XML 1045 R78.htm IDEA: XBRL DOCUMENT v2.4.0.8
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2013
Dec. 31, 2012
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets Current $ 535,791,000 $ 705,025,000
Regulatory Assets Long Term 3,758,694,000 5,132,411,000
Regulatory Assets, Total 4,294,500,000 5,837,400,000
Regulatory Assets And Liabilities Other Disclosures Abstract    
Description of Regulatory Costs Not yet Approved Regulatory Costs in Other Long-Term Assets: The Regulated companies had $65.1 million ($7.3 million for CL&P, $33.4 million for NSTAR Electric, and $10.1 million for WMECO) and $69.9 million ($3.9 million for CL&P, $25.4 million for NSTAR Electric, $35.7 million for PSNH, and $1.4 million for WMECO) of additional regulatory costs as of December 31, 2013 and 2012, respectively, that were included in Other Long-Term Assets on the balance sheets. These amounts represent incurred costs for which recovery has not yet been specifically approved by the applicable regulatory agency. However, based on regulatory policies or past precedent on similar costs, management believes it is probable that these costs will ultimately be approved and recovered from customers in rates. The PSNH balance as of December 31, 2012 primarily related to storm restoration costs incurred for Tropical Storm Irene, the October 2011 snowstorm and Storm Sandy that met the NHPUC criteria for cost deferral and recovery. Refer to the "Storm Restoration Costs" section in this Note for further discussion. The NSTAR Electric balance as of December 31, 2013 and 2012 primarily related to costs deferred in connection with the basic service bad debt adder. See Note 12G, "Commitments and Contingencies – Basic Service Bad Debt Adder," for further information.  
Description of Regulatory Assets and Liabilities Regulatory Assets - The following provides further information about regulatory assets: Benefit Costs: NU's Pension, SERP and PBOP Plans are accounted for in accordance with accounting guidance on defined benefit pension and other postretirement plans. Because the Regulated companies recover the retiree benefit costs from customers through rates, regulatory assets are recorded in lieu of a charge to Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income/(Loss) to reflect the liability that is recognized for the funded status of the pension and other postretirement plans and is remeasured annually. Regulatory accounting was also applied to the portions of NU's service company costs that support the Regulated companies, as these amounts are also recoverable. CL&P, NSTAR Electric, PSNH and WMECO do not collect carrying charges on these benefit costs regulatory assets. CL&P, NSTAR Electric, PSNH and WMECO recover benefit costs related to their distribution and transmission operations from customers in rates as allowed by their applicable regulatory commissions. NSTAR Electric and WMECO each recover their qualified pension and postretirement expenses related to distribution operations through rate reconciling mechanisms that fully track the change in net pension and postretirement expenses each year. NSTAR Electric earns a carrying charge on the excess cumulative benefit plan trust fund contributions it has made over what it has cumulatively recognized as net periodic benefit expense, net of deferred income taxes. As of December 31, 2013 and 2012, these balances were $379.9 million and $366.8 million of the total benefit costs regulatory asset, respectively. Derivative Liabilities: Regulatory assets recorded as an offset to derivative liabilities relate to the fair value of contracts used to purchase energy and energy-related products that will be recovered from customers in future rates. See Note 5, "Derivative Instruments," to the financial statements for further information.  These assets are excluded from rate base and are being recovered as the actual settlements occur over the duration of the contracts. Goodwill: The goodwill regulatory asset originated from the transaction that created NSTAR in 1999. This regulatory asset is currently being amortized and recovered from customers in rates without a carrying charge over a 40-year period (as of December 31, 2013, there were 26 years of amortization remaining). Storm Restoration Costs: The storm restoration cost deferrals relate to costs incurred at CL&P, NSTAR Electric, PSNH and WMECO that each company expects to recover from customers. A storm must meet certain criteria to be declared a major storm with the criteria specific to each state jurisdiction and utility company as follows: Connecticut - qualifying storm restoration costs must exceed $5 million for a storm to be declared a major storm; Massachusetts - qualifying storm restoration costs must exceed $1 million for NSTAR Electric and $300,000 for WMECO and an emergency response plan must be initiated for a storm to be declared a major storm; and New Hampshire - For a storm to be declared a major storm: (1) at least 10 percent of customers must be without power with at least 200 concurrent locations requiring repairs (trouble spots), or (2) at least 300 concurrent trouble spots must be reported. Once a storm is declared major, all qualifying expenses prudently incurred during storm restoration efforts are deferred and recovered from customers. In addition to storm restoration costs, PSNH is allowed recovery of prudently incurred storm pre-staging costs in accordance with NHPUC regulation. In 2013, 2012 and 2011, CL&P, NSTAR Electric, PSNH and WMECO experienced significant storms, including Tropical Storm Irene, the October 2011 snowstorm, Storm Sandy, and the February 2013 blizzard. As a result of these storm events, each Company suffered extensive damage to its distribution and transmission systems resulting in customer outages, which required the incurrence of costs to repair damage and restore customer service. The storm restoration cost regulatory asset balance at CL&P, NSTAR Electric, PSNH and WMECO reflects costs incurred for major storm events. Management believes the storm restoration costs were prudent and meet the criteria for specific cost recovery in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Hampshire and as a result, are probable of recovery. Storm Filings: Each electric utility is seeking recovery of its deferred storm restoration costs through its applicable regulatory recovery process. On February 3, 2014, the PURA issued a draft decision on CL&P’s request to recover storm restoration costs associated with five major storms, all of which occurred in 2011 and 2012. In its draft decision, the PURA approved recovery of $365 million of deferred storm restoration costs and ordered CL&P to capitalize approximately $18 million of the deferred storm restoration costs as utility plant, which will be included in depreciation expense in future rate proceedings. PURA will allow recovery of the $365 million with carrying charges in CL&P’s distribution rates over a six-year period beginning December 1, 2014. The remaining costs were either disallowed or are probable of recovery in future rates and did not have a material impact on CL&P’s financial position, results of operations or cash flows. On December 30, 2013, the DPU approved NSTAR Electric’s request to recover storm restoration costs, plus carrying costs, related to Tropical Storm Irene and the October 2011 snowstorm. The DPU approved recovery of $34.2 million of the $38 million requested costs. NSTAR Electric will recover these costs, plus carrying costs, in its distribution rates over a five-year period beginning on January 1, 2014. On June 27, 2013, the NHPUC approved an increase to PSNH’s distribution rates effective July 1, 2013, which included a $5 million increase to the current level of funding for the major storm cost reserve. The major storm cost reserve is used to offset the storm restoration cost regulatory asset. On August 30, 2013, WMECO submitted its 2013 Annual SRRCA filing to begin recovering the restoration costs associated with the October 2011 snowstorm and Storm Sandy. On December 20, 2013, the DPU approved the 2013 Annual SRRCA filing for effect on January 1, 2014, subject to further review and reconciliation. Income Taxes, Net: The tax effect of temporary book-tax differences (differences between the periods in which transactions affect income in the financial statements and the periods in which they affect the determination of taxable income, including those differences relating to uncertain tax positions) is accounted for in accordance with the rate-making treatment of the applicable regulatory commissions and accounting guidance for income taxes. Differences in income taxes between the accounting guidance and the rate-making treatment of the applicable regulatory commissions are recorded as regulatory assets. As these assets are offset by deferred income tax liabilities, no carrying charge is collected. For further information regarding income taxes, see Note 11, "Income Taxes," to the financial statements. Securitized Assets: NSTAR Electric's securitized regulatory asset balance primarily included costs related to purchase power contract divestitures and certain costs related to NSTAR Electric’s former generation business that were recovered with a return through the transition charge and amounted to $186.1 million as of December 31, 2012. These costs were fully recovered from customers in 2013. The securitized regulatory asset balance as of December 31, 2012 also included proceeds received from the issuance of RRBs at NSTAR Electric, PSNH and WMECO that were used to buy out or buy down purchase power contracts. The collateralized amounts reflected as securitized regulatory assets for NSTAR Electric, PSNH and WMECO as of December 31, 2012 were $14.1 million, $19.7 million and $7.8 million, respectively. As of December 31, 2013, NSTAR Electric's, PSNH's and WMECO's RRBs were fully redeemed and the related regulatory assets were fully recovered from customers. Contractual Obligations - Yankee Companies: CL&P, NSTAR Electric, PSNH and WMECO are responsible for their proportionate share of the remaining costs of the CYAPC, YAEC and MYAPC nuclear facilities, including decommissioning. A portion of these amounts was recorded as a regulatory asset. Amounts for CL&P are earning a return and are being recovered through the CTA. Amounts for NSTAR Electric and WMECO are being recovered without a return through the transition charge. Amounts for PSNH were fully recovered in 2006. As a result of NU's consolidation of CYAPC and YAEC, NU's regulatory asset balance also includes the regulatory assets of CYAPC and YAEC, which totalled $129.8 million and $214 million as of December 31, 2013 and 2012, respectively. At the NU consolidated level, intercompany transactions between CL&P, NSTAR Electric, PSNH and WMECO and the CYAPC and YAEC companies have been eliminated in consolidation. Buy Out Agreements for Power Contracts: NSTAR Electric's balance represents the contract termination liability related to certain purchase power contract buy out agreements that were executed in 2004. The contracts’ termination payments occur through September 2016 and are collected from customers through NSTAR Electric’s transition charge over the same period. Therefore, NSTAR Electric does not earn a return on this regulatory asset. PSNH's balance represents payments associated with the termination of various power purchase contracts that were recorded as regulatory assets and are amortized over the remaining life of the contracts. Regulatory Tracker Mechanisms: The Regulated companies’ approved rates are designed to recover their incurred costs to provide service to customers. The Regulated companies are permitted to recover certain of their costs on a fully-reconciling basis through regulatory commission-approved tracking mechanisms. The difference between the costs incurred (or the rate recovery allowed) and the actual revenues is recorded as regulatory assets (for undercollections) or regulatory liabilities (for overcollections) to be included in future customer rates each year. Carrying charges are recorded on all material regulatory tracker mechanisms. CL&P, NSTAR Electric, PSNH and WMECO each recover the costs associated with the procurement of energy, transmission related costs from FERC-approved transmission tariffs, energy efficiency programs, low income assistance programs, and restructuring and stranded costs as a result of deregulation, on a fully reconciling basis. Energy procurement costs at PSNH include the costs related to its generating stations. WMECO’s distribution revenue is decoupled from its customer sales volume. WMECO reconciles its annual base distribution rate recovery to a pre-established level of baseline distribution delivery service revenue. Any difference between the allowed level of distribution revenue and the actual amount incurred in a calendar year is adjusted through rates in the following year. Other Regulatory Assets: Other Regulatory Assets primarily include asset retirement obligations, environmental remediation costs, losses associated with the reacquisition or redemption of long-term debt and various other items, partially offset by purchase price adjustments recorded as Regulatory Assets in connection with the merger with NSTAR. The ARO costs associated with the depreciation of the Regulated companies' ARO assets and accretion of the ARO liabilities are recorded as regulatory assets. For CL&P, NSTAR Electric and WMECO, ARO assets, regulatory assets and liabilities offset and are excluded from rate base. PSNH's ARO assets, regulatory assets and liabilities are included in rate base; these costs are being recovered over the life of the underlying property, plant and equipment. Cost of Removal: NU's Regulated companies currently recover amounts in rates for future costs of removal of plant assets over the lives of the assets. The estimated cost to remove utility assets from service is recognized as a component of depreciation expense and the cumulative amounts collected from customers but not yet expended is recognized as a regulatory liability. Expended costs that exceed amounts collected from customers are recognized as regulatory assets, as they are probable of recovery in future rates. AFUDC - Transmission: AFUDC was recorded by CL&P and WMECO for their NEEWS projects through May 31, 2011, all of which was reserved as a regulatory liability to reflect rate base recovery for 100 percent of the CWIP as a result of FERC-approved transmission incentives. Effective June 1, 2011, FERC approved changes to the ISO-NE Tariff in order to include 100 percent of the NEEWS CWIP in regional rate base. As a result, CL&P and WMECO no longer record AFUDC on NEEWS CWIP. NSTAR Electric recorded AFUDC on reliability-related projects over $5 million through December 31, 2013, 50 percent of which was recorded as a regulatory liability to reflect rate base recovery for 50 percent of the CWIP as a result of FERC-approved transmission incentives. Other Regulatory Liabilities: Other Regulatory Liabilities primarily includes amounts that are subject to various rate reconciling mechanisms that, as of each period end date, would result in refunds to customers.  
Description Of Accumulated Equity Return Equity Return on Regulatory Assets: For rate-making purposes, the Regulated companies recover the carrying cost related to their regulatory assets. For certain regulatory assets, the carrying cost recovered includes an equity return component. This equity return, which is not recorded on the balance sheets, totaled $1.9 million and $2.5 million for CL&P and $33.1 million and $21.8 million for PSNH as of December 31, 2013 and 2012, respectively. These carrying costs will be recovered from customers in future rates.  
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liability Current 204,278,000 134,115,000
Regulatory Liabilities Long-Term 502,984,000 540,162,000
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 707,300,000 674,300,000
Cost Of Removal [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 435,100,000 440,800,000
Regulatory Tracker Deferrals Regulatory Liabilities [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 151,200,000 95,100,000
AFUDC Transmission Incentive [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 68,100,000 70,000,000
Other Regulatory Liabilities [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 52,900,000 68,400,000
The Connecticut Light And Power Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets Current 150,943,000 185,858,000
Regulatory Assets Long Term 1,663,147,000 2,158,363,000
Regulatory Assets, Total 1,814,000,000 2,344,300,000
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liability Current 93,961,000 32,119,000
Regulatory Liabilities Long-Term 93,757,000 124,319,000
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 187,800,000 156,400,000
The Connecticut Light And Power Company [Member] | Cost Of Removal [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 29,100,000 44,200,000
The Connecticut Light And Power Company [Member] | Regulatory Tracker Deferrals Regulatory Liabilities [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 95,600,000 39,100,000
The Connecticut Light And Power Company [Member] | AFUDC Transmission Incentive [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 54,700,000 56,600,000
The Connecticut Light And Power Company [Member] | Other Regulatory Liabilities [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 8,400,000 16,500,000
NSTAR Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets Current 204,144,000 347,081,000
Regulatory Assets Long Term 1,235,156,000 1,444,870,000
Regulatory Assets, Total 1,439,300,000 1,792,000,000
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liability Current 53,958,000 47,539,000
Regulatory Liabilities Long-Term 253,108,000 244,224,000
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 307,100,000 291,700,000
NSTAR Electric Company [Member] | Cost Of Removal [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 250,000,000 240,300,000
NSTAR Electric Company [Member] | Regulatory Tracker Deferrals Regulatory Liabilities [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 21,900,000 14,400,000
NSTAR Electric Company [Member] | AFUDC Transmission Incentive [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 4,100,000 4,100,000
NSTAR Electric Company [Member] | Other Regulatory Liabilities [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 31,100,000 32,900,000
Public Service Company Of New Hampshire [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets Current 92,194,000 62,882,000
Regulatory Assets Long Term 219,346,000 351,059,000
Regulatory Assets, Total 311,500,000 414,000,000
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liability Current 20,643,000 23,002,000
Regulatory Liabilities Long-Term 51,723,000 52,418,000
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 72,300,000 75,400,000
Public Service Company Of New Hampshire [Member] | Cost Of Removal [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 49,700,000 51,200,000
Public Service Company Of New Hampshire [Member] | Regulatory Tracker Deferrals Regulatory Liabilities [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 21,600,000 20,400,000
Public Service Company Of New Hampshire [Member] | AFUDC Transmission Incentive [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 0 0
Public Service Company Of New Hampshire [Member] | Other Regulatory Liabilities [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 1,000,000 3,800,000
Western Massachusetts Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets Current 43,024,000 42,370,000
Regulatory Assets Long Term 146,088,000 221,752,000
Regulatory Assets, Total 189,100,000 264,200,000
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liability Current 19,858,000 21,037,000
Regulatory Liabilities Long-Term 13,873,000 9,686,000
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 33,800,000 30,700,000
Western Massachusetts Electric Company [Member] | Cost Of Removal [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 0 0
Western Massachusetts Electric Company [Member] | Regulatory Tracker Deferrals Regulatory Liabilities [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 21,100,000 19,000,000
Western Massachusetts Electric Company [Member] | AFUDC Transmission Incentive [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 9,300,000 9,300,000
Western Massachusetts Electric Company [Member] | Other Regulatory Liabilities [Member]
Regulatory Liabilities [Line Items]    
Regulatory Liabilities, Total 3,400,000 2,400,000
Benefit Costs [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 1,240,200,000 2,452,100,000
Benefit Costs [Member] | The Connecticut Light And Power Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 297,700,000 563,200,000
Benefit Costs [Member] | NSTAR Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 496,700,000 781,200,000
Benefit Costs [Member] | Public Service Company Of New Hampshire [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 100,600,000 223,700,000
Benefit Costs [Member] | Western Massachusetts Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 57,300,000 116,000,000
Regulatory Assets Offsetting Derivative Liabilities [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 638,000,000 885,600,000
Regulatory Assets Offsetting Derivative Liabilities [Member] | The Connecticut Light And Power Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 630,400,000 866,200,000
Regulatory Assets Offsetting Derivative Liabilities [Member] | NSTAR Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 7,700,000 14,900,000
Regulatory Assets Offsetting Derivative Liabilities [Member] | Public Service Company Of New Hampshire [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 0 0
Regulatory Assets Offsetting Derivative Liabilities [Member] | Western Massachusetts Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 0 3,000,000
Goodwill Regulatory Asset [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 525,900,000 537,600,000
Goodwill Regulatory Asset [Member] | NSTAR Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 451,500,000 461,500,000
Storm Restoration Costs [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 589,600,000 547,700,000
Storm Restoration Costs [Member] | The Connecticut Light And Power Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 397,800,000 413,900,000
Storm Restoration Costs [Member] | NSTAR Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 109,300,000 55,800,000
Storm Restoration Costs [Member] | Public Service Company Of New Hampshire [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 43,700,000 34,500,000
Storm Restoration Costs [Member] | Western Massachusetts Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 38,800,000 43,500,000
Deferred Income Tax Charges Member
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 626,200,000 516,200,000
Deferred Income Tax Charges Member | The Connecticut Light And Power Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 415,500,000 367,500,000
Deferred Income Tax Charges Member | NSTAR Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 84,000,000 47,100,000
Deferred Income Tax Charges Member | Public Service Company Of New Hampshire [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 40,300,000 36,200,000
Deferred Income Tax Charges Member | Western Massachusetts Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 43,700,000 31,000,000
Securitized Assets [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 0 232,600,000
Securitized Assets [Member] | The Connecticut Light And Power Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 0 0
Securitized Assets [Member] | NSTAR Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 0 205,100,000
Securitized Assets [Member] | Public Service Company Of New Hampshire [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 0 19,700,000
Securitized Assets [Member] | Western Massachusetts Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 0 7,800,000
Unrecovered Contractual Obligations [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 154,200,000 217,600,000
Unrecovered Contractual Obligations [Member] | The Connecticut Light And Power Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 19,800,000 64,000,000
Unrecovered Contractual Obligations [Member] | NSTAR Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 6,200,000 22,800,000
Unrecovered Contractual Obligations [Member] | Public Service Company Of New Hampshire [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 0 0
Unrecovered Contractual Obligations [Member] | Western Massachusetts Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 4,500,000 14,900,000
Power Contracts Buy Out Agreements [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 70,200,000 92,900,000
Power Contracts Buy Out Agreements [Member] | NSTAR Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 64,700,000 85,900,000
Power Contracts Buy Out Agreements [Member] | Public Service Company Of New Hampshire [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 5,500,000 7,000,000
Regulatory Tracker Deferrals Regulatory Assets [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 323,400,000 190,100,000
Regulatory Tracker Deferrals Regulatory Assets [Member] | The Connecticut Light And Power Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 8,000,000 12,200,000
Regulatory Tracker Deferrals Regulatory Assets [Member] | NSTAR Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 169,500,000 71,400,000
Regulatory Tracker Deferrals Regulatory Assets [Member] | Public Service Company Of New Hampshire [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 83,300,000 49,300,000
Regulatory Tracker Deferrals Regulatory Assets [Member] | Western Massachusetts Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 32,600,000 31,900,000
Other Regulatory Assets [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 126,800,000 165,000,000
Other Regulatory Assets [Member] | The Connecticut Light And Power Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 44,800,000 57,300,000
Other Regulatory Assets [Member] | NSTAR Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 49,700,000 46,300,000
Other Regulatory Assets [Member] | Public Service Company Of New Hampshire [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total 38,100,000 43,600,000
Other Regulatory Assets [Member] | Western Massachusetts Electric Company [Member]
Regulatory Asset [Line Items]    
Regulatory Assets, Total $ 12,200,000 $ 16,100,000