EX-99.1 3 ex99-1.htm EXHIBIT 99.1, CHCO PRESS RELEASE 4Q2011 EARNINGS ex99-1.htm
Exhibit 99.1


For Immediate Release
January 23, 2012

For Further Information Contact:
Charles R. Hageboeck, Chief Executive Officer and President
(304) 769-1102

City Holding Company Announces 2011 Earnings

Charleston, West Virginia – City Holding Company, “the Company” (NASDAQ:CHCO), a $2.8 billion bank holding company headquartered in Charleston, today announced financial results for the year ended December 31, 2011. The Company’s earnings increased $1.7 million from the year ended December 31, 2010 to $40.7 million while loans and deposits continued to grow as evidenced by a $108 million (5.8%) increase in the Company’s loan portfolio from December 31, 2010 and an $87 million (7.2%) increase in its average non-time deposits from 2010 to 2011.

The Company reported net income per diluted share for 2011 of $2.67 compared to $2.47 per diluted share 2010.  Net income for 2011 was $40.7 million compared to $39.0 million for 2010.  For 2011, the Company achieved a return on assets of 1.51%, a return on tangible equity of 15.7%, a net interest margin of 3.89%, and an efficiency ratio of 55.9%.

For the fourth quarter of 2011 the Company reported net income of $9.7 million, or $0.65 per diluted share compared to $9.9 million, or $0.64 per diluted share for the fourth quarter of 2010.  For the fourth quarter of 2011, the Company achieved a return on assets of 1.43%, a return on tangible equity of 14.9%, a net interest margin of 3.90%, and an efficiency ratio of 51.2%.

City’s CEO Charles Hageboeck stated that, “Although City and the financial industry in general faced many challenges during the year including a sustained low interest rate environment, an unsettled economy, and regulatory changes on how service fees are collected, City was able to improve our financial results from 2010 and continues to compare very favorably to our peers.  Our net interest income decreased only $2.2 million from 2010 despite the impact of lower interest income from our interest rate floors ($3.4 million) and lower interest income from our previously securitized loans ($0.9 million).  We were able to partially offset these losses by increasing our loan balances $108 million from December 31, 2010, along with solid growth in non-time deposits.  As a result of our loan growth, our net interest income grew in the fourth quarter of 2011 as compared to the fourth quarter of 2010, and our net interest margin remained relatively stable at 3.90% in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared to 3.92% in the fourth quarter of 2010.  While we are particularly pleased with our commercial loan growth in the fourth quarter of 2011, we expect this growth to level off during through the first quarter of 2012.”


“Our asset quality remains strong with stable and relatively low levels of past due loans.  Non-performing loans were down at December 31, 2011 as compared to the prior quarter. The Company experienced elevated losses on commercial real estate loans in the fourth quarter of 2011 as compared to prior quarters primarily due to the charge-off associated with one particular loan, which was previously considered and reserved for in our allowance for loan losses.  Provision expense is somewhat higher, due in part, to the significant loan growth experienced in the fourth quarter.”

 “As anticipated, our service fee revenues declined from 2010 due to compliance with Regulation E, less consumer spending, and the implementation of “real time” authorization of all electronic transactions during the second quarter of 2010. Additionally in anticipation of further guidance from our primary regulator, the Company ceased processing check transactions in high to low order during the fourth quarter of 2011. This decrease in service charge revenues of $1.9 million, or 4.7%, from 2010 was partially offset by stronger trust and investment management fee income (12.3% increase over 2010) and insurance commissions (8.3% increase over 2010).  The Company also experienced less credit-related net investment impairment losses in 2011 ($4.8 million decline over 2010).”

“Expenses were up $2.4 million in 2011 as compared to 2010. During 2011, the Company expensed $3.0 million associated with a class action lawsuit pertaining to processing order for overdrafts associated with electronic presentments.  FDIC insurance expense decreased $1.2 million as a result of a change in FDIC assessment methodology which favored strongly core funded banks such as City. Overall, the Company remained very disciplined about managing its expenses.”

“City announced in November 2011 the execution of a definitive agreement to acquire Virginia Savings Bancorp, Inc. of Front Royal, Virginia. The proposed merger is expected to close in the first half of 2012; however it is subject to all required regulatory approvals, and satisfaction of various covenants, representations, and warranties.  This transaction would expand City’s presence from the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia into northwestern Virginia.”

 “We also announced in December 2011 an increase in our quarterly dividend to 35 cents per share.  2011 was a successful year for City in many respects and we look forward to maintaining our status as one of the most profitable and well capitalized publicly traded banks in the U.S.”

Net Interest Income

The Company’s tax equivalent net interest income decreased $2.2 million, or 2.3%, from $95.3 million in 2010 to $93.1 million in 2011. This decline is due to a decrease in interest income associated with the gain from the sale of interest rate floors as well as a decrease in interest income from the Company’s previously securitized loans (PSLs).  During the year ended December 31, 2011, the Company recognized $1.1 million of interest income compared to $4.5 million of interest income recognized in the year ended December 31, 2010 from the interest rate floors.  During the year ended December 31, 2011, the Company recognized $3.1 million of interest income compared to $4.0 million of interest income recognized in the year ended December 31, 2010 from the PSLs.  These decreases were partially offset by the decrease in interest expense exceeding the decline in interest income for the year ended December 31, 2011 by $1.7 million and the receipt of $0.4 million of previously deferred interest income from a trust preferred security.  The decline in interest expense is largely due to the average interest rate paid on interest-bearing liabilities declining from 1.41% for the year ended December 31, 2010 to 1.05% for the year ended December 31, 2011 and an increase of $79 million in the average balance of loans for the year ended December 31, 2011 compared to the year ended December 31, 2010.  The Company’s reported net interest margin decreased from 4.06% for the year ended December 31, 2010 to 3.89% for the year ended December 31, 2011.


The Company’s tax equivalent net interest income decreased $0.3 million, or 1.4%, from $23.8 million during the third quarter of 2011 to $23.5 million during the fourth quarter of 2011.  This decrease is primarily attributable to the receipt during the third quarter of $0.4 million of taxable security interest income from the call of a trust preferred security that had previously deferred interest payments.  As a result of this decrease, the Company’s reported net interest margin decreased from 3.93% in the third quarter of 2011 to 3.90% in the fourth quarter of 2011.

Credit Quality

The Company’s ratio of non-performing assets to total loans and other real estate owned decreased from 1.60% at September 30, 2011 to 1.52% at December 31, 2011.  Past due loans increased from $10.6 million at September 30, 2011 to $13.3 million or 0.67% of total loans outstanding at December 31, 2011.  At December 31, 2011, past due residential real estate loans were $5.4 million or 0.84% of residential real estate loans outstanding; past due home equity loans were $2.2 million or 0.52% of home equity loans outstanding; and past due commercial real estate loans were $3.4 million or 0.47% of commercial real estate loans outstanding.

At December 31, 2011, the Allowance for Loan Losses (“ALLL”) was $19.4 million or 0.98% of total loans outstanding and 88% of non-performing loans compared to $19.8 million or 1.03% of loans outstanding and 87% of non-performing loans at September 30, 2011, and $18.2 million or 0.98% of loans outstanding and 156% of non-performing loans at December 31, 2010.

As a result of the Company’s quarterly analysis of the adequacy of the ALLL, the Company recorded a provision for loan losses of $2.2 million in the fourth quarter of 2011 and $4.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2011 compared to $2.3 million and $7.1 million of the comparable periods in 2010. During the fourth quarter of 2011 the Company’s loan portfolio increased $47.3 million from the third quarter of 2011 which resulted in a $0.4 million addition to the ALLL.  The provision for loan losses recorded during 2011 reflects difficulties encountered by certain commercial borrowers of the Company during the year, the downgrade of their related credits and management’s assessment of the impact of these difficulties on the ultimate collectability of the loans. In addition, the Company received life insurance proceeds as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy carried by one of the Company’s commercial borrowers during the third quarter of 2011.  The Company had previously placed several loans to this customer on non-accrual status and recorded charge-offs related to these credits.  The life insurance proceeds satisfied the customer’s remaining outstanding balances and also enabled the Company to recover $1.9 million of the previously recorded charge-offs.  Changes in the amount of the provision and related allowance are based on the Company’s detailed systematic methodology and are directionally consistent with changes in the composition and quality of the Company’s loan portfolio. The Company believes its methodology for determining the adequacy of its ALLL adequately provides for probable losses inherent in the loan portfolio and produces a provision and allowance for loan losses that is directionally consistent with changes in asset quality and loss experience.


Investment Securities Gains/(Losses)

During 2011, the Company realized investment gains of $3.1 million from the sale of U.S. government agencies, mortgage backed securities and certain single issuer trust preferred securities with remaining book values of $6.0 million, $232.8 million and $66.1 million, respectively.  In addition, the Company received full repayment in 2011 on its investment in a single issuer bank trust preferred security, along with accrued interest that had previously been deferred, that the Company had previously recognized a credit-related net impairment charge of $0.6 million during 2010.  As a result of this repayment, the Company recognized an investment gain of $0.6 million in 2011.

These gains were partially offset by $1.3 million of credit-related net investment impairment losses that were recorded by the Company in 2011, including $0.9 million in the fourth quarter.  The charges deemed to be other than temporary were related to pooled bank trust preferreds ($0.4 million credit-related net impairment losses for the full year) with remaining book value of $3.4 million at December 31, 2011 and community bank and bank holding company equity positions ($0.9 million credit-related net impairment losses in the fourth quarter and $0.9 million for the full year) with remaining book value of $3.9 million at December 31, 2011.  The credit-related net impairment charges related to the pooled bank trust preferred securities are based on the Company’s quarterly reviews of its investment securities for indications of losses considered to be other than temporary.  Based on management’s assessment of the securities the Company owns, the seniority position of the securities within the pools, the level of defaults and deferred payments within the pools, and a review of the financial strength of the banks within the respective pools, management concluded that credit-related impairment charges of $0.4 million on the pooled bank trust preferred securities were appropriate for the year ended December 31, 2011.  During the year ended December 31, 2011, the Company also recognized $0.9 million of credit-related impairment charges on the Company’s equity positions in First National Corporation of Strasburg, Virginia ($0.6 million) and Eagle Financial Services, Inc. of Berrysville, Virginia ($0.3 million) due to the length of time and the extent to which the market values of these securities have been below the Company’s cost basis in these positions.

Non-interest Income

Exclusive of net investment securities gains and losses, non-interest income decreased $1.2 million to $52.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2011 as compared to $53.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2010.  Service charges from depository accounts decreased $1.9 million, or 4.7%, to $38.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2011 due to the changes from complying with Regulation E, a general decline in consumer spending, and implementation of “real time” authorization of all electronic transactions in the second quarter of 2010.  Additionally in anticipation of further guidance from its primary regulator, the Company ceased processing check transactions in high to low order during the fourth quarter of 2011.  This decrease was partially offset by an increase in insurance commission revenues of $0.5 million, or 8.3%, from $5.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2010 to $6.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2011 and an increase in trust and investment management fee income of $0.3 million to $3.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2011.


Exclusive of other than temporary investment impairment losses and investment losses, total non-interest income decreased $0.1 million to $13.0 million for the fourth quarter of 2011 as compared to the fourth quarter of 2010.  A decrease in service charges from depository accounts of $0.3 million was essentially offset by an increase in trust and investment management fee income of $0.2 million.

Non-interest Expenses

Non-interest expenses increased $2.4 million from $78.7 million for the year ended December 31, 2010 to $81.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2011 due to increased legal and professional fees ($3.2 million) and salaries and employee benefits ($2.5 million).  Based on the Company’s routine review of facts and circumstances related to pending litigation, the Company recorded a $3.0 million litigation reserve accrual during the second quarter of 2011.  These increases were partially offset by declines in advertising expense, repossessed asset losses, and FDIC insurance expense.  Advertising expenses declined $1.7 million as the Company increased its communications with its customer base in 2010 regarding the passage of Regulation E, while repossessed asset losses decreased $1.2 million due to the write down of a foreclosed property located in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia in 2010.  In addition, FDIC insurance expense decreased $1.2 million due to a change in the assessment base methodology.

Total non-interest expenses increased $0.3 million, from $18.4 million for the fourth quarter of 2010 to $18.7 million for the fourth quarter of 2011.  Salaries and employee benefit expense increased $1.4 million, primarily associated with increases in accruals for incentive compensation.  In addition, other expenses increased $0.5 million from the fourth quarter of 2010.  These increases were partially offset by decreases in FDIC insurance expense ($0.7 million), advertising expense ($0.5 million), and repossessed asset losses ($0.2 million).

Balance Sheet Trends

Loans have increased $108 million (5.8%), from December 31, 2010, to $1.97 billion at December 31, 2011, due to increases in commercial real estate loans of $70.4 million (11%), residential real estate loans of $28.2 million (5%), and home equity loans of $16.8 million (4%).

Total average depository balances decreased $12.3 million, or 0.6%, from the quarter ended September 30, 2011 to the quarter ended December 31, 2011.  This decrease was primarily the result of a decrease in time deposits ($26.9 million) that was partially offset by increases in savings deposits ($6.1 million), interest-bearing demand deposits ($4.7 million) and noninterest-bearing deposits ($3.7 million). As compared to the quarter ended December 31, 2010, total non-time deposit average balances have increased $103.4 million, or 8.5%, from the quarter ended December 31, 2011.



Income Tax Expense

The Company’s effective income tax rate for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2011 was 33.2% and 33.6%, respectively, compared to 29.8% and 32.1% for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2010, respectively.

Capitalization and Liquidity

One of the Company’s strengths is that it is highly profitable while maintaining strong liquidity and capital.  With respect to liquidity, the Company’s loan to deposit ratio was 88.8% and the loan to asset ratio was 71.0% at December 31, 2011.  The Company maintained investment securities totaling 14.3% of assets as of this date.  Further, the Company’s deposit mix is weighted heavily toward checking and saving accounts that fund 48.1% of assets at December 31, 2011.  Time deposits fund 31.9% of assets at December 31, 2011, but very few of these deposits are in accounts that have balances of more than $250,000, reflecting the core retail orientation of the Company.

The Company is also strongly capitalized. The Company’s tangible equity ratio was 9.4% at December 31, 2011 compared to 10.0% at December 31, 2010.  At December 31, 2011, City National Bank’s Leverage Ratio is 9.32%, its Tier I Capital ratio is 12.03%, and its Total Risk-Based Capital ratio is 12.99%.  These regulatory capital ratios are significantly above levels required to be considered “well capitalized,” which is the highest possible regulatory designation.

On December 14, 2011, the Board approved a quarterly cash dividend of 35 cents per share payable January 31, 2012, to shareholders of record as of January 13, 2012.  During the year ended December 31, 2011, the Company repurchased 755,501 common shares at a weighted average price of $31.49.  On July 27, 2011, the Company announced that the Board of Directors authorized the Company to buy back up to 1,000,000 shares of its common shares (approximately 7% of outstanding shares) in open market transactions at prices that are accretive to the earnings per share of continuing shareholders.  No time limit was placed on the duration of the share repurchase program.  As part of this authorization, the Company rescinded the previous share repurchase program plan approved in October 2009.  At December 31, 2011, the Company could repurchase approximately 692,000 shares under the current plan.

City Holding Company is the parent company of City National Bank of West Virginia.  City National operates 68 branches across West Virginia, Eastern Kentucky and Southern Ohio.

On November 14, 2011, the Company announced that it had executed a definitive agreement to acquire Virginia Savings Bancorp, Inc. of Front Royal, Virginia and its principal banking subsidiary, Virginia Savings Bank.  The proposed merger is expected to close in the first half of 2012; however it is subject to all required regulatory approvals, and satisfaction of various covenants, representations, and warranties.  This transaction would expand City’s presence from the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia into northwestern Virginia.



Forward-Looking Information

This news release contains certain forward-looking statements that are included pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  Such information involves risks and uncertainties that could result in the Company's actual results differing from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, (1) the Company may incur additional loan loss provision due to negative credit quality trends in the future that may lead to a deterioration of asset quality; (2) the Company may incur increased charge-offs in the future; (3) the Company could have adverse legal actions of a material nature; (4) the Company may face competitive loss of customers; (5) the Company may be unable to manage its expense levels; (6) the Company may have difficulty retaining key employees; (7) changes in the interest rate environment may have results on the Company’s operations materially different from those anticipated by the Company’s market risk management functions; (8) changes in general economic conditions and increased competition could adversely affect the Company’s operating results; (9) changes in other regulations and government policies affecting bank holding companies and their subsidiaries, including changes in monetary policies, could negatively impact the Company’s operating results; (10) the Company may experience difficulties growing loan and deposit balances; (11) the current economic environment poses significant challenges for us and could adversely affect our  financial condition and results of operations; (12) continued deterioration in the financial condition of the U.S. banking system may impact the valuations of investments the Company has made in the securities of other financial institutions resulting in either actual losses or other than temporary impairments on such investments; and (13) the effects of the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the “Dodd-Frank Act”) recently adopted by the United States Congress. Forward-looking statements made herein reflect management’s expectations as of the date such statements are made.  Forward-looking statements made herein reflect management's expectations as of the date such statements are made. Such information is provided to assist stockholders and potential investors in understanding current and anticipated financial operations of the Company and is included pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances that arise after the date such statements are made.  Further, the Company is required to evaluate subsequent events through the filing of its December 31, 2011 Form 10-K.  The Company will continue to evaluate the impact of any subsequent events on the preliminary December 31, 2011 results and will adjust the amounts if necessary.



Financial Highlights
Three Months Ended December 31,
Earnings ($000s, except per share data):
Net Interest Income (FTE)
  $ 23,440     $ 23,202       1.03 %
Net Income available to common shareholders
    9,652       9,908       (2.58 )%
Earnings per Basic Share
    0.65       0.64       1.88 %
Earnings per Diluted Share
    0.65       0.64       1.85 %
Key Ratios (percent):
Return on Average Assets
    1.43 %     1.49 %     (4.30 )%
Return on Average Tangible Equity
    14.93 %     14.99 %     (0.43 )%
Net Interest Margin
    3.90 %     3.92 %     (0.49 )%
Efficiency Ratio
    51.24 %     50.69 %     1.07 %
Average Shareholders' Equity to Average Assets
    11.65 %     12.09 %     (3.65 )%
Consolidated Risk Based Capital Ratios (a):
Tier I
    13.12 %     13.88 %     (5.48 )%
    14.07 %     14.81 %     (5.00 )%
Tangible Equity to Tangible Assets
    9.37 %     10.01 %     (6.37 )%
Common Stock Data:
Cash Dividends Declared per Share
  $ 0.35     $ 0.34       2.94 %
Book Value per Share
    21.05       20.31       3.65 %
Tangible Book Value per Share
    17.25       16.66       3.55 %
Market Value per Share:
    35.10       38.03       (7.70 )%
    26.06       30.37       (14.19 )%
End of Period
    33.89       36.23       (6.46 )%
Price/Earnings Ratio (b)
    13.04       14.20       (8.19 )%
Twelve Months Ended December 31,
      2011       2010    
Earnings ($000s, except per share data):
Net Interest Income (FTE)
  $ 93,044     $ 95,277       (2.34 )%
Net Income available to common shareholders
    40,678       38,960       4.41 %
Earnings per Basic Share
    2.68       2.48       7.98 %
Earnings per Diluted Share
    2.67       2.47       7.88 %
Key Ratios (percent):
Return on Average Assets
    1.51 %     1.47 %     2.58 %
Return on Average Tangible Equity
    15.66 %     15.02 %     4.26 %
Net Interest Margin
    3.89 %     4.06 %     (4.11 )%
Efficiency Ratio
    55.87 %     52.93 %     5.54 %
Average Shareholders' Equity to Average Assets
    11.70 %     11.91 %     (1.71 )%
Common Stock Data:
Cash Dividends Declared per Share
  $ 1.37     $ 1.36       0.74 %
Market Value per Share:
    37.22       38.03       (2.13 )%
    26.06       26.87       (3.01 )%
Price/Earnings Ratio (b)
    12.63       14.59       (13.37 )%
(a) December 31, 2011 risk-based capital ratios are estimated
(b) December 31, 2011 price/earnings ratio computed based on annualized fourth quarter 2011 earnings

Financial Highlights
Book Value and Market Price Range per Share
Market Price
Book Value per Share
Range per Share
March 31
June 30
September 30
December 31
  $ 17.62     $ 17.40     $ 17.68     $ 18.14     $ 31.16     $ 41.54  
    18.92       18.72       17.61       17.58       29.08       42.88  
    17.69       18.24       18.95       19.37       20.88       34.34  
    19.71       20.02       20.31       20.31       26.87       38.03  
    20.39       20.58       20.86       21.05       26.06       37.22  
Earnings per Basic Share
Quarter Ended
March 31
June 30
September 30
December 31
  $ 0.76     $ 0.72     $ 0.76     $ 0.78     $ 3.02          
    0.81       0.83       (0.16 )     0.26       1.74          
    0.69       0.64       0.66       0.70       2.69          
    0.59       0.68       0.58       0.64       2.48          
    0.62       0.65       0.77       0.65       2.68          
Earnings per Diluted Share
Quarter Ended
March 31
June 30
September 30
December 31
  $ 0.76     $ 0.72     $ 0.76     $ 0.78     $ 3.01          
    0.80       0.83       (0.16 )     0.26       1.74          
    0.69       0.64       0.66       0.70       2.68          
    0.58       0.68       0.58       0.64       2.47          
    0.62       0.64       0.76       0.65       2.67          

Consolidated Statements of Income
(Unaudited) ($ in 000s, except per share data)
Three Months Ended December 31,
Interest Income
Interest and fees on loans
  $ 22,998     $ 24,124  
Interest on investment securities:
    4,036       4,647  
    398       454  
Interest on federal funds sold
    9       16  
Total Interest Income
    27,441       29,241  
Interest Expense
Interest on deposits
    3,965       6,042  
Interest on short-term borrowings
    86       79  
Interest on long-term debt
    165       162  
Total Interest Expense
    4,216       6,283  
Net Interest Income
    23,225       22,958  
Provision for loan losses
    2,229       2,343  
Net Interest Income After Provision for Loan Losses
    20,996       20,615  
Non-Interest Income
Total investment securities impairment losses
    (918 )     (1,932 )
Noncredit impairment losses recognized in other comprehensive income
    -       713  
   Net investment securities impairment losses
    (918 )     (1,219 )
Gains (losses) on sale of investment securities
    1       (1 )
   Net investment securities (losses)
    (917 )     (1,220 )
Service charges
    9,360       9,624  
Insurance commissions
    1,433       1,503  
Trust and investment management fee income
    925       720  
Bank owned life insurance
    728       751  
Other income
    599       527  
Total Non-Interest Income
    12,128       11,905  
Non-Interest Expense
Salaries and employee benefits
    10,320       8,930  
Occupancy and equipment
    1,929       1,861  
    1,100       1,138  
FDIC insurance expense
    300       958  
    153       647  
Bankcard expenses
    566       548  
Postage, delivery, and statement mailings
    484       548  
Office supplies
    429       457  
Legal and professional fees
    366       502  
    388       428  
Repossessed asset (gains)/losses, net of expenses
    (27 )     196  
Other expenses
    2,677       2,187  
Total Non-Interest Expense
    18,685       18,400  
Income Before Income Taxes
    14,439       14,120  
Income tax expense
    4,787       4,212  
Net Income Available to Common Shareholders
  $ 9,652     $ 9,908  
Distributed earnings allocated to common shareholders
  $ 5,136     $ 5,239  
Undistributed earnings allocated to common shareholders
    4,446       4,610  
Net earnings allocated to common shareholders
  $ 9,582     $ 9,849  
Average common shares outstanding
    14,743       15,439  
Effect of dilutive securities:
Employee stock options
    71       69  
Shares for diluted earnings per share
    14,814       15,508  
Basic earnings per common share
  $ 0.65     $ 0.64  
Diluted earnings per common share
  $ 0.65     $ 0.64  

Consolidated Statements of Income
(Unaudited) ($ in 000s, except per share data)
Twelve months ended December 31,
Interest Income
Interest and fees on loans
  $ 93,414     $ 99,456  
Interest on investment securities:
    17,729       20,594  
    1,697       1,837  
Interest on federal funds sold
    48       29  
Total Interest Income
    112,888       121,916  
Interest Expense
Interest on deposits
    19,794       26,608  
Interest on short-term borrowings
    325       362  
Interest on long-term debt
    639       658  
Total Interest Expense
    20,758       27,628  
Net Interest Income
    92,130       94,288  
Provision for loan losses
    4,600       7,093  
Net Interest Income After Provision for Loan Losses
    87,530       87,195  
Non-Interest Income
Total investment securities impairment losses
    (2,767 )     (9,400 )
Noncredit impairment losses recognized in other comprehensive income
    1,494       3,336  
   Net investment securities impairment losses
    (1,273 )     (6,064 )
Gains on sale of investment securities
    3,756       1,397  
   Net investment securities gains (losses)
    2,483       (4,667 )
Service charges
    38,109       40,002  
Insurance commissions
    5,946       5,490  
Trust and investment management fee income
    3,106       2,767  
Bank owned life insurance
    3,183       3,396  
Other income
    2,033       1,951  
Total Non-Interest Income
    54,860       48,939  
Non-Interest Expense
Salaries and employee benefits
    40,717       38,241  
Occupancy and equipment
    8,013       7,697  
    4,508       4,675  
FDIC insurance expense
    2,576       3,733  
    2,007       3,692  
Bankcard expenses
    2,258       1,953  
Postage, delivery, and statement mailings
    2,099       2,371  
Office supplies
    1,911       1,931  
Legal and professional fees
    4,913       1,677  
    1,605       1,732  
Repossessed asset losses, net of expenses
    272       1,453  
Other expenses
    10,262       9,566  
Total Non-Interest Expense
    81,141       78,721  
Income Before Income Taxes
    61,249       57,413  
Income tax expense
    20,571       18,453  
Net Income Available to Common Shareholders
  $ 40,678     $ 38,960  
Distributed earnings allocated to common shareholders
  $ 20,102     $ 20,956  
Undistributed earnings allocated to common shareholders
    20,280       17,767  
Net earnings allocated to common shareholders
  $ 40,382     $ 38,723  
Average common shares outstanding
    15,055       15,589  
Effect of dilutive securities:
Employee stock options
    75       62  
Shares for diluted earnings per share
    15,130       15,651  
Basic earnings per common share
  $ 2.68     $ 2.48  
Diluted earnings per common share
  $ 2.67     $ 2.47  

Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity
(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)
Three Months Ended
December 31, 2011
December 31, 2010
Balance at October 1
  $ 309,892     $ 314,841  
Net income
    9,652       9,908  
Other comprehensive income:
Change in unrealized gain on securities available-for-sale
    (288 )     (4,427 )
Change in underfunded pension liability
    (918 )     (77 )
Change in unrealized (loss) on interest rate floors
    -       (491 )
Cash dividends declared ($0.35/share) and ($0.34/share), respectively
    (5,137 )     (5,269 )
Issuance of stock award shares, net
    201       186  
Exercise of 3,000 stock options
    87       -  
Exercise of 6,262 stock options
    -       175  
Excess tax benefits on stock compensation
    7       15  
Purchase of 80,000 common shares of treasury
    (2,362 )     -  
Balance at December 31
  $ 311,134     $ 314,861  
Twelve Months Ended
December 31, 2011
December 31, 2010
Balance at January 1
  $ 314,861     $ 308,902  
Net income
    40,678       38,960  
Other comprehensive income:
Change in unrealized gain on securities available-for-sale
    (196 )     2,902  
Change in unrealized (loss) on interest rate floors
    (295 )     (2,768 )
Change in underfunded pension liability
    (918 )     (77 )
Cash dividends declared ($1.37/share) and ($1.36/share), respectively
    (20,532 )     (21,222 )
Issuance of stock award shares, net
    1,066       830  
Exercise of 9,576 stock options
    254       -  
Exercise of 7,962 stock options
    -       221  
Excess tax benefits on stock compensation
    7       15  
Purchase of 755,501 common shares of treasury
    (23,791 )     -  
Purchase of 408,151 common shares of treasury
    -       (12,902 )
Balance at December 31
  $ 311,134     $ 314,861  

Condensed Consolidated Quarterly Statements of Income
(Unaudited) ($ in 000s, except per share data)
Quarter Ended
December 31
September 30
June 30
March 31
December 31
Interest income
  $ 27,441     $ 28,370     $ 28,323     $ 28,754     $ 29,241  
Taxable equivalent adjustment
    215       212       240       248       244  
Interest income (FTE)
    27,656       28,582       28,563       29,002       29,485  
Interest expense
    4,216       4,799       5,803       5,940       6,283  
Net interest income
    23,440       23,783       22,760       23,062       23,202  
Provision for loan losses
    2,229       -       1,286       1,086       2,343  
Net interest income after provision for loan loasses
    21,211        23,783        21,474        21,976        20,859   
Noninterest income
    12,128       13,531       16,537       12,662       11,905  
Noninterest expense
    18,685       19,688       22,912       19,858       18,400  
Income before income taxes
    14,654       17,626       15,099       14,780       14,364  
Income tax expense
    4,787       5,837       5,029       4,918       4,212  
Taxable equivalent adjustment
    215       212       240       248       244  
Net income available to common shareholders
  $ 9,652     $ 11,577     $ 9,830     $ 9,614     $ 9,908  
Distributed earnings allocated to common shareholders
  $ 5,136     $ 5,015     $ 5,092     $ 5,154     $ 5,239  
Undistributed earnings allocated to common shareholders
    4,446       6,479       4,669       4,392       4,610  
Net earnings allocated to common shareholders
  $ 9,582     $ 11,494     $ 9,761     $ 9,546     $ 9,849  
Average common shares outstanding
    14,743       15,003       15,120       15,380       15,439  
Effect of dilutive securities:
Employee stock options
    71       68       73       82       69  
Shares for diluted earnings per share
    14,814       15,071       15,193       15,462       15,508  
Basic earnings per common share
  $ 0.65     $ 0.77     $ 0.65     $ 0.62     $ 0.64  
Diluted earnings per common share
    0.65       0.76       0.64       0.62       0.64  
Cash dividends declared per share
    0.35       0.34       0.34       0.34       0.34  
Net Interest Margin
    3.90 %     3.93 %     3.78 %     3.95 %     3.92 %

Non-Interest Income and Non-Interest Expense
(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)
Quarter Ended
December 31
September 30
June 30
March 31
December 31
Non-Interest Income:
Service charges
  $ 9,360     $ 9,840     $ 9,855     $ 9,054     $ 9,624  
Insurance commissions
    1,433       1,388       1,504       1,621       1,503  
Trust and investment management fee income
    925       699       730       753       720  
Bank owned life insurance
    728       952       745       758       751  
Other income
    599       380       575       476       527  
    13,045       13,259       13,409       12,662       13,125  
Total investment securities impairment losses
    (918 )     (1,849 )     -       -       (1,932 )
Noncredit impairment losses recognized in other
comprehensive income
    -       1,494       -       -       713  
Net investment securities impairment losses
    (918 )     (355 )     -       -       (1,219 )
Gain (loss) on sale of investment securities
    1       627       3,128       -       (1 )
Total Non-Interest Income
  $ 12,128     $ 13,531     $ 16,537     $ 12,662     $ 11,905  
Non-Interest Expense:
Salaries and employee benefits
  $ 10,320     $ 10,302     $ 10,183     $ 9,912     $ 8,930  
Occupancy and equipment
    1,929       2,057       1,921       2,106       1,861  
    1,100       1,131       1,140       1,136       1,138  
FDIC insurance expense
    300       392       932       952       958  
    153       546       628       680       647  
Bankcard expenses
    566       559       633       501       548  
Postage, delivery and statement mailings
    484       551       510       554       548  
Office supplies
    429       492       452       539       457  
Legal and professional fees
    366       567       3,511       469       502  
    388       371       417       429       428  
Repossessed asset (gains) losses, net of expenses
    (27 )     109       (7 )     198       196  
Other expenses
    2,677       2,611       2,592       2,382       2,187  
Total Non-Interest Expense
  $ 18,685     $ 19,688     $ 22,912     $ 19,858     $ 18,400  
Employees (Full Time Equivalent)
    795       792       795       796       805  
Branch Locations
    68       68       68       68       68  

Consolidated Balance Sheets
($ in 000s)
December 31
December 31
Cash and due from banks
  $ 140,873     $ 50,043  
Interest-bearing deposits in depository institutions
    5,526       5,336  
Federal funds sold
    -       11,000  
Cash and cash equivalents
    146,399       66,379  
Investment securities available-for-sale, at fair value
    360,783       417,167  
Investment securities held-to-maturity, at amortized cost
    23,458       23,865  
Other securities
    11,934       12,553  
Total investment securities
    396,175       453,585  
Gross loans
    1,973,103       1,865,000  
Allowance for loan losses
    (19,409 )     (18,224 )
Net loans
    1,953,694       1,846,776  
Bank owned life insurance
    78,961       76,231  
Premises and equipment, net
    64,612       64,530  
Accrued interest receivable
    7,093       7,264  
Net deferred tax assets
    32,219       29,235  
Intangible assets
    56,164       56,573  
Other assets
    41,792       36,722  
Total Assets
  $ 2,777,109     $ 2,637,295  
  $ 369,025     $ 337,927  
Demand deposits
    526,824       486,737  
Savings deposits
    439,823       397,042  
Time deposits
    885,596       949,669  
Total deposits
    2,221,268       2,171,375  
Short-term borrowings
FHLB borrowings
    -       375  
Federal Funds purchased
    75,000       -  
Customer repurchase agreements
    114,050       112,335  
Long-term debt
    16,495       16,495  
Other liabilities
    39,162       21,854  
Total Liabilities
    2,465,975       2,322,434  
Stockholders' Equity
Preferred stock, par value $25 per share: 500,000 shares authorized; none issued
    -       -  
Common stock, par value $2.50 per share: 50,000,000 shares authorized;
    18,499,282 shares issued at December 31, 2011 and December 31, 2010
    less 3,717,993 and 2,994,501 shares in treasury, respectively
    46,249       46,249  
Capital surplus
    103,335       103,057  
Retained earnings
    291,050       270,905  
Cost of common stock in treasury
    (125,593 )     (102,853 )
Accumulated other comprehensive loss:
Unrealized gain on securities available-for-sale
    825       1,022  
Unrealized gain on derivative instruments
    -       295  
Underfunded pension liability
    (4,732 )     (3,814 )
Total Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss
    (3,907 )     (2,497 )
Total Stockholders' Equity
    311,134       314,861  
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
  $ 2,777,109     $ 2,637,295  

Investment Portfolio
(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)
Original Cost
Credit-Related Net Investment Impairment Losses through December 31, 2011
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
Carrying Value
US Government Agencies
  $ 5,868     $ -     $ 174     $ 6,041  
Mortgage Backed Securities
    225,931       -       6,838       232,769  
Municipal Bonds
    55,262       -       1,539       56,802  
Pooled Bank Trust Preferreds
    27,080       (19,596 )     (4,228 )     3,256  
Single Issuer Bank Trust Preferreds,
Subdebt of Financial Institutions, and
Bank Holding Company Preferred Stocks
    83,991       (1,653 )     (2,581 )     79,757  
Money Markets and Mutual Funds
    1,724       -       39       1,763  
Federal Reserve Bank and FHLB stock
    11,934       -       -       11,934  
Community Bank Equity Positions
    10,366       (6,048 )     (466 )     3,852  
Total Investments
  $ 422,157     $ (27,297 )   $ 1,315     $ 396,175  

Loan Portfolio
(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)
December 31
September 30
June 30
March 31
December 31
Residential real estate (1)
  $ 638,585     $ 630,679     $ 622,118     $ 615,635     $ 610,369  
Home equity
    433,000       427,471       420,752       415,719       416,172  
Commercial and industrial
    130,899       119,377       121,149       129,475       134,612  
Commercial real estate (2)
    732,146       708,558       693,959       668,710       661,758  
    35,845       36,575       36,626       37,482       38,424  
DDA overdrafts
    2,628       2,924       2,415       1,970       2,876  
Previously securitized loans
    -       214       325       533       789  
Gross Loans
  $ 1,973,103     $ 1,925,798     $ 1,897,344     $ 1,869,524     $ 1,865,000  
Construction loans included in:
(1) - Residential real estate loans
  $ 9,287     $ 7,456     $ 6,879     $ 9,404     $ 7,891  
(2) - Commercial real estate loans
  $ 20,201     $ 23,915     $ 23,433     $ 24,328     $ 31,458  

Consolidated Average Balance Sheets, Yields, and Rates
(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)
Three Months Ended December 31,
Loan portfolio (1):
Residential real estate
  $ 630,925     $ 7,258       4.56 %   $ 602,002     $ 7,624       5.02 %
Home equity (2)
    429,208       4,785       4.42 %     413,810       5,256       5.04 %
Commercial, financial, and agriculture (3)
    833,217       9,463       4.51 %     769,158       9,579       4.94 %
Installment loans to individuals (4)
    47,515       805       6.72 %     51,731       966       7.41 %
Previously securitized loans
    85       687       3206.59 %     986       699       281.26 %
Total loans
    1,940,950       22,998       4.70 %     1,837,687       24,124       5.21 %
    366,024       4,036       4.37 %     421,648       4,647       4.37 %
Tax-exempt (5)
    42,968       613       5.66 %     50,584       698       5.47 %
Total securities
    408,992       4,649       4.51 %     472,232       5,345       4.49 %
Deposits in depository institutions
    7,183       -       -       5,134       -       -  
Federal funds sold
    25,714       9       0.14 %     32,060       16       0.20 %
Total interest-earning assets
    2,382,839       27,656       4.60 %     2,347,113       29,485       4.98 %
Cash and due from banks
    62,176                       54,314                  
Bank premises and equipment
    65,030                       65,005                  
Other assets
    212,106                       206,879                  
Less:  Allowance for loan losses
    (19,777 )                     (18,680 )                
       Total assets
  $ 2,702,374                     $ 2,654,631                  
Interest-bearing demand deposits
    501,570       184       0.15 %     466,985       243       0.21 %
Savings deposits
    433,480       233       0.21 %     392,438       224       0.23 %
Time deposits
    886,187       3,548       1.59 %     959,249       5,575       2.31 %
Short-term borrowings
    130,154       86       0.26 %     116,987       79       0.27 %
Long-term debt
    16,495       165       3.97 %     16,737       162       3.84 %
   Total interest-bearing liabilities
    1,967,886       4,216       0.85 %     1,952,396       6,283       1.28 %
Noninterest-bearing demand deposits
    387,459                       359,647                  
Other liabilities
    32,134                       21,547                  
Stockholders' equity
    314,895                       321,041                  
Total liabilities and
stockholders' equity
  $ 2,702,374                     $ 2,654,631                  
Net interest income
          $ 23,440                     $ 23,202          
Net yield on earning assets
                    3.90 %                     3.92 %
(1) For purposes of this table, non-accruing loans have been included in average balances and loan fees, which are immaterial, have been included in interest income.
(2) Interest income includes $0 and $533 from interest rate floors for the three months ended December 31, 2011 and December 31, 2010, respectively.
(3) Includes the Company’s commercial and industrial and commercial real estate loan categories. Interest income includes $0 and $264 from interest rate floors for the three months ended December 31, 2011 and December 31, 2010, respectively.
(4) Includes the Company’s consumer and DDA overdrafts loan categories.
(5) Computed on a fully federal tax-equivalent basis assuming a tax rate of approximately 35%.

Consolidated Average Balance Sheets, Yields, and Rates
(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)
Twelve Months Ended December 31,
Loan portfolio (1):
Residential real estate
  $ 618,976     $ 29,349       4.74 %   $ 598,484     $ 31,218       5.22 %
Home equity (2)
    421,484       19,599       4.65 %     405,539       21,263       5.24 %
Commercial, financial, and agriculture (3)
    812,401       37,955       4.67 %     765,634       39,163       5.12 %
Installment loans to individuals (4)
    46,167       3,375       7.31 %     49,724       3,796       7.63 %
Previously securitized loans
    360       3,136       871.11 %     1,207       4,016       332.73 %
Total loans
    1,899,388       93,414       4.92 %     1,820,588       99,456       5.46 %
    408,472       17,729       4.34 %     458,398       20,594       4.49 %
Tax-exempt (5)
    46,041       2,611       5.67 %     49,517       2,826       5.71 %
Total securities
    454,513       20,340       4.48 %     507,915       23,420       4.61 %
Deposits in depository institutions
    7,655       -       -       5,249       -       -  
Federal funds sold
    29,928       48       0.16 %     14,506       29       0.20 %
Total interest-earning assets
    2,391,484       113,802       4.76 %     2,348,258       122,905       5.23 %
Cash and due from banks
    58,247                       53,384                  
Bank premises and equipment
    64,678                       64,666                  
Other assets
    206,724                       207,454                  
Less:  Allowance for loan losses
    (19,413 )                     (19,265 )                
       Total assets
  $ 2,701,720                     $ 2,654,497                  
Interest-bearing demand deposits
    493,433       895       0.18 %     462,641       1,242       0.27 %
Savings deposits
    420,212       1,023       0.24 %     389,385       1,016       0.26 %
Time deposits
    927,789       17,876       1.93 %     983,310       24,350       2.48 %
Short-term borrowings
    123,569       325       0.26 %     112,575       362       0.32 %
Long-term debt
    16,495       639       3.87 %     16,876       658       3.90 %
   Total interest-bearing liabilities
    1,981,498       20,758       1.05 %     1,964,787       27,628       1.41 %
Noninterest-bearing demand deposits
    379,980                       354,988                  
Other liabilities
    24,081                       18,692                  
Stockholders' equity
    316,161                       316,030                  
Total liabilities and
stockholders' equity
  $ 2,701,720                     $ 2,654,497                  
Net interest income
          $ 93,044                     $ 95,277          
Net yield on earning assets
                    3.89 %                     4.06 %
(1) For purposes of this table, non-accruing loans have been included in average balances and loan fees, which are immaterial, have been included in interest income.
(2) Interest income includes $632 and $2,494 from interest rate floors for the six months ended December 31, 2011 and December 31, 2010, respectively.
(3) Includes the Company’s commercial and industrial and commercial real estate loan categories. Interest income includes $488 and $1,999 from interest rate floors for the twelve months ended December 31, 2011 and December 31, 2010, respectively.
(4) Includes the Company’s consumer and DDA overdrafts loan categories.
(5) Computed on a fully federal tax-equivalent basis assuming a tax rate of approximately 35%.

Analysis of Risk-Based Capital
(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)
December 31
September 30
June 30
March 31
December 31
2011 (a)
Tier I Capital:
Stockholders' equity
  $ 311,134     $ 309,892     $ 310,379     $ 311,122     $ 314,861  
Goodwill and other intangibles
    (55,969 )     (56,071 )     (56,173 )     (56,276 )     (56,378 )
Accumulated other comprehensive loss (income)
    3,907       2,701       1,838       1,904       2,497  
Qualifying trust preferred stock
    16,000       16,000       16,000       16,000       16,000  
Unrealized loss on AFS securities
    (448 )     (1,081 )     (82 )     (856 )     (521 )
Excess deferred tax assets
    (5,897 )     (5,435 )     (4,462 )     (4,174 )     (2,904 )
Total tier I capital
  $ 268,727     $ 266,007     $ 267,500     $ 267,720     $ 273,555  
Total Risk-Based Capital:
Tier I capital
  $ 268,727     $ 266,007     $ 267,500     $ 267,720     $ 273,555  
Qualifying allowance for loan losses
    19,409       19,848       18,944       18,414       18,224  
Total risk-based capital
  $ 288,136     $ 285,855     $ 286,444     $ 286,134     $ 291,779  
Net risk-weighted assets
  $ 2,048,398     $ 2,013,294     $ 1,993,003     $ 1,977,395     $ 1,970,635  
Average stockholders' equity to average assets
    11.65 %     11.67 %     11.59 %     11.91 %     12.09 %
Tangible capital ratio
    9.37 %     9.65 %     9.56 %     9.63 %     10.01 %
Risk-based capital ratios:
Tier I capital
    13.12 %     13.21 %     13.42 %     13.54 %     13.88 %
Total risk-based capital
    14.07 %     14.20 %     14.37 %     14.47 %     14.81 %
Leverage capital
    10.18 %     10.04 %     10.07 %     10.24 %     10.54 %
(a) December 31, 2011 risk-based capital ratios are estimated
(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)
As of and for the Quarter Ended
December 31
September 30
June 30
March 31
December 31
      2011       2011       2011       2011       2010  
Intangibles, net
  $ 56,164     $ 56,266     $ 56,368     $ 56,471     $ 56,573  
Intangibles amortization expense
    102       102       103       102       109  

Summary of Loan Loss Experience
(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)
Quarter Ended
December 31
September 30
June 30
March 31
December 31
Balance at beginning of period
  $ 19,848     $ 18,944     $ 18,414     $ 18,224     $ 18,364  
Commercial and industrial
    247       200       -       75       25  
Commercial real estate
    1,650       141       166       34       149  
Residential real estate
    176       264       377       550       511  
Home equity
    475       209       168       237       312  
    31       75       14       44       38  
DDA overdrafts
    394       492       392       434       1,867  
Total charge-offs
    2,973       1,381       1,117       1,374       2,902  
Commercial and industrial
    15       2       3       3       5  
Commercial real estate
    -       1,954       26       2       24  
Residential real estate
    10       1       12       6       12  
Home equity
    1       1       4       1       15  
    29       58       11       38       37  
DDA overdrafts
    250       269       305       428       326  
Total recoveries
    305       2,285       361       478       419  
Net charge-offs
    2,668       (904 )     756       896       2,483  
Provision for loan losses
    2,229       -       1,286       1,086       2,343  
Balance at end of period
  $ 19,409     $ 19,848     $ 18,944     $ 18,414     $ 18,224  
Loans outstanding
  $ 1,973,103     $ 1,925,798     $ 1,897,344     $ 1,869,524     $ 1,865,000  
Average loans outstanding
    1,940,950       1,917,246       1,876,530       1,861,760       1,837,687  
Allowance as a percent of loans outstanding
    0.98 %     1.03 %     1.00 %     0.98 %     0.98 %
Allowance as a percent of non-performing loans
    87.76 %     87.27 %     81.08 %     72.14 %     156.39 %
Net charge-offs (annualized) as a
percent of average loans outstanding
    0.55 %     (0.19 )%     0.16 %     0.19 %     0.54 %
Net charge-offs, excluding overdraft deposit accounts,
(annualized) as a percent of average loans outstanding
    0.52 %     (0.24 )%     0.14 %     0.19 %     0.21 %

Summary of Non-Performing Assets
(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)
December 31
September 30
June 30
March 31
December 31
Nonaccrual loans
  $ 21,951     $ 22,423     $ 23,178     $ 25,166     $ 10,817  
Accruing loans past due 90 days or more
    166       320       188       358       782  
Previously securitized loans past due 90 days or more
    -       -       -       -       54  
Total non-performing loans
    22,117       22,743       23,366       25,524       11,653  
Other real estate owned
    7,948       8,273       7,999       7,241       9,316  
Total non-performing assets
  $ 30,065     $ 31,016     $ 31,365     $ 32,765     $ 20,969  
Non-performing assets as a percent of loans and
other real estate owned
    1.52 %     1.60 %     1.65 %     1.75 %     1.12 %
Summary of Total Past Due Loans
(Unaudited) ($ in 000s)
December 31
September 30
June 30
March 31
December 31
      2011       2011       2011       2011       2010  
Residential real estate
  $ 5,362     $ 4,569     $ 4,971     $ 3,293     $ 4,774  
Home equity
    2,246       2,425       2,299       2,260       2,276  
Commercial and industrial
    1,243       37       476       397       -  
Commercial real estate
    3,415       2,423       2,186       1,740       775  
    138       112       185       75       147  
Previously securitized loans
    -       403       305       262       345  
DDA overdrafts
    909       614       279       231       361  
Total past due loans
  $ 13,313     $ 10,583     $ 10,701     $ 8,258     $ 8,678