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Commitments and Contingencies
6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2018
Commitments and Contingencies Disclosure [Abstract]  
Commitments and Contingencies
Commitments and Contingencies

Except to the extent noted below and in Note 5 of the consolidated financial statements, the circumstances set forth in Notes 12, 13 and 14 to the consolidated financial statements included in Xcel Energy Inc.’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended Dec. 31, 2017 and in Notes 5 and 6 to Xcel Energy Inc.’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 31, 2018, appropriately represent, in all material respects, the current status of commitments and contingent liabilities and are incorporated herein by reference. The following include commitments, contingencies and unresolved contingencies that are material to Xcel Energy’s financial position.


NSP-Minnesota, PSCo and SPS purchase power from independent power producing entities for which the utility subsidiaries are required to reimburse natural gas or biomass fuel costs, or to participate in tolling arrangements under which the utility subsidiaries procure the natural gas required to produce the energy that they purchase. These specific PPAs create a variable interest in the associated independent power producing entity.

The Xcel Energy utility subsidiaries had approximately 3,470 Megawatts (MW) of capacity under long-term PPAs as of June 30, 2018 and 3,537 MW as of Dec. 31, 2017, with entities that have been determined to be variable interest entities. Xcel Energy has concluded that these entities are not required to be consolidated in its consolidated financial statements because it does not have the power to direct the activities that most significantly impact the entities’ economic performance. These agreements have various expiration dates through 2041.

Guarantees and Bond Indemnifications

Xcel Energy Inc. and its subsidiaries provide guarantees and bond indemnities under specified agreements or transactions. The guarantees and bond indemnities issued by Xcel Energy Inc. guarantee payment or performance by its subsidiaries. Xcel Energy Inc.’s exposure is based upon the net liability under the specified agreements or transactions. Most of the guarantees and bond indemnities issued by Xcel Energy Inc. and its subsidiaries have a stated maximum guarantee or indemnity amount. As of June 30, 2018 and Dec. 31, 2017, Xcel Energy Inc. and its subsidiaries had no assets held as collateral related to their guarantees, bond indemnities and indemnification agreements.

The following table presents guarantees and bond indemnities issued and outstanding for Xcel Energy:
(Millions of Dollars)
June 30, 2018
Dec. 31, 2017
Guarantees issued and outstanding


Current exposure under these guarantees


Bonds with indemnity protection


Other Indemnification Agreements

Xcel Energy Inc. and its subsidiaries provide indemnifications through various contracts. These are primarily indemnifications against adverse litigation outcomes in connection with underwriting agreements, as well as breaches of representations and warranties, including corporate existence, transaction authorization and income tax matters with respect to assets sold. Xcel Energy Inc.’s and its subsidiaries’ obligations under these agreements may be limited in terms of duration and amount. The maximum future payments under these indemnifications cannot be reasonably estimated as the dollar amounts are often not explicitly stated.

Environmental Contingencies

Ashland Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) Site — NSP-Wisconsin was named a potentially responsible party (PRP) for contamination at a site in Ashland, Wis. The Ashland/Northern States Power Lakefront Superfund Site (the Site) includes NSP-Wisconsin property, previously operated as a MGP facility (the Upper Bluff), an adjacent city lakeshore park area (Kreher Park) (collectively the Phase I Area); and a sediment area of Lake Superior’s Chequamegon Bay (Phase II Area). NSP-Wisconsin initiated a wet dredge remedy of the Phase II area in 2017. NSP-Wisconsin anticipates completion of Phase II activities in 2018 with final site restoration activities in early 2019. Groundwater treatment activities at the Site will continue for many years.

The current cost estimate for the remediation of the entire site is approximately $175 million, of which approximately $146 million has been spent. As of June 30, 2018 and Dec. 31, 2017, NSP-Wisconsin recorded a total liability of $29 million and $30 million, respectively, for the entire site.

NSP-Wisconsin has deferred the unrecovered portion of the estimated Site remediation costs as a regulatory asset. The PSCW has authorized NSP-Wisconsin rate recovery for all remediation costs incurred at the Site. In 2012, the PSCW agreed to allow NSP-Wisconsin to pre-collect certain costs, to amortize costs over a ten-year period and to apply a three percent carrying cost to the unamortized regulatory asset. In December 2017, the PSCW approved an NSP-Wisconsin natural gas rate case, which included recovery of additional expenses associated with remediating the Site. The annual recovery of MGP clean-up costs increased from $12 million in 2017 to $18 million in 2018.

Fargo, N.D. MGP Site — In May 2015, underground pipes, tars and impacted soils were discovered in a right-of-way in Fargo, N.D. that appeared to be associated with a former MGP operated by NSP-Minnesota or prior companies. NSP-Minnesota removed impacted soils and other materials and commenced an investigation of the historic MGP and adjacent properties (the Fargo MGP Site). The North Dakota Department of Health approved NSP-Minnesota’s proposed cleanup plan in January 2017, which involves targeted source removal of impacted soils and historic MGP infrastructure. Remediation activities commenced in June 2018. NSP-Minnesota has also initiated insurance recovery litigation in North Dakota. The U.S. District Court for the District of North Dakota has set a trial date for Spring of 2020.

NSP-Minnesota recorded an estimated liability of $10 million as of June 30, 2018 and $16 million as of Dec. 31, 2017, for the Fargo MGP Site. The current cost estimate for the remediation of the site is approximately $22 million, of which approximately $12 million has been spent. NSP-Minnesota has deferred Fargo MGP Site costs allocable to the North Dakota jurisdiction, or approximately 88 percent of all remediation costs, as approved by the NDPSC. In December 2017, NSP-Minnesota filed a request with the MPUC to defer post-2017 MGP remediation expenditures allocable to the Minnesota jurisdiction, including the Fargo MGP Site. In March 2018, the DOC recommended that the MPUC deny NSP-Minnesota’s deferral request. A MPUC decision is expected in the third quarter of 2018.

Other MGP, Landfill or Disposal Sites — Xcel Energy is currently involved in investigating and/or remediating several MGP, landfill or other disposal sites. Xcel Energy has identified eleven sites across its service territories in addition to the Ashland MGP Site and the Fargo MGP Site, where contamination is present and where investigation and/or remediation activities are currently underway. Other parties may have responsibility for some portion of the investigation and/or remediation activities. Xcel Energy anticipates that these investigation or remediation activities will continue through at least 2018. Xcel Energy accrued $5 million as of June 30, 2018 and $4 million as of Dec. 31, 2017 for all of these sites. There may be insurance recovery and/or recovery from other PRPs that will offset any costs incurred. Xcel Energy anticipates that any amounts spent will be fully recovered from customers.

Environmental Requirements

Revisions to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for Ozone - In 2015, the EPA revised the NAAQS for ozone by lowering the eight-hour standard from 75 parts per billion (ppb) to 70 ppb. Xcel Energy meets the 2015 ozone standard in all areas where its generating units operate, except for the Denver Metropolitan Area. PSCo’s retirement of its coal fired plants in the Denver non-attainment area helped Colorado’s plan to mitigate non-attainment. In June 2018, the EPA designated the parts of the Denver Metropolitan Area that currently do not attain the 2008 ozone standards as also not attaining the more stringent 2015 ozone standard. Colorado will continue to consider further reductions that are available in the non-attainment area as it develops plans to meet the ozone standards. The gas plants that operate in PSCo’s non-attainment area may be required to improve or add controls, implement further work practices and/or implement enhanced emissions monitoring as part of future Colorado state plans.

Legal Contingencies

Xcel Energy is involved in various litigation matters that are being defended and handled in the ordinary course of business. The assessment of whether a loss is probable or is a reasonable possibility, and whether the loss or a range of loss is estimable, often involves a series of complex judgments about future events. Management maintains accruals for such losses that are probable of being incurred and subject to reasonable estimation. Management is sometimes unable to estimate an amount or range of a reasonably possible loss in certain situations, including but not limited to when (1) the damages sought are indeterminate, (2) the proceedings are in the early stages, or (3) the matters involve novel or unsettled legal theories. In such cases, there is considerable uncertainty regarding the timing or ultimate resolution of such matters, including a possible eventual loss. For current proceedings not specifically reported herein, management does not anticipate that the ultimate liabilities, if any, arising from such current proceedings would have a material effect on Xcel Energy’s financial statements. Unless otherwise required by GAAP, legal fees are expensed as incurred.

Employment, Tort and Commercial Litigation

Gas Trading Litigation — e prime, inc. (e prime) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Xcel Energy. e prime was in the business of natural gas trading and marketing but has not engaged in natural gas trading or marketing activities since 2003.  Thirteen lawsuits were commenced against e prime and Xcel Energy (and NSP-Wisconsin, in two instances) between 2003 and 2009 alleging fraud and anticompetitive activities in conspiring to restrain the trade of natural gas and manipulate natural gas prices.

e prime, Xcel Energy Inc. and its other affiliates were sued along with several other gas marketing companies. These cases were all consolidated in the U.S. District Court in Nevada. Six of the cases remain active, which includes a multi-district litigation (MDL) matter consisting of a Colorado class (Breckenridge), a Wisconsin class (Arandell Corp.), a Missouri class, a Kansas class, and two other cases identified as “Sinclair Oil” and “Farmland.” In March 2017, summary judgment was granted by the MDL judge in favor of Xcel Energy and e prime in the Sinclair Oil and Farmland cases. In November 2017, the U.S. District Court in Nevada granted summary judgment against two plaintiffs in the Arandell Corp. case in favor of Xcel Energy and NSP-Wisconsin, leaving only three individual plaintiffs remaining in the litigation. In addition, the plaintiffs’ motions for class certification and remand back to originating courts in these cases were denied in March 2017. Plaintiffs appealed the summary judgment motions granted in the Farmland and Sinclair Oil cases and the denial of class certification and remand to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (Ninth Circuit). In March 2018, the Ninth Circuit reversed and remanded the summary judgment in the Farmland case. The Farmland defendants subsequently filed a request for further review by the Ninth Circuit, which was denied. Taking into account the decision in the Farmland case, the Sinclair plaintiffs have requested the Ninth Circuit to reverse the grant of summary judgment without hearing. Oral arguments were presented to the Ninth Circuit in July 2018 regarding this issue and the denial of class certification and it is uncertain when a decision will be issued. Xcel Energy, NSP-Wisconsin and e prime have concluded that a loss is remote.

Line Extension Disputes — In December 2015, Development Recovery Company (DRC) filed a lawsuit in the Denver District Court, stating PSCo failed to award proper allowances and refunds for line extensions to new developments pursuant to the terms of electric and gas service agreements entered into by PSCo and various developers. The dispute involved claims by over fifty developers. In February 2018, the Colorado Supreme Court denied DRC’s petition to appeal the Denver District Court’s dismissal of the lawsuit, effectively terminating this litigation. However, in January 2018, DRC filed a new lawsuit in Boulder County District Court, asserting a single claim that PSCo was required to file its line extension agreements with the CPUC but failed to do so. This claim is substantially similar to the arguments previously raised by DRC. PSCo filed a motion to dismiss this claim, which was granted in May 2018. DRC subsequently filed an appeal to the Colorado Court of Appeals. It is uncertain when a decision will be rendered regarding this appeal.
PSCo has concluded that a loss is remote with respect to this matter as the service agreements were developed to implement CPUC approved tariffs and PSCo has complied with the tariff provisions. Also, if a loss were sustained, PSCo believes it would be allowed to recover these costs through traditional regulatory mechanisms. The amount or range in dispute is presently unknown and no accrual has been recorded for this matter.