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Exhibit 99




For Immediate Release

July 16, 2003


For Further Information Contact:

Charles R. Hageboeck, CFO

(304) 769-1102


City Holding Company Announces Strong Second Quarter Performance


Charleston, West Virginia – City Holding Company, “the Company” (NASDAQ:CHCO; NASDAQ:CHCOP), a $2 billion bank holding company headquartered in Charleston, today announced 2003 second quarter earnings of $12.1 million, an increase of 58.2% over $7.7 million earned in the second quarter of 2002. Earnings per diluted share for the second quarter were $0.72, an increase of 60.0% over $0.45 per diluted share reported for the second quarter of 2002.


The Company’s second quarter 2003 operating results were positively affected by continued growth in non-interest income, specifically in service charge revenues earned on depository relationships, continued success in managing non-interest expenses, and a strong net interest margin. Additionally, during the second quarter of 2003, the Company recorded a negative loan loss provision of $3.3 million, which added $0.13 per diluted share, after income taxes, to the Company’s operating results for the period. The Company has experienced lower than anticipated losses and improving credit quality within certain segments of its loan portfolio. The Company has also had greater than expected success in pursuing recoveries of previously charged-off loans, as evidenced by $0.9 million of net recoveries for the first six months of 2003. As a result, the Company determined that it was appropriate to record the $3.3 million negative loan loss provision for the second quarter. Excluding the impact of the negative loan loss provision, the Company would have reported net income of $10.0 million, or $0.59 per diluted share, for the second quarter of 2003, and $19.3 million, or $1.14 per diluted share, for the first six months of the year. If the Company continues to experience either low net charge-offs or net recoveries in future periods, and continues to experience improvements in loan loss ratios, it is possible that the Company will record additional negative provision expense in forthcoming periods.


For the second quarter of 2003, the Company reported return on average assets (“ROA”) of 2.43%, return on average equity (“ROE”) of 28.13%, net interest margin (“NIM”) of 4.72%, and an efficiency ratio of 50.35%. Each of these ratios compares favorably to the second quarter of 2002 when the Company reported ROA of 1.48%, ROE of 19.70%, NIM of 4.67%, and an efficiency ratio of 59.76%. For comparison purposes, had the Company reported no provision expense, either positive or negative, the Company would have reported ROA of 2.00 %, ROE of 23.16%, NIM of 4.72%, and an efficiency ratio of 50.35%.


Balance Sheet Trends


Total loans increased $10.74 million during the quarter, from $1.19 billion at March 31, 2003 to $1.20 billion at June 30, 2003, despite planned declines within the installment and indirect auto lending portfolios. The Company continued to experience strong growth within the home equity (up $21.1 million, or 9.11%) and commercial real estate (up $12.6 million, or 4.36%) portfolios during the quarter. As previously announced, the Company has strategically focused on real estate secured lending, while intentionally reducing its lending in products not secured by real estate and exiting the indirect auto lending business line. The Company also recorded $4.93 million in previously securitized loans, as described below, during the second quarter of 2003. Since December 31, 2002, total loans increased by $13.5 million, or 1.1%, after allowing for a $20 million fed fund line to another depository institution classified on the balance sheet as a loan. Since December 31, 2002, installment and indirect auto loans were down by $31.0 million while home equity loans (up $42.4 million, or 20.1%) and commercial real estate loans (up

$27.4 million or 10.0%) have grown. Total deposits increased from $1.565 billion at March 31, 2003 to $1.598 billion at June 30, 2003, reflecting an increase of $33.3 million or 2.1%.


Net Interest Income


The Company reported fully taxable net interest income of $22.0 million for the second quarter of 2003, compared to $22.2 million for the second quarter of 2002. The Company’s net interest margin remained strong and increased from 4.67% for the second quarter of 2002 to 4.72% for the same period of 2003. The Company’s net interest margin has benefited from the yield recognized on the Company’s investment in retained interests as well as significant declines in funding costs. Over the past several quarters the Company has continued to focus on funding its balance sheet with checking and savings deposit balances, and with additional equity capital. On average, equity capital increased by $16.8 million, or 10.8%, in the second quarter of 2003 as compared to the second quarter of 2002. Also, non-interest earning assets have declined from $170.4 million at June 30, 2002 to $131.2 million at June 30, 2003. As a result, the average balances of more expensive time deposits, short-term borrowing and long-term borrowings declined $97.0 million, or 11.6%, between the second quarter of 2002 and the second quarter of 2003, thus helping to improve the Company’s net interest margin.


Because interest rates are at historically low levels, the industry is generally experiencing compression in net interest margin. While the Company has, thus far, been successful in maintaining a relatively high net interest margin, the Company could also experience contraction in its net interest margin in future periods should interest rates remain at low levels and as the average balance of its retained interests decline as the result of cash collections.


Credit Quality


As previously noted, the Company recorded negative loan loss provision of $3.3 million during the second quarter of 2003. This action reflects the success the Company has achieved in attaining its credit quality objectives. During the second quarter of 2003, the Company reported gross charge-offs of $1.7 million, which were more than offset by $2.2 million in recoveries. As has been previously reported, the Company vigorously pursues collection of previously charged-off loans and has experienced better-than-expected results in doing so. Additionally, the Company has experienced noticeable improvement in its loss experience in each of the major components of the loan portfolio.


At June 30, 2003, the allowance for loan losses (“ALLL”) was $26.1 million, or 2.18% of total loans outstanding and 701% of non-performing loans, compared to March 31, 2003 in which the ALLL was $28.9 million or 2.44% of total loans outstanding and 1057% of non-performing loans. The Company believes that its methodology for determining its ALLL adequately provides for probable losses inherent in the loan portfolio at June 30. If the Company’s loan loss experience continues or improves upon recent trends, the methodology used to establish the ALLL could lead to low or zero loan loss expense, or, potentially, additional negative provision expense in future periods.


Non-Interest Income


Non-interest income continued to experience strong revenue growth during the second quarter of 2003 and represented 30.29% of total revenues (net interest income plus non-interest income). Within the non-interest income category, service charge revenues and insurance commissions reflected significant growth, as compared to the second quarter of 2002, while trust fee revenues remained stable. In particular, service charge revenues increased $1.3 million, or 22.1%, from the second quarter of 2002 to 2003, reflecting growth in new depository relationships and additional services provided to the Company’s deposit-based customers.


Non-Interest Expenses


Supplementing the Company’s focus on growing revenues, it has also endeavored to consistently focus on managing and containing non-interest expenses to further enhance its profitability. This is evidenced by the

Company’s efficiency ratio (defined as non-interest expenses as a percent of total revenues), which fell from 59.76% in the second quarter of 2002 to 50.35% for the same period of 2003. Non-interest expenses declined $2.1 million, or 12.0%, from $17.9 million in the second quarter of 2002 to $15.7 million in the same period of 2003, as sustainable reductions have been achieved in virtually each component of non-interest expense.


Compensation expense declined $0.4 million, or 4.6%, from $8.0 million in the second quarter of 2002 to $7.6 million in the second quarter of 2003. This decline corresponds to a decline in the number of full time equivalent employees (FTEs) of 3.9% period-to-period. Depreciation expense declined 25.7% in the second quarter of 2003 as compared to the second quarter of 2002, reflecting the Company’s focus on limiting capital expenditures to those that have proven ability to improve customer service, lower expenses, or grow revenues. Telecommunication expenses were down 15.6% reflecting renegotiated contracts with the Company’s primary telecommunication vendors. Insurance and regulatory expenses declined 33.5% as lower regulatory expenses and lower FDIC insurance expense accompanied the Company’s improved financial condition. Repossessed asset losses and expenses were greatly improved as the Company recognized nonrecurring income of $0.547 million on recoveries of properties held in OREO as compared to losses of $0.295 million in the second quarter of 2002. Partially offsetting this nonrecurring revenue were expenses associated with a consulting engagement designed to identify revenue and expense opportunities and costs associated with terminating a $10 million Federal Home Loan Bank advance.


Retained Interests in Securitized Loans


Between 1997 and 1999, the company originated and securitized $760 million in 125% loan to value junior-lien mortgages. The Company has a retained interest in the final cash flows associated with these underlying mortgages after satisfying priority claims. At May 31, 2003 (the most current date that information is available), the outstanding principal balances of the mortgages securitized were $176.2 million. The outstanding obligation to the purchasers of the priority claims was $68.7 million with the Company having an interest in the remaining $107.5 million in balances. The Company determines the value of the retained interests using assumptions regarding default rates, prepayment rates, and an appropriate discount rate for assets of similar characteristics. At June 30, 2003 the Company estimates the fair value of these assets to be $92.8 million, compared to the book value of $80.0 million. The Bank is required to accrete the difference between the fair value and the book value over the life of the investment. Therefore, the retained interests accrued at the rate of 18.79% during the second quarter of 2003. During the first six months of 2003, the Company accrued income of $7.4 million and received cash of $4.5 million.


Principal amounts owed to investors in the securitizations are evidenced by securities (i.e., “Notes”). The Notes are subject to redemption, in whole but not in part, at the option of the Company, as owner of the retained interests in the securitization transactions, or, if the holder of the retained interests does not exercise such option, at the option of the Note insurer, on or after the date on which the related note balance has declined to 5% or less of the original Note balance. Once the Notes have been redeemed, the Company becomes the beneficial owner of the mortgage loans and records the loans as assets of the Company within the loan portfolio. During the second quarter of 2003, the outstanding Note balance on the Company’s 1997-1 securitization declined below this 5% threshold and the Company exercised its early redemption option for $1.5 million. As a result, the $1.5 million combined with the remaining book value of $3.8 million in the retained interest in the 1997-1 securitization, were reclassed to loans on the Company’s balance sheet and reported as “Previously securitized loans” of $5.3 million. As of June 30, 2003, the book value of previously securitized loans had declined to $4.9 million through principal collections and charge-offs. While no immediate gain or loss was recognized by the Company as a result of exercising the early redemption, the Company expects to realize higher yields on the book value of the remaining loans as a result of redeeming Notes that were paying interest at a rate of 6.86%.


Forward Looking Information


During the third quarter of 2003, the Company expects to exercise its early redemption option on two additional securitizations and anticipates that it may be able to exercise early redemption on two of the

remaining three securitizations during the fourth quarter of this year. As a result, the Company anticipates that it will experience increased income associated with these assets through year-end 2003 and that its December 31, 2003 balance sheet will include Retained Interests of approximately $1 million (down from the current book value of $80 million) and Previously Securitized Loan balances of $111 million (up from the current book value of $4.9 million). These balances will then decline as loans are paid off by the borrowers at prepayment rates that have been running more than 40% in recent months. At present, and based upon its assumptions about prepayment speeds, the Company believes that outstanding balances of these loans previously securitized as well as the remaining retained interests will be:


December 31, 2004   

$76 million

December 31, 2005

   $54 million

December 31, 2006

   $42 million

December 31, 2007

   $32 million


The Company’s current performance has also been positively affected by its success since 2002 in achieving low levels of non-performing assets and its success in achieving net loan recoveries totaling $1.369MM over the prior four quarters. These successes have led to the point that the Company recognized a negative provision for loan losses in the second quarter of 2003 of $3.30 million. As a measure of comparison, based upon the Company’s specific mix of loans, insured depository institutions in the U.S. over the last five fiscal years have experienced a net charge-off rate of 32 basis points on average loans and leases outstanding.


However, neither of these factors is sustainable in the long-term. Eventually the retained interests and the loans previously securitized will be paid-off, and eventually the Company, like all other banking institutions, will need to incur normal provision expense. In reviewing the forgoing financial results, investors should recognize that these two factors currently contribute to tbe Company’s strong financial performance.


Liquidity and Capitalization


As of June 30, 2003, ratios that measure the adequacy of the Company’s liquidity and capital remain strong. With respect to liquidity, the Company’s loan to deposit ratio was 75% and the loan to asset ratio was 60.4%. The Company maintained investment securities totaling 27.8% of assets at June 30, 2003 including $17.8 million invested in money market funds. Further, The Company’s deposit mix is weighted heavily toward checking and saving accounts that fund 49.3% of assets at June 30, 2003. Time deposits fund 31.3% of assets, but very few of these deposits are in accounts of more than $250,000, reflecting the core retail orientation of the Company.


The Company is also strongly capitalized. Capitalization (as measured by average equity to average assets) significantly increased from 7.51% at June 31, 2002 to 8.53% at March 31, 2003 and to 8.65% at June 30, 2003 as a result of the Company’s strong earnings. With respect to regulatory capital, at June 30, 2003, the Company’s Leverage Ratio is 9.81% the Tier I Capital ratio is 11.63% and the Total risk-based Capital ratio is 14.93%. These regulatory capital ratios are significantly above levels required to be considered “well capitalized”, which is the highest possible regulatory designation.


Earlier this month, the Company announced that it had declared a third quarter dividend of $0.20 per common share payable on July 31, 2003, to shareholders of record on July 15, 2003. The Company also announced that it would pay current dividends on the Company’s 9.125% Capital Securities issued by the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary, City Holding Capital Trust II payable on July 31, 2003 to shareholders of record as of July 16, 2003.


In June of 2002, the Board of Directors of the Company announced a one million share purchase program. During the second quarter of 2003, no shares were purchased under this program. As of June 30, 2003 a total of 420,700 shares have been repurchased under this program. In June of 2002, the Board of Directors of the Company also announced a $25 million program to retire the outstanding capital securities issued by either City Holding Capital Trust or City Holding Capital Trust II. As of June 30, 2003 the Company has

not taken any action on these securities, but remains ready to do so if the opportunity appears financially attractive. It should be noted that shares of City Holding Capital Trust II, paying 9.125%, are callable, in whole or in part, at par on October 31, 2003.


City Holding Company is the parent company of City National Bank of West Virginia. In addition to the Bank, City National Bank operates CityInsurance Professionals, an insurance agency offering a full range of insurance products and services.


This news release contains certain forward-looking statements that are included pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such information involves risks and uncertainties that could result in the Company’s actual results differing from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, (1) the Company may incur additional loan loss provision due to negative credit quality trends in the future that may lead to a deterioration of asset quality, or conversely, the Company may incur less, or even negative, loan loss provision due to positive credit quality trends in the future; (2) the Company may not continue to experience significant recoveries of previously charged-off loans and the Company may incur increased charge-offs in the future; (3) the Company may experience increases in the default rates on its retained interests in securitized mortgages causing it to take impairment charges to earnings; (4) the Company may not realize the expected cash payments that it is presently accruing from its retained interests in securitized mortgages; (5) the Company may experience either faster or slower rates of amortization of its retained interests and loans previously securitized; (6) the Company could have adverse legal actions of a material nature; (7) the Company may face competitive loss of customers associated with its efforts to increase fee-based revenues; (8) the Company may be unable to maintain or improve upon current levels of expense associated with managing its business; (9) rulings affecting, among other things, the Company’s and its banking subsidiaries’ regulatory capital and required loan loss allocations may change, resulting in the need for increased capital levels; (10) changes in the interest rate environment may have results on the Company’s operations materially different from those anticipated by the Company’s market risk management functions; (11) changes in general economic conditions and increased competition could adversely affect the Company’s operating results; (12) changes in other regulations and government policies affecting bank holding companies and their subsidiaries, including changes in monetary policies, could negatively impact the Company’s operating results; (13) the planned purchase of Trust I and Trust II Capital Securities and the common stock may not occur or may not have the effects anticipated; and (14) the Company may experience difficulties growing loan and deposit balances. Forward-looking statements made herein reflect management’s expectations as of the date such statements are made. Such information is provided to assist stockholders and potential investors in understanding current and anticipated financial operations of the Company and is included pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances that arise after the date such statements are made.


Financial Highlights





Three Months Ended





June 30



June 30



Earnings ($000s, except per share data):


Net Interest Income (FTE)

   $ 21,978     $ 22,248     (1.21 )%

Net Income

     12,137       7,671     58.22 %

Earnings per Basic Share

     0.73       0.45     62.22 %

Earnings per Diluted Share

     0.72       0.45     60.00 %

Key Ratios (percent):


Return on Average Assets

     2.43 %     1.48 %   64.19 %

Return on Average Equity

     28.13 %     19.70 %   42.79 %

Net Interest Margin

     4.72 %     4.67 %   1.07 %

Efficiency Ratio

     50.35 %     59.76 %   (15.75 )%

Average Shareholders’ Equity to Average Assets

     8.65 %     7.51 %   15.18 %

Risk-Based Capital Ratios (a):


Tier I

     11.63 %     9.99 %   16.42 %


     14.93 %     13.76 %   8.50 %

Common Stock Data:


Cash Dividends Declared per Share

   $ 0.20     $ 0.15     33.33 %

Book Value per Share

     10.74       9.40     14.26 %

Market Value per Share:



     30.00       23.80     26.05 %


     27.30       15.06     81.27 %

End of Period

     29.26       23.41     24.99 %

Price/Earnings Ratio (b)

     10.02       13.00     (22.92 )%


(a)    June 30, 2003 risk-based capital ratios are estimated.

(b)    June 30, 2003 price/earnings ratio computed based on annualized second quarter 2003 earnings.



Six Months Ended





June 30



June 30



Earnings ($000s, except per share data):


Net Interest Income (FTE)

   $ 43,500     $ 44,265     (1.73 )%

Net Income

     21,489       14,079     52.63 %

Earnings per Basic Share

     1.29       0.83     55.42 %

Earnings per Diluted Share

     1.27       0.82     54.88 %

Key Ratios (percent):


Return on Average Assets

     2.16 %     1.35 %   60.00 %

Return on Average Equity

     25.16 %     18.40 %   36.74 %

Net Interest Margin

     4.69 %     4.60 %   1.96 %

Efficiency Ratio

     51.83 %     61.78 %   (16.11 )%

Average Shareholders’ Equity to Average Assets

     8.59 %     7.32 %   17.35 %

Common Stock Data:


Cash Dividends Declared per Share

   $ 0.40     $ 0.15     166.67 %

Market Value per Share:



     30.00       23.80     26.05 %


     25.50       12.04     111.79 %



Financial Highlights




Book Value and Market Price Range per Share

     Book Value per Share    

Market Price

Range per Share

     March 31

    June 30

    September 30

    December 31



1998 (a)

   $ 17.18     $ 18.72     $ 18.56     $ 13.09     $ 30.00     $ 51.00


     13.07       12.85       12.80       11.77       12.50       32.75


     11.76       11.72       11.72       9.68       4.88       16.19


     8.82       8.70       8.37       8.67       5.13       14.64


     8.92       9.40       9.64       9.93       12.04       30.20


     10.10       10.74       —         —         25.50       30.00

Earnings per Basic Share

     Quarter Ended
     March 31

    June 30

    September 30

    December 31



1998 (a)

   $ 0.48     $ 0.49     $ 0.56     $ (0.89 )   $ 0.31        


     0.31       0.42       0.14       (0.49 )     0.37        


     0.24       0.02       (0.05 )     (2.47 )     (2.27 )      


     (0.34 )     (1.19 )     (0.46 )     0.45       (1.54 )      


     0.38       0.45       0.53       0.56       1.93        


     0.56       0.73       —         —         1.29        

Earnings per Diluted Share

     Quarter Ended
     March 31

    June 30

    September 30

    December 31



1998 (a)

   $ 0.48     $ 0.49     $ 0.56     $ (0.89 )   $ 0.31        


     0.31       0.42       0.14       (0.49 )     0.37        


     0.24       0.02       (0.05 )     (2.47 )     (2.27 )      


     (0.34 )     (1.19 )     (0.46 )     0.45       (1.54 )      


     0.38       0.45       0.52       0.55       1.90        


     0.55       0.72       —         —         1.27        

(a)   Book value and per share amounts reported through September 30, 1998 are as previously reported by City Holding Company and have not been restated to include the operations of Horizon Bancorp, Inc.



Consolidated Statements of Income

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s, except per share data)


     Three Months Ended June 30.


Interest Income


Interest and fees on loans

   $ 19,577     $ 23,809

Interest on investment securities:



     5,663       5,102


     559       684

Interest on retained interests

     3,842       2,991

Interest on deposits in depository institutions

     28       —  

Interest on federal funds sold

     —         181


Total Interest Income

     29,669       32,767

Interest Expense


Interest on deposits

     5,598       7,640

Interest on short-term borrowings

     132       525

Interest on long-term debt

     255       539

Interest on trust preferred securities

     2,006       2,183


Total Interest Expense

     7,991       10,887


Net Interest Income

     21,678       21,880

Provision for loan losses

     (3,300 )     900


Net Interest Income After Provision for Loan Losses

     24,978       20,980

Non-Interest Income


Investment securities gains

     22       238

Service charges

     7,041       5,768

Insurance commissions

     591       532

Trust fee income

     355       354

Mortgage banking income

     180       189

Other income

     1,230       1,615


Total Non-Interest Income

     9,419       8,696

Non-Interest Expense


Salaries and employee benefits

     7,629       7,995

Occupancy and equipment

     1,489       1,638


     1,113       1,497

Professional fees and litigation expense

     981       733

Postage, delivery, and statement mailings

     744       767


     557       699


     518       614

Insurance and regulatory

     326       490

Office supplies

     405       405

Repossessed asset losses and expenses

     (547 )     295

Other expenses

     2,510       2,741


Total Non-Interest Expense

     15,725       17,874


Income Before Income Taxes

     18,672       11,802

Income Tax Expense

     6,535       4,131


Net Income

   $ 12,137     $ 7,671


Basic Earnings per Share

   $ 0.73     $ 0.45

Diluted Earnings per Share

   $ 0.72     $ 0.45

Average Common Shares Outstanding:



     16,622       16,892


     16,918       17,133


Consolidated Statements of Income

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s, except per share data)



Six Months Ended

June 30



Interest Income


Interest and fees on loans

   $ 39,879     $ 49,382

Interest on investment securities:



     10,876       9,687


     1,130       1,415

Interest on retained interests

     7,365       5,797

Interest on deposits in depository institutions

     58       —  

Interest on federal funds sold

     60       367


Total Interest Income

     59,368       66,648

Interest Expense


Interest on deposits

     11,365       16,618

Interest on short-term borrowings

     566       1,141

Interest on long-term debt

     533       1,085

Interest on trust preferred securities

     4,012       4,301


Total Interest Expense

     16,476       23,145


Net Interest Income

     42,892       43,503

Provision for loan losses

     (3,300 )     1,800


Net Interest Income After Provision for Loan Losses

     46,192       41,703

Non-Interest Income


Investment securities gains

     375       470

Service charges

     13,122       10,397

Insurance commissions

     1,353       1,037

Trust fee income

     703       670

Mortgage banking income

     348       375

Other income

     2,503       2,761


Total Non-Interest Income

     18,404       15,710

Non-Interest Expense


Salaries and employee benefits

     15,367       16,633

Occupancy and equipment

     3,034       3,266


     2,300       3,094

Professional fees and litigation expense

     1,818       1,373

Postage, delivery, and statement mailings

     1,524       1,601


     1,207       1,342


     923       1,303

Insurance and regulatory

     651       1,017

Office supplies

     840       742

Repossessed asset losses and expenses

     (738 )     642

Other expenses

     4,806       5,033


Total Non-Interest Expense

     31,732       36,046


Income Before Income Taxes

     32,864       21,367

Income Tax Expense

     11,375       7,288


Net Income

   $ 21,489     $ 14,079


Basic Earnings per Share

   $ 1.29     $ 0.83

Diluted Earnings per Share

   $ 1.27     $ 0.82

Average Common Shares Outstanding:



     16,630       16,890


     16,936       17,074


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders’ Equity

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     Three Months Ended

     June 30,

    June 30,


Balance at March 31

   $ 167,877     $ 150,707  

Net income

     12,137       7,671  

Other comprehensive income:


Change in unrealized gain on securities available-for-sale

     1,776       2,761  

Cash dividends declared ($0.15/share)

     —         (2,536 )

Cash dividends declared ($0.20/share)

     (3,325 )     —    

Exercise of 17,500 stock options

     —         225  

Exercise of 7,400 stock options

     106       —    


Balance at June 30

   $ 178,571     $ 158,828  


     Six Months Ended

     June 30,

    June 30,


Balance at December 31

   $ 165,393     $ 146,349  

Net income

     21,489       14,079  

Other comprehensive income:


Change in unrealized gain on securities available-for-sale

     718       711  

Cash dividends declared ($0.15/share)

     —         (2,536 )

Cash dividends declared ($0.40/share)

     (6,652 )     —    

Exercise of 17,500 stock options

     —         225  

Exercise of 86,482 stock options

     881       —    

Purchase of 118,300 common shares for treasury

     (3,258 )     —    


Balance at June 30

   $ 178,571     $ 158,828  



Condensed Consolidated Quarterly Statements of Income

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s, except per share data)


     Quarter Ended


June 30



March 31



Dec. 31



Sept. 30



June 30



Interest income

   $ 29,669     $ 29,699     $ 30,616     $ 31,701     $ 32,767  

Taxable equivalent adjustment

     300       308       341       351       368  





Interest income (FTE)

     29,969       30,007       30,957       32,052       33,135  

Interest expense

     7,991       8,485       9,465       9,689       10,887  





Net interest income

     21,978       21,522       21,492       22,363       22,248  

Provision for loan losses

     (3,300 )     —         —         —         900  





Net interest income after provision for loan losses

     25,278       21,522       21,492       22,363       21,348  

Noninterest income

     9,419       8,985       9,555       8,839       8,696  

Noninterest expense

     15,725       16,007       16,486       17,257       17,874  





Income before income taxes

     18,972       14,500       14,561       13,945       12,170  

Income tax expense

     6,535       4,840       4,812       4,622       4,131  

Taxable equivalent adjustment

     300       308       341       351       368  





Net income

   $ 12,137     $ 9,352     $ 9,408     $ 8,972     $ 7,671  





Basic earnings per share

   $ 0.73     $ 0.56     $ 0.56     $ 0.53     $ 0.45  

Diluted earnings per share

     0.72       0.55       0.55       0.52       0.45  

Cash dividends declared per share

     0.20       0.20       0.15       0.15       0.15  

Average Common Share (000s):



     16,622       16,638       16,652       16,804       16,892  


     16,918       16,950       16,999       17,140       17,133  

Net Interest Margin

     4.72 %     4.66 %     4.68 %     4.83 %     4.67 %


Non-Interest Income and Non-Interest Expense

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     Quarter Ended


June 30



March 31





    Sept. 30

   June 30

Non-Interest Income:


Service charges

   $ 7,041     $ 6,081     $ 6,790     $ 6,313    $ 5,768

Insurance commissions

     591       762       411       436      532

Trust fee income

     355       348       345       319      354

Mortgage banking income

     180       168       233       248      189

Other income

     1,230       1,273       1,110       1,200      1,615






     9,397       8,632       8,889       8,516      8,458

Investment security gains

     22       353       666       323      238





Total Non-Interest Income

   $ 9,419     $ 8,985     $ 9,555     $ 8,839    $ 8,696





Non-Interest Expense:


Salaries and employee benefits

   $ 7,629     $ 7,738     $ 7,631     $ 7,651    $ 7,995

Occupancy and equipment

     1,489       1,545       1,679       1,710      1,638


     1,113       1,187       1,288       1,367      1,497

Professional fees and litigation expense

     981       837       702       782      733

Postage, delivery, and statement mailings

     744       780       718       873      767


     557       650       646       580      699


     518       405       565       536      614

Insurance and regulatory

     326       325       189       450      490

Office supplies

     405       435       468       347      405

Repossessed asset losses and expenses

     (547 )     (191 )     (3 )     25      295

Other expenses

     2,510       2,296       2,603       2,936      2,741





Total Non-Interest Expense

   $ 15,725     $ 16,007     $ 16,486     $ 17,257    $ 17,874





Employees (Full Time Equivalent)

     719       722       737       743      748

Branch Locations

     55       55       55       55      55


Consolidated Balance Sheets

($ in 000s)



June 30



December 31





Cash and due from banks

   $ 57,792     $ 64,003  

Interest-bearing deposits in depository institutions

     11,809       45,315  

Federal funds sold

     —         20,000  


Cash and cash equivalents

     69,601       129,318  

Investment securities available-for-sale, at fair value

     483,358       445,384  

Investment securities held-to-maturity, at amortized cost

     67,975       72,410  


Total investment securities

     551,333       517,794  

Securities purchased under agreement to resell

     —         27,202  



Residential real estate

     452,014       471,806  

Home equity

     253,178       210,753  

Commercial real estate

     301,321       273,904  

Other commercial

     85,356       95,323  

Loans to depository institutions

     —         20,000  


     46,877       64,181  


     35,059       48,709  

Credit card

     19,155       19,715  

Previously securitized loans

     4,933       —    


Gross Loans

     1,197,893       1,204,391  

Allowance for loan losses

     (26,092 )     (28,504 )


Net loans

     1,171,801       1,175,887  

Retained interests

     79,978       80,923  

Premises and equipment

     35,702       37,802  

Accrued interest receivable

     10,954       11,265  

Net deferred tax assets

     31,515       35,895  

Other assets

     32,414       31,825  


Total Assets

   $ 1,983,298     $ 2,047,911  







   $ 301,233     $ 281,290  



Demand deposits

     387,875       377,165  

Savings deposits

     287,962       286,198  

Time deposits

     620,832       619,927  


Total deposits

     1,597,902       1,564,580  

Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreement to repurchase

     78,873       146,937  

Securities sold, not yet purchased

     —         26,284  

Long-term debt

     15,000       25,000  

Corporation-obligated mandatorily redeemable capital securities of subsidiary trusts holding solely subordinated debentures of City Holding Company

     87,500       87,500  

Other liabilities

     25,452       32,217  


Total Liabilities

     1,804,727       1,882,518  

Stockholders’ Equity


Preferred stock, par value $25 per share: 500,000 shares authorized; none issued

     —         —    

Common stock, par value $2.50 per share: 50,000,000 shares authorized; 16,919,248 shares issued and outstanding at June 30, 2003 and December 31, 2002, including 293,381 and 261,563 shares in treasury

     42,298       42,298  

Capital surplus

     57,550       59,029  

Retained earnings

     80,913       66,076  

Cost of common stock in treasury

     (7,324 )     (6,426 )

Accumulated other comprehensive income:


Unrealized gain on securities available-for-sale

     6,678       5,960  

Underfunded pension liability

     (1,544 )     (1,544 )


Total Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income

     5,134       4,416  


Total Stockholders’ Equity

     178,571       165,393  


Total Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity

   $ 1,983,298     $ 2,047,911  



Loan Portfolio

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)



June 30



March 31



Dec. 31



Sept. 30



June 30


Residential real estate

   $ 452,014    $ 463,813    $ 471,806    $ 486,566    $ 522,016

Home equity

     253,178      232,048      210,753      185,084      157,577

Commercial real estate

     301,321      288,724      273,904      262,824      251,347

Other commercial

     85,356      88,824      95,323      109,068      110,468

Loans to depository institutions

     —        —        20,000      35,000      —  


     46,877      53,488      64,181      75,047      89,117


     35,059      41,475      48,709      56,425      65,634

Credit card

     19,155      18,780      19,715      19,081      18,285

Previously securitized loans

     4,933      —        —        —        —  





Gross Loans

   $ 1,197,893    $ 1,187,152    $ 1,204,391    $ 1,229,095    $ 1,214,444






Consolidated Average Balance Sheets, Yields, and Rates

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     Three Months Ended June 30,






















Total loans

   $ 1,188,363     $ 19,577    6.59 %   $ 1,253,098     $ 23,809    7.60 %




     538,998       5,663    4.20 %     477,358       5,102    4.28 %


     45,091       859    7.62 %     54,617       1,052    7.70 %






Total securities

     584,089       6,522    4.47 %     531,975       6,154    4.63 %

Retained interest in securitized loans

     81,774       3,842    18.79 %     75,140       2,991    15.92 %

Deposits in depository institutions

     10,190       28    1.10 %     —         —      —    

Federal funds sold

     —         —      —         44,493       181    1.63 %






Total interest-earning assets

     1,864,416       29,969    6.43 %     1,904,706       33,135    6.96 %

Cash and due from banks

     45,391                    66,605               

Bank premises and equipment

     36,334                    41,067               

Other assets

     78,885                    100,155               

Less: Allowance for loan losses

     (29,380 )                  (37,473 )             



Total assets

   $ 1,995,646                  $ 2,075,060               





Interest-bearing demand deposits

   $ 386,348     $ 531    0.55 %   $ 373,691     $ 544    0.58 %

Savings deposits

     294,108       395    0.54 %     314,639       882    1.12 %

Time deposits

     620,543       4,672    3.01 %     682,688       6,214    3.64 %

Short-term borrowings

     94,784       132    0.56 %     114,343       525    1.84 %

Long-term debt

     22,143       255    4.61 %     37,475       539    5.75 %

Trust preferred securities

     87,500       2,006    9.17 %     87,500       2,183    9.98 %






Total interest-bearing liabilities

     1,505,426       7,991    2.12 %     1,610,336       10,887    2.70 %

Noninterest-bearing demand deposits

     291,971                    275,919               

Other liabilities

     25,645                    33,048               

Stockholders’ equity

     172,604                    155,757               



Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity

   $ 1,995,646                  $ 2,075,060               



Net interest income

           $ 21,978                  $ 22,248       



Net yield on earning assets

                  4.72 %                  4.67 %



Consolidated Average Balance Sheets, Yields, and Rates

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     Six Months Ended June 30,












Total loans

   $ 1,192,184     $ 39,879    6.69 %   $ 1,298,044     $ 49,382    7.61 %




     514,553       10,876    4.23 %     452,087       9,687    4.29 %


     46,317       1,738    7.50 %     56,561       2,177    7.70 %






Total securities

     560,870       12,614    4.50 %     508,648       11,864    4.66 %

Retained interest in securitized loans

     81,535       7,365    18.07 %     73,690       5,797    15.73 %

Deposits in depository institutions

     14,294       82    1.15 %     —         —      —    

Federal funds sold

     6,868       36    1.05 %     46,103       367    1.59 %






Total interest-earning assets

     1,855,751       59,976    6.46 %     1,926,485       67,410    7.00 %

Cash and due from banks

     46,498                    63,373               

Bank premises and equipment

     36,872                    41,791               

Other assets

     78,737                    102,392               

Less: Allowance for loan losses

     (29,248 )                  (42,435 )             



Total assets

   $ 1,988,610                  $ 2,091,606               





Interest-bearing demand deposits

   $ 381,445     $ 1,051    0.55 %   $ 378,529     $ 1,098    0.58 %

Savings deposits

     291,204       846    0.58 %     305,538       1,777    1.16 %

Time deposits

     620,494       9,468    3.05 %     707,276       13,743    3.89 %

Short-term borrowings

     101,189       566    1.12 %     113,767       1,141    2.01 %

Long-term debt

     23,564       533    4.52 %     37,312       1,085    5.82 %

Trust preferred securities

     87,500       4,012    9.17 %     87,500       4,301    9.83 %






Total interest-bearing liabilities

     1,505,396       16,476    2.19 %     1,629,922       23,145    2.84 %

Noninterest-bearing demand deposits

     284,984                    274,219               

Other liabilities

     27,399                    34,392               

Stockholders’ equity

     170,831                    153,073               



Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity

   $ 1,988,610                  $ 2,091,606               



Net interest income

           $ 43,500                  $ 44,265       



Net yield on earning assets

                  4.69 %                  4.60 %



Analysis of Risk-Based Capital

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)



June 30

2003 (a)


March 31



Dec. 31



Sept. 30



June 30



Tier I Capital:


Stockholders’ equity

   $ 178,571     $ 167,877     $ 165,393     $ 160,705     $ 158,828  

Goodwill and other intangibles

     (6,574 )     (6,652 )     (6,730 )     (6,808 )     (6,885 )

Accumulated other comprehensive income

     (5,134 )     (3,357 )     (4,416 )     (6,077 )     (4,638 )

Qualifying trust preferred stock

     57,812       54,840       53,659       51,543       51,397  

Excess retained interests

     (23,810 )     (29,169 )     (28,946 )     (30,000 )     (27,255 )

Excess deferred tax assets

     (9,048 )     (14,477 )     (15,104 )     (11,102 )     (14,766 )





Total tier I capital

   $ 191,817     $ 169,062     $ 163,856     $ 158,261     $ 156,681  





Total Risk-Based Capital:


Tier I capital

   $ 191,817     $ 169,062     $ 163,856     $ 158,261     $ 156,681  

Qualifying allowance for loan losses

     24,701       24,139       24,068       23,477       22,910  

Qualifying trust preferred stock

     29,688       32,660       33,841       35,957       36,103  





Total risk-based capital

   $ 246,206     $ 225,861     $ 221,765     $ 217,695     $ 215,694  





Net risk-weighted assets

   $ 1,648,715     $ 1,650,156     $ 1,660,489     $ 1,621,129     $ 1,567,809  



Average stockholders’ equity to average assets

     8.65 %     8.53 %     8.30 %     8.05 %     7.51 %

Risk-based capital ratios:


Tier I capital

     11.63 %     10.25 %     9.87 %     9.76 %     9.99 %

Total risk-based capital

     14.93 %     13.69 %     13.36 %     13.43 %     13.76 %

Leverage capital

     9.81 %     8.75 %     8.49 %     8.08 %     7.73 %


(a)    June 30, 2003 risk-based capital ratios are estimated.




(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     As of and for the Quarter Ended


June 30



March 31



Dec. 31



Sept. 30



June 30



Intangibles, net

   $ 6,574     $ 6,652     $ 6,730     $ 6,808     $ 6,885  

Intangibles amortization expense

     78       78       78       77       78  


Summary of Loan Loss Experience

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)


     Quarter Ended


June 30



March 31



Dec. 31


    Sept. 30


June 30



Balance at beginning of period

   $ 28,910     $ 28,504     $ 28,623     $ 28,023     $ 37,779  




     2       532       565       1,722       8,925  

Real estate—mortgage

     503       594       421       212       3,222  


     676       1,007       1,187       1,204       1,156  

Overdraft deposit accounts

     501       —         —         —         —    

Previously securitized loans

     28       —         —         —         —    





Total charge-offs

     1,710       2,133       2,173       3,138       13,303  




     1,309       929       490       2,703       2,129  

Real estate—mortgage

     307       1,178       1,140       525       92  


     408       432       424       510       426  

Overdraft deposit accounts

     168       —         —         —         —    

Previously securitized loans

     —         —         —         —         —    





Total recoveries

     2,192       2,539       2,054       3,738       2,647  





Net (recoveries) charge-offs

     (482 )     (406 )     119       (600 )     10,656  

Provision for loan losses

     (3,300 )     —         —         —         900  





Balance at end of period

   $ 26,092     $ 28,910     $ 28,504     $ 28,623     $ 28,023  





Loans outstanding

   $ 1,197,893     $ 1,187,152     $ 1,204,391     $ 1,229,095     $ 1,214,444  





Average loans outstanding

     1,188,363       1,196,048       1,215,757       1,213,295       1,253,098  





Allowance as a percent of loans outstanding

     2.18 %     2.44 %     2.37 %     2.36 %     2.31 %





Allowance as a percent of non-performing loans

     701 %     1057 %     948 %     1119 %     1729 %





Net (recoveries) charge-offs (annualized) as a percent of average loans outstanding

     (0.16 )%     (0.14 )%     0.04 %     (0.20 )%     3.40 %






Summary of Non-Performing Assets

(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)



June 30


    March 31


Dec. 31



Sept. 30



June 30



Nonaccrual loans

   $ 1,919     $ 2,148     $ 2,126     $ 1,511     $ 626  

Accruing loans past due 90 days or more

     1,744       588       880       1,046       995  

Previously securitized loans past due 90 days or more

     61       —         —         —         —    

Restructured loans

     —         —         —         —         —    





Total non-performing loans

     3,724       2,736       3,006       2,557       1,621  

Other real estate owned

     623       387       403       1,079       1,681  





Total non-performing assets

   $ 4,347     $ 3,123     $ 3,409     $ 3,636     $ 3,302  





Non-performing assets as a percent of loans and other real estate owned

     0.36 %     0.26 %     0.28 %     0.30 %     0.27 %