Exhibit 99




For Immediate Release

April 15, 2005


For Further Information Contact:

Charles R. Hageboeck, Chief Executive Officer and President

(304) 769-1102


City Holding Company Announces First Quarter Earnings


Charleston, West Virginia – City Holding Company, “the Company” (NASDAQ:CHCO), a $2.2 billion bank holding company headquartered in Charleston, today announced net income for the first quarter of $11.7 million, or diluted earnings per share of $0.69 compared to $11.0 million, or $0.65 per diluted share in the first quarter of 2004, a 6.2% increase. For the first quarter of 2005, the Company achieved a return on assets of 2.11%, a return on equity of 20.92%, a net interest margin of 4.40%, and an efficiency ratio of 47.4%, placing the Company among the most profitable banks for the quarter. At March 31, 2005 the book value of the Company’s common stock was $13.20 per share compared to a book value of $12.09 per share at March 31, 2004, representing a 9.2% increase.


The Company continues to demonstrate strong performance across all measures. Targeted loan balances grew significantly, with commercial real estate loans up 17.6% since March 31, 2004, residential real estate balances up 5.5% and home equity loan balances up 3.4% over the same period. Average non-interest and interest bearing demand deposits grew 4.2% from the quarter ended March 31, 2004 to the quarter ended March 31, 2005. Although the average balance of previously securitized loans and retained interests, which yielded 22.4% during the first quarter of 2005, decreased by $42.7 million, the Company was able to sustain the level of net interest income through loan and deposit growth and by positioning the balance sheet to benefit from rising interest rates. Between the first quarter of 2004 and the first quarter of 2005, service charges grew 14.4% and the Company experienced an increase in bank owned life insurance income. Expenses decreased 2.6%, primarily due to lower compensation expense and legal fees.


Balance Sheet Trends


As compared to March 31, 2004, loans have increased $9.5 million at March 31, 2005. Specifically, commercial real estate loan balances grew by $61.3 million and residential real estate loan balances increased by $24.2 million. Offsetting the targeted loan growth, were decreases in previously securitized loans of $42.4 million (see discussion below) and in loan portfolios that the Company has de-emphasized, including decreases in unsecured consumer loans of $12.3 million and decreases in indirect loans of $12.0 million. At March 31, 2005, the Company also had a $10 million short-term loan to Classic Bank. On December 29, 2004, the Company announced that it had entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Classic Bancshares and its principal subsidiary, Classic Bank. This transaction is expected to close on


May 20, 2005, pending approval by Classic’s shareholders. Total average depository balances increased $23.3 million, or 1.4%, from the quarter ended March 31, 2004 to the quarter ended March 31, 2005. This growth was primarily attributable to average non-interest and interest bearing demand deposits, which increased $29.8 million or 4.2%.


Previously Securitized Loans


Between 1997 and 1999, the Company originated and securitized $760 million in 125% loan to value junior-lien underlying mortgages in six separate pools. The Company had a retained interest in the residual cash flows associated with these underlying mortgages after satisfying priority claims. Principal amounts owed to investors in the securitizations were evidenced by securities that were subject to redemption under certain circumstances. Once the Notes were redeemed, the Company became the beneficial owner of the mortgage loans and recorded the loans as “Previously Securitized Loans” within the loan portfolio. The Company exercised its early redemption option with respect to four of the trusts during 2003 and the remaining two trusts during 2004. As a result, carrying balances for “Retained Interests” at March 31, 2004, became classified as “Previously Securitized Loans”. At March 31, 2005, the Company reported “Previously Securitized Loans” of $50.6 million compared to $93.0 million and $58.4 million at March 31, 2004 and December 31, 2004, respectively, representing a decrease of 45.6% and 13.4%, respectively.


Because the carrying value of the previously securitized loans incorporates discounts for expected prepayment and default rates, the carrying value of the loans is generally less than the contractual outstanding balance of the loans. As of March 31, 2005, the contractual outstanding balances of the mortgages securitized were $67.3 million while the carrying value of these assets was $50.6 million. The difference between the carrying value and the contractual outstanding balance of previously securitized loans is accreted into interest income over the life of the loans. An impairment charge on previously securitized loans would be provided through the Company’s provision and allowance for loan losses if the discounted present value of estimated future cash flows decline below the recorded value of previously securitized loans.


The Company estimates the net carrying value of previously securitized loan balances to decrease as shown below:


December 31, 2005

   $ 37 million

December 31, 2006

   $ 26 million

December 31, 2007

   $ 19 million

December 31, 2008

   $ 14 million


During the first quarter of 2005, defaults on the previously securitized loans were at a lower rate than expected. Because the previously securitized loans have been experiencing lower default rates than previously assumed, the accretable yield has increased which has caused the yield on the previously securitized loans to increase. In addition, the Company has now assumed the servicing on approximately 55% of the total pool balances as of March 31, 2005 and will have assumed 100% of the servicing by April 30, 2005. This is also expected to have a favorable impact on the accretable yield realized on the previously securitized loans due to the elimination


of the servicing fees currently being paid to the external servicing agent. As a result, the yield is now estimated to be in the range of 19% and 23%, depending on defaults and prepayment rates experienced on these loans in the future.


Net Interest Income


During the first quarter of 2005, the Company recorded tax equivalent net interest income of $22.5 million as compared to $22.6 million during the first quarter of 2004. The flat level of net interest income can be primarily attributed to two factors. Decreasing balances of previously securitized loans and retained interests with high yields reduced the amount of interest income reported. Average balances of previously securitized loans and retained interests decreased from $97.6 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2004 to $54.9 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2005. As a result of the decrease in balances of $42.7 million that yielded 18.7% for the first quarter of 2004, interest income related to previously securitized loans and retained interests decreased $1.5 million. Offsetting the decreasing interest income from high yielding previously securitized loans and retained interests were increases in interest income from the Company’s traditional loan portfolio. Primarily as a result of increased average loan balances (excluding previously securitized loans) of $67.5 million from the quarter ended March 31, 2004 to the quarter ended March 31, 2005, interest income attributable to these loan products increased $1.2 million, or 6.7%, for the like period.


The net interest margin for the first quarter of 2005 of 4.40% approximated the first quarter of 2004 net interest margin of 4.42% and represented a 13 basis point increase from the net interest margin of 4.27% for the quarter ended December 31, 2004. In order to offset the decreasing balances of high yielding previously securitized loans and resultant lower levels of interest income from these assets, the Company positioned its balance sheet to benefit from rising interest rates. Since June 2004, the Federal funds rate has increased 175 basis points from 1.00% to 2.75% in March 2005. To manage its interest rate risk, the Company has focused on the origination of variable rate lending in its traditional lending areas of residential real estate, home equity and commercial real estate loan portfolios. Excluding the impact of previously securitized loans and retained interests, the Company’s net interest margin increased 20 basis points, or $1.4 million, from the quarter ended March 31, 2004 to the quarter ended March 31, 2005. Because of the Company’s strong core deposit base of checking accounts and savings accounts, management believes that the increasing interest rate environment will beneficially impact the Company’s net interest income.


Credit Quality


At March 31, 2005, the Allowance for Loan Losses (“ALLL”) was $16.3 million or 1.22% of total loans outstanding and 490% of non-performing loans compared to $17.8 million or 1.31% of loans outstanding and 487% of non-performing loans at December 31, 2004, and $20.2 million or 1.52% of loans outstanding and 432% of non-performing loans at March 31, 2004. The Company recorded no provision for loan losses in the first quarter of 2005 and has not recorded a provision for loan losses since the second quarter of 2002. During the last three years, management has implemented a number of strategic initiatives to strengthen the loan portfolio including tightening credit standards, changing the overall mix of the portfolio to


include a higher proportion of real estate secured loans, and identifying and charging-off or resolving problem loans. As a result of these initiatives, the quality of the Company’s loan portfolio has increased significantly as evidenced by the improvement in its ratio of non-performing assets to total loans and other real estate owned from 1.38% at March 31, 2002 to 0.28% at March 31, 2005. As the Company’s asset quality has improved, the ALLL has decreased. However, given the relatively stable credit profile achieved over the last several years, the Company expects that it may begin to record a provision for loan losses within the next three to nine months. Future provisions for loan losses will be dependent upon trends in loan balances including the composition of the loan portfolio, changes in loan quality and loss experience trends, and potential recoveries of previously charged-off loans. The Company believes that its methodology for determining its ALLL adequately provides for probable losses inherent in the loan portfolio at March 31, 2005.


During the first quarter of 2005, the Company had net charge-offs of $1.5 million. Net charge-offs relating to one non-performing relationship accounted for approximately $0.6 million, or 40%, of the total net charge-offs. The charge-off of this relationship, which had been originated prior to 2000, related to a commercial real estate loan and an associated home equity loan. The Company had previously specifically allocated $0.3 million for the commercial relationship. Information that became available in the first quarter of 2005 led to the charge-off and the revision to the prior estimate of loss for this non-performing credit.


Net charge-offs on depository accounts were $0.4 million, or 29% of total net charge-offs. While charge-offs on depository accounts are appropriately taken against the ALLL, the revenue associated with depository accounts is reflected in service charges, and has been steadily growing as the Company’s core base of checking accounts has grown.


Non-performing assets were $3.8 million at March 31, 2005, representing 0.28% of total loans and other real estate owned. This ratio has been very stable over the last two years, fluctuating between 0.26% at March 31, 2003, and 0.38% at September 30, 2003. Although net charge-offs increased during the first quarter of 2005, the allowance as a percentage of non- performing loans was 490% at March 31, 2005. This coverage percentage is consistent with the Company’s coverage percentage of non- performing loans for the four most recently ended quarters.


Non-interest Income


Net of investment securities gains, non-interest income increased $1.5 million, or 15.5%, to $11.4 million in the first quarter of 2005 as compared to $9.9 million in the first quarter of 2004. The largest source of non-interest income is service charges, which increased from $7.4 million during the first quarter of 2004 to $8.4 million during the first quarter of 2005. The Company also experienced significant increases in trust revenues that were up 21.4%, and additional revenue of $0.4 million from bank-owned life insurance from the settlement of an insured claim.



Non-interest Expenses


Non-interest expenses decreased from $16.4 million in the first quarter of 2004 to $16.0 million in the first quarter of 2005. Lower compensation expense was primarily due to decreased executive severance expense. In accordance with the employment agreements of the Company’s turnaround management team, $0.4 million was incurred for executive severances during the first quarter of 2004 compared with $0.2 million during the first quarter of 2005. The decrease in professional fees and litigation expenses was directly attributable to litigation expense of $0.3 million incurred during the first quarter of 2004 associated with the resolution of the Company’s derivative lawsuit.


Capitalization and Liquidity


One of the Company’s strengths is that it is highly profitable while maintaining strong liquidity and capital. With respect to liquidity, the Company’s loan to deposit ratio was 80.2% and the loan to asset ratio was 59.9% at March 31, 2005. The Company maintained investment securities totaling 32.2% of assets as of this date. Further, the Company’s deposit mix is weighted heavily toward checking and saving accounts that fund 45.4% of assets at March 31, 2005. Time deposits fund 29.2% of assets at March 31, 2005, but very few of these deposits are in accounts that have balances of more than $150,000, reflecting the core retail orientation of the Company. Equity represents 9.8% of total assets, leaving only 15.6% of the Company’s assets funded by short and long-term borrowings and other liabilities.


The Company is also strongly capitalized. Capitalization (as measured by average equity to average assets) was 10.08% at March 31, 2005 as a result of the Company’s strong earnings. The Company’s tangible equity ratio was 9.52% at March 31, 2005. With respect to regulatory capital, at March 31, 2004, the Company’s Leverage Ratio is 11.00%, the Tier I Capital ratio is 15.92%, and the Total Risk-Based Capital ratio is 16.99%. These regulatory capital ratios are significantly above levels required to be considered “well capitalized,” which is the highest possible regulatory designation.


Other Events of Interest


On January 26, 2005, the Company announced that Charles “Skip” R. Hageboeck had been named President & CEO succeeding Gerald R. Francis. Mr. Francis continues as non-executive Chairman of the Board.


On February 23, 2005, the Company announced that Craig G. Stilwell had been named as Executive Vice President of Retail Banking and David L. Bumgarner had been named Chief Financial Officer for the Company.


On March 30, 2005, the Board approved a 14% increase in the quarterly cash dividend to 25 cents per share payable April 30, 2005 to shareholders of record as of April 15, 2005.


On April 5, 2005, the Company and Classic Bancshares announced that they have received all required regulatory approvals of their pending merger. Pending approval by Classic’s shareholders at their special shareholders meeting on May 16, 2005, the merger is expected to be completed on May 20, 2005. Classic’s wholly owned banking subsidiary, Classic Bank, is a $340 million commercial bank that operates a network of 10 full-service branches located in Boyd, Carter, Greenup and Johnson Counties in Kentucky and Lawrence County in Ohio. The merger of City and Classic solidifies City’s market share in the important Huntington/ Ashland MSA. City currently is the fourth largest banking institution in the MSA while Classic is the 11th largest. On a combined basis, City will become the largest banking franchise in this $3.5 billion market with deposits of $361 million, 14 branches and 23 ATMs.


Forward Looking Information


City Holding Company is the parent company of City National Bank of West Virginia.


This news release contains certain forward-looking statements that are included pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such information involves risks and uncertainties that could result in the Company’s actual results differing from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, (1) the Company may incur additional loan loss provision due to negative credit quality trends in the future that may lead to a deterioration of asset quality; (2) the Company may not continue to experience significant recoveries of previously charged-off loans and the Company may incur increased charge-offs in the future; (3) the Company may experience increases in the default rates on previously securitized loans that would result in impairment losses, (4) the Company could have adverse legal actions of a material nature, (5) the Company may face competitive loss of customers, (6) the Company may be unable to manage its expense levels, (7) the Company may have difficulty retaining key employees, (8) changes in the interest rate environment may have results on the Company’s operations materially different from those anticipated by the Company’s market risk management functions, (9) changes in general economic conditions and increased competition could adversely affect the Company’s operating results, (10) changes in other regulations and government policies affecting bank holding companies and their subsidiaries, including changes in monetary policies, could negatively impact the Company’s operating results, and (11) the Company may experience difficulties growing loan and deposit balances. Forward-looking statements made herein reflect management’s expectations as of the date such statements are made. Such information is provided to assist stockholders and potential investors in understanding current and anticipated financial operations of the Company and is included pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances that arise after the date such statements are made.



Financial Highlights



     Three Months Ended

     March 31

    March 31



Earnings ($000s, except per share data):


Net Interest Income (FTE)

   $ 22,496     $ 22,569     (0.32 )%

Net Income

     11,678       11,003     6.13 %

Earnings per Basic Share

     0.70       0.66     6.06 %

Earnings per Diluted Share

     0.69       0.65     6.15 %

Key Ratios (percent):


Return on Average Assets

     2.11 %     1.99 %   5.99 %

Return on Average Equity

     20.92 %     22.26 %   (6.00 )%

Net Interest Margin

     4.40 %     4.42 %   (0.56 )%

Efficiency Ratio

     47.36 %     50.84 %   (6.85 )%

Average Shareholders’ Equity to Average Assets

     10.08 %     8.96 %   12.51 %

Risk-Based Capital Ratios (a):


Tier I

     15.92 %     14.63 %   8.82 %


     16.99 %     15.89 %   6.92 %

Common Stock Data:


Cash Dividends Declared per Share

   $ 0.25     $ 0.22     13.64 %

Book Value per Share

     13.20       12.09     9.17 %

Market Value per Share:



     36.61       36.18     1.19 %


     29.01       32.35     (10.32 )%

End of Period

     29.54       34.59     (14.60 )%

Price/Earnings Ratio (b)

     10.55       13.10     (19.47 )%


(a) March 31, 2005 risk-based capital ratios are estimated.


(b) March 31, 2005 price/earnings ratio computed based on annualized first quarter 2005 earnings.



Financial Highlights



Book Value and Market Price Range per Share


     Book Value per Share


Market Price

Range per Share

     March 31

   June 30

   September 30

   December 31




   $ 8.82    $ 8.70    $ 8.37    $ 8.67    $ 5.13    $ 13.94


     8.92      9.40      9.64      9.93      12.04      30.20


     10.10      10.74      11.03      11.46      25.50      37.15


     12.09      11.89      12.70      13.03      27.30      37.58


     13.20                           29.01      36.61


Earnings per Basic Share


     Quarter Ended

     March 31

    June 30

    September 30

    December 31




   $ (0.34 )   $ (1.19 )   $ (0.46 )   $ 0.45    $ (1.54 )


     0.38       0.45       0.53       0.56      1.93  


     0.56       0.73       0.69       0.64      2.63  


     0.66       0.80       0.66       0.67      2.79  


     0.70                              0.70  


Earnings per Diluted Share


     Quarter Ended

     March 31

    June 30

    September 30

    December 31




   $ (0.34 )   $ (1.19 )   $ (0.46 )   $ 0.45    $ (1.54 )


     0.38       0.45       0.52       0.55      1.90  


     0.55       0.72       0.68       0.63      2.58  


     0.65       0.79       0.65       0.66      2.75  


     0.69                              0.69  



Consolidated Statements of Income

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s, except per share data)


     Three Months Ended March 31



Interest Income


Interest and fees on loans

   $ 22,190    $ 21,723

Interest on investment securities:



     7,646      7,224


     435      477

Interest on retained interests

     —        740

Interest on deposits in depository institutions

     18      11

Interest on federal funds sold

     4      —  


Total Interest Income

     30,293      30,175

Interest Expense


Interest on deposits

     5,868      5,692

Interest on short-term borrowings

     577      166

Interest on long-term debt

     1,585      2,005


Total Interest Expense

     8,030      7,863


Net Interest Income

     22,263      22,312

Provision for loan losses

     —        —  


Net Interest Income After Provision for Loan Losses

     22,263      22,312

Non-Interest Income


Investment securities gains

     3      1,012

Service charges

     8,443      7,381

Insurance commissions

     592      660

Trust fee income

     591      487

Bank owned life insurance

     991      581

Mortgage banking income

     118      69

Other income

     706      730


Total Non-Interest Income

     11,444      10,920

Non-Interest Expense


Salaries and employee benefits

     7,920      8,127

Occupancy and equipment

     1,475      1,494


     944      1,006

Professional fees and litigation expense

     565      844

Postage, delivery, and statement mailings

     653      685


     705      656


     473      466

Insurance and regulatory

     366      331

Office supplies

     203      312

Repossessed asset losses and expenses

     1      57

Other expenses

     2,708      2,455


Total Non-Interest Expense

     16,013      16,433


Income Before Income Taxes

     17,694      16,799

Income Tax Expense

     6,016      5,796


Net Income

   $ 11,678    $ 11,003


Basic Earnings per Share

   $ 0.70    $ 0.66

Diluted Earnings per Share

   $ 0.69    $ 0.65

Average Common Shares Outstanding:



     16,605      16,681


     16,812      16,972



Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders’ Equity

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     Three Months Ended

     March 31, 2005

    March 31, 2004


Balance at January 1

   $ 216,080     $ 190,690  

Net income

     11,678       11,003  

Other comprehensive income:


Change in unrealized gain on securities available-for-sale

     (4,746 )     3,371  

Change in underfunded pension liability

     —         —    

Cash dividends declared ($0.25/share)

     (4,154 )     —    

Cash dividends declared ($0.22/share)

     —         (3,678 )

Issuance of 4,800 stock award shares

     147       —    

Exercise of 14,499 stock options

     297       —    

Exercise of 74,478 stock options

     —         818  


Balance at March 31

   $ 219,302     $ 202,204  




Condensed Consolidated Quarterly Statements of Income

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s, except per share data)


     Quarter Ended

     March 31

    Dec. 31

    Sept. 30

    June 30

    March 31


Interest income

   $ 30,293     $ 29,746     $ 29,667     $ 29,293     $ 30,175  

Taxable equivalent adjustment

     233       236       236       246       257  





Interest income (FTE)

     30,526       29,982       29,903       29,539       30,432  

Interest expense

     8,030       8,112       8,035       7,860       7,863  





Net interest income

     22,496       21,870       21,868       21,679       22,569  

Provision for loan losses

     —         —         —         —         —    





Net interest income after provision for loan losses

     22,496       21,870       21,868       21,679       22,569  

Noninterest income

     11,444       11,869       10,856       16,389       10,920  

Noninterest expense

     16,013       17,131       15,783       16,985       16,433  





Income before income taxes

     17,927       16,608       16,941       21,083       17,056  

Income tax expense

     6,016       5,285       5,749       7,539       5,796  

Taxable equivalent adjustment

     233       236       236       246       257  





Net income

   $ 11,678     $ 11,087     $ 10,956     $ 13,298     $ 11,003  





Basic earnings per share

   $ 0.70     $ 0.67     $ 0.66     $ 0.80     $ 0.66  

Diluted earnings per share

     0.69       0.66       0.65       0.79       0.65  

Cash dividends declared per share

     0.25       0.22       0.22       0.22       0.22  

Average Common Share (000s):



     16,605       16,572       16,584       16,694       16,681  


     16,812       16,810       16,812       16,935       16,972  

Net Interest Margin

     4.40 %     4.27 %     4.27 %     4.20 %     4.42 %



Non-Interest Income and Non-Interest Expense

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     Quarter Ended

     March 31

   Dec. 31

    Sept. 30

   June 30

    March 31

Non-Interest Income:


Service charges

   $ 8,443    $ 8,678     $ 8,440    $ 8,110     $ 7,381

Insurance commissions

     592      754       600      718       660

Trust fee income

     591      466       446      627       487

Bank owned life insurance

     991      1,184       575      591       581

Mortgage banking income

     118      70       72      71       69

Net proceeds from litigation settlement

     —        —         —        5,453       —  

Other income

     706      685       719      695       730






     11,441      11,837       10,852      16,265       9,908

Investment security gains

     3      32       4      124       1,012





Total Non-Interest Income

   $ 11,444    $ 11,869     $ 10,856    $ 16,389     $ 10,920





Non-Interest Expense:


Salaries and employee benefits

   $ 7,920    $ 9,578     $ 8,150    $ 8,390     $ 8,127

Occupancy and equipment

     1,475      1,560       1,472      1,459       1,494


     944      981       972      974       1,006

Professional fees and litigation expense

     565      571       668      1,181       844

Postage, delivery, and statement mailings

     653      589       601      598       685


     705      600       459      651       656


     473      403       488      463       466

Insurance and regulatory

     366      330       342      320       331

Office supplies

     203      210       252      273       312

Repossessed asset (gains) losses and expenses

     1      (31 )     5      (108 )     57

Loss on early exinguishment of debt

     —        —         —        263       —  

Other expenses

     2,708      2,340       2,374      2,521       2,455





Total Non-Interest Expense

   $ 16,013    $ 17,131     $ 15,783    $ 16,985     $ 16,433





Employees (Full Time Equivalent)

     689      691       692      692       690

Branch Locations

     56      56       56      54       54



Consolidated Balance Sheets

($ in 000s)


     March 31

    December 31




Cash and due from banks

   $ 45,582     $ 52,854  

Interest-bearing deposits in depository institutions

     3,804       3,230  


Cash and cash equivalents

     49,386       56,084  

Investment securities available-for-sale, at fair value

     662,519       620,034  

Investment securities held-to-maturity, at amortized cost

     59,684       59,740  


Total investment securities

     722,203       679,774  



Residential real estate

     463,869       469,458  

Home equity

     302,262       308,173  

Commercial real estate

     409,064       400,801  

Other commercial

     66,485       71,311  

Loans to depository institutions

     10,000       —    


     16,065       18,145  


     7,960       10,324  

Credit card

     16,954       18,126  

Previously securitized loans

     50,588       58,436  


Gross Loans

     1,343,247       1,354,774  

Allowance for loan losses

     (16,325 )     (17,815 )


Net loans

     1,326,922       1,336,959  

Bank owned life insurance

     51,381       50,845  

Premises and equipment

     33,898       34,607  

Accrued interest receivable

     10,778       9,868  

Net deferred tax assets

     29,223       27,025  

Other assets

     20,492       18,068  


Total Assets

   $ 2,244,283     $ 2,213,230  







   $ 326,605     $ 319,425  



Demand deposits

     413,700       411,127  

Savings deposits

     278,416       281,466  

Time deposits

     656,421       660,705  


Total deposits

     1,675,142       1,672,723  

Short-term borrowings

     163,813       145,183  

Long-term debt

     148,836       148,836  

Other liabilities

     37,190       30,408  


Total Liabilities

     2,024,981       1,997,150  

Stockholders’ Equity


Preferred stock, par value $25 per share: 500,000 shares authorized; none issued

     —         —    

Common stock, par value $2.50 per share: 50,000,000 shares authorized; 16,919,248 shares issued and outstanding at March 31, 2005 and December 31, 2004, including 303,041 and 331,191 shares in treasury

     42,298       42,298  

Capital surplus

     55,121       55,512  

Retained earnings

     135,698       128,175  

Cost of common stock in treasury

     (7,925 )     (8,761 )

Accumulated other comprehensive (loss) income:


Unrealized (loss) gain on securities available-for-sale

     (3,465 )     1,281  

Underfunded pension liability

     (2,425 )     (2,425 )


Total Accumulated Other Comprehensive (Loss) Income

     (5,890 )     (1,144 )


Total Stockholders’ Equity

     219,302       216,080  


Total Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity

   $ 2,244,283     $ 2,213,230  




Loan Portfolio

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     March 31

   December 31

   September 30


June 30


   March 31

Residential real estate

   $ 463,869    $ 469,458    $ 468,372    $ 459,759    $ 439,643

Home equity

     302,262      308,173      304,934      301,231      292,192

Commercial real estate

     409,064      400,801      377,742      374,292      347,724

Other commercial

     66,485      71,311      70,745      73,139      74,743

Loans to depository institutions

     10,000      —        —        —        20,000


     16,065      18,145      20,221      24,722      28,351


     7,960      10,324      13,020      16,140      20,006

Credit card

     16,954      18,126      17,893      17,961      18,119

Previously securitized loans

     50,588      58,436      70,970      83,385      92,954





Gross Loans

   $ 1,343,247    $ 1,354,774    $ 1,343,897    $ 1,350,629    $ 1,333,732







Consolidated Average Balance Sheets, Yields, and Rates

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     Three Months Ended March 31,












Loan portfolio:


Residential real estate

   $ 466,011     $ 6,520    5.60 %   $ 441,123     $ 6,852    6.21 %

Home equity

     306,354       4,273    5.58 %     286,267       3,176    4.44 %

Commercial real estate

     401,294       5,929    5.91 %     348,871       4,867    5.58 %

Other commercial

     68,279       1,004    5.88 %     74,594       962    5.16 %

Loans to depository institutions

     7,889       49    2.48 %     3,297       9    1.09 %


     17,094       541    12.66 %     31,092       877    11.28 %


     9,097       248    10.90 %     22,393       612    10.93 %

Credit card

     17,543       544    12.40 %     18,414       554    12.03 %

Previously securitized loans

     54,928       3,082    22.44 %     84,843       3,814    17.98 %






Total loans

     1,348,489       22,190    6.58 %     1,310,894       21,723    6.63 %




     657,240       7,646    4.65 %     674,187       7,224    4.29 %


     37,306       668    7.16 %     39,974       734    7.34 %






Total securities

     694,546       8,314    4.79 %     714,161       7,958    4.46 %

Retained interest in securitized loans

     —         —      —         12,724       740    23.26 %

Deposits in depository institutions

     3,714       18    1.94 %     5,646       11    0.78 %

Federal funds sold

     583       4    2.74 %     —         —      —    






Total interest-earning assets

     2,047,332       30,526    5.96 %     2,043,425       30,432    5.96 %

Cash and due from banks

     43,866                    44,710               

Bank premises and equipment

     34,333                    35,004               

Other assets

     106,588                    105,052               

Less: Allowance for loan losses

     (17,480 )                  (21,222 )             



Total assets

   $ 2,214,639                  $ 2,206,969               





Interest-bearing demand deposits

   $ 413,224     $ 716    0.69 %   $ 397,454     $ 604    0.61 %

Savings deposits

     277,116       355    0.51 %     279,392       363    0.52 %

Time deposits

     657,546       4,797    2.92 %     661,731       4,725    2.86 %

Short-term borrowings

     144,069       577    1.60 %     117,214       166    0.57 %

Long-term debt

     148,836       1,585    4.26 %     221,221       2,005    3.63 %






Total interest-bearing liabilities

     1,640,791       8,030    1.96 %     1,677,012       7,863    1.88 %

Noninterest-bearing demand deposits

     321,648                    307,608               

Other liabilities

     28,951                    24,658               

Stockholders’ equity

     223,249                    197,691               



Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity

   $ 2,214,639                  $ 2,206,969               





Net interest income

           $ 22,496                  $ 22,569       



Net yield on earning assets

                  4.40 %                  4.42 %




Analysis of Risk-Based Capital

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     March 31


Dec. 31


    Sept. 30


June 30


    March 31


Tier I Capital:


Stockholders’ equity

   $ 219,302     $ 216,080     $ 210,285     $ 197,569     $ 202,204  

Goodwill and other intangibles

     (6,204 )     (6,255 )     (6,306 )     (6,357 )     (6,408 )

Accumulated other comprehensive income

     5,890       1,144       (1,146 )     6,454       (4,742 )

Qualifying trust preferred stock

     28,000       28,000       28,000       28,000       30,000  

Excess deferred tax assets

     (4,524 )     (3,129 )     —         (6,922 )     (807 )





Total tier I capital

   $ 242,464     $ 235,840     $ 230,833     $ 218,744     $ 220,247  





Total Risk-Based Capital:


Tier I capital

   $ 242,464     $ 235,840     $ 230,833     $ 218,744     $ 220,247  

Qualifying allowance for loan losses

     16,325       17,815       18,537       18,939       19,169  





Total risk-based capital

   $ 258,789     $ 253,655     $ 249,370     $ 237,683     $ 239,416  





Net risk-weighted assets

   $ 1,522,881     $ 1,524,581     $ 1,517,158     $ 1,514,261     $ 1,505,892  



Average stockholders’ equity to average assets

     10.08 %     9.81 %     9.26 %     9.33 %     8.96 %

Tangible capital ratio

     9.52 %     9.51 %     9.24 %     8.71 %     8.85 %

Risk-based capital ratios:


Tier I capital

     15.92 %     15.47 %     15.21 %     14.43 %     14.63 %

Total risk-based capital

     16.99 %     16.64 %     16.44 %     15.68 %     15.89 %

Leverage capital

     11.00 %     10.74 %     10.47 %     9.89 %     10.01 %

(a)    March 31, 2005 risk-based capital ratios are estimated.





(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)




     As of and for the Quarter Ended

     March 31


Dec. 31


    Sept. 30


June 30


    March 31


Intangibles, net

   $ 6,204     $ 6,255     $ 6,306     $ 6,357     $ 6,408  

Intangibles amortization expense

     51       51       51       51       51  



Summary of Loan Loss Experience

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     Quarter Ended


March 31



Dec. 31



Sept. 30



June 30



March 31



Balance at beginning of period

   $ 17,815     $ 18,537     $ 19,833     $ 20,289     $ 21,426  



Residential real estate

     237       166       299       173       217  

Home equity

     421       5       105       66       133  

Commercial real estate

     393       105       1,134       44       342  

Other commercial

     36       14       220       22       159  


     308       458       568       457       588  

Overdraft deposit accounts

     744       586       631       610       787  





Total charge-offs

     2,139       1,334       2,957       1,372       2,226  



Residential real estate

     37       137       196       133       104  

Home equity

     —         —         1       —         5  

Commercial real estate

     50       10       922       201       311  

Other commercial

     45       80       103       127       55  


     205       147       183       202       260  

Overdraft deposit accounts

     312       238       256       253       354  





Total recoveries

     649       612       1,661       916       1,089  





Net charge-offs

     1,490       722       1,296       456       1,137  

Provision for loan losses

     —         —         —         —         —    





Balance at end of period

   $ 16,325     $ 17,815     $ 18,537     $ 19,833     $ 20,289  





Loans outstanding

   $ 1,343,247     $ 1,354,774     $ 1,343,897     $ 1,350,629     $ 1,333,732  





Average loans outstanding

     1,348,489       1,347,297       1,348,265       1,342,001       1,310,894  





Allowance as a percent of loans outstanding

     1.22 %     1.31 %     1.38 %     1.47 %     1.52 %





Allowance as a percent of non-performing loans

     490 %     487 %     515 %     493 %     432 %





Net charge-offs (annualized) as a percent of average loans outstanding

     0.44 %     0.21 %     0.38 %     0.14 %     0.35 %







Summary of Non-Performing Assets

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     March 31

    Dec. 31

    Sept. 30

    June 30

    March 31


Nonaccrual loans

   $ 2,641     $ 2,147     $ 1,924     $ 1,792     $ 2,268  

Accruing loans past due 90 days or more

     322       677       800       689       1,039  

Previously securitized loans past due 90 days or more

     372       832       876       1,544       1,388  





Total non-performing loans

     3,335       3,656       3,600       4,025       4,695  

Other real estate owned

     463       247       267       171       296  





Total non-performing assets

   $ 3,798     $ 3,903     $ 3,867     $ 4,196     $ 4,991  





Non-performing assets as a percent of loans and other real estate owned

     0.28 %     0.29 %     0.29 %     0.31 %     0.37 %