N-CSRS 1 acctfmf_april2010.htm SEMIANNUAL CERTIFIED SHAREHOLDER REPORT acctfmf_april2010.htm - Generated by SEC Publisher for SEC Filing
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Investment Company Act file number 811-03706
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Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: 816-531-5575
Date of fiscal year end: 08-31
Date of reporting period: 02-28-2010

Semiannual Report   
February 28, 2010   

American Century Investments® 

California Long-Term Tax-Free Fund

California High-Yield Municipal Fund

Table of Contents 

President’s Letter  2 
Market Perspective  3 
U.S. Fixed-Income Total Returns  3 
California Long-Term Tax-Free   
Performance  4 
Portfolio Commentary  6 
Portfolio at a Glance  8 
Yields  8 
Portfolio Composition by Credit Rating  8 
Top Five Sectors  8 
California High-Yield Municipal   
Performance  9 
Portfolio Commentary  11 
Portfolio at a Glance  13 
Yields  13 
Portfolio Composition by Credit Rating  13 
Top Five Sectors  13 
Shareholder Fee Examples  14 
Financial Statements   
Schedule of Investments  17 
Statement of Assets and Liabilities  33 
Statement of Operations  35 
Statement of Changes in Net Assets  36 
Notes to Financial Statements  37 
Financial Highlights  44 
Other Information   
Board Approval of Management Agreements  52 
Additional Information  58 
Index Definitions  59 

The opinions expressed in the Market Perspective and each of the Portfolio Commentaries reflect those of the portfolio management team as of the date of the report, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of American Century Investments or any other person in the American Century Investments organization. Any such opinions are subject to change at any time based upon market or other conditions and American Century Investments disclaims any responsibility to update such opinions. These opinions may not be relied upon as investment advice and, because investment decisions made by American Century Investments funds are based on numerous factors, may not be relied upon as an indication of trading intent on behalf of any American Century Investments fund. Security examples are used for representational purposes only and are not intended as recommendations to purchase or sell securities. Performance information for comparative indices and securities is provided to American Century Investments by third party vendors. To the best of American Century Investments’ knowledge, such information is accurate at the time of printing.

President’s Letter 

Dear Investor:

Thank you for taking time to review the following pages, which provide investment performance and portfolio information for the financial reporting period ended February 28, 2010, along with the perspective and commentary of our experienced portfolio management team. We appreciate your trust in American Century Investments at this volatile, transitional time in the economy and investment markets.

As the upheavals associated with the “Great Recession” gradually subside, our senior management team has put considerable thought into how the investment environment has changed and what challenges and opportunities await us. Critical factors that we are anticipating in 2010 include marked shifts in investment and spending behavior compared with the past decade, along with consolidation in our industry.

Most importantly, we think the U.S. economic recovery will be slow and extended. The economy and capital markets have come a long way since Lehman Brothers collapsed in the third quarter of 2008, but 2010 will likely bring continuing challenges. The U.S. stock market’s rebound since last March and the second-half economic surge in 2009 were fueled largely by corporate cost-cutting and unprecedented monetary and fiscal stimulus, including some key programs that have since expired or been scaled back.

Meanwhile, the resilient but struggling consumer sector still faces high unemployment, heavy debt burdens, tight credit conditions, and a housing market that is starting to stabilize, but remains vulnerable. Much of our investment positioning in 2009 cautiously reflected these still unstable economic fundamentals, leading to underperformance, in some cases, versus market benchmarks buoyed by the rally of riskier assets. We still support our fundamentally based positioning because we believe strongly that some markets—driven more by technical factors than fundamentals—have advanced further than underlying economic conditions warrant, and remain susceptible to the possibility of more volatility ahead.

Thank you for your continued confidence in us.


Jonathan Thomas
President and Chief Executive Officer
American Century Investments


Market Perspective 

By David MacEwen, Chief Investment Officer, Fixed Income

Economic, Market Conditions Improved

Municipal bonds produced positive returns during the six months ended February 28, 2010 (see the table below), when the U.S. economy and financial markets continued to rebound from the depths of the credit crisis. Gross domestic product expanded at an estimated 5.6% annual rate in the fourth quarter of 2009, inflation was tame, and home prices stabilized; however, the unemployment rate ended February at 9.7% and bank lending—a key driver of economic growth—remained weak. In that environment, the Federal Reserve held its short-term rate target at 0% to keep credit cheap and readily available.

Better economic and market conditions helped municipal bonds outperform Treasuries. Riskier securities such as high-yield bonds that did worst in the credit crisis performed best in the last six months. Technical (supply and demand) factors also contributed to tax-free municipal bond outperformance, as mutual fund flows remained positive while tax-exempt municipal supply was limited by the Build America Bond program, a federal government program intended to lower borrowing costs and improve access to capital for municipalities. This program took many newly issued bonds out of the municipal market and put them in the taxable universe.

California Municipals Lagged National Averages

Worries about the health of California’s economy and resulting impact on municipal credit quality meant bonds issued by the state and local municipalities underperformed national averages. Indeed, in January, credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s downgraded the state’s tax-supported general obligation (GO) debt rating from A to A–. Despite the downgrade, it is important to point out that we believe California is highly unlikely to default (miss payments) on its GO debt. California’s GO debt continues to be rated “investment grade” by all three big rating agencies, and the state’s constitution requires it to pay debt service on its GO bonds, which have second claim to all general fund revenues behind only education. And, as a state, California cannot file for bankruptcy, nor can it disappear, as can a corporate credit.

U.S. Fixed-Income Total Returns         
For the six months ended February 28, 2010*       
Barclays Capital Municipal Market Indices    Barclays Capital Taxable Market Indices   
Municipal Bond  4.13%  U.S. Aggregate Index  3.19% 
5-Year General Obligation (GO) Bond  3.66%  U.S. Treasury Index  1.44% 
California Tax-Exempt Bond  3.69%  *Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized. 
Long-Term Municipal Bond  5.66%     
Non-Investment-Grade Municipal Bond  12.89%     



California Long-Term Tax-Free         
Total Returns as of February 28, 2010           
          Average Annual Returns   
    Ticker          Since  Inception 
    Symbol  6 months(1)  1 year  5 years  10 years  Inception  Date 
Investor Class  BCLTX  3.49% 9.43% 3.42%  5.24%  6.66% 11/9/83 
Barclays Capital         
Long-Term Municipal         
Bond Index    5.66% 16.61% 3.78%  6.34%        8.16%(2)  
Lipper California         
Municipal Debt Funds         
Average Returns(3)    5.39% 12.61% 2.90%  4.73%        6.77%(4)  
Investor Class’s             
Lipper Ranking(3)             
as of 2/28/10      98 of 126  30 of 105  17 of 81       2 of 2(4)  
as of 3/31/10      92 of 121  27 of 100  21 of 79       2 of 2(4)  
A Class  ALTAX          9/28/07 
No sales charge*    3.36% 9.16%     3.37%  
With sales charge*    -1.26% 4.22%     1.44%  
B Class  ALQBX      9/28/07 
No sales charge*    2.98% 8.34%     2.60%  
With sales charge*    -2.02% 4.34%     1.40%  
C Class  ALTCX      9/28/07 
No sales charge*    2.98% 8.35%     2.60%  
With sales charge*    1.98% 8.35%     2.60%  
*Sales charges include initial sales charges and contingent deferred sales charges (CDSCs), as applicable. A Class shares have a 4.50% 
  maximum initial sales charge for fixed-income funds and may be subject to a maximum CDSC of 1.00%. B Class shares redeemed 
  within six years of purchase are subject to a CDSC that declines from 5.00% during the first year after purchase to 0.00% the sixth 
  year after purchase. C Class shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase are subject to a maximum CDSC of 1.00%. The SEC 
  requires that mutual funds provide performance information net of maximum sales charges in all cases where charges could be applied. 
(1)  Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized.         
(2)  Since 10/31/83, the date nearest the Investor Class’s inception for which data are available.       
(3)  Data provided by Lipper Inc. – A Reuters Company. © 2010 Reuters. All rights reserved. Any copying, republication or redistribution of Lipper 
  content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Lipper. Lipper shall not be 
  liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.       
  Lipper Fund Performance — Performance data is total return, and is preliminary and subject to revision.     
  Lipper Rankings — Rankings are based only on the universe shown and are based on average annual total returns. This listing might not 
  represent the complete universe of funds tracked by Lipper.           
  The data contained herein has been obtained from company reports, financial reporting services, periodicals and other resources believed to be 
  reliable. Although carefully verified, data on compilations is not guaranteed by Lipper and may be incomplete. No offer or solicitations to buy or 
  sell any of the securities herein is being made by Lipper.           
(4)  Since 11/10/83, the date nearest the Investor Class’s inception for which data are available.       

Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline. Investment income may be subject to certain state and local taxes and, depending on your tax status, the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT). Capital gains are not exempt from state and federal income tax.

Unless otherwise indicated, performance reflects Investor Class shares; performance for other share classes will vary due to differences in fee structure. For information about other share classes available, please consult the prospectus. Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the index are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses (such as transaction costs and management fees) that reduce returns, while the total returns of the index do not.


California Long-Term Tax-Free

Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses     
Investor Class  A Class  B Class  C Class 
0.49%  0.74%  1.49%  1.49% 

The total annual fund operating expenses shown is as stated in the fund’s prospectus current as of the date of this report. The prospectus may vary from the expense ratio shown elsewhere in this report because it is based on a different time period, includes acquired fund fees and expenses, and, if applicable, does not include fee waivers or expense reimbursements.

Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline. Investment income may be subject to certain state and local taxes and, depending on your tax status, the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT). Capital gains are not exempt from state and federal income tax.

Unless otherwise indicated, performance reflects Investor Class shares; performance for other share classes will vary due to differences in fee structure. For information about other share classes available, please consult the prospectus. Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the index are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses (such as transaction costs and management fees) that reduce returns, while the total returns of the index do not.


Portfolio Commentary 

California Long-Term Tax-Free

Portfolio Managers: David MacEwen, Joseph Gotelli, and Steven Permut

Performance Summary

California Long-Term Tax-Free returned 3.49%* for the six months ended February 28, 2010. By comparison, the Barclays Capital Long-Term Municipal Bond Index returned 5.66%. The average return of the California Municipal Debt Funds tracked by Lipper was 5.39% for the same period.

The portfolio’s absolute returns reflect the solid performance of municipal bonds over the six-month period (see the Market Perspective on page 3). Relative to the Barclays Capital Long-Term Municipal Bond Index, the portfolio underperformed because of its relatively short duration (reduced price sensitivity to rate changes) and our tendency to favor premium bonds (those with coupons above the prevailing rate) in a period when the longest-term, lowest-coupon bonds performed best.

Relative to the Lipper peer group (which includes both investment-grade and high-yield funds), we believe some of our credit and sector selection decisions explain the underperformance for the six months. Nevertheless, our long-term management approach has resulted in California Long-Term Tax-Free outpacing the Lipper group average return for the five- and 10-year periods ended February 28 (see page 4).

Credit and Sector Allocation Had Mixed Results

We believe we were overweight higher-quality securities and underweight bonds rated BBB relative to our peers, holding more than 50% of assets in securities rated AAA and AA as of February 28. That positioning was key to the portfolio’s outperformance of the Lipper group during the credit crisis, but detracted modestly from relative results in the last six months, when lower-rated bonds did best.

In addition, our long-term, relative-value approach to investing led us to add state general obligation (GO) bonds trading at historically wide yield spreads (meaning they were as cheap relative to high-grade municipals as they’ve ever been), providing a favorable long-term risk/reward trade-off in our view. The bonds trailed other segments of the municipal market in recent months because of concern about California’s economy and budget. We think those concerns are overstated—we believe a default (missed payment) by the state is highly unlikely for many reasons, including the fact that California cannot file for bankruptcy, it is constitutionally required to pay debt service on its GO bonds, and GO debt is second only to education in its claim on all general fund revenues. Holding these bonds dampened recent relative performance—as did an underweight position in tobacco bonds and those issued by gas utilities—but we still like their long-term potential.

At the other end of the spectrum, it was beneficial to be underrepresented in prerefunded securities, which lagged. At the same time, we held an overweight stake in health care and hospital securities, which performed relatively well for the six months.

*All fund returns referenced in this commentary are for Investor Class shares. Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized.


California Long-Term Tax-Free

Changes to Portfolio Positioning

We implemented a yield curve flattening trade using two- and 30-year Treasury futures (the trade was based on the expectation that the yield difference, or spread, between two- and 30-year securities would narrow going forward). We put the trade on in late 2009 when the slope of the Treasury yield curve approached record levels of steepness.

Similarly, we implemented a trade designed to capitalize on the changing yield relationship between Treasury and municipal bonds, a “yield ratio” trade. We put the ratio trade in effect at a time when long-term municipal bond yields exceeded Treasury yields, a rare occurrence. The trade was based on our expectation that municipals would outperform Treasuries, and the yield difference between the two would move toward their normal historical relationship, with municipals yielding less than Treasuries. Municipals outperformed Treasuries, and the ratio declined, so we took our profits and exited this trade in late 2009.


“We’re positive on the municipal market over time, but credit concerns and headline risk (bad publicity resulting from the state’s budget and economic situation) present near-term challenges,” said Steven Permut, leader of the municipal bond team at American Century Investments. “In the long run, we think tax rates have to rise, making municipal bonds’ tax advantages even more appealing. The supply of tax-exempt municipal bonds is also likely to be constrained for the foreseeable future by the Build America Bond program, while demand should be supported by the attractive tax-free yields municipal bonds offer relative to cash and fully taxable investments. We also expect the municipal market to benefit from changes currently under way at the big credit rating agencies, which should better recognize the comparatively high quality of municipal investments. Having said that, economic challenges remain. To be clear, we do not expect wholesale municipal bond defaults, but select issuers could face rating downgrades. We think these conditions put a premium on careful credit analysis and individual security selection—what we believe are two strengths of our management approach.”


California Long-Term Tax-Free     
Portfolio at a Glance     
  As of 2/28/10  As of 8/31/09 
Weighted Average Maturity  16.1 years 17.4 years 
Average Duration (Modified)  7.2 years   7.7 years 
Yields as of February 28, 2010     
30-Day SEC Yield     
Investor Class    3.73% 
A Class    3.32% 
B Class    2.73% 
C Class    2.73% 
Investor Class 30-Day Tax-Equivalent Yields(1)       
32.16% Tax Bracket    5.50% 
34.88% Tax Bracket    5.73% 
39.40% Tax Bracket    6.16% 
41.21% Tax Bracket    6.34% 
(1) The tax brackets indicated are for combined state and federal income tax. Actual tax-equivalent yields may be lower, if alternative minimum tax 
      is applicable.     
Portfolio Composition by Credit Rating     
  % of  % of 
  fund investments  fund investments 
  as of 2/28/10  as of 8/31/09 
AAA  26% 23%
AA  26% 27%
A  33% 36%
BBB  10% 9%
B  1%
Not Rated  4% 5%
Ratings provided by independent research companies. These ratings are listed in Standard & Poor’s format even if they were provided by other 
sources. The letter ratings indicate the credit worthiness of the underlying bonds in the portfolio and generally range from AAA (highest) to D (lowest). 
Top Five Sectors as of February 28, 2010     
    % of 
    fund investments 
General Obligation (GO)    19%
Hospital Revenue    13%
Water/Sewer/Gas Revenue    13%
Certificate of Participation (COPs)/Leases    12%
Prerefunded    9%



California High-Yield Municipal         
Total Returns as of February 28, 2010           
          Average Annual Returns   
    Ticker          Since  Inception 
    Symbol  6 months(1)  1 year  5 years  10 years  Inception  Date 
Investor Class  BCHYX  7.21%  14.90% 3.42%  5.71%  5.86% 12/30/86 
Barclays Capital           
Long-Term Municipal           
Bond Index    5.66%  16.61% 3.78%  6.34%  6.96%(2)  
Lipper California           
Municipal Debt Funds           
Average Returns(3)    5.39%  12.61% 2.90%  4.73%  5.67%(2)  
Investor Class’s               
Lipper Ranking(3)               
as of 2/28/10      12 of 126  29 of 105  2 of 81  8 of 24(2)   
as of 3/31/10      17 of 121  39 of 100  2 of 79  7 of 23(2)   
A Class  CAYAX            1/31/03 
No sales charge*    7.07%  14.61% 3.17%    4.14%   
With sales charge*    2.24%  9.47% 2.23%    3.47%   
B Class  CAYBX          1/31/03 
No sales charge*    6.68%  13.76% 2.40%    3.37%   
With sales charge*    1.68%  9.76% 2.21%    3.37%   
C Class  CAYCX          1/31/03 
No sales charge*    6.68%  13.76% 2.40%    3.40%   
With sales charge*    5.68%  13.76% 2.40%    3.40%   
*Sales charges include initial sales charges and contingent deferred sales charges (CDSCs), as applicable. A Class shares have a 4.50% 
  maximum initial sales charge for fixed-income funds and may be subject to a maximum CDSC of 1.00%. B Class shares redeemed 
  within six years of purchase are subject to a CDSC that declines from 5.00% during the first year after purchase to 0.00% the sixth 
  year after purchase. C Class shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase are subject to a maximum CDSC of 1.00%. The SEC 
  requires that mutual funds provide performance information net of maximum sales charges in all cases where charges could be applied. 
(1)  Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized.         
(2)  Since 12/31/86, the date nearest the Investor Class’s inception for which data are available.       
(3)  Data provided by Lipper Inc. – A Reuters Company. © 2010 Reuters. All rights reserved. Any copying, republication or redistribution of Lipper 
  content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Lipper. Lipper shall not be 
  liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.       
  Lipper Fund Performance — Performance data is total return, and is preliminary and subject to revision.     
  Lipper Rankings — Rankings are based only on the universe shown and are based on average annual total returns. This listing might not 
  represent the complete universe of funds tracked by Lipper.           
  The data contained herein has been obtained from company reports, financial reporting services, periodicals and other resources believed to be 
  reliable. Although carefully verified, data on compilations is not guaranteed by Lipper and may be incomplete. No offer or solicitations to buy or 
  sell any of the securities herein is being made by Lipper.           

Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline. In addition, the lower-rated securities in which the fund invests are subject to greater credit risk, default risk and liquidity risk. Investment income may be subject to certain state and local taxes and, depending on your tax status, the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT). Capital gains are not exempt from state and federal income tax.

Unless otherwise indicated, performance reflects Investor Class shares; performance for other share classes will vary due to differences in fee structure. For information about other share classes available, please consult the prospectus. Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the index are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses (such as transaction costs and management fees) that reduce returns, while the total returns of the index do not.


California High-Yield Municipal

Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses     
Investor Class  A Class  B Class  C Class 
0.52%  0.77%  1.52%  1.52% 

The total annual fund operating expenses shown is as stated in the fund’s prospectus current as of the date of this report. The prospectus may vary from the expense ratio shown elsewhere in this report because it is based on a different time period, includes acquired fund fees and expenses, and, if applicable, does not include fee waivers or expense reimbursements.

Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline. In addition, the lower-rated securities in which the fund invests are subject to greater credit risk, default risk and liquidity risk. Investment income may be subject to certain state and local taxes and, depending on your tax  status, the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT). Capital gains are not exempt from state and federal income tax.

Unless otherwise indicated, performance reflects Investor Class shares; performance for other share classes will vary due to differences in fee structure. For information about other share classes available, please consult the prospectus. Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the index are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses (such as transaction costs and management fees) that reduce returns, while the total returns of the index do not.


Portfolio Commentary 

California High-Yield Municipal

Portfolio Manager: Steven Permut

Performance Summary

For the six months ended February 28, 2010, California High-Yield Municipal returned 7.21%.* By comparison, the Barclays Capital Long-Term Municipal Bond Index—an investment-grade municipal index—and the Barclays Capital Non-Investment-Grade Municipal Bond Index, a municipal high-yield measure, gained 5.66% and 12.89%,** respectively. At the same time, the California Municipal Debt Funds tracked by Lipper—which includes both investment grade and high-yield funds—had an average return of 5.39%. See page 9 for additional performance comparisons.

Credit Allocation Key

The single most important determinant of the portfolio’s relative performance was its credit allocation. The portfolio holds about half its assets in securities rated A or higher, with the other half in bonds rated BBB and below or not rated. In a period when lower-quality bonds beat those with higher credit ratings, the portfolio’s credit allocation meant it outperformed the peer group average and Barclays Capital Long-Term Municipal Bond Index. However, our stake in investment-grade bonds meant that the portfolio lagged the Barclays Capital Non-Investment-Grade Municipal Bond Index.

Sector Allocation Contributed

Just as the lowest-rated securities generally did best in the last six months, so too did bonds from sectors that underperformed during the credit crisis. The key example here is land-secured debt—the portfolio holds about a quarter of assets in land-based deals. These securities underperformed by a wide margin in 2008 as the housing market slumped, economic growth faltered, and liquidity evaporated from the municipal market. And they continued to underperform during the early stages of the recovery in 2009 because these tend to be lower-volatility securities that lag more liquid (easily bought and sold), higher-beta securities. But they did much better in recent months as the economy and housing market improved. It’s also worth pointing out that we tend to favor what we consider to be higher-quality, well structured, “seasoned” land deals that are largely built out (not undeveloped land) and therefore supported by taxpaying residents.

Changes to Portfolio Positioning

We manage the portfolio using a long-term, relative-value approach to investing, looking for what we believe to be high-quality assets trading at temporarily depressed prices, or opportunities that present attractive risk/reward trade-offs. With that in mind, we put in place a yield curve flattening trade using two- and 30-year Treasury futures (the trade was based on the expectation that the yield difference, or spread, between two- and 30-year securities would narrow going forward). We implemented the trade in late 2009 when the slope of the Treasury yield curve approached record levels of steepness.

*All fund returns referenced in this commentary are for Investor Class shares. Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized. 
**The Barclays Capital Non-Investment-Grade Municipal Bond Index returns were 26.56%, 2.87% and 4.99% for the one-, five- and 10-year periods 
   ended February 28, 2010, respectively. 


California High-Yield Municipal

Similarly, we implemented a trade designed to capitalize on the changing yield relationship between Treasury and municipal bonds, a “yield ratio” trade. We put the ratio trade in effect at a time when long-term municipal bond yields exceeded Treasury yields, a rare occurrence. The trade was based on our expectation that municipals would outperform Treasuries, and the yield difference between the two would move toward their normal historical relationship, with municipals yielding less than Treasuries. Municipals outperformed Treasuries, and the ratio declined, so we took our profits and exited this trade in late 2009.

In addition, we increased our exposure to higher-coupon municipal bonds that are likely to be pre-refunded and benefit from a rating upgrade. (Prerefunded bonds have their principal amount offset by an escrow account—often invested in Treasuries—and typically see their credit rating revised up to reflect this fact.) Finally, we continued to improve the portfolio’s diversification by sector (reducing our large stake in land-secured debt in favor of health care and essential-service bonds) and by position size (reducing individual holdings to no more than 1–2% of assets) in this challenging economic, market, and housing environment.


“We’re positive on the municipal market over time, but credit concerns and headline risk (bad publicity resulting from the state’s budget and economic situation) present near-term challenges,” said Steven Permut, leader of the municipal bond team at American Century Investments. “In the long run, we think tax rates have to rise, making municipal bonds’ tax advantages even more appealing. The supply of tax-exempt municipal bonds is also likely to be constrained for the foreseeable future by the Build America Bond program, while demand should be supported by the attractive tax-free yields municipal bonds offer relative to cash and fully taxable investments. We also expect the municipal market to benefit from changes currently under way at the big credit rating agencies, which should better recognize the comparatively high quality of municipal investments. Having said that, economic challenges remain. To be clear, we do not expect wholesale municipal bond defaults, but select issuers could face rating downgrades. We think these conditions put a premium on careful credit analysis and individual security selection—what we believe are two strengths of our management approach.”


California High-Yield Municipal     
Portfolio at a Glance     
    As of 2/28/10  As of 8/31/09 
Weighted Average Maturity  19.5 years  19.4 years 
Average Duration (Modified)    7.7 years    7.8 years 
Yields as of February 28, 2010(1)     
30-Day SEC Yield     
Investor Class    4.68% 
A Class    4.22% 
B Class    3.68% 
C Class    3.68% 
Investor Class 30-Day Tax-Equivalent Yields(2)     
32.16% Tax Bracket    6.90% 
34.88% Tax Bracket    7.19% 
39.40% Tax Bracket    7.72% 
41.21% Tax Bracket    7.96% 
(1)  Yields would have been lower if a portion of fees had not been waived.     
(2)  The tax brackets indicated are for combined state and federal income tax. Actual tax-equivalent yields may be lower, if alternative minimum tax 
  is applicable.     
Portfolio Composition by Credit Rating     
    % of  % of 
    fund investments  fund investments 
    as of 2/28/10  as of 8/31/09 
AAA    16% 19%
AA    15% 16%
A    21% 23%
BBB  11% 9%
BB or lower  1%
Not Rated  36% 33%
Ratings provided by independent research companies. These ratings are listed in Standard & Poor’s format even if they were provided by other 
sources. The letter ratings indicate the credit worthiness of the underlying bonds in the portfolio and generally range from AAA (highest) to D (lowest). 
Top Five Sectors as of February 28, 2010     
      % of 
      fund investments 
Land Based    27%
General Obligation (GO)    12%
Hospital Revenue    10%
Prerefunded    8%
Electrical Revenue    8%


Shareholder Fee Examples (Unaudited) 

Fund shareholders may incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments and redemption/ exchange fees; and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution and service (12b-1) fees; and other fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example is based on an investment of $1,000 made at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period from September 1, 2009 to February 28, 2010.

Actual Expenses

The table provides information about actual account values and actual expenses for each class. You may use the information, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. First, identify the share class you own. Then simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number under the heading “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

If you hold Investor Class shares of any American Century Investments fund, or Institutional Class shares of the American Century Diversified Bond Fund, in an American Century Investments account (i.e., not a financial intermediary or retirement plan account), American Century Investments may charge you a $12.50 semiannual account maintenance fee if the value of those shares is less than $10,000. We will redeem shares automatically in one of your accounts to pay the $12.50 fee. In determining your total eligible investment amount, we will include your investments in all personal accounts (including American Century Investments Brokerage accounts) registered under your Social Security number. Personal accounts include individual accounts, joint accounts, UGMA/UTMA accounts, personal trusts, Coverdell Education Savings Accounts and IRAs (including traditional, Roth, Rollover, SEP-, SARSEP- and SIMPLE-IRAs), and certain other retirement accounts. If you have only business, business retirement, employer-sponsored or American Century Investments Brokerage accounts, you are currently not subject to this fee. We will not charge the fee as long as you choose to manage your accounts exclusively online. If you are subject to the Account Maintenance Fee, your account value could be reduced by the fee amount.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The table also provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the actual expense ratio of each class of your fund and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the actual return of a fund’s share class. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in your fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.


Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads) or redemption/exchange fees. Therefore, the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.

   Beginning  Ending  Expenses Paid   
  Account Value  Account Value  During Period(1)  Annualized 
  9/1/09  2/28/10  9/1/09 – 2/28/10  Expense Ratio(1) 
California Long-Term Tax-Free       
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,034.90  $2.42  0.48% 
A Class  $1,000  $1,033.60  $3.68  0.73% 
B Class  $1,000  $1,029.80  $7.45  1.48% 
C Class  $1,000  $1,029.80  $7.45  1.48% 
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,022.41  $2.41  0.48% 
A Class  $1,000  $1,021.17  $3.66  0.73% 
B Class  $1,000  $1,017.46  $7.40  1.48% 
C Class  $1,000  $1,017.46  $7.40  1.48% 
(1) Expenses are equal to the class’s annualized expense ratio listed in the table above, multiplied by the average account value over the period, 
     multiplied by 181, the number of days in the most recent fiscal half-year, divided by 365, to reflect the one-half year period. 


    Beginning  Ending  Expenses Paid   
    Account Value  Account Value  During Period(1)  Annualized 
    9/1/09  2/28/10  9/1/09 – 2/28/10  Expense Ratio(1) 
California High-Yield Municipal       
Investor Class (after waiver)(2)  $1,000  $1,072.10  $2.52  0.49% 
Investor Class (before waiver)  $1,000      $1,072.10(3)  $2.62  0.51% 
A Class (after waiver)(2)  $1,000  $1,070.70  $3.80  0.74% 
A Class (before waiver)  $1,000      $1,070.70(3)  $3.90  0.76% 
B Class (after waiver)(2)  $1,000  $1,066.80  $7.64  1.49% 
B Class (before waiver)  $1,000      $1,066.80(3)  $7.74  1.51% 
C Class (after waiver)(2)  $1,000  $1,066.80  $7.64  1.49% 
C Class (before waiver)  $1,000      $1,066.80(3)  $7.74  1.51% 
Investor Class (after waiver)(2)  $1,000  $1,022.36  $2.46  0.49% 
Investor Class (before waiver)  $1,000  $1,022.27  $2.56  0.51% 
A Class (after waiver)(2)  $1,000  $1,021.12  $3.71  0.74% 
A Class (before waiver)  $1,000  $1,021.03  $3.81  0.76% 
B Class (after waiver)(2)  $1,000  $1,017.41  $7.45  1.49% 
B Class (before waiver)  $1,000  $1,017.31  $7.55  1.51% 
C Class (after waiver)(2)  $1,000  $1,017.41  $7.45  1.49% 
C Class (before waiver)  $1,000  $1,017.31  $7.55  1.51% 
(1)  Expenses are equal to the class’s annualized expense ratio listed in the table above, multiplied by the average account value over the period, 
  multiplied by 181, the number of days in the most recent fiscal half-year, divided by 365, to reflect the one-half year period. 
(2)  During the six months ended February 28, 2010, the class received a partial waiver of its management fees.   
(3)  Ending account value assumes the return earned after waiver. The return would have been lower had fees not been waived and would have 
  resulted in a lower ending account value.       


Schedule of Investments 

California Long-Term Tax-Free       
FEBRUARY 28, 2010 (UNAUDITED)         
  Principal      Principal   
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
Municipal Securities — 99.5%    California Department of     
      Water Resources Power     
CALIFORNIA — 95.7%      Supply Rev., Series 2002 A,     
ABAG Finance Auth. for      5.50%, 5/1/14 (Ambac)(1)  $ 3,480,000  $       3,831,515 
Nonprofit Corps. Rev.,      California Department of     
(899 Charleston LLC),      Water Resources Power     
VRDN, 0.17%, 3/1/10      Supply Rev., Series 2002 B4,     
(LOC: LaSalle Bank N.A.)  $ 3,400,000  $       3,400,000  VRDN, 0.10%, 3/1/10 (LOC:     
ABAG Finance Auth. for      Bayerische Landesbank)(1)  3,200,000  3,200,000 
Nonprofit Corps. Rev., (Sharp      California Department of     
Healthcare), 6.25%, 8/1/39(1)  2,200,000  2,378,882  Water Resources Power     
Adelanto Public Utility Auth.      Supply Rev., Series 2005 G4,     
Rev., Series 2009 A, (Utility      5.00%, 5/1/16(1)  1,450,000  1,666,195 
System), 6.25%, 7/1/26  750,000  747,263  California Economic Recovery     
Anaheim Public Financing      GO, Series 2004 C2, VRDN,     
Auth. Rev., (Electric System      0.13%, 3/1/10 (LOC: Bank of     
Distribution), 5.25%,      America N.A.)(1)  2,700,000  2,700,000 
10/1/39(1)  4,000,000  4,125,280  California Educational     
Antioch Public Financing      Facilities Auth. Rev.,     
Auth. Lease Rev., Series      (University of Pacific),     
2002 A, (Municipal Facilities),      5.25%, 5/1/34(1)  2,000,000  2,012,200 
5.50%, 1/1/32 (NATL)(1)  5,235,000  5,334,622  California Educational     
Antioch Public Financing      Facilities Auth. Rev.,     
Auth. Lease Rev., Series      (University of Santa Clara),     
2002 B, (Municipal Facilities),      5.625%, 4/1/37  5,000,000  5,311,700 
5.625%, 1/1/27 (NATL)(1)  6,005,000  6,125,460  California Educational     
Avenal Public Financing Auth.      Facilities Auth. Rev., (Western     
Rev., 5.00%, 9/1/25(1)  1,395,000  1,216,719  University Health Sciences),     
Banning COP, (Wastewater      6.00%, 10/1/12, Prerefunded     
System Refunding &      at 100% of Par(1)(2)  1,920,000  2,177,434 
Improvement), 8.00%,      California Educational     
1/1/19 (Ambac)(1)(2)  365,000  438,657  Facilities Auth. Rev.,     
Bay Area Toll Auth. Toll Bridge      Series 2004 C, (Lutheran     
Rev., Series 2008 F1,      University), 5.00%, 10/1/29(1)  1,220,000  1,145,934 
(San Francisco Bay Area),      California Educational     
5.00%, 4/1/39(1)  2,135,000  2,171,871  Facilities Auth. Rev., Series     
Bay Area Toll Auth. Toll Bridge      2005 A, (Occidental College),     
Rev., Series 2009 F1,      5.00%, 10/1/33 (NATL)  1,070,000  1,062,617 
(San Francisco Bay Area),      California Educational     
5.25%, 4/1/27(1)  6,250,000  6,727,000  Facilities Auth. Rev., Series     
Berryessa Union School      2007 A, (Claremont Graduate     
District GO, Series 2001 B,      University), 5.00%, 3/1/42(1)  3,000,000  2,750,010 
(Election of 1999), 5.375%,      California Educational     
8/1/11, Prerefunded at 101%      Facilities Auth. Rev., Series     
of Par (AGM)(1)(2)  1,205,000  1,303,822  2009 A, (University of     
Big Bear Lake Water Rev.,      Southern California),     
6.00%, 4/1/22 (NATL)(1)  3,500,000  4,037,530  5.00%, 10/1/39(1)  3,953,000  4,116,773 
California County Tobacco      California GO,     
Securitization Agency Rev.,      5.00%, 4/1/26(1)  3,000,000  2,986,740 
(Gold Country Settlement      California GO,     
Funding Corp.), 5.25%,      5.75%, 4/1/28(1)  2,000,000  2,090,620 
6/1/46(1)  5,000,000  3,440,450  California GO,     
      5.00%, 6/1/32(1)  6,600,000  6,122,820 


California Long-Term Tax-Free       
  Principal      Principal   
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
California GO,      California Infrastructure &     
5.00%, 11/1/32(1)  $ 9,500,000  $        8,806,690  Economic Development Bank     
California GO,      Rev., (Performing Arts Center     
6.50%, 4/1/33(1)  5,000,000  5,413,350  of Los Angeles County),     
      5.00%, 12/1/37(1)  $ 1,000,000  $        938,620 
California GO,           
5.00%, 4/1/38(1)  7,000,000  6,299,160  California Municipal Finance     
      Auth. Rev., (Community     
California GO,      Hospital of Central     
6.00%, 4/1/38(1)  5,000,000  5,165,900       
      California), 5.50%, 2/1/39(1)  1,450,000  1,278,798 
California GO,      California Pollution Control     
6.00%, 11/1/39(1)  5,000,000  5,173,850       
      Financing Auth. Rev., Series     
California Health Facilities      1996 C, (Pacific Gas and     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      Electric), VRDN, 0.12%,     
1993 C, (St. Francis Memorial      3/1/10 (LOC: JPMorgan     
Hospital), 5.875%, 11/1/23(1)(2)  7,165,000  8,928,306  Chase Bank N.A.)(1)  400,000  400,000 
California Health Facilities      California Public Works Board     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      Lease Rev., Series 1993 A,     
2008 C, (Providence Health &      (Department of Corrections),     
Services), 6.50%, 10/1/33(1)  1,000,000  1,141,230  5.00%, 12/1/19 (Ambac)(1)  4,000,000  4,076,800 
California Health Facilities      California Public Works Board     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      Lease Rev., Series 2005 A,     
2008 J, (Catholic Healthcare      (Department of General     
West), 5.625%, 7/1/32(1)  5,000,000  5,060,500  Services - Butterfield),     
California Health Facilities      5.25%, 6/1/30(1)  1,250,000  1,172,812 
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      California Public Works Board     
2009 A, (Catholic Healthcare      Lease Rev., Series 2006 E,     
West), 6.00%, 7/1/39(1)  3,400,000  3,565,716  (University of California     
California Health Facilities      Research), 5.00%, 10/1/31(1)  1,335,000  1,340,887 
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      California Public Works Board     
2009 A, (Children’s Hospital      Lease Rev., Series 2009 G1,     
of Orange County),      (Various Capital Projects),     
6.50%, 11/1/38(1)  5,000,000  5,271,100  5.75%, 10/1/30(1)  2,000,000  1,999,880 
California Health Facilities      California Public Works Board     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      Lease Rev., Series 2009 H,     
2009 A, (Saint Joseph Health      (Department of Correction     
System), 5.50%, 7/1/29(1)  3,750,000  3,902,588  and Rehabiliation),     
California Health Facilities      5.75%, 11/1/29(1)  2,435,000  2,447,321 
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      California Statewide     
2009 A, (Saint Joseph Health      Communities Development     
System), 5.75%, 7/1/39(1)  3,000,000  3,107,220  Auth. Rev., (John Muir     
California Health Facilities      Health), 5.125%, 7/1/39(1)  625,000  600,681 
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      California Statewide     
2009 B, (Providence Health &      Communities Development     
Services), 5.50%, 10/1/39(1)  1,000,000  1,050,920  Auth. Rev., (Proposition 1A     
California Health Facilities      Receivables), 5.00%,     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      6/15/13(1)  1,350,000  1,454,706 
2010 A, (Scripps Health),      California Statewide     
5.00%, 11/15/36(1)  1,000,000  971,220  Communities Development     
California Infrastructure &      Auth. Rev., Series 1998 A,     
Economic Development Bank      (Sherman Oaks), 5.00%,     
Rev., (India Community      8/1/22 (Ambac/California     
Center), VRDN, 0.15%,      Mortgage Insurance)(1)  6,000,000  5,989,860 
3/1/10 (LOC: Bank of           
America N.A.)  1,750,000  1,750,000       


California Long-Term Tax-Free       
   Principal        Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
California Statewide      Coalinga Public Financing     
Communities Development      Auth. Local Obligation Rev.,     
Auth. Rev., Series 2001 C,      Series 1998 A, (Senior Lien),     
(Kaiser Permanente), VRN,      6.375%, 9/15/21 (Ambac)(1)  $ 1,320,000  $      1,504,061 
5.25%, 8/1/16(1)  $ 5,000,000  $      5,016,050  Concord Joint Powers     
California Statewide      Financing Auth. Lease Rev.,     
Communities Development      (Concord Avenue Parking     
Auth. Rev., Series 2005 A,      Structure), 5.125%, 3/1/23(1)  2,615,000  2,692,352 
(Thomas Jefferson School      Concord Joint Powers     
of Law), 4.875%, 10/1/15,      Financing Auth. Lease Rev.,     
Prerefunded at 100% of      (Police Facilities), 5.25%,     
Par(1)(2)  1,000,000  1,112,980  8/1/13(1)  1,810,000  1,947,904 
California Statewide      Contra Costa Water District     
Communities Development      Rev., Series 1992 E, 6.25%,     
Auth. Rev., Series 2006 B,      10/1/12 (Ambac)(1)  1,205,000  1,299,098 
(Kaiser Permanente),           
5.25%, 3/1/45(1)  5,000,000  4,814,200  Fresno Sewer Rev., Series     
      1993 A1, 6.25%, 9/1/14     
California Statewide      (Ambac)(1)  2,225,000  2,476,470 
Communities Development           
Auth. Rev., Series 2008 B,      Golden State Tobacco     
(Rady Children’s Hospital),      Securitization Corp.     
VRDN, 0.13%, 3/1/10      Settlement Rev., Series     
(LOC: Bank of the West)(1)  1,150,000  1,150,000  2003 A1, 6.25%, 6/1/13,     
      Prerefunded at 100% of     
California Statewide      Par(1)(2)  1,355,000  1,508,603 
Communities Development           
Auth. Rev., Series 2008 C,      Golden State Tobacco     
(Catholic Healthcare West),      Securitization Corp.     
5.625%, 7/1/35(1)  3,000,000  3,038,610  Settlement Rev., Series     
      2007 A1, 5.75%, 6/1/47(1)  10,000,000  7,373,700 
California Statewide           
Communities Development      Golden State Tobacco     
Auth. Rev., Series 2009 A,      Securitization Corp.     
(Kaiser Permanente),      Settlement Rev., Series     
      2007 A1, 5.125%, 6/1/47(1)  4,375,000  2,941,925 
5.00%, 4/1/13(1)  2,500,000  2,726,475       
California University      Hillsborough School District     
Systemwide Rev., Series      GO, Series 2006 B, (Election     
      of 2002), 4.86%, 9/1/29(1)(3)  4,705,000  1,742,026 
2007 A, 5.00%, 11/1/24           
(AGM)(1)  5,000,000  5,384,450  Hillsborough School District     
California University      GO, Series 2006 B, (Election     
      of 2002), 4.87%, 9/1/30(1)(3)  5,010,000  1,722,789 
Systemwide Rev., Series           
2009 A, 5.25%, 11/1/34(1)  2,200,000  2,252,954  Hillsborough School District     
Capistrano Unified School      GO, Series 2006 B, (Election     
      of 2002), 4.88%, 9/1/31(1)(3)  5,335,000  1,717,603 
District Special Tax Rev.,           
(Community Facilities      Huntington Beach Union High     
District No. 88-1), 6.50%,      School District GO, (Election     
9/1/14 (AGM)(1)  5,695,000  5,837,204  of 2004), 4.98%, 8/1/30     
      (AGM-CR)(NATL)(1)(3)  6,880,000  1,961,350 
Carlsbad Unified School           
District GO, Series 2007 A,      Huntington Beach Union High     
(Election of 2006), 5.25%,      School District GO, (Election     
8/1/32 (NATL)(1)  1,125,000  1,191,589  of 2004), 5.00%, 8/1/31     
      (NATL)(1)(3)  5,000,000  1,304,200 
Castaic Lake Water Agency           
COP, Series 1994 A, (Water           
System Improvement),           
7.00%, 8/1/12 (NATL)(1)  1,520,000  1,718,588       


California Long-Term Tax-Free       
   Principal       Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
Irvine Improvement Bond Act      Modesto Irrigation District     
of 1915 Special Assessment      COP, Series 2009 A, 5.75%,     
Rev., Series 2004 A,      10/1/34(1)  $ 2,500,000  $       2,650,575 
(Assessment District      M-S-R Public Power Agency     
No. 03-19), VRDN, 0.13%,      Rev., Series 1989 D,     
3/1/10 (LOC: Bank of New      (San Juan), 6.75%, 7/1/20     
York and California State      (NATL)(1)(2)  8,145,000  10,019,409 
Teacher’s Retirement)(1)  $ 1,291,000  $       1,291,000       
      New Haven Unified School     
Kern High School District GO,      District GO, 12.00%, 8/1/18     
7.15%, 8/1/14 (NATL)(1)(2)  1,815,000  2,286,664  (AGM)(1)  1,000,000  1,657,210 
Kern High School District GO,      Northern California Power     
Series 1992 C, (Election of      Agency Rev., Series 2010 A,     
1990), 6.25%, 8/1/13      4.00%, 7/1/14(4)  1,000,000  1,092,890 
(NATL)(1)(2)  1,340,000  1,583,223       
      Oakland Redevelopment     
Kern High School District GO,      Agency Tax Allocation Rev.,     
Series 2004 B, (Election of      (Central District), 5.50%,     
2004), 4.50%, 8/1/17  3,630,000  4,701,649  2/1/14 (Ambac)(1)  4,160,000  4,250,646 
Lancaster Financing Auth. Tax      Orange County Improvement     
Allocation Rev., (Projects      Bond Act of 1915 Special     
No. 5 & 6), 5.60%, 2/1/34(1)  1,250,000  1,194,488  Assessment Rev., (Newport     
Lodi Unified School District      Coast Phase IV Assessment     
COP, Series 2005 A, (Aspire),      District No. 01-1), 5.00%,     
5.00%, 8/1/32 (FGIC)      9/2/26  850,000  758,404 
(NATL)(1)  2,140,000  2,100,303  Oxnard School District GO,     
Los Angeles Department of      Series 2001 A, 5.75%, 8/1/22     
Airports Rev., Series 2008 C,      (NATL)(1)  3,100,000  3,437,652 
(Los Angeles International      Palomar Pomerado Health     
Airport), 5.25%, 5/15/21(1)  4,370,000  4,761,945  Care District COP, 6.75%,     
Los Angeles Department of      11/1/39  1,750,000  1,807,750 
Water & Power Rev., Series      Palomar Pomerado Health     
2008 A1, (Power System),      GO, Series 2009 A, (Election     
5.25%, 7/1/38(1)  4,000,000  4,259,600  of 2004), 0.00%, 8/1/19     
Los Angeles Department of      (AGC)(1)(5)  1,670,000  1,027,417 
Water & Power Waterworks      Pasadena COP, (Old     
Rev., Series 2009 B,      Pasadena Parking Facility),     
5.00%, 7/1/20(1)  5,000,000  5,730,650  6.25%, 1/1/18(1)  1,895,000  2,227,610 
Manhattan Beach Unified      Perris Public Financing Auth.     
School District GO, Series      Tax Allocation Rev., 5.35%,     
2009 A, (Election of 2008),      10/1/36  1,150,000  915,147 
6.37%, 9/1/29(1)(3)  5,905,000  1,770,142       
      Pico Rivera Water Auth.     
Metropolitan Water District      Rev., Series 1999 A, (Water     
of Southern California Rev.,      System), 5.50%, 5/1/29     
5.75%, 8/10/18(1)  8,000,000  9,467,600  (NATL)(1)  2,500,000  2,832,975 
Metropolitan Water District      Pomona Unified School     
of Southern California Rev.,      District GO, Series 2000 A,     
Series 2006 B, 4.375%,      6.55%, 8/1/29 (NATL)(1)  1,000,000  1,182,900 
7/1/37(1)  2,500,000  2,429,900       
      Pomona Unified School     
Metropolitan Water District      District GO, Series 2001 A,     
of Southern California Rev.,      6.15%, 8/1/30 (NATL)(1)  1,000,000  1,103,240 
Series 2009 B, 5.00%,           
7/1/30(1)  4,000,000  4,240,320  Poway Unified School District     
      Public Financing Auth. Rev.,     
Metropolitan Water District      7.875%, 9/15/39  1,070,000  1,150,015 
of Southern California Rev.,           
Series 2009 C, 5.00%,           
7/1/35(1)  1,150,000  1,194,747       


California Long-Term Tax-Free       
    Principal      Principal   
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
Riverside Redevelopment      San Pablo Redevelopment     
Agency Tax Allocation Rev.,      Agency Tax Allocation Rev.,     
Series 2004 A, (Housing      (Tenth Township), VRDN,     
Set-Aside), 5.00%, 8/1/28      0.13%, 3/1/10 (LOC: Union     
(FGIC)(NATL)(1)  $ 1,330,000  $       1,257,941  Bank of California)(1)  $ 4,000,000  $       4,000,000 
Sacramento County Airport      Santa Margarita-Dana Point     
System Rev., Series 2009 D,      Auth. Rev., Series 1994 B,     
(Grant Revenue Bonds),      (Improvement Districts 3,     
5.625%, 7/1/29(1)  1,000,000  1,078,220  3A, 4, 4A), 7.25%, 8/1/14     
Saddleback Valley Unified      (NATL)(1)  2,000,000  2,376,820 
School District Public      Shasta Lake Public Finance     
Financing Auth. Special Tax      Auth. Rev., 5.00%, 4/1/25(1)  2,470,000  2,310,611 
Rev., Series 1997 A, 6.00%,      South Coast Air Quality     
9/1/16 (AGM)(1)  1,000,000  1,171,150  Management District Building     
San Bernardino Community      Corp. Rev., (Installment Sale     
College District GO, Series      Headquarters), 6.00%, 8/1/11     
2008 A, (Election of 2002),      (Ambac)(1)  2,500,000  2,564,100 
6.25%, 8/1/33(1)  1,800,000  2,017,566  South Orange County Public     
San Bernardino Community      Financing Auth. Special Tax     
College District GO, Series      Rev., Series 1994 A, (Senior     
2009 B, (Election of 2008),      Lien), 7.00%, 9/1/11 (NATL)(1)  2,000,000  2,161,200 
0.00%, 8/1/19(1)(5)  7,400,000  4,435,560  Southern California Public     
San Diego County COP      Power Auth. Rev., (Multiple     
Linked Security, ARC, YCC,      Projects), 6.75%, 7/1/12     
5.625%, 9/1/12 (Ambac)(1)  5,300,000  5,503,626  (AGM-CR)(1)  7,315,000  8,238,958 
San Diego County Water      Southern California Public     
Financing Agency Auth.      Power Auth. Rev., (Multiple     
Rev., Series 2010 A, 5.00%,      Projects), 6.75%, 7/1/13     
5/1/24(1)  5,000,000  5,517,300  (AGM-CR)(1)  3,730,000  4,374,880 
San Diego Public Facilities      Stanton Redevelopment     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      Agency Tax Allocation Rev.,     
2009 A, 5.25%, 5/15/34(1)  2,000,000  2,095,120  (Community Development),     
San Francisco City and      5.45%, 12/1/17 (Ambac)(1)  1,010,000  1,012,899 
County Airports Commission      Taft Public Financing Auth.     
Rev., Series 2009 D, VRDN,      Lease Rev., Series 1997 A,     
2.25%, 12/4/12(1)  1,500,000  1,524,195  (Community Correctional     
San Francisco City and      Facility Acquisition), 6.05%,     
County Airports Commission      1/1/17(1)  2,000,000  2,003,140 
Rev., Series 2009 E, 5.25%,      Tuolumne Wind Project Auth.     
5/1/23(1)  2,000,000  2,140,700  Rev., Series 2009 A, 5.625%,     
San Francisco City and      1/1/29(1)  1,200,000  1,289,400 
County COP, Series      Turlock Health Facility COP,     
2009 A, (Multiple Capital      (Emanuel Medical Center,     
Improvement), 5.00%,      Inc.), 5.50%, 10/15/18(1)  1,215,000  1,221,318 
4/1/29(1)  1,170,000  1,168,514  Turlock Health Facility COP,     
San Mateo County Joint      (Emanuel Medical Center,     
Powers Financing Auth.      Inc.), 5.50%, 10/15/19(1)  1,285,000  1,282,057 
Lease Rev., (Capital Projects      Tustin Improvement Bond Act     
Program), 6.50%, 7/1/15      1915 Special Assessment Rev.,     
(NATL)(1)  3,000,000  3,580,590  Series 1996 A, (Reassessment     
San Mateo County Joint      District No. 95-2), VRDN,     
Powers Financing Auth.      0.15%, 3/1/10 (LOC: Bank of     
Lease Rev., (Capital Projects      New York)(1)  1,000,000  1,000,000 
Program), 6.00%, 7/1/19      Ukiah Electric Rev., 6.25%,     
(NATL)(1)  4,000,000  4,657,560  6/1/18 (NATL)(1)  2,315,000  2,515,572 


California Long-Term Tax-Free         
    Principal      Principal   
    Amount  Value      Amount  Value 
Ventura County Community      PUERTO RICO — 2.8%       
College District GO, Series      Puerto Rico Electric Power       
2008 C, (Election of 2002),      Auth. Rev., Series 2002 II,       
5.50%, 8/1/33(1)  $ 5,000,000  $      5,254,300  5.375%, 7/1/12, Prerefunded       
Vernon Electric System Rev.,      at 101% of Par (XLCA)(1)(2)  $ 4,000,000  $      4,481,400 
Series 2009 A, 5.125%,      Puerto Rico Government       
8/1/21(1)  5,000,000  5,290,250  Development Bank Rev.,       
Vista COP, (Community      4.75%, 12/1/15 (NATL)(1)    1,000,000  1,029,330 
Projects), 5.00%, 5/1/37      Puerto Rico Highway &       
(NATL)(1)  6,000,000  5,555,040  Transportation Auth. Rev.,       
Walnut Valley Unified School      Series 2007 M, 5.00%,       
District GO, Series 1992 B,      7/1/22(1)    3,220,000  3,225,667 
6.00%, 8/1/10 (Ambac)(1)(2)  1,445,000  1,481,515  Puerto Rico Infrastructure       
Watsonville Insured Hospital      Financing Auth. Special Tax       
Rev., Series 1996 A,      Rev., Series 2005 C, 5.50%,       
(Community Hospital),      7/1/23 (Ambac)(1)    2,000,000  2,086,480 
6.20%, 7/1/12 (California      University of Puerto Rico       
Mortgage Insurance)(1)(2)  1,925,000  2,063,927  Rev., Series 2006 Q, 5.00%,       
Woodland COP, (Wastewater      6/1/12(1)    1,200,000  1,255,128 
System), 5.75%, 3/1/12            12,078,005 
(Ambac)(1)  1,690,000  1,747,105         
        U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS — 0.8%     
Woodland Finance Auth. Rev.,             
Series 2009 A, (Senior Lien),      Virgin Islands Public Finance       
5.00%, 3/1/32(1)  3,305,000  3,391,822  Auth. Rev., Series 2009 B,       
        (Senior Lien), 5.00%,       
Yolo County Multifamily      10/1/17(1)    3,480,000  3,650,590 
Housing Rev., Series 1998             
A, (Primero Grove), VRDN,      TOTAL INVESTMENT       
0.23%, 3/4/10 (LOC: Bank of      SECURITIES — 99.5%       
the West and California State      (Cost $417,690,806)      432,937,536 
Teacher’s Retirement)(1)  1,480,000  1,480,000  OTHER ASSETS AND       
      416,254,437  LIABILITIES — 0.5%      2,206,031 
GUAM — 0.2%      TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%    $435,143,567 
Guam Government GO,             
Series 2009 A, 6.75%,             
11/15/29(1)  900,000  954,504         
Futures Contracts               
          Underlying Face       
  Contracts Purchased    Expiration Date    Amount at Value    Unrealized Gain (Loss) 
60  U.S. Long Bond    June 2010    $7,061,250    $76,478 
          Underlying Face       
  Contracts Sold    Expiration Date    Amount at Value    Unrealized Gain (Loss) 
193  U.S. Treasury 2-Year Notes  June 2010  $41,965,438    $(87,885) 


California Long-Term Tax-Free 
Notes to Schedule of Investments 
ABAG = Association of Bay Area Governments 
AGC = Assured Guaranty Corporation 
AGM = Assured Guaranty Municipal Corporation 
AGM-CR = Assured Guaranty Municipal Corporation – Custodial Receipts 
Ambac = Ambac Assurance Corporation 
ARC = Auction Rate Certificate 
COP = Certificates of Participation 
FGIC = Financial Guaranty Insurance Company 
GO = General Obligation 
LOC = Letter of Credit 
M-S-R = Modesto, Stockton, Redding 
NATL = National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation 
VRDN = Variable Rate Demand Note. Interest reset date is indicated. Rate shown is effective at the period end. 
VRN = Variable Rate Note. Interest reset date is indicated. Rate shown is effective at the period end. 
XLCA = XL Capital Ltd. 
YCC = Yield Curve Certificate 
(1)  Security, or a portion thereof, has been segregated for when-issued securities and/or futures contracts. At the period end, the aggregate value of 
  securities pledged was $50,120,000. 
(2)  Escrowed to maturity in U.S. government securities or state and local government securities. 
(3)  Security is a zero-coupon municipal bond. The rate indicated is the yield to maturity at purchase. Zero-coupon securities are issued at a 
  substantial discount from their value at maturity. 
(4)  When-issued security. 
(5)  Convertible capital appreciation bond. These securities are issued with a zero-coupon and become interest bearing at a predetermined rate and 
  date and are issued at a substantial discount from their value at maturity. Interest reset or final maturity date is indicated, as applicable. Rate 
  shown is effective at the period end. 

See Notes to Financial Statements.


California High-Yield Municipal       
FEBRUARY 28, 2010 (UNAUDITED)         
  Principal        Principal   
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
Municipal Securities — 98.2%    Berryessa Union School     
      District GO, Series 2000 A,     
CALIFORNIA — 93.8%      6.18%, 8/1/21 (AGM)(1)(2)  $ 1,190,000  $      648,490 
ABAG Finance Auth. for      Berryessa Union School     
Nonprofit Corps. Rev.,      District GO, Series 2000 A,     
(Oshman Family Jewish      6.05%, 8/1/22 (AGM)(1)(2)  1,220,000  623,627 
Community), VRDN,      Berryessa Union School     
0.15%, 3/1/10 (LOC:      District GO, Series 2000 A,     
LaSalle Bank N.A.)  $ 1,050,000  $      1,050,000  6.06%, 8/1/23 (AGM)(1)(2)  1,000,000  478,010 
ABAG Finance Auth. for      California Department of     
Nonprofit Corps. Rev., (Sharp      Water Resources Power     
Healthcare), 6.25%, 8/1/39(1)  1,800,000  1,946,358       
      Supply Rev., Series 2002 B4,     
ABC Unified School District      VRDN, 0.10%, 3/1/10 (LOC:     
GO, Series 2000 B, 6.14%,      Bayerische Landesbank)(1)  5,900,000  5,900,000 
8/1/21 (NATL/FGIC)(1)(2)  1,000,000  531,770       
      California Department of     
Adelanto Public Utility Auth.      Water Resources Power     
Rev., Series 2009 A, 6.75%,      Supply Rev., Series 2008 H,     
7/1/39  5,225,000  5,174,945  5.00%, 5/1/22(1)  4,500,000  4,949,460 
Alhambra Rev., Series      California Department of     
2010 A, (Atherton Baptist      Water Resources Water     
Homes), 7.50%, 1/1/30  1,640,000  1,651,086  System Rev., Series 2008 AE,     
Anaheim Public Financing      (Central Valley), 5.00%,     
Auth. Lease Rev., Series      12/1/23(1)  2,500,000  2,806,425 
1997 A, (Public      California Economic Recovery     
Improvements), 6.00%,      GO, Series 2004 A, 5.25%,     
9/1/24 (AGM)(1)  1,200,000  1,375,908  7/1/14 (NATL/FGIC)(1)  6,000,000  6,842,820 
Beaumont Financing Auth.      California Educational     
Local Agency Special Tax      Facilities Auth. Rev., (Western     
Rev., Series 2004 D,      University Health Sciences),     
5.80%, 9/1/35  2,875,000  2,570,279  6.00%, 10/1/12, Prerefunded     
Beaumont Financing Auth.      at 100% of Par(1)(3)  1,505,000  1,678,662 
Local Agency Special Tax      California Educational     
Rev., Series 2005 B,      Facilities Auth. Rev.,     
5.40%, 9/1/35  1,390,000  1,163,374  Series 2008 A, (Chapman     
Beaumont Financing Auth.      University), VRDN, 0.15%,     
Local Agency Special Tax      3/1/10 (LOC: Bank of     
Rev., Series 2005 C,      America N.A.)  2,050,000  2,050,000 
5.50%, 9/1/29  855,000  761,207  California Educational     
Beaumont Financing Auth.      Facilities Auth. Rev., Series     
Local Agency Special Tax      2009 A, (Pomona College),     
Rev., Series 2005 C,      5.00%, 1/1/24(1)  1,400,000  1,585,290 
5.50%, 9/1/35  4,000,000  3,126,200  California GO,     
Beaumont Financing Auth.      5.25%, 10/1/29(1)  5,000,000  4,957,450 
Local Agency Special      California GO,     
Tax Rev., Series 2006 A,      5.25%, 3/1/38(1)  6,000,000  5,608,500 
(Improvement Area No. 19C),      California GO,     
5.35%, 9/1/36  2,700,000  2,050,326  6.00%, 4/1/38(1)  5,000,000  5,165,900 
Beaumont Financing Auth.      California Health Facilities     
Local Agency Special      Financing Auth. Rev.,     
Tax Rev., Series 2008 A,      Series 1989 A, (Kaiser     
(Improvement Area No. 19C),      Permanente), 7.15%, 10/1/12     
6.875%, 9/1/36  1,050,000  990,969  (Ambac - TCRS)(1)(2)  4,000,000  3,816,120 


California High-Yield Municipal       
   Principal        Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
California Health Facilities      California Public Works Board     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      Lease Rev., Series 1993 D,     
2008 A, (Scripps Health),      (Department of Corrections),     
5.50%, 10/1/20(1)  $ 1,500,000  $       1,659,960  5.25%, 6/1/15 (AGM)(1)  $ 2,000,000  $      2,205,120 
California Health Facilities      California Public Works Board     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      Lease Rev., Series 2009 G1,     
2008 A, (Sutter Health),      (Various Capital Projects),     
5.50%, 8/15/16(1)  5,000,000  5,654,700  5.75%, 10/1/30(1)  2,000,000  1,999,880 
California Health Facilities      California State Department     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      of Water Resources Power     
2008 A3, (Stanford Hospital),      Supply Rev., Series 2005 F2,     
VRDN, 3.45%, 6/15/11(1)  3,700,000  3,808,854  VRDN, 0.11%, 3/1/10 (LOC:     
California Health Facilities      JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      and Societe Generale)(1)  200,000  200,000 
2008 C, (Providence Health &      California State Department     
Services), 6.50%, 10/1/33(1)  1,000,000  1,141,230  of Water Resources Rev.,     
California Health Facilities      Series 2009 AF, (Water     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      System), 5.00%, 12/1/32(1)  1,000,000  1,057,710 
2008 G, (Catholic Healthcare      California State University     
West), 5.50%, 7/1/25(1)  2,000,000  2,070,180  Fresno Association, Inc. Rev.,     
California Health Facilities      (Auxiliary Organization     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      Event Center), 7.00%,     
2009 A, (Catholic Healthcare      7/1/12, Prerefunded at     
West), 6.00%, 7/1/39(1)  4,300,000  4,509,582  101% of Par(1)(3)  2,455,000  2,820,132 
California Health Facilities      California State University     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      Rev., Series 2005 C,     
2009 A, (Children’s Hospital      (Systemwide Financing     
of Orange County), 6.50%,      Program), 5.00%,     
11/1/38(1)  3,000,000  3,162,660  11/1/30 (NATL)(1)  10,000,000  10,167,300 
California Mobilehome Park      California State University     
Financing Auth. Rev.,      Rev., Series 2009 A,     
Series 2000 B, (Union City      (Systemwide Financing     
Tropics), 7.30%, 8/15/10,      Program), 5.25%, 11/1/38(1)  3,000,000  3,043,410 
Prerefunded at 102% of Par(3)  4,410,000  4,637,997  California Statewide     
California Mobilehome Park      Communities Development     
Financing Auth. Rev.,      Auth. COP, (Sonoma County     
Series 2001 B, (Rancho      Indian Health), 6.40%,     
Vallecitos - San Marcos),      9/1/29(1)  2,290,000  2,292,908 
6.75%, 11/15/36  1,905,000  1,815,541  California Statewide     
California Mobilehome Park      Communities Development     
Financing Auth. Rev.,      Auth. Rev., (Drew School),     
Series 2003 B, (Palomar      5.30%, 10/1/37  1,070,000  823,483 
Estates E&W), 7.00%,      California Statewide     
9/15/36(1)  6,345,000  6,202,682  Communities Development     
California Mobilehome Park      Auth. Rev., (John Muir     
Financing Auth. Rev.,      Health), 5.125%, 7/1/39(1)  625,000  600,681 
Series 2006 B, (Union City      California Statewide     
Tropics), 5.50%, 12/15/41  2,000,000  1,606,500  Communities Development     
California Municipal Finance      Auth. Rev., (Lancer     
Auth. Rev., (Biola University),      Educational Student     
5.875%, 10/1/34  1,000,000  1,017,640  Housing), 5.625%, 6/1/33  2,500,000  2,058,300 
California Municipal Finance      California Statewide     
Auth. Rev., (Community      Communities Development     
Hospital of Central      Auth. Rev., (Southern     
California), 5.50%, 2/1/39(1)  1,450,000  1,278,799  California Presbyterian     
      Homes), 7.25%, 11/15/41(1)  2,500,000  2,666,600 


California High-Yield Municipal       
  Principal          Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
California Statewide      Chula Vista Industrial     
Communities Development      Development Rev., Series     
Auth. Rev., (Thomas      2004 D, (San Diego Gas),     
Jefferson School of Law),      5.875%, 1/1/34(1)  $ 1,000,000  $      1,099,970 
7.75%, 10/1/11, Prerefunded      Clovis Public Financing Auth.     
at 101% of Par(1)(3)  $ 1,885,000  $      2,093,556  Lease Rev., (Corporate Yard),     
California Statewide      5.375%, 3/1/20 (Ambac)(1)  1,780,000  1,870,086 
Communities Development      Corcoran COP, 8.75%,     
Auth. Rev., Series 2001 C,      6/1/16(4)  405,000  476,474 
(Kaiser Permanente), VRN,           
5.25%, 8/1/16(1)  4,000,000  4,012,840  Corona Department of     
      Water & Power COP, 5.00%,     
California Statewide      9/1/35 (NATL)(1)  2,000,000  1,980,060 
Communities Development           
Auth. Rev., Series 2006 A,      Duarte Unified School District     
(John Muir Health),      GO, Series 1999 B, 6.08%,     
      11/1/23 (AGM)(1)(2)  1,150,000  541,857 
5.00%, 8/15/34(1)  2,000,000  1,910,320       
California Statewide      Eastern Municipal Water     
Communities Development      District Water & Sewer COP,     
Auth. Rev., Series 2007 A,      Series 2008 H, 5.00%,     
      7/1/33(1)  4,500,000  4,557,915 
(California Baptist University),           
5.50%, 11/1/38  7,000,000  5,671,190  El Dorado County Community     
California Statewide      Facilities District No. 2001-1     
Communities Development      Special Tax Rev., (Promontory     
Auth. Rev., Series 2007 A,      Specific), 6.30%, 9/1/31  2,500,000  2,177,225 
(Front Porch Communities      El Dorado County Community     
and Services), 5.125%,      Facilities District No. 2005-1     
4/1/37(1)(4)  3,400,000  2,826,386  Special Tax Rev., 5.25%,     
California Statewide      9/1/35  3,400,000  2,457,860 
Communities Development      Folsom Community Facilities     
Auth. Rev., Series 2007 A,      District No. 7 Special Tax     
(Valleycare Health System),      Rev., 5.75%, 9/1/14  2,450,000  2,473,618 
5.125%, 7/15/31  2,000,000  1,636,720  Folsom Community Facilities     
California Statewide      District No. 10 Special Tax     
Communities Development      Rev., 7.00%, 9/1/24  2,610,000  2,619,213 
Auth. Rev., Series 2009 A,      Folsom Community Facilities     
(Kaiser Permanente),      District No. 14 Special     
5.00%, 4/1/19(1)  5,000,000  5,408,900  Tax Rev., 6.30%, 9/1/11,     
Capistrano Unified School      Prerefunded at 102% of Par(3)  6,500,000  7,163,325 
District Special Tax Rev.,      Foothill-De Anza Community     
(Community Facilities District      College District GO, 6.16%,     
No. 90-2), 6.00%, 9/1/33  6,250,000  5,904,688  8/1/21 (NATL)(1)(2)  3,000,000  1,795,440 
Carmel Unified School District      Fullerton Community     
GO, 5.50%, 8/1/25 (NATL)(1)  1,000,000  1,020,930  Facilities District No. 1     
Carson Redevelopment      Special Tax Rev., (Amerige     
Agency Tax Allocation Rev.,      Heights), 6.20%, 9/1/32  3,000,000  2,921,940 
Series 2009 A, (Project Area      Fullerton Unified School     
No. 1), 7.00%, 10/1/36(1)  2,000,000  2,162,360  District Special Tax Rev.,     
Chino Valley Unified School      (Community Facilities District     
District COP, Series 2001 A,      No. 2001-1), 6.375%, 9/1/31  5,000,000  5,000,700 
5.375%, 9/1/20 (AGM)(1)  1,700,000  1,765,620  Glendale Unified School     
Chula Vista Community      District GO, Series 1999 C,     
Facilities District No. 06-1      6.00%, 3/1/10, Prerefunded     
Area A Special Tax Rev.,      at 101% of Par (AGM)(1)(3)  2,630,000  2,658,430 
(Eastlake Woods),           
6.20%, 9/1/33  3,600,000  3,538,764       


California High-Yield Municipal       
    Principal          Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
Golden State Tobacco      Irvine Improvement Bond Act     
Securitization Corp.      of 1915 Special Assessment     
Settlement Rev., Series      Rev., Series 2006 B,     
2007 A1, 5.75%, 6/1/47(1)  $ 7,500,000  $       5,530,275  (Reassessment District     
Golden State Tobacco      No. 03-19), VRDN, 0.13%,     
Securitization Corp.      3/1/10 (LOC: Bank of New     
Settlement Rev., Series      York and California State     
2007 A1, 5.125%, 6/1/47(1)  8,500,000  5,715,740  Teacher’s Retirement)  $ 924,000  $       924,000 
Hawaiian Gardens COP,      Irvine Unified School District     
Series 2000 A, 8.00%, 6/1/10,      Special Tax Rev., (Community     
Prerefunded at 102% of Par(3)  2,965,000  3,078,204  Facilities District No. 06-1),     
Hemet Unified School District      6.70%, 9/1/35  1,000,000  1,009,740 
Special Tax Rev., (Community      Jurupa Special Tax Rev.,     
Facilities District No. 2005-2),      Series 2008 A, (Community     
5.25%, 9/1/30  2,670,000  2,281,301  Facilities District No. 25),     
Hemet Unified School District      8.875%, 9/1/38  2,000,000  2,146,040 
Special Tax Rev., (Community      Lake Elsinore Community     
Facilities District No. 2005-2),      Facilities District No. 2004-3     
5.25%, 9/1/35  1,510,000  1,234,546  Special Tax Rev., Series     
      2005 A, (Rosetta Canyon     
Hesperia Public Financing      Improvement Area No. 1),     
Auth. Tax Allocation Rev.,      5.25%, 9/1/35  1,225,000  976,545 
Series 2007 A,           
(Redevelopment and Housing),      Lake Elsinore Community     
5.50%, 9/1/32 (XLCA)(1)  3,000,000  2,740,140  Facilities District No. 2004-3     
      Special Tax Rev., Series     
Hesperia Public Financing      2006 A, (Rosetta Canyon     
Auth. Tax Allocation Rev.,      Improvement Area No. 2),     
Series 2007 A,      5.25%, 9/1/37  5,000,000  3,795,850 
(Redevelopment and Housing),           
5.50%, 9/1/37 (XLCA)(1)  2,025,000  1,785,787  Lake Elsinore Community     
      Facilities District No. 2005-1     
Highland Community Facilities      Special Tax Rev., Series     
District No. 2001-1 Special      2006 A, (Serenity),     
Tax Rev., 6.45%, 9/1/28  2,000,000  1,999,980  5.35%, 9/1/36  1,100,000  886,787 
Imperial Irrigation District      Lake Elsinore Community     
COP, (Water System), 5.50%,      Facilities District No. 2005-2     
7/1/29 (Ambac)(1)  5,000,000  5,090,400       
      Special Tax Rev., Series     
Independent Cities Lease      2005 A, (Alverhill Ranch     
Finance Auth. Rev., Series      Improvement Area A),     
2004 A, (Morgan Hill -      5.45%, 9/1/36  5,000,000  3,896,150 
Hacienda Valley Mobile      Lake Elsinore Community     
Estates), 5.90%, 11/15/34  2,235,000  2,037,717  Facilities District No. 2006-2     
Independent Cities Lease      Special Tax Rev., Series     
Finance Auth. Rev., Series      2006 A, (Viscaya),     
2006 B, (San Juan Mobile      5.40%, 9/1/36  2,020,000  1,641,432 
Estates), 5.55%, 5/15/31  500,000  428,275  Lake Elsinore Unified School     
Independent Cities Lease      District Special Tax Rev.,     
Finance Auth. Rev., Series      (Community Facilities District     
2006 B, (San Juan Mobile      No. 2005-1, Improvement     
Estates), 5.85%, 5/15/41  1,150,000  981,697  Area A), 5.40%, 9/1/35  2,245,000  1,867,167 
Independent Cities Lease      Lincoln Community Facilities     
Finance Auth. Rev., Series      District No. 2003-1 Special     
2007 A, (Santa Rosa Leisure      Tax Rev., (Lincoln Crossing),     
Mobilehome Park), 5.70%,      6.00%, 9/1/13, Prerefunded     
11/15/47  3,430,000  3,021,727  at 102% of Par(3)  1,775,000  2,108,682 


California High-Yield Municipal       
   Principal          Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
Los Angeles Community      Oceanside Community     
College District GO, Series      Development Commission     
2008 F1, (Election of 2003),      Tax Allocation Rev.,     
5.00%, 8/1/27(1)  $ 2,000,000  $       2,108,200  (Downtown Redevelopment),     
Los Angeles Community      5.70%, 9/1/25(1)  $ 3,500,000  $      3,500,735 
Facilities District No. 3      Oceanside Community     
Special Tax Rev., (Cascades      Facilities District No. 2001-1     
Business Park & Golf Course),      Special Tax Rev., Series     
6.40%, 9/1/22  1,310,000  1,299,979  2002 A, (Morrow Hills     
Los Angeles Department of      Development), 6.20%, 9/1/32  2,590,000  2,392,564 
Airports Rev., Series 2008 C,      Oxnard School District GO,     
(Los Angeles International      Series 2001 A, 5.75%,     
Airport), 5.25%, 5/15/25(1)  2,000,000  2,116,060  8/1/30 (NATL)(1)  3,000,000  3,210,690 
Manteca Unified School      Palmdale Water District     
District GO, (Election of 2004),      COP, 5.00%, 10/1/34     
4.92%, 8/1/30 (NATL)(1)(2)  5,455,000  1,396,971  (NATL/FGIC)(1)  2,950,000  2,763,590 
Metropolitan Water District      Palomar Pomerado Health     
of Southern California Rev.,      Care District COP,     
Series 2009 C,      6.75%, 11/1/39  4,250,000  4,390,250 
5.00%, 7/1/35(1)  1,150,000  1,194,746  Palomar Pomerado Health     
Milpitas Improvement      Care District COP, (Indian     
Bond Act of 1915 Special      Health Council, Inc.),     
Assessment Rev., Series      6.25%, 10/1/29(1)  2,410,000  2,348,786 
1996 A, (Local Improvement      Perris Community Facilities     
District No. 18), 6.75%, 9/2/16  1,480,000  1,488,599  District No. 2004-3 Special     
Modesto Irrigation District      Tax Rev., Series 2005 A,     
COP, Series 2009 A,      (Improvement Area No. 2),     
(Capital Improvements),      5.30%, 9/1/35  1,365,000  1,038,792 
6.00%, 10/1/39(1)  3,000,000  3,235,170  Perris Public Financing     
Montebello Community      Auth. Special Tax Rev.,     
Redevelopment Agency      Series 2003 A, 6.25%, 9/1/33  2,955,000  2,697,974 
Tax Allocation Rev.,      Perris Public Financing     
Series 2009 A, (Montebello      Auth. Special Tax Rev.,     
Hills Redevelopment),      Series 2004 A, 6.125%, 9/1/34  2,995,000  2,677,081 
8.10%, 3/1/27(1)  2,000,000  2,253,500       
      Perris Public Financing     
Moreno Valley Unified School      Auth. Special Tax Rev.,     
District Special Tax Rev.,      Series 2008 A, (Community     
(Community Facilities District      Facilities District No. 2005-4),     
No. 2002-1), 6.20%, 9/1/32  4,000,000  3,738,400  6.60%, 9/1/38  2,210,000  2,003,542 
Murrieta Community      Perris Public Financing     
Facilities District No. 2000-2      Auth. Tax Allocation Rev.,     
Special Tax Rev., Series      5.35%, 10/1/36  975,000  775,886 
2004 A, (The Oaks           
Improvement Area),      Perris Union High School     
6.00%, 9/1/34  1,920,000  1,688,352  District GO, Series 2000 A,     
      6.40%, 9/1/24     
Murrieta Improvement Bond      (NATL/FGIC)(1)(2)  1,000,000  419,420 
Act of 1915 Special Tax Rev.,           
(Community Facilities District      Perris Union High School     
No. 2000-1), 6.375%, 9/1/30  4,100,000  3,904,348  District GO, Series 2000 A,     
      6.40%, 3/1/25     
Oakland Unified School      (NATL/FGIC)(1)(2)  1,000,000  398,660 
District Alameda County GO,           
Series 2009 A, (Election of      Pittsburg Redevelopment     
2006), 6.125%, 8/1/29(1)  2,500,000  2,641,925  Agency Tax Allocation Rev.,     
      (Los Medanos Community     
      Development), 6.20%,     
      8/1/25 (Ambac)(1)(2)  2,900,000  1,113,571 


California High-Yield Municipal       
   Principal          Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
Placer Union High School      Riverside Unified School     
District GO, Series 2000 A,      District Special Tax Rev.,     
(Election of 1999), 6.20%,      (Community Facilities District     
8/1/16 (NATL/FGIC)(1)(2)  $ 2,640,000  $      2,047,848  No. 13, Improvement Area 1),     
Placer Union High School      5.375%, 9/1/34  $ 2,000,000  $      1,637,700 
District GO, Series 2000 A,      Riverside Unified School     
(Election of 1999), 6.28%,      District Special Tax Rev.,     
8/1/18 (NATL/FGIC)(1)(2)  1,600,000  1,064,096  Series 2000 A, (Community     
Placer Union High School      Facilities District No. 7),     
District GO, Series 2000 A,      7.00%, 9/1/10, Prerefunded     
(Election of 1999), 6.35%,      at 102% of Par(3)  4,765,000  5,024,693 
8/1/21 (NATL/FGIC)(1)(2)  2,925,000  1,555,427  Riverside Unified School     
Placer Union High School      District Special Tax Rev.,     
District GO, Series 2000 A,      Series 2005 A, (Community     
(Election of 1999), 6.37%,      Facilities District No. 15,     
8/1/22 (NATL/FGIC)(1)(2)  2,100,000  1,043,994  Improvement Area 2),     
Placer Union High School      5.25%, 9/1/30  1,000,000  849,430 
District GO, Series 2000 A,      Rohnert Park Finance Auth.     
(Election of 1999), 6.39%,      Rev., Series 2001 A, (Las     
8/1/23 (NATL/FGIC)(1)(2)  3,525,000  1,635,142  Casitas de Sonoma),     
Placer Union High School      6.40%, 4/15/36  4,315,000  4,201,472 
District GO, Series 2000 A,      Romoland School District     
(Election of 1999), 2.11%,      Special Tax Rev., (Community     
8/1/24 (NATL/FGIC)(1)(2)  1,000,000  432,350  Facilities District No. 1,     
      Improvement Area 1),     
Pleasant Valley School      5.40%, 9/1/36  5,000,000  3,987,050 
District-Ventura County GO,           
Series 2002 A, 5.85%,      Roseville Community     
8/1/31 (NATL)(1)  4,835,000  5,244,573  Facilities District No. 1     
      Special Tax Rev., (The     
Poway Unified School District      Fountains), 6.125%, 9/1/38  2,600,000  2,303,236 
Public Financing Auth. Rev.,           
7.875%, 9/15/39  4,000,000  4,299,120  Sacramento Airport System     
      Rev., Series 2009 D,     
Rancho Cordova Community      (Grant Revenue Bonds),     
Facilities District No. 2003-1      6.00%, 7/1/35(1)  4,000,000  4,320,920 
Special Tax Rev., (Sunridge           
Anatolia), 5.375%, 9/1/37  3,000,000  2,445,750  Sacramento County     
      Community Facilities District     
Rancho Cordova Community      No. 1 Special Tax Rev., (Elliot     
Facilities District No. 2003-1      Ranch), 6.30%, 9/1/21  1,500,000  1,503,195 
Special Tax Rev., (Sunridge           
Anatolia), 5.50%, 9/1/37  2,000,000  1,663,320  Sacramento Municipal     
      Utilities District Electric Rev.,     
Rancho Cordova Community      Series 1997 K, 5.25%,     
Facilities District No. 2004-1      7/1/24 (Ambac)(1)  4,000,000  4,504,720 
Special Tax Rev., (Sunridge           
Park Area), 6.125%, 9/1/37  10,000,000  8,308,300  Sacramento Special Tax Rev.,     
      (North Natomas Community     
Redding California Electric      Facilities District No. 1),     
System Rev., COP,      6.30%, 9/1/26  4,000,000  4,011,600 
Series 2008 A, 5.00%,           
6/1/30 (AGM)(1)  2,500,000  2,537,000  San Buenaventura City COP,     
      (Wastewater Revenue),     
Riverside County COP, 5.75%,      5.00%, 3/1/29 (NATL)(1)  1,975,000  2,021,077 
11/1/31 (NATL)(1)  2,365,000  2,510,045       
      San Diego Redevelopment     
Riverside County Improvement      Agency Tax Allocation Rev.,     
Bond Act of 1915 Special      Series 2009 A, (North Park     
Assessment Rev., (District      Redevelopment Project),     
No. 168-Rivercrest),      7.00%, 11/1/39(1)  3,000,000  3,174,630 
6.70%, 9/2/26  1,875,000  1,820,400       


California High-Yield Municipal       
   Principal        Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
San Francisco City and      Stockton Community     
County Airports Commission      Facilities District Special     
Rev., Series 2008 34D,      Tax Rev., (Spanos Park     
(San Francisco International      West No. 2001-1), 6.375%,     
Airport), 5.25%, 5/1/26(1)  $ 3,000,000  $      3,152,370  9/1/12, Prerefunded at 102%     
San Francisco City and      of Par(1)(3)  $ 4,195,000  $       4,841,491 
County Redevelopment      Sunnyvale Community     
Agency Lease Rev.,      Facilities District No. 1     
(George R. Moscone),      Special Tax Rev.,     
7.05%, 7/1/13(1)(2)  1,250,000  1,145,325  7.75%, 8/1/32  6,500,000  6,505,460 
San Francisco City and      Tahoe-Truckee Unified     
County Redevelopment      School District GO, Series     
Financing Auth. Tax Allocation      1999 A, (Improvement     
Rev., Series 2009 D, (Mission      District No. 2), 6.19%,     
Bay South Redevelopment),      8/1/22 (NATL/FGIC)(1)(2)  2,690,000  1,297,548 
6.625%, 8/1/39(1)  2,000,000  2,099,780  Tahoe-Truckee Unified     
San Marcos Public Facilities      School District GO, Series     
Auth. Special Tax Rev., Series      1999 A, (Improvement     
2004 A, 5.45%, 9/1/24  2,790,000  2,560,578  District No. 2), 6.19%,     
Santa Barbara County      8/1/23 (NATL/FGIC)(1)(2)  2,220,000  994,160 
Water Rev. COP, 5.50%,      Tracy Community Facilities     
9/1/22 (Ambac)(1)  3,005,000  3,171,477  District No. 2006-1 Special     
Santa Cruz County      Tax Rev., (NEI Phase II),     
Redevelopment Agency      5.75%, 9/1/36  3,105,000  2,459,595 
Tax Allocation Rev., Series      Tuolumne Wind Project     
2009 A, (Live Oak/Soquel      Auth. Rev., Series 2009 A,     
Community Improvement),      5.875%, 1/1/29(1)  2,000,000  2,185,020 
7.00%, 9/1/36(1)  3,000,000  3,253,530  Turlock Health Facility COP,     
Shasta Lake Public Finance      Series 2007 B, (Emanuel     
Auth. Rev., (Electrical      Medical Center, Inc.),     
Enterprise), 6.25%, 4/1/13,      5.50%, 10/15/37(1)  2,000,000  1,728,680 
Prerefunded at 102% of      Tustin Community Facilities     
Par(1)(3)  7,755,000  9,179,438  District No. 06-1 Special Tax     
Soledad Improvement      Rev., Series 2007 A, (Tustin     
Bond Act of 1915 District      Legacy/Columbus Villages),     
No. 2002-01 Special      6.00%, 9/1/36  5,000,000  4,551,350 
Assessment Rev., (Diamond      Tustin Community Facilities     
Ridge), 6.75%, 9/2/33  2,160,000  2,048,198  District No. 07-1 Special Tax     
Southern California Public      Rev., (Tustin Legacy/Retail     
Power Auth. Rev.,      Center), 6.00%, 9/1/37  1,300,000  1,218,763 
(Multi-Projects), 6.75%,      University of California     
7/1/10 (AGM-CR)(1)  500,000  511,055  Rev., Series 2009 O,     
Southern California Public      5.25%, 5/15/39(1)  1,300,000  1,377,350 
Power Auth. Rev.,      Val Verde Unified School     
(Transmission), 6.35%,      District Special Tax Rev.,     
7/1/14 (NATL-IBC)(1)(2)  2,400,000  2,136,792  (Community Facilities District     
Southern California Public      No. 1, Improvement Area A),     
Power Auth. Rev.,      5.40%, 9/1/30  2,500,000  2,193,875 
(Transmission), 6.35%,      Val Verde Unified School     
7/1/15 (NATL-IBC)(1)(2)  1,250,000  1,059,063  District Special Tax Rev.,     
Southern California Public      (Community Facilities District     
Power Auth. Rev., Series      No. 1, Improvement Area A),     
2008 A, (Transmission),      5.45%, 9/1/36  2,600,000  2,198,274 
5.00%, 7/1/22(1)  5,750,000  6,269,398       


California High-Yield Municipal       
   Principal          Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
Ventura County Community      PUERTO RICO — 3.1%     
College District GO, Series      Puerto Rico Electric Power     
2008 C, (Election of 2002),      Auth. Rev., Series 2007 UU,     
5.50%, 8/1/33(1)  $ 1,600,000  $       1,681,376  VRN, 0.86%, 4/1/10, resets     
Vernon Electric System Rev.,      quarterly at 67% of the     
Series 2009 A, 5.125%,      3-month LIBOR plus 0.70%     
8/1/21(1)  8,000,000  8,464,400  with no caps(1)  $ 7,800,000  $      5,391,750 
West Sacramento Community      Puerto Rico GO, Series     
Facilities District No. 20      2006 A, (Public Improvement),     
Special Tax Rev., 5.30%,      5.25%, 7/1/30(1)  1,145,000  1,121,104 
9/1/35  1,740,000  1,406,912  Puerto Rico GO, Series     
Westlands Water District      2008 A, 6.00%, 7/1/38(1)  1,400,000  1,437,758 
COP, Series 2005 A, 5.00%,      Puerto Rico GO, Series     
9/1/25 (NATL)(1)  2,080,000  2,134,642  2009 B, (Public Improvement),     
Yosemite Community College      6.00%, 7/1/39(1)  2,000,000  2,058,900 
District GO, (Election of      Puerto Rico Sales Tax     
2004), 4.33%, 8/1/16      Financing Corp. Rev., Series     
(AGM)(1)(2)  3,545,000  2,786,512  2007 A, VRN, 1.10%, 5/3/10,     
Yuba City Redevelopment      resets quarterly at 67% of     
Agency Tax Allocation Rev.,      the 3-month LIBOR plus     
5.70%, 9/1/24  2,270,000  1,924,029  0.93% with no caps(1)  10,000,000  6,275,000 
Yuba City Redevelopment          16,284,512 
Agency Tax Allocation Rev.,      U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS — 0.6%   
6.00%, 9/1/31  2,000,000  1,647,120  Virgin Islands Public Finance     
Yuba City Unified School      Auth. Rev., Series 2009 A,     
District GO, 6.05%, 3/1/25      (Diageo Matching Fund     
(NATL/FGIC)(1)(2)  1,500,000  581,685  Bonds), 6.75%, 10/1/37  2,000,000  2,171,000 
    490,639,719  Virgin Islands Public Finance     
GUAM — 0.7%      Auth. Rev., Series 2009 A1,     
Guam Government GO, Series      (Senior Lien/Capital     
2009 A, 7.00%, 11/15/39(1)  3,300,000  3,534,432  Projects), 5.00%, 10/1/29(1)  1,000,000  960,120 
      SECURITIES — 98.2%     
      (Cost $526,212,281)    513,589,783 
      LIABILITIES — 1.8%    9,419,260 
      TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%  $523,009,043 

Futures Contracts       
      Underlying Face   
  Contracts Purchased  Expiration Date  Amount at Value  Unrealized Gain (Loss) 
74  U.S. Long Bond  June 2010  $8,708,875  $94,322 
         Underlying Face    
  Contracts Sold  Expiration Date  Amount at Value  Unrealized Gain (Loss) 
239  U.S. Treasury 2-Year Notes  June 2010  $51,967,563  $(108,832) 


California High-Yield Municipal 
Notes to Schedule of Investments 
ABAG = Association of Bay Area Governments 
AGM = Assured Guaranty Municipal Corporation 
AGM-CR = Assured Guaranty Municipal Corporation – Custodial Receipts 
Ambac = Ambac Assurance Corporation 
Ambac-TCRS = Ambac Assurance Corporation – Transferrable Custodial Receipts 
COP = Certificates of Participation 
FGIC = Financial Guaranty Insurance Company 
GO = General Obligation 
LIBOR = London Interbank Offered Rate 
LOC = Letter of Credit 
NATL = National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation 
NATL-IBC = National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation – Insured Bond Certificates 
resets = The frequency with which a security’s coupon changes, based on current market conditions or an underlying index. The more frequently a 
security resets, the less risk the investor is taking that the coupon will vary significantly from current market rates. 
VRDN = Variable Rate Demand Note. Interest reset date is indicated. Rate shown is effective at the period end. 
VRN = Variable Rate Note. Interest reset date is indicated. Rate shown is effective at the period end. 
XLCA = XL Capital Ltd. 
(1)  Security, or a portion thereof, has been segregated for futures contracts. At the period end, the aggregate value of securities pledged 
  was $60,677,000. 
(2)  Security is a zero-coupon municipal bond. The rate indicated is the yield to maturity at purchase. Zero-coupon securities are issued at a 
  substantial discount from their value at maturity. 
(3)  Escrowed to maturity in U.S. government securities or state and local government securities. 
(4)  Security was purchased under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933 or is a private placement and, unless registered under the Act or 
  exempted from registration, may only be sold to qualified institutional investors. The aggregate value of these securities at the period end 
  was $3,302,860, which represented 0.6% of total net assets. 

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Statement of Assets and Liabilities 

FEBRUARY 28, 2010 (UNAUDITED)     
  California  California 
  Long-Term Tax-Free  High-Yield Municipal 
Investment securities, at value (cost of     
$417,690,806 and $526,212,281, respectively)  $432,937,536 $513,589,783
Cash  42,069 206,519
Receivable for investments sold  1,581,806 61,800
Receivable for capital shares sold  117,647 573,124
Receivable for variation margin on futures contracts  45,000 55,500
Interest receivable  5,590,172 10,166,015
  440,314,230 524,652,741
Payable for investments purchased  4,304,007
Payable for capital shares redeemed  181,264 815,958
Payable for variation margin on futures contracts  24,125 29,875
Accrued management fees  159,079 192,805
Distribution fees payable  5,142 17,759
Service fees (and distribution fees — A Class) payable  4,524 25,359
Dividends payable  492,522 561,942
  5,170,663 1,643,698
Net Assets  $435,143,567 $523,009,043
See Notes to Financial Statements.     


FEBRUARY 28, 2010 (UNAUDITED)     
  California  California 
  Long-Term Tax-Free  High-Yield Municipal 
Net Assets Consist of:     
Capital paid in  $434,024,278 $566,506,248
Accumulated undistributed net investment income (loss)  96,125   (128,929)
Accumulated net realized loss on investment transactions    (14,212,159)   (30,731,268)
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments  15,235,323   (12,637,008)
  $435,143,567 $523,009,043
Investor Class 
Net assets  $411,357,693 $389,858,109
Shares outstanding  38,121,686 42,019,927
Net asset value per share  $10.79 $9.28
A Class 
Net assets  $14,809,526 $102,060,379
Shares outstanding  1,372,433 11,000,323
Net asset value per share  $10.79 $9.28
Maximum offering price (net asset value divided by 0.955)  $11.30 $9.72
B Class 
Net assets  $26,603 $985,438
Shares outstanding  2,466 106,211
Net asset value per share  $10.79 $9.28
C Class 
Net assets  $8,949,745 $30,105,117
Shares outstanding  829,399 3,244,399
Net asset value per share  $10.79 $9.28
See Notes to Financial Statements.     


Statement of Operations 

  California  California 
  Long-Term Tax-Free  High-Yield Municipal 
Investment Income (Loss)     
Interest  $10,728,496 $14,705,282
Management fees  1,024,984 1,330,569
Distribution fees: 
B Class  98 3,701
C Class  29,432 114,113
Service fees: 
B Class  33 1,234
C Class  9,811 38,037
Distribution and service fees — A Class  15,527 127,832
Trustees’ fees and expenses  8,866 10,859
Other expenses  55 54
  1,088,806 1,626,399
Fees waived    (62,915)
  1,088,806 1,563,484
Net investment income (loss)  9,639,690 13,141,798
Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) 
Net realized gain (loss) on: 
Investment transactions    (3,367,332)   (3,701,524)
Futures contract transactions    (167,530)   (388,603)
    (3,534,862)   (4,090,127)
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on: 
Investments  8,416,241 26,806,066
Futures contracts  174,501 228,941
  8,590,742 27,035,007
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)  5,055,880 22,944,880
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations  $14,695,570 $36,086,678
See Notes to Financial Statements.     


Statement of Changes in Net Assets 

  California Long-Term Tax-Free  California High-Yield Municipal 
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets  2010  2009  2010  2009 
Net investment income (loss)  $  9,639,690 $  19,769,646 $  13,141,798 $  27,411,260
Net realized gain (loss)    (3,534,862)   (8,155,162)   (4,090,127)   (16,020,882)
Change in net unrealized 
appreciation (depreciation)  8,590,742 489,021 27,035,007   (30,879,974)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets 
resulting from operations  14,695,570 12,103,505 36,086,678   (19,489,596)
Distributions to Shareholders 
From net investment income: 
Investor Class    (9,273,926)   (19,296,657)   (10,100,913)   (20,387,662)
A Class    (266,075)   (330,336)   (2,516,849)   (5,527,472)
B Class    (463)   (951)   (20,585)   (43,799)
C Class    (138,661)   (132,178)   (634,663)   (1,452,024)
From net realized gains: 
Investor Class    (282,535)
A Class    (8,495)
B Class    (18)
C Class    (5,256)
Decrease in net assets from distributions    (9,975,429)   (19,760,122)   (13,273,010)   (27,410,957)
Capital Share Transactions 
Net increase (decrease) in net assets 
from capital share transactions  8,552,071   (8,879,658)   (5,929,194)   (76,687,910)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets  13,272,212   (16,536,275) 16,884,474   (123,588,463)
Net Assets 
Beginning of period  421,871,355 438,407,630 506,124,569 629,713,032
End of period  $435,143,567 $421,871,355 $523,009,043 $ 506,124,569
Accumulated undistributed net 
investment income (loss)  $96,125 $135,560   $(128,929) $2,283
See Notes to Financial Statements.         


Notes to Financial Statements 


1. Organization and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Organization — American Century California Tax-Free and Municipal Funds (the trust) is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the 1940 Act) as an open-end management investment company. California Long-Term Tax-Free Fund (Long-Term) and California High-Yield Municipal Fund (High-Yield Municipal) are two funds in a series issued by the trust. Long-Term is diversified under the 1940 Act. High-Yield Municipal is nondiversified under the 1940 Act. Long-Term’s investment objective is to seek safety of principal and high current income that is exempt from federal and California income taxes. Long-Term invests primarily in long-term investment-grade municipal obligations. High-Yield Municipal’s investment objective is to seek high current income that is exempt from federal and California income taxes. High-Yield Municipal pursues this objective by investing a portion of its assets in lower-rated and unrated municipal securities. The following is a summary of the funds’ significant accounting policies.

Multiple Class — The funds are authorized to issue the Investor Class, the A Class, the B Class and the C Class. The A Class may incur an initial sales charge. The A Class, B Class and C Class may be subject to a contingent deferred sales charge. The share classes differ principally in their respective sales charges and distribution and shareholder servicing expenses and arrangements. All shares of each fund represent an equal pro rata interest in the net assets of the class to which such shares belong, and have identical voting, dividend, liquidation and other rights and the same terms and conditions, except for class specific expenses and exclusive rights to vote on matters affecting only individual classes. Income, non-class specific expenses, and realized and unrealized capital gains and losses of the funds are allocated to each class of shares based on their relative net assets.

Security Valuations — Debt securities maturing in greater than 60 days at the time of purchase are valued at current market value as provided by a commercial pricing service or at the mean of the most recent bid and asked prices. Debt securities maturing within 60 days at the time of purchase may be valued at cost, plus or minus any amortized discount or premium. If an event occurs after the value of a security was established but before the net asset value per share was determined that was likely to materially change the net asset value, that security would be valued as determined in accordance with procedures adopted by the Board of Trustees. If the funds determine that the market price of a portfolio security is not readily available, or that the valuation methods mentioned above do not reflect the security’s fair value, such security is valued as determined by the Board of Trustees or its designee, in accordance with procedures adopted by the Board of Trustees, if such determination would materially impact a fund’s net asset value. Certain other circumstances may cause the funds to use alternative procedures to value a security such as: a security has been declared in default; trading in a security has been halted during the trading day; or there is a foreign market holiday and no trading will commence.

Security Transactions — For financial reporting purposes, security transactions are accounted for as of the trade date. Net realized gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is also used for federal income tax purposes.

Investment Income — Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis and includes accretion of discounts and amortization of premiums.

When-Issued — The funds may engage in securities transactions on a when-issued basis. Under these arrangements, the securities’ prices and yields are fixed on the date of the commitment, but payment and delivery are scheduled for a future date. During this period, securities are subject to market fluctuations. The funds will segregate cash, cash equivalents or other appropriate liquid securities on their records in amounts sufficient to meet the purchase price.


Income Tax Status — It is each fund’s policy to distribute substantially all net investment income and net realized gains to shareholders and to otherwise qualify as a regulated investment company under provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. The funds are no longer subject to examination by tax authorities for years prior to 2006. At this time, management believes there are no uncertain tax positions which, based on their technical merit, would not be sustained upon examination and for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months. Accordingly, no provision has been made for federal or state income taxes. Interest and penalties associated with any federal or state income tax obligations, if any, are recorded as interest expense.

Distributions to Shareholders — Distributions from net investment income are declared daily and paid monthly. Distributions from net realized gains, if any, are generally declared and paid annually.

Indemnifications — Under the trust’s organizational documents, its officers and trustees are indemnified against certain liabilities arising out of the performance of their duties to the funds. In addition, in the normal course of business, the funds enter into contracts that provide general indemnifications. The maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown as this would involve future claims that may be made against a fund. The risk of material loss from such claims is considered by management to be remote.

Use of Estimates — The financial statements are prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, which may require management to make certain estimates and assumptions at the date of the financial statements. Actual results could differ from these estimates.

Subsequent Events — In preparing the financial statements, management evaluated the impact of events or transactions occurring through the date the financial statements were issued that would merit recognition or disclosure.

2. Fees and Transactions with Related Parties

Management Fees — The trust has entered into a Management Agreement with American Century Investment Management, Inc., (ACIM) (the investment advisor) under which ACIM provides the funds with investment advisory and management services in exchange for a single, unified management fee (the fee) per class. The Agreement provides that all expenses of managing and operating the funds, except brokerage expenses, taxes, interest, fees and expenses of the independent trustees (including legal counsel fees), and extraordinary expenses, will be paid by ACIM. The fee is computed and accrued daily based on the daily net assets of each specific class of shares of each fund and paid monthly in arrears. The fee consists of (1) an Investment Category Fee based on the daily net assets of the funds and certain other accounts managed by the investment advisor that are in the same broad investment category as each fund and (2) a Complex Fee based on the assets of all the funds in the American Century Investments family of funds. The rates for the Investment Category Fee range from 0.1625% to 0.2800% for Long-Term and from 0.1925% to 0.3100% for High-Yield Municipal. The rates for the Complex Fee range from 0.2500% to 0.3100%. The investment advisor voluntarily agreed to waive 0.024% of its management fee for High-Yield Municipal for the six months ended February 28, 2010. The total amount of the waiver for each class of High-Yield Municipal was $46,873, $12,272, $118, and $3,652 for the Investor Class, A Class, B Class, and C Class, respectively. The investment advisor expects the fee waiver to continue through July 31, 2010 and cannot terminate it without consulting the Board of Trustees. The effective annual management fee for each class of Long-Term for the six months ended February 28, 2010 was 0.48%. The effective annual management fee for each class of High-Yield Municipal for the six months ended February 28, 2010 was 0.51% before waiver and 0.49% after waiver.


Distribution and Service Fees — The Board of Trustees has adopted a separate Master Distribution and Individual Shareholder Services Plan for each of the A Class, B Class and C Class (collectively, the plans), pursuant to Rule 12b-1 of the 1940 Act. The plans provide that the A Class will pay American Century Investment Services, Inc. (ACIS) an annual distribution and service fee of 0.25%. The plans provide that the B Class and the C Class will each pay ACIS an annual distribution fee of 0.75% and service fee of 0.25%. The fees are computed and accrued daily based on each class’s daily net assets and paid monthly in arrears. The fees are used to pay financial intermediaries for distribution and individual shareholder services. Fees incurred under the plans during the six months ended February 28, 2010, are detailed in the Statement of Operations.

Related Parties — Certain officers and trustees of the trust are also officers and/or directors of American Century Companies, Inc. (ACC), the parent of the trust’s investment advisor, ACIM, the distributor of the trust, ACIS, and the trust’s transfer agent, American Century Services, LLC.

The funds have a Mutual Funds Services Agreement with J.P. Morgan Investor Services Co. (JPMIS). JPMorgan Chase Bank (JPMCB) is a custodian of the funds. JPMIS and JPMCB are wholly owned subsidiaries of JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM). JPM is an equity investor in ACC.

3. Investment Transactions

Investment transactions, excluding short-term investments, for the six months ended February 28, 2010 were as follows:

   Long-Term  High-Yield Municipal 
Purchases  $54,043,180  $38,972,578 
Sales  $56,932,813  $47,154,284 


4. Capital Share Transactions

Transactions in shares of the funds were as follows (unlimited number of shares authorized):

   Six months ended February 28, 2010  Year ended August 31, 2009 
  Shares  Amount  Shares  Amount 
Investor Class         
Sold  1,206,324 $  13,053,004 2,458,207 $  25,282,715
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  599,597 6,475,912 1,265,165 12,986,315
Redeemed    (1,664,795)   (17,985,062)   (5,540,731)   (56,281,428)
  141,126 1,543,854   (1,817,359)   (18,012,398)
A Class 
Sold  636,139 6,878,276 846,542 8,782,757
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  15,964 172,348 12,798 131,710
Redeemed    (237,556)   (2,567,422)   (470,769)   (4,779,031)
  414,547 4,483,202 388,571 4,135,436
B Class 
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  45 481 92 951
C Class 
Sold  296,059 3,211,480 510,946 5,269,768
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  5,598 60,413 5,017 51,988
Redeemed    (68,448)   (747,359)   (31,374)   (325,403)
  233,209 2,524,534 484,589 4,996,353
Net increase (decrease)  788,927 $ 8,552,071   (944,107)   $ (8,879,658)
High-Yield Municipal            
Investor Class 
Sold  4,589,493 $ 42,310,827 7,437,211 $ 64,350,962
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  817,094 7,558,895 1,793,476 15,332,797
Redeemed    (5,446,795)   (50,178,618)   (15,129,688)   (128,314,223)
    (40,208)   (308,896)   (5,899,001)   (48,630,464)
A Class 
Sold  1,038,578 9,621,756 3,254,297 27,936,391
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  183,311 1,696,115 433,732 3,707,761
Redeemed    (1,613,438)   (14,919,844)   (6,342,488)   (53,985,441)
    (391,549)   (3,601,973)   (2,654,459)   (22,341,289)
B Class 
Sold  116 1,069 10,859 93,014
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  950 8,789 2,220 18,975
Redeemed    (2,327)   (21,523)   (32,872)   (281,397)
    (1,261)   (11,665)   (19,793)   (169,408)
C Class 
Sold  160,191 1,476,406 525,813 4,535,532
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  31,186 288,611 79,549 679,723
Redeemed    (410,693)   (3,771,677)   (1,274,820)   (10,762,004)
    (219,316)   (2,006,660)   (669,458)   (5,546,749)
Net increase (decrease)    (652,334)   $ (5,929,194)   (9,242,711)   $ (76,687,910)


5. Fair Value Measurements

The funds’ securities valuation process is based on several considerations and may use multiple inputs to determine the fair value of the positions held by the funds. In conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, the inputs used to determine a valuation are classified into three broad levels as follows:

• Level 1 valuation inputs consist of actual quoted prices in an active market for identical securities;

• Level 2 valuation inputs consist of significant direct or indirect observable market data (including quoted prices for similar securities, evaluations of subsequent market events, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.); or

• Level 3 valuation inputs consist of significant unobservable inputs (including a fund’s own assumptions).

The level classification is based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair valuation measurement. The valuation inputs are not an indication of the risks associated with investing in these securities or other financial instruments.

As of February 28, 2010, the valuation inputs used to determine the fair value of the funds’ municipal securities and unrealized gain (loss) on futures contracts were classified as Level 2 and Level 1, respectively.

6. Derivative Instruments

Interest Rate Risk — The funds are subject to interest rate risk in the normal course of pursuing their investment objectives. The value of bonds generally declines as interest rates rise. A fund may enter into futures contracts based on a bond index or a specific underlying security. A fund may purchase futures contracts to gain exposure to increases in market value or sell futures contracts to protect against a decline in market value. Upon entering into a futures contract, a fund will segregate cash, cash equivalents or other appropriate liquid securities on its records in amounts sufficient to meet requirements. Subsequent payments (variation margin) are made or received daily, in cash, by a fund. The variation margin is equal to the daily change in the contract value and is recorded as unrealized gains and losses. A fund recognizes a realized gain or loss when the futures contract is closed or expires. Net realized and unrealized gains or losses occurring during the holding period of futures contracts are a component of net realized gain (loss) on futures contract transactions and change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on futures contracts, respectively. One of the risks of entering into futures contracts is the possibility that the change in value of the contract may not correlate with the changes in value of the underlying securities. The interest rate risk derivative instruments held at period end as disclosed on the Schedule of Investments are indicative of the funds’ typical volume during the period.

For Long-Term, the value of interest rate risk derivatives as of February 28, 2010, is disclosed on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as an asset of $45,000 in receivable for variation margin on futures contracts and a liability of $24,125 in payable for variation margin on futures contracts. For Long-Term, for the six months ended February 28, 2010, the effect of interest rate risk derivatives on the Statement of Operations was $(167,530) in net realized gain (loss) on futures contract transactions and $174,501 in change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on futures contracts.

For High-Yield Municipal, the value of interest rate risk derivatives as of February 28, 2010, is disclosed on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as an asset of $55,500 in receivable for variation margin on futures contracts and a liability of $29,875 in payable for variation margin on futures contracts. For High-Yield Municipal, for the six months ended February 28, 2010, the effect of interest rate risk derivatives on the Statement of Operations was $(388,603) in net realized gain (loss) on futures contract transactions and $228,941 in change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on futures contracts.


7. Interfund Lending

The funds, along with certain other funds in the American Century Investments family of funds, may participate in an interfund lending program, pursuant to an Exemptive Order issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This program provides an alternative credit facility allowing the funds to borrow from or lend to other funds in the American Century Investments family of funds that permit such transactions. Interfund lending transactions are subject to each fund’s investment policies and borrowing and lending limits. The interfund loan rate earned/paid on interfund lending transactions is determined daily based on the average of certain current market rates. Interfund lending transactions normally extend only overnight, but can have a maximum duration of seven days. The program is subject to annual approval by the Board of Trustees. During the six months ended February 28, 2010, the funds did not utilize the program.

8. Risk Factors

The funds concentrate their investments in a single state and therefore may have more exposure to credit risk related to the state of California than a fund with a broader geographical diversification. Income may be subject to state and local taxes and, if applicable, the alternative minimum tax. High-Yield Municipal invests primarily in lower-rated debt securities, which are subject to substantial risks including price volatility, liquidity risk, and default risk.

9. Federal Tax Information

The book-basis character of distributions made during the year from net investment income or net realized gains may differ from their ultimate characterization for federal income tax purposes. These differences reflect the differing character of certain income items and net realized gains and losses for financial statement and tax purposes, and may result in reclassification among certain capital accounts on the financial statements.

As of February 28, 2010, the components of investments for federal income tax purposes were as follows:

   Long-Term  High-Yield Municipal 
Federal tax cost of investments  $418,197,173 $526,212,281
Gross tax appreciation of investments  $22,768,403 $ 18,399,854
Gross tax depreciation of investments    (8,028,040)   (31,022,352)
Net tax appreciation (depreciation) of investments  $14,740,363   $(12,622,498)

The difference between book-basis and tax-basis cost and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) is attributable primarily to the tax deferral of losses on wash sales.

As of August 31, 2009, High-Yield Municipal had accumulated capital losses of $(13,700,854), which represent net capital loss carryovers that may be used to offset future realized capital gains for federal income tax purposes. Future capital loss carryover utilization in any given year may be subject to Internal Revenue Code limitations. The capital loss carryovers expire as follows:

   2015  2016  2017 
High-Yield Municipal  $(1,856,960)  $(59,453)  $(11,784,441) 

Long-Term and High-Yield Municipal had capital loss deferrals of $(9,689,183) and $(12,562,866) respectively, which represent net capital losses incurred in the ten-month period ended August 31, 2009. The funds have elected to treat such losses as having been incurred in the following fiscal year for federal income tax purposes.


10. Corporate Event

As part of a long-standing estate and business succession plan established by ACC Co-Chairman James E. Stowers, Jr., the founder of American Century Investments, ACC Co-Chairman Richard W. Brown succeeded Mr. Stowers as trustee of a trust that holds a greater-than-25% voting interest in ACC, the parent corporation of each fund’s advisor. Under the 1940 Act, this is presumed to represent control of ACC even though it is less than a majority interest. The change of trustee may technically be considered a “change of control” of ACC and therefore also a change of control of each fund’s advisor even though there has been no change to their management and none is anticipated. The “change of control” resulted in the assignment of each fund’s investment advisory agreement. Under the Act, an assignment automatically terminated such agreement, making the approval of a new agreement necessary.

On February 18, 2010, the Board of Trustees approved interim investment advisory agreements under which each fund will be managed until new agreements are approved by fund shareholders. On April 1, 2010, the Board of Trustees approved new investment advisory agreements. The interim agreements and the new agreements are substantially identical to the terminated agreements (with the exception of different effective and termination dates) and will not result in changes in the management of American Century Investments, the funds, their investment objectives, fees or services provided. The new agreements have been submitted to shareholders for approval at a Special Meeting of Shareholders to be held on June 16, 2010.


Financial Highlights 

California Long-Term Tax-Free         
Investor Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended August 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $10.67 $10.83 $10.98 $11.36 $11.78 $11.69
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)  0.24 0.50 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.52
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.13   (0.16)   (0.15)   (0.36)   (0.19) 0.09
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.37 0.34 0.36 0.15 0.32 0.61
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.24)   (0.50)   (0.51)   (0.51)   (0.51)   (0.52)
From Net 
Realized Gains    (0.01)     —     —   (0.02)   (0.23)     —
Total Distributions    (0.25)   (0.50)   (0.51)   (0.53)   (0.74)   (0.52)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.79 $10.67 $10.83 $10.98 $11.36 $11.78
Total Return(2)  3.49% 3.47% 3.29% 1.24% 2.89% 5.38%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets  0.48%(3) 0.49% 0.49% 0.49% 0.49% 0.49%
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  4.52%(3) 4.90% 4.60% 4.48% 4.46% 4.40%
Portfolio Turnover Rate  13% 36% 29% 18% 33% 36%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $411,358 $405,263 $431,008 $442,058 $446,000 $475,954
(1)  Six months ended February 28, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(3)  Annualized.             

See Notes to Financial Statements.


California Long-Term Tax-Free       
A Class       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended August 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008(2) 
Per-Share Data       
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period  $10.67 $10.83 $11.10
Income From Investment Operations 
Net Investment Income (Loss)  0.23 0.48 0.44
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.13   (0.16)   (0.27)
Total From Investment Operations  0.36 0.32 0.17
From Net Investment Income    (0.23)   (0.48)   (0.44)
From Net Realized Gains    (0.01)     —     —
Total Distributions    (0.24)   (0.48)   (0.44)
Net Asset Value, End of Period  $10.79 $10.67 $10.83
Total Return(3)  3.36% 3.22% 1.57%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating Expenses to Average Net Assets  0.73%(4) 0.74% 0.74%(4)
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets  4.27%(4) 4.65% 4.41%(4)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  13% 36% 29%(5)
Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)  $14,810 $10,221 $6,166
(1)  Six months ended February 28, 2010 (unaudited).       
(2)  September 28, 2007 (commencement of sale) through August 31, 2008.       
(3)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any, and does not reflect applicable sales charges. 
  Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense 
  differences because of the impact of calculating the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal 
  places, the total return differences would more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal 
  places is made in accordance with SEC guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.   
(4)  Annualized.       
(5)  Portfolio turnover is calculated at the fund level. Percentage indicated was calculated for the year ended August 31, 2008.   

See Notes to Financial Statements.


California Long-Term Tax-Free       
B Class       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended August 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008(2) 
Per-Share Data       
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period  $10.67 $10.83 $11.10
Income From Investment Operations 
Net Investment Income (Loss)  0.19 0.40 0.36
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.13   (0.16)   (0.27)
Total From Investment Operations  0.32 0.24 0.09
From Net Investment Income    (0.19)   (0.40)   (0.36)
From Net Realized Gains    (0.01)     —     —
Total Distributions    (0.20)   (0.40)   (0.36)
Net Asset Value, End of Period  $10.79 $10.67 $10.83
Total Return(3)  2.98% 2.44% 0.87%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating Expenses to Average Net Assets  1.48%(4) 1.49% 1.49%(4)
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets  3.52%(4) 3.90% 3.64%(4)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  13% 36% 29%(5)
Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)  $27 $26 $25
(1)  Six months ended February 28, 2010 (unaudited).       
(2)  September 28, 2007 (commencement of sale) through August 31, 2008.       
(3)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any, and does not reflect applicable sales charges. 
  Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense 
  differences because of the impact of calculating the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal 
  places, the total return differences would more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal 
  places is made in accordance with SEC guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.   
(4)  Annualized.       
(5)  Portfolio turnover is calculated at the fund level. Percentage indicated was calculated for the year ended August 31, 2008.   

See Notes to Financial Statements.


California Long-Term Tax-Free       
C Class       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended August 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008(2) 
Per-Share Data       
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period  $10.67 $10.83 $11.10
Income From Investment Operations 
Net Investment Income (Loss)  0.19 0.40 0.36
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.13   (0.16)   (0.27)
Total From Investment Operations  0.32 0.24 0.09
From Net Investment Income    (0.19)   (0.40)   (0.36)
From Net Realized Gains    (0.01)     —     —
Total Distributions    (0.20)   (0.40)   (0.36)
Net Asset Value, End of Period  $10.79 $10.67 $10.83
Total Return(3)  2.98% 2.45% 0.87%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating Expenses to Average Net Assets  1.48%(4) 1.49% 1.49%(4)
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets  3.52%(4) 3.90% 3.72%(4)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  13% 36% 29%(5)
Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)  $8,950 $6,362 $1,209
(1)  Six months ended February 28, 2010 (unaudited).       
(2)  September 28, 2007 (commencement of sale) through August 31, 2008.       
(3)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any, and does not reflect applicable sales charges 
  Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense 
  differences because of the impact of calculating the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal 
  places, the total return differences would more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal 
  places is made in accordance with SEC guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.   
(4)  Annualized.       
(5)  Portfolio turnover is calculated at the fund level. Percentage indicated was calculated for the year ended August 31, 2008.   

See Notes to Financial Statements.


California High-Yield Municipal       
Investor Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended August 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $8.88 $9.50 $9.90 $10.25 $10.36 $9.93
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)  0.24 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.49 0.51
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.40   (0.62)   (0.40)   (0.35)   (0.11) 0.43
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.64   (0.14) 0.08 0.13 0.38 0.94
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.24)   (0.48)   (0.48)   (0.48)   (0.49)   (0.51)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $9.28 $8.88 $9.50 $9.90 $10.25 $10.36
Total Return(2)  7.21% (1.16)% 0.81% 1.22% 3.80% 9.65%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets  0.49%(3)(4) 0.52%(3) 0.52% 0.52% 0.52% 0.52%
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets 
(Before Expense Waiver)  0.51%(4) 0.52% 0.52% 0.52% 0.52% 0.52%
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  5.12%(3)(4) 5.56%(3) 4.91% 4.70% 4.80% 4.99%
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets 
(Before Expense Waiver)  5.10%(4) 5.56% 4.91% 4.70% 4.80% 4.99%
Portfolio Turnover Rate  8% 26% 31% 17% 25% 13%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $389,858 $373,313 $455,741 $467,477 $406,063 $377,534
(1)  Six months ended February 28, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(3)  Effective August 1, 2009, the investment advisor voluntarily agreed to waive a portion of its management fee.     
(4)  Annualized.             

See Notes to Financial Statements.


California High-Yield Municipal       
A Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended August 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $8.88 $9.50 $9.90 $10.25 $10.36 $9.93
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)  0.23 0.46 0.45 0.46 0.46 0.48
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.40   (0.62)   (0.40)   (0.35)   (0.11) 0.43
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.63   (0.16) 0.05 0.11 0.35 0.91
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.23)   (0.46)   (0.45)   (0.46)   (0.46)   (0.48)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $9.28 $8.88 $9.50 $9.90 $10.25 $10.36
Total Return(2)  7.07% (1.41)% 0.55% 0.97% 3.54% 9.38%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets  0.74%(3)(4) 0.77%(3) 0.77% 0.77% 0.77% 0.77%
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets 
(Before Expense Waiver)  0.76%(4) 0.77% 0.77% 0.77% 0.77% 0.77%
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  4.87%(3)(4) 5.31%(3) 4.66% 4.45% 4.55% 4.74%
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets 
(Before Expense Waiver)  4.85%(4) 5.31% 4.66% 4.45% 4.55% 4.74%
Portfolio Turnover Rate  8% 26% 31% 17% 25% 13%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $102,060 $101,111 $133,480 $147,314 $90,421 $39,608
(1)  Six months ended February 28, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any, and does not reflect applicable sales charges. 
  Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense 
  differences because of the impact of calculating the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal 
  places, the total return differences would more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal 
  places is made in accordance with SEC guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.   
(3)  Effective August 1, 2009, the investment advisor voluntarily agreed to waive a portion of its management fee.     
(4)  Annualized.             

See Notes to Financial Statements.


California High-Yield Municipal         
B Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended August 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $8.88 $9.50 $9.90 $10.25 $10.36 $9.93
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)  0.19 0.39 0.38 0.38 0.39 0.40
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.40   (0.62)   (0.40)   (0.35)   (0.11) 0.43
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.59   (0.23)   (0.02) 0.03 0.28 0.83
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.19)   (0.39)   (0.38)   (0.38)   (0.39)   (0.40)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $9.28 $8.88 $9.50 $9.90 $10.25 $10.36
Total Return(2)  6.68% (2.14)% (0.20)% 0.22% 2.77% 8.57%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets  1.49%(3)(4) 1.52%(3) 1.52% 1.52% 1.52% 1.52%
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets 
(Before Expense Waiver)  1.51%(4) 1.52% 1.52% 1.52% 1.52% 1.52%
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  4.12%(3)(4) 4.56%(3) 3.91% 3.70% 3.80% 3.99%
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets 
(Before Expense Waiver)  4.10%(4) 4.56% 3.91% 3.70% 3.80% 3.99%
Portfolio Turnover Rate  8% 26% 31% 17% 25% 13%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $985 $954 $1,209 $1,454 $1,263 $1,158
(1)  Six months ended February 28, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any, and does not reflect applicable sales charges. 
  Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense 
  differences because of the impact of calculating the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal 
  places, the total return differences would more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal 
  places is made in accordance with SEC guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.   
(3)  Effective August 1, 2009, the investment advisor voluntarily agreed to waive a portion of its management fee.     
(4)  Annualized.             

See Notes to Financial Statements.


California High-Yield Municipal         
C Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended August 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $8.88 $9.50 $9.90 $10.25 $10.36 $9.93
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)  0.19 0.39 0.38 0.38 0.39 0.40
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.40   (0.62)   (0.40)   (0.35)   (0.11) 0.43
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.59   (0.23)   (0.02) 0.03 0.28 0.83
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.19)   (0.39)   (0.38)   (0.38)   (0.39)   (0.40)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $9.28 $8.88 $9.50 $9.90 $10.25 $10.36
Total Return(2)  6.68% (2.14)% (0.20)% 0.22% 2.76% 8.56%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets  1.49%(3)(4) 1.52%(3) 1.52% 1.52% 1.52% 1.52%
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets 
(Before Expense Waiver)  1.51%(4) 1.52% 1.52% 1.52% 1.52% 1.52%
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  4.12%(3)(4) 4.56%(3) 3.91% 3.70% 3.80% 3.99%
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets 
(Before Expense Waiver)  4.10%(4) 4.56% 3.91% 3.70% 3.80% 3.99%
Portfolio Turnover Rate  8% 26% 31% 17% 25% 13%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $30,105 $30,747 $39,283 $42,125 $31,276 $17,499
(1)  Six months ended February 28, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any, and does not reflect applicable sales charges 
  Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense 
  differences because of the impact of calculating the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal 
  places, the total return differences would more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal 
  places is made in accordance with SEC guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.   
(3)  Effective August 1, 2009, the investment advisor voluntarily agreed to waive a portion of its management fee.     
(4)  Annualized.             

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Board Approval of Management Agreements 

American Century Investment Management, Inc. (“ACIM” or the “Advisor”) currently serves as investment advisor to the Funds under an interim management agreement (the “Interim Management Agreement”) between the Advisor and the Funds approved by the Funds’ Board of Trustees (the “Board”). The Advisor previously served as investment advisor to the Funds pursuant to a management agreement (the “Prior Management Agreement”) that terminated in accordance with its terms on February 16, 2010, as a result of a change of control of the Advisor’s parent company, American Century Companies, Inc. (“ACC”). The change in control occurred as the result of a change in the trustee of a trust created by James E. Stowers, Jr., the founder of American Century Investments that holds shares representing a significant interest in ACC stock. Mr. Stowers previously served as the trustee of the trust. On February 16, 2010, Richard W. Brown, Co-Chairman of ACC with Mr. Stowers, became the trustee in accordance with the terms of the trust and Mr. Stowers’ long-standing estate and succession plan.

On February 18, 2010, the Board approved the Interim Management Agreement in accordance with Rule 15a-4 under the Investment Company Act to ensure continued management of the Funds by the Advisor after the termination of the Prior Management Agreement and until shareholder approval of a new management agreement (the “Proposed Management Agreement”) as required under the Act. The Board has approved the Proposed Management Agreement and has recommended its approval to shareholders. Fund shareholders are scheduled to consider approval of the Proposed Management Agreement at a meeting to be held on June 16, 2010.*

The Interim Management Agreement and the Proposed Management Agreement are substantially identical to the Prior Management Agreement except for their effective dates and the termination provisions of the Interim Management Agreement. Under the Interim and Proposed Management Agreements, the Advisor will provide the same services to the Funds and receive the same compensation rate as under the Prior Management Agreement.

Basis for Board Approval of Interim Management Agreement

In considering the approval of the Interim Management Agreement, Rule 15a-4 requires the Board to approve the contract within ten business days of the termination of the prior agreement and to determine that the compensation to be received under the interim agreement is no greater than would have been received under the prior agreement. In connection with the approval, the Board noted that it oversees on a continuous basis and evaluates at its quarterly meetings, directly and through the committees of the Board, the nature and quality of significant services provided by the Advisor, the investment performance of the Funds, shareholder services, audit and compliance functions and a variety of other matters relating to the Funds’ operations.

*Management agreements for new share classes of the Funds launched after February 16, 2010, did not terminate, have not been replaced by Interim 
 Management Agreements, and do not require Board or shareholder approval at this time. 


In evaluating the Interim Management Agreement, the Board, assisted by the advice of its independent legal counsel, considered a number of factors in addition to those required by the rule with no one factor being determinative to its analysis. Among the factors considered by the Board were the circumstances and effect of the change of control, the fact that the Advisor will provide the same services and receive the same compensation rate as under the Prior Management Agreements, and that the change of control did not result in a change of the personnel managing the Funds. Upon completion of its analysis, the Board approved the Interim Management Agreement, determining that the continued management of the Funds by the Advisor was in the best interests of the Funds and Fund shareholders.

Basis for Board Approval of Proposed Management Agreement

At a meeting held on April 1, 2010, after considering all information presented, the Board approved, and determined to recommend that shareholders approve, the Proposed Management Agreement. In connection with that approval, the Board requested and reviewed extensive data and information compiled by the Advisor and certain independent providers of evaluation data concerning the Funds and services provided to the Funds by the Advisor. The Board oversees on a continuous basis and evaluates at its quarterly meetings, directly and through the committees of the Board, the nature and quality of significant services provided by the Advisor, the investment performance of the Funds, shareholder services, audit and compliance functions and a variety of other matters relating to the Funds’ operations. The information considered and the discussions held at the meetings included, but were not limited to:

• the nature, extent and quality of investment management, shareholder services and other services provided to the Funds;

• the wide range of programs and services the Advisor provides to the Funds and their shareholders on a routine and non-routine basis;

• the compliance policies, procedures, and regulatory experience of the Advisor;

• data comparing the cost of owning the Funds to the cost of owning similar funds;

• the fact that there will be no changes to the fees, services, or personnel who provide such services as compared to the Prior Management Agreement;

• data comparing the Funds’ performance to appropriate benchmarks and/or a peer group of other mutual funds with similar investment objectives and strategies;

• financial data showing the profitability of the Funds to the Advisor and the overall profitability of the Advisor;

• data comparing services provided and charges to the Funds with those for other non-fund investment management clients of the Advisor; and


• consideration of collateral or “fall-out” benefits derived by the Advisor from the management of the Funds and potential sharing of economies of scale in connection with the management of the Funds.

The Board also considered whether there was any reason for not continuing the existing arrangement with the Advisor. In particular, the Board recognized that shareholders may have invested in the Funds on the strength of the Advisor’s industry standing and reputation and in the expectation that the Advisor will have a continuing role in providing advisory services to the Funds.

The Board considered all of the information provided by the Advisor, the independent data providers, and the Board’s independent counsel, and evaluated such information for each Fund. The Board did not identify any single factor as being all-important or controlling, and each Board member may have attributed different levels of importance to different factors. In deciding to approve the Proposed Management Agreement under the terms ultimately determined by the Board to be appropriate, the Board based its decision on a number of factors, including the following:

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services — Generally. Under the Proposed Management Agreement, the Advisor is responsible for providing or arranging for all services necessary for the operation of the Funds. The Board noted that under the Proposed Management Agreement, the Advisor provides or arranges at its own expense a wide variety of services including:

• constructing and designing the Funds

• portfolio research and security selection

• initial capitalization/funding

• securities trading

• Fund administration

• custody of Fund assets

• daily valuation of each Fund’s portfolio

• shareholder servicing and transfer agency, including shareholder 
  confirmations, recordkeeping and communications

• legal services

• regulatory and portfolio compliance

• financial reporting

• marketing and distribution


The Board noted that many of these services have expanded over time both in terms of quantity and complexity in response to shareholder demands, competition in the industry, changing distribution channels and the changing regulatory environment.

Investment Management Services. The investment management services provided to the Funds are complex and provide Fund shareholders access to professional money management, instant diversification of their investments within an asset class, the opportunity to easily diversify among asset classes, and liquidity. As a part of its general oversight and in evaluating investment performance, the Board expects the Advisor to manage each Fund in accordance with its investment objectives and approved strategies. In providing these services, the Advisor utilizes teams of investment professionals who require extensive information technology, research, training, compliance and other systems to conduct their business. The Board, directly and through its Portfolio Committee, regularly reviews investment performance information for each Fund, together with comparative information for appropriate benchmarks and/or peer groups of similarly-managed funds, over different time horizons. If performance concerns are identified, the underperforming Fund receives special reviews until performance improves, during which time the Board discusses with the Advisor the reasons for such underperformance and any efforts being undertaken to improve performance.

Shareholder and Other Services. Under the Proposed Management Agreement, the Advisor will also provide the Funds with a comprehensive package of transfer agency, shareholder, and other services. The Board, directly and through the various committees of the Board, regularly reviews reports and evaluations of such services. These reports include, but are not limited to, information regarding the operational efficiency and accuracy of the shareholder and transfer agency services provided, staffing levels, shareholder satisfaction (as measured by external as well as internal sources), technology support, new products and services offered to Fund shareholders, securities trading activities, portfolio valuation services, auditing services, and legal and operational compliance activities. Certain aspects of shareholder and transfer agency service level efficiency and the quality of securities trading activities are measured by independent third party providers and are presented in comparison to other fund groups not managed by the Advisor.

Costs of Services Provided and Profitability. The Advisor provided detailed information concerning its cost of providing various services to the Funds, its profitability in managing the Funds, its overall profitability, and its financial condition. The Board reviewed with the Advisor the methodology used to prepare this financial information. The Board has also reviewed with the Advisor its methodology for compensating the investment professionals that provide services to the Funds as well as compensation to the five highest paid personnel of the Advisor. This financial information regarding the Advisor is considered in order to evaluate the Advisor’s financial condition, its ability to continue to provide services under the Proposed Management Agreement, and the reasonableness of the proposed management fees.


Ethics. The Board generally considers the Advisor’s commitment to providing quality services to shareholders and to conducting its business ethically. It noted that the Advisor’s practices generally meet or exceed industry best practices.

Economies of Scale. The Board also reviewed information provided by the Advisor regarding the possible existence of economies of scale in connection with the management of the Funds. The Board concluded that economies of scale are difficult to measure and predict with precision, especially on a fund-by-fund basis. The analysis of economies of scale is further complicated by the additional services and content provided by the Advisor and its reinvestment in its ability to provide and expand those services. Accordingly, the Board seeks to evaluate economies of scale by reviewing information, such as year-over-year profitability of the Advisor generally, the profitability of its management of each Fund specifically, and the expenses incurred by the Advisor in providing various functions to the Funds. The Board believes the Advisor is appropriately sharing economies of scale through its competitive fee structure, offering competitive fees from fund inception, fee breakpoints as the fund complex and the Funds increase in size, and through reinvestment in its business to provide shareholders additional services and enhancements to existing services. In particular, separate breakpoint schedules based on the size of the entire fund complex and on the size of each Fund reflect the complexity of assessing economies of scale.

Comparison to Fees of Funds not Managed by the Advisor. Both the Prior and Proposed Management Agreements provide that the Funds pay the Advisor a single, all-inclusive (or unified) management fee for providing all services necessary for the management and operation of the Funds, other than brokerage expenses, taxes, interest, extraordinary expenses, and the fees and expenses of the Funds’ Independent Trustees (including their independent legal counsel) and expenses incurred in connection with the provision of shareholder services and distribution services under a plan adopted pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act. Under the unified fee structure, the Advisor is responsible for providing all investment advisory, custody, audit, administrative, compliance, recordkeeping, marketing and shareholder services, or arranging and supervising third parties that provide such services. By contrast, most other funds are charged a variety of fees, including an investment advisory fee, a transfer agency fee, an administrative fee, distribution charges and other expenses. Other than their investment advisory fees and any applicable Rule 12b-1 distribution fees, the components of the total fees charged by these other funds may be increased without shareholder approval. The Board believes the unified fee structure is a benefit to Fund shareholders because it clearly discloses to shareholders the cost of owning Fund shares, and, since the unified fee cannot be increased without a vote of Fund shareholders, it shifts to the Advisor the risk of increased costs of operating the Funds and provides a direct incentive to minimize administrative inefficiencies. Part of the Board’s analysis of fee levels involves reviewing certain evaluative data compiled by an independent provider comparing each Fund’s unified fee to the total expense ratios of similar funds not managed by the Advisor.


The Board concluded that the management fee to be paid by each Fund to the Advisor under the Proposed Management Agreement is reasonable in light of the services to be provided to the Funds.

Comparison to Fees and Services Provided to Other Clients of the Advisor. The Board also requested and received information from the Advisor concerning the nature and extent of the services, fees, and profitability of its advisory services to advisory clients other than the Funds. They observed that these varying types of client accounts require different services and involve different regulatory and entrepreneurial risks than the management of the Funds. The Board analyzed this information and concluded that the fees charged and services provided to the Funds were reasonable by comparison.

Collateral or “Fall-Out” Benefits Derived by the Advisor. The Board considered the existence of collateral benefits the Advisor may receive as a result of its relationship with the Funds. They concluded that the Advisor’s primary business is managing mutual funds and it generally does not use Fund or shareholder information to generate profits in other lines of business, and therefore does not derive any significant collateral benefits from them. The Board noted that the Advisor receives proprietary research from broker-dealers that execute Fund portfolio transactions and concluded that this research is likely to benefit Fund shareholders. The Board also determined that the Advisor is able to provide investment management services to certain clients other than the Funds, at least in part, due to its existing infrastructure built to serve the fund complex. The Board concluded, however, that the assets of those other clients are not material to the analysis and, in any event, are included with the assets of the Funds to determine breakpoints in each Fund’s fee schedule, provided they are managed using the same investment team and strategy.

Conclusion of the Board. As a result of this process, the Board, in the absence of particular circumstances and assisted by the advice of its independent legal counsel, taking into account all of the factors discussed above and the information provided by the Advisor and others, concluded that the Proposed Management Agreement be approved and recommended its approval to Fund shareholders.


Additional Information 

Proxy Voting Guidelines

American Century Investment Management, Inc., the funds’ investment advisor, is responsible for exercising the voting rights associated with the securities purchased and/or held by the funds. A description of the policies and procedures the advisor uses in fulfilling this responsibility is available without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-345-2021. It is also available on American Century Investments’ website at americancentury.com and on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s website at sec.gov. Information regarding how the investment advisor voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available on the “About Us” page at americancentury.com. It is also available at sec.gov.

Quarterly Portfolio Disclosure

The funds file their complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The funds’ Forms N-Q are available on the SEC’s website at sec.gov, and may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, DC. Information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. The funds also make their complete schedule of portfolio holdings for the most recent quarter of their fiscal year available on their website at americancentury.com and, upon request, by calling 1-800-345-2021.


Index Definitions 

The following indices are used to illustrate investment market, sector, or style performance or to serve as fund performance comparisons. They are not investment products available for purchase.

The Barclays Capital 5-Year General Obligation (GO) Bond Index is composed of investment-grade U.S. municipal securities, with maturities of four to six years, that are general obligations of a state or local government.

The Barclays Capital California Tax-Exempt Bond Index is composed of those securities included in the Barclays Capital Municipal Bond Index that are investment-grade and are issued in California.

The Barclays Capital Long-Term Municipal Bond Index is composed of those securities included in the Barclays Capital Municipal Bond Index that have maturities greater than 22 years.

The Barclays Capital Municipal Bond Index is a market value-weighted index designed for the long-term tax-exempt bond market.

The Barclays Capital Non-Investment-Grade Municipal Bond Index is composed of non-investment grade U.S. municipal securities with a remaining maturity of one year or more.

The Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Index represents securities that are taxable, registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and U.S. dollar-denominated. The index covers the U.S. investment-grade fixed-rate bond market, with index components for government and corporate securities, mortgage pass-through securities, and asset-backed securities.

The Barclays Capital U.S. Treasury Index is composed of those securities included in the Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Index that are public obligations of the U.S. Treasury with a remaining maturity of one year or more.




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American Century California Tax-Free and Municipal Funds 
Investment Advisor:   
American Century Investment Management, Inc.   
Kansas City, Missouri   

This report and the statements it contains are submitted for the general
information of our shareholders. The report is not authorized for distribution to
prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

American Century Investment Services, Inc., Distributor

©2010 American Century Proprietary Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved.


Semiannual Report 
February 28, 2010 

American Century Investments® 

California Tax-Free Money Market Fund

California Tax-Free Bond Fund

Table of Contents 

President’s Letter  2 
Market Perspective  3 
U.S. Fixed-Income Total Returns  3 
California Tax-Free Money Market Fund   
Performance  4 
Yields  5 
Portfolio Composition by Maturity  5 
California Tax-Free Bond Fund   
Performance  6 
Portfolio Commentary  8 
Portfolio at a Glance  10 
Yields  10 
Top Five Sectors  10 
Portfolio Composition by Credit Rating  10 
Shareholder Fee Examples  11 
Financial Statements   
Schedule of Investments  13 
Statement of Assets and Liabilities  29 
Statement of Operations  30 
Statement of Changes in Net Assets  31 
Notes to Financial Statements  32 
Financial Highlights  37 
Other Information   
Board Approval of Management Agreements  39 
Additional Information  45 
Index Definitions  46 

The opinions expressed in the Market Perspective and the Portfolio Commentary reflect those of the portfolio management team as of the date of the report, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of American Century Investments or any other person in the American Century Investments organization. Any such opinions are subject to change at any time based upon market or other conditions and American Century Investments disclaims any responsibility to update such opinions. These opinions may not be relied upon as investment advice and, because investment decisions made by American Century Investments funds are based on numerous factors, may not be relied upon as an indication of trading intent on behalf of any American Century Investments fund. Security examples are used for representational purposes only and are not intended as recommendations to purchase or sell securities. Performance information for comparative indices and securities is provided to American Century Investments by third party vendors. To the best of American Century Investments’ knowledge, such information is accurate at the time of printing.

President’s Letter 

Dear Investor:

Thank you for taking time to review the following pages, which provide investment performance and portfolio information for the financial reporting period ended February 28, 2010, along with the perspective and commentary of our experienced portfolio management team. We appreciate your trust in American Century Investments at this volatile, transitional time in the economy and investment markets.

As the upheavals associated with the “Great Recession” gradually subside, our senior management team has put considerable thought into how the investment environment has changed and what challenges and opportunities await us. Critical factors that we are anticipating in 2010 include marked shifts in investment and spending behavior compared with the past decade, along with consolidation in our industry.

Most importantly, we think the U.S. economic recovery will be slow and extended. The economy and capital markets have come a long way since Lehman Brothers collapsed in the third quarter of 2008, but 2010 will likely bring continuing challenges. The U.S. stock market’s rebound since last March and the second-half economic surge in 2009 were fueled largely by corporate cost-cutting and unprecedented monetary and fiscal stimulus, including some key programs that have since expired or been scaled back.

Meanwhile, the resilient but struggling consumer sector still faces high unemployment, heavy debt burdens, tight credit conditions, and a housing market that is starting to stabilize, but remains vulnerable. Much of our investment positioning in 2009 cautiously reflected these still unstable economic fundamentals, leading to underperformance, in some cases, versus market benchmarks buoyed by the rally of riskier assets. We still support our fundamentally based positioning because we believe strongly that some markets—driven more by technical factors than fundamentals—have advanced further than underlying economic conditions warrant, and remain susceptible to the possibility of more volatility ahead.

Thank you for your continued confidence in us.


Jonathan Thomas
President and Chief Executive Officer
American Century Investments


Market Perspective 

By David MacEwen, Chief Investment Officer, Fixed Income

Economic, Market Conditions Improved

Municipal bonds produced positive returns during the six months ended February 28, 2010 (see the accompanying table), when the U.S. economy and financial markets continued to rebound from the depths of the credit crisis. Gross domestic product expanded at an estimated 5.6% annual rate in the fourth quarter of 2009, inflation was tame, and home prices stabilized; however, the unemployment rate ended February at 9.7% and bank lending—a key driver of economic growth—remained weak. In that environment, the Federal Reserve held its short-term rate target at 0% to keep credit cheap and readily available.

Better economic and market conditions helped municipal bonds outperform Treasuries. Riskier securities such as high-yield bonds that did worst in the credit crisis performed best in the last six months. Technical (supply and demand) factors also contributed to tax-free municipal bond outperformance, as mutual fund flows remained positive while tax-exempt municipal supply was limited by the Build America Bond program, a federal government program intended to lower borrowing costs and improve access to capital for municipalities. This program took many newly issued bonds out of the municipal market and put them in the taxable universe.

California Municipals Lagged National Averages

Worries about the health of California’s economy and resulting impact on municipal credit quality meant bonds issued by the state and local municipalities underperformed national averages. Indeed, in January, credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s downgraded the state’s tax-supported general obligation (GO) debt rating from A to A–. Despite the downgrade, it is important to point out that we believe California is highly unlikely to default (miss payments) on its GO debt. California’s GO debt continues to be rated “investment grade” by all three big rating agencies, and the state’s constitution requires it to pay debt service on its GO bonds, which have second claim to all general fund revenues behind only education. And, as a state, California cannot file for bankruptcy, nor can it disappear, as can a corporate credit.

U.S. Fixed-Income Total Returns           
For the six months ended February 28, 2010*       
Barclays Capital Municipal Market Indices    Barclays Capital Taxable Market Indices   
Municipal Bond    4.13%  U.S. Aggregate Index  3.19% 
5-Year General Obligation (GO) Bond    3.66%  U.S. Treasury Index  1.44% 
California Tax-Exempt Bond    3.69%  *Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized. 
Long-Term Municipal Bond    5.66%     
Non-Investment-Grade Municipal Bond  12.89%     



California Tax-Free Money Market         
Total Returns as of February 28, 2010           
          Average Annual Returns   
    Ticker          Since Inception 
    Symbol   6 months(1) 1 year  5 years  10 years  Inception  Date 
California Tax-Free               
Money Market  BCTXX      0.02%(2)      0.12%(2)      1.99%(2)  1.77%  2.96%  11/9/83 
Lipper California               
Tax-Exempt Money               
Market Funds               
Average Returns(3)    0.02%  0.10%  1.85%  1.62%      3.07%(4)   
Fund’s Lipper Ranking               
as of 2/28/10(3)      31 of 73  17 of 61  9 of 43      2 of 2(4)   
Fund’s Lipper Ranking               
as of 3/31/10(3)      29 of 73  17 of 61  9 of 43      2 of 2(4)   
(1)  Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized.           
(2)  Fund returns would have been lower if American Century Investments had not voluntarily waived a portion of its management fees.   
(3)  Data provided by Lipper Inc. — A Reuters Company. © 2010 Reuters. All rights reserved. Any copying, republication or redistribution of Lipper 
  content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Lipper. Lipper shall not be 
  liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.       
  Lipper Fund Performance — Performance data is total return, and is preliminary and subject to revision.     
  Lipper Rankings — Rankings are based only on the universe shown and are based on average annual total returns. This listing might not 
  represent the complete universe of funds tracked by Lipper.           
  The data contained herein has been obtained from company reports, financial reporting services, periodicals and other resources believed to be 
  reliable. Although carefully verified, data on compilations is not guaranteed by Lipper and may be incomplete. No offer or solicitations to buy or 
  sell any of the securities herein is being made by Lipper.           
(4)  Since 11/30/83, the date nearest the fund’s inception for which data are available.         

Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses 
California Tax-Free Money Market     0.55% x

The total annual fund operating expenses shown is as stated in the fund’s prospectus current as of the date of this report. The prospectus may vary from the expense ratio shown elsewhere in this report because it is based on a different time period, includes acquired fund fees and expenses, and, if applicable, does not include fee waivers or expense reimbursements.

Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. Investment income may be subject to certain state and local taxes and, depending on your tax status, the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT). Capital gains are not exempt from state and federal income tax.

An investment in the fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although the fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in the fund.

The 7-day current yield more closely reflects the current earnings of the fund than the total return.


California Tax-Free Money Market   
Yields as of February 28, 2010     
7-Day Current Yield     
After waiver(1)    0.01% 
Before waiver    -0.17% 
7-Day Effective Yield(1)     
7-Day Tax-Equivalent Current Yields(1)(2)     
32.16% Tax Bracket    0.01% 
34.88% Tax Bracket    0.02% 
39.40% Tax Bracket    0.02% 
41.21% Tax Bracket    0.02% 
(1)  The yields presented reflect the waiver of a portion of the fund’s management fees. Without such waiver, the 7-day yields would have been lower. 
(2)  The tax brackets indicated are for combined state and federal income tax. Actual tax-equivalent yields may be lower, if alternative minimum tax 
  is applicable.     
Portfolio Composition by Maturity     
    % of fund investments  % of fund investments 
    as of 2/28/10  as of 8/31/09 
1-30 days  87% 86% 
31-90 days  3%  
91-180 days  10% 1% 
More than 180 days    13% 

Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. Investment income may be subject to certain state and local taxes and, depending on your tax status, the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT). Capital gains are not exempt from state and federal income tax.

An investment in the fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although the fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in the fund.

The 7-day current yield more closely reflects the current earnings of the fund than the total return.



California Tax-Free Bond           
Total Returns as of February 28, 2010           
          Average Annual Returns   
    Ticker          Since  Inception 
    Symbol   6 months(1) 1 year  5 years  10 years  Inception  Date 
California Tax-Free Bond  BCITX  3.74%  7.84%  3.83%  4.72%  5.76%  11/9/83 
Barclays Capital 5-Year               
GO Bond Index    3.66%  7.11%  4.97%  5.37%      6.43%(2)   
Lipper California               
Municipal Debt Funds               
Average Returns(3)    3.76%  7.46%  3.37%  4.45%      5.76%(4)   
Fund’s Lipper Ranking               
as of 2/28/10(3)      16 of 38  5 of 35  4 of 22      1 of 1(4)   
Fund’s Lipper Ranking               
as of 3/31/10(3)      20 of 42  9 of 40  5 of 25      1 of 1(4)   
(1)  Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized.           
(2)  Since 10/31/83, the date nearest the fund’s inception for which data are available.         
(3)  Data provided by Lipper Inc. — A Reuters Company. © 2010 Reuters. All rights reserved. Any copying, republication or redistribution of Lipper 
  content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Lipper. Lipper shall not be 
  liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.       
  Lipper Fund Performance — Performance data is total return, and is preliminary and subject to revision.     
  Lipper Rankings — Rankings are based only on the universe shown and are based on average annual total returns. This listing might not 
  represent the complete universe of funds tracked by Lipper.           
  The data contained herein has been obtained from company reports, financial reporting services, periodicals and other resources believed to be 
  reliable. Although carefully verified, data on compilations is not guaranteed by Lipper and may be incomplete. No offer or solicitations to buy or 
  sell any of the securities herein is being made by Lipper.           
(4)  Since 11/10/83, the date nearest the fund’s inception for which data are available.         

Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline. Investment income may be subject to certain state and local taxes and, depending on your tax status, the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT). Capital gains are not exempt from state and federal income tax.

Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the index are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses (such as transaction costs and management fees) that reduce returns, while the total returns of the index do not.


California Tax-Free Bond

Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses 
California Tax-Free Bond       0.49%  

The total annual fund operating expenses shown is as stated in the fund’s prospectus current as of the date of this report. The prospectus may vary from the expense ratio shown elsewhere in this report because it is based on a different time period, includes acquired fund fees and expenses, and, if applicable, does not include fee waivers or expense reimbursements.

Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit 18000 americancentury.com. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline. Investment income may be subject to certain state and local taxes and, depending on your tax status, the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT). Capital gains are not exempt from state and federal income tax.

Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the index are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses (such as transaction costs and management fees) that reduce returns, while the total returns of the index do not.


Portfolio Commentary 

California Tax-Free Bond

Portfolio Managers: Alan Kruss, Joseph Gotelli, and Steven Permut

Performance Summary

California Tax-Free Bond returned 3.74%* for the six months ended February 28, 2010. By comparison, the Barclays Capital 5-Year GO Bond Index returned 3.66%. The average return of the California Intermediate Municipal Debt Funds tracked by Lipper Inc. was 3.76% for the same period.

The portfolio’s absolute returns reflect the solid performance of municipal bonds over the six-month period (see the Market Perspective on page 3). The fund performed roughly in line with its peer group average and the Barclays Capital 5-Year GO Bond Index in a period when we made a number of trades that we believe will contribute to outperformance over time. We believe this long-term approach has contributed to California Tax-Free Bond outpacing the Lipper group average return for the one-, five-, and 10-year periods ended February 28 (see page 6).

Sector and Credit Allocations Had Mixed Effects

We manage the portfolio using a long-term, relative-value approach to investing, looking for what we believe to be high-quality assets trading at temporarily depressed prices, or opportunities that present attractive risk/reward trade-offs.

This management approach led us to add state general obligation (GO) bonds trading at historically wide yield spreads (meaning they were as cheap relative to high-grade municipals as they’ve ever been), providing a favorable long-term risk/reward trade-off in our view. The bonds trailed other segments of the municipal market in recent months because of concern about California’s economy and budget. We think those concerns are overstated—we believe a default (missed payment) by the state is highly unlikely for many reasons, including the fact that California cannot file for bankruptcy, it is constitutionally required to pay debt service on its GO bonds, and GO debt is second only to education in its claim on all general fund revenues. Holding these bonds dampened recent relative performance—as did an underweight position in tobacco bonds and those issued by gas utilities—but we still like their long-term potential.

At the other end of the spectrum, it was beneficial to be underrepresented in prerefunded securities, which lagged. At the same time, we held an overweight stake in health care and hospital securities, which performed relatively well for the six months.

Our credit exposure also had a mixed effect—we held more than 50% of assets in securities rated AAA and AA as of February 28. That positioning was key to the portfolio’s outperformance during the credit crisis, but detracted modestly from relative results in the last six months, when lower-rated bonds did best.

*Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized.


California Tax-Free Bond

Changes to Portfolio Positioning

We implemented a yield curve flattening trade using two- and 30-year Treasury futures (the trade was based on the expectation that the yield difference, or spread, between two- and 30-year securities would narrow going forward). We put the trade on in late 2009 when the slope of the Treasury yield curve approached record levels of steepness.

Similarly, we implemented a trade designed to capitalize on the changing yield relationship between Treasury and municipal bonds, a “yield ratio” trade. We put the ratio trade in effect at a time when long-term municipal bond yields exceeded Treasury yields, a rare occurrence. The trade was based on our expectation that municipals would outperform Treasuries, and the yield difference between the two would move toward their normal historical relationship, with municipals yielding less than Treasuries. Municipals outperformed Treasuries, and the ratio declined, so we took our profits and exited this trade in late 2009.


“We’re positive on the municipal market over time, but credit concerns and headline risk (bad publicity resulting from the state’s budget and economic situation) present near-term challenges,” said Steven Permut, leader of the municipal bond team at American Century Investments. “In the long run, we think tax rates have to rise, making municipal bonds’ tax advantages even more appealing. The supply of tax-exempt municipal bonds is also likely to be constrained for the foreseeable future by the Build America Bond program, while demand should be supported by the attractive tax-free yields municipal bonds offer relative to cash and fully taxable investments. We also expect the municipal market to benefit from changes currently under way at the big credit rating agencies, which should better recognize the comparatively high quality of municipal investments. Having said that, economic challenges remain. To be clear, we do not expect wholesale municipal bond defaults, but select issuers could face rating downgrades. We think these conditions put a premium on careful credit analysis and individual security selection—what we believe are two strengths of our management approach.”


California Tax-Free Bond     
Portfolio at a Glance     
  As of 2/28/10  As of 8/31/09 
Weighted Average Maturity  9.3 years  10.3 years 
Average Duration (Modified)  4.9 years  5.2 years 
Yields as of February 28, 2010     
30-Day SEC Yield     
30-Day Tax-Equivalent Yields*     
32.16% Tax Bracket    3.91% 
34.88% Tax Bracket    4.07% 
39.40% Tax Bracket    4.37% 
41.21% Tax Bracket    4.51% 
*The tax brackets indicated are for combined state and federal income tax. Actual tax-equivalent yields may be lower, if alternative minimum tax 
  is applicable.     
Top Five Sectors as of February 28, 2010     
    % of fund investments 
General Obligation (GO)    21%
Electric Revenue    14%
Prerefunded    13%
Hospital Revenue    11%
Certificates of Participation (COPs)/Leases    7%
Portfolio Composition by Credit Rating     
  % of fund investments  % of fund investments 
  as of 2/28/10  as of 8/31/09 
AAA  31%  31%
AA  22%  24%
A  34%  29%
BBB  10%  12%
Not Rated  3%  4%
Ratings provided by independent research companies. These ratings are listed in Standard & Poor’s format even if they were provided by other 
sources. The letter ratings indicate the credit worthiness of the underlying bonds in the portfolio and generally range from AAA (highest) to D (lowest). 


Shareholder Fee Examples (Unaudited) 

Fund shareholders may incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments and redemption/ exchange fees; and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution and service (12b-1) fees; and other fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example is based on an investment of $1,000 made at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period from September 1, 2009 to February 28, 2010.

Actual Expenses

The table provides information about actual account values and actual expenses for each class. You may use the information, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. First, identify the share class you own. Then simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number under the heading “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

If you hold Investor Class shares of any American Century Investments fund, or Institutional Class shares of the American Century Diversified Bond Fund, in an American Century Investments account (i.e., not a financial intermediary or retirement plan account), American Century Investments may charge you a $12.50 semiannual account maintenance fee if the value of those shares is less than $10,000. We will redeem shares automatically in one of your accounts to pay the $12.50 fee. In determining your total eligible investment amount, we will include your investments in all personal accounts (including American Century Investments Brokerage accounts) registered under your Social Security number. Personal accounts include individual accounts, joint accounts, UGMA/UTMA accounts, personal trusts, Coverdell Education Savings Accounts and IRAs (including traditional, Roth, Rollover, SEP-, SARSEP- and SIMPLE-IRAs), and certain other retirement accounts. If you have only business, business retirement, employer-sponsored or American Century Investments Brokerage accounts, you are currently not subject to this fee. We will not charge the fee as long as you choose to manage your accounts exclusively online. If you are subject to the Account Maintenance Fee, your account value could be reduced by the fee amount.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The table also provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the actual expense ratio of each class of your fund and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the actual return of a fund’s share class. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in your fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.


Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads) or redemption/exchange fees. Therefore, the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.

      Beginning  Ending  Expenses Paid    
    Account Value  Account Value  During Period(1)  Annualized 
    9/1/09  2/28/10  9/1/09 – 2/28/10  Expense Ratio(1) 
California Tax-Free Money Market       
Actual (after waiver)(2)  $1,000  $1,000.20 $1.69  0.34% 
Actual (before waiver)  $1,000      $1,000.20(3) $2.48   0.50% 
Hypothetical  $1,000  $1,023.11 $1.71  0.34% 
(after waiver)(2)       
Hypothetical  $1,000  $1,022.32 $2.51  0.50% 
(before waiver)         
California Tax-Free Bond       
Actual  $1,000  $1,037.40 $2.42  0.48% 
Hypothetical  $1,000  $1,022.41 $2.41  0.48% 
(1)  Expenses are equal to the fund’s annualized expense ratio listed in the table above, multiplied by the average account value over the period, 
  multiplied by 181, the number of days in the most recent fiscal half-year, divided by 365, to reflect the one-half year period. 
(2)  During the six months ended February 28, 2010, the investment advisor waived a portion of the fund’s management fee. 
(3)  Ending account value assumes the return earned after waiver. The return would have been lower had fees not been waived and would have 
  resulted in a lower ending account value.       


Schedule of Investments 

California Tax-Free Money Market     
FEBRUARY 28, 2010 (UNAUDITED)         
  Principal      Principal   
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
Municipal Securities — 106.9%(1)    Austin Trust Various States     
      GO, Series 2008-3020X,     
CALIFORNIA — 106.9%      VRDN, 0.21%, 3/8/10     
ABAG Finance Auth. for      (AGM) (LIQ FAC: Bank of     
Nonprofit Corps. Multifamily      America N.A.)(2)(3)  $ 5,750,000  $       5,750,000 
Housing Rev., Series 2002 A,      Austin Trust Various States     
(The Arbors Apartments),      GO, Series 2008-3044X,     
VRDN, 0.20%, 3/3/10      VRDN, 0.21%, 3/8/10     
(FNMA) (LIQ FAC: FNMA)(2)  $ 2,000,000  $      2,000,000  (AGM) (LIQ FAC: Bank of     
ABAG Finance Auth. for      America N.A.)(2)(3)  6,665,000  6,665,000 
Nonprofit Corps. Rev.,      Austin Trust Various States     
(Katherine Delmar Burke      GO, Series 2008-3318,     
School), VRDN, 0.60%,      VRDN, 0.18%, 3/8/10     
3/4/10 (LOC: Allied Irish      (AGC-ICC) (LIQ FAC: Bank     
Bank plc)(2)  5,050,000  5,050,000  of America N.A.)(2)(3)  1,500,000  1,500,000 
ABAG Finance Auth. for      Barstow Multifamily     
Nonprofit Corps. Rev., Series      Housing Rev., (Desert Vista     
2005 A, (San Francisco      Apartments), VRDN, 0.18%,     
University), VRDN, 0.60%,      3/3/10 (LOC: Redlands     
3/4/10 (LOC: Allied Irish      Federal Bank and FHLB)(2)  2,400,000  2,400,000 
Bank plc)(2)  950,000  950,000       
      Butte County Housing Auth.     
ABAG Finance Auth. for      Multi-Family Rev., (Pine Tree     
Nonprofit Corps. Rev., Series      Apartments), VRDN, 0.20%,     
2006 A, (La Jolla Country      3/3/10 (LOC: Wells Fargo     
Day School), VRDN, 0.60%,      Bank N.A.)(2)  257,000  257,000 
3/4/10 (LOC: Allied Irish      California Department of     
Bank plc)(2)  1,090,000  1,090,000       
      Water Resources Power     
Anaheim Union High School      Supply Rev., Series 2002 B4,     
District COP, (School Facility      VRDN, 0.10%, 3/1/10 (LOC:     
Bridge Funding), VRDN,      Bayerische Landesbank)(2)  2,900,000  2,900,000 
0.25%, 3/4/10 (AGM)      California Educational     
(SBBPA: Wachovia      Facilities Auth. Rev.,     
Bank N.A.)(2)  3,060,000  3,060,000       
      Series 2008 C, (Chapman     
Apple Valley COP, (Public      University), VRDN, 0.15%,     
Facilities Financing), VRDN,      3/1/10 (LOC: Bank of     
0.23%, 3/4/10 (LOC: Union      America N.A.)  1,200,000  1,200,000 
Bank of California N.A.      California Enterprise     
and California State      Development Auth. Rev.,     
Teacher’s Retirement)(2)  3,445,000  3,445,000       
      (Community Hospice, Inc.),     
Austin Trust Various States      VRDN, 0.23%, 3/4/10 (LOC:     
GO, Series 2008-1154,      Bank of Stockton and FHLB)  4,755,000  4,755,000 
VRDN, 0.21%, 3/8/10      California Enterprise     
(AGM) (LIQ FAC: Bank of      Development Auth. Rev.,     
America N.A.)(2)(3)  5,315,000  5,315,000       
      (Humane Society Silicon     
Austin Trust Various States      Valley), VRDN, 0.23%,     
GO, Series 2008-3016X,      3/4/10 (LOC: First Republic     
VRDN, 0.21%, 3/8/10      Bank and U.S. Bank N.A.)(2)  8,000,000  8,000,000 
(AGM) (LIQ FAC: Bank of      California GO, Series     
America N.A.)(2)(3)  7,180,000  7,180,000       
      2006-1255, (PUTTERs),     
Austin Trust Various States      VRDN, 0.23%, 3/4/10     
GO, Series 2008-3019X,      (BHAC-CR/Ambac)     
VRDN, 0.18%, 3/8/10      (LIQ FAC: JPMorgan     
(AGM) (LIQ FAC: Bank of      Chase Bank N.A.)(3)  2,750,000  2,750,000 
America N.A.)(2)(3)  6,500,000  6,500,000       


California Tax-Free Money Market     
   Principal        Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
California GO, Series      California Statewide     
2007-1932, (PUTTERs),      Communities Development     
VRDN, 0.50%, 3/4/10      Auth. Multifamily Housing     
(AGM) (LIQ FAC: JPMorgan      Rev., Series 2008-2680,     
Chase Bank N.A.)(2)(3)  $ 4,995,000  $      4,995,000  (PUTTERs), VRDN, 0.30%,     
California Infrastructure      3/4/10 (LOC: JPMorgan     
& Economic Development      Chase Bank N.A.)(3)  $ 7,500,000  $      7,500,000 
Bank Rev., (Bay Area Toll      California Statewide     
Bridges), VRDN, 0.23%,      Communities Development     
3/4/10 (LOC: Bank of      Auth. Rev., (Archer School     
the West)(2)  2,830,000  2,830,000  for Girls, Inc.), VRDN,     
California Infrastructure      0.60%, 3/4/10 (LOC: Allied     
& Economic Development      Irish Bank plc)  1,000,000  1,000,000 
Bank Rev., (Country      California Statewide     
Schools), VRDN, 0.23%,      Communities Development     
3/4/10 (LOC: First Republic      Auth. Rev., (Trinity Children     
Bank and Bank of New York)  3,000,000  3,000,000  & Family), VRDN, 0.27%,     
California Infrastructure      3/3/10 (LOC: Citizens     
& Economic Development      Business Bank and     
Bank Rev., Series 2008 A,      California State     
(iWorks, Inc.), VRDN,      Teacher’s Retirement)  6,100,000  6,100,000 
0.33%, 3/4/10 (LOC: City      California Statewide     
National Bank and FHLB)(2)  1,335,000  1,335,000  Communities Development     
California Municipal Finance      Auth. Rev., Series 2000 A,     
Auth. Rev., (Saint Andrew’s      (Jewish Federation), VRDN,     
Parish), VRDN, 0.60%,      0.52%, 3/4/10 (LOC: Allied     
3/4/10 (LOC: Allied Irish      Irish Bank plc)  3,230,000  3,230,000 
Bank plc)(2)  1,300,000  1,300,000  Diamond Bar Public     
California Municipal Finance      Financing Auth. Lease Rev.,     
Auth. Rev., Series 2008 A,      Series 2002 A, (Community/     
(Central Coast YMCA),      Senior Center), VRDN,     
VRDN, 0.17%, 3/4/10      0.25%, 3/3/10 (LOC: Union     
(LOC: Pacific Capital Bank      Bank of California N.A.)(2)  7,400,000  7,400,000 
N.A. and FHLB)  2,750,000  2,750,000  East Bay Municipal Utility     
California School Cash      District Water System Rev.,     
Reserve Program Auth.      Series 2009 A1, VRN,     
Rev., Series 2009-10A,      0.20%, 3/4/10  5,000,000  5,000,000 
2.50%, 7/1/10  10,000,000  10,063,101  East Bay Municipal Utility     
California State Department      District Water System Rev.,     
of Water Resources Power      Series 2009 A2, VRN,     
Supply Rev., Series 2002 A,      0.20%, 3/4/10  29,540,000  29,540,000 
5.50%, 5/1/10(2)  2,095,000  2,110,811  East Bay Municipal Utility     
California State Department      District Water System Rev.,     
of Water Resources Power      Series 2010 A1, VRN,     
Supply Rev., Series 2002 B2,      1.00%, 3/1/10(4)  5,000,000  5,000,000 
VRDN, 0.14%, 3/1/10      East Bay Municipal Utility     
(LOC: BNP Paribas)(2)  2,000,000  2,000,000  District Water System Rev.,     
California State Department      Series 2010 A2, VRN,     
of Water Resources Power      1.00%, 3/1/10(4)  23,000,000  23,000,000 
Supply Rev., Series 2005 G3,      Eastern Municipal Water     
VRDN, 0.25%, 3/4/10      District Water & Sewer COP,     
(AGM) (SBBPA: JPMorgan      Series 2008 E, VRDN, 0.17%,     
Chase Bank N.A.)(2)  5,700,000  5,700,000  3/1/10 (LIQ FAC: Lloyds     
      TSB Bank plc)(2)  4,900,000  4,900,000 


California Tax-Free Money Market     
    Principal        Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
El Monte COP, Series      Metropolitan Water District     
2003 A, (Community      Southern California Rev.,     
Improvement), VRDN,      Series 2009 A1, VRDN,     
0.23%, 3/4/10 (LOC: Union      0.25%, 3/4/10(2)  $15,000,000  $      15,000,000 
Bank of California N.A.      Metropolitan Water District     
and California State      Southern California Rev.,     
Teacher’s Retirement)(2)  $ 4,475,000  $       4,475,000  Series 2009 A2, VRDN,     
Hanford Sewer System      0.20%, 3/4/10(2)  14,000,000  14,000,000 
Rev., Series 1996 A, VRDN,      Moreno Valley COP, (1997     
0.35%, 3/4/10 (LOC: Union      City Hall Refinancing),     
Bank of California N.A.)(2)  1,100,000  1,100,000  VRDN, 0.23%, 3/4/10 (LOC:     
JP Morgan Chase Trust      Union Bank of California     
Rev., Series 2009-3361,      N.A. and California State     
(PUTTERs/DRIVERs),      Teacher’s Retirement)(2)  4,875,000  4,875,000 
VRDN, 0.20%, 3/4/10      Novato Multifamily Housing     
(NATL) (LIQ FAC: JPMorgan      Rev., (Nova-Ro III Senior     
Chase Bank N.A.)(2)(3)  2,570,000  2,570,000  Housing), VRDN, 0.23%,     
JP Morgan Chase Trust      3/4/10 (LOC: Bank of     
Rev., Series 2009-3416,      the West)(2)  2,750,000  2,750,000 
(PUTTERs/DRIVERs),      Orange County Housing     
VRDN, 0.20%, 3/4/10      Multifamily Apartments     
(NATL/FGIC) (LIQ FAC:      Development Auth. Rev.,     
JPMorgan Chase      Series 1985 CC, (Lantern     
Bank N.A.)(2)(3)  2,200,000  2,200,000  Pines), VRDN, 0.21%,     
Long Beach Health Facilities      3/3/10 (FNMA)     
Rev., (Memorial Health      (LIQ FAC: FNMA)(2)  1,450,000  1,450,000 
Services), VRDN,      Paramount Unified School     
0.20%, 3/3/10(2)  15,200,000  15,200,000  District COP, (School Facility     
Los Angeles COP, Series      Bridge Funding Program),     
2005 A, (Loyola High      VRDN, 0.25%, 3/4/10     
School), VRDN, 0.60%,      (AGM) (SBBPA: Wachovia     
3/4/10 (LOC: Allied Irish      Bank N.A.)(2)  3,200,000  3,200,000 
Bank plc)(2)  1,375,000  1,375,000  RBC Municipal Products     
Los Angeles COP, Series      Inc. Trust Tax Allocation     
2006 A, (Notre Dame High      Rev., Series 2008 E5, VRDN,     
School), VRDN, 0.60%,      0.18%, 3/4/10 (LOC: Royal     
3/4/10 (LOC: Allied Irish      Bank of Canada) (LIQ FAC:     
Bank plc)(2)  1,710,000  1,710,000  Royal Bank of Canada)(3)  28,180,000  28,180,000 
Los Angeles County Tax &      Reedley COP, VRDN,     
Rev. Anticipation Notes GO,      0.18%, 3/4/10     
2.50%, 4/28/10  9,800,000  9,831,799  (LOC: U.S. Bank N.A.)(2)  10,650,000  10,650,000 
Los Angeles County Tax      Sacramento Sanitation     
& Rev. Anticipation Notes      District Financing Auth.     
GO, Series 2009 A,      Rev., Series 2008 D, VRDN,     
2.50%, 6/30/10  15,500,000  15,587,545  0.15%, 3/1/10 (LOC: Bank     
Los Angeles Multifamily      of America N.A.)(2)  1,300,000  1,300,000 
Housing Rev., Series 1985 K,      San Bernardino County     
VRDN, 0.50%, 3/2/10      Multifamily Housing Auth.     
(LOC: FHLB)(2)  1,048,000  1,048,000  Rev., Series 1993 A, (Rialto     
Los Angeles Unified      Heritage), VRDN, 0.18%,     
School District Tax      3/4/10 (LOC: California     
& Rev. Anticipation      Federal Bank and FHLB)(2)  4,330,000  4,330,000 
Notes GO, Series 2009 A,      San Diego Unified School     
2.00%, 8/12/10  10,000,000  10,061,590  District Tax & Rev.     
      Anticipation Notes GO,     
      2.00%, 7/8/10  6,500,000  6,533,816 


California Tax-Free Money Market 
   Principal    Notes to Schedule of Investments 
  Amount  Value  ABAG = Association of Bay Area Governments 
San Francisco City & County      AGC-ICC = Assured Guaranty Corporation — Insured Custody Certificates 
Redevelopment Agency         
Community Facilities District      AGM = Assured Guaranty Municipal Corporation 
No. 4 Rev., (Mission Bay      Ambac = Ambac Assurance Corporation 
North Public Improvements),      BHAC-CR = Berkshire Hathaway Assurance Corporation — 
VRDN, 0.19%, 3/4/10 (LOC:      Custodial Receipts 
Bank of America N.A.)(2)  $  1,400,000  $      1,400,000     
      COP = Certificates of Participation 
Santa Rosa Wastewater      DRIVERs = Derivative Inverse Tax-Exempt Receipts 
Rev., Series 2004 A,         
VRDN, 0.32%, 3/4/10      FGIC = Financial Guaranty Insurance Company 
(LOC: Landesbank      FHLB = Federal Home Loan Bank 
Baden-Wurttemberg)(2)  24,400,000  24,400,000  FNMA = Federal National Mortgage Association 
Southern California      GO = General Obligation 
Public Power Auth. Rev.,         
(Transmission), VRDN,      LIQ FAC = Liquidity Facilities 
0.20%, 3/3/10 (Ambac)      LOC = Letter of Credit 
(LOC: Lloyds TSB      NATL = National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation 
Bank plc)(2)  3,300,000  3,300,000     
      PUTTERs = Puttable Tax-Exempt Receipts 
Sweetwater Union High         
School District GO, Series      SBBPA = Standby Bond Purchase Agreement 
2008-2684, (PUTTERs),      VRDN = Variable Rate Demand Note. Interest reset date is indicated. 
VRDN, 0.50%, 3/4/10      Rate shown is effective at the period end. 
(AGM) (LIQ FAC: JPMorgan      VRN = Variable Rate Note. Interest reset date is indicated. Rate shown 
Chase Bank N.A.)(3)  3,500,000  3,500,000  is effective at the period end. 
Vallejo Water Rev., Series      (1)  Category includes amounts related to securities purchased but not 
2005 A, VRDN, 0.27%,        settled as of period end. 
3/3/10 (LOC: JPMorgan      (2)  Security, or a portion thereof, has been segregated for when-issued 
Chase Bank N.A.)(2)  4,500,000  4,500,000     
        securities. At period end, the aggregate value of securities pledged 
West Hills Community        was $28,000,000. 
College District COP, VRDN,         
0.25%, 3/3/10 (LOC: Union      (3)  Security was purchased under Rule 144A or Section 4(2) of 
Bank of California N.A.)(2)  9,000,000  9,000,000    the Securities Act of 1933 or is a private placement and, unless 
        registered under the Act or exempted from registration, may only 
Yolo County Multifamily        be sold to qualified institutional investors. The aggregate value 
Housing Rev., Series 1998 A,        of these securities at the period end was $84,605,000, which 
(Primero Grove), VRDN,        represented 22.2% of total net assets. None of these securities 
0.23%, 3/4/10 (LOC:        were considered illiquid. 
Bank of the West         
and California State      (4)  When-issued security. 
Teacher’s Retirement)(2)  5,100,000  5,100,000     
SECURITIES — 106.9%(1)    408,148,662  See Notes to Financial Statements. 
AND LIABILITIES — (6.9)%(1)    (26,310,833)     
TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%  $ 381,837,829     


California Tax-Free Bond       
FEBRUARY 28, 2010 (UNAUDITED)         
  Principal      Principal   
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
Municipal Securities — 98.8%    California Department of     
      Water Resources Rev.,     
CALIFORNIA — 94.8%      (Central Valley),     
ABAG Finance Auth. for      5.50%, 12/1/17(1)  $ 1,235,000  $      1,330,206 
Nonprofit Corps. Rev.,      California Department of     
(Oshman Family Jewish      Water Resources Rev.,     
Community), VRDN, 0.15%,      Series 2009 AF, (Central     
3/1/10 (LOC: LaSalle      Valley), 5.00%, 12/1/22(1)  2,000,000  2,264,480 
Bank N.A.)  $ 4,000,000  $       4,000,000  California Department of     
Banning Utility Auth.      Water Resources Rev.,     
Rev., (Refunding      Series 2009 AF, (Central     
and Improvement      Valley), 5.00%, 12/1/24(1)  2,000,000  2,214,600 
Projects), 5.25%,      California Economic     
11/1/35 (NATL/FGIC)(1)  750,000  751,613       
      Recovery GO, Series 2004 A,     
Bay Area Toll Auth. Toll      5.25%, 7/1/14(1)(2)  1,130,000  1,331,411 
Bridge Rev., Series 2008 F1,      California Economic     
(San Francisco Bay Area),      Recovery GO, Series 2004 A,     
5.00%, 4/1/34(1)  5,000,000  5,089,700       
      5.25%, 7/1/14(1)  3,870,000  4,413,619 
Bay Area Toll Auth. Toll      California Economic     
Bridge Rev., Series 2009 F1,      Recovery GO, Series     
(San Francisco Bay Area),      2004 A, 5.25%,     
5.25%, 4/1/27(1)  6,250,000  6,727,000       
      7/1/14 (NATL/FGIC)(1)  5,000,000  5,702,350 
California Department of      California Economic     
Water Resources Power      Recovery GO, Series     
Supply Rev., Series      2004 C3, VRDN, 0.13%,     
2002 A, 5.375%, 5/1/12,      3/1/10 (LOC: Bank of     
Prerefunded at 101%      America N.A.)(1)  2,200,000  2,200,000 
of Par (XLCA)(1)(2)  7,000,000  7,785,890       
      California Economic     
California Department of      Recovery GO, Series 2009 A,     
Water Resources Power      5.00%, 7/1/18(1)  7,000,000  7,845,530 
Supply Rev., Series 2002 A,           
5.50%, 5/1/12(1)  3,750,000  4,101,675  California Educational     
      Facilities Auth. Rev.,     
California Department of      (Golden Gate University),     
Water Resources Power      5.50%, 10/1/18(1)  4,000,000  4,001,640 
Supply Rev., Series 2002 B4,           
VRDN, 0.10%, 3/1/10 (LOC:      California Educational     
Bayerische Landesbank)(1)  5,850,000  5,850,000  Facilities Auth. Rev.,     
      (Santa Clara University),     
California Department of      5.00%, 4/1/18  500,000  570,165 
Water Resources Power           
Supply Rev., Series 2005 F5,      California Educational     
5.00%, 5/1/22(1)  1,800,000  1,979,784  Facilities Auth. Rev.,     
      (Santa Clara University),     
California Department of      5.00%, 4/1/19  700,000  787,374 
Water Resources Power           
Supply Rev., Series 2005 G4,      California Educational     
5.00%, 5/1/16(1)  2,450,000  2,815,295  Facilities Auth. Rev.,     
      (Santa Clara University),     
California Department of      5.25%, 4/1/23  2,000,000  2,208,200 
Water Resources Power           
Supply Rev., Series 2008 H,      California Educational     
5.00%, 5/1/21(1)  5,000,000  5,548,050  Facilities Auth. Rev.,     
      (Scripps College), 5.25%,     
California Department of      8/1/11, Prerefunded at     
Water Resources Rev.,      100% of Par(1)(2)  985,000  1,054,226 
(Central Valley), 5.50%,           
12/1/11, Prerefunded at           
100% of Par(1)(2)  15,000  16,326       


California Tax-Free Bond       
   Principal        Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
California Educational      California GO, 5.125%,     
Facilities Auth. Rev.,      2/1/14, Prerefunded at     
Series 2000 B, (Pooled      100% of Par(1)(2)  $ 5,000,000  $       5,790,450 
College & University),      California GO,     
6.625%, 6/1/10,      5.00%, 10/1/16(1)  2,820,000  3,102,931 
Prerefunded at 101%           
of Par(1)(2)  $ 275,000  $       282,260  California GO, 5.00%,     
      11/1/16 (Ambac)(1)  1,575,000  1,733,288 
California Educational           
Facilities Auth. Rev., Series      5.00%, California 8/1/18 GO, (1)  2,260,000  2,412,324 
2000 B, (Pooled College &           
University), 6.625%, 6/1/10,      California GO,     
Prerefunded at 101%      5.25%, 2/1/20(1)  5,000,000  5,223,800 
of Par(1)(2)  1,330,000  1,365,112  California GO,     
California Educational      5.00%, 3/1/20(1)  1,690,000  1,772,151 
Facilities Auth. Rev.,      California GO,     
Series 2004 C,      5.00%, 8/1/20(1)  5,000,000  5,209,800 
(Lutheran University),      California GO,     
5.00%, 10/1/24(1)  2,500,000  2,461,725  5.25%, 10/1/20(1)  5,000,000  5,370,100 
California Educational      California GO,     
Facilities Auth. Rev.,      5.00%, 3/1/22(1)  5,000,000  5,114,550 
Series 2008 A, (Chapman           
University), VRDN, 0.15%,      California GO,     
3/1/10 (LOC: Bank of      5.50%, 4/1/24  4,000,000  4,207,240 
America N.A.)  1,350,000  1,350,000  California GO,     
California Educational      5.00%, 8/1/24(1)  1,260,000  1,275,183 
Facilities Auth. Rev.,      California GO,     
Series 2008 B, (Chapman      5.75%, 4/1/28(1)  5,000,000  5,226,550 
University), VRDN, 0.15%,      California GO,     
3/1/10 (LOC: Bank of      5.25%, 10/1/29(1)  5,000,000  4,957,450 
America N.A.)  1,000,000  1,000,000  California GO,     
California Educational      5.75%, 4/1/31(1)  7,710,000  7,918,247 
Facilities Auth. Rev.,      California GO,     
Series 2008 T4,      6.50%, 4/1/33(1)  5,000,000  5,413,350 
(Stanford University),           
5.00%, 3/15/14(1)  5,000,000  5,784,400  California GO,     
      6.00%, 4/1/38(1)  3,000,000  3,099,540 
California Educational           
Facilities Auth. Rev.,      California Health Facilities     
Series 2009 A, (Pomona      Financing Auth. Rev.,     
College), 5.00%, 1/1/24(1)  2,100,000  2,377,935  (NCROC Paradise Valley),     
      5.70%, 12/1/24     
California Educational      (Ambac/California     
Facilities Auth. Rev.,      Mortgage Insurance)(1)  1,985,000  2,093,976 
Series 2009 A, (University           
of Southern California),      California Health Facilities     
5.00%, 10/1/39(1)  2,952,000  3,074,301  Financing Auth. Rev.,     
      Series 1998 A, (Kaiser     
California GO, 5.25%,      Permanente), 5.25%,     
10/1/10, Prerefunded      6/1/11 (AGM)(1)(2)  2,000,000  2,025,840 
at 100% of Par           
(FGIC-TCRS)(1)(2)  7,650,000  7,879,271  California Health Facilities     
      Financing Auth. Rev., Series     
California GO, 5.50%,      2008 A, (Scripps Health),     
3/1/11 (XLCA-ICR)(1)  1,000,000  1,046,360       
      5.00%, 10/1/17(1)  1,400,000  1,550,794 
California GO, 5.50%,      California Health Facilities     
4/1/12 (NATL)(1)  5,000,000  5,403,750       
      Financing Auth. Rev., Series     
California GO, 5.00%,      2008 A, (Sutter Health),     
2/1/14, Prerefunded at      5.50%, 8/15/17(1)  1,000,000  1,129,750 
100% of Par(1)(2)  4,000,000  4,613,160       


California Tax-Free Bond       
   Principal        Principal   
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
California Health Facilities      California Health Facilities     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      Financing Auth. Rev., Series     
2008 A, (Sutter Health),      2010 A, (Scripps Health),     
5.25%, 8/15/22(1)  $ 3,335,000  $      3,476,071  5.00%, 11/15/36(1)  $ 1,000,000  $        971,220 
California Health Facilities      California Infrastructure     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      & Economic Development     
2008 A, (Sutter Health),      Bank Rev., (India     
5.00%, 8/15/38(1)  2,520,000  2,374,243  Community Center),     
California Health Facilities      VRDN, 0.15%, 3/1/10     
Financing Auth. Rev.,      (LOC: Bank of America N.A.)  480,000  480,000 
Series 2008 A3,      California Infrastructure     
(Stanford Hospital),      & Economic Development     
VRDN, 3.45%, 6/15/11(1)  1,000,000  1,029,420  Bank Rev., Series 2000 A,     
California Health Facilities      (Scripps Research Institute),     
Financing Auth. Rev.,      5.625%, 7/1/20(1)  1,000,000  1,008,060 
Series 2008 C, (Providence      California Infrastructure     
Health & Services),      & Economic Development     
5.00%, 10/1/14(1)  500,000  569,810  Bank Rev., Series 2003 A,     
California Health Facilities      (Bay Area Toll Bridges     
Financing Auth. Rev.,      Seismic Retrofit 1st Lien),     
Series 2008 C, (Providence      5.125%, 7/1/26, Prerefunded     
Health & Services),      at 100% of Par (Ambac)(1)(2)  5,000,000  6,015,100 
6.25%, 10/1/24(1)  3,250,000  3,751,832  California Infrastructure     
California Health Facilities      & Economic Development     
Financing Auth. Rev.,      Bank Rev., Series 2006 A,     
Series 2008 C, (Providence      (California Science Center     
Health & Services),      Phase II), 4.25%, 5/1/13     
6.50%, 10/1/38(1)  2,125,000  2,407,306  (NATL/FGIC)(1)  1,075,000  1,132,179 
California Health Facilities      California Infrastructure     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      & Economic Development     
2008 H, (Catholic Healthcare      Bank Rev., Series 2008 A,     
West), 5.125%, 7/1/22(1)  1,000,000  1,051,020  (California Independent     
      System Operator Corp.),     
California Health Facilities      5.00%, 2/1/13(1)  2,500,000  2,709,725 
Financing Auth. Rev., Series           
2009 A, (Catholic Healthcare      California Infrastructure     
West), 5.00%, 7/1/18(1)  4,980,000  5,283,033  & Economic Development     
      Bank Rev., Series 2008 A,     
California Health Facilities      (Jewish Community     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      Center), VRDN, 0.15%,     
2009 A, (Catholic Healthcare      3/1/10 (LOC: Bank of     
West), 5.40%, 7/1/21(1)  2,500,000  2,660,175       
      America, N.A.)(1)  2,250,000  2,250,000 
California Health Facilities      California Mobilehome     
Financing Auth. Rev.,      Park Financing Auth. Rev.,     
Series 2009 A, (Children’s      Series 2000 A, (Union City     
Hospital), 6.25%, 11/1/29(1)  5,000,000  5,285,800       
      Tropics), 5.375%, 8/15/10,     
California Health Facilities      Prerefunded at 102% of     
Financing Auth. Rev.,      Par (ACA)(1)(2)  1,075,000  1,122,622 
Series 2009 A, (Saint      California Mobilehome Park     
Joseph Health System),      Financing Auth. Rev., Series     
5.50%, 7/1/29(1)  3,750,000  3,902,587       
      2006 A, (Union City Tropics),     
California Health Facilities      3.80%, 12/15/11(1)  1,090,000  1,096,965 
Financing Auth. Rev.,      California Municipal Finance     
Series 2009 A, (Saint      Auth. Rev., (Loma Linda     
Joseph Health System),      University), 5.00%, 4/1/23(1)  1,145,000  1,180,804 
5.75%, 7/1/39(1)  3,000,000  3,107,220       
      California Municipal Finance     
      Auth. Rev., (Loma Linda     
      University), 5.00%, 4/1/28(1)  2,000,000  2,015,360 


California Tax-Free Bond       
   Principal        Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
California Pollution Control      California State University     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      System Rev., Series 2002 A,     
1996 C, (Pacific Gas and      5.375%, 11/1/18 (Ambac)(1)  $ 1,250,000  $      1,358,712 
Electric), VRDN, 0.12%,      California Statewide     
3/1/10 (LOC: JPMorgan      Communities Development     
Chase Bank N.A.)(1)  $   700,000  $        700,000  Auth. Rev., (Azusa Pacific     
California Public Works      University), VRDN, 0.49%,     
Board Lease Rev.,      3/4/10 (LOC: Allied Irish     
Series 2005 A,      Bank plc)  3,300,000  3,300,000 
(Department General      California Statewide     
Services – Butterfield),      Communities Development     
5.00%, 6/1/15(1)  1,450,000  1,566,696  Auth. Rev., (John Muir     
California Public Works      Health), 5.00%, 7/1/20(1)  2,225,000  2,300,405 
Board Lease Rev., Series      California Statewide     
2006 A, (Various California      Communities Development     
State University Projects),      Auth. Rev., (Metropolitan     
5.00%, 10/1/11(1)  2,165,000  2,284,963  Area Advisory), VRDN,     
California Public Works      0.50%, 3/4/10 (LOC: Bank     
Board Lease Rev., Series      of America N.A.)  1,970,000  1,970,000 
2006 F, (Department      California Statewide     
of Corrections &      Communities Development     
Rehabilitation), 5.00%,      Auth. Rev., (Proposition     
11/1/13 (NATL/FGIC)(1)  2,590,000  2,828,643  1A Receivables), 5.00%,     
California Public Works      6/15/13(1)  12,700,000  13,685,012 
Board Lease Rev., Series      California Statewide     
2006 F, (Department      Communities Development     
of Corrections &      Auth. Rev., Series 2002 B,     
Rehabilitation), 5.25%,      (Pooled Financing Program),     
11/1/19 (NATL/FGIC)(1)  1,210,000  1,264,269  5.20%, 10/1/18 (AGM)(1)  1,695,000  1,844,719 
California Public Works      California Statewide     
Board Lease Rev., Series      Communities Development     
2009 A, (Department      Auth. Rev., Series 2002 C,     
General Services – Buildings      (Kaiser Permanente), VRDN,     
8 & 9), 6.25%, 4/1/34(1)  2,435,000  2,494,171  3.85%, 6/1/12(1)  1,100,000  1,149,533 
California Public Works      California Statewide     
Board Lease Rev., Series      Communities Development     
2009 B, (Department of      Auth. Rev., Series 2007 A,     
Education – Riverside      (California Baptist     
Campus), 6.00%, 4/1/27(1)  2,130,000  2,196,073  University), 5.30%, 11/1/18  2,140,000  2,022,985 
California State University      California Statewide     
Fresno Association, Inc. Rev.,      Communities Development     
(Auxiliary Organization Event      Auth. Rev., Series 2007 A,     
Center), 5.00%, 7/1/12(1)(2)  1,000,000  1,092,920  (California Baptist     
California State University      University), 5.40%, 11/1/27  2,500,000  2,145,125 
Fresno Association, Inc.      California Statewide     
Rev., (Auxiliary Organization      Communities Development     
Event Center), 5.25%,      Auth. Rev., Series 2007 A,     
7/1/12, Prerefunded at      (Front Porch Communities     
101% of Par(1)(2)  3,100,000  3,436,288  and Services), 5.125%,     
California State University      4/1/37(1)(3)  1,600,000  1,330,064 
Fresno Association, Inc.      California Statewide     
Rev., (Auxiliary Organization      Communities Development     
Event Center), 6.00%,      Auth. Rev., Series 2007 A,     
7/1/12, Prerefunded at      (Henry Mayo Newhall     
101% of Par(1)(2)  1,500,000  1,688,760  Memorial Hospital),     
      5.00%, 10/1/20 (California     
      Mortgage Insurance)(1)  1,000,000  998,320 


California Tax-Free Bond       
   Principal        Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
California Statewide      Chino Ontario Upland Water     
Communities Development      Facilities Auth. COP,     
Auth. Rev., Series 2007 A,      Series 1997 A, (Agua de     
(Valleycare Health System),      Lejos), 5.20%, 10/1/15     
4.80%, 7/15/17  $ 4,600,000  $       4,403,718  (NATL/FGIC)(1)  $ 2,635,000  $      2,665,856 
California Statewide      Coast Community College     
Communities Development      District GO, Series 2006 B,     
Auth. Rev., Series 2007 A,      (Election of 2002), 5.00%,     
(Valleycare Health System),      8/1/17 (AGM)(1)  2,065,000  2,360,770 
5.00%, 7/15/22  1,000,000  901,250  Eastern Municipal Water     
California Statewide      District Water & Sewer     
Communities Development      COP, Series 2001 A, 5.25%,     
Auth. Rev., Series 2007 B,      7/1/13 (NATL/FGIC)(1)  2,300,000  2,433,009 
(Adventist Health      Eastern Municipal Water     
System West), 5.00%,      District Water & Sewer     
3/1/37 (AGC)(1)  2,500,000  2,488,975  COP, Series 2008 H,     
California Statewide      5.00%, 7/1/24(1)  1,000,000  1,060,850 
Communities Development      El Segundo Unified School     
Auth. Rev., Series 2008 B,      District GO, 5.375%, 9/1/12,     
(Rady Children’s Hospital),      Prerefunded at 100% of     
VRDN, 0.13%, 3/1/10      Par (FGIC)(1)(2)  1,020,000  1,137,942 
(LOC: Bank of the West)(1)  2,950,000  2,950,000       
      El Segundo Unified School     
California Statewide      District GO, 5.375%, 9/1/12,     
Communities Development      Prerefunded at 100% of     
Auth. Rev., Series 2008 D,      Par (FGIC)(1)(2)  1,095,000  1,221,615 
(Catholic Healthcare West),           
5.50%, 7/1/31(1)  1,000,000  1,013,180  Folsom Cordova Unified     
      School District No. 2     
California Statewide      Facilities Improvement GO,     
Communities Development      Series 2002 A, 5.375%,     
Auth. Rev., Series 2009 A,      10/1/15 (NATL)(1)  1,000,000  1,082,250 
(Kaiser Permanente),           
5.00%, 4/1/13  6,500,000  7,088,835  Folsom Cordova Unified     
      School District No. 2     
Calleguas-Las Virgines      Facilities Improvement GO,     
Public Financing Auth. Rev.,      Series 2002 A, 5.375%,     
Series 2007 A, (Municipal      10/1/16 (NATL)(1)  1,225,000  1,325,756 
Water District), 5.00%,           
7/1/20 (NATL/FGIC)(1)  1,000,000  1,097,490  Folsom Public Financing     
      Auth. Lease Rev., (City     
Capistrano Unified School      Hall & Community Center),     
District Special Tax Rev.,      5.25%, 10/1/14 (AGM)(1)  1,225,000  1,329,223 
(Community Facilities           
District No. 87-1), 5.00%,      Folsom Public Financing     
9/1/18 (Ambac)(1)  3,115,000  3,244,366  Auth. Lease Rev., (City     
      Hall & Community Center),     
Carson Redevelopment      5.25%, 10/1/15 (AGM)(1)  1,290,000  1,399,753 
Agency Tax Allocation Rev.,           
(Redevelopment Project      Foothill/Eastern     
Area No. 1), 5.50%,      Transportation Corridor     
10/1/11 (NATL)(1)  1,130,000  1,190,839  Agency Toll Road Rev.,     
      Series 1995 A, (Senior Lien),     
Chabot-Las Positas      5.26%, 1/1/26(1)(2)(4)  10,000,000  5,183,300 
Community College District           
COP, (1995 Financing      Franklin-McKinley School     
Project), 5.50%,      District GO, Series 2005 A,     
12/1/10 (AGM)(1)(2)  560,000  579,802  (Election of 2004), 5.00%,     
      8/1/15, Prerefunded at     
Chaffey Community College      100% of Par (FGIC)(1)(2)  1,150,000  1,344,488 
District GO, Series 2002 A,           
4.25%, 7/1/11 (AGM)(1)  1,070,000  1,122,462       


California Tax-Free Bond       
   Principal        Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
Fremont Union High School      Irvine Ranch Water District     
District GO, Series 2000 B,      No. 140-240-105-250 Rev.,     
5.25%, 9/1/10, Prerefunded      VRDN, 0.15%, 3/1/10 (LOC:     
at 100% of Par(1)(2)  $ 2,550,000  $      2,615,816  Bank of America N.A.)(1)  $ 230,000  $         230,000 
Golden State Tobacco      Irvine Unified School District     
Securitization Corp.      Financing Auth. Special     
Settlement Rev.,      Tax Rev., Series 2006 A,     
Series 2003 A1, 6.75%,      (Group II), 4.50%, 9/1/13  785,000  791,594 
6/1/13, Prerefunded at      Irvine Unified School District     
100% of Par(1)(2)  4,440,000  5,220,863  Financing Auth. Special     
Golden State Tobacco      Tax Rev., Series 2006 A,     
Securitization Corp.      (Group II), 4.75%, 9/1/16  600,000  591,252 
Settlement Rev., Series      Irvine Unified School District     
2007 A1, 5.75%, 6/1/47(1)  10,000,000  7,373,700  Financing Auth. Special     
Hercules Redevelopment      Tax Rev., Series 2006 A,     
Agency Tax Allocation Rev.,      (Group II), 5.00%, 9/1/20  745,000  702,483 
Series 2007 A, 5.00%,      Lancaster Financing Auth.     
8/1/12 (Ambac)(1)  1,300,000  1,383,980  Tax Allocation Rev., (Projects     
Hercules Redevelopment      No. 5 & 6), 4.00%, 2/1/11(1)  120,000  121,698 
Agency Tax Allocation Rev.,      Lancaster Financing Auth.     
Series 2007 A, 5.00%,      Tax Allocation Rev., (Projects     
8/1/13 (Ambac)(1)  1,360,000  1,463,931  No. 5 & 6), 4.30%, 2/1/13(1)  125,000  128,846 
Hillsborough School District      Long Beach Bond Finance     
GO, (Bond Anticipation      Auth. Lease Rev.,     
Notes), 3.60%, 9/1/13(4)  2,700,000  2,432,430  (Plaza Parking Facility),     
Huntington Beach Union      5.25%, 11/1/16(1)  2,030,000  2,111,687 
High School District GO,      Long Beach Bond Finance     
(Election of 2004),      Auth. Tax Allocation Rev.,     
4.98%, 8/1/30      Series 2002 A, (North Long     
(AGM-CR) (NATL)(1)(4)  10,320,000  2,942,026  Beach Redevelopment),     
Imperial Irrigation District      5.00%, 8/1/10 (Ambac)(1)  750,000  759,098 
COP, (Water Systems),      Long Beach Bond Finance     
5.50%, 7/1/16 (Ambac)(1)  1,675,000  1,705,083  Auth. Tax Allocation Rev.,     
Inglewood Redevelopment      Series 2002 A, (North Long     
Agency Tax Allocation      Beach Redevelopment),     
Rev., Series 2007 A1,      5.00%, 8/1/11 (Ambac)(1)  680,000  704,922 
(Subordinate Lien), 5.00%,      Los Altos School District GO,     
5/1/23 (Ambac)(1)  945,000  891,135  5.00%, 8/1/19 (Ambac)(1)  2,500,000  2,759,300 
Irvine Improvement      Los Angeles Community     
Bond Act of 1915 Special      Redevelopment Agency     
Assessment Rev., Series      Parking System Rev.,     
2006 A, (Reassessment      (Cinerama Dome Public     
District No. 05-21), VRDN,      Package), 5.30%, 7/1/13     
0.14%, 3/1/10 (LOC: Bank      (ACA) (LOC: Wells Fargo     
of New York and California      Bank N.A.)(1)  1,030,000  948,197 
State Teacher’s Retirement)  2,600,000  2,600,000  Los Angeles Convention     
Irvine Improvement      and Exhibition Center     
Bond Act of 1915 Special      Auth. Lease Rev.,     
Assessment Rev., Series      Series 1993 A, 6.00%,     
2006 B, (Reassessment      8/15/10 (NATL-IBC)(1)  1,155,000  1,186,300 
District No. 03-19), VRDN,           
0.13%, 3/1/10 (LOC: Bank      Los Angeles County     
of New York and California      Metropolitan Transportation     
State Teacher’s Retirement)  1,003,000  1,003,000  Auth. Sales Tax Rev.,     
      Series 2001 B, (Proposal A),     
      5.25%, 7/1/13 (AGM)(1)  3,000,000  3,215,790 


California Tax-Free Bond       
   Principal          Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
Los Angeles County      Manhattan Beach Unified     
Metropolitan Transportation      School District GO, Series     
Auth. Sales Tax Rev.,      2009 A, (Election of 2008),     
Series 2001 B, (Proposal A),      6.29%, 9/1/28(1)(4)  $ 5,620,000  $       1,821,217 
5.25%, 7/1/16 (AGM)(1)  $ 6,680,000  $       7,132,303  Mojave Unified School     
Los Angeles County      District No. 1 Facilities     
Metropolitan Transportation      Improvement GO, 5.25%,     
Auth. Sales Tax Rev.,      8/1/20 (NATL/FGIC)(1)  1,520,000  1,642,740 
Series 2008 B, (Proposal A),      Mountain View COP, (Capital     
5.00%, 7/1/31(1)  1,000,000  1,048,250  Projects), 5.25%, 8/1/18(1)  1,485,000  1,594,326 
Los Angeles Department of      M-S-R Public Power Agency     
Airports Rev., Series 2008 C,      Rev., Series 2007 K,     
(Los Angeles International      (San Juan), 5.00%,     
Airport), 5.00%, 5/15/18(1)  750,000  829,155  7/1/12 (NATL)(1)  4,065,000  4,426,826 
Los Angeles Department of      M-S-R Public Power Agency     
Water & Power Rev., Series      Rev., Series 2007 K,     
2001 AA1, (Power System),      (San Juan), 5.00%,     
5.25%, 7/1/10 (NATL)(1)  3,130,000  3,184,775  7/1/13 (NATL)(1)  2,305,000  2,562,261 
Los Angeles Department of      M-S-R Public Power Agency     
Water & Power Rev., Series      Rev., Series 2007 K,     
2008 A1, (Power System),      (San Juan), 5.00%,     
5.25%, 7/1/38(1)  5,000,000  5,324,500  7/1/14 (NATL)(1)  1,000,000  1,128,290 
Los Angeles Department of      Murrieta Valley Unified     
Water & Power Rev., Series      School District Public     
2008 A2, (Power System),      Financing Auth. Special Tax     
5.25%, 7/1/32(1)  3,735,000  4,004,443  Rev., Series 2006 A, 4.00%,     
Los Angeles Department of      9/1/11 (AGC)(1)  1,255,000  1,311,350 
Water & Power Waterworks      Murrieta Valley Unified     
Rev., Series 2009 B,      School District Public     
5.00%, 7/1/20(1)  10,000,000  11,461,300  Financing Auth. Special Tax     
Los Angeles Unified School      Rev., Series 2006 A, 4.00%,     
District GO, 5.50%,      9/1/12 (AGC)(1)  1,745,000  1,861,147 
7/1/12 (NATL)(1)  3,500,000  3,866,170  Murrieta Valley Unified     
Los Angeles Unified School      School District Public     
District GO, Series 2002 E,      Financing Auth. Special Tax     
(Election of 1997), 5.00%,      Rev., Series 2006 A, 4.00%,     
7/1/11 (NATL)(1)  5,000,000  5,294,700  9/1/13 (AGC)(1)  1,690,000  1,830,642 
Los Angeles Unified School      Murrieta Valley Unified     
District GO, Series 2003 F,      School District Public     
(Election of 1997), 5.00%,      Financing Auth. Special Tax     
7/1/16 (AGM)(1)  2,500,000  2,747,975  Rev., Series 2006 A, 4.00%,     
Los Angeles Wastewater      9/1/14 (AGC)(1)  1,085,000  1,182,422 
System Rev., Series 2009 A,      Northern California Power     
5.75%, 6/1/34(1)  2,975,000  3,284,787  Agency Rev., Series 2010 A,     
Los Gatos-Saratoga Joint      4.00%, 7/1/14(5)  1,500,000  1,639,335 
Union High School District      Northern California Power     
GO, Series 2002 C, (Election      Agency Rev., Series 2010 A,     
of 1998), 5.375%, 6/1/12,      5.00%, 8/1/19(1)  2,000,000  2,191,660 
Prerefunded at 101% of      Northern California Power     
Par (AGM)(1)(2)  1,390,000  1,550,642  Agency Rev., Series 2010 A,     
Lynwood Public Financing      5.00%, 8/1/20(1)  1,515,000  1,645,487 
Auth. Lease Rev., Series      Northern California Power     
2003 A, (Public Capital      Agency Rev., Series 2010 A,     
Improvement), 4.125%,      5.00%, 8/1/21(1)  2,050,000  2,213,098 
9/1/12 (Ambac)(1)  575,000  616,969       


California Tax-Free Bond       
   Principal        Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
Northern California Power      Orange County Sanitation     
Agency Rev., Series 2010 A,      District COP, Series 2007 B,     
5.25%, 8/1/22(1)  $ 4,250,000  $       4,628,633  5.00%, 2/1/26 (AGM)(1)  $ 2,750,000  $       2,950,200 
Oceanside COP, Series 2003      Palomar Pomerado Health     
A, 5.00%, 4/1/11 (Ambac)(1)  1,225,000  1,265,425  Care District COP,     
Oceanside COP, Series 2003      6.75%, 11/1/39  1,000,000  1,033,000 
A, 5.00%, 4/1/12 (Ambac)(1)  1,310,000  1,383,648  Palomar Pomerado Health     
Orange County Community      GO, Series 2009 A,     
Facilities District Special      (Election of 2004),     
Tax Rev., Series 2005 A,      0.00%, 8/1/19 (AGC)(1)(6)  1,660,000  1,021,265 
(No. 04-1-Ladera Ranch),      Paramount Unified     
3.50%, 8/15/10  650,000  651,215  School District GO,     
Orange County Community      (Election of 2006),     
Facilities District Special      5.25%, 8/1/25 (AGM)(1)  1,570,000  1,701,330 
Tax Rev., Series 2005 A,      Paramount Unified     
(No. 04-1-Ladera Ranch),      School District GO,     
3.80%, 8/15/11  760,000  764,226  (Election of 2006),     
Orange County Community      5.25%, 8/1/26 (AGM)(1)  1,660,000  1,786,675 
Facilities District Special      Perris Public Financing Auth.     
Tax Rev., Series 2005 A,      Tax Allocation Rev.,     
(No. 04-1-Ladera Ranch),      5.35%, 10/1/36  1,100,000  875,358 
3.90%, 8/15/12  825,000  827,500  Poway Unified School     
Orange County Community      District Public Financing     
Facilities District Special      Auth. Special Tax Rev.,     
Tax Rev., Series 2005 A,      5.00%, 9/15/19 (Ambac)(1)  1,170,000  1,207,534 
(No. 04-1-Ladera Ranch),      Poway Unified School     
4.10%, 8/15/13  700,000  700,980  District Public Financing     
Orange County Community      Auth. Special Tax Rev.,     
Facilities District Special      5.00%, 9/15/20 (Ambac)(1)  1,215,000  1,240,394 
Tax Rev., Series 2005 A,      Rancho Mirage Joint Powers     
(No. 04-1-Ladera Ranch),      Financing Auth. Rev.,     
4.25%, 8/15/14  1,135,000  1,131,788  Series 2007 A,     
Orange County Improvement      (Eisenhower Medical     
Bond Act of 1915 Special      Center), 5.00%, 7/1/15(1)  1,505,000  1,617,198 
Assessment Rev.,      Rancho Mirage Joint Powers     
(Newport Coast Phase IV      Financing Auth. Rev.,     
Assessment District      Series 2007 A,     
No. 01-1), 4.30%, 9/2/14  270,000  265,885  (Eisenhower Medical     
Orange County Improvement      Center), 5.00%, 7/1/21(1)  1,000,000  1,014,050 
Bond Act of 1915 Special      Riverside County COP,     
Assessment Rev.,      Series 2007 A, (Public     
(Newport Coast Phase IV      Safety Communication),     
Assessment District      5.00%, 11/1/14 (Ambac)(1)  1,000,000  1,118,330 
No. 01-1), 4.45%, 9/2/15  320,000  312,778  Riverside County COP,     
Orange County Improvement      Series 2007 A, (Public     
Bond Act of 1915 Special      Safety Communication),     
Assessment Rev.,      5.00%, 11/1/15 (Ambac)(1)  1,875,000  2,094,150 
(Newport Coast Phase IV           
Assessment District      Sacramento City Financing     
No. 01-1), 4.55%, 9/2/16  245,000  236,565  Auth. Lease Rev.,     
      Series 1993 A, 5.40%,     
Orange County Public      11/1/20 (Ambac)(1)  3,000,000  3,211,530 
Financing Auth. Lease Rev.,           
(Juvenile Justice Center      Sacramento City Financing     
Facility), 5.375%,      Auth. Rev., 5.00%,     
      12/1/16 (NATL/FGIC)(1)  2,500,000  2,713,500 
6/1/17 (Ambac)(1)  3,030,000  3,219,557       


California Tax-Free Bond       
   Principal        Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
Sacramento City Financing      San Diego Public Facilities     
Auth. Rev., Series 2002 A,      Financing Auth. Tax     
(City Hall), 5.25%, 12/1/12,      Allocation Rev., Series 2007     
Prerefunded at 100% of      B, (Southcrest and Central     
Par (AGM)(1)(2)  $ 4,045,000  $       4,542,535  Imperial Redevelopment),     
Sacramento City Financing      5.125%, 10/1/22 (Radian)(1)  $ 1,280,000  $       1,289,946 
Auth. Rev., Series 2002 A,      San Diego Redevelopment     
(City Hall), 5.25%,      Agency Tax Allocation     
12/1/15 (AGM)(1)  1,245,000  1,362,677  Rev., (Horton Plaza),     
Sacramento Municipal Utility      5.70%, 11/1/17(1)  2,030,000  2,065,911 
District Electric Rev.,      San Diego Redevelopment     
Series 1997 K, 5.70%,      Agency Tax Allocation     
7/1/17 (Ambac)(1)  3,105,000  3,624,777  Rev., (Horton Plaza),     
Sacramento Municipal Utility      5.80%, 11/1/21(1)  2,635,000  2,670,493 
District Electric Rev.,      San Diego Redevelopment     
Series 2001 O, 5.25%,      Agency Tax Allocation     
8/15/11 (NATL)(1)  5,005,000  5,294,840  Rev., (North Park),     
Sacramento Municipal Utility      5.90%, 9/1/25(1)  710,000  712,371 
District Electric Rev.,      San Francisco City and     
Series 2003 S, 5.00%,      County Airports Commission     
11/15/11 (NATL)(1)  3,000,000  3,186,330  Rev., Series 2008-34D,     
San Bernardino Community      (San Francisco     
College District GO, Series      International Airport),     
2008 A, (Election of 2002),      5.00%, 5/1/17 (AGC)(1)  3,375,000  3,792,690 
5.25%, 8/1/18(1)  350,000  405,555  San Francisco City and     
San Bernardino Community      County Airports Commission     
College District GO, Series      Rev., Series 2008-34D,     
2008 A, (Election of 2002),      (San Francisco     
5.50%, 8/1/19(1)  300,000  349,131  International Airport),     
      5.00%, 5/1/18 (AGC)(1)  2,000,000  2,239,500 
San Bernardino Community           
College District GO, Series      San Francisco City and     
2008 A, (Election of 2002),      County Airports Commission     
6.25%, 8/1/33(1)  1,500,000  1,681,305  Rev., Series 2009 D, VRDN,     
      2.25%, 12/4/12(1)  2,500,000  2,540,325 
San Bernardino Community           
College District GO, Series      San Francisco City and     
2009 B, (Election of 2008),      County Airports Commission     
0.00%, 8/1/19(1)(6)  9,840,000  5,898,096  Rev., Series 2009 E,     
      5.25%, 5/1/23(1)  2,000,000  2,140,700 
San Bernardino County           
Redevelopment Agency      San Francisco City and     
Tax Allocation Rev.,      County COP, Series     
Series 2005 A, (San Sevaine      2009 A, (Multiple Capital     
Redevelopment), 5.00%,      Improvement Projects),     
9/1/15 (Radian)(1)  1,005,000  1,055,300  5.00%, 4/1/29(1)  1,170,000  1,168,514 
San Buenaventura City      San Mateo County     
COP, Series 2002 B, 5.50%,      Transportation District Sales     
1/1/15 (Ambac)(1)  1,695,000  1,840,719  Tax Rev., Series 1993 A,     
      5.25%, 6/1/18 (NATL)(1)  2,680,000  3,071,012 
San Buenaventura City           
COP, Series 2002 B, 5.50%,      San Pablo Redevelopment     
1/1/16 (Ambac)(1)  1,790,000  1,943,886  Agency Tax Allocation Rev.,     
      (Tenth Township), VRDN,     
San Diego Public Facilities      0.13%, 3/1/10 (LOC: Union     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      Bank of California)(1)  3,840,000  3,840,000 
2009 A, 5.00%, 8/1/21(1)  1,000,000  1,110,830       
      San Ramon Valley Unified     
San Diego Public Facilities      School District GO,     
Financing Auth. Rev., Series      (Election of 2002),     
2009 B, 5.00%, 5/15/22(1)  3,680,000  4,085,830       
      5.00%, 8/1/21 (NATL)(1)  1,000,000  1,085,560 


California Tax-Free Bond       
   Principal          Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
Santa Ana Community      South Tahoe Joint Powers     
Redevelopment Agency      Financing Auth. Rev., Series     
Tax Allocation Rev., Series      2005 A, (Redevelopment     
2003 B, (South Main Street      Project Area No. 1), 5.00%,     
Redevelopment), 5.00%,      10/1/13 (Ambac)(1)  $ 1,080,000  $       1,162,544 
9/1/13 (NATL/FGIC)(1)  $ 1,885,000  $       2,039,268  South Tahoe Joint Powers     
Santa Barbara County COP,      Financing Auth. Rev., Series     
5.375%, 10/1/17 (Ambac)(1)  3,350,000  3,479,779  2005 A, (Redevelopment     
Santa Clara Electric Rev.,      Project Area No. 1), 5.00%,     
Series 2008 A, VRDN,      10/1/15 (Ambac)(1)  1,195,000  1,295,786 
0.15%, 3/1/10 (LOC: Bank      South Tahoe Joint Powers     
of America N.A.)(1)  1,450,000  1,450,000  Financing Auth. Rev., Series     
Santa Fe Springs      2005 A, (Redevelopment     
Community Development      Project Area No. 1), 5.00%,     
Commission Tax      10/1/17 (Ambac)(1)  1,310,000  1,367,522 
Allocation Rev., 5.375%,      South Tahoe Joint Powers     
9/1/16 (NATL)(1)  430,000  437,637  Financing Auth. Rev., Series     
Santa Fe Springs      2005 A, (Redevelopment     
Community Development      Project Area No. 1), 5.00%,     
Commission Tax Allocation      10/1/19 (Ambac)(1)  1,445,000  1,480,547 
Rev., Series 2002 A, 5.375%,      Southern California Public     
9/1/10, Prerefunded at      Power Auth. Rev., 6.75%,     
101% of Par (NATL)(1)(2)  690,000  715,475  7/1/10 (GIC: PNC Bank)(1)  2,000,000  2,043,580 
Santa Monica-Malibu Unified      Southern California Public     
School District GO,      Power Auth. Rev., Series     
5.25%, 8/1/13(1)  1,250,000  1,398,412  2002 A, (Transmission),     
Santa Rosa Wastewater      5.25%, 7/1/17 (AGM)(1)  5,000,000  5,435,600 
Rev., Series 2004 A,      Southern California Public     
VRDN, 0.32%, 3/4/10      Power Auth. Rev., Series     
(LOC: Landesbank      2002 A, (Transmission),     
Baden-Wurttemberg)(1)  4,000,000  4,000,000  5.25%, 7/1/18 (AGM)(1)  3,325,000  3,616,702 
Scotts Valley COP, 4.00%,      Southern California Public     
10/1/15 (AGM)(1)  1,110,000  1,148,328  Power Auth. Rev., Series     
Scotts Valley COP, 4.25%,      2008 A, (Transmission),     
10/1/18 (AGM)(1)  1,370,000  1,384,303  5.00%, 7/1/22(1)  2,875,000  3,134,699 
Scotts Valley Redevelopment      Southern California Public     
Agency Tax Allocation Rev.,      Power Auth. Rev., Series     
5.00%, 8/1/29 (Ambac)(1)  2,780,000  2,605,777  2008 B, (Transmission),     
      6.00%, 7/1/27(1)  2,000,000  2,251,140 
Shasta Lake Public Finance           
Auth. Rev., 4.00%, 4/1/12(1)  1,000,000  1,017,710  Southwestern Community     
      College District GO, 5.625%,     
Shasta Lake Public Finance      8/1/11, Prerefunded at     
Auth. Rev., 4.50%, 4/1/15(1)  1,530,000  1,561,365       
      101% of Par (Ambac)(1)(2)  1,975,000  2,144,021 
Shasta Lake Public Finance      Tuolumne Wind Project     
Auth. Rev., 5.00%, 4/1/19(1)  2,400,000  2,379,144       
      Auth. Rev., Series 2009 A,     
Shasta Lake Public Finance      5.625%, 1/1/29(1)  1,000,000  1,074,500 
Auth. Rev., 5.00%, 4/1/22(1)  2,130,000  2,047,612       
      Turlock Health Facility COP,     
Solano County COP, 5.00%,      (Emanuel Medical Center,     
11/1/13 (NATL)(1)  1,135,000  1,269,611  Inc.), 4.50%, 10/15/10(1)  820,000  828,963 
South Orange County Public      Turlock Health Facility COP,     
Financing Auth. Special      (Emanuel Medical Center,     
Tax Rev., Series 2003 A,      Inc.), 5.00%, 10/15/12(1)  895,000  931,928 
(Senior Lien), 5.00%,      Turlock Health Facility COP,     
9/1/12 (NATL)(1)  2,000,000  2,132,320       
      (Emanuel Medical Center,     
      Inc.), 5.00%, 10/15/14(1)  985,000  1,026,685 


California Tax-Free Bond       
   Principal           Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
Turlock Health Facility COP,      Vernon Electric System     
(Emanuel Medical Center,      Rev., Series 2009 A,     
Inc.), 5.50%, 10/15/15(1)  $ 1,035,000  $      1,085,311  5.125%, 8/1/21(1)  $ 5,000,000  $       5,290,250 
Turlock Health Facility COP,      West Sacramento Financing     
(Emanuel Medical Center,      Auth. Special Tax Rev.,     
Inc.), 5.50%, 10/15/16(1)  1,090,000  1,120,400  Series 2006 A, 5.00%,     
Turlock Health Facility COP,      9/1/18 (XLCA)(1)  1,500,000  1,513,140 
(Emanuel Medical Center,      West Sacramento Financing     
Inc.), 5.50%, 10/15/17(1)  1,150,000  1,167,284  Auth. Special Tax Rev.,     
Turlock Irrigation District      Series 2006 A, 5.00%,     
Rev., Series 2003 A, 5.00%,      9/1/19 (XLCA)(1)  1,500,000  1,494,705 
1/1/13 (NATL)(1)  2,175,000  2,371,076  West Sacramento Financing     
University of California      Auth. Special Tax Rev.,     
Regents Medical Center      Series 2006 A, 5.00%,     
Pooled Rev., Series 2008 D,      9/1/20 (XLCA)(1)  1,350,000  1,329,723 
5.00%, 5/15/27(1)  1,000,000  1,037,950      663,896,418 
University of California      GUAM — 0.1%     
Rev., Series 2009 Q,      Territory of Guam GO, Series     
5.25%, 5/15/23(1)  2,000,000  2,239,480  2009 A, 6.00%, 11/15/19(1)  1,000,000  1,036,010 
Val Verde Unified School      NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS — 0.2%   
District COP, 5.00%,           
1/1/14 (FGIC)(1)(2)  1,000,000  1,150,380  Northern Mariana Islands     
      GO, Series 2000 A, 5.75%,     
Val Verde Unified School      6/1/10 (ACA)(1)  1,430,000  1,433,375 
District COP, 5.25%, 1/1/15,           
Prerefunded at 100% of      PUERTO RICO — 3.3%       
Par (FGIC)(1)(2)  1,000,000  1,182,120  Puerto Rico Electric Power     
Val Verde Unified School      Auth. Rev., Series 2002 II,     
District COP, 5.25%, 1/1/15,      5.375%, 7/1/12, Prerefunded     
      at 101% of Par (NATL)(2)  3,700,000  4,145,295 
Prerefunded at 100% of           
Par (FGIC)(1)(2)  1,145,000  1,353,527  Puerto Rico Electric Power     
Val Verde Unified School      Auth. Rev., Series 2002 KK,     
      5.25%, 7/1/13 (AGM)(1)  2,655,000  2,905,420 
District COP, 5.25%, 1/1/15,           
Prerefunded at 100% of      Puerto Rico Electric Power     
Par (FGIC)(1)(2)  1,415,000  1,672,700  Auth. Rev., Series 2002 KK,     
      5.50%, 7/1/14 (AGM)(1)  3,140,000  3,536,676 
Val Verde Unified School           
District COP, 5.25%, 1/1/15,      Puerto Rico GO, Series 2001     
Prerefunded at 100% of      A, (Public Improvement),     
Par (FGIC)(1)(2)  2,505,000  2,961,210  5.50%, 7/1/17 (XLCA)(1)  5,000,000  5,354,750 
Val Verde Unified School      Puerto Rico GO, Series 2004     
District COP, 5.25%, 1/1/15,      A, VRDN, 5.00%, 7/1/12(1)  1,750,000  1,825,862 
Prerefunded at 100% of      Puerto Rico Government     
Par (FGIC)(1)(2)  2,640,000  3,120,797  Development Bank Rev.,     
Val Verde Unified School      4.75%, 12/1/15 (NATL)(1)  1,500,000  1,543,995 
District COP, 5.25%, 1/1/15,      Puerto Rico Government     
Prerefunded at 100% of      Development Bank Rev.,     
Par (FGIC)(1)(2)  2,980,000  3,522,718  Series 2006 B, (Senior     
Ventura County Community      Notes), 5.00%, 12/1/15(1)  2,500,000  2,640,200 
College District GO,      Puerto Rico Infrastructure     
Series 2008 C, (Election      Financing Auth. Special     
of 2002), 5.50%, 8/1/33(1)  3,000,000  3,152,580  Tax Rev., Series 2006 B,     
      4.50%, 7/1/11(1)  1,400,000  1,436,652 


California Tax-Free Bond       
   Principal          Principal    
  Amount  Value    Amount  Value 
U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS — 0.4%    Virgin Islands Public Finance     
Virgin Islands Public Finance      Auth. Rev., Series 2004 A,     
Auth. Rev., (Virgin Islands      (Virgin Islands Matching     
Gross Receipts Taxes      Fund Loan Note and Senior     
Loan Note), 5.00%,      Lien), 5.25%, 10/1/16(1)  $ 500,000  $        526,095 
10/1/18 (NATL/FGIC)(1)  $ 240,000  $        247,534  Virgin Islands Public Finance     
Virgin Islands Public Finance      Auth. Rev., Series 2004 A,     
Auth. Rev., Series 2004 A,      (Virgin Islands Matching     
(Virgin Islands Matching      Fund Loan Note and Senior     
Fund Loan Note and Senior      Lien), 5.25%, 10/1/20(1)  1,000,000  1,020,380 
Lien), 5.00%, 10/1/14(1)  500,000  536,785      2,512,189 
Virgin Islands Public Finance      TOTAL INVESTMENT     
Auth. Rev., Series 2004 A,      SECURITIES — 98.8%     
(Virgin Islands Matching      (Cost $663,613,379)    692,266,842 
Fund Loan Note and Senior      OTHER ASSETS     
Lien), 5.25%, 10/1/15(1)  170,000  181,395  AND LIABILITIES — 1.2%    8,099,967 
      TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%  $700,366,809 

Futures Contracts       
      Underlying Face   
  Contracts Purchased  Expiration Date  Amount at Value  Unrealized Gain (Loss) 
91  U.S. Long Bond  June 2010  $10,709,562  $115,991 
         Underlying Face    
  Contracts Sold  Expiration Date  Amount at Value  Unrealized Gain (Loss) 
296  U.S. Treasury 2-Year Notes  June 2010  $64,361,500  $(134,787) 

Notes to Schedule of Investments     
ABAG = Association of Bay Area Governments  (1)  Security, or a portion thereof, has been segregated for when-issued 
ACA = American Capital Access    securities and/or futures contracts. At the period end, the 
    aggregate value of securities pledged was $76,711,000. 
AGC = Assured Guaranty Corporation     
  (2)  Escrowed to maturity in U.S. government securities or state and 
AGM = Assured Guaranty Municipal Corporation    local government securities. 
AGM-CR = Assured Guaranty Municipal Corporation —  (3)  Security was purchased under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 
Custodial Receipts    1933 or is a private placement and, unless registered under the 
Ambac = Ambac Assurance Corporation    Act or exempted from registration, may only be sold to qualified 
COP = Certificates of Participation    institutional investors. The aggregate value of these securities at 
    the period end was $1,330,064, which represented 0.2% of total 
FGIC = Financial Guaranty Insurance Company    net assets. 
FGIC-TCRS = Financial Guaranty Insurance Company — Transferable  (4)  Security is a zero-coupon municipal bond. The rate indicated is the 
Custodial Receipts    yield to maturity at purchase. Zero-coupon securities are issued at 
GIC = Guaranteed Investment Contact    a substantial discount from their value at maturity. 
GO = General Obligation  (5)  When-issued security. 
LOC = Letter of Credit  (6)  Convertible capital appreciation bond. These securities are 
M-S-R = Modesto, Stockton, Redding    issued with a zero-coupon and become interest bearing at a 
NATL = National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation    predetermined rate and date and are issued at a substantial 
    discount from their value at maturity. Interest reset or final maturity 
NATL-IBC = National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation — Insured    date is indicated, as applicable. Rate shown is effective at the 
Bond Certificates    period end. 
Radian = Radian Asset Assurance, Inc.     
VRDN = Variable Rate Demand Note. Interest reset date is indicated.     
Rate shown is effective at the period end.     
  See Notes to Financial Statements. 
XLCA = XL Capital Ltd.     
XLCA-ICR = XL Capital Ltd. — Insured Custodial Receipts     


Statement of Assets and Liabilities 

FEBRUARY 28, 2010 (UNAUDITED)     
  California Tax-Free  California 
  Money Market  Tax-Free Bond 
Investment securities, at value (cost of $408,148,662     
and $663,613,379, respectively)  $408,148,662 $692,266,842
Cash  764,997 831,383
Receivable for investments sold  300,000
Receivable for capital shares sold  226,560 1,957,602
Receivable for variation margin on futures contracts  68,250
Interest receivable  888,280 8,285,694
  410,328,499 703,409,771
Payable for investments purchased  28,000,000 1,616,865
Payable for capital shares redeemed  405,246 713,635
Payable for variation margin on futures contracts  37,000
Accrued management fees  85,312 253,542
Dividends payable  112 421,920
  28,490,670 3,042,962
Net Assets  $381,837,829 $700,366,809
Capital Shares 
Outstanding (unlimited number of shares authorized)  381,837,902 62,654,242
Net Asset Value Per Share  $1.00 $11.18
Net Assets Consist of: 
Capital paid in  $381,837,898 $683,047,862
Accumulated net investment loss  (23) (6,454)
Accumulated net realized loss on investment transactions  (46) (11,309,266)
Net unrealized appreciation on investments  28,634,667
  $381,837,829 $700,366,809
See Notes to Financial Statements.     


Statement of Operations 

  California Tax-Free  California 
  Money Market  Tax-Free Bond 
Investment Income (Loss)     
Interest  $706,138 $13,680,249
Management fees  978,431 1,550,178
Temporary guarantee program fees  10,854
Trustees’ fees and expenses  8,342 13,246
Other expenses  318 127
  997,945 1,563,551
Fees waived    (311,646)
  686,299 1,563,551
Net investment income (loss)  19,839 12,116,698
Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) 
Net realized gain (loss) on: 
Investment transactions    (46)   (673,524)
Futures contract transactions    (408,323)
    (46)   (1,081,847)
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on: 
Investments  12,437,237
Futures contracts  202,523
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    (46) 11,557,913
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations  $ 19,793 $23,674,611
See Notes to Financial Statements.     


Statement of Changes in Net Assets 

  California Tax-Free Money Market  California Tax-Free Bond 
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets  2010  2009  2010  2009 
Net investment income (loss)  $ 19,839 $ 4,223,782 $ 12,116,698 $ 23,414,278
Net realized gain (loss)    (46) 73,055   (1,081,847)   (5,087,337)
Change in net unrealized 
appreciation (depreciation)  12,639,760 4,727,013
Net increase (decrease) in net assets 
resulting from operations  19,793 4,296,837 23,674,611 23,053,954
Distributions to Shareholders 
From net investment income    (19,696)   (4,223,782)   (12,256,221)   (23,282,784)
From net realized gains    (68,617)
Decrease in net assets from distributions    (88,313)   (4,223,782)   (12,256,221)   (23,282,784)
Capital Share Transactions 
Proceeds from shares sold  56,240,290 206,688,782 133,638,524 132,296,225
Proceeds from reinvestment of distributions  84,435 3,928,321 9,666,885 18,658,483
Payments for shares redeemed    (114,055,556)   (351,102,162)   (51,096,028)   (164,962,371)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets 
from capital share transactions    (57,730,831)   (140,485,059) 92,209,381   (14,007,663)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets    (57,799,351)   (140,412,004) 103,627,771   (14,236,493)
Net Assets 
Beginning of period  439,637,180 580,049,184 596,739,038 610,975,531
End of period  $ 381,837,829 $ 439,637,180 $700,366,809 $ 596,739,038
Accumulated undistributed 
net investment income (loss)    $(23)   $(166)   $(6,454) $133,069
Transactions in Shares of the Funds 
Sold  56,240,290 206,688,782 12,005,216 12,355,744
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  84,435 3,928,321 868,134 1,742,660
Redeemed    (114,055,556)   (351,102,162)   (4,590,668)   (15,494,704)
Net increase (decrease) in shares 
of the funds    (57,730,831)   (140,485,059) 8,282,682   (1,396,300)
See Notes to Financial Statements.         


Notes to Financial Statements 


1. Organization and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Organization — American Century California Tax-Free and Municipal Funds (the trust) is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the 1940 Act) as an open-end management investment company. California Tax-Free Money Market Fund (Tax-Free Money Market) and California Tax-Free Bond Fund (Tax-Free Bond) (collectively, the funds) are two funds in a series issued by the trust. Tax-Free Money Market is diversified under Rule 2a-7 of the 1940 Act. Tax-Free Bond is diversified under the 1940 Act. The funds’ investment objectives are to seek safety of principal and high current income that is exempt from federal and California income taxes. Tax-Free Money Market invests primarily in municipal obligations with very short-term maturities. Tax-Free Bond invests primarily in municipal obligations of all maturity ranges. The following is a summary of the funds’ significant accounting policies.

Security Valuations — Securities of Tax-Free Money Market are valued at amortized cost, which approximates current market value. Debt securities of Tax-Free Bond maturing in greater than 60 days at the time of purchase are valued at current market value as provided by a commercial pricing service or at the mean of the most recent bid and asked prices. Debt securities maturing within 60 days at the time of purchase may be valued at cost, plus or minus any amortized discount or premium. If an event occurs after the value of a security was established but before net asset value per share was determined that was likely to materially change the net asset value, that security would be valued as determined in accordance with procedures adopted by the Board of Trustees. If the funds determine that the market price of a portfolio security is not readily available, or that the valuation methods mentioned above do not reflect the security’s fair value, such security is valued as determined by the Board of Trustees or its designee, in accordance with procedures adopted by the Board of Trustees, if such determination would materially impact a fund’s net asset value. Certain other circumstances may cause the funds to use alternative procedures to value a security such as: a security has been declared in default; trading in a security has been halted during the trading day; or there is a foreign market holiday and no trading will commence.

Security Transactions — For financial reporting purposes, security transactions are accounted for as of the trade date. Net realized gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is also used for federal income tax purposes.

Investment Income — Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis and includes accretion of discounts and amortization of premiums.

When-Issued — The funds may engage in securities transactions on a when-issued basis. Under these arrangements, the securities’ prices and yields are fixed on the date of the commitment, but payment and delivery are scheduled for a future date. During this period, securities are subject to market fluctuations. The funds will segregate cash, cash equivalents or other appropriate liquid securities on its records in amounts sufficient to meet the purchase price.

Income Tax Status — It is each fund’s policy to distribute substantially all net investment income and net realized gains to shareholders and to otherwise qualify as a regulated investment company under provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. The funds are no longer subject to examination by tax authorities for years prior to 2006. At this time, management believes there are no uncertain tax positions which, based on their technical merit, would not be sustained upon examination and for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months. Accordingly, no provision has been made for federal or state income taxes. Interest and penalties associated with any federal or state income tax obligations, if any, are recorded as interest expense.

Distributions to Shareholders — Distributions from net investment income are declared daily and paid monthly. Distributions from net realized gains, if any, are generally declared and paid annually.


Indemnifications — Under the trust’s organizational documents, its officers and trustees are indemnified against certain liabilities arising out of the performance of their duties to the funds. In addition, in the normal course of business, the funds enter into contracts that provide general indemnifications. The maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown as this would involve future claims that may be made against a fund. The risk of material loss from such claims is considered by management to be remote.

Use of Estimates — The financial statements are prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, which may require management to make certain estimates and assumptions at the date of the financial statements. Actual results could differ from these estimates.

Subsequent Events — In preparing the financial statements, management evaluated the impact of events or transactions occurring through the date the financial statements were issued that would merit recognition or disclosure.

2. Fees and Transactions with Related Parties

Management Fees — The trust has entered into a Management Agreement with American Century Investment Management, Inc. (ACIM) (the investment advisor), under which ACIM provides the funds with investment advisory and management services in exchange for a single, unified management fee (the fee). The Agreement provides that all expenses of managing and operating the funds, except brokerage expenses, taxes, temporary guarantee program fees, interest, fees and expenses of the independent trustees (including legal counsel fees), and extraordinary expenses, will be paid by ACIM. The fee is computed and accrued daily based on the daily net assets of each specific class of shares of each fund and paid monthly in arrears. The fee consists of (1) an Investment Category Fee based on the daily net assets of the funds and certain other accounts managed by the investment advisor that are in the same broad investment category as each fund and (2) a Complex Fee based on the assets of all the funds in the American Century Investments family of funds. The rates for the Investment Category Fee range from 0.1570% to 0.2700% for Tax-Free Money Market and from 0.1625% to 0.2800% for Tax-Free Bond. The rates for the Complex Fee range from 0.2500% to 0.3100%. In order to maintain a positive yield, ACIM may voluntarily waive a portion of its management fee on a daily basis. The effective annual management fee for Tax-Free Money Market for the six months ended February 28, 2010 was 0.49% before waiver and 0.33% after waiver. The effective annual management fee was 0.48% for Tax-Free Bond for the six months ended February 28, 2010.

Temporary Guarantee Program — On October 3, 2008, the Board of Trustees approved Tax-Free Money Market to participate in the U.S. Treasury Department’s Temporary Guarantee Program for Money Market Funds (the program). The program provides coverage to guarantee the account values of shareholders in the event the fund’s net asset value falls below $0.995 and the Trustees liquidate the fund. The program covers the lesser of a shareholder’s account value on September 19, 2008, or on the date of liquidation. Participation in the program requires Tax-Free Money Market to pay a fee based on the net assets of Tax-Free Money Market as of the close of business on September 19, 2008, which is amortized daily over the period. Tax-Free Money Market participated in the program from September 19, 2008 through December 19, 2008 and paid a fee of 0.01% of its net assets as of September 19, 2008. Tax-Free Money Market continued its participation in the program from December 20, 2008 through April 30, 2009 and paid a fee of 0.015% of its net assets as of September 19, 2008. Tax-Free Money Market continued its participation in a program extension from May 1, 2009 through September 18, 2009 and paid a fee of 0.015% of its net assets as of September 19, 2008. The program expired on September 18, 2009. For the six months ended February 28, 2010, the annualized ratio of the program fee to average net assets was 0.01%.

Related Parties — Certain officers and trustees of the trust are also officers and/or directors of American Century Companies, Inc. (ACC), the parent of the trust’s investment advisor, ACIM, the distributor of the trust, American Century Investment Services, Inc., and the trust’s transfer agent, American Century Services, LLC.


The funds have a Mutual Funds Services Agreement with J.P. Morgan Investor Services Co. (JPMIS). JPMorgan Chase Bank (JPMCB) is a custodian of the funds. JPMIS and JPMCB are wholly owned subsidiaries of JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM). JPM is an equity investor in ACC.

3. Investment Transactions

All investment transactions for Tax-Free Money Market were considered short-term during the six months ended February 28, 2010.

Purchases and sales of investment securities for Tax-Free Bond, excluding short-term investments, for the six months ended February 28, 2010, were $89,523,847 and $33,100,163 respectively.

4. Fair Value Measurements

The funds’ securities valuation process is based on several considerations and may use multiple inputs to determine the fair value of the positions held by the funds. In conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, the inputs used to determine a valuation are classified into three broad levels as follows:

• Level 1 valuation inputs consist of actual quoted prices in an active market for identical securities;

• Level 2 valuation inputs consist of significant direct or indirect observable market data (including quoted prices for similar securities, evaluations of subsequent market events, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.); or

• Level 3 valuation inputs consist of significant unobservable inputs (including a fund’s own assumptions).

The level classification is based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair valuation measurement. The valuation inputs are not an indication of the risks associated with investing in these securities or other financial instruments.

As of February 28, 2010, the valuation inputs used to determine the fair value of Tax-Free Money Market’s municipal securities were classified as Level 2.

As of February 28, 2010, the valuation inputs used to determine the fair value of Tax-Free Bond’s municipal securities and unrealized gain (loss) on futures contracts were classified as Level 2 and Level 1, respectively.

5. Derivative Instruments

Interest Rate Risk — Tax-Free Bond is subject to interest rate risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objectives. The value of bonds generally declines as interest rates rise. A fund may enter into futures contracts based on a bond index or a specific underlying security. A fund may purchase futures contracts to gain exposure to increases in market value or sell futures contracts to protect against a decline in market value. Upon entering into a futures contract, a fund will segregate cash, cash equivalents or other appropriate liquid securities on its records in amounts sufficient to meet requirements. Subsequent payments (variation margin) are made or received daily, in cash, by a fund. The variation margin is equal to the daily change in the contract value and is recorded as unrealized gains and losses. A fund recognizes a realized gain or loss when the futures contract is closed or expires. Net realized and unrealized gains or losses occurring during the holding period of futures contracts are a component of net realized gain (loss) on futures contract transactions and change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on futures contracts, respectively. One of the risks of entering into futures contracts is the possibility that the change in value of the contract may not correlate with the changes in value of the underlying securities. The interest rate risk derivative instruments held at period end as disclosed on the Schedule of Investments are indicative of Tax-Free Bond’s typical volume during the period.


For Tax-Free Bond, the value of interest rate risk derivatives as of February 28, 2010, is disclosed on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as an asset of $68,250 in receivable for variation margin on futures contracts and a liability of $37,000 in payable for variation margin on futures contracts. For Tax-Free Bond, for the six months ended February 28, 2010, the effect of interest rate risk derivatives on the Statement of Operations was $(408,323) in net realized gain (loss) on futures contract transactions and $202,523 in change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on futures contracts.

6. Interfund Lending

The funds, along with certain other funds in the American Century Investments family of funds, may participate in an interfund lending program, pursuant to an Exemptive Order issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This program provides an alternative credit facility allowing the funds to borrow from or lend to other funds in the American Century Investments family of funds that permit such transactions. Interfund lending transactions are subject to each fund’s investment policies and borrowing and lending limits. The interfund loan rate earned/paid on interfund lending transactions is determined daily based on the average of certain current market rates. Interfund lending transactions normally extend only overnight, but can have a maximum duration of seven days. The program is subject to annual approval by the Board of Trustees. During the six months ended February 28, 2010, the funds did not utilize the program.

7. Risk Factors

The funds concentrate their investments in a single state and therefore may have more exposure to credit risk related to the state of California than a fund with a broader geographical diversification. Income may be subject to state and local taxes and, if applicable, the alternative minimum tax.

8. Federal Tax Information

The book-basis character of distributions made during the year from net investment income or net realized gains may differ from their ultimate characterization for federal income tax purposes. These differences reflect the differing character of certain income items and net realized gains and losses for financial statement and tax purposes, and may result in reclassification among certain capital accounts on the financial statements.

As of February 28, 2010, the components of investments for federal income tax purposes were as follows:

  Money Market  Tax-Free Bond 
Federal tax cost of investments  $408,148,662 $663,613,379
Gross tax appreciation of investments  $31,748,018
Gross tax depreciation of investments    (3,094,555)
Net tax appreciation (depreciation) of investments  $28,653,463

The cost of investments for federal income tax purposes was the same as the cost for financial reporting purposes.


As of August 31, 2009, Tax-Free Bond had accumulated capital losses of $(5,305,027), which represent net capital loss carryovers that may be used to offset future realized capital gains for federal income tax purposes. The capital loss carryovers expire as follows:

   2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  2017 
Tax-Free Bond  $(905,757)    $(405,593)  $(322,273)  $(551,134)  $(275,673)  $(2,844,597) 

Tax-Free Bond had a capital loss deferral of $(4,305,586) which represents net capital losses incurred in the ten-month period ended August 31, 2009. Tax-Free Bond has elected to treat such losses as having been incurred in the following fiscal year for federal income tax purposes.

9. Corporate Event

As part of a long-standing estate and business succession plan established by ACC Co-Chairman James E. Stowers, Jr., the founder of American Century Investments, ACC Co-Chairman Richard W. Brown succeeded Mr. Stowers as trustee of a trust that holds a greater-than-25% voting interest in ACC, the parent corporation of each fund’s advisor. Under the 1940 Act, this is presumed to represent control of ACC even though it is less than a majority interest. The change of trustee may technically be considered a “change of control” of ACC and therefore also a change of control of each fund’s advisor even though there has been no change to their management and none is anticipated. The “change of control” resulted in the assignment of each fund’s investment advisory agreement. Under the Act, an assignment automatically terminated such agreement, making the approval of a new agreement necessary.

On February 18, 2010, the Board of Trustees approved interim investment advisory agreements under which each fund will be managed until new agreements are approved by fund shareholders. On April 1, 2010, the Board of Trustees approved new investment advisory agreements. The interim agreements and the new agreements are substantially identical to the terminated agreements (with the exception of different effective and termination dates) and will not result in changes in the management of American Century Investments, the funds, their investment objectives, fees or services provided. The new agreements have been submitted to shareholders for approval at a Special Meeting of Shareholders to be held on June 16, 2010.


Financial Highlights 

California Tax-Free Money Market       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended August 31 (except as noted)      
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)    (2) 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.02
From Net 
Investment Income    (2)   (0.01)   (0.02)   (0.03)   (0.03)   (0.02)
From Net 
Realized Gains    (2)    —   (2)     —     —     —
Total Distributions    (2)   (0.01)   (0.02)   (0.03)   (0.03)   (0.02)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
Total Return(3)  0.02% 0.77% 2.38% 3.16% 2.70% 1.54%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets  0.34%(4)(5) 0.49%(5)(6) 0.47%(6) 0.49%(6) 0.52%(6) 0.52%
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to Average 
Net Assets (Before 
Expense Waiver)  0.50%(4) 0.55% 0.51% 0.51% 0.52% 0.52%
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  0.01%(4)(5) 0.83%(5)(6) 2.32%(6) 3.12%(6) 2.64%(6) 1.53%
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to Average 
Net Assets (Before 
Expense Waiver)  (0.15)%(4) 0.77% 2.28% 3.10% 2.64% 1.53%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $381,838 $439,637 $580,049 $552,347 $530,013 $617,356
(1)  Six months ended February 28, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  Per-share amount was less than $0.005.           
(3)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized.             
(4)  Annualized.             
(5)  During the reporting period, the investment advisor voluntarily agreed to waive a portion of its management fees in order to maintain a 
  positive yield.             
(6)  From August 1, 2006 to July 31, 2009, the investment advisor voluntarily agreed to waive a portion of its management fee.   

See Notes to Financial Statements.


California Tax-Free Bond         
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended August 31 (except as noted)       
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $10.98 $10.96 $10.92 $11.15 $11.33 $11.41
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)  0.21 0.44 0.44 0.45 0.46 0.46
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.20 0.01 0.04   (0.23)   (0.18)   (0.08)
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.41 0.45 0.48 0.22 0.28 0.38
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.21)   (0.43)   (0.44)   (0.45)   (0.46)   (0.46)
From Net 
Realized Gains      —     —     —     —   (2)     —
Total Distributions    (0.21)   (0.43)   (0.44)   (0.45)   (0.46)   (0.46)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $11.18 $10.98 $10.96 $10.92 $11.15 $11.33
Total Return(3)  3.74% 4.32% 4.42% 1.98% 2.58% 3.36%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets  0.48%(4) 0.49% 0.49% 0.49% 0.49% 0.49%
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  3.73%(4) 4.07% 3.96% 4.06% 4.13% 4.02%
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 36% 41% 41% 34% 34%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $700,367 $596,739 $610,976 $462,246 $432,052 $435,887
(1)  Six months ended February 28, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  Per-share amount was less than $0.005.           
(3)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized.             
(4)  Annualized.             

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Board Approval of Management Agreements 

American Century Investment Management, Inc. (“ACIM” or the “Advisor”) currently serves as investment advisor to the Funds under an interim management agreement (the “Interim Management Agreement”) between the Advisor and the Funds approved by the Funds’ Board of Trustees (the “Board”). The Advisor previously served as investment advisor to the Funds pursuant to a management agreement (the “Prior Management Agreement”) that terminated in accordance with its terms on February 16, 2010, as a result of a change of control of the Advisor’s parent company, American Century Companies, Inc. (“ACC”). The change in control occurred as the result of a change in the trustee of a trust created by James E. Stowers, Jr., the founder of American Century Investments that holds shares representing a significant interest in ACC stock. Mr. Stowers previously served as the trustee of the trust. On February 16, 2010, Richard W. Brown, Co-Chairman of ACC with Mr. Stowers, became the trustee in accordance with the terms of the trust and Mr. Stowers’ long-standing estate and succession plan.

On February 18, 2010, the Board approved the Interim Management Agreement in accordance with Rule 15a-4 under the Investment Company Act to ensure continued management of the Funds by the Advisor after the termination of the Prior Management Agreement and until shareholder approval of a new management agreement (the “Proposed Management Agreement”) as required under the Act. The Board has approved the Proposed Management Agreement and has recommended its approval to shareholders. Fund shareholders are scheduled to consider approval of the Proposed Management Agreement at a meeting to be held on June 16, 2010.*

The Interim Management Agreement and the Proposed Management Agreement are substantially identical to the Prior Management Agreement except for their effective dates and the termination provisions of the Interim Management Agreement. Under the Interim and Proposed Management Agreements, the Advisor will provide the same services to the Funds and receive the same compensation rate as under the Prior Management Agreement.

Basis for Board Approval of Interim Management Agreement

In considering the approval of the Interim Management Agreement, Rule 15a-4 requires the Board to approve the contract within ten business days of the termination of the prior agreement and to determine that the compensation to be received under the interim agreement is no greater than would have been received under the prior agreement. In connection with the approval, the Board noted that it oversees on a continuous basis and evaluates at its quarterly meetings, directly and through the committees of the Board, the nature and quality of significant services provided by the Advisor, the investment performance of the Funds, shareholder services, audit and compliance functions and a variety of other matters relating to the Funds’ operations.

*Management agreements for new share classes of the Funds launched after February 16, 2010, did not terminate, have not been replaced by Interim
 Management Agreements, and do not require Board or shareholder approval at this time.


In evaluating the Interim Management Agreement, the Board, assisted by the advice of its independent legal counsel, considered a number of factors in addition to those required by the rule with no one factor being determinative to its analysis. Among the factors considered by the Board were the circumstances and effect of the change of control, the fact that the Advisor will provide the same services and receive the same compensation rate as under the Prior Management Agreements, and that the change of control did not result in a change of the personnel managing the Funds. Upon completion of its analysis, the Board approved the Interim Management Agreement, determining that the continued management of the Funds by the Advisor was in the best interests of the Funds and Fund shareholders.

Basis for Board Approval of Proposed Management Agreement

At a meeting held on April 1, 2010, after considering all information presented, the Board approved, and determined to recommend that shareholders approve, the Proposed Management Agreement. In connection with that approval, the Board requested and reviewed extensive data and information compiled by the Advisor and certain independent providers of evaluation data concerning the Funds and services provided to the Funds by the Advisor. The Board oversees on a continuous basis and evaluates at its quarterly meetings, directly and through the committees of the Board, the nature and quality of significant services provided by the Advisor, the investment performance of the Funds, shareholder services, audit and compliance functions and a variety of other matters relating to the Funds’ operations. The information considered and the discussions held at the meetings included, but were not limited to:

• the nature, extent and quality of investment management, shareholder services and other services provided to the Funds;

• the wide range of programs and services the Advisor provides to the Funds and their shareholders on a routine and non-routine basis;

• the compliance policies, procedures, and regulatory experience of the Advisor;

• data comparing the cost of owning the Funds to the cost of owning similar funds;

• the fact that there will be no changes to the fees, services, or personnel who provide such services as compared to the Prior Management Agreement;

• data comparing the Funds’ performance to appropriate benchmarks and/or a peer group of other mutual funds with similar investment objectives and strategies;

• financial data showing the profitability of the Funds to the Advisor and the overall profitability of the Advisor;

• data comparing services provided and charges to the Funds with those for other non-fund investment management clients of the Advisor; and


• consideration of collateral or “fall-out” benefits derived by the Advisor from the management of the Funds and potential sharing of economies of scale in connection with the management of the Funds.

The Board also considered whether there was any reason for not continuing the existing arrangement with the Advisor. In particular, the Board recognized that shareholders may have invested in the Funds on the strength of the Advisor’s industry standing and reputation and in the expectation that the Advisor will have a continuing role in providing advisory services to the Funds.

The Board considered all of the information provided by the Advisor, the independent data providers, and the Board’s independent counsel, and evaluated such information for each Fund. The Board did not identify any single factor as being all-important or controlling, and each Board member may have attributed different levels of importance to different factors. In deciding to approve the Proposed Management Agreement under the terms ultimately determined by the Board to be appropriate, the Board based its decision on a number of factors, including the following:

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services — Generally. Under the Proposed Management Agreement, the Advisor is responsible for providing or arranging for all services necessary for the operation of the Funds. The Board noted that under the Proposed Management Agreement, the Advisor provides or arranges at its own expense a wide variety of services including:

• constructing and designing the Funds

• portfolio research and security selection

• initial capitalization/funding

• securities trading

• Fund administration

• custody of Fund assets

• daily valuation of each Fund’s portfolio

• shareholder servicing and transfer agency, including shareholder confirmations, recordkeeping and communications

• legal services

• regulatory and portfolio compliance

• financial reporting

• marketing and distribution


The Board noted that many of these services have expanded over time both in terms of quantity and complexity in response to shareholder demands, competition in the industry, changing distribution channels and the changing regulatory environment.

Investment Management Services. The investment management services provided to the Funds are complex and provide Fund shareholders access to professional money management, instant diversification of their investments within an asset class, the opportunity to easily diversify among asset classes, and liquidity. As a part of its general oversight and in evaluating investment performance, the Board expects the Advisor to manage each Fund in accordance with its investment objectives and approved strategies. In providing these services, the Advisor utilizes teams of investment professionals who require extensive information technology, research, training, compliance and other systems to conduct their business. The Board, directly and through its Portfolio Committee, regularly reviews investment performance information for each Fund, together with comparative information for appropriate benchmarks and/or peer groups of similarly-managed funds, over different time horizons. If performance concerns are identified, the underperforming Fund receives special reviews until performance improves, during which time the Board discusses with the Advisor the reasons for such underperformance and any efforts being undertaken to improve performance.

Shareholder and Other Services. Under the Proposed Management Agreement, the Advisor will also provide the Funds with a comprehensive package of transfer agency, shareholder, and other services. The Board, directly and through the various committees of the Board, regularly reviews reports and evaluations of such services. These reports include, but are not limited to, information regarding the operational efficiency and accuracy of the shareholder and transfer agency services provided, staffing levels, shareholder satisfaction (as measured by external as well as internal sources), technology support, new products and services offered to Fund shareholders, securities trading activities, portfolio valuation services, auditing services, and legal and operational compliance activities. Certain aspects of shareholder and transfer agency service level efficiency and the quality of securities trading activities are measured by independent third party providers and are presented in comparison to other fund groups not managed by the Advisor.

Costs of Services Provided and Profitability. The Advisor provided detailed information concerning its cost of providing various services to the Funds, its profitability in managing the Funds, its overall profitability, and its financial condition. The Board reviewed with the Advisor the methodology used to prepare this financial information. The Board has also reviewed with the Advisor its methodology for compensating the investment professionals that provide services to the Funds as well as compensation to the five highest paid personnel of the Advisor. This financial information regarding the Advisor is considered in order to evaluate the Advisor’s financial condition, its ability to continue to provide services under the Proposed Management Agreement, and the reasonableness of the proposed management fees.


Ethics. The Board generally considers the Advisor’s commitment to providing quality services to shareholders and to conducting its business ethically. It noted that the Advisor’s practices generally meet or exceed industry best practices.

Economies of Scale. The Board also reviewed information provided by the Advisor regarding the possible existence of economies of scale in connection with the management of the Funds. The Board concluded that economies of scale are difficult to measure and predict with precision, especially on a fund-by-fund basis. The analysis of economies of scale is further complicated by the additional services and content provided by the Advisor and its reinvestment in its ability to provide and expand those services. Accordingly, the Board seeks to evaluate economies of scale by reviewing information, such as year-over-year profitability of the Advisor generally, the profitability of its management of each Fund specifically, and the expenses incurred by the Advisor in providing various functions to the Funds. The Board believes the Advisor is appropriately sharing economies of scale through its competitive fee structure, offering competitive fees from fund inception, fee breakpoints as the fund complex and the Funds increase in size, and through reinvestment in its business to provide shareholders additional services and enhancements to existing services. In particular, separate breakpoint schedules based on the size of the entire fund complex and on the size of each Fund reflect the complexity of assessing economies of scale.

Comparison to Fees of Funds not Managed by the Advisor. Both the Prior and Proposed Management Agreements provide that the Funds pay the Advisor a single, all-inclusive (or unified) management fee for providing all services necessary for the management and operation of the Funds, other than brokerage expenses, taxes, interest, extraordinary expenses, and the fees and expenses of the Funds’ Independent Trustees (including their independent legal counsel) and expenses incurred in connection with the provision of shareholder services and distribution services under a plan adopted pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act. Under the unified fee structure, the Advisor is responsible for providing all investment advisory, custody, audit, administrative, compliance, recordkeeping, marketing and shareholder services, or arranging and supervising third parties that provide such services. By contrast, most other funds are charged a variety of fees, including an investment advisory fee, a transfer agency fee, an administrative fee, distribution charges and other expenses. Other than their investment advisory fees and any applicable Rule 12b-1 distribution fees, the components of the total fees charged by these other funds may be increased without shareholder approval. The Board believes the unified fee structure is a benefit to Fund shareholders because it clearly discloses to shareholders the cost of owning Fund shares, and, since the unified fee cannot be increased without a vote of Fund shareholders, it shifts to the Advisor the risk of increased costs of operating the Funds and provides a direct incentive to minimize administrative inefficiencies. Part of the Board’s analysis of fee levels involves reviewing certain evaluative data compiled by an independent provider comparing each Fund’s unified fee to the total expense ratios of similar funds not managed by the Advisor. The


Board concluded that the management fee to be paid by each Fund to the Advisor under the Proposed Management Agreement is reasonable in light of the services to be provided to the Funds.

Comparison to Fees and Services Provided to Other Clients of the Advisor. The Board also requested and received information from the Advisor concerning the nature and extent of the services, fees, and profitability of its advisory services to advisory clients other than the Funds. They observed that these varying types of client accounts require different services and involve different regulatory and entrepreneurial risks than the management of the Funds. The Board analyzed this information and concluded that the fees charged and services provided to the Funds were reasonable by comparison.

Collateral or “Fall-Out” Benefits Derived by the Advisor. The Board considered the existence of collateral benefits the Advisor may receive as a result of its relationship with the Funds. They concluded that the Advisor’s primary business is managing mutual funds and it generally does not use Fund or shareholder information to generate profits in other lines of business, and therefore does not derive any significant collateral benefits from them. The Board noted that the Advisor receives proprietary research from broker-dealers that execute Fund portfolio transactions and concluded that this research is likely to benefit Fund shareholders. The Board also determined that the Advisor is able to provide investment management services to certain clients other than the Funds, at least in part, due to its existing infrastructure built to serve the fund complex. The Board concluded, however, that the assets of those other clients are not material to the analysis and, in any event, are included with the assets of the Funds to determine breakpoints in each Fund’s fee schedule, provided they are managed using the same investment team and strategy.

Conclusion of the Board. As a result of this process, the Board, in the absence of particular circumstances and assisted by the advice of its independent legal counsel, taking into account all of the factors discussed above and the information provided by the Advisor and others, concluded that the Proposed Management Agreement be approved and recommended its approval to Fund shareholders.


Additional Information 

Proxy Voting Guidelines

American Century Investment Management, Inc., the funds’ investment advisor, is responsible for exercising the voting rights associated with the securities purchased and/or held by the funds. A description of the policies and procedures the advisor uses in fulfilling this responsibility is available without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-345-2021. It is also available on American Century Investments’ website at americancentury.com and on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s website at sec.gov. Information regarding how the investment advisor voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available on the “About Us” page at americancentury.com. It is also available at sec.gov.

Quarterly Portfolio Disclosure

The funds file their complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The funds’ Forms N-Q are available on the SEC’s website at sec.gov, and may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, DC. Information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. The funds also make their complete schedule of portfolio holdings for the most recent quarter of their fiscal year available on their website at americancentury.com and, upon request, by calling 1-800-345-2021.


Index Definitions 

The following indices are used to illustrate investment market, sector, or style performance or to serve as fund performance comparisons. They are not investment products available for purchase.

The Barclays Capital 5-Year General Obligation (GO) Bond Index is composed of investment-grade U.S. municipal securities, with maturities of four to six years, that are general obligations of a state or local government.

The Barclays Capital California Tax-Exempt Bond Index is composed of those securities included in the Barclays Capital Municipal Bond Index that are investment-grade and are issued in California.

The Barclays Capital Long-Term Municipal Bond Index is composed of those securities included in the Barclays Capital Municipal Bond Index that have maturities greater than 22 years.

The Barclays Capital Municipal Bond Index is a market value-weighted index designed for the long-term tax-exempt bond market.

The Barclays Capital Non-Investment-Grade Municipal Bond Index is composed of non-investment grade U.S. municipal securities with a remaining maturity of one year or more.

The Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Index represents securities that are taxable, registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and U.S. dollar-denominated. The index covers the U.S. investment-grade fixed-rate bond market, with index components for government and corporate securities, mortgage pass-through securities, and asset-backed securities.

The Barclays Capital U.S. Treasury Index is composed of those securities included in the Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Index that are public obligations of the U.S. Treasury with a remaining maturity of one year or more.






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American Century California Tax-Free and Municipal Funds 
Investment Advisor:   
American Century Investment Management, Inc.   
Kansas City, Missouri   

This report and the statements it contains are submitted for the general
information of our shareholders. The report is not authorized for distribution to
prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

American Century Investment Services, Inc., Distributor

©2010 American Century Proprietary Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved.


Not applicable for semiannual report filings.
Not applicable for semiannual report filings.
Not applicable for semiannual report filings.
Not applicable.
(a) The schedule of investments is included as part of the report to stockholders filed under Item 1
  of this Form.
(b) Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
During the reporting period, there were no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may
recommend nominees to the registrant’s board.

(a) The registrant's principal executive officer and principal financial officer have concluded that
    the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the
    Investment Company Act of 1940) are effective based on their evaluation of these controls and
    procedures as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report.
(b) There were no changes in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting (as defined in
    Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) that occurred during the registrant's
    second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that have materially affected, or are
    reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.
(a)(1) Not applicable for semiannual report filings.
(a)(2) Separate certifications by the registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial
    officer, pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and Rule 30a-2(a) under the
    Investment Company Act of 1940, are filed and attached hereto as EX-99.CERT.
(a)(3) Not applicable.
(b) A certification by the registrant’s chief executive officer and chief financial officer, pursuant to
    Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, is furnished and attached hereto as EX-


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Registrant: American Century California Tax-Free and Municipal Funds
By: /s/ Jonathan S. Thomas
  Name: Jonathan S. Thomas
  Title: President
Date: April 29, 2010

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By: /s/ Jonathan S. Thomas
  Name: Jonathan S. Thomas
  Title: President
    (principal executive officer)
Date: April 29, 2010

By: /s/ Robert J. Leach
  Name: Robert J. Leach
  Title: Vice President, Treasurer, and
    Chief Financial Officer
    (principal financial officer)
Date: April 29, 2010