EX-99.1 3 jwn-11kx2023xex991.htm EX-99.1 Document

Exhibit 99.1

Nordstrom 401(k) Plan
Employer ID No: 91-0515058
Plan Number: 001
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm and
Financial Statements as of December 31, 2023 and 2022
and for the Year Ended December 31, 2023,
with Supplementary Information

Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits as of December 31, 2023 and 2022
Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits for the year ended December 31, 2023
Notes to Financial Statements
Note 1: Description of the Plan
Note 2: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Note 3: Fair Value Measurements
Note 4: Party-in-Interest Transactions
Note 5: Federal Income Tax Status
Note 6: Plan Termination
Note 7: Excess Contributions Payable to Participants
Schedule H, Line 4(i) — Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) as of December 31, 2023
All other schedules required by Section 2520.103-10 of the Department of Labor’s Rules and Regulations for Reporting and Disclosure under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 have been omitted because they are not applicable.
BNYMBank of New York Mellon
BoardNordstrom, Inc.’s Board of Directors
CompanyNordstrom, Inc. and its participating subsidiaries
CCTCommon collective trust
DOLDepartment of Labor
ERISAEmployee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
GAAPU.S. generally accepted accounting principles
IRAIndividual Retirement Account
IRCInternal Revenue Code
IRSInternal Revenue Service
NAVNet asset value
PlanNordstrom 401(k) Plan
Plan AdministratorNordstrom Retirement Committee appointed by the Board
PTEProhibited Transaction Exemption
VFCPVoluntary Fiduciary Correction Program

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

The Plan Administrator and Participants
Nordstrom 401(k) Plan

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets available for benefits of the Nordstrom 401(k) Plan (the Plan) as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, the related statement of changes in net assets available for benefits for the year ended December 31, 2023, and the related notes (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”).

In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the net assets available for benefits of the Plan as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, and the changes in net assets available for benefits for the year ended December 31, 2023, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Plan’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Plan’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Plan in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. The Plan is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. As part of our audits, we are required to obtain an understanding of internal control over financial reporting but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Plan’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures to respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Opinion on the Supplementary Information

The supplementary information included in Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (held at end of year) as of December 31, 2023 have been subjected to audit procedures performed in conjunction with the audit of the Plan’s financial statements. The supplementary information is the responsibility of the Plan’s management. Our audit procedures included determining whether the supplementary information reconciles to the financial statements or the underlying accounting and other records, as applicable, and performing procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the information presented in the supplementary information. In forming our opinion on the supplementary information in the accompanying schedule, we evaluated whether the supplementary information, including its form and content, is presented in conformity with Department of Labor’s Rules and Regulations for Reporting and Disclosure under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. In our opinion, the supplementary information in the accompanying schedule is fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the financial statements as a whole.

/s/ Moss Adams LLP
San Francisco, California
June 13, 2024

We have served as the Plan’s auditor since 2016.

(Amounts in thousands)
December 31,
Participant-directed investments at fair value (see Note 3: Fair Value Measurements)$3,849,678 $3,386,753 
Notes receivable from participants70,192 67,150 
Accrued income and broker receivable 736 
Total assets3,919,870 3,454,639 
Administrative expenses and other payables1,365 2,471 
Due to broker for securities purchased3,226 15,571 
Total liabilities4,591 18,042 
Net assets available for benefits$3,915,279 $3,436,597 
The accompanying Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of these financial statements.

(Amounts in thousands)
Plan year endedDecember 31, 2023
Company contributions$69,492 
Employee contributions179,096 
Total contributions248,588 
Investment income
Net appreciation in fair value of investments523,058 
Interest and dividends39,411 
Total investment income562,469 
Total contributions and investment income811,057 
Benefit payments to participants321,184 
Administrative expenses and other11,191 
Total deductions332,375 
Net increase in net assets478,682 
Net assets available for benefits at beginning of year3,436,597 
Net assets available for benefits at end of year$3,915,279 
The accompanying Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of these financial statements.

(Dollar and share amounts in thousands)
The Nordstrom 401(k) Plan, as amended and restated, was originally established on January 1, 1953 and is a defined contribution plan. The following description of the Plan’s provisions is for informational purposes only and does not bind the Plan. Participants should refer to the Plan documents for a more complete description of the Plan’s provisions.
The Plan covers substantially all employees of the Company and is subject to the provisions of ERISA. Employees are eligible to make elective salary deferrals and receive Company matching contributions upon hire. The Plan contains eligibility provisions to ensure that all eligible employees enter the Plan by the latest participation date required under the applicable provisions of the IRC.
Company contributions are paid each pay period that an eligible participant contributes to the Plan.
Plan Year
The Plan operates on a calendar year ending on December 31. References to 2023 and 2022 relate to the Plan years ended December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022.
Trustee and Administrator of the Plan
BNYM is the asset trustee of the Plan and Alight Solutions provides recordkeeping services for the Plan.
The Plan is administered by the Company in conjunction with the Plan Administrator.
Plan Contributions
Contributions to the Plan are made through employee contributions, including catch-up contributions, Company contributions and participant rollover contributions. Contributions are subject to certain limitations of the IRC.
Employee contributions — Eligible employees may elect to defer up to 50% of eligible compensation on a pre-tax basis, after-tax basis (“Roth”) or a combination of both. Employees aged 50 and over are allowed a catch-up contribution on a pre-tax basis, Roth or a combination of both, beginning in the year they turn age 50. Eligible employees who neither make an affirmative salary deferral election nor affirmatively opt out of the Plan are automatically enrolled in the Plan with a deferral contribution equal to 3% of eligible compensation. This deferral percentage is automatically increased by 1% annually, up to 10%, unless the participant elects otherwise. Employees have the option to opt out of deferring or to change their deferral percentage at any time in accordance with the Plan.
Company contributions — The Company matches employee contributions dollar for dollar on the first 1% of eligible compensation and 50 cents per dollar on the next 6% of eligible compensation, up to a total of 4% of eligible compensation.
Participant rollover contributions — Participants eligible for a withdrawal from another eligible retirement plan or traditional IRA may roll over all or part of that amount into the Plan. Participants may not roll over amounts from a Roth IRA into the Plan.
Participants can direct the investment of their accounts (including employee and Company contributions) among various funds, debt securities and Company common stock. The funds as of December 31, 2023 and 2022 include a variety of mutual funds, CCT funds, separately managed funds and custom target retirement date funds. The available funds are regularly reviewed by the Plan Administrator and are subject to change at any time.
Participation in Investment Activity
Individual accounts are credited daily with a pro-rata share of investment income or loss experienced by the respective funds into which their account balances have been directed. This income or loss is included in net appreciation or depreciation in fair value of investments on the Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits.
Vesting in the Plan
Employees who terminate employment due to retirement, disability or death are 100% vested in their Plan accounts, regardless of years of service. The Plan defines “retirement” as age 60 or older for the purposes of vesting. On termination of employment for reasons other than retirement, disability or death, the amounts credited to the accounts of participants are vested as follows:
Employee contributions — Employee contributions (salary deferral, catch-up and rollover contributions) are always 100% vested.

(Dollar and share amounts in thousands)
Company contributions — Company matching contributions are 100% vested after completion of two years of service. A year of service is any year in which an employee works at least 1,000 hours.
Forfeitures of unvested Company matching contributions from terminated participant accounts can be used to offset Company matching contributions or to pay Plan administrative expenses, as determined by the Plan Administrator. As of December 31, 2023 and 2022, forfeited unvested accounts were $1,401 and $1,748. In 2023, the Plan used forfeitures of $8,469 to offset Company matching contributions.
Benefit Payments
On termination of service, a participant (or participant’s beneficiary in the case of death) may elect to roll over the value of the vested interest in his or her account to another qualified plan, to receive the value as a lump-sum distribution or elect to remain in the Plan, if the vested account balance exceeds $1 (subject to required distributions under Section 401(a)(9) of the IRC). When an active participant reaches age 59½ and continues to work for the Company, the participant is eligible to receive a partial or full distribution of their account. The Plan also allows distributions to active participants for financial hardship if certain criteria are met.
Participant Loans (Notes Receivable from Participants)
Participants may borrow a minimum of $1 from their account up to a maximum that is equal to the lesser of:
50% of their vested account balance, less the balance of any other outstanding loans from the Plan as of the loan request date, or
$50 less the highest outstanding principal balance of any loans, from this Plan or any other qualified Plan of the employer or a related employer, during the one-year period immediately preceding the loan request date
Loan terms are a maximum of five years or, if for the purchase of a principal residence, up to 20 years. The loans are secured by the balance in the participant’s account. The interest rate for a loan is determined at the time it is approved. The rate will be the prime rate as reported by the Wall Street Journal on the 15th day of the prior month, plus 1%. Interest rates for participant loans outstanding on December 31, 2023 range from 4.25% to 9.50% with various maturities through November 2043. Principal and interest is paid through payroll deductions, following the participant’s bi-weekly payroll cycle. A participant may have a maximum of two loans outstanding at any one time.
Participants may make monthly loan repayments during approved leaves of absence. Alternatively, payment obligations may be suspended during approved leaves of absence not longer than one year and during periods of qualified military service. Participants may continue to make loan repayments after termination of employment under procedures established by the Plan Administrator. Loan balances that become delinquent will be deemed distributed and become taxable income to the participant.
Basis of Accounting
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in accordance with GAAP.
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires Company plan management to make estimates, judgments and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, and changes therein and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities during the reporting period. Uncertainties regarding such estimates and assumptions are inherent in the preparation of financial statements and actual results may differ from these estimates and assumptions.
Risks and Uncertainties
The Plan holds various investment instruments, including, but not limited to, common stock, debt securities, mutual funds and CCTs. Investment securities, in general, are exposed to various risks, such as interest rate risk, credit risk and overall market volatility. Due to the level of risk associated with certain investment securities, it is reasonably possible that changes in the values of investment securities will occur in the near term and such changes could materially affect participants’ account balances and the amounts reported in the financial statements.

(Dollar and share amounts in thousands)
Investment Valuation and Income Recognition
The Plan’s investments are held by the trustee and are recorded at fair value as follows:
Common stock is valued at quoted market prices as of the last trading day of the Plan year.
Shares of mutual funds are valued at quoted market prices as of the last trading day of the Plan year.
CCTs and 103-12 investment entities are measured using the NAV practical expedient of each fund, as reported by the fund managers. The NAV practical expedient is based on the fair value of the underlying assets owned by the CCT or investment entity, less its liabilities, and divided by the number of units outstanding.
Investments in debt securities are valued using the market approach and observable inputs, such as observable trade prices, multiple broker/dealer quotes, related yield curves and other assumptions about the securities.
Self-directed brokerage accounts allow participants to invest all or a portion of their account in investments of their choice. The fair value is based on the underlying investments, which may include common stock, mutual funds and debt securities.
Purchases and sales of securities are recorded on a trade-date basis. Interest income is recorded on an accrual basis. Dividends are recorded when earned.
Net realized gains or losses on investment sales represent the difference between the sale proceeds and cost of the investments, or the adjusted market price. Net unrealized appreciation or depreciation on investments held at the end of the Plan year represents the net change in the fair value of investments during the year. The Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits presents the net appreciation or depreciation in fair value of investments, which consists of realized and unrealized gains and losses.
Notes Receivable from Participants
Participant loans are included in notes receivable from participants on the Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits and are measured at their unpaid principal balance plus any accrued unpaid interest. Delinquent participant loans are recorded as distributions based on the terms of the Plan document.
Benefit Payments
Benefits are recorded when paid. Amounts allocated to former participants who have withdrawn from the Plan, but have not yet been paid as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, were $4,793 and $3,833.
Administrative Expenses
Substantially all the administrative expenses, including recordkeeping, trustee and other fees, incurred in connection with the Plan are paid by the Plan through an allocation to participant accounts.
The Plan discloses its assets that are measured at fair value in the Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits by level within the fair value hierarchy as defined by applicable accounting standards:
Level 1: Quoted market prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities
Level 2: Other observable market-based inputs or unobservable inputs that are corroborated by market data
Level 3: Unobservable inputs that cannot be corroborated by market data that reflect the reporting entity’s own assumptions

(Dollar and share amounts in thousands)
The following tables set forth, by level within the fair value hierarchy, a summary of the Plan’s investments that were measured at fair value on a recurring basis as of December 31, 2023 and 2022. There have been no changes in the methodologies used as of December 31, 2023 and 2022.
December 31, 2023
Level 1Level 2Total
Fair value hierarchy:
Common stock$524,175 $— $524,175 
Debt securities21,740 143,278 165,018 
Mutual funds545,813  545,813 
Brokerage securities36,848 5,902 42,750 
Interest-bearing cash securities95  95 
Total assets in fair value hierarchy$1,128,671 $149,180 $1,277,851 
Investments measured at NAV practical expedient1
Total participant-directed investments at fair value$3,849,678 
1 Includes CCTs and a 103-12 investment entity.

December 31, 2022
Level 1Level 2Total
Fair value hierarchy:
Common stock$749,798 $—$749,798 
Debt securities13,210 132,279 145,489 
Mutual funds947,278 947,278 
Brokerage securities29,580 4,869 34,449 
Interest-bearing cash securities106 106 
Total assets in fair value hierarchy$1,739,972 $137,148 $1,877,120 
Investments measured at NAV practical expedient1
Total participant-directed investments at fair value$3,386,753 
1 Includes CCTs and a 103-12 investment entity.
Certain investments are measured at NAV as a practical expedient, including CCTs and a 103-12 investment entity. They are measured daily and may be redeemed daily with no restrictions related to the redemption notice period.
The Plan did not have any Level 3 measurements as of December 31, 2023 and 2022. During 2023, there were no transfers in or out of Levels 1, 2 or 3.
Parties-in-interest include fiduciaries or employees of the Plan, any person who provides services to the Plan, an employer whose employees are covered by the Plan, an employee organization whose members are covered by the Plan, a person who owns 50% or more of such an employer or employee organization or relatives of such persons. As of December 31, 2023 and 2022, Plan investments included units held in a collective trust managed by BNYM, BNYM common stock and interest-bearing cash managed by BNYM. As of December 31, 2023 and 2022, the Plan held 3,231 and 3,214 shares of Nordstrom, Inc. common stock, with a cost basis of $101,520 and $111,781. The Plan recorded $2,407 of dividend income from Nordstrom, Inc. common stock during 2023. In addition, the Plan holds notes receivable from participants and paid certain expenses related to plan operations and investment activities to various service providers. Transactions with these entities qualify as exempt party-in-interest transactions.

(Dollar and share amounts in thousands)
The Plan, as restated as of January 1, 2021, is an individually designed plan. While the restated Plan document does not have a determination letter from the IRS, the Company and Plan management believe that the Plan is currently designed and operated in compliance with the applicable requirements of the IRC, and the Plan and related trust continue to be tax-exempt. Therefore, no provision for income taxes has been included in the Plan’s financial statements.
GAAP requires Plan management to evaluate tax positions taken by the Plan and recognize a tax liability (or asset) if the Plan has taken an uncertain position that more likely than not would not be sustained upon examination by the IRS. The Plan Administrator has concluded that as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, there are no uncertain tax positions taken or expected to be taken that would require recognition of a liability (or asset) or disclosure in the financial statements.
Although it has not expressed any intent to do so, the Company has the right under the Plan to discontinue its contributions at any time and to terminate the Plan subject to the provisions of ERISA. Under the Plan, the Company may also temporarily suspend contributions, which does not constitute or require termination of the Plan.
In the event the Plan is terminated, the respective accounts of the participants under the Plan shall become fully vested and nonforfeitable. After payment of expenses properly chargeable against the Plan, the trustee shall distribute all Plan assets to the participants in the proportions determined by their respective accounts.
The Plan is subject to certain non-discrimination rules under ERISA and the IRC. For 2023 and 2022, the Plan passed all applicable non-discrimination tests. Additionally, the Plan is required to return contributions received from participants during the Plan year in excess of the IRC limits. There were no refunds for 2023 and 2022.

EIN: 91-0515058
Plan #: 001
(Dollars in thousands)

(a)(b) Identity of issue, borrower, lessor, or similar party(c) Description of investment including maturity date, rate of interest, collateral, par, or maturity value(d) Cost
(e) Current Value ($)
Investments Measured at NAV
Capital Group EuroPacific FundCCT**$541,913
*EB Temporary Investment FundCCT - due 12/31/2049 - 1.147%**18,016 
Loomis Core Plus Fixed Income FundCCT**404,216 
PGIM Retirement Real Estate Fund II LP103-12 investment entity**92,847 
Putnam Stable Value FundCCT**298,979 
Schroder Collective International Multi-Cap Equity TrustCCT**249,848 
SSGA TIPS IndexCCT**44,457 
Vanguard Fiduciary Trust CompanyCCT**921,551 
Total Investments Measured at NAV2,571,827 
Common Stock
Acadia Healthcare Co., Inc.Common stock**4,110 
Accenture PLCCommon stock**7,732 
Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.Common stock**4,727 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.Common stock**4,762 
Agilent Technologies, Inc.Common stock**2,161 
Alarm.com Holdings, Inc.Common stock**2,678 
Alphabet, Inc.Common stock**20,015 
Amazon.com, Inc.Common stock**18,070 
Ambarella, Inc.Common stock**1,650 
Amicus Therapeutics, Inc.Common stock**3,064 
Apollo Global Management, Inc.Common stock**3,720 
Axon Enterprise, Inc.Common stock**5,189 
Bio-Techne Corp.Common stock**3,491 
Blueprint Medicines Corp.Common stock**3,228 
Bright Horizons Family SolutionsCommon stock**3,187 
The Brink's Co.Common stock**3,999 
Builders Firstsource, Inc.Common stock**3,775 
Burlington Stores, Inc.Common stock**2,200 
BWX Technologies, Inc.Common stock**6,103 
Cameco Corp.Common stock**3,108 
The Carlyle Group, Inc.Common stock**9,350 
Casella Waste Systems, Inc.Common stock**3,353 
Certara, Inc.Common stock**1,845 
CF Industries Holdings, Inc.Common stock**3,373 
Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.Common stock**2,122 
Chart Industries, Inc.Common stock**2,899 
Chemed Corp.Common stock**5,535 
Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc.Common stock**5,249 
Clearwater Analytics HoldingsCommon stock**2,335 
Cognex Corp.Common stock**2,221 
Copart, Inc.Common stock**4,598 
CoStar Group, Inc.Common stock**3,347 
Costco Wholesale Corp.Common stock**6,145 

Crown Holdings, Inc.Common stock**3,954 
Dynatrace, Inc.Common stock**4,896 
Eagle Materials, Inc.Common stock**2,209 
Elf Beauty, Inc.Common stock**5,460 
Encompass Health Corp.Common stock**5,926 
Entegris, Inc.Common stock**2,202 
Euronet Worldwide, Inc.Common stock**1,257 
Everest Group Ltd.Common stock**2,469 
Evolent Health, Inc.Common stock**3,022 
Exlservice Holdings, Inc.Common stock**1,949 
Firstservice Corp.Common stock**2,636 
Five Below, Inc.Common stock**5,009 
Flywire Corp.Common stock**2,367 
Freshpet, Inc.Common stock**5,524 
Globus Medical, Inc.Common stock**1,581 
Guidewire Software, Inc.Common stock**5,187 
HealthEquity, Inc.Common stock**2,785 
Heico Corp.Common stock**3,724 
Insmed, Inc.Common stock**2,406 
Inspire Medical Systems, Inc.Common stock**3,111 
Insulet Corp.Common stock**3,728 
Intuit, Inc.Common stock**7,318 
Intuitive Surgical, Inc.Common stock**5,586 
Kosmos Energy Ltd.Common stock**1,986 
Lam Research Corp.Common stock**4,452 
Lancaster Colony Corp.Common stock**4,614 
Lattice Semiconductor Corp.Common stock**1,856 
Linde PLCCommon stock**4,680 
Live Nation Entertainment, Inc.Common stock**6,945 
Martin Marietta Materials, Inc.Common stock**3,994 
Mastercard, Inc.Common stock**10,777 
Mercury Systems, Inc.Common stock**3,952 
Merit Medical Systems, Inc.Common stock**4,542 
Microsoft Corp.Common stock**31,191 
Monster Beverage Corp.Common stock**4,305 
National Vision Holdings, Inc.Common stock**3,412 
Neogen Corp.Common stock**2,869 
New Fortress Energy, Inc.Common stock**4,145 
Nice Ltd.Common stock**3,988 
Nike, Inc.Common stock**3,207 
Noble Corp. PLCCommon stock**1,809 
*Nordstrom, Inc.Common stock**59,603 
Novanta, Inc.Common stock**3,155 
Nvidia Corp.Common stock**11,996 
O'Reilly Automotive, Inc.Common stock**3,617 
Palo Alto Networks, Inc.Common stock**5,859 
Penumbra, Inc.Common stock**4,528 
Pool Corp.Common stock**5,368 
Regal Rexnord Corp.Common stock**1,737 
Repligen Corp.Common stock**3,370 
Revolve Group, Inc.Common stock**1,703 
Salesforce, Inc.Common stock**6,800
ServiceNow, Inc.Common stock**5,987
Shoals Technologies Group, Inc.Common stock**1,465 
Siteone Landscape Supply, Inc.Common stock**2,054 

SPS Commerce, Inc.Common stock**2,067 
Starbucks Corp.Common stock**2,904 
Super Micro Computer, Inc.Common stock**3,031 
TechnipFMC plcCommon stock**1,487 
Tenable Holdings, Inc.Common stock**3,241 
Texas Instruments, Inc.Common stock**3,636 
TopBuild Corp.Common stock**3,288 
Tradeweb Markets, Inc.Common stock**3,421 
Trex Co, Inc.Common stock**3,385 
Twist Bioscience Corp.Common stock**2,566 
Tyler Technologies, Inc.Common stock**4,115 
Uber Technologies, Inc.Common stock**1,846 
UnitedHealth Group, Inc.Common stock**8,099 
Varonis Systems, Inc.Common stock**2,745 
Veeva Systems, Inc.Common stock**1,983 
Virtu Financial, Inc.Common stock**2,474 
Western Alliance BancorpCommon stock**2,428 
Whitecap Resources, Inc.Common stock**1,840 
Willscot Mobile Mini HoldingsCommon stock**1,709 
Zoetis, Inc.Common stock**4,297 
Total Common Stock524,175 
Debt Securities
American Electric Power Co, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 08/15/2025 - 5.699%**201 
AT&T, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 03/09/2048 - 4.500%**243 
AT&T, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 09/15/2055 - 3.550%**330 
AT&T, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 09/15/2059 - 3.650%**477 
Bank of America Corp.Corporate Debt - due 08/26/2024 - 4.200%**297 
Bank of America Corp.Corporate Debt - due 03/03/2026 - 4.450%**148 
Bank of America Corp.Corporate Debt - due 11/25/2027 - 4.183%**219 
Bank of America Corp.Corporate Debt - due 10/20/2032 - Variable**166 
Bank of America Corp.Corporate Debt - due 03/08/2037 - Variable**836 
Bank of America Corp.Corporate Debt - due 07/22/2033 - Variable**149 
Bank of America Corp.Corporate Debt - due 11/10/2028 - Variable**209 
Barclays PLCCorporate Debt - due 05/09/2028 - 4.836%**561 
Barclays PLCCorporate Debt - due 06/20/2030 - Variable**194 
Barclays PLCCorporate Debt - due 08/09/2028 - Variable**251 
Barclays PLCCorporate Debt - due 05/09/2027 - Variable**303 
Barclays PLCCorporate Debt - due 06/27/2034 - Variable**454 
B.A.T. Capital Corp.Corporate Debt - due 08/02/2033 - 6.421%**551 
B.A.T. Capital Corp.Corporate Debt - due 08/15/2037 - 4.390%**63 
B.A.T. Capital Corp.Corporate Debt - due 08/15/2047 - 4.540%**154 
B.A.T. Capital Corp.Corporate Debt - due 03/25/2031 - 2.726%**315 
B.A.T. Capital Corp.Corporate Debt - due 09/25/2040 - 3.734%**37 
B.A.T. Capital Corp.Corporate Debt - due 03/16/2052 - 5.650%**113 
B.A.T. Capital Corp.Corporate Debt - due 03/16/2032 - 4.742%**865 
Bayer US Finance II LLC 144ACorporate Debt - due 12/15/2028 - 4.375%**832 
BNP Paribas S.A.Corporate Debt - due 10/15/2024 - 4.250%**469 
BNP Paribas S.A. 144ACorporate Debt - due 09/28/2025 - 4.375%**709 
BNP Paribas S.A. 144ACorporate Debt - due 03/13/2027 - 4.625%**907 
BNP Paribas S.A. 144ACorporate Debt - due 08/12/2035 - Variable**164 
BNSF Railway Co. 2007-1 Pass Through TrustCorporate Debt - due 04/01/2024 - 5.996%**26 
Boston Properties LPCorporate Debt - due 02/01/2026 - 3.650%**217 
Boston Properties LPCorporate Debt - due 01/15/2025 - 3.200%**170 
Boston Properties LPCorporate Debt - due 03/15/2030 - 2.900%**257 

Boston Properties LPCorporate Debt - due 01/30/2031 - 3.250%**258 
Boston Properties LPCorporate Debt - due 01/15/2034 - 6.500%**423 
Capital One Financial Corp.Corporate Debt - due 02/05/2025 - 3.200%**415 
Capital One Financial Corp.Corporate Debt - due 10/29/2025 - 4.200%**466 
Capital One Financial Corp.Corporate Debt - due 05/10/2028 - Variable**172 
Capital One Financial Corp.Corporate Debt - due 05/10/2033 - Variable**172 
Capital One Financial Corp.Corporate Debt - due 06/08/2034 - Variable**180 
Capital One Financial Corp.Corporate Debt - due 10/30/2031 - Variable**110 
CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp. 144ACorporate Debt - due 06/01/2033 - 4.500%**423 
CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp. 144ACorporate Debt - due 01/15/2034 - 4.250%**345 
CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp.Corporate Debt - due 05/01/2032 - 4.500%**193 
CEMEX S.A.B. de C.V. 144ACorporate Debt - due 11/19/2029 - 5.450%**197 
CEMEX S.A.B. de C.V. 144ACorporate Debt - due 09/17/2030 - 5.200%**530 
The Charles Schwab Corp.Corporate Debt - due 05/19/2029 - Variable**154 
The Charles Schwab Corp.Corporate Debt - due 05/19/2034 - Variable**78 
The Charles Schwab Corp.Corporate Debt - due 08/24/2034 - Variable**105 
The Charles Schwab Corp.Corporate Debt - due 11/17/2029 - Variable**367 
Charter Communications Operating LLCCorporate Debt - due 10/23/2045 - 6.484%**1,331 
Charter Communications Operating LLCCorporate Debt - due 05/01/2047 - 5.375%**277 
Charter Communications Operating LLCCorporate Debt - due 04/01/2048 - 5.750%**557 
Charter Communications Operating LLCCorporate Debt - due 04/01/2033 - 4.400%**92 
Charter Communications Operating LLCCorporate Debt - due 04/01/2053 - 5.250%**252 
The Cigna GroupCorporate Debt - due 10/15/2028 - 4.375%**149 
The Cigna GroupCorporate Debt - due 05/15/2027 - 7.875%**207 
Citigroup, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 06/15/2032 - 6.625%**272 
Citigroup, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 08/05/2024 - 4.000%**519 
Citigroup, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 03/17/2033 - Variable**383 
Cox Communications, Inc. 144ACorporate Debt - due 02/01/2025 - 3.850%**403 
Cox Communications, Inc. 144ACorporate Debt - due 08/15/2027 - 3.500%**143 
Cox Communications, Inc. 144ACorporate Debt - due 10/01/2030 - 1.800%**163 
CVS Health Corp.Corporate Debt - due 03/25/2038 - 4.780%**261 
CVS Health Corp.Corporate Debt - due 04/01/2040 - 4.125%**151 
Dillard's, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 05/15/2027 - 7.750%**444 
Dominion Energy, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 10/01/2054 - Variable**688 
Dominion Energy, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 04/15/2026 - 1.450%**185 
The Dow Chemical Co.Corporate Debt - due 05/15/2039 - 9.400%**283 
Elanco Animal Health, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 08/28/2028 - Variable**389 
Enel Finance International N.V. 144ACorporate Debt - due 09/15/2037 - 6.800%**273 
Enel Finance International N.V. 144ACorporate Debt - due 10/07/2039 - 6.000%**509 
Ford Motor Credit Co. LLCCorporate Debt - due 06/16/2025 - 5.125%**444 
Ford Motor Credit Co. LLCCorporate Debt - due 08/10/2026 - 2.700%**672 
Ford Motor Credit Co. LLCCorporate Debt - due 03/06/2026 - 6.950%**205 
Ford Motor Credit Co. LLCCorporate Debt - due 05/12/2028 - 6.800%**732 
Ford Motor Credit Co. LLCCorporate Debt - due 01/09/2024 - 3.810%**225 
Ford Motor Credit Co. LLCCorporate Debt - due 11/01/2024 - 4.063%**491 
GE Healthcare Technologies, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 11/22/2032 - 5.905%**347 
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 03/15/2028 - Variable**816 
HCA, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 06/15/2039 - 5.125%**239 
HCA, Inc. 144ACorporate Debt - due 03/15/2032 - 3.625%**179 
HSBC Holdings PLCCorporate Debt - due 05/02/2036 - 6.500%**931 
HSBC Holdings PLCCorporate Debt - due 09/15/2037 - 6.500%**163 
HSBC Holdings PLCCorporate Debt - due 03/08/2026 - 4.300%**197 
HSBC Holdings PLCCorporate Debt - due 03/31/2030 - 4.950%**298 
HSBC Holdings PLCCorporate Debt - due 08/18/2031 - Variable**415 
HSBC Holdings PLCCorporate Debt - due 05/24/2025 - Variable**514 

HSBC Holdings PLCCorporate Debt - due 03/29/2033 - Variable**327 
HSBC Holdings PLCCorporate Debt - due 11/03/2033 - Variable**521 
Imperial Brands Finance PLC 144ACorporate Debt - due 07/26/2029 - 3.875%**724 
Imperial Brands Finance PLC 144ACorporate Debt - due 07/27/2027 - 6.125%**206 
Imperial Brands Finance PLC 144ACorporate Debt - due 07/21/2025 - 4.250%**1,252 
JPMorgan Chase & Co.Corporate Debt - due 04/22/2031 - Variable**281 
JPMorgan Chase & Co.Corporate Debt - due 05/13/2031 - Variable**1,584 
JPMorgan Chase & Co.Corporate Debt - due 09/14/2033 - Variable**466 
Kinder Morgan, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 06/01/2045 - 5.550%**169 
Kinder Morgan Energy PartnersCorporate Debt - due 09/01/2039 - 6.500%**263 
Kinder Morgan Energy PartnersCorporate Debt - due 08/15/2042 - 5.000%**474 
Lloyds Banking Group PLCCorporate Debt - due 11/15/2033 - Variable**544 
Lloyds Banking Group PLCCorporate Debt - due 11/04/2024 - 4.500%**568 
Lloyds Banking Group PLCCorporate Debt - due 03/24/2026 - 4.650%**514 
Microchip Technology, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 09/01/2024 - 0.983%**242 
NatWest Group PLCCorporate Debt - due 06/14/2027 - Variable**388 
NatWest Group PLCCorporate Debt - due 03/02/2034 - Variable**632 
NatWest Group PLCCorporate Debt - due 09/13/2029 - Variable**205 
Nextera Energy Capital HoldingCorporate Debt - due 09/01/2024 - 4.255%**223 
Nextera Energy Capital HoldingCorporate Debt - due 03/01/2025 - 6.051%**101 
Nextera Energy Capital HoldingCorporate Debt - due 09/01/2025 - 5.749%**126 
Nextera Energy Capital HoldingCorporate Debt - due 07/15/2027 - 4.625%**350 
*Nordstrom, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 03/15/2028 - 6.950%**271 
Occidental Petroleum Corp.Corporate Debt - due 08/15/2024 - 2.900%**1,057 
Petrobras Global Finance B.V.Corporate Debt - due 03/19/2049 - 6.900%**298 
Petroleos MexicanosCorporate Debt - due 06/15/2035 - 6.625%**537 
Petroleos MexicanosCorporate Debt - due 02/16/2032 - 6.700%**1,229 
Petroleos MexicanosCorporate Debt - due 01/23/2050 - 7.690%**1,795 
Philip Morris International Inc.Corporate Debt - due 11/17/2029 - 5.625%**79 
Philip Morris International Inc.Corporate Debt - due 11/17/2032 - 5.750%**89 
Philip Morris International Inc.Corporate Debt - due 02/15/2033 - 5.375%**205 
Prosus N.V. 144ACorporate Debt - due 07/06/2027 - 4.850%**626 
Prosus N.V. 144ACorporate Debt - due 01/21/2030 - 3.680%**614 
Prosus N.V. 144ACorporate Debt - due 07/13/2031 - 3.061%**991 
Prosus N.V. 144ACorporate Debt - due 01/19/2032 - 4.193%**173 
Prosus N.V. 144ACorporate Debt - due 01/19/2052 - 4.987%**470 
Rio Oil Finance Trust Series 144ACorporate Debt - due 01/06/2027 - 9.750%**403 
Rio Oil Finance Trust Series 144ACorporate Debt - due 04/06/2028 - 8.200%**612 
RTX Corp.Corporate Debt - due 03/15/2031 - 6.000%**160 
RTX Corp.Corporate Debt - due 03/15/2034 - 6.100%**163 
SLM Student Loan Trust 20 3 A6Corporate Debt - due 04/25/2040 - Variable**2,356 
SLM Student Loan Trust 20 3 A6Corporate Debt - due 01/25/2041 - Variable**3,111 
The Southern Co.Corporate Debt - due 08/01/2024 - Variable**297 
The Southern Co.Corporate Debt - due 08/01/2027 - Variable**431 
The Southern Co.Corporate Debt - due 01/15/2051 - Variable**713 
The Southern Co.Corporate Debt - due 09/15/2051 - Variable**524 
The Southern Co.Corporate Debt - due 06/15/2028 - 4.850%**176 
Telecom Italia Capital S.A.Corporate Debt - due 07/18/2036 - 7.200%**126 
Telecom Italia Capital S.A.Corporate Debt - due 06/04/2038 - 7.721%**560 
Telecom Italia Spa/Milano 144ACorporate Debt - due 05/30/2024 - 5.303%**1,020 
Time Warner Cable LLCCorporate Debt - due 07/01/2038 - 7.300%**336 
T-Mobile USA, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 04/15/2030 - 3.875%**403 
T-Mobile USA, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 02/15/2026 - 2.250%**308 
T-Mobile USA, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 04/15/2031 - 3.500%**685 
TransCanada TrustCorporate Debt - due 05/20/2075 - Variable**542 

TransCanada TrustCorporate Debt - due 08/15/2076 - Variable**473 
TransCanada TrustCorporate Debt - due 03/15/2077 - Variable**955 
TransCanada TrustCorporate Debt - due 09/15/2079 - Variable**513 
UBS Group Ag 144ACorporate Debt - due 09/22/2034 - Variable**478 
UBS Group Ag 144ACorporate Debt - due 01/12/2034 - Variable**777 
Ultrapar International S.A. 144ACorporate Debt - due 10/06/2026 - 5.250%**340 
UniCredit S.P.A. 144ACorporate Debt - due 04/02/2034 - Variable**875 
UniCredit S.P.A. 144ACorporate Debt - due 06/30/2035 - Variable**329 
Union Pacific Railroad Co. 2006Corporate Debt - due 07/02/2030 - 5.866%**270 
VMware, Inc.Corporate Debt - due 08/15/2026 - 1.400%**229 
The Walt Disney Co.Corporate Debt - due 11/15/2037 - 6.650%**265 
Wells Fargo & Co.Corporate Debt - due 06/03/2026 - 4.100%**245 
Wells Fargo & Co.Corporate Debt - due 07/22/2027 - 4.300%**416 
Wells Fargo & Co.Corporate Debt - due 03/02/2033 - Variable**241 
Wells Fargo & Co.Corporate Debt - due 07/25/2033 - Variable**146 
California StateMunicipal Debt - due 10/01/2039 - 7.300%**695 
Colombia Government InternationalMunicipal Debt - due 02/26/2044 - 5.625%**441 
Illinois StateMunicipal Debt - due 06/01/2033 - 5.100%**742 
Los Angeles CA Unified School DistrictMunicipal Debt - due 07/01/2034 - 6.758%**480 
New Jersey State Turnpike AuthorityMunicipal Debt - due 01/01/2041 - 7.102%**725 
Univ. Of California CA Rgts MedMunicipal Debt - due 05/15/2053 - 4.563%**233 
Citigroup Capital XIIIPreferred Stock - due 10/30/2040 - 11.949%**850 
JPMorgan Chase & Co.Preferred Stock - due 09/01/2030 - 8.750%**541 
Vodafone Group PLCPreferred Stock - due 04/04/2079 - Variable**619 
FHLMC Multiclass Mtg 2957 VZU.S. Government Securities - due 02/15/2035 - 5.000%**199 
FHLMC Multiclass Mtg 4283 EWU.S. Government Securities - due 12/15/2043 - Variable**66 
FHLMC Multiclass Mtg 4315 JZU.S. Government Securities - due 03/15/2044 - 3.500%**1,164 
FHLMC Multiclass Mtg 4319 MAU.S. Government Securities - due 03/15/2044 - Variable**120 
FHLMC Multiclass Mtg 4440 ZDU.S. Government Securities - due 02/15/2045 - 2.500%**2,286 
FHLMC Pool #1H-2592U.S. Government Securities - due 01/01/2036 - Variable**30 
FHLMC Pool #78-1274U.S. Government Securities - due 02/01/2034 - Variable**27 
FHLMC Pool #84-0286U.S. Government Securities - due 05/01/2046 - Variable**49 
FHLMC Pool #84-1463U.S. Government Securities - due 07/01/2052 - Variable**931 
FHLMC Pool #84-9254U.S. Government Securities - due 01/01/2042 - Variable**31 
FHLMC Pool #84-9327U.S. Government Securities - due 05/01/2044 - Variable**129 
FHLMC Pool #84-9505U.S. Government Securities - due 10/01/2044 - Variable**34 
FHLMC Pool #84-9544U.S. Government Securities - due 12/01/2044 - Variable**70 
FHLMC Pool #84-9625U.S. Government Securities - due 01/01/2045 - Variable**48 
FHLMC Pool #84-9626U.S. Government Securities - due 08/01/2044 - Variable**74 
FHLMC Pool #84-9849U.S. Government Securities - due 10/01/2045 - Variable**19 
FHLMC Pool #C9-0981U.S. Government Securities - due 07/01/2026 - 6.500%**25 
FHLMC Pool #C9-1013U.S. Government Securities - due 01/01/2027 - 6.500%**15 
FHLMC Pool #G0-7600U.S. Government Securities - due 03/01/2042 - 4.500%**104 
FHLMC Pool #G0-8723U.S. Government Securities - due 08/01/2046 - 4.000%**671 
FHLMC Pool #G6-0153U.S. Government Securities - due 10/01/2044 - 4.500%**66 
FHLMC Pool #G6-0764U.S. Government Securities - due 10/01/2042 - 4.500%**111 
FHLMC Pool #G6-1080U.S. Government Securities - due 03/01/2047 - 4.500%**683 
FHLMC Pool #H0-1774U.S. Government Securities - due 09/01/2037 - 6.500%**
FHLMC Pool #H0-9197U.S. Government Securities - due 10/01/2038 - 6.500%**6
FHLMC Pool #H0-9212U.S. Government Securities - due 05/01/2038 - 5.500%**
FHLMC Pool #Q0-3517U.S. Government Securities - due 09/01/2041 - 4.500%**95 
FHLMC Pool #Qe-0768U.S. Government Securities - due 04/01/2052 - 3.500%**576 
FHLMC Pool #Qe-7330U.S. Government Securities - due 07/01/2052 - 3.500%**3,757 
FHLMC Pool #Ra-2958U.S. Government Securities - due 07/01/2050 - 2.000%**1,215 
FHLMC Pool #Ra-3167U.S. Government Securities - due 07/01/2050 - 2.000%**1,911 

FHLMC Pool #Ra-7063U.S. Government Securities - due 04/01/2052 - 3.500%**1,951 
FHLMC Pool #Ra-7656U.S. Government Securities - due 07/01/2052 - 3.500%**3,947 
FHLMC Pool #Rb-5141U.S. Government Securities - due 01/01/2042 - 2.000%**851 
FHLMC Pool #Sd-0752U.S. Government Securities - due 11/01/2051 - 2.500%**1,132 
FHLMC Pool #Sd-2253U.S. Government Securities - due 12/01/2052 - 3.500%**522 
FHLMC Pool #Sd-7530U.S. Government Securities - due 11/01/2050 - 2.500%**1,250 
FHLMC Pool #Sd-7536U.S. Government Securities - due 02/01/2051 - 2.500%**675 
FHLMC Pool #Sd-8194U.S. Government Securities - due 01/01/2052 - 2.500%**2,978 
FHLMC Pool #Sd-8214U.S. Government Securities - due 05/01/2052 - 3.500%**943 
FHLMC Pool #Sd-8255U.S. Government Securities - due 10/01/2052 - 3.500%**3,451 
FNMA GTD Remic P/T 01-79 BAU.S. Government Securities - due 03/25/2045 - 7.000%**10 
FNMA GTD Remic P/T 01-T10 A1U.S. Government Securities - due 12/25/2041 - 7.000%**79 
FNMA GTD Remic P/T 04-W2 5AU.S. Government Securities - due 03/25/2044 - 7.500%**68 
FNMA GTD Remic P/T 07-50 DZU.S. Government Securities - due 06/25/2037 - 5.500%**154 
FNMA GTD Remic P/T 07-W10 2AU.S. Government Securities - due 08/25/2047 - Variable**51 
FNMA GTD Remic P/T 12-46 BAU.S. Government Securities - due 05/25/2042 - 6.000%**139 
FNMA GTD Remic P/T 13-128 CFU.S. Government Securities - due 12/25/2043 - Variable**297 
FNMA Pool #0256851U.S. Government Securities - due 08/01/2037 - 7.000%**10 
FNMA Pool #0735503U.S. Government Securities - due 04/01/2035 - 6.000%**37 
FNMA Pool #0735608U.S. Government Securities - due 03/01/2035 - Variable**39 
FNMA Pool #0745329U.S. Government Securities - due 07/01/2035 - 6.000%**57 
FNMA Pool #0884704U.S. Government Securities - due 06/01/2036 - Variable**13 
FNMA Pool #0888154U.S. Government Securities - due 11/01/2036 - Variable**47 
FNMA Pool #0888367U.S. Government Securities - due 03/01/2037 - 7.000%**100 
FNMA Pool #0889984U.S. Government Securities - due 10/01/2038 - 6.500%**41 
FNMA Pool #0976853U.S. Government Securities - due 11/01/2029 - 5.500%**25 
FNMA Pool #0995487U.S. Government Securities - due 08/01/2037 - 6.000%**70 
FNMA Pool #0Ab1763U.S. Government Securities - due 11/01/2030 - 4.000%**26 
FNMA Pool #0Ab8086U.S. Government Securities - due 10/01/2037 - 6.000%**13 
FNMA Pool #0Ad0121U.S. Government Securities - due 09/01/2029 - 4.500%**81 
FNMA Pool #0Ad0130U.S. Government Securities - due 08/01/2039 - 6.500%**11 
FNMA Pool #0Ad0198U.S. Government Securities - due 09/01/2038 - 5.500%**28 
FNMA Pool #0Ad0217U.S. Government Securities - due 08/01/2037 - 6.000%**66 
FNMA Pool #0Ad0218U.S. Government Securities - due 09/01/2036 - 6.000%**62 
FNMA Pool #0Ad0964U.S. Government Securities - due 11/01/2039 - 5.500%**136 
FNMA Pool #0Al1845U.S. Government Securities - due 06/01/2039 - Variable**11 
FNMA Pool #0Al1900U.S. Government Securities - due 08/01/2026 - 4.500%**17 
FNMA Pool #0Al4577U.S. Government Securities - due 01/01/2034 - 4.500%**88 
FNMA Pool #0Al5145U.S. Government Securities - due 10/01/2033 - 4.000%**146 
FNMA Pool #0Al5749U.S. Government Securities - due 07/01/2042 - 4.500%**103 
FNMA Pool #0Al6120U.S. Government Securities - due 11/01/2044 - Variable**199 
FNMA Pool #0Al6132U.S. Government Securities - due 03/01/2029 - 4.500%**13 
FNMA Pool #0Al6245U.S. Government Securities - due 01/01/2045 - Variable**73 
FNMA Pool #0Al7205U.S. Government Securities - due 12/01/2029 - 3.500%**93 
FNMA Pool #0Al7384U.S. Government Securities - due 09/01/2045 - 4.500%**88 
FNMA Pool #0Al8556U.S. Government Securities - due 08/01/2044 - 4.500%**473 
FNMA Pool #0Al8816U.S. Government Securities - due 09/01/2045 - 4.500%**119 
FNMA Pool #0Al8919U.S. Government Securities - due 07/01/2046 - Variable**22 
FNMA Pool #0Al9407U.S. Government Securities - due 09/01/2042 - 4.500%**50 
FNMA Pool #0Al9781U.S. Government Securities - due 02/01/2046 - 4.500%**180 
FNMA Pool #0Ao4105U.S. Government Securities - due 06/01/2042 - Variable**27 
FNMA Pool #0Ao8469U.S. Government Securities - due 05/01/2042 - Variable**19 
FNMA Pool #0Ap7562U.S. Government Securities - due 09/01/2042 - Variable**31 
FNMA Pool #0Aw4697U.S. Government Securities - due 05/01/2044 - Variable**27 
FNMA Pool #0Bf0118U.S. Government Securities - due 06/01/2056 - 4.500%**253 

FNMA Pool #0Bh7071U.S. Government Securities - due 12/01/2047 - 4.500%**160 
FNMA Pool #0Bm1357U.S. Government Securities - due 01/01/2043 - 4.500%**244 
FNMA Pool #0Bm6149U.S. Government Securities - due 10/01/2049 - Variable**154 
FNMA Pool #0Bm6908U.S. Government Securities - due 04/01/2052 - Variable**833 
FNMA Pool #0Bm6921U.S. Government Securities - due 05/01/2052 - Variable**1,375 
FNMA Pool #0Ca6271U.S. Government Securities - due 07/01/2050 - 2.500%**2,558 
FNMA Pool #0Ca6398U.S. Government Securities - due 07/01/2050 - 2.500%**974 
FNMA Pool #0Ca6662U.S. Government Securities - due 08/01/2050 - 2.000%**2,044 
FNMA Pool #0Ca6925U.S. Government Securities - due 09/01/2050 - 2.000%**1,019 
FNMA Pool #0Ca8099U.S. Government Securities - due 12/01/2050 - 2.000%**1,639 
FNMA Pool #0Ca8847U.S. Government Securities - due 02/01/2051 - 2.000%**1,642 
FNMA Pool #0Cb3576U.S. Government Securities - due 05/01/2052 - 3.000%**2,979 
FNMA Pool #0Cb3841U.S. Government Securities - due 06/01/2052 - 3.500%**1,711 
FNMA Pool #0Fm7599U.S. Government Securities - due 01/01/2051 - 3.500%**1,832 
FNMA Pool #0Fm8206U.S. Government Securities - due 08/01/2051 - 2.500%**340 
FNMA Pool #0Fm8768U.S. Government Securities - due 02/01/2051 - 2.500%**272 
FNMA Pool #0Fs1453U.S. Government Securities - due 04/01/2052 - 3.500%**2,871 
FNMA Pool #0Ma0232U.S. Government Securities - due 11/01/2029 - 4.500%**96 
FNMA Pool #0Ma2366U.S. Government Securities - due 08/01/2035 - 4.000%**103 
FNMA Pool #0Ma2455U.S. Government Securities - due 11/01/2035 - 4.000%**209 
FNMA Pool #0Ma2480U.S. Government Securities - due 12/01/2035 - 4.000%**113 
FNMA Pool #0Ma2880U.S. Government Securities - due 01/01/2037 - 4.000%**560 
FNMA Pool #0Ma2923U.S. Government Securities - due 03/01/2037 - 3.500%**249 
FNMA Pool #0Ma4933U.S. Government Securities - due 01/01/2053 - 3.500%**597 
GNMA GTD Remic P/T 15-H23 FAU.S. Government Securities - due 09/20/2065 - Variable**388 
GNMA GTD Remic P/T 16-H24 FDU.S. Government Securities - due 11/20/2066 - Variable**772 
GNMA GTD Remic P/T 17-H24 FQU.S. Government Securities - due 11/20/2067 - Variable**1,253 
GNMA GTD Remic P/T 19-H02 FGU.S. Government Securities - due 12/20/2068 - Variable**296 
GNMA GTD Remic P/T 19-H17 FAU.S. Government Securities - due 11/20/2069 - Variable**419 
GNMA GTD Remic P/T 20-H01 FVU.S. Government Securities - due 01/20/2070 - Variable**2,464 
GNMA GTD Remic P/T 21-H19 FMU.S. Government Securities - due 12/20/2071 - Variable**739 
GNMA GTD Remic P/T 22-H08 FEU.S. Government Securities - due 03/20/2072 - Variable**741 
GNMA GTD Remic P/T 22-H09 FAU.S. Government Securities - due 04/20/2072 - Variable**1,075 
GNMA GTD Remic P/T 23-H04 FCU.S. Government Securities - due 01/20/2073 - Variable**929 
SBA GTD Partn Ctfs 2006-20E 1U.S. Government Securities - due 05/01/2026 - 5.870%**13 
SBA GTD Partn Ctfs 2007-20B 1U.S. Government Securities - due 02/01/2027 - 5.490%**18 
SBA GTD Partn Ctfs 2007-20D 1U.S. Government Securities - due 04/01/2027 - 5.320%**10 
U.S. Treasury BondU.S. Government Securities - due 05/15/2052 - 2.875%**1,000 
U.S. Treasury BondU.S. Government Securities - due 08/15/2052 - 3.000%**1,648 
U.S. Treasury BondU.S. Government Securities - due 08/15/2042 - 3.375%**1,640 
U.S. Treasury BondU.S. Government Securities - due 02/15/2053 - 3.625%**413 
U.S. Treasury BondU.S. Government Securities - due 05/15/2053 - 3.625%**1,082 
U.S. Treasury BondU.S. Government Securities - due 08/15/2053 - 4.125%**7,760 
U.S. Treasury NoteU.S. Government Securities - due 05/15/2033 - 3.375%**3,505 
U.S. Treasury NoteU.S. Government Securities - due 11/15/2033 - 4.500%**1,683 
U.S. Treasury NoteU.S. Government Securities - due 11/30/2030 - 4.375%**2,060 
U.S. Treasury Note - CPI InflationU.S. Government Securities - due 02/15/2053 - 1.500%**949 
Total Debt Securities165,018 
Mutual Funds
Dodge & Cox Stock Fund Class XMutual fund**352,024 
Neuberger Berman Genesis Fund Class R-6Mutual fund**193,789 
Total Mutual Funds545,813 
Brokerage Securities

Brokerage securitiesSelf-directed brokerage securities**42,750 
Total Brokerage Securities42,750 
*BNY Mellon Cash ReserveInterest-bearing cash**95 
Total Investments3,849,678 
*Loans To Participants
Loan interest rates range from 4.25% to 9.5% with various maturities through November 2043
* Party-in-interest
** Cost information is not required for participant-directed investments and therefore is not included.