23  
Fidelity Real Estate Investment ETF    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity Small-Mid Multifactor ETF    PwC      7/31/23  
Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity Sustainable High Yield ETF    PwC      8/31/23  
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity ETF    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity U.S. Multifactor ETF    PwC      7/31/23  
Fidelity Value Factor ETF    PwC      7/31/23  
Fidelity Women’s Leadership ETF    Deloitte      7/31/23  



Table of Contents
TRUST/Fund    Auditor1    FYE  
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund    Deloitte      9/30/23  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund    Deloitte      9/30/23  
Fidelity Equity-Income Fund    PwC      1/31/24  
Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund    Deloitte      1/31/24  
Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund    PwC      1/31/24  
Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund    Deloitte      1/31/24  
Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund    Deloitte      1/31/24  
Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund    PwC      1/31/24  
Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund    Deloitte      1/31/24  
Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund    PwC      1/31/24  
Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund    PwC      11/30/23  
Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund    PwC      11/30/23  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Central Fund    PwC      12/31/23  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Central Fund    PwC      12/31/23  
Fidelity Fund    PwC      6/30/23  
Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund    PwC      6/30/23  
Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund    PwC      6/30/23  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund    PwC      12/31/23  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Fund    PwC      12/31/23  
Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund    PwC      6/30/23  
Fidelity Canada Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity China Region Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity Diversified International Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity Europe Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Infrastructure Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity International Discovery Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity International Growth Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity International Small Cap Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity International Value Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Japan Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund    PwC      10/31/23  



Table of Contents
TRUST/Fund    Auditor1    FYE  
Fidelity Latin America Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity Nordic Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity Overseas Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Series Canada Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Series International Growth Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Series International Value Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Series Overseas Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund    PwC      10/31/23  
Fidelity Total International Equity Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Worldwide Fund    Deloitte      10/31/23  
Fidelity Magellan Fund    PwC      3/31/24  
Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund    PwC      3/31/24  
Fidelity Equity Growth K6 Fund    PwC      11/30/23  
Fidelity Growth Company Fund    Deloitte      11/30/23  
Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund    Deloitte      11/30/23  
Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund    PwC      11/30/23  
Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund    PwC      11/30/23  
Fidelity® New Millennium Fund®    PwC      11/30/23  
Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund    Deloitte      11/30/23  
Fidelity Balanced Fund    PwC      8/31/23  
Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund    PwC      8/31/23  
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund    PwC      7/31/23  
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund    PwC      7/31/23  
Fidelity® Puritan® Fund    PwC      8/31/23  
Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund    PwC      8/31/23  
Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity Value Discovery Fund    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund    PwC      7/31/23  
Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund    PwC      7/31/23  



Table of Contents
TRUST/Fund    Auditor1    FYE  
Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio    PwC      7/31/23  
Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund    PwC      7/31/23  
Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity OTC Portfolio    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund    PwC      7/31/23  
Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund    PwC      7/31/23  
Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund    PwC      7/31/23  
Automotive Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Banking Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Biotechnology Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Chemicals Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Communication Services Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Construction and Housing Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Consumer Discretionary Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Consumer Staples Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Defense and Aerospace Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Energy Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Fidelity Environment and Alternative Energy Fund    PwC      2/29/24  
Financials Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
FinTech Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Gold Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Health Care Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Health Care Services Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Industrials Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Insurance Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Fidelity International Real Estate Fund    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Enterprise Technology Services Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Leisure Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Materials Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Fidelity Natural Resources Fund    PwC      2/29/24  
Pharmaceuticals Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio    Deloitte      7/31/23  
Retailing Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Semiconductors Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Software and IT Services Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Tech Hardware Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Technology Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Telecommunications Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund    PwC      1/31/24  
Transportation Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Utilities Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  
Wireless Portfolio    PwC      2/29/24  



Table of Contents
TRUST/Fund    Auditor1    FYE  
Fidelity Agricultural Productivity Fund    Deloitte      5/31/23  
Fidelity Capital & Income Fund    PwC      4/30/24  
Fidelity Climate Action Fund    Deloitte      5/31/23  
Fidelity Focused High Income Fund    PwC      4/30/24  
Fidelity Global High Income Fund    PwC      4/30/24  
Fidelity Healthy Future Fund    PwC      4/30/24  
Fidelity High Income Fund    PwC      4/30/24  
Fidelity New Markets Income Fund    PwC      12/31/23  
Fidelity SAI High Income Fund    PwC      4/30/24  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Future Fund    PwC      5/31/23  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Sector Fund    PwC      5/31/23  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund    PwC      5/31/23  
Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund    Deloitte      9/30/23  
Fidelity Series High Income Fund    Deloitte      4/30/24  
Fidelity Series Sustainable U.S. Market Fund    PwC      1/31/24  
Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund    Deloitte      4/30/24  
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund    Deloitte      5/31/23  
Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund    PwC      4/30/24  
Fidelity Water Sustainability Fund    Deloitte      5/31/23  
Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund    Deloitte      4/30/24  
Fidelity Trend Fund    PwC      12/31/23  



“PwC” refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and “Deloitte” refers to Deloitte & Touche LLP.


Expenses in connection with preparing this proxy statement and all solicitations will be borne by FMR.



Table of Contents


Each fund’s sub-adviser(s) and each sub-adviser’s principal business address are listed below.






















FIDELITY ADVISOR SERIES I                     
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund             X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund             X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund      X        X        X                              
FIDELITY ADVISOR SERIES VII                     
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund      X        X        X                              
FIDELITY CAPITAL TRUST                     
Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund      X        X        X                              



Table of Contents





















FIDELITY CAPITAL TRUST                     
Fidelity Focused Stock Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Value Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Emerging Markets Equity Central Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Floating Rate Central Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity High Income Central Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity International Equity Central Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Real Estate Equity Central Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Specialized High Income Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity U.S. Equity Central Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index ETF                                                X  
Fidelity 500 Index Fund                                                X  
Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund                                                X  
Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund                                                X  
Fidelity Founders Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity International Index Fund                                                X  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund                                                X  
Fidelity SAI International Small Cap Index Fund                                                X  
Fidelity SAI Japan Stock Index Fund                                                X  
Fidelity Series International Index Fund                                                X  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Core Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund             X        X                              
Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund                                                X  
Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Total Market Index Fund                                                X  
Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund                                                X  
Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund                                                X  
Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund                                                X  
Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund                                                X  
FIDELITY CONTRAFUND                     
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Contrafund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Contrafund K6      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund      X        X        X                              
FIDELITY COVINGTON TRUST                     
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth ETF      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Blue Chip Value ETF      X        X        X                              



Table of Contents





















FIDELITY COVINGTON TRUST                     
Fidelity Clean Energy ETF                                                X  
Fidelity Cloud Computing ETF                                                X  
Fidelity Crypto Industry and Digital Payments ETF                                                X  
Fidelity Digital Health ETF                                                X  
Fidelity Disruptive Automation ETF      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Disruptive Communications ETF      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Disruptive Finance ETF      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Disruptive Medicine ETF      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Disruptive Technology ETF      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Disruptors ETF      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates                                                X  
Fidelity Electric Vehicles and Future Transportation ETF                                                X  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Multifactor ETF                                                X  
Fidelity Enhanced International ETF                                                 
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Core ETF                                                 
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Growth ETF                                                 
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Value ETF                                                 
Fidelity Enhanced Mid Cap ETF                                                 
Fidelity Enhanced Small Cap ETF                                                 
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Core ETF      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Growth ETF      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Value ETF      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Fundamental Small-Mid Cap ETF      X        X        X                              
Fidelity High Dividend ETF                                                X  
Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF      X        X        X                              
Fidelity International High Dividend ETF                                                X  
Fidelity International Multifactor ETF                                                X  
Fidelity International Value Factor ETF                                                X  
Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF                                                X  
Fidelity Magellan ETF      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Metaverse ETF                                                X  
Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF                                                X  
Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF                                         X         
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF                                         X         
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF                                         X         
Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF                                         X         
Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF                                         X         
Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF                                         X         
Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF                                         X         
Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF                                         X         
Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF                                         X         
Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF                                         X         
Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF                                         X         
Fidelity Preferred Securities & Income ETF      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Quality Factor ETF                                                X  
Fidelity Real Estate Investment ETF      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Small-Mid Multifactor ETF                                                X  
Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF                                                X  



Table of Contents





















FIDELITY COVINGTON TRUST                     
Fidelity Sustainable High Yield ETF      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity ETF      X        X        X                              
Fidelity U.S. Multifactor ETF                                                X  
Fidelity Value Factor ETF                                                X  
Fidelity Women’s Leadership ETF      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund      X        X        X                              
FIDELITY DEVONSHIRE TRUST                     
Fidelity Equity-Income Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund      X        X        X                              
FIDELITY FINANCIAL TRUST                     
Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Central Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Central Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund      X        X        X                              
FIDELITY INVESTMENT TRUST                     
Fidelity Canada Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity China Region Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Diversified International Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Europe Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Infrastructure Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity International Discovery Fund      X        X        X        X        X                



Table of Contents





















FIDELITY INVESTMENT TRUST                     
Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity International Growth Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity International Small Cap Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity International Value Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Japan Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Latin America Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Nordic Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Overseas Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Canada Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series International Growth Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series International Value Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Overseas Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Total International Equity Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Worldwide Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
FIDELITY MAGELLAN FUND                     
Fidelity Magellan Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Equity Growth K6 Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Growth Company Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity New Millennium Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund             X        X                              
FIDELITY PURITAN TRUST                     
Fidelity Balanced Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Puritan Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Value Discovery Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund      X        X        X                              



Table of Contents





















FIDELITY SECURITIES FUND                     
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Fidelity OTC Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund             X        X                              
Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund      X        X        X                              
Automotive Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Banking Portfolio      X        X        X        X        X                
Biotechnology Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Chemicals Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Communication Services Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Construction and Housing Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Consumer Discretionary Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Consumer Staples Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Defense and Aerospace Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Energy Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Environment and Alternative Energy Fund      X        X        X                              
Financials Portfolio      X        X        X                              
FinTech Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Gold Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Health Care Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Health Care Services Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Industrials Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Insurance Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Fidelity International Real Estate Fund      X        X        X                              
Enterprise Technology Services Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Leisure Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Materials Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Natural Resources Fund      X        X        X                              
Pharmaceuticals Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Retailing Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Semiconductors Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Software and IT Services Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Tech Hardware Portfolio      X        X        X                              



Table of Contents





















Technology Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Telecommunications Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund      X        X        X                              
Transportation Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Utilities Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Wireless Portfolio      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Agricultural Productivity Fund                     
Fidelity Capital & Income Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Climate Action Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Focused High Income Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Global High Income Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity Healthy Future Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity High Income Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity New Markets Income Fund      X        X        X        X        X                
Fidelity SAI High Income Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Future Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Sector Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity SAI Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series High Income Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Series Sustainable U.S. Market Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund             X        X                              
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Water Sustainability Fund      X        X        X                              
Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund      X        X        X                              
FIDELITY TREND FUND                     
Fidelity Trend Fund      X        X        X                              



The principal business address of FMR Investment Management (UK) Limited (FMR UK) is 1 St. Martin’s Le Grand, London, EC1A 4AS, United Kingdom.



The principal business address of Fidelity Management & Research (Hong Kong) Limited (FMR H.K.) is Floor 19, 41 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong.



The principal business address of Fidelity Management & Research (Japan) Limited (FMR Japan) is Kamiyacho Prime Place, 1-17, Toranomon-4-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan.



The principal business address of FIL Investment Advisors (FIA) is Pembroke Hall, 42 Crow Lane, Pembroke HM19, Bermuda.



The principal business address of FIL Investments (Japan) Limited (FIJ) is Tri-Seven Roppongi, 7-7-7 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 106-0032.



The principal business address of FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited (FIA (UK)) is Beech Gate Millfield Lane Lower Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 6RP, United Kingdom.



The principal business address of BlackRock Fund Advisors (BlackRock) is 400 Howard Street, San Francisco, California 94105.



The principal business address of Geode Capital Management, LLC (Geode) is 100 Summer Street, 12th Floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02110.



Table of Contents


The following chart lists the lengths of service of each current Trustee or Advisory Board Member of each trust.



Interested Trustees*


Advisory Board Members







Robert A.


Peter S.


Karen B. Peetz

Fidelity Advisor Series I    n/a    Trustee 2020    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2003
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Advisor Series VII    n/a    Trustee 2020    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2018
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Advisor Series VIII    Trustee 2016    Trustee 2021    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2003
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Capital Trust    n/a    Trustee 2020    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2003
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Central Investment Portfolios LLC    n/a    Trustee 2020    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2004
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Commonwealth Trust    n/a    Trustee 2020    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2018
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Concord Street Trust    Trustee 2016    Trustee 2021    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2003
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Contrafund    n/a    Trustee 2020    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2003
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Covington Trust    n/a    Trustee 2020    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2018
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Destiny Portfolios    n/a    Trustee 2020    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2003
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Devonshire Trust    n/a    Trustee 2020    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2003
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Financial Trust    n/a    Trustee 2020    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2003
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Hanover Street Trust    n/a    Trustee 2020    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2003
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Hastings Street Trust    n/a    Trustee 2020    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2003
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Investment Trust    Trustee 2016    Trustee 2021    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2003
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Magellan Fund    n/a    Trustee 2020    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2003
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Mt. Vernon Street Trust    n/a    Trustee 2020    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2003
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Puritan Trust    Trustee 2016    Trustee 2021    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2003
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Securities Fund    Trustee 2016    Trustee 2021    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2003
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Select Portfolios    n/a    Trustee 2020    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2018
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Summer Street Trust    n/a    Trustee 2020    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2003
   Advisory Board
Member 2023
Fidelity Trend Fund    n/a    Trustee 2020    Trustee 2020    Advisory Board
Member 2003
   Advisory Board
Member 2023



Trustee has been determined to be “interested” by virtue of, among other things, his affiliation with a trust or various entities under common control with FMR.



Table of Contents

Independent Trustees





Vijay C.


Thomas P.


Donald F.


Vicki L.


Patricia L.


Thomas A.




David M.




Michael E.

Fidelity Advisor Series I   Trustee
Fidelity Advisor Series VII   Trustee
Fidelity Advisor Series VIII   Advisory
Fidelity Capital Trust   Trustee
Fidelity Central Investment Portfolios LLC   Trustee
Fidelity Commonwealth Trust   Trustee
Fidelity Concord Street Trust   Advisory
Fidelity Contrafund   Trustee
Fidelity Covington Trust   Trustee
Fidelity Destiny Portfolios   Trustee
Fidelity Devonshire Trust   Trustee
Fidelity Financial Trust   Trustee
Fidelity Hanover Street Trust   Trustee
Fidelity Hastings Street Trust   Trustee
Fidelity Investment Trust   Advisory
Fidelity Magellan Fund   Trustee
Fidelity Mt. Vernon Street Trust   Trustee
Fidelity Puritan Trust   Advisory
Fidelity Securities Fund   Advisory
Fidelity Select Portfolios   Trustee
Fidelity Summer Street Trust   Trustee
Fidelity Trend Fund   Trustee



Table of Contents

Appendix D

Information regarding nominee and Trustee ownership of fund shares as of March 31, 2024 is provided below.

Interested Nominees


Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Bettina Doulton


Robert A. Lawrence

Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund   none   none
Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund   none   none
Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund   none   none
Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund   none   none
Fidelity Focused Stock Fund   none   none
Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund   none   none
Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund   none   none
Fidelity Value Fund   none   none



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Bettina Doulton


Robert A. Lawrence

Fidelity Emerging Markets Equity Central Fund   none   none
Fidelity Floating Rate Central Fund   none   none
Fidelity High Income Central Fund   none   none
Fidelity International Equity Central Fund   none   none
Fidelity Real Estate Equity Central Fund   none   none
Fidelity Specialized High Income Central Fund   none   none
Fidelity U.S. Equity Central Fund   none   none
Fidelity® Nasdaq Composite Index® ETF   none   none
Fidelity 500 Index Fund   none   none
Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund   none   none
Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund   none   none
Fidelity Founders Fund   none   none
Fidelity International Index Fund   none   none
Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund   none   none
Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund   none   none
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund   none   none
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund   none   none
Fidelity® Nasdaq Composite Index® Fund   none   none
Fidelity SAI International Small Cap Index Fund   none   none
Fidelity SAI Japan Stock Index Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series International Index Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Small Cap Core Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund   none   none
Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund   none   none
Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund   none   none
Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund   none   none
Fidelity Total Market Index Fund   none   none
Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund   none   none
Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund   none   none
Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund   none   none
Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund   none   none
Fidelity Contrafund   none   none
Fidelity Contrafund K6   none   none
Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund   none   none
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth ETF   none   none
Fidelity Blue Chip Value ETF   none   none
Fidelity Clean Energy ETF   none   none
Fidelity Cloud Computing ETF   none   none
Fidelity Crypto Industry and Digital Payments ETF   none   none
Fidelity Digital Health ETF   none   none
Fidelity Disruptive Automation ETF   none   none
Fidelity Disruptive Communications ETF   none   none
Fidelity Disruptive Finance ETF   none   none
Fidelity Disruptive Medicine ETF   none   none
Fidelity Disruptive Technology ETF   none   none
Fidelity Disruptors ETF   none   none
Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates   none   none
Fidelity Electric Vehicles and Future Transportation ETF   none   none
Fidelity Emerging Markets Multifactor ETF   none   none
Fidelity Enhanced International ETF   none   none



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Bettina Doulton


Robert A. Lawrence

Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Core ETF   none   none
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Growth ETF   none   none
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Value ETF   none   none
Fidelity Enhanced Mid Cap ETF   none   none
Fidelity Enhanced Small Cap ETF   none   none
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Core ETF   none   none
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Growth ETF   none   none
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Value ETF   none   none
Fidelity Fundamental Small-Mid Cap ETF   none   none
Fidelity High Dividend ETF   none   none
Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF   none   none
Fidelity International High Dividend ETF   none   none
Fidelity International Multifactor ETF   none   none
Fidelity International Value Factor ETF   none   none
Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF   none   none
Fidelity Magellan ETF   none   none
Fidelity Metaverse ETF   none   none
Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF   none   none
Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF   none   none
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF   none   none
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF   none   none
Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF   none   none
Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF   none   none
Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF   none   none
Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF   none   none
Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF   none   none
Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF   none   none
Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF   none   none
Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF   none   none
Fidelity Preferred Securities & Income ETF   none   none
Fidelity Quality Factor ETF   none   none
Fidelity Real Estate Investment ETF   none   none
Fidelity Small-Mid Multifactor ETF   none   none
Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF   none   none
Fidelity Sustainable High Yield ETF   none   none
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity ETF   none   none
Fidelity U.S. Multifactor ETF   none   none
Fidelity Value Factor ETF   none   none
Fidelity Women’s Leadership ETF   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund   none   none
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund   none   none
Fidelity Equity-Income Fund   none   none
Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund   none   none
Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund   none   none
Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund   none   none
Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund   none   none
Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund   none   none
Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund   none   none
Fidelity Fund   none   none
Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund   none   none
Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund   none   none



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Bettina Doulton


Robert A. Lawrence

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund   none   none
Fidelity Canada Fund   none   none
Fidelity China Region Fund   none   none
Fidelity Diversified International Fund   none   none
Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund   none   none
Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund   none   none
Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund   none   none
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund   none   none
Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund   none   none
Fidelity Europe Fund   none   none
Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund   none   none
Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund   none   none
Fidelity Infrastructure Fund   none   none
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund   none   none
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund   none   none
Fidelity International Discovery Fund   none   none
Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund   none   none
Fidelity International Growth Fund   none   none
Fidelity International Small Cap Fund   none   none
Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund   none   none
Fidelity International Value Fund   none   none
Fidelity Japan Fund   none   none
Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund   none   none
Fidelity Latin America Fund   none   none
Fidelity Nordic Fund   none   none
Fidelity Overseas Fund   none   none
Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund   none   none
Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund   none   none
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund   none   none
Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Canada Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series International Growth Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series International Value Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Overseas Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund   none   none
Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund   none   none
Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund   none   none
Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund   none   none
Fidelity Total International Equity Fund   none   none
Fidelity Worldwide Fund   none   none
Fidelity Magellan Fund   none   none
Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund   none   none



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Bettina Doulton


Robert A. Lawrence

Fidelity Equity Growth K6 Fund   none   none
Fidelity Growth Company Fund   none   none
Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund   over $100,000   none
Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund   none   none
Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund   none   none
Fidelity® New Millennium Fund®   none   none
Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund   none   none
Fidelity Balanced Fund   none   none
Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund   none   none
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund   none   none
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund   none   none
Fidelity® Puritan® Fund   none   over $100,000
Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund   none   none
Fidelity Value Discovery Fund   none   none
Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund   none   none
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund   none   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund   none   none
Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund   none   none
Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund   none   none
Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio   none   none
Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund   none   none
Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio   none   none
Fidelity OTC Portfolio   none   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund   none   none
Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund   none   none
Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund   none   none
Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund   none   none
Fidelity Environment and Alternative Energy Fund   none   none
Fidelity International Real Estate Fund   none   none
Fidelity Natural Resources Fund   none   none
Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio   none   none
Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund   none   none
Automotive Portfolio   none   none
Banking Portfolio   none   none
Biotechnology Portfolio   none   none
Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio   none   none
Chemicals Portfolio   none   none
Communication Services Portfolio   none   none
Construction and Housing Portfolio   none   none
Consumer Discretionary Portfolio   none   none
Consumer Staples Portfolio   none   none
Defense and Aerospace Portfolio   none   none
Energy Portfolio   none   none
Financials Portfolio   none   none
FinTech Portfolio   none   none
Gold Portfolio   none   none
Health Care Portfolio   none   none
Health Care Services Portfolio   none   none
Industrials Portfolio   none   none
Insurance Portfolio   none   none
Enterprise Technology Services Portfolio   none   none



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Bettina Doulton


Robert A. Lawrence

Leisure Portfolio   none   none
Materials Portfolio   none   none
Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio   none   none
Pharmaceuticals Portfolio   none   none
Retailing Portfolio   none   none
Semiconductors Portfolio   none   none
Software and IT Services Portfolio   none   none
Tech Hardware Portfolio   none   none
Technology Portfolio   none   none
Telecommunications Portfolio   none   none
Transportation Portfolio   none   none
Utilities Portfolio   none   none
Wireless Portfolio   none   none
Fidelity Agricultural Productivity Fund   none   none
Fidelity Capital & Income Fund   none   Over $100,000
Fidelity Climate Action Fund   none   none
Fidelity Focused High Income Fund   none   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity Global High Income Fund   none   none
Fidelity Healthy Future Fund   none   none
Fidelity High Income Fund   none   none
Fidelity New Markets Income Fund   none   none
Fidelity SAI High Income Fund   none   none
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Future Fund   none   none
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Sector Fund   none   none
Fidelity SAI Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series High Income Fund   none   none
Fidelity Series Sustainable U.S. Market Fund   none   none
Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund   none   none
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund   none   none
Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund   none   none
Fidelity Water Sustainability Fund   none   none
Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund   none   none
Fidelity Trend Fund   none   none



Table of Contents

Independent Nominees


Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Vijay C.


Thomas P.


Donald F.


Vicki L.


Patricia L.


Thomas A.



Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Vijay C.


Thomas P.


Donald F.


Vicki L.


Patricia L.


Thomas A.

Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Focused Stock Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund     none       none       none       none       over $100,000       none  
Fidelity Value Fund     none       none       none       $50,001–$100,000       none       none  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Equity Central Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Floating Rate Central Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity High Income Central Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity International Equity Central Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Real Estate Equity Central Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Specialized High Income Central Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity U.S. Equity Central Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Vijay C.


Thomas P.


Donald F.


Vicki L.


Patricia L.


Thomas A.

Fidelity® Nasdaq Composite Index® ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity 500 Index Fund     none       none       none       none       $10,001–$50,000       none  
Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Founders Fund     none       none       none       none       over $100,000       none  
Fidelity International Index Fund     none       none       none       none       over $100,000       none  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity® Nasdaq Composite Index® Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity SAI International Small Cap Index Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity SAI Japan Stock Index Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Series International Index Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Core Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Total Market Index Fund     none       none       none       over $100,000       none       none  
Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Contrafund     $50,001–$100,000       $50,001–$100,000       none       $10,001–$50,000       none       none  
Fidelity Contrafund K6     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Vijay C.


Thomas P.


Donald F.


Vicki L.


Patricia L.


Thomas A.

Fidelity Blue Chip Growth ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Blue Chip Value ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Clean Energy ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Cloud Computing ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Crypto Industry and Digital Payments ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Digital Health ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Disruptive Automation ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Disruptive Communications ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Disruptive Finance ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Disruptive Medicine ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Disruptive Technology ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Disruptors ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Electric Vehicles and Future Transportation ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Multifactor ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Enhanced International ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Core ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Growth ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Value ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Enhanced Mid Cap ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Enhanced Small Cap ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Core ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Growth ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Value ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Fundamental Small-Mid Cap ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity High Dividend ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity International High Dividend ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity International Multifactor ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity International Value Factor ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Vijay C.


Thomas P.


Donald F.


Vicki L.


Patricia L.


Thomas A.

Fidelity Magellan ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Metaverse ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Preferred Securities & Income ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Quality Factor ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Real Estate Investment ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Small-Mid Multifactor ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Sustainable High Yield ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity U.S. Multifactor ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Value Factor ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Women’s Leadership ETF     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Equity-Income Fund     none       none       over $100,000       none       none       none  
Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Vijay C.


Thomas P.


Donald F.


Vicki L.


Patricia L.


Thomas A.

Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund     none       none       none       over $100,000       none       none  
Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Central Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Central Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund     none       none       none       none       none       over $100,000  
Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Canada Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity China Region Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Diversified International Fund     none       none       none       $1–$10,000       none       none  
Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund     none       none       none       $10,001–$50,000       none       none  
Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Europe Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund     $50,001–$100,000       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Infrastructure Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Vijay C.


Thomas P.


Donald F.


Vicki L.


Patricia L.


Thomas A.

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity International Discovery Fund   none   none   none   $1–$10,000   none   none
Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity International Growth Fund   none   none   none   $1–$10,000   none   none
Fidelity International Small Cap Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity International Value Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity Japan Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund   none   none   none   none   $50,001–$100,000   none
Fidelity Latin America Fund   none   none   none   none   $50,001–$100,000   none
Fidelity Nordic Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity Overseas Fund   none   none   over $100,000   none   none   none
Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund   none   none   none   none   $10,001–$50,000   none
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity Series Canada Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity Series International Growth Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity Series International Value Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity Series Overseas Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none
Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund   none   none   none   none   none   none



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Vijay C.


Thomas P.


Donald F.


Vicki L.


Patricia L.


Thomas A.

Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Total International Equity Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Worldwide Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Magellan Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Equity Growth K6 Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Growth Company Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity® New Millennium Fund®     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Balanced Fund     none       none       none       over $100,000       none       none  
Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund     none       none       none       none       $1–$10,000       none  
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity® Puritan® Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Value Discovery Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund     none       none       none       $50,001–$100,000       none       over $100,000  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity OTC Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Vijay C.


Thomas P.


Donald F.


Vicki L.


Patricia L.


Thomas A.

Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund     none       none       none       $1–$10,000       none       none  
Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Automotive Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Banking Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Biotechnology Portfolio     none       $10,001–$50,000       none       none       none       over $100,000  
Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Chemicals Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Communication Services Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Construction and Housing Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Consumer Discretionary Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Consumer Staples Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Defense and Aerospace Portfolio     none       none       none       none       $50,001–$100,000       none  
Energy Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Financials Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
FinTech Portfolio     none       $10,001–$50,000       none       none       none       none  
Gold Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Health Care Portfolio     none       none       over $100,000       $10,001–$50,000       none       none  
Health Care Services Portfolio     $50,001–$100,000       none       none       none       none       none  
Industrials Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Insurance Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity International Real Estate Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Enterprise Technology Services Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Environment and Alternative Energy Fund     $50,001–$100,000       none       none       none       none       none  
Leisure Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Materials Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Natural Resources Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Pharmaceuticals Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Retailing Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Semiconductors Portfolio     none       over $100,000       none       none       none       none  
Software and IT Services Portfolio     none       $10,001–$50,000       none       none       none       none  
Tech Hardware Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Technology Portfolio     none       $50,001–$100,000       over $100,000       none       none       over $100,000  



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Vijay C.


Thomas P.


Donald F.


Vicki L.


Patricia L.


Thomas A.

Telecommunications Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Transportation Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Utilities Portfolio     none       none       none       none       over $100,000       none  
Wireless Portfolio     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Agricultural Productivity Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Capital & Income Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Climate Action Fund     none       none       over $100,000       none       $50,001–$100,000       none  
Fidelity Focused High Income Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Global High Income Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Healthy Future Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity High Income Fund     none       none       over $100,000       none       none       none  
Fidelity New Markets Income Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity SAI High Income Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Future Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Sector Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Series High Income Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Series Sustainable U.S. Market Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Water Sustainability Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund     none       none       none       none       over $100,000       none  
Fidelity Trend Fund     none       none       none       none       none       none  
AGGREGATE DOLLAR RANGE OF FUND SHARES IN ALL FUNDS OVERSEEN WITHIN FUND FAMILY     over $100,000       over $100,000       over $100,000       over $100,000       over $100,000       over $100,000  



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024




Karen B.


David M.




Michael E.

Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund      none        none        none        none        $10,001 – $50,000  
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Focused Stock Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund      none        $50,001 – $100,000        none        none        none  
Fidelity Value Fund      none        $50,001 – $100,000        none        none        none  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Equity Central Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Floating Rate Central Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity High Income Central Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity International Equity Central Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Real Estate Equity Central Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Specialized High Income Central Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity U.S. Equity Central Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity® Nasdaq Composite Index® ETF      none        none        none        none        none  



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024




Karen B.


David M.




Michael E.

Fidelity 500 Index Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Founders Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity International Index Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund      none        none        none        none        $50,001 – $100,000  
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity® Nasdaq Composite Index® Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity SAI International Small Cap Index Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity SAI Japan Stock Index Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series International Index Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Core Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Total Market Index Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Contrafund      none        none        over $100,000        over $100,000        over $100,000  
Fidelity Contrafund K6      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Blue Chip Value ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Clean Energy ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Cloud Computing ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Crypto Industry and Digital Payments ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Digital Health ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Disruptive Automation ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Disruptive Communications ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Disruptive Finance ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Disruptive Medicine ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Disruptive Technology ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Disruptors ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Electric Vehicles and Future Transportation ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Multifactor ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Enhanced International ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Core ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Growth ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Value ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Enhanced Mid Cap ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Enhanced Small Cap ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Core ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Growth ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Value ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Fundamental Small-Mid Cap ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity High Dividend ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity International High Dividend ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity International Multifactor ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity International Value Factor ETF      none        none        none        none        none  



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024




Karen B.


David M.




Michael E.

Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Magellan ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Metaverse ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Preferred Securities & Income ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Quality Factor ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Real Estate Investment ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Small-Mid Multifactor ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Sustainable High Yield ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity U.S. Multifactor ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Value Factor ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Women’s Leadership ETF      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Equity-Income Fund      none        none        $1 – $10,000        none        over $100,000  
Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
FIDELITY FINANCIAL TRUST      none              
Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund      none        none        $10,001 – $50,000        none        none  
Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund      none        none        $10,001 – $50,000        none        none  
FIDELITY HANOVER STREET TRUST      none              
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Central Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Central Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund      none        none        none        none        over $100,000  
Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Canada Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity China Region Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Diversified International Fund      none        10,0001 – $50,000        over $100,000        none        over $100,000  
Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund      none        none        none        none        none  



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024




Karen B.


David M.




Michael E.

Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund      none        none        over $100,000        none        $50,001 – $100,000  
Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Europe Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Infrastructure Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund      none        none        $1 – $10,000        none        $10,001 – $50,000  
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity International Discovery Fund      none        none        none        none        $10,001 – $50,000  
Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity International Growth Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity International Small Cap Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity International Value Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Japan Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Latin America Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Nordic Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Overseas Fund      none        none        $1 – $10,000        none        none  
Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund      none        none        none        none        $50,001 – $100,000  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Canada Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series International Growth Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series International Value Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Overseas Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Total International Equity Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Worldwide Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Magellan Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Equity Growth K6 Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Growth Company Fund      none        none        $10,001 – $50,000        none        over $100,000  
Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund      none        none        none        none        over $100,000  
Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity® New Millennium Fund®      none        none        $50,001 – $100,000        none        over $100,000  
Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Balanced Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund      none        none        over $100,000        none        $50,001 – $100,000  
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity® Puritan® Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Value Discovery Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund      none        none        none        none        none  



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024




Karen B.


David M.




Michael E.

Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund      none        Over $100,000        over $100,000        none        over $100,000  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund      none        none        $1 – $10,000        none        none  
Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio      none        $10,001 – $50,000        none        none        none  
Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund      none        none        none        none        over $100,000  
Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity OTC Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund      none        none        $50,001 – $100,000        none        none  
Automotive Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Banking Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Biotechnology Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Chemicals Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Communication Services Portfolio      none        none        none        none        over $100,000  
Construction and Housing Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Consumer Discretionary Portfolio      none        none        none        none        over $100,000  
Consumer Staples Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Defense and Aerospace Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Energy Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Financials Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
FinTech Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Gold Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Health Care Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Health Care Services Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Industrials Portfolio      none        none        none        none        over $100,000  
Insurance Portfolio      none        none        none        none        over $100,000  
Fidelity International Real Estate Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Enterprise Technology Services Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Environment and Alternative Energy Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Leisure Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Materials Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Natural Resources Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Pharmaceuticals Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Retailing Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Semiconductors Portfolio      none        none        none        none        over $100,000  
Software and IT Services Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Tech Hardware Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Technology Portfolio      none        none        none        none        over $100,000  
Telecommunications Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Transportation Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Utilities Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Wireless Portfolio      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Agricultural Productivity Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Capital & Income Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Climate Action Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Focused High Income Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Global High Income Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Healthy Future Fund      none        none        none        none        none  



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024




Karen B.


David M.




Michael E.

Fidelity High Income Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity New Markets Income Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity SAI High Income Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Future Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Sector Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series High Income Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Series Sustainable U.S. Market Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
Fidelity Water Sustainability Fund      none        none        none        none        none  
FIDELITY TREND FUND               
Fidelity Trend Fund      none        none        none        none        over $100,000  



     none        over $100,000        over $100,000        over $100,000        over $100,000  



Table of Contents

Interested Trustees


Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Jonathan Chiel

Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund   none
Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund   none
Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund   none
Fidelity Focused Stock Fund   $50,001 – $100,000
Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund   none
Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund   none
Fidelity Value Fund   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity Emerging Markets Equity Central Fund   none
Fidelity Floating Rate Central Fund   none
Fidelity High Income Central Fund   none
Fidelity International Equity Central Fund   none
Fidelity Real Estate Equity Central Fund   none
Fidelity Specialized High Income Central Fund   none
Fidelity U.S. Equity Central Fund   none



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Jonathan Chiel

Fidelity® Nasdaq Composite Index® ETF   none
Fidelity 500 Index Fund   over $100,000
Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund   none
Fidelity Founders Fund   none
Fidelity International Index Fund   over $100,000
Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund   none
Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund   none
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund   none
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund   none
Fidelity® Nasdaq Composite Index® Fund   none
Fidelity SAI International Small Cap Index Fund   none
Fidelity SAI Japan Stock Index Fund   none
Fidelity Series International Index Fund   none
Fidelity Series Small Cap Core Fund   none
Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund   none
Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund   none
Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund   none
Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund   none
Fidelity Total Market Index Fund   over $100,000
Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund   none
Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund   none
Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund   none
Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund   none
Fidelity Contrafund   over $100,000
Fidelity Contrafund K6   over $100,000
Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund   none
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth ETF   none
Fidelity Blue Chip Value ETF   none
Fidelity Clean Energy ETF   none
Fidelity Cloud Computing ETF   none
Fidelity Crypto Industry and Digital Payments ETF   none
Fidelity Digital Health ETF   none
Fidelity Disruptive Automation ETF   none
Fidelity Disruptive Communications ETF   none
Fidelity Disruptive Finance ETF   none
Fidelity Disruptive Medicine ETF   none
Fidelity Disruptive Technology ETF   none
Fidelity Disruptors ETF   none
Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates   none
Fidelity Electric Vehicles and Future Transportation ETF   none
Fidelity Emerging Markets Multifactor ETF   none
Fidelity Enhanced International ETF   none
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Core ETF   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Growth ETF   none
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Value ETF   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity Enhanced Mid Cap ETF   none
Fidelity Enhanced Small Cap ETF   none
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Core ETF   none
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Growth ETF   none
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Value ETF   none
Fidelity Fundamental Small-Mid Cap ETF   none
Fidelity High Dividend ETF   none
Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF   none
Fidelity International High Dividend ETF   none



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Jonathan Chiel

Fidelity International Multifactor ETF   none
Fidelity International Value Factor ETF   none
Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity Magellan ETF   none
Fidelity Metaverse ETF   none
Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF   none
Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF   none
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF   none
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF   none
Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF   none
Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF   none
Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF   none
Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF   none
Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF   none
Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF   none
Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF   none
Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity Preferred Securities & Income ETF   none
Fidelity Quality Factor ETF   none
Fidelity Real Estate Investment ETF   none
Fidelity Small-Mid Multifactor ETF   none
Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF   none
Fidelity Sustainable High Yield ETF   none
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity ETF   none
Fidelity U.S. Multifactor ETF   none
Fidelity Value Factor ETF   none
Fidelity Women’s Leadership ETF   none
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund   none
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund   none
Fidelity Equity-Income Fund   none
Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund   none
Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund   none
Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund   none
Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund   none
Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund   none
Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund   none
Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund   none
Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund   none
Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund   $50,001 – $100,000
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Central Fund   none
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Central Fund   none
Fidelity Fund   over $100,000
Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund   none
Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund   none
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund   none
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Fund   none
Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund   none
Fidelity Canada Fund   none
Fidelity China Region Fund   none
Fidelity Diversified International Fund   none
Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund   none
Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund   none
Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund   none
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund   over $100,000



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Jonathan Chiel

Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund   none
Fidelity Europe Fund   none
Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund   $1 – $10,000
Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund   none
Fidelity Infrastructure Fund   none
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund   $50,001 – $100,000
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity International Discovery Fund   over $100,000
Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund   none
Fidelity International Growth Fund   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity International Small Cap Fund   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity International Value Fund   none
Fidelity Japan Fund   none
Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund   none
Fidelity Latin America Fund   none
Fidelity Nordic Fund   none
Fidelity Overseas Fund   over $100,000
Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund   none
Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund   $1 – $10,000
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund   none
Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund   none
Fidelity Series Canada Fund   none
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund   none
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund   none
Fidelity Series International Growth Fund   none
Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund   none
Fidelity Series International Value Fund   none
Fidelity Series Overseas Fund   none
Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund   none
Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund   none
Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund   none
Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund   none
Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund   none
Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund   none
Fidelity Total International Equity Fund   over $100,000
Fidelity Worldwide Fund   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity Magellan Fund   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund   none
Fidelity Equity Growth K6 Fund   none
Fidelity Growth Company Fund   over $100,000
Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund   none
Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund   none
Fidelity® New Millennium Fund®   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund   none
Fidelity Balanced Fund   $50,001 – $100,000
Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund   none
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund   none
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund   none
Fidelity® Puritan® Fund   none
Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund   none
Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund   none
Fidelity Value Discovery Fund   $50,001 – $100,000
Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund   $10,001 – $50,000



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Jonathan Chiel

Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund   $50,001 – $100,000
Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund   none
Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio   over $100,000
Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund   $10,001 – $50,000
Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio   none
Fidelity OTC Portfolio   none
Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund   none
Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund   none
Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund   none
Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund   none
Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund   none
Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund   none
Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund   none
Automotive Portfolio   none
Banking Portfolio   none
Biotechnology Portfolio   none
Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio   none
Chemicals Portfolio   none
Communication Services Portfolio   none
Construction and Housing Portfolio   none
Consumer Discretionary Portfolio   none
Consumer Staples Portfolio   none
Defense and Aerospace Portfolio   none
Energy Portfolio   none
Financials Portfolio   none
FinTech Portfolio   none
Gold Portfolio   none
Health Care Portfolio   none
Health Care Services Portfolio   none
Industrials Portfolio   none
Insurance Portfolio   none
International Real Estate Fund   none
Enterprise Technology Services Portfolio   none
Fidelity Environment and Alternative Energy Fund   none
Leisure Portfolio   none
Materials Portfolio   none
Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio   none
Fidelity Natural Resources Fund   none
Pharmaceuticals Portfolio   none
Retailing Portfolio   none
Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio   none
Semiconductors Portfolio   none
Software and IT Services Portfolio   none
Tech Hardware Portfolio   none
Technology Portfolio   none
Telecommunications Portfolio   none
Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund   none
Transportation Portfolio   none
Utilities Portfolio   none
Wireless Portfolio   none
Fidelity Agricultural Productivity Fund   none
Fidelity Capital & Income Fund   none
Fidelity Climate Action Fund   none
Fidelity Focused High Income Fund   none
Fidelity Global High Income Fund   none
Fidelity Healthy Future Fund   none



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares
as of March 31, 2024


Jonathan Chiel

Fidelity High Income Fund   none
Fidelity New Markets Income Fund   none
Fidelity SAI High Income Fund   none
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Future Fund   none
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Sector Fund   none
Fidelity SAI Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund   none
Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund   none
Fidelity Series High Income Fund   none
Fidelity Series Sustainable U.S. Market Fund   none
Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund   none
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund   none
Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund   none
Fidelity Water Sustainability Fund   none
Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund   none
Fidelity Trend Fund   none



Table of Contents


The following table sets forth information describing the compensation of each Trustee and member of the Advisory Board for his or her services, for each fund’s fiscal year end (refer to Appendix A for fiscal year end information) or the calendar year ended December 31, 2023, as applicable. Jonathan Chiel, Bettina Doulton, Robert A. Lawrence, and Peter S. Lynch are interested persons and are compensated by Fidelity.




Vijay C.



Thomas P.



Donald F.



Vicki L.



Patricia L.



Thomas A.


Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund    $ 163      $ 1,950      $ 2,090      $ 1,950      $ 1,950      $ 1,950  
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund    $ 107      $ 344      $ 369      $ 344      $ 344      $ 344  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund    $ 689      $ 1,871      $ 2,011      $ 1,871      $ 1,871      $ 1,871  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund    $ 176      $ 565      $ 608      $ 565      $ 565      $ 565  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund    $ 20      $ 68      $ 74      $ 68      $ 68      $ 68  
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund2    $ 831      $ 3,635      $ 3,903      $ 3,365      $ 3,365      $ 3,365  
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund    $ 100      $ 285      $ 306      $ 285      $ 285      $ 285  
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund    $  1,606      $ 4,728      $ 5,081      $ 4,728      $ 4,728      $ 4,728  
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund    $ 137      $ 570      $ 612      $ 570      $ 570      $ 570  
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund    $ 111      $ 335      $ 360      $ 335      $ 335      $ 335  
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund    $      $ 305      $ 326      $ 305      $ 305      $ 305  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund    $ 167      $ 429      $ 461      $ 429      $ 429      $ 429  
Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund    $ 98      $ 307      $ 330      $ 307      $ 307      $ 307  
Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund    $ 69      $ 217      $ 233      $ 217      $ 217      $ 217  
Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund    $ 39      $ 123      $ 133      $ 123      $ 123      $ 123  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund    $ 181      $ 573      $ 616      $ 573      $ 573      $ 573  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund    $ 187      $ 605      $ 650      $ 605      $ 605      $ 605  
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund    $ 25      $ 117      $ 126      $ 117      $ 117      $ 117  
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund    $ 161      $ 487      $ 523      $ 487      $ 487      $ 487  
Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund    $ 56      $ 201      $ 215      $ 201      $ 201      $ 201  
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund    $      $ 532      $ 570      $ 532      $ 532      $ 532  
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund    $      $ 129      $ 139      $ 129      $ 129      $ 129  
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund    $      $ 455      $ 487      $ 455      $ 455      $ 455  
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund    $      $ 160      $ 171      $ 160      $ 160      $ 160  
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund    $      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2  
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund    $      $  1,785      $  1,912      $  1,785      $  1,785      $  1,785  
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund    $      $ 154      $ 165      $ 154      $ 154      $ 154  
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund    $      $ 95      $ 101      $ 95      $ 95      $ 95  
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund    $      $ 263      $ 282      $ 263      $ 263      $ 263  
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund    $      $ 1,166      $ 1,248      $ 1,166      $ 1,166      $ 1,166  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund    $      $ 268      $ 287      $ 268      $ 268      $ 268  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund    $ 103      $ 438      $ 471      $ 438      $ 438      $ 438  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund    $ 32      $ 140      $ 150      $ 140      $ 140      $ 140  
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund    $ 253      $ 864      $ 928      $ 864      $ 864      $ 864  
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund    $ 7      $ 28      $ 31      $ 28      $ 28      $ 28  
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund    $ 8      $ 27      $ 29      $ 27      $ 27      $ 27  
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund    $ 424      $ 1,686      $ 1,810      $ 1,686      $ 1,686      $ 1,686  
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund    $ 27      $ 113      $ 121      $ 113      $ 113      $ 113  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund    $ 2      $ 12      $ 13      $ 12      $ 12      $ 12  
FIDELITY CAPITAL TRUST                  
Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund    $ 402      $ 1,649      $ 1,771      $ 1,649      $ 1,649      $ 1,649  
Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund    $ 119      $ 477      $ 512      $ 477      $ 477      $ 477  
Fidelity Focused Stock Fund    $ 203      $ 812      $ 872      $ 812      $ 812      $ 812  
Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund3    $ 248      $ 1,495      $ 1,604      $ 1,495      $ 1,495      $ 1,495  
Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund    $ 177      $ 670      $ 719      $ 670      $ 670      $ 670  
Fidelity Value Fund4    $ 569      $ 2,522      $ 2,707      $ 2,522      $ 2,522      $ 2,522  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Equity Central Fund    $ 110      $ 651      $ 699      $ 651      $ 651      $ 651  
Fidelity Floating Rate Central Fund    $ 72      $ 638      $ 684      $ 638      $ 638      $ 638  
Fidelity High Income Central Fund    $ 36      $ 543      $ 582      $ 543      $ 543      $ 543  



Table of Contents



Vijay C.



Thomas P.



Donald F.



Vicki L.



Patricia L.



Thomas A.


Fidelity International Equity Central Fund    $ 241      $ 1,384      $ 1,485      $ 1,384      $ 1,384      $ 1,384  
Fidelity Real Estate Equity Central Fund    $ 46      $ 304      $ 327      $ 304      $ 304      $ 304  
Fidelity Specialized High Income Central Fund    $ 9      $ 106      $ 113      $ 106      $ 106      $ 106  
Fidelity U.S. Equity Central Fund    $      $ 5,031      $ 5,381      $ 5,031      $ 5,031      $ 5,031  
Fidelity® Nasdaq Composite Index® ETF    $ 481      $ 1,373      $ 1,476      $ 1,373      $ 1,373      $ 1,373  
Fidelity 500 Index Fund5    $  72,565      $  124,449      $  133,840      $  124,448      $  124,448      $  124,448  
Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund6    $ 5,477      $ 9,660      $ 10,389      $ 9,660      $ 9,660      $ 9,660  
Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund    $ 595      $ 1,014      $ 1,091      $ 1,014      $ 1,014      $ 1,014  
Fidelity Founders Fund    $ 23      $ 31      $ 34      $ 31      $ 31      $ 31  
Fidelity International Index Fund7    $ 7,101      $ 12,595      $ 13,545      $ 12,595      $ 12,595      $ 12,594  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund    $ 693      $ 939      $ 1,010      $ 939      $ 939      $ 939  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund    $ 8      $ 11      $ 12      $ 11      $ 11      $ 11  
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund8    $ 1,488      $ 2,114      $ 2,274      $ 2,114      $ 2,114      $ 2,114  
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund    $ 185      $ 251      $ 270      $ 251      $ 251      $ 251  
Fidelity® Nasdaq Composite Index® Fund    $ 1,242      $ 3,556      $ 3,822      $ 3,556      $ 3,556      $ 3,556  
Fidelity SAI International Small Cap Index Fund    $ 49      $ 213      $ 229      $ 213      $ 213      $ 213  
Fidelity SAI Japan Stock Index Fund    $ 55      $ 275      $ 295      $ 275      $ 275      $ 275  
Fidelity Series International Index Fund    $ 25      $ 102      $ 110      $ 102      $ 102      $ 102  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Core Fund    $ 20      $ 22      $ 23      $ 22      $ 22      $ 22  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund    $ 245      $ 337      $ 363      $ 337      $ 337      $ 337  
Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund    $ 9,777      $ 16,955      $ 18,235      $ 16,955      $ 16,955      $ 16,955  
Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund    $ 522      $ 740      $ 796      $ 740      $ 740      $ 740  
Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund    $ 238      $ 333      $ 358      $ 333      $ 333      $ 333  
Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund    $ 12      $ 17      $ 19      $ 17      $ 17      $ 17  
Fidelity Total Market Index Fund9    $ 12,903      $ 22,291      $ 23,974      $ 22,291      $ 22,291      $ 22,292  
Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund    $ 102      $ 413      $ 443      $ 413      $ 413      $ 413  
Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund    $ 250      $ 986      $ 1,059      $ 986      $ 986      $ 986  
Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund    $ 478      $ 1,828      $ 1,963      $ 1,828      $ 1,828      $ 1,828  
Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund    $ 1,125      $ 4,269      $ 4,584      $ 4,269      $ 4,269      $ 4,269  
FIDELITY CONTRAFUND                  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund10    $ 2,067      $ 5,038      $ 5,419      $ 5,038      $ 5,038      $ 5,038  
Fidelity Contrafund11    $ 13,208      $ 31,665      $ 34,055      $ 31,665      $ 31,665      $ 31,665  
Fidelity Contrafund K6    $ 3,173      $ 7,198      $ 7,741      $ 7,198      $ 7,198      $ 7,198  
Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund    $ 1,074      $ 2,690      $ 2,893      $ 2,690      $ 2,690      $ 2,690  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth ETF    $      $ 133      $ 143      $ 133      $ 133      $ 133  
Fidelity Blue Chip Value ETF    $      $ 39      $ 42      $ 39      $ 39      $ 39  
Fidelity Clean Energy ETF    $      $ 12      $ 13      $ 12      $ 12      $ 12  
Fidelity Cloud Computing ETF    $      $ 7      $ 7      $ 7      $ 7      $ 7  
Fidelity Crypto Industry and Digital Payments ETF    $      $ 6      $ 7      $ 6      $ 6      $ 6  
Fidelity Digital Health ETF    $      $ 3      $ 3      $ 3      $ 3      $ 3  
Fidelity Disruptive Automation ETF    $      $ 32      $ 34      $ 32      $ 32      $ 32  
Fidelity Disruptive Communications ETF    $      $ 12      $ 13      $ 12      $ 12      $ 12  
Fidelity Disruptive Finance ETF    $      $ 16      $ 17      $ 16      $ 16      $ 16  
Fidelity Disruptive Medicine ETF    $      $ 15      $ 16      $ 15      $ 15      $ 15  
Fidelity Disruptive Technology ETF    $      $ 28      $ 30      $ 28      $ 28      $ 28  
Fidelity Disruptors ETF    $      $ 33      $ 35      $ 33      $ 33      $ 33  
Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates    $      $ 175      $ 188      $ 175      $ 175      $ 175  
Fidelity Electric Vehicles and Future Transportation ETF    $      $ 14      $ 15      $ 14      $ 14      $ 14  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Multifactor ETF    $ 2      $ 7      $ 8      $ 7      $ 7      $ 7  
Fidelity Enhanced International ETF    $ 40      $ 465      $ 499      $ 465      $ 465      $ 465  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Core ETF    $ 48      $ 618      $ 662      $ 618      $ 618      $ 618  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Growth ETF    $ 62      $ 606      $ 649      $ 606      $ 606      $ 606  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Value ETF    $ 133      $ 1,730      $ 1,854      $ 1,730      $ 1,730      $ 1,730  
Fidelity Enhanced Mid Cap ETF    $ 43      $ 540      $ 579      $ 540      $ 540      $ 540  
Fidelity Enhanced Small Cap ETF    $ 54      $ 129      $ 138      $ 129      $ 129      $ 129  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Core ETF    $      $ 25      $ 27      $ 25      $ 25      $ 25  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Growth ETF    $      $ 30      $ 32      $ 30      $ 30      $ 30  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Value ETF1    $ 0      $ 4      $ 5      $ 4      $ 4      $ 4  



Table of Contents



Vijay C.



Thomas P.



Donald F.



Vicki L.



Patricia L.



Thomas A.


Fidelity Fundamental Small-Mid Cap ETF    $      $ 9      $ 10      $ 9      $ 9      $ 9  
Fidelity High Dividend ETF    $      $ 420      $ 450      $ 420      $ 420      $ 420  
Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF    $ 6      $ 84      $ 90      $ 84      $ 84      $ 84  
Fidelity International High Dividend ETF    $ 6      $ 27      $ 29      $ 27      $ 27      $ 27  
Fidelity International Multifactor ETF    $ 2      $ 7      $ 7      $ 7      $ 7      $ 7  
Fidelity International Value Factor ETF    $ 4      $ 14      $ 15      $ 14      $ 14      $ 14  
Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF    $      $ 146      $ 157      $ 146      $ 146      $ 146  
Fidelity Magellan ETF    $      $ 14      $ 15      $ 14      $ 14      $ 14  
Fidelity Metaverse ETF    $      $ 4      $ 4      $ 4      $ 4      $ 4  
Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF    $      $ 37      $ 40      $ 37      $ 37      $ 37  
Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF    $      $ 172      $ 184      $ 172      $ 172      $ 172  
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF    $      $ 330      $ 354      $ 330      $ 330      $ 330  
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF    $      $ 344      $ 368      $ 344      $ 344      $ 344  
Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF    $      $ 476      $ 510      $ 476      $ 476      $ 476  
Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF    $      $ 456      $ 488      $ 456      $ 456      $ 456  
Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF    $      $ 935      $ 1,002      $ 935      $ 935      $ 935  
Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF    $      $ 215      $ 230      $ 215      $ 215      $ 215  
Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF    $      $ 1,736      $ 1,860      $ 1,736      $ 1,736      $ 1,736  
Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF    $      $ 138      $ 147      $ 138      $ 138      $ 138  
Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF    $      $ 435      $ 465      $ 435      $ 435      $ 435  
Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF    $      $ 652      $ 698      $ 652      $ 652      $ 652  
Fidelity Preferred Securities & Income ETF    $ 1      $ 10      $ 10      $ 10      $ 10      $ 10  
Fidelity Quality Factor ETF    $      $ 83      $ 89      $ 83      $ 83      $ 83  
Fidelity Real Estate Investment ETF    $      $ 5      $ 6      $ 5      $ 5      $ 5  
Fidelity Small-Mid Multifactor ETF    $      $ 28      $ 30      $ 28      $ 28      $ 28  
Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF    $      $ 67      $ 71      $ 67      $ 67      $ 67  
Fidelity Sustainable High Yield ETF    $ 0      $ 3      $ 3      $ 3      $ 3      $ 3  
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity ETF    $      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2  
Fidelity U.S. Multifactor ETF    $      $ 7      $ 7      $ 7      $ 7      $ 7  
Fidelity Value Factor ETF    $      $ 143      $ 154      $ 143      $ 143      $ 143  
Fidelity Women’s Leadership ETF    $      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1  
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund    $ 188      $ 1,140      $ 1,223      $ 1,140      $ 1,140      $ 1,140  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund    $ 132      $ 780      $ 837      $ 780      $ 780      $ 780  
Fidelity Equity-Income Fund12    $ 1,061      $ 2,185      $ 2,350      $ 2,185      $ 2,185      $ 2,185  
Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund    $ 20      $ 45      $ 48      $ 45      $ 45      $ 45  
Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund    $ 216      $ 455      $ 489      $ 455      $ 455      $ 455  
Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund    $ 5      $ 10      $ 11      $ 10      $ 10      $ 10  
Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund    $ 429      $ 901      $ 969      $ 901      $ 901      $ 901  
Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund    $  1,397      $  2,930      $  3,152      $  2,930      $  2,930      $  2,930  
Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund    $ 1,358      $ 2,817      $ 3,030      $ 2,817      $ 2,817      $ 2,817  
Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund    $ 69      $ 143      $ 154      $ 143      $ 143      $ 143  
Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund    $ 167      $ 528      $ 567      $ 528      $ 528      $ 528  
Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund    $ 553      $ 1,790      $ 1,923      $ 1,790      $ 1,790      $ 1,790  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Central Fund    $ 247      $ 648      $ 697      $ 648      $ 648      $ 648  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Central Fund    $ 34      $ 75      $ 80      $ 75      $ 75      $ 75  
Fidelity Fund    $      $ 1,822      $ 1,949      $ 1,822      $ 1,822      $ 1,822  
Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund    $      $ 888      $ 951      $ 888      $ 888      $ 888  
Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund    $      $ 420      $ 449      $ 420      $ 420      $ 420  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund    $ 143      $ 365      $ 392      $ 365      $ 365      $ 365  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Fund    $ 48      $ 123      $ 132      $ 123      $ 123      $ 123  
Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund    $      $ 4,315      $ 4,617      $ 4,315      $ 4,315      $ 4,315  
Fidelity Canada Fund    $ 65      $ 281      $ 302      $ 281      $ 281      $ 281  
Fidelity China Region Fund    $ 71      $ 325      $ 348      $ 325      $ 325      $ 325  
Fidelity Diversified International Fund13    $ 680      $ 2,912      $ 3,126      $ 2,912      $ 2,912      $ 2,912  



Table of Contents



Vijay C.



Thomas P.



Donald F.



Vicki L.



Patricia L.



Thomas A.


Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund    $ 314      $ 1,282      $ 1,376      $ 1,282      $ 1,282      $ 1,282  
Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund    $ 68      $ 300      $ 322      $ 300      $ 300      $ 300  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund    $ 63      $ 206      $ 221      $ 206      $ 206      $ 206  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund    $ 534      $ 2,125      $ 2,281      $ 2,125      $ 2,125      $ 2,125  
Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund    $ 1      $ 4      $ 4      $ 4      $ 4      $ 4  
Fidelity Europe Fund    $ 44      $ 191      $ 205      $ 191      $ 191      $ 191  
Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund    $ 90      $ 508      $ 546      $ 508      $ 508      $ 508  
Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund    $ 12      $ 49      $ 53      $ 49      $ 49      $ 49  
Fidelity Infrastructure Fund    $ 3      $ 15      $ 16      $ 15      $ 15      $ 15  
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund    $ 322      $ 1,330      $ 1,428      $ 1,330      $ 1,330      $ 1,330  
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund    $ 78      $ 299      $ 321      $ 299      $ 299      $ 299  
Fidelity International Discovery Fund14    $ 564      $ 2,432      $ 2,611      $ 2,432      $ 2,432      $ 2,432  
Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund    $ 46      $ 181      $ 195      $ 181      $ 181      $ 181  
Fidelity International Growth Fund    $ 347      $ 1,364      $ 1,465      $ 1,364      $ 1,364      $ 1,364  
Fidelity International Small Cap Fund    $ 274      $ 1,064      $ 1,143      $ 1,064      $ 1,064      $ 1,064  
Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund    $ 77      $ 336      $ 361      $ 336      $ 336      $ 336  
Fidelity International Value Fund    $ 53      $ 220      $ 236      $ 220      $ 220      $ 220  
Fidelity Japan Fund    $ 51      $ 201      $ 215      $ 201      $ 201      $ 201  
Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund    $ 34      $ 127      $ 137      $ 127      $ 127      $ 127  
Fidelity Latin America Fund    $ 20      $ 83      $ 89      $ 83      $ 83      $ 83  
Fidelity Nordic Fund    $ 22      $ 94      $ 101      $ 94      $ 94      $ 94  
Fidelity Overseas Fund15    $ 578      $ 2,385      $ 2,560      $ 2,385      $ 2,385      $ 2,385  
Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund    $ 52      $ 230      $ 247      $ 230      $ 230      $ 230  
Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund    $ 40      $ 156      $ 167      $ 156      $ 156      $ 156  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund    $ 0      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund    $ 0      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1  
Fidelity Series Canada Fund    $ 358      $ 1,617      $ 1,736      $ 1,617      $ 1,617      $ 1,617  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund    $ 326      $ 1,047      $ 1,124      $ 1,047      $ 1,047      $ 1,047  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund    $  1,604      $  7,202      $  7,732      $  7,202      $  7,202      $  7,202  
Fidelity Series International Growth Fund    $ 977      $ 4,141      $ 4,446      $ 4,141      $ 4,141      $ 4,141  
Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund    $ 271      $ 1,142      $ 1,227      $ 1,142      $ 1,142      $ 1,142  
Fidelity Series International Value Fund    $ 997      $ 4,154      $ 4,460      $ 4,154      $ 4,154      $ 4,154  
Fidelity Series Overseas Fund    $ 979      $ 4,145      $ 4,450      $ 4,145      $ 4,145      $ 4,145  
Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund1    $ 0      $ 0      $ 0      $ 0      $ 0      $ 0  
Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund1    $ 1      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1  
Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund1    $ 1      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2  
Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund    $ 0      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1  
Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund    $ 1      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2  
Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund    $ 17      $ 77      $ 82      $ 77      $ 77      $ 77  
Fidelity Total International Equity Fund    $ 17      $ 67      $ 72      $ 67      $ 67      $ 67  
Fidelity Worldwide Fund    $ 173      $ 694      $ 745      $ 694      $ 694      $ 694  
FIDELITY MAGELLAN FUND                  
Fidelity Magellan Fund16    $ 5,229      $ 7,964      $ 8,566      $ 7,965      $ 7,965      $ 7,965  
Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund    $ 46      $ 70      $ 76      $ 70      $ 70      $ 70  
Fidelity Equity Growth K6 Fund1    $ 0      $ 0      $ 0      $ 0      $ 0      $ 0  
Fidelity Growth Company Fund17    $ 4,729      $ 13,895      $ 14,932      $  13,895      $  13,895      $  13,895  
Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund    $ 1,535      $ 4,161      $ 4,472      $ 4,161      $ 4,161      $ 4,161  
Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund    $ 305      $ 927      $ 996      $ 927      $ 927      $ 927  
Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund    $ 14      $ 42      $ 45      $ 42      $ 42      $ 42  
Fidelity® New Millennium Fund®    $ 329      $ 911      $ 980      $ 911      $ 911      $ 911  
Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund    $ 1,290      $ 4,015      $ 4,315      $ 4,015      $ 4,015      $ 4,015  
FIDELITY PURITAN TRUST                  
Fidelity Balanced Fund18    $ 973      $ 4,781      $ 12,793      $ 11,936      $ 11,936      $ 11,936  
Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund    $ 38      $ 421      $ 451      $ 421      $ 421      $ 421  
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund19    $      $ 8,556      $ 9,163      $ 8,556      $ 8,556      $ 8,556  
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund    $      $ 927      $ 993      $ 927      $ 927      $ 927  
Fidelity® Puritan® Fund20    $ 665      $ 8,332      $ 8,930      $ 8,332      $ 8,332      $ 8,332  
Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund    $ 26      $ 284      $ 304      $ 284      $ 284      $ 284  
Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund    $      $ 1,311      $ 1,401      $ 1,311      $ 1,311      $ 1,311  
Fidelity Value Discovery Fund    $      $ 890      $ 954      $ 890      $ 890      $ 890  
Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund    $      $ 54      $ 58      $ 54      $ 54      $ 54  



Table of Contents



Vijay C.



Thomas P.



Donald F.



Vicki L.



Patricia L.



Thomas A.


Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund21    $      $  12,094      $  12,953      $  12,094      $  12,094      $  12,094  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund    $      $ 2,150      $ 2,303      $ 2,150      $ 2,150      $ 2,150  
Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund    $        $ 234      $ 251      $ 234      $ 234      $ 234  
Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund22    $      $ 1,918      $ 2,054      $ 1,918      $ 1,918      $ 1,918  
Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio23    $      $ 2,439      $ 2,613      $ 2,439      $ 2,439      $ 2,439  
Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund    $      $ 605      $ 647      $ 605      $ 605      $ 605  
Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio    $      $ 529      $ 567      $ 529      $ 529      $ 529  
Fidelity OTC Portfolio24    $      $ 6,621      $ 7,090      $ 6,620      $ 6,621      $ 6,621  
Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund    $      $ 1,541      $ 1,650      $ 1,541      $ 1,541      $ 1,541  
Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund    $      $ 2,396      $ 2,567      $ 2,396      $ 2,396      $ 2,396  
Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund    $      $ 151      $ 162      $ 151      $ 151      $ 151  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund    $      $ 1,463      $ 1,567      $ 1,463      $ 1,463      $ 1,463  
Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund    $      $ 1,571      $ 1,682      $ 1,571      $ 1,571      $ 1,571  
Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund    $      $ 437      $ 469      $ 437      $ 437      $ 437  
Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund    $      $ 1,468      $ 1,572      $ 1,468      $ 1,468      $ 1,468  
Automotive Portfolio    $ 20      $ 34      $ 37      $ 34      $ 34      $ 34  
Banking Portfolio    $ 61      $ 110      $ 119      $ 110      $ 110      $ 110  
Biotechnology Portfolio25    $ 734      $ 1,393      $ 1,497      $ 1,392      $ 1,392      $ 1,392  
Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio    $ 118      $ 219      $ 235      $ 219      $ 219      $ 219  
Chemicals Portfolio    $ 103      $ 191      $ 205      $ 191      $ 191      $ 191  
Communication Services Portfolio    $ 196      $ 311      $ 335      $ 311      $ 311      $ 311  
Construction and Housing Portfolio    $ 101      $ 169      $ 182      $ 169      $ 169      $ 169  
Consumer Discretionary Portfolio    $ 80      $ 138      $ 149      $ 138      $ 138      $ 138  
Consumer Staples Portfolio    $ 262      $ 475      $ 510      $ 475      $ 475      $ 475  
Defense and Aerospace Portfolio    $ 245      $ 454      $ 488      $ 454      $ 454      $ 454  
Energy Portfolio    $ 390      $ 741      $ 796      $ 741      $ 741      $ 741  
Financials Portfolio    $ 88      $ 171      $ 184      $ 171      $ 171      $ 171  
FinTech Portfolio    $ 17      $ 32      $ 34      $ 32      $ 32      $ 32  
Gold Portfolio    $ 218      $ 171      $ 485      $ 451      $ 451      $ 451  
Health Care Portfolio    $ 1284      $ 2419      $ 2602      $ 2419      $ 2419      $ 2419  
Health Care Services Portfolio    $ 260      $ 486      $ 522      $ 486      $ 486      $ 486  
Industrials Portfolio    $ 79      $ 139      $ 150      $ 139      $ 139      $ 139  
Insurance Portfolio    $ 68      $ 486      $ 133      $ 124      $ 124      $ 124  
Fidelity International Real Estate Fund    $ 79      $ 139      $ 150      $ 139      $ 139      $ 203  
Enterprise Technology Services Portfolio    $ 326      $ 603      $ 649      $ 603      $ 603      $ 603  
Fidelity Environment and Alternative Energy Fund    $      $ 146      $ 157      $ 146      $ 146      $ 146  
Leisure Portfolio    $ 103      $ 183      $ 196      $ 183      $ 183      $ 183  
Materials Portfolio    $ 155      $ 293      $ 316      $ 293      $ 293      $ 293  
Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio    $ 987      $ 1,941      $ 2,087      $ 1,941      $ 1,941      $ 1,941  
Natural Resources Fund    $ 107      $ 206      $ 221      $ 206      $ 206      $ 206  
Pharmaceuticals Portfolio    $ 140      $ 250      $ 269      $ 250      $ 250      $ 250  
Retailing Portfolio    $ 462      $ 836      $ 899      $ 836      $ 836      $ 836  
Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio    $      $ 1,030      $ 1,102      $ 1,030      $ 1,030      $ 1,030  
Semiconductors Portfolio    $  1,856      $  3,020      $  3,247      $  3,020      $  3,020      $  3,020  
Software and IT Services Portfolio    $ 1,787      $ 3,050      $ 3,280      $ 3,050      $ 3,050      $ 3,050  
Tech Hardware Portfolio    $ 140      $ 243      $ 261      $ 243      $ 243      $ 243  
Technology Portfolio    $ 1,950      $ 3,241      $ 3,486      $ 3,241      $ 3,241      $ 3,241  
Telecommunications Portfolio    $ 30      $ 59      $ 63      $ 59      $ 59      $ 59  
Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund    $ 124      $ 274      $ 294      $ 274      $ 274      $ 274  
Transportation Portfolio    $ 95      $ 172      $ 185      $ 172      $ 172      $ 172  
Utilities Portfolio    $ 208      $ 395      $ 425      $ 395      $ 395      $ 395  
Wireless Portfolio    $ 51      $ 92      $ 99      $ 92      $ 92      $ 92  
Fidelity Agricultural Productivity Fund    $      $ 40      $ 42      $ 40      $ 40      $ 40  
Fidelity Capital & Income Fund26    $ 2,481      $ 3,412      $ 3,669      $ 3,412      $ 3,412      $ 3,412  
Fidelity Climate Action Fund    $      $ 6      $ 7      $ 6      $ 6      $ 6  
Fidelity Focused High Income Fund    $ 43      $ 61      $ 65      $ 61      $ 61      $ 61  
Fidelity Global High Income Fund    $ 16      $ 22      $ 24      $ 22      $ 22      $ 22  
Fidelity Healthy Future Fund    $ 1      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2  



Table of Contents



Vijay C.



Thomas P.



Donald F.



Vicki L.



Patricia L.



Thomas A.


Fidelity High Income Fund    $ 555      $ 785      $ 844      $ 785      $ 785      $ 785  
Fidelity New Markets Income Fund    $ 478      $ 1,268      $ 1,364      $ 1,268      $ 1,268      $ 1,268  
Fidelity SAI High Income Fund    $ 334      $ 467      $ 502      $ 467      $ 467      $ 467  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Future Fund    $      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Sector Fund    $      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund    $      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1  
Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund    $ 11      $ 67      $ 72      $ 67      $ 67      $ 67  
Fidelity Series High Income Fund    $ 261      $ 358      $ 385      $ 358      $ 358      $ 358  
Fidelity Series Sustainable U.S. Market Fund1    $ 1      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2  
Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund    $ 76      $ 117      $ 125      $ 117      $ 117      $ 117  
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund    $      $ 5      $ 5      $ 5      $ 5      $ 5  
Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund    $ 33      $ 49      $ 53      $ 49      $ 49      $ 49  
Fidelity Water Sustainability Fund    $      $ 27      $ 29      $ 27      $ 27      $ 27  
Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund    $ 31      $ 43      $ 46      $ 43      $ 43      $ 43  
FIDELITY TREND FUND                  
Fidelity Trend Fund    $ 322      $ 768      $ 826      $ 768      $ 768      $ 768  
TOTAL COMPENSATION FROM THE FUND COMPLEX(A)    $  216,667      $  530,000      $  570,000      $  530,000      $  530,000      $  530,000  



Reflects compensation received for the calendar year ended December 31, 2023, for 322 funds of 30 trusts (including Fidelity Central Investment Portfolios LLC). Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals elected voluntarily to defer a portion of their compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $128,708; Thomas P. Bostick, $120,000; Donald F. Donahue, $336,252; Vicki L. Fuller, $150,000; Thomas A. Kennedy, $156,083.



Estimated for the fund’s first full year.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $831; Thomas P. Bostick, $1,428; Donald F. Donahue, $3,635; Vicki L. Fuller, $1,785; Thomas A. Kennedy, $1,814.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $248; Thomas P. Bostick, $592; Donald F. Donahue, $1,604; Vicki L. Fuller, $740; Thomas A. Kennedy, $746.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $569; Thomas P. Bostick, $990; Donald F. Donahue, $2,707; Vicki L. Fuller, $1,238; Thomas A. Kennedy, $1,259.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $72,565; Thomas P. Bostick, $49,225; Donald F. Donahue, $133,840; Vicki L. Fuller, $59,497; Thomas A. Kennedy, $62,224.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $5,477; Thomas P. Bostick, $3,819; Donald F. Donahue, $10,389; Vicki L. Fuller, $4,620; Thomas A. Kennedy, $4,830.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $7,101; Thomas P. Bostick, $4,977; Donald F. Donahue, $13,545; Vicki L. Fuller, $6,023; Thomas A. Kennedy, $6,297.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $1,488; Thomas P. Bostick, $855; Donald F. Donahue, $2,274; Vicki L. Fuller, $1,008; Thomas A. Kennedy, $1,057.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $12,903; Thomas P. Bostick, $16,955; Donald F. Donahue, $18,235; Vicki L. Fuller, $10,658; Thomas A. Kennedy, $11,146.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $2,067; Thomas P. Bostick, $1,934; Donald F. Donahue, $5,419; Vicki L. Fuller, $2,417; Thomas A. Kennedy, $2,515.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $13,208; Thomas P. Bostick, $12,152; Donald F. Donahue, $34,055; Vicki L. Fuller, $15,190; Thomas A. Kennedy, $15,808.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $1,061; Thomas P. Bostick, $851; Donald F. Donahue, $2,350; Vicki L. Fuller, $1,047; Thomas A. Kennedy, $1,093.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $680; Thomas P. Bostick, $1,142; Donald F. Donahue, $3,126; Vicki L. Fuller, $1,427; Thomas A. Kennedy, $1,453.



Table of Contents

Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $564; Thomas P. Bostick, $954; Donald F. Donahue, $2,611; Vicki L. Fuller, $1,193; Thomas A. Kennedy, $1,214.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $578; Thomas P. Bostick, $934; Donald F. Donahue, $2,560; Vicki L. Fuller, $1,168; Thomas A. Kennedy, $1,190.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $5,229; Thomas P. Bostick, $3,192; Donald F. Donahue, $8,566; Vicki L. Fuller, $3,801; Thomas A. Kennedy, $3,982.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $4,729; Thomas P. Bostick, $5,389; Donald F. Donahue, $14,932; Vicki L. Fuller, $6,737; Thomas A. Kennedy, $6,937.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $973; Thomas P. Bostick, $4,781; Donald F. Donahue, $12,793; Vicki L. Fuller, $5,976; Thomas A. Kennedy, $5,958.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Thomas P. Bostick, $3,460; Donald F. Donahue, $9,163; Vicki L. Fuller, $4,325; Thomas A. Kennedy, $4,271.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $665; Thomas P. Bostick, $3,339; Donald F. Donahue, $8,930; Vicki L. Fuller, $4,173; Thomas A. Kennedy, $4,159.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Thomas P. Bostick, $4,889; Donald F. Donahue, $12,953; Vicki L. Fuller, $6,111; Thomas A. Kennedy, $6,038.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Thomas P. Bostick, $775; Donald F. Donahue, $2,054; Vicki L. Fuller, $969; Thomas A. Kennedy, $958.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Thomas P. Bostick, $985; Donald F. Donahue, $2,613; Vicki L. Fuller, $1,231; Thomas A. Kennedy, $1,218.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Thomas P. Bostick, $2,677; Donald F. Donahue, $7,090; Vicki L. Fuller, $3,346; Thomas A. Kennedy, $3,305.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $734; Thomas P. Bostick, $549; Donald F. Donahue, $1,497; Vicki L. Fuller, $666; Thomas A. Kennedy, $696.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Vijay Advani, $2,481; Thomas P. Bostick, $1,383; Donald F. Donahue, $3,669; Vicki L. Fuller, $1,625; Thomas A. Kennedy, $1,706.



Table of Contents






Karen B.



David M.






Michael E.


Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund    $ 1,925      $ 163      $ 2,308      $ 1,950      $ 2,058  
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund    $ 338      $ 107      $ 403      $ 344      $ 363  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund    $ 1,838      $ 689      $ 2,194      $ 1,871      $ 1,977  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund    $ 556      $ 176      $ 663      $ 565      $ 597  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund    $ 67      $ 20      $ 80      $ 68      $ 72  
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund2    $ 3,578      $ 831      $ 4,279      $ 3,635      $ 3,839  
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund    $ 280      $ 100      $ 334      $ 285      $ 301  
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund    $ 4,646      $ 1,606      $ 5,546      $ 4,728      $ 4,995  
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund    $ 561      $ 137      $ 670      $ 570      $ 602  
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund    $ 329      $ 111      $ 393      $ 335      $ 354  
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund    $ 302      $      $ 362      $ 305      $ 322  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund    $ 421      $ 167      $ 502      $ 429      $ 453  
Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund    $ 302      $ 98      $ 360      $ 307      $ 324  
Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund    $ 213      $ 69      $ 254      $ 217      $ 229  
Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund    $ 121      $ 39      $ 145      $ 123      $ 130  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund    $ 563      $ 181      $ 672      $ 573      $ 605  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund    $ 594      $ 187      $ 709      $ 605      $ 639  
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund    $ 116      $ 25      $ 138      $ 117      $ 124  
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund    $ 478      $ 161      $ 571      $ 487      $ 514  
Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund    $ 197      $ 56      $ 235      $ 201      $ 212  
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund    $ 526      $      $ 632      $ 532      $ 562  
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund    $ 128      $      $ 154      $ 129      $ 137  
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund    $ 450      $      $ 540      $ 455      $ 480  
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund    $ 158      $      $ 190      $ 160      $ 169  
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund    $ 2      $      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2  
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund    $ 1,765      $      $ 2,119      $ 1,785      $ 1,884  
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund    $ 152      $      $ 183      $ 154      $ 163  
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund    $ 94      $      $ 113      $ 95      $ 100  
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund    $ 260      $      $ 312      $ 263      $ 278  
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund    $ 1,152      $      $ 1,382      $ 1,166      $ 1,230  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund    $ 265      $      $ 318      $ 268      $ 283  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund    $ 431      $ 103      $ 516      $ 438      $ 463  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund    $ 138      $ 32      $ 165      $ 140      $ 148  
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund    $ 850      $ 253      $ 1,015      $ 864      $ 913  
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund    $ 28      $ 7      $ 33      $ 28      $ 30  
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund    $ 27      $ 8      $ 32      $ 27      $ 29  
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund    $ 1,658      $ 424      $ 1,982      $ 1,686      $ 1,780  
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund    $ 111      $ 27      $ 133      $ 113      $ 119  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund    $ 12      $ 2      $ 14      $ 12      $ 12  
Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund    $ 1,623      $ 402      $ 1,940      $ 1,649      $ 1,742  
Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund    $ 469      $ 119      $ 561      $ 477      $ 503  
Fidelity Focused Stock Fund    $ 799      $ 203      $ 955      $ 812      $ 857  
Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund3    $ 659      $ 177      $ 788      $ 670      $ 707  
Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund    $ 659      $ 177      $ 788      $ 670      $ 707  
Fidelity Value Fund4    $ 2,482      $ 569      $ 2,968      $ 2,522      $ 2,663  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Equity Central Fund    $ 641      $ 110      $ 767      $ 651      $ 687  
Fidelity Floating Rate Central Fund    $ 630      $ 72      $ 755      $ 638      $ 674  
Fidelity High Income Central Fund    $ 536      $ 36      $ 643      $ 543      $ 573  
Fidelity International Equity Central Fund    $ 1,363      $ 241      $ 1,631      $ 1,384      $ 1,461  
Fidelity Real Estate Equity Central Fund    $ 300      $ 46      $ 359      $ 304      $ 321  
Fidelity Specialized High Income Central Fund    $ 104      $ 9      $ 125      $ 106      $ 112  
Fidelity U.S. Equity Central Fund    $ 4,982      $      $ 5,991      $ 5,031      $ 5,307  
Fidelity® Nasdaq Composite Index® ETF    $  1,349      $ 481      $  1,610      $  1,373      $  1,451  



Table of Contents






Karen B.



David M.






Michael E.


Fidelity 500 Index Fund5    $  122,100      $  72,565      $  145,581      $  124,449      $  131,492  
Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund6    $ 9,478      $ 5,477      $ 11,301      $ 9,660      $ 10,207  
Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund    $ 995      $ 595      $ 1,186      $ 1,014      $ 1,072  
Fidelity Founders Fund    $ 31      $ 23      $ 37      $ 31      $ 33  
Fidelity International Index Fund7    $ 12,357      $ 7,101      $ 14,733      $ 12,595      $ 13,308  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund    $ 921      $ 693      $ 1,099      $ 939      $ 992  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund    $ 11      $ 8      $ 13      $ 11      $ 12  
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund8    $ 2,074      $ 1,488      $ 2,473      $ 2,114      $ 2,234  
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund    $ 246      $ 185      $ 294      $ 251      $ 265  
Fidelity® Nasdaq Composite Index® Fund    $ 3,494      $ 1,242      $ 4,171      $ 3,556      $ 3,757  
Fidelity SAI International Small Cap Index Fund    $ 210      $ 49      $ 251      $ 213      $ 225  
Fidelity SAI Japan Stock Index Fund    $ 271      $ 55      $ 324      $ 275      $ 290  
Fidelity Series International Index Fund    $ 101      $ 25      $ 120      $ 102      $ 108  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Core Fund    $ 21      $ 20      $ 25      $ 22      $ 23  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund    $ 331      $ 245      $ 395      $ 337      $ 357  
Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund    $ 16,635      $ 9,777      $ 19,834      $ 16,955      $ 17,915  
Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund    $ 726      $ 522      $ 866      $ 740      $ 782  
Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund    $ 326      $ 238      $ 389      $ 333      $ 352  
Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund    $ 17      $ 12      $ 20      $ 17      $ 18  
Fidelity Total Market Index Fund9    $ 21,871      $ 12,903      $ 26,077      $ 22,291      $ 23,553  
Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund    $ 406      $ 102      $ 485      $ 413      $ 436  
Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund    $ 970      $ 250      $ 1,160      $ 986      $ 1,042  
Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund    $ 1,799      $ 478      $ 2,150      $ 1,828      $ 1,931  
Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund    $ 4,200      $ 1,125      $ 5,020      $ 4,269      $ 4,509  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund10    $ 4,943      $ 2,067      $ 5,894      $ 5,038      $ 5,324  
Fidelity Contrafund11    $ 31,068      $ 13,208      $ 37,042      $ 31,665      $ 33,457  
Fidelity Contrafund K6    $ 7,062      $ 3,173      $ 8,420      $ 7,198      $ 7,605  
Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund    $ 2,639      $ 1,074      $ 3,147      $ 2,690      $ 2,842  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth ETF    $ 132      $      $ 158      $ 133      $ 141  
Fidelity Blue Chip Value ETF    $ 39      $      $ 46      $ 39      $ 41  
Fidelity Clean Energy ETF    $ 12      $      $ 14      $ 12      $ 12  
Fidelity Cloud Computing ETF    $ 7      $      $ 8      $ 7      $ 7  
Fidelity Crypto Industry and Digital Payments ETF    $ 6      $      $ 8      $ 6      $ 7  
Fidelity Digital Health ETF    $ 3      $      $ 4      $ 3      $ 3  
Fidelity Disruptive Automation ETF    $ 32      $      $ 39      $ 32      $ 34  
Fidelity Disruptive Communications ETF    $ 12      $      $ 14      $ 12      $ 13  
Fidelity Disruptive Finance ETF    $ 16      $      $ 19      $ 16      $ 17  
Fidelity Disruptive Medicine ETF    $ 15      $      $ 18      $ 15      $ 16  
Fidelity Disruptive Technology ETF    $ 28      $      $ 34      $ 28      $ 30  
Fidelity Disruptors ETF    $ 32      $      $ 39      $ 33      $ 34  
Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates    $ 173      $      $ 208      $ 175      $ 185  
Fidelity Electric Vehicles and Future Transportation ETF    $ 14      $      $ 17      $ 14      $ 15  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Multifactor ETF    $ 7      $ 2      $ 9      $ 7      $ 8  
Fidelity Enhanced International ETF    $ 459      $ 40      $ 550      $ 465      $ 491  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Core ETF    $ 610      $ 48      $ 732      $ 618      $ 652  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Growth ETF    $ 597      $ 62      $ 715      $ 606      $ 639  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Value ETF    $ 1,708      $ 133      $ 2,048      $ 1,730      $ 1,826  
Fidelity Enhanced Mid Cap ETF    $ 533      $ 43      $ 639      $ 540      $ 570  
Fidelity Enhanced Small Cap ETF    $ 126      $ 54      $ 150      $ 129      $ 136  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Core ETF    $ 24      $      $ 29      $ 25      $ 26  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Growth ETF    $ 30      $      $ 36      $ 30      $ 31  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Value ETF1    $ 4      $ 0      $ 5      $ 4      $ 5  
Fidelity Fundamental Small-Mid Cap ETF    $ 9      $      $ 11      $ 9      $ 9  
Fidelity Growth Opportunities ETF    $ 30      $      $ 36      $ 30      $ 32  
Fidelity High Dividend ETF    $ 415      $      $ 498      $ 420      $ 443  
Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF    $ 83      $ 6      $ 99      $ 84      $ 89  
Fidelity International High Dividend ETF    $ 27      $ 6      $ 32      $ 27      $ 29  
Fidelity International Multifactor ETF    $ 6      $ 2      $ 8      $ 7      $ 7  



Table of Contents






Karen B.



David M.






Michael E.


Fidelity International Value Factor ETF    $ 14      $ 4      $ 17      $ 14      $ 15  
Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF    $ 144      $      $ 173      $ 146      $ 154  
Fidelity Magellan ETF    $ 13      $      $ 16      $ 14      $ 14  
Fidelity Metaverse ETF    $ 4      $      $ 5      $ 4      $ 4  
Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF    $ 37      $      $ 44      $ 37      $ 39  
Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF    $ 170      $      $ 204      $ 172      $ 182  
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF    $ 326      $      $ 392      $ 330      $ 348  
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF    $ 340      $      $ 408      $ 344      $ 363  
Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF    $ 471      $      $ 565      $ 476      $ 503  
Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF    $ 451      $      $ 542      $ 456      $ 481  
Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF    $ 925      $      $ 1,110      $ 935      $ 987  
Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF    $ 213      $      $ 255      $ 215      $ 227  
Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF    $ 1,716      $      $ 2,059      $ 1,736      $ 1,832  
Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF    $ 136      $      $ 163      $ 138      $ 145  
Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF    $ 430      $      $ 517      $ 435      $ 459  
Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF    $ 644      $      $ 773      $ 652      $ 688  
Fidelity Preferred Securities & Income ETF    $ 10      $ 1      $ 12      $ 10      $ 10  
Fidelity Quality Factor ETF    $ 82      $      $ 98      $ 83      $ 87  
Fidelity Real Estate Investment ETF    $ 5      $      $ 6      $ 5      $ 5  
Fidelity Small-Mid Multifactor ETF    $ 27      $      $ 33      $ 28      $ 29  
Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF    $ 66      $      $ 79      $ 67      $ 70  
Fidelity Sustainable High Yield ETF    $ 3      $      $ 3      $ 3      $ 3  
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity ETF    $ 2      $      $ 3      $ 2      $ 2  
Fidelity U.S. Multifactor ETF    $ 7      $      $ 8      $ 7      $ 7  
Fidelity Value Factor ETF    $ 142      $      $ 170      $ 143      $ 151  
Fidelity Women’s Leadership ETF    $ 1      $      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1  
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund    $  1,123      $ 188      $ 1,344      $ 1,140      $ 1,203  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund    $ 769      $ 132      $ 920      $ 780      $ 823  
Fidelity Equity-Income Fund12    $ 2,144      $ 1,061      $ 2,556      $ 2,185      $ 2,309  
Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund    $ 44      $ 20      $ 52      $ 45      $ 47  
Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund    $ 446      $ 216      $ 532      $ 455      $ 480  
Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund    $ 10      $ 5      $ 12      $ 10      $ 11  
Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund    $ 884      $ 429      $ 1,055      $ 901      $ 952  
Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund    $ 2,875      $ 1,397      $ 3,428      $ 2,930      $ 3,096  
Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund    $ 2,764      $ 1,358      $ 3,295      $ 2,817      $ 2,976  
Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund    $ 141      $ 69      $ 168      $ 143      $ 152  
Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund    $ 518      $ 167      $ 619      $ 528      $ 557  
Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund    $ 1,759      $ 553      $ 2,100      $ 1,790      $ 1,891  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Central Fund    $ 636      $ 247      $ 758      $ 648      $ 685  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Central Fund    $ 73      $ 34      $ 87      $ 75      $ 79  
Fidelity Fund    $ 1,804      $      $ 2,169      $ 1,822      $ 1,922  
Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund    $ 880      $      $ 1,057      $ 888      $ 937  
Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund    $ 416      $      $ 500      $ 420      $ 443  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund    $ 358      $ 143      $ 427      $ 365      $ 385  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Fund    $ 120      $ 48      $ 144      $ 123      $ 130  
Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund    $ 4,270      $      $ 5,132      $ 4,315      $ 4,552  
Fidelity Canada Fund    $ 277      $ 65      $ 331      $ 281      $ 297  
Fidelity China Region Fund    $ 319      $ 71      $ 382      $ 325      $ 343  
Fidelity Diversified International Fund13    $ 2,865      $ 680      $ 3,425      $  2,912      $  3,075  
Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund    $ 1,261      $ 314      $ 1,507      $ 1,282      $ 1,354  
Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund    $ 295      $ 68      $ 353      $ 300      $ 317  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund    $ 202      $ 63      $ 242      $ 206      $ 218  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund    $ 2,090      $ 534      $  2,498      $ 2,125      $ 2,244  
Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund    $ 4      $ 1      $ 4      $ 4      $ 4  



Table of Contents






Karen B.



David M.






Michael E.


Fidelity Europe Fund    $ 188      $ 44      $ 225      $ 191      $ 202  
Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund    $ 500      $ 90      $ 599      $ 508      $ 537  
Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund    $ 48      $ 12      $ 58      $ 49      $ 52  
Fidelity Infrastructure Fund    $ 14      $ 3      $ 17      $ 15      $ 15  
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund    $ 1,309      $ 322      $ 1,565      $ 1,330      $ 1,405  
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund    $ 294      $ 78      $ 352      $ 299      $ 316  
Fidelity International Discovery Fund14    $ 2,394      $ 564      $ 2,862      $ 2,432      $ 2,569  
Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund    $ 178      $ 46      $ 213      $ 181      $ 191  
Fidelity International Growth Fund    $ 1,342      $ 347      $ 1,604      $ 1,364      $ 1,441  
Fidelity International Small Cap Fund    $ 1,047      $ 274      $ 1,252      $ 1,064      $ 1,124  
Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund    $ 331      $ 77      $ 396      $ 336      $ 355  
Fidelity International Value Fund    $ 216      $ 53      $ 258      $ 220      $ 232  
Fidelity Japan Fund    $ 197      $ 51      $ 236      $ 201      $ 212  
Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund    $ 125      $ 34      $ 150      $ 127      $ 134  
Fidelity Latin America Fund    $ 82      $ 20      $ 98      $ 83      $ 88  
Fidelity Nordic Fund    $ 93      $ 22      $ 111      $ 94      $ 100  
Fidelity Overseas Fund15    $ 2,346      $ 578      $ 2,805      $ 2,385      $ 578  
Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund    $ 227      $ 52      $ 271      $ 230      $ 243  
Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund    $ 153      $ 40      $ 183      $ 156      $ 165  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund    $ 1      $ 0      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund    $ 1      $ 0      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1  
Fidelity Series Canada Fund    $ 1,592      $ 358      $ 1,904      $ 1,617      $ 1,708  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund    $ 1,029      $ 326      $ 1,230      $ 1,047      $ 1,105  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund    $ 7,088      $ 1,604      $ 8,476      $ 7,202      $ 7,606  
Fidelity Series International Growth Fund    $ 4,075      $ 977      $ 4,872      $ 4,141      $ 4,373  
Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund    $ 1,124      $ 271      $ 1,343      $ 1,142      $ 1,206  
Fidelity Series International Value Fund    $ 4,088      $ 997      $ 4,887      $ 4,154      $ 4,387  
Fidelity Series Overseas Fund    $ 4,079      $ 979      $ 4,876      $ 4,145      $ 4,377  
Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund1    $      $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund1    $ 1      $ 1      $ 2      $ 1      $ 1  
Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund1    $ 2      $ 1      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2  
Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund    $ 1      $ 0      $ 2      $ 1      $ 1  
Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund    $ 2      $ 1      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2  
Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund    $ 76      $ 17      $ 90      $ 77      $ 81  
Fidelity Total International Equity Fund    $ 66      $ 17      $ 78      $ 67      $ 70  
Fidelity Worldwide Fund    $ 683      $ 173      $ 817      $ 694      $ 733  
Fidelity Magellan Fund16    $ 7,814      $ 5,229      $ 9,317      $ 7,964      $ 8,415  
Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund    $ 69      $ 46      $ 82      $ 70      $ 74  
Fidelity Equity Growth K6 Fund    $ 0      $ 0      $ 0      $ 0      $ 0  
Fidelity Growth Company Fund17    $ 13,652      $ 4,729      $ 16,299      $ 13,895      $ 14,678  
Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund    $ 4,088      $ 1,535      $ 4,879      $ 4,161      $ 4,396  
Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund    $ 911      $ 305      $ 1,088      $ 927      $ 979  
Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund    $ 41      $ 14      $ 49      $ 42      $ 44  
Fidelity® New Millennium Fund®    $ 895      $ 329      $ 1,069      $ 911      $ 963  
Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund    $ 3,945      $ 1,290      $ 4,709      $ 4,015      $ 4,242  
Fidelity Balanced Fund18    $ 11,782      $ 973      $ 14,125      $ 11,936      $ 12,599  
Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund    $ 415      $ 38      $ 497      $ 421      $ 444  
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund19    $ 8,458      $      $ 10,153      $ 8,556      $ 9,029  
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund    $ 916      $      $ 1,100      $ 927      $ 978  
Fidelity® Puritan® Fund20    $ 8,225      $ 665      $ 9,861      $ 8,332      $ 8,794  
Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund    $ 280      $ 26      $ 335      $ 284      $ 299  
Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund    $ 1,300      $      $ 1,565      $ 1,311      $ 1,383  
Fidelity Value Discovery Fund    $ 880      $      $ 1,057      $ 890      $ 940  
Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund    $ 53      $      $ 64      $ 54      $ 57  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund21    $  11,955      $      $  14,350      $  12,094      $  12,763  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund    $ 2,124      $      $ 2,549      $ 2,150      $ 2,269  
Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund    $ 232      $      $ 278      $ 234      $ 247  



Table of Contents






Karen B.



David M.






Michael E.


Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund22    $ 1,896      $      $ 2,276      $ 1,918      $ 2,024  
Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio23    $ 2,411      $      $ 2,893      $ 2,439      $ 2,574  
Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund    $ 598      $      $ 718      $ 605      $ 638  
Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio    $ 523      $      $ 628      $ 529      $ 558  
Fidelity OTC Portfolio24    $ 6,544      $      $ 7,856      $ 6,620      $ 6,986  
Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund    $ 1,524      $      $ 1,831      $ 1,541      $ 1,626  
Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund    $ 2,367      $      $ 2,840      $ 2,396      $ 2,529  
Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund    $ 150      $      $ 180      $ 151      $ 160  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund    $ 1,446      $      $ 1,737      $ 1,463      $ 1,544  
Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund    $ 1,553      $      $ 1,864      $ 1,571      $ 1,657  
Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund    $ 432      $      $ 518      $ 437      $ 462  
Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund    $ 1,451      $      $ 1,742      $ 1,468      $ 1,549  
Automotive Portfolio    $ 34      $ 20      $ 40      $ 34      $ 36  
Banking Portfolio    $ 108      $ 61      $ 129      $ 110      $ 117  
Biotechnology Portfolio25    $ 1,366      $ 734      $ 1,629      $ 1,393      $ 1,471  
Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio    $ 214      $ 118      $ 256      $ 219      $ 231  
Chemicals Portfolio    $ 187      $ 103      $ 223      $ 191      $ 202  
Communication Services Portfolio    $ 305      $ 196      $ 364      $ 311      $ 329  
Construction and Housing Portfolio    $ 166      $ 101      $ 198      $ 169      $ 179  
Consumer Discretionary Portfolio    $ 136      $ 80      $ 162      $ 138      $ 146  
Consumer Staples Portfolio    $ 466      $ 262      $ 555      $ 475      $ 501  
Defense and Aerospace Portfolio    $ 446      $ 245      $ 531      $ 454      $ 480  
Energy Portfolio    $ 727      $ 390      $ 866      $ 741      $ 783  
Financials Portfolio    $ 168      $ 88      $ 200      $ 171      $ 181  
FinTech Portfolio    $ 31      $ 17      $ 37      $ 32      $ 33  
Gold Portfolio    $ 443      $ 218      $ 528      $ 451      $ 477  
Health Care Portfolio    $ 2,374      $ 1,284      $ 2,830      $ 2,419      $ 2,556  
Health Care Services Portfolio    $ 477      $ 260      $ 568      $ 486      $ 513  
Industrials Portfolio    $ 137      $ 79      $ 163      $ 139      $ 147  
Insurance Portfolio    $ 122      $ 68      $ 145      $ 124      $ 131  
Fidelity International Real Estate Fund    $ 201      $      $ 242      $ 203      $ 215  
Enterprise Technology Services Portfolio    $ 592      $ 326      $ 706      $ 603      $ 637  
Fidelity Environment and Alternative Energy Fund    $ 143      $ 82      $ 171      $ 146      $ 154  
Leisure Portfolio    $ 179      $ 103      $ 214      $ 183      $ 193  
Materials Portfolio    $ 288      $ 155      $ 343      $ 293      $ 310  
Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio    $ 1,904      $ 987      $ 2,270      $ 1,941      $ 2,051  
Fidelity Natural Resources Fund    $ 202      $ 107      $ 241      $ 206      $ 217  
Pharmaceuticals Portfolio    $ 245      $ 140      $ 292      $ 250      $ 264  
Retailing Portfolio    $ 820      $ 462      $ 978      $ 836      $ 883  
Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio    $ 1,020      $      $ 1,225      $ 1,030      $ 1,087  
Semiconductors Portfolio    $ 2,963      $ 1,856      $ 3,532      $ 3,020      $ 3,190  
Software and IT Services Portfolio    $ 2,993      $ 1,787      $ 3,568      $ 3,050      $ 3,223  
Tech Hardware Portfolio    $ 238      $ 140      $ 284      $ 243      $ 257  
Technology Portfolio    $ 3,180      $ 1,950      $ 3,792      $ 3,241      $ 3,425  
Telecommunications Portfolio    $ 58      $ 30      $ 69      $ 59      $ 62  
Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund    $ 268      $ 124      $ 320      $ 274      $ 289  
Transportation Portfolio    $ 169      $ 95      $ 201      $ 172      $ 182  
Utilities Portfolio    $ 388      $ 208      $ 463      $ 395      $ 418  
Wireless Portfolio    $ 90      $ 51      $ 108      $ 92      $ 97  
Fidelity Agricultural Productivity Fund    $ 39      $      $ 47      $ 40      $ 42  
Fidelity Capital & Income Fund26    $  3,348      $  2,481      $  3,991      $  3,412      $  3,605  
Fidelity Climate Action Fund    $ 6      $      $ 7      $ 6      $ 7  
Fidelity Focused High Income Fund    $ 60      $ 43      $ 71      $ 61      $ 64  
Fidelity Global High Income Fund    $ 21      $ 16      $ 26      $ 22      $ 23  
Fidelity Healthy Future Fund    $ 2      $ 1      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2  
Fidelity High Income Fund    $ 770      $ 555      $ 918      $ 785      $ 830  
Fidelity New Markets Income Fund    $ 1,244      $ 478      $ 1,484      $ 1,268      $ 1,340  
Fidelity SAI High Income Fund    $ 458      $ 334      $ 546      $ 467      $ 493  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Future Fund    $ 1      $      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1  



Table of Contents






Karen B.



David M.






Michael E.


Fidelity SAI Sustainable Sector Fund    $ 2      $      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund    $ 1      $      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1  
Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund    $ 66      $ 11      $ 79      $ 67      $ 71  
Fidelity Series High Income Fund    $ 351      $ 261      $ 419      $ 358      $ 379  
Fidelity Series Sustainable U.S. Market Fund1    $ 2      $ 1      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2  
Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund    $ 114      $ 76      $ 136      $ 117      $ 123  
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund    $ 5      $      $ 6      $ 5      $ 5  
Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund    $ 48      $ 33      $ 58      $ 49      $ 52  
Fidelity Water Sustainability Fund    $ 27      $      $ 33      $ 27      $ 29  
Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund    $ 42      $ 31      $ 50      $ 43      $ 45  
FIDELITY TREND FUND               
Fidelity Trend Fund    $ 753      $ 322      $ 898      $ 768      $ 811  
TOTAL COMPENSATION FROM THE FUND COMPLEX(A)    $  520,000      $  216,667      $  620,000      $  530,000      $  560,000  



Reflects compensation received for the calendar year ended December 31, 2023, for 322 funds of 30 trusts (including Fidelity Central Investment Portfolios LLC). Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Karen Peetz: $128,708; Susan Tomasky: $180,000.



Estimated for the fund’s first full year.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Karen Peetz: $831; Susan Tomasky: $2,142.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Karen Peetz: $248; Susan Tomasky: $888.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Karen Peetz: $569; Susan Tomasky: $1,486.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Karen Peetz: $72,565; Susan Tomasky: $71,397.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Oscar Munoz: $1,332; Karen Peetz: $5,477; Susan Tomasky: $5,544.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Oscar Munoz: $1,712; Karen Peetz: $7,101; Susan Tomasky: $7,228.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Oscar Munoz: $528; Karen Peetz: $1,488; Susan Tomasky: $1,209.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Oscar Munoz: $3,095; Karen Peetz: $12,903; Susan Tomasky: $12,790.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Karen Peetz: $2,067; Susan Tomasky: $2,901.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Karen Peetz: $13,208; Susan Tomasky: $18,228.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Oscar Munoz: $145; Karen Peetz: $1,061; Susan Tomasky: $1,257.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Karen Peetz: $680; Susan Tomasky: $1,713.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Karen Peetz: $564; Susan Tomasky: $1,431.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Susan Tomasky: $1,402.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Oscar Munoz: $1,647; Karen Peetz: $5,229; Susan Tomasky: $4,561.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Karen Peetz: $4,729; Susan Tomasky: $8,084.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Karen Peetz: $973; Susan Tomasky: $7,172.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Susan Tomasky: $5,190.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Karen Peetz: $665; Susan Tomasky: $5,008.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Susan Tomasky: $7,333.



Table of Contents

Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Susan Tomasky: $1,163.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Susan Tomasky: $1,477.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Susan Tomasky: $4,015.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Oscar Munoz: $169; Karen Peetz: $734; Susan Tomasky: $800.



Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Oscar Munoz: $897; Karen Peetz: 2,481; Susan Tomasky: $1,951.



Table of Contents


The following table provides the number of meetings the Board of Trustees and each standing committee held during each of the fiscal year ends listed in the table. See Appendix A for each fund’s fiscal year end.


Year End


Board of




Fair Value


Committee I


Committee II


Brokerage, and
Proxy Voting









5/31/23   7   10   5   7   7   7   5   8   7   7
6/30/23   7   10   5   7   7   6   5   9   6   7
7/31/23   7   10   4   7   7   6   5   9   5   7
8/31/23   7   10   4   7   7   6   5   9   5   7
9/30/23   7   10   4   7   7   5   6   9   5   7
10/31/23   8   10   4   6   6   5   6   10   5   7
11/30/23   8   10   5   6   6   5   6   10   5   6
12/31/23   9   10   4   6   6   5   6   10   5   6
1/31/24   9   10   4   6   6   5   6   10   4   6
2/29/24   9   10   4   6   6   5   6   10   4   6
3/31/24   9   10   4   6   6   5   5   10   4   6
4/30/24   9   10   4   6   6   6   5   10   4   6



Table of Contents


Fees billed by PwC or Deloitte Entities in each of the last two fiscal years for services rendered to each fund are shown in the table below. Appendix A identifies the independent registered public accounting firm for each fund.

January 31, 2024A,B












All Other


Fidelity Equity-Income Fund    $ 79,100      $ 5,400      $ 38,200      $ 1,800  
Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund    $ 59,100      $      $ 9,800      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund    $ 52,700      $ 4,100      $  10,900      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund    $ 37,800      $      $ 7,400      $ 900  
Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund    $ 41,600      $      $ 7,400      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund    $ 40,700      $ 3,700      $ 15,300      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Series Sustainable U.S. Market Fund    $ 26,500      $ 1,700      $ 6,400      $ 600  
Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund    $ 43,300      $      $ 9,800      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund    $ 44,500      $ 4,100      $ 8,400      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund    $  38,500      $ 3,600      $ 8,400      $ 1,200  

January 31, 2023A,B












All Other


Fidelity Equity-Income Fund    $  63,000      $ 5,000      $  18,200      $ 1,700  
Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund    $ 45,800      $      $ 10,200      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund    $ 45,000      $ 3,800      $ 10,000      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund    $ 35,700      $      $ 7,800      $ 900  
Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund    $ 41,700      $      $ 8,100      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund    $ 40,200      $ 3,300      $ 8,100      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Series Sustainable U.S. Market Fund    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund    $ 43,100      $      $ 10,000      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund    $ 44,700      $ 3,800      $ 8,400      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund    $ 38,500      $ 3,300      $ 8,400      $ 1,200  

February 29, 2024A,C












All Other


Fidelity 500 Index Fund    $  112,100      $ 5,500      $  27,300      $ 1,800  
Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund    $ 42,800      $      $ 9,500      $ 1,100  
Automotive Portfolio    $ 28,800      $ 2,700      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Banking Portfolio    $ 29,000      $ 2,800      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Biotechnology Portfolio    $ 81.700      $ 6,900      $ 7,100      $ 2,300  
Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio    $ 29,200      $ 2,800      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Chemicals Portfolio    $ 29,300      $ 2,700      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Communication Services Portfolio    $ 33,700      $ 3,200      $ 7,500      $ 1,100  
Consumer Discretionary Portfolio    $ 28,600      $ 2,700      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Consumer Staples Portfolio    $ 35,000      $ 3,200      $ 6,800      $ 1,000  
Construction and Housing Portfolio    $ 28,400      $ 2,700      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Defense and Aerospace Portfolio    $  29,300      $ 2,800      $ 7,500      $ 900  
Energy Portfolio    $ 30,000      $ 2,800      $ 7,100      $ 900  
Fidelity Enhanced Small Cap ETF    $ 39,200      $      $ 9,800-      $ 100  



Table of Contents










All Other


Enterprise Technology Services Portfolio    $ 29,500      $ 2,800      $ 7,500      $ 900  
Environment and Alternative Energy Fund    $ 28,600      $ 2,700      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund    $ 87,200      $ 5,700      $ 29,800      $ 1,900  
Financials Portfolio    $ 29,700      $ 2,800      $ 6,800      $ 900  
FinTech Portfolio    $ 29,200      $ 2,800      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Gold Portfolio    $  49,400      $ 5,000      $ 15,100      $ 1,700  
Health Care Portfolio    $ 41,000      $ 3,700      $ 6,800      $ 1,200  
Health Care Services Portfolio    $ 28,200      $ 2,700      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Industrials Portfolio    $ 28,600      $ 2,700      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Insurance Portfolio    $ 29,200      $ 2,800      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Fidelity International Index Fund    $ 72,100      $ 5,900      $  80,500      $ 1,900  
Leisure Portfolio    $ 29,200      $ 2,800      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Materials Portfolio    $ 35,000      $ 3,200      $ 6,800      $ 1,100  
Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio    $ 28,500      $ 2,700      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Fidelity Natural Resources Fund    $ 28100      $ 2,700      $ 6.800      $ 900  
Retailing Portfolio    $ 30,100      $ 2,800      $ 7,500      $ 900  
Pharmaceuticals Portfolio    $ 28,500      $ 2,700      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Semiconductors Portfolio    $ 29,900      $ 2,800      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund    $ 61,900      $ 5,600      $ 14,200      $ 1,900  
Software and IT Services Portfolio    $ 29,000      $ 2,700      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Tech Hardware Portfolio    $ 29,800      $ 2,800      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Technology Portfolio    $ 33,300      $ 2,900      $ 8,200      $ 1,000  
Telecommunications Portfolio    $ 33,100      $ 3,300      $ 6,800      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Total Market Index Fund    $ 67,500      $ 6,000      $ 14,700      $ 2,000  
Transportation Portfolio    $ 28,800      $ 2,700      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Utilities Portfolio    $ 29,400      $ 2,800      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Wireless Portfolio    $ 28,100      $ 2,700      $ 6,800      $ 900  

February 28, 2023A,C












All Other


Fidelity 500 Index Fund    $  70,400      $ 5,100      $  18,300      $ 1,800  
Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund    $ 42,800      $      $ 9,300      $ 1,100  
Automotive Portfolio    $ 28,900      $ 2,600      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Banking Portfolio    $ 29,100      $ 2,600      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Biotechnology Portfolio    $ 82,500      $ 6,400      $ 19,600      $  2,200  
Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio    $ 29,300      $ 2,600      $ 7,600      $ 900  
Chemicals Portfolio    $ 28,700      $ 2,500      $ 7,600      $ 900  
Communication Services Portfolio    $ 34,600      $ 3,000      $ 6,800      $ 1,000  
Consumer Discretionary Portfolio    $ 28,700      $ 2,500      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Consumer Staples Portfolio    $ 35,000      $ 3,000      $ 7,000      $ 1,000  
Construction and Housing Portfolio    $ 28,500      $ 2,500      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Defense and Aerospace Portfolio    $ 29,300      $ 2,600      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Energy Portfolio    $ 32,900      $ 2,600      $ 12,100      $ 900  
Fidelity Enhanced Small Cap ETF    $      $      $      $  
Enterprise Technology Services Portfolio    $ 29,500      $ 2,600      $ 8,200      $ 900  
Environment and Alternative Energy Fund    $ 28,700      $ 2,500      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund    $ 72,000      $ 5,300      $ 14,800      $ 1,800  
Financials Portfolio    $ 29,800      $ 2,600      $ 7,600      $ 900  



Table of Contents










All Other


FinTech Portfolio    $  29,300      $ 2,600      $ 7,600      $ 900  
Gold Portfolio    $ 50,200      $ 4,600      $  15,300      $  1,600  
Health Care Portfolio    $ 41,500      $ 3,500      $ 7,400      $ 1,200  
Health Care Services Portfolio    $ 28,900      $ 2,600      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Industrials Portfolio    $ 28,700      $ 2,500      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Insurance Portfolio    $ 29,300      $ 2,600      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Fidelity International Index Fund    $ 61,800      $ 5,500      $ 50,900      $ 1,900  
Leisure Portfolio    $ 29,300      $ 2,600      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Materials Portfolio    $ 35,000      $ 3,000      $ 6,800      $ 1,000  
Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio    $ 28,900      $ 2,600      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Fidelity Natural Resources Fund    $ 28,200      $ 2,500      $ 7,600      $ 900  
Retailing Portfolio    $ 29,300      $ 2,600      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Pharmaceuticals Portfolio    $ 28,700      $ 2,500      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Semiconductors Portfolio    $ 29,500      $ 2,600      $ 8,900      $ 900  
Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund    $ 58,600      $ 5,100      $ 14,800      $ 1,800  
Software and IT Services Portfolio    $ 28,500      $ 2,500      $ 7,600      $ 900  
Tech Hardware Portfolio    $ 32,800      $ 2,600      $ 8,900      $ 900  
Technology Portfolio    $ 33,300      $ 2,900      $ 8,200      $ 1,000  
Telecommunications Portfolio    $ 34,400      $ 3,000      $ 6,800      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Total Market Index Fund    $ 63,000      $ 5,500      $ 14,700      $ 1,900  
Transportation Portfolio    $ 31,900      $ 2,600      $ 8,900      $ 900  
Utilities Portfolio    $ 29,400      $ 2,600      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Wireless Portfolio    $ 29,400      $ 2,600      $ 6,800      $ 900  

March 31, 2023A












All Other


Fidelity Magellan Fund    $  84,200      $ 6,300      $  83,400      $  2,200  
Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund    $ 68,100      $ 5,200      $ 15,600      $ 1,800  

March 31, 2022A












All Other


Fidelity Magellan Fund    $  72,400      $ 6,600      $  20,300      $  2,200  
Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund    $ 57,900      $ 6,000      $ 12,000      $ 2,000  

April 30, 2023A,D












All Other


Fidelity Capital & Income Fund    $  101,000      $ 8,100      $  12,200      $  2,800  
Fidelity Focused High Income Fund    $ 63,200      $ 5,200      $ 8,800      $ 1,800  
Fidelity Founders Fund    $ 29,700      $ 2,600      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Fidelity Healthy Future Fund    $ 25,100      $ 2,200      $ 7,700      $ 700  
Fidelity High Income Fund    $ 85,400      $ 6,700      $ 14,800      $ 2,300  
Fidelity Global High Income Fund    $ 81,800      $ 6,600      $ 9,500      $ 2,300  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund    $ 43,900      $      $ 9,400      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund    $ 43,600      $      $ 7,900      $ 1,000  



Table of Contents










All Other


Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund    $  71,800      $      $ 9,600      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund    $ 59,000      $ 3,400      $ 7,700      $ 1,200  
Fidelity SAI High Income Fund    $ 79,600      $ 5,900      $  15,000      $  2,000  
Fidelity Series High Income Fund    $ 52,600      $      $ 9,700      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Core Fund    $ 34,800      $      $ 7,700      $ 400  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund    $ 39,600      $      $ 7,400      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund    $ 55,300      $      $ 9,700      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund    $ 41,600      $      $ 7,400      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund    $ 44,900      $      $ 9,400      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund    $ 45,000      $      $ 8,000      $ 1,000  
Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund    $ 25,500      $ 2,500      $ 15,000      $ 2,000  
Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund    $ 39,600      $      $ 7,400      $ 1,000  

April 30, 2022A,D,E












All Other


Fidelity Capital & Income Fund    $  96,000      $ 8,800      $  12,100      $  2,900  
Fidelity Focused High Income Fund    $ 60,400      $ 5,700      $ 8,300      $ 1,900  
Fidelity Founders Fund    $ 28,400      $ 2,700      $ 6,500      $ 900  
Fidelity Healthy Future Fund    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity High Income Fund    $ 76,500      $ 8,000      $ 15,500      $ 2,600  
Fidelity Global High Income Fund    $ 77,900      $ 5,800      $ 9,600      $ 1,900  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund    $ 40,600      $      $ 7,300      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund    $ 43,700      $      $ 7,600      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund    $ 58,200      $      $ 9,100      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund    $ 47,300      $ 3,500      $ 13,500      $ 1,100  
Fidelity SAI High Income Fund    $ 62,400      $ 5,400      $ 11,600      $ 1,800  
Fidelity Series High Income Fund    $ 52,300      $      $ 9,300      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Core Fund    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund    $ 39,800      $      $ 7,100      $ 900  
Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund    $ 54,900      $      $ 9,300      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund    $ 41,800      $      $ 7,100      $ 900  
Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund    $ 44,800      $      $ 7,100      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund    $ 48,700      $      $ 7,100      $ 1,000  
Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund    $ 24,400      $ 2,600      $ 12,100      $ 900  
Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund    $ 39,200      $      $ 7,100      $ 900  

May 30, 2023A,F












All Other


Fidelity Agricultural Productivity Fund    $  30,600      $      $  7,400      $  800  
Fidelity Climate Action Fund    $ 38,900      $      $ 7,400      $ 900  
Fidelity Disruptive Automation ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Disruptive Communications ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Disruptive Finance ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Disruptive Medicine ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Disruptive Technology ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Disruptors ETF    $      $      $      $  



Table of Contents










All Other


Fidelity SAI Sustainable Future Fund    $  29,200      $ 2,400      $  7,000      $  800  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Sector Fund    $ 29,200      $ 2,400      $ 7,000      $ 800  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund    $ 29,200      $ 2,400      $ 7,000      $ 800  
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund    $ 38,900      $      $ 7,400      $ 900  
Fidelity Water Sustainability Fund    $ 36,700      $      $ 7,400      $ 900  

May 30, 2022A,F,G,H









All Other


Fidelity Agricultural Productivity Fund    $  30,200      $      $  7,100      $  700  
Fidelity Climate Action Fund    $ 32,400      $      $ 7,100      $ 800  
Fidelity Disruptive Automation ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Disruptive Communications ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Disruptive Finance ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Disruptive Medicine ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Disruptive Technology ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Disruptors ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Future Fund    $ 20,400      $ 200      $ 6,100      $ 100  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Sector Fund    $ 20,400      $ 200      $ 6,100      $ 100  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund    $ 20,400      $ 200      $ 6,100      $ 100  
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund    $ 32,400      $      $ 7,100      $ 800  
Fidelity Water Sustainability Fund    $ 39,300      $      $ 7,300      $ 800  

June 30, 2023A












All Other


Fidelity Clean Energy ETF    $  14,400      $      $ 4,000      $ 300  
Fidelity Cloud Computing ETF    $ 14,400      $      $ 4,000      $ 300  
Fidelity Crypto Industry and Digital Payments ETF    $ 14,600      $      $ 4,300      $ 300  
Fidelity Digital Health ETF    $ 14,400      $      $ 4,000      $ 300  
Fidelity Electric Vehicles and Future Transportation ETF    $ 14,400      $      $ 4,000      $ 300  
Fidelity Fund    $ 48,900      $ 4,200      $  10,900      $  1,400  
Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund    $ 36,800      $ 3,300      $ 12,600      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund    $ 44,400      $ 3,900      $ 17,900      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Metaverse ETF    $ 14,600      $      $ 4,300      $ 300  
Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund    $ 41,600      $ 3,900      $ 17,900      $ 1,300  
Fidelity U.S. Equity Central Fund    $ 50,000      $      $ 8,000      $ 1,100  

June 30, 2022A,I












All Other


Fidelity Clean Energy ETF    $  11,100      $      $ 5,000      $ 200  
Fidelity Cloud Computing ETF    $ 11,100      $      $ 5,000      $ 200  
Fidelity Crypto Industry and Digital Payments ETF    $ 8,800      $      $ 3,700      $  
Fidelity Digital Health ETF    $ 11,100      $      $ 5,000      $ 200  
Fidelity Electric Vehicles and Future Transportation ETF    $ 11,100      $      $ 5,000      $ 200  
Fidelity Fund    $ 49,600      $ 4,500      $  10,400      $  1,500  



Table of Contents










All Other


Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund    $  35,100      $ 3,400      $  9,100      $  1,100  
Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund    $ 42,200      $ 3,900      $ 8,500      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Metaverse ETF    $ 8,800      $      $ 3,700      $  
Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund    $ 38,700      $ 3,600      $ 8,300      $ 1,200  
Fidelity U.S. Equity Central Fund    $ 46,700      $      $ 9,900      $ 1,000  

July 31, 2023A,J












All Other


Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund    $  51,900      $      $ 7,200      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth ETF    $ 14,900      $      $ 4,600      $ 500  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund    $ 92,900      $      $ 9,200      $ 1,600  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund    $ 67,000      $      $ 5,700      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Blue Chip Value ETF    $ 14,900      $      $ 4,600      $ 500  
Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund    $ 44,400      $ 3,900      $ 9,700      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund    $ 34,500      $      $ 8,700      $ 900  
Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates    $ 11,900      $      $ 4,600      $ 400  
Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund    $ 53,400      $ 4,600      $ 8,800      $ 1,600  
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund    $ 36,500      $      $ 10,000      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund    $ 36,400      $      $ 9,700      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund    $ 43,900      $      $ 8,900      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio    $ 60,600      $ 5,300      $  28,200      $  1,800  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Core ETF    $ 14,900      $      $ 4,600      $ 500  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Growth ETF    $ 13,200      $      $ 3,200      $ 300  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Value ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Fundamental Small-Mid Cap ETF    $ 13,200      $      $ 3,200      $ 300  
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund    $ 36,400      $      $ 8,900      $ 1,000  
Fidelity High Dividend ETF    $ 12,000      $      $ 4,600      $ 400  
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund    $ 35,400      $      $ 8,700      $ 900  
Fidelity International Real Estate Fund    $ 43,800      $      $ 8,600      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund    $ 44,400      $ 4,100      $ 11,100      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund    $ 45,800      $ 4,200      $ 11,100      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF    $ 11,700      $      $ 4,400      $ 400  
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund    $ 97,300      $ 6,200      $ 92,700      $ 2,100  
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund    $ 83,100      $      $ 12,800      $ 1,800  
Fidelity Magellan ETF    $ 13,200      $      $ 3,200      $ 300  
Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF    $ 11,700      $      $ 4,400      $ 400  
Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF    $ 14,000      $      $ 3,800      $ 400  
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF    $ 14,000      $      $ 3,800      $ 400  
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF    $ 14,000      $      $ 3,800      $ 400  
Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF    $ 14,000      $      $ 3,800      $ 400  
Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF    $ 14,000      $      $ 3,800      $ 400  
Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF    $ 14,100      $      $ 3,800      $ 400  
Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF    $ 14,000      $      $ 3,800      $ 400  
Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF    $ 14,100      $      $ 3,800      $ 400  
Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF    $ 14,000      $      $ 3,800      $ 400  
Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF    $ 14,000      $      $ 3,800      $ 400  
Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF    $ 14,100      $      $ 3,800      $ 400  
Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio    $ 76,900      $      $ 8,900      $ 1,500  



Table of Contents










All Other


Fidelity OTC Portfolio    $ 78,600      $      $ 10,600      $ 1,600  
Fidelity Quality Factor ETF    $ 11,700      $      $ 4,400      $ 400  
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund    $ 38,500      $      $ 8,700      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund    $ 82,200      $      $ 8,700      $ 1,900  
Fidelity Real Estate Investment ETF    $ 13,200      $      $ 3,200      $ 300  
Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio    $ 38,100      $      $ 8,600      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund    $ 34,500      $      $ 7,200      $ 900  
Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund    $ 65,500      $      $ 7,400      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund    $ 54,800      $      $ 10,300      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund    $ 72,200      $      $ 8,700      $ 1,700  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund    $  39,500      $      $ 7,200      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund    $ 50,700      $ 3,900      $ 21,300      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund    $ 47,900      $ 3,600      $ 8,500      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund    $ 46,000      $ 4,000      $ 8,800      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Small-Mid Multifactor ETF    $ 14,500      $      $ 4,900      $ 500  
Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF    $ 14,000      $      $ 3,800      $ 400  
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity ETF    $ 13,600      $      $ 3,700      $ 300  
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund    $ 38,100      $      $ 8,900      $  1,000  
Fidelity U.S. Multifactor ETF    $ 14,900      $      $ 4,600      $ 500  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund    $ 34,100      $      $ 8,900      $ 900  
Fidelity Value Discovery Fund    $ 38,400      $      $  10,000      $ 900  
Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund    $ 36,800      $      $ 8,200      $ 900  
Fidelity Value Factor ETF    $ 11,700      $      $ 4,400      $ 400  
Fidelity Women’s Leadership ETF    $ 13,600      $      $ 3,700      $ 300  

July 31, 2022A,G,H,I












All Other


Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund    $  51,600      $      $ 7,100      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth ETF    $ 14,400      $      $ 4,600      $ 500  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund    $ 81,900      $      $ 9,400      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund    $ 55,900      $      $ 5,900      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Blue Chip Value ETF    $ 14,400      $      $ 4,600      $ 500  
Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund    $ 42,400      $ 3,900      $ 8,300      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund    $ 34,100      $      $ 8,500      $ 900  
Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates    $ 11,700      $      $ 4,600      $ 400  
Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund    $ 50,700      $ 4,500      $ 9,100      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund    $ 36,000      $      $ 9,900      $ 900  
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund    $ 35,900      $      $ 9,700      $ 900  
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund    $ 43,500      $      $ 8,700      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio    $ 57,400      $ 5,200      $  10,700      $  1,700  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Core ETF    $ 14,400      $      $ 4,600      $ 500  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Growth ETF    $ 12,200      $      $ 4,000      $ 300  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Value ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Fundamental Small-Mid Cap ETF    $ 12,200      $      $ 4,000      $ 300  
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund    $ 35,800      $      $ 9,000      $ 900  
Fidelity High Dividend ETF    $ 11,700      $      $ 4,600      $ 400  
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund    $ 35,000      $      $ 8,500      $ 900  
Fidelity International Real Estate Fund    $ 43,400      $      $ 9,000      $ 1,000  



Table of Contents










All Other


Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund    $ 42,400      $ 4,100      $ 10,600      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund    $ 43,700      $ 4,200      $ 11,200      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF    $ 11,400      $      $ 4,400      $ 400  
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund    $ 86,500      $ 6,100      $ 29,100      $ 2,000  
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund    $ 64,100      $ 5,300      $ 15,600      $ 1,800  
Fidelity Magellan ETF    $ 12,200      $      $ 4,000      $ 300  
Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF    $ 11,400      $      $ 4,400      $ 400  
Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF    $ 12,900      $      $ 4,600      $ 300  
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF    $ 12,900      $      $ 4,600      $ 300  
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF    $ 12,900      $      $ 4,600      $ 300  
Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF    $ 12,900      $      $ 4,600      $ 300  
Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF    $ 12,900      $      $ 4,600      $ 300  
Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF    $ 12,900      $      $ 4,600      $ 300  
Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF    $  12,900      $      $ 4,600      $ 300  
Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF    $ 12,900      $      $ 4,600      $ 300  
Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF    $ 12,900      $      $ 4,600      $ 300  
Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF    $ 12,900      $      $ 4,600      $ 300  
Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF    $ 12,900      $      $ 4,600      $ 300  
Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio    $ 75,300      $      $ 8,700      $ 1,400  
Fidelity OTC Portfolio    $ 82,100      $      $  10,500      $  1,500  
Fidelity Quality Factor ETF    $ 11,400      $      $ 4,400      $ 400  
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund    $ 38,000      $      $ 8,500      $ 900  
Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund    $ 81,500      $      $ 9,300      $ 1,800  
Fidelity Real Estate Investment ETF    $ 12,200      $      $ 4,000      $ 300  
Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio    $ 37,600      $      $ 8,400      $ 900  
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund    $ 33,900      $      $ 7,400      $ 800  
Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund    $ 64,900      $      $ 7,600      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund    $ 54,100      $      $ 10,300      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund    $ 71,600      $      $ 8,600      $ 1,600  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund    $ 39,100      $      $ 7,600      $ 900  
Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund    $ 43,100      $ 3,900      $ 10,800      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund    $ 38,600      $ 3,600      $ 8,100      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund    $ 43,800      $ 4,000      $ 9,100      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Small-Mid Multifactor ETF    $ 14,200      $      $ 4,900      $ 500  
Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF    $ 12,900      $      $ 4,600      $ 300  
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity ETF    $ 12,500      $      $ 4,500      $ 400  
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund    $ 37,400      $      $ 8,700      $ 900  
Fidelity U.S. Multifactor ETF    $ 14,400      $      $ 4,600      $ 500  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund    $ 33,700      $      $ 8,700      $ 800  
Fidelity Value Discovery Fund    $ 35,100      $      $ 8,000      $ 900  
Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund    $ 33,800      $      $ 8,300      $ 800  
Fidelity Value Factor ETF    $ 11,400      $      $ 4,400      $ 400  
Fidelity Women’s Leadership ETF    $ 12,500      $      $ 4,500      $ 400  

August 31, 2023A,I












All Other


Fidelity Balanced Fund    $  108,600      $ 7,200      $  43,900      $ 2,400  
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund    $ 79,500      $      $ 13,200      $  2,000  



Table of Contents










All Other


Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund    $ 88,200      $ 5,500      $ 17,600      $ 1,900  
Fidelity Enhanced International ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Core ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Growth ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Value ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Enhanced Mid Cap ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity High Income Central Fund    $ 49,600      $      $ 9,700      $ 1,300  
Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF    $ 37,900      $      $ 7,600      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Preferred Securities & Income ETF    $ 38,200      $      $ 7,600      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Puritan Fund    $  145,200      $ 10,300      $  49,400      $  3,500  
Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund    $ 86,200      $ 5,800      $ 17,200      $ 2,000  
Fidelity Specialized High Income Central Fund    $ 53,300      $      $ 9,700      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Sustainable High Yield ETF    $ 37,100      $      $ 7,700      $ 1,100  

August 31, 2022A,I,K












All Other


Fidelity Balanced Fund    $ 94,300      $ 7,000      $ 44,300      $ 2,400  
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund    $ 79,800      $      $ 13,300      $ 1,800  
Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund    $ 71,400      $ 5,500      $ 21,400      $ 1,900  
Fidelity Enhanced International ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Core ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Growth ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Value ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Enhanced Mid Cap ETF    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity High Income Central Fund    $ 50,400      $      $ 9,600      $ 1,200  
Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF    $ 36,300      $      $ 7,400      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Preferred Securities & Income ETF    $ 36,400      $      $ 7,400      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Puritan Fund    $  143,200      $ 10,100      $  149,500      $  3,400  
Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund    $ 66,000      $ 5,900      $ 20,700      $ 2,000  
Fidelity Specialized High Income Central Fund    $ 54,000      $      $ 9,400      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Sustainable High Yield ETF    $ 30,600      $      $ 7,100      $ 600  

September 30, 2023A












All Other


Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund    $  53,200      $      $  10,500      $  1,400  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund    $ 62,700      $      $ 10,800      $ 1,600  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Equity Central Fund    $ 40,800      $      $ 10,800      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Floating Rate Central Fund    $ 76,300      $      $ 9,700      $ 1,800  
Fidelity International Equity Central Fund    $ 46,000      $      $ 11,000      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Real Estate Equity Central Fund    $ 38,400      $      $ 8,900      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund    $ 66,500      $      $ 9,700      $ 1,600  
Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund    $ 28,100      $      $ 7,800      $ 800  

September 30, 2022A












All Other


Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund    $  52,500      $      $  10,000      $  1,300  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund    $ 62,000      $      $ 10,300      $ 1,400  



Table of Contents










All Other


Fidelity Emerging Markets Equity Central Fund    $  40,200      $      $  10,300      $  1,000  
Fidelity Floating Rate Central Fund    $ 75,700      $      $ 9,100      $ 1,700  
Fidelity International Equity Central Fund    $ 45,300      $      $ 10,300      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Real Estate Equity Central Fund    $ 37,900      $      $ 8,500      $ 900  
Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund    $ 66,000      $      $ 9,100      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund    $ 27,500      $      $ 9,300      $ 700  

October 31, 2023A,L












All Other


Fidelity Canada Fund    $  51,400      $ 4,700      $  11,500      $  1,600  
Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund    $ 47,400      $ 4,200      $ 14,900      $ 1,400  
Fidelity China Region Fund    $ 63,300      $ 5,600      $ 11,500      $ 1,900  
Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund    $ 44,700      $ 4,000      $ 8,200      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Diversified International Fund    $ 53,600      $      $ 12,300      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund    $  50,100      $ 4,800      $  41,300      $  1,600  
Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund    $ 50,700      $      $ 12,500      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund    $ 55,400      $ 5,000      $ 11,500      $ 1,700  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund    $ 57,900      $ 5,300      $ 13,100      $ 1,800  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund    $ 51,700      $ 4,700      $ 11,500      $ 1,600  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund    $ 54,700      $ 5,200      $ 12,700      $ 1,700  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Multifactor ETF    $ 19,100      $      $ 3,800      $ 400  
Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund    $ 29,700      $ 2,700      $ 6,800      $ 900  
Fidelity Europe Fund    $ 58,900      $ 5,300      $ 19,900      $ 1,800  
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund    $ 78,200      $      $ 9,700      $ 1,900  
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund    $ 42,000      $      $ 12,300      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Focused Stock Fund    $ 29,300      $ 2,800      $ 23,800      $ 900  
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund    $ 49,200      $ 4,700      $ 13,100      $ 1,600  
Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund    $ 37,300      $ 3,300      $ 6,500      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund    $ 44,500      $      $ 10,000      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund    $ 42,900      $ 4,100      $ 11,500      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund    $ 66,100      $      $ 9,700      $ 1,600  
Fidelity Infrastructure Fund    $ 38,300      $ 3,500      $ 8,500      $ 1,200  
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund    $ 49,800      $      $ 12,000      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund    $ 51,100      $      $ 12,000      $ 1,300  
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund    $ 49,300      $      $ 11,900      $ 1,300  
Fidelity International Discovery Fund    $ 87,400      $ 5,900      $ 51,500      $ 2,000  
Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund    $ 46,200      $      $ 12,300      $ 1,200  
Fidelity International Growth Fund    $ 50,300      $ 4,600      $ 16,200      $ 1,600  
Fidelity International High Dividend ETF    $ 19,100      $      $ 3,800      $ 400  
Fidelity International Multifactor ETF    $ 19,100      $      $ 3,800      $ 400  
Fidelity International Small Cap Fund    $ 56,000      $      $ 12,000      $ 1,500  
Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund    $ 49,900      $      $ 9,700      $ 1,300  
Fidelity International Value Factor ETF    $ 19,100      $      $ 3,800      $ 400  
Fidelity International Value Fund    $ 48,600      $      $ 9,400      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Japan Fund    $ 54,200      $ 5,000      $ 11,500      $ 1,700  
Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund    $ 45,400      $ 4,300      $ 11,500      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Latin America Fund    $ 56,500      $ 5,100      $ 11,500      $ 1,700  
Fidelity Nordic Fund    $ 44,800      $ 4,200      $ 28,500      $ 1,400  



Table of Contents










All Other


Fidelity Overseas Fund    $ 57,600      $ 5,300      $ 23,700      $ 1,800  
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund    $ 58,000      $ 5,400      $ 28,400      $ 1,800  
Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund    $ 55,100      $ 5,200      $ 14,300      $ 1,700  
Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund    $ 46,300      $      $ 12,200      $ 1,300  
Fidelity SAI International Small Cap Index Fund    $ 45,500      $      $ 9,600      $ 1,200  
Fidelity SAI Japan Stock Index Fund    $ 51,300      $ 4,700      $ 11,600      $ 1,600  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund    $ 39,500      $      $ 10,600      $ 1,000  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund    $ 33,800      $      $ 10,000      $ 900  
Fidelity Series Canada Fund    $ 51,400      $ 4,400      $ 17,100      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund    $ 42,900      $      $ 12,300      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund    $ 43,200      $      $ 12,300      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Series International Growth Fund    $ 47,100      $ 3,900      $ 47,400      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Series International Index Fund    $ 57,200      $      $ 10,000      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund    $ 41,500      $      $ 9,400      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Series International Value Fund    $ 43,100      $      $ 9,400      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Series Overseas Fund    $ 44,500      $      $ 10,000      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund    $ 36,100      $      $ 9,600      $ 900  
Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund    $ 35,200      $      $ 10,100      $ 400  
Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund    $ 35,300      $      $ 10,100      $ 400  
Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund    $  43,800      $      $ 7,700      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund    $ 50,500      $ 4,600      $  14,400      $  1,600  
Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund    $ 47,400      $      $ 12,300      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund    $ 62,700      $ 5,400      $ 10,600      $ 1,800  
Fidelity Total International Equity Fund    $ 52,300      $      $ 11,800      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Value Fund    $ 52,800      $ 4,900      $ 15,800      $ 1,700  
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund    $ 42,700      $      $ 9,700      $ 1,600  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund    $ 35,800      $ 3,600      $ 12,100      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Worldwide Fund    $ 49,700      $      $ 9,700      $ 1,300  
Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund    $ 62,100      $      $ 7,900      $ 1,500  
Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund    $ 52,200      $      $ 10,000      $ 1,300  
Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund    $ 43,000      $      $ 7,900      $ 1,100  
Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund    $ 39,500      $      $ 7,700      $ 1,000  

October 31, 2022A,F,L,M












All Other


Fidelity Canada Fund    $ 48,900      $ 4,500      $ 10,900      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund    $  45,100      $ 4,000      $ 8,900      $ 1,400  
Fidelity China Region Fund    $ 60,300      $ 5,400      $ 10,900      $ 1,800  
Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund    $ 42,700      $ 3,800      $ 7,800      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Diversified International Fund    $ 71,100      $      $ 11,400      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund    $ 71,100      $      $  11,400      $  1,300  
Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund    $ 65,200      $      $ 11,400      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund    $ 52,800      $ 4,800      $ 11,800      $ 1,600  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund    $ 55,300      $ 5,100      $ 13,300      $ 1,700  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund    $ 46,300      $ 4,300      $ 10,900      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund    $ 77,300      $ 5,800      $ 13,300      $ 2,000  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Multifactor ETF    $ 16,300      $      $ 4,600      $ 400  
Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund    $ 28,400      $ 2,600      $ 6,500      $ 900  



Table of Contents










All Other


Fidelity Europe Fund    $ 58,400      $ 5,100      $ 12,300      $ 1,700  
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund    $ 77,700      $      $ 8,800      $ 1,700  
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund    $ 41,900      $      $ 11,200      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Focused Stock Fund    $ 28,000      $ 2,700      $ 8,700      $ 900  
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund    $ 47,000      $ 4,500      $ 12,400      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund    $ 35,500      $ 3,100      $ 6,000      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund    $ 44,100      $      $ 9,300      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund    $ 41,000      $ 3,900      $ 10,900      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund    $ 66,100      $      $ 8,800      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Infrastructure Fund    $ 36,700      $ 3,300      $ 7,600      $ 1,100  
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund    $ 49,100      $      $ 11,200      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund    $ 50,300      $      $ 11,200      $ 1,200  
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund    $ 49,400      $      $ 11,100      $ 1,200  
Fidelity International Discovery Fund    $  102,300      $ 5,600      $  39,100      $  1,900  
Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund    $ 59,200      $      $ 11,200      $ 1,100  
Fidelity International Growth Fund    $ 55,800      $ 4,400      $ 11,400      $ 1,500  
Fidelity International High Dividend ETF    $ 16,300      $      $ 4,600      $ 400  
Fidelity International Multifactor ETF    $ 16,300      $      $ 4,600      $ 400  
Fidelity International Small Cap Fund    $ 55,500      $      $ 11,200      $ 1,300  
Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund    $ 50,100      $      $ 8,800      $ 1,200  
Fidelity International Value Factor ETF    $  16,300      $      $ 4,600      $ 400  
Fidelity International Value Fund    $ 51,200      $      $ 8,800      $  1,100  
Fidelity Japan Fund    $ 51,800      $ 4,800      $  10,900      $ 1,600  
Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund    $ 43,300      $ 4,100      $ 10,900      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Latin America Fund    $ 54,000      $ 4,900      $ 10,900      $ 1,700  
Fidelity Nordic Fund    $ 42,700      $ 4,000      $ 12,300      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Overseas Fund    $ 77,600      $ 5,100      $ 15,400      $ 1,700  
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund    $ 57,800      $ 5,100      $ 25,500      $ 1,700  
Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund    $ 52,500      $ 4,900      $ 12,700      $ 1,700  
Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund    $ 45,700      $      $ 11,400      $ 1,200  
Fidelity SAI International Small Cap Index Fund    $ 45,200      $      $ 8,900      $ 1,000  
Fidelity SAI Japan Stock Index Fund    $ 48,700      $ 4,400      $ 12,600      $ 1,500  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund    $ 33,700      $      $ 9,000      $ 500  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund    $ 28,600      $      $ 9,000      $ 400  
Fidelity Series Canada Fund    $ 43,400      $ 4,100      $ 11,000      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund    $ 44,300      $      $ 11,200      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund    $ 42,900      $      $ 11,200      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Series International Growth Fund    $ 52,600      $ 3,700      $ 13,200      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Series International Index Fund    $ 59,100      $      $ 9,100      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund    $ 41,800      $      $ 8,800      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Series International Value Fund    $ 41,800      $      $ 8,800      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Series Overseas Fund    $ 44,100      $      $ 9,300      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund    $      $      $      $  
Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund    $ 44,100      $      $ 6,900      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund    $ 40,600      $ 2,900      $ 11,300      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund    $ 39,300      $      $ 11,200      $ 700  
Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund    $ 53,200      $ 4,800      $ 10,100      $ 1,600  



Table of Contents










All Other


Fidelity Total International Equity Fund    $ 52,400      $      $ 10,700      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Value Fund    $ 49,900      $ 4,700      $ 14,400      $ 1,600  
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund    $  42,900      $      $  10,000      $  1,100  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund    $ 34,200      $ 3,500      $ 11,500      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Worldwide Fund    $ 49,700      $      $ 8,800      $ 1,200  
Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund    $ 61,400      $      $ 7,600      $ 1,400  
Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund    $ 51,800      $      $ 9,100      $ 1,200  
Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund    $ 44,400      $      $ 7,600      $ 1,000  
Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund    $ 40,500      $      $ 7,100      $ 900  

November 30, 2023A,N












All Other


Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund    $  50,700      $ 4,800      $ 14,100      $ 1,600  
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund    $ 45,500      $ 4,000      $ 8,200      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund    $ 50,100      $ 4,700      $  33,100      $  1,600  
Fidelity Equity Growth K6 Fund    $ 25,300      $ 600      $ 6,500      $ 200  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund    $ 43,400      $      $ 9,200      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund    $ 46,800      $      $ 8,900      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund    $ 41,200      $      $ 10,500      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Growth Company Fund    $ 71,700      $      $ 9,200      $ 1,700  
Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund    $ 69,300      $      $ 9,200      $ 1,700  
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund    $ 42,800      $      $ 7,400      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund    $ 51,000      $      $ 9,200      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund    $ 49,900      $ 3,800      $ 15,900      $ 1,300  
Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund    $ 44,100      $ 3,500      $ 8,500      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund    $ 44,000      $      $ 7,600      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund    $ 62,700      $      $ 9,800      $ 1,600  
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index ETF    $ 48,900      $      $ 13,100      $ 1,500  
Fidelity New Millennium Fund    $ 58,100      $ 5,100      $ 9,900      $ 1,700  
Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund    $  151,500      $ 12,400      $  14,200      $  4,200  
Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund    $ 65,700      $      $ 9,200      $ 1,600  
Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund    $ 25,100      $ 2,400      $ 6,800      $ 800  
Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund    $ 47,200      $      $ 9,200      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund    $ 34,600      $ 3,200      $ 8,300      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund    $ 36,500      $ 3,300      $ 9,000      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund    $ 42,800      $      $ 7,400      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund    $ 42,300      $      $ 11,000      $ 1,200  

November 30, 2022A,N












All Other


Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund    $ 41,900      $      $  10,500      $  1,100  
Fidelity Growth Company Fund    $  103,500      $      $ 9,700      $ 1,600  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund    $ 43,300      $      $ 8,800      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund    $ 46,900      $      $ 8,500      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund    $ 41,200      $      $ 10,000      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund    $ 50,500      $      $ 9,700      $ 1,200  



Table of Contents










All Other


Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund    $ 43,000      $      $ 7,100      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund    $ 36,500      $ 3,300      $ 9,000      $ 1,100  
Fidelity New Millennium Fund    $ 55,300      $ 4,800      $ 67,200      $ 1,600  
Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund    $ 48,300      $ 4,600      $ 13,600      $ 1,600  
Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund    $ 47,500      $ 4,400      $ 12,500      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund    $ 40,400      $ 3,600      $ 8,000      $ 1,200  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund    $ 43,000      $      $ 7,100      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund    $ 44,100      $      $ 7,300      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund    $  151,500      $ 12,400      $  14,200      $  4,200  
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund    $ 45,500      $ 4,000      $ 8,200      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund    $ 62,100      $      $ 9,300      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index ETF    $ 46,400      $      $ 13,600      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund    $ 65,300      $      $ 8,800      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund    $ 34,600      $ 3,200      $ 8,300      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund    $ 47,400      $      $ 8,800      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund    $ 25,100      $ 2,400      $ 6,800      $ 800  
Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund    $ 37,300      $ 3,300      $ 7,200      $ 1,100  
Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund    $ 95,200      $      $ 8,800      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Equity Growth K6 Fund    $      $      $      $  

December 31, 2023A












All Other


Fidelity Contrafund    $  127,600      $ 7,100      $  54,600      $  2,400  
Fidelity Contrafund K6    $ 109,400      $ 5,600      $ 36,800      $ 1,900  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Central Fund    $ 51,200      $ 4,300      $ 9,800      $ 1,400  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Central Fund    $ 53,100      $ 4,400      $ 10,300      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund    $ 39,300      $      $ 8,200      $ 900  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund    $ 76,000      $ 6,000      $ 24,900      $ 2,000  
Fidelity New Markets Income Fund    $ 78,000      $ 5,900      $ 4,400      $ 2,100  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund    $ 53,400      $ 4,400      $ 10,300      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Fund    $ 52,500      $ 4,400      $ 9,800      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund    $ 69,200      $ 5,700      $ 12,900      $ 1,900  
Fidelity Trend Fund    $ 50,200      $ 4,400      $ 12,700      $ 1,500  

December 31, 2022A












All Other


Fidelity Contrafund    $ 125,300      $ 7,200      $  50,600      $  2,500  
Fidelity Contrafund K6    $  103,200      $ 5,700      $ 42,000      $ 2,000  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Central Fund    $ 48,700      $ 4,300      $ 9,300      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Central Fund    $ 49,900      $ 4,400      $ 9,300      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund    $ 38,900      $      $ 7,300      $ 900  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund    $ 69,100      $ 6,100      $ 71,400      $ 2,100  
Fidelity New Markets Income Fund    $ 75,600      $ 6,300      $ 9,300      $ 2,200  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund    $ 50,300      $ 4,400      $ 9,300      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Fund    $  49,900      $ 4,400      $ 9,300      $ 1,500  
Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund    $ 64,900      $ 5,700      $  12,400      $  2,000  
Fidelity Trend Fund    $ 47,700      $ 4,500      $ 12,100      $ 1,500  



Amounts may reflect rounding.



Table of Contents

Fidelity Series Sustainable U.S. Market Fund commenced operations on May 11, 2023.



Fidelity Enhanced Small Cap ETF commenced operations on November 17, 2023.



Fidelity Series Small Cap Core Fund commenced operations on November 4, 2022.



Fidelity Healthy Future Fund commenced operations on May 24, 2022.



Fidelity SAI Sustainable Future Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable Sector Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund and Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund commenced operations on April 14, 2022.



Fidelity Disruptive Automation ETF, Fidelity Disruptive Communications ETF, Fidelity Disruptive Finance ETF, Fidelity Disruptive Medicine ETF, Fidelity Disruptive Technology ETF, and Fidelity Disruptors ETF commenced operations on June 9, 2023.



Fidelity Crypto Industry and Digital Payments ETF and Fidelity Metaverse ETF commenced operations on April 19, 2022.



Fidelity Enhanced International ETF, Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Core ETF, Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Growth ETF, Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Value ETF, and Fidelity Enhanced Mid Cap ETF operations on November 17, 2023.



Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Value ETF commenced operations on February 22, 2024.



Fidelity Sustainable High Yield ETF commenced operations on February 15, 2022.



Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund and Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund commenced operations on May 11, 2023.



Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund and Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund commenced operations on February 10, 2022.



Fidelity Equity Growth K6 Fund commenced operations on August 24, 2023.

“Audit Fees” represent fees billed for services rendered for the audits of the financial statements, or services that are normally provided in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements.

“Audit-Related Fees” represent fees billed for assurance and related services that are reasonably related to the performance of a fund audit or the review of a fund’s financial statements and that are not reported under Audit Fees.

“Tax Fees” represent fees billed for tax compliance, tax advice or tax planning that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of a fund.

“All Other Fees” represent fees billed for services provided to a fund or Fund Service Provider, a significant portion of which are assurance related, that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the fund, excluding those services that are reported under Audit Fees, Audit-Related Fees or Tax Fees.

Assurance services must be performed by an independent public accountant.



Table of Contents


Fees billed by PwC or Deloitte Entities that were required to be approved by the Audit Committee for services rendered on behalf of the Fund Service Providers that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of each fund are shown in the table below.

January 31, 2024A


     All Other
Deloitte Entities    $      $      $  935,000  
PwC    $  8,284,200      $  61,000      $  

January 31, 2023A


     All Other
Deloitte Entities    $      $      $  
PwC    $  7,884,000      $  1,000      $  

February 29, 2024A,M



All Other


Deloitte Entities    $ 75,000      $      $  935,000  
PwC    $  9,422,800      $  61,000      $  

February 28, 2023A


     All Other
Deloitte Entities    $ 80,000      $      $  
PwC    $  8,469,200      $  1,000      $  

March 31, 2023A


     All Other
PwC    $  8,199,200      $  1,000      $  

March 31, 2022A


     All Other
PwC    $  7,914,600      $  353,200      $  

April 30, 2023A


     All Other
Deloitte EntitiesC    $      $      $  
PwCD    $  8,284,200      $  1,000      $  

April 30, 2022A


     All Other
Deloitte EntitiesC    $      $      $  
PwCD    $  7,914,600      $  353,200      $  



Table of Contents

May 31, 2023A


     All Other
Deloitte Entities    $      $      $  
PwC    $  8,284,200      $  1,000      $  

May 31, 2022A


     All Other
Deloitte Entities    $      $      $  
PwCF    $  7,914,600      $  353,200      $  

June 30, 2023A


     All Other
Deloitte Entities    $      $      $  
PwC    $  8,284,200      $  1,000      $  

June 30, 2022A


     All Other
Deloitte Entities    $      $      $  
PwC    $  7,914,600      $  353,200      $  

July 31, 2023A


     All Other
Deloitte Entities    $      $      $  
PwC    $  8,284,200      $  1,000      $  

July 31, 2022A


     All Other
Deloitte Entities    $      $      $  
PwC    $  7,914,600      $  353,200      $  

August 31, 2023A


     All Other
Deloitte Entities    $      $      $  
PwC    $  8,284,200      $  1,000      $  

August 31, 2022A


     All Other
Deloitte Entities    $      $      $  
PwCH    $  7,914,600      $  353,200      $  



Table of Contents

September 30, 2023A


     All Other
Deloitte Entities    $      $      $  

September 30, 2022A


     All Other
Deloitte Entities    $      $      $  

October 31, 2023A


     All Other
Deloitte EntitiesI    $      $      $  
PwC    $  8,284,200      $  1,000      $  

October 31, 2022A


     All Other
Deloitte EntitiesI,J    $      $      $  
PwCK    $  7,914,600      $  1,000      $  

November 30, 2023A


     All Other
Deloitte Entities    $      $      $  
PwCL    $  8,284,200      $  1,000      $  

November 30, 2022A


     All Other
Deloitte Entities    $      $      $  
PwCL    $  7,914,600      $  1,000      $  

December 31, 2023A


     All Other
Deloitte Entities    $      $      $  
PwC    $  8,284,200      $  1,000      $  

December 31, 2022A


     All Other
Deloitte Entities    $      $      $  
PwC    $  7,914,600      $  1,000      $  



Amounts may reflect rounding.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund’s commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Series Small Cap Core Fund’s commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Healthy Future Fund’s commencement of operations.



Table of Contents

May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Climate Action Fund and Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity Funds’ commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity SAI Sustainable Future Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable Sector Fund, and Fidelity SAI Sustainable U.S. Equity Funds’ commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Crypto Industry and Digital Payments ETF and Fidelity Metaverse ETFs’ commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Sustainable High Yield ETF’s commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund and Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Funds’ commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund and Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Funds’ commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund’s commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Equity Growth K6 Fund’s commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Enhanced Small Cap ETF’s commencement of operations.

“Audit Fees” represent fees billed for services rendered for the audits of the financial statements, or services that are normally provided in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements.

“Audit-Related Fees” represent fees billed for assurance and related services that are reasonably related to the performance of a fund audit or the review of a fund’s financial statements and that are not reported under Audit Fees.

“Tax Fees” represent fees billed for tax compliance, tax advice or tax planning that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of a fund.

“All Other Fees” represent fees billed for services provided to a fund or Fund Service Provider, a significant portion of which are assurance related, that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the fund, excluding those services that are reported under Audit Fees, Audit-Related Fees or Tax Fees.

Assurance services must be performed by an independent public accountant.



Table of Contents


Aggregate non-audit fees billed by PwC or Deloitte Entities for services rendered to the funds and any Fund Service Provider for each of the last two fiscal years of the funds are shown below.




Fiscal Year End


Non-Audit FeesA

Fidelity Advisor Series I    
PwC     July 31, 2023     $ 13,604,500  
PwC     July 31, 2022     $ 13,252,000  
Deloitte Entities     August 31, 2023     $ 257,800  
Deloitte Entities     August 31, 2022     $ 472,700  
Deloitte Entities     October 31, 2023     $ 278,000  
Deloitte Entities     October 31, 2022     $ 489,500  
Deloitte Entities     November 30, 2023     $ 333,400  
Deloitte Entities     November 30, 2022     $ 544,900  
PwC     November 30, 2023     $ 13,673,600  
PwC     November 30, 2022     $ 12,963,400  
Deloitte Entities     December 31, 2023     $ 465,800  
Deloitte Entities     December 31, 2022     $ 529,800  
Fidelity Advisor Series VII    
Deloitte Entities     July 31, 2023     $ 349,400  
Deloitte Entities     July 31, 2022     $ 562,400  
Fidelity Advisor Series VIII    
Deloitte Entities     October 31, 2023     $ 269,400  
Deloitte Entities     October 31, 2022     $ 482,300  
PwC     October 31, 2023     $ 13,744,600  
PwC     October 31, 2022     $ 13,023,000  
Fidelity Capital Trust    
Deloitte Entities     September 30, 2023     $ 251,200  
Deloitte Entities     September 30, 2022     $ 467,600  
Deloitte Entities     October 31, 2023     $ 251,400  
Deloitte Entities     October 31, 2022     $ 465,500  
PwC     October 31, 2023     $ 13,671,700  
PwC     October 31, 2022     $ 12,943,200  
Fidelity Central Investment Portfolios LLC    
Deloitte Entities     June 30, 2023     $ 251,700  
Deloitte Entities     June 30, 2022     $ 468,500  
Deloitte Entities     August 31, 2023     $ 264,600  
Deloitte Entities     August 31, 2022     $ 479,100  
Deloitte Entities     September 30, 2023     $ 288,100  
Deloitte Entities     September 30, 2022     $ 500,500  
Fidelity Commonwealth Trust    
PwC     November 30, 2023     $ 13,602,400  
PwC     November 30, 2022     $ 12,898,100  
Fidelity Concord Street Trust    
Deloitte Entities     February 29, 2024     $ 6,310,100  
Deloitte Entities     February 28, 2023     $ 793,400  
PwC     February 29, 2024     $ 15,233,200  
PwC     February 28, 2023     $ 14,334,700  



Table of Contents



Fiscal Year End


Non-Audit FeesA

Deloitte Entities   April 30, 2023B   $ 316,900  
Deloitte Entities   April 30, 2022B   $ 517,800  
PwC   April 30, 2023B   $ 13,616,500  
PwC   April 30, 2022B   $ 13,457,000  
Deloitte Entities   October 31, 2023B   $ 303,200  
Deloitte Entities   October 31, 2022B   $ 513,800  
PwC   October 31, 2023B   $ 13,605,700  
PwC   October 31, 2022B   $ 12,901,500  
Deloitte Entities   November 30, 2023   $ 254,000  
Deloitte Entities   November 30, 2022   $ 468,300  
Fidelity Contrafund    
PwC   December 31, 2023   $ 13,749,600  
PwC   December 31, 2022   $ 13,092,700  
Fidelity Covington Trust    
PwC   February 29, 2024K   $ 15,038,400  
PwC   February 28, 2023   $  
Deloitte Entities   June 30, 2023C   $ 269,000  
Deloitte Entities   June 30, 2022C   $ 485,800  
Deloitte Entities   July 31, 2023   $ 268,800  
Deloitte Entities   July 31, 2022   $ 489,500  
PwC   July 31, 2023   $ 13,642,800  
PwC   July 31, 2022   $ 13,290,200  
PwC   August 31, 2023D   $ 13,614,200  
PwC   August 31, 2022D   $ 13,259,900  
Deloitte Entities   October 31, 2023   $ 259,400  
Deloitte Entities   October 31, 2022   $ 477,600  
Fidelity Destiny Portfolios    
Deloitte Entities   September 30, 2023   $ 266,900  
Deloitte Entities   September 30, 2022   $ 480,600  
Fidelity Devonshire Trust    
Deloitte Entities   January 31, 2024   $ 1,228,800  
Deloitte Entities   January 31, 2023   $ 282,800  
PwC   January 31, 2024   $ 13,584,200  
PwC   January 31, 2023   $ 13,223,700  
Fidelity Financial Trust    
PwC   November 30, 2023   $ 13,647,700  
PwC   November 30, 2022   $ 12,921,200  
Fidelity Hanover Street Trust    
PwC   December 31, 2023   $ 12,913,300  
PwC   December 31, 2022   $ 14,149,900  
Fidelity Hastings Street Trust    
PwC   June 30, 2023   $ 13,665,900  
PwC   June 30, 2022   $ 13,342,000  
PwC   December 31, 2023   $ 13,619,700  
PwC   December 31, 2022   $ 12,913,400  
Fidelity Investment Trust    
Deloitte Entities   October 31, 2023F   $ 520,800  
Deloitte Entities   October 31, 2022F,G   $ 682,700  



Table of Contents



Fiscal Year End


Non-Audit FeesA

PwC   October 31, 2023F   $ 14,077,300  
PwC   October 31, 2022F,G   $ 13,266,000  
Fidelity Magellan Fund    
PwC   March 31, 2023   $ 13,617,300  
PwC   March 31, 2022   $ 13,466,300  
Fidelity Mt. Vernon Street Trust    
Deloitte Entities   November 30, 2023H   $ 275,200  
Deloitte Entities   November 30, 2022H   $ 489,500  
PwC   November 30, 2023H   $ 13,646,000  
PwC   November 30, 2022H   $ 12,981,000  
Fidelity Puritan Trust    
Deloitte Entities   July 31, 2023   $ 274,300  
Deloitte Entities   July 31, 2022   $ 487,200  
PwC   July 31, 2023   $ 13,708,800  
PwC   July 31, 2022   $ 13,295,100  
PwC   August 31, 2023   $ 13,754,500  
PwC   August 31, 2022   $ 13,509,300  
Fidelity Securities Fund    
Deloitte Entities   July 31, 2023   $ 320,900  
Deloitte Entities   July 31, 2022   $ 536,300  
PwC   July 31, 2023   $ 13,723,600  
PwC   July 31, 2022   $ 13,340,800  
Fidelity Select Portfolios    
PwC   January 31, 2024   $ 13,501,700  
PwC   January 31, 2023   $ 13,170,500  
PwC   February 29, 2024   $ 15,409,000  
PwC   February 28, 2023   $ 14,590,100  
Deloitte Entities   July 31, 2023   $ 262,500  
Deloitte Entities   July 31, 2022   $ 476,900  
Fidelity Summer Street Trust    
PwC   January 31, 2024   $ 13,497,200  
PwC   January 31, 2023   $ 13,157,600  
Deloitte Entities   April 30, 2023I   $ 273,000  
Deloitte Entities   April 30, 2022I   $ 486,700  
PwC   April 30, 2023I   $ 13,717,800  
PwC   April 30, 2022I   $ 13,534,700  
Deloitte Entities   May 31, 2023   $ 283,700  
Deloitte Entities   May 31, 2022J   $ 496,800  
PwC   May 31, 2023   $ 13,639,900  
PwC   May 31, 2022J   $ 13,363,900  
Deloitte Entities   September 30, 2023   $ 253,900  
Deloitte Entities   September 30, 2022   $ 468,200  
PwC   December 31, 2023   $ 13,609,800  
PwC   December 31, 2022   $ 12,900,800  
Fidelity Trend Fund    
PwC   December 31, 2023   $ 13,606,400  
PwC   December 31, 2022   $ 12,901,100  



Amounts may reflect rounding.



Table of Contents

May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Series Small Cap Core Fund’s commencement of operations.



May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Crypto Industry and Digital Payments ETF and Fidelity Metaverse ETF’s commencement of operations.



May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Sustainable High Yield ETF’s commencement of operations.



May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Series International Index Fund, Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund, Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund, Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund and Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Funds’ commencement of operations.



May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund, Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund and Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Funds’ commencement of operations.



May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund and Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Funds’ commencement of operations.



May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Equity Growth K6 Fund’s commencement of operations.



May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Healthy Future Fund’s commencement of operations.



May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Climate Action Fund, Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable Future Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable Sector Fund, and Fidelity SAI Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund’s commencement of operations.



May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Enhanced Small Cap ETF’s commencement of operations.



Table of Contents


Estimated aggregate costs for services to be provided by Computershare to receive votes over the phone and to call and solicit votes are stated below.




aggregate cost for 
to call and solicit 


aggregate cost for 
to  receive votes 
over the phone

Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  



Table of Contents



aggregate cost for 
to call and solicit 


aggregate cost for 
to  receive votes 
over the phone

Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Focused Stock Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Value Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Equity Central Fund    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Floating Rate Central Fund    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity High Income Central Fund    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity International Equity Central Fund    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Real Estate Equity Central Fund    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Specialized High Income Central Fund    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity U.S. Equity Central Fund    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity® Nasdaq Composite Index® ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity 500 Index Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Founders Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity International Index Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity® Nasdaq Composite Index® Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity SAI International Small Cap Index Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity SAI Japan Stock Index Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series International Index Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Core Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Total Market Index Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  



Table of Contents



aggregate cost for 
to call and solicit 


aggregate cost for 
to  receive votes 
over the phone

Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Contrafund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Contrafund K6    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Blue Chip Value ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Clean Energy ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Cloud Computing ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Crypto Industry and Digital Payments ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Digital Health ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Disruptive Automation ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Disruptive Communications ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Disruptive Finance ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Disruptive Medicine ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Disruptive Technology ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Disruptors ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Electric Vehicles and Future Transportation ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Multifactor ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Enhanced International ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Core ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Growth ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Value ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Enhanced Mid Cap ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Enhanced Small Cap ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Core ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Growth ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Value ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Fundamental Small-Mid Cap ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity High Dividend ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity International High Dividend ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity International Multifactor ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity International Value Factor ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Magellan ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Metaverse ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF    $ 350      $ 150  



Table of Contents



aggregate cost for 
to call and solicit 


aggregate cost for 
to  receive votes 
over the phone

Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Preferred Securities & Income ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Quality Factor ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Real Estate Investment ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Small-Mid Multifactor ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Sustainable High Yield ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity U.S. Multifactor ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Value Factor ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Women’s Leadership ETF    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Equity-Income Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Central Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Central Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Canada Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity China Region Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Diversified International Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  



Table of Contents



aggregate cost for 
to call and solicit 


aggregate cost for 
to  receive votes 
over the phone

Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Europe Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Infrastructure Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity International Discovery Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity International Growth Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity International Small Cap Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity International Value Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Japan Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Latin America Fund    $ 2,000      $ 1,000  
Fidelity Nordic Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Overseas Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Canada Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series International Growth Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series International Value Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Overseas Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Total International Equity Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Worldwide Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Magellan Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Equity Growth K6 Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Growth Company Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  



Table of Contents



aggregate cost for 
to call and solicit 


aggregate cost for 
to  receive votes 
over the phone

Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity® New Millennium Fund®    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Balanced Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity® Puritan® Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Value Discovery Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity OTC Portfolio    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Automotive Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Banking Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Biotechnology Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Chemicals Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Communication Services Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Construction and Housing Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Consumer Discretionary Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Consumer Staples Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Defense and Aerospace Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Energy Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Environment and Alternative Energy Fund    $ 350      $ 150  
Financials Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  



Table of Contents



aggregate cost for 
to call and solicit 


aggregate cost for 
to  receive votes 
over the phone

FinTech Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Gold Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Health Care Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Health Care Services Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Industrials Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Insurance Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity International Real Estate Fund    $ 350      $ 150  
Enterprise Technology Services Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Leisure Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Materials Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Natural Resources Fund    $ 350      $ 150  
Pharmaceuticals Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Retailing Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Semiconductors Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Software and IT Services Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Tech Hardware Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Technology Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Telecommunications Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund    $ 350      $ 150  
Transportation Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Utilities Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Wireless Portfolio    $ 350      $ 150  
Fidelity Agricultural Productivity Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Capital & Income Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Climate Action Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Focused High Income Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Global High Income Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Healthy Future Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity High Income Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity New Markets Income Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity SAI High Income Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Future Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Sector Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series High Income Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Series Sustainable U.S. Market Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Water Sustainability Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund    $ 1,200      $ 750  
Fidelity Trend Fund    $ 1,500      $ 750  



Table of Contents

Appendix K

Information regarding the number of shares of each fund and class, as applicable, of each trust issued and outstanding is provided below.




Number of



as of March 31, 2024

Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class A      76,855,550.81  
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class C      39,243,315.29  
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class I      77,760,528.16  
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class M      58,424,006.52  
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class Z      37,548,448.34  
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund – Class A      26,341,593.70  
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund – Class C      2,339,775.83  
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund – Class I      15,104,174.32  
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund – Class M      18,598,855.55  
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund – Class Z      4,285,450.47  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class A      23,907,399.21  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class C      1,574,382.02  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class I      9,616,327.18  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class M      16,412,042.53  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class Z      1,877,900.88  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class A      114,500,224.80  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class C      11,237,809.54  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class I      128,515,213.30  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class M      99,922,877.44  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class Z      104,797,757.34  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class A      4,967,666.80  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class C      591,796.83  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class I      1,509,037.23  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class M      1,343,721.95  
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class Z      546,333.43  
Fidelity Floating Rate High Income Fund      904,793,392.14  
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class A      68,503,434.90  
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class C      12,447,700.00  
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class M      9,394,975.77  
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class I      227,994,687.66  
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class Z      260,057,457.18  
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund – Class A      13,881,904.40  
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund – Class C      1,562,966.32  
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund – Class I      5,887,837.26  
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund – Class M      5,277,438.32  
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund – Class Z      3,025,024.19  
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class A      27,910,182.99  
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class C      9,386,908.99  
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class I      55,542,155.46  
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class M      20,825,348.99  
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class Z      21,223,314.76  
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class A      45,342,108.05  



Table of Contents



Number of



as of March 31, 2024

Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class C      5,292,556.74  
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class I      83,364,795.98  
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class M      20,913,346.06  
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class Z      42,736,797.68  
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class A      15,771,695.74  
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class C      2,254,345.44  
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class I      6,023,262.78  
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class M      4,292,291.67  
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class Z      1,395,485.83  
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class A      11,605,468.79  
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class C      525,400.72  
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class I      5,578,916.67  
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class M      4,901,431.04  
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class Z      754,125.52  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class A      33,021,329.02  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class C      2,178,902.24  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class I      14,270,412.97  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class M      13,552,840.86  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class Z      3,386,892.43  
Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund      76,805,965.13  
Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund      71,141,613.99  
Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund      61,157,400.47  
Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund      33,786,343.24  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class A      25,327,755.21  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class C      2,340,789.09  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class I      14,723,512.48  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class M      18,588,585.71  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class Z      4,469,715.11  
Fidelity Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund      8,241,768.81  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class A      16,623,854.42  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class C      595,173.57  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class I      9,827,378.76  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class M      11,478,069.45  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class Z      3,718,103.44  
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class A      8,979,053.09  
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class C      596,669.61  
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class I      11,254,363.08  
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class M      4,966,012.57  
Fidelity Value Strategies Fund      12,927,867.12  
Fidelity Value Strategies Fund – Class K      4,899,412.18  
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund – Class A      2,802,898.93  
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund – Class C      395,527.53  
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund – Class I      4,458,437.60  
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund – Class M      715,574.64  
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund – Class Z      1,802,425.50  



Table of Contents



Number of



as of March 31, 2024

Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class A      23,462,845.79  
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class C      4,247,879.49  
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class I      22,825,136.97  
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class M      4,577,922.29  
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class Z      2,299,075.90  
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class A      5,416,105.07  
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class C      1,121,202.44  
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class I      3,075,353.95  
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class M      941,071.34  
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class Z      841,499.76  
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class A      8,115,122.05  
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class C      1,915,999.21  
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class I      10,241,945.86  
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class M      2,227,691.30  
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class Z      2,025,772.08  
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class A      6,228,417.32  
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class C      1,303,425.44  
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class I      3,533,137.02  
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class M      2,371,304.49  
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class Z      1,334,489.59  
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class A      268,677.02  
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class C      27,640.52  
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class I      107,727.97  
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class M      99,208.07  
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class Z      30,314.38  
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class A      23,619,109.73  
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class C      6,281,718.10  
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class I      31,612,726.15  
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class M      5,377,932.00  
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class Z      8,706,549.32  
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class A      6,066,873.78  
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class C      970,163.63  
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class I      3,038,112.32  
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class M      1,501,594.27  
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class Z      836,788.22  
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund – Class A      5,069,398.81  
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund – Class C      355,707.77  
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund – Class I      3,773,345.90  
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund – Class M      4,837,407.39  
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund – Class Z      355,432.53  
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class A      11,428,170.77  
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class C      3,056,956.11  
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class I      10,199,867.57  
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class M      1,965,054.32  
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class Z      1,964,090.24  
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class A      21,067,821.16  



Table of Contents



Number of



as of March 31, 2024

Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class C      4,296,894.52  
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class I      15,673,470.88  
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class M      7,527,087.08  
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class Z      5,485,170.18  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class A      8,144,668.77  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class C      1,404,899.80  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class I      4,838,553.76  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class M      1,703,457.48  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class Z      1,507,881.83  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class A      18,635,716.79  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class C      757,839.02  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class I      19,235,053.08  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class M      5,292,059.00  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class Z      13,549,453.70  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class A      3,214,789.47  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class C      256,862.82  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class I      3,403,351.02  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class M      855,970.00  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class Z      1,621,632.04  
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class A      6,136,238.65  
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class C      717,557.21  
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class I      84,668,091.58  
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class M      1,090,873.61  
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class Z      48,966,727.20  
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund – Class A      1,934,958.18  
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund – Class C      301,721.11  
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund – Class I      2,363,486.75  
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund – Class M      1,015,645.68  
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund – Class A      1,093,321.35  
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund – Class C      234,620.08  
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund – Class M      727,129.27  
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund – Class I      740,493.28  
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund – Class Z      1,715,094.61  
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class A      20,114,291.14  
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class C      4,497,160.96  
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class I      163,341,823.04  
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class M      6,350,165.86  
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class Z      55,809,842.36  
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund – Class A      1,427,021.54  
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund – Class C      92,629.11  
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund – Class I      1,652,070.91  
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund – Class M      5,631,864.94  
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund – Class Z      2,964,183.43  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund – Class A      925,208.56  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund – Class C      113,869.22  



Table of Contents



Number of



as of March 31, 2024

Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund – Class I      250,073.84  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund – Class M      250,381.81  
Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund      140,264,884.64  
Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund – Class K      6,715,833.77  
Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund      28,840,103.12  
Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund – Class K      945,580.73  
Fidelity Focused Stock Fund      95,603,175.48  
Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund      26,150,122.69  
Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class K      324,499.06  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class A      3,657,141.04  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class C      249,864.62  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class I      761,411.88  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class M      1,702,883.35  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class Z      51,783,591.02  
Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund      46,918,625.29  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class A      4,709,175.72  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class C      916,620.61  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class I      20,741,337.95  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class M      604,712.11  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class Z      9,667,407.38  
Fidelity Value Fund      540,920,440.34  
Fidelity Value Fund – Class K      80,101,631.71  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Equity Central Fund      11,281,480.71  
Fidelity Floating Rate Central Fund      14,891,953.31  
Fidelity High Income Central Fund      12,905,732.93  
Fidelity International Equity Central Fund      51,866,880.71  
Fidelity Real Estate Equity Central Fund      7,791,399.99  
Fidelity Specialized High Income Central Fund      5,361,208.11  
Fidelity U.S. Equity Central Fund      142,371,875.53  
Fidelity® Nasdaq Composite Index® ETF      94,450,000.00  
Fidelity 500 Index Fund      2,919,941,730.37  
Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund      477,587,415.33  
Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund      202,279,458.53  
Fidelity Founders Fund      4,226,148.78  
Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund – Class A      1,114,557.68  
Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund – Class C      161,848.35  
Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund – Class I      230,213.12  
Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund – Class M      720,903.82  
Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund – Class Z      339,092.51  
Fidelity International Index Fund      999,174,528.76  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund      83,168,022.21  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund      3,467,989.40  



Table of Contents



Number of



as of March 31, 2024

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund      154,886,628.00  
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund – Class K      21,329,780.29  
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund      61,364,085.72  
Fidelity® Nasdaq Composite Index® Fund      76,423,908.75  
Fidelity SAI International Small Cap Index Fund      88,566,919.72  
Fidelity SAI Japan Stock Index Fund      64,690,651.84  
Fidelity Series International Index Fund      33,455,947.70  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Core Fund      41,912,960.38  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund      103,931,475.10  
Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund      3,946,695,650.46  
Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund      98,224,603.32  
Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund      66,787,365.25  
Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund      5,330,494.31  
Fidelity Total Market Index Fund      627,393,737.83  
Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund      125,722,003.66  
Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund      352,727,802.51  
Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund      485,899,146.40  
Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund      1,113,670,172.98  
Fidelity Contrafund      6,558,066,119.54  
Fidelity Contrafund – Class K      601,049,633.24  
Fidelity Contrafund K6      1,244,587,768.19  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class A      191,879,056.99  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class M      49,882,135.14  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class C      24,833,150.87  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class I      225,044,892.45  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class Z      50,185,379.75  
Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund      474,739,022.66  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth ETF      37,425,000.00  
Fidelity Blue Chip Value ETF      4,050,000.00  
Fidelity Clean Energy ETF      1,800,000.00  
Fidelity Cloud Computing ETF      3,150,000.00  
Fidelity Crypto Industry and Digital Payments ETF      3,450,000.00  
Fidelity Digital Health ETF      500,000.00  
Fidelity Disruptive Automation ETF      4,105,492.00  
Fidelity Disruptive Communications ETF      1,407,063.00  
Fidelity Disruptive Finance ETF      1,444,580.00  
Fidelity Disruptive Medicine ETF      2,123,806.00  
Fidelity Disruptive Technology ETF      4,588,469.00  
Fidelity Disruptors ETF      3,525,062.00  
Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates      11,450,000.00  
Fidelity Electric Vehicles and Future Transportation ETF      2,600,000.00  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Multifactor ETF      2,000,000.00  
Fidelity Enhanced International ETF      52,079,106.00  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Core ETF      83,135,453.00  



Table of Contents



Number of



as of March 31, 2024

Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Growth ETF      80,518,998.00  
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Value ETF      68,478,976.00  
Fidelity Enhanced Mid Cap ETF      51,716,761.00  
Fidelity Enhanced Small Cap ETF      17,521,356.00  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Core ETF      5,950,000.00  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Growth ETF      13,175,000.00  
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Value ETF      50,000.00  
Fidelity Fundamental Small-Mid Cap ETF      2,175,000.00  
Fidelity High Dividend ETF      55,550,000.00  
Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF      6,300,000.00  
Fidelity International High Dividend ETF      4,700,000.00  
Fidelity International Multifactor ETF      2,400,000.00  
Fidelity International Value Factor ETF      4,600,000.00  
Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF      18,250,000.00  
Fidelity Magellan ETF      3,000,000.00  
Fidelity Metaverse ETF      1,050,000.00  
Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF      3,150,000.00  
Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF      21,400,000  
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF      17,650,000  
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF      23,350,000  
Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF      72,700,000  
Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF      27,700,000  
Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF      45,100,000  
Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF      15,500,000  
Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF      62,000,000  
Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF      10,100,000  
Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF      37,100,000  
Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF      27,000,000  
Fidelity Preferred Securities & Income ETF      1,600,000.00  
Fidelity Quality Factor ETF      14,400,000.00  
Fidelity Real Estate Investment ETF      625,000.00  
Fidelity Small-Mid Multifactor ETF      5,500,000.00  
Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF      3,800,000.00  
Fidelity Sustainable High Yield ETF      400,000.00  
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity ETF      525,000.00  
Fidelity U.S. Multifactor ETF      3,450,000.00  
Fidelity Value Factor ETF      13,800,000.00  
Fidelity Women’s Leadership ETF      175,000.00  
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund – Class O      165,088,292.67  
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund – Class A      32,428,280.60  
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund – Class C      212,730.12  
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund – Class I      1,913,469.99  
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund – Class M      216,762.68  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class O      68,728,410.09  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class A      14,357,100.08  



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Number of



as of March 31, 2024

Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class C      1,093,147.42  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class I      3,658,598.04  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class M      1,820,990.96  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class Z      1,456,159.86  
Fidelity Equity-Income Fund      105,266,212.50  
Fidelity Equity-Income Fund – Class K      8,202,788.12  
Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund      11,140,544.07  
Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund      39,224,035.48  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class A      6,471,596.78  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class C      780,179.65  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class I      6,137,850.17  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class M      1,275,517.07  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class Z      5,656,220.25  
Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund      2,796,229.38  
Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund      300,680,331.88  
Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund      827,854,434.65  
Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund      716,010,736.31  
Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund      17,824,617.84  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund – Class A      1,650,357.57  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund – Class C      262,282.66  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund – Class I      517,321.91  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund – Class M      518,648.43  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund – Class Z      306,984.97  
Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund      45,636,151.37  
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class A      1,390,798.34  
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class C      211,486.44  
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class I      2,845,250.58  
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class M      236,195.07  
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class Z      2,795,300.58  
Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund      185,625,056.66  
Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund – Class K      27,955,446.43  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Central Fund      280,786,117.36  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Central Fund      3,337,220.45  
Fidelity Fund      87,937,763.70  
Fidelity Fund – Class K      3,481,820.66  
Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund      77,819,212.17  
Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund – Class K      8,569,797.31  
Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund      75,522,117.18  
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class A      8,336,001.51  
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class C      1,441,769.82  
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class I      12,529,938.60  
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class M      1,540,847.03  



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Number of



as of March 31, 2024

Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class Z      15,692,775.45  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund      171,714,534.36  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency Fund      47,388,083.81  
Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund      827,521,669.66  
Fidelity Canada Fund      13,082,710.70  
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class A      477,891.64  
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class C      14,156.51  
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class I      232,228.30  
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class M      106,645.86  
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class Z      47,214.97  
Fidelity China Region Fund      24,395,694.96  
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class A      654,795.89  
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class C      133,294.45  
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class I      537,769.13  
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class M      202,191.49  
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class Z      3,360,561.75  
Fidelity Diversified International Fund      210,098,774.82  
Fidelity Diversified International Fund – Class K      26,453,619.38  
Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund      331,245,854.58  
Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund      21,823,110.74  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund      28,061,155.68  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund – Class A      1,802,966.08  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund – Class C      218,447.59  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund – Class I      35,415,650.47  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund – Class M      374,724.69  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund – Class Z      10,131,025.41  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund      116,345,332.90  
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund – Class K      46,163,182.34  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund – Class A      529,957.14  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund – Class C      56,503.64  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund – Class I      8,673,838.81  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund – Class M      108,990.88  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund – Class Z      65,091,461.20  
Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund      970,172.18  
Fidelity Europe Fund      16,014,746.42  
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class A      455,051.37  
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class C      53,271.19  
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class I      133,081.87  
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class M      135,590.41  
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class Z      68,787.42  
Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund      20,547,458.63  
Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class A      4,892,020.06  
Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class C      1,085,150.39  
Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class I      15,105,921.49  
Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class M      949,313.03  



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Number of



as of March 31, 2024

Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class Z      11,437,148.18  
Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund      8,590,878.30  
Fidelity Infrastructure Fund      3,414,735.25  
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund      194,784,192.97  
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund      102,435,628.59  
Fidelity International Discovery Fund      81,631,785.86  
Fidelity International Discovery Fund – Class K      11,546,497.54  
Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund – Class A      3,007,787.92  
Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund – Class C      100,914.12  
Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund – Class I      12,547,056.26  
Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund – Class M      379,898.27  
Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund – Class Z      77,795,729.24  
Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund      50,106,051.14  
Fidelity International Growth Fund      77,935,080.46  
Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund – Class A      10,513,507.06  
Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund – Class C      1,522,991.43  
Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund – Class I      88,665,039.87  
Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund – Class M      1,615,700.61  
Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund – Class Z      81,777,815.64  
Fidelity International Small Cap Fund      49,027,406.30  
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class A      4,143,583.22  
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class C      465,174.29  
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class I      37,873,262.69  
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class M      571,677.83  
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class Z      51,443,429.46  
Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund      30,977,651.43  
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class A      1,618,261.33  
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class C      108,546.97  
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class I      12,703,947.90  
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class M      566,141.69  
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class Z      14,233,131.81  
Fidelity International Value Fund      59,627,599.12  
Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund – Class A      1,934,234.91  
Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund – Class C      239,712.43  
Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund – Class I      11,401,831.26  
Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund – Class M      466,949.39  
Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund – Class Z      24,572,156.68  
Fidelity Japan Fund      10,595,725.66  
Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund – Class A      1,118,831.96  
Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund – Class C      133,586.13  
Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund – Class I      2,668,145.89  
Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund – Class M      169,154.36  
Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund – Class Z      26,007,100.30  
Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund      29,232,644.37  
Fidelity Latin America Fund      11,676,873.80  
Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund – Class A      678,534.14  
Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund – Class C      74,866.32  



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Number of



as of March 31, 2024

Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund – Class I      285,656.51  
Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund – Class M      139,044.79  
Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund – Class Z      37,151.74  
Fidelity Nordic Fund      5,170,527.52  
Fidelity Overseas Fund      142,044,963.58  
Fidelity Overseas Fund – Class K      15,952,843.07  
Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund      22,578,684.31  
Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund      57,024,649.12  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund      2,128,648.85  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund      2,932,174.09  
Fidelity Series Canada Fund      356,099,000.26  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund      660,160,690.70  
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund      1,303,419,829.05  
Fidelity Series International Growth Fund      821,828,302.59  
Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund      228,686,533.00  
Fidelity Series International Value Fund      1,222,659,830.01  
Fidelity Series Overseas Fund      1,090,469,715.50  
Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund      106,383.17  
Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund      625,065.82  
Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund      950,877.78  
Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund      466,653.05  
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund – Class A      33,212.21  
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund – Class C      25,568.99  
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund – Class I      26,922.24  
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund – Class M      25,410.22  
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund – Class Z      53,194.28  
Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund      853,258.45  
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable International Equity Fund – Class A      30,173.37  
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable International Equity Fund – Class C      27,752.92  
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable International Equity Fund – Class I      25,557.87  
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable International Equity Fund – Class M      25,335.35  
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable International Equity Fund – Class Z      30,941.48  
Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund      6,856,777.28  
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class A      2,593,393.59  
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class C      856,947.55  
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class I      4,971,860.27  
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class M      539,069.40  
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class Z      906,795.48  
Fidelity Total International Equity Fund      11,982,448.56  
Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund – Class A      1,958,448.68  
Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund – Class C      273,054.44  
Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund – Class I      5,894,361.56  
Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund – Class M      1,096,548.01  
Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund – Class Z      2,970,502.21  
Fidelity Worldwide Fund      73,790,868.95  
Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class A      2,796,359.54  
Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class C      291,341.42  



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Number of



as of March 31, 2024

Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class I      1,485,449.53  
Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class M      574,621.15  
Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class Z      11,101,836.65  
Fidelity Magellan Fund      2,282,623,885.43  
Fidelity Magellan Fund – Class K      58,765,514.25  
Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund      15,779,655.97  
Fidelity Equity Growth K6 Fund      5,210,986.58  
Fidelity Growth Company Fund      1,416,737,040.33  
Fidelity Growth Company Fund – Class K      236,436,362.72  
Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund      729,415,797.39  
Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund      53,305,421.51  
Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund – Class K      2,236,802.78  
Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund      18,346,495.94  
Fidelity® New Millennium Fund®      87,299,575.01  
Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund      714,246,510.54  
Fidelity Balanced Fund      1,290,860,856.30  
Fidelity Balanced Fund – Class K      299,837,297.75  
Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund      122,275,746.97  
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund      529,036,025.81  
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund – Class K      68,840,888.72  
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund      243,510,637.62  
Fidelity® Puritan® Fund      1,050,082,014.61  
Fidelity® Puritan® Fund – Class K      143,060,317.04  
Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund      108,619,050.34  
Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund      254,676,611.99  
Fidelity Value Discovery Fund      82,683,262.53  
Fidelity Value Discovery Fund – Class K      498,955.57  
Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund      14,439,085.87  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund      275,391,471.51  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund – Class K      25,441,989.38  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund      469,234,224.88  
Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund      28,643,407.78  
Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund      173,936,296.66  
Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund – Class K      22,156,182.96  
Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio      150,608,993.85  
Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio – Class K      22,030,223.21  
Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund      55,910,332.61  
Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class K      3,849,002.39  
Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio      105,309,835.49  
Fidelity OTC Portfolio      1,045,782,968.66  
Fidelity OTC Portfolio – Class K      354,563,801.15  
Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund      95,308,158.90  



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Number of



as of March 31, 2024

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class A      25,354,554.83  
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class C      3,959,910.88  
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class I      118,490,858.38  
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class M      3,519,238.80  
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class Z      149,819,280.01  
Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund      579,470,560.29  
Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund      26,543,771.91  
Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund      363,644,812.53  
Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund      94,559,175.00  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class A      12,043,831.92  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class C      2,179,575.89  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class I      34,399,760.16  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class M      3,307,514.78  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class Z      66,782,683.40  
Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund      147,199,232.61  
Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund      131,391,034.38  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class A      13,452,708.04  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class C      2,369,954.24  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class I      52,789,100.63  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class M      5,287,556.06  
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class Z      34,601,741.92  
Automotive Portfolio      1,709,991.19  
Banking Portfolio      14,978,577.74  
Biotechnology Portfolio      248,740,561.79  
Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio      5,955,162.38  
Chemicals Portfolio      40,073,172.67  
Communication Services Portfolio      13,895,002.50  
Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund – Class A      600,543.84  
Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund – Class C      143,724.12  
Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund – Class I      474,023.70  
Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund – Class M      102,154.29  
Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund – Class Z      361,063.24  
Construction and Housing Portfolio      6,643,158.34  
Consumer Discretionary Portfolio      8,798,060.90  
Consumer Staples Portfolio      8,711,793.59  
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class A      3,173,517.62  
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class C      569,639.42  
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class I      1,516,117.79  
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class M      641,384.51  
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class Z      445,455.65  
Defense and Aerospace Portfolio      91,828,101.58  
Energy Portfolio      36,751,260.64  
Enterprise Technology Services Portfolio      30,348,966.14  
Fidelity Environment and Alternative Energy Fund      15,086,477.36  
Financials Portfolio      55,270,160.62  



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as of March 31, 2024

FinTech Portfolio      6,417,030.56  
Gold Portfolio      44,449,317.12  
Fidelity Advisor Gold Fund – Class A      3,525,269.56  
Fidelity Advisor Gold Fund – Class C      925,885.01  
Fidelity Advisor Gold Fund – Class M      3,980,005.36  
Fidelity Advisor Gold Fund – Class I      937,209.34  
Fidelity Advisor Gold Fund – Class Z      1,164,820.50  
Health Care Portfolio      257,301,319.76  
Health Care Services Portfolio      11,306,559.32  
Industrials Portfolio      15,207,332.27  
Insurance Portfolio      7,517,102.37  
Fidelity International Real Estate Fund      19,025,973.53  
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class A      1,174,726.97  
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class C      127,896.77  
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class I      4,108,740.00  
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class M      177,340.10  
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class Z      26,123,216.33  
Leisure Portfolio      34,417,047.46  
Materials Portfolio      5,205,376.66  
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class A      1,106,888.30  
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class C      138,685.06  
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class I      1,449,998.36  
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class M      341,615.83  
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class Z      530,984.04  
Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio      87,395,144.18  
Fidelity Natural Resources Fund      13,903,197.99  
Pharmaceuticals Portfolio      47,367,535.15  
Retailing Portfolio      146,901,002.26  
Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio      68,423,142.27  
Semiconductors Portfolio      555,373,420.41  
Software and IT Services Portfolio      419,886,329.30  
Tech Hardware Portfolio      9,239,764.37  
Technology Portfolio      452,770,863.08  
Telecommunications Portfolio      3,260,373.08  
Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund – Class A      364,591.75  
Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund – Class C      54,473.51  
Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund – Class I      135,440.47  
Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund – Class M      144,857.59  
Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund – Class Z      49,241.53  
Transportation Portfolio      5,457,446.99  
Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund      32,106,021.48  
Utilities Portfolio      11,563,028.04  
Wireless Portfolio      26,782,894.30  
Fidelity Agricultural Productivity Fund      3,111,749.24  
Fidelity Capital & Income Fund      1,303,369,150.09  



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Number of



as of March 31, 2024

Fidelity Climate Action Fund      2,351,825.34  
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class A      71,431.99  
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class C      20,191.66  
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class I      77,543.77  
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class M      49,461.84  
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class Z      75,008.91  
Fidelity Focused High Income Fund      25,757,159.07  
Fidelity Global High Income Fund      7,145,640.31  
Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Fund – Class A      926,485.64  
Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Fund – Class C      150,931.24  
Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Fund – Class I      317,978.49  
Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Fund – Class M      331,272.81  
Fidelity Healthy Future Fund      537,147.21  
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class A      70,085.48  
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class C      21,971.20  
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class I      12,864.69  
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class M      126,825.08  
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class Z      10,127.75  
Fidelity High Income Fund      313,225,702.82  
Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund – Class A      15,528,622.23  
Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund – Class C      1,353,458.54  
Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund – Class I      9,787,747.41  
Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund – Class M      4,030,173.45  
Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund – Class Z      9,757,780.32  
Fidelity New Markets Income Fund      129,535,622.99  
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class A      5,932,793.42  
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class C      774,837.41  
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class I      59,448,370.79  
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class M      2,030,654.74  
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class Z      134,557,253.76  
Fidelity SAI High Income Fund      177,556,848.96  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Future Fund      5,290,704.90  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Sector Fund      8,277,598.80  
Fidelity SAI Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund      7,195,976.00  
Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund      27,164,088.36  
Fidelity Series High Income Fund      161,699,976.69  
Fidelity Series Sustainable U.S. Market Fund      1,294,962.19  
Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund      21,492,747.88  
Fidelity Advisor Short Duration High Income Fund – Class A      2,944,442.29  
Fidelity Advisor Short Duration High Income Fund – Class C      385,662.79  
Fidelity Advisor Short Duration High Income Fund – Class I      683,116.47  
Fidelity Advisor Short Duration High Income Fund – Class M      234,892.66  
Fidelity Advisor Short Duration High Income Fund – Class Z      1,026,195.29  
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund      1,957,930.32  
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class A      92,675.28  
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class C      41,317.57  
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class I      16,642.04  



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Number of



as of March 31, 2024

Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class M      33,255.15  
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class Z      28,946.83  
Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund      2,759,874.28  
Fidelity Water Sustainability Fund      5,731,847.57  
Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund      6,923,143.55  
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class A      501,236.90  
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class C      112,485.38  
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class I      1,021,042.95  
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class M      84,618.78  
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class Z      975,055.31  
Fidelity Trend Fund      19,249,328.42  



Table of Contents


To the knowledge of the trusts, substantial (5% or more) record and/or beneficial ownership of each fund or class on March 31, 2024 (and April 16, 2024 for ETFs) was as follows:


Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.96%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   10.86%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.22%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class A   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   6.22%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.60%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   15.95%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   14.70%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   9.81%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   8.88%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   5.88%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class C   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   5.30%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   14.38%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   13.22%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class I   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   10.16%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.09%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   7.55%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   7.40%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class I   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   6.47%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.83%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class M   PAYCHEX SECURITIES CORP   WEST HENRIETTA   NY   58.84%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class Z   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   12.28%
Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund – Class Z   MSCS FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION   FOLSOM   CA   9.40%
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.10%
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   7.66%
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   5.96%
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund – Class A   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   5.46%
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund – Class A   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   5.26%
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   12.00%
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   10.07%
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.95%
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund – Class I   NEW HAMPSHIRE HIGHER EDUCATION SAVINGS PLAN TRUST   MERRIMACK   NH   31.09%
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund – Class I   CHET ADVISOR 529 DIVIDEND GROWTH PORTFOLIO   MERRIMACK   NH   12.42%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   11.03%
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   7.46%
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.22%
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund – Class M   PAYCHEX SECURITIES CORP   WEST HENRIETTA   NY   37.25%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   7.49%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   5.76%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class A   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   5.28%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   12.38%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   10.29%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.83%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.79%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   5.69%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class C   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   5.45%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class I   NEW HAMPSHIRE HIGHER EDUCATION SAVINGS PLAN TRUST   MERRIMACK   NH   26.30%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   13.47%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   5.67%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class I   CHET ADVISOR 529 EQUITY INCOME PORTFOLIO   MERRIMACK   NH   5.57%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class M   PAYCHEX SECURITIES CORP   WEST HENRIETTA   NY   23.50%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class M   ADP BROKER-DEALER INC   BOSTON   MA   7.09%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class Z   MID ATLANTIC CLEARING & SETTLEMENT   PITTSBURGH   PA   19.31%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund – Class Z   US BANK   MILWAUKEE   WI   9.87%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.22%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class A   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   6.84%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.81%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   11.34%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   11.06%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.20%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   5.99%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.22%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   12.34%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   10.26%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.41%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   7.62%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class I   NEW HAMPSHIRE HIGHER EDUCATION SAVINGS PLAN TRUST   MERRIMACK   NH   7.04%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   6.63%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class M   PAYCHEX SECURITIES CORP   WEST HENRIETTA   NY   28.39%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class Z   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   22.24%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class Z   ALERUS FINANCIAL NA   ARDEN HILLS   MN   8.27%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class Z   PRINCIPAL SECURITIES INC   DES MOINES   IA   7.79%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   7.08%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund – Class Z   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   5.10%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   11.53%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   9.21%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.02%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class C   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   10.18%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   9.33%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   7.75%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   7.36%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.53%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   16.06%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   15.82%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   14.53%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   8.03%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   6.06%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.26%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class Z   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   9.51%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class Z   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.82%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund – Class Z   WRIGHT TOOL COMPANY RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN AND TRUST   AKRON   OH   6.36%
Fidelity Floating Rate High Income Fund*   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   9.44%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   9.71%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class A   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   8.52%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   8.38%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   8.31%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.92%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.88%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class A   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   5.50%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   17.24%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   11.04%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   9.92%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   15.76%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class I   NORTHERN LIGHTS FUND TRUST III   COLUMBUS   OH   14.92%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   14.54%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   11.84%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class I   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   7.96%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.47%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class I   UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   WEEHAWKEN   NJ   5.36%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class I   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   5.13%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class M   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   8.83%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.29%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class Z   STRATEGIC ADVISERS FIDELITY CORE INCOME FUND   BOSTON   MA   39.32%
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund – Class Z   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   7.90%
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   11.38%
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   6.85%
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.66%
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.20%
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   9.11%
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   8.97%
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   7.76%
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   5.87%
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund – Class C   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   5.03%
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   21.25%
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   20.41%
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   12.90%
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.93%
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund – Class M   TALCOTT RESOLUTION LIFE INSURANCE   HARTFORD   CT   5.67%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   13.92%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   6.73%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   6.60%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class A   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   6.27%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   17.02%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   12.62%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   11.54%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class C   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   7.38%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   6.92%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.95%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   18.40%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   14.88%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   13.37%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class I   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   7.09%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.53%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class M   PAYCHEX SECURITIES CORP   WEST HENRIETTA   NY   15.79%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class M   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.70%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class M   SAMMONS FINANCIAL NETWORK LLC   WEST DES MOINES   IA   5.37%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.05%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   7.34%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class Z   PRINCIPAL SECURITIES INC   DES MOINES   IA   7.17%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class Z   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   5.78%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund – Class Z   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   5.34%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   7.84%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   7.29%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   7.12%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class A   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   6.26%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.84%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class A   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   5.77%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   12.14%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.97%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   10.44%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class C   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   9.91%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   9.77%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   25.79%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   9.44%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class I   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   8.02%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   7.67%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   7.46%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class I   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   5.40%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class M   SECURITY BENEFIT GROUP   TOPEKA   KS   7.77%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class M   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   6.69%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class M   PRINCIPAL SECURITIES INC   DES MOINES   IA   5.70%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.50%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class Z   PRINCIPAL SECURITIES INC   DES MOINES   IA   20.64%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund – Class Z   RELIANCE TRUST CO   ATLANTA   GA   7.79%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.76%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   6.78%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class A   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   5.74%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class A   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   5.30%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class C   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   15.35%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   11.83%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.09%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   6.77%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.23%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class C   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   5.01%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class I   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   16.42%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   8.85%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   8.08%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class I   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   8.04%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   7.65%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   6.43%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.43%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   5.75%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class M   ADP BROKER-DEALER INC   BOSTON   MA   16.82%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class Z   US BANK   MILWAUKEE   WI   15.90%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund – Class Z   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   5.15%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.26%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class A   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   7.68%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.47%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class C   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   8.98%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   7.03%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.53%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class I   JOHN HANCOCK LIFE INSURANCE   BOSTON   MA   14.93%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class I   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   14.89%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   7.90%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.63%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class I   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   6.43%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.15%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class M   TALCOTT RESOLUTION LIFE INSURANCE   HARTFORD   CT   12.50%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class M   ADP BROKER-DEALER INC   BOSTON   MA   9.34%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class M   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   7.85%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class M   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   7.31%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class M   SAMMONS FINANCIAL NETWORK LLC   WEST DES MOINES   IA   5.51%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class Z   MMLD AVIATOR   SPRINGFIELD   MA   7.09%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class Z   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   7.09%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   6.96%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class Z   TALCOTT RESOLUTION LIFE INSURANCE   HARTFORD   CT   6.38%
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund – Class Z   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.78%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.68%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   9.12%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.15%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   11.15%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   9.44%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   24.43%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   17.22%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   9.05%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.64%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.32%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class M   PAYCHEX SECURITIES CORP   WEST HENRIETTA   NY   34.89%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class Z   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   20.15%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class Z   MID ATLANTIC CLEARING & SETTLEMENT   PITTSBURGH   PA   13.64%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   9.90%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund – Class Z   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   6.20%
Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund   CORE PLUS COMMINGLED POOL   SMITHFIELD   RI   13.84%
Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund   NUCLEAR ELECTRIC INSURANCE LIMITED   WILMINGTON   DE   7.95%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.87%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   6.36%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.73%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   7.95%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   7.02%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.96%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   12.23%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class I   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   7.28%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.94%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.86%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.70%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class M   PAYCHEX SECURITIES CORP   WEST HENRIETTA   NY   28.09%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class M   ADP BROKER-DEALER INC   BOSTON   MA   6.59%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class Z   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   7.42%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class Z   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   6.36%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class Z   PRINCIPAL SECURITIES INC   DES MOINES   IA   5.59%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund – Class Z   MSCS FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION   DENVER   CO   5.29%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   9.12%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class A   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   7.18%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   6.70%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class A   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   5.59%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.58%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   9.44%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   7.94%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class C   RBC WEALTH MANAGEMENT   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   7.04%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   5.30%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class I   NEW HAMPSHIRE HIGHER EDUCATION SAVINGS PLAN TRUST   MERRIMACK   NH   19.14%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   13.64%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   10.00%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.32%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class I   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   6.02%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.75%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class M   COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL NETWORK   PITTSBURGH   PA   7.45%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class M   PAYCHEX SECURITIES CORP   WEST HENRIETTA   NY   7.37%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund – Class Z   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   9.13%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class A   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   14.56%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class A   VALIC FINANCIAL ADVISORS INC   HOUSTON   TX   8.22%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.96%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class A   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   6.60%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   14.80%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   11.74%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class C   RBC WEALTH MANAGEMENT   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   10.30%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class C   STIFEL NICOLAUS & CO INC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   9.33%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   7.84%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   7.01%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class C   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   5.28%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   29.98%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.30%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   10.27%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class I   NEW HAMPSHIRE HIGHER EDUCATION SAVINGS PLAN TRUST   MERRIMACK   NH   8.10%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class I   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   8.02%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   6.97%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   5.13%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class M   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   5.92%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.90%
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund – Class M   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.72%
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   9.85%
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   8.49%
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.08%
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   17.64%
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   14.07%
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   11.20%
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   8.88%
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   42.78%
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   15.08%
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   13.87%
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   6.24%
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund – Class Z   PRINCIPAL SECURITIES INC   DES MOINES   IA   8.82%
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   6.59%
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   12.58%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   8.34%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   8.00%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class A   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   7.77%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class A   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   5.93%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.35%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   11.39%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.87%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   8.87%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   8.78%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   7.37%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class I   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   14.25%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   13.10%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   10.54%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   10.25%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class I   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   9.41%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   9.24%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   6.14%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.54%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class I   UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   WEEHAWKEN   NJ   5.10%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class M   SAMMONS FINANCIAL NETWORK LLC   WEST DES MOINES   IA   18.05%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.68%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   9.78%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class Z   LINCOLN INVESTMENT PLANNING LLC   FORT WASHINGTON   PA   8.28%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class Z   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.38%
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund – Class Z   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   6.03%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   11.82%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   10.57%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   10.06%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.76%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   18.42%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   14.50%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   10.36%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   6.44%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   5.38%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   17.32%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   16.70%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   12.30%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class I   UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   WEEHAWKEN   NJ   10.94%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   10.14%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   7.89%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   17.39%
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   12.09%
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   7.23%
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.52%
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   18.32%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   10.94%
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   8.37%
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   7.21%
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class C   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   6.97%
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   23.35%
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   10.27%
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   9.47%
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class I   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   7.73%
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.59%
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class I   JOHN HANCOCK LIFE INSURANCE   BOSTON   MA   5.36%
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.84%
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class Z   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   14.11%
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class Z   PRINCIPAL SECURITIES INC   DES MOINES   IA   13.70%
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund – Class Z   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   5.25%
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   12.65%
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   9.39%
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   5.61%
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   19.08%
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   13.71%
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   12.39%
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   7.63%
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   24.46%
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   11.47%
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.63%
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   7.81%
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   7.68%
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class I   UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   WEEHAWKEN   NJ   5.77%
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class I   STIFEL NICOLAUS & CO INC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.69%
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class M   VOYA RETIREMENT INSURANCE AND ANNUITY CO   WINDSOR   MA   20.42%
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class M   SAMMONS FINANCIAL NETWORK LLC   WEST DES MOINES   IA   15.57%
Fidelity Advisor Financials Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.24%
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class A   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   40.52%
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   17.10%
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class C   LINCOLN FINANCIAL SECURITIES   DENTON   NC   10.60%
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class C   GOSS   MANHEIM   PA   7.10%
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class C   ROBISON   FARMINGTON   UT   6.87%
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class I   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   64.32%
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class I   BULLER   WELLESLEY   MA   11.31%
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.45%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class I   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   6.75%
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class M   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   55.34%
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class M   AMERICAN PORTFOLIOS FINANCIAL   LECANTO   FL   6.92%
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class Z   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   38.22%
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class Z   TROWBRIDGE   CAPE ELIZABETH   ME   23.90%
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class Z   PRICE   LONG BEACH   CA   11.52%
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund – Class Z   KNAPP   NAPLES   FL   5.87%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   11.95%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   8.99%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   7.19%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.55%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class A   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   5.01%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   13.63%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   12.34%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   11.20%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   8.45%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   5.74%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   18.32%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   14.51%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   13.16%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class I   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   10.58%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class I   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   7.15%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   6.83%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   6.07%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   5.16%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.32%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class M   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.90%
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   7.71%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   10.89%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   9.26%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   8.24%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.54%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.16%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   14.32%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   13.03%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   12.40%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   11.21%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   6.32%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   18.59%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   16.05%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   10.96%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   18.59%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.22%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   7.95%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class I   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   7.73%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   5.56%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class M   RBC WEALTH MANAGEMENT   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   9.64%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   9.51%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class M   SAMMONS FINANCIAL NETWORK LLC   WEST DES MOINES   IA   6.31%
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund – Class Z   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.17%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   14.75%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   5.21%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   12.20%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   8.98%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund – Class I   BENEFIT TRUST COMPANY   MONTGOMERY   OH   23.54%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund – Class I   BENEFIT TRUST COMPANY   MONTGOMERY   OH   12.30%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.72%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   5.91%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund – Class I   BENEFIT TRUST COMPANY   MONTGOMERY   OH   5.53%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund – Class M   SAMMONS FINANCIAL NETWORK LLC   WEST DES MOINES   IA   51.29%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund – Class M   ADP BROKER-DEALER INC   BOSTON   MA   8.75%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund – Class M   SECURITY BENEFIT GROUP   TOPEKA   KS   8.33%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund – Class Z   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   9.36%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   9.91%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class A   RBC WEALTH MANAGEMENT   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   9.17%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   8.59%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class A   PFS INVESTMENTS INC   KING OF PRUSSIA   PA   8.21%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   6.13%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.51%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   13.66%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   12.28%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   12.27%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   7.49%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   6.45%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   25.30%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   21.44%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   14.93%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   9.04%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class I   UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   WEEHAWKEN   NJ   7.25%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   6.25%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class M   SAMMONS FINANCIAL NETWORK LLC   WEST DES MOINES   IA   6.24%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.23%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class Z   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   9.18%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class Z   LINCOLN INVESTMENT PLANNING LLC   FORT WASHINGTON   PA   5.84%
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund – Class Z   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   5.02%
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   12.26%
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   6.74%
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   6.36%
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   14.32%
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   13.02%
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   10.89%
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   8.64%
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   8.13%
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   16.46%
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   12.59%
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class I        
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   11.85%
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.24%
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class M   SAMMONS FINANCIAL NETWORK LLC   WEST DES MOINES   IA   9.77%
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.66%
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class Z   PRINCIPAL SECURITIES INC   DES MOINES   IA   8.14%
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund – Class Z   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   6.70%
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   14.75%
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   7.19%
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.86%
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   21.89%
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   12.20%
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   8.78%
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   8.20%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO     8.15%  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     19.43%  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     16.59%  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     10.90%  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO     8.92%  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class I   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO     8.08%  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL     5.76%  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA     5.03%  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     8.50%  
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA     8.45%  
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     10.43%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     7.52%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class A   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY     6.77%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class A   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL     6.14%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO     5.39%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     10.16%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     5.48%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class C   UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   WEEHAWKEN   NJ     5.18%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class I   NEW HAMPSHIRE HIGHER EDUCATION SAVINGS PLAN TRUST   MERRIMACK   NH     16.85%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA     8.86%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     7.64%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     7.10%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     6.08%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class Z   MSCS FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION   PHOENIX   CO     35.54%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class Z   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO     10.57%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund – Class Z   NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY   CHICAGO   IL     6.75%  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     8.44%  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA     7.92%  
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class A   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY     7.73%  



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   6.49%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class C   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   16.04%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   11.02%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.03%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.76%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   6.45%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class I   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   19.34%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   11.89%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   11.61%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.83%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   9.46%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   7.30%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class I   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   6.73%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.72%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class M   SAMMONS FINANCIAL NETWORK LLC   WEST DES MOINES   IA   5.27%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   8.87%
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   20.59%
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.65%
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   7.45%
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class A   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   5.54%
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class C   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   21.26%
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   11.69%
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   9.36%
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.87%
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.87%
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   46.18%
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   9.05%
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class I   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   5.56%
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class I   THE NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY   CHICAGO   IL   5.38%
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.42%
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund – Class Z   LINCOLN INVESTMENT PLANNING LLC   FORT WASHINGTON   PA   6.78%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   10.02%
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   9.55%
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.22%
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.89%
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.79%
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund – Class I   ALLEN   WESTON   MA   18.43%
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund – Class I   BOWER   MILTON   MA   14.45%
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund – Class I   STIFEL NICOLAUS & CO INC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   13.27%
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.95%
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   6.44%
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.30%
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   12.46
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.13%
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund – Class A   USI SECURITIES INC   PHOENIX   AZ   10.10%
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   13.07%
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund – Class C   AMERICAN PORTFOLIOS FINANCIAL   KNOXVILLE   TN   6.49%
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   36.08%
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund – Class I   STIFEL NICOLAUS & CO INC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   27.94%
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.02%
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.07%
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   21.58%
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund – Class M   TITLEIST CAPITAL LLC   FARGO   ND   5.68%
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund – Class Z   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   12.94%
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund – Class Z   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   5.70%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   13.06%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   9.80%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   8.74%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class A   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   7.76%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.17%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   14.85%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class C   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   13.26%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   11.94%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.67%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   6.85%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.07%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class C   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   5.10%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   19.51%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class I   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   16.76%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   13.71%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   10.45%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class I   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   8.08%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.37%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class M   SECURITY BENEFIT GROUP   TOPEKA   KS   35.21%
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund – Class M   SAMMONS FINANCIAL NETWORK LLC   WEST DES MOINES   IA   8.45%
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund – Class A   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   10.81%
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   6.79%
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.03%
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund – Class A   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   5.12%
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   10.10%
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   14.26%
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   7.87%
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund – Class I   NATIONWIDE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY   COLUMBUS   OH   5.89%
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund – Class M   PAYCHEX SECURITIES CORP   WEST HENRIETTA   NY   57.71%
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund – Class Z   MSCS FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION   ANN ARBOR   MI   54.95%
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund – Class Z   RELIANCE TRUST COMPANY   MILWAUKEE   WI   9.50%
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   12.59%
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   9.30%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO     6.92%  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund – Class C   STIFEL NICOLAUS & CO INC   SAINT LOUIS   MO     11.20%  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     6.91%  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL     5.65%  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     41.37%  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     13.45%  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund – Class I   RBC WEALTH MANAGEMENT   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     9.48%  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund – Class I   TRACT RADIOLOGY INC 401K PLAN   EUREKA SPRINGS   AR     7.32%  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL     7.32%  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA     5.02%  
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     7.73%  
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     8.25%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO     6.27%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     5.87%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL     6.58%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     5.70%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     5.66%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     5.25%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     17.60%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     13.39%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA     9.20%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     7.04%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO     5.89%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     7.22%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund – Class Z   FIDELITY CHARITABLE GIFT FUND – U.S. EQUITY POOL   BOSTON   MA     99.10%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     26.54%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     9.36%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA     8.28%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     5.12%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     16.54%  



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO     13.13%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     10.79%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     9.84%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL     8.07%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     23.54%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     20.75%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     16.00%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL     7.59%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA     7.07%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class M   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     11.90%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     9.37%  
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund – Class Z   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     6.58%  
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY     66.19%  
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA     12.55%  
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity 500 Index Fund   J P MORGAN SECURITIES INC   BROOKLYN   NY     10.85%  
Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund   STRATEGIC ADVISERS FIDELITY U.S. TOTAL STOCK FUND   BOSTON   MA     7.54%  
Fidelity Founders Fund*   DANOFF   WESTON   MA     10.08%  
Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     12.82%  
Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     11.61%  
Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     9.27%  
Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     6.61%  
Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     32.87%  
Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund – Class I   THUMB BANK & TRUST   PIGEON   MI     13.01%  
Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     11.89%  
Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund – Class I   MSCS FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION   PIGEON   MI     11.03%  
Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     7.15%  
Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund – Class M   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     10.93%  
Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     6.59%  
Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund – Class Z   MSCS FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION   PIGEON   MI     12.33%  
Fidelity International Index Fund   J P MORGAN SECURITIES INC   BROOKLYN   NY     11.62%  



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund   FIDELITY NON-PROFIT MGMT FNDTN   BOSTON   MA     5.07%  
Fidelity SAI International Small Cap Index Fund   STRATEGIC ADVISERS INTERNATIONAL FUND   BOSTON   MA     13.33%  
Fidelity Total Market Index Fund   CGF INDEX POOL   MERRIMACK   NH     7.65%  
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     10.14%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     9.05%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class A   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY     7.73%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO     5.60%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     5.02%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     13.91%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     11.53%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO     8.44%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL     8.30%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     8.25%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     25.16%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     14.07%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class I   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY     6.78%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     5.44%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA     5.35%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class I   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL     5.01%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class M   VOYA RETIREMENT INSURANCE AND ANNUITY CO   WINDSOR   MA     10.34%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     6.72%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class M   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     6.22%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class M   PAYCHEX SECURITIES CORP   WEST HENRIETTA   NY     5.24%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA     11.22%  
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund – Class Z   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     5.85%  
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY     75.28%  
Fidelity Blue Chip Value ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY     91.35%  
Fidelity Clean Energy ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY     82.42%  
Fidelity Clean Energy ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA     7.47%  
Fidelity Cloud Computing ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY     68.86%  
Fidelity Cloud Computing ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA     15.77%  
Fidelity Crypto Industry and Digital Payments ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY     82.03%  



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Crypto Industry and Digital Payments ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   6.96%
Fidelity Digital Health ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   73.52%
Fidelity Digital Health ETF   J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES LLC   BROOKLYN   NY   12.58%
Fidelity Digital Health ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.58%
Fidelity Disruptive Automation ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   89.35%
Fidelity Disruptive Communications ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   84.44%
Fidelity Disruptive Communications ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   9.88%
Fidelity Disruptive Finance ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   83.30%
Fidelity Disruptive Finance ETF   J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES LLC   BROOKLYN   NY   8.67%
Fidelity Disruptive Medicine ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   52.41%
Fidelity Disruptive Medicine ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   35.52%
Fidelity Disruptive Medicine ETF   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.13%
Fidelity Disruptive Technology ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   78.88%
Fidelity Disruptive Technology ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   13.99%
Fidelity Disruptors ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.90%
Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   61.35%
Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   14.78%
Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates   MERRILL LYNCH   NEW YORK   NY   5.82%
Fidelity Electric Vehicles and Future Transportation ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   78.25%
Fidelity Electric Vehicles and Future Transportation ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.82%
Fidelity Emerging Markets Multifactor ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   76.94%
Fidelity Emerging Markets Multifactor ETF   J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES LLC   BROOKLYN   NY   9.92%
Fidelity Emerging Markets Multifactor ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   7.08%
Fidelity Enhanced International ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   74.48%
Fidelity Enhanced International ETF   BNY MELLON   NEW YORK   NY   19.50%
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Core ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   96.53%
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Growth ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   92.24%
Fidelity Enhanced Large Cap Value ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   94.76%
Fidelity Enhanced Mid Cap ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   90.52%
Fidelity Enhanced Small Cap ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   85.87%
Fidelity Enhanced Small Cap ETF   BNY MELLON   NEW YORK   NY   8.96%
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Core ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   82.34%
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Core ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   10.61%
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Growth ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   92.57%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Value ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   73.40%
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Value ETF   VANGUARD BROKERAGE SERVICES   MALVERN   PA   13.22%
Fidelity Fundamental Large Cap Value ETF   J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES LLC   BROOKLYN   NY   8.10%
Fidelity Fundamental Small-Mid Cap ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   89.63%
Fidelity High Dividend ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   8.85%
Fidelity High Dividend ETF   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.77%
Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   69.88%
Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   17.58%
Fidelity International High Dividend ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   73.59%
Fidelity International High Dividend ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   13.04%
Fidelity International Multifactor ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   80.11%
Fidelity International Multifactor ETF   CETERA INVESTMENT SERVICES LLC   ST CLOUD   MN   8.77%
Fidelity International Value Factor ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   85.17%
Fidelity International Value Factor ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   8.61%
Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   78.22%
Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   8.61%
Fidelity Metaverse ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   7.38%
Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   74.70%
Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.71%
Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.48%
Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   41.29%
Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   39.52%
Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.42%
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   58.63%
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   25.52%
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   59.71%
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   23.37%
Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   24.81%
Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   27.49%
Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   25.96%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   62.52%
Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   16.36%
Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.17%
Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   62.81%
Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   20.83%
Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   20.97%
Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF   BNY MELLON   NEW YORK   NY   14.31%
Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   19.45%
Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF   PNC BANK, N.A.   PITTSBURGH   PA   5.43%
Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF   MERRILL LYNCH   NEW YORK   NY   18.51%
Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   13.10%
Fidelity Preferred Securities & Income ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   79.85%
Fidelity Preferred Securities & Income ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   9.47%
Fidelity Quality Factor ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   76.22%
Fidelity Quality Factor ETF   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   15.02%
Fidelity Quality Factor ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.47%
Fidelity Real Estate Investment ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   87.85%
Fidelity Small-Mid Multifactor ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   71.00%
Fidelity Small-Mid Multifactor ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   7.99%
Fidelity Small-Mid Multifactor ETF   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES, INC.   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   5.36%
Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   64.69%
Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   12.57%
Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF   MORGAN STANLEY   NEW YORK   NY   6.02%
Fidelity Sustainable High Yield ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   83.96%
Fidelity Sustainable High Yield ETF   J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES LLC   BROOKLYN   NY   5.45%
Fidelity Sustainable High Yield ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.39%
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   67.54%
Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equity ETF   BNY MELLON   NEW YORK   NY   25.10%
Fidelity U.S. Multifactor ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   87.42%
Fidelity Value Factor ETF   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC.   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   15.08%
Fidelity Value Factor ETF   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.89%
Fidelity Women’s Leadership ETF   NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC   NEW YORK   NY   81.98%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     22.77%  
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     8.34%  
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL     8.30%  
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO     8.24%  
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     5.68%  
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL     20.95%  
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA     8.80%  
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO     7.43%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class A   JOHN HANCOCK LIFE INSURANCE   BOSTON   MA     8.10%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL     23.86%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     7.78%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO     5.36%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     5.28%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     19.56%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     16.34%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     9.62%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class I   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL     8.81%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA     6.67%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class I   MID ATLANTIC CLEARING & SETTLEMENT   PITTSBURGH   PA     6.19%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class M   VOYA RETIREMENT INSURANCE AND ANNUITY CO   WINDSOR   MA     13.98%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class M   ADP BROKER-DEALER INC   BOSTON   MA     7.13%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class Z   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO     19.16%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class Z   PRINCIPAL SECURITIES INC   DES MOINES   IA     15.62%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA     9.72%  
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund – Class Z   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL     6.27%  
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class A   MGH ACADEMIC ANNUITY PLAN   BOSTON   MA     5.27%  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     10.88%  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class A   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO     8.58%  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     8.18%  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     11.80%  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO     6.67%  
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     6.63%  



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   6.09%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   5.94%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   23.03%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   14.58%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   13.15%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   12.01%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.27%
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   7.79%
Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund   ASCENSUS BROKER DEALER SERVICES LLC   FARGO   ND   10.54%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.25%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   6.27%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   5.87%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   6.58%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   5.70%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.66%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.25%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   17.60%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   13.39%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   9.20%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   7.04%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.89%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   7.22%
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund – Class Z   FIDELITY CHARITABLE GIFT FUND – U.S. EQUITY POOL   BOSTON   MA   99.10%
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   6.65%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   18.70%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   6.55%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class A   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   5.88%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.43%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   16.27%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   10.76%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   10.23%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   7.90%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class C   RBC WEALTH MANAGEMENT   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   5.59%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   18.82%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   13.94%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   8.80%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   8.28%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.93%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class I   SEI INVESTMENTS DISTRIBUTION CO   OAKS   PA   5.35%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class I   RBC WEALTH MANAGEMENT   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   5.23%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   11.45%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class M   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   5.14%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   21.34%
Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund – Class Z   RELIANCE TRUST CO   ATLANTA   GA   7.53%
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund – Class K   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   6.60%
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   12.50%
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   11.20%
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.03%
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.48%
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.21%
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   19.28%
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   18.36%
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   12.18%
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.55%
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   23.30%
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   19.09%
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   14.66%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   13.68%
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   6.80%
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund – Class M   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   44.76%
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Canada Fund   VIP FUNDSMANAGER 60% PORTFOLIO   BOSTON   MA   5.71%
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   14.22%
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   11.59%
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.62%
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class C   POSHEDLEY   TWINSBURG   OH   11.01%
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   7.58%
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   7.29%
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class C   RBC WEALTH MANAGEMENT   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   7.10%
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class C   UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   WEEHAWKEN   NJ   6.85%
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class I   FMTC-UNITIZED   MERRIMACK   NH   17.54%
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   11.15%
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   10.31%
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class I   FIAM TOTAL ENDOWMENT FUND LP   SMITHFIELD   RI   9.80%
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.64%
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class I   WANG COMMUNITY HEALTH CTR   NEW YORK   NY   7.18%
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class I   DELAWARE ART MUSEUM   WILMINGTON   DE   6.22%
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   12.58%
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   18.72%
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class Z   YATES   SANTA FE   NM   9.29%
Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund – Class Z   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   9.11%
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   12.24%
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.81%
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   7.89%
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class A   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   7.70%
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   18.96%
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class C   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   11.37%
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class C   STIFEL NICOLAUS & CO INC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   10.60%
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class C   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   6.06%
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class I   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   17.76%
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   12.11%
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class I   NATIONWIDE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY   COLUMBUS   OH   9.87%
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   8.73%
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class I   UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   WEEHAWKEN   NJ   7.68%
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.44%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   6.00%
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.53%
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   24.17%
Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund – Class Z   STRATEGIC ADVISERS FIDELITY EMERGING MARKETS FUND   BOSTON   MA   95.02%
Fidelity Diversified International Fund   STRATEGIC ADVISERS FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL FUND   BOSTON   MA   26.85%
Fidelity Diversified International Fund   STRATEGIC ADVISERS INTERNATIONAL FUND   BOSTON   MA   5.77%
Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund   MSCS FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION   WASHINGTON   DC   5.42%
Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund   VIP FUNDSMANAGER 60% PORTFOLIO   BOSTON   MA   11.43%
Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund   VIP FUNDSMANAGER 50% PORTFOLIO   BOSTON   MA   10.00%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   16.48%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund – Class A   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   14.29%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   9.42%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   9.12%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   20.61%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   15.55%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   8.06%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   7.74%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   40.66%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   18.68%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.92%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund – Class I   UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   WEEHAWKEN   NJ   6.98%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   20.98%
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund   VIP FUNDSMANAGER 60% PORTFOLIO   BOSTON   MA   9.84%
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   6.38%
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund   VIP FUNDSMANAGER 50% PORTFOLIO   BOSTON   MA   5.43%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   48.46%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   11.01%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   23.29%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   13.26%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   9.33%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   6.38%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund – Class I   FIDELITY NON-PROFIT MGMT FNDTN   BOSTON   MA   51.28%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   17.24%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   7.97%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   7.24%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund – Class M   USI SECURITIES INC   OAKS   PA   21.31%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund – Class Z   STRATEGIC ADVISERS FIDELITY EMERGING MARKETS FUND   BOSTON   MA   61.01%
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund – Class Z   STRATEGIC ADVISERS EMERGING MARKETS FUND   BOSTON   MA   28.19%
Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   20.07%
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.92%
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   11.73%
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   11.73%
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.59%
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class C   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   9.45%
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class C   J P MORGAN SECURITIES INC   BROOKLYN   NY   5.70%
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   30.03%
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   12.77%
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   9.65%
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class I   UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   WEEHAWKEN   NJ   9.64%
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   7.07%
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   6.12%
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.77%
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class M   BHUTA   CROTON   NY   5.53%
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class M   RAJDEO   CROTON   NY   5.22%
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class Z   OPPENHEIMER & CO INC   CEDAR CITY   UT   16.10%
Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund – Class Z   GILCHRIST   STAFFORD   VA   5.62%
Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.49%
Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   18.24%
Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   11.88%
Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.07%
Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   22.88%
Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   15.55%
Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   14.54%
Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   10.38%
Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.85%
Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class M   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.59%
Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   18.28%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   18.04%
Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   17.88%
Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   14.27%
Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   13.61%
Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   7.78%
Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   7.92%
Fidelity Infrastructure Fund   VIP FUNDSMANAGER 60% PORTFOLIO   BOSTON   MA   14.07%
Fidelity Infrastructure Fund   VIP FUNDSMANAGER 50% PORTFOLIO   BOSTON   MA   9.44%
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund   STRATEGIC ADVISERS FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL FUND   BOSTON   MA   37.61%
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   12.62%
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund   RELIANCE TRUST CO   ATLANTA   GA   5.06%
Fidelity International Discovery Fund   FIDELITY NON-PROFIT MGMT FNDTN   BOSTON   MA   7.47%
Fidelity International Discovery Fund   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   7.24%
Fidelity International Discovery Fund   THE NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY   CHICAGO   IL   6.30%
Fidelity International Discovery Fund   FIDELITY NON-PROFIT MGMT FNDTN   BOSTON   MA   5.69%
Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   12.18%
Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund – Class C   LINCOLN INVESTMENT PLANNING LLC   FORT WASHINGTON   PA   12.91%
Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   12.81%
Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   6.41%
Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.49%
Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund – Class Z   STRATEGIC ADVISERS FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL FUND   BOSTON   MA   73.83%
Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund – Class Z   STRATEGIC ADVISERS INTERNATIONAL FUND   BOSTON   MA   23.85%
Fidelity International Growth Fund   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   8.28%
Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   14.99%
Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   13.33%
Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund – Class A   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   5.25%
Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   17.49%
Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   12.93%
Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   7.11%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.78%
Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   44.03%
Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   18.56%
Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   6.89%
Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.86%
Fidelity International Small Cap Fund   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   12.15%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class A   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   9.36%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   35.50%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class A   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   11.09%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   14.43%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   10.64%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   8.89%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class C   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   7.49%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   7.36%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   5.83%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   17.72%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   15.40%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   12.98%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class I   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   6.56%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   6.54%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class I   UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   WEEHAWKEN   NJ   5.84%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class M   SAMMONS FINANCIAL NETWORK LLC   WEST DES MOINES   IA   14.05%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class Z   SEI INVESTMENTS DISTRIBUTION CO   OAKS   PA   25.82%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   17.75%
Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund   VIP FUNDSMANAGER 60% PORTFOLIO   BOSTON   MA   9.88%
Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund   VIP FUNDSMANAGER 50% PORTFOLIO   BOSTON   MA   6.79%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   8.94%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   7.33%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class A   NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL INVESTMENT   ADEL   IA   6.91%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.59%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.94%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   10.83%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   7.54%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   6.39%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class C   AMERICAN PORTFOLIOS FINANCIAL   KNOXVILLE   TN   5.47%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class I   FIDELITY NON-PROFIT MGMT FNDTN   BOSTON   MA   53.75%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   7.41%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class M   CETERA ADVISOR NETWORKS LLC   NEW YORK   NY   8.22%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class M   CETERA ADVISOR NETWORKS LLC   NEW YORK   NY   7.52%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class Z   STRATEGIC ADVISERS FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL FUND   BOSTON   MA   41.01%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class Z   STRATEGIC ADVISERS INTERNATIONAL FUND   BOSTON   MA   17.98%
Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.27%
Fidelity International Value Fund   VIP FUNDSMANAGER 60% PORTFOLIO   BOSTON   MA   12.34%
Fidelity International Value Fund   RATHJENS   WEST NEWTON   MA   9.67%
Fidelity International Value Fund   VIP FUNDSMANAGER 50% PORTFOLIO   BOSTON   MA   7.85%
Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   17.54
Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   14.82%
Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   8.25%
Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund – Class C   STIFEL NICOLAUS & CO INC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   11.89%
Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   8.70%
Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   7.29%
Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   35.89%
Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   19.47%
Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   18.13%
Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.34%
Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund – Class M   LINCOLN INVESTMENT PLANNING LLC   FORT WASHINGTON   PA   9.02%
Fidelity Japan Fund   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   12.24%
Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund – Class A   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   37.35%
Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   6.03%
Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.87%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund – Class C   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   32.71%
Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   16.71%
Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund – Class C   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   10.06%
Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund – Class C   J P MORGAN SECURITIES INC   BROOKLYN   NY   9.27%
Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.28%
Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund – Class I   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   37.55%
Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   7.93%
Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.99%
Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund – Class Z   STRATEGIC ADVISERS INTERNATIONAL FUND   BOSTON   MA   59.77%
Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund   STRATEGIC ADVISERS INTERNATIONAL FUND   BOSTON   MA   19.49%
Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund   VIP FUNDSMANAGER 60% PORTFOLIO   BOSTON   MA   10.26%
Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund   VIP FUNDSMANAGER 50% PORTFOLIO   BOSTON   MA   7.55%
Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.71%
Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund – Class A   BURKS   NEW PALESTINE   IN   6.12%
Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund – Class C   STAEHELY   HOUSTON   TX   5.71%
Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   53.39%
Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   28.08%
Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund – Class M   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.54%
Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund – Class Z   SEACORP LLC 401K PROFIT SHARING PLAN   TAFTVILLE   CT   12.33%
Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund – Class Z   ASCENSUS BROKER DEALER SERVICES LLC   FARGO   ND   10.50%
Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund – Class Z   SEACORP LLC 401K PROFIT SHARING PLAN   TIVERTON   RI   10.40%
Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund – Class Z   SEACORP LLC 401K PROFIT SHARING PLAN   JOHNSTON   RI   8.01%
Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund – Class Z   SEACORP LLC 401K PROFIT SHARING PLAN   WESTERLY   RI   7.93%
Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund – Class Z   SEACORP LLC 401K PROFIT SHARING PLAN   AYER   MA   7.34%
Fidelity Nordic Fund   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.16%
Fidelity Overseas Fund   VIP FUNDSMANAGER 60% PORTFOLIO   BOSTON   MA   5.14%
Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   9.72%
Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   7.01%
Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund   FIDELITY SUSTAINABLE MULTI-ASSET FUND   BOSTON   MA   25.17%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   11.81%
Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund   NIA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION   PIEDMONT   CA   11.34%
Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund   CHOW   NEWTON   MA   10.43%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund – Class A   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   76.84%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   17.63%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund – Class C   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   98.57%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund – Class I   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   95.22%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund – Class M   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   99.93%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund – Class Z   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   48.19%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund – Class Z   JONES   NEW LONDON   OH   31.88%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund – Class Z   SEROTKIN   LEXINGTON   MA   11.55%
Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund   FIDELITY SUSTAINABLE MULTI-ASSET FUND   BOSTON   MA   38.81%
Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund   KENNEDY   BROOKLYN   NY   17.91%
Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   6.27%
Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund   NIA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION   PIEDMONT   CA   5.93%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable International Equity Fund – Class A   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   84.34%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable International Equity Fund – Class A   SECURITIES AMERICA INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   10.56%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable International Equity Fund – Class C   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   90.58%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable International Equity Fund – Class I   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   100.00%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable International Equity Fund – Class M   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   99.95%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable International Equity Fund – Class Z   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   82.60%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable International Equity Fund – Class Z   IHRIG   IOWA CITY   IA   17.40%
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   27.82%
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   10.41%
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class A   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   7.80%
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class A   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   7.63%
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.99%
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   21.01%
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   17.05%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   13.19%
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class C   J P MORGAN SECURITIES INC   BROOKLYN   NY   10.56%
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   25.54%
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   18.98%
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   15.36%
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class I   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   11.49%
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class I   UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   WEEHAWKEN   NJ   5.98%
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class I   STIFEL NICOLAUS & CO INC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.09%
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class M   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   15.71%
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class M   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   11.02%
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.52%
Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund – Class Z   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   20.31%
Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund – Class A   MSCS FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION   OAK BROOK   IL   26.59%
Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   7.02%
Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.43%
Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   22.46%
Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   17.67%
Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   7.19%
Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   30.83%
Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   22.77%
Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   10.02%
Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   8.71%
Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund – Class I   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   7.20%
Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund – Class M   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   52.29%
Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   11.11%
Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund – Class Z   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   9.77%
Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   20.60%
Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   15.44%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA     9.43%  
Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     5.41%  
Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     11.11%  
Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     9.15%  
Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class C   J P MORGAN SECURITIES INC   BROOKLYN   NY     6.32%  
Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class I   NATIONWIDE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY   COLUMBUS   OH     28.68%  
Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA     8.45%  
Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN     8.27%  
Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA     6.42%  
Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     5.87%  
Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     5.37%  
Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class M   PRINCIPAL SECURITIES INC   DES MOINES   IA     5.26%  
Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund – Class Z   STATE STREET BANK TRUST CO   HARRISON   NY     7.79%  
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity Equity Growth K6 Fund   MSCS FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION   DENVER   CO     19.72%  
Fidelity Growth Company Fund   STRATEGIC ADVISERS FIDELITY U.S. TOTAL STOCK FUND   BOSTON   MA     22.45%  
Fidelity Growth Company Fund   STRATEGIC ADVISERS LARGE CAP FUND   BOSTON   MA     6.44%  
Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO     6.72%  
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity Balanced Fund – Class K   TOYOTA SAVINGS PLAN   ERLANGER   KY     6.72%  
Fidelity Value Discovery Fund   FIDELITY NON-PROFIT MGMT FNDTN   BOSTON   MA     11.70%  
Fidelity Value Discovery Fund   FIDELITY NON-PROFIT MGMT FNDTN   BOSTON   MA     11.28%  
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity OTC Portfolio – Class K   MELLON BANK   PITTSBURGH   PA     76.94%  
Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA     9.14%  



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class A   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   27.55%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.70%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   8.56%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   8.08%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   7.55%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.83%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   19.47%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   11.10%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.18%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   8.12%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   6.71%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class C   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   5.60%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   17.05%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   14.97%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   14.24%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class I   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   8.11%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   7.91%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   6.20%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class I   FIDELITY NON-PROFIT MGMT FNDTN   BOSTON   MA   5.94%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   5.64%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class M   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   14.06%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   7.68%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class Z   STRATEGIC ADVISERS FIDELITY CORE INCOME FUND   BOSTON   MA   64.74%
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund – Class Z   J P MORGAN SECURITIES INC   BROOKLYN   NY   6.43%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.81%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   7.56%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.20%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   14.63%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   12.05%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   9.57%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   7.27%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class C   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   5.10%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class I   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   29.93%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   9.55%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.79%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   6.38%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.14%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class M   VOYA RETIREMENT INSURANCE AND ANNUITY CO   WINDSOR   MA   14.63%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class M   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   13.14%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class Z   STRATEGIC ADVISERS FIDELITY U.S. TOTAL STOCK FUND   BOSTON   MA   49.98%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund – Class Z   STRATEGIC ADVISERS SMALL-MID CAP FUND   BOSTON   MA   25.92%
Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.45%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   11.13%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   9.40%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   7.99%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   7.57%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   15.55%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   13.46%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   10.70%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class C   STIFEL NICOLAUS & CO INC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   7.31%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   6.81%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class C   MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH INC   JACKSONVILLE   FL   5.65%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.40%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   21.30%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   17.88%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.84%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   8.03%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class M   SAMMONS FINANCIAL NETWORK LLC   WEST DES MOINES   IA   16.66%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class M   EMPOWER ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY   GREENWOOD VILLAGE   CO   13.91%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class M   ADP BROKER-DEALER INC   BOSTON   MA   11.22%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class M   VOYA RETIREMENT INSURANCE AND ANNUITY CO   WINDSOR   MA   10.18%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   12.46%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class Z   PRINCIPAL SECURITIES INC   DES MOINES   IA   6.00%
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   12.46%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.84%
Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.27%
Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.99%
Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   38.17%
Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   9.47%
Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund – Class C   STIFEL NICOLAUS & CO INC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   9.35%
Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   6.20%
Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   42.33%
Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   19.11%
Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   10.60%
Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.57%
Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   35.08%
Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund – Class Z   PFG FIDELITY INSTITUTIONAL AM EQUITY SECTOR STRATEGY FUND   BELLEVUE   WA   59.13%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   16.85%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   8.40%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   6.47%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   14.98%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   13.54%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   8.95%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   8.66%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   38.38%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   11.25%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.86%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.20%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   11.15%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class M   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.55%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class M   RBC WEALTH MANAGEMENT   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   5.97%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class Z   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   7.32%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.95%
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund – Class Z   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   5.17%
Environment and Alternative Energy Fund   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.02%
Fidelity Advisor Gold Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.92%
Fidelity Advisor Gold Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   7.97%
Fidelity Advisor Gold Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   7.40%
Fidelity Advisor Gold Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   44.65%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Gold Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   9.06%
Fidelity Advisor Gold Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.19%
Fidelity Advisor Gold Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   29.48%
Fidelity Advisor Gold Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   24.56%
Fidelity Advisor Gold Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   9.82%
Fidelity Health Care Portfolio   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.27%
Fidelity International Real Estate Fund   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   19.64%
Fidelity International Real Estate Fund   UMB BANK   KANSAS CITY   MO   5.80%
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   38.21%
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   8.55%
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.36%
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   24.94%
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   19.15%
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   39.56%
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   12.08%
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class I   SUN   IRVINE   CA   9.13%
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.49%
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   5.19%
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   11.55%
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class M   CAMBRIDGE INVESTMENT RESEARCH   WINTER GARDEN   FL   7.17%
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class Z   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   44.89%
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class Z   STRATEGIC ADVISERS FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL FUND   BOSTON   MA   29.96%
Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund – Class Z   FIDELITY CHARITABLE GIFT FUND – CHARITABLE LEGACY POOL   BOSTON   MA   5.61%
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.45%
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   10.02%
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class A   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   6.55%
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.74%
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   5.01%
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   20.03%
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   19.89%
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   11.24%
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   12.93%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   11.08%
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   10.74%
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   9.30%
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   6.09%
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.68%
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class M   SAMMONS FINANCIAL NETWORK LLC   WEST DES MOINES   IA   14.57%
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class M   VOYA RETIREMENT INSURANCE AND ANNUITY CO   WINDSOR   MA   13.20%
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.25%
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class M   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.07%
Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund – Class Z   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   8.98%
Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.16%
Software and IT Services Portfolio   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   5.31%
Telecommunications Portfolio   J P MORGAN SECURITIES INC   BROOKLYN   NY   5.71%
Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   10.56%
Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   11.33%
Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   8.42%
Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund – Class C   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   7.86%
Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   7.70%
Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   7.54%
Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   19.63%
Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund – Class I   UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   WEEHAWKEN   NJ   13.62%
Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   12.14%
Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   12.01%
Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund – Class I   RBC WEALTH MANAGEMENT   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   5.30%
Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.11%
Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund – Class M   SAMMONS FINANCIAL NETWORK LLC   WEST DES MOINES   IA   37.26%
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class A   MURPHY   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   14.42%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   12.97%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class A   SECURITIES AMERICA INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   10.91%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class C   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   28.42%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   22.64%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class C   VALIC FINANCIAL ADVISORS INC   WESTMINSTER   CO   20.37%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   CRESCENT CITY   CA   7.77%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class C   PAYCHEX SECURITIES CORP   CRESCENT CITY   CA   7.22%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class C   KOVACK SECURITIES INC   DETROIT   MI   6.64%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   84.64%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class I   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   11.43%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class M   GARDEN STATE SECURITIES, INC   STATEN ISLAND   NY   29.52%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class M   GARDEN STATE SECURITIES, INC   STATEN ISLAND   NY   14.54%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class M   GARDEN STATE SECURITIES, INC   MORGANVILLE   NJ   12.62%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class M   GARDEN STATE SECURITIES, INC   COLTS NECK   NJ   12.48%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class M   GARDEN STATE SECURITIES, INC   STATEN ISLAND   NY   9.07%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class M   GARDEN STATE SECURITIES, INC   COLTS NECK   NJ   6.24%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class M   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   5.47%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class Z   DEGRAND   GRAFTON   MA   12.13%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class Z   GAMBHIR   FRANKLIN PARK   NJ   10.88%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class Z   KADIWAR   EDISON   NJ   10.88%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class Z   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   8.83%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class Z   MCHUGH   GRAFTON   MA   7.49%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class Z   MONTALTO   OAKHURST   CA   5.84%
Fidelity Advisor Climate Action Fund – Class Z   MSCS FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION   DENVER   CO   5.63%
Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Fund – Class A   HADLEY   BOULDER   CO   12.40%
Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   7.91%
Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   7.81%
Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   11.62%
Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   11.21%
Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Fund – Class C   AMERICAN PORTFOLIOS FINANCIAL   KNOXVILLE   TN   8.13%
Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Fund – Class C   CETERA ADVISORS LLC   HONOLULU   HI   7.26%
Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   15.07%
Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Fund – Class I   UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   WEEHAWKEN   NJ   6.18%
Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Fund – Class M   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   9.86%
Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Fund – Class M   GLP INVESTMENT SERVICES LLC   GROSSE POINTE PARK   MI   8.74%
Fidelity Healthy Future Fund   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   9.31%
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   17.51%
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class A   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   14.27%
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class A   CADARET GRANT & CO INC   ERIE   CO   10.13%
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   DEERFIELD BEACH   FL   6.68%
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class A   CNS SECURITIES LLC   GARLAND   TX   6.21%
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class A   CONCOURSE FINANCIAL GROUP SECURITIES INC   TUCKER   GA   5.70%
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class A   CADARET GRANT & CO INC   CRANFORD   NJ   5.39%
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class C   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   45.51%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class C   AMERICAN PORTFOLIOS FINANCIAL   COLORADO SPRINGS   CO   23.53%
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class I   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   77.79%
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   17.87%
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   44.27%
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class M   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   7.89%
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class M   AMERICAN PORTFOLIOS FINANCIAL   SYRACUSE   NY   6.72%
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class M   AMERICAN PORTFOLIOS FINANCIAL   PALM HARBOR   FL   6.52%
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class M   AMERICAN PORTFOLIOS FINANCIAL   TAMPA   FL   5.93%
Fidelity Advisor Healthy Future Fund – Class Z   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   98.81%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   8.82%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   7.16%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.44%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   12.65%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   9.80%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   6.55%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.42%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   6.07%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   29.91%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   10.56%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   9.49%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.32%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.31%
Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund – Class Z   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.31%
Fidelity New Markets Income Fund   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   7.47%
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   10.34%
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.94%
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   7.81%
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class A   MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY   NEW YORK   NY   5.84%
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class C   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   33.92%
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   10.97%
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class C   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   7.37%
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   6.98%
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   6.97%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class C   UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   WEEHAWKEN   NJ   5.20%
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   71.66%
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class I   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   8.80%
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class M   VOYA RETIREMENT INSURANCE AND ANNUITY CO   WINDSOR   MA   11.56%
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class M   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   9.13%
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.74%
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class Z   STRATEGIC ADVISERS FIDELITY CORE INCOME FUND   BOSTON   MA   68.73%
Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund – Class Z   WELLS FARGO BANK MN N.A.   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   12.02%
Fidelity Advisor Short Duration High Income Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   37.85%
Fidelity Advisor Short Duration High Income Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   19.92%
Fidelity Advisor Short Duration High Income Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   37.00%
Fidelity Advisor Short Duration High Income Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   25.13%
Fidelity Advisor Short Duration High Income Fund – Class I   CHARLES SCHWAB & CO INC   SAN FRANCISCO   CA   10.37%
Fidelity Advisor Short Duration High Income Fund – Class I   DICK B DAVENPORT DDS RETIREMENT PLAN   LAREDO   TX   5.27%
Fidelity Advisor Short Duration High Income Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   13.42%
Fidelity Advisor Short Duration High Income Fund – Class M   KATCHEN   DENVER   CO   5.38%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class A   MURPHY   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   13.79%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   9.90%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class A   WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES LLC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   9.30%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class A   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   8.58%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   7.52%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class C   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   21.67%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class C   CETERA ADVISOR NETWORKS LLC   PLAINVIEW   NY   19.96%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class C   COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL NETWORK   STAMFORD   CT   11.76%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class C   LA SALLE STREET SECURITIES, LLC   BEDFORD   MA   8.27%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   CANTON   MS   5.25%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class I   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   61.14%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class I   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   27.10%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class I   RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES INC   SAINT PETERSBURG   FL   6.42%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class M   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   26.67%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class M   OSAIC WEALTH INC   QUINCY   MA   19.38%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class M   NELSEN   MILWAUKEE   WI   12.72%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class M   ONEAMERICA SECURITIES INC   LOUISVILLE   KY   7.35%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.36%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class Z   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA   35.10%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class Z   ANDERSON   BRUNSWICK   ME   19.94%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class Z   SOMMERFIELD   MILWAUKEE   WI   19.28%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class Z   NORMAN   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   9.38%
Fidelity Advisor Sustainable U.S. Equity Fund – Class Z   FIRST COMMAND BROKERAGE SERVICES   MARIETTA   GA   9.33%
Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund   MSCS FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION   PITTSBURGH   PA   36.33%
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class A   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   12.21%
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class A   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   8.48%
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class A   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.62%
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class A   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.15%
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class C   STIFEL NICOLAUS & CO INC   SAINT LOUIS   MO   22.01%
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class C   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   17.31%
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class C   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   8.53%
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class C   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   5.34%
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class I   AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC   MINNEAPOLIS   MN   53.58%
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class I   LPL FINANCIAL LLC   SAN DIEGO   CA   29.24%
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class M   GARDEN STATE SECURITIES, INC   STATEN ISLAND   NY   8.57%
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class M   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   7.51%



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class M   GARDEN STATE SECURITIES, INC   MORGANVILLE   NJ   6.41%
  STOKES   TRUMBULL   CT   6.23%
  WU   LAKE OSWEGO   OR   5.13%
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class Z   BLAKELY   ATLANTA   GA   21.58%
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class Z   EDWARD D JONES & CO   MARYLAND HEIGHTS   MO   18.32%
Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund – Class Z   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ   5.02%



The ownership information shown above is for a class of shares of the fund.

To the knowledge of the trusts, no other shareholder owned of record or beneficially more than 5% of the outstanding shares of each class of the funds on that date.

As of March 31, 2024 (and April 16, 2024 for ETFs), the following owned of record and/or beneficially 25% or more of the outstanding shares:


Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund   MONTANA BOARD OF INVESTMENTS   HELENA   MT     31.31%  
Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund   STATE OF ALASKA RETIREMENT MGMT   JUNEAU   AK     29.22%  
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA     45.86%  
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity Advisor Focused Emerging Markets Fund   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     28.62%  
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund   PAYCHEX SECURITIES CORP   WEST HENRIETTA   NY     27.63%  
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund   STRATEGIC ADVISERS FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL FUND   BOSTON   MA     37.61%  
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund   FIDELITY CHARITABLE GIFT FUND – U.S. EQUITY POOL   BOSTON   MA     60.66%  
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity SAI International Small Cap Index Fund   STRATEGIC ADVISERS FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL FUND   BOSTON   MA     68.64%  
Fidelity SAI Japan Stock Index Fund   STRATEGIC ADVISERS INTERNATIONAL FUND   BOSTON   MA     86.75%  
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity International Discovery Fund   STRATEGIC ADVISERS FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL FUND   BOSTON   MA     30.71%  



Table of Contents
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund   FMR CAPITAL   BOSTON   MA     28.93%  
Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund   FIDELITY SUSTAINABLE MULTI-ASSET FUND   BOSTON   MA     33.34%  
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity International Real Estate Fund   PERSHING LLC   JERSEY CITY   NJ     25.41%  
Class Name   Owner Name   City   State   Ownership%  
Fidelity New Markets Income Fund   STRATEGIC ADVISERS FIDELITY CORE INCOME FUND   BOSTON   MA     27.81%  
Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund   MSCS FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION   PITTSBURGH   PA     36.33%  

A shareholder owning of record or beneficially more than 25% of a fund’s outstanding shares may be considered a controlling person. That shareholder’s vote could have a more significant effect on matters presented at a shareholders’ meeting than votes of other shareholders.




Table of Contents





Fidelity, the Fidelity Investments Logo and all other Fidelity trademarks or service marks used herein are trademarks or service marks of FMR LLC. Any third-party marks that are used herein are trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. © 2024 FMR LLC. All rights reserved.


1.9912046.100     EQPM24-PXS-0524  

Table of Contents

Supplement to the

Fidelity’s Targeted International Equity Funds®

December 30, 2023


Proposed Reorganization. The Board of Trustees of Fidelity Investment Trust has unanimously approved an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization (“Agreement”) between Fidelity® Latin America Fund and Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund pursuant to which Fidelity® Latin America Fund would be reorganized on a tax-free basis with and into Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund.

As a result of the proposed Reorganization, shareholders of each class of Fidelity® Latin America Fund would receive shares of the corresponding class of Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund.

The Agreement provides for the transfer of all of the assets of Fidelity® Latin America Fund in exchange for corresponding shares of Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund equal in value to the net assets of Fidelity® Latin America Fund and the assumption by Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund of all of the liabilities of Fidelity® Latin America Fund. After the exchange, Fidelity® Latin America Fund will distribute the Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund shares to its shareholders pro rata, in liquidation of Fidelity® Latin America Fund. As a result, shareholders of Fidelity® Latin America Fund will become shareholders of Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund (these transactions are collectively referred to as the “Reorganization”).

A Special Meeting (the “Meeting”) of the Shareholders of Fidelity® Latin America Fund is expected to be held during the third quarter of 2024 and approval of the Agreement will be voted on at that time. A combined proxy statement and prospectus containing more information with respect to the Reorganization will be provided to shareholders of record of Fidelity® Latin America Fund in advance of the meeting.

If the Agreement is approved at the Meeting and certain conditions required by the Agreement are satisfied, the Reorganization is expected to take place on or about September 13, 2024. If shareholder approval of the Agreement is delayed due to failure to meet a quorum or otherwise (an “Adjournment”), the Reorganization will become effective, if approved, as soon as practicable thereafter.

In connection with seeking shareholder approval of the Agreement, effective the close of business on March 22, 2024, new positions in Fidelity® Latin America Fund (the fund) may no longer be opened. Shareholders of the fund on that date may continue to add to their fund positions existing on that date. Investors who did not own shares of the fund on March 22, 2024, generally will not be allowed to buy shares of the fund except that new fund positions may be opened: 1) by participants in most group employer retirement plans (and their successor plans) if a qualifying fund is already established as an investment option under the plans (or under another plan sponsored by the same employer), 2) by participants in a 401(a) plan covered by a master record keeping services agreement between Fidelity and a national federation of employers that included a qualifying fund as a core investment option, 3) for accounts managed on a discretionary basis by certain registered investment advisers that have discretionary assets of at least $500 million invested in mutual funds and already included the fund in their discretionary account program, 4) by a mutual fund or a qualified tuition program for which Fidelity serves as investment manager, 5) by a portfolio manager of the fund, 6) by a fee deferral plan offered to trustees of certain Fidelity® funds, if the fund is an investment option under the plan, and 7) by qualified intermediaries to facilitate in-kind redemption activity when deemed by the Adviser to be in the best interests of the fund, and 8) by certain asset pools associated with an organization that already offers a qualifying fund as an investment option in its retirement plan(s). These restrictions generally will apply to investments made directly with Fidelity and investments made through intermediaries. Investors may be required to demonstrate eligibility to buy shares of the fund before an investment is accepted.

If shareholder approval of the Agreement cannot be achieved, the Board of Trustees has approved a plan of liquidation for Fidelity® Latin America Fund. Prior to such liquidation the fund’s assets will be managed to provide for sufficient liquidity to meet redemptions prior to liquidation. In this event, effective after the close of business on July 16, 2024 (or such later date as may be required in connection with an Adjournment), the fund will no longer permit new positions in the fund to be opened. Existing shareholders will be permitted to continue to hold their shares and purchase additional shares through the reinvestment of dividend and capital gain distributions until the fund’s liquidation on or about September 13, 2024 or as soon as practicable thereafter in the event of an Adjournment.

The foregoing is not a solicitation of any proxy. For a free copy of the Proxy Statement describing the Reorganization (and containing important information about fees, expenses and risk considerations) and a Prospectus for Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund please call 1-800-544-8544. The prospectus/proxy statement will also be available for free on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s web site (www.sec.gov).

Effective March 1, 2024, each fund’s management contract was amended to incorporate administrative services previously covered under separate services agreements. Each amended contract incorporates either a management fee rate that may vary by class or a basic fee rate that may vary by class (subject to a performance adjustment). The Adviser or an affiliate pays certain expenses of managing and operating each fund out of each class’s management fee.

Table of Contents

The following information replaces similar information for Fidelity® Canada Fund found in the “Fund Summary” section under the “Fee Table” heading.

Annual Operating Expenses

(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Management fee (fluctuates based on the fund’s performance relative to a securities market index)     0.98% A,B 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees     None  
Other expenses     0.02% B 



Total annual operating expenses     1.00%  

A The management fee comprises a basic fee, which may vary by class, that is adjusted up or down (subject to a maximum rate) based on the performance of the fund or a designated class of the fund relative to that of the S&P/TSX Composite Index. The basic fee covers administrative services previously provided under separate services agreements with the fund, for which 0.21% was previously charged under the services agreements. Please see “Fund Services – Fund Management – Advisory Fee(s)” for additional information.

B Adjusted to reflect current fees.


1 year    $ 102  
3 years    $ 318  
5 years    $ 552  
10 years    $  1,225  

The following information replaces similar information for Fidelity® China Region Fund found in the “Fund Summary” section under the “Fee Table” heading.

Annual Operating Expenses

(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Management fee     0.87% A,B 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees     None  
Other expenses     0.05% B 



Total annual operating expenses     0.92%  

A The management fee covers administrative services previously provided under separate services agreements with the fund, for which 0.23% was previously charged under the services agreements.

B Adjusted to reflect current fees.


1 year    $ 94  
3 years    $ 293  
5 years    $ 509  
10 years    $  1,131  

Table of Contents

The following information replaces similar information for Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund found in the “Fund Summary” section under the “Fee Table” heading.

Annual Operating Expenses

(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Management fee (fluctuates based on the fund’s performance relative to a securities market index)     0.79% A,B 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees     None  
Other expenses     0.05% B 



Total annual operating expenses     0.84%  

A The management fee comprises a basic fee, which may vary by class, that is adjusted up or down (subject to a maximum rate) based on the performance of the fund or a designated class of the fund relative to that of the MSCI AC (All Country) Asia ex Japan Index. The basic fee covers administrative services previously provided under separate services agreements with the fund, for which 0.24% was previously charged under the services agreements. Please see “Fund Services – Fund Management – Advisory Fee(s)” for additional information.

B Adjusted to reflect current fees.


1 year    $ 86  
3 years    $ 268  
5 years    $ 466  
10 years    $  1,037  

The following information replaces similar information for Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund found in the “Fund Summary” section under the “Fee Table” heading.

Annual Operating Expenses

(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Management fee     0.84% A,B 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees     None  
Other expenses     0.03% B 



Total annual operating expenses     0.87%  

A The management fee covers administrative services previously provided under separate services agreements with the fund, for which 0.19% was previously charged under the services agreements.

B Adjusted to reflect current fees.


1 year    $ 89  
3 years    $ 278  
5 years    $ 482  
10 years    $  1,073  

The following information replaces similar information for Fidelity® Europe Fund found in the “Fund Summary” section under the “Fee Table” heading.

Annual Operating Expenses

(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Management fee (fluctuates based on the fund’s performance relative to a securities market index)     0.61% A,B 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees     None  
Other expenses     0.04% B 



Total annual operating expenses     0.65%  

A The management fee comprises a basic fee, which may vary by class, that is adjusted up or down (subject to a maximum rate) based on the performance of the fund or a designated class of the fund relative to that of the MSCI Europe Index. The basic fee covers administrative services previously provided under separate services agreements with the fund, for which 0.21% was previously charged under the services agreements. Please see “Fund Services – Fund Management – Advisory Fee(s)” for additional information.

B Adjusted to reflect current fees.


1 year    $ 66  
3 years    $ 208  
5 years    $ 362  
10 years    $  810  

Table of Contents

The following information replaces similar information for Fidelity® Japan Fund found in the “Fund Summary” section under the “Fee Table” heading.

Annual Operating Expenses

(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Management fee (fluctuates based on the fund’s performance relative to a securities market index)     0.84% A,B 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees     None  
Other expenses     0.03% B 



Total annual operating expenses     0.87%  

A The management fee comprises a basic fee, which may vary by class, that is adjusted up or down (subject to a maximum rate) based on the performance of the fund or a designated class of the fund relative to that of the Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX). The basic fee covers administrative services previously provided under separate services agreements with the fund, for which 0.24% was previously charged under the services agreements. Please see “Fund Services – Fund Management – Advisory Fee(s)” for additional information.

B Adjusted to reflect current fees.


1 year    $ 89  
3 years    $ 278  
5 years    $ 482  
10 years    $  1,073  

The following information replaces similar information for Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund found in the “Fund Summary” section under the “Fee Table” heading.

Annual Operating Expenses

(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Management fee     0.84% A,B 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees     None  
Other expenses     0.03% B 



Total annual operating expenses     0.87%  

A The management fee covers administrative services previously provided under separate services agreements with the fund, for which 0.20% was previously charged under the services agreements.

B Adjusted to reflect current fees.


1 year    $ 89  
3 years    $ 278  
5 years    $ 482  
10 years    $  1,073  

The following information replaces similar information for Fidelity® Latin America Fund found in the “Fund Summary” section under the “Fee Table” heading.

Annual Operating Expenses

(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Management fee     0.88% A,B 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees     None  
Other expenses     0.10% B 



Total annual operating expenses     0.98%  

A The management fee covers administrative services previously provided under separate services agreements with the fund, for which 0.25% was previously charged under the services agreements.

B Adjusted to reflect current fees.


1 year    $ 100  
3 years    $ 312  
5 years    $ 542  
10 years    $  1,201  

Table of Contents

The following information replaces similar information for Fidelity® Nordic Fund found in the “Fund Summary” section under the “Fee Table” heading.

Annual Operating Expenses

(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Management fee     0.84% A,B 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees     None  
Other expenses     0.05% B 



Total annual operating expenses     0.89%  

A The management fee covers administrative services previously provided under separate services agreements with the fund, for which 0.21% was previously charged under the services agreements.

B Adjusted to reflect current fees.


1 year    $ 91  
3 years    $ 284  
5 years    $ 493  
10 years    $  1,096  

The following information replaces similar information for Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund found in the “Fund Summary” section under the “Fee Table” heading.

Annual Operating Expenses

(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Management fee (fluctuates based on the fund’s performance relative to a securities market index)     1.00% A,B 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees     None  
Other expenses     0.03% B 



Total annual operating expenses     1.03%  

A The management fee comprises a basic fee, which may vary by class, that is adjusted up or down (subject to a maximum rate) based on the performance of the fund or a designated class of the fund relative to that of the MSCI AC (All Country) Pacific Index. The basic fee covers administrative services previously provided under separate services agreements with the fund, for which 0.20% was previously charged under the services agreements. Please see “Fund Services – Fund Management – Advisory Fee(s)” for additional information.

B Adjusted to reflect current fees.


1 year    $ 105  
3 years    $ 328  
5 years    $ 569  
10 years    $  1,259  

The following information replaces similar information found in the “Fund Management” section under the “Advisory Fee(s)” heading.

Each class of each fund pays a management fee to the Adviser.

The management fee is calculated and paid to the Adviser every month.

For Fidelity® China Region Fund, Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund, Fidelity® Latin America Fund, and Fidelity® Nordic Fund, when determining a class’s management fee, a mandate rate is calculated based on the monthly average net assets of a group of funds advised by FMR within a designated asset class. A discount rate is subtracted from the mandate rate once a fund’s monthly average net assets reach a certain level. The mandate rate and discount rate may vary by class.

For Fidelity® China Region Fund, Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund, Fidelity® Latin America Fund, and Fidelity® Nordic Fund, the annual management fee rate for the class of shares of each fund offered through this prospectus is the lesser of (1) the class’s mandate rate reduced by the class’s discount rate (if applicable) or (2) the amount listed below:


Fund   Retail Class
Fidelity® China Region Fund   0.87%
Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund   0.84%
Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund   0.84%
Fidelity® Latin America Fund   0.88%
Fidelity® Nordic Fund   0.85%

Table of Contents

One-twelfth of the management fee rate for a class is applied to the average net assets of the class for the month, giving a dollar amount which is the management fee for the class for that month.

For Fidelity® Canada Fund, Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund, Fidelity® Europe Fund, Fidelity® Japan Fund, and Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund, the management fee is determined by calculating a basic fee and then applying a performance adjustment. When determining a class’s basic fee, a mandate rate is calculated based on the monthly average net assets of a group of funds advised by FMR within a designated asset class. A discount rate is subtracted from the mandate rate once a fund’s monthly average net assets reach a certain level. The mandate rate and discount rate may vary by class.

For Fidelity® Canada Fund, Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund, Fidelity® Europe Fund, Fidelity® Japan Fund, and Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund, the annual basic fee rate for the class of shares of each fund offered through this prospectus is the lesser of (1) the class’s mandate rate reduced by the class’s discount rate (if applicable) or (2) the amount listed below:


Fund   Retail Class
Fidelity® Canada Fund   0.86%
Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund   0.87%
Fidelity® Europe Fund   0.84%
Fidelity® Japan Fund   0.87%
Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund   0.83%

One-twelfth of the basic fee rate for a class is applied to the average net assets of the class for the month, giving a dollar amount which is the basic fee for the class for that month.

For Fidelity® Canada Fund, Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund, Fidelity® Europe Fund, Fidelity® Japan Fund, and Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund, the performance adjustment rate is calculated monthly by comparing over the performance period a fund’s performance to that of the performance adjustment index listed below.




Performance Adjustment Index

Fidelity® Canada Fund   S&P/TSX Composite Index
Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund   MSCI AC (All Country) Asia ex Japan Index
Fidelity® Europe Fund   MSCI Europe Index
Fidelity® Japan Fund   Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX)
Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund   MSCI AC (All Country) Pacific Index

For the purposes of calculating the performance adjustment for each of Fidelity® Canada Fund, Fidelity® Europe Fund, and Fidelity® Japan Fund, the fund’s investment performance will be based on the performance of the class of shares of the fund offered through this prospectus. To the extent that other classes of Fidelity® Canada Fund, Fidelity® Europe Fund, and Fidelity® Japan Fund have higher expenses, this could result in those classes bearing a larger positive performance adjustment and smaller negative performance adjustment than would be the case if each class’s own performance were considered.

For Fidelity® Canada Fund, Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund, Fidelity® Europe Fund, Fidelity® Japan Fund, and Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund the performance period is the most recent 36 month period.

The maximum annualized performance adjustment rate is ±0.20% of the fund’s average net assets over the performance period. The performance adjustment rate is divided by twelve and multiplied by the fund’s average net assets over the performance period, and the resulting dollar amount is then proportionately added to or subtracted from a class’s basic fee.

A different management fee rate may be applicable to each class of a fund. The difference between classes is the result of separate arrangements for class-level services and/or waivers of certain expenses. It is not the result of any difference in advisory or custodial fees or other expenses related to the management of a fund’s assets, which do not vary by class.




March 13, 2024

Table of Contents

Fidelity’s Targeted International Equity Funds®





Fidelity® Canada Fund


Fidelity® Canada Fund


Fidelity® China Region Fund


Fidelity® China Region Fund


Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund


Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund


Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund





Fidelity® Europe Fund


Fidelity® Europe Fund


Fidelity® Japan Fund


Fidelity® Japan Fund


Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund


Fidelity® Latin America Fund


Fidelity® Latin America Fund


Fidelity® Nordic Fund


Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund



In this prospectus, the term “shares” (as it relates to a multiple class fund) means the class of shares offered through this prospectus.


December 30, 2023



Like securities of all mutual funds, these securities have not been approved or disapproved by the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Securities and Exchange Commission has not determined if this prospectus is accurate or complete. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.   



245 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02210

Table of Contents



Fund Summary    3      Fidelity® Canada Fund
   8      Fidelity® China Region Fund
   14      Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund
   19      Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund
   23      Fidelity® Europe Fund
   28      Fidelity® Japan Fund
   32      Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund
   37      Fidelity® Latin America Fund
   43      Fidelity® Nordic Fund
   48      Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund
Fund Basics    53      Investment Details
   66      Valuing Shares
Shareholder Information    68      Additional Information about thePurchase and Sale of Shares
   74      Exchanging Shares
   74      Features and Policies
   76      Dividends and Capital Gain Distributions
   77      Tax Consequences
Fund Services    79      Fund Management
   84      Fund Distribution
Appendix    86      Financial Highlights
   96      Additional Index Information


Prospectus   2  

Table of Contents

Fund Summary



Fidelity® Canada Fund/Fidelity® Canada Fund


Investment Objective

Fidelity® Canada Fund seeks growth of capital over the long term.

Fee Table

The following table describes the fees and expenses that may be incurred when

you buy, hold, and sell shares of the fund. In addition to the fees and expenses described below, your broker may also require you to pay brokerage commissions on purchases and sales of certain share classes of the fund.



Shareholder fees   
(fees paid directly from your investment)      None  
Annual Operating Expenses   
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Management fee (fluctuates based on the fund’s performance relative to a securities market index)      0.81%A  
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees      None  
Other expenses      0.24%  



Total annual operating expenses      1.05%  


A  The management fee is comprised of a basic fee of 0.68% adjusted up or down by a maximum of 0.20% based on the fund’s performance relative to that of the S&P/TSX Composite Index. Please see “Fund Services - Fund Management - Advisory Fee(s)” for additional information.



This example helps compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds.

Let’s say, hypothetically, that the annual return for shares of the fund is 5% and that the fees and the annual operating expenses for shares of the fund are exactly as described in the fee table.


This example illustrates the effect of fees and expenses, but is not meant to suggest actual or expected fees and expenses or returns, all of which may vary. For every $10,000 you invested, here’s how much you would pay in total expenses if you sell all of your shares at the end of each time period indicated:



1 year    $ 107  
3 years    $ 334  
5 years    $ 579  
10 years    $ 1,283  


  3   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


Portfolio Turnover

The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 9% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal Investment Strategies

• Normally investing at least 80% of assets in securities of Canadian issuers and other investments that are tied economically to Canada.

• Potentially investing in securities of U.S. issuers.

•  Normally investing primarily in common stocks.

•  Investing up to 35% of total assets in any industry that accounts for more than 20% of the Canadian market.

• Using fundamental analysis of factors such as each issuer’s financial condition and industry position, as well as market and economic conditions, to select investments.

Principal Investment Risks

• Stock Market Volatility. Stock markets are volatile and can decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments. Different parts of the market, including different market sectors, and different types of securities can react differently to these developments.

• Foreign Exposure. Foreign markets can be more volatile than the U.S. market due to increased risks of adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments and can perform differently from the U.S. market.

Foreign exchange rates also can be extremely volatile.

• Geographic Concentration in Canada. Because the fund concentrates its investments in Canada, the fund’s performance is expected to be closely tied to social, political, and economic conditions within Canada and to be more volatile than the performance of more geographically diversified funds. In addition, because the fund may invest a significant percentage of assets in certain industries, the fund’s performance could be affected to the extent that the particular industry or industries in which the fund invests are sensitive to adverse social, political, economic, currency, or regulatory developments.



Prospectus   4  

Table of Contents

 Issuer-Specific Changes. The value of an individual security or particular type of security can be more volatile than, and can perform differently from, the market as a whole.

An investment in the fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. You could lose money by investing in the fund.


The following information is intended to help you understand the risks of investing in the fund.

The information illustrates the changes in the performance of the fund’s shares from year to year and compares the performance of the fund’s shares to the performance of a securities market index over various periods of time. The index description appears in the “Additional Index Information” section of the prospectus. Past performance (before and after taxes) is not an indication of future performance.

Visit www.fidelity.com for more recent performance information.



Year-by-Year Returns




During the periods shown in the chart:      Returns      Quarter ended

Highest Quarter Return

     16.02%      June 30, 2020

Lowest Quarter Return

     –25.62%      March 31, 2020

Year-to-Date Return

     4.33%      September 30, 2023


  5   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


Average Annual Returns

After-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates, but do not reflect the impact of state or local taxes. Actual after-tax returns may differ depending on your individual circumstances. The after-tax returns shown are not relevant if you hold your shares in a retirement

account or in another tax-deferred arrangement, such as an employee benefit plan (profit sharing, 401(k), or 403(b) plan). Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares may be higher than other returns for the same period due to a tax benefit of realizing a capital loss upon the sale of fund shares.



For the periods ended

December 31, 2022


Past 1


       Past 5
       Past 10
Fidelity® Canada Fund               

Return Before Taxes

       –6.12%          6.04%          5.32%  

Return After Taxes on Distributions

       –6.82%          5.16%          4.50%  

Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares

       –2.81%          4.84%          4.29%  

S&P/TSX Composite Index

(reflects no deduction for fees, expenses, or taxes)

       –12.22%          5.19%          4.47%  


Investment Adviser

Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC (FMR) (the Adviser) is the fund’s manager. Other investment advisers serve as sub-advisers for the fund.

Portfolio Manager(s)

Ryan Oldham (Portfolio Manager) has managed the fund since 2018.

Purchase and Sale of Shares

You may buy or sell shares through a Fidelity® brokerage or mutual fund account, through a retirement account, or through an investment professional.

You may buy or sell shares in various ways:




Fidelity Automated Service Telephone (FAST®) 1-800-544-5555

To reach a Fidelity representative 1-800-544-6666



Additional purchases:


Fidelity Investments

P.O. Box 770001

Cincinnati, OH





Fidelity Investments

P.O. Box 770001

Cincinnati, OH


TDD—Service for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired




Prospectus   6  

Table of Contents

The price to buy one share is its net asset value per share (NAV). Shares will be bought at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.

The price to sell one share is its NAV. Shares will be sold at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.

The fund is open for business each day the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is open.

There is no purchase minimum for fund shares.

Tax Information

Distributions you receive from the fund are subject to federal income tax and generally will be taxed as ordinary income or capital gains, and may also be subject to state or local taxes, unless you are investing through a tax-advantaged retirement account (in which case you may be taxed later, upon withdrawal of your investment from such account).

Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries

The fund, the Adviser, Fidelity Distributors Company LLC (FDC), and/or their affiliates may pay intermediaries, which may include banks, broker-dealers, retirement plan sponsors, administrators, or service-providers (who may be affiliated with the Adviser or FDC), for the sale of fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing your intermediary and your investment professional to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your investment professional or visit your intermediary’s web site for more information.



  7   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary



Fidelity® China Region Fund/Fidelity® China Region Fund


Investment Objective

Fidelity® China Region Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.

Fee Table

The following table describes the fees and expenses that may be incurred

when you buy, hold, and sell shares of the fund. In addition to the fees and expenses described below, your broker may also require you to pay brokerage commissions on purchases and sales of certain share classes of the fund.



Shareholder fees   
(fees paid directly from your investment)      None  
Annual Operating Expenses   
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Management fee      0.68
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees      None  
Other expenses      0.27



Total annual operating expenses      0.95


This example helps compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds.

Let’s say, hypothetically, that the annual return for shares of the fund is 5% and that the fees and the annual operating expenses for shares of the fund are exactly as described in the fee table.

This example illustrates the effect of fees and expenses, but is not meant to suggest actual or expected fees and expenses or returns, all of which may vary. For every $10,000 you invested, here’s how much you would pay in total expenses if you sell all of your shares at the end of each time period indicated:



1 year    $ 97  
3 years    $ 303  
5 years    $ 525  
10 years    $  1,166  


Prospectus   8  

Table of Contents

Portfolio Turnover

The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 24% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal Investment Strategies

• Normally investing at least 80% of assets in securities of Hong Kong, Taiwanese, and Chinese issuers and other investments that are tied economically to the China region.

•  Normally investing primarily in common stocks.

• Allocating investments across different China region countries.

• Investing up to 35% of total assets in any industry that accounts for more than 20% of the Hong Kong, Taiwanese, and Chinese market.

• Using fundamental analysis of factors such as each issuer’s financial condition and industry position, as well as market and economic conditions, to select investments.

Principal Investment Risks

• Stock Market Volatility. Stock markets are volatile and can decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments. Different parts of the market, including different market sectors, and different types of securities can react differently to these developments.

• Foreign and Emerging Markets Risk. Foreign markets, particularly emerging markets, can be more volatile than the U.S. market due to increased risks of adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments and can perform differently from the U.S. market.

The extent of economic development; political stability; market depth, infrastructure, and capitalization; and regulatory oversight can be less than in more developed markets. Emerging markets typically have less established legal, accounting and financial reporting systems than those in more developed markets, which may reduce the scope or quality of financial information available to investors.

Emerging markets can be subject to greater social, economic, regulatory, and political uncertainties and can be extremely volatile.

Foreign exchange rates also can be extremely volatile.

• Geographic Concentration in China. Because the fund concentrates



  9   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


its investments in China, the fund’s performance is expected to be closely tied to social, political, and economic conditions in China and to be more volatile than the performance of more geographically diversified funds. The fund may obtain exposure to companies based or operated in China by investing through legal structures known as variable interest entities (VIEs). Instead of directly owning the equity securities of a Chinese company, a VIE enters into service and other contracts with the Chinese company. Although the VIE has no equity ownership of the Chinese company, the contractual arrangements permit the VIE to consolidate the Chinese company into its financial statements. Intervention by the Chinese government with respect to VIEs could significantly affect the Chinese company’s performance and the enforceability of the VIE’s contractual arrangements with the Chinese company.

• Geographic Concentration in the China Region. Because the fund concentrates its investments in the China re-gion, the fund’s performance is expected to be closely tied to social, political, and economic conditions within the China region and to be more volatile than the performance of more geographically diversified funds. In addition, because the fund may invest a significant percentage of assets in certain industries, the fund’s performance

could be affected to the extent that the particular industry or industries in which the fund invests are sensitive to adverse social, political, economic, currency, or regulatory developments.

•  Issuer-Specific Changes. The value of an individual security or particular type of security can be more volatile than, and can perform differently from, the market as a whole.

An investment in the fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. You could lose money by investing in the fund.


The following information is intended to help you understand the risks of investing in the fund.

The information illustrates the changes in the performance of the fund’s shares from year to year and compares the performance of the fund’s shares to the performance of a securities market index over various periods of time. The index description appears in the “Additional Index Information” section of the prospectus. Past performance (before and after taxes) is not an indication of future performance.

Visit www.fidelity.com for more recent performance information.



Prospectus   10  

Table of Contents



Year-by-Year Returns




During the periods shown in the chart:      Returns      Quarter ended

Highest Quarter Return

     25.62%      June 30, 2020

Lowest Quarter Return

     -26.11%      September 30, 2015

Year-to-Date Return

     -3.70%      September 30, 2023


Average Annual Returns

After-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates, but do not reflect the impact of state or local taxes. Actual after-tax returns may differ depending on your individual circumstances. The after-tax returns shown are not relevant if you hold your shares in a retirement

account or in another tax-deferred arrangement, such as an

employee benefit plan (profit sharing, 401(k), or 403(b) plan). Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares may be higher than other returns for the same period due to a tax benefit of realizing a capital loss upon the sale of fund shares.



For the periods ended

December 31, 2022


Past 1



Past 5



Past 10


Fidelity® China Region Fund         

Return Before Taxes

     -23.88%        1.67%        6.67%  

Return After Taxes on Distributions

     -23.96%        0.84%        5.29%  

Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares

     -13.90%        1.46%        5.23%  

MSCI Golden Dragon Index

(reflects no deduction for fees or expenses)














Investment Adviser

Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC (FMR) (the Adviser) is the fund’s manager. Fidelity Management & Research (Hong Kong) Limited and other investment advisers serve as sub-advisers for the fund.

Portfolio Manager(s)

Ivan Xie (Co-Portfolio Manager) has managed the fund since 2018.

Peifang Sun (Co-Portfolio Manager) has managed the fund since 2021.



  11   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


Purchase and Sale of Shares

You may buy or sell shares through a Fidelity® brokerage or mutual fund account, through a retirement account, or through an investment professional.

You may buy or sell shares in various ways:




Fidelity Automated Service Telephone (FAST®) 1-800-544-5555

To reach a Fidelity representative 1-800-544-6666



Additional purchases:


Fidelity Investments

P.O. Box 770001

Cincinnati, OH





Fidelity Investments

P.O. Box 770001

Cincinnati, OH


TDD—Service for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired


The price to buy one share is its net asset value per share (NAV). Shares will be bought at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.

The price to sell one share is its NAV. Shares will be sold at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.

The fund is open for business each day the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is open.

There is no purchase minimum for fund shares.

Tax Information

Distributions you receive from the fund are subject to federal income tax and generally will be taxed as ordinary income or capital gains, and may also be subject to state or local taxes, unless you are investing through a tax-advantaged retirement account (in which case you may be taxed later, upon withdrawal of your investment from such account).

Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries

The fund, the Adviser, Fidelity Distributors Company LLC (FDC), and/or their affiliates may pay intermediaries, which may include banks, broker-dealers, retirement plan sponsors, administrators, or service-providers (who may be affiliated with the Adviser or FDC), for the sale of fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing your intermediary and your investment professional to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your investment professional or visit your intermediary’s web site for more information.



Prospectus   12  

Table of Contents

Fund Summary



Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund


Investment Objective

Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund seeks capital appreciation.

Fee Table

The following table describes the fees and expenses that may be incurred when you buy, hold, and sell shares of the fund. In addition to the fees and expenses described below, your broker may also require you to pay brokerage commissions on purchases and sales of the fund.



Shareholder fees   
(fees paid directly from your investment)      None  
Annual Operating Expenses   
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Management fee (fluctuates based on the fund’s performance relative to a securities market index)      0.59% A 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees      None  
Other expenses      0.28%  



Total annual operating expenses      0.87%  

A The management fee is comprised of a basic fee of 0.68% adjusted up or down by a maximum of 0.20% based on the fund’s performance relative to that of the MSCI AC (All Country) Asia ex Japan Index. Please see “Fund Services—Fund Management—Advisory Fee(s)” for additional information.


This example helps compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds.

Let’s say, hypothetically, that the annual return for shares of the fund is 5% and that the fees and the annual operating expenses for shares of the fund are exactly as described in the fee table.


This example illustrates the effect of fees and expenses, but is not meant to suggest actual or expected fees and expenses or returns, all of which may vary. For every $10,000 you invested, here’s how much you would pay in total expenses if you sell all of your shares at the end of each time period indicated:



1 year    $ 89  
3 years    $ 278  
5 years    $ 482  
10 years    $  1,073  


  13   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


Portfolio Turnover

The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 50% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal Investment Strategies

• Normally investing at least 80% of assets in securities of Asian emerging markets issuers and other investments that are tied economically to Asian emerging markets. Emerging markets include countries that have an emerging stock market as defined by MSCI, countries or markets with low- to middle-income economies as classified by the World Bank, and other countries or markets that the Adviser identifies as having similar emerging markets characteristics.

• Normally investing primarily in common stocks.

• Allocating investments across different Asian countries with emerging markets.

• Using fundamental analysis of factors such as each issuer’s financial condition and industry position, as well as market and economic conditions, to select investments.

Principal Investment Risks

• Stock Market Volatility.

Stock markets are volatile and can decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments. Different parts of the market, including different market sectors, and different types of securities can react differently to these developments.

• Foreign and Emerging Markets Risk.

Foreign markets, particularly emerging markets, can be more volatile than the U.S. market due to increased risks of adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments and can perform differently from the U.S. market.

The extent of economic development; political stability; market depth, infrastructure, and capitalization; and regulatory oversight can be less than in more developed markets. Emerging markets typically have less established legal, accounting and financial reporting systems than those in more developed markets, which may reduce the scope or quality of financial information available to investors.

Emerging markets can be subject to greater social, economic, regulatory, and political uncertainties and can be extremely volatile.

Foreign exchange rates also can be extremely volatile.

• Geographic Concentration in Asia.

Because the fund concentrates its investments in Asia, the fund’s



Prospectus   14  

Table of Contents

performance is expected to be closely tied to social, political, and economic conditions within Asia and to be more volatile than the performance of more geographically diversified funds.

• Geographic Exposure to China. Because the fund invests a meaningful portion of its assets in China, the fund’s performance is expected to be closely tied to social, political, and economic conditions in China and to be more volatile than the performance of more geographically diversified funds. The fund may obtain exposure to companies based or operated in China by investing through legal structures known as variable interest entities (VIEs). Instead of directly owning the equity securities of a Chinese company, a VIE enters into service and other contracts with the Chinese company. Although the VIE has no equity ownership of the Chinese company, the contractual arrangements permit the VIE to consolidate the Chinese company into its financial statements. Intervention by the Chinese government with respect to VIEs could significantly affect the Chinese company’s performance and the enforceability of the VIE’s contractual arrangements with the Chinese company.

• Issuer-Specific Changes.

The value of an individual security or particular type of security can be more volatile than, and can perform differently from, the market as a whole.

An investment in the fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. You could lose money by investing in the fund.


The following information is intended to help you understand the risks of investing in the fund.

The information illustrates the changes in the performance of the fund’s shares from year to year and compares the performance of the fund’s shares to the performance of a securities market index over various periods of time. The index description appears in the “Additional Index Information” section of the prospectus. Past performance (before and after taxes) is not an indication of future performance.

Visit www.fidelity.com for more recent performance information.



Year-by-Year Returns




  15   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


During the periods shown in the chart:      Returns      Quarter ended

Highest Quarter Return

     33.12%      June 30, 2020

Lowest Quarter Return

     -20.86%      March 31, 2022

Year-to-Date Return

     4.74%      September 30, 2023


Average Annual Returns

After-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates, but do not reflect the impact of state or local taxes. Actual after-tax returns may differ depending on your individual circumstances. The after-tax returns shown are not relevant if you hold your shares in a retirement

account or in another tax-deferred arrangement, such as an employee benefit plan (profit sharing, 401(k), or 403(b) plan). Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares may be higher than other returns for the same period due to a tax benefit of realizing a capital loss upon the sale of fund shares.



For the periods ended December 31, 2022


Past 1



Past 5



Past 10


Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund               

Return Before Taxes

       -31.26%          2.45%          5.95%  

Return After Taxes on Distributions

       -31.26%          0.71%          5.02%  

Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares

       -18.51%          2.28%          5.06%  

MSCI AC (All Country) Asia ex Japan Index

(reflects no deduction for fees or expenses)














Investment Adviser

Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC (FMR) (the Adviser) is the fund’s manager. Fidelity Management & Research (Hong Kong) Limited and other investment advisers serve as sub-advisers for the fund.

Portfolio Manager(s)

Xiaoting Zhao (Portfolio Manager) has managed the fund since 2019.

Purchase and Sale of Shares

You may buy or sell shares through a Fidelity® brokerage or mutual fund

account, through a retirement account, or through an investment professional.

You may buy or sell shares in various ways:




Fidelity Automated Service Telephone (FAST®) 1-800-544-5555

To reach a Fidelity representative 1-800-544-6666



Additional purchases:


Fidelity Investments

P.O. Box 770001

Cincinnati, OH





Fidelity Investments

P.O. Box 770001

Cincinnati, OH




Prospectus   16  

Table of Contents

TDD—Service for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired


The price to buy one share is its net asset value per share (NAV). Shares will be bought at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.

The price to sell one share is its NAV. Shares will be sold at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.

The fund is open for business each day the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is open.

There is no purchase minimum for fund shares.

Tax Information

Distributions you receive from the fund are subject to federal income tax and generally will be taxed as ordinary income or capital gains, and may also be subject to state or local taxes, unless you are investing through a

tax-advantaged retirement account (in which case you may be taxed later, upon withdrawal of your investment from such account).

Payments to Broker- Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries

The fund, the Adviser, Fidelity Distributors Company LLC (FDC), and/or their affiliates may pay intermediaries, which may include banks, broker-dealers, retirement plan sponsors, administrators, or service-providers (who may be affiliated with the Adviser or FDC), for the sale of fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing your intermediary and your investment professional to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your investment professional or visit your intermediary’s web site for more information.



  17   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary



Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund/Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund


Investment Objective

Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund seeks capital appreciation.

Fee Table

The following table describes the fees and expenses that may be incurred when

you buy, hold, and sell shares of the fund. In addition to the fees and expenses described below, your broker may also require you to pay brokerage commissions on purchases and sales of certain share classes of the fund.



Shareholder fees   
(fees paid directly from your investment)      None  
Annual Operating Expenses   
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Management fee      0.67%  
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees      None  
Other expenses      0.23%  



Total annual operating expenses      0.90%  


This example helps compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds.

Let’s say, hypothetically, that the annual return for shares of the fund is 5% and that the fees and the annual operating expenses for shares of the fund are exactly as described in the fee table.


This example illustrates the effect of fees and expenses, but is not meant to suggest actual or expected fees and expenses or returns, all of which may vary. For every $10,000 you invested, here’s how much you would pay in total expenses if you sell all of your shares at the end of each time period indicated:



1 year    $ 92  
3 years    $ 287  
5 years    $ 498  
10 years    $ 1,108  

Portfolio Turnover

The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual operating expenses


Prospectus   18  

Table of Contents



or in the example, affect the fund’s performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 23% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal Investment Strategies

• Normally investing at least 80% of assets in securities of issuers in emerging markets and other investments that are tied economically to emerging markets. Emerging markets include countries that have an emerging stock market as defined by MSCI, countries or markets with low- to middle-income economies as classified by the World Bank, and other countries or markets that the Adviser identifies as having similar emerging markets characteristics.

• Normally investing primarily in common stocks.

• Allocating investments across different emerging markets countries.

• Using fundamental analysis of factors such as each issuer’s financial condition and industry position, as well as market and economic conditions, to select investments.

Principal Investment Risks

• Stock Market Volatility.

Stock markets are volatile and can decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments.

Different parts of the market, including different market sectors, and different types of securities can react differently to these developments.

• Foreign and Emerging Markets Risk.

Foreign markets, particularly emerging markets, can be more volatile than the U.S. market due to increased risks of adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments and can perform differently from the U.S. market.

The extent of economic development; political stability; market depth, infrastructure, and capitalization; and regulatory oversight can be less than in more developed markets. Emerging markets typically have less established legal, accounting and financial reporting systems than those in more developed markets, which may reduce the scope or quality of financial information available to investors.

Emerging markets can be subject to greater social, economic, regulatory, and political uncertainties and can be extremely volatile.

Foreign exchange rates also can be extremely volatile.

• Geographic Exposure to China.

Because the fund invests a meaningful portion of its assets in China, the fund’s performance is expected to be closely tied to social, political, and economic conditions in China and to be more volatile than the performance of more geographically diversified funds. The fund may obtain exposure to companies



  19   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


based or operated in China by investing through legal structures known as variable interest entities (VIEs). Instead of directly owning the equity securities of a Chinese company, a VIE enters into service and other contracts with the Chinese company. Although the VIE has no equity ownership of the Chinese company, the contractual arrangements permit the VIE to consolidate the Chinese company into its financial statements. Intervention by the Chinese government with respect to VIEs could significantly affect the Chinese company’s performance and the enforceability of the VIE’s contractual arrangements with the Chinese company.

• Issuer-Specific Changes. The value of an individual security or particular type of security can be more volatile than, and can perform differently from, the market as a whole. An investment in the fund is not a deposit of a bank and

is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. You could lose money by investing in the fund.


The following information is intended to help you understand the risks of investing in the fund.

The information illustrates the changes in the performance of the fund’s shares from year to year and compares the performance of the fund’s shares to the performance of a securities market index over various periods of time. The index description appears in the “Additional Index Information” section of the prospectus. Past performance (before and after taxes) is not an indication of future performance.

Visit www.fidelity.com for more recent performance information.



Year-by-Year Returns




During the periods shown in the chart:      Returns      Quarter ended

Highest Quarter Return

     23.8%      June 30, 2020

Lowest Quarter Return

     -19.16%      March 31, 2020

Year-to-Date Return

     6.11%      September 30, 2023


Prospectus   20  

Table of Contents

Average Annual Returns

After-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates, but do not reflect the impact of state or local taxes. Actual after-tax returns may differ depending on your individual circumstances. The after-tax returns shown are not relevant if you hold your shares in a retirement

account or in another tax-deferred arrangement, such as an employee benefit plan (profit sharing, 401(k), or 403(b) plan).

Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares may be higher than other returns for the same period due to a tax benefit of realizing a capital loss upon the sale of fund shares.



For the periods ended December 31, 2022


Past 1



Past 5



Past 10


Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund               

Return Before Taxes

       -27.48%          1.32%          4.44%  

Return After Taxes on Distributions

       -27.45%          0.94%          4.25%  

Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares

       -16.01%          1.22%          3.70%  

MSCI Emerging Markets Index

(reflects no deduction for fees or expenses)














Investment Adviser

Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC (FMR) (the Adviser) is the fund’s manager. Other investment advisers serve as sub-advisers for the fund.

Portfolio Manager(s)

John Dance (Portfolio Manager) has managed the fund since 2019.

Purchase and Sale of Shares

You may buy or sell shares through a Fidelity® brokerage or mutual fund account, through a retirement account, or through an investment professional.

You may buy or sell shares in various ways:




Fidelity Automated Service Telephone (FAST®) 1-800-544-5555

To reach a Fidelity representative 1-800-544-6666



Additional purchases:


Fidelity Investments

P.O. Box 770001

Cincinnati, OH





Fidelity Investments

P.O. Box 770001

Cincinnati, OH


TDD—Service for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired


The price to buy one share is its net asset value per share (NAV). Shares will be bought at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.



  21   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary



Fidelity® Europe Fund/Fidelity® Europe Fund


Investment Objective

Fidelity® Europe Fund seeks growth of capital over the long term.

Fee Table

The following table describes the fees and expenses that may be incurred

when you buy, hold, and sell shares of the fund. In addition to the fees and expenses described below, your broker may also require you to pay brokerage commissions on purchases and sales of certain share classes of the fund.



Shareholder fees   
(fees paid directly from your investment)      None  
Annual operating expenses   
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Management fee (fluctuates based on the fund’s performance relative to a securities market index)      0.44% A 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees      None  
Other expenses      0.25% B 



Total annual operating expenses      0.69%  

A The management fee is comprised of a basic fee of 0.68% adjusted up or down by a maximum of 0.20% based on the fund’s performance relative to that of the MSCI Europe Index. Please see “Fund Services — Fund Management — Advisory Fee(s)” for additional information.

B Adjusted to reflect current fees.


This example helps compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds.

Let’s say, hypothetically, that the annual return for shares of the fund is 5% and that the fees and the annual operating expenses for shares of the fund are exactly as described in the fee table.


This example illustrates the effect of fees and expenses, but is not meant to suggest actual or expected fees and expenses or returns, all of which may vary. For every $10,000 you invested, here’s how much you would pay in total expenses if you sell all of your shares at the end of each time period indicated:



1 year    $ 70  
3 years    $ 221  
5 years    $ 384  
10 years    $  859  


Prospectus   22  

Table of Contents



Portfolio Turnover

The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 37% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal Investment Strategies

• Normally investing at least 80% of assets in securities of European issuers and other investments that are tied economically to Europe.

• Normally investing primarily in common stocks.

• Allocating investments across different European countries.

• Using fundamental analysis of factors such as each issuer’s financial condition and industry position, as well as market and economic conditions, to select investments.

Principal Investment Risks

• Stock Market Volatility. Stock markets are volatile and can decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments. Different

parts of the market, including different market sectors, and different types of securities can react differently to these developments.

• Foreign Exposure. Foreign markets, particularly emerging markets, can be more volatile than the U.S. market due to increased risks of adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments and can perform differently from the U.S. market.

The extent of economic development; political stability; market depth, infrastructure, and capitalization; and regulatory oversight can be less than in more developed markets. Emerging markets typically have less established legal, accounting and financial reporting systems than those in more developed markets, which may reduce the scope or quality of financial information available to investors.

Emerging markets can be subject to greater social, economic, regulatory, and political uncertainties and can be extremely volatile.

Foreign exchange rates also can be extremely volatile.

• Geographic Concentration in Europe. Because the fund concentrates its investments in Europe, the fund’s performance is expected to be closely tied to social, political, and economic conditions within Europe and to be more volatile than the performance of more geographically diversified funds.



  23   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


• Issuer-Specific Changes. The value of an individual security or particular type of security can be more volatile than, and can perform differently from, the market as a whole.

An investment in the fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. You could lose money by investing in the fund.


The following information is intended to help you understand the risks of investing in the fund.

The information illustrates the changes in the performance of the fund’s shares from year to year and compares the performance of the fund’s shares to the performance of a securities market index over various periods of time. The index description appears in the “Additional Index Information” section of the prospectus. Past performance (before and after taxes) is not an indication of future performance.

Visit www.fidelity.com for more recent performance information.



Year-by-Year Returns





During the periods shown in the chart:      Returns      Quarter ended

Highest Quarter Return

     18.82%      June 30, 2020

Lowest Quarter Return

     –22.15%      March 31, 2020

Year-to-Date Return

     1.99%      September 30, 2023


Prospectus   24  

Table of Contents



Average Annual Returns

After-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates, but do not reflect the impact of state or local taxes. Actual after-tax returns may differ depending on your individual circumstances. The after-tax returns shown are not relevant if you hold your shares

in a retirement account or in another tax-deferred arrangement, such as an employee benefit plan (profit sharing, 401(k), or 403(b) plan). Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares may be higher than other returns for the same period due to a tax benefit of realizing a capital loss upon the sale of fund shares.



For the periods ended

December 31, 2022


Past 1


       Past 5
       Past 10
Fidelity® Europe Fund               

Return Before Taxes

       –20.62%          0.67%          4.43%  

Return After Taxes on Distributions

       –20.62%          –1.06%          3.33%  

Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares

       –12.21%          0.42%          3.47%  

MSCI Europe Index

(reflects no deduction for fees or expenses)

       –14.84%          2.14%          4.85%  


Investment Adviser

Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC (FMR) (the Adviser) is the fund’s manager. FMR Investment Management (UK) Limited and other investment advisers serve as sub-advisers for the fund.

Portfolio Manager(s)

Allyson Ke (Co-Lead Portfolio Manager) has managed the fund since 2021.

Faris Rahman (Co-Lead Portfolio Manager) has managed the fund since 2021.

Purchase and Sale of Shares

You may buy or sell shares through a Fidelity® brokerage or mutual fund account, through a retirement account, or through an investment professional.

You may buy or sell shares in various ways:




Fidelity Automated Service Telephone (FAST®) 1-800-544-5555

To reach a Fidelity representative 1-800-544-6666



Additional purchases:





Fidelity Investments    Fidelity Investments
P.O. Box 770001    P.O. Box 770001

Cincinnati, OH



Cincinnati, OH


TDD - Service for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired


The price to buy one share is its net asset value per share (NAV). Shares will be bought at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.



  25   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


The price to sell one share is its NAV. Shares will be sold at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.

The fund is open for business each day the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is open.

There is no purchase minimum for fund shares.

Tax Information

Distributions you receive from the fund are subject to federal income tax and generally will be taxed as ordinary income or capital gains, and may also be subject to state or local taxes, unless you are investing through a tax-advantaged retirement account (in which case you may be taxed later, upon withdrawal of your investment from such account).

Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries

The fund, the Adviser, Fidelity Distributors Company LLC (FDC), and/or their affiliates may pay intermediaries, which may include banks, broker-dealers, retirement plan sponsors, administrators, or service-providers (who may be affiliated with the Adviser or FDC), for the sale of fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing your intermediary and your investment professional to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your investment professional or visit your intermediary’s web site for more information.



Prospectus   26  

Table of Contents

Fund Summary



Fidelity® Japan Fund/Fidelity® Japan Fund


Investment Objective

Fidelity® Japan Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.

Fee Table

The following table describes the fees and expenses that may be incurred

when you buy, hold, and sell shares of the fund. In addition to the fees and expenses described below, your broker may also require you to pay brokerage commissions on purchases and sales of certain share classes of the fund.



Shareholder fees   
(fees paid directly from your investment)      None  
Annual Operating Expenses   
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Management fee (fluctuates based on the fund’s performance relative to a securities market index)      0.67% A 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees      None  
Other expenses      0.28% B 



Total annual operating expenses      0.95%  

A The management fee is comprised of a basic fee of 0.67% adjusted up or down by a maximum of 0.20% based on the fund’s performance relative to that of the Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX). Please see “Fund Services — Fund Management — Advisory Fee(s)” for additional information.

B Adjusted to reflect current fees.


This example helps compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds.

Let’s say, hypothetically, that the annual return for shares of the fund is 5% and that the fees and the annual operating expenses for shares of the fund are exactly as described in the fee table.

This example illustrates the effect of fees and expenses, but is not meant to suggest actual or expected fees and expenses or returns, all of which may vary. For every $10,000 you invested, here’s how much you would pay in total expenses if you sell all of your shares at the end of each time period indicated:



1 year    $ 97  
3 years    $ 303  
5 years    $ 525  
10 years    $  1,166  


  27   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


Portfolio Turnover

The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 25% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal Investment Strategies

• Normally investing at least 80% of assets in securities of Japanese issuers and other investments that are tied economically to Japan.

• Normally investing primarily in common stocks.

• Using fundamental analysis of factors such as each issuer’s financial condition and industry position, as well as market and economic conditions, to select investments.

Principal Investment Risks

• Stock Market Volatility. Stock markets are volatile and can decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments. Different parts of the market, including different market sectors, and different types of

securities can react differently to these developments.

• Foreign Exposure. Foreign markets can be more volatile than the U.S. market due to increased risks of adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments and can perform differently from the U.S. market.

Foreign exchange rates also can be extremely volatile.

• Geographic Concentration in Japan. Because the fund concentrates its investments in Japan, the fund’s performance is expected to be closely tied to social, political, and economic conditions within Japan and to be more volatile than the performance of more geographically diversified funds.

• Issuer-Specific Changes. The value of an individual security or particular type of security can be more volatile than, and can perform differently from, the market as a whole.

An investment in the fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. You could lose money by investing in the fund.


The following information is intended to help you understand the risks of investing in the fund.

The information illustrates the changes in the performance of the fund’s shares from year to year and



Prospectus   28  

Table of Contents

compares the performance of the fund’s shares to the performance of a securities market index over various periods of time. The index description appears in the “Additional Index Information”

section of the prospectus. Past performance (before and after taxes) is not an indication of future performance.

Visit www.fidelity.com for more recent performance information.



Year-by-Year Returns





During the periods shown in the chart:      Returns      Quarter ended

Highest Quarter Return

     18.42%      June 30, 2020

Lowest Quarter Return

     –18.35%      March 31, 2020

Year-to-Date Return

     6.66%      September 30, 2023


Average Annual Returns

After-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates, but do not reflect the impact of state or local taxes. Actual after-tax returns may differ depending on your individual circumstances. The after-tax returns shown are not relevant if you hold your shares

in a retirement account or in another tax-deferred arrangement, such as an employee benefit plan (profit sharing, 401(k), or 403(b) plan). Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares may be higher than other returns for the same period due to a tax benefit of realizing a capital loss upon the sale of fund shares.



For the periods ended

December 31, 2022


Past 1


       Past 5
       Past 10
Fidelity® Japan Fund               

Return Before Taxes

       –22.23%          1.47%          5.86%  

Return After Taxes on Distributions

       –22.23%          0.80%          5.47%  

Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares

       –13.16%          1.24%          4.82%  

Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX)

(reflects no deduction for fees, expenses, or taxes)

       –14.87%          0.01%          6.04%  

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


Investment Adviser

Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC (FMR) (the Adviser) is the fund’s manager. Fidelity Management & Research (Japan) Limited and other investment advisers serve as sub-advisers for the fund.

Portfolio Manager(s)

Kirk Neureiter (Portfolio Manager) has managed the fund since 2014.

Purchase and Sale of Shares

You may buy or sell shares through a Fidelity® brokerage or mutual fund account, through a retirement account, or through an investment professional.

You may buy or sell shares in various ways:




Fidelity Automated Service Telephone (FAST®)


To reach a Fidelity representative 1-800-544-6666



Additional purchases:





Fidelity Investments    Fidelity Investments
P.O. Box 770001    P.O. Box 770001

Cincinnati, OH



Cincinnati, OH


TDD - Service for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired


The price to buy one share is its net asset value per share (NAV). Shares will be bought at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.

The price to sell one share is its NAV. Shares will be sold at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.

The fund is open for business each day the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is open.

There is no purchase minimum for fund shares.

Tax Information

Distributions you receive from the fund are subject to federal income tax and generally will be taxed as ordinary income or capital gains, and may also be subject to state or local taxes, unless you are investing through a tax-advantaged retirement account (in which case you may be taxed later, upon withdrawal of your investment from such account).

Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries

The fund, the Adviser, Fidelity Distributors Company LLC (FDC), and/or their affiliates may pay intermediaries, which may include banks, broker-dealers, retirement plan sponsors, administrators, or service-providers (who may be affiliated with the Adviser or FDC), for the sale of fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing your intermediary and your investment professional to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your investment professional or visit your intermediary’s web site for more information.



Prospectus   30  

Table of Contents

Fund Summary



Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund


Investment Objective

Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.

Fee Table

The following table describes the fees and expenses that may be incurred when you buy, hold, and sell shares of

the fund. In addition to the fees and expenses described below, your broker may also require you to pay brokerage commissions on purchases and sales of the fund.



Shareholder fees      
(fees paid directly from your investment)      None     
Annual Operating Expenses      
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)      
Management fee         0.67%  
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees         None  
Other expenses         0.24% A 



Total annual operating expenses         0.91%  


A Adjusted to reflect current fees.



This example helps compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds.

Let’s say, hypothetically, that the annual return for shares of the fund is 5% and that the fees and the annual operating expenses for shares of the fund are exactly as described in the fee table.


This example illustrates the effect of fees and expenses, but is not meant to suggest actual or expected fees and expenses or returns, all of which may vary. For every $10,000 you invested, here’s how much you would pay in total expenses if you sell all of your shares at the end of each time period indicated:



1 year    $ 93  
3 years    $ 290  
5 years    $ 504  
10 years    $  1,120  


  31   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


Portfolio Turnover

The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 36% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal Investment Strategies

• Normally investing at least 80% of assets in securities of Japanese issuers, and other investments that are tied economically to Japan, with smaller market capitalizations (which, for purposes of this fund, are those companies with market capitalizations similar to companies in the Russell/Nomura Mid-Small CapTM Index or the JASDAQ Index).

• Potentially investing in securities of Japanese issuers with larger market capitalizations.

• Normally investing primarily in common stocks.

• Using fundamental analysis of factors such as each issuer’s financial condition and industry position, as well as market and economic conditions, to select investments.

Principal Investment Risks

• Stock Market Volatility. Stock markets are volatile and can decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments. Different parts of the market, including different market sectors, and different types of securities can react differently to these developments.

• Foreign Exposure. Foreign markets can be more volatile than the U.S. market due to increased risks of adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments and can perform differently from the U.S. market.

Foreign exchange rates also can be extremely volatile.

• Geographic Concentration in Japan. Because the fund concentrates its investments in Japan, the fund’s performance is expected to be closely tied to social, political, and economic conditions within Japan and to be more volatile than the performance of more geographically diversified funds.

• Issuer-Specific Changes. The value of an individual security or particular type of security can be more volatile than, and can perform differently from, the market as a whole.

• Small Cap Investing. The value of securities of smaller, less well-known issuers can perform differently from the market as a whole and other types of stocks and can be more volatile than that of larger issuers.



Prospectus   32  

Table of Contents

An investment in the fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. You could lose money by investing in the fund.


The following information is intended to help you understand the risks of investing in the fund.

The information illustrates the changes in the performance of the fund’s shares from year to year and compares the performance of the fund’s shares to the performance of a securities market index over various periods of time. The index description appears in the “Additional Index Information” section of the prospectus. Past performance (before and after taxes) is not an indication of future performance.

Visit www.fidelity.com for more recent performance information.



Year-by-Year Returns




During the periods shown in the chart:      Returns      Quarter ended

Highest Quarter Return

     25.91    March 31, 2013

Lowest Quarter Return

     –19.21    March 31, 2020

Year-to-Date Return

     7.35    September 30, 2023


  33   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


Average Annual Returns


After-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates, but do not reflect the impact of state or local taxes. Actual after-tax returns may differ depending on your individual circumstances. The after-tax returns shown are not relevant if you hold your shares in a retirement account or in another

tax-deferred arrangement, such as an employee benefit plan (profit sharing, 401(k), or 403(b) plan). Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares may be higher than other returns for the same period due to a tax benefit of realizing a capital loss upon the sale of fund shares.



For the periods ended

December 31, 2022


Past 1



Past 5



Past 10


Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund               

Return Before Taxes

       –14.49%          –1.79%          8.10%  

Return After Taxes on Distributions

       –14.35%          –2.83%          7.18%  

Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares

       –8.42%          –1.18%          6.67%  

Russell/Nomura Mid-Small Cap Index

(reflects no deduction for fees, expenses, or taxes)

       –13.12%          –1.55%          6.19%  


Investment Adviser

Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC (FMR) (the Adviser) is the fund’s manager. Fidelity Management & Research (Japan) Limited and other investment advisers serve as sub-advisers for the fund.

Portfolio Manager(s)

Masaki Nakamura (Portfolio Manager) has managed the fund since 2022.

Purchase and Sale of Shares

You may buy or sell shares through a Fidelity® brokerage or mutual fund account, through a retirement account, or through an investment professional.

You may buy or sell shares in various ways:




Fidelity Automated Service Telephone (FAST®) 1-800-544-5555

To reach a Fidelity representative 1-800-544-6666



Additional purchases:


Fidelity Investments

P.O. Box 770001

Cincinnati, OH





Fidelity Investments

P.O. Box 770001

Cincinnati, OH


TDD - Service for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired 1-800-544-0118

The price to buy one share is its net asset value per share (NAV). Shares will be bought at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.



Prospectus   34  

Table of Contents

The price to sell one share is its NAV. Shares will be sold at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.

The fund is open for business each day the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is open.

There is no purchase minimum for fund shares.

Tax Information

Distributions you receive from the fund are subject to federal income tax and generally will be taxed as ordinary income or capital gains, and may also be subject to state or local taxes, unless you are investing through a tax-advantaged retirement account (in which case you may be taxed later, upon withdrawal of your investment from such account).

Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries

The fund, the Adviser, Fidelity Distributors Company LLC (FDC),

and/or their affiliates may pay intermediaries, which may include banks, broker-dealers, retirement plan sponsors, administrators, or service-providers (who may be affiliated with the Adviser or FDC), for the sale of fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing your intermediary and your investment professional to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your investment professional or visit your intermediary’s web site for more information.



  35   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary



Fidelity® Latin America Fund/Fidelity® Latin America Fund


Investment Objective

Fidelity® Latin America Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.

Fee Table

The following table describes the fees and expenses that may be incurred when you buy, hold, and sell shares of the fund. In addition to the fees and expenses described below, your broker may also require you to pay brokerage commissions on purchases and sales of certain share classes of the fund.



Shareholder fees      
(fees paid directly from your investment)      None     
Annual Operating Expenses      
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)      
Management fee         0.68
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees         None  
Other expenses         0.34 %A 



Total annual operating expenses         1.02


A Adjusted to reflect current fees.



This example helps compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds.

Let’s say, hypothetically, that the annual return for shares of the fund is 5% and that the fees and the annual operating expenses for shares of the fund are exactly as described in the fee table.


This example illustrates the effect of fees and expenses, but is not meant to suggest actual or expected fees and expenses or returns, all of which may vary. For every $10,000 you invested, here’s how much you would pay in total expenses if you sell all of your shares at the end of each time period indicated:



1 year    $ 104  
3 years    $ 325  
5 years    $ 563  
10 years    $  1,248  


Prospectus   36  

Table of Contents

Portfolio Turnover

The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 37% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal Investment Strategies

• Normally investing at least 80% of assets in securities of Latin American issuers and other investments that are tied economically to Latin America.

• Normally investing primarily in common stocks.

• Allocating investments across different Latin American countries.

• Investing up to 35% of total assets in any industry that accounts for more than 20% of the Latin American market.

• Using fundamental analysis of factors such as each issuer’s financial condition and industry position, as well as market and economic conditions, to select investments.

Principal Investment Risks

• Stock Market Volatility.

Stock markets are volatile and can decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments. Different parts of the market, including different market sectors, and different types of securities can react differently to these developments.

• Foreign Exposure.

Foreign markets, particularly emerging markets, can be more volatile than the U.S. market due to increased risks of adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments and

can perform differently from the U.S. market.

The extent of economic development; political stability; market depth, infrastructure, and capitalization; and regulatory oversight can be less than in more developed markets. Emerging markets typically have less established legal, accounting and financial reporting systems than those in more developed markets, which may reduce the scope or quality of financial information available to investors.

Emerging markets can be subject to greater social, economic, regulatory, and political uncertainties and can be extremely volatile.

Foreign exchange rates also can be extremely volatile.



  37   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


• Geographic Concentration in Latin America.

Because the fund concentrates its investments in Latin America,

the fund’s performance is expected to be closely tied to social, political, and economic conditions within Latin America and to be more volatile than the performance of more geographically diversified funds.

• Issuer-Specific Changes.

The value of an individual security or particular type of security can be more volatile than, and can perform differently from, the market as a whole.

In addition, the fund is classified as non-diversified under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (1940 Act), which means that it has the ability to invest a greater portion of assets in securities of a smaller number of individual issuers than a diversified fund. As a result, changes in the market value of a single investment could cause greater fluctua-

tions in share price than would occur in a more diversified fund.

An investment in the fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. You could lose money by investing in the fund.


The following information is intended to help you understand the risks of investing in the fund.

The information illustrates the changes in the performance of the fund’s shares from year to year and compares the performance of the fund’s shares to the performance of a securities market index over various periods of time. The index description appears in the “Additional Index Information” section of the prospectus. Past performance (before and after taxes) is not an indication of future performance.

Visit www.fidelity.com for more recent performance information.



Prospectus   38  

Table of Contents



Year-by-Year Returns




During the periods shown in the chart:      Returns      Quarter ended

Highest Quarter Return

     26.86    December 31, 2020

Lowest Quarter Return

     –49.27    March 31, 2020

Year-to-Date Return

     10.75    September 30, 2023


  39   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


Average Annual Returns


After-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates, but do not reflect the impact of state or local taxes. Actual after-tax returns may differ depending on your individual circumstances. The after-tax re-turns shown are not relevant if you hold your shares in a retirement account or in another

tax-deferred arrangement, such as employee benefit plan (profit sharing, 401(k), or 403(b) plan). Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares may be higher than other returns for the same period due to a tax benefit of realizing a capital loss upon the sale of fund shares.



For the periods ended

December 31, 2022

     Past 1
     Past 5
     Past 10
Fidelity® Latin America Fund           

Return Before Taxes

       1.37      –3.06      –4.23

Return After Taxes on Distributions

       –1.46      –4.02      –5.48

Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares

       1.46      –2.48      –3.06

MSCI EM (Emerging Markets) Latin America Index

(reflects no deduction for fees or expenses)

       9.19      –0.90      –1.96


Investment Adviser

Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC (FMR) (the Adviser) is the fund’s manager. Other investment advisers serve as sub-advisers for the fund.

Portfolio Manager(s)

William Pruett (Portfolio Manager) has managed the fund since 2015.

Purchase and Sale of Shares

You may buy or sell shares through a Fidelity® brokerage or mutual fund account, through a retirement account, or through an investment professional.

You may buy or sell shares in various ways:




Fidelity Automated Service Telephone (FAST®) 1-800-544-5555

To reach a Fidelity representative 1-800-544-6666



Additional purchases:


Fidelity Investments

P.O. Box 770001

Cincinnati, OH





Fidelity Investments

P.O. Box 770001

Cincinnati, OH


TDD - Service for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired 1-800-544-0118

The price to buy one share is its net asset value per share (NAV). Shares will be bought at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.



Prospectus   40  

Table of Contents



The price to sell one share is its NAV. Shares will be sold at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.

The fund is open for business each day the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is open.

There is no purchase minimum for fund shares.

Tax Information

Distributions you receive from the fund are subject to federal income tax and generally will be taxed as ordinary income or capital gains, and may also be subject to state or local taxes, unless you are investing through a tax-advantaged retirement account (in which case you may be taxed later, upon withdrawal of your investment from such account).

Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries The fund, the Adviser, Fidelity Distributors Company LLC (FDC), and/or their affiliates may pay intermediaries, which may include banks, broker-dealers, retirement plan sponsors, administrators, or service-providers (who may be affiliated with the Adviser or FDC), for the sale of fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing your intermediary and your investment professional to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your investment professional or visit your intermediary’s web site for more information.



  41   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary



Fidelity® Nordic Fund


Investment Objective

Fidelity® Nordic Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.

Fee Table

The following table describes the fees and expenses that may be incurred when you buy, hold, and sell shares of the fund. In addition to the fees and expenses described below, your broker may also require you to pay brokerage commissions on purchases and sales of the fund.



Shareholder fees   
(fees paid directly from your investment)      None  
Annual Operating Expenses   
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Management fee      0.68
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees      None  
Other expenses      0.26



Total annual operating expenses      0.94


This example helps compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds.

Let’s say, hypothetically, that the annual return for shares of the fund is 5% and that the fees and the annual operating expenses for shares of the fund are exactly as described in the fee table.


This example illustrates the effect of fees and expenses, but is not meant to suggest actual or expected fees and expenses or returns, all of which may vary. For every $10,000 you invested, here’s how much you would pay in total expenses if you sell all of your shares at the end of each time period indicated:



1 year    $ 96  
3 years    $ 300  
5 years    $ 520  
10 years    $  1,155  


Prospectus   42  

Table of Contents

Portfolio Turnover

The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 23% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal Investment Strategies

• Normally investing at least 80% of assets in securities of Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, and Swedish issuers and other investments that are tied economically to the Nordic region.

•  Normally investing primarily in common stocks.

•  Allocating investments across different Nordic countries.

• Investing up to 35% of total assets in any industry that accounts for more than 20% of the Nordic market.

• Using fundamental analysis of factors such as each issuer’s financial condition and industry position, as well as market and economic conditions, to select investments.

Principal Investment Risks

• Stock Market Volatility. Stock markets are volatile and can decline

significantly in response to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments. Different parts of the market, including different market sectors, and different types of securities can react differently to these developments.

• Foreign Exposure. Foreign markets can be more volatile than the U.S. market due to increased risks of adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments and can perform differently from the U.S. market.

Foreign exchange rates also can be extremely volatile.

• Geographic Concentration in the Nordic Region. Because the fund concentrates its investments in the Nordic region, the fund’s performance is expected to be closely tied to social, political, and economic conditions within the Nordic region and to be more volatile than the performance of more geographically diversified funds. In addition, because the fund may invest a significant percentage of assets in certain industries, the fund’s performance could be affected to the extent that the particular industry or

industries in which the fund invests are sensitive to adverse social, political, economic, currency, or regulatory developments.

• Issuer-Specific Changes. The value of an individual security or particular type of security can be more volatile than, and can perform differently from, the market as a whole.



  43   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


An investment in the fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. You could lose money by investing in the fund.


The following information is intended to help you understand the risks of investing in the fund.

The information illustrates the changes in the performance of the fund’s shares from year to year and compares the performance of the fund’s shares to the performance of a securities market index over various periods of time. The index description appears in the “Additional Index Information” section of the prospectus. Past performance (before and after taxes) is not an indication of future performance.

Visit www.fidelity.com for more recent performance information.



Year-by-Year Returns




During the periods shown in the chart:      Returns      Quarter ended

Highest Quarter Return

     22.59    December 31, 2022

Lowest Quarter Return

     -18.59    March 31, 2020

Year-to-Date Return

     6.00    September 30, 2023


Prospectus   44  

Table of Contents


Average Annual Returns

After-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates, but do not reflect the impact of state or local taxes. Actual after-tax returns may differ depending on your individual circumstances. The after-tax returns shown are not relevant if you hold your shares

in a retirement account or in another tax-deferred arrangement, such as an employee benefit plan (profit sharing, 401(k), or 403(b) plan). Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares may be higher than other returns for the same period due to a tax benefit of realizing a capital loss upon the sale of fund shares.



For the periods ended

December 31, 2022

     Past 1
     Past 5
     Past 10
Fidelity® Nordic Fund           

Return Before Taxes

       -19.29      6.25      9.95

Return After Taxes on Distributions

       -19.29      4.54      8.66

Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares

       -11.42      4.68      7.92

FTSE® Capped Nordic Index

(reflects no deduction for fees, expenses, or taxes)

       -18.32      6.28      7.76


Investment Adviser

Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC (FMR) (the Adviser) is the fund’s manager. FMR Investment Management (UK) Limited and other investment advisers serve as sub-advisers for the fund.


Portfolio Manager(s)

Allyson Ke (Co-Lead Portfolio Manager) has managed the fund since 2021.

Faris Rahman (Co-Lead Portfolio Manager) has managed the fund since 2021.



  45   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


Purchase and Sale of Shares

You may buy or sell shares through a Fidelity® brokerage or mutual fund account, through a retirement account, or through an investment professional.

You may buy or sell shares in various ways:




Fidelity Automated Service Telephone (FAST®) 1-800-544-5555

To reach a Fidelity representative 1-800-544-6666



Additional purchases:


Fidelity Investments

P.O. Box 770001

Cincinnati, OH






Fidelity Investments

P.O. Box 770001

Cincinnati, OH


TDD - Service for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired 1-800-544-0118

The price to buy one share is its net asset value per share (NAV). Shares will be bought at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.

The price to sell one share is its NAV. Shares will be sold at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form. The fund is open for business each day the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is open.

There is no purchase minimum for fund shares.

Tax Information

Distributions you receive from the fund are subject to federal income tax and generally will be taxed as ordinary income or capital gains, and may also be subject to state or local taxes, unless you are investing through a tax-advantaged retirement account (in which case you may be taxed later, upon withdrawal of your investment from such account).

Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries

The fund, the Adviser, Fidelity Distributors Company LLC (FDC), and/or their affiliates may pay intermediaries, which may include banks, broker-dealers, retirement plan sponsors, administrators, or service-providers (who may be affiliated with the Adviser or FDC), for the sale of fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing your intermediary and your investment professional to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your investment professional or visit your intermediary’s web site for more information.



Prospectus   46  

Table of Contents

Fund Summary



Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund


Investment Objective

Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund seeks growth of capital over the long term.

Fee Table

The following table describes the fees and expenses that may be incurred when you buy, hold, and sell shares of the fund. In addition to the fees and expenses described below, your broker may also require you to pay brokerage commissions on purchases and sales of the fund.



Shareholder fees   
(fees paid directly from your investment)      None  
Annual Operating Expenses   
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Management fee (fluctuates based on the fund’s performance relative to a securities market index)      0.84% A 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees      None  
Other expenses      0.23%  



Total annual operating expenses      1.07%  

A The management fee is comprised of a basic fee of 0.68% adjusted up or down by a maximum of 0.20% based on the fund’s performance relative to that of the MSCI AC (All Country) Pacific Index. Please see “Fund Services — Fund Management — Advisory Fee(s)” for additional information.


This example helps compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds.

Let’s say, hypothetically, that the annual return for shares of the fund is 5% and that the fees and the annual operating expenses for shares of the fund are exactly as described in the fee table.


This example illustrates the effect of fees and expenses, but is not meant to suggest actual or expected fees and expenses or returns, all of which may vary. For every $10,000 you invested, here’s how much you would pay in total expenses if you sell all of your shares at the end of each time period indicated:



1 year    $ 109  
3 years    $ 340  
5 years    $ 590  
10 years    $  1,306  


  47   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


Portfolio Turnover

The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 46% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal Investment Strategies

• Normally investing at least 80% of assets in securities of Pacific Basin issuers and other investments that are tied economically to the Pacific Basin.

• Normally investing primarily in common stocks.

• Allocating investments across different Pacific Basin countries.

• Using fundamental analysis of factors such as each issuer’s fin-ancial condition and industry position, as well as market and eco-nomic conditions, to select investments.

Principal Investment Risks

• Stock Market Volatility. Stock markets are volatile and can decline significantly in re-sponse to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or econom-ic developments. Different

parts of the market, including different market sectors, and different types of securities can re-act differently to these developments.

• Foreign Exposure. Foreign markets, particularly emerging markets, can be more volatile than the U.S. market due to increased risks of adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments and can perform differently from the U.S. market.

The extent of economic development; political stability; market depth, infrastructure, and capitalization; and regulatory oversight can be less than in more developed markets. Emerging markets typically have less established legal, accounting and financial reporting systems than those in more developed markets, which may reduce the scope or quality of financial information available to investors.

Emerging markets can be subject to greater social, economic, regulatory, and political uncertainties and can be extremely volatile.

Foreign exchange rates also can be extremely volatile.

• Geographic Exposure to China. Because the fund invests a meaningful portion of its assets in China, the fund’s performance is expected to be closely tied to social, political, and economic conditions in China and to be more volatile than the performance of more geographically diversified funds. The fund may obtain exposure to companies based or oper-ated in China by investing through legal structures



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known as variable interest entities (VIEs). Instead of directly owning the equity securities of a Chinese company, a VIE enters into service and other contracts with the Chinese company. Although the VIE has no equity ownership of the Chinese company, the contractual arrangements permit the VIE to consolidate the Chinese company into its financial statements. Intervention by the Chinese government with respect to VIEs could significantly affect the Chinese company’s performance and the enforceability of the VIE’s contractual arrangements with the Chinese company.

• Geographic Exposure to Japan. Because the fund invests a meaningful portion of its assets in Japan, the fund’s performance is expected to be closely tied to social, political, and economic conditions within Japan and to be more volatile than the performance of more geographically diversified funds.

• Geographic Concentration in the Pacific Basin. Because the fund concentrates its investments in the Pacific Basin, the fund’s performance is expected to be closely tied to social, political, and economic conditions within the Pacific Basin and to be more volatile than the performance of more geograph-ically diversified funds.

• Issuer-Specific Changes. The value of an individual security or particular type of security can be more volatile than, and can perform differently from, the market as a whole.

An investment in the fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. You could lose money by investing in the fund.


The following information is intended to help you understand the risks of investing in the fund.

The information illustrates the changes in the performance of the fund’s shares from year to year and compares the performance of the fund’s shares to the performance of a securities market index over various periods of time. The index description appears in the “Additional Index Information” section of the prospectus. Past performance (before and after taxes) is not an indication of future performance.

Visit www.fidelity.com for more recent performance information.



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Fund Summary – continued


Year-by-Year Returns




During the periods shown in the chart:      Returns      Quarter ended

Highest Quarter Return

     22.26%      June 30, 2020

Lowest Quarter Return

     -16.88%      March 31, 2020

Year-to-Date Return

     4.78%      September 30, 2023


Average Annual Returns

After-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates, but do not reflect the impact of state or local taxes. Actual after-tax returns may differ depending on your individual circumstances. The after-tax returns shown are not relevant if you hold your shares

in a retirement account or in another tax-deferred arrangement, such as an employee benefit plan (profit sharing, 401(k), or 403(b) plan). Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares may be higher than other returns for the same period due to a tax benefit of realizing a capital loss upon the sale of fund shares.



For the periods ended
December 31, 2022
     Past 1
       Past 5
       Past 10
Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund               

Return Before Taxes

       -23.75%          2.39%          8.23%  

Return After Taxes on Distributions

       -25.18%          0.68%          6.53%  

Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares

       -12.99%          1.98%          6.55%  

MSCI AC (All Country) Pacific Index

(reflects no deduction for fees or expenses)

       -17.98%          -0.28%          4.11%  


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Investment Adviser

Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC (FMR) (the Adviser) is the fund’s manager. Fidelity Management & Research (Hong Kong) Limited, Fidelity Management & Research (Japan) Limited and other investment advisers serve as sub-advisers for the fund.

Portfolio Manager(s)

Kirk Neureiter (Co-Portfolio Manager) has managed the fund since 2019.

Stephen Lieu (Co-Portfolio Manager) has managed the fund since 2021.

Purchase and Sale of Shares

You may buy or sell shares through a Fidelity® brokerage or mutual fund account, through a retirement account, or through an investment professional.

You may buy or sell shares in various ways:




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The price to buy one share is its net asset value per share (NAV). Shares will be bought at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.

The price to sell one share is its NAV. Shares will be sold at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.

The fund is open for business each day the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is open.

There is no purchase minimum for fund shares.

Tax Information

Distributions you receive from the fund are subject to federal income tax and generally will be taxed as ordinary income or capital gains, and may also be subject to state or local taxes, unless you are investing through a tax-advantaged retirement account (in which case you may be taxed later, upon withdrawal of your investment from such account).

Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries

The fund, the Adviser, Fidelity Distributors Company LLC (FDC), and/or their affiliates may pay intermediaries, which may include banks, broker-dealers, retirement plan sponsors, administrators, or service-providers (who may be affiliated with the Adviser or FDC), for the sale of fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing your intermediary and your investment professional to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your investment professional or visit your intermediary’s web site for more information.



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Fund Basics


Investment Details

Investment Objective

Fidelity® Canada Fund seeks growth of capital over the long term.

Principal Investment Strategies

The Adviser normally invests at least 80% of the fund’s assets in securities of Canadian issuers and other investments that are tied economically to Canada. The Adviser may also invest the fund’s assets in U.S. issuers. The Adviser normally invests the fund’s assets primarily in common stocks.

The Adviser may invest up to 35% of the fund’s total assets in any industry that accounts for more than 20% of the Canadian market as a whole, as represented by an index determined by the Adviser to be an appropriate measure of the Canadian market, currently the S&P/TSX Composite Index. The Adviser intends to measure the percentage of the index represented by each industry no less frequently than once per month.

In buying and selling securities for the fund, the Adviser relies on fundamental analysis, which involves a bottom-up assessment of a company’s potential for success in light of factors including its financial condition, earnings outlook, strategy, management, industry position, and economic and market conditions.

If the Adviser’s strategies do not work as intended, the fund may not achieve its objective.

Investment Objective

Fidelity® China Region Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.

Principal Investment Strategies

The Adviser normally invests at least 80% of the fund’s assets in securities of Hong Kong, Taiwanese, and Chinese issuers and other investments that are tied economically to the China region. The Adviser normally invests the fund’s assets primarily in common stocks.

The Adviser normally allocates the fund’s investments across different China region countries.

The Adviser may invest up to 35% of the fund’s total assets in any industry that accounts for more than 20% of the Hong Kong, Taiwanese, and Chinese market as a whole, as represented by an index determined by the Adviser to be an appropriate measure of the market, currently the MSCI Golden Dragon Index. The Adviser intends to measure the percentage of the index represented by each industry no less frequently than once per month.

In buying and selling securities for the fund, the Adviser relies on fundamental analysis, which involves a bottom-up assessment of a company’s potential for success in light of factors including its financial condition, earnings outlook, strategy, management, industry position, and economic and market conditions.

If the Adviser’s strategies do not work as intended, the fund may not achieve its objective.



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Investment Objective

Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund seeks capital appreciation.

Principal Investment Strategies

The Adviser normally invests at least 80% of the fund’s assets in securities of Asian emerging markets issuers and other investments that are tied economically to Asian emerging markets. Asian emerging markets issuers are those issuers located in an Asian country with an emerging market. Asian countries with emerging markets include Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, the People’s Republic of China, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand. The Adviser normally invests the fund’s assets primarily in common stocks. Emerging markets include countries that have an emerging stock market as defined by MSCI, countries or markets with low-to middle-income economies as classified by the World Bank, and other countries or markets that the Adviser identifies as having similar emerging markets characteristics. Emerging markets tend to have relatively low gross national product per capita compared to the world’s major economies and may have the potential for rapid economic growth.

The Adviser normally allocates the fund’s investments across different Asian countries with emerging markets.

In buying and selling securities for the fund, the Adviser relies on fundamental analysis, which involves a bottom-up assessment of a company’s potential for success in light of factors including its financial condition, earnings outlook, strategy, management,

industry position, and economic and market conditions.

If the Adviser’s strategies do not work as intended, the fund may not achieve its objective.

Investment Objective

Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund seeks capital appreciation.

Principal Investment Strategies

The Adviser normally invests at least 80% of the fund’s assets in securities of issuers in emerging markets and other investments that are tied economically to emerging markets. Emerging markets include countries that have an emerging stock market as defined by MSCI, countries or markets with low-to middle-income economies as classified by the World Bank, and other countries or markets that the Adviser identifies as having similar emerging markets characteristics. Emerging markets tend to have relatively low gross national product per capita compared to the world’s major economies and may have the potential for rapid economic growth. The Adviser normally invests the fund’s assets primarily in common stocks.

The Adviser normally allocates the fund’s investments across different emerging markets countries.

In buying and selling securities for the fund, the Adviser relies on fundamental analysis, which involves a bottom-up assessment of a company’s potential for success in light of factors including its financial condition, earnings outlook, strategy, management, industry position, and economic and market conditions.



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Fund Basics – continued


If the Adviser’s strategies do not work as intended, the fund may not achieve its objective.

Investment Objective

Fidelity® Europe Fund seeks growth of capital over the long term.

Principal Investment Strategies

The Adviser normally invests at least 80% of the fund’s assets in securities of European issuers and other investments that are tied economically to Europe. Europe includes all member countries of the European Union, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and certain European countries with low-to middle-income economies as classified by the World Bank. The Adviser normally invests the fund’s assets primarily in common stocks.

The Adviser normally allocates the fund’s investments across different European countries.

In buying and selling securities for the fund, the Adviser relies on fundamental analysis, which involves a bottom-up assessment of a company’s potential for success in light of factors including its financial condition, earnings outlook, strategy, management, industry position, and economic and market conditions.

If the Adviser’s strategies do not work as intended, the fund may not achieve its objective.

Investment Objective

Fidelity® Japan Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.

Principal Investment Strategies

The Adviser normally invests at least 80% of the fund’s assets in securities of Japanese issuers and other investments that are tied economically to Japan. The Adviser normally invests the fund’s assets primarily in common stocks.

In buying and selling securities for the fund, the Adviser relies on fundamental analysis, which involves a bottom-up assessment of a company’s potential for success in light of factors including its financial condition, earnings outlook, strategy, management, industry position, and economic and market conditions.

If the Adviser’s strategies do not work as intended, the fund may not achieve its objective.

Investment Objective

Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.

Principal Investment Strategies

The Adviser normally invests at least 80% of the fund’s assets in securities of Japanese issuers, and other investments that are tied economically to Japan, with smaller market capitalizations. For purposes of this fund, the Adviser defines smaller market capitalization issuers as those whose market capitalization is similar to the market capitalization of companies in the Russell/Nomura Mid-Small CapTM Index or the JASDAQ Index. A company’s market capitalization is based on its current market capitalization or its market capitalization at the time of the fund’s investment. The size of the



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companies in each index changes with market conditions and the composition of the index. The Adviser may also invest the fund’s assets in Japanese issuers with larger market capitalizations. The Adviser normally invests the fund’s assets primarily in common stocks.

In buying and selling securities for the fund, the Adviser relies on fundamental analysis, which involves a bottom-up assessment of a company’s potential for success in light of factors including its financial condition, earnings outlook, strategy, management, industry position, and economic and market conditions.

If the Adviser’s strategies do not work as intended, the fund may not achieve its objective.

Investment Objective

Fidelity® Latin America Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.

Principal Investment Strategies

The Adviser normally invests at least 80% of the fund’s assets in securities of Latin American issuers and other investments that are tied economically to Latin America. Latin America includes Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Panama, and Venezuela. The Adviser normally invests the fund’s assets primarily in common stocks.

The Adviser normally allocates the fund’s investments across different Latin American countries.

The Adviser may invest up to 35% of the fund’s total assets in any industry

that accounts for more than 20% of the Latin American market as a whole, as represented by an index determined by the Adviser to be an appropriate measure of the market, currently the MSCI EM (Emerging Markets) Latin America Index. The Adviser intends to measure the percentage of the index represented by each industry no less frequently than once per month.

Because the fund is classified as non-diversified, the Adviser may invest a significant percentage of the fund’s assets in relatively few companies and up to 25% in a single issuer.

In buying and selling securities for the fund, the Adviser relies on fundamental analysis, which involves a bottom-up assessment of a company’s potential for success in light of factors including its financial condition, earnings outlook, strategy, management, industry position, and economic and market conditions.

If the Adviser’s strategies do not work as intended, the fund may not achieve its objective.

Investment Objective

Fidelity® Nordic Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.

Principal Investment Strategies

The Adviser normally invests at least 80% of the fund’s assets in securities of Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, and Swedish issuers and other investments that are tied economically to the Nordic region. The Adviser normally invests the fund’s assets primarily in common stocks.



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Fund Basics – continued


The Adviser normally allocates the fund’s investments across different Nordic countries.

The Adviser may invest up to 35% of the fund’s total assets in any industry that accounts for more than 20% of the Nordic market as a whole, as represented by an index determined by the Adviser to be an appropriate measure of the market, currently the FTSE® Capped Nordic Index. The Adviser intends to measure the percentage of the index represented by each industry no less than once per month.

In buying and selling securities for the fund, the Adviser relies on fundamental analysis, which involves a bottom-up assessment of a company’s potential for success in light of factors including its financial condition, earnings outlook, strategy, management, industry position, and economic and market conditions.

If the Adviser’s strategies do not work as intended, the fund may not achieve its objective.

Investment Objective

Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund seeks growth of capital over the long term.

Principal Investment Strategies

The Adviser normally invests at least 80% of the fund’s assets in securities of Pacific Basin issuers and other investments that are tied economically to the Pacific Basin. The Pacific Basin includes Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the People’s Republic of China, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand. The

Adviser normally invests the fund’s assets primarily in common stocks.

The Adviser normally allocates the fund’s investments across different Pacific Basin countries.

In buying and selling securities for the fund, the Adviser relies on fundamental analysis, which involves a bottom-up assessment of a company’s potential for success in light of factors including its financial condition, earnings outlook, strategy, management, industry position, and economic and market conditions.

If the Adviser’s strategies do not work as intended, the fund may not achieve its objective.

Description of Principal Security Types

Equity securities represent an ownership interest, or the right to acquire an ownership interest, in an issuer. Different types of equity securities provide different voting and dividend rights and priority in the event of the bankruptcy of the issuer. Equity securities include common stocks, preferred stocks, convertible securities, and warrants.

Principal Investment Risks

Many factors affect each fund’s performance. Developments that disrupt global economies and financial markets, such as pandemics and epidemics, may magnify factors that affect a fund’s performance. A fund’s share price changes daily based on changes in market conditions and interest rates and in response to other economic, political, or financial developments. A



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fund’s reaction to these developments will be affected by the types of securities in which the fund invests, the financial condition, industry and economic sector, and geographic location of an issuer, and the fund’s level of investment in the securities of that issuer. Because each fund concentrates its investments in a particular country or group of countries, the fund’s performance is expected to be closely tied to economic and political conditions within that country or group of countries and to be more volatile than the performance of more geographically diversified funds. In addition, because Fidelity® Latin America Fund may invest a significant percentage of assets in a single issuer, the fund’s performance could be closely tied to that one issuer and could be more volatile than the performance of more diversified funds. When you sell your shares they may be worth more or less than what you paid for them, which means that you could lose money by investing in a fund.

The following factors can significantly affect a fund’s performance:

Stock Market Volatility. The value of equity securities fluctuates in response to issuer, political, market, and economic developments. Fluctuations, especially in foreign markets, can be dramatic over the short as well as long term, and different parts of the market, including different market sectors, and different types of equity securities can react differently to these developments. For example, stocks of companies in one sector can react differently from those in another, large cap stocks

can react differently from small cap stocks, and “growth” stocks can react differently from “value” stocks. Issuer, political, or economic developments can affect a single issuer, issuers within an industry or economic sector or geographic region, or the market as a whole. Changes in the financial condition of a single issuer can impact the market as a whole. Terrorism and related geo-political risks have led, and may in the future lead, to increased short-term market volatility and may have adverse long-term effects on world economies and markets generally.

Foreign and Emerging Markets Risk. Foreign securities, foreign currencies, and securities issued by U.S. entities with substantial foreign operations can involve additional risks relating to political, economic, or regulatory conditions in foreign countries. These risks include fluctuations in foreign exchange rates; withholding or other taxes; trading, settlement, custodial, and other operational risks; and the less stringent investor protection and disclosure standards of some foreign markets. All of these factors can make foreign investments, especially those in emerging markets, more volatile and potentially less liquid than U.S. investments. In addition, foreign markets can perform differently from the U.S. market.

Investing in emerging markets can involve risks in addition to and greater than those generally associated with investing in more developed foreign markets. The extent of economic development; political stability; market



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Fund Basics – continued


depth, infrastructure, and capitalization; and regulatory oversight can be less than in more developed markets. Emerging markets typically have less established legal, accounting and financial reporting systems than those in more developed markets, which may reduce the scope or quality of financial information available to investors. Emerging markets economies can be subject to greater social, economic, regulatory, and political uncertainties and can be extremely volatile. All of these factors can make emerging markets securities more volatile and potentially less liquid than securities issued in more developed markets.

Global economies and financial markets are becoming increasingly interconnected, which increases the possibilities that conditions in one country or region might adversely impact issuers or providers in, or foreign exchange rates with, a different country or region.

Geographic Concentration. Social, political, and economic conditions and changes in regulatory, tax, or economic policy in a country or region could significantly affect the market in that country or region. From time to time, a small number of companies and industries may represent a large portion of the market in a particular country or region, and these companies and industries can be sensitive to adverse social, political, economic, currency, or regulatory developments. Similarly, from time to time, a fund may invest a meaningful portion of its assets in the securities of issuers located in a single country or a limited number of coun-

tries. If the fund invests in this manner, there is a higher risk that social, political, economic, tax (such as a tax on foreign investments or financial transactions), currency, or regulatory developments in those countries may have a significant impact on the fund’s investment performance.

Special Considerations regarding Asia. Asia includes countries in all stages of economic development, from the highly developed economy of Japan to the emerging market economy of China. Most Asian economies, particularly Asian emerging markets economies, are characterized by over-extension of credit, frequent currency fluctuations, devaluations, and restrictions, unstable employment rates, rapid fluctuation in, among other things, inflation, reliance on exports, and less efficient markets. Currency fluctuations or devaluations in any one country can have a significant effect on the entire region. Recently, the markets in certain Asian countries, particularly those with emerging markets, have suffered significant currency volatility. Furthermore, increased political and social unrest in some Asian countries and slower economic growth could cause further economic and market uncertainty and economic decline in the entire region in the event of economic sanctions or military conflicts.

Special Considerations regarding Canada. The Canadian and U.S. economies are closely integrated. The United States is Canada’s largest trading partner and foreign investor and the Canadian economy is significantly



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affected by developments in the U.S. economy. Canada is a major producer of forest products, metals, agricultural products, and energy-related products, such as oil, gas, and hydroelectricity. As a result, the Canadian economy is very dependent on the demand for, and supply and price of, natural resources, and the Canadian market is relatively concentrated in issuers involved in the production and distribution of natural resources. Canada’s economic growth may be significantly affected by disruptions in its relationship with major trading partners, fluctuations in currency, and global demand for commodities.

Special Considerations regarding China. The Chinese economy is dependent on the economies of other countries and can be significantly affected by currency fluctuations and increasing competition from Asia’s other low-cost emerging economies. The willingness and ability of the Chinese government to support the Chinese economy and markets is uncertain. China has yet to develop comprehensive securities, corporate, or commercial laws, its market is relatively new and less developed, and its economy is experiencing a relative slowdown. Also, foreign investments may be subject to certain restrictions. Changes in Chinese government policy and economic growth rates could significantly affect local markets. Reduction in spending on Chinese products and services, institution of tariffs or other trade barriers or a downturn in any of the economies of China’s key trading partners may have an adverse

impact on the securities of Chinese issuers. Concerns exist regarding a potential trade war between China and the United States, which may trigger a significant reduction in international trade, the oversupply of certain manufactured goods, substantial price reductions of goods and possible failure of individual companies and/or large segments of China’s export industry, all of which may have a negative impact on a fund’s investments.

A fund may obtain exposure to companies based or operated in China by investing through legal structures known as variable interest entities (VIEs). Instead of directly owning the equity securities of a Chinese company, a VIE enters into service and other contracts with the Chinese company. Although the VIE has no equity ownership of the Chinese company, the contractual arrangements permit the VIE to consolidate the Chinese company into its financial statements. VIE investments are subject to the risk that any breach of these contractual arrangements will be subject to Chinese law and jurisdiction, that Chinese law may be interpreted or change in a way that affects the enforceability of the VIE’s arrangements, or that contracts between the Chinese company and the VIE may otherwise not be enforceable under Chinese law. Thus, limiting the remedies and rights of investors such as the fund. If these risks materialize, the value of investments in VIEs could be adversely affected and a fund could incur significant losses with no recourse available.



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Fund Basics – continued


Special Considerations regarding the China Region. The Hong Kong, Taiwanese, and Chinese economies are dependent on the economies of other countries and can be significantly affected by currency fluctuations and increasing competition from Asia’s other low-cost emerging economies. These China region economies can also be significantly affected by general social, economic, and political conditions in China and other countries. In addition, the Taiwanese economy can be significantly affected by security threats from China. The willingness and ability of the Chinese government to support the Hong Kong and Chinese economies and markets is uncertain. China has yet to develop comprehensive securities, corporate, or commercial laws, its market is relatively new and less developed, and its economy is experiencing a relative slowdown. Also, foreign investments may be subject to certain restrictions. Changes in Chinese government policy and economic growth rates could significantly affect local markets and the entire region. Reduction in spending on Chinese products and services, institution of tariffs or other trade barriers or a downturn in any of the economies of China’s key trading partners may have an adverse impact on the securities of Chinese issuers. Concerns exist regarding a potential trade war between China and the United States, which may trigger a significant reduction in international trade, the oversupply of certain manufactured goods, substantial price reductions of goods and possible failure of individual companies and/or

large segments of China’s export industry, all of which may have a negative impact on a fund’s investments.

Special Considerations regarding Europe. Europe includes both developed and emerging markets. Most developed countries in Western Europe are members of the European Union (EU), and many are also members of the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). European countries can be significantly affected by the tight fiscal and monetary controls with which EU members and candidates for EMU membership are required to comply. In addition, the private and public sectors’ debt problems of a single EU country can pose economic risks to the EU as a whole. Unemployment in Europe has historically been higher than in the United States, public deficits are an ongoing concern in many European countries, the region is currently facing great political and economic uncertainty and many European economies are experiencing slow economic growth or recession. Eastern European countries generally continue to move toward market economies. However, their markets remain relatively undeveloped and can be particularly sensitive to social, political, and economic developments. The EU faces challenges related to member states seeking to change their relationship with the EU, exemplified by the United Kingdom’s withdrawal. There can be significant uncertainty as to the terms and consequences of one or more member states seeking to change their relationship with the EU. Among other



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things, a member state’s decision to leave the EU could result in increased volatility and illiquidity in the European and such member state’s economies, as well as the broader global economy. Companies with a significant amount of business in the member state or Europe may experience lower revenue and/or profit growth, which may adversely affect the value of a fund’s investments. In addition, uncertainty regarding any member state’s exit from the EU may lead to instability in the foreign exchange markets, including volatility in the value of the euro.

Special Considerations regarding India. Political and legal uncertainty, greater government control over the economy, currency fluctuations or blockage, and the risk of nationalization or expropriation of assets may result in higher potential for losses in investments in Indian issuers by Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund. Large portions of many Indian companies remain in the hands of individuals and corporate governance standards of Indian companies may be weaker and less transparent than in more developed markets, which may increase the risk of loss and unequal treatment of investors. The securities markets in India are relatively underdeveloped and may subject a fund to higher transaction costs or greater uncertainty than investments in more developed securities markets. Religious, cultural and military disputes persist in India, and between India and Pakistan (as well as between sectarian groups within each country). These

disputes could adversely influence the Indian economy and, as a result, negatively affect the fund’s investments.

Special Considerations regarding Japan. The Japanese economy, at times, has been characterized by government intervention and protectionism, an aging demographic, declining population, and an unstable financial services sector. International trade, particularly with the United States, government support of the financial services sector and other troubled sectors, consistent government policy, natural disasters, and geopolitical developments can significantly affect economic growth. Since a significant portion of Japan’s trade is conducted with developing nations, almost all of which are in East and Southeast Asia, it can be affected by currency fluctuations and other conditions in these other countries.

Special Considerations regarding Latin America. The majority of the economies of countries in Latin America are considered emerging markets economies. High interest, inflation, and unemployment rates generally characterize each economy. Currency fluctuations or devaluations in any country can have a significant effect on the entire region. Because commodities such as, without limitation, agricultural products, minerals, oil, and metals represent a significant percentage of exports of many Latin American countries, the economies of those countries are particularly sensitive to fluctuations in commodity prices, currencies and global demand for commodities, which has been subject



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Fund Basics – continued


to significant volatility. A relatively small number of Latin American companies represents a large portion of Latin America’s total market and thus may be more sensitive to adverse political or economic circumstances and market movements. Fidelity® Latin America Fund’s relatively high exposure to securities issued by Brazilian companies subjects the fund to a higher degree of risk that adverse developments in a single country will negatively impact the fund. Investments in Brazil are subject to the risk of possible regulatory and economic interventions by the Brazilian government, including the imposition of wage and price controls, the limitation of imports and the imposition of restrictions on foreign investment. In addition, the fund’s relatively high exposure to securities issued by Mexican companies subjects the fund to a higher degree of risk that adverse developments in a single country will negatively impact the fund. Political developments in the U.S. have potential implications for trade arrangements between the U.S. and Mexico, which could negatively affect the value of securities held by the fund.

Special Considerations regarding the Nordic Region. The Nordic economies are dependent on the export of natural resources and natural resource products. Finland’s efforts to comply with European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) restrictions may result in reduced government spending and higher unemployment. Denmark and Sweden have elected not to join the final stage of the EMU and

Norway has elected not to join either the European Union (EU) or the EMU and, as a result, these countries may have more flexibility to pursue different fiscal and economic goals but may not benefit from full membership in the EMU. Fidelity® Nordic Fund’s relatively high exposure to securities issued by Swedish companies subjects the fund to a higher degree of risk that adverse developments in a single country will negatively impact the fund. While Sweden has not joined the EMU, the Swedish economy is, however, vulnerable to fluctuations in the economies and monetary policies of its trading partners who are members of the EMU. Sweden has a highly developed welfare system and the level of union membership in Sweden is substantial. These factors can negatively impact the Swedish economy by causing increased government spending, higher production costs and lower productivity, among other things. In addition, the fund’s relatively high exposure to securities issued by Danish companies subjects the fund to a higher degree of risk that adverse developments in a single country will negatively impact the fund. Denmark is dependent on trading relationships with certain key trading partners, including other EU countries and the United States. Furthermore, Denmark’s currency is pegged to the euro. Denmark’s economy has also been characterized by slow growth and is facing demographic challenges, including an aging population, which could lead to labor supply shortages in the near future.



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Special Considerations regarding the Pacific Basin. The Pacific Basin economies are in all stages of economic development. The majority of the economies in the region can be characterized as either developing or newly industrialized. Many of the Pacific Basin economies may be intertwined, so they may experience economic downturns at the same time. Furthermore, many of the Pacific Basin economies are characterized by high inflation, undeveloped financial services sectors, heavy reliance on international trade, frequent currency fluctuations, devaluations, or restrictions, political and social instability, and less efficient markets. The Australia and New Zealand economies are heavily dependent on the economies of Asian countries and on the price and demand for agricultural products and natural resources.

Issuer-Specific Changes. Changes in the financial condition of an issuer or counterparty, changes in specific economic or political conditions that affect a particular type of security or issuer, and changes in general economic or political conditions can increase the risk of default by an issuer or counterparty, which can affect a security’s or instrument’s value.

Small Cap Investing. The value of securities of smaller, less well-known issuers can be more volatile than that of larger issuers and can react differently to issuer, political, market, and economic developments than the market as a whole and other types of stocks. Smaller issuers can have more limited product lines, markets, and financial resources.

In response to market, economic, political, or other conditions, a fund may temporarily use a different investment strategy for defensive purposes. If the fund does so, different factors could affect its performance and the fund may not achieve its investment objective.

Other Investment Strategies

In addition to the principal investment strategies discussed above, the Adviser may lend a fund’s securities to broker-dealers or other institutions to earn income for the fund.

The Adviser may invest Fidelity® China Region Fund’s, Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund’s, and Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund’s assets in securities of private or newly public companies.

The Adviser may also use various techniques, such as buying and selling futures contracts and exchange traded funds, to increase or decrease a fund’s exposure to changing security prices or other factors that affect security values.

Fundamental Investment Policies

The following is fundamental, that is, subject to change only by shareholder approval:

Fidelity® Canada Fund seeks growth of capital over the long term.

Fidelity® China Region Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.

Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund seeks capital appreciation.

Fidelity® Latin America Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.



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Fund Basics – continued


Fidelity® Nordic Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.

Non-Fundamental Investment Policies

Each of Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund’s, Fidelity® Europe Fund’s, Fidelity® Japan Fund’s, Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund’s, and Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund’s investment objective is non-fundamental and may be changed without shareholder approval.

Shareholder Notice

The following is subject to change only upon 60 days’ prior notice to shareholders:

Fidelity® Canada Fund normally invests at least 80% of its assets in securities of Canadian issuers and other investments that are tied economically to Canada.

Fidelity® China Region Fund normally invests at least 80% of its assets in securities of Hong Kong, Taiwanese, and Chinese issuers and other investments that are tied economically to the China region.

Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund normally invests at least 80% of its assets in securities of Asian emerging markets issuers and other investments that are tied economically to Asian emerging markets.

Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund normally invests at least 80% of its assets in securities of issuers in emerging markets and other investments that are tied economically to emerging markets.

Fidelity® Europe Fund normally invests at least 80% of its assets in securities of European issuers and other investments that are tied economically to Europe.

Fidelity® Japan Fund normally invests at least 80% of its assets in securities of Japanese issuers and other investments that are tied economically to Japan.

Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund normally invests at least 80% of its assets in securities of Japanese issuers, and other investments that are tied economically to Japan, with smaller market capitalizations.

Fidelity® Latin America Fund normally invests at least 80% of its assets in securities of Latin American issuers and other investments that are tied economically to Latin America.

Fidelity® Nordic Fund normally invests at least 80% of its assets in securities of Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, and Swedish issuers and other investments that are tied economically to the Nordic region.

Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund normally invests at least 80% of its assets in securities of Pacific Basin issuers and other investments that are tied economically to the Pacific Basin.

Country or Geographic Region

The Adviser considers a number of factors to determine whether an investment is tied economically to a particular country or region, including: the source of government guarantees (if any); the primary trading market; the issuer’s domicile, sources of rev-



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enue, and location of assets; whether the investment is included in an index representative of a particular country or region; and whether the investment is exposed to the economic fortunes and risks of a particular country or region.

Valuing Shares

Each fund is open for business each day the NYSE is open.

The NAV is the value of a single share. Fidelity normally calculates NAV each business day as of the times noted in the table below. Each fund’s assets normally are valued as of this time for the purpose of computing NAV. Fidelity calculates NAV separately for each class of shares of a multiple class fund.


Fund   NAV Calculation Times
(Eastern Time)
Fidelity® Canada Fund   4:00 p.m.
Fidelity® China Region Fund   4:00 p.m.
Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund   4:00 p.m.
Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund   4:00 p.m.
Fidelity® Europe Fund   4:00 p.m.
Fidelity® Japan Fund   4:00 p.m.
Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund   4:00 p.m.
Fidelity® Latin America Fund   4:00 p.m.
Fidelity® Nordic Fund   4:00 p.m.
Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund   4:00 p.m.

NAV is not calculated and a fund will not process purchase and redemption requests submitted on days when the fund is not open for business. The time at which shares are priced and until which purchase and redemption orders are accepted may be changed as permitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

To the extent that a fund’s assets are traded in other markets on days when the fund is not open for business, the value of the fund’s assets may be affected on those days. In addition, trading in some of a fund’s assets may not occur on days when the fund is open for business.

NAV is calculated using the values of other open-end funds, if any, in which a fund invests (referred to as underlying funds). Shares of underlying funds are valued at their respective NAVs. Other assets are valued primarily on the basis of market quotations, official closing prices, or information furnished by a pricing service. Certain short-term securities are valued on the basis of amortized cost. If market quotations, official closing prices, or information furnished by a pricing service are not readily available or, in the Adviser’s opinion, are deemed unreliable for a security, then that security will be fair valued in good faith by the Adviser in accordance with applicable fair value pricing policies. For example, if, in the Adviser’s opinion, a security’s value has been materially affected by events occurring before a fund’s pricing time but after the close of the exchange or market on which the security is principally traded, then that security will be fair valued in good faith by the Adviser in accordance with applicable fair value pricing policies. Fair value pricing will be used for high yield debt securities when available pricing information is determined to be stale or for other reasons not to accurately reflect fair value.



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Fund Basics – continued


Arbitrage opportunities may exist when trading in a portfolio security or securities is halted and does not resume before a fund calculates its NAV. These arbitrage opportunities may enable short-term traders to dilute the NAV of long-term investors. Securities trading in overseas markets, if applicable, present time zone arbitrage opportunities when events affecting portfolio security values occur after the close of the overseas markets but prior to the close of the U.S. market. Fair valuation of a fund’s portfolio securities can serve to reduce arbitrage opportunities available to short-term traders, but there is no assurance that fair value pricing policies will prevent dilution of NAV by short-term traders.

Policies regarding excessive trading may not be effective to prevent short-term NAV arbitrage trading, particularly in regard to omnibus accounts.

Fair value pricing is based on subjective judgments and it is possible that the fair value of a security may differ materially from the value that would be realized if the security were sold.



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Shareholder Information


Additional Information about the Purchase and Sale of Shares

As used in this prospectus, the term “shares” generally refers to the shares offered through this prospectus.

General Information

Information on Fidelity

Fidelity Investments was established in 1946 to manage one of America’s first mutual funds. Today, Fidelity is one of the world’s largest providers of financial services.

In addition to its fund business, the company operates one of America’s leading brokerage firms, Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC. Fidelity is also a leader in providing tax-advantaged retirement plans for individuals investing on their own or through their employer.

Ways to Invest

Subject to the purchase and sale requirements stated in this prospectus, you may buy or sell shares through a Fidelity® brokerage account or a Fidelity® mutual fund account. If you buy or sell shares (other than by exchange) through a Fidelity® brokerage account, your transactions generally involve your Fidelity® brokerage core (a settlement vehicle included as part of your Fidelity® brokerage account).

If you do not currently have a Fidelity® brokerage account or a Fidelity® mutual fund account and would like to invest in a fund, you may need to complete an application. For more

information about a Fidelity® brokerage account or a Fidelity® mutual fund account, please visit Fidelity’s web site at www.fidelity.com, call 1-800-FIDELITY, or visit a Fidelity Investor Center (call 1-800-544-9797 for the center nearest you).

You may also buy or sell shares through a retirement account (such as an IRA or an account funded through salary deduction) or an investment professional. Retirement specialists are available at 1-800-544-4774 to answer your questions about Fidelity® retirement products. If you buy or sell shares through a retirement account or an investment professional, the procedures for buying, selling, and exchanging shares and the account features, policies, and fees may differ from those discussed in this prospectus. Fees in addition to those discussed in this prospectus may apply. For example, you may be charged a transaction fee if you buy or sell shares through a non-Fidelity broker or other investment professional.

Information on Placing Orders

You should include the following information with any order:

• Your name

• Your account number

• Type of transaction requested

• Name(s) of fund(s) and class(es)

• Dollar amount or number of shares

Certain methods of contacting Fidelity may be unavailable or delayed (for example, during periods of unusual




Table of Contents

Shareholder Information – continued


market activity). In addition, the level and type of service available may be restricted.

Frequent Purchases and Redemptions

A fund may reject for any reason, or cancel as permitted or required by law, any purchase or exchange, including transactions deemed to represent excessive trading, at any time.

Excessive trading of fund shares can harm shareholders in various ways, including reducing the returns to long-term shareholders by increasing costs to a fund (such as brokerage commissions or spreads paid to dealers who sell money market instruments), disrupting portfolio management strategies, and diluting the value of the shares in cases in which fluctuations in markets are not fully priced into the fund’s NAV.

Each fund reserves the right at any time to restrict purchases or exchanges or impose conditions that are more restrictive on excessive trading than those stated in this prospectus.

Excessive Trading Policy for each fund

The Board of Trustees has adopted policies designed to discourage excessive trading of fund shares. Excessive trading activity in a fund is measured by the number of roundtrip transactions in a shareholder’s account and each class of a multiple class fund is treated separately. A roundtrip transaction occurs when a shareholder sells fund shares (including

exchanges) within 30 days of the purchase date.

Shareholders with two or more roundtrip transactions in a single fund within a rolling 90-day period will be blocked from making additional purchases or exchange purchases of the fund for 85 days. Shareholders with four or more roundtrip transactions across all Fidelity® funds within any rolling 12-month period will be blocked for at least 85 days from additional purchases or exchange purchases across all Fidelity® funds. Any roundtrip within 12 months of the expiration of a multi-fund block will initiate another multi-fund block. Repeat offenders may be subject to long-term or permanent blocks on purchase or exchange purchase transactions in any account under the shareholder’s control at any time. In addition to enforcing these roundtrip limitations, the fund may in its discretion restrict, reject, or cancel any purchases or exchanges that, in the Adviser’s opinion, may be disruptive to the management of the fund or otherwise not be in the fund’s interests.


The following transactions are exempt from the fund’s excessive trading policy described above: (i) systematic withdrawal and/or contribution programs, (ii) mandatory retirement distributions, (iii) transactions initiated by a plan sponsor or sponsors of certain employee benefit plans or other related accounts, (iv) transactions within a qualified advisory program, and



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(v) transactions initiated by the trustee or adviser to a donor-advised charitable gift fund, qualified fund of funds, or other strategy funds.

A qualified advisory program is one that demonstrates to Fidelity that the program has investment strategies and trading policies designed to protect the interests of long-term investors and meets specific criteria outlined by Fidelity.

A qualified fund of funds is a mutual fund, qualified tuition program, or other strategy fund consisting of qualified plan assets that either applies the fund’s excessive trading policies to shareholders at the fund of funds level, or demonstrates that the fund of funds has an investment strategy coupled with policies designed to control frequent trading that are reasonably likely to be effective as determined by the fund’s Treasurer.

Fidelity may choose not to monitor transactions below certain dollar value thresholds.

Omnibus Accounts

Omnibus accounts, in which shares are held in the name of an intermediary on behalf of multiple investors, are a common form of holding shares among retirement plans and financial intermediaries such as brokers, advisers, and third-party administrators. Individual trades in omnibus accounts are often not disclosed to the fund, making it difficult to determine whether a particular shareholder is engaging in excessive trading. Excessive trading in omnibus accounts is likely to go undetected by the fund

and may increase costs to the fund and disrupt its portfolio management.

Under policies adopted by the Board of Trustees, intermediaries will be permitted to apply the fund’s excessive trading policy (described above), or their own excessive trading policy if approved by the Adviser. In these cases, the fund will typically not request or receive individual account data but will rely on the intermediary to monitor trading activity in good faith in accordance with its or the fund’s policies. Reliance on intermediaries increases the risk that excessive trading may go undetected. For other intermediaries, the fund will generally monitor trading activity at the omnibus account level to attempt to identify disruptive trades. The fund may request transaction information, as frequently as daily, from any intermediary at any time, and may apply the fund’s policy to transactions that exceed thresholds established by the Board of Trustees. The fund may prohibit purchases of fund shares by an intermediary or by some or all of any intermediary’s clients. There is no assurance that the Adviser will request data with sufficient frequency to detect or deter excessive trading in omnibus accounts effectively.

If you purchase or sell fund shares through a financial intermediary, you may wish to contact the intermediary to determine the policies applicable to your account.

Retirement Plans

For employer-sponsored retirement plans, only participant directed exchanges count toward the roundtrip



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Shareholder Information – continued


limits. Employer-sponsored retirement plan participants whose activity triggers a purchase or exchange block will be permitted one trade every calendar quarter. In the event of a block, employer and participant contributions and loan repayments by the participant may still be invested in the fund.

Other Information about the Excessive Trading Policy

The fund’s Treasurer is authorized to suspend the fund’s policies during periods of severe market turbulence or national emergency. The fund reserves the right to modify its policies at any time without prior notice.

The fund does not knowingly accommodate frequent purchases and redemptions of fund shares by investors, except to the extent permitted by the policies described above.

As described in “Valuing Shares,” the fund also uses fair value pricing to help reduce arbitrage opportunities available to short-term traders. There is no assurance that the fund’s excessive trading policy will be effective, or will successfully detect or deter excessive or disruptive trading.

Buying Shares


Shares are generally available only to investors residing in the United States.

There is no minimum balance or purchase minimum for fund shares.

Price to Buy

The price to buy one share is its NAV. Shares are sold without a sales charge.

Shares will be bought at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.

Each fund has authorized certain intermediaries to accept orders to buy shares on its behalf. When authorized intermediaries receive an order in proper form, the order is considered as being placed with the fund, and shares will be bought at the NAV next calculated after the order is received by the authorized intermediary. If applicable, orders by funds of funds for which Fidelity serves as investment manager will be treated as received by the fund at the same time that the corresponding orders are received in proper form by the funds of funds.

Each fund may stop offering shares completely or may offer shares only on a limited basis, for a period of time or permanently.

If your payment is not received and collected, your purchase may be canceled and you could be liable for any losses or fees a fund or Fidelity has incurred.

Certain financial institutions that have entered into sales agreements with FDC may enter confirmed purchase orders on behalf of customers by phone, with payment to follow no later than the time when shares are priced on the following business day. If payment is not received by that time, the order will be canceled and the financial institution could be held liable for resulting fees or losses.

Under applicable anti-money laundering rules and other regulations, purchase orders may be suspended, restricted, or canceled and the monies may be withheld.



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Selling Shares

The price to sell one share is its NAV.

Shares will be sold at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form.

Normally, redemptions will be processed by the next business day, but it may take up to seven days to pay the redemption proceeds if making immediate payment would adversely affect a fund.

Each fund has authorized certain intermediaries to accept orders to sell shares on its behalf. When authorized intermediaries receive an order in proper form, the order is considered as being placed with the fund, and shares will be sold at the NAV next calculated after the order is received by the authorized intermediary. If applicable, orders by funds of funds for which Fidelity serves as investment manager will be treated as received by the fund at the same time that the corresponding orders are received in proper form by the funds of funds.

See “Policies Concerning the Redemption of Fund Shares” below for additional redemption information.

A signature guarantee is designed to protect you and Fidelity from fraud. Fidelity may require that your request be made in writing and include a signature guarantee in certain circumstances, such as:

• When you wish to sell more than $100,000 worth of shares.

• When the address on your account (record address) has changed within

the last 15 days or you are requesting that a check be mailed to an address different than the record address.

• When you are requesting that redemption proceeds be paid to someone other than the account owner.

• In certain situations when the redemption proceeds are being transferred to a Fidelity® brokerage or mutual fund account with a different registration.

You should be able to obtain a signature guarantee from a bank, broker (including Fidelity® Investor Centers), dealer, credit union (if authorized under state law), securities exchange or association, clearing agency, or savings association. A notary public cannot provide a signature guarantee.

When you place an order to sell shares, note the following:

• Redemption proceeds (other than exchanges) may be delayed until money from prior purchases sufficient to cover your redemption has been received and collected.

• Redemptions may be suspended or payment dates postponed when the NYSE is closed (other than weekends or holidays), when trading on the NYSE is restricted, or as permitted by the SEC.

• Redemption proceeds may be paid in securities or other property rather than in cash if the Adviser determines it is in the best interests of a fund.

• You will not receive interest on amounts represented by uncashed redemption checks.



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Shareholder Information – continued


• If you hold your shares in a Fidelity® brokerage or mutual fund account and your redemption check remains uncashed for six months, the check may be invested in additional shares at the NAV next calculated on the day of the investment.

• Under applicable anti-money laundering rules and other regulations, redemption requests may be suspended, restricted, canceled, or processed and the proceeds may be withheld.

Policies Concerning the Redemption of Fund Shares

If your account is held directly with a fund, the length of time that a fund typically expects to pay redemption proceeds depends on the method you have elected to receive such proceeds. A fund typically expects to make payment of redemption proceeds by wire, automated clearing house (ACH) or by issuing a check by the next business day following receipt of a redemption order in proper form. Proceeds from the periodic and automatic sale of shares of a Fidelity® money market fund that are used to buy shares of another Fidelity® fund are settled simultaneously.

If your account is held through an intermediary, the length of time that a fund typically expects to pay redemption proceeds depends, in part, on the terms of the agreement in place between the intermediary and a fund. For redemption proceeds that are paid either directly to you from a fund or to your intermediary for transmittal to you, a fund typically expects to make

payments by wire, by ACH or by issuing a check on the next business day following receipt of a redemption order in proper form from the intermediary by a fund. Redemption orders that are processed through investment professionals that utilize the National Securities Clearing Corporation will generally settle one to three business days following receipt of a redemption order in proper form.

As noted elsewhere, payment of redemption proceeds may take longer than the time a fund typically expects and may take up to seven days from the date of receipt of the redemption order as permitted by applicable law.

Redemption Methods Available. Generally a fund expects to pay redemption proceeds in cash. To do so, a fund typically expects to satisfy redemption requests either by using available cash (or cash equivalents) or by selling portfolio securities. On a less regular basis, a fund may also satisfy redemption requests by utilizing one or more of the following sources, if permitted: borrowing from another Fidelity® fund; drawing on an available line or lines of credit from a bank or banks; or using reverse repurchase agreements. These methods may be used during both normal and stressed market conditions.

In addition to paying redemption proceeds in cash, a fund reserves the right to pay part or all of your redemption proceeds in readily marketable securities instead of cash (redemption in-kind). Redemption in-kind proceeds will typically be made by delivering the selected securities to the redeeming



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shareholder within seven days after the receipt of the redemption order in proper form by a fund.

Exchanging Shares

An exchange involves the redemption of all or a portion of the shares of one fund and the purchase of shares of another fund.

As a shareholder, you have the privilege of exchanging shares for shares of other Fidelity® funds.

However, you should note the following policies and restrictions governing exchanges:

• The exchange limit may be modified for accounts held by certain institutional retirement plans to conform to plan exchange limits and Department of Labor regulations. See your retirement plan materials for further information.

• Each fund may refuse any exchange purchase for any reason. For example, each fund may refuse exchange purchases by any person or group if, in the Adviser’s judgment, the fund would be unable to invest the money effectively in accordance with its investment objective and policies, or would otherwise potentially be adversely affected.

• Before any exchange, read the prospectus for the shares you are purchasing, including any purchase and sale requirements.

• The shares you are acquiring by exchange must be available for sale in your state.

• Exchanges may have tax consequences for you.

• If you are exchanging between accounts that are not registered in the same name, address, and taxpayer identification number (TIN), there may be additional requirements.

• Under applicable anti-money laundering rules and other regulations, exchange requests may be suspended, restricted, canceled, or processed and the proceeds may be withheld.

The funds may terminate or modify exchange privileges in the future.

Other funds may have different exchange restrictions and minimums. Check each fund’s prospectus for details.

Features and Policies


The following features may be available to buy and sell shares of a fund or to move money to and from your account, if you are investing through a Fidelity® brokerage account or a Fidelity® mutual fund account. Please visit Fidelity’s web site at www.fidelity.com or call 1-800-544-6666 for more information.




Electronic Funds Transfer: electronic money movement through the Automated Clearing House



To transfer money between a bank account and a Fidelity® brokerage account or Fidelity® mutual fund account.



You can use electronic funds transfer to:


  • Make

periodic (automatic) purchases of Fidelity® fund shares or payments to your Fidelity® brokerage account.


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Shareholder Information – continued


  • Make

periodic (automatic) redemptions of Fidelity® fund shares or withdrawals from your Fidelity® brokerage account.



Wire: electronic money movement through the Federal Reserve wire system



To transfer money between a bank account and a Fidelity® brokerage account or Fidelity® mutual fund account.



Automatic Transactions: periodic (automatic) transactions



To directly deposit all or a portion of your compensation from your employer (or the U.S. Government, in the case of Social Security) into a Fidelity® brokerage account or Fidelity® mutual fund account.



To make contributions from a Fidelity® mutual fund account to a Fidelity® mutual fund IRA.



To sell shares of a Fidelity® money market fund and simultaneously to buy shares of another Fidelity® fund in a Fidelity® mutual fund account.



The following apply to you as a shareholder.

Statements that Fidelity sends to you, if applicable, include the following:

• Confirmation statements (after transactions affecting your fund balance except, to the extent applicable, reinvestment of distributions in the fund or another fund and certain transactions through automatic investment or withdrawal programs).

• Monthly or quarterly account statements (detailing fund balances and all transactions completed during the prior month or quarter).

Current regulations allow Fidelity to send a single copy of shareholder documents for Fidelity® funds, such as prospectuses, annual and semi-annual reports, and proxy materials, to certain mutual fund customers whom we believe are members of the same family who share the same address. For certain types of accounts, we will not send multiple copies of these documents to

you and members of your family who share the same address. Instead, we will send only a single copy of these documents. This will continue for as long as you are a shareholder, unless you notify us otherwise. If at any time you choose to receive individual copies of any documents, please call 1-800-544-8544. We will begin sending individual copies to you within 30 days of receiving your call.

Electronic copies of most financial reports and prospectuses are available at Fidelity’s web site. To participate in Fidelity’s electronic delivery program, call Fidelity or visit Fidelity’s web site for more information.

You may initiate many transactions by telephone or electronically. Fidelity will not be responsible for any loss, cost, expense, or other liability resulting from unauthorized transactions if it follows reasonable security procedures designed to verify the identity of the investor. Fidelity will request personalized security codes or other



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information, and may also record calls. For transactions conducted through the Internet, Fidelity recommends the use of an Internet browser with 128-bit encryption. You should verify the accuracy of your confirmation statements upon receipt and notify Fidelity immediately of any discrepancies in your account activity. If you do not want the ability to sell and exchange by telephone, call Fidelity for instructions.

You may be asked to provide additional information in order for Fidelity to verify your identity in accordance with requirements under anti-money laundering regulations. Accounts may be restricted and/or closed, and the monies withheld, pending verification of this information or as otherwise required under these and other federal regulations. In addition, each fund reserves the right to involuntarily redeem an account in the case of: (i) actual or suspected threatening conduct or actual or suspected fraudulent, illegal or suspicious activity by the account owner or any other individual associated with the account; or (ii) the failure of the account owner to provide information to the funds related to opening the accounts. Your shares will be sold at the NAV, minus any applicable shareholder fees, calculated on the day Fidelity closes your fund position.

Fidelity may charge a fee for certain services, such as providing historical account documents.

Dividends and Capital Gain Distributions

Each fund earns interest, dividends, and other income from its investments, and distributes this income (less expenses) to shareholders as dividends. Each fund also realizes capital gains from its investments, and distributes these gains (less any losses) to shareholders as capital gain distributions.

Each fund normally pays dividends and capital gain distributions per the tables below:


Fund Name   Dividends Paid
Fidelity® Canada Fund   December
Fidelity® China Region Fund   December
Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund   December
Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund   December
Fidelity® Europe Fund   December
Fidelity® Japan Fund   December
Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund   December
Fidelity® Latin America Fund   December
Fidelity® Nordic Fund   December
Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund   December
Fund Name   Capital Gains Paid
Fidelity® Canada Fund   December
Fidelity® China Region Fund   December
Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund   December
Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund   December
Fidelity® Europe Fund   December
Fidelity® Japan Fund   December
Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund   December
Fidelity® Latin America Fund   December
Fidelity® Nordic Fund   December
Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund   December


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Shareholder Information – continued


Distribution Options

When you open an account, specify how you want to receive your distributions. The following distribution options are available:

1. Reinvestment Option. Any dividends and capital gain distributions will be automatically reinvested in additional shares. If you do not indicate a choice, you will be assigned this option.

2. Income-Earned Option. Any capital gain distributions will be automatically reinvested in additional shares. Any dividends will be paid in cash.

3. Cash Option. Any dividends and capital gain distributions will be paid in cash.

4. Directed Dividends® Option. Any dividends will be automatically invested in shares of another identically registered Fidelity® fund. Any capital gain distributions will be automatically invested in shares of another identically registered Fidelity® fund, automatically reinvested in additional shares of the fund, or paid in cash.

Not all distribution options may be available for every account and certain restrictions may apply. If the distribution option you prefer is not listed on your account application, or if you want to change your current distribution option, visit Fidelity’s web site at www.fidelity.com or call 1-800-544-6666 for more information.

If you elect to receive distributions paid in cash by check and the U.S. Postal Service does not deliver your

checks, your distribution option may be converted to the Reinvestment Option. You will not receive interest on amounts represented by uncashed distribution checks.

If your dividend check(s) remains uncashed for six months, your check(s) may be invested in additional shares at the NAV next calculated on the day of the investment.

Tax Consequences

As with any investment, your investment in a fund could have tax consequences for you (for non-retirement accounts).

Taxes on Distributions

Distributions you receive from each fund are subject to federal income tax, and may also be subject to state or local taxes.

For federal tax purposes, certain distributions, including dividends and distributions of short-term capital gains, are taxable to you as ordinary income, while certain distributions, including distributions of long-term capital gains, are taxable to you generally as capital gains. A percentage of certain distributions of dividends may qualify for taxation at long-term capital gains rates (provided certain holding period requirements are met).

If you buy shares when a fund has realized but not yet distributed income or capital gains, you will be “buying a dividend” by paying the full price for the shares and then receiving a portion of the price back in the form of a taxable distribution.



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Any taxable distributions you receive from a fund will normally be taxable to you when you receive them, regardless of your distribution option.

Taxes on Transactions

Your redemptions, including exchanges, may result in a capital gain or loss for federal tax purposes. A capital gain or loss on your investment in a fund generally is the difference between the cost of your shares and the price you receive when you sell them.



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Fund Services


Fund Management

Each fund is a mutual fund, an investment that pools shareholders’ money and invests it toward a specified goal.


FMR. The Adviser is each fund’s manager. The address of the Adviser is 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210.

As of December 31, 2022, the Adviser had approximately $3.1 trillion in discretionary assets under management, and approximately $3.9 trillion when combined with all of its affiliates’ assets under management.

As the manager, the Adviser has overall responsibility for directing each fund’s investments and handling its business affairs.


FMR Investment Management (UK) Limited (FMR UK), at 1 St. Martin’s Le Grand, London, EC1A 4AS, United Kingdom, serves as a sub-adviser for each fund. As of December 31, 2022, FMR UK had approximately $14.7 billion in discretionary assets under management. FMR UK is an affiliate of the Adviser.

Currently, FMR UK has day-to-day responsibility for choosing investments for Fidelity® Europe Fund and Fidelity® Nordic Fund.

FMR UK may provide investment research and advice on issuers based outside the United States and may also provide investment advisory services for Fidelity® Canada Fund, Fidelity® China Region Fund, Fidelity® Emerg-

ing Asia Fund, Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity® Japan Fund, Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund, Fidelity® Latin America Fund, and Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund.

Fidelity Management & Research (Hong Kong) Limited (FMR H.K.), at Floor 19, 41 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong, serves as a sub-adviser for each fund. As of December 31, 2022, FMR H.K. had approximately $21.4 billion in discretionary assets under management. FMR H.K. is an affiliate of the Adviser.

Currently, FMR H.K. has day-to-day responsibility for choosing investments for Fidelity® China Region Fund and Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund.

Currently, FMR H.K. has day-to-day responsibility for choosing certain types of investments for Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund.

FMR H.K. may provide investment research and advice on issuers based outside the United States and may also provide investment advisory services for Fidelity® Canada Fund, Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity® Europe Fund, Fidelity® Japan Fund, Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund, Fidelity® Latin America Fund, and Fidelity® Nordic Fund.

Fidelity Management & Research (Japan) Limited (FMR Japan), at Kamiyacho Prime Place, 1-17, Toranomon-4-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, serves as a sub-adviser for each fund. As of March 31, 2023, FMR Japan had approximately $2.9 billion in discretionary assets under



Prospectus   78  

Table of Contents


management. FMR Japan is an affiliate of the Adviser.

Currently, FMR Japan has day-to-day responsibility for choosing investments for Fidelity® Japan Fund and Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund.

Currently, FMR Japan has day-to-day responsibility for choosing certain types of investments for Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund.

FMR Japan may provide investment research and advice on issuers based outside the United States and may also provide investment advisory services for Fidelity® Canada Fund, Fidelity® China Region Fund, Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund, Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity® Europe Fund, Fidelity® Latin America Fund, and Fidelity® Nordic Fund.

FIL Investment Advisors (FIA), at Pembroke Hall, 42 Crow Lane, Pembroke HM19, Bermuda, serves as a sub-adviser for each fund. As of December 31, 2022, FIA had approximately $7.0 billion in discretionary assets under management.

FIA may provide investment research and advice on issuers based outside the United States and may also provide investment advisory services for Fidelity® Canada Fund, Fidelity® China Region Fund, Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund, Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity® Europe Fund, Fidelity® Japan Fund, Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund, Fidelity® Latin America Fund, Fidelity® Nordic Fund, and Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund.

FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited (FIA(UK)), at Beech Gate, Millfield Lane, Lower Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey, KT20 6RP, United Kingdom, serves as a sub-adviser for each fund. As of December 31, 2022, FIA(UK) had approximately $5.6 billion in discretionary assets under management.

FIA(UK) may provide investment research and advice on issuers based outside the United States and may also provide investment advisory services for Fidelity® Canada Fund, Fidelity® China Region Fund, Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund, Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity® Europe Fund, Fidelity® Japan Fund, Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund, Fidelity® Latin America Fund, Fidelity® Nordic Fund, and Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund.

Portfolio Manager(s)

Ryan Oldham is Portfolio Manager of Fidelity® Canada Fund, which he has managed since 2018. He also manages other funds. Since joining Fidelity Investments in 2007, Mr. Oldham has worked as a research analyst and portfolio manager.

Peifang Sun is Co-Portfolio Manager of Fidelity® China Region Fund, which she has managed since 2021. Since joining Fidelity Investments in 2008, Ms. Sun has worked as a research analyst and portfolio manager.

Ivan Xie is Co-Portfolio Manager of Fidelity® China Region Fund, which he has managed since 2018. Since joining Fidelity Investments in 2011, Mr. Xie



  79   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Services – continued


has worked as a research analyst and portfolio manager.

Xiaoting Zhao is Portfolio Manager of Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund, which he has managed since 2019. He also manages other funds. Since joining Fidelity Investments in 2009, Mr. Zhao has worked as a research analyst and portfolio manager.

John Dance is Portfolio Manager of Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund, which he has managed since 2019. Since joining Fidelity Investments in 2006, Mr. Dance has worked as a research analyst and portfolio manager.

Allyson Ke is Co-Lead Portfolio Manager of Fidelity® Europe Fund and Fidelity® Nordic Fund, both of which she has managed since 2021. She also manages other funds. Since joining Fidelity Investments in 2011, Ms. Ke has worked as a research analyst and portfolio manager.

Faris Rahman is Co-Lead Portfolio Manager of Fidelity® Europe Fund and Fidelity® Nordic Fund, both of which he has managed since 2021. He also manages other funds. Since joining Fidelity Investments in 2012, Mr. Rahman has worked as a research analyst and portfolio manager.

Kirk Neureiter is Portfolio Manager of Fidelity® Japan Fund, which he has managed since 2014, and Co-Portfolio Manager of Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund, which he has managed since 2019. He also manages other funds. Since joining Fidelity Investments in 1994, Mr. Neureiter has worked as a

research associate, research analyst, associate director of research, director of Japan research, and portfolio manager.

Masaki Nakamura is Portfolio Manager of Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund, which he has managed since 2022. Since joining Fidelity Investments in 2010, Mr. Nakamura has worked as a research analyst and portfolio manager (other than a 6-month leave of absence in 2018-2019).

Will Pruett is Portfolio Manager of Fidelity® Latin America Fund, which he has managed since 2015. He also manages other funds. Since joining Fidelity Investments in 2008, Mr. Pruett has worked as a research analyst and portfolio manager.

Stephen Lieu is Co-Portfolio Manager of Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund, which he has managed since 2021. Since joining Fidelity Investments in 2013, Mr. Lieu has worked as a summer intern, research analyst, and portfolio manager.

The Statement of Additional Information (SAI) provides additional information about the compensation of, any other accounts managed by, and any fund shares held by the portfolio manager(s).

From time to time a manager, analyst, or other Fidelity employee may express views regarding a particular company, security, industry, or market sector. The views expressed by any such person are the views of only that individual as of the time expressed and do not necessarily



Prospectus   80  

Table of Contents


represent the views of Fidelity or any other person in the Fidelity organization. Any such views are subject to change at any time based upon market or other conditions and Fidelity disclaims any responsibility to update such views. These views may not be relied on as investment advice and, because investment decisions for a fund are based on numerous factors, may not be relied on as an indication of trading intent on behalf of any fund.

Advisory Fee(s)

Each fund pays a management fee to the Adviser.

The management fee is calculated and paid to the Adviser every month.

For Fidelity® China Region Fund, Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund, Fidelity® Latin America Fund, and Fidelity® Nordic Fund, the fee is calculated by adding a group fee rate to an individual fund fee rate, dividing by twelve, and multiplying the result by the fund’s average net assets throughout the month.

For Fidelity® Canada Fund, Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund, Fidelity® Europe Fund, Fidelity® Japan Fund, and Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund, the fee is determined by calculating a basic fee and then applying a performance adjustment. The performance adjustment either increases or decreases the management fee, depending on how well the fund has performed relative to its index listed below:

Fund   Performance Adjustment
Fidelity® Canada Fund   S&P/TSX Composite
Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund   MSCI AC (All Country)
Asia ex Japan Index
Fidelity® Europe Fund   MSCI Europe Index
Fidelity® Japan Fund   Tokyo Stock Price Index
Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund   MSCI AC (All Country)
Pacific Index


  =   Basic


  +/–   Performance

The basic fee is calculated by adding a group fee rate to an individual fund fee rate, dividing by twelve, and multiplying the result by the fund’s average net assets throughout the month.

The group fee rate is based on the average net assets of a group of mutual funds advised by FMR. This rate cannot rise above 0.52%, and it drops as total assets under management increase.

The group fee rate(s) for October 2023 and the annual individual fund fee rate(s) are reflected in the table below:


Fund   Group Fee Rate   Individual
Fund Fee Rate
Fidelity® Canada Fund   0.22%   0.45%
Fidelity® China Region Fund   0.22%   0.45%
Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund   0.22%   0.45%
Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund   0.22%   0.45%
Fidelity® Europe Fund   0.22%   0.45%
Fidelity® Japan Fund   0.22%   0.45%


  81   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Services – continued


Fund   Group Fee Rate   Individual
Fund Fee Rate
Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund   0.22%   0.45%
Fidelity® Latin America Fund   0.22%   0.45%
Fidelity® Nordic Fund   0.22%   0.45%
Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund   0.22%   0.45%

The basic fee for Fidelity® Canada Fund, Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund, Fidelity® Europe Fund, Fidelity® Japan Fund, and Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2023, as a percentage of each fund’s average net assets, is reflected in the following table:


Fund   Basic Fee Rate
Fidelity® Canada Fund   0.68%
Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund   0.68%
Fidelity® Europe Fund   0.68%
Fidelity® Japan Fund   0.67%
Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund   0.68%

The performance adjustment rate is calculated monthly by comparing over the performance period a fund’s performance to that of the performance adjustment index.

For the purposes of calculating the performance adjustment for each of Fidelity® Canada Fund, Fidelity® Europe Fund, and Fidelity® Japan Fund, the fund’s investment performance will be based on the performance of the class of shares of the fund offered through this prospectus. To the extent that other classes of Fidelity® Canada Fund, Fidelity® Europe Fund, and Fidelity® Japan Fund have higher expenses, this could result in

those classes bearing a larger positive performance adjustment and smaller negative performance adjustment than would be the case if each class’s own performance were considered.

For Fidelity® Canada Fund, Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund, Fidelity® Europe Fund, Fidelity® Japan Fund, and Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund the performance period is the most recent 36 month period.

The maximum annualized performance adjustment rate is ±0.20% of the fund’s average net assets over the performance period. The performance adjustment rate is divided by twelve and multiplied by the fund’s average net assets over the performance period, and the resulting dollar amount is then added to or subtracted from the basic fee.

The total management fee, as a percentage of a fund’s average net assets, for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2023, for each fund is shown in the following table. Because each fund’s management fee rate may fluctuate, a fund’s management fee may be higher or lower in the future.


Fund   Total
Fee Rate
Fidelity® Canada Fund   0.81%
Fidelity® China Region Fund   0.68%
Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund   0.59%
Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund   0.67%
Fidelity® Europe Fund   0.44%
Fidelity® Japan Fund   0.67%
Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund   0.67%
Fidelity® Latin America Fund   0.68%
Fidelity® Nordic Fund   0.68%
Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund   0.84%


Prospectus   82  

Table of Contents


The Adviser pays FMR Investment Management (UK) Limited, Fidelity Management & Research (Hong Kong) Limited, and Fidelity Management & Research (Japan) Limited for providing sub-advisory services.

The Adviser pays FIA for providing sub-advisory services, and FIA in turn pays FIA(UK).

The basis for the Board of Trustees approving the management contract and sub-advisory agreements for each fund is available in each fund’s annual report for the fiscal period ended October 31, 2023.

From time to time, the Adviser or its affiliates may agree to reimburse or waive certain fund expenses while retaining the ability to be repaid if expenses fall below the specified limit prior to the end of the fiscal year.

Reimbursement or waiver arrangements can decrease expenses and boost performance.

Fund Distribution

Each of Fidelity® Canada Fund, Fidelity® China Region Fund, Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity® Europe Fund, Fidelity® Japan Fund, and Fidelity® Latin America Fund is composed of multiple classes of shares. All classes of a multiple class fund have a common investment objective and investment portfolio.

FDC distributes each fund’s shares.

Intermediaries may receive from the Adviser, FDC, and/or their affiliates compensation for providing recordkeeping and administrative services, as

well as other retirement plan expenses, and compensation for services intended to result in the sale of fund shares.

These payments are described in more detail in this section and in the SAI.

Distribution and Service Plan(s)

Each fund has adopted a Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (1940 Act) with respect to its shares that recognizes that the Adviser may use its management fee revenues, as well as its past profits or its resources from any other source, to pay FDC for expenses incurred in connection with providing services intended to result in the sale of shares of each fund and/or shareholder support services. The Adviser, directly or through FDC, may pay significant amounts to intermediaries that provide those services. Currently, the Board of Trustees of each fund has authorized such payments for shares of each fund.

If payments made by the Adviser to FDC or to intermediaries under a Distribution and Service Plan were considered to be paid out of a fund’s or class’s assets on an ongoing basis, they might increase the cost of your investment and might cost you more than paying other types of sales charges.

From time to time, FDC may offer special promotional programs to investors who purchase shares of Fidelity® funds. For example, FDC may offer merchandise, discounts, vouchers, or similar items to investors who pur-



  83   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Services – continued


chase shares of certain Fidelity® funds during certain periods. To determine if you qualify for any such programs, contact Fidelity or visit our web site at www.fidelity.com.

No dealer, sales representative, or any other person has been authorized to give any information or to make any representations, other than those contained in this prospectus and in the related SAI, in connection with the offer contained in this prospectus. If given or made, such other information or representations must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the funds or FDC. This prospectus and the related SAI do not constitute an offer by the funds or by FDC to sell shares of the funds to, or to buy shares of the funds from, any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer.



Prospectus   84  

Table of Contents



Financial Highlights

Financial Highlights are intended to help you understand the financial history of fund shares for the past 5 years (or, if shorter, the period of operations). Certain information reflects financial results for a single share. The total returns in the table represent the rate that an investor would have earned (or lost) on an

investment in shares (assuming reinvestment of all dividends and distributions). The annual information has been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, independent registered public accounting firm, whose report, along with fund financial statements, is included in the annual report. Annual reports are available for free upon request.



Fidelity® Canada Fund  
Years ended October 31,      2023       2022       2021       2020       2019  

Selected Per-Share Data


Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 59.79     $ 67.62     $ 46.26     $ 52.21     $ 50.02  
















Income from Investment Operations


Net investment income (loss)A,B

     .77       .83       .74       .76       .82  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     (.03 )C       (5.33     21.99       (4.38     4.58  
















Total from investment operations

     .74       (4.50     22.73       (3.62     5.40  
















Distributions from net investment income

     (.87     (.82     (.78     (.92     (.58

Distributions from net realized gain

     (1.52     (2.51     (.59     (1.40     (2.63
















Total distributions

     (2.39     (3.33     (1.37     (2.33 )D       (3.21
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 58.14     $ 59.79     $ 67.62     $ 46.26     $ 52.21  
















Total ReturnE

     1.18     (6.77 )%      49.91     (7.40 )%      11.70

Ratios to Average Net AssetsB,F,G



Expenses before reductions

     1.05     .89     .80     .88     .88

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

     1.04     .88     .80     .88     .88

Expenses net of all reductions

     1.04     .88     .80     .88     .87

Net investment income (loss)

     1.25     1.32     1.24     1.58     1.64

Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $  774,062     $  825,488     $  821,617     $  612,716     $  803,629  

Portfolio turnover rateH

     9     13     7     11     8 %I  



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



The amount shown for a share outstanding does not correspond with the aggregate net gain (loss) on investments for the period due to the timing of sales and repurchases of shares in relation to fluctuating market values of the investments of the Fund.



Total distributions per share do not sum due to rounding.


  85   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Appendix – continued



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.



Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).



Portfolio turnover rate excludes securities received or delivered in-kind.


Fidelity® China Region Fund  
Years ended October 31,      2023       2022       2021       2020       2019  

Selected Per-Share Data


Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 25.28     $ 51.03     $ 51.53     $ 36.30     $ 29.11  
















Income from Investment Operations


Net investment income (loss)A,B

     .32       .25       .23       .21       .25  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     5.85 C       (21.32     1.97       15.28       7.19  
















Total from investment operations

     6.17       (21.07     2.20       15.49       7.44  
















Distributions from net investment income

     (.34     (.06     (.54     (.26     (.25

Distributions from net realized gain

           (4.62     (2.16            
















Total distributions

     (.34     (4.68     (2.70     (.26     (.25
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 31.11     $ 25.28     $ 51.03     $ 51.53     $ 36.30  
















Total ReturnD

     24.34 %C       (45.04 )%      3.97     42.95     25.72

Ratios to Average Net AssetsB,E,F



Expenses before reductions

     .95     .94     .91     .93     .95

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

     .95     .93     .91     .93     .95

Expenses net of all reductions

     .95     .93     .91     .91     .95

Net investment income (loss)

     .96     .67     .41     .49     .76

Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $  809,283     $  736,185     $  1,609,326     $  1,518,404     $  1,093,827  

Portfolio turnover rateG

     24     20     60     60     80



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Amount includes a reimbursement from the investment adviser for an operational error which amounted to less than $.01 per share. Excluding this reimbursement, the total return would have been 24.32%.


Prospectus   86  

Table of Contents




Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.



Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).


Fidelity® Emerging Asia Fund  
Years ended October 31,     2023       2022       2021       2020       2019  

Selected Per-Share Data


Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 30.23     $ 64.66     $ 63.60     $ 45.03     $ 36.69  
















Income from Investment Operations


Net investment income (loss)A,B

    .05       (.22     (.31 )C       (.12     .34  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    5.69       (26.97     11.00       21.49       9.27  
















Total from investment operations

    5.74       (27.19     10.69       21.37       9.61  
















Distributions from net investment income

          (.09           (.29 )D       (.39

Distributions from net realized gain

          (7.15     (9.63     (2.51 )D       (.88
















Total distributions

          (7.24     (9.63     (2.80     (1.27
















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 35.97     $ 30.23     $ 64.66     $ 63.60     $ 45.03  
















Total ReturnE

    18.99     (46.77 )%      17.02     50.46     26.95

Ratios to Average Net AssetsB,F,G



Expenses before reductions

    .87     1.18     1.02     1.13     1.11

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

    .87     1.17     1.02     1.13     1.11

Expenses net of all reductions

    .87     1.17     1.02     1.10     1.11

Net investment income (loss)

    .13     (.51 )%      (.45 )%C       (.24 )%      .82

Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

  $  867,653     $  823,527     $  2,000,120     $  1,578,782     $  993,620  

Portfolio turnover rateH

    50     44     85     114     61 %I  



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.06 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been (.54)%.



The amount shown reflects reclassifications related to book to tax differences that were made in the year shown.



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.



Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).



Portfolio turnover rate excludes securities received or delivered in-kind.


  87   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Appendix – continued


Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund  
Years ended October 31,      2023       2022       2021       2020       2019  

Selected Per-Share Data


Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 27.87     $ 47.56     $ 40.26     $ 33.03     $ 26.66  
















Income from Investment Operations


Net investment income (loss)A,B

     .36 C       .28 D       .12       .15       .61 E  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     3.98       (17.35     7.81       7.68       5.98  
















Total from investment operations

     4.34       (17.07     7.93       7.83       6.59  
















Distributions from net investment income

     (.24     (.46     (.09     (.60     (.22

Distributions from net realized gain

           (2.16     (.54            
















Total distributions

     (.24     (2.62     (.63     (.60     (.22
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 31.97     $ 27.87     $ 47.56     $ 40.26     $ 33.03  
















Total ReturnF

     15.56     (37.83 )%      19.83     24.09     24.91

Ratios to Average Net AssetsB,G,H



Expenses before reductions

     .90     .90     .88     .92     .94

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

     .90     .90     .88     .92     .94

Expenses net of all reductions

     .90     .90     .88     .91     .92

Net investment income (loss)

     1.07 %C       .76 %D       .26     .43     2.02 %E  

Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $  3,985,433     $  3,330,900     $  5,016,159     $  4,526,531     $  3,104,887  

Portfolio turnover rateI

     23     34     38 %J       34     85 %K  



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.11 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .74%.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.08 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .53%.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.34 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .88%.



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.



Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).



The portfolio turnover rate does not include the assets acquired in the merger.



Portfolio turnover rate excludes securities received or delivered in-kind.


Prospectus   88  

Table of Contents
Fidelity® Europe Fund  
Years ended October 31,      2023       2022       2021       2020       2019  

Selected Per-Share Data


Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 27.57     $ 46.11     $ 35.35     $ 36.28     $ 37.70  
















Income from Investment Operations


Net investment income (loss)A,B

     .57       .57       .54       .30       1.52 C  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     2.44       (12.88     10.71       1.46       .81  
















Total from investment operations

     3.01       (12.31     11.25       1.76       2.33  
















Distributions from net investment income

           (1.11     (.49     (1.61     (.32

Distributions from net realized gain

           (5.12           (1.08     (3.43
















Total distributions

           (6.23     (.49     (2.69     (3.75
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 30.58     $ 27.57     $ 46.11     $ 35.35     $ 36.28  
















Total ReturnD

     10.92     (30.07 )%      31.99     4.95     7.56

Ratios to Average Net AssetsB,E,F



Expenses before reductions

     .70     .88     1.06     1.03     .78

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

     .69     .88     1.06     1.03     .77

Expenses net of all reductions

     .69     .88     1.06     1.02     .75

Net investment income (loss)

     1.75     1.73     1.21     .86     4.33 %C  

Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $  519,010     $  523,685     $  913,296     $  755,125     $  836,373  

Portfolio turnover rateG

     37     55     52     39     45



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.20 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been 3.75%.



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.



Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).


  89   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Appendix – continued


Fidelity® Japan Fund  
Years ended October 31,      2023       2022       2021       2020       2019  

Selected Per-Share Data


Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 13.35     $ 21.01     $ 17.58     $ 15.86     $ 14.20  
















Income from Investment Operations


Net investment income (loss) A,B

     .15       .08       .08       .10       .12  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     1.19       (5.60     3.72       1.81       1.59  
















Total from investment operations

     1.34       (5.52     3.80       1.91       1.71  
















Distributions from net investment income

           (.59     (.11     (.11     (.05

Distributions from net realized gain

           (1.55     (.25     (.09      
















Total distributions

           (2.14     (.37 ) C       (.19 ) C       (.05
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 14.69     $ 13.35     $ 21.01     $ 17.58     $ 15.86  
















Total ReturnD

     10.04     (29.16 )%      21.75     12.16     12.10

Ratios to Average Net Assets B,E,F



Expenses before reductions

     .96     1.13     1.09     1.06     1.01

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

     .95     1.12     1.09     1.06     1.01

Expenses net of all reductions

     .95     1.12     1.09     1.06     1.00

Net investment income (loss)

     .96     .52     .37     .65     .82

Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $  149,990        113,015        167,954     $  274,433     $  401,344  

Portfolio turnover rate G

     25     26     31     22     27



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Total distributions per share do not sum due to rounding.



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.



Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).


Prospectus   90  

Table of Contents
Fidelity® Japan Smaller Companies Fund  
Years ended October 31,      2023       2022       2021       2020       2019  

Selected Per-Share Data


Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 12.47     $ 17.92     $ 16.64     $ 17.60     $ 17.12  
















Income from Investment Operations


Net investment income (loss) A,B

     .18       .19       .20       .16       .22  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     1.04       (3.75     1.36       .11       1.10  
















Total from investment operations

     1.22       (3.56     1.56       .27       1.32  
















Distributions from net investment income

     (.01     (.51     (.19     (.23     (.11

Distributions from net realized gain

           (1.38     (.10     (1.00     (.73
















Total distributions

     (.01     (1.89     (.28 ) C       (1.23     (.84
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 13.68     $ 12.47     $ 17.92     $ 16.64     $ 17.60  
















Total ReturnD

     9.76     (21.95 )%      9.44     1.31     8.22

Ratios to Average Net AssetsB,E,F



Expenses before reductions

     .92     .91     .91     .92     .93

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

     .91     .91     .91     .92     .93

Expenses net of all reductions

     .91     .91     .91     .92     .93

Net investment income (loss)

     1.26     1.33     1.13     1.02     1.31

Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $  435,870     $  364,425     $  501,214     $  523,774     $  685,651  

Portfolio turnover rateG

     36     38     23     20     16



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Total distributions per share do not sum due to rounding.



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.



Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).


  91   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Appendix – continued


Fidelity® Latin America Fund  
Years ended October 31,      2023       2022       2021       2020       2019  

Selected Per-Share Data


Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 21.17     $ 19.36     $ 17.36     $ 28.30     $ 21.94  
















Income from Investment Operations


Net investment income (loss) A,B

     1.07       1.65       .22       .10       .77  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     (2.74     .69       1.79       (10.36     6.09  
















Total from investment operations

     (1.67     2.34       2.01       (10.26     6.86  
















Distributions from net investment income

     (1.63     (.53     (.01     (.68     (.50
















Total distributions

     (1.63     (.53     (.01     (.68     (.50
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 17.87     $ 21.17     $ 19.36     $ 17.36     $ 28.30  
















Total ReturnC

     (7.88 )%      12.55     11.58     (37.13 )%      32.06

Ratios to Average Net Assets B,D,E



Expenses before reductions

     1.07     1.06     1.04     1.05     1.05

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

     1.06     1.05     1.04     1.05     1.04

Expenses net of all reductions

     1.06     1.05     1.04     1.03     1.04

Net investment income (loss)

     5.55     8.24     .99     .48     3.13

Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $  217,336     $  262,361     $  262,484     $  277,942     $  517,901  

Portfolio turnover rate F

     37     48     33     54     48



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.



Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).


Prospectus   92  

Table of Contents
Fidelity® Nordic Fund  
Years ended October 31,      2023       2022       2021       2020       2019  

Selected Per-Share Data


Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 46.13     $ 75.57     $ 56.51     $ 46.69     $ 49.64  
















Income from Investment Operations


Net investment income (loss) A,B

     .93       .78       1.06       .15       1.50 C  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     6.49       (20.65 ) D      20.17       11.86       .15  
















Total from investment operations

     7.42       (19.87     21.23       12.01       1.65  
















Distributions from net investment income

           (3.02     (.96     (1.60     (.05

Distributions from net realized gain

           (6.56     (1.21     (.59     (4.55
















Total distributions

           (9.57 ) E       (2.17     (2.19     (4.60
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 53.55     $ 46.13     $ 75.57     $ 56.51     $ 46.69  
















Total ReturnF

     16.08     (29.33 )%D      38.39     26.73     3.96

Ratios to Average Net AssetsB,G,H



Expenses before reductions

     .94     .93     .92     .96     .98

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

     .93     .92     .92     .96     .98

Expenses net of all reductions

     .93     .92     .92     .96     .96

Net investment income (loss)

     1.69     1.45     1.51     .31     3.28 % C  

Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $  286,653     $  257,164     $  422,673     $  301,424     $  261,896  

Portfolio turnover rate I

     23     42     34     29     34



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.82 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been 1.50%.



Amount includes a reimbursement from the investment adviser for an operational error which amounted to less than $.01 per share. Excluding this reimbursement, the total return would have been (29.35)%.



Total distributions per share do not sum due to rounding.



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.



Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).


  93   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Appendix – continued


Fidelity® Pacific Basin Fund  
Years ended October 31,     2023       2022       2021       2020       2019  

Selected Per-Share Data


Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 25.99     $ 46.10     $ 40.16     $ 32.65     $ 29.51  
















Income from Investment Operations


Net investment income (loss) A,B

    .32 C       .22       .15       .16       .26  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    3.88       (14.49     7.74       7.61       5.74  
















Total from investment operations

    4.20       (14.27     7.89       7.77       6.00  
















Distributions from net investment income

          (1.17 ) D       (.10     (.26     (.20

Distributions from net realized gain

    (2.40     (4.67 ) D       (1.85           (2.67
















Total distributions

    (2.40     (5.84     (1.95     (.26     (2.86 ) E  
















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 27.79     $ 25.99     $ 46.10     $ 40.16     $ 32.65  
















Total ReturnF

    16.06     (35.11 )%      20.08     23.95     22.37

Ratios to Average Net Assets B,G,H



Expenses before reductions

    1.07     1.12     1.04     1.11     .97

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

    1.07     1.12     1.04     1.11     .97

Expenses net of all reductions

    1.07     1.12     1.04     1.10     .97

Net investment income (loss)

    1.08 % C       .64     .32     .47     .88

Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

  $  649,965     $  657,558     $  1,214,726     $  1,084,673     $  891,154  

Portfolio turnover rateI

    46     29     40     27     32



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.07 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .84%.



The amount shown reflects reclassifications related to book to tax differences that were made in the year shown.



Total distributions per share do not sum due to rounding.



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.



Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).


Prospectus   94  

Table of Contents

Additional Index Information

FTSE® Capped Nordic Index is a modified market capitalization-weighted index designed to measure the performance of the investable equity markets of Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. Constituent weights are capped semi-annually by FTSE to enforce issuer diversification constraints.

JASDAQ Index is a market capitalization weighted index of all stocks listed on the JASDAQ market in Japan, except for the Bank of Japan. The JASDAQ market is geared to small and medium companies and excludes OTC Managed stocks.

MSCI AC (All Country) Asia ex Japan Index is a market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure the investable equity market performance for global investors of Asia, excluding Japan. Index returns are adjusted for tax withholding rates applicable to U.S. based mutual funds organized as Massachusetts business trusts.

MSCI AC (All Country) Pacific Index is a market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure the investable equity market performance for global investors of the developed and emerging markets in the Pacific region. Index returns are adjusted for tax withholding rates applicable to U.S. based mutual funds organized as Massachusetts business trusts. MSCI EM (Emerging Markets) Latin America Index is a market capitalization-

weighted index that is designed to measure the investable equity market performance for global investors in the emerging markets countries of Latin America. Index returns are adjusted for tax withholding rates applicable to U.S. based mutual funds organized as Massachusetts business trusts.

MSCI Emerging Markets Index is a market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure the investable equity market performance for global investors in emerging markets. Index returns are adjusted for tax withholding rates applicable to U.S. based mutual funds organized as Massachusetts business trusts.

MSCI Europe Index is a market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure the investable equity market performance for global investors of the developed markets in Europe. Index returns are adjusted for tax withholding rates applicable to U.S. based mutual funds organized as Massachusetts business trusts.

MSCI Golden Dragon Index is a market capitalization-weighted index designed to represent the performance of the equity markets of Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China. Index returns are adjusted for tax withholding rates applicable to U.S. based mutual funds organized as Massachusetts business trusts. Russell/Nomura Mid-Small CapTM Index measures the performance of medium and small companies that represent the smallest 50% of companies of the Russell/Nomura Total MarketTM Index as defined by float-adjusted market capitalization. The Russell/Nomura



  95   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Appendix – continued


Total MarketTM Index represents 98% of the investable Japan equity market, consisting of common stock securities domiciled in Japan.

S&P/TSX Composite Index is a broad-based, market capitalization-weighted index designed to measure the performance of the Canadian equity market. Eligible securities must be listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and issued by companies incorporated in Canada.

Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) is a market capitalization-weighted index of the common stock of the large companies that make up the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.


Prospectus   96  

Table of Contents



Table of Contents



To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (USA PATRIOT ACT), requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person or entity that opens an account.

For individual investors opening an account: When you open an account, you will be asked for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow Fidelity to identify you. You may also be asked to provide documents that may help to establish your identity, such as your driver’s license.

For investors other than individuals: When you open an account, you will be asked for the name of the entity, its principal place of business and taxpayer identification number (TIN). You will be asked to provide information about the entity’s control person and beneficial owners, and person(s) with authority over the account, including name, address, date of birth and social security number. You may also be asked to provide documents, such as drivers’ licenses, articles of incorporation, trust instruments or partnership agreements and other information that will help Fidelity identify the entity.

You can obtain additional information about the funds. A description of each fund’s policies and procedures for disclosing its holdings is available in its Statement of Additional Information (SAI) and on Fidelity’s web sites. The SAI also includes more detailed information about each fund and its investments. The SAI is incorporated herein by reference (legally forms a part of the prospectus). Each fund’s annual and semi-annual reports also include additional information. Each fund’s annual report includes a discussion of the fund’s holdings and recent market conditions and the fund’s investment strategies that affected performance.

For a free copy of any of these documents or to request other information or ask questions about a fund, call Fidelity at 1-800-544-8544. In addition, you may visit Fidelity’s web site at www.fidelity.com for a free copy of a prospectus, SAI, or annual or semi-annual report or to request other information.


The SAI, the funds’ annual and semi-annual reports and other related materials are available from the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) Database on the SEC’s web site (http://www.sec.gov). You can obtain copies of this information, after paying a duplicating fee, by sending a request by e-mail to publicinfo@sec.gov or by writing the Public Reference Section of the SEC, Washington, D.C. 20549-1520. You can also review and copy information about the funds, including the funds’ SAI, at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. Call 1-202-551-8090 for information on the operation of the SEC’s Public Reference Room.

Investment Company Act of 1940, File Number(s), 811-04008

Fidelity Distributors Company LLC (FDC) is a member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC). You may obtain information about SIPC, including the SIPC brochure, by visiting www.sipc.org or calling SIPC at 202-371-8300.

Fidelity, the Fidelity Investments Logo and all other Fidelity trademarks or service marks used herein are trademarks or service marks of FMR LLC. Any third-party marks that are used herein are trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. © 2023 FMR LLC. All rights reserved.


1.538563.127      TIF-PRO-1223  

Table of Contents

Supplement to the

Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund

Class A, Class M, Class C, Class I, and Class Z

December 30, 2023


Effective March 1, 2024, the fund’s management contract was amended to incorporate administrative services previously covered under separate services agreements. The amended contract incorporates a management fee rate that may vary by class. The Adviser or an affiliate pays certain expenses of managing and operating the fund out of each class’s management fee.

The following information replaces similar information found in the “Fund Summary” section under the “Fee Table” heading.


Annual Operating Expenses


(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)  
    Class A     Class M     Class C     Class I     Class Z  
Management fee     0.86% A,B      0.86% A,B      0.86% A,B      0.85% A,B      0.71% A,B 
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees     0.25%       0.50%       1.00%       None       None  
Other expenses     0.03% B      0.03% B      0.03% B      0.03% B      0.03% B 















Total annual operating expenses     1.14%       1.39%       1.89%       0.88%       0.74%  



The management fee covers administrative services previously provided under separate services agreements with the fund, for which 0.22% for Class A, 0.22% for Class M, 0.22% for Class C, 0.21% for Class I, and 0.06% for Class Z was previously charged under the services agreements.



Adjusted to reflect current fees.


    Class A     Class M     Class C     Class I     Class Z  

Sell All






Sell All






Sell All






Sell All






Sell All





1 year   $ 685     $ 685     $ 487     $ 487     $ 292     $ 192     $ 90     $ 90     $ 76     $ 76  
3 years   $ 916     $ 916     $ 775     $ 775     $ 594     $ 594     $ 281     $ 281     $ 237     $ 237  
5 years   $ 1,167     $ 1,167     $ 1,084     $ 1,084     $ 1,021     $ 1,021     $ 488     $ 488     $ 411     $ 411  
10 years   $  1,881     $  1,881     $  1,960     $  1,960     $  2,016     $  2,016     $  1,084     $  1,084     $  918     $  918  

The following information replaces similar information found in the “Fund Management” section under the “Advisory Fee(s)” heading.

Each class of the fund pays a management fee to the Adviser.

The management fee is calculated and paid to the Adviser every month.

When determining a class’s management fee, a mandate rate is calculated based on the monthly average net assets of a group of funds advised by FMR within a designated asset class. A discount rate is subtracted from the mandate rate once the fund’s monthly average net assets reach a certain level. The mandate rate and discount rate may vary by class.

The annual management fee rate for each class of shares of the fund offered through this prospectus is the lesser of (1) the class’s mandate rate reduced by the class’s discount rate (if applicable) or (2) 0.86% for Class A, 0.86% for Class M, 0.86% for Class C, 0.85% for Class I, and 0.71% for Class Z. One-twelfth of the management fee rate for a class is applied to the average net assets of the class for the month, giving a dollar amount which is the management fee for the class for that month.

A different management fee rate may be applicable to each class of the fund. The difference between classes is the result of separate arrangements for class-level services and/or waivers of certain expenses. It is not the result of any difference in advisory or custodial fees or other expenses related to the management of the fund’s assets, which do not vary by class.




AEMF-PSTK-0324-100     March 1, 2024

Table of Contents

Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund


Fidelity Advisor® Emerging Markets Fund



December 30, 2023


Like securities of all mutual funds, these securities have not been approved or disapproved by the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Securities and Exchange Commission has not determined if this prospectus is accurate or complete. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.   



245 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02210

Table of Contents



Fund Summary    3      Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund
Fund Basics    9      Investment Details
   12      Valuing Shares
Shareholder Information    15      Additional Information about the Purchase and Sale of Shares
   23      Converting Shares
   23      Exchanging Shares
   25      Rollover IRAs
   25      Account Features and Policies
   27      Dividends and Capital Gain Distributions
   27      Tax Consequences
Fund Services    29      Fund Management
   31      Fund Distribution
Appendix    42      Financial Highlights
   48      Additional Index Information
   49      Sales Charge Waiver Policies Applied by Certain Intermediaries


Prospectus   2  

Table of Contents

Fund Summary



Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund/Fidelity Advisor® Emerging Markets Fund A, M, C, I, Z


Investment Objective

Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund seeks capital appreciation.

Fee Table

The following table describes the fees and expenses that may be incurred when you buy, hold, and sell shares of the fund. In addition to the fees and expenses described below, your broker may also require you to pay brokerage commissions on purchases and sales of certain share classes of the fund.

You may qualify for sales charge discounts if you and your family invest, or agree to invest in the future, at least $50,000 in the fund or certain other Fidelity® funds. More information about these and other discounts is available from your investment professional and in the “Fund Distribution” section beginning on page 33 of the prospectus. Different intermediaries may provide additional waivers or reductions of the sales charge. Please see “Sales Charge Waiver Policies Applied by Certain Intermediaries” in the “Appendix” section of the prospectus.



Shareholder fees            
(fees paid directly from your investment)            
     Class A     Class M     Class C     Class I      Class Z  
Maximum sales charge (load) on purchases (as a % of offering price)      5.75%       3.50%       None       None        None  
Maximum contingent deferred sales charge (as a % of the lesser of original purchase price or redemption proceeds)      None A      None A      1.00% B      None        None  

A Class A and Class M purchases of $1 million or more will not be subject to a front-end sales charge. Such Class A and Class M purchases may be subject, upon redemption, to a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) of 1.00% and 0.25%, respectively.

B On Class C shares redeemed less than one year after purchase.

Annual Operating Expenses           
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


     Class A     Class M     Class C     Class I     Class Z  
Management fee      0.67%       0.67%       0.67%       0.67%       0.67%  
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees      0.25%       0.50%       1.00%       None       None  
Other expenses      0.26% A      0.25% A      0.26% A      0.25% A      0.10%  















Total annual operating expenses      1.18%       1.42%       1.93%       0.92%       0.77%  

A Adjusted to reflect current fees.


  3   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


This example helps compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds.

Let’s say, hypothetically, that the annual return for shares of the fund is 5% and that the fees and the annual operating expenses for shares of the fund are exactly as described in the fee table.

This example illustrates the effect of fees and expenses, but is not meant to suggest actual or expected fees and expenses or returns, all of which may vary. For every $10,000 you invested, here’s how much you would pay in total expenses if you sell all of your shares at the end of each time period indicated and if you hold your shares:



    Class A     Class M     Class C     Class I     Class Z  

Sell All






Sell All






Sell All






Sell All






Sell All





1 year   $ 688     $ 688     $ 489     $ 489     $ 296     $ 196     $ 94     $ 94     $ 79     $ 79  
3 years   $ 928     $ 928     $ 784     $ 784     $ 606     $ 606     $ 293     $ 293     $ 246     $ 246  
5 years   $ 1,187     $ 1,187     $ 1,099     $ 1,099     $ 1,042     $ 1,042     $ 509     $ 509     $ 428     $ 428  
10 years   $  1,924     $  1,924     $  1,992     $  1,992     $  2,059     $  2,059     $  1,131     $  1,131     $  954     $  954  


Portfolio Turnover

The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 23% of the average value of its portfolio.

Principal Investment Strategies

• Normally investing at least 80% of assets in securities of issuers in emerging markets and other investments that are tied economically to emerging markets. Emerging markets include countries that have an emerging stock market as defined by MSCI, countries or

markets with low-to middle-income economies as classified by the World Bank, and other countries or markets that the Adviser identifies as having similar emerging markets characteristics.

• Normally investing primarily in common stocks.

• Allocating investments across different emerging markets countries.

• Using fundamental analysis of factors such as each issuer’s financial condition and industry position, as well as market and economic conditions, to select investments.

Principal Investment Risks

• Stock Market Volatility. Stock markets are volatile and can decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments. Different parts



Prospectus   4  

Table of Contents

of the market, including different market sectors, and different types of securities can react differently to these developments.

• Foreign and Emerging Markets Risk. Foreign markets, particularly emerging markets, can be more volatile than the U.S. market due to increased risks of adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments and can perform differently from the U.S. market.

The extent of economic development; political stability; market depth, infrastructure, and capitalization; and regulatory oversight can be less than in more developed markets. Emerging markets typically have less established legal, accounting and financial reporting systems than those in more developed markets, which may reduce the scope or quality of financial information available to investors.

Emerging markets can be subject to greater social, economic, regulatory, and political uncertainties and can be extremely volatile.

Foreign exchange rates also can be extremely volatile.

• Geographic Exposure to China. Because the fund invests a meaningful portion of its assets in China, the fund’s performance is expected to be closely tied to social, political, and economic conditions in China and to be more volatile than the performance of more geographically diversified funds. The fund may obtain exposure to companies based or operated in China by investing through legal structures

known as variable interest entities (VIEs). Instead of directly owning the equity securities of a Chinese company, a VIE enters into service and other contracts with the Chinese company. Although the VIE has no equity ownership of the Chinese company, the contractual arrangements permit the VIE to consolidate the Chinese company into its financial statements. Intervention by the Chinese government with respect to VIEs could significantly affect the Chinese company’s performance and the enforceability of the VIE’s contractual arrangements with the Chinese company.

• Issuer-Specific Changes. The value of an individual security or particular type of security can be more volatile than, and can perform differently from, the market as a whole.

An investment in the fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. You could lose money by investing in the fund.


The following information is intended to help you understand the risks of investing in the fund.

The information illustrates the performance of the fund’s shares over the past year and compares the performance of the fund’s shares to the performance of a securities market index over various periods of time. The index description appears in the “Additional Index Information” section of the prospectus.



  5   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


Past performance (before and after taxes) is not an indication of future performance.


Visit institutional.fidelity.com for more recent performance information.



Year-by-Year Returns

The returns in the bar chart do not reflect any applicable sales charges; if sales charges were reflected, returns would be lower than those shown.




During the periods shown in the chart for Class A:      Returns      Quarter ended

Highest Quarter Return

     8.88%      December 31, 2022

Lowest Quarter Return

     –13.80%      March 31, 2022

Year-to-Date Return

     5.87%      September 30, 2023


Average Annual Returns

Unlike the returns in the bar chart, the returns in the table reflect the maximum applicable sales charges. After-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates, but do not reflect the impact of state or local taxes. After-tax returns for Class A are shown in the table below and after-tax returns for other classes will vary. Actual after-tax returns may differ depending

on your individual circumstances. The after-tax returns shown are not relevant if you hold your shares in a retirement account or in another tax-deferred arrangement, such as an employee benefit plan (profit sharing, 401(k), or 403(b) plan). Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares may be higher than other returns for the same period due to a tax benefit of realizing a capital loss upon the sale of fund shares.



Prospectus   6  

Table of Contents

For the periods ended

December 31, 2022


Past 1



Life of


Class A –   Return Before Taxes        -31.88%          -21.49% A 
  Return After Taxes on Distributions        -31.80%          -22.07% A 
  Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares        -18.66%          -15.75% A 
Class M –   Return Before Taxes        -30.45%          -20.58% B 
Class C –   Return Before Taxes        -29.01%          -19.25% C 
Class I –   Return Before Taxes        -27.49%          -18.35% D 
Class Z –   Return Before Taxes        -27.40%          -18.24% E 

MSCI Emerging Markets Index

(reflects no deduction for fees or expenses)

       -20.07%          -15.88%  

A From May 11, 2021.

B From May 11, 2021.

C From May 11, 2021.

D From May 11, 2021.

E From May 11, 2021.


Investment Adviser

Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC (FMR) (the Adviser) is the fund’s manager. Other investment advisers serve as sub-advisers for the fund.

Portfolio Manager(s)

John Dance (Portfolio Manager) has managed the fund since 2019.

Purchase and Sale of Shares

You may buy or sell shares through a retirement account or through an investment professional.

You may buy or sell shares in various ways:




To reach a Fidelity representative 1-877-208-0098


Fidelity Investments

P.O. Box 770002

Cincinnati, OH



Overnight Express:

Fidelity Investments

100 Crosby Parkway

Covington, KY 41015

Class I and Class Z eligibility requirements are listed in the “Additional Information about the Purchase and Sale of Shares” section of the prospectus.

The price to buy one share of Class A or Class M is its offering price, if you pay a front-end sales charge, or its net asset value per share (NAV), if you qualify for a front-end sales charge waiver.

The price to buy one share of Class C, Class I, or Class Z is its NAV.

Shares will be bought at the offering price or NAV, as applicable, next calculated after an order is received in proper form.



  7   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Summary – continued


The price to sell one share of Class A, Class M, or Class C is its NAV, minus any applicable contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC).

The price to sell one share of Class I or Class Z is its NAV.

Shares will be sold at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form, minus any applicable CDSC.

The fund is open for business each day the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is open.

There is no purchase minimum for fund shares.

Tax Information

Distributions you receive from the fund are subject to federal income tax and generally will be taxed as ordinary income or capital gains, and may also be subject to state or local taxes, unless you are investing through a tax-advantaged retirement account (in which case you may be taxed later, upon withdrawal of your investment from such account).

Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries

The fund, the Adviser, Fidelity Distributors Company LLC (FDC), and/or their affiliates may pay intermediaries, which may include banks, broker-dealers, retirement plan sponsors, administrators, or service-providers

(who may be affiliated with the Adviser or FDC), for the sale of fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing your intermediary and your investment professional to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your investment professional or visit your intermediary’s web site for more information.



Prospectus   8  

Table of Contents

Fund Basics


Investment Details

Investment Objective

Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund seeks capital appreciation.

Principal Investment Strategies

The Adviser normally invests at least 80% of the fund’s assets in securities of issuers in emerging markets and other investments that are tied economically to emerging markets. Emerging markets include countries that have an emerging stock market as defined by MSCI, countries or markets with low- to middle-income economies as classified by the World Bank, and other countries or markets that the Adviser identifies as having similar emerging markets characteristics. Emerging markets tend to have relatively low gross national product per capita compared to the world’s major economies and may have the potential for rapid economic growth. The Adviser normally invests the fund’s assets primarily in common stocks.

The Adviser normally allocates the fund’s investments across different emerging markets countries.

In buying and selling securities for the fund, the Adviser relies on fundamental analysis, which involves a bottom-up assessment of a company’s potential for success in light of factors including its financial condition, earnings outlook, strategy, management, industry position, and economic and market conditions.

If the Adviser’s strategies do not work as intended, the fund may not achieve its objective.

Description of Principal Security Types

Equity securities represent an ownership interest, or the right to acquire an ownership interest, in an issuer. Different types of equity securities provide different voting and dividend rights and priority in the event of the bankruptcy of the issuer. Equity securities include common stocks, preferred stocks, convertible securities, and warrants.

Principal Investment Risks

Many factors affect the fund’s performance. Developments that disrupt global economies and financial markets, such as pandemics and epidemics, may magnify factors that affect a fund’s performance. The fund’s share price changes daily based on changes in market conditions and interest rates and in response to other economic, political, or financial developments. The fund’s reaction to these developments will be affected by the types of securities in which the fund invests, the financial condition, industry and economic sector, and geographic location of an issuer, and the fund’s level of investment in the securities of that issuer. Because the fund concentrates its investments in a particular group of countries, the fund’s performance is expected to be closely tied to social, political, and economic conditions within that group of countries and to be more volatile than the performance of more geographically diversified funds.

When you sell your shares they may be worth more or less than what you paid



  9   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Basics – continued


for them, which means that you could lose money by investing in the fund.

The following factors can significantly affect the fund’s performance:

Stock Market Volatility. The value of equity securities fluctuates in response to issuer, political, market, and economic developments. Fluctuations, especially in foreign markets, can be dramatic over the short as well as long term, and different parts of the market, including different market sectors, and different types of equity securities can react differently to these developments. For example, stocks of companies in one sector can react differently from those in another, large cap stocks can react differently from small cap stocks, and “growth” stocks can react differently from “value” stocks. Issuer, political, or economic developments can affect a single issuer, issuers within an industry or economic sector or geographic region, or the market as a whole. Changes in the financial condition of a single issuer can impact the market as a whole. Terrorism and related geo-political risks have led, and may in the future lead, to increased short-term market volatility and may have adverse long-term effects on world economies and markets generally.

Foreign and Emerging Markets Risk. Foreign securities, foreign currencies, and securities issued by U.S. entities with substantial foreign operations can involve additional risks relating to political, economic, or regulatory conditions in foreign countries. These risks include fluctuations in foreign exchange rates; withholding or other taxes; trading, settlement,

custodial, and other operational risks; and the less stringent investor protection and disclosure standards of some foreign markets. All of these factors can make foreign investments, especially those in emerging markets, more volatile and potentially less liquid than U.S. investments. In addition, foreign markets can perform differently from the U.S. market.

Investing in emerging markets can involve risks in addition to and greater than those generally associated with investing in more developed foreign markets. The extent of economic development; political stability; market depth, infrastructure, and capitalization; and regulatory oversight can be less than in more developed markets. Emerging markets typically have less established legal, accounting and financial reporting systems than those in more developed markets, which may reduce the scope or quality of financial information available to investors. Emerging markets economies can be subject to greater social, economic, regulatory, and political uncertainties and can be extremely volatile. All of these factors can make emerging markets securities more volatile and potentially less liquid than securities issued in more developed markets.

Global economies and financial markets are becoming increasingly inter-connected, which increases the possibilities that conditions in one country or region might adversely impact issuers or providers in, or foreign exchange rates with, a different country or region.

Geographic Exposure. Social, political, and economic conditions and



Prospectus   10  

Table of Contents

changes in regulatory, tax, or economic policy in a country or region could significantly affect the market in that country or region. From time to time, a small number of companies and industries may represent a large portion of the market in a particular country or region, and these companies and industries can be sensitive to adverse social, political, economic, currency, or regulatory developments. Similarly, from time to time, the fund may invest a meaningful portion of its assets in the securities of issuers located in a single country or a limited number of countries. If the fund invests in this manner, there is a higher risk that social, political, economic, tax (such as a tax on foreign investments or financial transactions), currency, or regulatory developments in those countries may have a significant impact on the fund’s investment performance.

Special Considerations regarding China. The Chinese economy is dependent on the economies of other countries and can be significantly affected by currency fluctuations and increasing competition from Asia’s other low-cost emerging economies. The willingness and ability of the Chinese government to support the Chinese economy and markets is uncertain. China has yet to develop comprehensive securities, corporate, or commercial laws, its market is relatively new and less developed, and its economy is experiencing a relative slowdown. Also, foreign investments may be subject to certain restrictions. Changes in Chinese government policy and economic growth rates could

significantly affect local markets. Reduction in spending on Chinese products and services, institution of tariffs or other trade barriers or a downturn in any of the economies of China’s key trading partners may have an adverse impact on the securities of Chinese issuers. Concerns exist regarding a potential trade war between China and the United States, which may trigger a significant reduction in international trade, the oversupply of certain manufactured goods, substantial price reductions of goods and possible failure of individual companies and/or large segments of China’s export industry, all of which may have a negative impact on a fund’s investments.

A fund may obtain exposure to companies based or operated in China by investing through legal structures known as variable interest entities (VIEs). Instead of directly owning the equity securities of a Chinese company, a VIE enters into service and other contracts with the Chinese company. Although the VIE has no equity ownership of the Chinese company, the contractual arrangements permit the VIE to consolidate the Chinese company into its financial statements.

VIE investments are subject to the risk that any breach of these contractual arrangements will be subject to Chinese law and jurisdiction, that Chinese law may be interpreted or change in a way that affects the enforceability of the VIE’s arrangements, or that contracts between the Chinese company and the VIE may otherwise not be enforceable under Chinese law. Thus,



  11   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Basics – continued


limiting the remedies and rights of investors such as the fund. If these risks materialize, the value of investments in VIEs could be adversely affected and a fund could incur significant losses with no recourse available.

Issuer-Specific Changes. Changes in the financial condition of an issuer or counterparty, changes in specific economic or political conditions that affect a particular type of security or issuer, and changes in general economic or political conditions can increase the risk of default by an issuer or counterparty, which can affect a security’s or instrument’s value. The value of securities of smaller, less well-known issuers can be more volatile than that of larger issuers.

In response to market, economic, political, or other conditions, a fund may temporarily use a different investment strategy for defensive purposes. If the fund does so, different factors could affect its performance and the fund may not achieve its investment objective.

Other Investment Strategies

In addition to the principal investment strategies discussed above, the Adviser may lend the fund’s securities to broker-dealers or other institutions to earn income for the fund.

The Adviser may invest the fund’s assets in securities of private or newly public companies.

The Adviser may also use various techniques, such as buying and selling futures contracts and exchange traded

funds, to increase or decrease the fund’s exposure to changing security prices or other factors that affect security values.

Non-Fundamental Investment Policies

The fund’s investment objective is non-fundamental and may be changed without shareholder approval.

Shareholder Notice

The following is subject to change only upon 60 days’ prior notice to shareholders:

Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund normally invests at least 80% of its assets in securities of issuers in emerging markets and other investments that are tied economically to emerging markets.

Country or Geographic Region

The Adviser considers a number of factors to determine whether an investment is tied economically to a particular country or region, including: the source of government guarantees (if any); the primary trading market; the issuer’s domicile, sources of revenue, and location of assets; whether the investment is included in an index representative of a particular country or region; and whether the investment is exposed to the economic fortunes and risks of a particular country or region.

Valuing Shares

The fund is open for business each day the NYSE is open.



Prospectus   12  

Table of Contents

The NAV is the value of a single share. Fidelity normally calculates NAV as of the close of business of the NYSE, normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time. The fund’s assets normally are valued as of this time for the purpose of computing NAV. Fidelity calculates NAV separately for each class of shares of a multiple class fund.

NAV is not calculated and the fund will not process purchase and redemption requests submitted on days when the fund is not open for business. The time at which shares are priced and until which purchase and redemption orders are accepted may be changed as permitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

To the extent that the fund’s assets are traded in other markets on days when the fund is not open for business, the value of the fund’s assets may be affected on those days. In addition, trading in some of the fund’s assets may not occur on days when the fund is open for business.

NAV is calculated using the values of other open-end funds, if any, in which the fund invests (referred to as underlying funds). Shares of underlying funds are valued at their respective NAVs. Other assets are valued primarily on the basis of market quotations, official closing prices, or information furnished by a pricing service. Certain short-term securities are valued on the basis of amortized cost. If market quotations, official closing prices, or information furnished by a pricing service are not readily available or, in the Adviser’s opinion, are deemed

unreliable for a security, then that security will be fair valued in good faith by the Adviser in accordance with applicable fair value pricing policies. For example, if, in the Adviser’s opinion, a security’s value has been materially affected by events occurring before a fund’s pricing time but after the close of the exchange or market on which the security is principally traded, then that security will be fair valued in good faith by the Adviser in accordance with applicable fair value pricing policies. Fair value pricing will be used for high yield debt securities when available pricing information is determined to be stale or for other reasons not to accurately reflect fair value.

Arbitrage opportunities may exist when trading in a portfolio security or securities is halted and does not resume before a fund calculates its NAV. These arbitrage opportunities may enable short-term traders to dilute the NAV of long-term investors. Securities trading in overseas markets, if applicable, present time zone arbitrage opportunities when events affecting portfolio security values occur after the close of the overseas markets but prior to the close of the U.S. market. Fair valuation of a fund’s portfolio securities can serve to reduce arbitrage opportunities available to short-term traders, but there is no assurance that fair value pricing policies will prevent dilution of NAV by short-term traders.

Policies regarding excessive trading may not be effective to prevent short-term NAV arbitrage trading, particularly in regard to omnibus accounts.



  13   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Fund Basics – continued


Fair value pricing is based on subjective judgments and it is possible that the fair value of a security may differ materially from the value that would be realized if the security were sold.



Prospectus   14  

Table of Contents

Shareholder Information


Additional Information about the Purchase and Sale of Shares

As used in this prospectus, the term “shares” generally refers to the shares offered through this prospectus.

General Information

Ways to Invest

You may buy or sell shares through a retirement account or an investment professional. When you invest through a retirement account or an investment professional, the procedures for buying, selling, and exchanging shares and the account features, policies, and fees may differ. Additional fees may apply to your investment in shares, including a transaction fee if you buy or sell shares through a broker or other investment professional. Your broker may also require you to pay brokerage commissions on purchases and sales of certain share classes of the fund.

Information on Placing Orders

You should include the following information with any order:

• Your name

• Your account number

• Type of transaction requested

• Name(s) of fund(s) and class(es)

• Dollar amount or number of shares

Certain methods of contacting Fidelity may be unavailable or delayed (for example, during periods of unusual market activity). In addition, the level and type of service available may be restricted.

Frequent Purchases and Redemptions

The fund may reject for any reason, or cancel as permitted or required by law, any purchase or exchange, including transactions deemed to represent excessive trading, at any time.

Excessive trading of fund shares can harm shareholders in various ways, including reducing the returns to long-term shareholders by increasing costs to the fund (such as brokerage commissions or spreads paid to dealers who sell money market instruments), disrupting portfolio management strategies, and diluting the value of the shares in cases in which fluctuations in markets are not fully priced into the fund’s NAV.

The fund reserves the right at any time to restrict purchases or exchanges or impose conditions that are more restrictive on excessive trading than those stated in this prospectus.

Excessive Trading Policy

The Board of Trustees has adopted policies designed to discourage excessive trading of fund shares. Excessive trading activity in a fund is measured by the number of roundtrip transactions in a shareholder’s account and each class of a multiple class fund is treated separately. A roundtrip transaction occurs when a shareholder sells fund shares (including exchanges) within 30 days of the purchase date.

Shareholders with two or more roundtrip transactions in a single fund within a rolling 90-day period will be



  15   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Shareholder Information – continued


blocked from making additional purchases or exchange purchases of the fund for 85 days. Shareholders with four or more roundtrip transactions across all Fidelity® funds within any rolling 12-month period will be blocked for at least 85 days from additional purchases or exchange purchases across all Fidelity® funds. Any roundtrip within 12 months of the expiration of a multi-fund block will initiate another multi-fund block. Repeat offenders may be subject to long-term or permanent blocks on purchase or exchange purchase transactions in any account under the shareholder’s control at any time. In addition to enforcing these roundtrip limitations, the fund may in its discretion restrict, reject, or cancel any purchases or exchanges that, in the Adviser’s opinion, may be disruptive to the management of the fund or otherwise not be in the fund’s interests.


The following transactions are exempt from the fund’s excessive trading policy described above: (i) systematic withdrawal and/or contribution programs, (ii) mandatory retirement distributions, (iii) transactions initiated by a plan sponsor or sponsors of certain employee benefit plans or other related accounts, (iv) transactions within a qualified advisory program, and (v) transactions initiated by the trustee or adviser to a donor-advised charitable gift fund, qualified fund of funds, or other strategy funds.

A qualified advisory program is one that demonstrates to Fidelity that the

program has investment strategies and trading policies designed to protect the interests of long-term investors and meets specific criteria outlined by Fidelity.

A qualified fund of funds is a mutual fund, qualified tuition program, or other strategy fund consisting of qualified plan assets that either applies the fund’s excessive trading policies to shareholders at the fund of funds level, or demonstrates that the fund of funds has an investment strategy coupled with policies designed to control frequent trading that are reasonably likely to be effective as determined by the fund’s Treasurer.

Fidelity may choose not to monitor transactions below certain dollar value thresholds.

Omnibus Accounts

Omnibus accounts, in which shares are held in the name of an intermediary on behalf of multiple investors, are a common form of holding shares among retirement plans and financial intermediaries such as brokers, advisers, and third-party administrators. Individual trades in omnibus accounts are often not disclosed to the fund, making it difficult to determine whether a particular shareholder is engaging in excessive trading. Excessive trading in omnibus accounts is likely to go undetected by the fund and may increase costs to the fund and disrupt its portfolio management.

Under policies adopted by the Board of Trustees, intermediaries will be permitted to apply the fund’s excessive trading



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policy (described above), or their own excessive trading policy if approved by the Adviser. In these cases, the fund will typically not request or receive individual account data but will rely on the intermediary to monitor trading activity in good faith in accordance with its or the fund’s policies. Reliance on intermediaries increases the risk that excessive trading may go undetected. For other intermediaries, the fund will generally monitor trading activity at the omnibus account level to attempt to identify disruptive trades. The fund may request transaction information, as frequently as daily, from any intermediary at any time, and may apply the fund’s policy to transactions that exceed thresholds established by the Board of Trustees. The fund may prohibit purchases of fund shares by an intermediary or by some or all of any intermediary’s clients. There is no assurance that the Adviser will request data with sufficient frequency to detect or deter excessive trading in omnibus accounts effectively.

If you purchase or sell fund shares through a financial intermediary, you may wish to contact the intermediary to determine the policies applicable to your account.

Retirement Plans

For employer-sponsored retirement plans, only participant directed exchanges count toward the roundtrip limits. Employer-sponsored retirement plan participants whose activity triggers a purchase or exchange block will be permitted one trade every calendar quarter. In the event of a block, employer and participant contributions

and loan repayments by the participant may still be invested in the fund.

Other Information about the Excessive Trading Policy

The fund’s Treasurer is authorized to suspend the fund’s policies during periods of severe market turbulence or national emergency. The fund reserves the right to modify its policies at any time without prior notice.

The fund does not knowingly accommodate frequent purchases and redemptions of fund shares by investors, except to the extent permitted by the policies described above.

As described in “Valuing Shares,” the fund also uses fair value pricing to help reduce arbitrage opportunities available to short-term traders. There is no assurance that the fund’s excessive trading policy will be effective, or will successfully detect or deter excessive or disruptive trading.

Buying Shares


Shares are generally available only to investors residing in the United States.

Each class of the fund has different expenses and features, as described in the applicable prospectus. Investors eligible to purchase one class of shares may also be eligible to purchase other classes of shares of the fund. Your investment professional, as applicable, can help you choose the class of shares that best suits your investment needs. However, plan participants may purchase only the classes of shares that are eligible for sale and available through their plan. Certain classes may



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Shareholder Information – continued


have higher expenses than those offered by the plan.

Additional Information Regarding Class I Eligibility

Class I shares generally are offered to:

1. Certain employer-sponsored retirement plans. For this purpose, employer-sponsored retirement plans generally include profit sharing, 401(k), 403(b), 457(b), defined benefit, retiree health savings plans, and similar plans, but generally do not include: retail retirement or non-retirement accounts; Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) (such as traditional, Roth, SEP, SARSEP, and SIMPLE IRAs); Coverdell Education Savings Accounts; individual 403(b) accounts that are not part of an employer’s 403(b) plan; plans investing through the Fidelity Advisor® 403(b) program; plans covering self-employed individuals and their employees (formerly Keogh/H.R. 10 plans); health savings accounts; or qualified tuition programs;

2. Insurance company separate ac-counts;

3. Broker-dealer, registered investment adviser, insurance company, trust institution and bank trust department managed account programs that charge an asset-based fee;

4. Current or former Trustees or officers of a Fidelity® fund or current or retired officers, directors, or regular employees of FMR LLC or FIL Limited or their direct or indirect subsidiaries (Fidelity Trustee or employee), spouses of Fidelity Trustees or

employees, Fidelity Trustees or employees acting as a custodian for a minor child, persons acting as trustee of a trust for the sole benefit of the minor child of a Fidelity Trustee or employee, or employee benefit plans sponsored by FMR LLC or an affiliate;

5. Any state, county, or city, or any governmental instrumentality, department, authority or agency;

6. Charitable organizations (as defined for purposes of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code) or charitable remainder trusts or life income pools established for the benefit of a charitable organization;

7. Qualified tuition programs for which Fidelity serves as investment manager, or mutual funds managed by Fidelity or other parties;

8. Employer-sponsored health savings accounts investing through an intermediary;

9. Former Destiny® Planholders who exchange, or have exchanged, from Class O to Class I of Fidelity Advisor® funds;

10. Investors who purchase shares through brokerage programs of certain brokers acting solely as agents for their customers and that have entered into an agreement with the distributor to offer Class I shares through such programs. An investor transacting in such programs may be required to pay a commission and/or other forms of compensation to the broker; and

11. Investors whose account is no longer associated with a financial



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intermediary and whose shares were exchanged by Fidelity from Class A, Class M, or Class C of the fund to Class I shares of the same fund; only in certain employee benefit plan accounts may such investors add to their position in Class I.

Investors may be able to purchase Class I in other circumstances. Please contact Fidelity or your investment professional for more information about Class I shares.

Additional Information Regarding Class Z Eligibility

Class Z shares generally are offered to:

1. Certain employer-sponsored retirement plans. For this purpose, employer-sponsored retirement plans generally include profit sharing, 401(k), 403(b), 457(b), defined benefit, retiree health savings plans, and similar plans, but generally do not include: retail retirement or non-retirement accounts; Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) (such as traditional, Roth, SEP, SARSEP, and SIMPLE IRAs); Coverdell Education Savings Accounts; individual 403(b) accounts that are not part of an employer’s 403(b) plan; plans investing through the Fidelity Advisor® 403(b) program; plans covering self-employed individuals and their employees (formerly Keogh/H.R. 10 plans); health savings accounts; or qualified tuition programs;

2. Broker-dealer, registered investment adviser, insurance company, trust institution and bank trust department managed account programs that charge an asset-based fee;

3. Investors who purchase shares through brokerage programs of certain brokers acting solely as agents for their customers and that have entered into an agreement with the distributor to offer Class Z shares through such programs. An investor transacting in such programs may be required to pay a commission and/or other forms of compensation to the broker;

4. Mutual funds dedicated for use in Fidelity’s managed account programs, and investment vehicles dedicated for use by the Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund, for which Fidelity serves as investment manager; and

5. Employee benefit plans sponsored by FMR LLC or an affiliate.

Investors may be able to purchase Class Z in other circumstances. Please contact Fidelity or your investment professional for more information about Class Z shares.

There is no minimum balance or purchase minimum for fund shares.

Price to Buy

The price to buy one share of Class A or Class M is its offering price or its NAV, depending on whether you pay a front-end sales charge.

The price to buy one share of Class C, Class I, or Class Z is its NAV. Class C shares are sold without a front-end sales charge, but may be subject to a CDSC upon redemption. Class I, and Class Z shares are sold without a sales charge.



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Shareholder Information – continued


If you pay a front-end sales charge, your price will be Class A’s or Class M’s offering price. When you buy Class A or Class M shares at the offering price, Fidelity deducts the appropriate sales charge and invests the rest in Class A or Class M shares of the fund. If you qualify for a front-end sales charge waiver, your price will be Class A’s or Class M’s NAV.

The offering price of Class A or Class M is its NAV plus the sales charge. The offering price is calculated by dividing Class A’s or Class M’s NAV by the difference between one and the applicable front-end sales charge percentage and rounding to the nearest cent.

The dollar amount of the sales charge for Class A or Class M is the difference between the offering price of the shares purchased and the NAV of those shares. Since the offering price per share is calculated to the nearest cent using standard rounding criteria, the percentage sales charge you actually pay may be higher or lower than the sales charge percentages shown in this prospectus due to rounding. The impact of rounding may vary with the amount of your investment and the size of the class’s NAV.

Shares will be bought at the offering price or NAV, as applicable, next calculated after an order is received in proper form.

It is the responsibility of your investment professional to transmit your order to buy shares to Fidelity before the close of business on the day you place your order.

The fund has authorized certain intermediaries to accept orders to buy shares on its behalf. When authorized intermediaries receive an order in proper form, the order is considered as being placed with the fund, and shares will be bought at the offering price or NAV, as applicable, next calculated after the order is received by the authorized intermediary. If applicable, orders by funds of funds for which Fidelity serves as investment manager will be treated as received by the fund at the same time that the corresponding orders are received in proper form by the funds of funds.

The fund may stop offering shares completely or may offer shares only on a limited basis, for a period of time or permanently.

If your payment is not received and collected, your purchase may be canceled and you could be liable for any losses or fees the fund or Fidelity has incurred.

Shares can be bought or sold through investment professionals using an automated order placement and settlement system that guarantees payment for orders on a specified date.

Certain financial institutions that meet creditworthiness criteria established by FDC may enter confirmed purchase orders on behalf of customers by phone, with payment to follow no later than close of business on the next business day. If payment is not received by that time, the order will be canceled and the financial institution will be liable for any losses.



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Under applicable anti-money laundering rules and other regulations, purchase orders may be suspended, restricted, or canceled and the monies may be withheld.

Selling Shares

The price to sell one share of Class A, Class M, or Class C is its NAV, minus any applicable CDSC. The price to sell one share of Class I or Class Z is its NAV.

Shares will be sold at the NAV next calculated after an order is received in proper form, minus any applicable CDSC.

Normally, redemptions will be processed by the next business day, but it may take up to seven days to pay the redemption proceeds if making immediate payment would adversely affect the fund.

It is the responsibility of your investment professional to transmit your order to sell shares to Fidelity before the close of business on the day you place your order.

The fund has authorized certain intermediaries to accept orders to sell shares on its behalf. When authorized intermediaries receive an order in proper form, the order is considered as being placed with the fund, and shares will be sold at the NAV next calculated after the order is received by the authorized intermediary, minus any applicable CDSC. If applicable, orders by funds of funds for which Fidelity serves as investment manager will be treated as received by the fund at the same time that the corresponding

orders are received in proper form by the funds of funds.

See “Policies Concerning the Redemption of Fund Shares” below for additional redemption information.

A signature guarantee is designed to protect you and Fidelity from fraud. Fidelity may require that your request be made in writing and include a signature guarantee in certain circumstances, such as:

• When you wish to sell more than $100,000 worth of shares.

• When the address on your account (record address) has changed within the last 15 days or you are requesting that a check be mailed to an address different than the record address.

• When you are requesting that redemption proceeds be paid to someone other than the account owner.

• In certain situations when the redemption proceeds are being transferred to a Fidelity® brokerage or mutual fund account with a different registration.

You should be able to obtain a signature guarantee from a bank, broker-dealer, credit union (if authorized under state law), securities exchange or association, clearing agency, or savings association. A notary public cannot provide a signature guarantee.

When you place an order to sell shares, note the following:

• Redemption proceeds (other than exchanges) may be delayed until money from prior purchases sufficient



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Shareholder Information – continued


to cover your redemption has been received and collected.

• Redemptions may be suspended or payment dates postponed when the NYSE is closed (other than weekends or holidays), when trading on the NYSE is restricted, or as permitted by the SEC.

• Redemption proceeds may be paid in securities or other property rather than in cash if the Adviser determines it is in the best interests of the fund.

• You will not receive interest on amounts represented by uncashed redemption checks.

• Under applicable anti-money laundering rules and other regulations, redemption requests may be suspended, restricted, canceled, or processed and the proceeds may be withheld.

Class Z: When your relationship with your managed account provider is terminated, your shares may be sold at the NAV next calculated, in which case the redemption proceeds will remain in your account pending your instruction.

Policies Concerning the Redemption of Fund Shares

If your account is held directly with a fund, the length of time that a fund typically expects to pay redemption proceeds depends on the method you have elected to receive such proceeds. A fund typically expects to make payment of redemption proceeds by wire, automated clearing house (ACH) or by issuing a check by the next business

day following receipt of a redemption order in proper form. Proceeds from the periodic and automatic sale of shares of a Fidelity® money market fund that are used to buy shares of another Fidelity® fund are settled simultaneously.

If your account is held through an intermediary, the length of time that a fund typically expects to pay redemption proceeds depends, in part, on the terms of the agreement in place between the intermediary and a fund. For redemption proceeds that are paid either directly to you from a fund or to your intermediary for transmittal to you, a fund typically expects to make payments by wire, by ACH or by issuing a check on the next business day following receipt of a redemption order in proper form from the intermediary by a fund. Redemption orders that are processed through investment professionals that utilize the National Securities Clearing Corporation will generally settle one to three business days following receipt of a redemption order in proper form.

As noted elsewhere, payment of redemption proceeds may take longer than the time a fund typically expects and may take up to seven days from the date of receipt of the redemption order as permitted by applicable law.

Redemption Methods Available.

Generally a fund expects to pay redemption proceeds in cash. To do so, a fund typically expects to satisfy redemption requests either by using available cash (or cash equivalents) or



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by selling portfolio securities. On a less regular basis, a fund may also satisfy redemption requests by utilizing one or more of the following sources, if permitted: borrowing from another Fidelity® fund; drawing on an available line or lines of credit from a bank or banks; or using reverse repurchase agreements. These methods may be used during both normal and stressed market conditions.

In addition to paying redemption proceeds in cash, a fund reserves the right to pay part or all of your redemption proceeds in readily marketable securities instead of cash (redemption in-kind). Redemption in-kind proceeds will typically be made by delivering the selected securities to the redeeming shareholder within seven days after the receipt of the redemption order in proper form by a fund.

Converting Shares

The fund will automatically convert your class of shares of the fund to Class Z shares, if Class Z of the fund is available under your plan.

The fund may convert your Class Z shares to another class of shares of the fund, including classes of shares not offered in this prospectus that are available under your plan, if your plan is no longer eligible to offer Class Z. Information on the other classes of shares of the fund can be found in that class’s prospectus. Investors will be notified in writing before any such conversion to another class.

A conversion will be based on the respective NAVs of the two classes,

without the imposition of any fees, on the trade date of the conversion. A conversion between share classes of the same fund is a non-taxable event.

Conversion Feature. After a maximum of eight years from the initial date of purchase, Class C shares convert automatically to Class A shares of a fund. Conversion to Class A shares will be made at NAV. At the time of conversion, a portion of the Class C shares bought through the reinvestment of dividends or capital gains (Dividend Shares) will also convert to Class A shares. The portion of Dividend Shares that will convert is determined by the ratio of your converting Class C non-Dividend Shares to your total Class C non-Dividend Shares. A fund may convert shares sooner in certain circumstances. A shorter holding period may also apply depending on your intermediary. Please see “Sales Charge Waiver Policies Applied by Certain Intermediaries” in the “Appendix” section of this prospectus.

Exchanging Shares

An exchange involves the redemption of all or a portion of the shares of one fund and the purchase of shares of another fund.

As a Class A shareholder, you have the privilege of exchanging Class A shares for the same class of shares of other Fidelity® funds that offer Advisor classes of shares at NAV or for Daily Money Class shares of Fidelity® funds that offer Daily Money Class shares.



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Shareholder Information – continued


As a Class M shareholder, you have the privilege of exchanging Class M shares for the same class of shares of other Fidelity® funds that offer Advisor classes of shares at NAV or for Advisor M Class shares of Fidelity® Government Money Market Fund. If you purchased your Class M shares through certain investment professionals that have signed an agreement with FDC, you also have the privilege of exchanging your Class M shares for shares of Fidelity® Capital Appreciation Fund.

As a Class C shareholder, you have the privilege of exchanging Class C shares for the same class of shares of other Fidelity® funds that offer Advisor classes of shares or for Advisor C Class shares of Fidelity® Treasury Money Market Fund.

As a Class I shareholder, you have the privilege of exchanging Class I shares for the same class of shares of other Fidelity® funds that offer Advisor classes of shares or for shares of Fidelity® funds.

As a Class Z shareholder, you have the privilege of exchanging Class Z shares for the same class of shares of other Fidelity® funds that offer Advisor classes of shares or Class Z shares of other Fidelity® funds available through your employee benefit plan, or if the Fidelity® fund does not offer Class Z shares, then other classes of the Fidelity® fund that are available through your plan.

Through your investment professional, you may also move between certain share classes of the same fund. For more information, see the Statement of

Additional Information (SAI) or consult your investment professional.

However, you should note the following policies and restrictions governing exchanges:

• The exchange limit may be modified for accounts held by certain institutional retirement plans to conform to plan exchange limits and Department of Labor regulations. See your retirement plan materials for further information.

• The fund may refuse any exchange purchase for any reason. For example, the fund may refuse exchange purchases by any person or group if, in the Adviser’s judgment, the fund would be unable to invest the money effectively in accordance with its investment objective and policies, or would otherwise potentially be adversely affected.

• An exchange of shares is not subject to any applicable CDSCs.

• Before any exchange, read the prospectus for the shares you are purchasing, including any purchase and sale requirements.

• The shares you are acquiring by exchange must be available for sale in your state.

• Exchanges may have tax consequences for you if you own shares in a taxable account.

• If you are exchanging between accounts that are not registered in the same name, address, and taxpayer identification number (TIN), there may be additional requirements.



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• Under applicable anti-money laundering rules and other regulations, exchange requests may be suspended, restricted, canceled, or processed and the proceeds may be withheld.

The fund may terminate or modify exchange privileges in the future.

Other funds may have different exchange restrictions and minimums. Check each fund’s prospectus for details.

Rollover IRAs

Class Z shares generally are not available to IRA rollover accounts. Assets from retirement plans may be invested in other class(es) of shares of the fund through an IRA rollover, including class(es) of shares not offered in this prospectus. Each class of the fund has different expenses and features and may have higher expenses than Class Z shares. Information on the other class(es) of shares of the fund, including any class expenses and features, can be found in the applicable class’s prospectus.

Please contact your investment professional for more information.

Account Features and Policies


The following features may be available to buy and sell shares of the fund. Visit institutional.fidelity.com or contact your investment professional for more information.


Electronic Funds Transfer (Fidelity Advisor Money Line®): electronic money movement through the Automated Clearing House

• To transfer money between a bank account and your fund account.

• You can use electronic funds transfer to:

• Make periodic (automatic) purchases of shares.

• Make periodic (automatic) redemptions of shares.



Wire: electronic money movement through the Federal Reserve wire system

• To transfer money between a bank account and your fund account.



Automatic Transactions: periodic (automatic) transactions

• To make contributions from your fund account to your Fidelity Advisor® IRA.

• To sell shares of a Fidelity® money market fund and simultaneously to buy shares of a Fidelity® fund that offers Advisor classes of shares.


The following apply to you as a shareholder.

Statements that Fidelity sends to you, if applicable, include the following:

• Confirmation statements (after transactions affecting your fund balance except, to the extent applicable, reinvestment of distributions in the



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Shareholder Information – continued


fund or another fund and certain transactions through automatic investment or withdrawal programs).

• Monthly or quarterly account statements (detailing fund balances and all transactions completed during the prior month or quarter).

Current regulations allow Fidelity to send a single copy of shareholder documents for Fidelity® funds, such as prospectuses, annual and semi-annual reports, and proxy materials, to certain mutual fund customers whom we believe are members of the same family who share the same address. For certain types of accounts, we will not send multiple copies of these documents to you and members of your family who share the same address. Instead, we will send only a single copy of these documents. This will continue for as long as you are a shareholder, unless you notify us otherwise. If at any time you choose to receive individual copies of any documents, please call 1-877-208-0098. We will begin sending individual copies to you within 30 days of receiving your call.

You may initiate many transactions by telephone or electronically. Fidelity will not be responsible for any loss, cost, expense, or other liability resulting from unauthorized transactions if it follows reasonable security procedures designed to verify the identity of the investor. Fidelity will request personalized security codes or other information, and may also record calls. For transactions conducted through the Internet, Fidelity recommends the use of an Internet browser with 128-bit encryption. You should verify the

accuracy of your confirmation statements upon receipt and notify Fidelity immediately of any discrepancies in your account activity. If you do not want the ability to sell and exchange by telephone, call Fidelity for instructions. Additional documentation may be required from corporations, associations, and certain fiduciaries.

You may be asked to provide additional information in order for Fidelity to verify your identity in accordance with requirements under anti-money laundering regulations. Accounts may be restricted and/or closed, and the monies withheld, pending verification of this information or as otherwise required under these and other federal regulations. In addition, the fund reserves the right to involuntarily redeem an account in the case of: (i) actual or suspected threatening conduct or actual or suspected fraudulent, illegal or suspicious activity by the account owner or any other individual associated with the account; or (ii) the failure of the account owner to provide information to the fund related to opening the accounts. Your shares will be sold at the NAV, minus any applicable shareholder fees, calculated on the day Fidelity closes your fund position.

Fidelity may charge a fee for certain services, such as providing historical account documents.



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Dividends and Capital Gain Distributions

The fund earns interest, dividends, and other income from its investments, and distributes this income (less expenses) to shareholders as dividends. The fund also realizes capital gains from its investments, and distributes these gains (less any losses) to shareholders as capital gain distributions.

The fund normally pays dividends and capital gain distributions per the tables below:


Fund Name    Dividends Paid
Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund    December
Fund Name    Capital Gains
Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund    December

Distribution Options

When you open an account, specify how you want to receive your distributions. The following distribution options are available:

1. Reinvestment Option. Any dividends and capital gain distributions will be automatically reinvested in additional shares. If you do not indicate a choice, you will be assigned this option.

2. Income-Earned Option. Any capital gain distributions will be automatically reinvested in additional shares. Any dividends will be paid in cash.

3. Cash Option. Any dividends and capital gain distributions will be paid in cash.

4. Directed Dividends® Option. Any dividends will be automatically invested in the same class of shares of another identically registered Fidelity® fund. Any capital gain distributions will be automatically invested in the same class of shares of another identically registered Fidelity® fund, automatically reinvested in additional shares of the fund, or paid in cash.

Not all distribution options may be available for every account and certain restrictions may apply. If the option you prefer is not listed on your account application, or if you want to change your current option, contact Fidelity or your investment professional directly.

If you elect to receive distributions paid in cash by check and the U.S. Postal Service does not deliver your checks, your distribution option may be converted to the Reinvestment Option. You will not receive interest on amounts represented by uncashed distribution checks.

Any dividends and capital gain distributions paid to retirement plan participants will be automatically reinvested.

Tax Consequences

As with any investment, your investment in the fund could have tax consequences for you (for non-retirement accounts).

Taxes on Distributions

Distributions you receive from the fund are subject to federal income tax, and may also be subject to state or local taxes.



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Shareholder Information – continued


For federal tax purposes, certain distributions, including dividends and distributions of short-term capital gains, are taxable to you as ordinary income, while certain distributions, including distributions of long-term capital gains, are taxable to you generally as capital gains. A percentage of certain distributions of dividends may qualify for taxation at long-term capital gains rates (provided certain holding period requirements are met).

If you buy shares when a fund has realized but not yet distributed income or capital gains, you will be “buying a dividend” by paying the full price for the shares and then receiving a portion of the price back in the form of a taxable distribution.

Any taxable distributions you receive from the fund will normally be taxable to you when you receive them, regardless of your distribution option.

Distributions by the fund to tax-advantaged retirement plan accounts are not taxable currently (but you may be taxed later, upon withdrawal of your investment from such ac-count).

Taxes on Transactions

Your redemptions, including exchanges, may result in a capital gain or loss for federal tax purposes. A capital gain or loss on your investment in the fund generally is the difference between the cost of your shares and the price you receive when you sell them.

Exchanges within a tax-advantaged retirement plan account will not result

in a capital gain or loss for federal tax purposes. Please consult your tax advisor regarding the tax treatment of distributions from a tax-advantaged retirement plan account.



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Fund Services


Fund Management

The fund is a mutual fund, an investment that pools shareholders’ money and invests it toward a specified goal.


FMR. The Adviser is the fund’s manager. The address of the Adviser is 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210.

As of December 31, 2022, the Adviser had approximately $3.1 trillion in discretionary assets under management, and approximately $3.9 trillion when combined with all of its affiliates’ assets under management.

As the manager, the Adviser has overall responsibility for directing the fund’s investments and handling its business affairs.


FMR Investment Management (UK) Limited (FMR UK), at 1 St. Martin’s Le Grand, London, EC1A 4AS, United Kingdom, serves as a sub-adviser for the fund. As of December 31, 2022, FMR UK had approximately $14.7 billion in discretionary assets under management. FMR UK is an affiliate of the Adviser.

FMR UK may provide investment research and advice on issuers based outside the United States and may also provide investment advisory services for the fund.

Fidelity Management & Research (Hong Kong) Limited (FMR H.K.), at Floor 19, 41 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong, serves as a sub-adviser for

the fund. As of December 31, 2022, FMR H.K. had approximately $21.4 billion in discretionary assets under management. FMR H.K. is an affiliate of the Adviser.

FMR H.K. may provide investment research and advice on issuers based outside the United States and may also provide investment advisory services for the fund.

Fidelity Management & Research (Japan) Limited (FMR Japan), at Kamiyacho Prime Place, 1-17, Toranomon-4-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, serves as a sub-adviser for the fund. As of March 31, 2023, FMR Japan had approximately $2.9 billion in discretionary assets under management. FMR Japan is an affiliate of the Adviser.

FMR Japan may provide investment research and advice on issuers based outside the United States and may also provide investment advisory services for the fund.

FIL Investment Advisors (FIA), at Pembroke Hall, 42 Crow Lane, Pembroke HM19, Bermuda, serves as a sub-adviser for the fund. As of December 31, 2022, FIA had approximately $7.0 billion in discretionary assets under management.

FIA may provide investment research and advice on issuers based outside the United States and may also provide investment advisory services for the fund.

FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited (FIA(UK)), at Beech Gate, Millfield Lane,



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Fund Services – continued


Lower Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey, KT20 6RP, United Kingdom, serves as a sub-adviser for the fund. As of December 31, 2022, FIA(UK) had approximately $5.6 billion in discretionary assets under management.

FIA(UK) may provide investment research and advice on issuers based outside the United States and may also provide investment advisory services for the fund.

Portfolio Manager(s)

John Dance is Portfolio Manager of Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund, which he has managed since 2019. Since joining Fidelity Investments in 2006, Mr. Dance has worked as a research analyst and portfolio manager.

The SAI provides additional information about the compensation of, any other accounts managed by, and any fund shares held by the portfolio man-ager(s).

From time to time a manager, analyst, or other Fidelity employee may express views regarding a particular company, security, industry, or market sector. The views expressed by any such person are the views of only that individual as of the time expressed and do not necessarily represent the views of Fidelity or any other person in the Fidelity organization. Any such views are subject to change at any time based upon market or other conditions and Fidelity disclaims any responsibility to update such views. These views may not be relied on as investment advice and, because investment decisions for

a fund are based on numerous factors, may not be relied on as an indication of trading intent on behalf of any fund.

Advisory Fee(s)

The fund pays a management fee to the Adviser.

The management fee is calculated and paid to the Adviser every month.

The fee is calculated by adding a group fee rate to an individual fund fee rate, dividing by twelve, and multiplying the result by the fund’s average net assets throughout the month.

The group fee rate is based on the average net assets of a group of mutual funds advised by FMR. This rate cannot rise above 0.52%, and it drops as total assets under management increase.

The group fee rate(s) for October 2023 and the annual individual fund fee rate(s) are reflected in the table below:



Group Fee




Fund Fee


Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund   0.22%   0.45%

The total management fee, as a percentage of the fund’s average net assets, for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2023, for the fund is shown in the following table. Because the fund’s management fee rate may fluctuate, the fund’s management fee may be higher or lower in the future.



Total Management

Fee Rate

Fidelity® Emerging Markets Fund   0.67%


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The Adviser pays FMR Investment Management (UK) Limited, Fidelity Management & Research (Hong Kong) Limited, and Fidelity Management & Research (Japan) Limited for providing sub-advisory services.

The Adviser pays FIA for providing sub-advisory services, and FIA in turn pays FIA(UK).

The basis for the Board of Trustees approving the management contract and sub-advisory agreements for the fund is available in the fund’s annual report for the fiscal period ended October 31, 2023.

From time to time, the Adviser or its affiliates may agree to reimburse or waive certain fund expenses while retaining the ability to be repaid if expenses fall below the specified limit prior to the end of the fiscal year.

Reimbursement or waiver arrangements can decrease expenses and boost performance.

Fund Distribution

The fund is composed of multiple classes of shares. All classes of the fund have a common investment objective and investment portfolio.

FDC distributes Class A, Class M, Class C, Class I, and Class Z shares.

Intermediaries may receive from the Adviser, FDC, and/or their affiliates compensation for their services intended to result in the sale of class shares, including compensation for providing recordkeeping and administrative services, as well as other retirement plan expenses for Class Z shares.

This may take the form of (as applicable):

• Sales charges and concessions (not applicable to Class I and Class Z shares).

• Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees (not applicable to Class I and Class Z shares).

• Finder’s fees (not applicable to Class C, Class I, and Class Z shares).

• Payments for additional distribution-related activities and/or shareholder services.

• Payments for educational seminars and training, including seminars sponsored by Fidelity, or by an intermediary.

These payments are described in more detail in this section and in the SAI.

Please speak with your investment professional to learn more about any payments his or her firm may receive from the Adviser, FDC, and/or their affiliates, as well as fees and/or commissions the investment professional charges. You should also consult disclosures made by your investment professional at the time of purchase.

You may pay a sales charge when you buy or sell your Class A, Class M, and Class C shares.

FDC collects the sales charge.

As described in detail in this section, you may be entitled to a waiver of your sales charge, or to pay a reduced sales charge, when you buy or sell Class A,



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Fund Services – continued


Class M, and Class C shares. In the event of changes in sales charges, sales charges, if any, in effect at the time of purchase generally will apply.

The availability of certain sales charge waivers and discounts may depend on whether you purchase your shares directly from a fund or through an intermediary. Intermediaries may have different policies and procedures regarding the availability of front-end sales load waivers or CDSC (back-end) waivers. Please see “Sales Charge Waiver Policies Applied by Certain Intermediaries” in the “Appendix” section of the prospectus. In all instances, it is the purchaser’s responsibility to notify a fund or the purchaser’s intermediary at the time of purchase of any relationship or other facts qualifying the purchaser for sales charge waivers or discounts.

For waivers and discounts not available through a particular intermediary, shareholders will have to purchase fund shares directly from a fund or through another intermediary to receive these waivers or discounts.

The front-end sales charge will be reduced for purchases of Class A and Class M shares according to the sales charge schedules below.

Sales Charges and Concessions – Class A


    Sales Charge    

As a %





As an


% of net







as % of



Less than $50,000(b)   5.75%   6.10%   5.00%
$50,000 but less than $100,000   4.50%   4.71%   3.75%
$100,000 but less than $250,000   3.50%   3.63%   2.75%
$250,000 but less than $500,000   2.50%   2.56%   2.00%
$500,000 but less than $1,000,000   2.00%   2.04%   1.75%
$1,000,000 but less than $4,000,000   None   None   1.00%(c)
$4,000,000 but less than $25,000,000   None   None   0.50%(c)
$25,000,000 or more   None   None   0.25%(c)

(a) The actual sales charge you pay may be higher or lower than those calculated using these percentages due to rounding. The impact of rounding may vary with the amount of your investment and the size of the class’s NAV.

(b) Purchases of $10.00 or less will not pay a sales charge.

(c) Certain conditions and exceptions apply. See “Fund Services - Fund Distribution - Finder’s Fees.”

Investments in Class A shares of $1 million or more may, upon



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redemption less than 18 months after purchase, for any reason, be assessed a CDSC of 1.00%. The actual CDSC you pay may be higher or lower than that calculated using this percentage due to rounding. The impact of rounding may vary with the amount of your investment and the size of the class’s NAV.

When exchanging Class A shares of one fund for Class A shares of another Fidelity® fund that offers Advisor classes of shares or Daily Money Class shares of another Fidelity® fund that offers Daily Money Class shares, your Class A shares retain the CDSC schedule in effect when they were originally bought.

Sales Charges and Concessions – Class M


    Sales Charge    

As a %





As an


% of net







as % of


Less than $50,000(b)   3.50%   3.63%   3.00%
$50,000 but less than $100,000   3.00%   3.09%   2.50%
$100,000 but less than $250,000   2.50%   2.56%   2.00%
$250,000 but less than $500,000   1.50%   1.52%   1.25%
$500,000 but less than $1,000,000   1.00%   1.01%   0.75%
$1,000,000 or more   None   None   0.25%(c)

(a) The actual sales charge you pay may be higher or lower than those calculated using these percentages due to rounding. The impact of rounding may vary with the amount of your investment and the size of the class’s NAV.

(b) Purchases of $10.00 or less will not pay a sales charge.

(c) Certain conditions and exceptions apply. See “Fund Services - Fund Distribution

- Finder’s Fees.”

Investments in Class M shares of $1 million or more may, upon redemption less than one year after purchase, for any reason, be assessed a CDSC of 0.25%. The actual CDSC you pay may be higher or lower than that calculated using this percentage due to rounding. The impact of rounding may vary with the amount of your investment and the size of the class’s NAV.

When exchanging Class M shares of one fund for Class M shares of another Fidelity® fund that offers Advisor classes of shares or Advisor M Class shares of Fidelity® Government Money Market Fund, your Class M shares retain the CDSC schedule in effect when they were originally bought.

Class A or Class M shares purchased by an individual or company through the Combined Purchase, Rights of Accumulation, or Letter of Intent program may receive a reduced front-end sales charge according to the sales charge schedules above. To qualify for a Class A or Class M front-end sales charge reduction under one of these programs, you must notify Fidelity in advance of your purchase.

Combined Purchase, Rights of Accumulation, and Letter of Intent Programs. The following qualify as an “individual” or “company” for the purposes of determining eligibility for the Combined Purchase and Rights of Accumulation program: an individual,



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Fund Services – continued


spouse, and their children under age 21 purchasing for his/her or their own account; a trustee, administrator, or other fiduciary purchasing for a single trust estate or a single fiduciary account or for a single or parent-subsidiary group of “employee benefit plans” (except SEP and SARSEP plans and plans covering self-employed individuals and their employees (formerly Keogh/H.R. 10 plans)) and 403(b) programs; and tax-exempt organizations (as defined in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code). The following qualify as an “individual” or “company” for the purposes of determining eligibility for the Letter of Intent program: an individual, spouse, and their children under age 21 purchasing for his/her or their own account; a trustee, administrator, or other fiduciary purchasing for a single trust estate or a single fiduciary account (except SEP and SARSEP plans and plans covering self-employed individuals and their employees (formerly Keogh/H.R. 10 plans)); an IRA or plans covering sole-proprietors (formerly Keogh/H.R. 10 plans); plans investing through the Fidelity Advisor® 403(b) program; and tax-exempt organizations (as defined in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code).

Combined Purchase. To receive a Class A or Class M front-end sales charge reduction, if you are a new shareholder, you may combine your purchase of Class A or Class M shares with purchases of: (i) Class A, Class M, and Class C shares of any Fidelity® fund that offers Advisor classes of

shares, (ii) Advisor C Class shares of Fidelity® Treasury Money Market Fund, and (iii) Class A Units (New and Old), Class C Units, Class D Units, and Class P Units of the Fidelity Advisor® 529 Plan. Purchases may be aggregated across multiple intermediaries on the same day for the purpose of qualifying for the Combined Purchase program.

Rights of Accumulation. To receive a Class A or Class M front-end sales charge reduction, if you are an existing shareholder, you may add to your purchase of Class A or Class M shares the current value of your holdings in: (i) Class A, Class M, and Class C shares of any Fidelity® fund that offers Advisor classes of shares, (ii) Advisor C Class shares of Fidelity® Treasury Money Market Fund, (iii) Daily Money Class shares of a fund that offers Daily Money Class shares acquired by exchange from any Fidelity® fund that offers Advisor classes of shares, (iv) Class O shares of Fidelity Advisor® Diversified Stock Fund and Fidelity Advisor® Capital Development Fund, and (v) Class A Units (New and Old), Class C Units, Class D Units, and Class P Units of the Fidelity Advisor® 529 Plan. The current value of your holdings is determined at the NAV at the close of business on the day prior to your purchase of Class A or Class M shares. The current value of your holdings will be added to your purchase of Class A or Class M shares for the purpose of qualifying for the Rights of Accumulation program. Purchases and holdings may be aggregated across multiple intermediaries for the purpose of qualifying for the Rights of Accumulation program.



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Letter of Intent. You may receive a Class A or Class M front-end sales charge reduction on your purchases of Class A and Class M shares made during a 13-month period by signing a Letter of Intent (Letter). File your Letter with Fidelity no later than the date of the initial purchase toward completing your Letter. Each Class A or Class M purchase you make toward completing your Letter will be entitled to the reduced front-end sales charge applicable to the total investment indicated in the Letter. Purchases of the following may be aggregated for the purpose of completing your Letter: (i) Class A and Class M shares of any Fidelity® fund that offers Advisor classes of shares (except those acquired by exchange from Daily Money Class shares of a fund that offers Daily Money Class shares that had been previously exchanged from a Fidelity® fund that offers Advisor classes of shares), (ii) Class C shares of any Fidelity® fund that offers Advisor classes of shares, (iii) Advisor C Class shares of Fidelity® Treasury Money Market Fund, and (iv) Class A Units (New and Old), Class C Units, Class D Units, and Class P Units of the Fidelity Advisor® 529 Plan. Reinvested income and capital gain distributions will not be considered purchases for the purpose of completing your Letter. Purchases may be aggregated across multiple intermediaries for the purpose of qualifying for the Letter of Intent program. Your initial purchase toward completing your Letter must be at least 5% of the total investment specified in your Letter. Fidelity will register Class A or Class M shares

equal to 5% of the total investment specified in your Letter in your name and will hold those shares in escrow. You will earn income, dividends and capital gain distributions on escrowed Class A and Class M shares. The escrow will be released when you complete your Letter. You are not obligated to complete your Letter. If you do not complete your Letter, you must pay the increased front-end sales charges due in accordance with the sales charge schedule in effect when your shares were originally bought. Fidelity may redeem sufficient escrowed Class A or Class M shares to pay any applicable front-end sales charges. If you purchase more than the amount specified in your Letter and qualify for additional Class A or Class M front-end sales charge reductions, the front-end sales charge will be adjusted to reflect your total purchase at the end of 13 months and the surplus amount will be applied to your purchase of additional Class A or Class M shares at the then-current offering price applicable to the total investment.

Detailed information about these programs also is available on institutional.fidelity.com. In order to obtain the benefit of a front-end sales charge reduction for which you may be eligible, you may need to inform your investment professional of other accounts you, your spouse, or your children maintain with your investment professional or other investment professionals from the same intermediary.

Class C shares may, upon redemption less than one year after purchase, for



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Fund Services – continued


any reason, be assessed a CDSC of 1.00%. The actual CDSC you pay may be higher or lower than that calculated using this percentage due to rounding. The impact of rounding may vary with the amount of your investment and the size of the class’s NAV.

Investment professionals will receive as compensation from FDC, at the time of the sale, a concession equal to 1.00% of your purchase of Class C shares. A concession will not apply to Class C shares acquired through reinvestment of dividends or capital gain distributions.

The CDSC for Class A, Class M, and Class C shares will be calculated based on the lesser of the cost of each class’s shares, as applicable, at the initial date of purchase or the value of those shares, as applicable, at redemption, not including any reinvested dividends or capital gains. Class A, Class M, and Class C shares acquired through reinvestment of dividends or capital gain distributions will not be subject to a CDSC. In determining the applicability and rate of any CDSC at redemption, shares representing reinvested dividends and capital gains will be redeemed first, followed by those shares that have been held for the longest period of time.

A front-end sales charge will not apply to the following Class A or Class M shares:

1. Purchased for an employee benefit plan other than a plan investing through the Fidelity Advisor® 403(b) program. For this purpose, employee benefit plans generally include 401(a),

401(k), 403(b), and 457(b) governmental plans, but do not include: IRAs, SIMPLE, SEP, or SARSEP plans; or health savings accounts.

2. Purchased for an insurance company separate account.

3. Purchased for managed account programs that charge an asset-based fee by a broker-dealer, registered investment adviser, insurance company, trust institution or bank trust department.

4. Purchased with the proceeds of a redemption of Fidelity® or Fidelity Advisor® fund shares held in (i) an insurance company separate account, or (ii) an employee benefit plan (as described in waiver number 1 above, including the Fidelity Advisor® 403(b) program), the proceeds of which must be reinvested directly into Fidelity Advisor® fund shares held in an account for which Fidelity Management Trust Company or an affiliate serves as custodian.

5. Purchased with any proceeds of a distribution from a Fidelity® recordkept employee benefit plan (as described in waiver number 1 above, including the Fidelity Advisor® 403(b) program) that is rolled directly into a Fidelity Advisor® IRA for which Fidelity Management Trust Company or an affiliate serves as custodian.

6. Purchased by a bank trust officer, registered representative, or other employee (or a member of one of their immediate families) of intermediaries having agreements with FDC. A member of the immediate family of a bank



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trust officer, a registered representative, or other employee of intermediaries having agreements with FDC, is a spouse of one of those individuals, an account for which one of those individuals is acting as custodian for a minor child, and a trust account that is registered for the sole benefit of a minor child of one of those individuals.

7. Purchased to repay a loan against Class A or Class M shares held in the investor’s Fidelity Advisor® 403(b) program.

8. Purchased for an employer-sponsored health savings account.

9. (Applicable only to Class A) Purchased by a former Destiny® Plan-holder in a Fidelity Advisor® account that was converted directly from a Destiny® Plan account after September 30, 2008. This waiver shall apply as long as the ownership of the Fidelity Advisor® account does not change. If the Fidelity Advisor® account is no longer directly held at Fidelity, your intermediary may be able to apply the waiver, assuming the stated conditions are met. Please contact your investment professional for more information.

10. Purchased for a mutual fund only brokerage platform that charges a platform entrance fee and where the distributor has agreed with the broker to participate in such platform.

Pursuant to Rule 22d-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (1940 Act), FDC exercises its right to waive Class A’s and Class M’s front-end sales

charge on shares acquired through reinvestment of dividends and capital gain distributions or in connection with a fund’s merger with or acquisition of any investment company or trust. FDC also exercises its right to waive Class A’s and Class M’s front-end sales charge on purchases of $10.00 or less.

The CDSC may be waived on the redemption of shares (applies to Class A, Class M, and Class C, unless otherwise noted):

1. For disability or death.

2. From employer-sponsored retirement plans (except SIMPLE IRAs, SEPs, and SARSEPs) in accordance with required minimum distributions as mandated by the Internal Revenue Code and related regulations.

3. For required minimum distributions from Traditional IRAs, Rollover IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs, SEPs, and SAR-SEPs (excludes Roth accounts) as mandated by the Internal Revenue Code and related regulations.

4. Through the Fidelity Advisor® Systematic Withdrawal Program, if the amount does not exceed 12% of the account balance in a rolling 12-month period.

5. (Applicable to Class A and Class M only) Held by insurance company separate accounts.

6. (Applicable to Class A and Class M only) From an employee benefit plan (except SIMPLE IRAs, SEPs, SAR-SEPs, and plans covering self-employed individuals and their employees) or 403(b) programs (except Fidelity Advisor® 403(b) programs for which Fidelity or an affiliate serves as custodian).



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Fund Services – continued


7. (Applicable to Class A and Class M only) On which a finder’s fee was eligible to be paid to an investment professional at the time of purchase, but was not paid because payment was declined (to determine your eligibility for this CDSC waiver, please ask your investment professional if he or she received a finder’s fee at the time of purchase).

8. (Applicable to Class C only) On which investment professionals did not receive a concession at the time of purchase.

To qualify for a Class A or Class M front-end sales charge reduction or waiver, you must notify Fidelity in advance of your purchase.

You may be required to notify Fidelity in advance of your redemption to qualify for a Class A, Class M, or Class C CDSC waiver.

Information on sales charge reductions and waivers is available free of charge on institutional.fidelity.com.

Finder’s Fees. Finder’s fees may be paid to investment professionals who sell Class A and Class M shares in purchase amounts of $1 million or more. For Class A share purchases, investment professionals may be compensated at the time of purchase with a finder’s fee at the rate of 1.00% of the purchase amount for purchases of $1 million up to $4 million, 0.50% of the purchase amount for purchases of $4 million up to $25 million, and 0.25% of the purchase amount for purchases of $25 million or more. For Class M share purchases, investment professionals may be compensated at the

time of purchase with a finder’s fee at the rate of 0.25% of the purchase amount.

Investment professionals may be eligible for a finder’s fee on the following purchases of Class A and Class M shares made through broker-dealers and banks: a trade that brings the value of the accumulated account(s) of an investor, including a 403(b) program or an employee benefit plan (except a SEP or SARSEP plan or a plan covering self-employed individuals and their employees (formerly a Keogh/H.R. 10 plan)), over $1 million; a trade for an investor with an accumulated account value of $1 million or more; and an incremental trade toward an investor’s $1 million Letter.

Accumulated account value for purposes of finder’s fees eligibility is determined the same as it is for Rights of Accumulation. Daily Money Class shares of a fund that offers Daily Money Class shares are not counted for this purpose unless acquired by exchange from any Fidelity® fund that offers Advisor classes of shares. For information, see “Combined Purchase, Rights of Accumulation, and Letter of Intent Programs” above.

Finder’s fees are not paid in connection with purchases of Class A or Class M shares by insurance company separate accounts or managed account programs that charge an asset-based fee, or purchases of Class A or Class M shares made with the proceeds from the redemption of shares of any Fidelity® fund or any retirement plan recordkept at Fidelity.



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Investment professionals should contact Fidelity in advance to determine if they qualify to receive a finder’s fee. Finder’s fees will be paid in connection with shares recordkept in a Fidelity Advisor® 401(k) Retirement Plan only at the time of the initial conversion of assets. Investment professionals should contact Fidelity for more information.

Reinstatement Privilege. If you have sold all or part of your Class A, Class M, or Class C shares of the fund, you may reinvest an amount equal to all or a portion of the redemption proceeds in the same class of the fund or another Fidelity® fund that offers Advisor classes of shares, at the NAV next determined after receipt in proper form of your investment order, provided that such reinvestment is made within 90 days of redemption. Under these circumstances, the dollar amount of the CDSC you paid, if any, on shares will be reimbursed to you by reinvesting that amount in Class A, Class M, or Class C shares, as applicable.

You must reinstate your shares into an account with the same registration. This privilege may be exercised only once by a shareholder with respect to the fund and certain restrictions may apply. For purposes of the CDSC schedule, the holding period will continue as if the Class A, Class M, or Class C shares had not been redeemed. To qualify for the reinstatement privilege, you must notify Fidelity in writing in advance of your reinvestment.

Distribution and Service Plan(s)

Class A of the fund has adopted a Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to

Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act. Under the plan, Class A of the fund is authorized to pay FDC a monthly 12b-1 (distribution) fee as compensation for providing services intended to result in the sale of Class A shares. Class A of the fund may pay this 12b-1 (distribution) fee at an annual rate of 0.50% of its average net assets, or such lesser amount as the Trustees may determine from time to time. Currently, the Trustees have not approved such payments. The Trustees may approve 12b-1 (distribution) fee payments at an annual rate of up to 0.50% of Class A’s average net assets when the Trustees believe that it is in the best interests of Class A shareholders to do so.

In addition, pursuant to the Class A plan, Class A of the fund pays FDC a monthly 12b-1 (service) fee at an annual rate of 0.25% of Class A’s average net assets throughout the month for providing shareholder support services.

Except as provided below, FDC may reallow up to the full amount of this 12b-1 (service) fee to intermediaries, including its affiliates, for providing shareholder support services.

For purchases of Class A shares on which a finder’s fee was paid to intermediaries, after the first year of investment, FDC may reallow up to the full amount of the 12b-1 (service) fee paid by such shares to intermediaries, including its affiliates, for providing shareholder support services.

Class M of the fund has adopted a Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act. Under the plan, Class M of the fund is authorized to pay FDC a monthly 12b-1 (distribution)



  39   Prospectus

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Fund Services – continued


fee as compensation for providing services intended to result in the sale of Class M shares. Class M of the fund may pay this 12b-1 (distribution) fee at an annual rate of 0.50% of its average net assets, or such lesser amount as the Trustees may determine from time to time. Class M of the fund currently pays FDC a monthly 12b-1 (distribution) fee at an annual rate of 0.25% of its average net assets throughout the month. Class M’s 12b-1 (distribution) fee rate for the fund may be increased only when the Trustees believe that it is in the best interests of Class M shareholders to do so.

FDC may reallow up to the full amount of this 12b-1 (distribution) fee to intermediaries, including its affiliates, for providing services intended to result in the sale of Class M shares.

In addition, pursuant to the Class M plan, Class M of the fund pays FDC a monthly 12b-1 (service) fee at an annual rate of 0.25% of Class M’s average net assets throughout the month for providing shareholder support services.

FDC may reallow up to the full amount of this 12b-1 (service) fee to intermediaries, including its affiliates, for providing shareholder support services.

Class C of the fund has adopted a Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act. Under the plan, Class C of the fund is authorized to pay FDC a monthly 12b-1 (distribution) fee as compensation for providing services intended to result in the sale of Class C shares. Class C of the fund currently pays FDC a monthly

12b-1 (distribution) fee at an annual rate of 0.75% of its average net assets throughout the month.

In addition, pursuant to the Class C plan, Class C of the fund pays FDC a monthly 12b-1 (service) fee at an annual rate of 0.25% of Class C’s average net assets throughout the month for providing shareholder support services.

Normally, after the first year of investment, FDC may reallow up to the full amount of the 12b-1 (distribution) fees to intermediaries, including its affiliates, for providing services intended to result in the sale of Class C shares and may reallow up to the full amount of the 12b-1 (service) fee to intermediaries, including its affiliates, for providing shareholder support services.

For purchases of Class C shares made through reinvestment of dividends or capital gain distributions, during the first year of investment and thereafter, FDC may reallow up to the full amount of this 12b-1 (distribution) fee paid by such shares to intermediaries, including its affiliates, for providing services intended to result in the sale of Class C shares and may reallow up to the full amount of this 12b-1 (service) fee paid by such shares to intermediaries, including its affiliates, for providing shareholder support services.

Any fees paid out of Class A’s, Class M’s, and Class C’s assets on an ongoing basis pursuant to a Distribution and Service Plan will increase the cost of your investment and may cost you more than paying other types of sales charges.



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In addition to the above payments, each Class A, Class M, and Class C plan specifically recognizes that the Adviser may make payments from its management fee revenue, past profits, or other resources to FDC for expenses incurred in connection with providing services intended to result in the sale of Class A, Class M, and Class C shares and/or shareholder support services. The Adviser, directly or through FDC or one or more affiliates, may pay significant amounts to intermediaries that provide those services. Currently, the Board of Trustees of the fund has authorized such payments for Class A, Class M, and Class C.

Each of Class I and Class Z of the fund has adopted a Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act that recognizes that the Adviser may use its management fee revenues, as well as its past profits or its resources from any other source, to pay FDC for expenses incurred in connection with providing services intended to result in the sale of Class I and Class Z shares and/or shareholder support services. The Adviser, directly or through FDC, may pay significant amounts to intermediaries that provide those services. Currently, the Board of Trustees of the fund has authorized such payments for Class I and Class Z.

If payments made by the Adviser to FDC or to intermediaries under Class I’s and Class Z’s Distribution and Service Plan were considered to be paid out of Class I’s and Class Z’s assets on an ongoing basis, they might increase the cost of your investment and might cost you more than paying other types of sales charges.

No dealer, sales representative, or any other person has been authorized to give any information or to make any representations, other than those contained in this prospectus and in the related SAI, in connection with the offer contained in this prospectus. If given or made, such other information or representations must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the fund or FDC. This prospectus and the related SAI do not constitute an offer by the fund or by FDC to sell shares of the fund to, or to buy shares of the fund from, any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer.



  41   Prospectus

Table of Contents



Financial Highlights

Financial Highlights are intended to help you understand the financial history of fund shares for the past 5 years (or, if shorter, the period of operations). Certain information reflects financial results for a single share. The total returns in the table represent the rate that an investor would have earned (or lost) on an

investment in shares (assuming reinvestment of all dividends and distributions). The annual information has been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, independent registered public accounting firm, whose report, along with fund financial statements, is included in the annual report. Annual reports are available for free upon request.



Fidelity Advisor® Emerging Markets Fund Class A  
Years ended October 31,      2023       2022       2021A  

Selected Per-Share Data


Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 27.73     $ 47.48     $ 46.83  










Income from Investment Operations


Net investment income (loss)B,C

     .26 D       .16 E       (.04

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     3.95       (17.27     .69  










Total from investment operations

     4.21       (17.11     .65  










Distributions from net investment income

     (.14     (.48      

Distributions from net realized gain











Total distributions

     (.14     (2.64      










Net asset value, end of period

   $ 31.80     $ 27.73     $ 47.48  










Total ReturnF,G,H

     15.18     (38.00 )%      1.39

Ratios to Average Net AssetsC,I,J



Expenses before reductions

     1.20     1.21     1.25 %K  

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

     1.20     1.21     1.25 %K  

Expenses net of all reductions

     1.20     1.21     1.25 %K  

Net investment income (loss)

     .77 %D       .45 %E       (.17 )%K  

Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $  15,288     $  10,046     $  6,248  

Portfolio turnover rateL

     23     34     38 %K,M  



For the period May 11, 2021 (commencement of sale of shares) through October 31, 2021.



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.11 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .44%.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.08 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .22%.



Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.


Prospectus   42  

Table of Contents




Total returns do not include the effect of the sales charges.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.






Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).



The portfolio turnover rate does not include the assets acquired in the merger.


  43   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Appendix – continued


Fidelity Advisor® Emerging Markets Fund Class M  
Years ended October 31,      2023       2022       2021A  

Selected Per-Share Data


Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 27.71     $ 47.42     $ 46.83  










Income from Investment Operations


Net investment income (loss)B,C

     .17 D       .05 E       (.09

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     3.96       (17.29     .68  










Total from investment operations

     4.13       (17.24     .59  










Distributions from net investment income

     (.04     (.32      

Distributions from net realized gain











Total distributions

     (.04     (2.47 )F        










Net asset value, end of period

   $ 31.80     $ 27.71     $ 47.42  










Total ReturnG,H,I

     14.90     (38.20 )%      1.26

Ratios to Average Net AssetsC,J,K



Expenses before reductions

     1.48     1.51     1.52 %L 

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

     1.47     1.50     1.51 %L 

Expenses net of all reductions

     1.47     1.50     1.51 %L 

Net investment income (loss)

     .50 %D       .15 %E       (.39 )%L 

Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $  3,070     $  1,392     $  2,234  

Portfolio turnover rateM

     23     34     38 %L,N 



For the period May 11, 2021 (commencement of sale of shares) through October 31, 2021.



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.11 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .17%.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.08 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been (.08)%.



Total distributions per share do not sum due to rounding.



Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Total returns do not include the effect of the sales charges.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.






Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).



The portfolio turnover rate does not include the assets acquired in the merger.


Prospectus   44  

Table of Contents



Fidelity Advisor® Emerging Markets Fund Class C  
Years ended October 31,      2023       2022       2021A  

Selected Per-Share Data


Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 27.59     $ 47.31     $ 46.83  










Income from Investment Operations


Net investment income (loss)B,C

     D,E       (.12 )F       (.19

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     3.95       (17.26     .67  










Total from investment operations

     3.95       (17.38     .48  










Distributions from net investment income


Distributions from net realized gain











Total distributions











Net asset value, end of period

   $ 31.54     $ 27.59     $ 47.31  










Total ReturnG,H,I

     14.32     (38.50 )%      1.02

Ratios to Average Net AssetsC,J,K



Expenses before reductions

     1.98     2.00     2.01 %L 

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

     1.98     2.00     2.01 %L 

Expenses net of all reductions

     1.97     2.00     2.01 %L 

Net investment income (loss)

     (.01 )%D      (.34 )%F      (.86 )%L 

Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $  1,768     $  1,377     $  1,587  

Portfolio turnover rateM

     23     34     38 %L,N 



For the period May 11, 2021 (commencement of sale of shares) through October 31, 2021.



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.11 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been (.34)%.



Amount represents less than $.005 per share.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.08 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been (.57)%.



Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Total returns do not include the effect of the contingent deferred sales charge.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.






Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).



The portfolio turnover rate does not include the assets acquired in the merger.


  45   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Appendix – continued


Fidelity Advisor® Emerging Markets Fund Class I  
Years ended October 31,      2023       2022       2021A  

Selected Per-Share Data


Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 27.83     $ 47.55     $ 46.83  










Income from Investment Operations


Net investment income (loss)B,C

     .36 D       .26 E       .04  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     3.97       (17.29     .68  










Total from investment operations

     4.33       (17.03     .72  










Distributions from net investment income

     (.27     (.53      

Distributions from net realized gain











Total distributions

     (.27     (2.69      










Net asset value, end of period

   $ 31.89     $ 27.83     $ 47.55  










Total ReturnF,G

     15.54     (37.81 )%      1.54

Ratios to Average Net AssetsC,H,I



Expenses before reductions

     .91     .89     .94 %J  

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

     .90     .89     .93 %J  

Expenses net of all reductions

     .90     .89     .93 %J  

Net investment income (loss)

     1.06 %D       .76 %E       .17 %J  

Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $  114,992     $  47,819     $  25,824  

Portfolio turnover rateK

     23     34     38 %J,L  



For the period May 11, 2021 (commencement of sale of shares) through October 31, 2021.



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.11 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .73%.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.08 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .53%.



Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.






Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).



The portfolio turnover rate does not include the assets acquired in the merger.


Prospectus   46  

Table of Contents



Fidelity Advisor® Emerging Markets Fund Class Z  
Years ended October 31,      2023       2022       2021A  

Selected Per-Share Data


Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 27.87     $ 47.59     $ 46.83  










Income from Investment Operations


Net investment income (loss)B,C

     .40 D       .32 E       (.03

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     3.97       (17.33     .79  










Total from investment operations

     4.37       (17.01     .76  










Distributions from net investment income

     (.28     (.55      

Distributions from net realized gain











Total distributions

     (.28     (2.71      










Net asset value, end of period

   $ 31.96     $ 27.87     $ 47.59  










Total ReturnF,G

     15.67     (37.74 )%      1.62

Ratios to Average Net AssetsC,H,I



Expenses before reductions

     .77     .77     .78 %J  

Expenses net of fee waivers, if any

     .76     .77     .78 %J  

Expenses net of all reductions

     .76     .77     .78 %J  

Net investment income (loss)

     1.20 %D       .88 %E       (.13 )%J  

Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $  1,611,575     $  1,306,539     $  1,797,766  

Portfolio turnover rateK

     23     34     38 %J,L  



For the period May 11, 2021 (commencement of sale of shares) through October 31, 2021.



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.



Net investment income (loss) is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Net investment income (loss) of any mutual funds or ETFs is not included in the Fund’s net investment income (loss) ratio.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.11 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .87%.



Net investment income per share reflects one or more large, non-recurring dividend(s) which amounted to $.08 per share. Excluding such non-recurring dividend(s), the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets would have been .66%.



Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.



Total returns would have been lower if certain expenses had not been reduced during the applicable periods shown.



Fees and expenses of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not included in the Fund’s expense ratio. The Fund indirectly bears its proportionate share of these expenses. For additional expense information related to investments in Fidelity Central Funds, please refer to the “Investments in Fidelity Central Funds” note found in the Notes to Financial Statements section of the most recent Annual or Semi-Annual report.



Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed, waived, or reduced through arrangements with the investment adviser, brokerage services, or other offset arrangements, if applicable, and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements, waivers or reductions occur.






Amount does not include the portfolio activity of any underlying mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).



The portfolio turnover rate does not include the assets acquired in the merger.


  47   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Appendix – continued


Additional Index Information

MSCI Emerging Markets Index is a market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure the investable equity market performance for global investors in emerging markets. Index returns are adjusted for tax withholding rates applicable to U.S. based mutual funds organized as Massachusetts business trusts.



Prospectus   48  

Table of Contents


Sales Charge Waiver Policies Applied by Certain Intermediaries


The following information applies to Class A shares purchases if you have an account with or otherwise purchase fund shares through Ameriprise Financial:

Shareholders purchasing fund shares through an Ameriprise Financial brokerage account are eligible for the following front-end sales charge waivers and discounts, which may differ from those disclosed elsewhere in this prospectus or SAI.

Class A Shares Front-End Sales Charge Waivers Available at Ameriprise Financial:

• Employer-sponsored retirement plans (e.g., 401(k) plans, 457 plans, employer-sponsored 403(b) plans, profit sharing and money purchase pension plans and defined benefit plans). For purposes of this provision, employer-sponsored retirement plans do not include SEP IRAs, Simple IRAs or SAR-SEPs.

• Shares purchased through reinvestment of capital gains distributions and dividend reinvestment when purchasing shares of the same fund (but not any other fund within the same fund family).

• Shares exchanged from Class C shares of the same fund in the month of or following the 7-year anniversary of the purchase date. To the extent that

this prospectus elsewhere provides for a waiver with respect to exchanges of Class C shares or conversion of Class C shares following a shorter holding period, that waiver will apply.

• Employees and registered representatives of Ameriprise Financial or its affiliates and their immediate family members.

• Shares purchased by or through qualified accounts (including IRAs, Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, 401(k)s, 403(b) TSCAs subject to ERISA and defined benefit plans) that are held by a covered family member, defined as an Ameriprise financial advisor and/or the advisor’s spouse, advisor’s lineal ascendant (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, great grandmother, great grandfather), advisor’s lineal descendant (son, step-son, daughter, step-daughter, grandson, granddaughter, great grandson, great granddaughter) or any spouse of a covered family member who is a lineal descendant.

• Shares purchased from the proceeds of redemptions within the same fund family, provided (1) the repurchase occurs within 90 days following the redemption, (2) the redemption and purchase occur in the same account, and (3) redeemed shares were subject to a front-end or deferred sales load (i.e., Rights of Reinstatement).

D.A. Davidson & Co. (D.A. Davidson)

Shareholders purchasing fund shares including existing fund shareholders through a D.A. Davidson platform or account, or through an introducing broker-dealer or independent registered



  49   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Appendix – continued


investment advisor for which D.A. Davidson provides trade execution, clearance, and/or custody services, will be eligible for the following sales charge waivers (front-end sales charge waivers and contingent deferred, or back-end, sales charge waivers) and discounts, which may differ from those disclosed elsewhere in this prospectus or a fund’s SAI.

Front-End Sales Charge Waivers on Class A Shares available at D.A. Davidson

• Shares purchased within the same fund family through a systematic reinvestment of capital gains and dividend distributions.

• Employees and registered representatives of D.A. Davidson or its affiliates and their family members as designated by D.A. Davidson.

• Shares purchased from the proceeds of redemptions within the same fund family, provided (1) the repurchase occurs within 90 days following the redemption, (2) the redemption and purchase occur in the same account, and (3) redeemed shares were subject to a front-end or deferred sales charge (known as Rights of Reinstatement).

• A shareholder in the fund’s Class C Shares will have their shares converted at net asset value to Class A Shares (or the appropriate share class) of the fund if the shares are no longer subject to a CDSC and the conversion is consistent with D.A. David-son’s policies and procedures.

CDSC Waivers on Class A and Class C Shares available at D.A. Davidson

• Death or disability of the shareholder.

• Shares sold as part of a systematic withdrawal plan as described in a fund’s prospectus.

• Return of excess contributions from an IRA account.

• Shares sold as part of a required minimum distribution for IRA or other qualifying retirement accounts pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code.

• Shares acquired through a right of reinstatement.

Front-end sales charge discounts available at D.A. Davidson: breakpoints, rights of accumulation and/or letters of intent

• Breakpoints as described in this prospectus.

• Rights of accumulation which entitle shareholders to breakpoint discounts will be automatically calculated based on the aggregated holding of fund family assets held by accounts within the purchaser’s household at D.A. Davidson. Eligible fund family assets not held at D.A. Davidson may be included in the calculation of rights of accumulation only if the shareholder notifies his or her financial advisor about such assets

• Letters of intent which allow for breakpoint discounts based on anticipated purchases within a fund family,



Prospectus   50  

Table of Contents


over a 13-month time period. Eligible fund family assets not held at D.A. Davidson may be included in the calculation of letters of intent only if the shareholder notifies his or her financial advisor about such assets.

Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P. (“Edward Jones”)

Policies Regarding Transactions Through Edward Jones

The following information has been provided by Edward Jones:

The following information supersedes prior information with respect to transactions and positions held in fund shares through an Edward Jones system. Clients of Edward Jones (also referred to as “shareholders”) purchasing fund shares on the Edward Jones commission and fee-based platforms are eligible only for the following sales charge discounts (also referred to as “breakpoints”) and waivers, which can differ from discounts and waivers described elsewhere in the mutual fund prospectus or SAI or through another broker-dealer. In all instances, it is the shareholder’s responsibility to inform Edward Jones at the time of purchase of any relationship, holdings of the fund family, or other facts qualifying the purchaser for discounts or waivers. Edward Jones can ask for documentation of such circumstance. Shareholders should contact Edward Jones if they have questions regarding their eligibility for these discounts and waivers.


• Breakpoint pricing, otherwise known as volume pricing, at dollar thresholds as described in the prospectus.

Rights of Accumulation (“ROA”):

• The applicable sales charge on a purchase of Class A shares is determined by taking into account all share classes (except certain money market funds and any assets held in group retirement plans) of the mutual fund family held by the shareholder or in an account grouped by Edward Jones with other accounts for the purpose of providing certain pricing considerations (“pricing groups”). If grouping assets as a shareholder, this includes all share classes held on the Edward Jones platform and/or held on another platform. The inclusion of eligible fund family assets in the ROA calculation is dependent on the shareholder notifying Edward Jones of such assets at the time of calculation. Money market funds are included only if such shares were sold with a sales charge at the time of purchase or acquired in exchange for shares purchased with a sales charge.

• The employer maintaining a SEP IRA plan and/or SIMPLE IRA plan may elect to establish or change ROA for the IRA accounts associated with the plan to a plan-level grouping as opposed to including all share classes at a shareholder or pricing group level.



  51   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Appendix – continued


• ROA is determined by calculating the higher of cost minus redemptions or market value (current shares x NAV).

Letter of Intent (“LOI”):

• Through a LOI, shareholders can receive the sales charge and breakpoint discounts for purchases shareholders intend to make over a 13-month period from the date Ed-ward Jones receives the LOI. The LOI is determined by calculating the higher of cost or market value of qualifying holdings at LOI initiation in combination with the value that the shareholder intends to buy over a 13-month period to calculate the front-end sales charge and any breakpoint discounts. Each purchase the shareholder makes during that 13-month period will receive the sales charge and breakpoint discount that applies to the total amount. The inclusion of eligible fund family assets in the LOI calculation is dependent on the shareholder notifying Edward Jones of such assets at the time of calculation. Purchases made before the LOI is received by Edward Jones are not adjusted under the LOI and will not reduce the sales charge previously paid. Sales charges will be adjusted if LOI is not met.

If the employer maintaining a SEP IRA plan and/or SIMPLE IRA plan has elected to establish or change ROA for the IRA accounts associated with the plan to a plan-level grouping, LOIs will also be at the plan-level and may only be established by the employer.

Sales Charge Waivers:

Sales charges are waived for the following shareholders and in the following situations:

• Associates of Edward Jones and its affiliates and other accounts in the same pricing group (as determined by Edward Jones under its policies and procedures) as the associate. This waiver will continue for the remainder of the associate’s life if the associate retires from Edward Jones in good-standing and remains in good standing pursuant to Edward Jones’ policies and procedures.

• Shares purchased in an Edward Jones fee-based program.

• Shares purchased through reinvestment of capital gains distributions and dividend reinvestment.

• Shares purchased from the proceeds of redeemed shares of the same fund family so long as the following conditions are met: the proceeds are from the sale of shares within 60 days of the purchase, the sale and purchase are made from a share class that charges a front load and one of the following:

• The redemption and repurchase occur in the same account.

• The redemption proceeds are used to process an: IRA contribution, excess contributions, conversion, recharacterizing of contributions, or distribution, and the repurchase is done in an account within the same Edward Jones grouping for ROA.



Prospectus   52  

Table of Contents


• Shares exchanged into Class A shares from another share class so long as the exchange is into the same fund and was initiated at the discretion of Edward Jones. Edward Jones is responsible for any remaining CDSC due to the fund company, if applicable. Any future purchases are subject to the applicable sales charge as disclosed in the prospectus.

• Exchanges from Class C shares to Class A shares of the same fund, generally, in the 84th month following the anniversary of the purchase date or earlier at the discretion of Edward Jones.

CDSC Waivers:

If the shareholder purchases shares that are subject to a CDSC and those shares are redeemed before the CDSC is expired, the shareholder is responsible to pay the CDSC except in the following conditions:

• The death or disability of the shareholder.

• Systematic withdrawals with up to 10% per year of the account value.

• Return of excess contributions from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA).

• Shares redeemed as part of a required minimum distribution for IRA and retirement accounts if the redemption is taken in or after the year the shareholder reaches qualified age based on applicable IRS regulations.

• Shares redeemed to pay Edward Jones fees or costs in such cases where the transaction is initiated by Edward Jones.

• Shares exchanged in an Edward Jones fee-based program.

• Shares acquired through NAV reinstatement.

• Shares redeemed at the discretion of Edward Jones for Minimums Balances, as described below.

Other Important Information Regarding Transactions Through Edward Jones

Minimum Purchase Amounts:

• Initial purchase minimum: $250

• Subsequent purchase minimum: none

Minimum Balances:

Edward Jones has the right to redeem at its discretion fund holdings with a balance of $250 or less. The following are examples of accounts that are not included in this policy:

• A fee-based account held on an Ed-ward Jones platform

• A 529 account held on an Edward Jones platform

• An account with an active systematic investment plan or LOI

Exchanging Share Classes:

• At any time it deems necessary, Ed-ward Jones has the authority to



  53   Prospectus

Table of Contents

Appendix – continued


exchange at NAV a shareholder’s holdings in a fund to Class A shares of the same fund.

Janney Montgomery Scott LLC (Janney)

If you purchase fund shares through a Janney brokerage account, you will be eligible for the following load waivers (front-end sales charge waivers and CDSC waivers) and discounts, which may differ from those disclosed elsewhere in a fund’s prospectus or SAI.

Front-end sales charge* waivers on Class A shares available at Janney:

• Shares purchased through reinvestment of capital gains distributions and dividend reinvestment when purchasing shares of the same fund (but not any other fund within the fund family).

• Shares purchased by employees and registered representatives of Janney or its affiliates and their family members as designated by Janney.

• Shares purchased from the proceeds of redemptions within the same fund family, provided (1) the repurchase occurs within ninety (90) days following the redemption, (2) the redemption and purchase occur in the same account, and (3) redeemed shares were subject to a front-end or deferred sales load (i.e., right of reinstatement).

• Employer-sponsored retirement plans (e.g., 401(k) plans, 457 plans, employer-sponsored 403(b) plans, profit sharing and money purchase pension plans and defined benefit

plans). For purposes of this provision, employer-sponsored retirement plans do not include SEP IRAs, Simple IRAs, SAR-SEPs or Keogh plans.

• Shares acquired through a right of reinstatement.

• Class C shares that are no longer subject to a CDSC and are converted to Class A shares of the same fund pursuant to Janney’s policies and procedures.

CDSC waivers on Class A and C shares available at Janney:

• Shares sold upon the death or disability of the shareholder.

• Shares sold as part of a systematic withdrawal plan as described in the fund’s prospectus.

• Shares sold in connection with a return of excess contributions from an IRA account.

• Shares sold as part of a required minimum distribution for IRA and retirement accounts if the redemption is taken in or after the year the shareholder reaches qualified age based on applicable IRS regulations.

• Shares sold to pay Janney fees but only if the transaction is initiated by Janney.

• Shares acquired through a right of reinstatement.

• Shares exchanged into the same share class of a different fund.



Prospectus   54  

Table of Contents


Front-end sales charge* discounts available at Janney: breakpoints, rights of accumulation, and/or letters of intent:

• Breakpoints as described in the fund’s prospectus.

• Rights of accumulation (ROA), which entitle shareholders to breakpoint discounts, will be automatically calculated based on the aggregated holding of fund family assets held by accounts within the purchaser’s household at Janney. Eligible fund family assets not held at Janney may be included in the ROA calculation only if the shareholder notifies his or her financial advisor about such assets.

• Letters of intent which allow for breakpoint discounts based on anticipated purchases within a fund family, over a 13-month time period. Eligible fund family assets not held at Janney Montgomery Scott may be included in the calculation of letters of intent only if the shareholder notifies his or her financial advisor about such assets.

*Also referred to as an “initial sales charge.”

J.P. Morgan Securities LLC

If you purchase or hold fund shares through an applicable J.P. Morgan Securities LLC brokerage account, you will be eligible for the following sales charge waivers (front-end sales charge waivers and CDSC, or back-end sales charge, waivers), share class conversion policy and discounts, which

may differ from those disclosed elsewhere in a fund’s prospectus or SAIs.

Front-end sales charge waivers on Class A shares available at J.P. Morgan Securities LLC

• Shares exchanged from Class C (i.e., level-load) shares that are no longer subject to a CDSC and are exchanged into Class A shares of the same fund pursuant to J.P. Morgan Securities LLC’s share class exchange policy.

• Qualified employer-sponsored defined contribution and defined benefit retirement plans, nonqualified deferred compensation plans, other employee benefit plans and trusts used to fund those plans. For purposes of this provision, such plans do not include SEP IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs, SAR-SEPs or 501(c)(3) accounts.

• Shares of funds purchased through J.P. Morgan Securities LLC Self-Directed Investing accounts.

• Shares purchased through rights of reinstatement.

• Shares purchased through reinvestment of capital gains distributions and dividend reinvestment when purchasing shares of the same fund (but not any other fund within the fund family).

• Shares purchased by employees and registered representatives of J.P. Morgan Securities LLC or its affiliates and their spouse or financial dependent as defined by J.P. Morgan Securities LLC.



  55   Prospectus

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Appendix – continued


Class C to Class A share conversion

• A shareholder in the fund’s Class C shares will have their shares converted to Class A shares (or the appropriate share class) of the same fund if the shares are no longer subject to a CDSC and the conversion is consistent with J.P. Morgan Securities LLC’s policies and procedures.

CDSC waivers on Class A and C shares available at J.P. Morgan Securities LLC

• Shares sold upon the death or disability of the shareholder.

• Shares sold as part of a systematic withdrawal plan as described in the fund’s prospectus.

• Shares purchased in connection with a return of excess contributions from an IRA account.

• Shares sold as part of a required minimum distribution for IRA and retirement accounts pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code.

• Shares acquired through a right of reinstatement.

Front-end load discounts available at J.P. Morgan Securities LLC: breakpoints, rights of accumulation & letters of intent

• Breakpoints as described in the prospectus.

• Rights of Accumulation (ROA) which entitle shareholders to breakpoint discounts as described in the fund’s prospectus will be automatically calculated based on the aggregated holding of fund family assets held by accounts within the purchaser’s household at J.P. Morgan Securities LLC. Eligible fund family assets not held at J.P. Morgan Securities LLC (including 529 program holdings, where applicable) may be included in the ROA calculation only if the shareholder notifies their financial advisor about such assets.

• Letters of Intent (LOI) which allow for breakpoint discounts based on anticipated purchases within a fund family, through J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, over a 13-month period of time (if applicable).

Merrill Lynch

Purchases or sales of front-end (i.e. Class A) or level-load (i.e., Class C) mutual fund shares through a Merrill platform or account will be eligible only for the following sales load waivers (front-end, contingent deferred, or back-end waivers) and discounts, which differ from those disclosed elsewhere in a fund’s prospectus. Purchasers will have to buy mutual fund shares directly from the mutual fund company or through another intermediary to be eligible for waivers or discounts not listed below

It is the client’s responsibility to notify Merrill at the time of purchase or sale of any relationship or other facts that qualify the transaction for a waiver or



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discount. A Merrill representative may ask for reasonable documentation of such facts and Merrill may condition the granting of a waiver or discount on the timely receipt of such documentation.

Additional information on waivers and discounts is available in the Merrill Sales Load Waiver and Discounts Supplement (the “Merrill SLWD Supplement”) and in the Mutual Fund Investing at Merrill pamphlet at ml.com/funds. Clients are encouraged to review these documents and speak with their financial advisor to determine whether a transaction is eligible for a waiver or discount.

Front-end Load Waivers Available at Merrill

• Shares of mutual funds available for purchase by employer-sponsored retirement, deferred compensation, and employee benefit plans (including health savings accounts) and trusts used to fund those plans provided the shares are not held in a commission-based brokerage account and shares are held for the benefit of the plan. For purposes of this provision, employer-sponsored retirement plans do not include SEP IRAs, Simple IRAs, SAR-SEPs or Keogh plans

• Shares purchased through a Merrill investment advisory program

• Brokerage class shares exchanged from advisory class shares due to the holdings moving from a Merrill investment advisory program to a Merrill brokerage account

• Shares purchased through the Merrill Edge Self-Directed platform

• Shares purchased through the systematic reinvestment of capital gains distributions and dividend reinvestment when purchasing shares of the same mutual fund in the same account

• Shares exchanged from level-load shares to front-end load shares of the same mutual fund in accordance with the description in the Merrill SLWD Supplement

• Shares purchased by eligible employees of Merrill or its affiliates and their family members who purchase shares in accounts within the employee’s Merrill Household (as defined in the Merrill SLWD Supplement)

• Shares purchased by eligible persons associated with the fund as defined in this prospectus (e.g. the fund’s officers or trustees)

• Shares purchased from the proceeds of a mutual fund redemption in front-end load shares provided (1) the repurchase is in a mutual fund within the same fund family; (2) the repurchase occurs within 90 calendar days from the redemption trade date, and (3) the redemption and purchase occur in the same account (known as Rights of Reinstatement). Automated transactions (i.e. systematic purchases and withdrawals) and purchases made after shares are automatically sold to pay Merrill’s account maintenance fees are not eligible for Rights of Reinstatement



  57   Prospectus

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Appendix – continued


CDSC Waivers on Front-end, Back-end, and Level Load Shares Available at Merrill

• Shares sold due to the client’s death or disability (as defined by Internal Revenue Code Section 22e(3))

• Shares sold pursuant to a systematic withdrawal program subject to Merrill’s maximum systematic withdrawal limits as described in the Merrill SLWD Supplement

• Shares sold due to return of excess contributions from an IRA account

• Shares sold as part of a required minimum distribution for IRA and retirement accounts due to the investor reaching the qualified age based on applicable IRS regulation

• Front-end or level-load shares held in commission-based, non-taxable retirement brokerage accounts (e.g. traditional, Roth, rollover, SEP IRAs, Simple IRAs, SAR-SEPs or Keogh plans) that are transferred to fee-based accounts or platforms and exchanged for a lower cost share class of the same mutual fund

Front-end Load Discounts Available at Merrill: Breakpoints, Rights of Accumulation & Letters of Intent

• Breakpoint discounts, as described in this prospectus, where the sales load is at or below the maximum sales load that Merrill permits to be assessed to a front-end load purchase, as described in the Merrill SLWD Supplement

• Rights of Accumulation (ROA), as described in the Merrill SLWD Supplement, which entitle clients to breakpoint discounts based on the aggregated holdings of mutual fund family assets held in accounts in their Merrill Household

• Letters of Intent (LOI), which allow for breakpoint discounts on eligible new purchases based on anticipated future eligible purchases within a fund family at Merrill, in accounts within your Merrill Household, as further described in the Merrill SLWD Supplement

Morgan Stanley

Shareholders purchasing fund shares through a Morgan Stanley Wealth Management transactional brokerage account are eligible only for the following front-end sales charge waivers with respect to Class A shares, which may differ from and may be more limited than those disclosed elsewhere in this prospectus or SAI.

Front-end Sales Charge Waivers on Class A Shares Available at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management:

• Employer-sponsored retirement plans (e.g., 401(k) plans, 457 plans, employer-sponsored 403(b) plans, profit sharing and money purchase pension plans and defined benefit plans). For purposes of this provision, employer-sponsored retirement plans do not include SEP IRAs, Simple IRAs, SAR-SEPs or Keogh plans



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• Morgan Stanley employee and employee-related accounts according to Morgan Stanley’s account linking rules

• Shares purchased through reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions when purchasing shares of the same fund

• Shares purchased through a Morgan Stanley self-directed brokerage account

• Class C (i.e., level-load) shares that are no longer subject to a contingent deferred sales charge and are converted to Class A shares of the same fund pursuant to Morgan Stanley Wealth Management’s share class conversion program

• Shares purchased from the proceeds of redemptions within the same fund family, provided (1) the repurchase occurs within 90 days following the redemption, (2) the redemption and purchase occur in the same account, and (3) redeemed shares were subject to a front-end or deferred sales charge

• Your financial intermediary, on your behalf, can also convert Class M shares to Class A shares of the same fund, without a sales charge and on a tax free basis, if they are held in a brokerage account.

E*TRADE Front-End Sales Charge Waiver

Shareholders purchasing fund shares through an E*TRADE self-directed brokerage account will be eligible for a waiver of the front-end sales charge with respect to Class A shares (or the

equivalent). This includes shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions.

Oppenheimer & Co. (OPCO)

Shareholders purchasing fund shares through an OPCO platform or account are eligible only for the following load waivers (front-end sales charge waivers and CDSC waivers) and discounts, which may differ from those disclosed elsewhere in a fund’s prospectus or SAI.

Front-end Sales Load Waivers on Class A Shares available at OPCO:

• Employer-sponsored retirement, deferred compensation and employee benefit plans (including health savings accounts) and trusts used to fund those plans, provided that the shares are not held in a commission-based brokerage account and shares are held for the benefit of the plan

• Shares purchased by or through a 529 Plan

• Shares purchased through an OPCO affiliated investment advisory program

• Shares purchased through reinvestment of capital gains distributions and dividend reinvestment when purchasing shares of the same fund (but not any other fund within the fund family)

• Shares purchased from the proceeds of redemptions within the same fund family, provided (1) the repurchase occurs within 90 days following the redemption, (2) the redemption and



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Appendix – continued


purchase occur in the same account, and (3) redeemed shares were subject to a front-end or deferred sales load (known as rights of reinstatement).

• A shareholder in the fund’s Class C shares will have their shares converted at net asset value to Class A shares (or the appropriate share class) of the fund if the shares are no longer subject to a CDSC and the conversion is in line with the policies and procedures of OPCO

• Employees and registered representatives of OPCO or its affiliates and their family members

• Directors or Trustees of the fund, and employees of the fund’s investment adviser or any of its affiliates, as described in this prospectus

CDSC Waivers on A, B and C Shares available at OPCO:

• Death or disability of the shareholder

• Shares sold as part of a systematic withdrawal plan as described in the fund’s prospectus

• Return of excess contributions from an IRA Account

• Shares sold as part of a required minimum distribution for IRA and retirement accounts due to the shareholder reaching the qualified age based on applicable IRS regulations as described in the prospectus

• Shares sold to pay OPCO fees but only if the transaction is initiated by OPCO

• Shares acquired through a right of reinstatement

Front-end Load Discounts Available at OPCO:

Breakpoints, Rights of Accumulation & Letters of Intent:

• Breakpoints as described in this prospectus.

• Rights of Accumulation (ROA) which entitle shareholders to breakpoint discounts will be automatically calculated based on the aggregated holding of fund family assets held by accounts within the purchaser’s household at OPCO. Eligible fund family assets not held at OPCO may be included in the ROA calculation only if the shareholder notifies his or her financial advisor about such assets.

PFS Investments Inc. (PFSI)

Policies Regarding Fund Purchases Held on the PSS Platform

The following information supersedes all prior information with respect to transactions and positions held in fund shares purchased through PFSI and held on the mutual fund platform of its affiliate, Primerica Shareholder Services (PSS). Clients of PFSI (also referred to as “shareholders”) purchasing fund shares on the PSS platform are eligible only for the following share classes, sales charge discounts (also referred to as “breakpoints”) and waivers, which can differ from share



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classes, discounts and waivers described elsewhere in this prospectus or the related SAI or through another broker-dealer. In all instances, it is the shareholder’s responsibility to inform PFSI at the time of a purchase of all holdings of Fidelity Advisor® funds on the PSS platform, or other facts qualifying the purchaser for discounts or waivers. PFSI may request reasonable documentation of such facts and condition the granting of any discount or waiver on the timely receipt of such documents. Shareholders should contact PSS if they have questions regarding their eligibility for these discounts and waivers.

Share Classes

• Class A shares are available to non-retirement accounts, individual retirement accounts (IRA), SEP IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs, Keogh Plans, and all other account types.

• Class C shares are available only to accounts with existing Class C share holdings.


• Breakpoint pricing at dollar thresholds as described in the prospectus of the fund you are purchasing.

Rights of Accumulation (ROA)

• The applicable sales charge on a purchase of Class A shares is determined by taking into account all share classes (except any assets held in

group retirement plans) of Fidelity Advisor® funds held by the shareholder on the PSS platform. The inclusion of eligible fund family assets in the ROA calculation is dependent on the shareholder notifying PFSI of such assets at the time of calculation. Shares of money market funds are included only if such shares were acquired in exchange for shares of another Fidelity Advisor® fund purchased with a sales charge. No shares of Fidelity Advisor® funds held by the shareholder away from the PSS platform will be granted ROA with shares of any Fidelity Advisor® fund purchased on the PSS platform.

• Any SEP IRA plan, any SIMPLE IRA plan or any Payroll Deduction plan (PDP) on the PSS platform will be defaulted to plan-level grouping for purposes of ROA, which allows each participating employee ROA with all other eligible shares held in plan accounts on the PSS platform. At any time, a participating employee may elect to exercise a one-time option to change grouping for purposes of ROA to shareholder-level grouping, which allows the plan account of the electing employee ROA with his/her other eligible holdings on the PSS platform, but not with all other eligible participant holdings in the plan. Eligible shares held in plan accounts electing shareholder-level grouping will not be available for purposes of ROA to plan accounts electing plan-level grouping.

• ROA is determined by calculating the higher of cost minus redemptions or current market value (current shares x NAV).



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Appendix – continued


Letter of Intent (LOI)

• By executing a LOI, shareholders can receive the sales charge and breakpoint discounts for purchases shareholders intend to make on the PSS platform over a 13-month period, beginning from the date PSS receives the LOI. The purchase price of the LOI is determined by calculating the higher of cost or market value of qualifying holdings at LOI initiation in combination with the dollar amount the shareholder intends to invest over a 13-month period to arrive at total investment for purposes of determining any breakpoint discount and the applicable front-end sales charge. Each purchase the shareholder makes during that 13-month period will receive the sales charge and breakpoint discount that applies to the projected total investment.

• Only holdings of Fidelity Advisor® funds on the PSS platform are eligible for inclusion in the LOI calculation and the shareholder must notify PFSI of all eligible assets at the time of calculation.

• Purchases made before the LOI is received by PSS are not adjusted under the LOI, and the LOI will not reduce any sales charge previously paid. Sales charges will be automatically adjusted if the total purchases required by the LOI are not met.

• If an employer maintaining a SEP IRA plan, SIMPLE IRA plan or non-IRA PDP on the PSS platform has elected to establish or change ROA for the accounts associated with the plan to a plan-level grouping, LOIs will also be at

the plan-level and may only be established by the employer. LOIs are not available to PDP IRA plans on the PSS platform with plan-level grouping for purposes of ROA but are available to any participating employee that elects shareholder-level grouping for purposes of ROA.

Sales Charge Waivers

Sales charges are waived for the following shareholders and in the following situations on the PSS platform:

• Shares purchased through reinvestment of capital gains distributions and dividend reinvestment.

• Shares purchased with the proceeds of redeemed shares of the same fund family so long as the following conditions are met: 1) the proceeds are from the sale of shares within 90 days of the purchase, 2) the sale and purchase are made in the same share class and the same account or the purchase is made in an individual retirement account with proceeds from liquidations in a non-retirement account, and 3) the redeemed shares were subject to a front-end or deferred sales load. Automated transactions (i.e., systematic purchases and withdrawals), full or partial transfers or rollovers of retirement accounts, and purchases made after shares are automatically sold to pay account maintenance fees are not eligible for this sales charge waiver.

• Shares exchanged into Class A shares from another share class so long as the exchange is into the same fund and was



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initiated at the discretion of PFSI. PFSI is responsible for any remaining CDSC due to the fund company, if applicable. Any future purchases are subject to the applicable sales charge as disclosed in the prospectus.

Raymond James & Associates, Inc., Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. and Each Entity’s Affiliates (Raymond James)

Intermediary-Defined Sales Charge Waiver Policies:

The availability of certain initial or deferred sales charge waivers and discounts may depend on the particular financial intermediary or type of account through which you purchase or hold fund shares. Intermediaries may have different policies and procedures regarding the availability of front-end sales load waivers or CDSC waivers, which are discussed below. In all instances, it is the purchaser’s responsibility to notify the fund or the purchaser’s financial intermediary at the time of purchase of any relationship or other facts qualifying the purchaser for sales charge waivers or discounts. For waivers and discounts not available through a particular intermediary, shareholders will have to purchase fund shares directly from the fund or through another intermediary to receive these waivers or discounts.

Shareholders purchasing fund shares through a Raymond James platform or account, or through an introducing broker-dealer or independent registered investment adviser for which Raymond

James provides trade execution, clearance, and/or custody services, will be eligible only for the following load waivers (front-end sales charge waivers and CDSC waivers) and discounts, which may differ from those disclosed elsewhere in a fund’s prospectus or SAI.

Front-end sales load waivers on Class A shares available at Raymond James

• Shares purchased in an investment advisory program.

• Shares purchased within the same fund family through a systematic reinvestment of capital gains and dividend distributions.

• Employees and registered representatives of Raymond James or its affiliates and their family members as designated by Raymond James.

• Shares purchased from the proceeds of redemptions within the same fund family, provided (1) the repurchase occurs within 90 days following the redemption, (2) the redemption and purchase occur in the same account, and (3) redeemed shares were subject to a front-end or deferred sales load (known as Rights of Reinstatement).

• A shareholder in the fund’s Class C shares will have their shares converted at NAV to Class A shares (or the appropriate share class) of the fund if the shares are no longer subject to a CDSC and the conversion is in line with the policies and procedures of Raymond James.



  63   Prospectus

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Appendix – continued


CDSC Waivers on Classes A, B and C shares available at Raymond James:

• Death or disability of the shareholder.

• Shares sold as part of a systematic withdrawal plan as described in the fund’s prospectus.

• Return of excess contributions from an IRA Account.

• Shares sold as part of a required minimum distribution for IRA and retirement accounts due to the shareholder reaching the qualified age based on applicable IRS regulations as described in the fund’s prospectus.

• Shares sold to pay Raymond James fees but only if the transaction is initiated by Raymond James.

• Shares acquired through a right of reinstatement.

Front-end load discounts available at Raymond James: breakpoints, rights of accumulation, and/or letters of intent:

• Breakpoints as described in this prospectus.

• Rights of accumulation which entitle shareholders to breakpoint discounts will be automatically calculated based on the aggregated holding of fund family assets held by accounts within the purchaser’s household at Raymond James. Eligible fund family assets not held at Raymond James may be included in the calculation of rights of accumulation only if the shareholder

notifies his or her financial advisor about such assets.

• Letters of intent which allow for breakpoint discounts based on anticipated purchases within a fund family, over a 13-month time period. Eligible fund family assets not held at Raymond James may be included in the calculation of letters of intent only if the shareholder notifies his or her financial advisor about such assets.

Robert W. Baird & Co. (Baird)

Shareholders purchasing fund shares through a Baird platform or account will only be eligible for the following sales charge waivers (front-end sales charge waivers and CDSC waivers) and discounts, which may differ from those disclosed elsewhere in this prospectus or the SAI.

Front-End Sales Charge Waivers on A-shares Available at Baird:

• Shares purchased through reinvestment of capital gains distributions and dividend reinvestment when purchasing shares of the same fund

• Shares purchased by employees and registered representatives of Baird or its affiliate and their family members as designated by Baird

• Shares purchased from the proceeds of redemptions from a fund of the fund family, provided (1) the repurchase occurs within 90 days following the redemption, (2) the redemption and purchase occur in the same accounts, and (3) redeemed shares were



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subject to a front-end or deferred sales charge (known as rights of reinstatement)

• A shareholder in a fund’s C Shares will have their shares converted at NAV to A shares of the fund if the shares are no longer subject to CDSC and the conversion is in line with the policies and procedures of Baird

• Employer-sponsored retirement plans or charitable accounts in a transactional brokerage account at Baird, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, employer-sponsored 403(b) plans, profit sharing and money purchase pension plans and defined benefit plans. For purposes of this provision, employer-sponsored retirement plans do not include SEP IRAs, Simple IRAs or SAR-SEPs

CDSC Waivers on A and C shares Available at Baird:

• Shares sold due to death or disability of the shareholder

• Shares sold as part of a systematic withdrawal plan as described in a fund’s prospectus

• Shares sold due to returns of excess contributions from an IRA Account

• Shares sold as part of a required minimum distribution for IRA and retirement accounts if the redemption is taken in or after the year the shareholder reaches qualified age based on applicable IRS regulations

• Shares sold to pay Baird fees but only if the transaction is initiated by Baird

• Shares acquired through a right of reinstatement

Front-End Sales Charge Discounts Available at Baird: Breakpoints and/or Rights of Accumulations:

• Breakpoints as described in this prospectus

• Rights of accumulation which entitle shareholders to breakpoint discounts will be automatically calculated based on the aggregated holding of Fidelity Advisor® funds held by accounts within the purchaser’s household at Baird. Eligible Fidelity Advisor® funds not held at Baird may be included in the rights of accumulations calculation only if the shareholder notifies his or her financial advisor about such assets

• Letters of Intent (LOI) allow for breakpoint discounts based on anticipated purchases of Fidelity Advisor® funds through Baird, over a 13-month period of time

Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated (Stifel)

Front-end Sales Load Waiver on Class A Shares:

Shareholders who purchase fund shares through a Stifel platform or account or who own shares for which Stifel or an affiliate is the broker-dealer of record and who are invested in Class C shares will have their shares converted at NAV to Class A shares (or the appropriate share class) of the fund if the shares are no longer subject



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Appendix – continued


to a CDSC and the conversion is in line with the policies and procedures of Stifel.

US Bancorp Investments, Inc. (USBI)

Front-end Sales Load Waiver on Class A Shares: Shareholders who purchase fund shares through a USBI platform or account or who own shares for which USBI or an affiliate is the broker-dealer of record, including shares in an omnibus account, and who are invested in Class C shares will have their shares converted at NAV to Class A shares (or the appropriate share class) of the fund if the shares are no longer subject to a CDSC and the conversion is in line with the policies and procedures of USBI.



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To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (USA PATRIOT ACT), re- quires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person or entity that opens an account.

For individual investors opening an account: When you open an account, you will be asked for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow Fidelity to identify you. You may also be asked to provide documents that may help to establish your identity, such as your driver’s license.

For investors other than individuals: When you open an account, you will be asked for the name of the entity, its principal place of business and taxpayer identification number (TIN). You will be asked to provide information about the entity’s control person and beneficial owners, and person(s) with authority over the account, including name, address, date of birth and social security number. You may also be asked to provide documents, such as drivers’ li- censes, articles of incorporation, trust instruments or partnership agreements and other information that will help Fidelity identify the entity.

You can obtain additional information about the fund. A description of the fund’s policies and procedures for disclosing its holdings is available in its Statement of Additional Information (SAI) and on Fidelity’s web sites. The SAI also includes more detailed information about the fund and its investments. The SAI is incorporated herein by reference (legally forms a part of the prospectus). The fund’s annual and semi-annual reports also include additional information. The fund’s annual report includes a discussion of the fund’s holdings and recent market conditions and the fund’s investment strategies that affected performance.

For a free copy of any of these documents or to request other information or ask questions about the fund, call Fidelity at 1-877-208-0098. In addition, you may visit Fidelity’s web site at institutional.fidelity.com for a free copy of a prospectus, SAI, or annual or semi-annual report or to request other information.


The SAI, the fund’s annual and semi-annual reports and other related materials are available from the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) Database on the SEC’s web site (http://www.sec.gov). You can obtain copies of this information, after paying a duplicating fee, by sending a request by e-mail to publicinfo@sec.gov or by writing the Public Reference Section of the SEC, Washing-ton, D.C. 20549-1520. You can also review and copy information about the fund, including the fund’s SAI, at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. Call 1-202-551-8090 for information on the operation of the SEC’s Public Reference Room.

Investment Company Act of 1940, File Number(s), 811-04008

Fidelity Distributors Company LLC (FDC) is a member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC). You may obtain information about SIPC, including the SIPC brochure, by visiting www.sipc.org or calling SIPC at 202-371-8300.

Fidelity, the Fidelity Investments Logo and all other Fidelity trademarks or service marks used herein are trademarks or service marks of FMR LLC. Any third-party marks that are used herein are trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. © 2023 FMR LLC. All rights reserved.


1.9901133.104    AEMF-PRO-1223

Table of Contents

Fidelity Latin America Fund

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund

(Series of Fidelity Investment Trust)



May 20, 2024

This Statement of Additional Information (SAI) relates to the proposed acquisition of Fidelity Latin America Fund by Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, each a series of Fidelity Investment Trust. This SAI contains information that may be of interest to shareholders, but which is not included in the Proxy Statement which relates to the Reorganization. As described in the Proxy Statement, Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund will acquire all of the assets of Fidelity Latin America Fund and assume all of Fidelity Latin America Fund’s liabilities, in exchange solely for corresponding shares of beneficial interest in Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund.

This SAI is not a prospectus and should be read in conjunction with the Proxy Statement. The Proxy Statement has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and may be obtained, without charge, from Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, 900 Salem Street, Smithfield, RI 02917.

This SAI consists of this cover page and the following described documents, each of which is incorporated herein by reference:



The Prospectus (Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund – Retail Class; Fidelity Latin America Fund – Retail Class) of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund and Fidelity Latin America Fund dated December  30, 2023, as supplemented, which was previously filed via EDGAR (Accession No. 0000744822-23-000158).




The Statement of Additional Information (Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund – Retail Class; Fidelity Latin America Fund – Retail Class) of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund and Fidelity Latin America Fund dated December  30, 2023, as supplemented, which was previously filed via EDGAR (Accession No. 0000744822-23-000158).




The Prospectus (Class A, Class M, Class C, Class I, and Class Z) of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund dated December 30, 2023, as supplemented, which was previously filed via EDGAR (Accession No. 0000744822-23-000158).




The Prospectus (Class A, Class M, Class C, Class I, and Class Z) of Fidelity Latin America Fund dated December 30, 2023, as supplemented, which was previously filed via EDGAR (Accession No. 0000744822-23-000158). 




The Statement of Additional Information (Class A, Class M, Class C, Class I, and Class Z) of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund and Fidelity Latin America Fund dated December  30, 2023, as supplemented, which was previously filed via EDGAR (Accession No. 0000744822-23-000158).


Table of Contents

The Financial Statements included in the Annual Report of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2023, which were previously filed via EDGAR (Accession No. 0000744822-23-000148).




The Financial Statements included in the Annual Report of Fidelity Latin America Fund for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2023, which were previously filed via EDGAR (Accession No. 0000744822-23-000148).




The Unaudited Financial Statements included in the Semiannual Report of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund for the fiscal period ended April 30, 2023 which were previously filed via EDGAR (Accession No. 0000744822-23-000056).




The Unaudited Financial Statements included in the Semiannual Report of Fidelity Latin America Fund for the fiscal period ended April 30, 2023 which were previously filed via EDGAR (Accession No. 0000744822-23-000056).




A table showing the fees of the Acquired Fund and the Acquiring Fund, and the fees and expenses of the Acquiring Fund on a pro forma basis after giving effect to the proposed Reorganization, is included in the “Annual Fund and Class Operating Expenses” section of the Prospectus/Proxy Statement.

The Reorganization will not result in a material change to the Acquired Fund’s investment portfolio due to the investment restrictions of the Acquiring Fund. In particular, each security held by the Acquired Fund is eligible to be held by the Acquiring Fund. As a result, a schedule of investments of the Acquired Fund modified to show the effects of the change is not required and is not included. Notwithstanding the foregoing, changes may be made to the Acquired Fund’s portfolio in advance of the Reorganization and/or the Acquiring Fund’s portfolio following the Reorganization.

There are no material differences between the accounting and valuation policies of the Acquired Fund and those of the Acquiring Fund.

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Item 15. Indemnification

Article XI, Section 2 of the Declaration of Trust sets forth the reasonable and fair means for determining whether indemnification shall be provided to any past or present Trustee or officer. It states that the Trust shall indemnify any present or past trustee or officer to the fullest extent permitted by law against liability, and all expenses reasonably incurred by him or her in connection with any claim, action, suit or proceeding in which he or she is involved by virtue of his or her service as a trustee or officer and against any amount incurred in settlement thereof. Indemnification will not be provided to a person adjudged by a court or other adjudicatory body to be liable to the Trust or its shareholders by reason of willful misfeasance, bad faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard of his or her duties (collectively, “disabling conduct”), or not to have acted in good faith in the reasonable belief that his or her action was in the best interest of the Trust. In the event of a settlement, no indemnification may be provided unless there has been a determination, as specified in the Declaration of Trust, that the officer or trustee did not engage in disabling conduct.

Pursuant to Section 11 of the Distribution Agreement, the Trust agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Distributor and each of its directors and officers and each person, if any, who controls the Distributor within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act against any loss, liability, claim, damages or expense (including the reasonable cost of investigating or defending any alleged loss, liability, claim, damages, or expense and reasonable counsel fees incurred in connection therewith) arising by reason of any person acquiring any shares, based upon the ground that the registration statement, Prospectus, Statement of Additional Information, shareholder reports or other information filed or made public by the Trust (as from time to time amended) included an untrue statement of a material fact or omitted to state a material fact required to be stated or necessary in order to make the statements not misleading under the 1933 Act, or any other statute or the common law. However, the Trust does not agree to indemnify the Distributor or hold it harmless to the extent that the statement or omission was made in reliance upon, and in conformity with, information furnished to the Trust by or on behalf of the Distributor. In no case is the indemnity of the Trust in favor of the Distributor or any person indemnified to be deemed to protect the Distributor or any person against any liability to the Issuer or its security holders to which the Distributor or such person would otherwise be subject by reason of willful misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence in the performance of its duties or by reason of its reckless disregard of its obligations and duties under this Agreement.

Pursuant to the agreement by which Fidelity Investments Institutional Operations Company LLC (“FIIOC”) is appointed transfer agent, the Registrant agrees to indemnify and hold FIIOC harmless against any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses (including reasonable counsel fees and expenses) resulting from:

(1)   any claim, demand, action or suit brought by any person other than the Registrant, including by a shareholder, which names FIIOC and/or the Registrant as a party and is not based on and does not result from FIIOC’s willful misfeasance, bad faith or negligence or reckless disregard of duties, and arises out of or in connection with FIIOC’s performance under the Transfer Agency Agreement; or

(2)   any claim, demand, action or suit (except to the extent contributed to by FIIOC’s willful misfeasance, bad faith or negligence or reckless disregard of duties) which results from the negligence of the Registrant, or from FIIOC’s acting upon any instruction(s) reasonably believed by it to have been executed or communicated by any person duly authorized by the Registrant, or as a result of FIIOC’s acting in reliance upon advice reasonably believed by FIIOC to have been given by counsel for the Registrant, or as a result of FIIOC’s acting in reliance upon any instrument or stock certificate reasonably believed by it to have been genuine and signed, countersigned or executed by the proper person.

Insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising under the Securities Act of 1933 may be permitted to directors, officers or persons controlling the Registrant, the Registrant has been informed that in the opinion of the Securities and Exchange Commission such indemnification is against public policy as expressed in the Act and is therefore unenforceable.

Item 16. Exhibits


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Amendment to the Declaration of Trust, dated October 14, 2004, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (a)(2) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 90.


Amendment to the Declaration of Trust, dated December 13, 2007, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (a)(2) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 105.


Bylaws of the Trust, as amended and dated June 17, 2004, are incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (b) of Fidelity Summer Street Trust’s (File No. 002-58542) Post-Effective Amendment No. 63.

(3)    Not applicable.

Agreement and Plan of Reorganization between Fidelity Investment Trust: Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Investment Trust: Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund is filed herein as Exhibit 2 to the Proxy Statement and Prospectus.


Articles III, X, and XI of the Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust, dated March 14, 2001, are incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (a)(1) of Post- Effective Amendment No. 82Article XII of the Certificate of Amendment to the Declaration of Trust, dated October  14, 2004, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (a)(2) of Post- Effective Amendment No. 90;  Article VIII of the Certificate of Amendment to the Declaration of Trust, dated December  13, 2007, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (a)(2) of Post- Effective Amendment No. 105;  and Articles IV and V of the Bylaws of the Trust, as amended and dated June 17, 2004, are incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (b)  of Fidelity Summer Street Trust’s (File No.002- 58542) Post-Effective No. 63.

   (1)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January 1, 2020, between Fidelity Canada Fund and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(1) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (2)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January 1, 2020, between Fidelity China Region Fund and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(2) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (3)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January 1, 2020, between Fidelity Diversified International Fund and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(3) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (4)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January 1, 2020, between Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(4) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (5)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January 1, 2020, between Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(5) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (6)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January 1, 2020, between Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(7) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (7)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January 1, 2020, between Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(8) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (8)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated February  1, 2022, between Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(8) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 195.

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   (9)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January 1, 2020, between Fidelity Europe Fund and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(10) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (10)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(12) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (11)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(13) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (12)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(14) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (13)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(15) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (14)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January 1, 2020, between Fidelity Infrastructure Fund and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(16) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (15)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity International Discovery Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(17) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (16)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(18) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (17)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity International Growth Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(19) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (18)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity International Small Cap Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(20) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (19)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(21) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (20)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity International Value Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(22) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (21)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January 1, 2020, between Fidelity Japan Fund and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(21) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 204.
   (22)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(24) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (23)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January 1, 2020, between Fidelity Latin America Fund and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(25) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

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   (24)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January 1, 2020, between Fidelity Nordic Fund and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(26) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (25)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January 1, 2020, between Fidelity Overseas Fund and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(27) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (26)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January 1, 2020, between Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(28) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (27)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(29) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (28)    Management Contract, dated January  19, 2022, between Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(29) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 195.
   (29)    Management Contract, dated January  19, 2022, between Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(30) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 195.
   (30)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January 1, 2020, between Fidelity Series Canada Fund and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(30) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (31)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(31) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (32)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(32) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (33)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Series International Growth Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(33) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (34)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(34) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (35)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Series International Value Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(35) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (36)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Series Overseas Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(36) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (37)    Management Contract, dated July 20, 2022, between Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(37) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 197.
   (38)    Management Contract, dated January  18, 2023, between Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(38) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 202.

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   (39)    Management Contract, dated January  18, 2023, between Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC, , is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(39) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 202.
   (40)    Management Contract, dated October  20, 2021, between Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(38) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 194.
   (41)    Management Contract, dated October 20, 2021, between Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(39) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 194.
   (42)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(37) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (43)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Total International Equity Fund and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(38) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (44)    Amended and Restated Management Contract, dated January 1, 2020, between Fidelity Worldwide Fund and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(39) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (45)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity Canada Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(40) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (46)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity Canada Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(41) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (47)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity China Region Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(42) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (48)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity China Region Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(43) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (49)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity Diversified International Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(45) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (50)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity Diversified International Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(46) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (51)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(48) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (52)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(49) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (53)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(54) of Post-Effective Amendment No.  187.

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   (54)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(55) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (55)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(57) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (56)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(58) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (57)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity Europe Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(60) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (58)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity Europe Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(61) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (59)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(62) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (60)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(63) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (61)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(65) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (62)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited on behalf of Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(66) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (63)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(68) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (64)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(69) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (65)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC on behalf Fidelity International Discovery Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(71) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

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Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity International Discovery Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(72) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

   (67)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity International Growth Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(74) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (68)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity International Growth Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(75) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (69)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity International Small Cap Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(77) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (70)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity International Small Cap Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(78) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (71)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(80) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (72)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(81) of Post-Effective Amendment No.  187.
   (73)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity International Value Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(83) of Post-Effective Amendment No.  187.
   (74)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity International Value Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(84) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (75)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity Japan Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(86) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (76)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity Japan Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(87) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (77)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(89) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (78)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(90) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

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   (79)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity Latin America Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(92) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (80)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity Latin America Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(93) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (81)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity Nordic Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(94) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (82)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity Nordic Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(95) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (83)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity Overseas Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(96) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (84)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity Overseas Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(97) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (85)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(99) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (86)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(100) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (87)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(102) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (88)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited on behalf of Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(103) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (89)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity Total International Equity Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(105) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (90)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity Total International Equity Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(106) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (91)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC on behalf of Fidelity Worldwide Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(108) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

Table of Contents
   (92)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited and FIL Investment Advisors on behalf of Fidelity Worldwide Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(109) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (93)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC and Fidelity Management  & Research (Hong Kong) Limited, on behalf of Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund, Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund, and Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(43) of Fidelity Concord Street Trust’s (File No. 033-15983) Post-Effective Amendment No. 145.
   (94)    Schedule B to the Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC and Fidelity Management  & Research (Hong Kong) Limited, on behalf of Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund, Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund, and Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(9) of Fidelity Mt. Vernon Street Trust’s (File No. 002-79755) Post-Effective Amendment No. 95.
   (95)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC and Fidelity Management  & Research (Hong Kong) Limited, on behalf of Fidelity Canada Fund, Fidelity China Region Fund, Fidelity Diversified International Fund, Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund, Fidelity Europe Fund, Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund, Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund, Fidelity Infrastructure Fund, Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund, Fidelity International Discovery Fund, Fidelity International Growth Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund, Fidelity International Value Fund, Fidelity Japan Fund, Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund, Fidelity Latin America Fund, Fidelity Nordic Fund, Fidelity Overseas Fund, Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund, Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund, Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Total International Equity Fund, and Fidelity Worldwide Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(21) of Fidelity Advisor Series I’s (File No. 002-84776) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 235.
   (96)    Schedule A to the Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC and Fidelity Management  & Research (Hong Kong) Limited, on behalf of Fidelity Canada Fund, Fidelity China Region Fund, Fidelity Diversified International Fund, Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund, Fidelity Europe Fund, Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund, Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund, Fidelity Infrastructure Fund, Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund, Fidelity International Discovery Fund, Fidelity International Growth Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund, Fidelity International Value Fund, Fidelity Japan Fund, Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund, Fidelity Latin America Fund, Fidelity Nordic Fund, Fidelity Overseas Fund, Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund, Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund, Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Total International Equity Fund, and Fidelity Worldwide Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(4) of Fidelity Destiny Portfolios’ (File No. 002-34099) Post-Effective Amendment No. 107.
   (97)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC and Fidelity Management  & Research (Hong Kong) Limited, on behalf of Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund, Fidelity Series Canada Fund, Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund, Fidelity Series International Growth Fund, Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity Series International Value Fund, Fidelity Series Overseas Fund, Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund, and Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-US Developed Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(23) of Fidelity Advisor Series I’s (File No. 002-84776) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 235.

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   (98)    Schedule B to the Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC and Fidelity Management  & Research (Hong Kong) Limited, on behalf of Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund, Fidelity Series Canada Fund, Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund, Fidelity Series International Growth Fund, Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity Series International Value Fund, Fidelity Series Overseas Fund, Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund, and Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(45) of Fidelity Concord Street Trust’s (File No. 033-15983) Post-Effective Amendment No. 166.
   (99)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC and Fidelity Management  & Research (Japan) Limited, on behalf of Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund, Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund, and Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(51) of Fidelity Concord Street Trust’s (File No. 033-15983) Post-Effective Amendment No. 145.
   (100)    Schedule B to the Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC and Fidelity Management  & Research (Japan) Limited, on behalf of Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund, Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund, and Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(15) of Fidelity Mt. Vernon Street Trust’s (File No. 002-79755) Post-Effective Amendment No. 95.
   (101)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC and Fidelity Management  & Research (Japan) Limited, on behalf of Fidelity Canada Fund, Fidelity China Region Fund, Fidelity Diversified International Fund, Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund, Fidelity Europe Fund, Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund, Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund, Fidelity Infrastructure Fund, Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund, Fidelity International Discovery Fund, Fidelity International Growth Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund, Fidelity International Value Fund, Fidelity Japan Fund, Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund, Fidelity Latin America Fund, Fidelity Nordic Fund, Fidelity Overseas Fund, Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund, Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund, Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Total International Equity Fund, and Fidelity Worldwide Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(25) of Fidelity Advisor Series I’s (File No. 002-84776) Post-Effective Amendment No. 235.
   (102)    Schedule A to the Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC and Fidelity Management  & Research (Japan) Limited, on behalf of Fidelity Canada Fund, Fidelity China Region Fund, Fidelity Diversified International Fund, Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund, Fidelity Europe Fund, Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund, Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund, Fidelity Infrastructure Fund, Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund, Fidelity International Discovery Fund, Fidelity International Growth Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund, Fidelity International Value Fund, Fidelity Japan Fund, Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund, Fidelity Latin America Fund, Fidelity Nordic Fund, Fidelity Overseas Fund, Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund, Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund, Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Total International Equity Fund, and Fidelity Worldwide Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(6) of Fidelity Destiny Portfolios’ (File No. 002-34099) Post-Effective Amendment No. 107.

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   (103)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC and Fidelity Management  & Research (Japan) Limited, on behalf of Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund, Fidelity Series Canada Fund, Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund, Fidelity Series International Growth Fund, Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity Series International Value Fund, Fidelity Series Overseas Fund, Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund, and Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-US Developed Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(27) of Fidelity Advisor Series I’s (File No. 002-84776) Post-Effective Amendment No. 235.
   (104)    Schedule B to the Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC and Fidelity Management  & Research (Japan) Limited, on behalf of Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund, Fidelity Series Canada Fund, Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund, Fidelity Series International Growth Fund, Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity Series International Value Fund, Fidelity Series Overseas Fund, Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund, and Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(51) of Fidelity Concord Street Trust’s (File No. 033-15983) Post-Effective Amendment No. 166.
   (105)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC and FMR Investment Management (UK) Limited, on behalf of Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund, Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund, and Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(59) of Fidelity Concord Street Trust’s (File No. 033-15983) Post-Effective Amendment No. 145.
   (106)    Schedule B to the Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC and FMR Investment Management (UK) Limited, on behalf of Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund, Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund, and Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(21) of Fidelity Mt. Vernon Street Trust’s (File No. 002-79755) Post-Effective Amendment No. 95.
   (107)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC and FMR Investment Management (UK) Limited, on behalf of Fidelity Canada Fund, Fidelity China Region Fund, Fidelity Diversified International Fund, Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund, Fidelity Europe Fund, Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund, Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund, Fidelity Infrastructure Fund, Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund, Fidelity International Discovery Fund, Fidelity International Growth Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund, Fidelity International Value Fund, Fidelity Japan Fund, Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund, Fidelity Latin America Fund, Fidelity Nordic Fund, Fidelity Overseas Fund, Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund, Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund, Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Total International Equity Fund, and Fidelity Worldwide Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(29) of Fidelity Advisor Series I’s (File No. 002-84776) Post-Effective Amendment No. 235.

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   (108)    Schedule A to the Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC and FMR Investment Management (UK) Limited, on behalf of Fidelity Canada Fund, Fidelity China Region Fund, Fidelity Diversified International Fund, Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund, Fidelity Europe Fund, Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund, Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund, Fidelity Infrastructure Fund, Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund, Fidelity International Discovery Fund, Fidelity International Growth Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund, Fidelity International Value Fund, Fidelity Japan Fund, Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund, Fidelity Latin America Fund, Fidelity Nordic Fund, Fidelity Overseas Fund, Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund, Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Total International Equity Fund, and Fidelity Worldwide Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(8) of Fidelity Destiny Portfolios’ (File No. 002-34099) Post-Effective Amendment No. 107.
   (109)    Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January 1, 2020, between Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC and FMR Investment Management (UK) Limited, on behalf of Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund, Fidelity Series Canada Fund, Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund, Fidelity Series International Growth Fund, Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity Series International Value Fund, Fidelity Series Overseas Fund, Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund, and Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(31) of Fidelity Advisor Series I’s (File No. 002-84776) Post-Effective Amendment No. 235.

Schedule B to the Amended and Restated Sub-Advisory Agreement, dated January 1, 2020, between Fidelity Management  & Research Company LLC and FMR Investment Management (UK) Limited, on behalf of Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund, Fidelity Series Canada Fund, Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund, Fidelity Series International Growth Fund, Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity Series International Value Fund, Fidelity Series Overseas Fund, Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund, Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund, and Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (d)(57) of Fidelity Concord Street Trust’s (File No. 033-15983) Post-Effective Amendment No. 166.

   (1)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Canada Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(1) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (2)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity China Region Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(2) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (3)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Diversified International Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(3) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

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   (4)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(4) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (5)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(5) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (6)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(7) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (7)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(8) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (8)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(9) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (9)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Europe Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(10) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (10)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(12) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (11)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(13) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (12)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Infrastructure Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(14) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (13)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(15) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (14)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(16) of Post-Effective Amendment No.  187.
   (15)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity International Discovery Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(17) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (16)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(18) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

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   (17)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity International Growth Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(19) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (18)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity International Small Cap Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(20) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (19)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(21) of Post-Effective Amendment No.  187.
   (20)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity International Value Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(22) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (21)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Japan Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(23) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (22)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(24) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (23)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Latin America Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(25) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (24)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Nordic Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(26) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (25)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Overseas Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(27) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (26)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(28) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (27)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(29) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (28)    General Distribution Agreement, dated January  19, 2022, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributions Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(29) of Post-Effective Amendment No.  195.

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   (29)    General Distribution Agreement, dated January  19, 2022, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributions Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(30) of Post-Effective Amendment No.  195.
   (30)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Series Canada Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(30) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (31)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(31) of Post-Effective Amendment No.  187.
   (32)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(32) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (33)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Series International Growth Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(33) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (34)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(34) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (35)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Series International Value Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(35) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (36)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Series Overseas Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(36) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (37)    General Distribution Agreement, dated July  20, 2022, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(37) of Post-Effective Amendment No.  197.
   (38)    General Distribution Agreement, dated January  18, 2023, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(38) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 202.
   (39)    General Distribution Agreement, dated January  18, 2023, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund, , is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(38) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 202.
   (40)    General Distribution Agreement, dated October  20, 2021, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributions Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(38) of Post-Effective Amendment No.  194.
   (41)    General Distribution Agreement, dated October  20, 2021, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributions Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(39) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 194.

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   (42)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(37) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (43)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Total International Equity Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(38) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (44)    Amended and Restated General Distribution Agreement, dated January  1, 2020, between Fidelity Investment Trust and Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, on behalf of Fidelity Worldwide Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(39) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (45)    Form of Selling Dealer Agreement (most recently revised August 2020), is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(78) of Fidelity Salem Street Trust’s (File No. 002-41839) Post-Effective Amendment No. 533.
   (46)    Form of Bank Agency Agreement (most recently revised August 2020), is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (e)(79) of Fidelity Salem Street Trust’s (File No. 002-41839) Post-Effective Amendment No. 533.
(8)    Amended and Restated Fee Deferral Plan of the Non-Interested Person Trustees of the Fidelity Equity and High Income Funds effective as of September 15, 1995, as amended and restated as of March 1, 2018, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (f) of Fidelity Commonwealth Trust’s (File No. 002-52322) Post-Effective Amendment No. 150.
   (1)    Custodian Agreement, dated January  1, 2007, between The Bank of New York (currently known as The Bank of New York Mellon) and Fidelity Investment Trust on behalf of Fidelity Diversified International Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund, and Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (g)(1) of Fidelity Advisor Series IV’s (File No. 002-83672) Post-Effective Amendment No. 88.
   (2)    Custodian Agreement, dated January 1, 2007, between Brown Brothers Harriman  & Company and Fidelity Investment Trust on behalf of Fidelity China Region Fund, Fidelity Latin America Fund, Fidelity Nordic Fund, Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund, and Fidelity Series Overseas Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (g)(1) of Fidelity Advisor Series I’s (File No. 002-84776) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 72.
   (3)    Custodian Agreement, dated May  23, 2019, between Citibank, N.A. and Fidelity Investment Trust on behalf of Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund, Fidelity Japan Fund, Fidelity Overseas Fund, Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund, and Fidelity Worldwide Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (g)(3) of Fidelity Salem Street Trust’s (File No. 002-41839) Post-Effective Amendment No. 482.
   (4)    Custodian Agreement, dated January  1, 2007, between State Street Bank and Trust Company and Fidelity Investment Trust on behalf of Fidelity Canada Fund, Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund, Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund, Fidelity International Growth Fund, Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Fidelity Series Canada Fund, Fidelity Series International Growth Fund, Fidelity Series International Value Fund, Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund, Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, and Fidelity Total International Equity Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (g)(4) of Fidelity Advisor Series I’s (File No. 002-84776) Post-Effective Amendment No. 72.

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Custodian Agreement, dated January 1, 2007, between The Northern Trust Company and Fidelity Investment Trust on behalf of Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund, Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund, Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund, Fidelity Europe Fund, Fidelity Infrastructure Fund, Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund, Fidelity International Discovery Fund, Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund, Fidelity International Value Fund, Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund, Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund, Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund, and Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (g)(9) of Fidelity Financial Trust’s (File No. 002-79910) Post-Effective Amendment No. 45.

   (1)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Canada Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(1) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (2)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Canada Fund: Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund Class A, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(2) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (3)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Canada Fund: Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund Class M, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(3) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (4)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Canada Fund: Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund Class C, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(4) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (5)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Canada Fund: Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund Class I, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(5) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (6)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Canada Fund: Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund Class Z, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(6) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (7)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity China Region Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(7) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (8)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity China Region Fund: Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund Class A, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(8) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (9)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity China Region Fund: Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund Class M, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(9) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (10)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity China Region Fund: Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund Class C, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(10) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (11)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity China Region Fund: Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund Class I, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(11) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

Table of Contents

Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity China Region Fund: Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund: Class Z, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(12) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

   (13)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Diversified International Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(13) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (14)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Diversified International Fund: Class K is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(14) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (15)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(15) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (16)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(16) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (17)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(22) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (18)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund: Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund: Class A, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit(m)(23) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 189.
   (19)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund: Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund: Class M, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit(m)(24) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 189.
   (20)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund: Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund: Class C, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit(m)(25) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 189.
   (21)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund: Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund: Class I, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit(m)(26) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 189.
   (22)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund: Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund: Class Z, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit(m)(27) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 189.
   (23)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund: Class  K is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(28) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (24)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(29) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (25)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund: Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund: Class A, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(30) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (26)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund: Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund: Class M, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(31) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

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Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund: Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund: Class C, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(32) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

   (28)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund: Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund: Class I, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(33) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (29)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund: Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund Class Z, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(34) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (30)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(35) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (31)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Europe Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(36) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (32)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Europe Fund: Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund Class A, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(37) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (33)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Europe Fund: Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund Class M, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(38) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (34)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Europe Fund: Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund Class C, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(39) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (35)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Europe Fund: Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund Class I, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(40) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (36)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Europe Fund: Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund Class Z, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(41) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (37)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(43) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (38)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund: Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund Class A, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(44) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (39)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund: Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund Class M, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(45) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (40)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund: Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund Class C, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(46) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (41)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund: Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund Class I, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(47) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

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Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund: Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund Class Z, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(48) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

   (43)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(49) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (44)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Infrastructure Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(50) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (45)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(51) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (46)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(52) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (47)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 Fidelity International Discovery Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(53) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (48)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(54) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (49)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Discovery Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund Class A, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(55) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (50)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Discovery Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund Class M, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(56) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (51)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Discovery Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund Class C, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(57) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (52)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Discovery Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund Class I, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(58) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (53)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Discovery Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund Class Z, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(59) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (54)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Discovery Fund: Class K Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(60) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (55)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Growth Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(61) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (56)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Growth Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund Class A, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(62) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

Table of Contents

Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Growth Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund Class M, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(63) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

   (58)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Growth Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund Class C, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(64) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (59)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Growth Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund Class I, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(65) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (60)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Growth Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund Class Z, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(66) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (61)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Small Cap Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(67) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (62)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Small Cap Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund Class A, is incorporated by reference to Exhibit (m)(68) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (63)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Small Cap Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund Class M, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(69) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (64)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Small Cap Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund Class C, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(70) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (65)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Small Cap Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund Class I, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(71) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (66)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Small Cap Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund Class Z, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(72) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (67)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(73) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (68)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund Class A, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(74) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (69)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund Class M, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(75) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (70)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund Class C, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(76) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

Table of Contents

Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund Class I, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(77) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

   (72)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund Class Z, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(78) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (73)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Value Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(79) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (74)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Value Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund Class A, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(80) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (75)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Value Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund Class M, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(81) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (76)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Value Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund Class C, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(82) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (77)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Value Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund Class I, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(83) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (78)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity International Value Fund: Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund Class Z, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(84) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (79)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Japan Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(85) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (80)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Japan Fund: Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund Class A, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(86) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (81)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Japan Fund: Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund Class M, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(87) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (82)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Japan Fund: Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund Class C, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(88) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Japan Fund: Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund Class I, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(89) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.


Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Japan Fund: Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund: Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund Class Z, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(90) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

   (85)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(91) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

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Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Latin America Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(92) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

   (87)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Latin America Fund: Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund Class A, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(93) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (88)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Latin America Fund: Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund Class M, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(94) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (89)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Latin America Fund: Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund Class C, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(95) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (90)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Latin America Fund: Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund Class I, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(96) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (91)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Latin America Fund: Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund Class Z, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(97) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (92)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Nordic Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(98) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (93)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Overseas Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(99) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (94)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Overseas Fund: Class  K is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(100) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (95)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(101) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (96)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(102) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (97)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity SAI Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(98) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 195.
   (98)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity SAI Sustainable International Equity Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(99) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 195.
   (99)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Series Canada Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(103) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
   (100)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(104) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

Table of Contents
(101)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(105) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(102)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Series International Growth Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(106) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(103)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(107) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(104)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Series International Value Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(108) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(105)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Series Overseas Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(109) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(106)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Series Select International Small Cap Fund is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(106) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 197.
(107)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Series Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(107) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 202.
(108)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Series Sustainable Non-U.S. Developed Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(108) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 202.
(109)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(107) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 194.
(110)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund: Fidelity Advisor Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund: Class A, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(108) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 194.
(111)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund: Fidelity Advisor Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund: Class M, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(109) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 194.
(112)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund: Fidelity Advisor Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund: Class C, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(110) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 194.
(113)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund: Fidelity Advisor Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund: Class I, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(111) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 194.
(114)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund: Fidelity Advisor Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund: Class Z, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(112) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 194.
(115)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(113) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 194.

Table of Contents
(116)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund: Fidelity Advisor Sustainable International Equity Fund: Class A, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(114) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 194.
(117)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund: Fidelity Advisor Sustainable International Equity Fund: Class M, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(115) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 194.
(118)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund: Fidelity Advisor Sustainable International Equity Fund: Class C, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(116) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 194.
(119)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund: Fidelity Advisor Sustainable International Equity Fund: Class I, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(117) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 194.
(120)    Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund: Fidelity Advisor Sustainable International Equity Fund: Class Z, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(118) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 194.
(121)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(110) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(122)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund: Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund Class A, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(111) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(123)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund: Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund Class C, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(112) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(124)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund: Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund Class M, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(113) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(125)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund: Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund Class I, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(114) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(126)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund: Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund Class Z, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(115) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(127)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Total International Equity Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(116) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(128)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Total International Equity Fund: Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund Class A, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(117) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(129)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Total International Equity Fund: Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund Class M, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(118) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(130)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Total International Equity Fund: Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund Class C, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(119) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.

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(131)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Total International Equity Fund: Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund Class I, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(120) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(132)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Total International Equity Fund: Fidelity Total International Equity Fund Class Z, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(121) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(133)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Worldwide Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(122) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(134)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Worldwide Fund: Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund Class A, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(123) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(135)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Worldwide Fund: Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund Class M, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(124) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(136)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Worldwide Fund: Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund Class C, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(125) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(137)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Worldwide Fund: Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund Class I, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(126) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(138)    Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 for Fidelity Worldwide Fund: Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund Class Z, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (m)(127) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 187.
(139)    Amended and Restated Multiple Class  of Shares Plan (Equity) pursuant to Rule 18f-3 for Fidelity Funds with Retail, Retirement and/or Advisor Classes, dated November  17, 2021, on behalf of Fidelity Investment Trust on behalf of Fidelity Canada Fund, Fidelity China Region Fund, Fidelity Diversified International Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Europe Fund, Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund, Fidelity International Discovery Fund, Fidelity International Growth Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund, Fidelity International Value Fund, Fidelity Japan Fund, Fidelity Latin America Fund, Fidelity Overseas Fund, Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund, Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Total International Equity Fund, and Fidelity Worldwide Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (n)(1) of Fidelity Concord Street Trust’s (File No. 033-15983) Post-Effective Amendment No. 159.
(140)    Schedule I (Equity), dated July 20, 2023, to the Amended and Restated Multiple Class of Shares Plan pursuant to Rule 18f-3 for Fidelity Funds with Retail, Retirement and/or Advisor Classes, dated November  17, 2021, on behalf of Fidelity Investment Trust on behalf of Fidelity Canada Fund, Fidelity China Region Fund, Fidelity Diversified International Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Europe Fund, Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund, Fidelity International Discovery Fund, Fidelity International Growth Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund, Fidelity International Value Fund, Fidelity Japan Fund, Fidelity Latin America Fund, Fidelity Overseas Fund, Fidelity Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Fidelity Sustainable International Equity Fund, Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Total International Equity Fund, and Fidelity Worldwide Fund, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit (n)(2) of Fidelity Mt. Vernon Street Trust’s (File No. 002-79755) Post-Effective Amendment No. 95.

Table of Contents

Item 17. Undertakings

(1) The undersigned Registrant agrees that prior to any public reoffering of the securities registered through the use of the prospectus which is a part of this Registration Statement by any person or party who is deemed to be an underwriter within the meaning of Rule 145(c) of the Securities Act of 1933, the reoffering prospectus will contain the information called for by the applicable registration form for reoffering by persons who may be deemed underwriters, in addition to the information called for by the other items of the applicable form.

(2) The undersigned Registrant agrees that every prospectus that is filed under paragraph (1) above will be filed as part of an amendment to the Registration Statement and will not be used until the amendment is effective, and that, in determining any liability under the Securities Act of 1933, each Post-Effective Amendment shall be deemed to be a new Registration Statement for the securities offered therein, and the offering of securities at that time shall be deemed to be the initial bona fide offering of them.

(3) The undersigned Registrant undertakes to file a post-effective amendment to this registration statement prior to the closing of the Reorganization described in this Registration Statement that contains an opinion of counsel supporting the tax matters discussed in this Registration Statement.

Table of Contents


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Registrant certifies that it meets all of the requirements for the effectiveness of this Registration Statement pursuant to Rule 485(b) under the Securities Act of 1933 and has duly caused this Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Statement to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, in the City of Boston, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, on the 17th day of May 2024.


Fidelity Investment Trust
  By   /s/Stacie M. Smith
  Stacie M. Smith, President

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, this Registration Statement has been signed below by the following persons in the capacities and on the dates indicated.






/s/Stacie M. Smith       President and Treasurer    May 17, 2024
Stacie M. Smith       (Principal Executive Officer)   
/s/ John J. Burke III       Chief Financial Officer    May 17, 2024
John J. Burke III       (Principal Financial Officer)   
/s/Thomas P. Bostick    *    Trustee    May 17, 2024
Thomas P. Bostick         
/s/Jonathan Chiel    *    Trustee    May 17, 2024
Jonathan Chiel         
/s/Donald F. Donahue    *    Trustee    May 17, 2024
Donald F. Donahue         
/s/Bettina Doulton    *    Trustee    May 17, 2024
Bettina Doulton         
/s/Vicki L. Fuller    *    Trustee    May 17, 2024
Vicki L. Fuller         
/s/Patricia L. Kampling    *    Trustee    May 17, 2024
Patricia L. Kampling         
/s/Thomas Kennedy    *    Trustee    May 17, 2024
Thomas Kennedy         
/s/Robert A. Lawrence    *    Trustee    May 17, 2024
Robert A. Lawrence         

Table of Contents
/s/Oscar Munoz    *    Trustee    May 17, 2024
Oscar Munoz         
/s/David M. Thomas    *    Trustee    May 17, 2024
David M. Thomas         
/s/Susan Tomasky    *    Trustee    May 17, 2024
Susan Tomasky         
/s/Michael E. Wiley    *    Trustee    May 17, 2024
Michael E. Wiley         


*   By:   /s/Megan C. Johnson
    Megan C. Johnson, pursuant to a power of attorney dated April 1, 2024 and filed herewith.
EX-99.(14) 2 d813971dex9914.htm CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference into the Registration Statement on Form N-14 of Fidelity Investment Trust: Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund and Fidelity Latin America Fund of our reports dated December 15, 2023, relating to the financial statements and financial highlights, which appear in the above referenced funds’ Annual Reports on Form N-CSR for the years ended October 31, 2023. We also consent to the references to us under the headings “Additional Information About the Funds” and “Experts” in such Registration Statement, and to the references to us under the headings “Financial Highlights” in the Prospectuses and “Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm” in the Statements of Additional Information dated December 30, 2023 for Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund and Fidelity Latin America Fund, which are also incorporated by reference in such Registration Statement.

/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Boston, Massachusetts

May 15, 2024

EX-99.(16) 3 d813971dex9916.htm POWER OF ATTORNEY POWER OF ATTORNEY


We, the undersigned Trustees of the Fidelity Investment Trust (the Trust) hereby constitute and appoint Thomas C. Bogle, John V. O’Hanlon, Megan C. Johnson and Anthony H. Zacharski, each of them singly, our true and lawful attorneys-in-fact, with full power of substitution, and with full power to each of them, to sign for us and in our names in the appropriate capacities, the Registration Statement of the Trust on Form N-14 under the Securities Act of 1933 and the Investment Company Act of 1940 relating to proposed reorganizations of Fidelity Investment Trust: Fidelity Latin America Fund into Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, a series of the Trust, any and all subsequent Amendments, Pre-Effective Amendments, or Post-Effective Amendments to said Registration Statement, and any supplements or other instruments in connection therewith, and generally to do all such things in our names and behalf in connection therewith as said attorneys-in-fact deem necessary or appropriate, to comply with the provisions of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, and all related requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission. We hereby ratify and confirm all that said attorneys-in-fact or their substitutes may do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. This power of attorney is effective for all documents filed on or after April 1, 2024.

WITNESS our hands on this first day of April 2024.


/s/Thomas P. Bostick    /s/Thomas Kennedy
Thomas P. Bostick    Thomas Kennedy
/s/ Jonathan Chiel    /s/Robert A. Lawrence
Jonathan Chiel    Robert A. Lawrence
/s/Donald F. Donahue    /s/Oscar Munoz
Donald F. Donahue    Oscar Munoz
/s/Bettina Doulton    /s/David M. Thomas
Bettina Doulton    David M. Thomas
/s/Vicki L. Fuller    /s/Susan Tomasky
Vicki L. Fuller    Susan Tomasky
/s/Patricia L. Kampling    /s/Michael E. Wiley
Patricia L. Kampling    Michael E. Wiley
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