As filed with Securities and Exchange Commission on April 21, 2022.
Registration Nos. 002-90380/811-04001

Washington, D.C. 20549


Registration Statement
the Securities Act of 1933
Pre-Effective Amendment No.  
Post-Effective Amendment No. 52  
Registration Statement
the Investment Company Act of 1940
Amendment No. 302  

Metropolitan Life Separate Account E
(Exact Name of Registrant)

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
(Exact Name of Depositor)
200 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10166
(Address of Depositor’s Principal Executive Offices)
(212) 578-9500
(Depositor’s Telephone Number, including Area Code)
Stephen W. Gauster
Executive Vice President General Counsel
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
200 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10116
(Name and Address of Agent for Service)

Copies To:
W. Thomas Conner Vedder Price P.C.
1401 New York Avenue, Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20005
Approximate Date of Proposed Public Offering: May 1, 2022
It is proposed that the filing will become effective (check appropriate box):
immediately upon filing pursuant to paragraph (b)
on May 1, 2022 pursuant to paragraph (b)
60 days after filing pursuant to paragraph (a)(1)
on (date) pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of Rule 485 under the Securities Act.
If appropriate, check the following box:


this post-effective amendment designates a new effective date for a previously filed post-effective amendment.

May 1, 2022
Group and Individual Annuity Contracts
Issued by Metropolitan Life Separate Account E of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
This prospectus describes individual and group flexible premium VestMet contracts (the “Contracts”). issued by Metropolitan Life Separate Account E of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (“MetLife,” the “Company,” “we” or “us.). The Contracts are no longer currently offered for purchase.
You decide where your purchase payments are directed. The choices depend on what is available under your Contract and may include the Fixed Interest Account, and through Metropolitan Life Separate Account E, the Portfolios you select. As noted in Appendix A below, not all Portfolios are available under all Contracts and you should ask your employer for a list of available Portfolios.
This prospectus sets forth the information that you should know before investing in the Contract. This prospectus should be kept for future reference. You can receive additional information about your Contract by requesting a Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”).
We filed the SAI with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), and it is incorporated by reference into this prospectus. To request a copy or ask questions, write to us at P.O. Box 10342, Des Moines, IA, 50306, call 1-800-842-9406, or access the SEC’s website (http://www.sec.gov).
Additional information about certain investment products, including variable annuities, has been prepared by the Securities and Exchange Commission’s staff and is available at Investor.gov.
Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission nor any state securities commission has approved or disapproved these securities or the adequacy of this prospectus. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense. Interests in the Separate Account and the Fixed Account are not deposits or obligations of, or insured or guaranteed by, the U.S. Government, any bank or other depository institution including the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”), the Federal Reserve Board or any other agency or entity or person.
If you are a new investor in the Contract, you may cancel your Contract within 10 days of receiving it without paying fees or penalties. In some states, this cancellation period may be longer. Upon cancellation, you will receive either a full refund of the amount you paid with your application or your total Contract value. You should review this prospectus, or consult with your investment professional, for additional information about the specific cancellation terms that apply.
The Contracts are not intended to be offered anywhere that they may not lawfully be offered and sold. MetLife has not authorized any information or representations about the Contracts other than the information in this prospectus, supplements to the Prospectus, prospectus summaries or any supplemental sales material we authorize.
The date of this prospectus is May 1, 2022





























Charges for Early Withdrawals If you withdraw money from the Contract within 7 years following your the contract effective date, you will be assessed a surrender charge of up to 7% of the amount withdrawn. This surrender charge is currently being wavied.
For example, if you make an early withdrawal, you could pay a surrender charge of up to $7,000 on a $100,000 withdrawal.
Transaction Charges There are no transaction charges.  
Ongoing Fees and Expenses
(annual charges)
Minimum and Maximum Annual Fee Table. The table below describes the fees and expenses that you may pay each year, depending on the options you choose. Please refer to your Contract specifications page for information about the specific fees you will pay each year based on the options you have elected. Fees
Annual Fee Minimum Maximum
Base Contract (varies by Contract class)
0.95% (1) 1.50% (1)
Investment options (Portfolio fees and expenses)
0.27% (2) 0.73% (2)
(1) As a percentage of your Account Balance in the Separate Account.
(2) As a percentage of Portfolio assets.
Because your Contract is customizable, the choices you make affect how much you will pay. To help understand the cost of owning your Contract, the following table shows the lowest and highest cost you could pay each year, based on current charges. This estimate assumes that you do not take withdrawals from the Contract, which could add surrender charges that substantially increase costs.
  Lowest Annual Cost: Highest Annual Cost:  
$1,644 $2,035
• Assumes:
• Investment of $100,000
• 5% annual appreciation
• Least expensive combination of Portfolio fees and expenses
• No optional benefits available
• No additional purchase payments, transfers or withdrawals
• Assumes:
• Investment of $100,000
• 5% annual appreciation
• Most expensive combination of Portfolio fees and expenses
• No additional purchase payments, transfers or withdrawals
Risk of Loss You can lose money by investing in the Contract, including loss of principal.  


Not a Short-Term Investment This Contract is not a short-term investment and is not appropriate for an investor who needs ready access to cash.
• Withdrawal charges may apply for up to 7 years following each purchase payment. Withdrawal charges will reduce the value of your Contract if you withdraw money during that time.
• The benefits of tax deferral and mean that the Contract is more beneficial to investors with a long time horizon.
• Earnings on your Contract are taxed at ordinary income tax rates when you withdraw them, and you may have to pay a penalty if you take a withdrawal before age 59 12.
Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Risks Associated with Investment Options • An investment in the Contract is subject to the risk of poor investment performance and can vary depending on the performance of the investment options available under the Contract (e.g., Portfolios).
• Each investment option (including any Fixed Account investment option) will have its own unique risks.
• You should review these investment options before making an investment decision.
Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Insurance Company Risks Contracts are subject to the risks related to MetLife, including any obligations (including under any Fixed Account investment options), guarantees, and benefits of the Contract are subject to the claims-paying ability of MetLife. If MetLife experiences financial distress, it may not be able to meet its obligations to you. More information about the Company, including its financial strength ratings, is available by visiting www.metlife.com. Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Investments Withdrawals or transfers must be at least $250 (or the entire balance in a Division, if less). You may make 12 transfers each calendar year (including transfers from the Fixed Interest Account to the Separate Account). We reserve the right to add, remove or substitute Portfolios. The Company also has policies and procedures that attempt to detect and deter frequent transfers in situations where we determine there is a potential for arbitrage trading, and in those instances, there are additional limits that apply to transfers. Withdrawals and Transfers
Tax Implications • You should consult with a tax professional to determine the tax implications of an investment in and purchase payments received under the Contract.
• There is no additional tax benefit if you purchase the Contract through a tax-qualified plan or individual retirement account (IRA).
• Earnings on your Contract are taxed at ordinary income tax rates when you withdraw them, and you may have to pay a penalty if you take a withdrawal before age 59 12.
Federal Tax Considerations


Investment Professional Compensation Your investment professional may receive compensation for selling this Contract to You, both in the form of commissions and because MetLife may share the revenue it earns on this Contract with the professional’s firm. This conflict of interest may influence your investment professional to recommend this Contract over another investment. Other Information - Distribution of the Contracts
Exchanges Some investment professionals may have a financial incentive to offer you a new contract in place of the one you own. You should only exchange your Contract if You determine, after comparing the features, fees, and risks of both contracts, that it is better for you to purchase the new contract rather than continue to own your existing Contract. Other Information - Distribution of the Contracts
Purpose of the Contract
The Contract is designed to provide long-term accumulation of assets through investments in a variety of investment options during the accumulation phase. It can supplement your retirement income by providing a stream of income payments during the payout phase. It also offers death benefits to protect your designated beneficiaries and favorable tax treatment of insurance proceeds.
This Contract may be appropriate if you have a long investment time horizon. It is not intended for people who may need to make early or frequent withdrawals or intend to engage in frequent trading in the Portfolios.
Phases of the Contract
Your Contract, like all deferred annuity contracts, has two phases: 1) an accumulation or “pay-in” phase; and 2) an income or “pay-out” phase (Annuity Period).
1) Accumulation (Pay-in) Phase
  To help you accumulate assets, You can invest your premium payments in:
Portfolios (mutual funds), each of which has its own investment strategies, investment advisers, expense ratios, and returns; and
a Fixed Account option, which offers a guaranteed interest rate during a selected period.
A list of Portfolios in which you can invest is provided in the back of this Prospectus. See Appendix A — Portfolio Companies Available Under the Contract.
2) Income (Pay-out) Phase
  You can elect to annuitize your Contract and turn your Contract value into a stream of income payments (sometimes called annuity payments) from MetLife, at which time the accumulation phase of the Contract ends. These payments may continue for a fixed period of years, for your entire life, or for the longer of a fixed period or your life. The payments may also be fixed or variable. Variable payments will vary based on the performance of the investment options you select.


  Please note that if you annuitize, your investments will be converted to income payments and you may no longer be able to choose to withdraw money at will from your Contract. All benefits (including the standard death benefit) terminate upon annuitization.
Contract Features
The Contract provides for variable annuity payments that begin at the maturity date specified in the Contract, or earlier if you choose to surrender and annuitize. Variable annuity payments fluctuate with the investment results of the Portfolio(s).
Buying the Contract. The Contract is no longer available for sale; however, MetLife will continue to accept additional payments for the Contracts.
Purchase Payments. Your purchase payments will be invested in the investment options that you choose. Premium payments received before the close of the NYSE (typically 4:00 PM EST), will be credited that day. If we receive your purchase payment after the close of the NYSE, your payment will be applied on the next business day.
Making Withdrawals: Accessing the Money in Your Contract. Before annuitization you can send us a written request to fully or partially surrender your Contract value. Federal tax laws penalize and may prohibit certain premature distributions from the Contract. (See “Taxes”) A surrender charge will apply to certain full and partial surrenders. You may also have to pay income taxes, including a tax penalty if you are younger than age 59 12. In any Contract year, you may surrender an amount without our deducting a surrender charge (the “free withdrawal amount”). The free withdrawal amount is 10% of Contract value on the date of the surrender. (See “Surrenders” and “Contingent Deferred Sales Charge.”
As of July 2, 2001, MetLife will waive any early withdrawal charge that would otherwise be payable on account of any contract withdrawal or transfer, either from the Fixed Interest Account or the Separate Account, (the “Wavier”).
Accessing your money. Until you annuitize, you have full access to your money. You can choose to withdraw your Contract value at any time (although if you withdraw early, you may have to pay a surrender charge and/or income taxes, including a tax penalty if you are younger than age 59 12).
Tax treatment. You can transfer money between investment options without tax implications, and earnings (if any) on your investments are generally tax-deferred. You are taxed only when: (1) you make a withdrawal; (2) you receive an income payment from the Contract; or (3) upon payment of a death benefit.
Payments upon Death. Accumulation (pay-in) phase. Your Contract includes a basic death benefit for no additional charge. The basic death benefit is equal to the greater of the value of your Account Balance or the total of all purchase payments you have made less any partial withdrawals. The value of the basic death benefit may increase (if you make additional purchase payments or your investment performs well) or decrease (if you take withdrawals or your investment options perform poorly). This benefit terminates upon full surrender or annuitization of the Contract. Income (pay-out) phase. The amount payable upon your death is based on the payout option you select (e.g., income for a guaranteed period or lifetime payments).


The following tables describe the fees and expenses that you will pay when buying, owning, and surrendering or making withdrawals from the Contract. Please refer to your Contract specifications page for information about the specific fees you will pay each year based on the options you have elected.
The first table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay at the time that you buy the Contract, surrender or make withdrawals from the Contract, or transfer Contract value between investment options. State premium taxes may also be deducted.
Transaction Expenses
Surrender Charge (as a percentage of the amount withdrawn)(1) 7%
(1) As of July 2, 2001, MetLife will waive any early withdrawal charge that would otherwise be payable on account of any contract withdrawal or transfer, either from the Fixed Interest Account or the Separate Account. Under certain circumstances, the surrender charge, termed the early withdrawal charge in this Prospectus, does not apply to 10% of the Account Balance. Under certain other circumstances, the surrender charge does not apply at all. There is no surrender charge imposed under Enhanced Contracts. Under certain Enhanced Contracts the employer may pay all or part of the annual Contract fee. If an amount used to make a withdrawal is determined to be subject to a surrender charge, the charge will be equal to such amount multiplied by the applicable factor from the second column of the table below.
Contract Year (full uninterrupted years of maintenance of account balance at withdrawal) Withdrawal Charge
Less than 3 7%
At least 3 but less than 4 6%
At least 4 but less than 3 5%
At least 5 but less than 6 4%
At least 6 but less than 7 2%
7 or more 0%
The next table describes the fees and expenses that You will pay periodically during the time that You own the Contract, not including Portfolio Company fees and expenses.
Annual Contract Expenses
Base Contract Expenses1
(as a percentage of average daily account value)
1 The Base Contract Fee includes .07% for the Annual Contract Charge. Once each calendar year, we will deduct a $15 Annual Contract Charge from your Separate Account Balance and a $15 Annual Contract Charge from your Fixed Account. In addition, if your entire Account Balance is withdrawn to make payment to you or to another funding vehicle, the amount withdrawn will be reduced by the amount of any unpaid Annual Contract Charge before we make a payment. The Annual Contract Charge deduction from the Separate Account will be divided equally among the investment Divisions in which you are participating when the deduction is made. The Annual Contract Charge will be in addition to any early Withdrawal Charge. The Annual Contract Charge will be prorated for each month, or part of a month, in which you have an Account Balance. We may change the Annual Contract Charge upon 90 days prior to notice to you.
The next item shows the minimum and maximum total operating expenses charged by the Portfolio Companies that you may pay periodically during the time that you own the Contract. A complete list of Portfolio Companies available under the Contract, including their annual expenses, may be found at the back of this document.


Annual Portfolio Company Expenses
  Minimum Maximum
Annual Portfolio Company Expenses (expenses that are deducted from Portfolio assets, including management fees, distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees, and other expenses) 0.27% 0.73%
The example is intended to help You compare the cost of investing in the Contract with the cost of investing in other variable annuity contracts. These costs include Transaction Expenses (described in the first table), Annual Contract Expenses (described in the second table) and Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses (described in the third table).
The Example assumes that you invest $100,000 in the Contract for the time periods indicated. The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and assumes the most expensive combination of Annual Portfolio Company Expenses and optional benefits available for an additional charge. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions, your costs would be:
  1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
If you surrender your Contract at the end of the applicable time period        
Maximum $1,950 $6,031 $10,364 $22,409
Minimum $1,540 $4,782 $ 8,253 $18,035
  1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
If you annuitize or do not surrender your Contract at the end of the applicable time period        
Maximum $1,950 $6,031 $10,364 $22,409
Minimum $1,540 $4,782 $ 8,253 $18,035
Investing in the Contracts involves risks. The following are the principal risks of an investment in the Contract. You should carefully consider the below risks in addition to the other information contained in this Prospectus.
Risk of Loss. An investment in the Contract is not a bank deposit and is not guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency. The Contract is subject to market risk (the risk that your investments may decline in value or underperform your expectations). As a result, You can lose money by investing in the Contract, including loss of principal.
Not a Short-Term Investment. This Contract is not a short-term investment and is not appropriate for an investor who needs ready access to cash. If you withdraw early, you may have to pay a Withdrawal Charge and/or income taxes, including a tax penalty if you are younger than age 59 12. Withdrawal Charges may apply for up to 7 years following each purchase payment. Withdrawal Charges will reduce the value of your Contract if you withdraw money during that time. The benefits of tax deferral and living benefit protections also mean that the Contract is more beneficial to investors with a long time horizon.


Risk of Underlying Portfolios. An investment in the Contract is subject to the risk of poor investment performance and can vary depending on the performance of the investment options available under the Contract (e.g., Portfolio Companies). Each investment option (including under the Fixed Account investment option) will have its own unique risks. We do not provide any investment advice and do not recommend or endorse any particular Portfolio. You bear the risk of any decline in the Account Balance of your Contract resulting from the performance of the Portfolio You have chosen. You should review these investment options before making an investment decision. Information regarding the Portfolios available under your Contract is available in Appendix A to this Prospectus.
Risks Associated with the Company. An investment in the Contract is subject to the risks related to the Company. Any obligations (including under the Fixed Account), guarantees, or benefits are subject to the claims-paying ability of the Company, and our long term ability to make such payments, and are not guaranteed by any other party. MetLife is regulated as an insurance company under state law, which generally includes limits on the amount and type of investments in its general account. However, there is no guarantee that we will be able to meet our claims paying obligations; there are risks to purchasing any insurance product.
Conflicts of Interest. Your investment professional may receive compensation for selling this Contract to You, both in the form of commissions and because MetLife may share the revenue it earns on this Contract with the professional’s firm. This conflict of interest may influence your investment professional to recommend this Contract over another investment. In addition, some investment professionals may have a financial incentive to offer you a new contract in place of the one you own. You should only exchange your Contract if you determine, after comparing the features, fees, and risks of both contracts, that it is better for you to purchase the new contract rather than continue to own your existing Contract.
Suitability. An investment in the Contract may not be suitable for all investors. For example, there is no additional tax benefit if you purchase the Contract through a tax-qualified plan or individual retirement account (IRA). Therefore, there should be reasons other than tax deferral for acquiring the Contract. You should consult with a tax or investment professional to determine the tax and other implications of an investment in and purchase payments received under the Contract.
Taxation Risk. Although the provisions of the Code relevant to the Contract are generally described under “Federal Tax Considerations,” an investor should consult their own tax advisor concerning the effects of federal, state, local and foreign tax law on the Contract. No assurance can be given that, even if the tax provisions currently applicable to the Contract are favorable, the law or regulations or interpretations thereunder will not change and the Contract may be disadvantaged.
Cybersecurity. Our business is highly dependent upon the effective operation of our information systems, and those of our service providers, vendors, and other third parties. Cybersecurity breaches of such systems can be intentional or unintentional events, and can occur through unauthorized access to computer systems, networks or devices; infection from computer viruses or other malicious software code; or attacks that shut down, disable, slow or otherwise disrupt operations, business processes or website access or functionality and our disaster recovery systems may be insufficient to safeguard our ability to conduct business. Cybersecurity breaches can interfere with our processing of contract transactions, including the processing of transfer orders from our website or with the Portfolios; impact our ability to calculate Accumulation Unit Values; cause the release and possible loss or destruction of confidential Contract Owner or business information; impede order processing or cause other operational issues; and result in regulatory enforcement actions or new laws or regulations which could increase our compliance costs. Although we continually make efforts to identify and reduce our exposure to cybersecurity risk, and we require our critical vendors to implement effective cybersecurity and data protection measures, there is no guarantee that we will be able to successfully manage this risk at all times.


Pandemics and Other Public Health Issues. The pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 has caused and may continue to cause illnesses and deaths. This pandemic, other pandemics, and their related major public health issues, and governmental, business and consumer reactions to them, have affected and may continue to have a major impact on the global economy and financial markets. Governmental and non-governmental organizations may not effectively combat the spread and severity of such a pandemic, increasing uncertainty, and creating the potential for more rapid changes to which the Company may find it more difficult to adjust. For example, regulatory action in response to pandemics or other health issues may impose new requirements affecting the Company’s obligations under your Contract, exposing the Company to risks and costs that the Company is unable to foresee or underwrite.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is a provider of insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management. We are also one of the largest institutional investors in the United States with a general account portfolio invested primarily in fixed income securities (corporate, structured products, municipals, and government and agency) and mortgage loans, as well as real estate, real estate joint ventures, other limited partnerships and equity securities. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company was incorporated under the laws of New York in 1868. The Company’s office is located at 200 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10166-0188. The Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of MetLife, Inc. Obligations to Owners and Beneficiaries that arise under the Policy are obligations of MetLife.
We established Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on September 27, 1983. The purpose of the Separate Account is to hold the variable assets that underlie the Contracts and some other variable annuity contracts we issue. We have registered the Separate Account with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) as a unit investment trust under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (“1940 Act”).
The Separate Account’s assets are solely for the benefit of those who invest in the Separate Account and no one else, including our creditors. The assets of the Separate Account are held in our name on behalf of the Separate Account and legally belong to us. The assets of the Separate Account may not be used to pay any liabilities of the Company other than those arising from the Contracts. All the income, gains and losses (realized or unrealized) resulting from these assets are credited to or charged against the Contracts issued from this Separate Account without regard to our other business. Income, gains and losses credited to, or charged against, this Separate Account reflect the Separate Account’s own investment experience and not the investment experience of the Company’s other assets.
We are obligated to pay all money we owe under the Contracts — such as the death benefit and income payments even if that amount exceeds the assets in the Separate Account. Any such amount that exceeds the assets in the Separate Account is paid from our general account. Any amount under the Contract’s death benefit that exceeds Contract Value is also paid from our general account. Benefit amounts paid from the general account are subject to the financial strength and claims paying ability of the Company and our long term ability to make such payments, and are not guaranteed by any other party. We issue other annuity contracts and life insurance policies where we pay all money we owe under those contracts and policies from our general account. MetLife is regulated as an insurance company under state law, which includes, generally, limits on the amount and type of investments in its general account. However, there is no guarantee that we will be able to meet our claims paying obligations; there are risks to purchasing any insurance product.


The investment manager to certain of the Portfolios offered with the Contracts or with other variable annuity contracts issued through the Separate Account may be regulated as a commodity pool operator. While it does not concede that the Separate Account is a commodity pool, the Company has claimed an exclusion from the definition of the term “commodity pool operator” under the Commodities Exchange Act (“CEA”), and is not subject to registration or regulation as a pool operator under the CEA.
You choose the Divisions to which you allocate your purchase payments. From time to time we may make new Divisions available. Each Division of the Separate Account invests in a Portfolio. You do not invest directly in the Portfolio.
Each Portfolio is a portfolio of an open-end management investment company that is registered with the SEC under the 1940 Act. These portfolios are not publicly traded and are only offered through variable annuity contracts, variable life insurance products, and in some instances, certain retirement plans. They are not the same retail mutual funds as those offered outside of a variable annuity or variable life insurance product, although the investment practices and fund names may be similar and the portfolio managers may be identical. Accordingly, the performance of the retail mutual fund is likely to be different from that of the Portfolio.
We select the Portfolios offered through this Contract based on a number of criteria, including asset class coverage, the strength of the adviser’s or subadviser’s reputation and tenure, brand recognition, performance, and the capability and qualification of each investment firm. Another factor we consider during the selection process is whether the Portfolio’s adviser or subadviser is one of our affiliates or whether the Portfolio, its adviser, its subadviser(s), or an affiliate will make payments to us or our affiliates.
In this regard, the profit distributions we receive from an investment adviser are a component of the total revenue that we consider in configuring the features and investment choices available in the variable insurance products that we and our affiliated insurance companies issue. Since we and our affiliated insurance companies may benefit more from the allocation of assets to Portfolios subadvised by certain subadvisers than those that are not, we may be more inclined to offer Portfolios subadvised by subadvisers that make payments to us. For additional information on these arrangements, see “Payments We Receive.” We review the Portfolios periodically and may remove a Portfolio or limit its availability to new purchase payments and/or transfers of Contract value if we determine that the Portfolio no longer meets one or more of the selection criteria, and/or if the Portfolio has not attracted significant allocations from Contract owners. In some cases, we have included Portfolios based on recommendations made by broker-dealer firms. These broker-dealer firms may receive payments from the Portfolio they recommend and may benefit accordingly from the allocation of Contract value to such Portfolios.
We do not provide any investment advice and do not recommend or endorse any particular Portfolio. You bear the risk of any decline in the Contract value of your Contract resulting from the performance of the Divisions of the Portfolios you have chosen.
If investment in the Portfolios or a particular Portfolio is no longer possible and, in our judgment becomes inappropriate for purposes of the Contract, or for any other reason in our sole discretion, we may substitute a Portfolio or Portfolios without your consent. The substituted Portfolio may have different fees and expenses. Substitution may be made with respect to existing investments or the investment of future purchase payments, or both. However, we will not make such substitution without any necessary approval of the SEC and the New York Department of Financial Services.


Furthermore, we may close Portfolios to allocations of purchase payments, Contract value, or both, at any time in our sole discretion.
Payments We Receive. As described above, an investment adviser or subadviser of a Portfolio or its affiliates, may make payments to the Company and/or certain of our affiliates. These payments may be used for a variety of purposes, including payment of expenses for certain administrative, marketing and support services with respect to the Contracts and, in the Company’s role as an intermediary with respect to the Portfolio. The Company and its affiliates may profit from these payments.
These payments may be derived, in whole or in part, from the advisory fee deducted from Portfolio assets. Contract owners, through their indirect investment in the Portfolios, bear the costs of these advisory fees (see the Portfolios' prospectuses for more information). The amount of the payments we receive is based on a percentage of the assets of the Portfolios attributable to the Contracts and certain other variable insurance products that the Company and its affiliates issue. These percentages differ and some advisers or subadvisers (or other affiliates) may pay the Company more than others. These percentages currently range up to 0.50%.
Additionally, an investment adviser or subadviser of a Portfolio or its affiliates may provide the Company with wholesaling services that assist in the distribution of the Contracts and may pay the Company and/or certain of our affiliates amounts to participate in sales meetings. These amounts may be significant and may provide the adviser or subadviser (or their affiliate) with increased access to persons involved in the distribution of the Contracts.
As of December 31, 2021, approximately 87% of Portfolio assets held in Separate Accounts of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and its affiliates were allocated to Portfolios in Brighthouse Funds Trust I and Brighthouse Funds Trust II. We and certain of our affiliated companies have entered into agreements with Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC, Brighthouse Funds Trust I and Brighthouse Funds Trust II, whereby we receive payments for certain administrative, marketing and support services described in the previous paragraphs. Currently, the Portfolios in Brighthouse Funds Trust I and Brighthouse Funds Trust II are only available in variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies issued by MetLife and its affiliates, as well as Brighthouse Life Insurance Company and its affiliates. Should we or Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC decide to terminate the agreements, we would be required to find alternative Portfolios which could have higher or lower costs to the Contract owner. In addition, the amount of payments we receive could cease or be substantially reduced which may have a material impact on our financial statements.
Certain Portfolios have adopted a Distribution Plan under Rule 12b-1 of the 1940 Act. A Portfolio 12b-1 Plan, if any, is described in more detail in the Portfolio’s prospectus. (See “Fee Table — Underlying Fund Fees and Expenses” and “Other Information — Distribution of the Contracts.”) Any payments we receive pursuant to those 12b-1 Plans are paid to us or our distributor., MetLife Investors Distribution Company ("MLIDC") Payments under a Portfolio’s 12b-1 Plan decrease the Portfolio’s investment return.
Each Portfolio has different investment objectives and risks. The Portfolio prospectuses contain more detailed information on each Portfolio’s investment strategy, investment advisers and its fees. You may obtain a Portfolio prospectus by calling 1-800-842-9406 or through your financial representative. We do not guarantee the investment results of the Portfolios.
Each Portfolio’s fees and expenses is contained in the prospectus for that Portfolio. Current prospectuses for the Portfolios can be obtained by calling 1-800-842-9406. Please read the prospectuses carefully before making your allocations to the Divisions.
The current Portfolios are listed in Appendix A — Portfolio Companies Available Under the Contract.


The financial statements for the Separate Account and MetLife are in the Statement of Additional Information and are available upon request from MetLife.
What are the Contracts?
The Contracts are variable annuity contracts issued by MetLife. The term “Contracts” also includes certificates issued under certain group arrangements. “You” as used in this Prospectus means the participant for whom money is invested in a Contract. Under the Contracts issued for Keogh and Public Employee Deferred Compensation Plans, the trustee or the employer retains all rights to control the money under the Contract. For these Contracts, where we refer to giving instructions or making payments to us, “you” means such trustee or employer. For those Public Employee Deferred Compensation Plans where the Contract allows the participant to choose among investment options, where we refer to giving instructions as to investment options for those contracts, “you” means such participant.
The Contracts offer you the choice of an account which pays interest guaranteed by MetLife (the “Fixed Interest Account”) or an account offering a range of investment choices where performance is not guaranteed. The Contracts are called “annuities” because they offer a variety of payment options, including guaranteed income for life. The Contracts are no longer currently offered for purchase.
Each of the Contracts offers the Fixed Interest Account, which is an account under which we guarantee specified interest rates for specified periods. Each Contract also offers a choice of investment options under which values can go up or down based on investment performance. (See “Determining the Value of Your Separate Account Investment”, page VM-12.) This Prospectus describes only the investment options (available through a “Separate Account” as distinct from the Fixed Interest Account). Your Contract is subject to various charges. (See “Deductions and Charges”, page VM-14.)
Any questions you have about Your Contract should be directed to Our Home Office at 1-800-842-9406.
Might the Contracts be affected by your retirement plan?
Yes. If your purchase payments are made under a retirement plan, the Contract may provide that all or some of your rights as described in this Prospectus are subject to the terms of the plan. You should consult the plan document to determine whether there are any provisions under your plan which may limit or affect the exercise of your rights under the Contract. Rights that may be affected include those concerning purchase payments, withdrawals, transfers, the death benefit and income options. For example, if part of your Account Balance represents non-vested employer contributions, you may not be permitted to withdraw these amounts and the early withdrawal charge calculations may not include all or part of the employer contributions. The Contract may require that you or your beneficiary obtain a signed authorization from your employer or plan administrator to exercise certain rights. Your Contract will indicate under what circumstances this is the case. We may rely on your employer’s or plan administrator’s statements to us as to the terms of the plan or your entitlement to any amounts. We will not be responsible for determining what your plan says.
Are there special rules concerning purchase payments and other administrative details that you should know?


All purchase payments and all requests you may have concerning the Contracts, like a change in beneficiary, should be sent to our “Designated Office.” All checks should be payable to ‘‘MetLife.”
You may also make certain requests by telephone. We will use reasonable procedures such as requiring certain identifying information, tape recording the telephone instructions, and providing written confirmation of the transaction, in order to confirm that instructions communicated by telephone, fax, Internet or other means are genuine. Any telephone, fax or Internet instructions reasonably believed by us to be genuine will be your responsibility, including losses arising from any errors in the communication of instructions. As a result of this policy, you will bear the risk of loss. If we do not employ reasonable procedures to confirm that instructions communicated by telephone, fax or Internet are genuine, we may be liable for any losses due to unauthorized or fraudulent transactions. All other requests and elections under your contract must be in writing signed by the proper party, must include any necessary documentation and must be received at our Annuity Service Center to be effective. If acceptable to us, requests or elections relating to Beneficiaries and Ownership will take effect as of the date signed unless we have already acted in reliance on the prior status. We are not responsible for the validity of any written request or action
In order to have a purchase payment credited to you, we must receive it and completed documentation. We will provide the appropriate forms. Under certain group Contracts, your employer, the trustee of the Keogh plan (if an allocated Contract) or the group of which you are a participant or member must also identify you to us on their reports to us and tell us how your purchase payments should be allocated among the investment divisions and the Fixed Interest Account.
For IRA and Non-Qualified Contracts, your purchase payments may also be made “automatically” through a procedure that we call “check-o-matic.” With “check-o-matic,” your bank deducts monies from your bank checking account and makes the purchase payment for you.
Purchase payments, including check-o-matic payments, are effective and valued as of 4:00 p.m., New York City time, on the day we receive them at our Designated Office, except (1) when they are received on a day when the accumulation unit value (which will be discussed later in this Prospectus) is not calculated or (2) when they are received after 4:00 p.m., New York City time. In those cases, the purchase payments will be effective the next day the accumulation unit value is calculated.
We will not issue the TSA Deferred Annuity to You if You are age 80 or older or younger than age 18. For SEPs and SIMPLE IRA Deferred Annuities, the minimum issue age is 21. We will not accept your purchase payments if You are age 90 or older.
How small or large can your purchase payment be?
The minimum purchase payment is $25 if you make your payments on a pre-arranged monthly basis or $300 a year ($200 for TSA Contracts). We can change our minimum at any time, but we will tell you in writing at least 90 days in advance if you have an IRA, SEP or Non-Qualified Contract. Maximum purchase payments are $500,000 per month. Your purchase payments may also be limited by the federal tax laws.
How are purchase payments allocated?
You decide how a purchase payment is allocated among the Fixed Interest Account and the investment divisions of the Separate Account available to your Contract.


Changes of allocation for new purchase payments will be made upon receipt of your notification to us of the changes except for Keogh, PEDC and TSA Contracts, where the change will be made within seven business days. You may also specify a day, as long as it is within 30 days after we receive the request.
Are there any limits on subsequent purchase payments?
You may generally make purchase payments at any time before the date income payments begin for Non-Qualified, TSA, PEDC and Keogh Contracts. You may generally make purchase payments at any time before the end of the tax year in which you reach 69 12 and before the date income payments begin for IRA and SEP Contracts. We may refuse to accept subsequent purchase payments if your Account Balance is less than $800 and we have not received a purchase payment for you over 48 consecutive months. Purchase payments may be limited by the tax laws.
What is an accumulation unit value?
We hold money in each investment division of the Separate Account in the form of “accumulation units.” When you make purchase payments or transfers into an investment division, you are credited with accumulation units. When you request a withdrawal or a transfer of money from an investment division, accumulation units are liquidated. In either case, the number of accumulation units you gain or lose is determined by taking the amount of the purchase payment, transfer or withdrawal and dividing it by the value of an accumulation unit on the date the transaction occurs. For example, if an accumulation unit is $10.00 and a $500 purchase payment is made, the number of accumulation units purchased is 50 ($500 divided by $10 = 50). We calculate accumulation units separately for each investment division of the Separate Account.
How is an accumulation unit value calculated?
We calculate the value of accumulation units once a day on every day the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading. We call the time between the calculation of an accumulation unit and the next accumulation unit calculation the “Valuation Period.” We have the right to change the basis for the Valuation Period, on 30 days’ notice, as long as it is consistent with the law. All purchase payments, transfers and withdrawals are valued as of the end of the Valuation Period during which the transaction occurred. The value of accumulation units can go up or down and is derived from the investment performance of each of the portfolios. If the investment performance, after payment of Separate Account expenses, is positive, accumulation unit values will go up. Conversely, if the investment performance, after payment of Separate Account expenses, is negative, they will go down.
We use the term “experience factor” to describe the investment performance for an investment division. The experience factor changes from Valuation Period to Valuation Period to reflect the upward or downward performance of the assets in the underlying portfolios. The experience factor is calculated as of the end of each Valuation Period as follows: We take the net asset value per share of the underlying portfolio, add the per share amount of any dividend or capital gain distribution paid by the portfolio during the current Valuation Period, and subtract any per share charges for taxes and reserve for taxes. We then divide that amount by the net asset value per share as of the end of the last Valuation Period to obtain a percentage that reflects investment performance. We then subtract a charge not to exceed .000025905 (an effective annual rate of .95%) for Enhanced Contracts and a charge not to exceed .000040792 (an effective annual rate of 1.5%) for the other Contracts for each day in the Valuation Period. This charge is to cover the general administrative expenses and the mortality and expense risks we assume under the Contracts.


To calculate an accumulation unit value we multiply the experience factor for the period since the last calculation by the last previously calculated accumulation unit value. We then add this to the prior accumulation unit value. For example, if the last previously calculated accumulation unit value is $12.00 and the experience factor for the period was .05, the new accumulation unit value is $12.60 ($12.00 x .05 = $.60; $.60 + $12.00 = $12.60). On the other hand, if the experience factor was -.05, the new accumulation unit value is $11.40 ($12.00 x (.05) = $(.60); $12.00 - $.60 = $11.40).
Can you make withdrawals and transfers?
Yes. You may either withdraw all or part of your Account Balance from the Contract or transfer it from one investment division to another or to the Fixed Interest Account. Some restrictions may apply to transfers from the Fixed Interest Account to the Separate Account.
Withdrawals or transfers must be at least $250 (or the entire balance in an investment division, if less). You may make up to 12 transfers each calendar year (including transfers from the Fixed Interest Account to the Separate Account). Your request must tell us the percentage or dollar amount to be withdrawn or transferred.
When will we make withdrawals or transfers?
Generally, as of the end of the Valuation Period during which we receive your request at our Designated Office. We will make it as of a later date if you request, but not more than 180 days later. If you die before the requested date, we will cancel the request and pay the death benefit instead. If the withdrawal is made to provide income payments, it will be made as of the end of the Valuation Period ending most recently before the date the income annuity is purchased. Withdrawals to pay annual Contract charges or if we cancel your Contract will be made as of the end of the Valuation Period we determine.
Will we make payments directly to other investments on a tax-free basis?
Generally yes, if you so request, but only if all applicable requirements of the Code are met, and we receive all information necessary for us to make the payment.
What restrictions apply to transfers generally?
Restrictions on Frequent Transfers. Frequent requests from Contract owners to transfer Contract value may dilute the value of a Portfolio’s shares if the frequent trading involves an attempt to take advantage of pricing inefficiencies created by a lag between a change in the value of the securities held by the Portfolio and the reflection of that change in the Portfolio’s share price (“arbitrage trading”). Frequent transfers involving arbitrage trading may adversely affect the long-term performance of the Portfolios, which may in turn adversely affect Contract owners and other persons who may have an interest in the Contracts (e.g., annuitants and beneficiaries).
We have policies and procedures that attempt to detect and deter frequent transfers in situations where we determine there is a potential for arbitrage trading. Currently, we believe that such situations may be presented in the international, small-cap, and high- yield Portfolios. We monitor transfer activity in those Monitored Portfolios.
We employ various means to monitor transfer activity, such as examining the frequency and size of transfers into and out of the Monitored Portfolios within given periods of time. For example, we currently monitor transfer activity to determine if, for each of the Monitored Portfolios, in a three-month period there were two or more “round-trips” of a certain dollar amount or greater. A round-trip is defined as a transfer in followed by a transfer out


within the next ten calendar days, or a transfer out followed by a transfer in within the next ten calendar days. In the case of a Contract that has been restricted previously, a single round-trip of a certain dollar amount or greater will trigger the transfer restrictions described below. We do not believe that other Portfolios present a significant opportunity to engage in arbitrage trading and therefore do not monitor transfer activity in those Portfolios. We may change the Monitored Portfolios at any time without notice in our sole discretion.
Our policies and procedures may result in transfer restrictions being applied to deter frequent transfers. Currently, when we detect transfer activity in the Monitored Portfolios that exceeds our current transfer limits, we will issue a warning letter for the first occurrence. If we detect a second occurrence, we will exercise our contractual right to restrict your number of transfers to one every six months.
Transfers made under a Dollar Cost Averaging Program, a rebalancing program or, if applicable, any asset allocation program described in this prospectus are not treated as transfers when we monitor the frequency of transfers.
The detection and deterrence of harmful transfer activity involves judgments that are inherently subjective, such as the decision to monitor only those Portfolios that we believe are susceptible to arbitrage trading or the determination of the transfer limits. Our ability to detect and/or restrict such transfer activity may be limited by operational and technological systems, as well as our ability to predict strategies employed by Contract owners to avoid such detection. Our ability to restrict such transfer activity also may be limited by provisions of the Contract. Accordingly, there is no assurance that we will prevent all transfer activity that may adversely affect Contract owners and other persons with interests in the Contracts. We do not accommodate frequent transfers in any Portfolio and there are no arrangements in place to permit any Contract owner to engage in frequent transfers; We apply our policies and procedures without exception, waiver, or special arrangement.
The Portfolios may have adopted their own policies and procedures with respect to frequent transfers of their respective shares, and we reserve the right to enforce these policies and procedures. For example, Portfolios may assess a redemption fee (which we reserve the right to collect) on shares held for a relatively short period. The prospectuses for the Portfolios describe any such policies and procedures, which may be more or less restrictive than the policies and procedures we have adopted. Although we may not have the contractual authority or the operational capacity to apply the frequent transfer policies and procedures of the Portfolios, we have entered into a written agreement, as required by SEC regulation, with each Portfolio or its principal underwriter that obligates us to provide to the Portfolio promptly upon request certain information about the trading activity of an individual Contract owner, and to execute instructions from the Portfolio to restrict or prohibit further purchase payments or transfers by specific Contract owners who violate the frequent transfer policies established by the Portfolio.
In addition, Contract owners and other persons with interests in the Contracts should be aware that the purchase and redemption orders received by the Portfolios generally are “omnibus” orders from intermediaries, such as retirement plans or separate accounts funding variable insurance contracts. The omnibus orders reflect the aggregation and netting of multiple orders from individual Contract owners of variable insurance Contracts and/or individual retirement plan participants. The omnibus nature of these orders may limit the Portfolios in their ability to apply their frequent transfer policies and procedures. In addition, the other insurance companies and/or retirement plans may have different policies and procedures or may not have any such policies and procedures because of contractual limitations. For these reasons, we cannot guarantee that the Portfolios (and thus Contract owners) will not be harmed by transfer activity relating to other insurance companies and/or retirement plans that may invest in the Portfolios. If a Portfolio believes that an omnibus order reflects one or more transfer requests from Contract owners engaged in frequent trading, the Portfolio may reject the entire omnibus order.
In accordance with applicable law, we reserve the right to modify or terminate the transfer privilege at any time. We also reserve the right to defer or restrict the transfer privilege at any time that we are unable to purchase or


redeem shares of any of the Portfolios, including any refusal or restriction on purchases or redemptions of their shares as a result of their own policies and procedures on frequent transfers (even if an entire omnibus order is rejected due to the frequent transfers of a single Contract owner). You should read the Portfolio prospectuses for more details.
Restrictions on Large Transfers. Large transfers may increase brokerage and administrative costs of the Portfolios and may disrupt portfolio management strategy, requiring a Portfolio to maintain a high cash position and possibly resulting in lost investment opportunities and forced liquidations. We do not monitor for large transfers to or from Portfolios except where the portfolio manager of a particular Portfolio has brought large transfer activity to our attention for investigation on a case-by-case basis. For example, some portfolio managers have asked us to monitor for “block transfers” where transfer requests have been submitted on behalf of multiple Contract owners by a third party such as an investment adviser. When we detect such large trades, we will issue a warning letter for the first occurrence. If We detect a second occurrence, we will exercise our contractual right to restrict your number of transfers to one every six months.
You can transfer among the Divisions as frequently as you wish without any current tax implications. Currently there is no limit to the number of transfers allowed. We may, in the future, limit the number of transfers allowed. At a minimum, we would always allow one transfer every six months. We reserve the right to restrict transfers that we determine will disadvantage other Contract owners. You may also transfer between the Fixed Account and the non-competing Divisions at least once every six months, provided no more than 20% of the fixed Contract value is transferred out in any Contract year. It is important to note that it will take over ten years (assuming no additional purchase payments or transfers into the Fixed Account and discounting any accrued interest) to make a complete transfer of your balance from the Fixed Account because of the transfer allowance restriction indicated above.
This is because the 20% transfer allowance is based on a declining Contract value in the Fixed Account rather than withdrawals based upon a fixed number of years. For example (based on the assumptions above), if your initial Contract value in the Fixed Account is $100, the 20% transfer allowance only allows you to transfer up to $20 that Contract year. If you transfer the maximum transfer allowance that Contract year, you may only transfer up to $16 the following Contract year based on the 20% transfer allowance of the $80 Contract value remaining in the Fixed Account for such Contract year. It is important to consider when deciding to invest in the Fixed Account whether this 20% transfer allowance restriction fits your risk tolerance and time horizon. Amounts previously transferred from the Fixed Account to the Divisions may not be transferred back to the Fixed Account for a period of at least three months from the date of the transfer. Please refer to your Contract for restrictions on transfers to and from the Fixed Account.
What restrictions apply to Texas Optional Retirement Program participants?
If you are a participant in the Texas Optional Retirement Program, Texas law permits us to make withdrawals on your behalf only if you die, retire or terminate employment in all Texas institutions of higher education, as defined under Texas law. Any withdrawal requires a written statement from the appropriate Texas institution of higher education verifying your vesting status and (if applicable) termination of employment, as well as a written statement from you that you are not transferring employment to another Texas institution of higher education. If you retire or terminate employment in all Texas institutions of higher education or die before being vested, amounts provided by the state’s matching contribution will be refunded to the appropriate Texas institution. We may change these restrictions or add others without your consent to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with applicable law.


What restrictions apply to TSA Contracts?
As required by the Code, certain withdrawals from the Contracts before age 59 12 are prohibited. See “Taxes-TSA Contracts” at page VM-20.
Can you make withdrawals and transfers by telephone?
Yes. You can make withdrawal and transfer requests by telephone unless prohibited by state law. Except for the Keogh Contracts, if we agree, you may also authorize your sales representative to make a transfer request on a form we will supply to you on your behalf by telephone. Telephone withdrawals are permitted under IRA, SEP and Non-Qualified Contracts only. Whether you have your sales representative make transfer requests or you make the withdrawal or transfer requests by telephone yourself, you are authorizing us to act upon the telephone instructions of any person purporting to be you or, if applicable, your sales representative, assuming our procedures have been followed, to make transfers or withdrawals from both your Fixed Interest and Separate Account Balances. We have instituted reasonable procedures to confirm that any instructions communicated by telephone are genuine. All telephone calls requesting a transfer or withdrawal will be recorded. You (or the sales representative) will be asked to produce your personalized data prior to our initiating any requests by telephone. Additionally, as with other transactions, you will receive a written confirmation of your transfer or withdrawal. Neither we nor the Separate Account will be liable for any loss, expense or cost arising out of any requests that we or the Separate Account reasonably believe to be genuine. In the unlikely event that you have trouble reaching us, requests should be made to the Designated Office.
If you revoke a previously requested withdrawal, the withdrawn amount will be allocated back to the Fixed Interest Account. You bear the risk of any loss of investment opportunity for the withdrawn amount while it is not allocated to either the Fixed Interest or Separate Accounts.


Are there annual Contract charges?
The Separate Account Annual Contract Charge is $15 a calendar year. It is divided equally among the investment divisions in which you have money invested at the time we take the charge. The Fixed Interest Account Annual Contract Charge is $15 a calendar year. (We will prorate our charge if you do not have an Account Balance during the entire year.) This charge covers our administrative costs, which include preparation of Contracts, review of applications and recordkeeping. Your employer may pay all or part of this charge for certain Enhanced Contracts. If you request a total withdrawal, we will deduct unpaid Annual Contract Charges before making the withdrawal.
We may change our charge with 90 days’ notice to you if you have an IRA, SEP or Non-Qualified Contract. For TSA, PEDC or Keogh Contracts, we may only change the charge on the Contract anniversary date with 90 days’ notice. It may never exceed $50 per year for Contracts issued in Pennsylvania and $30 per year for Contracts issued in South Carolina.
What are charges for general administrative expenses and mortality and expense risks and how much are they?
The general administrative expense charge pays us for such expenses as financial, accounting, actuarial and legal expenses. The mortality portion of the mortality and expense risk charge pays us for the risk that Contract purchasers and participants may live for a longer period of time than we estimated. We would then be obligated to pay more income benefits than anticipated. We also bear the risk that the guaranteed death benefit we pay will be larger than the Account Balance. The expense risk portion of the mortality and expense risk charge is that our expenses in administering the Contracts will be greater than we estimated.
These charges do not reduce the number of accumulation units credited to you. These charges are calculated and paid every time we calculate the value of accumulation units. (See “How is an accumulation unit value calculated?” above.)
As a result of reduced administrative expenses associated with Enhanced Contracts, the sum of these charges on an annual basis (computed and payable each Valuation Period) will not exceed .95% of the average value of the assets in each investment division. Of this charge, we estimate that .20% is for administrative expenses and .75% is for mortality and expense risks.
For other Contracts, the sum of these charges on an annual basis (computed and payable each Valuation Period) will not exceed 1.5% of the average value of the assets in each investment division. Of this charge, we estimate that .75% is for administrative expenses and .75% is for mortality and expense risks.
Are there deductions for annuity taxes and when are they paid?
Some jurisdictions tax what is called “annuity considerations”. These may include purchase payments, account balances and death benefits. We currently do not deduct any monies from purchase payments, account balances or death benefits to pay these taxes. Our practice generally is to deduct money to pay annuity taxes only where you purchase an income annuity. We may deduct an amount to pay annuity taxes sometime in the future since the laws and the interpretation of the laws relating to annuities are subject to change.
A chart that shows the states where annuity taxes are charged and the amount of these taxes can be found at Appendix A.


What is the early withdrawal charge (surrender charge)?
The following paragraphs describe how the early withdrawal charge is determined. The early withdrawal charge reimburses us for our costs in selling the Contracts. We may use any of our profits derived from mortality and expense risk charges to pay for any of our costs in selling the Contracts that exceed the revenues generated by the early withdrawal charge. However, we believe that our sales expenses may exceed revenues generated by the early withdrawal charge and, in such event, we will pay such excess out of our surplus.
The early withdrawal charge will be determined separately for each investment division from which a withdrawal is made. The early withdrawal charge is equal to that part of the amount used to make the withdrawal that is subject to the early withdrawal charge, multiplied by the applicable factor from Column I of the table below. After making the requested withdrawal, we will take the early withdrawal charge from your remaining Account Balance in that investment division.
However, the early withdrawal charge will be determined differently if your Account Balance in that investment division is not enough to pay both the requested withdrawal and the early withdrawal charge. Then we will withdraw from the investment division both any applicable annual Contract charges and any amounts exempt from the early withdrawal charge in that investment division divided by the applicable factor from Column II of the table below. We will then withdraw your remaining Account Balance in that investment division as the early withdrawal charge.
Your total early withdrawal charges will never exceed 8% of all your purchase payments applied to the investment divisions to the date of the withdrawal.
Full Uninterrupted Years of Maintenance of Account Balance at Withdrawal Column I Column II
Less than 3 .07 1.07
At least 3 but less than 4 .06 1.06
At least 4 but less than 3 .05 1.05
At least 5 but less than 6 .04 1.04
At least 6 but less than 7 .02 1.02
7 or more 0.0 1.00
As a result of the reduced sales costs associated with Enhanced VestMet Contracts, no early withdrawal charges are deducted for withdrawals under those Contracts.
As of July 2, 2001, MetLife will waive any early withdrawal charge that would otherwise be payable on account of any contract withdrawal or transfer, either from the Fixed Interest Account or the Separate Account.
Can you make withdrawals or transfers without early withdrawal charges?
Yes. There are several types of withdrawals that will not result in an early withdrawal charge to you. Tax penalties may still apply and the amount withdrawn may be subject to tax, see “Taxes”, pages VM-19-22. We may require proof satisfactory to us that any necessary conditions have been met.
The following describes the situations where we do not impose an early withdrawal charge:
1. Transfers made among the investment divisions of the Separate Account or to the Fixed Interest Account.


2. Withdrawals after you have had an Account Balance for seven or more full uninterrupted years.
3. A “free corridor” withdrawal: You can withdraw up to 10% of your Account Balance in one or more investment divisions without an early withdrawal charge if you have made no previous withdrawals from the Contract or transfers from the Fixed Interest Account during that calendar year.
4. Ten Day “Free Look”: You may cancel your Contract within 10 days after you receive it by telling us in writing. We will then refund all of your purchase payments (however for IRA, SEP and Non- Qualified Contracts issued to you in New York, Illinois, Minnesota and Pennsylvania we will instead pay you your Account Balance and any sales charges). If you purchased your Contract by mail, you may have more time to return your Contract.
5. You die before any income annuity payments have been made and we pay your beneficiary a death benefit.
6. You purchase an income annuity from us.
7. You are totally disabled (as defined by the Federal Social Security Act) and ask for a total withdrawal.
8. For the PEDC Contract, if you have a hardship and the tax laws require a payment because of this hardship.
What is the death benefit?
The death benefit is the greater of the value of your Account Balance or the total of all purchase payments you have made less any partial withdrawals.
When and to whom will the death benefit be paid?
The death benefit will not be paid until we receive proof of death and appropriate directions regarding the Account Balance. If we receive proof of death without any appropriate directions, we will take no action with regard to the Account Balance until we receive appropriate directions.
You name the beneficiary under the TSA, IRA, SEP and Non-Qualified Contracts. The death benefit is paid to your employer under the PEDC Contract and to the Keogh trustee under the Keogh Contracts.
The payee may take a lump sum cash payment or use the death benefit (less any applicable annuity taxes) to purchase an income plan from the options available under your Contract.
Can MetLife provide you with an income guaranteed for life or offer a wide choice of other periods?
Yes. You may withdraw your total Account Balance and use that money (less any annuity taxes that must be paid) to purchase an income annuity.
You can receive income payments guaranteed for life on a monthly, quarterly, semiannual or annual basis. These payments may also be guaranteed for at least five years.
Other income annuities which provide payments for two lifetimes for a stated amount or a stated number of years are also available. No variable income annuity options are available. The amount of each payment under an income annuity must be at least $20. You may begin receiving income payments at any date that you choose after the Contract date if you tell us at least 30 days in advance.
All provisions relating to income annuities are subject to the limitations imposed by the Code.


Can we cancel your contract?
Yes. If we do so for a Contract delivered in New York, we will return the full Account Balance for IRA, SEP or Non-Qualified Contracts. In all other cases, you will receive an amount equal to what you would have received if you had requested a total withdrawal of your Account Balance. Early withdrawal charges (surrender charges) may apply.
We will only cancel your Contract if we do not receive any purchase payments for you for 48 consecutive months and your Account Balance is less than $800. We will only do so to the extent allowed by law. If you have purchased a Non-Qualified Contract and you have not chosen a retirement date by the later of the tenth anniversary of the Contract or your 70th birthday, we may pay the Account Balance to you.
Are there special provisions that apply if you are a participant in a plan subject to ERISA?
Yes. If your plan is subject to ERISA (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974) and you are married, the income payments, withdrawal provisions and methods of payment of the death benefit under your Contract or Enhanced Contract may be subject to your spouse’s rights as described below.
Generally, the spouse must give qualified consent whenever you elect to:
a. choose income payments other than on a qualified joint and survivor basis (“QJSA”) (one under which we make payments to you during your lifetime and then make payments reduced by no more than 50% to your spouse for his or her remaining life, if any); or choose to waive the qualified pre-retirement survivor annuity benefit (“QPSA”) (the benefit payable to the surviving spouse of a participant who dies with a vested interest in an accrued retirement benefit under the plan before payment of the benefit has begun);
b. make certain withdrawals under plans for which a qualified consent is required;
c. name someone other than the spouse as your beneficiary;
d. use your accrued benefit as security for a loan.
Generally, there is no limit to the number of your elections as long as a qualified consent is given each time. The consent to waive the QJSA must be in writing which acknowledges the form of benefit selected, dated, signed by your spouse, witnessed by a notary public or plan representative and in a form satisfactory to us. The waiver of a QJSA generally must be executed during the 90-day period ending on the date on which income payments are to commence, or the withdrawal or the loan is to be made, as the case may be. If you die before benefits commence, your surviving spouse will be your beneficiary unless he or she has given a qualified consent otherwise. The qualified consent to waive the QPSA benefit and the beneficiary designation must be made in writing that acknowledges the designated beneficiary, dated, signed by your spouse, witnessed by a notary public or plan representative and in a form satisfactory to us. Generally, there is no limit to the number of beneficiary designations as long as a qualified consent accompanies each designation. The waiver of and the qualified consent for the QPSA benefit generally may not be given until the plan year in which you attain age 35. The waiver period for the QPSA ends on the date of your death.
If your benefit is worth $3,500 or less, a spousal qualified consent may not be required.


When are your requests effective?
In general, your requests are effective when we receive them at our Designated Office unless otherwise provided by this Prospectus.
Will we confirm your transactions?
Yes. In general we will send you a confirmation statement indicating that a transaction recently took place. Certain transactions which are made on a periodic basis, such as “check-o-matic,” may be confirmed quarterly.
Can MetLife change the provisions of your Contract?
Yes. We have the right to make certain changes to your Contract, but only as permitted by law. We make changes when we think they would best serve the interest of all participants or would be appropriate in carrying out the purposes of the Contract. If the law requires, we will also get your approval and that of any appropriate regulatory authorities. Examples of the changes we may make include:
1. To operate the Separate Account in any form permitted under the 1940 Act or in any other form permitted by law.
2. To take any action necessary to comply with or obtain and continue any exemptions from the 1940 Act.
3. To transfer any assets in an investment division to another investment division, or to one or more separate accounts, or to our general account, or to add, combine or remove investment divisions in the Separate Account.
4. To substitute for the portfolio shares in any investment division, the shares of another class of the Metropolitan Fund or the shares of another investment company or any other investment permitted by law.
5. To change the way we assess charges, but without increasing the aggregate amount charged to the Separate Account and any currently available portfolio in connection with the Contracts.
6. To make any necessary technical changes in the Contracts in order to conform with any of the above-described actions.
If any changes result in a material change in the underlying investments of an investment division in which you have an amount allocated, we will notify you of the change. You may then make a new choice of investment divisions. For Contracts issued in Pennsylvania, we will ask your approval before any technical changes are made.
What are your voting rights regarding Portfolio shares?
In accordance with our view of the present applicable law, we will vote the shares of each of the Portfolios held by the Separate Account (which are deemed attributable to the Contracts) at regular and special meetings of the shareholders of the Portfolio based on instructions received from those having the voting interest in corresponding investment divisions of the Separate Account. However, if the 1940 Act or any rules thereunder should be amended or if the present interpretation thereof should change, and as a result we determine that we are permitted to vote the shares of the Portfolios in our own right, we may elect to do so.
Accordingly, you have voting interests under the Contracts. The number of shares held in each Separate Account investment division deemed attributable to you is determined by dividing the value of accumulation units attributable to you in that investment division, if any, by the net asset value of one share in the Portfolio in which the assets in that Separate Account investment division are invested.


Fractional votes will be counted. The number of shares concerning which you have the right to give instructions will be determined as of the record date for the meeting.
Portfolio shares held in each registered separate account of MetLife or any affiliate that are or are not attributable to life insurance policies or annuity contracts (including the Contracts) and for which no timely instructions are received will be voted in the same proportion as the shares for which voting instructions are received by that separate account. Portfolio shares held in the general accounts or unregistered separate accounts of MetLife or its affiliates will be voted in the same proportion as the aggregate of (i) the shares for which voting instructions are received and (ii) the shares that are voted in proportion to such voting instructions. However, if we or an affiliate determine that we are permitted to vote any such shares, in our own right, we may elect to do so subject to the then current interpretation of the 1940 Act or any rules thereunder.
You will be entitled to give instructions regarding the votes attributable to your Contract in your sole discretion. Under the Keogh Contracts, participants may instruct you to give us instructions regarding shares deemed attributable to their contributions to the Contract. Under the Keogh Contract we will provide you with the number of copies of voting instruction soliciting materials that you request so that you may furnish such materials to participants who may give you voting instructions. Neither the Separate Account nor MetLife has any duty to inquire as to the instructions received or your authority to give instructions; thus, as far as the Separate Account, and any others having voting interests in respect of the Separate Account are concerned, such instructions are valid and effective.
You may give instructions regarding, among other things, the election of the board of directors, ratification of the election of an independent registered public accounting firm, and the approval of investment and sub-investment managers.
Can your voting instructions be disregarded?
Yes. MetLife may disregard voting instructions under the following circumstances: (1) to make or refrain from making any change in the investments or investment policies for any Portfolio if required by any insurance regulatory authority; (2) to refrain from making any change in the investment policies or any investment adviser or principal underwriter or any Portfolio which may be initiated by those having voting interests or a Fund’s board of directors, provided MetLife’s disapproval of the change is reasonable and, in the case of a change in investment policies or investment adviser, based on a good faith determination that such change would be contrary to state law or otherwise inappropriate in light of the portfolio’s objective and purposes; or (3) to enter into or refrain from entering into any advisory agreement or underwriting contract, if required by any insurance regulatory authority.
In the event that MetLife does disregard voting instructions, a summary of the action and the reasons for such action will be included in the next semiannual report.


The following information on taxes is a general discussion of the subject. It is not intended as tax advice. The Internal Revenue Code (“Code”) and the provisions of the Code that govern annuities are complex and subject to change. The applicability of Federal income tax rules may vary with your particular circumstances. This discussion does not include all the Federal income tax rules that may affect You and your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable. Nor does this discussion address other Federal tax consequences (such as estate and gift taxes, sales to foreign individuals or entities), or state or local tax consequences, which may affect your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable. As a result, You should always consult a tax adviser for complete information and advice applicable to your individual situation.
When you invest in an annuity Contract, you usually do not pay taxes on your investment gains until you withdraw the money — generally for retirement purposes. Under current federal income tax law, the taxable portion of distributions from variable annuity contracts is taxed at ordinary income tax rates and does not qualify for the reduced tax rate applicable to long-term capital gains and dividends. If you invest in a variable annuity as part of an individual retirement plan, pension plan or employer-sponsored retirement program, your contract is called a Qualified Contract. If your annuity is independent of any formal retirement or pension plan, it is termed a Non-Qualified Contract. The tax rules applicable to Qualified Contracts vary according to the type of retirement plan and the terms and conditions of the plan.
We are not responsible for determining if your employer’s plan or arrangement satisfies the requirements of the Code and/or ERISA.
We do not expect to incur Federal, state or local income taxes on the earnings or realized capital gains attributable to the Separate Account. However, if we do incur such taxes in the future, we reserve the right to charge amounts allocated to the Separate Account for these taxes.
To the extent permitted under Federal tax law, we may claim the benefit of the corporate dividends received deduction and of certain foreign tax credits attributable to taxes paid by certain of the Portfolios to foreign jurisdictions.
Any Code reference to “spouse” includes those persons who enter into lawful marriages under state law, regardless of sex.
Non-Qualified Annuity Contracts
This discussion assumes the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, is an annuity Contract for Federal income tax purposes that is not held in a tax qualified “plan” defined by the Code. Tax qualified plans include arrangements described in Code Sections 401(a), 401(k), 403(a),403(b) or tax sheltered annuities (“TSA”), 408 or “IRAs” (including SEP and SIMPLE IRAs), 408A or “Roth IRAs” or 457(b) or governmental 457(b) plans. Deferred Annuities owned through such plans are referred to below as “qualified” contracts.
Generally, an Owner of a non-qualified annuity Contract is not taxed on increases in the value of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable until there is a distribution from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, i.e., surrender, partial withdrawal, income payment or commutation. This deferral of taxation on accumulated value


in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is limited to Deferred Annuities owned by or held for the benefit of “natural persons.” A Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will be treated as held by a natural person if the nominal Owner is a trust or other entity which holds the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable as an agent for the exclusive benefit of a natural person.
In contrast, a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, owned or not treated as held by a “natural person,” such as a corporation, partnership, trust or other entity, will be taxed currently on the increase in accumulated value in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, in the year earned. Note that in this regard, an employer which is the Owner of an annuity Contract under a non-qualified deferred compensation arrangement for its employees, or otherwise, is considered a non-natural Owner and any annual increase in the Account Balance will be subject to current income taxation.
Surrenders or Withdrawals — Early Distribution
If You take a withdrawal from your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, or surrender your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable prior to the date You commence taking annuity or “income” payments (the “Annuity Starting Date”), the amount You receive will be treated first as coming from earnings, if any, (and thus subject to income tax) and then from your purchase payments (which are not subject to income tax).
The portion of any withdrawal from an annuity Contract that is subject to income tax will also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty for “early” distribution if such withdrawal is taken prior to You reaching age 59 12, unless an exception applies.
Exceptions include distributions made:
(a) on account of your death or disability,
(b) as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments payable for your life (or life expectancy) or joint lives (joint life expectancies) of You and your designated Beneficiary, or
(c) under certain immediate income annuities providing for substantially equal payments made at least annually.
If You receive systematic payments that You intend to qualify for the “substantially equal periodic payments” exception noted above, any modifications (except due to death or disability) to your payment before age 59 12 or within five years after beginning these payments, whichever is later, will result in the retroactive imposition of the 10% Federal income tax penalty with interest. Such modifications may include but are not limited to additional purchase payments to the Contract (including tax-free rollovers) and additional withdrawals from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
For non-qualified Contracts, amounts received under the exercise of a partial withdrawal may be fully included in taxable income. The entire amount of the withdrawal could be treated as taxable income. Exercise of a withdrawal feature may adversely impact the amount of subsequent payments which can be treated as a nontaxable return of investment.
If your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable has been purchased with an Optional Two Year Withdrawal Feature or is for a guaranteed period only (term certain) annuity, and is terminated as a result of the exercise of the withdrawal feature, the taxable portion of the payment will generally be the excess of the proceeds received over your remaining after-tax purchase payment.


Treatment of Separate Account Charges
It is possible that at some future date the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) may consider that Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable charges attributable to certain guaranteed death benefits and certain living benefits are to be treated as distributions from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to pay for such non-annuity benefits. Currently, these charges are considered to be an intrinsic part of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and we do not report these as taxable income. However, if this treatment changes in the future, the charge could also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty as an early distribution, as described above.
Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefits (where applicable)
If You have purchased the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit I, Enhanced Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit or Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee, where otherwise made available, note the following:
The tax treatment of withdrawals under such a benefit is uncertain. It is conceivable that the amount of potential gain could be determined based on the remaining amount guaranteed to be available for withdrawal at the time of the withdrawal if greater than the Account Balance (prior to Withdrawal Charges). This could result in a greater amount of taxable income in certain cases. In general, at the present time, MetLife intends to report such withdrawals using the Account Balance rather than the remaining benefit to determine gain. However, in cases where the maximum permitted withdrawal in any year under any version of the GWB exceeds the Account Balance, the portion of the withdrawal treated as taxable gain (not to exceed the amount of the withdrawal) should be measured as the difference between the maximum permitted withdrawal amount under the benefit and the remaining after-tax basis immediately preceding the withdrawal. Consult your tax adviser.
In the event that the Account Balance goes to zero, and either the Remaining Guaranteed Withdrawal Amount is paid out in fixed installments or the Annual Benefit Payment is paid for life, we will treat such payments as income annuity payments under the tax law and allow recovery of any remaining basis ratably over the expected number of payments. (See “Taxation of Payments in Annuity Form” below.)
MetLife reserves the right to change its tax reporting practices where we determine that they are not in accordance with Federal income tax rules and/or IRS guidance (whether formal or informal).
If You purchase two or more Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable Contracts from MetLife (or its affiliates) during the same calendar year, the law requires that all such Contracts must be treated as a single Contract for purposes of determining whether any payments not received as an annuity (e.g., withdrawals) will be includible in income. Aggregation could affect the amount of a withdrawal that is taxable and subject to the 10% Federal income tax penalty described above. Since the IRS may require aggregation in other circumstances as well, You should consult a tax adviser if You are purchasing more than one annuity Contract from the same insurance company in a single calendar year. Aggregation does not affect distributions paid in the form of an annuity (see “Taxation of Payments in Annuity Form” below).
The annuity Contract may be exchanged tax-free in whole or in part for another annuity contract or a long-term care insurance policy. The partial exchange of an annuity contract may be a tax-free transaction provided that, among other prescribed IRS conditions, no amounts are distributed from either contract involved in the exchange for 180 days following the date of the exchange other than annuity payments made for life, joint lives, or for a term of 10 years or more. Otherwise, a withdrawal or “deemed” distribution may be includible in your taxable


income (plus a 10% Federal income tax penalty) to the extent that the accumulated value of your annuity exceeds your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable (your “gain”). Some of the ramifications of a partial exchange remain unclear. If the annuity Contract is exchanged in part for an additional annuity contract, a distribution from either contract may be taxable to the extent of the combined gain attributable to both contracts, or only to the extent of your gain in the contract from which the distribution is paid. It is not clear whether these rules apply to a partial exchange involving long-term care contracts. Consult your tax adviser prior to a partial exchange.
A transfer of Ownership of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, or the designation of an Annuitant or other Beneficiary who is not also the Contract Owner, may result in income or gift tax consequences to the Contract Owner. You should consult your tax adviser if You are considering such a transfer or assignment.
Death Benefits
The death benefit is taxable to the recipient in the same manner as if paid to the Contract Owner (under the rules for withdrawals or income payments, whichever is applicable).
After your death, any death benefit determined under the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed in accordance with Section 72(s) of the Code. The method of distribution that is required depends on whether You die before or after the Annuity Starting Date.
If You die on or after the Annuity Starting Date, the remaining portion of the interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used as of the date of death.
If You die before the Annuity Starting Date, the entire interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed within five (5) years after the date of death, or as periodic payments over a period not extending beyond the life or life expectancy of the designated Beneficiary (provided such payments begin within one year of your death) and the Beneficiary must be a natural person. Naming a non-natural person, such as a trust or estate, as a designated beneficiary, may eliminate the ability to stretch the payment over an individual’s life or life expectancy, and may also eliminate the ability to continue these benefits beyond the otherwise allowed payout period under the Code. If a non-natural person, such as a trust, is the owner of a non-qualified contract, the distribution on death rules under the Code may require payment to begin earlier than expected and may impact the usefulness of death benefit features.
Additionally, if the annuity is payable to (or for the benefit of) your surviving spouse, that portion of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may be continued with your spouse as the Owner.
For Deferred Annuities owned by a non-natural person, the required distribution rules apply upon the death or change in the primary Annuitant. If there is more than one Annuitant of a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable held by a non-natural person, then such required distributions will be triggered by the death of the first co-Annuitant.
Investor Control
In certain circumstances, Owners of variable annuity non-qualified contracts have been considered to be the Owners of the assets of the underlying Separate Account for Federal income tax purposes due to their ability to exercise investment control over those assets. When this is the case, the Contract Owners have been currently taxed on income and gains attributable to the variable account assets. There is little guidance in this area, and some features of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, such as the number of Portfolios available and the


flexibility of the Contract Owner to allocate purchase payments and transfer amounts among the Divisions have not been addressed. While we believe that the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable does not give the Contract Owner investment control over Separate Account assets, we reserve the right to modify the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, as necessary to prevent a Contract Owner from being treated as the Owner of the Separate Account assets supporting the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
Taxation of Payments in Annuity Form
Payments received from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable in the form of an annuity are taxed differently depending on whether You select a fixed or variable payment option. For fixed annuity payments, payments are taxable as ordinary income to the extent they exceed the portion of the payment determined by applying the exclusion ratio to the entire payment. The exclusion ratio is determined at the time the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is annuitized (i.e., the accumulated value is converted to an annuity form of distribution). Generally, the applicable exclusion ratio is your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable divided by the total payments You expect to receive based on IRS factors, such as the form of annuity and mortality. The exclusion ratio is applied to each fixed annuity payment to determine the portion that is a non-taxable return of investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and it is excludable from your taxable income until your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is fully recovered.
Variable annuity payments are expected to fluctuate and the amount You may receive is uncertain. Variable annuity payments are taxable as ordinary income to the extent they exceed the portion of each annuity payment that is determined to be a non-taxable return of your investment in the Contract. The non-taxable return of your investment in the Contract is determined by dividing the investment in the Contract (with adjustment) by the number of years over which it is anticipated the annuity will be paid. In general, your investment in the Contract is recovered pro-rata over the expected payment period.
We will make this calculation for You. However, it is possible that the IRS could conclude that the taxable portion of income payments under a non-qualified Contract is an amount greater — or less — than the taxable amount determined by us and reported by us to You and the IRS.
Once You have recovered the investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, further annuity payments are fully taxable.
If You die before your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is fully recovered, the balance of your investment may be deducted on your last tax return, or if annuity payments continue after your death, the balance may be recovered by your Beneficiary.
The IRS has not furnished explicit guidance as to how the excludable amount is to be determined each year under variable income annuities that permit transfers between a fixed annuity option and variable investment options, as well as transfers between investment options after the Annuity Start Date.
Once annuity payments have commenced, You may not be able to transfer to another non-qualified annuity contract or a long-term care contract as part of a tax-free exchange.
If the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable allows, You may elect to convert less than the full value of your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to an annuity form of pay-out (i.e., “partial annuitization.”) In this case, your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will be pro-rated between the annuitized portion of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and the deferred portion. An exclusion ratio or excludable amount will apply to the annuity payments as described above, provided the annuity form You elect is payable for at least 10 years or for the life of one or more individuals.


The federal income tax treatment of an annuity payment option that contains a commutation feature (i.e., an annuity payment option that permits the withdrawal of a commuted value) is uncertain. Specifically, it is possible that (a) all payments made under the annuity payment option will be taxed as withdrawals, on an income-first basis, rather than as annuity payments, a portion of which would be excludable from income as a return of investment in the contract, or (b) the ability to fully recover the investment in the contract over the annuity payment period may be limited due to the reduction or elimination of future annuity payments that would have each had an excludable amount.
Additionally, it is uncertain whether the exercise of a commutation feature under a joint and survivor variable life annuity payment option constitutes an exchange into a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, thus requiring payout of any remaining interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable within five years of an Owner’s death (or the primary annuitant’s death where the Owner is not a natural person) or over the designated beneficiary’s life (or over a period no longer than the beneficiary’s remaining life expectancy) with such payments beginning within 12 months of the date of death if an Owner dies during the certain period for such payout option. Accordingly, we reserve the right to restrict the availability of the commutation feature or to require the value of all remaining income payments be paid to the designated beneficiary or to the surviving joint annuitant, as the case may be, in a lump sum after proof of an Owner’s death (or of a primary annuitant’s death, where the owner is not a natural person) during the certain period to comply with these tax law requirements.
3.8% Tax on Net Investment Income
Federal tax law imposes a 3.8% Medicare tax on the lesser of:
(1) the taxpayer’s “net investment income” (from non-qualified annuities, interest, dividends, and other investments, offset by specified allowable deductions), or
(2) the taxpayer’s modified adjusted gross income in excess of a specified income threshold ($250,000 for married couples filing jointly and qualifying widows, $125,000 for married couples filing separately, and $200,000 for single filers).
“Net investment income” in Item 1 above does not include distributions from tax qualified plans, (i.e., arrangements described in Code Sections 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 408, 408A or 457(b)), but such income will increase modified adjusted gross income in Item 2 above.
You should consult your tax adviser regarding the applicability of this tax to income under your annuity Contract.
Puerto Rico Tax Considerations
The Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011 (the “2011 PR Code”) taxes distributions from non-qualified annuity contracts differently than in the U.S.
Distributions that are not in the form of an annuity (including partial surrenders and period certain payments) are treated under the 2011 PR Code first as a return of investment. Therefore, a substantial portion of the amounts distributed generally will be excluded from gross income for Puerto Rico tax purposes until the cumulative amount paid exceeds your tax basis.
The amount of income on annuity distributions in annuity form (payable over your lifetime) is also calculated differently under the 2011 PR Code. Since the U.S. source income generated by a Puerto Rico bona fide resident is subject to U.S. income tax and the IRS issued guidance in 2004 which indicated that the income from an annuity contract issued by a U.S. life insurer would be considered U.S. source income, the timing of recognition of income from an annuity contract could vary between the two jurisdictions. Although the 2011 PR Code provides a credit


against the Puerto Rico income tax for U.S. income taxes paid, an individual may not get full credit because of the timing differences.
You should consult with a personal tax adviser regarding the tax consequences of purchasing an annuity Contract and/or any proposed distribution, particularly a partial distribution or election to annuitize if You are a resident of Puerto Rico.
Qualified Annuity Contracts
The Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may be purchased through certain types of retirement plans that receive favorable treatment under the Code (“tax qualified plans”). Tax-qualified plans include arrangements described in Code Sections 401(a), 401(k), 403(a), 403(b) or tax sheltered annuities (“TSA”), 408 or “IRAs” (including SEP and SIMPLE IRAs), 408A or “Roth IRAs” or 457 (b) nongovernmental or 457(b) governmental plans. Extensive special tax rules apply to qualified plans and to the annuity Contracts used in connection with these plans. Therefore, the following discussion provides only general information about the use of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable with the various types of qualified plans. Adverse tax consequences may result if You do not ensure that contributions, distributions and other transactions with respect to the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable comply with the law.
The rights to any benefit under the plan will be subject to the terms and conditions of the plan itself as well as the terms and conditions of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
We exercise no control over whether a particular retirement plan or a particular contribution to the plan satisfies the applicable requirements of the Code, or whether a particular individual is entitled to participate or benefit under a plan.
All qualified plans and arrangements receive tax deferral under the Code. Since there are no additional tax benefits in funding such retirement arrangements with an annuity, there should be reasons other than tax deferral for acquiring the annuity within the plan. Such non-tax benefits may include additional insurance benefits, such as the availability of a guaranteed income for life.
A Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may also be available in connection with an employer’s non-qualified deferred compensation plan or qualified governmental excess benefit arrangement to provide benefits to certain employees in the plan. The tax rules regarding these plans are complex; please consult your tax adviser about your particular situation.
Treatment of Separate Account Charges
It is possible that at some future date the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) may consider that Contract charges attributable to certain guaranteed death benefits and certain living benefits are to be treated as distributions from the Contract to pay for such non-annuity benefits. Currently, these charges are considered to be an intrinsic part of the Contract and we do not report these as taxable income. However, if this treatment changes in the future, the charge could also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty as an early distribution.
The tax rules applicable to qualified plans vary according to the type of plan and the terms and conditions of the plan itself. Both the amount of the contribution that may be made and the tax deduction or exclusion that You may


claim for that contribution under qualified plans are limited under the Code. See the SAI for a description of qualified plan types and annual current contribution limitations which are subject to change from year-to-year.
Purchase payments or contributions to IRAs or tax qualified retirement plans of an employer may be taken from current income on a before tax basis or after tax basis. Purchase payments made on a “before tax” basis entitle You to a tax deduction or are not subject to current income tax. Purchase payments made on an “after tax” basis do not reduce your taxable income or give You a tax deduction. Contributions may also consist of transfers or rollovers as described below and are not subject to the annual limitations on contributions.
The Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will accept as a single purchase payment a transfer or rollover from another IRA or rollover from an eligible retirement plan of an employer (i.e., 401(a), 401(k), 403(a), 403(b) or governmental 457(b) plan.) It will also accept a rollover or transfer from a SIMPLE IRA after the taxpayer has participated in such arrangement for at least two years. As part of the single purchase payment, the IRA Contract will also accept an IRA contribution subject to the Code limits for the year of purchase.
For income annuities established as “pay-outs” of SIMPLE IRAs, the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will only accept a single purchase payment consisting of a transfer or rollover from another SIMPLE IRA.
For income annuities established in accordance with a distribution option under a retirement plan of an employer (e.g., 401(a), 401(k), 403(a), 403(b) or 457(b) or nongovernmental 457(b) plan), the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will only accept as its single purchase payment a transfer from such employer retirement plan.
Taxation of Annuity Distributions
If contributions are made on a “before tax” basis, You generally pay income taxes on the full amount of money You receive under the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable. Withdrawals attributable to any after-tax contributions are basis in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and not subject to income tax (except for the portion of the withdrawal allocable to earnings, if any).
Under current Federal income tax rules, the taxable portion of distributions under annuity contracts and qualified plans (including IRAs) is not eligible for the reduced tax rate applicable to long-term capital gains and qualifying dividends.
If You meet certain requirements, your Roth IRA, Roth 403(b) and Roth 401(k) earnings can be received free of Federal income taxes.
With respect to IRA Contracts, we will withhold a portion of the taxable amount of your withdrawal for income taxes, unless You elect otherwise. The amount we will withhold is determined by the Code.
Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefits (where applicable)
If You have purchased the Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee benefit (“LWG”), where otherwise made available, note the following:
In determining your required minimum distribution each year, the actuarial value of this benefit as of the prior December 31 must be taken into account in addition to the Account Balance of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
If You have purchased the GWB I, Enhanced GWB or LWG, where otherwise made available, note the following:


The tax treatment of withdrawals under such a benefit is uncertain. It is conceivable that the amount of potential gain could be determined based on the remaining amount guaranteed to be available for withdrawal at the time of the withdrawal if greater than the Account Balance (prior to Withdrawal Charges). This could result in a greater amount of taxable income in certain cases. In general, at the present time, MetLife intends to report such withdrawals using the Account Balance rather than the remaining benefit to determine gain. However, in cases where the maximum permitted withdrawal in any year under any version of the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit exceeds the Account Balance, the portion of the withdrawal treated as taxable gain (not to exceed the amount of the withdrawal) should be measured as the difference between the maximum permitted withdrawal amount under the benefit and the remaining after-tax basis immediately preceding the withdrawal. Consult your tax adviser.
In the event that the Account Balance goes to zero, and either the Remaining Guaranteed Withdrawal Amount is paid out in fixed installments or the Annual Benefit Payment is paid for life, we will treat such payments as income annuity payments under the tax law and allow recovery of any remaining basis ratably over the expected number of payments.
MetLife reserves the right to change its tax reporting practices where we determine that they are not in accordance with Federal income tax rules and/or IRS guidance (whether formal or informal).
Withdrawals Prior to Age 59 12
A taxable withdrawal from a qualified plan which is subject to income tax may also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty for “early” distribution if taken prior to age 59 12, unless an exception applies. The penalty rate is 25% for SIMPLE plan Deferred Annuities if the withdrawal occurs within the first 2 years of your participation in the plan.
These exceptions include but are not limited to withdrawals made:
(a) on account of your death or disability, or
(b) as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments payable for your life (or life expectancy) or joint lives (or life expectancies) of You and your designated Beneficiary and You are separated from employment.
If You receive systematic payments that You intend to qualify for the “substantially equal periodic payments” exception noted above, any modifications (except due to death or disability) to your payment before age 59 12 or within five years after beginning these payments, whichever is later, will result in the retroactive imposition of the 10% Federal income tax penalty with interest (25% for certain SIMPLE plan withdrawals). Such modifications may include but are not limited to additional purchase payments to the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable (including tax-free transfers or rollovers) and additional withdrawals from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
The 10% Federal income tax penalty on early distribution does not apply to governmental 457(b) plan Contracts. However, it does apply to distributions from 457(b) plans of employers which are state or local governments to the extent that the distribution is attributable to rollovers accepted from other types of eligible retirement plans.
In addition to death, disability and as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments as indicated above, a withdrawal or distribution from an IRA (including SEPs and SIMPLEs and Roth IRAs) will avoid the penalty (1) if the distribution is to pay deductible medical expenses; (2) if the distribution is to pay IRS levies (and made after December 31, 1999); (3) if the distribution is used to pay for medical insurance (if You are unemployed), qualified higher education expenses, or for a qualified first time home purchase up to $10,000.


Other exceptions may be applicable under certain circumstances and special rules may apply or may become applicable in connection with the exceptions enumerated above. You should consult with your tax advisor for further details.
Your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is non-forfeitable (i.e., not subject to the claims of your creditors) and non-transferable (i.e., You may not transfer it to someone else).
Nevertheless, Contracts held in certain employer plans may be transferred in part pursuant to a QDRO.
Under certain circumstances, You may be able to transfer amounts distributed from your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to another eligible retirement plan or IRA. Federal tax law limits You to making only one 60-day rollover from an IRA to another IRA in any 12 month period and the limit is applied across all IRAs that You own, including SEP, SIMPLE and Roth IRAs. For 457(b) plans maintained by non-governmental employers, if certain conditions are met, amounts may be transferred into another 457(b) plan maintained by a non-governmental employer.
You may make rollovers and direct transfers into your SIMPLE IRA annuity contract from another SIMPLE IRA annuity contract or account. Rollovers from another qualified plan can generally be made to your SIMPLE IRA after you have participated in the SIMPLE IRA for at least two years. Rollovers and direct transfers from a SIMPLE IRA can only be made to another SIMPLE IRA or account during the first two years that You participate in the SIMPLE IRA plan. After this two year period, rollovers and transfers may be made from your SIMPLE IRA into a Traditional IRA or account, as well as into another SIMPLE IRA.
Generally, a distribution may be eligible for rollover but certain types of distributions cannot be rolled over, such as distributions received:
(a) to meet minimum distribution requirements,
(b) for financial hardship, or
(c) for a period of ten or more years or for life.
20% Withholding on Eligible Rollover Distributions
For certain qualified employer plans, we are required to withhold 20% of the taxable portion of your withdrawal that constitutes an “eligible rollover distribution” for Federal income taxes. The amount we withhold is determined by the Code. You may avoid withholding if You directly transfer a withdrawal from this Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to another qualified plan or IRA. Similarly, You may be able to avoid withholding on a transfer into the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable from an existing qualified plan You may have with another provider by arranging to have the transfer made directly to us. For taxable withdrawals that are not “eligible rollover distributions,” the Code imposes different withholding rules to determine the withholding percentage.
Death Benefits
The death benefit is taxable to the recipient in the same manner as if paid to the Contract Owner or plan participant (under the rules for withdrawals or income payments, whichever is applicable).


Distributions required from a qualified annuity Contract following your death depend on whether You die before You had converted your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to an annuity form and started taking annuity payments (your Annuity Start Date).
If You die on or after your Annuity Start Date, the remaining portion of the interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used as of the date of death.
If You die before your Annuity Start Date, the entire interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed within five (5) years after the date of death, or as periodic payments over a period not extending beyond the life or life expectancy of the designated Beneficiary (provided such payments begin within one year of your death).
Your designated Beneficiary is the person to whom benefit rights under the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable pass by reason of death; the Beneficiary must be a natural person in order to elect a periodic payment option based on life expectancy or a period exceeding five years.
If the IRA is payable to (or for the benefit of) your surviving spouse, that portion of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may be continued with your spouse as the Owner. If your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable permits, your Beneficiary spouse may delay the start of these payments until December 31 of the year in which You would have reached age 70 12.
Your spouse may elect to roll over the death proceeds into another eligible retirement plan in which he or she participates, if permitted under the receiving plan, he or she may elect to roll over the death proceeds into his or her own IRA, or he or she may elect to transfer the death proceeds into an inherited IRA.
If your Beneficiary is not your spouse and your plan and Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable permit, your Beneficiary may be able to roll over the death proceeds via a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer into an inherited IRA. However, a non-spouse Beneficiary may not treat the inherited IRA as his or her own IRA.
Distributions required from a qualified Contract following Your death must be distributed to designated Beneficiaries within ten (10) years after the date of death. This distribution period applies regardless of whether You die before, on, or after the Annuity Start Date, unless the designated Beneficiary is an Eligible Designated Beneficiary (EDB).
An Eligible Designated Beneficiary is an individual who, on the date of death, is:
(1) Your surviving spouse;
(2) Your child who has not yet reached the age of majority (as defined by federal tax law);
(3) a chronically ill individual as defined by the Code; or
(4) any other individual who is not more than ten (10) years younger than You.
An Eligible Designated Beneficiary may receive the remaining portion of the interest in the Contract over his/her life or life expectancy, beginning in the year following the year of death.


If your contract permits, your Eligible Designated Beneficiary spouse may delay the start of these payments until December 31 of the year You would have reached age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020).
Following the death of an Eligible Designated Beneficiary, the remaining interest in the Contract must be distributed within ten (10) years. In addition, a child who is an Eligible Designated Beneficiary because he or she has not yet reached the age of majority must have the remaining interest in the Contract fully distributed within ten (10) years after reaching the age of majority.
Your spouse may elect to roll over the death proceeds into another eligible retirement plan in which he or she participates, if permitted under the receiving plan, he or she may elect to roll over the death proceeds into his or her own IRA, or he or she may elect to transfer the death proceeds into an inherited IRA.
If your Beneficiary is not your spouse and your plan and Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable permit, your Beneficiary may be able to roll over the death proceeds via a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer into an inherited IRA. However, a non-spouse Beneficiary may not treat the inherited IRA as his or her own IRA.
Distributions required from a qualified Contract following your death must generally be distributed to Non-designated beneficiaries (for example, charitable organizations or nonqualified trusts) within five (5) years of the date of death. However, if your death occurs after the Required Beginning Date, the benefits may be paid out to the non-designated beneficiary at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used as of the date of death.
Required Minimum Distributions
Generally, You must begin receiving amounts from your retirement plan by April 1 following the latter of:
(a) the calendar year in which You reach age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020), or
(b) the calendar year You retire, provided You do not own more than 5% of the outstanding stock, capital, or profits of your employer.
For IRAs (including SEPs and SIMPLEs), You must begin receiving withdrawals by April 1 of the year after You reach age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020) even if You have not retired.
Your required minimum distribution request must be in Good Order and payment must be processed by MetLife prior to the due date (generally the end of the calendar year or April 1st of the year You reach age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020) in order to satisfy the requirement for the applicable tax year.
A tax penalty of 50% applies to the shortfall of any required minimum distributions You fail to receive.
You may not satisfy minimum distributions for one employer’s qualified plan (i.e., 401(a), 403(a), 457(b)) with distributions from another qualified plan of the same or a different employer. However, an aggregation rule does apply in the case of IRAs (including SEPs and SIMPLEs) or 403(b) plans. The minimum required distribution is calculated with respect to each IRA, but the aggregate distribution may be taken from any one or more of your IRAs/SEPs. Similarly, the amount of required minimum distribution is calculated separately with respect to each 403(b) arrangement, but the aggregate amount of the required distribution may be taken from any one or more of your 403(b) plan contracts. For SIMPLE IRAs, the aggregate amount of the required distribution may be taken from any one or more of your SIMPLE IRAs.


Complex rules apply to the calculation of minimum distributions. In general, income tax regulations permit income payments to increase based not only with respect to the investment experience of the portfolios but also with respect to actuarial gains.
The regulations also require that the value of benefits under a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable including certain death benefits in excess of Account Balance must be added to the amount credited to your account in computing the amount required to be distributed over the applicable period. We will provide You with additional information regarding the amount that is subject to minimum distribution under this rule. You should consult your own tax adviser as to how these rules affect your own distribution under this rule.
If You intend to receive your minimum distributions which are payable over the joint lives of You and a Beneficiary who is not your spouse (or over a period not exceeding the joint life expectancy of You and your non-spousal Beneficiary), be advised that Federal tax rules may require that payments be made over a shorter period or may require that payments to the Beneficiary be reduced after your death to meet the minimum distribution incidental benefit rules and avoid the 50% excise tax. You should consult your own tax adviser as to how these rules affect your own Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
Required minimum distribution rules that apply to other types of IRAs while You are alive do not apply to Roth IRAs. However, in general, the IRA post-death rules with respect to minimum distributions do apply to beneficiaries of Roth IRAs.
Additional Information regarding IRAs
Purchase Payments
Except for permissible rollovers and direct transfers, purchase payments for individuals are limited in the aggregate to the lesser of 100% of compensation or the deductible amount established each year under the Code. A purchase payment up to the deductible amount can also be made for a non-working spouse provided the couple’s compensation is at least equal to their aggregate contributions. If you have compensation, you can continue to make purchase payments after beginning required minimum distributions if permitted by your Contract. Individuals age 50 and older are permitted to make additional “catch-up” contributions if they have sufficient compensation. If You or your spouse are an active participant in a retirement plan of an employer, your deductible contributions may be limited. If You exceed purchase payment limits You may be subject to a tax penalty.
Roth IRA purchase payments for individuals are non-deductible (made on an “after tax” basis) and are limited to the lesser of 100% of compensation or the annual deductible IRA amount. Individuals age 50 and older can make an additional “catch-up” purchase payment each year (assuming the individual has sufficient compensation). You may contribute up to the annual purchase payment limit if your modified adjusted gross income does not exceed certain limits. If You exceed purchase payment limits, You may be subject to a tax penalty.
If and to the extent that Traditional IRA purchase payments are made on an “after tax” basis, withdrawals would be included in income except for the portion that represents a return of non-deductible purchase payments. This portion is generally determined based upon the ratio of all non-deductible purchase payments to the total value of all your Traditional IRAs (including SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs). We withhold a portion of the amount of your withdrawal for income taxes, unless You elect otherwise. The amount we withhold is determined by the Code.
Generally, withdrawal of earnings from Roth IRAs are free from Federal income tax if (1) they are made at least five taxable years after the tax year for which you made your first purchase payment to a Roth IRA; and (2) they are


made on or after the date You reach age 59 12 or upon your death, disability or for a qualified first-home purchase (up to $10,000). Withdrawals from a Roth IRA are made first from purchase payments and then from earnings. We may be required to withhold a portion of your withdrawal for income taxes, unless You elect otherwise. The amount will be determined by the Code.
Traditional IRAs may be converted to Roth IRAs. Except to the extent You have non-deductible contributions, the amount converted from an existing Traditional IRA into a Roth IRA is taxable. Generally, the 10% Federal income tax penalty does not apply. However, the taxable amount to be converted must be based on the fair market value of the entire annuity contract being converted into a Roth IRA. Such fair market value, in general, is to be determined by taking into account the value of all benefits (both living benefits and death benefits) in addition to the Account Balance; as well as adding back certain loads and charges incurred during the prior twelve month period. Your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may include such benefits and applicable charges. Accordingly, if You are considering such conversion of your annuity Contract, please consult your tax adviser. The taxable amount may exceed the Account Balance at the date of conversion.
A conversion from a traditional IRA, SEP or SIMPLE to a Roth IRA made on or after January 1, 2018 cannot be recharacterized. Please consult your tax adviser.
Additional Information regarding TSA (ERISA and non-ERISA) 403(b)
Special Rules Regarding Exchanges
In order to satisfy tax regulations, contract exchanges within a 403(b) plan must, at a minimum, meet the following requirements: (1) the plan must allow the exchange; (2) the exchange must not result in a reduction in a Participant’s or a Beneficiary’s accumulated benefit: (3) the receiving contract includes distribution restrictions that are no less stringent than those imposed on the contract being exchanged; and (4) if the issuer receiving the exchanges is not part of the plan, the employer enters into an agreement with the issuer to provide information to enable the contract provider to comply with Code requirements. Such information would include details concerning severance from employment, hardship withdrawals, loans and tax basis. You should consult Your tax or legal counsel for any advice relating to Contract exchanges or any other matter relating to these regulations.
If You are under age 59 12, You generally cannot withdraw money from your 403(b) Contract unless the withdrawal:
a) Relates to purchase payments made prior to 1989 and pre-1989 earnings on those purchase payments;
b) Is exchanged to another permissible investment under your 403(b) plan;
c) Relates to contributions to an annuity contract that are not salary reduction elective deferrals, if Your plan allows it;
d) Occurs after You die, leave Your job or become disabled (as defined by the Code);
e) Is for financial hardship (but only to the extent of elective deferrals), if Your plan allows it;
f) Relates to distributions attributable to certain 403(b) plan terminations, if the conditions of the Code are met;
g) Relates to rollover or after-tax contributions; or
h) Is for the purchase of permissive service credit under a governmental defined benefit plan.


In addition, a Section 403(b) Contract is permitted to distribute retirement benefits attributable to pre-tax contributions other than elective deferrals to the participant no earlier than upon the earlier of the participant’s severance from employment or upon the prior occurrence of some event, such as after a fixed number of years, the attainment of a stated age or disability.
Other exceptions may apply or become applicable under certain circumstances and special rules may be applicable in connection with the exceptions enumerated above.
Distinction for Puerto Rico Code
An annuity Contract may be purchased by an employer for an employee under a qualified pension, profit sharing, stock bonus, annuity, or a “cash or deferred” arrangement plan established pursuant to Section 1081.01 of the 2011 PR Code. To be tax qualified under the 2011 PR Code, a plan must comply with the requirements of Section 1081.01(a) of the 2011 PR Code which includes certain participation requirements, among other requirements. A trust created to hold assets for a qualified plan is exempt from tax on its investment income.
A Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan trust may be exempted from income taxation pursuant to 2011 PR Code Section 1081.01 and Section 1022(i) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA). If a variable annuity contract is acquired by said trust, the earnings accumulated or distributed under such contract or any income realized from the sale or exchange of the contract may not be subject to current income taxation due to the income tax exemption that the trust is entitled to. Whether a Puerto Rico retirement plan trust is qualified under 2011 PR Code Section 1081.01 depends on the facts and circumstances of each case. Each fiduciary of a Puerto Rico retirement plan should ascertain the qualified status of the retirement plan trust, and thus, that it enjoys the benefits of income tax exemption before investing in the variable annuity contract.
The employer is entitled to a current income tax deduction for contributions made to a qualified plan, subject to statutory limitations on the amount that may be contributed each year. The plan contributions by the employer are not required to be included in the current income of the employee.
Any amount received or made available to the employee under the qualified plan is generally includible in the gross income of the employee in the taxable year in which received or made available. However, Lump-sum proceeds from a Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan due to separation of employment or termination of a retirement plan will generally be treated as ordinary income subject to a withholding tax rate of 20%.
A special rate of 10% may apply instead, if the plan satisfies the following requirements:
(1) the plan’s trust is organized under the laws of Puerto Rico, or has a Puerto Rico resident trustee and uses such trustee as paying agent; and
(2) 10% of all plan’s trust assets (calculated based on the average balance of the investments of the trust) attributable to participants which are Puerto Rico residents must be invested in “property located in Puerto Rico” for a three-year period.
If those two requirements are not satisfied, the distribution will generally be subject to the 20% tax rate. The three- year period includes the year of the distribution and the two immediately preceding years. In the case of a defined contribution plan that maintains separate accounts for each participant, the described 10% investment requirement may be satisfied in the accounts of a participant that chooses to invest in such fashion rather than at


the trust level. Property located in Puerto Rico includes Shares of stock of a Puerto Rico Registered Investment Company (RIC), Fixed or Variable Annuities issued by a domestic insurance company or by a foreign insurance company that derives more than 80% of its gross income from sources within Puerto Rico, bank deposits. The 2011 PR Code does not impose a penalty tax in cases of early (premature) distributions from a qualified plan.
In the case of distributions from a qualified plan in the form of annuity installments as a result of termination of employment, amounts received are taxable in an amount equal to 3% of the after-tax contributions not previously distributed, which would be considered the tax cost. The remaining portion is not taxable until you have recovered the total after-tax contributions made to the qualified plan. You may be able to exclude from gross income up to $11,000, if you are less than 60 years of age, or up to $15,000, if you are at least 60 years of age, of the taxable portion of the installment payments received every year.
In the case of a defined contribution plan that maintains separate accounts for each participant, the described 10% investment requirement may be satisfied in the accounts of a participant that chooses to invest in such fashion rather than at the trust level. Property located in Puerto Rico includes shares of stock of a Puerto Rico registered investment company (RIC), fixed or variable annuities issued by a domestic insurance company or by a foreign insurance corporation that derives more than 80% of its gross income from sources within Puerto Rico and bank deposits. The 2011 PR Code does not impose a penalty tax in cases of early (premature) distributions from a qualified plan.
Upon the occurrence of a “Declared Disaster”, like a hurricane, Retirement Plans are allowed to make Eligible Distributions to a participant resident of Puerto Rico who requests the same. The Eligible Distribution may not exceed $100,000, and must be made during a period of time to be identified by the Puerto Rico Treasury through administrative guidance and be used to cover damages or losses suffered, and extraordinary expenses incurred by the individual as a result of a Declared Disaster. The first $10,000 will be exempted from income taxation, including the alternate basic tax, and amounts exceeding $10,000 will be subject to a 10% income tax to be withheld at the source, in lieu of any other income tax, including the alternate basic tax.
Distributions of retirement income made to a Non-Resident of Puerto Rico by a dual qualified retirement plan (qualified under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and the 2011 PR Code) funded through a U.S. situs trust will not be subject to Puerto Rico income tax. However, in order for such exemption to be available, the Puerto Rico Treasury requires the participant to submit to his/her employer either: (i) IRS Form 8898 (Statement for Individuals Who Begin or End Bona Fide Residence in a U.S. Possession; or (ii) a Sworn Statement including certain personal information directed to establish his/her residence in a State within the continental U.S.
You should consult with a personal tax adviser regarding the tax consequences of purchasing an annuity contract and/or any proposed distribution if you are a resident of Puerto Rico.
Deferral of the recognition of income continues upon the receipt of a distribution by a participant from a qualified plan, if the distribution is contributed to another qualified retirement plan or traditional individual retirement account for the employee’s benefit no later than sixty (60) days after the distribution.
ERISA Considerations
In the context of a Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan trust, the IRS has held that the transfer of assets and liabilities from a qualified retirement plan trust under the Code to that type of plan would generally be treated as a distribution includible in gross income for U.S. income tax purposes even if the Puerto Rico retirement plan is a plan described in ERISA Section 1022(i)(1). By contrast, a transfer from a qualified retirement plan trust under


the Code to a Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan trust that has made an election under ERISA Section 1022(i)(2) is not treated as a distribution from the transferor plan for U.S. income tax purposes because a Puerto Rico retirement plan that has made an election under ERISA Section 1022(i)(2) is treated as a qualified retirement plan for purposes Code Section 401(a). The IRS has determined that the above described rules prescribing the inclusion in income of transfers of assets and liabilities to a Puerto Rico retirement plan trust described in ERISA Section 1022(i)(1) would be applicable to transfers taking effect after December 31, 2012. Notwithstanding the above, the IRS has recently held that a Puerto Rico retirement plan described in ERISA Section 1022(i)(1) may participate in a 81-100 group trust because it permits said plan to diversify its investments without adverse tax consequences to the group trust or its investors
Similar to the IRS Revenue Ruling 2013-17, the U.S. Department of Labor issued DOL Technical Release No. 2013-04 on September 18, 2013 providing that, where the Secretary of Labor has authority to regulate with respect to the provisions of ERISA dealing with the use of the term “spouse” spouse will be read to refer to any individuals who are lawfully married under any state law, including same-sex spouses, and without regard to whether their state of domicile recognizes same-sex marriage. Thus, for ERISA purposes as well as Federal tax purposes, an employee benefit plan participant who marries a person of the same sex in a jurisdiction that recognizes same-sex marriage will continue to be treated as married even if the couple moves to a jurisdiction that does not recognize same-sex marriage.
We will normally pay withdrawal proceeds within seven days after receipt of a request for a withdrawal at your Administrative Office, but we may delay payment as permitted by law, under certain circumstances. We reserve the right to defer payment for a partial withdrawal, withdrawal or transfer from the Fixed Account for the period permitted by law, but for not more than six months.
Distribution of the Contracts
MetLife Investors Distribution Company (“MLIDC”) is the principal underwriter and distributor of the securities offered through this Prospectus. MLIDC, which is our affiliate, also acts as the principal underwriter and distributor of some of the other variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies we and our affiliated companies issue. We reimburse MLIDC for expenses MLIDC incurs in distributing the Contracts (e.g., commissions payable to the retail broker-dealers who sell the Contracts.) MLIDC does not retain any fees under the Contracts.
MLIDC’s principal executive offices are located at 200 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10166. MLIDC is registered as a broker-dealer with the SEC under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as amended (the “Exchange Act”), as well as the securities commissions in the states in which it operates, and is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”). FINRA provides background information about broker-dealers and their registered representatives through FINRA BrokerCheck. You may contact the FINRA BrokerCheck Hotline at 1-800-289-9999, or log on to www.finra.org. An investor brochure that includes information describing FINRA BrokerCheck is available through the Hotline or on-line.
MLIDC and in certain cases, we, have entered into selling agreements with unaffiliated broker-dealers who are registered with the SEC under the Exchange Act and are members of FINRA. We no longer offer the Contracts to new purchasers, but continue to accept purchase payments from existing Contract owners.


There is no front-end sales load deducted from purchase payments to pay sales commissions. Distribution costs are recovered through the charges and deductions under the Contracts.
MLIDC pays compensation based upon a ‘gross dealer concession’ model. With respect to the Contracts, the maximum gross dealer concession ranges from 0.00% to 7.15% (depending on class purchased) of each purchase payment each year the Contract is in force and, starting in the second Contract year, ranges from 0.00% to 1.00% (depending on the class purchased) of the Account Balance each year that the Contract is in force for servicing the Contract. Gross dealer concession may also be credited when the Contract is annuitized. The amount of gross dealer concession credited upon annuitization depends on several factors, including the number of years the Contract has been in force.
Broker-dealers pay their sales representatives all or a portion of the commissions received for their sales of the Contracts. Some firms may retain a portion of commissions. The amount that the broker-dealer passes on to its sales representatives is determined in accordance with its internal compensation programs. Those programs may also include other types of cash and non-cash compensation and other benefits. Sales representatives of these selling firms may also receive non-cash compensation pursuant to their firm’s guidelines, directly from us or the Distributor. An unaffiliated broker-dealer or sales representatives of an unaffiliated broker-dealer may receive different compensation for selling one product over another and/or may be inclined to favor one product provider over another product provider due to differing compensation rates. Ask your sales representative from the unaffiliated broker-dealer for further information about what your sales representative and the broker-dealer for which he or she works may receive in connection with your purchase of a Contract.
Contract Modification
We reserve the right to modify the Contract to keep it qualified under all related law and regulations that are in effect during the term of this Contract. We will obtain the approval of any regulatory authority needed for the modifications.
Third Party Requests
Generally, we only accept requests for transactions or information from you. We reserve the right not to accept or to process transactions requested on your behalf by third parties. This includes processing transactions by an agent you designate, through a power of attorney or other authorization, who has the ability to control the amount and timing of transfers for a number of other Contract owners, and who simultaneously makes the same request or series of requests on behalf of other Contract owners.
Postponement of Payment (the “Emergency Procedure”)
Payment of any benefit or determination of values may be postponed whenever: (1) the NYSE is closed; (2) when trading on the NYSE is restricted; (3) when an emergency exists as determined by the Commission so that disposal of the securities held in the Underlying Funds is not reasonably practicable or it is not reasonably practicable to determine the value of a Portfolio’s net assets; or (4) during any other period when the SEC, by order, so permits for the protection of Contract owners. This Emergency Procedure will supersede any provision of the Contract that specifies a date on which purchase payments and transactions are effective. At any time, payments from the Fixed Account may also be delayed.
Restrictions on Financial Transactions
Federal laws designed to counter terrorism and prevent money laundering might, in certain circumstances, require us to block a Contract owner’s ability to make certain transactions and thereby refuse to accept any request for


transfers, withdrawals, surrenders, or death benefits, until instructions are received from the appropriate regulator. We may also be required to provide additional information about you and your Contract to government regulators.
Legal Proceedings
In the ordinary course of business, the Company, similar to other life insurance companies, is involved in lawsuits (including class action lawsuits), arbitrations and other legal proceedings. Also, from time to time, state and federal regulators or other officials conduct formal and informal examinations or undertake other actions dealing with various aspects of the financial services and insurance industries. In some legal proceedings involving insurers, substantial damages have been sought and/or material settlement payments have been made.
It is not possible to predict with certainty the ultimate outcome of any pending legal proceeding or regulatory action. However, the Company does not believe any such action or proceeding will have a material adverse effect upon the Separate Account or upon the ability of MLIDC to perform its contract with the Separate Account or of the Company to meet its obligations under the Contracts.


The following is a list of Portfolio Companies available under the Contract. More information about the Portfolio Companies is available in the prospectuses for the Portfolio Companies, which may be amended from time to time and can be found online at dfinview.com/metlife/tahd/MET000205. You can also request this information at no cost by calling 800-638-7732, by sending an email request to RCG@metlife.com, or through your registered representative. If your annuity was issued in connection with an employer plan, the availability of Portfolios may vary by employer and you should ask your employer for a list of available Portfolios.
The current expenses and performance information below reflects fees and expenses of the Portfolio Companies, but do not reflect the other fees and expenses that your Contract may charge. Expenses would be higher and performance would be lower if these other charges were included. Each Portfolio’s past performance is not necessarily an indication of future performance.
(as of 12/31/2021)
US Fixed Income BlackRock Bond Income Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: BlackRock Advisors, LLC
0.37% -0.43% 4.26% 3.86%
US Fixed Income BlackRock Ultra-Short Term Bond Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: BlackRock Advisors, LLC
0.36% -0.19% 1.01% 0.54%
Allocation Brighthouse/Wellington Balanced Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Wellington Management Company LLP
0.51% 14.02% 12.84% 11.64%
US Equity Brighthouse/Wellington Large Cap Research Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Wellington Management Company LLP
0.53% 24.38% 18.14% 16.33%
US Equity Frontier Mid Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Frontier Capital Management Company, LLC
0.70% 14.68% 18.90% 15.49%
US Equity MetLife Stock Index Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.26% 28.36% 18.18% 16.26%
* The Portfolio is subject to an expense reimbursement or fee waiver arrangement. The annual expenses shown reflect temporary fee reductions.


Premium tax rates are subject to change. At present the Company pays premium taxes in the following jurisdictions at the rates shown.
Jurisdiction   Contracts Used With Tax
Qualified Retirement Plans
  All Other Contracts
California   0.50%*   2.35%
Colorado    —    2.00%
Florida(1)   1.00%   1.00%
Maine(2)    —    2.00%
Nevada    —    3.50%
Puerto Rico(3)   1.00%   1.00%
South Dakota(4)    —    1.25%
Wyoming    —    1.00%
* Contracts sold to §408(a) IRA Trusts are taxed at 2.35%.
See “Premium Tax Charges” in the prospectus for more information about how premium taxes affect the Contracts.
(1) Annuity purchase payments are exempt from taxation provided that the tax savings are passed back to the Contract Owners. Otherwise, they are taxable at 1.0%.
(2) Special rate of 1% applies for certified Long Term Care and qualified group disability Contracts.
(3) The Company will not deduct premium taxes paid by us to Puerto Rico from purchase payments, Contract Value, withdrawals, death benefits or income payments.
(4) Special rate applies for large case annuity Contracts. Rate is 0.08% for that portion of the annuity considerations received on a contract exceeding $500,000 annually. Special rate on large case Contracts is not subject to retaliation.


This prospectus incorporates by reference all of the information contained in the Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”), which is legally part of this prospectus.
The SAI includes additional information about the Contracts and the Separate Account. To view and download the SAI, please visit our website dfinview.com/metlife/tahd/MET000205. To request a free copy of the SAI or to ask questions, email RCG@metlife.com or write or call:
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
Attn: Fulfillment Unit
PO Box 10342
Des Moines, IA 50306-0342
Reports and other information about the Separate Account are available on the Commission’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Copies of this information may be obtained, upon payment of a duplicating fee, by electronic request at the following email address: publicinfo@sec.gov.
Edgar ID: C000003505

May 1, 2022
Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contracts (APPA)
Issued by Metropolitan Life Separate Account E of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (“MetLife”)
This Prospectus describes individual and group Preference Plus Account Contracts for deferred variable annuities (“Deferred Annuities”) and Preference Plus immediate variable income annuities (“Income Annuities”) (the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities are also referred to herein as "the Contract"). We no longer offer the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities. However, MetLife will continue to accept additional purchase payments under limited circumstances.
You decide how to allocate your money among the various available investment choices. The investment choices available to You are listed in the Contract for your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. Your choices may include the Fixed Interest Account/Fixed Income Option and Divisions (Divisions may be referred to as “Investment Divisions” in the Contract and marketing materials) available through Metropolitan Life Separate Account E which, in turn, invest in the Portfolios described in Appendix A. If your annuity was issued in connection with an employer plan, you should check with your employer regarding the availability of Portfolios. For convenience, the portfolios and the funds are referred to as Portfolios in this Prospectus.
How to learn more:
Before investing, read this Prospectus. The Prospectus contains information about the Contracts and Metropolitan Life Separate Account E which You should know before investing. Keep this Prospectus for future reference.
Additional information about certain investment products, including variable annuities has been prepared by the Securities and Exchange Commission’s staff and is available at Investor.gov.
Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission nor any state securities commission has approved or disapproved these securities or determined if this Prospectus is truthful or complete. Any representation otherwise is a criminal offense. Interests in the Separate Account and the Fixed Account are not deposits or obligations of, or insured or guaranteed by, the U.S. Government, and bank, or other depository institution including the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”), the Federal Reserve Board or any other agency or entity or person.
The Contracts are not intended to be offered anywhere that they may not lawfully be offered and sold. MetLife has not authorized any information or representations about the Deferred Annuities other than the information in this Prospectus, supplements to the Prospectus or any supplemental sales material we authorize.
The date of this prospectus is May 1, 2022
If you are a new investor in the Contract, you may cancel your Contract within 10 days of receiving it without paying fees or penalties. In some states, this cancellation period may be longer. Upon cancellation, you will receive either a full refund of the amount you paid with your application or your total Contract value. You should review this prospectus, or consult with your investment professional, for additional information about the specific cancellation terms that apply.


















































Account Value — When You purchase a Deferred Annuity, an account is set up for You. Your Account Value is the total amount of money credited to You under your Deferred Annuity including money in the Divisions of the Separate Account and the Fixed Interest Account.
Accumulation Unit Value — With a Deferred Annuity, money paid-in or transferred into a Division of the Separate Account is credited to You in the form of Accumulation Units. Accumulation Units are established for each Division. We determine the value of these Accumulation Units as of the close of the Exchange each day the Exchange is open for regular trading. The Exchange usually closes at 4 p.m. Eastern Time but may close earlier or later. The values increase or decrease based on the investment performance of the corresponding underlying Portfolios.
Administrative Office  —  The Administrative Office is the MetLife office that will generally handle the administration of all your requests concerning your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. Your quarterly statement, payment statement and/or check stub will indicate the address of your Administrative Office. We will notify you if there is a change of your Administrative Office. The telephone number to call to initiate a request is 1-800-638-7732.
Annuitant – The natural person whose life is the measure for determining the duration and the dollar amount of income payments, sometimes referred to as the measuring life.
Annuity Unit Value  —  With an Income Annuity or variable pay-out option, the money paid-in or reallocated into a Division of the Separate Account is held in the form of Annuity Units. Annuity Units are established for each Division. We determine the value of these Annuity Units as of the close of the Exchange each day the Exchange is open for regular trading. The Exchange usually closes at 4 p.m. Eastern Time but may close earlier or later. The values increase or decrease based on the investment performance of the corresponding underlying Portfolios.
Assumed Investment Return (AIR) — Under an Income Annuity or variable pay-out option, the AIR is the assumed percentage rate of return used to determine the amount of the first variable income payment. The AIR is also the benchmark that is used to calculate the investment performance of a given Division to determine all subsequent payments to You.
Beneficiary – the person or persons who receives a benefit, including continuing payments or a lump sum payment, if the Annuitant dies.
Contract  — A Contract is the legal agreement between You and MetLife or between MetLife and the employer, plan trustee or other entity, or the certificate issued to You under a group annuity Contract. This document contains relevant provisions of your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. MetLife issues Contracts for each of the annuities described in this Prospectus.
Contract Year — Generally, the Contract Year for a Deferred Annuity is the period ending on the last day of the month in which the anniversary of when we issued the annuity occurs and each following 12-month period.
Divisions — Divisions are subdivisions of the Separate Account. When You allocate a purchase payment, transfer money or make reallocations of your income payment to a Division, the Division purchases shares of a Portfolio (with the same name) within Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II or American Funds®.
Early Withdrawal Charge — The Early Withdrawal Charge is an amount we deduct from your Account Value if You withdraw money prematurely from a Deferred Annuity. This charge is often referred to as a deferred sales load or back-end sales load.


Exchange  — In this Prospectus, the New York Stock Exchange is referred to as the “Exchange.”
Free Look — You may cancel your Contract within a certain time period. This is known as a “free look.” We must receive your request to cancel in writing by the appropriate day in your state, which varies from state to state. The time period may also vary depending on your age and whether You purchased your Contract from us directly, through the mail or with money from another annuity or life insurance policy. Depending on state law, we may refund (i) all of your purchase payments (and any interest credited by the Fixed Account, if applicable) or (ii) your Account Value as of the date your refund request is received at your Administrative Office in Good Order (this means you bear the risk of any decline in the value of your Contract due to the performance of the Divisions during the Free Look period).
Good Order — A request or transaction generally is considered in “Good Order” if it complies with our administrative procedures, and the required information is complete and accurate. A request or transaction may be rejected or delayed if not in Good Order. Good Order generally means the actual receipt by us of the instructions relating to the requested transaction in writing (or, when permitted, by telephone) along with all forms, information and supporting legal documentation necessary to effect the transaction. This information and documentation generally includes to the extent applicable to the transaction: your completed application; your Contract number; the transaction amount (in dollars or percentage terms); the names and allocations to and/or from the Divisions affected by the requested transaction; the signatures of all Contract Owners (exactly as indicated on the Contract), if necessary; Social Security Number or Tax I.D.; and any other information or supporting documentation that we may require, including any spousal or Joint Owner’s consents. With respect to purchase payments, Good Order also generally includes receipt by us of sufficient funds to effect the purchase. We may, in our sole discretion, determine whether any particular transaction request is in Good Order, and we reserve the right to change or waive any Good Order requirement at any time. If You have any questions, You should contact us or your sales representative (where applicable) before submitting the form or request.
MetLife  — MetLife is Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, which is the company that issues the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities. Throughout this Prospectus, MetLife is also referred to as "Company," “we,” “us” or “our.”
Separate Account — Metropolitan Life Separate Account E (“Separate Account”) is an investment account. All assets contributed to Divisions under the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities are pooled in the Separate Account and maintained for the benefit of investors in Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities.
Variable Annuity — An annuity in which returns/income payments are based upon the performance of investments such as stocks and bonds held by one or more underlying Portfolios. You assume the investment risk for any amounts allocated to the Divisions in a Variable Annuity.
You  — In this Prospectus, depending on the context, “You” may mean either the purchaser of the Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity, the annuitant under an Income Annuity or the participant or annuitant under certain group arrangements.


Charges for Early Withdrawals A Withdrawal Charge of up to 7.00% may be assessed on any such premium payment paid less than 8 years before the date of the withdrawal.
For example, if you purchase a the Contract for $100,000 and surrender your Contract during the first year, You will pay a Withdrawal Charge of up to $7,000.
Transaction Charges In addition to surrender charges, you also may be charged for other transactions. Although we do not currently charge a fee for transfers of cash value among Divisions or between the Divisions and the Fixed Account, We reserve the right to impose a transfer fee of $25.
There is a one-time Contract Fee of $350 for Income Annuities. We do not charge this fee if You elect a pay-out option under your Deferred Annuity and You have owned your Deferred Annuity for more than two years. We are currently waiving this charge.
Ongoing Fees and Expenses (annual charges) The table below describes the fees and expenses that you may pay each year, depending on the options you choose. Please refer to your Contract specifications page for information about the specific fees you will pay each year based on the options you have elected. Fees
Annual Fee Minimum Maximum
Base Contract
1.25% (1)
Investment options (Portfolio fees and expenses)
1.03% (2)
(1) As a percentage of your Account Balance in the Separate Account.
(2) As a percentage of average daily net assets of the Portfolio.
For the Non-Qualified, Traditional IRA, Roth IRA and SEP Deferred Annuities, You pay a $20 annual fee from the Fixed Interest Account at the end of each Contract Year if your Account Value is less than $20,000 and You are not enrolled in the check-o-matic or automatic payroll deduction programs. For the SIMPLE IRA Deferred Annuity, You pay a $20 annual fee from the Fixed Interest Account at the end of each Contract Year if your Account Balance is less than $20,000 and You do not make a purchase payment during the Contract Year.


  Because your Contract is customizable, the choices you make affect how much you will pay. To help understand the cost of owning your Contract, the following table shows the lowest and highest cost you could pay each year, based on current charges. This estimate assumes that you do not take withdrawals from the Contract, which could add surrender charges that substantially increase costs. Fees
Lowest Annual Cost: Highest Annual Cost:
$1,429 $2,068
• Investment of $100,000
• 5% annual appreciation
• Least expensive combination of Contract classes and Portfolio fees and expenses
• No optional benefits
• No sales charges
• No additional purchase payments, transfers or withdrawals
• Investment of $100,000
• 5% annual appreciation
• Most expensive combination of Contract classes, optional benefits and Portfolio fees and expenses
• No sales charges
• No additional purchase payments, transfers or withdrawals
Risk of Loss You can lose money by investing in the Contract, including loss of principal. Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Not a Short- Term Investment This Contract is not a short-term investment and is not appropriate for an investor who needs ready access to cash.
• Withdrawal Charges may apply for up to 8 years following each purchase payment. Withdrawal Charges will reduce the value of your Contract if you withdraw money during that time.
• The benefits of tax deferral and living benefit protections also mean that the Contract is more beneficial to investors with a long time horizon.
• Earnings on your Contract are taxed at ordinary income tax rates when You withdraw them, and You may have to pay a penalty if You take a withdrawal before age 59 12.
Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Risks Associated with Investment Options • An investment in the Contract is subject to the risk of poor investment performance and can vary depending on the performance of the investment options available under the Contract (e.g., Portfolios).
• Each investment option (including the Fixed Account investment option) will have its own unique risks.
• You should review these investment options before making an investment decision.
Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract


Insurance Company Risks An investment in the Contract is subject to the risks related to the Company. Any obligations (including under the Fixed Account), guarantees, or benefits are subject to the claims-paying ability of the Company, and our long term ability to make such payments, and are not guaranteed by any other party. MetLife is regulated as an insurance company under state law, which generally includes limits on the amount and type of investments in its general account. However, there is no guarantee that we will be able to meet our claims paying obligations; there are risks to purchasing any insurance product. More information about the Company, including its financial strength ratings, is available upon request by visiting https://www.metlife.com/about-us/corporate-profile/ratings/. Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Investment Although we do not currently charge a fee for transfers of cash value among Divisions or between the Divisions and the Fixed Account, We reserve the right to impose a transfer fee of $25.
We reserve the right to add, remove or substitute Portfolios.
The Company also has policies and procedures that attempt to detect and deter frequent transfers in situations where we determine there is a potential for arbitrage trading, and in those instances, there are additional limits that apply to transfers.
Charges Transfer Fee
Tax Implications • You should consult with a tax professional to determine the tax implications of an investment in and purchase payments received under the Contract.
• There is no additional tax benefit if You purchase the Contract through a tax-qualified plan or individual retirement account (IRA).
• Earnings on your Contract are taxed at ordinary income tax rates when You withdraw them, and You may have to pay a penalty if You take a withdrawal before age 59  12.
Federal Tax Considerations
Investment Professional Compensation Your investment professional may receive compensation for selling this Contract to You, both in the form of commissions and because MetLife may share the revenue it earns on this Contract with the professional’s firm. This conflict of interest may influence your investment professional to recommend this Contract over another investment. Who Sells the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities
Exchanges Some investment professionals may have a financial incentive to offer you a new contract in place of the one you own. You should only exchange your Contract if you determine, after comparing the features, fees, and risks of both contracts, that it is better for you to purchase the new contract rather than continue to own your existing Contract. Exchanges/Transfers


Purpose of the Contract
The MetLife Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contract is designed to provide long-term accumulation of assets through investments in a variety of investment options during the accumulation phase. It can supplement your retirement income by providing a stream of income payments during the payout phase. It also offers death benefits to protect your designated beneficiaries. This Contract may be appropriate if you have a long investment time horizon. It is not intended for people who may need to make early or frequent withdrawals or intend to engage in frequent trading in the Portfolios.
Phases of the Contract
Your Contract has two phases: 1) an accumulation or “pay-in” phase; and 2) an income or “pay-out” phase.
1) Accumulation (Pay-in) Phase
  To help You accumulate assets, You can invest your premium payments in:
Portfolios (mutual funds), each of which has its own investment strategies, investment advisers, expense ratios, and returns; and
a Fixed Account option, which offers a guaranteed interest rate during a selected period.
Additional information about each Portfolio including its Portfolio type, advisers and any subadvisers as well as current expenses and certain performance information is included in Appendix A.
2) Income (Pay-out) Phase
You can elect to annuitize your Contract and turn your Contract value into a stream of income payments (sometimes called annuity payments) from MetLife, at which time the accumulation phase of the Contract ends. These payments may continue for a fixed period of years, for your entire life, or for the longer of a fixed period or your life. The payments may also be fixed or variable. Variable payments will vary based on the performance of the investment options you select.
Please note that if you annuitize, your investments will be converted to income payments and you may no longer be able to choose to withdraw money at will from your Contract. All benefits (including the standard death benefits and living benefits) terminate upon annuitization.
Features and Options of the Deferred Annuity
Contract classes. The Contract has a single contract class with a 7-year Early Withdrawal Charge period.
Accessing your money. Until you annuitize, you have full access to your money. You can choose to withdraw your Contract value at any time (although if you withdraw early, you may have to pay a Withdrawal Charge and/or income taxes, including a tax penalty if you are younger than age 59 12).
Tax treatment. You can transfer money between investment options without tax implications, and earnings (if any) on your investments are generally tax-deferred. You are taxed only when: (1) you make a withdrawal; (2) you receive an income payment from the Contract; or (3) upon payment of a death benefit.
Death benefits. Your Contract includes a basic death benefit that will pay your designated beneficiaries the greatest of 1) Account Value, 2) highest Account Value as of December 31 following the end of your fifth Contract


Year and at the end of every other five year period, less withdrawals and 3) total purchase payments less withdrawals at the time of your death. You can purchase additional death benefits for an additional fee. These additional provisions may increase the amount of money payable to your designated beneficiaries upon your death.
Automated investment strategies and dollar cost averaging. At no additional charge, you may select from among five automated investment strategies to help you manage your money based on your risk tolerance and savings goals. Alternately, at no additional charge, you may select dollar cost averaging, which automatically transfers a specific amount of money from the fixed account to the investment options you have selected, at set intervals over a specific period of time.
The following tables describe the fees and expenses that you will pay when buying, owning, and surrendering or making withdrawals from the Contract. Please refer to your Contract specifications page for information about the specific fees you will pay each year based on the options you have elected.
The first table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay at the time that you buy the Contract, surrender or make withdrawals from the Contract, or transfer Contract value between investment options. State premium taxes may also be deducted.
Transaction Expenses
Sales Load Imposed on Purchase Payments None
Early Withdrawal Charge(1)
(as a percentage of each purchase payment funding the withdrawal during the pay-in phase)
Exchange Fee for Deferred Annuities None
Surrender Fee for Deferred Annuities None
Income Annuity Contract Fee(2) $350
Transfer Fee(5) $25
1 An Early Withdrawal Charge of up to 7% may apply if You withdraw purchase payments within seven years of when they were credited to your Deferred Annuity. The charge on purchase payments is calculated according to the following schedule:
During Purchase Payment Year Percentage
1 7%
2 6%
3 5%
4 4%
5 3%
6 2%
7 1%
Thereafter 0%


  There are times when the Early Withdrawal Charge does not apply to amounts that are withdrawn from a Deferred Annuity. For example, each Contract Year, You may take the greater of 10% of your Account Value or your purchase payments made over seven years ago free of Early Withdrawal Charges.
2 There is a one-time Contract Fee of $350 for Income Annuities. We do not charge this fee if You elect a pay-out option under your Deferred Annuity and You have owned your Deferred Annuity for more than two years. We are currently waiving this charge.
The next table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay each year during the time that you own the Contract (not including Portfolio Company fees and expenses).
Base Contract Expense(4) (as a percentage of your average Account Value in the Separate Account) 1.26%
3 The Base Contract Fee includes .01% for the Annual Contract Fee. The Annual Contract Fee is $20 annually. The $20 Annual Contract Fee is imposed on money in the Fixed Interest Account. This fee may be waived under certain circumstances.
4 Pursuant to the terms of the Contract, our total Base Contract Expense will not exceed 1.25% of your average balance in the Divisions. For purposes of presentation here, we estimated the allocation between general administrative expenses and the mortality and expense risk charge for Deferred Annuities or the amount of underlying Portfolio shares we have designated in the Divisions to generate your income payments for Income Annuities.
5 Although not currently charged, we reserve the right to limit transfers as described later in this Prospectus and we reserve the right to impose a transfer fee. The amount of this fee will be no greater than $25 per transfer.
The next item shows the minimum and maximum total operating expenses charged by the Portfolios that you may pay periodically during the time that you own the Contract. A complete list of Portfolios available under the Contract, including their annual expenses, may be found in “Appendix A-Portfolio Companies Available Under the Contract” at the back of this Prospectus.
Annual Portfolio Company Expenses
  Minimum Maximum
(expenses that are deducted from Portfolio assets, including management fees, distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees, and other expenses) 0.27% 1.03%
The examples are intended to help You compare the cost of investing in the Deferred Annuities with the cost of investing in other variable annuity contracts. These costs include the Contract Owner Transaction Expenses (described in the first table), the Separate Account Annual Charge and other costs You bear while You hold the Deferred Annuity (described in the second table) and the Annual Portfolio Company Expenses (described in the third table).
Example 1.
This example shows the dollar amount of expenses that You would bear directly or indirectly on a $100,000 investment for a Deferred Annuity for the time periods indicated. Your actual costs may be higher or lower.
reimbursement and/or waiver of expenses was not in effect;
You bear the Minimum or Maximum Total Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses;
there is a maximum Separate Account charge of 1.25%;


the underlying Portfolio earns a 5% annual return;
Based on these assumptions, your charges would be:
  1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
If you surrender your Contract at the end of the applicable time period        
Maximum $9,280 $11,529 $14,739 $25,806
Minimum $8,520 $ 9,221 $10,849 $17,817
Example 2.
This example shows the dollar amount of expenses that You would bear directly or indirectly on a $100,000 investment for a Deferred Annuity for the time periods indicated. Your actual costs may be higher or lower.
You bear the Minimum or Maximum Total Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses;
there is a maximum Separate Account charge of 1.25%;
the underlying Portfolio earns a 5% annual return;
Based on these assumptions, your charges would be:
  1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
If you annuitize or do not surrender your Contract at the end of the applicable time period        
Maximum $2,280 $7,029 $12,039 $25,806
Minimum $1,520 $4,721 $ 8,149 $17,817
Example 3.
This example shows the dollar amount of expenses that You would bear directly or indirectly on a $100,000 investment for a Deferred Annuity for the time periods indicated. Your actual costs may be higher or lower.
You bear the Minimum or Maximum Total Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses;
there is a maximum Separate Account charge of 1.25%;
You bear the Income Annuity Contract Fee:
the underlying Portfolio earns a 5% annual return;
Based on these assumptions, your charges would be:


  1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
If you annuitize or do not surrender your Contract at the end of the applicable time period        
Maximum $2,630 $7,362 $12,356 $26,076
Minimum $1,870 $5,060 $ 8,476 $18,112
Investing in the Contracts involves risks. The following are the principal risks of an investment in the Contract. You should carefully consider the below risks in addition to the other information contained in this Prospectus.
Risk of Loss. An investment in the Contract is not a bank deposit and is not guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency. The Contract is subject to market risk (the risk that your investments may decline in value or underperform your expectations). As a result, You can lose money by investing in the Contract, including loss of principal.
Not a Short-Term Investment. THIS CONTRACT IS NOT A SHORT-TERM INVESTMENT AND IS NOT APPROPRIATE FOR AN INVESTOR WHO NEEDS READY ACCESS TO CASH. If you withdraw early, you may have to pay a Withdrawal Charge and/or income taxes, including a tax penalty if you are younger than age 59 12. Withdrawal Charges may apply for up to 7 years following each purchase payment. Withdrawal Charges will reduce the value of your Contract if you withdraw money during that time. The benefits of tax deferral and living benefit protections also mean that the Contract is more beneficial to investors with a long time horizon.
Risk of Underlying Portfolios. An investment in the Contract is subject to the risk of poor investment performance and can vary depending on the performance of the investment options available under the Contract (e.g., Portfolio Companies). Each investment option (including the Fixed Account investment option) will have its own unique risks. We do not provide any investment advice and do not recommend or endorse any particular Portfolio. You bear the risk of any decline in the Account Balance of your Contract resulting from the performance of the Portfolio You have chosen. You should review these investment options before making an investment decision. Information regarding the Portfolios available under your Contract is available in Appendix A to this Prospectus.
Risks Associated with the Company. An investment in the Contract is subject to the risks related to the Company. Any obligations (including under the Fixed Account), guarantees, or benefits are subject to the claims-paying ability of the Company, and our long term ability to make such payments, and are not guaranteed by any other party. MetLife is regulated as an insurance company under state law, which generally includes limits on the amount and type of investments in its general account. However, there is no guarantee that we will be able to meet our claims paying obligations; there are risks to purchasing any insurance product.
Conflicts of Interest. Your investment professional may receive compensation for selling this Contract to You, both in the form of commissions and because MetLife may share the revenue it earns on this Contract with the professional’s firm. This conflict of interest may influence your investment professional to recommend this Contract over another investment. In addition, some investment professionals may have a financial incentive to offer you a new contract in place of the one you own. You should only exchange your Contract if you determine, after comparing the features, fees, and risks of both contracts, that it is better for you to purchase the new contract rather than continue to own your existing Contract.


Suitability. An investment in the Contract may not be suitable for all investors. For example, there is no additional tax benefit if You purchase the Contract through a tax-qualified plan or individual retirement account (IRA). Therefore, there should be reasons other than tax deferral for acquiring the Contract. You should consult with a tax or investment professional to determine the tax and other implications of an investment in and purchase payments received under the Contract.
Taxation Risk. Although the provisions of the Code relevant to the Contract are generally described under “Federal Tax Considerations,” an investor should consult its own tax advisor concerning the effects of federal, state, local and foreign tax law on the Contract. No assurance can be given that, even if the tax provisions currently applicable to the Contract are favorable, the law or regulations or interpretations thereunder will not change and the Contract may be disadvantaged.
Cybersecurity. Our business is highly dependent upon the effective operation of our information systems, and those of our service providers, vendors, and other third parties. Cybersecurity breaches of such systems can be intentional or unintentional events, and can occur through unauthorized access to computer systems, networks or devices; infection from computer viruses or other malicious software code; or attacks that shut down, disable, slow or otherwise disrupt operations, business processes or website access or functionality and our disaster recovery systems may be insufficient to safeguard our ability to conduct business. Cybersecurity breaches can interfere with our processing of contract transactions, including the processing of transfer orders from our website or with the Portfolios; impact our ability to calculate Accumulation Unit Values; cause the release and possible loss or destruction of confidential Contract Owner or business information; impede order processing or cause other operational issues; and result in regulatory enforcement actions or new laws or regulations which could increase our compliance costs. Although we continually make efforts to identify and reduce our exposure to cybersecurity risk, and we require our critical vendors to implement effective cybersecurity and data protection measures, there is no guarantee that we will be able to successfully manage this risk at all times.
Pandemics and Other Public Health Issues. The pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 has caused and may continue to cause illnesses and deaths. This pandemic, other pandemics, and their related major public health issues, and governmental, business and consumer reactions to them, have affected and may continue to have a major impact on the global economy and financial markets. Governmental and non-governmental organizations may not effectively combat the spread and severity of such a pandemic, increasing uncertainty, and creating the potential for more rapid changes to which the Company may find it more difficult to adjust. For example, regulatory action in response to pandemics or other health issues may impose new requirements affecting the Company’s obligations under your policy or contract, exposing the Company to risks and costs that the Company is unable to foresee or underwrite.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is a provider of insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management. We are also one of the largest institutional investors in the United States with a general account portfolio invested primarily in fixed income securities (corporate, structured products, municipals, and government and agency) and mortgage loans, as well as real estate, real estate joint ventures, other limited partnerships and equity securities. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company was incorporated under the laws of New York in 1868. The Company’s office is located at 200 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10166-0188. The Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of MetLife, Inc. Obligations to Owners and Beneficiaries that arise under the Policy are obligations of MetLife.


We established Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on September 27, 1983. The purpose of the Separate Account is to hold the variable assets that underlie the Preference Plus Account Variable Annuity Contracts and some other variable annuity contracts we issue. We have registered the Separate Account with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) as a unit investment trust under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (“1940 Act”).
The Separate Account’s assets are solely for the benefit of those who invest in the Separate Account and no one else, including our creditors. The assets of the Separate Account are held in our name on behalf of the Separate Account and legally belong to us. The assets of the Separate Account may not be used to pay any liabilities of the Company other than those arising from the Contracts. All the income, gains and losses (realized or unrealized) resulting from these assets are credited to or charged against the contracts issued from this Separate Account without regard to our other business. Income, gains and losses credited to, or charged against, this Separate Account reflect the Separate Account’s own investment experience and not the investment experience of the Company’s other assets.
We are obligated to pay all money we owe under the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities − such as death benefits and income payments − even if that amount exceeds the assets in the Separate Account. Any such amount that exceeds the assets in the Separate Account is paid from our general account. Benefit amounts paid from the general account are subject to the financial strength and claims paying ability of the Company and our long term ability to make such payments and are not guaranteed by our parent company, MetLife, Inc., or by any other party. We issue other annuity contracts and life insurance policies where we pay all money we owe under those contracts and policies from our general account. MetLife is regulated as an insurance company under state law, which includes, generally, limits on the amount and type of investments in its general account. However, there is no guarantee that we will be able to meet our claims paying obligations; there are risks to purchasing any insurance product.
The investment manager to certain of the Portfolios offered with the Contracts or with other Variable Annuity contracts issued through the Separate Account may be regulated as Commodity Pool Operators. While MetLife does not concede that the Separate Account is a commodity pool, the Company has claimed an exclusion from the definition of the term “commodity pool operator” under the Commodities Exchange Act (“CEA”), and is not subject to registration or regulation as a pool operator under the CEA.
There are two types of variable annuities described in this Prospectus: Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities. These annuities are “variable” because the value of your account or the amount of each income payment varies based on the investment performance of the Divisions You choose. In short, the value of your Deferred Annuity, your income payments under a variable pay-out option of your Deferred Annuity, or your income payments under your Income Annuity, may go up or down. Since the investment performance is not guaranteed, your money or income payment amount is at risk. The degree of risk will depend on the Divisions You select. The Accumulation Unit Value or Annuity Unit Value for each Division rises or falls based on the investment performance (or “experience”) of the Portfolio with the same name. MetLife and its affiliates also offer other annuities not described in this Prospectus.
The Deferred Annuities have a fixed interest rate option called the “Fixed Interest Account.” The Fixed Interest Account is not available to all Contract Owners. The Fixed Interest Account is part of our general account and offers an interest rate that is guaranteed by us (the current minimum rate on the Fixed Interest Account is 3% but


may be lower based on your state and issue date and, therefore, may be lower for certain Contracts). Your registered representative can tell you the current and minimum interest rates that apply.
Because of exemptive and exclusionary provisions, interests in the Fixed Account have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, and neither the Fixed Account nor our general account has been registered as an investment company under the 1940 Act. Income Annuities and the variable pay-out options under the Deferred Annuities have a fixed payment option called the “Fixed Income Option.” Under the Fixed Income Option, we guarantee the amount of your fixed income payments. These fixed options are not described in this Prospectus although we occasionally refer to them. All guarantees as to purchase payments or Account Value allocated to the Fixed Account, interest credited to the Fixed Account, and fixed annuity payments are subject to our financial strength and claims-paying ability.
The group Deferred Annuities and group Income Annuities described in this Prospectus are offered to employers, associations, trusts or other groups for their employees, members or participants.
The Deferred Annuity
You accumulate money in your account during the pay-in phase by making one or more purchase payments. MetLife will hold your money and credit investment returns as long as the money remains in your account. This Prospectus describes the following Deferred Annuities under which You can accumulate money:
Traditional IRA (Individual Retirement Annuities)
Roth IRA (Roth Individual Retirement Annuities)
SIMPLE IRA (Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees Individual Retirement Annuities)
SEP IRA (Simplified Employee Pensions)
A form of the deferred annuity may be issued to a bank that does nothing but hold them as a contract holder.
The Deferred Annuity and Your Retirement Plan
If You participate through a retirement plan or other group arrangement, the Deferred Annuity may provide that all or some of your rights or choices as described in this Prospectus are subject to the plan’s terms. For example, limitations on your rights may apply to investment choices, purchase payments, withdrawals, transfers, the death benefit and pay-out options. We may rely on your employer’s or plan administrator’s statements to us as to the terms of the plan or your entitlement to any amounts. We are not a party to your employer’s retirement plan. We will not be responsible for determining what your plan says. You should consult your Deferred Annuity Contract and plan document to see how You may be affected.
All individual retirement plan(s) (“IRA(s)”) receive tax deferral under the Internal Revenue Code (“Code”). There are no additional tax benefits from funding an IRA with a Deferred Annuity. Therefore, there should be reasons other than tax deferral for acquiring the Deferred Annuity in an IRA such as the availability of a guaranteed income for life or the death benefit.
Non-Natural Persons as Owners or Beneficiaries. If a non-natural person, such as a trust, is the Owner of a non-qualified Deferred Annuity, the distribution on death rules under the Code may require payment to begin earlier than expected and may impact the usefulness of the living (if any) and/or death benefits. Naming a non-natural person, such as a trust or estate, as a beneficiary under the Deferred Annuity will generally, eliminate


the beneficiary’s ability to “stretch” or a spousal beneficiary’s ability to continue the Deferred Annuity and the living (if any) and/or death benefits.
A Deferred Annuity consists of two phases: the accumulation or “pay-in” phase and the income or “pay-out” phase. The pay-out phase begins when You either take all of your money out of the account or You elect “income” payments using the money in your account. The number and the amount of the income payments You receive will depend on such things as the type of pay-out option You choose, your investment choices, and the amount used to provide your income payments. Because Deferred Annuities offer various insurance benefits such as pay-out options, including our guarantee of income for your lifetime, they are “annuities.”
Replacement of Annuity Contracts
Generally, it is not advisable to purchase a Deferred Annuity as a replacement for an existing annuity contract. You should replace an existing contract only when You determine that the Deferred Annuity is better for You. You may have to pay a withdrawal charge on your existing contract, and the Deferred Annuity may impose a new withdrawal charge period. Before You buy a Deferred Annuity ask your registered representative if purchasing a Deferred Annuity would be advantageous, given the Deferred Annuity’s features, benefits and charges. You should talk to your tax adviser to make sure that this purchase will qualify as a tax-free exchange. If You surrender your existing contract for cash and then buy the Deferred Annuity, You may have to pay Federal income taxes, including possible penalty taxes, on the surrender. Also, because we will not issue the Deferred Annuity until we have received the initial purchase payment from your existing insurance company, the issuance of the Deferred Annuity may be delayed.
We no longer make this Deferred Annuity available, however, current Contract Owners may continue to make additional purchase payments.
Plan Terminations
Upon termination of a retirement plan, your employer is generally required to distribute your plan benefits under the Contract to You.
This distribution is in cash or direct rollover to another employer sponsored plan or IRA. The distribution is a withdrawal under the Contract and any amounts withdrawn are subject to any applicable Early Withdrawal Charges. Outstanding loans, if available will be satisfied (paid) from your cash benefit prior to its distribution to You. In addition, your cash distributions are subject to withholding, ordinary income tax and applicable Federal income tax penalties. (See “Income Taxes.”) Early Withdrawal Charges will be waived if the net distribution is made under the exceptions listed in the “Early Withdrawal Charges” section of the prospectus.
An Income Annuity
An Income Annuity, also known as an immediate annuity, only has a “pay-out” phase. You make a single purchase payment and select the type of income payment suited to your needs. Some of the income payment types guarantee an income stream for your lifetime; others guarantee an income stream for both your lifetime, as well as the lifetime of another person (such as a spouse). Some Income Annuities guarantee a time period of your choice over which MetLife will make income payments. Income Annuities also have other features. The amount of the income payments You receive will depend on such things as the income payment type You choose, your investment choices and the amount of your purchase payment.
The Income Annuities are no longer available.


Information regarding the Portfolio investments available under your Contract, including each Portfolio’s (i) name; (ii) type (e.g., money market fund, bond fund, balanced fund, etc.); (iii) investment adviser and any sub-investment adviser; (iv) current expenses and (v) performance is available in Appendix A to this Prospectus.
Each Portfolio has different investment objectives and risks. The Portfolio prospectuses contain more detailed information on each Portfolio’s investment strategy, investment managers and its fees. You may obtain a Portfolio prospectus by calling 1-800-638-7732 or through your registered representative. We do not guarantee the investment results of the Portfolios.
Portfolios Which Are Fund of Funds
The following Portfolios available within Brighthouse Trust I, and Brighthouse Trust II are “fund of funds”:
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 20 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 40 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 60 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 80 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 100 Portfolio
American Funds® Balanced Allocation Portfolio
American Funds® Growth Allocation Portfolio
American Funds® Moderate Allocation Portfolio
SSGA Growth ETF Portfolio
SSGA Growth and Income ETF Portfolio
“Fund of funds” Portfolios invest substantially all of their assets in other portfolios or, with respect to the SSGA Growth ETF Portfolio and the SSGA Growth and Income ETF Portfolio, other exchange-traded funds (“Underlying ETFs”).
Therefore, each of these Portfolios will bear its pro rata share of the fees and expenses incurred by the underlying portfolios or Underlying ETFs in which it invests in addition to its own management fees and expenses. This will reduce the investment return of each of the fund of funds Portfolios. The expense levels will vary over time, depending on the mix of underlying portfolios or Underlying ETFs in which the fund of funds Portfolio invests. You may be able to realize lower aggregate expenses by investing directly in the underlying portfolios and Underlying ETFs instead of investing in the fund of funds Portfolios, if such underlying portfolios or Underlying ETFs are available under the Contract. However, no Underlying ETFs and only some of the underlying portfolios are available under the Contract.
Additional Information About the Portfolios
The Divisions buy and sell shares of corresponding mutual fund Portfolios. These Portfolios, which are part of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II or the American Funds®, invest in stocks, bonds and other investments. All dividends declared by the Portfolios are earned by the Separate Account and reinvested. Therefore, no dividends are distributed to You under the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities. You pay no transaction expenses (i.e., front-end or back-end sales load charges) as a result of the Separate Account’s purchase or sale of these mutual fund shares. The Portfolios of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II and American Funds® Portfolios are made available only through various insurance company annuities and life insurance policies.


Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II and American Funds® are each a “series” type fund registered with the SEC as an “open-end management investment company” under the 1940 Act. A “series” fund means that each Portfolio is one of several available through the fund.
The Portfolios of Brighthouse Trust I and Brighthouse Trust II pay Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC a monthly fee for its services as their investment manager. The Portfolios of the American Funds® pay Capital Research and Management Company a monthly fee for its services as their investment manager. These fees, as well as other expenses paid by each Portfolio, are described in the applicable prospectuses and SAIs for Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II and American Funds®.
Certain Payments We Receive with Regard to the Portfolios
An investment manager or sub-investment manager of a Portfolio, or its affiliates, may make payments to us and/or certain of our affiliates. These payments may be used for a variety of purposes, including payment of expenses for certain administrative, marketing, and support services with respect to the Contracts and, in the Company’s role as an intermediary, with respect to the Portfolios. The Company and its affiliates may profit from these payments. These payments may be derived, in whole or in part, from the advisory fee deducted from Portfolio assets. Contract Owners, through their indirect investment in the Portfolios, bear the costs of these advisory fees (see the Portfolios’ prospectuses for more information). The amount of the payments we receive is based on a percentage of assets of the Portfolios attributable to the Contracts and certain other variable insurance products that we and our affiliates issue. These percentages differ and some investment managers or sub-investment managers (or other affiliates) may pay us more than others. These percentages currently range up to 0.50%.
Additionally, an investment manager or sub-investment manager of a Portfolio or its affiliates may provide us with wholesaling services that assist in the distribution of the Contracts and may pay us and/or certain of our affiliates amounts to participate in sales meetings. These amounts may be significant and may provide the investment manager or sub-investment manager (or its affiliate) with increased access to persons involved in the distribution of the Contracts.
As of December 31, 2021, approximately 87% of Portfolio assets held in Separate Accounts of MetLife and its affiliates were allocated to Portfolios in Brighthouse Funds Trust I and Brighthouse Funds Trust II. We and Our affiliated companies have entered into agreements with Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC, Brighthouse Funds Trust I and Brighthouse Funds Trust II whereby we receive payments for certain administrative, marketing and support services described in the previous paragraphs. Currently, the Portfolios in Brighthouse Funds Trust I and Brighthouse Funds Trust II are only available in variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies issued by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and its affiliates, as well as Brighthouse Life Insurance Company and its affiliates. Should we or Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC decide to terminate the agreements, we would be required to find alternative Portfolios which could have higher or lower costs to the Contract Owner. In addition, the amount of payments we receive could cease or be substantially reduced which may have a material impact on our financial statements.
Certain Portfolios have adopted a Distribution Plan under Rule 12b-1 of the 1940 Act. A Portfolio’s 12b-1 Plan, if any, is described in more detail in each Portfolio’s prospectus. (See the Fee Table and “Who Sells the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities.”) Any payments we receive pursuant to those 12b-1 Plans are paid to us or our distributor, MetLife Investors Distribution Company ("MLIDC")
Payments under a Portfolio’s 12b-1 Plan decrease the Portfolio’s investment return.


Portfolio Selection
We select the Portfolios offered through the Contracts based on a number of criteria, including asset class coverage, the strength of the investment manager’s or sub-investment manager’s reputation and tenure, brand recognition, performance, and the capability and qualification of each investment firm. Another factor we consider during the selection process is whether the Portfolio’s investment manager or sub-investment manager is one of our affiliates or whether the Portfolio, its investment manager, its sub-investment manager(s), or an affiliate will make payments to us or our affiliates. In this regard, the profit distributions we receive from our affiliated investment manager are a component of the total revenue that we consider in configuring the features and investment choices available in the variable insurance products that we and our affiliated insurance companies issue. Since we and our affiliated insurance companies may benefit more from the allocation of assets to Portfolios advised by our affiliates than those that are not, we may be more inclined to offer Portfolios advised by our affiliates in the variable insurance products we issue. We review the Portfolios periodically and may remove a Portfolio or limit its availability to new purchase payments and/or transfers of Account Value if we determine that the Portfolio no longer meets one or more of the selection criteria, and/or if the Portfolio has not attracted significant allocations from Contract Owners. In some cases, we have included Portfolios based on recommendations made by selling firms. These selling firms may receive payments from the Portfolios they recommend and may benefit accordingly from the allocation of Account Value to such Portfolios.
We do not provide any investment advice and do not recommend or endorse any particular Portfolio. You bear the risk of any decline in the Account Value of your Contract resulting from the performance of the Portfolios You have chosen.
Automated Investment Strategies
There are five automated investment strategies available to You . We created these investment strategies to help You manage your money. You decide if one is appropriate for You based upon your risk tolerance and savings goals. These investment strategies are available to You without any additional charges. As with any investment program, no strategy can guarantee a gain — You can lose money. We may modify or terminate any of the strategies at any time. You may have only one automated investment strategy in effect at a time.
The Equity Generator®: An amount equal to the interest earned in the Fixed Interest Account is transferred monthly to either the MetLife Stock Index Division or the Frontier Mid Cap Growth Division, based on your selection. If your Fixed Interest Account Value at the time of a scheduled transfer is zero, this strategy is automatically discontinued. There is no additional charge for electing the Equity Generator. For example, if you elected the Equity Generator and $1,000 of interest was credited to your account each month, then the $1,000 of interest would be transferred from the fixed interest account to the specified Division every month for a 12 month period.
As an added benefit of this strategy, as long as 100% of every purchase payment is allocated to the Fixed Interest Account for the life of your Deferred Annuity and You never request allocation changes or transfers, You will not pay more in Early Withdrawal Charges than your Contract earns. Early Withdrawal Charges may be taken from any of your earnings.
The EqualizerSM: You start with equal amounts of money in the Fixed Interest Account and your choice of either the MetLife Stock Index Division or the Frontier Mid Cap Growth Division. Each quarter, amounts are transferred between the Fixed Interest Account and your chosen Division to make the value of each equal. For example, if You choose the MetLife Stock Index Division and over the quarter it outperforms the Fixed Interest Account, money is transferred to the Fixed Interest Account. Conversely, if the Fixed Interest Account outperforms the MetLife Stock


Index Division, money is transferred into the MetLife Stock Index Division. There is no additional charge for electing the Index Selector.
The Rebalancer®: You select a specific asset allocation for your entire Account Value from among the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account. Each quarter, we transfer amounts among these options to bring the percentage of your Account Value in each option back to your original allocation. In the future, we may permit You to allocate less than 100% of your Account Value to this strategy. There is no additional charge for electing the Rebalancer. For example, if you allocated 25% among four Divisions then on a quarterly basis, we will transfer amounts among those four Divisions so that 25% of your Policy’s Cash Value is in each such Division.
The Index Selector®: You may select one of five asset allocation models (the Conservative Model, the Conservative to Moderate Model, the Moderate Model, the Moderate to Aggressive Model and the Aggressive Model) which are designed to correlate to various risk tolerance levels. Based on the model You choose, your entire Account Value is allocated among the MetLife Aggregate Bond Index, MetLife Stock Index, MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index, MetLife Russell 2000® Index and MetLife Mid Cap Stock Index Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account. Each quarter, the percentage in each of these Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account is brought back to the model percentage by transferring amounts among the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account.
In the future, we may permit You to allocate less than 100% of your Account Value to this strategy.
We will continue to implement the Index Selector strategy using the percentage allocations of the model that were in effect when You elected the Index Selector. You should consider whether it is appropriate for You to continue this strategy over time if your risk tolerance, time horizon or financial situation changes. This strategy may experience more volatility than our other strategies. We provide the elements to formulate the model. We may rely on a third party for its expertise in creating appropriate allocations.
The asset allocation models used in the Index Selector strategy may change from time to time. If You are interested in an updated model, please contact your sales representative (where applicable). There is no additional charge for electing the Index Selector. For example, if you chose the Conservative Model, then on a quarterly basis we would transfer amounts in the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account so that the balances in each reflect the selected Conservative Model percentage.
You may choose another Index Selector® strategy or terminate your Index Selector® strategy at any time. If You choose another Index Selector® strategy, You must select from the asset allocation models available at that time. After termination, if You then wish to select the Index Selector® strategy again, You must select from the asset allocation models available at that time.
The AllocatorSM: Each month, a dollar amount You choose is transferred from the Fixed Interest Account to any of the Divisions You choose. You select the day of the month and the number of months over which the transfers will occur. A minimum periodic transfer of $50 is required. Once your Fixed Interest Account Value is exhausted, this strategy is automatically discontinued. There is no additional charge for electing the Allocator. For example, you may elect to have $100 a month transferred of the 15th of the month from the Fixed Interest Account to a Division for a period of two years.
The Equity Generator® and the AllocatorSM are dollar cost averaging strategies. Dollar cost averaging involves investing at regular intervals of time. Since this involves continuously investing regardless of fluctuating prices, You should consider whether You wish to continue the strategy through periods of fluctuating prices.


We will terminate all transactions under any automated investment strategy upon notification of your death. There is no additional charge for electing the Allocator. For example, you may elect to have $100 a month transferred of the 15th of the month from the Fixed Interest Account to a Division for a period of two years.
There is no minimum purchase payment. We can reject any premium payments for any reason. We may also permit you to invest more than the maximum amounts list above if you obtain our prior approval.
You may continue to make purchase payments while You receive Systematic Withdrawal Program payments, as described later in this Prospectus, unless your purchase payments are made through automatic payroll deduction, debit authorization, salary reduction or salary deduction. You may make purchase payments to your Deferred Annuity whenever You choose, up to the date You begin receiving payments from a pay-out option.
We will not issue the TSA Deferred Annuity to You if You are age 80 or older or younger than age 18. For SEPs and SIMPLE IRA Deferred Annuities, the minimum issue age is 21. We will not accept your purchase payments if You are age 90 or older.
Allocation of Purchase Payments
You decide how your money is allocated among the Fixed Interest Account and the Divisions. You can change your allocations for future purchase payments. We will make allocation changes when we receive your request for a change. You may also specify an effective date for the change as long as it is within 30 days after we receive the request.
If You choose to make an allocation to the asset allocation Divisions with your initial purchase payment, 100% of your allocation to the investment choices must be to only one of the asset allocation Divisions. After the initial purchase payment has been made, You may allocate subsequent purchase payments or make transfers from any asset allocation Division to any investment choice or to one or more of the asset allocation Divisions. We reserve the right to make certain changes to the Divisions. (See “Your Investment Choices — Portfolio Selection.”)
Automated Purchase Payments
If You purchase a Traditional IRA, a Roth IRA or a Non-Qualified Deferred Annuity, You may elect to have purchase payments made automatically. With “automatic payroll deduction” your employer deducts an amount from your salary and makes the purchase payment for You. With purchase payments through debit authorization your bank deducts money from your bank account and makes the purchase payment for You.
Limits on Purchase Payments
Your ability to make purchase payments may be limited by:
Federal tax laws;
Our right to limit the total of your purchase payments to $1,000,000. We may change the maximum by telling You in writing at least 90 days in advance;
Regulatory requirements. For example, if You reside in Washington or Oregon, we may be required to limit your ability to make purchase payments after You have held the Deferred Annuity for more than three years, if the Deferred Annuity was issued to You after You turn age 60; or after You turn age 63, if the Deferred Annuity was issued before You were age 61;


Retirement, for certain Deferred Annuities. You may no longer make purchase payments if You retire;
Leaving your job (for the SEP and SIMPLE Deferred Annuity).
The Value of Your Investment
We use the term “experience factor” to describe the investment performance for a Division. We calculate Accumulation Unit Values once a day on every day the New York Stock Exchange (the “Exchange”) is open for trading. We call the time between two consecutive Accumulation Unit Value calculations the “Valuation Period.” We have the right to change the basis for the Valuation Period, on 30 days’ notice, as long as it is consistent with law. All purchase payments and transfers are valued as of the end of the Valuation Period during which the transaction occurred. The experience factor changes from Valuation Period to Valuation Period to reflect the upward or downward performance of the assets in the underlying Portfolios. The experience factor is calculated as of the end of each Valuation Period using the net asset value per share of the underlying Portfolio. The net asset value includes the per share amount of any dividend or capital gain distribution paid by the Portfolio during the current Valuation Period, and subtracts any per share charges for taxes and reserve for taxes. We then divide that amount by the net asset value per share as of the end of the last Valuation Period to obtain a factor that reflects investment performance. We then subtract a charge for each day in the valuation period which is the daily equivalent of the Separate Account charge. This charge varies, depending on the class of the Deferred Annuity.
Accumulation Units are credited to You when You make purchase payments or transfers into a Division. When You withdraw or transfer money from a Division, Accumulation Units are liquidated. We determine the number of Accumulation Units by dividing the amount of your purchase payment, transfer or withdrawal by the Accumulation Unit Value on the date of the transaction.
This is how we calculate the Accumulation Unit Value for each Division:
Step 1: First, we determine the change in investment performance (including any investment-related charge) for the underlying Portfolio from the previous trading day to the current trading day;
Step 2: Next, we subtract the daily equivalent of our insurance-related charge (general administrative expenses and mortality and expense risk charges) for each day since the last Accumulation Unit Value was calculated; and
Step 3: Finally, we multiply the previous Accumulation Unit Value by this result.
Calculating the Number of Accumulation Units
Assume You make a purchase payment of $500 into one Division and that Division’s Accumulation Unit Value is currently $10.00. You would be credited with 50 Accumulation Units.
$500 = 50 Accumulation Units
Calculating the Accumulation Unit Value
Assume yesterday’s Accumulation Unit Value was $10.00 and the number we calculate for today’s investment experience (minus charges) for an underlying Portfolio is 1.05 (Step 1 and Step 2 described above). Today’s Accumulation Unit Value is $10.50 ($10.00 × 1.05 = $10.50). The value of your $500 investment is then $525 (50 × $10.50 = $525) (Step 3 described above).


However, assume that today’s investment experience (minus charges) is .95 instead of 1.05. Today’s Accumulation Unit Value is $9.50 ($10.00 × .95 = $9.50). The value of your $500 investment is then $475 (50 × $9.50 = $475).
You may make tax-free transfers between Divisions or between the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account. Some restrictions may apply to transfers from the Fixed Interest Account to the Divisions. For us to process a transfer, You must tell us:
The percentage or dollar amount of the transfer;
The Divisions (or Fixed Interest Account) from which You want the money to be transferred;
The Divisions (or Fixed Interest Account) to which You want the money to be transferred; and
Whether You intend to start, stop, modify or continue unchanged an automated investment strategy by making the transfer.
Your transfer request must be in Good Order and completed prior to the close of the Exchange on a business day if You want the transaction to take place on that day. All other transfer requests in Good Order will be processed on our next business day.
For additional transfer restrictions (see “General Information — Valuation — Suspension of Payments”).
We may require You to:
Use our forms;
Maintain a minimum Account Value (if the transfer is in connection with an automated investment strategy); or
Transfer a minimum amount if the transfer is in connection with the Allocator.
The following is a discussion of frequent transfers/reallocations policies and procedures. They apply to both the “pay-in” and “pay-out” phase of your Deferred Annuity as well as your Income Annuity.
Restrictions on Frequent Transfers/Reallocations. Frequent requests from Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants to make transfers/reallocations may dilute the value of a Portfolio’s shares if the frequent transfers/reallocations involve an attempt to take advantage of pricing inefficiencies created by a lag between a change in the value of the securities held by the Portfolio and the reflection of that change in the Portfolio’s share price (“arbitrage trading”). Frequent transfers/reallocations involving arbitrage trading may adversely affect the long-term performance of the Portfolios, which may in turn adversely affect Contract Owners and other persons who may have an interest in the Contracts (e.g., participants/Annuitants and Beneficiaries).
We have policies and procedures that attempt to detect and deter frequent transfers/reallocations in situations where we determine there is a potential for arbitrage trading. Currently, we believe that such situations may be presented in the international, small-cap, and high-yield Portfolios. These are:
American Funds Global Small Capitalization Fund
American Funds Growth Fund
American Funds Growth-Income Fund


American Funds The Bond Fund of America
Baillie Gifford International Stock Portfolio
CBRE Global Real Estate Portfolio
Harris Oakmark International Portfolio
Invesco Global Equity Portfolio
Invesco Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Loomis Sayles Global Allocation Portfolio
Loomis Sayles Small Cap Core Portfolio
Loomis Sayles Small Cap Growth Portfolio
MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index Portfolio
MetLife Russell 2000® Index Portfolio
MFS® Research International Portfolio
Neuberger Berman Genesis Portfolio
T. Rowe Price Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Western Asset Management Strategic Bond Opportunities Portfolio
In addition, as described below, we intend to treat all American Funds® as Monitored Portfolios. We employ various means to monitor transfer/reallocation activity, such as examining the frequency and size of transfers/reallocations into and out of the Monitored Portfolios within given periods of time. For example, we currently monitor transfer/reallocation activity to determine if, for each category of international, small-cap, and high-yield Portfolios, in a 12-month period there were (1) six or more transfers/reallocations involving the given category; (2) cumulative gross transfers/reallocations involving the given category that exceed the current Account Value; and (3) two or more “round-trips” involving any Monitored Portfolio in the given category. A round-trip generally is defined as a transfer/reallocation in followed by a transfer/reallocation out within the next seven calendar days or a transfer/reallocation out followed by a transfer/reallocation in within the next seven calendar days, in either case subject to certain other criteria.
We do not believe that other Portfolios present a significant opportunity to engage in arbitrage trading and therefore do not monitor transfer/reallocation activity in those Portfolios. We may change the Monitored Portfolios at any time without notice in our sole discretion.
As a condition to making their Portfolios available in our products, American Funds® requires us to treat all American Funds Portfolios as Monitored Portfolios under our current frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures. Further, American Funds® requires us to impose additional specified monitoring criteria for all American Funds Portfolios available under the Contract, regardless of the potential for arbitrage trading. We are required to monitor transfer/reallocation activity in American Funds Portfolios to determine if there were two or more transfers/reallocations in followed by transfers/reallocations out, in each case of a certain dollar amount or greater, in any 30-day period. A first violation of the American Funds® monitoring policy will result in a written notice of violation; each additional violation will result in the imposition of a six-month restriction during which period we will require all transfer/reallocation requests to or from an American Funds Portfolio to be submitted with an original signature. Further, as Monitored Portfolios, all American Funds Portfolios also will be subject to our current frequent transfer/reallocation policies, procedures and restrictions (described below), and transfer/reallocation restrictions may be imposed upon a violation of either monitoring policy. A process has been


implemented to enforce the American Funds® restrictions. There is no guarantee that this process will detect all contract holders whose transfer/reallocation activity in the American Funds® Portfolio violates this monitoring policy.
Our policies and procedures may result in transfer/reallocation restrictions being applied to deter frequent transfers/reallocations. Currently, when we detect transfer/reallocation activity in the Monitored Portfolios that exceeds our current transfer/reallocation limits, we require future transfer/reallocation requests to or from any Monitored Portfolios under that Contract to be submitted in writing with an original signature. A first occurrence will result in a warning letter; a second occurrence will result in the imposition of this restriction for a six-month period; a third occurrence will result in the permanent imposition of this restriction. Transfers made under a dollar cost averaging program, a rebalancing program or, if applicable, any asset allocation program described in this Prospectus are not treated as transfers when we monitor the frequency of transfers.
The detection and deterrence of harmful transfer/reallocation activity involves judgments that are inherently subjective, such as the decision to monitor only those Portfolios that we believe are susceptible to arbitrage trading or the determination of the transfer/reallocation limits. Our ability to detect and/or restrict such transfer/reallocation activity may be limited by operational and technological systems, as well as our ability to predict strategies employed by Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants to avoid such detection. Our ability to restrict such transfer/reallocation activity also may be limited by provisions of the Contract. Accordingly, there is no assurance that we will prevent all transfer/reallocation activity that may adversely affect Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants and other persons with interests in the Contracts. We do not accommodate frequent transfers/reallocations in any Portfolio and there are no arrangements in place to permit any Contract Owner or participant/Annuitant to engage in frequent transfers/reallocations; we apply our policies and procedures without exception, waiver or special arrangement.
The Portfolios may have adopted their own policies and procedures with respect to frequent transfers/reallocations in their respective shares, and we reserve the right to enforce these policies and procedures. For example, Portfolios may assess a redemption fee (which we reserve the right to collect) on shares held for a relatively short period. The prospectuses for the Portfolios describe any such policies and procedures, which may be more or less restrictive than the policies and procedures we have adopted. Although we may not have the contractual authority or the operational capacity to apply the frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures of the Portfolios, we have entered into a written agreement, as required by SEC regulation, with each Portfolio or its principal underwriter that obligates us to provide to the Portfolio promptly upon request certain information about the trading activity of individual Contract Owners, and to execute instructions from the Portfolio to restrict or prohibit further purchases or transfers/reallocations by specific Contract Owners who violate the frequent transfer/reallocation policies established by the Portfolio.
In addition, Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants and other persons with interests in the Contracts should be aware that the purchase and redemption orders received by the Portfolios generally are “omnibus” orders from intermediaries, such as retirement plans or separate accounts funding variable insurance contracts. The omnibus orders reflect the aggregation and netting of multiple orders from individual owners of variable insurance contracts and/or individual retirement plan participants. The omnibus nature of these orders may limit the Portfolios in their ability to apply their frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures. In addition, the other insurance companies and/or retirement plans may have different policies and procedures or may not have any such policies and procedures because of contractual limitations. For these reasons, we cannot guarantee that the Portfolios (and thus Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants) will not be harmed by transfer/reallocation activity relating to the other insurance companies and/or retirement plans that may invest in the Portfolios. If a Portfolio believes that


an omnibus order reflects one or more transfer/reallocation requests from Contract Owners engaged in frequent transfer/reallocation trading activity, the Portfolio may reject the entire omnibus order.
In accordance with applicable law, we reserve the right to modify or terminate the transfer/reallocation privilege at any time. We also reserve the right to defer or restrict the transfer/reallocation privilege at any time that we are unable to purchase or redeem shares of any of the Portfolios, including any refusal or restriction on purchases or redemptions of their shares as a result of their own policies and procedures on frequent transfers/reallocations (even if an entire omnibus order is rejected due to the frequent transfers/reallocations of a single Contract Owner or participant/Annuitant). You should read the Portfolio prospectuses for more details.
Restrictions on Large Transfers/Reallocations. Large transfers/reallocations may increase brokerage and administrative costs of the underlying Portfolios and may disrupt portfolio management strategy, requiring a Portfolio to maintain a large cash position and possibly resulting in lost investment opportunities and forced liquidations. We do not monitor for large transfers/reallocations to or from Portfolios except where the Portfolio manager of a particular underlying Portfolio has brought large transfer/reallocation activity to our attention for investigation on a case-by-case basis. For example, some portfolio managers have asked us to monitor for “block transfers” where transfer/reallocation requests have been submitted on behalf of multiple Contract Owners by a third party such as an investment adviser. When we detect such large trades, we may impose restrictions similar to those described above where future transfer/reallocation requests from that third party must be submitted in writing with an original signature. A first occurrence will result in a warning letter; a second occurrence will result in the imposition of this restriction for a six-month period; a third occurrence will result in the permanent imposition of the restriction.
You may withdraw either all or part of your Account Value from the Deferred Annuity. Other than those made through the Systematic Withdrawal Program, withdrawals must be at least $500 (or the Account Value, if less). To process your request, we need the following information:
The percentage or dollar amount of the withdrawal; and
The Divisions (or Fixed Interest Account) from which You want the money to be withdrawn. Your withdrawal may be subject to income taxes, tax penalties and Early Withdrawal Charges.
Generally, if You request, we will make payments directly to other investments on a tax-free basis. You may only do so if all applicable tax and state regulatory requirements are met and we receive all information necessary for us to make the payment. We may require You to use our original forms.
We may withhold payment of a withdrawal if any portion of those proceeds would be derived from your check that has not yet cleared (i.e., that could still be dishonored by your banking institution). We may use telephone, fax, Internet or other means of communication to verify that payment from your check has been or will be collected. We will not delay payment longer than necessary for us to verify that payment has been or will be collected. You may avoid the possibility of delay in the disbursement of proceeds coming from a check that has not yet cleared by providing us with a certified check.
You may submit a written withdrawal request, which must be received at your Administrative Office on or before the date the pay-out phase begins, that indicates that the withdrawal should be processed as of the date the pay-out phase begins, in which case the request will be deemed to have been received on, and the withdrawal amount will be priced according to, the Accumulation Unit Value calculated as of the date the pay-out phase begins.


Your withdrawal may be subject to Early Withdrawal charges and there may be adverse tax consequences.
Systematic Withdrawal Program
If we agree and if approved in your state, You may choose to automatically withdraw a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your Account Value each Contract Year. This amount is then paid in equal portions throughout the Contract Year, according to the time frame You select, e.g., monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. Once the Systematic Withdrawal Program is initiated, the payments will automatically renew each Contract Year. Income taxes, tax penalties and Early Withdrawal Charges may apply to your withdrawals. Program payment amounts are subject to our required minimums and administrative restrictions. Your Account Value will be reduced by the amount of your Systematic Withdrawal Program payments and applicable withdrawal charges. Payments under this program are not the same as income payments You would receive from a Deferred Annuity pay-out option or under an Income Annuity. The Systematic Withdrawal Program is not available in conjunction with any automated investment strategy.
If You elect to withdraw a dollar amount, we will pay You the same dollar amount each Contract Year. If You elect to withdraw a percentage of your Account Value, each Contract Year, we recalculate the amount You will receive based on your new Account Value.
If You do not provide us with your desired allocation, or there are insufficient amounts in the Divisions or the Fixed Interest Account that You selected, the payments will be taken out pro rata from the Fixed Interest Account and any Divisions in which You have an Account Value.
Calculating Your Payment Based on a Percentage Election for the First Contract Year You Elect the Systematic Withdrawal Program: If You choose to receive a percentage of your Account Value, we will determine the amount payable on the date these payments begin. When You first elect the program, we will pay this amount over the remainder of the Contract Year. For example, if You select to receive payments on a monthly basis with the percentage of your Account Value You request equaling $12,000, and there are six months left in the Contract Year, we will pay You $2,000 a month.
Calculating Your Payment for Subsequent Contract Years of the Systematic Withdrawal Program: For each subsequent year that your Systematic Withdrawal Program remains in effect, we will deduct from your Deferred Annuity and pay You over the Contract Year either the amount that You chose or an amount equal to the percentage of your Account Value You chose. For example, if You select to receive payments on a monthly basis, ask for a percentage and that percentage of your Account Value equals $12,000 at the start of a Contract Year, we will pay You $1,000 a month.
If You do not provide us with your desired allocation, or there are insufficient amounts in the Divisions or the Fixed Interest Account that You selected, the payments will be taken out pro rata from the Fixed Interest Account and any Divisions in which You then have money.
Selecting a Payment Date: You select a payment date which becomes the date we make the withdrawal. We must receive your request in Good Order at least 10 days prior to the selected payment date. (If You would like to receive your Systematic Withdrawal Program payment on or about the first of the month, You should request payment by the 20th day of the month.) If we do not receive your request in time, we will make the payment the following month on the date You selected. If You do not select a payment date, we will automatically begin systematic withdrawals within 30 days after we receive your request. Changes in the dollar amount, percentage or timing of the payments can be made at any time. If You make any of these changes, we will treat your request as though You


were starting a new Systematic Withdrawal Program. You may request to stop your Systematic Withdrawal Program at any time. We must receive any request in Good Order at your Administrative Office at least 30 days in advance.
Although we need your written authorization to begin this program, You may cancel this program at any time by telephone or by writing to us at your Administrative Office. We will also terminate your participation in the program upon notification of your death.
Systematic Withdrawal Program payments may be subject to an Early Withdrawal Charge unless an exception to this charge applies. For purposes of determining how much of the annual payment amount is exempt from this charge under the free withdrawal provision (discussed later), all payments from a Systematic Withdrawal Program in a Contract Year are characterized as a single lump sum withdrawal as of your first payment date in that Contract Year. When You first elect the program, we will calculate the percentage of your Account Value your Systematic Withdrawal Program payment represents based on your Account Value on the first Systematic Withdrawal Program payment date. For all subsequent Contract Years, we will calculate the percentage of your Account Value your Systematic Withdrawal Program payment represents based on your Account Value on the first Systematic Withdrawal Program payment date of that Contract Year. We will determine separately the Early Withdrawal Charge and any relevant factors (such as applicable exceptions) for each Systematic Withdrawal Program payment as of the date it is withdrawn from your Deferred Annuity.
Minimum Distribution
In order for You to comply with certain tax law provisions, You may be required to take money out of your Deferred Annuity. Rather than receiving your required minimum distribution in one annual lump-sum payment, You may request that we pay it to You in installments throughout the calendar year. However, we may require that You maintain a certain Account Value at the time You request these payments. You may not have a Systematic Withdrawal Program in effect if we pay your minimum required distribution in installments. We will terminate your participation in the program upon notification of your death.
There are two types of charges You pay while You have money in a Division:
Insurance-related charge (or Separate Account charge), and
Investment-related charge.
We describe these charges below. The amount of a charge may not necessarily correspond to the costs associated with providing the services or benefits indicated by the designation of the charge or associated with the particular Contract. For example, the Early Withdrawal Charge may not fully cover all of the sales and distribution expenses actually incurred by us, and proceeds from other charges, including the Separate Account charge, may be used in part to cover such expenses. We can profit from certain Contract charges.
Separate Account Charge
You will pay an insurance-related charge for the Separate Account (also described in this prospectus as a “Base Contract Charge”) that is no more than 1.25% annually of the average value of the amount You have in the Separate Account. This charge pays us for general administrative expenses and for the mortality and expense risk of the Deferred Annuity.
General administrative expenses we incur include financial, actuarial, accounting, and legal expenses.


The mortality portion of the insurance-related charge pays us for the risk that You may live longer than we estimated. Then, we could be obligated to pay You more in payments from a pay-out option than we anticipated. Also, we bear the risk that the guaranteed death benefit we would pay should You die during your “pay-in” phase is larger than your Account Value. We also bear the risk that our expenses in administering the Deferred Annuities may be greater than we estimated (expense risk). The Separate Account charge You pay will not reduce the number of Accumulation Units credited to You. Instead, we deduct the charge as part of the calculation of the Accumulation Unit Value. We guarantee that the Separate Account insurance-related charge will not increase while You have this Contract.
Portfolio Company Charges and Expenses
Charges are deducted from and expenses paid out of the assets of the Portfolios that are described in the prospectuses for those Portfolios. Shares of the Portfolios are purchased for the Separate Account at their net asset value. The net asset value of Portfolio shares is determined after deduction of the fees and charges. For further information, consult the prospectus for each Portfolio and Appendix A, below.
Annual Contract Fee
There is no Separate Account Annual Contract Fee.
For the Non-Qualified, Traditional IRA, Roth IRA and SEP Deferred Annuities, You pay a $20 annual fee from the Fixed Interest Account at the end of each Contract Year if your Account Value is less than $20,000 and You are not enrolled in the check-o-matic or automatic payroll deduction programs.
For the SIMPLE IRA Deferred Annuity, You pay a $20 annual fee from the Fixed Interest Account at the end of each Contract Year if your Account Balance is less than $20,000 and You do not make a purchase payment during the Contract Year.
Portfolio Company Charges
Charges are deducted from and expenses are paid out of the assets of the Portfolios that are described in the prospectuses for those companies.
Transfer Fee
Although we do not currently impose a transfer fee, we reserve the right to limit transfers as described above in “Transfer Privilege.” We reserve the right to impose a transfer fee. The amount of this fee will be no greater than $25 per transfer.
Early Withdrawal Charges
An Early Withdrawal Charge of up to 7% may apply if You withdraw purchase payments within seven years of when they were credited to your Deferred Annuity. The Early Withdrawal Charge does not apply in certain situations or upon the occurrence of certain events or circumstances. To determine the Early Withdrawal Charge for Deferred Annuities, we treat your Fixed Interest Account and Separate Account as if they were a single account and ignore both your actual allocations and the Fixed Interest Account or Divisions from which the withdrawal is actually coming. To do this, we first assume that your withdrawal is from purchase payments that can be withdrawn without an Early Withdrawal Charge, then from other purchase payments on a “first-in-first-out” (oldest money first) basis and then from earnings. Once we have determined the amount of the Early Withdrawal Charge, we will then withdraw it from the Fixed Interest Account and the Divisions in the same proportion as the withdrawal is being


made. In determining what the withdrawal charge is, we do not include earnings, although the actual withdrawal to pay it may come from earnings. However, if the Early Withdrawal Charge is greater than the available purchase payments, then we will take the Early Withdrawal Charges, in whole or in part, from your earnings.
For partial withdrawals, the Early Withdrawal Charge is determined by dividing the amount that is subject to the Early Withdrawal Charge by 100% minus the applicable percentage shown in the following chart. Then we will make the payment directed and withdraw the Early Withdrawal Charge. We will treat your request as a request for a full withdrawal if your Account Value is not sufficient to pay both the requested withdrawal and the Early Withdrawal Charge.
For a full withdrawal, we multiply the amount to which the withdrawal charge applies by the percentage shown, keep the result as an Early Withdrawal Charge and pay You the rest.
The Early Withdrawal Charge on purchase payments withdrawn is as follows:
During Purchase Payment Year Percentage
1 7%
2 6%
3 5%
4 4%
5 3%
6 2%
7 1%
8 & Later 0%
The Early Withdrawal Charge reimburses us for our costs in selling the Deferred Annuities. We may use our profits (if any) from the mortality and expense risk charge to pay for our costs to sell the Deferred Annuities which exceed the amount of Early Withdrawal Charges we collect. However, we believe that our sales costs may exceed the Early Withdrawal Charges we collect. If so, we will pay the difference out of our general profits.
When No Early Withdrawal Charge Applies
In some cases, we will not charge You the Early Withdrawal Charge when You make a withdrawal. We may, however, ask You to prove that You meet one of the conditions listed below.
General. We may elect to reduce or eliminate the amount of the early withdrawal Charge when the Contract is sold under circumstances which reduce our sales expenses. Some examples are: if there is a large group of individuals that will be purchasing the Contract, or if a prospective purchaser already had a relationship with us.
You do not pay an Early Withdrawal Charge:
On transfers You make within your Deferred Annuity among Divisions and transfers to or from the Fixed Interest Account.
On withdrawals of purchase payments You made over seven years ago.
If You choose payments over one or more lifetimes or for a period of at least five years (without the right to accelerate the payments).
If You die during the pay-in phase. Your beneficiary will receive the full death benefit without deduction.


If your Contract permits and your spouse is substituted as the purchaser of the Deferred Annuity and continues the Contract, that portion of the Account Value that equals the “step up” portion of the death benefit.
If You withdraw up to 10% of your Account Value each Contract Year. This 10% total withdrawal may be taken in an unlimited number of partial withdrawals during that Contract Year. Each time You make a withdrawal, we calculate what percentage your withdrawal represents at that time. Only when the total of these percentages exceeds 10% will You have to pay Early Withdrawal Charges.
If the withdrawal is required for You to avoid Federal income tax penalties or to satisfy Federal income tax rules or Department of Labor regulations that apply to your Deferred Annuity. This exception does not apply if You have a Non-Qualified or Roth IRA Deferred Annuity or if the withdrawal is to satisfy Section 72(t) requirements under the Code.
Because You accept an amendment converting your Traditional IRA Deferred Annuity to a Roth IRA Deferred Annuity.
Subject to availability in your state, if the Early Withdrawal Charge that would apply if not for this provision (1) would constitute less than 0.50% of your Account Value and (2) You transfer your total Account Value to certain eligible contracts issued by MetLife or one of its affiliated companies and we agree.
Except in the state of Massachusetts, on your first withdrawal to which an Early Withdrawal Charge would otherwise apply, and either You or your spouse:
Has been a resident of certain nursing home facilities for a minimum of 90 consecutive days; or
Is diagnosed with a terminal illness and not expected to live more than a year.
If You have transferred money which is not subject to a withdrawal charge (because You have satisfied contractual provisions for a withdrawal without the imposition of a contract withdrawal charge) from certain eligible MetLife contracts into the Deferred Annuity and the withdrawal is of these transferred amounts and we agree. Any purchase payments made after the transfer are subject to the usual Early Withdrawal Charge schedule.
When A Different Early Withdrawal Charge May Apply
If You transferred money from certain eligible MetLife contracts into a Deferred Annuity, You may have different Early Withdrawal Charges for these transferred amounts. Any purchase payments made after the transfer are subject to the usual Early Withdrawal Charge schedule.
Amounts transferred before January 1, 1996:
We credit your transfer amounts with the time You held them under your original Contract. Or, if it will produce a lower charge, we use the following schedule to determine Early Withdrawal Charges (determined as previously described) for transferred amounts from your original Contract:
During Purchase Payment Year Percentage
1 5%
2 4%
3 3%
4 2%
5 1%
6 and Beyond 0%
Amounts transferred on or after January 1, 1996:


For certain Contracts which we issued at least two years before the date of transfer (except as noted below), we apply the withdrawal charge under your original Contract but not any of the original Contract’s exceptions or reductions to the withdrawal charge percentage that do not apply to a Deferred Annuity. Or, if it will produce a lower charge, we use the following schedule to determine Early Withdrawal Charges for transferred amounts from your original Contract:
During Transfer Year Percentage
1 5%
2 4%
3 3%
4 2%
5 1%
6 and Beyond 0%
If we issued the other Contract less than two years before the date of the transfer or it has a separate withdrawal charge for each purchase payment, we treat your purchase payments under the other Contract as if they were made under the Deferred Annuity as of the date we received them under that Contract.
Alternatively, if provided for in your Deferred Annuity, we credit your purchase payments with the time You held them under your original Contract.
Divorce. A withdrawal made pursuant to a divorce or separation agreement is subject to the same Withdrawal Charge provisions described in this section, if permissible under tax law. In addition, the withdrawal will reduce the Account Value and the death benefit. The withdrawal could have a significant negative impact on the death benefit.
The following table summarizes information about the benefits available under the Contract:
Name of
Purpose Is Benefit
Standard or
Maximum Fee Brief Description
of Restrictions/
Standard Death Benefit Guarantees that the death benefit will not be less than the greatest of (1) your Account Value; (2) Your highest Account Value as of December 31 following the end of your fifth Contract Year and at the end of every other five year period. In any case, less any later partial withdrawals, fees and charges; or (3) the total of all of your purchase payments less any partial withdrawals Standard None • Withdrawals could significantly reduce the benefit.


Name of
Purpose Is Benefit
Standard or
Maximum Fee Brief Description
of Restrictions/
  (including any applicable Early Withdrawal Charge)      
The Equity Generator®: An amount equal to the interest earned in the Fixed Interest Account is transferred monthly to any one Division based on your selection. If your Fixed Interest Account Balance at the time of a scheduled transfer is zero, this strategy is automatically discontinued. Standard None • Benefit limits available investment options.
• If your Fixed Interest Account Balance at the time of a scheduled transfer is zero, this strategy is automatically discontinued.
The Equalizer SM: You start with equal amounts of money in the Fixed Interest Account and your choice of either the MetLife Stock Index Division or the Frontier Mid Cap Growth Division. Each quarter, amounts are transferred between the Fixed Interest Account and your chosen Division to make the value of each equal. Standard None • Benefit limits available investment options.
The Rebalancer®: You select a specific asset allocation for your entire Account Balance from among the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account, if available. Each quarter we transfer amounts among these options to bring the percentage of your Account Balance in each option back to your original Standard None • Benefit limits available investment options.
• In the future, we may permit You to allocate less than 100% of your Account Balance to this strategy.


Name of
Purpose Is Benefit
Standard or
Maximum Fee Brief Description
of Restrictions/
The Index Selector®: You may select one of five asset allocation models which are designed to correlate to various risk tolerance levels. Each quarter the percentage in each of the Divisions in which the model invests and any Fixed Interest Account is brought back to the selected model percentage by transferring amounts among the Divisions and any Fixed Interest Account Standard None • Benefit limits available investment options.
The Allocator SM: Transfers a dollar amount of your choice from the Fixed Interest Account to any of the Divisions you choose on a monthly basis. Standard None • A minimum periodic transfer of $50 is required.
• Once your Fixed Interest Account Value is exhausted, this strategy is automatically discontinued.
Systematic Withdrawal Program Automatically withdraws a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your Account Balance of your choice each Contract Year. Standard None • Not available under the 457(b) Deferred Annuity issued to tax-exempt organizations.
• Not available in all states.
• Income taxes, tax penalties and Withdrawal Charges may apply to your withdrawals.
• Subject to our required minimums and administrative restrictions.
• Not available in conjunction with any


Name of
Purpose Is Benefit
Standard or
Maximum Fee Brief Description
of Restrictions/
        automated investment strategy.
* If your annuity was issued in connection with an employer plan, you should check with your employer regarding the availability of riders.
Death Benefit
One of the insurance guarantees we provide You under your Deferred Annuity is that your beneficiaries will be protected during the “pay-in” phase against market downturns. You name your beneficiary(ies). If You die during the pay-in phase, the death benefit the beneficiary receives will be the greatest of:
Your Account Value;
Your highest Account Value as of December 31 following the end of your fifth Contract Year and at the end of every other five year period. In any case, less any later partial withdrawals, fees and charges; or
The total of all of your purchase payments less any partial withdrawals (including any applicable Early Withdrawal Charge).
The death benefit is determined as of the end of the business day on which we receive both due proof of death and an election for the payment method.
If we are notified of your death before any requested transaction is completed (including transactions under automated investment strategies, the minimum distribution program and the Systematic Withdrawal Program), we will cancel the request. As described above, the death benefit will be determined when we receive proof of death and an election for the payment method.
Until the beneficiary (or each beneficiary if there are multiple beneficiaries) submits the necessary documentation in Good Order, the Account Value attributable to his/her portion of the death benefit remains in the Divisions and is subject to investment risk.
Where there are multiple beneficiaries, the death benefit will only be determined as of the time the first beneficiary submits the necessary documentation in Good Order. If the death benefit payable is an amount that exceeds the Account Value on the day it is determined, we will apply to the Contract an amount equal to the difference between the death benefit payable and the Account Value in accordance with the current allocation of the Account Value. The remaining death benefit amounts are held in the Divisions until each of the other beneficiaries submits the necessary documentation in Good Order to claim his/her death benefit. Any death benefit amounts held in the Divisions on behalf of the remaining beneficiaries are subject to investment risk. There is no additional death benefit guarantee.
Your beneficiary has the option to apply the death benefit (less any applicable premium and other taxes) to a pay-out option offered under your Deferred Annuity. Your beneficiary may, however, decide to take the payment in one sum, including either by check, by placing the amount in an account that earns interest, or by any other method of payment that provides the beneficiary with immediate and full access to the proceeds, or under other settlement options that we may make available.
If permitted in the Contract, if the beneficiary is your spouse, he/she may be substituted as the purchaser of the Deferred Annuity and continue the Contract under the terms and conditions of the Contract that applied prior to


the Owner’s death, with certain exceptions described in the Contract. In that case, the Account Value will be reset to equal the death benefit on the date the spouse continues the Deferred Annuity. (Any additional amounts added to the Account Value will be allocated in the same proportions to each balance in a Division and the Fixed Interest Account as each bears to the total Account Value.) If the spouse continues the Deferred Annuity, the death benefit is calculated as previously described, except, all values used to calculate the death benefit, which may include highest Account Value as of December 31 following the end of the fifth Contract Year and every other five-year period, are reset on the date the spouse continues the Deferred Annuity. Your spouse may make additional purchase payments and transfers and exercise any other rights as a purchaser of the Contract. Any applicable Early Withdrawal Charges will be assessed against future withdrawals.
Your beneficiary may also continue the Traditional IRA Deferred Annuity in your name. In that case the Account Value is reset to equal the death benefit on the date the beneficiary submits the necessary documentation in Good Order. (Any additional amounts added to the Account Value will be allocated in the same proportions to each balance in a Division and the Fixed Interest Account as each bears to the total Account Value.) There is no second death benefit payable upon the death of the beneficiary. Your beneficiary may not make additional purchase payments; he or she is permitted to make transfers. Your beneficiary will not bear any Early Withdrawal Charges.
There is no death benefit after the pay-out phase begins, however, depending on the pay-out option you select, any remaining guarantee will be paid to your beneficiary.
Total Control Account
The beneficiary may elect to have the Contract’s death proceeds paid through a settlement option called the Total Control Account, subject to our current established administrative procedures and requirements. The Total Control Account is an interest-bearing account through which the beneficiary has immediate and full access to the proceeds, with unlimited draft writing privileges. We credit interest to the account at a rate that will not be less than a guaranteed minimum annual effective rate. You may also elect to have any Contract surrender proceeds paid into a Total Control Account established for You, subject to our current established administrative procedures and requirements.
Assets backing the Total Control Account are maintained in our general account and are subject to the claims of our creditors. We will bear the investment experience of such assets; however, regardless of the investment experience of such assets, the interest credited to the Total Control Account will never fall below the applicable guaranteed minimum annual effective rate. Because we bear the investment experience of the assets backing the Total Control Account, we may receive a profit from these assets. The Total Control Account is not insured by the FDIC or any other governmental agency.
Pay-Out Options (or Income Options)
You may convert your Deferred Annuity into a regular stream of income after your “pay-in” or “accumulation” phase. The pay-out phase is often referred to as either “annuitizing” your Contract or taking an income annuity. When You select your pay-out option, You will be able to choose from the range of options we then have available. You have the flexibility to select a stream of income to meet your needs. If You decide You want a pay-out option, we withdraw some or all of your Account Value (less any premium taxes and applicable Contract fees), then we apply the net amount to the option. (See “Federal Income Tax” for a discussion of partial annuitization.) You are not required to hold your Deferred Annuity for any minimum time period before You may annuitize. However, if You annuitize within two years of purchasing the Deferred Annuity, a $350 Contract fee applies. We are currently waiving this fee. The variable pay-out option may not be available in all states.


When considering a pay-out option, You should think about whether You want:
Payments guaranteed by us for the rest of your life (or for the rest of two lives) or for a specified period;
A fixed dollar payment or a variable payment; and
A refund feature.
Your income payment amount will depend upon your choices. For lifetime options, the age and sex (where permitted) of the measuring lives (annuitants) will also be considered. For example, if You select a pay-out option guaranteeing payments for your lifetime and your spouse’s lifetime, your payments will typically be lower than if You select a pay-out option with payments over only your lifetime. The terms of the Contract supplement to your Deferred Annuity will determine when your income payments start and the frequency with which You will receive your income payments. If You do not tell us otherwise, your Fixed Interest Account Value will be used to provide a Fixed Income Option and your Separate Account Value will be used to provide a variable pay-out income option.
You can change or extend the date income payments begin at any time before the date specified in the Contract with 30 days prior notice to us (subject to restrictions that may apply in your state, restrictions imposed by your selling firm and our current established administrative procedures).
Please be aware that once your Contract is annuitized, You are ineligible to receive the death benefit.
Because the features of variable pay-out options in the Deferred Annuities are identical to the features of Income Annuities, please read the sections under the “Income Annuities” heading for more information about the available income types and the value of your income payments, reallocations and charges of your Contract in the pay-out phase.
Income Annuities provide You with a regular stream of payments for either your lifetime or a specific period. You may choose the frequency of your income payments. For example, You may receive your payments on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis. You have the flexibility to select a stream of income to meet your needs. Income Annuities can be purchased so that You begin receiving payments immediately or You can apply the Account Value of your Deferred Annuity to a pay-out option to receive payments during your “pay-out” phase. With an Income Annuity purchased as an immediate annuity and not as a pay-out option to receive payments during your “pay-out” phase, You may defer receiving payments from us for one year after You have purchased an immediate annuity. You bear any investment risk during any deferral period. We no longer offer the Income Annuities.
We do not guarantee that your variable payments will be a specific amount of money. You may choose to have a portion of the payment fixed and guaranteed under the Fixed Income Option. If You annuitize your Deferred Annuity and should our current annuity rates for a fixed pay-out option for this type of Deferred Annuity provide for greater payments than those guaranteed in your Contract, the greater payment will be made.
Using proceeds from the following types of arrangements, You may purchase Income Annuities to receive immediate payments:
• Non-Qualified • Roth IRA • SIMPLE IRA
• Traditional IRA • SEP IRA  
If You have accumulated amounts in any of your employer’s, association’s or group’s investment vehicles (for example, Traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, 401(k)s, Keoghs, 401(a)s, 403(b)s or 457s or SIMPLE IRAs after two years),


your lump sum rollover or transfer from that investment vehicle may be used to purchase an appropriate Income Annuity as long as applicable Federal income tax requirements are met.
If your retirement plan has purchased an Income Annuity, your choice of pay-out options may be subject to the terms of the plan. We may rely on your employer’s or plan administrator’s statements to us as to the terms of the plan or your entitlement to any payments. We will not be responsible for interpreting the terms of your plan. You should review your plan document to see how You may be affected.
Income Payment Types
Currently, we provide You with a wide variety of income payment types to suit a range of personal preferences. You decide the income payment type for your Income Annuity when You decide to take a pay-out option or at application. The decision is irrevocable.
There are three people who are involved in payments under your Income Annuity:
Owner: the person or entity which has all rights under the Income Annuity including the right to direct who receives payment.
Annuitant: the person whose life is the measure for determining the duration and sometimes the dollar amount of payments.
Beneficiary: the person who receives continuing payments or a lump sum payment if the Owner dies. Many times, the Owner and the Annuitant are the same person.
When deciding how to receive income, consider:
The amount of income You need;
The amount You expect to receive from other sources;
The growth potential of other investments; and
How long You would like your income to last.
Your income payment amount will depend in large part on the type of income payment You choose. For example, if You select a “Lifetime Income Annuity for Two,” your payments will typically be lower than if You select a “Lifetime Income Annuity.” Income payment types that guarantee that payments will be made for a certain number of years regardless of whether the Annuitant or Joint Annuitant is alive (such as Lifetime Income Annuity with a Guarantee Period and Lifetime Income Annuity for Two with a Guarantee Period, as defined below) result in income payments that are smaller than with income payment types without such a guarantee (such as Lifetime Income Annuity and Lifetime Income Annuity for Two, as defined below). In addition, to the extent the income payment type has a guarantee period, choosing a shorter guarantee period will result in each income payment being larger. Where required by state law or under a qualified retirement plan, the Annuitant’s sex will not be taken into account in calculating income payments. Annuity rates will not be less than those guaranteed in the Contract at the time of purchase for the AIR and income payment type elected. Due to underwriting, administrative or Code considerations, the choice of the percentage reduction and/or the duration of the guarantee period may be limited. We reserve the right to commute or to otherwise pay the value of any remaining income payments over a period which would comply with Federal income tax law. Tax rules with respect to decedent Contracts may prohibit election of Lifetime Income for Two income types and/or may also prohibit payments for as long as the Owner’s life in certain circumstances. The terms of your Contract will determine when your income payments start and the frequency with which You will receive your income payments. When You select an income type, it will apply to both fixed income payments and variable income payments.


We reserve the right to limit or stop issuing any of the income types currently available based upon legal requirements or other considerations.
The following income payment types are available:
Lifetime Income Annuity: A variable income that is paid as long as the Annuitant is living.
Lifetime Income Annuity with a Guarantee Period: A variable income that continues as long as the Annuitant is living but is guaranteed to be paid for a number of years. If the Annuitant dies before all of the guaranteed payments have been made, payments are made to the Owner of the annuity until the end of the guaranteed period. If the Owner dies during the guarantee period, payments will be made to the beneficiary in accordance with the Code. No payments are made once the guarantee period has expired and the Annuitant is no longer living.
Lifetime Income Annuity with a Refund: A variable income that is paid as long as the Annuitant is living and guarantees that the total of all income payments will not be less than the purchase payment that we received. If the Annuitant dies before the total of all income payments received equals the purchase payment, we will pay the Owner (or the beneficiary, if the Owner is not living) the difference in a lump sum.
Lifetime Income Annuity for Two: A variable income that is paid to the Annuitant(s) as long as the Contract Owner is living. After the Contract Owner dies, payments continue to be made to the Annuitant(s) either for (1) life (provided certain Federal tax law requirements are met) or (2) ten (10) years. Payments made for life to the Annuitant after the death of the Contract Owner may be the same as those made while the Contract Owner was living or may be a smaller percentage that is selected when the annuity is first converted to an income stream. No payments are made once the Annuitants are no longer living.
Lifetime Income Annuity for Two with a Guarantee Period: A variable income that continues as long as either of the two Annuitants is living but is guaranteed to be paid (unreduced by any percentage selected) for a number of years. If both Annuitants die before all of the guaranteed payments have been made, payments are made to the Owner of the annuity until the end of the guaranteed period. If the Owner dies during the guarantee period, payments will be made to the beneficiary in accordance with the Code. If one Annuitant dies after the guarantee period has expired, payments continue to be made as long as the other Annuitant is living. In that event, payments may be the same as those made while both Annuitants were living or may be a smaller percentage that is selected when the annuity is purchased. No payments are made once the guarantee period has expired and both Annuitants are no longer living.
Lifetime Income Annuity for Two with a Refund: A variable income that is paid as long as either Annuitant is living and guarantees that all income payments will not be less than the purchase payment that we received. After one Annuitant dies, payments continue to be made as long as the other Annuitant is living. In that event, payments may be the same as those made while both Annuitants were living or may be a smaller percentage that is selected when the annuity is purchased. If both Annuitants die before the total of all income payments received equals the purchase payment, we will pay the Owner (or the beneficiary, if the Owner is not living) the difference in a lump sum.
Income Annuity for a Guaranteed Period: A variable income payable for a guaranteed period of 5 to 30 years. As an administrative practice, we will consider factors such as your age and life expectancy in determining whether to issue a Contract with this income payment type. If the Owner dies before the end of the guarantee period, payments are made to the beneficiary in accordance with the Code. No payments are made after the guarantee period has expired.


Minimum Size of Your Income Payment
Your initial income payment must be at least $50. If You live in Massachusetts, the initial income payment must be at least $20. This means the amount used from a Deferred Annuity to provide a pay-out option must be large enough to provide this minimum initial income payment.
You decide what portion of your income payment is allocated among the Fixed Income Option and the Divisions.
The Value of Your Income Payments
Amount of Income Payments
Variable income payments from a Division will depend upon the number of Annuity Units held in that Division (described below) and the Annuity Unit Value (described later) as of the 10th day prior to a payment date.
The initial variable income payment is computed based on the amount of the purchase payment applied to the specific Division (net any applicable premium tax owed or Contract charge), the AIR, the age of the measuring lives and the income payment type selected. The initial payment amount is then divided by the Annuity Unit Value for the Division to determine the number of Annuity Units held in that Division. The number of Annuity Units held remains fixed for the duration of the Contract if no reallocations are made.
The dollar amount of subsequent variable income payments will vary with the amount by which investment performance is greater or less than the AIR.
Each Deferred Annuity provides that, when a pay-out option is chosen, the payment will not be less than the payment produced by the then-current Fixed Income Option purchase rates for that Contract class. The purpose of this provision is to assure the Annuitant that, at retirement, if the Fixed Income Option purchase rates for new Contracts are significantly more favorable than the rates guaranteed by a Deferred Annuity of the same class, the Owner will be given the benefit of the higher rates.
Annuity Units
Annuity Units are credited to You when You make a purchase payment or make a reallocation into a Division. Before we determine the number of Annuity Units to credit to You, we reduce a purchase payment (but not a reallocation) by any premium taxes and the Contract fee, if applicable. We then compute an initial income payment amount using the AIR, your income payment type and the age and sex (where permitted) of the measuring lives. We then divide the initial income payment (allocated to a Division) by the Annuity Unit Value on the date of the transaction. The result is the number of Annuity Units credited for that Division. The initial variable income payment is a hypothetical payment which is calculated based upon the AIR. The initial variable income payment is used to establish the number of Annuity Units. It is not the amount of your actual first variable income payment unless your first income payment happens to be within 10 days after we issue the Income Annuity. When You reallocate an income payment from a Division, Annuity Units supporting that portion of your income payment in that Division are liquidated.
Your income payments are determined by using the AIR to benchmark the investment experience of the Divisions You select. We currently offer a 3% and 4% AIR. Certain states may require a different AIR or a cap on what AIR may


be chosen. The higher your AIR, the higher your initial variable income payment will be. Your next payment will increase approximately in proportion to the amount by which the investment experience (for the time period between the payments) for the underlying Portfolio minus the Separate Account charge (the resulting number is the net investment return) exceeds the AIR (for the time period between the payments). Likewise, your next payment will decrease to the approximate extent the investment experience (for the time period between the payments) for the underlying Portfolio minus the Separate Account charge (the net investment return) is less than the AIR (for the time period between the payments). A lower AIR will result in a lower initial variable income payment, but subsequent variable income payments will increase more rapidly or decline more slowly than if You had elected a higher AIR as changes occur in the investment experience of the Divisions.
The amount of each variable income payment is determined 10 days prior to your income payment date. If your first income payment is scheduled to be paid less than 10 days after your Contract’s issue date, then the amount of that payment will be determined on your Contract’s issue date.
The initial variable income payment is a hypothetical payment which is calculated based on the AIR. This initial variable income payment is used to establish the number of Annuity Units. It is not the amount of your actual first variable income payment unless your first income payment happens to be within 10 days after we issue the Income Annuity.
This is how we calculate the Annuity Unit Value for each Division:
First, we determine the change in investment experience (which reflects the deduction for any investment-related charge) for the underlying Portfolio from the previous trading day to the current trading day;
Next, we subtract the daily equivalent of your insurance-related charge or Separate Account charge (general administrative expenses and mortality and expense risk charges) for each day since the last day the Annuity Unit Value was calculated; the resulting number is the net investment return;
Then, we multiply by an adjustment based on your AIR for each day since the last Annuity Unit Value was calculated; and
Finally, we multiply the previous Annuity Unit Value by this result.
You may make reallocations among the Divisions or from the Divisions to the Fixed Income Option. Once You reallocate your income payment into the Fixed Income Option You may not later reallocate amounts from the Fixed Income Option to the Divisions. If You reside in certain states You may be limited to four options (including the Fixed Interest Option).
Currently, there is no charge to make a reallocation. Your request for a reallocation tells us to move, in accordance with your instructions, the underlying Portfolio shares we have designated in the Divisions or other funds to generate your income payments.
Reallocations will be made as of the end of a business day, at the close of the Exchange, if received in Good Order prior to the close of the Exchange on that business day. All other reallocation requests in Good Order will be processed on the next business day.
For us to process a reallocation, You must tell us:
The percentage of the income payment to be reallocated;


The Divisions from which You want the income payment to be reallocated; and
The Divisions or Fixed Income Option (and the percentages allocated to each) to which You want the income payment to be reallocated.
When You request a reallocation from a Division to the Fixed Income Option, the payment amount will be adjusted at the time of reallocation. Your payment may either increase or decrease due to this adjustment. The adjusted payment will be calculated in the following manner.
First, we update the income payment amount to be reallocated from the Division based upon the applicable Annuity Unit Value at the time of the reallocation;
Second, we use the AIR to calculate an updated annuity purchase rate based upon your age, if applicable, and expected future income payments at the time of the reallocation;
Third, we calculate another updated annuity purchase rate using our current annuity purchase rates for the Fixed Income Option on the date of your reallocation; and
Finally, we determine the adjusted payment amount by multiplying the updated income amount determined in the first step by the ratio of the annuity purchase rate determined in the second step divided by the annuity purchase rate determined in the third step.
When You request a reallocation from one Division to another, Annuity Units in one Division are liquidated and Annuity Units in the other Division are credited to You. There is no adjustment to the income payment amount. Future income payment amounts will be determined based on the Annuity Unit Value for the Division to which You have reallocated.
You generally may make a reallocation on any day the Exchange is open. At a future date we may limit the number of reallocations You may make, but never to fewer than one a month. If we do so, we will give You advance written notice. We may limit a beneficiary’s ability to make a reallocation.
Here are examples of the effect of a reallocation on the income payment:
Suppose You choose to reallocate 40% of your income payment supported by Division A to the Fixed Income Option and the recalculated income payment supported by Division A is $100. Assume that the updated annuity purchase rate based on the AIR is $125, while the updated annuity purchase rate based on fixed income annuity pricing is $100. In that case, your income payment from the Fixed Income Option will be increased by $40 x ($125 ÷ $100) or $50, and your income payment supported by Division A will be decreased by $40. (The number of Annuity Units in Division A will be decreased as well.)
Suppose You choose to reallocate 40% of your income payment supported by Division A to Division B and the recalculated income payment supported by Division A is $100. Then, your income payment supported by Division B will be increased by $40 and your income payment supported by Division A will be decreased by $40. (Changes will be made to the number of Annuity Units in both Divisions as well.)
Premium and Other Taxes
Some jurisdictions tax what are called “annuity considerations.” We deduct money to pay “premium” taxes (also known as “annuity” taxes) when You make the purchase payment.
Premium taxes, if applicable, depend on the Contract You purchased and your home state or jurisdiction. A chart in Appendix B shows the jurisdictions where premium taxes are charged and the amount of these taxes.
We also reserve the right to deduct from purchase payments, withdrawals or income payments, any taxes (including but not limited to premium taxes) paid by us to any government entity relating to the Contract. Examples of these


taxes include, but are not limited to, generation skipping transfer tax or a similar excise tax under Federal or state tax law which is imposed on payments we make to certain persons and income tax withholdings on withdrawals and income payments to the extent required by law. We will, at our sole discretion, determine when taxes relate to the Contract. We may, at our sole discretion, pay taxes when due and deduct the corresponding amount from income payments at a later date. Payment at an earlier date does not waive any right we may have to deduct amounts at a later date.
We reserve the right to deduct from the Contract for any income taxes which we incur because of the Contract. In general, we believe under current Federal income tax law, we are entitled to hold reserves with respect to the Contract that offset Separate Account income. If this should change, it is possible we could incur income tax with respect to the Contract, and in that event we may deduct such tax from the Contract. At the present time, however, we are not incurring any such income tax or making any such deductions.
You may cancel your Contract within a certain time period. This is known as a “free look.” We must receive your request to cancel in writing by the appropriate day in your state, which varies from state to state. The time period may also vary depending on your age and whether You purchased your Contract from us directly, through the mail or with money from another annuity or life insurance policy. Depending on state law, we may refund (i) all of your purchase payments or (ii) your Account Value as of the date your refund request is received at your Administrative Office in Good Order (this means you bear the risk of any decline in the value of your Contract due to the performance of the Divisions during the Free Look period).
Presently, MetLife offers another deferred annuity which has different features and different charges and expenses than the Deferred Annuity. Currently, MetLife is offering holders of the Deferred Annuity the ability to exchange the Deferred Annuity for this other deferred annuity, if certain criteria are met and if we believe the exchange is appropriate. The exchange offer is not approved in all states. Those Contract Owners who are interested in receiving more information about the exchange offer should contact their representative.
All transactions will be processed in the manner described below.
Purchase Payments
Send your purchase payments, by check, cashier’s check or certified check made payable to “MetLife,” to your Administrative Office or a MetLife sales office, if that office has been designated for this purpose. (We reserve the right to receive purchase payments by other means acceptable to us.) We do not accept cash, money orders or traveler’s checks. We will provide You with all necessary forms. We must have all documents in Good Order to credit your purchase payments.
We reserve the right to refuse purchase payments made via a personal check in excess of $100,000. Purchase payments over $100,000 may be accepted in other forms, including but not limited to, EFT/wire transfers, certified checks, corporate checks, and checks written on financial institutions. The form in which we receive a purchase payment may determine how soon subsequent disbursement requests may be fulfilled. (See “Access To Your Money.”) If You send your purchase payments or transaction requests to an address other than the one we have


designated for receipt of such purchase payments or requests, we may return the purchase payment to You, or there may be delay in applying the purchase payment or transaction to your Contract.
Purchase payments (including any portion of your Account Value under a Deferred Annuity which You apply to a pay-out option) are effective and valued as of the close of the Exchange, on the day we receive them in Good Order at your Administrative Office, except when they are received:
On a day when the Accumulation Unit Value/Annuity Unit Value is not calculated, or
After the close of the Exchange.
In those cases, the purchase payments will be effective the next day the Accumulation Unit Value or Annuity Unit Value, as applicable, is calculated. If payments on your behalf are not made in a timely manner, there may be a delay in when amounts are credited.
We reserve the right to credit your initial purchase payment to You within two days after its receipt at your Administrative Office or MetLife sales office, if applicable. However, if You fill out our forms incorrectly or incompletely or other documentation is not completed properly or otherwise not in Good Order, we have up to five business days to credit the payment. If the problem cannot be resolved by the fifth business day, we will notify You and give You the reasons for the delay. At that time, You will be asked whether You agree to let us keep your money until the problem is resolved. If You do not agree or we cannot reach You by the fifth business day, your money will be returned.
Under certain group Deferred Annuities and group Income Annuities, your employer, or the group in which You are a participant or member must identify You on their reports to us and tell us how your money should be allocated among the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account/Fixed Income Option.
Confirming Transactions
You will receive a statement confirming that a transaction was recently completed. Certain transactions made on a periodic basis, such as Systematic Withdrawal Program payments, and automated investment strategy transfers, may be confirmed quarterly. You may elect to have your income payments sent to your residence or have us deposit payments directly into your bank account. Periodically, You may receive additional information from us about the Income Annuity. Unless You inform us of any errors within 60 days of receipt, we will consider these communications to be accurate and complete.
Processing Transactions
We permit You to request transactions by mail and telephone. We make Internet access available to You for your Deferred Annuity. We may suspend or eliminate telephone or Internet privileges at any time, without prior notice. We reserve the right not to accept requests for transactions by facsimile.
Our variable annuity contract business is largely conducted through digital communications and data storage networks and systems operated by us and our service providers or other business partners (e.g., the Portfolios and the firms involved in the distribution and sale of our variable annuity contracts). For example, many routine operations, such as processing your requests and elections and day-to-day record keeping, are all executed through computer networks and systems.
If mandated by applicable law, including, but not limited to, Federal anti-money laundering laws, we may be required to reject a purchase payment. We may also be required to block an Owner’s account and, consequently, refuse to implement any requests for transfers/reallocations, withdrawals, surrenders or death benefits, until instructions are received from the appropriate governmental authority.


We have put into place reasonable security procedures to insure that instructions communicated by telephone or Internet are genuine. For example, all telephone calls are recorded. Also, You will be asked to provide some personal data prior to giving your instructions over the telephone or through the Internet. When someone contacts us by telephone or Internet and follows our security procedures, we will assume that You are authorizing us to act upon those instructions. Neither the Separate Account nor MetLife will be liable for any loss, expense or cost arising out of any requests that we or the Separate Account reasonably believe to be authentic. In the unlikely event that You have trouble reaching us, requests should be made in writing to your Administrative Office.
Your transaction must be in Good Order and completed prior to the close of the Exchange on one of our business days if You want the transaction to be valued and effective on that day. Transactions will not be valued and effective on a day when the Accumulation or Annuity Unit Value is not calculated or after the close of the Exchange. We will value and make effective these transactions on our next business day.
We will use reasonable procedures such as requiring certain identifying information, tape recording the telephone instructions, and providing written confirmation of the transaction, in order to confirm that instructions communicated by telephone, fax, Internet or other means are genuine. Any telephone, fax or Internet instructions reasonably believed by us to be genuine will be your responsibility, including losses arising from any errors in the communication of instructions. As a result of this policy, You will bear the risk of loss. If we do not employ reasonable procedures to confirm that instructions communicated by telephone, fax or Internet are genuine, we may be liable for any losses due to unauthorized or fraudulent transactions. All other requests and elections under your Contract must be in writing signed by the proper party, must include any necessary documentation and must be received at your Administrative Office to be effective. If acceptable to us, requests or elections relating to beneficiaries and ownership will take effect as of the date signed unless we have already acted in reliance on the prior status. We are not responsible for the validity of any written request or action.
By Telephone or Internet
You may initiate a variety of transactions and obtain information by telephone or the Internet virtually 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unless prohibited by state law or your employer. Some of the information and transactions accessible to You include:
Account Balance
Unit Values
Current rates for the Fixed Interest Account
Changes to investment strategies
Changes in the allocation of future purchase payments.
For your Deferred Annuity in the pay-out phase or Income Annuity, You may obtain information and initiate transactions through our toll-free number, 1-800-638-7732. Our customer service consultants are available by telephone between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Eastern Time each business day.
Telephone and computer systems may not always be available. Any telephone or computer system, whether it is yours, your service provider’s, your agent’s, or ours, can experience outages or slowdowns for a variety of reasons. These outages or slowdowns may delay or prevent our processing of your request. Although we have taken precautions to help our systems handle heavy use, we cannot promise complete reliability under all circumstances. If you experience technical difficulties or problems, You should make your transaction request in writing to your Administrative Office.


Response times for the telephone or Internet may vary due to a variety of factors, including volumes, market conditions and performance of systems.
We are not responsible or liable for:
any inaccuracy, error, or delay in or omission of any information You transmit or deliver to us; or
any loss or damage You may incur because of such inaccuracy, error, delay or omission; non-performance; or any interruption of information beyond our control.
After Your Death
If we are notified of your death before any requested transaction is completed (including transactions under automated investment strategies, the minimum distribution program and the Systematic Withdrawal Program), we will cancel the request. For example, if You request a transfer or withdrawal for a date in the future under a Deferred Annuity and then die before that date, we will cancel the request. As described above, the death benefit will be determined when we receive due proof of death and an election for the payment method. For Income Annuity reallocations, we will cancel the request and continue making payments to your beneficiary if your Income Annuity so provides. For a Deferred Annuity in the pay-out phase and Income Annuity reallocations, we will cancel the request and continue making payments to your beneficiary if your Income Annuity or Deferred Annuity in the pay-out phase so provides. Or, depending on your Income Annuity’s or annuitized Deferred Annuity’s provisions, we may continue making payments to a joint Annuitant or pay your beneficiary a refund.
Abandoned Property Requirements
Every state has unclaimed property laws which generally declare non-ERISA (“Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974”) annuity Contracts to be abandoned after a period of inactivity of three to five years from the Contract’s maturity date (the latest day on which annuity payments may begin under the Contract) or the date the death benefit is due and payable. For example, if the payment of a death benefit has been triggered, but, if after a thorough search, we are still unable to locate the beneficiary of the death benefit, or the beneficiary does not come forward to claim the death benefit in a timely manner, the death benefit will be paid to the abandoned property division or unclaimed property office of the state in which the beneficiary or the Contract Owner last resided, as shown on our books and records, or to our state of domicile. (Escheatment is the formal, legal name of this process.) However, the state is obligated to pay the death benefit (without interest) if your beneficiary steps forward to claim it with the proper documentation and within certain mandated time periods. To prevent your Contract’s proceeds from being paid to the state abandoned or unclaimed property office, it is important that You update your beneficiary designations, including addresses, if and as they change. Please call 1-800-638-7732 to make such changes.
We may require proof of age or sex (where permitted) of the Annuitant, Owner, or beneficiary before making any payments under this Contract that are measured by the Annuitant’s, Owner’s, or beneficiary’s life. If the age or sex (where permitted) of the measuring life has been misstated, the amount payable will be the amount that the Account Value would have provided at the correct age and sex (where permitted).
Once income payments have begun, any underpayments will be made up in one sum with the next income payment or in any other manner agreed to by us. Any overpayments will be deducted first from future income payments. In certain states we are required to pay interest on any underpayments.


We will normally pay withdrawal proceeds within seven days after receipt of a request for a withdrawal at your Administrative Office, but we may delay payment as permitted by law, under certain circumstances. (See “Valuation — Suspension of Payments”). We reserve the right to defer payment for a partial withdrawal, withdrawal or transfer from the Fixed Interest Account for the period permitted by law, but for not more than six months.
Third Party Requests
Generally, we only accept requests for transactions or information from You. We reserve the right not to accept or to process transactions requested on your behalf by third parties. This includes processing transactions by an agent You designate, through a power of attorney or other authorization, who has the ability to control the amount and timing of transfers/reallocations for a number of other Contract Owners, and who simultaneously makes the same request or series of requests on behalf of other Contract Owners.
Valuation — Suspension of Payments
We separately determine the Accumulation Unit Value and Annuity Unit Value for each Division once each day at the close of the Exchange when the Exchange is open for trading. If permitted by law, we may change the period between calculations but we will give You 30 days notice.
When You request a transaction, we will process the transaction on the basis of the Accumulation Unit Value or Annuity Unit Value next determined after receipt of the request. Subject to our procedure, we will make withdrawals and transfers/reallocations at a later date, if You request. If your withdrawal request is to elect a variable pay-out option under your Deferred Annuity, we base the number of Annuity Units You receive on the next available Annuity Unit Value.
We reserve the right to suspend or postpone payment for a withdrawal, income payment or transfer/reallocation when:
rules of the SEC so permit (trading on the Exchange is limited, the Exchange is closed other than for customary weekend or holiday closings or an emergency exists which makes pricing or sale of securities not practicable); or
during any other period when the SEC by order so permits.
Advertising Performance
We periodically advertise the performance of the Divisions. You may get performance information from a variety of sources including your quarterly statements, your sales representative (where applicable), the Internet, annual reports and semiannual reports. All performance numbers are based upon historical earnings. These numbers are not intended to indicate future results. We may state performance in terms of “yield,” “change in Accumulation Unit Value/Annuity Unit Value,” “average annual total return” or some combination of these terms.
Yield is the net income generated by an investment in a particular Division for 30 days or a month. These figures are expressed as percentages. This percentage yield is compounded semiannually. The yield of the money market Divisions refers to the income generated by an investment in the Division over a seven-day period. This income is then annualized, by assuming that the same amount of income is generated each week over a 52-week period, and the total income is shown as a percentage of the investment.


Change in Accumulation/Annuity Unit Value (“Non-Standard Performance”) is calculated by determining the percentage change in the value of an Accumulation (or Annuity) Unit for a certain period. These numbers may also be annualized. Change in Accumulation/Annuity Unit Value may be used to demonstrate performance for a hypothetical investment (such as $10,000) over a specified period. These performance numbers reflect the deduction of the total Separate Account charges; however, yield and change in Accumulation/Annuity Unit Value performance do not reflect the possible imposition of Early Withdrawal Charges. Early Withdrawal Charges would reduce performance experience.
Average annual total return calculations (“Standard Performance”) reflect all Separate Account charges and applicable Early Withdrawal Charges since the Division inception date, which is the date the corresponding Portfolio or predecessor Portfolio was first offered under the Separate Account that funds the Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. These presentations for the Income Annuities reflect a 3% benchmark AIR. These figures also assume a steady annual rate of return.
For purposes of presentation of Non-Standard Performance, we may assume that the Deferred Annuities and the Income Annuities were in existence prior to the inception date of the Divisions in the Separate Account that funds the Deferred Annuities and the Income Annuities. In these cases, we calculate performance based on the historical performance of the underlying Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II and American Funds® Portfolios since the Portfolio inception date. We use the actual Accumulation Unit or Annuity Unit data after the inception date. Any performance data that includes all or a portion of the time between the Portfolio inception date and the Division inception date is hypothetical. Hypothetical returns indicate what the performance data would have been if the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities had been introduced as of the Portfolio inception date.
We may also present average annual total return calculations which reflect all Separate Account charges and applicable withdrawal charges since the Portfolio inception date. We use the actual Accumulation Unit or Annuity Unit data after the inception date. Any performance data that includes all or a portion of the time between the Portfolio inception date and the Division inception date is hypothetical. Hypothetical returns indicate what the performance data would have been if the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities had been introduced as of the Portfolio inception date.
We calculate performance for certain investment strategies including the Equalizer, Equity Generator and each asset allocation model of the Index Selector. We calculate the performance as a percentage by presuming a certain dollar value at the beginning of a period and comparing this dollar value with the dollar value based on historical performance at the end of that period. This percentage return assumes that there have been no withdrawals or other unrelated transactions.
We may state performance for the Divisions of the Income Annuity which reflect deduction of the Separate Account charge and investment-related charge, if accompanied by the annualized change in Annuity Unit Value.
We may demonstrate hypothetical values of income payments over a specified period based on historical net asset values of the Portfolios and the historical Annuity Unit Values and the applicable annuity purchase rate, either for an individual for whom the illustration is to be produced or based upon certain assumed factors (e.g., male, age 65).
These presentations reflect the deduction of the maximum Separate Account charge and investment-related charges. If the presentation is for an individual, we may also provide a presentation that reflects the applicable (rather than the maximum) insurance-related charge, as well as the Annuity Unit Values and the investment-related charge.


We may assume that the Income Annuity was in existence prior to its inception date. When we do so, we calculate performance based on the historical performance of the underlying Portfolio for the period before the inception date of the Income Annuity and historical Annuity Unit Values.
We may also demonstrate hypothetical future values of income payments over a specified period based on assumed rates of return (which will not exceed 12% and which will include an assumption of 0% as well) for the Portfolios, hypothetical Annuity Unit Values and the applicable annuity purchase rate, either for an individual for whom the illustration is to be produced or based upon certain assumed factors (e.g., male, age 65). These presentations reflect the deduction of the maximum Separate Account charge and the average of investment-related charges. If the presentation is for an individual, we may also provide a presentation that reflects the applicable Separate Account charge (rather than the maximum), as well as the Annuity Unit Values and the investment-related charge.
An illustration should not be relied upon as a guarantee of future results.
Historical performance information should not be relied on as a guarantee of future performance results. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Performance figures will vary among the various Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities as a result of different Separate Account charges and Early Withdrawal Charges.
Changes to Your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity
We have the right to make certain changes to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity, but only as permitted by law. We make changes when we think they would best serve the interest of annuity Owners or would be appropriate in carrying out the purposes of the Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. If the law requires, we will also get your approval and the approval of any appropriate regulatory authorities. Examples of the changes we may make include:
To operate the Separate Account in any form permitted by law.
To take any action necessary to comply with or obtain and continue any exemptions under the law (including favorable treatment under the Federal income tax laws) including limiting the number, frequency or types of transfers/reallocations transactions permitted.
To transfer any assets in a Division to another Division, or to one or more separate accounts, or to our general account, or to add, combine or remove Divisions in the Separate Account.
To substitute for the Portfolio shares in any Division, the shares of another class of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II or the shares of another investment company or any other investment permitted by law.
To change the way we assess charges, but without increasing the aggregate amount charged to the Separate Account and any currently available Portfolio in connection with the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities.
To make any necessary technical changes in the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities in order to conform with any of the above-described actions.
If any changes result in a material change in the underlying investments of a Division in which You have a balance or an allocation, we will notify You of the change. You may then make a new choice of Divisions. For Deferred Annuities issued in Pennsylvania (and Income Annuities where required by law), we will ask your approval before making any technical changes. We will notify you of any changes to the Separate Account.


Voting Rights
Based on our current view of applicable law, You have voting interests under your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity concerning Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II or American Funds® proposals that are subject to a shareholder vote. Therefore, You are entitled to give us instructions for the number of shares which are deemed attributable to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity.
We will vote the shares of each of the underlying Portfolios held by the Separate Account based on instructions we receive from those having a voting interest in the corresponding Divisions. However, if the law or the interpretation of the law changes, we may decide to exercise the right to vote the Portfolio’s shares based on our own judgment.
You are entitled to give instructions regarding the votes attributable to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity in your sole discretion.
There are certain circumstances under which we may disregard voting instructions. If we do not receive your voting instructions, we will vote your interest in the same proportion as represented by the votes we receive from other investors. The effect of this proportional voting is that a small number of Contract Owners or Annuitants may control the outcome of a vote. Shares of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II or American Funds® that are owned by our general account or by any of our unregistered separate accounts will be voted in the same proportion as the aggregate of:
The shares for which voting instructions are received; and
The shares that are voted in proportion to such voting instructions.
However, if the law or the interpretation of the law changes, we may decide to exercise the right to vote the Portfolio’s shares based on our judgment.
Who Sells the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities
MetLife Investors Distribution Company (“MLIDC”) is the principal underwriter and distributor of the securities offered through this Prospectus. MLIDC, which is our affiliate, also acts as the principal underwriter and distributor of some of the other variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies we and our affiliated companies issue. We reimburse MLIDC for expenses MLIDC incurs in distributing the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities (e.g., commissions payable to the retail broker-dealers who sell the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities). MLIDC does not retain any fees under the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities.
MLIDC’s principal executive offices are located at 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166. MLIDC is registered as a broker-dealer with the SEC under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), as well as the securities commissions in the states in which it operates, and is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”). FINRA provides background information about broker-dealers and their registered representatives through FINRA BrokerCheck. You may contact the FINRA BrokerCheck Hotline at 1-800-289-9999, or log on to www.finra.org. An investor brochure that includes information describing FINRA BrokerCheck is available through the Hotline or on-line.
The Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities are sold through unaffiliated broker-dealers, registered with the SEC as broker-dealers under the Exchange Act and members of FINRA. The Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities may also be sold through the mail, the Internet or by telephone.
There is no front-end sales load deducted from purchase payments to pay sales commissions. Distribution costs are recovered through the charges and deductions under the Deferred Annuities. MLIDC pays compensation based


upon a “gross dealer concession” model. With respect to the Deferred Annuities, the gross dealer concession ranges from 0% to 6% of each purchase payment and, starting in the second Contract Year, 0.18% of the Account Value or amount available from which income payments are made each year that the Contract is in force for servicing the Contract.
Gross dealer concession may also be paid when the Contract is annuitized. The amount of this gross dealer concession credited upon an annuitization depends on several factors, including the number of years the Contract has been in force.
We may make payments to MLIDC that may be used for its operating and other expenses, including the following sales expenses: compensation and bonuses for MLIDC’s management team, advertising expenses, and other expenses of distributing the Contracts. MLIDC’s management team and registered representatives also may be eligible for non-cash compensation items that we may provide jointly with MLIDC. Non-cash items include conferences, seminars and trips (including travel, lodging and meals in connection therewith), entertainment, merchandise and other similar items. Broker-dealers pay their sales representatives all or a portion of the commissions received for their sales of the Contracts. Some firms may retain a portion of commissions. The amount that the broker-dealer passes on to its sales representatives is determined in accordance with its internal compensation programs. Those programs may also include other types of cash and non-cash compensation and other benefits. Sales representatives of these selling firms may also receive non-cash compensation pursuant to their firm’s guidelines directly from us or the distributor.
We and our affiliates may also provide sales support in the form of training, sponsoring conferences, defraying expenses at vendor meetings, providing promotional literature and similar services. An unaffiliated broker-dealer or sales representative of an unaffiliated broker-dealer may receive different compensation for selling one product over another and/or may be inclined to favor one product provider over another product provider due to different compensation rates. Ask your sales representative (where applicable) for further information about what your sales representative (where applicable) and the broker-dealer for which he or she works may receive in connection with your purchase of a Contract.
From time to time, MetLife pays organizations, associations and non-profit organizations fees to sponsor MetLife’s variable annuity contracts. We may also obtain access to an organization’s members to market our variable annuity contracts. These organizations are compensated for their sponsorship of our variable annuity contracts in various ways. Primarily, they receive a flat fee from MetLife. We also compensate these organizations by our funding of their programs, scholarships, events or awards, such as a principal of the year award. We may also lease their office space or pay fees for display space at their events, purchase advertisements in their publications or reimburse or defray their expenses. In some cases, we hire organizations to perform administrative services for us, for which they are paid a fee based upon a percentage of the Account Values their members hold in the Contract. We also may retain finders and consultants to introduce MetLife to potential clients and for establishing and maintaining relationships between MetLife and various organizations. The finders and consultants are primarily paid flat fees and may be reimbursed for their expenses. We or our affiliates may also pay duly licensed individuals associated with these organizations cash compensation for the sales of the Contracts.
We will normally pay withdrawal proceeds within seven days after receipt of a request for a withdrawal at your Administrative Office, but we may delay payment as permitted by law, under certain circumstances. (See “Valuation — Suspension of Payments”). We reserve the right to defer payment for a partial withdrawal, withdrawal or transfer from the Fixed Interest Account for the period permitted by law, but for not more than six months.


Financial Statements
Our financial statements and the financial statements of the Separate Account have been included in the SAI.
When We Can Cancel Your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity
We may not cancel your Income Annuity.
We may cancel your Deferred Annuity only if we do not receive any purchase payments from You for 36 consecutive months and your Account Value is less than $2,000. Accordingly, no Contract will be terminated due solely to negative investment performance. We will only do so to the extent allowed by law. If we cancel a Deferred Annuity issued in New York, we will return the full Account Value. In all other cases, You will receive an amount equal to what You would have received if You had requested a total withdrawal of your Account Value. Federal tax law may impose additional restrictions on our right to cancel your IRA and Roth IRA Deferred Annuity. Early Withdrawal Charges may apply.
We will not terminate any Contract if at the time the termination would otherwise occur the guaranteed amount under any death benefit is greater than the Account Value. For all other Contracts, we reserve the right to exercise this termination provision, subject to obtaining any required regulatory approvals. We will not exercise this provision under Contracts issued in New York. However, if your plan determines to terminate the Contract at a time when You have a guaranteed amount under any death benefit that is greater than the Account Value, You forfeit any guaranteed amount You have accrued under the death benefit upon termination of the Contract.
The following information on taxes is a general discussion of the subject. It is not intended as tax advice. The Internal Revenue Code (“Code”) and the provisions of the Code that govern annuities are complex and subject to change. The applicability of Federal income tax rules may vary with your particular circumstances. This discussion does not include all the Federal income tax rules that may affect You and your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable. Nor does this discussion address other Federal tax consequences (such as estate and gift taxes, sales to foreign individuals or entities), or state or local tax consequences, which may affect your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable. As a result, You should always consult a tax adviser for complete information and advice applicable to your individual situation.
When you invest in an annuity Contract, you usually do not pay taxes on your investment gains until you withdraw the money — generally for retirement purposes. Under current federal income tax law, the taxable portion of distributions from variable annuity contracts is taxed at ordinary income tax rates and does not qualify for the reduced tax rate applicable to long-term capital gains and dividends. If you invest in a variable annuity as part of an individual retirement plan, pension plan or employer-sponsored retirement program, your contract is called a Qualified Contract. If your annuity is independent of any formal retirement or pension plan, it is termed a Non-Qualified Contract. The tax rules applicable to Qualified Contracts vary according to the type of retirement plan and the terms and conditions of the plan.
We are not responsible for determining if your employer’s plan or arrangement satisfies the requirements of the Code and/or ERISA.


We do not expect to incur Federal, state or local income taxes on the earnings or realized capital gains attributable to the Separate Account. However, if we do incur such taxes in the future, we reserve the right to charge amounts allocated to the Separate Account for these taxes.
To the extent permitted under Federal tax law, we may claim the benefit of the corporate dividends received deduction and of certain foreign tax credits attributable to taxes paid by certain of the Portfolios to foreign jurisdictions.
Any Code reference to “spouse” includes those persons who enter into lawful marriages under state law, regardless of sex.
Non-Qualified Annuity Contracts
This discussion assumes the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, is an annuity Contract for Federal income tax purposes that is not held in a tax qualified “plan” defined by the Code. Tax qualified plans include arrangements described in Code Sections 401(a), 401(k), 403(a),403(b) or tax sheltered annuities (“TSA”), 408 or “IRAs” (including SEP and SIMPLE IRAs), 408A or “Roth IRAs” or 457(b) or governmental 457(b) plans. Deferred Annuities owned through such plans are referred to below as “qualified” contracts.
Generally, an Owner of a non-qualified annuity Contract is not taxed on increases in the value of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable until there is a distribution from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, i.e., surrender, partial withdrawal, income payment or commutation. This deferral of taxation on accumulated value in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is limited to Deferred Annuities owned by or held for the benefit of “natural persons.” A Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will be treated as held by a natural person if the nominal Owner is a trust or other entity which holds the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable as an agent for the exclusive benefit of a natural person.
In contrast, a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, owned or not treated as held by a “natural person,” such as a corporation, partnership, trust or other entity, will be taxed currently on the increase in accumulated value in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, in the year earned. Note that in this regard, an employer which is the Owner of an annuity Contract under a non-qualified deferred compensation arrangement for its employees, or otherwise, is considered a non-natural Owner and any annual increase in the Account Balance will be subject to current income taxation.
Surrenders or Withdrawals — Early Distribution
If You take a withdrawal from your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, or surrender your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable prior to the date You commence taking annuity or “income” payments (the “Annuity Starting Date”), the amount You receive will be treated first as coming from earnings, if any, (and thus subject to income tax) and then from your purchase payments (which are not subject to income tax).
The portion of any withdrawal from an annuity Contract that is subject to income tax will also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty for “early” distribution if such withdrawal is taken prior to You reaching age 59 12, unless an exception applies.
Exceptions include distributions made:
(a) on account of your death or disability,


(b) as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments payable for your life (or life expectancy) or joint lives (joint life expectancies) of You and your designated Beneficiary, or
(c) under certain immediate income annuities providing for substantially equal payments made at least annually.
If You receive systematic payments that You intend to qualify for the “substantially equal periodic payments” exception noted above, any modifications (except due to death or disability) to your payment before age 59 12 or within five years after beginning these payments, whichever is later, will result in the retroactive imposition of the 10% Federal income tax penalty with interest. Such modifications may include but are not limited to additional purchase payments to the Contract (including tax-free rollovers) and additional withdrawals from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
For non-qualified Contracts, amounts received under the exercise of a partial withdrawal may be fully included in taxable income. The entire amount of the withdrawal could be treated as taxable income. Exercise of a withdrawal feature may adversely impact the amount of subsequent payments which can be treated as a nontaxable return of investment.
If your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable has been purchased with an Optional Two Year Withdrawal Feature or is for a guaranteed period only (term certain) annuity, and is terminated as a result of the exercise of the withdrawal feature, the taxable portion of the payment will generally be the excess of the proceeds received over your remaining after-tax purchase payment.
Treatment of Separate Account Charges
It is possible that at some future date the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) may consider that Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable charges attributable to certain guaranteed death benefits and certain living benefits are to be treated as distributions from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to pay for such non-annuity benefits. Currently, these charges are considered to be an intrinsic part of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and we do not report these as taxable income. However, if this treatment changes in the future, the charge could also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty as an early distribution, as described above.
Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefits (where applicable)
If You have purchased the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit I, Enhanced Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit or Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee, where otherwise made available, note the following:
The tax treatment of withdrawals under such a benefit is uncertain. It is conceivable that the amount of potential gain could be determined based on the remaining amount guaranteed to be available for withdrawal at the time of the withdrawal if greater than the Account Balance (prior to Withdrawal Charges). This could result in a greater amount of taxable income in certain cases. In general, at the present time, MetLife intends to report such withdrawals using the Account Balance rather than the remaining benefit to determine gain. However, in cases where the maximum permitted withdrawal in any year under any version of the GWB exceeds the Account Balance, the portion of the withdrawal treated as taxable gain (not to exceed the amount of the withdrawal) should be measured as the difference between the maximum permitted withdrawal amount under the benefit and the remaining after-tax basis immediately preceding the withdrawal. Consult your tax adviser.
In the event that the Account Balance goes to zero, and either the Remaining Guaranteed Withdrawal Amount is paid out in fixed installments or the Annual Benefit Payment is paid for life, we will treat such payments as income annuity payments under the tax law and allow recovery of any remaining basis ratably over the expected number of payments. (See “Taxation of Payments in Annuity Form” below.)


MetLife reserves the right to change its tax reporting practices where we determine that they are not in accordance with Federal income tax rules and/or IRS guidance (whether formal or informal).
If You purchase two or more Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable Contracts from MetLife (or its affiliates) during the same calendar year, the law requires that all such Contracts must be treated as a single Contract for purposes of determining whether any payments not received as an annuity (e.g., withdrawals) will be includible in income. Aggregation could affect the amount of a withdrawal that is taxable and subject to the 10% Federal income tax penalty described above. Since the IRS may require aggregation in other circumstances as well, You should consult a tax adviser if You are purchasing more than one annuity Contract from the same insurance company in a single calendar year. Aggregation does not affect distributions paid in the form of an annuity (see “Taxation of Payments in Annuity Form” below).
The annuity Contract may be exchanged tax-free in whole or in part for another annuity contract or a long-term care insurance policy. The partial exchange of an annuity contract may be a tax-free transaction provided that, among other prescribed IRS conditions, no amounts are distributed from either contract involved in the exchange for 180 days following the date of the exchange other than annuity payments made for life, joint lives, or for a term of 10 years or more. Otherwise, a withdrawal or “deemed” distribution may be includible in your taxable income (plus a 10% Federal income tax penalty) to the extent that the accumulated value of your annuity exceeds your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable (your “gain”). Some of the ramifications of a partial exchange remain unclear. If the annuity Contract is exchanged in part for an additional annuity contract, a distribution from either contract may be taxable to the extent of the combined gain attributable to both contracts, or only to the extent of your gain in the contract from which the distribution is paid. It is not clear whether these rules apply to a partial exchange involving long-term care contracts. Consult your tax adviser prior to a partial exchange.
A transfer of Ownership of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, or the designation of an Annuitant or other Beneficiary who is not also the Contract Owner, may result in income or gift tax consequences to the Contract Owner. You should consult your tax adviser if You are considering such a transfer or assignment.
Death Benefits
The death benefit is taxable to the recipient in the same manner as if paid to the Contract Owner (under the rules for withdrawals or income payments, whichever is applicable).
After your death, any death benefit determined under the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed in accordance with Section 72(s) of the Code. The method of distribution that is required depends on whether You die before or after the Annuity Starting Date.
If You die on or after the Annuity Starting Date, the remaining portion of the interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used as of the date of death.
If You die before the Annuity Starting Date, the entire interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed within five (5) years after the date of death, or as periodic payments over a period not extending beyond the life or life expectancy of the designated Beneficiary (provided such payments begin within one year of your death) and the Beneficiary must be a natural person. Naming a non-natural person, such as a trust


or estate, as a designated beneficiary, may eliminate the ability to stretch the payment over an individual’s life or life expectancy, and may also eliminate the ability to continue these benefits beyond the otherwise allowed payout period under the Code. If a non-natural person, such as a trust, is the owner of a non-qualified contract, the distribution on death rules under the Code may require payment to begin earlier than expected and may impact the usefulness of death benefit features.
Additionally, if the annuity is payable to (or for the benefit of) your surviving spouse, that portion of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may be continued with your spouse as the Owner.
For Deferred Annuities owned by a non-natural person, the required distribution rules apply upon the death or change in the primary Annuitant. If there is more than one Annuitant of a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable held by a non-natural person, then such required distributions will be triggered by the death of the first co-Annuitant.
Investor Control
In certain circumstances, Owners of variable annuity non-qualified contracts have been considered to be the Owners of the assets of the underlying Separate Account for Federal income tax purposes due to their ability to exercise investment control over those assets. When this is the case, the Contract Owners have been currently taxed on income and gains attributable to the variable account assets. There is little guidance in this area, and some features of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, such as the number of Portfolios available and the flexibility of the Contract Owner to allocate purchase payments and transfer amounts among the Divisions have not been addressed. While we believe that the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable does not give the Contract Owner investment control over Separate Account assets, we reserve the right to modify the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, as necessary to prevent a Contract Owner from being treated as the Owner of the Separate Account assets supporting the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
Taxation of Payments in Annuity Form
Payments received from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable in the form of an annuity are taxed differently depending on whether You select a fixed or variable payment option. For fixed annuity payments, payments are taxable as ordinary income to the extent they exceed the portion of the payment determined by applying the exclusion ratio to the entire payment. The exclusion ratio is determined at the time the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is annuitized (i.e., the accumulated value is converted to an annuity form of distribution). Generally, the applicable exclusion ratio is your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable divided by the total payments You expect to receive based on IRS factors, such as the form of annuity and mortality. The exclusion ratio is applied to each fixed annuity payment to determine the portion that is a non-taxable return of investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and it is excludable from your taxable income until your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is fully recovered.
Variable annuity payments are expected to fluctuate and the amount You may receive is uncertain. Variable annuity payments are taxable as ordinary income to the extent they exceed the portion of each annuity payment that is determined to be a non-taxable return of your investment in the Contract. The non-taxable return of your investment in the Contract is determined by dividing the investment in the Contract (with adjustment) by the number of years over which it is anticipated the annuity will be paid. In general, your investment in the Contract is recovered pro-rata over the expected payment period.


We will make this calculation for You. However, it is possible that the IRS could conclude that the taxable portion of income payments under a non-qualified Contract is an amount greater — or less — than the taxable amount determined by us and reported by us to You and the IRS.
Once You have recovered the investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, further annuity payments are fully taxable.
If You die before your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is fully recovered, the balance of your investment may be deducted on your last tax return, or if annuity payments continue after your death, the balance may be recovered by your Beneficiary.
The IRS has not furnished explicit guidance as to how the excludable amount is to be determined each year under variable income annuities that permit transfers between a fixed annuity option and variable investment options, as well as transfers between investment options after the Annuity Start Date.
Once annuity payments have commenced, You may not be able to transfer to another non-qualified annuity contract or a long-term care contract as part of a tax-free exchange.
If the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable allows, You may elect to convert less than the full value of your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to an annuity form of pay-out (i.e., “partial annuitization.”) In this case, your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will be pro-rated between the annuitized portion of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and the deferred portion. An exclusion ratio or excludable amount will apply to the annuity payments as described above, provided the annuity form You elect is payable for at least 10 years or for the life of one or more individuals.
The federal income tax treatment of an annuity payment option that contains a commutation feature (i.e., an annuity payment option that permits the withdrawal of a commuted value) is uncertain. Specifically, it is possible that (a) all payments made under the annuity payment option will be taxed as withdrawals, on an income-first basis, rather than as annuity payments, a portion of which would be excludable from income as a return of investment in the contract, or (b) the ability to fully recover the investment in the contract over the annuity payment period may be limited due to the reduction or elimination of future annuity payments that would have each had an excludable amount.
Additionally, it is uncertain whether the exercise of a commutation feature under a joint and survivor variable life annuity payment option constitutes an exchange into a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, thus requiring payout of any remaining interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable within five years of an Owner’s death (or the primary annuitant’s death where the Owner is not a natural person) or over the designated beneficiary’s life (or over a period no longer than the beneficiary’s remaining life expectancy) with such payments beginning within 12 months of the date of death if an Owner dies during the certain period for such payout option. Accordingly, we reserve the right to restrict the availability of the commutation feature or to require the value of all remaining income payments be paid to the designated beneficiary or to the surviving joint annuitant, as the case may be, in a lump sum after proof of an Owner’s death (or of a primary annuitant’s death, where the owner is not a natural person) during the certain period to comply with these tax law requirements.
3.8% Tax on Net Investment Income
Federal tax law imposes a 3.8% Medicare tax on the lesser of:
(1) the taxpayer’s “net investment income” (from non-qualified annuities, interest, dividends, and other investments, offset by specified allowable deductions), or


(2) the taxpayer’s modified adjusted gross income in excess of a specified income threshold ($250,000 for married couples filing jointly and qualifying widows, $125,000 for married couples filing separately, and $200,000 for single filers).
“Net investment income” in Item 1 above does not include distributions from tax qualified plans, (i.e., arrangements described in Code Sections 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 408, 408A or 457(b)), but such income will increase modified adjusted gross income in Item 2 above.
You should consult your tax adviser regarding the applicability of this tax to income under your annuity Contract.
Puerto Rico Tax Considerations
The Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011 (the “2011 PR Code”) taxes distributions from non-qualified annuity contracts differently than in the U.S.
Distributions that are not in the form of an annuity (including partial surrenders and period certain payments) are treated under the 2011 PR Code first as a return of investment. Therefore, a substantial portion of the amounts distributed generally will be excluded from gross income for Puerto Rico tax purposes until the cumulative amount paid exceeds your tax basis.
The amount of income on annuity distributions in annuity form (payable over your lifetime) is also calculated differently under the 2011 PR Code. Since the U.S. source income generated by a Puerto Rico bona fide resident is subject to U.S. income tax and the IRS issued guidance in 2004 which indicated that the income from an annuity contract issued by a U.S. life insurer would be considered U.S. source income, the timing of recognition of income from an annuity contract could vary between the two jurisdictions. Although the 2011 PR Code provides a credit against the Puerto Rico income tax for U.S. income taxes paid, an individual may not get full credit because of the timing differences.
You should consult with a personal tax adviser regarding the tax consequences of purchasing an annuity Contract and/or any proposed distribution, particularly a partial distribution or election to annuitize if You are a resident of Puerto Rico.
Qualified Annuity Contracts
The Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may be purchased through certain types of retirement plans that receive favorable treatment under the Code (“tax qualified plans”). Tax-qualified plans include arrangements described in Code Sections 401(a), 401(k), 403(a), 403(b) or tax sheltered annuities (“TSA”), 408 or “IRAs” (including SEP and SIMPLE IRAs), 408A or “Roth IRAs” or 457 (b) nongovernmental or 457(b) governmental plans. Extensive special tax rules apply to qualified plans and to the annuity Contracts used in connection with these plans. Therefore, the following discussion provides only general information about the use of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable with the various types of qualified plans. Adverse tax consequences may result if You do not ensure that contributions, distributions and other transactions with respect to the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable comply with the law.
The rights to any benefit under the plan will be subject to the terms and conditions of the plan itself as well as the terms and conditions of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.


We exercise no control over whether a particular retirement plan or a particular contribution to the plan satisfies the applicable requirements of the Code, or whether a particular individual is entitled to participate or benefit under a plan.
All qualified plans and arrangements receive tax deferral under the Code. Since there are no additional tax benefits in funding such retirement arrangements with an annuity, there should be reasons other than tax deferral for acquiring the annuity within the plan. Such non-tax benefits may include additional insurance benefits, such as the availability of a guaranteed income for life.
A Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may also be available in connection with an employer’s non-qualified deferred compensation plan or qualified governmental excess benefit arrangement to provide benefits to certain employees in the plan. The tax rules regarding these plans are complex; please consult your tax adviser about your particular situation.
Treatment of Separate Account Charges
It is possible that at some future date the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) may consider that Contract charges attributable to certain guaranteed death benefits and certain living benefits are to be treated as distributions from the Contract to pay for such non-annuity benefits. Currently, these charges are considered to be an intrinsic part of the Contract and we do not report these as taxable income. However, if this treatment changes in the future, the charge could also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty as an early distribution.
The tax rules applicable to qualified plans vary according to the type of plan and the terms and conditions of the plan itself. Both the amount of the contribution that may be made and the tax deduction or exclusion that You may claim for that contribution under qualified plans are limited under the Code. See the SAI for a description of qualified plan types and annual current contribution limitations which are subject to change from year-to-year.
Purchase payments or contributions to IRAs or tax qualified retirement plans of an employer may be taken from current income on a before tax basis or after tax basis. Purchase payments made on a “before tax” basis entitle You to a tax deduction or are not subject to current income tax. Purchase payments made on an “after tax” basis do not reduce your taxable income or give You a tax deduction. Contributions may also consist of transfers or rollovers as described below and are not subject to the annual limitations on contributions.
The Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will accept as a single purchase payment a transfer or rollover from another IRA or rollover from an eligible retirement plan of an employer (i.e., 401(a), 401(k), 403(a), 403(b) or governmental 457(b) plan.) It will also accept a rollover or transfer from a SIMPLE IRA after the taxpayer has participated in such arrangement for at least two years. As part of the single purchase payment, the IRA Contract will also accept an IRA contribution subject to the Code limits for the year of purchase.
For income annuities established as “pay-outs” of SIMPLE IRAs, the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will only accept a single purchase payment consisting of a transfer or rollover from another SIMPLE IRA.
For income annuities established in accordance with a distribution option under a retirement plan of an employer (e.g., 401(a), 401(k), 403(a), 403(b) or 457(b) or nongovernmental 457(b) plan), the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will only accept as its single purchase payment a transfer from such employer retirement plan.


Taxation of Annuity Distributions
If contributions are made on a “before tax” basis, You generally pay income taxes on the full amount of money You receive under the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable. Withdrawals attributable to any after-tax contributions are basis in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and not subject to income tax (except for the portion of the withdrawal allocable to earnings, if any).
Under current Federal income tax rules, the taxable portion of distributions under annuity contracts and qualified plans (including IRAs) is not eligible for the reduced tax rate applicable to long-term capital gains and qualifying dividends.
If You meet certain requirements, your Roth IRA, Roth 403(b) and Roth 401(k) earnings can be received free of Federal income taxes.
With respect to IRA Contracts, we will withhold a portion of the taxable amount of your withdrawal for income taxes, unless You elect otherwise. The amount we will withhold is determined by the Code.
Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefits (where applicable)
If You have purchased the Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee benefit (“LWG”), where otherwise made available, note the following:
In determining your required minimum distribution each year, the actuarial value of this benefit as of the prior December 31 must be taken into account in addition to the Account Balance of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
If You have purchased the GWB I, Enhanced GWB or LWG, where otherwise made available, note the following:
The tax treatment of withdrawals under such a benefit is uncertain. It is conceivable that the amount of potential gain could be determined based on the remaining amount guaranteed to be available for withdrawal at the time of the withdrawal if greater than the Account Balance (prior to Withdrawal Charges). This could result in a greater amount of taxable income in certain cases. In general, at the present time, MetLife intends to report such withdrawals using the Account Balance rather than the remaining benefit to determine gain. However, in cases where the maximum permitted withdrawal in any year under any version of the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit exceeds the Account Balance, the portion of the withdrawal treated as taxable gain (not to exceed the amount of the withdrawal) should be measured as the difference between the maximum permitted withdrawal amount under the benefit and the remaining after-tax basis immediately preceding the withdrawal. Consult your tax adviser.
In the event that the Account Balance goes to zero, and either the Remaining Guaranteed Withdrawal Amount is paid out in fixed installments or the Annual Benefit Payment is paid for life, we will treat such payments as income annuity payments under the tax law and allow recovery of any remaining basis ratably over the expected number of payments.
MetLife reserves the right to change its tax reporting practices where we determine that they are not in accordance with Federal income tax rules and/or IRS guidance (whether formal or informal).


Withdrawals Prior to Age 59 12
A taxable withdrawal from a qualified plan which is subject to income tax may also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty for “early” distribution if taken prior to age 59 12, unless an exception applies. The penalty rate is 25% for SIMPLE plan Deferred Annuities if the withdrawal occurs within the first 2 years of your participation in the plan.
These exceptions include but are not limited to withdrawals made:
(a) on account of your death or disability, or
(b) as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments payable for your life (or life expectancy) or joint lives (or life expectancies) of You and your designated Beneficiary and You are separated from employment.
If You receive systematic payments that You intend to qualify for the “substantially equal periodic payments” exception noted above, any modifications (except due to death or disability) to your payment before age 59 12 or within five years after beginning these payments, whichever is later, will result in the retroactive imposition of the 10% Federal income tax penalty with interest (25% for certain SIMPLE plan withdrawals). Such modifications may include but are not limited to additional purchase payments to the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable (including tax-free transfers or rollovers) and additional withdrawals from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
The 10% Federal income tax penalty on early distribution does not apply to governmental 457(b) plan Contracts. However, it does apply to distributions from 457(b) plans of employers which are state or local governments to the extent that the distribution is attributable to rollovers accepted from other types of eligible retirement plans.
In addition to death, disability and as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments as indicated above, a withdrawal or distribution from an IRA (including SEPs and SIMPLEs and Roth IRAs) will avoid the penalty (1) if the distribution is to pay deductible medical expenses; (2) if the distribution is to pay IRS levies (and made after December 31, 1999); (3) if the distribution is used to pay for medical insurance (if You are unemployed), qualified higher education expenses, or for a qualified first time home purchase up to $10,000.
Other exceptions may be applicable under certain circumstances and special rules may apply or may become applicable in connection with the exceptions enumerated above. You should consult with your tax advisor for further details.
Your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is non-forfeitable (i.e., not subject to the claims of your creditors) and non-transferable (i.e., You may not transfer it to someone else).
Nevertheless, Contracts held in certain employer plans may be transferred in part pursuant to a QDRO.
Under certain circumstances, You may be able to transfer amounts distributed from your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to another eligible retirement plan or IRA. Federal tax law limits You to making only one 60-day rollover from an IRA to another IRA in any 12 month period and the limit is applied across all IRAs that You own, including SEP, SIMPLE and Roth IRAs. For 457(b) plans maintained by non-governmental employers, if certain conditions are met, amounts may be transferred into another 457(b) plan maintained by a non-governmental employer.


You may make rollovers and direct transfers into your SIMPLE IRA annuity contract from another SIMPLE IRA annuity contract or account. Rollovers from another qualified plan can generally be made to your SIMPLE IRA after you have participated in the SIMPLE IRA for at least two years. Rollovers and direct transfers from a SIMPLE IRA can only be made to another SIMPLE IRA or account during the first two years that You participate in the SIMPLE IRA plan. After this two year period, rollovers and transfers may be made from your SIMPLE IRA into a Traditional IRA or account, as well as into another SIMPLE IRA.
Generally, a distribution may be eligible for rollover but certain types of distributions cannot be rolled over, such as distributions received:
(a) to meet minimum distribution requirements,
(b) for financial hardship, or
(c) for a period of ten or more years or for life.
20% Withholding on Eligible Rollover Distributions
For certain qualified employer plans, we are required to withhold 20% of the taxable portion of your withdrawal that constitutes an “eligible rollover distribution” for Federal income taxes. The amount we withhold is determined by the Code. You may avoid withholding if You directly transfer a withdrawal from this Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to another qualified plan or IRA. Similarly, You may be able to avoid withholding on a transfer into the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable from an existing qualified plan You may have with another provider by arranging to have the transfer made directly to us. For taxable withdrawals that are not “eligible rollover distributions,” the Code imposes different withholding rules to determine the withholding percentage.
Death Benefits
The death benefit is taxable to the recipient in the same manner as if paid to the Contract Owner or plan participant (under the rules for withdrawals or income payments, whichever is applicable).
Distributions required from a qualified annuity Contract following your death depend on whether You die before You had converted your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to an annuity form and started taking annuity payments (your Annuity Start Date).
If You die on or after your Annuity Start Date, the remaining portion of the interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used as of the date of death.
If You die before your Annuity Start Date, the entire interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed within five (5) years after the date of death, or as periodic payments over a period not extending beyond the life or life expectancy of the designated Beneficiary (provided such payments begin within one year of your death).
Your designated Beneficiary is the person to whom benefit rights under the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable pass by reason of death; the Beneficiary must be a natural person in order to elect a periodic payment option based on life expectancy or a period exceeding five years.


If the IRA is payable to (or for the benefit of) your surviving spouse, that portion of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may be continued with your spouse as the Owner. If your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable permits, your Beneficiary spouse may delay the start of these payments until December 31 of the year in which You would have reached age 70 12.
Your spouse may elect to roll over the death proceeds into another eligible retirement plan in which he or she participates, if permitted under the receiving plan, he or she may elect to roll over the death proceeds into his or her own IRA, or he or she may elect to transfer the death proceeds into an inherited IRA.
If your Beneficiary is not your spouse and your plan and Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable permit, your Beneficiary may be able to roll over the death proceeds via a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer into an inherited IRA. However, a non-spouse Beneficiary may not treat the inherited IRA as his or her own IRA.
Distributions required from a qualified Contract following Your death must be distributed to designated Beneficiaries within ten (10) years after the date of death. This distribution period applies regardless of whether You die before, on, or after the Annuity Start Date, unless the designated Beneficiary is an Eligible Designated Beneficiary (EDB).
An Eligible Designated Beneficiary is an individual who, on the date of death, is:
(1) Your surviving spouse;
(2) Your child who has not yet reached the age of majority (as defined by federal tax law);
(3) a chronically ill individual as defined by the Code; or
(4) any other individual who is not more than ten (10) years younger than You.
An Eligible Designated Beneficiary may receive the remaining portion of the interest in the Contract over his/her life or life expectancy, beginning in the year following the year of death.
If your contract permits, your Eligible Designated Beneficiary spouse may delay the start of these payments until December 31 of the year You would have reached age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020).
Following the death of an Eligible Designated Beneficiary, the remaining interest in the Contract must be distributed within ten (10) years. In addition, a child who is an Eligible Designated Beneficiary because he or she has not yet reached the age of majority must have the remaining interest in the Contract fully distributed within ten (10) years after reaching the age of majority.
Your spouse may elect to roll over the death proceeds into another eligible retirement plan in which he or she participates, if permitted under the receiving plan, he or she may elect to roll over the death proceeds into his or her own IRA, or he or she may elect to transfer the death proceeds into an inherited IRA.
If your Beneficiary is not your spouse and your plan and Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable permit, your Beneficiary may be able to roll over the death proceeds via a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer into an inherited IRA. However, a non-spouse Beneficiary may not treat the inherited IRA as his or her own IRA.
Distributions required from a qualified Contract following your death must generally be distributed to Non-designated beneficiaries (for example, charitable organizations or nonqualified trusts) within five (5) years of


the date of death. However, if your death occurs after the Required Beginning Date, the benefits may be paid out to the non-designated beneficiary at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used as of the date of death.
Required Minimum Distributions
Generally, You must begin receiving amounts from your retirement plan by April 1 following the latter of:
(a) the calendar year in which You reach age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020), or
(b) the calendar year You retire, provided You do not own more than 5% of the outstanding stock, capital, or profits of your employer.
For IRAs (including SEPs and SIMPLEs), You must begin receiving withdrawals by April 1 of the year after You reach age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020) even if You have not retired.
Your required minimum distribution request must be in Good Order and payment must be processed by MetLife prior to the due date (generally the end of the calendar year or April 1st of the year You reach age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020) in order to satisfy the requirement for the applicable tax year.
A tax penalty of 50% applies to the shortfall of any required minimum distributions You fail to receive.
You may not satisfy minimum distributions for one employer’s qualified plan (i.e., 401(a), 403(a), 457(b)) with distributions from another qualified plan of the same or a different employer. However, an aggregation rule does apply in the case of IRAs (including SEPs and SIMPLEs) or 403(b) plans. The minimum required distribution is calculated with respect to each IRA, but the aggregate distribution may be taken from any one or more of your IRAs/SEPs. Similarly, the amount of required minimum distribution is calculated separately with respect to each 403(b) arrangement, but the aggregate amount of the required distribution may be taken from any one or more of your 403(b) plan contracts. For SIMPLE IRAs, the aggregate amount of the required distribution may be taken from any one or more of your SIMPLE IRAs.
Complex rules apply to the calculation of minimum distributions. In general, income tax regulations permit income payments to increase based not only with respect to the investment experience of the portfolios but also with respect to actuarial gains.
The regulations also require that the value of benefits under a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable including certain death benefits in excess of Account Balance must be added to the amount credited to your account in computing the amount required to be distributed over the applicable period. We will provide You with additional information regarding the amount that is subject to minimum distribution under this rule. You should consult your own tax adviser as to how these rules affect your own distribution under this rule.
If You intend to receive your minimum distributions which are payable over the joint lives of You and a Beneficiary who is not your spouse (or over a period not exceeding the joint life expectancy of You and your non-spousal Beneficiary), be advised that Federal tax rules may require that payments be made over a shorter period or may require that payments to the Beneficiary be reduced after your death to meet the minimum distribution incidental benefit rules and avoid the 50% excise tax. You should consult your own tax adviser as to how these rules affect your own Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
Required minimum distribution rules that apply to other types of IRAs while You are alive do not apply to Roth IRAs. However, in general, the IRA post-death rules with respect to minimum distributions do apply to beneficiaries of Roth IRAs.


Additional Information regarding IRAs
Purchase Payments
Except for permissible rollovers and direct transfers, purchase payments for individuals are limited in the aggregate to the lesser of 100% of compensation or the deductible amount established each year under the Code. A purchase payment up to the deductible amount can also be made for a non-working spouse provided the couple’s compensation is at least equal to their aggregate contributions. If you have compensation, you can continue to make purchase payments after beginning required minimum distributions if permitted by your Contract. Individuals age 50 and older are permitted to make additional “catch-up” contributions if they have sufficient compensation. If You or your spouse are an active participant in a retirement plan of an employer, your deductible contributions may be limited. If You exceed purchase payment limits You may be subject to a tax penalty.
Roth IRA purchase payments for individuals are non-deductible (made on an “after tax” basis) and are limited to the lesser of 100% of compensation or the annual deductible IRA amount. Individuals age 50 and older can make an additional “catch-up” purchase payment each year (assuming the individual has sufficient compensation). You may contribute up to the annual purchase payment limit if your modified adjusted gross income does not exceed certain limits. If You exceed purchase payment limits, You may be subject to a tax penalty.
If and to the extent that Traditional IRA purchase payments are made on an “after tax” basis, withdrawals would be included in income except for the portion that represents a return of non-deductible purchase payments. This portion is generally determined based upon the ratio of all non-deductible purchase payments to the total value of all your Traditional IRAs (including SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs). We withhold a portion of the amount of your withdrawal for income taxes, unless You elect otherwise. The amount we withhold is determined by the Code.
Generally, withdrawal of earnings from Roth IRAs are free from Federal income tax if (1) they are made at least five taxable years after the tax year for which you made your first purchase payment to a Roth IRA; and (2) they are made on or after the date You reach age 59 12 or upon your death, disability or for a qualified first-home purchase (up to $10,000). Withdrawals from a Roth IRA are made first from purchase payments and then from earnings. We may be required to withhold a portion of your withdrawal for income taxes, unless You elect otherwise. The amount will be determined by the Code.
Traditional IRAs may be converted to Roth IRAs. Except to the extent You have non-deductible contributions, the amount converted from an existing Traditional IRA into a Roth IRA is taxable. Generally, the 10% Federal income tax penalty does not apply. However, the taxable amount to be converted must be based on the fair market value of the entire annuity contract being converted into a Roth IRA. Such fair market value, in general, is to be determined by taking into account the value of all benefits (both living benefits and death benefits) in addition to the Account Balance; as well as adding back certain loads and charges incurred during the prior twelve month period. Your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may include such benefits and applicable charges. Accordingly, if You are considering such conversion of your annuity Contract, please consult your tax adviser. The taxable amount may exceed the Account Balance at the date of conversion.
A conversion from a traditional IRA, SEP or SIMPLE to a Roth IRA made on or after January 1, 2018 cannot be recharacterized. Please consult your tax adviser.


Additional Information regarding TSA (ERISA and non-ERISA) 403(b)
Special Rules Regarding Exchanges
In order to satisfy tax regulations, contract exchanges within a 403(b) plan must, at a minimum, meet the following requirements: (1) the plan must allow the exchange; (2) the exchange must not result in a reduction in a Participant’s or a Beneficiary’s accumulated benefit: (3) the receiving contract includes distribution restrictions that are no less stringent than those imposed on the contract being exchanged; and (4) if the issuer receiving the exchanges is not part of the plan, the employer enters into an agreement with the issuer to provide information to enable the contract provider to comply with Code requirements. Such information would include details concerning severance from employment, hardship withdrawals, loans and tax basis. You should consult Your tax or legal counsel for any advice relating to Contract exchanges or any other matter relating to these regulations.
If You are under age 59 12, You generally cannot withdraw money from your 403(b) Contract unless the withdrawal:
a) Relates to purchase payments made prior to 1989 and pre-1989 earnings on those purchase payments;
b) Is exchanged to another permissible investment under your 403(b) plan;
c) Relates to contributions to an annuity contract that are not salary reduction elective deferrals, if Your plan allows it;
d) Occurs after You die, leave Your job or become disabled (as defined by the Code);
e) Is for financial hardship (but only to the extent of elective deferrals), if Your plan allows it;
f) Relates to distributions attributable to certain 403(b) plan terminations, if the conditions of the Code are met;
g) Relates to rollover or after-tax contributions; or
h) Is for the purchase of permissive service credit under a governmental defined benefit plan.
In addition, a Section 403(b) Contract is permitted to distribute retirement benefits attributable to pre-tax contributions other than elective deferrals to the participant no earlier than upon the earlier of the participant’s severance from employment or upon the prior occurrence of some event, such as after a fixed number of years, the attainment of a stated age or disability.
Other exceptions may apply or become applicable under certain circumstances and special rules may be applicable in connection with the exceptions enumerated above.
Distinction for Puerto Rico Code
An annuity Contract may be purchased by an employer for an employee under a qualified pension, profit sharing, stock bonus, annuity, or a “cash or deferred” arrangement plan established pursuant to Section 1081.01 of the 2011 PR Code. To be tax qualified under the 2011 PR Code, a plan must comply with the requirements of Section 1081.01(a) of the 2011 PR Code which includes certain participation requirements, among other requirements. A trust created to hold assets for a qualified plan is exempt from tax on its investment income.
A Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan trust may be exempted from income taxation pursuant to 2011 PR Code Section 1081.01 and Section 1022(i) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA). If a variable annuity contract is acquired by said trust, the earnings accumulated or distributed under such contract or any income realized from the sale or exchange of the contract may not be subject to current income taxation due to the income tax exemption that the trust is entitled to. Whether a Puerto Rico retirement


plan trust is qualified under 2011 PR Code Section 1081.01 depends on the facts and circumstances of each case. Each fiduciary of a Puerto Rico retirement plan should ascertain the qualified status of the retirement plan trust, and thus, that it enjoys the benefits of income tax exemption before investing in the variable annuity contract.
The employer is entitled to a current income tax deduction for contributions made to a qualified plan, subject to statutory limitations on the amount that may be contributed each year. The plan contributions by the employer are not required to be included in the current income of the employee.
Any amount received or made available to the employee under the qualified plan is generally includible in the gross income of the employee in the taxable year in which received or made available. However, Lump-sum proceeds from a Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan due to separation of employment or termination of a retirement plan will generally be treated as ordinary income subject to a withholding tax rate of 20%.
A special rate of 10% may apply instead, if the plan satisfies the following requirements:
(1) the plan’s trust is organized under the laws of Puerto Rico, or has a Puerto Rico resident trustee and uses such trustee as paying agent; and
(2) 10% of all plan’s trust assets (calculated based on the average balance of the investments of the trust) attributable to participants which are Puerto Rico residents must be invested in “property located in Puerto Rico” for a three-year period.
If those two requirements are not satisfied, the distribution will generally be subject to the 20% tax rate. The three- year period includes the year of the distribution and the two immediately preceding years. In the case of a defined contribution plan that maintains separate accounts for each participant, the described 10% investment requirement may be satisfied in the accounts of a participant that chooses to invest in such fashion rather than at the trust level. Property located in Puerto Rico includes Shares of stock of a Puerto Rico Registered Investment Company (RIC), Fixed or Variable Annuities issued by a domestic insurance company or by a foreign insurance company that derives more than 80% of its gross income from sources within Puerto Rico, bank deposits. The 2011 PR Code does not impose a penalty tax in cases of early (premature) distributions from a qualified plan.
In the case of distributions from a qualified plan in the form of annuity installments as a result of termination of employment, amounts received are taxable in an amount equal to 3% of the after-tax contributions not previously distributed, which would be considered the tax cost. The remaining portion is not taxable until you have recovered the total after-tax contributions made to the qualified plan. You may be able to exclude from gross income up to $11,000, if you are less than 60 years of age, or up to $15,000, if you are at least 60 years of age, of the taxable portion of the installment payments received every year.
In the case of a defined contribution plan that maintains separate accounts for each participant, the described 10% investment requirement may be satisfied in the accounts of a participant that chooses to invest in such fashion rather than at the trust level. Property located in Puerto Rico includes shares of stock of a Puerto Rico registered investment company (RIC), fixed or variable annuities issued by a domestic insurance company or by a foreign insurance corporation that derives more than 80% of its gross income from sources within Puerto Rico and bank deposits. The 2011 PR Code does not impose a penalty tax in cases of early (premature) distributions from a qualified plan.


Upon the occurrence of a “Declared Disaster”, like a hurricane, Retirement Plans are allowed to make Eligible Distributions to a participant resident of Puerto Rico who requests the same. The Eligible Distribution may not exceed $100,000, and must be made during a period of time to be identified by the Puerto Rico Treasury through administrative guidance and be used to cover damages or losses suffered, and extraordinary expenses incurred by the individual as a result of a Declared Disaster. The first $10,000 will be exempted from income taxation, including the alternate basic tax, and amounts exceeding $10,000 will be subject to a 10% income tax to be withheld at the source, in lieu of any other income tax, including the alternate basic tax.
Distributions of retirement income made to a Non-Resident of Puerto Rico by a dual qualified retirement plan (qualified under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and the 2011 PR Code) funded through a U.S. situs trust will not be subject to Puerto Rico income tax. However, in order for such exemption to be available, the Puerto Rico Treasury requires the participant to submit to his/her employer either: (i) IRS Form 8898 (Statement for Individuals Who Begin or End Bona Fide Residence in a U.S. Possession; or (ii) a Sworn Statement including certain personal information directed to establish his/her residence in a State within the continental U.S.
You should consult with a personal tax adviser regarding the tax consequences of purchasing an annuity contract and/or any proposed distribution if you are a resident of Puerto Rico.
Deferral of the recognition of income continues upon the receipt of a distribution by a participant from a qualified plan, if the distribution is contributed to another qualified retirement plan or traditional individual retirement account for the employee’s benefit no later than sixty (60) days after the distribution.
ERISA Considerations
In the context of a Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan trust, the IRS has held that the transfer of assets and liabilities from a qualified retirement plan trust under the Code to that type of plan would generally be treated as a distribution includible in gross income for U.S. income tax purposes even if the Puerto Rico retirement plan is a plan described in ERISA Section 1022(i)(1). By contrast, a transfer from a qualified retirement plan trust under the Code to a Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan trust that has made an election under ERISA Section 1022(i)(2) is not treated as a distribution from the transferor plan for U.S. income tax purposes because a Puerto Rico retirement plan that has made an election under ERISA Section 1022(i)(2) is treated as a qualified retirement plan for purposes Code Section 401(a). The IRS has determined that the above described rules prescribing the inclusion in income of transfers of assets and liabilities to a Puerto Rico retirement plan trust described in ERISA Section 1022(i)(1) would be applicable to transfers taking effect after December 31, 2012. Notwithstanding the above, the IRS has recently held that a Puerto Rico retirement plan described in ERISA Section 1022(i)(1) may participate in a 81-100 group trust because it permits said plan to diversify its investments without adverse tax consequences to the group trust or its investors
Similar to the IRS Revenue Ruling 2013-17, the U.S. Department of Labor issued DOL Technical Release No. 2013-04 on September 18, 2013 providing that, where the Secretary of Labor has authority to regulate with respect to the provisions of ERISA dealing with the use of the term “spouse” spouse will be read to refer to any individuals who are lawfully married under any state law, including same-sex spouses, and without regard to whether their state of domicile recognizes same-sex marriage. Thus, for ERISA purposes as well as Federal tax purposes, an employee benefit plan participant who marries a person of the same sex in a jurisdiction that recognizes same-sex marriage will continue to be treated as married even if the couple moves to a jurisdiction that does not recognize same-sex marriage.


In the ordinary course of business, MetLife, similar to other life insurance companies, is involved in lawsuits (including class action lawsuits), arbitrations and other legal proceedings. Also, from time to time, state and Federal regulators or other officials conduct formal and informal examinations or undertake other actions dealing with various aspects of the financial services and insurance industries. In some legal proceedings involving insurers, substantial damages have been sought and/or material settlement payments have been made.
It is not possible to predict with certainty the ultimate outcome of any pending legal proceeding or regulatory action. However, MetLife does not believe any such action or proceeding will have a material adverse effect upon the Separate Account or upon the ability of MetLife to perform its contract with the Separate Account or of MetLife to meet its obligations under the Contracts.


The following is a list of Portfolios available. You should check with your Employer as to which Portfolios are available under your Policy. More information about the Portfolios is available in the prospectuses for the Portfolios, which may be amended from time to time and can be found online at dfinview.com/metlife/tahd/MET000200. You can also request this information at no cost by calling 800-638-7732, by sending an email request to RCG@metlife.com, or through your registered representative. Depending on the optional benefits you choose, you may not be able to invest in certain Portfolio Companies. If your annuity was issued in connection with an employer plan, not all Portfolios are available under all Contracts and you should ask your employer for a list of available Portfolios.
The current expenses and performance information below reflects fees and expenses of the Portfolios, but do not reflect the other fees and expenses that your Deferred Annuity may charge, such as Platform Charges. Expenses would be higher and performance would be lower if these other charges were included. Each Portfolio Company's past performance is not necessarily an indication of future performance.
(as of 12/31/2021)
Global Equity American Funds Global Small Capitalization Fund* - Class 2
Capital Research and Management CompanySM
0.90% 6.74% 12.51% 15.45%
US Equity American Funds Growth Fund - Class 2
Capital Research and Management CompanySM
0.60% 21.97% 19.71% 25.43%
US Equity American Funds Growth-Income Fund - Class 2
Capital Research and Management CompanySM
0.54% 24.10% 15.42% 16.39%
US Fixed Income American Funds The Bond Fund of America* - Class 2
Capital Research and Management CompanySM
0.45% -0.31% 3.27% 4.25%
Allocation American Funds® Balanced Allocation Portfolio - Class C
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.97% 12.14% 11.61% 10.22%
Allocation American Funds® Growth Allocation Portfolio - Class C
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
1.01% 15.91% 13.89% 12.35%
Allocation American Funds® Moderate Allocation Portfolio - Class C
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.94% 9.64% 9.44% 8.33%
International Equity Baillie Gifford International Stock Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited
0.71% -0.76% 13.35% 9.97%
US Fixed Income BlackRock Bond Income Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: BlackRock Advisors, LLC
0.37% -0.43% 4.26% 3.86%


(as of 12/31/2021)
US Equity BlackRock Capital Appreciation Portfolio* - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: BlackRock Advisors, LLC
0.77% 21.02% 25.26% 18.46%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 100 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.72% 18.34% 14.91% 13.15%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 20 Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.60% 4.01% 6.00% 5.30%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 40 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.60% 7.68% 8.12% 7.37%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 60 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.63% 11.17% 10.45% 9.47%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 80 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.67% 14.87% 12.89% 11.54%
US Equity Brighthouse/Artisan Mid Cap Value Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Artisan Partners Limited Partnership
0.75% 26.91% 10.32% 11.00%
US Fixed Income Brighthouse/Franklin Low Duration Total Return Portfolio* - Class B
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Franklin Advisers, Inc.
0.72% 0.28% 1.75% 1.78%
Allocation Brighthouse/Wellington Balanced Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Wellington Management Company LLP
0.51% 14.02% 12.84% 11.64%
US Equity Brighthouse/Wellington Core Equity Opportunities Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Wellington Management Company LLP
0.60% 24.43% 16.62% 14.75%
US Equity Brighthouse/Wellington Large Cap Research Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Wellington Management Company LLP
0.53% 24.38% 18.14% 16.33%
Sector CBRE Global Real Estate Portfolio - Class E (formerly known as Clarion Global Real Estate Portfolio - Class E)
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: CBRE Investment Management Listed Real Assets LLC
0.77% 34.56% 10.14% 9.12%


(as of 12/31/2021)
US Equity Frontier Mid Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Frontier Capital Management Company, LLC
0.70% 14.68% 18.90% 15.49%
International Equity Harris Oakmark International Portfolio* - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Harris Associates L.P.
0.91% 8.52% 7.18% 8.83%
Global Equity Invesco Global Equity Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Invesco Advisers, Inc.
0.57% 15.76% 18.44% 14.46%
US Equity Invesco Small Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Invesco Advisers, Inc.
0.95% 7.01% 19.03% 16.75%
US Equity Jennison Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Jennison Associates LLC
0.53% 17.17% 27.45% 20.50%
Allocation Loomis Sayles Global Allocation Portfolio* - Class B
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
1.02% 14.26% 14.24% 11.33%
US Equity Loomis Sayles Growth Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
0.56% 18.66% 16.59% 15.99%
US Equity Loomis Sayles Small Cap Core Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
0.87% 21.95% 11.95% 13.23%
US Equity Loomis Sayles Small Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
0.86% 10.00% 19.09% 15.79%
US Fixed Income MetLife Aggregate Bond Index Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.27% -1.93% 3.32% 2.64%
US Equity MetLife Mid Cap Stock Index Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.29% 24.40% 12.81% 13.93%
International Equity MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.38% 10.72% 9.38% 7.84%
US Equity MetLife Russell 2000® Index Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.30% 14.52% 11.93% 13.20%


(as of 12/31/2021)
US Equity MetLife Stock Index Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.26% 28.36% 18.18% 16.26%
International Equity MFS ® Research International Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Massachusetts Financial Services Company
0.64% 11.98% 12.58% 8.72%
Allocation MFS ® Total Return Portfolio* - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Massachusetts Financial Services Company
0.74% 14.05% 9.72% 9.52%
US Equity MFS ® Value Portfolio* - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Massachusetts Financial Services Company
0.72% 25.40% 12.34% 13.53%
US Equity Morgan Stanley Discovery Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc.
0.62% -10.54% 37.65% 20.90%
US Equity Neuberger Berman Genesis Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers LLC
0.78% 18.41% 15.71% 14.21%
US Fixed Income PIMCO Inflation Protected Bond Portfolio - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Pacific Investment Management Company LLC
0.68% 5.49% 5.26% 3.01%
US Fixed Income PIMCO Total Return Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Pacific Investment Management Company LLC
0.47% -1.13% 4.15% 3.58%
Allocation SSGA Growth and Income ETF Portfolio - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: SSGA Funds Management, Inc.
0.66% 13.52% 10.15% 8.59%
Allocation SSGA Growth ETF Portfolio - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: SSGA Funds Management, Inc.
0.69% 17.75% 11.85% 10.14%
US Equity T. Rowe Price Large Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
0.57% 20.22% 23.39% 19.26%
US Equity T. Rowe Price Mid Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
0.70% 15.15% 18.19% 16.57%


(as of 12/31/2021)
US Equity T. Rowe Price Small Cap Growth Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
0.49% 11.67% 16.25% 15.90%
US Equity Victory Sycamore Mid Cap Value Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Victory Capital Management Inc.
0.59% 32.13% 12.75% 12.26%
US Fixed Income Western Asset Management Strategic Bond Opportunities Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Western Asset Management Company LLC
0.54% 2.82% 5.55% 5.21%
US Fixed Income Western Asset Management U.S. Government Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Western Asset Management Company LLC
0.48% -1.52% 2.49% 1.97%
* The Portfolio is subject to an expense reimbursement or fee waiver arrangement. The annual expenses shown reflect temporary fee reductions.


If You are a resident of one of the following jurisdictions, the percentage amount listed by that jurisdiction is the premium tax rate applicable to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity.
California (1) 0.50%   2.35%  
Colorado 0.00%   2.00%  
Florida (2) 1.00%   1.00%  
Maine (3) 0.00%   2.00%  
Nevada (4) 0.00%   3.50%  
Puerto Rico(5) 1.00%   1.00%  
South Dakota(6) 0.00%   1.25%  
Wyoming (4) 0.00%   1.00%  
1 California applies the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401(a), 403(b), 404, 408(b), and 501(a).
2 Annuity purchase payments are exempt from taxation provided the tax savings are passed back to the Contract Owners. Otherwise, they are taxable at 1%.
3 Maine applies the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401, 403, 403(b), 404, 408, 457 and 501.
4 Nevada and Wyoming apply the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401, 403, 404, 408, 457 and 501.
5 We will not deduct premium taxes paid by us to Puerto Rico from purchase payments, Account Value, withdrawals, death benefits or income payments.
6 Special rate applies for large case annuity policies. Rate is 0.08% for that portion of the annuity considerations received on a Contract exceeding $500,000 annually. Special rate on large case policies is not subject to retaliation. South Dakota applies the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401, 403(b), 404, 408, 457, and 501(a).


The SAI includes additional information about the Deferred Annuities and the Separate Account. To view and download the SAI, please visit dfinview.com/metlife/tahd/MET000200. To request a free copy of the SAI you can send an e-mail to RCG@metlife.com, write or call:
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
Attn: Fulfillment Unit APPA
PO Box 10342
Des Moines, IA 50306-0342
(800) 638-7732
This prospectus incorporates by reference all of the information contained in the Statement of Additional Information, which is legally part of this prospectus.
Reports and other information about the Deferred Annuities and the Separate Account are available on the Commission’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Copies of this information may be obtained, upon payment of a duplicating fee, by electronic request at the following email address: publicinfo@sec.gov.
EDGAR ID: C000003498

May 1, 2022
Preference Plus® Account Variable Deferred and Income Annuity Contracts (BPPA)
Issued by Separate Account E of
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
This Prospectus describes individual and group Preference Plus Account Contracts for deferred variable annuities (“Deferred Annuities”) and Preference Plus immediate variable income annuities (“Income Annuities”) (also referred to herein as the “Contract”) issued by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (“MetLife,” the “Company,” “we,” “us” or “our”). We no longer offer the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities. However, Contract Owners and participants may continue to make additional purchase payments and new participants may enroll under any issued group Contract.
You decide how to allocate your money among the various available investment choices. Your choices may include the Fixed Interest Account/Fixed Income Option and Divisions (Divisions may be referred to as “Investment Divisions” in the Contract and marketing materials) available through Metropolitan Life Separate Account E which, in turn, invest in the Portfolios described in Appendix A. For convenience, the portfolios and the funds are referred to as Portfolios in this Prospectus. As noted in Appendix A below, not all Portfolios are available under all Contracts and you should ask your employer for a list of available Portfolios.
How to learn more:
Before investing, read this Prospectus. The Prospectus contains information about the Deferred Annuities, Income Annuities and Metropolitan Life Separate Account E which You should know before investing. Keep this Prospectus for future reference.
Additional information about certain investment products, including variable annuities has been prepared by the Securities and Exchange Commission staff and is available at Investor.gov.
Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission nor any state securities commission has approved or disapproved these securities or determined if this Prospectus is truthful or complete. Any representation otherwise is a criminal offense. Interests in the Separate Account and the Fixed Account are not deposits or obligations of, or insured or guaranteed by, the U.S. Government, any bank or other depository institution including the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”), the Federal Reserve Board or any other agency or entity or person.
The Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities are not intended to be offered anywhere that they may not be lawfully offered and sold. MetLife has not authorized any information or representations about the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities other than the information in this Prospectus, supplements to the Prospectus or any supplemental sales material we authorize.
The date of this prospectus is May 1, 2022











































































Account Value — When You purchase a Deferred Annuity, an account is set up for You. Your Account Value is the total amount of money credited to You under your Deferred Annuity including money in the Divisions of the Separate Account and the Fixed Interest Account, less any account reduction loans, if applicable.
Accumulation Unit Value — With a Deferred Annuity, money paid-in or transferred into a Division of the Separate Account is credited to You in the form of Accumulation Units. Accumulation Units are established for each Division. We determine the value of these Accumulation Units as of the close of the Exchange each day the Exchange is open for regular trading. The Exchange usually closes at 4 p.m. Eastern Time but may close earlier or later. The values increase or decrease based on the investment performance of the corresponding underlying Portfolios.
Administrative Office — The Administrative Office is the MetLife office that will generally handle the administration of all your requests concerning your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. Your quarterly statement, payment statement and/or check stub will indicate the address of your Administrative Office. We will notify you if there is a change in the address of your Administrative Office. The telephone number to call to initiate a request is 1-800-638-7732.
Annuitant – The natural person whose life is the measure for determining the duration and the dollar amount of income payments, sometimes referred to as the measuring life.
Annuity Unit Value — With an Income Annuity or variable pay-out option, the money paid-in or reallocated into a Division of the Separate Account is held in the form of Annuity Units. Annuity Units are established for each Division. We determine the value of these Annuity Units as of the close of the Exchange each day the Exchange is open for regular trading. The Exchange usually closes at 4 p.m. Eastern Time but may close earlier or later. The values increase or decrease based on the investment performance of the corresponding underlying Portfolios.
Assumed Investment Return (AIR) — Under an Income Annuity or variable pay-out option, the AIR is the assumed percentage rate of return used to determine the amount of the first variable income payment. The AIR is also the benchmark that is used to calculate the investment performance of a given Division to determine all subsequent payments to You.
Beneficiary – the person or persons who receive a benefit, including continuing payments or a lump sum payment, if the Annuitant dies.
Contract  — A Contract is the legal agreement between You and MetLife or between MetLife and the employer, plan trustee or other entity, or the certificate issued to You under a group annuity Contract. This document contains relevant provisions of your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. MetLife issues Contracts for each of the annuities described in this Prospectus.
Contract Year — Generally, the Contract Year for a Deferred Annuity is the period ending on the last day of the month in which the anniversary of when we issued the annuity occurs and each following 12-month period. However, depending on underwriting and plan requirements, the first Contract Year may range from the initial three to fifteen months after the Deferred Annuity is issued.
Divisions  — Divisions are subdivisions of the Separate Account. When You allocate a purchase payment, transfer money or make reallocations of your income payment to a Division, the Division purchases shares of a Portfolio (with the same name) within Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity VIP Funds or American Funds®.


Early Withdrawal Charge — The Early Withdrawal Charge is an amount we deduct from your Account Value if You withdraw money prematurely from a Deferred Annuity. This charge is often referred to as a deferred sales load or back-end sales load.
Exchange  — In this Prospectus, the New York Stock Exchange is referred to as the “Exchange.”
Free Look — You may cancel your Contract within a certain time period. This is known as a “free look.” We must receive your request to cancel in writing by the appropriate day in your state, which varies from state to state. The time period may also vary depending on your age and whether You purchased your Contract from us directly, through the mail or with money from another annuity or life insurance policy. Depending on state law, we may refund (i) all of your purchase payments (and any interest credited by the Fixed Account, if applicable) or (ii) your Account Value as of the date your refund request is received at your Administrative Office in Good Order (this means you bear the risk of any decline in the value of your Contract due to the performance of the Divisions during the Free Look period).
Good Order — A request or transaction generally is considered in “Good Order” if it complies with our administrative procedures, and the required information is complete and accurate. A request or transaction may be rejected or delayed if not in Good Order. Good Order generally means the actual receipt by us of the instructions relating to the requested transaction in writing (or, when permitted, by telephone or Internet) along with all forms, information and supporting legal documentation necessary to effect the transaction. This information and documentation generally includes to the extent applicable to the transaction: your completed application; your Contract number; the transaction amount (in dollars or percentage terms); the names and allocations to and/or from the Divisions affected by the requested transaction; the signatures of all Contract Owners (exactly as indicated on the Contract), if necessary; Social Security Number or Tax I.D.; and any other information or supporting documentation that we may require, including any spousal or Joint Owner’s consents. With respect to purchase payments, Good Order also generally includes receipt by us of sufficient funds to effect the purchase. We may, in our sole discretion, determine whether any particular transaction request is in Good Order, and we reserve the right to change or waive any Good Order requirement at any time. If You have any questions, You should contact us or your MetLife Administrative Office before submitting the form or request.
MetLife  — MetLife is Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, which is the company that issues the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities. Throughout this Prospectus, MetLife is also referred to as the “Company,” “we,” “us” or “our.”
Separate Account — Metropolitan Life Separate Account E (“Separate Account”) is an investment account. All assets contributed to Divisions under the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities are pooled in the Separate Account and maintained for the benefit of investors in Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities.
Variable Annuity — An annuity in which returns/income payments are based upon the performance of investments such as stocks and bonds held by one or more underlying Portfolios. You assume the investment risk for any amounts allocated to the Divisions in a Variable Annuity.
You  — In this Prospectus, depending on the context, “You” may mean either the purchaser of the Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity, the annuitant under an Income Annuity or the participant or annuitant under certain group arrangements. In cases where we are referring to giving instructions or making payments to us for PEDC Contracts, "You" means the employer and, for Keogh Contracts, “You" means the plan trustee. Under the PEDC or Keogh plans where the participant or annuitant is allowed to choose among investment choices, "You" means the participant or annuitant who is giving us instructions about the investment choices. In connection with a 403(b) plan


termination, as of the date of the Contract or cash distribution under such plan termination, "You" means the participant who has received such Contract or cash distribution.


Charges for Early Withdrawals Withdrawal charges are calculated as a percentage of each purchase payment funding the withdrawal during the pay-in phase. A Withdrawal Charge of up to 7.00% may be assessed on any such premium payment paid up to 8 years before the date of the withdrawal.
For example, if you purchase the Contract for $100,000 and surrender your Contract during the first year, You will pay a Withdrawal Charge of up to $7,000.
Charges Early Withdrawal Charges
Transaction Charges In addition to surrender charges, you also may be charged for other transactions. Although we do not currently charge a fee for transfers of cash value among Divisions or between the Divisions and the Fixed Account, we reserve the right to impose a transfer fee of $25.
There is a one-time Contract Fee of $350 for Income Annuities. We do not charge this fee if You elect a pay-out option under your Deferred Annuity and You have owned your Deferred Annuity for more than two years. We are currently waiving this charge.
Charges Transfer Fee
Ongoing Fees and Expenses (annual charges) The table below describes the fees and expenses that you may pay each year, depending on the options you choose. Please refer to your Contract specifications page for information about the specific fees you will pay each year based on the options you have elected. Fees
Annual Fee Minimum Maximum
Base Contract (varies by investment options chosen)
1.25% (1)
Investment options (Portfolio fees and expenses)
1.03% (2)
For all Contracts, except the Keogh Deferred Annuity and certain TSA Deferred Annuities, You pay a $20 annual fee from the Fixed Interest Account at the end of each Contract Year, if your Account Value is less than $10,000 and if You do not make purchase payments during the year. For the Keogh Deferred Annuity with individual participant recordkeeping (allocated) You pay a $20 charge applied against any amounts in the Fixed Interest Account.

(1) As a percentage of your Account Balance in the Separate Account.
(2) As a percentage of average daily net assets of the Portfolio.


  Because your Contract is customizable, the choices you make affect how much you will pay. To help understand the cost of owning your Contract, the following table shows the lowest and highest cost you could pay each year, based on current charges. This estimate assumes that you do not take withdrawals from the Contract, which could add surrender charges that substantially increase costs. Fees
Lowest Annual Cost: Highest Annual Cost:
$1,429 $2,068
• Assumes:
• Investment of $100,000
• 5% annual appreciation
• Least expensive combination of Contract classes and Portfolio fees and expenses
• No optional benefits
• No sales charges
• No additional purchase payments, transfers or withdrawals
• Assumes:
• Investment of $100,000
• 5% annual appreciation
• Most expensive combination of Portfolio fees and expenses
• No sales charges
• No additional purchase payments, transfers or withdrawals
Risk of Loss You can lose money by investing in the Contract, including loss of principal. Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Not a Short-Term Investment This Contract is not a short-term investment and is not appropriate for an investor who needs ready access to cash.
• Withdrawal Charges may apply for up to 8 years following each purchase payment. Withdrawal Charges will reduce the value of your Contract if you withdraw money during that time.
• The benefits of tax deferral and living benefit protections also mean that the Contract is more beneficial to investors with a long time horizon.
• Earnings on your Contract are taxed at ordinary income tax rates when You withdraw them, and You may have to pay a penalty if You take a withdrawal before age 59 12.
Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Risks Associated with Investment Options • An investment in the Contract is subject to the risk of poor investment performance and can vary depending on the performance of the investment options available under the Contract (e.g., Portfolios).
• Each investment option (including the Fixed Account investment option) will have its own unique risks.
• You should review these investment options before making an investment decision.
Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract


Insurance Company Risks An investment in the Contract is subject to the risks related to Metropolitan Life including any obligations (including under the Fixed Account), guarantees and benefits of the Contract, which are subject to the claims-paying ability of the Company, and our long term ability to make such payments, and are not guaranteed by any other party. MetLife is regulated as an insurance company under state law, which generally includes limits on the amount and type of investments in its general account. However, there is no guarantee that we will be able to meet our claims paying obligations; there are risks to purchasing any insurance product. More information about the Company, including its financial strength ratings, is available upon request by visiting https://www.metlife.com/about-us/corporate-profile/ratings/. Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Investments Although we do not currently charge a fee for transfers of cash value among Divisions or between the Divisions and the Fixed Account, we reserve the right to impose a transfer fee of $25.
We reserve the right to add, remove or substitute Portfolios.
The Company also has policies and procedures that attempt to detect and deter frequent transfers in situations where we determine there is a potential for arbitrage trading, and in those instances, there are additional limits that apply to transfers.
Charges -Transfer Fee Restrictions on Transfers
Tax Implications • You should consult with a tax professional to determine the tax implications of an investment in and purchase payments received under the Contract.
• There is no additional tax benefit if You purchase the Contract through a tax-qualified plan or individual retirement account (IRA).
• Earnings on your Contract are taxed at ordinary income tax rates when You withdraw them, and You may have to pay a penalty if You take a withdrawal before age 59 12.
Federal Tax Considerations
Investment Professional Compensation Your investment professional may receive compensation for selling this Contract to You, both in the form of commissions and because MetLife may share the revenue it earns on this Contract with the professional’s firm. This conflict of interest may influence your investment professional to recommend this Contract over another investment. Who Sells the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities
Exchanges Some investment professionals may have a financial incentive to offer you a new contract in place of the one you own. You should only exchange your Contract if you determine, after comparing the features, fees, and risks of both contracts, that it is better for you to purchase the new contract rather than continue to own your existing Contract. Exchanges/Transfers


Purpose of the Contract
The Preference Plus Account® Variable Annuity Contract is designed to provide long-term accumulation of assets through investments in a variety of investment options during the accumulation phase. It can supplement your retirement income by providing a stream of income payments during the payout phase. It also offers death benefits to protect your designated Beneficiaries. This Contract may be appropriate if you have a long investment time horizon. It is not intended for people who may need to make early or frequent withdrawals or intend to engage in frequent trading in the Portfolios.
Phases of the Contract
Your Contract has two phases: 1) an accumulation or “pay-in” phase; and 2) an income or “pay-out” phase.
1) Accumulation (Pay-in) Phase
To help You accumulate assets, You can invest your premium payments in:
Portfolios (mutual funds), each of which has its own investment strategies, investment advisers, expense ratios, and returns; and
a Fixed Account option, which offers a guaranteed interest rate during a selected period.
Additional information about each Portfolio including its Portfolio type, advisers and any subadvisers, as well as current expenses and certain performance information is included in Appendix A.
2) Income (Pay-out) Phase
You can elect to annuitize your Contract and turn your Contract value into a stream of income payments (sometimes called annuity payments) from MetLife, at which time the accumulation phase of the Contract ends. These payments may continue for a fixed period of years, for your entire life, or for the longer of a fixed period or your life. The payments may also be fixed or variable. Variable payments will vary based on the performance of the investment options you select.
Please note that if you annuitize, your investments will be converted to income payments and you may no longer be able to choose to withdraw money at will from your Contract. All benefits (including guaranteed minimum death benefits and living benefits) terminate upon annuitization.
Features and Options of the Deferred Annuity
Contract classes. The Contract has a single contract class with a 8-year Early Withdrawal Charge period.
Accessing your money. Until you annuitize, you have full access to your money. You can choose to withdraw your Contract value at any time (although if you withdraw early, you may have to pay a Withdrawal Charge and/or income taxes, including a tax penalty if you are younger than age 59 12).
Tax treatment. You can transfer money between investment options without tax implications, and earnings (if any) on your investments are generally tax-deferred. You are taxed only when: (1) you make a withdrawal; (2) you receive an income payment from the Contract; or (3) upon payment of a death benefit.


Death benefits. Your Contract includes a basic death benefit that will pay your designated Beneficiaries a benefit at the time of your death. You can purchase additional death benefits for an additional fee. These additional provisions may increase the amount of money payable to your designated Beneficiaries upon your death.
Automated investment strategies and dollar cost averaging. At no additional charge, you may select from among four automated investment strategies to help you manage your money based on your risk tolerance and savings goals. Alternately, at no additional charge, you may select dollar cost averaging, which automatically transfers a specific amount of money from the fixed account to the investment options you have selected, at set intervals over a specific period of time.
Account Reduction Loans. We may administer loan programs made available through plans or group arrangements on an account reduction basis for certain Deferred Annuities. Account reduction loans will incur a $75 account reduction loan initiation fee and a $50 annual maintenance fee per loan outstanding.
The following tables describe the fees and expenses You will pay when buying, owning, and surrendering or making withdrawals from the Contract. Please refer to your Contract specifications page for information about the specific fees you will pay each year based on the options you have elected.
The first table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay at the time that you buy the Contract, surrender or make withdrawals from the Contract, or transfer Contract value between investment options. State premium taxes may also be deducted.
Transaction Expenses
Sales Load Imposed on Purchase Payments None
Early Withdrawal Charge
(as a percentage of each purchase payment funding the withdrawal during the pay-in phase)(1)
Exchange Fee for Deferred Annuities None
Surrender Fee for Deferred Annuities None
Account Reduction Loan Initiation Fee(2) $ 75
Income Annuity Contract Fee(3) $ 350
Transfer Fee(4) $25
1 An Early Withdrawal Charge of up to 7% may apply if You withdraw purchase payments within seven years of when they were credited to your Deferred Annuity. The charge on purchase payments is calculated according to the following schedule:


During Purchase Payment
1 7%
2 6%
3 5%
4 4%
5 3%
6 2%
7 1%
Thereafter 0%
  There are times when the Early Withdrawal Charge does not apply to amounts that are withdrawn from a Deferred Annuity. For example, each Contract Year You may take the greater of 10% of your Account Value or your purchase payments made over seven years ago free of Early Withdrawal Charges.
2 This fee may be waived for certain groups.
3 There is a one-time Contract Fee of $350 for Income Annuities. We do not charge this fee if You elect a pay-out option under your Deferred Annuity and You have owned your Deferred Annuity for more than two years. We are currently waiving this charge.
4 Although we do not currently charge a fee for transfers, we reserve the right to impose a transfer fee of $25.
The next table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay each year during the time that you own the Contract (not including Portfolio Company fees and expenses).
Annual Contract Expenses
Base Contract Expense(5,6)
(as a percentage of your average Account Value in the Separate Account)
Annual Account Reduction Loan Maintenance Fee (per loan outstanding) (7) $ 50
5 The Base Contract Fee includes .01% for the Annual Contract Fee. The Annual Contract Fee is $20 annually and is charged only against amounts in the Fixed Interest Account. The Annual Contract Fee may be waived under certain circumstances.
6 Pursuant to the terms of the Contract, our total Separate Account charge will not exceed 1.25% of your average balance in the Divisions. For purposes of presentation here, we estimated the allocation between general administrative expenses and the mortality and expense risk charge for Deferred Annuities or the amount of underlying Portfolio shares we have designated in the Divisions to generate your income payments for Income Annuities.
7 This fee may be waived for certain groups. The loan maintenance fee is paid on a quarterly basis at the end of each quarter on a pro-rata basis from the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account in which You then have a balance.
The next table shows the minimum and maximum total operating expenses charged by the Portfolios that you may pay periodically during the time that you own the Contract. A complete list of Portfolios available under the Contract, including their annual expenses, may be found in “Appendix A-Portfolio Companies Available Under the Contract” at the back of this Prospectus.
Annual Portfolio Company Expenses
  Minimum Maximum
Annual Portfolio Expenses (expenses that are deducted from Portfolio assets, including management fees, distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees, and other expenses) 0.27% 1.03%
The examples are intended to help You compare the cost of investing in the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities with the cost of investing in other variable annuity contracts. These costs include the Transaction


Expenses, the Separate Account Annual Charge and other costs You bear while You hold the Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity and the Annual Portfolio Company Expenses.
Example 1. This example shows the dollar amount of expenses that You would bear directly or indirectly on a $100,000 investment for a Deferred Annuity for the time periods indicated. Your actual costs may be higher or lower.
reimbursement and/or waiver of expenses was not in effect;
there is a maximum Separate Account charge of 1.25%;
You bear the Minimum or Maximum Total Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses;
the underlying Portfolio earns a 5% annual return; and
Based on these assumptions, your charges would be:
  1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
If you surrender your Contract at the end of the applicable time period        
Maximum $9,280 $11,529 $14,739 $25,806
Minimum $8,520 $ 9,221 $10,849 $17,817
Example 2. This example shows the dollar amount of expenses that You would bear directly or indirectly on a $100,000 investment for a Deferred Annuity for the time periods indicated. Your actual costs may be higher or lower.
reimbursement and/or waiver of expenses was not in effect;
You bear the Minimum or Maximum Total Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses;
there is a maximum Separate Account charge of 1.25%;
the underlying Portfolio earns a 5% annual return; and
Based on these assumptions, your charges would be:
  1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
If you annuitize or do not surrender your Contract at the end of the applicable time period        
Maximum $2,280 $7,029 $12,039 $25,806
Minimum $1,520 $4,721 $ 8,149 $17,817
Example 3. This example shows the dollar amount of expenses that You would bear directly or indirectly on a $100,000 investment for a Deferred Annuity for the time periods indicated. Your actual costs may be higher or lower.
reimbursement and/or waiver of expenses was not in effect;


You bear the Minimum or Maximum Total Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses;
You bear the Income Annuity Contract Fee;
there is a maximum Separate Account charge of 1.25%;
the underlying Portfolio earns a 5% annual return; and
Based on these assumptions, your charges would be:
  1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
If you annuitize or do not surrender your Contract at the end of the applicable time period        
Maximum $2,630 $7,362 $12,356 $26,076
Minimum $1,870 $5,060 $ 8,476 $18,112
Investing in the Contracts involves risks. The following are the principal risks of an investment in the Contract. You should carefully consider the below risks in addition to the other information contained in this Prospectus.
Risk of Loss. An investment in the Contract is not a bank deposit and is not guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency. The Contract is subject to market risk (the risk that your investments may decline in value or underperform your expectations). As a result, You can lose money by investing in the Contract, including loss of principal.
Not a Short-Term Investment. This Contract is not a short-term investment and is not appropriate for an investor who needs ready access to cash. If you withdraw early, you may have to pay a Withdrawal Charge and/or income taxes, including a tax penalty if you are younger than age 59 12. An Early Withdrawal Charge of up to 7% may apply if You withdraw purchase payments from the Fixed Interest Account within seven years of when the Purchase Payments were allocated to the Fixed Interest Account in your Deferred Annuity. Withdrawal Charges will reduce the value of your Contract if you withdraw money during that time. The benefits of tax deferral and living benefit protections also mean that the Contract is more beneficial to investors with a long time horizon.
Risk of Underlying Portfolios. An investment in the Contract is subject to the risk of poor investment performance and can vary depending on the performance of the investment options available under the Contract (e.g., Portfolio Companies). Each investment option (including the Fixed Account investment option) will have its own unique risks. We do not provide any investment advice and do not recommend or endorse any particular Portfolio. You bear the risk of any decline in the Account Balance of your Contract resulting from the performance of the Portfolio You have chosen. You should review these investment options before making an investment decision. Information regarding the Portfolios available under your Contract is available in Appendix A to this Prospectus.
Risks Associated with the Company. An investment in the Contract is subject to the risks related to the Company. Any obligations (including under the Fixed Account), guarantees, or benefits are subject to the claims-paying ability of the Company, and our long term ability to make such payments, and are not guaranteed by any other party. MetLife is regulated as an insurance company under state law, which generally includes limits on the amount and type of investments in its general account. However, there is no guarantee that we will be able to meet our claims paying obligations; there are risks to purchasing any insurance product.


Conflicts of Interest. Your investment professional may receive compensation for selling this Contract to You, both in the form of commissions and because MetLife may share the revenue it earns on this Contract with the professional’s firm. This conflict of interest may influence your investment professional to recommend this Contract over another investment. In addition, some investment professionals may have a financial incentive to offer you a new contract in place of the one you own. You should only exchange your Contract if you determine, after comparing the features, fees, and risks of both contracts, that it is better for you to purchase the new contract rather than continue to own your existing Contract.
Suitability. An investment in the Contract may not be suitable for all investors. For example, there is no additional tax benefit if You purchase the Contract through a tax-qualified plan or individual retirement account (IRA). Therefore, there should be reasons other than tax deferral for acquiring the Contract. You should consult with a tax or investment professional to determine the tax and other implications of an investment in and purchase payments received under the Contract.
Taxation Risk. Although the provisions of the Code relevant to the Contract are generally described under “Federal Tax Considerations,” an investor should consult its own tax advisor concerning the effects of federal, state, local and foreign tax law on the Contract. No assurance can be given that, even if the tax provisions currently applicable to the Contract are favorable, the law or regulations or interpretations thereunder will not change and the Contract may be disadvantaged.
Cybersecurity. Our business is highly dependent upon the effective operation of our information systems, and those of our service providers, vendors, and other third parties. Cybersecurity breaches of such systems can be intentional or unintentional events, and can occur through unauthorized access to computer systems, networks or devices; infection from computer viruses or other malicious software code; or attacks that shut down, disable, slow or otherwise disrupt operations, business processes or website access or functionality and our disaster recovery systems may be insufficient to safeguard our ability to conduct business. Cybersecurity breaches can interfere with our processing of contract transactions, including the processing of transfer orders from our website or with the Portfolios; impact our ability to calculate Accumulation Unit Values; cause the release and possible loss or destruction of confidential Contract Owner or business information; impede order processing or cause other operational issues; and result in regulatory enforcement actions or new laws or regulations which could increase our compliance costs. Although we continually make efforts to identify and reduce our exposure to cybersecurity risk, and we require our critical vendors to implement effective cybersecurity and data protection measures, there is no guarantee that we will be able to successfully manage this risk at all times.
Pandemics and Other Public Health Issues. The pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 has caused and may continue to cause illnesses and deaths. This pandemic, other pandemics, and their related major public health issues, and governmental, business and consumer reactions to them, have affected and may continue to have a major impact on the global economy and financial markets. Governmental and non-governmental organizations may not effectively combat the spread and severity of such a pandemic, increasing uncertainty, and creating the potential for more rapid changes to which the Company may find it more difficult to adjust. For example, regulatory action in response to pandemics or other health issues may impose new requirements affecting the Company’s obligations under your Contract, exposing the Company to risks and costs that the Company is unable to foresee or underwrite.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is a provider of insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management. We are also one of the largest institutional investors in the United States with a general account


portfolio invested primarily in fixed income securities (corporate, structured products, municipals, and government and agency) and mortgage loans, as well as real estate, real estate joint ventures, other limited partnerships and equity securities. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company was incorporated under the laws of New York in 1868. The Company's office is located at 200 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10166-0188. The Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of MetLife, Inc. Obligations to Owners and Beneficiaries that arise under the Policy are obligations of MetLife.
We established Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on September 27, 1983. The purpose of the Separate Account is to hold the variable assets that underlie the Preference Plus Account Variable Annuity Contracts and some other variable annuity contracts we issue. We have registered the Separate Account with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) as a unit investment trust under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (“1940 Act”).
The Separate Account’s assets are solely for the benefit of those who invest in the Separate Account and no one else, including our creditors. The assets of the Separate Account are held in our name on behalf of the Separate Account and legally belong to us. The assets of the Separate Account may not be used to pay any liabilities of the Company other than those arising from the Contracts. All the income, gains and losses (realized or unrealized) resulting from these assets are credited to or charged against the contracts issued from this Separate Account without regard to our other business. Income, gains and losses credited to, or charged against, this Separate Account reflect the Separate Account’s own investment experience and not the investment experience of the Company’s other assets.
We are obligated to pay all money we owe under the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities − such as death benefits and income payments − even if that amount exceeds the assets in the Separate Account. Any such amount that exceeds the assets in the Separate Account is paid from our general account. Benefit amounts paid from the general account are subject to the financial strength and claims paying ability of the Company and our long term ability to make such payments and are not guaranteed by our parent company, MetLife, Inc., or by any other party. We issue other annuity contracts and life insurance policies where we pay all money we owe under those contracts and policies from our general account. MetLife is regulated as an insurance company under state law, which includes, generally, limits on the amount and type of investments in its general account. However, there is no guarantee that we will be able to meet our claims paying obligations; there are risks to purchasing any insurance product.
The investment manager to certain of the Portfolios offered with the Contracts or with other variable annuity contracts issued through the Separate Account may be regulated as Commodity Pool Operators. While MetLife does not concede that the Separate Account is a commodity pool, the Company has claimed an exclusion from the definition of the term “commodity pool operator” under the Commodities Exchange Act (“CEA”), and is not subject to registration or regulation as a pool operator under the CEA.
There are two types of variable annuities described in this Prospectus: Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities. These annuities are “variable” because the value of your account or the amount of each income payment varies based on the investment performance of the Divisions You choose. In short, the value of your Deferred Annuity, your income payments under a variable pay-out option of your Deferred Annuity, or your income payments under your Income Annuity, may go up or down. Since the investment performance is not guaranteed, your money or income


payment amount is at risk. The degree of risk will depend on the Divisions You select. The Accumulation Unit Value or Annuity Unit Value for each Division rises or falls based on the investment performance (or “experience”) of the Portfolio with the same name. MetLife and its affiliates also offer other annuities not described in this Prospectus.
The Deferred Annuities have a fixed interest rate option called the “Fixed Interest Account.” The Fixed Interest Account is part of our general account and offers an interest rate that is guaranteed by us (the current minimum rate on the Fixed Interest Account is 3% but may be lower based on your state and issue date and, therefore, may be lower for certain Contracts). Your registered representative can tell you the current and minimum interest rates that apply. Because of exemptive and exclusionary provisions, interests in the Fixed Account have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, and neither the Fixed Account nor our general account has been registered as an investment company under the 1940 Act. Income Annuities and the variable pay-out options under the Deferred Annuities have a fixed payment option called the “Fixed Income Option.” Under the Fixed Income Option, we guarantee the amount of your fixed income payments. These fixed options are not described in this Prospectus although we occasionally refer to them. All guarantees as to Purchase Payments or Account Value allocated to the Fixed Account, interest credited to the Fixed Account, and fixed Annuity Payments are subject to our financial strength and claims-paying ability.
The group Deferred Annuities and group Income Annuities described in this Prospectus are offered to employers, associations, trusts or other groups for their employees, members or participants.
The Deferred Annuity
You accumulate money in your account during the pay-in phase by making one or more purchase payments. MetLife will hold your money and credit investment returns as long as the money remains in your account. This Prospectus describes the following Deferred Annuities under which You can accumulate money:
TSA (Tax Sheltered Annuity)
PEDC (Public Employee Deferred Compensation arrangements)
Keogh (Keogh plans under Section 401)
403(a) (Qualified Annuity plans under Section 403(a))
These Deferred Annuities may be issued either to You as an individual or to a group (in which case You are then a participant under the group’s Deferred Annuity). Certain group Deferred Annuities may be issued to a bank that does nothing but hold them as contract holder. Deferred Annuities may be either:
Allocated (your Account Value records are kept for You as an individual); or
Unallocated (Account Value records are kept for a plan or group as a whole).
The Deferred Annuity and Your Retirement Plan
If You participate through a retirement plan or other group arrangement, the Deferred Annuity may provide that all or some of your rights or choices as described in this Prospectus are subject to the plan’s terms. For example, limitations on your rights may apply to investment choices, purchase payments, withdrawals, transfers, loans, the death benefit and pay-out options.
The Deferred Annuity may provide that a plan administrative fee will be paid by making a withdrawal from your Account Value. Also, the Deferred Annuity may require that You or your Beneficiary obtain a signed authorization from your employer or plan administrator to exercise certain rights. We may rely on your employer’s or plan administrator’s statements to us as to the terms of the plan or your entitlement to any amounts. We are not a party


to your employer’s retirement plan. We will not be responsible for determining what your plan says. You should consult your Deferred Annuity Contract and plan document to see how You may be affected. If You are a Texas Optional Retirement Program participant, please see Appendix E for specific information which applies to You.
All TSA plans, and PEDC, Keogh and 403(a) arrangements receive tax deferral under the Internal Revenue Code (“Code”). There are no additional tax benefits from funding these tax qualified arrangements with a Deferred Annuity. Therefore, there should be reasons other than tax deferral for acquiring the Deferred Annuity, such as the availability of a guaranteed income for life, the death benefits or the other optional benefits available under this Deferred Annuity.
A Deferred Annuity consists of two phases: the accumulation or “pay-in” phase and the income or “pay-out” phase. The pay-out phase begins when You either take all of your money out of the account or You elect income payments using the money in your account. The number and the amount of the income payments You receive will depend on such things as the type of pay-out option You choose, your investment choices, and the amount used to provide your income payments. Because Deferred Annuities offer various insurance benefits such as pay-out options, including our guarantee of income for your lifetime, they are “annuities.”
Replacements of Annuity Contracts
Generally, it is not advisable to purchase a Deferred Annuity as a replacement for an existing annuity contract. You should replace an existing contract only when You determine that the Deferred Annuity is better for You. You may have to pay a withdrawal charge on your existing contract, and the Deferred Annuity may impose a new withdrawal charge period. Before You buy a Deferred Annuity ask your registered representative if purchasing a Deferred Annuity would be advantageous, given the Deferred Annuity’s features, benefits and charges. You should talk to your tax adviser to make sure that this purchase will qualify as a tax-free exchange. If You surrender your existing contract for cash and then buy the Deferred Annuity, You may have to pay Federal income taxes, including possible penalty taxes, on the surrender. Also, because we will not issue the Deferred Annuity until we have received the initial purchase payment from your existing insurance company, the issuance of the Deferred Annuity may be delayed.
We no longer make this Deferred Annuity available however, current Contract Owners may continue to make additional purchase payments, and new participants may enroll under any issued group Contract.
Plan Terminations
Upon termination of a retirement plan, your employer is generally required to distribute your plan benefits under the Contract to You.
This distribution is in cash or direct rollover to another employer sponsored plan or IRA. The distribution is a withdrawal under the Contract and any amounts withdrawn are subject to any applicable Early Withdrawal Charges. Outstanding loans, if available will be satisfied (paid) from your cash benefit prior to its distribution to You. In addition, your cash distributions are subject to withholding, ordinary income tax and applicable Federal income tax penalties. (See “Federal Tax Considerations.”) Early Withdrawal Charges will be waived if the net distribution is made under the exceptions listed in the “Early Withdrawal Charges” section of the prospectus.
An Income Annuity
An Income Annuity, also known as an immediate annuity, only has a “pay-out” phase. You make a single purchase payment and select the type of income payment suited to your needs. Some of the income payment types guarantee


an income stream for your lifetime; others guarantee an income stream for both your lifetime, as well as the lifetime of another person (such as a spouse). Some Income Annuities guarantee a time period of your choice over which MetLife will make income payments. Income Annuities also have other features. The amount of the income payments You receive will depend on such things as the income payment type You choose, your investment choices and the amount of your purchase payment.
The Income Annuities are no longer available.
Information regarding the Portfolio investments available under your Contract, including each Portfolio’s (i) name; (ii) type (e.g., money market fund, bond fund, balanced fund, etc.); (iii) investment adviser and any sub-investment adviser; (iv) current expenses and (v) performance is available in Appendix A to this Prospectus.
The Portfolio prospectuses contain more detailed information on each Portfolio’s investment strategy, investment managers and its fees. You may obtain a Portfolio prospectus by calling 1-800-638-7732 or through your registered representative. We do not guarantee the investment results of the Portfolios.
Portfolios Which Are Fund of Funds
The following Portfolios available within Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, and Fidelity VIP Funds are “fund of funds”:
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 20 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 40 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 60 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 80 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 100 Portfolio
American Funds® Balanced Allocation Portfolio
American Funds® Growth Allocation Portfolio
American Funds® Moderate Allocation Portfolio
SSGA Growth ETF Portfolio
SSGA Growth and Income ETF Portfolio
Fidelity 2020 Portfolio
Fidelity 2025 Portfolio
Fidelity 2030 Portfolio
Fidelity 2035 Portfolio
Fidelity 2040 Portfolio
Fidelity 2045 Portfolio
Fidelity 2050 Portfolio
“Fund of funds” Portfolios invest substantially all of their assets in other portfolios or, with respect to the SSGA Growth ETF Portfolio and the SSGA Growth and Income ETF Portfolio, other exchange-traded funds (“Underlying ETFs”). Therefore, each of these Portfolios will bear its pro rata share of the fees and expenses incurred by the underlying portfolios or Underlying ETFs in which it invests in addition to its own management fees and expenses. This will reduce the investment return of each of the fund of funds Portfolios. The expense levels will vary over time, depending on the mix of underlying portfolios or Underlying ETFs in which the fund of funds Portfolio invests. You may be able to realize lower aggregate expenses by investing directly in the underlying portfolios and Underlying ETFs instead of investing in the fund of funds Portfolios, if such underlying portfolios or Underlying


ETFs are available under the Contract. However, no Underlying ETFs and only some of the underlying portfolios are available under the Contract.
Additional Information About the Portfolios
Some of the investment choices may not be available under the terms of your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity.
The Contract or other correspondence we provide You will indicate the Divisions that are available to You. Your investment choices may be limited because:
Your employer, association or other group contract holder limits the available Divisions.
We have restricted the available Divisions.
Some of the Divisions are not approved in your state.
The Divisions buy and sell shares of corresponding mutual fund Portfolios. These Portfolios, which are part of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity VIP Funds or the American Funds®, invest in stocks, bonds and other investments. All dividends declared by the Portfolios are earned by the Separate Account and are reinvested. Therefore, no dividends are distributed to You under the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities. You pay no transaction expenses (i.e., front-end or back-end sales load charges) as a result of the Separate Account’s purchase or sale of these mutual fund shares. The Portfolios of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity VIP Funds and American Funds® Portfolios are made available only through various insurance company annuities and life insurance policies.
Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity VIP Funds and American Funds® are each a “series” type fund registered with the SEC as an “open-end management investment company” under the 1940 Act. A “series” fund means that each Portfolio is one of several available through the fund.
The Portfolios of Brighthouse Trust I and Brighthouse Trust II pay Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC a monthly fee for its services as their investment manager. The Portfolio of the Calvert Fund pays Calvert Asset Management Company, Inc. a monthly fee for its services as its investment manager. The Portfolios of the American Funds® pay Capital Research and Management Company a monthly fee for its services as their investment manager. Similarly, the Portfolios of the Fidelity® VIP Funds pay Fidelity Management & Research Company a monthly fee for its services as their investment manager. These fees, as well as other expenses paid by each Portfolio, are described in the applicable prospectuses and SAIs for Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity VIP Funds and American Funds®.
Certain Payments We Receive with Regard to the Portfolios. An investment manager or sub-investment manager of a Portfolio, or its affiliates, may make payments to us and/or certain of our affiliates. These payments may be used for a variety of purposes, including payment of expenses for certain administrative, marketing, and support services with respect to the Contracts and, in the Company’s role as an intermediary, with respect to the Portfolios. The Company and its affiliates may profit from these payments. These payments may be derived, in whole or in part, from the advisory fee deducted from Portfolio assets. Contract Owners, through their indirect investment in the Portfolios, bear the costs of these advisory fees (see the Portfolios’ prospectuses for more information). The amount of the payments we receive is based on a percentage of assets of the Portfolios attributable to the Contracts and certain other variable insurance products that we and our affiliates issue. These percentages differ and some investment managers or sub-investment managers (or other affiliates) may pay us more than others. These percentages currently range up to 0.50%.


Additionally, an investment manager or sub-investment manager of a Portfolio or its affiliates may provide us with wholesaling services that assist in the distribution of the Contracts and may pay us and/or certain of our affiliates amounts to participate in sales meetings. These amounts may be significant and may provide the investment manager or sub-investment manager (or its affiliate) with increased access to persons involved in the distribution of the Contracts.
As of December 31, 2021, approximately 87% of Portfolio assets held in separate accounts of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and its affiliates were allocated to Portfolios in Brighthouse Funds Trust I and Brighthouse Funds Trust II. We and certain of our affiliated companies have entered into agreements with Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC, Brighthouse Funds Trust I and Brighthouse Funds Trust II, whereby we receive payments for certain administrative, marketing and support services described in the previous paragraphs. Currently, the Portfolios in Brighthouse Funds Trust I and Brighthouse Funds Trust II are only available in variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies issued by MetLife and its affiliates, as well as Brighthouse Life Insurance Company and its affiliates. Should we or Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC decide to terminate the agreements, we would be required to find alternative Portfolios which could have higher or lower costs to the Policy Owner. In addition, the amount of payments we receive could cease or be substantially reduced which may have a material impact on our financial statements.
Certain Portfolios have adopted a Distribution Plan under Rule 12b-1 of the 1940 Act. A Portfolio’s 12b-1 Plan, if any, is described in more detail in each Portfolio’s prospectus. (See the “Table of Expenses” and “Who Sells the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities.”) Any payments we receive pursuant to those 12b-1 Plans are paid to us or our distributor, MetLife Investors Distribution Company (“MLIDC”). Payments under a Portfolio’s 12b-1 Plan decrease the Portfolio’s investment return.
Portfolio Selection. We select the Portfolios offered through the Contracts based on a number of criteria, including asset class coverage, the strength of the investment manager’s or sub-investment manager’s reputation and tenure, brand recognition, performance, and the capability and qualification of each investment firm. Another factor we consider during the selection process is whether the Portfolio’s investment manager or sub-investment manager is one of our affiliates or whether the Portfolio, its investment manager, its sub-investment manager(s), or an affiliate will make payments to us or our affiliates. In this regard, the profit distributions we receive from our affiliated investment manager are a component of the total revenue that we consider in configuring the features and investment choices available in the variable insurance products that we and our affiliated insurance companies issue. Since we and our affiliated insurance companies may benefit more from the allocation of assets to Portfolios advised by our affiliates than those that are not, we may be more inclined to offer Portfolios advised by our affiliates in the variable insurance products we issue. We review the Portfolios periodically and may remove a Portfolio or limit its availability to new purchase payments and/or transfers of Account Value if we determine that the Portfolio no longer meets one or more of the selection criteria, and/or if the Portfolio has not attracted significant allocations from Contract Owners. In some cases, we have included Portfolios based on recommendations made by selling firms. These selling firms may receive payments from the Portfolios they recommend and may benefit accordingly from the allocation of Account Value to such Portfolios.
We do not provide any investment advice and do not recommend or endorse any particular Portfolio. You bear the risk of any decline in the Account Value of your Contract resulting from the performance of the Portfolios You have chosen.


Automated Investment Strategies
There are five automated investment strategies available to You. We created these investment strategies to help You manage your money. You decide if one is appropriate for You based upon your risk tolerance and savings goals. The investment strategies are not available to Keogh Deferred Annuities or other unallocated Contracts.
These are available to You without any additional charges. As with any investment program, no strategy can guarantee a gain. You can lose money. We may modify or terminate any of the strategies at any time. You may have only one automated investment strategy in effect at a time. You may not have a strategy in effect while You also have an outstanding loan. Your employer, association or other group contract holder may limit the availability of any investment strategy.
The Equity Generator®: An amount equal to the interest earned in the Fixed Interest Account is transferred monthly to either the MetLife Stock Index Division or the Frontier Mid Cap Growth Division, based on your selection. If your Fixed Interest Account Value at the time of a scheduled transfer is zero, this strategy is automatically discontinued. There is no additional charge for electing the Equity Generator. For example, if you elected the Equity Generator and $1,000 of interest was credited to your account each month, then the $1,000 of interest would be transferred from the Fixed Interest Account to the specified Division every month for a 12 month period.
As an added benefit of this strategy, as long as 100% of every purchase payment is allocated to the Fixed Interest Account for the life of your Deferred Annuity and You never request allocation changes or transfers, You will not pay more in Early Withdrawal Charges than your Contract earns. Early Withdrawal Charges may be taken from any of your earnings.
The EqualizerSM: You start with equal amounts of money in the Fixed Interest Account and your choice of either the MetLife Stock Index Division or the Frontier Mid Cap Growth Division. Each quarter, amounts are transferred between the Fixed Interest Account and your chosen Division to make the value of each equal. For example, if You choose the MetLife Stock Index Division and over the quarter it outperforms the Fixed Interest Account, money is transferred to the Fixed Interest Account. Conversely, if the Fixed Interest Account outperforms the MetLife Stock Index Division, money is transferred into the MetLife Stock Index Division.
The Rebalancer®: You select a specific asset allocation for your entire Account Value from among the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account. Each quarter, we transfer amounts among these options to bring the percentage of your Account Value in each option back to your original allocation. In the future, we may permit You to allocate less than 100% of your Account Value to this strategy. There is no additional charge for electing the Rebalancer. For example, if you allocated 25% among four Divisions then on a quarterly basis, we will transfer amounts among those four Divisions so that 25% of your Policy’s Cash Value is in each such Division.
The Index Selector®: You may select one of five asset allocation models (the Conservative Model, the Conservative to Moderate Model, the Moderate Model, the Moderate to Aggressive Model and the Aggressive Model) which are designed to correlate to various risk tolerance levels. Based on the model You choose, your entire Account Value is allocated among the MetLife Aggregate Bond Index, MetLife Stock Index, MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index, MetLife Russell 2000® Index and MetLife Mid Cap Stock Index Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account. Each quarter, the percentage in each of these Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account is brought back to the model percentage by transferring amounts among the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account.
In the future, we may permit You to allocate less than 100% of your Account Value to this strategy.


We will continue to implement the Index Selector strategy using the percentage allocations of the model that were in effect when You elected the Index Selector strategy. You should consider whether it is appropriate for You to continue this strategy over time if your risk tolerance, time horizon or financial situation changes. This strategy may experience more volatility than our other strategies. We provide the elements to formulate the model. We may rely on a third party for its expertise in creating appropriate allocations.
The asset allocation models used in the Index Selector strategy may change from time to time. If You are interested in an updated model, please contact your sales representative (where applicable).
You may choose another Index Selector® strategy or terminate your Index Selector® strategy at any time. If You choose another Index Selector® strategy, You must select from the asset allocation models available at that time. After termination, if You then wish to select the Index Selector® strategy again, You must select from the asset allocation models available at that time. There is no additional charge for electing the Index Selector. For example, if you chose the Conservative Model, then on a quarterly basis we would transfer amounts in the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account so that the balances in each reflect the selected Conservative Model percentage.
The AllocatorSM: Each month, a dollar amount You choose is transferred from the Fixed Interest Account to any of the Divisions You choose. You select the day of the month and the number of months over which the transfers will occur. A minimum periodic transfer of $50 is required. Once your Fixed Interest Account Value is exhausted, this strategy is automatically discontinued. There is no additional charge for electing the Allocator. For example, you may elect to have $100 a month transferred on the 15th of the month from the Fixed Interest Account to a Division for a period of two years.
The Equity Generator® and the AllocatorSM are dollar cost averaging strategies. Dollar cost averaging involves investing at regular intervals of time. Since this involves continuously investing regardless of fluctuating prices, You should consider whether You wish to continue the strategy through periods of fluctuating prices.
We will terminate all transactions under any automated investment strategy upon notification of your death.
There is no minimum purchase payment except for the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity. If You have an unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, each purchase payment must be at least $2,000. In addition, your total purchase payments must be at least $15,000 for your first Contract Year and $5,000 for each subsequent Contract Year.
You may continue to make purchase payments while You receive Systematic Withdrawal Program payments, as described later in this Prospectus, unless your purchase payments are made through salary reduction or salary deduction. You may make purchase payments to your Deferred Annuity whenever You choose, up to the date You begin receiving payments from a pay-out option.
We will not issue the TSA Deferred Annuity to You if You are age 80 or older or younger than age 18. We will not accept your purchase payments if You are age 90 or older.
Purchase Payments — Section 403(b) Plans
The Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) announced regulations affecting Section 403(b) plans and arrangements which were generally effective January 1, 2009. As part of these regulations, employers will need to meet certain requirements in order for their employees’ annuity contracts that fund these programs to retain a tax deferred


status under Section 403(b). Prior to the rules, transfers of one annuity contract to another would not result in a loss of tax deferred status under Section 403(b) under certain conditions (so-called “90-24 transfers”).
The regulations have the following effect regarding transfers: (1) an issued contract funded by a transfer which is completed AFTER September 24, 2007, is subject to the employer requirements referred to above; (2) additional purchase payments made AFTER September 24, 2007, to a contract that was funded by a 90-24 transfer ON OR BEFORE September 24, 2007, MAY subject the contract to this employer requirement.
In consideration of these regulations, we have determined only to make available the Contract for purchase (including transfers) where your employer currently permits salary reduction contributions to be made to the Contract.
If your Contract was issued previously as a result of a 90-24 transfer completed on or before September 24, 2007, and You have never made salary reduction contributions into your Contract, we urge You to consult with your tax adviser prior to making additional purchase payments.
Allocation of Purchase Payments
You decide how your money is allocated among the Fixed Interest Account and the Divisions. You can change your allocations for future purchase payments. We will make allocation changes when we receive your request for a change. You may also specify an effective date for the change as long as it is within 30 days after we receive the request.
If You choose to make an allocation to the asset allocation Divisions with your initial purchase payment, 100% of your allocation to the investment choices must be to only one of the asset allocation Divisions. After the initial purchase payment has been made, You may allocate subsequent purchase payments or make transfers from any asset allocation Division to any investment choice or to one or more of the asset allocation Divisions. We reserve the right to make certain changes to the Divisions. (See “Portfolios — Portfolio Selection.”)
Limits on Purchase Payments
Your ability to make purchase payments may be limited by:
Federal tax laws;
Our right to limit the total of your purchase payments to $1,000,000. We may change the maximum by telling You in writing at least 90 days in advance;
Regulatory requirements. For example, if You reside in Washington or Oregon, we may be required to limit your ability to make purchase payments after You have held the Deferred Annuity for more than three years, if the Deferred Annuity was issued to You after You turn age 60; or after You turn age 63, if the Deferred Annuity was issued before You were age 61 (except under the PEDC Deferred Annuity);
Retirement, for certain Deferred Annuities. You may no longer make purchase payments if You retire;
Leaving your job (for Keogh, TSA, PEDC and 403(a) Deferred Annuities); and
Receiving systematic termination payments.
The Value of Your Investment
We use the term “experience factor” to describe the investment performance for a Division. We calculate Accumulation Unit Values once a day on every day the New York Stock Exchange (the “Exchange”) is open for


trading. We call the time between two consecutive Accumulation Unit Value calculations the “Valuation Period.” We have the right to change the basis for the Valuation Period, on 30 days’ notice, as long as it is consistent with law. All purchase payments and transfers are valued as of the end of the Valuation Period during which the transaction occurred. The experience factor changes from Valuation Period to Valuation Period to reflect the upward or downward performance of the assets in the underlying Portfolios. The experience factor is calculated as of the end of each Valuation Period using the net asset value per share of the underlying Portfolio. The net asset value includes the per share amount of any dividend or capital gain distribution paid by the Portfolio during the current Valuation Period, and subtracts any per share charges for taxes and reserve for taxes. We then divide that amount by the net asset value per share as of the end of the last Valuation Period to obtain a factor that reflects investment performance. We then subtract a charge for each day in the valuation period which is the daily equivalent of the Separate Account charge. This charge may vary among the Contracts.
Accumulation Units are credited to You when You make purchase payments or transfers into a Division. When You withdraw or transfer money from a Division, Accumulation Units are liquidated. We determine the number of Accumulation Units by dividing the amount of your purchase payment, transfer or withdrawal by the Accumulation Unit Value on the date of the transaction.
This is how we calculate the Accumulation Unit Value for each Division:
First, we determine the change in investment performance (including any investment-related charge) for the underlying Portfolio from the previous trading day to the current trading day;
Next, we subtract the daily equivalent of our insurance-related charge (general administrative expenses and mortality and expense risk charges) for each day since the last Accumulation Unit Value was calculated; and
Finally, we multiply the previous Accumulation Unit Value by this result.
Calculating the Number of Accumulation Units
Assume You make a purchase payment of $500 into one Division and that Division’s Accumulation Unit Value is currently $10.00. You would be credited with 50 Accumulation Units.
$500 = 50 Accumulation Units
Calculating the Accumulation Unit Value
Assume yesterday’s Accumulation Unit Value was $10.00 and the number we calculate for today’s investment experience (minus charges) for an underlying Portfolio is 1.05. Today’s Accumulation Unit Value is $10.50 ($10.00 × 1.05 = $10.50). The value of your $500 investment is then $525 (50 × $10.50 = $525).
However, assume that today’s investment experience (minus charges) is .95 instead of 1.05. Today’s Accumulation Unit Value is $9.50 ($10.00 × .95 = $9.50). The value of your $500 investment is then $475 (50 × $9.50 = $475).
You may make tax-free transfers between Divisions or between the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account. Some restrictions may apply to transfers from the Fixed Interest Account to the Divisions. For us to process a transfer, You must tell us:
The percentage or dollar amount of the transfer;


The Divisions (or Fixed Interest Account) from which You want the money to be transferred;
The Divisions (or Fixed Interest Account) to which You want the money to be transferred; and
Whether You intend to start, stop, modify or continue unchanged an automated investment strategy by making the transfer.
Your transfer request must be in Good Order and completed prior to the close of the Exchange on a business day if You want the transaction to take place on that day. All other transfer requests in Good Order will be processed on our next business day.
For additional transfer restrictions (see “General Information — Valuation — Suspension of Payments”).
We may require You to:
Use our forms;
Maintain a minimum Account Value (if the transfer is in connection with an automated investment strategy or if there is an outstanding loan from the Fixed Interest Account); or
Transfer a minimum amount if the transfer is in connection with the Allocator.
The following is a discussion of frequent transfers/reallocations policies and procedures. They apply to both the “pay-in” and “pay-out” phase of your Deferred Annuity as well as your Income Annuity.
Restrictions on Frequent Transfers/Reallocations. Frequent requests from Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants to make transfers/reallocations may dilute the value of a Portfolio’s shares if the frequent transfers/reallocations involve an attempt to take advantage of pricing inefficiencies created by a lag between a change in the value of the securities held by the Portfolio and the reflection of that change in the Portfolio’s share price (“arbitrage trading”). Frequent transfers/reallocations involving arbitrage trading may adversely affect the long-term performance of the Portfolios, which may in turn adversely affect Contract Owners and other persons who may have an interest in the Contracts (e.g., participants/Annuitants and Beneficiaries).
We have policies and procedures that attempt to detect and deter frequent transfers/reallocations in situations where we determine there is a potential for arbitrage trading. Currently, we believe that such situations may be presented in the international, small-cap, and high-yield Portfolios (the “Monitored Portfolios”). These are:
American Funds Global Small Capitalization Fund
American Funds Growth Fund
American Funds Growth-Income Fund
American Funds The Bond Fund of America
Baillie Gifford International Stock Portfolio
CBRE Global Real Estate Portfolio
Harris Oakmark International Portfolio
Invesco Global Equity Portfolio
Invesco Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Loomis Sayles Global Allocation Portfolio


Loomis Sayles Small Cap Core Portfolio
Loomis Sayles Small Cap Growth Portfolio
MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index Portfolio
MetLife Russell 2000® Index Portfolio
MFS® Research International Portfolio
Neuberger Berman Genesis Portfolio
T. Rowe Price Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Western Asset Management Strategic Bond Opportunities Portfolio
We monitor transfer/reallocation activity in those Monitored Portfolios. In addition, as described below, we intend to treat all American Funds® as Monitored Portfolios. We employ various means to monitor transfer/reallocation activity, such as examining the frequency and size of transfers/reallocations into and out of the Monitored Portfolios within given periods of time. For example, we currently monitor transfer/reallocation activity to determine if, for each category of international, small-cap, and high-yield Portfolios, in a 12-month period there were (1) six or more transfers/reallocations involving the given category; (2) cumulative gross transfers/reallocations involving the given category that exceed the current Account Value; and (3) two or more “round-trips” involving any Monitored Portfolio in the given category. A round-trip generally is defined as a transfer/reallocation in followed by a transfer/reallocation out within the next seven calendar days or a transfer/reallocation out followed by a transfer/reallocation in within the next seven calendar days, in either case subject to certain other criteria.
We do not believe that other Portfolios present a significant opportunity to engage in arbitrage trading and therefore do not monitor transfer/reallocation activity in those Portfolios. We may change the Monitored Portfolios at any time without notice in our sole discretion.
As a condition to making their Portfolios available in our products, American Funds® requires us to treat all American Funds Portfolios as Monitored Portfolios under our current frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures. Further, American Funds® requires us to impose additional specified monitoring criteria for all American Funds Portfolios available under the Contract, regardless of the potential for arbitrage trading. We are required to monitor transfer/reallocation activity in American Funds Portfolios to determine if there were two or more transfers/reallocations in followed by transfers/reallocations out, in each case of a certain dollar amount or greater, in any 30-day period. A first violation of the American Funds® monitoring policy will result in a written notice of violation; each additional violation will result in the imposition of a six-month restriction during which period we will require all transfer/reallocation requests to or from an American Funds Portfolio to be submitted with an original signature. Further, as Monitored Portfolios, all American Funds Portfolios also will be subject to our current frequent transfer/reallocation policies, procedures and restrictions (described below), and transfer/reallocation restrictions may be imposed upon a violation of either monitoring policy. A process has been implemented to enforce the American Funds® restrictions. There is no guarantee that this process will detect all contract holders whose transfer/reallocation activity in the American Funds® Portfolio violates this monitoring policy.
Our policies and procedures may result in transfer/reallocation restrictions being applied to deter frequent transfers/reallocations. Currently, when we detect transfer/reallocation activity in the Monitored Portfolios that exceeds our current transfer/reallocation limits, we require future transfer/reallocation requests to or from any Monitored Portfolio under that Contract to be submitted in writing with an original signature. A first occurrence


will result in a warning letter; a second occurrence will result in the imposition of this restriction for a six-month period; a third occurrence will result in the permanent imposition of this restriction.
Transfers made under a dollar cost averaging program, a rebalancing program or, if applicable, any asset allocation program described in this Prospectus are not treated as transfers when we monitor the frequency of transfers.
Your third-party administrator has its own standards with regard to monitoring activity in the Monitored Portfolios and how subsequent transfer/reallocation activity will be restricted once those standards are triggered. These standards and subsequent trading restrictions may be more or less restrictive than ours, and presently include restrictions on non-Monitored Portfolios. The differences in monitoring standards and restrictions are due to systems limitations and may change from time to time as those systems are upgraded.
The detection and deterrence of harmful transfer/reallocation activity involves judgments that are inherently subjective, such as the decision to monitor only those Portfolios that we believe are susceptible to arbitrage trading or the determination of the transfer/reallocation limits. Our ability to detect and/or restrict such transfer/reallocation activity may be limited by operational and technological systems, as well as our ability to predict strategies employed by Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants to avoid such detection. Our ability to restrict such transfer/reallocation activity also may be limited by provisions of the Contract. Accordingly, there is no assurance that we will prevent all transfer/reallocation activity that may adversely affect Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants and other persons with interests in the Contracts. We do not accommodate frequent transfers/reallocations in any Portfolio and there are no arrangements in place to permit any Contract Owner or participant/Annuitant to engage in frequent transfers/reallocations; we apply our policies and procedures without exception, waiver or special arrangement.
The Portfolios may have adopted their own policies and procedures with respect to frequent transfers/reallocations in their respective shares, and we reserve the right to enforce these policies and procedures. For example, Portfolios may assess a redemption fee (which we reserve the right to collect) on shares held for a relatively short period. The prospectuses for the Portfolios describe any such policies and procedures, which may be more or less restrictive than the policies and procedures we have adopted. Although we may not have the contractual authority or the operational capacity to apply the frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures of the Portfolios, we have entered into a written agreement, as required by SEC regulation, with each Portfolio or its principal underwriter that obligates us to provide to the Portfolio promptly upon request certain information about the trading activity of individual Contract Owners, and to execute instructions from the Portfolio to restrict or prohibit further purchases or transfers/reallocations by specific Contract Owners who violate the frequent transfer/reallocation policies established by the Portfolio.
In addition, Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants and other persons with interests in the Contracts should be aware that the purchase and redemption orders received by the Portfolios generally are “omnibus” orders from intermediaries, such as retirement plans or separate accounts funding variable insurance contracts. The omnibus orders reflect the aggregation and netting of multiple orders from individual owners of variable insurance contracts and/or individual retirement plan participants. The omnibus nature of these orders may limit the Portfolios in their ability to apply their frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures. In addition, the other insurance companies and/or retirement plans may have different policies and procedures or may not have any such policies and procedures because of contractual limitations. For these reasons, we cannot guarantee that the Portfolios (and thus Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants) will not be harmed by transfer/reallocation activity relating to the other insurance companies and/or retirement plans that may invest in the Portfolios. If a Portfolio believes that an omnibus order reflects one or more transfer/reallocation requests from Contract Owners engaged in frequent transfer/reallocation trading activity, the Portfolio may reject the entire omnibus order.


In accordance with applicable law, we reserve the right to modify or terminate the transfer/reallocation privilege at any time. We also reserve the right to defer or restrict the transfer/reallocation privilege at any time that we are unable to purchase or redeem shares of any of the Portfolios, including any refusal or restriction on purchases or redemptions of their shares as a result of their own policies and procedures on frequent transfers/reallocations (even if an entire omnibus order is rejected due to the frequent transfers/reallocations of a single Contract Owner or participant/Annuitant). You should read the Portfolio prospectuses for more details.
Restrictions on Large Transfers/Reallocations. Large transfers/reallocations may increase brokerage and administrative costs of the underlying Portfolios and may disrupt portfolio management strategy, requiring a Portfolio to maintain a large cash position and possibly resulting in lost investment opportunities and forced liquidations. We do not monitor for large transfers/reallocations to or from Portfolios except where the Portfolio manager of a particular underlying Portfolio has brought large transfer/reallocation activity to our attention for investigation on a case-by-case basis. For example, some portfolio managers have asked us to monitor for “block transfers” where transfer/reallocation requests have been submitted on behalf of multiple Contract Owners by a third party such as an investment adviser. When we detect such large trades, we may impose restrictions similar to those described above where future transfer/reallocation requests from that third party must be submitted in writing with an original signature. A first occurrence will result in a warning letter; a second occurrence will result in the imposition of this restriction for a six-month period; a third occurrence will result in the permanent imposition of the restriction.
Access To Your Money
You may withdraw either all or part of your Account Value from the Deferred Annuity. Other than those made through the Systematic Withdrawal Program, withdrawals must be at least $500 or the Account Value, if less. To process your request, we need the following information:
The percentage or dollar amount of the withdrawal; and
The Divisions (or Fixed Interest Account) from which You want the money to be withdrawn.
Your withdrawal may be subject to Early Withdrawal charges. Withdrawals may affect your annual step-up death benefit and there may be adverse tax consequences.
Generally, if You request, we will make payments directly to other investments on a tax-free basis. You may only do so if all applicable tax and state regulatory requirements are met and we receive all information necessary for us to make the payment. We may require You to use our original forms.
We may withhold payment of a withdrawal if any portion of those proceeds would be derived from your check that has not yet cleared (i.e., that could still be dishonored by your banking institution). We may use telephone, fax, Internet or other means of communication to verify that payment from your check has been or will be collected. We will not delay payment longer than necessary for us to verify that payment has been or will be collected. You may avoid the possibility of delay in the disbursement of proceeds coming from a check that has not yet cleared by providing us with a certified check.
You may submit a written withdrawal request, which must be received at your Administrative Office on or before the date the pay-out phase begins, that indicates that the withdrawal should be processed as of the date the pay-out phase begins, in which case the request will be deemed to have been received on, and the withdrawal amount will be priced according to, the Accumulation Unit Value calculated as of the date the pay-out phase begins.


If You are a member of the Michigan Education Association and employed with a school district which purchased a TSA Deferred Annuity before January 15, 1996, then You must tell us the source of money from which we may take a withdrawal. This includes salary reduction, elective deferrals, direct rollovers, direct transfers or employer contributions.
Account Reduction Loans
We may administer loan programs made available through plans or group arrangements on an account reduction basis for certain Deferred Annuities. If the loan is in default and has been reported to the IRS as income but not yet offset, loan repayments will be posted as after-tax contributions. Loan amounts will be taken from amounts that are vested according to your plan or group arrangement on a pro-rata basis from the source(s) of money the plan or group arrangement permits to be borrowed (e.g., money contributed to the plan or group arrangement through salary reduction, elective deferrals, direct transfers, direct rollovers and employer contributions), then on a pro-rata basis from each Division and the Fixed Interest Account in which You then have a balance consisting of these sources of money. Loan repayment amounts will be posted back to the original money sources used to make the loan, if the loan is in good standing at the time of repayment. Loan repayments will be allocated to the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account in the same percentages as your current investment election for contributions. Loan repayment periods, repayment methods, interest rate, default procedures, tax reporting and permitted minimum and maximum loan amounts will be disclosed in the loan agreement documents. There may be initiation and maintenance fees associated with these loans.
Systematic Withdrawal Program for TSA Deferred Annuities
If we agree and if approved in your state for TSA Deferred Annuities, You may choose to automatically withdraw a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your Account Value each Contract Year. This amount is then paid in equal portions throughout the Contract Year, according to the time frame You select, e.g., monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. Once the Systematic Withdrawal Program is initiated, the payments will automatically renew each Contract Year. Income taxes, tax penalties and Early Withdrawal Charges may apply to your withdrawals. Program payment amounts are subject to our required minimums and administrative restrictions. For the TSA Deferred Annuities, if You elect to receive payments through this program, You must have no loan outstanding from the Fixed Interest Account and You must either be 59 12 years old or have left your job. Tax law generally prohibits withdrawals from TSA Deferred Annuities before You reach 59 12. Your Account Value will be reduced by the amount of your Systematic Withdrawal Program payments and applicable withdrawal charges. Payments under this program are not the same as income payments You would receive from a Deferred Annuity pay-out option or under an Income Annuity. The Systematic Withdrawal Program is not available in conjunction with any automated investment strategy.
If You elect to withdraw a dollar amount, we will pay You the same dollar amount each Contract Year. If You elect to withdraw a percentage of your Account Value, each Contract Year, we recalculate the amount You will receive based on your new Account Value.
If You do not provide us with your desired allocation, or there are insufficient amounts in the Divisions or the Fixed Interest Account that You selected, the payments will be taken out pro rata from the Fixed Interest Account and any Divisions in which You have an Account Value.
Calculating Your Payment Based on a Percentage Election for the First Contract Year You Elect the Systematic Withdrawal Program: If You choose to receive a percentage of your Account Value, we will determine the amount payable on the date these payments begin. When You first elect the program, we will pay this amount


over the remainder of the Contract Year. For example, if You select to receive payments on a monthly basis with the percentage of your Account Value You request equaling $12,000, and there are six months left in the Contract Year, we will pay You $2,000 a month.
Calculating Your Payment for Subsequent Contract Years of the Systematic Withdrawal Program: For each subsequent year that your Systematic Withdrawal Program remains in effect, we will deduct from your Deferred Annuity and pay You over the Contract Year either the amount that You chose or an amount equal to the percentage of your Account Value You chose. For example, if You select to receive payments on a monthly basis, ask for a percentage and that percentage of your Account Value equals $12,000 at the start of a Contract Year, we will pay You $1,000 a month.
If You do not provide us with your desired allocation, or there are insufficient amounts in the Divisions or the Fixed Interest Account that You selected, the payments will be taken out pro rata from the Fixed Interest Account and any Divisions in which You then have money.
Selecting a Payment Date: You select a payment date which becomes the date we make the withdrawal. We must receive your request in Good Order at least 10 days prior to the selected payment date. (If You would like to receive your Systematic Withdrawal Program payment on or about the first of the month, You should request payment by the 20th day of the month.) If we do not receive your request in time, we will make the payment the following month on the date You selected. If You do not select a payment date, we will automatically begin systematic withdrawals within 30 days after we receive your request. Changes in the dollar amount, percentage or timing of the payments can be made at any time. If You make any of these changes, we will treat your request as though You were starting a new Systematic Withdrawal Program. You may request to stop your Systematic Withdrawal Program at any time. We must receive any request in Good Order at your Administrative Office at least 30 days in advance.
Although we need your written authorization to begin this program, You may cancel this program at any time by telephone or by writing to us at your Administrative Office. We will also terminate your participation in the program upon notification of your death.
Systematic Withdrawal Program payments may be subject to an Early Withdrawal Charge unless an exception to this charge applies. For purposes of determining how much of the annual payment amount is exempt from this charge under the free withdrawal provision (discussed later), all payments from a Systematic Withdrawal Program in a Contract Year are characterized as a single lump sum withdrawal as of your first payment date in that Contract Year. When You first elect the program, we will calculate the percentage of your Account Value your Systematic Withdrawal Program payment represents based on your Account Value on the first Systematic Withdrawal Program payment date. For all subsequent Contract Years, we will calculate the percentage of your Account Value your Systematic Withdrawal Program payment represents based on your Account Value on the first Systematic Withdrawal Program payment date of that Contract Year. We will determine separately the Early Withdrawal Charge and any relevant factors (such as applicable exceptions) for each Systematic Withdrawal Program payment as of the date it is withdrawn from your Deferred Annuity.
Minimum Distribution
In order for You to comply with certain tax law provisions, You may be required to take money out of your Deferred Annuity. Rather than receiving your required minimum distribution in one annual lump-sum payment, You may request that we pay it to You in installments throughout the calendar year. However, we may require that You maintain a certain Account Value at the time You request these payments. You may not have a Systematic Withdrawal Program in effect if we pay your minimum required distribution in installments. We will terminate your participation in the program upon notification of your death.


Contract Fee
A one time $350 Contract fee is taken from your purchase payment when You purchase an Income Annuity prior to allocating the remainder of the purchase payment to either the Divisions and/or the Fixed Income Option. This charge covers our administrative costs including preparation of the Income Annuities, review of applications and recordkeeping. We are currently waiving this fee.
There is no Separate Account Annual Contract Fee for the Deferred Annuities.
For all Contracts, except the Keogh Deferred Annuity and certain TSA Deferred Annuities, You pay a $20 annual fee from the Fixed Interest Account at the end of each Contract Year, if your Account Value is less than $10,000 and if You do not make purchase payments during the year.
For the Keogh Deferred Annuity with individual participant recordkeeping (allocated) You pay a $20 charge applied against any amounts in the Fixed Interest Account.
For the Keogh Deferred Annuity with no individual participant recordkeeping (unallocated), there is no Annual Contract Fee.
There is no Annual Contract Fee for certain TSA Deferred Annuities.
Account Reduction Loan Fees
We may make available account reduction loans. If your plan or group of which You are a participant or member permits account reduction loans, and You take an account reduction loan, there is a $75 account reduction loan initiation fee. This fee is paid from the requested loan principal amount. There is also a $50 annual maintenance fee per loan outstanding. The maintenance fee is taken pro-rata from each Division and the Fixed Interest Account in which You then have a balance and is paid on a quarterly basis at the end of each quarter. Either or both fees may be waived for certain groups.
Charges Paid When Money is in a Division
There are two types of charges You pay while You have money in a Division:
Insurance-related charge (or Separate Account charge), and
Investment-related charge.
We describe these charges below. The amount of a charge may not necessarily correspond to the costs associated with providing the services or benefits indicated by the designation of the charge or associated with the Contract. For example, the Early Withdrawal Charge may not fully cover all of the sales and distribution expenses actually incurred by us, and proceeds from other charges, including the Separate Account charge, may be used in part to cover such expenses. We can profit from certain Deferred Annuity charges.
Separate Account Charge
You will pay an insurance-related charge for the Separate Account (also described in this Prospectus as a “Base Contract Charge”) of 1.25% annually of the average value of the amount You have in the Separate Account. This charge pays us for general administrative expenses and for the mortality and expense risk of the Deferred Annuity.
General administrative expenses we incur include financial, actuarial, accounting, and legal expenses.


The mortality portion of the insurance-related charge pays us for the risk that You may live longer than we estimated. Then, we could be obligated to pay You more in payments from a pay-out option than we anticipated. Also, we bear the risk that the guaranteed death benefit we would pay should You die during your “pay-in” phase is larger than your Account Value. We also bear the risk that our expenses in administering the Contracts may be greater than we estimated (expense risk). The Separate Account charge You pay will not reduce the number of Accumulation Units credited to You. Instead, we deduct the charge as part of the calculation of the Accumulation Unit Value. We guarantee that the Separate Account insurance-related charge will not increase while You have this Contract.
Portfolio Company Charges and Expenses
Charges are deducted from and expenses paid out of the assets of the Portfolios that are described in the prospectuses for those Portfolios. Shares of the Portfolios are purchased for the Separate Account at their net asset value. The net asset value of Portfolio shares is determined after deduction of the fees and charges. For further information, consult the prospectus for each Portfolio and Appendix A, below.
Transfer Fee
Although we do not currently impose a transfer fee, we reserve the right to limit transfers as described above in “Transfer Privilege.” We reserve the right to impose a transfer fee. The amount of this fee will be no greater than $25 per transfer.
Early Withdrawal Charges
An Early Withdrawal Charge of up to 7% may apply if You withdraw purchase payments within seven years of when they were credited to your Deferred Annuity. The Early Withdrawal Charge does not apply in certain situations or upon the occurrence of certain events or circumstances. To determine the Early Withdrawal Charge for Deferred Annuities, we treat your Fixed Interest Account and Separate Account as if they were a single account and ignore both your actual allocations and the Fixed Interest Account or Divisions from which the withdrawal is actually coming. To do this, we first assume that your withdrawal is from purchase payments that can be withdrawn without an Early Withdrawal Charge, then from other purchase payments on a “first-in-first-out” (oldest money first) basis and then from earnings. Once we have determined the amount of the Early Withdrawal Charge, we will then withdraw it from the Fixed Interest Account and the Divisions in the same proportion as the withdrawal is being made. In determining what the withdrawal charge is, we do not include earnings, although the actual withdrawal to pay it may come from earnings. However, if the Early Withdrawal Charge is greater than the available purchase payments, then we will take the Early Withdrawal Charges, in whole or in part, from your earnings.
For partial withdrawals, the Early Withdrawal Charge is determined by dividing the amount that is subject to the Early Withdrawal Charge by 100% minus the applicable percentage shown in the following chart. Then we will make the payment directed and withdraw the Early Withdrawal Charge. We will treat your request as a request for a full withdrawal if your Account Value is not sufficient to pay both the requested withdrawal and the Early Withdrawal Charge.
For a full withdrawal, we multiply the amount to which the withdrawal charge applies by the percentage shown, keep the result as an Early Withdrawal Charge and pay You the rest.
The Early Withdrawal Charge on purchase payments withdrawn is as follows:


During Purchase Payment Year Percentage
1 7%
2 6%
3 5%
4 4%
5 3%
6 2%
7 1%
8 & Later 0%
If You are a member of the Michigan Education Association and employed by a school district which purchased a TSA Deferred Annuity before January 15, 1996, then we impose the Early Withdrawal Charge in the above table for the first seven Contract Years.
The Early Withdrawal Charge reimburses us for our costs in selling the Deferred Annuities. We may use our profits (if any) from the mortality and expense risk charge to pay for our costs to sell the Deferred Annuities which exceed the amount of Early Withdrawal Charges we collect. However, we believe that our sales costs may exceed the Early Withdrawal Charges we collect. If so, we will pay the difference out of our general profits.
When No Early Withdrawal Charge Applies
In some cases, we will not charge You the Early Withdrawal Charge when You make a withdrawal. We may, however, ask You to prove that You meet one of the conditions listed below.
You do not pay an Early Withdrawal Charge:
On transfers You make within your Deferred Annuity among Divisions and transfers to or from the Fixed Interest Account.
On withdrawals of purchase payments You made over seven years ago.
If You choose payments over one or more lifetimes or for a period of at least five years (without the right to accelerate the payments).
If You die during the pay-in phase. Your Beneficiary will receive the full death benefit without deduction.
If You withdraw up to 10% (20% for the unallocated Keogh and certain TSA Deferred Annuities) of your Account Value each Contract Year. This 10% (or 20%) total withdrawal may be taken in an unlimited number of partial withdrawals during that Contract Year. Each time You make a withdrawal, we calculate what percentage your withdrawal represents at that time. Only when the total of these percentages exceeds 10% (or 20%) will You have to pay Early Withdrawal Charges.
If You have a Keogh Deferred Annuity, generally You are allowed to take the “free withdrawal” on top of any other withdrawals which are otherwise exempt from the Early Withdrawal Charge. This is not true if your other withdrawals are in connection with a systematic termination or purchase payments made over 7 years ago.
If the withdrawal is required for You to avoid Federal income tax penalties or to satisfy Federal income tax rules or Department of Labor regulations that apply to your Deferred Annuity. This exception does not apply if the withdrawal is to satisfy Section 72(t) requirements under the Code.
Systematic Termination. For unallocated Keogh and certain TSA Deferred Annuities, and the TSA Deferred Annuity for certain Texas institutions of higher education which takes effect when the institution withdraws its


  endorsement of the TSA Deferred Annuity or if You retire or leave your job according to the requirements of the Texas Optional Retirement Program, You may withdraw your total Account Value without an Early Withdrawal Charge when the Account Value is paid in annual installments based on the following percentages of your Account Value for that year’s withdrawal:
Contract Year* Percentage
1 20%
2 25%
3 33   13%
4 50%
* Less that Contract Year’s withdrawals.
  Any money You withdraw in excess of these percentages in any Contract Year will be subject to Early Withdrawal Charges. You may stop the systematic termination of the Contract. If You ask to restart systematic termination, You begin at the beginning of the schedule listed above.
If You are disabled and request a total withdrawal. Disability is defined in the Federal Social Security Act. If the Keogh or TSA Deferred Annuity is issued in connection with your retirement plan which is subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”) and if your plan document defines disability, your plan’s definition governs.
If You retire:
For the Keogh, TSA and 403(a) Deferred Annuities, if there is a plan and You retire according to the requirements of the plan. This exemption does not apply to withdrawals of money transferred into these TSA Deferred Annuities from other investment vehicles on a tax-free basis (plus earnings on such amounts).
For the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, if your plan defines retirement and You retire under that definition. If You are a “restricted” participant, according to the terms of the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, You must have participated in the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity for the time stated in the Contract.
For certain TSA Deferred Annuities without a plan, if You have also participated for at least 10 consecutive years. This does not apply for withdrawals of money transferred into the Contract from other investment vehicles on a tax-free basis (plus earnings on such amounts). Participated for at least 10 consecutive years means that your Contract must have been in existence for 10 years prior to the requested withdrawal.
For the allocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, if You have continuously participated for at least seven years.
For certain TSA Deferred Annuities, if You retired before the Contract was purchased (including money transferred from other investment vehicles on a tax-free basis plus earnings on that money).
For certain TSA Deferred Annuities, if there is a plan and You retire according to the requirements of the plan.
For the PEDC Deferred Annuity, if You retire.
If You leave your job:
For the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, if You are a “restricted” participant, according to the terms of the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, You must have participated in the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity for the time stated in the Contract.


For the TSA and 403(a) Deferred Annuities, only if You have continuously participated for at least 10 years. This exemption does not apply to withdrawals of money transferred into TSA and 403(a) Deferred Annuities from other investment vehicles on a tax-free basis (plus earnings on such amounts). Continuously participated means that your Contract must be in existence for 10 years prior to the requested withdrawal.
For the allocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, only if You have continuously participated for at least seven years.
For certain TSA Deferred Annuities, if You leave your job with the employer You had at the time You purchased this annuity.
For certain TSA Deferred Annuities, if You left your job before the Contract was purchased (including money transferred from other investment vehicles on a tax-free basis plus earnings on that money).
For PEDC, if You leave your job with the employer that bought the Deferred Annuity or the employer in whose arrangement You participate.
For Keogh and certain TSA Deferred Annuities, if your plan terminates and the Account Value is transferred into another annuity contract we issue.
For PEDC, unallocated Keogh and certain TSA Deferred Annuities, if You suffer from an unforeseen hardship.
For Keogh Deferred Annuities, if You make a direct transfer to another investment vehicle we have preapproved. For the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, if You are a “restricted” participant, according to the terms of the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, You also must roll over your Account Value to a MetLife individual retirement annuity within 120 days after You are eligible to receive a plan distribution.
For participants in the Teacher Retirement System of Texas who purchase Contracts on or after June 1, 2002, if You have continuously participated for 10 years. Continuously participated means your Contract must be in existence for 10 years prior to the requested withdrawal.
If the plan or group of which You are a participant or member permits account reduction loans, You take an account reduction loan and the withdrawal consists of these account reduction loan amounts.
If You have transferred money which is not subject to a withdrawal charge (because You have satisfied contractual provisions for a withdrawal without the imposition of a contract withdrawal charge) from certain eligible MetLife contracts into the Deferred Annuity and the withdrawal is of these transferred amounts and we agree. Any purchase payments made after the transfer are subject to the usual Early Withdrawal Charge schedule.
If permitted in your state, if You make a direct transfer to another funding option or annuity contract issued by us or by one of our affiliates and we agree.
When A Different Early Withdrawal Charge May Apply
If You transferred money from certain eligible MetLife contracts into a Deferred Annuity, You may have different Early Withdrawal Charges for these transferred amounts. Any purchase payments made after the transfer are subject to the usual Early Withdrawal Charge schedule.
Amounts transferred before January 1, 1996. We credit your transfer amounts with the time You held them under your original Contract. Or, if it will produce a lower charge, we use the following schedule to determine Early Withdrawal Charges (determined as previously described) for transferred amounts from your original Contract:


During Purchase Payment Year Percentage
1 5%
2 4%
3 3%
4 2%
5 1%
and Beyond 0%
Amounts transferred on or after January 1, 1996. For certain Contracts which we issued at least two years before the date of transfer (except as noted below), we apply the withdrawal charge under your original Contract but not any of the original Contract’s exceptions or reductions to the withdrawal charge percentage that do not apply to a Deferred Annuity. Or, if it will produce a lower charge, we use the following schedule to determine Early Withdrawal Charges for transferred amounts from your original Contract:
During Transfer Year Percentage
1 5%
2 4%
3 3%
4 2%
5 1%
6 and Beyond 0%
If we issued the other Contract less than two years before the date of the transfer or it has a separate withdrawal charge for each purchase payment, we treat your purchase payments under the other Contract as if they were made under the Deferred Annuity as of the date we received them under that Contract.
Alternatively, if provided for in your Deferred Annuity, we credit your purchase payments with the time You held them under your original Contract.
Divorce. A withdrawal made pursuant to a divorce or separation agreement is subject to the same Withdrawal Charge provisions described in this section, if permissible under tax law. In addition, the withdrawal will reduce the Account Value and the death benefit. The withdrawal could have a significant negative impact on the death benefit.
Income Annuities provide You with a regular stream of payments for either your lifetime or a specific period. You may choose the frequency of your income payments. For example, You may receive your payments on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis. You have the flexibility to select a stream of income to meet your needs. Income Annuities can be purchased so that You begin receiving payments immediately or You can apply the Account Value of your Deferred Annuity to a pay-out option to receive payments during your “pay-out” phase. With an Income Annuity purchased as an immediate annuity and not as a pay-out option to receive payments during your “pay-out” phase, You may defer receiving payments from us for one year after You have purchased an immediate annuity. You bear any investment risk during any deferral period. The Income Annuities are no longer available.


We do not guarantee that your variable payments will be a specific amount of money. You may choose to have a portion of the payment fixed and guaranteed under the Fixed Income Option. If You annuitize your Deferred Annuity and should our current annuity rates for a fixed pay-out option for this type of Deferred Annuity provide for greater payments than those guaranteed in your Contract, the greater payment will be made.
Using proceeds from the following types of arrangements, You may purchase Income Annuities to receive immediate payments:
If You have accumulated amounts in any of the listed investment vehicles, your lump sum withdrawal from that investment vehicle may be used to purchase an appropriate Income Annuity as long as income tax requirements are met.
If your retirement plan has purchased an Income Annuity, your choice of pay-out options may be subject to the terms of the plan. We may rely on your employer’s or plan administrator’s statements to us as to the terms of the plan or your entitlement to any payments. We will not be responsible for interpreting the terms of your plan. You should review your plan document to see how You may be affected.
Income Payment Types
Currently, we provide You with a wide variety of income payment types to suit a range of personal preferences. You decide the income payment type for your Income Annuity when You decide to take a pay-out option or at application. The decision is irrevocable.
There are three people who are involved in payments under your Income Annuity:
Owner: the person or entity which has all rights under the Income Annuity including the right to direct who receives payment.
Annuitant: the person whose life is the measure for determining the duration and sometimes the dollar amount of payments.
Beneficiary: the person who receives continuing payments or a lump sum payment if the Owner dies.
Many times, the Owner and the Annuitant are the same person.
When deciding how to receive income, consider:
The amount of income You need;
The amount You expect to receive from other sources;
The growth potential of other investments; and
How long You would like your income to last.
Your income payment amount will depend in large part on the type of income payment You choose. For example, if You select a “Lifetime Income Annuity for Two,” your payments will typically be lower than if You select a “Lifetime Income Annuity.” Income payment types that guarantee that payments will be made for a certain number of years regardless of whether the Annuitant or Joint Annuitant is alive (such as Lifetime Income Annuity with a Guarantee


Period and Lifetime Income Annuity for Two with a Guarantee Period, as defined below) result in income payments that are smaller than with income payment types without such a guarantee (such as Lifetime Income Annuity and Lifetime Income Annuity for Two, as defined below). In addition, to the extent the income payment type has a guarantee period, choosing a shorter guarantee period will result in each income payment being larger. Where required by state law or under a qualified retirement plan, the Annuitant’s sex will not be taken into account in calculating income payments. Annuity rates will not be less than those guaranteed in the Contract at the time of purchase for the AIR and income payment type elected. Due to underwriting, administrative or Code considerations, the choice of the percentage reduction and/or the duration of the guarantee period may be limited. We reserve the right to commute or to otherwise pay the value of any remaining income payments over a period which would comply with Federal income tax law. Tax rules with respect to decedent Contracts may prohibit election of Lifetime Income for Two income types and/or may also prohibit payments for as long as the Owner’s life in certain circumstances. The terms of your Contract will determine when your income payments start and the frequency with which You will receive your income payments. When You select an income type, it will apply to both fixed income payments and variable income payments.
We reserve the right to limit or stop issuing any of the income types currently available based upon legal requirements or other considerations.
The following income payment types are available:
Lifetime Income Annuity: A variable income that is paid as long as the Annuitant is living.
Lifetime Income Annuity with a Guarantee Period: A variable income that continues as long as the Annuitant is living but is guaranteed to be paid for a number of years. If the Annuitant dies before all of the guaranteed payments have been made, payments are made to the Owner of the annuity until the end of the guaranteed period. If the Owner dies during the guarantee period, payments will be made to the Beneficiary in accordance with the Code. No payments are made once the guarantee period has expired and the Annuitant is no longer living.
Lifetime Income Annuity with a Refund: A variable income that is paid as long as the Annuitant is living and guarantees that the total of all income payments will not be less than the purchase payment that we received. If the Annuitant dies before the total of all income payments received equals the purchase payment, we will pay the Owner (or the Beneficiary, if the Owner is not living) the difference in a lump sum.
Lifetime Income Annuity for Two: A variable income that is paid to the Annuitant(s) as long as the Contract Owner is living. After the Contract Owner dies, payments continue to be made to the Annuitant(s) either for (1) life (provided certain Federal tax law requirements are met) or (2) ten (10) years. Payments made for life to the Annuitant after the death of the Contract Owner may be the same as those made while the Contract Owner was living or may be a smaller percentage that is selected when the annuity is first converted to an income stream. No payments are made once the Annuitants are no longer living.
Lifetime Income Annuity for Two with a Guarantee Period: A variable income that continues as long as either of the two Annuitants is living but is guaranteed to be paid (unreduced by any percentage selected) for a number of years. If both Annuitants die before all of the guaranteed payments have been made, payments are made to the Owner of the annuity until the end of the guaranteed period. If the Owner dies during the guarantee period, payments will be made to the Beneficiary in accordance with the Code. If one Annuitant dies after the guarantee period has expired, payments continue to be made as long as the other Annuitant is living. In that event, payments may be the same as those made while both Annuitants were living or may be a smaller percentage that is selected when the annuity is purchased. No payments are made once the guarantee period has expired and both Annuitants are no longer living.


Lifetime Income Annuity for Two with a Refund: A variable income that is paid as long as either Annuitant is living and guarantees that all income payments will not be less than the purchase payment that we received. After one Annuitant dies, payments continue to be made as long as the other Annuitant is living. In that event, payments may be the same as those made while both Annuitants were living or may be a smaller percentage that is selected when the annuity is purchased. If both Annuitants die before the total of all income payments received equals the purchase payment, we will pay the Owner (or the Beneficiary, if the Owner is not living) the difference in a lump sum.
Income Annuity for a Guaranteed Period: A variable income payable for a guaranteed period of 5 to 30 years. As an administrative practice, we will consider factors such as your age and life expectancy in determining whether to issue a Contract with this income payment type. If the Owner dies before the end of the guarantee period, payments are made to the Beneficiary in accordance with the Code. No payments are made after the guarantee period has expired.
Minimum Size of Your Income Payment
Your initial income payment must be at least $50. If You live in Massachusetts, the initial income payment must be at least $20. This means the amount used from a Deferred Annuity to provide a pay-out option must be large enough to provide this minimum initial income payment.
You decide what portion of your income payment is allocated among the Fixed Income Option and the Divisions.
The Value of Your Income Payments
Amount of Income Payments
Variable income payments from a Division will depend upon the number of Annuity Units held in that Division (described below) and the Annuity Unit Value (described later) as of the 10th day prior to a payment date.
The initial variable income payment is computed based on the amount of the purchase payment applied to the specific Division (net any applicable premium tax owed or Contract fee), the AIR, the age of the measuring lives and the income payment type selected. The initial payment amount is then divided by the Annuity Unit Value for the Division to determine the number of Annuity Units held in that Division. The number of Annuity Units held remains fixed for the duration of the Contract if no reallocations are made.
The dollar amount of subsequent variable income payments will vary with the amount by which investment performance is greater or less than the AIR.
Each Deferred Annuity provides that, when a pay-out option is chosen, the payment will not be less than the payment produced by the then-current Fixed Income Option purchase rates for that Contract class. The purpose of this provision is to assure the Annuitant that, at retirement, if the Fixed Income Option purchase rates for new Contracts are significantly more favorable than the rates guaranteed by a Deferred Annuity of the same class, the Owner will be given the benefit of the higher rates.
Annuity Units
Annuity Units are credited to You when You make a purchase payment or make a reallocation into a Division. Before we determine the number of Annuity Units to credit to You, we reduce a purchase payment (but not a


reallocation) by any premium taxes and the Contract fee, if applicable. We then compute an initial income payment amount using the AIR, your income payment type and the age and sex (where permitted) of the measuring lives. We then divide the initial income payment (allocated to a Division) by the Annuity Unit Value on the date of the transaction. The result is the number of Annuity Units credited for that Division. The initial variable income payment is a hypothetical payment which is calculated based upon the AIR. The initial variable income payment is used to establish the number of Annuity Units. It is not the amount of your actual first variable income payment unless your first income payment happens to be within 10 days after we issue the Income Annuity. When You reallocate an income payment from a Division, Annuity Units supporting that portion of your income payment in that Division are liquidated.
Your income payments are determined by using the AIR to benchmark the investment experience of the Divisions You select. We currently offer a 3% and 4% AIR. Certain states may require a different AIR or a cap on what AIR may be chosen. The higher your AIR, the higher your initial variable income payment will be. Your next payment will increase approximately in proportion to the amount by which the investment experience (for the time period between the payments) for the underlying Portfolio minus the Separate Account charge (the resulting number is the net investment return) exceeds the AIR (for the time period between the payments). Likewise, your next payment will decrease to the approximate extent the investment experience (for the time period between the payments) for the underlying Portfolio minus the Separate Account charge (the net investment return) is less than the AIR (for the time period between the payments). A lower AIR will result in a lower initial variable income payment, but subsequent variable income payments will increase more rapidly or decline more slowly than if You had elected a higher AIR as changes occur in the investment experience of the Divisions.
The amount of each variable income payment is determined 10 days prior to your income payment date. If your first income payment is scheduled to be paid less than 10 days after your Contract’s issue date, then the amount of that payment will be determined on your Contract’s issue date.
The initial variable income payment is a hypothetical payment which is calculated based on the AIR. This initial variable income payment is used to establish the number of Annuity Units. It is not the amount of your actual first variable income payment unless your first income payment happens to be within 10 days after we issue the Income Annuity.
This is how we calculate the Annuity Unit Value for each Division:
Step 1: we determine the change in investment experience (which reflects the deduction for any investment-related charge) for the underlying Portfolio from the previous trading day to the current trading day;
Step 2: we subtract the daily equivalent of your insurance-related charge or Separate Account charge (general administrative expenses and mortality and expense risk charges) for each day since the last day the Annuity Unit Value was calculated; the resulting number is the net investment return;
Step 3: we multiply by an adjustment based on your AIR for each day since the last Annuity Unit Value was calculated; and
Step 4: we multiply the previous Annuity Unit Value by this result.


You may make reallocations among the Divisions or from the Divisions to the Fixed Income Option. Once You reallocate your income payment into the Fixed Income Option You may not later reallocate amounts from the Fixed Income Option to the Divisions. If You reside in certain states You may be limited to four options (including the Fixed Interest Option).
Currently, there is no charge to make a reallocation. Your request for a reallocation tells us to move, in accordance with your instructions, the underlying Portfolio shares we have designated in the Divisions or other funds to generate your income payments.
Reallocations will be made as of the end of a business day, at the close of the Exchange, if received in Good Order prior to the close of the Exchange on that business day. All other reallocation requests in Good Order will be processed on the next business day.
For us to process a reallocation, You must tell us:
The percentage of the income payment to be reallocated;
The Divisions from which You want the income payment to be reallocated; and
The Divisions or Fixed Income Option (and the percentages allocated to each) to which You want the income payment to be reallocated.
When You request a reallocation from a Division to the Fixed Income Option, the payment amount will be adjusted at the time of reallocation. Your payment may either increase or decrease due to this adjustment. The adjusted payment will be calculated in the following manner.
First, we update the income payment amount to be reallocated from the Division based upon the applicable Annuity Unit Value at the time of the reallocation;
Second, we use the AIR to calculate an updated annuity purchase rate based upon your age, if applicable, and expected future income payments at the time of the reallocation;
Third, we calculate another updated annuity purchase rate using our current annuity purchase rates for the Fixed Income Option on the date of your reallocation; and
Finally, we determine the adjusted payment amount by multiplying the updated income amount determined in the first step by the ratio of the annuity purchase rate determined in the second step divided by the annuity purchase rate determined in the third step.
When You request a reallocation from one Division to another, Annuity Units in one Division are liquidated and Annuity Units in the other Division are credited to You. There is no adjustment to the income payment amount. Future income payment amounts will be determined based on the Annuity Unit Value for the Division to which You have reallocated.
You generally may make a reallocation on any day the Exchange is open. At a future date we may limit the number of reallocations You may make, but never to fewer than one a month. If we do so, we will give You advance written notice. We may limit a Beneficiary’s ability to make a reallocation.
Here are examples of the effect of a reallocation on the income payment:
Suppose You choose to reallocate 40% of your income payment supported by Division A to the Fixed Income Option and the recalculated income payment supported by Division A is $100. Assume that the updated annuity purchase rate based on the AIR is $125, while the updated annuity purchase rate based on fixed income


  annuity pricing is $100. In that case, your income payment from the Fixed Income Option will be increased by $40 x ($125 ÷ $100) or $50, and your income payment supported by Division A will be decreased by $40. (The number of Annuity Units in Division A will be decreased as well.)
Suppose You choose to reallocate 40% of your income payment supported by Division A to Division B and the recalculated income payment supported by Division A is $100. Then, your income payment supported by Division B will be increased by $40 and your income payment supported by Division A will be decreased by $40. (Changes will be made to the number of Annuity Units in both Divisions as well.)
Pay-Out Options (or Income Options)
You may convert your Deferred Annuity into a regular stream of income after your “pay-in” or “accumulation” phase. The pay-out phase is often referred to as either “annuitizing” your Contract or taking an income annuity. When You select your pay-out option, You will be able to choose from the range of options we then have available. You have the flexibility to select a stream of income to meet your needs. If You decide You want a pay-out option, we withdraw some or all of your Account Value (less any premium taxes, outstanding loans and applicable Contract fees), then we apply the net amount to the option. (See “Income Taxes” for a discussion of partial annuitization.) You are not required to hold your Deferred Annuity for any minimum time period before You may annuitize. However, if You annuitize within two years of purchasing the Deferred Annuity, a $350 Contract fee applies. We are currently waiving this fee. The variable pay-out option may not be available in all states.
When considering a pay-out option, You should think about whether You want:
Payments guaranteed by us for the rest of your life (or for the rest of two lives) or for a specified period;
A fixed dollar payment or a variable payment; and
A refund feature.
Your income payment amount will depend upon your choices. For lifetime options, the age and sex (where permitted) of the measuring lives (annuitants) will also be considered. For example, if You select a pay-out option guaranteeing payments for your lifetime and your spouse’s lifetime, your payments will typically be lower than if You select a pay-out option with payments over only your lifetime. The terms of the Contract supplement to your Deferred Annuity will determine when your income payments start and the frequency with which You will receive your income payments. If You do not tell us otherwise, your Fixed Interest Account Value will be used to provide a Fixed Income Option and your Separate Account Value will be used to provide a variable pay-out income option.
Your Contract specifies the date on which income payments are to begin.
Please be aware that once your Contract is annuitized, You are ineligible to receive the death benefit.
Because the features of variable pay-out options in the Deferred Annuities are identical to the features of Income Annuities, please read the sections under the “Income Annuities” heading for more information about the available income types and the value of your income payments, reallocations and charges of your Contract in the pay-out phase.
You may cancel your Deferred Annuity within a certain time period. This is known as a “free look.” We must receive your request to cancel in writing by the appropriate day in your state, which varies from state to state. The time period may also vary depending on your age and whether You purchased your Deferred Annuity from us directly, through the mail or with money from another annuity or life insurance policy. Depending on state law, we may


refund (i) all of your purchase payments or (ii) your Account Value as of the date your refund request is received at your Administrative Office in Good Order (this means you bear the risk of any decline in the value of your Contract due to the performance of the Divisions during the Free Look period). You do not have a “free look” if You are electing income payments in the pay-out phase of your Deferred Annuity.
The following table summarizes information about the benefits available under the Contract:
Name of Benefit* Purpose Is Benefit
Standard or
Maximum Fee Brief Description of
Standard Death Benefit Guarantees that the death benefit will not be less than the greatest of (1) your Account Value; (2) Your highest Account Value as of December 31 following the end of your fifth Contract Year and at the end of every other five year period. In any case, less any later partial withdrawals, fees and charges; or (3) the total of all of your purchase payments less any partial withdrawals (including any applicable Early Withdrawal Charge) Standard None • Withdrawals could significantly reduce the benefit.
The Equity Generator®: An amount equal to the interest earned in the Fixed Interest Account is transferred monthly to any one Division based on your selection. Optional None • Benefit limits available investment options.
• If your Fixed Interest Account Balance at the time of a scheduled transfer is zero, this strategy is automatically discontinued.
The Equalizer SM: Each quarter, amounts are transferred between the Fixed Interest Account and your chosen Division to make the value of each equal. Optional None • Benefit limits available investment options.


Name of Benefit* Purpose Is Benefit
Standard or
Maximum Fee Brief Description of
The Rebalancer®: You select a specific asset allocation for your entire Account Balance from among the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account, if available. Each quarter we transfer amounts among these options to bring the percentage of your Account Balance in each option back to your original allocation. Optional None • In the future, we may permit You to allocate less than 100% of your Account Balance to this strategy.
The Index Selector®: You may select one of five asset allocation models which are designed to correlate to various risk tolerance levels. Each quarter the percentage in each of the Divisions in which the model invests and any Fixed Interest Account is brought back to the selected model percentage by transferring amounts among the Divisions and any Fixed Interest Account Optional None • Benefit limits available investment options.
The Allocator SM: Each month, a dollar amount You choose is transferred from the Fixed Interest Account to any of the Divisions You choose. You select the day of the month and the number of months over which the transfers will occur. Option None • Minimum periodic transfer of $50 is required
• Once your Fixed Interest Account Balance is exhausted, the strategy is discontinued.
* If your annuity was issued in connection with an employer plan, you should ask your employer for a list of available riders.
Death Benefit
One of the insurance guarantees we provide You under your Deferred Annuity is that your Beneficiaries will be protected during the “pay-in” phase against market downturns. You name your Beneficiary(ies) for TSA and 403(a)


Deferred Annuities. Your Beneficiary under a PEDC Deferred Annuity is the trustee or employer. Under an allocated Keogh Deferred Annuity the death benefit is paid to the plan’s trustee. (There is no death benefit for the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity.)
If You die during the pay-in phase, the death benefit the Beneficiary receives will be the greatest of:
Your Account Value;
Your highest Account Value as of December 31 following the end of your fifth Contract Year and at the end of every other five year period. In any case, less any later partial withdrawals, fees and charges; or
The total of all of your purchase payments less any partial withdrawals (including any applicable Early Withdrawal Charge).
In each case, we deduct the amount of any outstanding loans from the death benefit.
For the allocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, your death benefit under the Deferred Annuity will be no more than your Account Value.
The death benefit is determined as of the end of the business day on which we receive both due proof of death and an election for the payment method.
If we are notified of your death before any requested transaction is completed (including transactions under automated investment strategies, the minimum distribution program and the Systematic Withdrawal Program), we will cancel the request. As described above, the death benefit will be determined when we receive proof of death and an election for the payment method.
Until the Beneficiary (or each Beneficiary if there are multiple Beneficiaries) submits the necessary documentation in Good Order, the Account Value attributable to his/her portion of the death benefit remains in the Divisions and is subject to investment risk.
Where there are multiple Beneficiaries, the death benefit will only be determined as of the time the first Beneficiary submits the necessary documentation in Good Order. If the death benefit payable is an amount that exceeds the Account Value on the day it is determined, we will apply to the Contract an amount equal to the difference between the death benefit payable and the Account Value in accordance with the current allocation of the Account Value. The remaining death benefit amounts are held in the Divisions and/or Fixed Interest Account until each of the other Beneficiaries submits the necessary documentation in Good Order to claim his/her death benefit. Any death benefit amounts held in the Divisions on behalf of the remaining Beneficiaries are subject to investment risk. There is no additional death benefit guarantee.
Your Beneficiary has the option to apply the death benefit (less any applicable premium and other taxes) to a pay-out option offered under your Deferred Annuity. Your Beneficiary may, however, decide to take the payment in one sum, including either by check, by placing the amount in an account that earns interest, or by any other method of payment that provides the Beneficiary with immediate and full access to the proceeds, or under other settlement options that we may make available.
There is no death benefit after the pay-out phase begins, however, depending on the pay-out option you select, any remaining guarantee will be paid to your Beneficiary.


Total Control Account
The Beneficiary may elect to have the Contract’s death proceeds paid through a settlement option called the Total Control Account, subject to our current established administrative procedures and requirements. The Total Control Account is an interest-bearing account through which the Beneficiary has immediate and full access to the proceeds, with unlimited draft writing privileges. We credit interest to the account at a rate that will not be less than a guaranteed minimum annual effective rate. You may also elect to have any Contract surrender proceeds paid into a Total Control Account established for You.
Assets backing the Total Control Account are maintained in our general account and are subject to the claims of our creditors. We will bear the investment experience of such assets; however, regardless of the investment experience of such assets, the interest credited to the Total Control Account will never fall below the applicable guaranteed minimum annual effective rate. Because we bear the investment experience of the assets backing the Total Control Account, we may receive a profit from these assets. The Total Control Account is not insured by the FDIC or any other governmental agency.
All transactions will be processed in the manner described below.
Purchase Payments
Send your purchase payments, by check, cashier’s check or certified check made payable to “MetLife,” to your Administrative Office or a MetLife sales office, if that office has been designated for this purpose. (We reserve the right to receive purchase payments by other means acceptable to us.) We do not accept cash, money orders or traveler’s checks. We will provide You with all necessary forms. We must have all documents in Good Order to credit your purchase payments. If You send your purchase payments or transaction requests to an address other than the one we have designated for receipt of such purchase payments or requests, we may return the purchase payment to You, or there may be delay in applying the purchase payment or transaction to your Contract.
We reserve the right to refuse purchase payments made via a personal check in excess of $100,000. Purchase payments over $100,000 may be accepted in other forms, including but not limited to, EFT/wire transfers, certified checks, corporate checks, and checks written on financial institutions. The form in which we receive a purchase payment may determine how soon subsequent disbursement requests may be fulfilled. (See “Access To Your Money.”)
Purchase payments (including any portion of your Account Value under a Deferred Annuity which You apply to a pay-out option) are effective and valued as of the close of the Exchange, on the day we receive them in Good Order at your Administrative Office, except when they are received:
On a day when the Accumulation Unit Value/Annuity Unit Value is not calculated, or
After the close of the Exchange.
In those cases, the purchase payments will be effective the next day the Accumulation Unit Value or Annuity Unit Value, as applicable, is calculated. If payments on your behalf are not made in a timely manner, there may be a delay in when amounts are credited.


We reserve the right to credit your initial purchase payment to You within two days after its receipt at your Administrative Office or MetLife sales office, if applicable. However, if You fill out our forms incorrectly or incompletely or other documentation is not completed properly or otherwise not in Good Order, we have up to five business days to credit the payment. If the problem cannot be resolved by the fifth business day, we will notify You and give You the reasons for the delay. At that time, You will be asked whether You agree to let us keep your money until the problem is resolved. If You do not agree or we cannot reach You by the fifth business day, your money will be returned.
Under certain group Deferred Annuities and group Income Annuities, your employer, the trustee of the Keogh plan (if an allocated Deferred Annuity) or the group in which You are a participant or member must identify You on their reports to us and tell us how your money should be allocated among the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account/Fixed Income Option.
Confirming Transactions
You will receive a statement confirming that a transaction was recently completed. Certain transactions made on a periodic basis, such as Systematic Withdrawal Program payments, and automated investment strategy transfers, may be confirmed quarterly. Salary reduction or deduction purchase payments under TSA Deferred Annuities are confirmed quarterly. Unless You inform us of any errors within 60 days of receipt, we will consider these communications to be accurate and complete.
Processing Transactions
We permit You to request transactions by mail and telephone. We make Internet access available to You for your Deferred Annuity. We may suspend or eliminate telephone or Internet privileges at any time, without prior notice. We reserve the right not to accept requests for transactions by facsimile.
Our variable annuity contract business is largely conducted through digital communications and data storage networks and systems operated by us and our service providers or other business partners (e.g., the Portfolios and the firms involved in the distribution and sale of our variable annuity contracts). For example, many routine operations, such as processing your requests and elections and day-to-day record keeping, are all executed through computer networks and systems. If mandated by applicable law, including, but not limited to, Federal anti-money laundering laws, we may be required to reject a purchase payment. We may also be required to block an Owner’s account and, consequently, refuse to implement any requests for transfers/reallocations, withdrawals, surrenders or death benefits, until instructions are received from the appropriate governmental authority.
By Telephone or Internet
You may obtain information and initiate a variety of transactions about your Deferred Annuity by telephone or the Internet virtually 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unless prohibited by state law or your employer. Some of the information and transactions accessible to You include:
Account Value
Unit Values
Current rates for the Fixed Interest Account
Changes to investment strategies
Changes in the allocation of future purchase payments.


For your Deferred Annuity in the pay-out phase or Income Annuity, You may obtain information and initiate transactions through our toll-free number, 1-800-638-7732. Our customer service consultants are available by telephone between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time each business day.
Your transaction must be in Good Order and completed prior to the close of the Exchange on one of our business days if You want the transaction to be valued and effective on that day. Transactions will not be valued and effective on a day when the Accumulation or Annuity Unit Value is not calculated or after the close of the Exchange. We will value and make effective these transactions on our next business day.
We have put into place reasonable security procedures to insure that instructions communicated by telephone or Internet are genuine. For example, all telephone calls are recorded. Also, You will be asked to provide some personal data prior to giving your instructions over the telephone or through the Internet. When someone contacts us by telephone or Internet and follows our security procedures, we will assume that You are authorizing us to act upon those instructions. Neither the Separate Account nor MetLife will be liable for any loss, expense or cost arising out of any requests that we or the Separate Account reasonably believe to be authentic. In the unlikely event that You have trouble reaching us, requests should be made in writing to your Administrative Office.
Response times for the telephone or Internet may vary due to a variety of factors, including volumes, market conditions and performance of systems. We are not responsible or liable for:
any inaccuracy, error, or delay in or omission of any information You transmit or deliver to us; or
any loss or damage You may incur because of such inaccuracy, error, delay or omission; non-performance; or any interruption of information beyond our control.
We will use reasonable procedures such as requiring certain identifying information, tape recording the telephone instructions, and providing written confirmation of the transaction, in order to confirm that instructions communicated by telephone, fax, Internet or other means are genuine. Any telephone, fax or Internet instructions reasonably believed by us to be genuine will be your responsibility, including losses arising from any errors in the communication of instructions. As a result of this policy, You will bear the risk of loss. If we do not employ reasonable procedures to confirm that instructions communicated by telephone, fax or Internet are genuine, we may be liable for any losses due to unauthorized or fraudulent transactions. All other requests and elections under your Contract must be in writing signed by the proper party, must include any necessary documentation and must be received at your Administrative Office to be effective. If acceptable to us, requests or elections relating to Beneficiaries and ownership will take effect as of the date signed unless we have already acted in reliance on the prior status. We are not responsible for the validity of any written request or action.
Telephone and computer systems may not always be available. Any telephone or computer system, whether it is yours, your service provider’s, your agent’s, or ours, can experience outages or slowdowns for a variety of reasons. These outages or slowdowns may delay or prevent our processing of your request. Although we have taken precautions to help our systems handle heavy use, we cannot promise complete reliability under all circumstances. If you experience technical difficulties or problems, You should make your transaction request in writing to your Administrative Office.
After Your Death
If we are notified of your death before any requested transaction is completed (including transactions under automated investment strategies, the minimum distribution program and the Systematic Withdrawal Program), we will cancel the request. For example, if You request a transfer or withdrawal for a date in the future under a Deferred Annuity and then die before that date, we will cancel the request. As described above, the death benefit


will be determined when we receive due proof of death and an election for the payment method. For Income Annuity reallocations, we will cancel the request and continue making payments to your Beneficiary if your Income Annuity so provides. For a Deferred Annuity in the pay-out phase and Income Annuity reallocations, we will cancel the request and continue making payments to your Beneficiary if your Income Annuity or Deferred Annuity in the pay-out phase so provides. Or, depending on your Income Annuity’s or annuitized Deferred Annuity’s provisions, we may continue making payments to a joint Annuitant or pay your Beneficiary a refund.
Abandoned Property Requirements
Every state has unclaimed property laws which generally declare non-ERISA (“Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974”) annuity contracts to be abandoned after a period of inactivity of three to five years from the contract’s maturity date (the latest day on which annuity payments may begin under the Contract) or the date the death benefit is due and payable. For example, if the payment of a death benefit has been triggered, but, if after a thorough search, we are still unable to locate the Beneficiary of the death benefit, or the Beneficiary does not come forward to claim the death benefit in a timely manner, the death benefit will be paid to the abandoned property division or unclaimed property office of the state in which the Beneficiary or You last resided, as shown on our books and records, or to our state of domicile. (Escheatment is the formal, legal name of this process.) However, the state is obligated to pay the death benefit (without interest) if your Beneficiary steps forward to claim it with the proper documentation and within certain mandated time periods. To prevent your Contract’s proceeds from being paid to the state abandoned or unclaimed property office, it is important that You update your Beneficiary designations, including addresses, if and as they change. Please call 1-800-638-7732 to make such changes.
We may require proof of age of the Annuitant, Owner, or Beneficiary before making any payments under this Contract that are measured by the Annuitant’s, Owner’s, or Beneficiary’s life. If the age of the measuring life has been misstated, the amount payable will be the amount that the Account Value would have provided at the correct age.
Once income payments have begun, any underpayments will be made up in one sum with the next income payment or in any other manner agreed to by us. Any overpayments will be deducted first from future income payments. In certain states we are required to pay interest on any underpayments.
Third Party Requests
Generally, we only accept requests for transactions or information from You. We reserve the right not to accept or to process transactions requested on your behalf by third parties. This includes processing transactions by an agent You designate, through a power of attorney or other authorization, who has the ability to control the amount and timing of transfers/reallocations for a number of other Contract Owners, and who simultaneously makes the same request or series of requests on behalf of other Contract Owners.
Valuation — Suspension of Payments
We separately determine the Accumulation Unit Value and Annuity Unit Value, as applicable, for each Division once each day at the close of the Exchange when the Exchange is open for trading. If permitted by law, we may change the period between calculations but we will give You 30 days notice.
When You request a transaction, we will process the transaction on the basis of the Accumulation Unit Value or Annuity Unit Value next determined after receipt of the request. Subject to our procedure, we will make withdrawals and transfers/reallocations at a later date, if You request. If your withdrawal request is to elect a


variable pay-out option under your Deferred Annuity, we base the number of Annuity Units You receive on the next available Annuity Unit Value.
We reserve the right to suspend or postpone payment for a withdrawal, income payment or transfer/reallocation when:
rules of the SEC so permit (trading on the Exchange is limited, the Exchange is closed other than for customary weekend or holiday closings or an emergency exists which makes pricing or sale of securities not practicable); or
during any other period when the SEC by order so permits.
Advertising Performance
We periodically advertise the performance of the Divisions. You may get performance information from a variety of sources including your quarterly statements, your sales representative (where applicable), the Internet, annual reports and semiannual reports. All performance numbers are based upon historical earnings. These numbers are not intended to indicate future results.
We may state performance in terms of “yield,” “change in Accumulation Unit Value/Annuity Unit Value,” “average annual total return” or some combination of these terms.
Yield is the net income generated by an investment in a particular Division for 30 days or a month. These figures are expressed as percentages. This percentage yield is compounded semiannually. The yield of the money market Division refers to the income generated by an investment in the Division over a seven-day period. This income is then annualized, by assuming that the same amount of income is generated each week over a 52-week period, and the total income is shown as a percentage of the investment.
Change in Accumulation/Annuity Unit Value (“Non-Standard Performance”) is calculated by determining the percentage change in the value of an Accumulation (or Annuity) Unit for a certain period. These numbers may also be annualized. Change in Accumulation/Annuity Unit Value may be used to demonstrate performance for a hypothetical investment (such as $10,000) over a specified period. These performance numbers reflect the deduction of the total Separate Account charges; however, yield and change in Accumulation/Annuity Unit Value performance do not reflect the possible imposition of Early Withdrawal Charges. Early Withdrawal Charges would reduce performance experience.
Average annual total return calculations (“Standard Performance”) reflect all Separate Account charges and applicable Early Withdrawal Charges since the Division inception date, which is the date the corresponding Portfolio or predecessor Portfolio was first offered under the Separate Account that funds the Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. These presentations for the Income Annuities reflect a 3% benchmark AIR. These figures also assume a steady annual rate of return.
For purposes of presentation of Non-Standard Performance, we may assume that the Deferred Annuities and the Income Annuities were in existence prior to the inception date of the Divisions in the Separate Account that funds the Deferred Annuities and the Income Annuities. In these cases, we calculate performance based on the historical performance of the underlying Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity VIP Funds and American Funds® Portfolios since the Portfolio inception date. We use the actual Accumulation Unit or Annuity Unit data after the inception date. Any performance data that includes all or a portion of the time between the


Portfolio inception date and the Division inception date is hypothetical. Hypothetical returns indicate what the performance data would have been if the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities had been introduced as of the Portfolio inception date.
We may also present average annual total return calculations which reflect all Separate Account charges and applicable withdrawal charges since the Portfolio inception date. We use the actual Accumulation Unit or Annuity Unit data after the inception date. Any performance data that includes all or a portion of the time between the Portfolio inception date and the Division inception date is hypothetical. Hypothetical returns indicate what the performance data would have been if the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities had been introduced as of the Portfolio inception date.
We calculate performance for certain investment strategies including the Equalizer, Equity Generator and each asset allocation model of the Index Selector. We calculate the performance as a percentage by presuming a certain dollar value at the beginning of a period and comparing this dollar value with the dollar value based on historical performance at the end of that period. This percentage return assumes that there have been no withdrawals or other unrelated transactions.
We may state performance for the Divisions of the Income Annuity which reflect deduction of the Separate Account charge and investment-related charge, if accompanied by the annualized change in Annuity Unit Value.
We may demonstrate hypothetical values of income payments over a specified period based on historical net asset values of the Portfolios and the historical Annuity Unit Values and the applicable annuity purchase rate, either for an individual for whom the illustration is to be produced or based upon certain assumed factors (e.g., male, age 65). These presentations reflect the deduction of the maximum Separate Account charge and investment-related charges. If the presentation is for an individual, we may also provide a presentation that reflects the applicable (rather than the maximum) insurance-related charge, as well as the Annuity Unit Values and the investment-related charge.
We may assume that the Income Annuity was in existence prior to its inception date. When we do so, we calculate performance based on the historical performance of the underlying Portfolio for the period before the inception date of the Income Annuity and historical Annuity Unit Values.
We may also demonstrate hypothetical future values of income payments over a specified period based on assumed rates of return (which will not exceed 12% and which will include an assumption of 0% as well) for the Portfolios, hypothetical Annuity Unit Values and the applicable annuity purchase rate, either for an individual for whom the illustration is to be produced or based upon certain assumed factors (e.g., male, age 65). These presentations reflect the deduction of the maximum Separate Account charge and the average of investment-related charges. If the presentation is for an individual, we may also provide a presentation that reflects the applicable Separate Account charge (rather than the maximum), as well as the Annuity Unit Values and the investment-related charge.
An illustration should not be relied upon as a guarantee of future results.
Historical performance information should not be relied on as a guarantee of future performance results.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Performance figures will vary among the various Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities as a result of different Separate Account charges and Early Withdrawal Charges.


Changes to Your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity
We have the right to make certain changes to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity, but only as permitted by law. We make changes when we think they would best serve the interest of annuity Owners or would be appropriate in carrying out the purposes of the Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. If the law requires, we will also get your approval and the approval of any appropriate regulatory authorities. Examples of the changes we may make include:
To operate the Separate Account in any form permitted by law.
To take any action necessary to comply with or obtain and continue any exemptions under the law (including favorable treatment under the Federal income tax laws) including limiting the number, frequency or types of transfers/reallocations transactions permitted.
To transfer any assets in a Division to another Division, or to one or more separate accounts, or to our general account, or to add, combine or remove Divisions in the Separate Account.
To substitute for the Portfolio shares in any Division, the shares of another class of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II or the shares of another investment company or any other investment permitted by law.
To change the way we assess charges, but without increasing the aggregate amount charged to the Separate Account and any currently available Portfolio in connection with the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities.
To make any necessary technical changes in the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities in order to conform with any of the above-described actions.
If any changes result in a material change in the underlying investments of a Division in which You have a balance or an allocation, we will notify You of the change. You may then make a new choice of Divisions. For Deferred Annuities issued in Pennsylvania (and Income Annuities where required by law), we will ask your approval before making any technical changes. We will notify you of any changes to the Separate Account.
Voting Rights
Based on our current view of applicable law, You have voting interests under your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity concerning Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity VIP Funds or American Funds® proposals that are subject to a shareholder vote. Therefore, You are entitled to give us instructions for the number of shares which are deemed attributable to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity.
We will vote the shares of each of the underlying Portfolios held by the Separate Account based on instructions we receive from those having a voting interest in the corresponding Divisions. However, if the law or the interpretation of the law changes, we may decide to exercise the right to vote the Portfolio’s shares based on our own judgment.
You are entitled to give instructions regarding the votes attributable to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity in your sole discretion. Under the Keogh Deferred Annuity, participants may instruct You to give us instructions regarding shares deemed attributable to their contributions to the Deferred Annuity. Under the Keogh Deferred Annuity, we will provide You with the number of copies of voting instruction soliciting materials that You request so that You may furnish such materials to participants who may give You voting instructions. Neither the Separate Account nor MetLife has any duty to inquire as to the instructions received or your authority to give instructions; thus, as far as the Separate Account, and any others having voting interests in respect of the Separate Account are concerned, such instructions are valid and effective. For the Income Annuities, You are entitled to give instructions regarding the votes attributable to your Income Annuity in your sole discretion.


There are certain circumstances under which we may disregard voting instructions. If we do not receive your voting instructions, we will vote your interest in the same proportion as represented by the votes we receive from other investors. The effect of this proportional voting is that a small number of Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants may control the outcome of a vote. Shares of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity VIP Funds or American Funds® that are owned by our general account or by any of our unregistered separate accounts will be voted in the same proportion as the aggregate of:
The shares for which voting instructions are received; and
The shares that are voted in proportion to such voting instructions.
However, if the law or the interpretation of the law changes, we may decide to exercise the right to vote the Portfolio’s shares based on our judgment.
Who Sells the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities
MetLife Investors Distribution Company (“MLIDC”) is the principal underwriter and distributor of the securities offered through this Prospectus. MLIDC, which is our affiliate, also acts as the principal underwriter and distributor of some of the other variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies we and our affiliated companies issue. We reimburse MLIDC for expenses MLIDC incurs in distributing the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities (e.g., commissions payable to the retail broker-dealers who sell the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities). MLIDC does not retain any fees under the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities.
MLIDC’s principal executive offices are located at 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166. MLIDC is registered as a broker-dealer with the SEC under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), as well as the securities commissions in the states in which it operates, and is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”). FINRA provides background information about broker-dealers and their registered representatives through FINRA BrokerCheck. You may contact the FINRA BrokerCheck Hotline at 1-800-289-9999, or log on to www.finra.org. An investor brochure that includes information describing FINRA BrokerCheck is available through the Hotline or on-line.
The Deferred Annuities are sold through unaffiliated broker-dealers, registered with the SEC as broker-dealers under the Exchange Act and members of FINRA. The Deferred Annuities may also be sold through the mail, the Internet or by telephone.
There is no front-end sales load deducted from purchase payments to pay sales commissions. Distribution costs are recovered through the charges and deductions under the Deferred Annuities. MLIDC pays compensation based upon a “gross dealer concession” model. With respect to the Deferred Annuities, the gross dealer concession ranges from 1.5% to 6% of each purchase payment and, starting in the second Contract Year, 0.18% of the Account Value or amount available from which income payments are made each year that the Contract is in force for servicing the Contract. Gross dealer concession may also be paid when the Contract is annuitized. The amount of this gross dealer concession credited upon an annuitization depends on several factors, including the number of years the Contract has been in force.
We may make payments to MLIDC that may be used for its operating and other expenses, including the following sales expenses: compensation and bonuses for MLIDC’s management team, advertising expenses, and other expenses of distributing the Contracts. MLIDC’s management team and registered representatives also may be eligible for non-cash compensation items that we may provide jointly with MLIDC. Non-cash items include conferences, seminars and trips (including travel, lodging and meals in connection therewith), entertainment, merchandise and other similar items. Broker-dealers pay their sales representatives all or a portion of the


commissions received for their sales of the Contracts. Some firms may retain a portion of commissions. The amount that the broker-dealer passes on to its sales representatives is determined in accordance with its internal compensation programs. Those programs may also include other types of cash and non-cash compensation and other benefits. Sales representatives of these selling firms may also receive non-cash compensation pursuant to their firm’s guidelines directly from us or the distributor. We and our affiliates may also provide sales support in the form of training, sponsoring conferences, defraying expenses at vendor meetings, providing promotional literature and similar services. An unaffiliated broker-dealer or sales representative of an unaffiliated broker-dealer may receive different compensation for selling one product over another and/or may be inclined to favor one product provider over another product provider due to different compensation rates. Ask your sales representative (where applicable) for further information about what your sales representative (where applicable) and the broker-dealer for which he or she works may receive in connection with your purchase of a Contract.
From time to time, MetLife pays organizations, associations and non-profit organizations fees to sponsor MetLife’s variable annuity contracts. We may also obtain access to an organization’s members to market our variable annuity contracts. These organizations are compensated for their sponsorship of our variable annuity contracts in various ways. Primarily, they receive a flat fee from MetLife. We also compensate these organizations by our funding of their programs, scholarships, events or awards, such as a principal of the year award. We may also lease their office space or pay fees for display space at their events, purchase advertisements in their publications or reimburse or defray their expenses. In some cases, we hire organizations to perform administrative services for us, for which they are paid a fee based upon a percentage of the Account Values their members hold in the Contract. We also may retain finders and consultants to introduce MetLife to potential clients and for establishing and maintaining relationships between MetLife and various organizations. The finders and consultants are primarily paid flat fees and may be reimbursed for their expenses. We or our affiliates may also pay duly licensed individuals associated with these organizations cash compensation for the sales of the Contracts.
We will normally pay withdrawal proceeds within seven days after receipt of a request for a withdrawal at your Administrative Office, but we may delay payment as permitted by law, under certain circumstances. (See “Valuation — Suspension of Payments”). We reserve the right to defer payment for a partial withdrawal, withdrawal or transfer from the Fixed Interest Account for the period permitted by law, but for not more than six months.
Financial Statements
Our financial statements and the financial statements of the Separate Account have been included in the SAI a copy of which can be obtained online at https://dfinview.com/metlife/tahd/MET000235 or by writing to MetLife Investors Distribution Company, 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166 or telephoning 1-800-777-5897.
Your Spouse’s Rights
If You received your Contract through a qualified retirement plan and your plan is subject to ERISA (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974) and You are married, the income payments, withdrawal and loan provisions, and methods of payment of the death benefit under your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity may be subject to your spouse’s rights.
If your benefit is worth $5,000 or less, your plan may provide for distribution of your entire interest in a lump sum without your spouse’s consent.


For details or advice on how the law applies to your circumstances, consult your tax adviser or attorney. Any reference to “spouse” includes those persons who are married under state law, regardless of sex.
When We Can Cancel Your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity
We may not cancel your Income Annuity.
We may cancel your Deferred Annuity only if we do not receive any purchase payments from You for 36 consecutive months and your Account Value is less than $2,000, except for the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity. We may only cancel the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity if we do not receive purchase payments from You for 12 consecutive months and your Account Value is less than $15,000. Accordingly, no Contract will be terminated due solely to negative investment performance. We will only do so to the extent allowed by law. If we cancel a Deferred Annuity issued in New York, we will return the full Account Value. In all other cases, You will receive an amount equal to what You would have received if You had requested a total withdrawal of your Account Value. Early Withdrawal Charges may apply. Certain Deferred Annuities do not contain these cancellation provisions.
We will not terminate any Contract where we keep records of your account if at the time the termination would otherwise occur the guaranteed amount under any death benefit is greater than the Account Value. For all other Contracts, we reserve the right to exercise this termination provision, subject to obtaining any required regulatory approvals. We will not exercise this provision under Contracts issued in New York. However, if your plan determines to terminate the Contract at a time when You have a guaranteed amount under any death benefit that is greater than the Account Value, You forfeit any guaranteed amount You have accrued under the death benefit upon termination of the Contract.
Premium and Other Taxes
Some jurisdictions tax what are called “annuity considerations.” We deduct money to pay “premium” taxes (also known as “annuity” taxes) when You make the purchase payment.
Premium taxes, if applicable, depend on the Income Annuity You purchased and your home state or jurisdiction. A chart in Appendix B shows the jurisdictions where premium taxes are charged and the amount of these taxes.
We also reserve the right to deduct from purchase payments, withdrawals or income payments, any taxes (including but not limited to premium taxes) paid by us to any government entity relating to the Income Annuities. Examples of these taxes include, but are not limited to, generation skipping transfer tax or a similar excise tax under Federal or state tax law which is imposed on payments we make to certain persons and income tax withholdings on withdrawals and income payments to the extent required by law. We will, at our sole discretion, determine when taxes relate to the Contract. We may, at our sole discretion, pay taxes when due and deduct the corresponding amount from income payments at a later date. Payment at an earlier date does not waive any right we may have to deduct amounts at a later date.
We reserve the right to deduct from the Contract for any income taxes which we incur because of the Income Annuity. In general, we believe under current Federal income tax law, we are entitled to hold reserves with respect to the Contract that offset Separate Account income. If this should change, it is possible we could incur income tax with respect to the Income Annuity, and in that event we may deduct such tax from the Contract. At the present time, however, we are not incurring any such income tax or making any such deductions.


The following information on taxes is a general discussion of the subject. It is not intended as tax advice. The Internal Revenue Code (“Code”) and the provisions of the Code that govern annuities are complex and subject to change. The applicability of Federal income tax rules may vary with your particular circumstances. This discussion does not include all the Federal income tax rules that may affect You and your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable. Nor does this discussion address other Federal tax consequences (such as estate and gift taxes, sales to foreign individuals or entities), or state or local tax consequences, which may affect your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable. As a result, You should always consult a tax adviser for complete information and advice applicable to your individual situation.
When you invest in an annuity Contract, you usually do not pay taxes on your investment gains until you withdraw the money — generally for retirement purposes. Under current federal income tax law, the taxable portion of distributions from variable annuity contracts is taxed at ordinary income tax rates and does not qualify for the reduced tax rate applicable to long-term capital gains and dividends. If you invest in a variable annuity as part of an individual retirement plan, pension plan or employer-sponsored retirement program, your contract is called a Qualified Contract. If your annuity is independent of any formal retirement or pension plan, it is termed a Non-Qualified Contract. The tax rules applicable to Qualified Contracts vary according to the type of retirement plan and the terms and conditions of the plan.
We are not responsible for determining if your employer’s plan or arrangement satisfies the requirements of the Code and/or ERISA.
We do not expect to incur Federal, state or local income taxes on the earnings or realized capital gains attributable to the Separate Account. However, if we do incur such taxes in the future, we reserve the right to charge amounts allocated to the Separate Account for these taxes.
To the extent permitted under Federal tax law, we may claim the benefit of the corporate dividends received deduction and of certain foreign tax credits attributable to taxes paid by certain of the Portfolios to foreign jurisdictions.
Any Code reference to “spouse” includes those persons who enter into lawful marriages under state law, regardless of sex.
Non-Qualified Annuity Contracts
This discussion assumes the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, is an annuity Contract for Federal income tax purposes that is not held in a tax qualified “plan” defined by the Code. Tax qualified plans include arrangements described in Code Sections 401(a), 401(k), 403(a),403(b) or tax sheltered annuities (“TSA”), 408 or “IRAs” (including SEP and SIMPLE IRAs), 408A or “Roth IRAs” or 457(b) or governmental 457(b) plans. Deferred Annuities owned through such plans are referred to below as “qualified” contracts.
Generally, an Owner of a non-qualified annuity Contract is not taxed on increases in the value of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable until there is a distribution from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, i.e., surrender, partial withdrawal, income payment or commutation. This deferral of taxation on accumulated value


in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is limited to Deferred Annuities owned by or held for the benefit of “natural persons.” A Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will be treated as held by a natural person if the nominal Owner is a trust or other entity which holds the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable as an agent for the exclusive benefit of a natural person.
In contrast, a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, owned or not treated as held by a “natural person,” such as a corporation, partnership, trust or other entity, will be taxed currently on the increase in accumulated value in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, in the year earned. Note that in this regard, an employer which is the Owner of an annuity Contract under a non-qualified deferred compensation arrangement for its employees, or otherwise, is considered a non-natural Owner and any annual increase in the Account Balance will be subject to current income taxation.
Surrenders or Withdrawals — Early Distribution
If You take a withdrawal from your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, or surrender your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable prior to the date You commence taking annuity or “income” payments (the “Annuity Starting Date”), the amount You receive will be treated first as coming from earnings, if any, (and thus subject to income tax) and then from your purchase payments (which are not subject to income tax).
The portion of any withdrawal from an annuity Contract that is subject to income tax will also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty for “early” distribution if such withdrawal is taken prior to You reaching age 59 12, unless an exception applies.
Exceptions include distributions made:
(a) on account of your death or disability,
(b) as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments payable for your life (or life expectancy) or joint lives (joint life expectancies) of You and your designated Beneficiary, or
(c) under certain immediate income annuities providing for substantially equal payments made at least annually.
If You receive systematic payments that You intend to qualify for the “substantially equal periodic payments” exception noted above, any modifications (except due to death or disability) to your payment before age 59 12 or within five years after beginning these payments, whichever is later, will result in the retroactive imposition of the 10% Federal income tax penalty with interest. Such modifications may include but are not limited to additional purchase payments to the Contract (including tax-free rollovers) and additional withdrawals from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
For non-qualified Contracts, amounts received under the exercise of a partial withdrawal may be fully included in taxable income. The entire amount of the withdrawal could be treated as taxable income. Exercise of a withdrawal feature may adversely impact the amount of subsequent payments which can be treated as a nontaxable return of investment.
If your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable has been purchased with an Optional Two Year Withdrawal Feature or is for a guaranteed period only (term certain) annuity, and is terminated as a result of the exercise of the withdrawal feature, the taxable portion of the payment will generally be the excess of the proceeds received over your remaining after-tax purchase payment.


Treatment of Separate Account Charges
It is possible that at some future date the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) may consider that Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable charges attributable to certain guaranteed death benefits and certain living benefits are to be treated as distributions from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to pay for such non-annuity benefits. Currently, these charges are considered to be an intrinsic part of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and we do not report these as taxable income. However, if this treatment changes in the future, the charge could also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty as an early distribution, as described above.
Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefits (where applicable)
If You have purchased the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit I, Enhanced Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit or Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee, where otherwise made available, note the following:
The tax treatment of withdrawals under such a benefit is uncertain. It is conceivable that the amount of potential gain could be determined based on the remaining amount guaranteed to be available for withdrawal at the time of the withdrawal if greater than the Account Balance (prior to Withdrawal Charges). This could result in a greater amount of taxable income in certain cases. In general, at the present time, MetLife intends to report such withdrawals using the Account Balance rather than the remaining benefit to determine gain. However, in cases where the maximum permitted withdrawal in any year under any version of the GWB exceeds the Account Balance, the portion of the withdrawal treated as taxable gain (not to exceed the amount of the withdrawal) should be measured as the difference between the maximum permitted withdrawal amount under the benefit and the remaining after-tax basis immediately preceding the withdrawal. Consult your tax adviser.
In the event that the Account Balance goes to zero, and either the Remaining Guaranteed Withdrawal Amount is paid out in fixed installments or the Annual Benefit Payment is paid for life, we will treat such payments as income annuity payments under the tax law and allow recovery of any remaining basis ratably over the expected number of payments. (See “Taxation of Payments in Annuity Form” below.)
MetLife reserves the right to change its tax reporting practices where we determine that they are not in accordance with Federal income tax rules and/or IRS guidance (whether formal or informal).
If You purchase two or more Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable Contracts from MetLife (or its affiliates) during the same calendar year, the law requires that all such Contracts must be treated as a single Contract for purposes of determining whether any payments not received as an annuity (e.g., withdrawals) will be includible in income. Aggregation could affect the amount of a withdrawal that is taxable and subject to the 10% Federal income tax penalty described above. Since the IRS may require aggregation in other circumstances as well, You should consult a tax adviser if You are purchasing more than one annuity Contract from the same insurance company in a single calendar year. Aggregation does not affect distributions paid in the form of an annuity (see “Taxation of Payments in Annuity Form” below).
The annuity Contract may be exchanged tax-free in whole or in part for another annuity contract or a long-term care insurance policy. The partial exchange of an annuity contract may be a tax-free transaction provided that, among other prescribed IRS conditions, no amounts are distributed from either contract involved in the exchange for 180 days following the date of the exchange other than annuity payments made for life, joint lives, or for a term of 10 years or more. Otherwise, a withdrawal or “deemed” distribution may be includible in your taxable


income (plus a 10% Federal income tax penalty) to the extent that the accumulated value of your annuity exceeds your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable (your “gain”). Some of the ramifications of a partial exchange remain unclear. If the annuity Contract is exchanged in part for an additional annuity contract, a distribution from either contract may be taxable to the extent of the combined gain attributable to both contracts, or only to the extent of your gain in the contract from which the distribution is paid. It is not clear whether these rules apply to a partial exchange involving long-term care contracts. Consult your tax adviser prior to a partial exchange.
A transfer of Ownership of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, or the designation of an Annuitant or other Beneficiary who is not also the Contract Owner, may result in income or gift tax consequences to the Contract Owner. You should consult your tax adviser if You are considering such a transfer or assignment.
Death Benefits
The death benefit is taxable to the recipient in the same manner as if paid to the Contract Owner (under the rules for withdrawals or income payments, whichever is applicable).
After your death, any death benefit determined under the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed in accordance with Section 72(s) of the Code. The method of distribution that is required depends on whether You die before or after the Annuity Starting Date.
If You die on or after the Annuity Starting Date, the remaining portion of the interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used as of the date of death.
If You die before the Annuity Starting Date, the entire interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed within five (5) years after the date of death, or as periodic payments over a period not extending beyond the life or life expectancy of the designated Beneficiary (provided such payments begin within one year of your death) and the Beneficiary must be a natural person. Naming a non-natural person, such as a trust or estate, as a designated beneficiary, may eliminate the ability to stretch the payment over an individual’s life or life expectancy, and may also eliminate the ability to continue these benefits beyond the otherwise allowed payout period under the Code. If a non-natural person, such as a trust, is the owner of a non-qualified contract, the distribution on death rules under the Code may require payment to begin earlier than expected and may impact the usefulness of death benefit features.
Additionally, if the annuity is payable to (or for the benefit of) your surviving spouse, that portion of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may be continued with your spouse as the Owner.
For Deferred Annuities owned by a non-natural person, the required distribution rules apply upon the death or change in the primary Annuitant. If there is more than one Annuitant of a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable held by a non-natural person, then such required distributions will be triggered by the death of the first co-Annuitant.
Investor Control
In certain circumstances, Owners of variable annuity non-qualified contracts have been considered to be the Owners of the assets of the underlying Separate Account for Federal income tax purposes due to their ability to exercise investment control over those assets. When this is the case, the Contract Owners have been currently taxed on income and gains attributable to the variable account assets. There is little guidance in this area, and some features of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, such as the number of Portfolios available and the


flexibility of the Contract Owner to allocate purchase payments and transfer amounts among the Divisions have not been addressed. While we believe that the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable does not give the Contract Owner investment control over Separate Account assets, we reserve the right to modify the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, as necessary to prevent a Contract Owner from being treated as the Owner of the Separate Account assets supporting the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
Taxation of Payments in Annuity Form
Payments received from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable in the form of an annuity are taxed differently depending on whether You select a fixed or variable payment option. For fixed annuity payments, payments are taxable as ordinary income to the extent they exceed the portion of the payment determined by applying the exclusion ratio to the entire payment. The exclusion ratio is determined at the time the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is annuitized (i.e., the accumulated value is converted to an annuity form of distribution). Generally, the applicable exclusion ratio is your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable divided by the total payments You expect to receive based on IRS factors, such as the form of annuity and mortality. The exclusion ratio is applied to each fixed annuity payment to determine the portion that is a non-taxable return of investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and it is excludable from your taxable income until your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is fully recovered.
Variable annuity payments are expected to fluctuate and the amount You may receive is uncertain. Variable annuity payments are taxable as ordinary income to the extent they exceed the portion of each annuity payment that is determined to be a non-taxable return of your investment in the Contract. The non-taxable return of your investment in the Contract is determined by dividing the investment in the Contract (with adjustment) by the number of years over which it is anticipated the annuity will be paid. In general, your investment in the Contract is recovered pro-rata over the expected payment period.
We will make this calculation for You. However, it is possible that the IRS could conclude that the taxable portion of income payments under a non-qualified Contract is an amount greater — or less — than the taxable amount determined by us and reported by us to You and the IRS.
Once You have recovered the investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, further annuity payments are fully taxable.
If You die before your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is fully recovered, the balance of your investment may be deducted on your last tax return, or if annuity payments continue after your death, the balance may be recovered by your Beneficiary.
The IRS has not furnished explicit guidance as to how the excludable amount is to be determined each year under variable income annuities that permit transfers between a fixed annuity option and variable investment options, as well as transfers between investment options after the Annuity Start Date.
Once annuity payments have commenced, You may not be able to transfer to another non-qualified annuity contract or a long-term care contract as part of a tax-free exchange.
If the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable allows, You may elect to convert less than the full value of your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to an annuity form of pay-out (i.e., “partial annuitization.”) In this case, your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will be pro-rated between the annuitized portion of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and the deferred portion. An exclusion ratio or excludable amount will apply to the annuity payments as described above, provided the annuity form You elect is payable for at least 10 years or for the life of one or more individuals.


The federal income tax treatment of an annuity payment option that contains a commutation feature (i.e., an annuity payment option that permits the withdrawal of a commuted value) is uncertain. Specifically, it is possible that (a) all payments made under the annuity payment option will be taxed as withdrawals, on an income-first basis, rather than as annuity payments, a portion of which would be excludable from income as a return of investment in the contract, or (b) the ability to fully recover the investment in the contract over the annuity payment period may be limited due to the reduction or elimination of future annuity payments that would have each had an excludable amount.
Additionally, it is uncertain whether the exercise of a commutation feature under a joint and survivor variable life annuity payment option constitutes an exchange into a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, thus requiring payout of any remaining interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable within five years of an Owner’s death (or the primary annuitant’s death where the Owner is not a natural person) or over the designated beneficiary’s life (or over a period no longer than the beneficiary’s remaining life expectancy) with such payments beginning within 12 months of the date of death if an Owner dies during the certain period for such payout option. Accordingly, we reserve the right to restrict the availability of the commutation feature or to require the value of all remaining income payments be paid to the designated beneficiary or to the surviving joint annuitant, as the case may be, in a lump sum after proof of an Owner’s death (or of a primary annuitant’s death, where the owner is not a natural person) during the certain period to comply with these tax law requirements.
3.8% Tax on Net Investment Income
Federal tax law imposes a 3.8% Medicare tax on the lesser of:
(1) the taxpayer’s “net investment income” (from non-qualified annuities, interest, dividends, and other investments, offset by specified allowable deductions), or
(2) the taxpayer’s modified adjusted gross income in excess of a specified income threshold ($250,000 for married couples filing jointly and qualifying widows, $125,000 for married couples filing separately, and $200,000 for single filers).
“Net investment income” in Item 1 above does not include distributions from tax qualified plans, (i.e., arrangements described in Code Sections 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 408, 408A or 457(b)), but such income will increase modified adjusted gross income in Item 2 above.
You should consult your tax adviser regarding the applicability of this tax to income under your annuity Contract.
Puerto Rico Tax Considerations
The Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011 (the “2011 PR Code”) taxes distributions from non-qualified annuity contracts differently than in the U.S.
Distributions that are not in the form of an annuity (including partial surrenders and period certain payments) are treated under the 2011 PR Code first as a return of investment. Therefore, a substantial portion of the amounts distributed generally will be excluded from gross income for Puerto Rico tax purposes until the cumulative amount paid exceeds your tax basis.
The amount of income on annuity distributions in annuity form (payable over your lifetime) is also calculated differently under the 2011 PR Code. Since the U.S. source income generated by a Puerto Rico bona fide resident is subject to U.S. income tax and the IRS issued guidance in 2004 which indicated that the income from an annuity contract issued by a U.S. life insurer would be considered U.S. source income, the timing of recognition of income from an annuity contract could vary between the two jurisdictions. Although the 2011 PR Code provides a credit


against the Puerto Rico income tax for U.S. income taxes paid, an individual may not get full credit because of the timing differences.
You should consult with a personal tax adviser regarding the tax consequences of purchasing an annuity Contract and/or any proposed distribution, particularly a partial distribution or election to annuitize if You are a resident of Puerto Rico.
Qualified Annuity Contracts
The Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may be purchased through certain types of retirement plans that receive favorable treatment under the Code (“tax qualified plans”). Tax-qualified plans include arrangements described in Code Sections 401(a), 401(k), 403(a), 403(b) or tax sheltered annuities (“TSA”), 408 or “IRAs” (including SEP and SIMPLE IRAs), 408A or “Roth IRAs” or 457 (b) nongovernmental or 457(b) governmental plans. Extensive special tax rules apply to qualified plans and to the annuity Contracts used in connection with these plans. Therefore, the following discussion provides only general information about the use of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable with the various types of qualified plans. Adverse tax consequences may result if You do not ensure that contributions, distributions and other transactions with respect to the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable comply with the law.
The rights to any benefit under the plan will be subject to the terms and conditions of the plan itself as well as the terms and conditions of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
We exercise no control over whether a particular retirement plan or a particular contribution to the plan satisfies the applicable requirements of the Code, or whether a particular individual is entitled to participate or benefit under a plan.
All qualified plans and arrangements receive tax deferral under the Code. Since there are no additional tax benefits in funding such retirement arrangements with an annuity, there should be reasons other than tax deferral for acquiring the annuity within the plan. Such non-tax benefits may include additional insurance benefits, such as the availability of a guaranteed income for life.
A Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may also be available in connection with an employer’s non-qualified deferred compensation plan or qualified governmental excess benefit arrangement to provide benefits to certain employees in the plan. The tax rules regarding these plans are complex; please consult your tax adviser about your particular situation.
Treatment of Separate Account Charges
It is possible that at some future date the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) may consider that Contract charges attributable to certain guaranteed death benefits and certain living benefits are to be treated as distributions from the Contract to pay for such non-annuity benefits. Currently, these charges are considered to be an intrinsic part of the Contract and we do not report these as taxable income. However, if this treatment changes in the future, the charge could also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty as an early distribution.
The tax rules applicable to qualified plans vary according to the type of plan and the terms and conditions of the plan itself. Both the amount of the contribution that may be made and the tax deduction or exclusion that You may


claim for that contribution under qualified plans are limited under the Code. See the SAI for a description of qualified plan types and annual current contribution limitations which are subject to change from year-to-year.
Purchase payments or contributions to IRAs or tax qualified retirement plans of an employer may be taken from current income on a before tax basis or after tax basis. Purchase payments made on a “before tax” basis entitle You to a tax deduction or are not subject to current income tax. Purchase payments made on an “after tax” basis do not reduce your taxable income or give You a tax deduction. Contributions may also consist of transfers or rollovers as described below and are not subject to the annual limitations on contributions.
The Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will accept as a single purchase payment a transfer or rollover from another IRA or rollover from an eligible retirement plan of an employer (i.e., 401(a), 401(k), 403(a), 403(b) or governmental 457(b) plan.) It will also accept a rollover or transfer from a SIMPLE IRA after the taxpayer has participated in such arrangement for at least two years. As part of the single purchase payment, the IRA Contract will also accept an IRA contribution subject to the Code limits for the year of purchase.
For income annuities established as “pay-outs” of SIMPLE IRAs, the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will only accept a single purchase payment consisting of a transfer or rollover from another SIMPLE IRA.
For income annuities established in accordance with a distribution option under a retirement plan of an employer (e.g., 401(a), 401(k), 403(a), 403(b) or 457(b) or nongovernmental 457(b) plan), the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will only accept as its single purchase payment a transfer from such employer retirement plan.
Taxation of Annuity Distributions
If contributions are made on a “before tax” basis, You generally pay income taxes on the full amount of money You receive under the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable. Withdrawals attributable to any after-tax contributions are basis in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and not subject to income tax (except for the portion of the withdrawal allocable to earnings, if any).
Under current Federal income tax rules, the taxable portion of distributions under annuity contracts and qualified plans (including IRAs) is not eligible for the reduced tax rate applicable to long-term capital gains and qualifying dividends.
If You meet certain requirements, your Roth IRA, Roth 403(b) and Roth 401(k) earnings can be received free of Federal income taxes.
With respect to IRA Contracts, we will withhold a portion of the taxable amount of your withdrawal for income taxes, unless You elect otherwise. The amount we will withhold is determined by the Code.
Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefits (where applicable)
If You have purchased the Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee benefit (“LWG”), where otherwise made available, note the following:
In determining your required minimum distribution each year, the actuarial value of this benefit as of the prior December 31 must be taken into account in addition to the Account Balance of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
If You have purchased the GWB I, Enhanced GWB or LWG, where otherwise made available, note the following:


The tax treatment of withdrawals under such a benefit is uncertain. It is conceivable that the amount of potential gain could be determined based on the remaining amount guaranteed to be available for withdrawal at the time of the withdrawal if greater than the Account Balance (prior to Withdrawal Charges). This could result in a greater amount of taxable income in certain cases. In general, at the present time, MetLife intends to report such withdrawals using the Account Balance rather than the remaining benefit to determine gain. However, in cases where the maximum permitted withdrawal in any year under any version of the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit exceeds the Account Balance, the portion of the withdrawal treated as taxable gain (not to exceed the amount of the withdrawal) should be measured as the difference between the maximum permitted withdrawal amount under the benefit and the remaining after-tax basis immediately preceding the withdrawal. Consult your tax adviser.
In the event that the Account Balance goes to zero, and either the Remaining Guaranteed Withdrawal Amount is paid out in fixed installments or the Annual Benefit Payment is paid for life, we will treat such payments as income annuity payments under the tax law and allow recovery of any remaining basis ratably over the expected number of payments.
MetLife reserves the right to change its tax reporting practices where we determine that they are not in accordance with Federal income tax rules and/or IRS guidance (whether formal or informal).
Withdrawals Prior to Age 59 12
A taxable withdrawal from a qualified plan which is subject to income tax may also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty for “early” distribution if taken prior to age 59 12, unless an exception applies. The penalty rate is 25% for SIMPLE plan Deferred Annuities if the withdrawal occurs within the first 2 years of your participation in the plan.
These exceptions include but are not limited to withdrawals made:
(a) on account of your death or disability, or
(b) as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments payable for your life (or life expectancy) or joint lives (or life expectancies) of You and your designated Beneficiary and You are separated from employment.
If You receive systematic payments that You intend to qualify for the “substantially equal periodic payments” exception noted above, any modifications (except due to death or disability) to your payment before age 59 12 or within five years after beginning these payments, whichever is later, will result in the retroactive imposition of the 10% Federal income tax penalty with interest (25% for certain SIMPLE plan withdrawals). Such modifications may include but are not limited to additional purchase payments to the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable (including tax-free transfers or rollovers) and additional withdrawals from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
The 10% Federal income tax penalty on early distribution does not apply to governmental 457(b) plan Contracts. However, it does apply to distributions from 457(b) plans of employers which are state or local governments to the extent that the distribution is attributable to rollovers accepted from other types of eligible retirement plans.
In addition to death, disability and as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments as indicated above, a withdrawal or distribution from an IRA (including SEPs and SIMPLEs and Roth IRAs) will avoid the penalty (1) if the distribution is to pay deductible medical expenses; (2) if the distribution is to pay IRS levies (and made after December 31, 1999); (3) if the distribution is used to pay for medical insurance (if You are unemployed), qualified higher education expenses, or for a qualified first time home purchase up to $10,000.


Other exceptions may be applicable under certain circumstances and special rules may apply or may become applicable in connection with the exceptions enumerated above. You should consult with your tax advisor for further details.
Your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is non-forfeitable (i.e., not subject to the claims of your creditors) and non-transferable (i.e., You may not transfer it to someone else).
Nevertheless, Contracts held in certain employer plans may be transferred in part pursuant to a QDRO.
Under certain circumstances, You may be able to transfer amounts distributed from your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to another eligible retirement plan or IRA. Federal tax law limits You to making only one 60-day rollover from an IRA to another IRA in any 12 month period and the limit is applied across all IRAs that You own, including SEP, SIMPLE and Roth IRAs. For 457(b) plans maintained by non-governmental employers, if certain conditions are met, amounts may be transferred into another 457(b) plan maintained by a non-governmental employer.
You may make rollovers and direct transfers into your SIMPLE IRA annuity contract from another SIMPLE IRA annuity contract or account. Rollovers from another qualified plan can generally be made to your SIMPLE IRA after you have participated in the SIMPLE IRA for at least two years. Rollovers and direct transfers from a SIMPLE IRA can only be made to another SIMPLE IRA or account during the first two years that You participate in the SIMPLE IRA plan. After this two year period, rollovers and transfers may be made from your SIMPLE IRA into a Traditional IRA or account, as well as into another SIMPLE IRA.
Generally, a distribution may be eligible for rollover but certain types of distributions cannot be rolled over, such as distributions received:
(a) to meet minimum distribution requirements,
(b) for financial hardship, or
(c) for a period of ten or more years or for life.
20% Withholding on Eligible Rollover Distributions
For certain qualified employer plans, we are required to withhold 20% of the taxable portion of your withdrawal that constitutes an “eligible rollover distribution” for Federal income taxes. The amount we withhold is determined by the Code. You may avoid withholding if You directly transfer a withdrawal from this Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to another qualified plan or IRA. Similarly, You may be able to avoid withholding on a transfer into the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable from an existing qualified plan You may have with another provider by arranging to have the transfer made directly to us. For taxable withdrawals that are not “eligible rollover distributions,” the Code imposes different withholding rules to determine the withholding percentage.
Death Benefits
The death benefit is taxable to the recipient in the same manner as if paid to the Contract Owner or plan participant (under the rules for withdrawals or income payments, whichever is applicable).


Distributions required from a qualified annuity Contract following your death depend on whether You die before You had converted your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to an annuity form and started taking annuity payments (your Annuity Start Date).
If You die on or after your Annuity Start Date, the remaining portion of the interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used as of the date of death.
If You die before your Annuity Start Date, the entire interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed within five (5) years after the date of death, or as periodic payments over a period not extending beyond the life or life expectancy of the designated Beneficiary (provided such payments begin within one year of your death).
Your designated Beneficiary is the person to whom benefit rights under the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable pass by reason of death; the Beneficiary must be a natural person in order to elect a periodic payment option based on life expectancy or a period exceeding five years.
If the IRA is payable to (or for the benefit of) your surviving spouse, that portion of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may be continued with your spouse as the Owner. If your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable permits, your Beneficiary spouse may delay the start of these payments until December 31 of the year in which You would have reached age 70 12.
Your spouse may elect to roll over the death proceeds into another eligible retirement plan in which he or she participates, if permitted under the receiving plan, he or she may elect to roll over the death proceeds into his or her own IRA, or he or she may elect to transfer the death proceeds into an inherited IRA.
If your Beneficiary is not your spouse and your plan and Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable permit, your Beneficiary may be able to roll over the death proceeds via a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer into an inherited IRA. However, a non-spouse Beneficiary may not treat the inherited IRA as his or her own IRA.
Distributions required from a qualified Contract following Your death must be distributed to designated Beneficiaries within ten (10) years after the date of death. This distribution period applies regardless of whether You die before, on, or after the Annuity Start Date, unless the designated Beneficiary is an Eligible Designated Beneficiary (EDB).
An Eligible Designated Beneficiary is an individual who, on the date of death, is:
(1) Your surviving spouse;
(2) Your child who has not yet reached the age of majority (as defined by federal tax law);
(3) a chronically ill individual as defined by the Code; or
(4) any other individual who is not more than ten (10) years younger than You.
An Eligible Designated Beneficiary may receive the remaining portion of the interest in the Contract over his/her life or life expectancy, beginning in the year following the year of death.


If your contract permits, your Eligible Designated Beneficiary spouse may delay the start of these payments until December 31 of the year You would have reached age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020).
Following the death of an Eligible Designated Beneficiary, the remaining interest in the Contract must be distributed within ten (10) years. In addition, a child who is an Eligible Designated Beneficiary because he or she has not yet reached the age of majority must have the remaining interest in the Contract fully distributed within ten (10) years after reaching the age of majority.
Your spouse may elect to roll over the death proceeds into another eligible retirement plan in which he or she participates, if permitted under the receiving plan, he or she may elect to roll over the death proceeds into his or her own IRA, or he or she may elect to transfer the death proceeds into an inherited IRA.
If your Beneficiary is not your spouse and your plan and Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable permit, your Beneficiary may be able to roll over the death proceeds via a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer into an inherited IRA. However, a non-spouse Beneficiary may not treat the inherited IRA as his or her own IRA.
Distributions required from a qualified Contract following your death must generally be distributed to Non-designated beneficiaries (for example, charitable organizations or nonqualified trusts) within five (5) years of the date of death. However, if your death occurs after the Required Beginning Date, the benefits may be paid out to the non-designated beneficiary at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used as of the date of death.
Required Minimum Distributions
Generally, You must begin receiving amounts from your retirement plan by April 1 following the latter of:
(a) the calendar year in which You reach age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020), or
(b) the calendar year You retire, provided You do not own more than 5% of the outstanding stock, capital, or profits of your employer.
For IRAs (including SEPs and SIMPLEs), You must begin receiving withdrawals by April 1 of the year after You reach age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020) even if You have not retired.
Your required minimum distribution request must be in Good Order and payment must be processed by MetLife prior to the due date (generally the end of the calendar year or April 1st of the year You reach age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020) in order to satisfy the requirement for the applicable tax year.
A tax penalty of 50% applies to the shortfall of any required minimum distributions You fail to receive.
You may not satisfy minimum distributions for one employer’s qualified plan (i.e., 401(a), 403(a), 457(b)) with distributions from another qualified plan of the same or a different employer. However, an aggregation rule does apply in the case of IRAs (including SEPs and SIMPLEs) or 403(b) plans. The minimum required distribution is calculated with respect to each IRA, but the aggregate distribution may be taken from any one or more of your IRAs/SEPs. Similarly, the amount of required minimum distribution is calculated separately with respect to each 403(b) arrangement, but the aggregate amount of the required distribution may be taken from any one or more of your 403(b) plan contracts. For SIMPLE IRAs, the aggregate amount of the required distribution may be taken from any one or more of your SIMPLE IRAs.


Complex rules apply to the calculation of minimum distributions. In general, income tax regulations permit income payments to increase based not only with respect to the investment experience of the portfolios but also with respect to actuarial gains.
The regulations also require that the value of benefits under a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable including certain death benefits in excess of Account Balance must be added to the amount credited to your account in computing the amount required to be distributed over the applicable period. We will provide You with additional information regarding the amount that is subject to minimum distribution under this rule. You should consult your own tax adviser as to how these rules affect your own distribution under this rule.
If You intend to receive your minimum distributions which are payable over the joint lives of You and a Beneficiary who is not your spouse (or over a period not exceeding the joint life expectancy of You and your non-spousal Beneficiary), be advised that Federal tax rules may require that payments be made over a shorter period or may require that payments to the Beneficiary be reduced after your death to meet the minimum distribution incidental benefit rules and avoid the 50% excise tax. You should consult your own tax adviser as to how these rules affect your own Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
Required minimum distribution rules that apply to other types of IRAs while You are alive do not apply to Roth IRAs. However, in general, the IRA post-death rules with respect to minimum distributions do apply to beneficiaries of Roth IRAs.
Additional Information regarding IRAs
Purchase Payments
Except for permissible rollovers and direct transfers, purchase payments for individuals are limited in the aggregate to the lesser of 100% of compensation or the deductible amount established each year under the Code. A purchase payment up to the deductible amount can also be made for a non-working spouse provided the couple’s compensation is at least equal to their aggregate contributions. If you have compensation, you can continue to make purchase payments after beginning required minimum distributions if permitted by your Contract. Individuals age 50 and older are permitted to make additional “catch-up” contributions if they have sufficient compensation. If You or your spouse are an active participant in a retirement plan of an employer, your deductible contributions may be limited. If You exceed purchase payment limits You may be subject to a tax penalty.
Roth IRA purchase payments for individuals are non-deductible (made on an “after tax” basis) and are limited to the lesser of 100% of compensation or the annual deductible IRA amount. Individuals age 50 and older can make an additional “catch-up” purchase payment each year (assuming the individual has sufficient compensation). You may contribute up to the annual purchase payment limit if your modified adjusted gross income does not exceed certain limits. If You exceed purchase payment limits, You may be subject to a tax penalty.
If and to the extent that Traditional IRA purchase payments are made on an “after tax” basis, withdrawals would be included in income except for the portion that represents a return of non-deductible purchase payments. This portion is generally determined based upon the ratio of all non-deductible purchase payments to the total value of all your Traditional IRAs (including SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs). We withhold a portion of the amount of your withdrawal for income taxes, unless You elect otherwise. The amount we withhold is determined by the Code.
Generally, withdrawal of earnings from Roth IRAs are free from Federal income tax if (1) they are made at least five taxable years after the tax year for which you made your first purchase payment to a Roth IRA; and (2) they are


made on or after the date You reach age 59 12 or upon your death, disability or for a qualified first-home purchase (up to $10,000). Withdrawals from a Roth IRA are made first from purchase payments and then from earnings. We may be required to withhold a portion of your withdrawal for income taxes, unless You elect otherwise. The amount will be determined by the Code.
Traditional IRAs may be converted to Roth IRAs. Except to the extent You have non-deductible contributions, the amount converted from an existing Traditional IRA into a Roth IRA is taxable. Generally, the 10% Federal income tax penalty does not apply. However, the taxable amount to be converted must be based on the fair market value of the entire annuity contract being converted into a Roth IRA. Such fair market value, in general, is to be determined by taking into account the value of all benefits (both living benefits and death benefits) in addition to the Account Balance; as well as adding back certain loads and charges incurred during the prior twelve month period. Your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may include such benefits and applicable charges. Accordingly, if You are considering such conversion of your annuity Contract, please consult your tax adviser. The taxable amount may exceed the Account Balance at the date of conversion.
A conversion from a traditional IRA, SEP or SIMPLE to a Roth IRA made on or after January 1, 2018 cannot be recharacterized. Please consult your tax adviser.
Additional Information regarding TSA (ERISA and non-ERISA) 403(b)
Special Rules Regarding Exchanges
In order to satisfy tax regulations, contract exchanges within a 403(b) plan must, at a minimum, meet the following requirements: (1) the plan must allow the exchange; (2) the exchange must not result in a reduction in a Participant’s or a Beneficiary’s accumulated benefit: (3) the receiving contract includes distribution restrictions that are no less stringent than those imposed on the contract being exchanged; and (4) if the issuer receiving the exchanges is not part of the plan, the employer enters into an agreement with the issuer to provide information to enable the contract provider to comply with Code requirements. Such information would include details concerning severance from employment, hardship withdrawals, loans and tax basis. You should consult Your tax or legal counsel for any advice relating to Contract exchanges or any other matter relating to these regulations.
If You are under age 59 12, You generally cannot withdraw money from your 403(b) Contract unless the withdrawal:
a) Relates to purchase payments made prior to 1989 and pre-1989 earnings on those purchase payments;
b) Is exchanged to another permissible investment under your 403(b) plan;
c) Relates to contributions to an annuity contract that are not salary reduction elective deferrals, if Your plan allows it;
d) Occurs after You die, leave Your job or become disabled (as defined by the Code);
e) Is for financial hardship (but only to the extent of elective deferrals), if Your plan allows it;
f) Relates to distributions attributable to certain 403(b) plan terminations, if the conditions of the Code are met;
g) Relates to rollover or after-tax contributions; or
h) Is for the purchase of permissive service credit under a governmental defined benefit plan.


In addition, a Section 403(b) Contract is permitted to distribute retirement benefits attributable to pre-tax contributions other than elective deferrals to the participant no earlier than upon the earlier of the participant’s severance from employment or upon the prior occurrence of some event, such as after a fixed number of years, the attainment of a stated age or disability.
Other exceptions may apply or become applicable under certain circumstances and special rules may be applicable in connection with the exceptions enumerated above.
Distinction for Puerto Rico Code
An annuity Contract may be purchased by an employer for an employee under a qualified pension, profit sharing, stock bonus, annuity, or a “cash or deferred” arrangement plan established pursuant to Section 1081.01 of the 2011 PR Code. To be tax qualified under the 2011 PR Code, a plan must comply with the requirements of Section 1081.01(a) of the 2011 PR Code which includes certain participation requirements, among other requirements. A trust created to hold assets for a qualified plan is exempt from tax on its investment income.
A Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan trust may be exempted from income taxation pursuant to 2011 PR Code Section 1081.01 and Section 1022(i) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA). If a variable annuity contract is acquired by said trust, the earnings accumulated or distributed under such contract or any income realized from the sale or exchange of the contract may not be subject to current income taxation due to the income tax exemption that the trust is entitled to. Whether a Puerto Rico retirement plan trust is qualified under 2011 PR Code Section 1081.01 depends on the facts and circumstances of each case. Each fiduciary of a Puerto Rico retirement plan should ascertain the qualified status of the retirement plan trust, and thus, that it enjoys the benefits of income tax exemption before investing in the variable annuity contract.
The employer is entitled to a current income tax deduction for contributions made to a qualified plan, subject to statutory limitations on the amount that may be contributed each year. The plan contributions by the employer are not required to be included in the current income of the employee.
Any amount received or made available to the employee under the qualified plan is generally includible in the gross income of the employee in the taxable year in which received or made available. However, Lump-sum proceeds from a Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan due to separation of employment or termination of a retirement plan will generally be treated as ordinary income subject to a withholding tax rate of 20%.
A special rate of 10% may apply instead, if the plan satisfies the following requirements:
(1) the plan’s trust is organized under the laws of Puerto Rico, or has a Puerto Rico resident trustee and uses such trustee as paying agent; and
(2) 10% of all plan’s trust assets (calculated based on the average balance of the investments of the trust) attributable to participants which are Puerto Rico residents must be invested in “property located in Puerto Rico” for a three-year period.
If those two requirements are not satisfied, the distribution will generally be subject to the 20% tax rate. The three- year period includes the year of the distribution and the two immediately preceding years. In the case of a defined contribution plan that maintains separate accounts for each participant, the described 10% investment requirement may be satisfied in the accounts of a participant that chooses to invest in such fashion rather than at


the trust level. Property located in Puerto Rico includes Shares of stock of a Puerto Rico Registered Investment Company (RIC), Fixed or Variable Annuities issued by a domestic insurance company or by a foreign insurance company that derives more than 80% of its gross income from sources within Puerto Rico, bank deposits. The 2011 PR Code does not impose a penalty tax in cases of early (premature) distributions from a qualified plan.
In the case of distributions from a qualified plan in the form of annuity installments as a result of termination of employment, amounts received are taxable in an amount equal to 3% of the after-tax contributions not previously distributed, which would be considered the tax cost. The remaining portion is not taxable until you have recovered the total after-tax contributions made to the qualified plan. You may be able to exclude from gross income up to $11,000, if you are less than 60 years of age, or up to $15,000, if you are at least 60 years of age, of the taxable portion of the installment payments received every year.
In the case of a defined contribution plan that maintains separate accounts for each participant, the described 10% investment requirement may be satisfied in the accounts of a participant that chooses to invest in such fashion rather than at the trust level. Property located in Puerto Rico includes shares of stock of a Puerto Rico registered investment company (RIC), fixed or variable annuities issued by a domestic insurance company or by a foreign insurance corporation that derives more than 80% of its gross income from sources within Puerto Rico and bank deposits. The 2011 PR Code does not impose a penalty tax in cases of early (premature) distributions from a qualified plan.
Upon the occurrence of a “Declared Disaster”, like a hurricane, Retirement Plans are allowed to make Eligible Distributions to a participant resident of Puerto Rico who requests the same. The Eligible Distribution may not exceed $100,000, and must be made during a period of time to be identified by the Puerto Rico Treasury through administrative guidance and be used to cover damages or losses suffered, and extraordinary expenses incurred by the individual as a result of a Declared Disaster. The first $10,000 will be exempted from income taxation, including the alternate basic tax, and amounts exceeding $10,000 will be subject to a 10% income tax to be withheld at the source, in lieu of any other income tax, including the alternate basic tax.
Distributions of retirement income made to a Non-Resident of Puerto Rico by a dual qualified retirement plan (qualified under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and the 2011 PR Code) funded through a U.S. situs trust will not be subject to Puerto Rico income tax. However, in order for such exemption to be available, the Puerto Rico Treasury requires the participant to submit to his/her employer either: (i) IRS Form 8898 (Statement for Individuals Who Begin or End Bona Fide Residence in a U.S. Possession; or (ii) a Sworn Statement including certain personal information directed to establish his/her residence in a State within the continental U.S.
You should consult with a personal tax adviser regarding the tax consequences of purchasing an annuity contract and/or any proposed distribution if you are a resident of Puerto Rico.
Deferral of the recognition of income continues upon the receipt of a distribution by a participant from a qualified plan, if the distribution is contributed to another qualified retirement plan or traditional individual retirement account for the employee’s benefit no later than sixty (60) days after the distribution.
ERISA Considerations
In the context of a Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan trust, the IRS has held that the transfer of assets and liabilities from a qualified retirement plan trust under the Code to that type of plan would generally be treated as a distribution includible in gross income for U.S. income tax purposes even if the Puerto Rico retirement plan is a plan described in ERISA Section 1022(i)(1). By contrast, a transfer from a qualified retirement plan trust under


the Code to a Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan trust that has made an election under ERISA Section 1022(i)(2) is not treated as a distribution from the transferor plan for U.S. income tax purposes because a Puerto Rico retirement plan that has made an election under ERISA Section 1022(i)(2) is treated as a qualified retirement plan for purposes Code Section 401(a). The IRS has determined that the above described rules prescribing the inclusion in income of transfers of assets and liabilities to a Puerto Rico retirement plan trust described in ERISA Section 1022(i)(1) would be applicable to transfers taking effect after December 31, 2012. Notwithstanding the above, the IRS has recently held that a Puerto Rico retirement plan described in ERISA Section 1022(i)(1) may participate in a 81-100 group trust because it permits said plan to diversify its investments without adverse tax consequences to the group trust or its investors
Similar to the IRS Revenue Ruling 2013-17, the U.S. Department of Labor issued DOL Technical Release No. 2013-04 on September 18, 2013 providing that, where the Secretary of Labor has authority to regulate with respect to the provisions of ERISA dealing with the use of the term “spouse” spouse will be read to refer to any individuals who are lawfully married under any state law, including same-sex spouses, and without regard to whether their state of domicile recognizes same-sex marriage. Thus, for ERISA purposes as well as Federal tax purposes, an employee benefit plan participant who marries a person of the same sex in a jurisdiction that recognizes same-sex marriage will continue to be treated as married even if the couple moves to a jurisdiction that does not recognize same-sex marriage.


In the ordinary course of business, MetLife, similar to other life insurance companies, is involved in lawsuits (including class action lawsuits), arbitrations and other legal proceedings. Also, from time to time, state and Federal regulators or other officials conduct formal and informal examinations or undertake other actions dealing with various aspects of the financial services and insurance industries. In some legal proceedings involving insurers, substantial damages have been sought and/or material settlement payments have been made.
It is not possible to predict with certainty the ultimate outcome of any pending legal proceeding or regulatory action. However, MetLife does not believe any such action or proceeding will have a material adverse effect upon the Separate Account or upon the ability of MLIDC to perform its contract with the Separate Account or of MetLife to meet its obligations under the Contracts.


The following is a list of Portfolios currently available. More information about the Portfolios is available in the prospectuses for the Portfolios, which may be amended from time to time and can be found online at dfinview.com/metlife/tahd/MET000235. You can also request this information at no cost by calling 800-638-7732, by sending an email request to RCG@metlife.com, or through your registered representative. Depending on the optional benefits you choose, you may not be able to invest in certain Portfolios. If your annuity was issued in connection with an employer plan, the availability of Portfolios may vary by employer and you should ask your employer for a list of available Portfolios.
The current expenses and performance information below reflects fees and expenses of the Portfolios, but do not reflect the other fees and expenses that your Deferred Annuity may charge, such as Platform Charges. Expenses would be higher and performance would be lower if these other charges were included. Each Portfolio Company’s past performance is not necessarily an indication of future performance.
(as of 12/31/2021)
Global Equity American Funds Global Small Capitalization Fund* - Class 2
Capital Research and Management CompanySM
0.90% 6.74% 12.51% 15.45%
US Equity American Funds Growth Fund - Class 2
Capital Research and Management CompanySM
0.60% 21.97% 19.71% 25.43%
US Equity American Funds Growth-Income Fund - Class 2
Capital Research and Management CompanySM
0.54% 24.10% 15.42% 16.39%
US Fixed Income American Funds The Bond Fund of America* - Class 2
Capital Research and Management CompanySM
0.45% -0.31% 3.27% 4.25%
Allocation American Funds® Balanced Allocation Portfolio - Class C
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.97% 12.14% 11.61% 10.22%
Allocation American Funds® Growth Allocation Portfolio - Class C
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
1.01% 15.91% 13.89% 12.35%
Allocation American Funds® Moderate Allocation Portfolio - Class C
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.94% 9.64% 9.44% 8.33%
International Equity Baillie Gifford International Stock Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited
0.71% -0.76% 13.35% 9.97%
US Fixed Income BlackRock Bond Income Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: BlackRock Advisors, LLC
0.37% -0.43% 4.26% 3.86%
US Equity BlackRock Capital Appreciation Portfolio* - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: BlackRock Advisors, LLC
0.77% 21.02% 25.26% 18.46%


(as of 12/31/2021)
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 100 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.72% 18.34% 14.91% 13.15%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 20 Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.60% 4.01% 6.00% 5.30%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 40 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.60% 7.68% 8.12% 7.37%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 60 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.63% 11.17% 10.45% 9.47%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 80 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.67% 14.87% 12.89% 11.54%
US Equity Brighthouse/Artisan Mid Cap Value Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Artisan Partners Limited Partnership
0.75% 26.91% 10.32% 11.00%
US Fixed Income Brighthouse/Franklin Low Duration Total Return Portfolio* - Class B
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Franklin Advisers, Inc.
0.72% 0.28% 1.75% 1.78%
Allocation Brighthouse/Wellington Balanced Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Wellington Management Company LLP
0.51% 14.02% 12.84% 11.64%
US Equity Brighthouse/Wellington Core Equity Opportunities Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Wellington Management Company LLP
0.60% 24.43% 16.62% 14.75%
US Equity Brighthouse/Wellington Large Cap Research Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Wellington Management Company LLP
0.53% 24.38% 18.14% 16.33%
Allocation Calvert VP SRI Balanced Portfolio - Class I
Calvert Research and Management
0.63% 15.12% 12.49% 10.48%
Sector CBRE Global Real Estate Portfolio - Class E (formerly known as Clarion Global Real Estate Portfolio - Class E)
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: CBRE Investment Management Listed Real Assets LLC
0.77% 34.56% 10.14% 9.12%
Allocation Freedom 2020 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.75% 9.26% 10.41% 8.98%
Allocation Freedom 2025 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.78% 10.55% 11.24% 9.97%


(as of 12/31/2021)
Allocation Freedom 2030 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.82% 12.07% 12.48% 10.81%
Allocation Freedom 2035 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.87% 15.18% 13.98% 11.97%
Allocation Freedom 2040 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.90% 17.50% 14.72% 12.39%
Allocation Freedom 2045 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.90% 17.53% 14.72% 12.49%
Allocation Freedom 2050 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.90% 17.51% 14.72% 12.55%
US Equity Frontier Mid Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Frontier Capital Management Company, LLC
0.70% 14.68% 18.90% 15.49%
International Equity Harris Oakmark International Portfolio* - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Harris Associates L.P.
0.91% 8.52% 7.18% 8.83%
Global Equity Invesco Global Equity Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Invesco Advisers, Inc.
0.57% 15.76% 18.44% 14.46%
US Equity Invesco Small Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Invesco Advisers, Inc.
0.95% 7.01% 19.03% 16.75%
US Equity Jennison Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Jennison Associates LLC
0.53% 17.17% 27.45% 20.50%
Allocation Loomis Sayles Global Allocation Portfolio* - Class B
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
1.02% 14.26% 14.24% 11.33%
US Equity Loomis Sayles Growth Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
0.56% 18.66% 16.59% 15.99%
US Equity Loomis Sayles Small Cap Core Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
0.87% 21.95% 11.95% 13.23%
US Equity Loomis Sayles Small Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
0.86% 10.00% 19.09% 15.79%
US Fixed Income MetLife Aggregate Bond Index Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.27% -1.93% 3.32% 2.64%
US Equity MetLife Mid Cap Stock Index Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.29% 24.40% 12.81% 13.93%


(as of 12/31/2021)
International Equity MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.38% 10.72% 9.38% 7.84%
US Equity MetLife Russell 2000® Index Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.30% 14.52% 11.93% 13.20%
US Equity MetLife Stock Index Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.26% 28.36% 18.18% 16.26%
International Equity MFS ® Research International Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Massachusetts Financial Services Company
0.64% 11.98% 12.58% 8.72%
Allocation MFS ® Total Return Portfolio* - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Massachusetts Financial Services Company
0.74% 14.05% 9.72% 9.52%
US Equity MFS ® Value Portfolio* - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Massachusetts Financial Services Company
0.72% 25.40% 12.34% 13.53%
US Equity Morgan Stanley Discovery Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc.
0.62% -10.54% 37.65% 20.90%
US Equity Neuberger Berman Genesis Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers LLC
0.78% 18.41% 15.71% 14.21%
US Fixed Income PIMCO Inflation Protected Bond Portfolio - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Pacific Investment Management Company LLC
0.68% 5.49% 5.26% 3.01%
US Fixed Income PIMCO Total Return Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Pacific Investment Management Company LLC
0.47% -1.13% 4.15% 3.58%
Allocation SSGA Growth and Income ETF Portfolio - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: SSGA Funds Management, Inc.
0.66% 13.52% 10.15% 8.59%
Allocation SSGA Growth ETF Portfolio - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: SSGA Funds Management, Inc.
0.69% 17.75% 11.85% 10.14%


(as of 12/31/2021)
US Equity T. Rowe Price Large Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
0.57% 20.22% 23.39% 19.26%
US Equity T. Rowe Price Mid Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
0.70% 15.15% 18.19% 16.57%
US Equity T. Rowe Price Small Cap Growth Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
0.49% 11.67% 16.25% 15.90%
US Equity Victory Sycamore Mid Cap Value Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Victory Capital Management Inc.
0.59% 32.13% 12.75% 12.26%
US Fixed Income Western Asset Management Strategic Bond Opportunities Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Western Asset Management Company LLC
0.54% 2.82% 5.55% 5.21%
US Fixed Income Western Asset Management U.S. Government Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Western Asset Management Company LLC
0.48% -1.52% 2.49% 1.97%
* The Portfolio is subject to an expense reimbursement or fee waiver arrangement. The annual expenses shown reflect temporary fee reductions.


If You are a resident of one of the following jurisdictions, the percentage amount listed by that jurisdiction is the premium tax rate applicable to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity.
and Income
California (1) 0.5%   2.35%  
Colorado 0.0%   2.0%  
Florida (2) 1.0%   1.0%  
Maine (3) 0.0%   2.0%  
Nevada (4) 0.0%   3.5%  
Puerto Rico(5) 1.0%   1.0%  
South Dakota(6) 0.0%   1.25%  
Wyoming (4) 0.0%   1.0%  
1 California applies the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401(a), 403(b), 404, 408(b), and 501(a).
2 Annuity purchase payments are exempt from taxation provided the tax savings are passed back to the Contract Owners. Otherwise, they are taxable at 1%.
3 Maine applies the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401, 403, 403(b), 404, 408, 457 and 501.
4 Nevada and Wyoming apply the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401, 403, 404, 408, 457 and 501.
5 We will not deduct premium taxes paid by us to Puerto Rico from purchase payments, Account Value, withdrawals, death benefits or income payments.
6 Special rate applies for large case annuity policies. Rate is 0.08% for that portion of the annuity considerations received on a Contract exceeding $500,000 annually. Special rate on large case policies is not subject to retaliation. South Dakota applies the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401, 403(b), 404, 408, 457, and 501(a).


If You are a participant in the Texas Optional Retirement Program, Texas law permits us to make withdrawals on your behalf only if You die, retire or terminate employment in all Texas institutions of higher education, as defined under Texas law. Any withdrawal You ask for requires a written statement from the appropriate Texas institution of higher education verifying your vesting status and (if applicable) termination of employment. Also, we require a written statement from You that You are not transferring employment to another Texas institution of higher education. If You retire or terminate employment in all Texas institutions of higher education or die before being vested, amounts provided by the state’s matching contribution will be refunded to the appropriate Texas institution. We may change these restrictions or add others without your consent to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with the law.


The SAI includes additional information about the Contract and Separate Account. To view and download the SAI, please visit our website dfinview.com/metlife/tahd/MET000235. To request a free copy of the SAI or to ask questions, write or call:
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
Attn: Fulfillment Unit BPPA
PO Box 10342
Des Moines, IA 50306-0342
(800) 638-7732
This Prospectus incorporates by reference all of the information contained in the Statement of Additional Information, which is legally part of this Prospectus.
Reports and other information about the Separate Account are available on the Commission’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Copies of this information may be obtained, upon payment of a duplicating fee, by electronic request at the following email address: publicinfo@sec.gov.
EDGAR ID: C000003499

May 1, 2022
Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contracts (CPPA)
Issued by Separate Account E of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (“MetLife”)
This Prospectus describes individual and group Preference Plus Account Contracts for deferred variable annuities (“Deferred Annuities”) and Preference Plus immediate variable income annuities (“Income Annuities”) (the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities are also referred to herein as “the Contract”). We no longer offer the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities. However, MetLife will continue to accept additional payments for the Contract issued under limited circumstances.
You decide how to allocate your money among the various available investment choices. The investment choices available to You are listed in the Contract for your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. Your choices may include the Fixed Interest Account/Fixed Income Option and Divisions (Divisions may be referred to as “Investment Divisions” in the Contract and marketing materials) available through Metropolitan Life Separate Account E which, in turn, invest in the following corresponding Portfolios described in Appendix A (“Portfolios”). As noted in Appendix A below, if your annuity was issued in connection with an employer plan, you should check with your Employer as to which Portfolios are available under your Contract. For convenience, the portfolios and the funds are referred to as Portfolios in this Prospectus.
How to learn more:
Before investing, read this Prospectus. The Prospectus contains information about the Deferred Annuities, Income Annuities and Metropolitan Life Separate Account E which You should know before investing. Keep this Prospectus for future reference.
Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission nor any state securities commission has approved or disapproved these securities or determined if this Prospectus is truthful or complete. Any representation otherwise is a criminal offense. Interests in the Separate Account and the Fixed Account are not deposits or obligations of, or insured or guaranteed by, the U.S. Government, any bank or other depository institution including the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”), the Federal Reserve Board or any other agency or entity or person.
The Contracts are not intended to be offered anywhere that they may not be lawfully offered and sold. MetLife has not authorized any information or representations about the Deferred Annuities other than the information in this Prospectus, any supplements to this Prospectus or any supplemental sales material we authorize, agency or entity or person.
The date of this Prospectus is May 1, 2022




















































































Account Value — When You purchase a Deferred Annuity, an account is set up for You. Your Account Value is the total amount of money credited to You under your Deferred Annuity including money in the Divisions of the Separate Account and the Fixed Interest Account.
Accumulation Unit Value — With a Deferred Annuity, money paid-in or transferred into a Division of the Separate Account is credited to You in the form of Accumulation Units. Accumulation Units are established for each Division. We determine the value of these Accumulation Units as of the close of the Exchange each day the Exchange is open for regular trading. The Exchange usually closes at 4 p.m. Eastern Time but may close earlier or later. The values increase or decrease based on the investment performance of the corresponding underlying Portfolios.
Administrative Office — The Administrative Office is the MetLife office that will generally handle the administration of all your requests concerning your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. Your quarterly statement, payment statement and/or check stub will indicate the address of your Administrative Office. We will notify you if there is a change of your Administrative Office. The telephone number to call to initiate a request is 1-800-638-7732.
Annuitant – The natural person whose life is the measure for determining the duration and the dollar amount of income payments, sometimes referred to as the measuring life.
Annuity Unit Value — With an Income Annuity or variable pay-out option, the money paid-in or reallocated into a Division of the Separate Account is held in the form of Annuity Units. Annuity Units are established for each Division. We determine the value of these Annuity Units as of the close of the Exchange each day the Exchange is open for regular trading. The Exchange usually closes at 4 p.m. Eastern Time but may close earlier or later. The values increase or decrease based on the investment performance of the corresponding underlying Portfolios.
Assumed Investment Return (AIR) — Under an Income Annuity or variable pay-out option, the AIR is the assumed percentage rate of return used to determine the amount of the first variable income payment. The AIR is also the benchmark that is used to calculate the investment performance of a given Division to determine all subsequent payments to You.
Contract  — A Contract is the legal agreement between You and MetLife or between MetLife and the employer, plan trustee or other entity, or the certificate issued to You under a group annuity Contract. This document contains relevant provisions of your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. MetLife issues Contracts for each of the annuities described in this Prospectus.
Contract Year — Generally, the Contract Year for a Deferred Annuity is the period ending on the last day of the month in which the anniversary of when we issued the annuity occurs and each following 12-month period. However, for the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity depending on underwriting and plan requirements, the first Contract Year may range from the initial three to 15 month period after the Contracts is issued.
Divisions  — Divisions are subdivisions of the Separate Account. When You allocate a purchase payment, transfer money or make reallocations of your income payment to a Division, the Division purchases shares of a Portfolio (with the same name) within Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II or American Funds®.
Early Withdrawal Charge — The Early Withdrawal Charge is an amount we deduct from your Account Value if You withdraw money prematurely from a Deferred Annuity. This charge is often referred to as a deferred sales load or back-end sales load.


Exchange  — In this Prospectus, the New York Stock Exchange is referred to as the “Exchange.”
Free Look — You may cancel your Contracts within a certain time period. This is known as a “free look.” We must receive your request to cancel in writing by the appropriate day in your state, which varies from state to state. The time period may also vary depending on your age and whether You purchased your Contract from us directly, through the mail or with money from another annuity or life insurance policy. Depending on state law, we may refund (i) all of your purchase payments (and any interest credited by the Fixed Account, if applicable) or (ii) your Account Value as of the date your refund request is received at your Administrative Office in Good Order (this means you bear the risk of any decline in the value of your Contract due to the performance of the Divisions during the Free Look period).
Good Order — A request or transaction generally is considered in “Good Order” if it complies with our administrative procedures, and the required information is complete and accurate. A request or transaction may be rejected or delayed if not in Good Order. Good Order generally means the actual receipt by us of the instructions relating to the requested transaction in writing (or, when permitted, by telephone) along with all forms, information and supporting legal documentation necessary to effect the transaction. This information and documentation generally includes to the extent applicable to the transaction: your completed application; your Contract number; the transaction amount (in dollars or percentage terms); the names and allocations to and/or from the Divisions affected by the requested transaction; the signatures of all Contract Owners (exactly as indicated on the Contract), if necessary; Social Security Number or Tax I.D.; and any other information or supporting documentation that we may require, including any spousal or Joint Owner’s consents. With respect to purchase payments, Good Order also generally includes receipt by us of sufficient funds to effect the purchase. We may, in our sole discretion, determine whether any particular transaction request is in Good Order, and we reserve the right to change or waive any Good Order requirement at any time. If You have any questions, You should contact us or your sales representative (where applicable) before submitting the form or request.
MetLife  — MetLife is Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, which is the company that issues the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities. Throughout this Prospectus, MetLife is also referred to as “we,” “us” or “our.”
Separate Account — Metropolitan Life Separate Account E (“Separate Account”) is an investment account. All assets contributed to Divisions under the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities are pooled in the Separate Account and maintained for the benefit of investors in Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities.
Variable Annuity — An annuity in which returns/income payments are based upon the performance of investments such as stocks and bonds held by one or more underlying Portfolios. You assume the investment risk for any amounts allocated to the Divisions in a Variable Annuity.
You  — In this Prospectus, depending on the context, “You” may mean either the purchaser of the Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity, or the participant or annuitant under certain group arrangements. In cases where we are referring to giving instructions or making payments to us for the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, “You” means the trustee of the Keogh plan.


Charges for Early Withdrawals If you withdraw money from the Contract within 8 years following your last purchase payment, you will be assessed a contingent deferred sales charge of up to 7% of Contract Value withdrawn.
For example, if you make an early withdrawal, you could pay a surrender charge of up to $7,000 on a $100,000 investment.
Transaction Charges In addition to surrender charges, you also may be charged for other transactions such as charges for transferring cash value between Divisions and a premium tax charge.
Loans will be charged an initial set-up fee and a loan maintenance fee. The Account Reduction Loan Initiation Fee is $75.00. The Account Reduction Loan Maintenance Fee is $50.00.
Ongoing Fees and Expenses (annual charges) The table below describes the fees and expenses that you may pay each year, depending on the options you choose. Please refer to your Contract specifications page for information about the specific fees you will pay each year based on the options you have elected. Fees
Annual Fee Minimum Maximum
Base Contract
0.95% (1)
Investment Options (Portfolio fees and expenses)
0.96% (2)
(1) As a percentage of your Account Balance in the Separate Account.
(2) As a percentage of daily net assets of the Portfolio.
  Because your Contract is customizable, the choices you make affect how much you will pay. To help understand the cost of owning your Contract, the following table shows the lowest and highest cost you could pay each year, based on current charges. This estimate assumes that you do not take withdrawals from the Contract, which could add contingent deferred sales charges that substantially increase costs. Fees
Lowest Annual Cost: Highest Annual Cost:
$1,164 $1,779
• Assumes:
• Investment of $100,000
• 5% annual appreciation
• Least expensive combination of Portfolio fees and expenses
• No optional benefits
• No sales charges
• No additional purchase payments, transfers or withdrawals
• Assumes:
• Investment of $100,000
• 5% annual appreciation
• Most expensive combination of Portfolio fees and expenses
• No sales charges
• No additional purchase payments, transfers or withdrawals
Risk of Loss You can lose money by investing in the Contract including loss of principal. Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract


Not a Short- Term Investment This Contract is not a short-term investment and is not appropriate for an investor who needs ready access to cash.
• Withdrawal charges may apply for up to 8 years following each purchase payment. Withdrawal charges will reduce the value of your Contract if you withdraw money during that time.
• The benefits of tax deferral and mean that the Contract is more beneficial to investors with a long time horizon.
• Earnings on your Contract are taxed at ordinary income tax rates when You withdraw them, and You may have to pay a penalty if You take a withdrawal before age 59 12.
Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Risks Associated with Investment Options • An investment in the Contract is subject to the risk of poor investment performance and can vary depending on the performance of the investment options available under the Contract (e.g., Portfolios).
• Each investment option (including any Fixed Account investment option) will have its own unique risks.
• You should review these investment options before making an investment decision.
Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Insurance Company Risks Contracts are subject to the risks related to Metropolitan Life, including any obligations (including under any Fixed Account investment options), guarantees, and benefits of the Contract are subject to the claims-paying ability of the Metropolitan Life. If Metropolitan Life experiences financial distress, it may not be able to meet its obligations to you. More information about the Company, including its financial strength ratings, is available by visiting visiting https://www.metlife.com/about-us/corporate-profile/ratings/. Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Investment Although we do not currently charge a fee for transfers of cash value among Divisions or between the Divisions and the Fixed Account, We reserve the right to impose a transfer fee of $10 after the first twelve transfers between Divisions. We reserve the right to add, remove or substitute Portfolios. The Company also has policies and procedures that attempt to detect and deter frequent transfers in situations where we determine there is a potential for arbitrage trading, and in those instances, there are additional limits that apply to transfers. Transfers
Tax Implications • You should consult with a tax professional to determine the tax implications of an investment in and purchase payments received under the Contract.
• There is no additional tax benefit if You purchase the Contract through a tax-qualified plan or individual retirement account (IRA).
• Earnings on your Contract are taxed at ordinary income tax rates when You withdraw them, and You may have to pay a penalty if You take a withdrawal before age 59 12.
Federal Tax Considerations


Investment Professional Compensation Your investment professional may receive compensation for selling this Contract to You, both in the form of commissions and because MetLife may share the revenue it earns on this Contract with the professional’s firm. This conflict of interest may influence your investment professional to recommend this Contract over another investment. Who Sells the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities
Exchanges Some investment professionals may have a financial incentive to offer you a new contract in place of the one you own. You should only exchange your Contract if You determine, after comparing the features, fees, and risks of both contracts, that it is better for you to purchase the new contract rather than continue to own your existing Contract. Transfers/Exchanges
Purpose of the Contract
The Contract, issued by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, is designed to provide long-term accumulation of assets through investments in a variety of investment options during the accumulation phase. It can supplement your retirement income by providing a stream of income payments during the payout phase. It also offers death benefits to protect your designated beneficiaries. This Contract may be appropriate if you have a long investment time horizon. It is not intended for people who may need to make early or frequent withdrawals or intend to engage in frequent trading in the Portfolios.
Phases of the Contract
The Contract, like all deferred variable annuity contracts, has two phases: the accumulation phase and the payout phase (Annuity Period).
(1) Accumulation (Pay-in) Phase
  To help You accumulate assets, You can invest your premium payments in:
Portfolios (mutual funds), each of which has its own investment strategies, investment advisers, expense ratios, and returns; and
a Fixed Account option, which offers a guaranteed interest rate during a selected period.
Additional information about each Portfolio including its Portfolio type, advisers and any subadvisers as well as current expenses and certain performance information is included in Appendix A.
(2) Income (Pay-out) Phase
  You can elect to annuitize your Contract and turn your Contract value into a stream of income payments (sometimes called annuity payments) from Metropolitan Life, at which time the accumulation phase of the Contract ends. These payments may continue for a fixed period of years, for your entire life, or for the longer of a fixed period or your life. The payments may also be fixed or variable. Variable payments will vary based on the performance of the investment options you select.
  Please note that if you annuitize, your investments will be converted to income payments and you may no longer be able to choose to withdraw money at will from your Contract. All benefits (including the standard death benefit) terminate upon annuitization.


Features and Options of the Contract
Contract classes. The Contract has a single contract class with a 8-year Early Withdrawal Charge period.
Accessing Your Money. Until you annuitize, you have full access to your money. You can choose to withdraw your Contract value at any time (although if you withdraw early, you may have to pay a Withdrawal Charge and/or income taxes, including a tax penalty if you are younger than age 59 12).
Tax Treatment. You can transfer money between investment options without tax implications, and earnings (if any) on your investments are generally tax-deferred. You are taxed only when: (1) you make a withdrawal; (2) you receive an income payment from the Contract; or (3) upon payment of a death benefit.
Death Benefits. Your Contract includes a basic death benefit that will pay your designated beneficiaries a death benefit at the time of your death. Additional provisions may increase the amount of money payable to your designated beneficiaries upon your death.
Loan Provision for Certain Tax Benefited Retirement Plans. We administer loan programs made available through Plans or group arrangements on an account reduction basis for certain Contracts. See “Access to Your Money Account Reduction Loans” for more information.


The following tables describe the fees and expenses that you will pay when you buying, owning, and surrendering or making withdrawals from the Contract. Please refer to your Contract specifications page for information about the specific fees you will pay each year based on the options you have elected.
The first table describes the fees and expenses that will pay at the time that you buy the Contract, surrender or make withdrawals from the Contract, or transfer Contract value between investment options. State premium taxes may also be deducted.
Contract Owner Transaction Expenses
Sales Load Imposed on Purchase Payments None
Early Withdrawal Charge(1)
(as a percentage of each purchase payment funding the withdrawal during the pay-in phase)
Up to 7%
Exchange Fee for Deferred Annuities None
Surrender Fee for Deferred Annuities None
Transfer Fee(2) $25
1 An Early Withdrawal Charge of up to 7% may apply if You withdraw purchase payments within seven years of when they were credited to your Deferred Annuity. The charge on purchase payments is calculated according to the following schedule:
During Purchase Payment
1 7%
2 6%
3 5%
4 4%
5 3%
6 2%
7 1%
Thereafter 0%
  There are times when the Early Withdrawal Charge does not apply to amounts that are withdrawn from a Deferred Annuity. For example, each Contract Year, You may take the greater of 10% (20% under certain Deferred Annuities) of your Account Value or your purchase payments made over seven years ago free of Early Withdrawal Charges.
2 We reserve the right to limit transfers as described later in this Prospectus. We reserve the right to impose a transfer fee. The amount of this fee will be no greater than $25 per transfer.


The next table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay each year during the time that you own the Contract (not including Portfolio Company fees and expenses).
Annual Contract Expenses
Base Contract Expense(1,2)
(as a percentage of your average Account Value in the Separate Account)
Account Reduction Loan Initiation Fee $ 75(2)
Annual Account Reduction Loan Maintenance Fee (per loan outstanding) $ 50(2)
Income Annuity Contract Fee .95%
1 The Base Contract Fee includes .01% for the Annual Contract Fee. The Annual Contract Fee is $20 annually and is charged only against amounts in the Fixed Interest Account. The Annual Contract Fee may be waived under certain circumstances.
2 Pursuant to the terms of the Contract, our total Separate Account charge will not exceed .95% of your average balance in the Divisions for the Deferred Annuities or the amount of underlying Portfolio shares we have designated in the Divisions to generate your income payments for the Income Annuity. For purposes of presentation here, we estimated the allocation between general administrative expenses and the mortality and expense risk charge.
The next item shows the minimum and maximum total operating expenses charged by the Portfolios that you may pay periodically during the time that you own the Contract. These amounts also include applicable Platform Charges if you choose to invest in certain Portfolios.(1) A complete list of Portfolios available under the Contract, including their annual expenses, may be found in “Appendix A Portfolio Companies Available Under the Contract” at the back of this Prospectus.
Annual Portfolio Company Expenses
  Minimum Maximum
(expenses that are deducted from Portfolio assets, including management fees, distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees, and other expenses) 0.27% 0.96%
Certain Portfolios that have “Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses” may be “funds of funds.” A fund of funds invests substantially all of its assets in other underlying funds. Because the Portfolio invests in other funds, it will bear its pro rata portion of the operating expenses of those underlying funds, including the management fee.
These Examples are intended to help You compare the cost of investing in the Contract with the cost of investing in other variable annuity contracts. These costs include Transaction Expenses, Annual Contract Expenses and Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses.
Example 1.
This example shows the dollar amount of expenses that You would bear on a $100,000 investment for a Deferred Annuity for the time periods indicated. Your actual costs may be higher or lower.
You bear the Minimum or Maximum Total Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses;
there is a maximum Separate Account charge of 0.95%;
the underlying Portfolio earns a 5% annual return; and


Based on these assumptions, your charges would be:
  1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
If you surrender your Contract at the end of the applicable time period        
Maximum $8,910 $9,910 $12,560 $21,990
Minimum $8,220 $7,801 $ 8,980 $14,501
Example 2.
This example shows the dollar amount of expenses that You would bear on a $100,000 investment for a Deferred Annuity for the time periods indicated. Your actual costs may be higher or lower.
You bear the Minimum or Maximum Total Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses;
there is a maximum Separate Account charge of 0.95%;
the underlying Portfolio earns a 5% annual return; and
Based on these assumptions, your charges would be:
  1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
If you surrender your Contract at the end of the applicable time period        
Maximum $8,910 $9,910 $12,560 $21,990
Minimum $8,220 $7,801 $ 8,980 $14,501
Example 3.
This example shows the dollar amount of expenses that You would bear on a $100,000 investment for a Deferred Annuity for the time periods indicated. Your actual costs may be higher or lower.
You bear the Minimum or Maximum Total Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses;
there is a maximum Separate Account charge of 0.95%;
the underlying Portfolio earns a 5% annual return; and
Based on these assumptions, your charges would be:
  1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
If you annuitize or do not surrender your Contract at the end of the applicable time period        
Maximum $1,910 $5,910 $10,160 $21,990
Minimum $1,220 $3,801 $ 6,580 $14,501


Investing in the Contracts involves risks. The following are the principal risks of an investment in the Contract. You should carefully consider the below risks in addition to the other information contained in this Prospectus.
Risk of Loss. An investment in the Contract is not a bank deposit and is not guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency. The Contract is subject to market risk (the risk that your investments may decline in value or underperform your expectations). As a result, You can lose money by investing in the Contract, including loss of principal.
Not a Short-Term Investment. This Contract is not a short-term investment and is not appropriate for an investor who needs ready access to cash. If you withdraw early, you may have to pay a Withdrawal Charge and/or income taxes, including a tax penalty if you are younger than age 591⁄2. Withdrawal Charges may apply for up to 7 years following each purchase payment. Withdrawal Charges will reduce the value of your Contract if you withdraw money during that time. The benefits of tax deferral and living benefit protections also mean that the Contract is more beneficial to investors with a long time horizon.
Risk of Underlying Portfolios. An investment in the Contract is subject to the risk of poor investment performance and can vary depending on the performance of the investment options available under the Contract (e.g., Portfolio Companies). Each investment option (including the Fixed Account investment option) will have its own unique risks. We do not provide any investment advice and do not recommend or endorse any particular Portfolio. You bear the risk of any decline in the Account Balance of your Contract resulting from the performance of the Portfolio You have chosen. You should review these investment options before making an investment decision. Information regarding the Portfolios available under your Contract is available in Appendix A to this Prospectus.
Risks Associated with the Company. An investment in the Contract is subject to the risks related to the Company. Any obligations (including under the Fixed Account), guarantees, or benefits are subject to claims-paying ability of the Company, and our long term ability to make such payments, and are not guaranteed by any other party. MetLife is regulated as an insurance company under state law, which generally includes limits on the amount and type of investments in its general account. However, there is no guarantee that we will be able to meet our claims paying obligations; there are risks to purchasing any insurance product.
Conflicts of Interest. Your investment professional may receive compensation for selling this Contract to You, both in the form of commissions and because MetLife may share the revenue it earns on this Contract with the professional’s firm. This conflict of interest may influence your investment professional to recommend this Contract over another investment. In addition, some investment professionals may have a financial incentive to offer you a new contract in place of the one you own. You should only exchange your Contract if you determine, after comparing the features, fees, and risks of both contracts, that it is better for you to purchase the new contract rather than continue to own your existing Contract.
Suitability. An investment in the Contract may not be suitable for all investors. For example, there is no additional tax benefit if You purchase the Contract through a tax-qualified plan or individual retirement account (IRA). Therefore, there should be reasons other than tax deferral for acquiring the Contract. You should consult with a tax or investment professional to determine the tax and other implications of an investment in and purchase payments received under the Contract.
Taxation Risk. Although the provisions of the Code relevant to the Contract are generally described under “Federal Tax Considerations,” an investor should consult its own tax advisor concerning the effects of federal, state,


local and foreign tax law on the Contract. No assurance can be given that, even if the tax provisions currently applicable to the Contract are favorable, the law or regulations or interpretations thereunder will not change and the Contract may be disadvantaged.
Cybersecurity. Our business is highly dependent upon the effective operation of our information systems, and those of our service providers, vendors, and other third parties. Cybersecurity breaches of such systems can beintentional or unintentional events, and can occur through unauthorized access to computer systems, networks or devices; infection from computer viruses or other malicious software code; or attacks that shut down, disable, slow or otherwise disrupt operations, business processes or website access or functionality and our disaster recovery systems may be insufficient to safeguard our ability to conduct business. Cybersecurity breaches can interfere with our processing of Contract transactions, including the processing of transfer orders from our website or with the Portfolios; impact our ability to calculate Accumulation Unit Values; cause the release and possible loss or destruction of confidential Contract Owner or business information; impede order processing or cause other operational issues; and result in regulatory enforcement actions or new laws or regulations which could increase our compliance costs. Although we continually make efforts to identify and reduce our exposure to cybersecurity risk, and we require our critical vendors to implement effective cybersecurity and data protection measures, there is no guarantee that we will be able to successfully manage this risk at all times.
Pandemics and Other Public Health Issues. The pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 has caused and may continue to cause illnesses and deaths. This pandemic, other pandemics, and their related major public health issues, and governmental, business and consumer reactions to them, have affected and may continue to have a major impact on the global economy and financial markets. Governmental and non-governmental organizations may not effectively combat the spread and severity of such a pandemic, increasing uncertainty, and creating the potential for more rapid changes to which the Company may find it more difficult to adjust. For example, regulatory action in response to pandemics or other health issues may impose new requirements affecting the Company’s obligations under your Contract, exposing the Company to risks and costs that the Company is unable to foresee or underwrite.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is a provider of insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management. We are also one of the largest institutional investors in the United States with a general account portfolio invested primarily in fixed income securities (corporate, structured products, municipals, and government and agency) and mortgage loans, as well as real estate, real estate joint ventures, other limited partnerships and equity securities. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company was incorporated under the laws of New York in 1868. The Company’s office is located at 200 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10166-0188. The Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of MetLife, Inc. Obligations to Owners and Beneficiaries that arise under the Policy are obligations of MetLife.
We established Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on September 27, 1983. The purpose of the Separate Account is to hold the variable assets that underlie the Preference Plus Account Variable Annuity Contracts and some other variable annuity contracts we issue. We have registered the Separate Account with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) as a unit investment trust under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (“1940 Act”).


The Separate Account’s assets are solely for the benefit of those who invest in the Separate Account and no one else, including our creditors. The assets of the Separate Account are held in our name on behalf of the Separate Account and legally belong to us. All the income, gains and losses (realized or unrealized) resulting from these assets are credited to or charged against the contracts issued from this Separate Account without regard to our other business.
We are obligated to pay all money we owe under the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities − such as death benefits and income payments − even if that amount exceeds the assets in the Separate Account. Any such amount that exceeds the assets in the Separate Account is paid from our general account. Benefit amounts paid from the general account are subject to the financial strength and claims paying ability of the Company and our long term ability to make such payments and are not guaranteed by our parent company, MetLife, Inc., or by any other party. We issue other annuity contracts and life insurance policies where we pay all money we owe under those contracts and policies from our general account. MetLife is regulated as an insurance company under state law, which includes, generally, limits on the amount and type of investments in its general account. However, there is no guarantee that we will be able to meet our claims paying obligations; there are risks to purchasing any insurance product.
The investment manager to certain of the Portfolios offered with the Contracts or with other Variable Annuity contracts issued through the Separate Account may be regulated as Commodity Pool Operators. While MetLife does not concede that the Separate Account is a commodity pool, the Company has claimed an exclusion from the definition of the term “commodity pool operator” under the Commodities Exchange Act (“CEA”), and is not subject to registration or regulation as a pool operator under the CEA.
There are two types of variable annuities described in this Prospectus: Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities. These annuities are “variable” because the value of your account or the amount of each income payment varies based on the investment performance of the Divisions You choose. In short, the value of your Deferred Annuity, your income payments under a variable pay-out option of your Deferred Annuity, or your income payments under your Income Annuity, may go up or down. Since the investment performance is not guaranteed, your money or income payment amount is at risk. The degree of risk will depend on the Divisions You select. The Accumulation Unit Value or Annuity Unit Value for each Division rises or falls based on the investment performance (or “experience”) of the Portfolio with the same name. MetLife and its affiliates also offer other annuities not described in this Prospectus. The Prospectus describes the material features of the Deferred Annuities and the Income Annuities.
The Deferred Annuities have a fixed interest rate option called the “Fixed Interest Account.” The Fixed Interest Account is part of our general account and offers an interest rate that is guaranteed by us (the current minimum rate on the Fixed Interest Account is 3% but may be lower based on your state and issue date and, therefore, may be lower for certain Contracts). Your registered representative can tell you the current and minimum interest rates that apply. Because of exemptive and exclusionary provisions, interests in the Fixed Account have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, and neither the Fixed Account nor our general account has been registered as an investment company under the 1940 Act. Income Annuities and the variable pay-out options under the Deferred Annuities have a fixed payment option called the “Fixed Income Option.” Under the Fixed Income Option, we guarantee the amount of your fixed income payments. These fixed options are not described in this Prospectus although we occasionally refer to them. All guarantees as to purchase payments or Account Value allocated to the Fixed Account, interest credited to the Fixed Account, and fixed annuity payments are subject to our financial strength and claims-paying ability.


The group Deferred Annuities and group Income Annuities described in this Prospectus are offered to employers, associations, trusts or other groups for their employees, members or participants.
A Deferred Annuity
You accumulate money in your account during the pay-in phase by making one or more purchase payments. MetLife will hold your money and credit investment returns as long as the money remains in your account.
All individual retirement plan(s) (“IRA(s)”) and Keoghs receive tax deferral under the Internal Revenue Code (“Code”). There are no additional tax benefits from funding an IRA or Keogh with a Deferred Annuity. Therefore, there should be reasons other than tax deferral for acquiring the Deferred Annuity in an IRA or Keogh such as the availability of a guaranteed income for life or the death benefit.
Non-Natural Persons as Owners or Beneficiaries. If a non-natural person, such as a trust, is the Owner of a non-qualified Deferred Annuity, the distribution on death rules under the Code may require payment to begin earlier than expected and may impact the usefulness of the living (if any) and/or death benefits. Naming a non-natural person, such as a trust or estate, as a beneficiary under the Deferred Annuity will generally, eliminate the beneficiary’s ability to “stretch” or a spousal beneficiary’s ability to continue the Deferred Annuity and the living (if any) and/or death benefits.
A Deferred Annuity consists of two phases: the accumulation or “pay-in” phase and the income or “pay-out” phase. The pay-out phase begins when You either take all of your money out of the account or You elect “income” payments using the money in your account. The number and the amount of the income payments You receive will depend on such things as the type of pay-out option You choose, your investment choices, and the amount used to provide your income payments. Because Deferred Annuities offer various insurance benefits such as pay-out options, including our guarantee of income for your lifetime, they are “annuities.”
Replacement of Annuity Contracts
Generally, it is not advisable to purchase a Deferred Annuity as a replacement for an existing annuity contract. You should replace an existing contract only when You determine that the Deferred Annuity is better for You. You may have to pay a withdrawal charge on your existing contract, and the Deferred Annuity may impose a new withdrawal charge period. Before You buy a Deferred Annuity ask your registered representative if purchasing a Deferred Annuity would be advantageous, given the Deferred Annuity’s features, benefits and charges. You should talk to your tax adviser to make sure that this purchase will qualify as a tax-free exchange. If You surrender your existing contract for cash and then buy the Deferred Annuity, You may have to pay Federal income taxes, including possible penalty taxes, on the surrender. Also, because we will not issue the Deferred Annuity until we have received the initial purchase payment from your existing insurance company, the issuance of the Deferred Annuity may be delayed.
We no longer make this Deferred Annuity available, however, current Contract Owners may continue to make additional purchase payments, and new participants may enroll under any issued group Contract.
An Income Annuity
An Income Annuity, also known as an immediate annuity, only has a “pay-out” phase. You make a single purchase payment and select the type of income payment suited to your needs. Some of the income payment types guarantee an income stream for your lifetime; others guarantee an income stream for both your lifetime, as well as the lifetime of another person (such as a spouse). Some Income Annuities guarantee a time period of your choice over


which MetLife will make income payments. Income Annuities also have other features. The amount of the income payments You receive will depend on such things as the income payment type You choose, your investment choices and the amount of your purchase payment.
The Income Annuities are no longer available.
Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II and American Funds® and each of their Portfolios are more fully described in their respective prospectuses and SAIs. The SAIs are available upon your request. You should read these prospectuses carefully before making purchase payments to the Divisions. The Class A shares available to the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities do not impose any 12b-1 Plan fees. However, 12b-1 Plan fees are imposed on American Funds® Portfolios which are Class 2, and Brighthouse/Franklin Low Duration Total Return Portfolio which is Class B.
The investment choices are listed in alphabetical order below (based upon the Portfolio’s legal names). (See Appendix D — “Portfolio Legal and Marketing Names.”) The Divisions generally offer the opportunity for greater returns over the long term than our Fixed Interest Account/Fixed Income Option. You should understand that each Portfolio incurs its own risk which will be dependent upon the investment decisions made by the respective Portfolio’s investment manager. Furthermore, the name of a Portfolio may not be indicative of all the investments held by the Portfolio. While the Divisions and their comparably named Portfolios may have names, investment objectives and management which are identical or similar to publicly available mutual funds, these Divisions and Portfolios are not those mutual funds. The Portfolios most likely will not have the same performance experience as any publicly available mutual fund. The degree of investment risk You assume will depend on the Divisions You choose. Since your Account Value or income payments are subject to the risks associated with investing in stocks and bonds, your Account Value and/or variable income payments based on amounts allocated to the Divisions may go down as well as up.
Each Portfolio has different investment objectives and risks. The Portfolio prospectuses contain more detailed information on each Portfolio’s investment strategy, investment managers and its fees. You may obtain a Portfolio prospectus by calling 1-800-638-7732 or through your registered representative. We do not guarantee the investment results of the Portfolios.
The current Portfolios are listed below, along with their investment manager and any sub-investment manager.
Certain Portfolios have been subject to a change. Please see Appendix C — “Additional Information Regarding the Portfolios.”
Portfolios Which Are Fund of Funds
The following Portfolios available within Brighthouse Trust I, and Brighthouse Trust II are “fund of funds”:
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 20 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 40 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 60 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 80 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 100 Portfolio


“Fund of funds” Portfolios invest substantially all of their assets in other portfolios. Therefore, each of these Portfolios will bear its pro rata share of the fees and expenses incurred by the underlying portfolios in which it invests in addition to its own management fees and expenses. This will reduce the investment return of each of the fund of funds Portfolios. The expense levels will vary over time, depending on the mix of underlying portfolios in which the fund of funds Portfolio invests. You may be able to realize lower aggregate expenses by investing directly in the underlying portfolios instead of investing in the fund of funds Portfolios, if such underlying portfolios are available under the Contract. However, only some of the underlying portfolios are available under the Contract.
Additional Information About the Portfolios
Some of the investment choices may not be available under the terms of your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. The Contract or other correspondence we provide You will indicate the Divisions that are available to You. Your investment choices may be limited because:
Your employer, association or other group contract holder limits the available Divisions.
We have restricted the available Divisions.
Some of the Divisions are not approved in your state.
The Divisions buy and sell shares of corresponding mutual fund Portfolios. These Portfolios, which are part of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II or the American Funds®, invest in stocks, bonds and other investments. All dividends declared by the Portfolios are earned by the Separate Account and reinvested. Therefore, no dividends are distributed to You under the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities. You pay no transaction expenses (i.e., front-end or back-end sales load charges) as a result of the Separate Account’s purchase or sale of these mutual fund shares. The Portfolios of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II and American Funds® Portfolios are made available only through various insurance company annuities and life insurance policies.
Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II and American Funds® are each a “series” type fund registered with the SEC as an “open-end management investment company” under the 1940 Act. A “series” fund means that each Portfolio is one of several available through the fund.
The Portfolios of Brighthouse Trust I and Brighthouse Trust II pay Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC a monthly fee for its services as their investment manager. The Portfolios of the American Funds® pay Capital Research and Management Company a monthly fee for its services as their investment manager. These fees, as well as other expenses paid by each Portfolio, are described in the applicable prospectuses and SAIs for Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II and American Funds®.
Certain Payments We Receive with Regard to the Portfolios
An investment manager or sub-investment manager of a Portfolio, or its affiliates, may make payments to us and/or certain of our affiliates. These payments may be used for a variety of purposes, including payment of expenses for certain administrative, marketing, and support services with respect to the Contracts and, in the Company’s role as an intermediary, with respect to the Portfolios. The Company and its affiliates may profit from these payments. These payments may be derived, in whole or in part, from the advisory fee deducted from Portfolio assets. Contract Owners, through their indirect investment in the Portfolios, bear the costs of these advisory fees (see the Portfolios’ prospectuses for more information). The amount of the payments we receive is based on a percentage of assets of the Portfolios attributable to the Contracts and certain other variable insurance products that we and our affiliates issue. These percentages differ and some investment managers or sub-investment managers (or other affiliates) may pay us more than others. These percentages currently range up to 0.50%.


Additionally, an investment manager or sub-investment manager of a Portfolio or its affiliates may provide us with wholesaling services that assist in the distribution of the Contracts and may pay us and/or certain of our affiliates amounts to participate in sales meetings. These amounts may be significant and may provide the investment manager or sub-investment manager (or its affiliate) with increased access to persons involved in the distribution of the Contracts.
As of December 31, 2021, approximately 87% of Portfolio assets held in Separate Accounts of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and its affiliates were allocated to Portfolios in Brighthouse Funds Trust I and Brighthouse Funds Trust II. We and certain of our affiliated companies have entered into agreements with Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC, Brighthouse Funds Trust I and Brighthouse Funds Trust II, whereby we receive payments for certain administrative, marketing and support services described in the previous paragraphs. Currently, the Portfolios in Brighthouse Funds Trust I and Brighthouse Funds Trust II are only available in variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies issued by MetLife and its affiliates, as well as Brighthouse Life Insurance Company and its affiliates. Should we or Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC decide to terminate the agreements, we would be required to find alternative Portfolios which could have higher or lower costs to the Contract Owner. In addition, the amount of payments we receive could cease or be substantially reduced which may have a material impact on our financial statements.
Certain Portfolios have adopted a Distribution Plan under Rule 12b-1 of the 1940 Act. A Portfolio’s 12b-1 Plan, if any, is described in more detail in each Portfolio’s prospectus. (See the Fee Table and “Who Sells the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities.”) Any payments we receive pursuant to those 12b-1 Plans are paid to us or our distributor, MetLife Investors Distribution Company ("MLIDC"). Payments under a Portfolio’s 12b-1 Plan decrease the Portfolio’s investment return.
Portfolio Selection
We select the Portfolios offered through the Contracts based on a number of criteria, including asset class coverage, the strength of the investment manager’s or sub-investment manager’s reputation and tenure, brand recognition, performance, and the capability and qualification of each investment firm. Another factor we consider during the selection process is whether the Portfolio’s investment manager or sub-investment manager is one of our affiliates or whether the Portfolio, its investment manager, its sub-investment manager(s), or an affiliate will make payments to us or our affiliates. In this regard, the profit distributions we receive from our affiliated investment manager are a component of the total revenue that we consider in configuring the features and investment choices available in the variable insurance products that we and our affiliated insurance companies issue. Since we and our affiliated insurance companies may benefit more from the allocation of assets to Portfolios advised by our affiliates than those that are not, we may be more inclined to offer Portfolios advised by our affiliates in the variable insurance products we issue. We review the Portfolios periodically and may remove a Portfolio or limit its availability to new purchase payments and/or transfers of Account Value if we determine that the Portfolio no longer meets one or more of the selection criteria, and/or if the Portfolio has not attracted significant allocations from Contract Owners. In some cases, we have included Portfolios based on recommendations made by selling firms. These selling firms may receive payments from the Portfolios they recommend and may benefit accordingly from the allocation of Account Value to such Portfolios.
We do not provide any investment advice and do not recommend or endorse any particular Portfolio. You bear the risk of any decline in the Account Value of your Contract resulting from the performance of the Portfolios You have chosen.


This Prospectus describes the following Deferred Annuities under which You can accumulate money:
Traditional IRA (Individual Retirement Annuities)
Roth IRAs (Roth Individual Retirement Annuities)
Unallocated Keogh
These Deferred Annuities may be issued to You as an individual or to a group (in which case You are then a participant under the group’s Deferred Annuity). Certain group Deferred Annuities may be issued to a bank that does nothing but hold them as contract holder. Deferred Annuities may be either:
Allocated (your Account Value records are kept for You as an individual); or
Unallocated (Account Value records are kept for a plan or group as a whole).
The Deferred Annuity and Your Retirement Plan
If You participate through a retirement plan or other group arrangement, the Deferred Annuity may provide that all or some of your rights or choices as described in this Prospectus are subject to the plan’s terms. For example, limitations on your rights may apply to investment choices, purchase payments, withdrawals, transfers, the death benefit and pay-out options. The Deferred Annuity may provide that a plan administrative fee will be paid by making a withdrawal from your Account Value. We may rely on your employer’s or plan administrator’s statements to us as to the terms of the plan or your entitlement to any amounts. We are not a party to your employer’s retirement plan. We will not be responsible for determining what your plan says. You should consult your Deferred Annuity Contract and plan document to see how You may be affected.
Plan Terminations
Upon termination of a retirement plan that is not a Section 403(b) plan, your employer is generally required to distribute your plan benefits under the Contract to You.
This distribution is in cash. The distribution is a withdrawal under the Contract and any amounts withdrawn are subject to any applicable Early Withdrawal Charges. Outstanding loans, if available will be satisfied (paid) from your cash benefit prior to its distribution to You. In addition, your cash distributions are subject to withholding, ordinary income tax and applicable Federal income tax penalties. (See “Income Taxes.”) Early Withdrawal Charges will be waived if the net distribution is made under the exceptions listed in the “Early Withdrawal Charges” section of the prospectus. However, your employer may not give You the opportunity to instruct MetLife to make, at a minimum, a direct transfer to another funding option or annuity contract issued by us or one of our affiliates which may avoid a withdrawal charge. In that case, You will receive the net cash distribution, less any applicable Early Withdrawal Charge and withholding.
Automated Investment Strategies
There are five automated investment strategies available to You . We created these investment strategies to help You manage your money. You decide if one is appropriate for You based upon your risk tolerance and savings goals. These investment strategies are available to You without any additional charges. However, the investment strategies are not available for the unallocated to Keogh Deferred Annuities. As with any investment program, no strategy can


guarantee a gain — You can lose money. We may modify or terminate any of the strategies at any time. You may have only one automated investment strategy in effect at a time.
The Equity Generator®: An amount equal to the interest earned in the Fixed Interest Account is transferred monthly to either the MetLife Stock Index Division or the Frontier Mid Cap Growth Division, based on your selection. If your Fixed Interest Account Value at the time of a scheduled transfer is zero, this strategy is automatically discontinued. There is no additional charge for electing the Equity Generator. For example, if you elected the Equity Generator and $1,000 of interest was credited to your account each month, then the $1,000 of interest would be transferred from the fixed interest account to the specified Division every month for a 12 month period.
As an added benefit of this strategy, as long as 100% of every purchase payment is allocated to the Fixed Interest Account for the life of your Deferred Annuity and You never request allocation changes or transfers, You will not pay more in Early Withdrawal Charges than your Contract earns. Early Withdrawal Charges may be taken from any of your earnings.
The EqualizerSM: You start with equal amounts of money in the Fixed Interest Account and your choice of either the MetLife Stock Index Division or the Frontier Mid Cap Growth Division. Each quarter, amounts are transferred between the Fixed Interest Account and your chosen Division to make the value of each equal. For example, if You choose the MetLife Stock Index Division and over the quarter it outperforms the Fixed Interest Account, money is transferred to the Fixed Interest Account. Conversely, if the Fixed Interest Account outperforms the MetLife Stock Index Division, money is transferred into the MetLife Stock Index Division. There is no additional fee for The Equalizer.
The Rebalancer®: You select a specific asset allocation for your entire Account Value from among the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account. Each quarter, we transfer amounts among these options to bring the percentage of your Account Value in each option back to your original allocation. In the future, we may permit You to allocate less than 100% of your Account Value to this strategy. There is no additional charge for electing the Rebalancer. For example, if you allocated 25% among four Divisions then on a quarterly basis, we will transfer amounts among those four Divisions so that 25% of your Policy’s Cash Value is in each such Division.
The Index Selector®: You may select one of five asset allocation models (the Conservative Model, the Conservative to Moderate Model, the Moderate Model, the Moderate to Aggressive Model and the Aggressive Model) which are designed to correlate to various risk tolerance levels. Based on the model You choose, your entire Account Value is allocated among the MetLife Aggregate Bond Index, MetLife Stock Index, MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index, MetLife Russell 2000® Index and MetLife Mid Cap Stock Index Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account. Each quarter, the percentage in each of these Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account is brought back to the model percentage by transferring amounts among the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account.
In the future, we may permit You to allocate less than 100% of your Account Value to this strategy.
We will continue to implement the Index Selector strategy using the percentage allocations of the model that were in effect when You elected the Index Selector. You should consider whether it is appropriate for You to continue this strategy over time if your risk tolerance, time horizon or financial situation changes. This strategy may experience more volatility than our other strategies. We provide the elements to formulate the model. We may rely on a third party for its expertise in creating appropriate allocations.
The asset allocation models used in the Index Selector strategy may change from time to time. If You are interested in an updated model, please contact your sales representative (where applicable).


You may choose another Index Selector® strategy or terminate your Index Selector® strategy at any time. If You choose another Index Selector® strategy, You must select from the asset allocation models available at that time. After termination, if You then wish to select the Index Selector® strategy again, You must select from the asset allocation models available at that time. There is no additional charge for electing the Index Selector. For example, if you chose the Conservative Model, then on a quarterly basis we would transfer amounts in the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account so that the balances in each reflect the selected Conservative Model percentage.
The AllocatorSM: Each month, a dollar amount You choose is transferred from the Fixed Interest Account to any of the Divisions You choose. You select the day of the month and the number of months over which the transfers will occur. A minimum periodic transfer of $50 is required. Once your Fixed Interest Account Value is exhausted, this strategy is automatically discontinued. There is no additional charge for electing the Allocator. For example, you may elect to have $100 a month transferred of the 15th of the month from the Fixed Interest Account to a Division for a period of two years.
The Equity Generator® and the AllocatorSM are dollar cost averaging strategies. Dollar cost averaging involves investing at regular intervals of time. Since this involves continuously investing regardless of fluctuating prices, You should consider whether You wish to continue the strategy through periods of fluctuating prices.
We will terminate all transactions under any automated investment strategy upon notification of your death.
Purchase Payments
There is no minimum purchase payment except for the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity. If You have an unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, each purchase payment must be at least $2,000. In addition, your total purchase payments must be at least $15,000 for your first Contract Year and $5,000 for each subsequent Contract Year.
You may continue to make purchase payments while You receive Systematic Withdrawal Program payments, as described later in this Prospectus, unless your purchase payments are made through automatic payroll deduction, debit authorization, salary reduction or salary deduction. You may make purchase payments to your Deferred Annuity whenever You choose, up to the date You begin receiving payments from a pay-out option.
We will not issue the TSA Deferred Annuity to You if You are age 80 or older or younger than age 18. For SEPs and SIMPLE IRA Deferred Annuities, the minimum issue age is 21. We will not accept your purchase payments if You are age 90 or older.
Allocation of Purchase Payments
You decide how your money is allocated among the Fixed Interest Account and the Divisions. You can change your allocations for future purchase payments. We will make allocation changes when we receive your request for a change. You may also specify an effective date for the change as long as it is within 30 days after we receive the request.
If You choose to make an allocation to the asset allocation Divisions with your initial purchase payment, 100% of your allocation to the investment choices must be to only one of the asset allocation Divisions. After the initial purchase payment has been made, You may allocate subsequent purchase payments or make transfers from any asset allocation Division to any investment choice or to one or more of the asset allocation Divisions. We reserve the right to make certain changes to the Divisions. (See “Your Investment Choices — Portfolio Selection.”)


Automated Purchase Payments
If You purchase a Traditional IRA, a Roth IRA or a Non-Qualified Deferred Annuity, You may elect to have purchase payments made automatically. With “automatic payroll deduction” your employer deducts an amount from your salary and makes the purchase payment for You. With purchase payments through debit authorization your bank deducts money from your bank account and makes the purchase payment for You.
Electronic Applications
When circumstances permit, we may be able to electronically submit your complete initial application to your Administrative Office. If You elect to use this process, our local office or your sales representative (where applicable) will actually transmit the record of your purchase payment and application. Your actual purchase payment, application and other related documents will then be forwarded to your Administrative Office. We may, for certain Deferred Annuities, treat the electronic purchase payment as though we had received payment at your Administrative Office in order to credit and value the purchase payment.
We may do this if:
The electronic purchase payment is received at your Administrative Office and accompanied by a properly completed electronic application record; and
Your money, application and other documentation are received in Good Order at your Administrative Office within five business days following the transmission of the electronic record. Generally, the electronic record is received at your Administrative Office the business day following its transmission by the sales representative (where applicable) or local office.
If, however, your purchase payment and paper copy of the application are received at your Administrative Office before the electronic record, then your purchase payment will be credited and valued as of the date it is received.
Limits on Purchase Payments
Your ability to make purchase payments may be limited by:
Federal tax laws;
Our right to limit the total of your purchase payments to $1,000,000. For the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, we limit purchase payments to $5,000,000 per year. We may change the maximum by telling You in writing at least 90 days in advance;
Regulatory requirements. For example, if You reside in Washington or Oregon, we may be required to limit your ability to make purchase payments after You have held the Deferred Annuity for more than three years, if the Deferred Annuity was issued to You after You turn age 60; or after You turn age 63, if the Deferred Annuity was issued before You were age 61;
Retirement, for certain Deferred Annuities. You may no longer make purchase payments if You retire;
Leaving your job (for the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity); and
Receiving systematic termination payments (described later).
The Value of Your Investment
We use the term “experience factor” to describe investment performance for a Division. We calculate Accumulation Unit Values once a day on every day the Exchange is open for trading. We call the time between two consecutive


Accumulation Unit Value calculations the “Valuation Period.” We have the right to change the basis for the Valuation Period, on 30 days’ notice, as long as it is consistent with law. All purchase payments and transfers are valued as of the end of the Valuation Period during which the transaction occurred. The experience factor changes from Valuation Period to Valuation Period to reflect the upward or downward performance of the assets in the underlying Portfolios. The experience factor is calculated as of the end of each Valuation Period using the net asset value per share of the underlying Portfolio. The net asset value includes the per share amount of any dividend or capital gain distribution paid by the Portfolio during the current Valuation Period, and subtracts any per share charges for taxes and reserve for taxes. We then divide that amount by the net asset value per share as of the end of the last Valuation Period to obtain a factor that reflects investment performance. We then subtract a charge for each day in the Valuation Period which is the daily equivalent of the Separate Account charge. This charge varies, depending on the class of the Deferred Annuity.
Accumulation Units are credited to You when You make purchase payments or transfers into a Division. When You withdraw or transfer money from a Division, Accumulation Units are liquidated. We determine the number of Accumulation Units by dividing the amount of your purchase payment, transfer or withdrawal by the Accumulation Unit Value on the date of the transaction.
This is how we calculate the Accumulation Unit Value for each Division:
Step 1: First, we determine the change in investment performance (including any investment-related charge) for the underlying Portfolio from the previous trading day to the current trading day;
Step 2: Next, we subtract the daily equivalent of our insurance-related charge (general administrative expenses and mortality and expense risk charges) for each day since the last Accumulation Unit Value was calculated; and
Step 3: Finally, we multiply the previous Accumulation Unit Value by this result.
Calculating the Number of Accumulation Units
Assume You make a purchase payment of $500 into one Division and that Division’s Accumulation Unit Value is currently $10.00. You would be credited with 50 Accumulation Units.
$500 = 50 Accumulation Units
Calculating the Accumulation Unit Value
Assume yesterday’s Accumulation Unit Value was $10.00 and the number we calculate for today’s investment experience (minus charges) for an underlying Portfolio is 1.05 (Step 1 and Step 2 above). Today’s Accumulation Unit Value is $10.50 ($10.00 × 1.05 = $10.50). The value of your $500 investment is then $525 (50 × $10.50 = $525) (Step 3 described above).
However, assume that today’s investment experience (minus charges) is .95 instead of 1.05. Today’s Accumulation Unit Value is $9.50 ($10.00 × .95 = $9.50). The value of your $500 investment is then $475 (50 × $9.50 = $475).


You may make tax-free transfers between Divisions or between the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account. Some restrictions may apply to transfers from the Fixed Interest Account to the Divisions. For us to process a transfer, You must tell us:
The percentage or dollar amount of the transfer;
The Divisions (or Fixed Interest Account) from which You want the money to be transferred;
The Divisions (or Fixed Interest Account) to which You want the money to be transferred; and
Whether You intend to start, stop, modify or continue unchanged an automated investment strategy by making the transfer.
Your transfer request must be in Good Order and completed prior to the close of the Exchange on a business day if You want the transaction to take place on that day. All other transfer requests in Good Order will be processed on our next business day.
For additional transfer restrictions (see “General Information — Valuation — Suspension of Payments”).
We may require You to:
Use our forms;
Maintain a minimum Account Value (if the transfer is in connection with an automated investment strategy); or
Transfer a minimum amount if the transfer is in connection with the Allocator.
The following is a discussion of frequent transfers/reallocations policies and procedures. They apply to both the “pay-in” and “pay-out” phase of your Deferred Annuity as well as your Income Annuity.
Restrictions on Frequent Transfers/Reallocations. Frequent requests from Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants to make transfers/reallocations may dilute the value of a Portfolio’s shares if the frequent transfers/reallocations involve an attempt to take advantage of pricing inefficiencies created by a lag between a change in the value of the securities held by the Portfolio and the reflection of that change in the Portfolio’s share price (“arbitrage trading”). Frequent transfers/reallocations involving arbitrage trading may adversely affect the long-term performance of the Portfolios, which may in turn adversely affect Contract Owners and other persons who may have an interest in the Contracts (e.g., participants/Annuitants) and Beneficiaries.
We have policies and procedures that attempt to detect and deter frequent transfers/reallocations in situations where we determine there is a potential for arbitrage trading. Currently, we believe that such situations may be presented in the international, small-cap, and high-yield Portfolios. These are:
American Funds Global Small Capitalization Fund
American Funds Growth Fund
American Funds Growth-Income Fund
Baillie Gifford International Stock Portfolio
CBRE Global Real Estate Portfolio


Harris Oakmark International Portfolio
Invesco Global Equity Portfolio
Invesco Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Loomis Sayles Small Cap Core Portfolio
Loomis Sayles Small Cap Growth Portfolio
MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index Portfolio
MetLife Russell 2000® Index Portfolio
MFS® Research International Portfolio
Neuberger Berman Genesis Portfolio
T. Rowe Price Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Western Asset Management Strategic Bond Opportunities Portfolio
In addition, as described below, we intend to treat all American Funds® as Monitored Portfolios. We employ various means to monitor transfer/reallocation activity, such as examining the frequency and size of transfers/reallocations into and out of the Monitored Portfolios within given periods of time. For example, we currently monitor transfer/reallocation activity to determine if, for each category of international, small-cap, and high-yield portfolios, in a 12-month period there were (1) six or more transfers/reallocations involving the given category; (2) cumulative gross transfers/reallocations involving the given category that exceed the current Account Value; and (3) two or more “round-trips” involving any Monitored Portfolio in the given category. A round-trip generally is defined as a transfer/reallocation in followed by a transfer/reallocation out within the next seven calendar days or a transfer/reallocation out followed by a transfer/reallocation in within the next seven calendar days, in either case subject to certain other criteria.
We do not believe that other Portfolios present a significant opportunity to engage in arbitrage trading and therefore do not monitor transfer/reallocation activity in those Portfolios. We may change the Monitored Portfolios at any time without notice in our sole discretion.
As a condition to making their portfolios available in our products, American Funds® requires us to treat all American Funds portfolios as Monitored Portfolios under our current frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures. Further, American Funds® requires us to impose additional specified monitoring criteria for all American Funds portfolios available under the Contract, regardless of the potential for arbitrage trading. We are required to monitor transfer/reallocation activity in American Funds portfolios to determine if there were two or more transfers/reallocations in followed by transfers/reallocations out, in each case of a certain dollar amount or greater, in any 30-day period. A first violation of the American Funds® monitoring policy will result in a written notice of violation; each additional violation will result in the imposition of a six-month restriction during which period we will require all transfer/reallocation requests to or from an American Funds portfolio to be submitted with an original signature. Further, as Monitored Portfolios, all American Funds portfolios also will be subject to our current frequent transfer/reallocation policies, procedures and restrictions (described below), and transfer/reallocation restrictions may be imposed upon a violation of either monitoring policy. A process has been implemented to enforce the American Funds® restrictions. There is no guarantee that this process will detect all contract holders whose transfer/reallocation activity in the American Funds® Portfolio violates this monitoring policy.
Our policies and procedures may result in transfer/reallocation restrictions being applied to deter frequent transfers/reallocations. Currently, when we detect transfer/reallocation activity in the Monitored Portfolios that


exceeds our current transfer/reallocation limits, we require future transfer/reallocation requests to or from any Monitored Portfolios under that Contract to be submitted with an original signature. A first occurrence will result in a warning letter; a second occurrence will result in the imposition of this restriction for a six-month period; a third occurrence will result in the permanent imposition of this restriction. Transfers made under a dollar cost averaging program, a rebalancing program or, if applicable, any asset allocation program described in this Prospectus are not treated as transfers when we monitor the frequency of transfers.
The detection and deterrence of harmful transfer/reallocation activity involves judgments that are inherently subjective, such as the decision to monitor only those Portfolios that we believe are susceptible to arbitrage trading or the determination of the transfer/reallocation limits. Our ability to detect and/or restrict such transfer/reallocation activity may be limited by operational and technological systems, as well as our ability to predict strategies employed by Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants to avoid such detection. Our ability to restrict such transfer/reallocation activity also may be limited by provisions of the Contract. Accordingly, there is no assurance that we will prevent all transfer/reallocation activity that may adversely affect Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants and other persons with interests in the Contracts. We do not accommodate frequent transfers/reallocations in any Portfolio and there are no arrangements in place to permit any Contract Owner or participant/Annuitant to engage in frequent transfers/reallocations; we apply our policies and procedures without exception, waiver or special arrangement.
The Portfolios may have adopted their own policies and procedures with respect to frequent transfers/reallocations in their respective shares, and we reserve the right to enforce these policies and procedures. For example, Portfolios may assess a redemption fee (which we reserve the right to collect) on shares held for a relatively short period. The prospectuses for the Portfolios describe any such policies and procedures, which may be more or less restrictive than the policies and procedures we have adopted. Although we may not have the contractual authority or the operational capacity to apply the frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures of the Portfolios, we have entered into a written agreement, as required by SEC regulation, with each Portfolio or its principal underwriter that obligates us to provide to the Portfolio promptly upon request certain information about the trading activity of individual Contract Owners, and to execute instructions from the Portfolio to restrict or prohibit further purchases or transfers/reallocations by specific Contract Owners who violate the frequent transfer/reallocation policies established by the Portfolio.
In addition, Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants and other persons with interests in the Contracts should be aware that the purchase and redemption orders received by the Portfolios generally are “omnibus” orders from intermediaries, such as retirement plans or separate accounts funding variable insurance contracts. The omnibus orders reflect the aggregation and netting of multiple orders from individual owners of variable insurance contracts and/or individual retirement plan participants. The omnibus nature of these orders may limit the Portfolios in their ability to apply their frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures. In addition, the other insurance companies and/or retirement plans may have different policies and procedures or may not have any such policies and procedures because of contractual limitations. For these reasons, we cannot guarantee that the Portfolios (and thus Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants) will not be harmed by transfer/reallocation activity relating to the other insurance companies and/or retirement plans that may invest in the Portfolios. If a Portfolio believes that an omnibus order reflects one or more transfer/reallocation requests from Contract Owners engaged in frequent transfer/reallocation trading activity, the Portfolio may reject the entire omnibus order.
In accordance with applicable law, we reserve the right to modify or terminate the transfer/reallocation privilege at any time. We also reserve the right to defer or restrict the transfer/reallocation privilege at any time that we are unable to purchase or redeem shares of any of the Portfolios, including any refusal or restriction on purchases or redemptions of their shares as a result of their own policies and procedures on frequent transfers/reallocations


(even if an entire omnibus order is rejected due to the frequent transfers/reallocations of a single Contract Owner or participant/Annuitant). You should read the Portfolio prospectuses for more details.
Restrictions on Large Transfers/Reallocations. Large transfers/reallocations may increase brokerage and administrative costs of the underlying Portfolios and may disrupt portfolio management strategy, requiring a Portfolio to maintain a high cash position and possibly resulting in lost investment opportunities and forced liquidations. We do not monitor for large transfers/reallocations to or from Portfolios except where the Portfolio manager of a particular underlying Portfolio has brought large transfer/reallocation activity to our attention for investigation on a case-by-case basis. For example, some Portfolio managers have asked us to monitor for “block transfers” where transfer/reallocation requests have been submitted on behalf of multiple Contract Owners by a third party such as an investment adviser. When we detect such large trades, we may impose restrictions similar to those described above where future transfer/reallocation requests from that third party must be submitted in writing with an original signature. A first occurrence will result in a warning letter; a second occurrence will result in the imposition of this restriction for a six-month period; a third occurrence will result in the permanent imposition of the restriction.
Access To Your Money
You may withdraw either all or part of your Account Value from the Deferred Annuity. Other than those made through the Systematic Withdrawal Program, withdrawals must be at least $500 (or the Account Value, if less). To process your request, we need the following information:
The percentage or dollar amount of the withdrawal; and
The Divisions (or Fixed Interest Account) from which You want the money to be withdrawn.
Your withdrawal may be subject to income taxes, tax penalties and Early Withdrawal Charges.
Generally, if You request, we will make payments directly to other investments on a tax-free basis. You may only do so if all applicable tax and state regulatory requirements are met and we receive all information necessary for us to make the payment. We may require You to use our original forms.
We may withhold payment of a withdrawal if any portion of those proceeds would be derived from your check that has not yet cleared (i.e., that could still be dishonored by your banking institution). We may use telephone, fax, Internet or other means of communication to verify that payment from your check has been or will be collected. We will not delay payment longer than necessary for us to verify that payment has been or will be collected. You may avoid the possibility of delay in the disbursement of proceeds coming from a check that has not yet cleared by providing us with a certified check.
You may submit a written withdrawal request, which must be received at your Administrative Office on or before the date the pay-out phase begins, that indicates that the withdrawal should be processed as of the date the pay-out phase begins, in which case the request will be deemed to have been received on, and the withdrawal amount will be priced according to, the Accumulation Unit Value calculated as of the date the pay-out phase begins.
Minimum Distribution
In order for You to comply with certain tax law provisions, You may be required to take money out of your Deferred Annuity. Rather than receiving your required minimum distribution in one annual lump-sum payment, You may request that we pay it to You in installments throughout the calendar year. However, we may require that You maintain a certain Account Value at the time You request these payments. We will terminate your participation in


the program upon notification of your death. You may not have a Systematic Withdrawal Program in effect if we pay your minimum required distribution in installments.
Annual Contract Fee
There is no Separate Account Annual Contract Fee. You may pay a $20 annual fee from the Fixed Interest Account at the end of each Contract Year. if your Account Value is less than a certain amount.
There are two types of charges You pay while You have money in a Division:
Insurance-related charge (or Separate Account charge), and
Investment-related charge.
We describe these charges below. The amount of a charge may not necessarily correspond to the costs associated with providing the services or benefits indicated by the designation of the charge or associated with the particular Contract. For example, the Early Withdrawal Charge may not fully cover all of the sales and distribution expenses
Separate Account Charge
You will pay an insurance-related charge for the Separate Account (also described in this prospectus as a “Base Contract Charge”) that is no more than 0.95% annually of the average value of the amount You have in the Separate Account. This charge pays us for general administrative expenses and for the mortality and expense risk of the Deferred Annuity.
General administrative expenses we incur include financial, actuarial, accounting, and legal expenses.
The mortality portion of the insurance-related charge pays us for the risk that You may live longer than we estimated. Then, we could be obligated to pay You more in payments from a pay-out option than we anticipated. Also, we bear the risk that the guaranteed death benefit we would pay should You die during your “pay-in” phase is larger than your Account Value. We also bear the risk that our expenses in administering the Deferred Annuities may be greater than we estimated (expense risk). The Separate Account charge You pay will not reduce the number of Accumulation Units credited to You. Instead, we deduct the charge as part of the calculation of the Accumulation Unit Value. We guarantee that the Separate Account insurance-related charge will not increase while You have this Contract.
Charges are deducted from and expenses paid out of the assets of the Portfolios that are described in the prospectuses for those Portfolios. Shares of the Portfolios are purchased for the Separate Account at their net asset value. The net asset value of Portfolio shares is determined after deduction of the fees and charges. For further information, consult the prospectus for each Portfolio and Appendix A, below.
Portfolio Company Charge
Charges are deducted from and expenses are paid out of the assets of the Portfolios that are described in the prospectuses for those companies.


Premium and Other Taxes
Some jurisdictions tax what are called “annuity considerations.” These may apply to purchase payments, Account Values and death benefits. In most jurisdictions, we currently do not deduct any money from purchase payments, Account Values or death benefits to pay these taxes. Generally, our practice is to deduct money to pay premium taxes (also known as “annuity” taxes) only when You exercise a pay-out option. In certain jurisdictions, we may also deduct money to pay premium taxes on lump sum withdrawals or when You exercise a pay-out option. We may deduct an amount to pay premium taxes some time in the future since the laws and the interpretation of the laws relating to annuities are subject to change.
Premium taxes, if applicable, depend on the Deferred Annuity You purchase and your home state or jurisdiction. A chart in Appendix A shows the jurisdictions where premium taxes are charged and the amount of these taxes.
We also reserve the right to deduct from purchase payments, Account Value, withdrawals or income payments, any taxes (including but not limited to premium taxes) paid by us to any government entity relating to the Deferred Annuities. Examples of these taxes include, but are not limited to, generation skipping transfer tax or a similar excise tax under Federal or state tax law which is imposed on payments we make to certain persons and income tax withholdings on withdrawals and income payments to the extent required by law. We will, at our sole discretion, determine when taxes relate to the Deferred Annuities. We may, at our sole discretion, pay taxes when due and deduct that amount from the Account Value at a later date. Payment at an earlier date does not waive any right we may have to deduct amounts at a later date.
We reserve the right to deduct from the Deferred Annuity for any income taxes which we incur because of the Deferred Annuity. In general, we believe under current Federal income tax law, we are entitled to hold reserves with respect to the Deferred Annuity that offset Separate Account income. If this should change, it is possible we could incur income tax with respect to the Deferred Annuity, and in that event we may deduct such tax from the Deferred Annuity. At the present time, however, we are not incurring any such income tax or making any such deductions.
Early Withdrawal Charges
An Early Withdrawal Charge of up to 7% may apply if You withdraw purchase payments within seven years of when they were credited to your Deferred Annuity. The Early Withdrawal Charge does not apply in certain situations or upon the occurrence of certain events or circumstances. To determine the Early Withdrawal Charge for Deferred Annuities, we treat your Fixed Interest Account and Separate Account as if they were a single account and ignore both your actual allocations and the Fixed Interest Account or Divisions from which the withdrawal is actually coming. To do this, we first assume that your withdrawal is from purchase payments that can be withdrawn without an Early Withdrawal Charge, then from other purchase payments on a “first-in-first-out” (oldest money first) basis and then from earnings. Once we have determined the amount of the Early Withdrawal Charge, we will then withdraw it from the Fixed Interest Account and the Divisions in the same proportion as the withdrawal is being made. In determining what the withdrawal charge is, we do not include earnings, although the actual withdrawal to pay it may come from earnings. However, if the Early Withdrawal Charge is greater than the available purchase payments, then we will take the Early Withdrawal Charges, in whole or in part, from your earnings.
For partial withdrawals, the Early Withdrawal Charge is determined by dividing the amount that is subject to the Early Withdrawal Charge by 100% minus the applicable percentage shown in the following chart. Then we will make the payment directed and withdraw the Early Withdrawal Charge. We will treat your request as a request for a full withdrawal if your Account Value is not sufficient to pay both the requested withdrawal and the Early Withdrawal Charge.


For a full withdrawal, we multiply the amount to which the withdrawal charge applies by the percentage shown, keep the result as an Early Withdrawal Charge and pay You the rest.
The Early Withdrawal Charge on purchase payments withdrawn is as follows:
During Purchase Payment Year Percentage
1 7%
2 6%
3 5%
4 4%
5 3%
6 2%
7 1%
8 & Later 0%
Early Withdrawal Charges may be waived for certain Deferred Annuities because we have reduced sales costs associated with them.
The Early Withdrawal Charge reimburses us for our costs in selling the Deferred Annuities. We may use our profits (if any) from the mortality and expense risk charge to pay for our costs to sell the Deferred Annuities which exceed the amount of Early Withdrawal Charges we collect. However, we believe that our sales costs may exceed the Early Withdrawal Charges we collect. If so, we will pay the difference out of our general profits.
When No Early Withdrawal Charge Applies
In some cases, we will not charge You the Early Withdrawal Charge when You make a withdrawal. We may, however, ask You to prove that You meet one of the conditions listed below.
You do not pay an Early Withdrawal Charge:
On transfers You make among the Divisions or to or from the Fixed Interest Account.
On withdrawals of purchase payments You made over seven years ago.
If You choose payments over one or more lifetimes or for a period of at least five years (without the right to accelerate the payments).
If You die during the pay-in phase. Your beneficiary will receive the full death benefit without deduction.
If your Contract permits and your spouse is substituted as the purchaser of the Deferred Annuity and continues the Contract, that portion of the Account Value that equals the “step up” portion of the death benefit.
If You withdraw the permitted free withdrawal each Contract Year. This total withdrawal may be taken in an unlimited number of partial withdrawals during that Contract Year. Each time You make a withdrawal, we calculate what percentage your withdrawal represents at that time. Only when the total of these percentages exceeds the specified percentage will You have to pay Early Withdrawal Charges. For the unallocated Keogh and other Deferred Annuities, generally You are allowed to take the “free withdrawal” on top of any other withdrawals which are otherwise exempt from the Early Withdrawal Charge. This is not true if your other withdrawals are in connection with a systematic termination or purchase payments made over seven years ago.
The percentage of your Account Value You are permitted without an Early Withdrawal Charge is for:


Unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, 20%.
Non-Qualified and IRA Deferred Annuities (depending on the Contract’s terms), either 10% of your Account Value or 10% of your Fixed Interest Account Value only.
If the withdrawal is required for You to avoid Federal income tax penalties or to satisfy Federal income tax rules or Department of Labor regulations that apply to your Deferred Annuity. This exception does not apply if You have a Non-Qualified or Roth IRA Deferred Annuity or if the withdrawal is to satisfy Section 72(t) requirements under the Code.
Except for the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, if your Contract provides for this, and except in the state of Massachusetts, on your first withdrawal to which an Early Withdrawal Charge would otherwise apply, and either You or your spouse:
Has been a resident of certain nursing home facilities for a minimum of 90 consecutive days; or
Is diagnosed with a terminal illness and not expected to live more than a year.
Systematic Termination. For unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuities You may withdraw your total Account Value without an Early Withdrawal Charge when the Account Value is paid in annual installments based on the following percentages of your Account Value for that year’s withdrawal:
Contract Year* Percentage
1 20%
2 25%
3 33⅓%
4 50%
5 remainder
* Less that Contract Year’s withdrawals.
Any money You withdraw in excess of these percentages in any Contract Year will be subject to Early Withdrawal Charges. You may stop the systematic termination of the Contract. If You ask to restart systematic termination, You begin at the beginning of the schedule listed above.
For the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, if You are disabled and request a total withdrawal. Disability is defined in the Federal Social Security Act. If the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity is issued in connection with your retirement plan which is subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”) and if your plan document defines disability, your plan’s definition governs.
If You retire:
For the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, if your plan defines retirement and You retire under that definition. If You are a “restricted” participant, according to the terms of the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, You must have participated in the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity for the time stated in the Contract.
For certain Non-Qualified Deferred Annuities, if You retire from the employer and for certain others if You retire and receive retirement benefits from your employer’s qualified plan.
For certain IRA Deferred Annuities, if You retire from the employer.
If You leave your job:
For the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, if You are a “restricted” participant, according to the terms of the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, You must have participated in the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity for the time stated in the Contract.


For certain Non-Qualified Deferred Annuities, if You retire from your employer or, for certain others, if You leave your job and receive retirement benefits.
For certain IRA Deferred Annuities, if You leave your job with your employer.
For the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, if your plan terminates and the Account Value is transferred into another annuity contract we issue.
For the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, if You suffer from an unforeseen hardship.
For unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, if You make a direct transfer to another investment vehicle we have preapproved. If You are a “restricted” participant, according to the terms of the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, You also must roll over your Account Value to a MetLife IRA within 120 days after You are eligible to receive a plan distribution.
If permitted in your state, for the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, if you make a direct transfer to another funding option or annuity contract issued by us or one of our affiliates and we agree.
If You have transferred money which is not subject to a withdrawal charge (because You have satisfied contractual provisions for a withdrawal without the imposition of a contract withdrawal charge) from certain eligible MetLife contracts into the Deferred Annuity and the withdrawal is of these transferred amounts and we agree. Any purchase payments made after the transfer are subject to the usual Early Withdrawal Charge schedule.
When A Different Early Withdrawal Charge May Apply
If You transferred money from certain eligible MetLife contracts into a Deferred Annuity, You may have different Early Withdrawal Charges for these transferred amounts. Any purchase payments made after the transfer are subject to the usual Early Withdrawal Charge schedule.
Amounts transferred before January 1, 1996:
We credit your transfer amounts with the time You held them under your original Contract. Or, if it will produce a lower charge, we use the following schedule to determine Early Withdrawal Charges (determined as previously described) for transferred amounts from your original Contract:
During Purchase Payment Year Percentage
1 5%
2 4%
3 3%
4 2%
5 1%
6 and Beyond 0%
Amounts transferred on or after January 1, 1996:
For certain Contracts which we issued at least two years before the date of transfer (except as noted below), we apply the withdrawal charge under your original Contract but not any of the original Contract's exceptions or reductions to the withdrawal charge percentage that do not apply to a Deferred Annuity. Or, if it will produce a lower charge, we use the following schedule to determine Early Withdrawal Charges for transferred amounts from your original Contract:


During Transfer Year Percentage
1 5%
2 4%
3 3%
4 2%
5 1%
6 and Beyond 0%
If we issued the other Contract less than two years before the date of the transfer or it has a separate withdrawal charge for each purchase payment, we treat your purchase payments under the other Contract as if they were made under the Deferred Annuity as of the date we received them under that Contract.
Alternatively, if provided for in your Deferred Annuity, we credit your purchase payments with the time You held them under your original Contract.
Divorce. A withdrawal made pursuant to a divorce or separation agreement is subject to the same Withdrawal Charge provisions described in this section, if permissible under tax law. In addition, the withdrawal will reduce the Account Value and the death benefit. The withdrawal could have a significant negative impact on the death benefit.
Free Look
You may cancel your Deferred Annuity within a certain time period. This is known as a “free look.” We must receive your request to cancel in writing by the appropriate day in your state, which varies from state to state. The time period may also vary depending on your age and whether You purchased your Deferred Annuity from us directly, through the mail or with money from another annuity or life insurance policy. Depending on state law, we may refund (i) all of your purchase payments or (ii) your Account Value as of the date your refund request is received at your Administrative Office in Good Order (this means you bear the risk of any decline in the value of your Contract due to the performance of the Divisions during the Free Look period).
Total Control Account
The beneficiary may elect to have the Contract’s death proceeds paid through a settlement option called the Total Control Account, subject to our current established administrative procedures and requirements. The Total Control Account is an interest-bearing account through which the beneficiary has immediate and full access to the proceeds, with unlimited draft writing privileges. We credit interest to the account at a rate that will not be less than a guaranteed minimum annual effective rate. You may also elect to have any Contract surrender proceeds paid into a Total Control Account established for You.
Assets backing the Total Control Account are maintained in our general account and are subject to the claims of our creditors. We will bear the investment experience of such assets; however, regardless of the investment experience of such assets, the interest credited to the Total Control Account will never fall below the applicable guaranteed minimum annual effective rate. Because we bear the investment experience of the assets backing the Total Control Account, we may receive a profit from these assets. The Total Control Account is not insured by the FDIC or any other governmental agency.


Pay-Out Options (or Income Options)
You may convert your Deferred Annuity into a regular stream of income after your “pay-in” or “accumulation” phase. The pay-out phase is often referred to as either “annuitizing” your Contract or taking an income annuity. When You select your pay-out option, You will be able to choose from the range of options we then have available. You have the flexibility to select a stream of income to meet your needs. If You decide You want a pay-out option, we withdraw some or all of your Account Value (less any premium taxes and applicable Contract fees), then we apply the net amount to the option. (See “Income Taxes” for a discussion of partial annuitization.) You are not required to hold your Deferred Annuity for any minimum time period before You may annuitize. The variable pay-out option may not be available in all states.
When considering a pay-out option, You should think about whether You want:
Payments guaranteed by us for the rest of your life (or for the rest of two lives);
Payments guaranteed by us for the rest of your life (or for the rest of two lives) or for a specified period;
A fixed dollar payment or a variable payment; or
A refund feature.
Your income payment amount will depend upon your choices. For lifetime options, the age and sex (where permitted) of the measuring lives (annuitants) will also be considered. For example, if You select a pay-out option guaranteeing payments for your lifetime and your spouse’s lifetime, your payments will typically be lower than if You select a pay-out option with payments over only your lifetime. The terms of the Contract supplement to your Deferred Annuity will determine when your income payments start and the frequency with which You will receive your income payments. If You do not tell us otherwise, your Fixed Interest Account Value will be used to provide a Fixed Income Option and your Separate Account Value will be used to provide a variable pay-out income option.
You can change or extend the date income payments begin at any time before the date specified in the Contract with 30 days prior notice to us (subject to restrictions that may apply in your state, restrictions imposed by your selling firm and our current established administrative procedures).
Please be aware that once your Contract is annuitized, You are ineligible to receive the death benefit.
Because the features of variable pay-out options in the Deferred Annuities are identical to the features of Income Annuities, please read the sections under the “Income Annuities” heading for more information about the available income types and the value of your income payments, reallocations and charges of your Contract in the pay-out phase.
Income Annuities provide You with a regular stream of payments for either your lifetime or a specific period. You may choose the frequency of your income payments. For example, You may receive your payments on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis. You have the flexibility to select a stream of income to meet your needs. Income Annuities can be purchased so that You begin receiving payments immediately or You can apply the Account Value of your Deferred Annuity to a pay-out option to receive payments during your “pay-out” phase. With an Income Annuity purchased as an immediate annuity and not as a pay-out option to receive payments during your “pay-out” phase, You may defer receiving payments from us for one year after You have purchased an immediate annuity. You bear any investment risk during any deferral period. We no longer offer the Income Annuity.


We do not guarantee that your variable payments will be a specific amount of money. You may choose to have a portion of the payment fixed and guaranteed under the Fixed Income Option. If You annuitize your Deferred Annuity and should our current annuity rates for a fixed pay-out option for this type of Deferred Annuity provide for greater payments than those guaranteed in your Contract, the greater payment will be made.
Using proceeds from the following types of arrangements, You may purchase Income Annuities to receive immediate payments:
Unallocated Keogh
Roth IRAs
Traditional IRAs
If You have accumulated amounts in any of the listed investment vehicles, your lump sum withdrawal from that investment vehicle may be used to purchase an appropriate Income Annuity as long as income tax requirements are met.
If your retirement plan has purchased an Income Annuity, your choice of pay-out options may be subject to the terms of the plan. We may rely on your employer’s or plan administrator’s statements to us as to the terms of the plan or your entitlement to any payments. We will not be responsible for interpreting the terms of your plan. You should review your plan document to see how You may be affected.
Income Payment Types
Currently, we provide You with a wide variety of income payment types to suit a range of personal preferences. You decide the income payment type for your Income Annuity when You decide to take a pay-out option or at application. The decision is irrevocable.
There are three people who are involved in payments under your Income Annuity:
Owner: the person or entity which has all rights under the Income Annuity including the right to direct who receives payment.
Annuitant: the person whose life is the measure for determining the duration and sometimes the dollar amount of payments.
Beneficiary: the person who receives continuing payments or a lump sum payment if the Owner dies.
Many times, the Owner and the Annuitant are the same person.
When deciding how to receive income, consider:
The amount of income You need;
The amount You expect to receive from other sources;
The growth potential of other investments; and
How long You would like your income to last.
Your income payment amount will depend in large part on the type of income payment You choose. For example, if You select a “Lifetime Income Annuity for Two,” your payments will typically be lower than if You select a “Lifetime Income Annuity.” Income payment types that guarantee that payments will be made for a certain number of years regardless of whether the Annuitant or Joint Annuitant is alive (such as Lifetime Income Annuity with a Guarantee


Period and Lifetime Income Annuity for Two with a Guarantee Period, as defined below) result in income payments that are smaller than with income payment types without such a guarantee (such as Lifetime Income Annuity and Lifetime Income Annuity for Two, as defined below). In addition, to the extent the income payment type has a guarantee period, choosing a shorter guarantee period will result in each income payment being larger. Where required by state law or under a qualified retirement plan, the Annuitant’s sex will not be taken into account in calculating income payments. Annuity rates will not be less than those guaranteed in the Contract at the time of purchase for the AIR and income payment type elected. Due to underwriting, administrative or Code considerations, the choice of the percentage reduction and/or the duration of the guarantee period may be limited. We reserve the right to commute or to otherwise pay the value of any remaining income payments over a period which would comply with Federal income tax law. Tax rules with respect to decedent Contracts may prohibit election of Lifetime Income for Two income types and/or may also prohibit payments for as long as the Owner’s life in certain circumstances. The terms of your Contract will determine when your income payments start and the frequency with which You will receive your income payments. When You select an income type, it will apply to both fixed income payments and variable income payments.
We reserve the right to limit or stop issuing any of the income types currently available based upon legal requirements or other considerations.
The following income payment types are available:
Lifetime Income Annuity: A variable income that is paid as long as the Annuitant is living.
Lifetime Income Annuity with a Guarantee Period: A variable income that continues as long as the Annuitant is living but is guaranteed to be paid for a number of years. If the Annuitant dies before all of the guaranteed payments have been made, payments are made to the Owner of the annuity until the end of the guaranteed period. If the Owner dies during the guarantee period, payments will be made to the beneficiary in accordance with the Code. No payments are made once the guarantee period has expired and the Annuitant is no longer living.
Lifetime Income Annuity with a Refund: A variable income that is paid as long as the Annuitant is living and guarantees that the total of all income payments will not be less than the purchase payment that we received. If the Annuitant dies before the total of all income payments received equals the purchase payment, we will pay the Owner (or the beneficiary, if the Owner is not living) the difference in a lump sum.
Lifetime Income Annuity for Two: A variable income that is paid to the Annuitant(s) as long as the Contract Owner is living. After the Contract Owner dies, payments continue to be made to the Annuitant(s) either for (1) life (provided certain Federal tax law requirements are met) or (2) ten (10) years. Payments made for life to the Annuitant after the death of the Contract Owner may be the same as those made while the Contract Owner was living or may be a smaller percentage that is selected when the annuity is first converted to an income stream. No payments are made once the Annuitants are no longer living.
Lifetime Income Annuity for Two with a Guarantee Period: A variable income that continues as long as either of the two Annuitants is living but is guaranteed to be paid (unreduced by any percentage selected) for a number of years. If both Annuitants die before all of the guaranteed payments have been made, payments are made to the Owner of the annuity until the end of the guaranteed period. If the Owner dies during the guarantee period, payments will be made to the beneficiary in accordance with the Code. If one Annuitant dies after the guarantee period has expired, payments continue to be made as long as the other Annuitant is living. In that event, payments may be the same as those made while both Annuitants were living or may be a smaller percentage that is selected when the annuity is purchased. No payments are made once the guarantee period has expired and both Annuitants are no longer living.


Lifetime Income Annuity for Two with a Refund: A variable income that is paid as long as either Annuitant is living and guarantees that all income payments will not be less than the purchase payment that we received. After one Annuitant dies, payments continue to be made as long as the other Annuitant is living. In that event, payments may be the same as those made while both Annuitants were living or may be a smaller percentage that is selected when the annuity is purchased. If both Annuitants die before the total of all income payments received equals the purchase payment, we will pay the Owner (or the beneficiary, if the Owner is not living) the difference in a lump sum.
Income Annuity for a Guaranteed Period: A variable income payable for a guaranteed period of 5 to 30 years. As an administrative practice, we will consider factors such as your age and life expectancy in determining whether to issue a Contract with this income payment type. If the Owner dies before the end of the guarantee period, payments are made to the beneficiary in accordance with the Code. No payments are made after the guarantee period has expired.
Minimum Size of Your Income Payment
Your initial income payment must be at least $50. If You live in Massachusetts, the initial income payment must be at least $20. This means the amount used from a Deferred Annuity to provide a pay-out option must be large enough to provide this minimum initial income payment.
You decide what portion of your income payment is allocated among the Fixed Income Option and the Divisions.
The Value of Your Income Payments
Amount of Income Payments
Variable income payments from a Division will depend upon the number of Annuity Units held in that Division (described below) and the Annuity Unit Value (described later) as of the 10th day prior to a payment date.
The initial variable income payment is computed based on the amount of the purchase payment applied to the specific Division (net any applicable premium tax owed or Contract charge), the AIR, the age of the measuring lives and the income payment type selected. The initial payment amount is then divided by the Annuity Unit Value for the Division to determine the number of Annuity Units held in that Division. The number of Annuity Units held remains fixed for the duration of the Contract if no reallocations are made.
The dollar amount of subsequent variable income payments will vary with the amount by which investment performance is greater or less than the AIR.
Each Deferred Annuity provides that, when a pay-out option is chosen, the payment will not be less than the payment produced by the then-current Fixed Income Option purchase rates for that Contract class. The purpose of this provision is to assure the Annuitant that, at retirement, if the Fixed Income Option purchase rates for new Contracts are significantly more favorable than the rates guaranteed by a Deferred Annuity of the same class, the Owner will be given the benefit of the higher rates.
Annuity Units
Annuity Units are credited to You when You make a purchase payment or make a reallocation into a Division. Before we determine the number of Annuity Units to credit to You, we reduce a purchase payment (but not a


reallocation) by any premium taxes and the Contract fee, if applicable. We then compute an initial income payment amount using the AIR, your income payment type and the age and sex (where permitted) of the measuring lives. We then divide the initial income payment (allocated to a Division) by the Annuity Unit Value on the date of the transaction. The result is the number of Annuity Units credited for that Division. The initial variable income payment is a hypothetical payment which is calculated based upon the AIR. The initial variable income payment is used to establish the number of Annuity Units. It is not the amount of your actual first variable income payment unless your first income payment happens to be within 10 days after we issue the Income Annuity. When You reallocate an income payment from a Division, Annuity Units supporting that portion of your income payment in that Division are liquidated.
Your income payments are determined by using the AIR to benchmark the investment experience of the Divisions You select. We currently offer a 3% and 4% AIR. Certain states may require a different AIR or a cap on what AIR may be chosen. The higher your AIR, the higher your initial variable income payment will be. Your next payment will increase approximately in proportion to the amount by which the investment experience (for the time period between the payments) for the underlying Portfolio minus the Separate Account charge (the resulting number is the net investment return) exceeds the AIR (for the time period between the payments). Likewise, your next payment will decrease to the approximate extent the investment experience (for the time period between the payments) for the underlying Portfolio minus the Separate Account charge (the net investment return) is less than the AIR (for the time period between the payments). A lower AIR will result in a lower initial variable income payment, but subsequent variable income payments will increase more rapidly or decline more slowly than if You had elected a higher AIR as changes occur in the investment experience of the Divisions.
The amount of each variable income payment is determined 10 days prior to your income payment date. If your first income payment is scheduled to be paid less than 10 days after your Contract’s issue date, then the amount of that payment will be determined on your Contract’s issue date.
The initial variable income payment is a hypothetical payment which is calculated based on the AIR. This initial variable income payment is used to establish the number of Annuity Units. It is not the amount of your actual first variable income payment unless your first income payment happens to be within 10 days after we issue the Income Annuity.
This is how we calculate the Annuity Unit Value for each Division:
First, we determine the change in investment experience (which reflects the deduction for any investment-related charge) for the underlying Portfolio from the previous trading day to the current trading day;
Next, we subtract the daily equivalent of your insurance-related charge or Separate Account charge (general administrative expenses and mortality and expense risk charges) for each day since the last day the Annuity Unit Value was calculated; the resulting number is the net investment return;
Then, we multiply by an adjustment based on your AIR for each day since the last Annuity Unit Value was calculated; and
Finally, we multiply the previous Annuity Unit Value by this result.


You may make reallocations among the Divisions or from the Divisions to the Fixed Income Option. Once You reallocate your income payment into the Fixed Income Option You may not later reallocate amounts from the Fixed Income Option to the Divisions. If You reside in certain states You may be limited to four options (including the Fixed Interest Option).
Currently, there is no charge to make a reallocation. Your request for a reallocation tells us to move, in accordance with your instructions, the underlying Portfolio shares we have designated in the Divisions or other funds to generate your income payments.
Reallocations will be made as of the end of a business day, at the close of the Exchange, if received in Good Order prior to the close of the Exchange on that business day. All other reallocation requests in Good Order will be processed on the next business day.
For us to process a reallocation, You must tell us:
The percentage of the income payment to be reallocated;
The Divisions from which You want the income payment to be reallocated; and
The Divisions or Fixed Income Option (and the percentages allocated to each) to which You want the income payment to be reallocated.
When You request a reallocation from a Division to the Fixed Income Option, the payment amount will be adjusted at the time of reallocation. Your payment may either increase or decrease due to this adjustment. The adjusted payment will be calculated in the following manner.
First, we update the income payment amount to be reallocated from the Division based upon the applicable Annuity Unit Value at the time of the reallocation;
Second, we use the AIR to calculate an updated annuity purchase rate based upon your age, if applicable, and expected future income payments at the time of the reallocation;
Third, we calculate another updated annuity purchase rate using our current annuity purchase rates for the Fixed Income Option on the date of your reallocation; and
Finally, we determine the adjusted payment amount by multiplying the updated income amount determined in the first step by the ratio of the annuity purchase rate determined in the second step divided by the annuity purchase rate determined in the third step.
When You request a reallocation from one Division to another, Annuity Units in one Division are liquidated and Annuity Units in the other Division are credited to You. There is no adjustment to the income payment amount. Future income payment amounts will be determined based on the Annuity Unit Value for the Division to which You have reallocated.
You generally may make a reallocation on any day the Exchange is open. At a future date we may limit the number of reallocations You may make, but never to fewer than one a month. If we do so, we will give You advance written notice. We may limit a beneficiary’s ability to make a reallocation.
Here are examples of the effect of a reallocation on the income payment:
Suppose You choose to reallocate 40% of your income payment supported by Division A to the Fixed Income Option and the recalculated income payment supported by Division A is $100. Assume that the updated annuity purchase rate based on the AIR is $125, while the updated annuity purchase rate based on fixed income


  annuity pricing is $100. In that case, your income payment from the Fixed Income Option will be increased by $40 x ($125 ÷ $100) or $50, and your income payment supported by Division A will be decreased by $40. (The number of Annuity Units in Division A will be decreased as well.)
Suppose You choose to reallocate 40% of your income payment supported by Division A to Division B and the recalculated income payment supported by Division A is $100. Then, your income payment supported by Division B will be increased by $40 and your income payment supported by Division A will be decreased by $40. (Changes will be made to the number of Annuity Units in both Divisions as well.)
Contract Fee
There is no Contract fee under the Income Annuities.
Investment-Related Charge
This charge has two components. The first pays the investment managers for managing money in the Portfolios. The second consists of Portfolio operating expenses and 12b-1 Plan fees. One class of shares available to the Income Annuities has 12b-1 Plan fees, which pay for distribution expenses. The percentage You pay for the investment-related charge depends on the Divisions You select. Investment-related charges for each Portfolio for the previous year are listed in the Table of Expenses.
Premium and Other Taxes
Some jurisdictions tax what are called “annuity considerations.” We deduct money to pay “premium” taxes (also known as “annuity” taxes) when You make the purchase payment.
Premium taxes, if applicable, depend on the Income Annuity You purchased and your home state or jurisdiction. A chart in Appendix A shows the jurisdictions where premium taxes are charged and the amount of these taxes.
We also reserve the right to deduct from purchase payments, withdrawals or income payments, any taxes (including but not limited to premium taxes) paid by us to any government entity relating to the Income Annuities. Examples of these taxes include, but are not limited to, generation skipping transfer tax or a similar excise tax under Federal or state tax law which is imposed on payments we make to certain persons and income tax withholdings on withdrawals and income payments to the extent required by law. We will, at our sole discretion, determine when taxes relate to the Income Annuities. We may, at our sole discretion, pay taxes when due and deduct the corresponding amount from income payments at a later date. Payment at an earlier date does not waive any right we may have to deduct amounts at a later date.
We reserve the right to deduct from the Income Annuity for any income taxes which we incur because of the Income Annuity. In general, we believe under current Federal income tax law, we are entitled to hold reserves with respect to the Income Annuity that offset Separate Account income. If this should change, it is possible we could incur income tax with respect to the Income Annuity, and in that event we may deduct such tax from the Income Annuity. At the present time, however, we are not incurring any such income tax or making any such deductions.
You may cancel your Income Annuity within a certain time period. This is known as a “free look.” We must receive your request to cancel in writing by the appropriate day in your state, which varies from state to state. The “free look” may also vary depending on your age and whether You purchased your Income Annuity from us directly, through the mail or with money from another annuity or life insurance policy. Depending on state law, we may


refund (i) all of your purchase payment or (ii) the value of your Accumulation Units as of the date your refund request is received at your Administrative Office in Good Order (this means you bear the risk of any decline in the value of your Contract due to the performance of the Divisions during the Free Look period).
If You do not cancel your Income Annuity during the “free-look” period, your decision to purchase the Income Annuity is irrevocable.
You do not have a “free look” if You are electing income payments in the pay-out phase of your Deferred Annuity.
The following table summarizes information about the benefits available under the Contract:
Name of Benefit Purpose Is Benefit Standard or Optional? Maximum Fee Brief Description of Restrictions/Limitations
Basic Death Benefit The Contract’s Death Proceeds at any time are the greater of: (1) the sum of all purchase payments adjusted for any premium tax, outstanding loan amount, and prior surrenders; or (2) the current Contract Value of the Participant’s Individual Account. Standard None • Withdrawals or loans could significantly reduce the benefit.
The Equity Generator® An amount equal to the interest earned in the Fixed Interest Account is transferred monthly to any one Division based on your selection. Standard None • Benefit limits available investment options.
• If your Fixed Interest Account Balance at the time of a scheduled transfer is zero, this strategy is automatically discontinued.
The Equalizer Each quarter, amounts are transferred between the Fixed Interest Account and your chosen Division to make the value of each equal. Standard   • Not available to all Deferred Annuities
The Rebalancer® You select a specific asset allocation for your entire Account Balance from among Standard None • Benefit limits available investment options.


Name of Benefit Purpose Is Benefit Standard or Optional? Maximum Fee Brief Description of Restrictions/Limitations
  the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account, if available. Each quarter we transfer amounts among these options to bring the percentage of your Account Balance in each option back to your original allocation.     • In the future, we may permit You to allocate less than 100% of your Account Balance to this strategy.
The Index Selector® You may select one of five asset allocation models which are designed to correlate to various risk tolerance levels. Each quarter the percentage in each of the Divisions in which the model invests and any Fixed Interest Account is brought back to the selected model percentage by transferring amounts among the Divisions and any Fixed Interest Account. Standard None • Benefit limits available investment options.
• The Index Selector is not available with the Optional Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee.
Systematic Withdrawal Program. Before the Maturity Date, You can arrange to have money sent to You at set intervals throughout the year. Optional None • Any applicable income and penalty taxes will apply on amounts withdrawn. Withdrawals in excess of the annual free withdrawal allowance may be subject to a withdrawal charge.
• To elect systematic withdrawals You must have a Contract Value of at least $5,000


Death Benefit — Generally
One of the insurance guarantees we provide You under your Deferred Annuity is that your beneficiaries will be protected during the “pay-in” phase against market downturns. You name your beneficiary(ies) under the Non-Qualified and IRA Deferred Annuities. (There is no death benefit for the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity).
If You die during the pay-in phase, the death benefit the beneficiary receives will be the greatest of:
Your Account Value;
Your highest Account Value as of December 31 following the end of your fifth Contract Year and at the end of every other five year period. In any case, less any later partial withdrawals, fees and charges; or
The total of all of your purchase payments less any partial withdrawals (including any applicable Early Withdrawal Charge).
The death benefit is determined as of the end of the business day on which we receive both due proof of death and an election for the payment method.
If we are notified of your death before any requested transaction is completed (including transactions under automated investment strategies, the minimum distribution program and the Systematic Withdrawal Program), we will cancel the request. As described above, the death benefit will be determined when we receive proof of death and an election for the payment method.
Until the beneficiary (or each beneficiary if there are multiple beneficiaries) submits the necessary documentation in Good Order, the Account Value attributable to his/her portion of the death benefit remains in the Divisions and is subject to investment risk.
Where there are multiple beneficiaries, the death benefit will only be determined as of the time the first beneficiary submits the necessary documentation in Good Order. If the death benefit payable is an amount that exceeds the Account Value on the day it is determined, we will apply to the Contract an amount equal to the difference between the death benefit payable and the Account Value in accordance with the current allocation of the Account Value. The remaining death benefit amounts are held in the Divisions until each of the other beneficiaries submits the necessary documentation in Good Order to claim his/her death benefit. Any death benefit amounts held in the Divisions on behalf of the remaining beneficiaries are subject to investment risk. There is no additional death benefit guarantee.
Your beneficiary has the option to apply the death benefit (less any applicable premium and other taxes) to a pay-out option offered under your Deferred Annuity. Your beneficiary may, however, decide to take the payment in one sum, including either by check, by placing the amount in an account that earns interest, or by any other method of payment that provides the beneficiary with immediate and full access to the proceeds, or under other settlement options that we may make available.
If permitted in the Contract, if the beneficiary is your spouse, he/she may be substituted as the purchaser of the Non-Qualified and Traditional IRA Deferred Annuities and continue the Contract under the terms and conditions of the Contract that applied prior to the Owner’s death, with certain exceptions described in the Contract. In that case, the Account Value will be reset to equal the death benefit on the date the spouse continues the Non-Qualified and Traditional IRA Deferred Annuities. (Any additional amounts added to the Account Value will be allocated in the same proportions to each balance in a Division and the Fixed Interest Account as each bears to the total Account Value.) If the spouse continues the Non-Qualified and Traditional IRA Deferred Annuities, the death benefit is calculated as previously described, except, all values used to calculate the death benefit, which may


include highest Account Value as of December 31 following the end of the fifth Contract Year and every other five-year period, are reset on the date the spouse continues the Non-Qualified and Traditional IRA Deferred Annuities. Your spouse may make additional purchase payments and transfers and exercise any other rights as a purchaser of the Contract. Any applicable Early Withdrawal Charges will be assessed against future withdrawals.
Your beneficiary may also continue the Traditional IRA Deferred Annuity in your name. In that case the Account Value is reset to equal the death benefit on the date the beneficiary submits the necessary documentation in Good Order (additional amounts added to the Account Value will be allocated in the same proportions to each value in a Division and the Fixed Interest Account as each bears to the total Account Value). There is no second death benefit payable upon the death of the beneficiary. Your beneficiary may not make additional purchase payments; he or she is permitted to make transfers. Your beneficiary will not bear any Early Withdrawal Charges. There is no death benefit after the pay-out phase begins, however, depending on the pay-out option you select, any remaining guarantee will be paid to your beneficiary.
Systematic Withdrawal Program
If we agree and if approved in your state, You may choose to automatically withdraw a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your Account Value each Contract Year. This amount is then paid in equal portions throughout the Contract Year, according to the time frame You select, e.g., monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. Once the Systematic Withdrawal Program is initiated, the payments will automatically renew each Contract Year. Income taxes, tax penalties and Early Withdrawal Charges may apply to your withdrawals. Program payment amounts are subject to our required minimums and administrative restrictions. Your Account Value will be reduced by the amount of your Systematic Withdrawal Program payments and applicable withdrawal charges. Payments under this program are not the same as income payments You would receive from a Deferred Annuity pay-out option or under an Income Annuity. The Systematic Withdrawal Program is not available in conjunction with any automated investment strategy.
If You elect to withdraw a dollar amount, we will pay You the same dollar amount each Contract Year. If You elect to withdraw a percentage of your Account Value, each Contract Year, we recalculate the amount You will receive based on your new Account Value.
If You do not provide us with your desired allocation, or there are insufficient amounts in the Divisions or the Fixed Interest Account that You selected, the payments will be taken out pro rata from the Fixed Interest Account and any Divisions in which You have an Account Value.
Calculating Your Payment Based on a Percentage Election for the First Contract Year You Elect the Systematic Withdrawal Program: If You choose to receive a percentage of your Account Value, we will determine the amount payable on the date these payments begin. When You first elect the program, we will pay this amount over the remainder of the Contract Year. For example, if You select to receive payments on a monthly basis with the percentage of your Account Value You request equaling $12,000, and there are six months left in the Contract Year, we will pay You $2,000 a month.
Calculating Your Payment for Subsequent Contract Years of the Systematic Withdrawal Program: For each subsequent year that your Systematic Withdrawal Program remains in effect, we will deduct from your Deferred Annuity and pay You over the Contract Year either the amount that You chose or an amount equal to the percentage of your Account Value You chose. For example, if You select to receive payments on a monthly basis, ask for a percentage and that percentage of your Account Value equals $12,000 at the start of a Contract Year, we will pay You $1,000 a month.


If You do not provide us with your desired allocation, or there are insufficient amounts in the Divisions or the Fixed Interest Account that You selected, the payments will be taken out pro rata from the Fixed Interest Account and any Divisions in which You then have money.
Selecting a Payment Date: You select a payment date which becomes the date we make the withdrawal. We must receive your request in Good Order at least 10 days prior to the selected payment date. (If You would like to receive your Systematic Withdrawal Program payment on or about the first of the month, You should request payment by the 20th day of the month.) If we do not receive your request in time, we will make the payment the following month on the date You selected. If You do not select a payment date, we will automatically begin systematic withdrawals within 30 days after we receive your request. Changes in the dollar amount, percentage or timing of the payments can be made at any time. If You make any of these changes, we will treat your request as though You were starting a new Systematic Withdrawal Program. You may request to stop your Systematic Withdrawal Program at any time. We must receive any request in Good Order at your Administrative Office at least 30 days in advance.
Although we need your written authorization to begin this program, You may cancel this program at any time by telephone or by writing to us at your Administrative Office. We will also terminate your participation in the program upon notification of your death.
Systematic Withdrawal Program payments may be subject to an Early Withdrawal Charge unless an exception to this charge applies. For purposes of determining how much of the annual payment amount is exempt from this charge under the free withdrawal provision (discussed later), all payments from a Systematic Withdrawal Program in a Contract Year are characterized as a single lump sum withdrawal as of your first payment date in that Contract Year. When You first elect the program, we will calculate the percentage of your Account Value your Systematic Withdrawal Program payment represents based on your Account Value on the first Systematic Withdrawal Program payment date. For all subsequent Contract Years, we will calculate the percentage of your Account Value your Systematic Withdrawal Program payment represents based on your Account Value on the first Systematic Withdrawal Program payment date of that Contract Year. We will determine separately the Early Withdrawal Charge and any relevant factors (such as applicable exceptions) for each Systematic Withdrawal Program payment as of the date it is withdrawn from your Deferred Annuity.
All transactions will be processed in the manner described below.
Purchase Payments
Send your purchase payments, by check, cashier’s check or certified check made payable to “MetLife,” to your Administrative Office. (We reserve the right to receive purchase payments by other means acceptable to us.) We do not accept cash, money orders or traveler’s checks. We will provide You with all necessary forms. We must have all documents in Good Order to credit your purchase payments.
We reserve the right to refuse purchase payments made via a personal check in excess of $100,000. Purchase payments over $100,000 may be accepted in other forms, including but not limited to, EFT/wire transfers, certified checks, corporate checks, and checks written on financial institutions. The form in which we receive a purchase payment may determine how soon subsequent disbursement requests may be fulfilled. (See “Access To Your Money.”) If You send your purchase payments or transaction requests to an address other than the one we have


designated for receipt of such purchase payments or requests, we may return the purchase payment to You, or there may be delay in applying the purchase payment or transaction to your Contract.
Purchase payments (including any portion of your Account Value under a Deferred Annuity which You apply to a pay-out option) are effective and valued as of the close of the Exchange, on the day we receive them in Good Order at your Administrative Office, except when they are received:
On a day when the Accumulation Unit Value/Annuity Unit Value is not calculated, or
After the close of the Exchange.
In those cases, the purchase payments will be effective the next day the Accumulation Unit Value or Annuity Unit Value, as applicable, is calculated. If payments on your behalf are not made in a timely manner, there may be a delay in when amounts are credited.
We reserve the right to credit your initial purchase payment to You within two days after its receipt at your Administrative Office. However, if You fill out our forms incorrectly or incompletely or other documentation is not completed properly or otherwise not in Good Order, we have up to five business days to credit the payment. If the problem cannot be resolved by the fifth business day, we will notify You and give You the reasons for the delay. At that time, You will be asked whether You agree to let us keep your money until the problem is resolved. If You do not agree or we cannot reach You by the fifth business day, your money will be returned.
Under certain group Deferred Annuities and group Income Annuities, your employer, or the group in which You are a participant or member must identify You on their reports to us and tell us how your money should be allocated among the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account/Fixed Income Option.
Confirming Transactions
You will receive a statement confirming that a transaction was recently completed. Certain transactions made on a periodic basis, such as Systematic Withdrawal Program payments, and automated investment strategy transfers, may be confirmed quarterly. You may elect to have your income payments sent to your residence or have us deposit payments directly into your bank account. Periodically, You may receive additional information from us about the Income Annuity. Unless You inform us of any errors within 60 days of receipt, we will consider these communications to be accurate and complete.
Processing Transactions
We permit You to request transactions by mail and telephone. We make Internet access available to You for your Deferred Annuity. We may suspend or eliminate telephone or Internet privileges at any time, without prior notice. We reserve the right not to accept requests for transactions by facsimile.
If mandated by applicable law, including, but not limited to, Federal anti-money laundering laws, we may be required to reject a purchase payment. We may also be required to block an Owner’s account and, consequently, refuse to implement any requests for transfers/reallocations, withdrawals, surrenders or death benefits, until instructions are received from the appropriate governmental authority.
By Telephone or Internet
You may obtain information and initiate a variety of transactions about your Deferred Annuity by telephone or the Internet virtually 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unless prohibited by state law or your employer. Some of the information and transactions accessible to You include:


Account Value
Unit Values
Current rates for the Fixed Interest Account
Changes to investment strategies
Changes in the allocation of future purchase payments.
For your Deferred Annuity in the pay-out phase or Income Annuity, You may obtain information and initiate transactions through our toll-free number, 1-800-638-7732. Our customer service consultants are available by telephone between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time each business day.
Your transaction must be in Good Order and completed prior to the close of the Exchange on one of our business days if You want the transaction to be valued and effective on that day. Transactions will not be valued and effective on a day when the Accumulation or Annuity Unit Value is not calculated or after the close of the Exchange. We will value and make effective these transactions on our next business day.
We will use reasonable procedures such as requiring certain identifying information, tape recording the telephone instructions, and providing written confirmation of the transaction, in order to confirm that instructions communicated by telephone, fax, Internet or other means are genuine. Any telephone, fax or Internet instructions reasonably believed by us to be genuine will be your responsibility, including losses arising from any errors in the communication of instructions. As a result of this policy, You will bear the risk of loss. If we do not employ reasonable procedures to confirm that instructions communicated by telephone, fax or Internet are genuine, we may be liable for any losses due to unauthorized or fraudulent transactions. All other requests and elections under your Contract must be in writing signed by the proper party, must include any necessary documentation and must be received at your Administrative Office to be effective. If acceptable to us, requests or elections relating to beneficiaries and ownership will take effect as of the date signed unless we have already acted in reliance on the prior status. We are not responsible for the validity of any written request or action.
We have put into place reasonable security procedures to insure that instructions communicated by telephone or Internet are genuine. For example, all telephone calls are recorded. Also, You will be asked to provide some personal data prior to giving your instructions over the telephone or through the Internet. When someone contacts us by telephone or Internet and follows our security procedures, we will assume that You are authorizing us to act upon those instructions. Neither the Separate Account nor MetLife will be liable for any loss, expense or cost arising out of any requests that we or the Separate Account reasonably believe to be authentic. In the unlikely event that You have trouble reaching us, requests should be made in writing to your Administrative Office.
Telephone and computer systems may not always be available. Any telephone or computer system, whether it is yours, your service provider’s, your agent’s, or ours, can experience outages or slowdowns for a variety of reasons. These outages or slowdowns may delay or prevent our processing of your request. Although we have taken precautions to help our systems handle heavy use, we cannot promise complete reliability under all circumstances. If you experience technical difficulties or problems, You should make your transaction request in writing to your Administrative Office.
Response times for the telephone or Internet may vary due to a variety of factors, including volumes, market conditions and performance of systems.
We are not responsible or liable for:


any inaccuracy, error, or delay in or omission of any information You transmit or deliver to us; or
any loss or damage You may incur because of such inaccuracy, error, delay or omission; non-performance; or any interruption of information beyond our control.
After Your Death
If we are notified of your death before any requested transaction is completed (including transactions under automated investment strategies, the minimum distribution program and the Systematic Withdrawal Program), we will cancel the request. For example, if You request a transfer or withdrawal for a date in the future under a Deferred Annuity and then die before that date, we will cancel the request. As described above, the death benefit will be determined when we receive due proof of death and an election for the payment method. For Income Annuity reallocations, we will cancel the request and continue making payments to your beneficiary if your Income Annuity so provides. For a Deferred Annuity in the pay-out phase and Income Annuity reallocations, we will cancel the request and continue making payments to your beneficiary if your Income Annuity or Deferred Annuity in the pay-out phase so provides. Or, depending on your Income Annuity’s or annuitized Deferred Annuity’s provisions, we may continue making payments to a joint Annuitant or pay your beneficiary a refund.
Abandoned Property Requirements
Every state has unclaimed property laws which generally declare non-ERISA (“Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974”) annuity Contracts to be abandoned after a period of inactivity of three to five years from the Contract’s maturity date (the latest day on which annuity payments may begin under the Contract) or the date the death benefit is due and payable. For example, if the payment of a death benefit has been triggered, but, if after a thorough search, we are still unable to locate the beneficiary of the death benefit, or the beneficiary does not come forward to claim the death benefit in a timely manner, the death benefit will be paid to the abandoned property division or unclaimed property office of the state in which the beneficiary or the Contract Owner last resided, as shown on our books and records, or to our state of domicile. (Escheatment is the formal, legal name of this process.) However, the state is obligated to pay the death benefit (without interest) if your beneficiary steps forward to claim it with the proper documentation and within certain mandated time periods. To prevent your Contract’s proceeds from being paid to the state abandoned or unclaimed property office, it is important that You update your beneficiary designations, including addresses, if and as they change. Please call 1-800-638-7732 to make such changes.
We may require proof of age of the Annuitant, Owner, or beneficiary before making any payments under this Contract that are measured by the Annuitant’s, Owner’s, or beneficiary’s life. If the age of the measuring life has been misstated, the amount payable will be the amount that the Account Value would have provided at the correct age.
Once income payments have begun, any underpayments will be made up in one sum with the next income payment or in any other manner agreed to by us. Any overpayments will be deducted first from future income payments. In certain states we are required to pay interest on any underpayments.
Our variable annuity contract business is largely conducted through digital communications and data storage networks and systems operated by us and our service providers or other business partners (e.g., the Portfolios and


the firms involved in the distribution and sale of our variable annuity contracts). For example, many routine operations, such as processing your requests and elections and day-to-day record keeping, are all executed through computer networks and systems. We have established administrative and technical controls and a business continuity plan to protect our operations against cybersecurity breaches. Despite these protocols, a cybersecurity breach could have a material, negative impact on MetLife and the Separate Account, as well as You and your Contract. Our operations also could be negatively affected by a cybersecurity breach at a third party, such as a governmental or regulatory authority or another participant in the financial markets. Cybersecurity breaches can be intentional or unintentional events, and can occur through unauthorized access to computer systems, networks or devices; infection from computer viruses or other malicious software code; or attacks that shut down, disable, slow or otherwise disrupt operations, business processes or website access or functionality. Cybersecurity breaches can interfere with our processing of contract transactions, including the processing of transfer orders from our website or with the Portfolios; impact our ability to calculate Accumulation Unit Values; cause the release and possible destruction of your confidential information or business information; or impede order processing or cause other operational issues. Although we continually make efforts to identify and reduce our exposure to cybersecurity risk, there is no guarantee that we will be able to successfully manage this risk at all times.
Other Matters
The novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is causing illnesses and deaths. This pandemic, other pandemics, and their related major public health issues are having a major impact on the global economy and financial markets. Governmental and non-governmental organizations may not effectively combat the spread and severity of such a pandemic, increasing its harm to the Company. Any of these events could materially adversely affect the Company’s operations, business, financial results, or financial condition.
Third Party Requests
Generally, we only accept requests for transactions or information from You. We reserve the right not to accept or to process transactions requested on your behalf by third parties. This includes processing transactions by an agent You designate, through a power of attorney or other authorization, who has the ability to control the amount and timing of transfers/reallocations for a number of other Contract Owners, and who simultaneously makes the same request or series of requests on behalf of other Contract Owners.
Valuation — Suspension of Payments
We separately determine the Accumulation Unit Value and Annuity Unit Value for each Division once each day at the close of the Exchange when the Exchange is open for trading. If permitted by law, we may change the period between calculations but we will give You 30 days notice.
When You request a transaction, we will process the transaction on the basis of the Accumulation Unit Value or Annuity Unit Value next determined after receipt of a purchase payment or transfer request. Subject to our procedure, we will make withdrawals and transfers/reallocations at a later date, if You request. If your withdrawal request is to elect a variable pay-out option under your Deferred Annuity, we base the number of Annuity Units You receive on the next available Annuity Unit Value.
We reserve the right to suspend or postpone payment for a withdrawal, income payment or transfer/reallocation when:


rules of the SEC so permit (trading on the Exchange is limited, the Exchange is closed other than for customary weekend or holiday closings or an emergency exists which makes pricing or sale of securities not practicable); or
during any other period when the SEC by order so permits.
Advertising Performance
We periodically advertise the performance of the Divisions. You may get performance information from a variety of sources including your quarterly statements, your sales representative (where applicable), the Internet, annual reports and semiannual reports. All performance numbers are based upon historical earnings. These numbers are not intended to indicate future results. We may state performance in terms of “yield,” “change in Accumulation Unit Value/Annuity Unit Value,” “average annual total return” or some combination of these terms.
Yield is the net income generated by an investment in a particular Division for 30 days or a month. These figures are expressed as percentages. This percentage yield is compounded semiannually. The yield of the money market Divisions refers to the income generated by an investment in the Division over a seven-day period. This income is then annualized, by assuming that the same amount of income is generated each week over a 52-week period, and the total income is shown as a percentage of the investment.
Change in Accumulation/Annuity Unit Value (“Non-Standard Performance”) is calculated by determining the percentage change in the value of an Accumulation (or Annuity) Unit for a certain period. These numbers may also be annualized. Change in Accumulation/Annuity Unit Value may be used to demonstrate performance for a hypothetical investment (such as $10,000) over a specified period. These performance numbers reflect the deduction of the total Separate Account charges; however, yield and change in Accumulation/Annuity Unit Value performance do not reflect the possible imposition of Early Withdrawal Charges. Early Withdrawal Charges would reduce performance experience.
Average annual total return calculations (“Standard Performance”) reflect all Separate Account charges and applicable Early Withdrawal Charges since the Division inception date, which is the date the corresponding Portfolio or predecessor Portfolio was first offered under the Separate Account that funds the Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. These presentations for the Income Annuities reflect a 3% benchmark AIR. These figures also assume a steady annual rate of return.
For purposes of presentation of Non-Standard Performance, we may assume that the Deferred Annuities and the Income Annuities were in existence prior to the inception date of the Divisions in the Separate Account that funds the Deferred Annuities and the Income Annuities. In these cases, we calculate performance based on the historical performance of the underlying Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II and American Funds® Portfolios since the Portfolio inception date. We use the actual Accumulation Unit or Annuity Unit data after the inception date. Any performance data that includes all or a portion of the time between the Portfolio inception date and the Division inception date is hypothetical. Hypothetical returns indicate what the performance data would have been if the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities had been introduced as of the Portfolio inception date.
We may also present average annual total return calculations which reflect all Separate Account charges and applicable withdrawal charges since the Portfolio inception date. We use the actual Accumulation Unit or Annuity Unit data after the inception date. Any performance data that includes all or a portion of the time between the Portfolio inception date and the Division inception date is hypothetical. Hypothetical returns indicate what the performance data would have been if the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities had been introduced as of the Portfolio inception date.


We calculate performance for certain investment strategies including the Equalizer, Equity Generator and each asset allocation model of the Index Selector. We calculate the performance as a percentage by presuming a certain dollar value at the beginning of a period and comparing this dollar value with the dollar value based on historical performance at the end of that period. This percentage return assumes that there have been no withdrawals or other unrelated transactions.
We may state performance for the Divisions of the Income Annuity which reflect deduction of the Separate Account charge and investment-related charge, if accompanied by the annualized change in Annuity Unit Value.
We may demonstrate hypothetical values of income payments over a specified period based on historical net asset values of the Portfolios and the historical Annuity Unit Values and the applicable annuity purchase rate, either for an individual for whom the illustration is to be produced or based upon certain assumed factors (e.g., male, age 65). These presentations reflect the deduction of the maximum Separate Account charge and investment-related charges. If the presentation is for an individual, we may also provide a presentation that reflects the applicable (rather than the maximum) insurance-related charge, as well as the Annuity Unit Values and the investment-related charge.
We may assume that the Income Annuity was in existence prior to its inception date. When we do so, we calculate performance based on the historical performance of the underlying Portfolio for the period before the inception date of the Income Annuity and historical Annuity Unit Values.
We may also demonstrate hypothetical future values of income payments over a specified period based on assumed rates of return (which will not exceed 12% and which will include an assumption of 0% as well) for the Portfolios, hypothetical Annuity Unit Values and the applicable annuity purchase rate, either for an individual for whom the illustration is to be produced or based upon certain assumed factors (e.g., male, age 65). These presentations reflect the deduction of the maximum Separate Account charge and the average of investment-related charges. If the presentation is for an individual, we may also provide a presentation that reflects the applicable Separate Account charge (rather than the maximum), as well as the Annuity Unit Values and the investment-related charge.
An illustration should not be relied upon as a guarantee of future results.
Historical performance information should not be relied on as a guarantee of future performance results.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Performance figures will vary among the various Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities as a result of different Separate Account charges and Early Withdrawal Charges.
Changes to Your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity
We have the right to make certain changes to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity, but only as permitted by law. We make changes when we think they would best serve the interest of annuity Owners or would be appropriate in carrying out the purposes of the Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. If the law requires, we will also get your approval and the approval of any appropriate regulatory authorities. Examples of the changes we may make include:
To operate the Separate Account in any form permitted by law.
To take any action necessary to comply with or obtain and continue any exemptions under the law (including favorable treatment under the Federal income tax laws) including limiting the number, frequency or types of transfers/reallocations transactions permitted.


To transfer any assets in a Division to another Division, or to one or more separate accounts, or to our general account, or to add, combine or remove Divisions in the Separate Account.
To substitute for the Portfolio shares in any Division, the shares of another class of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II or the shares of another investment company or any other investment permitted by law.
To change the way we assess charges, but without increasing the aggregate amount charged to the Separate Account and any currently available Portfolio in connection with the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities.
To make any necessary technical changes in the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities in order to conform with any of the above-described actions.
If any changes result in a material change in the underlying investments of a Division in which You have a balance or an allocation, we will notify You of the change. You may then make a new choice of Divisions. For Deferred Annuities issued in Pennsylvania (and Income Annuities where required by law), we will ask your approval before making any technical changes. We will notify you of any changes to the Separate Account.
Voting Rights
Based on our current view of applicable law, You have voting interests under your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity concerning Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II or American Funds® proposals that are subject to a shareholder vote. Therefore, You are entitled to give us instructions for the number of shares which are deemed attributable to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity.
We will vote the shares of each of the underlying Portfolios held by the Separate Account based on instructions we receive from those having a voting interest in the corresponding Divisions. However, if the law or the interpretation of the law changes, we may decide to exercise the right to vote the Portfolio’s shares based on our own judgment.
You are entitled to give instructions regarding the votes attributable to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity in your sole discretion. Under the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, participants may instruct You to give us instructions regarding shares deemed attributable to their contributions to the Deferred Annuity. Under the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, we will provide You with the number of copies of voting instruction soliciting materials that You request so that You may furnish such materials to participants who may give You voting instructions. Neither the Separate Account nor MetLife has any duty to inquire as to the instructions received or your authority to give instructions; thus, as far as the Separate Account, and any others having voting interests in respect of the Separate Account are concerned, such instructions are valid and effective.
There are certain circumstances under which we may disregard voting instructions. However, in this event, a summary of our action and the reasons for such action will appear in the next semiannual report. If we do not receive your voting instructions, we will vote your interest in the same proportion as represented by the votes we receive from other investors. The effect of this proportional voting is that a small number of Contract Owners or Annuitants may control the outcome of a vote. Shares of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II or American Funds® that are owned by our general account or by any of our unregistered separate accounts will be voted in the same proportion as the aggregate of:
The shares for which voting instructions are received; and
The shares that are voted in proportion to such voting instructions.
However, if the law or the interpretation of the law changes, we may decide to exercise the right to vote the Portfolio’s shares based on our judgment.


Who Sells the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities
MetLife Investors Distribution Company (“MLIDC”) is the principal underwriter and distributor of the securities offered through this Prospectus. MLIDC, which is our affiliate, also acts as the principal underwriter and distributor of some of the other variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies we and our affiliated companies issue. We reimburse MLIDC for expenses MLIDC incurs in distributing the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities (e.g., commissions payable to the retail broker-dealers who sell the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities). MLIDC does not retain any fees under the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities.
MLIDC’s principal executive offices are located at 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166. MLIDC is registered as a broker-dealer with the SEC under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), as well as the securities commissions in the states in which it operates, and is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”). FINRA provides background information about broker-dealers and their registered representatives through FINRA BrokerCheck. You may contact the FINRA BrokerCheck Hotline at 1-800-289-9999, or log on to www.finra.org. An investor brochure that includes information describing FINRA BrokerCheck is available through the Hotline or on-line.
The Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities are sold through unaffiliated broker-dealers, registered with the SEC as broker-dealers under the Exchange Act and members of FINRA. The Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities may also be sold through the mail, the Internet or by telephone.
There is no front-end sales load deducted from purchase payments to pay sales commissions. Distribution costs are recovered through the charges and deductions under the Deferred Annuities. MLIDC pays compensation based upon a “gross dealer concession” model. With respect to the Deferred Annuities, the gross dealer concession ranges from 0% to 6% of each purchase payment and, starting in the second Contracy year, 0.15% of the Account Value or amount available from which income payments are made each year that the Contract is in force for servicing the Contract. Gross dealer concession may also be paid when the Contract is annuitized. The amount of this gross dealer concession credited upon an annuitization depends on several factors, including the number of years the Contract has been in force.
We may make payments to MLIDC that may be used for its operating and other expenses, including the following sales expenses: compensation and bonuses for MLIDC’s management team, advertising expenses, and other expenses of distributing the Contracts. MLIDC’s management team and registered representatives also may be eligible for non-cash compensation items that we may provide jointly with MLIDC. Non-cash items include conferences, seminars and trips (including travel, lodging and meals in connection therewith), entertainment, merchandise and other similar items. Broker-dealers pay their sales representatives all or a portion of the commissions received for their sales of the Contracts. Some firms may retain a portion of commissions. The amount that the broker-dealer passes on to its sales representatives is determined in accordance with its internal compensation programs. Those programs may also include other types of cash and non-cash compensation and other benefits. Sales representatives of these selling firms may also receive non-cash compensation pursuant to their firm’s guidelines directly from us or the distributor. We and our affiliates may also provide sales support in the form of training, sponsoring conferences, defraying expenses at vendor meetings, providing promotional literature and similar services. An unaffiliated broker-dealer or sales representative of an unaffiliated broker-dealer may receive different compensation for selling one product over another and/or may be inclined to favor one product provider over another product provider due to different compensation rates. Ask your sales representative (where applicable) for further information about what your sales representative (where applicable) and the broker-dealer for which he or she works may receive in connection with your purchase of a Contract.


From time to time, MetLife pays organizations, associations and non-profit organizations fees to sponsor MetLife’s variable annuity contracts. We may also obtain access to an organization’s members to market our variable annuity contracts. These organizations are compensated for their sponsorship of our variable annuity contracts in various ways. Primarily, they receive a flat fee from MetLife. We also compensate these organizations by our funding of their programs, scholarships, events or awards, such as a principal of the year award. We may also lease their office space or pay fees for display space at their events, purchase advertisements in their publications or reimburse or defray their expenses. In some cases, we hire organizations to perform administrative services for us, for which they are paid a fee based upon a percentage of the Account Values their members hold in the Contract. We also may retain finders and consultants to introduce MetLife to potential clients and for establishing and maintaining relationships between MetLife and various organizations. The finders and consultants are primarily paid flat fees and may be reimbursed for their expenses. We or our affiliates may also pay duly licensed individuals associated with these organizations cash compensation for the sales of the Contracts.
Financial Statements
Our financial statements and the financial statements of the Separate Account have been included in the SAI.
Your Spouse’s Rights
If You received your Contract through a qualified retirement plan and your plan is subject to ERISA (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974) and You are married, the income payments, withdrawal provisions, and
methods of payment of the death benefit under your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity may be subject to your spouse’s rights.
If your benefit is worth $5,000 or less, your plan may provide for distribution of your entire interest in a lump sum without your spouse’s consent.
For details or advice on how the law applies to your circumstances, consult your tax adviser or attorney.
Any reference to “spouse” includes those persons who are married under state law, regardless of sex.
When We Can Cancel Your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity
We may not cancel your Income Annuity.
We may cancel your Deferred Annuity only if we do not receive any purchase payments from You for 36 consecutive months and your Account Value is less than $2,000, except for the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity. We may only cancel the unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity if we do not receive purchase payments from You for 12 consecutive months and your Account Value is less than $15,000. Accordingly, no Contract will be terminated due solely to negative investment performance. We will only do so to the extent allowed by law. If we cancel a Deferred Annuity issued in New York, we will return the full Account Value. In all other cases, You will receive an amount equal to what You would have received if You had requested a total withdrawal of your Account Value. Early Withdrawal Charges may apply. Certain Deferred Annuities do not contain these cancellation provisions.
We will not terminate any Contract that includes a guaranteed death benefit if at the time the termination would otherwise occur the guaranteed amount under any death benefit is greater than the Account Value. For all other Contracts, we reserve the right to exercise this termination provision, subject to obtaining any required regulatory approvals. We will not exercise this provision under Contracts issued in New York. However, if your plan determines to terminate the Contract at a time when You have a guaranteed amount under any death benefit that is greater


than the Account Value, You forfeit any guaranteed amount You have accrued under the death benefit upon termination of the Contract.
The following information on taxes is a general discussion of the subject. It is not intended as tax advice. The Internal Revenue Code (“Code”) and the provisions of the Code that govern annuities are complex and subject to change. The applicability of Federal income tax rules may vary with your particular circumstances. This discussion does not include all the Federal income tax rules that may affect You and your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable. Nor does this discussion address other Federal tax consequences (such as estate and gift taxes, sales to foreign individuals or entities), or state or local tax consequences, which may affect your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable. As a result, You should always consult a tax adviser for complete information and advice applicable to your individual situation.
When you invest in an annuity Contract, you usually do not pay taxes on your investment gains until you withdraw the money — generally for retirement purposes. Under current federal income tax law, the taxable portion of distributions from variable annuity contracts is taxed at ordinary income tax rates and does not qualify for the reduced tax rate applicable to long-term capital gains and dividends. If you invest in a variable annuity as part of an individual retirement plan, pension plan or employer-sponsored retirement program, your contract is called a Qualified Contract. If your annuity is independent of any formal retirement or pension plan, it is termed a Non-Qualified Contract. The tax rules applicable to Qualified Contracts vary according to the type of retirement plan and the terms and conditions of the plan.
We are not responsible for determining if your employer’s plan or arrangement satisfies the requirements of the Code and/or ERISA.
We do not expect to incur Federal, state or local income taxes on the earnings or realized capital gains attributable to the Separate Account. However, if we do incur such taxes in the future, we reserve the right to charge amounts allocated to the Separate Account for these taxes.
To the extent permitted under Federal tax law, we may claim the benefit of the corporate dividends received deduction and of certain foreign tax credits attributable to taxes paid by certain of the Portfolios to foreign jurisdictions.
Any Code reference to “spouse” includes those persons who enter into lawful marriages under state law, regardless of sex.
Non-Qualified Annuity Contracts
This discussion assumes the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, is an annuity Contract for Federal income tax purposes that is not held in a tax qualified “plan” defined by the Code. Tax qualified plans include arrangements described in Code Sections 401(a), 401(k), 403(a),403(b) or tax sheltered annuities (“TSA”), 408 or “IRAs” (including SEP and SIMPLE IRAs), 408A or “Roth IRAs” or 457(b) or governmental 457(b) plans. Deferred Annuities owned through such plans are referred to below as “qualified” contracts.


Generally, an Owner of a non-qualified annuity Contract is not taxed on increases in the value of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable until there is a distribution from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, i.e., surrender, partial withdrawal, income payment or commutation. This deferral of taxation on accumulated value in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is limited to Deferred Annuities owned by or held for the benefit of “natural persons.” A Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will be treated as held by a natural person if the nominal Owner is a trust or other entity which holds the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable as an agent for the exclusive benefit of a natural person.
In contrast, a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, owned or not treated as held by a “natural person,” such as a corporation, partnership, trust or other entity, will be taxed currently on the increase in accumulated value in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, in the year earned. Note that in this regard, an employer which is the Owner of an annuity Contract under a non-qualified deferred compensation arrangement for its employees, or otherwise, is considered a non-natural Owner and any annual increase in the Account Balance will be subject to current income taxation.
Surrenders or Withdrawals — Early Distribution
If You take a withdrawal from your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, or surrender your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable prior to the date You commence taking annuity or “income” payments (the “Annuity Starting Date”), the amount You receive will be treated first as coming from earnings, if any, (and thus subject to income tax) and then from your purchase payments (which are not subject to income tax).
The portion of any withdrawal from an annuity Contract that is subject to income tax will also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty for “early” distribution if such withdrawal is taken prior to You reaching age 59 12, unless an exception applies.
Exceptions include distributions made:
(a) on account of your death or disability,
(b) as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments payable for your life (or life expectancy) or joint lives (joint life expectancies) of You and your designated Beneficiary, or
(c) under certain immediate income annuities providing for substantially equal payments made at least annually.
If You receive systematic payments that You intend to qualify for the “substantially equal periodic payments” exception noted above, any modifications (except due to death or disability) to your payment before age 59 12 or within five years after beginning these payments, whichever is later, will result in the retroactive imposition of the 10% Federal income tax penalty with interest. Such modifications may include but are not limited to additional purchase payments to the Contract (including tax-free rollovers) and additional withdrawals from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
For non-qualified Contracts, amounts received under the exercise of a partial withdrawal may be fully included in taxable income. The entire amount of the withdrawal could be treated as taxable income. Exercise of a withdrawal feature may adversely impact the amount of subsequent payments which can be treated as a nontaxable return of investment.
If your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable has been purchased with an Optional Two Year Withdrawal Feature or is for a guaranteed period only (term certain) annuity, and is terminated as a result of the exercise of


the withdrawal feature, the taxable portion of the payment will generally be the excess of the proceeds received over your remaining after-tax purchase payment.
Treatment of Separate Account Charges
It is possible that at some future date the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) may consider that Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable charges attributable to certain guaranteed death benefits and certain living benefits are to be treated as distributions from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to pay for such non-annuity benefits. Currently, these charges are considered to be an intrinsic part of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and we do not report these as taxable income. However, if this treatment changes in the future, the charge could also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty as an early distribution, as described above.
Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefits (where applicable)
If You have purchased the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit I, Enhanced Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit or Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee, where otherwise made available, note the following:
The tax treatment of withdrawals under such a benefit is uncertain. It is conceivable that the amount of potential gain could be determined based on the remaining amount guaranteed to be available for withdrawal at the time of the withdrawal if greater than the Account Balance (prior to Withdrawal Charges). This could result in a greater amount of taxable income in certain cases. In general, at the present time, MetLife intends to report such withdrawals using the Account Balance rather than the remaining benefit to determine gain. However, in cases where the maximum permitted withdrawal in any year under any version of the GWB exceeds the Account Balance, the portion of the withdrawal treated as taxable gain (not to exceed the amount of the withdrawal) should be measured as the difference between the maximum permitted withdrawal amount under the benefit and the remaining after-tax basis immediately preceding the withdrawal. Consult your tax adviser.
In the event that the Account Balance goes to zero, and either the Remaining Guaranteed Withdrawal Amount is paid out in fixed installments or the Annual Benefit Payment is paid for life, we will treat such payments as income annuity payments under the tax law and allow recovery of any remaining basis ratably over the expected number of payments. (See “Taxation of Payments in Annuity Form” below.)
MetLife reserves the right to change its tax reporting practices where we determine that they are not in accordance with Federal income tax rules and/or IRS guidance (whether formal or informal).
If You purchase two or more Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable Contracts from MetLife (or its affiliates) during the same calendar year, the law requires that all such Contracts must be treated as a single Contract for purposes of determining whether any payments not received as an annuity (e.g., withdrawals) will be includible in income. Aggregation could affect the amount of a withdrawal that is taxable and subject to the 10% Federal income tax penalty described above. Since the IRS may require aggregation in other circumstances as well, You should consult a tax adviser if You are purchasing more than one annuity Contract from the same insurance company in a single calendar year. Aggregation does not affect distributions paid in the form of an annuity (see “Taxation of Payments in Annuity Form” below).
The annuity Contract may be exchanged tax-free in whole or in part for another annuity contract or a long-term care insurance policy. The partial exchange of an annuity contract may be a tax-free transaction provided that,


among other prescribed IRS conditions, no amounts are distributed from either contract involved in the exchange for 180 days following the date of the exchange other than annuity payments made for life, joint lives, or for a term of 10 years or more. Otherwise, a withdrawal or “deemed” distribution may be includible in your taxable income (plus a 10% Federal income tax penalty) to the extent that the accumulated value of your annuity exceeds your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable (your “gain”). Some of the ramifications of a partial exchange remain unclear. If the annuity Contract is exchanged in part for an additional annuity contract, a distribution from either contract may be taxable to the extent of the combined gain attributable to both contracts, or only to the extent of your gain in the contract from which the distribution is paid. It is not clear whether these rules apply to a partial exchange involving long-term care contracts. Consult your tax adviser prior to a partial exchange.
A transfer of Ownership of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, or the designation of an Annuitant or other Beneficiary who is not also the Contract Owner, may result in income or gift tax consequences to the Contract Owner. You should consult your tax adviser if You are considering such a transfer or assignment.
Death Benefits
The death benefit is taxable to the recipient in the same manner as if paid to the Contract Owner (under the rules for withdrawals or income payments, whichever is applicable).
After your death, any death benefit determined under the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed in accordance with Section 72(s) of the Code. The method of distribution that is required depends on whether You die before or after the Annuity Starting Date.
If You die on or after the Annuity Starting Date, the remaining portion of the interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used as of the date of death.
If You die before the Annuity Starting Date, the entire interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed within five (5) years after the date of death, or as periodic payments over a period not extending beyond the life or life expectancy of the designated Beneficiary (provided such payments begin within one year of your death) and the Beneficiary must be a natural person. Naming a non-natural person, such as a trust or estate, as a designated beneficiary, may eliminate the ability to stretch the payment over an individual’s life or life expectancy, and may also eliminate the ability to continue these benefits beyond the otherwise allowed payout period under the Code. If a non-natural person, such as a trust, is the owner of a non-qualified contract, the distribution on death rules under the Code may require payment to begin earlier than expected and may impact the usefulness of death benefit features.
Additionally, if the annuity is payable to (or for the benefit of) your surviving spouse, that portion of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may be continued with your spouse as the Owner.
For Deferred Annuities owned by a non-natural person, the required distribution rules apply upon the death or change in the primary Annuitant. If there is more than one Annuitant of a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable held by a non-natural person, then such required distributions will be triggered by the death of the first co-Annuitant.
Investor Control
In certain circumstances, Owners of variable annuity non-qualified contracts have been considered to be the Owners of the assets of the underlying Separate Account for Federal income tax purposes due to their ability to


exercise investment control over those assets. When this is the case, the Contract Owners have been currently taxed on income and gains attributable to the variable account assets. There is little guidance in this area, and some features of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, such as the number of Portfolios available and the flexibility of the Contract Owner to allocate purchase payments and transfer amounts among the Divisions have not been addressed. While we believe that the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable does not give the Contract Owner investment control over Separate Account assets, we reserve the right to modify the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, as necessary to prevent a Contract Owner from being treated as the Owner of the Separate Account assets supporting the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
Taxation of Payments in Annuity Form
Payments received from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable in the form of an annuity are taxed differently depending on whether You select a fixed or variable payment option. For fixed annuity payments, payments are taxable as ordinary income to the extent they exceed the portion of the payment determined by applying the exclusion ratio to the entire payment. The exclusion ratio is determined at the time the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is annuitized (i.e., the accumulated value is converted to an annuity form of distribution). Generally, the applicable exclusion ratio is your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable divided by the total payments You expect to receive based on IRS factors, such as the form of annuity and mortality. The exclusion ratio is applied to each fixed annuity payment to determine the portion that is a non-taxable return of investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and it is excludable from your taxable income until your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is fully recovered.
Variable annuity payments are expected to fluctuate and the amount You may receive is uncertain. Variable annuity payments are taxable as ordinary income to the extent they exceed the portion of each annuity payment that is determined to be a non-taxable return of your investment in the Contract. The non-taxable return of your investment in the Contract is determined by dividing the investment in the Contract (with adjustment) by the number of years over which it is anticipated the annuity will be paid. In general, your investment in the Contract is recovered pro-rata over the expected payment period.
We will make this calculation for You. However, it is possible that the IRS could conclude that the taxable portion of income payments under a non-qualified Contract is an amount greater — or less — than the taxable amount determined by us and reported by us to You and the IRS.
Once You have recovered the investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, further annuity payments are fully taxable.
If You die before your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is fully recovered, the balance of your investment may be deducted on your last tax return, or if annuity payments continue after your death, the balance may be recovered by your Beneficiary.
The IRS has not furnished explicit guidance as to how the excludable amount is to be determined each year under variable income annuities that permit transfers between a fixed annuity option and variable investment options, as well as transfers between investment options after the Annuity Start Date.
Once annuity payments have commenced, You may not be able to transfer to another non-qualified annuity contract or a long-term care contract as part of a tax-free exchange.
If the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable allows, You may elect to convert less than the full value of your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to an annuity form of pay-out (i.e., “partial annuitization.”) In this case, your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will be pro-rated between the annuitized


portion of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and the deferred portion. An exclusion ratio or excludable amount will apply to the annuity payments as described above, provided the annuity form You elect is payable for at least 10 years or for the life of one or more individuals.
The federal income tax treatment of an annuity payment option that contains a commutation feature (i.e., an annuity payment option that permits the withdrawal of a commuted value) is uncertain. Specifically, it is possible that (a) all payments made under the annuity payment option will be taxed as withdrawals, on an income-first basis, rather than as annuity payments, a portion of which would be excludable from income as a return of investment in the contract, or (b) the ability to fully recover the investment in the contract over the annuity payment period may be limited due to the reduction or elimination of future annuity payments that would have each had an excludable amount.
Additionally, it is uncertain whether the exercise of a commutation feature under a joint and survivor variable life annuity payment option constitutes an exchange into a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, thus requiring payout of any remaining interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable within five years of an Owner’s death (or the primary annuitant’s death where the Owner is not a natural person) or over the designated beneficiary’s life (or over a period no longer than the beneficiary’s remaining life expectancy) with such payments beginning within 12 months of the date of death if an Owner dies during the certain period for such payout option. Accordingly, we reserve the right to restrict the availability of the commutation feature or to require the value of all remaining income payments be paid to the designated beneficiary or to the surviving joint annuitant, as the case may be, in a lump sum after proof of an Owner’s death (or of a primary annuitant’s death, where the owner is not a natural person) during the certain period to comply with these tax law requirements.
3.8% Tax on Net Investment Income
Federal tax law imposes a 3.8% Medicare tax on the lesser of:
(1) the taxpayer’s “net investment income” (from non-qualified annuities, interest, dividends, and other investments, offset by specified allowable deductions), or
(2) the taxpayer’s modified adjusted gross income in excess of a specified income threshold ($250,000 for married couples filing jointly and qualifying widows, $125,000 for married couples filing separately, and $200,000 for single filers).
“Net investment income” in Item 1 above does not include distributions from tax qualified plans, (i.e., arrangements described in Code Sections 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 408, 408A or 457(b)), but such income will increase modified adjusted gross income in Item 2 above.
You should consult your tax adviser regarding the applicability of this tax to income under your annuity Contract.
Puerto Rico Tax Considerations
The Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011 (the “2011 PR Code”) taxes distributions from non-qualified annuity contracts differently than in the U.S.
Distributions that are not in the form of an annuity (including partial surrenders and period certain payments) are treated under the 2011 PR Code first as a return of investment. Therefore, a substantial portion of the amounts distributed generally will be excluded from gross income for Puerto Rico tax purposes until the cumulative amount paid exceeds your tax basis.


The amount of income on annuity distributions in annuity form (payable over your lifetime) is also calculated differently under the 2011 PR Code. Since the U.S. source income generated by a Puerto Rico bona fide resident is subject to U.S. income tax and the IRS issued guidance in 2004 which indicated that the income from an annuity contract issued by a U.S. life insurer would be considered U.S. source income, the timing of recognition of income from an annuity contract could vary between the two jurisdictions. Although the 2011 PR Code provides a credit against the Puerto Rico income tax for U.S. income taxes paid, an individual may not get full credit because of the timing differences.
You should consult with a personal tax adviser regarding the tax consequences of purchasing an annuity Contract and/or any proposed distribution, particularly a partial distribution or election to annuitize if You are a resident of Puerto Rico.
Qualified Annuity Contracts
The Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may be purchased through certain types of retirement plans that receive favorable treatment under the Code (“tax qualified plans”). Tax-qualified plans include arrangements described in Code Sections 401(a), 401(k), 403(a), 403(b) or tax sheltered annuities (“TSA”), 408 or “IRAs” (including SEP and SIMPLE IRAs), 408A or “Roth IRAs” or 457 (b) nongovernmental or 457(b) governmental plans. Extensive special tax rules apply to qualified plans and to the annuity Contracts used in connection with these plans. Therefore, the following discussion provides only general information about the use of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable with the various types of qualified plans. Adverse tax consequences may result if You do not ensure that contributions, distributions and other transactions with respect to the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable comply with the law.
The rights to any benefit under the plan will be subject to the terms and conditions of the plan itself as well as the terms and conditions of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
We exercise no control over whether a particular retirement plan or a particular contribution to the plan satisfies the applicable requirements of the Code, or whether a particular individual is entitled to participate or benefit under a plan.
All qualified plans and arrangements receive tax deferral under the Code. Since there are no additional tax benefits in funding such retirement arrangements with an annuity, there should be reasons other than tax deferral for acquiring the annuity within the plan. Such non-tax benefits may include additional insurance benefits, such as the availability of a guaranteed income for life.
A Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may also be available in connection with an employer’s non-qualified deferred compensation plan or qualified governmental excess benefit arrangement to provide benefits to certain employees in the plan. The tax rules regarding these plans are complex; please consult your tax adviser about your particular situation.
Treatment of Separate Account Charges
It is possible that at some future date the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) may consider that Contract charges attributable to certain guaranteed death benefits and certain living benefits are to be treated as distributions from the Contract to pay for such non-annuity benefits. Currently, these charges are considered to be an intrinsic part of the Contract and we do not report these as taxable income. However, if this treatment changes in the future, the charge could also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty as an early distribution.


The tax rules applicable to qualified plans vary according to the type of plan and the terms and conditions of the plan itself. Both the amount of the contribution that may be made and the tax deduction or exclusion that You may claim for that contribution under qualified plans are limited under the Code. See the SAI for a description of qualified plan types and annual current contribution limitations which are subject to change from year-to-year.
Purchase payments or contributions to IRAs or tax qualified retirement plans of an employer may be taken from current income on a before tax basis or after tax basis. Purchase payments made on a “before tax” basis entitle You to a tax deduction or are not subject to current income tax. Purchase payments made on an “after tax” basis do not reduce your taxable income or give You a tax deduction. Contributions may also consist of transfers or rollovers as described below and are not subject to the annual limitations on contributions.
The Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will accept as a single purchase payment a transfer or rollover from another IRA or rollover from an eligible retirement plan of an employer (i.e., 401(a), 401(k), 403(a), 403(b) or governmental 457(b) plan.) It will also accept a rollover or transfer from a SIMPLE IRA after the taxpayer has participated in such arrangement for at least two years. As part of the single purchase payment, the IRA Contract will also accept an IRA contribution subject to the Code limits for the year of purchase.
For income annuities established as “pay-outs” of SIMPLE IRAs, the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will only accept a single purchase payment consisting of a transfer or rollover from another SIMPLE IRA.
For income annuities established in accordance with a distribution option under a retirement plan of an employer (e.g., 401(a), 401(k), 403(a), 403(b) or 457(b) or nongovernmental 457(b) plan), the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will only accept as its single purchase payment a transfer from such employer retirement plan.
Taxation of Annuity Distributions
If contributions are made on a “before tax” basis, You generally pay income taxes on the full amount of money You receive under the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable. Withdrawals attributable to any after-tax contributions are basis in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and not subject to income tax (except for the portion of the withdrawal allocable to earnings, if any).
Under current Federal income tax rules, the taxable portion of distributions under annuity contracts and qualified plans (including IRAs) is not eligible for the reduced tax rate applicable to long-term capital gains and qualifying dividends.
If You meet certain requirements, your Roth IRA, Roth 403(b) and Roth 401(k) earnings can be received free of Federal income taxes.
With respect to IRA Contracts, we will withhold a portion of the taxable amount of your withdrawal for income taxes, unless You elect otherwise. The amount we will withhold is determined by the Code.
Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefits (where applicable)
If You have purchased the Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee benefit (“LWG”), where otherwise made available, note the following:
In determining your required minimum distribution each year, the actuarial value of this benefit as of the prior December 31 must be taken into account in addition to the Account Balance of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.


If You have purchased the GWB I, Enhanced GWB or LWG, where otherwise made available, note the following:
The tax treatment of withdrawals under such a benefit is uncertain. It is conceivable that the amount of potential gain could be determined based on the remaining amount guaranteed to be available for withdrawal at the time of the withdrawal if greater than the Account Balance (prior to Withdrawal Charges). This could result in a greater amount of taxable income in certain cases. In general, at the present time, MetLife intends to report such withdrawals using the Account Balance rather than the remaining benefit to determine gain. However, in cases where the maximum permitted withdrawal in any year under any version of the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit exceeds the Account Balance, the portion of the withdrawal treated as taxable gain (not to exceed the amount of the withdrawal) should be measured as the difference between the maximum permitted withdrawal amount under the benefit and the remaining after-tax basis immediately preceding the withdrawal. Consult your tax adviser.
In the event that the Account Balance goes to zero, and either the Remaining Guaranteed Withdrawal Amount is paid out in fixed installments or the Annual Benefit Payment is paid for life, we will treat such payments as income annuity payments under the tax law and allow recovery of any remaining basis ratably over the expected number of payments.
MetLife reserves the right to change its tax reporting practices where we determine that they are not in accordance with Federal income tax rules and/or IRS guidance (whether formal or informal).
Withdrawals Prior to Age 59 12
A taxable withdrawal from a qualified plan which is subject to income tax may also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty for “early” distribution if taken prior to age 59 12, unless an exception applies. The penalty rate is 25% for SIMPLE plan Deferred Annuities if the withdrawal occurs within the first 2 years of your participation in the plan.
These exceptions include but are not limited to withdrawals made:
(a) on account of your death or disability, or
(b) as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments payable for your life (or life expectancy) or joint lives (or life expectancies) of You and your designated Beneficiary and You are separated from employment.
If You receive systematic payments that You intend to qualify for the “substantially equal periodic payments” exception noted above, any modifications (except due to death or disability) to your payment before age 59 12 or within five years after beginning these payments, whichever is later, will result in the retroactive imposition of the 10% Federal income tax penalty with interest (25% for certain SIMPLE plan withdrawals). Such modifications may include but are not limited to additional purchase payments to the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable (including tax-free transfers or rollovers) and additional withdrawals from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
The 10% Federal income tax penalty on early distribution does not apply to governmental 457(b) plan Contracts. However, it does apply to distributions from 457(b) plans of employers which are state or local governments to the extent that the distribution is attributable to rollovers accepted from other types of eligible retirement plans.
In addition to death, disability and as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments as indicated above, a withdrawal or distribution from an IRA (including SEPs and SIMPLEs and Roth IRAs) will avoid the penalty (1) if the distribution is to pay deductible medical expenses; (2) if the distribution is to pay IRS levies (and made after December 31, 1999); (3) if the distribution is used to pay for medical insurance (if You are unemployed), qualified higher education expenses, or for a qualified first time home purchase up to $10,000.


Other exceptions may be applicable under certain circumstances and special rules may apply or may become applicable in connection with the exceptions enumerated above. You should consult with your tax advisor for further details.
Your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is non-forfeitable (i.e., not subject to the claims of your creditors) and non-transferable (i.e., You may not transfer it to someone else).
Nevertheless, Contracts held in certain employer plans may be transferred in part pursuant to a QDRO.
Under certain circumstances, You may be able to transfer amounts distributed from your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to another eligible retirement plan or IRA. Federal tax law limits You to making only one 60-day rollover from an IRA to another IRA in any 12 month period and the limit is applied across all IRAs that You own, including SEP, SIMPLE and Roth IRAs. For 457(b) plans maintained by non-governmental employers, if certain conditions are met, amounts may be transferred into another 457(b) plan maintained by a non-governmental employer.
You may make rollovers and direct transfers into your SIMPLE IRA annuity contract from another SIMPLE IRA annuity contract or account. Rollovers from another qualified plan can generally be made to your SIMPLE IRA after you have participated in the SIMPLE IRA for at least two years. Rollovers and direct transfers from a SIMPLE IRA can only be made to another SIMPLE IRA or account during the first two years that You participate in the SIMPLE IRA plan. After this two year period, rollovers and transfers may be made from your SIMPLE IRA into a Traditional IRA or account, as well as into another SIMPLE IRA.
Generally, a distribution may be eligible for rollover but certain types of distributions cannot be rolled over, such as distributions received:
(a) to meet minimum distribution requirements,
(b) for financial hardship, or
(c) for a period of ten or more years or for life.
20% Withholding on Eligible Rollover Distributions
For certain qualified employer plans, we are required to withhold 20% of the taxable portion of your withdrawal that constitutes an “eligible rollover distribution” for Federal income taxes. The amount we withhold is determined by the Code. You may avoid withholding if You directly transfer a withdrawal from this Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to another qualified plan or IRA. Similarly, You may be able to avoid withholding on a transfer into the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable from an existing qualified plan You may have with another provider by arranging to have the transfer made directly to us. For taxable withdrawals that are not “eligible rollover distributions,” the Code imposes different withholding rules to determine the withholding percentage.
Death Benefits
The death benefit is taxable to the recipient in the same manner as if paid to the Contract Owner or plan participant (under the rules for withdrawals or income payments, whichever is applicable).


Distributions required from a qualified annuity Contract following your death depend on whether You die before You had converted your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to an annuity form and started taking annuity payments (your Annuity Start Date).
If You die on or after your Annuity Start Date, the remaining portion of the interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used as of the date of death.
If You die before your Annuity Start Date, the entire interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed within five (5) years after the date of death, or as periodic payments over a period not extending beyond the life or life expectancy of the designated Beneficiary (provided such payments begin within one year of your death).
Your designated Beneficiary is the person to whom benefit rights under the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable pass by reason of death; the Beneficiary must be a natural person in order to elect a periodic payment option based on life expectancy or a period exceeding five years.
If the IRA is payable to (or for the benefit of) your surviving spouse, that portion of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may be continued with your spouse as the Owner. If your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable permits, your Beneficiary spouse may delay the start of these payments until December 31 of the year in which You would have reached age 70 12.
Your spouse may elect to roll over the death proceeds into another eligible retirement plan in which he or she participates, if permitted under the receiving plan, he or she may elect to roll over the death proceeds into his or her own IRA, or he or she may elect to transfer the death proceeds into an inherited IRA.
If your Beneficiary is not your spouse and your plan and Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable permit, your Beneficiary may be able to roll over the death proceeds via a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer into an inherited IRA. However, a non-spouse Beneficiary may not treat the inherited IRA as his or her own IRA.
Distributions required from a qualified Contract following Your death must be distributed to designated Beneficiaries within ten (10) years after the date of death. This distribution period applies regardless of whether You die before, on, or after the Annuity Start Date, unless the designated Beneficiary is an Eligible Designated Beneficiary (EDB).
An Eligible Designated Beneficiary is an individual who, on the date of death, is:
(1) Your surviving spouse;
(2) Your child who has not yet reached the age of majority (as defined by federal tax law);
(3) a chronically ill individual as defined by the Code; or
(4) any other individual who is not more than ten (10) years younger than You.
An Eligible Designated Beneficiary may receive the remaining portion of the interest in the Contract over his/her life or life expectancy, beginning in the year following the year of death.


If your contract permits, your Eligible Designated Beneficiary spouse may delay the start of these payments until December 31 of the year You would have reached age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020).
Following the death of an Eligible Designated Beneficiary, the remaining interest in the Contract must be distributed within ten (10) years. In addition, a child who is an Eligible Designated Beneficiary because he or she has not yet reached the age of majority must have the remaining interest in the Contract fully distributed within ten (10) years after reaching the age of majority.
Your spouse may elect to roll over the death proceeds into another eligible retirement plan in which he or she participates, if permitted under the receiving plan, he or she may elect to roll over the death proceeds into his or her own IRA, or he or she may elect to transfer the death proceeds into an inherited IRA.
If your Beneficiary is not your spouse and your plan and Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable permit, your Beneficiary may be able to roll over the death proceeds via a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer into an inherited IRA. However, a non-spouse Beneficiary may not treat the inherited IRA as his or her own IRA.
Distributions required from a qualified Contract following your death must generally be distributed to Non-designated beneficiaries (for example, charitable organizations or nonqualified trusts) within five (5) years of the date of death. However, if your death occurs after the Required Beginning Date, the benefits may be paid out to the non-designated beneficiary at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used as of the date of death.
Required Minimum Distributions
Generally, You must begin receiving amounts from your retirement plan by April 1 following the latter of:
(a) the calendar year in which You reach age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020), or
(b) the calendar year You retire, provided You do not own more than 5% of the outstanding stock, capital, or profits of your employer.
For IRAs (including SEPs and SIMPLEs), You must begin receiving withdrawals by April 1 of the year after You reach age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020) even if You have not retired.
Your required minimum distribution request must be in Good Order and payment must be processed by MetLife prior to the due date (generally the end of the calendar year or April 1st of the year You reach age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020) in order to satisfy the requirement for the applicable tax year.
A tax penalty of 50% applies to the shortfall of any required minimum distributions You fail to receive.
You may not satisfy minimum distributions for one employer’s qualified plan (i.e., 401(a), 403(a), 457(b)) with distributions from another qualified plan of the same or a different employer. However, an aggregation rule does apply in the case of IRAs (including SEPs and SIMPLEs) or 403(b) plans. The minimum required distribution is calculated with respect to each IRA, but the aggregate distribution may be taken from any one or more of your IRAs/SEPs. Similarly, the amount of required minimum distribution is calculated separately with respect to each 403(b) arrangement, but the aggregate amount of the required distribution may be taken from any one or more of your 403(b) plan contracts. For SIMPLE IRAs, the aggregate amount of the required distribution may be taken from any one or more of your SIMPLE IRAs.


Complex rules apply to the calculation of minimum distributions. In general, income tax regulations permit income payments to increase based not only with respect to the investment experience of the portfolios but also with respect to actuarial gains.
The regulations also require that the value of benefits under a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable including certain death benefits in excess of Account Balance must be added to the amount credited to your account in computing the amount required to be distributed over the applicable period. We will provide You with additional information regarding the amount that is subject to minimum distribution under this rule. You should consult your own tax adviser as to how these rules affect your own distribution under this rule.
If You intend to receive your minimum distributions which are payable over the joint lives of You and a Beneficiary who is not your spouse (or over a period not exceeding the joint life expectancy of You and your non-spousal Beneficiary), be advised that Federal tax rules may require that payments be made over a shorter period or may require that payments to the Beneficiary be reduced after your death to meet the minimum distribution incidental benefit rules and avoid the 50% excise tax. You should consult your own tax adviser as to how these rules affect your own Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
Required minimum distribution rules that apply to other types of IRAs while You are alive do not apply to Roth IRAs. However, in general, the IRA post-death rules with respect to minimum distributions do apply to beneficiaries of Roth IRAs.
Additional Information regarding IRAs
Purchase Payments
Except for permissible rollovers and direct transfers, purchase payments for individuals are limited in the aggregate to the lesser of 100% of compensation or the deductible amount established each year under the Code. A purchase payment up to the deductible amount can also be made for a non-working spouse provided the couple’s compensation is at least equal to their aggregate contributions. If you have compensation, you can continue to make purchase payments after beginning required minimum distributions if permitted by your Contract. Individuals age 50 and older are permitted to make additional “catch-up” contributions if they have sufficient compensation. If You or your spouse are an active participant in a retirement plan of an employer, your deductible contributions may be limited. If You exceed purchase payment limits You may be subject to a tax penalty.
Roth IRA purchase payments for individuals are non-deductible (made on an “after tax” basis) and are limited to the lesser of 100% of compensation or the annual deductible IRA amount. Individuals age 50 and older can make an additional “catch-up” purchase payment each year (assuming the individual has sufficient compensation). You may contribute up to the annual purchase payment limit if your modified adjusted gross income does not exceed certain limits. If You exceed purchase payment limits, You may be subject to a tax penalty.
If and to the extent that Traditional IRA purchase payments are made on an “after tax” basis, withdrawals would be included in income except for the portion that represents a return of non-deductible purchase payments. This portion is generally determined based upon the ratio of all non-deductible purchase payments to the total value of all your Traditional IRAs (including SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs). We withhold a portion of the amount of your withdrawal for income taxes, unless You elect otherwise. The amount we withhold is determined by the Code.
Generally, withdrawal of earnings from Roth IRAs are free from Federal income tax if (1) they are made at least five taxable years after the tax year for which you made your first purchase payment to a Roth IRA; and (2) they are


made on or after the date You reach age 59 12 or upon your death, disability or for a qualified first-home purchase (up to $10,000). Withdrawals from a Roth IRA are made first from purchase payments and then from earnings. We may be required to withhold a portion of your withdrawal for income taxes, unless You elect otherwise. The amount will be determined by the Code.
Traditional IRAs may be converted to Roth IRAs. Except to the extent You have non-deductible contributions, the amount converted from an existing Traditional IRA into a Roth IRA is taxable. Generally, the 10% Federal income tax penalty does not apply. However, the taxable amount to be converted must be based on the fair market value of the entire annuity contract being converted into a Roth IRA. Such fair market value, in general, is to be determined by taking into account the value of all benefits (both living benefits and death benefits) in addition to the Account Balance; as well as adding back certain loads and charges incurred during the prior twelve month period. Your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may include such benefits and applicable charges. Accordingly, if You are considering such conversion of your annuity Contract, please consult your tax adviser. The taxable amount may exceed the Account Balance at the date of conversion.
A conversion from a traditional IRA, SEP or SIMPLE to a Roth IRA made on or after January 1, 2018 cannot be recharacterized. Please consult your tax adviser.
Additional Information regarding TSA (ERISA and non-ERISA) 403(b)
Special Rules Regarding Exchanges
In order to satisfy tax regulations, contract exchanges within a 403(b) plan must, at a minimum, meet the following requirements: (1) the plan must allow the exchange; (2) the exchange must not result in a reduction in a Participant’s or a Beneficiary’s accumulated benefit: (3) the receiving contract includes distribution restrictions that are no less stringent than those imposed on the contract being exchanged; and (4) if the issuer receiving the exchanges is not part of the plan, the employer enters into an agreement with the issuer to provide information to enable the contract provider to comply with Code requirements. Such information would include details concerning severance from employment, hardship withdrawals, loans and tax basis. You should consult Your tax or legal counsel for any advice relating to Contract exchanges or any other matter relating to these regulations.
If You are under age 59 12, You generally cannot withdraw money from your 403(b) Contract unless the withdrawal:
a) Relates to purchase payments made prior to 1989 and pre-1989 earnings on those purchase payments;
b) Is exchanged to another permissible investment under your 403(b) plan;
c) Relates to contributions to an annuity contract that are not salary reduction elective deferrals, if Your plan allows it;
d) Occurs after You die, leave Your job or become disabled (as defined by the Code);
e) Is for financial hardship (but only to the extent of elective deferrals), if Your plan allows it;
f) Relates to distributions attributable to certain 403(b) plan terminations, if the conditions of the Code are met;
g) Relates to rollover or after-tax contributions; or
h) Is for the purchase of permissive service credit under a governmental defined benefit plan.


In addition, a Section 403(b) Contract is permitted to distribute retirement benefits attributable to pre-tax contributions other than elective deferrals to the participant no earlier than upon the earlier of the participant’s severance from employment or upon the prior occurrence of some event, such as after a fixed number of years, the attainment of a stated age or disability.
Other exceptions may apply or become applicable under certain circumstances and special rules may be applicable in connection with the exceptions enumerated above.
Distinction for Puerto Rico Code
An annuity Contract may be purchased by an employer for an employee under a qualified pension, profit sharing, stock bonus, annuity, or a “cash or deferred” arrangement plan established pursuant to Section 1081.01 of the 2011 PR Code. To be tax qualified under the 2011 PR Code, a plan must comply with the requirements of Section 1081.01(a) of the 2011 PR Code which includes certain participation requirements, among other requirements. A trust created to hold assets for a qualified plan is exempt from tax on its investment income.
A Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan trust may be exempted from income taxation pursuant to 2011 PR Code Section 1081.01 and Section 1022(i) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA). If a variable annuity contract is acquired by said trust, the earnings accumulated or distributed under such contract or any income realized from the sale or exchange of the contract may not be subject to current income taxation due to the income tax exemption that the trust is entitled to. Whether a Puerto Rico retirement plan trust is qualified under 2011 PR Code Section 1081.01 depends on the facts and circumstances of each case. Each fiduciary of a Puerto Rico retirement plan should ascertain the qualified status of the retirement plan trust, and thus, that it enjoys the benefits of income tax exemption before investing in the variable annuity contract.
The employer is entitled to a current income tax deduction for contributions made to a qualified plan, subject to statutory limitations on the amount that may be contributed each year. The plan contributions by the employer are not required to be included in the current income of the employee.
Any amount received or made available to the employee under the qualified plan is generally includible in the gross income of the employee in the taxable year in which received or made available. However, Lump-sum proceeds from a Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan due to separation of employment or termination of a retirement plan will generally be treated as ordinary income subject to a withholding tax rate of 20%.
A special rate of 10% may apply instead, if the plan satisfies the following requirements:
(1) the plan’s trust is organized under the laws of Puerto Rico, or has a Puerto Rico resident trustee and uses such trustee as paying agent; and
(2) 10% of all plan’s trust assets (calculated based on the average balance of the investments of the trust) attributable to participants which are Puerto Rico residents must be invested in “property located in Puerto Rico” for a three-year period.
If those two requirements are not satisfied, the distribution will generally be subject to the 20% tax rate. The three- year period includes the year of the distribution and the two immediately preceding years. In the case of a defined contribution plan that maintains separate accounts for each participant, the described 10% investment requirement may be satisfied in the accounts of a participant that chooses to invest in such fashion rather than at


the trust level. Property located in Puerto Rico includes Shares of stock of a Puerto Rico Registered Investment Company (RIC), Fixed or Variable Annuities issued by a domestic insurance company or by a foreign insurance company that derives more than 80% of its gross income from sources within Puerto Rico, bank deposits. The 2011 PR Code does not impose a penalty tax in cases of early (premature) distributions from a qualified plan.
In the case of distributions from a qualified plan in the form of annuity installments as a result of termination of employment, amounts received are taxable in an amount equal to 3% of the after-tax contributions not previously distributed, which would be considered the tax cost. The remaining portion is not taxable until you have recovered the total after-tax contributions made to the qualified plan. You may be able to exclude from gross income up to $11,000, if you are less than 60 years of age, or up to $15,000, if you are at least 60 years of age, of the taxable portion of the installment payments received every year.
In the case of a defined contribution plan that maintains separate accounts for each participant, the described 10% investment requirement may be satisfied in the accounts of a participant that chooses to invest in such fashion rather than at the trust level. Property located in Puerto Rico includes shares of stock of a Puerto Rico registered investment company (RIC), fixed or variable annuities issued by a domestic insurance company or by a foreign insurance corporation that derives more than 80% of its gross income from sources within Puerto Rico and bank deposits. The 2011 PR Code does not impose a penalty tax in cases of early (premature) distributions from a qualified plan.
Upon the occurrence of a “Declared Disaster”, like a hurricane, Retirement Plans are allowed to make Eligible Distributions to a participant resident of Puerto Rico who requests the same. The Eligible Distribution may not exceed $100,000, and must be made during a period of time to be identified by the Puerto Rico Treasury through administrative guidance and be used to cover damages or losses suffered, and extraordinary expenses incurred by the individual as a result of a Declared Disaster. The first $10,000 will be exempted from income taxation, including the alternate basic tax, and amounts exceeding $10,000 will be subject to a 10% income tax to be withheld at the source, in lieu of any other income tax, including the alternate basic tax.
Distributions of retirement income made to a Non-Resident of Puerto Rico by a dual qualified retirement plan (qualified under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and the 2011 PR Code) funded through a U.S. situs trust will not be subject to Puerto Rico income tax. However, in order for such exemption to be available, the Puerto Rico Treasury requires the participant to submit to his/her employer either: (i) IRS Form 8898 (Statement for Individuals Who Begin or End Bona Fide Residence in a U.S. Possession; or (ii) a Sworn Statement including certain personal information directed to establish his/her residence in a State within the continental U.S.
You should consult with a personal tax adviser regarding the tax consequences of purchasing an annuity contract and/or any proposed distribution if you are a resident of Puerto Rico.
Deferral of the recognition of income continues upon the receipt of a distribution by a participant from a qualified plan, if the distribution is contributed to another qualified retirement plan or traditional individual retirement account for the employee’s benefit no later than sixty (60) days after the distribution.
ERISA Considerations
In the context of a Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan trust, the IRS has held that the transfer of assets and liabilities from a qualified retirement plan trust under the Code to that type of plan would generally be treated as a distribution includible in gross income for U.S. income tax purposes even if the Puerto Rico retirement plan is a plan described in ERISA Section 1022(i)(1). By contrast, a transfer from a qualified retirement plan trust under


the Code to a Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan trust that has made an election under ERISA Section 1022(i)(2) is not treated as a distribution from the transferor plan for U.S. income tax purposes because a Puerto Rico retirement plan that has made an election under ERISA Section 1022(i)(2) is treated as a qualified retirement plan for purposes Code Section 401(a). The IRS has determined that the above described rules prescribing the inclusion in income of transfers of assets and liabilities to a Puerto Rico retirement plan trust described in ERISA Section 1022(i)(1) would be applicable to transfers taking effect after December 31, 2012. Notwithstanding the above, the IRS has recently held that a Puerto Rico retirement plan described in ERISA Section 1022(i)(1) may participate in a 81-100 group trust because it permits said plan to diversify its investments without adverse tax consequences to the group trust or its investors
Similar to the IRS Revenue Ruling 2013-17, the U.S. Department of Labor issued DOL Technical Release No. 2013-04 on September 18, 2013 providing that, where the Secretary of Labor has authority to regulate with respect to the provisions of ERISA dealing with the use of the term “spouse” spouse will be read to refer to any individuals who are lawfully married under any state law, including same-sex spouses, and without regard to whether their state of domicile recognizes same-sex marriage. Thus, for ERISA purposes as well as Federal tax purposes, an employee benefit plan participant who marries a person of the same sex in a jurisdiction that recognizes same-sex marriage will continue to be treated as married even if the couple moves to a jurisdiction that does not recognize same-sex marriage.
In the ordinary course of business, MetLife, similar to other life insurance companies, is involved in lawsuits (including class action lawsuits), arbitrations and other legal proceedings. Also, from time to time, state and Federal regulators or other officials conduct formal and informal examinations or undertake other actions dealing with various aspects of the financial services and insurance industries. In some legal proceedings involving insurers, substantial damages have been sought and/or material settlement payments have been made.
It is not possible to predict with certainty the ultimate outcome of any pending legal proceeding or regulatory action. However, MetLife does not believe any such action or proceeding will have a material adverse effect upon the Separate Account or upon the ability of MetLife to perform its contract with the Separate Account or of MetLife to meet its obligations under the Contracts.


The following is a list of Portfolios available. You should check with your Employer as to which Portfolios are available under your Policy. More information about the Portfolios is available in the prospectuses for the Portfolios, which may be amended from time to time and can be found online at dfinview.com/metlife/tahd/MET000202. You can also request this information at no cost by calling 800-638-7732, by sending an email request to RCG@metlife.com, or through your registered representative. Depending on the optional benefits you choose, you may not be able to invest in certain Portfolios. If your annuity was issued in connection with an employer plan, you should check with your Employer as to which Portfolios are available under your Contract.
The current expenses and performance information below reflects fees and expenses of the Portfolios, but do not reflect the other fees and expenses that your Contract may charge, such as Platform Charges. Expenses would be higher and performance would be lower if these other charges were included. Each Portfolio Company's past performance is not necessarily an indication of future performance.
(as of 12/31/2021)
Global Equity American Funds Global Small Capitalization Fund* - Class 2
Capital Research and Management CompanySM
0.90% 6.74% 12.51% 15.45%
US Equity American Funds Growth Fund - Class 2
Capital Research and Management CompanySM
0.60% 21.97% 19.71% 25.43%
US Equity American Funds Growth-Income Fund - Class 2
Capital Research and Management CompanySM
0.54% 24.10% 15.42% 16.39%
International Equity Baillie Gifford International Stock Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited
0.71% -0.76% 13.35% 9.97%
US Fixed Income BlackRock Bond Income Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: BlackRock Advisors, LLC
0.37% -0.43% 4.26% 3.86%
US Equity BlackRock Capital Appreciation Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: BlackRock Advisors, LLC
0.62% 21.20% 25.45% 18.64%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 100 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.72% 18.34% 14.91% 13.15%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 20 Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.60% 4.01% 6.00% 5.30%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 40 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.60% 7.68% 8.12% 7.37%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 60 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.63% 11.17% 10.45% 9.47%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 80 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.67% 14.87% 12.89% 11.54%


(as of 12/31/2021)
US Equity Brighthouse/Artisan Mid Cap Value Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Artisan Partners Limited Partnership
0.75% 26.91% 10.32% 11.00%
US Fixed Income Brighthouse/Franklin Low Duration Total Return Portfolio* - Class B
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Franklin Advisers, Inc.
0.72% 0.28% 1.75% 1.78%
Allocation Brighthouse/Wellington Balanced Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Wellington Management Company LLP
0.51% 14.02% 12.84% 11.64%
US Equity Brighthouse/Wellington Core Equity Opportunities Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Wellington Management Company LLP
0.60% 24.43% 16.62% 14.75%
US Equity Brighthouse/Wellington Large Cap Research Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Wellington Management Company LLP
0.53% 24.38% 18.14% 16.33%
Sector CBRE Global Real Estate Portfolio - Class A (formerly known as Clarion Global Real Estate Portfolio - Class A)
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: CBRE Investment Management Listed Real Assets LLC
0.62% 34.70% 10.29% 9.28%
US Equity Frontier Mid Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Frontier Capital Management Company, LLC
0.70% 14.68% 18.90% 15.49%
International Equity Harris Oakmark International Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Harris Associates L.P.
0.76% 8.66% 7.35% 9.00%
Global Equity Invesco Global Equity Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Invesco Advisers, Inc.
0.57% 15.76% 18.44% 14.46%
US Equity Invesco Small Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Invesco Advisers, Inc.
0.80% 7.12% 19.19% 16.92%
US Equity Jennison Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Jennison Associates LLC
0.53% 17.17% 27.45% 20.50%


(as of 12/31/2021)
US Equity Loomis Sayles Growth Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
0.56% 18.66% 16.59% 15.99%
US Equity Loomis Sayles Small Cap Core Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
0.87% 21.95% 11.95% 13.23%
US Equity Loomis Sayles Small Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
0.86% 10.00% 19.09% 15.79%
US Fixed Income MetLife Aggregate Bond Index Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.27% -1.93% 3.32% 2.64%
US Equity MetLife Mid Cap Stock Index Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.29% 24.40% 12.81% 13.93%
International Equity MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.38% 10.72% 9.38% 7.84%
US Equity MetLife Russell 2000® Index Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.30% 14.52% 11.93% 13.20%
US Equity MetLife Stock Index Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.26% 28.36% 18.18% 16.26%
International Equity MFS ® Research International Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Massachusetts Financial Services Company
0.64% 11.98% 12.58% 8.72%
Allocation MFS ® Total Return Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Massachusetts Financial Services Company
0.59% 14.22% 9.89% 9.68%
US Equity MFS ® Value Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Massachusetts Financial Services Company
0.57% 25.54% 12.51% 13.70%
US Equity Morgan Stanley Discovery Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc.
0.62% -10.54% 37.65% 20.90%


(as of 12/31/2021)
US Equity Neuberger Berman Genesis Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers LLC
0.78% 18.41% 15.71% 14.21%
US Fixed Income PIMCO Total Return Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Pacific Investment Management Company LLC
0.47% -1.13% 4.15% 3.58%
US Equity T. Rowe Price Large Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
0.57% 20.22% 23.39% 19.26%
US Equity T. Rowe Price Mid Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
0.70% 15.15% 18.19% 16.57%
US Equity T. Rowe Price Small Cap Growth Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
0.49% 11.67% 16.25% 15.90%
US Equity Victory Sycamore Mid Cap Value Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Victory Capital Management Inc.
0.59% 32.13% 12.75% 12.26%
US Fixed Income Western Asset Management Strategic Bond Opportunities Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Western Asset Management Company LLC
0.54% 2.82% 5.55% 5.21%
US Fixed Income Western Asset Management U.S. Government Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Western Asset Management Company LLC
0.48% -1.52% 2.49% 1.97%
* The Portfolio is subject to an expense reimbursement or fee waiver arrangement. The annual expenses shown reflect temporary fee reductions.


Premium Tax Table
If You are a resident of one of the following jurisdictions, the percentage amount listed by that jurisdiction is the premium tax rate applicable to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity.
and Income
California (1) 0.5%   2.35%  
Colorado 0.00%   2.00%  
Florida (2) 1.0%   1.0%  
Maine (3) 0.0%   2.0%  
Nevada (4) 0.0%   3.5%  
Puerto Rico(5) 1.0%   1.0%  
South Dakota(6) 0.0%   1.25%  
Wyoming (4) 0.0%   1.0%  
1 California applies the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401(a), 403(b), 404, 408(b), and 501(a).
2 Annuity purchase payments are exempt from taxation provided the tax savings are passed back to the Contract Owners. Otherwise, they are taxable at 1%.
3 Maine applies the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401, 403, 403(b), 404, 408, 457 and 501.
4 Nevada and Wyoming apply the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401, 403, 404, 408, 457 and 501.
5 We will not deduct premium taxes paid by us to Puerto Rico from purchase payments, Account Value, withdrawals, death benefits or income payments.
6 Special rate applies for large case annuity policies. Rate is 0.08% for that portion of the annuity considerations received on a Contract exceeding $500,000 annually. Special rate on large case policies is not subject to retaliation. South Dakota applies the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401, 403(b), 404, 408, 457, and 501(a).


The SAI includes additional information about the Deferred Annuities and the Separate Account. To view and download the SAI, please visit our website dfinview.com/metlife/tahd/MET000202. To request a free copy of the SAI or to ask questions, write or call:
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
P.O. Box 10342
Des Moines, IA 50306-0342
(800) 638-7732
This prospectus incorporates by reference all of the information contained in the Statement of Additional Information, which is legally part of this prospectus. Reports and other information about the Separate Account are available on the Commission’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Copies of this information may be obtained, upon payment of a duplicating fee, by electronic request at the following email address: publicinfo@sec.gov.
EDGAR ID: C000003502

May 1, 2022
Enhanced Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contracts (EPPA)
Issued by Separate Account E of
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
This Prospectus describes group Enhanced Preference Plus Account Contracts for deferred variable annuities (“Enhanced Deferred Annuities”) and Enhanced Preference Plus immediate variable income annuities (“Enhanced Income Annuities”) (also referred to herein as the “Contract” or “Contracts”) issued by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (“MetLife,” the “Company,” “we,” “us” or “our”). We no longer offer the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities. However, MetLife will continue to accept additional purchase payments under limited circumstances.
You decide how to allocate your money among the various available investment choices. Your choices may include the Fixed Interest Account/Fixed Income Option and Divisions (Divisions may be referred to as “Investment Divisions” in the Contract and marketing materials) available through Metropolitan Life Separate Account E which, in turn, invest in the Portfolios described in Appendix A. As noted in Appendix A below, not all Portfolios are available under all Policies and you should ask your employer for a list of available Portfolios. For convenience, the portfolios and the funds are referred to as "Portfolios" in this Prospectus. As noted in Appendix A below, not all Portfolios are available under all Contracts and you should ask your employer for a list of available Portfolios.
How to learn more:
Before investing, read this Prospectus. The Prospectus contains information about the Enhanced Deferred Annuities, Enhanced Income Annuities and Metropolitan Life Separate Account E which You should know before investing. Keep this Prospectus for future reference.
Additional information about certain investment products, including variable annuities has been prepared by the Securities and Exchange Commission’s staff and is available at Investor.gov.
Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission nor any state securities commission has approved or disapproved these securities or determined if this Prospectus is truthful or complete. Any representation otherwise is a criminal offense. Interests in the Separate Account and the Fixed Account are not deposits or obligations of, or insured or guaranteed by, the U.S. Government, any bank or other depository institution including the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”), the Federal Reserve Board or any other agency or entity or person.
The date of this prospectus is May 1, 2022









































































Account Value — When You purchase a Deferred Annuity, an account is set up for You. Your Account Value is the total amount of money credited to You under your Deferred Annuity including money in the Divisions of the Separate Account and the Fixed Interest Account, less any account reduction loans, if applicable.
Accumulation Unit Value — With a Deferred Annuity, money paid-in or transferred into a Division of the Separate Account is credited to You in the form of Accumulation Units. Accumulation Units are established for each Division. We determine the value of these Accumulation Units as of the close of the Exchange each day the Exchange is open for regular trading. The Exchange usually closes at 4 p.m. Eastern Time but may close earlier or later. The values increase or decrease based on the investment performance of the corresponding underlying Portfolios.
Administrative Office — The Administrative Office is the MetLife office that will generally handle the administration of all your requests concerning your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. Your quarterly statement, payment statement and/or check stub will indicate the address of your Administrative Office. We will notify you if there is a change in the address of your Administrative Office. The telephone number to call to initiate a request is 1-800-638-7732.
Annuitant — The natural person whose life is the measure for determining the duration and the dollar amount of income payments, sometimes referred to as the measuring life.
Annuity Unit Value — With an Income Annuity or variable pay-out option, the money paid-in or reallocated into a Division of the Separate Account is held in the form of Annuity Units. Annuity Units are established for each Division. We determine the value of these Annuity Units as of the close of the Exchange each day the Exchange is open for regular trading. The Exchange usually closes at 4 p.m. Eastern Time but may close earlier or later. The values increase or decrease based on the investment performance of the corresponding underlying Portfolios.
Assumed Investment Return (AIR) — Under an Income Annuity or variable pay-out option, the AIR is the assumed percentage rate of return used to determine the amount of the first variable income payment. The AIR is also the benchmark that is used to calculate the investment performance of a given Division to determine all subsequent payments to You.
Beneficiary  — the person or persons who receive a benefit, including continuing payments or a lump sum payment, if the Annuitant dies.
Contract  — A Contract is the legal agreement between MetLife and the employer, plan trustee or other entity, or the certificate issued to You under a group annuity Contract. This document contains relevant provisions of your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. MetLife issues Contracts for each of the annuities described in this Prospectus.
Contract Year — Generally, the Contract Year for a Deferred Annuity is the period ending on the last day of the month in which the anniversary of when we issued the annuity occurs and each following 12-month period. However, depending on underwriting and plan requirements, the first Contract Year may range from the initial three to fifteen months after the Deferred Annuity is issued.
Deferred Annuity — This term is used throughout this Prospectus when we are referring to the Enhanced Deferred Annuities.
Divisions  —  Divisions are subdivisions of the Separate Account. When You allocate a purchase payment, transfer money or make reallocations of your income payment to a Division, the Division purchases shares of a Portfolio


(with the same name) within Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity® VIP Funds or American Funds®.
Early Withdrawal Charge — The Early Withdrawal Charge is an amount we deduct from your Account Value if You withdraw money prematurely from a Deferred Annuity. This charge is often referred to as a deferred sales load or back-end sales load.
Exchange — In this Prospectus, the New York Stock Exchange is referred to as the “Exchange.”
Free Look —  You may cancel your Contract within a certain time period. This is known as a “free look.” We must receive your request to cancel in writing by the appropriate day in your state, which varies from state to state. The time period may also vary depending on your age and whether You purchased your Contract from us directly, through the mail or with money from another annuity or life insurance policy. Depending on state law, we may refund (i) all of your purchase payments (and any interest credited by the Fixed Account, if applicable) or (ii) your Account Value as of the date your refund request is received at your Administrative Office in Good Order (this means you bear the risk of any decline in the value of your Contract due to the performance of the Divisions during the Free Look period).
Good Order — A request or transaction generally is considered in “Good Order” if it complies with our administrative procedures, and the required information is complete and accurate. A request or transaction may be rejected or delayed if not in Good Order. Good Order generally means the actual receipt by us of the instructions relating to the requested transaction in writing (or, when permitted, by telephone or Internet) along with all forms, information and supporting legal documentation necessary to effect the transaction. This information and documentation generally includes to the extent applicable to the transaction: your completed application; your Contract number; the transaction amount (in dollars or percentage terms); the names and allocations to and/or from the Divisions affected by the requested transaction; the signatures of all Contract Owners (exactly as indicated on the Contract), if necessary; Social Security Number or Tax I.D.; and any other information or supporting documentation that we may require, including any spousal or Joint Owner’s consents. With respect to purchase payments, Good Order also generally includes receipt by us of sufficient funds to effect the purchase. We may, in our sole discretion, determine whether any particular transaction request is in Good Order, and we reserve the right to change or waive any Good Order requirement at any time. If You have any questions, You should contact us or your sales representative (where applicable) before submitting the form or request.
Income Annuity — This term is used throughout this Prospectus when we are referring to the Enhanced Income Annuities.
MetLife  —  MetLife is Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, which is the company that issues the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities. Throughout this Prospectus, MetLife is also referred to as “the Company,” “we,” “us” or “our.”
Separate Account — Metropolitan Life Separate Account E (“Separate Account”) is an investment account. All assets contributed to Divisions under the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities are pooled in the Separate Account and maintained for the benefit of investors in Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities.
Variable Annuity — An annuity in which returns/income payments are based upon the performance of investments such as stocks and bonds held by one or more underlying Portfolios. You assume the investment risk for any amounts allocated to the Divisions in a Variable Annuity.
You  — In this Prospectus, depending on the context, “You” may mean either the purchaser of the Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity, the annuitant under an Income Annuity or the participant or annuitant under certain group


arrangements. In cases where we are referring to giving instructions or making payments to us for PEDC Contracts, Section 451 deferred fee arrangements, Section 451 deferred compensation plans, Section 457(f) deferred compensation plans, Section 457(e)(11) severance and death benefit plans and Section 415(m) qualified governmental excess benefit arrangements, “You” means the trustee or employer. In connection with a 403(b) plan termination, as of the date of the Contract or cash distribution under such distribution, “You” means the participant who has received such Contract or cash distribution.


Charges for Early Withdrawal If you withdraw money from the Contract within 8 years following your last purchase payment, you will be assessed a Withdrawal Charge of up to 7% of Contract Value withdrawn.
For example, if you purchase the Contract for $100,000 and surrender your Contract during the first year, You will pay a Withdrawal Charge of up to $7,000.
Transaction Charges In addition to surrender charges, you also may be charged for other transactions such as charges for transferring cash value between Divisions and a premium tax charge.
Loans will be charged an initial set-up fee and a loan maintenance fee. The Account Reduction Loan Initiation Fee is $75.00. The Account Reduction Loan Maintenance Fee is $50.00.
Ongoing Fees and Expenses (annual charges) The table below describes the fees and expenses that you may pay each year, depending on the options you choose. Please refer to your Contract specifications page for information about the specific fees you will pay each year based on the options you have elected.  
Annual Fee Minimum Maximum
Base Contract
0.95% (1)
Investment options (Portfolio fees and expenses)
1.03% (2)
(1) As a percentage of your Account Balance in the Separate Account.
(2) As a percentage of average daily net assets of the Portfolio.
  Because your Contract is customizable, the choices you make affect how much you will pay. To help understand the cost of owning your Contract, the following table shows the lowest and highest cost you could pay each year, based on current charges. This estimate assumes that you do not take withdrawals from the Contract, which could add contingent deferred sales charges that substantially increase costs. Fees
Lowest Annual Cost: Highest Annual Cost:
$1,164 $1,821
• Assumes:
• Investment of $100,000
• 5% annual appreciation
• Least expensive combination of Portfolio fees and expenses
• No optional benefits
• No sales charges
• No additional purchase payments, transfers or withdrawals
• Assumes:
• Investment of $100,000
• 5% annual appreciation
• Most expensive combination of Portfolio fees and expenses
• No sales charges
• No additional purchase payments, transfers or withdrawals


Risk of Loss You can lose money by investing in the Contract, including loss of principal. Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Not a Short-Term Investment This Contract is not a short-term investment and is not appropriate for an investor who needs ready access to cash.
• Withdrawal charges may apply for up to 7 years following each purchase payment. Withdrawal charges will reduce the value of your Contract if you withdraw money during that time.
• The benefits of tax deferral and mean that the Contract is more beneficial to investors with a long time horizon.
• Earnings on your Contract are taxed at ordinary income tax rates when You withdraw them, and You may have to pay a penalty if You take a withdrawal before age 59 12.
Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Risks Associated with Investment Options • An investment in the Contract is subject to the risk of poor investment performance and can vary depending on the performance of the investment options available under the Contract (e.g., Portfolios).
• Each investment option (including any Fixed Account investment option) will have its own unique risks.
• You should review these investment options before making an investment decision.
Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Insurance Company Risks Contracts are subject to the risks related to Metropolitan Life including any obligations (including under any Fixed Account investment option), guarantees, and benefits of the Contract, which are subject to the claims-paying ability of the Company. If Metropolitan Life experiences financial distress, it may not be able to meet its obligations to you. More information about the Company, including its financial strength ratings, is available by visiting https://www.metlife.com/about-us/corporate-profile/ratings/. Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Investments Although we do not currently charge a fee for transfers of cash value among Divisions or between the Divisions and the Fixed Account, we reserve the right to impose a transfer fee of $10 after the first 12 transfers between Divisions.
We reserve the right to add, remove or substitute Portfolios.
The Company also has policies and procedures that attempt to detect and deter frequent transfers in situations where we determine there is a potential for arbitrage trading, and in those instances, there are additional limits that apply to transfers.
Charges - Transfer Fee

Restrictions on Transfers
Tax Implications • You should consult with a tax professional to determine the tax implications of an investment in and purchase payments received under the Contract.
• There is no additional tax benefit if You purchase the Contract through a tax-qualified plan or individual retirement account (IRA).
• Earnings on your Contract are taxed at ordinary income tax rates when You withdraw them, and You may have to pay a penalty if You take a withdrawal before age 59 12.
Federal Tax Considerations


Investment Professional Compensation Your investment professional may receive compensation for selling this Contract to You, both in the form of commissions and because MetLife may share the revenue it earns on this Contract with the professional’s firm. This conflict of interest may influence your investment professional to recommend this Contract over another investment. Who Sells the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities
Exchanges Some investment professionals may have a financial incentive to offer you a new contract in place of the one you own. You should only exchange your Contract if You determine, after comparing the features, fees, and risks of both contracts, that it is better for you to purchase the new contract rather than continue to own your existing Contract. Exchanges/ Transfers
Purpose of the Contract
The Enhanced Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contract is designed to provide long-term accumulation of assets through investments in a variety of investment options during the accumulation phase. It can supplement your retirement income by providing a stream of income payments during the payout phase. It also offers death benefits to protect your designated beneficiaries. This Contract may be appropriate if you have a long investment time horizon. It is not intended for people who may need to make early or frequent withdrawals or intend to engage in frequent trading in the Portfolios.
Phases of the Contract
The Contract, like all deferred variable annuity contracts, has two phases: the accumulation phase and the payout phase (Annuity Period).
(1) Accumulation (Pay-in) Phase
To help You accumulate assets, You can invest your premium payments in:
Portfolios (mutual funds), each of which has its own investment strategies, investment advisers, expense ratios, and returns; and
a Fixed Account option, which offers a guaranteed interest rate during a selected period.
Additional information about each Portfolio including its investment objective, advisers and any subadvisers as well as current expenses and certain performance information is included in Appendix A.
(2) Income (Pay-out) Phase
You can elect to annuitize your Contract and turn your Contract value into a stream of income payments (sometimes called annuity payments) from MetLife, at which time the accumulation phase of the Contract ends. These payments may continue for a fixed period of years, for your entire life, or for the longer of a fixed period or your life. The payments may also be fixed or variable. Variable payments will vary based on the performance of the investment options you select.
Please note that if you annuitize, your investments will be converted to income payments and you may no longer be able to choose to withdraw money at will from your Contract. All benefits (including guaranteed minimum death benefit) terminate upon annuitization.


Features and Options of the Contract
Contract Classes. The Contract has a single contract class with a 7-year Early Withdrawal Charge period.
Accessing your money. Until you annuitize, you have full access to your money. You can choose to withdraw your Contract value at any time (although if you withdraw early, you may have to pay a Withdrawal Charge and/or income taxes, including a tax penalty if you are younger than age 59 12).
Tax Treatment. You can transfer money between investment options without tax implications, and earnings (if any) on your investments are generally tax-deferred. You are taxed only when: (1) you make a withdrawal; (2) you receive an income payment from the Contract; or (3) upon payment of a death benefit.
Death Benefits. Your Contract includes a basic death benefit that will pay your designated beneficiaries a benefit at the time of your death.
Automated Investment Strategies and Dollar Cost Averaging. At no additional charge, the Contract offers an automated transfer privilege referred to as dollar cost averaging. Under this feature you may request that a certain amount of your Contract Value be transferred on the same day each month, prior to annuitization, from any one account of your choice to one or more of the other accounts subject to the limitation that You must have a minimum total Contract Value of $5,000 to enroll in the DCA Program. The minimum amount that may be transferred through this program is $400. You may establish preauthorized transfers of Contract Value from the Fixed Account, subject to certain restrictions.
Systematic Withdrawals. The Systematic Withdrawal feature available under the Contracts allows the Contract Owner to have a portion of the Contract Value withdrawn automatically at regularly scheduled intervals prior to annuitization.
Account Reduction Loans. We administer loan programs made available through Plans or group arrangements on an account reduction basis for certain Contracts. Account reduction loans will incur a $75 account reduction loan initiation fee and a $50 annual maintenance fee per loan outstanding.


The following tables describe the fees and expenses You will pay when buying, owning, and surrendering or making withdrawals from the Contract. Please refer to your Contract specifications page for information about the specific fees you will pay each year based on the options you have elected.
The first table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay at the time that you buy the Contract, surrender or make withdrawals from the Contract, or transfer Contract value between investment options. State premium taxes may also be deducted.
Transaction Expenses
Sales Load Imposed on Purchases None
Withdrawal Charge
(as a percentage of each purchase payment funding the withdrawal during the pay-in phase)(1)
Exchange Fee for Deferred Annuities None
Surrender Fee for Deferred Annuities None
Account Reduction Loan Initiation Fee(2) $ 75
Transfer Fee(3) $ 25
1 An Early Withdrawal Charge of up to 7% may apply if You withdraw purchase payments within seven years of when they were credited to your Deferred Annuity. The charge on purchase payments is calculated according to the following schedule:
If withdrawn during purchase payment year Percentage
1 7%
2 6%
3 5%
4 4%
5 3%
6 2%
7 1%
Thereafter 0%
  There are times when the Early Withdrawal Charge does not apply to amounts that are withdrawn from a Deferred Annuity. For example, each Contract Year You may take the greater of 20% (10% for certain Enhanced Deferred Annuities) of your Account Value or your purchase payments made over seven years ago free of Early Withdrawal Charges. There are no Early Withdrawal Charges applied to the Enhanced Non-Qualified Deferred Annuities for Section 457(f) deferred compensation plans, Section 451 deferred fee arrangements, Section 451 deferred compensation plans and Section 457(e)(11) severance and death benefit plans.
2 This fee may be waived for certain groups.
3 Although we do not currently charge a fee for transfers, we reserve the right to impose a transfer fee of $25. We also reserve the right to limit transfers.


The next table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay each year during the time that you own the Contract (not including Portfolio Company fees and expenses). If you choose to purchase an optional benefit, you will pay additional charges, as shown below.
Base Contract Expenses(1)(2)
(as a percentage of your average Account Balance in the Separate Account)
Annual Account Reduction Loan Maintenance Fee (per loan outstanding)(3) $50
1 The Base Contract Fee includes .03% for the Annual Contract Fee. The Annual Contract Fee is $20 annually and is charged only against amounts in the Fixed Interest Account. The Annual Contract Fee may be waived under certain circumstances.
2 Pursuant to the terms of the Contract, our total Separate Account charge will not exceed .95% of your average balance in the Divisions. For purposes of presentation here, we estimated the allocation between general administrative expenses and the mortality and expense risk charge for Deferred Annuities or the amount of underlying Portfolio shares we have designated in the Investment Divisions to generate your income payments for Income Annuities.
3 This fee may be waived for certain groups. The loan maintenance fee is paid on a quarterly basis at the end of each quarter on a pro-rata basis from the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account in which You then have a balance.
The next table shows the minimum and maximum total operating expenses charged by the Portfolios that you may pay periodically during the time that you own the Contract. A complete list of Portfolios available under the Contract, including their annual expenses, may be found in “Appendix A-Portfolio Companies Available Under the Contract” at the back of this Prospectus.
Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses
  Minimum Maximum
Annual Portfolio Expenses
(expenses that are deducted from Portfolio Company assets, including management fees, distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees, and other expenses)
0.27% 1.03%
These examples are intended to help You compare the cost of investing in the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities with the cost of investing in other variable annuity contracts. These costs include Transaction Expenses, the Annual Contract Expenses and the Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses.
Example 1. This example shows the dollar amount of expenses that You would bear directly or indirectly on a $100,000 investment for a Deferred Annuity for the time periods indicated. Your actual costs may be higher or lower.
Your Deferred Annuity permits You to withdraw 10% of your Account Value free from Early Withdrawal Charges each Contract Year;
You bear the Minimum or Maximum Total Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses (without reimbursement and/or waiver of expenses);
the underlying Portfolio earns a 5% annual return.
Based on these assumptions, your charges would be:


  1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
If you surrender your Contract at the end of the applicable time period        
Maximum $8,980 $10,122 $12,918 $22,722
Minimum $8,220 $ 7,801 $ 8,980 $14,501
Example 2. This example shows the dollar amount of expenses that You would bear directly or indirectly on a $100,000 investment for a Deferred Annuity for the time periods indicated. Your actual costs may be higher or lower.
Your Deferred Annuity permits You to withdraw 20% of your Account Value free from Early Withdrawal Charges each Contract Year;
You bear the Minimum or Maximum Total Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses (without reimbursement and/or waiver of expenses);
the underlying Portfolio earns a 5% annual return.
Based on these assumptions, your charges would be:
  1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
If you surrender your Contract at the end of the applicable time period        
Maximum $8,980 $10,122 $12,918 $22,722
Minimum $8,220 $ 7,801 $ 8,980 $14,501
Example 3. This example shows the dollar amount of expenses that You would bear directly or indirectly on a $100,000 investment for a Deferred Annuity for the time periods indicated. Your actual costs may be higher or lower.
You bear the Minimum or Maximum Total Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses (without reimbursement and/or waiver of expenses);
the underlying Portfolio earns a 5% annual return.
Based on these assumptions, your charges would be:
  1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
If you annuitize or do not surrender your Contract at the end of the applicable time period        
Maximum $1,980 $6,122 $10,518 $22,722
Minimum $1,220 $3,801 $ 6,580 $14,501
Investing in the Contracts involves risks. The following are the principal risks of an investment in the Contract. You should carefully consider the below risks in addition to the other information contained in this Prospectus.


Risk of Loss. An investment in the Contract is not a bank deposit and is not guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency. The Contract is subject to market risk (the risk that your investments may decline in value or underperform your expectations). As a result, You can lose money by investing in the Contract, including loss of principal.
Not a Short-Term Investment. This Contract is not a short-term investment and is not appropriate for an investor who needs ready access to cash. If you withdraw early, you may have to pay a Withdrawal Charge and/or income taxes, including a tax penalty if you are younger than age 59 12. Withdrawal Charges may apply for up to 7 years following each purchase payment. Withdrawal Charges will reduce the value of your Contract if you withdraw money during that time. The benefits of tax deferral and living benefit protections also mean that the Contract is more beneficial to investors with a long time horizon.
Risk of Underlying Portfolios. An investment in the Contract is subject to the risk of poor investment performance and can vary depending on the performance of the investment options available under the Contract (e.g., Portfolio Companies). Each investment option (including the Fixed Account investment option) will have its own unique risks. We do not provide any investment advice and do not recommend or endorse any particular Portfolio. You bear the risk of any decline in the Account Balance of your Contract resulting from the performance of the Portfolio You have chosen. You should review these investment options before making an investment decision. Information regarding the Portfolios available under your Contract is available in Appendix A to this Prospectus.
Risks Associated with the Company. An investment in the Contract is subject to the risks related to the Company including any obligations (including under the Fixed Account), guarantees, or benefits of the Contract, which are subject to the claims-paying ability of the Company, and our long term ability to make such payments, and are not guaranteed by any other party. MetLife is regulated as an insurance company under state law, which generally includes limits on the amount and type of investments in its general account. However, there is no guarantee that we will be able to meet our claims paying obligations; there are risks to purchasing any insurance product.
Conflicts of Interest. Your investment professional may receive compensation for selling this Contract to You, both in the form of commissions and because MetLife may share the revenue it earns on this Contract with the professional’s firm. This conflict of interest may influence your investment professional to recommend this Contract over another investment. In addition, some investment professionals may have a financial incentive to offer you a new contract in place of the one you own. You should only exchange your Contract if you determine, after comparing the features, fees, and risks of both contracts, that it is better for you to purchase the new contract rather than continue to own your existing Contract.
Suitability. An investment in the Contract may not be suitable for all investors. For example, there is no additional tax benefit if You purchase the Contract through a tax-qualified plan or individual retirement account (IRA). Therefore, there should be reasons other than tax deferral for acquiring the Contract. You should consult with a tax or investment professional to determine the tax and other implications of an investment in and purchase payments received under the Contract.
Taxation Risk. Although the provisions of the Code relevant to the Contract are generally described under “Federal Tax Considerations,” an investor should consult its own tax advisor concerning the effects of federal, state, local and foreign tax law on the Contract. No assurance can be given that, even if the tax provisions currently applicable to the Contract are favorable, the law or regulations or interpretations thereunder will not change and the Contract may be disadvantaged.


Cybersecurity. Our business is highly dependent upon the effective operation of our information systems, and those of our service providers, vendors, and other third parties. Cybersecurity breaches of such systems can be intentional or unintentional events, and can occur through unauthorized access to computer systems, networks or devices; infection from computer viruses or other malicious software code; or attacks that shut down, disable, slow or otherwise disrupt operations, business processes or website access or functionality and our disaster recovery systems may be insufficient to safeguard our ability to conduct business. Cybersecurity breaches can interfere with our processing of contract transactions, including the processing of transfer orders from our website or with the Portfolios; impact our ability to calculate Accumulation Unit Values; cause the release and possible loss or destruction of confidential Contract Owner or business information; impede order processing or cause other operational issues; and result in regulatory enforcement actions or new laws or regulations which could increase our compliance costs. Although we continually make efforts to identify and reduce our exposure to cybersecurity risk, and we require our critical vendors to implement effective cybersecurity and data protection measures, there is no guarantee that we will be able to successfully manage this risk at all times.
Pandemics and Other Public Health Issues. The pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 has caused and may continue to cause illnesses and deaths. This pandemic, other pandemics, and their related major public health issues, and governmental, business and consumer reactions to them, have affected and may continue to have a major impact on the global economy and financial markets. Governmental and non-governmental organizations may not effectively combat the spread and severity of such a pandemic, increasing uncertainty, and creating the potential for more rapid changes to which the Company may find it more difficult to adjust. For example, regulatory action in response to pandemics or other health issues may impose new requirements affecting the Company's obligations under your Contract, exposing the Company to risks and costs that the Company is unable to foresee or underwrite.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is a provider of insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management. We are also one of the largest institutional investors in the United States with a general account portfolio invested primarily in fixed income securities (corporate, structured products, municipals, and government and agency) and mortgage loans, as well as real estate, real estate joint ventures, other limited partnerships and equity securities. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company was incorporated under the laws of New York in 1868. The Company's office is located at 200 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10166-0188. The Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of MetLife, Inc. Obligations to Owners and Beneficiaries that arise under the Contract are obligations of MetLife.


We established Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on September 27, 1983. The purpose of the Separate Account is to hold the variable assets that underlie the Enhanced Preference Plus Account, Variable Annuity Contracts and some other variable annuity contracts we issue. We have registered the Separate Account with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) as a unit investment trust under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (“1940 Act”).
The Separate Account’s assets are solely for the benefit of those who invest in the Separate Account and no one else, including our creditors. The assets of the Separate Account are held in our name on behalf of the Separate Account and legally belong to us. The assets of the Separate Account may not be used to pay any liabilities of the Company other than those arising from the Contracts. All the income, gains and losses (realized or unrealized) resulting from these assets are credited to or charged against the contracts issued from this Separate Account without regard to our other business. Income, gains and losses credited to, or charged against, this Separate Account reflect the Separate Account’s own investment experience and not the investment experience of the Company’s other assets.
We are obligated to pay all money we owe under the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities − such as death benefits and income payments − even if that amount exceeds the assets in the Separate Account. Any such amount that exceeds the assets in the Separate Account is paid from our general account. Benefit amounts paid from the general account are subject to the financial strength and claims paying ability of the Company and our long term ability to make such payments and are not guaranteed by our parent company, MetLife, Inc., or by any other party. We issue other annuity contracts and life insurance policies where we pay all money we owe under those contracts and policies from our general account. MetLife is regulated as an insurance company under state law, which includes, generally, limits on the amount and type of investments in its general account. However, there is no guarantee that we will be able to meet our claims paying obligations; there are risks to purchasing any insurance product.
The investment manager to certain of the Portfolios offered with the Contracts or with other variable annuity contracts issued through the Separate Account may be regulated as Commodity Pool Operators. While MetLife does not concede that the Separate Account is a commodity pool, the Company has claimed an exclusion from the definition of the term “commodity pool operator” under the Commodities Exchange Act (“CEA”), and is not subject to registration or regulation as a pool operator under the CEA.
There are two types of variable annuities described in this Prospectus: Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities. These annuities are “variable” because the value of your account or the amount of each income payment varies based on the investment performance of the Divisions You choose. In short, the value of your Deferred Annuity, your income payments under a variable pay-out option of your Deferred Annuity, or your income payments under your Income Annuity, may go up or down. Since the investment performance is not guaranteed, your money or income payment amount is at risk. The degree of risk will depend on the Divisions You select. The Accumulation Unit Value or Annuity Unit Value for each Division rises or falls based on the investment performance (or “experience”) of the Portfolio with the same name. MetLife and its affiliates also offer other annuities not described in this Prospectus.
The Deferred Annuities have a fixed interest rate option called the “Fixed Interest Account.” The Fixed Interest Account is part of our general account and offers an interest rate that is guaranteed by us (the current minimum rate on the Fixed Interest Account is 3% but may be lower based on your state and issue date and, therefore, may


be lower for certain Contracts). Your registered representative can tell you the current and minimum interest rates that apply. Because of exemptive and exclusionary provisions, interests in the Fixed Account have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, and neither the Fixed Account nor our general account has been registered as an investment company under the 1940 Act. Income Annuities and the variable pay-out options under the Deferred Annuities have a fixed payment option called the “Fixed Income Option.” Under the Fixed Income Option, we guarantee the amount of your fixed income payments. These fixed options are not described in this Prospectus although we occasionally refer to them. All guarantees as to Purchase Payments or Account Value allocated to the Fixed Account, interest credited to the Fixed Account, and fixed Annuity Payments are subject to our financial strength and claims-paying ability.
The group Deferred Annuities and group Income Annuities described in this Prospectus are offered to employers, associations, trusts or other groups for their employees, members or participants.
A Deferred Annuity
You accumulate money in your account during the pay-in phase by making one or more purchase payments. MetLife will hold your money and credit investment returns as long as the money remains in your account.
All TSA plans, and PEDC, 403(a) and IRA arrangements receive tax deferral under the Internal Revenue Code (“Code”). There are no additional tax benefits from funding these tax qualified arrangements with a Deferred Annuity. Therefore, there should be reasons other than tax deferral for acquiring the Deferred Annuity, such as the availability of a guaranteed income for life or the death benefit available under this Deferred Annuity.
Non-Natural Persons as Owners or Beneficiaries. If a non-natural person, such as a trust, is the Owner of a non-qualified Deferred Annuity, the distribution on death rules under the Code may require payment to begin earlier than expected and may impact the usefulness of the living (if any) and/or death benefits. Naming a non-natural person, such as a trust or estate, as a Beneficiary under the Deferred Annuity will generally eliminate the Beneficiary’s ability to “stretch” or a spousal Beneficiary’s ability to continue the Deferred Annuity and the living (if any) and/or death benefits.
A Deferred Annuity consists of two phases: the accumulation or “pay-in” phase and the income or “pay-out” phase. The pay-out phase begins when You either take all of your money out of the account or You elect income payments using the money in your account. The number and the amount of the income payments You receive will depend on such things as the type of pay-out option You choose, your investment choices, and the amount used to provide your income payments. Because Deferred Annuities offer various insurance benefits such as pay-out options, including our guarantee of income for your lifetime, they are “annuities.”
Replacements of Annuity Contracts
Generally, it is not advisable to purchase a Deferred Annuity as a replacement for an existing annuity contract. You should replace an existing contract only when You determine that the Deferred Annuity is better for You. You may have to pay a withdrawal charge on your existing contract, and the Deferred Annuity may impose a new withdrawal charge period. Before You buy a Deferred Annuity ask your registered representative if purchasing a Deferred Annuity would be advantageous, given the Deferred Annuity’s features, benefits and charges. You should talk to your tax adviser to make sure that this purchase will qualify as a tax-free exchange. If You surrender your existing contract for cash and then buy the Deferred Annuity, You may have to pay Federal income taxes, including possible penalty taxes, on the surrender. Also, because we will not issue the Deferred Annuity until we have received the initial purchase payment from your existing insurance company, the issuance of the Deferred Annuity may be delayed.


We no longer make the Enhanced Preference Plus Account Deferred Annuity available, however, current Contract Owners may continue to make additional purchase payments, and new participants may enroll under any issued group Contract.
An Income Annuity
An Income Annuity, also known as an immediate annuity, only has a “pay-out” phase. You make a single purchase payment and select the type of income payment suited to your needs. Some of the income payment types guarantee an income stream for your lifetime; others guarantee an income stream for both your lifetime, as well as the lifetime of another person (such as a spouse). Some Income Annuities guarantee a time period of your choice over which MetLife will make income payments. Income Annuities also have other features. The amount of the income payments You receive will depend on such things as the income payment type You choose, your investment choices and the amount of your purchase payment.
The Enhanced Preference Plus Account Income Annuities are no longer available.
Information regarding the Portfolio investments available under your Contract, including each Portfolio’s (i) name; (ii) type (e.g., money market fund, bond fund, balanced fund, etc.) (iii) investment adviser and any sub-investment adviser; (iv) current expenses and (v) performance is available in Appendix A to this Prospectus.
The Portfolio prospectuses contain more detailed information on each Portfolio’s investment strategy, investment managers and its fees. You may obtain a Portfolio prospectus by calling 1-800-638-7732 or through your registered representative. We do not guarantee the investment results of the Portfolios.


Portfolios Which Are Fund of Funds
The following Portfolios available within Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, and Fidelity VIP Funds are “fund of funds”:
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 20 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 40 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 60 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 80 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 100 Portfolio
American Funds® Balanced Allocation Portfolio
American Funds® Growth Allocation Portfolio
American Funds® Moderate Allocation Portfolio
SSGA Growth ETF Portfolio
SSGA Growth and Income ETF Portfolio
Fidelity 2020 Portfolio
Fidelity 2025 Portfolio
Fidelity 2030 Portfolio
Fidelity 2035 Portfolio
Fidelity 2040 Portfolio
Fidelity 2045 Portfolio
Fidelity 2050 Portfolio
“Fund of funds” Portfolios invest substantially all of their assets in other portfolios or, with respect to the SSGA Growth ETF Portfolio and the SSGA Growth and Income ETF Portfolio, other exchange-traded funds (“Underlying ETFs”). Therefore, each of these Portfolios will bear its pro rata share of the fees and expenses incurred by the underlying portfolios or Underlying ETFs in which it invests in addition to its own management fees and expenses. This will reduce the investment return of each of the fund of funds Portfolios. The expense levels will vary over time, depending on the mix of underlying portfolios or Underlying ETFs in which the fund of funds Portfolio invests. You may be able to realize lower aggregate expenses by investing directly in the underlying portfolios and Underlying ETFs instead of investing in the fund of funds Portfolios, if such underlying portfolios or Underlying ETFs are available under the Contract. However, no Underlying ETFs and only some of the underlying portfolios are available under the Contract.
Additional Information About the Portfolios. Some of the investment choices may not be available under the terms of your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. The Contract or other correspondence we provide You will indicate the Divisions that are available to You. Your investment choices may be limited because:
Your employer, association or other group contract holder limits the available Divisions.
We have restricted the available Divisions.
Some of the Divisions are not approved in your state.
The Divisions buy and sell shares of corresponding mutual fund Portfolios. These Portfolios, which are part of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity® VIP Funds or the American Funds®, invest in stocks, bonds and other investments. All dividends declared by the Portfolios are earned by the Separate Account and are reinvested. Therefore, no dividends are distributed to You under the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities. You pay no transaction expenses (i.e., front-end or back-end sales load charges) as a result of the Separate Account’s purchase or sale of these mutual fund shares. The Portfolios of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse


Trust II, Calvert Fund, Fidelity® VIP Funds and American Funds® Portfolios are made available only through various insurance company annuities and life insurance policies.
Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity® VIP Funds and American Funds® are each a “series” type fund registered with the SEC as an “open-end management investment company” under the 1940 Act. A “series” fund means that each Portfolio is one of several available through the fund.
The Portfolios of Brighthouse Trust I and Brighthouse Trust II pay Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC a monthly fee for its services as their investment manager. The Portfolios of the Calvert Fund pay Calvert Asset Management Company, Inc. a monthly fee for its services as their investment manager. The Portfolios of the American Funds® pay Capital Research and Management Company a monthly fee for its services as their investment manager. Similarly, the Portfolios of the Fidelity® VIP Funds pay Fidelity Management & Research Company a monthly fee for its services as their investment manager. These fees, as well as other expenses paid by each Portfolio, are described in the applicable prospectuses and SAIs for Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity® VIP Funds and American Funds®.
Certain Payments We Receive with Regard to the Portfolios. An investment manager or sub-investment manager of a Portfolio, or its affiliates, may make payments to us and/or certain of our affiliates. These payments may be used for a variety of purposes, including payment of expenses for certain administrative, marketing, and support services with respect to the Contracts and, in the Company’s role as an intermediary, with respect to the Portfolios. The Company and its affiliates may profit from these payments. These payments may be derived, in whole or in part, from the advisory fee deducted from Portfolio assets. Contract Owners, through their indirect investment in the Portfolios, bear the costs of these advisory fees (see the Portfolios’ prospectuses for more information). The amount of the payments we receive is based on a percentage of assets of the Portfolios attributable to the Contracts and certain other variable insurance products that we and our affiliates issue. These percentages differ and some investment managers or sub-investment managers (or other affiliates) may pay us more than others. These percentages currently range up to 0.50%.
Additionally, an investment manager or sub-investment manager of a Portfolio or its affiliates may provide us with wholesaling services that assist in the distribution of the Contracts and may pay us and/or certain of our affiliates amounts to participate in sales meetings. These amounts may be significant and may provide the investment manager or sub-investment manager (or its affiliate) with increased access to persons involved in the distribution of the Contracts.
As of December 31, 2021, approximately 87% of Portfolio assets held in separate accounts of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and its affiliates were allocated to Portfolios in Brighthouse Funds Trust I and Brighthouse Funds Trust II. We and certain of our affiliated companies have entered into agreements with Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC, Brighthouse Funds Trust I and Brighthouse Funds Trust II, whereby we receive payments for certain administrative, marketing and support services described in the previous paragraphs. Currently, the Portfolios in Brighthouse Funds Trust I and Brighthouse Funds Trust II are only available in variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies issued by MetLife and its affiliates, as well as Brighthouse Life Insurance Company and its affiliates. Should we or Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC decide to terminate the agreements, we would be required to find alternative Portfolios which could have higher or lower costs to the Policy Owner. In addition, the amount of payments we receive could cease or be substantially reduced which may have a material impact on our financial statements.
Certain Portfolios have adopted a Distribution Plan under Rule 12b-1 of the 1940 Act. A Portfolio’s 12b-1 Plan, if any, is described in more detail in each Portfolio’s prospectus. (See the “Table of Expenses” and “Who Sells the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities.”) Any payments we receive pursuant to those 12b-1 Plans are paid to us


or our distributor, MetLife Investors Distribution Company ("MLIDC"). Payments under a Portfolio’s 12b-1 Plan decrease the Portfolio’s investment return.
Portfolio Selection. We select the Portfolios offered through the Contracts based on a number of criteria, including asset class coverage, the strength of the investment manager’s or sub-investment manager’s reputation and tenure, brand recognition, performance, and the capability and qualification of each investment firm. Another factor we consider during the selection process is whether the Portfolio’s investment manager or sub-investment manager is one of our affiliates or whether the Portfolio, its investment manager, its sub-investment manager(s), or an affiliate will make payments to us or our affiliates. In this regard, the profit distributions we receive from our affiliated investment manager are a component of the total revenue that we consider in configuring the features and investment choices available in the variable insurance products that we and our affiliated insurance companies issue. Since we and our affiliated insurance companies may benefit more from the allocation of assets to Portfolios advised by our affiliates than those that are not, we may be more inclined to offer Portfolios advised by our affiliates in the variable insurance products we issue. We review the Portfolios periodically and may remove a Portfolio or limit its availability to new purchase payments and/or transfers of Account Value if we determine that the Portfolio no longer meets one or more of the selection criteria, and/or if the Portfolio has not attracted significant allocations from Contract Owners. In some cases, we have included Portfolios based on recommendations made by selling firms. These selling firms may receive payments from the Portfolios they recommend and may benefit accordingly from the allocation of Account Value to such Portfolios.
We do not provide any investment advice and do not recommend or endorse any particular Portfolio. You bear the risk of any decline in the Account Value of your Contract resulting from the performance of the Portfolios You have chosen.
This Prospectus describes the following Deferred Annuities under which You can accumulate money:
Enhanced Preference Plus Account:
TSA (Tax Sheltered Annuity)
403(a)(Qualified annuity plans under Section 403(a))
PEDC (Public Employee Deferred Compensation)
Traditional IRA (Individual Retirement Annuities)
Non-Qualified (for certain deferred arrangements and plans)
These Non-Qualified Deferred Annuities (for certain deferred arrangements and plans) include Section 457(f) deferred compensation plans, Section 451 deferred fee arrangements, Section 451 deferred compensation plans, and Section 457(e)(11) severance and death benefits plans. The Non-Qualified Deferred Annuities for Section 457(e)(11) severance and death benefit plans have special tax risks. We no longer offer Section 457(e)(11) severance and death benefit plans but will accept purchase payments for those already issued.
In general under these types of non-qualified deferred compensation arrangements, all assets under the plan (including the Contract) are owned by the employer (or a trust subject to the claims of the employer’s creditors). Participants may be permitted, if authorized under the plan, to make certain “deemed” investment choices and allocations. However, the entire interest under the Contract remains the property of the employer and any Account Values thereunder are maintained solely for accounting purposes under the plan.


These Deferred Annuities are issued to a group. You are then a participant under the group’s Deferred Annuity. Certain group Deferred Annuities may be issued to a bank that does nothing but hold them as contract holder. Deferred Annuities may be either:
Allocated (your Account Value records are kept for You as an individual); or
Unallocated (Account Value records are kept for a plan or group as a whole).
The Deferred Annuity and Your Retirement Plan
If You participate through a retirement plan or other group arrangement, the Deferred Annuity may provide that all or some of your rights or choices as described in this Prospectus are subject to the plan’s terms. For example, limitations on your rights may apply to investment choices, purchase payments, withdrawals, transfers, loans, the death benefit and pay-out options.
The Deferred Annuity may provide that a plan administrative fee will be paid by making a withdrawal from your Account Value. Also, the Deferred Annuity may require that You or your beneficiary obtain a signed authorization from your employer or plan administrator to exercise certain rights. We may rely on your employer’s or plan administrator’s statements to us as to the terms of the plan or your entitlement to any amounts. We are not a party to your employer’s retirement plan. We will not be responsible for determining what your plan says. You should consult your Deferred Annuity Contract and plan document to see how You may be affected. If You are a Texas Optional Retirement Program participant, please see Appendix E for specific information which applies to You.
Plan Terminations
Upon termination of a retirement plan, your employer is generally required to distribute your plan benefits under the Contract to You.
This distribution is in cash or direct rollover to another employer sponsored plan or IRA. The distribution is a withdrawal under the Contract and any amounts withdrawn are subject to any applicable Early Withdrawal Charges. Outstanding loans, if available will be satisfied (paid) from your cash benefit prior to its distribution to You. In addition, your cash distributions are subject to withholding, ordinary income tax and applicable Federal income tax penalties. (See “Federal Tax Considerations.”) Early Withdrawal Charges will be waived if the net distribution is made under the exceptions listed in the “Early Withdrawal Charges” section of the prospectus.
Automated Investment Strategies
There are five automated investment strategies available to You for Enhanced Deferred Annuities. We created these investment strategies to help You manage your money. You decide if one is appropriate for You based upon your risk tolerance and savings goals. The investment strategies are not available to Keogh Deferred Annuities or other unallocated Contracts.
These are available to You without any additional charges. As with any investment program, no strategy can guarantee a gain — You can lose money. We may modify or terminate any of the strategies at any time. You may have only one automated investment strategy in effect at a time. You may not have a strategy in effect while You also have an outstanding loan. Your employer, association or other group contract holder may limit the availability of any investment strategy.
The Allocator, the Equalizer and the Index Selector are not available to all Enhanced Deferred Annuities. Certain administrative platforms may have an alternative dollar cost averaging program that permits an amount to be


transferred from any Division to one or more different Divisions on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis. Certain administrative platforms may have an alternative rebalancing program that permits rebalancing on a one-time, quarterly, semi-annually or annual basis. Your enrollment form will indicate if any of the automated investment strategies or the alternative dollar cost averaging program and the alternative rebalancing program is available under Your Contract.
The Equity Generator®: An amount equal to the interest earned in the Fixed Interest Account is transferred monthly to either the MetLife Stock Index Division or the Frontier Mid Cap Growth Division, based on your selection. If your Fixed Interest Account Value at the time of a scheduled transfer is zero, this strategy is automatically discontinued. There is no additional charge for electing the Equity Generator. For example, if you elected the Equity Generator and $1,000 of interest was credited to your account each month, then the $1,000 of interest would be transferred from the Fixed Interest Account to the specified Division every month for a 12 month period.
Certain administrative platforms may allow an amount equal to the interest earned in the Fixed Interest Account to be transferred quarterly to the MetLife Stock Index Division.
As an added benefit of this strategy, as long as 100% of every purchase payment is allocated to the Fixed Interest Account for the life of your Deferred Annuity and You never request allocation changes or transfers, You will not pay more in Early Withdrawal Charges than your Contract earns. Early Withdrawal Charges may be taken from any of your earnings.
The EqualizerSM: You start with equal amounts of money in the Fixed Interest Account and your choice of either the MetLife Stock Index Division or the Frontier Mid Cap Growth Division. Each quarter, amounts are transferred between the Fixed Interest Account and your chosen Division to make the value of each equal. For example, if You choose the MetLife Stock Index Division and over the quarter it outperforms the Fixed Interest Account, money is transferred to the Fixed Interest Account. Conversely, if the Fixed Interest Account outperforms the MetLife Stock Index Division, money is transferred into the MetLife Stock Index Division. There is no additional fee for The Equalizer.
The Rebalancer®: You select a specific asset allocation for your entire Account Value from among the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account. Each quarter, we transfer amounts among these options to bring the percentage of your Account Value in each option back to your original allocation. In the future, we may permit You to allocate less than 100% of your Account Value to this strategy. There is no additional charge for electing the Rebalancer. For example, if you allocated 25% among four Divisions then on a quarterly basis, we will transfer amounts among those four Divisions so that 25% of your Policy’s Cash Value is in each such Division.
The Index Selector®: You may select one of five asset allocation models (the Conservative Model, the Conservative to Moderate Model, the Moderate Model, the Moderate to Aggressive Model and the Aggressive Model) which are designed to correlate to various risk tolerance levels. Based on the model You choose, your entire Account Value is allocated among the MetLife Aggregate Bond Index, MetLife Stock Index, MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index, MetLife Russell 2000® Index and MetLife Mid Cap Stock Index Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account. Each quarter, the percentage in each of these Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account is brought back to the model percentage by transferring amounts among the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account.
In the future, we may permit You to allocate less than 100% of your Account Value to this strategy.
We will continue to implement the Index Selector strategy using the percentage allocations of the model that were in effect when You elected the Index Selector strategy. You should consider whether it is appropriate for You to


continue this strategy over time if your risk tolerance, time horizon or financial situation changes. This strategy may experience more volatility than our other strategies. We provide the elements to formulate the model. We may rely on a third party for its expertise in creating appropriate allocations.
The asset allocation models used in the Index Selector strategy may change from time to time. If You are interested in an updated model, please contact your sales representative (where applicable).
You may choose another Index Selector® strategy or terminate your Index Selector® strategy at any time. If You choose another Index Selector® strategy, You must select from the asset allocation models available at that time. After termination, if You then wish to select the Index Selector® strategy again, You must select from the asset allocation models available at that time. There is no additional charge for electing the Index Selector. For example, if you chose the Conservative Model, then on a quarterly basis we would transfer amounts in the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account so that the balances in each reflect the selected Conservative Model percentage.
The AllocatorSM: Each month, a dollar amount You choose is transferred from the Fixed Interest Account to any of the Divisions You choose. You select the day of the month and the number of months over which the transfers will occur. A minimum periodic transfer of $50 is required. Once your Fixed Interest Account Value is exhausted, this strategy is automatically discontinued. There is no additional charge for electing the Allocator. For example, you may elect to have $100 a month transferred on the 15th of the month from the Fixed Interest Account to a Division for a period of two years.
The Equity Generator® and the AllocatorSM are dollar cost averaging strategies. Dollar cost averaging involves investing at regular intervals of time. Since this involves continuously investing regardless of fluctuating prices, You should consider whether You wish to continue the strategy through periods of fluctuating prices.
We may terminate all transactions under the automated investment strategy, depending on your administrative platform, upon notification of your death.
Purchase Payments
There is no minimum purchase payment. For Non-Qualified Deferred Annuities for certain deferred arrangements or plans (except those for Section 415(m) arrangements), we may require that each purchase payment be at least $2,000. In addition, we may require that your total purchase payments must be at least $15,000 for the first Contract Year and at least $5,000 each subsequent Contract Year.
Unless limited by tax law, You may continue to make purchase payments under Enhanced Deferred Annuities while You receive Systematic Withdrawal Program payments, as described later in this Prospectus, unless your purchase payments are made through automatic payroll deduction, salary reduction or salary deduction. Subject to your plan's rules, You may make purchase payments to your Deferred Annuity whenever You choose, up to the date You begin receiving payments from a pay-out option.
In the case of TSA Deferred Annuity money being transferred from a fixed account of another insurance company where You did not have access to your money because the company was being rehabilitated or liquidated, we may add additional money to the amount transferred to us to reflect the earlier lack of access. We will not issue the TSA Deferred Annuity to You if You are age 80 or older or younger than age 18. We will not accept your purchase payments if You are age 90 or older.


Purchase Payments — Section 403(b) Plans
The Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) announced regulations affecting Section 403(b) plans and arrangements which were generally effective January 1, 2009. As part of these regulations, employers will need to meet certain requirements in order for their employees’ annuity contracts that portfolio these programs to retain a tax deferred status under Section 403(b). Prior to the rules, transfers of one annuity contract to another would not result in a loss of tax deferred status under Section 403(b) under certain conditions (so-called “90-24 transfers”).
The regulations have the following effect regarding transfers: (1) an issued contract funded by a transfer which is completed AFTER September 24, 2007, is subject to the employer requirements referred to above; (2) additional purchase payments made AFTER September 24, 2007, to a contract that was funded by a 90-24 transfer ON OR BEFORE September 24, 2007, MAY subject the contract to this employer requirement.
In consideration of these regulations, we have determined only to make available the Contract for purchase (including transfers) where your employer currently permits salary reduction contributions to be made to the Contract.
If your Contract was issued previously as a result of a 90-24 transfer completed on or before September 24, 2007, and You have never made salary reduction contributions into your Contract, we urge You to consult with your tax adviser prior to making additional purchase payments.
Allocation of Purchase Payments
You decide how your money is allocated among the Fixed Interest Account and the Divisions. You can change your allocations for future purchase payments. We will make allocation changes when we receive your request for a change. You may also specify an effective date for the change as long as it is within 30 days after we receive the request.
If You choose to make an allocation to the asset allocation Divisions with your initial purchase payment, 100% of your allocation to the investment choices must be to only one of the asset allocation Divisions. After the initial purchase payment has been made, You may allocate subsequent purchase payments or make transfers from any asset allocation Division to any investment choice or to one or more of the asset allocation Divisions. We reserve the right to make certain changes to the Divisions. (See “Portfolios — Portfolio Selection.”)
Limits on Purchase Payments
Your ability to make purchase payments may be limited by:
Federal tax laws;
Our right to limit the total of your purchase payments to $1,000,000. We may change the maximum by telling You in writing at least 90 days in advance;
Regulatory requirements. For example, if You reside in Washington or Oregon, we may be required to limit your ability to make purchase payments after You have held the Deferred Annuity for more than three years, if the Deferred Annuity was issued to You after You turn age 60; or after You turn age 63, if the Deferred Annuity was issued before You were age 61 (except under the Enhanced PEDC Deferred Annuity);
Retirement, for certain Deferred Annuities. You may no longer make purchase payments if You retire;
Leaving your job (for TSA and 403(a) Deferred Annuities);
A withdrawal based on your leaving your job;


Receiving systematic termination payments (described later) from both the Separate Account and the Fixed Interest Account.; and
Participation in the Systematic Withdrawal Program (as described later).
The Value of Your Investment
We use the term “experience factor” to describe the investment performance for Division. We calculate Accumulation Unit Values once a day on every day the New York Stock Exchange (the “Exchange”) is open for trading. We call the time between two consecutive Accumulation Unit Value calculations the “Valuation Period.” We have the right to change the basis for the Valuation Period, on 30 days’ notice, as long as it is consistent with law. All purchase payments and transfers are valued as of the end of the Valuation Period during which the transaction occurred. The experience factor changes from Valuation Period to Valuation Period to reflect the upward or downward performance of the assets in the underlying Portfolios. The experience factor is calculated as of the end of each Valuation Period using the net asset value per share of the underlying Portfolio. The net asset value includes the per share amount of any dividend or capital gain distribution paid by the Portfolio during the current Valuation Period, and subtracts any per share charges for taxes and reserve for taxes. We then divide that amount by the net asset value per share as of the end of the last Valuation Period to obtain a factor that reflects investment performance. We then subtract a charge for each day in the valuation period which is the daily equivalent of the Separate Account charge. This charge varies, depending on the class of the Deferred Annuity.
Accumulation Units are credited to You when You make purchase payments or transfers into a Division. When You withdraw or transfer money from a Division, Accumulation Units are liquidated. We determine the number of Accumulation Units by dividing the amount of your purchase payment, transfer or withdrawal by the Accumulation Unit Value on the date of the transaction.
This is how we calculate the Accumulation Unit Value for each Division:
First, we determine the change in investment performance (including any investment-related charge) for the underlying Portfolio from the previous trading day to the current trading day;
Next, we subtract the daily equivalent of our insurance-related charge (general administrative expenses and mortality and expense risk charges) for each day since the last Accumulation Unit Value was calculated; and
Finally, we multiply the previous Accumulation Unit Value by this result.
Calculating the Number of Accumulation Units
Assume You make a purchase payment of $500 into one Division and that Division’s Accumulation Unit Value is currently $10.00. You would be credited with 50 Accumulation Units.
$500 = 50 Accumulation Units
Calculating the Accumulation Unit Value
Assume yesterday’s Accumulation Unit Value was $10.00 and the number we calculate for today’s investment experience (minus charges) for an underlying Portfolio is 1.05. Today’s Accumulation Unit Value is $10.50 ($10.00 × 1.05 = $10.50). The value of your $500 investment is then $525 (50 × $10.50 = $525) (Step 3 described above).


However, assume that today’s investment experience (minus charges) is .95 instead of 1.05. Today’s Accumulation Unit Value is $9.50 ($10.00 × .95 = $9.50). The value of your $500 investment is then $475 (50 × $9.50 = $475).
You may make tax-free transfers between Divisions or between the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account. Such transfers are free of any Early Withdrawal Charges. Some additional restrictions may also apply to transfers from the Fixed Interest Account to the Divisions. For us to process a transfer, You must tell us:
The percentage or dollar amount of the transfer;
The Divisions (or Fixed Interest Account) from which You want the money to be transferred;
The Divisions (or Fixed Interest Account) to which You want the money to be transferred; and
Whether You intend to start, stop, modify or continue unchanged an automated investment strategy by making the transfer.
Your transfer request must be in Good Order and completed prior to the close of the Exchange on a business day if You want the transaction to take place on that day. All other transfer requests in Good Order will be processed on our next business day.
For additional transfer restrictions (see “General Information — Valuation — Suspension of Payments”).
We may require You to:
Use our forms; or
Maintain a minimum Account Value (if the transfer is in connection with an automated investment strategy or if there is an outstanding loan from the Fixed Interest Account).
Transfer a minimum amount if the transfer is in connection with the Allocator.
The following is a discussion of frequent transfers/reallocations policies and procedures. They apply to both the “pay-in” and “pay-out” phase of your Deferred Annuity as well as your Income Annuity.
Restrictions on Frequent Transfers/Reallocations. Frequent requests from Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants to make transfers/reallocations may dilute the value of a Portfolio’s shares if the frequent transfers/reallocations involve an attempt to take advantage of pricing inefficiencies created by a lag between a change in the value of the securities held by the Portfolio and the reflection of that change in the Portfolio’s share price (“arbitrage trading”). Frequent transfers/reallocations involving arbitrage trading may adversely affect the long-term performance of the Portfolios, which may in turn adversely affect Contract Owners and other persons who may have an interest in the Contracts (e.g., participants/Annuitants and Beneficiaries).
We have policies and procedures that attempt to detect and deter frequent transfers/reallocations in situations where we determine there is a potential for arbitrage trading. Currently, we believe that such situations may be presented in the international, small-cap, and high-yield Portfolios (the “Monitored Portfolios”). These are:
American Funds Global Small Capitalization Fund
American Funds Growth Fund
American Funds Growth-Income Fund


American Funds The Bond Fund of America
Baillie Gifford International Stock Portfolio
CBRE Global Real Estate Portfolio
Harris Oakmark International Portfolio
Invesco Global Equity Portfolio
Invesco Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Loomis Sayles Global Allocation Portfolio
Loomis Sayles Small Cap Core Portfolio
Loomis Sayles Small Cap Growth Portfolio
MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index Portfolio
MetLife Russell 2000® Index Portfolio
MFS® Research International Portfolio
Neuberger Berman Genesis Portfolio
T. Rowe Price Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Western Asset Management Strategic Bond Opportunities Portfolio
We monitor transfer/reallocation activity in those Monitored Portfolios. In addition, as described below, we intend to treat all American Funds® as Monitored Portfolios. We employ various means to monitor transfer/reallocation activity, such as examining the frequency and size of transfers/reallocations into and out of the Monitored Portfolios within given periods of time. For example, we currently monitor transfer/reallocation activity to determine if, for each category of international, small-cap, and high-yield Portfolios, in a 12-month period there were (1) six or more transfers/reallocations involving the given category; (2) cumulative gross transfers/reallocations involving the given category that exceed the current Account Value; and (3) two or more “round-trips” involving any Monitored Portfolio in the given category. A round-trip generally is defined as a transfer/reallocation in followed by a transfer/reallocation out within the next seven calendar days or a transfer/reallocation out followed by a transfer/reallocation in within the next seven calendar days, in either case subject to certain other criteria. We do not believe that other Portfolios present a significant opportunity to engage in arbitrage trading and therefore do not monitor transfer/reallocation activity in those Portfolios. We may change the Monitored Portfolios at any time without notice in our sole discretion.
As a condition to making their Portfolios available in our products, American Funds® requires us to treat all American Funds Portfolios as Monitored Portfolios under our current frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures. Further, American Funds® requires us to impose additional specified monitoring criteria for all American Funds Portfolios available under the Contract, regardless of the potential for arbitrage trading. We are required to monitor transfer/reallocation activity in American Funds Portfolios to determine if there were two or more transfers/reallocations in followed by transfers/reallocations out, in each case of a certain dollar amount or greater, in any 30-day period. A first violation of the American Funds® monitoring policy will result in a written notice of violation; each additional violation will result in the imposition of a six-month restriction during which period we will require all transfer/reallocation requests to or from an American Funds Portfolio to be submitted with an original signature. Further, as Monitored Portfolios, all American Funds Portfolios also will be subject to our current frequent transfer/reallocation policies, procedures and restrictions (described below), and transfer/reallocation restrictions may be imposed upon a violation of either monitoring policy. A process has been


implemented to enforce the American Funds® restrictions. There is no guarantee that this process will detect all contract holders whose transfer/reallocation activity in the American Funds® Portfolios violates this monitoring policy.
Our policies and procedures may result in transfer/reallocation restrictions being applied to deter frequent transfers/reallocations. Currently, when we detect transfer/reallocation activity in the Monitored Portfolios that exceeds our current transfer/reallocation limits, we require future transfer/reallocation requests to or from any Monitored Portfolio under that Contract to be submitted in writing with an original signature. A first occurrence will result in a warning letter; a second occurrence will result in the imposition of this restriction for a six-month period; a third occurrence will result in the permanent imposition of this restriction.
Transfers made under an Automated Investment Strategy are not treated as transfers when we monitor the frequency of transfers.
Your third-party administrator has its own standards with regard to monitoring activity in the Monitored Portfolios and how subsequent transfer/reallocation activity will be restricted once those standards are triggered. These standards and subsequent trading restrictions may be more or less restrictive than ours, and presently include restrictions on non-Monitored Portfolios. The differences in monitoring standards and restrictions are due to systems limitations and may change from time to time as those systems are upgraded.
The detection and deterrence of harmful transfer/reallocation activity involves judgments that are inherently subjective, such as the decision to monitor only those Portfolios that we believe are susceptible to arbitrage trading or the determination of the transfer/reallocation limits. Our ability to detect and/or restrict such transfer/reallocation activity may be limited by operational and technological systems, as well as our ability to predict strategies employed by Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants to avoid such detection. Our ability to restrict such transfer/reallocation activity also may be limited by provisions of the Contract. Accordingly, there is no assurance that we will prevent all transfer/reallocation activity that may adversely affect Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants and other persons with interests in the Contracts. We do not accommodate frequent transfers/reallocations in any Portfolio and there are no arrangements in place to permit any Contract Owner or participant/Annuitant to engage in frequent transfers/reallocations; we apply our policies and procedures without exception, waiver or special arrangement.
The Portfolios may have adopted their own policies and procedures with respect to frequent transfers/reallocations in their respective shares, and we reserve the right to enforce these policies and procedures. For example, Portfolios may assess a redemption fee (which we reserve the right to collect) on shares held for a relatively short period. The prospectuses for the Portfolios describe any such policies and procedures, which may be more or less restrictive than the policies and procedures we have adopted. Although we may not have the contractual authority or the operational capacity to apply the frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures of the Portfolios, we have entered into a written agreement, as required by SEC regulation, with each Portfolios or its principal underwriter that obligates us to provide to the Portfolios promptly upon request certain information about the trading activity of individual Contract Owners, and to execute instructions from the Portfolios to restrict or prohibit further purchases or transfers/reallocations by specific Contract Owners who violate the frequent transfer/reallocation policies established by the Portfolios.
In addition, Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants and other persons with interests in the Contracts should be aware that the purchase and redemption orders received by the Portfolios generally are “omnibus” orders from intermediaries, such as retirement plans or separate accounts funding variable insurance contracts. The omnibus orders reflect the aggregation and netting of multiple orders from individual owners of variable insurance contracts and/or individual retirement plan participants. The omnibus nature of these orders may limit the Portfolios in their


ability to apply their frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures. In addition, the other insurance companies and/or retirement plans may have different policies and procedures or may not have any such policies and procedures because of contractual limitations. For these reasons, we cannot guarantee that the Portfolios (and thus Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants) will not be harmed by transfer/reallocation activity relating to the other insurance companies and/or retirement plans that may invest in the Portfolios. If a Portfolio believes that an omnibus order reflects one or more transfer/reallocation requests from Contract Owners engaged in frequent transfer/reallocation trading activity, the Portfolio may reject the entire omnibus order.
In accordance with applicable law, we reserve the right to modify or terminate the transfer/reallocation privilege at any time. We also reserve the right to defer or restrict the transfer/reallocation privilege at any time that we are unable to purchase or redeem shares of any of the Portfolios, including any refusal or restriction on purchases or redemptions of their shares as a result of their own policies and procedures on frequent transfers/reallocations (even if an entire omnibus order is rejected due to the frequent transfers/reallocations of a single Contract Owner or participant/Annuitant). You should read the Portfolio prospectuses for more details.
Restrictions on Large Transfers/Reallocations. Large transfers/reallocations may increase brokerage and administrative costs of the underlying Portfolios and may disrupt portfolio management strategy, requiring a Portfolio to maintain a large cash position and possibly resulting in lost investment opportunities and forced liquidations. We do not monitor for large transfers/reallocations to or from Portfolios except where the Portfolio manager of a particular underlying Portfolio has brought large transfer/reallocation activity to our attention for investigation on a case-by-case basis. For example, some portfolio managers have asked us to monitor for “block transfers” where transfer/reallocation requests have been submitted on behalf of multiple Contract Owners by a third party such as an investment adviser. When we detect such large trades, we may impose restrictions similar to those described above where future transfer/reallocation requests from that third party must be submitted in writing with an original signature. A first occurrence will result in a warning letter; a second occurrence will result in the imposition of this restriction for a six-month period; a third occurrence will result in the permanent imposition of the restriction.
Access To Your Money
You may withdraw either all or part of your Account Value from the Deferred Annuity. Other than those made through the Systematic Withdrawal Program, withdrawals must be at least $500 or the Account Value, if less. To process your request, we need the following information:
The percentage or dollar amount of the withdrawal; and
The Divisions (or Fixed Interest Account) from which You want the money to be withdrawn.
Your withdrawal may be subject to Early Withdrawal Charges and there may be adverse tax consequences.
Generally, if You request, we will make payments directly to other investments on a tax-free basis. You may only do so if all applicable tax and state regulatory requirements are met and we receive all information necessary for us to make the payment. We may require You to use our original forms.
We may withhold payment of a withdrawal if any portion of those proceeds would be derived from your check that has not yet cleared (i.e., that could still be dishonored by your banking institution). We may use telephone, fax, Internet or other means of communication to verify that payment from your check has been or will be collected. We will not delay payment longer than necessary for us to verify that payment has been or will be collected. You may avoid the possibility of delay in the disbursement of proceeds coming from a check that has not yet cleared by providing us with a certified check.


You may submit a written withdrawal request, which must be received at your Administrative Office on or before the date the pay-out phase begins, that indicates that the withdrawal should be processed as of the date the pay-out phase begins, in which case the request will be deemed to have been received on, and the withdrawal amount will be priced according to, the Accumulation Unit Value calculated as of the date the pay-out phase begins.
Account Reduction Loans
We may administer loan programs made available through plans or group arrangements on an account reduction basis for certain Deferred Annuities. If the loan is in default and has been reported to the IRS as income but not yet offset, loan repayments will be posted as after-tax contributions. Loan amounts will be taken from amounts that are vested according to your plan or group arrangement on a pro-rata basis from the source(s) of money the plan or group arrangement permits to be borrowed (e.g., money contributed to the plan or group arrangement through salary reduction, elective deferrals, direct transfers, direct rollovers and employer contributions), then on a pro-rata basis from each Division and the Fixed Interest Account in which You then have a balance consisting of these sources of money. Loan repayment amounts will be posted back to the original money sources used to make the loan, if the loan is in good standing at the time of repayment. Loan repayments will be allocated to the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account in the same percentages as your current investment election for contributions. Loan repayment periods, repayment methods, interest rate, default procedures, tax reporting and permitted minimum and maximum loan amounts will be disclosed in the loan agreement documents. There may be initiation and maintenance fees associated with these loans.
Systemic Withdrawal Program for Enhanced TSA, IRA and 403(a) Deferred Annuites
If we agree and if approved in your state for Enhanced TSA, IRA, and 403(a) Deferred Annuities, You may choose to automatically withdraw a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your Account Value each Contract Year. This amount is then paid in equal portions throughout the Contract Year, according to the time frame You select, e.g., monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. Once the Systematic Withdrawal Program is initiated, the payments will automatically renew each Contract Year. Income taxes, tax penalties and Early Withdrawal Charges may apply to your withdrawals. Program payment amounts are subject to our required minimums and administrative restrictions. For the Enhanced TSA, IRA, and 403(a) Deferred Annuities, if You elect to receive payments through this program, You must have no loan outstanding from the Fixed Interest Account and You must either be 59 12 years old or have left your job. Tax law generally prohibits withdrawals from Enhanced TSA, IRA, and 403(a) Deferred Annuities before You reach 59 12. Your Account Value will be reduced by the amount of your Systematic Withdrawal Program payments and applicable withdrawal charges. Payments under this program are not the same as income payments You would receive from a Deferred Annuity pay-out option or under an Income Annuity. The Systematic Withdrawal Program is not available in conjunction with any automated investment strategy.
If You elect to withdraw a dollar amount, we will pay You the same dollar amount each Contract Year. If You elect to withdraw a percentage of your Account Value, each Contract Year, we recalculate the amount You will receive based on your new Account Value.
If You do not provide us with your desired allocation, or there are insufficient amounts in the Divisions or the Fixed Interest Account that You selected, the payments will be taken out pro rata from the Fixed Interest Account and any Divisions in which You have an Account Value.
Calculating Your Payment Based on a Percentage Election for the First Contract Year You Elect the Systematic Withdrawal Program: If You choose to receive a percentage of your Account Value, we will determine the amount payable on the date these payments begin. When You first elect the program, we will pay this amount


over the remainder of the Contract Year. For example, if You select to receive payments on a monthly basis with the percentage of your Account Value You request equaling $12,000, and there are six months left in the Contract Year, we will pay You $2,000 a month.
Calculating Your Payment for Subsequent Contract Years of the Systematic Withdrawal Program: For each subsequent year that your Systematic Withdrawal Program remains in effect, we will deduct from your Deferred Annuity and pay You over the Contract Year either the amount that You chose or an amount equal to the percentage of your Account Value You chose. For example, if You select to receive payments on a monthly basis, ask for a percentage and that percentage of your Account Value equals $12,000 at the start of a Contract Year, we will pay You $1,000 a month.
If You do not provide us with your desired allocation, or there are insufficient amounts in the Divisions or the Fixed Interest Account that You selected, the payments will be taken out pro rata from the Fixed Interest Account and any Divisions in which You then have money.
Selecting a Payment Date: You select a payment date which becomes the date we make the withdrawal. We must receive your request in Good Order at least 10 days prior to the selected payment date. (If You would like to receive your Systematic Withdrawal Program payment on or about the first of the month, You should request payment by the 20th day of the month.) If we do not receive your request in time, we will make the payment the following month on the date You selected. If You do not select a payment date, we will automatically begin systematic withdrawals within 30 days after we receive your request. Changes in the dollar amount, percentage or timing of the payments can be made at any time. If You make any of these changes, we will treat your request as though You were starting a new Systematic Withdrawal Program. You may request to stop your Systematic Withdrawal Program at any time. We must receive any request in Good Order at your Administrative Office at least 30 days in advance.
Although we need your written authorization to begin this program, You may cancel this program at any time by telephone or by writing to us at your Administrative Office. We may also terminate your participation in the program, depending on your administrative platform, upon notification of your death.
Systematic Withdrawal Program payments may be subject to an Early Withdrawal Charge unless an exception to this charge applies. For purposes of determining how much of the annual payment amount is exempt from this charge under the free withdrawal provision (discussed later), all payments from a Systematic Withdrawal Program in a Contract Year are characterized as a single lump sum withdrawal as of your first payment date in that Contract Year. When You first elect the program, we will calculate the percentage of your Account Value your Systematic Withdrawal Program payment represents based on your Account Value on the first Systematic Withdrawal Program payment date. For all subsequent Contract Years, we will calculate the percentage of your Account Value your Systematic Withdrawal Program payment represents based on your Account Value on the first Systematic Withdrawal Program payment date of that Contract Year. We will determine separately the Early Withdrawal Charge and any relevant factors (such as applicable exceptions) for each Systematic Withdrawal Program payment as of the date it is withdrawn from your Deferred Annuity.
Participation in the Systematic Withdrawal Program is subject to our administrative procedures.
Minimum Distribution
In order for You to comply with certain tax law provisions, You may be required to take money out of your Deferred Annuity. Rather than receiving your required minimum distribution in one annual lump-sum payment, You may request that we pay it to You in installments throughout the calendar year. However, we may require that You maintain a certain Account Value at the time You request these payments. You may not have a Systematic


Withdrawal Program in effect if we pay your minimum required distribution in installments. We may terminate your participation in the program, depending on your administrative platform, upon notification of your death.
Income Annuities provide You with a regular stream of payments for either your lifetime or a specific period. You may choose the frequency of your income payments. For example, You may receive your payments on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis. You have the flexibility to select a stream of income to meet your needs. Income Annuities can be purchased so that You begin receiving payments immediately or You can apply the Account Value of your Deferred Annuity to a pay-out option to receive payments during your “pay-out” phase. With an Income Annuity purchased as an immediate annuity and not as a pay-out option to receive payments during your “pay-out” phase, You may defer receiving payments from us for one year after You have purchased an immediate annuity. You bear any investment risk during any deferral period. The Income Annuity currently may not be available in all states.
We do not guarantee that your variable payments will be a specific amount of money. You may choose to have a portion of the payment fixed and guaranteed under the Fixed Income Option. If You annuitize your Deferred Annuity and should our current annuity rates for a fixed pay-out option for this type of Deferred Annuity provide for greater payments than those guaranteed in your Contract, the greater payment will be made.
Using proceeds from the following types of arrangements, You may purchase Income Annuities to receive immediate payments:
Enhanced Preference Plus Account:
Traditional IRA
Non-Qualified (for certain deferred arrangements and plans)
If You have accumulated amounts in any of the listed investment vehicles, your lump sum withdrawal from that investment vehicle may be used to purchase an appropriate Income Annuity as long as income tax requirements are met.
If your retirement plan has purchased an Income Annuity, your choice of pay-out options may be subject to the terms of the plan. We may rely on your employer’s or plan administrator’s statements to us as to the terms of the plan or your entitlement to any payments. We will not be responsible for interpreting the terms of your plan. You should review your plan document to see how You may be affected.
Income Payment Types
Currently, we provide You with a wide variety of income payment types to suit a range of personal preferences. You decide the income payment type for your Income Annuity when You decide to take a pay-out option or at application. The decision is irrevocable.
There are three people who are involved in payments under your Income Annuity:


Owner: the person or entity which has all rights under the Income Annuity including the right to direct who receives payment.
Annuitant: the person whose life is the measure for determining the duration and sometimes the dollar amount of payments.
Beneficiary: the person who receives continuing payments or a lump sum payment if the Owner dies.
Many times, the Owner and the Annuitant are the same person.
When deciding how to receive income, consider:
The amount of income You need;
The amount You expect to receive from other sources;
The growth potential of other investments; and
How long You would like your income to last.
Your income payment amount will depend in large part on the type of income payment You choose. For example, if You select a “Lifetime Income Annuity for Two,” your payments will typically be lower than if You select a “Lifetime Income Annuity.” Income payment types that guarantee that payments will be made for a certain number of years regardless of whether the Annuitant or Joint Annuitant is alive (such as Lifetime Income Annuity with a Guarantee Period and Lifetime Income Annuity for Two with a Guarantee Period, as defined below) result in income payments that are smaller than with income payment types without such a guarantee (such as Lifetime Income Annuity and Lifetime Income Annuity for Two, as defined below). In addition, to the extent the income payment type has a guarantee period, choosing a shorter guarantee period will result in each income payment being larger. Where required by state law or under a qualified retirement plan, the Annuitant’s sex will not be taken into account in calculating income payments. Annuity rates will not be less than those guaranteed in the Contract at the time of purchase for the AIR and income payment type elected. Due to underwriting, administrative or Code considerations, the choice of the percentage reduction and/or the duration of the guarantee period may be limited. We reserve the right to commute or to otherwise pay the value of any remaining income payments over a period which would comply with Federal income tax law. Tax rules with respect to decedent Contracts may prohibit election of Lifetime Income for Two income types and/or may also prohibit payments for as long as the Owner’s life in certain circumstances. The terms of your Contract will determine when your income payments start and the frequency with which You will receive your income payments. When You select an income type, it will apply to both fixed income payments and variable income payments.
We reserve the right to limit or stop issuing any of the income types currently available based upon legal requirements or other considerations.
The following income payment types are available:
Lifetime Income Annuity: A variable income that is paid as long as the Annuitant is living.
Lifetime Income Annuity with a Guarantee Period: A variable income that continues as long as the Annuitant is living but is guaranteed to be paid for a number of years. If the Annuitant dies before all of the guaranteed payments have been made, payments are made to the Owner of the annuity until the end of the guaranteed period. If the Owner dies during the guarantee period, payments will be made to the beneficiary in accordance with the Code. No payments are made once the guarantee period has expired and the Annuitant is no longer living.
Lifetime Income Annuity with a Refund: A variable income that is paid as long as the Annuitant is living and guarantees that the total of all income payments will not be less than the purchase payment that we received. If


the Annuitant dies before the total of all income payments received equals the purchase payment, we will pay the Owner (or the beneficiary, if the Owner is not living) the difference in a lump sum.
Lifetime Income Annuity for Two: A variable income that is paid to the Annuitant(s) as long as the Contract Owner is living. After the Contract Owner dies, payments continue to be made to the Annuitant(s) either for (1) life (provided certain Federal tax law requirements are met) or (2) ten (10) years. Payments made for life to the Annuitant after the death of the Contract Owner may be the same as those made while the Contract Owner was living or may be a smaller percentage that is selected when the annuity is first converted to an income stream. No payments are made once the Annuitants are no longer living.
Lifetime Income Annuity for Two with a Guarantee Period: A variable income that continues as long as either of the two Annuitants is living but is guaranteed to be paid (unreduced by any percentage selected) for a number of years. If both Annuitants die before all of the guaranteed payments have been made, payments are made to the Owner of the annuity until the end of the guaranteed period. If the Owner dies during the guarantee period, payments will be made to the beneficiary in accordance with the Code. If one Annuitant dies after the guarantee period has expired, payments continue to be made as long as the other Annuitant is living. In that event, payments may be the same as those made while both Annuitants were living or may be a smaller percentage that is selected when the annuity is purchased. No payments are made once the guarantee period has expired and both Annuitants are no longer living.
Lifetime Income Annuity for Two with a Refund: A variable income that is paid as long as either Annuitant is living and guarantees that all income payments will not be less than the purchase payment that we received. After one Annuitant dies, payments continue to be made as long as the other Annuitant is living. In that event, payments may be the same as those made while both Annuitants were living or may be a smaller percentage that is selected when the annuity is purchased. If both Annuitants die before the total of all income payments received equals the purchase payment, we will pay the Owner (or the beneficiary, if the Owner is not living) the difference in a lump sum.
Income Annuity for a Guaranteed Period: A variable income payable for a guaranteed period of 5 to 30 years. As an administrative practice, we will consider factors such as your age and life expectancy in determining whether to issue a Contract with this income payment type. If the Owner dies before the end of the guarantee period, payments are made to the beneficiary in accordance with the Code. No payments are made after the guarantee period has expired.
Minimum Size of Your Income Payment
Your initial income payment must be at least $50. If You live in Massachusetts, the initial income payment must be at least $20. This means the amount used from a Deferred Annuity to provide a pay-out option must be large enough to provide this minimum initial income payment.
You decide what portion of your income payment is allocated among the Fixed Income Option and the Divisions.


The Value of Your Income Payments
Amount of Income Payments
Variable income payments from a Division will depend upon the number of Annuity Units held in that Division (described below) and the Annuity Unit Value (described later) as of the 10th day prior to a payment date.
The initial variable income payment is computed based on the amount of the purchase payment applied to the specific Division (net any applicable premium tax owed or Contract fee), the AIR, the age of the measuring lives and the income payment type selected. The initial payment amount is then divided by the Annuity Unit Value for the Division to determine the number of Annuity Units held in that Division. The number of Annuity Units held remains fixed for the duration of the Contract if no reallocations are made.
The dollar amount of subsequent variable income payments will vary with the amount by which investment performance is greater or less than the AIR.
Each Deferred Annuity provides that, when a pay-out option is chosen, the payment will not be less than the payment produced by the then-current Fixed Income Option purchase rates for that Contract class. The purpose of this provision is to assure the Annuitant that, at retirement, if the Fixed Income Option purchase rates for new contracts are significantly more favorable than the rates guaranteed by a Deferred Annuity of the same class, the Owner will be given the benefit of the higher rates.
Annuity Units
Annuity Units are credited to You when You make a purchase payment or make a reallocation into a Division. Before we determine the number of Annuity Units to credit to You, we reduce a purchase payment (but not a reallocation) by any premium taxes and the Contract fee, if applicable. We then compute an initial income payment amount using the AIR, your income payment type and the age and sex (where permitted) of the measuring lives. We then divide the initial income payment (allocated to a Division) by the Annuity Unit Value on the date of the transaction. The result is the number of Annuity Units credited for that Division. The initial variable income payment is a hypothetical payment which is calculated based upon the AIR. The initial variable income payment is used to establish the number of Annuity Units. It is not the amount of your actual first variable income payment unless your first income payment happens to be within 10 days after we issue the Income Annuity. When You reallocate an income payment from a Division, Annuity Units supporting that portion of your income payment in that Division are liquidated.
Your income payments are determined by using the AIR to benchmark the investment experience of the Divisions You select. We currently offer a 3% and 4% AIR. Certain states may require a different AIR or a cap on what AIR may be chosen. The higher your AIR, the higher your initial variable income payment will be. Your next payment will increase approximately in proportion to the amount by which the investment experience (for the time period between the payments) for the underlying Portfolio minus the Separate Account charge (the resulting number is the net investment return) exceeds the AIR (for the time period between the payments). Likewise, your next payment will decrease to the approximate extent the investment experience (for the time period between the payments) for the underlying Portfolio minus the Separate Account charge (the net investment return) is less than the AIR (for the time period between the payments). A lower AIR will result in a lower initial variable income payment, but subsequent variable income payments will increase more rapidly or decline more slowly than if You had elected a higher AIR as changes occur in the investment experience of the Divisions.


The amount of each variable income payment is determined 10 days prior to your income payment date. If your first income payment is scheduled to be paid less than 10 days after your Contract’s issue date, then the amount of that payment will be determined on your Contract’s issue date.
The initial variable income payment is a hypothetical payment which is calculated based on the AIR. This initial variable income payment is used to establish the number of Annuity Units. It is not the amount of your actual first variable income payment unless your first income payment happens to be within 10 days after we issue the Income Annuity.
This is how we calculate the Annuity Unit Value for each Division:
Step 1: we determine the change in investment experience (which reflects the deduction for any investment-related charge) for the underlying Portfolio from the previous trading day to the current trading day;
Step 2: we subtract the daily equivalent of your insurance-related charge or Separate Account charge (general administrative expenses and mortality and expense risk charges) for each day since the last day the Annuity Unit Value was calculated; the resulting number is the net investment return;
Step 3: we multiply by an adjustment based on your AIR for each day since the last Annuity Unit Value was calculated; and
Step 4: we multiply the previous Annuity Unit Value by this result.
You may make reallocations among the Divisions or from the Divisions to the Fixed Income Option. Once You reallocate your income payment into the Fixed Income Option You may not later reallocate amounts from the Fixed Income Option to the Divisions. If You reside in certain states You may be limited to four options (including the Fixed Interest Option).
Currently, there is no charge to make a reallocation. Your request for a reallocation tells us to move, in accordance with your instructions, the underlying Portfolio shares we have designated in the Divisions or other funds to generate your income payments.
Reallocations will be made as of the end of a business day, at the close of the Exchange, if received in Good Order prior to the close of the Exchange on that business day. All other reallocation requests in Good Order will be processed on the next business day.
For us to process a reallocation, You must tell us:
The percentage of the income payment to be reallocated;
The Divisions from which You want the income payment to be reallocated; and
The Divisions or Fixed Income Option (and the percentages allocated to each) to which You want the income payment to be reallocated.
When You request a reallocation from a Division to the Fixed Income Option, the payment amount will be adjusted at the time of reallocation. Your payment may either increase or decrease due to this adjustment. The adjusted payment will be calculated in the following manner.


First, we update the income payment amount to be reallocated from the Division based upon the applicable Annuity Unit Value at the time of the reallocation;
Second, we use the AIR to calculate an updated annuity purchase rate based upon your age, if applicable, and expected future income payments at the time of the reallocation;
Third, we calculate another updated annuity purchase rate using our current annuity purchase rates for the Fixed Income Option on the date of your reallocation; and
Finally, we determine the adjusted payment amount by multiplying the updated income amount determined in the first step by the ratio of the annuity purchase rate determined in the second step divided by the annuity purchase rate determined in the third step.
When You request a reallocation from one Division to another, Annuity Units in one Division are liquidated and Annuity Units in the other Division are credited to You. There is no adjustment to the income payment amount. Future income payment amounts will be determined based on the Annuity Unit Value for the Division to which You have reallocated.
You generally may make a reallocation on any day the Exchange is open. At a future date we may limit the number of reallocations You may make, but never to fewer than one a month. If we do so, we will give You advance written notice. We may limit a beneficiary’s ability to make a reallocation.
Here are examples of the effect of a reallocation on the income payment:
Suppose You choose to reallocate 40% of your income payment supported by Division A to the Fixed Income Option and the recalculated income payment supported by Division A is $100. Assume that the updated annuity purchase rate based on the AIR is $125, while the updated annuity purchase rate based on fixed income annuity pricing is $100. In that case, your income payment from the Fixed Income Option will be increased by $40 x ($125 x $100) or $50, and your income payment supported by Division A will be decreased by $40. (The number of Annuity Units in Division A will be decreased as well.)
Suppose You choose to reallocate 40% of your income payment supported by Division A to Division B and the recalculated income payment supported by Division A is $100. Then, your income payment supported by Division B will be increased by $40 and your income payment supported by Division A will be decreased by $40. (Changes will be made to the number of Annuity Units in both Divisions as well.)
The following is a discussion of frequent transfers/reallocations policies and procedures. They apply to both the “pay-in” and “pay-out” phase of your Deferred Annuity as well as your Income Annuity.
Restrictions on Frequent Transfers/Reallocations. Frequent requests from Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants to make transfers/reallocations may dilute the value of a Portfolio’s shares if the frequent transfers/reallocations involve an attempt to take advantage of pricing inefficiencies created by a lag between a change in the value of the securities held by the Portfolio and the reflection of that change in the Portfolio’s share price (“arbitrage trading”). Frequent transfers/reallocations involving arbitrage trading may adversely affect the long-term performance of the Portfolios, which may in turn adversely affect Contract Owners and other persons who may have an interest in the Contracts (e.g., participants/Annuitants and Beneficiaries).
We have policies and procedures that attempt to detect and deter frequent transfers/reallocations in situations where we determine there is a potential for arbitrage trading. Currently, we believe that such situations may be presented in the international, small-cap, and high-yield Portfolios. (the “Monitored Portfolios”). These are:


American Funds Global Small Capitalization Fund
American Funds Growth Fund
American Funds Growth-Income Fund
American Funds The Bond Fund of America
Baillie Gifford International Stock Portfolio
CBRE Global Real Estate Portfolio
Harris Oakmark International Portfolio
Invesco Global Equity Portfolio
Invesco Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Loomis Sayles Global Allocation Portfolio
Loomis Sayles Small Cap Core Portfolio
Loomis Sayles Small Cap Growth Portfolio
MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index Portfolio
MetLife Russell 2000® Index Portfolio
MFS® Research International Portfolio
Neuberger Berman Genesis Portfolio
T. Rowe Price Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Western Asset Management Strategic Bond Opportunities Portfolio
We monitor transfer/reallocation activity in those Monitored Portfolios. In addition, as described below, we intend to treat all American Funds® as Monitored Portfolios. We employ various means to monitor transfer/reallocation activity, such as examining the frequency and size of transfers/reallocations into and out of the Monitored Portfolios within given periods of time. For example, we currently monitor transfer/reallocation activity to determine if, for each category of international, small-cap, and high-yield Portfolios, in a 12-month period there were (1) six or more transfers/reallocations involving the given category; (2) cumulative gross transfers/reallocations involving the given category that exceed the current Account Value; and (3) two or more “round-trips” involving any Monitored Portfolio in the given category. A round-trip generally is defined as a transfer/reallocation in followed by a transfer/reallocation out within the next seven calendar days or a transfer/reallocation out followed by a transfer/reallocation in within the next seven calendar days, in either case subject to certain other criteria.
We do not believe that other Portfolios present a significant opportunity to engage in arbitrage trading and therefore do not monitor transfer/reallocation activity in those Portfolios. We may change the Monitored Portfolios at any time without notice in our sole discretion.
As a condition to making their Portfolios available in our products, American Funds® requires us to treat all American Funds Portfolios as Monitored Portfolios under our current frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures. Further, American Funds® requires us to impose additional specified monitoring criteria for all American Funds Portfolios available under the Contract, regardless of the potential for arbitrage trading. We are required to monitor transfer/reallocation activity in American Funds Portfolios to determine if there were two or more transfers/reallocations in followed by transfers/reallocations out, in each case of a certain dollar amount or greater, in any 30-day period. A first violation of the American Funds® monitoring policy will result in a written


notice of violation; each additional violation will result in the imposition of a six-month restriction during which period we will require all transfer/reallocation requests to or from an American Funds Portfolio to be submitted with an original signature. Further, as Monitored Portfolios, all American Funds Portfolios also will be subject to our current frequent transfer/reallocation policies, procedures and restrictions (described below), and transfer/reallocation restrictions may be imposed upon a violation of either monitoring policy. A process has been implemented to enforce the American Funds® restrictions. There is no guarantee that this process will detect all contract holders whose transfer/reallocation activity in the American Funds® Portfolios violates this monitoring policy.
Our policies and procedures may result in transfer/reallocation restrictions being applied to deter frequent transfers/reallocations. Currently, when we detect transfer/reallocation activity in the Monitored Portfolios that exceeds our current transfer/reallocation limits, we require future requests transfer/reallocation to or from any Monitored Portfolio under that Contract to be submitted in writing with an original signature. A first occurrence will result in a warning letter; a second occurrence will result in the imposition of this restriction for a six-month period; a third occurrence will result in the permanent imposition of this restriction.
Transfers made under an Automated Investment Strategy are not treated as transfers when we monitor the frequency of transfers.
Your third-party administrator has its own standards with regard to monitoring activity in the Monitored Portfolios and how subsequent transfer/reallocation activity will be restricted once those standards are triggered. These standards and subsequent trading restrictions may be more or less restrictive than ours, and presently include restrictions on non-Monitored Portfolios. The differences in monitoring standards and restrictions are due to systems limitations and may change from time to time as those systems are upgraded.
The detection and deterrence of harmful transfer/reallocation activity involves judgments that are inherently subjective, such as the decision to monitor only those Portfolios that we believe are susceptible to arbitrage trading or the determination of the transfer/reallocation limits. Our ability to detect and/or restrict such transfer/reallocation activity may be limited by operational and technological systems, as well as our ability to predict strategies employed by Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants to avoid such detection. Our ability to restrict such transfer/reallocation activity also may be limited by provisions of the Contract. Accordingly, there is no assurance that we will prevent all transfer/reallocation activity that may adversely affect Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants and other persons with interests in the Contracts. We do not accommodate frequent transfers/reallocations in any Portfolio and there are no arrangements in place to permit any Contract Owner or participant/Annuitant to engage in frequent transfers/reallocations; we apply our policies and procedures without exception, waiver or special arrangement.
The Portfolios may have adopted their own policies and procedures with respect to frequent transfers/reallocations in their respective shares, and we reserve the right to enforce these policies and procedures. For example, Portfolios may assess a redemption fee (which we reserve the right to collect) on shares held for a relatively short period. The prospectuses for the Portfolios describe any such policies and procedures, which may be more or less restrictive than the policies and procedures we have adopted. Although we may not have the contractual authority or the operational capacity to apply the frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures of the Portfolios, we have entered into a written agreement, as required by SEC regulation, with each Fund or its principal underwriter that obligates us to provide to the Portfolios promptly upon request certain information about the trading activity of individual Contract Owners, and to execute instructions from the Portfolios to restrict or prohibit further purchases or transfers/reallocations by specific Contract Owners who violate the frequent transfer/reallocation policies established by the Portfolios.


In addition, Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants and other persons with interests in the Contracts should be aware that the purchase and redemption orders received by the Portfolios generally are “omnibus” orders from intermediaries, such as retirement plans or separate accounts funding variable insurance contracts. The omnibus orders reflect the aggregation and netting of multiple orders from individual owners of variable insurance contracts and/or individual retirement plan participants. The omnibus nature of these orders may limit the Portfolios in their ability to apply their frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures. In addition, the other insurance companies and/or retirement plans may have different policies and procedures or may not have any such policies and procedures because of contractual limitations. For these reasons, we cannot guarantee that the Portfolios (and thus Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants) will not be harmed by transfer/reallocation activity relating to the other insurance companies and/or retirement plans that may invest in the Portfolios. If a Portfolio believes that an omnibus order reflects one or more transfer/reallocation requests from Contract Owners engaged in frequent transfer/reallocation trading activity, the Portfolio may reject the entire omnibus order.
In accordance with applicable law, we reserve the right to modify or terminate the transfer/reallocation privilege at any time. We also reserve the right to defer or restrict the transfer/reallocation privilege at any time that we are unable to purchase or redeem shares of any of the Portfolios, including any refusal or restriction on purchases or redemptions of their shares as a result of their own policies and procedures on frequent transfers/reallocations (even if an entire omnibus order is rejected due to the frequent transfers/reallocations of a single Contract Owner or participant/Annuitant). You should read the Portfolio prospectuses for more details.
Restrictions on Large Transfers/Reallocations. Large transfers/reallocations may increase brokerage and administrative costs of the underlying Portfolios and may disrupt portfolio management strategy, requiring a Portfolio to maintain a large cash position and possibly resulting in lost investment opportunities and forced liquidations. We do not monitor for large transfers/reallocations to or from Portfolios except where the Portfolio manager of a particular underlying Portfolio has brought large transfer/reallocation activity to our attention for investigation on a case-by-case basis. For example, some portfolio managers have asked us to monitor for “block transfers” where transfer/reallocation requests have been submitted on behalf of multiple Contract Owners by a third party such as an investment adviser. When we detect such large trades, we may impose restrictions similar to those described above where future transfer/reallocation requests from that third party must be submitted in writing with an original signature. A first occurrence will result in a warning letter; a second occurrence will result in the imposition of this restriction for a six-month period; a third occurrence will result in the permanent imposition of the restriction.
You may cancel your Contract within a certain time period. This is known as a “free look.” We must receive your request to cancel in writing by the appropriate day in your state, which varies from state to state. The time period may also vary depending on your age and whether You purchased your Contract from us directly, through the mail or with money from another annuity or life insurance policy. Depending on state law, we may refund (i) all of your purchase payment or (ii) the value of your Accumulation Units as of the date your refund request is received at your Administrative Office in Good Order (this means you bear the risk of any decline in the value of your Contract due to the performance of the Divisions during the Free Look period). If You do not cancel your Contract during the “free-look” period, your decision to purchase the Contract is irrevocable. You do not have a “free look” if You are electing income payments in the pay-out phase of your Contract.


The following table summarizes information about the benefits available under the Contract:
Name of Benefit* Purpose Is Benefit Standard or Optional? Maximum Fee Brief Description of Restrictions/Limitations
Basic Death Benefit The Contract’s Death Proceeds at any time are the greater of: (1) the sum of all purchase payments adjusted for any premium tax, outstanding loan amount, and prior surrenders; or (2) Your highest Account Value as of December 31 following the end of your fifth Contract Year and at the end of every other five year period. In any case, less any later partial withdrawals, fees and charges; or (3)The total of all of your purchase payments less any partial withdrawals (including any applicable Early Withdrawal Charge). Standard None • Withdrawals or loans could significantly reduce the benefit.
The Equity Generator® An amount equal to the interest earned in the Fixed Interest Account is transferred monthly to any one Division based on your selection. Standard None • Benefit limits available investment options.
• If your Fixed Interest Account Balance at the time of a scheduled transfer is zero, this strategy is automatically discontinued.
The EqualizerSM Each quarter, amounts are transferred between the Fixed Interest Account and your chosen Division to make the value of each equal. Standard None • Benefit limits available investment options.


Name of Benefit* Purpose Is Benefit Standard or Optional? Maximum Fee Brief Description of Restrictions/Limitations
The Rebalancer® You select a specific asset allocation for your entire Account Balance from among the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account, if available. Each quarter we transfer amounts among these options to bring the percentage of your Account Balance in each option back to your original allocation. Standard None • In the future, we may permit You to allocate less than 100% of your Account Balance to this strategy.
The Index Selector® You may select one of five asset allocation models which are designed to correlate to various risk tolerance levels. Each quarter the percentage in each of the Divisions in which the model invests and any Fixed Interest Account is brought back to the selected model percentage by transferring amounts among the Divisions and any Fixed Interest Account. Standard None • Benefit limits available investment options.
The AllocatorSM Transfers a dollar amount of your choice from the Fixed Interest Account to any of the Divisions you choose on a monthly basis. Standard None • Benefit limits available investment options.
• Minimum periodic transfer of $50 is required.
• Once your Fixed Interest Account Balance is exhausted, the strategy is discontinued.


Name of Benefit* Purpose Is Benefit Standard or Optional? Maximum Fee Brief Description of Restrictions/Limitations
Systematic Withdrawal Program Before the Maturity Date, You can arrange to have money sent to You at set intervals throughout the year. Standard None • Any applicable income and penalty taxes will apply on amounts withdrawn. Withdrawals in excess of the annual free withdrawal allowance may be subject to a withdrawal charge.
• To elect systematic withdrawals You must have a Contract Value of at least $5,000
* If your annuity was issued in connection with an employer plan, you should check with your employer regarding the availability of riders.
Death Benefit
One of the insurance guarantees we provide You under your Deferred Annuity is that your Beneficiaries will be protected during the “pay-in” phase against market downturns. You name your Beneficiary(ies) under the following Deferred Annuities:
Enhanced TSA
Enhanced Non-Qualified
Enhanced 403(a)
Enhanced Traditional IRA
For the following Deferred Annuities the trustee receives the death benefit:
Non-Qualified Deferred Annuity for
Section 457(f) deferred compensation plan
Section 451 deferred fee arrangements
Section 451 deferred compensation plans
Section 457(e)(11) severance and death benefit plans
Section 415(m) qualified governmental excess benefit arrangements
For PEDC Deferred Annuities, the employer or trustee receives the death benefit. The death benefit your Beneficiary receives will be the greatest of:
Your Account Value;
Your highest Account Value as of December 31 following the end of your fifth Contract Year and at the end of every other five year period. In any case, less any later partial withdrawals, fees and charges; or


The total of all of your purchase payments less any partial withdrawals (including any applicable Early Withdrawal Charge).
In each case, we deduct the amount of any outstanding loans from the death benefit.
The death benefit is determined as of the end of the business day on which we receive both due proof of death and an election for the payment method.
If we are notified of your death before any requested transaction is completed (which may include, depending on your administrative platform, transactions under automated investment strategies, the minimum distribution program and the Systematic Withdrawal Program), we may cancel the request. As described above, the death benefit will be determined when we receive proof of death and an election for the payment method.
Until the Beneficiary (or each Beneficiary if there are multiple Beneficiaries) submits the necessary documentation in Good Order, the Account Value attributable to his/her portion of the death benefit remains in the Divisions and is subject to investment risk.
Where there are multiple Beneficiaries, the death benefit will only be determined as of the time the first Beneficiary submits the necessary documentation in Good Order. If the death benefit payable is an amount that exceeds the Account Value on the day it is determined, we will apply to the Contract an amount equal to the difference between the death benefit payable and the Account Value in accordance with the current allocation of the Account Value. The remaining death benefit amounts are held in the Divisions and/or Fixed Interest Account until each of the other Beneficiaries submits the necessary documentation in Good Order to claim his/her death benefit. Any death benefit amounts held in the Divisions on behalf of the remaining Beneficiaries are subject to investment risk. There is no additional death benefit guarantee.
Your Beneficiary has the option to apply the death benefit (less any applicable premium and other taxes) to a pay-out option offered under your Deferred Annuity. Your Beneficiary may, however, decide to take the payment in one sum, including either by check, by placing the amount in an account that earns interest, or by any other method of payment that provides the Beneficiary with immediate and full access to the proceeds, or under other settlement options that we may make available.
If permitted in the Contract, if the Beneficiary is your spouse, he/she may be substituted as the purchaser of the Non-Qualified and Traditional IRA Deferred Annuities and continue the Contract under the terms and conditions of the Contract that applied prior to the Owner’s death, with certain exceptions described in the Contract. In that case, the Account Value will be reset to equal the death benefit on the date the spouse continues the Deferred Annuity. (Any additional amounts added to the Account Value will be allocated in the same proportions to each balance in a Division and the Fixed Interest Account as each bears to the total Account Value.) If the spouse continues the Deferred Annuity, the death benefit is calculated as previously described, except, all values used to calculate the death benefit, which may include highest Account Value as of December 31 following the end of the fifth Contract Year and every other five-year period, are reset on the date the spouse continues the Deferred Annuity. Your spouse may make additional purchase payments and transfers and exercise any other rights as a purchaser of the Contract. Any applicable Early Withdrawal Charges will be assessed against future withdrawals.
There is no death benefit after the pay-out phase begins, however, depending on the pay-out option you select, any remaining guarantee will be paid to your Beneficiary.


Total Control Account
The Beneficiary may elect to have the Contract’s death proceeds paid through a settlement option called the Total Control Account, subject to our current established administrative procedures and requirements. The Total Control Account is an interest-bearing account through which the Beneficiary has immediate and full access to the proceeds, with unlimited draft writing privileges. We credit interest to the account at a rate that will not be less than a guaranteed minimum annual effective rate. You may also elect to have any Contract surrender proceeds paid into a Total Control Account established for You.
Assets backing the Total Control Account are maintained in our general account and are subject to the claims of our creditors. We will bear the investment experience of such assets; however, regardless of the investment experience of such assets, the interest credited to the Total Control Account will never fall below the applicable guaranteed minimum annual effective rate. Because we bear the investment experience of the assets backing the Total Control Account, we may receive a profit from these assets. The Total Control Account is not insured by the FDIC or any other governmental agency.
Annual Contract Fee
There is no Annual Contract Fee. You may pay a $20 annual fee from the Fixed Interest Account at the end of each Contract Year.
Account Reduction Loan Fees
We may make available account reduction loans. If your plan or group of which You are a participant or member permits account reduction loans, and You take an account reduction loan, there is a $75 account reduction loan initiation fee. This fee is paid from the requested loan principal amount. There is also a $50 annual maintenance fee per loan outstanding. The maintenance fee is taken pro-rata from each Division and the Fixed Interest Account in which You then have a balance and is paid on a quarterly basis at the end of each quarter. Either or both fees may be waived for certain groups.
Charges Paid When Money is in a Division
There are two types of charges You pay while You have money in a Division:
Insurance-related charge (or Separate Account charge), and
Investment-related charge.
We describe these charges below. The amount of a charge may not necessarily correspond to the costs associated with providing the services or benefits indicated by the designation of the charge or associated with the particular Contract. For example, the Early Withdrawal Charge may not fully cover all of the sales and distribution expenses actually incurred by us, and proceeds from other charges, including the Separate Account charge, may be used in part to cover such expenses. We can profit from certain Contract charges.


Separate Account Charge
You will pay an insurance-related charge for the Separate Account (also described in this Prospectus as a “Base Contract Charge”) that is no more than 0.95% annually of the average value of the amount You have in the Separate Account. This charge pays us for general administrative expenses and for the mortality and expense risk of the Deferred Annuity.
General administrative expenses we incur include financial, actuarial, accounting, and legal expenses.
The mortality portion of the Base Contract charge pays us for the risk that You may live longer than we estimated. Then, we could be obligated to pay You more in payments from a pay-out option than we anticipated. Also, we bear the risk that the guaranteed death benefit we would pay should You die during your “pay-in” phase is larger than your Account Value. We also bear the risk that our expenses in administering the Deferred Annuities may be greater than we estimated (expense risk). The Separate Account charge You pay will not reduce the number of Accumulation Units credited to You. Instead, we deduct the charge as part of the calculation of the Accumulation Unit Value. We guarantee that the Separate Account insurance-related charge will not increase while You have this Contract.
Portfolio Company Charges
Charges are deducted from and expenses are paid out of the assets of the Portfolios that are described in the prospectuses for those companies. Four classes of shares available to the Deferred Annuities have 12b-1 Plan fees, which pay for distribution expenses. The percentage You pay for the investment-related charge depends on which Divisions You select.
Transfer Fee
Although we do not currently impose a transfer fee, we reserve the right to limit transfers as described above in “Transfer Privilege.” We reserve the right to impose a transfer fee. The amount of this fee will be no greater than $25 per transfer.
Early Withdrawal Charges for TSA, 403(a), Non-Qualified, PEDC and IRA Enhanced Deferred Annuities
An Early Withdrawal Charge of up to 7% may apply if You withdraw purchase payments within seven years of when they were credited to your Deferred Annuity. The Early Withdrawal Charge does not apply in certain situations or upon the occurrence of certain events or circumstances. To determine the Early Withdrawal Charge for the TSA, 403(a), Non-Qualified, PEDC and IRA Enhanced Deferred Annuities, we treat your Fixed Interest Account and Separate Account as if they were a single account and ignore both your actual allocations and the Fixed Interest Account or Divisions from which the withdrawal is actually coming. To do this, we first assume that your withdrawal is from purchase payments that can be withdrawn without an Early Withdrawal Charge, then from other purchase payments on a “first-in-first-out” (oldest money first) basis and then from earnings. Once we have determined the amount of the Early Withdrawal Charge, we will then withdraw it from the Fixed Interest Account and the Divisions in the same proportion as the withdrawal is being made. In determining what the withdrawal charge is, we do not include earnings, although the actual withdrawal to pay it may come from earnings. However, if the Early Withdrawal Charge is greater than the available purchase payments, then we will take the Early Withdrawal Charges, in whole or in part, from your earnings. For Financial Freedom and certain Non-Qualified Enhanced Deferred Annuities, Early Withdrawal Charges do not apply to the Separate Account. However, these charges may apply to withdrawals from the Fixed Interest Account and to transfers from the Fixed Interest Account into the Divisions.


For partial withdrawals, the Early Withdrawal Charge is determined by dividing the amount that is subject to the Early Withdrawal Charge by 100% minus the applicable percentage shown in the following chart. Then we will make the payment directed and withdraw the Early Withdrawal Charge. We will treat your request as a request for a full withdrawal if your Account Value is not sufficient to pay both the requested withdrawal and the Early Withdrawal Charge.
For a full withdrawal, we multiply the amount to which the withdrawal charge applies by the percentage shown, keep the result as an Early Withdrawal Charge and pay You the rest.
The Early Withdrawal Charge on purchase payments withdrawn is as follows:
During Purchase Payment
1 7%
2 6%
3 5%
4 4%
5 3%
6 2%
7 1%
8 & Later 0%
The Early Withdrawal Charge reimburses us for our costs in selling the Deferred Annuities. We may use our profits (if any) from the mortality and expense risk charge to pay for our costs to sell the Deferred Annuities which exceed the amount of Early Withdrawal Charges we collect. However, we believe that our sales costs may exceed the Early Withdrawal Charges we collect. If so, we will pay the difference out of our general profits.
Because of the reduced sales costs for certain Enhanced Deferred Annuities, there are no Early Withdrawal Charges.
For certain deferred arrangements and plans, You pay no Early Withdrawal Charges on withdrawals from Financial Freedom Deferred Annuities and Non-Qualified Enhanced Deferred Annuities.
When No Early Withdrawal Charge Applies for TSA, 403(a), Non-Qualified, PEDC and IRA Enhanced Deferred Annuities
In some cases, we will not charge You the Early Withdrawal Charge when You make a withdrawal. We may, however, ask You to prove that You meet one of the conditions listed below.
You do not pay an Early Withdrawal Charge:
On transfers You make within your Deferred Annuity among Divisions and transfers to or from the Fixed Interest Account.
On withdrawals of purchase payments You made over seven years ago.
If You choose payments over one or more lifetimes or for a period of at least five years (without the right to accelerate the payments).
If You die during the pay-in phase. Your beneficiary will receive the full death benefit without deduction.


If your Contract permits and your spouse is substituted as the purchaser of the Deferred Annuity and continues the Contract, that portion of the Account Value that equals the “step up” portion of the death benefit.
If You withdraw up to 20% (10% for certain TSA Enhanced Deferred Annuities) of your Account Value each Contract Year. This 20% (or 10%) total withdrawal may be taken in an unlimited number of partial withdrawals during that Contract Year. Each time You make a withdrawal, we calculate what percentage your withdrawal represents at that time. Only when the total of these percentages exceeds 20% (or 10%) will You have to pay Early Withdrawal Charges.
If the withdrawal is required for You to avoid Federal income tax penalties or to satisfy Federal income tax rules or Department of Labor regulations that apply to your Deferred Annuity, for purposes of this exception, we will treat the Contract as if it were your only account subject to the minimum distribution rules. This exception does not apply if You have a Non-Qualified Deferred Annuity or if the withdrawal is to satisfy Section 72(t) requirements under the Code.
Systematic Termination. For all Deferred Annuities except certain TSA, Non-Qualified and IRA Enhanced Deferred Annuities, if the Contract is terminated, You may withdraw your total Account Value without an Early Withdrawal Charge when the Account Value is paid in annual installments based on the following percentages of your Account Value for that year’s withdrawal:
Contract Year* Percentage
1 20%
2 25%
3 33 %
4 50%
5 remainder
* Less that Contract Year’s withdrawals.
Any money You withdraw in excess of these percentages in any Contract Year will be subject to Early Withdrawal Charges. You may stop the systematic termination of the Contract. If You ask to restart systematic termination, You begin at the beginning of the schedule listed above.
If You are disabled and request a total withdrawal. Disability is defined in the Federal Social Security Act.
If You retire:
For certain Enhanced TSA Deferred Annuities, if You have also participated for at least 10 consecutive years. This does not apply for withdrawals of money transferred into the Contract from other investment vehicles on a tax-free basis (plus earnings on such amounts). Participated for at least 10 consecutive years means that your Contract must have been in existence for 10 years prior to the requested withdrawal.
For the Non-Qualified and certain PEDC Deferred Annuities, if You retire.
For certain TSA, PEDC and 403(a) Enhanced Deferred Annuities, if You also have participated for at least 10 consecutive years unless You retire according to the definition of retirement stated in your plan. Participated for at least 10 consecutive years means that your Contract must have been in existence for 10 years prior to the requested withdrawal.
If your plan provides payment on account of hardship and You suffer from an unforeseen hardship. (Except for certain TSA, 403(a), Non-Qualified and IRA Enhanced Deferred Annuities.) For certain TSA Enhanced Deferred Annuities, You must only have suffered an unforeseen hardship.
If You leave your job with the employer that bought the Deferred Annuity. (Except for certain TSA, Non-Qualified and IRA Enhanced Deferred Annuities.)


If your plan terminates and the withdrawal is transferred into another annuity contract we issue. (Except for certain TSA, Non-Qualified and IRA Enhanced Deferred Annuities.)
If You make a direct transfer to other investment vehicles we have pre-approved. (Except for certain Non-Qualified and IRA Enhanced Deferred Annuities.)
If You withdraw money under a plan provision which we have pre-approved. (Except for certain TSA, Non-Qualified, PEDC and IRA Enhanced Deferred Annuities.)
If the plan or group of which You are a participant or member permits account reduction loans, You take an account reduction loan and the withdrawal consists of these account reduction loan amounts.
If You have transferred money which is not subject to a withdrawal charge (because You have satisfied contractual provisions for a withdrawal without the imposition of a Contract withdrawal charge) from certain eligible MetLife contracts into the Deferred Annuity and the withdrawal is of these transferred amounts and we agree. Any purchase payments made after the transfer are subject to the usual Early Withdrawal Charge schedule.
If permitted in your state, except for Non-Qualified and IRA Deferred Annuities, if You make a direct transfer to another funding option or annuity contract issued by us or one of our affiliates and we agree.
When A Different Early Withdrawal Charge May Apply
If You transferred money from certain eligible MetLife contracts into a Deferred Annuity, You may have different Early Withdrawal Charges for these transferred amounts. Any purchase payments made after the transfer are subject to the usual Early Withdrawal Charge schedule.
Amounts transferred before January 1, 1996. We credit your transfer amounts with the time You held them under your original Contract. Or, if it will produce a lower charge, we use the following schedule to determine Early Withdrawal Charges (determined as previously described) for transferred amounts from your original Contract:
During Purchase Payment
1 5%
2 4%
3 3%
4 2%
5 1%
6 and Beyond 0%
Amounts transferred on or after January 1996. For certain Contracts which we issued at least two years before the date of transfer (except as noted below), we apply the withdrawal charge under your original Contract but not any of the original contract’s exceptions or reductions to the withdrawal charge percentage that do not apply to a Deferred Annuity. Or, if it will produce a lower charge, we use the following schedule to determine Early Withdrawal Charges for transferred amounts from your original Contract:
During Transfer
1 5%
2 4%


During Transfer
3 3%
4 2%
5 1%
6 and Beyond 0%
If we issued the other Contract less than two years before the date of the transfer or it has a separate withdrawal charge for each purchase payment, we treat your purchase payments under the other Contract as if they were made under the Deferred Annuity as of the date we received them under that Contract.
Alternatively, if provided for in your Deferred Annuity, we credit your purchase payments with the time You held them under your original Contract.
Divorce. A withdrawal made pursuant to a divorce or separation agreement is subject to the same Withdrawal Charge provisions described in this section, if permissible under tax law. In addition, the withdrawal will reduce the Account Value and the death benefit. The withdrawal could have a significant negative impact on the death benefit.
Pay-Out Options (or Income Options)
You may convert your Deferred Annuity into a regular stream of income after your “pay-in” or “accumulation” phase. The pay-out phase is often referred to as either “annuitizing” your Contract or taking an income annuity. When You select your pay-out option, You will be able to choose from the range of options we then have available. You have the flexibility to select a stream of income to meet your needs. If You decide You want a pay-out option, we withdraw some or all of your Account Value (less any premium taxes, outstanding loans and applicable Contract fees), then we apply the net amount to the option. (See “Income Taxes” for a discussion of partial annuitization.) You are not required to hold your Deferred Annuity for any minimum time period before You may annuitize. The variable pay-out option may not be available in all states.
When considering a pay-out option, You should think about whether You want:
Payments guaranteed by us for the rest of your life (or for the rest of two lives);
Payments guaranteed by us for the rest of your life (or for the rest of two lives) or for a specified period;
A fixed dollar payment or a variable payment; or
A refund feature.
Your income payment amount will depend upon your choices. For lifetime options, the age and sex (where permitted) of the measuring lives (annuitants) will also be considered. For example, if You select a pay-out option guaranteeing payments for your lifetime and your spouse’s lifetime, your payments will typically be lower than if You select a pay-out option with payments over only your lifetime. The terms of the Contract supplement to your Deferred Annuity will determine when your income payments start and the frequency with which You will receive your income payments. If You do not tell us otherwise, your Fixed Interest Account Value will be used to provide a Fixed Income Option and your Separate Account Value will be used to provide a variable pay-out income option.
You can change or extend the date income payments begin at any time before the date specified in the Contract with 30 days prior notice to us (subject to restrictions that may apply in your state, restrictions imposed by your selling firm and our current established administrative procedures).


Please be aware that once your Contract is annuitized, You are ineligible to receive the death benefit.
Because the features of variable pay-out options in the Deferred Annuities are identical to the features of Income Annuities, please read the sections under the “Income Annuities” heading for more information about the available income types and the value of your income payments, reallocations and charges of your Contract in the pay-out phase.
Special Charges That Apply If Your Retirement Plan Terminates Its Deferred Annuity or Takes Other Action
Under certain TSA Deferred Annuities, amounts equal to some or all of the early withdrawal charge imposed under a contract of another issuer in connection with the transfer of money into a TSA Deferred Annuity may be credited to your Account Value. If such amounts are credited to a TSA Deferred Annuity, special termination charges may be imposed. These charges may also apply if the plan introduces other funding vehicles provided by other carriers. Charges are not imposed on plan participants; but rather are absorbed by the Contract owner. Therefore, under the Contract, the participant will incur only the withdrawal charges, if applicable, otherwise discussed in this Prospectus. The charges to the plan are imposed on the amount initially transferred to MetLife for the first seven years according to the schedule in the following table:
During Contract
1 5.6%
2 5.0%
3 4.5%
4 4.0%
5 3.0%
6 2.0%
7 1.0%
8 and Beyond 0%
The charge to the plan, for partial withdrawals, is determined by multiplying the amount of the withdrawal that is subject to the charge by the applicable percentage shown above.
Premium and Other Taxes
Some jurisdictions tax what are called “annuity considerations.” These may apply to purchase payments, Account Values and death benefits. In most jurisdictions, we currently do not deduct any money from purchase payments, Account Values or death benefits to pay these taxes. Generally, our practice is to deduct money to pay premium taxes (also known as “annuity” taxes) only when You exercise a pay-out option. In certain jurisdictions, we may also deduct money to pay premium taxes on lump sum withdrawals or when You exercise a pay-out option. We may deduct an amount to pay premium taxes some time in the future since the laws and the interpretation of the laws relating to annuities are subject to change.
Premium taxes, if applicable, depend on the Contract You purchase and your home state or jurisdiction. A chart in Appendix B shows the jurisdictions where premium taxes are charged and the amount of these taxes.


We also reserve the right to deduct from purchase payments, Account Value, withdrawals or income payments, any taxes (including but not limited to premium taxes) paid by us to any government entity relating to the Contract. Examples of these taxes include, but are not limited to, generation skipping transfer tax or a similar excise tax under Federal or state tax law which is imposed on payments we make to certain persons and income tax withholdings on withdrawals and income payments to the extent required by law. We will, at our sole discretion, determine when taxes relate to the Contract. We may, at our sole discretion, pay taxes when due and deduct that amount from the Account Value at a later date. Payment at an earlier date does not waive any right we may have to deduct amounts at a later date.
We reserve the right to deduct from the Contract for any income taxes which we incur because of the Contract. In general, we believe under current Federal income tax law, we are entitled to hold reserves with respect to the Contract that offset Separate Account income. If this should change, it is possible we could incur income tax with respect to the Contract, and in that event we may deduct such tax from the Contract. At the present time, however, we are not incurring any such income tax or making any such deductions.
All transactions will be processed in the manner described below.
Purchase Payments
Send your purchase payments, by check, cashier’s check or certified check made payable to “MetLife,” to your Administrative Office or a MetLife sales office, if that office has been designated for this purpose. (We reserve the right to receive purchase payments by other means acceptable to us.) We do not accept cash, money orders or traveler’s checks. We will provide You with all necessary forms. We must have all documents in Good Order to credit your purchase payments.
We reserve the right to refuse purchase payments made via a personal check in excess of $100,000. Purchase payments over $100,000 may be accepted in other forms, including but not limited to, EFT/wire transfers, certified checks, corporate checks, and checks written on financial institutions. The form in which we receive a purchase payment may determine how soon subsequent disbursement requests may be fulfilled. (See “Access To Your Money.”) If You send your purchase payments or transaction requests to an address other than the one we have designated for receipt of such purchase payments or requests, we may return the purchase payment to You, or there may be delay in applying the purchase payment or transaction to your Contract. Purchase payments (including any portion of your Account Value under a Deferred Annuity which You apply to a pay-out option) are effective and valued as of the close of the Exchange, on the day we receive them in Good Order at your Administrative Office, except when they are received:
On a day when the Accumulation Unit Value/Annuity Unit Value is not calculated, or
After the close of the Exchange.
In those cases, the purchase payments will be effective the next day the Accumulation Unit Value or Annuity Unit Value, as applicable, is calculated. If payments on your behalf are not made in a timely manner, there may be a delay in when amounts are credited.
We reserve the right to credit your initial purchase payment to You within two days after its receipt at your Administrative Office or MetLife sales office, if applicable. However, if You fill out our forms incorrectly or incompletely or other documentation is not completed properly or otherwise not in Good Order, we have up to five business days to credit the payment. If the problem cannot be resolved by the fifth business day, we will notify You and give You the


reasons for the delay. At that time, You will be asked whether You agree to let us keep your money until the problem is resolved. If You do not agree or we cannot reach You by the fifth business day, your money will be returned.
Under certain group Deferred Annuities and group Income Annuities, your employer, or the group in which You are a participant or member must identify You on their reports to us and tell us how your money should be allocated among the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account/Fixed Income Option.
Confirming Transactions
You will receive a statement confirming that a transaction was recently completed. Certain transactions made on a periodic basis, such as Systematic Withdrawal Program payments, and automated investment strategy transfers, may be confirmed quarterly. Salary reduction or deduction purchase payments under TSA Deferred Annuities are confirmed quarterly. Unless You inform us of any errors within 60 days of receipt, we will consider these communications to be accurate and complete.
Processing Transactions
We permit You to request transactions by mail and telephone. We make Internet access available to You for your Deferred Annuity. We may suspend or eliminate telephone or Internet privileges at any time, without prior notice. We reserve the right not to accept requests for transactions by facsimile.
If mandated by applicable law, including, but not limited to, Federal anti-money laundering laws, we may be required to reject a purchase payment. We may also be required to block an Owner’s account and, consequently, refuse to implement any requests for transfers/reallocations, withdrawals, surrenders or death benefits, until instructions are received from the appropriate governmental authority.
By Telephone or Internet
You may obtain information and initiate a variety of transactions about your Deferred Annuity by telephone or the Internet virtually 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unless prohibited by state law or your employer. Some of the information and transactions accessible to You include:
Account Value
Unit Values
Current rates for the Fixed Interest Account
Changes to investment strategies
Changes in the allocation of future purchase payments.
Your transaction must be in Good Order and completed prior to the close of the Exchange on one of our business days if You want the transaction to be valued and effective on that day. Transactions will not be valued and effective on a day when the Accumulation or Annuity Unit Value is not calculated or after the close of the Exchange. We will value and make effective these transactions on our next business day.
We will use reasonable procedures such as requiring certain identifying information, tape recording the telephone instructions, and providing written confirmation of the transaction, in order to confirm that instructions communicated by telephone, fax, Internet or other means are genuine. Any telephone, fax or Internet instructions reasonably believed by us to be genuine will be your responsibility, including losses arising from any errors in the


communication of instructions. As a result of this policy, You will bear the risk of loss. If we do not employ reasonable procedures to confirm that instructions communicated by telephone, fax or Internet are genuine, we may be liable for any losses due to unauthorized or fraudulent transactions. All other requests and elections under your Contract must be in writing signed by the proper party, must include any necessary documentation and must be received at your Administrative Office to be effective. If acceptable to us, requests or elections relating to beneficiaries and ownership will take effect as of the date signed unless we have already acted in reliance on the prior status. We are not responsible for the validity of any written request or action.
Telephone and computer systems may not always be available. Any telephone or computer system, whether it is yours, your service provider’s, your agent’s, or ours, can experience outages or slowdowns for a variety of reasons. These outages or slowdowns may delay or prevent our processing of your request. Although we have taken precautions to help our systems handle heavy use, we cannot promise complete reliability under all circumstances. If you experience technical difficulties or problems, You should make your transaction request in writing to your Administrative Office.
Response times for the telephone or Internet may vary due to a variety of factors, including volumes, market conditions and performance of systems.
We are not responsible or liable for:
any inaccuracy, error, or delay in or omission of any information You transmit or deliver to us; or
any loss or damage You may incur because of such inaccuracy, error, delay or omission; non-performance; or any interruption of information beyond our control.
After Your Death
If we are notified of your death before any requested transaction is completed (which may include, depending on your administrative platform, transactions under automated investment strategies, the minimum distribution program and the Systematic Withdrawal Program), we may cancel the request. For example, if You request a transfer or withdrawal for a date in the future under a Deferred Annuity and then die before that date, we will cancel the request. As described above, the death benefit will be determined when we receive due proof of death and an election for the payment method. For a Deferred Annuity in the pay-out phase and Income Annuity reallocations, we will cancel the request and continue making payments to your beneficiary if your Income Annuity or Deferred Annuity in the pay-out phase so provides. Or, depending on your Income Annuity’s or annuitized Deferred Annuity’s provisions, we may continue making payments to a joint Annuitant or pay your beneficiary a refund.
Abandoned Property Requirements
Every state has unclaimed property laws which generally declare non-ERISA (“Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974”) annuity Contracts to be abandoned after a period of inactivity of three to five years from the Contract’s maturity date (the latest day on which annuity payments may begin under the Contract) or the date the death benefit is due and payable. For example, if the payment of a death benefit has been triggered, but, if after a thorough search, we are still unable to locate the Beneficiary of the death benefit, or the Beneficiary does not come forward to claim the death benefit in a timely manner, the death benefit will be paid to the abandoned property division or unclaimed property office of the state in which the beneficiary or You last resided, as shown on our books and records, or to our state of domicile. (Escheatment is the formal, legal name of this process.) However, the state is obligated to pay the death benefit (without interest) if your Beneficiary steps forward to claim it with the proper documentation and within certain mandated time periods. To prevent your Contract’s proceeds from


being paid to the state abandoned or unclaimed property office, it is important that You update your Beneficiary designations, including addresses, if and as they change. Please call 1-800-638-7732 to make such changes.
We may require proof of age of the Annuitant, Owner, or beneficiary before making any payments under this Contract that are measured by the Annuitant’s, Owner’s, or beneficiary’s life. If the age of the Annuitant, Owner, or beneficiary has been misstated, the amount payable will be the amount that the Account Value would have provided at the correct age.
Once income payments have begun, any underpayments will be made up in one sum with the next income payment or in any other manner agreed to by us. Any overpayments will be deducted first from future income payments. In certain states we are required to pay interest on any underpayments.
Cybersecurity Risks
Our variable annuity contract business is largely conducted through digital communications and data storage networks and systems operated by us and our service providers or other business partners (e.g., the Portfolios and the firms involved in the distribution and sale of our variable annuity contracts). For example, many routine operations, such as processing your requests and elections and day-to-day record keeping, are all executed through computer networks and systems. We have established administrative and technical controls and a business continuity plan to protect our operations against cybersecurity breaches. Despite these protocols, a cybersecurity breach could have a material, negative impact on MetLife and the Separate Account, as well as You and your Contract. Our operations also could be negatively affected by a cybersecurity breach at a third party, such as a governmental or regulatory authority or another participant in the financial markets. Cybersecurity breaches can be intentional or unintentional events, and can occur through unauthorized access to computer systems, networks or devices; infection from computer viruses or other malicious software code; or attacks that shut down, disable, slow or otherwise disrupt operations, business processes or website access or functionality. Cybersecurity breaches can interfere with our processing of contract transactions, including the processing of transfer orders from our website or with the Portfolios; impact our ability to calculate Accumulation Unit Values; cause the release and possible destruction of your confidential information or business information; or impede order processing or cause other operational issues. Although we continually make efforts to identify and reduce our exposure to cybersecurity risk, there is no guarantee that we will be able to successfully manage this risk at all times.
Other Matters
Third Party Requests
Generally, we only accept requests for transactions or information from You. We reserve the right not to accept or to process transactions requested on your behalf by third parties. This includes processing transactions by an agent You designate, through a power of attorney or other authorization, who has the ability to control the amount and timing of transfers/reallocations for a number of other Contract Owners, and who simultaneously makes the same request or series of requests on behalf of other Contract Owners.
Valuation — Suspension of Payments
We separately determine the Accumulation Unit Value and Annuity Unit Value for each Division once each day at the close of the Exchange when the Exchange is open for trading. If permitted by law, we may change the period between calculations but we will give You 30 days notice.


When You request a transaction, we will process the transaction on the basis of the Accumulation Unit Value or Annuity Unit Value next determined after receipt of the request. Subject to our procedure, we will make withdrawals and transfers/reallocations at a later date, if You request. If your withdrawal request is to elect a variable pay-out option under your Deferred Annuity, we base the number of Annuity Units You receive on the next available Annuity Unit Value.
We reserve the right to suspend or postpone payment for a withdrawal, income payment or transfer/reallocation when:
rules of the SEC so permit (trading on the Exchange is limited, the Exchange is closed other than for customary weekend or holiday closings or an emergency exists which makes pricing or sale of securities not practicable); or
during any other period when the SEC by order so permits.
Advertising Performance
We periodically advertise the performance of the Divisions. You may get performance information from a variety of sources including your quarterly statements, your sales representative (where applicable), the Internet, annual reports and semiannual reports. All performance numbers are based upon historical earnings. These numbers are not intended to indicate future results. We may state performance in terms of “yield,” “change in Accumulation Unit Value/Annuity Unit Value,” “average annual total return” or some combination of these terms.
Yield is the net income generated by an investment in a particular Division for 30 days or a month. These figures are expressed as percentages. This percentage yield is compounded semiannually. The yield of the money market Division refers to the income generated by an investment in the Division over a seven-day period. This income is then annualized, by assuming that the same amount of income is generated each week over a 52-week period, and the total income is shown as a percentage of the investment.
Change in Accumulation/Annuity Unit Value (“Non-Standard Performance”) is calculated by determining the percentage change in the value of an Accumulation (or Annuity) Unit for a certain period. These numbers may also be annualized. Change in Accumulation/Annuity Unit Value may be used to demonstrate performance for a hypothetical investment (such as $10,000) over a specified period. These performance numbers reflect the deduction of the total Separate Account charges; however, yield and change in Accumulation/Annuity Unit Value performance do not reflect the possible imposition of Early Withdrawal Charges. Early Withdrawal Charges would reduce performance experience.
Average annual total return calculations (“Standard Performance”) reflect all Separate Account charges and applicable Early Withdrawal Charges since the Division inception date, which is the date the corresponding Portfolio or predecessor Portfolio was first offered under the Separate Account that funds the Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. These presentations for the Income Annuities reflect a 3% benchmark AIR. These figures also assume a steady annual rate of return.
For purposes of presentation of Non-Standard Performance, we may assume that the Deferred Annuities and the Income Annuities were in existence prior to the inception date of the Divisions in the Separate Account that funds the Deferred Annuities and the Income Annuities. In these cases, we calculate performance based on the historical performance of the underlying Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity® VIP Funds and American Funds® Portfolios since the Portfolio inception date. We use the actual Accumulation Unit or Annuity Unit data after the inception date. Any performance data that includes all or a portion of the time between the Portfolio inception date and the Division inception date is hypothetical. Hypothetical returns indicate what the


performance data would have been if the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities had been introduced as of the Portfolio inception date.
We may also present average annual total return calculations which reflect all Separate Account charges and applicable withdrawal charges since the Portfolio inception date. We use the actual Accumulation Unit or Annuity Unit data after the inception date. Any performance data that includes all or a portion of the time between the Portfolio inception date and the Division inception date is hypothetical. Hypothetical returns indicate what the performance data would have been if the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities had been introduced as of the Portfolio inception date.
We calculate performance for certain investment strategies including the Equalizer, Equity Generator and each asset allocation model of the Index Selector. We calculate the performance as a percentage by presuming a certain dollar value at the beginning of a period and comparing this dollar value with the dollar value based on historical performance at the end of that period. This percentage return assumes that there have been no withdrawals or other unrelated transactions.
We may state performance for the Divisions of the Income Annuity which reflect deduction of the Separate Account charge and investment-related charge, if accompanied by the annualized change in Annuity Unit Value.
We may demonstrate hypothetical values of income payments over a specified period based on historical net asset values of the Portfolios and the historical Annuity Unit Values and the applicable annuity purchase rate, either for an individual for whom the illustration is to be produced or based upon certain assumed factors (e.g., male, age 65). These presentations reflect the deduction of the maximum Separate Account charge and investment-related charge. If the presentation is for an individual, we may also provide a presentation that reflects the applicable (rather than the maximum) insurance-related charge, as well as the Annuity Unit Values and the investment-related charge.
We may assume that the Income Annuity was in existence prior to its inception date. When we do so, we calculate performance based on the historical performance of the underlying Portfolio for the period before the inception date of the Income Annuity and historical Annuity Unit Values.
We may also demonstrate hypothetical future values of income payments over a specified period based on assumed rates of return (which will not exceed 12% and which will include an assumption of 0% as well) for the Portfolios, hypothetical Annuity Unit Values and the applicable annuity purchase rate, either for an individual for whom the illustration is to be produced or based upon certain assumed factors (e.g., male, age 65). These presentations reflect the deduction of the maximum Separate Account charge and the average of investment-related charge. If the presentation is for an individual, we may also provide a presentation that reflects the applicable Separate Account charge (rather than the maximum), as well as the Annuity Unit Values and the investment-related charge.
An illustration should not be relied upon as a guarantee of future results.
Historical performance information should not be relied on as a guarantee of future performance results.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Performance figures will vary among the various Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities as a result of different Separate Account charges and Early Withdrawal Charges.


Changes to Your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity
We have the right to make certain changes to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity, but only as permitted by law. We make changes when we think they would best serve the interest of annuity Owners or would be appropriate in carrying out the purposes of the Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. If the law requires, we will also get your approval and the approval of any appropriate regulatory authorities. Examples of the changes we may make include:
To operate the Separate Account in any form permitted by law.
To take any action necessary to comply with or obtain and continue any exemptions under the law (including favorable treatment under the Federal income tax laws) including limiting the number, frequency or types of transfers/reallocations transactions permitted.
To transfer any assets in a Division to another Division, or to one or more separate accounts, or to our general account, or to add, combine or remove Divisions in the Separate Account.
To substitute for the Portfolio shares in any Division, the shares of another class of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II or the shares of another investment company or any other investment permitted by law.
To change the way we assess charges, but without increasing the aggregate amount charged to the Separate Account and any currently available Portfolio in connection with the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities.
To make any necessary technical changes in the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities in order to conform with any of the above-described actions.
If any changes result in a material change in the underlying investments of a Division in which You have a balance or an allocation, we will notify You of the change. You may then make a new choice of Divisions. For Deferred Annuities issued in Pennsylvania (and Income Annuities where required by law), we will ask your approval before making any technical changes. We will notify you of any changes to the Separate Account.
Voting Rights
Based on our current view of applicable law, You have voting interests under your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity concerning Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity® VIP Funds or American Funds® proposals that are subject to a shareholder vote. Therefore, You are entitled to give us instructions for the number of shares which are deemed attributable to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity.
We will vote the shares of each of the underlying Portfolios held by the Separate Account based on instructions we receive from those having a voting interest in the corresponding Divisions. However, if the law or the interpretation of the law changes, we may decide to exercise the right to vote the Portfolio’s shares based on our own judgment.
You are entitled to give instructions regarding the votes attributable to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity in your sole discretion. Under Section 457(f) deferred compensation plans, Section 451 deferred fee arrangements, Section 451 deferred compensation plans, Section 457(e)(11) severance and death benefit plans and the TSA Deferred Annuity and Income Annuities under which the employer retains all rights, we will provide You with the number of copies of voting instruction soliciting materials that You request so that You may furnish such materials to participants who may give You voting instructions. Neither the Separate Account nor MetLife has any duty to inquire as to the instructions received or your authority to give instructions; thus, as far as the Separate Account, and any others having voting interests in respect of the Separate Account are concerned, such instructions are valid and effective.


There are certain circumstances under which we may disregard voting instructions. If we do not receive your voting instructions, we will vote your interest in the same proportion as represented by the votes we receive from other investors. The effect of this proportional voting is that a small number of Contract Owners or Annuitants may control the outcome of a vote. Shares of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity® VIP Funds or American Funds® that are owned by our general account or by any of our unregistered separate accounts will be voted in the same proportion as the aggregate of:
The shares for which voting instructions are received; and
The shares that are voted in proportion to such voting instructions.
However, if the law or the interpretation of the law changes, we may decide to exercise the right to vote the Portfolio’s shares based on our judgment.
Who Sells the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities
MetLife Investors Distribution Company (“MLIDC”) is the principal underwriter and distributor of the securities offered through this Prospectus. MLIDC, which is our affiliate, also acts as the principal underwriter and distributor of some of the other variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies we and our affiliated companies issue. We reimburse MLIDC for expenses MLIDC incurs in distributing the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities (e.g., commissions payable to the retail broker-dealers who sell the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities). MLIDC does not retain any fees under the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities.
MLIDC’s principal executive offices are located at 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166. MLIDC is registered as a broker-dealer with the SEC under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), as well as the securities commissions in the states in which it operates, and is a member of the Financial Regulatory Industry Authority (“FINRA”). FINRA provides background information about broker-dealers and their registered representatives through FINRA BrokerCheck. You may contact the FINRA BrokerCheck Hotline at 1-800-289-9999, or log on to www.finra.org. An investor brochure that includes information describing FINRA BrokerCheck is available through the Hotline or on-line.
The Deferred Annuities are sold through unaffiliated broker-dealers, registered with the SEC as broker-dealers under the Exchange Act and members of FINRA. The Deferred Annuities may also be sold through the mail, the Internet or by telephone.
There is no front-end sales load deducted from purchase payments to pay sales commissions. Distribution costs are recovered through the charges and deductions under the Deferred Annuities. MLIDC pays compensation based upon a “gross dealer concession” model. With respect to the Deferred Annuities, the gross dealer concession ranges from 0.75% to 3% of each purchase payment and, starting in the second Contract Year, 0.09% of the Account Value each year that the Contract is in force for servicing the Contract. With respect to Income Annuities, the gross dealer concession is 6% of the purchase payment and, starting in the second Contract Year, 0.18% of the amount available from which income payments are made for each year the Contract is in force for servicing the Income Annuity. Gross dealer concession may also be paid when the Contract is annuitized. The amount of this gross dealer concession credited upon an annuitization depends on several factors, including the number of years the Contract has been in force.
We may make payments to MLIDC that may be used for its operating and other expenses, including the following sales expenses: compensation and bonuses for MLIDC’s management team, advertising expenses, and other expenses of distributing the Contracts. MLIDC’s management team and registered representatives also may be eligible for non-cash compensation items that we may provide jointly with MLIDC. Non-cash items include


conferences, seminars and trips (including travel, lodging and meals in connection therewith), entertainment, merchandise and other similar items. Broker-dealers pay their sales representatives all or a portion of the commissions received for their sales of the Contracts. Some firms may retain a portion of commissions. The amount that the broker-dealer passes on to its sales representatives is determined in accordance with its internal compensation programs. Those programs may also include other types of cash and non-cash compensation and other benefits. Sales representatives of these selling firms may also receive non-cash compensation pursuant to their firm’s guidelines directly from us or the distributor. We and our affiliates may also provide sales support in the form of training, sponsoring conferences, defraying expenses at vendor meetings, providing promotional literature and similar services. An unaffiliated broker-dealer or sales representative of an unaffiliated broker-dealer may receive different compensation for selling one product over another and/or may be inclined to favor one product provider over another product provider due to different compensation rates. Ask your sales representative (where applicable) for further information about what your sales representative (where applicable) and the broker-dealer for which he or she works may receive in connection with your purchase of a Contract.
From time to time, MetLife pays organizations, associations and non-profit organizations fees to sponsor MetLife’s variable annuity contracts. We may also obtain access to an organization’s members to market our variable annuity contracts. These organizations are compensated for their sponsorship of our variable annuity contracts in various ways. Primarily, they receive a flat fee from MetLife. We also compensate these organizations by our funding of their programs, scholarships, events or awards, such as a principal of the year award. We may also lease their office space or pay fees for display space at their events, purchase advertisements in their publications or reimburse or defray their expenses. In some cases, we hire organizations to perform administrative services for us, for which they are paid a fee based upon a percentage of the Account Values their members hold in the Contract. We also may retain finders and consultants to introduce MetLife to potential clients and for establishing and maintaining relationships between MetLife and various organizations. The finders and consultants are primarily paid flat fees and may be reimbursed for their expenses. We or our affiliates may also pay duly licensed individuals associated with these organizations cash compensation for the sales of the Contracts.
We will normally pay withdrawal proceeds within seven days after receipt of a request for a withdrawal at your Administrative Office, but we may delay payment as permitted by law, under certain circumstances. (See “Valuation — Suspension of Payments”). We reserve the right to defer payment for a partial withdrawal, withdrawal or transfer from the Fixed Interest Account for the period permitted by law, but for not more than six months.
Financial Statements
The financial statements of the Company, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, and of Separate Account E are contained in the Statement of Additional Information (SAI).
Your Spouse’s Rights
If You received your Contract through a qualified retirement plan and your plan is subject to ERISA (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974) and You are married, the income payments, withdrawal and loan provisions, and methods of payment of the death benefit under your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity may be subject to your spouse’s rights.
If your benefit is worth $5,000 or less, your plan may provide for distribution of your entire interest in a lump sum without your spouse’s consent.


For details or advice on how the law applies to your circumstances, consult your tax adviser or attorney.
Any reference to “spouse” includes those persons who are married under state law, regardless of sex.
When We Can Cancel Your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity
We may not cancel your Income Annuity.
We may cancel your Deferred Annuity only if we do not receive any purchase payments from You for 36 consecutive months and your Account Value is less than $2,000. Accordingly, no Contract will be terminated due solely to negative investment performance. We will only do so to the extent allowed by law. If we cancel a Deferred Annuity issued in New York, we will return the full Account Value. In all other cases, You will receive an amount equal to what You would have received if You had requested a total withdrawal of your Account Value. Early Withdrawal Charges may apply.
We may cancel your Non-Qualified Deferred Annuity for Section 457(f) deferred compensation plans, Section 451 deferred fee arrangements, Section 451 deferred compensation plans and Section 457(e)(11) severance and death benefit plans if we do not receive any purchase payments from You for 12 consecutive months and your Account Value is less than $15,000. Certain Deferred Annuities do not contain these cancellation provisions.
At our option, we may cancel certain TSA and PEDC Deferred Annuities if we determine that changes to your retirement plan would cause MetLife to pay more interest than we anticipated or to make more frequent payments than we anticipated in connection with the Fixed Interest Account. We may also cancel these Deferred Annuities, as legally permitted, if your retirement plan terminates or no longer qualifies as a tax sheltered arrangement. Also, the employer and MetLife may each cancel the Deferred Annuity upon 90 days notice to the other party.
We will not terminate any Contract where we keep records of your account if at the time the termination would otherwise occur the guaranteed amount under any death benefit is greater than the Account Value. For all other Contracts, we reserve the right to exercise this termination provision, subject to obtaining any required regulatory approvals. We will not exercise this provision under Contracts issued in New York. However, if your plan determines to terminate the Contract at a time when You have a guaranteed amount under any death benefit that is greater than the Account Value, You forfeit any guaranteed amount You have accrued under the death benefit upon termination of the Contract. The tax law may also restrict payment of surrender proceeds to participants under certain employer retirement plans prior to reaching certain permissible triggering events.
The following information on taxes is a general discussion of the subject. It is not intended as tax advice. The Internal Revenue Code (“Code”) and the provisions of the Code that govern annuities are complex and subject to change. The applicability of Federal income tax rules may vary with your particular circumstances. This discussion does not include all the Federal income tax rules that may affect You and your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable. Nor does this discussion address other Federal tax consequences (such as estate and gift taxes, sales to foreign individuals or entities), or state or local tax consequences, which may affect your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable. As a result, You should always consult a tax adviser for complete information and advice applicable to your individual situation.


When you invest in an annuity Contract, you usually do not pay taxes on your investment gains until you withdraw the money — generally for retirement purposes. Under current federal income tax law, the taxable portion of distributions from variable annuity contracts is taxed at ordinary income tax rates and does not qualify for the reduced tax rate applicable to long-term capital gains and dividends. If you invest in a variable annuity as part of an individual retirement plan, pension plan or employer-sponsored retirement program, your contract is called a Qualified Contract. If your annuity is independent of any formal retirement or pension plan, it is termed a Non-Qualified Contract. The tax rules applicable to Qualified Contracts vary according to the type of retirement plan and the terms and conditions of the plan.
We are not responsible for determining if your employer’s plan or arrangement satisfies the requirements of the Code and/or ERISA.
We do not expect to incur Federal, state or local income taxes on the earnings or realized capital gains attributable to the Separate Account. However, if we do incur such taxes in the future, we reserve the right to charge amounts allocated to the Separate Account for these taxes.
To the extent permitted under Federal tax law, we may claim the benefit of the corporate dividends received deduction and of certain foreign tax credits attributable to taxes paid by certain of the Portfolios to foreign jurisdictions.
Any Code reference to “spouse” includes those persons who enter into lawful marriages under state law, regardless of sex.
Non-Qualified Annuity Contracts
This discussion assumes the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, is an annuity Contract for Federal income tax purposes that is not held in a tax qualified “plan” defined by the Code. Tax qualified plans include arrangements described in Code Sections 401(a), 401(k), 403(a),403(b) or tax sheltered annuities (“TSA”), 408 or “IRAs” (including SEP and SIMPLE IRAs), 408A or “Roth IRAs” or 457(b) or governmental 457(b) plans. Deferred Annuities owned through such plans are referred to below as “qualified” contracts.
Generally, an Owner of a non-qualified annuity Contract is not taxed on increases in the value of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable until there is a distribution from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, i.e., surrender, partial withdrawal, income payment or commutation. This deferral of taxation on accumulated value in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is limited to Deferred Annuities owned by or held for the benefit of “natural persons.” A Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will be treated as held by a natural person if the nominal Owner is a trust or other entity which holds the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable as an agent for the exclusive benefit of a natural person.
In contrast, a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, owned or not treated as held by a “natural person,” such as a corporation, partnership, trust or other entity, will be taxed currently on the increase in accumulated value in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, in the year earned. Note that in this regard, an employer which is the Owner of an annuity Contract under a non-qualified deferred compensation arrangement for its employees, or otherwise, is considered a non-natural Owner and any annual increase in the Account Balance will be subject to current income taxation.


Surrenders or Withdrawals — Early Distribution
If You take a withdrawal from your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, or surrender your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable prior to the date You commence taking annuity or “income” payments (the “Annuity Starting Date”), the amount You receive will be treated first as coming from earnings, if any, (and thus subject to income tax) and then from your purchase payments (which are not subject to income tax).
The portion of any withdrawal from an annuity Contract that is subject to income tax will also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty for “early” distribution if such withdrawal is taken prior to You reaching age 59 12, unless an exception applies.
Exceptions include distributions made:
(a) on account of your death or disability,
(b) as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments payable for your life (or life expectancy) or joint lives (joint life expectancies) of You and your designated Beneficiary, or
(c) under certain immediate income annuities providing for substantially equal payments made at least annually.
If You receive systematic payments that You intend to qualify for the “substantially equal periodic payments” exception noted above, any modifications (except due to death or disability) to your payment before age 59 12 or within five years after beginning these payments, whichever is later, will result in the retroactive imposition of the 10% Federal income tax penalty with interest. Such modifications may include but are not limited to additional purchase payments to the Contract (including tax-free rollovers) and additional withdrawals from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
For non-qualified Contracts, amounts received under the exercise of a partial withdrawal may be fully included in taxable income. The entire amount of the withdrawal could be treated as taxable income. Exercise of a withdrawal feature may adversely impact the amount of subsequent payments which can be treated as a nontaxable return of investment.
If your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable has been purchased with an Optional Two Year Withdrawal Feature or is for a guaranteed period only (term certain) annuity, and is terminated as a result of the exercise of the withdrawal feature, the taxable portion of the payment will generally be the excess of the proceeds received over your remaining after-tax purchase payment.
Treatment of Separate Account Charges
It is possible that at some future date the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) may consider that Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable charges attributable to certain guaranteed death benefits and certain living benefits are to be treated as distributions from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to pay for such non-annuity benefits. Currently, these charges are considered to be an intrinsic part of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and we do not report these as taxable income. However, if this treatment changes in the future, the charge could also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty as an early distribution, as described above.
Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefits (where applicable)
If You have purchased the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit I, Enhanced Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit or Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee, where otherwise made available, note the following:


The tax treatment of withdrawals under such a benefit is uncertain. It is conceivable that the amount of potential gain could be determined based on the remaining amount guaranteed to be available for withdrawal at the time of the withdrawal if greater than the Account Balance (prior to Withdrawal Charges). This could result in a greater amount of taxable income in certain cases. In general, at the present time, MetLife intends to report such withdrawals using the Account Balance rather than the remaining benefit to determine gain. However, in cases where the maximum permitted withdrawal in any year under any version of the GWB exceeds the Account Balance, the portion of the withdrawal treated as taxable gain (not to exceed the amount of the withdrawal) should be measured as the difference between the maximum permitted withdrawal amount under the benefit and the remaining after-tax basis immediately preceding the withdrawal. Consult your tax adviser.
In the event that the Account Balance goes to zero, and either the Remaining Guaranteed Withdrawal Amount is paid out in fixed installments or the Annual Benefit Payment is paid for life, we will treat such payments as income annuity payments under the tax law and allow recovery of any remaining basis ratably over the expected number of payments. (See “Taxation of Payments in Annuity Form” below.)
MetLife reserves the right to change its tax reporting practices where we determine that they are not in accordance with Federal income tax rules and/or IRS guidance (whether formal or informal).
If You purchase two or more Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable Contracts from MetLife (or its affiliates) during the same calendar year, the law requires that all such Contracts must be treated as a single Contract for purposes of determining whether any payments not received as an annuity (e.g., withdrawals) will be includible in income. Aggregation could affect the amount of a withdrawal that is taxable and subject to the 10% Federal income tax penalty described above. Since the IRS may require aggregation in other circumstances as well, You should consult a tax adviser if You are purchasing more than one annuity Contract from the same insurance company in a single calendar year. Aggregation does not affect distributions paid in the form of an annuity (see “Taxation of Payments in Annuity Form” below).
The annuity Contract may be exchanged tax-free in whole or in part for another annuity contract or a long-term care insurance policy. The partial exchange of an annuity contract may be a tax-free transaction provided that, among other prescribed IRS conditions, no amounts are distributed from either contract involved in the exchange for 180 days following the date of the exchange other than annuity payments made for life, joint lives, or for a term of 10 years or more. Otherwise, a withdrawal or “deemed” distribution may be includible in your taxable income (plus a 10% Federal income tax penalty) to the extent that the accumulated value of your annuity exceeds your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable (your “gain”). Some of the ramifications of a partial exchange remain unclear. If the annuity Contract is exchanged in part for an additional annuity contract, a distribution from either contract may be taxable to the extent of the combined gain attributable to both contracts, or only to the extent of your gain in the contract from which the distribution is paid. It is not clear whether these rules apply to a partial exchange involving long-term care contracts. Consult your tax adviser prior to a partial exchange.
A transfer of Ownership of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, or the designation of an Annuitant or other Beneficiary who is not also the Contract Owner, may result in income or gift tax consequences to the Contract Owner. You should consult your tax adviser if You are considering such a transfer or assignment.


Death Benefits
The death benefit is taxable to the recipient in the same manner as if paid to the Contract Owner (under the rules for withdrawals or income payments, whichever is applicable).
After your death, any death benefit determined under the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed in accordance with Section 72(s) of the Code. The method of distribution that is required depends on whether You die before or after the Annuity Starting Date.
If You die on or after the Annuity Starting Date, the remaining portion of the interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used as of the date of death.
If You die before the Annuity Starting Date, the entire interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed within five (5) years after the date of death, or as periodic payments over a period not extending beyond the life or life expectancy of the designated Beneficiary (provided such payments begin within one year of your death) and the Beneficiary must be a natural person. Naming a non-natural person, such as a trust or estate, as a designated beneficiary, may eliminate the ability to stretch the payment over an individual’s life or life expectancy, and may also eliminate the ability to continue these benefits beyond the otherwise allowed payout period under the Code. If a non-natural person, such as a trust, is the owner of a non-qualified contract, the distribution on death rules under the Code may require payment to begin earlier than expected and may impact the usefulness of death benefit features.
Additionally, if the annuity is payable to (or for the benefit of) your surviving spouse, that portion of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may be continued with your spouse as the Owner.
For Deferred Annuities owned by a non-natural person, the required distribution rules apply upon the death or change in the primary Annuitant. If there is more than one Annuitant of a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable held by a non-natural person, then such required distributions will be triggered by the death of the first co-Annuitant.
Investor Control
In certain circumstances, Owners of variable annuity non-qualified contracts have been considered to be the Owners of the assets of the underlying Separate Account for Federal income tax purposes due to their ability to exercise investment control over those assets. When this is the case, the Contract Owners have been currently taxed on income and gains attributable to the variable account assets. There is little guidance in this area, and some features of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, such as the number of Portfolios available and the flexibility of the Contract Owner to allocate purchase payments and transfer amounts among the Divisions have not been addressed. While we believe that the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable does not give the Contract Owner investment control over Separate Account assets, we reserve the right to modify the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, as necessary to prevent a Contract Owner from being treated as the Owner of the Separate Account assets supporting the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
Taxation of Payments in Annuity Form
Payments received from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable in the form of an annuity are taxed differently depending on whether You select a fixed or variable payment option. For fixed annuity payments, payments are taxable as ordinary income to the extent they exceed the portion of the payment determined by applying the exclusion ratio to the entire payment. The exclusion ratio is determined at the time the Contract or


Deferred Annuity, as applicable is annuitized (i.e., the accumulated value is converted to an annuity form of distribution). Generally, the applicable exclusion ratio is your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable divided by the total payments You expect to receive based on IRS factors, such as the form of annuity and mortality. The exclusion ratio is applied to each fixed annuity payment to determine the portion that is a non-taxable return of investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and it is excludable from your taxable income until your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is fully recovered.
Variable annuity payments are expected to fluctuate and the amount You may receive is uncertain. Variable annuity payments are taxable as ordinary income to the extent they exceed the portion of each annuity payment that is determined to be a non-taxable return of your investment in the Contract. The non-taxable return of your investment in the Contract is determined by dividing the investment in the Contract (with adjustment) by the number of years over which it is anticipated the annuity will be paid. In general, your investment in the Contract is recovered pro-rata over the expected payment period.
We will make this calculation for You. However, it is possible that the IRS could conclude that the taxable portion of income payments under a non-qualified Contract is an amount greater — or less — than the taxable amount determined by us and reported by us to You and the IRS.
Once You have recovered the investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, further annuity payments are fully taxable.
If You die before your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is fully recovered, the balance of your investment may be deducted on your last tax return, or if annuity payments continue after your death, the balance may be recovered by your Beneficiary.
The IRS has not furnished explicit guidance as to how the excludable amount is to be determined each year under variable income annuities that permit transfers between a fixed annuity option and variable investment options, as well as transfers between investment options after the Annuity Start Date.
Once annuity payments have commenced, You may not be able to transfer to another non-qualified annuity contract or a long-term care contract as part of a tax-free exchange.
If the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable allows, You may elect to convert less than the full value of your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to an annuity form of pay-out (i.e., “partial annuitization.”) In this case, your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will be pro-rated between the annuitized portion of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and the deferred portion. An exclusion ratio or excludable amount will apply to the annuity payments as described above, provided the annuity form You elect is payable for at least 10 years or for the life of one or more individuals.
The federal income tax treatment of an annuity payment option that contains a commutation feature (i.e., an annuity payment option that permits the withdrawal of a commuted value) is uncertain. Specifically, it is possible that (a) all payments made under the annuity payment option will be taxed as withdrawals, on an income-first basis, rather than as annuity payments, a portion of which would be excludable from income as a return of investment in the contract, or (b) the ability to fully recover the investment in the contract over the annuity payment period may be limited due to the reduction or elimination of future annuity payments that would have each had an excludable amount.
Additionally, it is uncertain whether the exercise of a commutation feature under a joint and survivor variable life annuity payment option constitutes an exchange into a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, thus requiring payout of any remaining interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable within five years of an Owner’s


death (or the primary annuitant’s death where the Owner is not a natural person) or over the designated beneficiary’s life (or over a period no longer than the beneficiary’s remaining life expectancy) with such payments beginning within 12 months of the date of death if an Owner dies during the certain period for such payout option. Accordingly, we reserve the right to restrict the availability of the commutation feature or to require the value of all remaining income payments be paid to the designated beneficiary or to the surviving joint annuitant, as the case may be, in a lump sum after proof of an Owner’s death (or of a primary annuitant’s death, where the owner is not a natural person) during the certain period to comply with these tax law requirements.
3.8% Tax on Net Investment Income
Federal tax law imposes a 3.8% Medicare tax on the lesser of:
(1) the taxpayer’s “net investment income” (from non-qualified annuities, interest, dividends, and other investments, offset by specified allowable deductions), or
(2) the taxpayer’s modified adjusted gross income in excess of a specified income threshold ($250,000 for married couples filing jointly and qualifying widows, $125,000 for married couples filing separately, and $200,000 for single filers).
“Net investment income” in Item 1 above does not include distributions from tax qualified plans, (i.e., arrangements described in Code Sections 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 408, 408A or 457(b)), but such income will increase modified adjusted gross income in Item 2 above.
You should consult your tax adviser regarding the applicability of this tax to income under your annuity Contract.
Puerto Rico Tax Considerations
The Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011 (the “2011 PR Code”) taxes distributions from non-qualified annuity contracts differently than in the U.S.
Distributions that are not in the form of an annuity (including partial surrenders and period certain payments) are treated under the 2011 PR Code first as a return of investment. Therefore, a substantial portion of the amounts distributed generally will be excluded from gross income for Puerto Rico tax purposes until the cumulative amount paid exceeds your tax basis.
The amount of income on annuity distributions in annuity form (payable over your lifetime) is also calculated differently under the 2011 PR Code. Since the U.S. source income generated by a Puerto Rico bona fide resident is subject to U.S. income tax and the IRS issued guidance in 2004 which indicated that the income from an annuity contract issued by a U.S. life insurer would be considered U.S. source income, the timing of recognition of income from an annuity contract could vary between the two jurisdictions. Although the 2011 PR Code provides a credit against the Puerto Rico income tax for U.S. income taxes paid, an individual may not get full credit because of the timing differences.
You should consult with a personal tax adviser regarding the tax consequences of purchasing an annuity Contract and/or any proposed distribution, particularly a partial distribution or election to annuitize if You are a resident of Puerto Rico.


Qualified Annuity Contracts
The Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may be purchased through certain types of retirement plans that receive favorable treatment under the Code (“tax qualified plans”). Tax-qualified plans include arrangements described in Code Sections 401(a), 401(k), 403(a), 403(b) or tax sheltered annuities (“TSA”), 408 or “IRAs” (including SEP and SIMPLE IRAs), 408A or “Roth IRAs” or 457 (b) nongovernmental or 457(b) governmental plans. Extensive special tax rules apply to qualified plans and to the annuity Contracts used in connection with these plans. Therefore, the following discussion provides only general information about the use of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable with the various types of qualified plans. Adverse tax consequences may result if You do not ensure that contributions, distributions and other transactions with respect to the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable comply with the law.
The rights to any benefit under the plan will be subject to the terms and conditions of the plan itself as well as the terms and conditions of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
We exercise no control over whether a particular retirement plan or a particular contribution to the plan satisfies the applicable requirements of the Code, or whether a particular individual is entitled to participate or benefit under a plan.
All qualified plans and arrangements receive tax deferral under the Code. Since there are no additional tax benefits in funding such retirement arrangements with an annuity, there should be reasons other than tax deferral for acquiring the annuity within the plan. Such non-tax benefits may include additional insurance benefits, such as the availability of a guaranteed income for life.
A Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may also be available in connection with an employer’s non-qualified deferred compensation plan or qualified governmental excess benefit arrangement to provide benefits to certain employees in the plan. The tax rules regarding these plans are complex; please consult your tax adviser about your particular situation.
Treatment of Separate Account Charges
It is possible that at some future date the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) may consider that Contract charges attributable to certain guaranteed death benefits and certain living benefits are to be treated as distributions from the Contract to pay for such non-annuity benefits. Currently, these charges are considered to be an intrinsic part of the Contract and we do not report these as taxable income. However, if this treatment changes in the future, the charge could also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty as an early distribution.
The tax rules applicable to qualified plans vary according to the type of plan and the terms and conditions of the plan itself. Both the amount of the contribution that may be made and the tax deduction or exclusion that You may claim for that contribution under qualified plans are limited under the Code. See the SAI for a description of qualified plan types and annual current contribution limitations which are subject to change from year-to-year.
Purchase payments or contributions to IRAs or tax qualified retirement plans of an employer may be taken from current income on a before tax basis or after tax basis. Purchase payments made on a “before tax” basis entitle You to a tax deduction or are not subject to current income tax. Purchase payments made on an “after tax” basis do not


reduce your taxable income or give You a tax deduction. Contributions may also consist of transfers or rollovers as described below and are not subject to the annual limitations on contributions.
The Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will accept as a single purchase payment a transfer or rollover from another IRA or rollover from an eligible retirement plan of an employer (i.e., 401(a), 401(k), 403(a), 403(b) or governmental 457(b) plan.) It will also accept a rollover or transfer from a SIMPLE IRA after the taxpayer has participated in such arrangement for at least two years. As part of the single purchase payment, the IRA Contract will also accept an IRA contribution subject to the Code limits for the year of purchase.
For income annuities established as “pay-outs” of SIMPLE IRAs, the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will only accept a single purchase payment consisting of a transfer or rollover from another SIMPLE IRA.
For income annuities established in accordance with a distribution option under a retirement plan of an employer (e.g., 401(a), 401(k), 403(a), 403(b) or 457(b) or nongovernmental 457(b) plan), the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will only accept as its single purchase payment a transfer from such employer retirement plan.
Taxation of Annuity Distributions
If contributions are made on a “before tax” basis, You generally pay income taxes on the full amount of money You receive under the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable. Withdrawals attributable to any after-tax contributions are basis in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and not subject to income tax (except for the portion of the withdrawal allocable to earnings, if any).
Under current Federal income tax rules, the taxable portion of distributions under annuity contracts and qualified plans (including IRAs) is not eligible for the reduced tax rate applicable to long-term capital gains and qualifying dividends.
If You meet certain requirements, your Roth IRA, Roth 403(b) and Roth 401(k) earnings can be received free of Federal income taxes.
With respect to IRA Contracts, we will withhold a portion of the taxable amount of your withdrawal for income taxes, unless You elect otherwise. The amount we will withhold is determined by the Code.
Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefits (where applicable)
If You have purchased the Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee benefit (“LWG”), where otherwise made available, note the following:
In determining your required minimum distribution each year, the actuarial value of this benefit as of the prior December 31 must be taken into account in addition to the Account Balance of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
If You have purchased the GWB I, Enhanced GWB or LWG, where otherwise made available, note the following:
The tax treatment of withdrawals under such a benefit is uncertain. It is conceivable that the amount of potential gain could be determined based on the remaining amount guaranteed to be available for withdrawal at the time of the withdrawal if greater than the Account Balance (prior to Withdrawal Charges). This could result in a greater amount of taxable income in certain cases. In general, at the present time, MetLife intends to report such withdrawals using the Account Balance rather than the remaining benefit to determine gain. However, in cases where the maximum permitted withdrawal in any year under any version of the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit exceeds the Account Balance, the portion of the withdrawal treated as taxable gain (not to exceed the amount of


the withdrawal) should be measured as the difference between the maximum permitted withdrawal amount under the benefit and the remaining after-tax basis immediately preceding the withdrawal. Consult your tax adviser.
In the event that the Account Balance goes to zero, and either the Remaining Guaranteed Withdrawal Amount is paid out in fixed installments or the Annual Benefit Payment is paid for life, we will treat such payments as income annuity payments under the tax law and allow recovery of any remaining basis ratably over the expected number of payments.
MetLife reserves the right to change its tax reporting practices where we determine that they are not in accordance with Federal income tax rules and/or IRS guidance (whether formal or informal).
Withdrawals Prior to Age 59 12
A taxable withdrawal from a qualified plan which is subject to income tax may also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty for “early” distribution if taken prior to age 59 12, unless an exception applies. The penalty rate is 25% for SIMPLE plan Deferred Annuities if the withdrawal occurs within the first 2 years of your participation in the plan.
These exceptions include but are not limited to withdrawals made:
(a) on account of your death or disability, or
(b) as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments payable for your life (or life expectancy) or joint lives (or life expectancies) of You and your designated Beneficiary and You are separated from employment.
If You receive systematic payments that You intend to qualify for the “substantially equal periodic payments” exception noted above, any modifications (except due to death or disability) to your payment before age 59 12 or within five years after beginning these payments, whichever is later, will result in the retroactive imposition of the 10% Federal income tax penalty with interest (25% for certain SIMPLE plan withdrawals). Such modifications may include but are not limited to additional purchase payments to the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable (including tax-free transfers or rollovers) and additional withdrawals from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
The 10% Federal income tax penalty on early distribution does not apply to governmental 457(b) plan Contracts. However, it does apply to distributions from 457(b) plans of employers which are state or local governments to the extent that the distribution is attributable to rollovers accepted from other types of eligible retirement plans.
In addition to death, disability and as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments as indicated above, a withdrawal or distribution from an IRA (including SEPs and SIMPLEs and Roth IRAs) will avoid the penalty (1) if the distribution is to pay deductible medical expenses; (2) if the distribution is to pay IRS levies (and made after December 31, 1999); (3) if the distribution is used to pay for medical insurance (if You are unemployed), qualified higher education expenses, or for a qualified first time home purchase up to $10,000.
Other exceptions may be applicable under certain circumstances and special rules may apply or may become applicable in connection with the exceptions enumerated above. You should consult with your tax advisor for further details.
Your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is non-forfeitable (i.e., not subject to the claims of your creditors) and non-transferable (i.e., You may not transfer it to someone else).


Nevertheless, Contracts held in certain employer plans may be transferred in part pursuant to a QDRO.
Under certain circumstances, You may be able to transfer amounts distributed from your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to another eligible retirement plan or IRA. Federal tax law limits You to making only one 60-day rollover from an IRA to another IRA in any 12 month period and the limit is applied across all IRAs that You own, including SEP, SIMPLE and Roth IRAs. For 457(b) plans maintained by non-governmental employers, if certain conditions are met, amounts may be transferred into another 457(b) plan maintained by a non-governmental employer.
You may make rollovers and direct transfers into your SIMPLE IRA annuity contract from another SIMPLE IRA annuity contract or account. Rollovers from another qualified plan can generally be made to your SIMPLE IRA after you have participated in the SIMPLE IRA for at least two years. Rollovers and direct transfers from a SIMPLE IRA can only be made to another SIMPLE IRA or account during the first two years that You participate in the SIMPLE IRA plan. After this two year period, rollovers and transfers may be made from your SIMPLE IRA into a Traditional IRA or account, as well as into another SIMPLE IRA.
Generally, a distribution may be eligible for rollover but certain types of distributions cannot be rolled over, such as distributions received:
(a) to meet minimum distribution requirements,
(b) for financial hardship, or
(c) for a period of ten or more years or for life.
20% Withholding on Eligible Rollover Distributions
For certain qualified employer plans, we are required to withhold 20% of the taxable portion of your withdrawal that constitutes an “eligible rollover distribution” for Federal income taxes. The amount we withhold is determined by the Code. You may avoid withholding if You directly transfer a withdrawal from this Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to another qualified plan or IRA. Similarly, You may be able to avoid withholding on a transfer into the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable from an existing qualified plan You may have with another provider by arranging to have the transfer made directly to us. For taxable withdrawals that are not “eligible rollover distributions,” the Code imposes different withholding rules to determine the withholding percentage.
Death Benefits
The death benefit is taxable to the recipient in the same manner as if paid to the Contract Owner or plan participant (under the rules for withdrawals or income payments, whichever is applicable).
Distributions required from a qualified annuity Contract following your death depend on whether You die before You had converted your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to an annuity form and started taking annuity payments (your Annuity Start Date).
If You die on or after your Annuity Start Date, the remaining portion of the interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used as of the date of death.


If You die before your Annuity Start Date, the entire interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed within five (5) years after the date of death, or as periodic payments over a period not extending beyond the life or life expectancy of the designated Beneficiary (provided such payments begin within one year of your death).
Your designated Beneficiary is the person to whom benefit rights under the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable pass by reason of death; the Beneficiary must be a natural person in order to elect a periodic payment option based on life expectancy or a period exceeding five years.
If the IRA is payable to (or for the benefit of) your surviving spouse, that portion of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may be continued with your spouse as the Owner. If your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable permits, your Beneficiary spouse may delay the start of these payments until December 31 of the year in which You would have reached age 70 12.
Your spouse may elect to roll over the death proceeds into another eligible retirement plan in which he or she participates, if permitted under the receiving plan, he or she may elect to roll over the death proceeds into his or her own IRA, or he or she may elect to transfer the death proceeds into an inherited IRA.
If your Beneficiary is not your spouse and your plan and Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable permit, your Beneficiary may be able to roll over the death proceeds via a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer into an inherited IRA. However, a non-spouse Beneficiary may not treat the inherited IRA as his or her own IRA.
Distributions required from a qualified Contract following Your death must be distributed to designated Beneficiaries within ten (10) years after the date of death. This distribution period applies regardless of whether You die before, on, or after the Annuity Start Date, unless the designated Beneficiary is an Eligible Designated Beneficiary (EDB).
An Eligible Designated Beneficiary is an individual who, on the date of death, is:
(1) Your surviving spouse;
(2) Your child who has not yet reached the age of majority (as defined by federal tax law);
(3) a chronically ill individual as defined by the Code; or
(4) any other individual who is not more than ten (10) years younger than You.
An Eligible Designated Beneficiary may receive the remaining portion of the interest in the Contract over his/her life or life expectancy, beginning in the year following the year of death.
If your contract permits, your Eligible Designated Beneficiary spouse may delay the start of these payments until December 31 of the year You would have reached age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020).
Following the death of an Eligible Designated Beneficiary, the remaining interest in the Contract must be distributed within ten (10) years. In addition, a child who is an Eligible Designated Beneficiary because he or she has not yet reached the age of majority must have the remaining interest in the Contract fully distributed within ten (10) years after reaching the age of majority.
Your spouse may elect to roll over the death proceeds into another eligible retirement plan in which he or she participates, if permitted under the receiving plan, he or she may elect to roll over the death proceeds into his or her own IRA, or he or she may elect to transfer the death proceeds into an inherited IRA.


If your Beneficiary is not your spouse and your plan and Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable permit, your Beneficiary may be able to roll over the death proceeds via a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer into an inherited IRA. However, a non-spouse Beneficiary may not treat the inherited IRA as his or her own IRA.
Distributions required from a qualified Contract following your death must generally be distributed to Non-designated beneficiaries (for example, charitable organizations or nonqualified trusts) within five (5) years of the date of death. However, if your death occurs after the Required Beginning Date, the benefits may be paid out to the non-designated beneficiary at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used as of the date of death.
Required Minimum Distributions
Generally, You must begin receiving amounts from your retirement plan by April 1 following the latter of:
(a) the calendar year in which You reach age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020), or
(b) the calendar year You retire, provided You do not own more than 5% of the outstanding stock, capital, or profits of your employer.
For IRAs (including SEPs and SIMPLEs), You must begin receiving withdrawals by April 1 of the year after You reach age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020) even if You have not retired.
Your required minimum distribution request must be in Good Order and payment must be processed by MetLife prior to the due date (generally the end of the calendar year or April 1st of the year You reach age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020) in order to satisfy the requirement for the applicable tax year.
A tax penalty of 50% applies to the shortfall of any required minimum distributions You fail to receive.
You may not satisfy minimum distributions for one employer’s qualified plan (i.e., 401(a), 403(a), 457(b)) with distributions from another qualified plan of the same or a different employer. However, an aggregation rule does apply in the case of IRAs (including SEPs and SIMPLEs) or 403(b) plans. The minimum required distribution is calculated with respect to each IRA, but the aggregate distribution may be taken from any one or more of your IRAs/SEPs. Similarly, the amount of required minimum distribution is calculated separately with respect to each 403(b) arrangement, but the aggregate amount of the required distribution may be taken from any one or more of your 403(b) plan contracts. For SIMPLE IRAs, the aggregate amount of the required distribution may be taken from any one or more of your SIMPLE IRAs.
Complex rules apply to the calculation of minimum distributions. In general, income tax regulations permit income payments to increase based not only with respect to the investment experience of the portfolios but also with respect to actuarial gains.
The regulations also require that the value of benefits under a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable including certain death benefits in excess of Account Balance must be added to the amount credited to your account in computing the amount required to be distributed over the applicable period. We will provide You with additional information regarding the amount that is subject to minimum distribution under this rule. You should consult your own tax adviser as to how these rules affect your own distribution under this rule.
If You intend to receive your minimum distributions which are payable over the joint lives of You and a Beneficiary who is not your spouse (or over a period not exceeding the joint life expectancy of You and your non-spousal Beneficiary), be advised that Federal tax rules may require that payments be made over a shorter period or may


require that payments to the Beneficiary be reduced after your death to meet the minimum distribution incidental benefit rules and avoid the 50% excise tax. You should consult your own tax adviser as to how these rules affect your own Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
Required minimum distribution rules that apply to other types of IRAs while You are alive do not apply to Roth IRAs. However, in general, the IRA post-death rules with respect to minimum distributions do apply to beneficiaries of Roth IRAs.
Additional Information regarding IRAs
Purchase Payments
Except for permissible rollovers and direct transfers, purchase payments for individuals are limited in the aggregate to the lesser of 100% of compensation or the deductible amount established each year under the Code. A purchase payment up to the deductible amount can also be made for a non-working spouse provided the couple’s compensation is at least equal to their aggregate contributions. If you have compensation, you can continue to make purchase payments after beginning required minimum distributions if permitted by your Contract. Individuals age 50 and older are permitted to make additional “catch-up” contributions if they have sufficient compensation. If You or your spouse are an active participant in a retirement plan of an employer, your deductible contributions may be limited. If You exceed purchase payment limits You may be subject to a tax penalty.
Roth IRA purchase payments for individuals are non-deductible (made on an “after tax” basis) and are limited to the lesser of 100% of compensation or the annual deductible IRA amount. Individuals age 50 and older can make an additional “catch-up” purchase payment each year (assuming the individual has sufficient compensation). You may contribute up to the annual purchase payment limit if your modified adjusted gross income does not exceed certain limits. If You exceed purchase payment limits, You may be subject to a tax penalty.
If and to the extent that Traditional IRA purchase payments are made on an “after tax” basis, withdrawals would be included in income except for the portion that represents a return of non-deductible purchase payments. This portion is generally determined based upon the ratio of all non-deductible purchase payments to the total value of all your Traditional IRAs (including SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs). We withhold a portion of the amount of your withdrawal for income taxes, unless You elect otherwise. The amount we withhold is determined by the Code.
Generally, withdrawal of earnings from Roth IRAs are free from Federal income tax if (1) they are made at least five taxable years after the tax year for which you made your first purchase payment to a Roth IRA; and (2) they are made on or after the date You reach age 59 12 or upon your death, disability or for a qualified first-home purchase (up to $10,000). Withdrawals from a Roth IRA are made first from purchase payments and then from earnings. We may be required to withhold a portion of your withdrawal for income taxes, unless You elect otherwise. The amount will be determined by the Code.
Traditional IRAs may be converted to Roth IRAs. Except to the extent You have non-deductible contributions, the amount converted from an existing Traditional IRA into a Roth IRA is taxable. Generally, the 10% Federal income tax penalty does not apply. However, the taxable amount to be converted must be based on the fair market value of the entire annuity contract being converted into a Roth IRA. Such fair market value, in general, is to be determined by taking into account the value of all benefits (both living benefits and death benefits) in addition to the Account


Balance; as well as adding back certain loads and charges incurred during the prior twelve month period. Your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may include such benefits and applicable charges. Accordingly, if You are considering such conversion of your annuity Contract, please consult your tax adviser. The taxable amount may exceed the Account Balance at the date of conversion.
A conversion from a traditional IRA, SEP or SIMPLE to a Roth IRA made on or after January 1, 2018 cannot be recharacterized. Please consult your tax adviser.
Additional Information regarding TSA (ERISA and non-ERISA) 403(b)
Special Rules Regarding Exchanges
In order to satisfy tax regulations, contract exchanges within a 403(b) plan must, at a minimum, meet the following requirements: (1) the plan must allow the exchange; (2) the exchange must not result in a reduction in a Participant’s or a Beneficiary’s accumulated benefit: (3) the receiving contract includes distribution restrictions that are no less stringent than those imposed on the contract being exchanged; and (4) if the issuer receiving the exchanges is not part of the plan, the employer enters into an agreement with the issuer to provide information to enable the contract provider to comply with Code requirements. Such information would include details concerning severance from employment, hardship withdrawals, loans and tax basis. You should consult Your tax or legal counsel for any advice relating to Contract exchanges or any other matter relating to these regulations.
If You are under age 59 12, You generally cannot withdraw money from your 403(b) Contract unless the withdrawal:
a) Relates to purchase payments made prior to 1989 and pre-1989 earnings on those purchase payments;
b) Is exchanged to another permissible investment under your 403(b) plan;
c) Relates to contributions to an annuity contract that are not salary reduction elective deferrals, if Your plan allows it;
d) Occurs after You die, leave Your job or become disabled (as defined by the Code);
e) Is for financial hardship (but only to the extent of elective deferrals), if Your plan allows it;
f) Relates to distributions attributable to certain 403(b) plan terminations, if the conditions of the Code are met;
g) Relates to rollover or after-tax contributions; or
h) Is for the purchase of permissive service credit under a governmental defined benefit plan.
In addition, a Section 403(b) Contract is permitted to distribute retirement benefits attributable to pre-tax contributions other than elective deferrals to the participant no earlier than upon the earlier of the participant’s severance from employment or upon the prior occurrence of some event, such as after a fixed number of years, the attainment of a stated age or disability.
Other exceptions may apply or become applicable under certain circumstances and special rules may be applicable in connection with the exceptions enumerated above.
Distinction for Puerto Rico Code
An annuity Contract may be purchased by an employer for an employee under a qualified pension, profit sharing, stock bonus, annuity, or a “cash or deferred” arrangement plan established pursuant to Section 1081.01 of the 2011 PR Code. To be tax qualified under the 2011 PR Code, a plan must comply with the requirements of Section


1081.01(a) of the 2011 PR Code which includes certain participation requirements, among other requirements. A trust created to hold assets for a qualified plan is exempt from tax on its investment income.
A Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan trust may be exempted from income taxation pursuant to 2011 PR Code Section 1081.01 and Section 1022(i) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA). If a variable annuity contract is acquired by said trust, the earnings accumulated or distributed under such contract or any income realized from the sale or exchange of the contract may not be subject to current income taxation due to the income tax exemption that the trust is entitled to. Whether a Puerto Rico retirement plan trust is qualified under 2011 PR Code Section 1081.01 depends on the facts and circumstances of each case. Each fiduciary of a Puerto Rico retirement plan should ascertain the qualified status of the retirement plan trust, and thus, that it enjoys the benefits of income tax exemption before investing in the variable annuity contract.
The employer is entitled to a current income tax deduction for contributions made to a qualified plan, subject to statutory limitations on the amount that may be contributed each year. The plan contributions by the employer are not required to be included in the current income of the employee.
Any amount received or made available to the employee under the qualified plan is generally includible in the gross income of the employee in the taxable year in which received or made available. However, Lump-sum proceeds from a Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan due to separation of employment or termination of a retirement plan will generally be treated as ordinary income subject to a withholding tax rate of 20%.
A special rate of 10% may apply instead, if the plan satisfies the following requirements:
(1) the plan’s trust is organized under the laws of Puerto Rico, or has a Puerto Rico resident trustee and uses such trustee as paying agent; and
(2) 10% of all plan’s trust assets (calculated based on the average balance of the investments of the trust) attributable to participants which are Puerto Rico residents must be invested in “property located in Puerto Rico” for a three-year period.
If those two requirements are not satisfied, the distribution will generally be subject to the 20% tax rate. The three- year period includes the year of the distribution and the two immediately preceding years. In the case of a defined contribution plan that maintains separate accounts for each participant, the described 10% investment requirement may be satisfied in the accounts of a participant that chooses to invest in such fashion rather than at the trust level. Property located in Puerto Rico includes Shares of stock of a Puerto Rico Registered Investment Company (RIC), Fixed or Variable Annuities issued by a domestic insurance company or by a foreign insurance company that derives more than 80% of its gross income from sources within Puerto Rico, bank deposits. The 2011 PR Code does not impose a penalty tax in cases of early (premature) distributions from a qualified plan.
In the case of distributions from a qualified plan in the form of annuity installments as a result of termination of employment, amounts received are taxable in an amount equal to 3% of the after-tax contributions not previously distributed, which would be considered the tax cost. The remaining portion is not taxable until you have recovered the total after-tax contributions made to the qualified plan. You may be able to exclude from gross income up to $11,000, if you are less than 60 years of age, or up to $15,000, if you are at least 60 years of age, of the taxable portion of the installment payments received every year.


In the case of a defined contribution plan that maintains separate accounts for each participant, the described 10% investment requirement may be satisfied in the accounts of a participant that chooses to invest in such fashion rather than at the trust level. Property located in Puerto Rico includes shares of stock of a Puerto Rico registered investment company (RIC), fixed or variable annuities issued by a domestic insurance company or by a foreign insurance corporation that derives more than 80% of its gross income from sources within Puerto Rico and bank deposits. The 2011 PR Code does not impose a penalty tax in cases of early (premature) distributions from a qualified plan.
Upon the occurrence of a “Declared Disaster”, like a hurricane, Retirement Plans are allowed to make Eligible Distributions to a participant resident of Puerto Rico who requests the same. The Eligible Distribution may not exceed $100,000, and must be made during a period of time to be identified by the Puerto Rico Treasury through administrative guidance and be used to cover damages or losses suffered, and extraordinary expenses incurred by the individual as a result of a Declared Disaster. The first $10,000 will be exempted from income taxation, including the alternate basic tax, and amounts exceeding $10,000 will be subject to a 10% income tax to be withheld at the source, in lieu of any other income tax, including the alternate basic tax.
Distributions of retirement income made to a Non-Resident of Puerto Rico by a dual qualified retirement plan (qualified under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and the 2011 PR Code) funded through a U.S. situs trust will not be subject to Puerto Rico income tax. However, in order for such exemption to be available, the Puerto Rico Treasury requires the participant to submit to his/her employer either: (i) IRS Form 8898 (Statement for Individuals Who Begin or End Bona Fide Residence in a U.S. Possession; or (ii) a Sworn Statement including certain personal information directed to establish his/her residence in a State within the continental U.S.
You should consult with a personal tax adviser regarding the tax consequences of purchasing an annuity contract and/or any proposed distribution if you are a resident of Puerto Rico.
Deferral of the recognition of income continues upon the receipt of a distribution by a participant from a qualified plan, if the distribution is contributed to another qualified retirement plan or traditional individual retirement account for the employee’s benefit no later than sixty (60) days after the distribution.
ERISA Considerations
In the context of a Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan trust, the IRS has held that the transfer of assets and liabilities from a qualified retirement plan trust under the Code to that type of plan would generally be treated as a distribution includible in gross income for U.S. income tax purposes even if the Puerto Rico retirement plan is a plan described in ERISA Section 1022(i)(1). By contrast, a transfer from a qualified retirement plan trust under the Code to a Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan trust that has made an election under ERISA Section 1022(i)(2) is not treated as a distribution from the transferor plan for U.S. income tax purposes because a Puerto Rico retirement plan that has made an election under ERISA Section 1022(i)(2) is treated as a qualified retirement plan for purposes Code Section 401(a). The IRS has determined that the above described rules prescribing the inclusion in income of transfers of assets and liabilities to a Puerto Rico retirement plan trust described in ERISA Section 1022(i)(1) would be applicable to transfers taking effect after December 31, 2012. Notwithstanding the above, the IRS has recently held that a Puerto Rico retirement plan described in ERISA Section 1022(i)(1) may participate in a 81-100 group trust because it permits said plan to diversify its investments without adverse tax consequences to the group trust or its investors


Similar to the IRS Revenue Ruling 2013-17, the U.S. Department of Labor issued DOL Technical Release No. 2013-04 on September 18, 2013 providing that, where the Secretary of Labor has authority to regulate with respect to the provisions of ERISA dealing with the use of the term “spouse” spouse will be read to refer to any individuals who are lawfully married under any state law, including same-sex spouses, and without regard to whether their state of domicile recognizes same-sex marriage. Thus, for ERISA purposes as well as Federal tax purposes, an employee benefit plan participant who marries a person of the same sex in a jurisdiction that recognizes same-sex marriage will continue to be treated as married even if the couple moves to a jurisdiction that does not recognize same-sex marriage.
In the ordinary course of business, MetLife, similar to other life insurance companies, is involved in lawsuits (including class action lawsuits), arbitrations and other legal proceedings. Also, from time to time, state and Federal regulators or other officials conduct formal and informal examinations or undertake other actions dealing with various aspects of the financial services and insurance industries. In some legal proceedings involving insurers, substantial damages have been sought and/or material settlement payments have been made.
It is not possible to predict with certainty the ultimate outcome of any pending legal proceeding or regulatory action. However, MetLife does not believe any such action or proceeding will have a material adverse effect upon the Separate Account or upon the ability of MLIDC to perform its contract with the Separate Account or of MetLife to meet its obligations under the Contracts.


The following is a list of Portfolios currently available. More information about the Portfolios is available in the prospectuses for the Portfolios, which may be amended from time to time and can be found online at dfinview.com/metlife/tahd/MET000209. You can also request this information at no cost by calling 800-638-7732, by sending an email request to RCG@metlife.com, or through your registered representative. Depending on the optional benefits you choose, you may not be able to invest in certain Portfolios. If your annuity was issued in connection with an employer plan, you should check with your Employer as to which Portfolios are available under your Contract.
The current expenses and performance information below reflects fees and expenses of the Portfolios, but do not reflect the other fees and expenses that your Deferred Annuity may charge. Expenses would be higher and performance would be lower if these other charges were included. Each Portfolio Company's past performance is not necessarily an indication of future performance.
(as of 12/31/2021)
Global Equity American Funds Global Small Capitalization Fund* - Class 2
Capital Research and Management CompanySM
0.90% 6.74% 12.51% 15.45%
US Equity American Funds Growth Fund - Class 2
Capital Research and Management CompanySM
0.60% 21.97% 19.71% 25.43%
US Equity American Funds Growth-Income Fund - Class 2
Capital Research and Management CompanySM
0.54% 24.10% 15.42% 16.39%
US Fixed Income American Funds The Bond Fund of America* - Class 2
Capital Research and Management CompanySM
0.45% -0.31% 3.27% 4.25%
Allocation American Funds® Balanced Allocation Portfolio - Class C
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.97% 12.14% 11.61% 10.22%
Allocation American Funds® Growth Allocation Portfolio - Class C
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
1.01% 15.91% 13.89% 12.35%
Allocation American Funds® Moderate Allocation Portfolio - Class C
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.94% 9.64% 9.44% 8.33%
International Equity Baillie Gifford International Stock Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited
0.71% -0.76% 13.35% 9.97%
US Fixed Income BlackRock Bond Income Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: BlackRock Advisors, LLC
0.37% -0.43% 4.26% 3.86%
US Equity BlackRock Capital Appreciation Portfolio* - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: BlackRock Advisors, LLC
0.77% 21.02% 25.26% 18.46%


(as of 12/31/2021)
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 100 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.72% 18.34% 14.91% 13.15%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 20 Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.60% 4.01% 6.00% 5.30%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 40 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.60% 7.68% 8.12% 7.37%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 60 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.63% 11.17% 10.45% 9.47%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 80 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.67% 14.87% 12.89% 11.54%
US Equity Brighthouse/Artisan Mid Cap Value Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Artisan Partners Limited Partnership
0.75% 26.91% 10.32% 11.00%
US Fixed Income Brighthouse/Franklin Low Duration Total Return Portfolio* - Class B
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Franklin Advisers, Inc.
0.72% 0.28% 1.75% 1.78%
Allocation Brighthouse/Wellington Balanced Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Wellington Management Company LLP
0.51% 14.02% 12.84% 11.64%
US Equity Brighthouse/Wellington Core Equity Opportunities Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Wellington Management Company LLP
0.60% 24.43% 16.62% 14.75%
US Equity Brighthouse/Wellington Large Cap Research Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Wellington Management Company LLP
0.53% 24.38% 18.14% 16.33%
Allocation Calvert VP SRI Balanced Portfolio - Class I
Calvert Research and Management
0.63% 15.12% 12.49% 10.48%
US Equity Calvert VP SRI Mid Cap Portfolio - X
Calvert Research and Management
0.96% 15.03% 12.59% 11.89%
Sector CBRE Global Real Estate Portfolio - Class E (formerly known as Clarion Global Real Estate Portfolio - Class E)
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: CBRE Investment Management Listed Real Assets LLC
0.77% 34.56% 10.14% 9.12%


(as of 12/31/2021)
US Equity Equity-Income Portfolio - Initial Class
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
Subadviser: FMR UK, FMR HK, FMR Japan
0.51% 24.89% 11.95% 12.53%
Allocation Freedom 2020 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.75% 9.26% 10.41% 8.98%
Allocation Freedom 2025 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.78% 10.55% 11.24% 9.97%
Allocation Freedom 2030 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.82% 12.07% 12.48% 10.81%
Allocation Freedom 2035 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.87% 15.18% 13.98% 11.97%
Allocation Freedom 2040 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.90% 17.50% 14.72% 12.39%
Allocation Freedom 2045 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.90% 17.53% 14.72% 12.49%
Allocation Freedom 2050 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.90% 17.51% 14.72% 12.55%
US Equity Frontier Mid Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Frontier Capital Management Company, LLC
0.70% 14.68% 18.90% 15.49%
US Equity Growth Portfolio - Initial Class
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
Subadviser: FMR UK, FMR HK, FMR Japan
0.61% 23.21% 26.29% 19.70%
International Equity Harris Oakmark International Portfolio* - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Harris Associates L.P.
0.91% 8.52% 7.18% 8.83%
Global Equity Invesco Global Equity Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Invesco Advisers, Inc.
0.57% 15.76% 18.44% 14.46%
US Equity Invesco Small Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Invesco Advisers, Inc.
0.95% 7.01% 19.03% 16.75%
US Fixed Income Investment Grade Bond Portfolio - Initial Class
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
Subadviser: FMR UK, FMR HK, FMR Japan
0.39% -0.61% 4.33% 3.54%
US Equity Jennison Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Jennison Associates LLC
0.53% 17.17% 27.45% 20.50%
Allocation Loomis Sayles Global Allocation Portfolio* - Class B
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
1.02% 14.26% 14.24% 11.33%
US Equity Loomis Sayles Growth Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
0.56% 18.66% 16.59% 15.99%


(as of 12/31/2021)
US Equity Loomis Sayles Small Cap Core Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
0.87% 21.95% 11.95% 13.23%
US Equity Loomis Sayles Small Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
0.86% 10.00% 19.09% 15.79%
US Fixed Income MetLife Aggregate Bond Index Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.27% -1.93% 3.32% 2.64%
US Equity MetLife Mid Cap Stock Index Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.29% 24.40% 12.81% 13.93%
International Equity MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.38% 10.72% 9.38% 7.84%
US Equity MetLife Russell 2000® Index Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.30% 14.52% 11.93% 13.20%
US Equity MetLife Stock Index Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.26% 28.36% 18.18% 16.26%
International Equity MFS ® Research International Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Massachusetts Financial Services Company
0.64% 11.98% 12.58% 8.72%
Allocation MFS ® Total Return Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Massachusetts Financial Services Company
0.59% 14.22% 9.89% 9.68%
US Equity MFS ® Value Portfolio* - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Massachusetts Financial Services Company
0.72% 25.40% 12.34% 13.53%
US Equity Morgan Stanley Discovery Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc.
0.62% -10.54% 37.65% 20.90%
US Equity Neuberger Berman Genesis Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers LLC
0.78% 18.41% 15.71% 14.21%


(as of 12/31/2021)
US Fixed Income PIMCO Inflation Protected Bond Portfolio - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Pacific Investment Management Company LLC
0.68% 5.49% 5.26% 3.01%
US Fixed Income PIMCO Total Return Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Pacific Investment Management Company LLC
0.47% -1.13% 4.15% 3.58%
Allocation SSGA Growth and Income ETF Portfolio - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: SSGA Funds Management, Inc.
0.66% 13.52% 10.15% 8.59%
Allocation SSGA Growth ETF Portfolio - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: SSGA Funds Management, Inc.
0.69% 17.75% 11.85% 10.14%
US Equity T. Rowe Price Large Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
0.57% 20.22% 23.39% 19.26%
US Equity T. Rowe Price Mid Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
0.70% 15.15% 18.19% 16.57%
US Equity T. Rowe Price Small Cap Growth Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
0.49% 11.67% 16.25% 15.90%
US Equity Victory Sycamore Mid Cap Value Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Victory Capital Management Inc.
0.59% 32.13% 12.75% 12.26%
US Fixed Income Western Asset Management Strategic Bond Opportunities Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Western Asset Management Company LLC
0.54% 2.82% 5.55% 5.21%
US Fixed Income Western Asset Management U.S. Government Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Western Asset Management Company LLC
0.48% -1.52% 2.49% 1.97%
* The Portfolio is subject to an expense reimbursement or fee waiver arrangement. The annual expenses shown reflect temporary fee reductions.


APPENDIX B — Premium Tax Table
If You are a resident of one of the following jurisdictions, the percentage amount listed by that jurisdiction is the premium tax rate applicable to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity.
and Income
California (1) 0.5%   2.35%  
Colorado 0.0%   2.0%  
Florida (2) 1.0%   1.0%  
Maine (3) 0.0%   2.0%  
Nevada (4) 0.0%   3.5%  
Puerto Rico(5) 1.0%   1.0%  
South Dakota(6) 0.0%   1.25%  
Wyoming (4) 0.0%   1.0%  
1 California applies the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401(a), 403(b), 404, 408(b), and 501(a).
2 Annuity purchase payments are exempt from taxation provided the tax savings are passed back to the Contract Owners. Otherwise, they are taxable at 1%.
3 Maine applies the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401, 403, 403(b), 404, 408, 457 and 501.
4 Nevada and Wyoming apply the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401, 403, 404, 408, 457 and 501.
5 We will not deduct premium taxes paid by us to Puerto Rico from purchase payments, Account Value, withdrawals, death benefits or income payments.
6 Special rate applies for large case annuity policies. Rate is 0.08% for that portion of the annuity considerations received on a Contract exceeding $500,000 annually. Special rate on large case policies is not subject to retaliation. South Dakota applies the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401, 403(b), 404, 408, 457, and 501(a).


APPENDIX C — What You Need To Know If You Are A Texas Optional Retirement Program Participant
If You are a participant in the Texas Optional Retirement Program, Texas law permits us to make withdrawals on your behalf only if You die, retire or terminate employment in all Texas institutions of higher education, as defined under Texas law. Any withdrawal You ask for requires a written statement from the appropriate Texas institution of higher education verifying your vesting status and (if applicable) termination of employment. Also, we require a written statement from You that You are not transferring employment to another Texas institution of higher education. If You retire or terminate employment in all Texas institutions of higher education or die before being vested, amounts provided by the state’s matching contribution will be refunded to the appropriate Texas institution. We may change these restrictions or add others without your consent to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with the law.


This Prospectus incorporates by reference all of the information contained in the Statement of Additional Information, which is legally part of this Prospectus.
The SAI includes additional information about the Deferred Annuities and Separate Account. To view and download the SAI, please visit dfinview.com/metlife/tahd/MET000209. To request a free copy of the SAI or to ask questions, write or call:
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
Attn: Fulfillment Unit EPPA
PO Box 10342
Des Moines, IA 50306-0342
(800) 638-7732
Reports and other information about the Separate Account are available on the Commission’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Copies of this information may be obtained, upon payment of a duplicating fee, by electronic request at the following email address: publicinfo@sec.gov.
EDGAR ID: C000003501

May 1, 2022
Financial Freedom Account Variable Annuity Contracts
Issued by Separate Account E of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (“MetLife”)
This Prospectus describes group Financial Freedom Account Contracts for deferred variable annuities (“Financial Freedom Deferred Annuities”) and Financial Freedom immediate variable income annuities (“Financial Freedom Income Annuities”) (also referred to herein as “the Deferred Annuities” or “the Contracts”).
You decide how to allocate your money among the various available investment choices for the Financial Freedom Deferred Annuity and Financial Freedom Income Annuity. The investment choices available to You are listed in the Contract for your Financial Freedom Deferred Annuity or Financial Freedom Income Annuity. Your choices may include the Fixed Interest Account/Fixed Income Option and Divisions (Divisions may be referred to as “Investment Divisions” in the Contract and marketing materials) available through Metropolitan Life Separate Account E which, in turn, invest in the Portfolios described in Appendix A. For convenience, the portfolios and the funds are referred to as Portfolios in this Prospectus. As noted in Appendix A below, not all Portfolios are available under all Contracts and you should ask your employer for a list of available Portfolios.
How to learn more:
Before investing, read this Prospectus. The Prospectus contains information about the Financial Freedom Deferred Annuities, Financial Freedom Income Annuities and Metropolitan Life Separate Account E which You should know before investing. Keep this Prospectus for future reference.
Additional information about certain investment products, including variable annuities has been prepared by the Securities and Exchange Commission’s staff and is available at Investor.gov.
Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission nor any state securities commission has approved or disapproved these securities or determined if this Prospectus is truthful or complete. Any representation otherwise is a criminal offense. Interests in the Separate Account and the Fixed Account are not deposits or obligations of, or insured or guaranteed by, the U.S. Government, any bank or other depository institution including the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”), the Federal Reserve Board or any other agency or entity or person.
The date of this prospectus is May 1, 2022













































































Account Value — When You purchase a Deferred Annuity, an account is set up for You. Your Account Value is the total amount of money credited to You under your Deferred Annuity including money in the Divisions of the Separate Account and the Fixed Interest Account, less any account reduction loans.
Accumulation Unit Value — With a Deferred Annuity, money paid-in or transferred into a Division of the Separate Account is credited to You in the form of Accumulation Units. Accumulation Units are established for each Division. We determine the value of these Accumulation Units as of the close of the Exchange each day the Exchange is open for regular trading. The Exchange usually closes at 4 p.m. Eastern Time but may close earlier or later. The values increase or decrease based on the investment performance of the corresponding underlying Portfolios.
Administrative Office — The Administrative Office is the MetLife office that will generally handle the administration of all your requests concerning your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. Your quarterly statement, payment statement and/or check stub will indicate the address of your Administrative Office. The telephone number to call to initiate a request is 1-800-638-7732.
Annuitant – The natural person whose life is the measure for determining the duration and the dollar amount of income payments, sometimes referred to as the measuring life.
Annuity Unit Value — With an Income Annuity or variable pay-out option, the money paid-in or reallocated into a Division of the Separate Account is held in the form of Annuity Units. Annuity Units are established for each Division. We determine the value of these Annuity Units as of the close of the Exchange each day the Exchange is open for regular trading. The Exchange usually closes at 4 p.m. Eastern Time but may close earlier or later. The values increase or decrease based on the investment performance of the corresponding underlying Portfolios.
Assumed Investment Return (AIR) — Under an Income Annuity or variable pay-out option, the AIR is the assumed percentage rate of return used to determine the amount of the first variable income payment. The AIR is also the benchmark that is used to calculate the investment performance of a given Division to determine all subsequent payments to You.
Beneficiary – the person who receives a benefit, including continuing payments or a lump sum payment, if the Annuitant dies.
Contract  — A Contract is the legal agreement between MetLife and the employer, plan trustee or other entity, or the certificate issued to You under a group annuity Contract. This document contains relevant provisions of your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. MetLife issues Contracts for each of the annuities described in this Prospectus.
Contract Year — Generally, the Contract Year for a Deferred Annuity is the period ending on the last day of the month in which the anniversary of when we issued the annuity occurs and each following 12-month period. However, depending on underwriting and plan requirements, the first Contract Year may range from the initial three to fifteen months after the Deferred Annuity is issued.
Deferred Annuity — This term is used throughout this Prospectus when we are referring to the Financial Freedom Deferred Annuities.
Divisions  — Divisions are subdivisions of the Separate Account. When You allocate a purchase payment, transfer money or make reallocations of your income payment to a Division, the Division purchases shares of a Portfolio


(with the same name) within Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity® VIP Funds or American Funds®.
Early Withdrawal Charge — The Early Withdrawal Charge is a charge that may apply if You withdraw purchase payments from the Fixed Interest Account within seven years of when the purchase payment was allocated to the Fixed Interest Account.
Exchange — In this Prospectus, the New York Stock Exchange is referred to as the “Exchange.”
Free Look — You may cancel your Contract within a certain time period. This is known as a “free look.” We must receive your request to cancel in writing by the appropriate day in your state, which varies from state to state. The time period may also vary depending on your age and whether You purchased your Contract from us directly, through the mail or with money from another annuity or life insurance policy. Depending on state law, we may refund (i) all of your purchase payments (and any interest credited by the Fixed Account, if applicable) or (ii) your Account Value as of the date your refund request is received at your Administrative Office in Good Order (this means you bear the risk of any decline in the value of your Contract due to the performance of the Divisions during the Free Look period).
Good Order — A request or transaction generally is considered in “Good Order” if it complies with our administrative procedures, and the required information is complete and accurate. A request or transaction may be rejected or delayed if not in Good Order. Good Order generally means the actual receipt by us of the instructions relating to the requested transaction in writing (or, when permitted, by telephone or internet) along with all forms, information and supporting legal documentation necessary to effect the transaction. This information and documentation generally includes to the extent applicable to the transaction: your completed application; your Contract number; the transaction amount (in dollars or percentage terms); the names and allocations to and/or from the Divisions affected by the requested transaction; the signatures of all Contract Owners (exactly as indicated on the Contract), if necessary; Social Security Number or Tax I.D.; and any other information or supporting documentation that we may require, including any spousal or Joint Owner’s consents. With respect to purchase payments, Good Order also generally includes receipt by us of sufficient funds to effect the purchase. We may, in our sole discretion, determine whether any particular transaction request is in Good Order, and we reserve the right to change or waive any Good Order requirement at any time. If You have any questions, You should contact us or your sales representative (where applicable) before submitting the form or request.
Income Annuity — This term is used throughout this Prospectus when we are referring to the Financial Freedom Income Annuities.
MetLife  — MetLife is Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, which is the company that issues the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities. Throughout this Prospectus, MetLife is also referred to as “we,” “us” or “our.”
Separate Account — Metropolitan Life Separate Account E (“Separate Account”) is an investment account. All assets contributed to Divisions under the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities are pooled in the Separate Account and maintained for the benefit of investors in Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities.
Variable Annuity — An annuity in which returns/income payments are based upon the performance of investments such as stocks and bonds held by one or more underlying Portfolios. You assume the investment risk for any amounts allocated to the Divisions in a Variable Annuity.
You  — In this Prospectus, depending on the context, “You” may mean either the purchaser of the Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity, the annuitant under an Income Annuity or the participant or annuitant under certain group arrangements. In cases where we are referring to giving instructions or making payments to us for PEDC, Section


451 deferred fee arrangements, Section 451 deferred compensation plans, Section 457(f) deferred compensation plans, Section 457(e)(11) severance and death benefit plans and Section 415(m) qualified governmental excess benefit arrangements, “You” means the trustee or employer. In connection with a 403(b) plan termination, as of the date of the Contract or cash distribution under such distribution, "You" means the participant who has received such Contract or cash distribution.


Charges Early Withdrawal An Early Withdrawal Charge of up to 7% may apply if You withdraw purchase payments from the Fixed Interest Account within seven years of when the Purchase Payments were allocated to the Fixed Interest Account in your Deferred Annuity.

For example, if you make an early withdrawal, you could pay a surrender charge of up to $7,000 on a $100,000 investment.
Appendix C
Transaction Charges In addition to surrender charges, you also may be charged for other transactions such as charges for transferring cash value between Divisions and a premium tax charge.

Loans will be charged an initial set-up fee and a loan maintenance fee. The Account Reduction Loan Initiation Fee is $75.00. The Account Reduction Loan Maintenance Fee is $50.00.
Ongoing Fees and Expenses (annual charges) Minimum and Maximum Annual Fee Table. The table below describes the fees and expenses that you may pay each year, depending on the options you choose. Please refer to your Contract specifications page for information about the specific fees you will pay each year based on the options you have elected. Fees
Annual Fee Minimum Maximum
Base Contract
0.95% (1)
Investment options (Portfolio fees and expenses)
1.03% (2)
(1) As a percentage of your Account Balance in the Separate Account.
(2) As a percentage of average daily net assets of the Portfolio.
  Because your Contract is customizable, the choices you make affect how much you will pay. To help understand the cost of owning your Contract, the following table shows the lowest and highest cost you could pay each year, based on current charges. This estimate assumes that you do not take withdrawals from the Contract, which could add contingent deferred sales charges that substantially increase costs. Fees
Lowest Annual Cost: Highest Annual Cost:
$1,128 $1,821
• Assumes:
• Investment of $100,000
• 5% annual appreciation
• Least expensive combination of Portfolio fees and expenses
• No optional benefits
• No sales charges
• No additional purchase payments, transfers or withdrawals
• Assumes:
• Investment of $100,000
• 5% annual appreciation
• Most expensive combination of Portfolio fees and expenses
• No sales charges
• No additional purchase payments, transfers or withdrawals


Risk of Loss You can lose money by investing in the Contract, including loss of principal. Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Not a Short- Term Investment This Contract is not a short-term investment and is not appropriate for an investor who needs ready access to cash.

• An Early Withdrawal Charge of up to 7% may apply if You withdraw purchase payments from the Fixed Interest Account within seven years of when the Purchase Payments were allocated to the Fixed Interest Account in your Deferred Annuity. Withdrawal charges will reduce the value of your Contract if you withdraw money during that time.
• The benefits of tax deferral and mean that the Contract is more beneficial to investors with a long time horizon.
• Earnings on your Contract are taxed at ordinary income tax rates when You withdraw them, and You may have to pay a penalty if You take a withdrawal before age 59 12.
Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Risks Associated with Investment Options • An investment in the Contract is subject to the risk of poor investment performance and can vary depending on the performance of the investment options available under the Contract (e.g., Portfolios).
• Each investment option (including any Fixed Account investment option) will have its own unique risks.
• You should review these investment options before making an investment decision.
Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Insurance Company Risks Contracts are subject to the risks related to Metropolitan Life, including any obligations (including under any Fixed Account investment options), guarantees, and benefits of the Contract are subject to the claims-paying ability of the Metropolitan Life. If Metropolitan Life experiences financial distress, it may not be able to meet its obligations to you. More information about the Company, including its financial strength ratings, is available by visiting https://www.metlife.com/about-us/corporate-profile/ratings/. Principal Risks of Investing in the Contract
Investments Although we do not currently charge a fee for transfers of cash value among Divisions or between the Divisions and the Fixed Account, We reserve the right to impose a transfer fee of $25. We reserve the right to add, remove or substitute Portfolios.

The Company also has policies and procedures that attempt to detect and deter frequent transfers in situations where we determine there is a potential for arbitrage additional limits that apply to transfers.


Tax Implications • You should consult with a tax professional to determine the tax implications of an investment in and purchase payments received under the Contract.
• There is no additional tax benefit if You purchase the Contract through a tax-qualified plan or individual retirement account (IRA).
• Earnings on your Contract are taxed at ordinary income tax rates when You withdraw them, and You may have to pay a penalty if You take a withdrawal before age 59 12.
Federal Tax Considerations
Investment Professional Compensation Your investment professional may receive compensation for selling this Contract to You, both in the form of commissions and because MetLife may share the revenue it earns on this Contract with the professional’s firm. This conflict of interest may influence your investment professional to recommend this Contract over another investment. Certain Payments We Receive with Regard to the Portfolios
Exchanges Some investment professionals may have a financial incentive to offer you a new contract in place of the one you own. You should only exchange your Contract if You determine, after comparing the features, fees, and risks of both contracts, that it is better for you to purchase the new contract rather than continue to own your existing Contract. Transfers
The Financial Freedom Account Variable Annuity Contract is designed to provide long-term accumulation of assets through investments in a variety of investment options during the accumulation phase. It can supplement your retirement income by providing a stream of income payments during the payout phase. It also offers death benefits to protect your designated beneficiaries and favorable tax treatment of insurance proceeds. This Contract may be appropriate if you have a long investment time horizon. It is not intended for people who may need to make early or frequent withdrawals or intend to engage in frequent trading in the Portfolios.
Phases of the Contract
Your Contract has two phases: 1) an accumulation or “pay-in” phase; and 2) an income or “pay-out” phase.
1) Accumulation (Pay-in) Phase
To help You accumulate assets, You can invest your premium payments in:
Portfolios (mutual funds), each of which has its own investment strategies, investment advisers, expense ratios, and returns; and
a Fixed Account option, which offers a guaranteed interest rate during a selected period.
Additional information about each Portfolio including its investment objective, advisers and any subadvisers as well as current expenses and certain performance information is included in Appendix A.
2) Income (Pay-out) Phase


You can elect to annuitize your Contract and turn your Contract value into a stream of income payments (sometimes called annuity payments) from MetLife, at which time the accumulation phase of the Contract ends. These payments may continue for a fixed period of years, for your entire life, or for the longer of a fixed period or your life. The payments may also be fixed or variable. Variable payments will vary based on the performance of the investment options you select.
Please note that if you annuitize, your investments will be converted to income payments and you may no longer be able to choose to withdraw money at will from your Contract. All benefits (including standard death benefits and living benefits) terminate upon annuitization.
Contract Features
Contract classes. The Contract has a single contract class with a 7-year Early Withdrawal Charge period.
Accessing your money. Until you annuitize, you have full access to your money. You can choose to withdraw your Contract value at any time (although if you withdraw early, you may have to pay a Withdrawal Charge and/or income taxes, including a tax penalty if you are younger than age 59 12).
Tax treatment. You can transfer money between investment options without tax implications, and earnings (if any) on your investments are generally tax-deferred. You are taxed only when: (1) you make a withdrawal; (2) you receive an income payment from the Contract; or (3) upon payment of a death benefit.
Death benefits. Your Contract includes a basic death benefit that will pay your designated beneficiaries a benefit at the time of your death.
Automated investment strategies. At no additional charge, there is one automated investment strategy available to You to help you manage your money based on your risk tolerance and savings goals.
Account Reduction Loans. We may administer loan programs made available through plans or group arrangements on an account reduction basis for certain Deferred Annuities. Account Reduction loans will incur a $75 account reduction loan initiation fee and a $50 annual maintenance fee.


Financial Freedom Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities
The following tables describe the fees and expenses You will pay when buying, owning, and surrendering or making withdrawals from the Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. The first table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay at the time that you buy the Contract, surrender or make withdrawals from the Contract, or transfer Contract value between investment options. State premium taxes may also be deducted.
Transaction Expenses
Sales Load Imposed on Purchases None
Withdrawal Charge(1) (as a percentage of each purchase payment funding the withdrawal from the Divisions of the Separate Account during the pay-in phase) 7%
Exchange Fee for Deferred Annuities None
Surrender Fee for Deferred Annuities None
Account Reduction Loan Initiation Fee $ 75(2)
Transfer Fee(3) $25
1 An Early Withdrawal Charge of up to 7% may be imposed on withdrawals made from assets allocated to the Fixed Interest Account. The Early Withdrawal Charges imposed depends on the Plan in which You participate. Please refer to Appendix D for more information and your Certificate for the surrender charges that would apply to you. No Early Withdrawal Charge is imposed on withdrawals from the Divisions of the Separate Account.
2 Either or both fees may be waived for certain groups. The loan maintenance fee is paid on a quarterly basis at the end of each quarter on a pro-rata basis from the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account in which You then have a balance.
3 We reserve the right to limit transfers as described later in this Prospectus. We reserve the right to impose a transfer fee. The amount of this fee will be no greater than $25 per transfer.
The next table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay each year during the time that you own the Contract (not including Portfolio Company fees and expenses). If you choose to purchase an optional benefit, you will pay additional charges, as shown below.
Base Contract Charge(3,4)
(as a percentage of your average Account Value in the Separate Account)
Annual Account Reduction Loan Maintenance Fee (per loan outstanding)(5) $50
3 The Base Contract Fee includes .03% for the Annual Contract Fee. The Annual Contract Fee is $20 annually and is charged only against amounts in the Fixed Interest Account. The Annual Contract Fee may be waived under certain circumstances.
4 Pursuant to the terms of the Contract, our total Separate Account charge will not exceed .95% of your average balance in the Divisions. For purposes of presentation here, we estimated the allocation between general administrative expenses and the mortality and expense risk charge for Deferred Annuities or the amount of underlying Portfolio shares we have designated in the Divisions to generate your income payments for Income Annuities.
5 The fee may be waived for certain groups. The loan maintenance fee is paid on a quarterly basis at the end of each quarter on a pro-rata basis from the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account in which You then have a balance.
The next item shows the minimum and maximum total operating expenses charged by the Portfolios that you may pay periodically during the time that you own the Contract. A complete list of Portfolios available under the Contract, including their annual expenses, may be found in “Appendix A-Portfolio Companies Available Under the Contract” at the back of this Prospectus.


Annual Portfolio Company Expenses
  Minimum Maximum
(expenses that are deducted from Portfolio Company assets, including management fees, distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees, and other expenses) 0.23% 1.03%
This example is intended to help You compare the cost of investing in the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities with the cost of investing in other variable annuity contracts. These costs include the Transaction Expenses, the Annual Contract Expenses and the Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses.
This example shows the dollar amount of expenses that You would bear directly or indirectly on a $10,000 investment for a Deferred Annuity for the time periods indicated. Your actual costs may be higher or lower.
You bear the Minimum or Maximum Total Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses (without reimbursement and/or waiver of expenses);
the underlying Portfolio earns a 5% annual return;
Based on these assumptions, your charges would be:
  1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
If you annuitize or do not surrender your Contract at the end of the applicable time period        
Maximum $1,980 $6,122 $10,518 $22,722
Minimum $1,180 $3,677 $ 6,369 $14,051
Investing in the Contracts involves risks. The following are the principal risks of an investment in the Contract. You should carefully consider the below risks in addition to the other information contained in this Prospectus.
Risk of Loss. An investment in the Contract is not a bank deposit and is not guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency. The Contract is subject to market risk (the risk that your investments may decline in value or underperform your expectations). As a result, You can lose money by investing in the Contract, including loss of principal.
Not a Short-Term Investment. This Contract is not a short-term investment and is not appropriate for an investor who needs ready access to cash. If you withdraw early, you may have to pay a Withdrawal Charge and/or income taxes, including a tax penalty if you are younger than age 59 12. An Early Withdrawal Charge of up to 7% may apply if You withdraw purchase payments from the Fixed Interest Account within seven years of when the Purchase Payments were allocated to the Fixed Interest Account in your Deferred Annuity. Withdrawal Charges will reduce the value of your Contract if you withdraw money during that time. The benefits of tax deferral and living benefit protections also mean that the Contract is more beneficial to investors with a long time horizon.
Risk of Underlying Portfolios. An investment in the Contract is subject to the risk of poor investment performance and can vary depending on the performance of the investment options available under the Contract


(e.g., Portfolio Companies). Each investment option (including the Fixed Account investment option) will have its own unique risks. We do not provide any investment advice and do not recommend or endorse any particular Portfolio. You bear the risk of any decline in the Account Balance of your Contract resulting from the performance of the Portfolio You have chosen. You should review these investment options before making an investment decision. Information regarding the Portfolios available under your Contract is available in Appendix A to this Prospectus.
Risks Associated with the Company. An investment in the Contract is subject to the risks related to the Company. Any obligations (including under the Fixed Account), guarantees, or benefits are subject to the claims-paying ability of the Company, and our long term ability to make such payments, and are not guaranteed by any other party. MetLife is regulated as an insurance company under state law, which generally includes limits on the amount and type of investments in its general account. However, there is no guarantee that we will be able to meet our claims paying obligations; there are risks to purchasing any insurance product.
Conflicts of Interest. Your investment professional may receive compensation for selling this Contract to You, both in the form of commissions and because MetLife may share the revenue it earns on this Contract with the professional’s firm. This conflict of interest may influence your investment professional to recommend this Contract over another investment. In addition, some investment professionals may have a financial incentive to offer you a new contract in place of the one you own. You should only exchange your Contract if you determine, after comparing the features, fees, and risks of both contracts, that it is better for you to purchase the new contract rather than continue to own your existing Contract.
Suitability. An investment in the Contract may not be suitable for all investors. For example, there is no additional tax benefit if You purchase the Contract through a tax-qualified plan or individual retirement account (IRA). Therefore, there should be reasons other than tax deferral for acquiring the Contract. You should consult with a tax or investment professional to determine the tax and other implications of an investment in and purchase payments received under the Contract.
Taxation Risk. Although the provisions of the Code relevant to the Contract are generally described under “Federal Tax Considerations,” an investor should consult its own tax advisor concerning the effects of federal, state, local and foreign tax law on the Contract. No assurance can be given that, even if the tax provisions currently applicable to the Contract are favorable, the law or regulations or interpretations thereunder will not change and the Contract may be disadvantaged.
Cybersecurity. Our business is highly dependent upon the effective operation of our information systems, and those of our service providers, vendors, and other third parties. Cybersecurity breaches of such systems can be intentional or unintentional events, and can occur through unauthorized access to computer systems, networks or devices; infection from computer viruses or other malicious software code; or attacks that shut down, disable, slow or otherwise disrupt operations, business processes or website access or functionality and our disaster recovery systems may be insufficient to safeguard our ability to conduct business. Cybersecurity breaches can interfere with our processing of contract transactions, including the processing of transfer orders from our website or with the Portfolios; impact our ability to calculate Accumulation Unit Values; cause the release and possible loss or destruction of confidential Contract Owner or business information; impede order processing or cause other operational issues; and result in regulatory enforcement actions or new laws or regulations which could increase our compliance costs. Although we continually make efforts to identify and reduce our exposure to cybersecurity risk, and we require our critical vendors to implement effective cybersecurity and data protection measures, there is no guarantee that we will be able to successfully manage this risk at all times.


Pandemics and Other Public Health Issues. The pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 has caused and may continue to cause illnesses and deaths. This pandemic, other pandemics, and their related major public health issues, and governmental, business and consumer reactions to them, have affected and may continue to have a major impact on the global economy and financial markets. Governmental and non-governmental organizations may not effectively combat the spread and severity of such a pandemic, increasing uncertainty, and creating the potential for more rapid changes to which the Company may find it more difficult to adjust. For example, regulatory action in response to pandemics or other health issues may impose new requirements affecting the Company’s obligations under your Contract, exposing the Company to risks and costs that the Company is unable to foresee or underwrite.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is a provider of insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management. We are also one of the largest institutional investors in the United States with a general account portfolio invested primarily in fixed income securities (corporate, structured products, municipals, and government and agency) and mortgage loans, as well as real estate, real estate joint ventures, other limited partnerships and equity securities. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company was incorporated under the laws of New York in 1868. The Company’s office is located at 200 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10166-0188. The Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of MetLife, Inc. Obligations to Owners and Beneficiaries that arise under the Policy are obligations of MetLife.
We established Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on September 27, 1983. The purpose of the Separate Account is to hold the variable assets that underlie the Financial Freedom Account Variable Annuity Contracts and some other variable annuity contracts we issue. We have registered the Separate Account with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) as a unit investment trust under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (“1940 Act”).
The Separate Account’s assets are solely for the benefit of those who invest in the Separate Account and no one else, including our creditors. The assets of the Separate Account are held in our name on behalf of the Separate Account and legally belong to us. All the income, gains and losses (realized or unrealized) resulting from these assets are credited to or charged against the contracts issued from this Separate Account without regard to our other business.
We are obligated to pay all money we owe under the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities − such as death benefits and income payments − even if that amount exceeds the assets in the Separate Account. Any such amount that exceeds the assets in the Separate Account is paid from our general account. Benefit amounts paid from the general account are subject to the financial strength and claims paying ability of the Company and our long term ability to make such payments and are not guaranteed by our parent company, MetLife, Inc., or by any other party. We issue other annuity contracts and life insurance policies where we pay all money we owe under those contracts and policies from our general account. MetLife is regulated as an insurance company under state law, which includes, generally, limits on the amount and type of investments in its general account. However, there is no guarantee that we will be able to meet our claims paying obligations; there are risks to purchasing any insurance product.
The investment manager to certain of the Portfolios offered with the Contracts or with other variable annuity contracts issued through the Separate Account may be regulated as Commodity Pool Operators. While MetLife does


not concede that the Separate Account is a commodity pool, the Company has claimed an exclusion from the definition of the term “commodity pool operator” under the Commodities Exchange Act (“CEA”), and is not subject to registration or regulation as a pool operator under the CEA.
There are two types of variable annuities described in this Prospectus: Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities. These annuities are “variable” because the value of your account or the amount of each income payment varies based on the investment performance of the Divisions You choose. In short, the value of your Deferred Annuity, your income payments under a variable pay-out option of your Deferred Annuity, or your income payments under your Income Annuity, may go up or down. Since the investment performance is not guaranteed, your money or income payment amount is at risk. The degree of risk will depend on the Divisions You select. The Accumulation Unit Value or Annuity Unit Value for each Division rises or falls based on the investment performance (or “experience”) of the Portfolio with the same name. MetLife and its affiliates also offer other annuities not described in this Prospectus. The Prospectus describes the material features of the Deferred Annuities and the Income Annuities.
The Deferred Annuities have a fixed interest rate option called the “Fixed Interest Account.” The Fixed Interest Account is part of our general account and offers an interest rate that is guaranteed by us (the current minimum rate on the Fixed Interest Account is 3% but may be lower based on your state and issue date and, therefore, may be lower for certain Contracts). Your registered representative can tell you the current and minimum interest rates that apply. Because of exemptive and exclusionary provisions, interests in the Fixed Account have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, and neither the Fixed Account nor our general account has been registered as an investment company under the 1940 Act. Income Annuities and the variable pay-out options under the Deferred Annuities have a fixed payment option called the “Fixed Income Option.” Under the Fixed Income Option, we guarantee the amount of your fixed income payments. These fixed options are not described in this Prospectus although we occasionally refer to them. All guarantees as to purchase payments or Account Value allocated to the Fixed Account, interest credited to the Fixed Account, and fixed annuity payments are subject to our financial strength and claims-paying ability.
The group Deferred Annuities and group Income Annuities described in this Prospectus are offered to employers, associations, trusts or other groups for their employees, members or participants.
A Deferred Annuity
You accumulate money in your account during the pay-in phase by making one or more purchase payments. MetLife will hold your money and credit investment returns as long as the money remains in your account.
All tax sheltered annuities (“TSA(s)”), public employee deferred compensation (“PEDC”) arrangements, 403(a)(s) receive tax deferral under the Internal Revenue Code (“Code”). There are no additional tax benefits from funding these tax qualified arrangements with a Deferred Annuity. Therefore, there should be reasons other than tax deferral, such as the availability of a guaranteed income for life or the death benefit, for acquiring the Deferred Annuity within these arrangements.
Non-Natural Persons as Owners or Beneficiaries. If a non-natural person, such as a trust, is the Owner of a non-qualified Deferred Annuity, the distribution on death rules under the Code may require payment to begin earlier than expected and may impact the usefulness of the living (if any) and/or death benefits. Naming a non-natural person, such as a trust or estate, as a beneficiary under the Deferred Annuity will generally, eliminate the beneficiary’s ability to “stretch” or a spousal beneficiary’s ability to continue the Deferred Annuity and the living (if any) and/or death benefits.


A Deferred Annuity consists of two phases: the accumulation or “pay-in” phase and the income or “pay-out” phase. The pay-out phase begins when You either take all of your money out of the account or You elect “income” payments using the money in your account. The number and the amount of the income payments You receive will depend on such things as the type of pay-out option You choose, your investment choices, and the amount used to provide your income payments. Because Deferred Annuities offer various insurance benefits such as pay-out options, including our guarantee of income for your lifetime, they are “annuities.”
Generally, it is not advisable to purchase a Deferred Annuity as a replacement for an existing annuity contract. You should replace an existing contract only when You determine that the Deferred Annuity is better for You. You may have to pay a withdrawal charge on your existing contract, and the Deferred Annuity may impose a new withdrawal charge period. Before You buy a Deferred Annuity ask your registered representative if purchasing a Deferred Annuity would be advantageous, given the Deferred Annuity’s features, benefits and charges. You should talk to your tax adviser to make sure that this purchase will qualify as a tax-free exchange. If You surrender your existing contract for cash and then buy the Deferred Annuity, You may have to pay Federal income taxes, including possible penalty taxes, on the surrender. Also, because we will not issue the Deferred Annuity until we have received the initial purchase payment from your existing insurance company, the issuance of the Deferred Annuity may be delayed.
We no longer make the Financial Freedom Account Deferred Annuity available, however, current Contract Owners may continue to make additional purchase payments, and new participants may enroll under any issued group Contract.
An Income Annuity
An Income Annuity, also known as an immediate annuity, only has a “pay-out” phase. You make a single purchase payment and select the type of income payment suited to your needs. Some of the income payment types guarantee an income stream for your lifetime; others guarantee an income stream for both your lifetime, as well as the lifetime of another person (such as a spouse). Some Income Annuities guarantee a time period of your choice over which MetLife will make income payments. Income Annuities also have other features. The amount of the income payments You receive will depend on such things as the income payment type You choose, your investment choices and the amount of your purchase payment.
The Financial Freedom Account Income Annuities are no longer available.
This Prospectus describes the following Deferred Annuities under which You can accumulate money:
Financial Freedom Account:
TSA (Tax Sheltered Annuity)
403(a)(Qualified annuity plans under Section 403(a))
Non-Qualified (for certain deferred arrangements and plans)
These Non-Qualified Deferred Annuities (for certain deferred arrangements and plans) include Section 457(f) deferred compensation plans, Section 451 deferred fee arrangements, Section 451 deferred compensation plans, and Section 457(e)(11) severance and death benefits plans, and for Financial Freedom Deferred Annuities only, Section 415(m) qualified governmental excess benefit arrangements. The Non-Qualified Deferred Annuities for


Section 457(e)(11) severance and death benefit plans have special tax risks. We no longer offer Section 457(e)(11) severance and death benefit plans but will accept purchase payments for those already issued.
In general under these types of non-qualified deferred compensation arrangements, all assets under the plan (including the Contract) are owned by the employer (or a trust subject to the claims of the employer’s creditors). Participants may be permitted, if authorized under the plan, to make certain “deemed” investment choices and allocations. However, the entire interest under the Contract remains the property of the employer and any Account Values thereunder are maintained solely for accounting purposes under the plan.
These Deferred Annuities are issued to a group. You are then a participant under the group’s Deferred Annuity. Certain group Deferred Annuities may be issued to a bank that does nothing but hold them as contract holder. Deferred Annuities may be either:
Allocated (your Account Value records are kept for You as an individual); or
Unallocated (Account Value records are kept for a plan or group as a whole).
The Deferred Annuity and Your Retirement Plan
If You participate through a retirement plan or other group arrangement, the Deferred Annuity may provide that all or some of your rights or choices as described in this Prospectus are subject to the plan’s terms. For example, limitations on your rights may apply to investment choices, purchase payments, withdrawals, transfers, loans, the death benefit and pay-out options. The Deferred Annuity may provide that a plan administrative fee will be paid by making a withdrawal from your Account Value. Also, the Deferred Annuity may require that You or your beneficiary obtain a signed authorization from your employer or plan administrator to exercise certain rights. We may rely on your employer’s or plan administrator’s statements to us as to the terms of the plan or your entitlement to any amounts. We are not a party to your employer’s retirement plan. We will not be responsible for determining what your plan says. You should consult your Deferred Annuity Contract and plan document to see how You may be affected. If You are a Texas Optional Retirement Program participant, please see Appendix F for specific information which applies to You.
Plan Terminations
Upon termination of a retirement plan, your employer is generally required to distribute your plan benefits under the Contract to You.
This distribution is in cash or direct rollover to another employer sponsored plan or IRA. The distribution is a withdrawal under the Contract and any amounts withdrawn are subject to any applicable Early Withdrawal Charges. Outstanding loans, if available will be satisfied (paid) from your cash benefit prior to its distribution to You. In addition, your cash distributions are subject to withholding, ordinary income tax and applicable Federal income tax penalties (See “Federal Tax Considerations”).
Automated Investment Strategies
There is one automated investment strategy available to You for Financial Freedom Deferred Annuities. We created this investment strategy to help You manage your money. You decide if it is appropriate for You based upon your risk tolerance and savings goals. This investment strategy is available to You without any additional charges. As with any investment program, no strategy can guarantee a gain — You can lose money. We may modify or terminate the strategy at any time. You may not have a strategy in in effect while You also have an outstanding loan. Your employer, association or other group contract holder may limit the availability of any investment strategy.


The Equity Generator®: An amount equal to the interest earned in the Fixed Interest Account is transferred monthly to either the MetLife Stock Index Division or the Frontier Mid Cap Growth Division, based on your selection. If your Fixed Interest Account Value at the time of a scheduled transfer is zero, this strategy is automatically discontinued. There is no additional charge for electing the Equity Generator. For example, if you elected the Equity Generator and $1,000 of interest was credited to your account each month, then the $1,000 of interest would be transferred from the fixed interest account to the specified Division every month for a 12 month period.
Certain administrative platforms may allow an amount equal to the interest earned in the Fixed Interest Account to be transferred quarterly to the MetLife Stock Index Division.
As an added benefit of this strategy, as long as 100% of every purchase payment is allocated to the Fixed Interest Account for the life of your Deferred Annuity and You never request allocation changes or transfers, You will not pay more in Early Withdrawal Charges than your Contract earns. Early Withdrawal Charges may be taken from any of your earnings in the Fixed Interest Account.
The Equity Generator® is a dollar cost averaging strategy. Dollar cost averaging involves investing at regular intervals of time. Since this involves continuously investing regardless of fluctuating prices, You should consider whether You wish to continue the strategy through periods of fluctuating prices.
We may terminate all transactions under the automated investment strategy, depending on your administrative platform, upon notification of your death.
Investment Choices Which Are Fund of Funds
The following Portfolios available within Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, and Fidelity VIP Funds are “fund of funds”:
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 20 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 40 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 60 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 80 Portfolio
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 100 Portfolio
American Funds® Balanced Allocation Portfolio
American Funds® Growth Allocation Portfolio
American Funds® Moderate Allocation Portfolio
SSGA Growth ETF Portfolio
SSGA Growth and Income ETF Portfolio
Fidelity 2020 Portfolio
Fidelity 2025 Portfolio
Fidelity 2030 Portfolio
Fidelity 2035 Portfolio
Fidelity 2040 Portfolio
Fidelity 2045 Portfolio
Fidelity 2050 Portfolio
“Fund of funds” Portfolios invest substantially all of their assets in other portfolios or, with respect to the SSGA Growth ETF Portfolio and the SSGA Growth and Income ETF Portfolio, other exchange-traded funds (“Underlying ETFs”). Therefore, each of these Portfolios will bear its pro rata share of the fees and expenses incurred by the


underlying portfolios or Underlying ETFs in which it invests in addition to its own management fees and expenses. This will reduce the investment return of each of the fund of funds Portfolios. The expense levels will vary over time, depending on the mix of underlying portfolios or Underlying ETFs in which the fund of funds Portfolio invests. You may be able to realize lower aggregate expenses by investing directly in the underlying portfolios and Underlying ETFs instead of investing in the fund of funds Portfolios, if such underlying portfolios or Underlying ETFs are available under the Contract. However, no Underlying ETFs and only some of the underlying portfolios are available under the Contract.
Additional Information About the Portfolios
Some of the investment choices may not be available under the terms of your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. The Contract or other correspondence we provide You will indicate the Divisions that are available to You. Your investment choices may be limited because:
Your employer, association or other group contract holder limits the available Divisions.
We have restricted the available Divisions.
Some of the Divisions are not approved in your state.
The Divisions buy and sell shares of corresponding mutual fund Portfolios. These Portfolios, which are part of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity® VIP Funds or the American Funds®, invest in stocks, bonds and other investments. All dividends declared by the Portfolios are earned by the Separate Account and are reinvested. Therefore, no dividends are distributed to You under the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities. You pay no transaction expenses (i.e., front-end or back-end sales load charges) as a result of the Separate Account’s purchase or sale of these mutual fund shares. The Portfolios of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, Calvert Fund, Fidelity® VIP Funds and American Funds® Portfolios are made available only through various insurance company annuities and life insurance policies.
Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity® VIP Funds and American Funds® are each a “series” type fund registered with the SEC as an “open-end management investment company” under the 1940 Act. A “series” fund means that each Portfolio is one of several available through the fund.
The Portfolios of Brighthouse Trust I and Brighthouse Trust II pay Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC a monthly fee for its services as their investment manager. The Portfolios of the American Funds® pay Capital Research and Management Company a monthly fee for its services as their investment manager. The Portfolios of the Calvert Fund pay Calvert Asset Management Company, Inc. a monthly fee for its services as their investment manager. Similarly, the Portfolios of the Fidelity® VIP Funds pay Fidelity Management & Research Company a monthly fee for its services as their investment manager. These fees, as well as other expenses paid by each Portfolio, are described in the applicable prospectuses and SAIs for Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity® VIP Funds and American Funds®.
Certain Payments We Receive with Regard to the Portfolios
An investment manager or sub-investment manager of a Portfolio, or its affiliates, may make payments to us and/or certain of our affiliates. These payments may be used for a variety of purposes, including payment of expenses for certain administrative, marketing, and support services with respect to the Contracts and, in the Company’s role as an intermediary, with respect to the Portfolios. The Company and its affiliates may profit from these payments. These payments may be derived, in whole or in part, from the advisory fee deducted from Portfolio assets. Contract Owners, through their indirect investment in the Portfolios, bear the costs of these advisory fees (see the Portfolios’


prospectuses for more information). The amount of the payments we receive is based on a percentage of assets of the Portfolios attributable to the Contracts and certain other variable insurance products that we and our affiliates issue. These percentages differ and some investment managers or sub-investment managers (or other affiliates) may pay us more than others. These percentages currently range up to 0.50%.
Additionally, an investment manager or sub-investment manager of a Portfolio or its affiliates may provide us with wholesaling services that assist in the distribution of the Contracts and may pay us and/or certain of our affiliates amounts to participate in sales meetings. These amounts may be significant and may provide the investment manager or sub-investment manager (or its affiliate) with increased access to persons involved in the distribution of the Contracts.
As of December 31, 2021, approximately 87% of Portfolio assets held in Separate Accounts of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and its affiliates were allocated to Portfolios in Brighthouse Funds Trust I and Brighthouse Funds Trust II. We and certain of our affiliated companies have entered into agreements with Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC, Brighthouse Funds Trust I and Brighthouse Funds Trust II, whereby we receive payments for certain administrative, marketing and support services described in the previous paragraphs. Currently, the Portfolios in Brighthouse Funds Trust I and Brighthouse Funds Trust II are only available in variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies issued by MetLife and its affiliates, as well as Brighthouse Life Insurance Company and its affiliates. Should we or Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC decide to terminate the agreements, we would be required to find alternative Portfolios which could have higher or lower costs to the Contract Owner. In addition, the amount of payments we receive could cease or be substantially reduced which may have a material impact on our financial statements.
Certain Portfolios have adopted a Distribution Plan under Rule 12b-1 of the 1940 Act. A Portfolio’s 12b-1 Plan, if any, is described in more detail in each Portfolio’s prospectus. (See the “Table of Expenses” and “Who Sells the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities.”) Any payments we receive pursuant to those 12b-1 Plans are paid to us or our distributor, MetLife Investors Distribution Company (“MLIDC”). Payments under a Portfolio’s 12b-1 Plan decrease the Portfolio’s investment return.
Portfolio Selection
We select the Portfolios offered through the Contracts based on a number of criteria, including asset class coverage, the strength of the investment manager’s or sub-investment manager’s reputation and tenure, brand recognition, performance, and the capability and qualification of each investment firm. Another factor we consider during the selection process is whether the Portfolio’s investment manager or sub-investment manager is one of our affiliates or whether the Portfolio, its investment manager, its sub-investment manager(s), or an affiliate will make payments to us or our affiliates. In this regard, the profit distributions we receive from our affiliated investment manager are a component of the total revenue that we consider in configuring the features and investment choices available in the variable insurance products that we and our affiliated insurance companies issue. Since we and our affiliated insurance companies may benefit more from the allocation of assets to Portfolios advised by our affiliates than those that are not, we may be more inclined to offer Portfolios advised by our affiliates in the variable insurance products we issue. We review the Portfolios periodically and may remove a Portfolio or limit its availability to new purchase payments and/or transfers of Account Value if we determine that the Portfolio no longer meets one or more of the selection criteria, and/or if the Portfolio has not attracted significant allocations from Contract Owners. In some cases, we have included Portfolios based on recommendations made by selling firms. These selling firms may receive payments from the Portfolios they recommend and may benefit accordingly from the allocation of Account Value to such Portfolios.


We do not provide any investment advice and do not recommend or endorse any particular Portfolio. You bear the risk of any decline in the Account Value of your Contract resulting from the performance of the Portfolios You have chosen.
Purchase Payments
There is no minimum purchase payment.
For Non-Qualified Deferred Annuities for certain deferred arrangements or plans (except those for Section 415(m) arrangements), we may require that each purchase payment be at least $2,000. In addition, we may require that your total purchase payments must be at least $15,000 for the first Contract Year and at least $5,000 each subsequent Contract Year.
Subject to your plan's rules, You may make purchase payments to your Deferred Annuity whenever You choose, up to the date You begin receiving payments from a pay-out option.
In the case of TSA Deferred Annuity money being transferred from a fixed account of another insurance company where You did not have access to your money because the company was being rehabilitated or liquidated, we may add additional money to the amount transferred to us to reflect the earlier lack of access.
We will not issue the TSA Deferred Annuity to You if You are age 80 or older or younger than age 18. For SEPs and SIMPLE IRA Deferred Annuities, the minimum issue age is 21. We will not accept your purchase payments if You are age 90 or older.
Purchase Payments — Section 403(b) Plans
The Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) announced regulations affecting Section 403(b) plans and arrangements which were generally effective January 1, 2009. As part of these regulations, employers will need to meet certain requirements in order for their employees’ annuity contracts that fund these programs to retain a tax deferred status under Section 403(b). Prior to the rules, transfers of one annuity contract to another would not result in a loss of tax deferred status under Section 403(b) under certain conditions (so-called “90-24 transfers”). The regulations have the following effect regarding transfers: (1) an issued contract funded by a transfer which is completed AFTER September 24, 2007, is subject to the employer requirements referred to above; (2) additional purchase payments made AFTER September 24, 2007, to a contract that was funded by a 90-24 transfer ON OR BEFORE September 24, 2007, MAY subject the contract to this employer requirement.
In consideration of these regulations, we have determined only to make available the Contract for purchase (including transfers) where your employer currently permits salary reduction contributions to be made to the Contract.
If your Contract was issued previously as a result of a 90-24 transfer completed on or before September 24, 2007, and You have never made salary reduction contributions into your Contract, we urge You to consult with your tax adviser prior to making additional purchase payments.
Allocation of Purchase Payments
You decide how your money is allocated among the Fixed Interest Account and the Divisions. You can change your allocations for future purchase payments. We will make allocation changes when we receive your request for a change. You may also specify an effective date for the change as long as it is within 30 days after we receive the request.


If You choose to make an allocation to the asset allocation Divisions with your initial purchase payment, 100% of your allocation to the investment choices must be to only one of the asset allocation Divisions. After the initial purchase payment has been made, You may allocate subsequent purchase payments or make transfers from any asset allocation Division to any investment choice or to one or more of the asset allocation Divisions. We reserve the right to make certain changes to the Divisions. (See “Your Investment Choices — Portfolio Selection.”)
Limits on Purchase Payments
Your ability to make purchase payments may be limited by:
Federal tax laws;
Our right to limit the total of your purchase payments to $1,000,000. We may change the maximum by telling You in writing at least 90 days in advance;
Regulatory requirements. For example, if You reside in Washington or Oregon, we may be required to limit your ability to make purchase payments after You have held the Deferred Annuity for more than three years, if the Deferred Annuity was issued to You after You turn age 60; or after You turn age 63, if the Deferred Annuity was issued before You were age 61 (except under the Enhanced PEDC Deferred Annuity);
Retirement, for certain Deferred Annuities. You may no longer make purchase payments if You retire;
Leaving your job (for TSA and 403(a) Deferred Annuities);
A withdrawal based on your leaving your job;
Receiving systematic termination payments  (as described later) from both the Separate Account and the Fixed Interest Account; and
Participation in the Systematic Withdrawal Program (as described later) .
The Value of Your Investment
We use the term “experience factor” to describe the investment performance for Division. We calculate Accumulation Unit Values once a day on every day the New York Stock Exchange (the “Exchange”) is open for trading. We call the time between two consecutive Accumulation Unit Value calculations the “Valuation Period.” We have the right to change the basis for the Valuation Period, on 30 days’ notice, as long as it is consistent with law. All purchase payments and transfers are valued as of the end of the Valuation Period during which the transaction occurred. The experience factor changes from Valuation Period to Valuation Period to reflect the upward or downward performance of the assets in the underlying Portfolios. The experience factor is calculated as of the end of each Valuation Period using the net asset value per share of the underlying Portfolio. The net asset value includes the per share amount of any dividend or capital gain distribution paid by the Portfolio during the current Valuation Period, and subtracts any per share charges for taxes and reserve for taxes. We then divide that amount by the net asset value per share as of the end of the last Valuation Period to obtain a factor that reflects investment performance. We then subtract a charge for each day in the valuation period which is the daily equivalent of the Separate Account charge. This charge varies, depending on the class of the Deferred Annuity.
Accumulation Units are credited to You when You make purchase payments or transfers into a Division. When You withdraw or transfer money from a Division, Accumulation Units are liquidated. We determine the number of Accumulation Units by dividing the amount of your purchase payment, transfer or withdrawal by the Accumulation Unit Value on the date of the transaction.
This is how we calculate the Accumulation Unit Value for each Division:


Step 1: First, we determine the change in investment performance (including any investment-related charge) for the underlying Portfolio from the previous trading day to the current trading day;
Step 2: Next, we subtract the daily equivalent of our insurance-related charge (general administrative expenses and mortality and expense risk charges) for each day since the last Accumulation Unit Value was calculated;
Step 3: Finally, we multiply the previous Accumulation Unit Value by this result.
Calculating the Number of Accumulation Units
Assume You make a purchase payment of $500 into one Division and that Division’s Accumulation Unit Value is currently $10.00. You would be credited with 50 Accumulation Units.
$500 = 50 Accumulation Units
Calculating the Accumulation Unit Value
Assume yesterday’s Accumulation Unit Value was $10.00 and the number we calculate for today’s investment experience (minus charges) for an underlying Portfolio is 1.05 (Step 1 and Step 2 described above). Today’s Accumulation Unit Value is $10.50 ($10.00 × 1.05 = $10.50). The value of your $500 investment is then $525 (50 × $10.50 = $525) (Step 3 described above).
However, assume that today’s investment experience (minus charges) is .95 instead of 1.05. Today’s Accumulation Unit Value is $9.50 ($10.00 × .95 = $9.50). The value of your $500 investment is then $475 (50 × $9.50 = $475).
You may make tax-free transfers between Divisions or between the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account. Such transfers are free of any Early Withdrawal Charges from the Fixed Interest Account, except under certain Financial Freedom Deferred Annuities where You may incur Early Withdrawal Charges, if applicable, for money transferred from the Fixed Interest Account to the Divisions. Some additional restrictions may also apply to transfers from the Fixed Interest Account to the Divisions. For us to process a transfer, You must tell us:
The percentage or dollar amount of the transfer;
The Divisions (or Fixed Interest Account) from which You want the money to be transferred;
The Divisions (or Fixed Interest Account) to which You want the money to be transferred; and
Whether You intend to start, stop, modify or continue unchanged an automated investment strategy by making the transfer.
Your transfer request must be in Good Order and completed prior to the close of the Exchange on a business day if You want the transaction to take place on that day. All other transfer requests in Good Order will be processed on our next business day.
For additional transfer restrictions (see “General Information — Valuation — Suspension of Payments”).
We may require You to:
Use our forms; or


Maintain a minimum Account Value (if the transfer is in connection with an automated investment strategy or if there is an outstanding loan from the Fixed Interest Account).
Restrictions on Transfers
Restrictions on Frequent Transfers/Reallocations. Frequent requests from Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants to make transfers/reallocations may dilute the value of a Portfolio’s shares if the frequent transfers/reallocations involve an attempt to take advantage of pricing inefficiencies created by a lag between a change in the value of the securities held by the Portfolio and the reflection of that change in the Portfolio’s share price (“arbitrage trading”). Frequent transfers/reallocations involving arbitrage trading may adversely affect the long-term performance of the Portfolios, which may in turn adversely affect Contract Owners and other persons who may have an interest in the Contracts (e.g., participants/Annuitants).
We have policies and procedures that attempt to detect and deter frequent transfers/reallocations in situations where we determine there is a potential for arbitrage trading. Currently, we believe that such situations may be presented in the international, small-cap, and high-yield Portfolios. In addition, as described below, we intend to treat all American Funds® as Monitored Portfolios. We monitor transfer/reallocation activity in the following Monitored Portfolios:
American Funds Global Small Capitalization Fund
American Funds Growth Fund
American Funds Growth-Income Fund
American Funds The Bond Fund of America
Baillie Gifford International Stock Portfolio
CBRE Global Real Estate Portfolio
Harris Oakmark International Portfolio
Invesco Global Equity Portfolio
Invesco Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Loomis Sayles Global Allocation Portfolio
Loomis Sayles Small Cap Core Portfolio
Loomis Sayles Small Cap Growth Portfolio
MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index Portfolio
MetLife Russell 2000® Index Portfolio
MFS® Research International Portfolio
Neuberger Berman Genesis Portfolio
T. Rowe Price Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Western Asset Management Strategic Bond Opportunities Portfolio
We employ various means to monitor transfer/reallocation activity, such as examining the frequency and size of transfers/reallocations into and out of the Monitored Portfolios within given periods of time. For example, we currently monitor transfer/reallocation activity to determine if, for each category of international, small-cap, and high-yield Portfolios, in a 12-month period there were (1) six or more transfers/reallocations involving the given category; (2) cumulative gross transfers/reallocations involving the given category that exceed the current Account


Value; and (3) two or more “round-trips” involving any Monitored Portfolio in the given category. A round-trip generally is defined as a transfer/reallocation in followed by a transfer/reallocation out within the next seven calendar days or a transfer/reallocation out followed by a transfer/reallocation in within the next seven calendar days, in either case subject to certain other criteria. We do not believe that other Portfolios present a significant opportunity to engage in arbitrage trading and therefore do not monitor transfer/reallocation activity in those Portfolios. We may change the Monitored Portfolios at any time without notice in our sole discretion.
As a condition to making their Portfolios available in our products, American Funds® requires us to treat all American Funds Portfolios as Monitored Portfolios under our current frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures. Further, American Funds® requires us to impose additional specified monitoring criteria for all American Funds Portfolios available under the Contract, regardless of the potential for arbitrage trading. We are required to monitor transfer/reallocation activity in American Funds Portfolios to determine if there were two or more transfers/reallocations in followed by transfers/reallocations out, in each case of a certain dollar amount or greater, in any 30-day period. A first violation of the American Funds® monitoring policy will result in a written notice of violation; each additional violation will result in the imposition of a six-month restriction during which period we will require all transfer/reallocation requests to or from an American Funds Portfolio to be submitted with an original signature. Further, as Monitored Portfolios, all American Funds Portfolios also will be subject to our current frequent transfer/reallocation policies, procedures and restrictions (described below), and transfer/reallocation restrictions may be imposed upon a violation of either monitoring policy. A process has been implemented to enforce the American Funds® restrictions. There is no guarantee that this process will detect all contract holders whose transfer/reallocation activity in the American Funds® Portfolios violates this monitoring policy.
Our policies and procedures may result in transfer/reallocation restrictions being applied to deter frequent transfers/reallocations. Currently, when we detect transfer/reallocation activity in the Monitored Portfolios that exceeds our current transfer/reallocation limits, we require future requests to or from any Monitored Portfolios under that Contract to be submitted in writing with an original signature. A first occurrence will result in a warning letter; a second occurrence will result in the imposition of this restriction for a six-month period; a third occurrence will result in the permanent imposition of this restriction. Transfers made under an Automated Investment Strategy are not treated as transfers when we monitor the frequency of transfers.
Your third-party administrator has its own standards with regard to monitoring activity in the Monitored Portfolios and how subsequent transfer/reallocation activity will be restricted once those standards are triggered. These standards and subsequent trading restrictions may be more or less restrictive than ours, and presently include restrictions on non-Monitored Portfolios. The differences in monitoring standards and restrictions are due to systems limitations and may change from time to time as those systems are upgraded.
The detection and deterrence of harmful transfer/reallocation activity involves judgments that are inherently subjective, such as the decision to monitor only those Portfolios that we believe are susceptible to arbitrage trading or the determination of the transfer/reallocation limits. Our ability to detect and/or restrict such transfer/reallocation activity may be limited by operational and technological systems, as well as our ability to predict strategies employed by Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants to avoid such detection. Our ability to restrict such transfer/reallocation activity also may be limited by provisions of the Contract. Accordingly, there is no assurance that we will prevent all transfer/reallocation activity that may adversely affect Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants and other persons with interests in the Contracts. We do not accommodate frequent transfers/reallocations in any Portfolio and there are no arrangements in place to permit any Contract Owner or participant/Annuitant to engage in frequent transfers/reallocations; we apply our policies and procedures without exception, waiver or special arrangement.


The Portfolios may have adopted their own policies and procedures with respect to frequent transfers/reallocations in their respective shares, and we reserve the right to enforce these policies and procedures. For example, Portfolios may assess a redemption fee (which we reserve the right to collect) on shares held for a relatively short period. The prospectuses for the Portfolios describe any such policies and procedures, which may be more or less restrictive than the policies and procedures we have adopted. Although we may not have the contractual authority or the operational capacity to apply the frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures of the Portfolios, we have entered into a written agreement, as required by SEC regulation, with each Portfolio or its principal underwriter that obligates us to provide to the Portfolio promptly upon request certain information about the trading activity of individual Contract Owners, and to execute instructions from the Portfolio to restrict or prohibit further purchases or transfers/reallocations by specific Contract Owners who violate the frequent transfer/reallocation policies established by the Portfolio.
In addition, Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants and other persons with interests in the Contracts should be aware that the purchase and redemption orders received by the Portfolios generally are “omnibus” orders from intermediaries, such as retirement plans or separate accounts funding variable insurance contracts. The omnibus orders reflect the aggregation and netting of multiple orders from individual owners of variable insurance contracts and/or individual retirement plan participants. The omnibus nature of these orders may limit the Portfolios in their ability to apply their frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures. In addition, the other insurance companies and/or retirement plans may have different policies and procedures or may not have any such policies and procedures because of contractual limitations. For these reasons, we cannot guarantee that the Portfolios (and thus Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants) will not be harmed by transfer/reallocation activity relating to the other insurance companies and/or retirement plans that may invest in the Portfolios. If a Portfolio believes that an omnibus order reflects one or more transfer/reallocation requests from Contract Owners engaged in frequent transfer/reallocation trading activity, the Portfolio may reject the entire omnibus order.
In accordance with applicable law, we reserve the right to modify or terminate the transfer/reallocation privilege at any time. We also reserve the right to defer or restrict the transfer/reallocation privilege at any time that we are unable to purchase or redeem shares of any of the Portfolios, including any refusal or restriction on purchases or redemptions of their shares as a result of their own policies and procedures on frequent transfers/reallocations (even if an entire omnibus order is rejected due to the frequent transfers/reallocations of a single Contract Owner or participant/Annuitant). You should read the Portfolio prospectuses for more details.
Restrictions on Large Transfers/Reallocations. Large transfers/reallocations may increase brokerage and administrative costs of the underlying Portfolios and may disrupt portfolio management strategy, requiring a Portfolio to maintain a large cash position and possibly resulting in lost investment opportunities and forced liquidations. We do not monitor for large transfers/reallocations to or from Portfolios except where the Portfolio manager of a particular underlying Portfolio has brought large transfer/reallocation activity to our attention for investigation on a case-by-case basis. For example, some portfolio managers have asked us to monitor for “block transfers” where transfer/reallocation requests have been submitted on behalf of multiple Contract Owners by a third party such as an investment adviser. When we detect such large trades, we may impose restrictions similar to those described above where future transfer/reallocation requests from that third party must be submitted in writing with an original signature. A first occurrence will result in a warning letter; a second occurrence will result in the imposition of this restriction for a six-month period; a third occurrence will result in the permanent imposition of the restriction.


You may withdraw either all or part of your Account Value from the Deferred Annuity. Other than those made through the Systematic Withdrawal Program, withdrawals must be at least $500 (or the Account Value, if less). To process your request, we need the following information:
The percentage or dollar amount of the withdrawal; and
The Divisions (or Fixed Interest Account) from which You want the money to be withdrawn.
Your withdrawal may be subject to income taxes, tax penalties and Early Withdrawal Charges on amounts withdrawn from the Fixed Interest Account.
Generally, if You request, we will make payments directly to other investments on a tax-free basis. You may only do so if all applicable tax and state regulatory requirements are met and we receive all information necessary for us to make the payment. We may require You to use our original forms.
We may withhold payment of a withdrawal if any portion of those proceeds would be derived from your check that has not yet cleared (i.e., that could still be dishonored by your banking institution). We may use telephone, fax, Internet or other means of communication to verify that payment from your check has been or will be collected. We will not delay payment longer than necessary for us to verify that payment has been or will be collected. You may avoid the possibility of delay in the disbursement of proceeds coming from a check that has not yet cleared by providing us with a certified check.
You may submit a written withdrawal request, which must be received at your Administrative Office on or before the date the pay-out phase begins, that indicates that the withdrawal should be processed as of the date the pay-out phase begins, in which case the request will be deemed to have been received on, and the withdrawal amount will be priced according to, the Accumulation Unit Value calculated as of the date the pay-out phase begins.
Account Reduction Loans
We may administer loan programs made available through plans or group arrangements on an account reduction basis for certain Deferred Annuities. If the loan is in default and has been reported to the IRS as income but not yet offset, loan repayments will be posted as after-tax contributions. Loan amounts will be taken from amounts that are vested according to your plan or group arrangement on a pro-rata basis from the source(s) of money the plan or group arrangement permits to be borrowed (e.g., money contributed to the plan or group arrangement through salary reduction, elective deferrals, direct transfers, direct rollovers and employer contributions), then on a pro-rata basis from each Division and the Fixed Interest Account in which You then have a balance consisting of these sources of money. Loan repayment amounts will be posted back to the original money sources used to make the loan, if the loan is in good standing at the time of repayment. Loan repayments will be allocated to the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account in the same percentages as your current investment election for contributions. Loan repayment periods, repayment methods, interest rate, default procedures, tax reporting and permitted minimum and maximum loan amounts will be disclosed in the loan agreement documents. There may be initiation and maintenance fees associated with these loans.
Systematic Withdrawal Program for Financial Freedom TSA and 403(a) Deferred Annuities
If we agree and if approved in your state for Financial Freedom TSA and 403(a) Deferred Annuities, You may choose to automatically withdraw a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your Account Value each Contract Year. This amount is then paid in equal portions throughout the Contract Year, according to the time frame You


select, e.g., monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. Once the Systematic Withdrawal Program is initiated, the payments will automatically renew each Contract Year. Income taxes, tax penalties and Early Withdrawal Charges may apply to your withdrawals. Program payment amounts are subject to our required minimums and administrative restrictions. For the Financial Freedom TSA and 403(a) Deferred Annuities, if You elect to receive payments through this program, You must have no loan outstanding from the Fixed Interest Account and You must either be 59 12 years old or have left your job. Tax law generally prohibits withdrawals from Financial Freedom TSA and 403(a) Deferred Annuities before You reach 59 12. Your Account Value will be reduced by the amount of your Systematic Withdrawal Program payments and applicable withdrawal charges. Payments under this program are not the same as income payments You would receive from a Deferred Annuity pay-out option or under an Income Annuity.
If You elect to withdraw a dollar amount, we will pay You the same dollar amount each Contract Year. If You elect to withdraw a percentage of your Account Value, each Contract Year, we recalculate the amount You will receive based on your new Account Value.
If You do not provide us with your desired allocation, or there are insufficient amounts in the Divisions or the Fixed Interest Account that You selected, the payments will be taken out pro rata from the Fixed Interest Account and any Divisions in which You have an Account Value.
Calculating Your Payment Based on a Percentage Election for the First Contract Year You Elect the Systematic Withdrawal Program: If You choose to receive a percentage of your Account Value, we will determine the amount payable on the date these payments begin. When You first elect the program, we will pay this amount over the remainder of the Contract Year. For example, if You select to receive payments on a monthly basis with the percentage of your Account Value You request equaling $12,000, and there are six months left in the Contract Year, we will pay You $2,000 a month.
Calculating Your Payment for Subsequent Contract Years of the Systematic Withdrawal Program: For each subsequent year that your Systematic Withdrawal Program remains in effect, we will deduct from your Deferred Annuity and pay You over the Contract Year either the amount that You chose or an amount equal to the percentage of your Account Value You chose. For example, if You select to receive payments on a monthly basis, ask for a percentage and that percentage of your Account Value equals $12,000 at the start of a Contract Year, we will pay You $1,000 a month.
Selecting a Payment Date: You select a payment date which becomes the date we make the withdrawal. We must receive your request in Good Order at least 10 days prior to the selected payment date. (If You would like to receive your Systematic Withdrawal Program payment on or about the first of the month, You should request payment by the 20th day of the month.) If we do not receive your request in time, we will make the payment the following month on the date You selected. If You do not select a payment date, we will automatically begin systematic withdrawals within 30 days after we receive your request. Changes in the dollar amount, percentage or timing of the payments can be made at any time. If You make any of these changes, we will treat your request as though You were starting a new Systematic Withdrawal Program. You may request to stop your Systematic Withdrawal Program at any time. We must receive any request in Good Order at your Administrative Office at least 30 days in advance.
Although we need your written authorization to begin this program, You may cancel this program at any time by telephone or by writing to us at your Administrative Office. We may also terminate your participation in the program, depending on your administrative platform, upon notification of your death.
Although Early Withdrawal Charges do not apply to Systematic Withdrawal Program payments may be subject to from your Separate Account Value, Early Withdrawal Charges may apply to Systematic Withdrawal Program


payments from your Fixed Interest Account Value unless an exception to this charge applies. For purposes of determining how much of the annual payment amount is exempt from this charge under the free withdrawal provision (discussed later), all payments from a Systematic Withdrawal Program in a Contract Year are characterized as a single lump sum withdrawal as of your first payment date in that Contract Year. When You first elect the program, we will calculate the percentage of your Account Value your Systematic Withdrawal Program payment represents based on your Account Value on the first Systematic Withdrawal Program payment date. For all subsequent Contract Years, we will calculate the percentage of your Account Value your Systematic Withdrawal Program payment represents based on your Account Value on the first Systematic Withdrawal Program payment date of that Contract Year. We will determine separately the Early Withdrawal Charge and any relevant factors (such as applicable exceptions) for each Systematic Withdrawal Program payment as of the date it is withdrawn from your Deferred Annuity.
Participation in the Systematic Withdrawal Program is subject to our administrative procedures.
Minimum Distribution
In order for You to comply with certain tax law provisions, You may be required to take money out of your Deferred Annuity. Rather than receiving your required minimum distribution in one annual lump-sum payment, You may request that we pay it to You in installments throughout the calendar year. However, we may require that You maintain a certain Account Value at the time You request these payments. You may not have a Systematic Withdrawal Program in effect if we pay your minimum required distribution in installments. We may terminate your participation in the program, depending on your administrative platform, upon notification of your death.
The following table summarizes information about the benefits available under the Contract:
Name of Benefit* Purpose Is Benefit
Standard or
Brief Description of
Basic Death Benefit The Contract’s Death Proceeds at any time are the greater of: (1) the sum of all purchase payments adjusted for any premium tax, outstanding loan amount, and prior surrenders; or (2) Your highest Account Value as of December 31 following the end of your fifth Contract Year and at the end of every other five year period. In any case, less any later partial withdrawals, fees and charges; or (3)The total of all of your purchase payments less Standard None • Withdrawals or loans could significantly reduce the benefit.


Name of Benefit* Purpose Is Benefit
Standard or
Brief Description of
  any partial withdrawals (including any applicable Early Withdrawal Charge).      
The Equity Generator® An amount equal to the interest earned in the Fixed Interest Account is transferred monthly to any one Division based on your selection. Standard None • Benefit limits available investment options.
• If your Fixed Interest Account Balance at the time of a scheduled transfer is zero, this strategy is automatically discontinued.
Systematic Withdrawal Program. Before the Maturity Date, You can arrange to have money sent to You at set intervals throughout the year. Standard None • Any applicable income and penalty taxes will apply on amounts withdrawn. Withdrawals in excess of the annual free withdrawal allowance may be subject to a withdrawal charge.
• To elect systematic withdrawals You must have a Contract Value of at least $5,000
* If your annuity was issued in connection with an employer plan, you should check with your employer regarding the availability of riders.
Death Benefits
One of the insurance guarantees we provide You under your Deferred Annuity is that your beneficiaries will be protected during the “pay-in” phase against market downturns. You name your beneficiary(ies) under the following Deferred Annuities:
Financial Freedom TSA
Financial Freedom 403(a)
For the following Deferred Annuities the trustee receives the death benefit:
Non-Qualified Deferred Annuity for
Section 457(f) deferred compensation plan
Section 451 deferred fee arrangements


Section 451 deferred compensation plans
Section 457(e)(11) severance and death benefit plans
Section 415(m) qualified governmental excess benefit arrangements
For PEDC Deferred Annuities, the employer or trustee receives the death benefit.
The death benefit your beneficiary receives will be the greatest of:
Your Account Value;
Your highest Account Value as of December 31 following the end of your fifth Contract Year and at the end of every other five year period. In any case, less any later partial withdrawals, fees and charges; or
The total of all of your purchase payments less any partial withdrawals (including any applicable Early Withdrawal Charge).
In each case, we deduct the amount of any outstanding loans from the death benefit.
The death benefit is determined as of the end of the business day on which we receive both due proof of death and an election for the payment method.
If we are notified of your death before any requested transaction is completed (which may include, depending on your administrative platform, transactions under automated investment strategies, the minimum distribution program and the Systematic Withdrawal Program), we may cancel the request. As described above, the death benefit will be determined when we receive proof of death and an election for the payment method.
Until the beneficiary (or each beneficiary if there are multiple beneficiaries) submits the necessary documentation in Good Order, the Account Value attributable to his/her portion of the death benefit remains in the Divisions and is subject to investment risk.
Where there are multiple beneficiaries, the death benefit will only be determined as of the time the first beneficiary submits the necessary documentation in Good Order. If the death benefit payable is an amount that exceeds the Account Value on the day it is determined, we will apply to the Contract an amount equal to the difference between the death benefit payable and the Account Value in accordance with the current allocation of the Account Value. The remaining death benefit amounts are held in the Divisions until each of the other beneficiaries submits the necessary documentation in Good Order to claim his/her death benefit. Any death benefit amounts held in the Divisions on behalf of the remaining beneficiaries are subject to investment risk. There is no additional death benefit guarantee.
Your beneficiary has the option to apply the death benefit (less any applicable premium and other taxes) to a pay-out option offered under your Deferred Annuity. Your beneficiary may, however, decide to take the payment in one sum, including either by check, by placing the amount in an account that earns interest, or by any other method of payment that provides the beneficiary with immediate and full access to the proceeds, or under other settlement options that we may make available.
If permitted in the Contract, if the beneficiary is your spouse, he/she may be substituted as the purchaser of the Non-Qualified Deferred Annuities and continue the Contract under the terms and conditions of the Contract that applied prior to the Owner’s death, with certain exceptions described in the Contract. In that case, the Account Value will be reset to equal the death benefit on the date the spouse continues the Deferred Annuity. (Any additional amounts added to the Account Value will be allocated in the same proportions to each balance in a Division and the Fixed Interest Account as each bears to the total Account Value.) If the spouse continues the Deferred Annuity, the death benefit is calculated as previously described, except, all values used to calculate the


death benefit, which may include highest Account Value as of December 31 following the end of the fifth Contract Year and every other five-year period, are reset on the date the spouse continues the Deferred Annuity. Your spouse may make additional purchase payments and transfers and exercise any other rights as a purchaser of the Contract. Any applicable Early Withdrawal Charges will be assessed against future withdrawals.
There is no death benefit after the pay-out phase begins, however, depending on the pay-out option you select, any remaining guarantee will be paid to your beneficiary.
Total Control Account
The beneficiary may elect to have the Contract’s death proceeds paid through a settlement option called the Total Control Account, subject to our current established administrative procedures and requirements. The Total Control Account is an interest-bearing account through which the beneficiary has immediate and full access to the proceeds, with unlimited draft writing privileges. We credit interest to the account at a rate that will not be less than a guaranteed minimum annual effective rate. You may also elect to have any Contract surrender proceeds paid into a Total Control Account established for You.
Assets backing the Total Control Account are maintained in our General Account and are subject to the claims of our creditors. We will bear the investment experience of such assets; however, regardless of the investment experience of such assets, the interest credited to the Total Control Account will never fall below the applicable guaranteed minimum annual effective rate. Because we bear the investment experience of the assets backing the Total Control Account, we may receive a profit from these assets. The Total Control Account is not insured by the FDIC or any other governmental agency.
Pay-Out Options (or Income Options)
You may convert your Deferred Annuity into a regular stream of income after your “pay-in” or “accumulation” phase. The pay-out phase is often referred to as either “annuitizing” your Contract or taking an income annuity. When You select your pay-out option, You will be able to choose from the range of options we then have available. You have the flexibility to select a stream of income to meet your needs. If You decide You want a pay-out option, we withdraw some or all of your Account Value (less any premium taxes, outstanding loans and applicable Contract fees), then we apply the net amount to the option. (See “Income Taxes” for a discussion of partial annuitization.) You are not required to hold your Deferred Annuity for any minimum time period before You may annuitize. The variable pay-out option may not be available in all states.
When considering a pay-out option, You should think about whether You want:
Payments guaranteed by us for the rest of your life (or for the rest of two lives);
Payments guaranteed by us for the rest of your life (or for the rest of two lives) or for a specified period;
A fixed dollar payment or a variable payment; or
A refund feature.
Your income payment amount will depend upon your choices. For lifetime options, the age and sex (where permitted) of the measuring lives (annuitants) will also be considered. For example, if You select a pay-out option guaranteeing payments for your lifetime and your spouse’s lifetime, your payments will typically be lower than if You select a pay-out option with payments over only your lifetime. The terms of the Contract supplement to your Deferred Annuity will determine when your income payments start and the frequency with which You will receive your income payments. If You do not tell us otherwise, your Fixed Interest Account Value will be used to provide a Fixed Income Option and your Separate Account Value will be used to provide a variable pay-out income option.


You can change or extend the date income payments begin at any time before the date specified in the Contract with 30 days prior notice to us (subject to restrictions that may apply in your state, restrictions imposed by your selling firm and our current established administrative procedures).
Please be aware that once your Contract is annuitized, You are ineligible to receive the death benefit.
Because the features of variable pay-out options in the Deferred Annuities are identical to the features of Income Annuities, please read the sections under the “Income Annuities” heading for more information about the available income types and the value of your income payments, reallocations and charges of your Contract in the pay-out phase.
Income Annuities provide You with a regular stream of payments for either your lifetime or a specific period. You may choose the frequency of your income payments. For example, You may receive your payments on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis. You have the flexibility to select a stream of income to meet your needs. Income Annuities can be purchased so that You begin receiving payments immediately or You can apply the Account Value of your Deferred Annuity to a pay-out option to receive payments during your “pay-out” phase. With an Income Annuity purchased as an immediate annuity and not as a pay-out option to receive payments during your “pay-out” phase, You may defer receiving payments from us for one year after You have purchased an immediate annuity. You bear any investment risk during any deferral period. The Income Annuity currently may not be available in all states.
We do not guarantee that your variable payments will be a specific amount of money. You may choose to have a portion of the payment fixed and guaranteed under the Fixed Income Option. If You annuitize your Deferred Annuity and should our current annuity rates for a fixed pay-out option for this type of Deferred Annuity provide for greater payments than those guaranteed in your Contract, the greater payment will be made.
Using proceeds from the following types of arrangements, You may purchase Income Annuities to receive immediate payments:
Non-Qualified (for certain deferred arrangements and plans)
If You have accumulated amounts in any of the listed investment vehicles, your lump sum withdrawal from that investment vehicle may be used to purchase an appropriate Income Annuity as long as income tax requirements are met.
If your retirement plan has purchased an Income Annuity, your choice of pay-out options may be subject to the terms of the plan. We may rely on your employer’s or plan administrator’s statements to us as to the terms of the plan or your entitlement to any payments. We will not be responsible for interpreting the terms of your plan. You should review your plan document to see how You may be affected.
Income Payment Types
Currently, we provide You with a wide variety of income payment types to suit a range of personal preferences. You decide the income payment type for your Income Annuity when You decide to take a pay-out option or at application. The decision is irrevocable.


There are three people who are involved in payments under your Income Annuity:
Owner: the person or entity which has all rights under the Income Annuity including the right to direct who receives payment.
Annuitant: the person whose life is the measure for determining the duration and sometimes the dollar amount of payments.
Beneficiary: the person who receives continuing payments or a lump sum payment if the Owner dies.
Many times, the Owner and the Annuitant are the same person.
When deciding how to receive income, consider:
The amount of income You need;
The amount You expect to receive from other sources;
The growth potential of other investments; and
How long You would like your income to last.
Your income payment amount will depend in large part on the type of income payment You choose. For example, if You select a “Lifetime Income Annuity for Two,” your payments will typically be lower than if You select a “Lifetime Income Annuity.” Income payment types that guarantee that payments will be made for a certain number of years regardless of whether the Annuitant or Joint Annuitant is alive (such as Lifetime Income Annuity with a Guarantee Period and Lifetime Income Annuity for Two with a Guarantee Period, as defined below) result in income payments that are smaller than with income payment types without such a guarantee (such as Lifetime Income Annuity and Lifetime Income Annuity for Two, as defined below). In addition, to the extent the income payment type has a guarantee period, choosing a shorter guarantee period will result in each income payment being larger. Where required by state law or under a qualified retirement plan, the Annuitant’s sex will not be taken into account in calculating income payments. Annuity rates will not be less than those guaranteed in the Contract at the time of purchase for the AIR and income payment type elected. Due to underwriting, administrative or Code considerations, the choice of the percentage reduction and/or the duration of the guarantee period may be limited. We reserve the right to commute or to otherwise pay the value of any remaining income payments over a period which would comply with Federal income tax law. Tax rules with respect to decedent Contracts may prohibit election of Lifetime Income for Two income types and/or may also prohibit payments for as long as the Owner’s life in certain circumstances. The terms of your Contract will determine when your income payments start and the frequency with which You will receive your income payments. When You select an income type, it will apply to both fixed income payments and variable income payments.
We reserve the right to limit or stop issuing any of the income types currently available based upon legal requirements or other considerations.
The following income payment types are available:
Lifetime Income Annuity: A variable income that is paid as long as the Annuitant is living.
Lifetime Income Annuity with a Guarantee Period: A variable income that continues as long as the Annuitant is living but is guaranteed to be paid for a number of years. If the Annuitant dies before all of the guaranteed payments have been made, payments are made to the Owner of the annuity until the end of the guaranteed period. If the Owner dies during the guarantee period, payments will be made to the beneficiary in accordance with the Code. No payments are made once the guarantee period has expired and the Annuitant is no longer living.


Lifetime Income Annuity with a Refund: A variable income that is paid as long as the Annuitant is living and guarantees that the total of all income payments will not be less than the purchase payment that we received. If the Annuitant dies before the total of all income payments received equals the purchase payment, we will pay the Owner (or the beneficiary, if the Owner is not living) the difference in a lump sum.
Lifetime Income Annuity for Two: A variable income that is paid to the Annuitant(s) as long as the Contract Owner is living. After the Contract Owner dies, payments continue to be made to the Annuitant(s) either for (1) life (provided certain Federal tax law requirements are met) or (2) ten (10) years. Payments made for life to the Annuitant after the death of the Contract Owner may be the same as those made while the Contract Owner was living or may be a smaller percentage that is selected when the annuity is first converted to an income stream. No payments are made once the Annuitants are no longer living.
Lifetime Income Annuity for Two with a Guarantee Period: A variable income that continues as long as either of the two Annuitants is living but is guaranteed to be paid (unreduced by any percentage selected) for a number of years. If both Annuitants die before all of the guaranteed payments have been made, payments are made to the Owner of the annuity until the end of the guaranteed period. If the Owner dies during the guarantee period, payments will be made to the beneficiary in accordance with the Code. If one Annuitant dies after the guarantee period has expired, payments continue to be made as long as the other Annuitant is living. In that event, payments may be the same as those made while both Annuitants were living or may be a smaller percentage that is selected when the annuity is purchased. No payments are made once the guarantee period has expired and both Annuitants are no longer living.
Lifetime Income Annuity for Two with a Refund: A variable income that is paid as long as either Annuitant is living and guarantees that all income payments will not be less than the purchase payment that we received. After one Annuitant dies, payments continue to be made as long as the other Annuitant is living. In that event, payments may be the same as those made while both Annuitants were living or may be a smaller percentage that is selected when the annuity is purchased. If both Annuitants die before the total of all income payments received equals the purchase payment, we will pay the Owner (or the beneficiary, if the Owner is not living) the difference in a lump sum.
Income Annuity for a Guaranteed Period: A variable income payable for a guaranteed period of 5 to 30 years. As an administrative practice, we will consider factors such as your age and life expectancy in determining whether to issue a Contract with this income payment type. If the Owner dies before the end of the guarantee period, payments are made to the beneficiary in accordance with the Code. No payments are made after the guarantee period has expired.
Minimum Size of Your Income Payment
Your initial income payment must be at least $50. If You live in Massachusetts, the initial income payment must be at least $20. This means the amount used from a Deferred Annuity to provide a pay-out option must be large enough to provide this minimum initial income payment.
You decide what portion of your income payment is allocated among the Fixed Income Option and the Divisions.


The Value of Your Income Payments
Amount of Income Payments
Variable income payments from a Division will depend upon the number of Annuity Units held in that Division (described below) and the Annuity Unit Value (described later) as of the 10th day prior to a payment date.
The initial variable income payment is computed based on the amount of the purchase payment applied to the specific Division (net any applicable premium tax owed or Contract fee), the AIR, the age of the measuring lives and the income payment type selected. The initial payment amount is then divided by the Annuity Unit Value for the Division to determine the number of Annuity Units held in that Division. The number of Annuity Units held remains fixed for the duration of the Contract if no reallocations are made.
The dollar amount of subsequent variable income payments will vary with the amount by which investment performance is greater or less than the AIR.
Each Deferred Annuity provides that, when a pay-out option is chosen, the payment will not be less than the payment produced by the then-current Fixed Income Option purchase rates for that Contract class. The purpose of this provision is to assure the Annuitant that, at retirement, if the Fixed Income Option purchase rates for new contracts are significantly more favorable than the rates guaranteed by a Deferred Annuity of the same class, the Owner will be given the benefit of the higher rates.
Annuity Units
Annuity Units are credited to You when You make a purchase payment or make a reallocation into a Division. Before we determine the number of Annuity Units to credit to You, we reduce a purchase payment (but not a reallocation) by any premium taxes and the Contract fee, if applicable. We then compute an initial income payment amount using the AIR, your income payment type and the age and sex (where permitted) of the measuring lives. We then divide the initial income payment (allocated to a Division) by the Annuity Unit Value on the date of the transaction. The result is the number of Annuity Units credited for that Division. The initial variable income payment is a hypothetical payment which is calculated based upon the AIR. The initial variable income payment is used to establish the number of Annuity Units. It is not the amount of your actual first variable income payment unless your first income payment happens to be within 10 days after we issue the Income Annuity. When You reallocate an income payment from a Division, Annuity Units supporting that portion of your income payment in that Division are liquidated.
Your income payments are determined by using the AIR to benchmark the investment experience of the Divisions You select. We currently offer a 3% and 4% AIR. Certain states may require a different AIR or a cap on what AIR may be chosen. The higher your AIR, the higher your initial variable income payment will be. Your next payment will increase approximately in proportion to the amount by which the investment experience (for the time period between the payments) for the underlying Portfolio minus the Separate Account charge (the resulting number is the net investment return) exceeds the AIR (for the time period between the payments). Likewise, your next payment will decrease to the approximate extent the investment experience (for the time period between the payments) for the underlying Portfolio minus the Separate Account charge (the net investment return) is less than the AIR (for the time period between the payments). A lower AIR will result in a lower initial variable income payment, but subsequent variable income payments will increase more rapidly or decline more slowly than if You had elected a higher AIR as changes occur in the investment experience of the Divisions.


The amount of each variable income payment is determined 10 days prior to your income payment date. If your first income payment is scheduled to be paid less than 10 days after your Contract’s issue date, then the amount of that payment will be determined on your Contract’s issue date.
The initial variable income payment is a hypothetical payment which is calculated based on the AIR. This initial variable income payment is used to establish the number of Annuity Units. It is not the amount of your actual first variable income payment unless your first income payment happens to be within 10 days after we issue the Income Annuity.
This is how we calculate the Annuity Unit Value for each Division:
First, we determine the change in investment experience (which reflects the deduction for any investment-related charge) for the underlying Portfolio from the previous trading day to the current trading day;
Next, we subtract the daily equivalent of your insurance-related charge or Separate Account charge (general administrative expenses and mortality and expense risk charges) for each day since the last day the Annuity Unit Value was calculated; the resulting number is the net investment return;
Then, we multiply by an adjustment based on your AIR for each day since the last Annuity Unit Value was calculated; and
Finally, we multiply the previous Annuity Unit Value by this result.
You may make reallocations among the Divisions or from the Divisions to the Fixed Income Option. Once You reallocate your income payment into the Fixed Income Option You may not later reallocate amounts from the Fixed Income Option to the Divisions. If You reside in certain states You may be limited to four options (including the Fixed Interest Option).
Currently, there is no charge to make a reallocation. Your request for a reallocation tells us to move, in accordance with your instructions, the underlying Portfolio shares we have designated in the Divisions or other funds to generate your income payments.
Reallocations will be made as of the end of a business day, at the close of the Exchange, if received in Good Order prior to the close of the Exchange on that business day. All other reallocation requests in Good Order will be processed on the next business day.
For us to process a reallocation, You must tell us:
The percentage of the income payment to be reallocated;
The Divisions from which You want the income payment to be reallocated; and
The Divisions or Fixed Income Option (and the percentages allocated to each) to which You want the income payment to be reallocated.
When You request a reallocation from a Division to the Fixed Income Option, the payment amount will be adjusted at the time of reallocation. Your payment may either increase or decrease due to this adjustment. The adjusted payment will be calculated in the following manner.
First, we update the income payment amount to be reallocated from the Division based upon the applicable Annuity Unit Value at the time of the reallocation;


Second, we use the AIR to calculate an updated annuity purchase rate based upon your age, if applicable, and expected future income payments at the time of the reallocation;
Third, we calculate another updated annuity purchase rate using our current annuity purchase rates for the Fixed Income Option on the date of your reallocation; and
Finally, we determine the adjusted payment amount by multiplying the updated income amount determined in the first step by the ratio of the annuity purchase rate determined in the second step divided by the annuity purchase rate determined in the third step.
When You request a reallocation from one Division to another, Annuity Units in one Division are liquidated and Annuity Units in the other Division are credited to You. There is no adjustment to the income payment amount. Future income payment amounts will be determined based on the Annuity Unit Value for the Division to which You have reallocated.
You generally may make a reallocation on any day the Exchange is open. At a future date we may limit the number of reallocations You may make, but never to fewer than one a month. If we do so, we will give You advance written notice. We may limit a beneficiary’s ability to make a reallocation.
Here are examples of the effect of a reallocation on the income payment:
Suppose You choose to reallocate 40% of your income payment supported by Division A to the Fixed Income Option and the recalculated income payment supported by Division A is $100. Assume that the updated annuity purchase rate based on the AIR is $125, while the updated annuity purchase rate based on fixed income annuity pricing is $100. In that case, your income payment from the Fixed Income Option will be increased by $40 x ($125 x $100) or $50, and your income payment supported by Division A will be decreased by $40. (The number of Annuity Units in Division A will be decreased as well.)
Suppose You choose to reallocate 40% of your income payment supported by Division A to Division B and the recalculated income payment supported by Division A is $100. Then, your income payment supported by Division B will be increased by $40 and your income payment supported by Division A will be decreased by $40. (Changes will be made to the number of Annuity Units in both Divisions as well.)
Restrictions on Transfers
Restrictions on Frequent Transfers/Reallocations. Frequent requests from Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants to make transfers/reallocations may dilute the value of a Portfolio’s shares if the frequent transfers/reallocations involve an attempt to take advantage of pricing inefficiencies created by a lag between a change in the value of the securities held by the Portfolio and the reflection of that change in the Portfolio’s share price (“arbitrage trading”). Frequent transfers/reallocations involving arbitrage trading may adversely affect the long-term performance of the Portfolios, which may in turn adversely affect Contract Owners and other persons who may have an interest in the Contracts (e.g., participants/Annuitants).
We have policies and procedures that attempt to detect and deter frequent transfers/reallocations in situations where we determine there is a potential for arbitrage trading. Currently, we believe that such situations may be presented in the international, small-cap, and high-yield Portfolios. In addition, as described below, we intend to treat all American Funds® as Monitored Portfolios. We monitor transfer/reallocation activity in the following Monitored Portfolios:
American Funds Global Small Capitalization Fund
American Funds Growth Fund
American Funds Growth-Income Fund


American Funds The Bond Fund of America
Baillie Gifford International Stock Portfolio
CBRE Global Real Estate Portfolio
Harris Oakmark International Portfolio
Invesco Global Equity Portfolio
Invesco Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Loomis Sayles Global Allocation Portfolio
Loomis Sayles Small Cap Core Portfolio
Loomis Sayles Small Cap Growth Portfolio
MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index Portfolio
MetLife Russell 2000® Index Portfolio
MFS® Research International Portfolio
Neuberger Berman Genesis Portfolio
T. Rowe Price Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Western Asset Management Strategic Bond Opportunities Portfolio
We employ various means to monitor transfer/reallocation activity, such as examining the frequency and size of transfers/reallocations into and out of the Monitored Portfolios within given periods of time. For example, we currently monitor transfer/reallocation activity to determine if, for each category of international, small-cap, and high-yield Portfolios, in a 12-month period there were (1) six or more transfers/reallocations involving the given category; (2) cumulative gross transfers/reallocations involving the given category that exceed the current Account Value; and (3) two or more “round-trips” involving any Monitored Portfolio in the given category. A round-trip generally is defined as a transfer/reallocation in followed by a transfer/reallocation out within the next seven calendar days or a transfer/reallocation out followed by a transfer/reallocation in within the next seven calendar days, in either case subject to certain other criteria. We do not believe that other Portfolios present a significant opportunity to engage in arbitrage trading and therefore do not monitor transfer/reallocation activity in those Portfolios. We may change the Monitored Portfolios at any time without notice in our sole discretion.
As a condition to making their Portfolios available in our products, American Funds® requires us to treat all American Funds Portfolios as Monitored Portfolios under our current frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures. Further, American Funds® requires us to impose additional specified monitoring criteria for all American Funds Portfolios available under the Contract, regardless of the potential for arbitrage trading. We are required to monitor transfer/reallocation activity in American Funds Portfolios to determine if there were two or more transfers/reallocations in followed by transfers/reallocations out, in each case of a certain dollar amount or greater, in any 30-day period. A first violation of the American Funds® monitoring policy will result in a written notice of violation; each additional violation will result in the imposition of a six-month restriction during which period we will require all transfer/reallocation requests to or from an American Funds Portfolio to be submitted with an original signature. Further, as Monitored Portfolios, all American Funds Portfolios also will be subject to our current frequent transfer/reallocation policies, procedures and restrictions (described below), and transfer/reallocation restrictions may be imposed upon a violation of either monitoring policy. A process has been implemented to enforce the American Funds® restrictions. There is no guarantee that this process will detect all contract holders whose transfer/reallocation activity in the American Funds® Portfolios violates this monitoring policy.


Our policies and procedures may result in transfer/reallocation restrictions being applied to deter frequent transfers/reallocations. Currently, when we detect transfer/reallocation activity in the Monitored Portfolios that exceeds our current transfer/reallocation limits, we require future requests to or from any Monitored Portfolios under that Contract to be submitted in writing with an original signature. A first occurrence will result in a warning letter; a second occurrence will result in the imposition of this restriction for a six-month period; a third occurrence will result in the permanent imposition of this restriction. Transfers made under an Automated Investment Strategy are not treated as transfers when we monitor the frequency of transfers.
Your third-party administrator has its own standards with regard to monitoring activity in the Monitored Portfolios and how subsequent transfer/reallocation activity will be restricted once those standards are triggered. These standards and subsequent trading restrictions may be more or less restrictive than ours, and presently include restrictions on non-Monitored Portfolios. The differences in monitoring standards and restrictions are due to systems limitations and may change from time to time as those systems are upgraded.
The detection and deterrence of harmful transfer/reallocation activity involves judgments that are inherently subjective, such as the decision to monitor only those Portfolios that we believe are susceptible to arbitrage trading or the determination of the transfer/reallocation limits. Our ability to detect and/or restrict such transfer/reallocation activity may be limited by operational and technological systems, as well as our ability to predict strategies employed by Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants to avoid such detection. Our ability to restrict such transfer/reallocation activity also may be limited by provisions of the Contract. Accordingly, there is no assurance that we will prevent all transfer/reallocation activity that may adversely affect Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants and other persons with interests in the Contracts. We do not accommodate frequent transfers/reallocations in any Portfolio and there are no arrangements in place to permit any Contract Owner or participant/Annuitant to engage in frequent transfers/reallocations; we apply our policies and procedures without exception, waiver or special arrangement.
The Portfolios may have adopted their own policies and procedures with respect to frequent transfers/reallocations in their respective shares, and we reserve the right to enforce these policies and procedures. For example, Portfolios may assess a redemption fee (which we reserve the right to collect) on shares held for a relatively short period. The prospectuses for the Portfolios describe any such policies and procedures, which may be more or less restrictive than the policies and procedures we have adopted. Although we may not have the contractual authority or the operational capacity to apply the frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures of the Portfolios, we have entered into a written agreement, as required by SEC regulation, with each Portfolio or its principal underwriter that obligates us to provide to the Portfolio promptly upon request certain information about the trading activity of individual Contract Owners, and to execute instructions from the Portfolio to restrict or prohibit further purchases or transfers/reallocations by specific Contract Owners who violate the frequent transfer/reallocation policies established by the Portfolio.
In addition, Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants and other persons with interests in the Contracts should be aware that the purchase and redemption orders received by the Portfolios generally are “omnibus” orders from intermediaries, such as retirement plans or separate accounts funding variable insurance contracts. The omnibus orders reflect the aggregation and netting of multiple orders from individual owners of variable insurance contracts and/or individual retirement plan participants. The omnibus nature of these orders may limit the Portfolios in their ability to apply their frequent transfer/reallocation policies and procedures. In addition, the other insurance companies and/or retirement plans may have different policies and procedures or may not have any such policies and procedures because of contractual limitations. For these reasons, we cannot guarantee that the Portfolios (and thus Contract Owners or participants/Annuitants) will not be harmed by transfer/reallocation activity relating to the other insurance companies and/or retirement plans that may invest in the Portfolios. If a Portfolio believes that


an omnibus order reflects one or more transfer/reallocation requests from Contract Owners engaged in frequent transfer/reallocation trading activity, the Portfolio may reject the entire omnibus order.
In accordance with applicable law, we reserve the right to modify or terminate the transfer/reallocation privilege at any time. We also reserve the right to defer or restrict the transfer/reallocation privilege at any time that we are unable to purchase or redeem shares of any of the Portfolios, including any refusal or restriction on purchases or redemptions of their shares as a result of their own policies and procedures on frequent transfers/reallocations (even if an entire omnibus order is rejected due to the frequent transfers/reallocations of a single Contract Owner or participant/Annuitant). You should read the Portfolio prospectuses for more details.
Restrictions on Large Transfers/Reallocations. Large transfers/reallocations may increase brokerage and administrative costs of the underlying Portfolios and may disrupt portfolio management strategy, requiring a Portfolio to maintain a large cash position and possibly resulting in lost investment opportunities and forced liquidations. We do not monitor for large transfers/reallocations to or from Portfolios except where the Portfolio manager of a particular underlying Portfolio has brought large transfer/reallocation activity to our attention for investigation on a case-by-case basis. For example, some portfolio managers have asked us to monitor for “block transfers” where transfer/reallocation requests have been submitted on behalf of multiple Contract Owners by a third party such as an investment adviser. When we detect such large trades, we may impose restrictions similar to those described above where future transfer/reallocation requests from that third party must be submitted in writing with an original signature. A first occurrence will result in a warning letter; a second occurrence will result in the imposition of this restriction for a six-month period; a third occurrence will result in the permanent imposition of the restriction.
Annual Contract Fee
There is no Separate Account Annual Contract Fee. You may pay a $20 annual fee from the Fixed Interest Account at the end of each Contract Year.
Account Reduction Loan Fees
We may make available account reduction loans. If your plan or group of which You are a participant or member permits account reduction loans, and You take an account reduction loan, there is a $75 account reduction loan initiation fee. This fee is paid from the requested loan principal amount. There is also a $50 annual maintenance fee per loan outstanding. The maintenance fee is taken pro-rata from each Division and the Fixed Interest Account in which You then have a balance and is paid on a quarterly basis at the end of each quarter. Either or both fees may be waived for certain groups.
Charges Paid When Money is in a Division
There are two types of charges You pay while You have money in a Division:
Insurance-related charge (or Separate Account charge), and
Investment-related charge.
We describe these charges below. The amount of a charge may not necessarily correspond to the costs associated with providing the services or benefits indicated by the designation of the charge or associated with the Contract. For example, the Early Withdrawal Charge may not fully cover all of the sales and distribution expenses actually


incurred by us, and proceeds from other charges, including the Separate Account charge, may be used in part to cover such expenses. We can profit from certain Deferred Annuity charges.
The Separate Account charge You pay will not reduce the number of Accumulation Units credited to You. Instead, we deduct the charge as part of the calculation of the Accumulation Unit Value.
Separate Account Charge
You will pay an insurance-related charge for the Separate Account (also described in this prospectus as a “Base Contract Charge”) that is no more than 0.95% annually of the average value of the amount You have in the Separate Account. This charge pays us for general administrative expenses and for the mortality and expense risk of the Deferred Annuity. MetLife guarantees that the Separate Account insurance-related charge will not increase while You have this Contract.
General administrative expenses we incur include financial, actuarial, accounting, and legal expenses.
The mortality portion of the insurance-related charge pays us for the risk that You may live longer than we estimated. Then, we could be obligated to pay You more in payments from a pay-out option than we anticipated. Also, we bear the risk that the guaranteed death benefit we would pay should You die during your “pay-in” phase is larger than your Account Value. We also bear the risk that our expenses in administering the Contracts may be greater than we estimated (expense risk).
Portfolio Company Charges
Charges are deducted from and expenses are paid out of the assets of the Portfolios that are described in the prospectuses for those companies. Four classes of shares available to the Deferred Annuities have 12b-1 Plan fees, which pay for distribution expenses. The percentage You pay for the investment-related charge depends on which Divisions You select. Investment-related charges for each Portfolio for the previous year are listed in the Table of Expenses.
Transfer Fee
Although we do not currently impose a transfer fee, we reserve the right to limit transfers as described above in “Transfer Privilege.” We reserve the right to impose a transfer fee. The amount of this fee will be no greater than $25 per transfer.
Special Charges That Apply If Your Retirement Plan Terminates Its Deferred Annuity or Takes Other Action
Under certain TSA Deferred Annuities, amounts equal to some or all of the early withdrawal charge imposed under a contract of another issuer in connection with the transfer of money into a TSA Deferred Annuity may be credited to your Account Value. If such amounts are credited to a TSA Deferred Annuity, special termination charges may be imposed. These charges may also apply if the plan introduces other funding vehicles provided by other carriers.
Charges are not imposed on plan participants; but rather are absorbed by the Contract Owner. Therefore, under the Contract, the participant will incur only the withdrawal charges, if applicable, otherwise discussed in this Prospectus.
The charges to the plan are imposed on the amount initially transferred to MetLife Fixed Account Option for the first seven years according to the schedule in the following table:


During Contract Year Percentage
1 5.6%
2 5.0%
3 4.5%
4 4.0%
5 3.0%
6 2.0%
7 1.0%
8 and Beyond 0%
The charge to the plan, for partial withdrawals, is determined by multiplying the amount of the withdrawal that is subject to the charge by the applicable percentage shown above.
Free Look
You may cancel your Contract within a certain time period. This is known as a “free look.” We must receive your request to cancel in writing by the appropriate day in your state, which varies from state to state. The time period may also vary depending on your age and whether You purchased your Contract from us directly, through the mail or with money from another annuity or life insurance policy. Depending on state law, we may refund (i) all of your purchase payments or (ii) your Account Value as of the date your refund request is received at your Administrative Office in Good Order (this means you bear the risk of any decline in the value of your Contract due to the performance of the Divisions during the Free Look period). You do not have a “free look” if You are electing income payments in the pay-out phase of your Deferred Annuity.
Premium and Other Taxes
Some jurisdictions tax what are called “annuity considerations.” These may apply to purchase payments, Account Values and death benefits. In most jurisdictions, we currently do not deduct any money from purchase payments, Account Values or death benefits to pay these taxes. Generally, our practice is to deduct money to pay premium taxes (also known as “annuity” taxes) only when You exercise a pay-out option. In certain jurisdictions, we may also deduct money to pay premium taxes on lump sum withdrawals or when You exercise a pay-out option. We may deduct an amount to pay premium taxes some time in the future since the laws and the interpretation of the laws relating to annuities are subject to change.
Premium taxes, if applicable, depend on the Contract You purchase and your home state or jurisdiction. A chart in Appendix B shows the jurisdictions where premium taxes are charged and the amount of these taxes.
We also reserve the right to deduct from purchase payments, Account Value, withdrawals or income payments, any taxes (including but not limited to premium taxes) paid by us to any government entity relating to the Contract. Examples of these taxes include, but are not limited to, generation skipping transfer tax or a similar excise tax under Federal or state tax law which is imposed on payments we make to certain persons and income tax withholdings on withdrawals and income payments to the extent required by law. We will, at our sole discretion, determine when taxes relate to the Contract. We may, at our sole discretion, pay taxes when due and deduct that


amount from the Account Value at a later date. Payment at an earlier date does not waive any right we may have to deduct amounts at a later date.
We reserve the right to deduct from the Contract for any income taxes which we incur because of the Contract. In general, we believe under current Federal income tax law, we are entitled to hold reserves with respect to the Contract that offset Separate Account income. If this should change, it is possible we could incur income tax with respect to the Contract, and in that event we may deduct such tax from the Contract. At the present time, however, we are not incurring any such income tax or making any such deductions.
All transactions will be processed in the manner described below.
Purchase Payments
Send your purchase payments, by check, cashier’s check or certified check made payable to “MetLife,” to your Administrative Office or a MetLife sales office, if that office has been designated for this purpose. (We reserve the right to receive purchase payments by other means acceptable to us.) We do not accept cash, money orders or traveler’s checks. We will provide You with all necessary forms. We must have all documents in Good Order to credit your purchase payments.
We reserve the right to refuse purchase payments made via a personal check in excess of $100,000. Purchase payments over $100,000 may be accepted in other forms, including but not limited to, EFT/wire transfers, certified checks, corporate checks, and checks written on financial institutions. The form in which we receive a purchase payment may determine how soon subsequent disbursement requests may be fulfilled. (See “Access To Your Money.”) If You send your purchase payments or transaction requests to an address other than the one we have designated for receipt of such purchase payments or requests, we may return the purchase payment to You, or there may be delay in applying the purchase payment or transaction to your Contract.
Purchase payments (including any portion of your Account Value under a Deferred Annuity which You apply to a pay-out option) are effective and valued as of the close of the Exchange, on the day we receive them in Good Order at your Administrative Office, except when they are received:
On a day when the Accumulation Unit Value/Annuity Unit Value is not calculated, or
After the close of the Exchange.
In those cases, the purchase payments will be effective the next day the Accumulation Unit Value or Annuity Unit Value, as applicable, is calculated. If payments on your behalf are not made in a timely manner, there may be a delay in when amounts are credited.
We reserve the right to credit your initial purchase payment to You within two days after its receipt at your Administrative Office or MetLife sales office, if applicable. However, if You fill out our forms incorrectly or incompletely or other documentation is not completed properly or otherwise not in Good Order, we have up to five business days to credit the payment. If the problem cannot be resolved by the fifth business day, we will notify You and give You the reasons for the delay. At that time, You will be asked whether You agree to let us keep your money until the problem is resolved. If You do not agree or we cannot reach You by the fifth business day, your money will be returned.
Under certain group Deferred Annuities and group Income Annuities, your employer, or the group in which You are a participant or member must identify You on their reports to us and tell us how your money should be allocated among the Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account/Fixed Income Option.


Confirming Transactions
You will receive a statement confirming that a transaction was recently completed. Certain transactions made on a periodic basis, such as Systematic Withdrawal Program payments, and automated investment strategy transfers, may be confirmed quarterly. Salary reduction or deduction purchase payments under the Non-Qualified Financial Freedom Deferred Annuity for 415(m) qualified governmental excess benefit arrangements are confirmed quarterly. Unless You inform us of any errors within 60 days of receipt, we will consider these communications to be accurate and complete.
Processing Transactions
We permit You to request transactions by mail and telephone. We make Internet access available to You for your Deferred Annuity. We may suspend or eliminate telephone or Internet privileges at any time, without prior notice. We reserve the right not to accept requests for transactions by facsimile.
If mandated by applicable law, including, but not limited to, Federal anti-money laundering laws, we may be required to reject a purchase payment. We may also be required to block an Owner’s account and, consequently, refuse to implement any requests for transfers/reallocations, withdrawals, surrenders or death benefits, until instructions are received from the appropriate governmental authority.
By Telephone or Internet
You may obtain information and initiate a variety of transactions about your Deferred Annuity by telephone or the Internet virtually 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unless prohibited by state law. Some of the information and transactions accessible to You include:
Account Value
Unit Values
Current rates for the Fixed Interest Account
Changes to investment strategies
Changes in the allocation of future purchase payments.
Your transaction must be in Good Order and completed prior to the close of the Exchange on one of our business days if You want the transaction to be valued and effective on that day. Transactions will not be valued and effective on a day when the Accumulation or Annuity Unit Value is not calculated or after the close of the Exchange. We will value and make effective these transactions on our next business day.
We will use reasonable procedures such as requiring certain identifying information, tape recording the telephone instructions, and providing written confirmation of the transaction, in order to confirm that instructions communicated by telephone, fax, Internet or other means are genuine. Any telephone, fax or Internet instructions reasonably believed by us to be genuine will be your responsibility, including losses arising from any errors in the communication of instructions. As a result of this policy, You will bear the risk of loss. If we do not employ reasonable procedures to confirm that instructions communicated by telephone, fax or Internet are genuine, we may be liable for any losses due to unauthorized or fraudulent transactions. All other requests and elections under your Contract must be in writing signed by the proper party, must include any necessary documentation and must be received at your Administrative Office to be effective. If acceptable to us, requests or elections relating to


beneficiaries and ownership will take effect as of the date signed unless we have already acted in reliance on the prior status. We are not responsible for the validity of any written request or action.
Telephone and Computer Systems
Telephone and computer systems may not always be available. Any telephone or computer system, whether it is yours, your service provider’s, your agent’s, or ours, can experience outages or slowdowns for a variety of reasons. These outages or slowdowns may delay or prevent our processing of your request. Although we have taken precautions to help our systems handle heavy use, we cannot promise complete reliability under all circumstances. If you experience technical difficulties or problems, You should make your transaction request in writing to your Administrative Office.
Response times for the telephone or Internet may vary due to a variety of factors, including volumes, market conditions and performance of systems.
We are not responsible or liable for:
any inaccuracy, error, or delay in or omission of any information You transmit or deliver to us; or
any loss or damage You may incur because of such inaccuracy, error, delay or omission; non-performance; or any interruption of information beyond our control.
After Your Death
If we are notified of your death before any requested transaction is completed (which may include, depending on your administrative platform, transactions under automated investment strategies, the minimum distribution program and the Systematic Withdrawal Program), we may cancel the request. For example, if You request a transfer or withdrawal for a date in the future under a Deferred Annuity and then die before that date, we will cancel the request. As described above, the death benefit will be determined when we receive due proof of death and an election for the payment method. For a Deferred Annuity in the pay-out phase and Income Annuity reallocations, we will cancel the request and continue making payments to your beneficiary if your Income Annuity or Deferred Annuity in the pay-out phase so provides. Or, depending on your Income Annuity’s or annuitized Deferred Annuity’s provisions, we may continue making payments to a joint Annuitant or pay your beneficiary a refund.
Abandoned Property Requirements
Every state has unclaimed property laws which generally declare non-ERISA (“Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974”) annuity Contracts to be abandoned after a period of inactivity of three to five years from the Contract’s maturity date (the latest day on which annuity payments may begin under the Contract) or the date the death benefit is due and payable. For example, if the payment of a death benefit has been triggered, but, if after a thorough search, we are still unable to locate the beneficiary of the death benefit, or the beneficiary does not come forward to claim the death benefit in a timely manner, the death benefit will be paid to the abandoned property division or unclaimed property office of the state in which the beneficiary or the Contract Owner last resided, as shown on our books and records, or to our state of domicile. (Escheatment is the formal, legal name of this process.) However, the state is obligated to pay the death benefit (without interest) if your beneficiary steps forward to claim it with the proper documentation and within certain mandated time periods. To prevent your Contract’s proceeds from being paid to the state abandoned or unclaimed property office, it is important that You update your beneficiary designations, including addresses, if and as they change. Please call 1-800-638-7732 to make such changes.


We may require proof of age of the Annuitant, Owner, or beneficiary before making any payments under this Contract that are measured by the Annuitant’s, Owner’s, or beneficiary’s life. If the age of the Annuitant, Owner, or beneficiary has been misstated, the amount payable will be the amount that the Account Value would have provided at the correct age.
Once income payments have begun, any underpayments will be made up in one sum with the next income payment or in any other manner agreed to by us. Any overpayments will be deducted first from future income payments. In certain states we are required to pay interest on any underpayments.
Other Matters
Third Party Requests
Generally, we only accept requests for transactions or information from You. We reserve the right not to accept or to process transactions requested on your behalf by third parties. This includes processing transactions by an agent You designate, through a power of attorney or other authorization, who has the ability to control the amount and timing of transfers/reallocations for a number of other Contract Owners, and who simultaneously makes the same request or series of requests on behalf of other Contract Owners.
Valuation — Suspension of Payments
We separately determine the Accumulation Unit Value and Annuity Unit Value for each Division once each day at the close of the Exchange when the Exchange is open for trading. If permitted by law, we may change the period between calculations but we will give You 30 days notice.
When You request a transaction, we will process the transaction on the basis of the Accumulation Unit Value or Annuity Unit Value next determined after receipt of the request. Subject to our procedure, we will make withdrawals and transfers/reallocations at a later date, if You request. If your withdrawal request is to elect a variable pay-out option under your Deferred Annuity, we base the number of Annuity Units You receive on the next available Annuity Unit Value.
We reserve the right to suspend or postpone payment for a withdrawal, income payment or transfer/reallocation when:
rules of the SEC so permit (trading on the Exchange is limited, the Exchange is closed other than for customary weekend or holiday closings or an emergency exists which makes pricing or sale of securities not practicable); or
during any other period when the SEC by order so permits.
Advertising Performance
We periodically advertise the performance of the Divisions. You may get performance information from a variety of sources including your quarterly statements, your sales representative (where applicable), the Internet, annual reports and semiannual reports. All performance numbers are based upon historical earnings. These numbers are not intended to indicate future results. We may state performance in terms of “yield,” “change in Accumulation Unit Value/Annuity Unit Value,” “average annual total return” or some combination of these terms.


Yield is the net income generated by an investment in a particular Division for 30 days or a month. These figures are expressed as percentages. This percentage yield is compounded semiannually. The yield of the money market Division refers to the income generated by an investment in the Division over a seven-day period. This income is then annualized, by assuming that the same amount of income is generated each week over a 52-week period, and the total income is shown as a percentage of the investment.
Change in Accumulation/Annuity Unit Value (“Non-Standard Performance”) is calculated by determining the percentage change in the value of an Accumulation (or Annuity) Unit for a certain period. These numbers may also be annualized. Change in Accumulation/Annuity Unit Value may be used to demonstrate performance for a hypothetical investment (such as $10,000) over a specified period. These performance numbers reflect the deduction of the total Separate Account charges.
Average annual total return calculations (“Standard Performance”) reflect all Separate Account charges since the Division inception date, which is the date the corresponding Portfolio or predecessor Portfolio was first offered under the Separate Account that funds the Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. These presentations for the Income Annuities reflect a 3% benchmark AIR. These figures also assume a steady annual rate of return.
For purposes of presentation of Non-Standard Performance, we may assume that the Deferred Annuities and the Income Annuities were in existence prior to the inception date of the Divisions in the Separate Account that funds the Deferred Annuities and the Income Annuities. In these cases, we calculate performance based on the historical performance of the underlying Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity® VIP Funds and American Funds® Portfolios since the Portfolio inception date. We use the actual Accumulation Unit or Annuity Unit data after the inception date. Any performance data that includes all or a portion of the time between the Portfolio inception date and the Division inception date is hypothetical. Hypothetical returns indicate what the performance data would have been if the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities had been introduced as of the Portfolio inception date.
We may also present average annual total return calculations which reflect all Separate Account charges since the Portfolio inception date. We use the actual Accumulation Unit or Annuity Unit data after the inception date. Any performance data that includes all or a portion of the time between the Portfolio inception date and the Division inception date is hypothetical. Hypothetical returns indicate what the performance data would have been if the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities had been introduced as of the Portfolio inception date.
We calculate performance for the Equity Generator. We calculate the performance as a percentage by presuming a certain dollar value at the beginning of a period and comparing this dollar value with the dollar value based on historical performance at the end of that period. This percentage return assumes that there have been no withdrawals or other unrelated transactions.
We may state performance for the Divisions of the Income Annuity which reflect deduction of the Separate Account charge and investment-related charge, if accompanied by the annualized change in Annuity Unit Value.
We may demonstrate hypothetical values of income payments over a specified period based on historical net asset values of the Portfolios and the historical Annuity Unit Values and the applicable annuity purchase rate, either for an individual for whom the illustration is to be produced or based upon certain assumed factors (e.g., male, age 65). These presentations reflect the deduction of the maximum Separate Account charge and investment-related charge. If the presentation is for an individual, we may also provide a presentation that reflects the applicable (rather than the maximum) insurance-related charge, as well as the Annuity Unit Values and the investment-related charge.


We may assume that the Income Annuity was in existence prior to its inception date. When we do so, we calculate performance based on the historical performance of the underlying Portfolio for the period before the inception date of the Income Annuity and historical Annuity Unit Values.
We may also demonstrate hypothetical future values of income payments over a specified period based on assumed rates of return (which will not exceed 12% and which will include an assumption of 0% as well) for the Portfolios, hypothetical Annuity Unit Values and the applicable annuity purchase rate, either for an individual for whom the illustration is to be produced or based upon certain assumed factors (e.g., male, age 65). These presentations reflect the deduction of the maximum Separate Account charge and the average of investment-related charge. If the presentation is for an individual, we may also provide a presentation that reflects the applicable Separate Account charge (rather than the maximum), as well as the Annuity Unit Values and the investment-related charge.
An illustration should not be relied upon as a guarantee of future results.
Historical performance information should not be relied on as a guarantee of future performance results.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Performance figures will vary among the various Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities as a result of different Separate Account charges and Early Withdrawal Charges.
Changes to Your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity
We have the right to make certain changes to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity, but only as permitted by law. We make changes when we think they would best serve the interest of annuity Owners or would be appropriate in carrying out the purposes of the Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity. If the law requires, we will also get your approval and the approval of any appropriate regulatory authorities. Examples of the changes we may make include:
To operate the Separate Account in any form permitted by law.
To take any action necessary to comply with or obtain and continue any exemptions under the law (including favorable treatment under the Federal income tax laws) including limiting the number, frequency or types of transfers/reallocations transactions permitted.
To transfer any assets in a Division to another Division, or to one or more separate accounts, or to our general account, or to add, combine or remove Divisions in the Separate Account.
To substitute for the Portfolio shares in any Division, the shares of another class of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II or the shares of another investment company or any other investment permitted by law.
To change the way we assess charges, but without increasing the aggregate amount charged to the Separate Account and any currently available Portfolio in connection with the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities.
To make any necessary technical changes in the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities in order to conform with any of the above-described actions.
If any changes result in a material change in the underlying investments of a Division in which You have a balance or an allocation, we will notify You of the change. You may then make a new choice of Divisions. For Deferred Annuities issued in Pennsylvania (and Income Annuities where required by law), we will ask your approval before making any technical changes. We will notify you of any changes to the Separate Account.


Voting Rights
Based on our current view of applicable law, You have voting interests under your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity concerning Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity® VIP Funds or American Funds® proposals that are subject to a shareholder vote. Therefore, You are entitled to give us instructions for the number of shares which are deemed attributable to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity.
We will vote the shares of each of the underlying Portfolios held by the Separate Account based on instructions we receive from those having a voting interest in the corresponding Divisions. However, if the law or the interpretation of the law changes, we may decide to exercise the right to vote the Portfolio’s shares based on our own judgment.
You are entitled to give instructions regarding the votes attributable to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity in your sole discretion. Under Section 457(f) deferred compensation plans, Section 451 deferred fee arrangements, Section 451 deferred compensation plans, Section 457(e)(11) severance and death benefit plans and the TSA Deferred Annuity and Income Annuities under which the employer retains all rights, we will provide You with the number of copies of voting instruction soliciting materials that You request so that You may furnish such materials to participants who may give You voting instructions. Neither the Separate Account nor MetLife has any duty to inquire as to the instructions received or your authority to give instructions; thus, as far as the Separate Account, and any others having voting interests in respect of the Separate Account are concerned, such instructions are valid and effective.
There are certain circumstances under which we may disregard voting instructions. If we do not receive your voting instructions, we will vote your interest in the same proportion as represented by the votes we receive from other investors. The effect of this proportional voting is that a small number of Contract Owners or Annuitants may control the outcome of a vote. Shares of Brighthouse Trust I, Brighthouse Trust II, the Calvert Fund, Fidelity® VIP Funds or American Funds® that are owned by our general account or by any of our unregistered separate accounts will be voted in the same proportion as the aggregate of:
The shares for which voting instructions are received; and
The shares that are voted in proportion to such voting instructions.
However, if the law or the interpretation of the law changes, we may decide to exercise the right to vote the Portfolio’s shares based on our judgment.
Who Sells the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities
MetLife Investors Distribution Company (“MLIDC”) is the principal underwriter and distributor of the securities offered through this Prospectus. MLIDC, which is our affiliate, also acts as the principal underwriter and distributor of some of the other variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies we and our affiliated companies issue. We reimburse MLIDC for expenses MLIDC incurs in distributing the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities (e.g., commissions payable to the retail broker-dealers who sell the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities). MLIDC does not retain any fees under the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities.
MLIDC’s principal executive offices are located at 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166. MLIDC is registered as a broker-dealer with the SEC under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), as well as the securities commissions in the states in which it operates, and is a member of the Financial Regulatory Industry Authority (“FINRA”). FINRA provides background information about broker-dealers and their registered representatives through FINRA BrokerCheck. You may contact the FINRA BrokerCheck Hotline at 1-800-289-9999,


or log on to www.finra.org. An investor brochure that includes information describing FINRA BrokerCheck is available through the Hotline or on-line.
The Deferred Annuities are sold through unaffiliated broker-dealers, registered with the SEC as broker-dealers under the Exchange Act and members of FINRA. The Deferred Annuities may also be sold through the mail, the Internet or by telephone.
There is no front-end sales load deducted from purchase payments to pay sales commissions. Distribution costs are recovered through the charges and deductions under the Deferred Annuities. MLIDC pays compensation based upon a “gross dealer concession” model. With respect to the Deferred Annuities, the gross dealer concession ranges from 0.75% to 3% of each purchase payment and, starting in the second Contract Year, 0.09% of the Account Value each year that the Contract is in force for servicing the Contract. With respect to Income Annuities, the gross dealer concession is 6% of the purchase payment and, starting in the second Contract Year, 0.18% of the amount available from which income payments are made for each year the Contract is in force for servicing the Income Annuity. Gross dealer concession may also be paid when the Contract is annuitized. The amount of this gross dealer concession credited upon an annuitization depends on several factors, including the number of years the Contract has been in force.
We may make payments to MLIDC that may be used for its operating and other expenses, including the following sales expenses: compensation and bonuses for MLIDC’s management team, advertising expenses, and other expenses of distributing the Contracts. MLIDC’s management team and registered representatives also may be eligible for non-cash compensation items that we may provide jointly with MLIDC. Non-cash items include conferences, seminars and trips (including travel, lodging and meals in connection therewith), entertainment, merchandise and other similar items. Broker-dealers pay their sales representatives all or a portion of the commissions received for their sales of the Contracts. Some firms may retain a portion of commissions. The amount that the broker-dealer passes on to its sales representatives is determined in accordance with its internal compensation programs. Those programs may also include other types of cash and non-cash compensation and other benefits. Sales representatives of these selling firms may also receive non-cash compensation pursuant to their firm’s guidelines directly from us or the distributor. We and our affiliates may also provide sales support in the form of training, sponsoring conferences, defraying expenses at vendor meetings, providing promotional literature and similar services. An unaffiliated broker-dealer or sales representative of an unaffiliated broker-dealer may receive different compensation for selling one product over another and/or may be inclined to favor one product provider over another product provider due to different compensation rates. Ask your sales representative (where applicable) for further information about what your sales representative (where applicable) and the broker-dealer for which he or she works may receive in connection with your purchase of a Contract.
From time to time, MetLife pays organizations, associations and non-profit organizations fees to sponsor MetLife’s variable annuity contracts. We may also obtain access to an organization’s members to market our variable annuity contracts. These organizations are compensated for their sponsorship of our variable annuity contracts in various ways. Primarily, they receive a flat fee from MetLife. We also compensate these organizations by our funding of their programs, scholarships, events or awards, such as a principal of the year award. We may also lease their office space or pay fees for display space at their events, purchase advertisements in their publications or reimburse or defray their expenses. In some cases, we hire organizations to perform administrative services for us, for which they are paid a fee based upon a percentage of the Account Values their members hold in the Contract. We also may retain finders and consultants to introduce MetLife to potential clients and for establishing and maintaining relationships between MetLife and various organizations. The finders and consultants are primarily paid flat fees and may be reimbursed for their expenses. We or our affiliates may also pay duly licensed individuals associated with these organizations cash compensation for the sales of the Contracts.


We will normally pay withdrawal proceeds within seven days after receipt of a request for a withdrawal at your Administrative Office, but we may delay payment as permitted by law, under certain circumstances. (See “Valuation — Suspension of Payments”). We reserve the right to defer payment for a partial withdrawal, withdrawal or transfer from the Fixed Interest Account for the period permitted by law, but for not more than six months.
Financial Statements
Our financial statements and the financial statements of the Separate Account have been included in the SAI.
Your Spouse’s Rights
If You received your Contract through a qualified retirement plan and your plan is subject to ERISA (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974) and You are married, the income payments, withdrawal and loan provisions, and methods of payment of the death benefit under your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity may be subject to your spouse’s rights.
If your benefit is worth $5,000 or less, your plan may provide for distribution of your entire interest in a lump sum without your spouse’s consent.
For details or advice on how the law applies to your circumstances, consult your tax adviser or attorney.
Any reference to “spouse” includes those persons who are married under state law, regardless of sex.
When We Can Cancel Your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity
We may not cancel your Income Annuity.
We may cancel your Deferred Annuity only if we do not receive any purchase payments from You for 36 consecutive months and your Account Value is less than $2,000. Accordingly, no Contract will be terminated due solely to negative investment performance. We will only do so to the extent allowed by law. If we cancel a Deferred Annuity issued in New York, we will return the full Account Value. In all other cases, You will receive an amount equal to what You would have received if You had requested a total withdrawal of your Account Value. Early Withdrawal Charges may apply.
We may cancel your Non-Qualified Deferred Annuity for Section 457(f) deferred compensation plans, Section 451 deferred fee arrangements, Section 451 deferred compensation plans and Section 457(e)(11) severance and death benefit plans if we do not receive any purchase payments from You for 12 consecutive months and your Account Value is less than $15,000. Certain Deferred Annuities do not contain these cancellation provisions.
At our option, we may cancel certain TSA and PEDC Deferred Annuities if we determine that changes to your retirement plan would cause MetLife to pay more interest than we anticipated or to make more frequent payments than we anticipated in connection with the Fixed Interest Account. We may also cancel these Deferred Annuities, as legally permitted, if your retirement plan terminates or no longer qualifies as a tax sheltered arrangement. Also, the employer and MetLife may each cancel the Deferred Annuity upon 90 days notice to the other party.
We will not terminate any Contract where we keep records of your account if at the time the termination would otherwise occur the guaranteed amount under any death benefit is greater than the Account Value. For all other Contracts, we reserve the right to exercise this termination provision, subject to obtaining any required regulatory


approvals. We will not exercise this provision under Contracts issued in New York. However, if your plan determines to terminate the Contract at a time when You have a guaranteed amount under any death benefit that is greater than the Account Value, You forfeit any guaranteed amount You have accrued under the death benefit upon termination of the Contract. The tax law may also restrict payment of surrender proceeds to participants under certain employer retirement plans prior to reaching certain permissible triggering events.
The following information on taxes is a general discussion of the subject. It is not intended as tax advice. The Internal Revenue Code (“Code”) and the provisions of the Code that govern annuities are complex and subject to change. The applicability of Federal income tax rules may vary with your particular circumstances. This discussion does not include all the Federal income tax rules that may affect You and your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable. Nor does this discussion address other Federal tax consequences (such as estate and gift taxes, sales to foreign individuals or entities), or state or local tax consequences, which may affect your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable. As a result, You should always consult a tax adviser for complete information and advice applicable to your individual situation.
When you invest in an annuity Contract, you usually do not pay taxes on your investment gains until you withdraw the money — generally for retirement purposes. Under current federal income tax law, the taxable portion of distributions from variable annuity contracts is taxed at ordinary income tax rates and does not qualify for the reduced tax rate applicable to long-term capital gains and dividends. If you invest in a variable annuity as part of an individual retirement plan, pension plan or employer-sponsored retirement program, your contract is called a Qualified Contract. If your annuity is independent of any formal retirement or pension plan, it is termed a Non-Qualified Contract. The tax rules applicable to Qualified Contracts vary according to the type of retirement plan and the terms and conditions of the plan.
We are not responsible for determining if your employer’s plan or arrangement satisfies the requirements of the Code and/or ERISA.
We do not expect to incur Federal, state or local income taxes on the earnings or realized capital gains attributable to the Separate Account. However, if we do incur such taxes in the future, we reserve the right to charge amounts allocated to the Separate Account for these taxes.
To the extent permitted under Federal tax law, we may claim the benefit of the corporate dividends received deduction and of certain foreign tax credits attributable to taxes paid by certain of the Portfolios to foreign jurisdictions.
Any Code reference to “spouse” includes those persons who enter into lawful marriages under state law, regardless of sex.
Non-Qualified Annuity Contracts
This discussion assumes the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, is an annuity Contract for Federal income tax purposes that is not held in a tax qualified “plan” defined by the Code. Tax qualified plans include arrangements described in Code Sections 401(a), 401(k), 403(a),403(b) or tax sheltered annuities (“TSA”), 408 or “IRAs” (including SEP and SIMPLE IRAs), 408A or “Roth IRAs” or 457(b) or governmental 457(b) plans. Deferred Annuities owned through such plans are referred to below as “qualified” contracts.


Generally, an Owner of a non-qualified annuity Contract is not taxed on increases in the value of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable until there is a distribution from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, i.e., surrender, partial withdrawal, income payment or commutation. This deferral of taxation on accumulated value in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is limited to Deferred Annuities owned by or held for the benefit of “natural persons.” A Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will be treated as held by a natural person if the nominal Owner is a trust or other entity which holds the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable as an agent for the exclusive benefit of a natural person.
In contrast, a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, owned or not treated as held by a “natural person,” such as a corporation, partnership, trust or other entity, will be taxed currently on the increase in accumulated value in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, in the year earned. Note that in this regard, an employer which is the Owner of an annuity Contract under a non-qualified deferred compensation arrangement for its employees, or otherwise, is considered a non-natural Owner and any annual increase in the Account Balance will be subject to current income taxation.
Surrenders or Withdrawals — Early Distribution
If You take a withdrawal from your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, or surrender your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable prior to the date You commence taking annuity or “income” payments (the “Annuity Starting Date”), the amount You receive will be treated first as coming from earnings, if any, (and thus subject to income tax) and then from your purchase payments (which are not subject to income tax).
The portion of any withdrawal from an annuity Contract that is subject to income tax will also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty for “early” distribution if such withdrawal is taken prior to You reaching age 59 12, unless an exception applies.
Exceptions include distributions made:
(a) on account of your death or disability,
(b) as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments payable for your life (or life expectancy) or joint lives (joint life expectancies) of You and your designated Beneficiary, or
(c) under certain immediate income annuities providing for substantially equal payments made at least annually.
If You receive systematic payments that You intend to qualify for the “substantially equal periodic payments” exception noted above, any modifications (except due to death or disability) to your payment before age 59 12 or within five years after beginning these payments, whichever is later, will result in the retroactive imposition of the 10% Federal income tax penalty with interest. Such modifications may include but are not limited to additional purchase payments to the Contract (including tax-free rollovers) and additional withdrawals from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
For non-qualified Contracts, amounts received under the exercise of a partial withdrawal may be fully included in taxable income. The entire amount of the withdrawal could be treated as taxable income. Exercise of a withdrawal feature may adversely impact the amount of subsequent payments which can be treated as a nontaxable return of investment.
If your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable has been purchased with an Optional Two Year Withdrawal Feature or is for a guaranteed period only (term certain) annuity, and is terminated as a result of the exercise of


the withdrawal feature, the taxable portion of the payment will generally be the excess of the proceeds received over your remaining after-tax purchase payment.
Treatment of Separate Account Charges
It is possible that at some future date the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) may consider that Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable charges attributable to certain guaranteed death benefits and certain living benefits are to be treated as distributions from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to pay for such non-annuity benefits. Currently, these charges are considered to be an intrinsic part of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and we do not report these as taxable income. However, if this treatment changes in the future, the charge could also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty as an early distribution, as described above.
Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefits (where applicable)
If You have purchased the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit I, Enhanced Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit or Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee, where otherwise made available, note the following:
The tax treatment of withdrawals under such a benefit is uncertain. It is conceivable that the amount of potential gain could be determined based on the remaining amount guaranteed to be available for withdrawal at the time of the withdrawal if greater than the Account Balance (prior to Withdrawal Charges). This could result in a greater amount of taxable income in certain cases. In general, at the present time, MetLife intends to report such withdrawals using the Account Balance rather than the remaining benefit to determine gain. However, in cases where the maximum permitted withdrawal in any year under any version of the GWB exceeds the Account Balance, the portion of the withdrawal treated as taxable gain (not to exceed the amount of the withdrawal) should be measured as the difference between the maximum permitted withdrawal amount under the benefit and the remaining after-tax basis immediately preceding the withdrawal. Consult your tax adviser.
In the event that the Account Balance goes to zero, and either the Remaining Guaranteed Withdrawal Amount is paid out in fixed installments or the Annual Benefit Payment is paid for life, we will treat such payments as income annuity payments under the tax law and allow recovery of any remaining basis ratably over the expected number of payments. (See “Taxation of Payments in Annuity Form” below.)
MetLife reserves the right to change its tax reporting practices where we determine that they are not in accordance with Federal income tax rules and/or IRS guidance (whether formal or informal).
If You purchase two or more Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable Contracts from MetLife (or its affiliates) during the same calendar year, the law requires that all such Contracts must be treated as a single Contract for purposes of determining whether any payments not received as an annuity (e.g., withdrawals) will be includible in income. Aggregation could affect the amount of a withdrawal that is taxable and subject to the 10% Federal income tax penalty described above. Since the IRS may require aggregation in other circumstances as well, You should consult a tax adviser if You are purchasing more than one annuity Contract from the same insurance company in a single calendar year. Aggregation does not affect distributions paid in the form of an annuity (see “Taxation of Payments in Annuity Form” below).
The annuity Contract may be exchanged tax-free in whole or in part for another annuity contract or a long-term care insurance policy. The partial exchange of an annuity contract may be a tax-free transaction provided that,


among other prescribed IRS conditions, no amounts are distributed from either contract involved in the exchange for 180 days following the date of the exchange other than annuity payments made for life, joint lives, or for a term of 10 years or more. Otherwise, a withdrawal or “deemed” distribution may be includible in your taxable income (plus a 10% Federal income tax penalty) to the extent that the accumulated value of your annuity exceeds your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable (your “gain”). Some of the ramifications of a partial exchange remain unclear. If the annuity Contract is exchanged in part for an additional annuity contract, a distribution from either contract may be taxable to the extent of the combined gain attributable to both contracts, or only to the extent of your gain in the contract from which the distribution is paid. It is not clear whether these rules apply to a partial exchange involving long-term care contracts. Consult your tax adviser prior to a partial exchange.
A transfer of Ownership of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, or the designation of an Annuitant or other Beneficiary who is not also the Contract Owner, may result in income or gift tax consequences to the Contract Owner. You should consult your tax adviser if You are considering such a transfer or assignment.
Death Benefits
The death benefit is taxable to the recipient in the same manner as if paid to the Contract Owner (under the rules for withdrawals or income payments, whichever is applicable).
After your death, any death benefit determined under the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed in accordance with Section 72(s) of the Code. The method of distribution that is required depends on whether You die before or after the Annuity Starting Date.
If You die on or after the Annuity Starting Date, the remaining portion of the interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used as of the date of death.
If You die before the Annuity Starting Date, the entire interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed within five (5) years after the date of death, or as periodic payments over a period not extending beyond the life or life expectancy of the designated Beneficiary (provided such payments begin within one year of your death) and the Beneficiary must be a natural person. Naming a non-natural person, such as a trust or estate, as a designated beneficiary, may eliminate the ability to stretch the payment over an individual’s life or life expectancy, and may also eliminate the ability to continue these benefits beyond the otherwise allowed payout period under the Code. If a non-natural person, such as a trust, is the owner of a non-qualified contract, the distribution on death rules under the Code may require payment to begin earlier than expected and may impact the usefulness of death benefit features.
Additionally, if the annuity is payable to (or for the benefit of) your surviving spouse, that portion of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may be continued with your spouse as the Owner.
For Deferred Annuities owned by a non-natural person, the required distribution rules apply upon the death or change in the primary Annuitant. If there is more than one Annuitant of a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable held by a non-natural person, then such required distributions will be triggered by the death of the first co-Annuitant.
Investor Control
In certain circumstances, Owners of variable annuity non-qualified contracts have been considered to be the Owners of the assets of the underlying Separate Account for Federal income tax purposes due to their ability to


exercise investment control over those assets. When this is the case, the Contract Owners have been currently taxed on income and gains attributable to the variable account assets. There is little guidance in this area, and some features of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, such as the number of Portfolios available and the flexibility of the Contract Owner to allocate purchase payments and transfer amounts among the Divisions have not been addressed. While we believe that the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable does not give the Contract Owner investment control over Separate Account assets, we reserve the right to modify the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, as necessary to prevent a Contract Owner from being treated as the Owner of the Separate Account assets supporting the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
Taxation of Payments in Annuity Form
Payments received from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable in the form of an annuity are taxed differently depending on whether You select a fixed or variable payment option. For fixed annuity payments, payments are taxable as ordinary income to the extent they exceed the portion of the payment determined by applying the exclusion ratio to the entire payment. The exclusion ratio is determined at the time the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is annuitized (i.e., the accumulated value is converted to an annuity form of distribution). Generally, the applicable exclusion ratio is your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable divided by the total payments You expect to receive based on IRS factors, such as the form of annuity and mortality. The exclusion ratio is applied to each fixed annuity payment to determine the portion that is a non-taxable return of investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and it is excludable from your taxable income until your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is fully recovered.
Variable annuity payments are expected to fluctuate and the amount You may receive is uncertain. Variable annuity payments are taxable as ordinary income to the extent they exceed the portion of each annuity payment that is determined to be a non-taxable return of your investment in the Contract. The non-taxable return of your investment in the Contract is determined by dividing the investment in the Contract (with adjustment) by the number of years over which it is anticipated the annuity will be paid. In general, your investment in the Contract is recovered pro-rata over the expected payment period.
We will make this calculation for You. However, it is possible that the IRS could conclude that the taxable portion of income payments under a non-qualified Contract is an amount greater — or less — than the taxable amount determined by us and reported by us to You and the IRS.
Once You have recovered the investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, further annuity payments are fully taxable.
If You die before your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is fully recovered, the balance of your investment may be deducted on your last tax return, or if annuity payments continue after your death, the balance may be recovered by your Beneficiary.
The IRS has not furnished explicit guidance as to how the excludable amount is to be determined each year under variable income annuities that permit transfers between a fixed annuity option and variable investment options, as well as transfers between investment options after the Annuity Start Date.
Once annuity payments have commenced, You may not be able to transfer to another non-qualified annuity contract or a long-term care contract as part of a tax-free exchange.
If the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable allows, You may elect to convert less than the full value of your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to an annuity form of pay-out (i.e., “partial annuitization.”) In this case, your investment in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will be pro-rated between the annuitized


portion of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and the deferred portion. An exclusion ratio or excludable amount will apply to the annuity payments as described above, provided the annuity form You elect is payable for at least 10 years or for the life of one or more individuals.
The federal income tax treatment of an annuity payment option that contains a commutation feature (i.e., an annuity payment option that permits the withdrawal of a commuted value) is uncertain. Specifically, it is possible that (a) all payments made under the annuity payment option will be taxed as withdrawals, on an income-first basis, rather than as annuity payments, a portion of which would be excludable from income as a return of investment in the contract, or (b) the ability to fully recover the investment in the contract over the annuity payment period may be limited due to the reduction or elimination of future annuity payments that would have each had an excludable amount.
Additionally, it is uncertain whether the exercise of a commutation feature under a joint and survivor variable life annuity payment option constitutes an exchange into a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable, thus requiring payout of any remaining interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable within five years of an Owner’s death (or the primary annuitant’s death where the Owner is not a natural person) or over the designated beneficiary’s life (or over a period no longer than the beneficiary’s remaining life expectancy) with such payments beginning within 12 months of the date of death if an Owner dies during the certain period for such payout option. Accordingly, we reserve the right to restrict the availability of the commutation feature or to require the value of all remaining income payments be paid to the designated beneficiary or to the surviving joint annuitant, as the case may be, in a lump sum after proof of an Owner’s death (or of a primary annuitant’s death, where the owner is not a natural person) during the certain period to comply with these tax law requirements.
3.8% Tax on Net Investment Income
Federal tax law imposes a 3.8% Medicare tax on the lesser of:
(1) the taxpayer’s “net investment income” (from non-qualified annuities, interest, dividends, and other investments, offset by specified allowable deductions), or
(2) the taxpayer’s modified adjusted gross income in excess of a specified income threshold ($250,000 for married couples filing jointly and qualifying widows, $125,000 for married couples filing separately, and $200,000 for single filers).
“Net investment income” in Item 1 above does not include distributions from tax qualified plans, (i.e., arrangements described in Code Sections 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 408, 408A or 457(b)), but such income will increase modified adjusted gross income in Item 2 above.
You should consult your tax adviser regarding the applicability of this tax to income under your annuity Contract.
Puerto Rico Tax Considerations
The Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011 (the “2011 PR Code”) taxes distributions from non-qualified annuity contracts differently than in the U.S.
Distributions that are not in the form of an annuity (including partial surrenders and period certain payments) are treated under the 2011 PR Code first as a return of investment. Therefore, a substantial portion of the amounts distributed generally will be excluded from gross income for Puerto Rico tax purposes until the cumulative amount paid exceeds your tax basis.


The amount of income on annuity distributions in annuity form (payable over your lifetime) is also calculated differently under the 2011 PR Code. Since the U.S. source income generated by a Puerto Rico bona fide resident is subject to U.S. income tax and the IRS issued guidance in 2004 which indicated that the income from an annuity contract issued by a U.S. life insurer would be considered U.S. source income, the timing of recognition of income from an annuity contract could vary between the two jurisdictions. Although the 2011 PR Code provides a credit against the Puerto Rico income tax for U.S. income taxes paid, an individual may not get full credit because of the timing differences.
You should consult with a personal tax adviser regarding the tax consequences of purchasing an annuity Contract and/or any proposed distribution, particularly a partial distribution or election to annuitize if You are a resident of Puerto Rico.
Qualified Annuity Contracts
The Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may be purchased through certain types of retirement plans that receive favorable treatment under the Code (“tax qualified plans”). Tax-qualified plans include arrangements described in Code Sections 401(a), 401(k), 403(a), 403(b) or tax sheltered annuities (“TSA”), 408 or “IRAs” (including SEP and SIMPLE IRAs), 408A or “Roth IRAs” or 457 (b) nongovernmental or 457(b) governmental plans. Extensive special tax rules apply to qualified plans and to the annuity Contracts used in connection with these plans. Therefore, the following discussion provides only general information about the use of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable with the various types of qualified plans. Adverse tax consequences may result if You do not ensure that contributions, distributions and other transactions with respect to the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable comply with the law.
The rights to any benefit under the plan will be subject to the terms and conditions of the plan itself as well as the terms and conditions of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
We exercise no control over whether a particular retirement plan or a particular contribution to the plan satisfies the applicable requirements of the Code, or whether a particular individual is entitled to participate or benefit under a plan.
All qualified plans and arrangements receive tax deferral under the Code. Since there are no additional tax benefits in funding such retirement arrangements with an annuity, there should be reasons other than tax deferral for acquiring the annuity within the plan. Such non-tax benefits may include additional insurance benefits, such as the availability of a guaranteed income for life.
A Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may also be available in connection with an employer’s non-qualified deferred compensation plan or qualified governmental excess benefit arrangement to provide benefits to certain employees in the plan. The tax rules regarding these plans are complex; please consult your tax adviser about your particular situation.
Treatment of Separate Account Charges
It is possible that at some future date the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) may consider that Contract charges attributable to certain guaranteed death benefits and certain living benefits are to be treated as distributions from the Contract to pay for such non-annuity benefits. Currently, these charges are considered to be an intrinsic part of the Contract and we do not report these as taxable income. However, if this treatment changes in the future, the charge could also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty as an early distribution.


The tax rules applicable to qualified plans vary according to the type of plan and the terms and conditions of the plan itself. Both the amount of the contribution that may be made and the tax deduction or exclusion that You may claim for that contribution under qualified plans are limited under the Code. See the SAI for a description of qualified plan types and annual current contribution limitations which are subject to change from year-to-year.
Purchase payments or contributions to IRAs or tax qualified retirement plans of an employer may be taken from current income on a before tax basis or after tax basis. Purchase payments made on a “before tax” basis entitle You to a tax deduction or are not subject to current income tax. Purchase payments made on an “after tax” basis do not reduce your taxable income or give You a tax deduction. Contributions may also consist of transfers or rollovers as described below and are not subject to the annual limitations on contributions.
The Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will accept as a single purchase payment a transfer or rollover from another IRA or rollover from an eligible retirement plan of an employer (i.e., 401(a), 401(k), 403(a), 403(b) or governmental 457(b) plan.) It will also accept a rollover or transfer from a SIMPLE IRA after the taxpayer has participated in such arrangement for at least two years. As part of the single purchase payment, the IRA Contract will also accept an IRA contribution subject to the Code limits for the year of purchase.
For income annuities established as “pay-outs” of SIMPLE IRAs, the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will only accept a single purchase payment consisting of a transfer or rollover from another SIMPLE IRA.
For income annuities established in accordance with a distribution option under a retirement plan of an employer (e.g., 401(a), 401(k), 403(a), 403(b) or 457(b) or nongovernmental 457(b) plan), the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable will only accept as its single purchase payment a transfer from such employer retirement plan.
Taxation of Annuity Distributions
If contributions are made on a “before tax” basis, You generally pay income taxes on the full amount of money You receive under the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable. Withdrawals attributable to any after-tax contributions are basis in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable and not subject to income tax (except for the portion of the withdrawal allocable to earnings, if any).
Under current Federal income tax rules, the taxable portion of distributions under annuity contracts and qualified plans (including IRAs) is not eligible for the reduced tax rate applicable to long-term capital gains and qualifying dividends.
If You meet certain requirements, your Roth IRA, Roth 403(b) and Roth 401(k) earnings can be received free of Federal income taxes.
With respect to IRA Contracts, we will withhold a portion of the taxable amount of your withdrawal for income taxes, unless You elect otherwise. The amount we will withhold is determined by the Code.
Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefits (where applicable)
If You have purchased the Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee benefit (“LWG”), where otherwise made available, note the following:
In determining your required minimum distribution each year, the actuarial value of this benefit as of the prior December 31 must be taken into account in addition to the Account Balance of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.


If You have purchased the GWB I, Enhanced GWB or LWG, where otherwise made available, note the following:
The tax treatment of withdrawals under such a benefit is uncertain. It is conceivable that the amount of potential gain could be determined based on the remaining amount guaranteed to be available for withdrawal at the time of the withdrawal if greater than the Account Balance (prior to Withdrawal Charges). This could result in a greater amount of taxable income in certain cases. In general, at the present time, MetLife intends to report such withdrawals using the Account Balance rather than the remaining benefit to determine gain. However, in cases where the maximum permitted withdrawal in any year under any version of the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit exceeds the Account Balance, the portion of the withdrawal treated as taxable gain (not to exceed the amount of the withdrawal) should be measured as the difference between the maximum permitted withdrawal amount under the benefit and the remaining after-tax basis immediately preceding the withdrawal. Consult your tax adviser.
In the event that the Account Balance goes to zero, and either the Remaining Guaranteed Withdrawal Amount is paid out in fixed installments or the Annual Benefit Payment is paid for life, we will treat such payments as income annuity payments under the tax law and allow recovery of any remaining basis ratably over the expected number of payments.
MetLife reserves the right to change its tax reporting practices where we determine that they are not in accordance with Federal income tax rules and/or IRS guidance (whether formal or informal).
Withdrawals Prior to Age 59 12
A taxable withdrawal from a qualified plan which is subject to income tax may also be subject to a 10% Federal income tax penalty for “early” distribution if taken prior to age 59 12, unless an exception applies. The penalty rate is 25% for SIMPLE plan Deferred Annuities if the withdrawal occurs within the first 2 years of your participation in the plan.
These exceptions include but are not limited to withdrawals made:
(a) on account of your death or disability, or
(b) as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments payable for your life (or life expectancy) or joint lives (or life expectancies) of You and your designated Beneficiary and You are separated from employment.
If You receive systematic payments that You intend to qualify for the “substantially equal periodic payments” exception noted above, any modifications (except due to death or disability) to your payment before age 59 12 or within five years after beginning these payments, whichever is later, will result in the retroactive imposition of the 10% Federal income tax penalty with interest (25% for certain SIMPLE plan withdrawals). Such modifications may include but are not limited to additional purchase payments to the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable (including tax-free transfers or rollovers) and additional withdrawals from the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
The 10% Federal income tax penalty on early distribution does not apply to governmental 457(b) plan Contracts. However, it does apply to distributions from 457(b) plans of employers which are state or local governments to the extent that the distribution is attributable to rollovers accepted from other types of eligible retirement plans.
In addition to death, disability and as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments as indicated above, a withdrawal or distribution from an IRA (including SEPs and SIMPLEs and Roth IRAs) will avoid the penalty (1) if the distribution is to pay deductible medical expenses; (2) if the distribution is to pay IRS levies (and made after December 31, 1999); (3) if the distribution is used to pay for medical insurance (if You are unemployed), qualified higher education expenses, or for a qualified first time home purchase up to $10,000.


Other exceptions may be applicable under certain circumstances and special rules may apply or may become applicable in connection with the exceptions enumerated above. You should consult with your tax advisor for further details.
Your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable is non-forfeitable (i.e., not subject to the claims of your creditors) and non-transferable (i.e., You may not transfer it to someone else).
Nevertheless, Contracts held in certain employer plans may be transferred in part pursuant to a QDRO.
Under certain circumstances, You may be able to transfer amounts distributed from your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to another eligible retirement plan or IRA. Federal tax law limits You to making only one 60-day rollover from an IRA to another IRA in any 12 month period and the limit is applied across all IRAs that You own, including SEP, SIMPLE and Roth IRAs. For 457(b) plans maintained by non-governmental employers, if certain conditions are met, amounts may be transferred into another 457(b) plan maintained by a non-governmental employer.
You may make rollovers and direct transfers into your SIMPLE IRA annuity contract from another SIMPLE IRA annuity contract or account. Rollovers from another qualified plan can generally be made to your SIMPLE IRA after you have participated in the SIMPLE IRA for at least two years. Rollovers and direct transfers from a SIMPLE IRA can only be made to another SIMPLE IRA or account during the first two years that You participate in the SIMPLE IRA plan. After this two year period, rollovers and transfers may be made from your SIMPLE IRA into a Traditional IRA or account, as well as into another SIMPLE IRA.
Generally, a distribution may be eligible for rollover but certain types of distributions cannot be rolled over, such as distributions received:
(a) to meet minimum distribution requirements,
(b) for financial hardship, or
(c) for a period of ten or more years or for life.
20% Withholding on Eligible Rollover Distributions
For certain qualified employer plans, we are required to withhold 20% of the taxable portion of your withdrawal that constitutes an “eligible rollover distribution” for Federal income taxes. The amount we withhold is determined by the Code. You may avoid withholding if You directly transfer a withdrawal from this Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to another qualified plan or IRA. Similarly, You may be able to avoid withholding on a transfer into the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable from an existing qualified plan You may have with another provider by arranging to have the transfer made directly to us. For taxable withdrawals that are not “eligible rollover distributions,” the Code imposes different withholding rules to determine the withholding percentage.
Death Benefits
The death benefit is taxable to the recipient in the same manner as if paid to the Contract Owner or plan participant (under the rules for withdrawals or income payments, whichever is applicable).


Distributions required from a qualified annuity Contract following your death depend on whether You die before You had converted your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable to an annuity form and started taking annuity payments (your Annuity Start Date).
If You die on or after your Annuity Start Date, the remaining portion of the interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used as of the date of death.
If You die before your Annuity Start Date, the entire interest in the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable must be distributed within five (5) years after the date of death, or as periodic payments over a period not extending beyond the life or life expectancy of the designated Beneficiary (provided such payments begin within one year of your death).
Your designated Beneficiary is the person to whom benefit rights under the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable pass by reason of death; the Beneficiary must be a natural person in order to elect a periodic payment option based on life expectancy or a period exceeding five years.
If the IRA is payable to (or for the benefit of) your surviving spouse, that portion of the Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may be continued with your spouse as the Owner. If your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable permits, your Beneficiary spouse may delay the start of these payments until December 31 of the year in which You would have reached age 70 12.
Your spouse may elect to roll over the death proceeds into another eligible retirement plan in which he or she participates, if permitted under the receiving plan, he or she may elect to roll over the death proceeds into his or her own IRA, or he or she may elect to transfer the death proceeds into an inherited IRA.
If your Beneficiary is not your spouse and your plan and Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable permit, your Beneficiary may be able to roll over the death proceeds via a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer into an inherited IRA. However, a non-spouse Beneficiary may not treat the inherited IRA as his or her own IRA.
Distributions required from a qualified Contract following Your death must be distributed to designated Beneficiaries within ten (10) years after the date of death. This distribution period applies regardless of whether You die before, on, or after the Annuity Start Date, unless the designated Beneficiary is an Eligible Designated Beneficiary (EDB).
An Eligible Designated Beneficiary is an individual who, on the date of death, is:
(1) Your surviving spouse;
(2) Your child who has not yet reached the age of majority (as defined by federal tax law);
(3) a chronically ill individual as defined by the Code; or
(4) any other individual who is not more than ten (10) years younger than You.
An Eligible Designated Beneficiary may receive the remaining portion of the interest in the Contract over his/her life or life expectancy, beginning in the year following the year of death.


If your contract permits, your Eligible Designated Beneficiary spouse may delay the start of these payments until December 31 of the year You would have reached age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020).
Following the death of an Eligible Designated Beneficiary, the remaining interest in the Contract must be distributed within ten (10) years. In addition, a child who is an Eligible Designated Beneficiary because he or she has not yet reached the age of majority must have the remaining interest in the Contract fully distributed within ten (10) years after reaching the age of majority.
Your spouse may elect to roll over the death proceeds into another eligible retirement plan in which he or she participates, if permitted under the receiving plan, he or she may elect to roll over the death proceeds into his or her own IRA, or he or she may elect to transfer the death proceeds into an inherited IRA.
If your Beneficiary is not your spouse and your plan and Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable permit, your Beneficiary may be able to roll over the death proceeds via a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer into an inherited IRA. However, a non-spouse Beneficiary may not treat the inherited IRA as his or her own IRA.
Distributions required from a qualified Contract following your death must generally be distributed to Non-designated beneficiaries (for example, charitable organizations or nonqualified trusts) within five (5) years of the date of death. However, if your death occurs after the Required Beginning Date, the benefits may be paid out to the non-designated beneficiary at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used as of the date of death.
Required Minimum Distributions
Generally, You must begin receiving amounts from your retirement plan by April 1 following the latter of:
(a) the calendar year in which You reach age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020), or
(b) the calendar year You retire, provided You do not own more than 5% of the outstanding stock, capital, or profits of your employer.
For IRAs (including SEPs and SIMPLEs), You must begin receiving withdrawals by April 1 of the year after You reach age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020) even if You have not retired.
Your required minimum distribution request must be in Good Order and payment must be processed by MetLife prior to the due date (generally the end of the calendar year or April 1st of the year You reach age 72 (70 12 if you were 70 12 before January 1, 2020) in order to satisfy the requirement for the applicable tax year.
A tax penalty of 50% applies to the shortfall of any required minimum distributions You fail to receive.
You may not satisfy minimum distributions for one employer’s qualified plan (i.e., 401(a), 403(a), 457(b)) with distributions from another qualified plan of the same or a different employer. However, an aggregation rule does apply in the case of IRAs (including SEPs and SIMPLEs) or 403(b) plans. The minimum required distribution is calculated with respect to each IRA, but the aggregate distribution may be taken from any one or more of your IRAs/SEPs. Similarly, the amount of required minimum distribution is calculated separately with respect to each 403(b) arrangement, but the aggregate amount of the required distribution may be taken from any one or more of your 403(b) plan contracts. For SIMPLE IRAs, the aggregate amount of the required distribution may be taken from any one or more of your SIMPLE IRAs.


Complex rules apply to the calculation of minimum distributions. In general, income tax regulations permit income payments to increase based not only with respect to the investment experience of the portfolios but also with respect to actuarial gains.
The regulations also require that the value of benefits under a Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable including certain death benefits in excess of Account Balance must be added to the amount credited to your account in computing the amount required to be distributed over the applicable period. We will provide You with additional information regarding the amount that is subject to minimum distribution under this rule. You should consult your own tax adviser as to how these rules affect your own distribution under this rule.
If You intend to receive your minimum distributions which are payable over the joint lives of You and a Beneficiary who is not your spouse (or over a period not exceeding the joint life expectancy of You and your non-spousal Beneficiary), be advised that Federal tax rules may require that payments be made over a shorter period or may require that payments to the Beneficiary be reduced after your death to meet the minimum distribution incidental benefit rules and avoid the 50% excise tax. You should consult your own tax adviser as to how these rules affect your own Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable.
Required minimum distribution rules that apply to other types of IRAs while You are alive do not apply to Roth IRAs. However, in general, the IRA post-death rules with respect to minimum distributions do apply to beneficiaries of Roth IRAs.
Additional Information regarding IRAs
Purchase Payments
Except for permissible rollovers and direct transfers, purchase payments for individuals are limited in the aggregate to the lesser of 100% of compensation or the deductible amount established each year under the Code. A purchase payment up to the deductible amount can also be made for a non-working spouse provided the couple’s compensation is at least equal to their aggregate contributions. If you have compensation, you can continue to make purchase payments after beginning required minimum distributions if permitted by your Contract. Individuals age 50 and older are permitted to make additional “catch-up” contributions if they have sufficient compensation. If You or your spouse are an active participant in a retirement plan of an employer, your deductible contributions may be limited. If You exceed purchase payment limits You may be subject to a tax penalty.
Roth IRA purchase payments for individuals are non-deductible (made on an “after tax” basis) and are limited to the lesser of 100% of compensation or the annual deductible IRA amount. Individuals age 50 and older can make an additional “catch-up” purchase payment each year (assuming the individual has sufficient compensation). You may contribute up to the annual purchase payment limit if your modified adjusted gross income does not exceed certain limits. If You exceed purchase payment limits, You may be subject to a tax penalty.
If and to the extent that Traditional IRA purchase payments are made on an “after tax” basis, withdrawals would be included in income except for the portion that represents a return of non-deductible purchase payments. This portion is generally determined based upon the ratio of all non-deductible purchase payments to the total value of all your Traditional IRAs (including SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs). We withhold a portion of the amount of your withdrawal for income taxes, unless You elect otherwise. The amount we withhold is determined by the Code.
Generally, withdrawal of earnings from Roth IRAs are free from Federal income tax if (1) they are made at least five taxable years after the tax year for which you made your first purchase payment to a Roth IRA; and (2) they are


made on or after the date You reach age 59 12 or upon your death, disability or for a qualified first-home purchase (up to $10,000). Withdrawals from a Roth IRA are made first from purchase payments and then from earnings. We may be required to withhold a portion of your withdrawal for income taxes, unless You elect otherwise. The amount will be determined by the Code.
Traditional IRAs may be converted to Roth IRAs. Except to the extent You have non-deductible contributions, the amount converted from an existing Traditional IRA into a Roth IRA is taxable. Generally, the 10% Federal income tax penalty does not apply. However, the taxable amount to be converted must be based on the fair market value of the entire annuity contract being converted into a Roth IRA. Such fair market value, in general, is to be determined by taking into account the value of all benefits (both living benefits and death benefits) in addition to the Account Balance; as well as adding back certain loads and charges incurred during the prior twelve month period. Your Contract or Deferred Annuity, as applicable may include such benefits and applicable charges. Accordingly, if You are considering such conversion of your annuity Contract, please consult your tax adviser. The taxable amount may exceed the Account Balance at the date of conversion.
A conversion from a traditional IRA, SEP or SIMPLE to a Roth IRA made on or after January 1, 2018 cannot be recharacterized. Please consult your tax adviser.
Additional Information regarding TSA (ERISA and non-ERISA) 403(b)
Special Rules Regarding Exchanges
In order to satisfy tax regulations, contract exchanges within a 403(b) plan must, at a minimum, meet the following requirements: (1) the plan must allow the exchange; (2) the exchange must not result in a reduction in a Participant’s or a Beneficiary’s accumulated benefit: (3) the receiving contract includes distribution restrictions that are no less stringent than those imposed on the contract being exchanged; and (4) if the issuer receiving the exchanges is not part of the plan, the employer enters into an agreement with the issuer to provide information to enable the contract provider to comply with Code requirements. Such information would include details concerning severance from employment, hardship withdrawals, loans and tax basis. You should consult Your tax or legal counsel for any advice relating to Contract exchanges or any other matter relating to these regulations.
If You are under age 59 12, You generally cannot withdraw money from your 403(b) Contract unless the withdrawal:
a) Relates to purchase payments made prior to 1989 and pre-1989 earnings on those purchase payments;
b) Is exchanged to another permissible investment under your 403(b) plan;
c) Relates to contributions to an annuity contract that are not salary reduction elective deferrals, if Your plan allows it;
d) Occurs after You die, leave Your job or become disabled (as defined by the Code);
e) Is for financial hardship (but only to the extent of elective deferrals), if Your plan allows it;
f) Relates to distributions attributable to certain 403(b) plan terminations, if the conditions of the Code are met;
g) Relates to rollover or after-tax contributions; or
h) Is for the purchase of permissive service credit under a governmental defined benefit plan.


In addition, a Section 403(b) Contract is permitted to distribute retirement benefits attributable to pre-tax contributions other than elective deferrals to the participant no earlier than upon the earlier of the participant’s severance from employment or upon the prior occurrence of some event, such as after a fixed number of years, the attainment of a stated age or disability.
Other exceptions may apply or become applicable under certain circumstances and special rules may be applicable in connection with the exceptions enumerated above.
Distinction for Puerto Rico Code
An annuity Contract may be purchased by an employer for an employee under a qualified pension, profit sharing, stock bonus, annuity, or a “cash or deferred” arrangement plan established pursuant to Section 1081.01 of the 2011 PR Code. To be tax qualified under the 2011 PR Code, a plan must comply with the requirements of Section 1081.01(a) of the 2011 PR Code which includes certain participation requirements, among other requirements. A trust created to hold assets for a qualified plan is exempt from tax on its investment income.
A Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan trust may be exempted from income taxation pursuant to 2011 PR Code Section 1081.01 and Section 1022(i) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA). If a variable annuity contract is acquired by said trust, the earnings accumulated or distributed under such contract or any income realized from the sale or exchange of the contract may not be subject to current income taxation due to the income tax exemption that the trust is entitled to. Whether a Puerto Rico retirement plan trust is qualified under 2011 PR Code Section 1081.01 depends on the facts and circumstances of each case. Each fiduciary of a Puerto Rico retirement plan should ascertain the qualified status of the retirement plan trust, and thus, that it enjoys the benefits of income tax exemption before investing in the variable annuity contract.
The employer is entitled to a current income tax deduction for contributions made to a qualified plan, subject to statutory limitations on the amount that may be contributed each year. The plan contributions by the employer are not required to be included in the current income of the employee.
Any amount received or made available to the employee under the qualified plan is generally includible in the gross income of the employee in the taxable year in which received or made available. However, Lump-sum proceeds from a Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan due to separation of employment or termination of a retirement plan will generally be treated as ordinary income subject to a withholding tax rate of 20%.
A special rate of 10% may apply instead, if the plan satisfies the following requirements:
(1) the plan’s trust is organized under the laws of Puerto Rico, or has a Puerto Rico resident trustee and uses such trustee as paying agent; and
(2) 10% of all plan’s trust assets (calculated based on the average balance of the investments of the trust) attributable to participants which are Puerto Rico residents must be invested in “property located in Puerto Rico” for a three-year period.
If those two requirements are not satisfied, the distribution will generally be subject to the 20% tax rate. The three- year period includes the year of the distribution and the two immediately preceding years. In the case of a defined contribution plan that maintains separate accounts for each participant, the described 10% investment requirement may be satisfied in the accounts of a participant that chooses to invest in such fashion rather than at


the trust level. Property located in Puerto Rico includes Shares of stock of a Puerto Rico Registered Investment Company (RIC), Fixed or Variable Annuities issued by a domestic insurance company or by a foreign insurance company that derives more than 80% of its gross income from sources within Puerto Rico, bank deposits. The 2011 PR Code does not impose a penalty tax in cases of early (premature) distributions from a qualified plan.
In the case of distributions from a qualified plan in the form of annuity installments as a result of termination of employment, amounts received are taxable in an amount equal to 3% of the after-tax contributions not previously distributed, which would be considered the tax cost. The remaining portion is not taxable until you have recovered the total after-tax contributions made to the qualified plan. You may be able to exclude from gross income up to $11,000, if you are less than 60 years of age, or up to $15,000, if you are at least 60 years of age, of the taxable portion of the installment payments received every year.
In the case of a defined contribution plan that maintains separate accounts for each participant, the described 10% investment requirement may be satisfied in the accounts of a participant that chooses to invest in such fashion rather than at the trust level. Property located in Puerto Rico includes shares of stock of a Puerto Rico registered investment company (RIC), fixed or variable annuities issued by a domestic insurance company or by a foreign insurance corporation that derives more than 80% of its gross income from sources within Puerto Rico and bank deposits. The 2011 PR Code does not impose a penalty tax in cases of early (premature) distributions from a qualified plan.
Upon the occurrence of a “Declared Disaster”, like a hurricane, Retirement Plans are allowed to make Eligible Distributions to a participant resident of Puerto Rico who requests the same. The Eligible Distribution may not exceed $100,000, and must be made during a period of time to be identified by the Puerto Rico Treasury through administrative guidance and be used to cover damages or losses suffered, and extraordinary expenses incurred by the individual as a result of a Declared Disaster. The first $10,000 will be exempted from income taxation, including the alternate basic tax, and amounts exceeding $10,000 will be subject to a 10% income tax to be withheld at the source, in lieu of any other income tax, including the alternate basic tax.
Distributions of retirement income made to a Non-Resident of Puerto Rico by a dual qualified retirement plan (qualified under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and the 2011 PR Code) funded through a U.S. situs trust will not be subject to Puerto Rico income tax. However, in order for such exemption to be available, the Puerto Rico Treasury requires the participant to submit to his/her employer either: (i) IRS Form 8898 (Statement for Individuals Who Begin or End Bona Fide Residence in a U.S. Possession; or (ii) a Sworn Statement including certain personal information directed to establish his/her residence in a State within the continental U.S.
You should consult with a personal tax adviser regarding the tax consequences of purchasing an annuity contract and/or any proposed distribution if you are a resident of Puerto Rico.
Deferral of the recognition of income continues upon the receipt of a distribution by a participant from a qualified plan, if the distribution is contributed to another qualified retirement plan or traditional individual retirement account for the employee’s benefit no later than sixty (60) days after the distribution.
ERISA Considerations
In the context of a Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan trust, the IRS has held that the transfer of assets and liabilities from a qualified retirement plan trust under the Code to that type of plan would generally be treated as a distribution includible in gross income for U.S. income tax purposes even if the Puerto Rico retirement plan is a plan described in ERISA Section 1022(i)(1). By contrast, a transfer from a qualified retirement plan trust under


the Code to a Puerto Rico qualified retirement plan trust that has made an election under ERISA Section 1022(i)(2) is not treated as a distribution from the transferor plan for U.S. income tax purposes because a Puerto Rico retirement plan that has made an election under ERISA Section 1022(i)(2) is treated as a qualified retirement plan for purposes Code Section 401(a). The IRS has determined that the above described rules prescribing the inclusion in income of transfers of assets and liabilities to a Puerto Rico retirement plan trust described in ERISA Section 1022(i)(1) would be applicable to transfers taking effect after December 31, 2012. Notwithstanding the above, the IRS has recently held that a Puerto Rico retirement plan described in ERISA Section 1022(i)(1) may participate in a 81-100 group trust because it permits said plan to diversify its investments without adverse tax consequences to the group trust or its investors
Similar to the IRS Revenue Ruling 2013-17, the U.S. Department of Labor issued DOL Technical Release No. 2013-04 on September 18, 2013 providing that, where the Secretary of Labor has authority to regulate with respect to the provisions of ERISA dealing with the use of the term “spouse” spouse will be read to refer to any individuals who are lawfully married under any state law, including same-sex spouses, and without regard to whether their state of domicile recognizes same-sex marriage. Thus, for ERISA purposes as well as Federal tax purposes, an employee benefit plan participant who marries a person of the same sex in a jurisdiction that recognizes same-sex marriage will continue to be treated as married even if the couple moves to a jurisdiction that does not recognize same-sex marriage.
In the ordinary course of business, MetLife, similar to other life insurance companies, is involved in lawsuits (including class action lawsuits), arbitrations and other legal proceedings. Also, from time to time, state and Federal regulators or other officials conduct formal and informal examinations or undertake other actions dealing with various aspects of the financial services and insurance industries. In some legal proceedings involving insurers, substantial damages have been sought and/or material settlement payments have been made.
It is not possible to predict with certainty the ultimate outcome of any pending legal proceeding or regulatory action. However, MetLife does not believe any such action or proceeding will have a material adverse effect upon the Separate Account or upon the ability of MLIDC to perform its contract with the Separate Account or of MetLife to meet its obligations under the Contracts.


Appendix A Portfolio Companies Available Under The Contract
The following is a list of Portfolios available. More information about the Portfolios is available in the prospectuses for the Portfolios, which may be amended from time to time and can be found online at dfinview.com/metlife/tahd/MET000210. You can also request this information at no cost by calling 800-638-7732, by sending an email request to RCG@metlife.com, or through your registered representative. Depending on the optional benefits you choose, you may not be able to invest in certain Portfolio Companies. As noted in Appendix A below, if your annuity was issued in connection with an employer plan, not all Portfolios are available under all Contracts and you should ask your employer for a list of available Portfolios.
The current expenses and performance information below reflects fees and expenses of the Portfolios, but do not reflect the other fees and expenses that your Deferred Annuity may charge, such as Platform Charges. Expenses would be higher and performance would be lower if these other charges were included. Each Portfolio Company's past performance is not necessarily an indication of future performance.
(as of 12/31/2021)
Global Equity American Funds Global Small Capitalization Fund* - Class 2
Capital Research and Management CompanySM
0.90% 6.74% 12.51% 15.45%
US Equity American Funds Growth Fund - Class 2
Capital Research and Management CompanySM
0.60% 21.97% 19.71% 25.43%
US Equity American Funds Growth-Income Fund - Class 2
Capital Research and Management CompanySM
0.54% 24.10% 15.42% 16.39%
US Fixed Income American Funds The Bond Fund of America* - Class 2
Capital Research and Management CompanySM
0.45% -0.31% 3.27% 4.25%
Allocation American Funds® Balanced Allocation Portfolio - Class C
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.97% 12.14% 11.61% 10.22%
Allocation American Funds® Growth Allocation Portfolio - Class C
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
1.01% 15.91% 13.89% 12.35%
Allocation American Funds® Moderate Allocation Portfolio - Class C
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.94% 9.64% 9.44% 8.33%
International Equity Baillie Gifford International Stock Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited
0.71% -0.76% 13.35% 9.97%
US Fixed Income BlackRock Bond Income Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: BlackRock Advisors, LLC
0.37% -0.43% 4.26% 3.86%
US Equity BlackRock Capital Appreciation Portfolio* - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: BlackRock Advisors, LLC
0.77% 21.02% 25.26% 18.46%


(as of 12/31/2021)
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 100 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.72% 18.34% 14.91% 13.15%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 20 Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.60% 4.01% 6.00% 5.30%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 40 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.60% 7.68% 8.12% 7.37%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 60 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.63% 11.17% 10.45% 9.47%
Allocation Brighthouse Asset Allocation 80 Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
0.67% 14.87% 12.89% 11.54%
US Equity Brighthouse/Artisan Mid Cap Value Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Artisan Partners Limited Partnership
0.75% 26.91% 10.32% 11.00%
US Fixed Income Brighthouse/Franklin Low Duration Total Return Portfolio* - Class B
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Franklin Advisers, Inc.
0.72% 0.28% 1.75% 1.78%
Allocation Brighthouse/Wellington Balanced Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Wellington Management Company LLP
0.51% 14.02% 12.84% 11.64%
US Equity Brighthouse/Wellington Core Equity Opportunities Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Wellington Management Company LLP
0.60% 24.43% 16.62% 14.75%
US Equity Brighthouse/Wellington Large Cap Research Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Wellington Management Company LLP
0.53% 24.38% 18.14% 16.33%
Allocation Calvert VP SRI Balanced Portfolio - Class I
Calvert Research and Management
0.63% 15.12% 12.49% 10.48%
US Equity Calvert VP SRI Mid Cap Portfolio - X
Calvert Research and Management
0.96% 15.03% 12.59% 11.89%
Sector CBRE Global Real Estate Portfolio - Class E (formerly known as Clarion Global Real Estate Portfolio - Class E)
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: CBRE Investment Management Listed Real Assets LLC
0.77% 34.56% 10.14% 9.12%


(as of 12/31/2021)
US Equity Equity-Income Portfolio - Initial Class
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
Subadviser: FMR UK, FMR HK, FMR Japan
0.51% 24.89% 11.95% 12.53%
Allocation Freedom 2020 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.75% 9.26% 10.41% 8.98%
Allocation Freedom 2025 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.78% 10.55% 11.24% 9.97%
Allocation Freedom 2030 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.82% 12.07% 12.48% 10.81%
Allocation Freedom 2035 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.87% 15.18% 13.98% 11.97%
Allocation Freedom 2040 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.90% 17.50% 14.72% 12.39%
Allocation Freedom 2045 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.90% 17.53% 14.72% 12.49%
Allocation Freedom 2050 Portfolio - Service Class 2
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
0.90% 17.51% 14.72% 12.55%
US Equity Frontier Mid Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Frontier Capital Management Company, LLC
0.70% 14.68% 18.90% 15.49%
US Fixed Income Government Money Market Portfolio - Initial Class
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
Subadviser: FMR UK, FMR HK, FMR Japan
0.23% 0.01% 0.93% 0.51%
US Equity Growth Portfolio - Initial Class
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
Subadviser: FMR UK, FMR HK, FMR Japan
0.61% 23.21% 26.29% 19.70%
International Equity Harris Oakmark International Portfolio* - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Harris Associates L.P.
0.91% 8.52% 7.18% 8.83%
Global Equity Invesco Global Equity Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Invesco Advisers, Inc.
0.57% 15.76% 18.44% 14.46%
US Equity Invesco Small Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Invesco Advisers, Inc.
0.95% 7.01% 19.03% 16.75%
US Fixed Income Investment Grade Bond Portfolio - Initial Class
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
Subadviser: FMR UK, FMR HK, FMR Japan
0.39% -0.61% 4.33% 3.54%
US Equity Jennison Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Jennison Associates LLC
0.53% 17.17% 27.45% 20.50%
Allocation Loomis Sayles Global Allocation Portfolio* - Class B
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
1.02% 14.26% 14.24% 11.33%


(as of 12/31/2021)
US Equity Loomis Sayles Growth Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
0.56% 18.66% 16.59% 15.99%
US Equity Loomis Sayles Small Cap Core Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
0.87% 21.95% 11.95% 13.23%
US Equity Loomis Sayles Small Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
0.86% 10.00% 19.09% 15.79%
US Fixed Income MetLife Aggregate Bond Index Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.27% -1.93% 3.32% 2.64%
US Equity MetLife Mid Cap Stock Index Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.29% 24.40% 12.81% 13.93%
International Equity MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.38% 10.72% 9.38% 7.84%
US Equity MetLife Russell 2000® Index Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.30% 14.52% 11.93% 13.20%
US Equity MetLife Stock Index Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: MetLife Investment Management, LLC
0.26% 28.36% 18.18% 16.26%
International Equity MFS ® Research International Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Massachusetts Financial Services Company
0.64% 11.98% 12.58% 8.72%
Allocation MFS ® Total Return Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Massachusetts Financial Services Company
0.59% 14.22% 9.89% 9.68%
US Equity MFS ® Value Portfolio* - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Massachusetts Financial Services Company
0.72% 25.40% 12.34% 13.53%
US Equity Morgan Stanley Discovery Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc.
0.62% -10.54% 37.65% 20.90%


(as of 12/31/2021)
US Equity Neuberger Berman Genesis Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers LLC
0.78% 18.41% 15.71% 14.21%
US Fixed Income PIMCO Inflation Protected Bond Portfolio - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Pacific Investment Management Company LLC
0.68% 5.49% 5.26% 3.01%
US Fixed Income PIMCO Total Return Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Pacific Investment Management Company LLC
0.47% -1.13% 4.15% 3.58%
Allocation SSGA Growth and Income ETF Portfolio - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: SSGA Funds Management, Inc.
0.66% 13.52% 10.15% 8.59%
Allocation SSGA Growth ETF Portfolio - Class E
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: SSGA Funds Management, Inc.
0.69% 17.75% 11.85% 10.14%
US Equity T. Rowe Price Large Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
0.57% 20.22% 23.39% 19.26%
US Equity T. Rowe Price Mid Cap Growth Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
0.70% 15.15% 18.19% 16.57%
US Equity T. Rowe Price Small Cap Growth Portfolio - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
0.49% 11.67% 16.25% 15.90%
US Equity Victory Sycamore Mid Cap Value Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Victory Capital Management Inc.
0.59% 32.13% 12.75% 12.26%
US Fixed Income Western Asset Management Strategic Bond Opportunities Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Western Asset Management Company LLC
0.54% 2.82% 5.55% 5.21%
US Fixed Income Western Asset Management U.S. Government Portfolio* - Class A
Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC
Subadviser: Western Asset Management Company LLC
0.48% -1.52% 2.49% 1.97%
* The Portfolio is subject to an expense reimbursement or fee waiver arrangement. The annual expenses shown reflect temporary fee reductions.


Appendix B Premium Tax Table
If You are a resident of one of the following jurisdictions, the percentage amount listed by that jurisdiction is the premium tax rate applicable to your Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity.
and Income
California (1) 0.5%   2.35%  
Colorado 0.00%   2.00%  
Florida (2) 1.0%   1.0%  
Maine (3) 0.0%   2.0%  
Nevada (4) 0.0%   3.5%  
Puerto Rico(5) 1.0%   1.0%  
South Dakota(6) 0.0%   1.25%  
Wyoming (4) 0.0%   1.0%  
1 California applies the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401(a), 403(b), 404, 408(b), and 501(a).
2 Annuity purchase payments are exempt from taxation provided the tax savings are passed back to the Contract Owners. Otherwise, they are taxable at 1%.
3 Maine applies the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401, 403, 403(b), 404, 408, 457 and 501.
4 Nevada and Wyoming apply the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401, 403, 404, 408, 457 and 501.
5 We will not deduct premium taxes paid by us to Puerto Rico from purchase payments, Account Value, withdrawals, death benefits or income payments.
6 Special rate applies for large case annuity policies. Rate is 0.08% for that portion of the annuity considerations received on a Contract exceeding $500,000 annually. Special rate on large case policies is not subject to retaliation. South Dakota applies the qualified tax rate to plans that qualify under the following Code Sections: 401, 403(b), 404, 408, 457, and 501(a).


Appendix C Early Withdrawal Charges from The Fixed Interest Account
An Early Withdrawal Charge of up to 7% may apply if You withdraw purchase payments from the Fixed Interest Account within seven years of when the Purchase Payments were allocated to the Fixed Interest Account in your Deferred Annuity. The Early Withdrawal Charge does not apply in certain situations or upon the occurrence of certain events or circumstances. When assessing Early Withdrawal Charges, we first assume that your withdrawal is from purchase payments that can be withdrawn without an Early Withdrawal Charge, then from other purchase payments on a “first-in-first-out” (oldest money first) basis and then from earnings. Once we have determined the amount of the Early Withdrawal Charge, we will then withdraw the amount requested from the Fixed Interest Account and the Divisions in the same proportion as the withdrawal is being made while only taking the withdrawal charge from the amounts allocated to the Fixed Interest Account. In determining what the withdrawal charge is, we do not include earnings, although the actual withdrawal to pay it may come from earnings. However, if the Early Withdrawal Charge is greater than the available purchase payments, then we will take the Early Withdrawal Charges, in whole or in part, from your earnings in the Fixed Interest Account. These charges may apply to transfers from the Fixed Interest Account into the Divisions.
For partial withdrawals, the Early Withdrawal Charge is determined by dividing the amount that is subject to the Early Withdrawal Charge by 100% minus the applicable percentage shown in the following chart. Then we will make the payment directed and withdraw the Early Withdrawal Charge. We will treat your request as a request for a full withdrawal if your Account Value is not sufficient to pay both the requested withdrawal and the Early Withdrawal Charge.
For a full withdrawal, we multiply the amount to which the withdrawal charge applies by the percentage shown, keep the result as an Early Withdrawal Charge and pay You the rest.
The Early Withdrawal Charge on purchase payments allocated to the Fixed Interest Account and subsequently withdrawn (or transferred to the Divisions) is as follows:
During Purchase Payment Year Percentage
1 7%
2 6%
3 5%
4 4%
5 3%
6 2%
7 1%
8 & Later 0%
The Early Withdrawal Charge reimburses us for our costs in selling the Deferred Annuities. We may use our profits (if any) from the mortality and expense risk charge to pay for our costs to sell the Deferred Annuities which exceed the amount of Early Withdrawal Charges we collect. However, we believe that our sales costs may exceed the Early Withdrawal Charges we collect. If so, we will pay the difference out of our general profits.
Because of the reduced sales costs for certain Enhanced Deferred Annuities, there are no Early Withdrawal Charges.


Certain deferred arrangements and plans assess no Early Withdrawal Charges on withdrawals. Please see your Certificate on withdrawal charges that apply to You.
When No Early Withdrawal Charge from the Fixed Interest Account Applies
In some cases, we will not charge You the Early Withdrawal Charge when You make a withdrawal. We may, however, ask You to prove that You meet one of the conditions listed below.
You do not pay an Early Withdrawal Charge:
On withdrawals of purchase payments You made over seven years ago.
If You choose payments over one or more lifetimes or for a period of at least five years (without the right to accelerate the payments).
If You die during the pay-in phase. Your beneficiary will receive the full death benefit without deduction.
If your Contract permits and your spouse is substituted as the purchaser of the Deferred Annuity and continues the Contract, that portion of the Account Value that equals the “step up” portion of the death benefit.
If You withdraw up to 20% (10% for certain TSA Enhanced Deferred Annuities) of your Account Value each Contract Year. This 20% (or 10%) total withdrawal may be taken in an unlimited number of partial withdrawals during that Contract Year. Each time You make a withdrawal, we calculate what percentage your withdrawal represents at that time. Only when the total of these percentages exceeds 20% (or 10%) will You have to pay Early Withdrawal Charges.
If the withdrawal is required for You to avoid Federal income tax penalties or to satisfy Federal income tax rules or Department of Labor regulations that apply to your Deferred Annuity, for purposes of this exception, we will treat the Contract as if it were your only account subject to the minimum distribution rules. This exception does not apply if You have a Non-Qualified Deferred Annuity or if the withdrawal is to satisfy Section 72(t) requirements under the Code.
Systematic Termination. For all Deferred Annuities except certain TSA, Non-Qualified and IRA Enhanced Deferred Annuities, if the Contract is terminated, You may withdraw your total Account Value without an Early Withdrawal Charge when the Account Value is paid in annual installments based on the following percentages of your Account Value for that year’s withdrawal:
1 20%
2 25%
3 33⅓%
4 50%
5 remainder
* Less that Contract Year’s withdrawals.
Any money You withdraw in excess of these percentages in any Contract Year will be subject to Early Withdrawal Charges. You may stop the systematic termination of the Contract. If You ask to restart systematic termination, You begin at the beginning of the schedule listed above.
If You are disabled and request a total withdrawal. Disability is defined in the Federal Social Security Act.
If You retire
For certain Enhanced TSA Deferred Annuities, if You have also participated for at least 10 consecutive


  years. This does not apply for withdrawals of money transferred into the Contract from other investment vehicles on a tax-free basis (plus earnings on such amounts). Participated for at least 10 consecutive years means that your Contract must have been in existence for 10 years prior to the requested withdrawal.
For the Non-Qualified and certain PEDC Deferred Annuities, if You retire.
For certain TSA, PEDC and 403(a) Enhanced Deferred Annuities, if You also have participated for at least 10 consecutive years unless You retire according to the definition of retirement stated in your plan. Participated for at least 10 consecutive years means that your Contract must have been in existence for 10 years prior to the requested withdrawal.
If your plan provides payment on account of hardship and You suffer from an unforeseen hardship. (Except for certain TSA, 403(a), Non-Qualified and IRA Enhanced Deferred Annuities.) For certain TSA Enhanced Deferred Annuities, You must only have suffered an unforeseen hardship.
If You leave your job with the employer that bought the Deferred Annuity. (Except for certain TSA, Non-Qualified and IRA Enhanced Deferred Annuities.)
If your plan terminates and the withdrawal is transferred into another annuity contract we issue. (Except for certain TSA, Non-Qualified and IRA Enhanced Deferred Annuities.)
If You make a direct transfer to other investment vehicles we have pre-approved. (Except for certain Non-Qualified and IRA Enhanced Deferred Annuities.)
If You withdraw money under a plan provision which we have pre-approved. (Except for certain TSA, Non-Qualified, PEDC and IRA Enhanced Deferred Annuities.)
If the plan or group of which You are a participant or member permits account reduction loans, You take an account reduction loan and the withdrawal consists of these account reduction loan amounts.
If You have transferred money which is not subject to a withdrawal charge (because You have satisfied contractual provisions for a withdrawal without the imposition of a Contract withdrawal charge) from certain eligible MetLife contracts into the Deferred Annuity and the withdrawal is of these transferred amounts and we agree. Any purchase payments made after the transfer are subject to the usual Early Withdrawal Charge schedule.
If permitted in your state, except for Non-Qualified and IRA Deferred Annuities, if You make a direct transfer to another funding option or annuity contract issued by us or one of our affiliates and we agree.
When A Different Early Withdrawal Charge May Apply
If You transferred money from certain eligible MetLife contracts into a Deferred Annuity, You may have different Early Withdrawal Charges for these transferred amounts. Any purchase payments made after the transfer are subject to the usual Early Withdrawal Charge schedule.
Amounts transferred before January 1, 1996:
We credit your transfer amounts with the time You held them under your original Contract. Or, if it will produce a lower charge, we use the following schedule to determine Early Withdrawal Charges (determined as previously described) for transferred amounts from your original Contract:
After the Transfer Percentage
1 5%
2 4%
3 3%


After the Transfer Percentage
4 2%
5 1%
6 and Beyond 0%
Amounts transferred on or after January 1, 1996:
For certain Contracts which we issued at least two years before the date of transfer (except as noted below), we apply the withdrawal charge under your original Contract but not any of the original contract's exceptions or reductions to the withdrawal charge percentage that do not apply to a Deferred Annuity. Or, if it will produce a lower charge, we use the following schedule to determine Early Withdrawal Charges for transferred amounts from your original Contract:
After the Transfer Percentage
1 5%
2 4%
3 3%
4 2%
5 1%
6 and Beyond 0%
If we issued the other Contract less than two years before the date of the transfer or it has a separate withdrawal charge for each purchase payment, we treat your purchase payments under the other Contract as if they were made under the Deferred Annuity as of the date we received them under that Contract.
Alternatively, if provided for in your Deferred Annuity, we credit your purchase payments with the time You held them under your original Contract.
Divorce. A withdrawal made pursuant to a divorce or separation agreement is subject to the same Withdrawal Charge provisions described in this section, if permissible under tax law. In addition, the withdrawal will reduce the Account Value and the death benefit. The withdrawal could have a significant negative impact on the death benefit.


Appendix D What You Need to Know If You are a Texas Optional Retirement Program Participant
If You are a participant in the Texas Optional Retirement Program, Texas law permits us to make withdrawals on your behalf only if You die, retire or terminate employment in all Texas institutions of higher education, as defined under Texas law. Any withdrawal You ask for requires a written statement from the appropriate Texas institution of higher education verifying your vesting status and (if applicable) termination of employment. Also, we require a written statement from You that You are not transferring employment to another Texas institution of higher education. If You retire or terminate employment in all Texas institutions of higher education or die before being vested, amounts provided by the state’s matching contribution will be refunded to the appropriate Texas institution. We may change these restrictions or add others without your consent to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with the law.


The SAI includes additional information about the Deferred Annuities and Separate Account. To view and download the SAI, please visit our dfinview.com/metlife/tahd/MET000210. To request a free copy of the SAI you can send an e-mail to RCG@metlife.com, write or call:
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
Attn: Fulfillment Unit FFA
PO Box 10342
Des Moines, IA 50306-0342
(800) 638-7732
This prospectus incorporates by reference all of the information contained in the Statement of Additional Information, which is legally part of this prospectus.
Reports and other information about the Contracts and the Separate Account are available on the Commission’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Copies of this information may be obtained, upon payment of a duplicating fee, by electronic request at the following email address: publicinfo@sec.gov.
EDGAR ID: C00000s3500

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
Metropolitan Life Separate Account E
Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contracts (APPA)
Preference Plus® Account Variable Deferred and Income Annuity Contracts (BPPA)
Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contracts (CPPA)
Enhanced Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contracts (EPPA)
Financial Freedom Account Variable Annuity Contracts
VESTMET Group and Individual Annuity Contracts
Form N-4 Part B
May 1, 2022
This Statement of Additional Information is not a prospectus but contains information in addition to that set forth in the Prospectuses for Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contracts (APPA), Preference Plus® Account Variable Deferred and Income Annuity Contracts (BPPA), Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contracts (CPPA), Enhanced Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contracts (EPPA), Financial Freedom Account Variable Annuity Contracts, and METROPOLITAN LIFE SEPARATE ACCOUNT E VESTMET Group and Individual Annuity Contracts, and should be read in conjunction with the Prospectuses. Copies of the Prospectuses may be obtained by visiting: for Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contracts (APPA)- dfinview.com/metlife/tahd/MET000200; for Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contracts (CPPA)- dfinview.com/metlife/tahd/MET000202; for METROPOLITAN LIFE SEPARATE ACCOUNT E VESTMET Group and Individual Annuity Contracts- dfinview.com/metlife/tahd/MET000205; for Enhanced\ Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contracts (EPPA)- dfinview.com/metlife/tahd/MET000209, for Financial Freedom Account Variable Annuity Contracts- dfinview.com/metlife/tahd/MET000210; and for Preference Plus® Account Variable Deferred and Income Annuity Contracts (BPPA)- dfinview.com/metlife/tahd/MET000235, by calling (800) 638-7732 or writing to Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, P.O. Box 10342, Des Moines, IA, 50306.
Unless otherwise indicated, the Statement of Additional Information continues the use of certain terms as set forth in the Section titled “Important Terms You Should Know” of the Prospectuses for Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contracts (APPA), Preference Plus® Account Variable Deferred and Income Annuity Contracts (BPPA), Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contracts (CPPA), Enhanced Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contracts (EPPA), Financial Freedom Account Variable Annuity Contracts, and METROPOLITAN LIFE SEPARATE ACCOUNT E VESTMET Group and Individual Annuity Contracts dated May 1, 2022.


Table of Contents





























The statements of assets and liabilities comprising each of the Divisions of Metropolitan Life Separate Account E as of December 31, 2021, the related statements of operations for the year ended December 31, 2021, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the years in or partial periods included within the two-year period ended December 31, 2021, and the financial highlights for each of the years in or partial periods included within the five-year period ended December 31, 2021 included in this Statement of Additional Information, have been audited by Deloitte & Touche LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, as stated in their report. Such financial statements and financial highlights are included in reliance upon the report of such firm given their authority as experts in accounting and auditing.
The financial statements of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company as of December 31, 2021 and 2020, and for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2021, included in this Statement of Additional Information, have been audited by Deloitte & Touche LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, as stated in their report. Such financial statements are included in reliance upon the report of such firm given their authority as experts in accounting and auditing.
The principal business address of Deloitte & Touche LLP is 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, New York 10112-0015.
EMPOWER Retirement, LLC. (“EMPOWER”), formerly FAScore LLC (“Fascore”), which has its principal office at 8525 East Orchard Road, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111, provides recordkeeping services to us in connection with our administration of the Preference Plus Account, Enhanced Preference Plus Account, Financial Freedom Account Contract and Gold Track Select products. EMPOWER is not affiliated with us, the Separate Account or any of our affiliates, including the Contract’s principal underwriter, MetLife Investors Distribution Company (“MLIDC”). We pay EMPOWER for its services an annual base fee and/or annual per participant charge for each plan account under the Contract. EMPOWER also charges us for each loan taken under the Contract a loan initiation fee and loan maintenance fee. The recordkeeping fees for Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contracts (APPA), Preference Plus® Account Variable Deferred and Income Annuity Contracts (BPPA), Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contracts (CPPA), Enhanced Preference Plus® Account Variable Annuity Contracts (EPPA), Financial Freedom Account Variable Annuity Contracts, and METROPOLITAN LIFE SEPARATE ACCOUNT E VESTMET Group and Individual Annuity Contracts are as follows:
Recordkeeping fees paid to EMPOWER in 2021 were $678,190
Recordkeeping fees paid to EMPOWER in 2020 were $766,614
Recordkeeping fees paid to EMPOWER in 2019 were $845,414
MLIDC serves as principal underwriter for the Separate Account and the Contracts. Preference Plus® Account Deferred and Income Annuities and Enhanced Preference Plus Account Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities, Preference Plus® Account for Enhanced Contracts Deferred and Income Annuities and Enhanced Preference Plus Account Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities are no longer offered. However, contract owners and participants may still make purchase payments, and participants may still enroll under issued group Contracts. The offering of all other Contracts available under this registration statement is continuous. MLIDC’s principal executive offices are located at 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166. MLIDC is affiliated with the Company and the Separate Account.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (“MetLife”), 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166, is the custodian of the assets of the Separate Account. The custodian has custody of all cash of the Separate Account and handles the collection of proceeds of shares of the underlying funds bought and sold by the Separate Account.


Information about the distribution of the Contracts is contained in the Prospectus (see “Who Sells the Deferred Annuities”). Additional information is provided below.
Under the terms of the Distribution and Principal Underwriting Agreement among the Separate Account, MLIDC and the Company, MLIDC acts as agent for the distribution of the Contracts and as principal underwriter for the Contracts. The Company reimburses MLIDC for certain sales and overhead expenses connected with sales functions.
The following table shows the amount of commissions paid to and the amount of commissions retained by the Distributor and Principal Underwriter with respect to the Contracts over the past three years.
Year   Underwriting Commissions
Underwriting Commissions Paid
to the Distributor by the
  Amount of Underwriting
Commissions Retained by the
2021   $5,546,309   $0
2020   $5,254,074   $0
2019   $5,540,294   $0
We use the term “experience factor” to describe investment performance for a Division. We calculate Accumulation Unit Values once a day on every day the Exchange is open for trading. We call the time between two consecutive Accumulation Unit Value calculations the “Valuation Period.” We have the right to change the basis for the Valuation Period, on 30 days’ notice, as long as it is consistent with law. All purchase payments and transfers are valued as of the end of the Valuation Period during which the transaction occurred.
The experience factor changes from Valuation Period to Valuation Period to reflect the upward or downward performance of the assets in the underlying Portfolios. The experience factor is calculated as of the end of each Valuation Period using the net asset value per share of the underlying Portfolio. The net asset value includes the per share amount of any dividend or capital gain distribution paid by the Portfolio during the current Valuation Period, and subtracts any per share charges for taxes and reserve for taxes. We then divide that amount by the net asset value per share as of the end of the last Valuation Period to obtain a factor that reflects investment performance. We then subtract a charge for each day in the Valuation Period not to exceed .000034035 (the daily equivalent of an effective annual rate of 1.25%) for certain Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities and for certain other Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities .000025905 (the daily equivalent of an effective annual rate of .95%).
“Variable income payments” include variable income payments made under the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities.
Assumed Investment Return (AIR)
The following discussion concerning the amount of variable income payments is based on an Assumed Investment Return of 3% per year. It should not be inferred that such rates will bear any relationship to the actual net investment experience of the Separate Account.
Amount of Income Payments
The cash You receive periodically from a Division (after your first payment if paid within 10 days of the issue date) will depend upon the number of Annuity Units held in that Division (described below) and the Annuity Unit Value (described later) as of the 10th day prior to a payment date.


The Income Annuity specifies the dollar amount of the initial variable income payment for each Division (this equals the first payment amount if paid within 10 days of the issue date). This initial variable income payment is computed based on the amount of the purchase payment applied to the specific Division (net any applicable premium tax owed or Contract charge), the AIR, the age and/or sex (where permitted) of the measuring lives and the income payment type selected. The initial payment amount is then divided by the Annuity Unit Value for the Division to determine the number of Annuity Units held in that Division. The number of Annuity Units held remains fixed for the duration of the Contract (if no reallocations are made).
The dollar amount of subsequent variable income payments will vary with the amount by which investment performance is greater or less than the AIR and Separate Account charges.
Each Deferred Annuity provides that, when a pay-out option is chosen, the payment to the Annuitant will not be less than the payment produced by the then current Fixed Income Option purchase rates for that contract class. The purpose of this provision is to assure the Annuitant that, at retirement, if the current Fixed Income Option purchase rates are significantly more favorable than the rates guaranteed by a Deferred Annuity of the same class, the Annuitant will be given the benefit of the higher rates.
Annuity Unit Value
The Annuity Unit Value is calculated at the same time that the Accumulation Unit Value for Deferred Annuities is calculated and is based on the same change in investment performance in the Separate Account. (See “The Value of Your Income Payments” in the Prospectus.)
Reallocation Privilege
Your request for a reallocation tells us to move, in accordance with your instructions, the underlying Portfolio shares we have designated in the Divisions or other funds to generate your income payments.
When You request a reallocation from a Division to the Fixed Income Option, the payment amount will be adjusted at the time of reallocation. Your payment may either increase or decrease due to this adjustment. The adjusted payment will be calculated in the following manner.
First, we update the income payment amount to be reallocated from the Division based upon the applicable Annuity Unit Value at the time of the reallocation;
Second, we use the AIR to calculate an updated annuity purchase rate based upon your age, if applicable, and expected future income payments at the time of the reallocation;
Third, we calculate another updated annuity purchase rate using our current annuity purchase rates for the Fixed Income Option for the Income Annuity on the date of your reallocation;
Finally, we determine the adjusted payment amount by multiplying the updated income amount determined in the first step by the ratio of the annuity purchase rate determined in the second step divided by the annuity purchase rate determined in the third step.
When You request a reallocation from one Division to another, Annuity Units in one Division are liquidated and Annuity Units in the other Division are credited to You. There is no adjustment to the income payment amount. Future income payment amounts will be determined based on the Annuity Unit Value for the Division to which You have reallocated.
You generally may make a reallocation on any day the Exchange is open. At a future date We may limit the number of reallocations You may make, but never to fewer than one a month. If We do so, We will give You advance written notice. We may limit a Beneficiary’s ability to make a reallocation.
Here are examples of the effect of a reallocation on the income payment:
Suppose You choose to reallocate 40% of your income payment supported by Division A to the Fixed Income Option and the recalculated income payment supported by Division A is $100. Assume that the updated annuity purchase rate based on the AIR is $125, while the updated annuity purchase rate based on fixed income annuity pricing is $100. In that case, your


  income payment from the Fixed Income Option will be increased by $40 × ($125 ÷ $100) or $50, and your income payment supported by Division A will be decreased by $40. (The number of Annuity Units in Division A will be decreased as well.)
Suppose You choose to reallocate 40% of your income payment supported by Division A to Division B and the recalculated income payment supported by Division A is $100. Then, your income payment supported by Division B will be increased by $40 and your income payment supported by Division A will be decreased by $40. (Changes will also be made to the number of Annuity Units in both Divisions as well.)
We calculate Annuity Unit Values once a day on every day the Exchange is open for trading. We call the time between two consecutive Annuity Unit Value calculations the “Valuation Period.” We have the right to change the basis for the Valuation Period, on 30 days’ notice, as long as it is consistent with the law. All purchase payments and reallocations are valued as of the end of the Valuation Period during which the transaction occurred. The Annuity Unit Values can increase or decrease, based on the investment performance of the corresponding underlying Portfolios. If the investment performance is positive, after payment of Separate Account charges and the deduction for the AIR, Annuity Unit Values will go up. Conversely, if the investment performance is negative, after payment of Separate Account charges and the deduction for the AIR, Annuity Unit Values will go down.
To calculate an Annuity Unit Value, we multiply the experience factor for the period by a factor based on the AIR and the number of days in the Valuation Period. Next, we subtract the daily equivalent of your insurance-related charge or Separate Account charge (general administrative expenses and mortality and expense risk charges) for each day since the last day the Annuity Unit Value was calculated; the resulting number is the net investment return. For an AIR of 4% and a one day Valuation Period, the factor is .99989255, which is the daily discount factor for an effective annual rate of 4%. (The AIR may be in the range of 3% to 6%, as defined in Your Deferred Annuity and the laws in your state.) The resulting number is then multiplied by the last previously calculated Annuity Unit Value to produce the new Annuity Unit Value to produce the new Annuity Unit Value. We may state performance for the Divisions of the Income Annuities which reflect deduction of the insurance-related charge (Separate Account charge) and investment-related charge, when accompanied by the annualized change in Annuity Unit Value.
The following illustrations show, by use of hypothetical examples, the method of determining the Annuity Unit Value and the amount of variable income payments upon annuitization.
Illustration of Calculation of Annuity Unit Value
1. Annuity Unit Value, beginning of period

2. “Experience factor” for period

3. Daily adjustment for 3% Assumed Investment Return

4. (2) ÷ (3)

5. Annuity Unit Value, end of period (1) × (4)

Illustration of Annuity Payments
(Assumes the first monthly payment is made within 10 days of the issue date of the Income Annuity)
Annuitant age 65, Life Annuity with 120 Payments Guaranteed
1. Number of Accumulation Units as of Annuity Date

2. Accumulation Unit Value

3. Accumulation Value of the Deferred Annuity (1) × (2)

4. First monthly income payment per $1,000 of Accumulation Value

5. First monthly income payment (3) × (4) ÷ 1,000

6. Assume Annuity Unit Value as of Annuity Date equal to (see Illustration of Calculation of Annuity Unit Value above)

7. Number of Annuity Units (5) ÷ (6)

8. Assume Annuity Unit Value for the second month equal to (10 days prior to payment)

9. Second monthly Annuity Payment (7) × (8)

10. Assume Annuity Unit Value for third month equal to

11. Next monthly Annuity Payment (7) × (10)



Determining the Variable Income Payment
Variable income payments can go up or down based upon the investment performance of the Divisions. AIR is the rate used to determine the first variable income payment and serves as a benchmark against which the investment performance of the Divisions is compared. The higher the AIR, the higher the first variable income payment will be.
Subsequent variable income payments will increase only to the extent that the investment performance of the Divisions exceeds the AIR (and Separate Account charges). Variable income payments will decline if the investment performance of the Separate Account does not exceed the AIR (and Separate Account charges). A lower AIR will result in a lower initial variable income payment, but subsequent variable income payments will increase more rapidly or decline more slowly as changes occur in the investment performance of the Divisions.
From time to time we advertise the performance of various Separate Account Divisions. For the money market Divisions, this performance will be stated in terms of “yield” and “effective yield.” For the other Divisions, this performance will be stated in terms of either yield, “change in Accumulation Unit Value,” “change in Annuity Unit Value” or “average annual total return” or some combination of the foregoing. Yield, change in Accumulation Unit Value, change in Annuity Unit Value and average annual total return figures are based on historical earnings and are not intended to indicate future performance. The yield of the money market Divisions refers to the income generated by an investment in the Division over a seven-day period, which will be specified in the advertisement. This income is then annualized, by assuming that the same amount of income is generated each week over a 52-week period, and the total income is shown as a percentage of the investment. The effective yield is similarly calculated; however, when annualized, the earned income in the Division is assumed to be reinvested. Thus, the effective yield figure will be slightly higher than the yield figure because of the former’s compounding effect. Other yield figures quoted in advertisements, that is those other than the money market Divisions, will refer to the net income generated by an investment in a particular Division for a thirty-day period or month, which is specified in the advertisement, and then expressed as a percentage yield of that investment. This percentage yield is then compounded semiannually. Yield is calculated by dividing the net investment income per share earned during the period by the maximum offering price per share on the last day of the period, according to this formula 2 [(a–b/cd + 1)6 + 1], where “a” represents dividends and interest earned during the period; “b” represents expenses accrued for the period (net of reimbursements); “c” represents the average daily number of shares outstanding during the period that were entitled to receive dividends; and “d” represents the maximum offering price per share on the last day of the period. Change in Accumulation Unit Value or Annuity Unit Value (“Non-Standard Performance”) refers to the comparison between values of Accumulation Units or Annuity Units over specified periods in which a Division has been in operation, expressed as a percentage and may also be expressed as an annualized figure. In addition, change in Accumulation Unit Value or Annuity Unit Value may be used to illustrate performance for a hypothetical investment (such as $10,000) over the time period specified. Yield, change in Accumulation Unit Value and effective yield figures do not reflect the possible imposition of an Early Withdrawal Charge for the Deferred Annuities and certain Enhanced Deferred Annuities, of up to 7% of the amount withdrawn attributable to a purchase payment, which may result in a lower figure being experienced by the investor. Change in Accumulation Unit Value is expressed by this formula [UV1/UV0 (annualization factor)] + 1, where UV1 represents the current unit value and UV0 represents the prior unit value. The annualization factor can be either (1/number of years) or 365/number of days). Average annual total return calculations (“Standard Performance”) differs from the change in Accumulation Unit Value and Annuity Unit Value because it assumes a steady rate of return and reflects all expenses and applicable Early Withdrawal Charges. Average annual total return is calculated by finding the average annual compounded rates of return over the 1-, 5-, and 10-year periods that would equate the initial amount invested to the ending redeemable value, according to this formula P(1+T)n=ERV, where “P” represents a hypothetical initial payment of $1,000; “T” represents average annual total return; “n” represents number of years; and “ERV” represents ending redeemable value of a hypothetical $1,000 payment made at the beginning of the 1-, 5-, or 10-year periods at the end of the 1-, 5-, or 10-year period (or fractional portion). Performance figures will vary among the various Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities as a result of different Separate Account charges and Early Withdrawal Charges since the Division inception date, which is the date the corresponding Portfolio or predecessor Portfolio was first offered under the Separate Account that funds the Deferred Annuity or Income Annuity.


Enhanced Preference Plus, Enhanced VestMet and Financial Freedom Deferred Annuities and Enhanced Preference Plus and Financial Freedom Account Income Annuities performance figures vary from other Preference Plus and VestMet Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities as a result of reduced Separate Account charges. Performance may be calculated based upon historical performance of the underlying Portfolios of the Brighthouse Funds Trust II, the Calvert Fund, the Fidelity® VIP Funds, Brighthouse Funds Trust I and American Funds® and may assume that certain Deferred Annuities were in existence prior to their inception date.
After the inception date, actual Accumulation Unit or Annuity Unit data is used.
Historical performance information should not be relied on as a guarantee of future performance results.
Advertisements regarding the Separate Account may contain comparisons of hypothetical after-tax returns of currently taxable investments versus returns of tax deferred investments. From time to time, the Separate Account may compare the performance of its Divisions with the performance of common stocks, long-term government bonds, long-term corporate bonds, intermediate-term government bonds, Treasury Bills, certificates of deposit and savings accounts. The Separate Account may use the Consumer Price Index in its advertisements as a measure of inflation for comparison purposes. From time to time, the Separate Account may advertise its performance ranking among similar investments or compare its performance to averages as compiled by independent organizations, such as Lipper Analytical Services, Inc., Morningstar, Inc., VARDS® and The Wall Street Journal. The Separate Account may also advertise its performance in comparison to appropriate indices, such as the Standard & Poor’s 500 Composite Stock Price Index, the Standard & Poor’s Mid Cap 400 Index, the Standard & Poor’s North American Technology Sector Index, the Standard & Poor’s North American Natural Resources Sector Index, the S&P/LSTA Leveraged Loan Index, the Russell 3000 Growth Index, the Russell 3000 Value Index, the Russell 2000® Index, the Russell MidCap Index, the Russell MidCap Growth Index, the Russell MidCap Value Index, the Russell 2000® Growth Index, the Russell 2000® Value Index, the Russell 1000 Index, the Russell 1000 Growth Index, the Russell 1000 Value Index, the NASDAQ Composite Index, the MSCI World Index, the MSCI All Country World Index, the MSCI All Country World ex-U.S. Index, the MSCI World ex-U.S. Small Cap Index, the MSCI All Country World Small Cap Index, the MSCI U.S. Small Cap Growth Index, the MSCI Emerging Markets Index, the MSCI EAFE® Index, the Lipper Intermediate Investment Grade Debt Funds Average, the Lipper Global Small-Cap Funds Average, the Lipper Capital Appreciation Funds Index, the Lipper Growth Funds Index, the Lipper Growth & Income Funds Index, the Dow Jones Moderate Index, the Dow Jones Moderately Aggressive Index, the Dow Jones Moderately Conservative Index, the Dow Jones Aggressive Index, the Dow Jones Conservative Index, the Dow Jones U.S. Small-Cap Total Stock Market Index, the Citigroup World Government Bond Index, the Citigroup World Government Bond Index (WGBI) ex-U.S., the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Credit Index, the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government/Credit 1-3 Year Index, the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. TIPS Index, the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Universal Index, the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government Bond Index, the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Government Bond Index, the Bank of America Merrill Lynch High Yield Master II Constrained Index and Hybrid Index and the Bank of America Merrill Lynch 3-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index.
Performance may be shown for certain investment strategies that are made available under certain Deferred Annuities. The first is the “Equity Generator.” Under the “Equity Generator,” an amount equal to the interest earned during a specified interval (i.e., monthly, quarterly) in the Fixed Interest Account is transferred to the MetLife Stock Index Division or the Frontier Mid Cap Growth Division. The second technique is the “EqualizerSM.” Under this strategy, once during a specified period (i.e., monthly, quarterly), a transfer is made from the MetLife Stock Index Division or the Frontier Mid Cap Growth Division to the Fixed Interest Account or from the Fixed Interest Account to the MetLife Stock Index Division or Frontier Mid Cap Growth Division in order to make the account and the division equal in value. The third strategy is the “Index SelectorSM". Under this strategy, once during a specified period (i.e., quarterly, annually) transfers are made among the MetLife Aggregate Bond Index, MetLife Stock Index, MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index, MetLife Russell 2000® Index and MetLife Mid Cap Stock Index Divisions and the Fixed Interest Account in order to bring the percentage of the total Account Value in each of these Divisions and Fixed Interest Account back to the current allocation of your choice of one of several asset allocation models: The elements which form the basis of the models are provided by MetLife which may rely on a third party for its expertise in creating appropriate allocations. The models are designed to correlate to various risk tolerance levels associated with investing and are subject to change from time to time.
An “Equity Generator Return,” “Aggressive Equity Generator Return,” “Equalizer Return,” “Aggressive Equalizer Return” or “Index Selector Return” for each asset allocation model will be calculated by presuming a certain dollar value at the beginning of a period and comparing this dollar value with the dollar value, based on historical performance, at the end of the period, expressed as a percentage. The “Return” in each case will assume that no withdrawals have occurred. We may also show performance for the


Equity Generator, Equalizer and Index Selector investment strategies using other Divisions for which these strategies are made available in the future. If we do so, performance will be calculated in the same manner as described above, using the appropriate account and/or Divisions.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Historical performance information should not be relied on as a guarantee of future performance results.
An illustration should not be relied upon as a guarantee of future results.
In accordance with our view of the present applicable law, we will vote the shares of each of the Portfolios held by the Separate Account (which are deemed attributable to all the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities described in the Prospectus) at regular and special meetings of the shareholders of the Portfolio based on instructions received from those having voting interests in the corresponding Divisions of the Separate Account. However, if the 1940 Act or any rules thereunder should be amended or if the present interpretation thereof should change, and, as a result, we determine that we are permitted to vote the shares of the Portfolios in our own right, we may elect to do so.
Accordingly, You have voting interests under all the Deferred Annuities or Income Annuities described in the Prospectus. The number of shares held in each Division deemed attributable to You is determined by dividing the value of Accumulation or Annuity Units attributable to You in that Division, if any, by the net asset value of one share in the Portfolio in which the assets in that Division are invested. Fractional votes will be counted. The number of shares for which You have the right to give instructions will be determined as of the record date for the meeting.
Portfolio shares held in each registered separate account of MetLife or any affiliate that are or are not attributable to life insurance policies or annuities (including all the Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities described in the Prospectus) and for which no timely instructions are received will be voted in the same proportion as the shares for which voting instructions are received by that separate account. Portfolio shares held in the general accounts or unregistered separate accounts of MetLife or its affiliates will be voted in the same proportion as the aggregate of (i) the shares for which voting instructions are received and (ii) the shares that are voted in proportion to such voting instructions. However, if we or an affiliate determine that we are permitted to vote any such shares, in our own right, we may elect to do so subject to the then current interpretation of the 1940 Act or any rules thereunder.
Qualified retirement plans which invest directly in the Portfolios do not have voting interests through life insurance or annuity contracts and do not vote these interests based upon the number of shares held in the Division deemed attributable to those qualified retirement plans. Shares are held by the plans themselves and are voted directly; the instruction process does not apply.
You will be entitled to give instructions regarding the votes attributable to your Deferred Annuity or your Income Annuity, in your sole discretion.
Under the Keogh Deferred Annuities and the Enhanced Unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, participants may instruct You to give us instructions regarding shares deemed attributable to their respective contributions. Under the Keogh Deferred Annuities and the Enhanced Unallocated Keogh Deferred Annuity, we will provide You with the number of copies of voting instruction soliciting materials that You may furnish such materials to participants who may give You voting instructions.
Under Section 457(f) deferred compensation plans, Section 451 deferred fee arrangements, Section 451 deferred compensation plans, Section 457(e)(11) severance and death benefit plans and the TSA Deferred Annuities and Income Annuities under which the employer retains all rights, we will provide You with the number of copies of voting instruction soliciting materials that You request so that You may furnish such materials to participants who may give You voting instructions.
Neither the Separate Account nor MetLife has any duty to inquire as to the instructions received or your authority to give instructions; thus, as far as the Separate Account, and any others having voting interests in respect of the Separate Account are concerned, such instructions are valid and effective.


You may give instructions regarding, among other things, the election of the board of directors, ratification of the election of an independent registered public accounting firm, and the approval of investment and sub-investment managers.
Disregarding Voting Instructions
MetLife may disregard voting instructions under the following circumstances (1) to make or refrain from making any change in the investments or investment policies for any Portfolio if required by any insurance regulatory authority; (2) to refrain from making any change in the investment policies or any investment manager or principal underwriter or any Portfolio which may be initiated by those having voting interests or the Calvert Fund, Brighthouse Trust I’s, Brighthouse Trust II’s, American Funds’®, and Fidelity® Funds’ boards of directors, provided MetLife’s disapproval of the change is reasonable and, in the case of a change in investment policies or investment manager, based on a good faith determination that such change would be contrary to state law or otherwise inappropriate in light of the Portfolio’s objective and purposes; or (3) to enter into or refrain from entering into any advisory agreement or underwriting contract, if required by any insurance regulatory authority.
Non-Qualified Annuity Contracts Diversification
In order for your non-qualified Contract to be considered an annuity contract for federal income tax purposes, we must comply with certain diversification standards with respect to the investments underlying the Contract. We believe that we satisfy and will continue to satisfy these diversification standards. Failure to meet these standards would result in immediate taxation to Contract Owners of gains under their Contracts. Inadvertent failure to meet these standards may be correctable.
Changes to Tax Rules and Interpretations
Changes to applicable tax rules and interpretations can adversely affect the tax treatment of your Contract. These changes may take effect retroactively.
We reserve the right to amend your Contract where necessary to maintain its status as a Variable Annuity Contract under federal tax law and to protect You and other Contract Owners in the Divisions from adverse tax consequences.
3.8% Medicare Tax
The 3.8% Medicare tax applies to the lesser of (1) “net investment income” or (2) the excess of the modified adjusted gross income over the applicable threshold amount, $250,000 for married couples filing jointly and qualifying widows, $125,000 for married couples filing separately and $200,000 for single filers and will result in the following top tax rates on investment income:
Capital Gains Dividends Other
23.8% 40.8% 40.8%
Qualified Annuity Contracts
Annuity contracts purchased through tax qualified plans are subject to limitations imposed by the Code and regulations as a condition of tax qualification. There are various types of tax qualified plans which have certain beneficial tax consequences for Contract Owners and plan participants.
Types of Qualified Plans
The following list includes individual account-type plans which may hold an annuity Contract as described in the Prospectus. Except for Traditional IRAs, they are established by an employer for participation of its employees.


Traditional IRA
Established by an individual, or employer as part of an employer plan.
Established by a for-profit employer with fewer than 100 employees, based on IRA accounts for each participant.
Established by a for-profit employer, based on IRA accounts for each participant. Employer only contributions.
401(k), 401(a)
Established by for-profit employers, Section 501(c)(3) tax exempt and non-tax exempt entities, Indian Tribes.
403(b) Tax Sheltered Annuity (“TSA”)
Established by Section 501(c)(3) tax exempt entities, public schools (K-12), public colleges, universities, churches, synagogues and mosques.
457(b) Governmental Sponsor
Established by state and local governments, public schools (K-12), public colleges and universities.
457(b) Non-Governmental Sponsor
Established by a tax-exempt entity. Under a non-governmental plan, which must be a tax-exempt entity under Section 501(c) of the Code, all such investments of the plan are owned by and are subject to the claims of the general creditors of the sponsoring employer. In general, all amounts received under a non-governmental Section 457(b) plan are taxable and are subject to federal income tax withholding as wages.
Additional information regarding 457(b) plans
A 457(b) plan may provide a one-time election to make special one-time “catch-up” contributions in one or more of the participant’s last three taxable years ending before the participant’s normal retirement age under the plan.
Participants in governmental 457(b) plans may not use both the age 50 or older catch-up and the special one-time catch-up contribution in the same taxable year. In general, contribution limits with respect to elective deferral and to age 50 plus catch-up contributions are not aggregated with contributions under the other types of qualified plans for the purposes of determining the limitations applicable to participants.
If your benefit under the 403(b) plan is worth more than $5,000, the Code requires that your annuity protect your spouse if You die before You receive any payments under the annuity or if You die while payments are being made. You may waive these requirements with the written consent of your spouse. In general, designating a beneficiary other than your spouse is considered a waiver and requires your spouse’s written consent. Waiving these requirements may cause your monthly benefit to increase during your lifetime. Special rules apply to the withdrawal of excess contributions.
ROTH IRA / Designated ROTH Account
Individual or employee plan contributions made to certain plans on an after-tax basis. An IRA may be established as a Roth IRA, and 401(k), 403(b) and 457(b) plans may provide for designated Roth accounts.


If your plan is subject to ERISA and You are married, the income payments, withdrawal provisions, and methods of payment of the death benefit under your Contract may be subject to your spouse’s rights as described below.
Generally, the spouse must give qualified consent whenever You elect to:
(a) Choose income payments other than on a qualified joint and survivor annuity basis (“QJSA”) (one under which we make payments to You during your lifetime and then make payments reduced by no more than 50% to your spouse for his or her remaining life, if any): or choose to waive the qualified pre-retirement survivor annuity benefit (“QPSA”) (the benefit payable to the surviving spouse of a participant who dies with a vested interest in an accrued retirement benefit under the plan before payment of the benefit has begun);
(b) Make certain withdrawals under plans for which a qualified consent is required;
(c) Name someone other than the spouse as your beneficiary; or
(d) Use your accrued benefit as security for a loan exceeding $5,000.
Generally, there is no limit to the number of your elections as long as a qualified consent is given each time. The consent to waive the QJSA must meet certain requirements, including that it be in writing, that it acknowledges the identity of the designated beneficiary and the form of benefit selected, dated, signed by your spouse, witnessed by a notary public or plan representative, and that it be in a form satisfactory to us. The waiver of the QJSA generally must be executed during the 180 day period (90 days for certain loans) ending on the date on which income payments are to commence, or the withdrawal or the loan is to be made, as the case may be. If You die before benefits commence, your surviving spouse will be your beneficiary unless he or she has given a qualified consent otherwise.
The qualified consent to waive the QPSA benefit and the beneficiary designation must be made in writing that acknowledges the designated beneficiary, dated, signed by your spouse, witnessed by a notary public or plan representative and in a form satisfactory to us. Generally, there is no limit to the number of beneficiary designations as long as a qualified consent accompanies each designation. The waiver of and the qualified consent for the QPSA benefit generally may not be given until the plan year in which You attain age 35. The waiver period for the QPSA ends on the date of your death.
If the present value of your benefit is worth $5,000 or less, your plan generally may provide for distribution of your entire interest in a lump sum without spousal consent.
Comparison of Plan Limits for Individual Contributions:
Plan Type Elective
IRA (Traditional and Roth) $6,000 $1,000
SIMPLE $14,000* $3,000
401(k) $20,500* $6,500
SEP/401(a) (Employer contributions only)
403(b) (TSA) $20,500* $6,500
457(b) $20,500* $6,500

* If you participate in any other employer plan during the year and have elective salary reductions under those plans, the total amount of salary reduction contributions that you can make to all plans in which you participate is limited to $20,500 in 2022.
Dollar limits are for 2022 and subject to cost-of-living adjustments in future years. Employer-sponsored individual account plans (other than 457(b) plans) may provide for additional employer contributions such that total annual plan contributions do not to exceed the lesser of $61,000 or 100% of an employee’s compensation for 2022.


Federal Estate Taxes
While no attempt is being made to discuss the federal estate tax implications of the Contract, You should bear in mind that the value of an annuity contract owned by a decedent and payable to a beneficiary by virtue of surviving the decedent is included in the decedent’s gross estate. Depending on the terms of the annuity contract, the value of the annuity included in the gross estate may be the value of the lump sum payment payable to the designated beneficiary or the actuarial value of the payments to be received by the beneficiary. Consult an estate planning adviser for more information.
Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax
Under certain circumstances, the Code may impose a “generation-skipping transfer tax” when all or part of an annuity contract is transferred to, or a death benefit is paid to, an individual two or more generations younger than the contract owner. Regulations issued under the Code may require us to deduct the tax from your contract, or from any applicable payment, and pay it directly to the IRS.
Annuity Purchase Payments By Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Corporations
The discussion above provides general information regarding U.S. federal income tax consequences to annuity purchasers that are U.S. citizens or residents. Purchasers that are not U.S. citizens or residents will generally be subject to U.S. federal withholding tax on taxable distributions from annuity contracts at a 30% rate, unless a lower treaty rate applies. In addition, purchasers may be subject to state and/or municipal taxes and taxes that may be imposed by the purchaser’s country of citizenship or residence. Prospective purchasers are advised to consult with a qualified tax adviser regarding U.S., state and foreign taxation with respect to an annuity contract purchase.
The financial statements and financial highlights comprising each of the Divisions of the Separate Account and the consolidated financial statements of the Company are included herein.
The financial statements of the Company should be considered only as bearing upon the ability of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company to meet its obligations under the contract.

To the Contract Owners of
Metropolitan Life Separate Account E
and Board of Directors of
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company

Opinion on the Financial Statements and Financial Highlights

We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities of Metropolitan Life Separate Account E (the "Separate Account") of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (the "Company") comprising each of the individual Divisions listed in Note 2A as of December 31, 2021, the related statements of operations for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights in Note 8 for each of the five years in the period then ended for the Divisions, except for the Divisions included in the table below; the related statements of operations, changes in net assets, and the financial highlights for the Divisions and periods indicated in the table below; and the related notes. In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of each of the Divisions constituting the Separate Account of the Company as of December 31, 2021, and the results of their operations for the year then ended, the changes in their net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended (or for the periods listed in the table below), and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended (or for the periods listed in the table below), in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Individual Divisions
Comprising the Separate
 Statement of
 Statements of
Changes in
Net Assets
 Financial Highlights 
FTVIPT Templeton Foreign VIP DivisionFor the year ended December 31, 2021For the year ended December 31, 2021 (Had no net assets at December 31, 2020)For the years ended December 31, 2021, 2018, and 2017 (Had no net assets at December 31, 2020 and 2019)
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2035 Division
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2045 Division
For the year ended December 31, 2021For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020For the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020, 2019, and the period from April 30, 2018 (commencement of operations) through December 31, 2018

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Separate Account's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Separate Account's financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Separate Account in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. The Separate Account is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial

reporting. As part of our audits we are required to obtain an understanding of internal control over financial reporting but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Separate Account's internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements and financial highlights, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and financial highlights. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements and financial highlights. Our procedures included confirmation of investments owned as of December 31, 2021, by correspondence with the custodian or mutual fund companies. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.


Tampa, Florida
March 25, 2022

We have served as the Separate Account's auditor since 1984.


December 31, 2021

  American Funds®
Global Growth
 American Funds®
Global Small
 American Funds®
 American Funds®
Investments at fair value$273,170$443,146,069$1,359,475,900$808,908,101
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets273,170443,146,0691,359,475,900808,908,101
Accrued fees31106651
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities31136752
Net Assets$273,167$443,145,956$1,359,475,833$808,908,049
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$273,167$442,293,531$1,357,091,829$806,783,225
Net assets from contracts in payout852,4252,384,0042,124,824
Total Net Assets$273,167$443,145,956$1,359,475,833$808,908,049

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


December 31, 2021

  American Funds®
The Bond Fund of
America Division
 BHFTI AB Global
Dynamic Allocation
BHFTI Allspring
Mid Cap Value
 BHFTI American
Funds® Balanced
 BHFTI American
Funds® Growth
Investments at fair value$83,591,336$1,149,682,538$248,640$792,659,720$502,935,551
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets83,591,3361,149,682,538248,640792,659,720502,935,551
Accrued fees7232134944
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities7333135146
Net Assets$83,591,263$1,149,682,505$248,627$792,659,669$502,935,505
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$83,345,677$1,149,555,748$248,627$792,209,590$502,566,149
Net assets from contracts in payout245,586126,757450,079369,356
Total Net Assets$83,591,263$1,149,682,505$248,627$792,659,669$502,935,505

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

BHFTI American
Funds® Growth
 BHFTI American
Funds® Moderate
 BHFTI BlackRock
Global Tactical
 BHFTI BlackRock
High Yield
 BHFTI Brighthouse
Asset Allocation 100
Investments at fair value$344,916,983$738,578,263$1,456,631,272$374,246$278,056,016
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets344,916,983738,578,2631,456,631,272374,246278,056,016
Accrued fees3842312181
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities3843322282
Net Assets$344,916,945$738,578,220$1,456,631,240$374,224$278,055,934
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$344,724,016$737,930,646$1,456,384,347$374,224$270,566,858
Net assets from contracts in payout192,929647,574246,8937,489,076
Total Net Assets$344,916,945$738,578,220$1,456,631,240$374,224$278,055,934

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


December 31, 2021

  BHFTI Brighthouse
Balanced Plus
 BHFTI Brighthouse
Small Cap Value
 BHFTI Brighthouse/
Aberdeen Emerging
Markets Equity
 BHFTI Brighthouse/
Eaton Vance
Floating Rate
 BHFTI Brighthouse/
Low Duration
Total Return
Investments at fair value$3,294,483,447$20,325,131$40,417,675$19,666,431$67,677,540
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets3,294,483,44720,325,13140,417,67519,666,43167,677,540
Accrued fees1832544270
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities1933554271
Net Assets$3,294,483,428$20,325,098$40,417,620$19,666,389$67,677,469
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$3,293,860,498$20,325,098$40,407,078$19,666,389$67,635,249
Net assets from contracts in payout622,93010,54242,220
Total Net Assets$3,294,483,428$20,325,098$40,417,620$19,666,389$67,677,469

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  BHFTI Brighthouse/
International Bond
 BHFTI Brighthouse/
Large Cap
Global Real Estate
 BHFTI Harris
 BHFTI Invesco
Investments at fair value$4,563,998$889,105,343$183,528,874$379,548,692$420,943,489
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets4,563,998889,105,343183,528,876379,548,692420,943,489
Accrued fees4710510210431
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities4710610210732
Net Assets$4,563,951$889,105,237$183,528,774$379,548,585$420,943,457
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$4,563,951$876,645,489$183,229,382$378,865,702$420,815,823
Net assets from contracts in payout12,459,748299,392682,883127,634
Total Net Assets$4,563,951$889,105,237$183,528,774$379,548,585$420,943,457

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


December 31, 2021

  BHFTI Invesco
 BHFTI Invesco
Global Equity
 BHFTI Invesco
Small Cap Growth
Core Bond
JPMorgan Global
Active Allocation
Investments at fair value$17,961$286,660,672$73,101,508$71,214,253$727,927,996
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets17,961286,660,67473,101,50871,214,253727,927,996
Accrued fees181051053123
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities181051063224
Net Assets$17,943$286,660,569$73,101,402$71,214,221$727,927,972
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$17,943$286,116,008$73,009,863$71,184,497$727,883,073
Net assets from contracts in payout544,56191,53929,72444,899
Total Net Assets$17,943$286,660,569$73,101,402$71,214,221$727,927,972

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  BHFTI JPMorgan
Small Cap Value
 BHFTI Loomis Sayles
Global Allocation
 BHFTI Loomis Sayles
 BHFTI MetLife
Targeted Risk
Investments at fair value$19,297,073$105,733,449$480,887,374$774,902,126$168,979,666
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets19,297,073105,733,449480,887,374774,902,126168,979,666
Accrued fees64431013797
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities654410239100
Net Assets$19,297,008$105,733,405$480,887,272$774,902,087$168,979,566
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$19,295,389$105,723,653$480,379,161$774,838,882$168,489,450
Net assets from contracts in payout1,6199,752508,11163,205490,116
Total Net Assets$19,297,008$105,733,405$480,887,272$774,902,087$168,979,566

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


December 31, 2021

Morgan Stanley
PanAgora Global
Diversified Risk
PanAgora Global
Diversified Risk II
PIMCO Inflation
Protected Bond
Total Return
Investments at fair value$729,134,310$92,948,468$886,250,857$337,008,262$667,326,855
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets729,134,31092,948,468886,250,857337,008,262667,326,855
Accrued fees9922237197
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities105232373100
Net Assets$729,134,205$92,948,445$886,250,834$337,008,189$667,326,755
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$727,083,217$92,921,255$886,175,048$336,507,820$666,526,815
Net assets from contracts in payout2,050,98827,19075,786500,369799,940
Total Net Assets$729,134,205$92,948,445$886,250,834$337,008,189$667,326,755

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  BHFTI Schroders
Global Multi-Asset
SSGA Growth
and Income ETF
 BHFTI T. Rowe Price
Large Cap Value
 BHFTI T. Rowe Price
Mid Cap Growth
Investments at fair value$649,441,192$616,034,222$133,226,874$731,485$496,061,884
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets649,441,192616,034,222133,226,874731,485496,061,884
Accrued fees486277953
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities506378955
Net Assets$649,441,142$616,034,159$133,226,796$731,476$496,061,829
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$649,217,074$615,726,369$133,111,373$731,476$495,261,207
Net assets from contracts in payout224,068307,790115,423800,622
Total Net Assets$649,441,142$616,034,159$133,226,796$731,476$496,061,829

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


December 31, 2021

Fixed Income
 BHFTI Victory
Mid Cap Value
 BHFTI Western
Asset Management
Government Income
Baillie Gifford
International Stock
 BHFTII BlackRock
Bond Income
Investments at fair value$45,405$394,482,000$326,125,352$126,145,588$361,432,026
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets45,405394,482,000326,125,352126,145,588361,432,026
Accrued fees1486339289
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities1489349491
Net Assets$45,391$394,481,911$326,125,318$126,145,494$361,431,935
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$45,391$393,544,138$326,036,025$125,621,976$359,363,126
Net assets from contracts in payout937,77389,293523,5182,068,809
Total Net Assets$45,391$394,481,911$326,125,318$126,145,494$361,431,935

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  BHFTII BlackRock
Capital Appreciation
 BHFTII BlackRock
Term Bond
 BHFTII Brighthouse
Asset Allocation 20
 BHFTII Brighthouse
Asset Allocation 40
 BHFTII Brighthouse
Asset Allocation 60
Investments at fair value$234,988,310$37,400,806$280,143,892$818,808,413$3,004,188,068
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets234,988,31437,400,806280,143,892818,808,4133,004,188,068
Accrued fees8559624232
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities8560644333
Net Assets$234,988,229$37,400,746$280,143,828$818,808,370$3,004,188,035
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$233,377,507$37,146,156$279,292,703$815,969,594$3,001,092,383
Net assets from contracts in payout1,610,722254,590851,1252,838,7763,095,652
Total Net Assets$234,988,229$37,400,746$280,143,828$818,808,370$3,004,188,035

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


December 31, 2021

  BHFTII Brighthouse
Asset Allocation 80
 BHFTII Brighthouse/
Mid Cap Value
 BHFTII Brighthouse/
Small Company
 BHFTII Brighthouse/
Wellington Balanced
 BHFTII Brighthouse/
Core Equity
Investments at fair value$1,751,110,157$195,847,282$6,805,231$629,816,707$531,319,755
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets1,751,110,157195,847,2826,805,231629,816,707531,319,755
Accrued fees3881652793
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities3982662795
Net Assets$1,751,110,118$195,847,200$6,805,165$629,816,680$531,319,660
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$1,748,238,453$194,842,212$6,805,165$619,071,349$527,926,118
Net assets from contracts in payout2,871,6651,004,98810,745,3313,393,542
Total Net Assets$1,751,110,118$195,847,200$6,805,165$629,816,680$531,319,660

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Mid Cap Growth
Jennison Growth
Loomis Sayles
Small Cap Core
Loomis Sayles
Small Cap Growth
Aggregate Bond Index
Investments at fair value$586,525,766$287,427,895$163,685,727$64,952,457$910,569,553
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets586,525,766287,427,896163,685,72764,952,457910,569,553
Accrued fees84821066684
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities85821076887
Net Assets$586,525,681$287,427,814$163,685,620$64,952,389$910,569,466
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$583,973,827$286,649,380$162,520,552$64,825,577$907,317,852
Net assets from contracts in payout2,551,854778,4341,165,068126,8123,251,614
Total Net Assets$586,525,681$287,427,814$163,685,620$64,952,389$910,569,466

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


December 31, 2021

  BHFTII MetLife
Mid Cap Stock Index
Russell 2000® Index
Stock Index
Total Return
Investments at fair value$534,360,091$465,174,903$353,923,855$3,495,089,970$120,981,465
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets534,360,091465,174,903353,923,8553,495,089,970120,981,465
Accrued fees100881027146
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities103911037348
Net Assets$534,359,988$465,174,812$353,923,752$3,495,089,897$120,981,417
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$532,853,871$464,331,781$353,312,252$3,433,912,581$118,793,025
Net assets from contracts in payout1,506,117843,031611,50061,177,3162,188,392
Total Net Assets$534,359,988$465,174,812$353,923,752$3,495,089,897$120,981,417

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Neuberger Berman
T. Rowe Price
Large Cap Growth
T. Rowe Price
Small Cap Growth
Van Eck Global
Natural Resources
Investments at fair value$663,945,402$320,936,656$769,206,525$476,701,992$24,223,609
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets663,945,402320,936,656769,206,525476,701,99224,223,609
Accrued fees91107646539
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities98110656739
Net Assets$663,945,304$320,936,546$769,206,460$476,701,925$24,223,570
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$655,966,065$319,460,643$752,099,020$475,657,314$24,220,001
Net assets from contracts in payout7,979,2391,475,90317,107,4401,044,6113,569
Total Net Assets$663,945,304$320,936,546$769,206,460$476,701,925$24,223,570

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


December 31, 2021

  BHFTII Western
Asset Management
Strategic Bond
 BHFTII Western
Asset Management
U.S. Government
Global Allocation V.I.
 Calvert VP
SRI Balanced
 Calvert VP
SRI Mid Cap
Investments at fair value$381,592,805$123,805,852$20,057$59,231,543$7,860,497
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets381,592,805123,805,85220,05759,231,5437,860,497
Accrued fees128119720
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities130121720
Net Assets$381,592,675$123,805,731$20,050$59,231,523$7,860,497
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$379,970,265$123,618,146$20,050$59,152,618$7,860,497
Net assets from contracts in payout1,622,410187,58578,905
Total Net Assets$381,592,675$123,805,731$20,050$59,231,523$7,860,497

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  Delaware VIP®
Small Cap Value
 Fidelity® VIP
 Fidelity® VIP
 Fidelity® VIP
Freedom 2020
 Fidelity® VIP
Freedom 2025
Investments at fair value$906$981,731$72,640,466$4,368,236$8,278,237
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets906981,73172,640,4664,368,2368,278,237
Accrued fees471024
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities471024
Net Assets$902$981,724$72,640,456$4,368,234$8,278,233
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$902$981,724$71,501,288$4,368,234$8,278,233
Net assets from contracts in payout1,139,168
Total Net Assets$902$981,724$72,640,456$4,368,234$8,278,233

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


December 31, 2021

  Fidelity® VIP
Freedom 2030
 Fidelity® VIP
Freedom 2035
 Fidelity® VIP
Freedom 2040
 Fidelity® VIP
Freedom 2045
 Fidelity® VIP
Freedom 2050
Investments at fair value$8,836,624$4,718,098$3,038,803$3,065,224$6,746,816
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets8,836,6244,718,0983,038,8033,065,2246,746,816
Accrued fees315271721
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities415281822
Net Assets$8,836,620$4,718,083$3,038,775$3,065,206$6,746,794
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$8,836,620$4,718,083$3,038,775$3,065,206$6,746,794
Net assets from contracts in payout
Total Net Assets$8,836,620$4,718,083$3,038,775$3,065,206$6,746,794

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  Fidelity® VIP
FundsManager 50%
 Fidelity® VIP
FundsManager 60%
 Fidelity® VIP
Government Money
 Fidelity® VIP Growth
 Fidelity® VIP
Investment Grade
Investments at fair value$240,652,047$241,915,886$4,949,044$140,954,875$8,929,968
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets240,652,047241,915,8864,949,044140,954,8758,929,968
Accrued fees1
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities1
Net Assets$240,652,047$241,915,885$4,949,044$140,954,875$8,929,968
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$240,652,047$241,915,885$4,949,044$140,954,875$8,929,968
Net assets from contracts in payout
Total Net Assets$240,652,047$241,915,885$4,949,044$140,954,875$8,929,968

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


December 31, 2021

  Fidelity® VIP
Mid Cap
 FTVIPT Templeton
Markets VIP
 FTVIPT Templeton
Foreign VIP
 Janus Henderson
ClearBridge Variable
Investments at fair value$545,739$49,753$483$153,239$60,142
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets545,73949,753483153,23960,142
Accrued fees6123
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities6123
Net Assets$545,739$49,747$482$153,237$60,139
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$545,739$49,747$482$153,237$60,139
Net assets from contracts in payout
Total Net Assets$545,739$49,747$482$153,237$60,139

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

ClearBridge Variable
Dividend Strategy
ClearBridge Variable
Large Cap Growth
ClearBridge Variable
Small Cap Growth
 LMPVIT Western
Asset Core Plus
 Morgan Stanley VIF
Global Infrastructure
Investments at fair value$103,663$555,920$61,513$423$65,753
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets103,663555,92061,51342365,753
Accrued fees7312916
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities7312917
Net Assets$103,656$555,917$61,501$414$65,736
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$103,656$555,917$61,501$414$65,736
Net assets from contracts in payout
Total Net Assets$103,656$555,917$61,501$414$65,736

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


December 31, 2021

Dynamic Bond
Emerging Markets
 TAP 1919 Variable
Socially Responsive
Investments at fair value$38,898$20,579$40,625$10,424
Due from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Assets38,89820,57940,62510,424
Accrued fees1613171
Due to Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Total Liabilities1714171
Net Assets$38,881$20,565$40,608$10,423
Contract Owners' Equity
Net assets from accumulation units$38,881$20,565$40,608$10,423
Net assets from contracts in payout
Total Net Assets$38,881$20,565$40,608$10,423

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

This page is intentionally left blank.

For the year ended December 31, 2021

  American Funds®
Global Growth
 American Funds®
Global Small
 American Funds®
 American Funds®
 American Funds®
The Bond Fund of
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges285905,4132,335,0661,471,198175,697
Total expenses2,5706,773,66818,882,56211,354,9181,242,452
Net investment income (loss)(1,629)(6,773,668)(16,013,036)(2,610,038)(43,469)
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions13,90010,744,781172,711,3177,855,6973,473,654
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)36,22737,597,950270,221,58651,783,2383,762,295
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  BHFTI AB Global
Dynamic Allocation
 BHFTI Allspring
Mid Cap Value
 BHFTI American
Funds® Balanced
 BHFTI American
Funds® Growth
 BHFTI American
Funds® Growth
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges2,985,7215881,940,5701,162,954901,083
Total expenses14,654,8673,13910,007,1536,189,5754,571,806
Net investment income (loss)(11,986,090)(1,653)(488,060)(2,179,295)(4,571,806)
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions68,007,80927,106,50715,822,87125,923,757
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)99,086,2957,80848,709,80829,038,14762,461,431
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

For the year ended December 31, 2021

  BHFTI American
Funds® Moderate
 BHFTI BlackRock
Global Tactical
 BHFTI BlackRock
High Yield
 BHFTI Brighthouse
Asset Allocation 100
 BHFTI Brighthouse
Balanced Plus
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges1,851,4333,783,595763625,1638,639,795
Total expenses9,510,82518,596,9014,8713,365,67342,643,995
Net investment income (loss)2,224,6301,956,30711,513(87,116)37,499,292
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions25,900,92858,164,18220,211,054117,807,800
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)40,362,61174,939,3427,44026,151,448175,708,520
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  BHFTI Brighthouse
Small Cap Value
 BHFTI Brighthouse/
Aberdeen Emerging
Markets Equity
 BHFTI Brighthouse/
Eaton Vance
Floating Rate
 BHFTI Brighthouse/
Low Duration
Total Return
 BHFTI Brighthouse/
International Bond
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges49,252109,74150,111164,04711,933
Total expenses229,120546,468282,299867,60359,170
Net investment income (loss)(64,869)(472,473)353,227421,482(59,170)
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions8,878
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)767,2492,648,795(127,367)(438,431)(186,707)
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

For the year ended December 31, 2021

  BHFTI Brighthouse/
Large Cap
Global Real Estate
 BHFTI Harris
 BHFTI Invesco
 BHFTI Invesco
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges277,157368,570875,6401,092,20462
Total expenses9,538,3032,212,8235,062,7725,430,819340
Net investment income (loss)(2,355,349)2,893,717(2,400,992)7,836,692(25)
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions84,183,74013,141,554
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)118,239,2343,397,5637,623,21414,278,9194,111
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  BHFTI Invesco
Global Equity
 BHFTI Invesco
Small Cap Growth
Core Bond
JPMorgan Global
Active Allocation
Small Cap Value
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges407,313149,101185,6401,888,68148,922
Total expenses3,584,021949,430964,3199,333,663246,807
Net investment income (loss)(3,422,227)(949,430)752,320(5,668,421)(58,210)
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions11,798,52514,563,25440,206,594495,150
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)30,280,03417,104,0945,72958,370,7322,193,632
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

For the year ended December 31, 2021

  BHFTI Loomis Sayles
Global Allocation
 BHFTI Loomis Sayles
 BHFTI MetLife
Targeted Risk
Morgan Stanley
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges239,1721,040,1582,006,966339,498550,332
Total expenses1,333,7666,106,3549,895,2182,124,06810,899,495
Net investment income (loss)(445,227)(5,938,681)4,265,916(368,142)(10,899,495)
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions10,407,07415,712,98029,647,9916,238,604424,773,328
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)14,338,30430,392,38842,788,34512,199,333484,970,902
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

PanAgora Global
Diversified Risk
PanAgora Global
Diversified Risk II
PIMCO Inflation
Protected Bond
Total Return
 BHFTI Schroders
Global Multi-Asset
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges243,0392,280,277786,2321,568,5431,686,981
Total expenses1,200,96711,225,4214,220,5348,743,5708,347,277
Net investment income (loss)(1,200,967)(11,225,421)(1,745,818)4,113,642(6,167,603)
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions7,700,27336,839,92529,661,2511,245,528
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)8,971,07314,331,632922,39428,978,57814,794,627
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

For the year ended December 31, 2021

SSGA Growth
and Income ETF
 BHFTI T. Rowe Price
Large Cap Value
 BHFTI T. Rowe Price
Mid Cap Growth
Fixed Income
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges1,572,236313,9591,2521,013,04092
Total expenses7,867,9491,644,6497,7616,264,927603
Net investment income (loss)3,436,931291,4785,259(6,264,927)21
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions28,769,6126,968,25479949,015,2962,093
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)44,744,92810,665,95120,52163,906,4022,486
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  BHFTI Victory
Mid Cap Value
 BHFTI Western
Asset Management
Government Income
Baillie Gifford
International Stock
 BHFTII BlackRock
Bond Income
 BHFTII BlackRock
Capital Appreciation
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges662,850900,008150,445704,468548,482
Total expenses4,841,0204,477,8831,725,9944,761,8352,969,573
Net investment income (loss)(275,905)3,238,557(533,904)5,185,469(2,969,573)
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions10,432,49513,529,3627,493,99532,253,126
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)27,061,856835,47518,665,6437,990,20147,600,377
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

For the year ended December 31, 2021

  BHFTII BlackRock
Term Bond
 BHFTII Brighthouse
Asset Allocation 20
 BHFTII Brighthouse
Asset Allocation 40
 BHFTII Brighthouse
Asset Allocation 60
 BHFTII Brighthouse
Asset Allocation 80
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges106,797700,6442,018,2917,357,5464,022,224
Total expenses556,1963,781,44410,799,78838,764,78822,016,828
Net investment income (loss)(512,968)5,128,05212,134,86627,440,1897,900,018
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions3,755,67730,121,956162,426,491114,833,017
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)(183,551)5,974,18540,364,512223,232,028156,127,480
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  BHFTII Brighthouse/
Mid Cap Value
 BHFTII Brighthouse/
Small Company
 BHFTII Brighthouse/
Wellington Balanced
 BHFTII Brighthouse/
Core Equity
Mid Cap Growth
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges326,90517,732213,8561,067,729206,300
Total expenses2,437,56289,8637,841,7806,455,8617,278,472
Net investment income (loss)(814,654)18,8963,467,3984,810(7,278,472)
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions4,211,596362,01353,652,90826,766,29579,134,650
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)11,793,499401,97167,241,78943,083,841101,313,064
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

For the year ended December 31, 2021

Jennison Growth
Loomis Sayles
Small Cap Core
Loomis Sayles
Small Cap Growth
Aggregate Bond Index
 BHFTII MetLife Mid
Cap Stock Index
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges563,251328,468109,6791,987,939952,310
Total expenses3,646,7122,057,871825,59911,689,0756,587,328
Net investment income (loss)(3,646,712)(2,015,622)(825,599)10,694,815(1,564,918)
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions61,866,49010,363,3916,473,43625,438,362
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)79,474,86715,924,4658,557,077748,26452,628,980
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  BHFTII MetLife
Russell 2000® Index
Stock Index
Total Return
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges906,609591,8403,807,606231,3351,273,211
Total expenses5,805,1434,496,12741,356,2681,453,8028,279,543
Net investment income (loss)1,850,123(1,281,754)7,253,593639,6801,014,446
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions18,544,421209,365,0657,217,6196,844,131
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)13,841,50838,953,958418,844,7059,881,59024,886,449
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

For the year ended December 31, 2021

Neuberger Berman
T. Rowe Price
Large Cap Growth
T. Rowe Price
Small Cap Growth
Van Eck Global
Natural Resources
 BHFTII Western
Asset Management
Strategic Bond
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges437,2931,326,017643,72664,635819,401
Total expenses4,008,2469,600,8076,000,495316,6735,005,960
Net investment income (loss)(3,895,161)(9,600,807)(5,920,609)(62,053)9,333,316
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions20,538,54985,314,90753,416,072
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)36,281,408123,853,13673,355,0141,214,7012,546,268
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  BHFTII Western
Asset Management
U.S. Government
Global Allocation V.I.
 Calvert VP
SRI Balanced
 Calvert VP
SRI Mid Cap
 Delaware VIP®
Small Cap Value
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges280,64613353,150
Total expenses1,675,964668678,67873,9305
Net investment income (loss)1,661,587(302)(8,235)(58,733)2
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions4,0271,730,242327,648
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)(400,867)16,9123,464,445481,3992
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

For the year ended December 31, 2021

  Fidelity® VIP
 Fidelity® VIP
 Fidelity® VIP
Freedom 2020
 Fidelity® VIP
Freedom 2025
 Fidelity® VIP
Freedom 2030
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges93447,4011,0697,6408,286
Total expenses8,714710,09443,43886,88980,002
Net investment income (loss)(8,457)607,385(6,452)(15,836)(4,499)
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions116,3497,689,754272,877287,398335,093
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)163,9428,885,134422,551636,869652,821
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  Fidelity® VIP
Freedom 2035
 Fidelity® VIP
Freedom 2040
 Fidelity® VIP
Freedom 2045
 Fidelity® VIP
Freedom 2050
 Fidelity® VIP
FundsManager 50%
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges5,1391,5812,6744,587
Total expenses37,34322,65725,90156,9104,771,534
Net investment income (loss)(1,539)(2,682)(6,305)(11,935)(2,050,939)
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions120,437101,08192,280199,8514,207,943
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)220,567274,072116,866395,5518,684,226
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

For the year ended December 31, 2021

  Fidelity® VIP
FundsManager 60%
 Fidelity® VIP
Government Money
 Fidelity® VIP Growth
 Fidelity® VIP
Investment Grade
 Fidelity® VIP
Mid Cap
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges523
Total expenses4,802,15450,6841,270,90886,8824,715
Net investment income (loss)(2,131,149)(50,148)(1,270,908)98,610(2,846)
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions4,103,79827,768,689247,95685,042
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)8,802,83333,624,596307,33299,918
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  FTVIPT Templeton
Markets VIP
 FTVIPT Templeton
Foreign VIP
 Janus Henderson
ClearBridge Variable
ClearBridge Variable
Dividend Strategy
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges541545495
Total expenses49111,395498859
Net investment income (loss)(12)3(1,024)(147)586
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions1,09913,9872,1087,280
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)1,93923,0533,7519,872
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

For the year ended December 31, 2021

ClearBridge Variable
Large Cap Growth
ClearBridge Variable
Small Cap Growth
 LMPVIT Western
Asset Core Plus
 Morgan Stanley VIF
Global Infrastructure
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges5305828155
Total expenses4,944558261806
Net investment income (loss)(4,944)(558)(250)641
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions33,6817,0622,237
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)64,52512,2121,6153,123
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Dynamic Bond
Emerging Markets
 TAP 1919 Variable
Socially Responsive
Investment Income:
Mortality and expense risk and
other charges
Administrative charges905710713
Total expenses503285562124
Net investment income (loss)9801401,165(90)
Net Realized and Change in
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
on Investments:
Realized gain distributions371112946
Realized gains (losses) on sale of
Net realized gains (losses)(87)1,0712836,298
Change in unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net realized and change in
unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020

  American Funds® Global Growth
 American Funds® Global Small
 American Funds® Growth
 American Funds® Growth-Income
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$(1,629)$(1,310)$(6,773,668)$(5,113,939)$(16,013,036)$(11,753,513)$(2,610,038)$(602,616)
Net realized gains (losses)36,22714,20437,597,95040,401,533270,221,58690,497,70651,783,23835,564,519
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(1,534,473)(1,630,583)(2,684,626)(2,718,925)(2,276,995)(2,416,491)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year281,770242,935474,942,195437,123,6061,297,004,9711,023,148,092766,106,526767,275,578
End of year$273,167$281,770$443,145,956$474,942,195$1,359,475,833$1,297,004,971$808,908,049$766,106,526

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  American Funds®
The Bond Fund of America
 BHFTI AB Global
Dynamic Allocation
 BHFTI Allspring
Mid Cap Value
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$(43,469)$575,154$(11,986,090)$6,509,295$(1,653)$(1,207)
Net realized gains (losses)3,762,2951,319,07199,086,29597,608,9617,8085,226
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(356,099)(377,842)(17,476,412)(18,779,759)(8)(7)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year87,818,39977,224,0661,236,443,8921,348,392,149229,968368,958
End of year$83,591,263$87,818,399$1,149,682,505$1,236,443,892$248,627$229,968

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020

  BHFTI American Funds®
Balanced Allocation
 BHFTI American Funds®
Growth Allocation
 BHFTI American Funds® Growth
 BHFTI American Funds®
Moderate Allocation
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$(488,060)$3,665,433$(2,179,295)$1,324,203$(4,571,806)$(1,430,361)$2,224,630$4,770,097
Net realized gains (losses)48,709,80848,763,74529,038,14734,446,05262,461,43152,435,07040,362,61137,598,807
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(7,078,783)(7,516,391)(3,647,278)(3,655,876)(2,232,086)(2,424,796)(7,137,150)(7,562,742)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year813,811,656800,925,855473,694,389451,501,018374,416,489333,656,449778,574,010786,219,704
End of year$792,659,669$813,811,656$502,935,505$473,694,389$344,916,945$374,416,489$738,578,220$778,574,010

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  BHFTI BlackRock Global
Tactical Strategies
 BHFTI BlackRock High Yield
 BHFTI Brighthouse
Asset Allocation 100
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$1,956,307$5,205,795$11,513$17,330$(87,116)$61,550
Net realized gains (losses)74,939,342135,967,7987,440(377)26,151,44823,637,058
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(22,218,505)(23,572,409)(38)(46)(452,727)(449,482)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year1,562,480,8691,726,223,549449,845449,626254,598,524237,520,246
End of year$1,456,631,240$1,562,480,869$374,224$449,845$278,055,934$254,598,524

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020

Brighthouse Balanced Plus
Brighthouse Small Cap Value
 BHFTI Brighthouse/Aberdeen
Emerging Markets Equity
 BHFTI Brighthouse/Eaton
Vance Floating Rate
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$37,499,292$37,824,508$(64,869)$25,479$(472,473)$345,742$353,227$714,272
Net realized gains (losses)175,708,520365,952,100767,249408,3192,648,7951,846,979(127,367)(548,543)
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(46,802,308)(48,811,289)(32,266)(29,261)(327,276)(362,761)(47,858)(55,567)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year3,572,331,7633,610,425,44317,064,27817,894,74147,234,56246,669,81719,938,27926,783,935
End of year$3,294,483,428$3,572,331,763$20,325,098$17,064,278$40,417,620$47,234,562$19,666,389$19,938,279

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  BHFTI Brighthouse/Franklin
Low Duration Total Return
 BHFTI Brighthouse/Templeton
International Bond
 BHFTI Brighthouse/Wellington
Large Cap Research
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$421,482$1,447,805$(59,170)$241,692$(2,355,349)$773,455
Net realized gains (losses)(438,431)(918,768)(186,707)(224,697)118,239,23462,203,560
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(507,036)(542,137)(48,579)(56,745)(511,886)(548,628)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year68,394,97573,642,8774,944,0125,449,838805,727,887741,294,779
End of year$67,677,469$68,394,975$4,563,951$4,944,012$889,105,237$805,727,887

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020

CBRE Global Real Estate
 BHFTI Harris Oakmark
 BHFTI Invesco
Balanced-Risk Allocation
 BHFTI Invesco Comstock
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$2,893,717$5,108,435$(2,400,992)$7,382,828$7,836,692$17,702,686$(25)$488
Net realized gains (losses)3,397,563826,4257,623,214(3,704,789)14,278,91916,565,2364,111969
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(628,088)(638,953)(1,871,494)(1,934,476)(6,053,372)(6,177,085)(4)(4)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year166,520,792182,528,745418,249,872425,579,613436,657,575461,843,45554,65657,870
End of year$183,528,774$166,520,792$379,548,585$418,249,872$420,943,457$436,657,575$17,943$54,656

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  BHFTI Invesco Global Equity
Invesco Small Cap Growth
 BHFTI JPMorgan Core Bond
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$(3,422,227)$(1,145,075)$(949,430)$(648,300)$752,320$1,390,131
Net realized gains (losses)30,280,03412,463,46817,104,0942,631,6825,729286,305
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(890,031)(920,208)(217,108)(181,401)(567,074)(627,887)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year281,517,566261,214,72171,253,28951,053,86475,426,69574,354,984
End of year$286,660,569$281,517,566$73,101,402$71,253,289$71,214,221$75,426,695

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020

  BHFTI JPMorgan
Global Active Allocation
JPMorgan Small Cap Value
 BHFTI Loomis Sayles
Global Allocation
Loomis Sayles Growth
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$(5,668,421)$7,849,780$(58,210)$(8,978)$(445,227)$(562,889)$(5,938,681)$(2,723,129)
Net realized gains (losses)58,370,73228,209,5932,193,632(388,762)14,338,3049,681,94530,392,388172,776,482
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(10,296,459)(10,714,610)(128,589)(121,712)(597,016)(643,517)(2,357,725)(2,651,438)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year770,639,003803,699,96018,968,27718,936,921105,220,386107,109,800486,587,823467,060,137
End of year$727,927,972$770,639,003$19,297,008$18,968,277$105,733,405$105,220,386$480,887,272$486,587,823

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  BHFTI MetLife
Multi-Index Targeted Risk
MFS® Research International
 BHFTI Morgan Stanley
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$4,265,916$7,762,640$(368,142)$1,688,540$(10,899,495)$(7,663,721)
Net realized gains (losses)42,788,34578,086,34412,199,3336,958,191484,970,902153,359,181
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(10,819,041)(11,532,770)(680,661)(722,941)(670,265)(618,806)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year831,657,042884,702,376172,621,221168,375,370920,192,712423,750,247
End of year$774,902,087$831,657,042$168,979,566$172,621,221$729,134,205$920,192,712

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020

  BHFTI PanAgora
Global Diversified Risk
 BHFTI PanAgora
Global Diversified Risk II
Inflation Protected Bond
 BHFTI PIMCO Total Return
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$(1,200,967)$1,602,289$(11,225,421)$10,283,727$(1,745,818)$4,535,533$4,113,642$17,008,900
Net realized gains (losses)8,971,0735,970,98514,331,63266,569,870922,394(3,299,101)28,978,5783,510,190
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(1,382,248)(1,240,540)(13,964,431)(14,767,147)(2,458,284)(2,615,019)(4,298,205)(4,909,464)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year97,068,61084,293,104929,413,6431,036,049,545330,502,638327,258,585715,365,209715,395,370
End of year$92,948,445$97,068,610$886,250,834$929,413,643$337,008,189$330,502,638$667,326,755$715,365,209

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Schroders Global Multi-Asset
Growth and Income ETF
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$(6,167,603)$3,803,281$3,436,931$8,897,011$291,478$1,446,089
Net realized gains (losses)14,794,62742,809,77344,744,92824,302,60810,665,9514,673,682
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(9,192,598)(10,177,753)(6,592,122)(7,153,374)(919,531)(959,136)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year703,341,582802,843,446644,690,157680,226,971130,804,692138,322,296
End of year$649,441,142$703,341,582$616,034,159$644,690,157$133,226,796$130,804,692

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020

T. Rowe Price Large Cap Value
T. Rowe Price Mid Cap Growth
 BHFTI TCW Core Fixed Income
Victory Sycamore Mid Cap Value
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$5,259$15,535$(6,264,927)$(5,280,242)$21$4,288$(275,905)$840,222
Net realized gains (losses)20,5213,92063,906,40251,803,5192,48616,40027,061,85616,916,428
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(25)(36)(1,736,980)(1,883,211)(2)(1,103,413)(1,095,497)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year685,939725,942505,414,544484,527,09552,557240,520351,800,764361,807,709
End of year$731,476$685,939$496,061,829$505,414,544$45,391$52,557$394,481,911$351,800,764

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  BHFTI Western Asset
Management Government Income
Baillie Gifford International Stock
BlackRock Bond Income
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$3,238,557$4,507,060$(533,904)$779,866$5,185,469$8,026,392
Net realized gains (losses)835,4752,430,38018,665,6439,889,9017,990,2011,424,032
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(5,783,050)(6,518,386)(314,880)(339,203)(1,736,205)(1,911,579)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year398,349,977376,497,264140,886,997123,603,248389,186,999384,830,691
End of year$326,125,318$398,349,977$126,145,494$140,886,997$361,431,935$389,186,999

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020

BlackRock Capital Appreciation
BlackRock Ultra-Short Term Bond
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 20
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 40
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$(2,969,573)$(2,561,674)$(512,968)$189,931$5,128,052$4,742,568$12,134,866$12,076,689
Net realized gains (losses)47,600,37735,489,561(183,551)69,5095,974,1856,662,95640,364,51240,360,651
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(920,884)(951,732)(483,053)(481,466)(2,398,710)(2,450,958)(6,713,631)(7,049,456)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year230,129,341192,688,20447,474,04944,981,636311,462,767321,894,499875,065,802908,735,683
End of year$234,988,229$230,129,341$37,400,746$47,474,049$280,143,828$311,462,767$818,808,370$875,065,802

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Brighthouse Asset Allocation 60
Brighthouse Asset Allocation 80
Brighthouse/Artisan Mid Cap Value
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$27,440,189$28,175,408$7,900,018$9,121,825$(814,654)$(648,717)
Net realized gains (losses)223,232,028212,327,428156,127,480152,914,50411,793,4991,104,026
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(24,565,931)(26,296,980)(10,008,728)(10,534,672)(439,528)(438,671)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year3,132,220,6953,165,966,3521,722,419,2711,670,394,964178,298,975186,211,530
End of year$3,004,188,035$3,132,220,695$1,751,110,118$1,722,419,271$195,847,200$178,298,975

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020

  BHFTII Brighthouse/Dimensional
International Small Company
Brighthouse/Wellington Balanced
 BHFTII Brighthouse/Wellington
Core Equity Opportunities
 BHFTII Frontier Mid Cap Growth
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$18,896$83,460$3,467,398$5,197,233$4,810$909,892$(7,278,472)$(5,925,076)
Net realized gains (losses)401,971(167,783)67,241,78931,868,83743,083,84157,851,428101,313,06467,085,888
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(36,156)(40,002)(261,167)(270,566)(1,932,196)(2,087,063)(429,490)(460,262)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year7,124,9157,739,398610,629,506574,717,552503,780,671520,632,824572,542,548494,555,658
End of year$6,805,165$7,124,915$629,816,680$610,629,506$531,319,660$503,780,671$586,525,681$572,542,548

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  BHFTII Jennison Growth
Loomis Sayles Small Cap Core
Loomis Sayles Small Cap Growth
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$(3,646,712)$(2,823,468)$(2,015,622)$(1,648,415)$(825,599)$(676,408)
Net realized gains (losses)79,474,86739,012,21115,924,46511,007,6268,557,0777,560,022
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(1,097,276)(1,108,541)(525,508)(529,940)(128,386)(127,460)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year289,505,068211,338,418156,522,639157,396,60066,012,87757,340,292
End of year$287,427,814$289,505,068$163,685,620$156,522,639$64,952,389$66,012,877

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020

MetLife Aggregate Bond Index
MetLife Mid Cap Stock Index
MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index
MetLife Russell 2000® Index
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$10,694,815$13,072,264$(1,564,918)$319,781$1,850,123$7,601,556$(1,281,754)$39,630
Net realized gains (losses)748,2647,071,86452,628,98036,524,96413,841,5087,281,48938,953,95826,713,820
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(4,959,053)(5,593,760)(1,546,034)(1,551,495)(1,609,261)(1,670,310)(825,235)(827,113)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year949,536,445952,097,631506,052,707500,876,128466,904,304460,668,541346,715,527330,807,385
End of year$910,569,466$949,536,445$534,359,988$506,052,707$465,174,812$466,904,304$353,923,752$346,715,527

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  BHFTII MetLife Stock Index
 BHFTII MFS® Total Return
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$7,253,593$16,665,539$639,680$1,237,643$1,014,446$3,210,980
Net realized gains (losses)418,844,705316,872,6519,881,5906,383,04624,886,44934,572,759
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(5,978,396)(6,187,543)(324,689)(347,189)(2,373,898)(2,440,109)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year3,154,806,3763,037,442,351117,745,426123,762,477627,751,137665,585,348
End of year$3,495,089,897$3,154,806,376$120,981,417$117,745,426$663,945,304$627,751,137

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020

  BHFTII Neuberger Berman Genesis
T. Rowe Price Large Cap Growth
T. Rowe Price Small Cap Growth
Van Eck Global Natural Resources
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$(3,895,161)$(3,180,128)$(9,600,807)$(7,488,830)$(5,920,609)$(4,820,183)$(62,053)$1,711
Net realized gains (losses)36,281,40826,740,247123,853,13671,413,18673,355,01456,997,5961,214,701(2,302,992)
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(511,813)(542,365)(1,860,133)(1,982,277)(952,505)(1,038,633)(276,869)(289,933)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year311,591,184287,729,651738,162,692629,369,388491,278,222455,812,25127,733,91526,913,827
End of year$320,936,546$311,591,184$769,206,460$738,162,692$476,701,925$491,278,222$24,223,570$27,733,915

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  BHFTII Western Asset Management
Strategic Bond Opportunities
 BHFTII Western Asset
Management U.S. Government
 BlackRock Global Allocation V.I.
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$9,333,316$17,726,545$1,661,587$2,078,549$(302)$(106)
Net realized gains (losses)2,546,268360,637(400,867)221,64916,9126,569
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(1,371,525)(1,551,192)(651,891)(742,576)(3)(3)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year408,706,045422,719,703139,252,019130,271,257118,145102,023
End of year$381,592,675$408,706,045$123,805,731$139,252,019$20,050$118,145

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020

  Calvert VP SRI Balanced
 Calvert VP SRI Mid Cap
 Delaware VIP® Small Cap Value
 Fidelity® VIP Contrafund®
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$(8,235)$176,206$(58,733)$(36,653)$2$3$(8,457)$(6,380)
Net realized gains (losses)3,464,4452,455,032481,399462,013232163,94215,567
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(21,457)(22,187)(419)(424)(12)(13)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year55,610,31552,926,1197,563,7668,071,600677697860,110717,804
End of year$59,231,523$55,610,315$7,860,497$7,563,766$902$677$981,724$860,110

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  Fidelity® VIP Equity-Income
 Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2020
 Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2025
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$607,385$450,011$(6,452)$9,465$(15,836)$14,207
Net realized gains (losses)8,885,1342,595,984422,551197,265636,869209,592
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(7,082)(7,490)(42)(16)(11,259)(6,080)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year63,502,20567,252,0154,340,4342,956,0787,124,3633,657,061
End of year$72,640,456$63,502,205$4,368,234$4,340,434$8,278,233$7,124,363

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020

  Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2030
 Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2035
 Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2040
 Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2045
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$(4,499)$6,393$(1,539)$663$(2,682)$(1,999)$(6,305)$(948)
Net realized gains (losses)652,821233,135220,56745,409274,072110,041116,86639,970
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(2,109)(556)(2,070)(574)(1,109)(477)(1,255)(815)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year6,430,2594,308,8632,068,090499,1411,912,7541,297,8201,866,574851,015
End of year$8,836,620$6,430,259$4,718,083$2,068,090$3,038,775$1,912,754$3,065,206$1,866,574

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2050
 Fidelity® VIP FundsManager 50%
 Fidelity® VIP FundsManager 60%
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$(11,935)$1,021$(2,050,939)$(1,960,126)$(2,131,149)$(2,041,045)
Net realized gains (losses)395,55183,5138,684,2266,169,0468,802,8335,405,502
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(5,058)(1,376)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year4,073,5101,369,729247,253,463252,823,113242,924,543239,540,942
End of year$6,746,794$4,073,510$240,652,047$247,253,463$241,915,885$242,924,543

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020

  Fidelity® VIP
Government Money Market
 Fidelity® VIP Growth
 Fidelity® VIP Investment Grade Bond
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$(50,148)$(33,396)$(1,270,908)$(932,307)$98,610$116,765
Net realized gains (losses)33,624,59615,924,275307,332127,287
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(862)(976)(2,359)(2,786)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year5,964,4445,414,916125,194,94098,544,7729,545,4229,006,440
End of year$4,949,044$5,964,444$140,954,875$125,194,940$8,929,968$9,545,422

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  Fidelity® VIP Mid Cap
 FTVIPT Templeton
Developing Markets VIP
 FTVIPT Templeton Foreign VIP
 Janus Henderson Enterprise
20212020202120202021 (a)20212020
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$(2,846)$(1,949)$(12)$1,441$3$(1,024)$(1,204)
Net realized gains (losses)99,918(612)1,9391,23923,05312,871
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year481,692444,17854,93847,307157,391131,537
End of year$545,739$481,692$49,747$54,938$482$153,237$157,391

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020

ClearBridge Variable Appreciation
 LMPVET ClearBridge
Variable Dividend Strategy
 LMPVET ClearBridge
Variable Large Cap Growth
 LMPVET ClearBridge
Variable Small Cap Growth
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$(147)$50$586$457$(4,944)$(4,047)$(558)$(448)
Net realized gains (losses)3,7513,3459,8721,20064,52538,74412,2126,179
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(10)(10)(4)(4)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year53,06054,01886,00975,932507,611462,77261,74643,535
End of year$60,139$53,060$103,656$86,009$555,917$507,611$61,501$61,746

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

  LMPVIT Western Asset Core Plus
 Morgan Stanley
VIF Global Infrastructure
CommodityRealReturn® Strategy
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$(250)$448$641$76$980$1,450
Net realized gains (losses)1,615(169)3,123712(87)(994)
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(19)(25)(8)(8)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year38,14539,55760,74168,71434,31134,970
End of year$414$38,145$65,736$60,741$38,881$34,311

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020

  PIMCO VIT Dynamic Bond
Emerging Markets Bond
 TAP 1919 Variable
Socially Responsive Balanced
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
From Operations:
Net investment income (loss)$140$353$1,165$1,425$(90)$(34)
Net realized gains (losses)1,0711,4552835266,2982,169
Change in unrealized gains
(losses) on investments
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets resulting
from operations
Contract Transactions:
Purchase payments received
from Contract owners
Net transfers (including fixed
Contract charges(6)(13)(10)(13)
Transfers for Contract benefits
and terminations
Net increase (decrease) in
net assets resulting from
Contract transactions
Net increase (decrease)
in net assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of year36,83385,34349,38460,17837,13630,482
End of year$20,565$36,833$40,608$49,384$10,423$37,136

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





Metropolitan Life Separate Account E (the "Separate Account"), a separate account of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (the "Company"), was established by the Company's Board of Directors on September 27, 1983 to support operations of the Company with respect to certain variable annuity contracts (the "Contracts"). The Company is a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of MetLife, Inc., a Delaware corporation. The Separate Account is registered as a unit investment trust under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and is subject to the rules and regulations of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as the New York State Department of Financial Services.

The Separate Account is divided into Divisions, each of which is treated as an individual accounting entity for financial reporting purposes. Each Division invests in shares of the corresponding fund, series or portfolio (with the same name) of registered investment management companies (the "Trusts"), which are presented below:

American Funds Insurance Series® ("American Funds")

BlackRock Variable Series Funds, Inc. ("BlackRock")

Brighthouse Funds Trust I ("BHFTI")

Brighthouse Funds Trust II ("BHFTII")

Calvert Variable Series, Inc. ("Calvert")

Delaware Management Company ("Delaware")

Delaware VIP Trust ("Delaware VIP")

Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products ("Fidelity VIP")

Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust ("FTVIPT")

Janus Aspen Series ("Janus Aspen")

Legg Mason Partners Variable Equity Trust ("LMPVET")

Legg Mason Partners Variable Income Trust ("LMPVIT")

Morgan Stanley Variable Insurance Fund, Inc. ("Morgan Stanley VIF")

PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust ("PIMCO VIT")

Trust for Advised Portfolios ("TAP")

The assets of each of the Divisions of the Separate Account are registered in the name of the Company. Under applicable insurance law, the assets and liabilities of the Separate Account are clearly identified and distinguished from the Company's other assets and liabilities. The portion of the Separate Account's assets applicable to the Contracts cannot be used for liabilities arising out of any other business conducted by the Company.


A. Purchase payments, less any applicable charges, applied to the Separate Account are invested in one or more Divisions in accordance with the selection made by the Contract owner. The following Divisions had net assets as of or during the year ended December 31, 2021:

American Funds® Global Growth Division

American Funds® Global Small Capitalization Division (a)

American Funds® Growth Division

American Funds® Growth-Income Division

American Funds® The Bond Fund of America Division

BHFTI AB Global Dynamic Allocation Division

BHFTI Allspring Mid Cap Value Division

BHFTI American Funds® Balanced Allocation Division (a)

BHFTI American Funds® Growth Allocation Division (a)

BHFTI American Funds® Growth Division

BHFTI American Funds® Moderate Allocation Division (a)

BHFTI BlackRock Global Tactical Strategies Division

BHFTI BlackRock High Yield Division (a)

BHFTI Brighthouse Asset Allocation 100 Division (a)

BHFTI Brighthouse Balanced Plus Division

BHFTI Brighthouse Small Cap Value Division

BHFTI Brighthouse/Aberdeen Emerging Markets Equity Division (a)

BHFTI Brighthouse/Eaton Vance Floating Rate Division

BHFTI Brighthouse/Franklin Low Duration Total Return Division

BHFTI Brighthouse/Templeton International Bond Division

BHFTI Brighthouse/Wellington Large Cap Research Division (a)

BHFTI CBRE Global Real Estate Division (a)

BHFTI Harris Oakmark International Division (a)

BHFTI Invesco Balanced-Risk Allocation Division

BHFTI Invesco Comstock Division

BHFTI Invesco Global Equity Division (a)

BHFTI Invesco Small Cap Growth Division (a)

BHFTI JPMorgan Core Bond Division

BHFTI JPMorgan Global Active Allocation Division





2.  LIST OF DIVISIONS — (Continued)

BHFTI JPMorgan Small Cap Value Division (a)

BHFTI Loomis Sayles Global Allocation Division

BHFTI Loomis Sayles Growth Division (a)

BHFTI MetLife Multi-Index Targeted Risk Division

BHFTI MFS® Research International Division (a)

BHFTI Morgan Stanley Discovery Division (a)

BHFTI PanAgora Global Diversified Risk Division

BHFTI PanAgora Global Diversified Risk II Division

BHFTI PIMCO Inflation Protected Bond Division (a)

BHFTI PIMCO Total Return Division (a)

BHFTI Schroders Global Multi-Asset Division

BHFTI SSGA Growth and Income ETF Division (a)

BHFTI SSGA Growth ETF Division (a)

BHFTI T. Rowe Price Large Cap Value Division

BHFTI T. Rowe Price Mid Cap Growth Division (a)

BHFTI TCW Core Fixed Income Division

BHFTI Victory Sycamore Mid Cap Value Division (a)

BHFTI Western Asset Management Government Income Division

BHFTII Baillie Gifford International Stock Division (a)

BHFTII BlackRock Bond Income Division (a)

BHFTII BlackRock Capital Appreciation Division (a)

BHFTII BlackRock Ultra-Short Term Bond Division (a)

BHFTII Brighthouse Asset Allocation 20 Division (a)

BHFTII Brighthouse Asset Allocation 40 Division (a)

BHFTII Brighthouse Asset Allocation 60 Division (a)

BHFTII Brighthouse Asset Allocation 80 Division (a)

BHFTII Brighthouse/Artisan Mid Cap Value Division (a)

BHFTII Brighthouse/Dimensional International Small Company Division

BHFTII Brighthouse/Wellington Balanced Division (a)

BHFTII Brighthouse/Wellington Core Equity Opportunities Division (a)

BHFTII Frontier Mid Cap Growth Division (a)

BHFTII Jennison Growth Division (a)

BHFTII Loomis Sayles Small Cap Core Division (a)

BHFTII Loomis Sayles Small Cap Growth Division (a)

BHFTII MetLife Aggregate Bond Index Division (a)

BHFTII MetLife Mid Cap Stock Index Division (a)

BHFTII MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index Division (a)

BHFTII MetLife Russell 2000® Index Division (a)

BHFTII MetLife Stock Index Division (a)

BHFTII MFS® Total Return Division (a)

BHFTII MFS® Value Division (a)

BHFTII Neuberger Berman Genesis Division (a)

BHFTII T. Rowe Price Large Cap Growth Division (a)

BHFTII T. Rowe Price Small Cap Growth Division (a)

BHFTII Van Eck Global Natural Resources Division

BHFTII Western Asset Management Strategic Bond Opportunities Division (a)

BHFTII Western Asset Management U.S. Government Division (a)

BlackRock Global Allocation V.I. Division

Calvert VP SRI Balanced Division

Calvert VP SRI Mid Cap Division

Delaware VIP® Small Cap Value Division

Fidelity® VIP Contrafund® Division

Fidelity® VIP Equity-Income Division

Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2020 Division

Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2025 Division

Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2030 Division

Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2035 Division

Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2040 Division

Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2045 Division

Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2050 Division

Fidelity® VIP FundsManager 50% Division

Fidelity® VIP FundsManager 60% Division

Fidelity® VIP Government Money Market Division

Fidelity® VIP Growth Division

Fidelity® VIP Investment Grade Bond Division

Fidelity® VIP Mid Cap Division

FTVIPT Templeton Developing Markets VIP Division

FTVIPT Templeton Foreign VIP Division

Janus Henderson Enterprise Division

LMPVET ClearBridge Variable Appreciation Division

LMPVET ClearBridge Variable Dividend Strategy Division

LMPVET ClearBridge Variable Large Cap Growth Division

LMPVET ClearBridge Variable Small Cap Growth Division

LMPVIT Western Asset Core Plus Division

Morgan Stanley VIF Global Infrastructure Division

PIMCO VIT CommodityRealReturn® Strategy Division

PIMCO VIT Dynamic Bond Division

PIMCO VIT Emerging Markets Bond Division

TAP 1919 Variable Socially Responsive Balanced Division

(a)  This Division invests in two or more share classes within the underlying fund, series or portfolio of the Trusts.





2.  LIST OF DIVISIONS — (Concluded)

B. The following Divisions had no net assets during the year ended December 31, 2021:

BHFTI Brighthouse/Artisan International Division

Delaware Ivy Asset Strategy Division


The operations of the Divisions were affected by the following changes that occurred during the year ended December 31, 2021:

Name Changes:

Former Name

American Funds® Bond Fund

BHFTI AQR Global Risk Balanced Portfolio

BHFTI Clarion Global Real Estate Portfolio

BHFTI Wells Capital Management Mid Cap Value Portfolio

Ivy VIP Asset Strategy Portfolio

New Name

American Funds® The Bond Fund of America

BHFTI PanAgora Global Diversified Risk II Portfolio

BHFTI CBRE Global Real Estate Portfolio

BHFTI Allspring Mid Cap Value Portfolio

Delaware Ivy Asset Strategy Portfolio

Trust Name Change:

Former Name

Ivy Variable Insurance Portfolios

New Name

Delaware Management Company


Basis of Accounting

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America ("GAAP") applicable for variable annuity separate accounts registered as unit investment trusts, which follow the accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification ("ASC") Topic 946, Investment Companies.

Security Transactions

Security transactions are recorded on a trade date basis. Realized gains and losses on the sales of investments are computed on the basis of the average cost of the investment sold. Income from dividends and realized gain distributions are recorded on the ex-distribution date.

Security Valuation

A Division's investment in shares of a fund, series or portfolio of the Trusts is valued at fair value based on the closing net asset value ("NAV"). All changes in fair value are recorded as changes in unrealized gains (losses) on investments in the statements of operations of the applicable Divisions. The Separate Account defines fair value as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability (an exit price) in the principal or most advantageous market for the asset or liability in an orderly transaction between market participants on the measurement date. Each Division invests in shares of open-end mutual funds which calculate a daily NAV based on the fair value of the underlying securities in their portfolios. As a result, and as required by law, shares of open-end mutual funds are purchased and redeemed at their daily NAV as reported by the Trusts at the close of each business day.






Security Valuation — (Concluded)

ASC Topic 820, Fair Value Measurement ("ASC 820") provides that the Separate Account is not required to categorize within the fair value hierarchy all investments for which fair value is measured using the NAV per share practical expedient. Additionally, ASC 820 does not require certain disclosures for all investments that are eligible to be measured at fair value using the net asset value per share practical expedient. The Separate Account's investments in shares of a fund, series or portfolio of the Trusts are using NAV as a practical expedient, therefore investments are not categorized within the ASC 820 fair value hierarchy.

Federal Income Taxes

The operations of the Separate Account form a part of the total operations of the Company and are not taxed separately. The Company is taxed as a life insurance company under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code ("IRC"). Under the current provisions of the IRC, the Company does not expect to incur federal income taxes on the earnings of the Separate Account to the extent the earnings are credited under the Contracts. Accordingly, no charge is currently being made to the Separate Account for federal income taxes. The Company will periodically review the status of this policy in the event of changes in the tax law. A charge may be made in future years for any federal income taxes that would be attributable to the Contracts.

Annuity Payouts

Net assets allocated to Contracts in the annuity payout period are computed according to industry standard mortality tables and, if any, are shown in net assets from Contracts in payout on the statements of assets and liabilities. The assumed investment return is between 3.0 and 6.0 percent. The mortality risk is fully borne by the Company and may result in additional amounts being transferred into the Separate Account by the Company to cover greater longevity of annuitants than expected. Conversely, if amounts allocated exceed amounts required, transfers may be made to the Company. Annuity payouts, if any, are included in transfers for Contract benefits and terminations on the statements of changes in net assets of the applicable Divisions.

Purchase Payments

Purchase payments received from Contract owners by the Company are credited as accumulation units as of the end of the valuation period in which received, as provided in the prospectus for the Contracts, and are reported as Contract transactions on the statements of changes in net assets of the applicable Divisions.

Net Transfers

Assets transferred by the Contract owner into or out of Divisions within the Separate Account or into or out of the fixed account, which is part of the Company's general account, are recorded on a net basis as net transfers in the statements of changes in net assets of the applicable Divisions.

Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in accordance with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect amounts reported herein. Actual results could differ from these estimates.


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused volatility within the global economy and financial markets. This pandemic may last for an extended period of time and may continue to impact the economy for the foreseeable future. These events may negatively affect the Separate Account's operations or financial results.






The following annual Separate Account charge paid to the Company is an asset-based charge and assessed through a daily reduction in unit values, which are recorded as administrative charges in the accompanying statements of operations of the applicable Divisions:

Administrative — The Company has responsibility for the administration of the Contracts and the Separate Account. Generally, the administrative charge is related to the maintenance, including distribution, of each Contract and the Separate Account.

The following annual Separate Account charges paid to the Company are asset-based charges and assessed through a daily reduction in unit values, which are recorded as expenses in the accompanying statements of operations of the applicable Divisions:

Mortality and Expense Risk — The mortality risk assumed by the Company is the risk that those insured may die sooner than anticipated and therefore, the Company will pay an aggregate amount of death benefits greater than anticipated. The expense risk assumed is the risk that expenses incurred in issuing and administering the Contracts will exceed the amounts realized from the administrative charges assessed against the Contracts. In addition, the charge compensates the Company for the risk that the insured (the annuitant) may live longer than estimated and the Company would be obligated to pay more in income payments than anticipated.

Optional Death Benefit Rider — For an additional charge, the total death benefit payable may be increased based on increases in account value of the Contracts.

Earnings Preservation Benefit — For an additional charge, the Company will provide additional amounts at death to pay expenses that may be due upon the death of the Contract owner, unless the Contract owner is a non-natural person and then the benefit is payable upon the death of the annuitant. This amount may not be sufficient to cover expenses that the Contract owner's heirs may have to pay.

Enhanced Stepped-Up Benefit Rider — For an additional charge, the total death benefit payable may be increased based on the greater of the account balance or highest annual Contract anniversary value in the Contract or the greater of the account balance, annual increase amount or highest annual Contract anniversary value in the Contract.

Preservation and Growth Rider — For an additional charge, the Company will guarantee at a future date the Account Value (adjusted for withdrawals) will not be less than the initial Purchase Payment.

The table below represents the range of effective annual rates for each respective charge for the year ended December 31, 2021.

Administrative  0.10% - 0.50% 
Mortality and Expense Risk0.00% - 2.05%
Optional Death Benefit Rider0.25%
Earnings Preservation Benefit0.25%
Enhanced Stepped-Up Benefit Rider0.10% - 0.35%
Preservation and Growth Rider1.15% - 1.80%

The above referenced charges may not necessarily correspond to the costs associated with providing the services or benefits indicated by the designation of the charge or associated with a particular Contract. The range of the effective rates disclosed above excludes any waivers granted to certain Divisions.

The following optional rider charges paid to the Company are charged at each Contract anniversary date through the redemption of units, which are recorded as Contract charges in the accompanying statements of changes in net assets of the applicable Divisions:

Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit — For an additional charge, the Company will guarantee that the Contract value will not be less than a guaranteed minimum amount at the end of a specified number of years.






Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee — For an additional charge, the Company will guarantee the periodic return on the investment for life.

Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit — For an additional charge, the Company will guarantee the periodic return on the investment.

Guaranteed Minimum Income Benefit — For an additional charge, the Company will guarantee a minimum payment regardless of market conditions.

Enhanced Death Benefit — For an additional charge, the amount of the death benefit will be the greater of the account value or the death benefit base.

Enhanced Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit — For an additional charge, the Company will guarantee that at least the entire amount of purchase payments will be returned through a series of withdrawals without annuitizing.

The table below represents the range of effective annual rates for each respective charge for the year ended December 31, 2021:

Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit  0.75% 
Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee0.50% - 1.50%
Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit0.90%
Guaranteed Minimum Income Benefit0.50% - 1.00%
Enhanced Death Benefit0.60% - 1.15%
Enhanced Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit0.50% - .55%

The above referenced charges may not necessarily correspond to the costs associated with providing the services or benefits indicated by the designation of the charge or associated with a particular Contract.

A Contract administrative charge which ranges from $0 to $30 is assessed on an annual basis for Contracts with a value of less than $50,000, which may be waived if the Contract reaches a certain asset size or under certain circumstances. The Company reserves the right to charge a transfer fee ranging from $0 to $25 after twelve transfers are made in a Contract year or, for certain Contracts. Currently, the Company is not charging a transfer fee. These charges are paid to the Company, assessed through redemption of units, and recorded as Contract charges in the accompanying statements of changes in net assets.

In addition, certain Contracts impose a surrender charge of 0% to 10% if the Contract is partially or fully surrendered within the specified surrender charge period. These charges are paid to the Company, assessed through redemption of units, and recorded as Contract charges in the accompanying statements of changes in net assets of the applicable Divisions for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020.






  As of December 31, 2021 For the year ended
December 31, 2021


Cost ($)
Cost of
Purchases ($)
from Sales ($)
American Funds® Global Growth Division6,079163,66019,43356,644
American Funds® Global Small Capitalization Division13,453,127292,453,83019,067,80273,195,636
American Funds® Growth Division10,765,568753,647,820186,446,539215,732,094
American Funds® Growth-Income Division12,175,017505,900,01822,288,362134,479,695
American Funds® The Bond Fund of America Division7,557,98784,063,52015,411,90914,653,807
BHFTI AB Global Dynamic Allocation Division89,608,927954,342,44270,690,745192,875,896
BHFTI Allspring Mid Cap Value Division15,777182,5506,38546,976
BHFTI American Funds® Balanced Allocation Division67,288,371641,807,01047,319,628124,739,893
BHFTI American Funds® Growth Allocation Division42,621,372388,137,15741,360,43564,983,116
BHFTI American Funds® Growth Division21,652,039212,323,49926,552,343101,246,558
BHFTI American Funds® Moderate Allocation Division67,388,487637,270,97041,793,111114,717,592
BHFTI BlackRock Global Tactical Strategies Division134,998,2641,333,974,47378,748,882247,611,521
BHFTI BlackRock High Yield Division46,850356,88971,725151,881
BHFTI Brighthouse Asset Allocation 100 Division19,311,648226,139,32033,705,03431,807,793
BHFTI Brighthouse Balanced Plus Division274,311,6942,920,766,311199,838,595531,853,611
BHFTI Brighthouse Small Cap Value Division1,069,18115,400,7701,994,6453,799,784
BHFTI Brighthouse/Aberdeen Emerging Markets Equity
BHFTI Brighthouse/Eaton Vance Floating Rate Division1,988,51720,163,1084,099,3654,423,451
BHFTI Brighthouse/Franklin Low Duration Total Return
BHFTI Brighthouse/Templeton International Bond Division587,3875,970,734497,498625,879
BHFTI Brighthouse/Wellington Large Cap Research Division46,904,885593,636,99197,023,394107,670,659
BHFTI CBRE Global Real Estate Division12,266,341148,240,0798,207,32638,378,267
BHFTI Harris Oakmark International Division26,827,032351,125,00818,089,42489,741,875
BHFTI Invesco Balanced-Risk Allocation Division41,147,946411,388,79132,871,15962,725,568
BHFTI Invesco Comstock Division1,07715,1661,11650,294
BHFTI Invesco Global Equity Division8,817,484165,508,86719,520,90244,483,201
BHFTI Invesco Small Cap Growth Division4,835,94968,958,69826,792,40815,418,896
BHFTI JPMorgan Core Bond Division6,867,33471,698,3587,934,5229,327,125
BHFTI JPMorgan Global Active Allocation Division53,880,681604,420,34145,223,566113,697,117
BHFTI JPMorgan Small Cap Value Division975,53114,546,6913,136,4457,670,480
BHFTI Loomis Sayles Global Allocation Division5,413,89981,432,62014,611,06417,141,710
BHFTI Loomis Sayles Growth Division30,182,551387,584,09318,842,03191,958,786
BHFTI MetLife Multi-Index Targeted Risk Division58,527,351685,504,73544,666,096132,022,133
BHFTI MFS® Research International Division11,497,427131,183,37311,750,02326,993,618
BHFTI Morgan Stanley Discovery Division34,074,859726,972,749477,645,189161,984,854
BHFTI PanAgora Global Diversified Risk Division8,026,63886,388,31713,366,69715,833,259
BHFTI PanAgora Global Diversified Risk II Division99,133,206978,722,55736,871,311152,000,966
BHFTI PIMCO Inflation Protected Bond Division29,950,180321,968,50028,950,26537,919,168
BHFTI PIMCO Total Return Division58,437,753687,023,48871,796,26267,629,469
BHFTI Schroders Global Multi-Asset Division47,129,259549,938,2513,651,820127,110,876
BHFTI SSGA Growth and Income ETF Division46,844,197520,539,49842,840,329111,817,802
BHFTI SSGA Growth ETF Division9,694,525109,633,25012,213,51622,581,009
BHFTI T. Rowe Price Large Cap Value Division20,799575,30722,806129,858
BHFTI T. Rowe Price Mid Cap Growth Division42,271,046411,598,37056,198,99187,613,253
BHFTI TCW Core Fixed Income Division4,42144,9122,7176,414
BHFTI Victory Sycamore Mid Cap Value Division16,614,918289,278,64227,013,71675,156,877
BHFTI Western Asset Management Government Income
BHFTII Baillie Gifford International Stock Division9,059,552105,479,96021,680,93221,176,653
BHFTII BlackRock Bond Income Division3,392,332362,288,58435,950,86543,857,975






  As of December 31, 2021 For the year ended
December 31, 2021


Cost ($)
Cost of
Purchases ($)
from Sales ($)
BHFTII BlackRock Capital Appreciation Division4,438,117162,439,89540,897,85048,467,781
BHFTII BlackRock Ultra-Short Term Bond Division374,99737,681,03417,763,71227,617,656
BHFTII Brighthouse Asset Allocation 20 Division24,624,731268,696,63318,408,18447,968,925
BHFTII Brighthouse Asset Allocation 40 Division68,526,323755,343,54360,325,583125,359,914
BHFTII Brighthouse Asset Allocation 60 Division234,057,2902,620,939,556238,914,931463,384,730
BHFTII Brighthouse Asset Allocation 80 Division120,034,5641,430,478,444154,957,903224,783,407
BHFTII Brighthouse/Artisan Mid Cap Value Division690,843149,548,51516,728,01838,573,473
BHFTII Brighthouse/Dimensional International Small
Company Division
BHFTII Brighthouse/Wellington Balanced Division27,931,016500,737,11769,710,34367,269,751
BHFTII Brighthouse/Wellington Core Equity Opportunities
BHFTII Frontier Mid Cap Growth Division13,729,734415,487,98183,045,01570,895,111
BHFTII Jennison Growth Division14,122,523227,052,73983,632,91570,159,684
BHFTII Loomis Sayles Small Cap Core Division562,106132,079,55916,233,16730,991,388
BHFTII Loomis Sayles Small Cap Growth Division4,304,77654,835,62910,253,55511,166,066
BHFTII MetLife Aggregate Bond Index Division84,086,502912,404,17284,383,00580,709,048
BHFTII MetLife Mid Cap Stock Index Division24,323,503376,647,00040,674,72996,940,115
BHFTII MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index Division29,242,287351,728,81318,951,12460,244,563
BHFTII MetLife Russell 2000® Index Division14,891,127250,059,76541,881,67261,822,248
BHFTII MetLife Stock Index Division49,695,2971,953,745,514277,664,480511,297,413
BHFTII MFS® Total Return Division658,24099,893,72012,428,61315,681,864
BHFTII MFS® Value Division35,163,104523,867,84228,513,587124,532,061
BHFTII Neuberger Berman Genesis Division12,254,029213,524,27525,888,44349,533,205
BHFTII T. Rowe Price Large Cap Growth Division25,545,643543,306,097103,005,229127,924,826
BHFTII T. Rowe Price Small Cap Growth Division18,732,048359,977,59360,691,10675,450,647
BHFTII Van Eck Global Natural Resources Division2,022,00420,705,6071,648,7699,769,311
BHFTII Western Asset Management Strategic Bond
Opportunities Division
BHFTII Western Asset Management U.S. Government
BlackRock Global Allocation V.I. Division1,39520,5036,308104,786
Calvert VP SRI Balanced Division21,306,31043,798,2004,771,6736,924,234
Calvert VP SRI Mid Cap Division209,7816,404,832458,172902,579
Delaware VIP® Small Cap Value Division2069479
Fidelity® VIP Contrafund® Division18,696636,931131,354122,978
Fidelity® VIP Equity-Income Division2,777,83861,965,8119,706,5716,856,076
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2020 Division285,3193,976,9801,776,5951,808,824
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2025 Division469,0227,303,3773,454,3712,737,146
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2030 Division496,1617,625,4104,068,1772,091,219
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2035 Division158,4324,180,9553,033,699653,490
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2040 Division105,4042,615,9761,814,101894,856
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2045 Division105,4432,487,1491,078,010142,222
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2050 Division257,7095,647,6733,109,1761,015,362
Fidelity® VIP FundsManager 50% Division16,596,693197,841,7376,928,53829,886,898
Fidelity® VIP FundsManager 60% Division19,509,346199,855,2046,774,80329,647,669
Fidelity® VIP Government Money Market Division4,949,0444,949,044594,8441,610,245
Fidelity® VIP Growth Division1,376,10984,654,42228,608,55812,963,425
Fidelity® VIP Investment Grade Bond Division668,9118,732,5801,011,9591,133,359
Fidelity® VIP Mid Cap Division13,855447,10886,92153,303
FTVIPT Templeton Developing Markets VIP Division4,66336,6241,5792,285
FTVIPT Templeton Foreign VIP Division365035041






  As of December 31, 2021 For the year ended
December 31, 2021


Cost ($)
Cost of
Purchases ($)
from Sales ($)
Janus Henderson Enterprise Division1,657111,00619,36632,938
LMPVET ClearBridge Variable Appreciation Division98438,9223,7485,875
LMPVET ClearBridge Variable Dividend Strategy Division4,04671,82011,2807,916
LMPVET ClearBridge Variable Large Cap Growth Division12,863332,45153,56476,934
LMPVET ClearBridge Variable Small Cap Growth Division1,69448,08214,70115,248
LMPVIT Western Asset Core Plus Division714161136,990
Morgan Stanley VIF Global Infrastructure Division7,95161,52211,54611,533
PIMCO VIT CommodityRealReturn® Strategy Division5,07137,3741,6126,221
PIMCO VIT Dynamic Bond Division1,99420,4381,47017,330
PIMCO VIT Emerging Markets Bond Division3,24541,5053,6209,256
TAP 1919 Variable Socially Responsive Balanced Division2808,06198128,176





For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020:

  American Funds®
Global Growth
 American Funds®
Global Small Capitalization
 American Funds® Growth
Units beginning of year31,18434,7627,379,4408,707,1732,243,9982,560,095
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year26,20331,1846,543,3707,379,4401,983,5432,243,998
BHFTI Allspring
Mid Cap Value
BHFTI American Funds®
Balanced Allocation
BHFTI American Funds®
Growth Allocation
Units beginning of year7,35311,94240,375,70945,337,70721,672,18223,820,328
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year6,2647,35335,523,22340,375,70920,115,53721,672,182
BlackRock High Yield
BHFTI Brighthouse
Asset Allocation 100
Brighthouse Balanced Plus
Units beginning of year48,50145,7808,453,5439,271,704189,208,847212,617,604
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year37,76448,5017,902,5188,453,543164,181,154189,208,847
BHFTI Brighthouse/Franklin
Low Duration Total Return
BHFTI Brighthouse/Templeton
International Bond
BHFTI Brighthouse/Wellington
Large Cap Research
Units beginning of year6,584,2207,151,707421,632432,5127,965,7768,991,065
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year6,579,3886,584,220414,855421,6327,052,4627,965,776

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.


  American Funds®
 American Funds®
The Bond Fund of America
 BHFTI AB Global
Dynamic Allocation
Units beginning of year2,655,4282,980,1494,240,0054,042,10078,219,41789,425,360
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year2,276,1222,655,4284,106,2744,240,00567,331,76578,219,417
American Funds® Growth
BHFTI American
Funds® Moderate Allocation
BHFTI BlackRock Global
Tactical Strategies
Units beginning of year10,039,90413,396,42942,632,50148,048,192103,549,645117,923,351
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year7,703,18510,039,90437,338,88642,632,50188,958,635103,549,645
Brighthouse Small Cap Value
BHFTI Brighthouse/Aberdeen
Emerging Markets Equity
BHFTI Brighthouse/
Eaton Vance Floating Rate
Units beginning of year492,592507,1303,047,9273,782,5641,594,0882,151,505
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year449,964492,5922,787,9683,047,9271,540,0341,594,088
CBRE Global Real Estate
Harris Oakmark International
BHFTI Invesco
Balanced-Risk Allocation
Units beginning of year7,956,9168,161,37413,069,94913,819,826305,812,256351,901,497
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year6,612,1187,956,91611,034,40113,069,949271,882,939305,812,256





7.  SCHEDULES OF UNITS — (Continued)
For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020:

  BHFTI Invesco Comstock
 BHFTI Invesco Global Equity
Invesco Small Cap Growth
Units beginning of year6,4886,18813,483,62715,182,4821,205,9331,335,510
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year4,3946,48812,898,55813,483,6271,160,1061,205,933
BHFTI Loomis Sayles
Global Allocation
BHFTI Loomis Sayles Growth
Multi-Index Targeted Risk
Units beginning of year3,759,1114,334,72816,516,88121,007,586511,620,263572,965,706
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year3,349,3023,759,11113,754,69616,516,881439,723,634511,620,263
BHFTI PanAgora
Global Diversified Risk II
Inflation Protected Bond
BHFTI PIMCO Total Return
Units beginning of year70,369,64279,861,50519,226,11420,971,53434,236,76036,674,056
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year60,263,50970,369,64218,836,52919,226,11432,619,51834,236,760
BHFTI T. Rowe Price
Large Cap Value
BHFTI T. Rowe Price
Mid Cap Growth
Core Fixed Income
Units beginning of year28,68133,08413,981,48416,418,3784,57322,517
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year25,96328,68112,061,66913,981,4844,0564,573

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.


JPMorgan Core Bond
Global Active Allocation
JPMorgan Small Cap Value
Units beginning of year5,908,3276,207,730462,254,239534,476,737768,068808,325
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year5,727,5345,908,327402,997,702462,254,239600,320768,068
Research International
BHFTI Morgan
Stanley Discovery
BHFTI PanAgora
Global Diversified Risk
Units beginning of year8,036,1598,765,9109,587,82711,049,92767,636,60264,915,547
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year7,162,7278,036,1598,569,7029,587,82761,606,27167,636,602
Schroders Global Multi-Asset
Growth and Income ETF
Units beginning of year455,182,622524,050,03330,781,26535,242,9606,011,2016,956,479
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year381,747,388455,182,62226,261,15430,781,2655,267,3226,011,201
BHFTI Victory
Sycamore Mid Cap Value
BHFTI Western
Asset Management
Government Income
BHFTII Baillie Gifford
International Stock
Units beginning of year7,196,5757,872,02232,375,50332,564,0195,562,5906,117,346
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year6,175,8757,196,57527,345,17032,375,5035,050,4195,562,590





7.  SCHEDULES OF UNITS — (Continued)
For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020:

  BHFTII BlackRock
Bond Income
 BHFTII BlackRock
Capital Appreciation
 BHFTII BlackRock
Ultra-Short Term Bond
Units beginning of year7,023,7877,472,1893,762,7274,262,5143,242,2023,255,640
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year6,550,5967,023,7873,306,1533,762,7272,745,8023,242,202
BHFTII Brighthouse
Asset Allocation 80
BHFTII Brighthouse/Artisan
Mid Cap Value
BHFTII Brighthouse/
Dimensional International
Small Company
Units beginning of year68,356,19976,334,8953,488,8973,807,667256,198299,239
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year61,203,56968,356,1993,074,5373,488,897217,756256,198
BHFTII Jennison Growth
Loomis Sayles Small Cap Core
Sayles Small Cap Growth
Units beginning of year10,579,88311,874,0952,707,7813,029,6221,855,4952,127,099
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year9,073,41710,579,8832,370,9892,707,7811,695,4081,855,495
MetLife Russell 2000® Index
MetLife Stock Index
MFS® Total Return
Units beginning of year7,531,8058,484,81225,861,61629,028,5652,535,2262,894,622
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year6,792,0387,531,80522,605,51825,861,6162,306,7202,535,226

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.


  BHFTII Brighthouse
Asset Allocation 20
 BHFTII Brighthouse
Asset Allocation 40
 BHFTII Brighthouse
Asset Allocation 60
Units beginning of year17,601,42919,652,65843,790,06049,796,769138,788,939157,596,785
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year15,403,57817,601,42938,513,41943,790,060120,826,699138,788,939
BHFTII Brighthouse/
Wellington Balanced
BHFTII Brighthouse/
Wellington Core Equity
BHFTII Frontier
Mid Cap Growth
Units beginning of year7,735,3288,451,2447,259,4728,239,8744,933,2815,529,994
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year7,106,1757,735,3286,291,2027,259,4724,467,8544,933,281
Aggregate Bond Index
Mid Cap Stock Index
MetLife MSCI EAFE® Index
Units beginning of year48,820,79351,794,17511,467,06012,674,25624,590,51725,852,531
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year48,385,24848,820,7939,859,09911,467,06022,411,51524,590,517
Neuberger Berman Genesis
BHFTII T. Rowe Price
Large Cap Growth
Units beginning of year45,919,27147,345,1246,733,2297,645,03713,310,31415,477,657
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year40,856,42645,919,2715,912,2936,733,22911,647,25113,310,314





7.  SCHEDULES OF UNITS — (Continued)
For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020:

  BHFTII T. Rowe Price
Small Cap Growth
Global Natural Resources
 BHFTII Western Asset
Management Strategic
Bond Opportunities
Units beginning of year7,569,0008,620,3612,324,8902,701,65611,354,14112,363,002
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year6,652,9697,569,0001,734,4102,324,89010,455,44911,354,141
Calvert VP SRI Mid Cap
VIP® Small Cap Value
Fidelity® VIP Contrafund®
Units beginning of year92,109109,29144844861,96566,654
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year84,00792,10944844855,85161,965
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2030
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2035
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2040
Units beginning of year232,863178,87856,15015,78849,75839,636
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year290,180232,863112,23956,15068,49449,758
Fidelity® VIP
FundsManager 60%
Fidelity® VIP
Government Money Market
Fidelity® VIP Growth
Units beginning of year13,649,02315,189,665366,357330,518663,454744,359
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year12,336,63913,649,023306,845366,357611,993663,454

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.


  BHFTII Western Asset
Management U.S. Government
Global Allocation V.I.
 Calvert VP SRI Balanced
Units beginning of year7,382,2347,078,4574,0814,191954,5671,030,290
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year6,670,7797,382,2346524,081894,700954,567
Fidelity® VIP Equity-Income
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2020
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2025
Units beginning of year1,351,9031,544,624175,053135,554270,297158,625
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year1,248,0361,351,903163,380175,053287,972270,297
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2045
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2050
Fidelity® VIP
FundsManager 50%
Units beginning of year48,51426,012104,59341,24713,833,22415,805,863
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year68,49648,514149,456104,59312,481,99013,833,224
Fidelity® VIP
Investment Grade Bond
Fidelity® VIP Mid Cap
FTVIPT Templeton
Developing Markets VIP
Units beginning of year235,580240,86547,93551,63124,76724,767
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year223,841235,58043,73247,93524,00724,767





7.  SCHEDULES OF UNITS — (Concluded)
For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020:

Foreign VIP
 Janus Henderson Enterprise
 LMPVET ClearBridge
Variable Appreciation
2021 (a)2021202020212020
Units beginning of year10,32810,1954,9855,773
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year1128,70710,3284,6104,985
Western Asset Core Plus
 Morgan Stanley
VIF Global Infrastructure
Units beginning of year9,71210,9104,0564,4765,1525,237
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year1089,7123,8514,0564,4515,152

(a) Had no net assets at December 31, 2020.


  LMPVET ClearBridge
Variable Dividend Strategy
 LMPVET ClearBridge
Variable Large Cap Growth
 LMPVET ClearBridge
Variable Small Cap Growth
Units beginning of year43,96141,41278,69192,7118,4478,421
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year42,16143,96171,48778,6917,5728,447
  PIMCO VIT Dynamic Bond
Emerging Markets Bond
 TAP 1919 Variable Socially
Responsive Balanced
Units beginning of year3,3818,1034,0125,1354,5404,540
Units issued and transferred
from other funding options
Units redeemed and transferred to
other funding options
Units end of year1,8803,3813,4304,0121,0854,540






The Company sells a number of variable annuity products which have unique combinations of features and fees, some of which directly affect the unit values of the Divisions. Differences in the fee structures result in a variety of unit values, expense ratios, and total returns.

The following table is a summary of unit values and units outstanding for the Contracts, net assets, net investment income ratios, expense ratios, excluding expenses for the underlying fund, series, or portfolio, and total return ratios for the respective stated periods in the five years ended December 31, 2021:

    As of December 31 For the year ended December 31 
UnitsUnit Value
Lowest to
Highest ($)
Assets ($)
Ratio (%)
Expense Ratio2
Lowest to
Highest (%)
Total Return3
Lowest to
Highest (%)
American Funds® Global202126,20310.43273,1670.330.9015.38
Growth Division202031,1849.04281,7700.350.9029.29
American Funds® Global20216,543,3706.68 - 81.70443,145,9560.50 - 2.504.10 - 6.05
Small Capitalization Division20207,379,4406.36 - 77.12474,942,1950.170.50 - 2.5026.51 - 28.88
20198,707,1734.98 - 59.90437,123,6060.150.50 - 2.5028.27 - 30.67
201810,120,8093.85 - 45.89391,323,3130.080.50 - 2.50(12.77) - (11.13)
201711,417,3544.37 - 51.69501,546,4510.430.50 - 2.5022.80 - 25.08
American Funds® Growth20211,983,5434.12 - 996.381,359,475,8330.210.50 - 2.3519.16 - 21.08
Division20202,243,9983.43 - 822.931,297,004,9710.320.50 - 2.3548.54 - 50.94
20192,560,0952.30 - 545.201,023,148,0920.730.50 - 2.3527.74 - 29.80
20182,922,1231.79 - 420.04911,540,5080.420.50 - 2.35(2.58) - (1.00)
20173,364,8291.82 - 424.271,071,645,6900.490.50 - 2.3525.32 - 27.34
American Funds®20212,276,12234.22 - 472.35808,908,0491.100.50 - 2.3521.21 - 23.17
Growth-Income Division20202,655,42828.02 - 383.50766,106,5261.350.50 - 2.3510.90 - 12.69
20192,980,14925.08 - 340.30767,275,5781.620.50 - 2.3523.21 - 25.19
20183,405,90720.20 - 271.82704,784,7931.350.50 - 2.35(4.08) - (2.52)
20173,958,83120.90 - 278.86845,856,6361.360.50 - 2.3519.55 - 21.47
American Funds® The Bond20214,106,2741.17 - 24.9683,591,2631.400.50 - 2.10(2.38) - (0.95)
Fund of America Division20204,240,0051.19 - 25.2087,818,3992.170.50 - 2.107.45 - 9.02
20194,042,1001.09 - 23.1177,224,0662.590.50 - 2.107.09 - 8.65
20184,211,3061.01 - 21.2774,861,5932.310.50 - 2.15(2.84) - (1.36)
20174,884,1821.03 - 21.5688,742,2321.880.50 - 2.151.31 - 3.00
BHFTI AB Global Dynamic202167,331,76515.55 - 17.301,149,682,5050.221.10 - 2.107.01 - 8.08
Allocation Division202078,219,41714.53 - 16.011,236,443,8921.771.10 - 2.103.88 - 4.92
201989,425,36013.99 - 15.261,348,392,1493.461.10 - 2.1015.62 - 16.78
2018102,653,57012.10 - 13.071,327,086,6931.661.10 - 2.10(8.91) - (7.99)
2017116,190,13813.28 - 14.201,634,691,1831.481.10 - 2.1011.26 - 12.38
BHFTI Allspring Mid Cap20216,26437.87 - 41.38248,6270.631.10 - 1.6026.90 - 27.54
Value Division20207,35329.85 - 32.44229,9680.891.10 - 1.601.08 - 1.59
201911,94229.53 - 31.93368,9580.661.10 - 1.6033.38 - 34.05
201812,53422.14 - 23.82289,5130.971.10 - 1.60(14.68) - (14.24)
201712,68125.94 - 27.78342,5031.051.10 - 1.609.04 - 9.58
BHFTI American Funds®202135,523,2232.24 - 25.36792,659,6691.180.50 - 2.109.81 - 11.82
Balanced Allocation Division202040,375,7092.03 - 22.68813,811,6561.720.50 - 2.1013.16 - 15.09
201945,337,7071.77 - 19.71800,925,8551.800.50 - 2.1017.04 - 19.11
201851,701,0131.50 - 16.55773,156,1701.460.50 - 2.10(6.31) - (4.58)
201758,085,5611.59 - 17.34919,484,6431.490.50 - 2.1014.44 - 16.44






    As of December 31 For the year ended December 31 
UnitsUnit Value
Lowest to
Highest ($)
Assets ($)
Ratio (%)
Expense Ratio2
Lowest to
Highest (%)
Total Return3
Lowest to
Highest (%)
BHFTI American Funds®202120,115,5372.51 - 27.85502,935,5050.810.50 - 2.1513.44 - 15.33
Growth Allocation Division202021,672,1822.20 - 24.15473,694,3891.560.50 - 2.1514.43 - 16.34
201923,820,3281.90 - 20.76451,501,0181.680.50 - 2.1521.01 - 23.02
201825,965,6281.56 - 16.87403,169,4711.210.50 - 2.15(7.78) - (6.24)
201728,757,0291.67 - 17.99479,556,3431.240.50 - 2.1518.77 - 20.74
BHFTI American Funds®20217,703,1854.59 - 46.90344,916,9450.95 - 2.2518.92 - 20.47
Growth Division202010,039,9043.82 - 38.93374,416,4890.840.95 - 2.2548.25 - 50.20
201913,396,4292.55 - 25.92333,656,4490.440.95 - 2.2527.44 - 29.11
201816,299,1791.98 - 20.08315,250,7700.390.95 - 2.25(2.73) - (1.44)
201720,103,2662.01 - 20.37395,973,3730.400.95 - 2.2525.06 - 26.70
BHFTI American Funds®202137,338,8862.08 - 21.93738,578,2201.540.50 - 2.107.36 - 9.09
Moderate Allocation Division202042,632,5011.91 - 20.11778,574,0101.890.50 - 2.1010.64 - 12.43
201948,048,1921.71 - 17.88786,219,7041.980.50 - 2.1013.74 - 15.58
201854,921,2541.48 - 15.47782,649,5261.730.50 - 2.10(5.43) - (3.90)
201763,563,4501.55 - 16.10949,575,5571.770.50 - 2.1010.62 - 12.40
BHFTI BlackRock Global202188,958,63514.92 - 16.601,456,631,2401.361.10 - 2.107.51 - 8.59
Tactical Strategies Division2020103,549,64513.87 - 15.281,562,480,8691.581.10 - 2.102.14 - 3.17
2019117,923,35113.58 - 14.821,726,223,5490.191.10 - 2.1018.12 - 19.31
2018135,196,01711.50 - 12.421,660,961,1941.421.10 - 2.10(9.12) - (8.20)
2017151,440,67912.70 - 13.532,029,561,0040.671.10 - 2.0511.02 - 12.07
BHFTI BlackRock High Yield202137,7644.05 - 38.46374,2244.040.90 - 1.603.51 - 4.59
Division202048,5013.89 - 36.97449,8455.340.90 - 1.605.80 - 6.79
201945,7803.65 - 34.77449,6265.890.90 - 1.6013.03 - 14.02
201836,4463.21 - 30.61389,6574.970.90 - 1.60(4.42) - (3.46)
201733,6153.33 - 31.86413,6025.400.90 - 1.606.05 - 7.10
BHFTI Brighthouse Asset20217,902,5183.43 - 62.92278,055,9341.200.50 - 2.0015.79 - 17.54
Allocation 100 Division20208,453,5432.93 - 53.89254,598,5241.260.50 - 2.0016.55 - 18.32
20199,271,7042.49 - 45.81237,520,2461.630.50 - 2.0524.90 - 26.85
201810,018,4241.97 - 36.34204,491,2331.120.50 - 2.05(11.90) - (10.52)
201710,787,7092.14 - 40.84248,628,0401.340.50 - 2.0520.45 - 22.32
BHFTI Brighthouse Balanced2021164,181,15418.19 - 20.353,294,483,4282.321.10 - 2.155.26 - 6.37
Plus Division2020189,208,84717.28 - 19.133,572,331,7632.351.10 - 2.1510.12 - 11.29
2019212,617,60415.69 - 17.193,610,425,4432.031.10 - 2.1520.94 - 22.21
2018237,803,62712.98 - 14.073,308,331,9161.671.10 - 2.15(9.34) - (8.38)
2017254,482,46014.31 - 15.353,869,437,2361.551.10 - 2.1515.82 - 17.04
BHFTI Brighthouse Small Cap2021449,9644.82 - 52.1120,325,0980.830.50 - 1.5529.74 - 31.11
Value Division2020492,5923.69 - 39.7517,064,2781.340.50 - 1.55(2.11) - (1.07)
2019507,1303.74 - 40.1817,894,7410.890.50 - 1.6026.73 - 28.13
2018568,3952.93 - 31.3615,380,9521.040.50 - 1.60(16.59) - (15.66)
2017611,4653.49 - 37.1819,791,2850.910.50 - 1.559.99 - 11.14
BHFTI Brighthouse/Aberdeen20212,787,9681.61 - 15.3440,417,6200.170.90 - 2.25(7.18) - (5.66)
Emerging Markets Equity20203,047,9271.70 - 16.3147,234,5622.070.90 - 2.2524.46 - 26.53
Division20193,782,5641.35 - 12.9346,669,8171.650.90 - 2.2518.06 - 19.90
20184,595,1661.12 - 10.8147,553,4412.600.90 - 2.25(16.10) - (14.69)
20174,781,8631.32 - 12.7258,423,9371.090.90 - 2.2525.48 - 27.44






    As of December 31 For the year ended December 31 
UnitsUnit Value
Lowest to
Highest ($)
Assets ($)
Ratio (%)
Expense Ratio2
Lowest to
Highest (%)
Total Return3
Lowest to
Highest (%)
BHFTI Brighthouse/Eaton20211,540,03411.92 - 13.2419,666,3893.171.10 - 2.001.45 - 2.37
Vance Floating Rate Division20201,594,08811.75 - 12.9419,938,2794.671.10 - 2.000.04 - 0.94
20192,151,50511.69 - 12.8126,783,9354.581.10 - 2.054.86 - 5.86
20182,481,21811.15 - 12.1129,267,5973.531.10 - 2.05(1.74) - (0.79)
20172,489,14811.34 - 12.2029,625,6593.781.10 - 2.051.58 - 2.55
BHFTI Brighthouse/Franklin20216,579,3889.50 - 11.1567,677,4691.860.50 - 2.00(1.70) - (0.22)
Low Duration Total Return20206,584,2209.66 - 11.1768,394,9753.390.50 - 2.000.10 - 1.61
Division20197,151,7079.65 - 11.0073,642,8773.320.50 - 2.002.56 - 4.11
20187,585,9439.23 - 10.5675,568,7311.770.50 - 2.25(1.81) - (0.07)
20178,361,0249.56 - 10.5783,966,0941.430.50 - 2.00(0.67) - 0.83
BHFTI Brighthouse/Templeton2021414,85510.36 - 11.404,563,9510.95 - 1.70(6.61) - (5.91)
International Bond Division2020421,63210.71 - 12.114,944,0126.250.95 - 2.00(7.78) - (6.80)
2019432,51211.62 - 13.005,449,8388.380.95 - 2.00(0.84) - 0.21
2018489,07911.71 - 12.976,165,0860.95 - 2.00(1.01) - 0.04
2017589,79611.83 - 12.967,449,8140.95 - 2.00(1.84) - (0.80)
BHFTI20217,052,4624.12 - 861.21889,105,2370.840.00 - 2.5021.13 - 24.48
Brighthouse/Wellington Large20207,965,7763.34 - 691.83805,727,8871.110.00 - 2.5019.31 - 22.37
Cap Research Division20198,991,0652.76 - 565.38741,294,7791.120.00 - 2.5028.77 - 32.17
201810,177,1262.12 - 427.76636,225,8471.000.00 - 2.50(8.49) - (6.08)
201711,512,9382.28 - 455.44764,291,1871.050.00 - 2.5019.14 - 22.18
BHFTI CBRE Global Real20216,612,1182.99 - 32.07183,528,7742.890.50 - 2.2531.43 - 33.83
Estate Division20207,956,9162.24 - 23.97166,520,7924.520.50 - 2.25(7.14) - (5.40)
20198,161,3742.38 - 25.37182,528,7453.080.50 - 2.2522.03 - 24.29
20189,504,1971.93 - 20.43172,053,7445.960.50 - 2.25(10.69) - (8.95)
201710,875,3522.13 - 22.47218,280,0393.470.50 - 2.258.29 - 10.26
BHFTI Harris Oakmark202111,034,4013.43 - 40.64379,548,5850.650.50 - 2.256.03 - 7.96
International Division202013,069,9493.19 - 37.66418,249,8723.300.50 - 2.252.77 - 4.68
201913,819,8263.06 - 36.01425,579,6132.210.50 - 2.2521.75 - 24.03
201815,932,8182.48 - 29.06398,451,1521.720.50 - 2.25(25.67) - (24.23)
201716,803,8853.29 - 38.42554,231,9731.640.50 - 2.2527.54 - 29.94
BHFTI Invesco Balanced-Risk2021271,882,9391.44 - 1.56420,943,4573.041.15 - 2.007.52 - 8.44
Allocation Division2020305,812,2561.34 - 1.44436,657,5755.451.15 - 2.007.95 - 8.87
2019351,901,4971.24 - 13.34461,843,4551.10 - 2.0013.00 - 14.02
2018401,048,1071.10 - 11.70462,317,3771.171.10 - 2.00(8.30) - (7.46)
2017445,688,7391.19 - 1.25556,009,7323.731.15 - 2.107.72 - 8.75
BHFTI Invesco Comstock20214,3942.04 - 30.3417,9431.030.90 - 1.3531.40 - 31.99
Division20206,4881.54 - 23.0354,6562.160.90 - 1.35(1.84) - (1.40)
20196,1881.56 - 23.4057,8702.130.90 - 1.3523.28 - 23.84
20186,9571.26 - 18.9449,5870.650.90 - 1.35(13.34) - (12.95)
201710,3791.45 - 21.8047,9582.630.90 - 1.3516.44 - 16.97
BHFTI Invesco Global Equity202112,898,5582.36 - 66.07286,660,5690.060.50 - 2.2512.90 - 15.01
Division202013,483,6272.07 - 57.62281,517,5660.770.50 - 2.1524.93 - 27.09
201915,182,4821.63 - 45.47261,214,7210.910.50 - 2.1528.83 - 31.06
201816,358,8661.25 - 34.80226,269,1641.100.50 - 2.15(14.96) - (13.53)
201715,776,0741.44 - 40.36282,853,0810.990.50 - 2.1533.90 - 36.24






    As of December 31 For the year ended December 31 
UnitsUnit Value
Lowest to
Highest ($)
Assets ($)
Ratio (%)
Expense Ratio2
Lowest to
Highest (%)
Total Return3
Lowest to
Highest (%)
BHFTI Invesco Small Cap20211,160,1066.34 - 75.3573,101,4020.50 - 2.254.55 - 6.40
Growth Division20201,205,9336.01 - 70.8171,253,2890.50 - 2.1553.58 - 55.98
20191,335,5103.89 - 45.4051,053,8640.50 - 2.1521.80 - 23.79
20181,509,5873.17 - 36.6847,102,7310.50 - 2.25(11.08) - (9.50)
20171,615,8843.53 - 40.5356,474,4860.50 - 2.1522.78 - 24.71
BHFTI JPMorgan Core Bond20215,727,53411.05 - 12.6971,214,2212.311.10 - 2.00(3.41) - (2.54)
Division20205,908,32711.14 - 13.0275,426,6953.231.10 - 2.005.75 - 6.71
20196,207,73010.49 - 12.2174,354,9844.541.10 - 2.056.02 - 7.03
20187,254,3489.85 - 11.4181,327,6562.731.10 - 2.05(2.02) - (1.08)
20178,421,96110.01 - 11.5495,678,1972.471.10 - 2.051.22 - 2.18
BHFTI JPMorgan Global2021402,997,7021.67 - 18.29727,927,9720.491.10 - 2.057.41 - 8.44
Active Allocation Division2020462,254,2391.55 - 16.87770,639,0032.301.10 - 2.059.94 - 11.00
2019534,476,7371.41 - 15.20803,699,9602.741.10 - 2.0514.54 - 15.63
2018605,342,0001.23 - 13.14788,207,2951.621.10 - 2.05(9.08) - (8.21)
2017606,636,3281.35 - 14.32861,680,9222.541.10 - 2.1014.24 - 15.38
BHFTI JPMorgan Small Cap2021600,3203.69 - 34.2619,297,0080.960.90 - 2.0530.05 - 31.82
Value Division2020768,0682.80 - 26.1018,968,2771.200.90 - 2.004.01 - 5.39
2019808,3252.65 - 24.8618,936,9211.090.90 - 2.0516.73 - 18.46
2018876,5172.24 - 21.1017,643,2221.080.90 - 2.05(15.67) - (14.54)
20171,036,6342.62 - 24.7824,628,9391.130.90 - 2.051.22 - 2.70
BHFTI Loomis Sayles Global20213,349,3022.79 - 33.77105,733,4050.830.50 - 2.0012.00 - 13.69
Allocation Division20203,759,1112.47 - 29.88105,220,3860.690.50 - 2.0012.51 - 14.21
20194,334,7282.18 - 26.32107,109,8001.490.50 - 2.0524.94 - 26.89
20184,983,6731.73 - 20.8798,196,4281.860.50 - 2.25(7.50) - (5.86)
20175,880,7891.85 - 22.30124,432,4861.390.50 - 2.2520.24 - 22.36
BHFTI Loomis Sayles Growth202113,754,6963.01 - 690.34480,887,2720.030.50 - 2.2515.64 - 17.89
Division202016,516,8812.57 - 586.63486,587,8230.650.50 - 2.2529.28 - 31.68
201921,007,5861.97 - 445.88467,060,1370.840.50 - 2.2520.82 - 23.03
201824,657,8641.61 - 362.64444,649,5920.610.50 - 2.25(9.14) - (7.41)
201729,749,9651.75 - 392.14575,606,3650.750.50 - 2.2515.78 - 17.93
BHFTI MetLife Multi-Index2021439,723,6341.63 - 17.83774,902,0871.760.90 - 2.107.44 - 8.73
Targeted Risk Division2020511,620,2631.51 - 16.43831,657,0422.190.90 - 2.104.34 - 5.60
2019572,965,7061.45 - 15.59884,702,3762.140.90 - 2.1019.18 - 20.62
2018638,887,5511.22 - 12.95820,528,5911.750.90 - 2.10(9.12) - (8.02)
2017689,687,7351.34 - 14.11966,194,5141.470.90 - 2.1013.15 - 14.51
BHFTI MFS® Research20217,162,7272.56 - 30.18168,979,5661.010.50 - 2.159.42 - 11.16
International Division20208,036,1592.32 - 27.15172,621,2212.310.50 - 2.1510.65 - 12.45
20198,765,9102.08 - 24.14168,375,3701.410.50 - 2.1525.74 - 27.67
201810,106,8421.64 - 18.92153,947,9122.020.50 - 2.25(15.92) - (14.43)
201711,333,5431.94 - 22.16202,267,3891.800.50 - 2.1525.62 - 27.52
BHFTI Morgan Stanley20218,569,7027.86 - 97.09729,134,2050.50 - 2.25(12.77) - (11.22)
Discovery Division20209,587,8278.93 - 109.37920,192,7120.50 - 2.25147.48 - 151.85
201911,049,9273.58 - 43.43423,750,2470.50 - 2.2537.01 - 39.43
201812,304,0502.59 - 31.15340,007,4330.50 - 2.257.69 - 9.60
201713,380,3122.38 - 28.42339,623,6990.300.50 - 2.2536.81 - 39.22






    As of December 31 For the year ended December 31 
UnitsUnit Value
Lowest to
Highest ($)
Assets ($)
Ratio (%)
Expense Ratio2
Lowest to
Highest (%)
Total Return3
Lowest to
Highest (%)
BHFTI PanAgora Global202161,606,2711.42 - 1.5292,948,4451.15 - 2.004.29 - 5.18
Diversified Risk Division202067,636,6021.36 - 1.4497,068,6103.141.15 - 2.009.63 - 10.57
201964,915,5471.24 - 1.3184,293,1043.241.15 - 2.0019.58 - 20.60
201867,228,7311.04 - 1.0872,446,3081.15 - 2.00(9.43) - (8.65)
201780,775,6661.15 - 1.1995,392,8151.15 - 2.0010.37 - 11.31
BHFTI PanAgora Global202160,263,50913.19 - 14.91886,250,8341.10 - 2.0510.36 - 11.41
Diversified Risk II Division202070,369,64211.86 - 13.38929,413,6432.351.10 - 2.050.93 - 1.89
201979,861,50511.66 - 13.131,036,049,5452.951.10 - 2.0517.48 - 18.61
201891,641,7259.84 - 11.071,003,736,3980.381.10 - 2.05(8.26) - (7.38)
2017104,234,50510.64 - 11.961,234,346,2751.711.10 - 2.107.53 - 8.60
BHFTI PIMCO Inflation202118,836,5291.24 - 21.07337,008,1890.730.50 - 2.153.18 - 4.93
Protected Bond Division202019,226,1141.18 - 20.08330,502,6382.680.50 - 2.159.16 - 11.13
201920,971,5341.07 - 18.07327,258,5853.410.50 - 2.155.97 - 7.79
201823,939,6210.99 - 16.77349,179,1551.600.50 - 2.25(4.59) - (2.76)
201728,145,7101.02 - 17.24425,983,6751.560.50 - 2.251.17 - 3.14
BHFTI PIMCO Total Return202132,619,5182.03 - 24.24667,326,7551.840.50 - 2.25(3.59) - (1.77)
Division202034,236,7602.09 - 24.71715,365,2093.690.50 - 2.256.09 - 8.12
201936,674,0561.95 - 22.89715,395,3702.930.50 - 2.256.05 - 7.98
201841,842,6511.82 - 21.21757,914,1581.390.50 - 2.25(2.46) - (0.62)
201749,441,7701.85 - 21.36908,315,4541.780.50 - 2.252.18 - 4.10
BHFTI Schroders Global2021381,747,3881.56 - 17.27649,441,1420.320.90 - 2.109.11 - 10.42
Multi-Asset Division2020455,182,6221.43 - 15.67703,341,5821.770.90 - 2.10(0.02) - 1.19
2019524,050,0331.43 - 15.51802,843,4461.470.90 - 2.1018.97 - 20.40
2018601,844,4181.21 - 12.91768,330,2011.660.90 - 2.10(11.32) - (6.23)
2017395,258,4121.36 - 14.41564,139,9330.791.10 - 2.1011.93 - 13.05
BHFTI SSGA Growth and202126,261,15420.37 - 26.00616,034,1591.770.60 - 2.1011.02 - 12.70
Income ETF Division202030,781,26518.35 - 23.43644,690,1572.680.50 - 2.107.54 - 9.28
201935,242,96017.06 - 21.44680,226,9712.330.50 - 2.1017.12 - 19.01
201841,641,73414.57 - 18.01680,006,9232.330.50 - 2.10(8.47) - (6.99)
201749,193,85315.92 - 19.37869,542,3512.430.50 - 2.1013.46 - 15.28
BHFTI SSGA Growth ETF20215,267,32221.93 - 28.45133,226,7961.450.50 - 2.1015.16 - 17.02
Division20206,011,20119.05 - 24.32130,804,6922.420.50 - 2.108.44 - 10.20
20196,956,47917.56 - 22.07138,322,2961.970.50 - 2.1019.90 - 21.83
20187,753,19814.65 - 18.11127,430,8642.020.50 - 2.10(10.65) - (9.20)
20178,624,72816.40 - 19.95157,056,0202.100.50 - 2.1017.16 - 19.04
BHFTI T. Rowe Price Large202125,96315.99 - 150.00731,4761.810.90 - 1.6023.98 - 24.85
Cap Value Division202028,68112.81 - 120.39685,9393.000.90 - 1.601.23 - 1.95
201933,08412.57 - 118.33725,9421.950.90 - 1.6024.51 - 25.38
201820,99610.02 - 94.56409,2181.800.90 - 1.60(10.61) - (9.98)
201723,09611.13 - 105.25578,7182.070.90 - 1.6015.10 - 15.90
BHFTI T. Rowe Price Mid Cap202112,061,6694.04 - 72.79496,061,8290.50 - 2.2512.42 - 14.41
Growth Division202013,981,4843.56 - 63.81505,414,5440.080.50 - 2.2521.15 - 23.30
201916,418,3782.91 - 51.83484,527,0950.080.50 - 2.2528.15 - 30.41
201819,059,7422.25 - 39.81430,092,9590.50 - 2.25(4.38) - (2.68)
201721,768,4912.33 - 41.02506,160,5400.50 - 2.2521.98 - 24.12






    As of December 31 For the year ended December 31 
UnitsUnit Value
Lowest to
Highest ($)
Assets ($)
Ratio (%)
Expense Ratio2
Lowest to
Highest (%)
Total Return3
Lowest to
Highest (%)
BHFTI TCW Core Fixed Income20214,05611.16 - 11.2745,3911.341.20 - 1.35(2.66) - (2.52)
Division20204,57311.46 - 11.5652,5573.201.20 - 1.357.67 - 7.83
201922,51710.64 - 10.77240,5203.061.10 - 1.356.94 - 7.20
201823,8659.95 - 10.01238,2422.321.20 - 1.35(1.28) - (1.13)
201725,27410.02 - 10.12255,4081.601.20 - 1.601.19 - 1.59
BHFTI Victory Sycamore Mid20216,175,8756.28 - 76.43394,481,9111.170.50 - 2.2528.87 - 31.14
Cap Value Division20207,196,5754.83 - 58.28351,800,7641.510.50 - 2.255.24 - 7.10
20197,872,0224.55 - 54.42361,807,7091.160.50 - 2.2526.12 - 28.34
20189,098,7033.57 - 42.40327,214,0560.640.50 - 2.25(12.16) - (10.60)
201710,507,4144.03 - 47.43424,806,9820.990.50 - 2.257.05 - 8.93
BHFTI Western Asset202127,345,17010.88 - 12.04326,125,3182.141.15 - 2.10(4.01) - (3.09)
Management Government 202032,375,50311.33 - 12.42398,349,9772.381.15 - 2.105.43 - 6.44
Income Division201932,564,01910.75 - 11.67376,497,2642.731.15 - 2.105.26 - 6.26
201836,441,98310.21 - 10.98396,922,1822.791.15 - 2.10(2.15) - (1.21)
201741,565,74810.44 - 11.12458,735,0902.201.15 - 2.100.47 - 1.43
BHFTII Baillie Gifford20215,050,4192.57 - 31.57126,145,4940.860.95 - 2.10(2.97) - (1.69)
International Stock Division20205,562,5902.62 - 32.11140,886,9971.900.95 - 2.1023.73 - 25.38
20196,117,3462.10 - 25.61123,603,2481.230.95 - 2.1529.75 - 31.57
20186,925,2811.60 - 19.47106,646,2761.060.95 - 2.25(19.05) - (17.80)
20177,456,0891.96 - 23.68139,877,3411.130.95 - 2.2531.90 - 33.88
BHFTII BlackRock Bond20216,550,5967.69 - 96.92361,431,9352.620.50 - 2.25(2.90) - (1.08)
Income Division20207,023,7877.83 - 98.08389,186,9993.390.50 - 2.255.92 - 7.89
20197,472,1897.31 - 90.99384,830,6913.610.50 - 2.257.12 - 9.12
20188,252,6026.74 - 83.47391,693,0263.250.50 - 2.25(2.84) - (1.00)
20179,495,0906.86 - 84.41455,410,5352.990.50 - 2.251.54 - 3.43
BHFTII BlackRock Capital20213,306,15314.38 - 169.80234,988,2290.50 - 2.2518.19 - 20.42
Appreciation Division20203,762,72712.02 - 141.17230,129,3410.50 - 2.2537.18 - 39.75
20194,262,5148.66 - 101.12192,688,2040.020.50 - 2.2529.57 - 31.99
20184,857,8606.61 - 76.69170,334,1550.010.50 - 2.25(0.11) - 1.76
20175,314,5886.54 - 75.43187,945,5520.010.50 - 2.2530.61 - 33.07
BHFTII BlackRock20212,745,8022.29 - 24.5637,400,7460.100.90 - 2.00(2.42) - (1.09)
Ultra-Short Term Bond20203,242,2022.33 - 24.9047,474,0491.720.90 - 2.00(1.80) - (0.47)
Division20193,255,6402.35 - 25.0944,981,6361.600.90 - 2.00(0.14) - 1.21
20183,622,6102.33 - 24.8750,362,8970.780.90 - 2.15(0.52) - 0.89
20174,077,3562.32 - 24.7256,416,0260.110.90 - 2.15(1.40) - (0.01)
BHFTII Brighthouse Asset202115,403,5781.93 - 20.67280,143,8282.990.50 - 2.151.48 - 3.17
Allocation 20 Division202017,601,4291.88 - 20.04311,462,7672.810.50 - 2.157.18 - 8.97
201919,652,6581.73 - 18.39321,894,4992.180.50 - 2.259.25 - 11.18
201822,770,0941.57 - 16.54335,855,2732.190.50 - 2.25(4.79) - (3.10)
201726,632,6401.62 - 17.07409,028,4402.080.50 - 2.254.56 - 6.40
BHFTII Brighthouse Asset202138,513,4192.27 - 24.31818,808,3702.680.50 - 2.155.14 - 6.89
Allocation 40 Division202043,790,0602.14 - 22.74875,065,8022.690.50 - 2.158.67 - 10.48
201949,796,7691.94 - 20.58908,735,6832.190.50 - 2.1513.14 - 15.02
201857,833,4641.69 - 17.89925,660,9472.010.50 - 2.25(6.54) - (4.88)
201768,087,4171.73 - 18.811,155,673,9901.980.50 - 2.258.19 - 10.09






    As of December 31 For the year ended December 31 
UnitsUnit Value
Lowest to
Highest ($)
Assets ($)
Ratio (%)
Expense Ratio2
Lowest to
Highest (%)
Total Return3
Lowest to
Highest (%)
BHFTII Brighthouse Asset2021120,826,6992.65 - 28.303,004,188,0352.120.50 - 2.158.55 - 10.35
Allocation 60 Division2020138,788,9392.41 - 25.653,132,220,6952.210.50 - 2.1511.42 - 13.28
2019157,596,7852.13 - 22.643,165,966,3521.960.50 - 2.1516.88 - 18.83
2018183,867,8681.80 - 19.053,131,421,2701.660.50 - 2.15(8.13) - (6.60)
2017213,872,3641.88 - 20.403,928,953,2681.740.50 - 2.1512.30 - 14.16
BHFTII Brighthouse Asset202161,203,5693.04 - 32.491,751,110,1181.690.50 - 2.1512.27 - 14.14
Allocation 80 Division202068,356,1992.67 - 28.471,722,419,2711.840.50 - 2.1514.11 - 16.01
201976,334,8952.31 - 24.541,670,394,9641.770.50 - 2.1521.10 - 23.11
201885,633,8211.89 - 19.931,533,821,6651.330.50 - 2.25(10.17) - (8.57)
201798,239,1492.01 - 21.801,933,591,7361.560.50 - 2.2516.52 - 18.57
BHFTII Brighthouse/Artisan20213,074,5378.33 - 98.15195,847,2000.830.50 - 2.1524.02 - 25.96
Mid Cap Value Division20203,488,8976.65 - 77.92178,298,9750.840.50 - 2.053.82 - 5.45
20193,807,6676.35 - 73.90186,211,5300.620.50 - 2.2520.69 - 22.82
20184,305,6315.20 - 60.16171,734,1050.490.50 - 2.25(15.36) - (13.85)
20174,884,1906.07 - 69.84226,673,8770.580.50 - 2.2510.04 - 11.98
BHFTII2021217,75628.19 - 31.956,805,1651.531.10 - 2.0511.55 - 12.61
Brighthouse/Dimensional2020256,19825.27 - 28.377,124,9152.531.10 - 2.056.58 - 7.60
International Small Company2019299,23923.71 - 26.377,739,3981.031.10 - 2.0520.54 - 21.69
Division2018342,33819.67 - 21.677,285,3862.541.10 - 2.05(22.18) - (21.44)
2017353,64625.40 - 27.589,595,9171.961.10 - 2.0027.87 - 29.02
BHFTII20217,106,1752.20 - 135.22629,816,6801.810.90 - 2.1511.44 - 13.00
Brighthouse/Wellington20207,735,3281.96 - 119.71610,629,5062.190.90 - 2.1515.03 - 16.67
Balanced Division20198,451,2441.69 - 102.66574,717,5522.180.90 - 2.1520.24 - 21.89
20189,307,6291.40 - 84.26521,756,8981.730.90 - 2.15(5.93) - (4.63)
201710,336,5621.47 - 88.39610,158,9721.880.90 - 2.1512.52 - 14.11
BHFTII20216,291,20211.33 - 133.49531,319,6601.250.50 - 2.2521.35 - 23.62
Brighthouse/Wellington 20207,259,4729.23 - 108.10503,780,6711.440.50 - 2.258.50 - 10.55
Core Equity Opportunities 20198,239,8748.40 - 97.90520,632,8241.450.50 - 2.2527.74 - 30.09
Division20189,569,3146.51 - 75.31471,467,5581.580.50 - 2.25(2.58) - (0.74)
201711,256,2416.60 - 75.96570,742,7461.390.50 - 2.2516.17 - 18.30
BHFTII Frontier Mid Cap20214,467,85419.09 - 199.82586,525,6810.90 - 2.2511.84 - 13.60
Growth Division20204,933,28116.82 - 175.90572,542,5480.90 - 2.2528.45 - 30.46
20195,529,99412.90 - 134.83494,555,6580.90 - 2.2529.88 - 31.88
20186,195,0739.78 - 102.24422,776,4370.90 - 2.25(8.01) - (6.54)
20176,921,84310.48 - 109.39508,449,7890.90 - 2.2522.16 - 24.09
BHFTII Jennison Growth20219,073,4172.95 - 77.89287,427,8140.50 - 2.2514.31 - 16.33
Division202010,579,8832.55 - 67.11289,505,0680.060.50 - 2.2552.89 - 55.59
201911,874,0951.65 - 43.21211,338,4180.260.50 - 2.2529.55 - 31.83
201813,877,9391.26 - 32.84185,385,8480.170.50 - 2.25(2.13) - (0.39)
201714,946,8281.27 - 33.03203,130,9280.130.50 - 2.2533.95 - 36.31
BHFTII Loomis Sayles Small20212,370,98911.23 - 133.19163,685,6200.030.50 - 2.2518.94 - 21.04
Cap Core Division20202,707,7819.33 - 110.04156,522,6390.040.50 - 2.259.29 - 11.23
20193,029,6228.44 - 98.93157,396,6000.010.50 - 2.2522.44 - 24.60
20183,400,8736.81 - 79.40144,075,6490.010.50 - 2.25(13.28) - (11.74)
20173,862,7007.77 - 89.96185,343,4800.140.50 - 2.2512.41 - 14.39






    As of December 31 For the year ended December 31 
UnitsUnit Value
Lowest to
Highest ($)
Assets ($)
Ratio (%)
Expense Ratio2
Lowest to
Highest (%)
Total Return3
Lowest to
Highest (%)
BHFTII Loomis Sayles Small20211,695,4084.03 - 51.5064,952,3890.50 - 2.157.46 - 9.19
Cap Growth Division20201,855,4953.72 - 47.2666,012,8770.50 - 2.1531.25 - 33.37
20192,127,0992.81 - 35.5157,340,2920.50 - 2.1023.88 - 25.88
20182,501,1612.25 - 28.2654,202,4190.50 - 2.15(1.82) - (0.22)
20172,468,4672.28 - 28.3754,566,7300.50 - 2.1524.05 - 26.05
BHFTII MetLife Aggregate202148,385,2481.83 - 22.26910,569,4662.400.50 - 2.25(4.39) - (2.56)
Bond Index Division202048,820,7931.89 - 22.87949,536,4452.670.50 - 2.254.63 - 6.52
201951,794,1751.79 - 21.48952,097,6313.030.50 - 2.255.93 - 7.93
201856,750,3231.68 - 19.93974,062,1472.860.50 - 2.25(2.68) - (0.82)
201764,574,8711.71 - 20.121,126,629,3422.750.50 - 2.250.68 - 2.60
BHFTII MetLife Mid Cap20219,859,0995.30 - 63.60534,359,9880.940.50 - 2.2521.31 - 23.45
Stock Index Division202011,467,0604.33 - 51.52506,052,7071.310.50 - 2.2510.63 - 12.59
201912,674,2563.88 - 45.76500,876,1281.210.50 - 2.2522.77 - 24.94
201814,264,6403.13 - 36.63453,810,2511.090.50 - 2.25(13.49) - (11.95)
201716,065,9653.58 - 41.60580,186,9481.220.50 - 2.2513.06 - 15.05
BHFTII MetLife MSCI EAFE®202122,411,5152.01 - 28.11465,174,8121.630.50 - 2.258.02 - 9.93
Index Division202024,590,5171.85 - 25.63466,904,3043.060.50 - 2.255.18 - 7.04
201925,852,5311.74 - 23.99460,668,5412.540.50 - 2.2518.85 - 20.94
201828,690,9011.45 - 19.86424,811,6702.830.50 - 2.25(16.00) - (14.51)
201730,129,0621.71 - 23.29524,736,1602.570.50 - 2.2521.84 - 23.99
BHFTII MetLife Russell 20216,792,0385.04 - 61.40353,923,7520.880.50 - 2.2511.69 - 13.66
2000® Index Division20207,531,8054.47 - 54.02346,715,5271.250.50 - 2.2516.69 - 18.75
20198,484,8123.80 - 45.49330,807,3851.030.50 - 2.2522.52 - 24.68
20189,453,8233.07 - 36.49297,512,8300.980.50 - 2.25(13.17) - (11.63)
201710,459,8513.51 - 41.29373,905,3621.090.50 - 2.2511.85 - 13.82
BHFTII MetLife Stock Index202122,605,51815.02 - 196.613,495,089,8971.450.50 - 2.2525.19 - 27.53
Division202025,861,61611.89 - 154.323,154,806,3761.820.50 - 2.2515.20 - 17.34
201929,028,56510.23 - 131.633,037,442,3512.050.50 - 2.2527.89 - 30.30
201833,091,8207.93 - 101.142,669,705,7231.710.50 - 2.25(6.96) - (5.22)
201737,306,0578.44 - 106.813,191,113,4851.680.50 - 2.2518.54 - 20.76
BHFTII MFS® Total Return20212,306,7201.79 - 130.69120,981,4171.730.50 - 1.8511.85 - 13.37
Division20202,535,2261.58 - 115.28117,745,4262.300.50 - 2.007.31 - 8.94
20192,894,6221.46 - 105.82123,762,4772.230.50 - 2.1517.52 - 19.47
20183,322,0361.22 - 88.58117,516,2152.170.50 - 2.15(7.82) - (6.28)
20173,778,3661.31 - 94.51145,097,9902.390.50 - 2.159.79 - 11.61
BHFTII MFS® Value Division202140,856,4262.41 - 47.38663,945,3041.410.50 - 2.1522.73 - 24.73
202045,919,2711.95 - 38.23627,751,1371.810.50 - 2.251.43 - 3.29
201947,345,1241.90 - 37.29665,585,3481.750.50 - 2.2526.96 - 29.29
201852,559,1971.48 - 29.04598,234,0941.470.50 - 2.25(12.25) - (7.60)
201720,677,3381.67 - 32.71523,781,7371.890.50 - 2.1515.20 - 17.24
BHFTII Neuberger Berman20215,912,2935.79 - 66.00320,936,5460.040.50 - 2.1515.69 - 17.53
Genesis Division20206,733,2294.95 - 56.16311,591,1840.080.50 - 2.1522.28 - 24.14
20197,645,0374.01 - 45.24287,729,6510.120.50 - 2.1526.73 - 28.76
20188,679,1753.14 - 35.14255,498,5990.230.50 - 2.25(9.07) - (7.45)
20179,828,0191.67 - 37.96314,115,9560.290.50 - 2.1513.16 - 14.91






    As of December 31 For the year ended December 31 
UnitsUnit Value
Lowest to
Highest ($)
Assets ($)
Ratio (%)
Expense Ratio2
Lowest to
Highest (%)
Total Return3
Lowest to
Highest (%)
BHFTII T. Rowe Price Large202111,647,2514.00 - 83.51769,206,4600.50 - 2.2517.28 - 19.35
Cap Growth Division202013,310,3143.38 - 69.97738,162,6920.090.50 - 2.2533.59 - 35.96
201915,477,6572.50 - 51.46629,369,3880.260.50 - 2.2527.68 - 29.94
201817,216,0551.94 - 39.60539,361,9770.270.50 - 2.25(3.37) - (1.65)
201718,998,0681.98 - 40.27609,640,8740.150.50 - 2.2530.52 - 32.81
BHFTII T. Rowe Price Small20216,652,9697.16 - 84.14476,701,9250.020.50 - 2.258.88 - 10.80
Cap Growth Division20207,569,0006.50 - 75.93491,278,2220.100.50 - 2.2521.28 - 23.42
20198,620,3615.30 - 61.52455,812,2510.020.50 - 2.2529.88 - 32.17
20189,657,4754.04 - 46.55388,577,9310.050.50 - 2.25(8.87) - (7.25)
201710,715,3534.38 - 50.18467,200,3260.190.50 - 2.2519.82 - 21.92
BHFTII Van Eck Global20211,734,41013.12 - 14.2024,223,5700.981.10 - 1.7016.51 - 17.21
Natural Resources Division20202,324,89010.86 - 12.1127,733,9151.241.10 - 2.0018.77 - 19.85
20192,701,6569.09 - 10.1126,913,8270.341.10 - 2.0510.07 - 11.12
20182,687,6228.26 - 9.1024,101,8591.10 - 2.05(30.31) - (29.64)
20172,921,93011.85 - 12.9337,269,8601.10 - 2.05(2.75) - (1.82)
BHFTII Western Asset202110,455,4491.28 - 47.95381,592,6753.610.50 - 2.250.33 - 2.10
Management Strategic Bond202011,354,1411.26 - 46.96408,706,0455.770.50 - 2.154.39 - 6.08
Opportunities Division201912,363,0021.20 - 44.27422,719,7034.750.50 - 2.1511.86 - 13.66
201813,731,3471.09 - 38.95422,543,7625.210.50 - 2.25(6.17) - (4.51)
201715,854,0821.15 - 40.79514,265,5883.800.50 - 2.255.54 - 7.40
BHFTII Western Asset20216,670,7792.01 - 23.72123,805,7312.500.50 - 2.15(3.71) - (2.26)
Management U.S. 20207,382,2342.07 - 24.27139,252,0192.820.50 - 2.152.77 - 4.39
Government Division20197,078,4572.00 - 23.25130,271,2572.560.50 - 2.153.63 - 5.25
20187,773,5821.91 - 22.09137,000,8812.110.50 - 2.25(1.56) - 0.19
20179,021,9831.92 - 22.04159,678,2132.460.50 - 2.25(0.58) - 1.17
BlackRock Global Allocation202165229.43 - 32.2220,0500.671.10 - 1.604.73 - 5.25
V.I. Division20204,08128.10 - 30.61118,1451.311.10 - 1.6018.79 - 19.38
20194,19123.66 - 25.64102,0231.301.10 - 1.6015.89 - 16.47
20184,21020.41 - 22.0288,2480.811.10 - 1.60(9.05) - (8.60)
20174,18822.44 - 24.0996,2760.301.10 - 1.6011.91 - 12.47
Calvert VP SRI Balanced2021894,70053.48 - 70.9359,231,5231.150.50 - 1.4513.46 - 14.54
Division2020954,56747.13 - 62.3955,610,3151.510.50 - 1.4513.60 - 14.68
20191,030,29040.38 - 54.8152,926,1191.570.50 - 1.5522.49 - 23.78
20181,063,59232.97 - 44.6144,653,2831.740.50 - 1.55(4.17) - (3.16)
20171,186,46034.40 - 46.4151,869,4031.970.50 - 1.5510.28 - 11.44
Calvert VP SRI Mid Cap202184,00793.577,860,4970.190.9513.95
Delaware VIP® Small Cap20214482.019020.830.9033.21
Value Division20204481.516771.350.90(2.78)






    As of December 31 For the year ended December 31 
UnitsUnit Value
Lowest to
Highest ($)
Assets ($)
Ratio (%)
Expense Ratio2
Lowest to
Highest (%)
Total Return3
Lowest to
Highest (%)
Fidelity® VIP Contrafund®202155,85116.53 - 17.69981,7240.030.90 - 1.1526.05 - 26.37
Division202061,96513.12 - 14.00860,1100.080.90 - 1.1528.74 - 29.06
201966,65410.19 - 10.84717,8040.220.90 - 1.1529.77 - 30.10
201872,7187.85 - 8.34603,1310.410.90 - 1.15(7.71) - (7.48)
201789,6648.51 - 9.01805,7220.680.90 - 1.1520.20 - 20.50
Fidelity® VIP20211,248,03615.59 - 130.8672,640,4561.880.95 - 1.3523.22 - 23.72
Equity-Income Division20201,351,90312.65 - 105.7763,502,2051.780.95 - 1.355.26 - 13.76
20191,544,62412.02 - 100.0867,252,0151.890.95 - 1.3525.73 - 26.24
20181,815,3769.56 - 79.2863,735,7072.200.95 - 1.35(9.53) - (9.16)
20172,048,36510.56 - 87.2778,340,0101.660.95 - 1.3511.38 - 11.83
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 20202021163,38025.62 - 27.124,368,2340.830.90 - 1.257.91 - 8.28
Division2020175,05323.74 - 25.054,340,4341.250.90 - 1.2513.30 - 13.69
2019135,55420.95 - 22.032,956,0782.170.90 - 1.2518.40 - 18.80
201856,27517.69 - 18.541,037,9911.250.90 - 1.25(6.92) - (5.28)
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 20252021287,97227.75 - 29.668,278,2330.890.90 - 1.309.12 - 9.56
Division2020270,29725.43 - 27.087,124,3631.390.90 - 1.3014.18 - 14.64
2019158,62522.46 - 23.623,657,0612.240.90 - 1.258.00 - 20.42
201858,27818.71 - 19.611,132,0451.340.90 - 1.25(7.62) - (6.00)
201738,57820.57 - 21.23819,0000.870.90 - 1.1516.23 - 16.52
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 20302021290,18029.12 - 33.288,836,6200.970.50 - 1.3010.62 - 11.51
Division2020232,86326.32 - 29.846,430,2591.110.50 - 1.3015.13 - 16.06
2019178,87823.03 - 24.254,308,8631.870.90 - 1.258.63 - 23.00
2018149,86818.81 - 19.712,953,0221.190.90 - 1.25(8.88) - (7.27)
2017139,64920.96 - 21.633,021,1730.960.90 - 1.1519.32 - 19.62
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 20352021112,23940.28 - 42.964,718,0831.080.95 - 1.4513.52 - 14.09
Division202056,15035.49 - 37.652,068,0901.180.95 - 1.4516.25 - 16.84
(Commenced 4/30/2018)201915,78831.21 - 32.22499,1412.870.95 - 1.258.77 - 25.93
20184,21824.86 - 25.59105,5911.790.95 - 1.25(9.85) - (9.67)
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2040202168,49442.86 - 47.463,038,7750.890.50 - 1.3015.98 - 16.91
Division202049,75836.96 - 40.601,912,7540.830.50 - 1.3017.45 - 18.40
201939,63631.47 - 34.291,297,8202.040.50 - 1.309.54 - 27.08
201819,30925.00 - 25.85498,7770.960.90 - 1.25(11.16) - (9.46)
201718,41928.39 - 29.02534,4641.030.90 - 1.1521.89 - 22.19
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 2045202168,49643.38 - 45.383,065,2060.790.95 - 1.3016.01 - 16.43
Division202048,51437.39 - 38.981,866,5740.980.95 - 1.3017.42 - 17.84
(Commenced 4/30/2018)201926,01232.04 - 33.08851,0152.460.95 - 1.259.66 - 27.05
20184,81125.30 - 26.04124,9002.320.95 - 1.25(10.45) - (10.27)
Fidelity® VIP Freedom 20502021149,45642.97 - 48.506,746,7940.830.50 - 1.4515.82 - 16.93
Division2020104,59337.10 - 41.484,073,5101.060.50 - 1.4517.28 - 18.40
201941,24731.63 - 33.561,369,7292.340.90 - 1.459.43 - 27.07
201813,72925.54 - 26.41362,1091.180.90 - 1.25(10.94) - (9.48)






    As of December 31 For the year ended December 31 
UnitsUnit Value
Lowest to
Highest ($)
Assets ($)
Ratio (%)
Expense Ratio2
Lowest to
Highest (%)
Total Return3
Lowest to
Highest (%)
Fidelity® VIP FundsManager202112,481,99019.00 - 19.46240,652,0471.121.90 - 2.057.79 - 7.95
50% Division202013,833,22417.63 - 18.03247,253,4631.131.90 - 2.0511.66 - 11.83
201915,805,86315.79 - 16.12252,823,1131.611.90 - 2.0515.50 - 15.67
201818,690,88513.67 - 13.93258,652,3501.351.90 - 2.05(7.14) - (7.00)
201721,200,15814.72 - 14.98315,705,3431.151.90 - 2.0512.14 - 12.31
Fidelity® VIP FundsManager202112,336,63919.20 - 23.48241,915,8851.090.70 - 2.1010.01 - 11.56
60% Division202013,649,02317.45 - 21.04242,924,5431.050.70 - 2.1012.73 - 14.32
201915,189,66515.48 - 15.97239,540,9421.491.85 - 2.1017.98 - 18.28
201817,207,12513.12 - 13.50229,662,2481.181.85 - 2.10(8.39) - (8.16)
201719,728,17914.32 - 14.70286,973,7771.051.85 - 2.1014.56 - 14.85
Fidelity® VIP Government2021306,84516.134,949,0440.010.95(0.93)
Money Market Division2020366,35716.285,964,4440.330.95(0.63)
Fidelity® VIP Growth2021611,993230.32140,954,8750.9522.06
Fidelity® VIP Investment2021223,84139.898,929,9682.020.95(1.54)
Grade Bond Division2020235,58040.529,545,4221.760.958.36
Fidelity® VIP Mid Cap202143,73212.48545,7390.360.9024.18
201781,1187.96 - 8.34676,8740.490.90 - 1.1519.16 - 19.46
FTVIPT Templeton Developing202124,0072.0749,7470.880.90(6.58)
Markets VIP Division202024,7672.2254,9384.120.9016.13
FTVIPT Templeton Foreign 20211124.314821.590.903.23
VIP Division (Had no net 20204.170.90(2.05)
assets at December 31, 20194.260.9011.52
2020 and 2019)20181593.826092.670.90(16.20)
20171594.27 - 4.567262.300.90 - 1.1515.36 - 15.65
Janus Henderson Enterprise20218,70717.60153,2370.240.9015.50






    As of December 31 For the year ended December 31 
UnitsUnit Value
Lowest to
Highest ($)
Assets ($)
Ratio (%)
Expense Ratio2
Lowest to
Highest (%)
Total Return3
Lowest to
Highest (%)
LMPVET ClearBridge Variable20214,61013.0460,1390.630.9022.55
Appreciation Division20204,98510.6453,0601.000.9013.74
LMPVET ClearBridge Variable202142,1612.46103,6561.510.9025.66
Dividend Strategy Division202043,9611.9686,0091.530.906.70
LMPVET ClearBridge Variable202171,4877.39 - 7.84555,9170.90 - 1.1520.55 - 20.85
Large Cap Growth Division202078,6916.13 - 6.49507,6110.020.90 - 1.1529.24 - 29.56
201992,7114.74 - 5.01462,7720.310.90 - 1.1530.65 - 30.98
2018128,2033.63 - 3.82489,4810.300.90 - 1.15(1.13) - (0.88)
2017132,0673.67 - 3.86508,9880.200.90 - 1.1524.33 - 24.64
LMPVET ClearBridge Variable20217,5727.77 - 8.2161,5010.90 - 1.1511.32 - 11.60
Small Cap Growth Division20208,4476.98 - 7.3661,7460.90 - 1.1541.62 - 41.98
20198,4214.93 - 5.1843,5350.90 - 1.1525.42 - 25.74
LMPVIT Western Asset Core20211083.824140.040.90(2.85)
Plus Division20209,7123.9338,1452.080.908.33
Morgan Stanley VIF Global20213,85115.87 - 17.6865,7362.291.10 - 1.6012.19 - 12.76
Infrastructure Division20204,05614.15 - 15.6860,7411.451.10 - 1.60(3.00) - (2.52)
20194,47614.59 - 16.0968,7142.551.10 - 1.6025.84 - 26.47
20185,12011.59 - 12.7262,1142.721.10 - 1.60(9.36) - (8.90)
20174,62212.79 - 13.9661,6442.271.10 - 1.6010.76 - 11.32
PIMCO VIT20214,4518.58 - 8.8938,8813.941.10 - 1.6030.64 - 31.29
CommodityRealReturn®20205,1526.57 - 6.7734,3116.181.10 - 1.60(0.53) - (0.03)
Strategy Division20195,2376.60 - 6.7734,9704.211.10 - 1.609.22 - 9.77
20185,8596.04 - 6.1735,7091.861.10 - 1.60(15.70) - (15.27)
20176,9177.17 - 7.2849,88510.821.10 - 1.600.32 - 0.82
PIMCO VIT Dynamic Bond20211,88010.61 - 10.9920,5651.761.10 - 1.60(0.62) - (0.12)
Division20203,38110.67 - 11.0136,8331.801.10 - 1.602.83 - 3.35
20198,10310.38 - 10.6585,3432.491.10 - 1.602.96 - 3.48
20188,33810.08 - 10.2985,0422.391.10 - 1.60(0.88) - (0.38)
201711,81610.17 - 10.33121,0461.411.10 - 1.603.04 - 3.55
PIMCO VIT Emerging Markets20213,43011.56 - 11.9840,6083.911.10 - 1.60(4.40) - (3.92)
Bond Division20204,01212.09 - 12.4749,3843.911.10 - 1.604.69 - 5.22
20195,13511.55 - 11.8560,1784.121.10 - 1.6012.61 - 13.17
20186,00010.26 - 10.4762,1803.831.10 - 1.60(6.53) - (6.06)
20176,42110.98 - 11.1571,0384.781.10 - 1.607.81 - 8.35






    As of December 31 For the year ended December 31 
UnitsUnit Value
Lowest to
Highest ($)
Assets ($)
Ratio (%)
Expense Ratio2
Lowest to
Highest (%)
Total Return3
Lowest to
Highest (%)
TAP 1919 Variable Socially20211,0859.6110,4230.250.9017.47
Responsive Balanced Division20204,5408.1837,1360.790.9021.83
20174,4305.11 - 5.4524,1261.340.90 - 1.1515.41 - 15.70

1  These amounts represent the dividends, excluding distributions of capital gains, received by the Division from the underlying fund, series, or portfolio, net of management fees assessed by the fund manager, divided by the average net assets, regardless of share class, if any. These ratios exclude those expenses, such as mortality and expense risk charges, that are assessed against Contract owner accounts either through reductions in the unit values or the redemption of units. The investment income ratio is calculated for each period indicated or from the effective date through the end of the reporting period. The recognition of investment income by the Division is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by the underlying fund, series, or portfolio in which the Division invests. The investment income ratio is calculated as a weighted average ratio since the Division may invest in two or more share classes, within the underlying fund, series, or portfolio of the Trusts which may have unique investment income ratios.

2  These amounts represent annualized Contract expenses of each of the applicable Divisions, consisting primarily of mortality and expense risk charges, for each period indicated. The ratios include only those expenses that result in a direct reduction to unit values. Charges made directly to Contract owner accounts through the redemption of units and expenses of the underlying fund, series, or portfolio have been excluded.

3  These amounts represent the total return for the period indicated, including changes in the value of the underlying fund, series, or portfolio, and expenses assessed through the reduction of unit values. These ratios do not include any expenses assessed through the redemption of units. The total return is calculated for each period indicated or from the effective date through the end of the reporting period. The total return is presented as a range of minimum to maximum returns, based on the minimum and maximum returns within each product grouping of the applicable Division.



                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

              Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

        Index to Consolidated Financial Statements, Notes and Schedules

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm (PCAOB ID 34)....      2
Financial Statements at December 31, 2021 and 2020 and for the Years
  Ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019:
  Consolidated Balance Sheets............................................      5
  Consolidated Statements of Operations..................................      6
  Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Loss).................      7
  Consolidated Statements of Equity......................................      8
  Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows..................................      9
  Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements.........................     11
     Note 1 -- Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of
       Significant Accounting Policies...................................     11
     Note 2 -- Segment Information.......................................     29
     Note 3 -- Insurance.................................................     34
     Note 4 -- Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs, Value of Business
       Acquired and Other Intangibles....................................     43
     Note 5 -- Reinsurance...............................................     46
     Note 6 -- Closed Block..............................................     51
     Note 7 -- Investments...............................................     54
     Note 8 -- Derivatives...............................................     75
     Note 9 -- Fair Value................................................     87
     Note 10 -- Leases...................................................    101
     Note 11 -- Long-term and Short-term Debt............................    103
     Note 12 -- Equity...................................................    104
     Note 13 -- Other Revenues and Other Expenses........................    108
     Note 14 -- Employee Benefit Plans...................................    109
     Note 15 -- Income Tax...............................................    112
     Note 16 -- Contingencies, Commitments and Guarantees................    115
     Note 17 -- Related Party Transactions...............................    118
Financial Statement Schedules at December 31, 2021 and 2020 and for
  the Years Ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019:
  Schedule I -- Consolidated Summary of Investments -- Other Than
   Investments in Related Parties........................................    120
  Schedule III -- Consolidated Supplementary Insurance Information.......    121
  Schedule IV -- Consolidated Reinsurance................................    123



To the stockholder and the Board of Directors of Metropolitan Life Insurance

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Metropolitan
Life Insurance Company and subsidiaries (the "Company") as of December 31, 2021
and 2020, the related consolidated statements of operations, comprehensive
income (loss), equity, and cash flows for each of the three years in the period
ended December 31, 2021, and the related notes and the schedules listed in the
Index to Consolidated Financial Statements, Notes and Schedules (collectively
referred to as the "financial statements"). In our opinion, the financial
statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of
the Company as of December 31, 2021 and 2020, and the results of its operations
and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31,
2021, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management.
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company's financial
statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with
the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are
required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the
U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the
Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those
standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. The Company is not required to
have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over
financial reporting. As part of our audits, we are required to obtain an
understanding of internal control over financial reporting but not for the
purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company's internal
control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material
misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and
performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included
examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in
the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting
principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as
evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe
that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Critical Audit Matters

The critical audit matters communicated below are matters arising from the
current-period audit of the financial statements that were communicated or
required to be communicated to the audit committee and that (1) relate to
accounts or disclosures that are material to the financial statements and
(2) involved our especially challenging, subjective, or complex judgments. The
communication of critical audit matters does not alter in any way our opinion
on the financial statements, taken as a whole, and we are not, by communicating
the critical audit matters below, providing separate opinions on the critical
audit matters or on the accounts or disclosures to which they relate.

Fixed Maturity Securities Available-for-Sale -- Fair Value of Level 3 Fixed
Maturity Securities -- Refer to Notes 1, 7, and 9 to the financial statements

Critical Audit Matter Description

The Company has investments in certain fixed maturity securities classified as
available-for-sale whose fair values are based on unobservable inputs that are
supported by little or no market activity. When a price is not available in the
active market, from an independent pricing service, or from independent broker
quotations, management values the security using internal matrix pricing or
discounted cash flow techniques. These investments are categorized as Level 3
and had an estimated fair value of $4.3 billion as of December 31, 2021.


Given management uses considerable judgment when estimating the fair value of
Level 3 fixed maturity securities determined using internal matrix pricing or
discounted cash flow techniques, performing audit procedures to evaluate the
estimate of fair value required a high degree of auditor judgment and an
increased extent of effort. This audit effort included the use of professionals
with specialized skills and knowledge, including our fair value specialists, to
assist in performing procedures and evaluating the audit evidence obtained.

How the Critical Audit Matter Was Addressed in the Audit

Our audit procedures related to the valuation of Level 3 fixed maturity
securities determined using internal matrix pricing or discounted cash flow
techniques included, among others, the following:

    .  We tested the effectiveness of controls over the determination of fair

    .  We tested the accuracy and completeness of relevant security attributes,
       including credit ratings, maturity dates and coupon rates, used in the
       determination of Level 3 fair values.

    .  With the involvement of our fair value specialists, we developed
       independent fair value estimates for a sample of securities and compared
       our estimates to the Company's estimates and evaluated differences. We
       developed our estimate by evaluating the observable and unobservable
       inputs used by management or developing independent inputs.

    .  We evaluated management's ability to accurately estimate fair value by
       comparing management's historical estimates to subsequent transactions,
       taking into account changes in market conditions subsequent to
       December 31, 2021.

Insurance Liabilities -- Valuation of Future Policy Benefits for Long-Term Care
Insurance -- Refer to Notes 1 and 3 to the financial statements

Critical Audit Matter Description

The Company's products include long-term care insurance. Liabilities for
amounts payable under long-term care insurance are recorded in future policy
benefits in the Company's consolidated balance sheets. Such liabilities are
established based on actuarial assumptions at the time policies are issued,
which are intended to estimate the experience for the period the policy
benefits are payable. Significant adverse changes in experience on such
contracts may require the establishment of premium deficiency reserves, which
are based on current assumptions. Management's estimate of future policy
benefits for long-term care insurance was $14.4 billion as of December 31, 2021.

Management applies considerable judgment in evaluating actual experience to
determine whether a change in assumptions for long-term care insurance is
warranted. Principal assumptions used in the valuation of future policy
benefits for long-term care insurance include morbidity, policy lapse,
investment returns and mortality.

Given the inherent uncertainty in selecting assumptions, we have determined
that management's evaluation of actual experience when estimating future policy
benefits for long-term care insurance policies is a critical audit matter,
which required a high degree of auditor judgment and an increased extent of
effort when performing audit procedures to evaluate the judgments made and the
reasonableness of the assumptions used in the valuation. The audit effort
included the use of professionals with specialized skill and knowledge,
including our actuarial specialists, to assist in performing these procedures
and evaluating the audit evidence obtained from these procedures.

How the Critical Audit Matter Was Addressed in the Audit

Our audit procedures related to the assumptions used to determine the estimate
of future policy benefits for long-term care insurance, included, among others,
the following:

    .  We tested the effectiveness of the control over the assumptions used in
       the valuation of future policy benefits and the effectiveness of the
       controls over the underlying data.

    .  With the involvement of our actuarial specialists, we:

       .  evaluated judgments applied by management in setting principal
          assumptions, including evaluating the results of experience studies
          used as the basis for setting those assumptions.


       .  evaluated management's estimate of, or developed an independent
          estimate of future policy benefits, on a sample basis, and evaluated
          differences. This included confirming that assumptions were applied
          as intended.

       .  evaluated the results of the Company's annual premium deficiency

Derivatives -- Valuation of Embedded Derivative Liabilities -- Refer to Notes
1, 3, 8, and 9 to the financial statements

Critical Audit Matter Description

The Company's products include variable annuity contracts with guaranteed
minimum benefits that provide the policyholder a minimum return based on their
initial deposit adjusted for withdrawals. The guarantees on variable annuity
contracts are accounted for as insurance liabilities or as embedded derivatives
depending on how and when the benefit is paid. Guarantees accounted for as
embedded derivatives include the non-life contingent portion of guaranteed
minimum withdrawal benefits and certain non-life contingent portions of
guaranteed minimum income benefits, and are recorded in policyholder account
balances on the Company's consolidated balance sheet. Embedded derivatives are
measured at estimated fair value separately from the host variable annuity
contract using actuarial and capital market assumptions that are updated
annually. Management's estimate of embedded derivative liabilities was $1.5
billion as of December 31, 2021.

Management applies considerable judgment in selecting assumptions used to
estimate embedded derivative liabilities and changes in market conditions or
variations in certain assumptions could result in significant fluctuations in
the estimate. Principal assumptions include mortality, lapse, dynamic lapse,
withdrawal, utilization, and risk-free rates and implied volatilities. The
valuation of the embedded derivative liabilities is also based on complex
calculations which are data intensive.

Given the inherent uncertainty in selecting assumptions and the complexity of
the calculations, we have determined that management's valuation of the
embedded derivative liabilities is a critical audit matter which required a
high degree of auditor judgment and an increased extent of effort when
performing audit procedures to evaluate the judgments made and the
reasonableness of the models and assumptions used in the valuation. The audit
effort included the use of professionals with specialized skill and knowledge,
including our valuation, modeling and actuarial specialists, to assist in
performing these procedures and evaluating the audit evidence obtained from
these procedures.

How the Critical Audit Matter Was Addressed in the Audit

Our audit procedures related to the valuation of embedded derivative
liabilities included, among others, the following:

    .  We tested the effectiveness of controls over the assumptions, including
       controls over the underlying data used in the valuation of embedded
       derivative liabilities.

    .  We tested the effectiveness of controls over the methodologies and
       models used for determining the embedded derivative liabilities.

    .  With the involvement of our valuation, modeling and actuarial
       specialists, we:

       .  evaluated the methods, models, and judgments applied by management in
          the determination of principal assumptions and the calculation of the
          embedded derivative liabilities

       .  evaluated the results of underlying experience studies, capital
          market projections, and judgments applied by management in setting
          the assumptions

       .  developed an independent estimate of the embedded derivative
          liabilities, on a sample basis, and evaluated differences.

New York, New York
March 7, 2022

We have served as the Company's auditor since at least 1968; however, an
earlier year could not be reliably determined.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

                          Consolidated Balance Sheets
                          December 31, 2021 and 2020

                (In millions, except share and per share data)

                                                        2021          2020
                                                    ------------- -------------
 Fixed maturity securities available-for-sale, at
  estimated fair value (amortized cost: $158,354
  and $156,423, respectively; allowance for credit
  loss of $53 and $51, respectively)...............  $    175,885  $    181,340
 Mortgage loans (net of allowance for credit loss
  of $536 and $517, respectively; includes $224
  and $199, respectively, relating to variable
  interest entities and $127 and $165,
  respectively, under the fair value option).......        60,219        66,405
 Policy loans......................................         5,816         5,973
 Real estate and real estate joint ventures
  (includes $1,094 and $1,435, respectively,
  relating to variable interest entities, $240 and
  $169, respectively, under the fair value option
  and $175 and $128, respectively, of real estate
  held-for-sale)...................................         7,873         7,478
 Other limited partnership interests...............         8,754         5,775
 Short-term investments, at estimated fair value...         4,866         2,623
 Other invested assets (includes $924 and $992,
  respectively, of leveraged and direct financing
  leases; $171 and $79, respectively, relating to
  variable interest entities and allowance for
  credit loss of $32 and $38, respectively)........        19,860        17,723
                                                    ------------- -------------
   Total investments...............................       283,273       287,317
 Cash and cash equivalents, principally at
  estimated fair value.............................         9,957        11,337
 Accrued investment income.........................         1,767         1,904
 Premiums, reinsurance and other receivables.......        20,505        21,478
 Deferred policy acquisition costs and value of
  business acquired................................         2,598         2,649
 Current income tax recoverable....................            80            --
 Other assets......................................         4,526         4,276
 Separate account assets...........................       123,851       128,646
                                                    ------------- -------------
   Total assets....................................  $    446,557  $    457,607
                                                    ============= =============
 Liabilities and Equity
 Future policy benefits............................  $    132,274  $    133,921
 Policyholder account balances.....................        94,459        96,635
 Other policy-related balances.....................         8,094         7,430
 Policyholder dividends payable....................           312           397
 Policyholder dividend obligation..................         1,682         2,969
 Payables for collateral under securities loaned
  and other transactions...........................        24,866        23,122
 Short-term debt...................................           100           120
 Long-term debt....................................         1,659         1,619
 Current income tax payable........................            --           486
 Deferred income tax liability.....................         2,036         1,980
 Other liabilities.................................        23,796        25,424
 Separate account liabilities......................       123,851       128,646
                                                    ------------- -------------
   Total liabilities...............................       413,129       422,749
                                                    ------------- -------------
 Contingencies, Commitments and Guarantees (Note
 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company stockholder's
 Common stock, par value $0.01 per share;
  1,000,000,000 shares authorized; 494,466,664
  shares issued and outstanding....................             5             5
 Additional paid-in capital........................        12,464        12,460
 Retained earnings.................................        10,868        10,548
 Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss).....         9,917        11,662
                                                    ------------- -------------
   Total Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
    stockholder's equity...........................        33,254        34,675
 Noncontrolling interests..........................           174           183
                                                    ------------- -------------
   Total equity....................................        33,428        34,858
                                                    ------------- -------------
   Total liabilities and equity....................  $    446,557  $    457,607
                                                    ============= =============

       See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

                     Consolidated Statements of Operations
             For the Years Ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019

                                 (In millions)

                                                       2021          2020          2019
                                                   ------------  ------------  ------------
Premiums..........................................  $    26,191   $    20,741   $    21,608
Universal life and investment-type product policy
 fees.............................................        2,062         1,996         2,037
Net investment income.............................       12,486        10,250        10,973
Other revenues....................................        1,616         1,661         1,573
Net investment gains (losses).....................          652           (73)          346
Net derivative gains (losses).....................         (964)          738          (288)
                                                   ------------  ------------  ------------
 Total revenues...................................       42,043        35,313        36,249
                                                   ------------  ------------  ------------
Policyholder benefits and claims..................       29,423        23,074        24,051
Interest credited to policyholder account balances        2,027         2,247         2,624
Policyholder dividends............................          728           901         1,038
Other expenses....................................        5,617         5,013         4,976
                                                   ------------  ------------  ------------
 Total expenses...................................       37,795        31,235        32,689
                                                   ------------  ------------  ------------
 Income (loss) before provision for income tax....        4,248         4,078         3,560
Provision for income tax expense (benefit)........          530           534           148
                                                   ------------  ------------  ------------
 Net income (loss)................................        3,718         3,544         3,412
Less: Net income (loss) attributable to
 noncontrolling interests.........................            5            (6)           (6)
                                                   ------------  ------------  ------------
 Net income (loss) attributable to Metropolitan
   Life Insurance Company.........................  $     3,713   $     3,550   $     3,418
                                                   ============  ============  ============

       See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

            Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Loss)
             For the Years Ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019

                                 (In millions)

                                                       2021         2020         2019
                                                   -----------  -----------  -----------
Net income (loss).................................  $    3,718   $    3,544   $    3,412
Other comprehensive income (loss):
Unrealized investment gains (losses), net of
 related offsets..................................      (2,462)       1,911        8,053
Unrealized gains (losses) on derivatives..........         111          216          279
Foreign currency translation adjustments..........           9           54          (32)
Defined benefit plans adjustment..................          82         (108)        (143)
                                                   -----------  -----------  -----------
 Other comprehensive income (loss), before income
   tax............................................      (2,260)       2,073        8,157
Income tax (expense) benefit related to items of
 other comprehensive income (loss)................         515         (436)      (1,711)
                                                   -----------  -----------  -----------
 Other comprehensive income (loss), net of income
   tax............................................      (1,745)       1,637        6,446
                                                   -----------  -----------  -----------
Comprehensive income (loss).......................       1,973        5,181        9,858
Less: Comprehensive income (loss) attributable to
 noncontrolling interest, net of income tax.......           5           (6)          (6)
                                                   -----------  -----------  -----------
 Comprehensive income (loss) attributable to
   Metropolitan Life Insurance Company............  $    1,968   $    5,187   $    9,864
                                                   ===========  ===========  ===========

       See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

                       Consolidated Statements of Equity
             For the Years Ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019

                                 (In millions)

                                                                  Accumulated           Total
                                         Additional                  Other        Metropolitan Life
                                Common    Paid-in     Retained    Comprehensive   Insurance Company    Noncontrolling   Total
                                Stock     Capital     Earnings   Income (Loss)   Stockholder's Equity    Interests      Equity
                               -------- ----------- -----------  -------------- --------------------- --------------- ---------
Balance at December 31, 2018.. $      5 $    12,450 $     9,512    $    3,562      $       25,529        $     198    $  25,727
Cumulative effects of changes
 in accounting principles,
 net of income tax............                               78            17                  95                            95
Capital contributions from
 MetLife, Inc.................                    5                                             5                             5
Dividends to MetLife, Inc.....                           (3,065)                           (3,065)                       (3,065)
Change in equity of
 noncontrolling interests.....                                                                 --               (8)          (8)
Net income (loss).............                            3,418                             3,418               (6)       3,412
Other comprehensive income
 (loss), net of income tax....                                          6,446               6,446                         6,446
                               -------- ----------- -----------    ----------      --------------        ---------    ---------
Balance at December 31, 2019..        5      12,455       9,943        10,025              32,428              184       32,612
Cumulative effects of changes
 in accounting principles,
 net of income tax............                             (113)                             (113)                         (113)
Capital contributions from
 MetLife, Inc.................                    5                                             5                             5
Dividends to MetLife, Inc.....                           (2,832)                           (2,832)                       (2,832)
Change in equity of
 noncontrolling interests.....                                                                 --                5            5
Net income (loss).............                            3,550                             3,550               (6)       3,544
Other comprehensive income
 (loss), net of income tax....                                          1,637               1,637                         1,637
                               -------- ----------- -----------    ----------      --------------        ---------    ---------
Balance at December 31, 2020..        5      12,460      10,548        11,662              34,675              183       34,858
Capital contributions from
 MetLife, Inc.................                    4                                             4                             4
Dividends to MetLife, Inc.....                           (3,393)                           (3,393)                       (3,393)
Change in equity of
 noncontrolling interests.....                                                                 --              (14)         (14)
Net income (loss).............                            3,713                             3,713                5        3,718
Other comprehensive income
 (loss), net of income tax....                                         (1,745)             (1,745)                       (1,745)
                               -------- ----------- -----------    ----------      --------------        ---------    ---------
Balance at December 31, 2021.. $      5 $    12,464 $    10,868    $    9,917      $       33,254        $     174    $  33,428
                               ======== =========== ===========    ==========      ==============        =========    =========

       See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

                     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
             For the Years Ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019

                                 (In millions)

                                                       2021           2020           2019
                                                  -------------  -------------  -------------
Cash flows from operating activities
Net income (loss)................................ $       3,718  $       3,544  $       3,412
Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to
 net cash provided by (used in) operating
 Depreciation and amortization expenses..........           136            125             99
 Amortization of premiums and accretion of
  discounts associated with investments, net.....          (656)          (651)          (823)
 (Gains) losses on investments and from sales of
  businesses, net................................          (652)            73           (346)
 (Gains) losses on derivatives, net..............         2,480           (299)           499
 (Income) loss from equity method investments,
  net of dividends or distributions..............        (1,873)           238            366
 Interest credited to policyholder account
  balances.......................................         1,988          2,213          2,624
 Universal life and investment-type product
  policy fees....................................        (1,070)        (1,130)        (2,037)
 Change in fair value option and trading
  securities.....................................          (125)          (171)          (151)
 Change in accrued investment income.............            69             72             45
 Change in premiums, reinsurance and other
  receivables....................................           752            826           (200)
 Change in deferred policy acquisition costs and
  value of business acquired, net................           194            355            197
 Change in income tax............................             5            104           (351)
 Change in other assets..........................          (308)            90            961
 Change in insurance-related liabilities and
  policy-related balances........................          (957)        (1,256)         1,571
 Change in other liabilities.....................          (370)        (1,372)           277
 Other, net......................................           (74)           176             (1)
                                                  -------------  -------------  -------------
  Net cash provided by (used in) operating
    activities...................................         3,257          2,937          6,142
                                                  -------------  -------------  -------------
Cash flows from investing activities
Sales, maturities and repayments of:
 Fixed maturity securities available-for-sale....        51,010         46,700         49,464
 Equity securities...............................           565            310            183
 Mortgage loans..................................        16,790          9,963         11,482
 Real estate and real estate joint ventures......         1,329             81          1,101
 Other limited partnership interests.............           541            464            494
Purchases and originations of:
 Fixed maturity securities available-for-sale....       (52,513)       (48,561)       (48,421)
 Equity securities...............................           (48)          (106)           (49)
 Mortgage loans..................................       (10,502)       (10,931)       (13,458)
 Real estate and real estate joint ventures......        (1,042)          (768)        (1,443)
 Other limited partnership interests.............        (1,896)        (1,071)          (971)
Cash received in connection with freestanding
 derivatives.....................................         1,720          3,823          1,759
Cash paid in connection with freestanding
 derivatives.....................................        (5,181)        (2,886)        (1,957)
Cash received from the redemption of an
 investment in affiliated preferred stock........           315             --             --
Receipts on loans to affiliates..................            87            251             --
Purchases of loans to affiliates.................           (15)            --             --
Net change in policy loans.......................           157            127            (39)
Net change in short-term investments.............        (2,295)          (714)          (377)
Net change in other invested assets..............            74             44             (8)
Net change in property, equipment and leasehold
 improvements....................................            15             18             60
Other, net.......................................            14             21             (4)
                                                  -------------  -------------  -------------
 Net cash provided by (used in) investing
  activities..................................... $        (875) $      (3,235) $      (2,184)
                                                  -------------  -------------  -------------

       See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

             Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows -- (continued)
             For the Years Ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019

                                 (In millions)

                                                       2021          2020           2019
                                                  -------------  ------------  -------------
Cash flows from financing activities
Policyholder account balances:
  Deposits....................................... $      78,129  $     77,446  $      74,049
  Withdrawals....................................       (80,378)      (74,655)       (74,571)
Net change in payables for collateral under
 securities loaned and other transactions........         1,744         2,757          1,893
Long-term debt issued............................            35           128             --
Long-term debt repaid............................           (26)          (97)           (28)
Financing element on certain derivative
 instruments and other derivative related
 transactions, net...............................           173           (40)          (175)
Dividends paid to MetLife, Inc...................        (3,393)       (2,832)        (3,065)
Other, net.......................................           (42)           (3)           (19)
                                                  -------------  ------------  -------------
  Net cash provided by (used in) financing
   activities....................................        (3,758)        2,704         (1,916)
                                                  -------------  ------------  -------------
Effect of change in foreign currency exchange
 rates on cash and cash equivalents balances.....            (4)            4              3
                                                  -------------  ------------  -------------
  Change in cash and cash equivalents............        (1,380)        2,410          2,045
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year.....        11,337         8,927          6,882
                                                  -------------  ------------  -------------
  Cash and cash equivalents, end of year......... $       9,957  $     11,337  $       8,927
                                                  =============  ============  =============
Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information
Net cash paid (received) for:
Interest......................................... $          95  $         99  $         104
                                                  =============  ============  =============
Income tax....................................... $         388  $         45  $         552
                                                  =============  ============  =============
Non-cash transactions:
Capital contributions from MetLife, Inc.......... $           4  $          5  $           5
                                                  =============  ============  =============
Real estate and real estate joint ventures
 acquired in satisfaction of debt................ $         174  $         10  $          32
                                                  =============  ============  =============
Increase in equity securities due to in-kind
 distributions received from other limited
 partnership interests........................... $         337  $        100  $          41
                                                  =============  ============  =============
Increase in other invested assets in connection
 with affiliated reinsurance transactions........ $       3,140  $         --  $          --
                                                  =============  ============  =============
Operating lease liability associated with the
 recognition of right-of-use assets.............. $           4  $         --  $         152
                                                  =============  ============  =============
Transfer of fixed maturity securities
 available-for-sale to an affiliate.............. $          --  $        296  $          --
                                                  =============  ============  =============
Transfer of mortgage loans to an affiliate....... $          --  $         84  $          --
                                                  =============  ============  =============
Transfer of real estate from an affiliate........ $          --  $        380  $          --
                                                  =============  ============  =============

       See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

                Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting


  Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and its subsidiaries (collectively,
"MLIC" or the "Company") is a provider of insurance, annuities, employee
benefits and asset management and is organized into two segments: U.S. and
MetLife Holdings. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is a wholly-owned
subsidiary of MetLife, Inc. (MetLife, Inc., together with its subsidiaries and
affiliates, "MetLife").

Basis of Presentation

  The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America ("GAAP") requires
management to adopt accounting policies and make estimates and assumptions that
affect amounts reported on the consolidated financial statements. In applying
these policies and estimates, management makes subjective and complex judgments
that frequently require assumptions about matters that are inherently
uncertain, including uncertainties associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Many
of these policies, estimates and related judgments are common in the insurance
and financial services industries; others are specific to the Company's
business and operations. Actual results could differ from these estimates.


    The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of
  Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and its subsidiaries, as well as
  partnerships and joint ventures in which the Company has a controlling
  financial interest, and variable interest entities ("VIEs") for which the
  Company is the primary beneficiary. Intercompany accounts and transactions
  have been eliminated.

    Since the Company is a member of a controlled group of affiliated
  companies, its results may not be indicative of those of a stand-alone entity.

  Separate Accounts

    Separate accounts are established in conformity with insurance laws.
  Generally, the assets of the separate accounts cannot be used to settle the
  liabilities that arise from any other business of the Company. Separate
  account assets are subject to general account claims only to the extent the
  value of such assets exceeds the separate account liabilities. The Company
  reports separately, as assets and liabilities, investments held in separate
  accounts and liabilities of the separate accounts if:

  .   such separate accounts are legally recognized;

  .   assets supporting the contract liabilities are legally insulated from the
      Company's general account liabilities;

  .   investment objectives are directed by the contractholder; and

  .   all investment performance, net of contract fees and assessments, is
      passed through to the contractholder.

    The Company reports separate account assets at their fair value, which is
  based on the estimated fair values of the underlying assets comprising the
  individual separate account portfolios. Investment performance (including
  investment income, net investment gains (losses) and changes in unrealized
  gains (losses)) and the corresponding amounts credited to contractholders of
  such separate accounts are offset within the same line on the statements of
  operations. Separate accounts credited with a contractual investment return
  are combined on a line-by-line basis with the Company's general account
  assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses and the accounting for these
  investments is consistent with the methodologies described herein for similar
  financial instruments held within the general account.

    The Company's revenues reflect fees charged to the separate accounts,
  including mortality charges, risk charges, policy administration fees,
  investment management fees and surrender charges. Such fees are included in
  universal life and investment-type product policy fees on the statements of


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

1. Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting
Policies (continued)

Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

  The following are the Company's significant accounting policies with
references to notes providing additional information on such policies and
critical accounting estimates relating to such policies.

Accounting Policy                                                                        Note
Insurance                                                                               3
Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs, Value of Business Acquired and Other Intangibles     4
Reinsurance                                                                             5
Investments                                                                             7
Derivatives                                                                             8
Fair Value                                                                              9
Employee Benefit Plans                                                                  14
Income Tax                                                                              15
Litigation Contingencies                                                                16


   Future Policy Benefit Liabilities and Policyholder Account Balances

     The Company establishes liabilities for amounts payable under insurance
   policies. Generally, amounts are payable over an extended period of time and
   related liabilities are calculated as the present value of future expected
   benefits to be paid, reduced by the present value of future expected
   premiums. Such liabilities are established based on methods and underlying
   assumptions in accordance with GAAP and applicable actuarial standards.
   Principal assumptions used in the establishment of liabilities for future
   policy benefits are mortality, morbidity, policy lapse, renewal, retirement,
   disability incidence, disability terminations, investment returns,
   inflation, expenses and other contingent events as appropriate to the
   respective product type. These assumptions are established at the time the
   policy is issued and are intended to estimate the experience for the period
   the policy benefits are payable. Utilizing these assumptions, liabilities
   are established on a block of business basis. For long-duration insurance
   contracts, assumptions such as mortality, morbidity and interest rates are
   "locked in" upon the issuance of new business. However, significant adverse
   changes in experience on such contracts may require the establishment of
   premium deficiency reserves. Such reserves are determined based on the then
   current assumptions and do not include a provision for adverse deviation.

     Premium deficiency reserves may also be established for short-duration
   contracts to provide for expected future losses. These reserves are based on
   actuarial estimates of the amount of loss inherent in that period, including
   losses incurred for which claims have not been reported. The provisions for
   unreported claims are calculated using studies that measure the historical
   length of time between the incurred date of a claim and its eventual
   reporting to the Company. Anticipated investment income is considered in the
   calculation of premium deficiency losses for short-duration contracts.

     Liabilities for universal and variable life policies with secondary
   guarantees and paid-up guarantees are determined by estimating the expected
   value of death benefits payable when the account balance is projected to be
   zero and recognizing those benefits ratably over the life of the contract
   based on total expected assessments. The assumptions used in estimating the
   secondary and paid-up guarantee liabilities are consistent with those used
   for amortizing deferred policy acquisition costs ("DAC"), and are thus
   subject to the same variability and risk as further discussed herein. The
   assumptions of investment performance and volatility for variable products
   are consistent with historical experience of appropriate underlying equity
   indices, such as the S&P Global Ratings ("S&P") 500 Index. The benefits used
   in calculating the liabilities are based on the average benefits payable
   over a range of scenarios.

     The Company regularly reviews its estimates of liabilities for future
   policy benefits and compares them with its actual experience. Differences
   result in changes to the liability balances with related charges or credits
   to benefit expenses in the period in which the changes occur.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

1. Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting
Policies (continued)

     Policyholder account balances relate to contracts or contract features
   where the Company has no significant insurance risk.

     The Company issues directly and assumes through reinsurance variable
   annuity products with guaranteed minimum benefits that provide the
   policyholder a minimum return based on their initial deposit adjusted for
   withdrawals. These guarantees are accounted for as insurance liabilities or
   as embedded derivatives depending on how and when the benefit is paid.
   Specifically, a guarantee is accounted for as an embedded derivative if a
   guarantee is paid without requiring (i) the occurrence of a specific
   insurable event, or (ii) the policyholder to annuitize. Alternatively, a
   guarantee is accounted for as an insurance liability if the guarantee is
   paid only upon either (i) the occurrence of a specific insurable event, or
   (ii) annuitization. In certain cases, a guarantee may have elements of both
   an insurance liability and an embedded derivative and in such cases the
   guarantee is split and accounted for under both models.

     Guarantees accounted for as insurance liabilities in future policy
   benefits include guaranteed minimum death benefits ("GMDBs"), the
   life-contingent portion of guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits ("GMWBs"),
   elective annuitizations of guaranteed minimum income benefits ("GMIBs"), and
   the life contingent portion of GMIBs that require annuitization when the
   account balance goes to zero.

     Guarantees accounted for as embedded derivatives in policyholder account
   balances include guaranteed minimum accumulation benefits ("GMABs"), the
   non-life contingent portion of GMWBs and certain non-life contingent
   portions of GMIBs. At inception, the Company attributes to the embedded
   derivative a portion of the projected future guarantee fees to be collected
   from the policyholder equal to the present value of projected future
   guaranteed benefits. Any additional fees represent "excess" fees and are
   reported in universal life and investment-type product policy fees.

   Other Policy-Related Balances

     Other policy-related balances include policy and contract claims, premiums
   received in advance, unearned revenue liabilities, obligations assumed under
   structured settlement assignments, policyholder dividends due and unpaid,
   and policyholder dividends left on deposit.

     The liability for policy and contract claims generally relates to incurred
   but not reported ("IBNR") death, disability, and dental claims. In addition,
   included in other policy-related balances are claims which have been
   reported but not yet settled for death, disability and dental. The liability
   for these claims is based on the Company's estimated ultimate cost of
   settling all claims. The Company derives estimates for the development of
   IBNR claims principally from analyses of historical patterns of claims by
   business line. The methods used to determine these estimates are continually
   reviewed. Adjustments resulting from this continuous review process and
   differences between estimates and payments for claims are recognized in
   policyholder benefits and claims expense in the period in which the
   estimates are changed or payments are made.

     The Company accounts for the prepayment of premiums on its individual
   life, group life and health contracts as premiums received in advance. These
   amounts are then recognized in premiums when due.

     The unearned revenue liability relates to universal life and
   investment-type products and represents policy charges for services to be
   provided in future periods. The charges are deferred as unearned revenue and
   amortized using the product's estimated gross profits and margins, similar
   to DAC as discussed further herein. Such amortization is recorded in
   universal life and investment-type product policy fees.

   Recognition of Insurance Revenues and Deposits

     Premiums related to traditional life and annuity contracts with life
   contingencies are recognized as revenues when due from policyholders.
   Policyholder benefits and expenses are provided to recognize profits over
   the estimated lives of the insurance policies. When premiums are due over a
   significantly shorter period than the period over which benefits are
   provided, any excess profit is deferred and recognized into earnings in a
   constant relationship to insurance in-force or, for annuities, the amount of
   expected future policy benefit payments.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

1. Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting
Policies (continued)

     Premiums related to short-duration non-medical health, disability and
   accident & health contracts are recognized on a pro rata basis over the
   applicable contract term.

     Deposits related to universal life and investment-type products are
   credited to policyholder account balances. Revenues from such contracts
   consist of fees for mortality, policy administration and surrender charges
   and are recorded in universal life and investment-type product policy fees
   in the period in which services are provided. Amounts that are charged to
   earnings include interest credited and benefit claims incurred in excess of
   related policyholder account balances.

     All revenues and expenses are presented net of reinsurance, as applicable.

  Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs, Value of Business Acquired and Other

    The Company incurs significant costs in connection with acquiring new and
  renewal insurance business. Costs that are related directly to the successful
  acquisition or renewal of insurance contracts are capitalized as DAC. Such
  costs include:

  .   incremental direct costs of contract acquisition, such as commissions;

  .   the portion of an employee's total compensation and benefits related to
      time spent selling, underwriting or processing the issuance of new and
      renewal insurance business only with respect to actual policies acquired
      or renewed; and

  .   other essential direct costs that would not have been incurred had a
      policy not been acquired or renewed.

    All other acquisition-related costs, including those related to general
  advertising and solicitation, market research, agent training, product
  development, unsuccessful sales and underwriting efforts, as well as all
  indirect costs, are expensed as incurred.

    Value of business acquired ("VOBA") is an intangible asset resulting from a
  business combination that represents the excess of book value over the
  estimated fair value of acquired insurance, annuity, and investment-type
  contracts in-force at the acquisition date. The estimated fair value of the
  acquired liabilities is based on projections, by each block of business, of
  future policy and contract charges, premiums, mortality and morbidity,
  separate account performance, surrenders, operating expenses, investment
  returns, nonperformance risk adjustment and other factors. Actual experience
  with the purchased business may vary from these projections.

    DAC and VOBA are amortized as follows:

 Products:                              In proportion to the following over
                                        estimated lives of the contracts:
 . Nonparticipating and                   Actual and expected future gross
   non-dividend-paying traditional        premiums
  .  Term insurance
  .  Nonparticipating whole life
  .  Traditional group life insurance
  .  Non-medical health insurance
 . Participating, dividend-paying         Actual and expected future gross
   traditional contracts                  margins
 . Fixed and variable universal life      Actual and expected future gross
   contracts                              profits
 . Fixed and variable deferred annuity

    See Note 4 for additional information on DAC and VOBA amortization.
  Amortization of DAC and VOBA is included in other expenses.

    The recovery of DAC and VOBA is dependent upon the future profitability of
  the related business. DAC and VOBA are aggregated on the financial statements
  for reporting purposes.

    The Company generally has two different types of sales inducements which
  are included in other assets: (i) the policyholder receives a bonus whereby
  the policyholder's initial account balance is increased by an amount equal to
  a specified percentage of the customer's deposit; and (ii) the policyholder
  receives a higher interest rate using a dollar cost averaging method than
  would have been received based on the normal general account interest rate
  credited. The Company


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

1. Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting
Policies (continued)

  defers sales inducements and amortizes them over the life of the policy using
  the same methodology and assumptions used to amortize DAC. The amortization
  of sales inducements is included in policyholder benefits and claims. Each
  year, or more frequently if circumstances indicate a potential recoverability
  issue exists, the Company reviews deferred sales inducements ("DSI") to
  determine the recoverability of the asset.

    Value of distribution agreements acquired ("VODA") is reported in other
  assets and represents the present value of expected future profits associated
  with the expected future business derived from the distribution agreements
  acquired as part of a business combination. Value of customer relationships
  acquired ("VOCRA") is also reported in other assets and represents the
  present value of the expected future profits associated with the expected
  future business acquired through existing customers of the acquired company
  or business. The VODA and VOCRA associated with past business combinations
  are amortized over the assets' useful lives ranging from 10 to 30 years and
  such amortization is included in other expenses. Each year, or more
  frequently if circumstances indicate a possible impairment exists, the
  Company reviews VODA and VOCRA to determine whether the asset is impaired.


    For each of its reinsurance agreements, the Company determines whether the
  agreement provides indemnification against loss or liability relating to
  insurance risk in accordance with applicable accounting standards. Cessions
  under reinsurance agreements do not discharge the Company's obligations as
  the primary insurer. The Company reviews all contractual features, including
  those that may limit the amount of insurance risk to which the reinsurer is
  subject or features that delay the timely reimbursement of claims.

    For reinsurance of existing in-force blocks of long-duration contracts that
  transfer significant insurance risk, the difference, if any, between the
  amounts paid (received), and the liabilities ceded (assumed) related to the
  underlying contracts is considered the net cost of reinsurance at the
  inception of the reinsurance agreement. The net cost of reinsurance is
  amortized on a basis consistent with the methodologies and assumptions used
  for amortizing DAC related to the underlying reinsured contracts. Subsequent
  amounts paid (received) on the reinsurance of in-force blocks, as well as
  amounts paid (received) related to new business, are recorded as
  ceded (assumed) premiums; and ceded (assumed) premiums, reinsurance and other
  receivables (future policy benefits) are established.

    For prospective reinsurance of short-duration contracts that meet the
  criteria for reinsurance accounting, amounts paid (received) are recorded as
  ceded (assumed) premiums and ceded (assumed) unearned premiums. Ceded
  (assumed) unearned premiums are reflected as a component of premiums,
  reinsurance and other receivables (future policy benefits). Such amounts are
  amortized through earned premiums over the remaining contract period in
  proportion to the amount of insurance protection provided. For retroactive
  reinsurance of short-duration contracts that meet the criteria for
  reinsurance accounting, amounts paid (received) in excess of the related
  insurance liabilities ceded (assumed) are recognized immediately as a loss
  and are reported in the appropriate line item within the statement of
  operations. Any gain on such retroactive agreement is deferred and is
  amortized as part of DAC, primarily using the recovery method.

    Amounts currently recoverable under reinsurance agreements are included in
  premiums, reinsurance and other receivables and amounts currently payable are
  included in other liabilities. Assets and liabilities relating to reinsurance
  agreements with the same reinsurer may be recorded net on the balance sheet,
  if a right of offset exists within the reinsurance agreement. In the event
  that reinsurers do not meet their obligations to the Company under the terms
  of the reinsurance agreements, reinsurance recoverable balances could become
  uncollectible. In such instances, reinsurance recoverable balances are stated
  net of allowances for uncollectible reinsurance, consistent with credit loss
  guidance which requires recording an allowance for credit loss ("ACL").

    The funds withheld liability represents amounts withheld by the Company in
  accordance with the terms of the reinsurance agreements. The Company
  withholds the funds rather than transferring the underlying investments and,
  as a result, records funds withheld liability within other liabilities. The
  Company recognizes interest on funds withheld, included in other expenses, at
  rates defined by the terms of the agreement which may be contractually
  specified or directly related to the investment portfolio.
  See "-- Investments -- Other Invested Assets" for information on funds
  withheld assets.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

1. Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting
Policies (continued)

    Premiums, fees and policyholder benefits and claims include amounts assumed
  under reinsurance agreements and are net of reinsurance ceded. Amounts
  received from reinsurers for policy administration are reported in other
  revenues. With respect to GMIBs, a portion of the directly written GMIBs are
  accounted for as insurance liabilities, but the associated reinsurance
  agreements contain embedded derivatives. These embedded derivatives are
  included in premiums, reinsurance and other receivables with changes in
  estimated fair value reported in net derivative gains (losses). Certain
  assumed GMWBs, GMABs and GMIBs are also accounted for as embedded derivatives
  with changes in estimated fair value reported in net derivative gains

    If the Company determines that a reinsurance agreement does not expose the
  reinsurer to a reasonable possibility of a significant loss from insurance
  risk, the Company records the agreement using the deposit method of
  accounting. Deposits received are included in other liabilities and deposits
  made are included within premiums, reinsurance and other receivables. As
  amounts are paid or received, consistent with the underlying contracts, the
  deposit assets or liabilities are adjusted. Interest on such deposits is
  recorded as other revenues or other expenses, as appropriate. Periodically,
  the Company evaluates the adequacy of the expected payments or recoveries and
  adjusts the deposit asset or liability through other revenues or other
  expenses, as appropriate.


   Net Investment Income

     Net investment income includes primarily interest income, including
   amortization of premium and accretion of discount, prepayment fees, dividend
   income, rental income and equity method income and is net of related
   investment expenses. Net investment income also includes, to a lesser
   extent, (i) realized gains (losses) on investments sold or disposed and
   (ii) unrealized gains (losses) recognized in earnings, representing changes
   in estimated fair value, primarily for fair value option ("FVO") securities
   ("FVO Securities").

   Net Investment Gains (Losses)

     Net investment gains (losses) include primarily (i) realized gains
   (losses) from sales and disposals of investments, which are determined by
   specific identification, (ii) intent-to-sell impairment losses on fixed
   maturity securities available-for-sale ("AFS") and impairment losses on all
   other asset classes, and to a lesser extent, (iii) recognized gains
   (losses). Recognized gains (losses) are primarily comprised of the change in
   the ACL and unrealized gains (losses) for certain investments for which
   changes in estimated fair value are recognized in earnings. Changes in the
   ACL includes both (i) provisions for credit loss on fixed maturity
   securities AFS, mortgage loans and leveraged and direct financing leases and
   (ii) subsequent changes in the ACL. Unrealized gains (losses), representing
   changes in estimated fair value recognized in earnings, primarily relate to
   equity securities and certain other limited partnership interests and real
   estate joint ventures.

     Net investment gains (losses) also include non-investment portfolio gains
   (losses) which do not relate to the performance of the investment portfolio,
   including gains (losses) from sales and divestitures of businesses and
   impairment of property, equipment, leasehold improvements and right-of-use
   ("ROU") lease assets.

   Accrued Investment Income

     Accrued investment income is presented separately on the consolidated
   balance sheet and excluded from the carrying value of the related
   investments, primarily fixed maturity securities and mortgage loans.

   Fixed Maturity Securities

     The majority of the Company's fixed maturity securities are classified as
   AFS and are reported at their estimated fair value. Changes in the estimated
   fair value of these securities not recognized in earnings representing
   unrecognized unrealized investment gains (losses) are recorded as a separate
   component of other comprehensive income (loss) ("OCI"), net of
   policy-related amounts and deferred income taxes. All security transactions
   are recorded on a trade date basis. Sales of securities are determined on a
   specific identification basis.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

1. Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting
Policies (continued)

     Interest income and prepayment fees are recognized when earned. Interest
   income is recognized using an effective yield method giving effect to
   amortization of premium and accretion of discount, and is based on the
   estimated economic life of the securities, which for mortgage-backed and
   asset-backed securities considers the estimated timing and amount of
   prepayments of the underlying loans. See Note 7 "-- Fixed Maturity
   Securities AFS -- Methodology for Amortization of Premium and Accretion of
   Discount on Structured Products." The amortization of premium and accretion
   of discount also take into consideration call and maturity dates. Generally,
   the accrual of income is ceased and accrued investment income that is
   considered uncollectible is recognized as a charge within net investment
   gains (losses) when securities are impaired.

     The Company periodically evaluates these securities for impairment. The
   assessment of whether impairments have occurred is based on management's
   case-by-case evaluation of the underlying reasons for the decline in
   estimated fair value as described in Note 7 "-- Fixed Maturity Securities
   AFS -- Evaluation of Fixed Maturity Securities AFS for Credit Loss."

     After adoption of credit loss guidance on January 1, 2020, for securities
   in an unrealized loss position, a credit loss is recognized in earnings
   within net investment gains (losses) when it is anticipated that the
   amortized cost, excluding accrued investment income, will not be recovered.
   When either: (i) the Company has the intent to sell the security; or (ii) it
   is more likely than not that the Company will be required to sell the
   security before recovery, the reduction of amortized cost and the loss
   recognized in earnings is the entire difference between the security's
   amortized cost and estimated fair value. If neither of these conditions
   exists, the difference between the amortized cost of the security and the
   present value of projected future cash flows expected to be collected is
   recognized in earnings as a credit loss by establishing an ACL with a
   corresponding charge recorded in net investment gains (losses). However, the
   ACL is limited by the amount that the fair value is less than the amortized
   cost. This limitation is known as the "fair value floor." If the estimated
   fair value is less than the present value of projected future cash flows
   expected to be collected, this portion of the decline in value related to
   other-than-credit factors ("noncredit loss") is recorded in OCI as an
   unrecognized loss.

     During the year ended December 31, 2019, prior to the adoption of credit
   loss guidance on January 1, 2020, the Company applied other than temporary
   impairment ("OTTI") guidance for securities in an unrealized loss position.
   An OTTI was recognized in earnings within net investment gains (losses) when
   it was anticipated that the amortized cost would not be recovered. When
   either: (i) the Company had the intent to sell the security, or (ii) it was
   more likely than not that the Company would be required to sell the security
   before recovery, the reduction of amortized cost and the OTTI recognized in
   earnings was the entire difference between the security's amortized cost and
   estimated fair value. If neither of these conditions existed, the difference
   between the amortized cost of the security and the present value of
   projected future cash flows expected to be collected was recognized as a
   reduction of amortized cost and an OTTI in earnings. If the estimated fair
   value was less than the present value of projected future cash flows
   expected to be collected, this portion of OTTI related to noncredit loss was
   recorded in OCI as an unrecognized loss.

     The credit loss guidance adopted on January 1, 2020, replaced the model
   for purchased credit impaired ("PCI") fixed maturity securities AFS and
   financing receivables and requires the establishment of an ACL at
   acquisition, which is added to the purchase price to establish the initial
   amortized cost of the investment and is not recognized in earnings.

   Mortgage Loans

     After adoption of credit loss guidance on January 1, 2020, the Company
   recognizes an ACL in earnings within net investment gains (losses) at time
   of purchase based on expected lifetime credit loss on financing receivables
   carried at amortized cost, including, but not limited to, mortgage loans and
   leveraged and direct financing leases, in an amount that represents the
   portion of the amortized cost basis of such financing receivables that the
   Company does not expect to collect, resulting in financing receivables being
   presented at the net amount expected to be collected.

     During the year ended December 31, 2019, prior to the adoption of credit
   loss guidance on January 1, 2020, the Company applied incurred loss guidance
   where credit loss was recognized in earnings within net investment gains
   (losses) when incurred (when it was probable, based on current information
   and events, that all amounts due under the loan agreement would not be


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

1. Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting
Policies (continued)

     The Company disaggregates its mortgage loan investments into three
   portfolio segments: commercial, agricultural and residential. Also included
   in commercial mortgage loans are revolving line of credit loans
   collateralized by commercial properties. The accounting policies that are
   applicable to all portfolio segments are presented below and the accounting
   policies related to each of the portfolio segments are included in Note 7.

     Mortgage loans are stated at unpaid principal balance, adjusted for any
   unamortized premium or discount, deferred fees or expenses, and are net of
   ACL. Interest income and prepayment fees are recognized when earned.
   Interest income is recognized using an effective yield method giving effect
   to amortization of premium and deferred expenses and accretion of discount
   and deferred fees.

     The Company ceases to accrue interest when the collection of interest is
   not considered probable, which is based on a current evaluation of the
   status of the borrower, including the number of days past due. When a loan
   is placed on non-accrual status, uncollected past due accrued interest
   income that is considered uncollectible is charged-off against net
   investment income. Generally, the accrual of interest income resumes after
   all delinquent amounts are paid and management believes all future principal
   and interest payments will be collected. The Company records cash receipts
   on non-accruing loans in accordance with the loan agreement. The Company
   records charge-offs of mortgage loan balances not considered collectible
   upon the realization of a credit loss, for commercial and agricultural
   mortgage loans typically through foreclosure or after a decision is made to
   sell a loan, and for residential mortgage loans, typically after considering
   the individual consumer's financial status. The charge-off is recorded in
   net investment gains (losses), net of amounts recognized in ACL. Cash
   recoveries on principal amounts previously charged-off are generally
   reported in net investment gains (losses).

     Also included in mortgage loans are residential mortgage loans for which
   the FVO was elected, and which are stated at estimated fair value. Changes
   in estimated fair value are recognized in net investment income.

     Mortgage loans that are designated as held-for-sale, are carried at the
   lower of amortized cost or estimated fair value.

   Policy Loans

     Policy loans are stated at unpaid principal balances. Interest income is
   recognized as earned using the contractual interest rate. Generally, accrued
   interest is capitalized on the policy's anniversary date. Valuation
   allowances are not established for policy loans, as they are fully
   collateralized by the cash surrender value of the underlying insurance
   policies. Any unpaid principal and accrued interest are deducted from the
   cash surrender value or the death benefit prior to settlement of the
   insurance policy.

   Real Estate

     Real estate is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Depreciation
   is recognized on a straight-line basis, without any provision for salvage
   value, over the estimated useful life of the asset (typically up to 55
   years). Rental income is recognized on a straight-line basis over the term
   of the respective leases. The Company periodically reviews its real estate
   for impairment and tests for recoverability whenever events or changes in
   circumstances indicate the carrying value may not be recoverable. Properties
   whose carrying values are greater than their estimated undiscounted cash
   flows are written down to their estimated fair value, which is generally
   computed using the present value of expected future cash flows discounted at
   a rate commensurate with the underlying risks.

     Real estate for which the Company commits to a plan to sell within one
   year and actively markets in its current condition for a reasonable price in
   comparison to its estimated fair value is classified as held-for-sale and is
   not depreciated. Real estate held-for-sale is stated at the lower of
   depreciated cost or estimated fair value less expected disposition costs.

   Real Estate Joint Ventures and Other Limited Partnership Interests

     The Company uses the equity method of accounting or the FVO for real
   estate joint ventures and other limited partnership interests ("investee")
   when it has more than a minor ownership interest or more than a minor
   influence over the investee's operations but does not hold a controlling
   financial interest, including when the Company is not deemed the primary
   beneficiary of a VIE. Under the equity method, the Company recognizes in
   earnings within net investment


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

1. Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting
Policies (continued)

   income its share of the investee's earnings. Contributions paid by the
   Company increase carrying value and distributions received by the Company
   reduce carrying value. The Company generally recognizes its share of the
   investee's earnings on a three-month lag in instances where the investee's
   financial information is not sufficiently timely or when the investee's
   reporting period differs from the Company's reporting period.

     The Company accounts for its interest in real estate joint ventures and
   other limited partnership interests in which it has virtually no influence
   over the investee's operations at estimated fair value. Unrealized gains
   (losses), representing changes in estimated fair value of these investments,
   are recognized in earnings within net investment gains (losses). Due to the
   nature and structure of these investments, they do not meet the
   characteristics of an equity security in accordance with applicable
   accounting guidance.

     The Company consolidates real estate joint ventures and other limited
   partnership interests of which it holds a controlling financial interest, or
   it is deemed the primary beneficiary of a VIE. Assets of certain of these
   consolidated other limited partnership interests and real estate joint
   ventures are recorded at estimated fair value. Unrealized gains (losses)
   representing changes in estimated fair value are recognized in net
   investment income.

     The Company routinely evaluates its equity method investments for
   impairment. When it is determined an equity method investment has had a loss
   in value that is other than temporary, it is impaired. Such an impairment is
   charged to net investment gains (losses).

   Short-term Investments

     Short-term investments include highly liquid securities and other
   investments with remaining maturities of one year or less, but greater than
   three months, at the time of purchase. Securities included within short-term
   investments are stated at estimated fair value, while other investments
   included within short-term investments are stated at amortized cost less
   ACL, which approximates estimated fair value.

   Other Invested Assets

      Other invested assets consist principally of the following:

   .  Freestanding derivatives with positive estimated fair values which are
      described in "-- Derivatives" below.

   .  Funds withheld represent a receivable for amounts contractually withheld
      by ceding companies in accordance with reinsurance agreements. The
      Company recognizes interest on funds withheld at rates defined by the
      terms of the agreement which may be contractually specified or directly
      related to the underlying investments.

   .  Tax credit and renewable energy partnerships which derive a significant
      source of investment return in the form of income tax credits or other
      tax incentives. Where tax credits are guaranteed by a creditworthy third
      party, the investment is accounted for under the effective yield method.
      Otherwise, the investment is accounted for under the equity method. See
      Note 15.

   .  Affiliated investments include affiliated loans and affiliated preferred
      stock. Affiliated loans are stated at unpaid principal balance, adjusted
      for any unamortized premium or discount. Interest income is recognized
      using an effective yield method giving effect to amortization of premium
      and accretion of discount. Affiliated preferred stock is stated at cost.
      Dividends are recognized in net investment income when declared.

   .  Annuities funding structured settlement claims represent annuities
      funding claims assumed by the Company in its capacity as a structured
      settlements assignment company. The annuities are stated at their
      contract value, which represents the present value of the future periodic
      claim payments to be provided. The net investment income recognized
      reflects the amortization of discount of the annuity at its implied
      effective interest rate. See Note 3.

   .  FVO Securities are primarily investments in fixed maturity securities
      held-for-investment that are managed on a total return basis where the
      FVO has been elected, with changes in estimated fair value included in
      net investment income.

   .  Leveraged leases net investment is equal to the minimum lease payment
      receivables plus the unguaranteed residual value, less the unearned
      income, less ACL and is reported net of non-recourse debt. Income is
      recognized by applying


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

1. Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting
Policies (continued)

      the leveraged lease's estimated rate of return to the net investment in
      the lease in those periods in which the net investment at the beginning
      of the period is positive. Leveraged leases derive investment returns in
      part from their income tax benefit. The Company regularly reviews its
      minimum lease payment receivables for credit loss and residual value for

   .  Investments in Federal Home Loan Bank ("FHLB") common stock are carried
      at redemption value and are considered restricted investments until
      redeemed by the respective regional FHLBs. Dividends are recognized in
      net investment income when declared.

   .  Investment in an operating joint venture that engages in insurance
      underwriting activities is accounted for under the equity method.

   .  Equity securities are reported at their estimated fair value, with
      changes in estimated fair value included in net investment gains
      (losses). Sales of securities are determined on a specific identification
      basis. Dividends are recognized in net investment income when declared.

   .  Direct financing leases net investment is equal to the minimum lease
      payment receivables plus the unguaranteed residual value, less the
      unearned income, less ACL. Income is determined by applying the pre-tax
      internal rate of return to the investment balance. The Company regularly
      reviews its minimum lease payment receivables for credit loss and
      residual value for impairments.

   Securities Lending Transactions and Repurchase Agreements

     The Company accounts for securities lending transactions and repurchase
   agreements as financing arrangements and the associated liability is
   recorded at the amount of cash received. The securities loaned or sold under
   these agreements are included in invested assets. Income and expenses
   associated with securities lending transactions and repurchase agreements
   are recognized as investment income and investment expense, respectively,
   within net investment income.

   Securities Lending Transactions

     The Company enters into securities lending transactions, whereby
   securities are loaned to unaffiliated financial institutions. The Company
   obtains collateral at the inception of the loan, usually cash, in an amount
   generally equal to 102% of the estimated fair value of the securities
   loaned, and maintains it at a level greater than or equal to 100% for the
   duration of the loan. Securities loaned under such transactions may be sold
   or re-pledged by the transferee. The Company is liable to return to the
   counterparties the cash collateral received. Security collateral on deposit
   from counterparties in connection with securities lending transactions may
   not be sold or re-pledged, unless the counterparty is in default, and is not
   reflected on the Company's consolidated financial statements. The Company
   monitors the ratio of the collateral held to the estimated fair value of the
   securities loaned on a daily basis and additional collateral is obtained as
   necessary throughout the duration of the loan.

   Repurchase Agreements

     The Company participates in short-term repurchase agreements with
   unaffiliated financial institutions. Under these agreements, the Company
   sells securities and receives cash in an amount generally equal to 85% to
   100% of the estimated fair value of the securities sold at the inception of
   the transaction, with a simultaneous agreement to repurchase such securities
   at a future date or on demand in an amount equal to the cash initially
   received plus interest. The Company monitors the ratio of the cash held to
   the estimated fair value of the securities sold throughout the duration of
   the transaction and additional cash or securities are obtained as necessary.
   Securities sold under such transactions may be sold or re-pledged by the


   Freestanding Derivatives

     Freestanding derivatives are carried on the Company's balance sheet either
   as assets within other invested assets or as liabilities within other
   liabilities at estimated fair value. The Company does not offset the
   estimated fair value amounts recognized for derivatives executed with the
   same counterparty under the same master netting agreement.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

1. Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting
Policies (continued)

     Accruals on derivatives are generally recorded in accrued investment
   income or within other liabilities. However, accruals that are not scheduled
   to settle within one year are included with the derivative's carrying value
   in other invested assets or other liabilities.

      If a derivative is not designated as an accounting hedge or its use in
   managing risk does not qualify for hedge accounting, changes in the
   estimated fair value of the derivative are reported in net derivative
   gains (losses) except as follows:

Statement of Operations Presentation:  Derivative:
Policyholder benefits and claims       Economic hedges of variable annuity guarantees included in
                                           future policy benefits
Net investment income                  Economic hedges of equity method investments in joint ventures
                                       Economic hedges of FVO Securities which are linked to equity

   Hedge Accounting

      To qualify for hedge accounting, at the inception of the hedging
   relationship, the Company formally documents its risk management objective
   and strategy for undertaking the hedging transaction, as well as its
   designation of the hedge. Hedge designation and financial statement
   presentation of changes in estimated fair value of the hedging derivatives
   are as follows:

  .   Fair value hedge - a hedge of the estimated fair value of a recognized
      asset or liability - in the same line item as the earnings effect of the
      hedged item. The carrying value of the hedged recognized asset or
      liability is adjusted for changes in its estimated fair value due to the
      hedged risk.

  .   Cash flow hedge - a hedge of a forecasted transaction or of the
      variability of cash flows to be received or paid related to a recognized
      asset or liability - in OCI and reclassified into the statement of
      operations when the Company's earnings are affected by the variability in
      cash flows of the hedged item.

     The changes in estimated fair values of the hedging derivatives are
   exclusive of any accruals that are separately reported on the statement of
   operations within interest income or interest expense to match the location
   of the hedged item.

     In its hedge documentation, the Company sets forth how the hedging
   instrument is expected to hedge the designated risks related to the hedged
   item and sets forth the method that will be used to retrospectively and
   prospectively assess the hedging instrument's effectiveness. A derivative
   designated as a hedging instrument must be assessed as being highly
   effective in offsetting the designated risk of the hedged item. Hedge
   effectiveness is formally assessed at inception and at least quarterly
   throughout the life of the designated hedging relationship. Assessments of
   hedge effectiveness are also subject to interpretation and estimation and
   different interpretations or estimates may have a material effect on the
   amount reported in net income.

     The Company discontinues hedge accounting prospectively when: (i) it is
   determined that the derivative is no longer highly effective in offsetting
   changes in the estimated fair value or cash flows of a hedged item; (ii) the
   derivative expires, is sold, terminated, or exercised; (iii) it is no longer
   probable that the hedged forecasted transaction will occur; or (iv) the
   derivative is de-designated as a hedging instrument.

     When hedge accounting is discontinued because it is determined that the
   derivative is not highly effective in offsetting changes in the estimated
   fair value or cash flows of a hedged item, the derivative continues to be
   carried on the balance sheet at its estimated fair value, with changes in
   estimated fair value recognized in net derivative gains (losses). The
   carrying value of the hedged recognized asset or liability under a fair
   value hedge is no longer adjusted for changes in its estimated fair value
   due to the hedged risk, and the cumulative adjustment to its carrying value
   is amortized into income over the remaining life of the hedged item.
   Provided the hedged forecasted transaction is still probable of occurring,
   the changes in estimated fair value of derivatives recorded in OCI related
   to discontinued cash flow hedges are released into the statement of
   operations when the Company's earnings are affected by the variability in
   cash flows of the hedged item.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

1. Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting
Policies (continued)

     When hedge accounting is discontinued because it is no longer probable
   that the forecasted transactions will occur on the anticipated date or
   within two months of that date, the derivative continues to be carried on
   the balance sheet at its estimated fair value, with changes in estimated
   fair value recognized currently in net derivative gains (losses). Deferred
   gains and losses of a derivative recorded in OCI pursuant to the
   discontinued cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction that is no longer
   probable of occurring are recognized immediately in net investment gains

      In all other situations in which hedge accounting is discontinued, the
   derivative is carried at its estimated fair value on the balance sheet, with
   changes in its estimated fair value recognized in the current period as net
   derivative gains (losses).

   Embedded Derivatives

      The Company issues certain products, which include variable annuities,
   and investment contracts and is a party to certain reinsurance agreements
   that have embedded derivatives. The Company assesses each identified
   embedded derivative to determine whether it is required to be bifurcated.
   The embedded derivative is bifurcated from the host contract and accounted
   for as a freestanding derivative if:

   .  the combined instrument is not accounted for in its entirety at estimated
      fair value with changes in estimated fair value recorded in earnings;

   .  the terms of the embedded derivative are not clearly and closely related
      to the economic characteristics of the host contract; and

   .  a separate instrument with the same terms as the embedded derivative
      would qualify as a derivative instrument.

      Such embedded derivatives are carried on the balance sheet at estimated
   fair value with the host contract and changes in their estimated fair value
   are generally reported in net derivative gains (losses). If the Company is
   unable to properly identify and measure an embedded derivative for
   separation from its host contract, the entire contract is carried on the
   balance sheet at estimated fair value, with changes in estimated fair value
   recognized in the current period in net investment gains (losses) or net
   investment income. Additionally, the Company may elect to carry an entire
   contract on the balance sheet at estimated fair value, with changes in
   estimated fair value recognized in the current period in net investment
   gains (losses) or net investment income if that contract contains an
   embedded derivative that requires bifurcation. At inception, the Company
   attributes to the embedded derivative a portion of the projected future
   guarantee fees to be collected from the policyholder equal to the present
   value of projected future guaranteed benefits. Any additional fees represent
   "excess" fees and are reported in universal life and investment-type product
   policy fees.

  Fair Value

    Fair value is defined as the price that would be received to sell an asset
  or paid to transfer a liability (an exit price) in the principal or most
  advantageous market for the asset or liability in an orderly transaction
  between market participants on the measurement date. In most cases, the exit
  price and the transaction (or entry) price will be the same at initial

    Subsequent to initial recognition, fair values are based on unadjusted
  quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities in active markets that are
  readily and regularly obtainable. When such unadjusted quoted prices are not
  available, estimated fair values are based on quoted prices in markets that
  are not active, quoted prices for similar but not identical assets or
  liabilities, or other observable inputs. If these inputs are not available,
  or observable inputs are not determinable, unobservable inputs and/or
  adjustments to observable inputs requiring significant management judgment
  are used to determine the estimated fair value of assets and liabilities.
  These unobservable inputs can be based on management's judgment, assumptions
  or estimation and may not be observable in market activity. Unobservable
  inputs are based on management's assumptions about the inputs market
  participants would use in pricing the assets.

  Employee Benefit Plans

    The Company sponsors a U.S. nonqualified defined benefit pension plan
  covering MetLife employees who meet specified eligibility requirements of the
  sponsor and its participating affiliates. A December 31 measurement date is
  used for the Company's defined benefit pension plan.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

1. Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting
Policies (continued)

    The Company recognizes the funded status of its defined benefit pension
  plan, measured as the difference between the fair value of plan assets and
  the benefit obligation, which is the projected benefit obligation ("PBO") for
  pension benefits.

    Actuarial gains and losses result from differences between the plan's
  actual experience and the assumed experience on PBO during a particular
  period and are recorded in accumulated OCI ("AOCI"). To the extent such gains
  and losses exceed 10% of the PBO, the excess is amortized into net periodic
  benefit costs, generally over the average projected future service years of
  the active employees. In addition, prior service costs (credit) are
  recognized in AOCI at the time of the amendment and then amortized to net
  periodic benefit costs over the average projected future service years of the
  active employees.

    Net periodic benefit costs are determined using management's estimates and
  actuarial assumptions and are comprised of service cost, interest cost,
  settlement and curtailment costs, amortization of net actuarial (gains)
  losses, and amortization of prior service costs (credit).

    The Company sponsors a nonqualified defined contribution plan for all
  MetLife employees who qualify. This nonqualified defined contribution plan
  provides supplemental benefits in excess of limits applicable to a qualified
  plan which is sponsored by an affiliate.

  Income Tax

    Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and its includable subsidiaries join
  with MetLife, Inc. and its includable subsidiaries in filing a consolidated
  U.S. life insurance and non-life insurance federal income tax return in
  accordance with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
  amended. Current taxes (and the benefits of tax attributes such as losses)
  are allocated to Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and its includable
  subsidiaries under the consolidated tax return regulations and a tax sharing
  agreement. Under the consolidated tax return regulations, MetLife, Inc. has
  elected the "percentage method" (and 100% under such method) of reimbursing
  companies for tax attributes, e.g., net operating losses. As a result, 100%
  of tax attributes are reimbursed by MetLife, Inc. to the extent that
  consolidated federal income tax of the consolidated federal tax return group
  is reduced in a year by tax attributes. On an annual basis, each of the
  profitable subsidiaries pays to MetLife, Inc. the federal income tax which it
  would have paid based upon that year's taxable income. If Metropolitan Life
  Insurance Company or its includable subsidiaries have current or prior
  deductions and credits (including but not limited to losses) which reduce the
  consolidated tax liability of the consolidated federal tax return group, the
  deductions and credits are characterized as realized (or realizable) by
  Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and its includable subsidiaries when
  those tax attributes are realized (or realizable) by the consolidated federal
  tax return group, even if Metropolitan Life Insurance Company or its
  includable subsidiaries would not have realized the attributes on a
  stand-alone basis under a "wait and see" method.

    The Company's accounting for income taxes represents management's best
  estimate of various events and transactions.

    Deferred tax assets and liabilities resulting from temporary differences
  between the financial reporting and tax bases of assets and liabilities are
  measured at the balance sheet date using enacted tax rates expected to apply
  to taxable income in the years the temporary differences are expected to

    The realization of deferred tax assets depends upon the existence of
  sufficient taxable income within the carryback or carryforward periods under
  the tax law in the applicable tax jurisdiction. Valuation allowances are
  established against deferred tax assets when management determines, based on
  available information, that it is more likely than not that deferred income
  tax assets will not be realized. Significant judgment is required in
  determining whether valuation allowances should be established, as well as
  the amount of such allowances. When making such determination, the Company
  considers many factors, including:

  .   the nature, frequency, and amount of cumulative financial reporting
      income and losses in recent years;

  .   the jurisdiction in which the deferred tax asset was generated;

  .   the length of time that carryforward can be utilized in the various
      taxing jurisdictions;

  .   future taxable income exclusive of reversing temporary differences and


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

1. Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting
Policies (continued)

  .   future reversals of existing taxable temporary differences;

  .   taxable income in prior carryback years; and

  .   tax planning strategies.

    The Company may be required to change its provision for income taxes when
  estimates used in determining valuation allowances on deferred tax assets
  significantly change or when receipt of new information indicates the need
  for adjustment in valuation allowances. Additionally, the effect of changes
  in tax laws, tax regulations, or interpretations of such laws or regulations,
  is recognized in net income tax expense (benefit) in the period of change.

    The Company determines whether it is more likely than not that a tax
  position will be sustained upon examination by the appropriate taxing
  authorities before any part of the benefit can be recorded on the financial
  statements. A tax position is measured at the largest amount of benefit that
  is greater than 50% likely of being realized upon settlement. Unrecognized
  tax benefits due to tax uncertainties that do not meet the threshold are
  included within other liabilities and are charged to earnings in the period
  that such determination is made.

    The Company classifies interest recognized as interest expense and
  penalties recognized as a component of income tax expense.

    In December 2017, H.R. 1, commonly referred to as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
  of 2017 ("U.S. Tax Reform") was signed into law. See Note 15 for additional
  information on U.S. Tax Reform.

  Litigation Contingencies

    The Company is a defendant in a large number of litigation matters and is
  involved in a number of regulatory investigations. Liabilities are
  established when it is probable that a loss has been incurred and the amount
  of the loss can be reasonably estimated. Except as otherwise disclosed in
  Note 16, legal costs are recognized as incurred. On a quarterly and annual
  basis, the Company reviews relevant information with respect to liabilities
  for litigation, regulatory investigations and litigation-related
  contingencies to be reflected on the Company's consolidated financial

  Other Accounting Policies

   Stock-Based Compensation

     The Company does not issue any awards payable in its common stock or
   options to purchase its common stock. MetLife, Inc. grants certain employees
   stock-based compensation awards under various plans subject to vesting
   conditions. In accordance with a services agreement with an affiliate, the
   Company bears a proportionate share of stock-based compensation expense. The
   Company's expense related to stock-based compensation included in other
   expenses was $59 million, $44 million and $57 million for the years ended
   December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively.

   Cash and Cash Equivalents

     The Company considers highly liquid securities and other investments
   purchased with an original or remaining maturity of three months or less at
   the date of purchase to be cash equivalents. Securities included within cash
   equivalents are stated at estimated fair value, while other investments
   included within cash equivalents are stated at amortized cost, which
   approximates estimated fair value.

   Property, Equipment and Leasehold Improvements

     Property, equipment and leasehold improvements, which are included in
   other assets, are stated at cost, less accumulated depreciation and
   amortization. Depreciation is determined using the straight-line method over
   the estimated useful lives of the assets, as appropriate. The estimated life
   is generally 40 years for company occupied real estate property, from one to
   25 years for leasehold improvements, and from three to seven years for all
   other property and equipment. The cost basis of the property, equipment and
   leasehold improvements was $852 million and $856 million at December 31,
   2021 and 2020, respectively. Accumulated depreciation and amortization of
   property, equipment and leasehold improvements was $695 million and
   $657 million at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

1. Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting
Policies (continued)


     The Company, as lessee, has entered into various lease and sublease
   agreements for office space and equipment. At contract inception, the
   Company determines that an arrangement contains a lease if the contract
   conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of
   time in exchange for consideration. For contracts that contain a lease, the
   Company recognizes the ROU asset in other assets and the lease liability in
   other liabilities. The Company evaluates whether a ROU asset is impaired
   when events or changes in circumstances indicate that its carrying amount
   may not be recoverable. Leases with an initial term of 12 months or less are
   not recorded on the balance sheet and the associated lease costs are
   recorded as an expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

     ROU assets represent the Company's right to use an underlying asset for
   the lease term and lease liabilities represent the Company's obligation to
   make lease payments arising from the lease. ROU assets and lease liabilities
   are determined using the Company's incremental borrowing rate based upon
   information available at commencement date to recognize the present value of
   lease payments over the lease term. ROU assets also include lease payments
   and excludes lease incentives. Lease terms may include options to extend or
   terminate the lease and are included in the lease measurement when it is
   reasonably certain that the Company will exercise that option.

     The Company has lease agreements with lease and non-lease components. The
   Company does not separate lease and non-lease components and accounts for
   these items as a single lease component for all asset classes.

     The majority of the Company's leases and subleases are operating leases
   related to office space. The Company recognizes lease expense for operating
   leases on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

   Other Revenues

     Other revenues primarily include fees related to service contracts from
   customers for prepaid legal plans, administrative services-only contracts,
   and recordkeeping and related services. Substantially all of the revenue
   from the services is recognized over time as the applicable services are
   provided or are made available to the customers. The revenue recognized
   includes variable consideration to the extent it is probable that a
   significant reversal will not occur. In addition to the service fees, other
   revenues also include certain stable value fees and reinsurance ceded. These
   fees are recognized as earned.

   Policyholder Dividends

     Policyholder dividends are approved annually by Metropolitan Life
   Insurance Company's Board of Directors. The aggregate amount of policyholder
   dividends is related to actual interest, mortality, morbidity and expense
   experience for the year, as well as management's judgment as to the
   appropriate level of statutory surplus to be retained by Metropolitan Life
   Insurance Company.

   Foreign Currency

     Assets, liabilities and operations of foreign affiliates and subsidiaries
   are recorded based on the functional currency of each entity. The
   determination of the functional currency is made based on the appropriate
   economic and management indicators. The local currencies of foreign
   operations are the functional currencies. Assets and liabilities of foreign
   affiliates and subsidiaries are translated from the functional currency to
   U.S. dollars at the exchange rates in effect at each year-end and revenues
   and expenses are translated at the average exchange rates during the year.
   The resulting translation adjustments are charged or credited directly to
   OCI, net of applicable taxes. Gains and losses from foreign currency
   transactions, including the effect of re-measurement of monetary assets and
   liabilities to the appropriate functional currency, are reported as part of
   net investment gains (losses) in the period in which they occur.


     Goodwill represents the future economic benefits arising from net assets
   acquired in a business combination that are not individually identified and
   recognized. Goodwill is calculated as the excess of cost over the estimated
   fair value of such net assets acquired, is not amortized, and is tested for
   impairment based on a fair value approach at least annually, or more
   frequently if events or circumstances indicate that there may be
   justification for conducting an interim test. The


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

1. Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting
Policies (continued)

   Company performs its annual goodwill impairment testing during the third
   quarter based upon data as of the close of the second quarter. Goodwill
   associated with a business acquisition is not tested for impairment during
   the year the business is acquired unless there is a significant identified
   impairment event.

     The impairment test is performed at the reporting unit level, which is the
   operating segment or a business one level below the operating segment, if
   discrete financial information is prepared and regularly reviewed by
   management at that level. For purposes of goodwill impairment testing, if
   the carrying value of a reporting unit exceeds its estimated fair value, an
   impairment charge would be recognized for the amount by which the carrying
   value exceeds the reporting unit's fair value; however, the loss recognized
   would not exceed the total amount of goodwill allocated to that reporting
   unit. Additionally, the Company will consider income tax effects from any
   tax deductible goodwill on the carrying value of the reporting unit when
   measuring the goodwill impairment loss, if applicable.

     On an ongoing basis, the Company evaluates potential triggering events
   that may affect the estimated fair value of the Company's reporting units to
   assess whether any goodwill impairment exists. Deteriorating or adverse
   market conditions for certain reporting units may have a significant impact
   on the estimated fair value of these reporting units and could result in
   future impairments of goodwill.

     For the 2021 annual goodwill impairment tests, the Company concluded that
   goodwill was not impaired. The goodwill balance was $86 million in the U.S.
   segment at both December 31, 2021 and 2020. The goodwill balance was $31
   million in the MetLife Holdings segment at both December 31, 2021 and 2020.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements

  Changes to GAAP are established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board
("FASB") in the form of accounting standards update ("ASUs") to the FASB
Accounting Standards Codification. The Company considers the applicability and
impact of all ASUs. The following tables provide a description of ASUs recently
issued by the FASB and the impact of their adoption on the Company's
consolidated financial statements.

  Adopted Accounting Pronouncements

    The table below describes the impacts of the ASUs adopted by the Company,
  effective January 1, 2021.

      Standard                      Description                  Effective Date and       Impact on Financial Statements
                                                                 Method of Adoption
ASU 2020-04,          The guidance provides optional           Effective for contract  The guidance has reduced the
Reference Rate        expedients and exceptions for applying   modifications made      operational and financial impacts of
Reform (Topic 848):   GAAP to contracts, hedging               between March 12,       contract modifications that replace a
Facilitation of the   relationships and other transactions     2020 and                reference rate, such as London
Effects of Reference  affected by reference rate reform if     December 31, 2022.      Interbank Offered Rate ("LIBOR"),
Rate Reform on        certain criteria are met. The                                    affected by reference rate reform.
Financial Reporting;  expedients and exceptions provided by                            Contract modifications for invested
as clarified and      the amendments do not apply to contract                          assets and derivative instruments
amended by ASU        modifications made and hedging                                   have occurred during 2021 and are
2021-01, Reference    relationships entered into or evaluated                          expected to continue into 2022.
Rate Reform (Topic    after December 31, 2022, with certain                            Based on actions taken to date, the
848): Scope           exceptions. ASU 2021-01 amends the                               adoption of the guidance has not had
                      scope of the recent reference rate                               a material impact on the Company's
                      reform guidance. New optional                                    consolidated financial statements.
                      expedients allow derivative instruments                          The Company does not expect the
                      impacted by changes in the interest                              adoption of this guidance to have a
                      rate used for margining, discounting,                            material ongoing impact and will
                      or contract price alignment to qualify                           continue to evaluate the impacts of
                      for certain optional relief.                                     reference rate reform on contract
                                                                                       modifications and hedging
                                                                                       relationships through December 31,


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

1. Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting
Policies (continued)

      Standard                       Description                 Effective Date and      Impact on Financial Statements
                                                                 Method of Adoption
ASU 2019-12,           The guidance simplifies the accounting   January 1, 2021. The  The adoption of the guidance did not
Income Taxes (Topic    for income taxes by removing certain     Company adopted,      have a material impact on the
740): Simplifying the  exceptions to the tax accounting         using a prospective   Company's consolidated financial
Accounting for         guidance and providing clarification to  approach.             statements.
Income Taxes           other specific tax accounting guidance
                       to eliminate variations in practice.
                       Specifically, it removes the exceptions
                       related to the a) incremental approach
                       for intraperiod tax allocation when
                       there is a loss from continuing
                       operations and income or a gain from
                       other items, b) recognition of a
                       deferred tax liability when foreign
                       investment ownership changes from
                       equity method investment to
                       consolidated subsidiary and vice versa
                       and c) use of interim period tax
                       accounting for year-to-date losses that
                       exceed anticipated losses. The guidance
                       also simplifies the application of the
                       income tax guidance for franchise taxes
                       that are partially based on income and
                       the accounting for tax law changes
                       during interim periods, clarifies the
                       accounting for transactions that result
                       in a step-up in tax basis of goodwill,
                       provides for the option to elect
                       allocation of consolidated income taxes
                       to entities disregarded by taxing
                       authorities for their stand-alone
                       reporting, and requires that an entity
                       reflect the effect of an enacted change
                       in tax laws or rates in the annual
                       effective tax rate computation in the
                       interim period that includes the
                       enactment date.

Future Adoption of Accounting Pronouncements

  ASUs not listed below were assessed and either determined to be not
applicable or are not expected to have a material impact on the Company's
consolidated financial statements or disclosures. ASUs issued but not yet
adopted as of December 31, 2021 that are currently being assessed and may or
may not have a material impact on the Company's consolidated financial
statements or disclosures are summarized in the table below.

     Standard                      Description                  Effective Date and        Impact on Financial Statements
                                                                Method of Adoption
ASU 2018-12,         The guidance (i) prescribes the          January 1, 2023, to be   The Company's implementation
Financial Services-- discount rate to be used in measuring    applied retrospectively  efforts and the evaluation of the
Insurance (Topic     the liability for future policy          to January 1, 2021       impacts of the guidance continue to
944): Targeted       benefits for traditional and limited     (with early adoption     progress. Given the nature and extent
Improvements to the  payment long-duration contracts, and     permitted).              of the required changes to a
Accounting for Long- requires assumptions for those                                    significant portion of the Company's
Duration Contracts,  liability valuations to be updated                                operations, the adoption of this
as amended by ASU    after contract inception, (ii) requires                           guidance is expected to have a
2019-09, Financial   more market-based product guarantees on                           material impact on its financial
Services--Insurance  certain separate account and other                                position, results of operations, and
(Topic 944):         account balance long-duration contracts                           disclosures, as well as systems,
Effective Date, as   to be accounted for at fair value,                                processes, and controls.
amended by ASU       (iii) simplifies the amortization of                              The Company expects to adopt the
2020-11, Financial   DAC for virtually all long-duration                               guidance effective January 1, 2023.
Services--Insurance  contracts, and (iv) introduces certain                            The modified retrospective approach
(Topic 944):         financial statement presentation                                  will be used, except in regard to
Effective Date and   requirements, as well as significant                              market risk benefits where the
Early Application    additional quantitative and qualitative                           Company will use the full
                     disclosures. The amendments in ASU                                retrospective approach.
                     2019-09 defer the effective date of ASU                           The Company has created a
                     2018-12 to January 1, 2022 for all                                governance framework and is
                     entities, and the amendments in ASU                               managing a detailed implementation
                     2020-11 further defer the effective                               plan to support timely application of
                     date of ASU 2018-12 for an additional                             the guidance. The Company has
                     year to January 1, 2023 for all                                   made progress and continues to
                     entities.                                                         refine key accounting policy
                                                                                       decisions, technology solutions and
                                                                                       internal controls. These activities
                                                                                       include, but are not limited to,
                                                                                       modifications of actuarial valuation,
                                                                                       accounting and financial reporting
                                                                                       processes and systems including
                                                                                       internal controls.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

1. Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting
Policies (continued)

      Standard                     Description                  Effective Date and          Impact on Financial Statements
                                                                Method of Adoption
                                                                                      The most significant transition impacts
                                                                                      are expected to be from: (i) the
                                                                                      requirement to account for variable
                                                                                      annuity guarantees as market risk
                                                                                      benefits measured at fair value, (except
                                                                                      for the changes in fair value already
                                                                                      recognized under an existing accounting
                                                                                      model) and (ii) adjustments to AOCI for
                                                                                      the change in the current discount rate
                                                                                      to be used in measuring the liability for
                                                                                      future policy benefits for traditional and
                                                                                      limited payment contracts and the
                                                                                      removal of shadow account balances
                                                                                      associated with long-duration products.
                                                                                      Based on factors such as: (i) the
                                                                                      measurement of market risk benefits at
                                                                                      fair value; and (ii) the difference
                                                                                      between the discount rate currently used
                                                                                      for measuring the liability for future
                                                                                      policy benefits for traditional and
                                                                                      limited payment contracts compared to
                                                                                      the observed upper medium grade
                                                                                      investment yield at the date of transition
                                                                                      for this guidance, the Company's
                                                                                      expected impact of adopting this
                                                                                      guidance is anticipated to result in a
                                                                                      reduction of total equity. The Company
                                                                                      continues to evaluate the impact of the
                                                                                      guidance on its consolidated financial
ASU 2021-10,          The guidance requires entities to       Annual periods          The Company is currently evaluating the
Government            provide annual disclosures about        beginning January 1,    impact of the guidance on its annual
Assistance (Topic     transactions with a government that     2022, to be applied     disclosures to be included in its 2022
832): Disclosures by  are accounted for by applying a grant   prospectively (with     consolidated financial statements.
Business Entities     or contribution accounting model by     early adoption
about Government      analogy and can include tax credits     permitted).
Assistance            and other forms of government
                      assistance. Entities are required to
                      disclose information about (i) the
                      nature of the transactions and the
                      related accounting policy used to
                      account for the transactions; (ii) the
                      line items on the balance sheet and
                      income statement that are affected by
                      the transactions, including the
                      associated amounts; and (iii) the
                      significant terms and conditions of
                      the transactions, including
                      commitments and contingencies.
ASU 2021-08,          The guidance indicates how to           January 1, 2023, to be  The Company is currently evaluating
Business              determine whether a contract liability  applied prospectively   the impact of the guidance on its
Combinations (Topic   is recognized by the acquirer in a      (with early adoption    consolidated financial statements.
805): Accounting for  business combination and provides       permitted).
Contract Assets and   specific guidance on how to recognize
Contract Liabilities  and measure acquired contract assets
from Contracts with   and contract liabilities from revenue
Customers             contracts in a business combination.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

2. Segment Information

  The Company is organized into two segments: U.S. and MetLife Holdings. In
addition, the Company reports certain of its results of operations in
Corporate & Other.


  The U.S. segment offers a broad range of protection products and services
aimed at serving the financial needs of customers throughout their lives. These
products are sold to corporations and their respective employees, other
institutions and their respective members, as well as individuals. The U.S.
segment is organized into two businesses: Group Benefits and Retirement and
Income Solutions ("RIS").

 .   The Group Benefits business offers products such as term, variable and
     universal life insurance, dental, group and individual disability and
     accident & health insurance.

 .   The RIS business offers a broad range of life and annuity-based insurance
     and investment products, including stable value and pension risk transfer
     products, institutional income annuities, structured settlements, benefit
     funding solutions and capital markets investment products.

MetLife Holdings

  The MetLife Holdings segment consists of operations relating to products and
businesses that the Company no longer actively markets. These include variable,
universal, term and whole life insurance, variable, fixed and index-linked
annuities, and long-term care insurance.

Corporate & Other

  Corporate & Other contains various start-up, developing and run-off
businesses, including the Company's ancillary non-U.S. operations. Also
included in Corporate & Other are: the excess capital, as well as certain
charges and activities, not allocated to the segments (including
enterprise-wide strategic initiative restructuring charges), interest expense
related to the majority of the Company's outstanding debt, expenses associated
with certain legal proceedings and income tax audit issues, and the elimination
of intersegment amounts (which generally relate to affiliated reinsurance and
intersegment loans, bearing interest rates commensurate with related

Financial Measures and Segment Accounting Policies

  Adjusted earnings is used by management to evaluate performance and allocate
resources. Consistent with GAAP guidance for segment reporting, adjusted
earnings is also the Company's GAAP measure of segment performance and is
reported below. Adjusted earnings should not be viewed as a substitute for net
income (loss). The Company believes the presentation of adjusted earnings, as
the Company measures it for management purposes, enhances the understanding of
its performance by highlighting the results of operations and the underlying
profitability drivers of the business.

  Adjusted earnings is defined as adjusted revenues less adjusted expenses, net
of income tax.

  The financial measures of adjusted revenues and adjusted expenses focus on
the Company's primary businesses principally by excluding the impact of market
volatility, which could distort trends, and revenues and costs related to
non-core products and certain entities required to be consolidated under GAAP.
Also, these measures exclude results of discontinued operations under GAAP and
other businesses that have been or will be sold or exited by MLIC but do not
meet the discontinued operations criteria under GAAP and are referred to as
divested businesses. Divested businesses also include the net impact of
transactions with exited businesses that have been eliminated in consolidation
under GAAP and costs relating to businesses that have been or will be sold or
exited by MLIC that do not meet the criteria to be included in results of
discontinued operations under GAAP. Adjusted revenues also excludes net
investment gains (losses) and net derivative gains (losses).

  The following additional adjustments are made to revenues, in the line items
indicated, in calculating adjusted revenues:

 .   Universal life and investment-type product policy fees excludes the
     amortization of unearned revenue related to net investment gains (losses)
     and net derivative gains (losses) and certain variable annuity GMIB fees
     ("GMIB fees"); and

 .   Net investment income: (i) includes adjustments for earned income on
     derivatives and amortization of premium on derivatives that are hedges of
     investments or that are used to replicate certain investments, but do not
     qualify for hedge


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

2. Segment Information (continued)

     accounting treatment, (ii) excludes post-tax adjusted earnings adjustments
     relating to insurance joint ventures accounted for under the equity
     method, (iii) excludes certain amounts related to securitization entities
     that are VIEs consolidated under GAAP and (iv) includes distributions of
     profits from certain other limited partnership interests that were
     previously accounted for under the cost method, but are now accounted for
     at estimated fair value, where the change in estimated fair value is
     recognized in net investment gains (losses) under GAAP.

  The following additional adjustments are made to expenses, in the line items
indicated, in calculating adjusted expenses:

 .   Policyholder benefits and claims and policyholder dividends excludes:
     (i) amortization of basis adjustments associated with de-designated fair
     value hedges of future policy benefits, (ii) changes in the policyholder
     dividend obligation related to net investment gains (losses) and net
     derivative gains (losses), (iii) amounts associated with periodic
     crediting rate adjustments based on the total return of a contractually
     referenced pool of assets and other pass-through adjustments,
     (iv) benefits and hedging costs related to GMIBs ("GMIB costs") and
     (v) market value adjustments associated with surrenders or terminations of
     contracts ("Market value adjustments");

 .   Interest credited to policyholder account balances includes adjustments
     for earned income on derivatives and amortization of premium on
     derivatives that are hedges of policyholder account balances but do not
     qualify for hedge accounting treatment;

 .   Amortization of DAC and VOBA excludes amounts related to: (i) net
     investment gains (losses) and net derivative gains (losses), (ii) GMIB
     fees and GMIB costs and (iii) Market value adjustments;

 .   Interest expense on debt excludes certain amounts related to
     securitization entities that are VIEs consolidated under GAAP; and

 .   Other expenses excludes: (i) noncontrolling interests, (ii) acquisition,
     integration and other costs, and (iii) goodwill impairments.

  The tax impact of the adjustments mentioned above are calculated net of the
U.S. or foreign statutory tax rate, which could differ from the Company's
effective tax rate. Additionally, the provision for income tax (expense)
benefit also includes the impact related to the timing of certain tax credits,
as well as certain tax reforms.

  Set forth in the tables below is certain financial information with respect
to the Company's segments, as well as Corporate & Other, for the years ended
December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019 and at December 31, 2021 and 2020. The segment
accounting policies are the same as those used to prepare the Company's
consolidated financial statements, except for adjusted earnings adjustments as
defined above. In addition, segment accounting policies include the method of
capital allocation described below.

  Economic capital is an internally developed risk capital model, the purpose
of which is to measure the risk in the business and to provide a basis upon
which capital is deployed. The economic capital model accounts for the unique
and specific nature of the risks inherent in MetLife's and the Company's

  MetLife's economic capital model, coupled with considerations of local
capital requirements, aligns segment allocated equity with emerging standards
and consistent risk principles. The model applies statistics-based risk
evaluation principles to the material risks to which the Company is exposed.
These consistent risk principles include calibrating required economic capital
shock factors to a specific confidence level and time horizon while applying an
industry standard method for the inclusion of diversification benefits among
risk types. MetLife's management is responsible for the ongoing production and
enhancement of the economic capital model and reviews its approach periodically
to ensure that it remains consistent with emerging industry practice standards.

  Segment net investment income is credited or charged based on the level of
allocated equity; however, changes in allocated equity do not impact the
Company's consolidated net investment income, net income (loss) or adjusted

  Net investment income is based upon the actual results of each segment's
specifically identifiable investment portfolios adjusted for allocated equity.
Other costs are allocated to each of the segments based upon: (i) a review of
the nature of such costs; (ii) time studies analyzing the amount of employee
compensation costs incurred by each segment; and (iii) cost estimates included
in the Company's product pricing.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

2. Segment Information (continued)

                                                         MetLife      Corporate                                  Total
Year Ended December 31, 2021                 U.S.        Holdings      & Other        Total      Adjustments  Consolidated
---------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
                                                                           (In millions)
Premiums................................  $    23,466   $     2,725  $        --   $    26,191   $        --   $    26,191
Universal life and investment-type
 product policy fees....................        1,101           881           --         1,982            80         2,062
Net investment income (1)...............        7,249         5,833          (17)       13,065          (579)       12,486
Other revenues..........................          861           243          512         1,616            --         1,616
Net investment gains (losses)...........           --            --           --            --           652           652
Net derivative gains (losses)...........           --            --           --            --          (964)         (964)
                                         ------------  ------------ ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
 Total revenues.........................       32,677         9,682          495        42,854          (811)       42,043
                                         ------------  ------------ ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Policyholder benefits and claims and
 policyholder dividends.................       24,504         5,281           --        29,785           366        30,151
Interest credited to policyholder
 account balances.......................        1,362           666            1         2,029            (2)        2,027
Capitalization of DAC...................          (59)            1           (6)          (64)           --           (64)
Amortization of DAC and VOBA............           56           171           --           227            32           259
Interest expense on debt................            6             5           85            96            --            96
Other expenses..........................        3,266           839        1,230         5,335            (9)        5,326
                                         ------------  ------------ ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
 Total expenses.........................       29,135         6,963        1,310        37,408           387        37,795
                                         ------------  ------------ ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Provision for income tax expense
 (benefit)..............................          738           551         (518)          771          (241)          530
                                         ------------  ------------ ------------  ------------                ------------
 Adjusted earnings......................  $     2,804   $     2,168  $      (297)        4,675
                                         ============  ============ ============
Adjustments to:
Total revenues..........................                                                  (811)
Total expenses..........................                                                  (387)
Provision for income tax (expense)
 benefit................................                                                   241
 Net income (loss)......................                                           $     3,718                 $     3,718
                                                                                  ============                ============

                                                         MetLife      Corporate
At December 31, 2021                         U.S.        Holdings      & Other        Total
---------------------------------------  ------------- ------------- ------------ -------------
                                                             (In millions)
Total assets............................  $    256,381  $    161,614  $    28,562  $    446,557
Separate account assets.................  $     77,130  $     46,721  $        --  $    123,851
Separate account liabilities............  $     77,130  $     46,721  $        --  $    123,851

(1) Net investment income from equity method investments represents 22% and 27%
    of segment net investment income for the U.S. and MetLife Holdings
    segments, respectively.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

2. Segment Information (continued)

                                                            MetLife       Corporate                                  Total
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020            U.S.        Holdings       & Other        Total      Adjustments  Consolidated
------------------------------------------- ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
                                                                               (In millions)
Premiums...................................  $    17,778   $     2,962   $         1   $    20,741   $        --   $    20,741
Universal life and investment-type product
 policy fees...............................        1,044           868            --         1,912            84         1,996
Net investment income (1)..................        6,348         4,616          (136)       10,828          (578)       10,250
Other revenues.............................          857           224           580         1,661            --         1,661
Net investment gains (losses)..............           --            --            --            --           (73)          (73)
Net derivative gains (losses)..............           --            --            --            --           738           738
                                            ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  Total revenues...........................       26,027         8,670           445        35,142           171        35,313
                                            ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Policyholder benefits and claims and
 policyholder dividends....................       17,821         5,669            --        23,490           485        23,975
Interest credited to policyholder account
 balances..................................        1,569           687            --         2,256            (9)        2,247
Capitalization of DAC......................          (49)           (2)           --           (51)           --           (51)
Amortization of DAC and VOBA...............           56           290            --           346            60           406
Interest expense on debt...................            7             6            86            99            --            99
Other expenses.............................        3,085           801           666         4,552             7         4,559
                                            ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  Total expenses...........................       22,489         7,451           752        30,692           543        31,235
                                            ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Provision for income tax expense
 (benefit).................................          752           236          (376)          612           (78)          534
                                            ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------                ------------
  Adjusted earnings........................  $     2,786   $       983   $        69         3,838
                                            ============  ============  ============
Adjustments to:
Total revenues.............................                                                    171
Total expenses.............................                                                   (543)
Provision for income tax (expense)
 benefit...................................                                                     78
  Net income (loss)........................                                            $     3,544                 $     3,544
                                                                                      ============                ============

                                                         MetLife      Corporate
At December 31, 2020                         U.S.        Holdings      & Other        Total
---------------------------------------  ------------- ------------- ------------ -------------
                                                             (In millions)
Total assets............................  $    262,478  $    164,956  $    30,173  $    457,607
Separate account assets.................  $     81,866  $     46,780  $        --  $    128,646
Separate account liabilities............  $     81,866  $     46,780  $        --  $    128,646

(1) Net investment income from equity method investments represents 5% and 6%
    of segment net investment income for the U.S. and MetLife Holdings
    segments, respectively.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

2. Segment Information (continued)

                                                            MetLife      Corporate                                  Total
For the Year Ended December 31, 2019            U.S.        Holdings      & Other        Total      Adjustments  Consolidated
------------------------------------------- ------------  ------------ ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
                                                                              (In millions)
Premiums...................................  $    18,510   $     3,098  $        --   $    21,608   $        --   $    21,608
Universal life and investment-type product
 policy fees...............................        1,037           912           --         1,949            88         2,037
Net investment income (1)..................        6,647         4,688          (73)       11,262          (289)       10,973
Other revenues.............................          815           220          538         1,573            --         1,573
Net investment gains (losses)..............           --            --           --            --           346           346
Net derivative gains (losses)..............           --            --           --            --          (288)         (288)
                                            ------------  ------------ ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  Total revenues...........................       27,009         8,918          465        36,392          (143)       36,249
                                            ------------  ------------ ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Policyholder benefits and claims and
 policyholder dividends....................       18,963         5,920           --        24,883           206        25,089
Interest credited to policyholder account
 balances..................................        1,925           718           --         2,643           (19)        2,624
Capitalization of DAC......................          (53)           10           --           (43)           --           (43)
Amortization of DAC and VOBA...............           55           220           --           275           (36)          239
Interest expense on debt...................           10             8           87           105            --           105
Other expenses.............................        2,947           844          877         4,668             7         4,675
                                            ------------  ------------ ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  Total expenses...........................       23,847         7,720          964        32,531           158        32,689
                                            ------------  ------------ ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Provision for income tax expense
 (benefit).................................          656           232         (677)          211           (63)          148
                                            ------------  ------------ ------------  ------------                ------------
  Adjusted earnings........................  $     2,506   $       966  $       178         3,650
                                            ============  ============ ============
Adjustments to:
Total revenues.............................                                                  (143)
Total expenses.............................                                                  (158)
Provision for income tax (expense)
 benefit...................................                                                    63
  Net income (loss)........................                                           $     3,412                 $     3,412
                                                                                     ============                ============

(1) Net investment income from equity method investments represents 5% of
    segment net investment income for both the U.S. and MetLife Holdings

   The following table presents total premiums, universal life and
investment-type product policy fees and other revenues by major product groups
of the Company's segments, as well as Corporate & Other:

                                                     Years Ended December 31,
                                                  2021         2020         2019
                                              ------------ ------------ ------------
                                                          (In millions)
Life insurance...............................  $    15,432  $    14,018  $    13,413
Accident & health insurance..................        9,493        8,650        8,556
Annuities....................................        4,541        1,352        2,917
Other........................................          403          378          332
                                              ------------ ------------ ------------
 Total.......................................  $    29,869  $    24,398  $    25,218
                                              ============ ============ ============

  Substantially all of the Company's consolidated premiums, universal life and
investment-type product policy fees and other revenues originated in the U.S.

  Revenues derived from one U.S. segment customer were $3.9 billion, $3.3
billion and $3.0 billion for the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019,
respectively, which represented 13%, 14% and 12% of the consolidated premiums,
universal life and investment-type product policy fees and other revenues,
respectively. Revenues derived from any other customer did not exceed 10% of
consolidated premiums, universal life and investment-type product policy fees
and other revenues for the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

3. Insurance

Insurance Liabilities

   Insurance liabilities, including affiliated insurance liabilities on
reinsurance assumed and ceded, are comprised of future policy benefits,
policyholder account balances and other policy-related balances. Information
regarding insurance liabilities by segment, as well as Corporate & Other, was
as follows at:

                                           December 31,
                                           2021     2020
                                         -------- --------
                                           (In millions)
                      U.S............... $145,463 $147,557
                      MetLife Holdings..   88,991   90,259
                      Corporate & Other.      373      170
                                         -------- --------
                        Total........... $234,827 $237,986
                                         ======== ========

  See Note 5 for discussion of affiliated reinsurance liabilities included in
the table above.

  Future policy benefits are measured as follows:

      Product Type:                 Measurement Assumptions:
      Participating life            Aggregate of (i) net level premium
                                    reserves for death and endowment
                                    policy benefits (calculated based
                                    upon the non-forfeiture interest
                                    rate, ranging from 3% to 7%, and
                                    mortality rates guaranteed in
                                    calculating the cash surrender values
                                    described in such contracts); and
                                    (ii) the liability for terminal
      Nonparticipating life         Aggregate of the present value of
                                    future expected benefit payments and
                                    related expenses less the present
                                    value of future expected net
                                    premiums. Assumptions as to mortality
                                    and persistency are based upon the
                                    Company's experience when the basis
                                    of the liability is established.
                                    Interest rate assumptions for the
                                    aggregate future policy benefit
                                    liabilities range from 2% to 11%.
      Individual and group          Present value of future expected
      traditional fixed annuities   payments. Interest rate assumptions
      after annuitization           used in establishing such liabilities
                                    range from 1% to 11%.
      Non-medical health insurance  The net level premium method and
                                    assumptions as to future morbidity,
                                    withdrawals and interest, which
                                    provide a margin for adverse
                                    deviation. Interest rate assumptions
                                    used in establishing such liabilities
                                    range from 1% to 7%.
      Disabled lives                Present value of benefits method and
                                    experience assumptions as to claim
                                    terminations, expenses and interest.
                                    Interest rate assumptions used in
                                    establishing such liabilities range
                                    from 2% to 8%.

  Participating business represented 3% of the Company's life insurance
in-force at both December 31, 2021 and 2020. Participating policies represented
14%, 17% and 19% of gross traditional life insurance premiums for the years
ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively.

  Policyholder account balances are equal to: (i) policy account values, which
consist of an accumulation of gross premium payments; and (ii) credited
interest, ranging from less than 1% to 8%, less expenses, mortality charges and


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

3. Insurance (continued)


   The Company issues directly and assumes through reinsurance variable annuity
products with guaranteed minimum benefits. GMABs, the non-life contingent
portion of GMWBs and certain non-life contingent portions of GMIBs are
accounted for as embedded derivatives in policyholder account balances and are
further discussed in Note 8. Guarantees accounted for as insurance liabilities

Guarantee:                                      Measurement Assumptions:
GMDBs  . A return of purchase payment upon    . Present value of expected death benefits in excess
          death even if the account value is     of the projected account balance recognizing the
          reduced to zero.                       excess ratably over the accumulation period
                                                 based on the present value of total expected

       . An enhanced death benefit may be     . Assumptions are consistent with those used for
          available for an additional fee.       amortizing DAC, and are thus subject to the
                                                 same variability and risk.

                                              .  Investment performance and volatility assumptions
                                                 are consistent with the historical experience of
                                                 the appropriate underlying equity index, such as
                                                 the S&P 500 Index.

                                              . Benefit assumptions are based on the average
                                                 benefits payable over a range of scenarios.
GMIBs  . After a specified period of time     . Present value of expected income benefits in excess
          determined at the time of issuance     of the projected account balance at any future
          of the variable annuity contract,      date of annuitization and recognizing the excess
          a minimum accumulation of purchase     ratably over the accumulation period based on
          payments, even if the account          present value of total expected assessments.
          value is reduced to zero, that can
          be annuitized to receive a monthly
          income stream that is not less
          than a specified amount.

       . Certain contracts also provide for   . Assumptions are consistent with those used for
          a guaranteed lump sum return of        estimating GMDB liabilities.
          purchase premium in lieu of the
          annuitization benefit.

                                              . Calculation incorporates an assumption for the
                                                 percentage of the potential annuitizations that
                                                 may be elected by the contractholder.
GMWBs. . A return of purchase payment via     . Expected value of the life contingent payments and
          partial withdrawals, even if the       expected assessments using assumptions
          account value is reduced to zero,      consistent with those used for estimating the
          provided that cumulative               GMDB liabilities.
          withdrawals in a contract year do
          not exceed a certain limit.

       . Certain contracts include
          guaranteed withdrawals that are
          life contingent.

  The Company also issues other annuity contracts that apply a lower rate on
funds deposited if the contractholder elects to surrender the contract for cash
and a higher rate if the contractholder elects to annuitize. These guarantees
include benefits that are payable in the event of death, maturity or at
annuitization. Certain other annuity contracts contain guaranteed annuitization
benefits that may be above what would be provided by the current account value
of the contract. Additionally, the Company issues universal and variable life
contracts where the Company contractually guarantees to the contractholder a
secondary guarantee or a guaranteed paid-up benefit.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

3. Insurance (continued)

   Information regarding the liabilities for guarantees (excluding base policy
liabilities and embedded derivatives) relating to annuity and universal and
variable life contracts was as follows:

                                                               Universal and Variable
                                    Annuity Contracts              Life Contracts
                              ----------------------------  ----------------------------
                                GMDBs and                     Secondary       Paid-Up
                                  GMWBs          GMIBs        Guarantees     Guarantees       Total
                              -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
                                                            (In millions)
Balance at January 1, 2019...  $        317   $        738   $        820   $        114   $      1,989
Incurred guaranteed benefits.            57             19            255             52            383
Paid guaranteed benefits.....           (13)            --             --             --            (13)
                              -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
Balance at December 31, 2019.           361            757          1,075            166          2,359
Incurred guaranteed benefits.           144            206            320            (12)           658
Paid guaranteed benefits.....           (12)            (4)           (44)           (14)           (74)
                              -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
Balance at December 31, 2020.           493            959          1,351            140          2,943
Incurred guaranteed benefits.           123             82            164             16            385
Paid guaranteed benefits.....           (14)            (7)           (52)           (15)           (88)
                              -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
Balance at December 31, 2021.  $        602   $      1,034   $      1,463   $        141   $      3,240
                              =============  =============  =============  =============  =============
Balance at January 1, 2019...  $         --   $         --   $        301   $         80   $        381
Incurred guaranteed benefits.            --             --             95             15            110
Paid guaranteed benefits.....            --             --             --             --             --
                              -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
Balance at December 31, 2019.            --             --            396             95            491
Incurred guaranteed benefits.            --             --             93             13            106
Paid guaranteed benefits.....            --             --            (20)            (9)           (29)
                              -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
Balance at December 31, 2020.            --             --            469             99            568
Incurred guaranteed benefits.            --             --             63             10             73
Paid guaranteed benefits.....            --             --            (32)           (10)           (42)
                              -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
Balance at December 31, 2021.  $         --   $         --   $        500   $         99   $        599
                              =============  =============  =============  =============  =============
Balance at January 1, 2019...  $        317   $        738   $        519   $         34   $      1,608
Incurred guaranteed benefits.            57             19            160             37            273
Paid guaranteed benefits.....           (13)            --             --             --            (13)
                              -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
Balance at December 31, 2019.           361            757            679             71          1,868
Incurred guaranteed benefits.           144            206            227            (25)           552
Paid guaranteed benefits.....           (12)            (4)           (24)            (5)           (45)
                              -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
Balance at December 31, 2020.           493            959            882             41          2,375
Incurred guaranteed benefits.           123             82            101              6            312
Paid guaranteed benefits.....           (14)            (7)           (20)            (5)           (46)
                              -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
Balance at December 31, 2021.  $        602   $      1,034   $        963   $         42   $      2,641
                              =============  =============  =============  =============  =============


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

3. Insurance (continued)

   Information regarding the Company's guarantee exposure, which includes
direct business, but excludes offsets from hedging or reinsurance, if any, was
as follows at:

                                                                        December 31,
                                                         2021                                  2020
                                         ---------------------------------     ---------------------------------
                                              In the               At               In the               At
                                           Event of Death      Annuitization     Event of Death      Annuitization
                                         ----------------   ---------------    ----------------   ---------------
                                                                    (Dollars in millions)
Annuity Contracts:
Variable Annuity Guarantees:
  Total account value (1), (2)..........  $      48,868      $      20,140      $      50,047      $      21,229
  Separate account value (1)............  $      39,882      $      19,347      $      40,583      $      20,368
  Net amount at risk....................  $       1,160 (3)  $         461 (4)  $       1,178 (3)  $         552 (4)
Average attained age of contractholders.       69 years           66 years           68 years           67 years
Other Annuity Guarantees:
  Total account value (1), (2)..........            N/A      $         135                N/A      $         142
  Net amount at risk....................            N/A      $          70 (5)            N/A      $          74 (5)
Average attained age of contractholders.            N/A           55 years                N/A           55 years

                                                                        December 31,
                                                         2021                                  2020
                                         ---------------------------------     ---------------------------------
                                            Secondary            Paid-Up          Secondary            Paid-Up
                                             Guarantees         Guarantees         Guarantees        Guarantees
                                         ----------------   ---------------    ----------------   ---------------
                                                                    (Dollars in millions)
Universal and Variable Life Contracts:
  Total account value (1), (2)..........  $       5,935      $         826      $       5,607      $         861
  Net amount at risk (6)................  $      37,482      $       5,181      $      39,134      $       5,525
Average attained age of policyholders...       59 years           65 years           58 years           65 years

(1) The Company's annuity and life contracts with guarantees may offer more
    than one type of guarantee in each contract. Therefore, the amounts listed
    above may not be mutually exclusive.

(2) Includes the contractholder's investments in the general account and
    separate account, if applicable.

(3) Defined as the death benefit less the total account value, as of the
    balance sheet date. It represents the amount of the claim that the Company
    would incur if death claims were filed on all contracts on the balance
    sheet date and includes any additional contractual claims associated with
    riders purchased to assist with covering income taxes payable upon death.

(4) Defined as the amount (if any) that would be required to be added to the
    total account value to purchase a lifetime income stream, based on current
    annuity rates, equal to the minimum amount provided under the guaranteed
    benefit. This amount represents the Company's potential economic exposure
    to such guarantees in the event all contractholders were to annuitize on
    the balance sheet date, even though the contracts contain terms that allow
    annuitization of the guaranteed amount only after the 10th anniversary of
    the contract, which not all contractholders have achieved.

(5) Defined as either the excess of the upper tier, adjusted for a profit
    margin, less the lower tier, as of the balance sheet date or the amount (if
    any) that would be required to be added to the total account value to
    purchase a lifetime income stream, based on current annuity rates, equal to
    the minimum amount provided under the guaranteed benefit. These amounts
    represent the Company's potential economic exposure to such guarantees in
    the event all contractholders were to annuitize on the balance sheet date.

(6) Defined as the guarantee amount less the account value, as of the balance
    sheet date. It represents the amount of the claim that the Company would
    incur if death claims were filed on all contracts on the balance sheet date.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

3. Insurance (continued)

Guarantees -- Separate Accounts

  Account balances of contracts with guarantees were invested in separate
account asset classes as follows at:

                                          December 31,
                                       2021           2020
                                  -------------- --------------
                                          (In millions)
                 Fund Groupings:
                 Equity..........  $      24,519  $      23,891
                 Balanced........         16,228         16,992
                 Bond............          2,874          3,052
                 Money Market....             41             52
                                  -------------- --------------
                   Total.........  $      43,662  $      43,987
                                  ============== ==============

Obligations Assumed Under Structured Settlement Assignments

  The Company assumed structured settlement claim obligations as an assignment
company. These liabilities are measured at the present value of the future
periodic claims to be provided and reported as other policy-related balances.
The Company received a fee for assuming these claim obligations and, as the
assignee of the claim, is legally obligated to ensure periodic payments are
made to the claimant. The Company purchased annuities to fund these future
periodic payment claim obligations and designates payments to be made directly
to the claimant by the annuity writer. These annuities funding structured
settlement claims are recorded as an investment. The Company has recorded
unpaid claim obligations and annuity contracts of equal amounts of $1.3 billion
at both December 31, 2021 and 2020. See Note 1.

Obligations Under Funding Agreements

  The Company issues fixed and floating rate funding agreements, which are
denominated in either U.S. dollars or foreign currencies, to certain
unconsolidated special purpose entities that have issued either debt securities
or commercial paper for which payment of interest and principal is secured by
such funding agreements. For the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019,
the Company issued $39.5 billion, $39.3 billion and $37.3 billion,
respectively, and repaid $41.2 billion, $36.7 billion and $36.4 billion,
respectively, of such funding agreements. At December 31, 2021 and 2020,
liabilities for funding agreements outstanding, which are included in
policyholder account balances, were $37.2 billion and $38.8 billion,

  Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is a member of the FHLB of New York.
Holdings of common stock of the FHLB of New York, included in other invested
assets, were $718 million and $765 million at December 31, 2021 and 2020,

   The Company has also entered into funding agreements with the FHLB of New
York and a subsidiary of the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, a
federally chartered instrumentality of the U.S. ("Farmer Mac"). The liability
for such funding agreements is included in policyholder account balances.
Information related to such funding agreements was as follows at:

                              Liability                    Collateral
                      ------------------------- -----------------------------
                                             December 31,
                          2021         2020           2021             2020
                      ------------ ------------ ------------     ------------
                                             (In millions)
FHLB of New York (1). $     14,745 $     15,245 $     16,645 (2) $     17,258 (2)
Farmer Mac (3)....... $      2,050 $      2,375 $      2,159     $      2,450
(1) Represents funding agreements issued to the FHLB of New York in exchange
    for cash and for which the FHLB of New York has been granted a lien on
    certain assets, some of which are in the custody of the FHLB of New York,
    including residential mortgage-backed securities ("RMBS"), to collateralize
    obligations under such funding agreements. The Company is permitted to
    withdraw any portion of the collateral in the custody of the FHLB of
    New York as long as


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

3. Insurance (continued)

    there is no event of default and the remaining qualified collateral is
    sufficient to satisfy the collateral maintenance level. Upon any event of
    default by the Company, the FHLB of New York's recovery on the collateral
    is limited to the amount of the Company's liability to the FHLB of New York.

(2) Advances are collateralized by mortgage-backed securities. The amount of
    collateral presented is at estimated fair value.

(3) Represents funding agreements issued to a subsidiary of Farmer Mac. The
    obligations under these funding agreements are secured by a pledge of
    certain eligible agricultural mortgage loans and may, under certain
    circumstances, be secured by other qualified collateral. The amount of
    collateral presented is at carrying value.

Liabilities for Unpaid Claims and Claim Expenses

  The following is information about incurred and paid claims development by
segment at December 31, 2021. Such amounts are presented net of reinsurance,
and are not discounted. The tables present claims development and cumulative
claim payments by incurral year. The development tables are only presented for
significant short-duration product liabilities within each segment. The
information about incurred and paid claims development prior to 2021 is
presented as supplementary information.


   Group Life - Term

                 Incurred Claims and Allocated Claim Adjustment Expense, Net of Reinsurance             At December 31, 2021
         ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
                                      For the Years Ended December 31,
         ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Total IBNR
                                           (Unaudited)                                               Liabilities Plus
         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------                Expected     Cumulative
                                                                                                      Development on  Number of
Incurral                                                                                                 Reported      Reported
  Year     2012     2013     2014     2015     2016     2017     2018     2019     2020      2021         Claims        Claims
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------  ---------------- ----------
                                                          (Dollars in millions)
  2012.. $  6,503 $  6,579 $  6,569 $  6,546 $  6,568 $  6,569 $  6,569 $  6,572 $  6,574  $  6,575       $    1       210,236
  2013..             6,637    6,713    6,719    6,720    6,730    6,720    6,723    6,724     6,726            2       212,892
  2014..                      6,986    6,919    6,913    6,910    6,914    6,919    6,920     6,918            1       215,694
  2015..                               7,040    7,015    7,014    7,021    7,024    7,025     7,026            2       218,188
  2016..                                        7,125    7,085    7,095    7,104    7,105     7,104            3       219,581
  2017..                                                 7,432    7,418    7,425    7,427     7,428            6       260,807
  2018..                                                          7,757    7,655    7,646     7,650           10       246,519
  2019..                                                                   7,935    7,900     7,907           13       246,245
  2020..                                                                            8,913     9,367           27       281,696
  2021..                                                                                     10,555        1,029       221,955
 Total..................................................................................     77,256
Cumulative paid claims and paid allocated claim adjustment expenses, net of
 reinsurance.............................................................................   (74,255)
All outstanding liabilities for incurral years prior to 2012, net of reinsurance.........        21
 Total unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses, net of reinsurance..................   $  3,022

                 Cumulative Paid Claims and Paid Allocated Claim Adjustment Expenses, Net of Reinsurance
                                            For the Years Ended December 31,
Incurral Year    2012     2013     2014     2015     2016     2017     2018     2019     2020      2021
-------------  -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----------
                                                      (In millions)
    2012...... $  5,132 $  6,472 $  6,518 $  6,532 $  6,558 $  6,565 $  6,566 $  6,569 $  6,572  $   6,572
    2013......             5,216    6,614    6,664    6,678    6,711    6,715    6,720    6,721      6,723
    2014......                      5,428    6,809    6,858    6,869    6,902    6,912    6,915      6,916
    2015......                               5,524    6,913    6,958    6,974    7,008    7,018      7,022
    2016......                                        5,582    6,980    7,034    7,053    7,086      7,096
    2017......                                                 5,761    7,292    7,355    7,374      7,400
    2018......                                                          6,008    7,521    7,578      7,595
    2019......                                                                   6,178    7,756      7,820
    2020......                                                                            6,862      9,103
    2021......                                                                                       8,008
 Total cumulative paid claims and paid allocated claim adjustment expenses, net of reinsurance   $  74,255


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

3. Insurance (continued)

   Average Annual Percentage Payout

     The following is supplementary information about average historical claims
   duration at December 31, 2021:

                          Average Annual Percentage Payout of Incurred Claims by Age, Net of Reinsurance
       Years.............   1         2       3       4       5       6       7      8      9     10
       Group Life - Term. 77.5%     20.5%    0.7%    0.2%    0.4%    0.1%    --%    --%    --%    --%

   Group Long-Term Disability

                    Incurred Claims and Allocated Claim Adjustment Expense, Net of Reinsurance        At December 31, 2021
                ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
                                         For the Years Ended December 31,                             Total IBNR
                ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Liabilities Plus
                                              (Unaudited)                                              Expected     Cumulative
                -----------------------------------------------------------------------             Development on  Number of
Incurral                                                                                               Reported      Reported
 Year            2012    2013    2014    2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020      2021         Claims        Claims
--------        ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---------  ---------------- ----------
                                                            (Dollars in millions)
  2012......... $   966 $   979 $   980 $ 1,014 $ 1,034 $ 1,037 $ 1,021 $ 1,015 $ 1,011  $  1,007        $ --         20,086
  2013.........           1,008   1,027   1,032   1,049   1,070   1,069   1,044   1,032     1,025          --         21,139
  2014.........                   1,076   1,077   1,079   1,101   1,109   1,098   1,097     1,081          --         22,853
  2015.........                           1,082   1,105   1,093   1,100   1,087   1,081     1,067          --         21,213
  2016.........                                   1,131   1,139   1,159   1,162   1,139     1,124          --         17,971
  2017.........                                           1,244   1,202   1,203   1,195     1,165          --         16,324
  2018.........                                                   1,240   1,175   1,163     1,147          --         15,172
  2019.........                                                           1,277   1,212     1,169           7         15,318
  2020.........                                                                   1,253     1,223          30         15,381
  2021.........                                                                             1,552         687         10,503
 Total................................................................................     11,560
Cumulative paid claims and paid allocated claim adjustment expenses, net of reinsurance    (5,943)
All outstanding liabilities for incurral years prior to 2012, net of reinsurance.......     1,559
 Total unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses, net of reinsurance................   $  7,176

                 Cumulative Paid Claims and Paid Allocated Claim Adjustment Expenses, Net of Reinsurance
                                             For the Years Ended December 31,
Incurral Year    2012     2013     2014     2015     2016     2017     2018     2019     2020      2021
-------------  -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -----------
                                                      (In millions)
    2012...... $     43 $    229 $    365 $    453 $    524 $    591 $    648 $    694 $    730  $      766
    2013......                43      234      382      475      551      622      676      722         764
    2014......                         51      266      428      526      609      677      732         778
    2015......                                  50      264      427      524      601      665         718
    2016......                                           49      267      433      548      628         696
    2017......                                                    56      290      476      579         655
    2018......                                                             54      314      497         594
    2019......                                                                      57      342         522
    2020......                                                                               59         355
    2021......                                                                                           95
 Total cumulative paid claims and paid allocated claim adjustment expenses, net of reinsurance   $    5,943

   Average Annual Percentage Payout

     The following is supplementary information about average historical claims
   duration at December 31, 2021:

                            Average Annual Percentage Payout of Incurred Claims by Age, Net of Reinsurance
Years......................  1        2        3       4       5       6       7       8      9      10
Group Long-Term Disability. 4.8%    20.9%    15.0%    9.1%    7.2%    6.4%    5.2%    4.4%   3.8%   3.6%

  Significant Methodologies and Assumptions

     Group Life - Term and Group Long-Term Disability incurred but not paid
   ("IBNP") liabilities are developed using a combination of loss ratio and
   development methods. Claims in the course of settlement are then subtracted
   from the IBNP


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

3. Insurance (continued)

   liabilities, resulting in the IBNR liabilities. The loss ratio method is
   used in the period in which the claims are neither sufficient nor credible.
   In developing the loss ratios, any material rate increases that could change
   the underlying premium without affecting the estimated incurred losses are
   taken into account. For periods where sufficient and credible claim data
   exists, the development method is used based on the claim triangles which
   categorize claims according to both the period in which they were incurred
   and the period in which they were paid, adjudicated or reported. The end
   result is a triangle of known data that is used to develop known completion
   ratios and factors. Claims paid are then subtracted from the estimated
   ultimate incurred claims to calculate the IBNP liability.

     An expense liability is held for the future expenses associated with the
   payment of incurred but not yet paid claims (IBNR and pending). This is
   expressed as a percentage of the underlying claims liability and is based on
   past experience and the anticipated future expense structure.

     For Group Life - Term and Group Long-Term Disability, first year incurred
   claims and allocated loss adjustment expenses increased in 2021 compared to
   the 2020 incurral year due to the growth in the size of the business.

     The assumptions used in calculating the unpaid claims and claim adjustment
   expenses for Group Life - Term and Group Long-Term Disability are updated
   annually to reflect emerging trends in claim experience.

     Certain of our Group Life - Term customers have experience-rated
   contracts, whereby the group sponsor participates in the favorable and/or
   adverse claim experience, including favorable and/or adverse prior year
   development. Claim experience adjustments on these contracts are not
   reflected in the foregoing incurred and paid claim development tables, but
   are instead reflected as an increase (adverse experience) or decrease
   (favorable experience) to premiums on the consolidated statements of

     Liabilities for Group Life - Term unpaid claims and claim adjustment
   expenses are not discounted.

     The liabilities for Group Long-Term Disability unpaid claims and claim
   adjustment expenses were $6.2 billion and $6.0 billion at December 31, 2021
   and 2020, respectively. Using interest rates ranging from 2% to 8%, based on
   the incurral year, the total discount applied to these liabilities was
   $1.1 billion and $1.2 billion at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.
   The amount of interest accretion recognized was $518 million, $452 million
   and $470 million for the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019,
   respectively. These amounts were reflected in policyholder benefits and

     For Group Life - Term, claims were based upon individual death claims. For
   Group Long-Term Disability, claim frequency was determined by the number of
   reported claims as identified by a unique claim number assigned to
   individual claimants. Claim counts initially include claims that do not
   ultimately result in a liability. These claims are omitted from the claim
   counts once it is determined that there is no liability.

     The incurred and paid claims disclosed for the Group Life - Term product
   includes activity related to the product's continued protection feature;
   however, the associated actuarial reserve for future benefit obligations
   under this feature is excluded from the liability for unpaid claims.

     The Group Long-Term Disability IBNR, included in the development tables
   above, was developed using discounted cash flows, and is presented on a
   discounted basis.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

3. Insurance (continued)

  Reconciliation of the Disclosure of Incurred and Paid Claims Development to
  the Liability for Unpaid Claims and Claim Adjustment Expenses

    The reconciliation of the net incurred and paid claims development tables
  to the liability for unpaid claims and claims adjustment expenses on the
  consolidated balance sheet was as follows at:

                                                                                                      December 31, 2021
                                                                                                        (In millions)
Unpaid claims and allocated claims adjustment expenses, net of reinsurance:
Group Life - Term............................................................................  $        3,022
Group Long-Term Disability...................................................................           7,176
  Total......................................................................................                  $        10,198
Other insurance lines - all segments combined................................................                              864
  Total unpaid claims and allocated claims adjustment expenses, net of reinsurance...........                           11,062
Reinsurance recoverables on unpaid claims:
Group Life - Term............................................................................              14
Group Long-Term Disability...................................................................             166
  Total......................................................................................                              180
Other insurance lines - all segments combined................................................                               29
  Total reinsurance recoverable on unpaid claims.............................................                              209
  Total unpaid claims and allocated claims adjustment expense................................                           11,271
Discounting..................................................................................                           (1,133)
Liability for unpaid claims and claim adjustment liabilities - short-duration................                           10,138
Liability for unpaid claims and claim adjustment liabilities - all long-duration lines.......                            4,921
  Total liability for unpaid claims and claim adjustment expense (included in future policy
   benefits and other policy-related balances)...............................................                  $        15,059


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

3. Insurance (continued)

  Rollforward of Claims and Claim Adjustment Expenses

      Information regarding the liabilities for unpaid claims and claim
   adjustment expenses was as follows:

                                                Years Ended December 31,
                                        2021              2020              2019
                                  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
                                                      (In millions)
Balance at January 1,............  $        13,523   $        13,140   $        12,590
  Less: Reinsurance recoverables.            1,639             1,525             1,497
                                  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
Net balance at January 1,........           11,884            11,615            11,093
Incurred related to:
  Current year...................           21,201            18,620            17,711
  Prior years (1)................              582               (19)               44
                                  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
    Total incurred...............           21,783            18,601            17,755
Paid related to:
  Current year...................          (15,405)          (13,854)          (12,934)
  Prior years....................           (5,466)           (4,478)           (4,299)
                                  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
    Total paid...................          (20,871)          (18,332)          (17,233)
                                  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
Net balance at December 31,......           12,796            11,884            11,615
  Add: Reinsurance recoverables..            2,263             1,639             1,525
                                  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
Balance at December 31,..........  $        15,059   $        13,523   $        13,140
                                  ================  ================  ================
(1) For the year ended December 31, 2021, the increase in incurred claim
    activity and claim adjustment expenses associated with prior years
    increased primarily due to the impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, which
    are partially offset by additional premiums recorded for experience-rated
    contracts and are not reflected in the table above. For the year ended
    December 31, 2020, claims and claim adjustment expenses associated with
    prior years decreased due to favorable claims experience in the current
    year. For the years ended December 31, 2019, claims and claim adjustment
    expenses associated with prior years increased due to events incurred in
    prior years but reported in the current year.

Separate Accounts

  Separate account assets and liabilities include two categories of account
types: pass-through separate accounts totaling $78.8 billion and $78.0 billion
at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively, for which the policyholder assumes
all investment risk, and separate accounts for which the Company contractually
guarantees either a minimum return or account value to the policyholder which
totaled $45.0 billion and $50.6 billion at December 31, 2021 and 2020,
respectively. The latter category consisted primarily of guaranteed interest
contracts ("GICs"). The average interest rate credited on these contracts was
2.16% and 2.54% at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.

4. Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs, Value of Business Acquired and Other

  See Note 1 for a description of capitalized acquisition costs.

Nonparticipating and Non-Dividend-Paying Traditional Contracts

  The Company amortizes DAC and VOBA related to these contracts (term
insurance, nonparticipating whole life insurance, traditional group life
insurance, and non-medical health insurance) over the appropriate premium
paying period in proportion to the actual and expected future gross premiums
that were set at contract issue. The expected premiums are based upon the
premium requirement of each policy and assumptions for mortality, morbidity,
persistency and investment returns at policy issuance, or policy acquisition
(as it relates to VOBA), include provisions for adverse deviation, and are
consistent with the assumptions used to calculate future policyholder benefit
liabilities. These assumptions are not revised after policy issuance or
acquisition unless the DAC or VOBA balance is deemed to be unrecoverable from
future expected profits. Absent a premium deficiency, variability in
amortization after policy issuance or acquisition is caused only by variability
in premium volumes.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

4. Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs, Value of Business Acquired and Other
Intangibles (continued)

Participating, Dividend-Paying Traditional Contracts

  The Company amortizes DAC and VOBA related to these contracts over the
estimated lives of the contracts in proportion to actual and expected future
gross margins. The amortization includes interest based on rates in effect at
inception or acquisition of the contracts. The future gross margins are
dependent principally on investment returns, policyholder dividend scales,
mortality, persistency, expenses to administer the business, creditworthiness
of reinsurance counterparties and certain economic variables, such as
inflation. For participating contracts within the closed block (dividend-paying
traditional contracts) future gross margins are also dependent upon changes in
the policyholder dividend obligation. See Note 6. Of these factors, the Company
anticipates that investment returns, expenses, persistency and other factor
changes, as well as policyholder dividend scales, are reasonably likely to
impact significantly the rate of DAC and VOBA amortization. Each reporting
period, the Company updates the estimated gross margins with the actual gross
margins for that period. When the actual gross margins change from previously
estimated gross margins, the cumulative DAC and VOBA amortization is
re-estimated and adjusted by a cumulative charge or credit to current
operations. When actual gross margins exceed those previously estimated, the
DAC and VOBA amortization will increase, resulting in a current period charge
to earnings. The opposite result occurs when the actual gross margins are below
the previously estimated gross margins. Each reporting period, the Company also
updates the actual amount of business in-force, which impacts expected future
gross margins. When expected future gross margins are below those previously
estimated, the DAC and VOBA amortization will increase, resulting in a current
period charge to earnings. The opposite result occurs when the expected future
gross margins are above the previously estimated expected future gross margins.
Each period, the Company also reviews the estimated gross margins for each
block of business to determine the recoverability of DAC and VOBA balances.

Fixed and Variable Universal Life Contracts and Fixed and Variable Deferred
Annuity Contracts

  The Company amortizes DAC and VOBA related to these contracts over the
estimated lives of the contracts in proportion to actual and expected future
gross profits. The amortization includes interest based on rates in effect at
inception or acquisition of the contracts. The amount of future gross profits
is dependent principally upon returns in excess of the amounts credited to
policyholders, mortality, persistency, interest crediting rates, expenses to
administer the business, creditworthiness of reinsurance counterparties, the
effect of any hedges used and certain economic variables, such as inflation. Of
these factors, the Company anticipates that investment returns, expenses and
persistency are reasonably likely to significantly impact the rate of DAC and
VOBA amortization. Each reporting period, the Company updates the estimated
gross profits with the actual gross profits for that period. When the actual
gross profits change from previously estimated gross profits, the cumulative
DAC and VOBA amortization is re-estimated and adjusted by a cumulative charge
or credit to current operations. When actual gross profits exceed those
previously estimated, the DAC and VOBA amortization will increase, resulting in
a current period charge to earnings. The opposite result occurs when the actual
gross profits are below the previously estimated gross profits. Each reporting
period, the Company also updates the actual amount of business remaining
in-force, which impacts expected future gross profits. When expected future
gross profits are below those previously estimated, the DAC and VOBA
amortization will increase, resulting in a current period charge to earnings.
The opposite result occurs when the expected future gross profits are above the
previously estimated expected future gross profits. Each period, the Company
also reviews the estimated gross profits for each block of business to
determine the recoverability of DAC and VOBA balances.

Factors Impacting Amortization

  Separate account rates of return on variable universal life contracts and
variable deferred annuity contracts affect in-force account balances on such
contracts each reporting period, which can result in significant fluctuations
in amortization of DAC and VOBA. Returns that are higher than the Company's
long-term expectation produce higher account balances, which increases the
Company's future fee expectations and decreases future benefit payment
expectations on minimum death and living benefit guarantees, resulting in
higher expected future gross profits. The opposite result occurs when returns
are lower than the Company's long-term expectation. The Company's practice to
determine the impact of gross profits resulting from returns on separate
accounts assumes that long-term appreciation in equity markets is not changed
by short-term market fluctuations, but is only changed when sustained interim
deviations are expected. The Company monitors these events and only changes the
assumption when its long-term expectation changes.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

4. Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs, Value of Business Acquired and Other
Intangibles (continued)

  The Company also periodically reviews other long-term assumptions underlying
the projections of estimated gross margins and profits. These assumptions
primarily relate to investment returns, policyholder dividend scales, interest
crediting rates, mortality, persistency, policyholder behavior and expenses to
administer business. Management annually updates assumptions used in the
calculation of estimated gross margins and profits which may have significantly
changed. If the update of assumptions causes expected future gross margins and
profits to increase, DAC and VOBA amortization will decrease, resulting in a
current period increase to earnings. The opposite result occurs when the
assumption update causes expected future gross margins and profits to decrease.

  Periodically, the Company modifies product benefits, features, rights or
coverages that occur by the exchange of a contract for a new contract, or by
amendment, endorsement, or rider to a contract, or by election or coverage
within a contract. If such modification, referred to as an internal
replacement, substantially changes the contract, the associated DAC or VOBA is
written off immediately through income and any new deferrable costs associated
with the replacement contract are deferred. If the modification does not
substantially change the contract, the DAC or VOBA amortization on the original
contract will continue and any acquisition costs associated with the related
modification are expensed.

  Amortization of DAC and VOBA is attributed to net investment gains (losses)
and net derivative gains (losses), and to other expenses for the amount of
gross margins or profits originating from transactions other than investment
gains and losses. Unrealized investment gains and losses represent the amount
of DAC and VOBA that would have been amortized if such gains and losses had
been recognized.

  Information regarding DAC and VOBA was as follows:

                                                                              Years Ended December 31,
                                                                       2021             2020             2019
                                                                 ---------------  ---------------  ---------------
                                                                                   (In millions)
Balance at January 1,...........................................  $        2,626   $        3,427   $        4,089
Capitalizations.................................................              64               51               43
Amortization related to:
Net investment gains (losses) and net derivative gains (losses).             (38)             (56)              25
Other expenses..................................................            (215)            (348)            (263)
                                                                 ---------------  ---------------  ---------------
  Total amortization............................................            (253)            (404)            (238)
                                                                 ---------------  ---------------  ---------------
Unrealized investment gains (losses)............................             142             (448)            (467)
                                                                 ---------------  ---------------  ---------------
Balance at December 31,.........................................           2,579            2,626            3,427
                                                                 ---------------  ---------------  ---------------
Balance at January 1,...........................................              23               26               28
Amortization related to other expenses..........................              (6)              (2)              (1)
Unrealized investment gains (losses)............................               2               (1)              (1)
                                                                 ---------------  ---------------  ---------------
Balance at December 31,.........................................              19               23               26
                                                                 ---------------  ---------------  ---------------
Total DAC and VOBA:
Balance at December 31,.........................................  $        2,598   $        2,649   $        3,453
                                                                 ===============  ===============  ===============

  Information regarding total DAC and VOBA by segment, as well as Corporate &
Other, was as follows:

                                           December 31,
                                        2021          2020
                                    ------------- -------------
                                           (In millions)
                 U.S...............  $        401  $        398
                 MetLife Holdings..         2,191         2,251
                 Corporate & Other.             6            --
                                    ------------- -------------
                   Total...........  $      2,598  $      2,649
                                    ============= =============


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

4. Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs, Value of Business Acquired and Other
Intangibles (continued)

  Information regarding other intangibles was as follows:

                                              Years Ended December 31,
                                            2021        2020        2019
                                         ----------  ----------  ----------
                                                    (In millions)
   Balance at January 1,................ $       30  $       62  $       93
   Capitalization.......................         --          --           1
   Amortization.........................          2         (21)        (20)
   Unrealized investment gains (losses).         10         (11)        (12)
                                         ----------  ----------  ----------
   Balance at December 31,.............. $       42  $       30  $       62
                                         ==========  ==========  ==========
   VODA and VOCRA:
   Balance at January 1,................ $      135  $      157  $      181
   Amortization.........................        (19)        (22)        (24)
                                         ----------  ----------  ----------
   Balance at December 31,.............. $      116  $      135  $      157
                                         ==========  ==========  ==========
   Accumulated amortization............. $      341  $      322  $      300
                                         ==========  ==========  ==========

  The estimated future amortization expense to be reported in other expenses
for the next five years is as follows:

                                                                   VODA and
                                                        VOBA        VOCRA
                                                    ------------ -------------
                                                          (In millions)
 2022.............................................. $          1 $          17
 2023.............................................. $          2 $          15
 2024.............................................. $          2 $          13
 2025.............................................. $          2 $          12
 2026.............................................. $          2 $          11

5. Reinsurance

  The Company enters into reinsurance agreements that transfer risk from its
various insurance products to affiliated and unaffiliated companies. These
cessions limit losses, minimize exposure to significant risks and provide
additional capacity for future growth. The Company also provides reinsurance by
accepting risk from affiliates and nonaffiliates.

  Under the terms of the reinsurance agreements, the reinsurer agrees to
reimburse the Company for the ceded amount in the event a claim is paid.
Cessions under reinsurance agreements do not discharge the Company's obligation
as the primary insurer. In the event that reinsurers do not meet their
obligations under the terms of the reinsurance agreements, reinsurance
recoverable balances could become uncollectible.

  Accounting for reinsurance requires extensive use of assumptions and
estimates, particularly related to the future performance of the underlying
business and the potential impact of counterparty credit risks. The Company
periodically reviews actual and anticipated experience compared to the
aforementioned assumptions used to establish assets and liabilities relating to
ceded and assumed reinsurance and evaluates the financial strength of
counterparties to its reinsurance agreements using criteria similar to that
evaluated in the security impairment process discussed in Note 7.


  For its Group Benefits business, the Company generally retains most of the
risk, with the exception of its Group Term Life business and certain client

  The Company reinsures an 80% quota share of its Group Term Life business for
capital management purposes. The majority of the Company's other reinsurance
activity within this business relates to client agreements for employer
sponsored captive programs, risk-sharing agreements and multinational pooling.
The risks ceded under these agreements are generally quota shares of group life
and disability policies. The cessions vary and the Company may cede up to 100%
of all the risks of these policies.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

5. Reinsurance (continued)

  The Company's RIS business has engaged in reinsurance activities on an
opportunistic basis. Also, the Company assumes certain group annuity contracts
from an affiliate.

MetLife Holdings

  For its life products, the Company has historically reinsured the mortality
risk primarily on an excess of retention basis or on a quota share basis. In
addition to reinsuring mortality risk as described above, the Company reinsures
other risks, as well as specific coverages. Placement of reinsurance is done
primarily on an automatic basis and also on a facultative basis for risks with
specified characteristics.

Catastrophe Coverage

  The Company has exposure to catastrophes which could contribute to
significant fluctuations in its results of operations. For its U.S. segment,
the Company purchases catastrophe coverage to reinsure risks issued within
territories that it believes are subject to the greatest catastrophic risks.
For its MetLife Holdings segment, the Company uses excess of retention and
quota share reinsurance agreements to provide greater diversification of risk
and minimize exposure to larger risks. Excess of retention reinsurance
agreements provide for a portion of a risk to remain with the direct writing
company and quota share reinsurance agreements provide for the direct writing
company to transfer a fixed percentage of all risks of a class of policies.

Reinsurance Recoverables

  The Company reinsures its business through a diversified group of
well-capitalized reinsurers. The Company analyzes recent trends in arbitration
and litigation outcomes in disputes, if any, with its reinsurers. The Company
monitors ratings and evaluates the financial strength of its reinsurers by
analyzing their financial statements. In addition, the reinsurance recoverable
balance due from each reinsurer is evaluated as part of the overall monitoring
process. Recoverability of reinsurance recoverable balances is evaluated based
on these analyses. The Company generally secures large reinsurance recoverable
balances with various forms of collateral, including secured trusts, funds
withheld accounts, and irrevocable letters of credit. These reinsurance
recoverable balances are stated net of allowances for uncollectible
reinsurance, which at December 31, 2021 and 2020 were not significant.

  The Company has secured certain reinsurance recoverable balances with various
forms of collateral, including secured trusts, funds withheld accounts and
irrevocable letters of credit. The Company had $1.5 billion and $1.7 billion of
unsecured unaffiliated reinsurance recoverable balances at December 31, 2021
and 2020, respectively.

  At December 31, 2021, the Company had $2.3 billion of net unaffiliated ceded
reinsurance recoverables. Of this total, $1.8 billion, or 78%, were with the
Company's five largest unaffiliated ceded reinsurers, including $1.2 billion of
net unaffiliated ceded reinsurance recoverables which were unsecured. At
December 31, 2020, the Company had $2.5 billion of net unaffiliated ceded
reinsurance recoverables. Of this total, $1.8 billion, or 72%, were with the
Company's five largest unaffiliated ceded reinsurers, including $1.2 billion of
net unaffiliated ceded reinsurance recoverables which were unsecured.

  The Company has reinsured with an unaffiliated third-party reinsurer, 59% of
the closed block through a modified coinsurance agreement. The Company accounts
for this agreement under the deposit method of accounting. The Company, having
the right of offset, has offset the modified coinsurance deposit with the
deposit recoverable.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

5. Reinsurance (continued)

   The amounts on the consolidated statements of operations include the impact
of reinsurance. Information regarding the significant effects of reinsurance
was as follows:

                                                                          Years Ended December 31,
                                                                    2021            2020            2019
                                                               --------------  --------------  --------------
                                                                                (In millions)
Direct premiums...............................................  $      23,008   $      20,821   $      21,804
Reinsurance assumed...........................................          4,121             909             811
Reinsurance ceded.............................................           (938)           (989)         (1,007)
                                                               --------------  --------------  --------------
  Net premiums................................................  $      26,191   $      20,741   $      21,608
                                                               ==============  ==============  ==============
Universal life and investment-type product policy fees
Direct universal life and investment-type product policy fees.  $       2,371   $       2,290   $       2,331
Reinsurance assumed...........................................            (16)            (16)            (15)
Reinsurance ceded.............................................           (293)           (278)           (279)
                                                               --------------  --------------  --------------
  Net universal life and investment-type product policy fees..  $       2,062   $       1,996   $       2,037
                                                               ==============  ==============  ==============
Other revenues
Direct other revenues.........................................  $       1,066   $       1,043   $       1,007
Reinsurance assumed...........................................             13              10              (5)
Reinsurance ceded.............................................            537             608             571
                                                               --------------  --------------  --------------
  Net other revenues..........................................  $       1,616   $       1,661   $       1,573
                                                               ==============  ==============  ==============
Policyholder benefits and claims
Direct policyholder benefits and claims.......................  $      26,672   $      23,488   $      24,469
Reinsurance assumed...........................................          3,964             811             728
Reinsurance ceded.............................................         (1,213)         (1,225)         (1,146)
                                                               --------------  --------------  --------------
  Net policyholder benefits and claims........................  $      29,423   $      23,074   $      24,051
                                                               ==============  ==============  ==============
Interest credited to policyholder account balances
Direct interest credited to policyholder account balances.....  $       1,996   $       2,218   $       2,592
Reinsurance assumed...........................................             43              42              44
Reinsurance ceded.............................................            (12)            (13)            (12)
                                                               --------------  --------------  --------------
  Net interest credited to policyholder account balances......  $       2,027   $       2,247   $       2,624
                                                               ==============  ==============  ==============
Other expenses
Direct other expenses.........................................  $       4,459   $       4,469   $       4,464
Reinsurance assumed...........................................            163              71              50
Reinsurance ceded.............................................            995             473             462
                                                               --------------  --------------  --------------
  Net other expenses..........................................  $       5,617   $       5,013   $       4,976
                                                               ==============  ==============  ==============


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

5. Reinsurance (continued)

   The amounts on the consolidated balance sheets include the impact of
reinsurance. Information regarding the significant effects of reinsurance was
as follows at:

                                                                            December 31,
                                                             2021                                  2020
                                             ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
                                                                           Total                                 Total
                                                                          Balance                               Balance
                                              Direct   Assumed   Ceded     Sheet    Direct   Assumed   Ceded     Sheet
                                             --------- ------- --------  --------- --------- ------- --------  ---------
                                                                            (In millions)
Premiums, reinsurance and other
 receivables................................  $  2,778  $  636  $17,091   $ 20,505  $  2,509  $  831  $18,138   $ 21,478
Deferred policy acquisition costs and value
 of business acquired.......................     2,805      18     (225)     2,598     2,864      13     (228)     2,649
                                             --------- ------- --------  --------- --------- ------- --------  ---------
  Total assets..............................  $  5,583  $  654  $16,866   $ 23,103  $  5,373  $  844  $17,910   $ 24,127
                                             ========= ======= ========  ========= ========= ======= ========  =========
Future policy benefits......................  $128,086  $4,198  $   (10)  $132,274  $132,776  $1,159  $   (14)  $133,921
Policyholder account balances...............    94,059     400       --     94,459    96,479     156       --     96,635
Other policy-related balances...............     7,757     337       --      8,094     7,103     322        5      7,430
Other liabilities...........................     6,259   2,213   15,324     23,796     7,027   2,406   15,991     25,424
                                             --------- ------- --------  --------- --------- ------- --------  ---------
  Total liabilities.........................  $236,161  $7,148  $15,314   $258,623  $243,385  $4,043  $15,982   $263,410
                                             ========= ======= ========  ========= ========= ======= ========  =========

  Reinsurance agreements that do not expose the Company to a reasonable
possibility of a significant loss from insurance risk are recorded using the
deposit method of accounting. The deposit assets on reinsurance were
$11.9 billion and $12.8 billion at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.
The deposit liabilities on reinsurance were $1.7 billion and $1.8 billion at
December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.

Related Party Reinsurance Transactions

  The Company has reinsurance agreements with certain of MetLife, Inc.'s
subsidiaries, including MetLife Reinsurance Company of Charleston ("MRC"),
MetLife Reinsurance Company of Vermont, Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance
Company ("MTL"), and MetLife Insurance K.K., all of which are related parties.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

5. Reinsurance (continued)

   Information regarding the significant effects of affiliated reinsurance
included on the consolidated statements of operations was as follows:

                                                                     Years Ended December 31,
                                                                  2021         2020         2019
                                                              -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                                          (In millions)
Reinsurance assumed..........................................  $    3,237   $        8   $        9
Reinsurance ceded............................................        (114)        (113)        (115)
                                                              -----------  -----------  -----------
  Net premiums...............................................  $    3,123   $     (105)  $     (106)
                                                              ===========  ===========  ===========
Universal life and investment-type product policy fees
Reinsurance assumed..........................................  $        1   $        1   $        1
Reinsurance ceded............................................         (19)          (7)         (17)
                                                              -----------  -----------  -----------
  Net universal life and investment-type product policy fees.  $      (18)  $       (6)  $      (16)
                                                              ===========  ===========  ===========
Other revenues
Reinsurance assumed..........................................  $      (11)  $      (12)  $      (19)
Reinsurance ceded............................................         505          572          533
                                                              -----------  -----------  -----------
  Net other revenues.........................................  $      494   $      560   $      514
                                                              ===========  ===========  ===========
Policyholder benefits and claims
Reinsurance assumed..........................................  $    3,138   $        1   $        4
Reinsurance ceded............................................        (152)        (145)        (153)
                                                              -----------  -----------  -----------
  Net policyholder benefits and claims.......................  $    2,986   $     (144)  $     (149)
                                                              ===========  ===========  ===========
Interest credited to policyholder account balances
Reinsurance assumed..........................................  $       31   $       29   $       30
Reinsurance ceded............................................         (12)         (13)         (12)
                                                              -----------  -----------  -----------
  Net interest credited to policyholder account balances.....  $       19   $       16   $       18
                                                              ===========  ===========  ===========
Other expenses
Reinsurance assumed..........................................  $       89   $       --   $       --
Reinsurance ceded............................................       1,055          516          533
                                                              -----------  -----------  -----------
  Net other expenses.........................................  $    1,144   $      516   $      533
                                                              ===========  ===========  ===========

   Information regarding the significant effects of affiliated reinsurance
included on the consolidated balance sheets was as follows at:

                                                                             December 31,
                                                                    2021                      2020
                                                         -------------------------  ------------------------
                                                           Assumed        Ceded       Assumed       Ceded
                                                         ------------ ------------  ----------- ------------
                                                                            (In millions)
Premiums, reinsurance and other receivables.............   $       25  $    11,710   $        1  $    12,453
Deferred policy acquisition costs and value of business
 acquired...............................................            6         (139)          --         (145)
                                                         ------------ ------------  ----------- ------------
  Total assets..........................................   $       31  $    11,571   $        1  $    12,308
                                                         ============ ============  =========== ============
Future policy benefits..................................   $    3,139  $       (10)  $       48  $       (14)
Policyholder account balances...........................          366           --          123           --
Other policy-related balances...........................           14           --            1            5
Other liabilities.......................................          894       12,190          864       12,816
                                                         ------------ ------------  ----------- ------------
  Total liabilities.....................................   $    4,413  $    12,180   $    1,036  $    12,807
                                                         ============ ============  =========== ============


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

5. Reinsurance (continued)

  Effective April 1, 2021, the Company, through its wholly-owned subsidiary
Missouri Reinsurance, Inc., entered into an agreement to assume certain group
annuity contracts issued in connection with a qualifying pension risk transfer
on a modified coinsurance basis from MTL. The significant reinsurance effects
to the Company were primarily increases in future policy benefits of
$3.1 billion at December 31, 2021, as well as premiums of $3.2 billion and
policyholder benefits and claims of $3.1 billion for the year ended
December 31, 2021. Also, as a result of this agreement, other invested assets
increased by $3.2 billion at December 31, 2021.

  The Company ceded two blocks of business to an affiliate on a 75% coinsurance
with funds withheld basis. Certain contractual features of these agreements
qualify as embedded derivatives, which are separately accounted for at
estimated fair value on the Company's consolidated balance sheets. The embedded
derivatives related to the funds withheld associated with these reinsurance
agreements are included within other liabilities and were $31 million and
$45 million at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively. Net derivative gains
(losses) associated with these embedded derivatives were $15 million,
($24) million and ($17) million for the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and
2019, respectively.

  Certain contractual features of the closed block agreement with MRC create an
embedded derivative, which is separately accounted for at estimated fair value
on the Company's consolidated balance sheets. The embedded derivative related
to the funds withheld associated with this reinsurance agreement is included
within other liabilities and was $1.0 billion and $1.4 billion at December 31,
2021 and 2020, respectively. Net derivative gains (losses) associated with the
embedded derivative were $341 million, ($387) million and ($535) million for
the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively.

  The Company has secured certain reinsurance recoverable balances with various
forms of collateral, including secured trusts, funds withheld accounts and
irrevocable letters of credit. The Company had $677 million and $606 million of
unsecured affiliated reinsurance recoverable balances at December 31, 2021 and
2020, respectively.

  Affiliated reinsurance agreements that do not expose the Company to a
reasonable possibility of a significant loss from insurance risk are recorded
using the deposit method of accounting. The deposit assets on affiliated
reinsurance were $10.1 billion and $11.0 billion at December 31, 2021 and 2020,
respectively. The deposit liabilities on affiliated reinsurance were
$892 million and $863 million at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.

6. Closed Block

  On April 7, 2000 (the "Demutualization Date"), Metropolitan Life Insurance
Company converted from a mutual life insurance company to a stock life
insurance company and became a wholly-owned subsidiary of MetLife, Inc. The
conversion was pursuant to an order by the New York Superintendent of Insurance
approving Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's plan of reorganization, as
amended (the "Plan of Reorganization"). On the Demutualization Date,
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company established a closed block for the benefit
of holders of certain individual life insurance policies of Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company. Assets have been allocated to the closed block in an amount
that has been determined to produce cash flows which, together with anticipated
revenues from the policies included in the closed block, are reasonably
expected to be sufficient to support obligations and liabilities relating to
these policies, including, but not limited to, provisions for the payment of
claims and certain expenses and taxes, and to provide for the continuation of
policyholder dividend scales in effect for 1999, if the experience underlying
such dividend scales continues, and for appropriate adjustments in such scales
if the experience changes. At least annually, the Company compares actual and
projected experience against the experience assumed in the then-current
dividend scales. Dividend scales are adjusted periodically to give effect to
changes in experience.

  The closed block assets, the cash flows generated by the closed block assets
and the anticipated revenues from the policies in the closed block will benefit
only the holders of the policies in the closed block. To the extent that, over
time, cash flows from the assets allocated to the closed block and claims and
other experience related to the closed block are, in the aggregate, more or
less favorable than what was assumed when the closed block was established,
total dividends paid to closed block policyholders in the future may be greater
than or less than the total dividends that would have been paid to these
policyholders if the policyholder dividend scales in effect for 1999 had been
continued. Any cash flows in excess of amounts assumed will be available for
distribution over time to closed block policyholders and will not be available
to stockholders. If the closed block has insufficient funds to make guaranteed
policy benefit payments, such payments will be made from assets outside of the
closed block. The closed block will continue in effect as long as any policy in
the closed block remains in-force. The expected life of the closed block is
over 100 years from the Demutualization Date.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

6. Closed Block (continued)

  The Company uses the same accounting principles to account for the
participating policies included in the closed block as it used prior to the
Demutualization Date. However, the Company establishes a policyholder dividend
obligation for earnings that will be paid to policyholders as additional
dividends as described below. The excess of closed block liabilities over
closed block assets at the Demutualization Date (adjusted to eliminate the
impact of related amounts in AOCI) represents the estimated maximum future
earnings from the closed block expected to result from operations, attributed
net of income tax, to the closed block. Earnings of the closed block are
recognized in income over the period the policies and contracts in the closed
block remain in-force. Management believes that over time the actual cumulative
earnings of the closed block will approximately equal the expected cumulative
earnings due to the effect of dividend changes. If, over the period the closed
block remains in existence, the actual cumulative earnings of the closed block
are greater than the expected cumulative earnings of the closed block, the
Company will pay the excess to closed block policyholders as additional
policyholder dividends unless offset by future unfavorable experience of the
closed block and, accordingly, will recognize only the expected cumulative
earnings in income with the excess recorded as a policyholder dividend
obligation. If over such period, the actual cumulative earnings of the closed
block are less than the expected cumulative earnings of the closed block, the
Company will recognize only the actual earnings in income. However, the Company
may change policyholder dividend scales in the future, which would be intended
to increase future actual earnings until the actual cumulative earnings equal
the expected cumulative earnings.

  Experience within the closed block, in particular mortality and investment
yields, as well as realized and unrealized gains and losses, directly impact
the policyholder dividend obligation. Amortization of the closed block DAC,
which resides outside of the closed block, is based upon cumulative actual and
expected earnings within the closed block. Accordingly, the Company's net
income continues to be sensitive to the actual performance of the closed block.

  Closed block assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses are combined on a
line-by-line basis with the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses outside
the closed block based on the nature of the particular item.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

6. Closed Block (continued)

   Information regarding the closed block liabilities and assets designated to
the closed block was as follows at:

                                                                                             December 31,
                                                                                          2021           2020
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
                                                                                             (In millions)
Closed Block Liabilities
Future policy benefits.............................................................. $      38,046  $      38,758
Other policy-related balances.......................................................           290            321
Policyholder dividends payable......................................................           253            337
Policyholder dividend obligation....................................................         1,682          2,969
Deferred income tax liability.......................................................           210            130
Other liabilities...................................................................           263            172
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
  Total closed block liabilities....................................................        40,744         42,687
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
Assets Designated to the Closed Block
Fixed maturity securities available-for-sale, at estimated fair value...............        25,669         27,186
Mortgage loans......................................................................         6,417          6,807
Policy loans........................................................................         4,191          4,355
Real estate and real estate joint ventures..........................................           565            559
Other invested assets...............................................................           556            492
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
  Total investments.................................................................        37,398         39,399
Cash and cash equivalents...........................................................           126             --
Accrued investment income...........................................................           384            402
Premiums, reinsurance and other receivables.........................................            50             50
Current income tax recoverable......................................................            81             28
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
  Total assets designated to the closed block.......................................        38,039         39,879
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
  Excess of closed block liabilities over assets designated to the closed block.....         2,705          2,808
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
Unrealized investment gains (losses), net of income tax.............................         2,562          3,524
Unrealized gains (losses) on derivatives, net of income tax.........................           107             23
Allocated to policyholder dividend obligation, net of income tax....................        (1,329)        (2,346)
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
  Total amounts included in AOCI....................................................         1,340          1,201
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
  Maximum future earnings to be recognized from closed block assets and liabilities. $       4,045  $       4,009
                                                                                     =============  =============

   Information regarding the closed block policyholder dividend obligation was
as follows:

                                                       Years Ended December 31,
                                                   2021          2020          2019
                                              -------------  ------------- -------------
                                                            (In millions)
Balance at January 1,........................  $      2,969   $      2,020  $        428
Change in unrealized investment and
 derivative gains (losses)...................        (1,287)           949         1,592
                                              -------------  ------------- -------------
Balance at December 31,......................  $      1,682   $      2,969  $      2,020
                                              =============  ============= =============


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

6. Closed Block (continued)

   Information regarding the closed block revenues and expenses was as follows:

                                                      Years Ended December 31,
                                                  2021          2020          2019
                                              ------------  ------------  ------------
                                                            (In millions)
Premiums..................................... $      1,298  $      1,498  $      1,580
Net investment income........................        1,541         1,596         1,740
Net investment gains (losses)................          (36)          (25)           (7)
Net derivative gains (losses)................           18           (17)           12
                                              ------------  ------------  ------------
 Total revenues..............................        2,821         3,052         3,325
                                              ------------  ------------  ------------
Policyholder benefits and claims.............        2,150         2,330         2,291
Policyholder dividends.......................          621           791           924
Other expenses...............................           96           104           111
                                              ------------  ------------  ------------
 Total expenses..............................        2,867         3,225         3,326
                                              ------------  ------------  ------------
 Revenues, net of expenses before provision
   for income tax expense (benefit)..........          (46)         (173)           (1)
Provision for income tax expense (benefit)...          (10)          (36)           (2)
                                              ------------  ------------  ------------
 Revenues, net of expenses and provision for
   income tax expense (benefit).............. $        (36) $       (137) $          1
                                              ============  ============  ============

  Metropolitan Life Insurance Company charges the closed block with federal
income taxes, state and local premium taxes and other state or local taxes, as
well as investment management expenses relating to the closed block as provided
in the Plan of Reorganization. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company also charges
the closed block for expenses of maintaining the policies included in the
closed block.

7. Investments

  See Note 9 for information about the fair value hierarchy for investments and
the related valuation methodologies.

Investment Risks and Uncertainties

  Investments are exposed to the following primary sources of risk: credit,
interest rate, liquidity, market valuation, currency and real estate risk. The
financial statement risks, stemming from such investment risks, are those
associated with the determination of estimated fair values, the diminished
ability to sell certain investments in times of strained market conditions, the
recognition of ACL and impairments, the recognition of income on certain
investments and the potential consolidation of VIEs. The use of different
methodologies, assumptions and inputs relating to these financial statement
risks may have a material effect on the amounts presented within the
consolidated financial statements.

  The determination of ACL and impairments is highly subjective and is based
upon quarterly evaluations and assessments of known and inherent risks
associated with the respective asset class. Such evaluations and assessments
are revised as conditions change and new information becomes available.

  The recognition of income on certain investments (e.g. structured securities,
including mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities ("ABS"), certain
structured investment transactions and FVO Securities) is dependent upon
certain factors such as prepayments and defaults, and changes in such factors
could result in changes in amounts to be earned.

Fixed Maturity Securities AFS

  Fixed Maturity Securities AFS by Sector

    The following table presents fixed maturity securities AFS by sector. U.S.
  corporate and foreign corporate sectors include redeemable preferred stock.
  RMBS includes agency, prime, alternative and sub-prime mortgage-backed


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

  ABS includes securities collateralized by corporate loans and consumer loans.
  Municipals includes taxable and tax-exempt revenue bonds and, to a much
  lesser extent, general obligations of states, municipalities and political
  subdivisions. Commercial mortgage-backed securities ("CMBS") primarily
  includes securities collateralized by multiple commercial mortgage loans.
  RMBS, ABS and CMBS are, collectively, "Structured Products."

                                                               December 31,
                                           2021                                            2020
                      ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
                                     Gross Unrealized                                Gross Unrealized
                                ---------------------------                     --------------------------
                                Allowance                   Estimated           Allowance                  Estimated
                      Amortized for Credit                    Fair    Amortized for Credit                   Fair
Sector                  Cost       Loss     Gains   Losses    Value     Cost       Loss     Gains   Losses   Value
------                --------- ---------- -------- ------- --------- --------- ---------- -------- ------ ---------
                                                              (In millions)
U.S. corporate....... $  51,328  $   (30)  $  7,257 $   153 $  58,402 $  50,989   $  (43)  $  9,618 $  155 $  60,409
U.S. government and
 agency..............    26,782       --      4,568     128    31,222    24,620       --      6,178     27    30,771
Foreign corporate....    27,475      (10)     2,651     431    29,685    28,093       (8)     4,478    284    32,279
RMBS.................    22,082       --      1,198     135    23,145    22,552       --      1,706     32    24,226
ABS..................    12,787       --        127      35    12,879    12,456       --        169     50    12,575
Municipals...........     6,884       --      1,849       5     8,728     6,888       --      2,096      1     8,983
CMBS.................     6,686      (13)       237      32     6,878     6,503       --        381     55     6,829
Foreign government...     4,330       --        698      82     4,946     4,322       --        978     32     5,268
                      ---------  -------   -------- ------- --------- ---------   ------   -------- ------ ---------
 Total fixed
   securities AFS.... $ 158,354  $  (53)   $ 18,585 $ 1,001 $ 175,885 $ 156,423    $ (51)  $ 25,604 $  636 $ 181,340
                      =========  =======   ======== ======= ========= =========   ======   ======== ====== =========

  Methodology for Amortization of Premium and Accretion of Discount on
  Structured Products

    Amortization of premium and accretion of discount on Structured Products
  considers the estimated timing and amount of prepayments of the underlying
  loans. Actual prepayment experience is periodically reviewed and effective
  yields are recalculated when differences arise between the originally
  anticipated and the actual prepayments received and currently anticipated.
  Prepayment assumptions for Structured Products are estimated using inputs
  obtained from third-party specialists and based on management's knowledge of
  the current market. For credit-sensitive and certain prepayment-sensitive
  Structured Products, the effective yield is recalculated on a prospective
  basis. For all other Structured Products, the effective yield is recalculated
  on a retrospective basis.

  Maturities of Fixed Maturity Securities AFS

    The amortized cost, net of ACL, and estimated fair value of fixed maturity
  securities AFS, by contractual maturity date, were as follows at December 31,

                                                       Due After Five
                                         Due After One     Years                                 Total Fixed
                             Due in One  Year Through   Through Ten   Due After Ten Structured     Maturity
                            Year or Less  Five Years       Years          Years      Products   Securities AFS
                            ------------ ------------- -------------- ------------- ----------- --------------
                                                              (In millions)
Amortized cost, net of ACL.  $    2,967   $    29,155   $    27,945    $    56,692  $    41,542  $    158,301
Estimated fair value.......  $    2,938   $    29,975   $    30,739    $    69,331  $    42,902  $    175,885

    Actual maturities may differ from contractual maturities due to the
  exercise of call or prepayment options. Fixed maturity securities AFS not due
  at a single maturity date have been presented in the year of final
  contractual maturity. Structured Products are shown separately, as they are
  not due at a single maturity.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

  Continuous Gross Unrealized Losses for Fixed Maturity Securities AFS by Sector

    The following table presents the estimated fair value and gross unrealized
  losses of fixed maturity securities AFS in an unrealized loss position
  without an ACL by sector and aggregated by length of time that the securities
  have been in a continuous unrealized loss position.

                                                                        December 31,
                                                       2021                                       2020
                                    ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
                                                          Equal to or Greater                        Equal to or Greater
                                     Less than 12 Months     than 12 Months     Less than 12 Months     than 12 Months
                                    --------------------- -------------------- --------------------- --------------------
                                    Estimated    Gross    Estimated   Gross    Estimated    Gross    Estimated   Gross
                                      Fair     Unrealized   Fair    Unrealized   Fair     Unrealized   Fair    Unrealized
Sector & Credit Quality               Value      Losses     Value     Losses     Value      Losses     Value     Losses
-----------------------             ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ----------
                                                                    (Dollars in millions)
U.S. Corporate..................... $    4,503  $    83   $     784  $    70   $    2,351  $   112   $     230  $    36
U.S. government and agency.........     10,063       78         523       49        1,686       27          --       --
Foreign Corporate..................      4,079      199       1,348      232        2,431      225          34       59
RMBS...............................      7,481      111         314       24        1,119       20         128       12
ABS................................      5,643       25         593       10        2,561       18       2,233       32
Municipals.........................        154        4          17        1           51        1          --       --
CMBS...............................      1,613       20         355       12        1,110       41         306       14
Foreign Government.................        497       37         148       45          110        6         115       27
                                    ----------  -------   ---------  -------   ----------  -------   ---------  -------
  Total fixed maturity securities
   AFS............................. $   34,033  $   557   $   4,082  $   443   $   11,419  $   450   $   3,046  $   180
                                    ==========  =======   =========  =======   ==========  =======   =========  =======
Investment grade................... $   31,419  $   454   $   3,273  $   353   $    9,012  $   297   $   2,841  $   158
Below investment grade.............      2,614      103         809       90        2,407      153         205       22
                                    ----------  -------   ---------  -------   ----------  -------   ---------  -------
  Total fixed maturity securities
   AFS............................. $   34,033  $   557   $   4,082  $   443   $   11,419  $   450   $   3,046  $   180
                                    ==========  =======   =========  =======   ==========  =======   =========  =======
Total number of securities in an
 unrealized loss position..........      2,549                  427                   984                  385
                                    ==========            =========            ==========            =========

  Evaluation of Fixed Maturity Securities AFS for Credit Loss

   Evaluation and Measurement Methodologies

     Management considers a wide range of factors about the security issuer and
   uses its best judgment in evaluating the cause of the decline in the
   estimated fair value of the security and in assessing the prospects for
   near-term recovery. Inherent in management's evaluation of the security are
   assumptions and estimates about the operations of the issuer and its future
   earnings potential. Considerations used in the credit loss evaluation
   process include, but are not limited to:(i) the extent to which the
   estimated fair value has been below amortized cost, (ii) adverse conditions
   specifically related to a security, an industry sector or sub-sector, or an
   economically depressed geographic area, adverse change in the financial
   condition of the issuer of the security, changes in technology,
   discontinuance of a segment of the business that may affect future earnings,
   and changes in the quality of credit enhancement, (iii) payment structure of
   the security and likelihood of the issuer being able to make payments,
   (iv) failure of the issuer to make scheduled interest and principal
   payments, (v) whether the issuer, or series of issuers or an industry has
   suffered a catastrophic loss or has exhausted natural resources,
   (vi) whether the Company has the intent to sell or will more likely than not
   be required to sell a particular security before the decline in estimated
   fair value below amortized cost recovers, (vii) with respect to Structured
   Products, changes in forecasted cash flows after considering the changes in
   the financial condition of the underlying loan obligors and quality of
   underlying collateral, expected prepayment speeds, current and forecasted
   loss severity, consideration of the payment terms of the underlying assets
   backing a particular security, and the payment priority within the tranche
   structure of the security, (viii) changes in the rating of the security by a
   rating agency, and (ix) other subjective factors, including concentrations
   and information obtained from regulators.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

     The methodology and significant inputs used to determine the amount of
   credit loss are as follows:

  .   The Company calculates the recovery value by performing a discounted cash
      flow analysis based on the present value of future cash flows. The
      discount rate is generally the effective interest rate of the security at
      the time of purchase for fixed-rate securities and the spot rate at the
      date of evaluation of credit loss for floating-rate securities.

  .   When determining collectability and the period over which value is
      expected to recover, the Company applies considerations utilized in its
      overall credit loss evaluation process which incorporates information
      regarding the specific security, fundamentals of the industry and
      geographic area in which the security issuer operates, and overall
      macroeconomic conditions. Projected future cash flows are estimated using
      assumptions derived from management's single best estimate, the most
      likely outcome in a range of possible outcomes, after giving
      consideration to a variety of variables that include, but are not limited
      to: payment terms of the security; the likelihood that the issuer can
      service the interest and principal payments; the quality and amount of
      any credit enhancements; the security's position within the capital
      structure of the issuer; possible corporate restructurings or asset sales
      by the issuer; any private and public sector programs to restructure
      foreign government securities and municipals; and changes to the rating
      of the security or the issuer by rating agencies.

  .   Additional considerations are made when assessing the unique features
      that apply to certain Structured Products including, but not limited to:
      the quality of underlying collateral, historical performance of the
      underlying loan obligors, historical rent and vacancy levels, changes in
      the financial condition of the underlying loan obligors, expected
      prepayment speeds, current and forecasted loss severity, consideration of
      the payment terms of the underlying loans or assets backing a particular
      security, changes in the quality of credit enhancement and the payment
      priority within the tranche structure of the security.

     With respect to securities that have attributes of debt and equity
   ("perpetual hybrid securities"), consideration is given in the credit loss
   analysis as to whether there has been any deterioration in the credit of the
   issuer and the likelihood of recovery in value of the securities that are in
   a severe unrealized loss position. Consideration is also given as to whether
   any perpetual hybrid securities with an unrealized loss, regardless of
   credit rating, have deferred any dividend payments.

     After the adoption of credit loss guidance on January 1, 2020, in periods
   subsequent to the recognition of an initial ACL on a security, the Company
   reassesses credit loss quarterly. Subsequent increases or decreases in the
   expected cash flow from the security result in corresponding decreases or
   increases in the ACL which are recognized in earnings and reported within
   net investment gains (losses); however, the previously recorded ACL is not
   reduced to an amount below zero. Full or partial write-offs are deducted
   from the ACL in the period the security, or a portion thereof, is considered
   uncollectible. Recoveries of amounts previously written off are recorded to
   the ACL in the period received. When the Company has the intent to sell the
   security or it is more likely than not that the Company will be required to
   sell the security before recovery of its amortized cost, any ACL is written
   off and the amortized cost is written down to estimated fair value through a
   charge within net investment gains (losses), which becomes the new amortized
   cost of the security.

     Methodologies used during the year ended December 31, 2019 to evaluate the
   recoverability of a security in an unrealized loss position using OTTI
   guidance were similar to those used after the adoption of credit loss
   guidance on January 1, 2020, except: (i) the length of time estimated fair
   value had been below amortized cost was considered for securities, and
   (ii) for non-functional currency denominated securities, the impact from
   weakening non-functional currencies on securities that were near maturity
   was considered in the evaluation. In addition, measurement methodologies
   were similar, except: (i) a fair value floor was not utilized to limit the
   credit loss recognized in earnings, (ii) the amortized cost of securities
   was adjusted for the OTTI to the expected recoverable amount and an ACL was
   not utilized, (iii) subsequent to a credit loss being recognized, increases
   in expected cash flows from the security did not result in an immediate
   increase in valuation recognized in earnings through net investment gains
   (losses) from reduction of the ACL instead such increases in value were
   recorded as unrecognized unrealized gains in OCI, and (iv) in periods
   subsequent to the recognition of OTTI on a security, the Company accounted
   for the impaired security as if it had been purchased on the measurement
   date of the impairment; accordingly, the discount (or reduced premium) based
   on the new cost basis was accreted over the remaining term of the security
   in a prospective manner based on the amount and timing of estimated future
   cash flows.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

  Evaluation of Fixed Maturity Securities AFS in an Unrealized Loss Position

     Gross unrealized losses on securities without an ACL increased
   $370 million for the year ended December 31, 2021 to $1.0 billion primarily
   due to increases in interest rates and widening of credit spreads.

     Gross unrealized losses on securities without an ACL that have been in a
   continuous gross unrealized loss position for 12 months or greater were
   $443 million at December 31, 2021, or 44% of the total gross unrealized
   losses on securities without an ACL.

   Investment Grade Fixed Maturity Securities AFS

     Of the $443 million of gross unrealized losses on securities without an
   ACL that have been in a continuous gross unrealized loss position for 12
   months or greater, $353 million, or 80%, were related to 328 investment
   grade securities. Unrealized losses on investment grade securities are
   principally related to widening credit spreads since purchase and, with
   respect to fixed-rate securities, rising interest rates since purchase.

   Below Investment Grade Fixed Maturity Securities AFS

     Of the $443 million of gross unrealized losses on securities without an
   ACL that have been in a continuous gross unrealized loss position for 12
   months or greater, $90 million, or 20%, were related to 99 below investment
   grade securities. Unrealized losses on below investment grade securities are
   principally related to U.S. and foreign corporate securities (primarily
   industrial and consumer) and are the result of significantly wider credit
   spreads resulting from higher risk premiums since purchase, largely due to
   economic and market uncertainty, as well as with respect to fixed-rate
   securities, rising interest rates since purchase. Management evaluates U.S.
   and foreign corporate securities based on several factors such as expected
   cash flows, financial condition and near-term and long-term prospects of the

   Current Period Evaluation

     At December 31, 2021, with respect to securities in an unrealized loss
   position without an ACL, the Company did not intend to sell these
   securities, and it was not more likely than not that the Company would be
   required to sell these securities before the anticipated recovery of the
   remaining amortized cost. Based on the Company's current evaluation of its
   securities in an unrealized loss position without an ACL, the Company
   concluded that these securities had not incurred a credit loss and should
   not have an ACL at December 31, 2021.

     Future provisions for credit loss will depend primarily on economic
   fundamentals, issuer performance (including changes in the present value of
   future cash flows expected to be collected), changes in credit ratings and
   collateral valuation.

Mortgage Loans

  Mortgage Loans by Portfolio Segment

    Mortgage loans are summarized as follows at:

                                                 December 31,
                                         2021                    2020
                               ------------------------ -----------------------
                                 Carrying      % of       Carrying      % of
 Portfolio Segment                Value        Total       Value        Total
 -----------------             ------------  ---------- ------------  ---------
                                            (Dollars in millions)
 Commercial...................  $    35,772       59.4%  $    38,528      58.0%
 Agricultural.................       15,450        25.7       16,426       24.7
 Residential..................        9,406        15.6       11,803       17.8
                               ------------  ---------- ------------  ---------
   Total amortized cost.......       60,628       100.7       66,757      100.5
 Allowance for credit loss....         (536)      (0.9)         (517)     (0.8)
                               ------------  ---------- ------------  ---------
 Subtotal mortgage loans, net.       60,092        99.8       66,240       99.7
 Residential -- FVO...........          127         0.2          165        0.3
                               ------------  ---------- ------------  ---------
   Total mortgage loans, net..  $    60,219      100.0%  $    66,405     100.0%
                               ============  ========== ============  =========


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

    The Company elects the FVO for certain residential mortgage loans that are
  managed on a total return basis, with changes in estimated fair value
  included in net investment income. See Note 9 for further information.

    The amount of net (discounts) premiums and deferred (fees) expenses,
  included within total amortized cost, primarily attributable to residential
  mortgage loans was ($736) million and ($925) million at December 31, 2021 and
  2020, respectively. The accrued interest income excluded from total amortized
  cost for commercial, agricultural and residential mortgage loans at
  December 31, 2021 was $140 million, $136 million and $77 million,
  respectively. The accrued interest income excluded from total amortized cost
  for commercial, agricultural and residential mortgage loans at
  December 31, 2020 was $164 million, $158 million, $101 million, respectively.

    Purchases of unaffiliated mortgage loans, consisting primarily of
  residential mortgage loans, were $1.4 billion, $2.8 billion and $4.0 billion
  for the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively.

    The Company originates and acquires unaffiliated mortgage loans and
  simultaneously sells a portion to affiliates under master participation
  agreements. The aggregate amount of mortgage loan participation interests in
  unaffiliated mortgage loans sold by the Company to affiliates for the years
  ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019 was $277 million, $59 million and
  $100 million, respectively. In connection with the mortgage loan
  participations, the Company collected mortgage loan principal and interest
  payments from unaffiliated borrowers on behalf of affiliates and remitted
  such receipts to the affiliates in the amount of $1.0 billion, $540 million
  and $951 million for the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019,

    The Company originates mortgage loans through an affiliate. The affiliate
  originates and acquires mortgage loans and the Company simultaneously
  purchases participation interests under a master participation agreement. The
  aggregate amount of mortgage loan participation interests purchased by the
  Company from such affiliate for the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and
  2019 was $4.7 billion and $3.8 billion and $4.1 billion, respectively. In
  connection with the mortgage loan participations, the affiliate collected
  mortgage loan principal and interest payments on the Company's behalf and the
  affiliate remitted such payments to the Company in the amount of
  $1.9 billion, $696 million and $403 million for the years ended December 31,
  2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively.

  Rollforward of Allowance for Credit Loss for Mortgage Loans by Portfolio

    The rollforward of ACL for mortgage loans, by portfolio segment, is as

                                                                                     For the Years Ended December 31,
                                                       2021                                        2020
                                    ------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------
                                    Commercial Agricultural Residential  Total  Commercial Agricultural Residential  Total
                                    ---------- ------------ ----------- ------  ---------- ------------ ----------- ------
                                                                                               (In millions)
Balance at January 1,..............   $  199      $  97       $  221    $  517    $  186      $  49       $   54    $  289
Adoption of credit loss guidance...       --         --           --        --       (87)        32          154        99
Provision (release)................       61          6          (25)       42       100         18           27       145
Initial credit losses on PCD
 loans (1).........................       --         --            3         3        --         --           18        18
Charge-offs, net of recoveries.....       --        (24)          (2)      (26)       --         (2)         (32)      (34)
                                      ------      -----       ------    ------    ------      -----       ------    ------
Balance at December 31,............   $  260      $  79       $  197    $  536    $  199      $  97       $  221    $  517
                                      ======      =====       ======    ======    ======      =====       ======    ======

                                    Commercial Agricultural Residential  Total
                                    ---------- ------------ ----------- ------

Balance at January 1,..............   $  190      $  44        $  57    $  291
Adoption of credit loss guidance...       --         --           --        --
Provision (release)................       (4)        10            7        13
Initial credit losses on PCD
 loans (1).........................       --         --           --        --
Charge-offs, net of recoveries.....       --         (5)         (10)      (15)
                                      ------      -----        -----    ------
Balance at December 31,............   $  186      $  49        $  54    $  289
                                      ======      =====        =====    ======
(1) Represents the initial credit losses accounted for as purchased financial
    assets with credit deterioration ("PCD").


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

   Allowance for Credit Loss Methodology

     After the adoption of credit loss guidance on January 1, 2020, the Company
   records an allowance for expected lifetime credit loss in earnings within
   net investment gains (losses) in an amount that represents the portion of
   the amortized cost basis of mortgage loans that the Company does not expect
   to collect, resulting in mortgage loans being presented at the net amount
   expected to be collected. In determining the Company's ACL, management
   applies significant judgment to estimate expected lifetime credit loss,
   including: (i) pooling mortgage loans that share similar risk
   characteristics, (ii) considering expected lifetime credit loss over the
   contractual term of its mortgage loans adjusted for expected prepayments and
   any extensions, and (iii) considering past events and current and forecasted
   economic conditions. Each of the Company's commercial, agricultural and
   residential mortgage loan portfolio segments are evaluated separately. The
   ACL is calculated for each mortgage loan portfolio segment based on inputs
   unique to each loan portfolio segment. On a quarterly basis, mortgage loans
   within a portfolio segment that share similar risk characteristics, such as
   internal risk ratings or consumer credit scores, are pooled for calculation
   of ACL. On an ongoing basis, mortgage loans with dissimilar risk
   characteristics (i.e., loans with significant declines in credit quality),
   collateral dependent mortgage loans (i.e., when the borrower is experiencing
   financial difficulty, including when foreclosure is reasonably possible or
   probable) and reasonably expected troubled debt restructurings ("TDRs")
   (i.e., the Company grants concessions to borrower that is experiencing
   financial difficulties) are evaluated individually for credit loss. The ACL
   for loans evaluated individually are established using the same
   methodologies for all three portfolio segments. For example, the ACL for a
   collateral dependent loan is established as the excess of amortized cost
   over the estimated fair value of the loan's underlying collateral, less
   selling cost when foreclosure is probable. Accordingly, the change in the
   estimated fair value of collateral dependent loans, which are evaluated
   individually for credit loss, is recorded as a change in the ACL which is
   recorded on a quarterly basis as a charge or credit to earnings in net
   investment gains (losses).

     During the year ended December 31, 2019, prior to the adoption of credit
   loss guidance on January 1, 2020, evaluation and measurement methodologies
   in determining the ACL were similar, except: (i) credit loss was recognized
   in earnings within net investment gains (losses) when incurred (when it was
   probable, based on current information and events, that all amounts due
   under the loan agreement would not be collected), (ii) pooling of loans with
   similar risk characteristics was permitted, but not required,
   (iii) forecasts of economic conditions were not considered in the
   evaluation, (iv) measurement of the expected lifetime credit loss over the
   contractual term, or expected term, was not considered in the measurement,
   and (v) the credit loss for loans evaluated individually could also be
   determined using either discounted cash flows using the loans' original
   effective interest rate or observable market prices.

   Commercial and Agricultural Mortgage Loan Portfolio Segments

     Commercial and agricultural mortgage loan ACL are calculated in a similar
   manner. Within each loan portfolio segment, commercial and agricultural,
   loans are pooled by internal risk rating. Estimated lifetime loss rates,
   which vary by internal risk rating, are applied to the amortized cost of
   each loan, excluding accrued investment income, on a quarterly basis to
   develop the ACL. Internal risk ratings are based on an assessment of the
   loan's credit quality, which can change over time. The estimated lifetime
   loss rates are based on several loan portfolio segment-specific factors,
   including (i) the Company's experience with defaults and loss severity,
   (ii) expected default and loss severity over the forecast period,
   (iii) current and forecasted economic conditions including growth,
   inflation, interest rates and unemployment levels, (iv) loan specific
   characteristics including loan-to-value ("LTV") ratios, and (v) internal
   risk ratings. These evaluations are revised as conditions change and new
   information becomes available. The Company uses its several decades of
   historical default and loss severity experience which capture multiple
   economic cycles. The Company uses a forecast of economic assumptions for a
   two-year period for most of its commercial and agricultural mortgage loans,
   while a one-year period is used for loans originated in certain markets.
   After the applicable forecast period, the Company reverts to its historical
   loss experience using a straight-line basis over two years. For evaluations
   of commercial mortgage loans, in addition to historical experience,
   management considers factors that include the impact of a rapid change to
   the economy, which may not be reflected in the loan portfolio, recent loss
   and recovery trend experience as compared to historical loss and recovery
   experience, and loan specific characteristics including debt service
   coverage ratios ("DSCR"). In estimating expected lifetime credit loss over
   the term of its commercial mortgage loans, the Company adjusts for expected
   prepayment and extension experience during the forecast period using
   historical prepayment and extension experience


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

   considering the expected position in the economic cycle and the loan profile
   (i.e., floating rate, shorter-term fixed rate and longer-term fixed rate)
   and after the forecast period using long-term historical prepayment
   experience. For evaluations of agricultural mortgage loans, in addition to
   historical experience, management considers factors that include increased
   stress in certain sectors, which may be evidenced by higher delinquency
   rates, or a change in the number of higher risk loans. In estimating
   expected lifetime credit loss over the term of its agricultural mortgage
   loans, the Company's experience is much less sensitive to the position in
   the economic cycle and by loan profile; accordingly, historical prepayment
   experience is used, while extension terms are not prevalent with the
   Company's agricultural mortgage loans.

     Commercial mortgage loans are reviewed on an ongoing basis, which review
   includes, but is not limited to, an analysis of the property financial
   statements and rent roll, lease rollover analysis, property inspections,
   market analysis, estimated valuations of the underlying collateral, LTV
   ratios, DSCR and tenant creditworthiness. The monitoring process focuses on
   higher risk loans, which include those that are classified as restructured,
   delinquent or in foreclosure, as well as loans with higher LTV ratios and
   lower DSCR. Agricultural mortgage loans are reviewed on an ongoing basis,
   which review includes, but is not limited to, property inspections, market
   analysis, estimated valuations of the underlying collateral, LTV ratios and
   borrower creditworthiness, as well as reviews on a geographic and
   property-type basis. The monitoring process for agricultural mortgage loans
   also focuses on higher risk loans.

     For commercial mortgage loans, the primary credit quality indicator is the
   DSCR, which compares a property's net operating income to amounts needed to
   service the principal and interest due under the loan. Generally, the lower
   the DSCR, the higher the risk of experiencing a credit loss. The Company
   also reviews the LTV ratio of its commercial mortgage loan portfolio. LTV
   ratios compare the unpaid principal balance of the loan to the estimated
   fair value of the underlying collateral. Generally, the higher the LTV
   ratio, the higher the risk of experiencing a credit loss. The DSCR and the
   values utilized in calculating the ratio are updated routinely. In addition,
   the LTV ratio is routinely updated for all but the lowest risk loans as part
   of the Company's ongoing review of its commercial mortgage loan portfolio.

     For agricultural mortgage loans, the Company's primary credit quality
   indicator is the LTV ratio. The values utilized in calculating this ratio
   are developed in connection with the ongoing review of the agricultural
   mortgage loan portfolio and are routinely updated.

     Commitments to lend: After loans are approved, the Company makes
   commitments to lend and, typically, borrowers draw down on some or all of
   the commitments. The timing of mortgage loan funding is based on the
   commitment expiration dates. A liability for credit loss for unfunded
   commercial and agricultural mortgage loan commitments that are not
   unconditionally cancellable is recognized in earnings and is reported within
   net investment gains (losses). The liability is based on estimated lifetime
   loss rates as described above and the amount of the outstanding commitments,
   which for lines of credit, considers estimated utilization rates. When the
   commitment is funded or expires, the liability is adjusted accordingly.

   Residential Mortgage Loan Portfolio Segment

     The Company's residential mortgage loan portfolio is comprised primarily
   of purchased closed end, amortizing residential mortgage loans, including
   both performing loans purchased within 12 months of origination and
   reperforming loans purchased after they have been performing for at least 12
   months post-modification. Residential mortgage loans are pooled by loan type
   (i.e., new origination and reperforming) and pooled by similar risk profiles
   (including consumer credit score and LTV ratios). Estimated lifetime loss
   rates, which vary by loan type and risk profile, are applied to the
   amortized cost of each loan excluding accrued investment income on a
   quarterly basis to develop the ACL. The estimated lifetime loss rates are
   based on several factors, including (i) industry historical experience and
   expected results over the forecast period for defaults, (ii) loss severity,
   (iii) prepayment rates, (iv) current and forecasted economic conditions
   including growth, inflation, interest rates and unemployment levels, and
   (v) loan pool specific characteristics including consumer credit scores, LTV
   ratios, payment history and home prices. These evaluations are revised as
   conditions change and new information becomes available. The Company uses
   industry historical experience which captures multiple economic cycles as
   the Company has purchased most of its residential mortgage loans in the last
   five years. The Company uses a forecast of economic assumptions for a
   two-year period for most of its residential mortgage loans. After the
   applicable forecast period, the Company immediately reverts to industry
   historical loss experience.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

     For residential mortgage loans, the Company's primary credit quality
   indicator is whether the loan is performing or nonperforming. The Company
   generally defines nonperforming residential mortgage loans as those that are
   60 or more days past due and/or in nonaccrual status which is assessed
   monthly. Generally, nonperforming residential mortgage loans have a higher
   risk of experiencing a credit loss.

  Mortgage Loan Concessions

     In response to the adverse economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, in
   2021 and 2020, the Company granted concessions to certain of its commercial,
   agricultural and residential mortgage loan borrowers, including payment
   deferrals and other loan modifications. The Company has elected the option
   under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act ("CARES Act"),
   the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 and the Interagency Statement on
   Loan Modifications and Reporting for Financial Institutions Working with
   Customers Affected by the Coronavirus (Revised) ("Interagency Statement")
   issued by bank regulatory agencies, not to account for or report qualifying
   concessions as TDRs and not to classify such loans as either past due or
   nonaccrual during the payment deferral period. Additionally, in accordance
   with the FASB's published response to a COVID-19 pandemic technical inquiry,
   the Company continues to accrue interest income on such loans that have
   deferred payment. The Company records an ACL on this accrued interest income
   through earnings, which is reported within net investment gains (losses).


     For some commercial mortgage loan borrowers (principally in the retail and
   hotel sectors), the Company granted concessions which were primarily
   interest and principal payment deferrals generally ranging from three to
   four months and, to a much lesser extent, maturity date extensions. Deferred
   commercial mortgage loan interest and principal payments were $23 million at
   December 31, 2021.


     For some agricultural mortgage loan borrowers (principally in the annual
   crops and agribusiness sectors), the Company granted concessions which were
   primarily principal payment deferrals generally ranging from three to twelve
   months, and covenant changes and, to a much lesser extent, maturity date
   extensions. Deferred agricultural mortgage loan interest and principal
   payments were $4 million at December 31, 2021.


     For some residential mortgage loan borrowers, the Company granted
   concessions which were primarily three-month interest and principal payment
   deferrals. Deferred residential mortgage loan interest and principal
   payments were $15 million at December 31, 2021.

   Troubled Debt Restructurings

     The Company assesses loan concessions prior to the issuance of, or outside
   the scope of, the CARES Act, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 and
   the Interagency Statement on a case-by-case basis to evaluate whether a TDR
   has occurred. The Company may grant concessions to borrowers experiencing
   financial difficulties, which, if not significant, are not classified as
   TDRs, while more significant concessions are classified as TDRs. Generally,
   the types of concessions include: reduction of the contractual interest
   rate, extension of the maturity date at an interest rate lower than current
   market interest rates, and/or a reduction of accrued interest. The amount,
   timing and extent of the concessions granted are considered in determining
   any ACL recorded.

     For both years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020, the Company did not have
   any commercial mortgage loans modified in a TDR; and did not have a
   significant amount of agricultural and residential mortgage loans modified
   in a TDR.

     For both years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020, the Company did not have
   a significant amount of mortgage loans modified in a TDR with subsequent
   payment default.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

  Credit Quality of Mortgage Loans by Portfolio Segment

    The amortized cost of commercial mortgage loans by credit quality indicator
  and vintage year was as follows at December 31, 2021:

                                                                                             Revolving                % of
Credit Quality Indicator     2021       2020       2019       2018       2017       Prior      Loans       Total      Total
------------------------  ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------
                                                                 (Dollars in millions)
   LTV ratios:
   Less than 65%.........  $   3,402  $   3,128  $   2,938  $   3,730  $   2,760  $    8,859  $   2,443  $   27,260     76.2%
   65% to 75%............      1,017        551      2,021        933        337       1,611         --       6,470      18.1
   76% to 80%............         --         18        138        198        149         180         --         683       1.9
   Greater than 80%......         --         --         --         49        284       1,026         --       1,359       3.8
                          ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------
     Total...............  $   4,419  $   3,697  $   5,097  $   4,910  $   3,530  $   11,676  $   2,443  $   35,772    100.0%
                          ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== =========== ========== =========== =========
    1.20x...............  $   4,018  $   3,306  $   4,698  $   4,500  $   3,190  $    9,101  $   2,164  $   30,977     86.6%
   1.00x - 1.20x.........        156         69          9        134         27         882         --       1,277       3.6
   <1.00x................        245        322        390        276        313       1,693        279       3,518       9.8
                          ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------
     Total...............  $   4,419  $   3,697  $   5,097  $   4,910  $   3,530  $   11,676  $   2,443  $   35,772    100.0%
                          ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== =========== ========== =========== =========

    The amortized cost of agricultural mortgage loans by credit quality
  indicator and vintage year was as follows at December 31, 2021:

                                                                                          Revolving                % of
Credit Quality Indicator     2021       2020       2019       2018      2017     Prior      Loans       Total      Total
------------------------  ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------
                                                               (Dollars in millions)
   LTV ratios:
   Less than 65%.........  $   1,399  $   2,221  $   1,685  $   2,264  $   878  $   4,286  $     947  $   13,680     88.5%
   65% to 75%............        237        335        198        150       37        571        112       1,640      10.6
   76% to 80%............         --         --         --         --       --         11         --          11       0.1
   Greater than 80%......         --         --         76         --       --         43         --         119       0.8
                          ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------
     Total...............  $   1,636  $   2,556  $   1,959  $   2,414  $   915  $   4,911  $   1,059  $   15,450    100.0%
                          ========== ========== ========== ========== ======== ========== ========== =========== =========

    The amortized cost of residential mortgage loans by credit quality
  indicator and vintage year was as follows at December 31, 2021:

                                                                                  Revolving             % of
Credit Quality Indicator    2021     2020     2019     2018     2017     Prior      Loans     Total     Total
------------------------  -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------
                                                          (Dollars in millions)
Performance indicators:
Performing...............  $   277  $   200  $   811  $   470  $   194  $   7,036   $   --   $   8,988    95.6%
Nonperforming (1)........       --        3       46       15        1        353       --         418      4.4
                          -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----------  -------  ---------- --------
  Total..................  $   277  $   203  $   857  $   485  $   195  $   7,389   $   --   $   9,406   100.0%
                          ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ==========  =======  ========== ========
(1)Includes residential mortgage loans in process of foreclosure of $69 million
   and $102 million at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.

    LTV ratios compare the unpaid principal balance of the loan to the
  estimated fair value of the underlying collateral. The amortized cost of
  commercial and agricultural mortgage loans with an LTV ratio in excess of
  100% was $680 million, or 1% of total commercial and agricultural mortgage
  loans at December 31, 2021.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

  Past Due and Nonaccrual Mortgage Loans

    The Company has a high quality, well performing mortgage loan portfolio,
  with 99% of all mortgage loans classified as performing at both December 31,
  2021 and 2020. The Company defines delinquency consistent with industry
  practice, when mortgage loans are past due more than two or more months, as
  applicable, by portfolio segment. The past due and nonaccrual mortgage loans
  at amortized cost, prior to ACL, by portfolio segment, were as follows:

                                                        Greater than 90 Days Past Due and
                                Past Due                     Still Accruing Interest                   Nonaccrual
                   ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Portfolio Segment  December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020
-----------------  ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
                                                                  (In millions)
  Commercial......              $ --              $ --               $--               $--              $146            $  293
  Agricultural....               124               251                16                20               225               261
  Residential.....               418               516                --                54               418               503
                   ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
    Total.........              $542              $767               $16               $74              $789            $1,057
                   ================= ================= ================= ================= ================= =================

     The amortized cost for nonaccrual commercial, agricultural and residential
   mortgage loans at beginning of year 2020 was $167 million, $137 million and
   $377 million, respectively. The amortized cost for nonaccrual commercial
   mortgage loans with no ACL was $0 and $156 million at December 31, 2021 and
   2020, respectively. The amortized cost for nonaccrual agricultural mortgage
   loans with no ACL was $134 million and $173 million at December 31, 2021 and
   2020, respectively. There were no nonaccrual residential mortgage loans
   without an ACL at either December 31, 2021 or 2020.

  Purchased Investments with Credit Deterioration

     Investments that, as of the date of acquisition, have experienced a
   more-than-insignificant deterioration in credit quality since origination
   are classified as PCD. The amortized cost for PCD investments is the
   purchase price plus an ACL for the initial estimate of expected lifetime
   credit losses established upon purchase. Subsequent changes in the ACL on
   PCD investments are recognized in earnings and are reported in net
   investment gains (losses). The non-credit discount or premium is accreted or
   amortized to net investment income on an effective yield basis.

    The following table reconciles the contractual principal to the purchase
  price of PCD investments:

                                     For the Year Ended December 31, 2021
                                 Contractual   ACL at    (Discount)  Purchase
                                  Principal  Acquisition  Premium     Price
                                 ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------
                                                 (In millions)
 PCD residential mortgage loans.  $    514   $      (3)  $      32  $      543

    Prior to the adoption of credit loss guidance for the recognition of credit
  losses on financial instruments, the Company applied applicable guidance for
  investments acquired with evidence of credit quality deterioration since
  origination, known as PCI investments. The Company's PCI investments had an
  outstanding principal balance of $3.2 billion at December 31, 2019, which
  represents the contractually required principal and accrued interest payments
  whether or not currently due and a carrying value (estimated fair value of
  the investments plus accrued interest) of $2.7 billion at December 31, 2019.
  Accretion of accretable yield on PCI investments recognized in net investment
  income was $170 million for the year ended December 31, 2019.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

Real Estate and Real Estate Joint Ventures

     The Company's real estate investment portfolio is diversified by property
   type, geography and income stream, including income from operating leases,
   operating income and equity in earnings from equity method real estate joint
   ventures. Real estate investments, by income type, as well as income earned,
   were as follows at and for the periods indicated:

                                                           December 31,           For the Years Ended December 31,
                                                    --------------------------- ------------------------------------
                                                        2021          2020         2021         2020        2019
                                                    ------------- ------------- ----------- -----------  -----------
Income Type                                               Carrying Value                       Income
-----------                                         --------------------------- ------------------------------------
                                                                             (In millions)
Leased real estate investments.....................  $      1,934  $      1,965  $      209  $      188   $      165
Other real estate investments......................           473           418         186         127          174
Real estate joint ventures.........................         5,466         5,095         180         (59)          62
                                                    ------------- ------------- ----------- -----------  -----------
  Total real estate and real estate joint ventures.  $      7,873  $      7,478  $      575  $      256   $      401
                                                    ============= ============= =========== ===========  ===========

   The carrying value of real estate investments acquired through foreclosure
 was $180 million and $18 million at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.
 Depreciation expense on real estate investments was $86 million, $73 million
 and $62 million for the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019,
 respectively. Real estate investments were net of accumulated depreciation of
 $581 million and $789 million at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.


 Leased Real Estate Investments -- Operating Leases

   The Company, as lessor, leases investment real estate, principally
 commercial real estate for office and retail use, through a variety of
 operating lease arrangements, which typically include tenant reimbursement for
 property operating costs and options to renew or extend the lease. In some
 circumstances, leases may include an option for the lessee to purchase the
 property. In addition, certain leases of retail space may stipulate that a
 portion of the income earned is contingent upon the level of the tenants'
 revenues. The Company has elected a practical expedient of not separating
 non-lease components related to reimbursement of property operating costs from
 associated lease components. These property operating costs have the same
 timing and pattern of transfer as the related lease component, because they
 are incurred over the same period of time as the operating lease. Therefore,
 the combined component is accounted for as a single operating lease. Risk is
 managed through lessee credit analysis, property type diversification, and
 geographic diversification. Leased real estate investments and income earned,
 by property type, were as follows at and for the periods indicated:

                                                   December 31,          For the Years Ended December 31,
                                            --------------------------- -----------------------------------
                                                2021          2020         2021        2020        2019
                                            ------------- ------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Property Type                                     Carrying Value                      Income
-------------                               --------------------------- -----------------------------------
                                                                     (In millions)
Leased real estate investments:
  Office...................................  $        782  $        661  $       73  $       31  $       49
  Apartment................................           506           516          40          40           3
  Retail...................................           363           498          44          66          70
  Industrial...............................           260           258          52          50          42
  Land.....................................            23            23          --           1          --
  Other....................................            --             9          --          --           1
                                            ------------- ------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
    Total leased real estate investments...  $      1,934  $      1,965  $      209  $      188  $      165
                                            ============= ============= =========== =========== ===========

    Future contractual receipts under operating leases at December 31, 2021
  were $141 million in 2022, $140 million in 2023, $122 million in 2024, $109
  million in 2025, $93 million in 2026, $243 million thereafter and, in total,
  were $848 million.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

  Leveraged and Direct Financing Leases

    The Company has diversified leveraged and direct financing lease
  portfolios. Its leveraged leases principally include renewable energy
  generation facilities, rail cars, commercial real estate and commercial
  aircraft, and its direct financing leases principally include renewable
  energy generation facilities. These assets are leased through a variety of
  lease arrangements, which may include options to renew or extend the lease
  and options for the lessee to purchase the property. Residual values are
  estimated using available third-party data at inception of the lease. Risk is
  managed through lessee credit analysis, asset allocation, geographic
  diversification, and ongoing reviews of estimated residual values, using
  available third-party data. Generally, estimated residual values are not
  guaranteed by the lessee or a third party.

    Investment in leveraged and direct financing leases consisted of the
  following at:

                                        December 31, 2021         December 31, 2020
                                    ------------------------  ------------------------
                                                   Direct                    Direct
                                     Leveraged    Financing    Leveraged    Financing
                                      Leases       Leases       Leases       Leases
                                    -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                       (In millions)
Lease receivables, net (1).........  $      542   $      141   $      597   $      210
Estimated residual values..........         560           39          573           42
                                    -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
  Subtotal.........................       1,102          180        1,170          252
Unearned income....................        (284)         (42)        (318)         (74)
                                    -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
  Investment in leases, before ACL.         818          138          852          178
ACL................................         (31)          (1)         (36)          (2)
                                    -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
  Investment in leases, net of ACL.  $      787   $      137   $      816   $      176
                                    ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========
(1) Future contractual receipts under direct financing leases at December 31,
    2021 were $18 million in 2022, $18 million in 2023, $18 million in 2024,
    $18 million in 2025, $16 million in 2026, $53 million thereafter and, in
    total, were $141 million.

    Lease receivables are generally due in periodic installments. The payment
  periods for leveraged leases generally range from one to 10 years, but in
  certain circumstances can be over 10 years, while the payment periods for
  direct financing leases generally range from one to 12 years. For lease
  receivables, the primary credit quality indicator is whether the lease
  receivable is performing or nonperforming, which is assessed monthly. The
  Company generally defines nonperforming lease receivables as those that are
  90 days or more past due. At both December 31, 2021 and 2020, all lease
  receivables were performing.

    The deferred income tax liability related to leveraged leases was
  $272 million and $287 million at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.

    The components of income from investment in leveraged and direct financing
  leases, excluding net investment gains (losses), were as follows:

                                                             For the Years Ended December 31,
                                                      2021                 2020                 2019
                                              -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
                                                          Direct               Direct               Direct
                                              Leveraged  Financing Leveraged  Financing Leveraged  Financing
                                               Leases     Leases    Leases     Leases    Leases     Leases
                                              ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------
                                                                      (In millions)
Lease investment income......................  $      34  $     11  $      36  $     11  $      37  $     12
Less: Income tax expense.....................          7         2          8         2          8         3
                                              ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------
  Lease investment income, net of income tax.  $      27  $      9  $      28  $      9  $      29  $      9
                                              ========== ========= ========== ========= ========== =========


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

    After the adoption of credit loss guidance on January 1, 2020, the Company
  records an allowance for expected lifetime credit loss in earnings within
  investment gains (losses) in an amount that represents the portion of the
  investment in leases that the Company does not expect to collect, resulting
  in the investment in leases being presented at the net amount expected to be
  collected. In determining the ACL, management applies significant judgment to
  estimate expected lifetime credit loss, including: (i) pooling leases that
  share similar risk characteristics, (ii) considering expected lifetime credit
  loss over the contractual term of the lease, and (iii) considering past
  events and current and forecasted economic conditions. Leases with dissimilar
  risk characteristics are evaluated individually for credit loss. Expected
  lifetime credit loss on leveraged and direct financing lease receivables is
  estimated using a probability of default and loss given default model, where
  the probability of default incorporates third party credit ratings of the
  lessee and the related historical default data. The Company also assesses the
  non-guaranteed residual values for recoverability by comparison to the
  current estimated fair value of the leased asset and considers other relevant
  market information such as independent third-party forecasts, consulting,
  asset brokerage and investment banking reports and data, comparable market
  transactions, and factors such as the competitive dynamics impacting specific
  industries, technological change and obsolescence, government and regulatory
  rules, tax policy, potential environmental liabilities and litigation.

    During the year ended December 31, 2019, prior to the adoption of credit
  loss guidance on January 1, 2020, lease impairment losses were recognized in
  earnings within investment gains (losses) as incurred. Under the incurred
  loss model, if all amounts due under the lease agreement would not be
  collected based on current information and events, an impairment loss was
  recognized in earnings. The impairment loss was recorded as a reduction of
  the investment in lease and within net investment gains (losses).

 Other Invested Assets

   Other invested assets is comprised primarily of freestanding derivatives
 with positive estimated fair values (see Note 8), affiliated investments (see
 "-- Related Party Investment Transactions"), tax credit and renewable energy
 partnerships, annuities funding structured settlement claims (see Note 1),
 leveraged and direct financing leases (see "-- Leases -- Leveraged and Direct
 Financing Leases"), operating joint ventures (see Note 1) and FHLB common
 stock (see "-- Invested Assets on Deposit and Pledged as Collateral") FVO
 Securities and equity securities. See "-- Related Party Investment
 Transactions" for information regarding affiliated investments.

  Tax Credit Partnerships

   The carrying value of tax credit partnerships was $937 million and
 $1.1 billion at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively. Losses from tax
 credit partnerships included within net investment income were $197 million,
 $225 million and $240 million for the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and
 2019, respectively.

  FVO Securities and Equity Securities

   The following table presents FVO Securities and equity securities by
 security type. Common stock includes common stock and mutual funds.

                                                                   December 31,
                                                   2021                                    2020
                                  --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
                                              Net Unrealized   Estimated              Net Unrealized   Estimated
Security Type                       Cost    Gains (Losses) (1) Fair Value   Cost    Gains (Losses) (1) Fair Value
-------------                     --------- ------------------ ---------- --------- ------------------ ----------
                                                                   (In millions)
FVO Securities...................  $    598       $   250       $    848   $    544      $    144       $    688
                                  =========      ========      =========  =========     =========      =========
Equity securities
  Common stock...................  $     88       $    32       $    120   $    291      $    (73)      $    218
  Non-redeemable preferred stock.       107            (1)           106        189             2            191
                                  ---------      --------      ---------  ---------     ---------      ---------
    Total equity securities......  $    195       $    31       $    226   $    480      $    (71)      $    409
                                  =========      ========      =========  =========     =========      =========
(1)Represents cumulative changes in estimated fair value, recognized in
   earnings, and not in OCI.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

Cash Equivalents

  Cash equivalents, which includes securities and other investments with an
original or remaining maturity of three months or less at the time of purchase,
was $4.7 billion and $6.8 billion, principally at estimated fair value, at
December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.

Net Unrealized Investment Gains (Losses)

  Unrealized investment gains (losses) on fixed maturity securities AFS and
derivatives and the effect on policyholder liabilities, DAC, VOBA and DSI that
would result from the realization of the unrealized gains (losses), are
included in net unrealized investment gains (losses) in AOCI.

  The components of net unrealized investment gains (losses), included in AOCI,
were as follows:

                                                       December 31,
                                             2021          2020          2019
                                         ------------  ------------  ------------
                                                       (In millions)
Fixed maturity securities AFS...........  $    17,586   $    24,954   $    15,177
Derivatives.............................        2,370         2,259         2,043
Other...................................          377           235           210
                                         ------------  ------------  ------------
 Subtotal...............................       20,333        27,448        17,430
                                         ------------  ------------  ------------
Amounts allocated from:
Policyholder liabilities................       (5,962)      (10,572)       (3,141)
DAC, VOBA and DSI.......................       (1,357)       (1,511)       (1,051)
                                         ------------  ------------  ------------
 Subtotal...............................       (7,319)      (12,083)       (4,192)
Deferred income tax benefit (expense)...       (2,657)       (3,190)       (2,742)
                                         ------------  ------------  ------------
Net unrealized investment gains (losses)  $    10,357   $    12,175   $    10,496
                                         ============  ============  ============

  The changes in net unrealized investment gains (losses) were as follows:

                                                                                   Years Ended December 31,
                                                                               2021          2020          2019
                                                                           ------------  ------------  -----------
                                                                                        (In millions)
Balance at January 1,.....................................................  $    12,175   $    10,496   $    3,897
Cumulative effects of changes in accounting principles, net of income tax.           --            --           17
Unrealized investment gains (losses) during the year......................       (7,115)       10,018       11,520
Unrealized investment gains (losses) relating to:
Policyholder liabilities..................................................        4,610        (7,431)      (2,708)
DAC, VOBA and DSI.........................................................          154          (460)        (480)
Deferred income tax benefit (expense).....................................          533          (448)      (1,750)
                                                                           ------------  ------------  -----------
Balance at December 31,...................................................  $    10,357   $    12,175   $   10,496
                                                                           ============  ============  ===========
Change in net unrealized investment gains (losses)........................  $    (1,818)  $     1,679   $    6,599
                                                                           ============  ============  ===========

Concentrations of Credit Risk

  There were no investments in any counterparty that were greater than 10% of
the Company's equity, other than the U.S. government and its agencies, at both
December 31, 2021 and 2020.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

Securities Lending Transactions and Repurchase Agreements

  Securities, Collateral and Reinvestment Portfolio

  A summary of these transactions and agreements accounted for as secured
borrowings were as follows:

                                                                December 31,
                                            2021                                            2020
                       ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
                           Securities (1)                                  Securities (1)
                       ------------------                              ------------------
                                               Cash                                            Cash
                                            Collateral   Reinvestment                       Collateral   Reinvestment
                                          Received from  Portfolio at                     Received from  Portfolio at
                         Estimated Fair   Counterparties   Estimated       Estimated      Counterparties  Estimated
Agreement Type               Value             (2)        Fair Value       Fair Value          (2)        Fair Value
--------------         ------------------ -------------- ------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------
                                                         (In millions)
Securities lending....    $    14,689      $    14,977    $    15,116     $    13,289      $    13,566   $    13,739
Repurchase agreements.    $     3,416      $     3,325    $     3,357     $     3,276      $     3,210   $     3,251

(1)These securities are included within fixed maturity securities AFS and
   short-term investments.

(2)The liability for cash collateral is included within payables for collateral
   under securities loaned and other transactions.

Contractual Maturities

      Contractual maturities of these transactions and agreements accounted for
   as secured borrowings were as follows:

                                                                         December 31,
                                                         2021                                     2020
                                       ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
                                                 Remaining Maturities                     Remaining Maturities
                                       ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
                                                        Over 1  Over 6                           Over 1  Over 6
                                                        Month   Months                           Month   Months
                                                1 Month  to 6    to 1                    1 Month  to 6    to 1
Security Type                          Open (1) or Less Months   Year   Total   Open (1) or Less Months   Year   Total
-------------                          -------- ------- ------- ------ -------- -------- ------- ------- ------ --------
                                                                         (In millions)
Cash collateral liability by security
  Securities lending:
    U.S. government and agency........ $ 3,996  $ 5,279 $ 5,702  $ --  $ 14,977 $ 1,705  $ 8,768 $ 3,093  $ --  $ 13,566

  Repurchase agreements:
    U.S. government and agency........ $    --  $ 3,325 $    --  $ --  $  3,325 $    --  $ 3,210 $    --  $ --  $  3,210

(1)The related security could be returned to the Company on the next business
   day, which would require the Company to immediately return the cash

  If the Company is required to return significant amounts of cash collateral
on short notice and is forced to sell investments to meet the return
obligation, it may have difficulty selling such collateral that is invested in
a timely manner, be forced to sell investments in a volatile or illiquid market
for less than what otherwise would have been realized under normal market
conditions, or both.

  The securities lending and repurchase agreements reinvestment portfolios
consist principally of high quality, liquid, publicly-traded fixed maturity
securities AFS, short-term investments, cash equivalents or cash. If the
securities or the reinvestment portfolio become less liquid, liquidity
resources within the general account are available to meet any potential cash
demands when securities are put back by the counterparty.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

Invested Assets on Deposit and Pledged as Collateral

   Invested assets on deposit and pledged as collateral are presented below at
estimated fair value for all asset classes, except mortgage loans, which are
presented at carrying value and were as follows at:

                                                                   December 31,
                                                                 2021        2020
                                                              ----------- -----------
                                                                   (In millions)
Invested assets on deposit (regulatory deposits)............. $       118 $       123
Invested assets pledged as collateral (1)....................      20,390      22,405
                                                              ----------- -----------
  Total invested assets on deposit and pledged as collateral. $    20,508 $    22,528
                                                              =========== ===========
(1) The Company has pledged invested assets in connection with various
    agreements and transactions, including funding agreements (see Note 3),
    derivative transactions (see Note 8) and secured debt (see Note 11).

  See "-- Securities Lending Transactions and Repurchase Agreements" for
information regarding securities supporting securities lending transactions and
repurchase agreements and Note 6 for information regarding investments
designated to the closed block. In addition, the Company's investment in FHLB
common stock, included within other invested assets, which is considered
restricted until redeemed by the issuers, was $718 million and $765 million, at
redemption value, at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.

Collectively Significant Equity Method Investments

  The Company holds investments in real estate joint ventures, real estate
funds and other limited partnership interests consisting of private equity
funds, hedge funds, real estate joint ventures and real estate funds. The
portion of these investments accounted for under the equity method had a
carrying value of $16.1 billion at December 31, 2021. The Company's maximum
exposure to loss related to these equity method investments is limited to the
carrying value of these investments plus unfunded commitments of $3.3 billion
at December 31, 2021. Except for certain real estate joint ventures and certain
funds, the Company's investments in its remaining real estate funds and other
limited partnership interests are generally of a passive nature in that the
Company does not participate in the management of the entities.

  As described in Note 1, the Company generally recognizes its share of
earnings in its equity method investments within net investment income using a
three-month lag in instances where the investee's financial information is not
sufficiently timely or when the investee's reporting period differs from the
Company's reporting period. Aggregate net investment income from these equity
method investments exceeded 10% of the Company's consolidated pre-tax income
(loss) for the three most recent annual periods.

  The following aggregated summarized financial data reflects the latest
available financial information and does not represent the Company's
proportionate share of the assets, liabilities, or earnings of such entities.

  Aggregate total assets of these entities totaled $1.0 trillion and
$593.9 billion at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively. Aggregate total
liabilities of these entities totaled $126.4 billion and $80.5 billion at
December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively. Aggregate net income (loss) of these
entities totaled $218.6 billion, $34.4 billion and $40.9 billion for the years
ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively. Aggregate net
income (loss) from the underlying entities in which the Company invests is
primarily comprised of investment income, including recurring investment income
and realized and unrealized investment gains (losses).

Variable Interest Entities

  The Company has invested in legal entities that are VIEs. In certain
instances, the Company holds both the power to direct the most significant
activities of the entity, as well as an economic interest in the entity and, as
such, is deemed to be the primary beneficiary or consolidator of the entity.
The determination of the VIE's primary beneficiary requires an evaluation of
the contractual and implied rights and obligations associated with each party's
relationship with or involvement in the entity.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

  Consolidated VIEs

    Creditors or beneficial interest holders of VIEs where the Company is the
  primary beneficiary have no recourse to the general credit of the Company, as
  the Company's obligation to the VIEs is limited to the amount of its
  committed investment.

    The following table presents the total assets and total liabilities
  relating to investment related VIEs for which the Company has concluded that
  it is the primary beneficiary and which are consolidated at:

                                                                                       December 31,
                                                                                2021                   2020
                                                                       ---------------------- ----------------------
                                                                         Total       Total      Total       Total
Asset Type                                                               Assets   Liabilities   Assets   Liabilities
----------                                                             ---------- ----------- ---------- -----------
                                                                                       (In millions)
Real estate joint ventures (1)........................................ $    1,094   $    --   $    1,435   $   --
Investment funds (primarily mortgage loans) (2).......................        226        --          201       --
Other (primarily other invested assets and cash and cash equivalents).        101        --            4        5
Renewable energy partnership (primarily other invested assets)........         79        --           87       --
                                                                       ---------- ----------- ---------- -----------
  Total............................................................... $    1,500   $    --   $    1,727   $    5
                                                                       ========== =========== ========== ===========
(1) The Company's investment in affiliated real estate joint ventures was $1.0
    billion and $1.3 billion at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively. Other
    affiliates' investments in these affiliated real estate joint ventures were
    $112 million and $130 million at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.

(2) The Company's investment in affiliated investment funds was $187 million
    and $164 million, at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively. Other
    affiliates' investments in these affiliated investment funds were $39
    million and $37 million at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.

  Unconsolidated VIEs

    The carrying amount and maximum exposure to loss relating to VIEs in which
  the Company holds a significant variable interest but is not the primary
  beneficiary and which have not been consolidated were as follows at:

                                                          December 31,
                                                2021                        2020
                                     --------------------------- ---------------------------
                                                      Maximum                     Maximum
                                        Carrying     Exposure       Carrying     Exposure
Asset Type                              Amount       to Loss (1)    Amount       to Loss (1)
----------                           ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
                                                          (In millions)
Fixed maturity securities AFS (2)... $      43,653 $      43,653 $      43,708 $      43,708
Other limited partnership interests.         8,005        11,057         5,247         8,589
Other invested assets...............         1,605         1,815         1,436         1,517
Real estate joint ventures..........            97           100            18            21
                                     ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
  Total............................. $      53,360 $      56,625 $      50,409 $      53,835
                                     ============= ============= ============= =============
(1) The maximum exposure to loss relating to fixed maturity securities AFS is
    equal to their carrying amounts or the carrying amounts of retained
    interests. The maximum exposure to loss relating to other limited
    partnership interests and real estate joint ventures is equal to the
    carrying amounts plus any unfunded commitments. For certain of its
    investments in other invested assets, the Company's return is in the form
    of income tax credits which are guaranteed by creditworthy third parties.
    For such investments, the maximum exposure to loss is equal to the carrying
    amounts plus any unfunded commitments, reduced by income tax credits
    guaranteed by third parties of $5 million and $3 million at December 31,
    2021 and 2020, respectively. Such a maximum loss would be expected to occur
    only upon bankruptcy of the issuer or investee.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

(2) For variable interests in Structured Products included within fixed
    maturity securities AFS, the Company's involvement is limited to that of a
    passive investor in mortgage-backed or asset-backed securities issued by
    trusts that do not have substantial equity.

    As described in Note 16, the Company makes commitments to fund partnership
  investments in the normal course of business. Excluding these commitments,
  the Company did not provide financial or other support to investees
  designated as VIEs for each of the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and

    The Company securitizes certain residential mortgage loans and acquires an
  interest in the related RMBS issued. While the Company has a variable
  interest in the issuer of the securities, it is not the primary beneficiary
  of the issuer of the securities since it does not have any rights to remove
  the servicer or veto rights over the servicer's actions. The resulting gains
  (losses) from the securitizations are included within net investment gains
  (losses). The estimated fair value of the related RMBS acquired in connection
  with the securitizations is included in the carrying amount and maximum
  exposure to loss for Structured Products presented in the table above.

    The Company did not securitize any loans during 2021. The carrying value
  and the estimated fair value of residential mortgage loans securitized during
  the year ended December 31, 2020 were $308 million and $313 million,
  respectively. Gains on securitizations were $5 million and $24 million for
  the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019, respectively, which are included
  within net investment gains (losses). The estimated fair value of RMBS
  acquired in connection with these securitizations was $0 and $43 million at
  December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.

    See Note 9 for information on how the estimated fair value of mortgage
  loans and RMBS is determined, the valuation approaches and key inputs, their
  placement in the fair value hierarchy, and for certain RMBS, quantitative
  information about the significant unobservable inputs and the sensitivity of
  their estimated fair value to changes in those inputs.

Net Investment Income

   The composition of net investment income by asset type was as follows:

                                                       For the Years Ended December 31,
Asset Type                                             2021          2020          2019
----------                                         ------------- ------------- -------------
                                                                 (In millions)
Fixed maturity securities AFS.....................   $     6,101   $     6,535   $     7,015
Equity securities.................................            16            25            35
Mortgage loans....................................         2,661         2,836         3,147
Policy loans......................................           292           305           307
Real estate and real estate joint ventures........           575           256           401
Other limited partnership interests...............         3,161           633           545
Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments.            11            77           183
FVO Securities....................................           102            48            74
Operating joint venture...........................            65            80            69
Other.............................................           142           154           221
                                                   ------------- ------------- -------------
  Subtotal investment income......................        13,126        10,949        11,997
Less: Investment expenses.........................           640           699         1,024
                                                   ------------- ------------- -------------
  Net investment income...........................   $    12,486   $    10,250   $    10,973
                                                   ============= ============= =============

    Net investment income included realized and unrealized gains (losses),
  recognized in earnings, of $190 million,$96 million, and $108 million for the
  years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively. The amount
  includes realized gains (losses) on sales and disposals, primarily related to
  FVO Securities, of $22 million, $2 million and $20 million for the years
  ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively. The amount also
  includes unrealized gains (losses), representing changes in estimated fair
  value, recognized in earnings, primarily related to FVO Securities, of
  $168 million, $94 million, and $88 million for the years ended December 31,
  2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

    Changes in estimated fair value subsequent to purchase of equity-linked
  notes included within FVO Securities, still held at the end of the respective
  periods and included in net investment income were $77 million, $46 million
  and $74 million for the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019,

    See "-- Related Party Investment Transactions" for discussion of affiliated
  net investment income and investment expenses.

    Net investment income from equity method investments, comprised primarily
  of real estate joint ventures, other limited partnership interests, tax
  credit and renewable energy partnerships and an operating joint venture, was
  $3.2 billion, $427 million and $458 million for the years ended December 31,
  2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively.

Net Investment Gains (Losses)

  Net Investment Gains (Losses) by Asset Type and Transaction Type

    The composition of net investment gains (losses) by asset type and
  transaction type was as follows:

                                                                                                 Years Ended December 31,
Asset Type                                                                                      2021      2020     2019
----------                                                                                   --------   ------  --------
                                                                                                    (In millions)
Fixed maturity securities AFS...............................................................  $   (49)   $ (58)  $    12
Equity securities...........................................................................       40      (76)       50
Mortgage loans..............................................................................      (34)    (188)      (13)
Real estate and real estate joint ventures (excluding changes in estimated fair value)......      568        7       396
Other limited partnership interests (excluding changes in estimated fair value).............      (15)     (12)        3
Other gains (losses)........................................................................      109      293       (46)
                                                                                             --------   ------  --------
  Subtotal..................................................................................      619      (34)      402
Change in estimated fair value of other limited partnership interests and real estate joint
 ventures...................................................................................       45       (5)      (15)
Non-investment portfolio gains (losses).....................................................      (12)     (34)      (41)
                                                                                             --------   ------  --------
  Subtotal..................................................................................       33      (39)      (56)
                                                                                             --------   ------  --------
    Net investment gains (losses)...........................................................  $   652    $ (73)  $   346
                                                                                             ========   ======  ========

Transaction Type
Realized gains (losses) on investments sold or disposed.....................................  $   579    $ 306   $   517
Impairment (losses).........................................................................      (24)     (50)     (142)
Recognized gains (losses):
  Change in allowance for credit loss recognized in earnings................................      (41)    (204)      (10)
  Unrealized net gains (losses) recognized in earnings......................................      150      (91)       22
                                                                                             --------   ------  --------
    Total recognized gains (losses).........................................................      664      (39)      387
                                                                                             --------   ------  --------
Non-investment portfolio gains (losses).....................................................      (12)     (34)      (41)
                                                                                             --------   ------  --------
    Net investment gains (losses)...........................................................  $   652    $ (73)  $   346
                                                                                             ========   ======  ========

   Net realized investment gains (losses) of $601 million, $308 million and
$537 million for the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019,
respectively, represent realized gains (losses) on sales and disposals from all
invested asset classes, including realized gains (losses) on sales and
disposals recognized in net investment income, primarily related to FVO

  Changes in estimated fair value subsequent to purchase of equity securities
still held as of the end of the period included in net investment gains
(losses) were $10 million, ($80) million and $31 million for the years ended
December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively.

  Other gains (losses) included $91 million and $128 million reclassified from
AOCI to earnings due to the sale of certain investments that were hedged in
qualifying cash flow hedges for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020,


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

Other gains (losses) also included a leveraged lease gain of $87 million for
the year ended December 31, 2020; and tax credit partnership impairment
(losses) of ($92) million, and a renewable energy partnership disposal gain of
$46 million for the year ended December 31, 2019.

    See "-- Related Party Investment Transactions" for discussion of affiliated
  net investment gains (losses) related to transfers of invested assets to

    Net investment gains (losses) includes gains (losses) from foreign currency
  transactions of $62 million, ($19) million and ($57) million for the years
  ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively.

  Fixed Maturity Securities AFS and Equity Securities -- Composition of Net
  Investment Gains (Losses)

    The composition of net investment gains (losses) for these securities is as

                                                                               For the Years Ended December 31,
Fixed Maturity Securities AFS                                                   2021         2020         2019
-----------------------------                                               -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                                                        (In millions)
Proceeds...................................................................  $   27,587   $   20,453   $   32,175
                                                                            ===========  ===========  ===========
Gross investment gains.....................................................  $      232   $      419   $      392
Gross investment (losses)..................................................        (256)        (376)        (341)
                                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------
  Realized gains (losses) on sales and disposals...........................         (24)          43           51
Net credit loss (provision) release (change in ACL recognized in earnings).          (1)         (51)          --
Impairment (loss) (1), (2).................................................         (24)         (50)         (39)
                                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------
  Net credit loss (provision) release and impairment (loss)................         (25)        (101)         (39)
                                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------
    Net investment gains (losses)..........................................  $      (49)  $      (58)  $       12
                                                                            ===========  ===========  ===========

Equity Securities
Realized gains (losses) on sales and disposals.............................  $      (61)  $       10   $       12
Unrealized net gains (losses) recognized in earnings.......................         101          (86)          38
                                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------
Net investment gains (losses)..............................................  $       40   $      (76)  $       50
                                                                            ===========  ===========  ===========
(1) Impairment (loss) by sector for industrial corporate, consumer corporate,
    foreign government securities and RMBS for the year ended December 31, 2019
    were ($19) million, ($16) million, ($2) million, and ($2) million,
    respectively. Due to the adoption of credit loss guidance on January 1,
    2020, prior period OTTI (loss) is presented as impairment (loss).

(2) After adoption of new guidance on January 1, 2020, impairment (loss) was
    comprised of intent-to-sell and direct write down losses; prior to
    January 1, 2020, it was comprised of OTTI losses and intent-to-sell losses.

  Related Party Investment Transactions

   The Company transfers invested assets primarily consisting of fixed maturity
securities AFS, mortgage loans and real estate and real estate joint ventures
to and from affiliates. Invested assets transferred were as follows:

                                                                         Years Ended December 31,
                                                                      2021      2020     2019
                                                                      -------    -----    -----
                                                                        (In millions)
Estimated fair value of invested assets transferred to affiliates...  $  795     $393     $ --
Amortized cost of invested assets transferred to affiliates.........  $  776     $379     $ --
Net investment gains (losses) recognized on transfers...............  $   19     $ 14     $ --
Estimated fair value of invested assets transferred from affiliates.  $1,346     $381     $ 46


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

7. Investments (continued)

  Recurring related party investments and related net investment income were as
follows at and for the periods ended:

                                                                     December 31,    Years Ended December 31,
                                                                   ----------------- ------------------------
                                                                     2021     2020    2021     2020    2019
                                                                   -------- -------- -----    -----   -----
Investment Type/Balance Sheet
Category                                 Related Party              Carrying Value   Net Investment Income
-----------------------------  ----------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------
                                                                              (In millions)
 Affiliated investments (1)... MetLife, Inc.                       $  1,399 $  1,643 $  31    $  35   $  34
 Affiliated investments (2)... American Life Insurance Company          100      100     2        3       3
                               Metropolitan Property and Casualty
 Affiliated investments (3)... Insurance Company                         --      315     1        6      11
                                                                   -------- --------  -----    -----   -----
 Other invested assets........                                     $  1,499 $  2,058 $  34    $  44   $  48
                                                                   ======== ========  =====    =====   =====
(1) Represents an investment in affiliated senior unsecured notes which have
    maturity dates from July 2023 to December 2031 and bear interest, payable
    semi-annually, at rates per annum ranging from 1.60% to 1.85%. In July
    2021, (Yen)38.4 billion (the equivalent of $351 million) of 2.97%
    affiliated senior unsecured notes matured and were refinanced with the
    following senior unsecured notes: (i) (Yen)7.8 billion 1.61% due July 2026,
    (ii) (Yen)11.5 billion 1.76% due July 2028 and (iii) (Yen)19.1 billion
    1.85% due July 2031. In December 2021, (Yen)51.0 billion (the equivalent of
    $467 million) of 3.14% affiliated senior unsecured notes matured of which
    (Yen)40.9 billion (the equivalent of $372 million) were refinanced with the
    following senior unsecured notes: (i) (Yen)19.1 billion 1.72% due December
    2028, (ii) (Yen)21.8 billion 1.85% due December 2031, and, of which
    (Yen)10.1 billion (the equivalent of $95 million) were paid off at maturity.

(2) Represents an affiliated surplus note which matures in June 2025 and bears
    interest, payable semi-annually, at a rate per annum of 1.88%.

(3) Represents an investment in affiliated preferred stock which was redeemed
    at par plus accrued dividends in April 2021.

  The Company incurred investment advisory charges from an affiliate of
$292 million, $280 million and $299 million for the years ended December 31,
2021, 2020, and 2019, respectively.

    See "-- Variable Interest Entities" for information on investments in
  affiliated real estate joint ventures and affiliated investment funds.

    See Note 5 "-- Related Party Reinsurance Transactions" for information
  about affiliated funds withheld.

8. Derivatives

Accounting for Derivatives

  See Note 1 for a description of the Company's accounting policies for
derivatives and Note 9 for information about the fair value hierarchy for

Derivative Strategies

  The Company is exposed to various risks relating to its ongoing business
operations, including interest rate, foreign currency exchange rate, credit and
equity market. The Company uses a variety of strategies to manage these risks,
including the use of derivatives.

  Derivatives are financial instruments with values derived from interest
rates, foreign currency exchange rates, credit spreads and/or other financial
indices. Derivatives may be exchange-traded or contracted in the
over-the-counter ("OTC") market. Certain of the Company's OTC derivatives are
cleared and settled through central clearing counterparties ("OTC-cleared"),
while others are bilateral contracts between two
counterparties ("OTC-bilateral"). The types of derivatives the Company uses
include swaps, forwards, futures and option contracts. To a lesser extent, the
Company uses credit default swaps and structured interest rate swaps to
synthetically replicate investment risks and returns which are not readily
available in the cash markets.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

8. Derivatives (continued)

Interest Rate Derivatives

  The Company uses a variety of interest rate derivatives to reduce its
exposure to changes in interest rates, including interest rate swaps, interest
rate total return swaps, caps, floors, swaptions, futures and forwards.

  Interest rate swaps are used by the Company primarily to reduce market risks
from changes in interest rates and to alter interest rate exposure arising from
mismatches between assets and liabilities (duration mismatches). In an interest
rate swap, the Company agrees with another party to exchange, at specified
intervals, the difference between fixed rate and floating rate interest amounts
as calculated by reference to an agreed notional amount. The Company utilizes
interest rate swaps in fair value, cash flow and nonqualifying hedging

  The Company uses structured interest rate swaps to synthetically create
investments that are either more expensive to acquire or otherwise unavailable
in the cash markets. These transactions are a combination of a derivative and a
cash instrument such as a U.S. government and agency, or other fixed maturity
securities AFS. Structured interest rate swaps are included in interest rate
swaps and are not designated as hedging instruments.

  Interest rate total return swaps are swaps whereby the Company agrees with
another party to exchange, at specified intervals, the difference between the
economic risk and reward of an asset or a market index and a benchmark interest
rate, calculated by reference to an agreed notional amount. No cash is
exchanged at the outset of the contract. Cash is paid and received over the
life of the contract based on the terms of the swap. These transactions are
entered into pursuant to master agreements that provide for a single net
payment to be made by the counterparty at each due date. Interest rate total
return swaps are used by the Company to reduce market risks from changes in
interest rates and to alter interest rate exposure arising from mismatches
between assets and liabilities (duration mismatches). The Company utilizes
interest rate total return swaps in nonqualifying hedging relationships.

  The Company purchases interest rate caps primarily to protect its floating
rate liabilities against rises in interest rates above a specified level, and
against interest rate exposure arising from mismatches between assets and
liabilities, and interest rate floors primarily to protect its minimum rate
guarantee liabilities against declines in interest rates below a specified
level. In certain instances, the Company locks in the economic impact of
existing purchased caps and floors by entering into offsetting written caps and
floors. The Company utilizes interest rate caps and floors in nonqualifying
hedging relationships.

  In exchange-traded interest rate (Treasury and swap) futures transactions,
the Company agrees to purchase or sell a specified number of contracts, the
value of which is determined by the different classes of interest rate
securities, to post variation margin on a daily basis in an amount equal to the
difference in the daily market values of those contracts and to pledge initial
margin based on futures exchange requirements. The Company enters into
exchange-traded futures with regulated futures commission merchants that are
members of the exchange. Exchange-traded interest rate (Treasury and swap)
futures are used primarily to hedge mismatches between the duration of assets
in a portfolio and the duration of liabilities supported by those assets, to
hedge against changes in value of securities the Company owns or anticipates
acquiring, to hedge against changes in interest rates on anticipated liability
issuances by replicating Treasury or swap curve performance, and to hedge
minimum guarantees embedded in certain variable annuity products issued by the
Company. The Company utilizes exchange-traded interest rate futures in
nonqualifying hedging relationships.

  Swaptions are used by the Company to hedge interest rate risk associated with
the Company's long-term liabilities and invested assets. A swaption is an
option to enter into a swap with a forward starting effective date. In certain
instances, the Company locks in the economic impact of existing purchased
swaptions by entering into offsetting written swaptions. The Company pays a
premium for purchased swaptions and receives a premium for written swaptions.
The Company utilizes swaptions in nonqualifying hedging relationships.
Swaptions are included in interest rate options.

  The Company enters into interest rate forwards to buy and sell securities.
The price is agreed upon at the time of the contract and payment for such a
contract is made at a specified future date. The Company utilizes interest rate
forwards in cash flow and nonqualifying hedging relationships.

  A synthetic GIC is a contract that simulates the performance of a traditional
GIC through the use of financial instruments. The contractholder owns the
underlying assets, and the Company provides a guarantee (or "wrap") on the
participant funds for an annual risk charge. The Company's maximum exposure to
loss on synthetic GICs is the notional amount, in the event the


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

8. Derivatives (continued)

values of all of the underlying assets were reduced to zero. The Company's risk
is substantially lower due to contractual provisions that limit the portfolio
to high quality assets, which are pre-approved and monitored for compliance, as
well as the collection of risk charges. In addition, the crediting rates reset
periodically to amortize market value gains and losses over a period equal to
the duration of the wrapped portfolio, subject to a 0% floor. While plan
participants may transact at book value, contractholder withdrawals may only
occur immediately at market value, or at book value paid over a period of time
per contract provisions. Synthetic GICs are not designated as hedging

Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Derivatives

  The Company uses foreign currency exchange rate derivatives, including
foreign currency swaps and foreign currency forwards, to reduce the risk from
fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates associated with its assets and
liabilities denominated in foreign currencies.

  In a foreign currency swap transaction, the Company agrees with another party
to exchange, at specified intervals, the difference between one currency and
another at a fixed exchange rate, generally set at inception, calculated by
reference to an agreed upon notional amount. The notional amount of each
currency is exchanged at the inception and termination of the currency swap by
each party. The Company utilizes foreign currency swaps in fair value, cash
flow and nonqualifying hedging relationships.

  In a foreign currency forward transaction, the Company agrees with another
party to deliver a specified amount of an identified currency at a specified
future date. The price is agreed upon at the time of the contract and payment
for such a contract is made at the specified future date. The Company utilizes
foreign currency forwards in nonqualifying hedging relationships.

Credit Derivatives

  The Company enters into purchased credit default swaps to hedge against
credit-related changes in the value of its investments. In a credit default
swap transaction, the Company agrees with another party to pay, at specified
intervals, a premium to hedge credit risk. If a credit event occurs, as defined
by the contract, the contract may be cash settled or it may be settled gross by
the delivery of par quantities of the referenced investment equal to the
specified swap notional amount in exchange for the payment of cash amounts by
the counterparty equal to the par value of the investment surrendered. Credit
events vary by type of issuer but typically include bankruptcy, failure to pay
debt obligations and involuntary restructuring for corporate obligors, as well
as repudiation, moratorium or governmental intervention for sovereign obligors.
In each case, payout on a credit default swap is triggered only after the
relevant third party, Credit Derivatives Determinations Committee determines
that a credit event has occurred. The Company utilizes credit default swaps in
nonqualifying hedging relationships.

  The Company enters into written credit default swaps to synthetically create
credit investments that are either more expensive to acquire or otherwise
unavailable in the cash markets. These transactions are a combination of a
derivative and one or more cash instruments, such as U.S. government and
agency, or other fixed maturity securities AFS. These credit default swaps are
not designated as hedging instruments.

  The Company enters into forwards to lock in the price to be paid for forward
purchases of certain securities. The price is agreed upon at the time of the
contract and payment for the contract is made at a specified future date. When
the primary purpose of entering into these transactions is to hedge against the
risk of changes in purchase price due to changes in credit spreads, the Company
designates these transactions as credit forwards. The Company utilizes credit
forwards in cash flow hedging relationships.

Equity Derivatives

  The Company uses a variety of equity derivatives to reduce its exposure to
equity market risk, including equity index options, equity variance swaps,
exchange-traded equity futures and equity total return swaps.

  Equity index options are used by the Company primarily to hedge minimum
guarantees embedded in certain variable annuity products issued by the Company.
To hedge against adverse changes in equity indices, the Company enters into
contracts to sell the underlying equity index within a limited time at a
contracted price. The contracts will be net settled in cash based on
differentials in the indices at the time of exercise and the strike price.
Certain of these contracts may also contain


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

8. Derivatives (continued)

settlement provisions linked to interest rates. In certain instances, the
Company may enter into a combination of transactions to hedge adverse changes
in equity indices within a pre-determined range through the purchase and sale
of options. The Company utilizes equity index options in nonqualifying hedging

  Equity variance swaps are used by the Company primarily to hedge minimum
guarantees embedded in certain variable annuity products issued by the Company.
In an equity variance swap, the Company agrees with another party to exchange
amounts in the future, based on changes in equity volatility over a defined
period. The Company utilizes equity variance swaps in nonqualifying hedging

  In exchange-traded equity futures transactions, the Company agrees to
purchase or sell a specified number of contracts, the value of which is
determined by the different classes of equity securities, to post variation
margin on a daily basis in an amount equal to the difference in the daily
market values of those contracts and to pledge initial margin based on futures
exchange requirements. The Company enters into exchange-traded futures with
regulated futures commission merchants that are members of the exchange.
Exchange-traded equity futures are used primarily to hedge minimum guarantees
embedded in certain variable annuity products issued by the Company. The
Company utilizes exchange-traded equity futures in nonqualifying hedging

  In an equity total return swap, the Company agrees with another party to
exchange, at specified intervals, the difference between the economic risk and
reward of an asset or a market index and a benchmark interest rate, calculated
by reference to an agreed notional amount. No cash is exchanged at the outset
of the contract. Cash is paid and received over the life of the contract based
on the terms of the swap. The Company uses equity total return swaps to hedge
its equity market guarantees in certain of its insurance products. Equity total
return swaps can be used as hedges or to synthetically create investments. The
Company utilizes equity total return swaps in nonqualifying hedging


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

8. Derivatives (continued)

Primary Risks Managed by Derivatives

   The following table presents the primary underlying risk exposure, gross
notional amount and estimated fair value of the Company's derivatives,
excluding embedded derivatives, held at:

                                                                                       December 31,
                                                                          2021                              2020
                                                            --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
                                                                        Estimated Fair Value              Estimated Fair Value
                                                                       ----------------------            ----------------------
                                                              Gross                             Gross
                                                             Notional                          Notional
                          Primary Underlying Risk Exposure    Amount    Assets    Liabilities   Amount    Assets    Liabilities
                          --------------------------------  ---------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ------------
                                                                                       (In millions)
Derivatives Designated as Hedging Instruments:
Fair value hedges:
Interest rate swaps...... Interest rate                      $   3,540  $  2,163   $      6    $   3,175  $  3,224   $      4
Foreign currency swaps... Foreign currency exchange rate           764         8         22        1,049         5         76
                                                            ---------- ---------  ---------   ---------- ---------  ---------
 Subtotal................                                        4,304     2,171         28        4,224     3,229         80
                                                            ---------- ---------  ---------   ---------- ---------  ---------
Cash flow hedges:
Interest rate swaps...... Interest rate                          4,079         4          1        4,400        14         --
Interest rate forwards... Interest rate                          3,058        69          1        5,081       489         --
Foreign currency swaps... Foreign currency exchange rate        28,772     1,317        966       28,017     1,102      1,353
                                                            ---------- ---------  ---------   ---------- ---------  ---------
 Subtotal................                                       35,909     1,390        968       37,498     1,605      1,353
                                                            ---------- ---------  ---------   ---------- ---------  ---------
 Total qualifying hedges.                                       40,213     3,561        996       41,722     4,834      1,433
                                                            ---------- ---------  ---------   ---------- ---------  ---------
Derivatives Not Designated or Not Qualifying as Hedging Instruments:
Interest rate swaps...... Interest rate                         21,565     3,206         59       30,512     3,041          7
Interest rate floors..... Interest rate                          7,701       145         --       12,701       350         --
Interest rate caps....... Interest rate                         64,309       117         --       40,104        13         --
Interest rate futures.... Interest rate                            515        --         --          406        --         --
Interest rate options.... Interest rate                          9,703       364         --       15,337       174         --
Interest rate forwards... Interest rate                            265        --         20          265        --          9
Interest rate total
 return swaps............ Interest rate                          1,048         9          4        1,048        --         59
Synthetic GICs........... Interest rate                         11,307        --         --       11,739        --         --
Foreign currency swaps... Foreign currency exchange rate         4,800       340         75        5,596       292        238
Foreign currency forwards Foreign currency exchange rate         1,902        11         13        1,236         9         18
Credit default swaps --
 purchased............... Credit                                   956        12          8          886         8          9
Credit default swaps --
 written................. Credit                                 6,074       111         12        6,961       126         --
Equity futures........... Equity market                          1,751         5         --        2,591        --         16
Equity index options..... Equity market                         26,800       714        166       19,601       459        189
Equity variance swaps.... Equity market                            425        12         10          425        11          9
Equity total return swaps Equity market                          2,148        11         46        2,542         1        274
                                                            ---------- ---------  ---------   ---------- ---------  ---------
 Total non-designated or nonqualifying derivatives........     161,269     5,057        413      151,950     4,484        828
                                                            ---------- ---------  ---------   ---------- ---------  ---------
 Total....................................................   $ 201,482  $  8,618   $  1,409    $ 193,672  $  9,318   $  2,261
                                                            ========== =========  =========   ========== =========  =========

  Based on gross notional amounts, a substantial portion of the Company's
derivatives was not designated or did not qualify as part of a hedging
relationship at both December 31, 2021 and 2020. The Company's use of
derivatives includes (i) derivatives that serve as macro hedges of the
Company's exposure to various risks and that generally do not qualify for hedge
accounting due to the criteria required under the portfolio hedging rules;
(ii) derivatives that economically hedge insurance liabilities that contain
mortality or morbidity risk and that generally do not qualify for hedge
accounting because the lack of these risks in the derivatives cannot support an
expectation of a highly effective hedging relationship; (iii) derivatives that
economically hedge embedded derivatives that do not qualify for hedge
accounting because the changes in estimated fair value of the embedded
derivatives are already recorded in net income; and (iv) written credit default
swaps and interest rate swaps that are used to synthetically create investments
and that do not qualify for hedge accounting because they do not involve a
hedging relationship. For these nonqualified derivatives, changes in market
factors can lead to the recognition of fair value changes on the statement of
operations without an offsetting gain or loss recognized in earnings for the
item being hedged.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

8. Derivatives (continued)

The Effects of Derivatives on the Consolidated Statements of Operations and
Comprehensive Income (Loss)

  The following table presents the consolidated financial statement location
and amount of gain (loss) recognized on fair value, cash flow, nonqualifying
hedging relationships and embedded derivatives:

                                                                           Year Ended December 31, 2021
                                                                     Net        Net                  Credited to
                                                          Net     Investment Derivative Policyholder Policyholder
                                                       Investment   Gains      Gains    Benefits and   Account
                                                         Income    (Losses)   (Losses)     Claims      Balances      OCI
                                                       ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ------------ --------
                                                                                  (In millions)
Gain (Loss) on Fair Value Hedges:
Interest rate derivatives:
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments (1).....  $      6   $    --    $     --    $   (455)   $      --        N/A
Hedged items..........................................        (6)       --          --         405           --        N/A
Foreign currency exchange rate derivatives:
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments (1).....        49        --          --          --           --        N/A
Hedged items..........................................       (43)       --          --          --           --        N/A
                                                       ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ------------ --------
  Subtotal............................................         6        --          --         (50)          --        N/A
Gain (Loss) on Cash Flow Hedges:
Interest rate derivatives: (1)
Amount of gains (losses) deferred in AOCI.............       N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A          N/A   $   (570)
Amount of gains (losses) reclassified from AOCI into
 income...............................................        57        87          --          --           --       (144)
Foreign currency exchange rate derivatives: (1)
Amount of gains (losses) deferred in AOCI.............       N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A          N/A        600
Amount of gains (losses) reclassified from AOCI into
 income...............................................         4      (229)         --          --           --        225
Foreign currency transaction gains (losses) on hedged
 items................................................        --       227          --          --           --         --
Credit derivatives: (1)
Amount of gains (losses) deferred in AOCI.............       N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A          N/A         --
Amount of gains (losses) reclassified from AOCI into
 income...............................................        --        --          --          --           --         --
                                                        --------   -------    --------    --------    ---------   --------
  Subtotal............................................        61        85          --          --           --        111
Gain (Loss) on Derivatives Not Designated or Not
 Qualifying as Hedging Instruments:
Interest rate derivatives (1).........................         2        --      (1,523)         --           --        N/A
Foreign currency exchange rate derivatives (1)........        --        --         264          --           --        N/A
Credit derivatives -- purchased (1)...................        --        --           2          --           --        N/A
Credit derivatives -- written (1).....................        --        --          23          --           --        N/A
Equity derivatives (1)................................        (1)       --      (1,043)       (265)          --        N/A
Foreign currency transaction gains (losses) on hedged
 items................................................        --        --         (65)         --           --        N/A
                                                        --------   -------    --------    --------    ---------   --------
  Subtotal............................................         1        --      (2,342)       (265)          --        N/A
Earned income on derivatives..........................       167        --         645         206         (159)        --
Embedded derivatives (2)..............................       N/A       N/A         733          --          N/A        N/A
                                                       ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ------------ --------
  Total...............................................  $    235   $    85    $   (964)   $   (109)   $    (159)  $    111
                                                       ========== ========== ========== ============ ============ ========


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

8. Derivatives (continued)

                                                                       Year Ended December 31, 2020
                                                                 Net        Net                  Credited to
                                                      Net     Investment Derivative Policyholder Policyholder
                                                   Investment   Gains      Gains    Benefits and   Account
                                                     Income    (Losses)   (Losses)     Claims      Balances      OCI
                                                   ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ------------ --------
                                                                              (In millions)
Gain (Loss) on Fair Value Hedges:
Interest rate derivatives:
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments (1).  $    (10)  $     --   $     --    $    360     $     --        N/A
Hedged items......................................        12         --         --        (399)          --        N/A
Foreign currency exchange rate derivatives:
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments (1).       (45)        --         --          --           --        N/A
Hedged items......................................        43         --         --          --           --        N/A
                                                    --------   --------   --------    --------     --------   --------
  Subtotal........................................        --         --         --         (39)          --        N/A
Gain (Loss) on Cash Flow Hedges:
Interest rate derivatives: (1)
Amount of gains (losses) deferred in AOCI.........       N/A        N/A        N/A         N/A          N/A   $  1,268
Amount of gains (losses) reclassified from AOCI
 into income......................................        36        121         --          --           --       (157)
Foreign currency exchange rate derivatives: (1)
Amount of gains (losses) deferred in AOCI.........       N/A        N/A        N/A         N/A          N/A       (124)
Amount of gains (losses) reclassified from AOCI
 into income......................................         3        768         --          --           --       (771)
Foreign currency transaction gains (losses) on
 hedged items.....................................        --       (680)        --          --           --         --
Credit derivatives: (1)
Amount of gains (losses) deferred in AOCI.........       N/A        N/A        N/A         N/A          N/A         --
Amount of gains (losses) reclassified from AOCI
 into income......................................        --         --         --          --           --         --
                                                    --------   --------   --------    --------     --------   --------
  Subtotal........................................        39        209         --          --           --        216
Gain (Loss) on Derivatives Not Designated or Not
 Qualifying as Hedging Instruments:
Interest rate derivatives (1).....................        (6)        --      1,999          --           --        N/A
Foreign currency exchange rate derivatives (1)....        --         --       (371)         --           --        N/A
Credit derivatives -- purchased (1)...............        --         --         (6)         --           --        N/A
Credit derivatives -- written (1).................        --         --        (78)         --           --        N/A
Equity derivatives (1)............................        (2)        --       (973)       (238)          --        N/A
Foreign currency transaction gains (losses) on
 hedged items.....................................        --         --         91          --           --        N/A
                                                    --------   --------   --------    --------     --------   --------
  Subtotal........................................        (8)        --        662        (238)          --        N/A
Earned income on derivatives......................       239         --        633         186         (152)        --
Embedded derivatives (2)..........................       N/A        N/A       (557)         --          N/A        N/A
                                                    --------   --------   --------    --------     --------   --------
  Total...........................................  $    270   $    209   $    738    $    (91)    $   (152)  $    216
                                                    ========   ========   ========    ========     ========   ========


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

8. Derivatives (continued)

                                                                       Year Ended December 31, 2019
                                                                 Net        Net                  Credited to
                                                      Net     Investment Derivative Policyholder Policyholder
                                                   Investment   Gains      Gains    Benefits and   Account
                                                     Income    (Losses)   (Losses)     Claims      Balances      OCI
                                                   ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ------------ --------
                                                                              (In millions)
Gain (Loss) on Fair Value Hedges:
Interest rate derivatives:
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments (1).  $     (2)  $     --   $     --    $    339     $      1        N/A
Hedged items......................................         4         --         --        (369)          --        N/A
Foreign currency exchange rate derivatives:
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments (1).       (54)        --         --          --           --        N/A
Hedged items......................................        54         --         --          --           --        N/A
                                                    --------   --------   --------    --------     --------   --------
  Subtotal........................................         2         --         --         (30)           1        N/A
Gain (Loss) on Cash Flow Hedges:
Interest rate derivatives: (1)
Amount of gains (losses) deferred in AOCI.........       N/A        N/A        N/A         N/A          N/A   $    605
Amount of gains (losses) reclassified from AOCI
 into income......................................        23          4         --          --           --        (27)
Foreign currency exchange rate derivatives: (1)
Amount of gains (losses) deferred in AOCI.........       N/A        N/A        N/A         N/A          N/A        (67)
Amount of gains (losses) reclassified from AOCI
 into income......................................        (3)       212         --          --           --       (209)
Foreign currency transaction gains (losses) on
 hedged items.....................................        --       (211)        --          --           --         --
Credit derivatives: (1)
Amount of gains (losses) deferred in AOCI.........       N/A        N/A        N/A         N/A          N/A         --
Amount of gains (losses) reclassified from AOCI
 into income......................................         1         --         --          --           --         (1)
                                                    --------   --------   --------    --------     --------   --------
  Subtotal........................................        21          5         --          --           --        301
Gain (Loss) on Derivatives Not Designated or Not
 Qualifying as Hedging Instruments:
Interest rate derivatives (1).....................        (3)        --        720          --           --        N/A
Foreign currency exchange rate derivatives (1)....        --         --        (49)         --           --        N/A
Credit derivatives -- purchased (1)...............        --         --        (25)         --           --        N/A
Credit derivatives -- written (1).................        --         --        172          --           --        N/A
Equity derivatives (1)............................        --         --       (944)       (150)          --        N/A
Foreign currency transaction gains (losses) on
 hedged items.....................................        --         --         (4)         --           --        N/A
                                                    --------   --------   --------    --------     --------   --------
  Subtotal........................................        (3)        --       (130)       (150)          --        N/A
Earned income on derivatives......................       270         --        272         135         (147)        --
Embedded derivatives (2)..........................       N/A        N/A       (430)         --          N/A        N/A
                                                    --------   --------   --------    --------     --------   --------
  Total...........................................  $    290   $      5   $   (288)   $    (45)    $   (146)  $    301
                                                    ========   ========   ========    ========     ========   ========

(1)Excludes earned income on derivatives.

(2)The valuation of guaranteed minimum benefits includes a nonperformance risk
   adjustment. The amounts included in net derivative gains (losses) in
   connection with this adjustment were $27 million, $7 million and ($16)
   million for the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

8. Derivatives (continued)

Fair Value Hedges

  The Company designates and accounts for the following as fair value hedges
when they have met the requirements of fair value hedging: (i) interest rate
swaps to convert fixed rate assets and liabilities to floating rate assets and
liabilities; and (ii) foreign currency swaps to hedge the foreign currency fair
value exposure of foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities.

  The following table presents the balance sheet classification, carrying
amount and cumulative fair value hedging adjustments for items designated and
qualifying as hedged items in fair value hedges:

                                                                            Cumulative Amount
                                                                    of Fair Value Hedging Adjustments
                                     Carrying Amount of the        Included in the Carrying Amount of
                                             Hedged                              Hedged
Balance Sheet Line Item               Assets/(Liabilities)              Assets/(Liabilities) (1)
------------------------------ ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------
                               December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020
                               ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
                                                            (In millions)
Fixed maturity securities AFS.     $    366          $    461           $    (1)         $     (1)
Mortgage loans................     $    617          $    925           $     3          $     20
Future policy benefits........     $ (4,735)         $ (5,512)          $  (877)         $ (1,307)
(1)Includes ($161) million and ($1) million of hedging adjustments on
   discontinued hedging relationships at December 31, 2021 and 2020,

  All components of each derivative's gain or loss were included in the
assessment of hedge effectiveness.

Cash Flow Hedges

  The Company designates and accounts for the following as cash flow hedges
when they have met the requirements of cash flow hedging: (i) interest rate
swaps to convert floating rate assets and liabilities to fixed rate assets and
liabilities; (ii) foreign currency swaps to hedge the foreign currency cash
flow exposure of foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities;
(iii) interest rate forwards and credit forwards to lock in the price to be
paid for forward purchases of investments; and (iv) interest rate swaps and
interest rate forwards to hedge the forecasted purchases of fixed rate

  In certain instances, the Company discontinued cash flow hedge accounting
because the forecasted transactions were no longer probable of occurring.
Because certain of the forecasted transactions also were not probable of
occurring within two months of the anticipated date, the Company reclassified
amounts from AOCI into income. These amounts were $6 million, $45 million, and
$51 million for the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively.

  At December 31, 2021 and 2020, the maximum length of time over which the
Company was hedging its exposure to variability in future cash flows for
forecasted transactions did not exceed seven years and eight years,

  At December 31, 2021 and 2020, the balance in AOCI associated with cash flow
hedges was $2.4 billion and $2.3 billion, respectively.

  All components of each derivative's gain or loss were included in the
assessment of hedge effectiveness.

  At December 31, 2021, the Company expected to reclassify ($21) million of
deferred net gains (losses) on derivatives in AOCI, to earnings within the next
12 months.

Credit Derivatives

  In connection with synthetically created credit investment transactions, the
Company writes credit default swaps for which it receives a premium to insure
credit risk. Such credit derivatives are included within the effects of
derivatives on the consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive
income (loss) table. If a credit event occurs, as defined by the contract, the
contract may be cash settled or it may be settled gross by the Company paying
the counterparty the specified swap notional amount in exchange for the
delivery of par quantities of the referenced credit obligation. The Company can
terminate these contracts at any time through cash settlement with the
counterparty at an amount equal to the then current estimated fair value of the
credit default swaps.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

8. Derivatives (continued)

   The following table presents the estimated fair value, maximum amount of
future payments and weighted average years to maturity of written credit
default swaps at:

                                                                          December 31,
                                                           2021                                   2020
                                          -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
                                                        Maximum                                Maximum
                                          Estimated      Amount                  Estimated      Amount
                                          Fair Value   of Future      Weighted   Fair Value   of Future      Weighted
                                          of Credit  Payments under   Average    of Credit  Payments under   Average
Rating Agency Designation of Referenced    Default   Credit Default   Years to    Default   Credit Default   Years to
Credit Obligations (1)                      Swaps        Swaps      Maturity (2)   Swaps        Swaps      Maturity (2)
----------------------------------------- ---------- -------------- ------------ ---------- -------------- ------------
                                                                      (Dollars in millions)
Single name credit default swaps (3).....  $     --   $         10         2.5    $     --   $         54         0.6
Credit default swaps referencing indices.        17          1,191         2.5          27          1,779         2.5
                                          ---------  -------------               ---------  -------------
  Subtotal...............................        17          1,201         2.5          27          1,833         2.4
                                          ---------  -------------               ---------  -------------
Single name credit default swaps (3).....         1             60         3.3           2            174         2.1
Credit default swaps referencing indices.        90          4,698         5.1          97          4,954         5.3
                                          ---------  -------------               ---------  -------------
  Subtotal...............................        91          4,758         5.1          99          5,128         5.2
                                          ---------  -------------               ---------  -------------
Single name credit default swaps (3).....         1             65         0.5          --             --          --
Credit default swaps referencing indices.       (1)             20         5.0          --             --          --
                                          ---------  -------------               ---------  -------------
  Subtotal...............................        --             85         1.5          --             --          --
                                          ---------  -------------               ---------  -------------
Credit default swaps referencing indices.       (9)             30         4.5          --             --          --
                                          ---------  -------------               ---------  -------------
  Subtotal...............................       (9)             30         4.5          --             --          --
                                          ---------  -------------               ---------  -------------
  Total..................................  $     99   $      6,074         4.6    $    126   $      6,961         4.5
                                          =========  =============               =========  =============
(1)The rating agency designations are based on availability and the midpoint of
   the applicable ratings among Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's"), S&P and
   Fitch Ratings. If no rating is available from a rating agency, then an
   internally developed rating is used.

(2)The weighted average years to maturity of the credit default swaps is
   calculated based on weighted average gross notional amounts.

(3)Single name credit default swaps may be referenced to the credit of
   corporations, foreign governments, or municipals.

Credit Risk on Freestanding Derivatives

  The Company may be exposed to credit-related losses in the event of
nonperformance by its counterparties to derivatives. Generally, the current
credit exposure of the Company's derivatives is limited to the net positive
estimated fair value of derivatives at the reporting date after taking into
consideration the existence of master netting or similar agreements and any
collateral received pursuant to such agreements.

  The Company manages its credit risk related to derivatives by entering into
transactions with creditworthy counterparties in jurisdictions in which it
understands that close-out netting should be enforceable and establishing and
monitoring exposure limits. The Company's OTC-bilateral derivative transactions
are governed by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc.
("ISDA") Master Agreements which provide for legally enforceable set-off and
close-out netting of exposures to specific counterparties in the event of early
termination of a transaction, which includes, but is not limited to, events of
default and bankruptcy. In the event of an early termination, close-out netting
permits the Company (subject to financial regulations such as the Orderly
Liquidation Authority under Title II of Dodd-Frank) to set off receivables from
the counterparty against payables to the same counterparty arising out of all
included transactions and to apply collateral to the


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

8. Derivatives (continued)

obligations without application of the automatic stay, upon the counterparty's
bankruptcy. All of the Company's ISDA Master Agreements also include Credit
Support Annex provisions which require both the pledging and accepting of
collateral in connection with its OTC-bilateral derivatives as required by
applicable law. Additionally, effective September 1, 2021, the Company is
required to pledge initial margin for certain new OTC-bilateral derivative
transactions to third party custodians.

  The Company's OTC-cleared derivatives are effected through central clearing
counterparties and its exchange-traded derivatives are effected through
regulated exchanges. Such positions are marked to market and margined on a
daily basis (both initial margin and variation margin), and the Company has
minimal exposure to credit-related losses in the event of nonperformance by
brokers and central clearinghouses to such derivatives.

  See Note 9 for a description of the impact of credit risk on the valuation of

  The estimated fair values of the Company's net derivative assets and net
derivative liabilities after the application of master netting agreements and
collateral were as follows at:

                                                                                                  December 31,
                                                                                         2021                      2020
                                                                               ------------------------  ------------------------
Derivatives Subject to a Master Netting Arrangement or a Similar Arrangement      Assets    Liabilities     Assets    Liabilities
----------------------------------------------------------------------------   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                                                                 (In millions)
Gross estimated fair value of derivatives:
OTC-bilateral (1).............................................................  $    8,602   $    1,379   $    9,244   $    2,192
OTC-cleared (1)...............................................................         104            8          139            6
Exchange-traded...............................................................           5           --           --           16
                                                                               -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
 Total gross estimated fair value of derivatives presented on the
   consolidated balance sheets (1)............................................       8,711        1,387        9,383        2,214
Gross amounts not offset on the consolidated balance sheets:
Gross estimated fair value of derivatives: (2)
OTC-bilateral.................................................................      (1,364)      (1,364)      (1,996)     (1,996)
OTC-cleared...................................................................          (3)          (3)          (5)         (5)
Cash collateral: (3), (4)
OTC-bilateral.................................................................      (6,414)          --       (6,073)          --
OTC-cleared...................................................................         (91)          --          (98)          --
Securities collateral: (5)
OTC-bilateral.................................................................        (767)         (14)      (1,115)       (188)
OTC-cleared...................................................................          --           (5)          --          (1)
Exchange-traded...............................................................          --           --           --         (16)
                                                                               -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
 Net amount after application of master netting agreements and collateral.....  $       72   $        1   $       96   $        8
                                                                               ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========
(1)At December 31, 2021 and 2020, derivative assets included income (expense)
   accruals reported in accrued investment income or in other liabilities of
   $93 million and $65 million, respectively, and derivative liabilities
   included (income) expense accruals reported in accrued investment income or
   in other liabilities of ($22) million and ($47) million, respectively.

(2)Estimated fair value of derivatives is limited to the amount that is subject
   to set-off and includes income or expense accruals.

(3)Cash collateral received by the Company for OTC-bilateral and OTC-cleared
   derivatives, where the centralized clearinghouse treats variation margin as
   collateral, is included in cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments
   or in fixed maturity securities AFS, and the obligation to return it is
   included in payables for collateral under securities loaned and other
   transactions on the balance sheet.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

8. Derivatives (continued)

(4)The receivable for the return of cash collateral provided by the Company is
   inclusive of initial margin on exchange-traded and OTC-cleared derivatives
   and is included in premiums, reinsurance and other receivables on the
   balance sheet. The amount of cash collateral offset in the table above is
   limited to the net estimated fair value of derivatives after application of
   netting agreements. At December 31, 2021 and 2020, the Company received
   excess cash collateral of $60 million and $175 million, respectively, and
   provided no excess cash collateral for either period.

(5)Securities collateral received by the Company is held in separate custodial
   accounts and is not recorded on the balance sheet. Subject to certain
   constraints, the Company is permitted by contract to sell or re-pledge this
   collateral, but at December 31, 2021, none of the collateral had been sold
   or re-pledged. Securities collateral pledged by the Company is reported in
   fixed maturity securities AFS on the balance sheet. Subject to certain
   constraints, the counterparties are permitted by contract to sell or
   re-pledge this collateral. The amount of securities collateral offset in the
   table above is limited to the net estimated fair value of derivatives after
   application of netting agreements and cash collateral. At December 31, 2021
   and 2020, the Company received excess securities collateral with an
   estimated fair value of $47 million and $150 million, respectively, for its
   OTC-bilateral derivatives, which are not included in the table above due to
   the foregoing limitation. At December 31, 2021 and 2020, the Company
   provided excess securities collateral with an estimated fair value of $95
   million and $185 million, respectively, for its OTC-bilateral derivatives,
   $584 million and $1.4 billion, respectively, for its OTC-cleared
   derivatives, and $106 million and $188 million, respectively, for its
   exchange-traded derivatives, which are not included in the table above due
   to the foregoing limitation.

  The Company's collateral arrangements for its OTC-bilateral derivatives
generally require the counterparty in a net liability position, after
considering the effect of netting agreements, to pledge collateral when the
collateral amount owed by that counterparty reaches a minimum transfer amount.
All of the Company's netting agreements for derivatives contain provisions that
require both Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and the counterparty to
maintain a specific investment grade financial strength or credit rating from
each of Moody's and S&P. If a party's financial strength or credit rating were
to fall below that specific investment grade financial strength or credit
rating, that party would be in violation of these provisions, and the other
party to the derivatives could terminate the transactions and demand immediate
settlement and payment based on such party's reasonable valuation of the

   The following table presents the estimated fair value of the Company's
OTC-bilateral derivatives that were in a net liability position after
considering the effect of netting agreements, together with the estimated fair
value and balance sheet location of the collateral pledged.

                                                                       December 31,
                                                                         2021             2020
                                                                     --------         --------
                                                                     Derivatives Subject to Financial
                                                                     Strength-Contingent Provisions
                                                                       (In millions)
Estimated fair value of derivatives in a net liability position (1). $    15          $    196
Estimated fair value of collateral provided:
Fixed maturity securities AFS....................................... $    17          $    239
(1)After taking into consideration the existence of netting agreements.

Embedded Derivatives

  The Company issues certain products or purchases certain investments that
contain embedded derivatives that are required to be separated from their host
contracts and accounted for as freestanding derivatives.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

8. Derivatives (continued)

  The following table presents the estimated fair value and balance sheet
location of the Company's embedded derivatives that have been separated from
their host contracts at:

                                                                                          December 31,
                                                          Balance Sheet Location         2021       2020
                                                       ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
                                                                                          (In millions)
Embedded derivatives within liability host contracts:
Direct guaranteed minimum benefits.................... Policyholder account balances.  $     257  $     488
Assumed guaranteed minimum benefits................... Policyholder account balances.          5          5
Funds withheld on ceded reinsurance (including
 affiliated).......................................... Other liabilities.............      1,072      1,428
Fixed annuities with equity indexed returns........... Policyholder account balances.        165        139
Other guarantees...................................... Policyholder account balances.         --          1
                                                                                      ---------- ----------
  Embedded derivatives within liability host contracts.............................    $   1,499  $   2,061
                                                                                      ========== ==========

9. Fair Value

  When developing estimated fair values, the Company considers three broad
valuation approaches: (i) the market approach, (ii) the income approach, and
(iii) the cost approach. The Company determines the most appropriate valuation
approach to use, given what is being measured and the availability of
sufficient inputs, giving priority to observable inputs. The Company
categorizes its assets and liabilities measured at estimated fair value into a
three-level hierarchy, based on the significant input with the lowest level in
its valuation. The input levels are as follows:

Level 1  Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or
         liabilities. The Company defines active markets based on average
         trading volume for equity securities. The size of the bid/ask spread
         is used as an indicator of market activity for fixed maturity
         securities AFS.

Level 2  Quoted prices in markets that are not active or inputs that are
         observable either directly or indirectly. These inputs can include
         quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities other than quoted
         prices in Level 1, quoted prices in markets that are not active, or
         other significant inputs that are observable or can be derived
         principally from or corroborated by observable market data for
         substantially the full term of the assets or liabilities.

Level 3  Unobservable inputs that are supported by little or no market
         activity and are significant to the determination of estimated fair
         value of the assets or liabilities. Unobservable inputs reflect the
         reporting entity's own assumptions about the assumptions that market
         participants would use in pricing the asset or liability.

  Financial markets are susceptible to severe events evidenced by rapid
depreciation in asset values accompanied by a reduction in asset liquidity. The
Company's ability to sell securities, as well as the price ultimately realized
for these securities, depends upon the demand and liquidity in the market and
increases the use of judgment in determining the estimated fair value of
certain securities.

  Considerable judgment is often required in interpreting the market data used
to develop estimates of fair value, and the use of different assumptions or
valuation methodologies may have a material effect on the estimated fair value


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

9. Fair Value (continued)

Recurring Fair Value Measurements

   The assets and liabilities measured at estimated fair value on a recurring
basis and their corresponding placement in the fair value hierarchy, including
those items for which the Company has elected the FVO, are presented below at:

                                                                                    December 31, 2021
                                                                         Fair Value Hierarchy
                                                              Level 1           Level 2          Level 3         Fair Value
                                                          ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
                                                                                      (In millions)
Fixed maturity securities AFS:
U.S. corporate...........................................  $            --  $         51,290  $         7,112  $         58,402
U.S. government and agency...............................           15,041            16,181               --            31,222
Foreign corporate........................................               --            21,862            7,823            29,685
RMBS.....................................................                7            20,333            2,805            23,145
ABS......................................................               --            11,455            1,424            12,879
Municipals...............................................               --             8,728               --             8,728
CMBS.....................................................               --             6,507              371             6,878
Foreign government.......................................               --             4,934               12             4,946
                                                          ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
  Total fixed maturity securities AFS....................           15,048           141,290           19,547           175,885
                                                          ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
Short-term investments...................................            4,187               677                2             4,866
Residential mortgage loans -- FVO........................               --                --              127               127
Other investments........................................              328               192              894             1,414
Derivative assets: (1)
Interest rate............................................               --             5,982               95             6,077
Foreign currency exchange rate...........................               --             1,676               --             1,676
Credit...................................................               --               106               17               123
Equity market............................................                5               730                7               742
                                                          ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
  Total derivative assets................................                5             8,494              119             8,618
                                                          ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
Separate account assets (2)..............................           28,231            93,656            1,964           123,851
                                                          ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
  Total assets (3).......................................  $        47,799  $        244,309  $        22,653  $        314,761
                                                          ================ ================= ================ =================
Derivative liabilities: (1)
Interest rate............................................               --                70               21                91
Foreign currency exchange rate...........................               --             1,076               --             1,076
Credit...................................................               --                 8               12                20
Equity market............................................               --               222               --               222
                                                          ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
  Total derivative liabilities...........................               --             1,376               33             1,409
                                                          ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
Embedded derivatives within liability host contracts (4).               --                --            1,499             1,499
Separate account liabilities (2).........................                7                12                6                25
                                                          ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
  Total liabilities......................................  $             7  $          1,388  $         1,538  $          2,933
                                                          ================ ================= ================ =================


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

9. Fair Value (continued)

                                                                                    December 31, 2020
                                                                         Fair Value Hierarchy
                                                              Level 1           Level 2          Level 3         Fair Value
                                                          ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
                                                                                      (In millions)
Fixed maturity securities AFS:
U.S. corporate...........................................  $            --  $         53,717  $         6,692  $         60,409
U.S. government and agency...............................           12,697            18,074               --            30,771
Foreign corporate........................................               --            24,098            8,181            32,279
RMBS.....................................................               --            21,186            3,040            24,226
ABS......................................................               --            11,351            1,224            12,575
Municipals...............................................               --             8,983               --             8,983
CMBS.....................................................               --             6,628              201             6,829
Foreign government.......................................               --             5,263                5             5,268
                                                          ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
  Total fixed maturity securities AFS....................           12,697           149,300           19,343           181,340
                                                          ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
Short-term investments...................................            2,216               406                1             2,623
Residential mortgage loans -- FVO........................               --                --              165               165
Other investments........................................              431               270              565             1,266
Derivative assets: (1)
Interest rate............................................               --             6,816              489             7,305
Foreign currency exchange rate...........................               --             1,408               --             1,408
Credit...................................................               --               109               25               134
Equity market............................................               --               454               17               471
                                                          ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
  Total derivative assets................................               --             8,787              531             9,318
                                                          ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
Separate account assets (2)..............................           28,296            99,405              945           128,646
                                                          ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
  Total assets (3).......................................  $        43,640  $        258,168  $        21,550  $        323,358
                                                          ================ ================= ================ =================
Derivative liabilities: (1)
Interest rate............................................  $            --  $             11  $            68  $             79
Foreign currency exchange rate...........................               --             1,683                2             1,685
Credit...................................................               --                 9               --                 9
Equity market............................................               16               463                9               488
                                                          ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
  Total derivative liabilities...........................               16             2,166               79             2,261
                                                          ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
Embedded derivatives within liability host contracts (4).               --                --            2,061             2,061
Separate account liabilities (2).........................               12                 8                6                26
                                                          ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
  Total liabilities......................................  $            28  $          2,174  $         2,146  $          4,348
                                                          ================ ================= ================ =================
(1)Derivative assets are presented within other invested assets on the
   consolidated balance sheets and derivative liabilities are presented within
   other liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets. The amounts are
   presented gross in the tables above to reflect the presentation on the
   consolidated balance sheets, but are presented net for purposes of the
   rollforward in the Fair Value Measurements Using Significant Unobservable
   Inputs (Level 3) tables.

(2)Investment performance related to separate account assets is fully offset by
   corresponding amounts credited to contractholders whose liability is
   reflected within separate account liabilities. Separate account liabilities
   are set equal to the estimated fair value of separate account assets.
   Separate account liabilities presented in the tables above represent
   derivative liabilities.

(3)Total assets included in the fair value hierarchy exclude other limited
   partnership interests that are measured at estimated fair value using the
   net asset value ("NAV") per share (or its equivalent) practical expedient.
   At December 31, 2021 and 2020, the estimated fair value of such investments
   was $95 million and $70 million, respectively.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

9. Fair Value (continued)

(4)Embedded derivatives within liability host contracts are presented within
   policyholder account balances and other liabilities on the consolidated
   balance sheets.

  The following describes the valuation methodologies used to measure assets
and liabilities at fair value.


   Securities, Short-term Investments and Other Investments

     When available, the estimated fair value of these financial instruments is
   based on quoted prices in active markets that are readily and regularly
   obtainable. Generally, these are the most liquid of the Company's securities
   holdings and valuation of these securities does not involve management's

     When quoted prices in active markets are not available, the determination
   of estimated fair value of securities is based on market standard valuation
   methodologies, giving priority to observable inputs. The significant inputs
   to the market standard valuation methodologies for certain types of
   securities with reasonable levels of price transparency are inputs that are
   observable in the market or can be derived principally from, or corroborated
   by, observable market data. When observable inputs are not available, the
   market standard valuation methodologies rely on inputs that are significant
   to the estimated fair value that are not observable in the market or cannot
   be derived principally from, or corroborated by, observable market data.
   These unobservable inputs can be based in large part on management's
   judgment or estimation and cannot be supported by reference to market
   activity. Unobservable inputs are based on management's assumptions about
   the inputs market participants would use in pricing such investments.

     The estimated fair value of short-term investments and other investments
   is determined on a basis consistent with the methodologies described herein.

     The valuation approaches and key inputs for each category of assets or
   liabilities that are classified within Level 2 and Level 3 of the fair value
   hierarchy are presented below. The primary valuation approaches are the
   market approach, which considers recent prices from market transactions
   involving identical or similar assets or liabilities, and the income
   approach, which converts expected future amounts (e.g. cash flows) to a
   single current, discounted amount. The valuation


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

9. Fair Value (continued)

   of most instruments listed below is determined using independent pricing
   sources, matrix pricing, discounted cash flow methodologies or other similar
   techniques that use either observable market inputs or unobservable inputs.

                           Level 2                                                 Level 3
Instrument            Observable Inputs                                      Unobservable Inputs
 Fixed maturity securities AFS
  U.S. corporate and Foreign corporate securities
            Valuation Approaches: Principally the
            market and income approaches.          Valuation Approaches: Principally the market approach.
            Key Inputs:                            Key Inputs:
            . quoted prices in markets that are    .illiquidity premium
              not active
            . benchmark yields; spreads off        .delta spread adjustments to reflect specific credit-related issues
              benchmark yields; new issuances;
              issuer ratings
            . trades of identical or comparable    .credit spreads
              securities; duration
            . privately-placed securities are
              valued using the additional key
            . market yield curve; call provisions
             . observable prices and spreads for
               similar public or private           . quoted prices in markets that are not active for identical or similar
               securities that incorporate the       securities that are less liquid and based on lower levels of trading
               credit quality and industry sector    activity than securities classified in Level 2
               of the issuer                       .independent non-binding broker quotations
            . delta spread adjustments to reflect
              specific credit-related issues
  U.S. government and agency securities, Municipals and Foreign government securities
            Valuation Approaches: Principally the
            market approach.                       Valuation Approaches: Principally the market approach.
            Key Inputs:                            Key Inputs:
            .quoted prices in markets that are     .independent non-binding broker quotations
             not active
            .benchmark U.S. Treasury yield or
             other yields
            .the spread off the U.S. Treasury      . quoted prices in markets that are not active for identical or similar
             yield curve for the identical           securities that are less liquid and based on lower levels of trading
             security                                activity than securities classified in Level 2
            .issuer ratings and issuer spreads;    .credit spreads
             broker-dealer quotations
            .comparable securities that are
             actively traded
  Structured Products
            Valuation Approaches: Principally the
            market and income approaches.          Valuation Approaches: Principally the market and income approaches.
            Key Inputs:                            Key Inputs:
            .quoted prices in markets that are     .credit spreads
             not active
            .spreads for actively traded
             securities; spreads off benchmark
             yields                                . quoted prices in markets that are not active for identical or similar
            .expected prepayment speeds and          securities that are less liquid and based on lower levels of trading
             volumes                                 activity than securities classified in Level 2
            .current and forecasted loss           .independent non-binding broker quotations
             severity; ratings; geographic region
            .weighted average coupon and weighted  .credit ratings
             average maturity
            .average delinquency rates; DSCR
            .credit ratings
            .issuance-specific information,
             including, but not limited to:
             .collateral type; structure of the
              security; vintage of the loans
             .payment terms of the underlying
             .payment priority within the
              tranche; deal performance
  Short-term investments and Other investments
            . Certain short-term investments and
               certain other investments are of a
               similar nature and class to the
               fixed maturity securities AFS        . Certain short-term investments and certain other investments are of a
               described above; while certain         similar nature and class to the fixed maturity securities AFS
               other investments are similar to       described above, while certain other investments are similar to
               equity securities. The valuation       equity securities. The valuation approaches and unobservable
               approaches and observable inputs       inputs used in their valuation are also similar to those described
               used in their valuation are also       above. Other investments contain equity securities that use key
               similar to those described above.      unobservable inputs such as credit ratings; issuance structures, in
               Other investments contain equity       addition to those described above for fixed maturities AFS. Other
               securities valued using quoted         investments also include certain real estate joint ventures and use
               prices in markets that are not         the valuation approach and key inputs as described for other
               considered active.                     limited partnership interests below.
  Residential mortgage loans -- FVO
            .N/A                                     Valuation Approaches: Principally the market approach.
                                                     Valuation Techniques and Key Inputs: These investments are based
                                                     primarily on matrix pricing or other similar techniques that utilize
                                                     inputs from mortgage servicers that are unobservable or cannot be
                                                     derived principally from, or corroborated by, observable market data.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

9. Fair Value (continued)

                           Level 2                                              Level 3
Instrument            Observable Inputs                                    Unobservable Inputs
Separate account assets and Separate account liabilities (1)
  Mutual funds and hedge funds without readily determinable fair values as prices are not published publicly
            Key Input:                             .N/A
            .quoted prices or reported NAV
             provided by the fund managers
  Other limited partnership interests
            .N/A                                     Valued giving consideration to the underlying holdings of the
                                                    partnerships and adjusting, if appropriate.
                                                   Key Inputs:
                                                   .liquidity; bid/ask spreads; performance record of the fund manager
                                                   .other relevant variables that may impact the exit value of the
                                                    particular partnership interest
-           -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1)Estimated fair value equals carrying value, based on the value of the
   underlying assets, including: mutual fund interests, fixed maturity
   securities, equity securities, derivatives, hedge funds, other limited
   partnership interests, short-term investments and cash and cash equivalents.
   The estimated fair value of fixed maturity securities, equity securities,
   derivatives, short-term investments and cash and cash equivalents is
   determined on a basis consistent with the assets described under "--
   Securities, Short-term Investments and Other Investments" and "--
   Derivatives -- Freestanding Derivatives."


    The estimated fair value of derivatives is determined through the use of
  quoted market prices for exchange-traded derivatives, or through the use of
  pricing models for OTC-bilateral and OTC-cleared derivatives. The
  determination of estimated fair value, when quoted market values are not
  available, is based on market standard valuation methodologies and inputs
  that management believes are consistent with what other market participants
  would use when pricing such instruments. Derivative valuations can be
  affected by changes in interest rates, foreign currency exchange rates,
  financial indices, credit spreads, default risk, nonperformance risk,
  volatility, liquidity and changes in estimates and assumptions used in the
  pricing models.

    The significant inputs to the pricing models for most OTC-bilateral and
  OTC-cleared derivatives are inputs that are observable in the market or can
  be derived principally from, or corroborated by, observable market data.
  Certain OTC-bilateral and OTC-cleared derivatives may rely on inputs that are
  significant to the estimated fair value that are not observable in the market
  or cannot be derived principally from, or corroborated by, observable market
  data. These unobservable inputs may involve significant management judgment
  or estimation. Unobservable inputs are based on management's assumptions
  about the inputs market participants would use in pricing such derivatives.

    Most inputs for OTC-bilateral and OTC-cleared derivatives are mid-market
  inputs but, in certain cases, liquidity adjustments are made when they are
  deemed more representative of exit value. Market liquidity, as well as the
  use of different methodologies, assumptions and inputs, may have a material
  effect on the estimated fair values of the Company's derivatives and could
  materially affect net income.

    The credit risk of both the counterparty and the Company are considered in
  determining the estimated fair value for all OTC-bilateral and OTC-cleared
  derivatives, and any potential credit adjustment is based on the net exposure
  by counterparty after taking into account the effects of netting agreements
  and collateral arrangements. The Company values its OTC-bilateral and
  OTC-cleared derivatives using standard swap curves which may include a spread
  to the risk-free rate, depending upon specific collateral arrangements. This
  credit spread is appropriate for those parties that execute trades at pricing
  levels consistent with similar collateral arrangements. As the Company and
  its significant derivative counterparties generally execute trades at such
  pricing levels and hold sufficient collateral, additional credit risk
  adjustments are not currently required in the valuation process. The
  Company's ability to consistently execute at such pricing levels is, in part,
  due to the netting agreements and collateral arrangements that are in place
  with all of its significant derivative counterparties. An evaluation of the
  requirement to make additional credit risk adjustments is performed by the
  Company each reporting period.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

9. Fair Value (continued)

  Freestanding Derivatives

   Level 2 Valuation Approaches and Key Inputs:

    This level includes all types of derivatives utilized by the Company with
  the exception of exchange-traded derivatives included within Level 1 and
  those derivatives with unobservable inputs as described in Level 3.

   Level 3 Valuation Approaches and Key Inputs:

    These valuation methodologies generally use the same inputs as described in
  the corresponding sections for Level 2 measurements of derivatives. However,
  these derivatives result in Level 3 classification because one or more of the
  significant inputs are not observable in the market or cannot be derived
  principally from, or corroborated by, observable market data.

    Freestanding derivatives are principally valued using the income approach.
  Valuations of non-option-based derivatives utilize present value techniques,
  whereas valuations of option-based derivatives utilize option pricing models.
  Key inputs are as follows:

                                                                            Foreign Currency
              Instrument                         Interest Rate                Exchange Rate                Credit
Inputs common to Level 2 and Level 3 by  swap yield curves               swap yield curves        swap yield curves
 instrument type                         basis curves                    basis curves             credit curves
                                         interest rate volatility (1)    currency spot rates      recovery rates
                                                                         cross currency basis
------------------------------------------                               -                        -
Level 3                                  swap yield curves (2)           swap yield curves (2)    swap yield curves (2)
                                         basis curves (2)                basis curves (2)         credit curves (2)
                                         repurchase rates                cross currency basis     credit spreads
                                         interest rate                    curves (2)              repurchase rates
                                          volatility (1), (2)            currency correlation     independent non-binding
                                                                                                   broker quotations
-                                        -                               -                        -

              Instrument                        Equity Market
Inputs common to Level 2 and Level 3 by  swap yield curves
 instrument type                         spot equity index levels
                                         dividend yield curves
                                         equity volatility (1)

Level 3                                  dividend yield curves (2)
                                         equity volatility (1), (2)
                                         correlation between
                                          model inputs (1)



(1)Option-based only.

(2)Extrapolation beyond the observable limits of the curve(s).

  Embedded Derivatives

    Embedded derivatives principally include certain direct and assumed
  variable annuity guarantees, annuity contracts, and investment risk within
  funds withheld related to certain reinsurance agreements. Embedded
  derivatives are recorded at estimated fair value with changes in estimated
  fair value reported in net income.

    The Company issues certain variable annuity products with guaranteed
  minimum benefits. GMWBs, GMABs and certain GMIBs contain embedded
  derivatives, which are measured at estimated fair value separately from the
  host variable annuity contract, with changes in estimated fair value reported
  in net derivative gains (losses). These embedded derivatives are classified
  within policyholder account balances on the consolidated balance sheets.

    The Company calculates the fair value of these embedded derivatives, which
  is estimated as the present value of projected future benefits minus the
  present value of projected future fees using actuarial and capital market
  assumptions including expectations concerning policyholder behavior. The
  calculation is based on in-force business, projecting future cash flows from
  the embedded derivative over multiple risk neutral stochastic scenarios using
  observable risk-free rates.

    Capital market assumptions, such as risk-free rates and implied
  volatilities, are based on market prices for publicly traded instruments to
  the extent that prices for such instruments are observable. Implied
  volatilities beyond the observable


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

9. Fair Value (continued)

  period are extrapolated based on observable implied volatilities and
  historical volatilities. Actuarial assumptions, including mortality, lapse,
  withdrawal and utilization, are unobservable and are reviewed at least
  annually based on actuarial studies of historical experience.

    The valuation of these guarantee liabilities includes nonperformance risk
  adjustments and adjustments for a risk margin related to non-capital market
  inputs. The nonperformance adjustment is determined by taking into
  consideration publicly available information relating to spreads in the
  secondary market for MetLife, Inc.'s debt, including related credit default
  swaps. These observable spreads are then adjusted, as necessary, to reflect
  the priority of these liabilities and the claims paying ability of the
  issuing insurance subsidiaries as compared to MetLife, Inc.

    Risk margins are established to capture the non-capital market risks of the
  instrument which represent the additional compensation a market participant
  would require to assume the risks related to the uncertainties of such
  actuarial assumptions as annuitization, premium persistency, partial
  withdrawal and surrenders. The establishment of risk margins requires the use
  of significant management judgment, including assumptions of the amount and
  cost of capital needed to cover the guarantees. These guarantees may be more
  costly than expected in volatile or declining equity markets. Market
  conditions including, but not limited to, changes in interest rates, equity
  indices, market volatility and foreign currency exchange rates; changes in
  nonperformance risk; and variations in actuarial assumptions regarding
  policyholder behavior, mortality and risk margins related to non-capital
  market inputs, may result in significant fluctuations in the estimated fair
  value of the guarantees that could materially affect net income.

    The estimated fair value of the embedded derivatives within funds withheld
  related to certain ceded reinsurance is determined based on the change in
  estimated fair value of the underlying assets held by the Company in a
  reference portfolio backing the funds withheld liability. The estimated fair
  value of the underlying assets is determined as described in "-- Investments
  -- Securities, Short-term Investments and Other Investments." The estimated
  fair value of these embedded derivatives is included, along with their funds
  withheld hosts, in other liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets with
  changes in estimated fair value recorded in net derivative gains (losses).
  Changes in the credit spreads on the underlying assets, interest rates and
  market volatility may result in significant fluctuations in the estimated
  fair value of these embedded derivatives that could materially affect net

    The Company issues certain annuity contracts which allow the policyholder
  to participate in returns from equity indices. These equity indexed features
  are embedded derivatives which are measured at estimated fair value
  separately from the host fixed annuity contract, with changes in estimated
  fair value reported in net derivative gains (losses). These embedded
  derivatives are classified within policyholder account balances on the
  consolidated balance sheets.

    The estimated fair value of the embedded equity indexed derivatives, based
  on the present value of future equity returns to the policyholder using
  actuarial and present value assumptions including expectations concerning
  policyholder behavior, is calculated by the Company's actuarial department.
  The calculation is based on in-force business and uses standard capital
  market techniques, such as Black-Scholes, to calculate the value of the
  portion of the embedded derivative for which the terms are set. The portion
  of the embedded derivative covering the period beyond where terms are set is
  calculated as the present value of amounts expected to be spent to provide
  equity indexed returns in those periods. The valuation of these embedded
  derivatives also includes the establishment of a risk margin, as well as
  changes in nonperformance risk.

  Embedded Derivatives Within Asset and Liability Host Contracts

   Level 3 Valuation Approaches and Key Inputs:

    Direct and assumed guaranteed minimum benefits

      These embedded derivatives are principally valued using the income
    approach. Valuations are based on option pricing techniques, which utilize
    significant inputs that may include swap yield curves, currency exchange
    rates and implied volatilities. These embedded derivatives result in
    Level 3 classification because one or more of the significant inputs are
    not observable in the market or cannot be derived principally from, or
    corroborated by, observable market data. Significant unobservable inputs
    generally include: the extrapolation beyond observable limits of the swap
    yield curves and implied volatilities, actuarial assumptions for
    policyholder behavior and mortality and the potential variability in
    policyholder behavior and mortality, nonperformance risk and cost of
    capital for purposes of calculating the risk margin.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

9. Fair Value (continued)

    Embedded derivatives within funds withheld related to certain ceded

      These embedded derivatives are principally valued using the income
    approach. The valuations are based on present value techniques, which
    utilize significant inputs that may include the swap yield curves and the
    fair value of assets within the reference portfolio. These embedded
    derivatives result in Level 3 classification because one or more of the
    significant inputs are not observable in the market or cannot be derived
    principally from, or corroborated by, observable market data. Significant
    unobservable inputs generally include the fair value of certain assets
    within the reference portfolio which are not observable in the market and
    cannot be derived principally from, or corroborated by, observable market

  Transfers between Levels

   Overall, transfers between levels occur when there are changes in the
 observability of inputs and market activity.

  Transfers into or out of Level 3:

    Assets and liabilities are transferred into Level 3 when a significant
  input cannot be corroborated with market observable data. This occurs when
  market activity decreases significantly and underlying inputs cannot be
  observed, current prices are not available, and/or when there are significant
  variances in quoted prices, thereby affecting transparency. Assets and
  liabilities are transferred out of Level 3 when circumstances change such
  that a significant input can be corroborated with market observable data.
  This may be due to a significant increase in market activity, a specific
  event, or one or more significant input(s) becoming observable.

  Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value Using Significant Unobservable
  Inputs (Level 3)

    The following table presents certain quantitative information about the
  significant unobservable inputs used in the fair value measurement, and the
  sensitivity of the estimated fair value to changes in those inputs, for the
  more significant asset and liability classes measured at fair value on a
  recurring basis using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) at:

                                                                                                      December 31, 2021
                                                                        Significant                                 Weighted
                                    Valuation Techniques             Unobservable Inputs              Range        Average (1)
                                ------------------------------ --------------------------------  ---------------   -----------
Fixed maturity securities AFS (3)
U.S. corporate and foreign
 corporate..................... Matrix pricing                 Offered quotes (4)                  1    -    165      110
                                Market pricing                 Quoted prices (4)                   --   -    117      101
RMBS........................... Market pricing                 Quoted prices (4)                   --   -    121       99
ABS............................ Market pricing                 Quoted prices (4)                   91   -    110      102
Interest rate.................. Present value techniques       Swap yield (6)                     151   -    200      188
                                                               Repurchase rates (8)                --   -     --       --
                                                               Volatility (9)                      1%   -     1%       1%

Foreign currency exchange rate. Present value techniques       Swap yield (6)                      --   -     --       --
Credit......................... Present value techniques       Credit spreads (10)                 96   -    133      109
                                Consensus pricing              Offered quotes (11)
Equity market.................. Present value techniques or    Volatility (12)                     --   -     --       --
                                  option pricing models
                                                               Correlation (13)                    --   -     --       --
Embedded derivatives
Direct and assumed guaranteed   Option pricing techniques      Mortality rates:
 minimum benefits..............
                                                                  Ages 0 - 40                    0.01%  -   0.12%    0.08%
                                                                  Ages 41 - 60                   0.05%  -   0.65%    0.27%
                                                                  Ages 61 - 115                  0.32%  -    100%    2.08%
                                                               Lapse rates:
                                                                  Durations 1 - 10               0.25%  -    100%    6.30%
                                                                  Durations 11 - 20              0.70%  -    100%    5.22%
                                                                  Durations 21 - 116             1.60%  -    100%    5.22%
                                                               Utilization rates                   0%   -    22%     0.22%
                                                               Withdrawal rates                  0.25%  -    10%     3.72%
                                                               Long-term equity volatilities     16.44% -   22.16%   18.60%
                                                               Nonperformance risk spread        0.04%  -   0.40%    0.35%
                                                                                                      December 31, 2020
                                                                        Significant                                 Weighted
                                    Valuation Techniques             Unobservable Inputs              Range        Average (1)
                                ------------------------------ --------------------------------  ---------------   -----------
Fixed maturity securities AFS (3)
U.S. corporate and foreign
 corporate..................... Matrix pricing                 Offered quotes (4)                  --   -    186      118
                                Market pricing                 Quoted prices (4)                   --   -    116       99
RMBS........................... Market pricing                 Quoted prices (4)                   --   -    159       98
ABS............................ Market pricing                 Quoted prices (4)                   1    -    107      100
Interest rate.................. Present value techniques       Swap yield (6)                      92   -    184      149
                                                               Repurchase rates (8)               (12)  -     1       (6)
                                                               Volatility (9)                      --   -     --       --

Foreign currency exchange rate. Present value techniques       Swap yield (6)                     (31)  -    (13)     (20)
Credit......................... Present value techniques       Credit spreads (10)                 96   -     99       98
                                Consensus pricing              Offered quotes (11)
Equity market.................. Present value techniques or    Volatility (12)                    21%   -    28%      28%
                                  option pricing models
                                                               Correlation (13)                   10%   -    30%      10%
Embedded derivatives
Direct and assumed guaranteed   Option pricing techniques      Mortality rates:
 minimum benefits..............
                                                                  Ages 0 - 40                    0.01%  -   0.12%    0.06%
                                                                  Ages 41 - 60                   0.05%  -   0.65%    0.30%
                                                                  Ages 61 - 115                  0.31%  -    100%    1.90%
                                                               Lapse rates:
                                                                  Durations 1 - 10               0.25%  -    100%    6.86%
                                                                  Durations 11 - 20              4.70%  -    100%    5.18%
                                                                  Durations 21 - 116               2%   -    100%    5.18%
                                                               Utilization rates                   0%   -    22%     0.17%
                                                               Withdrawal rates                  0.25%  -    10%     3.98%
                                                               Long-term equity volatilities     16.66% -   22.21%   18.70%
                                                               Nonperformance risk spread        0.04%  -   0.39%    0.40%
                                                                                                    Impact of
                                                                                                 Increase in Input
                                                                        Significant                on Estimated
                                    Valuation Techniques             Unobservable Inputs          Fair Value (2)
                                ------------------------------ --------------------------------  -----------------
Fixed maturity securities AFS (3)
U.S. corporate and foreign
 corporate..................... Matrix pricing                 Offered quotes (4)                   Increase
                                Market pricing                 Quoted prices (4)                    Increase
RMBS........................... Market pricing                 Quoted prices (4)                  Increase (5)
ABS............................ Market pricing                 Quoted prices (4)                  Increase (5)
Interest rate.................. Present value techniques       Swap yield (6)                     Increase (7)
                                                               Repurchase rates (8)               Decrease (7)
                                                               Volatility (9)                     Increase (7)
Foreign currency exchange rate. Present value techniques       Swap yield (6)                     Increase (7)
Credit......................... Present value techniques       Credit spreads (10)                Decrease (7)
                                Consensus pricing              Offered quotes (11)
Equity market.................. Present value techniques or    Volatility (12)                    Increase (7)
                                  option pricing models
                                                               Correlation (13)
Embedded derivatives
Direct and assumed guaranteed   Option pricing techniques      Mortality rates:
 minimum benefits..............
                                                                  Ages 0 - 40                     Decrease (14)
                                                                  Ages 41 - 60                    Decrease (14)
                                                                  Ages 61 - 115                   Decrease (14)
                                                               Lapse rates:
                                                                  Durations 1 - 10                Decrease (15)
                                                                  Durations 11 - 20               Decrease (15)
                                                                  Durations 21 - 116              Decrease (15)
                                                               Utilization rates                  Increase (16)
                                                               Withdrawal rates                       (17)
                                                               Long-term equity volatilities      Increase (18)
                                                               Nonperformance risk spread         Decrease (19)

(1) The weighted average for fixed maturity securities AFS and derivatives is
    determined based on the estimated fair value of the securities and
    derivatives. The weighted average for embedded derivatives is determined
    based on a combination of account values and experience data.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

9. Fair Value (continued)

(2) The impact of a decrease in input would have resulted in the opposite
    impact on estimated fair value. For embedded derivatives, changes to direct
    and assumed guaranteed minimum benefits are based on liability positions.

(3) Significant increases (decreases) in expected default rates in isolation
    would have resulted in substantially lower (higher) valuations.

(4) Range and weighted average are presented in accordance with the market
    convention for fixed maturity securities AFS of dollars per hundred dollars
    of par.

(5) Changes in the assumptions used for the probability of default would have
    been accompanied by a directionally similar change in the assumption used
    for the loss severity and a directionally opposite change in the
    assumptions used for prepayment rates.

(6) Ranges represent the rates across different yield curves and are presented
    in basis points. The swap yield curves are utilized among different types
    of derivatives to project cash flows, as well as to discount future cash
    flows to present value. Since this valuation methodology uses a range of
    inputs across a yield curve to value the derivative, presenting a range is
    more representative of the unobservable input used in the valuation.

(7) Changes in estimated fair value are based on long U.S. dollar net asset
    positions and will be inversely impacted for short U.S. dollar net asset

(8) Ranges represent different repurchase rates utilized as components within
    the valuation methodology and are presented in basis points.

(9) Ranges represent the underlying interest rate volatility quoted in
    percentage points. Since this valuation methodology uses an equivalent of
    LIBOR for secured overnight financing rate volatility, presenting a range
    is more representative of the unobservable input used in the valuation.

(10)Represents the risk quoted in basis points of a credit default event on the
    underlying instrument. Credit derivatives with significant unobservable
    inputs are primarily comprised of written credit default swaps.

(11)At both December 31, 2021 and 2020, independent non-binding broker
    quotations were used in the determination of less than 1% of the total net
    derivative estimated fair value.

(12)Ranges represent the underlying equity volatility quoted in percentage
    points. Since this valuation methodology uses a range of inputs across
    multiple volatility surfaces to value the derivative, presenting a range is
    more representative of the unobservable input used in the valuation.

(13)Ranges represent the different correlation factors utilized as components
    within the valuation methodology. Presenting a range of correlation factors
    is more representative of the unobservable input used in the valuation.
    Increases (decreases) in correlation in isolation will increase (decrease)
    the significance of the change in valuations.

(14)Mortality rates vary by age and by demographic characteristics such as
    gender. Mortality rate assumptions are based on company experience. A
    mortality improvement assumption is also applied. For any given contract,
    mortality rates vary throughout the period over which cash flows are
    projected for purposes of valuing the embedded derivative.

(15)Base lapse rates are adjusted at the contract level based on a comparison
    of the actuarially calculated guaranteed values and the current
    policyholder account value, as well as other factors, such as the
    applicability of any surrender charges. A dynamic lapse function reduces
    the base lapse rate when the guaranteed amount is greater than the account
    value as in the money contracts are less likely to lapse. Lapse rates are
    also generally assumed to be lower in periods when a surrender charge
    applies. For any given contract, lapse rates vary throughout the period
    over which cash flows are projected for purposes of valuing the embedded

(16)The utilization rate assumption estimates the percentage of contractholders
    with GMIBs or a lifetime withdrawal benefit who will elect to utilize the
    benefit upon becoming eligible. The rates may vary by the type of
    guarantee, the amount by which the guaranteed amount is greater than the
    account value, the contract's withdrawal history and by the age of the
    policyholder. For any given contract, utilization rates vary throughout the
    period over which cash flows are projected for purposes of valuing the
    embedded derivative.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

9. Fair Value (continued)

(17)The withdrawal rate represents the percentage of account balance that any
    given policyholder will elect to withdraw from the contract each year. The
    withdrawal rate assumption varies by age and duration of the contract, and
    also by other factors such as benefit type. For any given contract,
    withdrawal rates vary throughout the period over which cash flows are
    projected for purposes of valuing the embedded derivative. For GMWBs, any
    increase (decrease) in withdrawal rates results in an increase (decrease)
    in the estimated fair value of the guarantees. For GMABs and GMIBs, any
    increase (decrease) in withdrawal rates results in a decrease (increase) in
    the estimated fair value.

(18)Long-term equity volatilities represent equity volatility beyond the period
    for which observable equity volatilities are available. For any given
    contract, long-term equity volatility rates vary throughout the period over
    which cash flows are projected for purposes of valuing the embedded

(19)Nonperformance risk spread varies by duration and by currency. For any
    given contract, multiple nonperformance risk spreads will apply, depending
    on the duration of the cash flow being discounted for purposes of valuing
    the embedded derivative.

  Generally, all other classes of assets and liabilities classified within
Level 3 that are not included in the preceding table use the same valuation
techniques and significant unobservable inputs as previously described for
Level 3. The sensitivity of the estimated fair value to changes in the
significant unobservable inputs for these other assets and liabilities is
similar in nature to that described in the preceding table. The valuation
techniques and significant unobservable inputs used in the fair value
measurement for the more significant assets measured at estimated fair value on
a nonrecurring basis and determined using significant unobservable inputs
(Level 3) are summarized in "-- Nonrecurring Fair Value Measurements."


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

9. Fair Value (continued)

  The following tables summarize the change of all assets (liabilities)
measured at estimated fair value on a recurring basis using significant
unobservable inputs (Level 3):

                                         Fair Value Measurements Using Significant Unobservable Inputs (Level 3)
                                                    Fixed Maturity Securities AFS
                                                           Structured                   Foreign     Short-term
                                          Corporate (6)     Products      Municipals   Government   Investments
                                         --------------   ------------   -----------  -----------  ------------
                                                                   (In millions)
Balance, January 1, 2020................ $       9,382    $      3,395    $       7    $      10     $     17
Total realized/unrealized gains
 (losses) included in net income (loss)
 (1), (2)...............................           (91)             46           --           --           --
Total realized/unrealized gains
 (losses) included in AOCI..............           979              22           --           --           --
Purchases (3)...........................         3,018           1,670           --           --            1
Sales (3)...............................          (960)           (740)          --           (2)          (2)
Issuances (3)...........................            --              --           --           --           --
Settlements (3).........................            --              --           --           --           --
Transfers into Level 3 (4)..............         2,968             108           --           --           --
Transfers out of Level 3 (4)............          (423)            (36)          (7)          (3)         (15)
                                         -------------    ------------    ---------    ---------     --------
Balance, December 31, 2020..............        14,873           4,465           --            5            1
Total realized/unrealized gains
 (losses) included in net income (loss)
 (1), (2)...............................           (40)             45           --           --           --
Total realized/unrealized gains
 (losses) included in AOCI..............          (745)              8           --           (1)          --
Purchases (3)...........................         2,369           1,247           --           --            2
Sales (3)...............................        (1,211)         (1,239)          --           (2)          --
Issuances (3)...........................            --              --           --           --           --
Settlements (3).........................            --              --           --           --           --
Transfers into Level 3 (4)..............           162             332           --           10           --
Transfers out of Level 3 (4)............          (473)           (258)          --           --           (1)
                                         -------------    ------------    ---------    ---------     --------
Balance, December 31, 2021.............. $      14,935    $      4,600    $      --    $      12     $      2
                                         =============    ============    =========    =========     ========
Changes in unrealized gains (losses)
 included in net income (loss) for the
 instruments still held at December 31,
 2019: (5).............................. $         (34)   $         42    $      --    $      --     $     --
                                         =============    ============    =========    =========     ========
Changes in unrealized gains (losses)
 included in net income (loss) for the
 instruments still held at December 31,
 2020: (5).............................. $         (53)   $         52    $      --    $      --     $     --
                                         =============    ============    =========    =========     ========
Changes in unrealized gains (losses)
 included in net income (loss) for the
 instruments still held at
 December 31, 2021 (5).................. $          (7)   $         41    $      --    $      --     $     --
                                         =============    ============    =========    =========     ========
Changes in unrealized gains (losses)
 included in AOCI for the instruments
 still held at December 31, 2020: (5)... $         963    $         22    $      --    $      --     $     --
                                         =============    ============    =========    =========     ========
Changes in unrealized gains (losses)
 included in AOCI for the instruments
 still held at December 31, 2021: (5)... $        (731)   $         10    $      --    $      (1)    $     --
                                         =============    ============    =========    =========     ========
Gains (Losses) Data for the year ended
 December 31, 2019
Total realized/unrealized gains
 (losses) included in net income (loss)
 (1), (2)............................... $         (41)   $         43    $      --    $      --     $     --
Total realized/unrealized gains
 (losses) included in AOCI.............. $         564    $         30    $      --    $      --     $     --


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

9. Fair Value (continued)

                                                        Fair Value Measurements Using Significant Unobservable Inputs (Level 3)
                                                         Mortgage        Other          Net        Net Embedded     Separate
                                                        Loans - FVO   Investments Derivatives (7) Derivatives (8) Accounts (9)
                                                        -----------   ----------- --------------- --------------- ------------
                                                                                    (In millions)
Balance, January 1, 2020............................... $      188    $      799     $     (72)    $      (1,325) $        915
Total realized/unrealized gains (losses) included in
 net income (loss) (1), (2)............................          9            73           176              (557)           --
Total realized/unrealized gains (losses) included in
 AOCI..................................................         --            --           772                --            --
Purchases (3)..........................................         --            33             4                --           184
Sales (3)..............................................        (13)         (147)           --                --          (153)
Issuances (3)..........................................         --            --            (2)               --            (4)
Settlements (3)........................................        (19)           --          (426)             (179)            1
Transfers into Level 3 (4).............................         --            --            --                --             1
Transfers out of Level 3 (4)...........................         --          (193)           --                --            (5)
                                                        ----------    ----------     ---------     -------------  ------------
Balance, December 31, 2020.............................        165           565           452            (2,061)          939
Total realized/unrealized gains (losses) included in
 net income (loss) (1), (2)............................         (5)          183           (69)              733             8
Total realized/unrealized gains (losses) included in
 AOCI..................................................         --            --          (352)               --            --
Purchases (3)..........................................         --           139            28                --         1,044
Sales (3)..............................................        (11)          (38)           --                --           (44)
Issuances (3)..........................................         --            --           (13)               --            (2)
Settlements (3)........................................        (22)           --            38              (171)            6
Transfers into Level 3 (4).............................         --            74             1                --            10
Transfers out of Level 3 (4)...........................         --           (29)            1                --            (3)
                                                        ----------    ----------     ---------     -------------  ------------
Balance, December 31, 2021............................. $      127    $      894     $      86     $      (1,499) $      1,958
                                                        ==========    ==========     =========     =============  ============
Changes in unrealized gains (losses) included in net
 income (loss) for the instruments still held at
 December 31, 2019: (5)................................ $      (14)   $       86     $     (44)    $        (422) $         --
                                                        ==========    ==========     =========     =============  ============
Changes in unrealized gains (losses) included in net
 income (loss) for the instruments still held at
 December 31, 2020: (5)................................ $        3    $       67     $     (76)    $        (565) $         --
                                                        ==========    ==========     =========     =============  ============
Changes in unrealized gains (losses) included in net
 income (loss) for the instruments still held at
 December 31, 2021: (5)................................ $      (10)   $      170     $      (7)    $         735  $         --
                                                        ==========    ==========     =========     =============  ============
Changes in unrealized gains (losses) included in AOCI
 for the instruments still held at December 31, 2020:
 (5)................................................... $       --    $       --     $     579     $          --  $         --
                                                        ==========    ==========     =========     =============  ============
Changes in unrealized gains (losses) included in AOCI
 for the instruments still held at December 31, 2021:
 (5)................................................... $       --    $       --     $    (128)    $          --  $         --
                                                        ==========    ==========     =========     =============  ============
Gains (Losses) Data for the year ended December 31,
Total realized/unrealized gains (losses) included in
 net income (loss) (1), (2)............................ $        7    $       94     $     (36)    $        (429) $          7
Total realized/unrealized gains (losses) included in
 AOCI.................................................. $       --    $       --     $     161     $          --  $         --
(1) Amortization of premium/accretion of discount is included within net
    investment income. Impairments charged to net income (loss) on securities
    are included in net investment gains (losses), while changes in estimated
    fair value of residential mortgage loans -- FVO are included in net
    investment income. Lapses associated with net embedded derivatives are
    included in net derivative gains (losses). Substantially all
    realized/unrealized gains (losses) included in net income (loss) for net
    derivatives and net embedded derivatives are reported in net derivative
    gains (losses).

(2) Interest and dividend accruals, as well as cash interest coupons and
    dividends received, are excluded from the rollforward.

(3) Items purchased/issued and then sold/settled in the same period are
    excluded from the rollforward. Fees attributed to embedded derivatives are
    included in settlements.

(4) Items transferred into and then out of Level 3 in the same period are
    excluded from the rollforward.

(5) Changes in unrealized gains (losses) included in net income (loss) and
    included in AOCI relate to assets and liabilities still held at the end of
    the respective periods. Substantially all changes in unrealized gains
    (losses) included in net income (loss) for net derivatives and net embedded
    derivatives are reported in net derivative gains (losses).


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

9. Fair Value (continued)

(6) Comprised of U.S. and foreign corporate securities.

(7) Freestanding derivative assets and liabilities are presented net for
    purposes of the rollforward.

(8) Embedded derivative assets and liabilities are presented net for purposes
    of the rollforward.

(9) Investment performance related to separate account assets is fully offset
    by corresponding amounts credited to contractholders within separate
    account liabilities. Therefore, such changes in estimated fair value are
    not recorded in net income (loss). For the purpose of this disclosure,
    these changes are presented within net income (loss). Separate account
    assets and liabilities are presented net for the purposes of the

  Fair Value Option

    The Company elects the FVO for certain residential mortgage loans that are
  managed on a total return basis. The following table presents information for
  residential mortgage loans which are accounted for under the FVO and were
  initially measured at fair value.

                                                                                                        December 31,
                                                                                                      2021        2020
                                                                                                   ----------  ----------
                                                                                                        (In millions)
Unpaid principal balance.......................................................................... $      130  $      172
Difference between estimated fair value and unpaid principal balance..............................         (3)         (7)
                                                                                                   ----------  ----------
Carrying value at estimated fair value............................................................ $      127  $      165
                                                                                                   ==========  ==========
Loans in nonaccrual status........................................................................ $       32  $       45
Loans more than 90 days past due.................................................................. $       14  $       27
Loans in nonaccrual status or more than 90 days past due, or both -- difference between aggregate
 estimated fair value and unpaid principal balance................................................ $       (7) $      (13)

Nonrecurring Fair Value Measurements

  The following table presents information for assets measured at estimated
fair value on a nonrecurring basis during the periods and still held at the
reporting dates (for example, when there is evidence of impairment), using
significant unobservable inputs (Level 3).

                              At December 31,                 For the Years Ended December 31,
                             -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                               2021             2020            2021        2020       2019
                                 --------        --------     ---------  ----------  --------
                             Carrying Value After Measurement        Gains (Losses)
                             -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                                              (In millions)
    Mortgage loans, net (1). $    266         $    320        $    (91)  $    (110)  $    (2)
(1)Estimated fair values for impaired mortgage loans are based on estimated
   fair value of the underlying collateral.

Fair Value of Financial Instruments Carried at Other Than Fair Value

  The following tables provide fair value information for financial instruments
that are carried on the balance sheet at amounts other than fair value. These
tables exclude the following financial instruments: cash and cash equivalents,
accrued investment income, payables for collateral under securities loaned and
other transactions, short-term debt and those short-term investments that are
not securities, such as time deposits, and therefore are not included in the
three-level hierarchy table disclosed in the "-- Recurring Fair Value
Measurements" section. The Company believes that due to the short-term nature
of these excluded assets, which are primarily classified in Level 2, the
estimated fair value approximates carrying value. All remaining balance sheet
amounts excluded from the tables below are not considered financial instruments
subject to this disclosure.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

9. Fair Value (continued)

   The carrying values and estimated fair values for such financial
instruments, and their corresponding placement in the fair value hierarchy, are
summarized as follows at:

                                                            December 31, 2021
                                                          Fair Value Hierarchy
                                             Carrying                              Estimated
                                              Value    Level 1  Level 2   Level 3  Fair Value
                                             --------- ------- --------- --------- ----------
                                                              (In millions)
Mortgage loans (1).......................... $  60,092 $    -- $      -- $  63,094 $  63,094
Policy loans................................ $   5,816 $    -- $      -- $   6,710 $   6,710
Other invested assets....................... $   2,230 $    -- $   1,932 $     356 $   2,288
Premiums, reinsurance and other receivables. $  12,101 $    -- $     156 $  12,375 $  12,531
Policyholder account balances............... $  76,387 $    -- $      -- $  79,182 $  79,182
Long-term debt.............................. $   1,659 $    -- $   2,000 $      -- $   2,000
Other liabilities........................... $  12,357 $    -- $     159 $  12,412 $  12,571
Separate account liabilities................ $  54,254 $    -- $  54,254 $      -- $  54,254

                                                            December 31, 2020
                                                          Fair Value Hierarchy
                                             Carrying                              Estimated
                                              Value    Level 1  Level 2   Level 3  Fair Value
                                             --------- ------- --------- --------- ----------
                                                              (In millions)
Mortgage loans (1).......................... $  66,240 $    -- $      -- $  70,391 $  70,391
Policy loans................................ $   5,973 $    -- $      -- $   7,148 $   7,148
Other invested assets....................... $   2,849 $    -- $   2,586 $     167 $   2,753
Premiums, reinsurance and other receivables. $  13,173 $    -- $     363 $  13,274 $  13,637
Policyholder account balances............... $  78,059 $    -- $      -- $  82,982 $  82,982
Long-term debt.............................. $   1,615 $    -- $   2,018 $      -- $   2,018
Other liabilities........................... $  12,595 $    -- $     134 $  12,778 $  12,912
Separate account liabilities................ $  59,103 $    -- $  59,103 $      -- $  59,103
(1) Includes mortgage loans measured at estimated fair value on a nonrecurring
    basis and excludes mortgage loans measured at estimated fair value on a
    recurring basis.

10. Leases

  The Company, as lessee, has entered into various lease and sublease
agreements primarily for office space. The Company has operating leases with
remaining lease terms of less than one year to 9 years. The remaining lease
terms for the subleases are less than one year to 9 years.

ROU Assets and Lease Liabilities

   ROU assets and lease liabilities for operating leases were:

                                     December 31, December 31,
                                         2021         2020
                                     ------------ ------------
                                           (In millions)
                  ROU assets........    $  601       $  718
                  Lease liabilities.    $  701       $  795


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

10. Leases (continued)

Lease Costs

   The components of operating lease costs were as follows:

                                       For the Years Ended December 31,
                                        2021       2020       2019
                                        ------     ------     ------
                                            (In millions)
                 Operating lease cost. $  120     $  117     $  109
                 Variable lease cost..     14         15         20
                 Sublease income......    (91)       (89)       (80)
                                        ------     ------     ------
                  Net lease cost...... $   43     $   43     $   49
                                        ======     ======     ======

Other Information

   Supplemental other information related to operating leases was as follows:

                                                                                       December 31, December 31,
                                                                                           2021         2020
                                                                                       ------------ ------------
                                                                                         (Dollars in millions)
Cash paid for amounts included in the measurement of lease liability - operating cash
  flows...............................................................................   $    122     $    125
ROU assets obtained in exchange for new lease liabilities.............................   $      4     $     --
Weighted-average remaining lease term.................................................    7 years      8 years
Weighted-average discount rate........................................................        4.0%         4.0%

Maturities of Lease Liabilities

   Maturities of operating lease liabilities were as follows:

                                                 December 31, 2021
                                                   (In millions)
              2022..............................      $  126
              2023..............................         117
              2024..............................         108
              2025..............................         108
              2026..............................         103
              Thereafter........................         253
               Total undiscounted cash flows....         815
              Less: interest....................         114
               Present value of lease liability.      $  701

  See Note 7 for information about the Company's investments in leased real
estate and leveraged and direct financing leases.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

11. Long-term and Short-term Debt

   Long-term and short-term debt outstanding, excluding debt relating to
consolidated securitization entities, was as follows:

                                                                                     December 31,

                      Interest Rates (1)                                 2021                             2020
                    ---------------------                  -------------------------------- --------------------------------

                                                                     Unamortized                      Unamortized
                                    Weighted                Face     Discount and  Carrying  Face     Discount and  Carrying
                        Range       Average   Maturity      Value   Issuance Costs  Value    Value   Issuance Costs  Value
                    -------------   -------- -----------   -------- -------------- -------- -------- -------------- --------
                                                                                     (In millions)
 notes--affiliated. 7.38% -   7.38%   7.38%     2037       $    700     $   (8)    $    692 $    700     $   (8)    $    692
Surplus notes...... 7.80% -   7.88%   7.83%  2024 -   2025      400         (1)         399      400         (2)         398
Other notes (2).... 0.08% -   3.75%   2.48%  2022 -   2058      571         (3)         568      527         (3)         524
                                                           --------     ------     -------- --------     ------     --------
 Total long-term
  debt.............                                           1,671        (12)       1,659    1,627        (13)       1,614
                                                           --------     ------     -------- --------     ------     --------
Total short-term
 debt..............                                             100         --          100      120         --          120
                                                           --------     ------     -------- --------     ------     --------
  Total............                                        $  1,771     $  (12)    $  1,759 $  1,747     $  (13)    $  1,734
                                                           ========     ======     ======== ========     ======     ========
(1)Range of interest rates and weighted average interest rates are for the year
   ended December 31, 2021.

(2)During 2021, a subsidiary of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company issued
   $35 million of long-term debt to MetLife, Inc.

  The aggregate maturities of long-term debt at December 31, 2021 for the next
five years and thereafter are $82 million in 2022, $0 in 2023, $184 million in
2024, $250 million in 2025, $347 million in 2026 and $796 million thereafter.

  Unsecured senior debt which consists of senior notes and other notes rank
highest in priority. Payments of interest and principal on Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company's surplus notes are subordinate to all other obligations and
may be made only with the prior approval of the New York State Department of
Financial Services ("NYDFS").

Other Notes

  At December 31, 2021, MetLife Private Equity Holdings, LLC ("MPEH"), a
wholly-owned indirect investment subsidiary of Metropolitan Life Insurance
Company, was party to a credit agreement providing for $350 million of term
loans and $75 million of a revolving loan (the "Credit Agreement"), which
matures in September 2026. In March 2020, MPEH borrowed $75 million on a
revolving loan under the Credit Agreement and repaid this loan in July 2020.
Simultaneously, in July 2020, MPEH borrowed $50 million on the term loan under
the Credit Agreement. MPEH has pledged invested assets to secure the loans;
however, these loans are non-recourse to Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.

Short-term Debt

  Short-term debt with maturities of one year or less was as follows:

                                               December 31,
                                              2021        2020
                                           -----------  --------
                                           (Dollars in millions)
                Commercial paper.......... $       100  $    100
                Short-term borrowings (1).          --        20
                                           -----------  --------
                Total short-term debt..... $       100  $    120
                                           ===========  ========
                Average daily balance..... $       105  $    125
                Average days outstanding..    104 days   73 days
(1) Represents short-term debt related to repurchase agreements, secured by
    assets consolidated by the Company.

   For the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, the weighted average
interest rate on short-term debt was 0.23%, 1.51% and 2.74%, respectively.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

11. Long-term and Short-term Debt (continued)

Interest Expense

     Interest expense included in other expenses was $96 million, $99 million
  and $105 million for the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019,
  respectively. These amounts include $52 million of interest expense related
  to affiliated debt for each of the three years ended December 31, 2021, 2020
  and 2019.

Credit Facility

     At December 31, 2021, MetLife, Inc. and MetLife Funding, Inc., a
  wholly-owned subsidiary of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company ("MetLife
  Funding"), maintained a $3.0 billion unsecured revolving credit facility (the
  "Credit Facility"). When drawn upon, this facility bears interest at varying
  rates in accordance with the agreement.

     The Credit Facility is used for general corporate purposes, to support the
  borrowers' commercial paper programs and for the issuance of letters of
  credit. Total fees associated with the Credit Facility were $7 million for
  each of the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively, and
  were included in other expenses.

     Information on the Credit Facility at December 31, 2021 was as follows:

                                            Letters of Credit
                                 Maximum       Used by the      Letters of Credit                Unused
Borrower(s)    Expiration        Capacity      Company (1)    Used by Affiliates (1) Drawdowns Commitments
----------- ------------------ ------------ ----------------- ---------------------- --------- -----------
                                                              (In millions)

  Inc...... February 2026 (2)  $      3,000    $      412           $      47         $    --  $    2,541
(1) MetLife, Inc. and MetLife Funding are severally liable for their respective
    obligations under the Credit Facility. MetLife Funding was not an applicant
    under letters of credit outstanding as of December 31, 2021 and is not
    responsible for any reimbursement obligations under such letters of credit.

(2) In February 2021, the Credit Facility was amended and restated to, among
    other things, extend the maturity date. The Company incurred costs of
    $3 million related to the Credit Facility, which were capitalized and
    included in other assets. These costs are being amortized over the
    remaining term of the Credit Facility. All borrowings under the amended and
    restated Credit Facility must be repaid by February 26, 2026, except that
    letters of credit outstanding upon termination may remain outstanding until
    February 26, 2027.

Debt and Facility Covenants

  Certain of the Company's debt instruments and the Credit Facility contain
various administrative, reporting, legal and financial covenants. The Company
believes it was in compliance with all applicable financial covenants at
December 31, 2021.

12. Equity

Statutory Equity and Income

  Metropolitan Life Insurance Company prepares statutory-basis financial
statements in accordance with statutory accounting practices prescribed or
permitted by the NYDFS. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners
("NAIC") has adopted the Codification of Statutory Accounting
Principles ("Statutory Codification"). Statutory Codification is intended to
standardize regulatory accounting and reporting to state insurance departments.
However, statutory accounting principles continue to be established by
individual state laws and permitted practices. Modifications by the NYDFS may
impact the effect of Statutory Codification on the statutory capital and
surplus of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.

  New York, the state of domicile of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company,
imposes risk-based capital ("RBC") requirements that were developed by the
NAIC. Regulatory compliance is determined by a ratio of a company's total
adjusted capital, calculated in the manner prescribed by the NAIC ("TAC"), with
modifications by the state insurance department, to its authorized control
level RBC, calculated in the manner prescribed by the NAIC ("ACL RBC"), based
on the statutory-based filed financial statements. Companies below specific
trigger levels or ratios are classified by their respective levels, each of
which requires specified corrective action. The minimum level of TAC before
corrective action commences is twice ACL RBC ("CAL RBC"). The CAL RBC ratios
for Metropolitan Life Insurance Company were in excess of 360% and in excess of
350% at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

12. Equity (continued)

  Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's ancillary foreign insurance operations
are regulated by applicable authorities of the jurisdictions in which each
entity operates and are subject to minimum capital and solvency requirements in
those jurisdictions before corrective action commences. The aggregate required
capital and surplus of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's foreign insurance
operations was $430 million and the aggregate actual regulatory capital and
surplus of such operations was $722 million as of the date of the most recent
required capital adequacy calculation for each jurisdiction. The Company's
foreign insurance operations exceeded the minimum capital and solvency
requirements as of the date of the most recent fiscal year-end capital adequacy
calculation for each jurisdiction.

  Statutory accounting principles differ from GAAP primarily by charging policy
acquisition costs to expense as incurred, establishing future policy benefit
liabilities using different actuarial assumptions, reporting surplus notes as
surplus instead of debt and valuing securities on a different basis.

  In addition, certain assets are not admitted under statutory accounting
principles and are charged directly to surplus. The most significant assets not
admitted by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company are net deferred income tax
assets resulting from temporary differences between statutory accounting
principles basis and tax basis not expected to reverse and become recoverable
within three years. Further, statutory accounting principles do not give
recognition to purchase accounting adjustments.

  New York has adopted certain prescribed accounting practices, primarily
consisting of the continuous Commissioners' Annuity Reserve Valuation Method,
which impacts deferred annuities, and the New York Special Considerations
Letter, which mandates certain assumptions in asset adequacy testing. The
collective impact of these prescribed accounting practices decreased the
statutory capital and surplus of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company by
$1.2 billion and $1.6 billion at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively,
compared to what capital and surplus would have been had it been measured under
NAIC guidance.

   Statutory net income (loss) of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, a New
York domiciled insurer, was $3.5 billion, $3.4 billion and $3.9 billion at
December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively. Statutory capital and surplus
was $11.8 billion and $11.3 billion at December 31, 2021 and 2020,
respectively. All such amounts are derived from the statutory-basis financial
statements as filed with the NYDFS.

Dividend Restrictions

  Under the New York State Insurance Law, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
is permitted, without prior insurance regulatory clearance, to pay stockholder
dividends to MetLife, Inc. in any calendar year based on either of two
standards. Under one standard, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is
permitted, without prior insurance regulatory clearance, to pay dividends out
of earned surplus (defined as positive unassigned funds (surplus), excluding
85% of the change in net unrealized capital gains or losses (less capital gains
tax), for the immediately preceding calendar year), in an amount up to the
greater of: (i) 10% of its surplus to policyholders as of the end of the
immediately preceding calendar year, or (ii) its statutory net gain from
operations for the immediately preceding calendar year (excluding realized
capital gains), not to exceed 30% of surplus to policyholders as of the end of
the immediately preceding calendar year. In addition, under this standard,
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company may not, without prior insurance regulatory
clearance, pay any dividends in any calendar year immediately following a
calendar year for which its net gain from operations, excluding realized
capital gains, was negative. Under the second standard, if dividends are paid
out of other than earned surplus, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company may,
without prior insurance regulatory clearance, pay an amount up to the lesser
of: (i) 10% of its surplus to policyholders as of the end of the immediately
preceding calendar year, or (ii) its statutory net gain from operations for the
immediately preceding calendar year (excluding realized capital gains). In
addition, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company will be permitted to pay a
dividend to MetLife, Inc. in excess of the amounts allowed under both standards
only if it files notice of its intention to declare such a dividend and the
amount thereof with the New York Superintendent of Financial Services (the
"Superintendent") and the Superintendent either approves the distribution of
the dividend or does not disapprove the dividend within 30 days of its filing.
Under the New York State Insurance Law, the Superintendent has broad discretion
in determining whether the financial condition of a stock life insurance
company would support the payment of such dividends to its stockholder.

  Metropolitan Life Insurance Company paid $3.4 billion and $2.8 billion in
dividends to MetLife, Inc. for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020,
respectively, including amounts where regulatory approval was obtained as
required. Under New


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

12. Equity (continued)

York State Insurance Law, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company has calculated
that it may pay approximately $3.5 billion to MetLife, Inc. without prior
regulatory approval by the end of 2022.

Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)

  Information regarding changes in the balances of each component of AOCI
attributable to Metropolitan Life Insurance Company was as follows:

                           Unrealized                        Foreign     Defined
                        Investment Gains     Unrealized     Currency     Benefit
                        (Losses), Net of   Gains (Losses)  Translation    Plans
                       Related Offsets (1) on Derivatives   Adjustments Adjustment     Total
                      -------------------- -------------- ------------- ----------  -----------
                                                    (In millions)
Balance at
 December 31, 2018...      $    2,515        $    1,382     $     (74)   $    (261)  $    3,562
OCI before
 reclassifications...           7,993               516           (32)        (167)       8,310
Deferred income
 tax benefit
 (expense)...........          (1,678)             (109)            9           35       (1,743)
                          -----------       -----------    ----------   ----------  -----------
 AOCI before
   net of income
   tax...............           8,830             1,789           (97)        (393)      10,129
 reclassified from
 AOCI................              60              (237)           --           24         (153)
Deferred income
 tax benefit
 (expense)...........             (13)               50            --           (5)          32
                          -----------       -----------    ----------   ----------  -----------
   from AOCI, net
   of income tax.....              47              (187)           --           19         (121)
                          -----------       -----------    ----------   ----------  -----------
Cumulative effects
 of changes in
 principles..........              (1)               22            --           --           21
Deferred income
 tax benefit
 effects of
 changes in
 principles..........              --                (4)           --           --           (4)
                          -----------       -----------    ----------   ----------  -----------
   effects of
   changes in
   principles, net
   of income tax.....              (1)               18            --           --           17
                          -----------       -----------    ----------   ----------  -----------
Balance at
 December 31, 2019...           8,876             1,620           (97)        (374)      10,025
OCI before
 reclassifications...           1,852             1,144            54         (145)       2,905
Deferred income
 tax benefit
 (expense)...........            (391)             (240)          (10)          30         (611)
                          -----------       -----------    ----------   ----------  -----------
 AOCI before
   net of income
   tax...............          10,337             2,524           (53)        (489)      12,319
 reclassified from
 AOCI................              59              (928)           --           37         (832)
Deferred income
 tax benefit
 (expense)...........             (12)              195            --           (8)         175
                          -----------       -----------    ----------   ----------  -----------
   from AOCI, net
   of income tax.....              47              (733)           --           29         (657)
                          -----------       -----------    ----------   ----------  -----------
Balance at
 December 31, 2020...          10,384             1,791           (53)        (460)      11,662
OCI before
 reclassifications...          (2,564)               30             9           44       (2,481)
Deferred income
 tax benefit
 (expense)...........             586                (8)           (1)          (9)         568
                          -----------       -----------    ----------   ----------  -----------
 AOCI before
   net of income
   tax...............           8,406             1,813           (45)        (425)       9,749
 reclassified from
 AOCI................             102                81            --           38          221
Deferred income
 tax benefit
 (expense)...........             (23)              (22)           --           (8)         (53)
                          -----------       -----------    ----------   ----------  -----------
   from AOCI, net
   of income tax.....              79                59            --           30          168
                          -----------       -----------    ----------   ----------  -----------
Balance at
 December 31, 2021...      $    8,485        $    1,872     $    (45)    $    (395)  $    9,917
                          ===========       ===========    ==========   ==========  ===========
(1)See Note 7 for information on offsets to investments related to policyholder
   liabilities, DAC, VOBA and DSI.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

12. Equity (continued)

   Information regarding amounts reclassified out of each component of AOCI was
as follows:

                                                                                            Consolidated Statements of
                                                         Years Ended December 31,              Operations Locations
-                                                  -----------------------------------     ------------------------------
                                                       2021         2020         2019
                                                   -----------   ----------   ----------
AOCI Components                                       Amounts Reclassified from AOCI
---------------                                    -----------------------------------
                                                              (In millions)
Net unrealized investment gains (losses):
Net unrealized investment gains (losses)..........  $      (67)   $     (30)   $      17   Net investment gains (losses)
Net unrealized investment gains (losses)..........         (13)         (18)         (16)  Net investment income
Net unrealized investment gains (losses)..........         (22)         (11)         (61)  Net derivative gains (losses)
                                                   -----------   ----------   ----------
 Net unrealized investment gains (losses), before
   income tax.....................................        (102)         (59)         (60)
Income tax (expense) benefit......................          23           12           13
                                                   -----------   ----------   ----------
 Net unrealized investment gains (losses), net of
   income tax.....................................         (79)         (47)         (47)
                                                   -----------   ----------   ----------
Unrealized gains (losses) on derivatives - cash
 flow hedges:
Interest rate derivatives.........................          57           36           23   Net investment income
Interest rate derivatives.........................          87          121            4   Net investment gains (losses)
Foreign currency exchange rate derivatives........           4            3           (3)  Net investment income
Foreign currency exchange rate derivatives........        (229)         768          212   Net investment gains (losses)
Credit derivatives................................          --           --            1   Net investment income
                                                   -----------   ----------   ----------
 Gains (losses) on cash flow hedges, before
   income tax.....................................         (81)         928          237
Income tax (expense) benefit......................          22         (195)         (50)
                                                   -----------   ----------   ----------
 Gains (losses) on cash flow hedges, net of
   income tax.....................................         (59)         733          187
                                                   -----------   ----------   ----------
Defined benefit plans adjustment: (1)
Amortization of net actuarial gains (losses)......         (43)         (39)         (27)
Amortization of prior service (costs) credit......           5            2            3
                                                   -----------   ----------   ----------
 Amortization of defined benefit plan items,
   before income tax..............................         (38)         (37)         (24)
Income tax (expense) benefit......................           8            8            5
                                                   -----------   ----------   ----------
 Amortization of defined benefit plan items, net
   of income tax..................................         (30)         (29)         (19)
                                                   -----------   ----------   ----------
 Total reclassifications, net of income tax.......  $     (168)   $     657    $     121
                                                   ===========   ==========   ==========
(1)These AOCI components are included in the computation of net periodic
   benefit costs. See Note 14.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

13. Other Revenues and Other Expenses

Other Revenues

   Information on other revenues, which primarily includes fees related to
service contracts from customers, was as follows:

                                                       Years Ended December 31,
                                                        2021     2020     2019
                                                      -------- -------- --------
                                                            (In millions)
Prepaid legal plans.................................. $    395 $    371 $    329
Recordkeeping and administrative services (1)........      211      194      204
Administrative services-only contracts...............      219      218      210
Other revenue from service contracts from customers..       35       36       39
                                                      -------- -------- --------
Total revenues from service contracts from customers.      860      819      782
Other (2)............................................      756      842      791
                                                      -------- -------- --------
  Total other revenues............................... $  1,616 $  1,661 $  1,573
                                                      ======== ======== ========
(1)Related to products and businesses no longer actively marketed by the

(2)Primarily includes reinsurance ceded. See Note 5.

Other Expenses

  Information on other expenses was as follows:

                                                            Years Ended December 31,
                                                            2021      2020      2019
                                                          --------  --------  --------
                                                                  (In millions)
General and administrative expenses (1).................. $  2,331  $  2,285  $  2,480
Pension, postretirement and postemployment benefit costs.      112        33       107
Premium taxes, other taxes, and licenses & fees..........      332       399       274
Commissions and other variable expenses..................    2,551     1,842     1,814
Capitalization of DAC....................................      (64)      (51)      (43)
Amortization of DAC and VOBA.............................      259       406       239
Interest expense on debt.................................       96        99       105
                                                          --------  --------  --------
  Total other expenses................................... $  5,617  $  5,013  $  4,976
                                                          ========  ========  ========
(1)Includes ($113) million, ($104) million and ($165) million for the years
   ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively, for the net change in
   cash surrender value of investments in certain life insurance policies, net
   of premiums paid.

Capitalization of DAC and Amortization of DAC and VOBA

  See Note 4 for additional information on DAC and VOBA including impacts of
capitalization and amortization. See also Note 6 for a description of the DAC
amortization impact associated with the closed block.

Expenses related to Debt

  See Note 11 for additional information on interest expense on debt, including
affiliated interest expense.

Affiliated Expenses

  See Notes 5 and 17 for a discussion of affiliated expenses related to
reinsurance and service agreement transactions, respectively, included in the
table above.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

14. Employee Benefit Plans

Pension Benefit Plans

   The Company sponsors a U.S. nonqualified defined benefit pension plan
covering MetLife employees who meet specified eligibility requirements of the
sponsor and its participating affiliates. Participating affiliates are
allocated a proportionate share of net expense related to the plan. Pension
benefits are provided utilizing either a traditional formula or cash balance
formula. The traditional formula provides benefits that are primarily based
upon years of credited service and final average earnings. The cash balance
formula utilizes hypothetical or notional accounts which credit participants
with benefits equal to a percentage of eligible pay, as well as interest
credits, determined annually based upon the annual rate of interest on 30-year
U.S. Treasury securities, for each account balance. In September 2018, the
nonqualified defined benefit pension plan was amended, effective January 1,
2023, to provide benefit accruals for all active participants under the cash
balance formula and to cease future accruals under the traditional formula. The
pension plan sponsored by the Company provides supplemental benefits in excess
of limits applicable to a qualified plan which is sponsored by an affiliate.

  Obligations and Funded Status

                                                                December 31,
                                                             2021           2020
                                                        -------------  -------------
                                                                Pension Benefits
                                                                (In millions)
Change in benefit obligations:
Benefit obligations at January 1,......................  $      1,343   $      1,210
Service costs..........................................            17             17
Interest costs.........................................            37             40
Net actuarial (gains) losses (1).......................           (42)           143
Settlements and curtailments...........................            (1)            --
Benefits paid..........................................           (80)           (67)
                                                        -------------  -------------
Benefit obligations at December 31,....................         1,274          1,343
                                                        -------------  -------------
Change in plan assets:
Estimated fair value of plan assets at January 1,......            --             --
Employer contributions.................................            80             67
Benefits paid..........................................           (80)           (67)
                                                        -------------  -------------
Estimated fair value of plan assets at December 31,....            --             --
                                                        -------------  -------------
Over (under) funded status at December 31,.............  $     (1,274)  $     (1,343)
                                                        =============  =============
Amounts recognized on the consolidated balance sheets:
Other liabilities......................................  $     (1,274)  $     (1,343)
Net actuarial (gains) losses...........................  $        510   $        598
Prior service costs (credit)...........................            (9)           (14)
                                                        -------------  -------------
  AOCI, before income tax..............................  $        501   $        584
                                                        =============  =============
  Accumulated benefit obligation.......................  $      1,220   $      1,275
                                                        =============  =============
(1)For the year ended December 31, 2021, significant sources of actuarial
   (gains) losses for pension benefits included the impact of changes to
   financial assumptions of ($47) million, and plan experience of $5 million.
   For the year ended December 31, 2020, significant sources of actuarial
   (gains) losses for pension benefits included the impact of changes to
   financial assumptions of $106 million, demographic assumptions of
   $5 million, and plan experience of $32 million.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

14. Employee Benefit Plans (continued)

  Information on pension plans with PBOs and/or accumulated benefit obligations
("ABO") in excess of plan assets was as follows at:

                                                  December 31,
                                            2021    2020   2021    2020
                                           ------  ------ ------  ------
                                            PBO Exceeds    ABO Exceeds
                                             Estimated    Estimated Fair
                                            Fair Value        Value
                                           of Plan Assets of Plan Assets
                                           -------------  -------------
                                                  (In millions)
          Projected benefit obligations... $1,274  $1,343 $1,274  $1,343
          Accumulated benefit obligations. $1,220  $1,275 $1,220  $1,275

  Net Periodic Benefit Costs

      The components of net periodic benefit costs and benefit obligations
   recognized in OCI were as follows for pension benefits:

                                                                           Years Ended December 31,
                                                                         2021     2020     2019
                                                                         ----     ----     ----
                                                                           (In millions)
Net periodic benefit costs:
Service costs........................................................... $ 17     $ 17     $ 17
Interest costs..........................................................   37       40       46
Settlement and curtailment (gains) losses...............................   (3)      --       --
Amortization of net actuarial (gains) losses............................   43       39       27
Amortization of prior service costs (credit)............................   (2)      (2)      (3)
                                                                          ----     ----     ----
  Total net periodic benefit costs (credit).............................   92       94       87
                                                                          ----     ----     ----
Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized in OCI:
Net actuarial (gains) losses............................................  (42)     143      161
Prior service costs (credit)............................................   --       --        3
Settlement and curtailment (gains) losses...............................    1       --       --
Amortization of net actuarial (gains) losses............................  (43)     (39)     (27)
Amortization of prior service (costs) credit............................    2        2        3
                                                                          ----     ----     ----
  Total recognized in OCI...............................................  (82)     106      140
                                                                          ----     ----     ----
  Total recognized in net periodic benefit costs and OCI................ $ 10     $200     $227
                                                                          ====     ====     ====


     Assumptions used in determining the benefit obligation for the plan were
  as follows:

                                                     Pension Benefits
           December 31, 2021
           Weighted average discount rate...........      2.95%
           Weighted average interest crediting rate.      3.18%
           Rate of compensation increase............ 2.50%  -  8.00%
           December 31, 2020
           Weighted average discount rate...........      2.65%
           Weighted average interest crediting rate.      3.46%
           Rate of compensation increase............ 2.50%  -  8.00%


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

14. Employee Benefit Plans (continued)

     Assumptions used in determining the net periodic benefit cost for the plan
  were as follows:

                                                      Pension Benefits
          Year Ended December 31, 2021
          Weighted average discount rate...........       3.01%
          Weighted average interest crediting rate.       3.24%
          Rate of compensation increase............  2.50%  -  8.00%
          Year Ended December 31, 2020
          Weighted average discount rate...........       3.30%
          Weighted average interest crediting rate.       3.38%
          Rate of compensation increase............  2.25%  -  8.50%
          Year Ended December 31, 2019
          Weighted average discount rate...........       4.35%
          Weighted average interest crediting rate.       4.01%
          Rate of compensation increase............  2.25%  -  8.50%

     The weighted average discount rate is determined annually based on the
  yield, measured on a yield to worst basis, of a hypothetical portfolio
  constructed of high quality debt instruments available on the measurement
  date, which would provide the necessary future cash flows to pay the
  aggregate PBO when due.

     The weighted average interest crediting rate is determined annually based
  on the plan selected rate, long-term financial forecasts of that rate and the
  demographics of the plan participants.

  Expected Future Contributions and Benefit Payments

     Benefit payments due under the nonqualified pension plan are primarily
  funded from the Company's general assets as they become due under the
  provisions of the plan. The Company expects to make benefit payments of
  $80 million in 2022.

     Gross benefit payments for the next 10 years, which reflect expected
  future service where appropriate, are expected to be as follows:

                                      Pension Benefits
                                      (In millions)
                         2022......       $   83
                         2023......       $   81
                         2024......       $   79
                         2025......       $   74
                         2026......       $   80
                         2027-2031.       $  407

Defined Contribution Plans

     The Company contributed to defined contribution plans $24 million,
  $23 million and $26 million for the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and
  2019, respectively.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

15. Income Tax

   The provision for income tax was as follows:

                                                  Years Ended December 31,
                                                    2021    2020     2019
                                                  ------  ------  -------
                                                       (In millions)
     U.S. federal................................ $  (89) $  527  $   280
     U.S. state and local........................      5       3        1
     Non-U.S.....................................     43      (2)      26
                                                  ------  ------  -------
      Subtotal...................................    (41)    528      307
                                                  ------  ------  -------
     U.S. federal................................    577     (18)    (148)
     Non-U.S.....................................     (6)     24      (11)
                                                  ------  ------  -------
      Subtotal...................................    571       6     (159)
                                                  ------  ------  -------
      Provision for income tax expense (benefit). $  530  $  534  $   148
                                                  ======  ======  =======

  The Company's income (loss) before income tax expense (benefit) was as

                                    Years Ended December 31,
                                      2021     2020     2019
                                   -------- -------- --------
                                         (In millions)
                   Income (loss):
                   U.S............ $  4,143 $  3,984 $  3,454
                   Non-U.S........      105       94      106
                                   -------- -------- --------
                    Total......... $  4,248 $  4,078 $  3,560
                                   ======== ======== ========

   The reconciliation of the income tax provision at the U.S. statutory rate to
the provision for income tax as reported was as follows:

                                                   Years Ended December 31,
                                                    2021     2020    2019
                                                   ------   ------  ------
                                                        (In millions)
      Tax provision at U.S. statutory rate........  $ 892    $ 856   $ 748
      Tax effect of:
      Dividend received deduction.................    (39)     (32)    (36)
      Tax-exempt income...........................    (27)     (26)    (40)
      Prior year tax (1)..........................    (13)      22    (173)
      Low income housing tax credits..............   (178)    (202)   (254)
      Other tax credits...........................    (38)     (37)    (43)
      Foreign tax rate differential...............     (7)     (13)     (7)
      Change in valuation allowance...............     --       (1)     (7)
      U.S. Tax Reform impact (2)..................     --       --      (6)
      Other, net (3)..............................    (60)     (33)    (34)
                                                   ------   ------  ------
       Provision for income tax expense (benefit).  $ 530    $ 534   $ 148
                                                   ======   ======  ======
(1)As discussed further below, prior year tax includes a non-cash benefit
   related to an uncertain tax position of $158 million for the year ended
   December 31, 2019.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

15. Income Tax (continued)

(2)For the year ended December 31, 2019, U.S. Tax Reform impact includes a $6
   million tax benefit related to the effect of sequestration on the
   alternative minimum tax credit.

(3)For the year ended December 31, 2021, other primarily includes a tax benefit
   of $53 million related to a non-cash transfer of assets from a wholly-owned
   United Kingdom ("U.K.") subsidiary to Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.

  Deferred income tax represents the tax effect of the differences between the
book and tax bases of assets and liabilities. Net deferred income tax assets
and liabilities consisted of the following at:

                                                        December 31,
                                                        2021     2020
                                                      -------  -------
                                                        (In millions)
        Deferred income tax assets:
        Policyholder liabilities and receivables..... $ 1,622  $ 1,475
        Net operating loss carryforwards (1).........      75       80
        Employee benefits............................     535      540
        Tax credit carryforwards (2).................     741      876
        Litigation-related and government mandated...      84       96
        Other........................................     118      379
                                                      -------  -------
          Total gross deferred income tax assets.....   3,175    3,446
        Less: Valuation allowance....................      74       79
                                                      -------  -------
          Total net deferred income tax assets.......   3,101    3,367
                                                      -------  -------
        Deferred income tax liabilities:
        Investments, including derivatives...........   2,147    1,738
        Intangibles..................................      28       32
        DAC..........................................     317      400
        Net unrealized investment gains..............   2,645    3,177
                                                      -------  -------
          Total deferred income tax liabilities......   5,137    5,347
                                                      -------  -------
          Net deferred income tax asset (liability).. $(2,036) $(1,980)
                                                      =======  =======
(1) The Company has recorded a deferred tax asset of $75 million primarily
    related to U.S. state net operating loss carryforwards and an offsetting
    valuation allowance for the year ended December 31, 2021. U.S. state net
    operating loss carryforwards will expire between 2022 and 2041, whereas
    others have an unlimited carryforward period.

(2) Tax credit carryforwards for the year ended December 31, 2021 primarily
    reflect general business credits expiring between 2038 and 2041 and are
    reduced by $43 million related to unrecognized tax benefits.

  The Company participates in a tax sharing agreement with MetLife, Inc., as
described in Note 1. Pursuant to this tax sharing agreement, the amounts due to
(from) MetLife, Inc. included ($120) million and $183 million at
December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.

  The Company files income tax returns with the U.S. federal government and
various U.S. state and local jurisdictions, as well as non-U.S. jurisdictions.
The Company is under continuous examination by the Internal Revenue Service
("IRS") and other tax authorities in jurisdictions in which the Company has
significant business operations. The income tax years under examination vary by
jurisdiction and subsidiary. The Company is no longer subject to U.S. federal,
state, or local income tax examinations for years prior to 2014.

  In 2021, the Company filed amended Federal income tax returns with the IRS
for MetLife, Inc. and subsidiaries for tax years 2010 through 2013. In 2021,
the IRS reviewed and acknowledged acceptance of the 2010 through 2013 amended
Federal income tax returns and closed the years to further audit.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

15. Income Tax (continued)

   The Company filed refund claims in 2017 with the IRS for 2000 through 2002
to recover tax and interest predominantly related to the disallowance of
certain foreign tax credits for which the Company received a statutory notice
of deficiency in 2015 and paid the tax thereon. The disallowed foreign tax
credits relate to certain non-U.S. investments held by MLIC in support of its
life insurance business through a U.K. investment subsidiary that was
structured as a joint venture until early 2009. In 2020, the Company received
refunds from these claims filed in 2017, and as a result, the Company recorded
a $28 million interest benefit ($22 million, net of tax) included in other

   For tax years 2000 through 2002 and tax years 2007 through 2009, the Company
entered into binding agreements with the IRS in 2019 under which all remaining
issues regarding the foreign tax credit matter noted above were resolved.
Accordingly, in 2019, the Company recorded a non-cash benefit to net income of
$226 million, net of tax, comprised of a $158 million tax benefit recorded in
provision for income tax expense (benefit) and a $86 million interest benefit
($68 million, net of tax) included in other expenses.

   The Company's overall liability for unrecognized tax benefits may increase
or decrease in the next 12 months. For example, U.S. federal tax legislation
and regulation could impact unrecognized tax benefits. A reasonable estimate of
the increase or decrease cannot be made at this time. However, the Company
continues to believe that the ultimate resolution of the pending issues will
not result in a material change to its consolidated financial statements,
although the resolution of income tax matters could impact the Company's
effective tax rate for a particular future period.

   A reconciliation of the beginning and ending amount of unrecognized tax
benefits was as follows:

                                                                                Years Ended December 31,
                                                                                 2021    2020    2019
                                                                                -----    ----   ------
                                                                                   (In millions)
Balance at January 1,..........................................................  $ 35     $33    $ 442
Additions for tax positions of prior years.....................................    --       1       --
Reductions for tax positions of prior years (1)................................   (14)     --     (158)
Additions for tax positions of current year....................................     2       1        3
Settlements with tax authorities (2)...........................................    --      --     (254)
                                                                                -----    ----   ------
Balance at December 31,........................................................  $ 23     $35    $  33
                                                                                =====    ====   ======
Unrecognized tax benefits that, if recognized, would impact the effective rate.  $ 23     $35    $  33
                                                                                =====    ====   ======
(1)The decreases in 2021 and 2019 are primarily related to non-cash benefits
   from tax audit settlements.

(2)The decrease in 2019 is primarily related to tax audit settlements, of which
   $251 million was reclassified to the current income tax payable account.

   The Company classifies interest accrued related to unrecognized tax benefits
in interest expense, included within other expenses.

   Interest was as follows:

                                                                      Years Ended December 31,
                                                                      2021    2020    2019
                                                                      ----    ----   ------
                                                                        (In millions)
Interest expense (benefit) recognized on the consolidated statements
  of operations (1).................................................. $(9)      $4    $(187)


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

15. Income Tax (continued)

                                                                           December 31,
                                                                           2021    2020
                                                                           ----    ----
                                                                           (In millions)
Interest included in other liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets.   $4     $13
(1)The decrease in 2019 is primarily related to tax audit settlements, of which
   $68 million was recorded in other expenses and $119 million was reclassified
   to the current income tax payable account.

16. Contingencies, Commitments and Guarantees



    The Company is a defendant in a large number of litigation matters.
  Putative or certified class action litigation and other litigation and claims
  and assessments against the Company, in addition to those discussed below and
  those otherwise provided for in the Company's consolidated financial
  statements, have arisen in the course of the Company's business, including,
  but not limited to, in connection with its activities as an insurer, mortgage
  lending bank, employer, investor, investment advisor, broker-dealer, and

    The Company also receives and responds to subpoenas or other inquiries
  seeking a broad range of information from state regulators, including state
  insurance commissioners; state attorneys general or other state governmental
  authorities; federal regulators, including the U.S. Securities and Exchange
  Commission; federal governmental authorities, including congressional
  committees; and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, as well as from
  local and national regulators and government authorities in jurisdictions
  outside the United States where the Company conducts business. The issues
  involved in information requests and regulatory matters vary widely, but can
  include inquiries or investigations concerning the Company's compliance with
  applicable insurance and other laws and regulations. The Company cooperates
  in these inquiries.

    It is not possible to predict the ultimate outcome of all pending
  investigations and legal proceedings. The Company establishes liabilities for
  litigation and regulatory loss contingencies when it is probable that a loss
  has been incurred and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated.
  Liabilities have been established for a number of the matters noted below. In
  certain circumstances where liabilities have been established there may be
  coverage under one or more corporate insurance policies, pursuant to which
  there may be an insurance recovery. Insurance recoveries are recognized as
  gains when any contingencies relating to the insurance claim have been
  resolved, which is the earlier of when the gains are realized or realizable.
  It is possible that some of the matters could require the Company to pay
  damages or make other expenditures or establish accruals in amounts that
  could not be reasonably estimated at December 31, 2021. While the potential
  future charges could be material in the particular quarterly or annual
  periods in which they are recorded, based on information currently known to
  management, management does not believe any such charges are likely to have a
  material effect on the Company's financial position. Given the large and/or
  indeterminate amounts sought in certain of these matters and the inherent
  unpredictability of litigation, it is possible that an adverse outcome in
  certain matters could, from time to time, have a material effect on the
  Company's consolidated net income or cash flows in particular quarterly or
  annual periods.

  Matters as to Which an Estimate Can Be Made

    For some of the matters disclosed below, the Company is able to estimate a
  reasonably possible range of loss. For matters where a loss is believed to be
  reasonably possible, but not probable, the Company has not made an accrual.
  As of December 31, 2021, the Company estimates the aggregate range of
  reasonably possible losses in excess of amounts accrued for these matters to
  be $0 to $100 million.

  Matters as to Which an Estimate Cannot Be Made

    For other matters disclosed below, the Company is not currently able to
  estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss. The Company is often
  unable to estimate the possible loss or range of loss until developments in
  such matters


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

16. Contingencies, Commitments and Guarantees (continued)

  have provided sufficient information to support an assessment of the range of
  possible loss, such as quantification of a damage demand from plaintiffs,
  discovery from other parties and investigation of factual allegations,
  rulings by the court on motions or appeals, analysis by experts, and the
  progress of settlement negotiations. On a quarterly and annual basis, the
  Company reviews relevant information with respect to litigation contingencies
  and updates its accruals, disclosures and estimates of reasonably possible
  losses or ranges of loss based on such reviews.

   Asbestos-Related Claims

     Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is and has been a defendant in a large
   number of asbestos-related suits filed primarily in state courts. These
   suits principally allege that the plaintiff or plaintiffs suffered personal
   injury resulting from exposure to asbestos and seek both actual and punitive
   damages. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company has never engaged in the
   business of manufacturing or selling asbestos-containing products, nor has
   Metropolitan Life Insurance Company issued liability or workers'
   compensation insurance to companies in the business of manufacturing or
   selling asbestos-containing products. The lawsuits principally have focused
   on allegations with respect to certain research, publication and other
   activities of one or more of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's employees
   during the period from the 1920s through approximately the 1950s and allege
   that Metropolitan Life Insurance Company learned or should have learned of
   certain health risks posed by asbestos and, among other things, improperly
   publicized or failed to disclose those health risks. Metropolitan Life
   Insurance Company believes that it should not have legal liability in these
   cases. The outcome of most asbestos litigation matters, however, is
   uncertain and can be impacted by numerous variables, including differences
   in legal rulings in various jurisdictions, the nature of the alleged injury
   and factors unrelated to the ultimate legal merit of the claims asserted
   against Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.

     Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's defenses include that:
   (i) Metropolitan Life Insurance Company owed no duty to the plaintiffs;
   (ii) plaintiffs did not rely on any actions of Metropolitan Life Insurance
   Company; (iii) Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's conduct was not the
   cause of the plaintiffs' injuries; and (iv) plaintiffs' exposure occurred
   after the dangers of asbestos were known. During the course of the
   litigation, certain trial courts have granted motions dismissing claims
   against Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, while other trial courts have
   denied Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's motions. There can be no
   assurance that Metropolitan Life Insurance Company will receive favorable
   decisions on motions in the future. While most cases brought to date have
   settled, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company intends to continue to defend
   aggressively against claims based on asbestos exposure, including defending
   claims at trials.

      The approximate total number of asbestos personal injury claims pending
   against Metropolitan Life Insurance Company as of the dates indicated, the
   approximate number of new claims during the years ended on those dates and
   the approximate total settlement payments made to resolve asbestos personal
   injury claims at or during those years are set forth in the following table:

                                                          December 31,
                                                 2021         2020         2019
                                             ------------ ------------ ------------
                                             (In millions, except number of claims)
Asbestos personal injury claims at year end.       58,785       60,618       61,134
Number of new claims during the year........        2,824        2,496        3,187
Settlement payments during the year (1)..... $       53.0 $       52.9 $       49.4

(1) Settlement payments represent payments made by Metropolitan Life Insurance
    Company during the year in connection with settlements made in that year
    and in prior years. Amounts do not include Metropolitan Life Insurance
    Company's attorneys' fees and expenses.

      The number of asbestos cases that may be brought, the aggregate amount of
   any liability that Metropolitan Life Insurance Company may incur, and the
   total amount paid in settlements in any given year are uncertain and may
   vary significantly from year to year.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

16. Contingencies, Commitments and Guarantees (continued)

      The ability of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company to estimate its
   ultimate asbestos exposure is subject to considerable uncertainty, and the
   conditions impacting its liability can be dynamic and subject to change. The
   availability of reliable data is limited and it is difficult to predict the
   numerous variables that can affect liability estimates, including the number
   of future claims, the cost to resolve claims, the disease mix and severity
   of disease in pending and future claims, the willingness of courts to allow
   plaintiffs to pursue claims against Metropolitan Life Insurance Company when
   exposure to asbestos took place after the dangers of asbestos exposure were
   well known, and the impact of any possible future adverse verdicts and their

      The ability to make estimates regarding ultimate asbestos exposure
   declines significantly as the estimates relate to years further in the
   future. In the Company's judgment, there is a future point after which
   losses cease to be probable and reasonably estimable. It is reasonably
   possible that the Company's total exposure to asbestos claims may be
   materially greater than the asbestos liability currently accrued and that
   future charges to income may be necessary, but management does not believe
   any such charges are likely to have a material effect on the Company's
   financial position.

      The Company believes adequate provision has been made in its consolidated
   financial statements for all probable and reasonably estimable losses for
   asbestos-related claims. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's recorded
   asbestos liability covers pending claims, claims not yet asserted, and legal
   defense costs and is based on estimates and includes significant assumptions
   underlying its analysis.

      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company reevaluates on a quarterly and annual
   basis its exposure from asbestos litigation, including studying its claims
   experience, reviewing external literature regarding asbestos claims
   experience in the United States, assessing relevant trends impacting
   asbestos liability and considering numerous variables that can affect its
   asbestos liability exposure on an overall or per claim basis. Based upon its
   regular reevaluation of its exposure from asbestos litigation, Metropolitan
   Life Insurance Company has updated its recorded liability for
   asbestos-related claims to $372 million at December 31, 2021. The recorded
   liability was $425 million at December 31, 2020.

   Julian & McKinney v. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (S.D.N.Y., filed
   February 9, 2017)

      Plaintiffs filed this putative class and collective action on behalf of
   themselves and all current and former long-term disability ("LTD") claims
   specialists between February 2011 and the present for alleged wage and hour
   violations under the Fair Labor Standards Act ("FLSA"), the New York Labor
   Law, and the Connecticut Minimum Wage Act. The suit alleges that
   Metropolitan Life Insurance Company improperly reclassified the plaintiffs
   and similarly situated LTD claims specialists from non-exempt to exempt from
   overtime pay in November 2013. As a result, they and members of the putative
   class were no longer eligible for overtime pay even though they allege they
   continued to work more than 40 hours per week. Plaintiffs seek unspecified
   compensatory and punitive damages, as well as other relief. The court denied
   the plaintiffs' motion to certify the class and the United States Circuit
   Court for the Second Circuit denied plaintiffs leave to appeal this ruling.
   The court granted Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's motion for summary
   judgment as to the lead plaintiff's FLSA claims and its motion to de-certify
   the class as a collective action. Plaintiffs' motion for interlocutory
   review of the de-certification ruling is still pending. The Company intends
   to defend this action vigorously.

   Total Asset Recovery Services, LLC. v. MetLife, Inc., et al. (Supreme Court
   of the State of New York, County of New York, filed December 27, 2017)

      Total Asset Recovery Services (the "Relator") brought an action under the
   qui tam provision of the New York False Claims Act (the "Act") on behalf of
   itself and the State of New York. The Relator originally filed this action
   under seal in 2010, and the complaint was unsealed on December 19, 2017. The
   Relator alleges that MetLife, Inc., Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, and
   several other insurance companies violated the Act by filing false unclaimed
   property reports with the State of New York from 1986 to 2017, to avoid
   having to escheat the proceeds of more than 25,000 life insurance policies,
   including policies for which the defendants escheated funds as part of their
   demutualizations in the late 1990s. The Relator seeks treble damages and
   other relief. The Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court,
   First Department, reversed the court's order granting MetLife, Inc. and
   Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's motion to dismiss and remanded the
   case to the trial court where the Relator has filed an amended complaint.
   The Company intends to defend the action vigorously.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

16. Contingencies, Commitments and Guarantees (continued)

   Matters Related to Group Annuity Benefits

      In 2018, the Company announced that it identified a material weakness in
   its internal control over financial reporting related to the practices and
   procedures for estimating reserves for certain group annuity benefits.
   Several regulators have made inquiries into this issue and it is possible
   that other jurisdictions may pursue similar investigations or inquiries. The
   Company is also exposed to lawsuits and could be exposed to additional legal
   actions relating to this issue. These may result in payments, including
   damages, fines, penalties, interest and other amounts assessed or awarded by
   courts or regulatory authorities under applicable escheat, tax, securities,
   Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, or other laws or
   regulations. The Company could incur significant costs in connection with
   these actions.


  Mortgage Loan Commitments

     The Company commits to lend funds under mortgage loan commitments. The
  amounts of these mortgage loan commitments were $3.1 billion and $2.4 billion
  at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.

  Commitments to Fund Partnership Investments, Bank Credit Facilities, Bridge
  Loans and Private Corporate Bond Investments

     The Company commits to fund partnership investments and to lend funds
  under bank credit facilities, bridge loans and private corporate bond
  investments. The amounts of these unfunded commitments were $4.5 billion and
  $4.3 billion at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.


   In the normal course of its business, the Company has provided certain
indemnities, guarantees and commitments to third parties such that it may be
required to make payments now or in the future. In the context of acquisition,
disposition, investment and other transactions, the Company has provided
indemnities and guarantees, including those related to tax, environmental and
other specific liabilities and other indemnities and guarantees that are
triggered by, among other things, breaches of representations, warranties or
covenants provided by the Company. In addition, in the normal course of
business, the Company provides indemnifications to counterparties in contracts
with triggers similar to the foregoing, as well as for certain other
liabilities, such as third-party lawsuits. These obligations are often subject
to time limitations that vary in duration, including contractual limitations
and those that arise by operation of law, such as applicable statutes of
limitation. In some cases, the maximum potential obligation under the
indemnities and guarantees is subject to a contractual limitation ranging from
less than $1 million to $289 million, with a cumulative maximum of
$405 million, while in other cases such limitations are not specified or
applicable. Since certain of these obligations are not subject to limitations,
the Company does not believe that it is possible to determine the maximum
potential amount that could become due under these guarantees in the future.
Management believes that it is unlikely the Company will have to make any
material payments under these indemnities, guarantees, or commitments.

   In addition, the Company indemnifies its directors and officers as provided
in its charters and by-laws. Also, the Company indemnifies its agents for
liabilities incurred as a result of their representation of the Company's
interests. Since these indemnities are generally not subject to limitation with
respect to duration or amount, the Company does not believe that it is possible
to determine the maximum potential amount that could become due under these
indemnities in the future.

   The Company's recorded liabilities were $2 million and $3 million at
December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively, for indemnities, guarantees and

17. Related Party Transactions

Service Agreements

   The Company has entered into various agreements with affiliates for services
necessary to conduct its activities. Typical services provided under these
agreements include personnel, policy administrative functions and distribution
services. The bases for such charges are modified and adjusted by management
when necessary or appropriate to reflect fairly and equitably


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

         Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements -- (continued)

17. Related Party Transactions (continued)

the actual cost incurred by the Company and/or its affiliates. Expenses and
fees incurred with affiliates related to these agreements, recorded in other
expenses, were $2.5 billion, $2.4 billion and $2.9 billion for the years ended
December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively. Total revenues received from
affiliates related to these agreements were $40 million, $40 million and
$29 million for the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively.

   The Company had net payables to affiliates, related to the items discussed
above, of $143 million and $198 million at December 31, 2021 and 2020,

   See Notes 1, 5, 7, 11 and 12 for additional information on related party


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

                                  Schedule I

                    Consolidated Summary of Investments --
                   Other Than Investments in Related Parties
                               December 31, 2021

                                 (In millions)

                                                                           Estimated         Amount at
                                                     Cost or               Fair              Which Shown on
Types of Investments                              Amortized Cost (1)       Value           Balance Sheet
--------------------                          ---------------------- ------------------ --------------------
Fixed maturity securities AFS:
U.S. government and agency...................  $             26,782  $           31,222 $             31,222
Public utilities.............................                 6,104               7,279                7,279
Municipals...................................                 6,884               8,728                8,728
Foreign government...........................                 4,330               4,946                4,946
All other corporate bonds....................                72,005              80,002               80,002
                                              ---------------------- ------------------ --------------------
  Total bonds................................               116,105             132,177              132,177
Mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities..                41,555              42,902               42,902
Redeemable preferred stock...................                   694                 806                  806
                                              ---------------------- ------------------ --------------------
  Total fixed maturity securities AFS........               158,354             175,885              175,885
Mortgage loans...............................                60,755                                   60,219
Policy loans.................................                 5,816                                    5,816
Real estate and real estate joint ventures...                 7,692                                    7,692
Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debt.                   181                                      181
Other limited partnership interests..........                 8,754                                    8,754
Short-term investments.......................                 4,889                                    4,866
Other invested assets........................                19,860                                   19,860
                                              ----------------------                    --------------------
  Total investments..........................  $            266,301                     $            283,273
                                              ======================                    ====================
(1) Amortized cost for fixed maturity securities AFS, mortgage loans, policy
    loans and short-term investments represents original cost reduced by
    repayments and adjusted for amortization of premium or accretion of
    discount; for real estate, cost represents original cost reduced by
    impairments and depreciation; for real estate joint ventures and other
    limited partnership interests, cost represents original cost reduced for
    impairments or original cost adjusted for equity in earnings and


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

                                 Schedule III
               Consolidated Supplementary Insurance Information
                          December 31, 2021 and 2020

                                 (In millions)

                            Future Policy Benefits,
                             Other Policy-Related
                     DAC         Balances and       Policyholder  Policyholder
                     and     Policyholder Dividend    Account      Dividends       Unearned        Unearned
Segment              VOBA         Obligation          Balances      Payable    Premiums (1), (2)  Revenue (1)
------------------ -------- ----------------------- ------------  ------------ ----------------- ------------
U.S............... $    401        $         72,530    $  72,933      $     --      $        304         $ 21
MetLife Holdings..    2,191                  69,367       21,306           312               154          158
Corporate & Other.        6                     153          220            --                --           --
                   -------- ----------------------- ------------  ------------ ----------------- ------------
  Total........... $  2,598        $        142,050    $  94,459      $    312      $        458         $179
                   ======== ======================= ============  ============ ================= ============
U.S............... $    398        $         73,274    $  74,283      $     --      $        171         $ 23
MetLife Holdings..    2,251                  70,845       22,383           397               150          157
Corporate & Other.       --                     201          (31)           --                --           --
                   -------- ----------------------- ------------  ------------ ----------------- ------------
  Total........... $  2,649        $        144,320    $  96,635      $    397      $        321         $180
                   ======== ======================= ============  ============ ================= ============
(1) Amounts are included within the future policy benefits, other
    policy-related balances and policyholder dividend obligation column.

(2) Includes premiums received in advance.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

                                 Schedule III
        Consolidated Supplementary Insurance Information -- (continued)
             For the Years Ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019

                                 (In millions)

                                                      Policyholder    Amortization of
                                                      Benefits and        DAC and
                      Premiums and                     Claims and          VOBA
                     Universal Life        Net      Interest Credited   Charged to
                   and Investment-Type  Investment   to Policyholder       Other          Other
Segment            Product Policy Fees    Income     Account Balances    Expenses      Expenses (1)
------------------ ------------------- -----------  ----------------- --------------- -------------
U.S...............     $        24,566 $     6,960     $       25,893    $         56    $    3,212
MetLife Holdings..               3,687       5,561              5,557             203         1,574
Corporate & Other.                  --         (35)                --              --         1,300
                   ------------------- -----------  ----------------- --------------- -------------
  Total...........     $        28,253 $    12,486     $       31,450    $        259    $    6,086
                   =================== ===========  ================= =============== =============
U.S...............     $        18,822 $     6,053     $       19,424    $         56    $    3,042
MetLife Holdings..               3,914       4,355              5,897             350         1,707
Corporate & Other.                   1        (158)                --              --           759
                   ------------------- -----------  ----------------- --------------- -------------
  Total...........     $        22,737 $    10,250     $       25,321    $        406    $    5,508
                   =================== ===========  ================= =============== =============
U.S...............     $        19,547 $     6,481     $       20,906    $         55    $    2,904
MetLife Holdings..               4,097       4,579              5,769             184         1,900
Corporate & Other.                   1         (87)                --              --           971
                   ------------------- -----------  ----------------- --------------- -------------
  Total...........     $        23,645 $    10,973     $       26,675    $        239    $    5,775
                   =================== ===========  ================= =============== =============
(1) Includes other expenses and policyholder dividends, excluding amortization
    of DAC and VOBA charged to other expenses.


                      Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
                 (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of MetLife, Inc.)

                                  Schedule IV

                           Consolidated Reinsurance
                       December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019

                             (Dollars in millions)

                                                                                   % Amount
                              Gross Amount    Ceded       Assumed    Net Amount    to Net
                             ------------- ------------ ---------- ------------- ----------
Life insurance in-force..... $   3,991,763 $    164,834 $  546,176 $   4,373,105      12.5%
                             ============= ============ ========== =============
Insurance premium
Life insurance (1).......... $      13,631 $        792 $    4,080 $      16,919      24.1%
Accident & health insurance.         9,377          146         41         9,272       0.4%
                             ------------- ------------ ---------- -------------
 Total insurance premium.... $      23,008 $        938 $    4,121 $      26,191      15.7%
                             ============= ============ ========== =============
Life insurance in-force..... $   3,793,310 $    178,420 $  507,488 $   4,122,378      12.3%
                             ============= ============ ========== =============
Insurance premium
Life insurance (1).......... $      12,304 $        862 $      870 $      12,312       7.1%
Accident & health insurance.         8,517          127         39         8,429       0.5%
                             ------------- ------------ ---------- -------------
 Total insurance premium.... $      20,821 $        989 $      909 $      20,741       4.4%
                             ============= ============ ========== =============
Life insurance in-force..... $   3,810,612 $    257,882 $  525,190 $   4,077,920      12.9%
                             ============= ============ ========== =============
Insurance premium
Life insurance (1).......... $      14,114 $        879 $      785 $      14,020       5.6%
Accident & health insurance.         7,690          128         26         7,588       0.3%
                             ------------- ------------ ---------- -------------
 Total insurance premium.... $      21,804 $      1,007 $      811 $      21,608       3.8%
                             ============= ============ ========== =============
(1) Includes annuities with life contingencies.

   For the year ended December 31, 2021, reinsurance ceded and assumed included
affiliated transactions for life insurance in-force of $13.7 billion and
$1.9 billion, respectively, and life insurance premiums of $114 million and
$3.2 billion, respectively. For the year ended December 31, 2020, reinsurance
ceded and assumed included affiliated transactions for life insurance in-force
of $14.0 billion and $1.1 billion, respectively, and life insurance premiums of
$113 million and $8 million, respectively. For the year ended December 31,
2019, reinsurance ceded and assumed included affiliated transactions for life
insurance in-force of $14.2 billion and $1.3 billion, respectively, and life
insurance premiums of $115 million and $9 million, respectively.



(NOTE: Because some of the exhibits listed below are not available on the Commission’s EDGAR system, Registrant has not hyperlinked these Exhibits to the documents listed. See Securities Act Rule 411(d).)
Item 27.Exhibits
(a)   Board of Directors Resolution. Resolution of the Board of Directors of Metropolitan Life establishing Separate Account E.41
(b)   Custodian Agreements. Not applicable.
(c)   Underwriting Contracts.
  (1) Amended and Restated Principal Underwriting Agreement between Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and MetLife Investors Distribution Company Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 48 to this Registration Statement April 23, 2019.37
  (2) Form of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Sales Agreement.14
  (2)(i) Form of Enterprise Selling Agreement 9-12 (MetLife Investors Distribution Company Sales Agreement).25
(d)   Contracts.
  (1) Amended Form of IRC Section 401 Group Annuity Contract (VestMet).5
  (1)(i) Form of IRC Section 401 Group Annuity Contract (Preference Plus) (Version 2).5
  (1)(ii) Form of IRC Section 401 Group Annuity Contract (Preference Plus) (Allocated and Unallocated).5
  (1)(iii) Form IRC Section 401 Individual Annuity Contract (Preference Plus).5
  (1)(iv) Form IRC Section 401 Group Annuity Contract (Preference Plus) (Oregon).2
  (1)(v) Form IRC Section 401 Group Annuity Contract (Preference Plus) (Allocated).4
  (1)(vi) Form IRC Section 401 Group Annuity Contract (Preference Plus) (Allocated) (New York).4
  (1)(vii) Form of Certificate under IRC Section 401 Group Annuity Contract (Preference Plus) (New York).4
  (2) Amended Form of IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (VestMet).5
  (2)(i) Amended Form of IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Preference Plus).5
  (2)(i)(A) Form of IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Financial Freedom-LIJ).5
  (2)(i)(B) Form of IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Enhanced Preference Plus Contract- Montefiore Medical Center, Maimonides Medical Center, The Mount Sinai Hospital).2
  (2)(i)(C) Form of IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Financial Freedom Account) (New Jersey-ABP).4
  (2)(i)(D) Form of IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Financial Freedom Account) (Texas-ORP).4
  (2)(i)(E) Form of IRC Section 403(b) Individual Annuity Contract (Preference Plus) (Oregon).4
  (2)(ii) Form of Certificate under IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (VestMet).5
  (2)(iii) Form of Certificate under IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Preference Plus) (Version 2).5
  (2)(iii)(A) Form of Certificate under IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Preference Plus) (Versions 1 and 2).2
  (2)(iii)(B) Amended Form of Certificate under IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Preference Plus) (New York).5
  (2)(iii)(C) Form of Certificate under IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Financial Freedom Account).5
  (2)(iii)(D) Forms of Certificate under IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Preference Plus — Enhanced TSA Preference Plus Contract).5
  (2)(iii)(E) Amended Form of Certificate under IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Preference Plus).5
  (2)(iii)(F) Form of Certificate under IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Chapman).5
  (2)(iii)(G) Form of Certificate under IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Preference Plus, Enhanced Preference Plus, Financial Freedom) (Oregon).2
  (2)(iii)(H) Form of Endorsement under IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Preference Plus).2


  (2)(iii)(I) Form of Endorsement under Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Preference Plus, Enhanced Preference Plus, Financial Freedom).2
  (2)(iv) Form of Texas Rider for Certificate under IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (VestMet).2
  (2)(v) Form of Texas Endorsement for Certificate under IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Preference Plus).5
  (2)(vi) Form of Certificate under IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Financial Freedom Account) (New Jersey-ABP).4
  (2)(vii) Form of Certificate under IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Enhanced Preference Plus) (Oregon).4
  (2)(viii) Form of Certificate under IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Financial Freedom) (Texas-ORP).4
  (2)(ix) Form of Certificate under IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Financial Freedom Account) (Texas-ORP).4
  (2)(x) Forms of Endorsement under IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract, 403(a) Group Annuity Contract and Individual Retirement Annuity Contract.5
  (2)(xi) Forms of Endorsement under IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract.5
  (2)(xii) Forms of Endorsement under IRC Section 403(b) for Annuity Contract (VestMet) — Forms R.S.1208 and G.20247-567.7
  (2)(xiii) Forms of Endorsement under IRC Section 408(b) for Flexible Contribution Individual Retirement Annuity (38PP-90(IRA-1), and (G.4333-15, G.4333 (IRA/ENH) — Forms R.S.1228 and G.20247-568.7
  (2)(xiv) Form of Endorsement under IRC Section 403(b) (G.4333-7) — Form G.20247.563.7
  (2)(xv) Form of Endorsement under IRC Section 403(b) (G.4333-7, G.4333 (PPA/TSA- 5)) — Form G.20247-576 (Mutual Benefit Life).8
  (3) Form of IRC Section 408 Simplified Employee Pension Contract (VestMet).5
  (3)(i)(A) Form of IRC Section 408 Simplified Employee Pension Contract (Preference Plus) (Version 2).2
  (3)(i)(B) Amended Form of IRC Section 408 Simplified Employee Pension Contract (Preference Plus).2
  (3)(i)(C) Form of IRC Section 408 Simplified Employee Pension Contract (Preference Plus) (Oregon).2
  (3)(i) Form of IRC Section 408 Simplified Employee Pension Contract (Illinois, Minnesota) (VestMet).5
  (3)(ii) Form of IRC Section 408 Simplified Employee Pension Contract (Michigan) (VestMet).2
  (3)(iii) Form of IRC Section 408 Simplified Employee Pension Contract (New York) (VestMet).5
  (3)(iv) Form of IRC Section 408 Simplified Employee Pension Contract (South Carolina) (VestMet).5
  (3)(v) Form of IRC Section 408 Simplified Employee Pension Contract (Pennsylvania) (VestMet).5
  (3)(vi) Form of IRC Section 408 Simplified Employee Pension Contract (Washington) (VestMet).5
  (3)(vii) Information Statement concerning IRC Section 408 Simplified Employee Pension Contract (VestMet).5
  (3)(viii) Non-Qualified Annuity Endorsements.18
  (4) Form of IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (VestMet).5
  (4)(i)(A) Form of IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (Preference Plus) (Version 2).5
  (4)(i)(B) Form of IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (Preference Plus).5
  (4)(i)(C) Form of IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (Preference Plus) (Oregon).2
  (4)(i) Form of Endorsement to IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (VestMet).5
  (4)(ii) Form of Endorsement to IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (Michigan) (VestMet).5
  (4)(iii) Form of IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (Illinois, Minnesota) (VestMet).15
  (4)(iv) Form of IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (Michigan) (VestMet).2
  (4)(v) Form of IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (New York) (VestMet).5
  (4)(vi) Form of IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (South Carolina) (VestMet).5
  (4)(vii) Form of IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (Pennsylvania) (VestMet).5
  (4)(viii) Form of IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (Washington) (VestMet).5


  (4)(ix) Information Statement concerning IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (VestMet).5
  (4)(x) Form of Endorsement to IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (VestMet).5
  (4)(xi) Form of Endorsement to IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (Michigan) (VestMet).5
  (4)(xii) Form of Endorsement to IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (South Carolina) (VestMet).5
  (4)(xiii) Form of Endorsement to IRC Section 408 Individual Annuity Contract (Preference Plus).4
  (5) Amended Form of IRC Section 408 Group Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (VestMet).5
  (5)(1) Form of IRC Section 408 Group Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (Preference Plus).5
  (5)(i) Form of Certificate under IRC Section 408 Group Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (VestMet).5
  (5)(i)(A) Form of Certificate under IRC Section 408 Group Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (Preference Plus).2
  (5)(i)(B) Forms of Certificate under IRC Section 408 Group Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (Enhanced).5
  (5)(i)(C) Form of Certificate under IRC Section 408 Group Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (Oregon).2
  (5)(i)(D) Form of Endorsement to IRC Section 408 Group Individual Retirement Annuity Contract (G.4333.15).8
  (6) Amended Form of IRC Section 457 Group Annuity Contract for Public Employee Deferred Compensation Plans (VestMet).5
  (6)(i) Form of IRC Section 457 Group Annuity Contract for Public Employee Deferred Compensation Plans (Preference Plus) (Version 2).5
  (6)(ii) Amended Form of IRC Section 457 Group Annuity Contract for Public Employee Deferred Compensation Plans (Preference Plus).5
  (6)(iii) Form of IRC Section 457 Group Annuity Contract for Public Employee Deferred Compensation Plans (Enhanced Preference Plus).5
  (6)(iv) Form of IRC Section 457 Group Annuity Contract for Public Employee Deferred Compensation Plans (Financial Freedom).5
  (6)(v) Form of IRC Section 457 Group Annuity Contract for Public Employee Deferred Compensation Plans (Enhanced Preference Plus).4
  (6)(vi) Form of Endorsement under IRC Section 457(b) for Public Employee Deferred Compensation Plans (G.3068) (Preference Plus) — Form G.7812-45.7
  (7) Form of Endorsement to IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract which Converts Contract into Non-Qualified Status (VestMet).5
  (7)(1) Form of Non-Qualified Contract (Preference Plus) (Version 2).5
  (7)(i)(A) Amended Form of Non-Qualified Contract (Preference Plus).5
  (7)(i)(B) Form of Non-Qualified Contract (Preference Plus) (Oregon).2
  (7)(i) Information Statement concerning IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract with Non-Qualified Endorsement (VestMet).5
  (7)(ii) Form of Endorsement to IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract with Non-Qualified Endorsement (Michigan) (VestMet).5
  (7)(iii) Form of Endorsement to IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity Contract with Non- Qualified Endorsement (South Carolina) (VestMet).5
  (7)(iv) Form of Endorsement to Group Annuity Contract.5
  (8) Amended Form of Non-Qualified Group Contract (VestMet).5
  (8)(i) Form of Certificate under Non-Qualified Group Contract (VestMet).5
  (8)(i)(A) Forms of Certificate under Non-Qualified Group Contract (Preference Plus).5
  (8)(i)(A)(i) Form of Certificate under Non-Qualified Group Contract (Preference Plus-Enhanced Contract; Enhanced Preference Plus).2
  (8)(i)(A)(ii) Form of Certificate under Non-Qualified Group Contract (Preference Plus-Enhanced Contract; Enhanced Preference Plus) (Oregon).2
  (8)(i)(B) Form of Non-Qualified Group Contract (Preference Plus).5


  (8)(i)(C) Form of Non-Qualified Group Contract (Enhanced Preference Plus).5
  (8)(i)(D) Form of Endorsement Concerning Nursing Home or Terminal Illness.2
  (8)(i)(E) Form of Endorsement for death claim settlement for MT-(37PP-90(NQ-1), (38PP-90(IRA-) — Form R.S. 1234MT1998.7
  (8)(i)(F) Form of Non-Qualified Group Contract (Financial Freedom Account) Form — G.3043.7
  (9) Endorsement with respect to Individual IRA and Individual Non-Qualified Contract concerning Death Benefit Provisions (VestMet).5
  (10) Specimen of variable retirement annuity contract for Metropolitan Variable Account B.42
  (11) Proposed Form of Metropolitan Investment Annuity Program, Form 37-74 MIAP for Metropolitan Life Variable Account C.5
  (12) Proposed Form of Metropolitan Investment Annuity Program, Form 37-74 MIAP for Metropolitan Life Variable Account D.5
  (13) Specimen of Flexible-Purchase Variable Annuity Contract for Metropolitan Variable Account A.1
  (14) Specimen of Variable Annuity Contract, Forms 37TV-65 and 20SV-65 for Metropolitan Variable Account B.5
  (15) Form of Certificate under IRC Section 403(a) Group Annuity Contract (Preference Plus).5
  (15)(i) Forms of Certificate under IRC Section 403(a) Group Annuity Contract (Financial Freedom).5
  (15)(ii) Form of Certificate under IRC Section 403(a) Group Annuity Contract (South Carolina).5
  (15)(iii) Form of Certificate under IRC Section 403(a) Group Annuity Contract (SUNY).5
  (15)(iv) Form of Certificate under IRC Section 403(a) Group Annuity Contract (Oregon).2
  (16) Form of Single Premium Immediate Income Payment Contract (Preference Plus).5
  (17) Form of Single Premium Immediate Income Payment Certificate (Enhanced Preference Plus and Financial Freedom).2
  (18) Endorsements for Single Premium Immediate Income Payment Contract.5
  (18)(i) Form of Endorsement for Single Premium Immediate Income Payment Contract (G.4333 (VARPAY) — Form G.20247-560.7
  (18)(ii) Form of Endorsement for Single Premium Immediate Income Payment Contract (PSC 93-05A) for unlimited transfers.5
  (19) Form of Endorsement with respect to the Roth Individual Retirement Annuity — Form R.S. 1220-PPA.6
  (19)(i) Form of Endorsement with respect to the Roth Individual Retirement Annuity — Form R.S. 1220- PPA (Minnesota).6
  (19)(ii) Form of Endorsement with respect to the Roth Individual Retirement Annuity — Form R.S. 1220- PPA (New Jersey).6
  (19)(iii) Form of Amendment with respect to the Roth Individual Retirement Annuity — Form R.S. 1212- PPA.6
  (19)(iv) Form of Amendment with respect to the Roth Individual Retirement Annuity — Form R.S. 1212- PPA (Minnesota).6
  (19)(v) Form of Amendment with respect to the Roth Individual Retirement Annuity — Form R.S. 1212- PPA (New Jersey).6
  (19)(vi)(A) ROTH IRA Endorsements. Forms: R.S. 1233, R.S. 1233OR, R.S. 1233TX(2000).9
  (19)(vi)(B) ROTH IRA Amendments. Forms: R.S. 1238, R.S. 1238OR, R.S. 1238TX(2000).9
  (20) Form of Group Annuity Contract and Amendment under IRC Section 415(m) — Forms G. 3043A and G. 3043A-1 (Financial Freedom Account).6
  (21) Form of Endorsement with respect to Waiver of Administrative Fee — Form R.S. 1206.6
  (22) Forms of Endorsement with respect to exchange from Growth Plus Account to the Preference Plus Account — Form RSC E31910-2.6
  (23) Forms of Endorsement with respect to Enhanced 10% corridor (37PP-90(NQ-1), 38PP-90 (IRA-1) NQ/IRA, NJ PPA and (PSC94-05) — Forms R.S. 1222, R.S. 1222N.J., R.S. 1232 and G. 20247-573.7


  (24) Forms of Endorsement with respect to Fund Expansion (38PP-90(NQ-1), (38PP-90(IRA-1), TSA/403(a), PPI immediate (PSC 93-05A) — Forms R.S. 1230 (11/98), G. 20247-572 and R.S. 1231 (11/98).7,8
  (24)(i)(A) Endorsement Regarding Availability of additional Investment Divisions on July 5, 2000 (R.S. 1241).9
  (24)(i)(B) Contract Endorsement (for NJ Alternate Benefit Plan) (G. 7812-56).9
  (24)(i)(C) Certificate Endorsement (for NJ Alternate Benefit Plan) (G. 20247-578).9
  (25) Forms of Endorsement with respect to Exchange (37PP-90(NQ-1), 38PP-90(IRA-1) and (G.4333- 7) — Forms E31910-3 and G.7812-38-1.7
  (26) Forms of Endorsement for SIMPLE IRA (G.4333-15) and (G.4333-15+RSC 96-37) — Forms RSC 96-37 and R.S. 1209.7
  (27) Forms of demutualization endorsements.8
  (28) Replacement Endorsements for Systematic Withdrawal Program Forms: PSC 94-15 NJ (8/2000), PSC 94-15 MN (8/2000).9
  (28)(i) Replacement Endorsements for Systematic Withdrawal Program FL, NY, VT forms: PSC 94-16 (8/2000), PSC 94-15 (8/2000).9
  (29) Forms of Endorsement for Non-Qualified Annuity Contracts Under IRC Section 72(s) — ML- NQ(11/04)17
  (30) Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 401(a)/403(a) Plan Endorsement ML-401-3 (5/11).24
  (31) Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 457 (b) Plan Endorsement (Governmental and Tax- Exempt) ML-457-2 (5/11).24
(e)   Applications.
  (1) Participation Request and Agreement for the IRC Section 401 Group Annuity Contract.5
  (2) Enrollment Form with respect to the IRC Section 401 Group Annuity Contract.5
  (2)(i) Enrollment Form with respect to the IRC Section 401 Group Annuity Contract (Preference Plus) (Allocated).5
  (3) Participation Request and Agreement for the IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract.5
  (3)(i) Participation Request and Agreement for the IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Direct Mail Form).5
  (4) Enrollment Form with respect to the IRC Section 403(b) Group Contract and the IRC Section 457 Group Annuity Contract.2
  (4)(i) 403(b) Tax Deferred Annuity Customer Agreement Acknowledgement.2
  (4)(ii) Enrollment Form with respect to the IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (Enhanced Preference Plus TSA).2
  (4)(iii) Enrollment Form with respect to the IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract (FFA-TSA).5
  (5) Enrollment Form with respect to the IRC Section 403(b) Group Annuity Contract and the IRC Section 457 Group Annuity Contract.5
  (6) Application for an IRC Section 408 Simplified Employee Pension, IRA and Non-Qualified Deferred Annuities (Preference Plus).2
  (6)(i) Application for Individual IRA and Non-Qualified Contract (Direct Mail Form).3
  (7) Employer Adoption Request Form.5
  (7)(i) Employer Utilization Request Form.5
  (7)(ii) Enrollment Form for IRC Section 408 Group Individual Retirement Account Contract and Non- Qualified Group Contract.5
  (7)(iii) Funding Authorization and Agreement.5
  (7)(iv) Funding Authorization and Agreement (SEP).5
  (8)(i) Enrollment Form for IRC Section 408 Individual Retirement Annuity, IRC Section 408(k) Simplified Employee Pension and Non-Qualified Income Annuity Contract.5
  (8)(ii) Enrollment Form for IRC Sections 403(b), 403(a) and 457 Group Income Annuity Contract.5
  (8)(iii) Enrollment Form for Group IRA Rollover Annuity (Preference Plus-Enhanced Contract).2
  (8)(iv) Enrollment Form for Group Non-Qualified Supplemental Savings (Preference Plus-Enhanced Contract).2


  (9) Application for Variable Annuity (Preference Plus® Account) TSA/IRC Section 457(b) Deferred Compensation/IRC Section 403(a) for form G.4333-7 FORM — 038-PPA-TSA/PEDC (0998).7
  (9)(i) Application for Variable Annuity (Preference Plus® Account) for 37PP-90 (NQ-1), 38PP-90 (IRA- 1) FORM — 038-PPA-IRA/SEP/NQ (0998).7
  (9)(ii) Application for the Preference Plus® Income Annuity for RSC 93-05A FORM — RSCINCAPNQIRASEP (10/98).7
  (9)(iii) Application for Variable Annuity Enhanced Preference Plus® Account for MetLife Employees for forms G.4333-14, G.4333-15 Form — 038MEGPPAIRA/NQ(10/98).7
  (9)(iv) Application Preference Plus Account.8
  (10) Variable Annuity Application for Non-Qualified, IRA and SEP contracts (038-PPA (07/2012) A).9
  (10)(i) Variable Annuity Application for TSA and 403(a) contracts (038-PPA (07/2000)-B).9
  (10)(ii) ROTH Individual Retirement Annuity Endorsement — Form ML-446.2 (9/02).39
  (10)(iii) 401(a)/403(a) Plan Endorsement. Form ML-401.2 (9/02).39
  (10)(iv) Individual Retirement Annuity Endorsement. Form: ML-408.2 (9/02).39
  (10)(v) SIMPLE Individual Retirement Annuity Endorsement. Form: ML-439.1 (9/02).13
  (10)(vi) Tax Sheltered Annuity Endorsement. Form ML-398.3 (9/03).40
(f)   Depositor’s Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws.
  (1) Amended and Restated Charter of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.43
  (2) Amended and Restated By-Laws of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.29
(g)   Reinsurance Contracts. Not applicable.
(h)   Participation Agreements.
  (1) Participation Agreement — Calvert.5
  (1)(i) Amendment to the Shared Funding Agreement dated June 5, 1990 between Calvert Investment Distributors, Inc., and Metropolitan Life Insurance, effective as of April 30, 2011.24
  (1)(ii) Shared Funding Agreement dated December 30, 2016 between Calvert Variable Series and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.31
  (2) Participation Agreements — Fidelity Distributors Corp.5
  (2)(i) Supplemental Agreements — Fidelity.6
  (2)(ii) Summary Prospectus Agreement (Summary) — Fidelity.21
  (2)(iii) Amendment dated June 1, 2015 to the Participation Agreement dated November 25, 2002 between Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and Fidelity Distributors Company .30
  (2)(iv) Amended and Restated Participation Agreement dated January 26, 2018 among Fidelity Variable Insurance Products, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.33
  (3) Participation Agreement — New England Zenith Fund.10
  (4) Participation Agreement — American Funds Insurance Series.11
  (4)(i) Participation Agreement – American Funds Insurance Series – Summary.20
  (4)(ii) Amendment No. 1 dated May 1, 2006 to the Participation Agreement dated April 30, 2001 among Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, American Funds Insurance Series, and Capital Research and Management Company; Amendment No. 2 dated as April 28, 2008 to the Participation Agreement dated April 30, 2001, as previously amended among Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, American Funds Insurance Series, and Capital Research and Management Company; and Amendment No. 3 dated as of November 10, 2008 to the Participation Agreement dated April 30, 2001, as previously amended among Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, American Funds Insurance Series, and Capital Research and Management Company.26
  (4)(iii) Amendment No. 4 to Participation Agreement between Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, American Funds Insurance Series and Capital Research and Management Company dated November 19, 2014.27
  (4)(iv) Amendment dated as of June 7, 2021 to the Participation Agreement dated April 30, 2001 and May 16, 1989, as amended, by and among Metropolitan Life Insurance Company on behalf of itself and certain of its separate accounts; American Funds Insurance Series; and Capital Research and Management Company.43


  (5) Participation Agreement — Met Investors Series Trust.12
  (5)(i) First Amendment to the Participation Agreement.23
  (5)(ii) Second Amendment to the Participation Agreement.23
  (5)(iii) Amendment to each of the Participation Agreements currently in effect between Met Investors Series Trust, MetLife Advisers, LLC, MetLife Investors Distribution Company and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, MetLife Insurance Company of Connecticut, MetLife Investors USA Insurance Company, MetLife Investors Insurance Company, First MetLife Investors Insurance Company, New England Life Insurance Company and General American Life Insurance Company effective April 30, 2010.24
  (6) Participation Agreement with Metropolitan Series Fund, Inc.19
  (6)(i) Amendment to each of the Participation Agreements currently in effect between Metropolitan Series Fund, MetLife Advisers, LLC, MetLife Investors Distribution Company and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company, MetLife Insurance Company of Connecticut, MetLife Investors USA Insurance Company, MetLife Investors Insurance Company, First MetLife Investors Insurance Company, New England Life Insurance Company and General American Life Insurance Company effective April 30, 2010.24
  (7) MLI Distribution Company Retail Sales Agreement.16
  (8) Participation Agreement dated March 6, 2017 by and among Brighthouse Funds Trust I, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC and Brighthouse Securities, LLC.29
  (9) Participation Agreement dated March 6, 2017 by and among Brighthouse Funds Trust II, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Brighthouse Investment Advisers, LLC and Brighthouse Securities, LLC.29
  (10)(i) Amendment dated January 1, 2021 to the Participation Agreement with Brighthouse Funds Trust I.34
  (10)(ii) Amendment dated January 1, 2021 to the Participation Agreement with Brighthouse Funds Trust II.34
(i)   Administrative Contracts. Not applicable.
(j)   Other Material Contracts. Not applicable.
(k)   Legal Opinion. Opinion of Counsel.5
(l)   Other Opinions. Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.43
(m)   Omitted Financial Statements. Not applicable.
(n)   Initial Capital Agreements. Not applicable.
(o)   Form of Initial Summary Prospectus.43
  (1) Initial Summary Prospectus (Enhanced Preference Plus — EPPA)
  (2) Initial Summary Prospectus (Financial Freedom)
  (3) Initial Summary Prospectus (Preference Plus Account — BPPA)
(p)   Powers of Attorney for Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and its designated Separate Accounts 28
1. Previously filed with the initial filing of the Registration Statement of Metropolitan Variable Account A of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company on May 28, 1969.
2. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 19 to this Registration Statement on Form N-4 on February 27, 1996.
3. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 6 to this Registration Statement on Form N-4 on April 1, 1988.
4. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 21 to this Registration Statement on Form N-4 on February 28, 1997.
5. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 22 to this Registration Statement on Form N-4 on April 30, 1997.
6. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 23 to this Registration Statement on Form N-4 on April 3, 1998.
7. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 24 to this Registration Statement on Form N-4 on January 12, 1999.
8. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 26 to this Registration Statement on Form N-4 on April 6, 2000.
9. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 27 to this Registration Statement on Form N-4 on April 3, 2001.
10. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 10 to Registration Statement No. 33-57320 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account UL on Form S-6 on September 18, 2000. As incorporated herein by reference.
11. Filed with Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to Registration Statement No. 333-52366 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on Form N-4 on August 3, 2001. As incorporated herein by reference.


12. Amended and Restated Charter of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company filed with Registration Statement No. 333-83716 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on Form N-4 on March 5, 2002. As incorporated herein by reference.
13. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 29 to this Registration Statement on Form N-4 on April 10, 2003.
14. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 30 to this Registration Statement on Form N-4 on October 22, 2003.
15. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 to this Registration Statement on Form S-6 on April 25, 1985.
16. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 35 to this Registration Statement on Form N-4 on April 27, 2006.
17. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to this Registration Statement on Form N-4 on April 8, 2005.
18. Amended and Restated By-Laws of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 16 to Registration Statement No. 333-52366 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on Form N-4 on January 17, 2008. As incorporated herein by reference.
19. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 9 to Registration Statement No. 333-83716 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on Form N-4 on September 10, 2007. As incorporated herein by reference.
20. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 15 to Registration Statement No. 333-83716 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on Form N-4 on April 12, 2011. As incorporated herein by reference.
21. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 2 to Registration Statement No. 333-162586 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on Form N-4 on April 12, 2011. As incorporated herein by reference.
22. [Reserved]
23. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 2 to Registration Statement File No. 333-153109 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on Form N-4 on June 26, 2009. As incorporated herein by reference.
24. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 16 to Registration Statement File No. 333-83716 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on Form N-4 on April 12, 2012. As incorporated herein by reference.
25. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 17 to Registration Statement File No. 333-83716 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on Form N-4 on April 11, 2013. As incorporated herein by reference.
26. Filed with Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Statement on Form N-4 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E (File Nos. 333-160722) filed November 2, 2009. As incorporated herein by reference.
27. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 18 to Registration Statement File No. 333-176654 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on Form N-4 on April 13, 2016. As incorporated herein by reference.
28. Filed with Registration Statement for Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. File 333-234816 on Form S-3, filed November 22, 2019.
29. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 19 to Registration Statement File No. 333-176654 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on Form N-4 on April 12, 2017. As incorporated herein by reference.
30. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 3 to Registration Statement File No. 333-198314 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on Form N-4 on April 12, 2017. As incorporated herein by reference.
31. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 46 to Registration Statement File No. 2-90380 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on Form N-4 on April 26, 2017. As incorporated herein by reference.
32. [Reserved].
33. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 5 to Registration Statement File No. 333-190296 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on Form N-4 on April 10, 2018. As incorporated herein by reference.
34. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 27 to the Registration Statement for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on Form N-4 (File No. 333-83716) filed April 28, 2021. As incorporated herein by reference.
35. [Reserved].
36. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 8 to Registration Statement File No. 333-190296 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on Form N-4 on February 26, 2021. As incorporated herein by reference.
37. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 48 to Registration Statement File No. 2-90380 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on Form N-4 on April 23, 2019. As incorporated herein by reference.
38. [Reserved].
39. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 2 to Registration Statement No. 333-52366 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on Form N-4 on April 10, 2003. As incorporated herein by reference.
40. Filed with Registration Statement No. 333-176654 for Metropolitan Life Separate Account E on Form N-4 on Sept 2, 2011. As incorporated herein by reference.


41. Filed with Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to Registration Statement No. 333-198314 on Form N-4 on October 31, 2014. As incorporated herein by reference.
42. Filed with Post-Effective Amendment No. 42 to this Registration Statement No. 002-90380 on Form N-4 on April 16, 2013. As incorporated herein by reference.
43. Filed herewith.
Item 28. Directors and Officers of Depositor
Name and Principal Business Address   Positions and Offices with Depositor
R. Glenn Hubbard
Chairman of the Board, MetLife, Inc.
Dean Emeritus and Russell L. Carson Professor
of Economics and Finance, Graduate School of
Business, and Professor of Economics, Faculty of
Arts and Sciences, Columbia University
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
  Chairman of the Board and Director
Michel A. Khalaf
President and Chief Executive Officer
MetLife, Inc.
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
  President and Chief Executive Officer and Director
Cheryl W. Grisé
Former Executive Vice President
Northeast Utilities
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
Carlos M. Gutierrez
Former U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Co-Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
EmPath, Inc.
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
Gerald L. Hassell
Former Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
David L. Herzog
Former Chief Financial Officer and
Executive Vice President
American International Group
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
Edward J. Kelly, III
Former Chairman, Institutional Clients Group
Citigroup, Inc.
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
William E. Kennard
Former U.S. Ambassador to the European Union
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166


Name and Principal Business Address   Positions and Offices with Depositor
Catherine R. Kinney
Former President and Co-Chief Operating Officer
New York Stock Exchange, Inc.
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
Diana L. McKenzie
Former Chief Information Officer
Workday, Inc.
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
Denise M. Morrison
Former President and Chief Executive Officer
Campbell Soup Company
1 Campbell Place
Camden, NJ 08103
Mark A. Weinberger
Former Global Chairman and Chief Executive
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
Set forth below is a list of certain principal officers of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. The principal business address of each principal officer is 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166 unless otherwise noted below.
Michel A. Khalaf   President and Chief Executive Officer
Marlene Debel   Executive Vice President and Chief Risk Officer
Stephen W. Gauster   Executive Vice President and General Counsel
John Dennis McCallion   Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Lyndon Oliver   Executive Vice President and Treasurer
Bill Pappas   Executive Vice President, Global Technology & Operations
Susan Podlogar   Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
Tamara Schock   Executive Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer
Ramy Tadros   President, U.S. Business
Steven J. Goulart   Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer
Kishore Ponnavolu   President, Asia


Item 29. Persons Controlled by or Under Common Control with the Depositor or Registrant.
The Registrant is a separate account of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company under the New York Insurance law. Under said law the assets allocated to the Separate Account are the property of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of MetLife, Inc., a publicly traded company. The following outline indicates those persons who are controlled by or under common control with MetLife, Inc. No person is controlled by the Registrant.
AS OF December 31, 2021
The following is a list of subsidiaries of MetLife, Inc. updated as of December 31, 2021. Those entities which are listed at the left margin (labeled with capital letters) are direct subsidiaries of MetLife, Inc. Unless otherwise indicated, each entity which is indented under another entity is a subsidiary of that other entity and, therefore, an indirect subsidiary of MetLife, Inc. Certain inactive subsidiaries have been omitted from the MetLife, Inc. organizational listing. The voting securities (excluding directors’ qualifying shares, if any) of the subsidiaries listed are 100% owned by their respective parent corporations, unless otherwise indicated. The jurisdiction of domicile of each subsidiary listed is set forth in the parenthetical following such subsidiary.
A. MetLife Group, Inc. (NY)
  1. MetLife Pet Insurance Solutions, LLC (KY)
  2. Versant Health, Inc. (DE)
    a) Versant Health Holdco, Inc . (DE)
      i) Versant Health Consolidation Corp, (DE)
        1) WDV Acquisition Corp, (DE)
          aa) Davis Vision, Inc. (NY)
            aaa) Versant Health Lab, LLC (DE)
            bbb) DavisVision IPA, Inc. (NY)
        2) Superior Vision Holdings, Inc. (DE)
          aa) Superior Procurement, Inc. (DE)
          bb) Superior Vision Services, Inc. (DE)
            aaa) Superior Vision Insurance, Inc. (AZ)
        3) Block Vision Holdings Corporation (DE)
          aa) Vision Twenty-One Managed Eye Care IPA, Inc. (NY)
          bb) Superior Vision Insurance Plan of Wisconsin, Inc. (WI)
          cc) Vision 21 Physician Practice Management Company (FL)
          dd) Superior Vision Benefit Management, Inc. (NJ)
            aaa) Vision 21 Managed Eye Care of Tampa Bay, Inc. (FL)
            bbb) Block Vision of Texas, Inc. (TX)
            ccc) UVC Independent Practice Association, Inc. (NY)
            ddd) MEC Health Care, Inc. (MD)
            eee) Superior Vision of New Jersey, Inc. (NJ)
  3. MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC (DE)
    a) MetLife Solutions Pte. Ltd. (SGP)
      i) MetLife Services East Private Limited (IND) - 99.99% is owned by MetLife Solutions Pte. Ltd. and .01% by Natiloportem Holdings, LLC
      ii) MetLife Global Operations Support Center Private Limited (IND) - 99.99999% is owned by MetLife Solutions Pte. Ltd. and 0.00001% is owned by Natiloportem Holdings, LLC.


B. MetLife Home Loans, LLC (DE)
C. Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company (NE)
  1. MTL Leasing, LLC (DE)
    a) PREFCO XIV Holdings LLC (CT)
  2. MetLife Assignment Company, Inc. (DE)
D. MetLife Chile Inversiones Limitada (CHL) - 72.35109659% is owned by MetLife, Inc., 24.8823628% by American Life Insurance Company (“ALICO”), 2.76654057% is owned by Inversiones MetLife Holdco Dos Limitada and 0.00000004% is owned by Natiloportem Holdings, LLC.
  1. MetLife Chile Seguros de Vida S.A. (CHL) - 99.99% is held by MetLife Chile Inversiones Limitada and 0.01% by International Technical and Advisory Services Limited.
    a) MetLife Chile Administradora de Mutuos Hipotecarios S.A. (CHL) - 99.9% is held by MetLife Chile Seguros de Vida S.A. and 0.1% is held by MetLife Chile Inversiones Limitada.
  2. Inversiones MetLife Holdco Tres Limitada (CHL) - 97.13% of Inversiones MetLife Holdco Tres Limitada is owned by MetLife Chile Inversiones Limitada and 2.87% is owned by Inversiones MetLife Holdco Dos Limitada.
    a) AFP Provida S.A. (CHL) - 42.3815% of AFP Provida S.A. is owned by Inversiones MetLife Holdco Dos Limitada, 42.3815% is owned by Inversiones MetLife Holdco Tres Limitada, 10.9224% is owned by MetLife Chile Inversiones Limitada and the remainder is owned by the public.
      i) Provida Internacional S.A. (CHL) - 99.99% of Provida Internacional S.A. is owned by AFP Provida S.A and 0.01% is owned by MetLife Chile Inversiones Limitada.
        1) AFP Genesis Administradora de Fondos y Fidecomisos S.A. (Ecuador) - 99.9% of AFP Genesis Administradora de Fondos y Fidecomisos S.A. is owned by Provida Internacional S.A. and 0.1% by MetLife Chile Inversiones Limitada
  3. MetLife Chile Seguros Generales, S.A. (CHL) - 99.99% of MetLife Chile Seguros Generales S.A. is owned by MetLife Chile Inversiones Limitada and 0.01% is owned by Inversiones MetLife Holdco Dos Limitada.
E. MetLife Digital Ventures, Inc. (DE)
F. Metropolitan Property and Casualty Insurance Company (RI)
  1. Metropolitan General Insurance Company (RI)
  2. Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Company (RI)
  3. Metropolitan Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Company (RI)
  4. MetLife Auto & Home Insurance Agency, Inc. (RI)
  5. Metropolitan Group Property and Casualty Insurance Company (RI)
  6. Metropolitan Lloyds, Inc. (TX)
    a) Metropolitan Lloyds Insurance Company of Texas (TX)- Metropolitan Lloyds Insurance Company of Texas, an affiliated association, provides automobile, homeowner and related insurance for the Texas market. It is an association of individuals designated as underwriters. Metropolitan Lloyds, Inc., a subsidiary of Metropolitan Property and Casualty Insurance Company, serves as the attorney-in-fact and manages the association.
  7. Economy Fire & Casualty Company (IL)
    a) Economy Preferred Insurance Company (IL)
    b) Economy Premier Assurance Company (IL)
G. Newbury Insurance Company, Limited (DE)
H. MetLife Investors Group, LLC (DE)
  1. MetLife Investors Distribution Company (MO)
  2. MetLife Investments Securities, LLC (DE)
(a) MAXIS Services, LLC (DE) - MetLife, Inc. sold its interests in MAXIS Services, LLC to MAXIS GBN on December 14, 2021.
      i) MAXIS Insurance Brokerage Services, Inc. (DE) - 100% of MAXIS Insurance Brokerage Services, Inc. is owned by MAXIS Insurance Brokerage Services, Inc. (DE)


I. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (“MLIC”) (NY)
  1. MTU Hotel Owner, LLC (DE)
  2. ML-AI MetLife Member 5, LLC (DE)
  3. Pacific Logistics Industrial South, LLC (DE)
  4. ML Clal Member, LLC (DE)
  5. ML Third Army Industrial Member, LLC (DE)
  6. MFA Financing Vehicle CTR1, LLC (DE)
  7. ML One Bedminster, LLC (DE)
a) Pacific Logistics Industrial North, LLC (DE)
  10. MET 1065 HOTEL, LLC (DE)
a) ML Spokane Industrial Member, LLC (DE)
  12. White Tract II, LLC (DE)
  13. MetLife Japan US Equity Owners LLC (DE)
1. ML Sloan’s Lake Member, LLC (DE) - Metropolitan Life Insurance Company owns 55% and 45% by Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company.
  2. St. James Fleet Investments Two Limited (CYM)
    a) OMI MLIC Investments Limited (CYM)
  3. MLIC Asset Holdings II LLC (DE)
  4. CC Holdco Manager, LLC (DE)
  5. Transmountain Land & Livestock Company (MT)
  6. Missouri Reinsurance, Inc. (CYM)
  7. Metropolitan Tower Realty Company, Inc. (DE)
    a) Midtown Heights, LLC (DE)
  8. MetLife RC SF Member, LLC (DE)
a) MNQM TRUST 2020 (DE)
  9. 23rd Street Investments, Inc. (DE)
    a) MetLife Capital Credit L.P. (DE)- 1% General Partnership interest is held by 23rd Street Investments, Inc. and 99% Limited Partnership interest is held by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.
    b) MetLife Capital Limited Partnership (DE)- 1% General Partnership interest is held by 23rd Street Investments, Inc. and 99% Limited Partnership interest is held by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.
c) Long Island Solar Farm LLC (DE) - 90.39% membership interest is held by LISF Solar Trust in which MetLife Capital Limited Partnership has a 100% beneficial interest and the remaining 9.61% is owned by a third party.
      i) Met Canada Solar ULC (CAN)
  10. MetLife Holdings, Inc. (DE)
    a) MetLife Credit Corp. (DE)
    b) MetLife Funding, Inc. (DE)
  11. ML Southlands Member, LLC (DE) - Metropolitan Life Insurance Company owns 60% and 40% by Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company.
ML PORT CHESTER SC MEMBER, LLC (DE) - Metropolitan Life Insurance Company owns 60% and 40% is owned by Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company.
  12. Corporate Real Estate Holdings, LLC (DE)


  13. MetLife Tower Resources Group, Inc. (DE)
  14. ML Sentinel Square Member, LLC (DE)
  15. MetLife Securitization Depositor LLC (DE)
  16. WFP 1000 Holding Company GP, LLC (DE)
  17. MTU Hotel Owner, LLC (DE) 13-5581829
a) Plaza Drive Properties, LLC (DE)
  18. White Oak Royalty Company (OK)
  19. 500 Grant Street GP LLC (DE)
  20. 500 Grant Street Associates Limited Partnership (CT) - 99% of 500 Grant Street Associates Limited Partnership is held by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and 1% by 500 Grant Street GP LLC.
  21. MetLife Retirement Services LLC (NJ)
  22. Euro CL Investments, LLC (DE)
  23. MEX DF Properties, LLC (DE)
a) PREFCO Fourteen, LLC (DE)
  24. MSV Irvine Property, LLC (DE) - 4% of MSV Irvine Property, LLC is owned by Metropolitan Tower Realty Company, Inc. and 96% is owned by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.
  25. MetLife Properties Ventures, LLC (DE)
  26. Housing Fund Manager, LLC (DE)
a) MTC Fund I, LLC (DE) - Housing Fund Manager, LLC is the managing member and owns .01% and the remaining interests are held by a third party member.
b) MTC Fund II, LLC (DE) - Housing Fund Manager, LLC is the managing member and owns .01% and the remaining interests are held by a third party member.
c) MTC Fund III, LLC (DE) - Housing Fund Manager, LLC is the managing member and owns .01% and the remaining interests are held by a third party member.
  27. MLIC Asset Holdings LLC (DE)
  28. The Building at 575 Fifth Avenue Mezzanine LLC (DE)
    a) The Building at 575 Fifth Retail Holding LLC (DE)
      i) The Building at 575 Fifth Retail Owner LLC (DE)
  29. MetLife Chino Member, LLC (DE)
  30. MLIC CB Holdings LLC (DE)
  31. MetLife CC Member, LLC (DE) - 95.122% of MetLife CC Member, LLC is owned by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and 4.878% is owned by Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company.
  32. Oconee Hotel Company, LLC (DE)
a) ML Hudson Member, LLC (DE)
  33. Oconee Land Company, LLC (DE)
    a) Oconee Land Development Company, LLC (DE)
    b) Oconee Golf Company, LLC (DE)
    c) Oconee Marina Company, LLC (DE)
  34. 1201 TAB Manager, LLC (DE)
  35. MetLife 1201 TAB Member, LLC (DE)
  36. MetLife LHH Member, LLC (DE) - 99% of MetLife LHH Member, LLC is owned by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and 1% is owned by Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company.
  37. 1001 Properties, LLC (DE)


  38. 6104 Hollywood, LLC (DE)
  39. Boulevard Residential, LLC (DE)
  40. ML-AI MetLife Member 3, LLC (DE)
  41. Marketplace Residences, LLC (DE)
  42. ML Swan Mezz, LLC (DE)
    a) ML Swan GP, LLC (DE)
  43. ML Dolphin Mezz, LLC (DE)
    a) ML Dolphin GP, LLC (DE)
  44. Haskell East Village, LLC (DE)
  45. 150 North Riverside PE Member, LLC (DE) - MLIC owns an 81.45% membership interest and Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company owns a 18.55% membership interest
  46. ML Terraces, LLC (DE)
  47. Chestnut Flats Wind, LLC (DE)
  48. MetLife 425 MKT Member, LLC (DE) - 66.91% of MetLife 425 MKT Member, LLC is owned by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and 33.09% is owned by MREF 425 MKT, LLC.
  49. MetLife OFC Member, LLC (DE)
  50. MetLife THR Investor, LLC (DE)
  51. ML Southmore, LLC (DE) - 99% of ML Southmore, LLC is owned by MLIC and 1% by Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company.
  52. ML - AI MetLife Member 1, LLC (DE) - 100% of the membership interest is owned by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.
  53. MetLife CB W/A, LLC (DE)
a) ML OMD Member, LLC (DE)
  54. MetLife Camino Ramon Member, LLC (DE) - 99% of MetLife Camino Ramon Member, LLC is owned by MLIC and 1% by Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company.
    MCRE BLOCK 40, LP.
  55. 10700 Wilshire, LLC (DE)
  56. Viridian Miracle Mile, LLC (DE)
  57. MetLife 555 12th Member, LLC (DE) - 94.6% is owned by MLIC and 5.4% by Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company.
  58. MetLife OBS Member, LLC (DE)
  59. MetLife 1007 Stewart, LLC (DE)
  60. ML-AI MetLife Member 2, LLC (DE) - 98.97% of ML-AI MetLife Member 2, LLC’s ownership interest is owned by MLIC and 1.03% by Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company.
  61. MetLife Treat Towers, Member, LLC (DE)
  62. MetLife FM Hotel Member, LLC (DE)
    a) LHCW Holdings (U.S.) LLC (DE)
      i) LHC Holdings (U.S.) LLC (DE)
        1) LHCW Hotel Holdings LLC (DE)
      aa) LHCW Hotel Holdings (2002) LLC (DE)
      bb) LHCW Hotel Operating Company (2002) LLC (DE)
  63. ML Mililani Member, LLC (DE)- is owned at 95% by MLIC and 5% by Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company.
  64. MetLife SP Holdings, LLC (DE)
    a) MetLife Private Equity Holdings, LLC (DE)
  65. Buford Logistics Center, LLC (DE)


  66. MetLife Park Tower Member, LLC (DE)
    a) Park Tower REIT, Inc. (DE)
      i) Park Tower JV Member, LLC (DE)
  67. MCPP Owners, LLC (DE) - 87.34% is owned by MLIC, 1.81% by Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company, and 10.85% by MTL Leasing, LLC.
  68. ML-AI MetLife Member 5, LLC (DE)
  69. MetLife HCMJV 1 GP, LLC (DE)
  70. MetLife ConSquare Member, LLC (DE)
  71. MetLife Ontario Street Member, LLC (DE)
  72. 1925 WJC Owner, LLC (DE)
    b) MIM Spokane Industrial Manager, LLC (DE)
  73. MetLife Member Solaire, LLC (DE)
  74. Sino-US United MetLife Insurance Co., Ltd. - 50% of Sino-US United MetLife Insurance Company, Ltd. is owned by MLIC and 50% is owned by a third party.
    c) 1350 Eye Street Owner LLC (DE) - 95.616439% of 1350 Eye Street Owner LLC is owned by Metropolitan Life insurance Company and 4.383561% is owned by Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company.
  75. ML Cerritos TC Member, LLC (DE) - Metropolitan Life Insurance Company owns 60% and 40% by Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company.
  76. MetLife Boro Station Member, LLC (DE)
  77. MetLife 8280 Member, LLC (DE)
    a) MetLife Campus at SGV Member LLC (DE)
  78. Southcreek Industrial Holdings, LLC (DE)
  79. MMP Owners, LLC (DE)
  80. ML Corner 63 Member, LLC (DE)
    a) ML Armature Member, LLC (DE) - 87.34% of ML Armature Member, LLC is owned by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and 12.66% is owned by Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company.
  81. ML-AI MetLife Member 4, LLC (DE) - 60% owned by MLIC and 40% owned by Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company.
J. MetLife Capital Trust IV (DE)
K. MetLife Investments Management, LLC. (DE)


  1. MetLife Senior Direct Lending GP, LLC (DE)
    a. MetLife Senior Direct Lending Fund, LP (CYM)
      i. MetLife Senior Direct Lending Finco, LLC (DE)
        aa) MetLife Senior Direct Lending Holdings, LP (DE)
    b. MLJ US Feeder LLC (DE) - MetLife Senior Direct Lending GP, LLC is the Manager of MLJ US Feeder LLC. MetLife Insurance K.K. is the sole member.
  2. MIM MetWest International Manager, LLC (DE)
  3. MIM ML-AI Venture 5 Manager, LLC (DE)
  4. MIM Clal General Partner, LLC (DE)
  5. MIM Third Army Industrial Manager, LLC (DE)
  6. MetLife 425 MKT Manager, LLC (DE)
  7. MetLife Alternatives GP, LLC (DE)
    a) MetLife International PE Fund I, LP (CYM) - 95.88% of the Limited Partnership interests of this entity is owned by MetLife Insurance K.K. (Japan) and 4.12% is owned by MetLife Mexico S.A.,
    b) MetLife International PE Fund II, LP (CYM) - 97.90% of the limited partnership interests of MetLife International PE Fund II, LP is owned by MetLife Insurance K.K. (Japan) and 2.1% by MetLife Mexico, S.A.
    c) MetLife International HF Partners, LP (CYM) - 90.30% of the Limited partnership interests of this entity is owned by MetLife Insurance K.K. (Japan) and 9.70% is owned by MetLife Insurance Company of Korea Limited,
    d) MetLife International PE Fund III, LP (CYM) - 92.09% of the limited partnership interests of MetLife International PE Fund III, LP is owned by MetLife Insurance K.K. (Japan) and 7.91% is owned by MetLife Insurance Company of Korea Limited,
    e) MetLife International PE Fund IV, LP (CYM) - 96.21% of the limited partnership interests of MetLife International PE Fund IV, LP is owned by MetLife Insurance K.K. (Japan) and 3.79% is owned by MetLife Insurance Company of Korea Limited,
    f) MetLife International PE Fund V, LP (CYM) - 96.73% of the Limited partnership interests of this entity is owned by MetLife Insurance K.K. (Japan) and the remaining 3.27% is owned by MetLife Insurance Company of Korea.
    g) MetLife International PE Fund VI, LP (CYM) - 96.53% of the Limited partnership interests of this entity is owned by MetLife Insurance K.K. (Japan) and the remaining 3.47% is owned by MetLife Insurance Company of Korea.
    h) MetLife International PE Fund VII, LP (CYM) - MetLife Alternatives GP, LLC is the general partner of MetLife International PE Fund VII, LP. MetLife Insurance K.K. (Japan) is the sole limited partner.
  8. MetLife Loan Asset Management LLC (DE)
    a) MIM CM Syndicator LLC (DE)
    b) 1350 Eye Street Manager, LLC (DE)
    a) MetLife Japan US Equity Fund LP (DE) - MetLife Japan US Equity Fund GP, LLC is general partner of MetLife Japan US Equity Fund LP (“Fund”). The following affiliates hold a limited partnership interest in the Fund LP: 51% is owned by MetLife Japan US Equity Owners LLC and 49% by MetLife Japan US Equity Owners (Blocker).
    b) MIM Campus at SGV Manager, LLC (DE)
    c) MIM LS GP, LLC (DE)
      (i) MetLife Long Short Credit Fund, LP (DE) - MIM LS GP, LLC is the general partner of MetLife Long Short Credit Fund, LP (the “Fund”). Metropolitan Life Insurance Company owns 100% of the Fund.
      (ii) MetLife Long Short Credit Master Fund, LP (DE) - MIM LS GP, LLC is the general partner of MetLife Long Short Credit Master Fund, LP (the “Fund”). MetLife Long Short Credit Fund, LP is the sole limited partner in the Fund.
      (iii) MetLife Long Short Credit Parallel Fund, LP (Cayman) - MIM LS GP, LLC is the general partner of MetLife Long Short Credit Parallel Fund, LP (the “Fund”) and is the sole partner in the Fund.
  10. MetLife Core Property Fund GP, LLC (DE)


    a) MetLife Core Property Fund, LP (DE) - MetLife Core Property Fund GP, LLC is the general partner of MetLife Core Property Fund, LP (the “Fund”). A substantial majority of the limited partnership interests in the Fund are held by third parties. The following affiliates hold limited partnership interests in the Fund: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company owns 14.40%, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (on behalf of Separate Account 746) owns 2.09%, MetLife Insurance Company of Korea Limited owns 1.52%, MetLife Insurance K.K. owns 8.1%, Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company owns 0.04% and Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company (on behalf of Separate Account 152) owns 3.85%.
      i) MetLife Core Property REIT, LLC (DE)
      1) MCP Dillon Residential, LLC (DE); MCP Shakopee, LLC (DE); MCP Bradford, LLC (DE); MCP Stateline, LLC (DE); MetLife Core Property Holdings, LLC also holds, directly or indirectly, the following limited liability companies (indirect ownership indicated in parenthesis): MCP Alley24 East, LLC; MCPF Foxborough, LLC (100%); MCP Allen Creek Member, LLC (DE); MCP One Westside, LLC; MCP 7 Riverway, LLC; MCPF Acquisition, LLC; MCP SoCal Industrial - Springdale, LLC; MCP SoCal Industrial - Concourse, LLC; MCP SoCal Industrial - Kellwood, LLC; MCP SoCal Industrial - Redondo, LLC; MCP SoCal Industrial - Fullerton, LLC; MCP SoCal Industrial - Loker, LLC; MCP Paragon Point, LLC; MCP The Palms at Doral, LLC; MCP Waterford Atrium, LLC; MCP EnV Chicago, LLC; MCP 1900 McKinney, LLC; MCP 550 West Washington, LLC; MCP 3040 Post Oak, LLC; MCP Plaza at Legacy, LLC; MCP SoCal Industrial - LAX, LLC; MCP SoCal Industrial - Anaheim, LLC; MCP SoCal Industrial - Canyon, LLC; MCP SoCal Industrial - Bernardo, LLC; MCP Ashton South End, LLC; MCP Lodge At Lakecrest, LLC; MCP Main Street Village, LLC; MCP Trimble Campus, LLC; MCP Stateline, LLC; MCP Highland Park Lender, LLC; MCP Buford Logistics Center Bldg B, LLC; MCP 22745 & 22755 Relocation Drive, LLC; MCP 9020 Murphy Road, LLC; MCP Northyards Holdco, LLC; MCP Northyards Owner, LLC (100%); MCP Northyards Master Lessee, LLC (100%); MCP VOA Holdings, LLC; MCP VOA I & III, LLC (100%); MCP VOA II, LLC (100%); MCP West Broad Marketplace, LLC; MCP Grapevine, LLC; MCP Union Row, LLC; MCP Fife Enterprise Center, LLC; MCP 2 Ames, LLC; MCP 2 Ames Two, LLC (100%); MCP 2 Ames One, LLC (100%); MCP 2 Ames Owner, LLC (100%); MCP 350 Rohlwing, LLC; MCP - Wellington, LLC; MCP Onyx, LLC; MCP Valley Forge, LLC; MCP Valley Forge Two, LLC (100%); MCP Valley Forge One, LLC(100%); MCP Valley Forge Owner, LLC (100%); MCP MA Property REIT, LLC; MCPF - Needham, LLC (100%); MCP 60 11th Street Member, LLC; 60 11th Street, LLC (100%); MCP - English Village, LLC; MCP 100 Congress Member, LLC; Des Moines Creek Business Park Phase II, LLC; MCP Magnolia Park Member, LLC; MCP Denver Pavilions Member, LLC; MCP Buford Logistics Center 2 Member, LLC; MCP Seattle Gateway Industrial 1, LLC; MCP 249 Industrial Business Park Member, LLC; MCP Seattle Gateway Industrial II, LLC; MCP Seventh and Osborn Retail Member, LLC; MCP Astor at Osborn, LLC; MCP Block 23 Member, LLC; MCP Burnside Member, LLC; MCP Mountain Technology Center Member TRS, LLC; MCP Vineyard Avenue Member, LLC; MCP 93 Red River Member, LLC; MCP Frisco Office, LLC; MCP Center Avenue Industrial Member, LLC; MCP 220 York, LLC; MCP 1500 Michael, LLC; MCP Vance Jackson, LLC; MCP Sleepy Hollow Member, LLC; MCP Clawiter Innovation Member, LLC; MCP Hub I, LLC; MCP Hub 1 Property, LLC (100%); MCP Shakopee, LLC; MCP Bradford, LLC; MCP Dillon, LLC; MCP Dillon Residential, LLC; MCP Optimist Park Member, LLC; Mountain Technology Center Venture, LLC; Mountain Technology Center A, LLC (100%); Mountain Technology Center B, LLC (100%); Mountain Technology Center C, LLC; Mountain Technology Center D, LLC; Mountain Technology Center E, LLC; MCP Frisco Office Two, LLC; MCP 38th West Highland, LLC; MCP Gateway Commerce Center 5, LLC; MCP Allen Creek Member, LLC; Center Avenue Industrial Venture, LLC (73.26%), Center Avenue Industrial, LLC (73.26%); Vineyard Avenue Industrial Venture, LLC (71.16%), and Vineyard Avenue Industrial, LLC (71.16%).
        aa) MCP Property Management, LLC (DE)
        bb) MetLife Core Property TRS, LLC (DE)
          (i) MCP ESG TRS, LLC (DE)
  11. MetLife Commercial Mortgage Income Fund GP, LLC (DE)
    a) MetLife Commercial Mortgage Income Fund, LP (DE) - MetLife Commercial Mortgage Income Fund GP, LLC is the general partner of MetLife Commercial Mortgage Income Fund, LP (the “Fund”). A majority of the limited partnership interests in the Fund are held by third parties. The following affiliates hold limited partnership interests in the Fund: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company owns 27.35%, MetLife Insurance Company of Korea Limited owns 1.4%, and Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company owns 3.62%.
      i) MetLife Commercial Mortgage REIT, LLC (DE)
        1) MetLife Commercial Mortgage Originator, LLC (DE)
          aa) MCMIF Holdco I, LLC (DE)
          bb) MCMIF Holdco II, LLC (DE)


          cc) MCMIF Holdco III, LLC (DE)
    b) MetLife Strategic Hotel Debt Fund GP, LLC (DE)
      i) MetLife Strategic Hotel Debt Fund, LP (DE) - MetLife Strategic Hotel Debt Fund GP, LLC is the general partner of MetLife Strategic Hotel Debt Fund, LP (the “Fund”). The following affiliates committed to hold limited partnership interests in the Fund: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (46.88%) and Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company (26.04%). The remainder is held by a third party.
      ii) MetLife Strategic Hotel Originator, LLC (DE)
    c) MSHDF Holdco I, LLC (DE)
  12. MLIA SBAF Manager, LLC (DE)
  13. MLIA Manager I, LLC (DE)
  15. MetLife Middle Market Private Debt GP, LLC (DE)
    a. MetLife Middle Market Private Debt Fund, LP (DE) - MetLife Middle Market Private Debt GP, LLC is the general partner of MetLife Middle Market Private Debt Fund II L.P (the “Fund”). The following affiliates hold limited partnership interests in the Fund: MetLife Private Equity Holdings, LLC (30.53%), Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (30.53%), .99% is held by MetLife Middle Market Private Debt, GP, LLC. The remainder is held by a third party.
  16. MetLife Middle Market Private Debt Parallel GP, LLC (DE)
    a. MetLife Middle Market Private Debt Parallel Fund, LP (CYM) - MetLife Middle Market Private Debt Parallel GP, LLC is the general partner of MetLife Middle Market Private Debt Parallel Fund, LP. The following affiliate holds a limited partnership interest in the Fund: MetLife Insurance K.K. (Japan) (100%).
  17. MIM OMD Manager LLC (DE)
  18. MetLife-Enhanced Core Property Fund GP, LLC (DE)
    a) MetLife Enhanced Core Property Fund, LP (DE) - MetLife Enhanced Core Property Fund GP is the general partner of MetLife Enhanced Core Property Fund LP (the “Fund”). The following affiliates hold limited partnership interests in the Fund: 33.3328% is held by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and 33.3328% is held by Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company. The remainder is held by third parties.
      i) MetLife Enhanced Core Property REIT, LLC (DE) - MetLife Enhanced Core Property Fund, LP is the manager of MetLife Enhanced Core Property REIT, LLC (the “Fund”) and holds 99.9% of the membership interests in the Fund. The remainder is held by third parties.
    b) MetLife Enhanced Core Property Holdings LLC (DE)
      i) MEC Fillmore Cherry Creek, LLC
      ii) MEC Patriot Park 5 LLC (DE)
L. SafeGuard Health Enterprises, Inc. (DE)
  1. MetLife Health Plans, Inc. (DE)
  2. SafeGuard Health Plans, Inc. (CA)
  3. SafeHealth Life Insurance Company (CA)
  4. SafeGuard Health Plans, Inc. (FL)
  5. SafeGuard Health Plans, Inc. (TX)
M. Cova Life Management Company (DE)
N. MetLife Reinsurance Company of Charleston (SC)
O. MetLife Reinsurance Company of Vermont (VT)
P. Delaware American Life Insurance Company (DE)
Q. MetLife Global Benefits, Ltd. (CYM)
R. Inversiones MetLife Holdco Dos Limitada (CHL) -99.99946% of Inversiones MetLife Holdco Dos Limitada is owned by MetLife, Inc., 0.000535% is owned by MetLife International Holdings, LLC. and 0.0000054% is owned by Natiloportem Holdings, LLC.


S. MetLife Consumer Services, Inc. (DE)
T. MetLife Global, Inc. (DE)
U. MetLife Insurance Brokerage, Inc. (NY)
V. American Life Insurance Company (DE)
  1. MetLife Insurance K.K. (Japan)
    a) Communication One Kabushiki Kaisha (Japan)
    b) FORTISSIMO CO., LTD (Japan)
    c) METLIFE JAPAN US EQUITY OWNERS (BLOCKER) LLC (DE) - MetLife Japan US Equity Fund GP, LLC is the manager of MetLife Japan US Equity Owners (Blocker) LLC. MetLife Insurance K.K. (Japan) is the sole member.
  2. MetLife Global Holding Company I GmbH (Swiss)
    a) MetLife, Life Insurance Company (Egypt) - 84.125% of MetLife, Life Insurance Company is owned by MetLife Global Holding Company I GmbH and the remainder by third parties.
    b) MetLife Global Holding Company II GmbH (Swiss)
      i) ALICO European Holdings Limited (Ireland)
        1) Closed Joint-stock Company Master-D (Russia)
            aa) Closed Joint-Stock Company MetLife Insurance Company (Russia)
      ii) MetLife Asia Holding Company Pte. Ltd. (Singapore)
        1) MetLife Innovation Centre Pte. Ltd. (Singapore)
        2) LumenLab Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia)
      iii) MetLife Reinsurance Company of Bermuda Ltd. (Bermuda)
      iv) MetLife Investment Management Limited (England/UK)
      v) MM Global Operations Support Center, S.A. de C.V. (Mexico) - 99.999509% of MM Global Operations Support Center, S.A. de C.V. Mexico is held by MetLife Global Holding Company II GmbH (Swiss) and 0.000491% is held by MetLife Global Holding Company I GmbH (Swiss).
        1. Fundacion MetLife Mexico, A.C. (Mexico)
      vi) MetLife Colombia Seguros de Vida S.A. (Colombia) - 89.9999657134583% of MetLife Colombia Seguros de Vida S.A. is owned by MetLife Global Holding Company II GmbH, International Technical and Advisory Services Limited, Borderland Investments Limited and Natiloportem Holdings, LLC each own 10.0000315938813% is owned by MetLife Global Holding Company I GmbH, 0.000000897553447019009%.
      vii) PJSC MetLife (Ukraine) - 99.9988% of PJSC MetLife is owned by MetLife Global Holding Company II GmbH, .0006% is owned by International Technical and Advisory Services and the remaining .0006% is owned by Borderland Investments Limited.
      viii) MetLife Innovation Centre Limited (Ireland)
      ix) MetLife EU Holding Company Limited (Ireland)
        1) MetLife Europe d.a.c (Ireland)
          1. MetLife Pension Trustees Limited (England/UK)
        2) Agenvita S.r.l. (Italy)
        3) MetLife Services EOOD (Bulgaria)
        4) MetLife Europe Insurance d.a.c (Ireland)
        5) MetLife Europe Services Limited (Ireland)
        6) MetLife Services, Sociedad Limitada (Spain)
        7) MetLife Slovakia S.r.o. (Slovakia) - 99.956% of MetLife Slovakia S.r.o. is owned by MetLife EU Holding Company Limited and 0.044% is owned by ITAS.
        8) MetLife Solutions S.A.S. (France)
          aa) Branch of MetLife Solutions S.A.S. Morocco


          bb) MetLife Services Cyprus Ltd (Cyprus)
        9) Metropolitan Life Societate de Administrare a unui Fond de Pensii Administrat Privat S.A. (Romania) - 99.9903% of Metropolitan Life Societate de Administrare a unui Fond de Pensii Administrat Privat S.A. is owned by MetLife EU Holding Company Limited and 0.0097% is owned by MetLife Services Sp z.o.o.
        10) MetLife Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen na Zycie i Reasekuracji S.A. (Poland)
          aa) MetLife Services Sp z.o.o. (Poland)
          bb) MetLife Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych, S.A. (Poland)
          cc) MetLife Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne S.A. (Poland)
    c) MetLife Emeklilik ve Hayat A.S. (Turkey) - 99.98% of MetLife Emeklilik ve Hayat A.S. is owned by MetLife Global Holding Company II GmbH (Swiss) and the remaining by third parties.
10) MetLife Services Cyprus Ltd. (Cyprus)
11) MetLife Services EOOD (Bulgaria)
12) MetLife Life Insurance S.A. (Greece)
      aa) MetLife Mutual Fund Company (Greece) - 90% of MetLife Mutual Fund Company is owned by MetLife Life Insurance S.A. and the remaining interest by a third party.
      x) MetLife Investment Management Europe Limited (Ireland)
1) MetLife Investments Asia Limited (Hong Kong)
2) MetLife Syndicated Bank Loan Lux GP, S.a.r.l. (Luxembourg)
3) MetLife Investments Limited (England/UK)
4) MetLife Latin America Asesorias e Inversiones Limitada (CHL) - 99.99% of MetLife Latin American Asesorias e Inversiones Limitada is owned by MetLife Investment Management Holdings (Ireland) Limited and .01% is owned by MetLife Global Holding Company II GmbH (Swiss).
      xi) MetLife Asia Services Sdn. Bhd (Malasya)
2) MetLife Asset Management Corp. (Japan)
3) MetLife Seguros S.A. (Uruguay)
13) MetLife International Holdings, LLC (DE)
1) Natiloportem Holdings, LLC (DE)
aa) Excelencia Operativa y Tecnologica, S.A. de C.V. (Mexico) - 99.9% of Excelencia Operativa y Tecnologica, S.A. de C.V. is held by Natiloportem Holdings, LLC and .1% by MetLife Mexico Servicios, S.A. de C.V.
2) PNB MetLife India Insurance Company Limited - 32.41% is owned by MetLife International Holdings, LLC and the remainder is owned by third parties.
3) Compania Inversora MetLife S.A. (Argentina) - 95.46% is owned by MetLife International Holdings, LLC and 4.54% is owned by Natiloportem Holdings, LLC.
4) Metropolitan Life Seguros e Previdencia Privada S.A. (Brazil)-66.662% is owned by MetLife International Holdings, LLC, 33.337% is owned by MetLife Worldwide Holdings, LLC and 0.001% is owned by Natiloportem Holdings, LLC.
5) MetLife Administradora de Fundos Multipatrocinados Ltda. (Brazil) - 99.99998% of MetLife Administradora de Fundos Multipatrocinados Ltda. is owned by MetLife International Holdings, LLC and 0.00002% by Natiloportem Holdings, LLC.
6) MetLife Seguros de Retiro S.A. (Argentina) - 96.8897% is owned by MetLife International Holdings, LLC, 3.1102% is owned by Natiloportem Holdings, LLC and 0.0001% by ITAS
7) Best Market S.A. (Argentina) - 5% of the shares are held by Natiloportem Holdings, LLC and 95% is owned by MetLife International Holdings, LLC.
8) Compania Inversora MetLife S.A. (Argentina) - 95.46% is owned by MetLife International Holdings, LLC and 4.54% is owned by Natiloportem Holdings, LLC.
aa) MetLife Servicios S.A. (Argentina) - 19.12% of the shares of MetLife Servicios S.A. are held by Compania Inversora MetLife S.A. 80.88% are held by Natiloportem Holdings, LLC.


9) MetLife Worldwide Holdings, LLC (DE)
aa) BIDV MetLife Life Insurance Limited Liability Company (Vietnam) – 60.61% of BIDV MetLife Life Insurance Limited Liability Company is held by American Life Insurance Company and the remainder by third parties.
10) MetLife International Limited, LLC (DE)
11) MetLife Planos Odontologicos Ltda. (Brazil) - 99.999% is owned by MetLife International Holdings, LLC and 0.001% is owned by Natiloportem Holdings, LLC.
12) MetLife Asia Limited (Hong Kong)
13) AmMetLife Insurance Berhad (Malaysia) - 50.000002% of AmMetLife Insurance Berhad is owned by MetLife International Holdings, LLC and the remainder by a third party.
14) AmMetLife Takaful Berhad (Malaysia) - 49.9999997% of AmMetLife Takaful Berhad is owned by MetLife International Holdings, LLC and the remainder by a third party.
15) MAXIS GBN S.A.S. (France) - 50% of MAXIS GBN S.A.S. is held by MetLife International Holdings, LLC and the remainder by third parties.
16) MetLife Mas, S.A. de C.V. (Mexico) - 99.99964399% MetLife Mas, S.A. de C.V. is owned by MetLife International Holdings, LLC and .00035601% is owned by International Technical and Advisory Services Limited.
aa) MetLife Global Holdings Corporation S.A. de C.V. (Ireland) - 98.9% is owned by MetLife International Holdings, LLC and 1.1% is owned by MetLife International Limited, LLC.
      i) MetLife Ireland Treasury d.a.c (Ireland)
    1) MetLife General Insurance Limited (Australia)
    2) MetLife Insurance Limited (Australia) - 91.16468% of MetLife Insurance Limited (Australia) is owned by MetLife Ireland Treasury d.a.c and 8.83532% by MetLife Global Holdings Corp. S.A. de C.V.
      aaa) The Direct Call Centre PTY Limited (Australia)
      bbb) MetLife Investments PTY Limited (Australia)
        i) MetLife Insurance and Investment Trust (Australia) - MetLife Insurance and Investment Trust is a trust vehicle, the trustee of which is MetLife Investments PTY Limited (“MIPL”). MIPL is a wholly owned subsidiary of MetLife Insurance PTY Limited.
  ii) Metropolitan Global Management, LLC (Ireland) - 99.7% is owned by MetLife Global Holdings Corporation S.A. de C.V. and 0.3% is owned by MetLife International Holdings, LLC.
    1) MetLife Mexico Holdings, S. de R.L. de C.V. (Mexico) - 99.99995% is owned by Metropolitan Global Management, LLC and .00005% is owned by MetLife International Holdings, LLC.
      aaa) MetLife Pensiones Mexico S.A. (Mexico)- 97.5125% is owned by MetLife Mexico Holdings, S. de R.L. de C.V. and 2.4875% is owned by MetLife International Holdings, LLC.
      bbb) MetLife Mexico Servicios, S.A. de C.V. (Mexico) - 99.050271% is owned by MetLife Mexico Holdings, S. de R.L. de C.V. and .949729% is owned by MetLife International Holdings, LLC.
        i) ML Capacitacion Comercial S.A. de C.V.(Mexico) - 99% is owned by MetLife Mexico S.A. and 1% is owned by MetLife Mexico Servicios, S.A. de C.V.
    2) MetLife Insurance Company of Korea, Ltd.- 14.64% is owned by MetLife Mexico S.A. de C.V. and 85.36% is owned by Metropolitan Global Management, LLC.
      aaa) MetLife Financial Services, Co., Ltd. (South Korea)
  3. Borderland Investments Limited (DE)
    a) ALICO Hellas Single Member Limited Liability Company (Greece)
  4. International Technical and Advisory Services Limited (DE)
  5. ALICO Properties, Inc. (DE) - 51% of ALICO Properties, Inc. is owned by ALICO and the remaining interests are owned by third parties.
    a) Global Properties, Inc. (DE)
W. MetLife European Holdings, LLC (DE)
X. MetLife Investment Management Holdings, LLC (DE)


  2) MIM Property Management, LLC (DE)
  3) MetLife Emerging Market Debt Blend Fund (Insurance Rated), L.P. (DE) - MIM EMD GP, LLC is the general partner of MetLife Emerging Market Debt Blend Fund (Insurance Rated), L.P. (the “Fund”). Metropolitan Life Insurance Company owns 77.73% of the Fund. The remainder is held by a third party.
    a) MIM Property Management of Georgia 1, LLC (DE)
    b) MIM MetWest International Manager, LLC (DE)
    c) MIM ML-AI Venture 5 Manager, LLC (DE)
    d) MIM Clal General Partner, LLC (DE)
  4) MetLife Real Estate Lending LLC (DE)
  5) ML Venture 1 Manager, S. de R.L. de C.V. (MEX) - 99.9% is owned by MetLife Investment Management Holdings, LLC and 0.1% is owned by MetLife Investment Management Holdings (Ireland) Limited.
  6) MetLife Investment Management, LLC (DE)
  7) ML Venture 1 Servicer, LLC (DE)
    a) MetLife Single Family Rental Fund GP, LLC (DE)
      i) MetLife Single Family Rental Fund, LP (DE) - MetLife Single Family Rental Fund GP, LLC is the general partner of MetLife Single Family Rental Fund, LP (the “Fund”). MetLife Investment Management, LLC is the sole limited partner in the Fund.
    b) MetLife Enhanced Core Property Fund GP, LLC (DE) - MetLife Enhanced Core Property Fund GP is the general partner of MetLife Enhanced Core Property Fund LP (the “Fund”). The following affiliates hold limited partnership interests in the Fund: 33.3328% is held by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and 33.3328% is held by Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company. The remainder is held by third parties.
    c) MetLife Enhanced Core Property REIT, LLC (DE) - MetLife Enhanced Core Property Fund, LP is the manager of MetLife Enhanced Core Property REIT, LLC (the “Fund”) and holds 99.9% of the membership interests in the Fund. The remainder is held by third parties.
      i) MetLife Enhanced Core Property Holdings, LLC (DE)
      ii) MEC FIllmore Cherry Creek, LLC (DE)
1) The voting securities (excluding directors’ qualifying shares, if any) of each subsidiary shown on the organizational chart are 100% owned by their respective parent corporation, unless otherwise indicated.
2) The Metropolitan Money Market Pool and MetLife Intermediate Income Pool are pass-through investment pools, of which Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates are general partners.
3) The MetLife, Inc. organizational chart does not include real estate joint ventures and partnerships of which MetLife, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries is an investment partner. In addition, certain inactive subsidiaries have also been omitted.
4) MetLife Services EEIG is a cost-sharing mechanism used in the EU for EU-affiliated members.
Item 30. Indemnification
As described in their respective governing documents, MetLife, Inc. (the ultimate parent of the Depositor and MetLife Investors Distribution Company, the Registrant’s principal underwriter (the "Underwriter")), which is incorporated in the state of Delaware, and the Depositor, which is incorporated in the state of New York, shall indemnify any person who is made or is threatened to be made a party to any civil or criminal suit, or any administrative or investigative proceeding, by reason of the fact that such person is or was a director or officer of the respective company, under certain circumstances, against liabilities and expenses incurred by such person.
MetLife, Inc. also has adopted a policy to indemnify employees ("MetLife Employees") of MetLife, Inc. or its affiliates ("MetLife"), including any MetLife Employees serving as directors or officers of the Depositor or the Underwriter. Under the policy, MetLife, Inc. will, under certain circumstances, indemnify MetLife Employees for losses and expenses incurred in connection with legal actions threatened or brought against them as a result of their service to MetLife. The policy excludes MetLife directors and others who are not MetLife Employees, whose rights to indemnification, if any, are as described in the charter, bylaws or other arrangement of the relevant company.


MetLife, Inc. also maintains a Directors and Officers Liability and Corporate Reimbursement Insurance Policy under which the Depositor and the Underwriter, as well as certain other subsidiaries of MetLife, are covered. MetLife, Inc. also has secured a Financial Institutions Bond.
Insofar as indemnification for liability arising under the Securities Act of 1933 may be permitted to directors, officers and controlling persons of the Company, pursuant to the foregoing provisions, or otherwise, the Company has been advised that in the opinion of the Securities and Exchange Commission such indemnification is against public policy as expressed in the Act and is, therefore, unenforceable. In the event that a claim for indemnification against such liabilities (other than the payment by the Company of expenses incurred or paid by a director, officer or controlling person of the Company in the successful defense of any action, suit or proceeding) is asserted by such director, officer or controlling person in connection with the securities being registered, the Company will, unless in the opinion of its counsel the matter has been settled by controlling precedent, submit to a court of appropriate jurisdiction the question whether such indemnification by it is against public policy as expressed in the Act and will be governed by the final adjudication of such issue.
Item 31. Principal Underwriter
MetLife Investors Distribution Company also serves as principal underwriter and distributor of the Contracts. MetLife Investors Distribution Company is the principal underwriter for the following investment companies:
General American Separate Account Eleven
General American Separate Account Twenty-Eight
General American Separate Account Twenty-Nine
General American Separate Account Two
Metropolitan Life Separate Account UL
Metropolitan Life Variable Annuity Separate Account II
Metropolitan Tower Life Separate Account One
Metropolitan Tower Life Separate Account Two
New England Life Retirement Investment Account
New England Variable Annuity Fund I
Paragon Separate Account A
Paragon Separate Account B
Paragon Separate Account C
Paragon Separate Account D
Security Equity Separate Account Twenty-Six
Security Equity Separate Account Twenty-Seven
Separate Account No. 13S
(b) MetLife Investors Distribution Company is the principal underwriter for the Contracts. The following persons are officers and directors of MetLife Investors Distribution Company. The principal business address for MetLife Investors Distribution Company is 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166.
Name and Principal Business Address   Positions and Offices With Underwriter
Derrick Kelson
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
  Director, Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer
Kelli Buford
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
Christy Chandler
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
  Director, Vice President
Jessica T. Good
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
  Director, Vice President
Bradd Chignoli
501 Route 22
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
  Director, Senior Vice President


Name and Principal Business Address   Positions and Offices With Underwriter
Michael Yick
1 MetLife Way
Whippany, NJ 07981
  Vice President and Treasurer
Patricia Fox
501 Route 22
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
  Chief Compliance Officer
Geoffrey Fradkin
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
  Vice President
Lorene Elsie Guardado
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
  Assistant Vice President
Justin Saudo
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
  Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer
Thomas Schuster
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
  Director, Senior Vice President
Stuart Turetsky
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
  Chief Financial Officer
Robin Wagner
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
  Chief Legal Officer
(c) Compensation to the Distributor. The following aggregate amount of commissions and other compensation was received by the Distributor, directly or indirectly, from the Registrant during their last fiscal year:
Name of Principal
Net Underwriting
Discounts and
Compensation on
Brokerage Commissions
MetLife Investors Distribution Company   $72,424,702   $0   $0   $0
Item 32. Location of Account and Records.
The following companies will maintain possession of the documents required by Section 31(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 and the Rules thereunder:
a) Registrant
b) Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166
c) MetLife, 18210 Crane Nest Drive, Tampa, FL 33647
d) MetLife Investors Distribution Company, 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166
Item 33. Management Services.
Not Applicable.
Item 34. Fee Representation.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company represents that the fees and charges deducted under the annuities described in this Registration Statement, in the aggregate, are reasonable in relation to the services rendered, the expenses to be incurred, and the risks assumed by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company under the annuities.


(a) The undersigned registrant hereby undertakes to file a post-effective amendment to this registration statement as frequently as is necessary to ensure that the financial statements in this registration statement are not more than 16 months old for as long as payments under these variable annuity contracts may be accepted.
(b) The undersigned registrant hereby undertakes to include a post card or similar written communication affixed to or included in the prospectus that the applicant can remove to send for a Statement of Additional Information.
(c) The undersigned registrant hereby undertakes to deliver any Statement of Additional Information and any financial statements required to be made available under this form promptly upon written or oral request.
(d) The undersigned registrant represents that it is relying on the exemptions from certain provisions of Sections 22(e) and 27 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 provided by Rule 6c-7 under the Act. The registrant further represents that the provisions of paragraph (a)-(d) of Rule 6c-7 have been complied with.
(e) The undersigned registrant represents that for its TSA Deferred Annuities it is relying on the “no-action” position of the Commission staff as contained in its November 7, 1988 letter to the American Council of Life Insurance and has complied with the provisions of numbered paragraphs (1)-(4) of such letter.
(f) The undersigned registrant represents that for its TSA Deferred Annuities it is relying on the “no-action” position of the Commission staff as contained in its August 30, 2012 letter to ING Life Insurance and Annuity Company and has complied with the provisions of such letter.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Registrant certifies that it meets all of the requirements for effectiveness of this registration statement under rule 485(b) under the Securities Act and has duly caused this registration statement to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, duly authorized, in the City of New York, and State of New York, on this 21st day of April, 2022.
Metropolitan Life Separate Account E
BY: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
BY: /s/ Howard Kurpit
Howard Kurpit
Senior Vice President
BY: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
BY: /s/ Howard Kurpit
Howard Kurpit
Senior Vice President


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, this Registration Statement has been signed by the following persons in the capacities indicated and on April 21, 2022.
Signature   Title
*   Chairman of the Board and Director
R. Glenn Hubbard  
*   President and Chief Executive Officer and Director
Michel A. Khalaf  
*   Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
John Dennis McCallion  
*   Executive Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer
Tamara Schock  
*   Director
Cheryl W. Grise  
*   Director
Carlos M. Gutierrez  
*   Director
Gerald L. Hassell  
*   Director
David L. Herzog  
*   Director
Edward J. Kelly, III  
*   Director
William E. Kennard  
*   Director
Catherine R. Kinney  
*   Director
Diana McKenzie  
*   Director
Denise M. Morrison  


Signature   Title
*   Director
Mark A. Weinberger  
  Robin Wagner
April 21, 2022
* Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Executed by Robin Wagner, on behalf of those indicated pursuant to powers of attorney

Exhibit Index
(f)(1) Amended and Restated Charter of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.
(h)(4)(iv) Amendment dated as of June 7, 2021 to the Participation Agreement dated April 10, 2001 and May 16, 1989, as amended, by and among Metropolitan Life Insurance Company on behalf of itself and certain of its separate accounts; American Funds Insurance Series; and Capital Research and Management Company.
(l) Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.
(o) Form of Initial Summary Prospectuses:
  (1) Initial Summary Prospectus (Enhanced Preference Plus — EPPA)
  (2) Initial Summary Prospectus (Financial Freedom)
  (3) Initial Summary Prospectus (Preference Plus Account — BPPA)