EX-4 4 ex4-1.htm EXHIBIT 4.1

Exhibit 4.1



1.       PURPOSE

         The purpose of this 2001 Equity and Cash Incentive Plan (the "Plan") is to advance the interests of Nortek, Inc. (the "Company") and its subsidiaries by enhancing their ability to attract and retain employees and other persons or entities who are in a position to make significant contributions to the success of the Company and its subsidiaries through ownership of shares of the Company's Common Stock and Special Common Stock and cash incentives.

         The Plan is intended to accomplish these goals by enabling the Company to grant Awards in the form of Options, Stock Appreciation Rights, Restricted Stock or Unrestricted Stock Awards, Deferred Stock Awards or Performance Awards, or combinations thereof, all as more fully described below.


         Unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors of the Company (the "Board"), the Plan will be administered by a Committee of the Board designated for such purpose (the "Committee"). The Committee shall consist of at least two directors. A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum, and all determinations of the Committee shall be made by a majority of its members. Any determination of the Committee under the Plan may be made without notice or meeting of the Committee by a writing signed by a majority of the Committee members. During such times as the Company's Common Stock is registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "1934 Act"), all members of the Committee shall be "non-employee directors" within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 promulgated under the 1934 Act and "outside directors" within the meaning of Section 162(m)(4)(C)(i) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

         The Committee will have authority, not inconsistent with the express provisions of the Plan and in addition to other authority granted under the Plan, to (a) grant Awards at such time or times as it may choose; (b) determine whether the Award is with respect to the Company's Common Stock, $1.00 par value, or its Special Common Stock, $1.00 par value (together, the "Stock"), or a combination thereof and the size of each Award, including the number of shares of Stock subject to the Award; (c) determine the type or types of each Award; (d) determine the terms and conditions of each Award; (e) waive compliance by a holder of an Award with any obligations to be performed by such holder under an Award and waive any terms or conditions of an Award; (f) amend or cancel an existing Award in whole or in part (and if an award is canceled, grant another Award in its place on such terms and conditions as the Committee shall specify), except that the Committee may not, without the consent of the holder of an Award, take any action under this clause with respect to such Award if such action would adversely affect the rights of such holder; (g) prescribe the form or forms of instruments that are required or deemed appropriate under the Plan, including any written notices and elections required of Participants (as defined below), and change such forms from time to time; (h) adopt, amend and rescind rules and regulations for the administration of the Plan; and (i) interpret the Plan and decide any questions and settle all controversies and disputes that may arise in connection with the Plan. Such determinations and actions of the Committee, and all other determinations and actions of the Committee made or taken under authority granted by any provision of the Plan, will be conclusive and will bind all parties. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as limiting the power of the Committee to make adjustments under Section 8.6.


         The Plan will become effective on the date on which it is approved by the stockholders of the Company. Awards may be made prior to such stockholder approval if made subject thereto. No Award may be granted under the Plan after May 3, 2011, but Awards previously granted may extend beyond that date.


         Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 8.6, the aggregate number of shares of Stock that may be delivered under the Plan will be 545,000. If any Award requiring exercise by the Participant for delivery of Stock terminates without having been exercised in full, or if any Award payable in Stock or cash is satisfied in cash rather than Stock, the number of shares of Stock as to which such Award was not exercised or for which cash was substituted will be available for future grants.

         Subject to Section 8.6(a), the maximum number of shares of Stock as to which Options or Stock Appreciation Rights may be granted to any Participant in any one calendar year under the Plan is 300,000, which limitation shall be construed and applied consistently with the rules under Section 162(m) of the Code.

         Stock delivered under the Plan may be either authorized but unissued Stock or previously issued Stock acquired by the Company and held in treasury. No fractional shares of Stock will be delivered under the Plan.


         Each key employee of the Company or any of its subsidiaries (an "Employee") and each other person or entity (including without limitation non-Employee directors of the Company or a subsidiary of the Company) who, in the opinion of the Committee, is in a position to make a significant contribution to the success of the Company or its subsidiaries will be eligible to receive Awards under the Plan (each such Employee, person or entity receiving an Award, a "Participant"). A "subsidiary" for purposes of the Plan will be a corporation in which the Company owns, directly or indirectly, stock possessing 50% or more of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock.


         6.1.     Options

         (a)     Nature of Options.     An Option is an Award giving the recipient the right on exercise thereof to purchase Stock.

         Both "incentive stock options," as defined in Section 422(b)of the Code (any Option intended to qualify as an incentive stock option being hereinafter referred to as an "ISO"), and Options that are not ISOs, may be granted under the Plan. ISOs shall be awarded only to Employees. An Option awarded under the Plan shall be a non-ISO unless it is expressly designated as an ISO at time of grant.

         (b)     Exercise Price. The exercise price of an Option will be determined by the Committee subject to the following:

(1)The exercise price of an ISO or an Option intended to qualify as performance based compensation under Section 162(m) of the Code shall not be less than 100% of the fair market value of the Stock subject to the Option, determined as of the time the Option is granted.
(2)In no case may the exercise price paid for Stock which is part of an original issue of authorized Stock be less than the par value per share of the Stock.

         (c)     Duration of Options. The latest date on which an Option may be exercised will be the tenth anniversary of the day immediately preceding the date the Option was granted, or such earlier date as may have been specified by the Committee at the time the Option was granted.

         (d)     Exercise of Options. An Option will become exercisable at such time or times, and on such conditions, as the Committee may specify. The Committee may at any time and from time to time accelerate the time at which all or any part of the Option may be exercised. Any exercise of an Option must be in writing, signed by the proper person and delivered or mailed to the Company, accompanied by (1) any documents required by the Committee and (2) payment in full in accordance with paragraph (e) below for the number of shares for which the Option is exercised.

         (e)     Payment for Stock. Stock purchased on exercise of an Option must be paid for as follows: (1) in cash or by check (acceptable to the Company in accordance with guidelines established for this purpose), bank draft or money order payable to the order of the Company or (2) if so permitted by the Committee at or after the grant of the Option or by the instrument evidencing the Option, (i) through the delivery of shares of Stock which have been held for at least six months (unless the Committee approves a shorter period) and which have a fair market value equal to the exercise price, (ii) by delivery of an unconditional and irrevocable undertaking by a broker to deliver promptly to the Company sufficient funds to pay the exercise price, or (iii) by any combination of the foregoing permissible forms of payment.

         (f)     Discretionary Payments. If (i) the market price of shares of Stock subject to an Option (other than an Option which is in tandem with a Stock Appreciation Right as described in Section 6.2) exceeds the exercise price of the Option at the time of its exercise, and (ii) the person exercising the Option so requests the Committee in writing, the Committee may in its sole discretion cancel the Option and cause the Company to pay in cash or in shares of Common Stock (at a price per share equal to the fair market value per share) to the person exercising the Option an amount equal to the difference between the fair market value of the Stock which would have been purchased pursuant to the exercise (determined on the date the Option is canceled) and the aggregate exercise price which would have been paid.

         6.2.     Stock Appreciation Rights.

         (a)     Nature of Stock Appreciation Rights. A Stock Appreciation Right (or "SAR") is an Award entitling the holder on exercise to receive an amount in cash or Stock or a combination thereof (such form to be determined by the Committee) determined in whole or in part by reference to appreciation, from and after the date of grant, in the fair market value of a share of Stock. SARs may be based solely on appreciation in the fair market value of Stock or on a comparison of such appreciation with some other measure of market growth such as (but not limited) to appreciation in a recognized market index. The date as of which such appreciation or other measure is determined shall be the exercise date unless another date is specified by the Committee.

         (b)     Grant of Stock Appreciation Rights. SARs may be granted in tandem with, or independently of, Options granted under the Plan.

(1)Rules Applicable to Tandem Awards. When SARs are granted in tandem with Options, (a) the SAR will be exercisable only at such time or times, and to the extent, that the related Option is exercisable and will be exercisable in accordance with the procedure required for exercise of the related Option; (b) the SAR will terminate and no longer be exercisable upon the termination or exercise of the related Option, except that a SAR granted with respect to less than the full number of shares covered by an Option will not be reduced until the number of shares as to which the related Option has been exercised or has terminated exceeds the number of shares not covered by the SAR; (c) the Option will terminate and no longer be exercisable upon the exercise of the related SAR; and (d) the SAR will be transferable only with the related Option.
(2)Exercise of Independent SARs. A SAR not granted in tandem with an Option will become exercisable at such time or times, and on such conditions, as the Committee may specify. The Committee may at any time accelerate the time at which all or any part of the Right may be exercised.

         Any exercise of an independent SAR must be in writing, signed by the proper person and delivered or mailed to the Company, accompanied by any other documents required by the Committee.

         6.3.     Restricted and Unrestricted Stock.

         (a)     Grant of Restricted Stock. Subject to the terms and provisions of the Plan, the Committee may grant shares of Stock in such amounts and upon such terms and conditions as the Committee shall determine subject to the restrictions described below ("Restricted Stock").

         (b)     Restricted Stock Agreement. The Committee may require, as a condition to an Award, that a recipient of a Restricted Stock Award enter into a Restricted Stock Award Agreement, setting forth the terms and conditions of the Award. In lieu of a Restricted Stock Award Agreement, the Committee may provide the terms and conditions of an Award in a notice to the Participant of the Award, on the Stock certificate representing the Restricted Stock, in the resolution approving the Award, or in such other manner as it deems appropriate.

         (c)     Transferability and Other Restrictions. Except as otherwise provided in this Section 6.3, the shares of Restricted Stock granted herein may not be sold, transferred, pledged, assigned, or otherwise alienated or hypothecated until the end of the applicable period or periods established by the Committee and the satisfaction of any other conditions or restrictions established by the Committee (such period during which a share of Restricted Stock is subject to such restrictions and conditions is referred to as the "Restricted Period"). Except as the Committee may otherwise determine under Section 7.1, if a Participant suffers a Termination of Service (as defined at Section 7.1) for any reason during the Restricted Period, the Company may purchase the shares of Restricted Stock subject to such restrictions and conditions for the amount of cash paid by the Participant for such shares; provided, that if no cash was paid by the Participant such shares of Restricted Stock shall be automatically forfeited to the Company.

         During the Restricted Period with respect to any shares of Restricted Stock, the Company shall have the right to retain in the Company's possession the certificate or certificates representing such shares.

         (d)     Removal of Restrictions. Except as otherwise provided in this Section 6.3, a share of Restricted Stock covered by a Restricted Stock grant shall become freely transferable by the Participant upon completion of the Restricted Period, including the passage of any applicable period of time and satisfaction of any conditions to vesting. The Committee, in its sole discretion, shall have the right at any time immediately to waive all or any part of the restrictions and conditions with regard to all or any part of the shares held by any Participant.

         (e)     Voting Rights, Dividends and Other Distributions. During the Restricted Period, Participants holding shares of Restricted Stock granted hereunder may exercise full voting rights and shall receive all regular cash dividends paid with respect to such shares. Except as the Committee shall otherwise determine, any other cash dividends and other distributions paid to Participants with respect to shares of Restricted Stock including any dividends and distributions paid in shares shall be subject to the same restrictions and conditions as the shares of Restricted Stock with respect to which they were paid.

         (f)     Other Awards Settled with Restricted Stock. The Committee may, at the time any Award described in this Section 6 is granted, provide that any or all the Stock delivered pursuant to the Award will be Restricted Stock.

         (g)     Unrestricted Stock. Subject to the terms and provisions of the Plan, the Committee may grant shares of Stock free of restrictions under the Plan in such amounts and upon such terms and conditions as the Committee shall determine.

         (h)     Notice of Section 83(b) Election. Any Participant making an election under Section 83(b) of the Code with respect to Restricted Stock must provide a copy thereof to the Company within 10 days of filing such election with the Internal Revenue Service.

         6.4.     Deferred Stock.

         A Deferred Stock Award entitles the recipient to receive shares of Stock to be delivered in the future. Delivery of the Stock will take place at such time or times, and on such conditions, as the Committee may specify. The Committee may at any time accelerate the time at which delivery of all or any part of the Stock will take place. At the time any Award described in this Section 6.4 is granted, the Committee may provide that, at the time Stock would otherwise be delivered pursuant to the Award, the Participant will instead receive an instrument evidencing the Participant's right to future delivery of Deferred Stock.

         6.5.     Performance Awards; Performance Goals.

         (a)     Nature of Performance Awards. A Performance Award entitles the recipient to receive, without payment, an amount in cash or Stock or a combination thereof (such form to be determined by the Committee) following the attainment of Performance Goals (as hereinafter defined). Performance Goals may be related to personal performance, corporate performance, departmental performance or any other category of performance established by the Committee. The Committee will determine the Performance Goals, the period or periods during which performance is to be measured and all other terms and conditions applicable to the Award.

         (b)     Other Awards Subject to Performance Condition. The Committee may, at the time any Award described in this Section 6.5 is granted, impose the condition (in addition to any conditions specified or authorized in this Section 6 or any other provision of the Plan) that Performance Goals be met prior to the Participant's realization of any payment or benefit under the Award. Any such Award made subject to the achievement of Performance Goals (other than an Option or SAR) shall be treated as a Performance Award for purposes of Section 6.5(c) below.

         (c)     Limitations and Special Rules. In the case of any Performance Award intended to qualify for the performance-based remuneration exception described in Section 162(m)(4)(C) of the Code and the regulations thereunder (an "Exempt Award"), the Committee shall in writing preestablish specific Performance Goals. A Performance Goal must be established prior to passage of 25% of the period of time over which attainment of such goal is to be measured. "Performance Goal" means criteria based upon any one or more of the following (on a consolidated, divisional, subsidiary, line of business or geographical basis or in combinations thereof): (i) sales; revenues; assets; expenses; earnings before or after deduction for all or any portion of interest, taxes, depreciation or amortization, whether or not on a continuing operations or an aggregate or per share basis; return on equity, investment, capital or assets; inventory level or turns; one or more operating ratios; borrowing levels, leverage ratios or credit rating; market share; capital expenditures; cash flow; stock price; stockholder return; or any combination of the foregoing; or (ii) acquisitions and divestitures (in whole or in part); joint ventures and strategic alliances; spin-offs, split-ups and the like; reorganizations; recapitalizations, restructurings, financings (issuance of debt or equity) and refinancings; transactions that would constitute a Change of Control; or any combination of the foregoing. A Performance Goal and targets with respect thereto determined by the Committee need not be based upon an increase, a positive or improved result or avoidance of loss. The maximum Exempt Award payable to any Participant in respect of all such Performance Goals for any year under the Plan shall not exceed $10,000,000. Payment of Exempt Awards based upon a Performance Goal for calendar years 2007 and thereafter is conditioned upon reapproval by Employer's shareholders no later than Employer's first meeting of shareholders in 2006.


         7.1     Termination of Service.

         If a Participant who is an Employee ceases to be an Employee, or if there is a termination of the consulting, service or similar relationship in respect of which a non-Employee Participant was granted an Award hereunder (such termination of the employment or other relationship to be referred to as a "Termination of Service"), except as otherwise provided by the Committee with respect to an Award, the following will apply:

         (a)     Options and SARs.

(1)All Options and SARs held by the Participant immediately prior to the Termination of Service, to the extent then exercisable, may be exercised as follows:
(i)If the Termination of Service is on account of the Participant's death, such Awards may be exercised by the Participant's executor or administrator or the person or persons to whom the Option or Right is transferred by will or the applicable laws of descent and distribution, at any time within the one year period ending with the first anniversary of the Participant's death, and shall thereupon terminate.
(ii)If the Termination of Service is on accountof the Participant's retirement with consentof the Company after attainment of age 65 or total and permanent disability (as determined by the Committee), such Awards may be exercised by the Participant at any time in accordance with the original terms of the Award.
(iii)If the Termination of Service is for any other reason, such Awards may be exercised by the Participant at any time within the three month period following the Termination, and shall thereupon terminate, unless the Award provides by its terms for immediate termination of the Award in the event of such a Termination of Service or unless the Termination of Service results from a discharge for cause that, in the opinion of the Committee, casts such discredit on the Participant as to justify immediate termination of the Award.
(2)In no event, however, shall an Option or SAR remain exercisable beyond the latest date on which it could have been exercised without regard to this Section 7.
(3)Options and SARs held by a Participant immediately prior to the Termination of Service that are not then exercisable shall terminate upon the Termination of Service.

         (b)     Restricted Stock. Restricted Stock held by the Participant must be transferred to the Company (and, in the event the certificates representing such Restricted Stock are held by the Company, such Restricted Stock will be so transferred without any further action by the Participant) in accordance with Section 6.3(c).

         (c)     Deferred Stock and Performance Awards. Any payment or benefit under a Deferred Stock Award or Performance Award to which the Participant was not irrevocably entitled prior to the Termination of Service will be forfeited and the Award canceled upon the Termination of Service.

         (d)     Special Circumstances. In the case of a Participant who is an Employee, a Termination of Service shall not be deemed to have resulted by reason of (i) a sick leave or other bona fide leave of absence approved for purposes of the Plan by the Committee, so long as the Employee's right to reemployment is guaranteed either by statute or by contract, or (ii) a transfer of employment between the Company and a subsidiary or between subsidiaries, or to the employment of a corporation (or a parent or subsidiary corporation of such corporation) issuing or assuming an option in a transaction to which Section 424(a) of the Code applies.

         7.2.     Change of Control Provisions.

         (a)     Effect of Change of Control. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan to the contrary, except as otherwise explicitly provided by the Committee in writing with respect to a particular Award at the time the Award is granted, in the event of a Change of Control:

(1)Acceleration of Awards. As of the date on which such Change of Control is determined to have occurred, (i) Options and SARs that are outstanding and that are not then exercisable shall become exercisable to the full extent of the original grants; (ii) shares of Restricted Stock that are not otherwise vested shall vest (and any Stock to be delivered under any other Award as Restricted Stock shall upon delivery be unrestricted); and (iii) holders of Performance Awards granted hereunder as to which the relevant performance period has not ended shall be entitled at the time of the Change of Control to receive a cash payment per Performance Award equal to the full value of the cash component of such Award (if any) plus the fair market value of any Stock included in such Award.
(2)Termination of Awards in Certain Transactions. If, as part of, or in connection with, the Change of Control, there occurs a merger or consolidation in which the Company is not the surviving corporation or which results in the acquisition of substantially all the Company's outstanding stock by a person, entity or group of persons and/or entities acting in concert or there is a dissolution or liquidation of the Company, Awards payable in Stock that are not cashed out or otherwise disposed of in or prior to the transaction will terminate.
(3)Restriction on Termination of Awards Due to Termination of Employment. Awards that remain outstanding after a Change of Control shall not be terminated as a result of a Termination of Service, other than by reason of death, for a period of at least seven months following such Termination of Service.
(4)Restriction on Amendment. In connection with or following a Change of Control, neither the Committee nor the Board may impose additional conditions upon exercise or otherwise amend or restrict an Award, or amend the terms of the Plan in any manner adverse to the holder thereof, without the written consent of such holder.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, if any right granted pursuant to this Section 7.2 wouldmake a Change of Control transaction ineligible for pooling of interests accounting under applicable accounting principles that but for this Section 7.2 would otherwise be eligible for such accounting treatment, the Committee shall have the authority to substitute stock for the cash which would otherwise be payable pursuant to this Section 7.2 having a fair market value equal to such cash.

         (b)     Definition of Change of Control. A "Change of Control" shall be deemed to have occurred if and when:

(1)The Company ceases to be a publicly owned corporation having at least 500 stockholders; or
(2)There occurs any event or series of events that would be required to be reported as a change of control in response to Item 1(a) on a Form 8-K filed by the Company under the Exchange Act or in any other filing by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission unless the person ("Person"), as that term is defined or used in Section 13(d) or 14(d)(2) of the 1934 Act, acquiring control is an affiliate of the Company as of the date the Plan is approved by stockholders of the Company; or
(3)The Company executes an agreement of acquisition, merger, or consolidation which contemplates that after the effective date provided for in the agreement all or substantially all of the business and/or assets of the Company will be controlled by another Person; provided, however, for purposes of this subparagraph (3) that (i) if such an agreement requires as a condition precedent approval by the Company's shareholders of the agreement or transaction, a Change of Control shall not be deemed to have taken place unless and until such approval is secured and, (ii) if the voting shareholders of such other Person shall, immediately after such effective date, be substantially the same as the voting shareholders of the Company immediately prior to such effective date, the execution of such agreement shall not, by itself, constitute a "Change of Control"; or
(4)Any Person (other than the Company, a majority-owned subsidiary of the Company, an employee benefit plan maintained by the Company or a majority-owned subsidiary of the Company or members of the Board on the date the Plan is approved by stockholders of the Company) becomes the beneficial owner, directly or indirectly (either as a result of the acquisition of securities or as the result of an arrangement or understanding, including the holding of proxies, with or among security holders), of securities of the Company representing 25% or more of the votes that could then be cast in an election for members of the Board unless within 15 days of being advised that such ownership level has been reached, the Company's board of directors adopts a resolution approving the acquisition of that level of securities ownership by such Person; or
(5)During any period of 24 consecutive months, commencing after the date this Plan is approved by stockholders of the Company, individuals who at the beginning of such 24-month period were directors of the Company shall cease to constitute at least a majority of the Board, unless the election of each director who was not a director at the beginning of such period has been approved in advance by directors representing at least two thirds of (i) the directors then in office who were directors at the beginning of the 24-month period, or (ii) the directors specified in clause (i) plus directors whose election has been so approved by directors specified in clause (i).


         8.1.     Documentation of Awards.

         Awards will be evidenced by such written instruments, if any, as may be prescribed by the Committee from time to time. Such instruments may be in the form of agreements to be executed by both the Participant and the Company, or certificates, letters or similar instruments, which need not be executed by the Participant but acceptance of which will evidence agreement to the terms thereof.

         8.2.     Rights as a Stockholder, Dividend Equivalents.

         Except as specifically provided by the Plan, the receipt of an Award will not give a Participant rights as a stockholder; the Participant will obtain such rights, subject to any limitations imposed by the Plan or the instrument evidencing the Award, only upon the issuance of Stock. However, the Committee may, on such conditions as it deems appropriate, provide that a Participant will receive a benefit in lieu of cash dividends that would have been payable on any or all Stock subject to the Participant's Award had such Stock been outstanding. Without limitation, the Committee may provide for payment to the articipant of amounts representing such dividends, either currently or in the future, or for the investment of such amounts on behalf of the Participant.

         8.3.     Conditions on Delivery of Stock.

         The Company will not be obligated to deliver any shares of Stock pursuant to the Plan or to remove restriction from shares previously delivered under the Plan (a) until all conditions of the Award have been satisfied or removed, (b) until, in the opinion of the Company's counsel, all applicable federal and state laws and regulation have been complied with, (c) if the outstanding Stock is at the time listed on any stock exchange or The Nasdaq National Market, until the shares to be delivered have been listed or authorized to be listed on such exchange or market upon official notice of notice of issuance, and (d) until all other legal matters in connection with the issuance and delivery of such shares have been approved by the Company's counsel. If the sale of Stock has not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, the Company may require, as a condition to exercise of the Award, such representations or agreements as counsel for the Company may consider appropriate to avoid violation of such Act and may require that the certificates evidencing such Stock bear an appropriate legend restricting transfer.

         If an Award is exercised by the Participant's legal representative, the Company will be under no obligation to deliver Stock pursuant to such exercise until the Company is satisfied as to the authority of such representative.

         8.4.     Tax Withholding.

         The Company will withhold from any cash payment made pursuant to an Award an amount sufficient to satisfy all federal, state and local withholding tax requirements (the "withholding requirements").

         In the case of an Award pursuant to which Stock may be delivered, the Committee will have the right to require that the Participant or other appropriate person remit to the Company an amount sufficient to satisfy the withholding requirements, or make other arrangements satisfactory to the Committee with regard to such requirements, prior to the delivery of any Stock or removal of restrictions thereon. If and to the extent that such withholding is required, the Committee may permit the Participant or such other person to elect at such time and in such manner as the Committee provides to have the Company hold back from the shares to be delivered, or to deliver to the Company, Stock having a value calculated to satisfy the withholding requirement. The Committee may make such share withholding mandatory with respect to any Award at the time such Award is made to a Participant.

         If at the time an ISO is exercised the Committee determines that the Company could be liable for withholding requirements with respect to the exercise or with respect to a disposition of the Stock received upon exercise, the Committee may require as a condition of exercise that the person exercising the ISO agree (a) to provide for withholding under the preceding paragraph of this Section 8.4, if the Committee determines that a withholding responsibility may arise in connection with tax exercise, (b) to inform the Company promptly of any disposition (within the meaning of section 424(c) of the Code) of Stock received upon exercise, and (c) to give such security as the Committee deems adequate to meet the potential liability of the Company for the withholding requirements and to augment such security from time to time in any amount reasonably deemed necessary by the Committee to preserve the adequacy of such security.

         8.5.     Transferability of Awards.

         Unless otherwise permitted by the Committee, no Award (other than an Award in the form of an outright transfer of cash or Unrestricted Stock) may be transferred other than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution.

         8.6.     Adjustments in the Event of Certain Transactions.

         (a)     In the event of a stock dividend, stock split or combination of shares, recapitalization or other change in the Company's capitalization, or other distribution to holders of Stock other than normal cash dividends, after the effective date of the Plan, the Committee will make any appropriate adjustments to the maximum number of shares that may be delivered under the Plan under the first paragraph of Section 4 above and to the limits described in the second paragraph of Section 4 and in Section 6.5(c).

         (b)     In any event referred to in paragraph (a), the Committee will also make any appropriate adjustments to the number and kind of shares of Stock or securities subject to Awards then outstanding or subsequently granted, any exercise prices relating to Awards and any other provision of Awards affected by such change. The Committee may also make such adjustments to take into account material changes in law or in accounting practices or principles, mergers, consolidations, acquisitions, dispositions or similar corporate transactions, or any other event, if it is determined by the Committee that adjustments are appropriate to avoid distortion in the operation of the Plan; provided, that adjustments pursuant to this sentence shall not be made to the extent it would cause any Award intended to be exempt under Section 162(m)(4)(c) of the Code to fail to be so exempt.

         (c)     In the case of ISOs, the adjustments described in (a) and (b) will be made only to the extent consistent with continued qualification of the Option under Section 422 of the Code (in the case of an ISO) or Section 162(m) of the Code.

         8.7.     Employment Rights, Etc.

         Neither the adoption of the Plan nor the grant of Awards will confer upon any person any right to continued retention by the Company or any subsidiary as an Employee or otherwise, or affect in any way the right of the Company or subsidiary to terminate an employment, service or similar relationship at any time. Except as specifically provided by the Committee in any particular case, the loss of existing or potential profit in Awards granted under the Plan will not constitute an element of damages in the event of termination of an employment, service or similar relationship even if the termination is in violation of an obligation of the Company to the Participant.

         8.8.     Deferral of Payments.

         The Committee may agree at any time, upon request of the Participant, to defer the date on which any payment under an Award will be made.

         8.9.     Past Services as Consideration.

         Where a Participant purchases Stock under an Award for a price equal to the par value of the Stock the Committee may determine that such price has been satisfied by past services rendered by the Participant.


         Neither adoption of the Plan nor the grant of Awards to a Participant will affect the Company's right to grant to such Participant awards that are not subject to the Plan, to issue to such Participant Stock as a bonus or otherwise, or to adopt other plans or arrangements under which Stock may be issued to Employees.

         The Committee may at any time or times amend the Plan or any outstanding Award for any purpose which may at the time be permitted by law, or may at any time terminate the Plan as to any further grants of Awards, provided that (except to the extent expressly required or permitted by the Plan) no such amendment will, without the approval of the stockholders of the Company, effectuate a change for which stockholder approval is required in order for the Plan to continue to qualify for the award of ISOs under Section 422 of the Code or for the award of performance-based compensation under Section 162(m) of the Code.