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Investment Company Act file number: 811-03919

Name of Registrant: Vanguard STAR Funds

Address of Registrant:
P.O. Box 2600
Valley Forge, PA 19482

Name and address of agent for service:
Heidi Stam, Esquire
P.O. Box 876
Valley Forge, PA 19482

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (610) 669-1000

Date of fiscal year end: October 31

Date of reporting period: November 1, 2014 – April 30, 2015

Item 1: Reports to Shareholders

Semiannual Report | April 30, 2015

Vanguard LifeStrategy® Funds

Vanguard LifeStrategy Income Fund

Vanguard LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund

Vanguard LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund

Vanguard LifeStrategy Growth Fund


The mission continues

On May 1, 1975, Vanguard began operations, a fledgling company based on the simple but revolutionary idea that a mutual fund company should be managed solely in the interest of its investors.

Four decades later, that revolutionary spirit continues to animate the enterprise. Vanguard remains on a mission to give investors the best chance of investment success.

As we mark our 40th anniversary, we thank you for entrusting your assets to Vanguard and giving us the opportunity to help you reach your financial goals in the decades to come.

Your Fund’s Total Returns. 1
Chairman’s Letter. 2
LifeStrategy Income Fund. 8
LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund. 18
LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund. 28
LifeStrategy Growth Fund. 38
About Your Fund’s Expenses. 48
Glossary. 50


Please note: The opinions expressed in this report are just that—informed opinions. They should not be considered promises or advice.
Also, please keep in mind that the information and opinions cover the period through the date on the front of this report. Of course, the risks of investing in your fund are spelled out in the prospectus.
See the Glossary for definitions of investment terms used in this report.
About the cover: Since our founding, Vanguard has drawn inspiration from the enterprise and valor demonstrated by British naval hero Horatio Nelson and his command at the Battle of the Nile in 1798. The photograph displays a replica of a merchant ship from the same era as Nelson’s flagship, the HMS Vanguard.


Your Fund’s Total Returns  
Six Months Ended April 30, 2015  
Vanguard LifeStrategy Income Fund 2.83%
Income Composite Index 2.95
Income Composite Average 2.00
Income Composite Average: Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.  
Vanguard LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund 3.33%
Conservative Growth Composite Index 3.55
Conservative Growth Composite Average 2.77
Conservative Growth Composite Average: Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.  
Vanguard LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund 3.86%
Moderate Growth Composite Index 4.12
Moderate Growth Composite Average 3.52
Moderate Growth Composite Average: Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.  
Vanguard LifeStrategy Growth Fund 4.34%
Growth Composite Index 4.67
Growth Composite Average 4.26
Growth Composite Average: Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.  
For a benchmark description, see the Glossary.  







Chairman’s Letter

Dear Shareholder,

The returns for the four Vanguard LifeStrategy Funds ranged from nearly 3% to about 4% for the six months ended April 30, 2015. The funds’ returns, which were in line with the results of their benchmark indexes, reflected the general strength in global stock and bond markets. The funds surpassed the average returns of their composite peer groups.

Please note that in February we announced that we were enhancing the global diversification of the LifeStrategy Funds. As the box on page 5 explains, the funds will gradually expand their international stock and bond exposure by the end of 2015. This move will not change the overall allocation to stocks and bonds in your fund, nor will it change its overall asset allocation strategy.

Stocks closed out higher despite fluctuating returns
U.S. stocks returned almost 5% for the six months, despite stretches of shakiness. In two of those months, stocks declined. In two others, they were virtually unchanged or gained less than 1%. February’s surge of almost 6%, the largest monthly gain since October 2011, lifted stocks over the period.

The Federal Reserve’s careful approach to potentially raising short-term interest rates helped stocks along, as did monetary stimulus efforts by other nations’ central banks. These factors offset concerns that ranged from Greece’s debt crisis



to the negative effect of the strong U.S. dollar on the profits of U.S.-based multinational companies.

For U.S. investors, international stocks returned 6%. Returns for the developed markets of the Pacific region, led by Japan, exceeded those of Europe and emerging markets. (You can read about Vanguard’s assessment of Japan’s economy in Japan: The Long Road Back to Inflation, available at vanguard.com/research. This is part of the Global Macro Matters series produced by our economists.)

Stimulus policies and demand have driven up bond prices
Like equities, bonds have benefited from accommodative monetary policies from the world’s central banks. Investor demand for the perceived safety of fixed income assets has also boosted bond returns.

The broad U.S. taxable bond market returned 2.06% for the period, and the yield of the 10-year U.S. Treasury note ended April at 2.04%, down from 2.31% six months earlier. (Bond prices and yields move in opposite directions.)

Market Barometer      
      Total Returns
    Periods Ended April 30, 2015
  Six One Five Years
  Months Year (Annualized)
Russell 1000 Index (Large-caps) 4.75% 13.00% 14.47%
Russell 2000 Index (Small-caps) 4.65 9.71 12.73
Russell 3000 Index (Broad U.S. market) 4.74 12.74 14.33
FTSE All-World ex US Index (International) 6.00 3.53 6.40
Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (Broad taxable market) 2.06% 4.46% 4.12%
Barclays Municipal Bond Index (Broad tax-exempt market) 1.17 4.80 4.75
Citigroup Three-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index 0.00 0.03 0.05
Consumer Price Index -0.35% -0.20% 1.65%




Returns of money market funds and savings accounts remained checked by the Fed’s target of 0%–0.25% for short-term interest rates.

More stock exposure led to higher returns
The LifeStrategy Funds are a series of broadly diversified, low-cost portfolios. The four funds, each with a different fixed target allocation, use underlying index funds to try to meet various risk-based objectives—the more growth-oriented the fund, for example, the greater its allocation to stocks.

As you would expect, given that stocks generally fared better than bonds in the six-month period, the LifeStrategy Funds with the largest stock allocations performed best. Vanguard LifeStrategy Growth Fund, which has an allocation of about 80% stocks and about 20% bonds, delivered the strongest result. Vanguard LifeStrategy Income Fund, which has the most conservative asset mix, about 20% stocks and about 80% bonds, had the lowest return. The results for the two other funds fell in between.

International stocks had a slight edge over their domestic counterparts during the period. This may have been because investors considered international stocks more attractively valued than U.S. stocks, many of which have attained lofty valuations after a six-year bull market.

Expense Ratios    
Your Fund Compared With Its Peer Group    
  Acquired Fund Fees Peer Group
  and Expenses Average
LifeStrategy Income Fund 0.14% 0.95%
LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund 0.15 1.02
LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund 0.16 1.10
LifeStrategy Growth Fund 0.17 1.18

The fund expense figures shown—drawn from the prospectus dated February 26, 2015—represent an estimate of the weighted average of the expense ratios and any transaction fees charged by the underlying mutual funds (the ”acquired” funds) in which the LifeStrategy Funds invest. The LifeStrategy Funds do not charge any expenses or fees of their own. For the six months ended April 30, 2015, the annualized acquired fund fees and expenses were 0.13% for the LifeStrategy Income Fund, 0.14% for the LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund, 0.15% for the LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund, and 0.16% for the LifeStrategy Growth Fund.

Peer groups are the composites listed on page 1. Their expense figures are derived by applying the appropriate allocations to average expense ratios of these mutual fund peer groups: fixed income funds, general equity funds, and international funds. Average expense ratiosfor these groups are derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company, and capture information through year-end 2014.



International diversification is increasing for the LifeStrategy Funds
The Vanguard LifeStrategy Funds will expand their international exposure by the end of 2015,
further enhancing the diversification of your investments. The amount allocated to international
stocks will increase from 30% to 40% of the overall stock allocation, and the amount allocated
to international bonds will increase from 20% to 30% of the overall bond allocation.
Although the allocation to domestic stocks and bonds will be reduced, the overall allocation
of stocks and bonds will remain the same for the funds, which target specific allocations as
a way to meet investors’ different objectives, time horizons, and risk tolerances.
By boosting the funds’ international exposure, we aim to lower their long-term volatility.
Research has shown that non-U.S. stocks have diversified the returns of U.S. stocks on
average over time. With fixed income, the primary factors driving international bond prices
differ from those for U.S. bonds, providing a diversification benefit.
The chart below shows how we’re adjusting the allocations to further diversify the funds.
The LifeStrategy Funds are adding more international stocks and bonds



By the end of 2015, the non-U.S.stock By the end of 2015, the non-U.S. bond
allocation of the LifeStrategy Funds will allocation of the LifeStrategy Funds will
increase from 30% to 40%. increase from 20% to 30%.



Source: Vanguard.



Each LifeStrategy Fund has exposure to both domestic and international stocks through two underlying funds—Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund and Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund. For the six months, the Total Stock Market Index Fund returned 4.65%, and the Total International Stock Index Fund returned 5.07%. (Returns are for Investor Shares.)

Each LifeStrategy Fund also has exposure to domestic and international bonds through two underlying funds, Vanguard Total Bond Market II Index Fund and Vanguard Total International Bond Index Fund. The U.S. bond fund returned 2.08%, trailing its international counterpart by more than a percentage point. International bonds seemed to get a boost during the period from extraordinarily accommodative measures from central bankers in Europe and Japan.

Keep in mind that the Total International Bond Index Fund uses forward currency contracts to minimize the effects of fluctuations in exchange rates. Without this hedging, international bond returns (as measured by the Barclays Global Aggregate Index ex USD) would have been negative for the period.

Promoting good corporate governance is one way we protect your interests
Our core purpose is “to take a stand for all investors, to treat them fairly, and to give them the best chance for investment success.” This means more than offering smart investments, trustworthy guidance, and low fees. It also means working with the companies held by Vanguard funds to make sure that your interests remain paramount.

How do we meet that responsibility? As one of the world’s largest investment managers, we are making our voice heard in corporate boardrooms to promote the highest standards of stewardship. Our advocacy encompasses a range of corporate governance issues, including executive compensation and succession planning, board composition and effectiveness, oversight of strategy and risk, and communication with shareholders.

We also exert our influence in a very important way when Vanguard funds cast their proxy votes at companies’ shareholder meetings.

Most of these votes occur at this time of year, making it an appropriate time to remind you that we work hard to represent your best interests. Good governance, we believe, is essential for any company seeking to maximize its long-term returns to shareholders. You can learn more about our efforts at vanguard.com/corporategovernance.

Thank you for your confidence in Vanguard.


F. William McNabb III
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
May 12, 2015



Your Fund’s Performance at a Glance        
October 31, 2014, Through April 30, 2015        
      Distributions Per Share
  Starting Ending Income Capital
  Share Price Share Price Dividends Gains
Vanguard LifeStrategy Income Fund $14.93 $15.13 $0.158 $0.061
Vanguard LifeStrategy Conservative Growth        
Fund $18.86 $18.82 $0.194 $0.461
Vanguard LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund $24.32 $24.83 $0.260 $0.158
Vanguard LifeStrategy Growth Fund $29.12 $29.88 $0.304 $0.188




LifeStrategy Income Fund

Fund Profile
As of April 30, 2015

Total Fund Characteristics  
Ticker Symbol VASIX
30-Day SEC Yield 2.03%
Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses1 0.14%
Allocation to Underlying Vanguard Funds  
Vanguard Total Bond Market II Index Fund  
Investor Shares 63.8%
Vanguard Total International Bond Index  
Fund Investor Shares 16.1
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund  
Investor Shares 13.9
Vanguard Total International Stock Index  
Fund Investor Shares 6.2


Total Fund Volatility Measures  
  Income Aggregate
  Composite Bond
  Index Index
R-Squared 0.99 0.55
Beta 1.01 0.74

These measures show the degree and timing of the fund’s fluctuations compared with the indexes over 36 months.

Fund Asset Allocation

1 This figure—drawn from the prospectus dated February 26, 2015—represents an estimate of the weighted average of the expense ratios and any transaction fees charged by the underlying mutual funds (the ”acquired” funds) in which the LifeStrategy Income Fund invests. The LifeStrategy Income Fund does not charge any expenses or fees of its own. For the six months ended April 30, 2015, the annualized acquired fund fees and expenses were 0.13%.



LifeStrategy Income Fund

Performance Summary

All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at vanguard.com/performance.) Note, too, that both investment returns and principal value can fluctuate widely, so an investor’s shares, when sold, could be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

Fiscal-Year Total Returns (%): October 31, 2004, Through April 30, 2015

LifeStrategy Income Fund
Income Composite Index

For a benchmark description, see the Glossary.
Note: For 2015, performance data reflect the six months ended April 30, 2015.

Average Annual Total Returns: Periods Ended March 31, 2015
This table presents returns through the latest calendar quarter—rather than through the end of the fiscal period.
Securities and Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

            Ten Years
  Inception Date One Year Five Years Income Capital Total
LifeStrategy Income Fund 9/30/1994 6.66% 5.77% 3.12% 1.91% 5.03%

See Financial Highlights for dividend and capital gains information.



LifeStrategy Income Fund

Financial Statements (unaudited)

Statement of Net Assets
As of April 30, 2015

The fund reports a complete list of its holdings in regulatory filings four times in each fiscal year, at the quarter-ends. For the second and fourth fiscal quarters, the lists appear in the fund’s semiannual and annual reports to shareholders. For the first and third fiscal quarters, the fund files the lists with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form N-Q. Shareholders can look up the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. Forms N-Q may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room (see the back cover of this report for further information).

  Shares ($000)
Investment Companies (100.0%)    
U.S. Stock Fund (13.9%)    
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Investor Shares 8,952,660 469,836
International Stock Fund (6.2%)    
Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund Investor Shares 12,292,771 208,362
U.S. Bond Fund (63.8%)    
1 Vanguard Total Bond Market II Index Fund Investor Shares 197,828,801 2,154,356
International Bond Fund (16.1%)    
Vanguard Total International Bond Index Fund Investor Shares 50,813,082 543,700
Total Investment Companies (Cost $3,048,842)   3,376,254
Temporary Cash Investment (0.1%)    
Money Market Fund (0.1%)    
1 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund, 0.121% (Cost $3,097) 3,097,480 3,097
Total Investments (100.1%) (Cost $3,051,939)   3,379,351
Other Assets and Liabilities (-0.1%)    
Other Assets   7,638
Liabilities   (9,756)
Net Assets (100%)    
Applicable to 223,235,100 outstanding $.001 par value shares of    
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization)   3,377,233
Net Asset Value Per Share   $15.13




LifeStrategy Income Fund  
At April 30, 2015, net assets consisted of:  
Paid-in Capital 3,040,597
Undistributed Net Investment Income 5,846
Accumulated Net Realized Gains 3,378
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) 327,412
Net Assets 3,377,233

See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
1 Affiliated fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown for Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund is the 7-day yield.
See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



LifeStrategy Income Fund  
Statement of Operations  
  Six Months Ended
  April 30, 2015
Investment Income  
Income Distributions Received 33,622
Net Investment Income—Note B 33,622
Realized Net Gain (Loss)  
Capital Gain Distributions Received 6,185
Affiliated Investment Securities Sold 923
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 7,108
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of Investment Securities 49,394
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 90,124


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



LifeStrategy Income Fund    
Statement of Changes in Net Assets    
  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  April 30, October 31,
  2015 2014
  ($000) ($000)
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    
Net Investment Income 33,622 61,667
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 7,108 13,284
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) 49,394 93,419
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 90,124 168,370
Net Investment Income (33,997) (60,573)
Realized Capital Gain1 (12,903) (16,656)
Total Distributions (46,900) (77,229)
Capital Share Transactions    
Issued 491,338 851,276
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 44,160 72,207
Redeemed (307,175) (812,916)
Net Increase (Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions 228,323 110,567
Total Increase (Decrease) 271,547 201,708
Net Assets    
Beginning of Period 3,105,686 2,903,978
End of Period2 3,377,233 3,105,686

1 Includes fiscal 2015 and 2014 short-term gain distributions totaling $5,499,000 and $2,809,000, respectively. Short-term gain distributions are treated as ordinary income dividends for tax purposes.
2 Net Assets—End of Period includes undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income of $5,846,000 and $6,221,000.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



LifeStrategy Income Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding April 30,     Year Ended October 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $14.93 $14.47 $14.73 $14.28 $14.15 $13.20
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .154 .307 .294 .353 .357 .388
Capital Gain Distributions Received .029 .004 .064 .116 .059
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments .236 .535 .189 .429 .109 .954
Total from Investment Operations .419 .846 .547 .898 .525 1.342
Dividends from Net Investment Income (.158) (. 303) (. 293) (. 354) (. 361) (. 392)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (. 061) (. 083) (. 514) (. 094) (. 034)
Total Distributions (. 219) (. 386) (. 807) (. 448) (. 395) (. 392)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $15.13 $14.93 $14.47 $14.73 $14.28 $14.15
Total Return1 2.83% 5.95% 3.88% 6.41% 3.77% 10.32%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $3,377 $3,106 $2,904 $2,750 $2,402 $2,251
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets
Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses 0.13% 0.14% 0.14% 0.14% 0.18% 0.18%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 2.09% 2.10% 2.04% 2.45% 2.52% 2.89%
Portfolio Turnover Rate 3% 12% 25% 8%2 43%3 9%

The expense ratio, acquired fund fees and expenses, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.
1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.
2 Excludes the value of mutual fund shares delivered and received in connection with a change in the fund’s investments from Vanguard Asset Allocation Fund to Vanguard Total Bond Market II Index Fund and Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund because those transactions were effected in kind and did not cause the fund to incur transaction costs.
3 Excludes the value of mutual fund shares delivered and bonds received in connection with a change in the fund’s bond investments from Vanguard Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund to individual bonds because those transactions were effected in kind and did not cause the fund to incur transaction costs.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



LifeStrategy Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Vanguard LifeStrategy Income Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. The fund follows a balanced investment strategy by investing in selected Vanguard funds to achieve its targeted allocation of assets to U.S. and international stocks, and U.S. and international bonds. Financial statements and other information about each underlying fund are available on vanguard.com.

A. The following significant accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles for U.S. investment companies. The fund consistently follows such policies in preparing its financial statements.

1. Security Valuation: Investments are valued at the net asset value of each underlying Vanguard fund determined as of the close of the New York Stock Exchange (generally 4 p.m., Eastern time) on the valuation date.

2. Federal Income Taxes: The fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income. Management has analyzed the fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years (October 31, 2011–2014), and for the period ended April 30, 2015, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the fund’s financial statements.

3. Distributions: Distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

4. Credit Facility: The fund and certain other funds managed by The Vanguard Group participate in a $3 billion committed credit facility provided by a syndicate of lenders pursuant to a credit agreement that may be renewed annually; each fund is individually liable for its borrowings, if any, under the credit facility. Borrowings may be utilized for temporary and emergency purposes, and are subject to the fund’s regulatory and contractual borrowing restrictions. The participating funds are charged administrative fees and an annual commitment fee of 0.06% of the undrawn amount of the facility; these fees are allocated to the funds based on a method approved by the fund’s board of trustees and borne by the funds in which the fund invests (see Note B). Any borrowings under this facility bear interest at a rate equal to the higher of the federal funds rate or LIBOR reference rate plus an agreed-upon spread.

The fund had no borrowings outstanding at April 30, 2015, or at any time during the period then ended.

5. Other: Income and capital gain distributions received are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Costs used to determine realized gains (losses) on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold.

B. Under a service agreement, The Vanguard Group furnishes corporate management, administrative, marketing, and distribution services to the fund. The service agreement provides that the fund’s expenses may be reduced or eliminated to the extent of savings realized by the Vanguard funds by the operation of the fund. Accordingly, all incremental expenses for services provided by Vanguard and all other expenses incurred by the fund during the period ended April 30, 2015, were borne by the funds in which the fund invests. The fund’s trustees and officers are also directors and officers of Vanguard and the funds in which the fund invests.



LifeStrategy Income Fund

C. Various inputs may be used to determine the value of the fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in three broad levels for financial statement purposes. The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

Level 1Quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.
Level 2Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.).
Level 3Significant unobservable inputs (including the fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments).

At April 30, 2015, 100% of the market value of the fund’s investments was determined based on Level 1 inputs.

D. Distributions are determined on a tax basis and may differ from net investment income and realized capital gains for financial reporting purposes. Differences may be permanent or temporary. Permanent differences are reclassified among capital accounts in the financial statements to reflect their tax character. Temporary differences arise when certain items of income, expense, gain, or loss are recognized in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes. These differences will reverse at some time in the future. Differences in classification may also result from the treatment of short-term gains as ordinary income for tax purposes. The fund’s tax-basis capital gains and losses are determined only at the end of each fiscal year.

At April 30, 2015, the cost of investment securities for tax purposes was $3,051,939,000. Net unrealized appreciation of investment securities for tax purposes was $327,412,000, consisting entirely of unrealized gains on securities that had risen in value since their purchase.

E. Capital shares issued and redeemed were:

  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  April 30, 2015 October 31, 2014
  Shares Shares
  (000) (000)
Issued 32,601 58,114
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 2,949 4,972
Redeemed (20,383) (55,726)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Shares Outstanding 15,167 7,360




LifeStrategy Income Fund

F. Transactions during the period in affiliated underlying Vanguard funds were as follows:

      Current Period Transactions  
  Oct. 31,   Proceeds     April 30,
  2014   from   Capital Gain 2015
  Market Purchases Securities Dividend Distributions Market
  Value at Cost Sold Income Received Value
  ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000)
Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund 944 NA1 NA1 1 3,097
Vanguard Total Bond Market II            
Index Fund 1,989,600 172,146 20,359 23,118 6,185 2,154,356
Vanguard Total International            
Bond Index Fund 494,494 37,664 4,107 543,700
Vanguard Total International            
Stock Index Fund 184,969 20,107 5,473 2,106 208,362
Vanguard Total Stock Market            
Index Fund 435,258 38,136 20,606 4,290 469,836
Total 3,105,265 268,053 46,438 33,622 6,185 3,379,351
1 Not applicable—purchases and sales are for temporary cash investment purposes.


G. Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to April 30, 2015, that would require recognition or disclosure in these financial statements.



LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund

Fund Profile  
As of April 30, 2015  
Total Fund Characteristics  
Ticker Symbol VSCGX
30-Day SEC Yield 2.03%
Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses1 0.15%


Allocation to Underlying Vanguard Funds

Vanguard Total Bond Market II Index Fund  
Investor Shares 47.7%
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund  
Investor Shares 27.7
Vanguard Total International Stock Index  
Fund Investor Shares 12.4
Vanguard Total International Bond Index  
Fund Investor Shares 12.2


Total Fund Volatility Measures  
  Conservative DJ
  Growth U.S. Total
  Composite Market
  Index FA Index
R-Squared 1.00 0.74
Beta 1.01 0.37

These measures show the degree and timing of the fund’s fluctuations compared with the indexes over 36 months.

Fund Asset Allocation

1  This figure—drawn from the prospectus dated February 26, 2015—represents an estimate of the weighted average of the expense ratios and any transaction fees charged by the underlying mutual funds (the ”acquired” funds) in which the LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund invests. The LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund does not charge any expenses or fees of its own. For the six months ended April 30, 2015, the annualized acquired fund fees and expenses were 0.14%.



LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund

Performance Summary

All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at vanguard.com/performance.) Note, too, that both investment returns and principal value can fluctuate widely, so an investor’s shares, when sold, could be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

Fiscal-Year Total Returns (%): October 31, 2004, Through April 30, 2015

LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund
Conservative Growth Composite Index

For a benchmark description, see the Glossary.
Note: For 2015, performance data reflect the six months ended April 30, 2015.

Average Annual Total Returns: Periods Ended March 31, 2015
This table presents returns through the latest calendar quarter—rather than through the end of the fiscal period.
Securities and Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

            Ten Years
  Inception Date One Year Five Years Income Capital Total
LifeStrategy Conservative            
Growth Fund 9/30/1994 7.13% 7.31% 2.85% 2.79% 5.64%


See Financial Highlights for dividend and capital gains information.



LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund

Financial Statements (unaudited)

Statement of Net Assets
As of April 30, 2015

The fund reports a complete list of its holdings in regulatory filings four times in each fiscal year, at the quarter-ends. For the second and fourth fiscal quarters, the lists appear in the fund’s semiannual and annual reports to shareholders. For the first and third fiscal quarters, the fund files the lists with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form N-Q. Shareholders can look up the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. Forms N-Q may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room (see the back cover of this report for further information).

  Shares ($000)
Investment Companies (100.0%)    
U.S. Stock Fund (27.7%)    
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Investor Shares 41,101,115 2,156,987
International Stock Fund (12.4%)    
Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund Investor Shares 57,010,409 966,326
U.S. Bond Fund (47.7%)    
1 Vanguard Total Bond Market II Index Fund Investor Shares 341,443,826 3,718,323
International Bond Fund (12.2%)    
Vanguard Total International Bond Index Fund Investor Shares 89,082,930 953,187
Total Investment Companies (Cost $6,196,812)   7,794,823
Temporary Cash Investment (0.1%)    
Money Market Fund (0.1%)    
1 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund, 0.121% (Cost $3,741) 3,740,533 3,741
Total Investments (100.1%) (Cost $6,200,553)   7,798,564
Other Assets and Liabilities (-0.1%)    
Other Assets   16,265
Liabilities   (20,921)
Net Assets (100%)    
Applicable to 414,091,123 outstanding $.001 par value shares of    
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization)   7,793,908
Net Asset Value Per Share   $18.82




LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund  
At April 30, 2015, net assets consisted of:  
Paid-in Capital 6,179,076
Undistributed Net Investment Income 10,341
Accumulated Net Realized Gains 6,480
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) 1,598,011
Net Assets 7,793,908
See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
1 Affiliated fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown for Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund is the 7-day yield.
See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund  
Statement of Operations  
  Six Months Ended
  April 30, 2015
Investment Income  
Income Distributions Received 76,990
Net Investment Income—Note B 76,990
Realized Net Gain (Loss)  
Capital Gain Distributions Received 10,784
Affiliated Investment Securities Sold 2,394
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 13,178
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of Investment Securities 158,815
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 248,983


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund    
Statement of Changes in Net Assets    
  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  April 30, October 31,
  2015 2014
  ($000) ($000)
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    
Net Investment Income 76,990 156,644
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 13,178 201,324
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) 158,815 136,732
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 248,983 494,700
Net Investment Income (77,349) (157,513)
Realized Capital Gain1 (179,912) (45,631)
Total Distributions (257,261) (203,144)
Capital Share Transactions    
Issued 886,764 1,694,523
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 248,523 196,106
Redeemed (592,332) (3,566,652)
Net Increase (Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions 542,955 (1,676,023)
Total Increase (Decrease) 534,677 (1,384,467)
Net Assets    
Beginning of Period 7,259,231 8,643,698
End of Period2 7,793,908 7,259,231

1 Includes fiscal 2015 and 2014 short-term gain distributions totaling $6,635,000 and $17,476,000, respectively. Short-term gain distributions are treated as ordinary income dividends for tax purposes.
2 Net Assets—End of Period includes undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income of $10,341,000 and $10,700,000.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund            
Financial Highlights            
  Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding April 30,     Year Ended October 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $18.86 $18.04 $17.21 $16.40 $16.20 $14.81
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .191 .395 .369 .421 .374 .406
Capital Gain Distributions Received .027 .005 .055 .101 .049
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments .397 .905 1.109 .750 .179 1.392
Total from Investment Operations .615 1.305 1.533 1.272 .602 1.798
Dividends from Net Investment Income (.194) (. 391) (. 367) (. 420) (. 378) (. 408)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (. 461) (. 094) (. 336) (. 042) (. 024)
Total Distributions (. 655) (. 485) (.703) (. 462) (. 402) (. 408)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $18.82 $18.86 $18.04 $17.21 $16.40 $16.20
Total Return1 3.33% 7.34% 9.18% 7.88% 3.74% 12.30%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $7,794 $7,259 $8,644 $7,359 $6,553 $6,316
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets
Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses 0.14% 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 0.19% 0.19%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 2.06% 2.12% 2.12% 2.51% 2.27% 2.63%
Portfolio Turnover Rate 3% 15% 19% 15%2 46%3 15%

The expense ratio, acquired fund fees and expenses, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.
1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.
2 Excludes the value of mutual fund shares delivered and received in connection with a change in the fund’s investments from Vanguard Asset Allocation Fund to Vanguard Total Bond Market II Index Fund and Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund because those transactions were effected in kind and did not cause the fund to incur transaction costs.
3 Excludes the value of mutual fund shares delivered and bonds received in connection with a change in the fund’s bond investments from Vanguard Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund to individual bonds because those transactions were effected in kind and did not cause the fund to incur transaction costs.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Vanguard LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. The fund follows a balanced investment strategy by investing in selected Vanguard funds to achieve its targeted allocation of assets to U.S. and international stocks, and U.S. and international bonds. Financial statements and other information about each underlying fund are available on vanguard.com.

A. The following significant accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles for U.S. investment companies. The fund consistently follows such policies in preparing its financial statements.

1. Security Valuation: Investments are valued at the net asset value of each underlying Vanguard fund determined as of the close of the New York Stock Exchange (generally 4 p.m., Eastern time) on the valuation date.

2. Federal Income Taxes: The fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income. Management has analyzed the fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years (October 31, 2011–2014), and for the period ended April 30, 2015, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the fund’s financial statements.

3. Distributions: Distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

4. Credit Facility: The fund and certain other funds managed by The Vanguard Group participate in a $3 billion committed credit facility provided by a syndicate of lenders pursuant to a credit agreement that may be renewed annually; each fund is individually liable for its borrowings, if any, under the credit facility. Borrowings may be utilized for temporary and emergency purposes, and are subject to the fund’s regulatory and contractual borrowing restrictions. The participating funds are charged administrative fees and an annual commitment fee of 0.06% of the undrawn amount of the facility; these fees are allocated to the funds based on a method approved by the fund’s board of trustees and borne by the funds in which the fund invests (see Note B). Any borrowings under this facility bear interest at a rate equal to the higher of the federal funds rate or LIBOR reference rate plus an agreed-upon spread.

The fund had no borrowings outstanding at April 30, 2015, or at any time during the period then ended.

5. Other: Income and capital gain distributions received are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Costs used to determine realized gains (losses) on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold.

B. Under a service agreement, The Vanguard Group furnishes corporate management, administrative, marketing, and distribution services to the fund. The service agreement provides that the fund’s expenses may be reduced or eliminated to the extent of savings realized by the Vanguard funds by the operation of the fund. Accordingly, all incremental expenses for services provided by Vanguard and all other expenses incurred by the fund during the period ended April 30, 2015, were borne by the funds in which the fund invests. The fund’s trustees and officers are also directors and officers of Vanguard and the funds in which the fund invests.



LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund

C. Various inputs may be used to determine the value of the fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in three broad levels for financial statement purposes. The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

Level 1Quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.
Level 2Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.).
Level 3Significant unobservable inputs (including the fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments).

At April 30, 2015, 100% of the market value of the fund’s investments was determined based on Level 1 inputs.

D. Distributions are determined on a tax basis and may differ from net investment income and realized capital gains for financial reporting purposes. Differences may be permanent or temporary. Permanent differences are reclassified among capital accounts in the financial statements to reflect their tax character. Temporary differences arise when certain items of income, expense, gain, or loss are recognized in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes. These differences will reverse at some time in the future. Differences in classification may also result from the treatment of short-term gains as ordinary income for tax purposes. The fund’s tax-basis capital gains and losses are determined only at the end of each fiscal year.

At April 30, 2015, the cost of investment securities for tax purposes was $6,200,553,000. Net unrealized appreciation of investment securities for tax purposes was $1,598,011,000, consisting entirely of unrealized gains on securities that had risen in value since their purchase.

E. Capital shares issued and redeemed were:

  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  April 30, 2015 October 31, 2014
  Shares Shares
  (000) (000)
Issued 47,257 92,159
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 13,405 10,727
Redeemed (31,564) (197,073)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Shares Outstanding 29,098 (94,187)




LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund

F. Transactions during the period in affiliated underlying Vanguard funds were as follows:

      Current Period Transactions  
  Oct. 31,   Proceeds     April 30,
  2014   from   Capital Gain 2015
  Market Purchases Securities Dividend Distributions Market
  Value at Cost Sold Income Received Value
  ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000)
Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund 123 NA1 NA1 3 3,741
Vanguard Total Bond Market II            
Index Fund 3,456,280 273,941 34,806 40,169 10,784 3,718,323
Vanguard Total International            
Bond Index Fund 867,223 70,963 5,300 7,184 953,187
Vanguard Total International            
Stock Index Fund 866,661 69,612 10,548 9,635 966,326
Vanguard Total Stock Market            
Index Fund 2,065,716 66,238 52,367 19,999 2,156,987
Total 7,256,003 480,754 103,021 76,990 10,784 7,798,564
1 Not applicable—purchases and sales are for temporary cash investment purposes.


G. Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to April 30, 2015, that would require recognition or disclosure in these financial statements.



LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund

Fund Profile
As of April 30, 2015

Total Fund Characteristics  
Ticker Symbol VSMGX
30-Day SEC Yield 2.02%
Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses1 0.16%


Allocation to Underlying Vanguard Funds  
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund  
Investor Shares 41.4%
Vanguard Total Bond Market II Index Fund  
Investor Shares 31.9
Vanguard Total International Stock Index  
Fund Investor Shares 18.5
Vanguard Total International Bond Index  
Fund Investor Shares 8.2


Total Fund Volatility Measures  
  Moderate DJ
  Growth U.S. Total
  Composite Market
  Index FA Index
R-Squared 1.00 0.88
Beta 1.00 0.58

These measures show the degree and timing of the fund’s fluctuations compared with the indexes over 36 months.

Fund Asset Allocation

1 This figure—drawn from the prospectus dated February 26, 2015—represents an estimate of the weighted average of the expense ratios and any transaction fees charged by the underlying mutual funds (the ”acquired” funds) in which the LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund invests. The LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund does not charge any expenses or fees of its own. For the six months ended April 30, 2015, the annualized acquired fund fees and expenses were 0.15%.



LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund

Performance Summary

All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at vanguard.com/performance.) Note, too, that both investment returns and principal value can fluctuate widely, so an investor’s shares, when sold, could be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

Fiscal-Year Total Returns (%): October 31, 2004, Through April 30, 2015

LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund
Moderate Growth Composite Index

For a benchmark description, see the Glossary.
Note: For 2015, performance data reflect the six months ended April 30, 2015.

Average Annual Total Returns: Periods Ended March 31, 2015
This table presents returns through the latest calendar quarter—rather than through the end of the fiscal period.
Securities and Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

            Ten Years
  Inception Date One Year Five Years Income Capital Total
LifeStrategy Moderate            
Growth Fund 9/30/1994 7.47% 9.01% 2.61% 3.70% 6.31%


See Financial Highlights for dividend and capital gains information.



LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund

Financial Statements (unaudited)

Statement of Net Assets
As of April 30, 2015

The fund reports a complete list of its holdings in regulatory filings four times in each fiscal year, at the quarter-ends. For the second and fourth fiscal quarters, the lists appear in the fund’s semiannual and annual reports to shareholders. For the first and third fiscal quarters, the fund files the lists with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form N-Q. Shareholders can look up the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. Forms N-Q may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room (see the back cover of this report for further information).

  Shares ($000)
Investment Companies (99.9%)    
U.S. Stock Fund (41.3%)    
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Investor Shares 98,188,069 5,152,910
International Stock Fund (18.5%)    
Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund Investor Shares 136,178,308 2,308,222
U.S. Bond Fund (31.9%)    
1 Vanguard Total Bond Market II Index Fund Investor Shares 365,417,884 3,979,401
International Bond Fund (8.2%)    
Vanguard Total International Bond Index Fund Investor Shares 95,578,987 1,022,695
Total Investment Companies (Cost $8,865,698)   12,463,228
Temporary Cash Investment (0.1%)    
Money Market Fund (0.1%)    
1 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund, 0.121% (Cost $10,197) 10,197,000 10,197
Total Investments (100.0%) (Cost $8,875,895)   12,473,425
Other Assets and Liabilities (0.0%)    
Other Assets   16,906
Liabilities   (22,991)
Net Assets (100%)    
Applicable to 502,028,896 outstanding $.001 par value shares of    
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization)   12,467,340
Net Asset Value Per Share   $24.83




LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund  
At April 30, 2015, net assets consisted of:  
Paid-in Capital 8,798,916
Undistributed Net Investment Income 63,181
Accumulated Net Realized Gains 7,713
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) 3,597,530
Net Assets 12,467,340


See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
1 Affiliated fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown for Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund is the 7-day yield.
See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund  
Statement of Operations  
  Six Months Ended
  April 30, 2015
Investment Income  
Income Distributions Received 122,636
Net Investment Income—Note B 122,636
Realized Net Gain (Loss)  
Capital Gain Distributions Received 11,570
Affiliated Investment Securities Sold 5,657
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 17,227
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of Investment Securities 321,808
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 461,671


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund    
Statement of Changes in Net Assets    
  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  April 30, October 31,
  2015 2014
  ($000) ($000)
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    
Net Investment Income 122,636 239,306
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 17,227 82,715
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) 321,808 604,631
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 461,671 926,652
Net Investment Income (126,918) (227,870)
Realized Capital Gain1 (77,127) (30,908)
Total Distributions (204,045) (258,778)
Capital Share Transactions    
Issued 1,465,967 2,577,826
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 198,745 252,992
Redeemed (1,220,444) (2,461,436)
Net Increase (Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions 444,268 369,382
Total Increase (Decrease) 701,894 1,037,256
Net Assets    
Beginning of Period 11,765,446 10,728,190
End of Period2 12,467,340 11,765,446

1 Includes fiscal 2015 and 2014 short-term gain distributions totaling $19,526,000 and $9,035,000, respectively. Short-term gain distributions are treated as ordinary income dividends for tax purposes.
2 Net Assets—End of Period includes undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income of $63,181,000 and $67,463,000.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding April 30,     Year Ended October 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $24.32 $22.90 $20.84 $19.54 $19.22 $17.16
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income . 247 .498 .475 .515 .406 .431
Capital Gain Distributions Received .023 .004 .044 .081 .042
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments .658 1.462 2.430 1.173 .350 2.023
Total from Investment Operations .928 1.964 2.949 1.769 .798 2.454
Dividends from Net Investment Income (. 260) (. 479) (. 522) (. 439) (. 448) (. 394)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (.158) (. 065) (. 367) (. 030) (. 030)
Total Distributions (. 418) (. 544) (. 889) (. 469) (. 478) (. 394)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $24.83 $24.32 $22.90 $20.84 $19.54 $19.22
Total Return1 3.86% 8.67% 14.66% 9.25% 4.14% 14.50%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $12,467 $11,765 $10,728 $8,786 $8,098 $8,049
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets
Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses 0.15% 0.16% 0.16% 0.16% 0.19% 0.19%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 2.03% 2.12% 2.19% 2.56% 2.05% 2.37%
Portfolio Turnover Rate 7% 12% 15% 15%2 32% 17%

The expense ratio, acquired fund fees and expenses, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.
1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.
2 Excludes the value of mutual fund shares delivered and received in connection with a change in the fund’s investments from Vanguard Asset Allocation Fund to Vanguard Total Bond Market II Index Fund and Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund because those transactions were effected in kind and did not cause the fund to incur transaction costs.


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Vanguard LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. The fund follows a balanced investment strategy by investing in selected Vanguard funds to achieve its targeted allocation of assets to U.S. and international stocks, and U.S. and international bonds. Financial statements and other information about each underlying fund are available on vanguard.com.

A. The following significant accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles for U.S. investment companies. The fund consistently follows such policies in preparing its financial statements.

1. Security Valuation: Investments are valued at the net asset value of each underlying Vanguard fund determined as of the close of the New York Stock Exchange (generally 4 p.m., Eastern time) on the valuation date.

2. Federal Income Taxes: The fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income. Management has analyzed the fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years (October 31, 2011–2014), and for the period ended April 30, 2015, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the fund’s financial statements.

3. Distributions: Distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

4. Credit Facility: The fund and certain other funds managed by The Vanguard Group participate in a $3 billion committed credit facility provided by a syndicate of lenders pursuant to a credit agreement that may be renewed annually; each fund is individually liable for its borrowings, if any, under the credit facility. Borrowings may be utilized for temporary and emergency purposes, and are subject to the fund’s regulatory and contractual borrowing restrictions. The participating funds are charged administrative fees and an annual commitment fee of 0.06% of the undrawn amount of the facility; these fees are allocated to the funds based on a method approved by the fund’s board of trustees and borne by the funds in which the fund invests (see Note B). Any borrowings under this facility bear interest at a rate equal to the higher of the federal funds rate or LIBOR reference rate plus an agreed-upon spread.

The fund had no borrowings outstanding at April 30, 2015, or at any time during the period then ended.

5. Other: Income and capital gain distributions received are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Costs used to determine realized gains (losses) on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold.

B. Under a service agreement, The Vanguard Group furnishes corporate management, administrative, marketing, and distribution services to the fund. The service agreement provides that the fund’s expenses may be reduced or eliminated to the extent of savings realized by the Vanguard funds by the operation of the fund. Accordingly, all incremental expenses for services provided by Vanguard and all other expenses incurred by the fund during the period ended April 30, 2015, were borne by the funds in which the fund invests. The fund’s trustees and officers are also directors and officers of Vanguard and the funds in which the fund invests.



LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund

C. Various inputs may be used to determine the value of the fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in three broad levels for financial statement purposes. The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

Level 1Quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.
Level 2Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.).
Level 3Significant unobservable inputs (including the fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments).

At April 30, 2015, 100% of the market value of the fund’s investments was determined based on Level 1 inputs.

D. Distributions are determined on a tax basis and may differ from net investment income and realized capital gains for financial reporting purposes. Differences may be permanent or temporary. Permanent differences are reclassified among capital accounts in the financial statements to reflect their tax character. Temporary differences arise when certain items of income, expense, gain, or loss are recognized in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes. These differences will reverse at some time in the future. Differences in classification may also result from the treatment of short-term gains as ordinary income for tax purposes. The fund’s tax-basis capital gains and losses are determined only at the end of each fiscal year.

At April 30, 2015, the cost of investment securities for tax purposes was $8,875,895,000. Net unrealized appreciation of investment securities for tax purposes was $3,597,530,000, consisting entirely of unrealized gains on securities that had risen in value since their purchase.

E. Capital shares issued and redeemed were:

  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  April 30, 2015 October 31, 2014
  Shares Shares
  (000) (000)
Issued 59,902 109,330
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 8,192 10,769
Redeemed (49,803) (104,840)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Shares Outstanding 18,291 15,259




LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund

F. Transactions during the period in affiliated underlying Vanguard funds were as follows:

      Current Period Transactions  
  Oct. 31,   Proceeds     April 30,
  2014   from   Capital Gain 2015
  Market Purchases Securities   Distributions Market
  Value at Cost Sold Income Received Value
  ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000)
Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund 1,163 NA1 NA1 5 10,197
Vanguard Total Bond Market II            
Index Fund 3,746,840 349,643 141,437 43,166 11,570 3,979,401
Vanguard Total International            
Bond Index Fund 942,439 76,165 18,061 7,777 1,022,695
Vanguard Total International            
Stock Index Fund 2,104,589 185,378 77,048 23,362 2,308,222
Vanguard Total Stock Market            
Index Fund 4,973,804 152,385 158,934 48,326 5,152,910
Total 11,768,835 763,571 395,480 122,636 11,570 12,473,425
1 Not applicable—purchases and sales are for temporary cash investment purposes.


G. Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to April 30, 2015, that would require recognition or disclosure in these financial statements.



LifeStrategy Growth Fund

Fund Profile
As of April 30, 2015

Total Fund Characteristics  
Ticker Symbol VASGX
30-Day SEC Yield 2.01%
Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses1 0.17%


Allocation to Underlying Vanguard Funds  
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund  
Investor Shares 55.1%
Vanguard Total International Stock Index  
Fund Investor Shares 24.8
Vanguard Total Bond Market II Index Fund  
Investor Shares 16.0
Vanguard Total International Bond Index  
Fund Investor Shares 4.1


Total Fund Volatility Measures  
  Growth U.S. Total
  Composite Market
  Index FA Index
R-Squared 1.00 0.93
Beta 1.00 0.79

These measures show the degree and timing of the fund’s fluctuations compared with the indexes over 36 months.

Fund Asset Allocation

1  This figure—drawn from the prospectus dated February 26, 2015—represents an estimate of the weighted average of the expense ratios and any transaction fees charged by the underlying mutual funds (the ”acquired” funds) in which the LifeStrategy Growth Fund invests. The LifeStrategy Growth Fund does not charge any expenses or fees of its own. For the six months ended April 30, 2015, the annualized acquired fund fees and expenses were 0.16%.



LifeStrategy Growth Fund

Performance Summary

All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at vanguard.com/performance.) Note, too, that both investment returns and principal value can fluctuate widely, so an investor’s shares, when sold, could be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

Fiscal-Year Total Returns (%): October 31, 2004, Through April 30, 2015

LifeStrategy Growth Fund
Growth Composite Index

For a benchmark description, see the Glossary.
Note: For 2015, performance data reflect the six months ended April 30, 2015.

Average Annual Total Returns: Periods Ended March 31, 2015
This table presents returns through the latest calendar quarter—rather than through the end of the fiscal period.
Securities and Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

            Ten Years
  Inception Date One Year Five Years Income Capital Total
LifeStrategy Growth Fund 9/30/1994 7.80% 10.34% 2.30% 4.33% 6.63%


See Financial Highlights for dividend and capital gains information.



LifeStrategy Growth Fund

Financial Statements (unaudited)

Statement of Net Assets
As of April 30, 2015

The fund reports a complete list of its holdings in regulatory filings four times in each fiscal year, at the quarter-ends. For the second and fourth fiscal quarters, the lists appear in the fund’s semiannual and annual reports to shareholders. For the first and third fiscal quarters, the fund files the lists with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form N-Q. Shareholders can look up the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. Forms N-Q may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room (see the back cover of this report for further information).

  Shares ($000)
Investment Companies (99.9%)    
U.S. Stock Fund (55.2%)    
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Investor Shares 120,358,771 6,316,428
International Stock Fund (24.7%)    
Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund Investor Shares 167,173,918 2,833,598
U.S. Bond Fund (16.0%)    
1 Vanguard Total Bond Market II Index Fund Investor Shares 168,266,146 1,832,418
International Bond Fund (4.0%)    
Vanguard Total International Bond Index Fund Investor Shares 43,356,342 463,913
Total Investment Companies (Cost $7,471,102)   11,446,357
Temporary Cash Investment (0.1%)    
Money Market Fund (0.1%)    
1 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund, 0.121% (Cost $8,126) 8,126,000 8,126
Total Investments (100.0%) (Cost $7,479,228)   11,454,483
Other Assets and Liabilities (0.0%)    
Other Assets   21,380
Liabilities   (23,089)
Net Assets (100%)    
Applicable to 383,274,231 outstanding $.001 par value shares of    
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization)   11,452,774
Net Asset Value Per Share   $29.88




LifeStrategy Growth Fund  
At April 30, 2015, net assets consisted of:  
Paid-in Capital 7,419,830
Undistributed Net Investment Income 50,977
Accumulated Net Realized Gains 6,712
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) 3,975,255
Net Assets 11,452,774


See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
1 Affiliated fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown for Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund is the 7-day yield.
See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



LifeStrategy Growth Fund  
Statement of Operations  
  Six Months Ended
  April 30, 2015
Investment Income  
Income Distributions Received 109,313
Net Investment Income—Note B 109,313
Realized Net Gain (Loss)  
Capital Gain Distributions Received 5,217
Affiliated Investment Securities Sold 6,262
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 11,479
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of Investment Securities 352,459
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 473,251


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



LifeStrategy Growth Fund    
Statement of Changes in Net Assets    
  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  April 30, October 31,
  2015 2014
  ($000) ($000)
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    
Net Investment Income 109,313 217,124
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 11,479 74,439
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) 352,459 661,026
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 473,251 952,589
Net Investment Income (111,811) (210,261)
Realized Capital Gain1 (69,146) (19,730)
Total Distributions (180,957) (229,991)
Capital Share Transactions    
Issued 1,061,467 1,754,318
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 177,653 226,220
Redeemed (708,476) (1,860,694)
Net Increase (Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions 530,644 119,844
Total Increase (Decrease) 822,938 842,442
Net Assets    
Beginning of Period 10,629,836 9,787,394
End of Period2 11,452,774 10,629,836

1 Includes fiscal 2015 and 2014 short-term gain distributions totaling $10,298,000 and $7,307,000, respectively. Short-term gain distributions are treated as ordinary income dividends for tax purposes.
2 Net Assets—End of Period includes undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income of $50,977,000 and $53,475,000.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



LifeStrategy Growth Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding April 30,     Year Ended October 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $29.12 $27.07 $23.36 $21.61 $21.28 $18.66
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income . 291 .599 .569 .587 .401 .417
Capital Gain Distributions Received .014 .002 .025 .045 .018
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments .947 2.085 4.013 1.603 .364 2.573
Total from Investment Operations 1.252 2.686 4.607 2.235 .783 2.990
Dividends from Net Investment Income (. 304) (. 582) (. 631) (. 468) (. 444) (. 370)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (.188) (. 054) (. 266) (. 017) (. 009)
Total Distributions (. 492) (. 636) (. 897) (. 485) (. 453) (. 370)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $29.88 $29.12 $27.07 $23.36 $21.61 $21.28
Total Return1 4.34% 10.02% 20.34% 10.56% 3.63% 16.21%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $11,453 $10,630 $9,787 $7,799 $7,371 $7,431
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets
Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses 0.16% 0.17% 0.17% 0.17% 0.20% 0.20%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 2.00% 2.14% 2.27% 2.61% 1.79% 2.09%
Portfolio Turnover Rate 3% 10% 9% 10%2 22% 11%

The expense ratio, acquired fund fees and expenses, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.
1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.
2 Excludes the value of mutual fund shares delivered and received in connection with a change in the fund’s investments from Vanguard Asset Allocation Fund to Vanguard Total Bond Market II Index Fund and Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund because those transactions were effected in kind and did not cause the fund to incur transaction costs.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



LifeStrategy Growth Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Vanguard LifeStrategy Growth Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. The fund follows a balanced investment strategy by investing in selected Vanguard funds to achieve its targeted allocation of assets to U.S. and international stocks, and U.S. and international bonds. Financial statements and other information about each underlying fund are available on vanguard.com.

A. The following significant accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles for U.S. investment companies. The fund consistently follows such policies in preparing its financial statements.

1. Security Valuation: Investments are valued at the net asset value of each underlying Vanguard fund determined as of the close of the New York Stock Exchange (generally 4 p.m., Eastern time) on the valuation date.

2. Federal Income Taxes: The fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income. Management has analyzed the fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years (October 31, 2011–2014), and for the period ended April 30, 2015, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the fund’s financial statements.

3. Distributions: Distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

4. Credit Facility: The fund and certain other funds managed by The Vanguard Group participate in a $3 billion committed credit facility provided by a syndicate of lenders pursuant to a credit agreement that may be renewed annually; each fund is individually liable for its borrowings, if any, under the credit facility. Borrowings may be utilized for temporary and emergency purposes, and are subject to the fund’s regulatory and contractual borrowing restrictions. The participating funds are charged administrative fees and an annual commitment fee of 0.06% of the undrawn amount of the facility; these fees are allocated to the funds based on a method approved by the fund’s board of trustees and borne by the funds in which the fund invests (see Note B). Any borrowings under this facility bear interest at a rate equal to the higher of the federal funds rate or LIBOR reference rate plus an agreed-upon spread.

The fund had no borrowings outstanding at April 30, 2015, or at any time during the period then ended.

5. Other: Income and capital gain distributions received are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Costs used to determine realized gains (losses) on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold.

B. Under a service agreement, The Vanguard Group furnishes corporate management, administrative, marketing, and distribution services to the fund. The service agreement provides that the fund’s expenses may be reduced or eliminated to the extent of savings realized by the Vanguard funds by the operation of the fund. Accordingly, all incremental expenses for services provided by Vanguard and all other expenses incurred by the fund during the period ended April 30, 2015, were borne by the funds in which the fund invests. The fund’s trustees and officers are also directors and officers of Vanguard and the funds in which the fund invests.



LifeStrategy Growth Fund

C. Various inputs may be used to determine the value of the fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in three broad levels for financial statement purposes. The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

Level 1Quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.
Level 2Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.).
Level 3Significant unobservable inputs (including the fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments).

At April 30, 2015, 100% of the market value of the fund’s investments was determined based on Level 1 inputs.

D. Distributions are determined on a tax basis and may differ from net investment income and realized capital gains for financial reporting purposes. Differences may be permanent or temporary. Permanent differences are reclassified among capital accounts in the financial statements to reflect their tax character. Temporary differences arise when certain items of income, expense, gain, or loss are recognized in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes. These differences will reverse at some time in the future. Differences in classification may also result from the treatment of short-term gains as ordinary income for tax purposes. The fund’s tax-basis capital gains and losses are determined only at the end of each fiscal year.

At April 30, 2015, the cost of investment securities for tax purposes was $7,479,228,000. Net unrealized appreciation of investment securities for tax purposes was $3,975,255,000, consisting entirely of unrealized gains on securities that had risen in value since their purchase.

E. Capital shares issued and redeemed were:

  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  April 30, 2015 October 31, 2014
  Shares Shares
  (000) (000)
Issued 36,240 62,458
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 6,103 8,035
Redeemed (24,161) (66,974)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Shares Outstanding 18,182 3,519




LifeStrategy Growth Fund

F. Transactions during the period in affiliated underlying Vanguard funds were as follows:

      Current Period Transactions  
  Oct. 31,   Proceeds     April 30,
  2014   from   Capital Gain 2015
  Market Purchases Securities   Distributions Market
  Value at Cost Sold Income Received Value
  ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000)
Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund NA1 NA1 2 8,126
Vanguard Total Bond Market II            
Index Fund 1,661,998 230,700 71,542 19,566 5,217 1,832,418
Vanguard Total International            
Bond Index Fund 425,696 34,650 6,409 3,521 463,913
Vanguard Total International            
Stock Index Fund 2,525,084 210,586 17,914 28,186 2,833,598
Vanguard Total Stock Market            
Index Fund 6,015,078 167,110 87,400 58,038 6,316,428
Total 10,627,856 643,046 183,265 109,313 5,217 11,454,483
1 Not applicable—purchases and sales are for temporary cash investment purposes.


G. Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to April 30, 2015, that would require recognition or disclosure in these financial statements.



About Your Fund’s Expenses

As a shareholder of the fund, you incur ongoing costs, which include costs for portfolio management, administrative services, and shareholder reports (like this one), among others. Operating expenses, which are deducted from a fund’s gross income, directly reduce the investment return of the fund.

A typical fund’s expenses are expressed as a percentage of its average net assets. The LifeStrategy Funds have no direct expenses, but each fund bears its proportionate share of the costs for the underlying funds in which it invests. These indirect expenses make up the acquired fund fees and expenses, also expressed as a percentage of average net assets.

The following examples are intended to help you understand the ongoing cost (in dollars) of investing in your fund and to compare these costs with those of other mutual funds. The examples are based on an investment of $1,000 made at the beginning of the period shown and held for the entire period. The costs were calculated using the acquired fund fees and expenses for each LifeStrategy Fund.

The accompanying table illustrates your fund’s costs in two ways:

Based on actual fund return. This section helps you to estimate the actual expenses that you paid over the period. The ”Ending Account Value“ shown is derived from the fund‘s actual return, and the third column shows the dollar amount that would have been paid by an investor who started with $1,000 in the fund. You may use the information here, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period.

To do so, simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number given for your fund under the heading ”Expenses Paid During Period.“

Based on hypothetical 5% yearly return. This section is intended to help you compare your fund‘s costs with those of other mutual funds. It assumes that the fund had a yearly return of 5% before expenses, but that the expense ratio is unchanged. In this case—because the return used is not the fund’s actual return—the results do not apply to your investment. The example is useful in making comparisons because the Securities and Exchange Commission requires all mutual funds to calculate expenses based on a 5% return. You can assess your fund’s costs by comparing this hypothetical example with the hypothetical examples that appear in shareholder reports of other funds.

Note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight and help you compare ongoing costs only and do not reflect transaction costs incurred by the fund for buying and selling securities. Further, the expenses do not include any purchase, redemption, or account service fees described in the fund prospectus. If such fees were applied to your account, your costs would be higher. Your fund does not carry a “sales load.”

The calculations assume no shares were bought or sold during the period. Your actual costs may have been higher or lower, depending on the amount of your investment and the timing of any purchases or redemptions.

You can find more information about the fund’s expenses, including annual expense ratios, in the Financial Statements section of this report. For additional information on operating expenses and other shareholder costs, please refer to your fund’s current prospectus.



Six Months Ended April 30, 2015      
  Beginning Ending Expenses
  Account Value Account Value Paid During
  10/31/2014 4/30/2015 Period
Based on Actual Fund Return      
LifeStrategy Income Fund $1,000.00 $1,028.26 $0.65
LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund $1,000.00 $1,033.27 $0.71
LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund $1,000.00 $1,038.56 $0.76
LifeStrategy Growth Fund $1,000.00 $1,043.44 $0.81
Based on Hypothetical 5% Yearly Return      
LifeStrategy Income Fund $1,000.00 $1,024.15 $0.65
LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund $1,000.00 $1,024.10 $0.70
LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund $1,000.00 $1,024.05 $0.75
LifeStrategy Growth Fund $1,000.00 $1,024.00 $0.80

The calculations are based on acquired fund fees and expenses charged by the underlying mutual funds in which the LifeStrategy Funds invest. The LifeStrategy Funds’ annualized expense figures for the period are (in order as listed from top to bottom above) 0.13%, 0.14%, 0.15%, and 0.16%. The dollar amounts shown as ”Expenses Paid” are equal to the annualized average weighted expense ratio for the underlying funds multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in the most recent six-month period, then divided by the number of days in the most recent 12-month period.




30-Day SEC Yield. A fund’s 30-day SEC yield is derived using a formula specified by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Under the formula, data related to the fund’s security holdings in the previous 30 days are used to calculate the fund’s hypothetical net income for that period, which is then annualized and divided by the fund’s estimated average net assets over the calculation period. For the purposes of this calculation, a security’s income is based on its current market yield to maturity (for bonds), its actual income (for asset-backed securities), or its projected dividend yield (for stocks). Because the SEC yield represents hypothetical annualized income, it will differ—at times significantly—from the fund’s actual experience. As a result, the fund’s income distributions may be higher or lower than implied by the SEC yield.

Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses. Funds that invest in other Vanguard funds incur no direct expenses, but they do bear proportionate shares of the operating, administrative, and advisory expenses of the underlying funds, and they must pay any fees charged by those funds. The figure for acquired fund fees and expenses represents a weighted average of these underlying costs. Acquired is a term that the Securities and Exchange Commission applies to any mutual fund whose shares are owned by another fund.

Beta. A measure of the magnitude of a fund’s past share-price fluctuations in relation to the ups and downs of a given market index. The index is assigned a beta of 1.00. Compared with a given index, a fund with a beta of 1.20 typically would have seen its share price rise or fall by 12% when the index rose or fell by 10%. For this report, beta is based on returns over the past 36 months for both the fund and the index. Note that a fund’s beta should be reviewed in conjunction with its R-squared (see definition). The lower the R-squared, the less correlation there is between the fund and the index, and the less reliable beta is as an indicator of volatility.

Expense Ratio. A fund’s total annual operating expenses expressed as a percentage of the fund’s average net assets. The expense ratio includes management and administrative expenses, but does not include the transaction costs of buying and selling portfolio securities.

Inception Date. The date on which the assets of a fund (or one of its share classes) are first invested in accordance with the fund’s investment objective. For funds with a subscription period, the inception date is the day after that period ends. Investment performance is measured from the inception date.

R-Squared. A measure of how much of a fund’s past returns can be explained by the returns from the market in general, as measured by a given index. If a fund’s total returns were precisely synchronized with an index’s returns, its R-squared would be 1.00. If the fund’s returns bore no relationship to the index’s returns, its R-squared would be 0. For this report, R-squared is based on returns over the past 36 months for both the fund and the index.

Benchmark Information

Conservative Growth Composite Average: Weighted 60% fixed income funds average, 28% general equity funds average, and 12% international funds average. Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.



Conservative Growth Composite Index: Weighted 48% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Float Adjusted Index, 28% CRSP US Total Market Index, 12% Barclays Global Aggregate ex-USD Float Adjusted RIC Capped Index, and 12% FTSE Global All Cap ex US Index as of June 3, 2013. In prior periods, the composite was 60% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Float Adjusted Index, 28% MSCI US Broad Market Index, and 12% MSCI ACWI ex USA IMI Index through June 2, 2013; 40% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Float Adjusted Index, 28% MSCI US Broad Market Index, 20% Barclays U.S. 1–3 Year Credit Bond Index, and 12% MSCI ACWI ex USA IMI Index through November 30, 2011; 40% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (with the Barclays U.S. Aggregate Float Adjusted Index used after December 31, 2009), 35% MSCI US Broad Market Index, 20% Barclays U.S. 1–3 Year Credit Bond Index, and 5% MSCI EAFE Index through December 15, 2010; 40% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, 35% Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index, 20% Barclays U.S. 1–3 Year Credit Bond Index, and 5% MSCI EAFE Index through April 22, 2005; and 40% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, 35% Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index, 20% Citigroup 3-Month Treasury Bill Index, and 5% MSCI EAFE Index through August 31, 2003. International stock benchmark returns are adjusted for withholding taxes.

Growth Composite Average: Weighted 56% general equity funds average, 24% international funds average, and 20% fixed income funds average. Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.

Growth Composite Index: Weighted 56% CRSP US Total Market Index, 24% FTSE Global All Cap ex US Index, 16% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Float Adjusted Index, and 4% Barclays Global Aggregate ex-USD Float Adjusted RIC Capped Index as of June 3, 2013. In prior periods, the composite was 56% MSCI US Broad Market Index, 24% MSCI ACWI ex USA IMI Index, and 20% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Float Adjusted Index through June 2, 2013; 65% MSCI US Broad Market Index, 20% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (with the Barclays U.S. Aggregate Float Adjusted Index used after December 31, 2009), and 15% MSCI EAFE Index through December 15, 2010; and 65% Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index, 20% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, and 15% MSCI EAFE Index through April 22, 2005. International stock benchmark returns are adjusted for withholding taxes.

Income Composite Average: Weighted 80% fixed income funds average, 14% general equity funds average, and 6% international funds average. Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.



Income Composite Index: Weighted 64% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Float Adjusted Index, 16% Barclays Global Aggregate ex-USD Float Adjusted RIC Capped Index, 14% CRSP US Total Market Index, and 6% FTSE Global All Cap ex US Index as of June 3, 2013. In prior periods, the composite was 80% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Float Adjusted Index, 14% MSCI US Broad Market Index, and 6% MSCI ACWI ex USA IMI Index through June 2, 2013; 60% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Float Adjusted Index, 20% Barclays U.S. 1–3 Year Credit Bond Index, 14% MSCI US Broad Market Index, and 6% MSCI ACWI ex USA IMI Index through November 30, 2011; 60% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (with the Barclays U.S. Aggregate Float Adjusted Index used after December 31, 2009), 20% MSCI US Broad Market Index, and 20% Barclays U.S. 1–3 Year Credit Bond Index through December 15, 2010; 60% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, 20% Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index, and 20% Barclays U.S. 1–3 Year Credit Bond Index through April 22, 2005; and 60% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, 20% Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index, and 20% Citigroup 3-Month Treasury Bill Index through August 31, 2003. International stock benchmark returns are adjusted for withholding taxes.

Moderate Growth Composite Average: Weighted 42% general equity funds average, 40% fixed income funds average, and 18% international funds average. Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.

Moderate Growth Composite Index: Weighted 42% CRSP US Total Market Index, 32% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Float Adjusted Index, 18% FTSE Global All Cap ex US Index, and 8% Barclays Global Aggregate ex-USD Float Adjusted RIC Capped Index as of June 3, 2013. In prior periods, the composite was 42% MSCI US Broad Market Index, 40% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Float Adjusted Index, and 18% MSCI ACWI ex USA IMI Index through June 2, 2013; 50% MSCI US Broad Market Index, 40% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (with the Barclays U.S. Aggregate Float Adjusted Index used after December 31, 2009), and 10% MSCI EAFE Index through December 15, 2010; and 50% Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index, 40% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, and 10% MSCI EAFE Index through April 22, 2005. International stock benchmark returns are adjusted for withholding taxes.



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The People Who Govern Your Fund

The trustees of your mutual fund are there to see that the fund is operated and managed in your best interests since, as a shareholder, you are a part owner of the fund. Your fund’s trustees also serve on the board of directors of The Vanguard Group, Inc., which is owned by the Vanguard funds and provides services to them on an at-cost basis.

A majority of Vanguard’s board members are independent, meaning that they have no affiliation with Vanguard or the funds they oversee, apart from the sizable personal investments they have made as private individuals. The independent board members have distinguished backgrounds in business, academia, and public service. Each of the trustees and executive officers oversees 178 Vanguard funds.

The following table provides information for each trustee and executive officer of the fund. More information about the trustees is in the Statement of Additional Information, which can be obtained, without charge, by contacting Vanguard at 800-662-7447, or online at vanguard.com.

InterestedTrustee1 Rajiv L. Gupta
  Born 1945. Trustee Since December 2001.2 Principal
F. William McNabb III Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other
Born 1957. Trustee Since July 2009. Chairman of Experience: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
the Board. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past (retired 2009) and President (2006–2008) of
Five Years and Other Experience: Chairman of the Rohm and Haas Co. (chemicals); Director of Tyco
Board of The Vanguard Group, Inc., and of each of International PLC (diversified manufacturing and
the investment companies served by The Vanguard services), Hewlett-Packard Co. (electronic computer
Group, since January 2010; Director of The Vanguard manufacturing), and Delphi Automotive PLC
Group since 2008; Chief Executive Officer and (automotive components); Senior Advisor at New
President of The Vanguard Group, and of each of Mountain Capital.
the investment companies served by The Vanguard  
Group, since 2008; Director of Vanguard Marketing Amy Gutmann
Corporation; Managing Director of The Vanguard Born 1949. Trustee Since June 2006. Principal
Group (1995–2008). Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and
  Other Experience: President of the University of
IndependentTrustees Pennsylvania; Christopher H. Browne Distinguished
  Professor of Political Science, School of Arts and
Emerson U. Fullwood Sciences, and Professor of Communication, Annenberg
Born 1948. Trustee Since January 2008. Principal School for Communication, with secondary faculty
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and appointments in the Department of Philosophy, School
Other Experience: Executive Chief Staff and of Arts and Sciences, and at the Graduate School of
Marketing Officer for North America and Corporate Education, University of Pennsylvania; Trustee of the
Vice President (retired 2008) of Xerox Corporation National Constitution Center; Chair of the Presidential
(document management products and services); Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.
Executive in Residence and 2009–2010 Distinguished  
Minett Professor at the Rochester Institute of JoAnn Heffernan Heisen
Technology; Director of SPX Corporation (multi-industry Born 1950. Trustee Since July 1998. Principal
manufacturing), the United Way of Rochester, Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other
Amerigroup Corporation (managed health care), the Experience: Corporate Vice President and Chief
University of Rochester Medical Center, Monroe Global Diversity Officer (retired 2008) and Member
Community College Foundation, and North Carolina of the Executive Committee (1997–2008) of Johnson
A&T University. & Johnson (pharmaceuticals/medical devices/
consumer products); Director of Skytop Lodge
  Corporation (hotels), the University Medical Center
  at Princeton, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,
  and the Center for Talent Innovation; Member of
  the Advisory Board of the Institute for Women’s
  Leadership at Rutgers University.



F. Joseph Loughrey Executive Officers  
Born 1949. Trustee Since October 2009. Principal    
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Glenn Booraem  
Experience: President and Chief Operating Officer Born 1967. Controller Since July 2010. Principal
(retired 2009) of Cummins Inc. (industrial machinery); Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other
Chairman of the Board of Hillenbrand, Inc. (specialized Experience: Principal of The Vanguard Group, Inc.;
consumer services), and of Oxfam America; Director Controller of each of the investment companies served
of SKF AB (industrial machinery), Hyster-Yale Materials by The Vanguard Group; Assistant Controller of each of
Handling, Inc. (forklift trucks), the Lumina Foundation the investment companies served by The Vanguard
for Education, and the V Foundation for Cancer Group (2001–2010).  
Research; Member of the Advisory Council for the
College of Arts and Letters and of the Advisory Board Thomas J. Higgins  
to the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, both Born 1957. Chief Financial Officer Since September
at the University of Notre Dame. 2008. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five
Years and Other Experience: Principal of The Vanguard
Mark Loughridge Group, Inc.; Chief Financial Officer of each of the
Born 1953. Trustee Since March 2012. Principal investment companies served by The Vanguard Group;
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Treasurer of each of the investment companies served
Experience: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial by The Vanguard Group (1998–2008).
Officer (retired 2013) at IBM (information technology
services); Fiduciary Member of IBM’s Retirement Plan Kathryn J. Hyatt  
Committee (2004–2013); Director of the Dow Chemical Born 1955. Treasurer Since November 2008. Principal
Company; Member of the Council on Chicago Booth. Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other
Experience: Principal of The Vanguard Group, Inc.;
Scott C. Malpass Treasurer of each of the investment companies served
Born 1962. Trustee Since March 2012. Principal by The Vanguard Group; Assistant Treasurer of each of
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other the investment companies served by The Vanguard
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League Baseball. investment companies served by The Vanguard Group;
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Born 1952. Trustee Since December 2004. Principal  
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Born 1955. Trustee Since July 2009. Principal    
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other John J. Brennan  
Experience: President and Chief Operating Officer Chairman, 1996–2009  
(retired 2010) of Corning Incorporated (communications Chief Executive Officer and President, 1996–2008
equipment); Trustee of Colby-Sawyer College;    
Member of the Advisory Board of the Norris Cotton Founder  
Cancer Center and of the Advisory Board of the    
Parthenon Group (strategy consulting). John C. Bogle  
  Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, 1974–1996


1 Mr. McNabb is considered an “interested person,” as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, because he is an officer of the Vanguard funds.
2 December 2002 for Vanguard Equity Income Fund, the Vanguard Municipal Bond Funds, and the Vanguard State Tax-Exempt Funds.



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  Q882 062015


Semiannual Report | April 30, 2015

Vanguard STAR® Fund


The mission continues

On May 1, 1975, Vanguard began operations, a fledgling company based on the simple but revolutionary idea that a mutual fund company should be managed solely in the interest of its investors.

Four decades later, that revolutionary spirit continues to animate the enterprise. Vanguard remains on a mission to give investors the best chance of investment success.

As we mark our 40th anniversary, we thank you for entrusting your assets to Vanguard and giving us the opportunity to help you reach your financial goals in the decades to come.

Your Fund’s Total Returns. 1
Chairman’s Letter. 2
Fund Profile. 8
Performance Summary. 9
Financial Statements. 10
About Your Fund’s Expenses. 18
Trustees Approve Advisory Arrangement. 20
Glossary. 21


Please note: The opinions expressed in this report are just that—informed opinions. They should not be considered promises or advice.
Also, please keep in mind that the information and opinions cover the period through the date on the front of this report. Of course, the risks of investing in your fund are spelled out in the prospectus.
See the Glossary for definitions of investment terms used in this report.
About the cover: Since our founding, Vanguard has drawn inspiration from the enterprise and valor demonstrated by British naval hero Horatio Nelson and his command at the Battle of the Nile in 1798. The photograph displays a replica of a merchant ship from the same era as Nelson’s flagship, the HMS Vanguard.


Your Fund’s Total Returns  
Six Months Ended April 30, 2015  
Vanguard STAR Fund 4.22%
STAR Composite Index 3.93
STAR Composite Average 3.54

For a benchmark description, see the Glossary.
STAR Composite Average: Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.


Your Fund’s Performance at a Glance        
October 31, 2014, Through April 30, 2015        
      Distributions Per Share
  Starting Ending Income Capital
  Share Price Share Price Dividends Gains
Vanguard STAR Fund $25.27 $25.47 $0.350 $0.493







Chairman’s Letter

Dear Shareholder,

The stocks and bonds in Vanguard STAR Fund traced a bumpy path higher over the six months ended April 30, 2015, returning 4.22%.

STAR invests in 11 actively managed Vanguard funds, all of which posted one or more monthly declines during the period. The sharp drop in the price of oil, the strengthening dollar, and questions about growth in Europe and China were among the factors behind those negative returns. But the diversity of the STAR Fund’s investments—and the diversity of thought among the advisors managing them—helped it achieve a solid return for the half year.

Indeed, the STAR Fund outpaced its benchmark, the STAR Composite Index, and finished even further ahead of the composite average return of the peer groups for its underlying funds.

Roughly 63% of the fund’s assets at the end of the period were invested in U.S. and international stocks and about 37% in U.S. bonds and short-term reserves. Generally speaking, the STAR Fund’s growth-oriented holdings produced higher returns than their value-oriented counterparts both at home and abroad. Within fixed income, a drop in the yields of longer-dated bonds helped them perform better than shorter-dated ones, as bond yields and prices move in opposite directions.



U.S. stocks closed out higher despite fluctuating returns
U.S. stocks returned almost 5% for the six months, despite stretches of shakiness. In two of those months, stocks declined. In two others, they were virtually unchanged or gained less than 1%. February’s surge of almost 6%, the largest monthly gain since October 2011, lifted stocks for the period.

The Federal Reserve’s careful approach to potentially raising short-term interest rates helped stocks along, as did monetary stimulus efforts by other nations’ central banks. These factors offset concerns that ranged from Greece’s debt crisis to the negative effect of the strong U.S. dollar on the profits of U.S.-based multinational companies.

For U.S. investors, international stocks returned about 6%. Still, results were restrained by the dollar’s strength against many foreign currencies. Returns for the developed markets of the Pacific region, led by Japan, exceeded those of Europe and emerging markets. (You can read about Vanguard’s assessment of Japan’s economy in Japan: The Long Road Back to Inflation, available at vanguard.com/research. This is part of the Global Macro Matters series produced by our economists.)

Market Barometer      
      Total Returns
    Periods Ended April 30, 2015
  Six One Five Years
  Months Year (Annualized)
Russell 1000 Index (Large-caps) 4.75% 13.00% 14.47%
Russell 2000 Index (Small-caps) 4.65 9.71 12.73
Russell 3000 Index (Broad U.S. market) 4.74 12.74 14.33
FTSE All-World ex US Index (International) 6.00 3.53 6.40
Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (Broad taxable market) 2.06% 4.46% 4.12%
Barclays Municipal Bond Index (Broad tax-exempt market) 1.17 4.80 4.75
Citigroup Three-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index 0.00 0.03 0.05
Consumer Price Index -0.35% -0.20% 1.65%




Stimulus policies and demand have driven up bond prices
Like equities, bonds have benefited from accommodative monetary policies from the world’s central banks. Investor demand for the perceived safety of fixed income assets has also boosted bond returns.

The broad U.S. taxable bond market returned 2.06% for the period, and the yield of the 10-year U.S. Treasury note ended April at 2.04%, down from 2.31% six months earlier.

International bond markets (as measured by the Barclays Global Aggregate Index ex USD) returned –4.83% as foreign currencies’ weakness relative to the dollar affected results. For international bonds hedged to eliminate the effect of changes in currency exchange rates, returns were positive.

Returns of money market funds and savings accounts remained checked by the Fed’s target of 0%–0.25% for short-term interest rates.

A majority of the underlying funds found opportunities to outperform
The STAR Fund, in holding 11 actively managed funds, aims to give investors broad diversification across markets and asset classes. Collectively, the advisors for these underlying funds look for opportunities to outperform among small-, medium-, and large-capitalization stocks across the globe and among U.S.

Expense Ratios    
Your Fund Compared With Its Peer Group    
  Acquired Fund Fees Peer Group
  and Expenses Average
STAR Fund 0.34% 1.10%

The acquired fund fees and expenses—drawn from the prospectus dated February 26, 2015—represent an estimate of the weighted average of the expense ratios and any transaction fees charged by the underlying mutual funds (the ”acquired” funds) in which the STAR Fund invests. The STAR Fund does not charge any expenses or fees of its own. For the six months ended April 30, 2015, the annualized acquired fund fees and expenses were 0.34%.

The peer group is the STAR Composite Average, which is derived by weighting the average expense ratios of the following mutual fund groups: general equity funds (43.75%), fixed income funds (25%), 1–5 year investment-grade funds (12.5%), and international funds (18.75%). Average expense ratios for these groups are derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company, and capture information through year-end 2014.



bonds of all maturities. Returns of the underlying funds ranged from about 1% to about 7%.

Over the six months, seven of the underlying funds outperformed their benchmarks, and nine beat the average returns of their peer groups.

Among the funds focused on domestic stocks, Vanguard Windsor™ Fund—which targets large-caps that have fallen out of favor with investors—outstripped its benchmark by the largest margin. The advisors’ lean holdings among integrated oil and gas companies and their choices among health care providers and especially semiconductor firms boosted Windsor’s relative return.

The top absolute performers among STAR’s holdings were two growth-oriented stock funds: Vanguard U.S. Growth Fund, which invests primarily in blue chips, and Vanguard ExplorerFund, which invests in small-caps.

Vanguard Windsor II Fund, the STAR Fund’s largest holding, produced the lowest return among the domestic stock funds. It emphasizes large-cap value stocks, a segment that underperformed the broad market. The fund’s advisors, however, achieved a better-than-benchmark return through their holdings among automakers and retailers in consumer discretionary and among pharmaceutical companies in health care.

Underlying Funds: Allocations and Returns    
Six Months Ended April 30, 2015    
  Percentage of  
Vanguard Fund STAR Fund Assets Total Returns
Vanguard Windsor II Fund Investor Shares 14.1% 3.65%
Vanguard GNMA Fund Investor Shares 12.5 1.95
Vanguard Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund    
Investor Shares 12.5 1.11
Vanguard Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund    
Investor Shares 12.3 3.89
Vanguard International Growth Fund Investor    
Shares 9.6 6.30
Vanguard International Value Fund 9.6 3.35
Vanguard Windsor Fund Investor Shares 7.7 5.67
Vanguard U.S. Growth Fund Investor Shares 6.0 7.01
Vanguard Morgan Growth Fund Investor Shares 6.0 6.57
Vanguard PRIMECAP Fund Investor Shares 5.9 4.96
Vanguard Explorer Fund Investor Shares 3.8 6.70
Combined 100.0% 4.22%




Internationally, growth stocks also outperformed. Vanguard International Growth Fund returned more than 6% and outpaced its broad international benchmark. In contrast, Vanguard International Value Fund

returned just over 3%, well behind that same benchmark; the fund’s returns were subpar in a number of sectors including consumer discretionary and financials.

International stocks—an opportunity for further diversification
International stocks led global stock markets out of the Great Recession in 2009. Since then,
they’ve trailed the broad U.S. stock market in every year but one.
Despite the underperformance of the last several years, international stocks—which represent
about half of the world’s market capitalization—can still help U.S.-based investors diversify
their portfolios.
As the chart below shows, U.S. and international stocks have periodically swapped market
leadership positions as differing market and economic forces caused their returns to vary.
Of course, the timing of these changes is impossible to predict.
Global diversification can help U.S. investors reduce their portfolio’s volatility over time by
mitigating losses when domestic stocks do poorly and adding to returns when foreign stocks
shine. (For more insight, see Global Equities: Balancing Home Bias and Diversification, available
at vanguard.com/research.)
Trailing 12-month return differential between U.S. and non-U.S. stocks


Notes: U.S. equities are represented by MSCI USA Index; international equities are represented by MSCI World Index ex USA from 1970 through 1987 and MSCI All Country World Index ex USA thereafter. Data are from December 31, 1984, through December 31, 2014. Sources: Vanguard, Thomson Reuters Datastream, and MSCI.



The U.S. bond funds held by STAR also saw ups and downs. The prospect of the Fed’s raising interest rates pressured bonds at times. Nevertheless, modest inflation, lofty stock valuations, and demand from foreign investors helped yields end the period lower for all but the shortest-dated securities. With long bonds seeing the steepest drop in yields, Vanguard Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund returned almost 4%. As for the STAR Fund’s other fixed income holdings, Vanguard GNMA Fund returned about 2% and Vanguard Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund about 1%.

Promoting good corporate governance is one way we protect your interests
Our core purpose is “to take a stand for all investors, to treat them fairly, and to give them the best chance for investment success.” This means more than offering smart investments, trustworthy guidance, and low fees. It also means working with the companies held by Vanguard funds to make sure your interests remain paramount.

How do we meet that responsibility? As one of the world’s largest investment managers, we are making our voice heard in corporate boardrooms to promote the highest standards of stewardship. Our advocacy encompasses a range of corporate governance issues, including executive compensation and succession planning, board composition and effectiveness, oversight of strategy and risk, and communication with shareholders.

We also exert our influence in a very important way when Vanguard funds cast their proxy votes at companies’ shareholder meetings.

Most of these votes take place at this time of year, making it an appropriate time to remind you that we work hard to represent your best interests. Good governance, we believe, is essential for any company seeking to maximize its long-term returns to shareholders. You can learn more about our efforts at vanguard.com/corporategovernance.

Thank you for your confidence in Vanguard.


F. William McNabb III
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
May 13, 2015




Fund Profile
As of April 30, 2015

Total Fund Characteristics  
Ticker Symbol VGSTX
30-Day SEC Yield 2.04%
Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses1 0.34%


Allocation to Underlying Vanguard Funds  
Vanguard Windsor II Fund Investor Shares 14.1%
Vanguard GNMA Fund Investor Shares 12.5
Vanguard Short-Term Investment-Grade  
Fund Investor Shares 12.5
Vanguard Long-Term Investment-Grade  
Fund Investor Shares 12.3
Vanguard International Growth Fund  
Investor Shares 9.6
Vanguard International Value Fund 9.6
Vanguard Windsor Fund Investor Shares 7.7
Vanguard U.S. Growth Fund Investor  
Shares 6.0
Vanguard Morgan Growth Fund Investor  
Shares 6.0
Vanguard PRIMECAP Fund Investor  
Shares 5.9
Vanguard Explorer Fund Investor Shares 3.8


Total Fund Volatility Measures  
  STAR U.S. Total
  Composite Market
  Index FA Index
R-Squared 0.99 0.89
Beta 1.03 0.63

These measures show the degree and timing of the fund’s fluctuations compared with the indexes over 36 months.

Fund Asset Allocation

1 This figure—drawn from the prospectus dated February 26, 2015—represents an estimate of the weighted average of the expense ratios and any transaction fees charged by the underlying mutual funds (the ”acquired” funds) in which the STAR Fund invests. The STAR Fund does not charge any expenses or fees of its own. For the six months ended April 30, 2015, the annualized acquired fund fees and expenses were 0.34%.




Performance Summary

All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at vanguard.com/performance.) Note, too, that both investment returns and principal value can fluctuate widely, so an investor’s shares, when sold, could be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

Fiscal-Year Total Returns (%): October 31, 2004, Through April 30, 2015

STAR Composite Index

For a benchmark description, see the Glossary.
Note: For 2015, performance data reflect the six months ended April 30, 2015.

Average Annual Total Returns: Periods Ended March 31, 2015
This table presents returns through the latest calendar quarter—rather than through the end of the fiscal period.
Securities and Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

            Ten Years
  Inception Date One Year Five Years Income Capital Total
STAR Fund 3/29/1985 7.80% 9.89% 2.71% 4.51% 7.22%


See Financial Highlights for dividend and capital gains information.




Financial Statements (unaudited)

Statement of Net Assets
As of April 30, 2015

The fund reports a complete list of its holdings in regulatory filings four times in each fiscal year, at the quarter-ends. For the second and fourth fiscal quarters, the lists appear in the fund’s semiannual and annual reports to shareholders. For the first and third fiscal quarters, the fund files the lists with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form N-Q. Shareholders can look up the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. Forms N-Q may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room (see the back cover of this report for further information).

  Shares ($000)
Investment Companies (100.0%)    
U.S. Stock Funds (43.5%)    
Vanguard Windsor II Fund Investor Shares 72,028,398 2,729,156
Vanguard Windsor Fund Investor Shares 67,867,821 1,497,164
Vanguard U.S. Growth Fund Investor Shares 37,290,695 1,164,961
Vanguard Morgan Growth Fund Investor Shares 43,883,516 1,161,158
Vanguard PRIMECAP Fund Investor Shares 10,985,132 1,151,791
Vanguard Explorer Fund Investor Shares 7,564,826 735,453
International Stock Funds (19.2%)    
Vanguard International Growth Fund Investor Shares 79,009,839 1,870,163
Vanguard International Value Fund 50,103,959 1,858,356
U.S. Bond Funds (37.3%)    
Vanguard GNMA Fund Investor Shares 225,052,862 2,432,821
Vanguard Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund Investor Shares 226,419,312 2,429,479
Vanguard Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund Investor Shares 225,068,026 2,387,972
Total Investment Companies (Cost $13,005,728)   19,418,474
Temporary Cash Investment (0.0%)    
Money Market Fund (0.0%)    
1 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund, 0.121% (Cost $1,232) 1,232,440 1,232
Total Investments (100.0%) (Cost $13,006,960)   19,419,706
Other Assets and Liabilities (0.0%)    
Other Assets   21,308
Liabilities   (20,591)
Net Assets (100%)    
Applicable to 762,405,075 outstanding $.001 par value shares of    
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization)   19,420,423
Net Asset Value Per Share   $25.47




STAR Fund  
At April 30, 2015, net assets consisted of:  
Paid-in Capital 12,287,957
Undistributed Net Investment Income 64,664
Accumulated Net Realized Gains 655,056
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) 6,412,746
Net Assets 19,420,423


See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
1 Affiliated money market fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown is the 7-day yield.
See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



STAR Fund  
Statement of Operations  
  Six Months Ended
  April 30, 2015
Investment Income  
Income Distributions Received 247,196
Net Investment Income—Note B 247,196
Realized Net Gain (Loss)  
Capital Gain Distributions Received 653,136
Affiliated Investment Securities Sold 64,444
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 717,580
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of Investment Securities (181,043)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 783,733


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



STAR Fund    
Statement of Changes in Net Assets    
  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  April 30, October 31,
  2015 2014
  ($000) ($000)
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    
Net Investment Income 247,196 356,588
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 717,580 340,804
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (181,043) 950,666
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 783,733 1,648,058
Net Investment Income (258,241) (345,133)
Realized Capital Gain1 (363,750) (114,586)
Total Distributions (621,991) (459,719)
Capital Share Transactions    
Issued 845,197 1,651,880
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 598,261 441,520
Redeemed (929,817) (1,716,515)
Net Increase (Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions 513,641 376,885
Total Increase (Decrease) 675,383 1,565,224
Net Assets    
Beginning of Period 18,745,040 17,179,816
End of Period2 19,420,423 18,745,040

1 Includes fiscal 2015 and 2014 short-term gain distributions totaling $82,637,000 and $12,329,000, respectively. Short-term gain distributions are treated as ordinary income dividends for tax purposes.
2 Net Assets—End of Period includes undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income of $64,664,000 and $75,709,000.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



STAR Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding April 30,     Year Ended October 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $25.27 $23.66 $20.62 $19.25 $18.76 $16.96
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income . 333 .486 .460 .455 .445 .429
Capital Gain Distributions Received . 864 . 296 .106 .097 .073 .024
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (.154) 1.458 2.951 1.309 .468 1.788
Total from Investment Operations 1.043 2.240 3.517 1.861 .986 2.241
Dividends from Net Investment Income (. 350) (. 472) (. 453) (. 466) (. 448) (. 430)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (. 493) (.158) (. 024) (. 025) (. 048) (. 011)
Total Distributions (. 843) (. 630) (. 477) (. 491) (. 496) (. 441)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $25.47 $25.27 $23.66 $20.62 $19.25 $18.76
Total Return1 4.22% 9.61% 17.36% 9.91% 5.27% 13.42%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $19,420 $18,745 $17,180 $14,759 $13,883 $13,521
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets
Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses 0.34% 0.34% 0.34% 0.34% 0.34% 0.34%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 2.02% 1.97% 2.08% 2.28% 2.29% 2.40%
Portfolio Turnover Rate 6% 6% 9% 12% 24% 22%

The expense ratio, acquired fund fees and expenses, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.
1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.




Notes to Financial Statements

Vanguard STAR Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. The fund follows a balanced investment strategy by investing in selected Vanguard funds. The fund invests 60% to 70% of its net assets in stock funds (predominantly large-capitalization U.S. stock funds), 20% to 30% in intermediate- to long-term bond funds, and 10% to 20% in a short-term bond fund. Financial statements and other information about each underlying fund are available on vanguard.com.

A. The following significant accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles for U.S. investment companies. The fund consistently follows such policies in preparing its financial statements.

1. Security Valuation: Investments are valued at the net asset value of each underlying Vanguard fund determined as of the close of the New York Stock Exchange (generally 4 p.m., Eastern time) on the valuation date.

2. Federal Income Taxes: The fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income. Management has analyzed the fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years (October 31, 2011–2014), and for the period ended April 30, 2015, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the fund’s financial statements.

3. Distributions: Distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

4. Credit Facility: The fund and certain other funds managed by The Vanguard Group participate in a $3 billion committed credit facility provided by a syndicate of lenders pursuant to a credit agreement that may be renewed annually; each fund is individually liable for its borrowings, if any, under the credit facility. Borrowings may be utilized for temporary and emergency purposes, and are subject to the fund’s regulatory and contractual borrowing restrictions. The participating funds are charged administrative fees and an annual commitment fee of 0.06% of the undrawn amount of the facility; these fees are allocated to the funds based on a method approved by the fund’s board of trustees and borne by the funds in which the fund invests (see Note B). Any borrowings under this facility bear interest at a rate equal to the higher of the federal funds rate or LIBOR reference rate plus an agreed-upon spread.

The fund had no borrowings outstanding at April 30, 2015, or at any time during the period then ended.

5. Other: Income and capital gain distributions received are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Costs used to determine realized gains (losses) on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold.

B. Under a service agreement, The Vanguard Group furnishes investment advisory, corporate management, administrative, marketing, and distribution services to the fund. The service agreement provides that the fund’s expenses may be reduced or eliminated to the extent of savings realized by the Vanguard funds by the operation of the fund. Accordingly, all incremental expenses for services provided by Vanguard and all other expenses incurred by the fund during the period ended April 30, 2015, were borne by the funds in which the fund invests. The fund’s trustees and officers are also directors and officers of Vanguard and the funds in which the fund invests.




C. Various inputs may be used to determine the value of the fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in three broad levels for financial statement purposes. The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

Level 1Quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.
Level 2Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.).
Level 3Significant unobservable inputs (including the fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments).

At April 30, 2015, 100% of the market value of the fund’s investments was determined based on Level 1 inputs.

D. Distributions are determined on a tax basis and may differ from net investment income and realized capital gains for financial reporting purposes. Differences may be permanent or temporary. Permanent differences are reclassified among capital accounts in the financial statements to reflect their tax character. Temporary differences arise when certain items of income, expense, gain, or loss are recognized in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes. These differences will reverse at some time in the future. Differences in classification may also result from the treatment of short-term gains as ordinary income for tax purposes. The fund’s tax-basis capital gains and losses are determined only at the end of each fiscal year.

At April 30, 2015, the cost of investment securities for tax purposes was $13,006,960,000. Net unrealized appreciation of investment securities for tax purposes was $6,412,746,000, consisting entirely of unrealized gains on securities that had risen in value since their purchase.

E. Capital shares issued and redeemed were:

  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  April 30, 2015 October 31, 2014
  Shares Shares
  (000) (000)
Issued 33,531 67,662
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 24,114 18,278
Redeemed (36,930) (70,294)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Shares Outstanding 20,715 15,646





F. Transactions during the period in affiliated underlying Vanguard funds were as follows:

      Current Period Transactions  
  Oct. 31,   Proceeds     April 30,
  2014   from   Capital Gain 2015
  Market Purchases Securities   Distributions Market
  Value at Cost Sold Income Received Value
  ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000)
Vanguard Explorer Fund 721,792 95,294 33,499 1,026 94,268 735,453
Vanguard GNMA Fund 2,310,756 157,537 39,803 27,353 13,854 2,432,821
Vanguard International            
Growth Fund 1,759,479 91,152 59,180 38,867 1,870,163
Vanguard International            
Value Fund 1,726,503 130,338 20,565 45,338 1,858,356
Vanguard Long-Term            
Investment-Grade Fund 2,302,728 161,954 72,045 49,804 46,267 2,387,972
Vanguard Market            
Liquidity Fund NA1 NA1 1,232
Vanguard Morgan Growth Fund 1,153,837 123,782 67,942 7,776 115,006 1,161,158
Vanguard PRIMECAP Fund 1,153,269 72,929 58,547 12,149 59,781 1,151,791
Vanguard Short-Term            
Investment-Grade Fund 2,308,598 152,504 31,820 20,834 4,997 2,429,479
Vanguard U.S. Growth Fund 1,152,831 88,492 66,787 6,930 81,561 1,164,961
Vanguard Windsor Fund 1,467,215 72,987 52,100 9,430 63,061 1,497,164
Vanguard Windsor II Fund 2,690,417 233,658 90,692 27,689 174,341 2,729,156
Total 18,747,425 1,380,627 592,980 247,196 653,136 19,419,706
1 Not applicable—purchases and sales are for temporary cash investment purposes.


G. Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to April 30, 2015, that would require recognition or disclosure in these financial statements.



About Your Fund’s Expenses

As a shareholder of the fund, you incur ongoing costs, which include costs for portfolio management, administrative services, and shareholder reports (like this one), among others. Operating expenses, which are deducted from a fund’s gross income, directly reduce the investment return of the fund.

A typical fund’s expenses are expressed as a percentage of its average net assets. The STAR Fund has no direct expenses, but bears its proportionate share of the costs for the underlying funds in which it invests. These indirect expenses make up the acquired fund fees and expenses, also expressed as a percentage of average net assets.

The following examples are intended to help you understand the ongoing cost (in dollars) of investing in your fund and to compare these costs with those of other mutual funds. The examples are based on an investment of $1,000 made at the beginning of the period shown and held for the entire period. The costs were calculated using the acquired fund fees and expenses for the STAR Fund.

The accompanying table illustrates your fund’s costs in two ways:

Based on actual fund return. This section helps you to estimate the actual expenses that you paid over the period. The ”Ending Account Value“ shown is derived from the fund‘s actual return, and the third column shows the dollar amount that would have been paid by an investor who started with $1,000 in the fund. You may use the information here, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period.

To do so, simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number given for your fund under the heading ”Expenses Paid During Period.“

Based on hypothetical 5% yearly return. This section is intended to help you compare your fund‘s costs with those of other mutual funds. It assumes that the fund had a yearly return of 5% before expenses, but that the expense ratio is unchanged. In this case—because the return used is not the fund’s actual return—the results do not apply to your investment. The example is useful in making comparisons because the Securities and Exchange Commission requires all mutual funds to calculate expenses based on a 5% return. You can assess your fund’s costs by comparing this hypothetical example with the hypothetical examples that appear in shareholder reports of other funds.

Note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight and help you compare ongoing costs only and do not reflect transaction costs incurred by the fund for buying and selling securities. Further, the expenses do not include any purchase, redemption, or account service fees described in the fund prospectus. If such fees were applied to your account, your costs would be higher. Your fund does not carry a “sales load.”

The calculations assume no shares were bought or sold during the period. Your actual costs may have been higher or lower, depending on the amount of your investment and the timing of any purchases or redemptions.

You can find more information about the fund’s expenses, including annual expense ratios, in the Financial Statements section of this report. For additional information on operating expenses and other shareholder costs, please refer to your fund’s current prospectus.



Six Months Ended April 30, 2015      
  Beginning Ending Expenses
  Account Value Account Value Paid During
STAR Fund 10/31/2014 4/30/2015 Period
Based on Actual Fund Return $1,000.00 $1,042.16 $1.72
Based on Hypothetical 5% Yearly Return 1,000.00 1,023.11 1.71

The calculations are based on acquired fund fees and expenses charged by the underlying mutual funds in which the STAR Fund invests. The STAR Fund’s annualized expense figure for the period is 0.34%. The dollar amounts shown as ”Expenses Paid” are equal to the annualized average weighted expense ratio for the underlying funds multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in the most recent six-month period, then divided by the number of days in the most recent 12-month period.



Trustees Approve Advisory Arrangement

The board of trustees of Vanguard STAR Fund has renewed the fund’s investment advisory arrangement with The Vanguard Group, Inc. (Vanguard). Vanguard’s Equity Investment Group—through its Equity Index Group—serves as the investment advisor for the limited purpose of investing the fund’s cash in futures. The board determined that continuing the fund’s limited-purpose investment management arrangement with Vanguard was in the best interests of the fund and its shareholders.

The board based its decision upon an evaluation of the advisor’s investment staff, portfolio management process, and performance. The trustees considered the factors discussed below, among others. However, no single factor determined whether the board approved the arrangement. Rather, it was the totality of the circumstances that drove the board’s decision.

Nature, extent, and quality of services
The board reviewed the quality of the limited-purpose investment management services provided to the fund since 2009, and took into account the organizational depth and stability of the advisor. The board considered that Vanguard has been managing investments for more than three decades. The Equity Index Group adheres to a sound, disciplined investment management process; the team has considerable experience, stability, and depth.

The board concluded that Vanguard’s experience, stability, depth, and performance, among other factors, warranted continuation of the arrangement.

Investment performance
The board considered the fund’s performance since 2009, including its performance relative to a benchmark index and peer group. The board concluded that Vanguard has performed its cash management duties in line with expectations, and that the results have been consistent with the fund’s investment strategy. Information about the fund’s most recent performance can be found in the Performance Summary section of this report.

The board concluded that the fund’s acquired fund fees and expenses were well below the average expense ratio charged by funds in its peer group. The fund does not incur advisory expenses directly; however, the board noted that each of the underlying funds in which the fund invests has advisory expenses well below the relevant peer-group average. Information about the fund’s acquired fund fees and expenses appears in the About Your Fund’s Expenses section of this report as well as in the Financial Statements section.

The board does not conduct a profitability analysis of Vanguard because of Vanguard’s unique “at-cost” structure. Unlike most other mutual fund management companies, Vanguard is owned by the funds it oversees, and produces “profits” only in the form of reduced expenses for fund shareholders.

The benefit of economies of scale
The board concluded that the fund’s at-cost arrangement with Vanguard ensures that the fund will realize economies of scale as the assets of the underlying funds grow, with the cost to shareholders declining as assets increase.

The board will consider whether to renew the advisory arrangement again after a one-year period.




30-Day SEC Yield. A fund’s 30-day SEC yield is derived using a formula specified by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Under the formula, data related to the fund’s security holdings in the previous 30 days are used to calculate the fund’s hypothetical net income for that period, which is then annualized and divided by the fund’s estimated average net assets over the calculation period. For the purposes of this calculation, a security’s income is based on its current market yield to maturity (for bonds), its actual income (for asset-backed securities), or its projected dividend yield (for stocks). Because the SEC yield represents hypothetical annualized income, it will differ—at times significantly—from the fund’s actual experience. As a result, the fund’s income distributions may be higher or lower than implied by the SEC yield.

Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses. Funds that invest in other Vanguard funds incur no direct expenses, but they do bear proportionate shares of the operating, administrative, and advisory expenses of the underlying funds, and they must pay any fees charged by those funds. The figure for acquired fund fees and expenses represents a weighted average of these underlying costs. Acquired is a term that the Securities and Exchange Commission applies to any mutual fund whose shares are owned by another fund.

Beta. A measure of the magnitude of a fund’s past share-price fluctuations in relation to the ups and downs of a given market index. The index is assigned a beta of 1.00. Compared with a given index, a fund with a beta of 1.20 typically would have seen its share price rise or fall by 12% when the index rose or fell by 10%. For this report, beta is based on returns over the past 36 months for both the fund and the index. Note that a fund’s beta should be reviewed in conjunction with its R-squared (see definition). The lower the R-squared, the less correlation there is between the fund and the index, and the less reliable beta is as an indicator of volatility.

Expense Ratio. A fund’s total annual operating expenses expressed as a percentage of the fund’s average net assets. The expense ratio includes management and administrative expenses, but does not include the transaction costs of buying and selling portfolio securities.

Inception Date. The date on which the assets of a fund (or one of its share classes) are first invested in accordance with the fund’s investment objective. For funds with a subscription period, the inception date is the day after that period ends. Investment performance is measured from the inception date.

R-Squared. A measure of how much of a fund’s past returns can be explained by the returns from the market in general, as measured by a given index. If a fund’s total returns were precisely synchronized with an index’s returns, its R-squared would be 1.00. If the fund’s returns bore no relationship to the index’s returns, its R-squared would be 0. For this report, R-squared is based on returns over the past 36 months for both the fund and the index.



Benchmark Information

STAR Composite Average: 62.5% general equity funds average, 25% fixed income funds average, and 12.5% money market funds average through December 31, 2002; 50% general equity funds average, 25% fixed income funds average, 12.5% 1–5 year investment-grade funds average, and 12.5% international funds average through September 30, 2010; and 43.75% general equity funds average, 25% fixed income funds average, 12.5% 1–5 year investment-grade funds average, and 18.75% international funds average thereafter. Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.

STAR Composite Index: 62.5% Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index, 25% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, and 12.5% Citigroup Three-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index through December 31, 2002; 50% Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index, 25% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, 12.5% Barclays U.S. 1–5 Year Credit Bond Index, and 12.5% MSCI EAFE Index through April 22, 2005; 50% MSCI US Broad Market Index, 25% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, 12.5% Barclays U.S. 1–5 Year Credit Bond Index, and 12.5% MSCI EAFE Index through September 30, 2010; and 43.75% MSCI US Broad Market Index, 25% Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, 12.5% Barclays U.S. 1–5 Year Credit Bond Index, and 18.75% MSCI All Country World Index ex USA thereafter. MSCI international benchmark returns are adjusted for withholding taxes.



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The People Who Govern Your Fund

The trustees of your mutual fund are there to see that the fund is operated and managed in your best interests since, as a shareholder, you are a part owner of the fund. Your fund’s trustees also serve on the board of directors of The Vanguard Group, Inc., which is owned by the Vanguard funds and provides services to them on an at-cost basis.

A majority of Vanguard’s board members are independent, meaning that they have no affiliation with Vanguard or the funds they oversee, apart from the sizable personal investments they have made as private individuals. The independent board members have distinguished backgrounds in business, academia, and public service. Each of the trustees and executive officers oversees 178 Vanguard funds.

The following table provides information for each trustee and executive officer of the fund. More information about the trustees is in the Statement of Additional Information, which can be obtained, without charge, by contacting Vanguard at 800-662-7447, or online at vanguard.com.

InterestedTrustee1 Rajiv L. Gupta
  Born 1945. Trustee Since December 2001.2 Principal
F. William McNabb III Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other
Born 1957. Trustee Since July 2009. Chairman of Experience: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
the Board. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past (retired 2009) and President (2006–2008) of
Five Years and Other Experience: Chairman of the Rohm and Haas Co. (chemicals); Director of Tyco
Board of The Vanguard Group, Inc., and of each of International PLC (diversified manufacturing and
the investment companies served by The Vanguard services), Hewlett-Packard Co. (electronic computer
Group, since January 2010; Director of The Vanguard manufacturing), and Delphi Automotive PLC
Group since 2008; Chief Executive Officer and (automotive components); Senior Advisor at New
President of The Vanguard Group, and of each of Mountain Capital.
the investment companies served by The Vanguard  
Group, since 2008; Director of Vanguard Marketing Amy Gutmann
Corporation; Managing Director of The Vanguard Born 1949. Trustee Since June 2006. Principal
Group (1995–2008). Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and
  Other Experience: President of the University of
  Pennsylvania; Christopher H. Browne Distinguished
IndependentTrustees Professor of Political Science, School of Arts and
  Sciences, and Professor of Communication, Annenberg
Emerson U. Fullwood School for Communication, with secondary faculty
Born 1948. Trustee Since January 2008. Principal appointments in the Department of Philosophy, School
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and of Arts and Sciences, and at the Graduate School of
Other Experience: Executive Chief Staff and Education, University of Pennsylvania; Trustee of the
Marketing Officer for North America and Corporate National Constitution Center; Chair of the Presidential
Vice President (retired 2008) of Xerox Corporation Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.
(document management products and services);
Executive in Residence and 2009–2010 Distinguished JoAnn Heffernan Heisen
Minett Professor at the Rochester Institute of Born 1950. Trustee Since July 1998. Principal
Technology; Director of SPX Corporation (multi-industry Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other
manufacturing), the United Way of Rochester, Experience: Corporate Vice President and Chief
Amerigroup Corporation (managed health care), the Global Diversity Officer (retired 2008) and Member
University of Rochester Medical Center, Monroe of the Executive Committee (1997–2008) of Johnson
Community College Foundation, and North Carolina & Johnson (pharmaceuticals/medical devices/
A&T University. consumer products); Director of Skytop Lodge
  Corporation (hotels), the University Medical Center
  at Princeton, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,
  and the Center for Talent Innovation; Member of
  the Advisory Board of the Institute for Women’s
  Leadership at Rutgers University.



F. Joseph Loughrey Executive Officers  
Born 1949. Trustee Since October 2009. Principal    
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Glenn Booraem  
Experience: President and Chief Operating Officer Born 1967. Controller Since July 2010. Principal
(retired 2009) of Cummins Inc. (industrial machinery); Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other
Chairman of the Board of Hillenbrand, Inc. (specialized Experience: Principal of The Vanguard Group, Inc.;
consumer services), and of Oxfam America; Director Controller of each of the investment companies served
of SKF AB (industrial machinery), Hyster-Yale Materials by The Vanguard Group; Assistant Controller of each of
Handling, Inc. (forklift trucks), the Lumina Foundation the investment companies served by The Vanguard
for Education, and the V Foundation for Cancer Group (2001–2010).  
Research; Member of the Advisory Council for the
College of Arts and Letters and of the Advisory Board Thomas J. Higgins  
to the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, both Born 1957. Chief Financial Officer Since September
at the University of Notre Dame. 2008. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five
Years and Other Experience: Principal of The Vanguard
Mark Loughridge Group, Inc.; Chief Financial Officer of each of the
Born 1953. Trustee Since March 2012. Principal investment companies served by The Vanguard Group;
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Treasurer of each of the investment companies served
Experience: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial by The Vanguard Group (1998–2008).
Officer (retired 2013) at IBM (information technology
services); Fiduciary Member of IBM’s Retirement Plan Kathryn J. Hyatt  
Committee (2004–2013); Director of the Dow Chemical Born 1955. Treasurer Since November 2008. Principal
Company; Member of the Council on Chicago Booth. Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other
Experience: Principal of The Vanguard Group, Inc.;
Scott C. Malpass Treasurer of each of the investment companies served
Born 1962. Trustee Since March 2012. Principal by The Vanguard Group; Assistant Treasurer of each of
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other the investment companies served by The Vanguard
Experience: Chief Investment Officer and Vice Group (1988–2008).  
President at the University of Notre Dame; Assistant
Professor of Finance at the Mendoza College of Heidi Stam  
Business at Notre Dame; Member of the Notre Dame Born 1956. Secretary Since July 2005. Principal
403(b) Investment Committee; Board Member of Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other
TIFF Advisory Services, Inc., and Catholic Investment Experience: Managing Director of The Vanguard
Services, Inc. (investment advisors); Member of Group, Inc.; General Counsel of The Vanguard Group;
the Investment Advisory Committee of Major Secretary of The Vanguard Group and of each of the
League Baseball. investment companies served by The Vanguard Group;
Director and Senior Vice President of Vanguard
André F. Perold Marketing Corporation.  
Born 1952. Trustee Since December 2004. Principal    
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Vanguard Senior ManagementTeam
Experience: George Gund Professor of Finance and    
Banking, Emeritus at the Harvard Business School Mortimer J. Buckley Chris D. McIsaac
(retired 2011); Chief Investment Officer and Managing Kathleen C. Gubanich Michael S. Miller
Partner of HighVista Strategies LLC (private investment Paul A. Heller James M. Norris
firm); Director of Rand Merchant Bank; Overseer of Martha G. King Glenn W. Reed
the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. John T. Marcante  
Peter F. Volanakis Chairman Emeritus and Senior Advisor  
Born 1955. Trustee Since July 2009. Principal
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other John J. Brennan  
Experience: President and Chief Operating Officer Chairman, 1996–2009  
(retired 2010) of Corning Incorporated (communications Chief Executive Officer and President, 1996–2008  
equipment); Trustee of Colby-Sawyer College;
Member of the Advisory Board of the Norris Cotton Founder  
Cancer Center and of the Advisory Board of the  
Parthenon Group (strategy consulting). John C. Bogle  
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, 1974–1996  

1 Mr. McNabb is considered an “interested person,” as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, because he is an officer of the Vanguard funds.
2 December 2002 for Vanguard Equity Income Fund, the Vanguard Municipal Bond Funds, and the Vanguard State Tax-Exempt Funds.



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with the offering of shares of any Vanguard  
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the fund’s current prospectus.  
All comparative mutual fund data are from Lipper, a  
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You can obtain a free copy of Vanguard’s proxy voting  
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calling Vanguard at 800-662-2739. The guidelines are  
also available from the SEC’s website, sec.gov. In  
addition, you may obtain a free report on how your fund  
voted the proxies for securities it owned during the 12  
months ended June 30. To get the report, visit either  
vanguard.com/proxyreporting or sec.gov.  
You can review and copy information about your fund at  
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  © 2015 The Vanguard Group, Inc.
  All rights reserved.
  Vanguard Marketing Corporation, Distributor.
  Q562 062015


Semiannual Report | April 30, 2015

Vanguard Total International

Stock Index Fund


The mission continues

On May 1, 1975, Vanguard began operations, a fledgling company based on the simple but revolutionary idea that a mutual fund company should be managed solely in the interest of its investors.

Four decades later, that revolutionary spirit continues to animate the enterprise. Vanguard remains on a mission to give investors the best chance of investment success.

As we mark our 40th anniversary, we thank you for entrusting your assets to Vanguard and giving us the opportunity to help you reach your financial goals in the decades to come.

Your Fund’s Total Returns. 1
Chairman’s Letter. 2
Fund Profile. 9
Performance Summary. 11
Financial Statements. 12
About Your Fund’s Expenses. 34
Trustees Approve Advisory Arrangement. 36
Glossary. 37


Please note: The opinions expressed in this report are just that—informed opinions. They should not be considered promises or advice.
Also, please keep in mind that the information and opinions cover the period through the date on the front of this report. Of course, the risks of investing in your fund are spelled out in the prospectus.
See the Glossary for definitions of investment terms used in this report.
About the cover: Since our founding, Vanguard has drawn inspiration from the enterprise and valor demonstrated by British naval hero Horatio Nelson and his command at the Battle of the Nile in 1798. The photograph displays a replica of a merchant ship from the same era as Nelson’s flagship, the HMS Vanguard.


Your Fund’s Total Returns  
Six Months Ended April 30, 2015  
Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund  
Investor Shares 5.07%
ETF Shares  
Market Price 4.67
Net Asset Value 5.04
Admiral™ Shares 5.02
Institutional Shares 5.06
Institutional Plus Shares 5.08
FTSE Global All Cap ex US Index 6.10
International Funds Average 5.82

International Funds Average: Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.

Admiral Shares carry lower expenses and are available to investors who meet certain account-balance requirements. Institutional Shares and Institutional Plus Shares are available to certain institutional investors who meet specific administrative, service, and account-size criteria. The Vanguard ETF® Shares shown are traded on the Nasdaq exchange and are available only through brokers. The table provides ETF returns based on both the Nasdaq market price and the net asset value for a share. U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,879,964; 7,337,138; 7,720,749; 7,925,573; 8,090,646; and 8,417,623.

For the ETF Shares, the market price is determined by the midpoint of the bid-offer spread as of the closing time of the New York Stock Exchange (generally 4 p.m., Eastern time). The net asset value is also determined as of the NYSE closing time. For more information about how the ETF Shares' market prices have compared with their net asset value, visit vanguard.com, select your ETF, and then select the Price and Performance tab. The ETF premium/discount analysis there shows the percentages of days on which the ETF Shares' market price was above or below the NAV.






Chairman’s Letter

Dear Shareholder,

International stocks advanced during the six months ended April 30, 2015, but traced an uneven path.

Developed markets of the Pacific region led the way, followed by developed markets in Europe and emerging markets. Aggressive monetary policies by a number of major central banks, including the Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank, helped bolster investor confidence. However, concerns over lower crude oil prices and tepid global economic growth weighed on results. Returns for U.S. investors were further restrained by the dollar’s strength against many foreign currencies.

Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund returned 5.07% for Investor Shares, slightly behind the average return of its peers. This result diverged from that of the benchmark index because of fair-value pricing adjustments (see the box on page 5). These adjustments, required by the Securities and Exchange Commission, address pricing discrepancies that may arise because of time-zone differences among global stock markets.

U.S. stocks closed higher despite fluctuating returns
U.S. stocks returned almost 5% for the six months, despite stretches of shakiness. In two of those months, stocks declined. In two others, they were virtually unchanged or gained less than 1%. February’s surge of almost 6%, the largest monthly gain since October 2011, lifted overall results for the period.



The Federal Reserve’s careful approach to potentially raising short-term interest rates helped stocks along, as did monetary stimulus efforts by other nations’ central banks. These factors offset concerns such as Greece’s debt crisis and the negative effect of the strong U.S. dollar on the profits of U.S.-based multinational companies.

Stimulus policies and demand have driven up bond prices
Like equities, bonds have benefited from accommodative monetary policies from the world’s central banks. Investor demand for the perceived safety of fixed income assets has also boosted bond returns.

The broad U.S. taxable bond market returned 2.06% for the period, and the yield of the 10-year U.S. Treasury note ended April at 2.04%, down from 2.31% six months earlier. (Bond prices and yields move in opposite directions.)

International bond markets (as measured by the Barclays Global Aggregate Index ex USD) returned –4.83% as foreign currencies’ weakness relative to the dollar affected results. For international bonds hedged to eliminate the effect of changes in currency exchange rates, returns were positive.

Market Barometer      
      Total Returns
    Periods Ended April 30, 2015
  Six One Five Years
  Months Year (Annualized)
Russell 1000 Index (Large-caps) 4.75% 13.00% 14.47%
Russell 2000 Index (Small-caps) 4.65 9.71 12.73
Russell 3000 Index (Broad U.S. market) 4.74 12.74 14.33
FTSE All-World ex US Index (International) 6.00 3.53 6.40
Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (Broad taxable market) 2.06% 4.46% 4.12%
Barclays Municipal Bond Index (Broad tax-exempt market) 1.17 4.80 4.75
Citigroup Three-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index 0.00 0.03 0.05
Consumer Price Index -0.35% -0.20% 1.65%




Returns of money market funds and savings accounts remained checked by the Fed’s target of 0%–0.25% for short-term interest rates.

Boosted by stimulus efforts, Japanese stocks led the way
The Total International Stock Index Fund offers investors a low-cost way to gain exposure to developed and emerging markets outside the United States. Its holdings are primarily concentrated in developed Europe, developed markets of the Pacific region, and emerging markets.

The Pacific region returned about 9% for the period, ahead of Europe and emerging markets, as mentioned earlier. Japan, the country with the largest weighting in the index and the fund, contributed the most to returns, as the Bank of Japan’s aggressive stimulus efforts helped boost stocks. Japan’s economy is improving, but much of its growth in recent months has come from strong exports. A weaker yen relative to the U.S. dollar has made the country’s products more attractive to consumers abroad. (You can read about Vanguard’s assessment of Japan’s economy in Japan: The Long Road Back to Inflation, available at vanguard.com/research. This is part of the Global Macro Matters series produced by our economists.)

Results were mixed for other developed markets in the region. Australia, the index’s second-largest weighting in the category, had a negative return, hurt by a slump in

Expense Ratios            
Your Fund Compared With Its Peer Group            
  Investor ETF Admiral Institutional Institutional Group
  Shares Shares Shares Shares Plus Shares Average
Total International Stock Index Fund 0.22% 0.14% 0.14% 0.12% 0.10% 1.39%


The fund expense ratios shown are from the prospectus dated February 26, 2015, and represent estimated costs for the current fiscal year. For the six months ended April 30, 2015, the fund’s annualized expense ratios were 0.19% for Investor Shares, 0.13% for ETF Shares, 0.13% for Admiral Shares, 0.11% for Institutional Shares, and 0.08% for Institutional Plus Shares. The peer-group expense ratio is derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company, and captures information through year-end 2014.

Peer group: International Funds.



the financial and oil and gas sectors. Other markets, including Hong Kong and Singapore, did well.

Developed markets in Europe, which represented a little less than half of the index’s holdings on average, advanced nearly 7%. The outlook for most Eurozone economies has turned positive, thanks in large part to the European Central Bank’s monetary policy. The stimulus efforts contributed to a weaker euro, which has made exports from the continent less expensive, and lower energy prices have helped stimulate consumer demand. Key European economies, including Germany, France, and the United Kingdom—the country with the second-largest weighting in the indexadded significantly to results. Greece remained the region’s economic trouble spot. It dominated headlines as investors feared it would potentially default on its debts and be forced to exit the Eurozone. The country posted the index’s weakest return for the period. Still, its relatively small weighting muted its effect on performance.

Emerging markets, which represented about a fifth of the index’s assets, returned about 5%. Despite China’s economic slowdown, its stock market surged, making it the second-largest contributor to returns after Japan. China’s government has aggressively attempted to stabilize growth, and its monetary policy has led to broad-based gains.

A note on fair-value pricing
The reported return of a fund that tracks an index sometimes diverges from the index’s return
a bit more than would be expected. This may be the result of a fair-value pricing adjustment.
These adjustments, which are required by the Securities and Exchange Commission, address
pricing discrepancies that may arise because of time-zone differences among global stock
markets. Foreign stocks may trade on exchanges that close many hours before a fund’s
closing share price is calculated in the United States, generally at 4 p.m., Eastern time. In
the hours between the foreign close and the U.S. close, the value of these foreign securities
may change—because of company-specific announcements or market-wide developments,
for example. Such price changes are not immediately reflected in international index values.
Fair-value pricing takes such changes into account in calculating the fund’s daily net asset
value, thus ensuring that the NAV doesn’t include “stale” prices. The result can be a temporary
divergence between the return of the fund and that of its benchmark indexa difference that
usually corrects itself when the foreign markets reopen.




Stocks from other emerging-market countries fared less well. More than half of those contained in the index produced negative returns. Brazil detracted most as softer demand for its exports and plunging commodity prices hurt its largest companies.

Promoting good corporate governance is one way we protect your interests
Our core purpose is “to take a stand for all investors, to treat them fairly, and to give them the best chance for investment success.” This involves more than offering smart investments, trustworthy guidance,

International stocks—an opportunity for further diversification
International stocks led global stock markets out of the Great Recession in 2009. Since then,
they’ve trailed the broad U.S. stock market in every year but one.
Despite the underperformance of the last several years, international stocks—which represent
about half of the world’s market capitalization—can still help U.S.-based investors diversify
their portfolios.
As the chart below shows, U.S. and international stocks have periodically swapped market
leadership positions as differing market and economic forces caused their returns to vary.
Of course, the timing of these changes is impossible to predict.
Global diversification can help U.S. investors reduce their portfolio’s volatility over time by
mitigating losses when domestic stocks do poorly and adding to returns when foreign stocks
shine. (For more insight, see Global Equities: Balancing Home Bias and Diversification, available
at vanguard.com/research.)
Trailing 12-month return differential between U.S. and non-U.S. stocks


Notes: U.S. equities are represented by MSCI USA Index; international equities are represented by MSCI World Index ex USA from 1970 through 1987 and MSCI All Country World Index ex USA thereafter. Data are from December 31, 1984, through December 31, 2014.
Sources: Vanguard, Thomson Reuters Datastream, and MSCI.



and low fees. It also means working with the companies held by Vanguard funds to make sure that your interests remain paramount.

How do we meet that responsibility? As one of the world’s largest investment managers, we are making our voice heard in corporate boardrooms to promote the highest standards of stewardship.

Our advocacy encompasses a range of corporate governance issues, including executive compensation and succession planning, board composition and effective-ness, oversight of strategy and risk, and communication with shareholders.

We also exert our influence in a very important way when Vanguard funds cast their proxy votes at companies’ shareholder meetings.

Most of these votes occur at this time of year, making it an appropriate time to remind you that we work hard to represent your best interests. Good governance, we believe, is essential for any company seeking to maximize its long-term returns to shareholders. You can learn more about our efforts at vanguard.com/corporategovernance.

Thank you for your confidence in Vanguard.


F. William McNabb III
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
May 14, 2015



Your Fund’s Performance at a Glance        
October 31, 2014, Through April 30, 2015        
      Distributions Per Share
  Starting Ending Income Capital
  Share Price Share Price Dividends Gains
Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund        
Investor Shares $16.31 $16.95 $0.174 $0.000
ETF Shares 50.75 52.71 0.558 0.000
Admiral Shares 27.29 28.34 0.299 0.000
Institutional Shares 109.12 113.35 1.208 0.000
Institutional Plus Shares 109.14 113.37 1.224 0.000




Total International Stock Index Fund    
Fund Profile          
As of April 30, 2015          
Share-Class Characteristics          
  Investor Admiral Institutional Institutional  
  Shares Shares Shares Plus Shares ETF Shares
Expense Ratio1 0.22% 0.14% 0.12% 0.10% 0.14%


Portfolio Characteristics    
    FTSE Global
    All Cap
    ex US
  Fund Index
Number of Stocks 5,888 5,629
Median Market Cap $26.3B $26.3B
Price/Earnings Ratio 19.3x 19.4x
Price/Book Ratio 1.8x 1.8x
Return on Equity 14.4% 14.4%
Earnings Growth    
Rate 10.8% 10.8%
Dividend Yield 2.6% 2.7%
Turnover Rate    
(Annualized) 2%
Reserves -0.1%


Sector Diversification (% of equity exposure)
    FTSE Global
    All Cap
    ex US
  Fund Index
Basic Materials 7.8% 7.8%
Consumer Goods 15.3 15.3
Consumer Services 8.3 8.3
Financials 26.8 26.5
Health Care 8.0 8.0
Industrials 14.0 14.1
Oil & Gas 6.9 6.9
Technology 5.1 5.2
Telecommunications 4.5 4.5
Utilities 3.3 3.4


Volatility Measures    
  Spliced FTSE Global
  Total All Cap
  International ex US
  Stock Index Index
R-Squared 0.99 0.99
Beta 1.01 1.01

These measures show the degree and timing of the fund’s fluctuations compared with the indexes over 36 months.


Ten Largest Holdings (% of total net assets)
Nestle SA Food Products 1.1%
Novartis AG Pharmaceuticals 1.1
Royal Dutch Shell plc Integrated Oil & Gas 0.9
Roche Holding AG Pharmaceuticals 0.9
HSBC Holdings plc Banks 0.9
Toyota Motor Corp. Automobiles 0.8
Samsung Electronics Co. Consumer  
Ltd. Electronics 0.6
BHP Billiton General Mining 0.6
BP plc Integrated Oil & Gas 0.6
Unilever Personal Products 0.5
Top Ten   8.0%

The holdings listed exclude any temporary cash investments and equity index products.


1 The expense ratios shown are from the prospectus dated February 26, 2015, and represent estimated costs for the current fiscal year. For the six months ended April 30, 2015, the annualized expense ratios were 0.19% for Investor Shares, 0.13% for Admiral Shares, 0.11% for Institutional Shares, 0.08% for Institutional Plus Shares, and 0.13% for ETF Shares.



Total International Stock Index Fund

Allocation by Region (% of portfolio)

Market Diversification (% of equity exposure)
    All Cap
    ex US
  Fund Index
United Kingdom 14.4% 14.5%
France 6.2 6.1
Switzerland 6.0 6.0
Germany 6.0 6.0
Spain 2.3 2.3
Sweden 2.1 2.2
Netherlands 1.9 1.9
Italy 1.8 1.8
Denmark 1.2 1.2
Other 2.7 2.7
Subtotal 44.6% 44.7%
Japan 16.7% 16.6%
Australia 5.0 5.0
Korea 3.2 3.2
Hong Kong 2.7 2.7
Singapore 1.1 1.1
Other 0.2 0.2
Subtotal 28.9% 28.8%
Emerging Markets    
China 5.3% 5.2%
Taiwan 3.1 3.1
India 2.1 2.1
Brazil 1.7 1.7
South Africa 1.7 1.6
Other 5.2 5.4
Subtotal 19.1% 19.1%
North America    
Canada 6.9% 6.9%
Middle East 0.5% 0.5%




Total International Stock Index Fund

Performance Summary

All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at vanguard.com/performance.) Note, too, that both investment returns and principal value can fluctuate widely, so an investor’s shares, when sold, could be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

Fiscal-Year Total Returns (%): October 31, 2004, Through April 30, 2015

Total International Stock Index Fund Investor Shares
Spliced Total International Stock Index

For a benchmark description, see the Glossary.
Note: For 2015, performance data reflect the six months ended April 30, 2015.

Average Annual Total Returns: Periods Ended March 31, 2015
This table presents returns through the latest calendar quarter—rather than through the end of the fiscal period.
Securities and Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

  Inception One Five Ten
  Date Year Years Years
Investor Shares 4/29/1996 -1.14% 4.83% 5.21%
ETF Shares 1/26/2011      
Market Price   -0.84 3.231
Net Asset Value   -1.06 3.151
Admiral Shares 11/29/2010 -1.05 5.141
Institutional Shares 11/29/2010 -1.06 5.171
Institutional Plus Shares 11/30/2010 -1.03 5.461
1 Return since inception.


See Financial Highlights for dividend and capital gains information.



Total International Stock Index Fund

Financial Statements (unaudited)

Statement of Net Assets—Investments Summary
As of April 30, 2015

This Statement summarizes the fund’s holdings by asset type. Details are reported for each of the fund’s 50 largest individual holdings and for investments that, in total for any issuer, represent more than 1% of the fund’s net assets. The total value of smaller holdings is reported as a single amount within each category.

The fund reports a complete list of its holdings in regulatory filings four times in each fiscal year, at the quarter-ends. For the second and fourth fiscal quarters, the complete listing of the fund’s holdings is available electronically on vanguard.com and on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s website (sec.gov), or you can have it mailed to you without charge by calling 800-662-7447. For the first and third fiscal quarters, the fund files the lists with the SEC on Form N-Q. Shareholders can look up the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website. Forms N-Q may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room (see the back cover of this report for further information).

    Market Percentage
    Value of Net
  Shares ($000) Assets
Common Stocks      
Argentina   0.0%
Commonwealth Bank of Australia 11,875,393 831,244 0.5%
Westpac Banking Corp. 22,729,846 653,045 0.4%
BHP Billiton Ltd. 23,683,132 604,783 0.4%
Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. 20,343,159 544,341 0.3%
National Australia Bank Ltd. 17,459,905 505,559 0.3%
Australia—Other †   4,956,032 3.1%
    8,095,004 5.0%
Austria   325,137 0.2%
Anheuser-Busch InBev NV 5,886,398 716,660 0.4%
Belgium—Other †   786,965 0.5%
    1,503,625 0.9%
Brazil   2,674,975 1.6%
Royal Bank of Canada 10,622,513 705,321 0.5%
Toronto-Dominion Bank 13,624,905 629,016 0.4%
* Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc. 2,283,580 495,195 0.3%
Bank of Nova Scotia 8,934,998 492,702 0.3%
Canada—Other †   8,821,946 5.4%
    11,144,180 6.9%
Chile †   429,637 0.3%




Total International Stock Index Fund      
      Market Percentage
      Value of Net
    Shares ($000) Assets
* Tencent Holdings Ltd. 39,428,575 813,762 0.5%
  ChinaMobile Ltd. 38,420,446 548,770 0.4%
  ChinaConstruction Bank Corp. 532,319,340 516,741 0.3%
  Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd. 531,677,760 461,210 0.3%
  Bank of China Ltd. 555,507,306 380,636 0.3%
  ChinaLife Insurance Co. Ltd. 54,888,000 266,387 0.2%
  CNOOCLtd. 118,626,000 202,283 0.1%
  PetroChina Co. Ltd. 155,634,000 200,731 0.1%
  ChinaPetroleum & Chemical Corp. 188,208,400 177,625 0.1%
  ChinaOverseas Land & Investment Ltd. 30,097,680 125,368 0.1%
  Agricultural Bank of China Ltd. 190,327,070 107,150 0.1%
  ChinaTelecom Corp. Ltd. 119,398,000 88,451 0.1%
  CITIC Ltd. 40,434,000 80,888 0.1%
* ChinaUnicom Hong Kong Ltd. 41,939,694 78,768 0.1%
  ChinaShenhua Energy Co. Ltd. 25,103,000 65,194 0.1%
  ChinaCommunications Construction Co. Ltd. 32,736,632 59,543 0.1%
  ChinaResources Land Ltd. 15,522,867 56,320 0.1%
  PICC Property & Casualty Co. Ltd. 24,128,484 53,457 0.1%
  ChinaCITIC Bank Corp. Ltd. 55,828,446 50,628 0.0%
  ChinaResources Power Holdings Co. Ltd. 14,069,600 42,443 0.0%
  ChinaRailway Group Ltd. 28,157,000 39,514 0.0%
  ChinaMerchants Holdings International Co. Ltd. 8,446,000 38,317 0.0%
  Sinopharm Group Co. Ltd. 7,741,400 36,770 0.0%
  Dongfeng Motor Group Co. Ltd. 21,562,000 35,822 0.0%
  ZhuzhouCSR Times Electric Co. Ltd. 3,714,500 31,585 0.0%
  ChinaLongyuan Power Group Corp. Ltd. 24,868,000 30,819 0.0%
*,1 ChinaCNR Corp. Ltd. 14,730,000 30,086 0.0%
  ChinaRailway Construction Corp. Ltd. 13,878,300 27,711 0.0%
* ChinaTaiping Insurance Holdings Co. Ltd. 7,368,226 27,374 0.0%
  ChinaOilfield Services Ltd. 13,314,000 27,336 0.0%
  ChinaResources Enterprise Ltd. 8,792,000 26,933 0.0%
^ CSR Corp. Ltd. 13,885,000 26,767 0.0%
*,1 CGN Power Co. Ltd. 45,357,000 25,380 0.0%
  Kunlun Energy Co. Ltd. 20,612,300 24,470 0.0%
  ChinaState Construction International Holdings Ltd. 11,477,442 22,121 0.0%
1 People’s Insurance Co. Group of China Ltd. 28,046,000 19,420 0.0%
  AviChinaIndustry & Technology Co. Ltd. 16,508,000 18,703 0.0%
*,^ ChinaCOSCO Holdings Co. Ltd. 19,058,000 17,522 0.0%
  ChinaResources Gas Group Ltd. 4,941,000 17,159 0.0%
  Air China Ltd. 13,554,000 16,348 0.0%
  Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co. Ltd. 25,871,000 15,630 0.0%
* ChinaCinda Asset Management Co. Ltd. 23,403,000 13,888 0.0%
^,1 ChinaGalaxy Securities Co. Ltd. 8,296,500 13,569 0.0%
  Huadian Power International Corp. Ltd. 11,936,000 13,215 0.0%
  Huaneng Renewables Corp. Ltd. 30,006,000 13,101 0.0%
^ ChinaCoal Energy Co. Ltd. 19,772,000 12,997 0.0%
  Metallurgical Corp. of China Ltd. 21,396,063 12,626 0.0%
  ChinaSouthern Airlines Co. Ltd. 12,806,000 12,585 0.0%
^ ChinaPower International Development Ltd. 18,918,000 12,196 0.0%
  Beijing Capital International Airport Co. Ltd. 11,246,000 11,953 0.0%
  Franshion Properties China Ltd. 26,858,000 10,851 0.0%
  ChinaCommunications Services Corp. Ltd. 18,777,600 10,582 0.0%
  Sinotrans Ltd. 13,505,000 10,336 0.0%
  Huadian Fuxin Energy Corp. Ltd. 19,040,014 10,241 0.0%




Total International Stock Index Fund      
      Market Percentage
      Value of Net
    Shares ($000) Assets
  ChinaResources Cement Holdings Ltd. 14,627,845 9,297 0.0%
* ChinaEastern Airlines Corp. Ltd. 11,848,000 9,149 0.0%
1 Sinopec Engineering Group Co. Ltd. 8,278,500 8,936 0.0%
  ChinaAgri-Industries Holdings Ltd. 15,541,400 8,875 0.0%
^ Sinopec Kantons Holdings Ltd. 7,242,000 6,545 0.0%
  Angang Steel Co. Ltd. 7,870,000 6,540 0.0%
  ChinaBlueChemical Ltd. 13,440,000 5,986 0.0%
  ChinaMachinery Engineering Corp. 3,656,000 4,853 0.0%
^ MMG Ltd. 11,224,000 4,820 0.0%
  ChinaMerchants Property Development Co. Ltd. Class B 1,544,424 4,543 0.0%
  Harbin Electric Co. Ltd. 5,128,000 4,206 0.0%
*,^ ChinaFoods Ltd. 5,170,000 3,871 0.0%
* ShanghaiBaosight Software Co. Ltd. Class B 862,770 3,868 0.0%
^ Dah Chong Hong Holdings Ltd. 6,000,000 3,745 0.0%
* Sinofert Holdings Ltd. 13,266,000 3,647 0.0%
^ ChinaDatang Corp. Renewable Power Co. Ltd. 19,184,000 3,184 0.0%
  ChinaNational Accord Medicines Corp. Ltd. Class B 412,000 3,044 0.0%
* CITIC Resources Holdings Ltd. 16,466,600 2,949 0.0%
*,^ Sinotrans Shipping Ltd. 10,148,500 2,832 0.0%
  CPMCHoldings Ltd. 3,121,000 2,420 0.0%
* Poly Culture Group Corp. Ltd. 630,686 2,393 0.0%
  COSCO International Holdings Ltd. 3,806,000 2,223 0.0%
  Minmetals Land Ltd. 8,850,000 1,366 0.0%
* Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co. Ltd. Class B 1,362,902 1,050 0.0%
1 China—Other†   3,268,885 2.0%
      8,469,509 5.2%
Colombia   203,880 0.1%
Czech Republic   61,132 0.0%
  Novo Nordisk A/S Class B 14,376,078 807,083 0.5%
  Denmark—Other †   1,125,224 0.7%
      1,932,307 1.2%
Egypt †   113,856 0.1%
Finland   1,065,135 0.7%
  Sanofi 8,446,631 859,788 0.5%
  TOTAL SA 14,991,165 811,772 0.5%
  BNP Paribas SA 7,208,168 455,206 0.3%
1 France—Other †   7,799,697 4.8%
      9,926,463 6.1%
* Bayer AG 6,102,703 878,379 0.5%
  Daimler AG 7,049,535 677,791 0.4%
  BASF SE 6,812,497 676,809 0.4%
  Siemens AG 6,111,492 664,821 0.4%
^ Allianz SE 3,360,018 571,925 0.4%
  SAP SE 6,596,604 498,473 0.3%
1 Germany—Other †   5,682,103 3.5%
      9,650,301 5.9%




Total International Stock Index Fund      
      Market Percentage
      Value of Net
    Shares ($000) Assets
Greece †   122,433 0.1%
Hong Kong      
  AIA Group Ltd. 88,884,542 591,125 0.4%
  BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd. 26,505,539 102,808 0.1%
  ChinaTravel International Investment Hong Kong Ltd. 19,560,000 8,714 0.0%
  CITIC Telecom International Holdings Ltd. 9,826,875 4,048 0.0%
  ChinaMerchants Land Ltd. 9,450,000 3,013 0.0%
  APTSatellite Holdings Ltd. 1,897,000 2,969 0.0%
*,^ ShenyinWanguo HK Ltd. 2,755,000 2,946 0.0%
*,^ Yanchang Petroleum International Ltd. 31,620,000 1,443 0.0%
1 Hong Kong—Other †   3,663,815 2.2%
      4,380,881 2.7%
Hungary   72,245 0.0%
  Nestle India Ltd. 170,177 17,590 0.0%
  India—Other †   3,341,530 2.1%
      3,359,120 2.1%
Indonesia   776,317 0.5%
Ireland   363,258 0.2%
  OsemInvestments Ltd. 294,014 6,276 0.0%
  Israel—Other†   750,605 0.5%
      756,881 0.5%
1Italy   2,889,389 1.8%
  Toyota Motor Corp. 19,548,719 1,360,769 0.8%
  Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. 104,412,233 741,781 0.5%
  Japan—Other †   24,694,692 15.2%
      26,797,242 16.5%
1Malaysia   1,357,420 0.8%
Mexico †   1,457,592 0.9%
Morocco †   271 0.0%
  Unilever NV 11,486,321 501,041 0.3%
  Netherlands—Other †   2,617,229 1.6%
      3,118,270 1.9%
New Zealand   292,557 0.2%
1Norway   865,059 0.5%




Total International Stock Index Fund      
    Market Percentage
    Value of Net
  Shares ($000) Assets
3 Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets ETF 6,089,525 267,147 0.2%
Peru   75,150 0.0%
Philippines †   575,998 0.4%
Poland   534,611 0.3%
Portugal   218,536 0.1%
Russia   1,274,070 0.8%
^ COSCO Corp. Singapore Ltd. 7,295,513 3,329 0.0%
GMGGlobal Ltd. 18,833,100 1,052 0.0%
1 Singapore—Other †   1,795,723 1.1%
    1,800,104 1.1%
South Africa   2,672,449 1.6%
South Korea      
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. 748,422 981,820 0.6%
South Korea—Other †   4,250,294 2.6%
    5,232,114 3.2%
* Banco Santander SA 98,996,250 748,469 0.5%
Telefonica SA 31,916,322 485,781 0.3%
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 45,316,660 455,346 0.3%
Spain—Other †   2,010,948 1.2%
    3,700,544 2.3%
Sweden   3,458,533 2.1%
Nestle SA 23,532,607 1,825,759 1.1%
Novartis AG 17,185,277 1,754,139 1.1%
Roche Holding AG 5,185,030 1,483,723 0.9%
* UBS Group AG 25,241,516 504,258 0.3%
Switzerland—Other†   4,123,561 2.6%
    9,691,440 6.0%
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 156,741,063 754,594 0.5%
Taiwan—Other †   4,207,197 2.6%
    4,961,791 3.1%
Thailand   872,620 0.5%
Turkey   485,665 0.3%
United Arab Emirates †   265,370 0.2%




Total International Stock Index Fund      
    Market Percentage
    Value of Net
  Shares ($000) Assets
United Kingdom      
HSBC Holdings plc 143,826,827 1,436,772 0.9%
BP plc 134,588,491 970,715 0.6%
Royal Dutch Shell plc Class A 26,640,981 840,005 0.5%
GlaxoSmithKline plc 35,878,678 828,686 0.5%
British American Tobacco plc 13,755,998 755,811 0.5%
Vodafone Group plc 196,054,420 690,747 0.4%
AstraZenecaplc 9,312,884 639,117 0.4%
Royal Dutch Shell plc Class B 18,099,692 579,482 0.3%
Diageo plc 18,588,918 516,077 0.3%
Barclays plc 120,999,838 473,410 0.3%
Lloyds Banking Group plc 398,924,681 472,442 0.3%
Prudential plc 18,833,527 468,913 0.3%
BG Group plc 25,119,891 455,015 0.3%
1 United Kingdom—Other †   14,322,850 8.8%
    23,450,042 14.4%
Total Common Stocks (Cost $144,907,840)   161,740,260 99.5%4
Total Other Investments (Cost $2,418) †   2,770 0.0%4
Temporary Cash Investments      
Money Market Fund      
5,6 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund 0.121% 6,525,201,895 6,525,202 4.0%
7U.S. Government and Agency Obligations †   92,683 0.1%
Total Temporary Cash Investments (Cost $6,617,885)   6,617,885 4.1%4
Total Investments (Cost $151,528,143)   168,360,915 103.6%
Other Assets and Liabilities      
Other Assets   867,715 0.5%
Liabilities5   (6,680,312) (4.1%)
    (5,812,597) (3.6%)
Net Assets   162,548,318 100.0%
At April 30, 2015, net assets consisted of:      
Paid-in Capital     145,822,517
Undistributed Net Investment Income     478,854
Accumulated Net Realized Losses     (627,392)
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)      
Investment Securities     16,832,772
Futures Contracts     10,032
Forward Currency Contracts     32,334
Foreign Currencies     (799)
Net Assets     162,548,318




Total International Stock Index Fund  
Investor Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 3,580,953,016 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 60,687,173
Net Asset Value Per Share—Investor Shares $16.95
Admiral Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 1,286,909,863 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 36,477,302
Net Asset Value Per Share—Admiral Shares $28.34
Institutional Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 143,543,837 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 16,271,149
Net Asset Value Per Share—Institutional Shares $113.35
Institutional Plus Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 393,186,806 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 44,576,698
Net Asset Value Per Share—Institutional Plus Shares $113.37
ETF Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 86,048,221 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 4,535,996
Net Asset Value Per Share—ETF Shares $52.71


See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
* Non-income-producing security.
^ Includes partial security positions on loan to broker-dealers. The total value of securities on loan is $5,651,049,000.
† Represents the aggregate value, by category, of securities that are not among the 50 largest holdings and, in total for any issuer, represent 1% or less of net assets.
1 Certain of the fund’s securities are exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may be sold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At April 30, 2015, the aggregate value of these securities was $300,304,000, representing 0.2% of net assets.
2 “Other” represents securities that are not classified by the fund’s benchmark index.
3 Considered an affiliated company of the fund as the issuer is another member of The Vanguard Group.
4 The fund invests a portion of its cash reserves in equity markets through the use of index futures contracts. After giving effect to futures investments, the fund’s effective common stock, other investments, and temporary cash investment positions represent 100.0%, 0.0%, and 3.6%, respectively, of net assets.
5 Includes $6,012,430,000 of collateral received for securities on loan.
6 Affiliated money market fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown is the 7-day yield.
7 Securities with a value of $46,788,000 have been segregated as initial margin for open futures contracts.
See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Total International Stock Index Fund  
Statement of Operations  
  Six Months Ended
  April 30, 2015
Investment Income  
Dividends1,2 1,888,653
Interest2 616
Securities Lending 49,659
Total Income 1,938,928
The Vanguard Group—Note B  
Investment Advisory Services 3,444
Management and Administrative—Investor Shares 37,082
Management and Administrative—Admiral Shares 13,475
Management and Administrative—Institutional Shares 3,924
Management and Administrative—Institutional Plus Shares 4,907
Management and Administrative—ETF Shares 1,396
Marketing and Distribution—Investor Shares 5,460
Marketing and Distribution—Admiral Shares 2,370
Marketing and Distribution—Institutional Shares 1,581
Marketing and Distribution—Institutional Plus Shares 4,090
Marketing and Distribution—ETF Shares 400
Custodian Fees 16,340
Shareholders’ Reports—Investor Shares 44
Shareholders’ Reports—Admiral Shares 82
Shareholders’ Reports—Institutional Shares 56
Shareholders’ Reports—Institutional Plus Shares 29
Shareholders’ Reports—ETF Shares 33
Trustees’ Fees and Expenses 55
Total Expenses 94,768
Net Investment Income 1,844,160
Realized Net Gain (Loss)  
Investment Securities Sold2 (182,588)
Futures Contracts 78,373
Foreign Currencies and Forward Currency Contracts (131,605)
Realized Net Gain (Loss) (235,820)
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)  
Investment Securities 6,264,570
Futures Contracts 17,471
Foreign Currencies and Forward Currency Contracts 55,026
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) 6,337,067
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 7,945,407

1 Dividends are net of foreign withholding taxes of $160,537,000.
2 Dividend income, interest income, and realized net gain (loss) from affiliated companies of the fund were $1,601,000, $573,000, and ($2,556,000), respectively.
See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Total International Stock Index Fund    
Statement of Changes in Net Assets    
  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  April 30, October 31,
  2015 2014
  ($000) ($000)
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    
Net Investment Income 1,844,160 3,918,366
Realized Net Gain (Loss) (235,820) 739,297
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) 6,337,067 (3,642,906)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 7,945,407 1,014,757
Net Investment Income    
Investor Shares (568,812) (1,534,033)
Admiral Shares (356,378) (819,498)
Signal Shares (144,315)
Institutional Shares (156,427) (397,850)
Institutional Plus Shares (424,842) (931,850)
ETF Shares (40,897) (89,095)
Realized Capital Gain    
Investor Shares
Admiral Shares
Signal Shares
Institutional Shares
Institutional Plus Shares
ETF Shares
Total Distributions (1,547,356) (3,916,641)
Capital Share Transactions    
Investor Shares 7,354,552 6,874,109
Admiral Shares 3,626,636 10,709,173
Signal Shares (5,394,525)
Institutional Shares 2,423,073 2,462,701
Institutional Plus Shares 8,801,004 12,165,427
ETF Shares 1,004,011 1,243,544
Net Increase (Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions 23,209,276 28,060,429
Total Increase (Decrease) 29,607,327 25,158,545
Net Assets    
Beginning of Period 132,940,991 107,782,446
End of Period1 162,548,318 132,940,991

1 Net Assets—End of Period includes undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income of $478,854,000 and $228,065,000.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Total International Stock Index Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Investor Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding April 30,     Year Ended October 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $16.31 $16.67 $14.31 $14.24 $15.48 $13.99
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .201 .5261 .425 . 405 .4342 .3562
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments .613 (.352) 2.428 .305 (1.425) 1.478
Total from Investment Operations .814 .174 2.853 .710 (.991) 1.834
Dividends from Net Investment Income (.174) (.534) (.493) (.640) (.249) (.344)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains
Total Distributions (.174) (.534) (.493) (.640) (.249) (.344)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $16.95 $16.31 $16.67 $14. 31 $14.24 $15.48
Total Return 3 5.07% 1.00% 20.37% 5.32% -6.54% 13.28%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $60,687 $51,040 $45,205 $35,564 $30,912 $39,443
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.19% 0.22% 0.22% 0.22% 0.22% 0.26%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 2.57% 3.16%1 2.79% 3.17% 2.95% 2.52%
Portfolio Turnover Rate4 2% 3% 5% 3% 3% 6%

The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.
1 Net investment income per share and the ratio of net investment income to average net assets include $.067 and 0.39%, respectively, resulting from income received from Vodafone Group plc in the form of cash and shares in Verizon Communications Inc. in February 2014.
2 Calculated based on average shares outstanding.
3 Total returns do not include transaction or account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable transaction and account service fees.
4 Excludes the value of portfolio securities received or delivered as a result of in-kind purchases or redemptions of the fund’s capital shares, including ETF Creation Units.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Total International Stock Index Fund          
Financial Highlights          
Admiral Shares          
  Six Months       Nov. 29,
  Ended       20101 to
    Year Ended October 31,  
  April 30,       Oct. 31,
For a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $27.29 $27.89 $23.94 $23.81 $25.00
Investment Operations          
Net Investment Income .344 .9042 .733 .681 .8423
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)          
on Investments 1.005 (.588) 4.069 . 530 (1.615)
Total from Investment Operations 1.349 .316 4.802 1.211 (.773)
Dividends from Net Investment Income (.299) (.916) (.852) (1.081) (.417)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains
Total Distributions (.299) (.916) (.852) (1.081) (.417)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $28.34 $27.29 $27.89 $23.94 $23.81
Total Return 4 5.02% 1.09% 20.51% 5.43% -3.23%
Ratios/Supplemental Data          
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $36,477 $31,445 $21,438 $15,153 $13,190
Ratio of Total Expenses to Average Net Assets 0.13% 0.14% 0.14% 0.16% 0.18%5
Ratio of Net Investment Income to          
Average Net Assets 2.63% 3.24%2 2.87% 3.23% 2.99%5
Portfolio Turnover Rate6 2% 3% 5% 3% 3%

The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.
1 Inception.
2 Net investment income per share and the ratio of net investment income to average net assets include $.111 and 0.39%, respectively, resulting from income received from Vodafone Group plc in the form of cash and shares in Verizon Communications Inc. in February 2014.
3 Calculated based on average shares outstanding.
4 Total returns do not include transaction or account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable transaction and account service fees.
5 Annualized.
6 Excludes the value of portfolio securities received or delivered as a result of in-kind purchases or redemptions of the fund’s capital shares, including ETF Creation Units.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Total International Stock Index Fund          
Financial Highlights          
Institutional Shares          
  Six Months       Nov. 29,
  Ended       20101 to
    Year Ended October 31,  
  April 30,       Oct. 31,
For a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $109.12 $111.51 $95.75 $95.29 $100.00
Investment Operations          
Net Investment Income 1.386 3.6302 2.948 2.818 3.208 3
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)          
on Investments 4.052 (2.338) 16.255 2.048 (6.245)
Total from Investment Operations 5.438 1.292 19.203 4.866 (3.037)
Dividends from Net Investment Income (1.208) (3.682) (3.443) (4.406) (1.673)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains
Total Distributions (1.208) (3.682) (3.443) (4.406) (1.673)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $113.35 $109.12 $111.51 $95.75 $95.29
Total Return 4 5.06% 1.12% 20.51% 5.46% -3.18%
Ratios/Supplemental Data          
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $16,271 $13,182 $11,024 $7,062 $3,788
Ratio of Total Expenses to Average Net Assets 0.11% 0.12% 0.12% 0.12% 0.13%5
Ratio of Net Investment Income to          
Average Net Assets 2.65% 3.26%2 2.89% 3.27% 3.04%5
Portfolio Turnover Rate6 2% 3% 5% 3% 3%

The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.
1 Inception.
2 Net investment income per share and the ratio of net investment income to average net assets include $.446 and 0.39%, respectively, resulting from income received from Vodafone Group plc in the form of cash and shares in Verizon Communications Inc. in February 2014.
3 Calculated based on average shares outstanding.
4 Total returns do not include transaction fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable transaction fees.
5 Annualized.
6 Excludes the value of portfolio securities received or delivered as a result of in-kind purchases or redemptions of the fund’s capital shares, including ETF Creation Units.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Total International Stock Index Fund          
Financial Highlights          
Institutional Plus Shares          
  Six Months       Nov. 30,
  Ended       20101 to
    Year Ended October 31,  
  April 30,       Oct. 31,
For a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $109.14 $111.53 $95.77 $95.31 $98.88
Investment Operations          
Net Investment Income 1.402 3.6552 2.968 2.778 2.596 3
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)          
on Investments 4.052 (2.339) 16.259 2.110 (4.492)
Total from Investment Operations 5.454 1.316 19.227 4.888 (1.896)
Dividends from Net Investment Income (1.224) (3.706) (3.467) (4.428) (1.674)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains
Total Distributions (1.224) (3.706) (3.467) (4.428) (1.674)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $113.37 $109.14 $111.53 $95.77 $95.31
Total Return 4 5.08% 1.14% 20.54% 5.48% -2.08%
Ratios/Supplemental Data          
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $44,577 $33,915 $22,504 $12,973 $6,965
Ratio of Total Expenses to Average Net Assets 0.08% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10%5
Ratio of Net Investment Income to          
Average Net Assets 2.68% 3.28%2 2.91% 3.29% 3.07%5
Portfolio Turnover Rate6 2% 3% 5% 3% 3%

The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.
1 Inception.
2 Net investment income per share and the ratio of net investment income to average net assets include $.446 and 0.39%, respectively, resulting from income received from Vodafone Group plc in the form of cash and shares in Verizon Communications Inc. in February 2014.
3 Calculated based on average shares outstanding.
4 Total returns do not include transaction fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable transaction fees.
5 Annualized.
6 Excludes the value of portfolio securities received or delivered as a result of in-kind purchases or redemptions of the fund’s capital shares, including ETF Creation Units.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Total International Stock Index Fund          
Financial Highlights          
ETF Shares          
  Six Months       Jan. 26,
  Ended       20111 to
    Year Ended October 31,  
  April 30,       Oct. 31,
For a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $50.75 $51.86 $44.53 $44.33 $50.00
Investment Operations          
Net Investment Income .641 1.6802 1.365 1.283 1.0213
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)          
on Investments 1.877 (1.087) 7.555 .965 (6.691)
Total from Investment Operations 2.518 .593 8.920 2.248 (5.670)
Dividends from Net Investment Income (.558) (1.703) (1.590) (2.048)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains
Total Distributions (.558) (1.703) (1.590) (2.048)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $52.71 $50.75 $51.86 $44.53 $44.33
Total Return 5.04% 1.10% 20.50% 5.43% -11.34%
Ratios/Supplemental Data          
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $4,536 $3,360 $2,198 $966 $435
Ratio of Total Expenses to Average Net Assets 0.13% 0.14% 0.14% 0.16% 0.18% 4
Ratio of Net Investment Income to          
Average Net Assets 2.63% 3.24%2 2.87% 3.23% 2.99% 4
Portfolio Turnover Rate5 2% 3% 5% 3% 3%

The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.
1 Inception.
2 Net investment income per share and the ratio of net investment income to average net assets include $.208 and 0.39%, respectively, resulting from income received from Vodafone Group plc in the form of cash and shares in Verizon Communications Inc. in February 2014.
3 Calculated based on average shares outstanding.
4 Annualized.
5 Excludes the value of portfolio securities received or delivered as a result of in-kind purchases or redemptions of the fund’s capital shares, including ETF Creation Units.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Total International Stock Index Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. The fund invests in securities of foreign issuers, which may subject it to investment risks not normally associated with investing in securities of U.S. corporations. The fund offers five classes of shares: Investor Shares, Admiral Shares, Institutional Shares, Institutional Plus Shares, and ETF Shares. Investor Shares are available to any investor who meets the fund’s minimum purchase requirements. Admiral Shares, Institutional Shares, and Institutional Plus Shares are designed for investors who meet certain administrative, service, and account-size criteria. ETF Shares are listed for trading on NYSE Arca; they can be purchased and sold through a broker.

A. The following significant accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles for U.S. investment companies. The fund consistently follows such policies in preparing its financial statements.

1. Security Valuation: Securities are valued as of the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (generally 4 p.m., Eastern time) on the valuation date. Equity securities are valued at the latest quoted sales prices or official closing prices taken from the primary market in which each security trades; such securities not traded on the valuation date are valued at the mean of the latest quoted bid and asked prices. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available, or whose values have been affected by events occurring before the fund’s pricing time but after the close of the securities’ primary markets, are valued at their fair values calculated according to procedures adopted by the board of trustees. These procedures include obtaining quotations from an independent pricing service, monitoring news to identify significant market- or security-specific events, and evaluating changes in the values of foreign market proxies (for example, ADRs, futures contracts, or exchange-traded funds), between the time the foreign markets close and the fund’s pricing time. When fair-value pricing is employed, the prices of securities used by a fund to calculate its net asset value may differ from quoted or published prices for the same securities. Investments in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund are valued at that fund’s net asset value. Temporary cash investments acquired over 60 days to maturity are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system (which considers such factors as security prices, yields, maturities, and ratings), both as furnished by independent pricing services. Other temporary cash investments are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value.

2. Foreign Currency: Securities and other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars using exchange rates obtained from an independent third party as of the fund’s pricing time on the valuation date. Realized gains (losses) and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investment securities include the effects of changes in exchange rates since the securities were purchased, combined with the effects of changes in security prices. Fluctuations in the value of other assets and liabilities resulting from changes in exchange rates are recorded as unrealized foreign currency gains (losses) until the assets or liabilities are settled in cash, at which time they are recorded as realized foreign currency gains (losses).

3. Futures and Forward Currency Contracts: The fund uses index futures contracts to a limited extent, with the objectives of maintaining full exposure to the stock market, enhancing returns, maintaining liquidity, and minimizing transaction costs. The fund may purchase futures contracts to immediately invest incoming cash in the market, or sell futures in response to cash outflows, thereby simulating a fully invested position in the underlying index while maintaining a cash balance for liquidity. The fund may seek to enhance returns by using futures contracts instead of the underlying securities when futures are believed to be priced more attractively than the underlying securities. The primary risks associated with the use of futures contracts are imperfect correlation between changes in market



Total International Stock Index Fund

values of stocks held by the fund and the prices of futures contracts, and the possibility of an illiquid market. Counterparty risk involving futures is mitigated because a regulated clearinghouse is the counterparty instead of the clearing broker. To further mitigate counterparty risk, the fund trades futures contracts on an exchange, monitors the financial strength of its clearing brokers and clearing-house, and has entered into clearing agreements with its clearing brokers. The clearinghouse imposes initial margin requirements to secure the fund’s performance and requires daily settlement of variation margin representing changes in the market value of each contract.

The fund also enters into forward currency contracts to provide the appropriate currency exposure related to any open futures contracts. The fund’s risks in using these contracts include movement in the values of the foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar and the ability of the counterparties to fulfill their obligations under the contracts. The fund mitigates its counterparty risk by entering into forward currency contracts only with a diverse group of prequalified counterparties, monitoring their financial strength, entering into master netting arrangements with its counterparties, and requiring its counterparties to transfer collateral as security for their performance. The master netting arrangements provide that, in the event of a counterparty’s default (including bankruptcy), the fund may terminate the forward currency contracts, determine the net amount owed by either party in accordance with its master netting arrangements, and sell or retain any collateral held up to the net amount owed to the fund under the master netting arrangements. The forward currency contracts contain provisions whereby a counterparty may terminate open contracts if the fund’s net assets decline below a certain level, triggering a payment by the fund if the fund is in a net liability position at the time of the termination. The payment amount would be reduced by any collateral the fund has pledged. Any assets pledged as collateral for open contracts are noted in the Statement of Net Assets. The value of collateral received or pledged is compared daily to the value of the forward currency contracts exposure with each counterparty, and any difference, if in excess of a specified minimum transfer amount, is adjusted and settled within two business days.

Futures contracts are valued at their quoted daily settlement prices. Forward currency contracts are valued at their quoted daily prices obtained from an independent third party, adjusted for currency risk based on the expiration date of each contract. The aggregate settlement values and notional amounts of the contracts are not recorded in the Statement of Net Assets. Fluctuations in the value of the contracts are recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset (liability) and in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until the contracts are closed, when they are recorded as realized gains (losses) on futures or forward currency contracts.

During the six months ended April 30, 2015, the fund’s average investments in long and short futures contracts represented less than 1% and 0% of net assets, respectively, based on the average of aggregate settlement values at each quarter-end during the period. The fund’s average investment in forward currency contracts represented less than 1% of net assets, based on the average of notional amounts at each quarter-end during the period.

4. Federal Income Taxes: The fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income. Management has analyzed the fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years (October 31, 2011–2014), and for the period ended April 30, 2015, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the fund’s financial statements.

5. Distributions: Distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date.



Total International Stock Index Fund

6. Securities Lending: To earn additional income, the fund lends its securities to qualified institutional borrowers. Security loans are required to be secured at all times by collateral in an amount at least equal to the market value of securities loaned. Daily market fluctuations could cause the value of loaned securities to be more or less than the value of the collateral received. When this occurs, the collateral is adjusted and settled on the next business day. The fund further mitigates its counterparty risk by entering into securities lending transactions only with a diverse group of prequalified counterparties, monitoring their financial strength, and entering into master securities lending agreements with its counterparties. The master securities lending agreements provide that, in the event of a counterparty’s default (including bankruptcy), the fund may terminate any loans with that borrower, determine the net amount owed, and sell or retain the collateral up to the net amount owed to the fund; however, such actions may be subject to legal proceedings. While collateral mitigates counterparty risk, in the absence of a default the fund may experience delays and costs in recovering the securities loaned. The fund invests cash collateral received in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund, and records a liability in the Statement of Net Assets for the return of the collateral, during the period the securities are on loan. Securities lending income represents fees charged to borrowers plus income earned on invested cash collateral, less expenses associated with the loan.

7. Credit Facility: The fund and certain other funds managed by The Vanguard Group participate in a $3 billion committed credit facility provided by a syndicate of lenders pursuant to a credit agreement that may be renewed annually; each fund is individually liable for its borrowings, if any, under the credit facility. Borrowings may be utilized for temporary and emergency purposes, and are subject to the fund’s regulatory and contractual borrowing restrictions. The participating funds are charged administrative fees and an annual commitment fee of 0.06% of the undrawn amount of the facility; these fees are allocated to the funds based on a method approved by the fund’s board of trustees and included in Management and Administrative expenses on the fund’s Statement of Operations. Any borrowings under this facility bear interest at a rate equal to the higher of the federal funds rate or LIBOR reference rate plus an agreed-upon spread.

The fund had no borrowings outstanding at April 30, 2015, or at any time during the period then ended.

8. Other: Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Interest income includes income distributions received from Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund and is accrued daily. Premiums and discounts on debt securities purchased are amortized and accreted, respectively, to interest income over the lives of the respective securities. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Costs used to determine realized gains (losses) on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold.

Each class of shares has equal rights as to assets and earnings, except that each class separately bears certain class-specific expenses related to maintenance of shareholder accounts (included in Management and Administrative expenses) and shareholder reporting. Marketing and distribution expenses are allocated to each class of shares based on a method approved by the board of trustees. Income, other non-class-specific expenses, and gains and losses on investments are allocated to each class of shares based on its relative net assets.



Total International Stock Index Fund

B. The Vanguard Group furnishes at cost investment advisory, corporate management, administrative, marketing, and distribution services. The costs of such services are allocated to the fund based on methods approved by the board of trustees. The fund has committed to invest up to 0.40% of its net assets in Vanguard. At April 30, 2015, the fund had contributed capital of $13,364,000 to Vanguard (included in Other Assets), representing 0.01% of the fund’s net assets and 5.34% of Vanguard’s capitalization. The fund’s trustees and officers are also directors and officers of Vanguard.

C. Various inputs may be used to determine the value of the fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in three broad levels for financial statement purposes. The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

Level 1Quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.
Level 2Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.).
Level 3Significant unobservable inputs (including the fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments).

The following table summarizes the market value of the fund’s investments as of April 30, 2015, based on the inputs used to value them:

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Investments ($000) ($000) ($000)
Common StocksNorth America and South America 15,554,282 430,627 505
Common Stocks—Other 807,111 144,705,167 242,568
Other Investments 2,770
Temporary Cash Investments 6,525,202 92,683
Futures Contracts—Assets1 581
Futures ContractsLiabilities1 (5,579)
Forward Currency Contracts—Assets 33,756
Forward Currency ContractsLiabilities (1,422)
Total 22,881,597 145,263,581 243,073
1 Represents variation margin on the last day of the reporting period.


Securities in certain countries may transfer between Level 1 and Level 2 because of differences in stock market closure times that may result from transitions between standard and daylight saving time in those countries and the United States. Based on values on the date of transfer, securities valued at $1,884,065,000 based on Level 1 inputs were transferred from Level 2 during the fiscal period.



Total International Stock Index Fund

D. At April 30, 2015, the fair values of derivatives were reflected in the Statement of Net Assets as follows:

  Equity Exchange  
  Contracts Contracts Total
Statement of Net Assets Caption ($000) ($000) ($000)
Other Assets 581 33,756 34,337
Liabilities (5,579) (1,422) (7,001)


Realized net gain (loss) and the change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on derivatives for the six months ended April 30, 2015, were:

  Equity Exchange  
  Contracts Contracts Total
Realized Net Gain (Loss) on Derivatives ($000) ($000) ($000)
Futures Contracts 78,373 78,373
Forward Currency Contracts (85,590) (85,590)
Realized Net Gain (Loss) on Derivatives 78,373 (85,590) (7,217)
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Derivatives      
Futures Contracts 17,471 17,471
Forward Currency Contracts 45,211 45,211
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Derivatives 17,471 45,211 62,682


At April 30, 2015, the aggregate settlement value of open futures contracts and the related unrealized appreciation (depreciation) were:

    Number of Settlement Unrealized
    Long (Short) Value Appreciation
Futures Contracts Expiration Contracts Long (Short) (Depreciation)
FTSE 100 Index June 2015 2,503 266,525 7,195
Dow Jones EURO STOXX 50 Index June 2015 6,027 240,969 (3,138)
Topix Index June 2015 1,314 174,420 7,531
S&P ASX 200 Index June 2015 932 105,802 (1,556)


Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on open FTSE 100 Index and Dow Jones EURO STOXX 50 Index futures contracts are required to be treated as realized gain (loss) for tax purposes.



Total International Stock Index Fund

At April 30, 2015, the fund had open forward currency contracts to receive and deliver currencies as follows. Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on open forward currency contracts is treated as realized gain (loss) for tax purposes.

  Contract         Appreciation
  Settlement     Contract Amount (000) (Depreciation)
Counterparty Date   Receive   Deliver ($000)
BNP Paribas 6/24/15 GBP 184,436 USD 271,753 11,247
BNP Paribas 6/24/15 EUR 238,584 USD 253,308 14,785
Bank of America, N.A. 6/16/15 JPY 19,889,428 USD 164,072 2,596
Bank of America, N.A. 6/23/15 AUD 147,193 USD 111,502 4,619
BNP Paribas 6/16/15 USD 159,724 JPY 19,000,000 509
Bank of America, N.A. 6/24/15 USD 24,140 GBP 16,191 (704)
Bank of America, N.A. 6/24/15 USD 22,871 EUR 20,907 (622)
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. 6/23/15 USD 8,898 AUD 11,400 (96)

AUD—Australian dollar.
GBP—British pound.
JPY—Japanese yen.
USD—U.S. dollar.

At April 30, 2015, the counterparty had deposited in segregated accounts securities with a value of $29,346,000 in connection with amounts due to the fund for open forward currency contracts. After April 30, 2015, the counterparty posted additional collateral of $5,480,000 in connection with open forward currency contracts as of April 30, 2015.

E. Distributions are determined on a tax basis and may differ from net investment income and realized capital gains for financial reporting purposes. Differences may be permanent or temporary. Permanent differences are reclassified among capital accounts in the financial statements to reflect their tax character. Temporary differences arise when certain items of income, expense, gain, or loss are recognized in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes. These differences will reverse at some time in the future. Differences in classification may also result from the treatment of short-term gains as ordinary income for tax purposes.

During the six months ended April 30, 2015, the fund realized net foreign currency losses of $46,015,000, which decreased distributable net income for tax purposes; accordingly, such losses have been reclassified from accumulated net realized losses to undistributed net investment income.

The fund’s tax-basis capital gains and losses are determined only at the end of each fiscal year. For tax purposes, at October 31, 2014, the fund had available capital losses totaling $463,013,000 to offset future net capital gains through October 31, 2017. The fund will use these capital losses to offset net taxable capital gains, if any, realized during the year ending October 31, 2015; should the fund realize net capital losses for the year, the losses will be added to the loss carryforward balance above.



Total International Stock Index Fund

At April 30, 2015, the cost of investment securities for tax purposes was $151,910,009,000. Net unrealized appreciation of investment securities for tax purposes was $16,450,906,000, consisting of unrealized gains of $28,977,183,000 on securities that had risen in value since their purchase and $12,526,277,000 in unrealized losses on securities that had fallen in value since their purchase.

F. During the six months ended April 30, 2015, the fund purchased $24,671,858,000 of investment securities and sold $1,267,376,000 of investment securities, other than temporary cash investments. Purchases and sales include $926,766,000 and $0, respectively, in connection with in-kind purchases and redemptions of the fund’s capital shares.

G. Capital share transactions for each class of shares were:

  Six Months Ended   Year Ended
    April 30, 2015 October 31, 2014
  Amount Shares Amount Shares
  ($000) (000) ($000) (000)
Investor Shares        
Issued 8,362,817 515,909 9,303,349 563,187
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 565,537 35,692 1,523,991 91,155
Redeemed (1,573,802) (99,122) (3,953,231) (237,198)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Investor Shares 7,354,552 452,479 6,874,109 417,144
Admiral Shares        
Issued1 5,687,510 211,507 12,409,332 444,554
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 316,056 11,920 728,068 25,999
Redeemed (2,376,930) (88,916) (2,428,227) (86,941)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Admiral Shares 3,626,636 134,511 10,709,173 383,612
Signal Shares        
Issued 1,413,050 42,230
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 129,836 3,891
Redeemed1 (6,937,411) (207,962)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Signal Shares (5,394,525) (161,841)
Institutional Shares        
Issued 2,989,107 27,983 4,631,261 41,269
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 149,366 1,408 382,641 3,420
Redeemed (715,400) (6,652) (2,551,201) (22,745)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Institutional Shares 2,423,073 22,739 2,462,701 21,944




Total International Stock Index Fund        
  Six Months Ended   Year Ended
    April 30, 2015 October 31, 2014
  Amount Shares Amount Shares
  ($000) (000) ($000) (000)
Institutional Plus Shares        
Issued 9,161,901 85,739 12,404,005 111,084
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 414,059 3,901 903,727 8,072
Redeemed (774,956) (7,201) (1,142,305) (10,174)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Institutional Plus Shares 8,801,004 82,439 12,165,427 108,982
ETF Shares        
Issued 1,004,011 19,841 1,253,978 24,021
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions
Redeemed (10,434) (200)
Net Increase (Decrease)—ETF Shares 1,004,011 19,841 1,243,544 23,821

1 Admiral Shares Issued and Signal Shares Redeemed include $4,028,000,000 from the conversion of Signal Shares to Admiral Shares during the 2014 fiscal year.

H. Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to April 30, 2015, that would require recognition or disclosure in these financial statements.



About Your Fund’s Expenses

As a shareholder of the fund, you incur ongoing costs, which include costs for portfolio management, administrative services, and shareholder reports (like this one), among others. Operating expenses, which are deducted from a fund’s gross income, directly reduce the investment return of the fund.

A fund’s expenses are expressed as a percentage of its average net assets. This figure is known as the expense ratio. The following examples are intended to help you understand the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your fund and to compare these costs with those of other mutual funds. The examples are based on an investment of $1,000 made at the beginning of the period shown and held for the entire period.

The accompanying table illustrates your fund’s costs in two ways:

Based on actual fund return. This section helps you to estimate the actual expenses that you paid over the period. The ”Ending Account Value“ shown is derived from the fund‘s actual return, and the third column shows the dollar amount that would have been paid by an investor who started with $1,000 in the fund. You may use the information here, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period.

To do so, simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number given for your fund under the heading ”Expenses Paid During Period.“

Based on hypothetical 5% yearly return. This section is intended to help you compare your fund‘s costs with those of other mutual funds. It assumes that the fund had a yearly return of 5% before expenses, but that the expense ratio is unchanged. In this case—because the return used is not the fund’s actual return—the results do not apply to your investment. The example is useful in making comparisons because the Securities and Exchange Commission requires all mutual funds to calculate expenses based on a 5% return. You can assess your fund’s costs by comparing this hypothetical example with the hypothetical examples that appear in shareholder reports of other funds.

Note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight and help you compare ongoing costs only and do not reflect transaction costs incurred by the fund for buying and selling securities. Further, the expenses do not include any purchase, redemption, or account service fees described in the fund prospectus. If such fees were applied to your account, your costs would be higher. Your fund does not carry a “sales load.”

The calculations assume no shares were bought or sold during the period. Your actual costs may have been higher or lower, depending on the amount of your investment and the timing of any purchases or redemptions.

You can find more information about the fund’s expenses, including annual expense ratios, in the Financial Statements section of this report. For additional information on operating expenses and other shareholder costs, please refer to your fund’s current prospectus.



Six Months Ended April 30, 2015      
  Beginning Ending Expenses
  Account Value Account Value Paid During
Total International Stock Index Fund 10/31/2014 4/30/2015 Period
Based on Actual Fund Return      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $1,050.68 $0.97
ETF Shares 1,000.00 1,050.38 0.66
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 1,050.22 0.66
Institutional Shares 1,000.00 1,050.63 0.56
Institutional Plus Shares 1,000.00 1,050.78 0.41
Based on Hypothetical 5% Yearly Return      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $1,023.85 $0.95
ETF Shares 1,000.00 1,024.15 0.65
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 1,024.15 0.65
Institutional Shares 1,000.00 1,024.25 0.55
Institutional Plus Shares 1,000.00 1,024.40 0.40

The calculations are based on expenses incurred in the most recent six-month period. The fund’s annualized six-month expense ratios for that period are 0.19% for Investor Shares, 0.13% for ETF Shares, 0.13% for Admiral Shares, 0.11% for Institutional Shares, and 0.08% for Institutional Plus Shares. The dollar amounts shown as “Expenses Paid” are equal to the annualized expense ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in the most recent six-month period, then divided by the number of days in the most recent 12-month period.



Trustees Approve Advisory Arrangement

The board of trustees of Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund has renewed the fund’s investment advisory arrangement with The Vanguard Group, Inc. (Vanguard). Vanguard’s Equity Investment Group—through its Equity Index Group—serves as the investment advisor for the fund. The board determined that continuing the fund’s internalized management structure was in the best interests of the fund and its shareholders.

The board based its decision upon an evaluation of the advisor’s investment staff, portfolio management process, and performance. The trustees considered the factors discussed below, among others. However, no single factor determined whether the board approved the arrangement. Rather, it was the totality of the circumstances that drove the board’s decision.

Nature, extent, and quality of services
The board reviewed the quality of the fund’s investment management services since the fund began investing directly in stocks in 2008, and took into account the organizational depth and stability of the advisor. The board considered that Vanguard has been managing investments for more than three decades. The Equity Index Group adheres to a sound, disciplined investment management process; the team has considerable experience, stability, and depth.

The board concluded that Vanguard’s experience, stability, depth, and performance, among other factors, warranted continuation of the advisory arrangement.

Investment performance
The board considered the fund’s performance since 2008, including any periods of outperformance or underperformance relative to a target index and peer group. The board concluded that the performance was such that the advisory arrangement should continue. Information about the fund’s most recent performance can be found in the Performance Summary section of this report.

The board concluded that the fund’s expense ratio was well below the average expense ratio charged by funds in its peer group and that the fund’s advisory fee rate was also well below its peer-group average. Information about the fund’s expenses appears in the About Your Fund’s Expenses section of this report as well as in the Financial Statements section.

The board does not conduct a profitability analysis of Vanguard because of Vanguard’s unique “at-cost” structure. Unlike most other mutual fund management companies, Vanguard is owned by the funds it oversees, and produces “profits” only in the form of reduced expenses for fund shareholders.

The benefit of economies of scale
The board concluded that the fund’s at-cost arrangement with Vanguard ensures that the fund will realize economies of scale as it grows, with the cost to shareholders declining as the fund’s assets increase.

The board will consider whether to renew the advisory arrangement again after a one-year period.




Beta. A measure of the magnitude of a fund’s past share-price fluctuations in relation to the ups and downs of a given market index. The index is assigned a beta of 1.00. Compared with a given index, a fund with a beta of 1.20 typically would have seen its share price rise or fall by 12% when the index rose or fell by 10%. For this report, beta is based on returns over the past 36 months for both the fund and the index. Note that a fund’s beta should be reviewed in conjunction with its R-squared (see definition). The lower the R-squared, the less correlation there is between the fund and the index, and the less reliable beta is as an indicator of volatility.

Dividend Yield. Dividend income earned by stocks, expressed as a percentage of the aggregate market value (or of net asset value, for a fund). The yield is determined by dividing the amount of the annual dividends by the aggregate value (or net asset value) at the end of the period. For a fund, the dividend yield is based solely on stock holdings and does not include any income produced by other investments.

Earnings Growth Rate. The average annual rate of growth in earnings over the past five years for the stocks now in a fund.

Equity Exposure. A measure that reflects a fund’s investments in stocks and stock futures. Any holdings in short-term reserves are excluded.

Expense Ratio. A fund’s total annual operating expenses expressed as a percentage of the fund’s average net assets. The expense ratio includes management and administrative expenses, but does not include the transaction costs of buying and selling portfolio securities.

Inception Date. The date on which the assets of a fund (or one of its share classes) are first invested in accordance with the fund’s investment objective. For funds with a subscription period, the inception date is the day after that period ends. Investment performance is measured from the inception date.

Median Market Cap. An indicator of the size of companies in which a fund invests; the midpoint of market capitalization (market price x shares outstanding) of a fund’s stocks, weighted by the proportion of the fund’s assets invested in each stock. Stocks representing half of the fund’s assets have market capitalizations above the median, and the rest are below it.

Price/Book Ratio. The share price of a stock divided by its net worth, or book value, per share. For a fund, the weighted average price/book ratio of the stocks it holds.

Price/Earnings Ratio. The ratio of a stock’s current price to its per-share earnings over the past year. For a fund, the weighted average P/E of the stocks it holds. P/E is an indicator of market expectations about corporate prospects; the higher the P/E, the greater the expectations for a company’s future growth.

R-Squared. A measure of how much of a fund’s past returns can be explained by the returns from the market in general, as measured by a given index. If a fund’s total returns were precisely synchronized with an index’s returns, its R-squared would be 1.00. If the fund’s returns bore no relationship to the index’s returns, its R-squared would be 0. For this report, R-squared is based on returns over the past 36 months for both the fund and the index.



Return on Equity. The annual average rate of return generated by a company during the past five years for each dollar of shareholder’s equity (net income divided by shareholder’s equity). For a fund, the weighted average return on equity for the companies whose stocks it holds.

Short-Term Reserves. The percentage of a fund invested in highly liquid, short-term securities that can be readily converted to cash.

Turnover Rate. An indication of the fund’s trading activity. Funds with high turnover rates incur higher transaction costs and may be more likely to distribute capital gains (which may be taxable to investors). The turnover rate excludes in-kind transactions, which have minimal impact on costs.

Benchmark Information

Spliced Total International Stock Index: Total International Composite Index through August 31, 2006; MSCI EAFE + Emerging Markets Index through December 15, 2010; MSCI ACWI ex USA IMI Index through June 2, 2013; and FTSE Global All Cap ex US Index thereafter. Benchmark returns are adjusted for withholding taxes.



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The People Who Govern Your Fund

The trustees of your mutual fund are there to see that the fund is operated and managed in your best interests since, as a shareholder, you are a part owner of the fund. Your fund’s trustees also serve on the board of directors of The Vanguard Group, Inc., which is owned by the Vanguard funds and provides services to them on an at-cost basis.

A majority of Vanguard’s board members are independent, meaning that they have no affiliation with Vanguard or the funds they oversee, apart from the sizable personal investments they have made as private individuals. The independent board members have distinguished backgrounds in business, academia, and public service. Each of the trustees and executive officers oversees 178 Vanguard funds.

The following table provides information for each trustee and executive officer of the fund. More information about the trustees is in the Statement of Additional Information, which can be obtained, without charge, by contacting Vanguard at 800-662-7447, or online at vanguard.com.

InterestedTrustee1 Rajiv L. Gupta
  Born 1945. Trustee Since December 2001. 2 Principal
F. William McNabb III Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other
Born 1957. Trustee Since July 2009. Chairman of Experience: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
the Board. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past (retired 2009) and President (2006–2008) of
Five Years and Other Experience: Chairman of the Rohm and Haas Co. (chemicals); Director of Tyco
Board of The Vanguard Group, Inc., and of each of International PLC (diversified manufacturing and
the investment companies served by The Vanguard services), Hewlett-Packard Co. (electronic computer
Group, since January 2010; Director of The Vanguard manufacturing), and Delphi Automotive PLC
Group since 2008; Chief Executive Officer and (automotive components); Senior Advisor at New
President of The Vanguard Group, and of each of Mountain Capital.
the investment companies served by The Vanguard  
Group, since 2008; Director of Vanguard Marketing Amy Gutmann
Corporation; Managing Director of The Vanguard Born 1949. Trustee Since June 2006. Principal
Group (1995–2008). Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and
  Other Experience: President of the University of
IndependentTrustees Pennsylvania; Christopher H. Browne Distinguished
Professor of Political Science, School of Arts and
Emerson U. Fullwood Sciences, and Professor of Communication, Annenberg
Born 1948. Trustee Since January 2008. Principal School for Communication, with secondary faculty
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and appointments in the Department of Philosophy, School
Other Experience: Executive Chief Staff and of Arts and Sciences, and at the Graduate School of
Marketing Officer for North America and Corporate Education, University of Pennsylvania; Trustee of the
Vice President (retired 2008) of Xerox Corporation National Constitution Center; Chair of the Presidential
(document management products and services); Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.
Executive in Residence and 2009–2010 Distinguished  
Minett Professor at the Rochester Institute of JoAnn Heffernan Heisen
Technology; Director of SPX Corporation (multi-industry Born 1950. Trustee Since July 1998. Principal
manufacturing), the United Way of Rochester, Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other
Amerigroup Corporation (managed health care), the Experience: Corporate Vice President and Chief
University of Rochester Medical Center, Monroe Global Diversity Officer (retired 2008) and Member
Community College Foundation, and North Carolina of the Executive Committee (1997–2008) of Johnson
A&T University. & Johnson (pharmaceuticals/medical devices/
  consumer products); Director of Skytop Lodge
  Corporation (hotels), the University Medical Center
  at Princeton, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,
  and the Center for Talent Innovation; Member of
  the Advisory Board of the Institute for Women’s
  Leadership at Rutgers University.



F. Joseph Loughrey Executive Officers  
Born 1949. Trustee Since October 2009. Principal    
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Glenn Booraem  
Experience: President and Chief Operating Officer Born 1967. Controller Since July 2010. Principal
(retired 2009) of Cummins Inc. (industrial machinery); Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other
Chairman of the Board of Hillenbrand, Inc. (specialized Experience: Principal of The Vanguard Group, Inc.;
consumer services), and of Oxfam America; Director Controller of each of the investment companies served
of SKF AB (industrial machinery), Hyster-Yale Materials by The Vanguard Group; Assistant Controller of each of
Handling, Inc. (forklift trucks), the Lumina Foundation the investment companies served by The Vanguard
for Education, and the V Foundation for Cancer Group (2001–2010).  
Research; Member of the Advisory Council for the
College of Arts and Letters and of the Advisory Board Thomas J. Higgins  
to the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, both Born 1957. Chief Financial Officer Since September
at the University of Notre Dame. 2008. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five
Years and Other Experience: Principal of The Vanguard
Mark Loughridge Group, Inc.; Chief Financial Officer of each of the
Born 1953. Trustee Since March 2012. Principal investment companies served by The Vanguard Group;
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Treasurer of each of the investment companies served
Experience: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial by The Vanguard Group (1998–2008).
Officer (retired 2013) at IBM (information technology
services); Fiduciary Member of IBM’s Retirement Plan
Committee (2004–2013); Director of the Dow Chemical Kathryn J. Hyatt  
Company; Member of the Council on Chicago Booth. Born 1955. Treasurer Since November 2008. Principal
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other
Scott C. Malpass Experience: Principal of The Vanguard Group, Inc.;
Born 1962. Trustee Since March 2012. Principal Treasurer of each of the investment companies served
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other by The Vanguard Group; Assistant Treasurer of each of
Experience: Chief Investment Officer and Vice the investment companies served by The Vanguard
President at the University of Notre Dame; Assistant Group (1988–2008).
Professor of Finance at the Mendoza College of  
Business at Notre Dame; Member of the Notre Dame
403(b) Investment Committee; Board Member of Heidi Stam  
TIFF Advisory Services, Inc., and Catholic Investment Born 1956. Secretary Since July 2005. Principal
Services, Inc. (investment advisors); Member of Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other
the Investment Advisory Committee of Major Experience: Managing Director of The Vanguard
League Baseball. Group, Inc.; General Counsel of The Vanguard Group;
Secretary of The Vanguard Group and of each of the
André F. Perold investment companies served by The Vanguard Group;
Born 1952. Trustee Since December 2004. Principal Director and Senior Vice President of Vanguard
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Marketing Corporation.
Experience: George Gund Professor of Finance and    
Banking, Emeritus at the Harvard Business School Vanguard Senior Management Team
(retired 2011); Chief Investment Officer and Managing    
Partner of HighVista Strategies LLC (private investment Mortimer J. Buckley ChrisD. McIsaac
firm); Director of Rand Merchant Bank; Overseer of Kathleen C. Gubanich MichaelS. Miller
the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. Paul A. Heller James M. Norris
Martha G. King Glenn W. Reed
Peter F. Volanakis John T. Marcante  
 Born 1955. Trustee Since July 2009. Principal
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Chairman Emeritus and Senior Advisor  
Experience: President and Chief Operating Officer    
(retired 2010) of Corning Incorporated (communications John J. Brennan  
equipment); Trustee of Colby-Sawyer College; Chairman, 1996–2009  
Member of the Advisory Board of the Norris Cotton Chief Executive Officer and President, 1996–2008
Cancer Center and of the Advisory Board of the    
Parthenon Group (strategy consulting). Founder  
John C. Bogle  
  Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, 1974–1996

1 Mr. McNabb is considered an “interested person,” as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, because he is an officer of the Vanguard funds.
2 December 2002 for Vanguard Equity Income Fund, the Vanguard Municipal Bond Funds, and the Vanguard State Tax-Exempt Funds.



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All comparative mutual fund data are from Lipper, a  
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otherwise noted.  
You can obtain a free copy of Vanguard’s proxy voting  
guidelines by visiting vanguard.com/proxyreporting or by  
calling Vanguard at 800-662-2739. The guidelines are  
also available from the SEC’s website, sec.gov. In  
addition, you may obtain a free report on how your fund  
voted the proxies for securities it owned during the 12  
months ended June 30. To get the report, visit either  
vanguard.com/proxyreporting or sec.gov.  
You can review and copy information about your fund at  
the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. To  
find out more about this public service, call the SEC at  
202-551-8090. Information about your fund is also  
available on the SEC’s website, and you can receive  
copies of this information, for a fee, by sending a  
request in either of two ways: via e-mail addressed to  
publicinfo@sec.gov or via regular mail addressed to the  
Public Reference Section, Securities and Exchange  
Commission, Washington, DC 20549-1520.  
  © 2015 The Vanguard Group, Inc.
  All rights reserved.
  Vanguard Marketing Corporation, Distributor.
  Q1132 062015


Item 2: Code of Ethics.

Not Applicable.

Item 3: Audit Committee Financial Expert.

Not Applicable.

Item 4: Principal Accountant Fees and Services.

(a) Audit Fees.

Not Applicable.

Item 5: Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.

Not Applicable.

Item 6: Investments.

Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
Common Stocks (99.5%)1    
Argentina (0.0%)    
  Siderar SAIC Class A 390
Australia (5.0%)    
  Commonwealth Bank of Australia 11,875,393 831,244
  Westpac Banking Corp. 22,729,846 653,045
  BHP Billiton Ltd. 23,683,132 604,783
  Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. 20,343,159 544,341
  National Australia Bank Ltd. 17,459,905 505,559
  Wesfarmers Ltd. 8,256,495 284,596
  CSL Ltd. 3,496,007 250,606
  Woolworths Ltd. 9,053,429 210,200
  Telstra Corp. Ltd. 31,793,827 156,289
  Woodside Petroleum Ltd. 5,289,723 145,876
  Rio Tinto Ltd. 3,216,299 144,982
  Macquarie Group Ltd. 2,148,854 131,666
  Scentre Group 38,242,633 112,651
  Transurban Group 14,109,065 110,306
  AMP Ltd. 21,639,898 109,617
  QBE Insurance Group Ltd. 9,891,651 106,689
  Westfield Corp. 14,246,572 105,920
  Suncorp Group Ltd. 9,483,199 98,070
  Brambles Ltd. 11,453,866 97,629
  Amcor Ltd. 8,897,873 94,728
  Origin Energy Ltd. 8,003,746 80,003
  Insurance Australia Group Ltd. 16,959,451 77,726
  Goodman Group 12,654,549 62,095
* Newcrest Mining Ltd. 5,520,901 61,887
  APA Group 7,957,712 60,184
  Stockland 17,029,973 59,520
  AGL Energy Ltd. 4,877,935 58,519
  Aurizon Holdings Ltd. 15,119,612 57,721
  Caltex Australia Ltd. 1,993,802 55,607
  Oil Search Ltd. 8,466,328 53,749
  Lend Lease Group 3,962,274 50,065
  ASX Ltd. 1,418,018 47,102
  Ramsay Health Care Ltd. 952,534 46,956
  Santos Ltd. 7,064,701 46,008
  GPT Group 13,054,142 46,007
  Sonic Healthcare Ltd. 2,925,995 45,856
  Mirvac Group 27,098,165 42,930
  Orica Ltd. 2,686,159 42,569
  Dexus Property Group 6,669,737 38,755
  Incitec Pivot Ltd. 12,030,016 37,781
  Asciano Ltd. 7,220,517 37,517
  James Hardie Industries plc 3,236,626 37,175
* Medibank Pvt Ltd. 20,368,044 35,562
  Computershare Ltd. 3,642,296 35,332
  Toll Holdings Ltd. 4,962,714 35,125
  Sydney Airport 7,665,937 32,565
  Tatts Group Ltd. 10,220,902 32,558
  Novion Property Group 16,473,127 32,040
  Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd. 3,942,520 31,918
  Seek Ltd. 2,484,967 31,784
  Bendigo & Adelaide Bank Ltd. 3,202,983 30,489
  Aristocrat Leisure Ltd. 4,618,584 30,189
  Crown Resorts Ltd. 2,800,591 28,678
  Boral Ltd. 5,660,920 28,199
  Bank of Queensland Ltd. 2,713,312 27,863
  Cochlear Ltd. 420,179 27,668
  Federation Centres 10,570,018 24,558
  Challenger Ltd. 4,269,292 23,706
  Tabcorp Holdings Ltd. 6,127,780 23,541




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Ansell Ltd. 1,124,012 23,132
  DUET Group 11,014,952 22,007
  Alumina Ltd. 18,114,416 21,981
* Qantas Airways Ltd. 8,158,868 21,808
  Echo Entertainment Group Ltd. 6,095,042 21,763
  Treasury Wine Estates Ltd. 4,715,118 20,679
^ Fortescue Metals Group Ltd. 11,886,865 20,081
  Iluka Resources Ltd. 3,079,924 19,626
  Healthscope Ltd. 7,977,838 17,879
  IOOF Holdings Ltd. 2,226,836 17,667
  Orora Ltd. 8,864,337 15,423
  TPG Telecom Ltd. 2,127,804 14,928
  REA Group Ltd. 389,772 14,498
  DuluxGroup Ltd. 2,887,845 14,404
  AusNet Services 12,384,344 14,401
  WorleyParsons Ltd. 1,589,461 14,281
  Fairfax Media Ltd. 17,186,129 14,141
  Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd. 412,589 14,110
  Perpetual Ltd. 324,576 13,823
  Primary Health Care Ltd. 3,484,109 13,637
  Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd. 3,931,840 13,636
  Recall Holdings Ltd. 2,283,422 13,115
  Domino's Pizza Enterprises Ltd. 446,368 12,847
  ALS Ltd. 2,996,225 12,376
* CIMIC Group Ltd. 746,168 12,356
  Investa Office Fund 4,181,169 12,247
  Slater & Gordon Ltd. 2,406,008 12,048
  Adelaide Brighton Ltd. 3,286,737 11,709
  Magellan Financial Group Ltd. 744,592 11,686
  BlueScope Steel Ltd. 4,142,952 11,399
  JB Hi-Fi Ltd. 732,218 11,311
  Qube Holdings Ltd. 5,101,338 11,207
  carsales.com Ltd. 1,491,840 11,145
  Downer EDI Ltd. 3,183,562 11,070
  Veda Group Ltd. 6,102,583 11,013
*,^ Liquefied Natural Gas Ltd. 3,088,539 11,010
^ M2 Group Ltd. 1,268,884 10,981
  CSR Ltd. 3,726,999 10,712
  GrainCorp Ltd. Class A 1,355,267 10,565
^ Sims Metal Management Ltd. 1,191,789 10,158
  Platinum Asset Management Ltd. 1,677,596 9,984
  nib holdings Ltd. 3,239,663 9,341
  Cromwell Property Group 10,616,817 9,261
  Nine Entertainment Co. Holdings Ltd. 4,986,097 9,106
  Charter Hall Group 2,171,744 8,773
  Invocare Ltd. 798,455 8,438
  OZ Minerals Ltd. 2,277,014 8,383
  BWP Trust 3,446,123 8,264
  Spotless Group Holdings Ltd. 4,572,821 8,217
  Navitas Ltd. 2,254,952 8,207
  Beach Energy Ltd. 9,277,320 8,092
  Super Retail Group Ltd. 1,029,378 8,013
  Shopping Centres Australasia Property Group 4,731,463 7,948
  Macquarie Atlas Roads Group 3,037,026 7,786
^ iiNET Ltd. 994,742 7,780
  Independence Group NL 1,649,872 7,699
  Charter Hall Retail REIT 2,257,493 7,669
  IRESS Ltd. 931,835 7,642
  G8 Education Ltd. 2,691,148 7,638
  Nufarm Ltd. 1,303,276 7,470
  Northern Star Resources Ltd. 4,183,094 7,439
  Metcash Ltd. 6,843,313 7,144
  PanAust Ltd. 4,662,995 6,372
  Sigma Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 8,765,520 6,010




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Aveo Group 2,741,108 5,979
  Breville Group Ltd. 978,018 5,920
  Premier Investments Ltd. 576,704 5,811
*,^ Whitehaven Coal Ltd. 4,385,198 5,716
  Sirtex Medical Ltd. 341,671 5,710
  Retail Food Group Ltd. 1,018,288 5,576
  BT Investment Management Ltd. 736,551 5,545
  Automotive Holdings Group Ltd. 1,616,479 5,438
  Abacus Property Group 2,263,197 5,273
^ Mineral Resources Ltd. 993,396 5,050
  Brickworks Ltd. 427,503 4,943
^ Monadelphous Group Ltd. 629,772 4,908
* APN News & Media Ltd. 6,579,832 4,890
  Seven West Media Ltd. 4,888,702 4,871
* ARB Corp. Ltd. 487,956 4,839
  Ardent Leisure Group 3,067,483 4,803
* Mayne Pharma Group Ltd. 5,480,483 4,667
  SAI Global Ltd. 1,493,437 4,646
  Transpacific Industries Group Ltd. 7,654,324 4,620
^ Myer Holdings Ltd. 4,162,882 4,548
  FlexiGroup Ltd. 1,692,728 4,544
*,^ Sirius Resources NL 1,969,535 4,492
  Western Areas Ltd. 1,527,427 4,434
  GWA Group Ltd. 2,205,255 4,338
  Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd. 1,634,564 4,318
  Asaleo Care Ltd. 2,955,557 4,301
* Transfield Services Ltd. 3,730,256 4,232
  Sandfire Resources NL 1,089,859 4,217
  Steadfast Group Ltd. 3,495,315 4,150
  Pact Group Holdings Ltd. 1,274,132 4,142
  Seven Group Holdings Ltd. 711,004 4,116
* AWE Ltd. 3,632,873 4,087
  Japara Healthcare Ltd. 1,799,955 3,910
  Cover-More Group Ltd. 2,252,255 3,894
* Australian Agricultural Co. Ltd. 2,975,392 3,808
  Select Harvests Ltd. 527,296 3,738
*,^ Mesoblast Ltd. 1,311,552 3,715
  Seven West Media Ltd. (Private Placement) 3,699,118 3,659
  Australian Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. 2,723,862 3,603
  Bega Cheese Ltd. 922,893 3,518
  Mantra Group Ltd. 1,224,011 3,481
*,^ Karoon Gas Australia Ltd. 1,606,364 3,461
  Altium Ltd. 830,465 3,409
  McMillan Shakespeare Ltd. 373,489 3,409
  Evolution Mining Ltd. 4,178,397 3,334
  Southern Cross Media Group Ltd. 3,954,246 3,334
^ Amcom Telecommunications Ltd. 1,829,977 3,316
*,^ Virgin Australia Holdings Ltd. 8,037,939 3,239
  GUD Holdings Ltd. 516,920 3,230
  Technology One Ltd. 1,051,547 3,229
  National Storage REIT 2,506,572 3,190
  Cabcharge Australia Ltd. 883,505 3,148
  Cardno Ltd. 1,151,590 3,128
  New Hope Corp. Ltd. 1,816,352 3,127
  Arrium Ltd. 22,735,732 3,101
  iSentia Group Ltd. 1,095,948 3,088
  Greencross Ltd. 589,070 3,083
*,^ Paladin Energy Ltd. 10,967,167 3,005
^ Growthpoint Properties Australia Ltd. 1,194,739 2,992
  OzForex Group Ltd. 1,666,155 2,976
^ Vocus Communications Ltd. 641,156 2,936
*,^ Drillsearch Energy Ltd. 3,073,352 2,924
*,^ Syrah Resources Ltd. 924,610 2,843
  Village Roadshow Ltd. 637,390 2,828




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
*,^ Regis Resources Ltd. 2,803,563 2,804
* Energy World Corp. Ltd. 8,132,640 2,794
* Senex Energy Ltd. 8,799,529 2,787
  Virtus Health Ltd. 459,239 2,768
  Folkestone Education Trust 1,520,984 2,643
^ TFS Corp. Ltd. 1,986,850 2,612
  Tassal Group Ltd. 1,021,505 2,606
  GDI Property Group 3,464,801 2,575
  Credit Corp. Group Ltd. 280,312 2,542
  Thorn Group Ltd. 1,162,761 2,425
  Ainsworth Game Technology Ltd. 1,082,281 2,387
* Pacific Brands Ltd. 6,862,602 2,347
  Capitol Health Ltd. 3,220,707 2,322
  Tox Free Solutions Ltd. 952,029 2,273
*,^ NEXTDC Ltd. 1,196,301 2,269
* Ten Network Holdings Ltd. 13,388,450 2,166
  Hotel Property Investments 1,005,544 2,144
  Bradken Ltd. 1,156,704 2,080
* Saracen Mineral Holdings Ltd. 5,711,762 2,068
  ERM Power Ltd. 994,312 1,988
* Billabong International Ltd. 3,913,165 1,915
  Ingenia Communities Group 6,045,426 1,914
  Dick Smith Holdings Ltd. 1,158,865 1,910
* Sundance Energy Australia Ltd. 3,907,785 1,845
  Programmed Maintenance Services Ltd. 812,588 1,795
^ Astro Japan Property Group 420,493 1,759
  Cedar Woods Properties Ltd. 404,976 1,713
  Cash Converters International Ltd. 2,469,136 1,681
^ UGL Ltd. 1,220,814 1,677
  Webjet Ltd. 567,361 1,654
*,^ iProperty Group Ltd. 737,425 1,473
  Sunland Group Ltd. 972,546 1,449
  MMA Offshore Ltd. 2,491,968 1,370
  UXC Ltd. 2,280,777 1,353
  SKILLED Group Ltd. 1,226,978 1,249
* Newcrest Mining Ltd. ADR 107,626 1,199
*,^ Energy Resources of Australia Ltd. 1,124,622 1,191
  SMS Management & Technology Ltd. 453,717 1,171
*,^ CuDeco Ltd. 1,035,336 1,155
  RCR Tomlinson Ltd. 777,301 1,150
  STW Communications Group Ltd. 2,217,388 1,126
*,^ Perseus Mining Ltd. 3,591,108 1,107
* Medusa Mining Ltd. 1,486,349 1,098
^ Reject Shop Ltd. 207,280 1,064
  MACA Ltd. 1,377,923 974
  Beadell Resources Ltd. 5,284,593 958
* Resolute Mining Ltd. 3,500,881 944
* Starpharma Holdings Ltd. 1,953,210 897
*,^ Horizon Oil Ltd. 9,346,701 886
* Infigen Energy 3,435,073 828
*,^ Boart Longyear Ltd. 5,100,415 798
*,^ Buru Energy Ltd. 1,823,692 774
*,^ Kingsgate Consolidated Ltd. 1,347,985 757
*,^ Lynas Corp. Ltd. 21,403,608 752
  Hills Ltd. 1,356,559 729
  Decmil Group Ltd. 793,538 722
  Panoramic Resources Ltd. 1,754,609 716
^ Acrux Ltd. 1,000,202 703
^ Mount Gibson Iron Ltd. 4,262,608 680
^ Atlas Iron Ltd. 6,556,768 623
^ Ausdrill Ltd. 1,642,190 576
*,^ Linc Energy Ltd. 2,008,097 565
  Sims Metal Management Ltd. ADR 66,577 561
  Watpac Ltd. 888,096 541




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
* Troy Resources Ltd. 1,371,362 483
  Mincor Resources NL 1,066,764 480
*,^ Silver Lake Resources Ltd. 2,781,424 392
* Tap Oil Ltd. 1,524,457 360
  Fleetwood Corp. Ltd. 341,941 353
* Intrepid Mines Ltd. 3,314,276 326
* Imdex Ltd. 1,186,419 318
* Tiger Resources Ltd. 6,435,008 297
* Emeco Holdings Ltd. 3,496,582 274
  NRW Holdings Ltd. 1,685,958 252
* Macmahon Holdings Ltd. 5,743,072 196
  Platinum Capital Ltd. 36,688 51
* BGP Holdings PLC 17,449,685
* Nexus Energy Ltd. 5,925,255
* Kagara Ltd. 2,282,838
* Jacana Minerals Ltd. 215,615
Austria (0.2%)    
  Erste Group Bank AG 2,156,024 60,872
  OMV AG 1,061,541 35,332
  voestalpine AG 823,333 34,471
  ANDRITZ AG 534,728 31,307
* IMMOFINANZ AG 6,905,356 20,773
^ Raiffeisen Bank International AG 857,002 14,227
  Wienerberger AG 859,064 13,961
  Oesterreichische Post AG 250,047 12,167
  Vienna Insurance Group AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe 282,054 11,224
  CA Immobilien Anlagen AG 562,712 10,212
^ Verbund AG 484,792 8,203
  UNIQA Insurance Group AG 802,114 7,879
  BUWOG AG 365,306 7,386
  Mayr Melnhof Karton AG 57,794 6,705
^ Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG 80,452 5,672
  Zumtobel Group AG 205,684 5,626
^ Conwert Immobilien Invest SE 440,107 5,564
  RHI AG 188,408 5,400
^ Flughafen Wien AG 55,345 4,991
  Telekom Austria AG 577,967 4,293
  Lenzing AG 57,147 3,894
  S IMMO AG 400,369 3,745
  Semperit AG Holding 67,301 3,078
  Strabag SE 117,037 2,730
  Palfinger AG 78,289 2,354
  EVN AG 206,739 2,353
* Kapsch TrafficCom AG 31,990 718
Belgium (0.9%)    
  Anheuser-Busch InBev NV 5,886,398 716,660
* KBC Groep NV 2,027,572 133,401
* UCB SA 899,848 64,819
  Solvay SA Class A 416,865 61,381
  Delhaize Group SA 747,634 60,185
  Ageas 1,562,474 58,706
* Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA 573,528 50,345
  Umicore SA 799,410 39,736
  Belgacom SA 1,033,756 38,502
  RTL Group SA 284,517 26,674
  Colruyt SA 489,698 23,144
  Ackermans & van Haaren NV 183,374 22,411
* Telenet Group Holding NV 358,005 21,514
  bpost SA 733,816 21,045
* Ontex Group NV 489,536 14,557
^ Cofinimmo SA 128,439 14,176
  Fagron 226,106 9,994




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
* Nyrstar (Voting Shares) 2,435,263 9,577
  Melexis NV 153,292 9,464
  Befimmo SA 126,663 8,742
  Elia System Operator SA/NV 193,224 8,574
  Warehouses De Pauw SCA 98,937 7,864
^ NV Bekaert SA 267,227 7,764
  D'ieteren SA/NV 197,644 7,709
* Euronav NV 550,721 7,579
  Gimv NV 142,883 6,660
* Tessenderlo Chemie NV (Voting Shares) 175,312 5,770
  Cie d'Entreprises CFE 52,501 5,681
* KBC Ancora 112,924 4,236
  Barco NV 58,822 3,976
* Mobistar SA 208,019 3,956
* Kinepolis Group NV 96,899 3,756
  Econocom Group SA/NV 417,514 3,651
* Ion Beam Applications 134,576 3,343
* AGFA-Gevaert NV 1,288,937 3,229
  Van de Velde NV 48,329 2,887
  EVS Broadcast Equipment SA 71,601 2,800
* BHF Kleinwort Benson Group 553,060 2,640
  Wereldhave Belgium NV 14,852 1,711
^ Cie Maritime Belge SA 116,882 1,633
  Intervest Offices & Warehouses NV 57,174 1,604
*,^ ThromboGenics NV 203,397 1,217
  Sofina SA 2,443 277
* Cofinimmo SA Rights Exp. 05/06/2015 125,704 75
Brazil (1.6%)    
  Ambev SA 27,026,516 169,894
  Itau Unibanco Holding SA Preference Shares 13,000,425 166,251
  Banco Bradesco SA Preference Shares 13,768,111 146,960
  BRF SA 5,276,103 112,774
  Vale SA Preference Shares 17,304,301 104,241
* Petroleo Brasileiro SA 21,903,557 103,595
* Petroleo Brasileiro SA Preference Shares 23,357,241 101,167
  Cielo SA 6,418,702 89,348
  Itausa - Investimentos Itau SA Preference Shares 23,471,416 82,654
  Itau Unibanco Holding SA ADR 6,255,869 80,200
  Ultrapar Participacoes SA 2,832,976 65,198
  Banco do Brasil SA 6,315,322 55,797
  Banco Bradesco SA ADR 4,913,100 52,521
  BM&FBovespa SA - Bolsa de Valores Mercadorias e Futuros 12,715,529 52,374
  BB Seguridade Participacoes SA 4,439,882 51,944
  Ambev SA ADR 7,535,516 47,700
  Banco Bradesco SA 4,478,975 44,657
  Kroton Educacional SA 11,194,416 40,870
* Petroleo Brasileiro SA ADR Type A 4,225,334 36,676
  CCR SA 6,386,677 35,188
  Telefonica Brasil SA Preference Shares 2,060,538 34,195
  Lojas Renner SA 940,600 32,795
  Embraer SA 3,627,005 28,289
  JBS SA 5,243,524 27,045
*,^ Petroleo Brasileiro SA ADR 2,771,055 26,325
  Souza Cruz SA 2,847,474 25,990
  Vale SA Class B Pfd. ADR 4,122,584 24,942
  BRF SA ADR 1,161,168 24,930
  Klabin SA 4,051,239 24,848
  Cia Brasileira de Distribuicao Grupo Pao de Acucar Preference Shares 686,902 23,254
  Lojas Americanas SA Preference Shares 3,866,020 21,518
  WEG SA 4,026,330 21,448
  Raia Drogasil SA 1,815,193 20,604
^ Vale SA Class B ADR 2,619,741 20,120
  CETIP SA - Mercados Organizados 1,637,198 18,774




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Grupo BTG Pactual 1,872,536 18,452
  Cia Energetica de Minas Gerais Preference Shares 3,817,081 18,433
* Hypermarcas SA 2,769,547 18,274
  Tractebel Energia SA 1,539,720 18,244
  BR Malls Participacoes SA 3,160,519 17,203
  Tim Participacoes SA 5,038,738 16,138
  Gerdau SA Preference Shares 4,588,971 15,307
* Fibria Celulose SA 1,010,155 14,165
* Qualicorp SA 1,627,171 13,393
  Itau Unibanco Holding SA 1,130,066 13,011
  Cia Brasileira de Distribuicao ADR 385,624 12,934
  CPFL Energia SA 1,863,424 12,289
  Localiza Rent a Car SA 1,051,957 12,262
  Embraer SA ADR 384,853 12,000
  Natura Cosmeticos SA 1,253,681 11,984
  TOTVS SA 1,006,181 11,625
  Estacio Participacoes SA 1,907,422 11,522
  Suzano Papel e Celulose SA Preference Shares Class A 2,169,506 10,873
  Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliarios SA 565,487 9,947
^ Telefonica Brasil SA ADR 603,411 9,908
  M Dias Branco SA 338,371 9,719
* Fibria Celulose SA ADR 651,353 9,125
  Equatorial Energia SA 858,068 9,119
  Cia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao Paulo 1,532,654 9,055
  Porto Seguro SA 712,101 8,908
  Cia Energetica de Sao Paulo Preference Shares 1,369,035 8,633
  Sul America SA 1,815,793 8,558
  Cia Siderurgica Nacional SA 3,077,148 8,242
  Cia Energetica de Minas Gerais ADR 1,633,270 8,036
  Cosan SA Industria e Comercio 801,694 7,849
  Cyrela Brazil Realty SA Empreendimentos e Participacoes 1,968,839 7,665
* B2W Cia Digital 788,254 7,161
* Rumo Logistica Operadora Multimodal SA 15,882,623 6,853
  Odontoprev SA 1,955,596 6,815
  Bradespar SA Preference Shares 1,674,361 6,696
  EDP - Energias do Brasil SA 1,751,202 6,655
  Metalurgica Gerdau SA Preference Shares Class A 2,015,941 6,584
  Valid Solucoes e Servicos de Seguranca em Meios de Pagamento e Identificacao S.A 401,273 6,240
  Cia Hering 1,031,615 5,995
  Via Varejo SA 947,700 5,945
  Gerdau SA ADR 1,749,465 5,878
  Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais SA Preference Shares 2,962,802 5,871
  Duratex SA 2,059,945 5,805
  MRV Engenharia e Participacoes SA 2,117,212 5,797
  Cia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao Paulo ADR 974,190 5,738
  Smiles SA 324,500 5,482
^ Cia Siderurgica Nacional SA ADR 1,971,078 5,302
  BR Properties SA 1,468,349 5,122
  Lojas Americanas SA 1,122,625 4,918
  Banco do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul SA Preference Shares 1,260,096 4,889
  Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais SA 872,300 4,861
  Transmissora Alianca de Energia Eletrica SA 702,467 4,623
* Oi SA Preference Shares 2,362,405 4,430
  EcoRodovias Infraestrutura e Logistica SA 1,473,962 4,339
  Sao Martinho SA 332,439 4,229
  Cia Paranaense de Energia ADR 382,256 4,182
  AES Tiete SA Preference Shares 711,360 4,085
  Cia Paranaense de Energia Preference Shares 355,250 3,998
  Multiplus SA 358,004 3,981
  Iguatemi Empresa de Shopping Centers SA 441,651 3,958
  Cia de Transmissao de Energia Eletrica Paulista Preference Shares 259,019 3,654
  Marcopolo SA Preference Shares 3,840,404 3,543
  Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA Preference Shares 1,196,968 3,516
  Braskem SA Preference Shares 838,846 3,508




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Linx SA 237,822 3,505
  Aliansce Shopping Centers SA 608,670 3,438
  Grendene SA 568,423 3,396
  Alpargatas SA Preference Shares 996,311 3,277
  Tim Participacoes SA ADR 207,108 3,256
  Light SA 542,059 3,211
* Abril Educacao SA 774,680 3,178
  Alupar Investimento SA 516,200 3,168
  Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA 1,271,800 3,081
  Fleury SA 556,631 3,024
  Cia Energetica de Minas Gerais 594,412 2,869
* Marfrig Global Foods SA 1,964,056 2,764
  Tupy SA 477,669 2,711
  Cia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais-COPASA 432,315 2,604
* Restoque Comercio e Confeccoes de Roupas SA 852,800 2,519
  Ez Tec Empreendimentos e Participacoes SA 390,704 2,483
  Arezzo Industria e Comercio SA 299,406 2,442
  Even Construtora e Incorporadora SA 1,478,233 2,434
  JSL SA 595,768 2,292
  CPFL Energia SA ADR 174,550 2,273
* Eletropaulo Metropolitana Eletricidade de Sao Paulo SA Preference Shares 624,513 2,249
  GAEC Educacao SA 330,584 2,214
  SLC Agricola SA 378,354 2,191
  AES Tiete SA 448,902 2,160
* Minerva SA 701,600 2,042
  Mahle-Metal Leve SA 297,439 2,004
  Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA ADR 805,734 1,974
  Iochpe-Maxion SA 507,957 1,854
  QGEP Participacoes SA 768,875 1,853
* Oi SA 976,422 1,831
  Cia de Gas de Sao Paulo COMGAS Preference Shares Class A 102,733 1,789
  Marisa Lojas SA 349,700 1,697
* PDG Realty SA Empreendimentos e Participacoes 9,462,132 1,633
  Diagnosticos da America SA 456,647 1,513
* Gol Linhas Aereas Inteligentes SA Preference Shares 593,200 1,496
  Randon Participacoes SA Preference Shares 1,121,456 1,489
* Gafisa SA 1,600,223 1,487
  Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA ADR Prf Class B 507,258 1,456
  Guararapes Confeccoes SA 52,725 1,426
  Mills Estruturas e Servicos de Engenharia SA 582,979 1,424
* Paranapanema SA 1,108,653 1,417
  Cia Energetica do Ceara Preference Shares 98,153 1,359
* Gafisa SA ADR 755,200 1,329
* Magnesita Refratarios SA 1,290,045 1,263
  Direcional Engenharia SA 585,241 1,239
  Sonae Sierra Brasil SA 174,560 1,179
  Cia Paranaense de Energia 154,700 1,176
  Brasil Brokers Participacoes SA 1,280,010 1,168
  Braskem SA ADR 140,550 1,167
  Santos Brasil Participacoes SA 305,249 1,142
  Ser Educacional SA 218,300 1,069
  Arteris SA 369,387 1,005
* Tegma Gestao Logistica 186,200 933
  Helbor Empreendimentos SA 860,877 909
* International Meal Co. Alimentacao SA 352,494 877
  Magazine Luiza SA 499,685 831
  Tecnisa SA 603,177 781
  LPS Brasil Consultoria de Imoveis SA 411,400 773
* Cosan Logistica SA 718,294 572
  JHSF Participacoes SA 673,355 420
  Oi SA ADR 195,425 377
  Banco Santander Brasil SA ADR 66,000 358
  Gol Linhas Aereas Inteligentes SA ADR 128,200 326
* Brasil Pharma SA 1,340,505 325




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Vale SA 38,400 289
* PDG Realty SA Empreendimentos e Participacoes Rights 7,939,244 237
* JHSF Participacoes SA ADR 141,530 98
  Contax Participacoes SA Preference Shares 45,455 20
  Oi SA ADR WI 8,713 17
* Itausa - Investimentos Itau SA 39
  Klabin SA Preference Shares 3
Canada (6.9%)    
  Royal Bank of Canada 10,622,513 705,321
  Toronto-Dominion Bank 13,624,905 629,016
* Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc. 2,283,580 495,195
  Bank of Nova Scotia 8,934,998 492,702
  Suncor Energy Inc. 10,762,251 350,476
  Canadian National Railway Co. 5,317,898 343,360
  Enbridge Inc. 6,287,797 328,644
^ Bank of Montreal (Toronto Shares) 4,706,822 307,494
  Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 8,100,460 269,165
  Manulife Financial Corp. 14,553,826 264,900
  TransCanada Corp. 5,191,315 240,956
  Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 2,951,077 236,967
  Brookfield Asset Management Inc. Class A (Toronto Shares) 4,139,388 222,906
  Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd. 1,116,736 212,916
  Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc. 6,126,243 200,061
  Magna International Inc. 2,907,008 146,495
  Sun Life Financial Inc. 4,506,969 144,231
  Cenovus Energy Inc. 6,090,883 114,750
  Goldcorp Inc. 5,967,021 112,318
  Agrium Inc. 1,071,098 110,972
  Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. Class B 2,875,959 110,080
  Thomson Reuters Corp. 2,669,045 109,660
  Barrick Gold Corp. (Toronto Shares) 8,063,430 104,795
  National Bank of Canada 2,418,106 97,706
  Rogers Communications Inc. Class B 2,681,436 95,789
* Catamaran Corp. 1,533,568 91,061
  BCE Inc. 2,055,954 90,639
  Loblaw Cos. Ltd. 1,703,754 86,607
* Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. 156,718 85,601
^ Crescent Point Energy Corp. 3,277,431 85,596
  Imperial Oil Ltd. 1,941,318 85,569
^ Pembina Pipeline Corp. 2,451,343 85,314
* CGI Group Inc. Class A 1,957,339 82,382
  Encana Corp. 5,651,629 80,242
  Intact Financial Corp. 971,350 74,818
  Power Corp. of Canada 2,566,652 70,522
^ Shaw Communications Inc. Class B 2,980,200 68,126
  Great-West Lifeco Inc. 2,216,143 67,981
  First Quantum Minerals Ltd. 4,437,026 67,962
^ Fortis Inc. 2,023,679 65,868
  Restaurant Brands International Inc. 1,557,188 63,539
^ Inter Pipeline Ltd. 2,384,079 62,443
  Talisman Energy Inc. 7,604,014 60,693
  Franco-Nevada Corp. 1,152,042 59,813
  Silver Wheaton Corp. 2,983,926 58,862
  Canadian Tire Corp. Ltd. Class A 552,070 58,474
^ RioCan REIT 2,310,866 57,192
  Gildan Activewear Inc. 1,788,076 56,673
  Saputo Inc. 1,879,014 55,677
  Metro Inc. 1,883,262 54,445
  Power Financial Corp. 1,722,175 53,271
  Teck Resources Ltd. Class B 3,469,717 52,599
  TELUS Corp. 1,516,760 52,461
  Cameco Corp. 2,903,343 51,064
  CI Financial Corp. 1,734,332 50,973




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
^ ARC Resources Ltd. 2,469,390 50,534
  Husky Energy Inc. 2,172,841 48,590
  Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd. 1,584,992 47,977
  Dollarama Inc. 834,498 47,919
  Constellation Software Inc. 117,105 45,910
* Tourmaline Oil Corp. 1,321,088 45,595
  Canadian Utilities Ltd. Class A 1,397,212 45,396
  Open Text Corp. 897,904 45,368
^ Keyera Corp. 1,239,125 43,618
  Methanex Corp. 684,589 41,200
^ SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. 1,127,680 40,658
  Onex Corp. 649,037 39,082
  Canadian Oil Sands Ltd. 3,581,333 38,915
^ H&R REIT 2,016,565 38,693
* BlackBerry Ltd. 3,669,336 37,256
^ Vermilion Energy Inc. 697,277 33,566
^ AltaGas Ltd. 980,900 33,334
^ Veresen Inc. 2,106,944 31,678
  George Weston Ltd. 375,990 31,058
^ PrairieSky Royalty Ltd. 1,105,846 30,366
^ Baytex Energy Corp. 1,519,603 29,687
  Bombardier Inc. Class B 14,248,819 28,817
^ Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. 976,210 28,376
  Empire Co. Ltd. 382,691 27,650
  IGM Financial Inc. 728,612 27,556
  CCL Industries Inc. Class B 236,871 27,233
  Industrial Alliance Insurance & Financial Services Inc. 740,485 26,950
* Element Financial Corp. 1,860,092 26,672
  Yamana Gold Inc. 6,939,553 26,516
  Eldorado Gold Corp. 5,230,019 26,053
  Finning International Inc. 1,267,432 25,968
* Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd. 5,926,447 24,855
  Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. 853,372 24,664
  CAE Inc. 1,970,846 24,454
  WSP Global Inc. 657,885 23,447
  West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd. 452,712 23,294
* Lundin Mining Corp. 4,609,655 22,924
^ Whitecap Resources Inc. 1,804,750 22,363
  Linamar Corp. 376,072 22,337
  DH Corp. 634,932 22,250
* MEG Energy Corp. 1,108,161 21,373
  Atco Ltd. 559,656 21,213
  MacDonald Dettwiler & Associates Ltd. 265,590 21,084
  Gibson Energy Inc. 912,171 21,033
* Kinross Gold Corp. 8,496,904 20,635
^ Home Capital Group Inc. Class B 518,481 20,464
  Hudson's Bay Co. 931,576 20,361
  TransAlta Corp. 2,024,128 20,132
  Canadian REIT 530,015 20,036
  Canadian Apartment Properties REIT 817,410 19,763
  Cominar REIT 1,224,084 19,399
  Calloway REIT 764,659 19,362
^ Enerplus Corp. 1,511,825 19,122
  Allied Properties REIT 569,763 18,890
^ Cineplex Inc. 463,644 18,561
^ Dream Office REIT 803,827 18,442
*,^ Amaya Inc. 780,279 18,257
  HudBay Minerals Inc. 1,735,310 17,159
  Quebecor Inc. Class B 622,856 17,129
  TransForce Inc. 756,934 17,096
  Stantec Inc. 629,290 16,998
  Ritchie Bros Auctioneers Inc. 661,532 16,740
  FirstService Corp. 241,931 15,837
  Precision Drilling Corp. 2,161,533 15,730




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Capital Power Corp. 756,890 15,590
  ShawCor Ltd. 459,693 15,564
  Canadian Western Bank 592,799 15,413
^ Boardwalk REIT 296,466 14,930
  Aimia Inc. 1,266,732 14,069
  Tahoe Resources Inc. 986,765 13,945
* Celestica Inc. 1,120,379 13,679
  Secure Energy Services Inc. 948,452 13,411
*,^ Detour Gold Corp. 1,246,833 13,176
  Toromont Industries Ltd. 505,662 13,164
^ Pengrowth Energy Corp. 3,890,344 13,059
^ Chartwell Retirement Residences 1,267,041 12,718
^ Parkland Fuel Corp. 578,725 12,635
* New Gold Inc. 3,730,728 12,523
^ TMX Group Ltd. 278,972 12,433
^ Artis REIT 1,004,318 12,386
  Dominion Diamond Corp. 622,423 12,268
  Granite REIT 345,315 11,975
  Westshore Terminals Investment Corp. 447,311 11,831
* Canfor Corp. 584,470 11,583
  Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. 1,405,247 11,449
  Maple Leaf Foods Inc. 594,074 11,399
* Paramount Resources Ltd. Class A 383,189 11,335
  Stella-Jones Inc. 306,544 11,050
^ Superior Plus Corp. 939,456 10,800
  Jean Coutu Group PJC Inc. Class A 554,641 10,794
  RONA Inc. 818,192 10,769
  First Capital Realty Inc. 648,712 10,754
*,^ B2Gold Corp. 6,715,588 10,520
  Russel Metals Inc. 453,942 10,384
^ Bonavista Energy Corp. 1,472,399 10,141
  Pan American Silver Corp. 1,056,202 10,111
^ Mullen Group Ltd. 576,692 10,000
* Raging River Exploration Inc. 1,255,573 9,834
^ Northland Power Inc. 665,075 9,509
^ Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd. 697,213 9,344
  Corus Entertainment Inc. Class B 603,784 9,283
^ Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 3,706,697 9,217
  Pason Systems Inc. 500,792 9,016
^ Genworth MI Canada Inc. 303,027 8,828
^ Emera Inc. 261,490 8,812
  Laurentian Bank of Canada 211,714 8,474
*,^ Sierra Wireless Inc. 237,601 8,348
*,^ Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp. 2,368,141 8,008
  Enerflex Ltd. 590,384 7,917
* Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd. 1,252,627 7,756
  Ensign Energy Services Inc. 939,239 7,489
* NuVista Energy Ltd. 1,001,816 7,423
  Transcontinental Inc. Class A 476,244 7,334
* Kelt Exploration Ltd. 930,180 7,178
^ TORC Oil & Gas Ltd. 812,514 7,071
  Barrick Gold Corp. (New York Shares) 542,335 7,061
  North West Co. Inc. 339,905 6,976
* Parex Resources Inc. 868,430 6,968
* Great Canadian Gaming Corp. 352,983 6,919
  Innergex Renewable Energy Inc. 739,332 6,876
* Brookfield Asset Management Inc. Class A (New York Shares) 125,000 6,731
^ Canadian Energy Services & Technology Corp. 1,331,040 6,719
*,^ NovaGold Resources Inc. 1,731,046 6,629
^ Manitoba Telecom Services Inc. 305,278 6,571
  AuRico Gold Inc. 1,878,785 6,556
^ Bonterra Energy Corp. 203,499 6,506
* ATS Automation Tooling Systems Inc. 587,672 6,483
* Alamos Gold Inc. 931,162 6,437




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
^ Bank of Montreal (New York Shares) 97,876 6,391
* IAMGOLD Corp. 2,843,974 6,365
^ Norbord Inc. 314,271 6,340
* SEMAFO Inc. 2,006,595 6,170
  Cott Corp. 706,431 6,160
  Centerra Gold Inc. 1,156,235 5,980
^ Surge Energy Inc. 1,632,482 5,940
  Nevsun Resources Ltd. 1,490,438 5,880
* Birchcliff Energy Ltd. 793,422 5,735
* Bankers Petroleum Ltd. 1,894,068 5,636
  Dorel Industries Inc. Class B 184,594 5,432
* Torex Gold Resources Inc. 5,687,524 5,280
^ Just Energy Group Inc. 975,512 5,239
  Martinrea International Inc. 513,444 5,128
* Gran Tierra Energy Inc. (XASE) 1,352,643 5,032
^ Northern Property REIT 234,580 4,880
*,^ Athabasca Oil Corp. 2,620,866 4,801
*,^ Avigilon Corp. 270,576 4,669
  Cogeco Cable Inc. 81,304 4,657
  Trican Well Service Ltd. 1,097,853 4,641
  Sherritt International Corp. 2,206,374 4,572
  Aecon Group Inc. 416,034 4,521
* Crew Energy Inc. 1,019,038 4,519
  Calfrac Well Services Ltd. 526,047 4,378
* Primero Mining Corp. 1,184,696 4,370
^ AutoCanada Inc. 131,196 4,344
*,^ First Majestic Silver Corp. 889,858 4,337
  Trinidad Drilling Ltd. 1,020,702 4,289
^ Extendicare Inc. 647,707 4,230
*,^ Pretium Resources Inc. 726,773 4,187
  OceanaGold Corp. 2,194,519 4,184
^ Canaccord Genuity Group Inc. 719,101 4,130
  AGF Management Ltd. Class B 637,565 4,080
*,^ Bellatrix Exploration Ltd. 1,294,375 4,066
* Capstone Mining Corp. 2,834,260 3,947
* Alacer Gold Corp. 1,721,119 3,894
^ Trilogy Energy Corp. 488,414 3,728
  Morguard REIT 258,447 3,710
^ Black Diamond Group Ltd. 254,383 3,570
*,^ Imperial Metals Corp. 323,017 3,505
^ Dundee Corp. Class A 341,393 3,288
*,^ Silver Standard Resources Inc. 593,501 3,227
  Major Drilling Group International Inc. 591,842 3,174
  Torstar Corp. Class B 530,586 3,166
  InnVest REIT 669,158 3,134
*,^ China Gold International Resources Corp. Ltd. 1,842,625 3,085
*,^ DREAM Unlimited Corp. Class A 385,644 3,027
*,^ Denison Mines Corp. 3,357,110 2,977
^ First National Financial Corp. 150,614 2,818
  Cascades Inc. 476,132 2,763
^ Sprott Inc. 1,160,646 2,549
* Gran Tierra Energy Inc. (XTSE) 649,335 2,427
^ Canexus Corp. 1,377,413 2,283
^ GMP Capital Inc. 366,914 1,557
^ Bombardier Inc. Class A 321,743 672
* Constellation Software Rights Exp. 09/15/2015 117,105 35
* Westport Innovations Inc. 2,088 9
*,^ Great Basin Gold Ltd. 2,279,068 4
* Poseidon Concepts Corp. 320,721
Chile (0.3%)    
  Enersis SA 118,096,634 41,265
  Empresas COPEC SA 2,771,956 31,814
  Empresa Nacional de Electricidad SA 19,219,005 29,618




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  SACI Falabella 3,544,646 27,650
  Empresas CMPC SA 8,189,028 22,956
  Cencosud SA 8,257,197 21,386
* Latam Airlines Group SA (Santiago Shares) 2,188,360 20,953
  Banco de Chile 175,157,885 20,113
  Banco Santander Chile 363,651,321 19,595
  Banco de Credito e Inversiones 317,904 15,878
  Colbun SA 52,193,837 15,766
  Corpbanca SA 1,185,741,650 13,436
  Aguas Andinas SA Class A 21,375,005 12,658
  Cia Cervecerias Unidas SA 1,098,194 11,959
  Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile SA Preference Shares Class B 486,092 10,671
  AES Gener SA 18,345,878 10,574
  Enersis SA ADR 525,335 9,335
  ENTEL Chile SA 806,381 9,122
  Empresa Nacional de Electricidad SA ADR 188,089 8,675
  Vina Concha y Toro SA 4,071,371 8,304
  SONDA SA 3,488,822 8,220
  Parque Arauco SA 3,830,267 7,807
* E.CL SA 3,954,374 6,433
  Embotelladora Andina SA Preference Shares 1,742,294 5,533
  Inversiones Aguas Metropolitanas SA 3,148,520 5,133
  Banco Santander Chile ADR 229,722 5,010
  Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile SA ADR 184,466 4,029
  Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones Habitat SA 2,406,897 3,699
* Cia Sud Americana de Vapores SA 93,330,355 3,578
  Ripley Corp. SA 6,319,803 3,358
  Inversiones La Construccion SA 239,716 3,070
  Forus SA 651,653 2,864
  Salfacorp SA 3,080,021 2,518
* Latam Airlines Group SA 217,064 2,053
  Coca-Cola Embonor SA Preference Shares Class B 1,236,251 2,001
  CAP SA 532,702 1,900
* Latam Airlines Group SA ADR 73,423 703
China (5.2%)    
* Tencent Holdings Ltd. 39,428,575 813,762
  China Mobile Ltd. 38,420,446 548,770
  China Construction Bank Corp. 532,319,340 516,741
  Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd. 531,677,760 461,210
  Bank of China Ltd. 555,507,306 380,636
  China Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Class H 54,888,000 266,387
  Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China Ltd. 18,407,700 263,253
  CNOOC Ltd. 118,626,000 202,283
  PetroChina Co. Ltd. 155,634,000 200,731
  China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. 188,208,400 177,625
  China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. 30,097,680 125,368
  Agricultural Bank of China Ltd. 190,327,070 107,150
  China Pacific Insurance Group Co. Ltd. 19,031,438 103,155
  China Merchants Bank Co. Ltd. 33,855,122 101,621
  China Telecom Corp. Ltd. 119,398,000 88,451
  Lenovo Group Ltd. 47,540,000 81,748
  CITIC Ltd. 40,434,000 80,888
* China Unicom Hong Kong Ltd. 41,939,694 78,768
*,^ Hanergy Thin Film Power Group Ltd. 82,854,000 77,108
  Hengan International Group Co. Ltd. 5,407,000 66,706
  China Minsheng Banking Corp. Ltd. 45,025,918 65,745
  China Shenhua Energy Co. Ltd. 25,103,000 65,194
  Bank of Communications Co. Ltd. 59,312,150 60,799
  China Communications Construction Co. Ltd. 32,736,632 59,543
  Great Wall Motor Co. Ltd. 7,605,000 57,704
  China Resources Land Ltd. 15,522,867 56,320
  PICC Property & Casualty Co. Ltd. 24,128,484 53,457
  China CITIC Bank Corp. Ltd. 55,828,446 50,628




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Belle International Holdings Ltd. 38,571,000 49,505
  China Resources Power Holdings Co. Ltd. 14,069,600 42,443
^ Evergrande Real Estate Group Ltd. 43,699,883 41,322
  China Railway Group Ltd. 28,157,000 39,514
  ENN Energy Holdings Ltd. 5,426,000 39,053
  CITIC Securities Co. Ltd. 8,723,000 38,642
  China Merchants Holdings International Co. Ltd. 8,446,000 38,317
  Brilliance China Automotive Holdings Ltd. 20,296,000 38,090
  Sinopharm Group Co. Ltd. 7,741,400 36,770
  New China Life Insurance Co. Ltd. 5,937,767 36,744
  China Everbright International Ltd. 19,453,000 36,275
  Dongfeng Motor Group Co. Ltd. 21,562,000 35,822
  Haitong Securities Co. Ltd. 10,963,200 35,807
  Anhui Conch Cement Co. Ltd. 8,852,500 35,793
  Huaneng Power International Inc. 24,830,000 35,214
  Beijing Enterprises Holdings Ltd. 3,834,500 35,042
  CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd. 30,797,579 31,977
  Zhuzhou CSR Times Electric Co. Ltd. 3,714,500 31,585
  China Longyuan Power Group Corp. Ltd. 24,868,000 30,819
^ Byd Co. Ltd. 5,054,258 30,535
*,^ Alibaba Pictures Group Ltd. 62,040,000 30,517
*,2 China CNR Corp. Ltd. 14,730,000 30,086
  China Railway Construction Corp. Ltd. 13,878,300 27,711
* China Taiping Insurance Holdings Co. Ltd. 7,368,226 27,374
  China Oilfield Services Ltd. 13,314,000 27,336
  China Resources Enterprise Ltd. 8,792,000 26,933
^ CSR Corp. Ltd. 13,885,000 26,767
^ Fosun International Ltd. 10,699,000 26,667
  China National Building Material Co. Ltd. 21,492,000 26,069
*,^ China Vanke Co. Ltd. 9,724,674 25,752
*,2 CGN Power Co. Ltd. 45,357,000 25,380
* Alibaba Health Information Technology Ltd. 16,310,000 25,177
  Beijing Enterprises Water Group Ltd. 28,522,000 24,599
  Guangdong Investment Ltd. 16,478,000 24,571
  Kunlun Energy Co. Ltd. 20,612,300 24,470
  Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd. 20,892,000 23,852
*,^ GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Ltd. 77,683,000 23,494
*,^ Goldin Properties Holdings Ltd. 9,456,000 22,939
  Country Garden Holdings Co. Ltd. 42,239,962 22,805
  China State Construction International Holdings Ltd. 11,477,442 22,121
  Sino-Ocean Land Holdings Ltd. 26,384,000 21,949
  GOME Electrical Appliances Holding Ltd. 84,741,612 21,708
  Shimao Property Holdings Ltd. 9,207,500 21,677
^ Shanghai Electric Group Co. Ltd. 20,724,000 21,132
^ Kingsoft Corp. Ltd. 5,402,000 21,118
  China Gas Holdings Ltd. 11,848,000 20,934
  China Everbright Ltd. 6,316,000 20,880
  Chongqing Changan Automobile Co. Ltd. Class B 6,244,413 20,489
  Jiangxi Copper Co. Ltd. 9,809,000 20,243
  Shenzhou International Group Holdings Ltd. 4,141,000 19,476
2 People's Insurance Co. Group of China Ltd. 28,046,000 19,420
  Haier Electronics Group Co. Ltd. 6,700,000 19,273
* Aluminum Corp. of China Ltd. 29,269,593 18,885
  COSCO Pacific Ltd. 11,954,000 18,746
  AviChina Industry & Technology Co. Ltd. 16,508,000 18,703
  Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. 33,120,000 18,632
  Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank Co. Ltd. 20,546,000 18,327
  Tsingtao Brewery Co. Ltd. 2,796,000 17,764
  Guangzhou Automobile Group Co. Ltd. 16,249,883 17,641
*,^ China COSCO Holdings Co. Ltd. 19,058,000 17,522
  Zhejiang Expressway Co. Ltd. 10,876,000 17,273
  Longfor Properties Co. Ltd. 9,917,000 17,212
  China Resources Gas Group Ltd. 4,941,000 17,159
  Sunac China Holdings Ltd. 13,021,000 17,122




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Zijin Mining Group Co. Ltd. 43,601,000 16,820
* China Everbright Bank Co. Ltd. 24,319,231 16,477
  Air China Ltd. 13,554,000 16,348
*,2 Dalian Wanda Commercial Properties Co. Ltd. 1,981,800 16,250
  ZTE Corp. 4,672,982 15,725
  Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co. Ltd. 25,871,000 15,630
* China Shipping Container Lines Co. Ltd. 27,404,000 15,454
  Shenzhen International Holdings Ltd. 7,914,750 14,877
  Sihuan Pharmaceutical Holdings Group Ltd. 25,782,000 14,670
  TravelSky Technology Ltd. 7,517,000 14,576
^ Yanzhou Coal Mining Co. Ltd. 14,535,200 14,534
  ANTA Sports Products Ltd. 6,602,000 14,517
  Weichai Power Co. Ltd. 3,583,560 14,199
  Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co. Ltd. 4,543,547 14,143
* China Cinda Asset Management Co. Ltd. 23,403,000 13,888
^,2 China Galaxy Securities Co. Ltd. 8,296,500 13,569
  Shanghai Industrial Holdings Ltd. 3,374,000 13,452
  Huadian Power International Corp. Ltd. 11,936,000 13,215
  Huaneng Renewables Corp. Ltd. 30,006,000 13,101
^ China Coal Energy Co. Ltd. 19,772,000 12,997
  Metallurgical Corp. of China Ltd. 21,396,063 12,626
  China Southern Airlines Co. Ltd. 12,806,000 12,585
  Jiangsu Expressway Co. Ltd. 9,014,000 12,376
  Shandong Weigao Group Medical Polymer Co. Ltd. 13,336,000 12,325
  Datang International Power Generation Co. Ltd. 21,060,000 12,319
^ China Power International Development Ltd. 18,918,000 12,196
  Far East Horizon Ltd. 11,459,598 12,102
  Beijing Capital International Airport Co. Ltd. 11,246,000 11,953
  Skyworth Digital Holdings Ltd. 13,263,000 11,815
  China International Marine Containers Group Co. Ltd. 4,321,853 11,646
  Shanghai Lujiazui Finance & Trade Zone Development Co. Ltd. Class B 3,719,102 11,345
  Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal Co. Ltd. Class B 7,456,494 11,312
  Yuexiu Property Co. Ltd. 45,885,536 11,220
^ China Huishan Dairy Holdings Co. Ltd. 52,609,368 11,215
  Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd. 2,935,000 11,170
  China Medical System Holdings Ltd. 6,294,500 11,108
  Franshion Properties China Ltd. 26,858,000 10,851
  BBMG Corp. 8,692,500 10,758
^ Sunny Optical Technology Group Co. Ltd. 4,798,000 10,677
  China Communications Services Corp. Ltd. 18,777,600 10,582
  Haitian International Holdings Ltd. 4,239,000 10,543
  Sinotrans Ltd. 13,505,000 10,336
  Huadian Fuxin Energy Corp. Ltd. 19,040,014 10,241
*,^ Shunfeng International Clean Energy Ltd. 13,838,000 9,757
^ China Molybdenum Co. Ltd. 9,732,000 9,734
  Lao Feng Xiang Co. Ltd. Class B 1,532,503 9,634
  Nine Dragons Paper Holdings Ltd. 11,689,669 9,544
  Digital China Holdings Ltd. 6,087,000 9,407
^ China Shanshui Cement Group Ltd. 11,479,000 9,316
  China Resources Cement Holdings Ltd. 14,627,845 9,297
* China Eastern Airlines Corp. Ltd. 11,848,000 9,149
^ Intime Retail Group Co. Ltd. 8,175,000 9,141
  Kingboard Chemical Holdings Ltd. 4,990,900 9,083
*,^ Sinopec Oilfield Service Corp. 15,680,000 9,079
  Guangzhou R&F Properties Co. Ltd. 7,070,400 9,018
* SFS Group AG 117,422 8,982
2 Sinopec Engineering Group Co. Ltd. 8,278,500 8,936
  China Agri-Industries Holdings Ltd. 15,541,400 8,875
* GF Securities Co. Ltd. 2,767,800 8,767
  Shenzhen Investment Ltd. 15,958,000 8,764
  Poly Property Group Co. Ltd. 13,556,000 8,685
  BYD Electronic International Co. Ltd. 5,755,000 8,669
  SOHO China Ltd. 11,380,500 8,633
  Agile Property Holdings Ltd. 10,327,500 8,625




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  KWG Property Holding Ltd. 8,396,000 8,483
^ Tong Ren Tang Technologies Co. Ltd. 4,734,000 8,280
* China Shipping Development Co. Ltd. 9,566,000 8,003
  Beijing Jingneng Clean Energy Co. Ltd. 15,452,000 7,638
*,^ Kingdee International Software Group Co. Ltd. 12,725,600 7,550
  China South City Holdings Ltd. 16,908,000 7,452
  Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology Co. Ltd. 3,076,400 7,147
  Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. Class B 1,548,481 7,147
^ Greentown China Holdings Ltd. 5,613,000 6,964
*,^ Tech Pro Technology Development Ltd. 8,546,400 6,944
  Guangshen Railway Co. Ltd. 10,470,000 6,934
^ Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co. Ltd. 9,966,622 6,917
*,^ China High Speed Transmission Equipment Group Co. Ltd. 7,584,000 6,830
^ China Hongqiao Group Ltd. 7,254,075 6,754
  Coolpad Group Ltd. 18,036,000 6,736
  CSG Holding Co. Ltd. Class B 5,616,258 6,711
*,^ PAX Global Technology Ltd. 4,585,000 6,661
*,2 BAIC Motor Corp. Ltd. 4,476,100 6,623
^ Sinopec Kantons Holdings Ltd. 7,242,000 6,545
  Angang Steel Co. Ltd. 7,870,000 6,540
*,^ Renhe Commercial Holdings Co. Ltd. 114,881,452 6,464
*,^ China Modern Dairy Holdings Ltd. 15,705,000 6,389
*,^ Luye Pharma Group Ltd. 4,980,000 6,385
^ China Zhongwang Holdings Ltd. 10,302,695 6,241
^ Golden Eagle Retail Group Ltd. 4,129,000 6,184
  Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Co. Ltd. 1,614,000 6,172
^ Beijing Capital Land Ltd. 7,454,000 6,159
  Hua Han Bio-Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd. 22,384,000 6,138
  China BlueChemical Ltd. 13,440,000 5,986
* Xinhua Winshare Publishing and Media Co. Ltd. 4,705,000 5,888
*,2 Shengjing Bank Co. Ltd. 4,855,758 5,886
  Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd. 10,202,000 5,780
  Huishang Bank Corp. Ltd. 10,744,665 5,773
*,^ Li Ning Co. Ltd. 10,153,727 5,616
^ Dongfang Electric Corp. Ltd. 2,472,400 5,605
^ Wasion Group Holdings Ltd. 3,420,000 5,393
* CT Environmental Group Ltd. 3,832,000 5,369
* Hopson Development Holdings Ltd. 4,522,000 5,301
*,^ Hi Sun Technology China Ltd. 13,188,000 5,292
^ NetDragon Websoft Inc. 1,679,008 5,180
*,^ CAR Inc. 2,191,000 5,179
^ Fufeng Group Ltd. 6,508,600 5,086
^ China Lesso Group Holdings Ltd. 6,906,000 5,074
  Shanghai Mechanical and Electrical Industry Co. Ltd. Class B 1,605,361 5,063
  China Dongxiang Group Co. Ltd. 20,644,000 5,046
  Shenzhen Expressway Co. Ltd. 5,244,000 5,003
  Weifu High-Technology Group Co. Ltd. Class B 1,068,348 4,989
* Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. Class B 6,231,767 4,977
*,^ Maanshan Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. 12,778,000 4,965
  Guangdong Electric Power Development Co. Ltd. Class B 4,901,475 4,958
^ Biostime International Holdings Ltd. 1,066,500 4,888
*,^ China Traditional Chinese Medicine Co. Ltd. 6,248,000 4,865
  China Machinery Engineering Corp. 3,656,000 4,853
^ MMG Ltd. 11,224,000 4,820
^ China Singyes Solar Technologies Holdings Ltd. 2,914,400 4,773
^ Greatview Aseptic Packaging Co. Ltd. 7,897,000 4,758
^ Zhaojin Mining Industry Co. Ltd. 6,542,000 4,703
  Dazhong Transportation Group Co. Ltd. Class B 3,901,700 4,679
^ Shanghai Jin Jiang International Hotels Group Co. Ltd. 9,208,000 4,671
*,^ Chinasoft International Ltd. 8,052,000 4,602
  CIMC Enric Holdings Ltd. 4,156,000 4,595
  China Merchants Property Development Co. Ltd. Class B 1,544,424 4,543
^ China ZhengTong Auto Services Holdings Ltd. 6,584,000 4,492
* AVIC International Holding HK Ltd. 27,686,000 4,487




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Lijun International Pharmaceutical Holding Co. Ltd. 9,976,000 4,413
^ Baoxin Auto Group Ltd. 5,575,500 4,400
* China Conch Venture Holdings Ltd. 1,626,500 4,368
* BOE Technology Group Co. Ltd. Class B 9,794,068 4,359
  Zhongsheng Group Holdings Ltd. 4,719,000 4,307
^ Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Ltd. 10,838,000 4,282
  Shanghai Jinqiao Export Processing Zone Development Co. Ltd. Class B 2,027,025 4,276
  Harbin Electric Co. Ltd. 5,128,000 4,206
^ Tibet 5100 Water Resources Holdings Ltd. 10,935,000 4,199
*,2 Cosmo Lady China Holdings Co. Ltd. 4,856,871 4,069
  Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Development Co. Ltd. Class B 1,498,813 4,037
^ Bank of Chongqing Co. Ltd. 3,760,500 4,034
^ CIFI Holdings Group Co. Ltd. 13,024,000 4,034
  Kingboard Laminates Holdings Ltd. 7,673,000 3,934
*,^ China Foods Ltd. 5,170,000 3,871
* Shanghai Baosight Software Co. Ltd. Class B 862,770 3,868
*,^ Phoenix Healthcare Group Co. Ltd. 1,857,569 3,833
^ China Water Affairs Group Ltd. 6,046,000 3,832
  Tianjin Port Development Holdings Ltd. 11,910,000 3,831
^ Boer Power Holdings Ltd. 1,986,000 3,830
  China Oil & Gas Group Ltd. 26,860,000 3,770
^ Dah Chong Hong Holdings Ltd. 6,000,000 3,745
  Sichuan Expressway Co. Ltd. 6,774,000 3,714
^ China Suntien Green Energy Corp. Ltd. 13,777,000 3,702
*,^ North Mining Shares Co. Ltd. 75,620,000 3,691
  Bosideng International Holdings Ltd. 21,128,000 3,687
* Sinofert Holdings Ltd. 13,266,000 3,647
^ Yuexiu Transport Infrastructure Ltd. 4,926,000 3,621
  Anhui Gujing Distillery Co. Ltd. Class B 899,927 3,597
  Lonking Holdings Ltd. 14,487,000 3,593
  China Shineway Pharmaceutical Group Ltd. 2,105,000 3,579
  Shanghai Jinjiang International Hotels Development Co. Ltd. Class B 1,106,652 3,571
  Sinotruk Hong Kong Ltd. 4,977,500 3,550
* China Power New Energy Development Co. Ltd. 35,820,000 3,543
  Wumart Stores Inc. 4,045,000 3,536
*,^ China Yurun Food Group Ltd. 10,169,413 3,507
  Xiamen International Port Co. Ltd. 6,340,000 3,497
^ Dalian Port PDA Co. Ltd. 6,414,000 3,492
^ China Overseas Grand Oceans Group Ltd. 5,826,500 3,484
* Central China Securities Co. Ltd. 3,542,489 3,480
  Jiangling Motors Corp. Ltd. Class B 637,597 3,423
  Dongyue Group Ltd. 7,939,000 3,373
  Luthai Textile Co. Ltd. Class B 2,064,300 3,338
* Dongjiang Environmental Co. Ltd. 604,000 3,271
  China National Materials Co. Ltd. 8,817,000 3,239
^ Wisdom Holdings Group 3,654,000 3,187
^ China Datang Corp. Renewable Power Co. Ltd. 19,184,000 3,184
  Shanghai Bailian Group Co. Ltd. Class B 1,385,454 3,146
^ Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc. 435,211 3,146
  Anhui Expressway Co. Ltd. 3,622,000 3,128
  West China Cement Ltd. 18,294,000 3,126
* China Metal Recycling Holdings Ltd. 2,568,000 3,124
*,2 Tianhe Chemicals Group Ltd. 20,635,827 3,115
  Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co. Class B 2,286,336 3,113
  Double Coin Holdings Ltd. Class B 1,778,300 3,113
  China National Accord Medicines Corp. Ltd. Class B 412,000 3,044
  China Lilang Ltd. 2,920,000 3,029
^ Hengdeli Holdings Ltd. 13,403,600 3,007
* Shanghai Haixin Group Co. Class B 3,193,694 2,998
^ Yashili International Holdings Ltd. 8,649,000 2,962
* CITIC Resources Holdings Ltd. 16,466,600 2,949
* Hisense Kelon Electrical Holdings Co. Ltd. Class A 3,019,000 2,925
*,^ Shanghai Industrial Urban Development Group Ltd. 9,956,000 2,869
*,^ Sinotrans Shipping Ltd. 10,148,500 2,832




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Ltd. Class B 3,562,895 2,817
* Glorious Property Holdings Ltd. 17,916,000 2,751
^ TCL Multimedia Technology Holdings Ltd. 3,338,000 2,743
^ Chaowei Power Holdings Ltd. 3,770,000 2,706
^ First Tractor Co. Ltd. 3,002,000 2,703
*,^ Lianhua Supermarket Holdings Co. Ltd. 3,514,000 2,695
  Tianjin Development Hldgs Ltd. 2,844,000 2,689
  Tianjin Capital Environmental Protection Group Co. Ltd. 2,540,000 2,666
  Shanghai Diesel Engine Co. Ltd. Class B 2,657,860 2,664
^ Texhong Textile Group Ltd. 2,163,000 2,590
  Huangshan Tourism Development Co. Ltd. Class B 1,206,500 2,569
  Weiqiao Textile Co. 3,474,500 2,562
^ Vinda International Holdings Ltd. 1,143,000 2,554
  C C Land Holdings Ltd. 10,077,000 2,547
*,^ V1 Group Ltd. 24,106,000 2,535
*,^ China Resources and Transportation Group Ltd. 105,600,000 2,505
^ Bloomage BioTechnology Corp. Ltd. 1,072,500 2,481
*,^ China Precious Metal Resources Holdings Co. Ltd. 28,942,000 2,468
  Beijing North Star Co. Ltd. 5,280,000 2,467
  Ajisen China Holdings Ltd. 3,965,000 2,459
  Tianneng Power International Ltd. 5,008,000 2,454
* Concord New Energy Group Ltd. 30,310,000 2,450
  Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Ltd. Class B 961,911 2,431
  CPMC Holdings Ltd. 3,121,000 2,420
  XTEP International Holdings Ltd. 6,631,500 2,412
*,2 Kangda International Environmental Co. Ltd. 4,378,891 2,403
* Poly Culture Group Corp. Ltd. 630,686 2,393
* Mingfa Group International Co. Ltd. 6,719,000 2,378
* Shougang Concord International Enterprises Co. Ltd. 33,472,000 2,363
  Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co. Ltd. Class B 2,898,100 2,362
^ Comba Telecom Systems Holdings Ltd. 6,672,018 2,358
* Huadian Energy Co. Ltd. Class B 3,357,034 2,350
* Powerlong Real Estate Holdings Ltd. 10,738,000 2,338
* Shenzhen Chiwan Petroleum Class B 756,136 2,302
  COSCO International Holdings Ltd. 3,806,000 2,223
*,^ PW Medtech Group Ltd. 5,094,000 2,189
*,^ China Lumena New Materials Corp. 13,488,000 2,175
^ Shenguan Holdings Group Ltd. 6,924,000 2,173
  Qingling Motors Co. Ltd. 5,232,000 2,110
  Hubei Sanonda Co. Ltd. Class B 1,695,900 2,096
  Shanghai Jinjiang International Industrial Investment Co. Ltd. Class B 1,168,620 2,091
  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co. Ltd. Class B 1,588,359 2,080
^ 361 Degrees International Ltd. 5,377,000 2,077
  Huaxin Cement Co. Ltd. Class B 1,545,029 2,053
^ Tiangong International Co. Ltd. 10,210,000 2,019
*,^ Sany Heavy Equipment International Holdings Co. Ltd. 7,121,000 2,006
  Eastern Communications Co. Ltd. Class B 2,011,500 1,995
* China Tian Lun Gas Holdings Ltd. 1,932,000 1,954
* China Huiyuan Juice Group Ltd. 4,982,000 1,949
  Shanghai Highly Group Co. Ltd. Class B 2,207,300 1,941
  Xingda International Holdings Ltd. 5,899,000 1,916
  Chongqing Machinery & Electric Co. Ltd. 8,726,000 1,915
* Shang Gong Group Co. Ltd. Class B 1,698,496 1,908
* China SCE Property Holdings Ltd. 9,082,000 1,897
^ Changshouhua Food Co. Ltd. 2,403,000 1,893
* Sinolink Worldwide Holdings Ltd. 13,728,000 1,889
  Jiangsu Future Land Co. Ltd. Class B 3,691,800 1,872
  NVC Lighting Holding Ltd. 8,187,000 1,859
^ Fantasia Holdings Group Co. Ltd. 11,352,000 1,855
^ Welling Holding Ltd. 7,039,200 1,831
*,^ China Rare Earth Holdings Ltd. 7,826,000 1,773
* China Fangda Group Co. Ltd. Class B 2,004,290 1,730
^ Hilong Holding Ltd. 4,443,000 1,674
* Shanghai Potevio Co. Ltd. Class B 1,028,700 1,671




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Bengang Steel Plates Co. Ltd. Class B 3,176,272 1,659
  Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Ltd. 2,188,000 1,653
  Maoye International Holdings Ltd. 7,372,000 1,633
* Kama Co. Ltd. Class B 2,041,000 1,629
^ Peak Sport Products Co. Ltd. 4,780,000 1,621
* INESA Electron Co. Ltd. Class B 1,951,173 1,514
^ Hydoo International Holding Ltd. 7,544,000 1,485
^ Yuanda China Holdings Ltd. 17,136,000 1,456
* EverChina International Holdings Co. Ltd. 29,530,000 1,425
* Shanghai Greencourt Investment Group Co. Ltd. Class B 1,927,901 1,382
  Minmetals Land Ltd. 8,850,000 1,366
^ Daphne International Holdings Ltd. 4,816,000 1,341
* Chongqing Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. 4,228,000 1,294
  Real Nutriceutical Group Ltd. 3,993,000 1,259
  Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co. Ltd. Class B 2,552,300 1,245
^ MIE Holdings Corp. 10,072,000 1,232
*,^ Xinjiang Xinxin Mining Industry Co. Ltd. 5,406,000 1,213
* Chengde Nanjiang Co. Ltd. Class B 3,182,875 1,187
  Jinzhou Port Co. Ltd. Class B 1,649,054 1,132
* China Automation Group Ltd. 6,241,000 1,108
* Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co. Ltd. Class B 1,362,902 1,050
* Jinshan Development & Construction Co. Ltd. Class B 1,110,200 1,008
  HNA Infrastructure Company Ltd. 961,000 1,006
* O-Net Communications Group Ltd. 3,477,000 955
  Changchai Co. Ltd. Class B 1,128,300 873
  Hefei Meiling Co. Ltd. Class B 1,070,300 854
  SRE Group Ltd. 17,190,000 854
  Anxin-China Holdings Ltd. 16,568,000 823
* Shenzhen International Enterprise Co. Ltd. Class B 529,380 757
  China Vanadium Titano - Magnetite Mining Co. Ltd. 6,914,000 756
* Global Bio-Chem Technology Group Co. Ltd. 12,162,000 750
  Dalian Refrigeration Co. Ltd. Class B 514,500 614
* Boshiwa International Holding Ltd. 2,777,000 602
* Hidili Industry International Development Ltd. 5,777,000 602
  China ITS Holdings Co. Ltd. 3,856,000 601
  Fiyta Holdings Ltd. Class B 472,720 598
* Chigo Holding Ltd. 19,276,000 454
*,^ Winsway Enterprises Holdings Ltd. 10,916,000 380
* Daqing Dairy Holdings Ltd. 1,578,000 342
* Titan Petrochemicals Group Ltd. 10,180,000 323
*,^ Dynasty Fine Wines Group Ltd. 1,342,000 249
* Real Gold Mining Ltd. 1,345,000 145
* Trony Solar Holdings Co. Ltd. 1,562,000 127
* HKC Holdings Ltd. Warrants Exp. 10/17/2015 1,793,400 31
Colombia (0.1%)    
  Bancolombia SA ADR 829,737 37,562
  Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana SA 1,726,538 28,370
* Ecopetrol SA 21,763,437 18,547
  Almacenes Exito SA 1,642,514 17,625
  Cementos Argos SA 3,013,148 12,802
* Ecopetrol SA ADR 743,583 12,730
  Corp Financiera Colombiana SA 755,357 12,145
  Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores Preference Shares 21,626,404 10,986
  Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana SA Preference Shares 686,239 10,227
  Banco Davivienda SA Preference Shares 739,740 8,602
  Interconexion Electrica SA ESP 2,469,865 8,295
  Isagen SA ESP 5,946,409 7,951
* Cemex Latam Holdings SA 1,239,527 6,921
  Celsia SA ESP 2,193,861 4,651
* Avianca Holdings SA Preference Shares 2,506,209 3,946
  Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores ADR 249,000 2,520




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
Czech Republic (0.0%)    
  CEZ AS 1,179,427 30,642
  Komercni banka as 112,289 25,023
  O2 Czech Republic AS 496,330 4,075
  Philip Morris CR AS 3,268 1,392
Denmark (1.2%)    
  Novo Nordisk A/S Class B 14,376,078 807,083
  Danske Bank A/S 5,804,008 164,606
  AP Moeller - Maersk A/S Class B 49,572 98,380
  Pandora A/S 874,152 90,354
  Novozymes A/S 1,701,274 78,491
  Vestas Wind Systems A/S 1,639,570 74,367
^ Carlsberg A/S Class B 781,015 71,204
  AP Moeller - Maersk A/S Class A 33,249 64,101
  Coloplast A/S Class B 738,781 60,302
  TDC A/S 5,893,710 44,871
  DSV A/S 1,253,851 43,496
  ISS A/S 1,189,894 40,193
  Chr Hansen Holding A/S 630,254 30,512
* Genmab A/S 383,263 29,512
* Jyske Bank A/S 524,718 25,695
  GN Store Nord A/S 1,181,716 25,513
  Sydbank A/S 541,672 20,333
  Tryg A/S 174,263 18,924
* Topdanmark A/S 570,395 17,108
^ FLSmidth & Co. A/S 358,963 15,335
* William Demant Holding A/S 180,072 14,808
  Royal Unibrew A/S 61,092 11,695
  NKT Holding A/S 176,669 11,211
  SimCorp A/S 250,758 8,661
* H Lundbeck A/S 441,482 8,587
  Spar Nord Bank A/S 599,886 6,482
* Bavarian Nordic A/S 138,063 6,470
  Rockwool International A/S Class B 47,088 6,239
  Matas A/S 261,525 6,186
  Dfds A/S 45,312 5,070
  ALK-Abello A/S 41,975 4,970
* Ambu A/S Class B 176,934 4,641
  Schouw & Co. 85,839 4,399
* Auriga Industries A/S Class B 72,790 3,502
  Alm Brand A/S 523,327 3,432
*,^ Bang & Olufsen A/S 252,471 2,270
  Solar A/S Class B 45,172 2,220
*,^ D/S Norden A/S 54,047 1,084
* Amagerbanken A/S 537,565
* OW Bunker A/S 129,331
Egypt (0.1%)    
  Commercial International Bank Egypt SAE 6,122,278 44,310
  Talaat Moustafa Group 7,477,598 9,844
* Global Telecom Holding SAE GDR 3,205,726 7,021
* Egyptian Financial Group-Hermes Holding Co. 3,610,136 6,734
* Orascom Construction Ltd. 307,713 4,093
  Juhayna Food Industries 3,202,242 3,912
  Egypt Kuwait Holding Co. SAE 5,914,309 3,898
* ElSwedy Electric Co. 542,167 3,366
  Telecom Egypt Co. 2,452,935 3,171
* Medinet Nasr Housing 736,209 3,142
* Six of October Development & Investment 1,729,003 2,620
* Ezz Steel 1,381,801 2,336
* Pioneers Holding for Financial Investments SAE 1,824,608 2,091
  Heliopolis Co. for Housing and Construction SAE 246,071 1,967
  Oriental Weavers 1,243,388 1,719




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Sidi Kerir Petrochemicals Co. 848,269 1,637
* Palm Hills Developments SAE 4,564,626 1,624
* Global Telecom Holding SAE 2,989,569 1,270
* Orascom Telecom Media And Technology Holding SAE 10,042,928 1,263
* Orascom Telecom Media And Technology Holding SAE GDR 1,591,123 1,249
* South Valley Cement 1,639,755 1,184
  Amer Group Holding 8,302,600 1,076
* Citadel Capital SAE 3,178,807 963
* Egyptian Resorts Co. 6,572,106 841
  Arab Cotton Ginning 1,901,986 725
* Maridive & Oil Services SAE 1,028,654 542
  Egyptian Financial & Industrial Co. 501,419 528
* Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank 514,865 514
* Palm Hills Developments SAE Rights Exp. 05/21/2015 2,789,583 216
Finland (0.7%)    
^ Nokia Oyj 27,623,234 186,386
  Sampo Oyj Class A 3,470,959 168,183
  Kone Oyj Class B 2,804,481 120,653
  UPM-Kymmene Oyj 3,924,885 71,019
  Fortum Oyj 3,288,703 64,943
  Wartsila OYJ Abp 1,146,791 52,615
^ Stora Enso Oyj 4,254,676 44,773
  Elisa Oyj 1,174,445 35,980
^ Nokian Renkaat Oyj 986,562 32,059
  Metso Oyj 986,930 28,055
  Neste Oil Oyj 942,683 25,639
^ Orion Oyj Class B 744,537 24,346
  Huhtamaki Oyj 760,500 24,312
  Amer Sports Oyj 861,393 21,557
  Kesko Oyj Class B 501,552 20,493
  Konecranes Oyj 426,515 13,828
  Tieto Oyj 544,428 13,056
  Cargotec Oyj Class B 300,540 12,116
  Valmet Oyj 999,282 11,581
  Metsa Board Oyj 1,630,979 9,637
^ Outotec Oyj 1,332,953 9,313
*,^ Outokumpu Oyj 1,512,150 9,124
  Caverion Corp. 918,131 9,042
  Sponda Oyj 1,755,953 7,679
^ YIT Oyj 946,694 6,682
^ Kemira Oyj 549,356 6,432
  Uponor Oyj 397,969 6,129
  Citycon Oyj 1,886,865 6,101
*,^ Oriola-KD Oyj 960,657 4,335
  Raisio Oyj 894,976 3,988
  Ramirent Oyj 494,667 3,802
  Cramo Oyj 180,236 3,349
^ Sanoma Oyj 630,535 3,321
*,^ Stockmann OYJ Abp Class B 209,421 1,668
  F-Secure Oyj 462,577 1,470
* Finnair Oyj 442,946 1,469
France (6.1%)    
  Sanofi 8,446,631 859,788
  TOTAL SA 14,991,165 811,772
  BNP Paribas SA 7,208,168 455,206
^ AXA SA 14,221,219 359,596
  LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 1,847,636 323,090
  Schneider Electric SE 4,076,991 304,749
^ Danone SA 4,111,823 297,541
  Airbus Group NV 4,088,612 283,350
  Societe Generale SA 5,331,124 266,528
^ Vivendi SA 9,471,324 237,434




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
* L'Oreal SA 1,219,919 232,811
  Air Liquide SA 1,742,890 227,936
  Orange SA 13,285,400 218,828
^ GDF Suez 10,492,116 213,477
^ Vinci SA 3,438,611 210,906
  Pernod Ricard SA 1,448,242 179,993
  Essilor International SA 1,451,050 176,782
  Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin 1,381,321 154,039
  Cie de Saint-Gobain 3,336,025 151,613
  Safran SA 2,059,592 150,489
* Carrefour SA 4,362,134 150,402
  Renault SA 1,377,970 144,987
  Publicis Groupe SA 1,486,134 124,643
  Legrand SA 1,962,260 113,463
  Air Liquide SA (Prime de fidelite) 782,813 102,377
* L'Oreal SA Loyalty Line 532,666 101,655
^ Kering 549,109 101,551
  Cap Gemini SA 1,114,981 99,340
  Valeo SA 572,742 91,822
  Credit Agricole SA 5,809,758 90,390
^ Accor SA 1,488,156 81,603
  SES SA 2,192,574 76,842
  Christian Dior SE 382,693 74,817
* Veolia Environnement SA 3,439,685 72,784
  Dassault Systemes 937,299 72,225
* Alcatel-Lucent 20,416,089 70,885
  Sodexo SA 667,656 67,560
  Hermes International 176,346 66,505
  Lafarge SA (Paris Shares) 902,066 65,819
  Klepierre 1,275,413 61,865
  Natixis SA 6,911,603 57,211
^ Bouygues SA 1,384,182 57,146
  Groupe Eurotunnel SE 3,402,770 54,555
^ Technip SA 793,956 54,126
* Peugeot SA 2,791,724 52,779
  Zodiac Aerospace 1,413,791 51,919
  Atos SE 648,653 50,700
* Alstom SA 1,590,355 49,960
  Ingenico 397,805 49,914
^ Suez Environnement Co. 2,393,056 48,807
  Thales SA 748,846 45,587
  Bureau Veritas SA 1,900,857 44,761
  Eutelsat Communications SA 1,208,830 42,145
* Numericable-SFR SAS 752,143 41,759
  Bollore SA 7,238,605 41,369
  Arkema SA 504,413 40,592
  Iliad SA 171,802 40,501
  Rexel SA 2,126,386 40,075
  Edenred 1,490,047 39,947
  Electricite de France SA 1,510,628 38,438
  Casino Guichard Perrachon SA 425,578 37,633
^ SCOR SE 1,036,429 37,303
  STMicroelectronics NV 4,651,105 37,095
^ Gecina SA 252,537 34,634
  Societe BIC SA 199,739 34,122
* Lafarge SA 443,943 32,392
  Teleperformance 421,531 31,642
* Credit Agricole SA Loyalty Line 1,787,302 27,808
  Wendel SA 225,109 27,649
^ Lagardere SCA 831,869 26,704
  Aeroports de Paris 210,837 25,990
^ Fonciere Des Regions 265,545 25,139
  JCDecaux SA 581,845 22,985
  ICADE 260,086 22,621




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  CNP Assurances 1,218,959 21,909
*,2 Euronext NV 514,165 21,585
  Faurecia 446,368 21,159
  Eurazeo SA 288,926 20,681
  Vallourec SA 865,912 20,419
^ Orpea 287,336 18,927
  Eiffage SA 302,195 18,429
  Imerys SA 242,033 18,422
  Eurofins Scientific SE 62,479 17,599
  Rubis SCA 233,910 15,893
  SEB SA 158,182 14,648
* Technicolor SA 2,144,288 14,548
  Ipsen SA 251,701 14,455
  Societe Television Francaise 1 781,246 13,654
  Remy Cointreau SA 173,803 13,076
* UBISOFT Entertainment 677,099 12,486
  Neopost SA 257,128 12,381
  Plastic Omnium SA 418,894 11,665
  BioMerieux 104,517 11,275
  Euler Hermes Group 97,629 10,673
* Electricite de France SA Loyalty Line 416,343 10,594
  Metropole Television SA 490,550 10,238
  Havas SA 1,186,729 9,898
*,^ Nexans SA 246,099 9,644
*,^ Air France-KLM 1,109,466 9,565
  Altran Technologies SA 875,978 9,538
  Korian-Medica 277,249 9,460
* Norbert Dentressangle SA 36,439 8,863
*,^ CGG SA 1,239,341 8,778
  Virbac SA 32,230 8,388
  Sopra Steria Group 94,830 8,375
2 Elior Participations SCA 446,067 8,365
  Vicat 114,341 8,245
  Alten SA 168,365 8,218
  Gaztransport Et Technigaz SA 136,339 8,159
  Nexity SA 182,412 8,011
  Saft Groupe SA 193,596 7,721
  Mercialys SA 305,588 7,594
  IPSOS 255,360 7,533
  Sartorius Stedim Biotech 29,445 7,503
* Coface SA 585,951 7,303
*,^ Genfit 143,873 6,256
  Rallye SA 163,449 6,106
*,^ DBV Technologies SA 118,080 6,072
* Etablissements Maurel et Prom 608,149 5,692
*,^ Eramet 67,473 5,550
  Boiron SA 41,668 4,641
  LISI 146,637 4,526
  Beneteau SA 278,244 4,363
* Groupe Fnac 70,132 4,219
^ Bourbon SA 197,096 3,881
^ Vilmorin & Cie SA 45,886 3,839
  Tarkett SA 138,126 3,711
* SEB SA Loyalty Line 39,123 3,623
  Societe d'Edition de Canal & 472,974 3,307
* FFP 38,662 3,192
  Faiveley Transport SA 48,598 3,068
* GameLoft SE 531,672 2,811
  Bonduelle S.C.A. 99,968 2,776
  Trigano SA 72,308 2,597
  Mersen 86,555 2,365
* Solocal Group 3,976,576 2,222
^ MPI 538,523 2,112
  Jacquet Metal Service 94,854 2,012




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Albioma SA 87,779 1,832
* Derichebourg SA 570,829 1,782
  Assystem 76,486 1,667
  Haulotte Group SA 83,542 1,623
  GL Events 67,155 1,462
*,^ Parrot SA 55,019 1,451
* Manitou BF SA 74,703 1,449
  Stallergenes SA 23,571 1,438
  Guerbet 33,187 1,409
*,^ SOITEC 1,195,206 1,135
* Esso SA Francaise 20,012 1,070
* Albioma SA Loyalty Line 42,824 894
  Union Financiere de France BQE SA 24,671 761
  Burelle SA 283 201
Germany (5.9%)    
* Bayer AG 6,102,703 878,379
  Daimler AG 7,049,535 677,791
  BASF SE 6,812,497 676,809
  Siemens AG 6,111,492 664,821
^ Allianz SE 3,360,018 571,925
  SAP SE 6,596,604 498,473
  Deutsche Telekom AG 23,004,668 422,841
  Deutsche Bank AG 10,174,401 325,396
^ Volkswagen AG Preference Shares 1,132,845 291,646
  Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 2,398,788 282,972
  Linde AG 1,365,368 266,806
  Deutsche Post AG 7,011,866 230,889
^ Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG in Muenchen 1,117,621 218,157
  E.ON SE 13,678,766 212,951
* Continental AG 796,626 186,693
  Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA 2,891,966 172,052
  Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Preference Shares 1,280,647 148,757
  Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA 1,558,643 130,991
  adidas AG 1,545,109 126,600
  Deutsche Boerse AG 1,356,530 112,407
  Porsche Automobil Holding SE Preference Shares 1,128,761 107,101
  Merck KGaA 952,282 102,661
  Infineon Technologies AG 8,267,992 97,205
* Commerzbank AG 6,964,291 93,955
  RWE AG 3,566,038 88,614
  Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 862,412 87,359
  Deutsche Annington Immobilien SE 2,570,512 86,280
  ThyssenKrupp AG 3,131,138 83,193
  ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG 1,571,221 80,332
  HeidelbergCement AG 1,037,585 79,646
  Brenntag AG 1,140,578 68,436
  Beiersdorf AG 736,923 64,102
  GEA Group AG 1,308,078 62,822
  HUGO BOSS AG 473,893 58,313
  Deutsche Wohnen AG 2,176,031 57,077
  Volkswagen AG 217,640 55,131
  Symrise AG 898,468 54,477
  K&S AG 1,415,349 46,140
  Hannover Rueck SE 444,411 45,175
* QIAGEN NV 1,709,998 41,118
  United Internet AG 875,132 39,126
  Wirecard AG 848,680 37,273
  MTU Aero Engines AG 374,404 36,806
  LANXESS AG 673,523 35,949
  METRO AG 984,676 35,690
  OSRAM Licht AG 627,485 33,058
  LEG Immobilien AG 421,124 32,674
  MAN SE 261,244 28,343




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Freenet AG 789,486 25,572
  Evonik Industries AG 656,756 25,237
  Telefonica Deutschland Holding AG 3,944,475 24,446
* Deutsche Lufthansa AG 1,715,656 23,662
* Dialog Semiconductor plc 484,934 21,865
  KION Group AG 492,284 21,840
^ Fuchs Petrolub SE Preference Shares 505,118 21,277
  Aurubis AG 331,225 20,930
* Kabel Deutschland Holding AG 155,944 20,899
  Aareal Bank AG 443,131 19,060
*,^,2 Zalando SE 575,884 17,702
  Axel Springer SE 308,141 17,191
  Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide 271,187 17,152
  Deutsche Euroshop AG 335,600 16,706
  STADA Arzneimittel AG 444,613 16,263
  DMG MORI SEIKI AG 441,306 15,484
  Leoni AG 239,749 15,354
  Drillisch AG 317,828 14,617
  HOCHTIEF AG 188,621 14,574
* MorphoSys AG 191,704 13,792
  Wacker Chemie AG 109,480 13,579
^ KUKA AG 187,146 13,295
  Gerresheimer AG 233,624 13,222
  Norma Group SE 236,818 12,579
  Fielmann AG 184,847 12,556
^ Bilfinger SE 248,139 12,392
  Software AG 421,713 12,174
  Krones AG 107,772 11,894
  Sartorius AG Preference Shares 68,777 11,403
*,^ Grand City Properties SA 570,592 10,815
  Rational AG 29,950 10,555
^ TAG Immobilien AG 819,698 10,495
  Duerr AG 102,241 10,465
  Celesio AG 347,943 10,325
* Nordex SE 457,466 9,791
^ Salzgitter AG 280,440 9,566
^ FUCHS PETROLUB SE 246,544 9,199
  Talanx AG 281,096 8,942
^ Suedzucker AG 566,402 8,537
  Jungheinrich AG Preference Shares 118,515 8,377
  RHOEN-KLINIKUM AG 301,632 8,351
  CTS Eventim AG & Co. KGaA 237,987 8,110
  alstria office REIT-AG 557,029 7,893
  Wincor Nixdorf AG 198,851 7,527
* GRENKELEASING AG 54,868 7,312
  Indus Holding AG 136,711 7,151
*,^ SGL Carbon SE 439,882 7,132
  Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG 74,388 6,932
  Aurelius AG 142,225 6,820
* Kloeckner & Co. SE 676,873 6,475
  Bechtle AG 87,590 6,415
  Stroeer Media SE 169,159 6,254
^ Gerry Weber International AG 189,254 6,186
  ElringKlinger AG 208,734 5,746
  Draegerwerk AG & Co. KGaA Preference Shares 45,963 5,308
^ KWS Saat SE 16,705 5,042
* PATRIZIA Immobilien AG 253,663 4,997
  CompuGroup Medical AG 174,474 4,987
  Sixt SE 99,568 4,768
  Wacker Neuson SE 181,159 4,650
  Bertrandt AG 34,631 4,572
*,^ Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG 1,704,070 4,569
  Takkt AG 250,592 4,565
  Sixt SE Preference Shares 123,579 4,549




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
^ Vossloh AG 69,856 4,396
  Nemetschek AG 33,712 4,383
  Rheinmetall AG 85,560 4,380
*,^ AIXTRON SE 656,336 4,346
^ Biotest AG Preference Shares 49,063 4,115
  Puma SE 20,050 4,090
  BayWa AG 97,936 3,672
  Jenoptik AG 299,614 3,612
  Deutz AG 682,563 3,304
  Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG 149,254 3,292
  KSB AG Preference Shares 6,419 3,217
  Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 123,575 3,139
  DIC Asset AG 266,408 2,683
  Deutsche Beteiligungs AG 71,366 2,376
* Kontron AG 400,417 2,260
  Draegerwerk AG & Co. KGaA 24,540 2,152
  comdirect bank AG 197,301 2,094
* Bauer AG 66,744 1,162
* Biotest AG 14,149 1,125
*,^ SMA Solar Technology AG 68,053 1,010
*,^ Delticom AG 42,085 942
^ CAT Oil AG 67,317 901
^ QSC AG 444,555 893
*,^ H&R AG 96,104 839
  CropEnergies AG 125,912 411
Greece (0.1%)    
* National Bank of Greece SA 11,251,538 15,776
  OPAP SA 1,543,402 13,808
* Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SA 1,106,858 10,061
* Alpha Bank AE 28,548,395 10,004
* Eurobank Ergasias SA 61,298,263 9,331
  Titan Cement Co. SA 344,297 8,684
  FF Group 287,466 8,668
  JUMBO SA 699,978 7,223
* Piraeus Bank SA 14,629,234 6,529
* Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SA ADR 1,341,580 5,983
* Public Power Corp. SA 807,913 5,434
* Mytilineos Holdings SA 574,554 3,963
  Motor Oil Hellas Corinth Refineries SA 398,781 3,492
  Hellenic Exchanges SA 449,222 2,926
  Hellenic Petroleum SA 491,660 2,452
  Grivalia Properties REIC 270,533 2,150
* Ellaktor SA 862,623 1,936
  Metka SA 193,322 1,803
  Athens Water Supply & Sewage Co. SA 280,292 1,572
* Cyprus Popular Bank PCL 12,597,118 566
* Intralot SA-Integrated Lottery Systems & Services 39,185 72
Hong Kong (2.7%)    
  AIA Group Ltd. 88,884,542 591,125
^ Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd. 8,483,870 323,407
  Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. 14,787,075 217,395
* CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd. 9,732,960 211,129
  Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. 11,375,039 188,923
  Hang Seng Bank Ltd. 5,638,050 109,840
  Hong Kong & China Gas Co. Ltd. 45,732,543 108,935
  Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. 1,754,500 108,398
  Link REIT 16,846,714 104,500
  BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd. 26,505,539 102,808
  CLP Holdings Ltd. 11,362,843 99,467
  Power Assets Holdings Ltd. 9,757,820 98,489
  Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd. 15,388,811 73,957
  Sands China Ltd. 17,819,558 72,639




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Wharf Holdings Ltd. 10,046,270 72,385
  Hongkong Land Holdings Ltd. 8,660,700 70,109
  Swire Pacific Ltd. Class A 4,670,108 62,987
*,^ Goldin Financial Holdings Ltd. 15,334,000 61,332
  Jardine Strategic Holdings Ltd. 1,652,800 56,720
  Hang Lung Properties Ltd. 16,413,915 55,488
  Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd. 6,869,397 55,073
  Want Want China Holdings Ltd. 48,823,500 53,555
  New World Development Co. Ltd. 39,247,716 52,057
  China Mengniu Dairy Co. Ltd. 9,999,000 50,654
  MTR Corp. Ltd. 10,227,424 50,265
  Li & Fung Ltd. 42,350,479 43,133
  Sino Land Co. Ltd. 21,894,066 38,520
  Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Ltd. 4,420,311 37,446
  Bank of East Asia Ltd. 8,477,544 36,780
  Samsonite International SA 9,418,600 34,351
  Wheelock & Co. Ltd. 6,014,464 33,867
  Techtronic Industries Co. Ltd. 9,277,500 32,832
  Swire Properties Ltd. 8,647,994 29,711
  Tingyi Cayman Islands Holding Corp. 13,956,000 29,472
^ AAC Technologies Holdings Inc. 5,174,500 27,315
  Yue Yuen Industrial Holdings Ltd. 6,085,942 23,125
  Hysan Development Co. Ltd. 4,607,802 21,291
^ Prada SPA 3,791,400 20,584
  ASM Pacific Technology Ltd. 1,752,584 19,561
  Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. 7,546,514 19,433
  Kerry Properties Ltd. 4,755,092 19,407
^ PCCW Ltd. 28,888,452 19,233
* Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. 170,767,000 18,820
^ SJM Holdings Ltd. 13,360,219 16,939
  NWS Holdings Ltd. 9,980,292 16,937
^ First Pacific Co. Ltd. 17,400,395 16,870
^ Sun Art Retail Group Ltd. 16,184,500 16,648
*,2 WH Group Ltd. 23,272,244 16,244
  VTech Holdings Ltd. 1,166,600 16,223
  Huabao International Holdings Ltd. 14,254,000 16,011
* Suncorp Technologies Ltd. 89,580,000 15,898
  Hopewell Holdings Ltd. 4,032,637 15,509
^ Wynn Macau Ltd. 7,605,402 15,395
  Melco Crown Entertainment Ltd. ADR 692,000 14,131
  Television Broadcasts Ltd. 2,107,200 13,728
  Esprit Holdings Ltd. 13,822,803 13,096
  New World China Land Ltd. 18,950,000 12,852
  Value Partners Group Ltd. 6,817,000 12,604
  Shangri-La Asia Ltd. 7,831,676 11,878
* Melco Crown Entertainment Ltd. 1,609,200 11,028
  MGM China Holdings Ltd. 5,619,600 10,608
^ Melco International Development Ltd. 5,854,000 9,898
^ Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Ltd. 8,029,600 9,718
  Johnson Electric Holdings Ltd. 2,615,750 9,718
  L'Occitane International SA 3,260,250 9,596
  Minth Group Ltd. 3,736,000 9,353
^ Xinyi Glass Holdings Ltd. 13,932,000 9,284
^ Guotai Junan International Holdings Ltd. 5,585,000 9,195
  Champion REIT 16,882,000 9,145
  Orient Overseas International Ltd. 1,458,603 8,952
*,^ Town Health International Medical Group Ltd. 27,570,000 8,945
^ Cafe de Coral Holdings Ltd. 2,350,000 8,811
  China Travel International Investment Hong Kong Ltd. 19,560,000 8,714
* FIH Mobile Ltd. 16,313,714 8,695
* Global Brands Group Holding Ltd. 42,250,479 8,643
  Shui On Land Ltd. 24,824,263 8,023
^ Luk Fook Holdings International Ltd. 2,509,000 7,845
  Dah Sing Financial Holdings Ltd. 1,114,840 7,827




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Shun Tak Holdings Ltd. 13,462,500 7,817
^ Uni-President China Holdings Ltd. 9,360,200 7,557
  Stella International Holdings Ltd. 2,747,000 7,427
^ Man Wah Holdings Ltd. 5,712,800 7,412
*,^ United Co. RUSAL plc 12,125,000 7,329
^ NagaCorp Ltd. 9,700,000 6,989
* FDG Electric Vehicles Ltd. 69,900,000 6,912
*,^ Brightoil Petroleum Holdings Ltd. 21,405,000 6,821
  Great Eagle Holdings Ltd. 1,845,000 6,808
*,^ China LNG Group Ltd. 23,980,000 6,780
^ Shougang Fushan Resources Group Ltd. 26,159,018 6,715
  Lifestyle International Holdings Ltd. 3,504,000 6,552
  Yingde Gases Group Co. Ltd. 7,508,500 6,550
  Kerry Logistics Network Ltd. 4,045,796 6,516
  SITC International Holdings Co. Ltd. 8,394,000 6,210
*,^ Superb Summit International Group Ltd. 32,112,957 6,049
^ Xinyi Solar Holdings Ltd. 16,854,000 5,893
^ Haitong International Securities Group Ltd. 5,168,000 5,748
  Dah Sing Banking Group Ltd. 2,642,956 5,747
  China Smarter Energy Group Holdings Ltd. 27,068,000 5,590
* Nexteer Automotive Group Ltd. 4,894,000 5,516
^ Towngas China Co. Ltd. 5,116,000 5,486
* G-Resources Group Ltd. 165,998,559 5,468
*,^ Imperial Pacific International Holdings Ltd. 21,165,395 5,299
  SmarTone Telecommunications Holdings Ltd. 2,824,500 5,147
*,^ KuangChi Science Ltd. 10,453,000 4,904
^ Truly International Holdings Ltd. 10,258,000 4,841
^ Pacific Textiles Holdings Ltd. 3,473,000 4,814
^ REXLot Holdings Ltd. 63,950,000 4,763
  K Wah International Holdings Ltd. 8,212,000 4,748
^ Pacific Basin Shipping Ltd. 12,714,000 4,708
*,^ China LotSynergy Holdings Ltd. 48,060,000 4,697
*,^ Macau Legend Development Ltd. 11,892,000 4,493
  GCL New Energy Holdings Ltd. 32,706,459 4,414
  Texwinca Holdings Ltd. 4,484,000 4,348
*,^ Sun Hung Kai & Co. Ltd. 4,172,000 4,339
  Yuexiu REIT 7,527,000 4,250
  Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Ltd. 8,984,000 4,155
  Giordano International Ltd. 8,234,000 4,119
  CITIC Telecom International Holdings Ltd. 9,826,875 4,048
  Dynam Japan Holdings Co. Ltd. 1,903,600 4,036
  Chow Sang Sang Holdings International Ltd. 1,739,000 4,005
^ Sunlight REIT 7,612,000 3,844
^ TCL Communication Technology Holdings Ltd. 3,599,000 3,830
*,^ Carnival Group International Holdings Ltd. 18,581,556 3,810
*,^ China Huarong Energy Co. Ltd. 28,120,304 3,773
^ SA Sa International Holdings Ltd. 7,326,000 3,727
  Ju Teng International Holdings Ltd. 5,940,000 3,725
^ NewOcean Energy Holdings Ltd. 6,616,000 3,684
* Kong Sun Holdings Ltd. 17,450,000 3,660
*,^ United Photovoltaics Group Ltd. 23,168,000 3,549
* Haitong International Securities Group Ltd. Rights Exp. 05/15/2015 5,168,000 3,434
^ Hopewell Highway Infrastructure Ltd. 6,787,856 3,376
  Far East Consortium International Ltd. 6,989,000 3,310
*,^ China Fiber Optic Network System Group Ltd. 9,118,000 3,309
*,^ Haier Healthwise Holdings Ltd. 21,922,885 3,301
^ Summit Ascent Holdings Ltd. 5,606,052 3,268
*,^ Lee's Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd. 1,747,000 3,237
*,^ Tom Group Ltd. 11,797,013 3,216
^ Springland International Holdings Ltd. 8,118,343 3,119
^ Kowloon Development Co. Ltd. 2,421,000 3,095
*,^ China Oceanwide Holdings Ltd. 19,810,000 3,077
^ Prosperity REIT 8,130,000 3,027
  China Merchants Land Ltd. 9,450,000 3,013




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  APT Satellite Holdings Ltd. 1,897,000 2,969
*,^ Shenyin Wanguo HK Ltd. 2,755,000 2,946
^ Goodbaby International Holdings Ltd. 6,338,536 2,895
*,^ Xinchen China Power Holdings Ltd. 5,968,000 2,875
* Fullshare Holdings Ltd. 30,990,000 2,794
*,^ Sino Oil And Gas Holdings Ltd. 95,755,000 2,775
^ China Aerospace International Holdings Ltd. 13,802,000 2,749
  TCC International Holdings Ltd. 6,502,000 2,743
  Parkson Retail Group Ltd. 10,634,500 2,694
^ HKR International Ltd. 4,700,800 2,666
  EVA Precision Industrial Holdings Ltd. 7,802,000 2,532
*,^ United Laboratories International Holdings Ltd. 3,640,500 2,456
*,^ Lifetech Scientific Corp. 13,009,944 2,414
*,^ Wanda Hotel Development Co. Ltd. 10,432,000 2,276
* China Financial International Investments Ltd. 24,250,000 2,217
*,^ China Public Procurement Ltd. 63,964,000 2,100
*,^ China All Access Holdings Ltd. 5,910,000 2,073
  Spring REIT 4,376,238 2,046
* Synertone Communication Corp. 24,528,000 1,996
* Lai Sun Development Co. Ltd. 73,718,833 1,978
^ Anton Oilfield Services Group 8,076,000 1,949
  Road King Infrastructure Ltd. 1,908,000 1,922
*,^ China Dynamics Holdings Ltd. 21,000,000 1,918
* CST Mining Group Ltd. 149,192,000 1,901
*,^ Microport Scientific Corp. 3,301,000 1,845
^ Singamas Container Holdings Ltd. 9,502,000 1,798
*,^ Louis XIII Holdings Ltd. 5,017,000 1,793
^ Regal Hotels International Holdings Ltd. 2,834,000 1,757
*,^ Midland Holdings Ltd. 3,630,000 1,690
* L'sea Resources International Holdings Ltd. 24,550,000 1,679
^ Honghua Group Ltd. 12,152,000 1,672
* SOCAM Development Ltd. 1,750,353 1,565
* Landing International Development Ltd. 63,645,000 1,554
* China Household Holdings Ltd. 13,780,000 1,500
*,^ Yanchang Petroleum International Ltd. 31,620,000 1,443
  Trinity Ltd. 6,556,000 1,435
^ Liu Chong Hing Investment Ltd. 1,056,018 1,401
  AMVIG Holdings Ltd. 2,512,000 1,374
  Varitronix International Ltd. 1,710,000 1,362
  TPV Technology Ltd. 5,568,000 1,358
  IT Ltd. 3,186,000 1,298
  Polytec Asset Holdings Ltd. 8,600,000 1,218
^ Yip's Chemical Holdings Ltd. 1,906,000 1,158
^ SPT Energy Group Inc. 4,822,000 1,083
  New World Department Store China Ltd. 3,724,000 1,070
*,^ Hong Kong Television Network Ltd. 2,602,000 1,052
*,^ Sunshine Oilsands Ltd. 11,706,500 1,042
  Emperor Watch & Jewellery Ltd. 21,490,000 996
  Inspur International Ltd. 3,413,000 963
* PetroAsian Energy Holdings Ltd. 26,624,000 907
* Silver base Group Holdings Ltd. 4,167,225 691
  Henderson Investment Ltd. 6,572,000 651
* Heng Tai Consumables Group Ltd. 33,308,204 613
* Neo-Neon Holdings Ltd. 3,381,500 580
* China Forestry Holdings Co. Ltd. 3,050,000 570
* Qunxing Paper Holdings Co. Ltd. 1,573,000 409
  Oriental Press Group 2,850,000 345
* Sijia Group Co. 1,027,000 182
* Ju Teng International Holdings Ltd. Warrants Exp. 10/14/2016 683,000 60
Hungary (0.0%)    
  OTP Bank plc 1,386,393 30,656
  MOL Hungarian Oil & Gas plc 350,763 19,512
  Richter Gedeon Nyrt 1,032,552 17,335




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
* Magyar Telekom Telecommunications plc 3,169,901 4,742
India (2.1%)    
  Housing Development Finance Corp. Ltd. 11,509,184 211,690
  Infosys Ltd. 6,864,770 209,545
  Reliance Industries Ltd. 11,699,120 158,672
  Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. 3,466,323 134,227
  Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. 7,529,065 111,127
  HDFC Bank Ltd. 6,310,027 98,288
* ICICI Bank Ltd. 17,245,884 90,098
  Oil & Natural Gas Corp. Ltd. 15,145,667 72,344
  ITC Ltd. 14,033,603 71,122
  Hindustan Unilever Ltd. 5,257,185 70,343
* Axis Bank Ltd. 7,628,426 68,097
  Tata Motors Ltd. 7,141,778 57,253
  Bharti Airtel Ltd. 9,446,251 56,563
  Coal India Ltd. 9,794,073 55,778
  HCL Technologies Ltd. 3,928,483 54,440
  Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. 2,407,080 50,416
  Lupin Ltd. 1,614,672 44,997
* State Bank of India 10,159,654 43,063
  Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 1,625,480 41,634
  Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 2,225,055 40,057
  NTPC Ltd. (Common) 14,600,982 34,497
* Tech Mahindra Ltd. 3,306,549 32,347
  Sesa Sterlite Ltd. 9,752,006 32,075
  Idea Cellular Ltd. 10,637,512 29,246
  Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 455,682 26,705
  Hero MotoCorp Ltd. 722,066 26,448
  Bharti Infratel Ltd. 4,056,728 25,597
  Asian Paints Ltd. 2,117,387 25,395
  IndusInd Bank Ltd. 1,883,846 24,412
  Power Grid Corp. of India Ltd. 10,880,522 24,341
  Cipla Ltd. 2,367,870 23,666
* United Spirits Ltd. 439,644 23,035
  Adani Enterprises Ltd. 1,944,272 20,584
  Wipro Ltd. 2,422,984 20,469
  Ultratech Cement Ltd. 484,485 20,359
  Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. 985,948 19,930
  ICICI Bank Ltd. ADR 1,785,400 19,514
* Bosch Ltd. 55,119 19,513
  HDFC Bank Ltd. ADR 341,329 19,401
  Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd. 3,959,285 19,396
  Adani Ports & Special Economic Zone Ltd. 3,685,402 18,394
  Dr Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. 346,117 18,016
  Nestle India Ltd. 170,177 17,590
  UPL Ltd. 2,251,327 17,374
  Yes Bank Ltd. 1,269,696 16,749
  Ambuja Cements Ltd. 4,530,855 16,555
  Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. 4,302,201 16,100
  Bajaj Auto Ltd. 514,642 15,773
  Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd. 1,280,070 15,392
  Dabur India Ltd. 3,823,540 15,139
  Godrej Consumer Products Ltd. 876,003 14,497
  IDFC Ltd. 5,300,299 13,974
  Dr Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. ADR 267,775 13,919
  Shriram Transport Finance Co. Ltd. 908,233 13,861
  Wipro Ltd. ADR 1,202,167 13,789
  Bharat Forge Ltd. 691,232 13,627
  Siemens Ltd. 634,777 13,574
  Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. 1,436,103 13,382
  Indian Oil Corp. Ltd. 2,352,012 13,355
  JSW Steel Ltd. 868,524 12,726
  GAIL India Ltd. 2,217,061 12,569




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Hindalco Industries Ltd. 6,119,318 12,352
  Rural Electrification Corp. Ltd. 2,516,377 12,331
  Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd. 1,547,063 12,246
  LIC Housing Finance Ltd. 1,810,157 12,228
  NMDC Ltd. 5,788,906 11,655
  Eicher Motors Ltd. 47,500 11,343
  Cairn India Ltd. 3,334,197 11,206
  Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 796,599 11,143
  Marico Ltd. 1,669,486 10,546
  Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd. 575,491 10,285
  Shree Cement Ltd. 61,972 9,922
  Power Finance Corp. Ltd. 2,350,143 9,810
  Tata Steel Ltd. 1,727,628 9,781
  Cadila Healthcare Ltd. 361,892 9,689
  Mindtree Ltd. 499,497 9,582
  Titan Co. Ltd. 1,575,691 9,478
  Piramal Enterprises Ltd. 632,269 9,326
  Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd. 1,980,198 8,336
* Bank of Baroda 3,124,447 8,301
  Tata Power Co. Ltd. 6,929,472 8,258
  Crompton Greaves Ltd. 3,099,582 8,209
  Pidilite Industries Ltd. 900,607 8,033
  Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd. 152,281 7,943
  Divi's Laboratories Ltd. 291,283 7,892
  ABB India Ltd. 374,983 7,878
  Steel Authority of India Ltd. 7,193,632 7,851
* Havells India Ltd. 1,784,904 7,842
  Page Industries Ltd. 36,425 7,823
  Grasim Industries Ltd. 135,248 7,636
  Colgate-Palmolive India Ltd. 243,296 7,608
* GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 148,402 7,429
  United Breweries Ltd. 505,711 7,407
  GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Ltd. 74,311 7,334
  ACC Ltd. 325,043 7,325
  Britannia Industries Ltd. 211,671 7,314
* Reliance Communications Ltd. 7,528,562 7,156
  Bajaj Finance Ltd. 109,590 6,976
  DLF Ltd. 3,181,386 6,791
  Bharat Electronics Ltd. 139,968 6,775
  Punjab National Bank 2,644,797 6,635
  Oil India Ltd. 904,131 6,505
  Cummins India Ltd. 479,470 6,499
  Max India Ltd. 952,182 6,412
  Federal Bank Ltd. 3,105,264 6,411
  Bajaj Finserv Ltd. 281,451 6,349
  Castrol India Ltd. 880,070 6,131
  Reliance Infrastructure Ltd. 927,499 6,042
  Jindal Steel & Power Ltd. 2,748,238 5,996
  Emami Ltd. 404,416 5,917
  Just Dial Ltd. 347,407 5,840
  Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd. 588,988 5,788
  Reliance Capital Ltd. 905,738 5,741
* Gujarat Pipavav Port Ltd. 1,633,398 5,694
* Jubilant Foodworks Ltd. 239,551 5,614
  Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 293,504 5,551
  ING Vysya Bank Ltd. 359,026 5,462
* Ashok Leyland Ltd. 4,931,936 5,391
  JSW Energy Ltd. 2,850,465 5,129
  Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd. 207,685 5,121
  Hindustan Zinc Ltd. 1,920,715 5,119
* SKS Microfinance Ltd. 674,983 4,988
  Wockhardt Ltd. 243,494 4,905
* AIA Engineering Ltd. 267,199 4,828
  Dewan Housing Finance Corp. Ltd. 649,883 4,555




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Sundaram Finance Ltd. 190,993 4,435
  Info Edge India Ltd. 356,751 4,316
* Suzlon Energy Ltd. 11,438,152 4,271
  MRF Ltd. 7,385 4,258
  NCC Ltd. 2,973,243 4,241
  Infosys Ltd. ADR 136,700 4,235
  PI Industries Ltd. 399,128 4,135
  CESC Ltd. 477,319 4,112
  Apollo Tyres Ltd. 1,503,318 4,094
  Exide Industries Ltd. 1,490,245 4,018
* Indian Hotels Co. Ltd. 2,316,913 3,979
  Hexaware Technologies Ltd. 891,822 3,945
  Berger Paints India Ltd. 1,191,475 3,939
  Bajaj Holdings & Investment Ltd. 192,704 3,919
* Bayer CropScience Ltd. 65,574 3,878
  Canara Bank 649,474 3,863
* Rajesh Exports Ltd. 1,055,493 3,860
  Credit Analysis & Research Ltd. 156,399 3,833
* Amara Raja Batteries Ltd. 305,164 3,811
* Gillette India Ltd. 55,894 3,808
  Arvind Ltd. 936,818 3,738
  Alstom T&D India Ltd. 457,429 3,729
  State Bank of India GDR 88,502 3,724
  Mphasis Ltd. 597,908 3,712
* Sun Pharma Advanced Research Co. Ltd. 593,125 3,712
  IIFL Holdings Ltd. 1,348,406 3,696
  Petronet LNG Ltd. 1,342,325 3,684
* Reliance Power Ltd. 4,135,350 3,681
  Sintex Industries Ltd. 2,103,859 3,664
* Balkrishna Industries Ltd. 288,881 3,527
  IRB Infrastructure Developers Ltd. 953,530 3,496
  NHPC Ltd. 11,144,212 3,461
* Housing Development & Infrastructure Ltd. 1,857,576 3,440
* Bank of India 981,655 3,341
  Tata Communications Ltd. 488,179 3,340
  Voltas Ltd. 755,627 3,335
  Persistent Systems Ltd. 296,702 3,297
  Strides Arcolab Ltd. 201,903 3,258
  Thermax Ltd. 204,030 3,150
  Sun TV Network Ltd. 564,810 3,087
* Cox & Kings Ltd. 636,200 3,080
  Godrej Industries Ltd. 538,025 3,055
  TVS Motor Co. Ltd. 823,752 3,050
  L&T Finance Holdings Ltd. 3,063,472 3,035
* Adani Power Ltd. 4,403,812 2,971
  Tata Global Beverages Ltd. 1,320,183 2,950
  Vakrangee Ltd. 1,744,474 2,917
* WABCO India Ltd. 32,594 2,867
  IFCI Ltd. 5,410,897 2,851
  Gateway Distriparks Ltd. 502,699 2,785
* Sadbhav Engineering Ltd. 593,788 2,783
  Tata Motors Ltd. ADR 67,417 2,777
* Kajaria Ceramics Ltd. 225,356 2,731
* Redington India Ltd. 1,453,433 2,726
  National Aluminium Co. Ltd. 3,631,372 2,714
* Karur Vysya Bank Ltd. 357,423 2,711
* Jaiprakash Associates Ltd. 8,324,658 2,693
  GMR Infrastructure Ltd. 11,542,719 2,673
  IDBI Bank Ltd. 2,253,529 2,639
* Gujarat Gas Co. Ltd. 236,242 2,638
* eClerx Services Ltd. 105,028 2,635
  Biocon Ltd. 368,772 2,625
* Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 352,421 2,616
  Tata Chemicals Ltd. 383,577 2,574




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
* Bajaj Corp. Ltd. 369,119 2,547
* Whirlpool of India Ltd. 230,127 2,532
  Oberoi Realty Ltd. 598,760 2,528
  Prestige Estates Projects Ltd. 662,033 2,492
* GRUH Finance Ltd. 603,546 2,343
  Amtek Auto Ltd. 932,197 2,323
* Unitech Ltd. 9,557,016 2,308
* Dish TV India Ltd. 1,917,893 2,269
  Torrent Power Ltd. 813,322 2,112
* Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. 1,396,303 2,107
* Hathway Cable & Datacom Ltd. 2,436,950 2,055
  Ipca Laboratories Ltd. 202,366 2,043
* Central Bank of India 1,206,860 1,987
  Century Textiles & Industries Ltd. 171,279 1,967
  Muthoot Finance Ltd. 673,960 1,945
* Repco Home Finance Ltd. 211,436 1,931
  Great Eastern Shipping Co. Ltd. 360,042 1,926
  Ramco Cements Ltd. 396,898 1,910
* KPIT Technologies Ltd. 1,140,196 1,884
* VA Tech Wabag Ltd. 169,100 1,862
  Sobha Ltd. 301,864 1,859
  Union Bank of India 817,509 1,847
* Essar Oil Ltd. 1,072,213 1,835
* Gujarat Fluorochemicals Ltd. 182,454 1,786
  Gujarat State Petronet Ltd. 931,931 1,764
  Indiabulls Real Estate Ltd. 1,864,955 1,745
* Ajanta Pharma Ltd. 85,820 1,706
  Coromandel International Ltd. 463,877 1,674
  Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd. 1,859,025 1,664
* Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd. 1,492,106 1,641
  CMC Ltd. 51,716 1,528
  Indraprastha Gas Ltd. 231,366 1,497
  South Indian Bank Ltd. 3,916,407 1,493
  Engineers India Ltd. 493,112 1,421
* Hindustan Construction Co. Ltd. 2,774,238 1,373
* India Cements Ltd. 951,110 1,356
* Allahabad Bank 824,882 1,338
  PTC India Ltd. 1,175,231 1,336
  Oriental Bank of Commerce 400,686 1,282
* Videocon Industries Ltd. 545,966 1,277
  Indian Bank 578,996 1,272
  Alstom India Ltd. 112,746 1,269
  Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. 76,633 1,259
* DEN Networks Ltd. 616,873 1,257
  Karnataka Bank Ltd. 627,432 1,243
  Syndicate Bank 790,785 1,234
  Rolta India Ltd. 656,049 1,189
  McLeod Russel India Ltd. 308,162 1,174
  UCO Bank 1,102,592 1,092
  Future Retail Ltd. 589,205 1,072
  Welspun Corp. Ltd. 804,234 1,064
  Indian Overseas Bank 1,501,039 1,047
* Pipavav Defence & Offshore Engineering Co. Ltd. 1,151,968 1,036
  Polaris Consulting & Services Ltd. 410,487 1,011
  Jindal Saw Ltd. 924,226 1,000
* Andhra Bank 812,840 976
  Srei Infrastructure Finance Ltd. 1,494,498 931
  Vijaya Bank 1,262,461 903
* Jet Airways India Ltd. 151,167 900
* Corp Bank 981,445 879
  Raymond Ltd. 124,727 871
  Gujarat Mineral Development Corp. Ltd. 542,660 861
* Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd. 1,018,808 738
  Gujarat State Fertilisers & Chemicals Ltd. 604,857 728




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Chambal Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd. 670,306 680
* Punj Lloyd Ltd. 1,250,160 567
* Bajaj Hindusthan Sugar Ltd. 1,860,521 503
* Shipping Corp. of India Ltd. 676,911 500
* Shree Renuka Sugars Ltd. 2,476,247 481
  Radico Khaitan Ltd. 301,618 428
* IVRCL Ltd. 1,597,447 367
  Financial Technologies India Ltd. 128,097 349
* Tata Teleservices Maharashtra Ltd. 2,782,308 333
  Bhushan Steel Ltd. 316,659 306
  Sesa Sterlite Ltd. ADR 16,320 214
* Nagarjuna Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd. 312,129 55
  Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd. DVR 32,150 18
Indonesia (0.5%)    
  Bank Central Asia Tbk PT 90,336,400 93,535
  Astra International Tbk PT 148,193,100 77,984
  Telekomunikasi Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 371,755,300 74,768
  Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 79,329,400 70,825
  Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk PT 68,963,924 56,726
  Unilever Indonesia Tbk PT 8,487,000 27,831
  Bank Negara Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 55,186,095 27,235
  Perusahaan Gas Negara Persero Tbk PT 78,935,100 24,880
  Semen Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 21,781,400 20,946
  Kalbe Farma Tbk PT 145,507,110 20,116
  United Tractors Tbk PT 11,144,508 18,325
  Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk PT 32,419,200 16,826
  Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk PT 9,793,400 15,816
  Gudang Garam Tbk PT 3,370,700 12,955
  Lippo Karawaci Tbk PT 139,696,600 12,745
  Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk PT 53,861,658 11,745
  Summarecon Agung Tbk PT 79,892,600 10,915
  Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk PT 14,588,300 9,535
  Surya Citra Media Tbk PT 42,173,600 9,403
  Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk PT 8,632,800 8,761
  Ciputra Development Tbk PT 77,754,400 8,198
  Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk PT 53,823,000 7,712
  Jasa Marga Persero Tbk PT 15,298,600 7,289
  Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk PT 23,731,809 7,259
  XL Axiata Tbk PT 21,361,923 6,630
  Adaro Energy Tbk PT 93,894,893 6,322
  Matahari Putra Prima Tbk PT 19,836,200 6,049
  Media Nusantara Citra Tbk PT 35,355,812 6,000
  Pakuwon Jati Tbk PT 170,745,234 5,749
  Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat Dan Banten Tbk PT 72,470,700 4,880
  Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk PT 62,692,505 4,769
  AKR Corporindo Tbk PT 11,245,300 4,502
  Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam Persero Tbk PT 5,840,400 4,199
  MNC Investama Tbk PT 201,939,000 4,187
  Alam Sutera Realty Tbk PT 86,456,200 4,076
  Astra Agro Lestari Tbk PT 2,471,000 3,864
  Global Mediacom Tbk PT 30,513,618 3,642
  Wijaya Karya Persero Tbk PT 15,376,500 3,525
* Vale Indonesia Tbk PT 14,612,498 3,139
* Panin Financial Tbk PT 114,298,400 2,877
* Waskita Karya Persero Tbk PT 22,169,400 2,876
* Lippo Cikarang Tbk PT 3,113,400 2,867
  Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk PT 2,860,500 2,777
  Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk PT 52,998,700 2,636
  Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk PT 27,286,700 2,475
* Indosat Tbk PT 7,887,700 2,433
  Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk PT 5,643,000 2,419
  Bank Tabungan Negara Persero Tbk PT 27,389,997 2,347
* Siloam International Hospitals Tbk PT 2,000,400 2,188




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Medco Energi Internasional Tbk PT 8,737,200 2,153
  Perusahaan Perkebunan London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk PT 19,404,200 2,122
  Intiland Development Tbk PT 41,411,200 2,069
  Agung Podomoro Land Tbk PT 50,856,100 1,634
* Eagle High Plantations Tbk PT 82,309,200 1,601
  Bekasi Fajar Industrial Estate Tbk PT 32,652,800 1,501
* Energi Mega Persada Tbk PT 243,682,132 1,500
* Aneka Tambang Persero Tbk PT 23,327,000 1,426
  Holcim Indonesia Tbk PT 11,729,800 1,400
  Ramayana Lestari Sentosa Tbk PT 22,496,600 1,342
* Sigmagold Inti Perkasa Tbk PT 36,846,200 1,284
  Timah Persero Tbk PT 17,782,787 1,111
  Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk PT 21,763,400 1,071
* Bakrie and Brothers Tbk PT 274,678,500 1,059
  BISI International Tbk PT 8,904,400 959
  Gajah Tunggal Tbk PT 9,957,100 843
* Bumi Resources Tbk PT 126,413,500 699
* Krakatau Steel Persero Tbk PT 18,949,700 511
  Sampoerna Agro PT 3,554,100 496
  Harum Energy Tbk PT 5,296,000 486
* Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk PT 25,926,000 392
* Bakrie Telecom Tbk PT 94,762,000 366
* Indika Energy Tbk PT 9,803,100 219
* Darma Henwa Tbk PT 41,394,000 160
* Bakrieland Development Tbk PT 40,272,400 155
Ireland (0.2%)    
  Kerry Group plc Class A 1,074,799 79,054
* Bank of Ireland 202,959,251 78,459
  Smurfit Kappa Group plc 1,687,075 51,652
  Ryanair Holdings plc ADR 760,964 49,348
  Kingspan Group plc 1,255,462 24,909
  Paddy Power plc 271,424 24,266
  Glanbia plc 1,291,898 23,943
  C&C Group plc 2,488,905 10,085
  Green REIT plc 4,912,459 8,664
  Ryanair Holdings plc 701,590 8,229
  Aer Lingus Group plc 1,254,015 3,259
  FBD Holdings plc 128,674 1,390
* Irish Bank Resolution Corp. Ltd. 698,992
Israel (0.5%)    
  Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. 6,915,537 420,218
  Bank Hapoalim BM 7,266,759 36,348
* Bank Leumi Le-Israel BM 9,196,483 35,743
  Bezeq The Israeli Telecommunication Corp. Ltd. 13,814,327 26,165
  NICE-Systems Ltd. 399,576 24,019
  Israel Chemicals Ltd. 3,275,705 22,919
  Elbit Systems Ltd. 175,282 13,871
* Israel Discount Bank Ltd. Class A 7,809,010 13,718
  Azrieli Group 267,670 11,548
  Frutarom Industries Ltd. 263,347 11,199
  Delek Group Ltd. 34,293 9,567
* Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd. 843,772 9,438
  Gazit-Globe Ltd. 642,543 8,503
  Israel Corp. Ltd. 17,367 6,397
  Osem Investments Ltd. 294,014 6,276
  Paz Oil Co. Ltd. 35,019 5,350
  Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. ADR 78,230 4,727
* Strauss Group Ltd. 239,826 4,271
  Alony Hetz Properties & Investments Ltd. 525,243 4,173
* Tower Semiconductor Ltd. 269,776 4,100
* EZchip Semiconductor Ltd. 209,441 4,095
  Harel Insurance Investments & Financial Services Ltd. 818,623 3,824




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Reit 1 Ltd. 1,209,065 3,633
  Melisron Ltd. 94,157 3,610
  Shikun & Binui Ltd. 1,484,082 3,337
* Nitsba Holdings 1995 Ltd. 177,665 3,013
  Delek Automotive Systems Ltd. 222,829 2,702
* Kenon Holdings Ltd. 124,471 2,695
* Oil Refineries Ltd. 7,450,861 2,662
  Ituran Location and Control Ltd. 107,409 2,466
* Airport City Ltd. 230,466 2,432
* Clal Insurance Enterprises Holdings Ltd. 145,695 2,419
  Amot Investments Ltd. 710,051 2,402
* Compugen Ltd. 358,677 2,332
* Jerusalem Oil Exploration 59,855 2,274
  First International Bank Of Israel Ltd. 159,406 2,238
* Nova Measuring Instruments Ltd. 194,429 2,207
* Mazor Robotics Ltd. 309,775 2,046
* Evogene Ltd. 201,330 2,010
* Allot Communications Ltd. 227,090 1,998
  Norstar Holdings Inc. 66,759 1,820
  Rami Levy Chain Stores Hashikma Marketing 2006 Ltd. 44,589 1,812
  Migdal Insurance & Financial Holding Ltd. 1,459,681 1,769
* Partner Communications Co. Ltd. 698,665 1,759
  Menorah Mivtachim Holdings Ltd. 162,679 1,614
  Phoenix Holdings Ltd. 540,924 1,607
  Africa Israel Properties Ltd. 103,224 1,598
* Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. 245,895 1,514
  Silicom Ltd. 38,246 1,409
  Electra Ltd. 9,954 1,220
* Cellcom Israel Ltd. (Registered) 256,475 1,181
* Naphtha Israel Petroleum Corp. Ltd. 207,753 1,179
* Shufersal Ltd. 432,691 991
* AudioCodes Ltd. 208,458 952
* Kamada Ltd. 191,257 873
* Africa Israel Investments Ltd. 693,410 651
  Jerusalem Economy Ltd. 146,266 559
* Ceragon Networks Ltd. 364,505 505
* Property & Building Corp. Ltd. 7,088 480
* Cellcom Israel Ltd. 96,644 443
Italy (1.8%)    
  Eni SPA 18,172,011 348,646
  Intesa Sanpaolo SPA (Registered) 88,827,890 298,418
  UniCredit SPA 35,493,095 254,774
  Enel SPA 50,636,848 240,016
  Assicurazioni Generali SPA 9,300,415 181,723
* Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 6,454,283 96,114
* Telecom Italia SPA (Registered) 76,989,680 90,869
  Luxottica Group SPA 1,293,958 85,216
  Snam SPA 15,993,812 83,314
  Atlantia SPA 2,928,341 82,360
  CNH Industrial NV 6,778,805 59,560
  Unione di Banche Italiane SCpA 6,386,974 50,696
  Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SPA 10,546,252 49,719
* Tenaris SA 3,207,343 49,246
* Telecom Italia SPA (Bearer) 44,526,940 42,852
  Pirelli & C. SPA 2,450,335 42,395
* Banco Popolare SC 2,669,614 42,205
  Mediobanca SPA 4,035,830 39,178
* Finmeccanica SPA 2,805,513 35,795
* Banca Popolare di Milano Scarl 32,387,711 33,373
  EXOR SPA 723,061 33,358
  Prysmian SPA 1,513,390 30,863
* Banca Popolare dell'Emilia Romagna SC 3,532,529 29,058
* Mediaset SPA 5,534,431 28,445




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
*,^ Saipem SPA 1,846,011 24,475
  Enel Green Power SPA 11,453,977 22,242
  Azimut Holding SPA 745,338 21,878
^ Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SPA 32,326,536 19,923
  UnipolSai SPA 5,999,348 16,788
  Davide Campari-Milano SPA 2,086,302 16,135
  Mediolanum SPA 1,908,214 16,017
  Recordati SPA 760,675 15,157
  Banca Popolare di Sondrio SCARL 3,321,562 15,075
^ Moncler SPA 823,261 14,661
  Banca Generali SPA 418,111 14,033
*,2 Anima Holding SPA 1,566,411 13,947
* Yoox SPA 422,969 13,324
  A2A SPA 10,397,747 11,978
  FinecoBank Banca Fineco SPA 1,564,509 11,811
  Hera SPA 4,474,374 11,803
  Salvatore Ferragamo SPA 351,442 10,929
  Unipol Gruppo Finanziario SPA Preference Shares 2,035,235 10,697
* Credito Valtellinese SC 8,139,432 10,158
  Italcementi SPA 1,408,004 10,032
* World Duty Free SPA 880,752 9,832
  Interpump Group SPA 583,331 9,810
  Ansaldo STS SPA 881,870 9,375
  Societa Cattolica di Assicurazioni SCRL 1,062,655 9,079
^ Tod's SPA 98,856 9,070
* Autogrill SPA 936,432 8,956
* Sorin SPA 2,835,232 8,924
  Brembo SPA 219,072 8,763
  Buzzi Unicem SPA 527,617 8,492
  Unipol Gruppo Finanziario SPA 1,593,638 8,360
  De' Longhi 364,043 8,211
  DiaSorin SPA 170,006 7,761
  UnipolSai SPA Class B 2,765,069 7,759
* Ei Towers SPA 125,307 7,591
  Beni Stabili SpA SIIQ 8,056,446 6,643
  Parmalat SPA 2,285,295 6,329
  Societa Iniziative Autostradali e Servizi SPA 531,165 6,135
* Salini Impregilo SPA 1,398,088 6,101
  Industria Macchine Automatiche SPA 108,152 5,507
  Danieli & C Officine Meccaniche SPA RSP 291,229 5,407
  ERG SPA 367,990 5,290
  ACEA SPA 368,972 4,968
  Amplifon SPA 637,639 4,967
*,^ Banca Carige SPA 60,856,065 4,963
  MARR SPA 241,482 4,851
  Credito Emiliano SPA 580,162 4,840
* Cerved Information Solutions SPA 646,794 4,693
  Iren SPA 3,154,332 4,631
  Tenaris SA ADR 139,938 4,303
^ Brunello Cucinelli SPA 207,125 3,843
^ Piaggio & C SPA 1,244,039 3,773
  ASTM SPA 259,731 3,693
*,^ Saras SPA 1,855,382 3,597
*,^ Safilo Group SPA 234,490 3,411
*,^ RCS MediaGroup SPA 2,422,735 3,332
* Fincantieri SPA 3,618,561 3,289
* CIR-Compagnie Industriali Riunite SPA 2,736,507 3,272
^ Astaldi SPA 365,112 3,174
  Cementir Holding SPA 427,529 3,015
  Danieli & C Officine Meccaniche SPA 94,674 2,304
  Italmobiliare SPA RSP 115,698 2,259
  Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ SPA 2,168,535 2,134
*,^ Geox SPA 547,942 2,002
  Esprinet SPA 183,196 1,761




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
^ Trevi Finanziaria Industriale SPA 575,533 1,680
  Italmobiliare SPA 48,807 1,593
*,^ Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso SPA 1,167,010 1,529
* DeA Capital SPA 692,378 1,478
  Zignago Vetro SPA 208,572 1,296
* Cofide SPA 2,244,339 1,257
*,^ Juventus Football Club SPA 3,320,053 1,134
*,^ Sogefi SPA 339,011 1,131
  Falck Renewables SPA 790,642 1,042
*,^ Arnoldo Mondadori Editore SPA 799,782 987
*,^ Fiera Milano SPA 64,801 495
* Gemina SPA CVR 2,837,088 41
Japan (16.5%)    
  Toyota Motor Corp. 19,548,719 1,360,769
  Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. 104,412,233 741,781
  Honda Motor Co. Ltd. 13,236,147 443,747
  SoftBank Corp. 6,946,963 434,257
  Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc. 9,916,074 432,981
  Mizuho Financial Group Inc. 176,500,650 336,460
  KDDI Corp. 13,698,790 324,145
  FANUC Corp. 1,444,099 317,648
  Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 5,711,509 293,235
  Canon Inc. 7,662,956 273,221
  Japan Tobacco Inc. 7,778,954 271,648
* Sony Corp. 8,479,250 256,343
  Astellas Pharma Inc. 16,296,945 253,755
  Central Japan Railway Co. 1,398,960 249,863
  East Japan Railway Co. 2,801,876 247,650
  Seven & i Holdings Co. Ltd. 5,757,808 247,496
  Hitachi Ltd. 34,217,106 233,460
  Mitsubishi Corp. 10,422,216 224,877
  Panasonic Corp. 15,693,009 224,785
  Mitsubishi Estate Co. Ltd. 9,339,755 219,832
  Tokio Marine Holdings Inc. 5,261,991 214,509
  Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 1,479,474 208,479
  Mitsui Fudosan Co. Ltd. 7,003,915 207,626
  Bridgestone Corp. 4,918,335 205,998
  Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. 18,720,033 194,327
  Mitsubishi Electric Corp. 14,577,282 190,375
  Kao Corp. 3,882,222 185,916
  Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd. 3,039,484 185,800
  Keyence Corp. 336,464 179,621
  Mitsui & Co. Ltd. 12,766,766 178,558
  Denso Corp. 3,522,737 174,889
  Nomura Holdings Inc. 25,891,885 167,972
  Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. 2,456,539 165,878
  Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp. 62,394,029 162,300
  Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. 4,621,206 154,533
  Fast Retailing Co. Ltd. 391,031 154,019
  ORIX Corp. 9,567,020 147,125
  Kubota Corp. 9,217,394 144,262
  ITOCHU Corp. 11,669,055 143,682
  Komatsu Ltd. 7,030,229 141,442
  SMC Corp. 457,739 137,698
  Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co. Ltd. 8,344,700 137,153
  Eisai Co. Ltd. 2,035,311 135,669
  Daikin Industries Ltd. 1,969,720 132,698
  Nintendo Co. Ltd. 783,895 131,616
  Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. 23,660,400 131,096
  NTT DOCOMO Inc. 7,320,000 129,655
  FUJIFILM Holdings Corp. 3,383,119 127,432
  Nidec Corp. 1,696,608 126,914
  Kyocera Corp. 2,390,156 124,770




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc. 28,237,511 124,300
  Sumitomo Realty & Development Co. Ltd. 3,197,033 123,392
  Hoya Corp. 3,126,505 120,498
  MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings Inc. 4,006,667 114,659
  Toshiba Corp. 28,175,104 112,885
  Secom Co. Ltd. 1,527,903 108,285
  Daiwa Securities Group Inc. 12,901,910 107,032
  Daiwa House Industry Co. Ltd. 4,763,110 106,337
  Oriental Land Co. Ltd. 1,557,756 105,461
  Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd. 17,453,382 100,720
  Rakuten Inc. 5,748,500 100,429
  Suzuki Motor Corp. 3,083,565 99,667
  Toray Industries Inc. 11,419,450 99,265
  Sumitomo Corp. 8,302,148 98,029
  Asahi Group Holdings Ltd. 2,960,711 95,208
  Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Holdings Inc. 2,849,666 93,098
  Asahi Kasei Corp. 9,836,144 92,623
  Ajinomoto Co. Inc. 4,142,758 91,856
  Otsuka Holdings Co. Ltd. 2,835,982 89,516
  Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd. 5,125,397 89,021
  Fujitsu Ltd. 13,138,378 87,086
  Kirin Holdings Co. Ltd. 6,550,372 86,702
  JFE Holdings Inc. 3,794,091 85,651
* Olympus Corp. 2,374,459 85,504
  Inpex Corp. 6,798,100 85,318
  Shimano Inc. 580,479 83,154
  Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd. 5,653,067 79,867
  Nitto Denko Corp. 1,218,872 78,112
  JX Holdings Inc. 17,864,560 77,794
  Shionogi & Co. Ltd. 2,359,222 77,771
  West Japan Railway Co. 1,400,990 77,592
  Dentsu Inc. 1,656,919 77,237
  Mazda Motor Corp. 3,927,892 76,995
  Marubeni Corp. 12,293,193 76,120
  Ono Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 685,638 74,309
  Resona Holdings Inc. 13,921,428 74,230
  Toyota Industries Corp. 1,249,680 70,775
  T&D Holdings Inc. 4,880,950 70,431
  Chubu Electric Power Co. Inc. 5,242,708 69,490
  Tokyo Electron Ltd. 1,266,666 69,429
  Omron Corp. 1,475,605 67,757
  Aisin Seiki Co. Ltd. 1,459,562 66,743
  Aeon Co. Ltd. 5,292,563 65,844
  Unicharm Corp. 2,614,453 65,806
  Daito Trust Construction Co. Ltd. 564,716 65,762
  TDK Corp. 906,069 65,266
  Sekisui House Ltd. 4,195,310 65,030
  NEC Corp. 19,257,932 64,071
  Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd. 11,352,919 63,848
  Yamato Holdings Co. Ltd. 2,833,659 63,420
  Terumo Corp. 2,436,962 62,593
  Sysmex Corp. 1,129,634 62,505
  Osaka Gas Co. Ltd. 14,622,834 62,062
  Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corp. 9,738,758 60,636
  MEIJI Holdings Co. Ltd. 524,039 60,202
  Bank of Yokohama Ltd. 9,269,448 58,829
  Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. 11,394,304 58,725
  Japan Exchange Group Inc. 2,024,847 58,502
* Kansai Electric Power Co. Inc. 5,736,385 57,650
  Isuzu Motors Ltd. 4,327,276 57,353
  Tokyu Corp. 8,576,504 57,022
  Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Inc. 9,301,455 56,144
  NSK Ltd. 3,506,852 54,769
  Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. Ltd. 3,679,716 53,934




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Ricoh Co. Ltd. 5,154,683 53,272
  Shiseido Co. Ltd. 2,889,095 52,041
  Asahi Glass Co. Ltd. 7,576,678 50,991
  Yakult Honsha Co. Ltd. 804,081 50,568
  Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 1,642,745 49,959
  Rohm Co. Ltd. 701,866 48,685
  Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd. 2,061,314 48,507
  IHI Corp. 10,469,749 48,000
  Dai Nippon Printing Co. Ltd. 4,598,353 47,504
* Tokyo Electric Power Co. Inc. 11,535,609 47,108
  Shizuoka Bank Ltd. 4,277,824 47,095
  Makita Corp. 932,975 46,559
  Odakyu Electric Railway Co. Ltd. 4,625,371 46,543
  NGK Insulators Ltd. 2,067,733 46,449
  Kintetsu Group Holdings Co. Ltd. 13,113,546 46,444
  Taisei Corp. 7,807,399 45,227
  Nippon Paint Holdings Co. Ltd. 1,344,700 45,044
  Tohoku Electric Power Co. Inc. 3,514,487 44,211
  LIXIL Group Corp. 2,109,044 43,960
  Nitori Holdings Co. Ltd. 566,080 43,537
  Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd. 2,674,363 43,271
  Recruit Holdings Co. Ltd. 1,281,928 43,156
  Chiba Bank Ltd. 5,242,445 43,085
  Toyota Tsusho Corp. 1,660,916 42,705
  Sekisui Chemical Co. Ltd. 3,156,527 42,089
  Mitsubishi Motors Corp. 4,558,030 41,939
  NTT Data Corp. 933,500 41,768
  NGK Spark Plug Co. Ltd. 1,482,519 41,515
  Kikkoman Corp. 1,410,878 40,237
  Yahoo Japan Corp. 9,827,400 40,147
  Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd. 933,782 39,714
  Minebea Co. Ltd. 2,581,000 39,575
  Kobe Steel Ltd. 21,700,912 39,443
  Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 2,947,935 39,022
  Nippon Express Co. Ltd. 6,657,425 38,217
  Konica Minolta Inc. 3,431,589 37,892
  Nippon Yusen KK 11,946,567 37,554
  Nikon Corp. 2,599,037 36,954
* Kyushu Electric Power Co. Inc. 3,430,295 36,585
  Fukuoka Financial Group Inc. 6,356,984 36,522
  Electric Power Development Co. Ltd. 1,079,683 36,244
  Seiko Epson Corp. 2,062,422 36,040
  Toppan Printing Co. Ltd. 4,294,365 36,005
  Tobu Railway Co. Ltd. 7,454,285 35,535
  Asics Corp. 1,376,911 35,332
  Lawson Inc. 487,793 35,077
  Kuraray Co. Ltd. 2,574,404 34,813
  Shimizu Corp. 4,830,794 34,742
  Keio Corp. 4,457,175 34,426
^ Casio Computer Co. Ltd. 1,694,083 34,252
  Hirose Electric Co. Ltd. 242,826 34,191
  JGC Corp. 1,640,391 34,138
  Chugoku Electric Power Co. Inc. 2,291,745 33,646
  Obayashi Corp. 5,014,404 33,494
  Mitsubishi Materials Corp. 9,179,570 33,046
  TOTO Ltd. 2,330,224 32,966
  Koito Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 928,500 32,490
  Aozora Bank Ltd. 8,587,969 32,123
  Don Quijote Holdings Co. Ltd. 420,500 32,082
  Alps Electric Co. Ltd. 1,283,300 31,878
  Suruga Bank Ltd. 1,433,293 31,595
  NH Foods Ltd. 1,441,313 31,491
  Oji Holdings Corp. 7,019,705 31,220
  J Front Retailing Co. Ltd. 1,857,436 30,952




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Seibu Holdings Inc. 1,058,109 30,644
  Kansai Paint Co. Ltd. 1,713,033 30,536
  Kajima Corp. 6,355,284 30,358
  Hamamatsu Photonics KK 1,021,320 29,790
  Bandai Namco Holdings Inc. 1,448,864 29,765
  Brother Industries Ltd. 1,860,227 29,597
  Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd. 8,286,923 29,259
  Bank of Kyoto Ltd. 2,682,925 29,248
  Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co. Ltd. 1,997,736 29,244
  Keikyu Corp. 3,670,187 29,175
  Nomura Research Institute Ltd. 732,151 28,893
  JTEKT Corp. 1,667,754 28,405
  Daicel Corp. 2,337,882 28,186
  Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corp. 1,652,053 28,110
  Ryohin Keikaku Co. Ltd. 175,900 28,053
  Japan Airlines Co. Ltd. 839,308 27,984
  Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Corp. 3,750,718 27,871
  Taiheiyo Cement Corp. 8,841,398 27,861
  Nissin Foods Holdings Co. Ltd. 579,469 27,783
  USS Co. Ltd. 1,567,980 27,609
  Joyo Bank Ltd. 5,023,506 27,478
  Amada Holdings Co. Ltd. 2,705,092 27,298
  Iyo Bank Ltd. 2,158,453 26,888
  NOK Corp. 840,830 26,423
  Seven Bank Ltd. 4,855,219 26,159
  Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co. Inc. 606,704 26,145
  Trend Micro Inc. 771,063 26,086
  Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd. 4,189,460 26,029
  Hino Motors Ltd. 1,987,283 25,926
  Yaskawa Electric Corp. 1,869,212 25,682
  Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd. 731,079 25,581
  Stanley Electric Co. Ltd. 1,140,037 25,580
  Shinsei Bank Ltd. 12,485,037 25,548
  Nagoya Railroad Co. Ltd. 6,451,000 25,481
*,^ Sharp Corp. 11,672,150 25,152
  Hiroshima Bank Ltd. 4,291,166 25,064
  Keisei Electric Railway Co. Ltd. 2,108,500 24,993
  JSR Corp. 1,455,706 24,831
  M3 Inc. 1,306,300 24,683
  Gunma Bank Ltd. 3,446,289 24,404
  Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd. 1,312,230 24,330
  MISUMI Group Inc. 648,100 24,322
  Nabtesco Corp. 884,056 24,315
  Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings Co. Ltd. 344,233 24,191
  Shimadzu Corp. 2,063,080 24,131
  Teijin Ltd. 7,091,422 24,089
  Japan Airport Terminal Co. Ltd. 427,700 24,077
  ANA Holdings Inc. 8,637,946 23,882
  Tosoh Corp. 4,446,279 23,838
  Hokuhoku Financial Group Inc. 9,967,000 23,835
  Mabuchi Motor Co. Ltd. 397,732 23,815
  Yamaha Corp. 1,295,956 23,550
  Hachijuni Bank Ltd. 3,010,425 23,468
  Hulic Co. Ltd. 2,170,800 23,236
  Sony Financial Holdings Inc. 1,285,132 23,071
  Toho Gas Co. Ltd. 3,798,573 23,001
  Mitsui Chemicals Inc. 6,909,556 22,843
  Nisshin Seifun Group Inc. 1,956,690 22,819
  Air Water Inc. 1,280,553 22,743
^ Yamaguchi Financial Group Inc. 1,802,340 22,592
  Daihatsu Motor Co. Ltd. 1,550,097 22,454
  Kurita Water Industries Ltd. 861,306 22,381
  Credit Saison Co. Ltd. 1,182,151 22,354
  THK Co. Ltd. 887,058 22,284




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Keihan Electric Railway Co. Ltd. 3,821,000 22,161
  Calbee Inc. 544,000 22,149
  Tokyo Tatemono Co. Ltd. 3,045,000 22,078
  Hitachi Metals Ltd. 1,402,441 21,933
  Rinnai Corp. 288,800 21,912
  Toho Co. Ltd. (Tokyo Shares 9602) 880,397 21,883
  Miraca Holdings Inc. 430,649 21,666
  Nissan Chemical Industries Ltd. 1,091,900 21,639
  Chugoku Bank Ltd. 1,327,009 21,320
  Alfresa Holdings Corp. 1,420,132 21,283
  Pigeon Corp. 803,100 21,268
  NTN Corp. 3,869,324 21,121
  AEON Financial Service Co. Ltd. 819,065 20,880
  Obic Co. Ltd. 498,800 20,865
  SBI Holdings Inc. 1,563,110 20,736
  Fuji Electric Co. Ltd. 4,391,774 20,711
^ Yamada Denki Co. Ltd. 5,044,130 20,646
  Kewpie Corp. 843,000 20,568
  Yokogawa Electric Corp. 1,747,143 20,462
  Haseko Corp. 2,064,800 20,388
  Hokuriku Electric Power Co. 1,379,018 20,387
  TonenGeneral Sekiyu KK 2,077,795 19,941
  Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Ltd. 1,257,732 19,888
  Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co. Ltd. 3,705,370 19,877
  Shimamura Co. Ltd. 199,399 19,875
  FamilyMart Co. Ltd. 461,393 19,869
  Marui Group Co. Ltd. 1,799,175 19,641
  Hakuhodo DY Holdings Inc. 1,823,880 19,519
^ Takashimaya Co. Ltd. 2,083,922 19,448
  Suzuken Co. Ltd. 616,471 19,291
  Kaken Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 537,000 19,190
  Nankai Electric Railway Co. Ltd. 3,994,000 19,093
  Citizen Holdings Co. Ltd. 2,410,491 19,076
  Tsuruha Holdings Inc. 262,900 19,068
  Yamazaki Baking Co. Ltd. 1,073,640 19,004
  Sega Sammy Holdings Inc. 1,347,441 18,811
  DIC Corp. 6,059,000 18,331
  Benesse Holdings Inc. 584,563 18,321
  Zenkoku Hosho Co. Ltd. 495,800 18,305
^ Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corp. 1,400,900 18,181
  Sojitz Corp. 9,204,587 17,999
  Nomura Real Estate Holdings Inc. 880,147 17,891
  Yokohama Rubber Co. Ltd. 1,637,000 17,615
  Kaneka Corp. 2,521,429 17,579
  Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd. 6,717,710 17,353
  Otsuka Corp. 375,731 17,306
  Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co. Inc. 3,091,271 17,273
  Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 246,500 17,272
  Nippon Electric Glass Co. Ltd. 3,035,931 17,264
  Kamigumi Co. Ltd. 1,723,414 17,255
  Hoshizaki Electric Co. Ltd. 292,500 17,208
  CyberAgent Inc. 353,700 17,020
  MediPal Holdings Corp. 1,243,834 16,969
  Nishi-Nippon City Bank Ltd. 5,305,372 16,905
  Mitsubishi Logistics Corp. 1,085,435 16,790
  Nippon Shokubai Co. Ltd. 1,189,000 16,416
  Dena Co. Ltd. 819,151 16,363
  Aeon Mall Co. Ltd. 871,279 16,253
  Sohgo Security Services Co. Ltd. 498,500 16,250
  Disco Corp. 178,100 16,219
  Sugi Holdings Co. Ltd. 329,400 16,050
  Iida Group Holdings Co. Ltd. 1,190,663 15,981
  Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd. 380,900 15,863
  Dowa Holdings Co. Ltd. 1,758,000 15,776




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  NHK Spring Co. Ltd. 1,373,789 15,728
  Nippon Kayaku Co. Ltd. 1,296,000 15,667
  77 Bank Ltd. 2,704,000 15,605
  Nihon Kohden Corp. 592,700 15,574
* Shikoku Electric Power Co. Inc. 1,143,994 15,492
  Nippon Shinyaku Co. Ltd. 462,000 15,446
  Kakaku.com Inc. 987,800 15,319
  Sotetsu Holdings Inc. 3,228,000 15,310
  Park24 Co. Ltd. 765,200 15,283
  Showa Denko KK 11,013,762 15,056
  Ibiden Co. Ltd. 860,452 15,049
  Sawai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 263,600 15,006
  Kose Corp. 229,600 14,973
  Sankyo Co. Ltd. 392,151 14,853
  Advantest Corp. 1,248,720 14,722
  Ebara Corp. 3,309,000 14,710
  Hitachi Chemical Co. Ltd. 757,115 14,655
  Topcon Corp. 562,700 14,634
^ Sumco Corp. 965,021 14,560
  Idemitsu Kosan Co. Ltd. 737,440 14,286
  Toyo Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. 744,100 14,253
  Azbil Corp. 537,800 14,167
  Hitachi High-Technologies Corp. 481,063 13,941
  Tokai Tokyo Financial Holdings Inc. 1,813,700 13,936
  Hitachi Construction Machinery Co. Ltd. 782,040 13,884
  Aoyama Trading Co. Ltd. 398,400 13,780
  Denki Kagaku Kogyo KK 3,355,447 13,701
  Showa Shell Sekiyu KK 1,403,859 13,542
  Nippon Paper Industries Co. Ltd. 774,656 13,509
  GS Yuasa Corp. 2,860,526 13,448
  DMG Mori Seiki Co. Ltd. 807,900 13,176
  Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co. Ltd. 1,165,092 13,164
  Konami Corp. 715,693 13,134
  Seino Holdings Co. Ltd. 1,139,800 13,084
  Ube Industries Ltd. 7,794,333 12,931
* Hokkaido Electric Power Co. Inc. 1,379,778 12,725
  Sundrug Co. Ltd. 252,600 12,676
  Toyoda Gosei Co. Ltd. 547,563 12,669
  OKUMA Corp. 1,169,000 12,666
  Zeon Corp. 1,401,000 12,575
  Sanwa Holdings Corp. 1,663,300 12,554
  Daido Steel Co. Ltd. 2,615,463 12,506
  Nexon Co. Ltd. 977,646 12,470
  Tadano Ltd. 859,000 12,461
  Ushio Inc. 948,943 12,444
  Japan Steel Works Ltd. 2,680,494 12,370
  Taiyo Yuden Co. Ltd. 833,700 12,326
  Maruichi Steel Tube Ltd. 487,312 12,308
  Resorttrust Inc. 469,800 12,273
  Nishi-Nippon Railroad Co. Ltd. 2,798,000 12,269
  Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd. 5,967,000 12,224
  Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Ltd. 508,000 12,203
^ Sanrio Co. Ltd. 455,140 12,192
  OSG Corp. 580,800 12,076
  IT Holdings Corp. 610,200 12,016
  Glory Ltd. 431,900 11,954
  Izumi Co. Ltd. 300,900 11,917
  Nagase & Co. Ltd. 893,200 11,805
  Tsumura & Co. 502,313 11,771
  Chiyoda Corp. 1,295,963 11,761
  Lion Corp. 1,906,000 11,682
  Square Enix Holdings Co. Ltd. 551,407 11,579
  Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. 1,116,000 11,560
  Fujikura Ltd. 2,422,000 11,536




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Nifco Inc. 325,300 11,521
  COMSYS Holdings Corp. 824,900 11,492
  Nichirei Corp. 2,172,000 11,465
  Sumitomo Forestry Co. Ltd. 987,000 11,440
  H2O Retailing Corp. 635,015 11,426
  San-In Godo Bank Ltd. 1,182,000 11,312
  Oracle Corp. Japan 247,438 11,296
  Kinden Corp. 799,006 11,223
  TS Tech Co. Ltd. 376,700 11,218
  Keiyo Bank Ltd. 1,885,000 11,158
  House Foods Group Inc. 545,000 11,130
  Asahi Intecc Co. Ltd. 179,500 11,054
  Century Tokyo Leasing Corp. 346,400 10,938
  Okasan Securities Group Inc. 1,431,484 10,860
  Matsumotokiyoshi Holdings Co. Ltd. 295,100 10,745
  Horiba Ltd. 284,400 10,680
* Japan Display Inc. 2,583,300 10,612
  SCREEN Holdings Co. Ltd. 1,559,000 10,583
* Leopalace21 Corp. 1,813,200 10,458
  Temp Holdings Co. Ltd. 329,400 10,433
  Rohto Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 729,800 10,419
  Takara Holdings Inc. 1,394,800 10,393
  Juroku Bank Ltd. 2,604,000 10,367
  Daifuku Co. Ltd. 777,000 10,351
  Iwatani Corp. 1,525,000 10,314
  Wacoal Holdings Corp. 928,000 10,313
  Tsubakimoto Chain Co. 1,247,000 10,209
  ADEKA Corp. 721,400 10,175
^ Shiga Bank Ltd. 1,923,000 10,117
  K's Holdings Corp. 301,900 10,080
  Sapporo Holdings Ltd. 2,542,000 9,978
  Toyobo Co. Ltd. 6,518,000 9,937
  Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. 5,514,000 9,901
  Shimachu Co. Ltd. 381,000 9,861
  Awa Bank Ltd. 1,655,000 9,824
  Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co. Ltd. 4,108,000 9,760
*,^ Acom Co. Ltd. 2,925,600 9,714
  Lintec Corp. 394,600 9,679
  SCSK Corp. 330,236 9,643
  Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Co. Ltd. 309,600 9,636
  Higo Bank Ltd. 1,499,000 9,634
  Sumitomo Osaka Cement Co. Ltd. 2,931,000 9,546
  Daishi Bank Ltd. 2,515,000 9,485
  ABC-Mart Inc. 165,289 9,405
  KYORIN Holdings Inc. 408,800 9,403
  Jafco Co. Ltd. 248,500 9,311
  Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd. 5,051,000 9,258
  HIS Co. Ltd. 276,200 9,206
  UNY Group Holdings Co. Ltd. 1,626,800 9,199
  Tokai Rika Co. Ltd. 374,000 9,138
  Sankyu Inc. 1,943,000 9,113
  SKY Perfect JSAT Holdings Inc. 1,448,500 9,073
  Nisshin Steel Co. Ltd. 680,292 9,067
  Kagoshima Bank Ltd. 1,236,000 8,897
  Coca-Cola East Japan Co. Ltd. 475,293 8,882
  Start Today Co. Ltd. 362,376 8,877
  Hyakugo Bank Ltd. 1,800,000 8,849
  Aica Kogyo Co. Ltd. 381,100 8,752
  Musashino Bank Ltd. 241,100 8,729
^ Kagome Co. Ltd. 555,800 8,716
  Nihon Parkerizing Co. Ltd. 765,600 8,704
  Cosmos Pharmaceutical Corp. 64,600 8,697
^ Ito En Ltd. 417,200 8,669
  Japan Petroleum Exploration Co. Ltd. 225,053 8,663




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Nipro Corp. 901,200 8,648
  Nippon Konpo Unyu Soko Co. Ltd. 488,300 8,604
  Autobacs Seven Co. Ltd. 550,600 8,576
  NOF Corp. 1,095,000 8,424
  Itochu Techno-Solutions Corp. 366,198 8,340
  Calsonic Kansei Corp. 1,139,000 8,303
  NTT Urban Development Corp. 792,900 8,255
  Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank Ltd. 2,421,000 8,160
* Kumagai Gumi Co. Ltd. 2,553,000 8,155
^ Bic Camera Inc. 817,100 8,149
  North Pacific Bank Ltd. 2,054,100 8,112
  Toagosei Co. Ltd. 1,827,000 8,108
  Nihon M&A Center Inc. 231,900 8,070
  Kissei Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 270,700 8,035
  Hokkoku Bank Ltd. 2,215,000 8,023
  SHO-BOND Holdings Co. Ltd. 181,900 8,019
  Kyowa Exeo Corp. 675,500 7,881
  Nachi-Fujikoshi Corp. 1,341,000 7,841
  Fuji Machine Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 633,900 7,822
  Penta-Ocean Construction Co. Ltd. 2,062,700 7,732
  Hitachi Capital Corp. 340,100 7,705
  Maeda Road Construction Co. Ltd. 465,000 7,663
  Coca-Cola West Co. Ltd. 477,926 7,604
  Hazama Ando Corp. 1,337,800 7,591
  Yamato Kogyo Co. Ltd. 320,455 7,540
  Anritsu Corp. 1,047,832 7,513
^ Kenedix Inc. 1,886,100 7,511
  Pola Orbis Holdings Inc. 144,716 7,509
  Senshu Ikeda Holdings Inc. 1,687,960 7,492
  Toho Holdings Co. Ltd. 428,200 7,457
  Matsui Securities Co. Ltd. 798,800 7,422
  Canon Marketing Japan Inc. 394,900 7,418
  Toda Corp. 1,796,000 7,402
  Rengo Co. Ltd. 1,681,000 7,350
^ MonotaRO Co. Ltd. 212,600 7,315
  Kiyo Bank Ltd. 506,800 7,267
  Ship Healthcare Holdings Inc. 297,300 7,266
  Nissan Shatai Co. Ltd. 561,400 7,227
*,^ Aiful Corp. 2,092,700 7,216
  Shochiku Co. Ltd. 838,000 7,198
* Cosmo Oil Co. Ltd. 4,795,850 7,110
  Central Glass Co. Ltd. 1,545,000 7,099
  Nishimatsu Construction Co. Ltd. 1,926,000 7,093
  Nanto Bank Ltd. 1,953,000 7,060
  Nippon Seiki Co. Ltd. 350,000 7,037
  Capcom Co. Ltd. 376,100 7,006
  Nichi-iko Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 332,300 6,995
  Sangetsu Co. Ltd. 454,300 6,989
  Hikari Tsushin Inc. 104,600 6,981
  Pilot Corp. 129,100 6,959
  Maeda Corp. 956,000 6,955
  Hyakujushi Bank Ltd. 2,026,000 6,955
  Toyo Ink SC Holdings Co. Ltd. 1,458,000 6,942
^ Fukuyama Transporting Co. Ltd. 1,220,000 6,913
  Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co. Ltd. 4,943,700 6,880
  Fuyo General Lease Co. Ltd. 168,000 6,872
  Toho Bank Ltd. 1,625,000 6,857
  Arcs Co. Ltd. 327,300 6,848
  Onward Holdings Co. Ltd. 1,012,000 6,806
  Amano Corp. 529,100 6,806
*,^ COLOPL Inc. 331,500 6,788
* Nippon Sheet Glass Co. Ltd. 6,665,413 6,752
  Mochida Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 98,200 6,712
^ J Trust Co. Ltd. 649,600 6,689




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Meitec Corp. 207,300 6,676
^ Toyota Boshoku Corp. 449,478 6,673
  Makino Milling Machine Co. Ltd. 728,000 6,649
  United Arrows Ltd. 214,800 6,610
  Miura Co. Ltd. 587,600 6,596
  Duskin Co. Ltd. 384,100 6,584
  Inaba Denki Sangyo Co. Ltd. 181,500 6,562
  FP Corp. 182,400 6,544
  Okumura Corp. 1,365,000 6,538
  Takasago Thermal Engineering Co. Ltd. 500,100 6,486
  Ain Pharmaciez Inc. 183,800 6,485
  Nippon Soda Co. Ltd. 1,037,000 6,479
  Sanken Electric Co. Ltd. 846,000 6,470
  Shinmaywa Industries Ltd. 617,000 6,414
  Hitachi Zosen Corp. 1,160,300 6,397
  Relo Holdings Inc. 77,800 6,387
  Fujitec Co. Ltd. 586,200 6,374
^ Zensho Holdings Co. Ltd. 680,800 6,372
  Nippo Corp. 381,000 6,372
  Mitsubishi Pencil Co. Ltd. 168,100 6,356
  Asatsu-DK Inc. 230,000 6,324
  Kokuyo Co. Ltd. 685,700 6,264
  Valor Co. Ltd. 293,400 6,254
  Heiwa Corp. 297,600 6,205
  Alpine Electronics Inc. 303,300 6,163
^ Welcia Holdings Co. Ltd. 139,760 6,111
  Sumitomo Bakelite Co. Ltd. 1,332,000 6,073
  Nippon Gas Co. Ltd. 243,000 6,060
  Tokyo Seimitsu Co. Ltd. 281,000 6,057
  Kintetsu World Express Inc. 130,800 6,025
* Ulvac Inc. 352,300 5,999
  Taikisha Ltd. 222,700 5,978
  Fujitsu General Ltd. 415,000 5,977
  Hanwa Co. Ltd. 1,440,000 5,953
  HI-LEX Corp. 183,000 5,857
  Yamanashi Chuo Bank Ltd. 1,261,000 5,856
  Nippon Light Metal Holdings Co. Ltd. 3,773,600 5,846
  GMO internet Inc. 463,400 5,825
  Kadokawa Dwango Corp. 369,718 5,819
  Kanamoto Co. Ltd. 198,800 5,815
  Bank of Iwate Ltd. 128,600 5,775
  Takara Standard Co. Ltd. 707,000 5,752
  Tokyo Dome Corp. 1,344,000 5,730
  Morinaga Milk Industry Co. Ltd. 1,533,000 5,681
  DCM Holdings Co. Ltd. 679,900 5,670
  Heiwado Co. Ltd. 235,800 5,663
  IBJ Leasing Co. Ltd. 253,100 5,660
  Ryosan Co. Ltd. 237,600 5,658
^ Colowide Co. Ltd. 406,100 5,612
  Hogy Medical Co. Ltd. 116,500 5,609
  Bank of Okinawa Ltd. 132,500 5,592
  Daio Paper Corp. 526,000 5,580
  Tokuyama Corp. 2,503,000 5,569
  Nippon Television Holdings Inc. 322,400 5,559
  Yaoko Co. Ltd. 157,000 5,559
  Nippon Suisan Kaisha Ltd. 1,817,900 5,519
  Exedy Corp. 224,200 5,506
  Kureha Corp. 1,201,000 5,497
^ Wacom Co. Ltd. 1,059,300 5,492
  KYB Co. Ltd. 1,446,000 5,490
  Seiko Holdings Corp. 1,029,000 5,452
  Unipres Corp. 262,300 5,415
  TPR Co. Ltd. 205,500 5,391
  San-A Co. Ltd. 128,700 5,382




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Mitsuba Corp. 253,700 5,347
  Accordia Golf Co. Ltd. 524,900 5,339
  Saibu Gas Co. Ltd. 2,259,000 5,307
  Daiseki Co. Ltd. 297,500 5,294
  Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc. 382,000 5,291
  Mandom Corp. 137,100 5,284
  Obara Group Inc. 89,700 5,277
*,^ Laox Co. Ltd. 1,883,000 5,274
  Sumitomo Warehouse Co. Ltd. 929,000 5,242
^ Yoshinoya Holdings Co. Ltd. 458,800 5,236
  Tokyo Steel Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 756,900 5,225
  Toshiba TEC Corp. 941,000 5,219
^ Yamagata Bank Ltd. 1,173,000 5,215
  Hokuetsu Kishu Paper Co. Ltd. 951,600 5,176
  Tokyo TY Financial Group Inc. 180,624 5,164
  Itoham Foods Inc. 955,000 5,159
  Hitachi Transport System Ltd. 319,400 5,151
  Morinaga & Co. Ltd. 1,535,000 5,146
  TSI Holdings Co. Ltd. 753,500 5,129
^ Bank of Nagoya Ltd. 1,395,000 5,128
  Keihin Corp. 309,300 5,066
  Fuji Seal International Inc. 167,900 5,037
^ EDION Corp. 689,200 5,030
  UACJ Corp. 1,738,006 5,025
^ Nissha Printing Co. Ltd. 259,432 5,024
  Topre Corp. 311,200 5,021
  Mirait Holdings Corp. 443,500 5,012
  Aida Engineering Ltd. 435,800 4,968
  Fuji Oil 341,400 4,964
  ZERIA Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 312,000 4,949
  Ai Holdings Corp. 271,100 4,930
  Nitto Boseki Co. Ltd. 1,291,000 4,920
^ Fuji Kyuko Co. Ltd. 521,000 4,891
  Trusco Nakayama Corp. 144,100 4,852
  Komeri Co. Ltd. 215,300 4,845
  Kandenko Co. Ltd. 762,000 4,834
  Futaba Corp. 289,300 4,819
  Asahi Diamond Industrial Co. Ltd. 391,400 4,812
  Japan Securities Finance Co. Ltd. 734,700 4,808
  Meidensha Corp. 1,447,000 4,798
  Seikagaku Corp. 281,900 4,795
  Aomori Bank Ltd. 1,452,000 4,792
  Jaccs Co. Ltd. 911,000 4,783
  TOMONY Holdings Inc. 1,007,100 4,781
  Financial Products Group Co. Ltd. 462,000 4,772
  Komori Corp. 382,800 4,767
  Okamura Corp. 609,700 4,753
  Kanematsu Corp. 2,987,000 4,693
^ COOKPAD Inc. 110,000 4,683
  Megmilk Snow Brand Co. Ltd. 389,700 4,673
  Mitsumi Electric Co. Ltd. 616,900 4,620
  Totetsu Kogyo Co. Ltd. 204,500 4,612
  Ashikaga Holdings Co. Ltd. 1,101,300 4,604
  Koei Tecmo Holdings Co. Ltd. 303,000 4,591
  Nissin Kogyo Co. Ltd. 278,100 4,584
  Nichias Corp. 758,000 4,574
  Asahi Holdings Inc. 242,900 4,571
  Nikkiso Co. Ltd. 487,900 4,564
  Nippon Densetsu Kogyo Co. Ltd. 268,100 4,502
  Noritz Corp. 261,600 4,479
  Ariake Japan Co. Ltd. 134,600 4,478
  FCC Co. Ltd. 275,800 4,475
  NEC Networks & System Integration Corp. 208,400 4,466
  Transcosmos Inc. 184,400 4,465




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Kuroda Electric Co. Ltd. 248,000 4,458
  NET One Systems Co. Ltd. 619,500 4,449
  Star Micronics Co. Ltd. 273,400 4,447
* Orient Corp. 2,757,700 4,445
  Nichicon Corp. 481,700 4,444
  Oita Bank Ltd. 1,131,000 4,424
  Descente Ltd. 343,900 4,415
  Nippon Signal Co. Ltd. 460,800 4,413
  Sakata Seed Corp. 253,600 4,397
  Tochigi Bank Ltd. 815,000 4,378
^ Gree Inc. 677,455 4,374
  Takuma Co. Ltd. 569,000 4,371
  Kameda Seika Co. Ltd. 106,951 4,356
  Miyazaki Bank Ltd. 1,093,000 4,345
  NSD Co. Ltd. 299,020 4,336
  Tokai Carbon Co. Ltd. 1,476,000 4,326
  kabu.com Securities Co. Ltd. 591,200 4,315
  Cocokara fine Inc. 141,300 4,311
  Yamazen Corp. 484,300 4,309
^ Jin Co. Ltd. 110,800 4,263
^ Matsuya Co. Ltd. 281,000 4,235
  Taiyo Holdings Co. Ltd. 122,800 4,223
  Foster Electric Co. Ltd. 163,100 4,221
  Oiles Corp. 219,280 4,179
  Marusan Securities Co. Ltd. 418,200 4,178
  Nihon Unisys Ltd. 439,200 4,168
  Furukawa Co. Ltd. 2,398,000 4,161
  Chiyoda Co. Ltd. 194,600 4,160
  Daibiru Corp. 423,000 4,153
  Yodogawa Steel Works Ltd. 1,025,000 4,150
  Monex Group Inc. 1,524,100 4,142
^ Kusuri No Aoki Co. Ltd. 56,200 4,138
  Doutor Nichires Holdings Co. Ltd. 218,100 4,119
  Aichi Steel Corp. 856,000 4,115
  PanaHome Corp. 564,000 4,111
  Sanyo Special Steel Co. Ltd. 847,000 4,099
  Axial Retailing Inc. 140,543 4,096
  Fuji Media Holdings Inc. 292,000 4,088
  Chudenko Corp. 213,500 4,065
  Paramount Bed Holdings Co. Ltd. 149,800 4,059
  Takara Leben Co. Ltd. 665,000 4,054
^ Senko Co. Ltd. 642,000 4,054
  AOKI Holdings Inc. 291,000 4,034
  Akita Bank Ltd. 1,299,000 4,011
  Higashi-Nippon Bank Ltd. 1,132,000 4,002
  MOS Food Services Inc. 193,300 3,976
  Sanden Holdings Corp. 846,000 3,943
  Saizeriya Co. Ltd. 192,800 3,927
* Pioneer Corp. 2,041,900 3,914
  Shinko Electric Industries Co. Ltd. 487,900 3,899
  Eagle Industry Co. Ltd. 193,000 3,898
  Aichi Bank Ltd. 74,500 3,897
  Okinawa Electric Power Co. Inc. 102,200 3,883
^ Kyoritsu Maintenance Co. Ltd. 80,280 3,878
  Nitta Corp. 141,500 3,878
  Shima Seiki Manufacturing Ltd. 223,700 3,862
  NS Solutions Corp. 115,000 3,858
  Chugoku Marine Paints Ltd. 445,000 3,856
  TOC Co. Ltd. 502,400 3,839
^ Royal Holdings Co. Ltd. 207,800 3,833
  Hitachi Maxell Ltd. 237,700 3,826
  Avex Group Holdings Inc. 247,300 3,817
  Toei Co. Ltd. 517,000 3,810
  Joyful Honda Co. Ltd. 97,066 3,801




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Fuji Co. Ltd. 212,000 3,793
  Toho Zinc Co. Ltd. 985,000 3,792
^ ASKUL Corp. 161,500 3,781
  Japan Wool Textile Co. Ltd. 503,000 3,781
  Iino Kaiun Kaisha Ltd. 718,600 3,780
  Showa Corp. 357,300 3,775
  Daihen Corp. 771,000 3,764
  Sato Holdings Corp. 162,900 3,762
  Tokyu Construction Co. Ltd. 639,890 3,749
  Aeon Delight Co. Ltd. 141,300 3,742
  Nippon Flour Mills Co. Ltd. 758,000 3,740
  Kyudenko Corp. 281,000 3,736
  Showa Sangyo Co. Ltd. 911,000 3,719
  Fukui Bank Ltd. 1,652,000 3,716
  Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Corp. 267,000 3,712
  Minato Bank Ltd. 1,506,000 3,706
  Mani Inc. 55,100 3,688
  Gurunavi Inc. 199,000 3,683
  Nihon Nohyaku Co. Ltd. 350,100 3,676
  Eighteenth Bank Ltd. 1,119,000 3,663
  Bank of the Ryukyus Ltd. 249,700 3,643
  Tokyo Broadcasting System Holdings Inc. 277,300 3,635
  Nitto Kogyo Corp. 200,500 3,630
  Sankyo Tateyama Inc. 194,100 3,628
  Starts Corp. Inc. 229,085 3,605
  Mizuno Corp. 692,000 3,601
  Toppan Forms Co. Ltd. 300,000 3,596
  Bunka Shutter Co. Ltd. 395,600 3,594
  Enplas Corp. 89,200 3,590
  Inabata & Co. Ltd. 341,200 3,589
  Heiwa Real Estate Co. Ltd. 263,400 3,575
  Sanki Engineering Co. Ltd. 446,400 3,565
  Earth Chemical Co. Ltd. 96,900 3,563
  Fujimori Kogyo Co. Ltd. 113,000 3,555
  CKD Corp. 386,800 3,545
  Nippon Steel & Sumikin Bussan Corp. 1,032,480 3,517
^ Maruha Nichiro Corp. 252,900 3,511
  Toshiba Machine Co. Ltd. 789,000 3,504
  Jowa Holdings Co. Ltd. 86,400 3,503
  St. Marc Holdings Co. Ltd. 104,100 3,501
  Fancl Corp. 268,500 3,491
  Nishimatsuya Chain Co. Ltd. 375,300 3,488
  Fuji Soft Inc. 171,500 3,487
* Nippon Chemi-Con Corp. 1,154,000 3,480
  Kato Sangyo Co. Ltd. 163,900 3,469
  Namura Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. 378,708 3,465
  Dainichiseika Color & Chemicals Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 640,000 3,459
  Ihara Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. 264,100 3,445
  Plenus Co. Ltd. 176,300 3,443
  Riso Kagaku Corp. 207,400 3,433
  Eizo Corp. 154,700 3,432
  Nagaileben Co. Ltd. 189,200 3,411
^ Iseki & Co. Ltd. 1,649,000 3,410
  Sanyo Chemical Industries Ltd. 437,000 3,405
  Sodick Co. Ltd. 327,600 3,405
  Kitz Corp. 670,700 3,401
  Towa Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 64,300 3,400
  Chofu Seisakusho Co. Ltd. 142,200 3,399
^ Internet Initiative Japan Inc. 199,700 3,377
  Daikyo Inc. 2,242,000 3,373
  DTS Corp. 165,100 3,360
*,^ Pacific Metals Co. Ltd. 1,101,000 3,349
  Nomura Co. Ltd. 312,900 3,346
  Paltac Corp. 233,100 3,340




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Gunze Ltd. 1,237,000 3,326
  Ryobi Ltd. 1,017,000 3,321
  Yondoshi Holdings Inc. 150,100 3,298
  Musashi Seimitsu Industry Co. Ltd. 155,700 3,296
  Max Co. Ltd. 291,000 3,287
  TOKAI Holdings Corp. 772,300 3,277
  Nishio Rent All Co. Ltd. 114,800 3,268
  Moshi Moshi Hotline Inc. 302,500 3,268
  Juki Corp. 1,104,000 3,265
  Xebio Co. Ltd. 184,600 3,258
^ Shibuya Kogyo Co. Ltd. 157,400 3,235
  Adastria Holdings Co. Ltd. 106,380 3,227
^ Modec Inc. 194,600 3,224
  Hokuetsu Bank Ltd. 1,603,000 3,220
  As One Corp. 100,000 3,210
^ Takata Corp. 259,300 3,206
  Nisshin Oillio Group Ltd. 868,000 3,192
^ Tekken Corp. 947,000 3,176
  Wakita & Co. Ltd. 317,800 3,169
^ Dr Ci:Labo Co. Ltd. 84,000 3,160
^ Gulliver International Co. Ltd. 402,800 3,151
  TKC Corp. 131,800 3,148
  Topy Industries Ltd. 1,311,000 3,142
  Takasago International Corp. 679,000 3,135
* United Super Markets Holdings Inc. 361,760 3,133
  Siix Corp. 117,900 3,132
  Tachi-S Co. Ltd. 202,600 3,117
  Seiren Co. Ltd. 357,300 3,115
  Sintokogio Ltd. 370,500 3,103
  Itochu Enex Co. Ltd. 341,800 3,087
  Milbon Co. Ltd. 97,092 3,080
  Sakata INX Corp. 323,600 3,072
  Shikoku Bank Ltd. 1,435,000 3,065
  Toyo Engineering Corp. 1,085,000 3,035
  Nichii Gakkan Co. 325,600 3,023
  Sumitomo Real Estate Sales Co. Ltd. 111,160 3,021
^ Kura Corp. 77,800 3,000
  Raito Kogyo Co. Ltd. 378,400 2,984
  Okabe Co. Ltd. 343,200 2,984
^ Tomy Co. Ltd. 490,300 2,980
  Ricoh Leasing Co. Ltd. 102,700 2,977
  Fujimi Inc. 175,400 2,966
  Marudai Food Co. Ltd. 823,000 2,962
  Hitachi Koki Co. Ltd. 360,000 2,961
  Press Kogyo Co. Ltd. 667,800 2,960
  JVC Kenwood Corp. 968,700 2,942
  Sanyo Denki Co. Ltd. 351,000 2,940
  GMO Payment Gateway Inc. 114,400 2,939
* Macnica Fuji Electronics Holdings Inc. 236,551 2,914
  Nippon Thompson Co. Ltd. 511,000 2,911
  Piolax Inc. 65,700 2,911
  Tamron Co. Ltd. 122,800 2,901
  Sekisui Jushi Corp. 218,100 2,899
  YAMABIKO Corp. 66,800 2,894
^ Marvelous Inc. 217,000 2,888
  Yorozu Corp. 140,900 2,878
  Jeol Ltd. 561,000 2,840
  Hokuto Corp. 158,000 2,838
  Wowow Inc. 85,700 2,833
  Prima Meat Packers Ltd. 992,000 2,825
  Kyoei Steel Ltd. 172,400 2,824
  Hosiden Corp. 482,700 2,824
^ Tsugami Corp. 483,000 2,823
  Ichiyoshi Securities Co. Ltd. 262,700 2,820




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  TV Asahi Holdings Corp. 152,700 2,818
  Token Corp. 55,650 2,817
  Kurabo Industries Ltd. 1,603,000 2,809
  Daido Metal Co. Ltd. 258,800 2,809
  Kumiai Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. 318,000 2,808
^ Tokyotokeiba Co. Ltd. 1,141,000 2,788
^ OSAKA Titanium Technologies Co. Ltd. 129,500 2,786
  San-Ai Oil Co. Ltd. 419,000 2,783
  Mitsuboshi Belting Co. Ltd. 347,000 2,782
  Shizuoka Gas Co. Ltd. 426,100 2,764
  Bank of Saga Ltd. 1,046,000 2,762
  Mitsui-Soko Holdings Co. Ltd. 787,000 2,758
  Yokogawa Bridge Holdings Corp. 242,800 2,750
  Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 537,000 2,750
  Geo Holdings Corp. 251,900 2,736
^ Ichibanya Co. Ltd. 60,900 2,736
  Ohsho Food Service Corp. 76,700 2,725
  Takamatsu Construction Group Co. Ltd. 117,400 2,723
  Pal Co. Ltd. 84,400 2,713
  Tokai Corp. 80,700 2,699
  Ringer Hut Co. Ltd. 137,900 2,698
  Dydo Drinco Inc. 64,800 2,681
^ Kisoji Co. Ltd. 161,300 2,676
  Morita Holdings Corp. 286,000 2,672
  Doshisha Co. Ltd. 176,700 2,651
  Broadleaf Co. Ltd. 169,900 2,649
  Fujicco Co. Ltd. 156,000 2,634
* Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha Ltd. 2,649,000 2,629
  Tsukishima Kikai Co. Ltd. 260,700 2,616
  Canon Electronics Inc. 130,100 2,610
  Noevir Holdings Co. Ltd. 122,100 2,608
  Shikoku Chemicals Corp. 296,000 2,598
  Riken Corp. 668,000 2,598
  Yuasa Trading Co. Ltd. 117,800 2,594
^ JCR Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. 106,500 2,585
*,^ KLab Inc. 215,600 2,579
  CREATE SD HOLDINGS Co. Ltd. 58,900 2,565
  Nippon Road Co. Ltd. 473,000 2,552
  Hiday Hidaka Corp. 104,880 2,550
  Kato Works Co. Ltd. 397,000 2,543
  Toa Corp. (Tokyo Shares 1885) 1,447,000 2,533
  Round One Corp. 476,900 2,527
  Daiwabo Holdings Co. Ltd. 1,511,000 2,519
  BML Inc. 82,700 2,518
  Kyokuto Securities Co. Ltd. 167,000 2,496
  Kyokuto Kaihatsu Kogyo Co. Ltd. 222,500 2,475
  Sumitomo Seika Chemicals Co. Ltd. 328,000 2,464
  Pacific Industrial Co. Ltd. 296,500 2,452
  Bando Chemical Industries Ltd. 614,000 2,449
  T-Gaia Corp. 180,600 2,447
  Koa Corp. 238,500 2,443
^ Atom Corp. 372,000 2,443
  Goldcrest Co. Ltd. 124,220 2,441
  Joshin Denki Co. Ltd. 300,000 2,407
  Belc Co. Ltd. 82,300 2,400
  Yellow Hat Ltd. 108,300 2,393
  Noritake Co. Ltd. 1,012,000 2,390
  Trancom Co. Ltd. 50,500 2,384
  Nippon Carbon Co. Ltd. 766,000 2,371
  Arcland Sakamoto Co. Ltd. 98,100 2,366
  C Uyemura & Co. Ltd. 47,700 2,364
  J-Oil Mills Inc. 698,000 2,360
  Torii Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 89,200 2,360
  Tamura Corp. 550,000 2,339




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  PGM Holdings K K 219,400 2,334
^ Daiho Corp. 461,000 2,306
  Jimoto Holdings Inc. 1,211,500 2,303
  Ehime Bank Ltd. 1,088,000 2,303
  OBIC Business Consultants Ltd. 61,100 2,302
  Eiken Chemical Co. Ltd. 116,100 2,300
  Goldwin Inc. 323,000 2,280
  Daikyonishikawa Corp. 76,400 2,279
  Teikoku Sen-I Co. Ltd. 159,400 2,276
  Sac's Bar Holdings Inc. 127,200 2,272
  Union Tool Co. 75,100 2,267
  Fujita Kanko Inc. 572,000 2,264
  Mitani Corp. 104,969 2,263
  Daiso Co. Ltd. 647,000 2,263
  Sanyo Electric Railway Co. Ltd. 575,093 2,254
  Konoike Transport Co. Ltd. 210,400 2,250
  SMS Co. Ltd. 182,200 2,241
  Toridoll.corp 159,100 2,236
  Aisan Industry Co. Ltd. 236,900 2,230
  T Hasegawa Co. Ltd. 151,700 2,223
  Mitsubishi Shokuhin Co. Ltd. 104,500 2,208
  Sumitomo Riko Co. Ltd. 253,900 2,196
*,^ Nippon Yakin Kogyo Co. Ltd. 1,098,300 2,193
  Sanyo Shokai Ltd. 839,000 2,192
  Hibiya Engineering Ltd. 165,000 2,189
^ Clarion Co. Ltd. 788,000 2,188
  Nichiha Corp. 196,900 2,184
  Tv Tokyo Holdings Corp. 117,600 2,182
^ F@N Communications Inc. 261,600 2,176
* Unitika Ltd. 4,322,000 2,172
  Chiyoda Integre Co. Ltd. 87,100 2,163
  Mitsui Sugar Co. Ltd. 594,000 2,141
  Kohnan Shoji Co. Ltd. 191,900 2,140
  Sakai Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. 648,000 2,139
  Ikyu Corp. 109,500 2,137
  Yokohama Reito Co. Ltd. 300,700 2,129
  Japan Pulp & Paper Co. Ltd. 775,000 2,126
  Futaba Industrial Co. Ltd. 422,600 2,124
  Katakura Industries Co. Ltd. 195,100 2,105
  Meisei Industrial Co. Ltd. 383,700 2,097
  Zenrin Co. Ltd. 170,600 2,093
^ Akebono Brake Industry Co. Ltd. 593,900 2,079
  Nippon Synthetic Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. 295,000 2,065
  Jamco Corp. 72,200 2,062
  Warabeya Nichiyo Co. Ltd. 91,700 2,053
  Roland DG Corp. 76,600 2,050
  Nissin Electric Co. Ltd. 313,000 2,050
^ Toyo Tanso Co. Ltd. 108,300 2,039
  Okamoto Industries Inc. 519,000 2,030
  Aderans Co. Ltd. 215,100 2,029
  Kinugawa Rubber Industrial Co. Ltd. 438,000 2,014
  EPS Holdings Inc. 172,800 2,012
  Optex Co. Ltd. 93,300 1,998
  UKC Holdings Corp. 112,600 1,996
  Daisan Bank Ltd. 1,204,000 1,985
* Create Restaurants Holdings Inc. 104,810 1,985
  Denki Kogyo Co. Ltd. 425,000 1,983
  Taihei Dengyo Kaisha Ltd. 235,000 1,982
  Cosel Co. Ltd. 167,900 1,982
  Kansai Urban Banking Corp. 181,100 1,980
  Shinko Plantech Co. Ltd. 261,700 1,980
  Tsurumi Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 131,800 1,978
  Nippon Denko Co. Ltd. 806,000 1,975
*,^ Kobe Bussan Co. Ltd. 46,300 1,970




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Tosei Corp. 271,800 1,964
  Ines Corp. 205,800 1,952
  Nippon Koei Co. Ltd. 464,000 1,951
  Oyo Corp. 148,200 1,948
^ Kanto Denka Kogyo Co. Ltd. 312,000 1,945
*,^ Dip Corp. 30,900 1,944
  Mitsubishi Steel Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 848,000 1,921
*,^ Toho Titanium Co. Ltd. 224,200 1,911
  Nohmi Bosai Ltd. 152,100 1,911
  Tsukuba Bank Ltd. 558,300 1,910
^ Tabuchi Electric Co. Ltd. 175,900 1,903
  Fujibo Holdings Inc. 763,000 1,902
^ Toyo Construction Co. Ltd. 489,500 1,895
  Neturen Co. Ltd. 253,200 1,885
  Itoki Corp. 318,000 1,884
^ FIDEA Holdings Co. Ltd. 944,200 1,879
  Pack Corp. 85,600 1,867
  Alpen Co. Ltd. 112,600 1,840
  Next Co. Ltd. 188,900 1,840
  Japan Digital Laboratory Co. Ltd. 120,200 1,831
  Tocalo Co. Ltd. 92,700 1,820
  Fudo Tetra Corp. 960,200 1,815
  Key Coffee Inc. 119,100 1,800
  Nittetsu Mining Co. Ltd. 452,000 1,795
  Mito Securities Co. Ltd. 476,700 1,789
  Towa Bank Ltd. 2,058,000 1,787
^ Keiyo Co. Ltd. 381,900 1,782
  Tonami Holdings Co. Ltd. 492,000 1,779
  Nitto Kohki Co. Ltd. 87,700 1,775
  Nippon Parking Development Co. Ltd. 1,170,400 1,767
  Benefit One Inc. 121,300 1,764
  Megachips Corp. 149,600 1,764
  Melco Holdings Inc. 85,400 1,762
  Nissin Corp. 654,000 1,752
  Toyo Corp. 186,300 1,748
  Denyo Co. Ltd. 115,300 1,743
  SMK Corp. 420,000 1,740
  Belluna Co. Ltd. 359,300 1,735
  Chiba Kogyo Bank Ltd. 251,000 1,734
  Hamakyorex Co. Ltd. 46,500 1,733
  JSP Corp. 91,300 1,730
  Aiphone Co. Ltd. 103,600 1,724
^ Michinoku Bank Ltd. 965,000 1,723
  Konishi Co. Ltd. 97,700 1,713
  Sogo Medical Co. Ltd. 62,600 1,713
  Icom Inc. 69,700 1,704
  Senshukai Co. Ltd. 236,100 1,703
  Maruzen Showa Unyu Co. Ltd. 493,000 1,695
  Idec Corp. 187,300 1,695
  Pressance Corp. 52,800 1,692
* Mitsubishi Paper Mills Ltd. 2,200,000 1,688
^ Japan Cash Machine Co. Ltd. 114,900 1,683
^ Kappa Create Holdings Co. Ltd. 181,500 1,683
  Toa Corp. (Tokyo Shares 6809) 160,400 1,671
*,^ Kintetsu Department Store Co. Ltd. 610,000 1,671
  Mie Bank Ltd. 721,000 1,664
  Vital KSK Holdings Inc. 225,100 1,662
  Tenma Corp. 102,600 1,660
  Sagami Chain Co. Ltd. 165,256 1,658
  Toyo Kohan Co. Ltd. 349,100 1,658
  Ryoyo Electro Corp. 142,700 1,656
  Meiko Network Japan Co. Ltd. 133,600 1,652
^ S Foods Inc. 92,500 1,648
  Kurimoto Ltd. 857,000 1,646




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Hisaka Works Ltd. 179,100 1,643
  Daikokutenbussan Co. Ltd. 39,100 1,641
  Keihanshin Building Co. Ltd. 275,000 1,624
  Tokushu Tokai Paper Co. Ltd. 710,000 1,621
  Misawa Homes Co. Ltd. 183,000 1,617
  Osaka Steel Co. Ltd. 87,500 1,615
  Daiichi Jitsugyo Co. Ltd. 306,000 1,614
  Nichiden Corp. 70,700 1,600
  Sanshin Electronics Co. Ltd. 194,300 1,600
  Tokyo Energy & Systems Inc. 168,000 1,596
  Kyodo Printing Co. Ltd. 513,000 1,593
  Elecom Co. Ltd. 69,900 1,574
^ Mitsubishi Kakoki Kaisha Ltd. 441,000 1,566
  ASKA Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 156,800 1,564
^ NS United Kaiun Kaisha Ltd. 650,000 1,559
^ Nippon Ceramic Co. Ltd. 109,400 1,559
  Sekisui Plastics Co. Ltd. 378,000 1,550
  Starzen Co. Ltd. 474,000 1,547
  Fukuda Corp. 239,000 1,540
  Ryoden Trading Co. Ltd. 214,000 1,538
  Yushin Precision Equipment Co. Ltd. 71,200 1,538
  Sun Frontier Fudousan Co. Ltd. 160,900 1,533
  Kasai Kogyo Co. Ltd. 177,700 1,519
  Toyo Securities Co. Ltd. 479,000 1,517
  Open House Co. Ltd. 59,500 1,513
  Kaga Electronics Co. Ltd. 124,900 1,509
  Yusen Logistics Co. Ltd. 122,700 1,501
  Kyokuyo Co. Ltd. 650,000 1,500
*,^ Janome Sewing Machine Co. Ltd. 1,259,000 1,496
  Nagatanien Co. Ltd. 161,000 1,496
* Justsystems Corp. 236,900 1,495
  Sinfonia Technology Co. Ltd. 876,000 1,491
  Achilles Corp. 1,141,000 1,491
  Okuwa Co. Ltd. 180,000 1,481
^ OSJB Holdings Corp. 709,200 1,467
  ESPEC Corp. 135,000 1,464
  Ateam Inc. 68,600 1,459
  Shimizu Bank Ltd. 54,900 1,458
  Kita-Nippon Bank Ltd. 53,100 1,456
  Toyo Kanetsu KK 769,000 1,452
  Chukyo Bank Ltd. 768,000 1,451
* Nakayama Steel Works Ltd. 1,844,000 1,446
  Cawachi Ltd. 90,000 1,445
  Elematec Corp. 56,800 1,435
  Nippon Steel & Sumikin Texeng Co. Ltd. 265,000 1,430
  Shinko Shoji Co. Ltd. 139,900 1,430
  Showa Aircraft Industry Co. Ltd. 140,000 1,424
  Fukushima Industries Corp. 84,000 1,411
  Sumitomo Densetsu Co. Ltd. 116,900 1,411
  Nippon Kanzai Co. Ltd. 58,700 1,409
  Weathernews Inc. 47,961 1,409
^ Japan Drilling Co. Ltd. 41,700 1,401
  Yurtec Corp. 219,000 1,400
  Nippon Valqua Industries Ltd. 539,000 1,399
  Studio Alice Co. Ltd. 75,600 1,393
  Hioki EE Corp. 70,500 1,392
  Yahagi Construction Co. Ltd. 213,600 1,387
^ Nippon Sharyo Ltd. 481,000 1,387
  Maeda Kosen Co. Ltd. 147,900 1,387
  Mitsui High-Tec Inc. 184,300 1,387
^ Osaki Electric Co. Ltd. 199,000 1,375
* Tokyo Rope Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 852,000 1,372
  Tsutsumi Jewelry Co. Ltd. 56,600 1,345
  Artnature Inc. 144,000 1,339




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Takiron Co. Ltd. 288,000 1,338
^ Rock Field Co. Ltd. 65,000 1,338
^ WATAMI Co. Ltd. 135,600 1,332
  Matsuda Sangyo Co. Ltd. 103,500 1,329
  CONEXIO Corp. 134,000 1,322
^ AOI Electronics Co. Ltd. 31,530 1,321
  Furuno Electric Co. Ltd. 161,900 1,314
  CHIMNEY Co. Ltd. 52,580 1,313
  Daiwa Industries Ltd. 189,600 1,303
^ Kobelco Eco-Solutions Co. Ltd. 228,000 1,303
  Fuso Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. 499,000 1,299
  Shin-Etsu Polymer Co. Ltd. 265,700 1,298
  Chuetsu Pulp & Paper Co. Ltd. 620,000 1,292
  Tokyo Tekko Co. Ltd. 311,000 1,286
  Happinet Corp. 111,200 1,282
  Japan Radio Co. Ltd. 339,000 1,276
  Itochu-Shokuhin Co. Ltd. 36,000 1,268
  Funai Electric Co. Ltd. 106,700 1,261
^ U-Shin Ltd. 191,000 1,258
  Maruwa Co. Ltd. 55,443 1,256
  Nippon Beet Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 754,000 1,248
  Mimasu Semiconductor Industry Co. Ltd. 108,700 1,246
^ Tsukui Corp. 164,200 1,241
  Fuji Oil Co. Ltd. 354,300 1,241
  Yonekyu Corp. 81,500 1,240
* Fujiya Co. Ltd. 758,000 1,238
  Kamei Corp. 168,500 1,235
  Mitani Sekisan Co. Ltd. 80,500 1,231
  Tosho Co. Ltd. 54,100 1,231
  Kanematsu Electronics Ltd. 80,500 1,228
  Arakawa Chemical Industries Ltd. 110,600 1,223
  Taiho Kogyo Co. Ltd. 94,000 1,213
  Ministop Co. Ltd. 81,700 1,211
^ Torishima Pump Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 163,400 1,210
  Sanoh Industrial Co. Ltd. 163,600 1,200
  Riken Technos Corp. 327,600 1,195
  Koatsu Gas Kogyo Co. Ltd. 229,000 1,192
  Chori Co. Ltd. 75,200 1,191
  K&O Energy Group Inc. 95,000 1,191
^ Godo Steel Ltd. 731,000 1,184
  Mars Engineering Corp. 66,800 1,183
* SWCC Showa Holdings Co. Ltd. 1,478,000 1,172
  Kitagawa Iron Works Co. Ltd. 555,000 1,170
  Mitsubishi Nichiyu Forklift Co. Ltd. 206,600 1,168
  France Bed Holdings Co. Ltd. 780,000 1,167
  Toho Co. Ltd. (Tokyo Shares 8142) 298,000 1,166
  Hakuto Co. Ltd. 95,700 1,163
  Shibusawa Warehouse Co. Ltd. 391,000 1,162
  Toenec Corp. 234,000 1,160
  Sinanen Co. Ltd. 289,000 1,142
  Arata Corp. 420,000 1,142
  Dai Nippon Toryo Co. Ltd. 878,000 1,141
^ Teikoku Electric Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 120,200 1,127
  Daiken Corp. 495,000 1,125
* Giken Ltd. 68,200 1,125
^ JP-Holdings Inc. 391,300 1,121
  Gecoss Corp. 91,200 1,118
  Kanaden Corp. 154,700 1,113
  Hosokawa Micron Corp. 213,000 1,109
  Iwasaki Electric Co. Ltd. 480,000 1,108
^ Toda Kogyo Corp. 315,000 1,107
^ Hokkaido Gas Co. Ltd. 467,000 1,102
^ Nihon Trim Co. Ltd. 35,800 1,101
  Organo Corp. 246,000 1,098




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Yomiuri Land Co. Ltd. 285,000 1,097
  Toyo Denki Seizo - Toyo Electric Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 308,000 1,095
  Tatsuta Electric Wire and Cable Co. Ltd. 248,800 1,088
  Seika Corp. 390,000 1,084
  Cleanup Corp. 135,700 1,080
  Asunaro Aoki Construction Co. Ltd. 144,000 1,071
* KNT-CT Holdings Co. Ltd. 756,000 1,067
  Japan Transcity Corp. 328,000 1,062
  Yushiro Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. 82,100 1,059
  Matsuya Foods Co. Ltd. 53,200 1,059
  Mitsui Matsushima Co. Ltd. 965,571 1,048
  Nippon Coke & Engineering Co. Ltd. 1,073,000 1,045
  Sankyo Seiko Co. Ltd. 239,300 1,037
  Parco Co. Ltd. 109,300 1,036
  Uchida Yoko Co. Ltd. 300,000 1,020
  Atsugi Co. Ltd. 975,000 1,008
  Maezawa Kyuso Industries Co. Ltd. 79,200 1,004
  Nihon Dempa Kogyo Co. Ltd. 121,200 1,002
  Nissei ASB Machine Co. Ltd. 52,100 1,000
  Kitano Construction Corp. 328,000 984
  Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc. 42,600 975
  Komatsu Seiren Co. Ltd. 214,800 971
  Chugai Ro Co. Ltd. 423,000 969
  NDS Co. Ltd. 384,000 965
  Onoken Co. Ltd. 107,800 965
^ Dai-ichi Seiko Co. Ltd. 50,500 963
  Shinwa Co. Ltd. 57,900 963
  GCA Savvian Corp. 90,100 962
  Aichi Corp. 172,800 954
  Shiroki Corp. 287,000 950
  Kyosan Electric Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 298,000 942
  Takaoka Toko Co. Ltd. 72,100 939
^ Kourakuen Corp. 72,039 927
  Asahi Organic Chemicals Industry Co. Ltd. 408,000 922
^ CMIC Holdings Co. Ltd. 61,700 916
  Honeys Co. Ltd. 100,920 911
  Gun-Ei Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. 322,000 911
^ Zuiko Corp. 27,500 908
^ Srg Takamiya Co. Ltd. 130,700 890
  T RAD Co. Ltd. 412,000 888
  Zuken Inc. 98,500 881
  Panasonic Information Systems Co. Ltd. 24,400 873
  Advan Co. Ltd. 63,900 861
  Nippon Chemiphar Co. Ltd. 173,000 861
  Rhythm Watch Co. Ltd. 619,000 861
  Information Services International-Dentsu Ltd. 83,000 857
  KFC Holdings Japan Ltd. 45,000 848
*,^ Shin Nippon Biomedical Laboratories Ltd. 129,900 848
^ Asahi Co. Ltd. 95,400 843
  Dunlop Sports Co. Ltd. 81,171 842
  Tomoku Co. Ltd. 356,000 837
*,^ FDK Corp. 650,000 830
  Nice Holdings Inc. 514,000 830
  Fujitsu Frontech Ltd. 66,900 829
  Nihon Yamamura Glass Co. Ltd. 553,000 814
  Japan Vilene Co. Ltd. 162,000 814
^ Ichikoh Industries Ltd. 357,000 814
  Maezawa Kasei Industries Co. Ltd. 79,800 811
  Sumitomo Precision Products Co. Ltd. 204,000 808
  CMK Corp. 320,900 802
  Tosho Printing Co. Ltd. 252,000 799
  NEC Capital Solutions Ltd. 51,100 794
  Okura Industrial Co. Ltd. 256,000 789
  Toli Corp. 325,000 785




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Noritsu Koki Co. Ltd. 137,500 784
  Corona Corp. Class A 80,100 776
  Hokkan Holdings Ltd. 326,000 760
  Airport Facilities Co. Ltd. 132,700 752
^ Gakken Holdings Co. Ltd. 353,000 746
  Japan Pure Chemical Co. Ltd. 36,300 745
  Taisei Lamick Co. Ltd. 31,700 736
  Mory Industries Inc. 211,000 732
*,^ Aplus Financial Co. Ltd. 675,800 729
  Daisyo Corp. 58,000 729
  CAC Holdings Corp. 80,500 728
^ Toko Inc. 243,000 721
  Future Architect Inc. 118,900 718
^ ValueCommerce Co. Ltd. 145,100 715
  Endo Lighting Corp. 60,300 712
  Uniden Corp. 389,000 712
  Axell Corp. 55,400 706
  Pasona Group Inc. 109,100 699
  Fujikura Kasei Co. Ltd. 146,600 683
  Tokyo Rakutenchi Co. Ltd. 161,000 666
  Pronexus Inc. 100,200 665
  Krosaki Harima Corp. 311,000 662
  Chuo Spring Co. Ltd. 240,000 658
  Right On Co. Ltd. 83,900 651
  Oenon Holdings Inc. 345,000 646
  Daidoh Ltd. 149,000 638
  Takihyo Co. Ltd. 161,000 637
  ST Corp. 72,700 637
*,^ Kinki Sharyo Co. Ltd. 202,000 632
  Daikoku Denki Co. Ltd. 41,600 631
^ Aeon Fantasy Co. Ltd. 39,200 625
  Panasonic Industrial Devices SUNX Co. Ltd. 87,600 622
  Inaba Seisakusho Co. Ltd. 52,000 619
  Alpha Systems Inc. 41,400 612
  Hodogaya Chemical Co. Ltd. 366,000 612
  Paris Miki Holdings Inc. 146,700 588
  Mitsui Home Co. Ltd. 132,000 574
  Shimojima Co. Ltd. 64,300 570
  Stella Chemifa Corp. 50,800 567
*,^ Sanix Inc. 177,000 559
  NIFTY Corp. 43,400 553
^ Best Denki Co. Ltd. 413,600 511
^ Shoko Co. Ltd. 373,000 478
^ Toa Oil Co. Ltd. 377,000 475
  Tokyo Electron Device Ltd. 35,500 472
*,^ Yamada SxL Home Co. Ltd. 518,000 407
*,^ Nissen Holdings Co. Ltd. 178,800 400
  Cybozu Inc. 139,000 392
^ Pocket Card Co. Ltd. 90,300 375
  Kojima Co. Ltd. 133,100 362
  Olympic Group Corp. 53,700 361
*,^ Livesense Inc. 63,200 320
  Ohara Inc. 49,500 253
  Nippon Kasei Chemical Co. Ltd. 172,000 228
Malaysia (0.8%)    
  Public Bank Bhd. (Local) 22,942,414 125,425
  Tenaga Nasional Bhd. 26,048,100 104,837
  Malayan Banking Bhd. 35,028,290 90,517
  CIMB Group Holdings Bhd. 38,871,800 64,305
  Axiata Group Bhd. 31,799,500 60,091
  Sime Darby Bhd. 23,063,200 58,600
  DiGi.Com Bhd. 27,594,600 46,520
  Genting Bhd. 16,368,600 40,181




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Maxis Bhd. 19,313,250 37,558
  Petronas Gas Bhd. 5,860,000 37,362
  Petronas Chemicals Group Bhd. 21,216,527 34,886
  IOI Corp. Bhd. 27,476,186 33,453
  IHH Healthcare Bhd. 20,127,977 33,412
  MISC Bhd. 10,870,230 27,815
  Genting Malaysia Bhd. 21,829,500 26,312
  Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd. 3,963,586 24,658
  IJM Corp. Bhd. 11,537,160 23,757
  AMMB Holdings Bhd. 12,854,700 23,347
  Gamuda Bhd. 14,600,500 21,429
  SapuraKencana Petroleum Bhd. 28,153,122 20,964
  British American Tobacco Malaysia Bhd. 1,049,500 19,701
  PPB Group Bhd. 4,399,600 18,926
  YTL Corp. Bhd. 39,288,886 18,410
  Telekom Malaysia Bhd. 7,933,900 16,474
  Hong Leong Bank Bhd. 4,156,960 16,408
  UMW Holdings Bhd. 4,923,100 14,693
  Petronas Dagangan Bhd. 2,208,000 13,272
  Dialog Group Bhd. 29,063,544 13,184
  Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd. 6,502,300 11,759
  RHB Capital Bhd. 5,172,400 11,452
  Alliance Financial Group Bhd. 8,127,000 10,787
2 Astro Malaysia Holdings Bhd. 11,414,200 10,050
  YTL Power International Bhd. 20,803,980 9,334
  IOI Properties Group Bhd. 14,481,865 8,679
  Bumi Armada Bhd. 25,290,787 8,428
  Lafarge Malaysia Bhd. 3,108,000 8,414
  Felda Global Ventures Holdings Bhd. 13,510,124 7,838
  Genting Plantations Bhd. 2,526,200 7,014
  Hong Leong Financial Group Bhd. 1,545,100 7,007
  KLCCP Stapled Group 3,319,200 6,574
  Bursa Malaysia Bhd. 2,560,700 6,276
  SP Setia Bhd Group 6,247,400 5,973
  Westports Holdings Bhd. 4,713,500 5,948
  AirAsia Bhd. 9,277,000 5,906
  Hartalega Holdings Bhd. 2,574,100 5,889
  Berjaya Sports Toto Bhd. 6,297,574 5,761
  HAP Seng Consolidated Bhd. 4,276,400 5,542
  Cahya Mata Sarawak Bhd. 3,794,200 5,398
  Mah Sing Group Bhd. 9,016,566 5,330
  KPJ Healthcare Bhd. 4,124,790 4,929
  MMC Corp. Bhd. 6,327,900 4,778
  Top Glove Corp. Bhd. 2,967,100 4,670
  Sunway Bhd. 4,328,257 4,598
  BIMB Holdings Bhd. 3,759,060 4,220
  Kossan Rubber Industries 2,447,400 4,122
  QL Resources Bhd. 3,671,364 4,114
  UEM Sunrise Bhd. 11,001,203 3,971
  Berjaya Auto Bhd. 3,420,600 3,876
  TIME dotCom Bhd. 2,235,640 3,824
  Pos Malaysia Bhd. 2,678,400 3,818
  Media Prima Bhd. 8,063,100 3,793
  Malaysia Building Society Bhd. 6,208,900 3,625
  TSH Resources Bhd. 5,587,950 3,540
  WCT Holdings Bhd. 6,723,518 3,441
  Eastern & Oriental Bhd. 6,126,810 3,350
  DRB-Hicom Bhd. 6,350,000 3,346
  CapitaMalls Malaysia Trust 7,587,500 3,177
* Inari Amertron Bhd. 3,478,200 3,090
  Kulim Malaysia Bhd. 4,138,900 3,022
  Pavilion REIT 6,514,200 2,847
  OSK Holdings Bhd. 4,577,490 2,694
* Parkson Holdings Bhd. 4,392,000 2,645




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Malaysian Resources Corp. Bhd. 6,858,100 2,533
  Berjaya Corp. Bhd. 20,670,300 2,517
* Yinson Holdings Bhd. 3,013,200 2,456
  Unisem M Bhd. 3,500,900 2,344
  UMW Oil & Gas Corp. Bhd. 3,575,800 2,196
  IGB Corp. Bhd. 2,722,300 2,184
  Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd. 2,948,300 2,174
* KNM Group Bhd. 11,886,325 2,126
  UOA Development Bhd. 3,268,100 2,076
  Muhibbah Engineering M Bhd. 2,634,200 1,847
  CB Industrial Product Holding Bhd. 3,237,700 1,842
  Jaya Tiasa Holdings Bhd. 4,012,700 1,822
* MPHB Capital Bhd. 3,366,800 1,791
  Gas Malaysia Bhd. 2,301,900 1,723
  TA Enterprise Bhd. 8,317,500 1,653
  Supermax Corp. Bhd. 2,902,600 1,645
  Coastal Contracts Bhd. 1,792,600 1,515
* Puncak Niaga Holdings Bhd. 1,705,700 1,237
  Perdana Petroleum Bhd. 3,191,740 1,214
  Datasonic Group Bhd. 3,860,700 1,144
  Wah Seong Corp. Bhd. 2,866,038 1,059
* Mulpha International Bhd. 9,195,600 992
  Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Holdings Bhd. 2,861,571 978
* Perisai Petroleum Teknologi Bhd. 6,212,000 951
  Mudajaya Group Bhd. 1,777,766 703
  Malaysian Bulk Carriers Bhd. 1,811,400 609
* AirAsia X Bhd. 5,215,000 600
* Scomi Group Bhd. 8,240,100 553
* Lion Industries Corp. Bhd. 2,391,600 298
  Keck Seng Malaysia Bhd. 137,558 213
* Malaysia Building Society Bhd. Warrants Exp. 05/31/2016 568,847 173
* Malaysian Resources Corp. Bhd. Warrants Exp. 09/16/2018 2,286,033 116
* Eastern & Oriental Bhd Warrants Exp. 07/21/2019 1,014,820 105
* BIMB Holdings Bhd. Warrants Exp. 12/04/2023 741,960 83
* Hartalega Holdings Bhd. Warrants Exp. 05/29/2015 72,940 81
* KNM Group Bhd. Warrants Exp. 11/15/2017 1,643,477 76
* Mah Sing Group Bhd. Warrants Exp. 03/18/2018 571,223 70
  Magnum Bhd. 85,100 65
* KNM Group BHD Warrants Exp. 04/21/2020 1,085,087 64
* CB Industrial Product Holding Bhd Warrants Exp. 10/31/2019 462,666 60
* Puncak Niaga Holding Bhd. Warrants Exp. 07/20/2018 111,300 52
* Mah Sing Group Warrants Exp. 01/15/2026 716,017 48
* WCT Holdings Bhd. Warrants Exp. 12/11/2017 558,140 39
* Kulim Malaysia Bhd. Warrants Exp. 02/27/2016 165,750 14
* WCT Holdings Bhd. Warrants Exp. 03/10/2016 288,480 13
* MBM Resources Bhd. Warrants Exp. 06/14/2017 88,380 12
* Coastal Contracts Bhd. Warrants Exp. 07/18/2016 46,016 8
Mexico (0.9%)    
  America Movil SAB de CV 214,213,674 224,937
* Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB de CV 15,957,549 144,660
* Grupo Televisa SAB 19,424,752 141,375
  Wal-Mart de Mexico SAB de CV 41,457,207 97,928
  Grupo Financiero Banorte SAB de CV 16,815,006 95,879
* Cemex SAB de CV 95,377,375 92,008
  Grupo Mexico SAB de CV Class B 28,778,086 88,837
  Fibra Uno Administracion SA de CV 17,885,696 44,627
  Alfa SAB de CV Class A 20,821,217 42,275
* Grupo Bimbo SAB de CV Class A 13,893,478 37,310
  Grupo Financiero Inbursa SAB de CV 15,317,031 36,570
  Coca-Cola Femsa SAB de CV 3,045,473 24,363
  Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste SAB de CV Class B 1,660,758 23,506
  Mexichem SAB de CV 8,191,727 23,461
  Grupo Financiero Santander Mexico SAB de CV Class B 11,010,120 22,434




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico SAB de CV Class B 2,527,836 17,997
* Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura SAB de CV 1,449,235 16,662
  Industrias Penoles SAB de CV 931,540 15,799
  Gruma SAB de CV Class B 1,251,879 15,095
  Grupo Carso SAB de CV 3,553,427 14,647
  Kimberly-Clark de Mexico SAB de CV Class A 6,376,469 14,144
  Gentera SAB de CV 8,271,934 14,121
  Arca Continental SAB de CV 2,030,041 12,471
* Alsea SAB de CV 3,823,423 11,481
* OHL Mexico SAB de CV 5,661,555 11,407
  Controladora Comercial Mexicana SAB de CV 3,332,049 10,729
* Megacable Holdings SAB de CV 2,203,025 9,168
  Mexico Real Estate Management SA de CV 6,045,705 9,166
* Infraestructura Energetica Nova SAB de CV 1,437,917 8,368
  Bolsa Mexicana de Valores SAB de CV 4,346,164 8,360
  Corp Inmobiliaria Vesta SAB de CV 4,032,345 7,546
  Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte Sab de CV Class B 1,495,121 7,467
  PLA Administradora Industrial S de RL de CV 3,673,108 7,254
  Grupo Lala SAB de CV 3,483,296 7,054
  Grupo Elektra SAB DE CV 262,355 6,863
* Genomma Lab Internacional SAB de CV Class B 5,803,972 6,847
  Grupo Comercial Chedraui SA de CV 2,144,403 6,435
* Grupo Aeromexico SAB de CV 3,109,261 5,510
* Industrias Bachoco SAB de CV Class B 1,185,500 5,296
* Industrias CH SAB de CV Class B 1,239,553 5,056
  Grupo Sanborns SAB de CV 2,899,977 4,635
  Organizacion Soriana SAB de CV Class B 1,825,230 4,447
  Prologis Property Mexico SA de CV 2,417,700 4,285
  Concentradora Fibra Hotelera Mexicana SA de CV 2,993,853 4,045
  Concentradora Fibra Danhos SA de CV 1,585,572 3,928
  Grupo Financiero Interacciones SA de CV 587,709 3,713
* Empresas ICA SAB de CV 3,991,513 3,543
* Credito Real SAB de CV SOFOM ER 1,423,100 3,520
  Alpek SAB de CV 2,588,356 3,489
* TV Azteca SAB de CV 11,191,423 3,421
* Minera Frisco SAB de CV 4,043,761 3,358
* Controladora Vuela Cia de Aviacion SAB de CV Class A 2,682,200 3,336
* Hoteles City Express SAB de CV 1,916,440 2,922
* Banregio Grupo Financiero SAB de CV 471,038 2,701
* Grupo Herdez SAB de CV 953,316 2,594
* Qualitas Controladora SAB de CV 1,189,444 2,233
* Consorcio ARA SAB de CV 4,910,666 2,090
  Organizacion Cultiba SAB de CV 1,468,531 1,972
* Grupo Simec SAB de CV Class B 534,310 1,436
* Urbi Desarrollos Urbanos SAB de CV 2,494,600 259
* Corp GEO SAB de CV 2,276,157 246
* Cemex SAB de CV ADR 22,973 221
  Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico SAB de CV ADR 1,200 85
Morocco (0.0%)    
  Douja Promotion Groupe Addoha SA 84,813 271
Netherlands (1.9%)    
  Unilever NV 11,486,321 501,041
* ING Groep NV 28,504,820 437,309
  ASML Holding NV 2,397,495 258,002
  Unibail-Rodamco SE 717,198 198,026
  Koninklijke Philips NV 6,707,598 192,134
  Akzo Nobel NV 1,791,114 137,045
  Koninklijke Ahold NV 6,604,214 127,951
  Heineken NV 1,616,363 127,334
  Aegon NV (Amsterdam Shares) 14,020,572 110,621
  Reed Elsevier NV 4,311,974 103,994
  Koninklijke KPN NV 22,916,784 84,970




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
^ ArcelorMittal 7,371,893 78,448
  Koninklijke DSM NV 1,289,503 73,541
  Wolters Kluwer NV 2,179,006 70,595
* Altice SA 622,192 65,793
  Gemalto NV 590,557 54,865
  Heineken Holding NV 724,484 50,503
  Randstad Holding NV 798,268 47,609
* NN Group NV 1,190,434 34,704
  Delta Lloyd NV 1,608,017 30,410
  Boskalis Westminster NV 573,695 29,810
  TNT Express NV 3,428,378 29,265
  Koninklijke Vopak NV 489,975 25,718
  Aalberts Industries NV 708,694 21,972
* OCI NV 602,960 17,976
  ASM International NV 365,445 17,743
* SBM Offshore NV 1,325,442 17,117
  Wereldhave NV 256,126 16,441
* PostNL NV 3,234,924 16,065
  Arcadis NV 481,904 15,254
  Eurocommercial Properties NV 303,717 13,878
* APERAM SA 345,857 13,185
  Fugro NV 437,153 12,573
  TKH Group NV 305,046 11,319
  Corbion NV 459,857 10,502
* TomTom NV 862,260 7,652
* IMCD Group NV 185,301 6,940
  Vastned Retail NV 141,091 6,890
  USG People NV 497,237 6,753
* Koninklijke BAM Groep NV 1,574,452 6,563
^ Royal Imtech NV 898,320 4,805
  BinckBank NV 465,319 4,664
  NSI NV 946,984 4,448
  Koninklijke Ten Cate NV 161,579 3,762
  Wessanen 410,159 3,495
  Accell Group 182,238 3,407
  Brunel International NV 145,134 2,976
*,^ Grontmij NV 495,861 2,195
  Aegon (New York Shares) 922 7
*,^ SNS REAAL NV 672,039
New Zealand (0.2%)    
  Fletcher Building Ltd. (New Zealand Shares) 4,806,800 30,428
  Spark New Zealand Ltd. 13,422,963 30,373
  Auckland International Airport Ltd. 6,592,109 23,133
  Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corp. Ltd. 3,972,969 19,676
  Ryman Healthcare Ltd. 3,024,554 18,784
  SKYCITY Entertainment Group Ltd. 4,308,316 13,801
  SKY Network Television Ltd. 2,839,949 13,604
  Mighty River Power Ltd. 5,124,657 11,762
  Contact Energy Ltd. 2,675,726 11,587
*,^ Xero Ltd. 559,844 8,456
  Trade Me Group Ltd. 2,892,285 8,424
* Kiwi Property Group Ltd. 8,405,999 8,295
  Air New Zealand Ltd. 3,749,644 7,706
  Infratil Ltd. 3,093,318 7,363
  Goodman Property Trust 7,513,224 6,756
*,^ Chorus Ltd. 2,901,083 6,752
  Z Energy Ltd. 1,752,527 6,437
  Genesis Energy Ltd. 3,674,023 5,460
  Precinct Properties New Zealand Ltd. 6,059,032 5,333
  Argosy Property Ltd. 5,999,674 5,194
  Freightways Ltd. 1,066,905 4,967
  Vector Ltd. 1,813,403 4,469
  Ebos Group Ltd. 607,447 4,413




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Summerset Group Holdings Ltd. 1,568,240 4,149
  Nuplex Industries Ltd. 1,492,231 3,820
  Metlifecare Ltd. 925,888 3,431
* Diligent Board Member Services Inc. 614,859 2,751
* Heartland New Zealand Ltd. 2,626,142 2,645
  Vital Healthcare Property Trust 2,063,746 2,625
  Warehouse Group Ltd. 1,050,231 2,208
  TOWER Ltd. 1,295,234 2,180
  Kathmandu Holdings Ltd. 1,606,090 1,754
  Fletcher Building Ltd. (Australia Shares) 240,759 1,504
*,^ a2 Milk Co. Ltd. 3,723,674 1,474
*,^ New Zealand Oil & Gas Ltd. 1,827,609 815
* Bathurst Resources Ltd. 1,188,709 28
Norway (0.5%)    
  Statoil ASA 7,060,205 149,679
^ DNB ASA 7,902,322 140,386
  Telenor ASA 5,116,439 115,556
  Yara International ASA 1,298,910 66,553
^ Norsk Hydro ASA 9,896,083 46,866
  Orkla ASA 5,738,916 45,066
  Schibsted ASA 596,582 37,119
^ Seadrill Ltd. 2,586,599 32,967
^ Marine Harvest ASA 2,110,003 25,718
^ Gjensidige Forsikring ASA 1,261,429 21,945
  Subsea 7 SA 1,950,647 21,668
^ TGS Nopec Geophysical Co. ASA 752,715 19,156
*,^ DNO ASA 7,517,603 14,173
* Storebrand ASA 3,315,138 11,721
^ Petroleum Geo-Services ASA 1,573,651 10,449
*,^ Nordic Semiconductor ASA 1,146,316 8,734
  SpareBank 1 SMN 914,250 8,167
  Atea ASA 674,926 7,529
^ Opera Software ASA 734,754 7,151
2 Aker Solutions ASA 1,094,774 6,665
  Salmar ASA 376,584 6,114
*,^ Det Norske Oljeselskap ASA 812,484 5,953
  SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ASA 757,018 5,614
  Bakkafrost P/F 234,853 5,515
*,^ REC Silicon ASA 17,533,925 4,896
  Prosafe SE 1,353,856 4,815
2 BW LPG Ltd. 536,770 4,747
  Aker ASA 168,893 3,804
  Leroy Seafood Group ASA 105,411 3,497
*,^ Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA 79,593 3,333
* Norwegian Property ASA 2,352,360 3,169
  Austevoll Seafood ASA 543,712 3,162
^ Wilh Wilhelmsen ASA 468,812 3,053
  Stolt-Nielsen Ltd. 138,874 2,589
  BW Offshore Ltd. 2,893,235 2,156
*,^ Akastor ASA 1,104,042 2,154
^ Fred Olsen Energy ASA 162,731 1,462
  Kvaerner ASA 1,071,718 840
*,^ Archer Ltd. 1,647,659 611
*,^ Odfjell Drilling Ltd. 344,800 307
Other (0.2%)3    
4 Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets ETF 6,089,525 267,147
Peru (0.0%)    
  Credicorp Ltd. (New York Shares) 241,834 36,892
  Credicorp Ltd. 141,272 21,254
  Cia de Minas Buenaventura SAA ADR 1,232,718 13,782




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
* Cia de Minas Buenaventura SAA 289,871 3,222
Philippines (0.4%)    
  SM Investments Corp. 2,341,971 47,314
  Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. 634,560 39,818
  Ayala Land Inc. 43,278,120 37,442
  Universal Robina Corp. 6,422,380 31,319
  Ayala Corp. 1,779,744 31,121
  JG Summit Holdings Inc. 16,896,810 27,066
  Bank of the Philippine Islands 11,657,954 26,478
  BDO Unibank Inc. 10,523,537 25,735
  SM Prime Holdings Inc. 57,321,186 23,969
  Aboitiz Equity Ventures Inc. 16,287,370 20,687
  Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co. 9,382,601 19,559
  Alliance Global Group Inc. 30,375,441 17,263
  International Container Terminal Services Inc. 6,040,930 14,900
  GT Capital Holdings Inc. 522,257 14,715
  Jollibee Foods Corp. 3,164,360 14,121
  Manila Electric Co. 2,230,470 13,037
  Aboitiz Power Corp. 12,008,723 11,561
  Globe Telecom Inc. 224,910 10,996
  DMCI Holdings Inc. 30,517,000 10,269
  Megaworld Corp. 85,258,900 10,108
  Energy Development Corp. 47,946,900 8,696
  Metro Pacific Investments Corp. 83,218,200 8,450
  Robinsons Land Corp. 12,236,934 8,217
* Semirara Mining and Power Corp. Class A 2,188,780 8,130
* LT Group Inc. 20,548,700 6,860
  Security Bank Corp. 1,772,490 6,679
  Puregold Price Club Inc. 6,778,200 6,033
  Robinsons Retail Holdings Inc. 2,987,580 5,839
  Bloomberry Resorts Corp. 23,177,600 5,816
  First Gen Corp. 9,144,000 5,756
* Philippine National Bank 3,012,497 5,233
  Cosco Capital Inc. 24,105,100 4,437
  Petron Corp. 18,820,500 4,157
  Vista Land & Lifescapes Inc. 24,459,150 4,114
  Emperador Inc. 15,119,104 3,929
* D&L Industries Inc. 8,096,600 3,628
  Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. 3,346,480 3,430
  First Philippine Holdings Corp. 1,603,590 3,339
  Nickel Asia Corp. 6,430,300 3,272
  Manila Water Co. Inc. 5,799,100 3,223
  Filinvest Land Inc. 72,745,000 3,098
  Belle Corp. 30,025,808 2,809
  Lopez Holdings Corp. 13,573,270 2,631
* Melco Crown Philippines Resorts Corp. 12,908,200 2,624
  Cebu Air Inc. 1,362,990 2,601
* Travellers International Hotel Group Inc. 11,312,800 1,713
  Philex Mining Corp. 10,853,200 1,696
  San Miguel Corp. 784,038 1,205
  Atlas Consolidated Mining & Development Corp. 5,044,600 905
Poland (0.3%)    
  Powszechna Kasa Oszczednosci Bank Polski SA 6,374,303 63,746
  Powszechny Zaklad Ubezpieczen SA 413,320 53,907
  Bank Pekao SA 963,523 50,083
  Polski Koncern Naftowy Orlen SA 2,360,790 44,835
  KGHM Polska Miedz SA 1,014,874 35,584
  PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna SA 5,381,983 30,969
  Polskie Gornictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA 13,056,439 23,550
* Bank Zachodni WBK SA 212,102 21,901
* LPP SA 9,444 20,059
  Energa SA 2,345,273 16,258




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Orange Polska SA 4,835,513 13,697
*,^ mBank SA 92,784 12,000
  Cyfrowy Polsat SA 1,618,483 11,283
  Tauron Polska Energia SA 7,712,312 10,315
  Asseco Poland SA 557,866 9,398
  Grupa Azoty SA 409,441 9,334
  Bank Millennium SA 4,430,558 8,998
  CCC SA 162,547 8,586
* Alior Bank SA 333,727 8,144
  Bank Handlowy w Warszawie SA 239,388 7,570
  Enea SA 1,558,410 7,050
^ Lubelski Wegiel Bogdanka SA 249,472 6,084
^ Eurocash SA 588,587 5,970
*,^ Grupa Lotos SA 662,993 5,662
* TVN SA 1,156,499 5,460
* PKP Cargo SA 220,308 5,170
* Synthos SA 3,548,950 4,648
* Getin Noble Bank SA 8,603,259 4,271
  Netia SA 2,380,650 3,895
  Budimex SA 74,314 3,632
  Kernel Holding SA 348,882 3,366
*,^ Globe Trade Centre SA 1,787,694 3,069
  Ciech SA 183,260 2,985
  Warsaw Stock Exchange 197,169 2,690
* CD Projekt SA 468,876 2,688
* Fabryki Mebli Forte SA 114,058 1,807
*,^ Jastrzebska Spolka Weglowa SA 353,814 1,410
* Integer.pl SA 33,131 1,379
*,^ Getin Holding SA 2,265,085 1,350
* Boryszew SA 702,026 1,174
  ING Bank Slaski SA 16,079 634
Portugal (0.1%)    
  EDP - Energias de Portugal SA 14,060,144 56,218
  Galp Energia SGPS SA 2,778,100 37,948
* Banco Comercial Portugues SA 268,483,175 26,736
  Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA 1,760,461 25,681
  NOS SGPS SA 1,625,743 11,841
* CTT-Correios de Portugal SA 1,041,903 11,752
  EDP Renovaveis SA 1,411,122 9,864
  Sonae SGPS SA 6,905,014 9,601
  Portucel SA 1,496,092 7,320
  Semapa-Sociedade de Investimento e Gestao 321,613 4,606
  Altri SGPS SA 1,071,377 4,595
*,^ Banco BPI SA 2,342,754 3,829
* REN - Redes Energeticas Nacionais SGPS SA 923,250 2,890
^ Portugal Telecom SGPS SA 3,886,082 2,467
^ Mota-Engil SGPS SA 713,179 2,460
* Sonaecom - SGPS SA 226,781 554
* Banco Espirito Santo SA 19,970,703 174
Russia (0.8%)    
  Gazprom OAO 56,339,990 167,500
  Lukoil OAO 2,350,151 120,624
  Sberbank of Russia 77,123,752 114,861
  Magnit PJSC GDR 2,056,332 112,816
  Gazprom OAO ADR 12,426,827 72,808
  MMC Norilsk Nickel OJSC 349,325 65,433
  Lukoil OAO ADR 1,212,996 62,051
  Surgutneftegas OAO Preference Shares 59,201,800 44,631
  Mobile TeleSystems OJSC ADR 3,661,789 44,234
  NOVATEK OAO 4,374,440 41,883
  NOVATEK OAO GDR 390,868 37,846
  Tatneft OAO 6,135,363 34,789




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  VTB Bank OJSC 23,990,904,410 30,426
  Rosneft OAO 5,609,709 27,882
  AK Transneft OAO Preference Shares 11,464 26,957
  Tatneft OAO ADR 729,276 25,016
  Uralkali PJSC 7,412,516 21,724
  Surgutneftegas OAO 29,009,136 21,612
* Alrosa AO 12,983,200 17,238
  Surgutneftegas OAO ADR 2,355,132 17,058
  VTB Bank OJSC GDR 6,874,951 17,004
  Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS OAO 9,977,990 14,883
  Rosneft OAO GDR 2,961,919 14,615
  Rostelecom OJSC 7,857,493 12,075
  MegaFon OAO GDR 701,518 11,899
  RusHydro JSC 924,253,350 10,709
  Novolipetsk Steel OJSC GDR 605,126 7,989
  Sistema JSFC GDR 1,017,449 7,684
  Severstal PAO 671,198 7,544
* Bashneft OAO 164,334 6,832
  PhosAgro OAO GDR 554,624 6,761
  E.ON Russia JSC 101,408,909 6,200
  Severstal PAO GDR 548,135 6,076
  LSR Group PJSC GDR 1,521,728 4,227
  Sberbank of Russia ADR 605,996 3,597
* DIXY Group OJSC 388,500 3,356
  Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works OJSC 10,858,790 3,192
* Inter RAO UES JSC 134,383,393 3,171
  Acron JSC 68,217 2,997
  Federal Grid Co. Unified Energy System JSC 1,816,282,440 2,494
  M Video OJSC 592,056 2,391
  Aeroflot - Russian Airlines OJSC 3,223,421 2,378
* Rosseti JSC 163,889,055 1,669
* Mechel ADR 1,013,439 1,419
* Pharmstandard OJSC GDR 263,464 1,286
  TMK OAO GDR 292,619 1,186
  Mosenergo OAO 49,770,556 964
* OGK-2 OAO 138,346,306 745
  Novolipetsk Steel OJSC 445,750 589
* Raspadskaya OAO 773,900 551
  MMC Norilsk Nickel OJSC ADR 9,538 180
* Mechel 14,601 18
Singapore (1.1%)    
^ DBS Group Holdings Ltd. 12,807,954 203,523
^ Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp. Ltd. 22,474,983 180,988
  Singapore Telecommunications Ltd. 53,991,814 180,419
  United Overseas Bank Ltd. 8,718,667 160,990
  Keppel Corp. Ltd. 10,529,593 69,161
  CapitaLand Ltd. 18,683,970 51,994
  Global Logistic Properties Ltd. 22,179,085 46,000
  Singapore Exchange Ltd. 6,083,169 39,102
  Wilmar International Ltd. 15,479,095 38,019
  Singapore Press Holdings Ltd. 11,748,993 37,181
  City Developments Ltd. 4,356,119 35,049
  Genting Singapore plc 44,725,236 34,555
  ComfortDelGro Corp. Ltd. 14,862,854 34,432
  Singapore Airlines Ltd. 3,725,742 34,330
  CapitaMall Trust 19,208,681 31,716
  Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd. 11,412,788 31,157
  Ascendas REIT 14,553,663 27,122
  Hutchison Port Holdings Trust 37,493,474 25,262
  Suntec REIT 17,608,700 23,507
  Sembcorp Industries Ltd. 6,567,379 22,381
* Jardine Cycle & Carriage Ltd. 730,324 22,254
  Noble Group Ltd. 33,343,713 21,714




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
^ UOL Group Ltd. 3,378,345 20,314
  CapitaCommercial Trust 14,527,500 18,575
  Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Holdings Ltd. 15,244,736 16,835
  Singapore Post Ltd. 10,536,800 15,192
  Golden Agri-Resources Ltd. 47,396,206 14,994
  StarHub Ltd. 4,314,410 13,777
^ Sembcorp Marine Ltd. 6,117,758 13,683
  Keppel REIT 13,512,489 12,551
  Venture Corp. Ltd. 1,823,700 11,631
  SATS Ltd. 4,775,700 11,506
  Mapletree Commercial Trust 9,467,300 11,010
  Mapletree Greater China Commercial Trust 13,201,700 10,567
  Mapletree Industrial Trust 8,657,580 10,524
  Mapletree Logistics Trust 10,720,700 9,961
^ Ezion Holdings Ltd. 10,035,000 9,099
  United Engineers Ltd. 3,488,800 6,982
  Asian Pay Television Trust 10,238,300 6,960
  Starhill Global REIT 10,195,400 6,733
  SMRT Corp. Ltd. 5,159,400 6,566
  Raffles Medical Group Ltd. 2,094,200 6,371
^ Fortune REIT (Singapore Shares) 6,141,000 6,269
  Frasers Centrepoint Trust 3,983,700 6,220
  M1 Ltd. 2,198,300 5,906
  CDL Hospitality Trusts 4,531,600 5,872
*,^ Neptune Orient Lines Ltd. 6,857,030 5,867
*,^ SIIC Environment Holdings Ltd. 32,434,600 5,503
^ Olam International Ltd. 3,554,900 5,422
  Ascott Residence Trust 5,613,900 5,405
  AIMS AMP Capital Industrial REIT 4,556,292 5,267
  SIA Engineering Co. Ltd. 1,604,000 5,072
* Genting Hong Kong Ltd. 13,580,772 5,016
* Biosensors International Group Ltd. 7,866,500 4,901
  Cambridge Industrial Trust 9,242,800 4,887
  Silverlake Axis Ltd. 4,896,084 4,698
  CapitaRetail China Trust 3,581,480 4,692
  First Resources Ltd. 3,470,000 4,654
  Cache Logistics Trust 5,175,400 4,610
^ Yanlord Land Group Ltd. 5,005,800 4,544
  Frasers Commercial Trust 3,719,600 4,238
  Wing Tai Holdings Ltd. 2,856,617 4,227
^ Far East Hospitality Trust 6,534,400 4,048
2 ARA Asset Management Ltd. 3,056,380 3,992
^ OUE Hospitality Trust 5,406,766 3,981
  First REIT 3,528,700 3,867
  Frasers Centrepoint Ltd. 2,696,500 3,858
  Lippo Malls Indonesia Retail Trust 13,650,500 3,713
^ Super Group Ltd. (Singapore Shares) 3,153,300 3,543
  OUE Ltd. 2,095,000 3,496
* Accordia Golf Trust 5,627,884 3,442
  Fortune REIT (Hong Kong Shares) 3,263,077 3,366
^ Sabana Shari'ah Compliant Industrial REIT 5,143,018 3,362
  Ascendas Hospitality Trust 6,293,800 3,350
^ COSCO Corp. Singapore Ltd. 7,295,513 3,329
  Ascendas India Trust 4,889,400 3,304
*,^ China Animal Healthcare Ltd. 4,917,000 3,299
  SPH REIT 4,154,300 3,295
  Religare Health Trust 3,987,600 3,205
*,^ Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd. 8,217,847 3,157
^ Hyflux Ltd. 4,297,000 3,128
^ Sarine Technologies Ltd. 1,846,796 2,854
^ China Everbright Water Ltd. 3,368,800 2,846
^ Croesus Retail Trust 3,879,500 2,753
^ OSIM International Ltd. 1,688,900 2,587
  Soilbuild Business Space REIT 4,114,800 2,581




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Fraser and Neave Ltd. 1,225,000 2,580
  Perennial Real Estate Holdings Ltd. 2,921,845 2,412
*,^ Tiger Airways Holdings Ltd. 8,400,137 2,217
  GuocoLeisure Ltd. 3,136,000 2,177
^ Midas Holdings Ltd. 6,982,000 2,045
*,^ Vard Holdings Ltd. 4,192,800 2,021
  Indofood Agri Resources Ltd. 3,220,600 1,770
  Boustead Singapore Ltd. 1,622,600 1,732
*,^ Ezra Holdings Ltd. 5,129,080 1,700
  Bumitama Agri Ltd. 2,223,300 1,651
*,^ Ying Li International Real Estate Ltd. 7,541,800 1,446
*,^ China Fishery Group Ltd. 9,033,000 1,301
  Raffles Education Corp. Ltd. 5,353,198 1,296
  CSE Global Ltd. 2,792,000 1,212
  GMG Global Ltd. 18,833,100 1,052
  Hong Leong Asia Ltd. 951,000 955
  Keppel Telecommunications & Transportation Ltd. 714,500 883
*,^ Gallant Venture Ltd. 4,604,100 851
  Tat Hong Holdings Ltd. 1,747,000 823
  Hi-P International Ltd. 1,418,000 654
*,^ Swiber Holdings Ltd. 4,140,000 617
* Boustead Projects Pte Ltd. 486,780 384
* Keppel Land Ltd. 3,500 12
South Africa (1.6%)    
  Naspers Ltd. 2,668,463 418,644
  MTN Group Ltd. 12,960,035 260,224
  Sasol Ltd. 4,077,743 164,184
  Standard Bank Group Ltd. 8,891,105 130,325
  FirstRand Ltd. 22,346,437 106,751
  Steinhoff International Holdings Ltd. 15,416,820 97,824
  Sanlam Ltd. 12,947,530 83,740
  Remgro Ltd. 3,550,887 78,871
  Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Ltd. 2,317,169 70,464
  Bidvest Group Ltd. 2,364,366 64,084
  Woolworths Holdings Ltd. 6,531,247 49,133
  Shoprite Holdings Ltd. 3,193,470 45,692
  Growthpoint Properties Ltd. 17,987,093 42,190
  Barclays Africa Group Ltd. 2,383,419 38,178
  Netcare Ltd. 10,908,160 38,159
  Mr Price Group Ltd. 1,719,685 36,716
  Mediclinic International Ltd. 3,187,643 33,755
* AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. 2,956,852 33,579
  Nedbank Group Ltd. 1,433,655 30,966
  Tiger Brands Ltd. 1,185,780 30,863
  Vodacom Group Ltd. 2,409,444 30,040
  RMB Holdings Ltd. 4,920,461 29,610
  Redefine Properties Ltd. 27,213,659 27,568
  Discovery Ltd. 2,367,829 26,277
  Gold Fields Ltd. 5,681,175 26,230
  Life Healthcare Group Holdings Ltd. 7,232,965 24,841
  Truworths International Ltd. 3,107,311 22,647
  MMI Holdings Ltd. 7,560,469 21,511
* Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd. 3,841,313 21,379
  Imperial Holdings Ltd. 1,274,713 21,347
  SPAR Group Ltd. 1,271,895 20,372
  Foschini Group Ltd. 1,321,573 19,568
  Hyprop Investments Ltd. 1,806,375 18,611
  Brait SE 2,397,763 18,241
  Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd. 379,458 17,867
  Mondi Ltd. 877,676 17,698
  Investec Ltd. 1,798,078 17,097
* Sappi Ltd. 3,980,977 16,356
* Telkom SA SOC Ltd. 2,287,717 15,726




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Nampak Ltd. 4,382,490 15,695
  AVI Ltd. 2,267,065 15,535
* Pioneer Foods Ltd. 955,517 14,930
  Coronation Fund Managers Ltd. 1,952,149 14,915
  Clicks Group Ltd. 1,810,377 13,874
  Resilient Property Income Fund Ltd. 1,642,046 13,740
  Barloworld Ltd. 1,642,483 13,103
  Capital Property Fund 11,399,524 13,087
  Sibanye Gold Ltd. 5,460,531 12,960
* Anglo American Platinum Ltd. 443,461 12,248
  EOH Holdings Ltd. 811,342 11,009
* Northam Platinum Ltd. 2,589,299 10,643
  Liberty Holdings Ltd. 754,842 10,527
  Massmart Holdings Ltd. 805,705 10,131
  Aeci Ltd. 849,849 9,262
  Tongaat Hulett Ltd. 794,126 8,794
* Attacq Ltd. 4,188,813 8,764
  Pick n Pay Stores Ltd. 1,662,791 7,961
  PSG Group Ltd. 480,363 7,887
^ Exxaro Resources Ltd. 939,892 7,694
  Sun International Ltd. 680,374 7,564
  JSE Ltd. 639,992 7,162
  DataTec Ltd. 1,370,375 7,117
  African Rainbow Minerals Ltd. 746,012 6,807
* Super Group Ltd. (South Africa Shares) 2,148,302 6,511
  Omnia Holdings Ltd. 462,776 6,383
  SA Corporate Real Estate Fund Nominees Pty Ltd. 15,091,732 6,328
  Reunert Ltd. 1,187,203 6,055
^ Kumba Iron Ore Ltd. 436,372 5,886
*,^ Harmony Gold Mining Co. Ltd. 2,822,295 5,432
^ Famous Brands Ltd. 494,100 5,066
  Emira Property Fund 3,304,136 5,044
  Santam Ltd. 256,163 5,012
*,^ Adcock Ingram Holdings Ltd. 1,115,440 4,959
^ Lewis Group Ltd. 653,329 4,748
  PPC Ltd. 3,289,949 4,712
  Grindrod Ltd. 3,317,970 4,538
  Mpact Ltd. 1,178,175 4,277
  Astral Foods Ltd. 278,983 4,235
* Distell Group Ltd. 310,172 4,193
  Pick n Pay Holdings Ltd. 1,894,803 4,092
  Wilson Bayly Holmes-Ovcon Ltd. 402,833 3,774
* Alexander Forbes Group Holdings Ltd. 4,303,954 3,564
  Cashbuild Ltd. 151,772 3,562
  Murray & Roberts Holdings Ltd. 3,144,519 3,479
  Metair Investments Ltd. 1,057,599 3,257
  City Lodge Hotels Ltd. 232,293 2,985
  Illovo Sugar Ltd. 1,617,545 2,923
* Peregrine Holdings Ltd. 1,204,361 2,820
* Aveng Ltd. 3,008,142 2,700
  Fountainhead Property Trust 3,178,299 2,671
^ Assore Ltd. 260,331 2,518
  Hudaco Industries Ltd. 235,875 2,465
* Curro Holdings Ltd. 687,974 2,198
  Adcorp Holdings Ltd. 754,007 1,975
*,^ ArcelorMittal South Africa Ltd. 1,128,047 1,882
  Blue Label Telecoms Ltd. 2,756,014 1,860
  Oceana Group Ltd. 202,985 1,813
* Royal Bafokeng Platinum Ltd. 401,934 1,748
^ Invicta Holdings Ltd. 264,597 1,622
  Clover Industries Ltd. 982,949 1,534
  Group Five Ltd. 657,860 1,515
  Raubex Group Ltd. 968,757 1,457
* Pinnacle Holdings Ltd. 967,274 918




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Merafe Resources Ltd. 7,114,792 520
^ DRDGOLD Ltd. 2,425,801 455
* Curro Holdings Ltd. Rights Exp. 05/08/2015 12,481 13
* Northam Platinum Ltd. Rights Exp. 05/15/2015 707,012 13
*,^ African Bank Investments Ltd. 7,766,579
South Korea (3.2%)    
  Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. 748,422 981,820
  Hyundai Motor Co. 1,130,833 177,474
  SK Hynix Inc. 3,931,124 168,194
  NAVER Corp. 200,778 121,406
  Shinhan Financial Group Co. Ltd. 2,692,242 111,427
  Hyundai Mobis Co. Ltd. 493,969 108,613
  POSCO 436,981 102,937
  KB Financial Group Inc. 2,350,139 89,621
  Kia Motors Corp. 1,906,645 87,862
  Amorepacific Corp. 22,984 83,274
  LG Chem Ltd. 322,503 81,467
  KT&G Corp. 890,835 78,892
  Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co. Ltd. 286,105 75,378
  Hana Financial Group Inc. 2,150,604 63,305
  SK Telecom Co. Ltd. 213,284 57,154
  Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. GDR 86,808 56,928
  LG Household & Health Care Ltd. 69,194 50,837
  Korea Electric Power Corp. 1,166,046 50,704
^ Samsung SDS Co. Ltd. 211,427 50,305
  SK Innovation Co. Ltd. 451,006 49,365
  Samsung C&T Corp. 914,325 48,557
  LG Display Co. Ltd. 1,658,042 45,916
  Samsung Life Insurance Co. Ltd. 466,234 45,603
  Samsung SDI Co. Ltd. 404,782 45,065
  LG Electronics Inc. 796,613 44,796
  Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. 325,172 42,249
  LG Corp. 660,937 41,011
*,^ Celltrion Inc. 501,122 39,897
  SK C&C Co. Ltd. 162,084 38,360
  Hyundai Steel Co. 486,220 35,539
  Korea Zinc Co. Ltd. 78,073 34,770
  Coway Co. Ltd. 409,514 34,392
  Hyundai Glovis Co. Ltd. 154,248 33,835
  AMOREPACIFIC Group 21,992 33,439
  SK Holdings Co. Ltd. 190,215 32,753
  Orion Corp. 27,241 31,816
  E-Mart Co. Ltd. 154,345 31,797
  Korea Electric Power Corp. ADR 1,450,248 31,238
*,^ Cheil Industries Inc. 196,605 28,937
  Kangwon Land Inc. 836,663 28,520
  Shinhan Financial Group Co. Ltd. ADR 664,171 27,869
  Samsung Securities Co. Ltd. 445,267 27,056
  Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co. Ltd. 413,243 25,933
  POSCO ADR 438,005 25,877
  Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. 530,328 25,515
  Lotte Chemical Corp. 108,256 25,115
  Industrial Bank of Korea 1,820,217 25,010
  BNK Financial Group Inc. 1,663,204 24,864
  Hyundai Development Co-Engineering & Construction 462,441 24,616
  Hotel Shilla Co. Ltd. 239,640 23,857
^ Daum Kakao Corp. 236,621 23,710
  Hankook Tire Co. Ltd. 548,151 23,036
  Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. 365,388 22,321
  KCC Corp. 43,140 22,112
^ Samsung Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. 1,308,138 22,034
* Woori Bank 2,194,069 21,918
  Daewoo Securities Co. Ltd. 1,367,812 21,349




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  CJ CheilJedang Corp. 54,864 21,336
  S-Oil Corp. 308,105 20,993
  NCSoft Corp. 108,811 20,728
  Lotte Shopping Co. Ltd. 83,221 20,070
  Hyosung Corp. 179,569 19,862
^ Hanssem Co. Ltd. 104,469 19,278
  KB Financial Group Inc. ADR 500,636 19,089
  Korea Investment Holdings Co. Ltd. 297,504 19,048
  CJ Corp. 106,230 18,886
* KT Corp. 628,130 18,568
  Dongbu Insurance Co. Ltd. 357,752 18,182
  GS Holdings Corp. 378,358 17,650
  Hyundai Wia Corp. 120,357 17,054
*,^ Hanmi Pharm Co. Ltd. 45,689 15,976
  LG Uplus Corp. 1,579,659 15,803
  Hyundai Department Store Co. Ltd. 115,849 15,726
^ Daelim Industrial Co. Ltd. 198,829 15,312
  Hanwha Corp. 383,547 15,062
  Hyundai Securities Co. Ltd. 1,313,279 13,599
  Youngone Corp. 221,802 13,576
* Cheil Worldwide Inc. 628,840 13,434
  Woori Investment & Securities Co. Ltd. 946,412 13,103
  Yuhan Corp. 57,151 12,313
^ OCI Co. Ltd. 132,461 12,209
  DGB Financial Group Inc. 1,079,848 12,190
  Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Co. Ltd. 449,535 11,982
  Hanwha Life Insurance Co. Ltd. 1,595,976 11,799
  S-1 Corp. 155,770 11,612
^ Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. Ltd. 687,412 11,555
* Doosan Infracore Co. Ltd. 989,233 10,933
  Medy-Tox Inc. 31,077 10,743
* Korean Air Lines Co. Ltd. 251,176 10,719
  Lotte Confectionery Co. Ltd. 6,086 10,586
^ Kumho Petrochemical Co. Ltd. 131,304 10,517
  Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co. Ltd. 359,998 10,214
  Mirae Asset Securities Co. Ltd. 184,015 10,149
*,^ Com2uSCorp 59,199 9,980
*,^ CJ Korea Express Co. Ltd. 52,260 9,969
* Kumho Tire Co. Inc. 1,096,018 9,964
  Daewoo International Corp. 339,845 9,914
  Lotte Chilsung Beverage Co. Ltd. 4,448 9,840
*,^ LG Innotek Co. Ltd. 105,527 9,797
  Samsung Card Co. Ltd. 255,814 9,789
*,^ Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. 1,471,754 9,744
*,^ ViroMed Co. Ltd. 89,376 9,644
  Hanwha Chemical Corp. 594,315 9,476
  Shinsegae Co. Ltd. 50,329 9,443
*,^ GS Engineering & Construction Corp. 314,490 9,394
^ Halla Visteon Climate Control Corp. 246,038 9,231
  Korea Gas Corp. 205,210 8,851
  KT Corp. ADR 587,700 8,563
^ SK Chemicals Co. Ltd. 129,896 8,436
  SK Networks Co. Ltd. 1,117,249 8,258
^ Paradise Co. Ltd. 348,516 8,086
^ Hana Tour Service Inc. 66,993 7,947
*,^ Samsung Engineering Co. Ltd. 218,118 7,856
  Korean Reinsurance Co. 704,497 7,811
  LIG Insurance Co. Ltd. 335,680 7,768
^ Hyundai Greenfood Co. Ltd. 440,074 7,760
* CJ E&M Corp. 139,973 7,650
^ Kolon Industries Inc. 126,799 7,624
^ CJ CGV Co. Ltd. 101,700 7,525
^ Samsung Techwin Co. Ltd. 292,159 7,504
  Meritz Securities Co. Ltd. 1,280,353 7,484




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
*,^ NHN Entertainment Corp. 120,067 7,060
  Dongsuh Co. Inc. 226,476 7,022
  LG International Corp. 182,449 6,982
^ LG Hausys Ltd. 44,159 6,864
  SK Telecom Co. Ltd. ADR 228,091 6,763
  Doosan Corp. 58,266 6,749
  Mando Corp. 48,530 6,731
  Green Cross Corp. 40,572 6,685
  LS Corp. 127,749 6,422
^ Korea Kolmar Co. Ltd. 94,931 6,415
  LS Industrial Systems Co. Ltd. 115,715 6,377
^ Ottogi Corp. 9,558 6,278
^ Eo Technics Co. Ltd. 60,331 6,212
^ Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co. Ltd. 74,219 6,170
  Daesang Corp. 140,571 6,074
  KEPCO Plant Service & Engineering Co. Ltd. 66,761 6,051
^ Fila Korea Ltd. 60,600 5,932
  KIWOOM Securities Co. Ltd. 83,414 5,914
^ LOTTE Himart Co. Ltd. 88,505 5,875
  SKC Co. Ltd. 147,233 5,795
^ Cosmax Inc. 42,760 5,773
* Hanjin Kal Corp. 187,257 5,734
*,^ Hyundai Merchant Marine Co. Ltd. 633,256 5,628
  Green Cross Holdings Corp. 206,378 5,615
  Hyundai Home Shopping Network Corp. 44,248 5,563
  NongShim Co. Ltd. 24,021 5,484
* Ssangyong Cement Industrial Co. Ltd. 346,725 5,442
^ Samsung Fine Chemicals Co. Ltd. 130,615 5,286
  GS Home Shopping Inc. 23,589 5,254
*,^ Hanjin Shipping Co. Ltd. 742,099 5,221
  Taekwang Industrial Co. Ltd. 4,658 5,212
^ Seoul Semiconductor Co. Ltd. 280,777 5,061
*,^ Hanmi Science Co. ltd 126,402 5,031
  Young Poong Corp. 4,032 4,960
*,^ Komipharm International Co. Ltd. 215,816 4,952
^ Hanjin Transportation Co. Ltd. 86,025 4,871
*,^ Webzen Inc. 123,299 4,844
  CJ O Shopping Co. Ltd. 21,542 4,819
  Kwang Dong Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 312,181 4,805
^ Grand Korea Leisure Co. Ltd. 133,805 4,789
  JB Financial Group Co. Ltd. 738,976 4,770
*,^ IS Dongseo Co. Ltd. 62,707 4,767
* SK Broadband Co. Ltd. 1,060,197 4,739
  Hansae Co. Ltd. 122,773 4,706
^ Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance Co. Ltd. 350,568 4,670
* Asiana Airlines Inc. 645,226 4,632
* LG Life Sciences Ltd. 87,005 4,562
*,^ Wonik IPS Co. Ltd. 396,014 4,432
^ LF Corp. 133,955 4,405
*,^ Yuanta Securities Korea Co. Ltd. 661,630 4,353
* Samlip General Foods Co. Ltd. 17,963 4,336
  Samyang Holdings Corp. 45,260 4,302
^ Hite Jinro Co. Ltd. 198,243 4,197
  Hanil Cement Co. Ltd. 29,636 4,157
  Huchems Fine Chemical Corp. 168,173 4,154
^ iMarketKorea Inc. 162,776 4,146
^ Poongsan Corp. 152,270 4,102
^ GS Retail Co. Ltd. 112,769 4,078
*,^ Medipost Co. Ltd. 49,161 4,061
^ SFA Engineering Corp. 82,935 3,968
^ Lotte Food Co. Ltd. 5,548 3,931
*,^ Hyundai Elevator Co. Ltd. 55,186 3,926
*,^ Seegene Inc. 117,795 3,920
*,^ Gamevil Inc. 35,502 3,908




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Chong Kun Dang Pharmaceutical Corp. 57,858 3,856
  Youngone Holdings Co. Ltd. 39,927 3,838
  Korea Electric Terminal Co. Ltd. 55,080 3,756
^ Kolao Holdings 201,195 3,755
^ Binggrae Co. Ltd. 46,561 3,728
  Korea Real Estate Investment & Trust Co. Ltd. 1,228,768 3,698
  Koh Young Technology Inc. 89,414 3,690
^ OCI Materials Co. Ltd. 38,717 3,657
  Hyundai Hysco Co. Ltd. 59,113 3,642
*,^ Chabiotech Co. Ltd. 236,702 3,620
  Daishin Securities Co. Ltd. 274,862 3,608
*,^ Kumho Industrial Co. Ltd. 197,758 3,604
  Halla Holdings Corp. 55,652 3,584
^ Dong-A ST Co. Ltd. 30,708 3,543
  Tongyang Life Insurance 256,682 3,530
  Hankook Tire Worldwide Co. Ltd. 177,080 3,504
^ KEPCO Engineering & Construction Co. Inc. 90,035 3,493
* Huons Co. Ltd. 55,354 3,472
*,^ GemVax & Kael Co. Ltd. 174,155 3,385
^ Handsome Co. Ltd. 101,776 3,359
*,^ Muhak Co. Ltd. 99,251 3,343
*,^ Osstem Implant Co. Ltd. 76,140 3,327
  Bukwang Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 144,669 3,323
^ Daou Technology Inc. 189,226 3,300
  S&T Motiv Co. Ltd. 55,345 3,264
*,^ SM Entertainment Co. 111,593 3,263
^ YG Entertainment Inc. 73,107 3,195
*,^ Naturalendo Tech Co. Ltd. 100,114 3,187
* SK Securities Co. Ltd. 1,991,366 3,151
^ Partron Co. Ltd. 299,646 3,142
  AK Holdings Inc. 38,935 3,091
^ Hyundai Corp. 96,416 3,051
*,^ Ssangyong Motor Co. 322,443 3,045
  Meritz Financial Group Inc. 234,085 2,999
^ KONA I Co. Ltd. 91,438 2,978
^ Ilyang Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 97,027 2,949
  Seah Besteel Corp. 85,429 2,925
^ Hyundai Rotem Co. Ltd. 164,610 2,914
^ Nexen Tire Corp. 238,201 2,890
* Hyundai Livart Furniture Co. Ltd. 81,081 2,843
  Dongwon F&B Co. Ltd. 8,594 2,828
  LEENO Industrial Inc. 65,927 2,822
  Dongwon Industries Co. Ltd. 9,497 2,767
*,^ Cuckoo Electronics Co. Ltd. 14,606 2,718
  Sungwoo Hitech Co. Ltd. 252,395 2,651
* Hansol Paper Co. Ltd. 117,714 2,641
^ Samchully Co. Ltd. 22,034 2,640
^ Dong-A Socio Holdings Co. Ltd. 18,298 2,618
*,^ Pan Ocean Co. Ltd. 891,814 2,580
^ Dongkuk Steel Mill Co. Ltd. 432,391 2,568
  Daeduck Electronics Co. 287,338 2,545
^ Interpark Holdings Corp. 305,539 2,542
^ SK Gas Ltd. 27,946 2,502
* Kyongnam Bank 260,399 2,459
*,^ Seobu T&D 109,341 2,405
^ Maeil Dairy Industry Co. Ltd. 57,271 2,363
  Silicon Works Co. Ltd. 62,078 2,351
*,^ Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction Co. Ltd. 403,103 2,332
^ Namyang Dairy Products Co. Ltd. 3,272 2,247
*,^ WeMade Entertainment Co. Ltd. 60,789 2,228
^ Agabang&Company 181,935 2,204
  Soulbrain Co. Ltd. 56,667 2,185
*,^ GOLFZON Co. Ltd. 18,562 2,173
^ Able C&C Co. Ltd. 73,101 2,158




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Hankook Shell Oil Co. Ltd. 4,679 2,146
*,^ Hansol Technics Co. Ltd. 119,284 2,106
  Hanwha Investment & Securities Co. Ltd. 355,668 2,093
  Daewoong Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 34,299 2,064
  CJ Hellovision Co. Ltd. 187,583 2,032
* Taeyoung Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. 360,291 2,015
  POSCO Chemtech Co. Ltd. 15,623 1,995
^ Ahnlab Inc. 43,289 1,991
^ Hancom Inc. 105,851 1,984
^ KH Vatec Co. Ltd. 97,487 1,975
* Hanwha General Insurance Co. Ltd. 421,490 1,928
* Green Cross Cell Corp. 42,591 1,920
  SL Corp. 108,497 1,894
* Korea Line Corp. 86,847 1,876
*,^ i-SENS Inc. 40,302 1,854
*,^ China Ocean Resources Co. Ltd. 530,937 1,847
  S&T Dynamics Co. Ltd. 143,070 1,831
^ SBS Media Holdings Co. Ltd. 370,045 1,831
  Humax Co. Ltd. 105,370 1,822
^ Posco ICT Co. Ltd. 360,699 1,817
  Daekyo Co. Ltd. 221,176 1,794
^ Sung Kwang Bend Co. Ltd. 121,771 1,778
^ MegaStudy Co. Ltd. 27,894 1,759
^ Chongkundang Holdings Corp. 25,685 1,727
  KT Skylife Co. Ltd. 102,576 1,666
*,^ Neowiz Games Corp. 81,815 1,662
  Cosmax BTI Inc 31,036 1,661
^ Sindoh Co. Ltd. 25,564 1,659
^ Lock&Lock Co. Ltd. 131,368 1,583
*,^ Eugene Investment & Securities Co. Ltd. 393,051 1,574
  Kyobo Securities Co. Ltd. 138,958 1,572
  Daishin Securities Co. Ltd. Preference Shares 203,122 1,571
  Samyang Corp. 14,363 1,511
^ Lumens Co. Ltd. 273,377 1,498
  SeAH Steel Corp. 19,508 1,481
  DuzonBIzon Co. Ltd. 130,835 1,455
  E1 Corp. 21,869 1,455
*,^ STS Semiconductor & Telecommunications 313,402 1,390
*,^ Eusu Holdings Co. Ltd. 136,161 1,378
  Hanil E-Hwa Co. Ltd. 94,696 1,378
* Jusung Engineering Co. Ltd. 238,098 1,345
  Dae Han Flour Mills Co. Ltd. 7,065 1,324
  Namhae Chemical Corp. 143,223 1,310
* Woongjin Thinkbig Co. Ltd. 137,783 1,304
^ Daeduck GDS Co. Ltd. 114,289 1,301
^ Iljin Display Co. Ltd. 126,642 1,284
  Kolon Corp. 30,530 1,269
  Hansol Holdings Co. Ltd. 169,101 1,268
  Dongbu Securities Co. Ltd. 204,672 1,254
*,^ Dongbu HiTek Co. Ltd. 155,564 1,190
*,^ Doosan Engine Co. Ltd. 181,734 1,178
* Kwangju Bank 157,583 1,174
*,^ Foosung Co. Ltd. 309,713 1,172
*,^ TK Corp. 112,418 1,130
*,^ Pharmicell Co. Ltd. 292,853 1,118
  Youlchon Chemical Co. Ltd. 98,095 1,115
  KISCO Corp. 33,167 1,096
* KTB Investment & Securities Co. Ltd. 313,918 1,072
^ Kumho Electric Co. Ltd. 55,850 1,038
  Sam Young Electronics Co. Ltd. 71,460 1,011
*,^ Insun ENT Co. Ltd. 215,005 984
  DY Corp. 122,437 955
  INTOPS Co. Ltd. 48,799 944




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
*,^ NEPES Corp. 106,422 843
*,^ Taewoong Co. Ltd. 54,225 829
^ Seoyon Co. Ltd. 67,687 814
^ Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction Holdings Co. Ltd. 100,460 802
*,^ 3S Korea Co. Ltd. 256,028 783
*,^ Interflex Co. Ltd. 54,703 735
* Duk San Neolux Co. Ltd. 31,092 641
  Hitejinro Holdings Co. Ltd. 46,396 600
*,^ Taihan Electric Wire Co. Ltd. 527,450 590
*,^ DY POWER Corp. 44,909 540
* ICD Co. Ltd. 78,007 529
*,^ CUROCOM Co. Ltd. 407,211 522
^ EG Corp. 31,339 522
*,^ SK Communications Co. Ltd. 68,842 461
*,^ Duksan Hi-Metal Co. Ltd. 45,013 439
*,^ CNK International Co. Ltd. 259,916 418
*,^ Melfas Inc. 64,559 311
*,^ Dongbu Steel Co. Ltd. 60,770 311
*,^ STX Engine Co. Ltd. 80,200 263
* Tera Resource Co. Ltd. 209,223 9
Spain (2.3%)    
* Banco Santander SA 98,996,250 748,469
  Telefonica SA 31,916,322 485,781
  Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 45,316,660 455,346
  Iberdrola SA 38,197,050 255,664
  Inditex SA 7,816,616 250,828
  Repsol SA 7,708,270 158,898
  Amadeus IT Holding SA 3,139,146 143,089
*,^ Banco de Sabadell SA 32,958,769 88,147
* CaixaBank SA 14,765,545 74,058
* Ferrovial SA 2,975,193 67,471
  Red Electrica Corp. SA 799,169 67,070
* Banco Popular Espanol SA 11,414,651 59,391
  Gas Natural SDG SA 2,272,994 55,889
  Abertis Infraestructuras SA 2,898,659 53,414
  Grifols SA 1,227,894 52,102
* Bankia SA 33,972,537 47,443
  Endesa SA 2,347,911 46,520
  Enagas SA 1,501,198 46,234
* ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA 1,259,644 44,385
  Bankinter SA 5,090,417 38,498
  Distribuidora Internacional de Alimentacion SA 4,318,021 34,583
  Mapfre SA 7,513,389 27,921
  Bolsas y Mercados Espanoles SHMSF SA 564,254 25,243
* Jazztel plc 1,610,384 23,251
* Mediaset Espana Comunicacion SA 1,654,433 22,425
* Gamesa Corp. Tecnologica SA 1,645,222 22,001
  Viscofan SA 341,694 21,718
^ Merlin Properties Socimi SA 1,418,868 19,379
* Banco Santander SA ADR 2,675,841 18,579
  Zardoya Otis SA 1,285,743 16,576
* Acerinox SA 1,004,726 14,661
* Acciona SA 187,954 14,220
*,^ Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas SA 985,711 12,642
  Banco Santander SA ADR 1,665,671 12,526
  Ebro Foods SA 636,146 12,340
^ Abengoa SA 3,708,195 11,985
  Grupo Catalana Occidente SA 332,047 10,680
  Tecnicas Reunidas SA 227,189 10,567
^ Indra Sistemas SA 837,025 9,853
* Applus Services SA 728,609 8,783
  Prosegur Cia de Seguridad SA 1,462,892 8,433
* Almirall SA 445,369 8,397




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
*,^ Inmobiliaria Colonial SA 12,187,875 8,362
^ Melia Hotels International SA 610,412 7,632
*,^ NH Hotel Group SA 1,298,338 7,559
  Atresmedia Corp. de Medios de Comunicacion SA 420,873 6,798
^ Obrascon Huarte Lain SA 281,979 6,541
  Corp Financiera Alba SA 126,752 6,439
  Cia de Distribucion Integral Logista Holdings SA 280,153 5,980
*,^ Sacyr SA 1,241,034 5,572
*,^ Zeltia SA 1,131,251 5,232
* Liberbank SA 5,827,639 5,034
^ Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles SA 14,082 4,911
  CIE Automotive SA 307,691 4,676
* Faes Farma SA 1,807,916 4,672
  Ence Energia y Celulosa SA 1,007,950 3,636
*,^ Promotora de Informaciones SA 10,695,847 3,513
  Papeles y Cartones de Europa SA 341,792 2,214
  Duro Felguera SA 493,863 1,990
*,^ Deoleo SA 2,884,888 1,484
^ Tubos Reunidos SA 707,792 1,323
  Tubacex SA 333,164 1,127
* Banco Santander SA Rights 2,675,841 389
*,^ Let's GOWEX SA 155,449
* Pescanova SA 63,151
Sweden (2.1%)    
  Nordea Bank AB 23,436,402 297,763
^ Hennes & Mauritz AB Class B 7,006,107 278,540
  Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Class B 22,001,392 240,624
  Swedbank AB Class A 7,701,438 179,079
  Svenska Handelsbanken AB Class A 3,541,843 163,488
  Volvo AB Class B 11,255,076 155,491
^ Atlas Copco AB Class A 4,569,842 142,638
  Investor AB Class B 3,340,013 136,098
  Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Class A 10,735,422 135,660
  Assa Abloy AB Class B 2,310,001 134,012
  TeliaSonera AB 19,193,568 119,329
  Svenska Cellulosa AB SCA Class B 4,278,676 108,229
  Sandvik AB 7,956,412 100,562
^ Atlas Copco AB Class B 2,878,343 80,146
  SKF AB 3,068,418 74,946
* Hexagon AB Class B 1,891,369 70,057
  Skanska AB Class B 2,663,783 59,278
  Investment AB Kinnevik 1,515,013 52,212
  Electrolux AB Class B 1,644,609 49,244
^ Swedish Match AB 1,473,092 45,348
  Boliden AB 2,024,326 43,980
^ Alfa Laval AB 2,300,514 42,941
^ Trelleborg AB Class B 1,788,073 35,041
  Meda AB Class A 2,031,300 34,096
  Securitas AB Class B 2,250,935 33,662
  Getinge AB 1,342,549 32,630
  Industrivarden AB Class A 1,424,504 30,535
  Tele2 AB 2,274,934 30,343
  Industrivarden AB 1,206,772 25,144
* Lundin Petroleum AB 1,549,701 25,085
  Elekta AB Class B 2,623,068 24,545
^ ICA Gruppen AB 562,943 20,883
^ Husqvarna AB 2,695,342 19,937
  NCC AB Class B 599,451 19,658
  Hexpol AB 182,032 19,507
  BillerudKorsnas AB 1,125,842 19,488
  Castellum AB 1,209,600 18,860
* Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB 1,168,925 18,787
  Fabege AB 975,409 14,869




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Loomis AB Class B 448,360 14,370
  Modern Times Group MTG AB Class B 392,583 13,055
* Betsson AB 296,032 12,393
  Wallenstam AB 733,633 12,369
* Axfood AB 775,135 12,245
* Fastighets AB Balder 678,100 12,087
  Holmen AB 362,565 11,997
  AAK AB 187,461 11,860
  Hufvudstaden AB Class A 823,169 11,379
  Nibe Industrier AB Class B 420,009 11,187
  Indutrade AB 227,148 11,097
  JM AB 372,966 11,096
*,^ SSAB AB Class A 1,671,921 10,114
  Peab AB 1,184,528 9,990
  Kungsleden AB 1,341,795 9,767
^ Ratos AB 1,430,443 9,754
^ Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB 482,454 9,338
  L E Lundbergforetagen AB Class B 189,926 8,921
* Net Entertainment NE AB Class B 231,544 8,754
^ Avanza Bank Holding AB 196,119 8,449
  Intrum Justitia AB 267,975 8,439
* Com Hem Holding AB 980,417 8,231
  Saab AB Class B 307,263 7,931
* SSAB AB Class B 1,368,890 7,110
* Hemfosa Fastigheter AB 287,425 6,641
  Nobia AB 506,147 5,479
^ AF AB 392,886 5,343
  Haldex AB 314,194 4,695
^ Melker Schorling AB 77,173 4,645
  Concentric AB 323,215 4,573
^ Klovern AB Preference Shares 103,645 4,174
  Lindab International AB 433,559 3,787
  Rezidor Hotel Group AB 724,786 3,075
  Clas Ohlson AB 177,273 3,044
  SAS AB Preference Shares 49,798 2,981
  Klovern AB 2,673,117 2,965
  Investment AB Oresund 137,628 2,886
  Mekonomen AB 107,773 2,682
^ Nordnet AB 549,162 2,508
* Bure Equity AB 393,233 2,405
*,^ Qliro Group AB 1,096,736 2,036
  Fastighets AB Balder Preference Shares 46,916 1,998
*,^ SAS AB 1,016,291 1,964
  Sagax AB Preference Shares 434,411 1,926
  SkiStar AB 159,439 1,917
  NCC AB Class A 36,875 1,217
  KappAhl AB 198,987 908
* Active Biotech AB 10,544 14
* Eniro AB 8,242 2
Switzerland (6.0%)    
  Nestle SA 23,532,607 1,825,759
  Novartis AG 17,185,277 1,754,139
  Roche Holding AG 5,185,030 1,483,723
* UBS Group AG 25,241,516 504,258
  ABB Ltd. 16,675,095 365,392
  Cie Financiere Richemont SA 3,767,258 335,787
  Zurich Insurance Group AG 1,087,902 335,785
  Credit Suisse Group AG 11,775,827 311,672
  Syngenta AG 676,704 226,445
  Swiss Re AG 2,523,926 223,891
  Holcim Ltd. 1,681,621 135,085
  Givaudan SA 68,198 127,610
  Actelion Ltd. 774,151 101,863




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Swatch Group AG (Bearer) 223,697 100,005
  Swisscom AG 168,025 99,892
  Adecco SA 1,221,981 99,587
  Geberit AG 277,211 98,181
  Julius Baer Group Ltd. 1,609,314 84,233
  SGS SA 37,701 73,049
  Swiss Life Holding AG 236,148 56,038
  Kuehne & Nagel International AG 372,501 55,869
  Schindler Holding AG 327,175 55,347
  Lonza Group AG 384,086 54,306
  Sika AG 15,483 53,143
  Sonova Holding AG 381,950 52,768
  Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprungli AG Registered Shares 755 48,565
^ Transocean Ltd. 2,554,322 45,758
* Baloise Holding AG 344,264 44,801
  Clariant AG 1,988,132 43,649
  Partners Group Holding AG 130,806 40,999
  Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprungli AG Participation Certificates 7,064 38,601
  Swiss Prime Site AG 426,085 37,358
  Aryzta AG (Switzerland Shares) 542,506 36,607
* Dufry AG 235,077 34,565
^ Galenica AG 35,840 33,464
  Swatch Group AG (Registered) 354,283 31,391
  PSP Swiss Property AG 295,055 27,521
* GAM Holding AG 1,200,045 27,074
  Schindler Holding AG (Registered) 153,818 25,624
  Helvetia Holding AG 44,466 25,263
  BB Biotech AG 84,217 24,646
  EMS-Chemie Holding AG 53,628 22,507
* ams AG 412,924 22,450
  Georg Fischer AG 30,111 21,298
  Sulzer AG 171,607 19,149
  Kaba Holding AG Class B 28,186 18,512
  Flughafen Zuerich AG 22,547 17,559
  Barry Callebaut AG 14,252 17,289
  OC Oerlikon Corp. AG 1,270,034 16,614
  Straumann Holding AG 57,074 16,148
  Logitech International SA 1,070,566 16,072
  DKSH Holding AG 195,535 15,388
  Pargesa Holding SA 208,902 15,216
  Panalpina Welttransport Holding AG 102,322 14,269
^ Banque Cantonale Vaudoise 21,016 12,377
  Forbo Holding AG 9,819 11,892
  Leonteq AG 69,292 11,877
^ Bucher Industries AG 46,923 11,794
  Tecan Group AG 81,277 10,802
  Valiant Holding AG 116,707 10,522
  Temenos Group AG 289,517 10,521
  Burckhardt Compression Holding AG 23,656 10,300
* Cembra Money Bank AG 154,233 10,261
  Mobimo Holding AG 45,862 10,233
  Allreal Holding AG 69,886 10,027
  Vontobel Holding AG 224,133 9,958
  Belimo Holding AG 3,376 8,191
  Autoneum Holding AG 34,917 7,711
  Implenia AG 105,654 7,234
  Gategroup Holding AG 195,260 6,828
  Kuoni Reisen Holding AG 20,031 6,730
  St. Galler Kantonalbank AG 16,532 6,308
  Conzzeta AG 1,660 6,258
  Schweiter Technologies AG 6,844 5,954
* Cosmo Pharmaceuticals SA 35,138 5,939
  Rieter Holding AG 33,388 5,500
  Daetwyler Holding AG 38,432 5,455




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Aryzta AG (Ireland Shares) 76,275 5,113
  Emmi AG 15,335 5,082
  Huber & Suhner AG 106,269 4,909
*,^ Meyer Burger Technology AG 658,556 4,504
  Valora Holding AG 20,052 4,500
  Ascom Holding AG 251,900 4,485
  EFG International AG 284,637 4,178
  VZ Holding AG 18,570 3,985
*,^ Basilea Pharmaceutica 33,186 3,959
  Kudelski SA 252,722 3,790
* Zehnder Group AG 74,238 3,515
* Schmolz & Bickenbach AG 3,640,853 3,508
  BKW AG 77,556 3,050
  Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG 75,116 3,044
  Siegfried Holding AG 16,794 2,855
* AFG Arbonia-Forster Holding AG 126,622 2,701
  Vetropack Holding AG 1,544 2,633
  Basler Kantonalbank 32,241 2,476
  Swissquote Group Holding SA 67,865 2,165
* Ypsomed Holding AG 21,830 2,118
*,^ Alpiq Holding AG 20,410 1,781
  Bachem Holding AG 21,734 1,171
* Orascom Development Holding AG 68,331 1,062
Taiwan (3.1%)    
  Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 156,741,063 754,594
  Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. Ltd. 93,580,511 280,409
  MediaTek Inc. 10,766,807 138,399
  Fubon Financial Holding Co. Ltd. 53,672,018 115,425
  Nan Ya Plastics Corp. 42,192,907 103,702
  Cathay Financial Holding Co. Ltd. 58,689,012 102,531
  Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. ADR 4,004,202 97,863
  Formosa Plastics Corp. 36,129,091 92,873
  Delta Electronics Inc. 14,961,240 90,029
  CTBC Financial Holding Co. Ltd. 109,121,515 84,937
  Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corp. 32,407,645 82,580
  China Steel Corp. 91,674,848 77,003
  Largan Precision Co. Ltd. 742,376 74,391
  Mega Financial Holding Co. Ltd. 73,792,873 65,636
  Chunghwa Telecom Co. Ltd. 20,121,456 64,938
  Catcher Technology Co. Ltd. 5,318,800 62,240
  Uni-President Enterprises Corp. 34,199,274 55,969
  Asustek Computer Inc. 5,280,168 55,940
  Hotai Motor Co. Ltd. 3,015,000 52,239
  Quanta Computer Inc. 19,490,950 48,901
  Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Inc. 30,966,201 43,914
  China Development Financial Holding Corp. 105,379,856 43,904
  Taiwan Mobile Co. Ltd. 12,333,400 43,451
  Yuanta Financial Holding Co. Ltd. 72,804,825 42,316
  Innolux Corp. 72,159,024 37,222
  Pegatron Corp. 12,496,639 37,021
  Formosa Petrochemical Corp. 13,955,950 35,979
  E.Sun Financial Holding Co. Ltd. 49,472,683 33,876
  First Financial Holding Co. Ltd. 53,728,082 33,778
  Taiwan Cement Corp. 23,651,700 33,589
  Cheng Shin Rubber Industry Co. Ltd. 13,686,828 32,756
  Far Eastern New Century Corp. 29,152,693 32,022
  Hua Nan Financial Holdings Co. Ltd. 51,669,531 31,739
  United Microelectronics Corp. 64,096,175 30,710
  President Chain Store Corp. 4,129,116 30,556
  Hermes Microvision Inc. 414,509 29,147
  Taiwan Cooperative Financial Holding Co. Ltd. 53,949,451 29,108
  SinoPac Financial Holdings Co. Ltd. 63,588,694 28,822
  Compal Electronics Inc. 30,725,689 27,973




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Far EasTone Telecommunications Co. Ltd. 11,722,000 27,948
  Taishin Financial Holding Co. Ltd. 60,936,407 27,896
  Pou Chen Corp. 19,568,517 27,422
^ Chunghwa Telecom Co. Ltd. ADR 796,586 25,634
  China Life Insurance Co. Ltd. 22,108,382 23,403
* HTC Corp. 5,540,792 22,813
  Foxconn Technology Co. Ltd. 7,784,705 22,187
  Novatek Microelectronics Corp. 4,230,275 22,110
  Asia Cement Corp. 17,130,567 21,662
* Inotera Memories Inc. 18,851,002 21,648
  Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Inc. ADR 2,937,290 20,943
  Advantech Co. Ltd. 2,504,851 20,634
  Chailease Holding Co. Ltd. 7,445,510 20,407
  Lite-On Technology Corp. 15,756,426 19,908
  Eclat Textile Co. Ltd. 1,434,011 19,199
  Siliconware Precision Industries Co. Ltd. ADR 2,259,495 18,324
  Giant Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 2,062,319 17,788
  Siliconware Precision Industries Co. Ltd. 10,586,000 17,391
  AU Optronics Corp. 34,586,640 17,357
  Shin Kong Financial Holding Co. Ltd. 50,810,811 16,479
  Highwealth Construction Corp. 6,097,600 15,906
  Inventec Corp. 22,312,315 15,746
  Chang Hwa Commercial Bank Ltd. 25,487,267 15,573
  AU Optronics Corp. ADR 2,966,583 14,892
  Wistron Corp. 17,356,049 14,765
* Acer Inc. 21,425,682 14,010
  Merida Industry Co. Ltd. 1,825,232 13,676
  Synnex Technology International Corp. 9,573,463 13,565
  WPG Holdings Ltd. 10,785,553 13,494
  Feng TAY Enterprise Co. Ltd. 2,156,011 13,304
  Teco Electric and Machinery Co. Ltd. 13,528,000 13,134
  Ruentex Industries Ltd. 5,249,340 12,889
  Hiwin Technologies Corp. 1,570,298 11,973
  Chicony Electronics Co. Ltd. 4,135,883 11,893
  United Microelectronics Corp. ADR 4,793,441 11,600
  Ruentex Development Co. Ltd. 6,470,304 11,499
  TPK Holding Co. Ltd. 1,838,695 11,422
* Eva Airways Corp. 14,324,178 11,292
  Epistar Corp. 6,982,760 10,907
  Realtek Semiconductor Corp. 3,449,215 10,742
  Zhen Ding Technology Holding Ltd. 3,071,355 10,693
  Simplo Technology Co. Ltd. 2,146,443 10,623
  Radiant Opto-Electronics Corp. 3,216,948 10,579
  Taiwan Fertilizer Co. Ltd. 5,502,000 10,119
  Chipbond Technology Corp. 4,479,000 9,679
  Yageo Corp. 4,649,407 9,560
  Powertech Technology Inc. 5,173,955 9,552
  Makalot Industrial Co. Ltd. 1,207,691 9,444
  Formosa Taffeta Co. Ltd. 7,548,000 8,979
  CTCI Corp. 5,080,000 8,932
  Phison Electronics Corp. 966,510 8,914
  Vanguard International Semiconductor Corp. 5,781,000 8,878
* China Airlines Ltd. 16,619,646 8,838
  Kenda Rubber Industrial Co. Ltd. 4,509,838 8,817
* Taiwan Business Bank 26,241,905 8,640
  Wan Hai Lines Ltd. 7,791,325 8,639
  Yulon Motor Co. Ltd. 6,348,015 8,284
* Evergreen Marine Corp. Taiwan Ltd. 12,055,979 8,201
  Airtac International Group 998,600 8,163
  Transcend Information Inc. 2,102,363 8,078
  PChome Online Inc. 469,979 7,950
  King's Town Bank Co. Ltd. 7,588,000 7,777
  King Slide Works Co. Ltd. 480,000 7,549
  King Yuan Electronics Co. Ltd. 7,870,000 7,154




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Clevo Co. 4,535,796 7,150
* Walsin Lihwa Corp. 24,166,000 7,130
  Tripod Technology Corp. 3,605,023 7,042
  Taiwan Glass Industry Corp. 9,752,747 6,990
  Win Semiconductors Corp. 5,326,000 6,904
  Eternal Materials Co. Ltd. 6,016,001 6,865
* Winbond Electronics Corp. 20,390,000 6,750
  Standard Foods Corp. 2,696,967 6,685
  Far Eastern Department Stores Ltd. 8,268,977 6,646
  Everlight Electronics Co. Ltd. 2,853,497 6,597
* China Petrochemical Development Corp. 17,162,647 6,444
* Macronix International 26,344,878 6,384
  TSRC Corp. 5,412,626 6,235
  Chroma ATE Inc. 2,577,800 6,209
  Taiwan Secom Co. Ltd. 2,058,920 6,195
  St. Shine Optical Co. Ltd. 349,000 6,152
  Capital Securities Corp. 16,617,175 6,147
* Nanya Technology Corp. 2,726,000 6,054
  Yungtay Engineering Co. Ltd. 2,599,000 5,970
  Micro-Star International Co. Ltd. 4,987,000 5,952
  Kinsus Interconnect Technology Corp. 1,942,000 5,923
  Unimicron Technology Corp. 9,865,750 5,873
  Poya International Co. Ltd. 543,222 5,802
* eMemory Technology Inc. 504,000 5,691
  Sino-American Silicon Products Inc. 3,847,428 5,660
  Richtek Technology Corp. 998,105 5,644
  Nan Kang Rubber Tire Co. Ltd. 5,468,209 5,618
  Cheng Uei Precision Industry Co. Ltd. 2,777,485 5,462
  China Steel Chemical Corp. 1,103,000 5,356
  Taichung Commercial Bank Co. Ltd. 14,826,707 5,297
  Coretronic Corp. 3,878,000 5,266
* Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp. 10,016,553 5,244
  Asia Pacific Telecom Co. Ltd. 12,150,848 5,232
  FLEXium Interconnect Inc. 1,457,804 5,167
  Compeq Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 8,101,000 5,128
  Ginko International Co. Ltd. 343,000 5,013
  Tainan Spinning Co. Ltd. 8,624,193 5,003
  Far Eastern International Bank 13,294,090 4,904
  Taiwan Paiho Ltd. 1,777,300 4,826
  Wistron NeWeb Corp. 1,811,293 4,806
  Neo Solar Power Corp. 5,348,831 4,793
  Chin-Poon Industrial Co. Ltd. 2,457,000 4,723
  Tung Ho Steel Enterprise Corp. 6,006,842 4,693
  MIN AIK Technology Co. Ltd. 1,254,000 4,686
  Elan Microelectronics Corp. 2,854,000 4,673
  Oriental Union Chemical Corp. 5,212,700 4,666
  U-Ming Marine Transport Corp. 3,090,000 4,636
  Feng Hsin Iron & Steel Co. 3,402,000 4,628
  Casetek Holdings Ltd. 758,000 4,601
* Aerospace Industrial Development Corp. 3,157,590 4,574
  Parade Technologies Ltd. 456,805 4,520
  Depo Auto Parts Ind Co. Ltd. 980,000 4,514
  Jih Sun Financial Holdings Co. Ltd. 15,130,491 4,509
  Firich Enterprises Co. Ltd. 1,254,879 4,509
* Sanyang Motor Co. Ltd. 5,061,540 4,492
  Formosa International Hotels Corp. 419,455 4,478
* Qisda Corp. 10,162,880 4,437
  Ton Yi Industrial Corp. 5,568,850 4,387
  Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd. 3,608,000 4,378
  Wowprime Corp. 472,015 4,362
  China Motor Corp. 5,015,000 4,253
  Grape King Bio Ltd. 769,000 4,189
  Tong Yang Industry Co. Ltd. 3,524,126 4,177
* Kinpo Electronics 9,729,000 4,176




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Cathay Real Estate Development Co. Ltd. 6,611,000 4,147
  Grand Pacific Petrochemical 6,462,000 4,143
  YFY Inc. 9,740,515 4,138
  Huaku Development Co. Ltd. 1,781,087 4,069
  WT Microelectronics Co. Ltd. 2,577,873 4,057
  Taiwan Hon Chuan Enterprise Co. Ltd. 2,146,496 3,994
  Shinkong Synthetic Fibers Corp. 10,923,451 3,969
* Tatung Co. Ltd. 14,841,738 3,935
  Lung Yen Life Service Corp. 1,475,000 3,925
  President Securities Corp. 6,536,926 3,909
* Voltronic Power Technology Corp. 311,000 3,858
  China Synthetic Rubber Corp. 3,588,000 3,826
* PharmaEngine Inc. 410,000 3,684
  HannStar Display Corp. 18,084,060 3,652
  Prince Housing & Development Corp. 8,370,559 3,615
  Cleanaway Co. Ltd. 581,000 3,600
  Formosan Rubber Group Inc. 3,347,000 3,591
* Hota Industrial Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 1,419,000 3,573
* Ta Chong Bank Ltd. 9,942,659 3,564
  Sercomm Corp. 1,581,000 3,533
  USI Corp. 6,509,105 3,511
  TA Chen Stainless Pipe 5,190,500 3,500
  Tong Hsing Electronic Industries Ltd. 1,086,259 3,480
  Faraday Technology Corp. 2,523,110 3,468
  Elite Material Co. Ltd. 2,079,965 3,467
* Goldsun Development & Construction Co. Ltd. 10,152,830 3,463
  Mitac Holdings Corp. 4,227,997 3,449
  Flytech Technology Co. Ltd. 825,775 3,427
  LCY Chemical Corp. 5,222,288 3,416
  TTY Biopharm Co. Ltd. 1,540,780 3,414
* Medigen Biotechnology Corp. 791,032 3,397
  Ardentec Corp. 3,527,792 3,302
  Great Wall Enterprise Co. Ltd. 4,026,920 3,285
  AmTRAN Technology Co. Ltd. 5,579,716 3,194
* Xxentria Technology Materials Corp. 971,224 3,179
  ScinoPharm Taiwan Ltd. 1,894,318 3,172
  San Shing Fastech Corp. 1,245,468 3,165
  Gigasolar Materials Corp. 182,600 3,149
  Lien Hwa Industrial Corp. 4,496,767 3,100
* Mercuries Life Insurance Co. Ltd. 5,037,733 3,095
  Farglory Land Development Co. Ltd. 2,581,815 3,083
* China Man-Made Fiber Corp. 8,402,000 3,011
  Universal Cement Corp. 2,810,097 3,003
  Motech Industries Inc. 2,328,100 2,984
  Silergy Corp. 301,000 2,978
  Taiwan PCB Techvest Co. Ltd. 1,832,153 2,977
  Test Research Inc. 1,454,503 2,958
* Primax Electronics Ltd. 2,246,000 2,957
* Nan Ya Printed Circuit Board Corp. 1,659,059 2,954
  Chong Hong Construction Co. Ltd. 1,292,968 2,948
* Orient Semiconductor Electronics Ltd. 5,569,000 2,933
  Taiwan Sogo Shin Kong SEC 2,167,950 2,924
* E Ink Holdings Inc. 6,437,000 2,916
  Cheng Loong Corp. 6,719,600 2,916
  Greatek Electronics Inc. 2,166,000 2,905
  China Bills Finance Corp. 7,466,000 2,899
  AcBel Polytech Inc. 2,927,000 2,875
* FocalTech Systems Co. Ltd. 2,802,200 2,860
* Taiwan FamilyMart Co. Ltd. 367,000 2,858
  Namchow Chemical Industrial Co. Ltd. 1,285,000 2,850
* XPEC Entertainment Inc. 578,000 2,829
  Taiwan Surface Mounting Technology Co. Ltd. 2,130,684 2,819
  Merry Electronics Co. Ltd. 1,230,976 2,817
  YungShin Global Holding Corp. 1,542,000 2,802




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  IEI Integration Corp. 1,576,694 2,798
  Shin Zu Shing Co. Ltd. 1,003,000 2,778
  Long Bon International Co. Ltd. 3,424,000 2,744
  Radium Life Tech Co. Ltd. 5,263,515 2,740
  Hey Song Corp. 2,153,500 2,709
  Taiwan Cogeneration Corp. 2,690,550 2,659
  Sitronix Technology Corp. 727,000 2,623
* Adlink Technology Inc. 836,000 2,620
  TXC Corp. 2,016,979 2,618
  Aten International Co. Ltd. 879,000 2,600
  Toung Loong Textile Manufacturing 657,000 2,592
* Taiwan Life Insurance Co. Ltd. 2,754,577 2,590
  Taiwan Acceptance Corp. 956,000 2,572
* Center Laboratories Inc. 888,000 2,565
* Lextar Electronics Corp. 2,792,000 2,523
  Taiwan Land Development Corp. 4,841,387 2,518
* Lealea Enterprise Co. Ltd. 6,920,197 2,517
  Masterlink Securities Corp. 6,708,436 2,502
  Yieh Phui Enterprise Co. Ltd. 7,909,596 2,490
  Pixart Imaging Inc. 816,711 2,489
  Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. 1,759,000 2,467
* Shining Building Business Co. Ltd. 4,134,380 2,454
  Nan Liu Enterprise Co. Ltd. 394,000 2,431
  UPC Technology Corp. 6,147,767 2,424
  Solar Applied Materials Technology Co. 2,755,740 2,411
* Darwin Precisions Corp. 4,125,000 2,410
  Everlight Chemical Industrial Corp. 2,607,464 2,382
  A-DATA Technology Co. Ltd. 1,504,087 2,379
  Wah Lee Industrial Corp. 1,272,000 2,379
  Taiwan TEA Corp. 4,175,000 2,375
  Hung Sheng Construction Ltd. 3,285,000 2,356
* Microbio Co. Ltd. 2,732,907 2,349
* Chimei Materials Technology Corp. 2,179,000 2,342
* TWi Pharmaceuticals Inc. 348,000 2,318
  BES Engineering Corp. 9,325,000 2,292
  Brogent Technologies Inc. 181,000 2,287
  Career Technology MFG. Co. Ltd. 2,294,000 2,278
  Dynapack International Technology Corp. 939,000 2,277
* Sporton International Inc. 401,000 2,274
* Walsin Technology Corp. 4,935,954 2,274
  Wei Chuan Foods Corp. 2,898,000 2,272
  Chlitina Holding Ltd. 367,300 2,255
  Zeng Hsing Industrial Co. Ltd. 371,000 2,248
  Sigurd Microelectronics Corp. 2,366,000 2,234
  Long Chen Paper Co. Ltd. 5,008,613 2,213
  Soft-World International Corp. 764,620 2,174
  D-Link Corp. 4,196,480 2,173
  Great China Metal Industry 1,966,000 2,155
* CMC Magnetics Corp. 17,308,000 2,149
  Ambassador Hotel 2,303,000 2,141
* Rich Development Co. Ltd. 4,968,000 2,138
* Taiwan Liposome Co. Ltd. 291,000 2,125
* Asia Optical Co. Inc. 1,696,000 2,097
  Systex Corp. 1,086,000 2,093
  Kindom Construction Corp. 2,312,000 2,086
  Visual Photonics Epitaxy Co. Ltd. 1,755,750 2,086
  Topco Scientific Co. Ltd. 1,014,178 2,080
* Elite Advanced Laser Corp. 479,000 2,078
  Unity Opto Technology Co. Ltd. 1,899,409 2,056
* Taigen Biopharmaceuticals Holdings Ltd. 2,207,000 2,032
  ITEQ Corp. 2,435,140 2,022
  China Metal Products 1,934,243 2,019
* Li Peng Enterprise Co. Ltd. 5,438,443 2,010
  Mercuries & Associates Holding Ltd. 2,878,641 2,006




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Syncmold Enterprise Corp. 918,000 1,994
  Holtek Semiconductor Inc. 1,089,000 1,992
  Evergreen International Storage & Transport Corp. 3,409,000 1,991
  YC INOX Co. Ltd. 2,409,000 1,960
  Federal Corp. 3,312,096 1,954
  Rechi Precision Co. Ltd. 1,798,596 1,948
  Gloria Material Technology Corp. 2,612,824 1,947
  Elitegroup Computer Systems Co. Ltd. 1,935,441 1,934
  Johnson Health Tech Co. Ltd. 745,408 1,929
  Taiwan Styrene Monomer 3,966,342 1,923
  KEE TAI Properties Co. Ltd. 2,930,740 1,921
* Kuo Toong International Co. Ltd. 1,135,000 1,920
  Test Rite International Co. Ltd. 2,799,314 1,914
  Continental Holdings Corp. 5,250,900 1,909
  Yulon Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. 184,179 1,906
* Ichia Technologies Inc. 2,236,000 1,897
  Kinik Co. 892,000 1,895
* Ho Tung Chemical Corp. 6,552,250 1,894
  Holy Stone Enterprise Co. Ltd. 1,317,500 1,878
  Gourmet Master Co. Ltd. 436,000 1,858
* Posiflex Technology Inc. 342,000 1,850
* Topkey Corp. 411,000 1,847
  Sinyi Realty Inc. 1,596,348 1,843
  Green Seal Holding Ltd. 382,900 1,821
  Lotes Co. Ltd. 439,000 1,812
  Accton Technology Corp. 3,483,800 1,809
* Ritek Corp. 17,742,000 1,808
  CyberTAN Technology Inc. 2,281,000 1,801
  Yung Chi Paint & Varnish Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 611,000 1,791
  Unitech Printed Circuit Board Corp. 3,920,248 1,774
  Alpha Networks Inc. 2,359,000 1,767
  Chung Hsin Electric & Machinery Manufacturing Corp. 2,415,250 1,733
  Pan-International Industrial Corp. 2,815,991 1,714
  Senao International Co. Ltd. 1,118,000 1,706
  Getac Technology Corp. 2,777,000 1,705
* Gigastorage Corp. 1,936,096 1,690
  Sincere Navigation Corp. 2,114,000 1,683
* Gintech Energy Corp. 2,623,149 1,675
  Asia Polymer Corp. 2,255,300 1,664
  Altek Corp. 1,512,353 1,658
  Huang Hsiang Construction Corp. 1,145,000 1,654
* King's Town Construction Co. Ltd. 1,845,854 1,642
* Etron Technology Inc. 2,823,000 1,637
  Taiwan Semiconductor Co. Ltd. 1,537,000 1,618
* E-Ton Solar Tech Co. Ltd. 3,062,096 1,601
  Asia Vital Components Co. Ltd. 1,819,148 1,587
  Kuoyang Construction Co. Ltd. 3,279,696 1,574
* Sunplus Technology Co. Ltd. 3,177,000 1,563
  United Integrated Services Co. Ltd. 1,318,000 1,528
  CSBC Corp. Taiwan 2,795,100 1,523
  OptoTech Corp. 3,319,000 1,509
* Pihsiang Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 779,000 1,506
  Taiflex Scientific Co. Ltd. 996,852 1,487
* G Tech Optoelectronics Corp. 1,697,334 1,483
  Tong-Tai Machine & Tool Co. Ltd. 1,567,626 1,481
  Sampo Corp. 3,267,000 1,481
* Genius Electronic Optical Co. Ltd. 513,363 1,463
* Solartech Energy Corp. 2,193,364 1,456
  Nien Hsing Textile Co. Ltd. 1,536,468 1,438
* Chung Hwa Pulp Corp. 3,986,820 1,433
* Gold Circuit Electronics Ltd. 2,844,000 1,424
  International Games System Co. Ltd. 343,000 1,414
  Unizyx Holding Corp. 2,666,000 1,404
* Lotus Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 449,000 1,403




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Chia Hsin Cement Corp. 3,020,112 1,399
  ALI Corp. 1,838,000 1,394
  Sonix Technology Co. Ltd. 924,000 1,392
  Global Unichip Corp. 522,000 1,371
  GeoVision Inc. 391,189 1,364
  WUS Printed Circuit Co. Ltd. 1,816,000 1,359
* Chung Hung Steel Corp. 5,892,240 1,349
  Ability Enterprise Co. Ltd. 2,346,000 1,339
  Jentech Precision Industrial Co. Ltd. 611,354 1,337
  Gemtek Technology Corp. 1,807,564 1,336
  Kerry TJ Logistics Co. Ltd. 999,349 1,326
  Global Mixed Mode Technology Inc. 463,000 1,319
  Weltrend Semiconductor 1,366,500 1,307
  China General Plastics Corp. 2,886,920 1,306
  CHC Healthcare Group 639,333 1,280
  Zinwell Corp. 1,311,000 1,279
  HUA ENG Wire & Cable 3,871,000 1,263
* Green Energy Technology Inc. 1,975,405 1,262
  China Chemical & Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 1,872,000 1,258
* Concord Securities Corp. 4,552,219 1,237
  Taiwan Fire & Marine Insurance Co. Ltd. 1,561,000 1,230
  ITE Technology Inc. 971,625 1,229
  Hung Poo Real Estate Development Corp. 1,371,946 1,221
* Pan Jit International Inc. 2,692,000 1,206
* Wafer Works Corp. 2,887,674 1,200
  Lingsen Precision Industries Ltd. 2,578,000 1,175
  Taiwan Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd. 1,173,750 1,173
  Lite-On Semiconductor Corp. 1,453,439 1,160
  Infortrend Technology Inc. 1,980,000 1,159
  Darfon Electronics Corp. 1,857,000 1,145
  Chun Yuan Steel 3,005,653 1,143
  Jess-Link Products Co. Ltd. 923,458 1,136
  Quanta Storage Inc. 1,051,000 1,123
  Basso Industry Corp. 716,000 1,113
  Vivotek Inc. 370,146 1,106
  Cyberlink Corp. 372,578 1,099
* China Electric Manufacturing Corp. 2,735,000 1,053
* Tyntek Corp. 1,906,438 1,037
* HannsTouch Solution Inc. 5,094,000 1,036
* Silicon Integrated Systems Corp. 3,736,000 1,014
  Eastern Media International Corp. 2,917,195 1,011
  Hsin Kuang Steel Co. Ltd. 1,620,000 976
* TYC Brother Industrial Co. Ltd. 1,309,000 949
  Microlife Corp. 399,400 935
  Bank of Kaohsiung Co. Ltd. 2,457,895 806
  Sunrex Technology Corp. 1,288,000 795
  Young Optics Inc. 402,000 783
  FSP Technology Inc. 924,478 774
  Phihong Technology Co. Ltd. 1,483,000 771
* Dynamic Electronics Co. Ltd. 1,867,000 759
  Globe Union Industrial Corp. 1,505,625 758
* Genesis Photonics Inc. 1,546,931 744
  Champion Building Materials Co. Ltd. 2,475,000 743
  Shih Wei Navigation Co. Ltd. 1,261,457 738
  L&K Engineering Co. Ltd. 977,000 736
* AGV Products Corp. 2,660,265 710
  Taiyen Biotech Co. Ltd. 788,979 683
* First Steamship Co. Ltd. 1,219,000 679
  Chinese Maritime Transport Ltd. 631,000 668
  Ta Ya Electric Wire & Cable 3,136,950 662
  ACES Electronic Co. Ltd. 605,000 620
  ENG Electric Co. Ltd. 802,135 607
* LES Enphants Co. Ltd. 1,108,461 603
* Chinese Gamer International Corp. 352,000 594




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Tsann Kuen Enterprise Co. Ltd. 582,000 583
* Entire Technology Co. Ltd. 798,617 560
* Microelectronics Technology Inc. 1,313,000 533
* Global Brands Manufacture Ltd. 1,714,462 527
  Sheng Yu Steel Co. Ltd. 715,000 512
  Taiwan Mask Corp. 1,546,000 506
* Giantplus Technology Co. Ltd. 1,443,000 506
  Advanced International Multitech Co. Ltd. 646,000 504
  AV Tech Corp. 372,000 503
  Newmax Technology Co. Ltd. 532,294 502
  Taiwan Navigation Co. Ltd. 747,000 496
  Globalwafers Co. Ltd. 156,210 484
  Silitech Technology Corp. 619,405 473
  KYE Systems Corp. 1,229,892 459
* Young Fast Optoelectronics Co. Ltd. 754,143 418
* J Touch Corp. 729,000 398
* Mosel Vitelic Inc. 2,174,000 360
  Avermedia Technologies 859,000 347
* Via Technologies Inc. 1,019,860 302
* Tatung Co. Ltd. GDR 38,879 207
* ProMOS Technologies Inc. 5,975,000
Thailand (0.5%)    
  Advanced Info Service PCL (Foreign) 6,120,100 44,421
* PTT PCL 3,924,800 42,317
  Siam Cement PCL (Foreign) 2,204,600 35,870
* Siam Commercial Bank PCL (Local) 7,071,500 34,026
  Kasikornbank PCL (Foreign) 5,242,200 33,263
  CP ALL PCL (Foreign) 21,481,570 27,327
  Intouch Holdings PCL 11,124,700 25,934
  PTT PCL (Foreign) 2,366,115 25,512
  PTT Exploration & Production PCL (Foreign) 6,317,769 22,379
* Kasikornbank PCL 3,382,600 21,464
  Siam Commercial Bank PCL (Foreign) 4,402,600 21,184
  Bangkok Bank PCL (Foreign) 3,505,600 19,675
  Airports of Thailand PCL (Foreign) 2,205,300 19,336
* Advanced Info Service PCL (Local) 2,641,492 19,172
  Big C Supercenter PCL 2,578,400 17,287
* True Corp. PCL 42,371,200 15,608
* PTT Global Chemical PCL (Local) 8,012,300 15,586
* CP ALL PCL (Local) 11,090,100 14,108
* PTT Exploration and Production PCL (Local) 3,903,500 13,827
  Total Access Communication PCL 5,206,600 13,677
* Bumrungrad Hospital PCL 2,616,300 12,710
* Central Pattana PCL 9,853,386 12,514
* Minor International PCL 12,496,880 12,449
* Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL 14,639,400 9,898
  Bangkok Dusit Medical Services PCL (Foreign) 15,919,000 9,726
* Delta Electronics Thailand PCL 3,584,400 9,052
  Krung Thai Bank PCL (Foreign) 14,913,137 9,024
  TMB Bank PCL (Foreign) 112,734,300 8,867
* Airports of Thailand PCL 946,800 8,301
  PTT Global Chemical PCL (Foreign) 4,225,236 8,219
* Electricity Generating PCL 1,726,400 7,915
  Thai Oil PCL (Foreign) 4,176,800 7,397
  BTS Group Holdings PCL ADR 26,044,600 7,288
* Land & Houses PCL 23,977,300 6,931
* BTS Rail Mass Transit Growth Infrastructure Fund 21,059,824 6,647
* Krung Thai Bank PCL 10,648,900 6,443
  Thai Union Frozen Products PCL (Foreign) 10,402,800 6,437
  Glow Energy PCL (Foreign) 2,486,345 6,427
* IRPC PCL 46,111,000 6,420
* BEC World PCL 4,724,200 5,764
  Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL (Foreign) 8,304,300 5,615




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
* Siam City Cement PCL (Local) 500,717 5,562
* True Corp. PCL (Foreign) 13,467,523 4,961
  Ratchaburi Electricity Generating Holding PCL 2,674,000 4,862
* Banpu PCL (Local) 5,470,400 4,808
* Robinson Department Store PCL 3,384,900 4,791
* Indorama Ventures PCL (Local) 6,312,600 4,712
* Thanachart Capital PCL 4,512,200 4,646
  BTS Group Holdings PCL 16,254,048 4,548
  Home Product Center PCL (Foreign) 20,294,238 4,425
* Bangkok Dusit Medical Services PCL (Local) 6,675,900 4,079
* Srisawad Power 1979 PCL 3,224,024 4,069
  Bangkok Life Assurance PCL (NVDR) 2,624,120 3,969
* Tisco Financial Group PCL 2,884,520 3,956
* Central Plaza Hotel PCL 3,901,800 3,955
  IRPC PCL (Foreign) 28,064,000 3,908
* TMB Bank PCL 45,636,800 3,590
* Thaicom PCL 3,197,300 3,553
* Sino-Thai Engineering & Construction PCL 5,576,242 3,519
* Bangkok Land PCL 73,759,100 3,409
* Major Cineplex Group PCL 3,328,532 3,379
* KCE Electronics PCL 2,054,700 3,358
* Berli Jucker PCL 2,991,200 3,351
* Siam Global House PCL (Local) 11,263,475 3,317
* Thai Oil PCL 1,856,100 3,287
* VGI Global Media PCL (Local) 23,173,192 3,180
  Indorama Ventures PCL (Foreign) 4,205,648 3,139
* Hana Microelectronics PCL 2,318,300 3,122
* Superblock PCL 46,848,100 3,029
* TPI Polene PCL 34,536,400 3,027
* Gunkul Engineering PCL 3,454,925 2,894
  BEC World PCL (Foreign) 2,370,905 2,893
  Hana Microelectronics PCL (Foreign) 2,059,900 2,774
* SPCG PCL 3,359,800 2,770
* CK Power PCL 26,338,100 2,661
* Thai Union Frozen Products PCL 4,278,000 2,647
* Bangchak Petroleum PCL 2,405,200 2,582
* Samart Corp. PCL 2,823,200 2,556
* Supalai PCL 4,191,400 2,532
  Jasmine International PCL (Foreign) 15,089,900 2,510
  TTW PCL (Foreign) 6,920,300 2,368
  WHA Corp. PCL (Foreign) 1,860,863 2,361
* LPN Development PCL 4,347,200 2,261
  Pruksa Real Estate PCL (Foreign) 2,710,500 2,253
* CH Karnchang PCL 2,930,700 2,235
  Banpu PCL 2,537,400 2,230
  Bangkok Expressway PCL (Foreign) 1,876,200 2,216
  Thoresen Thai Agencies PCL (Foreign) 5,418,772 2,196
* Chularat Hospital PCL 3,730,116 2,189
* Bangkok Metro PCL 35,467,500 2,038
* Thai Vegetable Oil PCL 3,063,738 2,035
  Kiatnakin Bank PCL (Foreign) 1,775,743 1,992
* MBK PCL 4,610,900 1,985
* Jasmine International PCL (Local) 11,705,300 1,947
* Dynasty Ceramic PCL 15,678,400 1,918
* Amata Corp. PCL 3,541,900 1,917
* Esso Thailand PCL 9,407,400 1,850
* Pruksa Real Estate PCL (Local) 2,222,000 1,847
* Home Product Center PCL (Local) 8,145,347 1,776
* Thai Reinsurance PCL 19,130,390 1,739
* Sri Trang Agro-Industry PCL 4,396,300 1,716
* Italian-Thai Development PCL (Foreign) 7,424,785 1,701
* TICON Industrial Connection PCL 3,711,600 1,682
* Glow Energy PCL 624,300 1,614
* Quality Houses PCL (Local) 16,567,950 1,553




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Bangkok Chain Hospital PCL (Foreign) 5,881,825 1,458
  Quality Houses PCL (Foreign) 14,903,018 1,397
* GFPT PCL 3,817,900 1,365
* Thai Airways International PCL (Foreign) 3,415,800 1,303
* Precious Shipping PCL 3,036,700 1,249
* Sansiri PCL (Local) 21,477,300 1,228
  VGI Global Media PCL (Foreign) 8,894,080 1,221
* WHA Corp. PCL (Local) 940,785 1,194
* Italian-Thai Development PCL (Local) 5,190,000 1,189
* Cal-Comp Electronics Thailand PCL 10,514,797 1,165
* TTW PCL 3,352,100 1,147
* Bangkok Expressway PCL 952,700 1,125
  Univentures PCL (Foreign) 4,060,200 1,019
* Kiatnakin Bank PCL (Local) 887,400 995
  Asian Property Development PCL (Foreign) 4,332,944 964
* Thoresen Thai Agencies PCL (Local) 2,263,500 917
  Sansiri PCL (Foreign) 14,838,699 848
  Samart Corp. PCL (Foreign) 810,500 734
  Siam Global House PCL (Foreign) 2,329,227 686
* Sahaviriya Steel Industries PCL 96,407,100 643
* Bangkok Chain Hospital PCL (Local) 2,571,800 637
* Bangkok Life Assurance PCL 402,900 609
* AP Thailand PCL 2,561,200 570
* Maybank Kim Eng Securities Thailand PCL 756,900 534
  Bank of Ayudhya PCL 385,253 469
* Bank of Ayudhya PCL (Local) 354,166 431
* Tata Steel Thailand PCL 18,449,500 418
* Thai Airways International PCL 964,500 368
* Univentures PCL (Local) 1,381,400 347
* WHA Corp. PCL Warrants Exp. 12/31/2019 201,600 170
* Minor International Warrants Exp. 11/03/2017 487,890 66
  CK Power PCL Rights Exp. 05/22/2015 6,341,340 65
* Indorama Ventures PCL Warrants Exp. 08/24/2017 853,604 63
* Indorama Ventures Warrants Exp. 08/24/2018 656,618 37
  CPN Retail Growth Leasehold Property Fund 45,838 23
* G Steel PCL 70
Turkey (0.3%)    
  Turkiye Garanti Bankasi AS 15,471,524 49,227
  Akbank TAS 15,023,926 43,773
  BIM Birlesik Magazalar AS 1,654,617 30,633
  Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri AS 5,854,225 26,066
  Turkiye Halk Bankasi AS 4,581,827 23,211
  Turkiye Is Bankasi 9,886,814 22,231
  KOC Holding AS 4,669,129 22,083
  Haci Omer Sabanci Holding AS (Bearer) 6,010,881 21,974
* Tupras Turkiye Petrol Rafinerileri AS 897,051 21,789
  Eregli Demir ve Celik Fabrikalari TAS 10,053,072 16,965
  Emlak Konut Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi AS 14,357,159 16,584
  Turkiye Vakiflar Bankasi TAO 7,734,558 13,723
* Turk Hava Yollari AO 4,099,307 13,598
* Anadolu Efes Biracilik Ve Malt Sanayii AS 1,417,917 11,937
  Turk Telekomunikasyon AS 3,859,098 10,666
  Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi AS 6,455,533 10,108
* TAV Havalimanlari Holding AS 1,108,347 9,744
  Ulker Biskuvi Sanayi AS 1,111,314 8,492
  Coca-Cola Icecek AS 487,612 8,260
  Enka Insaat ve Sanayi AS 3,425,944 7,363
  Arcelik AS 1,305,957 7,035
  Ford Otomotiv Sanayi AS 520,869 6,446
  Tofas Turk Otomobil Fabrikasi AS 891,709 5,465
  Turkiye Sise ve Cam Fabrikalari AS 3,729,597 4,766
  Petkim Petrokimya Holding AS 3,113,013 4,375
  Turkiye Sinai Kalkinma Bankasi AS 5,094,500 3,846




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Koza Altin Isletmeleri AS 332,219 3,470
  Aselsan Elektronik Sanayi Ve Ticaret AS 594,262 3,099
  Yazicilar Holding AS Class A 330,486 2,960
  Turk Traktor ve Ziraat Makineleri AS 95,382 2,850
* Kardemir Karabuk Demir Celik Sanayi ve Ticaret AS 3,869,253 2,667
  Dogus Otomotiv Servis ve Ticaret AS 531,995 2,587
* Pegasus Hava Tasimaciligi AS 244,440 2,412
  Aygaz AS 615,197 2,254
* Ipek Dogal Enerji Kaynaklari Arastirma Ve Uretim AS 1,791,642 2,241
  Cimsa Cimento Sanayi VE Ticaret AS 352,808 2,165
* Migros Ticaret AS 269,459 2,156
* Koza Anadolu Metal Madencilik Isletmeleri AS 1,971,578 2,127
  Trakya Cam Sanayii AS 1,741,743 2,097
  Aksa Akrilik Kimya Sanayii AS 468,079 1,890
  Otokar Otomotiv Ve Savunma Sanayi A.S. 51,489 1,860
* Asya Katilim Bankasi AS 5,685,600 1,830
  Aksigorta AS 2,007,314 1,788
* Sekerbank TAS 2,624,034 1,761
  Akcansa Cimento AS 278,233 1,711
* Aksa Enerji Uretim AS Class B 1,612,521 1,635
* Tekfen Holding AS 854,829 1,598
  Gubre Fabrikalari TAS 594,563 1,588
* Kardemir Karabuk Demir Celik Sanayi ve Ticaret AS Class A 1,688,864 1,516
  Akfen Holding AS 596,177 1,499
  Is Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi AS 2,119,700 1,346
* Dogan Sirketler Grubu Holding AS 5,664,568 1,292
* NET Holding AS 1,037,791 1,191
  Albaraka Turk Katilim Bankasi AS 1,743,718 1,127
* Vestel Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret AS 497,282 1,027
  Torunlar Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi AS 642,034 977
  EIS Eczacibasi Ilac ve Sinai ve Finansal Yatirimlar Sanayi ve Ticaret AS 754,417 802
* Zorlu Enerji Elektrik Uretim AS 1,011,368 780
  Bizim Toptan Satis Magazalari AS 130,763 772
* Adana Cimento Sanayii TAS Class A 262,407 686
  Alarko Holding AS 409,805 624
  Konya Cimento Sanayii AS 5,062 575
* Akenerji Elektrik Uretim AS 1,321,807 549
  Vakif Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi AS 543,064 538
  Turcas Petrol AS 603,765 510
  Anadolu Cam Sanayii AS 583,540 430
* Ihlas Holding AS 3,143,110 318
United Arab Emirates (0.2%)    
  Emaar Properties PJSC 25,945,924 57,535
  First Gulf Bank PJSC 8,310,539 34,370
  DP World Ltd. 1,224,821 28,215
  Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank PJSC 13,777,587 27,786
  Aldar Properties PJSC 23,300,439 17,303
  Union National Bank PJSC 8,115,023 15,073
  Dubai Islamic Bank PJSC 7,428,139 13,940
* Emaar Malls Group PJSC 15,492,550 13,529
* Arabtec Holding PJSC 15,960,918 12,641
  Air Arabia PJSC 17,131,723 7,604
  Dubai Financial Market PJSC 11,950,631 7,018
  Dubai Investments PJSC 6,110,497 5,080
  Al Waha Capital PJSC 7,172,979 5,046
* Dana Gas PJSC 25,104,636 3,438
* Deyaar Development PJSC 11,871,087 2,935
* Union Properties PJSC 6,794,571 2,773
* Eshraq Properties Co. PJSC 9,153,548 2,548
* Agthia Group PJSC 1,190,073 2,488
* Drake & Scull International PJSC 8,467,529 2,000
  RAK Properties PJSC 8,146,479 1,651
  National Central Cooling Co. PJSC 3,153,083 1,079




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Aramex PJSC 733,646 694
* Islamic Arab Insurance Co. 3,859,941 624
United Kingdom (14.4%)    
  HSBC Holdings plc 143,826,827 1,436,772
  BP plc 134,588,491 970,715
  Royal Dutch Shell plc Class A 26,640,981 840,005
  GlaxoSmithKline plc 35,878,678 828,686
  British American Tobacco plc 13,755,998 755,811
  Vodafone Group plc 196,054,420 690,747
  AstraZeneca plc 9,312,884 639,117
  Royal Dutch Shell plc Class B 18,099,692 579,482
  Diageo plc 18,588,918 516,077
  Barclays plc 120,999,838 473,410
  Lloyds Banking Group plc 398,924,681 472,442
  Prudential plc 18,833,527 468,913
  BG Group plc 25,119,891 455,015
  BT Group plc 61,774,887 430,858
  Reckitt Benckiser Group plc 4,761,727 423,819
  Rio Tinto plc 9,209,239 412,127
  Unilever plc 8,905,549 390,374
  BHP Billiton plc 15,591,649 374,772
  National Grid plc 27,844,860 374,610
  Glencore plc 78,781,802 374,262
  SABMiller plc 6,978,563 369,399
  Shire plc 4,339,558 352,651
  Imperial Tobacco Group plc 7,112,599 347,315
  Standard Chartered plc 14,938,866 244,584
  Aviva plc 29,177,511 234,749
  WPP plc 9,687,028 225,918
  Rolls-Royce Holdings plc 13,806,465 220,117
  Compass Group plc 12,306,803 217,558
  Tesco plc 59,917,006 201,962
  BAE Systems plc 23,330,108 180,745
  ARM Holdings plc 10,411,366 176,905
  Legal & General Group plc 43,802,182 174,119
  SSE plc 7,283,276 172,569
  Anglo American plc London Shares 9,641,288 163,349
  CRH plc (Dublin Shares) 5,441,552 152,895
  Centrica plc 36,681,915 143,225
  Reed Elsevier plc 8,356,201 138,299
  Experian plc 7,327,355 130,870
  Old Mutual plc 36,094,106 129,475
  Sky plc 7,743,932 127,683
  Next plc 1,085,220 122,013
  Pearson plc 6,005,389 121,363
  Wolseley plc 1,952,142 115,459
  Smith & Nephew plc 6,625,038 112,755
  Associated British Foods plc 2,568,904 112,155
  Land Securities Group plc 5,798,390 110,962
  ITV plc 27,593,959 107,135
  Whitbread plc 1,329,275 106,741
  Standard Life plc 14,420,549 103,082
  Marks & Spencer Group plc 12,130,519 102,728
  British Land Co. plc 7,459,726 95,010
  Kingfisher plc 17,470,354 93,861
  London Stock Exchange Group plc 2,301,126 89,573
  Burberry Group plc 3,267,641 87,113
  Capita plc 4,882,925 85,468
* Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc 15,917,490 82,470
  Johnson Matthey plc 1,512,104 77,313
  United Utilities Group plc 5,031,664 74,853
  InterContinental Hotels Group plc 1,744,910 74,623
  Bunzl plc 2,451,834 68,940




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Royal Dutch Shell plc Class A (Amsterdam Shares) 2,104,917 66,741
  GKN plc 12,030,190 64,526
  Ashtead Group plc 3,706,732 63,562
* International Consolidated Airlines Group SA (London Shares) 7,510,366 62,289
  Carnival plc 1,348,228 61,341
  Taylor Wimpey plc 23,851,269 60,563
  Hammerson plc 5,798,316 59,408
  Sage Group plc 7,965,889 59,229
  Persimmon plc 2,258,746 58,647
  Travis Perkins plc 1,826,289 58,049
  Barratt Developments plc 7,274,714 57,713
  Severn Trent plc 1,759,804 57,307
  3i Group plc 7,124,366 55,191
  Mondi plc 2,715,345 54,981
  Direct Line Insurance Group plc 11,082,167 54,104
  Aberdeen Asset Management plc 7,355,619 53,413
  Randgold Resources Ltd. 686,930 52,276
  St. James's Place plc 3,779,270 51,552
  G4S plc 11,478,648 51,488
  Inmarsat plc 3,305,273 50,897
  Smiths Group plc 2,901,078 50,788
  Provident Financial plc 1,076,496 49,655
  RSA Insurance Group plc 7,485,174 48,967
  Meggitt plc 5,947,244 48,062
  Dixons Carphone plc 7,359,509 47,762
  Intertek Group plc 1,189,052 47,522
  Rexam plc 5,155,089 45,756
  WM Morrison Supermarkets plc 16,014,247 45,662
  Weir Group plc 1,562,237 44,915
  Aggreko plc 1,768,645 44,615
  easyJet plc 1,600,533 44,256
  J Sainsbury plc 10,433,322 43,383
  Croda International plc 998,158 43,317
  Tullow Oil plc 6,650,840 42,227
  Inchcape plc 3,281,441 41,741
  Schroders plc 831,404 41,237
  Informa plc 4,773,335 40,653
  Amec Foster Wheeler plc 2,886,538 40,415
  DCC plc 619,300 39,396
  Derwent London plc 734,835 38,679
  IMI plc 2,014,892 38,611
  Pennon Group plc 2,932,830 38,492
  Cobham plc 8,374,129 37,989
  DS Smith plc 6,927,881 37,043
  Berkeley Group Holdings plc 932,419 35,901
  Segro plc 5,464,315 35,898
  Investec plc 3,744,017 35,752
  Intu Properties plc 6,798,909 35,668
  William Hill plc 6,444,019 35,604
2 Merlin Entertainments plc 5,227,942 34,931
  TUI AG 1,859,398 34,672
  Admiral Group plc 1,446,723 34,498
  Man Group plc 11,613,333 34,242
  ICAP plc 3,970,604 33,757
  Rightmove plc 685,172 33,169
  Henderson Group plc 7,767,914 33,146
  Royal Mail plc 4,579,292 32,717
  Howden Joinery Group plc 4,560,011 32,462
  Capital & Counties Properties plc 5,337,800 32,270
  Antofagasta plc 2,628,582 31,463
  Tate & Lyle plc 3,438,674 31,327
  Hikma Pharmaceuticals plc 996,230 31,155
* BTG plc 2,819,066 31,106
  Great Portland Estates plc 2,532,166 30,911




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
* Coca-Cola HBC AG 1,451,961 30,632
  Halma plc 2,777,030 30,245
  Hargreaves Lansdown plc 1,601,990 30,093
  IG Group Holdings plc 2,667,313 30,075
  Melrose Industries plc 7,311,414 29,670
  Spirax-Sarco Engineering plc 556,851 28,825
  Spectris plc 872,080 28,662
* AA plc 4,472,393 28,586
  John Wood Group plc 2,709,662 28,550
  Babcock International Group plc 1,848,909 28,521
  Essentra plc 1,911,448 28,059
  UBM plc 3,241,584 27,983
  Catlin Group Ltd. 2,537,810 27,600
  Rentokil Initial plc 13,352,770 27,463
  Bellway plc 902,737 27,445
  Daily Mail & General Trust plc 1,954,801 26,872
  Booker Group plc 11,958,172 26,474
  Shaftesbury plc 2,053,506 26,409
* Hiscox Ltd. 2,056,035 25,905
  Close Brothers Group plc 1,104,990 25,830
  Amlin plc 3,679,809 25,788
  Petrofac Ltd. 1,920,645 25,636
  Hays plc 10,360,782 24,352
  TUI AG-DI 1,278,422 23,831
  Micro Focus International plc 1,221,127 23,503
* Thomas Cook Group plc 10,704,054 23,478
  Intermediate Capital Group plc 2,880,513 23,265
  Rotork plc 640,313 23,106
* Betfair Group plc 605,548 21,578
^ TalkTalk Telecom Group plc 3,848,648 21,515
  Phoenix Group Holdings 1,660,768 21,433
  Cable & Wireless Communications plc 20,490,469 21,122
^ Greene King plc 1,602,208 20,370
  Jupiter Fund Management plc 3,079,557 20,277
  Telecity Group plc 1,492,704 20,248
  Berendsen plc 1,262,084 20,064
  Grafton Group plc 1,576,482 19,895
  Britvic plc 1,754,812 19,488
  Balfour Beatty plc 5,068,175 18,759
  BBA Aviation plc 3,507,175 18,454
  WH Smith plc 838,782 18,403
  Michael Page International plc 2,242,239 18,267
  Victrex plc 596,228 18,046
  Drax Group plc 2,938,982 17,957
* Sports Direct International plc 1,867,686 17,654
  Regus plc 4,621,983 17,653
  Playtech plc 1,396,947 17,550
  Stagecoach Group plc 3,117,257 17,325
  RPC Group plc 1,838,349 16,895
* Just Eat plc 2,374,820 16,654
^ Serco Group plc 8,041,941 16,429
  Greencore Group plc 3,011,749 16,344
  CSR plc 1,211,381 16,330
  Beazley plc 3,796,518 16,327
* Ocado Group plc 2,964,957 16,095
^ Carillion plc 3,203,441 15,983
  CRH plc (London Shares) 568,406 15,883
  Elementis plc 3,392,117 15,786
  Home Retail Group plc 6,054,970 15,473
  WS Atkins plc 741,376 15,212
  Restaurant Group plc 1,462,976 15,204
  UNITE Group plc 1,632,251 14,998
  Senior plc 3,090,917 14,842
  Kennedy Wilson Europe Real Estate plc 865,376 14,823




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Bodycote plc 1,406,205 14,810
  Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group plc 905,735 14,750
  Paragon Group of Cos. plc 2,251,945 14,728
* Indivior plc 4,778,365 14,614
  Pace plc 2,284,182 14,482
* UDG Healthcare plc 1,768,808 14,455
  Bovis Homes Group plc 1,002,590 14,275
  QinetiQ Group plc 4,567,170 14,135
  Synergy Health plc 416,495 14,126
  Moneysupermarket.com Group plc 3,285,218 14,077
* Polyus Gold International Ltd. 4,862,176 14,030
  Vesuvius plc 2,014,370 14,009
  Fresnillo plc 1,258,289 13,956
  Galliford Try plc 606,147 13,948
  Ultra Electronics Holdings plc 516,779 13,743
^ Ashmore Group plc 2,904,217 13,729
  Lancashire Holdings Ltd. 1,398,952 13,676
  National Express Group plc 3,098,344 13,645
  Greggs plc 749,041 13,613
* Firstgroup plc 8,823,183 13,402
  International Personal Finance plc 1,721,344 13,091
^ Polymetal International plc 1,586,326 12,885
  Debenhams plc 9,082,420 12,477
* SSP Group plc 2,698,931 12,333
  Crest Nicholson Holdings plc 1,785,837 12,261
  Domino's Pizza Group plc 1,010,308 12,223
  SIG plc 4,111,482 12,219
  AVEVA Group plc 471,371 12,197
  Mitie Group plc 2,731,829 11,984
  Electrocomponents plc 3,238,883 11,967
  Go-Ahead Group plc 311,452 11,760
  Domino Printing Sciences plc 836,381 11,734
  HomeServe plc 2,002,434 11,702
  Savills plc 916,928 11,613
* Cairn Energy plc 4,202,893 11,451
* Dignity plc 365,553 11,403
* Mitchells & Butlers plc 1,749,536 11,174
  Workspace Group plc 862,218 11,133
  Londonmetric Property plc 4,354,768 11,026
* Genel Energy plc 1,136,678 10,930
  Morgan Advanced Materials plc 2,123,236 10,906
* Ophir Energy plc 5,000,354 10,901
  Laird plc 1,977,220 10,874
* Evraz plc 3,742,211 10,868
  Big Yellow Group plc 1,054,653 10,783
  Ladbrokes plc 6,845,836 10,714
* SVG Capital plc 1,387,283 10,617
  Cineworld Group plc 1,419,636 10,603
  Diploma plc 845,355 10,369
  Marston's plc 4,257,763 10,354
  Renishaw plc 269,889 10,351
  Dechra Pharmaceuticals plc 656,191 10,314
  Brewin Dolphin Holdings plc 1,972,271 10,243
  Halfords Group plc 1,457,597 10,151
* Premier Oil plc 3,744,922 10,019
  Grainger plc 3,059,591 9,923
  Kier Group plc 396,685 9,840
  Synthomer plc 1,972,119 9,654
  Fidessa Group plc 282,371 9,639
  Northgate plc 970,236 9,610
*,2 TSB Banking Group plc 1,871,039 9,599
  Tullett Prebon plc 1,747,846 9,571
  Genus plc 450,935 9,334
  Interserve plc 1,053,501 9,331




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund    
Schedule of Investments    
April 30, 2015    
    Shares ($000)
  Dunelm Group plc 673,240 9,269
  Countrywide plc 1,137,540 9,131
* Saga plc 3,091,348 9,116
  Hunting plc 1,012,598 9,092
  Hansteen Holdings plc 5,028,432 9,087
  Redrow plc 1,599,523 9,060
*,2 Spire Healthcare Group plc 1,809,793 8,864
  ST Modwen Properties plc 1,313,187 8,751
* Alent plc 1,565,312 8,693
  F&C Commercial Property Trust Ltd. 3,931,819 8,459
  Spirit Pub Co. plc 4,865,002 8,367
  Ted Baker plc 191,382 8,359
  HellermannTyton Group plc 1,535,440 8,107
  Premier Farnell plc 2,720,505 7,938
  Centamin plc 8,082,950 7,894
  Keller Group plc 512,807 7,844
  Al Noor Hospitals Group plc 561,616 7,735
* Petra Diamonds Ltd. 3,212,463 7,705
* KAZ Minerals plc 1,907,758 7,587
  J D Wetherspoon plc 651,178 7,587
  Card Factory plc 1,554,619 7,538
*,^ Lonmin plc 3,288,210 7,269
  Entertainment One Ltd. 1,505,991 7,255
^ Vedanta Resources plc 754,955 7,251
  Dairy Crest Group plc 1,003,328 7,015
  Bank of Georgia Holdings plc 246,852 6,779
* Enterprise Inns plc 3,768,326 6,737
  Bwin.Party Digital Entertainment plc 5,075,589 6,494
  Poundland Group plc 1,349,928 6,481
  Foxtons Group plc 1,896,044 6,390
  Redefine International PLC 7,091,697 6,372
  De La Rue plc 745,372 6,264
  Pets at Home Group plc 1,561,668 6,234
  Spirent Communications plc 4,459,589 5,970
  N Brown Group plc 1,125,374 5,908
  esure Group plc 1,745,443 5,852
* Allied Minds plc 552,901 5,519
*,^ Imagination Technologies Group plc 1,829,402 5,498
* Colt Group SA 2,402,482 5,492
  Oxford Instruments plc 380,780 5,421
  Devro plc 1,201,053 5,378
  Kcom Group plc 3,814,149 5,362
  NMC Health plc 453,635 5,292
  RPS Group plc 1,613,584 5,274
* Computacenter plc 490,299 5,264
^ Telecom Plus plc 436,704 5,129
  ITE Group plc 1,714,548 4,945
  Acacia Mining plc 1,099,071 4,874
  Chemring Group plc 1,459,899 4,797
  Shanks Group plc 2,921,365 4,782
  Just Retirement Group plc 1,733,013 4,637
  Picton Property Income Ltd. 4,051,934 4,587
  Chesnara plc 930,184 4,569
  Soco International plc 1,633,340 4,517
  Fenner plc 1,403,073 4,509
2 Zoopla Property Group plc 1,370,106 4,506
  UK Commercial Property Trust Ltd. 3,178,597 4,478
  Speedy Hire plc 3,940,668 4,476
  Connect Group plc 1,815,999 4,420
  Helical Bar plc 722,509 4,311
* EnQuest plc 5,346,644 4,296
  SDL plc 576,558 4,119
* Lamprell plc 1,862,298 4,011
  APR Energy plc 698,363 3,876




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund          
Schedule of Investments          
April 30, 2015          
          Shares ($000)
*,^ AO World plc       1,348,794 3,866
  Xaar plc       553,529 3,725
* Premier Foods plc       5,278,090 3,725
* Mothercare plc       1,090,539 3,715
* SuperGroup plc       231,281 3,658
  Schroder REIT Ltd.       3,841,475 3,624
  Stobart Group Ltd.       2,160,047 3,583
  Development Securities plc       920,587 3,575
  Cape plc       863,463 3,499
2 Brit plc       791,883 3,370
  Morgan Sindall Group plc       278,916 3,354
  Xchanging plc       1,778,096 3,326
  Daejan Holdings plc       36,711 3,050
  888 Holdings plc       1,028,966 2,527
  Partnership Assurance Group plc       1,001,941 2,114
  Infinis Energy plc       703,126 2,052
*,^ Hochschild Mining plc       1,340,929 2,011
* Gem Diamonds Ltd.       863,646 1,847
  Ferrexpo plc       1,168,471 1,401
* Aquarius Platinum Ltd.       8,817,863 1,198
*,^ Afren plc       7,677,368 391
  Anglo Pacific Group plc       15,690 23
Total Common Stocks (Cost $144,907,840)         161,740,260
      Maturity   Amount  
    Coupon Date Currency ($000)  
Other Investments (0.0%) 1          
India (0.0%)          
5 NTPC Ltd. (Cost $2,418) 8.490% 3/25/25 INR 13,855 2,770
Temporary Cash Investments (4.1%)1          
Money Market Fund (4.0%)          
6,7 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund 0.121%     6,525,201,895 6,525,202
      Maturity   Amount  
    Coupon Date   ($000)  
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (0.1%)          
8 Fannie Mae Discount Notes 0.170% 6/17/15   500 500
8 Fannie Mae Discount Notes 0.070% 7/15/15   7,700 7,698
9 Federal Home Loan Bank Discount Notes 0.060% 5/8/15   2,000 2,000
9 Federal Home Loan Bank Discount Notes 0.065%-0.080% 5/13/15   13,000 13,000
9 Federal Home Loan Bank Discount Notes 0.070% 5/14/15   7,500 7,500
9 Federal Home Loan Bank Discount Notes 0.070% 5/15/15   5,000 5,000
9,10 Federal Home Loan Bank Discount Notes 0.160% 5/29/15   4,000 4,000
9 Federal Home Loan Bank Discount Notes 0.109% 6/17/15   3,000 2,999
9,10 Federal Home Loan Bank Discount Notes 0.100%-0.130% 7/24/15   40,000 39,990
9,10 Federal Home Loan Bank Discount Notes 0.135% 8/28/15   8,000 7,996
8,10 Freddie Mac Discount Notes 0.131% 6/8/15   2,000 2,000
Total Temporary Cash Investments (Cost $6,617,885)         6,617,885




Vanguard® Total International Stock Index Fund  
Schedule of Investments  
April 30, 2015  
Total Investments (103.6%) (Cost $151,528,143) 168,360,915
Other Assets and Liabilities—Net (-3.6%)7 (5,812,597)
Net Assets (100%) 162,548,318


* Non-income-producing security.
^ Includes partial security positions on loan to broker-dealers. The total value of securities on loan is $5,651,049,000.
1 The fund invests a portion of its cash reserves in equity markets through the use of index futures contracts. After giving effect to futures investments, the fund's effective common stock, other investments, and temporary cash investment positions represent 100.0%, 0.0%, and
3.6%, respectively, of net assets.
2 Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may be sold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At April 30, 2015, the aggregate value of these securities was $300,304,000, representing 0.2% of net assets.
3 “Other” represents securities that are not classified by the fund’s benchmark index.
4 Considered an affiliated company of the fund as the issuer is another member of The Vanguard Group.
5 Security is not classified by the fund’s benchmark index.
6 Affiliated money market fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown is the 7-day yield.
7 Includes $6,012,430,000 of collateral received for securities on loan.
8 The issuer was placed under federal conservatorship in September 2008; since that time, its daily operations have been managed by the Federal Housing Finance Agency and it receives capital from the U.S. Treasury, as needed to maintain a positive net worth, in exchange for senior preferred stock.
9 The issuer operates under a congressional charter; its securities are generally neither guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury nor backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.
10 Securities with a value of $46,788,000 have been segregated as initial margin for open futures contracts.
ADR—American Depositary Receipt.
GDR—Global Depositary Receipt.
REIT—Real Estate Investment Trust.



© 2015 The Vanguard Group, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Vanguard Marketing Corporation, Distributor.

SNA1132 062015

Item 7: Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

Not Applicable.

Item 8: Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

Not Applicable.

Item 9: Purchase of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers.

Not Applicable.

Item 10: Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

Not Applicable.

Item 11: Controls and Procedures.

     (a) Disclosure Controls and Procedures. The Principal Executive and Financial Officers concluded that the Registrant’s Disclosure Controls and Procedures are effective based on their evaluation of the Disclosure Controls and Procedures as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report.

     (b) Internal Control Over Financial Reporting. There were no significant changes in Registrant’s Internal Control Over Financial Reporting or in other factors that could significantly affect this control subsequent to the date of the evaluation, including any corrective actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Item 12: Exhibits.

(a)      Certifications.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: June 18, 2015  


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

Date: June 18, 2015  


Date: June 18, 2015  


* By: /s/ Heidi Stam

Heidi Stam, pursuant to a Power of Attorney filed on April 22, 2014 see file Number 2-17620, Incorporated by Reference.