CORRESP 1 filename1.htm corresp
Ohio National Financial Services
One Financial Way
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
January 27, 2010
Ms. Rebecca A. Marquigny
Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Investment Management
Office of Insurance Products
100 F. Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549-0506

  Ohio National Variable Account A (811-1978)
  N-4 Registration Statement, ONcore Premier II (333-164070)
  N-4 Registration Statement, ONcore Xtra II (333-164073)
  N-4 Registration Statement, ONcore Flex II (333-164069)
  N-4 Registration Statement, ONcore Lite III (333-164075)
  National Security Variable Account N (811-10619)
  N-4 Registration Statement, NScore Premier II (333-164071)
  N-4 Registration Statement, NScore Xtra II (333-164074)
  N-4 Registration Statement, NScore Lite III (333-164068)
  N-4 Registration Statement, NScore Flex (333-164072)
  N-4 Registration Statement, NScore Wrap (333-164076)
Dear Ms. Marquigny:
On December 30, 2009, we filed the above-referenced registration statements on Form N-4. At the Staff’s request, this letter is to help identify similar sections of the prospectuses in those filings. The filings are substantially similar. For your review, I would suggest using ONcore Premier II (333-164070) and NScore Premier II (333-164071) as your templates for Ohio National Variable Account A and National Security Variable Account N, respectively.
The attached charts set forth the basic features of the products and which riders are available. The riders included in the filings are the same as riders included in Ohio National Variable Account A’s 485(a) post-effective amendment filings filed on December 3, 2009 (one of which was ONcore Premier, 333-43515) (the “December 3, 2009 filings”), except for the GMIB Plus with Annual Reset included in the National Security Variable Account N filings which is the same as the GMIB Plus with Annual Reset (2009) in National Security Variable Account N’s existing filings (one of which is NScore Premier, 333-125856). The GMIB Plus with Annual Reset in the above-



referenced ONcore filings is the same as the GMIB Plus with Annual Reset (2009) version included in the December 3, 2009 filings. The ARDBR in the above-referenced filings is the same as the ARBDR (2009) version in the December 3, 2009 filings. The GMDBR80 Plus and GMDBR85 Plus in the above-referenced filings are the same as the 5% GMDBR80 Plus and 5% GMDBR85 Plus versions in the December 3, 2009 filings.
Should you have any questions or comments, please contact me at (513) 794-6278.
  /s/ Kimberly A. Plante    
  Kimberly A. Plante   
  Associate Counsel   



ONcore Variable Annuities
    ONcore Lite III   ONcore Premier II   ONcore Xtra II   ONcore Flex II
Separate Account
  Ohio National Variable Account A   Ohio National Variable Account A   Ohio National Variable Account A   Ohio National Variable Account A
1940 Act File No.
  811-1978   811-1978   811-1978   811-1978
1933 Act File No.
  333-164075   333-164070   333-164073   333-164069
  1.60% M&E and   1.30% M&E and   1.70% M&E and   1.70% M&E and
Administration Charge
Administration Charge
Administration Charge
Administration Charge
  $30 annual contract   $30 annual contract   $30 annual contract   $30 annual contract
maintenance charge — waived if
maintenance charge — waived if
maintenance charge — waived if
maintenance charge — waived if
contract value is $50,000 or
contract value is $50,000 or
contract value is $50,000 or
contract value is $50,000 or more.
Surrender Charge
  4 yrs: 8-7-6-6%   7 yrs: 7-7-6-5-4-3-2%   9 yrs: 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1%   None
Issue Ages
  0-80 (81-87 with restrictions)   0-80 (81-87 with restrictions)   0-80 (81-87 with restrictions)   0-80 (81-87 with restrictions) for
  for annuitant   for annuitant   for annuitant   annuitant
  $5,000 minimum ($2,000   $5,000 minimum ($2,000   $5,000 minimum ($2,000   $10,000 minimum ($2,000
  $500 add-on   $500 add-on   $500 add-on   $500 add-on
  $300 for qualified plans   $300 for qualified plans   $300 for qualified plans   $300 for qualified plans
and bank draft
and bank draft
and bank draft
and bank draft
  Maximum purchase payment   Maximum purchase payment   Maximum purchase payment   Maximum purchase payment
amount of lesser of 150% of
amount of lesser of 150% of
amount of lesser of 150% of
amount of lesser of 150% of
initial purchase payment or $1
initial purchase payment or $1
initial purchase payment or $1
initial purchase payment or $1
million. May limit all VA sold
million. May limit all VA sold
million. May limit all VA sold
million. May limit all VA sold
covering the annuitant to $1
covering the annuitant to $1
covering the annuitant to $1
covering the annuitant to $1
Death Benefit
  Greater of: contract value at   Greater of: Contract value at   Greater of: Contract value at   Greater of: contract value at
  death or purchase payments   death, purchase payments adjusted   death, purchase payments adjusted   death or purchase payments
  adjusted for withdrawals.   for withdrawals, or Three-Year   for withdrawals, or Eight-Year   adjusted for withdrawals.
      Step-Up: Stops at attained age   Step-Up: Stops at attained age    
      90.   90.    
Annual Withdrawals
  Up to 10% of the contract value   Up to 10% of the contract value   Up to 10% of the contract value   No surrender charge. $500 minimum.
  at time of first withdrawal in a   at time of first withdrawal in a   at time of first withdrawal in a   Contract value cannot drop below
  contract year may be withdrawn   contract year may be withdrawn   contract year may be withdrawn   $5,000.
  without surrender charge. $500   without surrender charge. $500   without surrender charge $500    
  minimum. Contract value cannot   minimum. Contract value cannot   minimum. Contract value cannot    
  drop below $5,000.   drop below $5,000.   drop below $5,000.    



    ONcore Lite III   ONcore Premier II   ONcore Xtra II   ONcore Flex II
Other Features
  Available Asset Allocation Models.   Available Asset Allocation Models.   Available Asset Allocation Models.   Available Asset Allocation Models.
          Extra Credit — an extra 4% of    
          each purchase payment is credited    
          to the contract value of the    
          first $250,000 purchase payments.    
          Credit of 5% for payments    
          exceeding $250,000 and for all    
          payments within first year if    
          total in first year exceeds    
  Available (p34)   Available (p 35)   Available (p 34)   Available (p 33)
Minimum Income Benefit (GMIB) Plus with Annual Reset rider
  Available (p 38)   Available (p 39)   Available (p 37)   Available (p 36)
Principal Protection (GPP) Rider
  Available (p 39)   Available (p 40)   Available (p 38)   Available (p 37)
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider (GLWB)
  Available (p 45)   Available (p 46)   Available (p 44)   Available (p 43)
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider Joint Life (Joint GLWB)
Annual Reset
  Available (p 29)   Available (p 30)   Available (p 29)   Available (p 28)
Death Benefit Rider (ARDBR)
  Available (p 29)   Available (p 29)   Available (p 28)   Available (p 27)
Minimum Death Benefit Rider 85 (GMDBR85 Plus)
  Available (p 29)   Available (p 29)   Available (p 28)   Available (p 27)
Minimum Death Benefit Rider 80 (GMDBR80 Plus)



    ONcore Lite III   ONcore Premier II   ONcore Xtra II   ONcore Flex II
Annual Step-Up
  Available (p 28)   Available (p 29)   Available (p 28)   Available (p 27)
Death Benefit Rider
Gain Enhancement
  Available (p 31)   Available (p 32)   Available (p 31)   Available (p 29)
Benefit (GEB) Rider
Gain Enhancement
  Available (p 31)   Available (p 32)   Available (p 31)   Available (p 29)
Benefit Plus (GEB Plus) Rider



NScore Variable Annuities
    NScore Lite III   NScore Premier II   NScore Xtra II   NScore Flex   NScore Wrap
Separate Account
  National Security   National Security   National Security   National Security   National Security
  Variable Account N   Variable Account N   Variable Account N   Variable Account N   Variable Account N
1940 Act File No.
  811-10619   811-10619   811-10619   811-10619   811-10619
1933 Act File No.
  333-164068   333-164071   333-164074   333-164072   333-164076
  1.65% M&E   1.35% M&E   1.75% M&E and   1.75% M&E   0.70% M&E
and Administration
and Administration
Administration Charge
and Administration
and Administration
  $30 annual  
  $30 annual   $30 annual  
contract maintenance
  $30 annual   $30 annual
contract maintenance
charge — waived if
maintenance charge
charge — waived if
contract value is
maintenance charge
maintenance charge
— waived if
contract value is
$50,000 or more.
— waived if
— waived if
contract value is
$50,000 or more.
contract value is
contract value is
$50,000 or more.
$50,000 or more.
$50,000 or more.
Surrender Charge
  4 yrs: 8-7-6-6%   7 yrs: 7-7-6-5-4-3-2%   9 yrs: 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1%   None   None
Issue Ages
  0-80 (81-87 with   0-80 (81-87 with   0-80 (81-87 with   0-80 (81-87 with   0-80 (81-87 with
  restrictions) for   restrictions) for   restrictions) for   restrictions) for   restrictions) for
  annuitant   annuitant   annuitant   annuitant   annuitant
  $5,000   $5,000   $5,000 minimum   $10,000   $10,000
minimum ($2,000
minimum ($2,000 IRA)
($2,000 IRA)
minimum ($2,000
minimum ($2,000
  $500 add-on   $500 add-on  
  $500 add-on   $300 for   $300 for   $500 add-on   $500 add-on
  $300 for  
qualified plans and
qualified plans and bank
  $300 for   $300 for
qualified plans and
bank draft
qualified plans and
qualified plans and
bank draft
  Maximum   Maximum purchase  
bank draft
bank draft
purchase payment
payment amount of lesser
  Maximum   Maximum
purchase payment
amount of lesser of
of 150% of initial
purchase payment
purchase payment
amount of lesser of
150% of initial
purchase payment or $1
amount of lesser of
amount of lesser of
150% of initial
purchase payment or
million. May limit all
150% of initial
150% of initial
purchase payment or
$1 million. May
VA sold covering the
purchase payment or
purchase payment or
$1 million. May
limit all VA sold
annuitant to $1 million.
$1 million. May
$1 million. May
limit all VA sold
covering the
limit all VA sold
limit all VA sold
covering the
annuitant to $1
covering the
covering the
annuitant to $1
annuitant to $1
annuitant to $1
Death Benefit
  Greater of:   Greater of: Contract   Greater of: Contract   Greater of:   Greater of:
  contract value at   value at death,   value at death, purchase   contract value at   contract value at
  death or purchase   purchase payments   payments adjusted for   death or purchase   death or purchase
  payments adjusted   adjusted for   withdrawals, or   payments adjusted   payments adjusted
  for withdrawals.   withdrawals, or   Eight-Year Step-Up:   for withdrawals.   for withdrawals.
      Three-Year Step-Up:   Stops at attained age        
      Stops at attained   90.        
      age 90.            



    NScore Lite III   NScore Premier II   NScore Xtra II   NScore Flex   NScore Wrap
Annual Withdrawals
  Up to 10% of the   Up to 10% of the   Up to 10% of the   No surrender   No surrender
  contract value at   contract value at   contract value at time   charge. Contract   charge. $500
  time of first   time of first   of first withdrawal in a   value cannot drop   minimum. Contract
  withdrawal in a   withdrawal in a   contract year may be   below $5,000.   value cannot drop
  contract year may   contract year may be   withdrawn without       below $5,000.
  be withdrawn   withdrawn without   surrender charge.        
  without surrender   surrender charge.   Contract value cannot        
  charge. $300   $300 minimum.   drop below $5,000.        
  minimum. Contract   Contract value            
  value cannot drop   cannot drop below            
  below $5,000.   $5,000.            
Other Features
  Available Asset   Available Asset   Available Asset   Available Asset   Available Asset
  Allocation Models.   Allocation Models.   Allocation Models.   Allocation Models.   Allocation Models.
          Extra Credit — an extra        
          4% of each purchase        
          payment is credited to        
          the contract value of        
          the first $250,000        
          purchase payments.        
          Credit of 5% for        
          payments exceeding        
          $250,000 and for all        
          payments within first        
          year if total in first        
          year exceeds $250,000.        
  Available (p 34)   Available (p 35)   Available (p 37)   Available (p 33)   Available (p 33)
Minimum Income Benefit (GMIB) Plus with Annual Reset rider
  Available (p 38)   Available (p 38)   Available (p 40)   Available (p 37)   Available (p 37)
Principal Protection (GPP) Rider
  Available (p 39)   Available (p 39)   Available (p 41)   Available (p 37)   Available (p 38)
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider (GLWB)
  Available (p 45)   Available (p 45)   Available (p 47)   Available (p 43)   Available (p 44)
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider Joint Life (Joint GLWB)



    NScore Lite III   NScore Premier II   NScore Xtra II   NScore Flex   NScore Wrap
Annual Reset
  Available (p 29)   Available (p 29)   Available (p 31)   Available (p 28)   Available (p 28)
Death Benefit Rider (ARDBR)
  Available (p 28)   Available (p 29)   Available (p 31)   Available (p 27)   Available (p 27)
Minimum Death Benefit Rider 85 (GMDBR85 Plus)
  Available (p 28)   Available (p 29)   Available (p 31)   Available (p 27)   Available (p 27)
Minimum Death Benefit Rider 80 (GMDBR80 Plus)
Annual Step-Up
  Available (p 28)   Available (p 28)   Available (p 30)   Available (p 27)   Available (p 27)
Death Benefit Rider
Gain Enhancement
  Available (p 31)   Available (p 31)   Available (p 33)   Available (p 29)   Available (p 30)
Benefit (GEB) Rider
Gain Enhancement
  Available (p 31)   Available (p 31)   Available (p 33)   Available (p 29)   Available (p 30)
Benefit Plus (GEB Plus) Rider