EX-99 2 dex99.htm NEWS RELEASE News Release

Exhibit 99




For Immediate Release

April 26, 2004


For Further Information Contact:

Jerry Francis, Chairman, President & CEO

(304) 769-1101


City Holding Company Announces 18% increase

in Earnings per Share


Charleston, West Virginia – City Holding Company, “the Company” (NASDAQ:CHCO), a $2.2 billion bank holding company headquartered in Charleston, today announced net income for the first quarter of $11.0 million, or diluted earnings per share of $0.65 compared to $9.4 million, or $0.55 per diluted share in the first quarter of 2003, representing a 18.2% increase. For the first quarter of 2004, the Company achieved a return on assets of 1.99%, a return on equity of 22.3%, a net interest margin of 4.42%, and an efficiency ratio of 51.1%, placing the Company among the most profitable banks for the quarter. At March 31, 2004 the book value of the Company’s common stock was $12.09 per share compared to a book value of $10.10 per share at March 31, 2003, representing a 19.7% increase. The market value of the Company’s stock increased 26% to $34.59 at March 31, 2004 compared to $27.37 at March 31, 2003.


As compared to the year-ago quarter, the Company continues to demonstrate strong performance across all measures. Targeted loan balances grew significantly, with home equity loan balances up 25.9% since March 31, 2003 and commercial real estate loans up 20.4% over the same period. Average deposits grew 5.3% between March 31, 2003 and March 31, 2004. Net Income per diluted share was up 18.2%. Tax equivalent net interest income was up 4.9% due to growth in average earning assets of 11.8%, and despite pressures on the net interest margin associated with the current historically low interest rate environment. Because the Company has a strong core deposit base of checking accounts and savings accounts, management believes that increasing interest rates, should they occur, will positively impact the bank’s net income. Between the first quarter of 2003 and the first quarter of 2004, non-interest income net of security gains grew 16.0%, which was primarily attributable to growth in service charges of 21.4%. Expenses grew modestly at 3.3%, primarily due to higher health care costs, certain legal expenses associated with the final resolution of a lawsuit brought in 2001, and because the bank experienced recoveries on repossessed assets in the first quarter of 2003 resulting in lower expenses in 2003.


Balance Sheet Trends


As compared to March 31, 2003, loans have increased $146.6 million. Specifically, home equity loan balances increased by $60.1 million and commercial real estate loan balances grew by $59.0 million. Also, from March 31, 2003 to March 31, 2004, $93.0 million in loans that were classified as “Retained Interests in Previously Securitized Loans” (which are a non-loan asset) were reclassified as “Previously Securitized Loans” (a loan category) as securitized notes were redeemed as permitted under the terms of the securitization trusts. Offsetting the targeted loan growth, were decreases in loan portfolios that the Company has de-emphasized, including decreases in indirect loans of $21.5 million and decreases in unsecured consumer loans of $25.1 million. At March 31, 2004, the Company also had a $20 million short-term loan to another commercial bank. The Company also experienced strong and steady increases in average depository balances, which were 5.3% higher in the first quarter of 2004 as compared to the first quarter of 2003 as average deposits increased from $1.563 billion to $1.646 billion. This growth occurred in average non-interest bearing deposits which were up 10.7%, interest-bearing demand deposits which were up 5.6%, and time deposits which were up 6.7%.

Net Interest Income


During the first quarter of 2004, the Company recorded tax equivalent net interest income of $22.6 million as compared to $21.5 million during the first quarter of 2003, representing an increase of 4.9%. The increase in net interest income can be attributed to two primary factors. First, the rate paid on the company’s long-term debt fell from an average of 8.12% in the first quarter of 2003 to 3.63% in the first quarter of 2004. This improvement in funding cost was achieved as a result of redemption of $57.5 million in 9.125% trust preferred securities during the fourth quarter of 2003. This debt was replaced with term federal home loan bank borrowings at rates ranging from 2.02% to 3.41%.


Second, the increase in net interest income can be attributed to an increase in average earning assets, which increased by $215 million, or 11.8%, from $1.828 billion in the first quarter of 2003 to $2.043 billion in the first quarter of 2004. The increase in average earning assets was primarily in investment securities and deposits in depository institutions, where average balances increased by $182.4 million between the first quarters of 2003 and 2004. These investment securities were funded by an increase in short-term borrowing and long-term debt from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh where average balances increased $118.271 million between the first quarters of 2003 and 2004. The increase in average deposit balances of $83.2 million during this period also funded the growth in earning assets. While the increase in investment securities contributed to an increase in bank earnings, the spread between the rate earned on these assets and the cost of funding them was narrower than the bank’s overall net interest margin. Thus, while net interest income rose during the period, the net interest margin fell.


The net interest margin for the first quarter of 2004 decreased to 4.42% from 4.71% in the first quarter of 2003. This decrease was partially caused by the growth in investment securities previously described, and secondly, by continued compression in net interest margin associated with the historically low level of market interest rates. The average yield on loans, excluding previously securitized loans, fell from 6.79% in the first quarter of 2003 to 5.84% in the first quarter of 2004. However, the cost of interest bearing demand deposits actually rose 6 basis points during this period of time, while rates paid on savings deposits fell by only 11 basis points and the cost of time deposits fell by only 23 basis points. Because the Company has high levels of non-interest bearing demand deposit balances, and paid only 0.61% on interest bearing demand deposits and 0.52% on saving deposits, and because these deposits along with equity account for 53.56% of the total funding of the Company, opportunities for further reductions in the cost of funding the bank are extremely limited. If rates continue to remain at historically low levels, fixed rate assets will continue to reprice at lower rates and it is likely that the Company will experience continued contraction of its net interest margin.


In summary, redemption of $57.5 million in 9.125% trust preferred securities during the fourth quarter of 2003 coupled with the increase in average balances of investment securities funded by term deposits and borrowing contributed to growth in the Company’s net interest income in the first quarter of 2004 as compared to the first quarter of 2003. However, with respect to the Company’s net interest margin, contraction in the net interest margin and increases in the average balance of investment securities more than offset the benefit of redeeming the Company’s trust preferred securities, so that the net interest margin fell in the first quarter of 2004 as compared to the first quarter of 2003.


Credit Quality


The Company continues to demonstrate strong credit quality. During the first quarter of 2004, the Company had gross charge-offs of $2.2 million. The charge-offs were offset by $1.1 million in recoveries, resulting in net charge-offs of $1.1 million. Of these net charge-offs, approximately 38% were attributable to depository accounts, demonstrating the strength of credit quality in the bank’s retail and commercial loan products.


Non-performing assets rose from $3.1 million at March 31, 2003 to $5.0 million at March 31, 2004. However, it should be noted that non-performing assets at March 31, 2004 include $1.4 million in loans

that were previously securitized and there were no such assets at March 31, 2003. Losses on these loans will only impact the allowance for loan loss when such losses exceed the initial purchase discount, if ever. Instead, to the extent that actual losses exceed estimated losses, the asset yields will be reduced. The increase in previously securitized loans past due 90 days or more (assets which were classified as non-loan assets at March 31, 2003) represents 74.3% of the total increase in non-performing assets between March 31, 2003 and March 31, 2004.


At March 31, 2004, the ALLL was $20.3 million or 1.52% of total loans outstanding and 432% of non-performing loans. Adjusting for $93.0 million in previously securitized loans, where losses are not expected to flow through the allowance for loan losses but instead are reflected in the yield on these assets, the ALLL represents 1.64% of loans net of previously securitized loans. The Company believes that its methodology for determining its ALLL adequately provides for probable losses inherent in the loan portfolio at March 31. The Company recorded no provision for loan losses in the first quarter of 2004.


Non-Interest Income


The bank had investment security gains of $1.0 million in the first quarter of 2004 as compared to $0.4 million in the first quarter of 2003. Net of security gains, non-interest income in the first quarter of 2004 was $10.0 million as compared to $8.6 million in the first quarter of 2003, representing an increase of 16.0%. The largest source of non-interest income is service charges, which increased from $6.1 million during the first quarter of 2003 to $7.4 million during the first quarter of 2004, reflecting growth in new customers and services provided to the Company’s depository customers. The Company also experienced significant increases in trust revenues that were up 40.0%, and additional revenues from bank-owned life insurance. Overall, non-interest income represented 33.1% of total revenues (net interest income plus non-interest income) for the Company in the first quarter of 2004 – substantially more than other similarly sized banking companies which average approximately 24% of total revenues derived from non-interest income.


Non-Interest Expenses


Non-interest expenses were $16.5 million in the first quarter of 2004 as compared to $16.0 million in the first quarter of 2003, an increase of 3.3%. This increase can primarily be attributed to three sources. Aside from these three issues, non-interest expenses would have been lower in the first quarter of 2004 as compared to 2003. First, the Company experienced an increase in costs associated with salaries and employee benefit expense of $.4 million, or 5.0%. This increase was driven principally by higher health care costs. Salary and employee benefit expense also includes expense of $.375 million associated with accruals for executive severances, an amount similar to the accrual made for these expenses in the first quarter of 2003. Second, the Company incurred expense of $0.057 million associated with repossessed asset losses in the first quarter of 2004 compared with recoveries of $0.191 million during the first quarter of 2003. Thus, when compared to the net recoveries achieved in the year-ago quarter, the Company appeared to have an increase in expense of $0.248 million. Third, professional expense during the first quarter of 2004 included approximately $325,000 in legal expenses associated with resolution of the Company’s derivative lawsuit. Absent these legal expenses, professional expenses would have been lower than in the first quarter of 2003.


Previously Securitized Loans


Between 1997 and 1999, the company originated and securitized $760 million in 125% loan to value junior-lien underlying mortgages in six separate pools known as City Capital Home Loan Trust 1997-1, 98-1, 98-2, 98-3, 98-4 and 99-1. The Company had a retained interest in the final cash flows associated with these underlying mortgages after satisfying priority claims. Principal amounts owed to investors in the securitizations were evidenced by securities that were subject to redemption under certain circumstances. Once the Notes were redeemed, the Company became the beneficial owner of the mortgage loans and recorded the loans as “Previously Securitized Loans” within the loan portfolio. As of March 31, 2004, the Company had exercised its early redemption option with respect to five of these Trusts. As a result, at March 31, 2004 the Company reported “Previously Securitized Loans” of $93.0 million and assets classified as “Retained Interests” of $1.7 million.

Because the carrying value of the previously securitized loans incorporates discounts for expected prepayment and default rates, the carrying value of the loans is generally less than the contractual outstanding balance of the loans. As of March 31, 2004, the contractual outstanding balances of the mortgages securitized were $110.9 million while the carrying value of these assets was $93.0 million. The difference between the carrying value and the contractual outstanding balance of previously securitized loans is accreted into interest income over the life of the loans. As a result, the yield on the previously securitized loans during the first quarter of 2004 was 17.98%.


Net credit losses on previously securitized loans are first recorded against this discount and, therefore, impact the yield earned on these loans. Should net credit losses exceed the reported balance of the discount over the life of the loans, credit losses would then be provided for through the Company’s provision and allowance for loan losses. The Company is reviewing its assumptions on future default rates with regard to the previously securitized loans. During the second quarter of 2004, assumptions regarding default rates on these assets over their remaining lives will likely be increased within the model that the Company uses to account for the previously securitized loans, resulting in an accrual rate expected to be in the range of 15-16%. The balances of the previously securitized loans have been subject to prepayment rates in excess of 30% for several years. Based upon its assumptions, the Company expects the net carrying value of previously securitized loan balances to decrease as shown below:


December 31, 2004

   $ 72 million

December 31, 2005

   $ 50 million

December 31, 2006

   $ 37 million

December 31, 2007

   $ 28 million


Capitalization and Liquidity


One of the Company’s strengths is that it is highly profitable while maintaining strong liquidity and capital. With respect to liquidity, the Company’s loan to deposit ratio was 80.7% and the loan to asset ratio was 60.0% at March 31, 2004. The Company maintained investment securities totaling 32.2% of assets as of this date. Further, the Company’s deposit mix is weighted heavily toward checking and saving accounts that fund 44.5% of assets at March 31, 2004. Time deposits fund 30.0% of assets at March 31, 2004, but very few of these deposits are in accounts of more than $250,000, reflecting the core retail orientation of the Company. Equity represents 9.1% of total assets, leaving only 16.2% of the Company’s assets funded by short and long-term borrowings and other liabilities.


The Company is also strongly capitalized. Capitalization (as measured by average equity to average assets) was 8.96% at March 31, 2004 as a result of the Company’s strong earnings. The Company’s tangible equity ratio was 8.85% at March 31, 2004. With respect to regulatory capital, at March 31, 2004, the Company’s Leverage Ratio is 10.01%, the Tier I Capital ratio is 14.63%, and the Total risk-based Capital ratio is 15.89%. All measures of capital show significant improvement since March 31, 2003 despite the retirement of $57.5 million in trust preferred securities in the fourth quarter of 2003. These regulatory capital ratios are significantly above levels required to be considered “well capitalized,” which is the highest possible regulatory designation.


During March of 2004, the Board approved a 10% increase in the quarterly cash dividend to 22 cents per share payable April 30, 2004 to shareholders of record as of April 15, 2004.


Forward Looking Information


The Company previously announced that a tentative settlement has been reached in litigation brought on December 31, 2001 in a derivative action against certain current and former directors and former executive officers of City Holding Company and City National Bank seeking to recover alleged damages on behalf of

City Holding Company and City National Bank. During the first quarter, that settlement was approved by the Circuit Court for Kanawha County. Insurance proceeds were received in mid-April. The Company is currently attempting to quantify legal expenses associated with this derivative action, but anticipates that it will record between $5.0 and $5.6 million in pre-tax income during the second quarter, or between $0.18 and $0.20 per share after-tax.


City Holding Company is the parent company of City National Bank of West Virginia. In addition to the Bank, City National Bank operates CityInsurance Professionals, an insurance agency offering a full range of insurance products and services.


This news release contains certain forward-looking statements that are included pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such information involves risks and uncertainties that could result in the Company’s actual results differing from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, (1) the Company may incur additional loan loss provision due to negative credit quality trends in the future that may lead to a deterioration of asset quality, or conversely, the Company may incur less, or even negative, loan loss provision due to positive credit quality trends in the future; (2) the Company may not continue to experience significant recoveries of previously charged-off loans and the Company may incur increased charge-offs in the future; (3) the Company may experience increases in the default rates on its retained interests in securitized mortgages or previously securitized loans causing the yields on these assets to decline; (4) the Company may not realize the expected cash payments that it is presently accruing from its retained interests in securitized mortgages or its previously securitized loans; (5) the Company could have adverse legal actions of a material nature; (6) the Company may face competitive loss of customers associated with its efforts to increase fee-based revenues; (7) the Company may be unable to manage its expense levels; (8) changes in the interest rate environment may have results on the Company’s operations materially different from those anticipated by the Company’s market risk management functions; (9) changes in general economic conditions and increased competition could adversely affect the Company’s operating results; (10) changes in other regulations and government policies affecting bank holding companies and their subsidiaries, including changes in monetary policies, could negatively impact the Company’s operating results; and (11) the Company may experience difficulties growing loan and deposit balances. Forward-looking statements made herein reflect management’s expectations as of the date such statements are made. Such information is provided to assist stockholders and potential investors in understanding current and anticipated financial operations of the Company and is included pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances that arise after the date such statements are made.


Financial Highlights



     Three Months Ended

     March 31

    March 31





Earnings ($000s, except per share data):


Net Interest Income (FTE)

   $ 22,569     $ 21,522     4.86 %

Net Income

     11,003       9,352     17.65 %

Earnings per Basic Share

     0.66       0.56     17.86 %

Earnings per Diluted Share

     0.65       0.55     18.18 %

Key Ratios (percent):


Return on Average Assets

     1.99 %     1.89 %   5.29 %

Return on Average Equity

     22.26 %     22.13 %   0.59 %

Net Interest Margin

     4.42 %     4.71 %   (6.16 )%

Efficiency Ratio

     51.05 %     53.38 %   (4.36 )%

Average Shareholders’ Equity to Average Assets

     8.96 %     8.53 %   5.04 %

Risk-Based Capital Ratios (a):


Tier I

     14.63 %     10.25 %   42.73 %


     15.89 %     13.69 %   16.07 %

Common Stock Data:


Cash Dividends Declared per Share

   $ 0.22     $ 0.20     10.00 %

Book Value per Share

     12.09       10.10     19.70 %

Market Value per Share:



     36.18       28.99     24.80 %


     32.35       25.50     26.86 %

End of Period

     34.59       27.37     26.38 %

Price/Earnings Ratio (b)

     13.10       12.22     7.20 %

(a) March 31, 2004 risk-based capital ratios are estimated.
(b) March 31, 2004 price/earnings ratio computed based on annualized first quarter 2004 earnings.


Financial Highlights



Book Value and Market Price Range per Share


     Book Value per Share


Market Price

Range per Share

     March 31

   June 30

   September 30

   December 31




   13.07    12.85    12.80    11.77    12.50    32.75


   11.76    11.72    11.72    9.68    4.88    16.19


   8.82    8.70    8.37    8.67    5.13    14.64


   8.92    9.40    9.64    9.93    12.04    30.20


   10.10    10.74    11.03    11.51    25.50    37.15


   12.09                   32.35    36.18


Earnings per Basic Share


     Quarter Ended

     March 31

    June 30

    September 30

    December 31




   0.31     0.42     0.14     (0.49 )   0.37  


   0.24     0.02     (0.05 )   (2.47 )   (2.27 )


   (0.34 )   (1.19 )   (0.46 )   0.45     (1.54 )


   0.38     0.45     0.53     0.56     1.93  


   0.56     0.73     0.69     0.64     2.63  


   0.66                       0.66  


Earnings per Diluted Share


     Quarter Ended

     March 31

    June 30

    September 30

    December 31




   0.31     0.42     0.14     (0.49 )   0.37  


   0.24     0.02     (0.05 )   (2.47 )   (2.27 )


   (0.34 )   (1.19 )   (0.46 )   0.45     (1.54 )


   0.38     0.45     0.52     0.55     1.90  


   0.55     0.72     0.68     0.63     2.58  


   0.65                       0.65  


Consolidated Statements of Income

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s, except per share data)



Three Months Ended

March 31




Interest Income


Interest and fees on loans

   $ 21,723    $ 20,302  

Interest on investment securities:



     7,224      5,213  


     477      571  

Interest on retained interests

     740      3,523  

Interest on deposits in depository institutions

     11      —    

Interest on federal funds sold

     —        90  


Total Interest Income

     30,175      29,699  

Interest Expense


Interest on deposits

     5,692      5,767  

Interest on short-term borrowings

     166      434  

Interest on long-term debt

     2,005      2,284  


Total Interest Expense

     7,863      8,485  


Net Interest Income

     22,312      21,214  

Provision for loan losses

     —        —    


Net Interest Income After Provision for Loan Losses

     22,312      21,214  

Non-Interest Income


Investment securities gains

     1,012      353  

Service charges

     7,381      6,081  

Insurance commissions

     660      762  

Trust fee income

     487      348  

Bank owned life insurance

     581      157  

Mortgage banking income

     69      168  

Other income

     835      1,116  


Total Non-Interest Income

     11,025      8,985  

Non-Interest Expense


Salaries and employee benefits

     8,127      7,738  

Occupancy and equipment

     1,494      1,545  


     1,006      1,187  

Professional fees and litigation expense

     844      837  

Postage, delivery, and statement mailings

     685      780  


     656      650  


     466      405  

Insurance and regulatory

     331      325  

Office supplies

     312      435  

Repossessed asset losses (gains) and expenses

     57      (191 )

Other expenses

     2,560      2,296  


Total Non-Interest Expense

     16,538      16,007  


Income Before Income Taxes

     16,799      14,192  

Income Tax Expense

     5,796      4,840  


Net Income

   $ 11,003    $ 9,352  


Basic Earnings per Share

   $ 0.66    $ 0.56  

Diluted Earnings per Share

   $ 0.65    $ 0.55  

Average Common Shares Outstanding:



     16,681      16,638  


     16,972      16,955  


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders’ Equity

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     Three Months Ended


March 31,



March 31,



Balance at January 1

   $ 190,690     $ 165,393  

Net income

     11,003       9,352  

Other comprehensive income:


Change in unrealized gain on securities available-for-sale

     3,371       (1,058 )

Cash dividends declared ($0.22/share)

     (3,678 )     —    

Cash dividends declared ($0.20/share)

     —         (3,327 )

Exercise of 74,478 stock options

     818       —    

Exercise of 79,082 stock options

     —         775  

Purchase of 118,300 common shares for treasury

     —         (3,258 )


Balance at March 31

   $ 202,204     $ 167,877  



Condensed Consolidated Quarterly Statements of Income

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s, except per share data)


     Quarter Ended


March 31



Dec. 31


    Sept. 30

    June 30

    March 31


Interest income

   $ 30,175     $ 29,581     $ 28,341     $ 29,669     $ 29,699  

Taxable equivalent adjustment

     257       257       271       300       308  





Interest income (FTE)

     30,432       29,838       28,612       29,969       30,007  

Interest expense

     7,863       7,497       7,812       7,991       8,485  





Net interest income

     22,569       22,341       20,800       21,978       21,522  

Provision for loan losses

     —         (1,000 )     (1,900 )     (3,300 )     —    





Net interest income after provision for loan losses

     22,569       23,341       22,700       25,278       21,522  

Noninterest income

     11,025       10,367       10,639       9,419       8,985  

Noninterest expense

     16,538       18,033       15,405       15,725       16,007  





Income before income taxes

     17,056       15,675       17,934       18,972       14,500  

Income tax expense

     5,796       4,746       6,130       6,535       4,840  

Taxable equivalent adjustment

     257       257       271       300       308  





Net income

   $ 11,003     $ 10,672     $ 11,533     $ 12,137     $ 9,352  





Basic earnings per share

   $ 0.66     $ 0.64     $ 0.69     $ 0.73     $ 0.56  

Diluted earnings per share

     0.65       0.63       0.68       0.72       0.55  

Cash dividends declared per share

     0.22       0.20       0.20       0.20       0.20  

Average Common Share (000s):



     16,681       16,641       16,636       16,622       16,638  


     16,972       16,961       16,953       16,918       16,955  

Net Interest Margin

     4.42 %     4.74 %     4.50 %     4.72 %     4.71 %


Non-Interest Income and Non-Interest Expense

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     Quarter Ended

     March 31

   Dec. 31

   Sept. 30

    June 30


March 31



Non-Interest Income:


Service charges

   $ 7,381    $ 7,762    $ 7,285     $ 7,041     $ 6,081  

Insurance commissions

     660      510      604       591       762  

Trust fee income

     487      379      493       355       348  

Bank owned life insurance

     581      593      414       156       157  

Mortgage banking income

     69      60      109       180       168  

Other income

     835      776      2,544       1,074       1,116  






     10,013      10,080      11,449       9,397       8,632  

Investment security gains (losses)

     1,012      287      (810 )     22       353  





Total Non-Interest Income

   $ 11,025    $ 10,367    $ 10,639     $ 9,419     $ 8,985  





Non-Interest Expense:


Salaries and employee benefits

   $ 8,127    $ 7,916    $ 7,787     $ 7,629     $ 7,738  

Occupancy and equipment

     1,494      1,550      1,431       1,489       1,545  


     1,006      1,056      1,055       1,113       1,187  

Professional fees and litigation expense

     844      542      519       981       837  

Postage, delivery, and statement mailings

     685      584      538       744       780  


     656      578      555       557       650  


     466      466      485       518       405  

Insurance and regulatory

     331      297      318       326       325  

Office supplies

     312      278      310       405       435  

Repossessed asset losses (gains) and expenses

     57      19      28       (547 )     (191 )

Loss on early exinguishment of debt

     —        2,246      —         142       —    

Other expenses

     2,560      2,501      2,379       2,368       2,296  





Total Non-Interest Expense

   $ 16,538    $ 18,033    $ 15,405     $ 15,725     $ 16,007  





Employees (Full Time Equivalent)

     690      701      709       719       722  

Branch Locations

     54      54      55       55       55  


Consolidated Balance Sheets

($ in 000s)


     March 31


December 31





Cash and due from banks

   $ 45,379     $ 58,216  

Interest-bearing deposits in depository institutions

     8,479       5,122  

Federal funds sold

     —         —    


Cash and cash equivalents

     53,858       63,338  

Investment securities available-for-sale, at fair value

     655,676       645,663  

Investment securities held-to-maturity, at amortized cost

     58,990       59,298  


Total investment securities

     714,666       704,961  



Residential real estate

     439,643       446,134  

Home equity

     292,192       282,481  

Commercial real estate

     347,724       351,284  

Other commercial

     74,743       76,167  

Loans to depository institutions

     20,000       —    


     28,351       33,651  


     20,006       24,707  

Credit card

     18,119       18,979  

Previously securitized loans

     92,954       58,788  


Gross Loans

     1,333,732       1,292,191  

Allowance for loan losses

     (20,289 )     (21,426 )


Net loans

     1,313,443       1,270,765  

Retained interests

     1,656       34,320  

Bank owned life insurance

     49,795       49,214  

Premises and equipment

     34,664       35,338  

Accrued interest receivable

     10,720       10,216  

Net deferred tax assets

     22,912       29,339  

Other assets

     17,961       16,939  


Total Assets

   $ 2,219,675     $ 2,214,430  







   $ 301,390     $ 309,706  



Demand deposits

     403,114       393,443  

Savings deposits

     283,287       278,117  

Time deposits

     665,221       655,496  


Total deposits

     1,653,012       1,636,762  

Short-term borrowings

     112,256       168,403  

Long-term debt

     225,836       190,836  

Other liabilities

     26,367       27,739  


Total Liabilities

     2,017,471       2,023,740  

Stockholders’ Equity


Preferred stock, par value $25 per share: 500,000 shares authorized; none issued

     —         —    

Common stock, par value $2.50 per share: 50,000,000 shares authorized; 16,919,248 shares issued and outstanding at March 31, 2004 and December 31, 2003, including 200,403 and 274,881 shares in treasury

     42,298       42,298  

Capital surplus

     56,238       57,364  

Retained earnings

     103,785       96,460  

Cost of common stock in treasury

     (4,859 )     (6,803 )

Accumulated other comprehensive income:


Unrealized gain on securities available-for-sale

     7,133       3,762  

Underfunded pension liability

     (2,391 )     (2,391 )


Total Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income

     4,742       1,371  


Total Stockholders’ Equity

     202,204       190,690  


Total Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity

   $ 2,219,675     $ 2,214,430  



Loan Portfolio

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     March 31


Dec. 31


   Sept. 30


June 30



March 31


Residential real estate

   $ 439,643    $ 446,134    $ 448,455    $ 452,014    $ 463,813

Home equity

     292,192      282,481      272,091      253,178      232,048

Commercial real estate

     347,724      351,284      317,549      301,321      288,724

Other commercial

     74,743      76,167      79,090      85,356      88,824

Loans to depository institutions

     20,000      —        —        —        —  


     28,351      33,651      39,466      46,877      53,488


     20,006      24,707      29,074      35,059      41,475

Credit card

     18,119      18,979      19,133      19,155      18,780

Previously securitized loans

     92,954      58,788      37,339      4,933      —  





Gross Loans

   $ 1,333,732    $ 1,292,191    $ 1,242,197    $ 1,197,893    $ 1,187,152






Consolidated Average Balance Sheets, Yields, and Rates

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     Three Months Ended March 31,




















Loan portfolio:


Residential real estate

   $ 441,123     $ 6,852    6.21 %   $ 467,855     $ 8,326    7.12 %

Home equity

     286,267       3,176    4.44 %     220,614       2,581    4.68 %

Commercial real estate

     348,871       4,867    5.58 %     272,846       4,423    6.48 %

Other commercial

     74,594       962    5.16 %     92,801       1,429    6.16 %

Loans to depository institutions

     3,297       9    1.09 %     18,892       78    1.65 %


     31,092       877    11.28 %     58,962       1,679    11.39 %


     22,393       612    10.93 %     45,175       1,217    10.78 %

Credit card

     18,414       554    12.03 %     18,903       569    12.04 %

Previously securitized loans

     84,843       3,814    17.98 %     —         —      —    






Total loans

     1,310,894       21,723    6.63 %     1,196,048       20,302    6.79 %




     674,187       7,224    4.29 %     489,836       5,213    4.26 %


     39,974       734    7.34 %     47,557       879    7.39 %






Total securities

     714,161       7,958    4.46 %     537,393       6,092    4.53 %

Retained interest in securitized loans

     12,724       740    23.26 %     81,293       3,523    17.33 %

Deposits in depository institutions

     5,646       11    0.78 %     —         —      —    

Federal funds sold

     —         —      —         13,725       90    2.62 %






Total interest-earning assets

     2,043,425       30,432    5.96 %     1,828,459       30,007    6.56 %

Cash and due from banks

     44,710                    66,148               

Bank premises and equipment

     35,004                    37,417               

Other assets

     105,052                    78,887               

Less: Allowance for loan losses

     (21,222 )                  (29,115 )             



Total assets

   $ 2,206,969                  $ 1,981,796               





Interest-bearing demand deposits

   $ 397,454     $ 604    0.61 %   $ 376,488     $ 520    0.55 %

Savings deposits

     279,392       363    0.52 %     288,269       451    0.63 %

Time deposits

     661,731       4,725    2.86 %     620,440       4,796    3.09 %

Short-term borrowings

     117,214       166    0.57 %     107,664       434    1.61 %

Long-term debt

     221,221       2,005    3.63 %     112,500       2,284    8.12 %






Total interest-bearing liabilities

     1,677,012       7,863    1.88 %     1,505,361       8,485    2.25 %

Noninterest-bearing demand deposits

     307,608                    277,766               

Other liabilities

     24,658                    29,630               

Stockholders’ equity

     197,691                    169,039               



Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity

   $ 2,206,969                  $ 1,981,796               





Net interest income

           $ 22,569                  $ 21,522       




Net yield on earning assets

                  4.42 %                  4.71 %



Analysis of Risk-Based Capital

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     March 31
2004 (a)


Dec. 31



Sept. 30



June 30



March 31



Tier I Capital:


Stockholders’ equity

   $ 202,204     $ 190,690     $ 183,463     $ 178,571     $ 167,877  

Goodwill and other intangibles

     (6,408 )     (6,459 )     (6,510 )     (6,574 )     (6,652 )

Accumulated other comprehensive income

     (4,742 )     (1,372 )     (1,673 )     (5,134 )     (3,357 )

Qualifying trust preferred stock

     30,000       30,000       60,597       57,812       54,840  

Excess retained interests

     —         —         —         (23,809 )     (29,169 )

Excess deferred tax assets

     (807 )     (8,053 )     (7,731 )     (9,048 )     (14,477 )





Total tier I capital

   $ 220,247     $ 204,806     $ 228,146     $ 191,818     $ 169,062  





Total Risk-Based Capital:


Tier I capital

   $ 220,247     $ 204,806     $ 228,146     $ 191,818     $ 169,062  

Qualifying allowance for loan losses

     19,169       21,426       23,436       24,759       24,139  

Qualifying trust preferred stock

     —         —         26,903       29,688       32,660  





Total risk-based capital

   $ 239,416     $ 226,232     $ 278,485     $ 246,265     $ 225,861  





Net risk-weighted assets

   $ 1,505,892     $ 1,717,206     $ 1,783,444     $ 1,654,924     $ 1,650,156  



Average stockholders’ equity to average assets

     8.96 %     9.12 %     9.23 %     8.65 %     8.53 %

Risk-based capital ratios:


Tier I capital

     14.63 %     11.93 %     12.79 %     11.59 %     10.25 %

Total risk-based capital

     15.89 %     13.17 %     15.62 %     14.88 %     13.69 %

Leverage capital

     10.01 %     10.04 %     11.50 %     9.81 %     8.75 %

(a) March 31, 2004 risk-based capital ratios are estimated.




(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     As of and for the Quarter Ended


March 31



Dec. 31



Sept. 30



June 30



March 31


Intangibles, net

   $ 6,408    $ 6,459    $ 6,510    $ 6,574    $ 6,652

Intangibles amortization expense

     51      51      64      78      78


Summary of Loan Loss Experience

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     Quarter Ended


March 31



Dec. 31



Sept. 30



June 30



March 31



Balance at beginning of period

   $ 21,426     $ 23,436     $ 26,092     $ 28,910     $ 28,504  



Residential real estate

     217       419       251       388       457  

Home equity

     133       18       65       143       137  

Commercial real estate

     342       130       294       —         195  

Other commercial

     159       28       203       2       337  


     588       715       678       676       1,007  

Overdraft deposit accounts

     787       583       596       501       —    





Total charge-offs

     2,226       1,893       2,087       1,710       2,133  



Residential real estate

     104       135       190       246       1,178  

Home equity

     5       —         1       61       —    

Commercial real estate

     311       141       424       580       528  

Other commercial

     55       182       259       729       401  


     260       211       249       408       432  

Overdraft deposit accounts

     354       214       208       168       —    





Total recoveries

     1,089       883       1,331       2,192       2,539  





Net charge-offs (recoveries)

     1,137       1,010       756       (482 )     (406 )

(Recovery of) provision for loan losses

     —         (1,000 )     (1,900 )     (3,300 )     —    





Balance at end of period

   $ 20,289     $ 21,426     $ 23,436     $ 26,092     $ 28,910  





Loans outstanding

   $ 1,333,732     $ 1,292,191     $ 1,242,197     $ 1,197,893     $ 1,187,152  





Average loans outstanding

     1,310,894       1,271,581       1,222,012       1,188,363       1,196,048  





Allowance as a percent of loans outstanding

     1.52 %     1.66 %     1.89 %     2.18 %     2.44 %





Allowance as a percent of non-performing loans

     432 %     529 %     551 %     701 %     1057 %





Net charge-offs (recoveries) (annualized) as a percent of average loans outstanding

     0.35 %     0.32 %     0.25 %     (0.16 )%     (0.14 )%






Summary of Non-Performing Assets

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)



March 31



Dec. 31



Sept. 30


    June 30


March 31



Nonaccrual loans

   $ 2,268     $ 2,140     $ 2,509     $ 1,919     $ 2,148  

Accruing loans past due 90 days or more

     1,039       1,195       1,229       1,744       588  

Previously securitized loans past due 90 days or more

     1,388       717       516       61       —    

Restructured loans

     —         —         —         —         —    





Total non-performing loans

     4,695       4,052       4,254       3,724       2,736  

Other real estate owned

     296       312       477       623       387  





Total non-performing assets

   $ 4,991     $ 4,364     $ 4,731     $ 4,347     $ 3,123  





Non-performing assets as a percent of loans and other real estate owned

     0.37 %     0.34 %     0.38 %     0.36 %     0.26 %