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Washington, D.C. 20549




Investment Company Act file number 811-3723

Fidelity New York Municipal Trust
(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

82 Devonshire St., Boston, Massachusetts 02109
(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

Eric D. Roiter, Secretary

82 Devonshire St.

Boston, Massachusetts 02109
(Name and address of agent for service)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: 617-563-7000

Date of fiscal year end:

January 31

Date of reporting period:

January 31, 2006

Item 1. Reports to Stockholders

New York Municipal Income
(formerly Spartan® New York Municipal
Income Fund)

  Annual Report
January 31, 2006

Chairman’s Message    4    Ned Johnson’s message to shareholders. 
Performance    5    How the fund has done over time. 
Management’s Discussion    6    The managers’ review of fund 
        performance, strategy and outlook. 
Shareholder Expense    7    An example of shareholder expenses. 
Investment Changes    9    A summary of major shifts in the fund’s 
        investments over the past six months. 
Investments    10    A complete list of the fund’s investments 
        with their market values. 
Financial Statements    24    Statements of assets and liabilities, 
        operations, and changes in net assets, 
        as well as financial highlights. 
Notes    34    Notes to the financial statements. 
Report of Independent    42     
Registered Public         
Accounting Firm         
Trustees and Officers    44     
Distributions    55     
Proxy Voting Results    56     
Board Approval of    57     
Investment Advisory         
Contracts and         
Management Fees         

To view a fund’s proxy voting guidelines and proxy voting record for the 12 month period ended
June 30, visit www.fidelity.com/proxyvotingresults or visit the Securities and Exchange Commis
sion’s (SEC) web site at www.sec.gov. You may also call 1-800-544-8544 to request a free copy of
the proxy voting guidelines.

Standard & Poor’s, S&P and S&P 500 are registered service marks of The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc.

and have been licensed for use by Fidelity Distributors Corporation.

Other third party marks appearing herein are the property of their respective owners.

All other marks appearing herein are registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks

of FMR Corp. or an affiliated company.

Annual Report


This report and the financial statements contained herein are submitted for the general
information of the shareholders of the fund. This report is not authorized for distribution to
prospective investors in the fund unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.
A fund files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third
quarters of each fiscal year on Form N Q. Forms N Q are available on the SEC’s web site at
http://www.sec.gov. A fund’s Forms N Q may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Refer
ence Room in Washington, DC. Information regarding the operation of the SEC’s Public Reference
Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. For a complete list of a fund’s portfolio hold
ings, view the most recent quarterly holdings report, semiannual report, or annual report on
Fidelity’s web site at http://www.fidelity.com/holdings.
Neither the fund nor Fidelity Distributors Corporation is a bank.

3 Annual Report

Chairman’s Message

(photograph of Edward C. Johnson 3d)

Dear Shareholder:

During the past year or so, much has been reported about the mutual fund industry, and much of it has been more critical than I believe is warranted. Allegations that some companies have been less than forthright with their shareholders have cast a shadow on the entire industry. I continue to find these reports disturbing, and assert that they do not create an accurate picture of the industry overall. Therefore, I would like to remind every one where Fidelity stands on these issues. I will say two things specifically regarding allegations that some mutual fund companies were in violation of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s forward pricing rules or were involved in so called “market timing” activities.

First, Fidelity has no agreements that permit customers who buy fund shares after 4 p.m. to obtain the 4 p.m. price. This is not a new policy. This is not to say that some one could not deceive the company through fraudulent acts. However, we are extremely diligent in preventing fraud from occurring in this manner and in every other. But I underscore again that Fidelity has no so called “agreements” that sanction illegal practices.

Second, Fidelity continues to stand on record, as we have for years, in opposition to predatory short term trading that adversely affects shareholders in a mutual fund. Back in the 1980s, we initiated a fee which is returned to the fund and, therefore, to investors to discourage this activity. Further, we took the lead several years ago in developing a Fair Value Pricing Policy to prevent market timing on foreign securities in our funds. I am confident we will find other ways to make it more difficult for predatory traders to operate. However, this will only be achieved through close cooperation among regulators, legislators and the industry.

Yes, there have been unfortunate instances of unethical and illegal activity within the mutual fund industry from time to time. That is true of any industry. When this occurs, confessed or convicted offenders should be dealt with appropriately. But we are still concerned about the risk of over regulation and the quick application of simplistic solutions to intricate problems. Every system can be improved, and we support and applaud well thought out improvements by regulators, legislators and industry representatives that achieve the common goal of building and protecting the value of investors’ holdings.

For nearly 60 years, Fidelity has worked very hard to improve its products and service to justify your trust. When our family founded this company in 1946, we had only a few hundred customers. Today, we serve more than 18 million customers including individual investors and participants in retirement plans across America.

Let me close by saying that we do not take your trust in us for granted, and we realize that we must always work to improve all aspects of our service to you. In turn, we urge you to continue your active participation with your financial matters, so that your interests can be well served.

Best regards,

/s/ Edward C. Johnson 3d

Edward C. Johnson 3d

Annual Report 4

Performance: The Bottom Line

Average annual total return reflects the change in the value of an investment, assuming reinvestment of the fund’s dividend income and capital gains (the profits earned upon the sale of securities that have grown in value) and assuming a constant rate of perfor mance each year. The $10,000 table and the fund’s returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. During periods of reimbursement by Fidelity, a fund’s total return will be greater than it would be had the reimbursement not occurred. How a fund did yesterday is no guarantee of how it will do tomorrow.

Average Annual Total Returns             
Periods ended January 31, 2006    Past 1    Past 5    Past 10 
    year    years    years 
NY Municipal Income    2.27%    5.54%    5.64% 

$10,000 Over 10 Years

Let’s say hypothetically that $10,000 was invested in New York Municipal Income on January 31, 1996. The chart shows how the value of your investment would have changed, and also shows how the Lehman Brothers® Municipal Bond Index performed over the same period.

5 Annual Report


Management’s Discussion of Fund Performance

Comments from Mark Sommer, Portfolio Manager of Fidelity® New York Municipal Income Fund

2005 marked the third consecutive year that municipal bonds outperformed the investment grade taxable bond market, a trend that continued through the first month of 2006. While both markets were pressured by the steadily rising federal funds rate and fears of inflation, short term Treasury yields rose and long term yields fell to a greater extent than in municipal bonds, and many investors were attracted to the yield differential between longer dated municipals and taxable investment grade debt. As rates fell in the long end of the municipal market, many issuers looked to refinance existing debt costs or finance new projects at better relative rates. This demand contributed to record high issuance for calendar year 2005. For the year ending January 31, 2006, the Lehman Brothers® Municipal Bond Index a performance measure of approximately 34,000 investment grade, fixed rate, tax exempt bonds rose 2.83% . In comparison, the taxable bond market, as measured by the Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index, gained a more modest 1.80% .

New York Municipal Income returned 2.27% for the 12 months ending January 31, 2006. During the same period, the LipperSM New York Municipal Debt Funds Average returned 2.38% and the Lehman Brothers New York 4 Plus Year Enhanced Municipal Bond Index rose 2.91% . Strong demand for tax free investments and improved creditworthiness for many muni issuers across the state helped the New York muni market to perform roughly in line with the national market and to somewhat offset the negative effects of rising short term interest rates. The fund’s underperformance of the Lehman Brothers index and I suspect the Lipper peer group average stemmed from my decisions to avoid tobacco bonds and to underweight bonds issued by New York City. Both segments signifi cantly outperformed most other muni sectors during the period. In contrast, the fund’s performance was aided by its stake in bonds that were prerefunded during the period, a process that helped boost the bonds’ returns. Throughout the year, I kept the fund’s interest rate sensitivity in line with the New York municipal market as a whole, as measured by the Lehman Brothers index. That strategy had no material impact on the fund’s performance relative to the index.

The views expressed above reflect those of the portfolio manager(s) only through the end of the period as stated on the cover of this report and do not necessarily represent the views of Fidelity or any other person in the Fidelity organization. Any such views are subject to change at any time based upon market or other conditions and Fidelity disclaims any responsibility to update such views. These views may not be relied on as investment advice and, because investment decisions for a Fidelity fund are based on numerous factors, may not be relied on as an indication of trading intent on behalf of any Fidelity fund.

Annual Report

6 6

Shareholder Expense Example

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments or redemption proceeds, redemption fees, and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees, distribution and/or service (12b 1) fees and other Fund expenses. This Example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The Example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period (August 1, 2005 to January 31, 2006).

Actual Expenses

The first line of the table below for each class of the Fund provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000.00 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000.00 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first line for a class of the Fund under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The second line of the table below for each class of the Fund provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on a Class’ actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Class’ actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. Therefore, the second line of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.

                        Expenses Paid
        Beginning       Ending       During Period*
        Account Value       Account Value       August 1, 2005
        August 1, 2005       January 31, 2006     to January 31, 2006
Class A                         
Actual      $  1,000.00      $  1,010.10      $  3.34 
HypotheticalA      $  1,000.00      $  1,021.88      $  3.36 
Class T                         
Actual      $  1,000.00      $  1,010.40      $  3.75 
HypotheticalA      $  1,000.00      $  1,021.48      $  3.77 
Class B                         
Actual      $  1,000.00      $  1,007.00      $  7.18 
HypotheticalA      $  1,000.00      $  1,018.05      $  7.22 

7 Annual Report

Shareholder Expense Example continued         
                        Expenses Paid
        Beginning       Ending       During Period*
        Account Value       Account Value       August 1, 2005
        August 1, 2005       January 31, 2006     to January 31, 2006
Class C                         
Actual      $  1,000.00      $  1,005.80      $  7.58 
HypotheticalA      $  1,000.00      $  1,017.64      $  7.63 
New York Municipal Income                         
Actual      $  1,000.00      $  1,011.80      $  2.38 
HypotheticalA      $  1,000.00      $  1,022.84      $  2.40 
Institutional Class                         
Actual      $  1,000.00      $  1,011.80      $  2.38 
HypotheticalA      $  1,000.00      $  1,022.84      $  2.40 
A 5% return per year before expenses                 

* Expenses are equal to each Class’ annualized expense ratio (shown in the table below); multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one half year period).

    Expense Ratio 
Class A    66% 
Class T    74% 
Class B    1.42% 
Class C    1.50% 
New York Municipal Income    47% 
Institutional Class    47% 

Annual Report


Investment Changes         
 Top Five Sectors as of January 31, 2006         
    % of fund’s    % of fund’s net assets 
    net assets    6 months ago 
General Obligations    33.5    32.9 
Special Tax    18.6    13.9 
Water & Sewer    11.0    12.4 
Transportation    10.4    14.0 
Escrowed/Pre Refunded    9.5    7.4 
Average Years to Maturity as of January 31, 2006 
        6 months ago 
Years    14.4    14.7 

Average years to maturity is based on the average time remaining to the stated maturity date of each bond, weighted by the market value of each bond.

Duration as of January  31, 2006         
            6 months ago 
Years        6.7    6.7 

Duration shows how much a bond fund’s price fluctuates with changes in comparable interest rates. If rates rise 1%, for example, a fund with a five year duration is likely to lose about 5% of its value. Other factors also can influence a bond fund’s performance and share price. Accordingly, a bond fund’s actual performance may differ from this example.

We have used ratings from Moody’s® Investors Services, Inc. Where Moody’s ratings are not available, we have used S&P® ratings.

9 Annual Report

Investments January 31,  2006         
Showing Percentage of Net Assets                     
 Municipal Bonds 97.5%                     
        Principal   Value (Note 1)
        Amount (000s)   (000s)
Guam 0.1%                     
Guam Wtrwks. Auth. Wtr. and Wastewtr. Sys. Rev. 6%                 
   7/1/25         $    1,100    $    1,185 
New York – 91.4%                     
Albany Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev. (College of                 
   Saint Rose Proj.) Series A:                     
   5% 7/1/10 (AMBAC Insured)            600        637 
   5% 7/1/11 (AMBAC Insured)            500        535 
   5.5% 7/1/21 (AMBAC Insured)            2,300        2,486 
Battery Park City Auth. Rev. Series A:                     
   5.25% 11/1/16            2,000        2,187 
   5.25% 11/1/17            1,400        1,525 
Dutchess County Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev.:                 
   (Bard College Civic Facility Proj.):                     
       5.5% 8/1/20            4,190        4,492 
       5.75% 8/1/30            9,475        10,194 
   (Vassar College Proj.) 5.35% 9/1/40            7,000        7,447 
Erie County Gen. Oblig. Series A:                     
   5% 9/1/15 (FGIC Insured)            2,625        2,804 
   5% 9/1/16 (FGIC Insured)            1,680        1,789 
   5% 9/1/17 (FGIC Insured)            1,000        1,064 
Erie County Indl. Dev. Agcy. School Facility Rev. (Buffalo                 
   City School District Proj.):                     
   Series 2003:                     
       5.75% 5/1/17 (FSA Insured)            8,940        9,874 
       5.75% 5/1/19 (FSA Insured)            1,500        1,652 
       5.75% 5/1/20 (FSA Insured)            1,400        1,539 
       5.75% 5/1/21 (FSA Insured)            1,755        1,927 
       5.75% 5/1/22 (FSA Insured)            4,900        5,375 
       5.75% 5/1/23 (FSA Insured)            1,000        1,096 
   Series 2004:                     
       5.75% 5/1/17 (FSA Insured)            5,950        6,764 
       5.75% 5/1/23 (FSA Insured)            6,620        7,476 
       5.75% 5/1/26 (FSA Insured)            5,500        6,186 
Geneva Indl. Dev. Auth. Civic Facilities Rev. (Hobart &                 
   William Smith Proj.) Series A, 5.375% 2/1/23 (FGIC                 
   Insured)            3,485        3,777 
Grand Central District Mgmt. Assoc., Inc. 5% 1/1/14        1,000        1,067 
Hempstead Town Indl. Dev. Agcy. (American Ref-Fuel                 
   Co. Proj.) 5% 12/1/10            7,000        7,224 
Metropolitan Trans. Auth. Commuter Facilities Rev. Series                 
   1997 D, 5.125% 7/1/22 (Pre-Refunded to 1/1/12 @                 
   100) (d)            1,100        1,188 
See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.         
Annual Report    10                 

Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal   Value (Note 1)
    Amount (000s)   (000s)
New York – continued                 
Metropolitan Trans. Auth. Dedicated Tax Fund Series A,                 
   5.5% 11/15/26 (FSA Insured) (a)    $    13,575    $    14,824 
Metropolitan Trans. Auth. Rev.:                 
   Series 2002 A:                 
       5.5% 11/15/15 (AMBAC Insured)        1,340        1,481 
       5.5% 11/15/16 (AMBAC Insured)        1,000        1,103 
       5.5% 11/15/17 (AMBAC Insured)        1,000        1,102 
       5.5% 11/15/18 (AMBAC Insured)        1,700        1,870 
       5.75% 11/15/32        10,000        11,099 
   Series A:                 
       5.125% 11/15/31        12,150        12,639 
       5.5% 11/15/18 (AMBAC Insured)        2,000        2,294 
   Series B:                 
       5.25% 11/15/18 (FGIC Insured)        4,000        4,345 
       5.25% 11/15/32        5,000        5,281 
   Series E, 5.5% 11/15/21 (MBIA Insured)        2,200        2,418 
   Series F, 5.25% 11/15/27 (MBIA Insured)        3,000        3,210 
Metropolitan Trans. Auth. Svc. Contract Rev.:                 
   (Trans. Facilities Proj.) Series 3, 7.375% 7/1/08                 
       (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        1,005        1,057 
   Series 2002 A, 5.75% 7/1/31 (AMBAC Insured)        3,025        3,320 
   Series 7, 5.625% 7/1/16 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d) .        3,000        3,004 
   Series A:                 
       5.5% 1/1/20 (MBIA Insured)        8,000        8,758 
       5.5% 7/1/20 (MBIA Insured)        3,000        3,284 
   Series B:                 
       5.5% 7/1/19 (MBIA Insured)        3,000        3,286 
       5.5% 7/1/23 (MBIA Insured)        5,000        5,465 
   Series O, 5.75% 7/1/13 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        3,000        3,276 
Metropolitan Trans. Auth. Transit Facilities Rev.:                 
   Series C, 4.75% 7/1/16 (Pre-Refunded to 1/1/12 @                 
       100) (d)        1,270        1,350 
   Series N, 0% 7/1/11 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        5,980        4,873 
Monroe County Arpt. Auth. Arpt. Rev. 5.25% 1/1/13                 
   (MBIA Insured) (c)        1,000        1,056 
Monroe County Gen. Oblig.:                 
   6.5% 6/1/06        120        121 
   6.5% 6/1/07 (AMBAC Insured)        50        52 
Monroe County Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev.:                 
   (Highland Hosp. Proj.):                 
       5% 8/1/11        1,510        1,575 
       5% 8/1/13        1,650        1,725 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

11 Annual Report

Investments continued                 
 Municipal Bonds continued                 
        Principal   Value (Note 1)
      Amount (000s)   (000s)
New York – continued                 
Monroe County Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev.: -             
   (Nazareth College Rochester Proj.) 5.25% 10/1/21             
       (MBIA Insured)      $  1,000    $    1,071 
Nassau County Gen. Oblig.:                 
   Series U, 5.25% 11/1/15 (AMBAC Insured)        2,150        2,226 
   Series Z, 5% 9/1/11 (FGIC Insured)        3,000        3,176 
Nassau County Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev. (North             
   Shore Health Sys. Proj.):                 
   Series 2001 A, 5.875% 11/1/11        145        153 
   Series 2001 B, 5.875% 11/1/11        1,000        1,059 
   Series 2001 C, 5.625% 11/1/10        620        645 
   Series 2001 D, 5.625% 11/1/10        1,225        1,306 
Nassau County Interim Fin. Auth. Series A, 5%                 
   11/15/18 (AMBAC Insured)        4,875        5,208 
New York City Gen. Oblig.:                 
   Series 1996 B, 6.5% 8/15/09        3,000        3,281 
   Series 1996 F, 5.75% 2/1/15 (Pre-Refunded to             
       2/1/06 @ 101.5) (d)        495        502 
   Series 1997 H, 6% 8/1/12 (FGIC Insured)        5,000        5,646 
   Series 1997 L, 5.75% 8/1/12        1,910        1,989 
   Series 1998 H, 5.5% 8/1/12        8,230        8,633 
   Series 2000 A, 6.5% 5/15/11        2,540        2,838 
   Series 2002 A, 5.75% 8/1/14        5,000        5,508 
   Series 2002 B, 5.75% 8/1/15        3,500        3,851 
   Series 2002 C, 5.5% 8/1/13        10,500        11,506 
   Series 2003 A:                 
       5.5% 8/1/14        3,205        3,522 
       5.5% 8/1/20 (MBIA Insured)        7,000        7,727 
   Series 2003 C, 5.25% 8/1/10        5,000        5,327 
   Series 2003 E:                 
       5.25% 8/1/10        2,000        2,131 
       5.25% 8/1/11        6,245        6,706 
       5.25% 8/1/14        3,390        3,660 
   Series 2003 F:                 
       5.5% 12/15/10        1,000        1,079 
       5.5% 12/15/11        3,700        4,028 
   Series 2003 I, 5.75% 3/1/16        3,000        3,321 
   Series 2004 B, 5.25% 8/1/15        9,855        10,676 
   Series 2005 C, 5% 8/1/11        5,000        5,308 
   Series 2005 F, 5.25% 8/1/12        2,000        2,144 
See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.         
Annual Report    12             

Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal   Value (Note 1)
    Amount (000s)   (000s)
New York – continued                 
New York City Gen. Oblig.: – continued                 
   Series 2005 G:                 
       5% 8/1/15    $    8,200    $    8,789 
       5.25% 8/1/16        9,000        9,835 
       5.625% 8/1/13 (MBIA Insured)        3,000        3,318 
   Series 2005 J:                 
       5% 3/1/11        5,825        6,159 
       5% 3/1/13        2,500        2,665 
   Series A:                 
       5.25% 11/1/14 (MBIA Insured)        1,350        1,465 
       6.25% 8/1/08        1,000        1,029 
   Series B:                 
       5.75% 8/1/14        3,000        3,305 
       5.875% 8/15/13 (Pre-Refunded to 8/15/06 @                 
           101.5) (d)        1,970        2,028 
       6.5% 8/15/11        1,000        1,134 
       7.5% 2/1/07        335        336 
   Series C:                 
       5.75% 3/15/27 (FSA Insured)        1,120        1,227 
       5.75% 3/15/27 (Pre-Refunded to 3/15/12 @                 
           100) (d)        2,410        2,698 
   Series D:                 
       5.25% 8/1/13        1,740        1,797 
       5.25% 8/1/13 (Pre-Refunded to 8/1/07 @ 101) (d)        760        790 
       5.25% 8/1/21 (MBIA Insured)        3,655        3,753 
       5.375% 8/1/17        1,750        1,811 
       5.375% 8/1/17 (Pre-Refunded to 8/1/07 @                 
           101) (d)        750        781 
       5.5% 6/1/12 (FGIC Insured)        1,850        2,037 
   Series E:                 
       6% 8/1/11 (Pre-Refunded to 8/1/06 @ 101.5) (d)        140        144 
       6% 8/1/26 (Pre-Refunded to 8/1/06 @ 101.5) (d)        195        201 
       6.5% 2/15/06        315        315 
   Series F, 6% 8/1/16        355        365 
   Series G, 5.25% 8/1/14 (AMBAC Insured)        1,635        1,759 
   Series H:                 
       5.75% 3/15/13 (FSA Insured)        1,805        1,994 
       6% 8/1/17        345        361 
       6% 8/1/17 (Pre-Refunded to 8/1/07 @ 101) (d)        655        688 
   Series J:                 
       5.5% 6/1/18 (MBIA Insured)        5,000        5,526 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

13 Annual Report

Investments continued                 
 Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal   Value (Note 1)
    Amount (000s)   (000s)
New York – continued                 
New York City Gen. Oblig.: – continued                 
   Series J:                 
       5.875% 2/15/19    $    15    $    15 
       5.875% 2/15/19 (Pre-Refunded to 2/15/06 @                 
           101.5) (d)        80        81 
       6.125% 8/1/12        60        63 
       6.125% 8/1/12 (Pre-Refunded to 8/1/07 @                 
            101) (d)        280        294 
   Subseries 2005 F1, 5.25% 9/1/14        3,000        3,268 
New York City Health & Hosp. Corp. Rev. Series A:                 
   5.5% 2/15/16 (FSA Insured)        2,605        2,843 
   5.5% 2/15/17 (FSA Insured)        3,000        3,273 
   5.5% 2/15/18 (FSA Insured)        2,500        2,727 
   5.5% 2/15/19 (FSA Insured)        1,250        1,365 
New York City Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev.:                 
   (New York Univ. Proj.) Series 2001, 5.375% 7/1/15                 
       (AMBAC Insured)        1,090        1,178 
   (Spence School, Inc. Proj.) 5% 7/1/27        3,255        3,389 
New York City Indl. Dev. Agcy. Indl. Dev. Rev. (Japan                 
   Airlines Co. Ltd. Proj.) Series 1991, 6% 11/1/15 (FSA                 
   Insured) (c)        2,070        2,136 
New York City Indl. Dev. Agcy. Spl. Facilities Rev.                 
   (Terminal One Group Assoc. Proj.) 5% 1/1/08 (c)        3,735        3,809 
New York City Muni. Wtr. Fin. Auth. Wtr. & Swr. Sys. Rev.:                 
   Series 2000, 5.5% 6/15/33 (Pre-Refunded to                 
       6/15/10 @ 101) (d)        14,215        15,551 
   Series 2001 C, 5.125% 6/15/33        3,960        4,127 
   Series 2002 A, 5.125% 6/15/34 (FSA Insured)        16,500        17,288 
   Series A:                 
       5% 6/15/32        5,000        5,132 
       5.125% 6/15/34 (MBIA Insured)        4,200        4,401 
       5.25% 6/15/33 (FGIC Insured)        1,280        1,341 
       5.375% 6/15/15        9,650        10,519 
       5.375% 6/15/15 (FGIC Insured)        7,000        7,622 
       6% 6/15/28 (Pre-Refunded to 6/15/12 @ 100) (d)        16,500        18,624 
   Series B, 5.375% 6/15/07 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        145        145 
   Series G:                 
       5.125% 6/15/32        3,000        3,112 
       5.125% 6/15/32 (FGIC Insured)        4,750        4,938 
   5.5% 6/15/33 (Pre-Refunded to 6/15/10 @ 101) (d)        2,075        2,270 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth. Rev.:                 
   Series 2002 A, 5.375% 11/15/21        3,850        4,178 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal   Value (Note 1)
    Amount (000s)   (000s)
New York – continued                 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth. Rev.: – continued                 
   Series A:                 
       5.375% 11/15/21 (Pre-Refunded to 11/15/12 @                 
           100) (d)    $    700    $    774 
       5.5% 11/15/20 (FGIC Insured)        3,800        4,185 
       5.75% 2/15/16        85        92 
New York City Trust Cultural Resources Rev. (Museum of                 
   Modern Art Proj.) Series 2001 D, 5.125% 7/1/31                 
   (AMBAC Insured)        3,200        3,352 
New York Convention Ctr. Dev. Corp. Rev. 5%                 
   11/15/44 (AMBAC Insured)        55,500        57,401 
New York State Dorm. Auth. Lease Rev.:                 
   Series 2003 B, 5.25%, tender 7/1/13 (XL Cap.                 
       Assurance, Inc. Insured) (b)        10,000        10,808 
   Series A, 5.25% 5/15/10        3,440        3,658 
New York State Dorm. Auth. Revs.:                 
   (Champlain Valley Physicians Proj.):                 
       6% 7/1/09 (AMBAC Insured)        370        399 
       6% 7/1/10 (AMBAC Insured)        250        274 
   (City Univ. Sys. Consolidation Proj.):                 
       Series 2000 A, 6.125% 7/1/12 (AMBAC Insured) .        4,300        4,779 
       Series A:                 
           5.75% 7/1/13        6,000        6,572 
           5.75% 7/1/13 (AMBAC Insured)        3,000        3,294 
       Series C, 7.5% 7/1/10        6,030        6,551 
   (Colgate Univ. Proj.):                 
       6% 7/1/16 (MBIA Insured)        1,900        2,217 
       6% 7/1/21 (MBIA Insured)        2,500        2,997 
   (Columbia Univ. Proj.):                 
       Series 2001 A:                 
           5.25% 7/1/13 (Pre-Refunded to 7/1/11 @                 
                 101) (d)        1,000        1,095 
           5.25% 7/1/15 (Pre-Refunded to 7/1/11 @                 
                 101) (d)        2,000        2,191 
       Series B, 5.375% 7/1/18 (Pre-Refunded to 7/1/12                 
           @ 100) (d)        1,000        1,103 
   (Jewish Med. Ctr. Proj.) 5% 7/1/18 (MBIA Insured)        8,000        8,264 
   (Long Island Jewish Med. Ctr. Proj.):                 
       5% 7/1/08 (MBIA Insured)        2,000        2,074 
       5.25% 7/1/11 (MBIA Insured)        3,000        3,162 
   (Manhattanville College Proj.) 0% 7/1/10 (MBIA                 
       Insured)        2,175        1,850 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

15 Annual Report

Investments continued                 
Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal   Value (Note 1)
    Amount (000s)   (000s)
New York – continued                 
New York State Dorm. Auth. Revs.: – continued                 
   (Mental Health Svcs. Facilities Impt. Proj.):                 
       Series A, 5.75% 8/15/11 (Pre-Refunded to                 
           2/15/07 @ 102) (d)    $    10    $    10 
       Series B:                 
           5.75% 2/15/11        2,535        2,644 
           5.75% 2/15/11 (Pre-Refunded to 2/15/07 @                 
                 102) (d)        15        16 
   (Mental Health Svcs. Proj.) Series 2005 A, 5.75%                 
       8/15/11        900        939 
   (Montefiore Med. Ctr. Proj.) Series 2000:                 
       5.8% 8/1/30        3,000        3,258 
       5.85% 8/1/40        9,500        10,325 
   (New York & Presbyterian Hosp. Proj.) 4.4% 8/1/13                 
       (AMBAC Insured)        575        579 
   (New York Hosp. Med. Ctr. Proj.) 5.25% 2/1/07                 
       (AMBAC Insured)        3,020        3,078 
   (New York Univ. Proj.):                 
       Series 2:                 
           5.5% 7/1/17 (AMBAC Insured)        755        816 
           5.5% 7/1/19 (AMBAC Insured)        1,705        1,838 
           5.5% 7/1/20 (AMBAC Insured)        860        927 
       Series A:                 
           5.75% 7/1/15 (MBIA Insured)        2,295        2,631 
           5.75% 7/1/27 (MBIA Insured)        11,000        13,174 
   (North Shore Univ. Hosp. Proj.) 5.5% 11/1/14 (MBIA                 
       Insured)        1,500        1,686 
   (Saint Joseph’s Hosp. Health Ctr. Proj.) 6% 7/1/08                 
       (MBIA Insured)        1,260        1,329 
   (School District Fing. Prog.):                 
       Series 2002 D, 5.5% 10/1/17 (MBIA Insured)        10,825        11,919 
       Series 2002 E, 5.75% 10/1/22 (MBIA Insured)        1,485        1,636 
       Series 2002 H, 5.5% 10/1/17 (MBIA Insured)        2,600        2,874 
       Series 2002 I, 5.75% 10/1/18 (MBIA Insured)        500        561 
   (State Univ. Edl. Facilities Proj.):                 
       Series A, 5.25% 5/15/15 (MBIA Insured)        5,000        5,476 
       Series B, 7.5% 5/15/11        1,915        2,121 
   (The Jamaica Hosp. Proj.) Series F:                 
       5.1% 2/15/12 (MBIA Insured)        3,605        3,778 
       5.2% 2/15/13 (MBIA Insured)        6,585        6,904 
   (Upstate Cmnty. Colleges Proj.) Series B, 5.5% 7/1/22                 
       (FGIC Insured)        10,090        11,686 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal   Value (Note 1)
    Amount (000s)   (000s)
New York – continued                 
New York State Dorm. Auth. Revs.: – continued                 
   (Winthrop-South Nassau Univ. Health Sys. Oblig.                 
       Group Proj.) Series A:                 
       6% 7/1/14    $    1,095    $    1,197 
       6% 7/1/15        1,160        1,266 
       6% 7/1/16        1,230        1,339 
   (Yeshiva Univ. Proj.) Series 2001:                 
       5.375% 7/1/12 (AMBAC Insured)        1,000        1,073 
       5.375% 7/1/13 (AMBAC Insured)        800        862 
       5.375% 7/1/14 (AMBAC Insured)        1,130        1,218 
       5.375% 7/1/16 (AMBAC Insured)        670        723 
       5.375% 7/1/17 (AMBAC Insured)        370        399 
   Series 1990 B, 7.5% 5/15/11 (Pre-Refunded to                 
       5/15/10 @ 100) (d)        1,135        1,290 
   Series 2000 C, 5.75% 5/15/17 (FSA Insured)        3,000        3,482 
   Series 2002 A, 5.75% 10/1/17 (MBIA Insured)        30,260        33,514 
   Series 2002 B:                 
       6% 10/1/22 (MBIA Insured)        2,775        3,105 
       6% 10/1/29 (MBIA Insured)        5,600        6,256 
   Series 2003 A, 5.375% 3/15/22 (Pre-Refunded to                 
       3/15/13 @ 100) (d)        2,000        2,209 
   Series 2005 B:                 
       5.25% 7/1/20 (MBIA Insured)        3,345        3,654 
       5.25% 7/1/21 (MBIA Insured)        1,745        1,900 
       5.25% 7/1/22 (MBIA Insured)        1,835        1,998 
   Series A, 5.5% 5/15/20 (AMBAC Insured)        13,000        14,937 
   Series B:                 
       5.25%, tender 5/15/12 (b)        10,400        11,193 
       6%, tender 5/15/12 (b)        11,000        12,263 
   5.5% 5/15/09        2,500        2,628 
   5.5% 7/1/16 (AMBAC Insured)        725        746 
New York State Envir. Facilities Corp. Clean Wtr. &                 
   Drinking Wtr. Rev.:                 
   (New York City Muni. Wtr. Fin. Auth. Proj.):                 
       Series B, 5.25% 6/15/16        500        543 
       Series C:                 
           5.25% 7/15/16        2,340        2,548 
           5.25% 7/15/17        2,410        2,623 
       Series D:                 
           5% 6/15/20        20,150        21,365 
           5.125% 6/15/31        6,900        7,245 
           5.375% 6/15/19        5,250        5,713 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

17 Annual Report

Investments continued                 
 Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal   Value (Note 1)
    Amount (000s)   (000s)
New York – continued                 
New York State Envir. Facilities Corp. Clean Wtr. &                 
   Drinking Wtr. Rev.: – continued                 
   (New York City Muni. Wtr. Fin. Auth. Proj.):                 
       Series G, 5.25% 10/15/20    $    1,255    $    1,338 
   (Pooled Fing. Prog.):                 
       Series F:                 
           5.25% 11/15/15        2,595        2,828 
           5.25% 11/15/16        3,770        4,108 
       Series I:                 
           5.25% 9/15/15        2,085        2,268 
           5.25% 9/15/17        2,395        2,589 
   Series 2004 D, 5% 2/15/34        12,150        12,637 
   Series B:                 
       5.5% 10/15/20        3,805        4,407 
       5.5% 10/15/21        3,985        4,621 
   Series C:                 
       5% 6/15/19        815        849 
       5.25% 6/15/16        3,500        3,755 
   Series F:                 
       4.875% 6/15/18        1,735        1,791 
       4.875% 6/15/20        2,175        2,240 
       5% 6/15/15        1,295        1,353 
       5.25% 6/15/13        1,575        1,654 
   Series I, 5% 6/15/24        2,000        2,103 
New York State Envir. Facilities Corp. Rev. Series A:                 
   5.25% 1/1/21 (FGIC Insured)        4,785        5,143 
   5.375% 1/1/16 (FGIC Insured)        2,170        2,377 
New York State Envir. Facilities Corp. Solid Waste Disp.                 
   Rev. (Gen. Elec. Cap. Corp. Proj.) Series 1989 A,                 
   4.25%, tender 12/2/11 (b)(c)        10,700        10,810 
New York State Envir. Facilities Corp. State Wtr. Poll.                 
   Cont. Revolving Fund Rev.:                 
   (New York City Muni. Wtr. Fin. Auth. Proj.):                 
       Series 2002, 5.75% 6/15/11        455        505 
       Series A, 7% 6/15/12        190        190 
       Series C, 5.85% 7/15/15        30        31 
       Series E, 6.5% 6/15/14        130        130 
   (Pooled Ln. Prog.) Series B, 5.2% 5/15/14        1,115        1,232 
   Series B, 5.2% 5/15/14 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        1,105        1,194 
New York State Hsg. Fin. Agcy. Personal Income Tax Rev.                 
   (Econ. Dev. & Hsg. Proj.) Series A:                 
   5.25% 9/15/15 (MBIA Insured)        1,690        1,834 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal   Value (Note 1)
    Amount (000s)   (000s)
New York – continued                 
New York State Hsg. Fin. Agcy. Personal Income Tax Rev.                 
   (Econ. Dev. & Hsg. Proj.) Series A: – continued                 
   5.25% 9/15/16 (MBIA Insured)    $    1,780    $    1,934 
   5.25% 3/15/17 (MBIA Insured)        2,240        2,416 
   5.25% 3/15/18        2,290        2,467 
   5.25% 3/15/19        2,480        2,664 
   5.25% 9/15/20        2,685        2,876 
   5.25% 3/15/21        2,230        2,381 
New York State Pwr. Auth. & Gen. Purp. Rev.:                 
   Series A, 5.25% 11/15/40        25,860        27,195 
   Series W, 6.5% 1/1/08 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        75        78 
New York State Thruway Auth. Gen. Rev.:                 
   Series 2005 G, 5.25% 1/1/27 (FSA Insured)        4,370        4,738 
   Series E:                 
       5.25% 1/1/12        4,695        4,899 
       5.25% 1/1/12 (Pre-Refunded to 1/1/08 @ 101) (d)        715        748 
New York State Thruway Auth. Hwy. & Bridge Trust Fund                 
   Series B, 5.5% 4/1/20 (AMBAC Insured)        10,000        11,481 
New York State Thruway Auth. State Personal Income                 
   Tax Rev. Series A:                 
   5.5% 3/15/18 (Pre-Refunded to 3/15/12 @ 100) (d)        5,000        5,529 
   5.5% 3/15/19 (Pre-Refunded to 3/15/12 @ 100) (d)        5,460        6,037 
   5.5% 3/15/20 (Pre-Refunded to 3/15/12 @ 100) (d)        3,500        3,870 
New York State Thruway Auth. Svc. Contract Rev.:                 
   5.5% 4/1/14        11,700        12,783 
   5.5% 4/1/15        6,200        6,770 
   5.5% 4/1/16        3,665        4,006 
   6% 4/1/11        1,605        1,685 
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Correctional Youth                 
   Facilities Svc. Series A, 5.5%, tender 1/1/11 (b)        2,000        2,158 
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Rev.:                 
   (Sports Facilities Assistance Prog.) Series A, 6.25%                 
       4/1/06 (MBIA Insured)        15        15 
   (State Facilities and Equip. Proj.) Series 2004 A2:                 
       5.5% 3/15/19 (MBIA Insured)        1,230        1,409 
       5.5% 3/15/22 (MBIA Insured)        15,000        17,343 
   Series 2004 A2, 5.5% 3/15/21 (MBIA Insured)        23,000        26,516 
   Series B, 5.25% 3/15/15 (MBIA Insured)        1,800        1,958 
   Series C1, 5.5% 3/15/19 (Pre-Refunded to 3/15/13                 
       @ 100) (d)        3,000        3,347 
   5% 1/1/14 (FSA Insured)        5,000        5,417 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

19 Annual Report

Investments continued                     
 Municipal Bonds continued                     
        Principal   Value (Note 1)
        Amount (000s)   (000s)
New York – continued                     
New York Thruway Auth. Second Gen. Hwy. & Bridge                 
   Trust Fund Series A, 5.25% 4/1/23 (Pre-Refunded to                 
   4/1/13 @ 100) (d)        $    3,050    $    3,357 
New York Transitional Fin. Auth. Rev.:                     
   Series 2000 C, 5.5% 11/1/20 (Pre-Refunded to                 
       5/1/10 @ 101) (d)            300        327 
   Series 2003 D:                     
       5% 2/1/31            20,025        20,656 
       5.25% 2/1/17 (MBIA Insured)            9,385        10,154 
       5.25% 2/1/19 (MBIA Insured)            8,075        8,691 
   Series 2003 E:                     
       5.25% 2/1/15 (FGIC Insured)            7,250        7,876 
       5.25% 2/1/17 (FGIC Insured)            5,975        6,465 
   Series 2004 C:                     
       5% 2/1/33 (FGIC Insured)            7,350        7,634 
       5.25% 2/1/14            6,000        6,595 
   Series A, 5.5% 11/15/17 (FGIC Insured)        6,725        7,445 
   Series B:                     
       5.125% 11/1/14 (Pre-Refunded to 5/1/09 @                 
             101) (d)            360        383 
       5.25% 8/1/19            3,000        3,253 
       5.375% 2/1/15            3,000        3,275 
   Series C, 5.375% 2/1/17            1,000        1,085 
   Series D, 5.25% 2/1/20 (MBIA Insured)        5,000        5,381 
Niagara Falls City Niagara County Pub. Impt.:                 
   7.5% 3/1/08 (MBIA Insured)            995        1,079 
   7.5% 3/1/10 (MBIA Insured)            1,155        1,325 
   7.5% 3/1/11 (MBIA Insured)            1,245        1,468 
   7.5% 3/1/16 (MBIA Insured)            1,060        1,379 
   7.5% 3/1/17 (MBIA Insured)            1,200        1,595 
Niagara Falls Pub. Wtr. Auth. 5.5% 7/15/34 (XL Cap.                 
   Assurance, Inc. Insured)            1,000        1,100 
Sales Tax Asset Receivables Corp. Series A, 5.25%                 
   10/15/27 (AMBAC Insured)            4,055        4,368 
Saratoga County Indl. Dev. Agcy. (The Saratoga Hosp.                 
   Proj.) Series A, 5% 12/1/10            1,095        1,140 
Schenectady Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev. (Union                 
   College Proj.) Series A, 5.625% 7/1/31 (AMBAC                 
   Insured)            2,000        2,197 
Suffolk County Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev.                 
   (Huntington Hosp. Proj.) Series B, 6% 11/1/22        4,305        4,541 
Taconic Hills Central School District at Craryville 5%                 
   6/15/16 (FGIC Insured)            1,130        1,205 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.
Annual Report    20                 

Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal   Value (Note 1)
    Amount (000s)   (000s)
New York – continued                 
Tobacco Settlement Fing. Corp.:                 
   Series A1:                 
       5.25% 6/1/21 (AMBAC Insured)    $    3,255    $    3,500 
       5.25% 6/1/22 (AMBAC Insured)        5,300        5,682 
       5.5% 6/1/14        7,000        7,413 
       5.5% 6/1/16        14,500        15,510 
   Series B1:                 
       5% 6/1/10        1,685        1,769 
       5% 6/1/11        1,525        1,611 
   Series C1:                 
       5% 6/1/11        3,280        3,299 
       5.5% 6/1/15        3,000        3,213 
       5.5% 6/1/17        3,000        3,245 
       5.5% 6/1/20        3,000        3,285 
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. (Convention Ctr. Proj.)                 
   Series E:                 
   6% 1/1/11 (XL Cap. Assurance, Inc. Insured)        4,000        4,444 
   7.25% 1/1/10 (XL Cap. Assurance, Inc. Insured)        6,215        6,730 
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. Revs.:                 
   Series 2002 A, 5.25% 1/1/19        1,100        1,178 
   Series 2005 A, 5.125% 1/1/22        5,290        5,595 
   Series A:                 
       5% 1/1/32        765        791 
       5% 1/1/32 (MBIA Insured)        1,455        1,503 
       6% 1/1/11 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        500        557 
   Series B:                 
       5.2% 1/1/27 (Pre-Refunded to 1/1/22 @ 100) (d)        2,000        2,263 
       5.2% 1/1/27 (Pre-Refunded to 1/1/22 @ 100) (d)        2,000        2,263 
       5.5% 1/1/30 (Pre-Refunded to 1/1/22 @ 100) (d)        5,015        5,776 
   Series Q, 6.75% 1/1/09 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        825        876 
   Series Y:                 
       6% 1/1/12 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        20,000        21,969 
       6.125% 1/1/21 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        3,200        3,858 
Upper Mohawk Valley Reg’l. Wtr. Fin. Auth. Wtr. Sys.                 
   Rev. Series A, 5.125% 10/1/26 (FSA Insured)        5,000        5,175 
Yonkers Gen. Oblig. Series 2001 A:                 
   5% 12/15/11 (AMBAC Insured)        1,415        1,507 
   5% 12/15/12 (Pre-Refunded to 6/15/10 @ 100) (d) .        1,245        1,326 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

21 Annual Report

Investments continued                 
 Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal   Value (Note 1)
    Amount (000s)   (000s)
New York & New Jersey – 5.3%                 
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey:                 
   120th Series:                 
       5.75% 10/15/11 (MBIA Insured) (c)    $    15,000    $    15,670 
       5.75% 10/15/12 (MBIA Insured) (c)        15,530        16,224 
   124th Series:                 
       5% 8/1/08 (c)        4,875        5,034 
       5% 8/1/13 (FGIC Insured) (c)        3,000        3,104 
   126th Series, 5.25% 5/15/37 (FGIC Insured) (c)        5,970        6,288 
   128th Series, 5% 11/1/19 (FSA Insured)        7,200        7,681 
   134th Series, 5% 1/15/39        10,000        10,324 
   Series 85, 5.375% 3/1/28        6,200        6,996 
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey Spl. Oblig. Rev.                 
   (JFK Int’l. Air Term. Spl. Proj.) Series 6, 6.25%                 
   12/1/15 (MBIA Insured) (c)        5,000        5,676 
Puerto Rico 0.7%                 
Puerto Rico Commonwealth Hwy. & Trans. Auth. Trans.                 
   Rev. Series 1998, 5.75% 7/1/22 (CIFG North                 
   America Insured)        3,000        3,332 
Puerto Rico Commonwealth Infrastructure Fing. Auth.                 
   Series 2000 A, 5.5% 10/1/32 (Escrowed to                 
   Maturity) (d)        2,175        2,357 
Puerto Rico Elec. Pwr. Auth. Pwr. Rev. Series QQ:                 
   5.25% 7/1/13 (XL Cap. Assurance, Inc. Insured)        1,500        1,643 
   5.5% 7/1/16 (XL Cap. Assurance, Inc. Insured)        1,000        1,130 
Puerto Rico Muni. Fin. Agcy. Series 2005 C, 5.25%                 
   8/1/17 (FSA Insured)        1,000        1,118 
TOTAL MUNICIPAL BONDS                 
 (Cost $1,384,963)            1,413,766 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Municipal Notes 0.1%                     
        Principal   Value (Note 1)
        Amount (000s)   (000s)
New York – 0.1%                     
Schenectady Gen. Oblig. BAN 5.25% 5/26/06                 
   (Cost $2,200)        $    2,200    $    2,196 
TOTAL INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO  97.6%                 
 (Cost $1,387,163)                    1,415,962 
NET OTHER ASSETS – 2.4%                    34,620 
NET ASSETS 100%                $    1,450,582 

Futures Contracts                     
    Expiration   Underlying   Unrealized
    Date   Face Amount   Appreciation/
        at Value (000s)   (Depreciation)
Treasury Contracts                     
90 U.S. Treasury 10-Year Bond Contracts    March 2006    $    9,759    $    13 

The face value of futures purchased as a percentage of net assets – 0.7%

Security Type Abbreviation


(a) Security or a portion of the security was

pledged to cover margin requirements
for futures contracts. At the period end,
the value of securities pledged
amounted to $273,000.

(b) The coupon rate shown on floating or

adjustable rate securities represents the
rate at period end.

(c) Private activity obligations whose

interest is subject to the federal
alternative minimum tax for individuals.

(d) Security collateralized by an amount

sufficient to pay interest and principal.

Other Information

The distribution of municipal securities by revenue source, as a percentage of total net assets, is as follows:

General Obligations    33.5% 
Special Tax    18.6% 
Water & Sewer    11.0% 
Transportation    10.4% 
Escrowed/Pre Refunded    9.5% 
Education    6.1% 
Others* (individually less than 5%)    10.9% 
*Includes net other assets     

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

23 Annual Report

Financial Statements                 
 Statement of Assets and Liabilities                 
Amounts in thousands (except per share amounts)                January 31, 2006 
Investment in securities, at value See accompanying                 
   Unaffiliated issuers (cost $1,387,163)            $    1,415,962 
Cash                21,806 
Receivable for fund shares sold                1,018 
Interest receivable                18,598 
Prepaid expenses                6 
Other receivables                36 
   Total assets                1,457,426 
Payable for investments purchased    $    4,052         
Payable for fund shares redeemed        904         
Distributions payable        1,249         
Accrued management fee        449         
Distribution fees payable        26         
Payable for daily variation on futures contracts        4         
Other affiliated payables        116         
Other payables and accrued expenses        44         
   Total liabilities                6,844 
Net Assets            $    1,450,582 
Net Assets consist of:                 
Paid in capital            $    1,413,530 
Undistributed net investment income                215 
Accumulated undistributed net realized gain (loss) on                 
   investments                8,025 
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on                 
   investments                28,812 
Net Assets            $    1,450,582 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Statement of Assets and Liabilities continued         
Amounts in thousands (except per share amounts)    January 31, 2006 
Calculation of Maximum Offering Price         
 Class A:         
 Net Asset Value and redemption price per share ($6,082         
       ÷ 474.676 shares)    $    12.81 
Maximum offering price per share (100/95.25 of $12.81)    $    13.45 
 Class T:         
 Net Asset Value and redemption price per share ($3,032         
       ÷ 236.415 shares)    $    12.82 
Maximum offering price per share (100/96.50 of $12.82)    $    13.28 
 Class B:         
 Net Asset Value and offering price per share ($9,647 ÷         
       752.962 shares)A    $    12.81 
 Class C:         
 Net Asset Value and offering price per share ($20,251         
       ÷ 1,580.312 shares)A    $    12.81 
 New York Municipal Income:         
 Net Asset Value, offering price and redemption price per         
       share ($1,410,672 ÷ 110,055.097 shares)    $    12.82 
 Institutional Class:         
 Net Asset Value, offering price and redemption price per         
       share ($898 ÷ 70.118 shares)    $    12.81 
A Redemption price per share is equal to net asset value less any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.         

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

25 Annual Report

Financial Statements  continued         
 Statement of Operations             
Amounts in thousands           Year ended January 31, 2006 
Investment Income             
Interest        $    63,956 
Management fee    $    5,462     
Transfer agent fees        1,057     
Distribution fees        286     
Accounting fees and expenses        297     
Independent trustees’ compensation        7     
Custodian fees and expenses        23     
Registration fees        79     
Audit        54     
Legal        17     
Miscellaneous        12     
   Total expenses before reductions        7,294     
   Expense reductions        (369)    6,925 
Net investment income            57,031 
Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)         
Net realized gain (loss) on:             
   Investment securities:             
      Unaffiliated issuers        18,479     
   Futures contracts        (66)     
   Swap agreements        (39)     
Total net realized gain (loss)            18,374 
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on:         
   Investment securities        (43,527)     
   Futures contracts        13     
Total change in net unrealized appreciation         
   (depreciation)            (43,514) 
Net gain (loss)            (25,140) 
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from         
   operations        $    31,891 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Statement of Changes in Net Assets                 
        Year ended       Year ended
        January 31,       January 31,
Amounts in thousands        2006       2005
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets                 
   Net investment income    $    57,031    $    56,646 
   Net realized gain (loss)        18,374        21,457 
   Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) .        (43,514)        (14,357) 
   Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting                 
       from operations        31,891        63,746 
Distributions to shareholders from net investment income .        (56,725)        (56,899) 
Distributions to shareholders from net realized gain        (14,006)        (19,161) 
   Total distributions        (70,731)        (76,060) 
Share transactions - net increase (decrease)        50,246        (7,102) 
Redemption fees        9        20 
   Total increase (decrease) in net assets        11,415        (19,396) 
Net Assets                 
   Beginning of period        1,439,167        1,458,563 
   End of period (including undistributed net investment                 
          income of $215 and undistributed net investment                 
       income of $33, respectively)    $    1,450,582    $    1,439,167 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

27 Annual Report

Financial Highlights Class A                                 
Years ended January 31,        2006       2005       2004       2003F
Selected Per Share Data                                 
Net asset value, beginning of period    $    13.16    $    13.24    $    13.24    $    13.21 
Income from Investment Operations                                 
   Net investment incomeE        483        .504        .524        .277 
   Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)        (.227)        .101        .285        .194 
Total from investment operations        256        .605        .809        .471 
Distributions from net investment income        (.481)        (.507)        (.523)        (.271) 
Distributions from net realized gain        (.125)        (.178)        (.286)        (.170) 
   Total distributions        (.606)        (.685)        (.809)        (.441) 
Redemption fees added to paid in capitalE,H                                 
Net asset value, end of period    $    12.81    $    13.16    $    13.24    $    13.24 
Total ReturnB,C,D        2.00%        4.72%        6.25%        3.59% 
Ratios to Average Net AssetsG                                 
   Expenses before reductions        67%        .68%        .67%        .66%A 
   Expenses net of fee waivers, if any        67%        .68%        .67%        .66%A 
   Expenses net of all reductions        64%        .67%        .66%        .66%A 
   Net investment income        3.73%        3.85%        3.93%        4.17%A 
Supplemental Data                                 
   Net assets, end of period (in millions)    $    6    $    6    $    5    $    3 
   Portfolio turnover rate        28%        22%        24%        22% 

A Annualized
B Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.
C Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
D Total returns do not include the effect of the sales charges.
E Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
F For the period August 1, 2002 (commencement of sale of shares) to January 31, 2003.
G Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed by the investment adviser or
expense offset arrangements and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements or reductions occur. Expense
ratios before reductions for start up periods may not be representative of longer term operating periods. Expenses net of fee waivers reflect
expenses after reimbursement by the investment adviser but prior to reductions from expense offset arrangements. Expenses net of all reductions
represent the net expenses paid by the class.
H Amount represents less than $.001 per share.

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Financial Highlights Class T                                 
Years ended January 31,        2006       2005       2004       2003F
Selected Per Share Data                                 
Net asset value, beginning of period    $    13.16    $    13.25    $    13.24    $    13.21 
Income from Investment Operations                                 
   Net investment incomeE        472        .494        .509        .266 
   Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)        (.217)        .090        .296        .197 
Total from investment operations        255        .584        .805        .463 
Distributions from net investment income        (.470)        (.496)        (.509)        (.263) 
Distributions from net realized gain        (.125)        (.178)        (.286)        (.170) 
   Total distributions        (.595)        (.674)        (.795)        (.433) 
Redemption fees added to paid in capitalE,H                                 
Net asset value, end of period    $    12.82    $    13.16    $    13.25    $    13.24 
Total ReturnB,C,D        1.99%        4.55%        6.21%        3.53% 
Ratios to Average Net AssetsG                                 
   Expenses before reductions        75%        .76%        .78%        .79%A 
   Expenses net of fee waivers, if any        75%        .76%        .78%        .79%A 
   Expenses net of all reductions        72%        .75%        .77%        .79%A 
   Net investment income        3.65%        3.77%        3.82%        4.04%A 
Supplemental Data                                 
   Net assets, end of period (in millions)    $    3    $    2    $    2    $    1 
   Portfolio turnover rate        28%        22%        24%        22% 

A Annualized
B Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.
C Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
D Total returns do not include the effect of the sales charges.
E Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
F For the period August 1, 2002 (commencement of sale of shares) to January 31, 2003.
G Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed by the investment adviser or
expense offset arrangements and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements or reductions occur. Expense
ratios before reductions for start up periods may not be representative of longer term operating periods. Expenses net of fee waivers reflect
expenses after reimbursement by the investment adviser but prior to reductions from expense offset arrangements. Expenses net of all reductions
represent the net expenses paid by the class.
H Amount represents less than $.001 per share.

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

29 Annual Report

Financial Highlights Class B                                 
Years ended January 31,        2006       2005       2004       2003F
Selected Per Share Data                                 
Net asset value, beginning of period    $    13.16    $    13.24    $    13.24    $    13.21 
Income from Investment Operations                                 
   Net investment incomeE        384         .405         .423         .226 
   Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)        (.227)         .100         .286         .193 
Total from investment operations        157         .505         .709         .419 
Distributions from net investment income        (.382)        (.407)        (.423)        (.219) 
Distributions from net realized gain        (.125)        (.178)        (.286)        (.170) 
   Total distributions        (.507)        (.585)        (.709)        (.389) 
Redemption fees added to paid in capitalE,H                                 
Net asset value, end of period    $    12.81    $    13.16    $    13.24    $    13.24 
Total ReturnB,C,D        1.22%         3.93%         5.45%         3.19% 
Ratios to Average Net AssetsG                                 
   Expenses before reductions        1.43%         1.44%         1.42%         1.41%A 
   Expenses net of fee waivers, if any        1.43%         1.44%         1.42%         1.41%A 
   Expenses net of all reductions        1.41%         1.43%         1.41%         1.40%A 
   Net investment income        2.96%         3.09%         3.18%         3.42%A 
Supplemental Data                                 
   Net assets, end of period (in millions)    $    10    $    10    $    10    $    5 
   Portfolio turnover rate        28%             22%             24%        22% 

A Annualized
B Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.
C Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
D Total returns do not include the effect of the contingent deferred sales charge.
E Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
F For the period August 1, 2002 (commencement of sale of shares) to January 31, 2003.
G Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed by the investment adviser or
expense offset arrangements and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements or reductions occur. Expense
ratios before reductions for start up periods may not be representative of longer term operating periods. Expenses net of fee waivers reflect
expenses after reimbursement by the investment adviser but prior to reductions from expense offset arrangements. Expenses net of all reductions
represent the net expenses paid by the class.
H Amount represents less than $.001 per share.

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Financial Highlights Class C                                 
Years ended January 31,        2006       2005       2004       2003F
Selected Per Share Data                                 
Net asset value, beginning of period    $    13.16    $    13.24    $    13.24    $    13.21 
Income from Investment Operations                                 
   Net investment incomeE        373         .394         .410         .219 
   Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)        (.228)         .100         .286         .191 
Total from investment operations        145         .494         .696         .410 
Distributions from net investment income        (.370)        (.396)        (.410)        (.210) 
Distributions from net realized gain        (.125)        (.178)        (.286)        (.170) 
   Total distributions        (.495)        (.574)        (.696)        (.380) 
Redemption fees added to paid in capitalE,H                                 
Net asset value, end of period    $    12.81    $    13.16    $    13.24    $    13.24 
Total ReturnB,C,D        1.14%         3.84%         5.35%         3.12% 
Ratios to Average Net AssetsG                                 
   Expenses before reductions        1.52%         1.52%         1.51%         1.51%A 
   Expenses net of fee waivers, if any        1.52%         1.52%         1.51%         1.51%A 
   Expenses net of all reductions        1.49%         1.51%         1.51%         1.51%A 
   Net investment income        2.88%         3.01%         3.08%         3.32%A 
Supplemental Data                                 
   Net assets, end of period (in millions)    $    20    $    16    $    13    $    6 
   Portfolio turnover rate        28%             22%             24%        22% 

A Annualized
B Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.
C Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
D Total returns do not include the effect of the contingent deferred sales charge.
E Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
F For the period August 1, 2002 (commencement of sale of shares) to January 31, 2003.
G Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed by the investment adviser or
expense offset arrangements and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements or reductions occur. Expense
ratios before reductions for start up periods may not be representative of longer term operating periods. Expenses net of fee waivers reflect
expenses after reimbursement by the investment adviser but prior to reductions from expense offset arrangements. Expenses net of all reductions
represent the net expenses paid by the class.
H Amount represents less than $.001 per share.

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

31 Annual Report

Financial Highlights  New York Municipal Income                 
Years ended January 31,        2006       2005       2004       2003       2002
Selected Per Share Data                                         
Net asset value, beginning of                                         
   period         $  13.16      $  13.25      $  13.24      $  12.90      $  12.78 
Income from Investment                                         
   Net investment incomeB        508        .530        .549        .574        .584 
   Net realized and unrealized                                         
       gain (loss)        (.217)        .091        .295        .506        .117 
Total from investment operations        291        .621        .844        1.080        .701 
Distributions from net investment                                         
   income        (.506)        (.533)        (.548)        (.570)        (.581) 
Distributions from net realized                                         
   gain        (.125)        (.178)        (.286)        (.170)         
   Total distributions        (.631)        (.711)        (.834)        (.740)        (.581) 
Redemption fees added to paid in                                     
   capital        B,D        B,D        B,D        B,D         
Net asset value, end of period         $  12.82      $  13.16      $  13.25      $  13.24      $  12.90 
Total ReturnA        2.27%         4.84%         6.52%        8.55%        5.60% 
Ratios to Average Net AssetsC                                         
   Expenses before reductions        48%        .48%        .49%        .49%        .49% 
   Expenses net of fee waivers, if                                         
       any        48%        .48%        .48%        .49%        .49% 
   Expenses net of all reductions        45%        .47%        .48%        .47%        .44% 
   Net investment income        3.92%         4.05%         4.11%        4.36%        4.54% 
Supplemental Data                                         
   Net assets, end of period                                         
       (in millions)         $  1,411      $  1,406      $  1,428      $  1,483      $  1,332 
   Portfolio turnover rate        28%        22%        24%        22%        12% 

A Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
B Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
C Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed by the investment adviser or
expense offset arrangements and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements or reductions occur. Ex
penses net of fee waivers reflect expenses after reimbursement by the investment adviser but prior to reductions from expense offset arrange
ments. Expenses net of all reductions represent the net expenses paid by the class.
D Amount represents less than $.001 per share.

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Financial Highlights Institutional Class                         
Years ended January 31,    2006        2005        2004        2003E 
Selected Per Share Data                             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 13.16        $ 13.25        $ 13.24        $ 13.21 
Income from Investment Operations                             
   Net investment incomeD    506        .523        .550        .286 
   Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    (.227)        .092        .296        .195 
Total from investment operations    279        .615        .846        .481 
Distributions from net investment income    (.504)        (.527)        (.550)        (.281) 
Distributions from net realized gain    (.125)        (.178)        (.286)        (.170) 
   Total distributions    (.629)        (.705)        (.836)        (.451) 
Redemption fees added to paid in capitalD,G                             
Net asset value, end of period    $ 12.81        $ 13.16        $ 13.25        $ 13.24 
Total ReturnB,C    2.18%        4.80%        6.53%        3.67% 
Ratios to Average Net AssetsF                             
   Expenses before reductions    49%        .53%        .47%        .53%A 
   Expenses net of fee waivers, if any    49%        .53%        .47%        .53%A 
   Expenses net of all reductions    46%        .52%        .47%        .53%A 
   Net investment income    3.91%        4.00%        4.12%        4.30%A 
Supplemental Data                             
   Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)    $ 898        $ 284        $ 161        $ 104 
   Portfolio turnover rate    28%        22%        24%        22% 

A Annualized
B Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.
C Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
D Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
E For the period August 1, 2002 (commencement of sale of shares) to January 31, 2003.
F Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed by the investment adviser or
expense offset arrangements and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements or reductions occur. Expense
ratios before reductions for start up periods may not be representative of longer term operating periods. Expenses net of fee waivers reflect
expenses after reimbursement by the investment adviser but prior to reductions from expense offset arrangements. Expenses net of all reductions
represent the net expenses paid by the class.
G Amount represents less than $.001 per share.

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

33 Annual Report

Notes to Financial Statements

For the period ended January 31, 2006
(Amounts in thousands except ratios)

1. Significant Accounting Policies.

Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund (the fund) is a non diversified fund of Fidelity New York Municipal Trust (the trust) and is authorized to issue an unlimited number of shares. On July 21, 2005, the Board of Trustees approved a change in the name of Spartan New York Municipal Income Fund to Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund effective August 15, 2005. The trust is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the 1940 Act), as an open end management investment company organized as a Massachusetts business trust.

The fund offers Class A, Class T, Class B, Class C, New York Municipal Income, and Institutional Class shares, each of which has equal rights as to assets and voting privi leges. Each class has exclusive voting rights with respect to matters that affect that class. Class B shares will automatically convert to Class A shares after a holding period of seven years from the initial date of purchase. Investment income, realized and unrealized capital gains and losses, the common expenses of the fund, and certain fund level expense reductions, if any, are allocated on a pro rata basis to each class based on the relative net assets of each class to the total net assets of the fund. Each class differs with respect to transfer agent and distribution and service plan fees incurred. Certain ex pense reductions also differ by class.

The fund may be affected by economic and political developments in the state of New York. The financial statements have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, which require manage ment to make certain estimates and assumptions at the date of the financial statements. The following summarizes the significant accounting policies of the fund:

Security Valuation. Investments are valued and net asset value per share is calculated (NAV calculation) as of the close of business of the New York Stock Exchange, normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time. Wherever possible, the fund uses independent pricing services approved by the Board of Trustees to value its investments. Debt securities, including restricted securities, for which quotes are readily available, are valued by independent pricing services or by dealers who make markets in such securities. Pricing services consider yield or price of bonds of comparable quality, coupon, maturity and type as well as dealer supplied prices. When current market prices or quotations are not readily available or do not accurately reflect fair value, valuations may be determined in accor dance with procedures adopted by the Board of Trustees. The frequency of when fair value pricing is used is unpredictable. The value of securities used for NAV calculation under fair value pricing may differ from published prices for the same securities. Invest ments in open end mutual funds are valued at their closing net asset value each business day. Short term securities with remaining maturities of sixty days or less for which quotations are not readily available are valued at amortized cost, which approximates value.

Annual Report


1. Significant Accounting Policies continued

Investment Transactions and Income. Security transactions are accounted for as of trade date. Gains and losses on securities sold are determined on the basis of identified cost. Interest income is accrued as earned. Interest income includes coupon interest and amortization of premium and accretion of discount on debt securities.

Expenses. Most expenses of the trust can be directly attributed to a fund. Expenses which cannot be directly attributed are apportioned among each fund in the trust.

Income Tax Information and Distributions to Shareholders. Each year, the fund intends to qualify as a regulated investment company by distributing all of its taxable income and realized gains under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. As a result, no provision for income taxes is required in the accompanying financial statements.

Dividends are declared daily and paid monthly from net investment income. Distribu tions from realized gains, if any, are recorded on the ex dividend date. Income dividends and capital gain distributions are declared separately for each class. Income and capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles. In addition, the fund will claim a portion of the payment made to redeeming shareholders as a distribution for income tax purposes.

Capital accounts within the financial statements are adjusted for permanent book tax differences. These adjustments have no impact on net assets or the results of operations. Temporary book tax differences will reverse in a subsequent period.

Book tax differences are primarily due to futures, market discount, and deferred trustees compensation and losses deferred due to futures transactions.

The fund purchases municipal securities whose interest, in the opinion of the issuer, is free from federal income tax. There is no assurance that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will agree with this opinion. In the event the IRS determines that the issuer does not comply with relevant tax requirements, interest payments from a security could become federally taxable, possibly retroactively to the date the security was issued.

The tax basis components of distributable earnings and the federal tax cost as of period end were as follows:

Unrealized appreciation      $  33,164     
Unrealized depreciation        (4,143)     
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)        29,021     
Undistributed ordinary income        72     
Undistributed long term capital gain        6,827     
Cost for federal income tax purposes      $  1,386,941     
    35        Annual Report 

Notes to Financial Statements  continued     
(Amounts in thousands except ratios)         

1. Significant Accounting Policies 

Income Tax Information and Distributions to Shareholders

The tax character of distributions paid was as follows:

        January 31, 2006        January 31, 2005 
Tax exempt Income      $  56,725      $  56,899 
Ordinary Income        563         
Long term Capital Gains        13,443        19,161 
Total      $  70,731      $  76,060 

Short Term Trading (Redemption) Fees. Shares held in the fund less than 30 days are subject to a redemption fee equal to .50% of the proceeds of the redeemed shares. All redemption fees, including any estimated redemption fees paid by Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMR), are retained by the fund and accounted for as an addition to paid in capital.

2. Operating Policies.

Futures Contracts. The fund may use futures contracts to manage its exposure to the bond markets and to fluctuations in interest rates. Buying futures tends to increase a fund’s exposure to the underlying instrument, while selling futures tends to decrease a fund’s exposure to the underlying instrument or hedge other fund investments. Futures contracts involve, to varying degrees, risk of loss in excess of any futures variation margin reflected in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. The underlying face amount at value of any open futures contracts at period end is shown in the Schedule of Investments under the caption ”Futures Contracts.” This amount reflects each contract’s exposure to the underlying instrument at period end. Losses may arise from changes in the value of the underlying instruments or if the counterparties do not perform under the contracts’ terms. Gains (losses) are realized upon the expiration or closings of the futures con tracts. Futures contracts are valued at the settlement price established each day by the board of trade or exchange on which they are traded.

Swap Agreements. The fund may invest in swaps for the purpose of managing its exposure to interest rate, credit or market risk.

Interest rate swaps are agreements to exchange cash flows periodically based on a notional principal amount, for example, the exchange of fixed rate interest payments for floating rate interest payments. The primary risk associated with interest rate swaps is that unfavorable changes in the fluctuation of interest rates could adversely impact a fund.

Swaps are marked to market daily based on dealer supplied valuations and changes in value are recorded as unrealized appreciation (depreciation). Gains or losses are realized upon early termination of the swap agreement. Collateral, in the form of cash or securities, may be required to be held in segregated accounts with a fund’s custodian in compliance with swap contracts.

Annual Report 36

3. Purchases and Sales of Investments.

Purchases and sales of securities, other than short term securities and U.S. government securities, aggregated $430,952 and $399,687, respectively.

4. Fees and Other Transactions with Affiliates.

Management Fee. FMR and its affiliates provide the fund with investment manage ment related services for which the fund pays a monthly management fee. The manage ment fee is the sum of an individual fund fee rate that is based on an annual rate of .25% of the fund’s average net assets and a group fee rate that averaged .12% during the period. The group fee rate is based upon the average net assets of all the mutual funds advised by FMR. The group fee rate decreases as assets under management increase and increases as assets under management decrease. For the period, the total annual man agement fee rate was .37% of the fund’s average net assets.

Distribution and Service Plan. In accordance with Rule 12b 1 of the 1940 Act, the fund has adopted separate Distribution and Service Plans for each class of shares. Certain classes pay Fidelity Distributors Corporation (FDC), an affiliate of FMR, separate Distribution and Service Fees, each of which is based on an annual percentage of each class’ average net assets. In addition, FDC may pay financial intermediaries for selling shares of the fund and providing shareholder support services. For the period, the Distribution and Service Fee rates and the total amounts paid to and retained by FDC were as follows:

    Distribution    Service        Paid to        Retained 
         Fee    Fee        FDC        by FDC 
Class A    0%    .15%      $  9      $   
Class T    0%    .25%        6         
Class B    65%    .25%        88        64 
Class C    75%    .25%        183        59 
              $  286      $  123 

Sales Load. FDC receives a front end sales charge of up to 4.75% for selling Class A shares, and 3.50% for selling Class T shares, some of which is paid to financial intermedi aries for selling shares of the fund. FDC receives the proceeds of contingent deferred sales charges levied on Class A, Class T, Class B, and Class C redemptions. These charges depend on the holding period. The deferred sales charges range from 5% to 1% for Class B, 1% for Class C, and .25% for certain purchases of Class A and Class T shares.

37 Annual Report

Notes to Financial Statements continued         
(Amounts in thousands except ratios)         
4. Fees and Other Transactions with Affiliates  continued     
Sales Load continued         
For the period, sales charge amounts retained by FDC were as follows:     
    by FDC   
Class A    $    5  
Class T        3  
Class B*        29  
Class C*        1  
    $    38  

* When Class B and Class C shares are initially sold, FDC pays commissions from its own resources to financial intermediaries through which the sales are made.

Transfer Agent and Accounting Fees. Citibank, N.A. (Citibank) is the custodian, transfer agent, and shareholder servicing agent for the fund’s Class A, Class T, Class B, Class C, New York Municipal Income and Institutional Class shares. Citibank has entered into a sub arrangement with Fidelity Investments Institutional Operations Company, Inc. (FIIOC), an affiliate of FMR, with respect to all classes of the fund, except for New York Municipal Income, to perform the transfer, dividend disbursing, and shareholder servicing agent functions. Citibank has also entered into a sub arrangement with Fidelity Service Company, Inc. (FSC), an affiliate of FMR, with respect to New York Municipal Income, to perform the transfer, dividend disbursing, and shareholder servicing agent functions. FIIOC and FSC receive account fees and asset based fees that vary according to the account size and type of account of the shareholders of the respective classes of the fund. All fees are paid to FIIOC by Citibank, which is reimbursed by each class for such pay ments. FIIOC and FSC pay for typesetting, printing and mailing of shareholder reports, except proxy statements. For the period, each class paid the following transfer agent fees:

            % of 
        Amount    Net Assets 
Class A      $  7    .11 
Class T        2    .09 
Class B        12    .13 
Class C        20    .11 
New York Municipal Income        1,015    .07 
Institutional Class        1    .08 
      $  1,057     

Citibank also has a sub arrangement with FSC to maintain the fund’s accounting records. The fee is based on the level of average net assets for the month.

Annual Report


5. Committed Line of Credit.

The fund participates with other funds managed by FMR in a $4.2 billion credit facility (the “line of credit”) to be utilized for temporary or emergency purposes to fund share holder redemptions or for other short term liquidity purposes. The fund has agreed to pay commitment fees on its pro rata portion of the line of credit. During the period, there were no borrowings on this line of credit.

6. Expense Reductions.

Through arrangements with the fund’s custodian and each class’ transfer agent, credits realized as a result of uninvested cash balances were used to reduce the fund’s expenses. During the period, these credits reduced the fund’s custody and accounting expenses by $23 and $227, respectively. During the period, credits reduced each class’ transfer agent expense as noted in the table below.

        Transfer Agent 
        expense reduction 
Class B      $  1 
Class C        1 
New York Municipal Income        117 
      $  119 
7. Other.         

The fund’s organizational documents provide former and current trustees and officers with a limited indemnification against liabilities arising in connection with the perfor mance of their duties to the fund. In the normal course of business, the fund may also enter into contracts that provide general indemnifications. The fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown as this would be dependent on future claims that may be made against the fund. The risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

39 Annual Report

Notes to Financial Statements  continued             
(Amounts in thousands except ratios)                     
8. Distributions to Shareholders.                 
Distributions to shareholders of each class were as follows:
          Years ended January 31, 
        2006        2005 
From net investment income                         
Class A        $    232        $    216 
Class T            83            63 
Class B            288            306 
Class C            520            433 
New York Municipal Income            55,581            55,872 
Institutional Class            21            9 
Total        $    56,725        $    56,899 
From net realized gain                         
Class A        $    60        $    80 
Class T            24            24 
Class B            95            133 
Class C            183            199 
New York Municipal Income            13,639            18,722 
Institutional Class            5            3 
Total        $    14,006        $    19,161 
9. Share Transactions.                     
Transactions for each class of shares were as follows:
    Shares    Dollars 
    Years ended January 31,    Years ended January 31, 
    2006    2005    2006    2005 
Class A                         
Shares sold    99    161    $    1,281    $    2,105 
Reinvestment of                         
    distributions    18    18        237        233 
Shares redeemed    (103)    (119)        (1,332)        (1,551) 
Net increase (decrease) .    14    60    $    186    $    787 
Class T                         
Shares sold    117    50    $    1,507    $    655 
Reinvestment of                         
    distributions    6    5        84        69 
Shares redeemed    (29)    (38)        (383)        (497) 
Net increase (decrease) .    94    17    $    1,208    $    227 
Class B                         
Shares sold    93    98    $    1,205    $    1,286 
Reinvestment of                         
    distributions    21    25        275        327 
Shares redeemed    (111)    (144)        (1,440)        (1,875) 
Net increase (decrease) .    3    (21)    $    40    $    (262) 
Annual Report        40                 

9. Share Transactions - continued                 
    Shares          Dollars   
    Years ended January 31,        Years ended January 31, 
    2006    2005        2006        2005 
Class C                         
Shares sold    546    377      $  7,087      $  4,941 
Reinvestment of                         
   distributions    34    36        445        475 
Shares redeemed    (180)    (210)        (2,335)        (2,742) 
Net increase (decrease) .    400    203      $  5,197      $  2,674 
New York Municipal                         
Shares sold    18,716    14,900      $  243,049      $  195,817 
Reinvestment of                         
   distributions    4,020    4,350        52,037        56,974 
Shares redeemed    (19,479)    (20,265)        (252,103)        (263,442) 
Net increase (decrease) .    3,257    (1,015)      $  42,983      $  (10,651) 
Institutional Class                         
Shares sold    78    13      $  1,018      $  176 
Reinvestment of                         
   distributions    1    1        17        7 
Shares redeemed    (31)    (4)        (403)        (60) 
Net increase (decrease) .    48    10      $  632      $  123 

41 Annual Report

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Trustees of Fidelity New York Municipal Trust and Shareholders of Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund (formerly Spartan New York Municipal Income Fund):

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities of Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund (formerly Spartan New York Municipal Income Fund) (the Fund), a fund of Fidelity New York Municipal Trust, including the schedule of investments as of January 31, 2006, and the related statement of operations for the year then ended, the statement of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Fund’s manage ment. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. The Fund is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Fund’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our procedures in cluded confirmation of securities owned as of January 31, 2006, by correspondence with the custodians and brokers; where replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund as of January 31, 2006, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and its financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

  /s/ Deloitte & Touche LLP


Boston, Massachusetts
March 14, 2006

Annual Report 42


Trustees and Officers

The Trustees, Members of the Advisory Board, and executive officers of the trust and fund, as applicable, are listed below. The Board of Trustees governs the fund and is responsible for protecting the interests of shareholders. The Trustees are experienced executives who meet periodically throughout the year to oversee the fund’s activities, review contractual arrangements with companies that provide services to the fund, and review the fund’s performance. Except for William O. McCoy and Albert R. Gamper, Jr, each of the Trustees oversees 326 funds advised by FMR or an affiliate. Mr. McCoy oversees 328 funds advised by FMR or an affiliate. Mr. Gamper oversees 251 funds advised by FMR or an affiliate.

The Trustees hold office without limit in time except that (a) any Trustee may resign; (b) any Trustee may be removed by written instrument, signed by at least two thirds of the number of Trustees prior to such removal; (c) any Trustee who requests to be retired or who has become incapacitated by illness or injury may be retired by written instru ment signed by a majority of the other Trustees; and (d) any Trustee may be removed at any special meeting of shareholders by a two thirds vote of the outstanding voting securities of the trust. Each Trustee who is not an interested person (as defined in the 1940 Act) (Independent Trustee), shall retire not later than the last day of the calendar year in which his or her 72nd birthday occurs. The Independent Trustees may waive this mandatory retirement age policy with respect to individual Trustees. The executive officers and Advisory Board Members hold office without limit in time, except that any officer and Advisory Board Member may resign or may be removed by a vote of a majority of the Trustees at any regular meeting or any special meeting of the Trustees. Except as indicated, each individual has held the office shown or other offices in the same company for the past five years.

The fund’s Statement of Additional Information (SAI) includes more information about the Trustees. To request a free copy, call Fidelity at 1-800-544-8544.

Interested Trustees*:

Correspondence intended for each Trustee who is an interested person may be sent to Fidelity Investments, 82 Devonshire Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109.

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Edward C. Johnson 3d (75)

Year of Election or Appointment: 1983

Mr. Johnson is Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Johnson serves as Chief Executive Officer, Chairman, and a Director of FMR Corp.; a Director and Chairman of the Board and of the Executive Committee of FMR; Chairman and a Director of Fidelity Research & Analysis Company; Chairman and a Director of Fidelity Investments Money Management, Inc.; and Chairman (2001 present) and a Director (2000 present) of FMR Co., Inc.

Annual Report


  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Stephen P. Jonas (53)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Mr. Jonas is Senior Vice President of New York Municipal Income (2005 present). He also serves as Senior Vice President of other Fidelity funds (2005 present). Mr. Jonas is Executive Director of FMR (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Jonas served as President of Fidelity Enterprise Operations and Risk Services (2004 2005), Chief Adminis trative Officer (2002 2004), and Chief Financial Officer of FMR Co. (1998 2000). Mr. Jonas has been with Fidelity Investments since 1987 and has held various financial and management positions including Chief Financial Officer of FMR. In addition, he serves on the Boards of Boston Ballet (2003 present) and Simmons College (2003 present).

  Robert L. Reynolds (53)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2003

Mr. Reynolds is a Director (2003 present) and Chief Operating Officer (2002 present) of FMR Corp. He also serves on the Board at Fidelity Investments Canada, Ltd. (2000 present). Previously, Mr. Reynolds served as President of Fidelity Investments Institutional Retirement Group (1996 2000).

* Trustees have been determined to be “Interested Trustees” by virtue of, among other things, their affiliation with the trust or various entities under common control with FMR.

45 Annual Report

Trustees and Officers - continued

Independent Trustees:

Correspondence intended for each Independent Trustee (that is, the Trustees other than the Interested Trustees) may be sent to Fidelity Investments, P.O. Box 55235, Boston, Massachusetts 02205-5235.

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Dennis J. Dirks (57)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Prior to his retirement in May 2003, Mr. Dirks was Chief Operating Officer and a member of the Board of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) (1999 2003). He also served as President, Chief Operating Officer, and Board member of The Depository Trust Company (DTC) (1999 2003) and President and Board member of the National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC) (1999 2003). In addition, Mr. Dirks served as Chief Executive Officer and Board member of the Government Securities Clearing Corporation (2001 2003) and Chief Executive Officer and Board member of the Mortgage Backed Securities Clearing Corporation (2001 2003). Mr. Dirks also serves as a Trustee and a member of the Finance Committee of Manhattan College (2005 present) and a Trustee and a member of the Finance Committee of AHRC of Nassau County (2006 present).

  Albert R. Gamper, Jr. (63)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2006

Mr. Gamper also serves as a Trustee (2006 present) or Member of the Advisory Board (2005 present) of other investment companies advised by FMR. Prior to his retirement in December 2004, Mr. Gamper served as Chairman of the Board of CIT Group Inc. (commercial finance). During his tenure with CIT Group Inc. Mr. Gamper served in numerous senior management positions, including Chairman (1987 1989; 1999 2001; 2002 2004), Chief Executive Officer (1987 2004), and President (1989 2002). He currently serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Public Service Enterprise Group (utilities, 2001 present), Chairman of the Board of Governors, Rutgers University (2004 present), and Chairman of the Board of Saint Barnabas Health Care System.

Annual Report


Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Robert M. Gates (62)

Year of Election or Appointment: 1997

Dr. Gates is Chairman of the Independent Trustees (2006 present). Dr. Gates is President of Texas A&M University (2002 present). He was Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from 1991 to 1993. From 1989 to 1991, Dr. Gates served as Assistant to the President of the United States and Deputy National Security Advisor. Dr. Gates is a Director of NACCO Industries, Inc. (mining and manufacturing), Parker Drilling Co., Inc. (drilling and rental tools for the energy industry, 2001 present), and Brinker International (restaurant management, 2003 present). Previously, Dr. Gates served as a Director of LucasVarity PLC (automotive components and diesel engines), a Director of TRW Inc. (automotive, space, defense, and information technology), and Dean of the George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University (1999 2001).

George H. Heilmeier (69)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2004

Dr. Heilmeier is Chairman Emeritus of Telcordia Technologies (commu nication software and systems), where prior to his retirement, he served as company Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. He currently serves on the Boards of Directors of The Mitre Corporation (systems engineer ing and information technology support for the government), and HRL Laboratories (private research and development, 2004 present). He is Chairman of the General Motors Science & Technology Advisory Board and a Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Dr. Heilmeier is a member of the Defense Science Board and the National Security Agency Advisory Board. He is also a member of the National Academy of Engineering, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Board of Overseers of the School of Engineering and Applied Science of the University of Pennsylvania. Previously, Dr. Heilmeier served as a Director of TRW Inc. (automotive, space, defense, and information technology, 1992 2002), Compaq (1994 2002), Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (ADP) (technology based business outsourcing, 1995 2002), INET Technologies Inc. (telecommunications network surveillance, 2001 2004), and Teletech Holdings (customer management services). He is the recipient of the 2005 Kyoto Prize in Advanced Technology for his invention of the liquid crystal display.

47 Annual Report

Trustees and Officers - continued

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Marie L. Knowles (59)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2001

Prior to Ms. Knowles’ retirement in June 2000, she served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) (diversified energy, 1996 2000). From 1993 to 1996, she was a Senior Vice President of ARCO and President of ARCO Transportation Company. She served as a Director of ARCO from 1996 to 1998. She currently serves as a Director of Phelps Dodge Corporation (copper mining and manufacturing) and McKesson Corporation (healthcare ser vice, 2002 present). Ms. Knowles is a Trustee of the Brookings Institution and the Catalina Island Conservancy and also serves as a member of the Advisory Board for the School of Engineering of the University of Southern California.

  Ned C. Lautenbach (61)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2000

Mr. Lautenbach has been a partner of Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, Inc. (private equity investment firm) since September 1998. Previously, Mr. Lautenbach was with the International Business Machines Corpora tion (IBM) from 1968 until his retirement in 1998. Mr. Lautenbach serves as a Director of Italtel Holding S.p.A. (telecommunications (Milan, Italy), 2004 present) and Eaton Corporation (diversified industrial) as well as the Philharmonic Center for the Arts in Naples, Florida. He also is a member of the Board of Trustees of Fairfield University (2005 present), as well as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

  William O. McCoy (72)

Year of Election or Appointment: 1997

Prior to his retirement in December 1994, Mr. McCoy was Vice Chair man of the Board of BellSouth Corporation (telecommunications) and President of BellSouth Enterprises. He is currently a Director of Duke Realty Corporation (real estate), and Progress Energy, Inc. (electric utility). He is also a partner of Franklin Street Partners (private investment man agement firm) and a member of the Research Triangle Foundation Board. In addition, Mr. McCoy served as the Interim Chancellor (1999 2000) and a member of the Board of Visitors for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the University of North Carolina Health Care System and the Board of Visitors of the Kenan Flagler Business School (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). He also served as Vice President of Finance for the University of North Carolina (16 school system).

Annual Report


Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Cornelia M. Small (61)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Ms. Small is a member (2000 present) and Chairperson (2002 present) of the Investment Committee, and a member (2002 present) of the Board of Trustees of Smith College. Previously, she served as Chief Investment Officer (1999 2000), Director of Global Equity Investments (1996 1999), and a member of the Board of Directors of Scudder, Stevens & Clark (1990 1997) and Scudder Kemper Investments (1997 1999). In addition, Ms. Small served as Co Chair (2000 2003) of the Annual Fund for the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

William S. Stavropoulos (66)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2002

Mr. Stavropoulos is Chairman of the Board (2000 present) and a Member of the Board of Directors of The Dow Chemical Company. Since joining The Dow Chemical Company in 1967, Mr. Stavropoulos served in numerous senior management positions, including President (1993 2000; 2002 2003), CEO (1995 2000; 2002 2004), and Chair man of the Executive Committee (2000 2004). Currently, he is a Direc tor of NCR Corporation (data warehousing and technology solutions), BellSouth Corporation (telecommunications), Chemical Financial Corpo ration, Maersk Inc. (industrial conglomerate, 2002 present), and Metal mark Capital (private equity investment firm, 2005 present). He also serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. In addition, Mr. Stavropoulos is a member of The Business Council, J.P. Morgan International Council and the University of Notre Dame Advisory Council for the College of Science.

Kenneth L. Wolfe (66)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Prior to his retirement in 2001, Mr. Wolfe was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Hershey Foods Corporation (1993 2001). He cur rently serves as a member of the boards of Adelphia Communications Corporation (2003 present), Bausch & Lomb, Inc., and Revlon Inc. (2004 present).

49 Annual Report

Trustees and Officers - continued

Advisory Board Members and Executive Officers:

Correspondence intended for Mr. Keyes may be sent to Fidelity Investments, P.O. Box 55235, Boston, Massachusetts 02205-5235. Correspondence intended for each executive officer and Mr. Lynch may be sent to Fidelity Investments, 82 Devonshire Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109.

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

James H. Keyes (65)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2006

Member of the Advisory Board of Fidelity New York Municipal Trust. Prior to his retirement in 2003, Mr. Keyes was Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Johnson Controls, Inc. (automotive supplier, 1993 2003). He currently serves as a member of the boards of LSI Logic Corporation (semiconductor technologies, 1984 present), Navistar International Corporation (manufacture and sale of trucks, buses, and diesel engines, 2002 present), and Pitney Bowes, Inc. (integrated mail, messaging, and document management solutions, 1998 present).

  Peter S. Lynch (62)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2003

Member of the Advisory Board of Fidelity New York Municipal Trust. Vice Chairman and a Director of FMR, and Vice Chairman (2001 present) and a Director (2000 present) of FMR Co., Inc. Previously, Mr. Lynch served as a Trustee of the Fidelity funds (1990 2003). In addition, he serves as a Trustee of Boston College, Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infir mary, Historic Deerfield, John F. Kennedy Library, and the Museum of Fine Arts of Boston.

  Walter C. Donovan (43)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Vice President of New York Municipal Income. Mr. Donovan also serves as Vice President of Fidelity’s High Income Funds (2005 present), Fidelity’s Fixed Income Funds (2005 present), certain Asset Allocation Funds (2005 present), and certain Balanced Funds (2005 present). Mr. Donovan also serves as Executive Vice President of FMR (2005 present) and FMRC (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Donovan served as Vice President and Director of Fidelity’s International Equity Trading group (1998 2005).

Annual Report


Name, Age; Principal Occupation

David L. Murphy (58)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Vice President of New York Municipal Income. Mr. Murphy also serves as Vice President of Fidelity’s Money Market Funds (2002 present), certain Asset Allocation Funds (2003 present), Fidelity’s Investment Grade Bond Funds (2005 present), and Fidelity’s Balanced Funds (2005 present). He serves as Senior Vice President (2000 present) and Head (2004 present) of the Fidelity Investments Fixed Income Division. Mr. Murphy is also a Senior Vice President of Fidelity Investments Money Management, Inc. (2003 present) and an Executive Vice President of FMR (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Murphy served as Money Market Group Leader (2002 2004), Bond Group Leader (2000 2002), and Vice President of Fidelity’s Taxable Bond Funds (2000 2002) and Fidelity’s Municipal Bond Funds (2001 2002).

Thomas J. Silvia (44)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Vice President of New York Municipal Income. Mr. Silvia also serves as Vice President of Fidelity’s Bond Funds (2005 present), certain Balanced Funds (2005 present), certain Asset Allocation Funds (2005 present), and Senior Vice President and Bond Group Leader of the Fidelity Investments Fixed Income Division (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Silvia served as Director of Fidelity’s Taxable Bond portfolio managers (2002 2004) and a portfolio manager in the Bond Group (1997 2004).

Mark Sommer (46)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2002

Vice President of New York Municipal Income. Mr. Sommer also serves as Vice President of other funds advised by FMR. Prior to assuming his current responsibilities, Mr. Sommer worked as an analyst and manager.

Eric D. Roiter (57)

Year of Election or Appointment: 1998

Secretary of New York Municipal Income. He also serves as Secretary of other Fidelity funds; Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary of FMR Co., Inc. (2001 present) and FMR; Assistant Secretary of Fidelity Management & Research (U.K.) Inc. (2001 present), Fidelity Research & Analysis Company (2001 present), and Fidelity Investments Money Management, Inc. (2001 present). Mr. Roiter is an Adjunct Member, Faculty of Law, at Boston College Law School (2003 present). Previously, Mr. Roiter served as Vice President and Secretary of Fidelity Distributors Corporation (FDC) (1998 2005)

51 Annual Report

Trustees and Officers - continued

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

  Stuart Fross (46)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2003

Assistant Secretary of New York Municipal Income. Mr. Fross also serves as Assistant Secretary of other Fidelity funds (2003 present), Vice Presi dent and Secretary of FDC (2005 present), and is an employee of FMR.

  Christine Reynolds (47)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2004

President and Treasurer of New York Municipal Income. Ms. Reynolds also serves as President and Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2004 present) and is a Vice President (2003 present) and an employee (2002 present) of FMR. Before joining Fidelity Investments, Ms. Reynolds worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) (1980 2002), where she was most recently an audit partner with PwC’s investment management practice.

  R. Stephen Ganis (39)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2006

Anti Money Laundering (AML) officer of New York Municipal Income. Mr. Ganis also serves as AML officer of other Fidelity funds (2006 present) and FMR Corp. (2003 present). Before joining Fidelity Investments, Mr. Ganis practiced law at Goodwin Procter, LLP (2000 2002).

  Paul M. Murphy (58)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Chief Financial Officer of New York Municipal Income. Mr. Murphy also serves as Chief Financial Officer of other Fidelity funds (2005 present). He also serves as Senior Vice President of Fidelity Pricing and Cash Management Services Group (FPCMS).

  Kenneth A. Rathgeber (58)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2004

Chief Compliance Officer of New York Municipal Income. Mr. Rathgeber also serves as Chief Compliance Officer of other Fidelity funds (2004 present) and Executive Vice President of Risk Oversight for Fidelity Investments (2002 present). He is Chief Compliance Officer of FMR (2005 present), FMR Co., Inc. (2005 present), Fidelity Manage ment & Research (U.K.) Inc. (2005 present), Fidelity Research & Analysis Company (2005 present), Fidelity Investments Money Management, Inc. (2005 present), and Strategic Advisers, Inc. (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Rathgeber served as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Fidelity Investments Institutional Services Company, Inc. (1998 2002).

Annual Report


Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Bryan A. Mehrmann (44)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Deputy Treasurer of New York Municipal Income. Mr. Mehrmann also serves as Deputy Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2005 present) and is an employee of FMR. Previously, Mr. Mehrmann served as Vice Presi dent of Fidelity Investments Institutional Services Group (FIIS)/Fidelity Investments Institutional Operations Corporation, Inc. (FIIOC) Client Services (1998 2004).

Kimberley H. Monasterio (42)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2004

Deputy Treasurer of New York Municipal Income. Ms. Monasterio also serves as Deputy Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2004) and is an employee of FMR (2004). Before joining Fidelity Investments, Ms. Monasterio served as Treasurer (2000 2004) and Chief Financial Officer (2002 2004) of the Franklin Templeton Funds and Senior Vice President of Franklin Templeton Services, LLC (2000 2004).

Kenneth B. Robins (36)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Deputy Treasurer of New York Municipal Income. Mr. Robins also serves as Deputy Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2005 present) and is an employee of FMR (2004 present). Before joining Fidelity Investments, Mr. Robins worked at KPMG LLP, where he was a partner in KPMG’s department of professional practice (2002 2004) and a Senior Manager (1999 2000). In addition, Mr. Robins served as Assistant Chief Accountant, United States Securities and Exchange Commission (2000 2002).

Robert G. Byrnes (39)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Assistant Treasurer of New York Municipal Income. Mr. Byrnes also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2005 present) and is an employee of FMR (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Byrnes served as Vice President of FPCMS (2003 2005). Before joining Fidelity Investments, Mr. Byrnes worked at Deutsche Asset Management where he served as Vice President of the Investment Operations Group (2000 2003).

John H. Costello (59)

Year of Election or Appointment: 1986

Assistant Treasurer of New York Municipal Income. Mr. Costello also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other Fidelity funds and is an employee of FMR.

53 Annual Report

Trustees and Officers - continued

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Peter L. Lydecker (52)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2004

Assistant Treasurer of New York Municipal Income. Mr. Lydecker also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2004) and is an employee of FMR.

  Mark Osterheld (50)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2002

Assistant Treasurer of New York Municipal Income. Mr. Osterheld also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2002) and is an employee of FMR.

  Gary W. Ryan (47)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Assistant Treasurer of New York Municipal Income. Mr. Ryan also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2005 present) and is an employee of FMR (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Ryan served as Vice President of Fund Reporting in FPCMS (1999 2005).

  Salvatore Schiavone (40)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Assistant Treasurer of New York Municipal Income. Mr. Schiavone also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2005 present) and is an employee of FMR (2005 present). Before joining Fidelity Invest ments, Mr. Schiavone worked at Deutsche Asset Management, where he most recently served as Assistant Treasurer (2003 2005) of the Scudder Funds and Vice President and Head of Fund Reporting (1996 2003).

Annual Report



The Board of Trustees of Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund voted to pay to shareholders of record at the opening of business on record date, the following distributions per share derived from capital gains realized from sales of portfolio securities:

    Pay Date    Record Date    Capital Gains 
Fidelity New York Municipal Income    3/06/06    03/03/06    $.062 

The fund hereby designates as a capital gain dividend with respect to the taxable year ended January 31, 2006 $16,713,320, or, if subsequently determined to be different, the net capital gain of such year.

During fiscal year ended 2005, 100% of the fund’s income dividends was free from federal income tax, and 4.8% of the fund’s income dividends was subject to the federal alternative minimum tax.

The fund will notify shareholders in January 2007 of amounts for use in preparing 2006 income tax returns.

55 Annual Report

Proxy Voting Results

A special meeting of the fund’s shareholders was held on February 15, 2006. The results of votes taken among shareholders on the proposal before them are reported below. Each vote reported represents one dollar of net asset value held on the record date for the meeting.

PROPOSAL 1         
To elect a Board of Trustees.A     
    # of    % of 
    Votes    Votes 
Dennis J. Dirks         
Affirmative    756,274,117.48    94.929 
Withheld    40,401,891.30    5.071 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Albert R. Gamper, Jr.     
Affirmative    756,074,508.43    94.904 
Withheld    40,601,500.35    5.096 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Robert M. Gates         
Affirmative    753,726,156.15    94.609 
Withheld    42,949,852.63    5.391 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
George H. Heilmeier     
Affirmative    754,732,746.86    94.735 
Withheld    41,943,261.92    5.265 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Edward C. Johnson 3d     
Affirmative    754,073,233.82    94.652 
Withheld    42,602,774.96    5.348 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Stephen P. Jonas         
Affirmative    756,562,609.94    94.965 
Withheld    40,113,398.84    5.035 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Marie L. Knowles     
Affirmative    754,799,466.04    94.744 
Withheld    41,876,542.74    5.256 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 

    # of    % of 
    Votes    Votes 
Ned C. Lautenbach     
Affirmative    755,172,679.13    94.790 
Withheld    41,503,329.65    5.210 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
William O. McCoy     
Affirmative    754,375,687.88    94.690 
Withheld    42,300,320.90    5.310 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Robert L. Reynolds     
Affirmative    755,950,104.48    94.888 
Withheld    40,725,904.30    5.112 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Cornelia M. Small     
Affirmative    755,751,111.56    94.863 
Withheld    40,924,897.22    5.137 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
William S. Stavropoulos     
Affirmative    747,114,578.40    93.779 
Withheld    49,561,430.38    6.221 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Kenneth L. Wolfe         
Affirmative    755,847,459.35    94.875 
Withheld    40,828,549.43    5.125 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 

A Denotes trust-wide proposal and voting results.

Annual Report 56

Board Approval of Investment Advisory Contracts and Management Fees

Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund (formerly Spartan New York Municipal Income Fund)

On January 19, 2006, the Board of Trustees, including the Independent Trustees (together, the Board), voted to approve a general research services agreement (the Agreement) between FMR, FMR Co., Inc. (FMRC), Fidelity Investments Money Manage ment, Inc. (FIMM), and Fidelity Research & Analysis Company (FRAC) (together, the Investment Advisers) for the fund, effective January 20, 2006, pursuant to which FRAC may provide general research and investment advisory support services to FMRC and FIMM. The Board considered that it has approved previously various sub advisory agreements for the fund with affiliates of FMR that allow FMR to obtain research, non discretionary advice, or discretionary portfolio management at no additional expense to the fund. The Board, assisted by the advice of fund counsel and independent Trustees’ counsel, considered a broad range of information and determined that it would be beneficial for the fund to access the research and investment advisory support services supplied by FRAC at no additional expense to the fund.

The Board reached this determination in part because the new arrangement will involve no changes in (i) the contractual terms of and fees payable under the fund’s manage ment contract or sub advisory agreements; (ii) the investment process or strategies employed in the management of the fund’s assets; (iii) the nature or level of services provided under the fund’s management contract or sub advisory agreements; (iv) the day to day management of the fund or the persons primarily responsible for such man agement; or (v) the ultimate control or beneficial ownership of FMR, FMRC, or FIMM. The Board also considered that the establishment of the Agreement would not necessi tate prior shareholder approval of the Agreement or result in an assignment and termination of the fund’s management contract or sub advisory agreements under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

Because the Board was approving an arrangement with FRAC under which the fund will not bear any additional management fees or expenses and under which the fund’s portfolio manager would not change, it did not consider the fund’s investment perfor mance, competitiveness of management fee and total expenses, costs of services and profitability, or economies of scale to be significant factors in its decision.

In connection with its future renewal of the fund’s management contract and sub advisory agreements, the Board will consider: (i) the nature, extent, and quality of services provided to the fund, including shareholder and administrative services and investment performance; (ii) the competitiveness of the fund’s management fee and total expenses; (iii) the costs of the services and profitability, including the revenues earned and the expenses incurred by Fidelity in conducting the business of developing, marketing, distributing, managing, administering, and servicing the fund and its shareholders; and (iv) whether there have been economies of scale in respect of the

57 Annual Report

Board Approval of Investment Advisory Contracts and Management Fees continued

management of the Fidelity funds, whether the Fidelity funds (including the fund) have appropriately benefited from any such economies of scale, and whether there is potential for realization of any further economies.

Based on its evaluation of all of the conclusions noted above, and after considering all material factors, the Board ultimately concluded that the fund’s Agreement is fair and reasonable, and that the fund’s Agreement should be approved.

Annual Report


Managing Your Investments

Fidelity offers several ways to conveniently manage your personal investments via your telephone or PC. You can access your account information, conduct trades and research your investments 24 hours a day.

By Phone

Fidelity Automated Service Telephone provides a single toll free number to access account balances, positions, quotes and trading. It’s easy to navigate the service, and on your first call, the system will help you create a personal identification number (PIN) for security.


Fidelity’s web site on the Internet provides a wide range of information, including daily financial news, fund performance, interactive planning tools and news about Fidelity products and services.

* When you call the quotes line, please remember that a fund’s yield and return will vary and, except for money market funds, share price will also vary. This means that you may have a gain or loss when you sell your shares. There is no assurance that money market funds will be able to maintain a stable $1 share price; an investment in a money market fund is not insured or guar anteed by the U.S. government. Total returns are historical and include changes in share price, reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and the effects of any sales charges.

59 Annual Report

To Write Fidelity

We’ll give your correspondence immediate attention and send you written confirmation upon completion of your request.

(such as changing name, address, bank, etc.)

Fidelity Investments
P.O. Box 770001
Cincinnati, OH 45277-0002

  Buying shares

Fidelity Investments

P.O. Box 770001
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Overnight Express

Fidelity Investments
Attn: Distribution Services
100 Crosby Parkway KC1H
Covington, KY 41015

Selling shares

Fidelity Investments
P.O. Box 770001
Cincinnati, OH 45277-0035

Overnight Express

Fidelity Investments
Attn: Distribution Services
100 Crosby Parkway KC1H
Covington, KY 41015

General Correspondence

Fidelity Investments

P.O. Box 500
Merrimack, NH 03054-0500

  Buying shares

Fidelity Investments

P.O. Box 770001
Cincinnati, OH 45277-0003

Selling shares

Fidelity Investments
P.O. Box 770001
Cincinnati, OH 45277-0035

Overnight Express

Fidelity Investments
Attn: Distribution Services
100 Crosby Parkway KC1H
Covington, KY 41015

General Correspondence

Fidelity Investments

P.O. Box 500
Merrimack, NH 03054-0500

Annual Report 60

To Visit Fidelity

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61 Annual Report


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Annual Report 62

  Investment Adviser
Fidelity Management & Research
Boston, MA
Investment Sub Advisers
Fidelity Investments
Money Management, Inc.
Fidelity Research & Analysis Company
(formerly Fidelity Management &
Research (Far East) Inc.)
Fidelity International Investment Advisors
Fidelity International Investment Advisors
(U.K.) Limited
General Distributor
Fidelity Distributors Corporation
Boston, MA
Transfer and Service Agents
Citibank, N.A.
New York, NY
Fidelity Service Company, Inc.
Boston, MA
Citibank, N.A.
New York, NY

The Fidelity Telephone Connection 
Mutual Fund 24-Hour Service 
 and Account Assistance    1-800-544-6666 
Product Information    1-800-544-6666 
Retirement Accounts    1-800-544-4774 
(8 a.m. - 9 p.m.)     
TDD Service    1-800-544-0118 
 for the deaf and hearing impaired 
 (9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Eastern time) 
Fidelity Automated Service     
 Telephone (FAST®) (automated phone logo)    1-800-544-5555 
(automated phone logo)  Automated line for quickest service 


Fidelity Advisor
New York Municipal Income
Fund - Class A, Class T, Class B
and Class C

  Annual Report
January 31, 2006

Class A, Class T, Class B, and Class C are classes of Fidelity® New York Municipal Income Fund

Chairman’s Message    4    Ned Johnson’s message to shareholders. 
Performance    5    How the fund has done over time. 
Management’s Discussion    7    The managers’ review of fund 
        performance, strategy and outlook. 
Shareholder Expense    8    An example of shareholder expenses. 
Investment Changes    10    A summary of major shifts in the fund’s 
        investments over the past six months. 
Investments    11    A complete list of the fund’s investments 
        with their market values. 
Financial Statements    25    Statements of assets and liabilities, 
        operations, and changes in net assets, 
        as well as financial highlights. 
Notes    35    Notes to the financial statements. 
Report of Independent    43     
Registered Public         
Accounting Firm         
Trustees and Officers    45     
Distributions    56     
Proxy Voting Results    57     
Board Approval of    58     
Investment Advisory         
Contracts and         
Management Fees         

To view a fund’s proxy voting guidelines and proxy voting record for the 12 month period ended
June 30, visit www.fidelity.com/proxyvotingresults or visit the Securities and Exchange Commis
sion’s (SEC) web site at www.sec.gov. You may also call 1-877-208-0098 to request a free copy of
the proxy voting guidelines.

Standard & Poor’s, S&P and S&P 500 are registered service marks of The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc.

and have been licensed for use by Fidelity Distributors Corporation.

Other third party marks appearing herein are the property of their respective owners.

All other marks appearing herein are registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks

of FMR Corp. or an affiliated company.

Annual Report


This report and the financial statements contained herein are submitted for the general information
of the shareholders of the fund. This report is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors
in the fund unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.
A fund files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third
quarters of each fiscal year on Form N Q. Forms N Q are available on the SEC’s web site at
http://www.sec.gov. A fund’s Forms N Q may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public
Reference Room in Washington, DC. Information regarding the operation of the SEC’s Public
Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. For a complete list of a fund’s port
folio holdings, view the most recent quarterly holdings report, semiannual report, or annual
report on Fidelity’s web site at http://www.advisor.fidelity.com.
Neither the fund nor Fidelity Distributors Corporation is a bank.

3 Annual Report

Chairman’s Message

(photograph of Edward C. Johnson 3d)

Dear Shareholder:

During the past year or so, much has been reported about the mutual fund industry, and much of it has been more critical than I believe is warranted. Allegations that some companies have been less than forthright with their shareholders have cast a shadow on the entire industry. I continue to find these reports disturbing, and assert that they do not create an accurate picture of the industry overall. Therefore, I would like to remind every one where Fidelity stands on these issues. I will say two things specifically regarding allegations that some mutual fund companies were in violation of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s forward pricing rules or were involved in so called “market timing” activities.

First, Fidelity has no agreements that permit customers who buy fund shares after 4 p.m. to obtain the 4 p.m. price. This is not a new policy. This is not to say that some one could not deceive the company through fraudulent acts. However, we are extremely diligent in preventing fraud from occurring in this manner and in every other. But I underscore again that Fidelity has no so called “agreements” that sanction illegal practices.

Second, Fidelity continues to stand on record, as we have for years, in opposition to predatory short term trading that adversely affects shareholders in a mutual fund. Back in the 1980s, we initiated a fee which is returned to the fund and, therefore, to investors to discourage this activity. Further, we took the lead several years ago in developing a Fair Value Pricing Policy to prevent market timing on foreign securities in our funds. I am confident we will find other ways to make it more difficult for predatory traders to operate. However, this will only be achieved through close cooperation among regulators, legislators and the industry.

Yes, there have been unfortunate instances of unethical and illegal activity within the mutual fund industry from time to time. That is true of any industry. When this occurs, confessed or convicted offenders should be dealt with appropriately. But we are still concerned about the risk of over regulation and the quick application of simplistic solutions to intricate problems. Every system can be improved, and we support and applaud well thought out improvements by regulators, legislators and industry representatives that achieve the common goal of building and protecting the value of investors’ holdings.

For nearly 60 years, Fidelity has worked very hard to improve its products and service to justify your trust. When our family founded this company in 1946, we had only a few hundred customers. Today, we serve more than 18 million customers including individual investors and participants in retirement plans across America.

Let me close by saying that we do not take your trust in us for granted, and we realize that we must always work to improve all aspects of our service to you. In turn, we urge you to continue your active participation with your financial matters, so that your interests can be well served.

Best regards,

/s/ Edward C. Johnson 3d

Edward C. Johnson 3d

Annual Report 4

Performance: The Bottom Line

Average annual total return reflects the change in the value of an investment, assuming reinvestment of the class’ dividend income and capital gains (the profits earned upon the sale of securities that have grown in value) and assuming a constant rate of performance each year. The $10,000 table and the fund’s returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. During periods of reimbursement by Fidelity, a fund’s total return will be greater than it would be had the reimbursement not occurred. How a fund did yesterday is no guarantee of how it will do tomorrow.

Average Annual Total Returns             
Periods ended January 31, 2006    Past 1    Past 5    Past 10 
    year    years    years 
Class A (incl. 4.75% sales charge)A    2.85%    4.36%     5.05% 
Class T (incl. 3.50% sales charge)B    1.58%    4.58%     5.16% 
Class B (incl. contingent deferred sales charge)C    3.64%    4.49%     5.28% 
Class C (incl. contingent deferred sales charge)D    0.16%    4.75%     5.25% 

A Class A shares bear a 0.15% 12b-1 fee that is reflected in returns after August 1, 2002. The initial offer-
ing of Class A shares took place on August 1, 2002. Returns prior to August 1, 2002 are those of New York
Municipal Income, the original retail class of the fund, which does not bear a 12b-1 fee. Had Class A shares’
12b-1 fee been reflected, returns prior to August 1, 2002 would have been lower.
B Class T shares bear a 0.25% 12b-1 fee that is reflected in returns after August 1, 2002. The initial offer-
ing of Class T shares took place on August 1, 2002. Returns prior to August 1, 2002 are those of New York
Municipal Income, the original retail class of the fund, which does not bear a 12b-1 fee. Had Class T shares’
12b-1 fee been reflected, returns prior to August 1, 2002 would have been lower.
C Class B shares bear a 0.90% 12b 1 fee that is reflected in returns after August 1, 2002. The initial offering of
Class B shares took place on August 1, 2002. Returns prior to August 1, 2002 are those of New York Municipal
Income, the original retail class of the fund, which does not bear a 12b 1 fee. Had Class B shares’ 12b 1 fee been
reflected, returns prior to August 1, 2002 would have been lower. Class B shares’ contingent deferred sales charges
included in the past one year, past five years and past 10 years total return figures are 5%, 1% and 0%,
D Class C shares bear a 1.00% 12b 1 fee that is reflected in returns after August 1, 2002. The initial offering of
Class C shares took place on August 1, 2002. Returns prior to August 1, 2002 are those of New York Municipal
Income, the original retail class of the fund, which does not bear a 12b 1 fee. Had Class C shares’ 12b 1 fee been
reflected, returns prior to August 1, 2002 would have been lower. Class C shares’ contingent deferred sales charges
included in the past one year, past five years and past 10 years total return figures are 1%, 0% and 0%,

5 Annual Report

  $10,000 Over 10 Years

Let’s say hypothetically that $10,000 was invested in Fidelity Advisor New York Municipal Income Fund - Class T on January 31, 1996, when the fund started, and the current 3.50% sales charge was paid. The chart shows how the value of your investment would have changed, and also shows how the Lehman Brothers® Municipal Bond Index performed over the same period.

Annual Report 6

Management’s Discussion of Fund Performance

Comments from Mark Sommer, Portfolio Manager of Fidelity Advisor New York Municipal Income Fund

2005 marked the third consecutive year that municipal bonds outperformed the investment grade taxable bond market, a trend that continued through the first month of 2006. While both markets were pressured by the steadily rising federal funds rate and fears of inflation, short term Treasury yields rose and long term yields fell to a greater extent than in municipal bonds, and many investors were attracted to the yield differential between longer dated municipals and taxable investment grade debt. As rates fell in the long end of the municipal market, many issuers looked to refinance existing debt costs or finance new projects at better relative rates. This demand contributed to record high issuance for calendar year 2005. For the year ending January 31, 2006, the Lehman Brothers® Municipal Bond Index a performance measure of approximately 34,000 investment grade, fixed rate, tax exempt bonds rose 2.83% . In comparison, the taxable bond market, as measured by the Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index, gained a more modest 1.80% .

For the 12 months ending January 31, 2006, the fund’s Class A, Class T, Class B and Class C shares returned 2.00%, 1.99%, 1.22%, and 1.14%, respectively (excluding sales charges). During the same period, the LipperSM New York Municipal Debt Funds Average returned 2.38% and the Lehman Brothers New York 4 Plus Year Enhanced Municipal Bond Index rose 2.91% . Strong demand for tax free investments and improved creditworthiness for many muni issuers across the state helped the New York muni market to perform roughly in line with the national market and to somewhat offset the negative effects of rising short term interest rates. The fund’s underperformance of the Lehman Brothers index and I suspect the Lipper peer group average stemmed from my decisions to avoid tobacco bonds and to underweight bonds issued by New York City. Both segments signifi cantly outperformed most other muni sectors during the period. In contrast, the fund’s performance was aided by its stake in bonds that were prerefunded during the period, a process that helped boost the bonds’ returns. Throughout the year, I kept the fund’s interest rate sensitivity in line with the New York municipal market as a whole, as mea sured by the Lehman Brothers index. That strategy had no material impact on the fund’s performance relative to the index.

The views expressed above reflect those of the portfolio manager(s) only through the end of the period as stated on the cover of this report and do not necessarily represent the views of Fidelity or any other person in the Fidelity organization. Any such views are subject to change at any time based upon market or other conditions and Fidelity disclaims any responsibility to update such views. These views may not be relied on as investment advice and, because investment decisions for a Fidelity fund are based on numerous factors, may not be relied on as an indication of trading intent on behalf of any Fidelity fund.

7 Annual Report

Shareholder Expense Example

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments or redemption proceeds, redemption fees, and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees, distribution and/or service (12b 1) fees and other Fund expenses. This Example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The Example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period (August 1, 2005 to January 31, 2006).

Actual Expenses

The first line of the table below for each class of the Fund provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000.00 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000.00 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first line for a class of the Fund under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The second line of the table below for each class of the Fund provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on a Class’ actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Class’ actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. Therefore, the second line of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.

                    Expenses Paid 
        Beginning        Ending    During Period* 
        Account Value        Account Value    August 1, 2005 
        August 1, 2005        January 31, 2006    to January 31, 2006 
Class A                         
Actual      $  1,000.00      $  1,010.10    $    3.34 
HypotheticalA      $  1,000.00      $  1,021.88    $    3.36 
Class T                         
Actual      $  1,000.00      $  1,010.40    $    3.75 
HypotheticalA      $  1,000.00      $  1,021.48    $    3.77 
Class B                         
Actual      $  1,000.00      $  1,007.00    $    7.18 
HypotheticalA      $  1,000.00      $  1,018.05    $    7.22 
Annual Report        8                 

                    Expenses Paid 
        Beginning        Ending    During Period* 
        Account Value        Account Value    August 1, 2005 
        August 1, 2005        January 31, 2006    to January 31, 2006 
Class C                         
Actual      $  1,000.00      $  1,005.80    $    7.58 
HypotheticalA      $  1,000.00      $  1,017.64    $    7.63 
New York Municipal Income                         
Actual      $  1,000.00      $  1,011.80    $    2.38 
HypotheticalA      $  1,000.00      $  1,022.84    $    2.40 
Institutional Class                         
Actual      $  1,000.00      $  1,011.80    $    2.38 
HypotheticalA      $  1,000.00      $  1,022.84    $    2.40 
A 5% return per year before expenses                 

* Expenses are equal to each Class’ annualized expense ratio (shown in the table below); multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one half year period).

    Expense Ratio 
Class A    66% 
Class T    74% 
Class B    1.42% 
Class C    1.50% 
New York Municipal Income    47% 
Institutional Class    47% 

9 Annual Report

Investment Changes         
 Top Five Sectors as of January 31, 2006         
    % of fund’s    % of fund’s net assets 
    net assets    6 months ago 
General Obligations    33.5    32.9 
Special Tax    18.6    13.9 
Water & Sewer    11.0    12.4 
Transportation    10.4    14.0 
Escrowed/Pre Refunded    9.5    7.4 
Average Years to Maturity as of January 31, 2006 
        6 months ago 
Years    14.4    14.7 

Average years to maturity is based on the average time remaining to the stated maturity date of each bond, weighted by the market value of each bond.

Duration as of January  31, 2006         
            6 months ago 
Years        6.7    6.7 

Duration shows how much a bond fund’s price fluctuates with changes in comparable interest rates. If rates rise 1%, for example, a fund with a five year duration is likely to lose about 5% of its value. Other factors also can influence a bond fund’s performance and share price. Accordingly, a bond fund’s actual performance may differ from this example.

We have used ratings from Moody’s® Investors Services, Inc. Where Moody’s ratings are not available, we have used S&P® ratings.

Annual Report 10

Investments January 31,  2006         
Showing Percentage of Net Assets                 
 Municipal Bonds 97.5%                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
Guam 0.1%                 
Guam Wtrwks. Auth. Wtr. and Wastewtr. Sys. Rev. 6%                 
   7/1/25    $    1,100    $    1,185 
New York – 91.4%                 
Albany Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev. (College of                 
   Saint Rose Proj.) Series A:                 
   5% 7/1/10 (AMBAC Insured)        600        637 
   5% 7/1/11 (AMBAC Insured)        500        535 
   5.5% 7/1/21 (AMBAC Insured)        2,300        2,486 
Battery Park City Auth. Rev. Series A:                 
   5.25% 11/1/16        2,000        2,187 
   5.25% 11/1/17        1,400        1,525 
Dutchess County Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev.:                 
   (Bard College Civic Facility Proj.):                 
       5.5% 8/1/20        4,190        4,492 
       5.75% 8/1/30        9,475        10,194 
   (Vassar College Proj.) 5.35% 9/1/40        7,000        7,447 
Erie County Gen. Oblig. Series A:                 
   5% 9/1/15 (FGIC Insured)        2,625        2,804 
   5% 9/1/16 (FGIC Insured)        1,680        1,789 
   5% 9/1/17 (FGIC Insured)        1,000        1,064 
Erie County Indl. Dev. Agcy. School Facility Rev. (Buffalo                 
   City School District Proj.):                 
   Series 2003:                 
       5.75% 5/1/17 (FSA Insured)        8,940        9,874 
       5.75% 5/1/19 (FSA Insured)        1,500        1,652 
       5.75% 5/1/20 (FSA Insured)        1,400        1,539 
       5.75% 5/1/21 (FSA Insured)        1,755        1,927 
       5.75% 5/1/22 (FSA Insured)        4,900        5,375 
       5.75% 5/1/23 (FSA Insured)        1,000        1,096 
   Series 2004:                 
       5.75% 5/1/17 (FSA Insured)        5,950        6,764 
       5.75% 5/1/23 (FSA Insured)        6,620        7,476 
       5.75% 5/1/26 (FSA Insured)        5,500        6,186 
Geneva Indl. Dev. Auth. Civic Facilities Rev. (Hobart &                 
   William Smith Proj.) Series A, 5.375% 2/1/23 (FGIC                 
   Insured)        3,485        3,777 
Grand Central District Mgmt. Assoc., Inc. 5% 1/1/14        1,000        1,067 
Hempstead Town Indl. Dev. Agcy. (American Ref-Fuel                 
   Co. Proj.) 5% 12/1/10        7,000        7,224 
Metropolitan Trans. Auth. Commuter Facilities Rev. Series                 
   1997 D, 5.125% 7/1/22 (Pre-Refunded to 1/1/12 @                 
   100) (d)        1,100        1,188 
See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.         
                                                                                         11            Annual Report 

Investments continued                 
 Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
Metropolitan Trans. Auth. Dedicated Tax Fund Series A,                 
   5.5% 11/15/26 (FSA Insured) (a)    $    13,575    $    14,824 
Metropolitan Trans. Auth. Rev.:                 
   Series 2002 A:                 
       5.5% 11/15/15 (AMBAC Insured)        1,340        1,481 
       5.5% 11/15/16 (AMBAC Insured)        1,000        1,103 
       5.5% 11/15/17 (AMBAC Insured)        1,000        1,102 
       5.5% 11/15/18 (AMBAC Insured)        1,700        1,870 
       5.75% 11/15/32        10,000        11,099 
   Series A:                 
       5.125% 11/15/31        12,150        12,639 
       5.5% 11/15/18 (AMBAC Insured)        2,000        2,294 
   Series B:                 
       5.25% 11/15/18 (FGIC Insured)        4,000        4,345 
       5.25% 11/15/32        5,000        5,281 
   Series E, 5.5% 11/15/21 (MBIA Insured)        2,200        2,418 
   Series F, 5.25% 11/15/27 (MBIA Insured)        3,000        3,210 
Metropolitan Trans. Auth. Svc. Contract Rev.:                 
   (Trans. Facilities Proj.) Series 3, 7.375% 7/1/08                 
       (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        1,005        1,057 
   Series 2002 A, 5.75% 7/1/31 (AMBAC Insured)        3,025        3,320 
   Series 7, 5.625% 7/1/16 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d) .        3,000        3,004 
   Series A:                 
       5.5% 1/1/20 (MBIA Insured)        8,000        8,758 
       5.5% 7/1/20 (MBIA Insured)        3,000        3,284 
   Series B:                 
       5.5% 7/1/19 (MBIA Insured)        3,000        3,286 
       5.5% 7/1/23 (MBIA Insured)        5,000        5,465 
   Series O, 5.75% 7/1/13 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        3,000        3,276 
Metropolitan Trans. Auth. Transit Facilities Rev.:                 
   Series C, 4.75% 7/1/16 (Pre-Refunded to 1/1/12 @                 
       100) (d)        1,270        1,350 
   Series N, 0% 7/1/11 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        5,980        4,873 
Monroe County Arpt. Auth. Arpt. Rev. 5.25% 1/1/13                 
   (MBIA Insured) (c)        1,000        1,056 
Monroe County Gen. Oblig.:                 
   6.5% 6/1/06        120        121 
   6.5% 6/1/07 (AMBAC Insured)        50        52 
Monroe County Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev.:                 
   (Highland Hosp. Proj.):                 
       5% 8/1/11        1,510        1,575 
       5% 8/1/13        1,650        1,725 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
Monroe County Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev.: -                 
   (Nazareth College Rochester Proj.) 5.25% 10/1/21                 
       (MBIA Insured)    $    1,000    $    1,071 
Nassau County Gen. Oblig.:                 
   Series U, 5.25% 11/1/15 (AMBAC Insured)        2,150        2,226 
   Series Z, 5% 9/1/11 (FGIC Insured)        3,000        3,176 
Nassau County Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev. (North                 
   Shore Health Sys. Proj.):                 
   Series 2001 A, 5.875% 11/1/11        145        153 
   Series 2001 B, 5.875% 11/1/11        1,000        1,059 
   Series 2001 C, 5.625% 11/1/10        620        645 
   Series 2001 D, 5.625% 11/1/10        1,225        1,306 
Nassau County Interim Fin. Auth. Series A, 5%                 
   11/15/18 (AMBAC Insured)        4,875        5,208 
New York City Gen. Oblig.:                 
   Series 1996 B, 6.5% 8/15/09        3,000        3,281 
   Series 1996 F, 5.75% 2/1/15 (Pre-Refunded to                 
       2/1/06 @ 101.5) (d)        495        502 
   Series 1997 H, 6% 8/1/12 (FGIC Insured)        5,000        5,646 
   Series 1997 L, 5.75% 8/1/12        1,910        1,989 
   Series 1998 H, 5.5% 8/1/12        8,230        8,633 
   Series 2000 A, 6.5% 5/15/11        2,540        2,838 
   Series 2002 A, 5.75% 8/1/14        5,000        5,508 
   Series 2002 B, 5.75% 8/1/15        3,500        3,851 
   Series 2002 C, 5.5% 8/1/13        10,500        11,506 
   Series 2003 A:                 
       5.5% 8/1/14        3,205        3,522 
       5.5% 8/1/20 (MBIA Insured)        7,000        7,727 
   Series 2003 C, 5.25% 8/1/10        5,000        5,327 
   Series 2003 E:                 
       5.25% 8/1/10        2,000        2,131 
       5.25% 8/1/11        6,245        6,706 
       5.25% 8/1/14        3,390        3,660 
   Series 2003 F:                 
       5.5% 12/15/10        1,000        1,079 
       5.5% 12/15/11        3,700        4,028 
   Series 2003 I, 5.75% 3/1/16        3,000        3,321 
   Series 2004 B, 5.25% 8/1/15        9,855        10,676 
   Series 2005 C, 5% 8/1/11        5,000        5,308 
   Series 2005 F, 5.25% 8/1/12        2,000        2,144 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

13 Annual Report

Investments continued                 
Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
New York City Gen. Oblig.: – continued                 
   Series 2005 G:                 
       5% 8/1/15    $    8,200    $    8,789 
       5.25% 8/1/16        9,000        9,835 
       5.625% 8/1/13 (MBIA Insured)        3,000        3,318 
   Series 2005 J:                 
       5% 3/1/11        5,825        6,159 
       5% 3/1/13        2,500        2,665 
   Series A:                 
       5.25% 11/1/14 (MBIA Insured)        1,350        1,465 
       6.25% 8/1/08        1,000        1,029 
   Series B:                 
       5.75% 8/1/14        3,000        3,305 
       5.875% 8/15/13 (Pre-Refunded to 8/15/06 @                 
            101.5) (d)        1,970        2,028 
       6.5% 8/15/11        1,000        1,134 
       7.5% 2/1/07        335        336 
   Series C:                 
       5.75% 3/15/27 (FSA Insured)        1,120        1,227 
       5.75% 3/15/27 (Pre-Refunded to 3/15/12 @                 
            100) (d)        2,410        2,698 
   Series D:                 
       5.25% 8/1/13        1,740        1,797 
       5.25% 8/1/13 (Pre-Refunded to 8/1/07 @ 101) (d)        760        790 
       5.25% 8/1/21 (MBIA Insured)        3,655        3,753 
       5.375% 8/1/17        1,750        1,811 
       5.375% 8/1/17 (Pre-Refunded to 8/1/07 @                 
            101) (d)        750        781 
       5.5% 6/1/12 (FGIC Insured)        1,850        2,037 
   Series E:                 
       6% 8/1/11 (Pre-Refunded to 8/1/06 @ 101.5) (d)        140        144 
       6% 8/1/26 (Pre-Refunded to 8/1/06 @ 101.5) (d)        195        201 
       6.5% 2/15/06        315        315 
   Series F, 6% 8/1/16        355        365 
   Series G, 5.25% 8/1/14 (AMBAC Insured)        1,635        1,759 
   Series H:                 
       5.75% 3/15/13 (FSA Insured)        1,805        1,994 
       6% 8/1/17        345        361 
       6% 8/1/17 (Pre-Refunded to 8/1/07 @ 101) (d)        655        688 
   Series J:                 
       5.5% 6/1/18 (MBIA Insured)        5,000        5,526 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
New York City Gen. Oblig.: – continued                 
   Series J:                 
       5.875% 2/15/19    $    15    $    15 
       5.875% 2/15/19 (Pre-Refunded to 2/15/06 @                 
            101.5) (d)        80        81 
       6.125% 8/1/12        60        63 
       6.125% 8/1/12 (Pre-Refunded to 8/1/07 @                 
            101) (d)        280        294 
   Subseries 2005 F1, 5.25% 9/1/14        3,000        3,268 
New York City Health & Hosp. Corp. Rev. Series A:                 
   5.5% 2/15/16 (FSA Insured)        2,605        2,843 
   5.5% 2/15/17 (FSA Insured)        3,000        3,273 
   5.5% 2/15/18 (FSA Insured)        2,500        2,727 
   5.5% 2/15/19 (FSA Insured)        1,250        1,365 
New York City Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev.:                 
   (New York Univ. Proj.) Series 2001, 5.375% 7/1/15                 
       (AMBAC Insured)        1,090        1,178 
   (Spence School, Inc. Proj.) 5% 7/1/27        3,255        3,389 
New York City Indl. Dev. Agcy. Indl. Dev. Rev. (Japan                 
   Airlines Co. Ltd. Proj.) Series 1991, 6% 11/1/15 (FSA                 
   Insured) (c)        2,070        2,136 
New York City Indl. Dev. Agcy. Spl. Facilities Rev.                 
   (Terminal One Group Assoc. Proj.) 5% 1/1/08 (c)        3,735        3,809 
New York City Muni. Wtr. Fin. Auth. Wtr. & Swr. Sys. Rev.:                 
   Series 2000, 5.5% 6/15/33 (Pre-Refunded to                 
       6/15/10 @ 101) (d)        14,215        15,551 
   Series 2001 C, 5.125% 6/15/33        3,960        4,127 
   Series 2002 A, 5.125% 6/15/34 (FSA Insured)        16,500        17,288 
   Series A:                 
       5% 6/15/32        5,000        5,132 
       5.125% 6/15/34 (MBIA Insured)        4,200        4,401 
       5.25% 6/15/33 (FGIC Insured)        1,280        1,341 
       5.375% 6/15/15        9,650        10,519 
       5.375% 6/15/15 (FGIC Insured)        7,000        7,622 
       6% 6/15/28 (Pre-Refunded to 6/15/12 @ 100) (d)        16,500        18,624 
   Series B, 5.375% 6/15/07 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        145        145 
   Series G:                 
       5.125% 6/15/32        3,000        3,112 
       5.125% 6/15/32 (FGIC Insured)        4,750        4,938 
   5.5% 6/15/33 (Pre-Refunded to 6/15/10 @ 101) (d)        2,075        2,270 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth. Rev.:                 
   Series 2002 A, 5.375% 11/15/21        3,850        4,178 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

15 Annual Report

Investments continued                 
 Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth. Rev.: – continued                 
   Series A:                 
       5.375% 11/15/21 (Pre-Refunded to 11/15/12 @                 
         100) (d)    $    700    $    774 
       5.5% 11/15/20 (FGIC Insured)        3,800        4,185 
       5.75% 2/15/16        85        92 
New York City Trust Cultural Resources Rev. (Museum of                 
   Modern Art Proj.) Series 2001 D, 5.125% 7/1/31                 
   (AMBAC Insured)        3,200        3,352 
New York Convention Ctr. Dev. Corp. Rev. 5%                 
   11/15/44 (AMBAC Insured)        55,500        57,401 
New York State Dorm. Auth. Lease Rev.:                 
   Series 2003 B, 5.25%, tender 7/1/13 (XL Cap.                 
       Assurance, Inc. Insured) (b)        10,000        10,808 
   Series A, 5.25% 5/15/10        3,440        3,658 
New York State Dorm. Auth. Revs.:                 
   (Champlain Valley Physicians Proj.):                 
       6% 7/1/09 (AMBAC Insured)        370        399 
       6% 7/1/10 (AMBAC Insured)        250        274 
   (City Univ. Sys. Consolidation Proj.):                 
       Series 2000 A, 6.125% 7/1/12 (AMBAC Insured) .        4,300        4,779 
       Series A:                 
           5.75% 7/1/13        6,000        6,572 
           5.75% 7/1/13 (AMBAC Insured)        3,000        3,294 
       Series C, 7.5% 7/1/10        6,030        6,551 
   (Colgate Univ. Proj.):                 
       6% 7/1/16 (MBIA Insured)        1,900        2,217 
       6% 7/1/21 (MBIA Insured)        2,500        2,997 
   (Columbia Univ. Proj.):                 
       Series 2001 A:                 
           5.25% 7/1/13 (Pre-Refunded to 7/1/11 @                 
                  101) (d)        1,000        1,095 
           5.25% 7/1/15 (Pre-Refunded to 7/1/11 @                 
                  101) (d)        2,000        2,191 
       Series B, 5.375% 7/1/18 (Pre-Refunded to 7/1/12                 
           @ 100) (d)        1,000        1,103 
   (Jewish Med. Ctr. Proj.) 5% 7/1/18 (MBIA Insured)        8,000        8,264 
   (Long Island Jewish Med. Ctr. Proj.):                 
       5% 7/1/08 (MBIA Insured)        2,000        2,074 
       5.25% 7/1/11 (MBIA Insured)        3,000        3,162 
   (Manhattanville College Proj.) 0% 7/1/10 (MBIA                 
       Insured)        2,175        1,850 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
New York State Dorm. Auth. Revs.: – continued                 
   (Mental Health Svcs. Facilities Impt. Proj.):                 
       Series A, 5.75% 8/15/11 (Pre-Refunded to                 
           2/15/07 @ 102) (d)    $    10    $    10 
       Series B:                 
           5.75% 2/15/11        2,535        2,644 
           5.75% 2/15/11 (Pre-Refunded to 2/15/07 @                 
                 102) (d)        15        16 
   (Mental Health Svcs. Proj.) Series 2005 A, 5.75%                 
       8/15/11        900        939 
   (Montefiore Med. Ctr. Proj.) Series 2000:                 
       5.8% 8/1/30        3,000        3,258 
       5.85% 8/1/40        9,500        10,325 
   (New York & Presbyterian Hosp. Proj.) 4.4% 8/1/13                 
       (AMBAC Insured)        575        579 
   (New York Hosp. Med. Ctr. Proj.) 5.25% 2/1/07                 
       (AMBAC Insured)        3,020        3,078 
   (New York Univ. Proj.):                 
       Series 2:                 
           5.5% 7/1/17 (AMBAC Insured)        755        816 
           5.5% 7/1/19 (AMBAC Insured)        1,705        1,838 
           5.5% 7/1/20 (AMBAC Insured)        860        927 
       Series A:                 
           5.75% 7/1/15 (MBIA Insured)        2,295        2,631 
           5.75% 7/1/27 (MBIA Insured)        11,000        13,174 
   (North Shore Univ. Hosp. Proj.) 5.5% 11/1/14 (MBIA                 
       Insured)        1,500        1,686 
   (Saint Joseph’s Hosp. Health Ctr. Proj.) 6% 7/1/08                 
       (MBIA Insured)        1,260        1,329 
   (School District Fing. Prog.):                 
       Series 2002 D, 5.5% 10/1/17 (MBIA Insured)        10,825        11,919 
       Series 2002 E, 5.75% 10/1/22 (MBIA Insured)        1,485        1,636 
       Series 2002 H, 5.5% 10/1/17 (MBIA Insured)        2,600        2,874 
       Series 2002 I, 5.75% 10/1/18 (MBIA Insured)        500        561 
   (State Univ. Edl. Facilities Proj.):                 
       Series A, 5.25% 5/15/15 (MBIA Insured)        5,000        5,476 
       Series B, 7.5% 5/15/11        1,915        2,121 
   (The Jamaica Hosp. Proj.) Series F:                 
       5.1% 2/15/12 (MBIA Insured)        3,605        3,778 
       5.2% 2/15/13 (MBIA Insured)        6,585        6,904 
   (Upstate Cmnty. Colleges Proj.) Series B, 5.5% 7/1/22                 
       (FGIC Insured)        10,090        11,686 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

17 Annual Report

Investments continued                 
 Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
New York State Dorm. Auth. Revs.: – continued                 
   (Winthrop-South Nassau Univ. Health Sys. Oblig.                 
       Group Proj.) Series A:                 
       6% 7/1/14    $    1,095    $    1,197 
       6% 7/1/15        1,160        1,266 
       6% 7/1/16        1,230        1,339 
   (Yeshiva Univ. Proj.) Series 2001:                 
       5.375% 7/1/12 (AMBAC Insured)        1,000        1,073 
       5.375% 7/1/13 (AMBAC Insured)        800        862 
       5.375% 7/1/14 (AMBAC Insured)        1,130        1,218 
       5.375% 7/1/16 (AMBAC Insured)        670        723 
       5.375% 7/1/17 (AMBAC Insured)        370        399 
   Series 1990 B, 7.5% 5/15/11 (Pre-Refunded to                 
       5/15/10 @ 100) (d)        1,135        1,290 
   Series 2000 C, 5.75% 5/15/17 (FSA Insured)        3,000        3,482 
   Series 2002 A, 5.75% 10/1/17 (MBIA Insured)        30,260        33,514 
   Series 2002 B:                 
       6% 10/1/22 (MBIA Insured)        2,775        3,105 
       6% 10/1/29 (MBIA Insured)        5,600        6,256 
   Series 2003 A, 5.375% 3/15/22 (Pre-Refunded to                 
       3/15/13 @ 100) (d)        2,000        2,209 
   Series 2005 B:                 
       5.25% 7/1/20 (MBIA Insured)        3,345        3,654 
       5.25% 7/1/21 (MBIA Insured)        1,745        1,900 
       5.25% 7/1/22 (MBIA Insured)        1,835        1,998 
   Series A, 5.5% 5/15/20 (AMBAC Insured)        13,000        14,937 
   Series B:                 
       5.25%, tender 5/15/12 (b)        10,400        11,193 
       6%, tender 5/15/12 (b)        11,000        12,263 
   5.5% 5/15/09        2,500        2,628 
   5.5% 7/1/16 (AMBAC Insured)        725        746 
New York State Envir. Facilities Corp. Clean Wtr. &                 
   Drinking Wtr. Rev.:                 
   (New York City Muni. Wtr. Fin. Auth. Proj.):                 
       Series B, 5.25% 6/15/16        500        543 
       Series C:                 
           5.25% 7/15/16        2,340        2,548 
           5.25% 7/15/17        2,410        2,623 
       Series D:                 
           5% 6/15/20        20,150        21,365 
           5.125% 6/15/31        6,900        7,245 
           5.375% 6/15/19        5,250        5,713 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
New York State Envir. Facilities Corp. Clean Wtr. &                 
   Drinking Wtr. Rev.: – continued                 
   (New York City Muni. Wtr. Fin. Auth. Proj.):                 
       Series G, 5.25% 10/15/20    $    1,255    $    1,338 
   (Pooled Fing. Prog.):                 
       Series F:                 
           5.25% 11/15/15        2,595        2,828 
           5.25% 11/15/16        3,770        4,108 
       Series I:                 
           5.25% 9/15/15        2,085        2,268 
           5.25% 9/15/17        2,395        2,589 
   Series 2004 D, 5% 2/15/34        12,150        12,637 
   Series B:                 
       5.5% 10/15/20        3,805        4,407 
       5.5% 10/15/21        3,985        4,621 
   Series C:                 
       5% 6/15/19        815        849 
       5.25% 6/15/16        3,500        3,755 
   Series F:                 
       4.875% 6/15/18        1,735        1,791 
       4.875% 6/15/20        2,175        2,240 
       5% 6/15/15        1,295        1,353 
       5.25% 6/15/13        1,575        1,654 
   Series I, 5% 6/15/24        2,000        2,103 
New York State Envir. Facilities Corp. Rev. Series A:                 
   5.25% 1/1/21 (FGIC Insured)        4,785        5,143 
   5.375% 1/1/16 (FGIC Insured)        2,170        2,377 
New York State Envir. Facilities Corp. Solid Waste Disp.                 
   Rev. (Gen. Elec. Cap. Corp. Proj.) Series 1989 A,                 
   4.25%, tender 12/2/11 (b)(c)        10,700        10,810 
New York State Envir. Facilities Corp. State Wtr. Poll.                 
   Cont. Revolving Fund Rev.:                 
   (New York City Muni. Wtr. Fin. Auth. Proj.):                 
       Series 2002, 5.75% 6/15/11        455        505 
       Series A, 7% 6/15/12        190        190 
       Series C, 5.85% 7/15/15        30        31 
       Series E, 6.5% 6/15/14        130        130 
   (Pooled Ln. Prog.) Series B, 5.2% 5/15/14        1,115        1,232 
   Series B, 5.2% 5/15/14 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        1,105        1,194 
New York State Hsg. Fin. Agcy. Personal Income Tax Rev.                 
   (Econ. Dev. & Hsg. Proj.) Series A:                 
   5.25% 9/15/15 (MBIA Insured)        1,690        1,834 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

19 Annual Report

Investments continued                 
 Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
New York State Hsg. Fin. Agcy. Personal Income Tax Rev.                 
   (Econ. Dev. & Hsg. Proj.) Series A: – continued                 
   5.25% 9/15/16 (MBIA Insured)    $    1,780    $    1,934 
   5.25% 3/15/17 (MBIA Insured)        2,240        2,416 
   5.25% 3/15/18        2,290        2,467 
   5.25% 3/15/19        2,480        2,664 
   5.25% 9/15/20        2,685        2,876 
   5.25% 3/15/21        2,230        2,381 
New York State Pwr. Auth. & Gen. Purp. Rev.:                 
   Series A, 5.25% 11/15/40        25,860        27,195 
   Series W, 6.5% 1/1/08 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        75        78 
New York State Thruway Auth. Gen. Rev.:                 
   Series 2005 G, 5.25% 1/1/27 (FSA Insured)        4,370        4,738 
   Series E:                 
       5.25% 1/1/12        4,695        4,899 
       5.25% 1/1/12 (Pre-Refunded to 1/1/08 @ 101) (d)        715        748 
New York State Thruway Auth. Hwy. & Bridge Trust Fund                 
   Series B, 5.5% 4/1/20 (AMBAC Insured)        10,000        11,481 
New York State Thruway Auth. State Personal Income                 
   Tax Rev. Series A:                 
   5.5% 3/15/18 (Pre-Refunded to 3/15/12 @ 100) (d)        5,000        5,529 
   5.5% 3/15/19 (Pre-Refunded to 3/15/12 @ 100) (d)        5,460        6,037 
   5.5% 3/15/20 (Pre-Refunded to 3/15/12 @ 100) (d)        3,500        3,870 
New York State Thruway Auth. Svc. Contract Rev.:                 
   5.5% 4/1/14        11,700        12,783 
   5.5% 4/1/15        6,200        6,770 
   5.5% 4/1/16        3,665        4,006 
   6% 4/1/11        1,605        1,685 
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Correctional Youth                 
   Facilities Svc. Series A, 5.5%, tender 1/1/11 (b)        2,000        2,158 
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Rev.:                 
   (Sports Facilities Assistance Prog.) Series A, 6.25%                 
       4/1/06 (MBIA Insured)        15        15 
   (State Facilities and Equip. Proj.) Series 2004 A2:                 
       5.5% 3/15/19 (MBIA Insured)        1,230        1,409 
       5.5% 3/15/22 (MBIA Insured)        15,000        17,343 
   Series 2004 A2, 5.5% 3/15/21 (MBIA Insured)        23,000        26,516 
   Series B, 5.25% 3/15/15 (MBIA Insured)        1,800        1,958 
   Series C1, 5.5% 3/15/19 (Pre-Refunded to 3/15/13                 
       @ 100) (d)        3,000        3,347 
   5% 1/1/14 (FSA Insured)        5,000        5,417 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
New York Thruway Auth. Second Gen. Hwy. & Bridge                 
   Trust Fund Series A, 5.25% 4/1/23 (Pre-Refunded to                 
   4/1/13 @ 100) (d)    $    3,050    $    3,357 
New York Transitional Fin. Auth. Rev.:                 
   Series 2000 C, 5.5% 11/1/20 (Pre-Refunded to                 
       5/1/10 @ 101) (d)        300        327 
   Series 2003 D:                 
       5% 2/1/31        20,025        20,656 
       5.25% 2/1/17 (MBIA Insured)        9,385        10,154 
       5.25% 2/1/19 (MBIA Insured)        8,075        8,691 
   Series 2003 E:                 
       5.25% 2/1/15 (FGIC Insured)        7,250        7,876 
       5.25% 2/1/17 (FGIC Insured)        5,975        6,465 
   Series 2004 C:                 
       5% 2/1/33 (FGIC Insured)        7,350        7,634 
       5.25% 2/1/14        6,000        6,595 
   Series A, 5.5% 11/15/17 (FGIC Insured)        6,725        7,445 
   Series B:                 
       5.125% 11/1/14 (Pre-Refunded to 5/1/09 @                 
             101) (d)        360        383 
       5.25% 8/1/19        3,000        3,253 
       5.375% 2/1/15        3,000        3,275 
   Series C, 5.375% 2/1/17        1,000        1,085 
   Series D, 5.25% 2/1/20 (MBIA Insured)        5,000        5,381 
Niagara Falls City Niagara County Pub. Impt.:                 
   7.5% 3/1/08 (MBIA Insured)        995        1,079 
   7.5% 3/1/10 (MBIA Insured)        1,155        1,325 
   7.5% 3/1/11 (MBIA Insured)        1,245        1,468 
   7.5% 3/1/16 (MBIA Insured)        1,060        1,379 
   7.5% 3/1/17 (MBIA Insured)        1,200        1,595 
Niagara Falls Pub. Wtr. Auth. 5.5% 7/15/34 (XL Cap.                 
   Assurance, Inc. Insured)        1,000        1,100 
Sales Tax Asset Receivables Corp. Series A, 5.25%                 
   10/15/27 (AMBAC Insured)        4,055        4,368 
Saratoga County Indl. Dev. Agcy. (The Saratoga Hosp.                 
   Proj.) Series A, 5% 12/1/10        1,095        1,140 
Schenectady Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev. (Union                 
   College Proj.) Series A, 5.625% 7/1/31 (AMBAC                 
   Insured)        2,000        2,197 
Suffolk County Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev.                 
   (Huntington Hosp. Proj.) Series B, 6% 11/1/22        4,305        4,541 
Taconic Hills Central School District at Craryville 5%                 
   6/15/16 (FGIC Insured)        1,130        1,205 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

21 Annual Report

Investments continued                 
 Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
Tobacco Settlement Fing. Corp.:                 
   Series A1:                 
       5.25% 6/1/21 (AMBAC Insured)    $    3,255    $    3,500 
       5.25% 6/1/22 (AMBAC Insured)        5,300        5,682 
       5.5% 6/1/14        7,000        7,413 
       5.5% 6/1/16        14,500        15,510 
   Series B1:                 
       5% 6/1/10        1,685        1,769 
       5% 6/1/11        1,525        1,611 
   Series C1:                 
       5% 6/1/11        3,280        3,299 
       5.5% 6/1/15        3,000        3,213 
       5.5% 6/1/17        3,000        3,245 
       5.5% 6/1/20        3,000        3,285 
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. (Convention Ctr. Proj.)                 
   Series E:                 
   6% 1/1/11 (XL Cap. Assurance, Inc. Insured)        4,000        4,444 
   7.25% 1/1/10 (XL Cap. Assurance, Inc. Insured)        6,215        6,730 
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. Revs.:                 
   Series 2002 A, 5.25% 1/1/19        1,100        1,178 
   Series 2005 A, 5.125% 1/1/22        5,290        5,595 
   Series A:                 
       5% 1/1/32        765        791 
       5% 1/1/32 (MBIA Insured)        1,455        1,503 
       6% 1/1/11 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        500        557 
   Series B:                 
       5.2% 1/1/27 (Pre-Refunded to 1/1/22 @ 100) (d)        2,000        2,263 
       5.2% 1/1/27 (Pre-Refunded to 1/1/22 @ 100) (d)        2,000        2,263 
       5.5% 1/1/30 (Pre-Refunded to 1/1/22 @ 100) (d)        5,015        5,776 
   Series Q, 6.75% 1/1/09 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        825        876 
   Series Y:                 
       6% 1/1/12 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        20,000        21,969 
       6.125% 1/1/21 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        3,200        3,858 
Upper Mohawk Valley Reg’l. Wtr. Fin. Auth. Wtr. Sys.                 
   Rev. Series A, 5.125% 10/1/26 (FSA Insured)        5,000        5,175 
Yonkers Gen. Oblig. Series 2001 A:                 
   5% 12/15/11 (AMBAC Insured)        1,415        1,507 
   5% 12/15/12 (Pre-Refunded to 6/15/10 @ 100) (d) .        1,245        1,326 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York & New Jersey – 5.3%                 
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey:                 
   120th Series:                 
       5.75% 10/15/11 (MBIA Insured) (c)    $    15,000    $    15,670 
       5.75% 10/15/12 (MBIA Insured) (c)        15,530        16,224 
   124th Series:                 
       5% 8/1/08 (c)        4,875        5,034 
       5% 8/1/13 (FGIC Insured) (c)        3,000        3,104 
   126th Series, 5.25% 5/15/37 (FGIC Insured) (c)        5,970        6,288 
   128th Series, 5% 11/1/19 (FSA Insured)        7,200        7,681 
   134th Series, 5% 1/15/39        10,000        10,324 
   Series 85, 5.375% 3/1/28        6,200        6,996 
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey Spl. Oblig. Rev.                 
   (JFK Int’l. Air Term. Spl. Proj.) Series 6, 6.25%                 
   12/1/15 (MBIA Insured) (c)        5,000        5,676 
Puerto Rico 0.7%                 
Puerto Rico Commonwealth Hwy. & Trans. Auth. Trans.                 
   Rev. Series 1998, 5.75% 7/1/22 (CIFG North                 
   America Insured)        3,000        3,332 
Puerto Rico Commonwealth Infrastructure Fing. Auth.                 
   Series 2000 A, 5.5% 10/1/32 (Escrowed to                 
   Maturity) (d)        2,175        2,357 
Puerto Rico Elec. Pwr. Auth. Pwr. Rev. Series QQ:                 
   5.25% 7/1/13 (XL Cap. Assurance, Inc. Insured)        1,500        1,643 
   5.5% 7/1/16 (XL Cap. Assurance, Inc. Insured)        1,000        1,130 
Puerto Rico Muni. Fin. Agcy. Series 2005 C, 5.25%                 
   8/1/17 (FSA Insured)        1,000        1,118 
TOTAL MUNICIPAL BONDS                 
 (Cost $1,384,963)            1,413,766 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

23 Annual Report

Investments continued                     
 Municipal Notes 0.1%                     
        Principal    Value (Note 1) 
        Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – 0.1%                     
Schenectady Gen. Oblig. BAN 5.25% 5/26/06                 
   (Cost $2,200)        $    2,200    $    2,196 
TOTAL INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO  97.6%                 
 (Cost $1,387,163)                    1,415,962 
NET OTHER ASSETS – 2.4%                    34,620 
NET ASSETS 100%                $    1,450,582 

Futures Contracts                     
    Expiration    Underlying    Unrealized 
    Date    Face Amount    Appreciation/ 
        at Value (000s)    (Depreciation) 
Treasury Contracts                     
90 U.S. Treasury 10-Year Bond Contracts    March 2006    $    9,759    $    13 

The face value of futures purchased as a percentage of net assets – 0.7%

Security Type Abbreviation


(a) Security or a portion of the security was

pledged to cover margin requirements
for futures contracts. At the period end,
the value of securities pledged
amounted to $273,000.

(b) The coupon rate shown on floating or

adjustable rate securities represents the
rate at period end.

(c) Private activity obligations whose

interest is subject to the federal
alternative minimum tax for individuals.

(d) Security collateralized by an amount

sufficient to pay interest and principal.

Other Information

The distribution of municipal securities by revenue source, as a percentage of total net assets, is as follows:

General Obligations    33.5% 
Special Tax    18.6% 
Water & Sewer    11.0% 
Transportation    10.4% 
Escrowed/Pre Refunded    9.5% 
Education    6.1% 
Others* (individually less than 5%)    10.9% 
*Includes net other assets     

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report 24

Financial Statements                 
 Statement of Assets and Liabilities                 
Amounts in thousands (except per share amounts)                January 31, 2006 
Investment in securities, at value See accompanying                 
   Unaffiliated issuers (cost $1,387,163)            $    1,415,962 
Cash                21,806 
Receivable for fund shares sold                1,018 
Interest receivable                18,598 
Prepaid expenses                6 
Other receivables                36 
   Total assets                1,457,426 
Payable for investments purchased    $    4,052         
Payable for fund shares redeemed        904         
Distributions payable        1,249         
Accrued management fee        449         
Distribution fees payable        26         
Payable for daily variation on futures contracts        4         
Other affiliated payables        116         
Other payables and accrued expenses        44         
   Total liabilities                6,844 
Net Assets            $    1,450,582 
Net Assets consist of:                 
Paid in capital            $    1,413,530 
Undistributed net investment income                215 
Accumulated undistributed net realized gain (loss) on                 
   investments                8,025 
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on                 
   investments                28,812 
Net Assets            $    1,450,582 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

25 Annual Report

Financial Statements continued         
 Statement of Assets and Liabilities continued         
Amounts in thousands (except per share amounts)    January 31, 2006 
Calculation of Maximum Offering Price         
 Class A:         
 Net Asset Value and redemption price per share ($6,082         
       ÷ 474.676 shares)    $    12.81 
Maximum offering price per share (100/95.25 of $12.81)    $    13.45 
 Class T:         
 Net Asset Value and redemption price per share ($3,032         
       ÷ 236.415 shares)    $    12.82 
Maximum offering price per share (100/96.50 of $12.82)    $    13.28 
 Class B:         
 Net Asset Value and offering price per share ($9,647 ÷         
       752.962 shares)A    $    12.81 
 Class C:         
 Net Asset Value and offering price per share ($20,251         
       ÷ 1,580.312 shares)A    $    12.81 
 New York Municipal Income:         
 Net Asset Value, offering price and redemption price per         
       share ($1,410,672 ÷ 110,055.097 shares)    $    12.82 
 Institutional Class:         
 Net Asset Value, offering price and redemption price per         
       share ($898 ÷ 70.118 shares)    $    12.81 
A Redemption price per share is equal to net asset value less any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.         

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report 26

Statement of Operations             
Amounts in thousands           Year ended January 31, 2006 
Investment Income             
Interest        $    63,956 
Management fee    $    5,462     
Transfer agent fees        1,057     
Distribution fees        286     
Accounting fees and expenses        297     
Independent trustees’ compensation        7     
Custodian fees and expenses        23     
Registration fees        79     
Audit        54     
Legal        17     
Miscellaneous        12     
   Total expenses before reductions        7,294     
   Expense reductions        (369)    6,925 
Net investment income            57,031 
Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)             
Net realized gain (loss) on:             
   Investment securities:             
      Unaffiliated issuers        18,479     
   Futures contracts        (66)     
   Swap agreements        (39)     
Total net realized gain (loss)            18,374 
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on:         
   Investment securities        (43,527)     
   Futures contracts        13     
Total change in net unrealized appreciation             
   (depreciation)            (43,514) 
Net gain (loss)            (25,140) 
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from             
   operations        $    31,891 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

27 Annual Report

Financial Statements continued                 
 Statement of Changes in Net Assets                 
        Year ended        Year ended 
        January 31,        January 31, 
Amounts in thousands        2006        2005 
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets                 
   Net investment income       $  57,031      $  56,646 
   Net realized gain (loss)        18,374        21,457 
   Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) .    (43,514)        (14,357) 
   Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting                 
       from operations        31,891        63,746 
Distributions to shareholders from net investment income    .    (56,725)        (56,899) 
Distributions to shareholders from net realized gain        (14,006)        (19,161) 
   Total distributions        (70,731)        (76,060) 
Share transactions - net increase (decrease)        50,246        (7,102) 
Redemption fees        9        20 
   Total increase (decrease) in net assets        11,415        (19,396) 
Net Assets                 
   Beginning of period        1,439,167        1,458,563 
   End of period (including undistributed net investment                 
       income of $215 and undistributed net investment                 
       income of $33, respectively)       $  1,450,582      $  1,439,167 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Financial Highlights Class A                                 
Years ended January 31,        2006        2005        2004        2003F 
Selected Per Share Data                                 
Net asset value, beginning of period    $    13.16    $    13.24    $    13.24    $    13.21 
Income from Investment Operations                                 
   Net investment incomeE        483        .504        .524        .277 
   Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)        (.227)        .101        .285        .194 
Total from investment operations        256        .605        .809        .471 
Distributions from net investment income        (.481)        (.507)        (.523)        (.271) 
Distributions from net realized gain        (.125)        (.178)        (.286)        (.170) 
   Total distributions        (.606)        (.685)        (.809)        (.441) 
Redemption fees added to paid in capitalE,H                                 
Net asset value, end of period    $    12.81    $    13.16    $    13.24    $    13.24 
Total ReturnB,C,D        2.00%        4.72%        6.25%        3.59% 
Ratios to Average Net AssetsG                                 
   Expenses before reductions        67%        .68%        .67%        .66%A 
   Expenses net of fee waivers, if any        67%        .68%        .67%        .66%A 
   Expenses net of all reductions        64%        .67%        .66%        .66%A 
   Net investment income        3.73%        3.85%        3.93%        4.17%A 
Supplemental Data                                 
   Net assets, end of period (in millions)    $    6    $    6    $    5    $    3 
   Portfolio turnover rate        28%        22%        24%        22% 

A Annualized
B Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.
C Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
D Total returns do not include the effect of the sales charges.
E Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
F For the period August 1, 2002 (commencement of sale of shares) to January 31, 2003.
G Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed by the investment adviser or
expense offset arrangements and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements or reductions occur. Expense
ratios before reductions for start up periods may not be representative of longer term operating periods. Expenses net of fee waivers reflect
expenses after reimbursement by the investment adviser but prior to reductions from expense offset arrangements. Expenses net of all reductions
represent the net expenses paid by the class.
H Amount represents less than $.001 per share.

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

29 Annual Report

Financial Highlights Class T                                 
Years ended January 31,        2006        2005        2004        2003F 
Selected Per Share Data                                 
Net asset value, beginning of period    $    13.16    $    13.25    $    13.24    $    13.21 
Income from Investment Operations                                 
   Net investment incomeE        472        .494        .509        .266 
   Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)        (.217)        .090        .296        .197 
Total from investment operations        255        .584        .805        .463 
Distributions from net investment income        (.470)        (.496)        (.509)        (.263) 
Distributions from net realized gain        (.125)        (.178)        (.286)        (.170) 
   Total distributions        (.595)        (.674)        (.795)        (.433) 
Redemption fees added to paid in capitalE,H                                 
Net asset value, end of period    $    12.82    $    13.16    $    13.25    $    13.24 
Total ReturnB,C,D        1.99%        4.55%        6.21%        3.53% 
Ratios to Average Net AssetsG                                 
   Expenses before reductions        75%        .76%        .78%        .79%A 
   Expenses net of fee waivers, if any        75%        .76%        .78%        .79%A 
   Expenses net of all reductions        72%        .75%        .77%        .79%A 
   Net investment income        3.65%        3.77%        3.82%        4.04%A 
Supplemental Data                                 
   Net assets, end of period (in millions)    $    3    $    2    $    2    $    1 
   Portfolio turnover rate        28%        22%        24%        22% 

A Annualized
B Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.
C Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
D Total returns do not include the effect of the sales charges.
E Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
F For the period August 1, 2002 (commencement of sale of shares) to January 31, 2003.
G Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed by the investment adviser or
expense offset arrangements and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements or reductions occur. Expense
ratios before reductions for start up periods may not be representative of longer term operating periods. Expenses net of fee waivers reflect
expenses after reimbursement by the investment adviser but prior to reductions from expense offset arrangements. Expenses net of all reductions
represent the net expenses paid by the class.
H Amount represents less than $.001 per share.

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Financial Highlights Class B                                 
Years ended January 31,        2006        2005        2004        2003F 
Selected Per Share Data                                 
Net asset value, beginning of period    $    13.16    $    13.24    $    13.24    $    13.21 
Income from Investment Operations                                 
   Net investment incomeE        384         .405         .423         .226 
   Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)        (.227)         .100         .286         .193 
Total from investment operations        157         .505         .709         .419 
Distributions from net investment income        (.382)        (.407)        (.423)        (.219) 
Distributions from net realized gain        (.125)        (.178)        (.286)        (.170) 
   Total distributions        (.507)        (.585)        (.709)        (.389) 
Redemption fees added to paid in capitalE,H                                 
Net asset value, end of period    $    12.81    $    13.16    $    13.24    $    13.24 
Total ReturnB,C,D        1.22%         3.93%         5.45%         3.19% 
Ratios to Average Net AssetsG                                 
   Expenses before reductions        1.43%         1.44%         1.42%         1.41%A 
   Expenses net of fee waivers, if any        1.43%         1.44%         1.42%         1.41%A 
   Expenses net of all reductions        1.41%         1.43%         1.41%         1.40%A 
   Net investment income        2.96%         3.09%         3.18%         3.42%A 
Supplemental Data                                 
   Net assets, end of period (in millions)    $    10    $    10    $    10    $    5 
   Portfolio turnover rate        28%             22%             24%        22% 

A Annualized
B Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.
C Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
D Total returns do not include the effect of the contingent deferred sales charge.
E Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
F For the period August 1, 2002 (commencement of sale of shares) to January 31, 2003.
G Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed by the investment adviser or
expense offset arrangements and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements or reductions occur. Expense
ratios before reductions for start up periods may not be representative of longer term operating periods. Expenses net of fee waivers reflect
expenses after reimbursement by the investment adviser but prior to reductions from expense offset arrangements. Expenses net of all reductions
represent the net expenses paid by the class.
H Amount represents less than $.001 per share.

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

31 Annual Report

Financial Highlights Class C                                 
Years ended January 31,        2006        2005        2004        2003F 
Selected Per Share Data                                 
Net asset value, beginning of period    $    13.16    $    13.24    $    13.24    $    13.21 
Income from Investment Operations                                 
   Net investment incomeE        373         .394         .410         .219 
   Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)        (.228)         .100         .286         .191 
Total from investment operations        145         .494         .696         .410 
Distributions from net investment income        (.370)        (.396)        (.410)        (.210) 
Distributions from net realized gain        (.125)        (.178)        (.286)        (.170) 
   Total distributions        (.495)        (.574)        (.696)        (.380) 
Redemption fees added to paid in capitalE,H                                 
Net asset value, end of period    $    12.81    $    13.16    $    13.24    $    13.24 
Total ReturnB,C,D        1.14%         3.84%         5.35%         3.12% 
Ratios to Average Net AssetsG                                 
   Expenses before reductions        1.52%         1.52%         1.51%         1.51%A 
   Expenses net of fee waivers, if any        1.52%         1.52%         1.51%         1.51%A 
   Expenses net of all reductions        1.49%         1.51%         1.51%         1.51%A 
   Net investment income        2.88%         3.01%         3.08%         3.32%A 
Supplemental Data                                 
   Net assets, end of period (in millions)    $    20    $    16    $    13    $    6 
   Portfolio turnover rate        28%             22%             24%        22% 

A Annualized
B Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.
C Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
D Total returns do not include the effect of the contingent deferred sales charge.
E Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
F For the period August 1, 2002 (commencement of sale of shares) to January 31, 2003.
G Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed by the investment adviser or
expense offset arrangements and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements or reductions occur. Expense
ratios before reductions for start up periods may not be representative of longer term operating periods. Expenses net of fee waivers reflect
expenses after reimbursement by the investment adviser but prior to reductions from expense offset arrangements. Expenses net of all reductions
represent the net expenses paid by the class.
H Amount represents less than $.001 per share.

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Financial Highlights  New York Municipal Income                 
Years ended January 31,        2006        2005        2004        2003        2002 
Selected Per Share Data                                         
Net asset value, beginning of                                         
   period         $  13.16      $  13.25      $  13.24      $  12.90      $  12.78 
Income from Investment                                         
   Net investment incomeB        508        .530        .549        .574        .584 
   Net realized and unrealized                                         
       gain (loss)        (.217)        .091        .295        .506        .117 
Total from investment operations        291        .621        .844        1.080        .701 
Distributions from net investment                                         
   income        (.506)        (.533)        (.548)        (.570)        (.581) 
Distributions from net realized                                         
   gain        (.125)        (.178)        (.286)        (.170)         
   Total distributions        (.631)        (.711)        (.834)        (.740)        (.581) 
Redemption fees added to paid in                                     
   capital        B,D        B,D        B,D        B,D         
Net asset value, end of period         $  12.82      $  13.16      $  13.25      $  13.24      $  12.90 
Total ReturnA        2.27%         4.84%         6.52%        8.55%        5.60% 
Ratios to Average Net AssetsC                                         
   Expenses before reductions        48%        .48%        .49%        .49%        .49% 
   Expenses net of fee waivers, if                                         
       any        48%        .48%        .48%        .49%        .49% 
   Expenses net of all reductions        45%        .47%        .48%        .47%        .44% 
   Net investment income        3.92%         4.05%         4.11%        4.36%        4.54% 
Supplemental Data                                         
   Net assets, end of period                                         
       (in millions)         $  1,411      $  1,406      $  1,428      $  1,483      $  1,332 
   Portfolio turnover rate        28%        22%        24%        22%        12% 

A Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
B Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
C Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed by the investment adviser or
expense offset arrangements and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements or reductions occur. Ex
penses net of fee waivers reflect expenses after reimbursement by the investment adviser but prior to reductions from expense offset arrange
ments. Expenses net of all reductions represent the net expenses paid by the class.
D Amount represents less than $.001 per share.

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

33 Annual Report

Financial Highlights Institutional Class                         
Years ended January 31,    2006        2005        2004        2003E 
Selected Per Share Data                             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 13.16        $ 13.25        $ 13.24        $ 13.21 
Income from Investment Operations                             
   Net investment incomeD    506        .523        .550        .286 
   Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    (.227)        .092        .296        .195 
Total from investment operations    279        .615        .846        .481 
Distributions from net investment income    (.504)        (.527)        (.550)        (.281) 
Distributions from net realized gain    (.125)        (.178)        (.286)        (.170) 
   Total distributions    (.629)        (.705)        (.836)        (.451) 
Redemption fees added to paid in capitalD,G                             
Net asset value, end of period    $ 12.81        $ 13.16        $ 13.25        $ 13.24 
Total ReturnB,C    2.18%        4.80%        6.53%        3.67% 
Ratios to Average Net AssetsF                             
   Expenses before reductions    49%        .53%        .47%        .53%A 
   Expenses net of fee waivers, if any    49%        .53%        .47%        .53%A 
   Expenses net of all reductions    46%        .52%        .47%        .53%A 
   Net investment income    3.91%        4.00%        4.12%        4.30%A 
Supplemental Data                             
   Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)    $ 898        $ 284        $ 161        $ 104 
   Portfolio turnover rate    28%        22%        24%        22% 

A Annualized
B Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.
C Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
D Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
E For the period August 1, 2002 (commencement of sale of shares) to January 31, 2003.
F Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed by the investment adviser or
expense offset arrangements and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements or reductions occur. Expense
ratios before reductions for start up periods may not be representative of longer term operating periods. Expenses net of fee waivers reflect
expenses after reimbursement by the investment adviser but prior to reductions from expense offset arrangements. Expenses net of all reductions
represent the net expenses paid by the class.
G Amount represents less than $.001 per share.

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Notes to Financial Statements

For the period ended January 31, 2006
(Amounts in thousands except ratios)

1. Significant Accounting Policies.

Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund (the fund) is a non diversified fund of Fidelity New York Municipal Trust (the trust) and is authorized to issue an unlimited number of shares. On July 21, 2005, the Board of Trustees approved a change in the name of Spartan New York Municipal Income Fund to Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund effective August 15, 2005. The trust is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the 1940 Act), as an open end management investment company organized as a Massachusetts business trust.

The fund offers Class A, Class T, Class B, Class C, New York Municipal Income, and Institutional Class shares, each of which has equal rights as to assets and voting privi leges. Each class has exclusive voting rights with respect to matters that affect that class. Class B shares will automatically convert to Class A shares after a holding period of seven years from the initial date of purchase. Investment income, realized and unrealized capital gains and losses, the common expenses of the fund, and certain fund level expense reductions, if any, are allocated on a pro rata basis to each class based on the relative net assets of each class to the total net assets of the fund. Each class differs with respect to transfer agent and distribution and service plan fees incurred. Certain ex pense reductions also differ by class.

The fund may be affected by economic and political developments in the state of New York. The financial statements have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, which require manage ment to make certain estimates and assumptions at the date of the financial statements. The following summarizes the significant accounting policies of the fund:

Security Valuation. Investments are valued and net asset value per share is calculated (NAV calculation) as of the close of business of the New York Stock Exchange, normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time. Wherever possible, the fund uses independent pricing services approved by the Board of Trustees to value its investments. Debt securities, including restricted securities, for which quotes are readily available, are valued by independent pricing services or by dealers who make markets in such securities. Pricing services consider yield or price of bonds of comparable quality, coupon, maturity and type as well as dealer supplied prices. When current market prices or quotations are not readily available or do not accurately reflect fair value, valuations may be determined in accor dance with procedures adopted by the Board of Trustees. The frequency of when fair value pricing is used is unpredictable. The value of securities used for NAV calculation under fair value pricing may differ from published prices for the same securities. Invest ments in open end mutual funds are valued at their closing net asset value each business day. Short term securities with remaining maturities of sixty days or less for which quotations are not readily available are valued at amortized cost, which approximates value.

35 Annual Report

Notes to Financial Statements  continued 
(Amounts in thousands except ratios)     
1. Significant Accounting Policies  continued 

Investment Transactions and Income. Security transactions are accounted for as of trade date. Gains and losses on securities sold are determined on the basis of identified cost. Interest income is accrued as earned. Interest income includes coupon interest and amortization of premium and accretion of discount on debt securities.

Expenses. Most expenses of the trust can be directly attributed to a fund. Expenses which cannot be directly attributed are apportioned among each fund in the trust.

Income Tax Information and Distributions to Shareholders. Each year, the fund intends to qualify as a regulated investment company by distributing all of its taxable income and realized gains under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. As a result, no provision for income taxes is required in the accompanying financial statements.

Dividends are declared daily and paid monthly from net investment income. Distribu tions from realized gains, if any, are recorded on the ex dividend date. Income dividends and capital gain distributions are declared separately for each class. Income and capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles. In addition, the fund will claim a portion of the payment made to redeeming shareholders as a distribution for income tax purposes.

Capital accounts within the financial statements are adjusted for permanent book tax differences. These adjustments have no impact on net assets or the results of operations. Temporary book tax differences will reverse in a subsequent period.

Book tax differences are primarily due to futures, market discount, and deferred trustees compensation and losses deferred due to futures transactions.

The fund purchases municipal securities whose interest, in the opinion of the issuer, is free from federal income tax. There is no assurance that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will agree with this opinion. In the event the IRS determines that the issuer does not comply with relevant tax requirements, interest payments from a security could become federally taxable, possibly retroactively to the date the security was issued.

The tax basis components of distributable earnings and the federal tax cost as of period end were as follows:

Unrealized appreciation      $  33,164 
Unrealized depreciation        (4,143) 
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)        29,021 
Undistributed ordinary income        72 
Undistributed long term capital gain        6,827 
Cost for federal income tax purposes      $  1,386,941 
Annual Report    36     

1. Significant Accounting Policies  continued         

Income Tax Information and Distributions to Shareholders

The tax character of distributions paid was as follows:
        January 31, 2006        January 31, 2005 
Tax exempt Income      $  56,725      $  56,899 
Ordinary Income        563         
Long term Capital Gains        13,443        19,161 
Total      $  70,731      $  76,060 

Short Term Trading (Redemption) Fees. Shares held in the fund less than 30 days are subject to a redemption fee equal to .50% of the proceeds of the redeemed shares. All redemption fees, including any estimated redemption fees paid by Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMR), are retained by the fund and accounted for as an addition to paid in capital.

2. Operating Policies.

Futures Contracts. The fund may use futures contracts to manage its exposure to the bond markets and to fluctuations in interest rates. Buying futures tends to increase a fund’s exposure to the underlying instrument, while selling futures tends to decrease a fund’s exposure to the underlying instrument or hedge other fund investments. Futures contracts involve, to varying degrees, risk of loss in excess of any futures variation margin reflected in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. The underlying face amount at value of any open futures contracts at period end is shown in the Schedule of Investments under the caption ”Futures Contracts.” This amount reflects each contract’s exposure to the underlying instrument at period end. Losses may arise from changes in the value of the underlying instruments or if the counterparties do not perform under the contracts’ terms. Gains (losses) are realized upon the expiration or closings of the futures con tracts. Futures contracts are valued at the settlement price established each day by the board of trade or exchange on which they are traded.

Swap Agreements. The fund may invest in swaps for the purpose of managing its exposure to interest rate, credit or market risk.

Interest rate swaps are agreements to exchange cash flows periodically based on a notional principal amount, for example, the exchange of fixed rate interest payments for floating rate interest payments. The primary risk associated with interest rate swaps is that unfavorable changes in the fluctuation of interest rates could adversely impact a fund.

Swaps are marked to market daily based on dealer supplied valuations and changes in value are recorded as unrealized appreciation (depreciation). Gains or losses are realized upon early termination of the swap agreement. Collateral, in the form of cash or securities, may be required to be held in segregated accounts with a fund’s custodian in compliance with swap contracts.

37 Annual Report

Notes to Financial Statements continued 
(Amounts in thousands except ratios) 
3. Purchases and Sales of Investments. 

Purchases and sales of securities, other than short term securities and U.S. government securities, aggregated $430,952 and $399,687, respectively.

4. Fees and Other Transactions with Affiliates.

Management Fee. FMR and its affiliates provide the fund with investment manage ment related services for which the fund pays a monthly management fee. The manage ment fee is the sum of an individual fund fee rate that is based on an annual rate of .25% of the fund’s average net assets and a group fee rate that averaged .12% during the period. The group fee rate is based upon the average net assets of all the mutual funds advised by FMR. The group fee rate decreases as assets under management increase and increases as assets under management decrease. For the period, the total annual man agement fee rate was .37% of the fund’s average net assets.

Distribution and Service Plan. In accordance with Rule 12b 1 of the 1940 Act, the fund has adopted separate Distribution and Service Plans for each class of shares. Certain classes pay Fidelity Distributors Corporation (FDC), an affiliate of FMR, separate Distribution and Service Fees, each of which is based on an annual percentage of each class’ average net assets. In addition, FDC may pay financial intermediaries for selling shares of the fund and providing shareholder support services. For the period, the Distribution and Service Fee rates and the total amounts paid to and retained by FDC were as follows:

    Distribution    Service        Paid to        Retained 
         Fee    Fee        FDC        by FDC 
Class A    0%    .15%      $  9      $   
Class T    0%    .25%        6         
Class B    65%    .25%        88        64 
Class C    75%    .25%        183        59 
              $  286      $  123 

Sales Load. FDC receives a front end sales charge of up to 4.75% for selling Class A shares, and 3.50% for selling Class T shares, some of which is paid to financial intermedi aries for selling shares of the fund. FDC receives the proceeds of contingent deferred sales charges levied on Class A, Class T, Class B, and Class C redemptions. These charges depend on the holding period. The deferred sales charges range from 5% to 1% for Class B, 1% for Class C, and .25% for certain purchases of Class A and Class T shares.

Annual Report


4. Fees and Other Transactions with Affiliates continued

Sales Load continued

For the period, sales charge amounts retained by FDC were as follows:

        by FDC 
Class A      $  5 
Class T        3 
Class B*        29 
Class C*        1 
      $  38 

* When Class B and Class C shares are initially sold, FDC pays commissions from its own resources to financial intermediaries through which the sales are made.

Transfer Agent and Accounting Fees. Citibank, N.A. (Citibank) is the custodian, transfer agent, and shareholder servicing agent for the fund’s Class A, Class T, Class B, Class C, New York Municipal Income and Institutional Class shares. Citibank has entered into a sub arrangement with Fidelity Investments Institutional Operations Company, Inc. (FIIOC), an affiliate of FMR, with respect to all classes of the fund, except for New York Municipal Income, to perform the transfer, dividend disbursing, and shareholder servicing agent functions. Citibank has also entered into a sub arrangement with Fidelity Service Company, Inc. (FSC), an affiliate of FMR, with respect to New York Municipal Income, to perform the transfer, dividend disbursing, and shareholder servicing agent functions. FIIOC and FSC receive account fees and asset based fees that vary according to the account size and type of account of the shareholders of the respective classes of the fund. All fees are paid to FIIOC by Citibank, which is reimbursed by each class for such pay ments. FIIOC and FSC pay for typesetting, printing and mailing of shareholder reports, except proxy statements. For the period, each class paid the following transfer agent fees:

            % of 
        Amount    Net Assets 
Class A      $  7    .11 
Class T        2    .09 
Class B        12    .13 
Class C        20    .11 
New York Municipal Income        1,015    .07 
Institutional Class        1    .08 
      $  1,057     

Citibank also has a sub arrangement with FSC to maintain the fund’s accounting records. The fee is based on the level of average net assets for the month.

39 Annual Report

Notes to Financial Statements  continued 
(Amounts in thousands except ratios)     
5. Committed Line of Credit.     

The fund participates with other funds managed by FMR in a $4.2 billion credit facility (the “line of credit”) to be utilized for temporary or emergency purposes to fund share holder redemptions or for other short term liquidity purposes. The fund has agreed to pay commitment fees on its pro rata portion of the line of credit. During the period, there were no borrowings on this line of credit.

6. Expense Reductions.

Through arrangements with the fund’s custodian and each class’ transfer agent, credits realized as a result of uninvested cash balances were used to reduce the fund’s expenses. During the period, these credits reduced the fund’s custody and accounting expenses by $23 and $227, respectively. During the period, credits reduced each class’ transfer agent expense as noted in the table below.

        Transfer Agent 
        expense reduction 
Class B      $  1 
Class C        1 
New York Municipal Income        117 
      $  119 
7. Other.         

The fund’s organizational documents provide former and current trustees and officers with a limited indemnification against liabilities arising in connection with the perfor mance of their duties to the fund. In the normal course of business, the fund may also enter into contracts that provide general indemnifications. The fund’s maximum expo sure under these arrangements is unknown as this would be dependent on future claims that may be made against the fund. The risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Annual Report


8. Distributions to Shareholders.                 
Distributions to shareholders of each class were as follows:
           Years ended January 31,        
          2006            2005 
From net investment income                       
Class A          $  232          $  216 
Class T            83            63 
Class B            288            306 
Class C            520            433 
New York Municipal Income            55,581            55,872 
Institutional Class            21            9 
Total          $  56,725          $  56,899 
From net realized gain                         
Class A          $  60          $  80 
Class T            24            24 
Class B            95            133 
Class C            183            199 
New York Municipal Income            13,639            18,722 
Institutional Class            5            3 
Total          $  14,006          $  19,161 
9. Share Transactions.                     
Transactions for each class of shares were as follows:
    Shares    Dollars   
    Years ended January 31,    Years ended January 31, 
    2006    2005    2006        2005 
Class A                         
Shares sold    99    161    $    1,281    $    2,105 
Reinvestment of                         
    distributions    18    18        237        233 
Shares redeemed    (103)    (119)        (1,332)        (1,551) 
Net increase (decrease) .    14    60    $    186    $    787 
Class T                         
Shares sold    117    50    $    1,507    $    655 
Reinvestment of                         
    distributions    6    5        84        69 
Shares redeemed    (29)    (38)        (383)        (497) 
Net increase (decrease) .    94    17    $    1,208    $    227 
Class B                         
Shares sold    93    98    $    1,205    $    1,286 
Reinvestment of                         
    distributions    21    25        275        327 
Shares redeemed    (111)    (144)        (1,440)        (1,875) 
Net increase (decrease) .    3    (21)    $    40    $    (262) 
        41            Annual Report 

Notes to Financial Statements  continued             
(Amounts in thousands except ratios)                     
9. Share Transactions - continued                 
    Shares      Dollars   
    Years ended January 31,        Years ended January 31, 
    2006    2005        2006        2005 
Class C                         
Shares sold    546    377    $    7,087    $    4,941 
Reinvestment of                         
   distributions    34    36        445        475 
Shares redeemed    (180)    (210)        (2,335)        (2,742) 
Net increase (decrease) .    400    203    $    5,197    $    2,674 
New York Municipal                         
Shares sold    18,716    14,900    $    243,049    $    195,817 
Reinvestment of                         
   distributions    4,020    4,350        52,037        56,974 
Shares redeemed    (19,479)    (20,265)        (252,103)        (263,442) 
Net increase (decrease) .    3,257    (1,015)    $    42,983    $    (10,651) 
Institutional Class                         
Shares sold    78    13    $    1,018    $    176 
Reinvestment of                         
   distributions    1    1        17        7 
Shares redeemed    (31)    (4)        (403)        (60) 
Net increase (decrease) .    48    10    $    632    $    123 

Annual Report


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Trustees of Fidelity New York Municipal Trust and Shareholders of Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund (formerly Spartan New York Municipal Income Fund):

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities of Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund (formerly Spartan New York Municipal Income Fund) (the Fund), a fund of Fidelity New York Municipal Trust, including the schedule of investments as of January 31, 2006, and the related statement of operations for the year then ended, the statement of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Fund’s manage ment. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. The Fund is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Fund’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our procedures in cluded confirmation of securities owned as of January 31, 2006, by correspondence with the custodians and brokers; where replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund as of January 31, 2006, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and its financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

/s/ Deloitte & Touche LLP
Boston, Massachusetts
March 14, 2006

43 Annual Report

Trustees and Officers

The Trustees, Members of the Advisory Board, and executive officers of the trust and fund, as applicable, are listed below. The Board of Trustees governs the fund and is responsible for protecting the interests of shareholders. The Trustees are experienced executives who meet periodically throughout the year to oversee the fund’s activities, review contractual arrangements with companies that provide services to the fund, and review the fund’s performance. Except for William O. McCoy and Albert R. Gamper, Jr., each of the Trustees oversees 326 funds advised by FMR or an affiliate. Mr. McCoy oversees 328 funds advised by FMR or an affiliate. Mr. Gamper oversees 251 funds advised by FMR or an affiliate.

The Trustees hold office without limit in time except that (a) any Trustee may resign; (b) any Trustee may be removed by written instrument, signed by at least two thirds of the number of Trustees prior to such removal; (c) any Trustee who requests to be retired or who has become incapacitated by illness or injury may be retired by written instru ment signed by a majority of the other Trustees; and (d) any Trustee may be removed at any special meeting of shareholders by a two thirds vote of the outstanding voting securities of the trust. Each Trustee who is not an interested person (as defined in the 1940 Act) (Independent Trustee), shall retire not later than the last day of the calendar year in which his or her 72nd birthday occurs. The Independent Trustees may waive this mandatory retirement age policy with respect to individual Trustees. The executive officers and Advisory Board Members hold office without limit in time, except that any officer and Advisory Board Member may resign or may be removed by a vote of a majority of the Trustees at any regular meeting or any special meeting of the Trustees. Except as indicated, each individual has held the office shown or other offices in the same company for the past five years.

The fund’s Statement of Additional Information (SAI) includes more information about the Trustees. To request a free copy, call Fidelity at 1-877-208-0098.

Interested Trustees*:

Correspondence intended for each Trustee who is an interested person may be sent to Fidelity Investments, 82 Devonshire Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109.

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Edward C. Johnson 3d (75)

Year of Election or Appointment: 1983

Mr. Johnson is Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Johnson serves as Chief Executive Officer, Chairman, and a Director of FMR Corp.; a Director and Chairman of the Board and of the Executive Committee of FMR; Chairman and a Director of Fidelity Management & Research (Far East) Inc.; Chairman and a Director of Fidelity Investments Money Man agement, Inc.; and Chairman (2001 present) and a Director (2000 present) of FMR Co., Inc.

45 Annual Report

Trustees and Officers - continued

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Stephen P. Jonas (53)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Mr. Jonas is Senior Vice President of the fund (2005 present). He also serves as Senior Vice President of other Fidelity funds (2005 present). Mr. Jonas is Executive Director of FMR (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Jonas served as President of Fidelity Enterprise Operations and Risk Services (2004 2005), Chief Administrative Officer (2002 2004), and Chief Financial Officer of FMR Co. (1998 2000). Mr. Jonas has been with Fidelity Investments since 1987 and has held various financial and management positions including Chief Financial Officer of FMR. In addition, he serves on the Boards of Boston Ballet (2003 present) and Simmons College (2003 present).

  Robert L. Reynolds (53)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2003

Mr. Reynolds is a Director (2003 present) and Chief Operating Officer (2002 present) of FMR Corp. He also serves on the Board at Fidelity Investments Canada, Ltd. (2000 present). Previously, Mr. Reynolds served as President of Fidelity Investments Institutional Retirement Group (1996 2000).

* Trustees have been determined to be “Interested Trustees” by virtue of, among other things, their affiliation with the trust or various entities under common control with FMR.

Annual Report


Independent Trustees:

Correspondence intended for each Independent Trustee (that is, the Trustees other than the Interested Trustees) may be sent to Fidelity Investments, P.O. Box 55235, Boston, Massachusetts 02205-5235.

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Dennis J. Dirks (57)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Prior to his retirement in May 2003, Mr. Dirks was Chief Operating Officer and a member of the Board of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) (1999 2003). He also served as President, Chief Operating Officer, and Board member of The Depository Trust Company (DTC) (1999 2003) and President and Board member of the National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC) (1999 2003). In addition, Mr. Dirks served as Chief Executive Officer and Board member of the Government Securities Clearing Corporation (2001 2003) and Chief Executive Officer and Board member of the Mortgage Backed Securities Clearing Corporation (2001 2003). Mr. Dirks also serves as a Trustee and a member of the Finance Committee of Manhattan College (2005 present) and a Trustee and a member of the Finance Committee of AHRC of Nassau County (2006 present).

  Albert R. Gamper, Jr. (63)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2006

Mr. Gamper also serves as a Trustee (2006 present) or Member of the Advisory Board (2005 present) of other investment companies advised by FMR. Prior to his retirement in December 2004, Mr. Gamper served as Chairman of the Board of CIT Group Inc. (commercial finance). During his tenure with CIT Group Inc. Mr. Gamper served in numerous senior management positions, including Chairman (1987 1989; 1999 2001; 2002 2004), Chief Executive Officer (1987 2004), and President (1989 2002). He currently serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Public Service Enterprise Group (utilities, 2001 present), Chairman of the Board of Governors, Rutgers University (2004 present), and Chairman of the Board of Saint Barnabas Health Care System.

47 Annual Report

Trustees and Officers - continued

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Robert M. Gates (62)

Year of Election or Appointment: 1997

Dr. Gates is Chairman of the Independent Trustees (2006 present). Dr. Gates is President of Texas A&M University (2002 present). He was Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from 1991 to 1993. From 1989 to 1991, Dr. Gates served as Assistant to the President of the United States and Deputy National Security Advisor. Dr. Gates is a Director of NACCO Industries, Inc. (mining and manufacturing), Parker Drilling Co., Inc. (drilling and rental tools for the energy industry, 2001 present), and Brinker International (restaurant management, 2003 present). Previously, Dr. Gates served as a Director of LucasVarity PLC (automotive components and diesel engines), a Director of TRW Inc. (automotive, space, defense, and information technology), and Dean of the George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University (1999 2001).

  George H. Heilmeier (69)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2004

Dr. Heilmeier is Chairman Emeritus of Telcordia Technologies (commu nication software and systems), where prior to his retirement, he served as company Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. He currently serves on the Boards of Directors of The Mitre Corporation (systems engineering and information technology support for the government), and HRL Laboratories (private research and development, 2004 present). He is Chairman of the General Motors Science & Technology Advisory Board and a Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engi neers (IEEE). Dr. Heilmeier is a member of the Defense Science Board and the National Security Agency Advisory Board. He is also a member of the National Academy of Engineering, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Board of Overseers of the School of Engineering and Applied Science of the University of Penn sylvania. Previously, Dr. Heilmeier served as a Director of TRW Inc. (automotive, space, defense, and information technology, 1992 2002), Compaq (1994 2002), Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (ADP) (technology based business outsourcing, 1995 2002), INET Technologies Inc. (telecommunications network surveillance, 2001 2004), and Teletech Holdings (customer management services). He is the recipient of the 2005 Kyoto Prize in Advanced Technology for his invention of the liquid crystal display.

Annual Report


Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Marie L. Knowles (59)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2001

Prior to Ms. Knowles’ retirement in June 2000, she served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) (diversified energy, 1996 2000). From 1993 to 1996, she was a Senior Vice President of ARCO and President of ARCO Transportation Company. She served as a Director of ARCO from 1996 to 1998. She currently serves as a Director of Phelps Dodge Corporation (copper mining and manufacturing) and McKesson Corporation (healthcare ser vice, 2002 present). Ms. Knowles is a Trustee of the Brookings Institution and the Catalina Island Conservancy and also serves as a member of the Advisory Board for the School of Engineering of the University of Southern California.

Ned C. Lautenbach (61)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2000

Mr. Lautenbach has been a partner of Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, Inc. (private equity investment firm) since September 1998. Previously, Mr. Lautenbach was with the International Business Machines Corpora tion (IBM) from 1968 until his retirement in 1998. Mr. Lautenbach serves as a Director of Italtel Holding S.p.A. (telecommunications (Milan, Italy), 2004 present) and Eaton Corporation (diversified industrial) as well as the Philharmonic Center for the Arts in Naples, Florida. He also is a member of the Board of Trustees of Fairfield University (2005 present), as well as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

William O. McCoy (72)

Year of Election or Appointment: 1997

Prior to his retirement in December 1994, Mr. McCoy was Vice Chair man of the Board of BellSouth Corporation (telecommunications) and President of BellSouth Enterprises. He is currently a Director of Duke Realty Corporation (real estate), and Progress Energy, Inc. (electric utility). He is also a partner of Franklin Street Partners (private investment man agement firm) and a member of the Research Triangle Foundation Board. In addition, Mr. McCoy served as the Interim Chancellor (1999 2000) and a member of the Board of Visitors for the University of North Caro lina at Chapel Hill and currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the University of North Carolina Health Care System and the Board of Visitors of the Kenan Flagler Business School (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). He also served as Vice President of Finance for the University of North Carolina (16 school system).

49 Annual Report

Trustees and Officers - continued

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Cornelia M. Small (61)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Ms. Small is a member (2000 present) and Chairperson (2002 present) of the Investment Committee, and a member (2002 present) of the Board of Trustees of Smith College. Previously, she served as Chief Investment Officer (1999 2000), Director of Global Equity Investments (1996 1999), and a member of the Board of Directors of Scudder, Stevens & Clark (1990 1997) and Scudder Kemper Investments (1997 1999). In addition, Ms. Small served as Co Chair (2000 2003) of the Annual Fund for the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

  William S. Stavropoulos (66)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2002

Mr. Stavropoulos is Chairman of the Board (2000 present) and a Mem ber of the Board of Directors of The Dow Chemical Company. Since joining The Dow Chemical Company in 1967, Mr. Stavropoulos served in numerous senior management positions, including President (1993 2000; 2002 2003), CEO (1995 2000; 2002 2004), and Chair man of the Executive Committee (2000 2004). Currently, he is a Direc tor of NCR Corporation (data warehousing and technology solutions), BellSouth Corporation (telecommunications), Chemical Financial Corpo ration, Maersk Inc. (industrial conglomerate, 2002 present), and Metal mark Capital (private equity investment firm, 2005 present). He also serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. In addition, Mr. Stavropoulos is a member of The Business Council, J.P. Morgan International Council and the University of Notre Dame Advisory Council for the College of Science.

  Kenneth L. Wolfe (66)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Prior to his retirement in 2001, Mr. Wolfe was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Hershey Foods Corporation (1993 2001). He cur rently serves as a member of the boards of Adelphia Communications Corporation (2003 present), Bausch & Lomb, Inc., and Revlon Inc. (2004 present).

Annual Report


Advisory Board Member and Executive Officers:

Correspondence intended for Mr. Keyes may be sent to Fidelity Investments, P.O. Box 55235, Boston, Massachusetts 02205-5235. Correspondence intended for each executive officer and Mr. Lynch may be sent to Fidelity Investments, 82 Devonshire Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109.

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

James H. Keyes (65)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2006

Member of the Advisory Board of Fidelity New York Municipal Trust. Prior to his retirement in 2003, Mr. Keyes was Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Johnson Controls, Inc. (automotive supplier, 1993 2003). He currently serves as a member of the boards of LSI Logic Corporation (semiconductor technologies, 1984 present), Navistar International Corporation (manufacture and sale of trucks, buses, and diesel engines, 2002 present), and Pitney Bowes, Inc. (integrated mail, messaging, and document management solutions, 1998 present).

  Peter S. Lynch (62)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2003

Member of the Advisory Board of Fidelity New York Municipal Trust. Vice Chairman and a Director of FMR, and Vice Chairman (2001 present) and a Director (2000 present) of FMR Co., Inc. Previously, Mr. Lynch served as a Trustee of the Fidelity funds (1990 2003). In addition, he serves as a Trustee of Boston College, Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary, Historic Deerfield, John F. Kennedy Library, and the Museum of Fine Arts of Boston.

  Walter C. Donovan (43)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Vice President of the fund. Mr. Donovan also serves as Vice President of Fidelity’s High Income Funds (2005 present), Fidelity’s Fixed Income Funds (2005 present), certain Asset Allocation Funds (2005 present), and certain Balanced Funds (2005 present). Mr. Donovan also serves as Executive Vice President of FMR (2005 present) and FMRC (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Donovan served as Vice President and Director of Fidelity’s International Equity Trading group (1998 2005).

51 Annual Report

Trustees and Officers - continued

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

David L. Murphy (58)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Vice President of the fund. Mr. Murphy also serves as Vice President of Fidelity’s Money Market Funds (2002 present), certain Asset Alloca tion Funds (2003 present), Fidelity’s Investment Grade Bond Funds (2005 present), and Fidelity’s Balanced Funds (2005 present). He serves as Senior Vice President (2000 present) and Head (2004 present) of the Fidelity Investments Fixed Income Division. Mr. Murphy is also a Senior Vice President of Fidelity Investments Money Management, Inc. (2003 present) and an Executive Vice President of FMR (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Murphy served as Money Market Group Leader (2002 2004), Bond Group Leader (2000 2002), and Vice President of Fidelity’s Taxable Bond Funds (2000 2002) and Fidelity’s Municipal Bond Funds (2001 2002).

  Thomas J. Silvia (44)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Vice President of the fund. Mr. Silvia also serves as Vice President of Fidelity’s Bond Funds (2005 present) and Senior Vice President and Bond Group Leader of the Fidelity Investments Fixed Income Division (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Silvia served as Director of Fidelity’s Tax able Bond portfolio managers (2002 2004) and a portfolio manager in the Bond Group (1997 2004).

  Mark Sommer (46)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2002

Vice President of the fund. Mr. Sommer also serves as Vice President of other funds advised by FMR. Prior to assuming his current responsibili ties, Mr. Sommer worked as an analyst and manager.

  Eric D. Roiter (57)

Year of Election or Appointment: 1998

Secretary of the fund. He also serves as Secretary of other Fidelity funds; Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary of FMR Co., Inc. (2001 present) and FMR; Assistant Secretary of Fidelity Management & Research (U.K.) Inc. (2001 present), Fidelity Research & Analysis Com pany (2001 present), and Fidelity Investments Money Management, Inc. (2001 present). Mr. Roiter is an Adjunct Member, Faculty of Law, at Boston College Law School (2003 present). Previously, Mr. Roiter served as Vice President and Secretary of Fidelity Distributors Corporation (FDC) (1998 2005).

Annual Report


Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Stuart Fross (46)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2003

Assistant Secretary of the fund. Mr. Fross also serves as Assistant Secre tary of other Fidelity funds (2003 present), Vice President and Secretary of FDC (2005 present), and is an employee of FMR.

Christine Reynolds (47)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2004

President and Treasurer of the fund. Ms. Reynolds also serves as President and Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2004 present) and is a Vice President (2003 present) and an employee (2002 present) of FMR. Before joining Fidelity Investments, Ms. Reynolds worked at Pricewater houseCoopers LLP (PwC) (1980 2002), where she was most recently an audit partner with PwC’s investment management practice.

R. Stephen Ganis (39)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2006

Anti Money Laundering (AML) officer of the fund. Mr. Ganis also serves as AML officer of other Fidelity funds (2006 present) and FMR Corp. (2003 present). Before joining Fidelity Investments, Mr. Ganis practiced law at Goodwin Procter, LLP (2000 2002).

Paul M. Murphy (58)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Chief Financial Officer of VIP Financial Services. Mr. Murphy also serves as Chief Financial Officer of other Fidelity funds (2005 present). He also serves as Senior Vice President of Fidelity Pricing and Cash Manage ment Services Group (FPCMS).

Kenneth A. Rathgeber (58)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2004

Chief Compliance Officer of the fund. Mr. Rathgeber also serves as Chief Compliance Officer of other Fidelity funds (2004 present) and Executive Vice President of Risk Oversight for Fidelity Investments (2002 present). He is Chief Compliance Officer of FMR (2005 present), FMR Co., Inc. (2005 present), Fidelity Management & Research (U.K.) Inc. (2005 present), Fidelity Research & Analysis Company (2005 present), Fidelity Investments Money Management, Inc. (2005 present), and Strategic Advisers, Inc. (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Rathgeber served as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Fidelity Investments Institutional Services Company, Inc. (1998 2002).

53 Annual Report

Trustees and Officers - continued

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Bryan A. Mehrmann (44)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Deputy Treasurer of the fund. Mr. Mehrmann also serves as Deputy Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2005 present) and is an employee of FMR. Previously, Mr. Mehrmann served as Vice President of Fidelity Investments Institutional Services Group (FIIS)/Fidelity Investments Institu tional Operations Corporation, Inc. (FIIOC) Client Services (1998 2004).

  Kimberley H. Monasterio (42)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2004

Deputy Treasurer of the fund. Ms. Monasterio also serves as Deputy Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2004) and is an employee of FMR (2004). Before joining Fidelity Investments, Ms. Monasterio served as Treasurer (2000 2004) and Chief Financial Officer (2002 2004) of the Franklin Templeton Funds and Senior Vice President of Franklin Temple ton Services, LLC (2000 2004).

  Kenneth B. Robins (36)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Deputy Treasurer of the fund. Mr. Robins also serves as Deputy Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2005 present) and is an employee of FMR (2004 present). Before joining Fidelity Investments, Mr. Robins worked at KPMG LLP, where he was a partner in KPMG’s department of pro fessional practice (2002 2004) and a Senior Manager (1999 2000). In addition, Mr. Robins served as Assistant Chief Accountant, United States Securities and Exchange Commission (2000 2002).

  Robert G. Byrnes (39)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Assistant Treasurer of the fund. Mr. Byrnes also serves as Assistant Trea surer of other Fidelity funds (2005 present) and is an employee of FMR (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Byrnes served as Vice President of FPCMS (2003 2005). Before joining Fidelity Investments, Mr. Byrnes worked at Deutsche Asset Management where he served as Vice Presi dent of the Investment Operations Group (2000 2003).

  John H. Costello (59)

Year of Election or Appointment: 1986

Assistant Treasurer of the fund. Mr. Costello also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other Fidelity funds and is an employee of FMR.

  Peter L. Lydecker (52)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2004

Assistant Treasurer of the fund. Mr. Lydecker also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2004) and is an employee of FMR.

Annual Report


Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Mark Osterheld (50)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2002

Assistant Treasurer of the fund. Mr. Osterheld also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2002) and is an employee of FMR.

Gary W. Ryan (47)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Assistant Treasurer of the fund. Mr. Ryan also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2005 present) and is an employee of FMR (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Ryan served as Vice President of Fund Reporting in FPCMS (1999 2005).

Salvatore Schiavone (40)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Assistant Treasurer of the fund. Mr. Schiavone also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2005 present) and is an employee of FMR (2005 present). Before joining Fidelity Investments, Mr. Schiavone worked at Deutsche Asset Management, where he most recently served as Assistant Treasurer (2003 2005) of the Scudder Funds and Vice President and Head of Fund Reporting (1996 2003).

55 Annual Report


The Board of Trustees of Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund voted to pay to shareholders of record at the opening of business on record date, the following distributions per share derived from capital gains realized from sales of portfolio securities:

    Pay Date    Record Date    Capital Gains 
Class A    3/06/06    3/03/06    $.062 
Class T    3/06/06    3/03/06    $.062 
Class B    3/06/06    3/03/06    $.062 
Class C    3/06/06    3/03/06    $.062 

The fund hereby designates as a capital gain dividend with respect to the taxable year ended January 31, 2006 $16,713,320, or, if subsequently determined to be different, the net capital gain of such year.

During fiscal year ended 2005, 100% of the fund’s income dividends was free from federal income tax, and 4.8% of the fund’s income dividends was subject to the federal alternative minimum tax.

The fund will notify shareholders in January 2007 of amounts for use in preparing 2006 income tax returns.

Annual Report


Proxy Voting Results

A special meeting of the fund’s shareholders was held on February 15, 2006. The results of votes taken among shareholders on the proposal before them are reported below. Each vote reported represents one dollar of net asset value held on the record date for the meeting.

PROPOSAL 1         
To elect a Board of Trustees.A     
    # of    % of 
    Votes    Votes 
Dennis J. Dirks         
Affirmative    756,274,117.48    94.929 
Withheld    40,401,891.30    5.071 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Albert R. Gamper, Jr.     
Affirmative    756,074,508.43    94.904 
Withheld    40,601,500.35    5.096 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Robert M. Gates         
Affirmative    753,726,156.15    94.609 
Withheld    42,949,852.63    5.391 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
George H. Heilmeier     
Affirmative    754,732,746.86    94.735 
Withheld    41,943,261.92    5.265 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Edward C. Johnson 3d     
Affirmative    754,073,233.82    94.652 
Withheld    42,602,774.96    5.348 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Stephen P. Jonas         
Affirmative    756,562,609.94    94.965 
Withheld    40,113,398.84    5.035 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Marie L. Knowles     
Affirmative    754,799,466.04    94.744 
Withheld    41,876,542.74    5.256 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 

    # of    % of 
    Votes    Votes 
Ned C. Lautenbach     
Affirmative    755,172,679.13    94.790 
Withheld    41,503,329.65    5.210 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
William O. McCoy     
Affirmative    754,375,687.88    94.690 
Withheld    42,300,320.90    5.310 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Robert L. Reynolds     
Affirmative    755,950,104.48    94.888 
Withheld    40,725,904.30    5.112 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Cornelia M. Small     
Affirmative    755,751,111.56    94.863 
Withheld    40,924,897.22    5.137 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
William S. Stavropoulos     
Affirmative    747,114,578.40    93.779 
Withheld    49,561,430.38    6.221 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Kenneth L. Wolfe         
Affirmative    755,847,459.35    94.875 
Withheld    40,828,549.43    5.125 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 

A Denotes trust-wide proposal and voting results.

57 Annual Report

Board Approval of Investment Advisory Contracts and Management Fees

Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund (formerly Spartan New York Municipal Income Fund)

On January 19, 2006, the Board of Trustees, including the Independent Trustees (together, the Board), voted to approve a general research services agreement (the Agreement) between FMR, FMR Co., Inc. (FMRC), Fidelity Investments Money Manage ment, Inc. (FIMM), and Fidelity Research & Analysis Company (FRAC) (together, the Investment Advisers) for the fund, effective January 20, 2006, pursuant to which FRAC may provide general research and investment advisory support services to FMRC and FIMM. The Board considered that it has approved previously various sub advisory agreements for the fund with affiliates of FMR that allow FMR to obtain research, non discretionary advice, or discretionary portfolio management at no additional expense to the fund. The Board, assisted by the advice of fund counsel and independent Trustees’ counsel, considered a broad range of information and determined that it would be beneficial for the fund to access the research and investment advisory support services supplied by FRAC at no additional expense to the fund.

The Board reached this determination in part because the new arrangement will involve no changes in (i) the contractual terms of and fees payable under the fund’s manage ment contract or sub advisory agreements; (ii) the investment process or strategies employed in the management of the fund’s assets; (iii) the nature or level of services provided under the fund’s management contract or sub advisory agreements; (iv) the day to day management of the fund or the persons primarily responsible for such man agement; or (v) the ultimate control or beneficial ownership of FMR, FMRC, or FIMM. The Board also considered that the establishment of the Agreement would not necessi tate prior shareholder approval of the Agreement or result in an assignment and termination of the fund’s management contract or sub advisory agreements under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

Because the Board was approving an arrangement with FRAC under which the fund will not bear any additional management fees or expenses and under which the fund’s portfolio manager would not change, it did not consider the fund’s investment perfor mance, competitiveness of management fee and total expenses, costs of services and profitability, or economies of scale to be significant factors in its decision.

In connection with its future renewal of the fund’s management contract and sub advisory agreements, the Board will consider: (i) the nature, extent, and quality of services provided to the fund, including shareholder and administrative services and investment performance; (ii) the competitiveness of the fund’s management fee and total expenses; (iii) the costs of the services and profitability, including the revenues earned and the expenses incurred by Fidelity in conducting the business of developing, marketing, distributing, managing, administering, and servicing the fund and its shareholders; and (iv) whether there have been economies of scale in respect of the

Annual Report


management of the Fidelity funds, whether the Fidelity funds (including the fund) have appropriately benefited from any such economies of scale, and whether there is potential for realization of any further economies.

Based on its evaluation of all of the conclusions noted above, and after considering all material factors, the Board ultimately concluded that the fund’s Agreement is fair and reasonable, and that the fund’s Agreement should be approved.

59 Annual Report

Annual Report


Investment Adviser
Fidelity Management & Research Company
Boston, MA
Investment Sub Advisers
Fidelity Investments
Money Management, Inc.
Fidelity Research & Analysis Company
(formerly Fidelity Management & Research (Far East) Inc.)
Fidelity International Investment Advisors
Fidelity International Investment Advisors
(U.K.) Limited
General Distributor
Fidelity Distributors Corporation
Boston, MA
Transfer and Service Agents
Citibank, N.A.
New York, NY
Fidelity Investments Institutional Operations Company, Inc.
Boston, MA
Fidelity Service Company, Inc.
Boston, MA
Citibank, N.A.
New York, NY


Fidelity Advisor
New York Municipal Income
Fund - Institutional Class

Annual Report
January 31, 2006

Institutional Class is a class of Fidelity® New York Municipal Income Fund

Chairman’s Message    4    Ned Johnson’s message to shareholders. 
Performance    5    How the fund has done over time. 
Management’s Discussion    6    The managers’ review of fund 
        performance, strategy and outlook. 
Shareholder Expense    7    An example of shareholder expenses. 
Investment Changes    9    A summary of major shifts in the fund’s 
        investments over the past six months. 
Investments    10    A complete list of the fund’s investments 
        with their market values. 
Financial Statements    24    Statements of assets and liabilities, 
        operations, and changes in net assets, 
        as well as financial highlights. 
Notes    34    Notes to the financial statements. 
Report of Independent    42     
Registered Public         
Accounting Firm         
Trustees and Officers    44     
Distributions    55     
Proxy Voting Results    56     
Board Approval of    57     
Investment Advisory         
Contracts and         
Management Fees         

To view a fund’s proxy voting guidelines and proxy voting record for the 12 month period ended
June 30, visit www.fidelity.com/proxyvotingresults or visit the Securities and Exchange Commis
sion’s (SEC) web site at www.sec.gov. You may also call 1-877-208-0098 to request a free copy of
the proxy voting guidelines.

Standard & Poor’s, S&P and S&P 500 are registered service marks of The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc.

and have been licensed for use by Fidelity Distributors Corporation.

Other third party marks appearing herein are the property of their respective owners.

All other marks appearing herein are registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks

of FMR Corp. or an affiliated company.

Annual Report


This report and the financial statements contained herein are submitted for the general information
of the shareholders of the fund. This report is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors
in the fund unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.
A fund files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third
quarters of each fiscal year on Form N Q. Forms N Q are available on the SEC’s web site at
http://www.sec.gov. A fund’s Forms N Q may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public
Reference Room in Washington, DC. Information regarding the operation of the SEC’s Public
Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. For a complete list of a fund’s port
folio holdings, view the most recent quarterly holdings report, semiannual report, or annual
report on Fidelity’s web site at http://www.advisor.fidelity.com.
Neither the fund nor Fidelity Distributors Corporation is a bank.

3 Annual Report

Chairman’s Message

(photograph of Edward C. Johnson 3d)

Dear Shareholder:

During the past year or so, much has been reported about the mutual fund industry, and much of it has been more critical than I believe is warranted. Allegations that some companies have been less than forthright with their shareholders have cast a shadow on the entire industry. I continue to find these reports disturbing, and assert that they do not create an accurate picture of the industry overall. Therefore, I would like to remind every one where Fidelity stands on these issues. I will say two things specifically regarding allegations that some mutual fund companies were in violation of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s forward pricing rules or were involved in so called “market timing” activities.

First, Fidelity has no agreements that permit customers who buy fund shares after 4 p.m. to obtain the 4 p.m. price. This is not a new policy. This is not to say that some one could not deceive the company through fraudulent acts. However, we are extremely diligent in preventing fraud from occurring in this manner and in every other. But I underscore again that Fidelity has no so called “agreements” that sanction illegal practices.

Second, Fidelity continues to stand on record, as we have for years, in opposition to predatory short term trading that adversely affects shareholders in a mutual fund. Back in the 1980s, we initiated a fee which is returned to the fund and, therefore, to investors to discourage this activity. Further, we took the lead several years ago in developing a Fair Value Pricing Policy to prevent market timing on foreign securities in our funds. I am confident we will find other ways to make it more difficult for predatory traders to operate. However, this will only be achieved through close cooperation among regulators, legislators and the industry.

Yes, there have been unfortunate instances of unethical and illegal activity within the mutual fund industry from time to time. That is true of any industry. When this occurs, confessed or convicted offenders should be dealt with appropriately. But we are still concerned about the risk of over regulation and the quick application of simplistic solutions to intricate problems. Every system can be improved, and we support and applaud well thought out improvements by regulators, legislators and industry representatives that achieve the common goal of building and protecting the value of investors’ holdings.

For nearly 60 years, Fidelity has worked very hard to improve its products and service to justify your trust. When our family founded this company in 1946, we had only a few hundred customers. Today, we serve more than 18 million customers including individual investors and participants in retirement plans across America.

Let me close by saying that we do not take your trust in us for granted, and we realize that we must always work to improve all aspects of our service to you. In turn, we urge you to continue your active participation with your financial matters, so that your interests can be well served.

Best regards,

/s/ Edward C. Johnson 3d

Edward C. Johnson 3d

Annual Report 4

Performance: The Bottom Line

Average annual total return reflects the change in the value of an investment, assuming reinvestment of the class’ dividend income and capital gains (the profits earned upon the sale of securities that have grown in value) and assuming a constant rate of performance each year. The $10,000 table and the fund’s returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. During periods of reimbursement by Fidelity, a fund’s total return will be greater than it would be had the reimbursement not occurred. How a fund did yesterday is no guarantee of how it will do tomorrow.

Average Annual Total Returns             
Periods ended January 31, 2006    Past 1    Past 5    Past 10 
    year    years    years 
 Institutional ClassA    2.18%    5.51%    5.63% 

A The initial offering of Institutional Class shares took place on August 1, 2002. Returns prior to August 1, 2002
are those of Spartan New York Municipal Income, the original retail class of the fund.

$10,000 Over 10 Years

Let’s say hypothetically that $10,000 was invested in Fidelity Advisor New York Municipal Income Fund - Institutional Class on January 31, 1996, when the fund started. The chart shows how the value of your investment would have changed, and also shows how the Lehman Brothers® Municipal Bond Index performed over the same period.

5 Annual Report


Management’s Discussion of Fund Performance

Comments from Mark Sommer, Portfolio Manager of Fidelity Advisor New York Municipal Income Fund

2005 marked the third consecutive year that municipal bonds outperformed the investment grade taxable bond market, a trend that continued through the first month of 2006. While both markets were pressured by the steadily rising federal funds rate and fears of inflation, short term Treasury yields rose and long term yields fell to a greater extent than in municipal bonds, and many investors were attracted to the yield differential between longer dated municipals and taxable investment grade debt. As rates fell in the long end of the municipal market, many issuers looked to refinance existing debt costs or finance new projects at better relative rates. This demand contributed to record high issuance for calendar year 2005. For the year ending January 31, 2006, the Lehman Brothers® Municipal Bond Index a performance measure of approximately 34,000 investment grade, fixed rate, tax exempt bonds rose 2.83% . In comparison, the taxable bond market, as measured by the Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index, gained a more modest 1.80% .

For the 12 months ending January 31, 2006, the fund’s Institutional Class shares returned 2.18% . During the same period, the LipperSM New York Municipal Debt Funds Average returned 2.38% and the Lehman Brothers New York 4 Plus Year Enhanced Municipal Bond Index rose 2.91% . Strong demand for tax free investments and improved creditworthiness for many muni issuers across the state helped the New York muni market to perform roughly in line with the national market and to somewhat offset the negative effects of rising short term interest rates. The fund’s underperformance of the Lehman Brothers index and I suspect the Lipper peer group average stemmed from my decisions to avoid tobacco bonds and to underweight bonds issued by New York City. Both segments significantly outperformed most other muni sectors during the period. In contrast, the fund’s performance was aided by its stake in bonds that were prerefunded during the period, a process that helped boost the bonds’ returns. Throughout the year, I kept the fund’s interest rate sensitivity in line with the New York municipal market as a whole, as measured by the Lehman Brothers index. That strategy had no material impact on the fund’s performance relative to the index.

The views expressed above reflect those of the portfolio manager(s) only through the end of the period as stated on the cover of this report and do not necessarily represent the views of Fidelity or any other person in the Fidelity organization. Any such views are subject to change at any time based upon market or other conditions and Fidelity disclaims any responsibility to update such views. These views may not be relied on as investment advice and, because investment decisions for a Fidelity fund are based on numerous factors, may not be relied on as an indication of trading intent on behalf of any Fidelity fund.

Annual Report

6 6

Shareholder Expense Example

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments or redemption proceeds, redemption fees, and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees, distribution and/or service (12b 1) fees and other Fund expenses. This Example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The Example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period (August 1, 2005 to January 31, 2006).

Actual Expenses

The first line of the table below for each class of the Fund provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000.00 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000.00 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first line for a class of the Fund under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The second line of the table below for each class of the Fund provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on a Class’ actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Class’ actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. Therefore, the second line of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.

                    Expenses Paid 
        Beginning        Ending    During Period* 
        Account Value        Account Value    August 1, 2005 
        August 1, 2005        January 31, 2006    to January 31, 2006 
Class A                         
Actual      $  1,000.00      $  1,010.10    $    3.34 
HypotheticalA      $  1,000.00      $  1,021.88    $    3.36 
Class T                         
Actual      $  1,000.00      $  1,010.40    $    3.75 
HypotheticalA      $  1,000.00      $  1,021.48    $    3.77 
Class B                         
Actual      $  1,000.00      $  1,007.00    $    7.18 
HypotheticalA      $  1,000.00      $  1,018.05    $    7.22 
        7                Annual Report 

Shareholder Expense Example continued         
                    Expenses Paid 
        Beginning        Ending    During Period* 
        Account Value        Account Value    August 1, 2005 
        August 1, 2005        January 31, 2006    to January 31, 2006 
Class C                         
Actual      $  1,000.00      $  1,005.80    $    7.58 
HypotheticalA      $  1,000.00      $  1,017.64    $    7.63 
New York Municipal Income                         
Actual      $  1,000.00      $  1,011.80    $    2.38 
HypotheticalA      $  1,000.00      $  1,022.84    $    2.40 
Institutional Class                         
Actual      $  1,000.00      $  1,011.80    $    2.38 
HypotheticalA      $  1,000.00      $  1,022.84    $    2.40 
A 5% return per year before expenses                 

* Expenses are equal to each Class’ annualized expense ratio (shown in the table below); multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one half year period).

    Expense Ratio 
Class A    66% 
Class T    74% 
Class B    1.42% 
Class C    1.50% 
New York Municipal Income    47% 
Institutional Class    47% 

Annual Report


Investment Changes         
 Top Five Sectors as of January 31, 2006         
    % of fund’s    % of fund’s net assets 
    net assets    6 months ago 
General Obligations    33.5    32.9 
Special Tax    18.6    13.9 
Water & Sewer    11.0    12.4 
Transportation    10.4    14.0 
Escrowed/Pre Refunded    9.5    7.4 
Average Years to Maturity as of January 31, 2006 
        6 months ago 
Years    14.4    14.7 

Average years to maturity is based on the average time remaining to the stated maturity date of each bond, weighted by the market value of each bond.

Duration as of January  31, 2006         
            6 months ago 
Years        6.7    6.7 

Duration shows how much a bond fund’s price fluctuates with changes in comparable interest rates. If rates rise 1%, for example, a fund with a five year duration is likely to lose about 5% of its value. Other factors also can influence a bond fund’s performance and share price. Accordingly, a bond fund’s actual performance may differ from this example.

We have used ratings from Moody’s® Investors Services, Inc. Where Moody’s ratings are not available, we have used S&P® ratings.

9 Annual Report

Investments January 31,  2006         
Showing Percentage of Net Assets                     
 Municipal Bonds 97.5%                     
        Principal    Value (Note 1) 
        Amount (000s)    (000s) 
Guam 0.1%                     
Guam Wtrwks. Auth. Wtr. and Wastewtr. Sys. Rev. 6%                 
   7/1/25        $    1,100    $    1,185 
New York – 91.4%                     
Albany Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev. (College of                 
   Saint Rose Proj.) Series A:                     
   5% 7/1/10 (AMBAC Insured)            600        637 
   5% 7/1/11 (AMBAC Insured)            500        535 
   5.5% 7/1/21 (AMBAC Insured)            2,300        2,486 
Battery Park City Auth. Rev. Series A:                     
   5.25% 11/1/16            2,000        2,187 
   5.25% 11/1/17            1,400        1,525 
Dutchess County Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev.:                 
   (Bard College Civic Facility Proj.):                     
       5.5% 8/1/20            4,190        4,492 
       5.75% 8/1/30            9,475        10,194 
   (Vassar College Proj.) 5.35% 9/1/40            7,000        7,447 
Erie County Gen. Oblig. Series A:                     
   5% 9/1/15 (FGIC Insured)            2,625        2,804 
   5% 9/1/16 (FGIC Insured)            1,680        1,789 
   5% 9/1/17 (FGIC Insured)            1,000        1,064 
Erie County Indl. Dev. Agcy. School Facility Rev. (Buffalo                 
   City School District Proj.):                     
   Series 2003:                     
       5.75% 5/1/17 (FSA Insured)            8,940        9,874 
       5.75% 5/1/19 (FSA Insured)            1,500        1,652 
       5.75% 5/1/20 (FSA Insured)            1,400        1,539 
       5.75% 5/1/21 (FSA Insured)            1,755        1,927 
       5.75% 5/1/22 (FSA Insured)            4,900        5,375 
       5.75% 5/1/23 (FSA Insured)            1,000        1,096 
   Series 2004:                     
       5.75% 5/1/17 (FSA Insured)            5,950        6,764 
       5.75% 5/1/23 (FSA Insured)            6,620        7,476 
       5.75% 5/1/26 (FSA Insured)            5,500        6,186 
Geneva Indl. Dev. Auth. Civic Facilities Rev. (Hobart &                 
   William Smith Proj.) Series A, 5.375% 2/1/23 (FGIC                 
   Insured)            3,485        3,777 
Grand Central District Mgmt. Assoc., Inc. 5% 1/1/14        1,000        1,067 
Hempstead Town Indl. Dev. Agcy. (American Ref-Fuel                 
   Co. Proj.) 5% 12/1/10            7,000        7,224 
Metropolitan Trans. Auth. Commuter Facilities Rev. Series                 
   1997 D, 5.125% 7/1/22 (Pre-Refunded to 1/1/12 @                 
   100) (d)            1,100        1,188 
See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.         
Annual Report    10                 

Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
Metropolitan Trans. Auth. Dedicated Tax Fund Series A,                 
   5.5% 11/15/26 (FSA Insured) (a)    $    13,575    $    14,824 
Metropolitan Trans. Auth. Rev.:                 
   Series 2002 A:                 
       5.5% 11/15/15 (AMBAC Insured)        1,340        1,481 
       5.5% 11/15/16 (AMBAC Insured)        1,000        1,103 
       5.5% 11/15/17 (AMBAC Insured)        1,000        1,102 
       5.5% 11/15/18 (AMBAC Insured)        1,700        1,870 
       5.75% 11/15/32        10,000        11,099 
   Series A:                 
       5.125% 11/15/31        12,150        12,639 
       5.5% 11/15/18 (AMBAC Insured)        2,000        2,294 
   Series B:                 
       5.25% 11/15/18 (FGIC Insured)        4,000        4,345 
       5.25% 11/15/32        5,000        5,281 
   Series E, 5.5% 11/15/21 (MBIA Insured)        2,200        2,418 
   Series F, 5.25% 11/15/27 (MBIA Insured)        3,000        3,210 
Metropolitan Trans. Auth. Svc. Contract Rev.:                 
   (Trans. Facilities Proj.) Series 3, 7.375% 7/1/08                 
       (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        1,005        1,057 
   Series 2002 A, 5.75% 7/1/31 (AMBAC Insured)        3,025        3,320 
   Series 7, 5.625% 7/1/16 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d) .        3,000        3,004 
   Series A:                 
       5.5% 1/1/20 (MBIA Insured)        8,000        8,758 
       5.5% 7/1/20 (MBIA Insured)        3,000        3,284 
   Series B:                 
       5.5% 7/1/19 (MBIA Insured)        3,000        3,286 
       5.5% 7/1/23 (MBIA Insured)        5,000        5,465 
   Series O, 5.75% 7/1/13 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        3,000        3,276 
Metropolitan Trans. Auth. Transit Facilities Rev.:                 
   Series C, 4.75% 7/1/16 (Pre-Refunded to 1/1/12 @                 
       100) (d)        1,270        1,350 
   Series N, 0% 7/1/11 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        5,980        4,873 
Monroe County Arpt. Auth. Arpt. Rev. 5.25% 1/1/13                 
   (MBIA Insured) (c)        1,000        1,056 
Monroe County Gen. Oblig.:                 
   6.5% 6/1/06        120        121 
   6.5% 6/1/07 (AMBAC Insured)        50        52 
Monroe County Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev.:                 
   (Highland Hosp. Proj.):                 
       5% 8/1/11        1,510        1,575 
       5% 8/1/13        1,650        1,725 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

11 Annual Report

Investments continued                 
 Municipal Bonds continued                 
        Principal      Value (Note 1)   
      Amount (000s)          (000s) 
New York – continued                 
Monroe County Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev.: -             
   (Nazareth College Rochester Proj.) 5.25% 10/1/21             
       (MBIA Insured)      $  1,000      $  1,071 
Nassau County Gen. Oblig.:                 
   Series U, 5.25% 11/1/15 (AMBAC Insured)        2,150        2,226 
   Series Z, 5% 9/1/11 (FGIC Insured)        3,000        3,176 
Nassau County Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev. (North             
   Shore Health Sys. Proj.):                 
   Series 2001 A, 5.875% 11/1/11        145        153 
   Series 2001 B, 5.875% 11/1/11        1,000        1,059 
   Series 2001 C, 5.625% 11/1/10        620        645 
   Series 2001 D, 5.625% 11/1/10        1,225        1,306 
Nassau County Interim Fin. Auth. Series A, 5%                 
   11/15/18 (AMBAC Insured)        4,875        5,208 
New York City Gen. Oblig.:                 
   Series 1996 B, 6.5% 8/15/09        3,000        3,281 
   Series 1996 F, 5.75% 2/1/15 (Pre-Refunded to             
       2/1/06 @ 101.5) (d)        495        502 
   Series 1997 H, 6% 8/1/12 (FGIC Insured)        5,000        5,646 
   Series 1997 L, 5.75% 8/1/12        1,910        1,989 
   Series 1998 H, 5.5% 8/1/12        8,230        8,633 
   Series 2000 A, 6.5% 5/15/11        2,540        2,838 
   Series 2002 A, 5.75% 8/1/14        5,000        5,508 
   Series 2002 B, 5.75% 8/1/15        3,500        3,851 
   Series 2002 C, 5.5% 8/1/13        10,500        11,506 
   Series 2003 A:                 
       5.5% 8/1/14        3,205        3,522 
       5.5% 8/1/20 (MBIA Insured)        7,000        7,727 
   Series 2003 C, 5.25% 8/1/10        5,000        5,327 
   Series 2003 E:                 
       5.25% 8/1/10        2,000        2,131 
       5.25% 8/1/11        6,245        6,706 
       5.25% 8/1/14        3,390        3,660 
   Series 2003 F:                 
       5.5% 12/15/10        1,000        1,079 
       5.5% 12/15/11        3,700        4,028 
   Series 2003 I, 5.75% 3/1/16        3,000        3,321 
   Series 2004 B, 5.25% 8/1/15        9,855        10,676 
   Series 2005 C, 5% 8/1/11        5,000        5,308 
   Series 2005 F, 5.25% 8/1/12        2,000        2,144 
See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.         
Annual Report    12             

Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
New York City Gen. Oblig.: – continued                 
   Series 2005 G:                 
       5% 8/1/15    $    8,200    $    8,789 
       5.25% 8/1/16        9,000        9,835 
       5.625% 8/1/13 (MBIA Insured)        3,000        3,318 
   Series 2005 J:                 
       5% 3/1/11        5,825        6,159 
       5% 3/1/13        2,500        2,665 
   Series A:                 
       5.25% 11/1/14 (MBIA Insured)        1,350        1,465 
       6.25% 8/1/08        1,000        1,029 
   Series B:                 
       5.75% 8/1/14        3,000        3,305 
       5.875% 8/15/13 (Pre-Refunded to 8/15/06 @                 
            101.5) (d)        1,970        2,028 
       6.5% 8/15/11        1,000        1,134 
       7.5% 2/1/07        335        336 
   Series C:                 
       5.75% 3/15/27 (FSA Insured)        1,120        1,227 
       5.75% 3/15/27 (Pre-Refunded to 3/15/12 @                 
            100) (d)        2,410        2,698 
   Series D:                 
       5.25% 8/1/13        1,740        1,797 
       5.25% 8/1/13 (Pre-Refunded to 8/1/07 @ 101) (d)        760        790 
       5.25% 8/1/21 (MBIA Insured)        3,655        3,753 
       5.375% 8/1/17        1,750        1,811 
       5.375% 8/1/17 (Pre-Refunded to 8/1/07 @                 
            101) (d)        750        781 
       5.5% 6/1/12 (FGIC Insured)        1,850        2,037 
   Series E:                 
       6% 8/1/11 (Pre-Refunded to 8/1/06 @ 101.5) (d)        140        144 
       6% 8/1/26 (Pre-Refunded to 8/1/06 @ 101.5) (d)        195        201 
       6.5% 2/15/06        315        315 
   Series F, 6% 8/1/16        355        365 
   Series G, 5.25% 8/1/14 (AMBAC Insured)        1,635        1,759 
   Series H:                 
       5.75% 3/15/13 (FSA Insured)        1,805        1,994 
       6% 8/1/17        345        361 
       6% 8/1/17 (Pre-Refunded to 8/1/07 @ 101) (d)        655        688 
   Series J:                 
       5.5% 6/1/18 (MBIA Insured)        5,000        5,526 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

13 Annual Report

Investments continued                 
 Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
New York City Gen. Oblig.: – continued                 
   Series J:                 
       5.875% 2/15/19    $    15    $    15 
       5.875% 2/15/19 (Pre-Refunded to 2/15/06 @                 
            101.5) (d)        80        81 
       6.125% 8/1/12        60        63 
       6.125% 8/1/12 (Pre-Refunded to 8/1/07 @                 
            101) (d)        280        294 
   Subseries 2005 F1, 5.25% 9/1/14        3,000        3,268 
New York City Health & Hosp. Corp. Rev. Series A:                 
   5.5% 2/15/16 (FSA Insured)        2,605        2,843 
   5.5% 2/15/17 (FSA Insured)        3,000        3,273 
   5.5% 2/15/18 (FSA Insured)        2,500        2,727 
   5.5% 2/15/19 (FSA Insured)        1,250        1,365 
New York City Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev.:                 
   (New York Univ. Proj.) Series 2001, 5.375% 7/1/15                 
       (AMBAC Insured)        1,090        1,178 
   (Spence School, Inc. Proj.) 5% 7/1/27        3,255        3,389 
New York City Indl. Dev. Agcy. Indl. Dev. Rev. (Japan                 
   Airlines Co. Ltd. Proj.) Series 1991, 6% 11/1/15 (FSA                 
   Insured) (c)        2,070        2,136 
New York City Indl. Dev. Agcy. Spl. Facilities Rev.                 
   (Terminal One Group Assoc. Proj.) 5% 1/1/08 (c)        3,735        3,809 
New York City Muni. Wtr. Fin. Auth. Wtr. & Swr. Sys. Rev.:                 
   Series 2000, 5.5% 6/15/33 (Pre-Refunded to                 
       6/15/10 @ 101) (d)        14,215        15,551 
   Series 2001 C, 5.125% 6/15/33        3,960        4,127 
   Series 2002 A, 5.125% 6/15/34 (FSA Insured)        16,500        17,288 
   Series A:                 
       5% 6/15/32        5,000        5,132 
       5.125% 6/15/34 (MBIA Insured)        4,200        4,401 
       5.25% 6/15/33 (FGIC Insured)        1,280        1,341 
       5.375% 6/15/15        9,650        10,519 
       5.375% 6/15/15 (FGIC Insured)        7,000        7,622 
       6% 6/15/28 (Pre-Refunded to 6/15/12 @ 100) (d)        16,500        18,624 
   Series B, 5.375% 6/15/07 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        145        145 
   Series G:                 
       5.125% 6/15/32        3,000        3,112 
       5.125% 6/15/32 (FGIC Insured)        4,750        4,938 
   5.5% 6/15/33 (Pre-Refunded to 6/15/10 @ 101) (d)        2,075        2,270 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth. Rev.:                 
   Series 2002 A, 5.375% 11/15/21        3,850        4,178 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth. Rev.: – continued                 
   Series A:                 
       5.375% 11/15/21 (Pre-Refunded to 11/15/12 @                 
         100) (d)    $    700    $    774 
       5.5% 11/15/20 (FGIC Insured)        3,800        4,185 
       5.75% 2/15/16        85        92 
New York City Trust Cultural Resources Rev. (Museum of                 
   Modern Art Proj.) Series 2001 D, 5.125% 7/1/31                 
   (AMBAC Insured)        3,200        3,352 
New York Convention Ctr. Dev. Corp. Rev. 5%                 
   11/15/44 (AMBAC Insured)        55,500        57,401 
New York State Dorm. Auth. Lease Rev.:                 
   Series 2003 B, 5.25%, tender 7/1/13 (XL Cap.                 
       Assurance, Inc. Insured) (b)        10,000        10,808 
   Series A, 5.25% 5/15/10        3,440        3,658 
New York State Dorm. Auth. Revs.:                 
   (Champlain Valley Physicians Proj.):                 
       6% 7/1/09 (AMBAC Insured)        370        399 
       6% 7/1/10 (AMBAC Insured)        250        274 
   (City Univ. Sys. Consolidation Proj.):                 
       Series 2000 A, 6.125% 7/1/12 (AMBAC Insured) .        4,300        4,779 
       Series A:                 
           5.75% 7/1/13        6,000        6,572 
           5.75% 7/1/13 (AMBAC Insured)        3,000        3,294 
       Series C, 7.5% 7/1/10        6,030        6,551 
   (Colgate Univ. Proj.):                 
       6% 7/1/16 (MBIA Insured)        1,900        2,217 
       6% 7/1/21 (MBIA Insured)        2,500        2,997 
   (Columbia Univ. Proj.):                 
       Series 2001 A:                 
           5.25% 7/1/13 (Pre-Refunded to 7/1/11 @                 
                  101) (d)        1,000        1,095 
           5.25% 7/1/15 (Pre-Refunded to 7/1/11 @                 
                  101) (d)        2,000        2,191 
       Series B, 5.375% 7/1/18 (Pre-Refunded to 7/1/12                 
           @ 100) (d)        1,000        1,103 
   (Jewish Med. Ctr. Proj.) 5% 7/1/18 (MBIA Insured)        8,000        8,264 
   (Long Island Jewish Med. Ctr. Proj.):                 
       5% 7/1/08 (MBIA Insured)        2,000        2,074 
       5.25% 7/1/11 (MBIA Insured)        3,000        3,162 
   (Manhattanville College Proj.) 0% 7/1/10 (MBIA                 
       Insured)        2,175        1,850 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

15 Annual Report

Investments continued                 
Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
New York State Dorm. Auth. Revs.: – continued                 
   (Mental Health Svcs. Facilities Impt. Proj.):                 
       Series A, 5.75% 8/15/11 (Pre-Refunded to                 
           2/15/07 @ 102) (d)    $    10    $    10 
       Series B:                 
           5.75% 2/15/11        2,535        2,644 
           5.75% 2/15/11 (Pre-Refunded to 2/15/07 @                 
                 102) (d)        15        16 
   (Mental Health Svcs. Proj.) Series 2005 A, 5.75%                 
       8/15/11        900        939 
   (Montefiore Med. Ctr. Proj.) Series 2000:                 
       5.8% 8/1/30        3,000        3,258 
       5.85% 8/1/40        9,500        10,325 
   (New York & Presbyterian Hosp. Proj.) 4.4% 8/1/13                 
       (AMBAC Insured)        575        579 
   (New York Hosp. Med. Ctr. Proj.) 5.25% 2/1/07                 
       (AMBAC Insured)        3,020        3,078 
   (New York Univ. Proj.):                 
       Series 2:                 
           5.5% 7/1/17 (AMBAC Insured)        755        816 
           5.5% 7/1/19 (AMBAC Insured)        1,705        1,838 
           5.5% 7/1/20 (AMBAC Insured)        860        927 
       Series A:                 
           5.75% 7/1/15 (MBIA Insured)        2,295        2,631 
           5.75% 7/1/27 (MBIA Insured)        11,000        13,174 
   (North Shore Univ. Hosp. Proj.) 5.5% 11/1/14 (MBIA                 
       Insured)        1,500        1,686 
   (Saint Joseph’s Hosp. Health Ctr. Proj.) 6% 7/1/08                 
       (MBIA Insured)        1,260        1,329 
   (School District Fing. Prog.):                 
       Series 2002 D, 5.5% 10/1/17 (MBIA Insured)        10,825        11,919 
       Series 2002 E, 5.75% 10/1/22 (MBIA Insured)        1,485        1,636 
       Series 2002 H, 5.5% 10/1/17 (MBIA Insured)        2,600        2,874 
       Series 2002 I, 5.75% 10/1/18 (MBIA Insured)        500        561 
   (State Univ. Edl. Facilities Proj.):                 
       Series A, 5.25% 5/15/15 (MBIA Insured)        5,000        5,476 
       Series B, 7.5% 5/15/11        1,915        2,121 
   (The Jamaica Hosp. Proj.) Series F:                 
       5.1% 2/15/12 (MBIA Insured)        3,605        3,778 
       5.2% 2/15/13 (MBIA Insured)        6,585        6,904 
   (Upstate Cmnty. Colleges Proj.) Series B, 5.5% 7/1/22                 
       (FGIC Insured)        10,090        11,686 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
New York State Dorm. Auth. Revs.: – continued                 
   (Winthrop-South Nassau Univ. Health Sys. Oblig.                 
       Group Proj.) Series A:                 
       6% 7/1/14    $    1,095    $    1,197 
       6% 7/1/15        1,160        1,266 
       6% 7/1/16        1,230        1,339 
   (Yeshiva Univ. Proj.) Series 2001:                 
       5.375% 7/1/12 (AMBAC Insured)        1,000        1,073 
       5.375% 7/1/13 (AMBAC Insured)        800        862 
       5.375% 7/1/14 (AMBAC Insured)        1,130        1,218 
       5.375% 7/1/16 (AMBAC Insured)        670        723 
       5.375% 7/1/17 (AMBAC Insured)        370        399 
   Series 1990 B, 7.5% 5/15/11 (Pre-Refunded to                 
       5/15/10 @ 100) (d)        1,135        1,290 
   Series 2000 C, 5.75% 5/15/17 (FSA Insured)        3,000        3,482 
   Series 2002 A, 5.75% 10/1/17 (MBIA Insured)        30,260        33,514 
   Series 2002 B:                 
       6% 10/1/22 (MBIA Insured)        2,775        3,105 
       6% 10/1/29 (MBIA Insured)        5,600        6,256 
   Series 2003 A, 5.375% 3/15/22 (Pre-Refunded to                 
       3/15/13 @ 100) (d)        2,000        2,209 
   Series 2005 B:                 
       5.25% 7/1/20 (MBIA Insured)        3,345        3,654 
       5.25% 7/1/21 (MBIA Insured)        1,745        1,900 
       5.25% 7/1/22 (MBIA Insured)        1,835        1,998 
   Series A, 5.5% 5/15/20 (AMBAC Insured)        13,000        14,937 
   Series B:                 
       5.25%, tender 5/15/12 (b)        10,400        11,193 
       6%, tender 5/15/12 (b)        11,000        12,263 
   5.5% 5/15/09        2,500        2,628 
   5.5% 7/1/16 (AMBAC Insured)        725        746 
New York State Envir. Facilities Corp. Clean Wtr. &                 
   Drinking Wtr. Rev.:                 
   (New York City Muni. Wtr. Fin. Auth. Proj.):                 
       Series B, 5.25% 6/15/16        500        543 
       Series C:                 
           5.25% 7/15/16        2,340        2,548 
           5.25% 7/15/17        2,410        2,623 
       Series D:                 
           5% 6/15/20        20,150        21,365 
           5.125% 6/15/31        6,900        7,245 
           5.375% 6/15/19        5,250        5,713 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

17 Annual Report

Investments continued                 
 Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
New York State Envir. Facilities Corp. Clean Wtr. &                 
   Drinking Wtr. Rev.: – continued                 
   (New York City Muni. Wtr. Fin. Auth. Proj.):                 
       Series G, 5.25% 10/15/20    $    1,255    $    1,338 
   (Pooled Fing. Prog.):                 
       Series F:                 
           5.25% 11/15/15        2,595        2,828 
           5.25% 11/15/16        3,770        4,108 
       Series I:                 
           5.25% 9/15/15        2,085        2,268 
           5.25% 9/15/17        2,395        2,589 
   Series 2004 D, 5% 2/15/34        12,150        12,637 
   Series B:                 
       5.5% 10/15/20        3,805        4,407 
       5.5% 10/15/21        3,985        4,621 
   Series C:                 
       5% 6/15/19        815        849 
       5.25% 6/15/16        3,500        3,755 
   Series F:                 
       4.875% 6/15/18        1,735        1,791 
       4.875% 6/15/20        2,175        2,240 
       5% 6/15/15        1,295        1,353 
       5.25% 6/15/13        1,575        1,654 
   Series I, 5% 6/15/24        2,000        2,103 
New York State Envir. Facilities Corp. Rev. Series A:                 
   5.25% 1/1/21 (FGIC Insured)        4,785        5,143 
   5.375% 1/1/16 (FGIC Insured)        2,170        2,377 
New York State Envir. Facilities Corp. Solid Waste Disp.                 
   Rev. (Gen. Elec. Cap. Corp. Proj.) Series 1989 A,                 
   4.25%, tender 12/2/11 (b)(c)        10,700        10,810 
New York State Envir. Facilities Corp. State Wtr. Poll.                 
   Cont. Revolving Fund Rev.:                 
   (New York City Muni. Wtr. Fin. Auth. Proj.):                 
       Series 2002, 5.75% 6/15/11        455        505 
       Series A, 7% 6/15/12        190        190 
       Series C, 5.85% 7/15/15        30        31 
       Series E, 6.5% 6/15/14        130        130 
   (Pooled Ln. Prog.) Series B, 5.2% 5/15/14        1,115        1,232 
   Series B, 5.2% 5/15/14 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        1,105        1,194 
New York State Hsg. Fin. Agcy. Personal Income Tax Rev.                 
   (Econ. Dev. & Hsg. Proj.) Series A:                 
   5.25% 9/15/15 (MBIA Insured)        1,690        1,834 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
New York State Hsg. Fin. Agcy. Personal Income Tax Rev.                 
   (Econ. Dev. & Hsg. Proj.) Series A: – continued                 
   5.25% 9/15/16 (MBIA Insured)    $    1,780    $    1,934 
   5.25% 3/15/17 (MBIA Insured)        2,240        2,416 
   5.25% 3/15/18        2,290        2,467 
   5.25% 3/15/19        2,480        2,664 
   5.25% 9/15/20        2,685        2,876 
   5.25% 3/15/21        2,230        2,381 
New York State Pwr. Auth. & Gen. Purp. Rev.:                 
   Series A, 5.25% 11/15/40        25,860        27,195 
   Series W, 6.5% 1/1/08 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        75        78 
New York State Thruway Auth. Gen. Rev.:                 
   Series 2005 G, 5.25% 1/1/27 (FSA Insured)        4,370        4,738 
   Series E:                 
       5.25% 1/1/12        4,695        4,899 
       5.25% 1/1/12 (Pre-Refunded to 1/1/08 @ 101) (d)        715        748 
New York State Thruway Auth. Hwy. & Bridge Trust Fund                 
   Series B, 5.5% 4/1/20 (AMBAC Insured)        10,000        11,481 
New York State Thruway Auth. State Personal Income                 
   Tax Rev. Series A:                 
   5.5% 3/15/18 (Pre-Refunded to 3/15/12 @ 100) (d)        5,000        5,529 
   5.5% 3/15/19 (Pre-Refunded to 3/15/12 @ 100) (d)        5,460        6,037 
   5.5% 3/15/20 (Pre-Refunded to 3/15/12 @ 100) (d)        3,500        3,870 
New York State Thruway Auth. Svc. Contract Rev.:                 
   5.5% 4/1/14        11,700        12,783 
   5.5% 4/1/15        6,200        6,770 
   5.5% 4/1/16        3,665        4,006 
   6% 4/1/11        1,605        1,685 
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Correctional Youth                 
   Facilities Svc. Series A, 5.5%, tender 1/1/11 (b)        2,000        2,158 
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Rev.:                 
   (Sports Facilities Assistance Prog.) Series A, 6.25%                 
       4/1/06 (MBIA Insured)        15        15 
   (State Facilities and Equip. Proj.) Series 2004 A2:                 
       5.5% 3/15/19 (MBIA Insured)        1,230        1,409 
       5.5% 3/15/22 (MBIA Insured)        15,000        17,343 
   Series 2004 A2, 5.5% 3/15/21 (MBIA Insured)        23,000        26,516 
   Series B, 5.25% 3/15/15 (MBIA Insured)        1,800        1,958 
   Series C1, 5.5% 3/15/19 (Pre-Refunded to 3/15/13                 
       @ 100) (d)        3,000        3,347 
   5% 1/1/14 (FSA Insured)        5,000        5,417 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

19 Annual Report

Investments continued                     
 Municipal Bonds continued                     
        Principal    Value (Note 1) 
        Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                     
New York Thruway Auth. Second Gen. Hwy. & Bridge                 
   Trust Fund Series A, 5.25% 4/1/23 (Pre-Refunded to                 
   4/1/13 @ 100) (d)        $    3,050    $    3,357 
New York Transitional Fin. Auth. Rev.:                     
   Series 2000 C, 5.5% 11/1/20 (Pre-Refunded to                 
       5/1/10 @ 101) (d)            300        327 
   Series 2003 D:                     
       5% 2/1/31            20,025        20,656 
       5.25% 2/1/17 (MBIA Insured)            9,385        10,154 
       5.25% 2/1/19 (MBIA Insured)            8,075        8,691 
   Series 2003 E:                     
       5.25% 2/1/15 (FGIC Insured)            7,250        7,876 
       5.25% 2/1/17 (FGIC Insured)            5,975        6,465 
   Series 2004 C:                     
       5% 2/1/33 (FGIC Insured)            7,350        7,634 
       5.25% 2/1/14            6,000        6,595 
   Series A, 5.5% 11/15/17 (FGIC Insured)        6,725        7,445 
   Series B:                     
       5.125% 11/1/14 (Pre-Refunded to 5/1/09 @                 
            101) (d)            360        383 
       5.25% 8/1/19            3,000        3,253 
       5.375% 2/1/15            3,000        3,275 
   Series C, 5.375% 2/1/17            1,000        1,085 
   Series D, 5.25% 2/1/20 (MBIA Insured)        5,000        5,381 
Niagara Falls City Niagara County Pub. Impt.:                 
   7.5% 3/1/08 (MBIA Insured)            995        1,079 
   7.5% 3/1/10 (MBIA Insured)            1,155        1,325 
   7.5% 3/1/11 (MBIA Insured)            1,245        1,468 
   7.5% 3/1/16 (MBIA Insured)            1,060        1,379 
   7.5% 3/1/17 (MBIA Insured)            1,200        1,595 
Niagara Falls Pub. Wtr. Auth. 5.5% 7/15/34 (XL Cap.                 
   Assurance, Inc. Insured)            1,000        1,100 
Sales Tax Asset Receivables Corp. Series A, 5.25%                 
   10/15/27 (AMBAC Insured)            4,055        4,368 
Saratoga County Indl. Dev. Agcy. (The Saratoga Hosp.                 
   Proj.) Series A, 5% 12/1/10            1,095        1,140 
Schenectady Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev. (Union                 
   College Proj.) Series A, 5.625% 7/1/31 (AMBAC                 
   Insured)            2,000        2,197 
Suffolk County Indl. Dev. Agcy. Civic Facility Rev.                 
   (Huntington Hosp. Proj.) Series B, 6% 11/1/22        4,305        4,541 
Taconic Hills Central School District at Craryville 5%                 
   6/15/16 (FGIC Insured)            1,130        1,205 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.
Annual Report    20                 

Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – continued                 
Tobacco Settlement Fing. Corp.:                 
   Series A1:                 
       5.25% 6/1/21 (AMBAC Insured)    $    3,255    $    3,500 
       5.25% 6/1/22 (AMBAC Insured)        5,300        5,682 
       5.5% 6/1/14        7,000        7,413 
       5.5% 6/1/16        14,500        15,510 
   Series B1:                 
       5% 6/1/10        1,685        1,769 
       5% 6/1/11        1,525        1,611 
   Series C1:                 
       5% 6/1/11        3,280        3,299 
       5.5% 6/1/15        3,000        3,213 
       5.5% 6/1/17        3,000        3,245 
       5.5% 6/1/20        3,000        3,285 
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. (Convention Ctr. Proj.)                 
   Series E:                 
   6% 1/1/11 (XL Cap. Assurance, Inc. Insured)        4,000        4,444 
   7.25% 1/1/10 (XL Cap. Assurance, Inc. Insured)        6,215        6,730 
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. Revs.:                 
   Series 2002 A, 5.25% 1/1/19        1,100        1,178 
   Series 2005 A, 5.125% 1/1/22        5,290        5,595 
   Series A:                 
       5% 1/1/32        765        791 
       5% 1/1/32 (MBIA Insured)        1,455        1,503 
       6% 1/1/11 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        500        557 
   Series B:                 
       5.2% 1/1/27 (Pre-Refunded to 1/1/22 @ 100) (d)        2,000        2,263 
       5.2% 1/1/27 (Pre-Refunded to 1/1/22 @ 100) (d)        2,000        2,263 
       5.5% 1/1/30 (Pre-Refunded to 1/1/22 @ 100) (d)        5,015        5,776 
   Series Q, 6.75% 1/1/09 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        825        876 
   Series Y:                 
       6% 1/1/12 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        20,000        21,969 
       6.125% 1/1/21 (Escrowed to Maturity) (d)        3,200        3,858 
Upper Mohawk Valley Reg’l. Wtr. Fin. Auth. Wtr. Sys.                 
   Rev. Series A, 5.125% 10/1/26 (FSA Insured)        5,000        5,175 
Yonkers Gen. Oblig. Series 2001 A:                 
   5% 12/15/11 (AMBAC Insured)        1,415        1,507 
   5% 12/15/12 (Pre-Refunded to 6/15/10 @ 100) (d) .        1,245        1,326 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

21 Annual Report

Investments continued                 
 Municipal Bonds continued                 
    Principal    Value (Note 1) 
    Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York & New Jersey – 5.3%                 
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey:                 
   120th Series:                 
       5.75% 10/15/11 (MBIA Insured) (c)    $    15,000    $    15,670 
       5.75% 10/15/12 (MBIA Insured) (c)        15,530        16,224 
   124th Series:                 
       5% 8/1/08 (c)        4,875        5,034 
       5% 8/1/13 (FGIC Insured) (c)        3,000        3,104 
   126th Series, 5.25% 5/15/37 (FGIC Insured) (c)        5,970        6,288 
   128th Series, 5% 11/1/19 (FSA Insured)        7,200        7,681 
   134th Series, 5% 1/15/39        10,000        10,324 
   Series 85, 5.375% 3/1/28        6,200        6,996 
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey Spl. Oblig. Rev.                 
   (JFK Int’l. Air Term. Spl. Proj.) Series 6, 6.25%                 
   12/1/15 (MBIA Insured) (c)        5,000        5,676 
Puerto Rico 0.7%                 
Puerto Rico Commonwealth Hwy. & Trans. Auth. Trans.                 
   Rev. Series 1998, 5.75% 7/1/22 (CIFG North                 
   America Insured)        3,000        3,332 
Puerto Rico Commonwealth Infrastructure Fing. Auth.                 
   Series 2000 A, 5.5% 10/1/32 (Escrowed to                 
   Maturity) (d)        2,175        2,357 
Puerto Rico Elec. Pwr. Auth. Pwr. Rev. Series QQ:                 
   5.25% 7/1/13 (XL Cap. Assurance, Inc. Insured)        1,500        1,643 
   5.5% 7/1/16 (XL Cap. Assurance, Inc. Insured)        1,000        1,130 
Puerto Rico Muni. Fin. Agcy. Series 2005 C, 5.25%                 
   8/1/17 (FSA Insured)        1,000        1,118 
TOTAL MUNICIPAL BONDS                 
 (Cost $1,384,963)            1,413,766 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Municipal Notes 0.1%                     
        Principal    Value (Note 1) 
        Amount (000s)    (000s) 
New York – 0.1%                     
Schenectady Gen. Oblig. BAN 5.25% 5/26/06                 
   (Cost $2,200)        $    2,200    $    2,196 
TOTAL INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO  97.6%                 
 (Cost $1,387,163)                    1,415,962 
NET OTHER ASSETS – 2.4%                    34,620 
NET ASSETS 100%                $    1,450,582 

Futures Contracts                     
    Expiration    Underlying     Unrealized 
    Date    Face Amount    Appreciation/ 
        at Value (000s)    (Depreciation) 
Treasury Contracts                     
90 U.S. Treasury 10-Year Bond Contracts    March 2006    $    9,759    $    13 

The face value of futures purchased as a percentage of net assets – 0.7%

Security Type Abbreviation


(a) Security or a portion of the security was

pledged to cover margin requirements
for futures contracts. At the period end,
the value of securities pledged
amounted to $273,000.

(b) The coupon rate shown on floating or

adjustable rate securities represents the
rate at period end.

(c) Private activity obligations whose

interest is subject to the federal
alternative minimum tax for individuals.

(d) Security collateralized by an amount

sufficient to pay interest and principal.

Other Information

The distribution of municipal securities by revenue source, as a percentage of total net assets, is as follows:

General Obligations    33.5% 
Special Tax    18.6% 
Water & Sewer    11.0% 
Transportation    10.4% 
Escrowed/Pre Refunded    9.5% 
Education    6.1% 
Others* (individually less than 5%)    10.9% 
*Includes net other assets     

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

23 Annual Report

Financial Statements                 
 Statement of Assets and Liabilities                 
Amounts in thousands (except per share amounts)                January 31, 2006 
Investment in securities, at value See accompanying                 
   Unaffiliated issuers (cost $1,387,163)            $    1,415,962 
Cash                21,806 
Receivable for fund shares sold                1,018 
Interest receivable                18,598 
Prepaid expenses                6 
Other receivables                36 
   Total assets                1,457,426 
Payable for investments purchased    $    4,052         
Payable for fund shares redeemed        904         
Distributions payable        1,249         
Accrued management fee        449         
Distribution fees payable        26         
Payable for daily variation on futures contracts        4         
Other affiliated payables        116         
Other payables and accrued expenses        44         
   Total liabilities                6,844 
Net Assets            $    1,450,582 
Net Assets consist of:                 
Paid in capital            $    1,413,530 
Undistributed net investment income                215 
Accumulated undistributed net realized gain (loss) on                 
   investments                8,025 
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on                 
   investments                28,812 
Net Assets            $    1,450,582 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Statement of Assets and Liabilities continued         
Amounts in thousands (except per share amounts)    January 31, 2006 
Calculation of Maximum Offering Price         
 Class A:         
 Net Asset Value and redemption price per share ($6,082         
       ÷ 474.676 shares)    $    12.81 
Maximum offering price per share (100/95.25 of $12.81)    $    13.45 
 Class T:         
 Net Asset Value and redemption price per share ($3,032         
       ÷ 236.415 shares)    $    12.82 
Maximum offering price per share (100/96.50 of $12.82)    $    13.28 
 Class B:         
 Net Asset Value and offering price per share ($9,647 ÷         
       752.962 shares)A    $    12.81 
 Class C:         
 Net Asset Value and offering price per share ($20,251         
       ÷ 1,580.312 shares)A    $    12.81 
 New York Municipal Income:         
 Net Asset Value, offering price and redemption price per         
       share ($1,410,672 ÷ 110,055.097 shares)    $    12.82 
 Institutional Class:         
 Net Asset Value, offering price and redemption price per         
       share ($898 ÷ 70.118 shares)    $    12.81 
A Redemption price per share is equal to net asset value less any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.         

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

25 Annual Report

Financial Statements  continued         
 Statement of Operations             
Amounts in thousands           Year ended January 31, 2006 
Investment Income             
Interest        $    63,956 
Management fee    $    5,462     
Transfer agent fees        1,057     
Distribution fees        286     
Accounting fees and expenses        297     
Independent trustees’ compensation        7     
Custodian fees and expenses        23     
Registration fees        79     
Audit        54     
Legal        17     
Miscellaneous        12     
   Total expenses before reductions        7,294     
   Expense reductions        (369)    6,925 
Net investment income            57,031 
Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)         
Net realized gain (loss) on:             
   Investment securities:             
       Unaffiliated issuers        18,479     
   Futures contracts        (66)     
   Swap agreements        (39)     
Total net realized gain (loss)            18,374 
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on:         
   Investment securities        (43,527)     
   Futures contracts        13     
Total change in net unrealized appreciation         
   (depreciation)            (43,514) 
Net gain (loss)            (25,140) 
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from         
   operations        $    31,891 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Statement of Changes in Net Assets                 
        Year ended        Year ended 
        January 31,        January 31, 
Amounts in thousands        2006        2005 
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets                 
   Net investment income      $  57,031      $  56,646 
   Net realized gain (loss)        18,374        21,457 
   Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) .        (43,514)        (14,357) 
   Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting                 
       from operations        31,891        63,746 
Distributions to shareholders from net investment income .        (56,725)        (56,899) 
Distributions to shareholders from net realized gain        (14,006)        (19,161) 
   Total distributions        (70,731)        (76,060) 
Share transactions - net increase (decrease)        50,246        (7,102) 
Redemption fees        9        20 
   Total increase (decrease) in net assets        11,415        (19,396) 
Net Assets                 
   Beginning of period        1,439,167        1,458,563 
   End of period (including undistributed net investment                 
         income of $215 and undistributed net investment                 
       income of $33, respectively)      $  1,450,582      $  1,439,167 

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

27 Annual Report

Financial Highlights Class A                                 
Years ended January 31,        2006        2005        2004        2003F 
Selected Per Share Data                                 
Net asset value, beginning of period    $    13.16    $    13.24    $    13.24    $    13.21 
Income from Investment Operations                                 
   Net investment incomeE        483        .504        .524        .277 
   Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)        (.227)        .101        .285        .194 
Total from investment operations        256        .605        .809        .471 
Distributions from net investment income        (.481)        (.507)        (.523)        (.271) 
Distributions from net realized gain        (.125)        (.178)        (.286)        (.170) 
   Total distributions        (.606)        (.685)        (.809)        (.441) 
Redemption fees added to paid in capitalE,H                                 
Net asset value, end of period    $    12.81    $    13.16    $    13.24    $    13.24 
Total ReturnB,C,D        2.00%        4.72%        6.25%        3.59% 
Ratios to Average Net AssetsG                                 
   Expenses before reductions        67%        .68%        .67%        .66%A 
   Expenses net of fee waivers, if any        67%        .68%        .67%        .66%A 
   Expenses net of all reductions        64%        .67%        .66%        .66%A 
   Net investment income        3.73%        3.85%        3.93%        4.17%A 
Supplemental Data                                 
   Net assets, end of period (in millions)    $    6    $    6    $    5    $    3 
   Portfolio turnover rate        28%        22%        24%        22% 

A Annualized
B Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.
C Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
D Total returns do not include the effect of the sales charges.
E Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
F For the period August 1, 2002 (commencement of sale of shares) to January 31, 2003.
G Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed by the investment adviser or
expense offset arrangements and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements or reductions occur. Expense
ratios before reductions for start up periods may not be representative of longer term operating periods. Expenses net of fee waivers reflect
expenses after reimbursement by the investment adviser but prior to reductions from expense offset arrangements. Expenses net of all reductions
represent the net expenses paid by the class.
H Amount represents less than $.001 per share.

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Financial Highlights Class T                                 
Years ended January 31,        2006        2005        2004        2003F 
Selected Per Share Data                                 
Net asset value, beginning of period    $    13.16    $    13.25    $    13.24    $    13.21 
Income from Investment Operations                                 
   Net investment incomeE        472        .494        .509        .266 
   Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)        (.217)        .090        .296        .197 
Total from investment operations        255        .584        .805        .463 
Distributions from net investment income        (.470)        (.496)        (.509)        (.263) 
Distributions from net realized gain        (.125)        (.178)        (.286)        (.170) 
   Total distributions        (.595)        (.674)        (.795)        (.433) 
Redemption fees added to paid in capitalE,H                                 
Net asset value, end of period    $    12.82    $    13.16    $    13.25    $    13.24 
Total ReturnB,C,D        1.99%        4.55%        6.21%        3.53% 
Ratios to Average Net AssetsG                                 
   Expenses before reductions        75%        .76%        .78%        .79%A 
   Expenses net of fee waivers, if any        75%        .76%        .78%        .79%A 
   Expenses net of all reductions        72%        .75%        .77%        .79%A 
   Net investment income        3.65%        3.77%        3.82%        4.04%A 
Supplemental Data                                 
   Net assets, end of period (in millions)    $    3    $    2    $    2    $    1 
   Portfolio turnover rate        28%        22%        24%        22% 

A Annualized
B Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.
C Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
D Total returns do not include the effect of the sales charges.
E Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
F For the period August 1, 2002 (commencement of sale of shares) to January 31, 2003.
G Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed by the investment adviser or
expense offset arrangements and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements or reductions occur. Expense
ratios before reductions for start up periods may not be representative of longer term operating periods. Expenses net of fee waivers reflect
expenses after reimbursement by the investment adviser but prior to reductions from expense offset arrangements. Expenses net of all reductions
represent the net expenses paid by the class.
H Amount represents less than $.001 per share.

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

29 Annual Report

Financial Highlights Class B                                 
Years ended January 31,        2006        2005        2004        2003F 
Selected Per Share Data                                 
Net asset value, beginning of period    $    13.16    $    13.24    $    13.24    $    13.21 
Income from Investment Operations                                 
   Net investment incomeE        384         .405         .423         .226 
   Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)        (.227)         .100         .286         .193 
Total from investment operations        157         .505         .709         .419 
Distributions from net investment income        (.382)        (.407)        (.423)        (.219) 
Distributions from net realized gain        (.125)        (.178)        (.286)        (.170) 
   Total distributions        (.507)        (.585)        (.709)        (.389) 
Redemption fees added to paid in capitalE,H                                 
Net asset value, end of period    $    12.81    $    13.16    $    13.24    $    13.24 
Total ReturnB,C,D        1.22%         3.93%         5.45%         3.19% 
Ratios to Average Net AssetsG                                 
   Expenses before reductions        1.43%         1.44%         1.42%         1.41%A 
   Expenses net of fee waivers, if any        1.43%         1.44%         1.42%         1.41%A 
   Expenses net of all reductions        1.41%         1.43%         1.41%         1.40%A 
   Net investment income        2.96%         3.09%         3.18%         3.42%A 
Supplemental Data                                 
   Net assets, end of period (in millions)    $    10    $    10    $    10    $    5 
   Portfolio turnover rate        28%             22%             24%        22% 

A Annualized
B Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.
C Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
D Total returns do not include the effect of the contingent deferred sales charge.
E Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
F For the period August 1, 2002 (commencement of sale of shares) to January 31, 2003.
G Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed by the investment adviser or
expense offset arrangements and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements or reductions occur. Expense
ratios before reductions for start up periods may not be representative of longer term operating periods. Expenses net of fee waivers reflect
expenses after reimbursement by the investment adviser but prior to reductions from expense offset arrangements. Expenses net of all reductions
represent the net expenses paid by the class.
H Amount represents less than $.001 per share.

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Financial Highlights Class C                                 
Years ended January 31,        2006        2005        2004        2003F 
Selected Per Share Data                                 
Net asset value, beginning of period    $    13.16    $    13.24    $    13.24    $    13.21 
Income from Investment Operations                                 
   Net investment incomeE        373         .394         .410         .219 
   Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)        (.228)         .100         .286         .191 
Total from investment operations        145         .494         .696         .410 
Distributions from net investment income        (.370)        (.396)        (.410)        (.210) 
Distributions from net realized gain        (.125)        (.178)        (.286)        (.170) 
   Total distributions        (.495)        (.574)        (.696)        (.380) 
Redemption fees added to paid in capitalE,H                                 
Net asset value, end of period    $    12.81    $    13.16    $    13.24    $    13.24 
Total ReturnB,C,D        1.14%         3.84%         5.35%         3.12% 
Ratios to Average Net AssetsG                                 
   Expenses before reductions        1.52%         1.52%         1.51%         1.51%A 
   Expenses net of fee waivers, if any        1.52%         1.52%         1.51%         1.51%A 
   Expenses net of all reductions        1.49%         1.51%         1.51%         1.51%A 
   Net investment income        2.88%         3.01%         3.08%         3.32%A 
Supplemental Data                                 
   Net assets, end of period (in millions)    $    20    $    16    $    13    $    6 
   Portfolio turnover rate        28%             22%             24%        22% 

A Annualized
B Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.
C Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
D Total returns do not include the effect of the contingent deferred sales charge.
E Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
F For the period August 1, 2002 (commencement of sale of shares) to January 31, 2003.
G Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed by the investment adviser or
expense offset arrangements and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements or reductions occur. Expense
ratios before reductions for start up periods may not be representative of longer term operating periods. Expenses net of fee waivers reflect
expenses after reimbursement by the investment adviser but prior to reductions from expense offset arrangements. Expenses net of all reductions
represent the net expenses paid by the class.
H Amount represents less than $.001 per share.

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

31 Annual Report

Financial Highlights  New York Municipal Income                 
Years ended January 31,        2006        2005        2004        2003        2002 
Selected Per Share Data                                         
Net asset value, beginning of                                         
   period       $    13.16    $    13.25    $    13.24    $    12.90    $    12.78 
Income from Investment                                         
   Net investment incomeB        508        .530        .549        .574        .584 
   Net realized and unrealized                                         
       gain (loss)        (.217)        .091        .295        .506        .117 
Total from investment operations        291        .621        .844        1.080        .701 
Distributions from net investment                                         
   income        (.506)        (.533)        (.548)        (.570)        (.581) 
Distributions from net realized                                         
   gain        (.125)        (.178)        (.286)        (.170)         
   Total distributions        (.631)        (.711)        (.834)        (.740)        (.581) 
Redemption fees added to paid in                                     
   capital        B,D        B,D        B,D        B,D         
Net asset value, end of period       $    12.82    $    13.16    $    13.25    $    13.24    $    12.90 
Total ReturnA        2.27%         4.84%         6.52%        8.55%        5.60% 
Ratios to Average Net AssetsC                                         
   Expenses before reductions        48%        .48%        .49%        .49%        .49% 
   Expenses net of fee waivers, if                                         
       any        48%        .48%        .48%        .49%        .49% 
   Expenses net of all reductions        45%        .47%        .48%        .47%        .44% 
   Net investment income        3.92%         4.05%         4.11%        4.36%        4.54% 
Supplemental Data                                         
   Net assets, end of period                                         
       (in millions)       $    1,411    $    1,406    $    1,428    $    1,483    $    1,332 
   Portfolio turnover rate        28%        22%        24%        22%        12% 

A Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
B Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
C Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed by the investment adviser or
expense offset arrangements and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements or reductions occur. Ex
penses net of fee waivers reflect expenses after reimbursement by the investment adviser but prior to reductions from expense offset arrange
ments. Expenses net of all reductions represent the net expenses paid by the class.
D Amount represents less than $.001 per share.

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

Annual Report


Financial Highlights Institutional Class                         
Years ended January 31,    2006        2005        2004        2003E 
Selected Per Share Data                             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 13.16        $ 13.25        $ 13.24        $ 13.21 
Income from Investment Operations                             
   Net investment incomeD    506        .523        .550        .286 
   Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    (.227)        .092        .296        .195 
Total from investment operations    279        .615        .846        .481 
Distributions from net investment income    (.504)        (.527)        (.550)        (.281) 
Distributions from net realized gain    (.125)        (.178)        (.286)        (.170) 
   Total distributions    (.629)        (.705)        (.836)        (.451) 
Redemption fees added to paid in capitalD,G                             
Net asset value, end of period    $ 12.81        $ 13.16        $ 13.25    $    $ 13.24 
Total ReturnB,C    2.18%        4.80%        6.53%        3.67% 
Ratios to Average Net AssetsF                             
   Expenses before reductions    49%        .53%        .47%        .53%A 
   Expenses net of fee waivers, if any    49%        .53%        .47%        .53%A 
   Expenses net of all reductions    46%        .52%        .47%        .53%A 
   Net investment income    3.91%        4.00%        4.12%        4.30%A 
Supplemental Data                             
   Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)    $ 898        $ 284        $ 161        $ 104 
   Portfolio turnover rate    28%        22%        24%        22% 

A Annualized
B Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.
C Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
D Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
E For the period August 1, 2002 (commencement of sale of shares) to January 31, 2003.
F Expense ratios reflect operating expenses of the class. Expenses before reductions do not reflect amounts reimbursed by the investment adviser or
expense offset arrangements and do not represent the amount paid by the class during periods when reimbursements or reductions occur. Expense
ratios before reductions for start up periods may not be representative of longer term operating periods. Expenses net of fee waivers reflect
expenses after reimbursement by the investment adviser but prior to reductions from expense offset arrangements. Expenses net of all reductions
represent the net expenses paid by the class.
G Amount represents less than $.001 per share.

See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements.

33 Annual Report

Notes to Financial Statements

For the period ended January 31, 2006
(Amounts in thousands except ratios)

1. Significant Accounting Policies.

Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund (the fund) is a non diversified fund of Fidelity New York Municipal Trust (the trust) and is authorized to issue an unlimited number of shares. On July 21, 2005, the Board of Trustees approved a change in the name of Spartan New York Municipal Income Fund to Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund effective August 15, 2005. The trust is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the 1940 Act), as an open end management investment company organized as a Massachusetts business trust.

The fund offers Class A, Class T, Class B, Class C, New York Municipal Income, and Institutional Class shares, each of which has equal rights as to assets and voting privi leges. Each class has exclusive voting rights with respect to matters that affect that class. Class B shares will automatically convert to Class A shares after a holding period of seven years from the initial date of purchase. Investment income, realized and unrealized capital gains and losses, the common expenses of the fund, and certain fund level expense reductions, if any, are allocated on a pro rata basis to each class based on the relative net assets of each class to the total net assets of the fund. Each class differs with respect to transfer agent and distribution and service plan fees incurred. Certain expense reductions also differ by class.

The fund may be affected by economic and political developments in the state of New York. The financial statements have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, which require manage ment to make certain estimates and assumptions at the date of the financial statements. The following summarizes the significant accounting policies of the fund:

Security Valuation. Investments are valued and net asset value per share is calculated (NAV calculation) as of the close of business of the New York Stock Exchange, normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time. Wherever possible, the fund uses independent pricing services approved by the Board of Trustees to value its investments. Debt securities, including restricted securities, for which quotes are readily available, are valued by independent pricing services or by dealers who make markets in such securities. Pricing services consider yield or price of bonds of comparable quality, coupon, maturity and type as well as dealer supplied prices. When current market prices or quotations are not readily available or do not accurately reflect fair value, valuations may be determined in accor dance with procedures adopted by the Board of Trustees. The frequency of when fair value pricing is used is unpredictable. The value of securities used for NAV calculation under fair value pricing may differ from published prices for the same securities. Invest ments in open end mutual funds are valued at their closing net asset value each business day. Short term securities with remaining maturities of sixty days or less for which quotations are not readily available are valued at amortized cost, which approximates value.

Annual Report


1. Significant Accounting Policies continued

Investment Transactions and Income. Security transactions are accounted for as of trade date. Gains and losses on securities sold are determined on the basis of identified cost. Interest income is accrued as earned. Interest income includes coupon interest and amortization of premium and accretion of discount on debt securities.

Expenses. Most expenses of the trust can be directly attributed to a fund. Expenses which cannot be directly attributed are apportioned among each fund in the trust.

Income Tax Information and Distributions to Shareholders. Each year, the fund intends to qualify as a regulated investment company by distributing all of its taxable income and realized gains under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. As a result, no provision for income taxes is required in the accompanying financial statements.

Dividends are declared daily and paid monthly from net investment income. Distribu tions from realized gains, if any, are recorded on the ex dividend date. Income dividends and capital gain distributions are declared separately for each class. Income and capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles. In addition, the fund will claim a portion of the payment made to redeeming shareholders as a distribution for income tax purposes.

Capital accounts within the financial statements are adjusted for permanent book tax differences. These adjustments have no impact on net assets or the results of operations. Temporary book tax differences will reverse in a subsequent period.

Book tax differences are primarily due to futures, market discount, and deferred trustees compensation and losses deferred due to futures transactions.

The fund purchases municipal securities whose interest, in the opinion of the issuer, is free from federal income tax. There is no assurance that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will agree with this opinion. In the event the IRS determines that the issuer does not comply with relevant tax requirements, interest payments from a security could become federally taxable, possibly retroactively to the date the security was issued.

The tax basis components of distributable earnings and the federal tax cost as of period end were as follows:

Unrealized appreciation      $  33,164     
Unrealized depreciation        (4,143)     
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)        29,021     
Undistributed ordinary income        72     
Undistributed long term capital gain        6,827     
Cost for federal income tax purposes      $  1,386,941     
    35        Annual Report 

Notes to Financial Statements  continued         
(Amounts in thousands except ratios)                 

1. Significant Accounting Policies

Income Tax Information and Distributions to Shareholders

The tax character of distributions paid was as follows:
        January 31, 2006        January 31, 2005 
Tax exempt Income      $  56,725      $  56,899 
Ordinary Income        563         
Long term Capital Gains        13,443        19,161 
Total      $  70,731      $  76,060 

Short Term Trading (Redemption) Fees. Shares held in the fund less than 30 days are subject to a redemption fee equal to .50% of the proceeds of the redeemed shares. All redemption fees, including any estimated redemption fees paid by Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMR), are retained by the fund and accounted for as an addition to paid in capital.

2. Operating Policies.

Futures Contracts. The fund may use futures contracts to manage its exposure to the bond markets and to fluctuations in interest rates. Buying futures tends to increase a fund’s exposure to the underlying instrument, while selling futures tends to decrease a fund’s exposure to the underlying instrument or hedge other fund investments. Futures contracts involve, to varying degrees, risk of loss in excess of any futures variation margin reflected in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. The underlying face amount at value of any open futures contracts at period end is shown in the Schedule of Investments under the caption ”Futures Contracts.” This amount reflects each contract’s exposure to the underlying instrument at period end. Losses may arise from changes in the value of the underlying instruments or if the counterparties do not perform under the contracts’ terms. Gains (losses) are realized upon the expiration or closings of the futures con tracts. Futures contracts are valued at the settlement price established each day by the board of trade or exchange on which they are traded.

Swap Agreements. The fund may invest in swaps for the purpose of managing its exposure to interest rate, credit or market risk.

Interest rate swaps are agreements to exchange cash flows periodically based on a notional principal amount, for example, the exchange of fixed rate interest payments for floating rate interest payments. The primary risk associated with interest rate swaps is that unfavorable changes in the fluctuation of interest rates could adversely impact a fund.

Swaps are marked to market daily based on dealer supplied valuations and changes in value are recorded as unrealized appreciation (depreciation). Gains or losses are realized upon early termination of the swap agreement. Collateral, in the form of cash or securities, may be required to be held in segregated accounts with a fund’s custodian in compliance with swap contracts.

Annual Report


3. Purchases and Sales of Investments.

Purchases and sales of securities, other than short term securities and U.S. government securities, aggregated $430,952 and $399,687, respectively.

4. Fees and Other Transactions with Affiliates.

Management Fee. FMR and its affiliates provide the fund with investment manage ment related services for which the fund pays a monthly management fee. The manage ment fee is the sum of an individual fund fee rate that is based on an annual rate of .25% of the fund’s average net assets and a group fee rate that averaged .12% during the period. The group fee rate is based upon the average net assets of all the mutual funds advised by FMR. The group fee rate decreases as assets under management increase and increases as assets under management decrease. For the period, the total annual man agement fee rate was .37% of the fund’s average net assets.

Distribution and Service Plan. In accordance with Rule 12b 1 of the 1940 Act, the fund has adopted separate Distribution and Service Plans for each class of shares. Certain classes pay Fidelity Distributors Corporation (FDC), an affiliate of FMR, separate Distribution and Service Fees, each of which is based on an annual percentage of each class’ average net assets. In addition, FDC may pay financial intermediaries for selling shares of the fund and providing shareholder support services. For the period, the Distribution and Service Fee rates and the total amounts paid to and retained by FDC were as follows:

    Distribution    Service        Paid to        Retained 
         Fee    Fee        FDC        by FDC 
Class A    0%    .15%      $  9      $   
Class T    0%    .25%        6         
Class B    65%    .25%        88        64 
Class C    75%    .25%        183        59 
              $  286      $  123 

Sales Load. FDC receives a front end sales charge of up to 4.75% for selling Class A shares, and 3.50% for selling Class T shares, some of which is paid to financial intermedi aries for selling shares of the fund. FDC receives the proceeds of contingent deferred sales charges levied on Class A, Class T, Class B, and Class C redemptions. These charges depend on the holding period. The deferred sales charges range from 5% to 1% for Class B, 1% for Class C, and .25% for certain purchases of Class A and Class T shares.

37 Annual Report

Notes to Financial Statements continued         
(Amounts in thousands except ratios)         
4. Fees and Other Transactions with Affiliates  continued     
Sales Load continued         
For the period, sales charge amounts retained by FDC were as follows:     
    by FDC     
Class A    $     5    
Class T         3    
Class B*      29    
Class C*       1    
    $    38    

* When Class B and Class C shares are initially sold, FDC pays commissions from its own resources to financial intermediaries through which the sales are made.

Transfer Agent and Accounting Fees. Citibank, N.A. (Citibank) is the custodian, transfer agent, and shareholder servicing agent for the fund’s Class A, Class T, Class B, Class C, New York Municipal Income and Institutional Class shares. Citibank has entered into a sub arrangement with Fidelity Investments Institutional Operations Company, Inc. (FIIOC), an affiliate of FMR, with respect to all classes of the fund, except for New York Municipal Income, to perform the transfer, dividend disbursing, and shareholder servicing agent functions. Citibank has also entered into a sub arrangement with Fidelity Service Company, Inc. (FSC), an affiliate of FMR, with respect to New York Municipal Income, to perform the transfer, dividend disbursing, and shareholder servicing agent functions. FIIOC and FSC receive account fees and asset based fees that vary according to the account size and type of account of the shareholders of the respective classes of the fund. All fees are paid to FIIOC by Citibank, which is reimbursed by each class for such pay ments. FIIOC and FSC pay for typesetting, printing and mailing of shareholder reports, except proxy statements. For the period, each class paid the following transfer agent fees:

            % of 
        Amount    Net Assets 
Class A      $  7    .11 
Class T        2    .09 
Class B        12    .13 
Class C        20    .11 
New York Municipal Income        1,015    .07 
Institutional Class        1    .08 
      $  1,057     

Citibank also has a sub arrangement with FSC to maintain the fund’s accounting records. The fee is based on the level of average net assets for the month.

Annual Report


5. Committed Line of Credit.

The fund participates with other funds managed by FMR in a $4.2 billion credit facility (the “line of credit”) to be utilized for temporary or emergency purposes to fund share holder redemptions or for other short term liquidity purposes. The fund has agreed to pay commitment fees on its pro rata portion of the line of credit. During the period, there were no borrowings on this line of credit.

6. Expense Reductions.

Through arrangements with the fund’s custodian and each class’ transfer agent, credits realized as a result of uninvested cash balances were used to reduce the fund’s expenses. During the period, these credits reduced the fund’s custody and accounting expenses by $23 and $227, respectively. During the period, credits reduced each class’ transfer agent expense as noted in the table below.

        Transfer Agent 
        expense reduction 
Class B      $  1 
Class C        1 
New York Municipal Income        117 
      $  119 
7. Other.         

The fund’s organizational documents provide former and current trustees and officers with a limited indemnification against liabilities arising in connection with the perfor mance of their duties to the fund. In the normal course of business, the fund may also enter into contracts that provide general indemnifications. The fund’s maximum expo sure under these arrangements is unknown as this would be dependent on future claims that may be made against the fund. The risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

39 Annual Report

Notes to Financial Statements  continued             
(Amounts in thousands except ratios)                     
8. Distributions to Shareholders.                 
Distributions to shareholders of each class were as follows:
            Years ended January 31, 
          2006              2005 
From net investment income                         
Class A          $  232          $  216 
Class T            83            63 
Class B            288            306 
Class C            520            433 
New York Municipal Income            55,581            55,872 
Institutional Class            21            9 
Total          $  56,725          $  56,899 
From net realized gain                         
Class A          $  60          $  80 
Class T            24            24 
Class B            95            133 
Class C            183            199 
New York Municipal Income            13,639            18,722 
Institutional Class            5            3 
Total          $  14,006          $  19,161 
9. Share Transactions.                     
Transactions for each class of shares were as follows:
    Shares    Dollars 
    Years ended January 31,    Years ended January 31, 
    2006    2005    2006        2005 
Class A                         
Shares sold    99    161    $    1,281    $    2,105 
Reinvestment of                         
    distributions    18    18        237        233 
Shares redeemed    (103)    (119)        (1,332)        (1,551) 
Net increase (decrease) .    14    60    $    186    $    787 
Class T                         
Shares sold    117    50    $    1,507    $    655 
Reinvestment of                         
    distributions    6    5        84        69 
Shares redeemed    (29)    (38)        (383)        (497) 
Net increase (decrease) .    94    17    $    1,208    $    227 
Class B                         
Shares sold    93    98    $    1,205    $    1,286 
Reinvestment of                         
    distributions    21    25        275        327 
Shares redeemed    (111)    (144)        (1,440)        (1,875) 
Net increase (decrease) .    3    (21)    $    40    $    (262) 
Annual Report        40                 

9. Share Transactions - continued                 
    Shares          Dollars   
    Years ended January 31,        Years ended January 31, 
    2006    2005        2006        2005 
Class C                         
Shares sold    546    377    $    7,087    $    4,941 
Reinvestment of                         
   distributions    34    36        445        475 
Shares redeemed    (180)    (210)        (2,335)        (2,742) 
Net increase (decrease) .    400    203    $    5,197    $    2,674 
New York Municipal                         
Shares sold    18,716    14,900    $    243,049    $    195,817 
Reinvestment of                         
   distributions    4,020    4,350        52,037        56,974 
Shares redeemed    (19,479)    (20,265)        (252,103)        (263,442) 
Net increase (decrease) .    3,257    (1,015)    $    42,983    $    (10,651) 
Institutional Class                         
Shares sold    78    13    $    1,018    $    176 
Reinvestment of                         
   distributions    1    1        17        7 
Shares redeemed    (31)    (4)        (403)        (60) 
Net increase (decrease) .    48    10    $    632    $    123 

41 Annual Report

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Trustees of Fidelity New York Municipal Trust and Shareholders of Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund (formerly Spartan New York Municipal Income Fund):

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities of Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund (formerly Spartan New York Municipal Income Fund) (the Fund), a fund of Fidelity New York Municipal Trust, including the schedule of investments as of January 31, 2006, and the related statement of operations for the year then ended, the statement of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Fund’s manage ment. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. The Fund is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Fund’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our procedures in cluded confirmation of securities owned as of January 31, 2006, by correspondence with the custodians and brokers; where replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund as of January 31, 2006, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and its financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

  /s/ Deloitte & Touche LLP


Boston, Massachusetts
March 14, 2006

Annual Report 42

Trustees and Officers

The Trustees, Members of the Advisory Board, and executive officers of the trust and fund, as applicable, are listed below. The Board of Trustees governs the fund and is responsible for protecting the interests of shareholders. The Trustees are experienced executives who meet periodically throughout the year to oversee the fund’s activities, review contractual arrangements with companies that provide services to the fund, and review the fund’s performance. Except for William O. McCoy and Albert R. Gamper, Jr., each of the Trustees oversees 326 funds advised by FMR or an affiliate. Mr. McCoy oversees 328 funds advised by FMR or an affiliate. Mr. Gamper oversees 251 funds advised by FMR or an affiliate.

The Trustees hold office without limit in time except that (a) any Trustee may resign; (b) any Trustee may be removed by written instrument, signed by at least two thirds of the number of Trustees prior to such removal; (c) any Trustee who requests to be retired or who has become incapacitated by illness or injury may be retired by written instru ment signed by a majority of the other Trustees; and (d) any Trustee may be removed at any special meeting of shareholders by a two thirds vote of the outstanding voting securities of the trust. Each Trustee who is not an interested person (as defined in the 1940 Act) (Independent Trustee), shall retire not later than the last day of the calendar year in which his or her 72nd birthday occurs. The Independent Trustees may waive this mandatory retirement age policy with respect to individual Trustees. The executive officers and Advisory Board Members hold office without limit in time, except that any officer and Advisory Board Member may resign or may be removed by a vote of a majority of the Trustees at any regular meeting or any special meeting of the Trustees. Except as indicated, each individual has held the office shown or other offices in the same company for the past five years.

The fund’s Statement of Additional Information (SAI) includes more information about the Trustees. To request a free copy, call Fidelity at 1-877-208-0098.

Interested Trustees*:

Correspondence intended for each Trustee who is an interested person may be sent to Fidelity Investments, 82 Devonshire Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109.

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Edward C. Johnson 3d (75)

Year of Election or Appointment: 1983

Mr. Johnson is Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Johnson serves as Chief Executive Officer, Chairman, and a Director of FMR Corp.; a Director and Chairman of the Board and of the Executive Committee of FMR; Chairman and a Director of Fidelity Management & Research (Far East) Inc.; Chairman and a Director of Fidelity Investments Money Management, Inc.; and Chairman (2001 present) and a Director (2000 present) of FMR Co., Inc.

Annual Report


  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Stephen P. Jonas (53)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Mr. Jonas is Senior Vice President of the fund (2005 present). He also serves as Senior Vice President of other Fidelity funds (2005 present). Mr. Jonas is Executive Director of FMR (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Jonas served as President of Fidelity Enterprise Operations and Risk Services (2004 2005), Chief Administrative Officer (2002 2004), and Chief Financial Officer of FMR Co. (1998 2000). Mr. Jonas has been with Fidelity Investments since 1987 and has held various financial and management positions including Chief Financial Officer of FMR. In addition, he serves on the Boards of Boston Ballet (2003 present) and Simmons College (2003 present).

  Robert L. Reynolds (53)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2003

Mr. Reynolds is a Director (2003 present) and Chief Operating Officer (2002 present) of FMR Corp. He also serves on the Board at Fidelity Investments Canada, Ltd. (2000 present). Previously, Mr. Reynolds served as President of Fidelity Investments Institutional Retirement Group (1996 2000).

* Trustees have been determined to be “Interested Trustees” by virtue of, among other things, their affiliation with the trust or various entities under common control with FMR.

45 Annual Report

Trustees and Officers - continued

Independent Trustees:

Correspondence intended for each Independent Trustee (that is, the Trustees other than the Interested Trustees) may be sent to Fidelity Investments, P.O. Box 55235, Boston, Massachusetts 02205-5235.

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Dennis J. Dirks (57)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Prior to his retirement in May 2003, Mr. Dirks was Chief Operating Officer and a member of the Board of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) (1999 2003). He also served as President, Chief Operating Officer, and Board member of The Depository Trust Company (DTC) (1999 2003) and President and Board member of the National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC) (1999 2003). In addition, Mr. Dirks served as Chief Executive Officer and Board member of the Government Securities Clearing Corporation (2001 2003) and Chief Executive Officer and Board member of the Mortgage Backed Securities Clearing Corporation (2001 2003). Mr. Dirks also serves as a Trustee and a member of the Finance Committee of Manhattan College (2005 present) and a Trustee and a member of the Finance Committee of AHRC of Nassau County (2006 present).

  Albert R. Gamper, Jr. (63)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2006

Mr. Gamper also serves as a Trustee (2006 present) or Member of the Advisory Board (2005 present) of other investment companies advised by FMR. Prior to his retirement in December 2004, Mr. Gamper served as Chairman of the Board of CIT Group Inc. (commercial finance). During his tenure with CIT Group Inc. Mr. Gamper served in numerous senior management positions, including Chairman (1987 1989; 1999 2001; 2002 2004), Chief Executive Officer (1987 2004), and President (1989 2002). He currently serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Public Service Enterprise Group (utilities, 2001 present), Chairman of the Board of Governors, Rutgers University (2004 present), and Chairman of the Board of Saint Barnabas Health Care System.

Annual Report


Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Robert M. Gates (62)

Year of Election or Appointment: 1997

Dr. Gates is Chairman of the Independent Trustees (2006 present). Dr. Gates is President of Texas A&M University (2002 present). He was Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from 1991 to 1993. From 1989 to 1991, Dr. Gates served as Assistant to the President of the United States and Deputy National Security Advisor. Dr. Gates is a Director of NACCO Industries, Inc. (mining and manufacturing), Parker Drilling Co., Inc. (drilling and rental tools for the energy industry, 2001 present), and Brinker International (restaurant management, 2003 present). Previously, Dr. Gates served as a Director of LucasVarity PLC (automotive components and diesel engines), a Director of TRW Inc. (automotive, space, defense, and information technology), and Dean of the George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University (1999 2001).

George H. Heilmeier (69)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2004

Dr. Heilmeier is Chairman Emeritus of Telcordia Technologies (commu nication software and systems), where prior to his retirement, he served as company Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. He currently serves on the Boards of Directors of The Mitre Corporation (systems engineering and information technology support for the government), and HRL Laboratories (private research and development, 2004 present). He is Chairman of the General Motors Science & Technology Advisory Board and a Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engi neers (IEEE). Dr. Heilmeier is a member of the Defense Science Board and the National Security Agency Advisory Board. He is also a member of the National Academy of Engineering, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Board of Overseers of the School of Engineering and Applied Science of the University of Penn sylvania. Previously, Dr. Heilmeier served as a Director of TRW Inc. (automotive, space, defense, and information technology, 1992 2002), Compaq (1994 2002), Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (ADP) (technology based business outsourcing, 1995 2002), INET Technologies Inc. (telecommunications network surveillance, 2001 2004), and Teletech Holdings (customer management services). He is the recipient of the 2005 Kyoto Prize in Advanced Technology for his invention of the liquid crystal display.

47 Annual Report

Trustees and Officers - continued

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Marie L. Knowles (59)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2001

Prior to Ms. Knowles’ retirement in June 2000, she served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) (diversified energy, 1996 2000). From 1993 to 1996, she was a Senior Vice President of ARCO and President of ARCO Transportation Company. She served as a Director of ARCO from 1996 to 1998. She currently serves as a Director of Phelps Dodge Corporation (copper mining and manufacturing) and McKesson Corporation (healthcare ser vice, 2002 present). Ms. Knowles is a Trustee of the Brookings Institution and the Catalina Island Conservancy and also serves as a member of the Advisory Board for the School of Engineering of the University of Southern California.

  Ned C. Lautenbach (61)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2000

Mr. Lautenbach has been a partner of Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, Inc. (private equity investment firm) since September 1998. Previously, Mr. Lautenbach was with the International Business Machines Corpora tion (IBM) from 1968 until his retirement in 1998. Mr. Lautenbach serves as a Director of Italtel Holding S.p.A. (telecommunications (Milan, Italy), 2004 present) and Eaton Corporation (diversified industrial) as well as the Philharmonic Center for the Arts in Naples, Florida. He also is a member of the Board of Trustees of Fairfield University (2005 present), as well as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

  William O. McCoy (72)

Year of Election or Appointment: 1997

Prior to his retirement in December 1994, Mr. McCoy was Vice Chair man of the Board of BellSouth Corporation (telecommunications) and President of BellSouth Enterprises. He is currently a Director of Duke Realty Corporation (real estate), and Progress Energy, Inc. (electric utility). He is also a partner of Franklin Street Partners (private investment man agement firm) and a member of the Research Triangle Foundation Board. In addition, Mr. McCoy served as the Interim Chancellor (1999 2000) and a member of the Board of Visitors for the University of North Caro lina at Chapel Hill and currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the University of North Carolina Health Care System and the Board of Visitors of the Kenan Flagler Business School (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). He also served as Vice President of Finance for the University of North Carolina (16 school system).

Annual Report


Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Cornelia M. Small (61)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Ms. Small is a member (2000 present) and Chairperson (2002 present) of the Investment Committee, and a member (2002 present) of the Board of Trustees of Smith College. Previously, she served as Chief Investment Officer (1999 2000), Director of Global Equity Investments (1996 1999), and a member of the Board of Directors of Scudder, Stevens & Clark (1990 1997) and Scudder Kemper Investments (1997 1999). In addition, Ms. Small served as Co Chair (2000 2003) of the Annual Fund for the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

William S. Stavropoulos (66)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2002

Mr. Stavropoulos is Chairman of the Board (2000 present) and a Mem ber of the Board of Directors of The Dow Chemical Company. Since joining The Dow Chemical Company in 1967, Mr. Stavropoulos served in numerous senior management positions, including President (1993 2000; 2002 2003), CEO (1995 2000; 2002 2004), and Chair man of the Executive Committee (2000 2004). Currently, he is a Direc tor of NCR Corporation (data warehousing and technology solutions), BellSouth Corporation (telecommunications), Chemical Financial Corpo ration, Maersk Inc. (industrial conglomerate, 2002 present), and Metal mark Capital (private equity investment firm, 2005 present). He also serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. In addition, Mr. Stavropoulos is a member of The Business Council, J.P. Morgan International Council and the University of Notre Dame Advisory Council for the College of Science.

Kenneth L. Wolfe (66)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Prior to his retirement in 2001, Mr. Wolfe was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Hershey Foods Corporation (1993 2001). He cur rently serves as a member of the boards of Adelphia Communications Corporation (2003 present), Bausch & Lomb, Inc., and Revlon Inc. (2004 present).

49 Annual Report

Trustees and Officers - continued

Advisory Board Member and Executive Officers:

Correspondence intended for Mr. Keyes may be sent to Fidelity Investments, P.O. Box 55235, Boston, Massachusetts 02205-5235. Correspondence intended for each executive officer and Mr. Lynch may be sent to Fidelity Investments, 82 Devonshire Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109.

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

James H. Keyes (65)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2006

Member of the Advisory Board of Fidelity New York Municipal Trust. Prior to his retirement in 2003, Mr. Keyes was Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Johnson Controls, Inc. (automotive supplier, 1993 2003). He currently serves as a member of the boards of LSI Logic Corporation (semiconductor technologies, 1984 present), Navistar International Corporation (manufacture and sale of trucks, buses, and diesel engines, 2002 present), and Pitney Bowes, Inc. (integrated mail, messaging, and document management solutions, 1998 present).

  Peter S. Lynch (62)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2003

Member of the Advisory Board of Fidelity New York Municipal Trust. Vice Chairman and a Director of FMR, and Vice Chairman (2001 present) and a Director (2000 present) of FMR Co., Inc. Previously, Mr. Lynch served as a Trustee of the Fidelity funds (1990 2003). In addition, he serves as a Trustee of Boston College, Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary, Historic Deerfield, John F. Kennedy Library, and the Museum of Fine Arts of Boston.

  Walter C. Donovan (43)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Vice President of the fund. Mr. Donovan also serves as Vice President of Fidelity’s High Income Funds (2005 present), Fidelity’s Fixed Income Funds (2005 present), certain Asset Allocation Funds (2005 present), and certain Balanced Funds (2005 present). Mr. Donovan also serves as Executive Vice President of FMR (2005 present) and FMRC (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Donovan served as Vice President and Director of Fidelity’s International Equity Trading group (1998 2005).

Annual Report


Name, Age; Principal Occupation

David L. Murphy (58)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Vice President of the fund. Mr. Murphy also serves as Vice President of Fidelity’s Money Market Funds (2002 present), certain Asset Alloca tion Funds (2003 present), Fidelity’s Investment Grade Bond Funds (2005 present), and Fidelity’s Balanced Funds (2005 present). He serves as Senior Vice President (2000 present) and Head (2004 present) of the Fidelity Investments Fixed Income Division. Mr. Murphy is also a Senior Vice President of Fidelity Investments Money Management, Inc. (2003 present) and an Executive Vice President of FMR (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Murphy served as Money Market Group Leader (2002 2004), Bond Group Leader (2000 2002), and Vice President of Fidelity’s Taxable Bond Funds (2000 2002) and Fidelity’s Municipal Bond Funds (2001 2002).

Thomas J. Silvia (44)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Vice President of the fund. Mr. Silvia also serves as Vice President of Fidelity’s Bond Funds (2005 present) and Senior Vice President and Bond Group Leader of the Fidelity Investments Fixed Income Division (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Silvia served as Director of Fidelity’s Taxable Bond portfolio managers (2002 2004) and a portfolio manager in the Bond Group (1997 2004).

Mark Sommer (46)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2002

Vice President of the fund. Mr. Sommer also serves as Vice President of other funds advised by FMR. Prior to assuming his current responsibilities, Mr. Sommer worked as an analyst and manager.

Eric D. Roiter (57)

Year of Election or Appointment: 1998

Secretary of the fund. He also serves as Secretary of other Fidelity funds; Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary of FMR Co., Inc. (2001 present) and FMR; Assistant Secretary of Fidelity Management & Research (U.K.) Inc. (2001 present), Fidelity Research & Analysis Com pany (2001 present), and Fidelity Investments Money Management, Inc. (2001 present). Mr. Roiter is an Adjunct Member, Faculty of Law, at Boston College Law School (2003 present). Previously, Mr. Roiter served as Vice President and Secretary of Fidelity Distributors Corporation (FDC) (1998 2005).

51 Annual Report

Trustees and Officers - continued

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

  Stuart Fross (46)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2003

Assistant Secretary of the fund. Mr. Fross also serves as Assistant Secre tary of other Fidelity funds (2003 present), Vice President and Secretary of FDC (2005 present), and is an employee of FMR.

  Christine Reynolds (47)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2004

President and Treasurer of the fund. Ms. Reynolds also serves as President and Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2004 present) and is a Vice President (2003 present) and an employee (2002 present) of FMR. Before joining Fidelity Investments, Ms. Reynolds worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) (1980 2002), where she was most recently an audit partner with PwC’s investment management practice.

  R. Stephen Ganis (39)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2006

Anti Money Laundering (AML) officer of the fund. Mr. Ganis also serves as AML officer of other Fidelity funds (2006 present) and FMR Corp. (2003 present). Before joining Fidelity Investments, Mr. Ganis practiced law at Goodwin Procter, LLP (2000 2002).

  Paul M. Murphy (58)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Chief Financial Officer of VIP Financial Services. Mr. Murphy also serves as Chief Financial Officer of other Fidelity funds (2005 present). He also serves as Senior Vice President of Fidelity Pricing and Cash Manage ment Services Group (FPCMS).

  Kenneth A. Rathgeber (58)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2004

Chief Compliance Officer of the fund. Mr. Rathgeber also serves as Chief Compliance Officer of other Fidelity funds (2004 present) and Executive Vice President of Risk Oversight for Fidelity Investments (2002 present). He is Chief Compliance Officer of FMR (2005 present), FMR Co., Inc. (2005 present), Fidelity Management & Research (U.K.) Inc. (2005 present), Fidelity Research & Analysis Company (2005 present), Fidelity Investments Money Management, Inc. (2005 present), and Strategic Advisers, Inc. (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Rathgeber served as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Fidelity Investments Institutional Services Company, Inc. (1998 2002).

Annual Report


Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Bryan A. Mehrmann (44)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Deputy Treasurer of the fund. Mr. Mehrmann also serves as Deputy Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2005 present) and is an employee of FMR. Previously, Mr. Mehrmann served as Vice President of Fidelity Investments Institutional Services Group (FIIS)/Fidelity Investments Institu tional Operations Corporation, Inc. (FIIOC) Client Services (1998 2004).

Kimberley H. Monasterio (42)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2004

Deputy Treasurer of the fund. Ms. Monasterio also serves as Deputy Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2004) and is an employee of FMR (2004). Before joining Fidelity Investments, Ms. Monasterio served as Treasurer (2000 2004) and Chief Financial Officer (2002 2004) of the Franklin Templeton Funds and Senior Vice President of Franklin Templeton Services, LLC (2000 2004).

Kenneth B. Robins (36)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Deputy Treasurer of the fund. Mr. Robins also serves as Deputy Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2005 present) and is an employee of FMR (2004 present). Before joining Fidelity Investments, Mr. Robins worked at KPMG LLP, where he was a partner in KPMG’s department of professional practice (2002 2004) and a Senior Manager (1999 2000). In addition, Mr. Robins served as Assistant Chief Accountant, United States Securities and Exchange Commission (2000 2002).

Robert G. Byrnes (39)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Assistant Treasurer of the fund. Mr. Byrnes also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2005 present) and is an employee of FMR (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Byrnes served as Vice President of FPCMS (2003 2005). Before joining Fidelity Investments, Mr. Byrnes worked at Deutsche Asset Management where he served as Vice Presi dent of the Investment Operations Group (2000 2003).

John H. Costello (59)

Year of Election or Appointment: 1986

Assistant Treasurer of the fund. Mr. Costello also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other Fidelity funds and is an employee of FMR.

Peter L. Lydecker (52)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2004

Assistant Treasurer of the fund. Mr. Lydecker also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2004) and is an employee of FMR.

53 Annual Report

Trustees and Officers - continued

  Name, Age; Principal Occupation

Mark Osterheld (50)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2002

Assistant Treasurer of the fund. Mr. Osterheld also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2002) and is an employee of FMR.

  Gary W. Ryan (47)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Assistant Treasurer of the fund. Mr. Ryan also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2005 present) and is an employee of FMR (2005 present). Previously, Mr. Ryan served as Vice President of Fund Reporting in FPCMS (1999 2005).

  Salvatore Schiavone (40)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2005

Assistant Treasurer of the fund. Mr. Schiavone also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other Fidelity funds (2005 present) and is an employee of FMR (2005 present). Before joining Fidelity Investments, Mr. Schiavone worked at Deutsche Asset Management, where he most recently served as Assistant Treasurer (2003 2005) of the Scudder Funds and Vice President and Head of Fund Reporting (1996 2003).

Annual Report



The Board of Trustees of Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund voted to pay to shareholders of record at the opening of business on record date, the following distributions per share derived from capital gains realized from sales of portfolio securities:

    Pay Date    Record Date    Capital Gains 
Institutional Class    3/06/06    03/03/06    $.062 

The fund hereby designates as a capital gain dividend with respect to the taxable year ended January 31, 2006 $16,713,320, or, if subsequently determined to be different, the net capital gain of such year.

During fiscal year ended 2005, 100% of the fund’s income dividends was free from federal income tax, and 4.8% of the fund’s income dividends was subject to the federal alternative minimum tax.

The fund will notify shareholders in January 2007 of amounts for use in preparing 2006 income tax returns.

55 Annual Report

Proxy Voting Results

A special meeting of the fund’s shareholders was held on February 15, 2006. The results of votes taken among shareholders on the proposal before them are reported below. Each vote reported represents one dollar of net asset value held on the record date for the meeting.

PROPOSAL 1         
To elect a Board of Trustees.A     
    # of    % of 
    Votes    Votes 
Dennis J. Dirks         
Affirmative    756,274,117.48    94.929 
Withheld    40,401,891.30    5.071 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Albert R. Gamper, Jr.     
Affirmative    756,074,508.43    94.904 
Withheld    40,601,500.35    5.096 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Robert M. Gates         
Affirmative    753,726,156.15    94.609 
Withheld    42,949,852.63    5.391 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
George H. Heilmeier     
Affirmative    754,732,746.86    94.735 
Withheld    41,943,261.92    5.265 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Edward C. Johnson 3d     
Affirmative    754,073,233.82    94.652 
Withheld    42,602,774.96    5.348 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Stephen P. Jonas         
Affirmative    756,562,609.94    94.965 
Withheld    40,113,398.84    5.035 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Marie L. Knowles     
Affirmative    754,799,466.04    94.744 
Withheld    41,876,542.74    5.256 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 

    # of    % of 
    Votes    Votes 
Ned C. Lautenbach     
Affirmative    755,172,679.13    94.790 
Withheld    41,503,329.65    5.210 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
William O. McCoy     
Affirmative    754,375,687.88    94.690 
Withheld    42,300,320.90    5.310 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Robert L. Reynolds     
Affirmative    755,950,104.48    94.888 
Withheld    40,725,904.30    5.112 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Cornelia M. Small     
Affirmative    755,751,111.56    94.863 
Withheld    40,924,897.22    5.137 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
William S. Stavropoulos     
Affirmative    747,114,578.40    93.779 
Withheld    49,561,430.38    6.221 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 
Kenneth L. Wolfe         
Affirmative    755,847,459.35    94.875 
Withheld    40,828,549.43    5.125 
   TOTAL    796,676,008.78    100.000 

A Denotes trust-wide proposal and voting results.

Annual Report 56

Board Approval of Investment Advisory Contracts and Management Fees

Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund (formerly Spartan New York Municipal Income Fund)

On January 19, 2006, the Board of Trustees, including the Independent Trustees (together, the Board), voted to approve a general research services agreement (the Agreement) between FMR, FMR Co., Inc. (FMRC), Fidelity Investments Money Manage ment, Inc. (FIMM), and Fidelity Research & Analysis Company (FRAC) (together, the Investment Advisers) for the fund, effective January 20, 2006, pursuant to which FRAC may provide general research and investment advisory support services to FMRC and FIMM. The Board considered that it has approved previously various sub advisory agreements for the fund with affiliates of FMR that allow FMR to obtain research, non discretionary advice, or discretionary portfolio management at no additional expense to the fund. The Board, assisted by the advice of fund counsel and independent Trustees’ counsel, considered a broad range of information and determined that it would be beneficial for the fund to access the research and investment advisory support services supplied by FRAC at no additional expense to the fund.

The Board reached this determination in part because the new arrangement will involve no changes in (i) the contractual terms of and fees payable under the fund’s manage ment contract or sub advisory agreements; (ii) the investment process or strategies employed in the management of the fund’s assets; (iii) the nature or level of services provided under the fund’s management contract or sub advisory agreements; (iv) the day to day management of the fund or the persons primarily responsible for such man agement; or (v) the ultimate control or beneficial ownership of FMR, FMRC, or FIMM. The Board also considered that the establishment of the Agreement would not necessi tate prior shareholder approval of the Agreement or result in an assignment and termination of the fund’s management contract or sub advisory agreements under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

Because the Board was approving an arrangement with FRAC under which the fund will not bear any additional management fees or expenses and under which the fund’s portfolio manager would not change, it did not consider the fund’s investment perfor mance, competitiveness of management fee and total expenses, costs of services and profitability, or economies of scale to be significant factors in its decision.

In connection with its future renewal of the fund’s management contract and sub advisory agreements, the Board will consider: (i) the nature, extent, and quality of services provided to the fund, including shareholder and administrative services and investment performance; (ii) the competitiveness of the fund’s management fee and total expenses; (iii) the costs of the services and profitability, including the revenues earned and the expenses incurred by Fidelity in conducting the business of developing, marketing, distributing, managing, administering, and servicing the fund and its shareholders; and (iv) whether there have been economies of scale in respect of the

57 Annual Report

Board Approval of Investment Advisory Contracts and Management Fees continued

management of the Fidelity funds, whether the Fidelity funds (including the fund) have appropriately benefited from any such economies of scale, and whether there is potential for realization of any further economies.

Based on its evaluation of all of the conclusions noted above, and after considering all material factors, the Board ultimately concluded that the fund’s Agreement is fair and reasonable, and that the fund’s Agreement should be approved.

Annual Report


59 Annual Report

Annual Report


61 Annual Report

Annual Report


Investment Adviser
Fidelity Management & Research Company
Boston, MA
Investment Sub Advisers
Fidelity Investments
Money Management, Inc.
Fidelity Research & Analysis Company
(formerly Fidelity Management & Research (Far East) Inc.)
Fidelity International Investment Advisors
Fidelity International Investment Advisors
(U.K.) Limited
General Distributor
Fidelity Distributors Corporation
Boston, MA
Transfer and Service Agents
Citibank, N.A.
New York, NY
Fidelity Investments Institutional Operations Company, Inc.
Boston, MA
Fidelity Service Company, Inc.
Boston, MA
Citibank, N.A.
New York, NY


Item 2. Code of Ethics

As of the end of the period, January 31, 2006, Fidelity New York Municipal Trust (the trust) has adopted a code of ethics, as defined in Item 2 of Form N-CSR, that applies to its President and Treasurer and its Chief Financial Officer. A copy of the code of ethics is filed as an exhibit to this Form N-CSR.

Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert

The Board of Trustees of the trust has determined that Marie L. Knowles is an audit committee financial expert, as defined in Item 3 of Form N-CSR. Ms. Knowles is independent for purposes of Item 3 of Form N-CSR.

Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services

(a) Audit Fees.

For the fiscal years ended January 31, 2006 and January 31, 2005, the aggregate Audit Fees billed by Deloitte & Touche LLP, the member firms of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, and their respective affiliates (collectively, "Deloitte Entities") for professional services rendered for the audits of the financial statements, or services that are normally provided in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements for those fiscal years, for the Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund (the fund) and for all funds in the Fidelity Group of Funds are shown in the table below.




Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund



All funds in the Fidelity Group of Funds audited by Deloitte Entities




Aggregate amounts may reflect rounding.

(b) Audit-Related Fees.

In each of the fiscal years ended January 31, 2006 and January 31, 2005, the aggregate Audit-Related Fees billed by Deloitte Entities for services rendered for assurance and related services to the fund that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit or review of the fund's financial statements, but not reported as Audit Fees, are shown in the table below.




Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund




Aggregate amounts may reflect rounding.

In each of the fiscal years ended January 31, 2006 and January 31, 2005, the aggregate Audit-Related Fees that were billed by Deloitte Entities that were required to be approved by the Audit Committee for services rendered on behalf of Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMR) and entities controlling, controlled by, or under common control with FMR (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser) that provide ongoing services to the fund ("Fund Service Providers") for assurance and related services that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the fund that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit or review of the fund's financial statements, but not reported as Audit Fees, are shown in the table below.

Billed By



Deloitte Entities




Aggregate amounts may reflect rounding.

Fees included in the audit-related category comprise assurance and related services (e.g., due diligence services) that are traditionally performed by the independent registered public accounting firm. These audit-related services include due diligence related to mergers and acquisitions, accounting consultations and audits in connection with acquisitions, internal control reviews, attest services that are not required by statute or regulation and consultation concerning financial accounting and reporting standards.

(c) Tax Fees.

In each of the fiscal years ended January 31, 2006 and January 31, 2005, the aggregate Tax Fees billed by Deloitte Entities for professional services rendered for tax compliance, tax advice, and tax planning for the fund is shown in the table below.




Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund




Aggregate amounts may reflect rounding.

In each of the fiscal years ended January 31, 2006 and January 31, 2005, the aggregate Tax Fees billed by Deloitte Entities that were required to be approved by the Audit Committee for professional services rendered on behalf of the Fund Service Providers for tax compliance, tax advice, and tax planning that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the fund is shown in the table below.

Billed By



Deloitte Entities




Aggregate amounts may reflect rounding.

Fees included in the Tax Fees category comprise all services performed by professional staff in the independent registered public accounting firm's tax division except those services related to the audit. Typically, this category would include fees for tax compliance, tax planning, and tax advice. Tax compliance, tax advice, and tax planning services include preparation of original and amended tax returns, claims for refund and tax payment-planning services, assistance with tax audits and appeals, tax advice related to mergers and acquisitions and requests for rulings or technical advice from taxing authorities.

(d) All Other Fees.

In each of the fiscal years ended January 31, 2006 and January 31, 2005, the aggregate Other Fees billed by Deloitte Entities for all other non-audit services rendered to the fund is shown in the table below.




Fidelity New York Municipal Income Fund




Aggregate amounts may reflect rounding.

In each of the fiscal years ended January 31, 2006 and January 31, 2005, the aggregate Other Fees billed by Deloitte Entities that were required to be approved by the Audit Committee for all other non-audit services rendered on behalf of the Fund Service Providers that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the fund is shown in the table below.

Billed By



Deloitte Entities




Aggregate amounts may reflect rounding.

Fees included in the All Other Fees category include services related to internal control reviews, strategy and other consulting, financial information systems design and implementation, consulting on other information systems, and other tax services unrelated to the fund.

(e) (1)

Audit Committee Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures:

The trust's Audit Committee must pre-approve all audit and non-audit services provided by the independent registered public accounting firm relating to the operations or financial reporting of the fund. Prior to the commencement of any audit or non-audit services to a fund, the Audit Committee reviews the services to determine whether they are appropriate and permissible under applicable law.

The trust's Audit Committee has adopted policies and procedures to, among other purposes, provide a framework for the Committee's consideration of non-audit services by the audit firms that audit the Fidelity funds. The policies and procedures require that any non-audit service provided by a fund audit firm to a Fidelity Fund and any non-audit service provided by a fund auditor to a Fund Service Provider that relates directly to the operations and financial reporting of a Fidelity fund (Covered Service) are subject to approval by the Audit Committee before such service is provided. Non-audit services provided by a fund audit firm for a Fund Service Provider that do not relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of a Fidelity fund (Non-Covered Service) but that are expected to exceed $50,000 are also subject to pre-approval by the Audit Committee.

All Covered Services, as well as Non-Covered Services that are expected to exceed $50,000, must be approved in advance of provision of the service either: (i) by formal resolution of the Audit Committee, or (ii) by oral or written approval of the service by the Chair of the Audit Committee (or if the Chair is unavailable, such other member of the Audit Committee as may be designated by the Chair to act in the Chair's absence). The approval contemplated by (ii) above is permitted where the Treasurer determines that action on such an engagement is necessary before the next meeting of the Audit Committee. Neither pre-approval nor advance notice of Non-Covered Service engagements for which fees are not expected to exceed $50,000 is required; such engagements are to be reported to the Audit Committee monthly.

(e) (2)

Services approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X:

Audit-Related Fees:

There were no amounts that were approved by the Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception for the fiscal years ended January 31, 2006 and January 31, 2005 on behalf of the fund.

There were no amounts that were required to be approved by the Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception for the fiscal years ended January 31, 2006 and January 31, 2005 on behalf of the Fund Service Providers that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the fund.

Tax Fees:

There were no amounts that were approved by the Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception for the fiscal years ended January 31, 2006 and January 31, 2005 on behalf of the fund.

There were no amounts that were required to be approved by the Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception for the fiscal years ended January 31, 2006 and January 31, 2005 on behalf of the Fund Service Providers that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the fund.

All Other Fees:

There were no amounts that were approved by the Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception for the fiscal years ended January 31, 2006 and January 31, 2005 on behalf of the fund.

There were no amounts that were required to be approved by the Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception for the fiscal years ended January 31, 2006 and January 31, 2005 on behalf of the Fund Service Providers that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the fund.

(f) Not Applicable.

(g) For the fiscal years ended January 31, 2006 and January 31, 2005, the aggregate fees billed by Deloitte Entities of $425,000A and $1,100,000A,B for non-audit services rendered on behalf of the fund, FMR (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser) and Fund Service Providers relating to Covered Services and Non-Covered Services are shown in the table below.



Covered Services



Non-Covered Services




Aggregate amounts may reflect rounding.


Reflects current period presentation.

(h) The trust's Audit Committee has considered Non-Covered Services that were not pre-approved that were provided by Deloitte Entities to Fund Service Providers to be compatible with maintaining the independence of Deloitte Entities in its audit of the fund, taking into account representations from Deloitte Entities, in accordance with Independence Standards Board Standard No.1, regarding its independence from the fund and its related entities.

Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants

Not applicable.

Item 6. Schedule of Investments

Not applicable.

Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies

Not applicable.

Item 8. Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies

Not applicable.

Item 9. Purchase of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers

Not applicable.

Item 10. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

There were no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the trust's Board of Trustees.

Item 11. Controls and Procedures

(a)(i) The President and Treasurer and the Chief Financial Officer have concluded that the trust's disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act) provide reasonable assurances that material information relating to the trust is made known to them by the appropriate persons, based on their evaluation of these controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report.

(a)(ii) There was no change in the trust's internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act) that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the trust's internal control over financial reporting.

Item 12. Exhibits



Code of Ethics pursuant to Item 2 of Form N-CSR is filed and attached hereto as EX-99.CODE ETH.



Certification pursuant to Rule 30a-2(a) under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (17 CFR 270.30a-2(a)) is filed and attached hereto as Exhibit 99.CERT.



Not applicable.


Certification pursuant to Rule 30a-2(b) under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (17 CFR 270.30a-2(b)) is furnished and attached hereto as Exhibit 99.906CERT.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Fidelity New York Municipal Trust


/s/Christine Reynolds

Christine Reynolds

President and Treasurer


March 27, 2006

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


/s/Christine Reynolds

Christine Reynolds

President and Treasurer


March 27, 2006


/s/Paul M. Murphy

Paul M. Murphy

Chief Financial Officer


March 27, 2006