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Rate And Regulatory Matters
6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2012
Rate And Regulatory Matters

NOTE 2.RATE AND REGULATORY MATTERS (Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy)


Regulatory Assets


See Note 2 to the financial statements in the Form 10-K for information regarding regulatory assets in the Utility business presented on the balance sheets of Entergy and the Registrant Subsidiaries. Following are updates to that information.


Correction of Regulatory Asset for Income Taxes


In the first quarter 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana determined that its regulatory asset for income taxes was overstated because of a difference between the regulatory treatment of the income taxes associated with certain items (primarily pension expense) and the financial accounting treatment of those taxes. Beginning with Louisiana retail rate filings using the 1994 test year, retail rates were developed using the normalization method of accounting for income taxes. With respect to these items, however, the financial accounting for income taxes was computed using the flow-through method of accounting. As a result, over the years Entergy Gulf States Louisiana accumulated a regulatory asset representing the expected future recovery of tax expense for the affected items even though the tax expense was being collected currently in rates from customers and would not be recovered in the future.

The effect was immaterial to the consolidated balance sheets, results of operations, and cash flows of Entergy for all prior reporting periods and on a cumulative basis. Therefore, a cumulative adjustment was recorded in the first quarter 2012 to remove the regulatory asset previously recorded. This adjustment increased 2012 income tax expense by $46.3 million, decreased the regulatory asset for income taxes by $75.3 million, and decreased accumulated deferred income taxes by $29 million.

The effect was also immaterial to the balance sheets, results of operations, and cash flows of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana for all prior reporting periods.  Correcting the cumulative effect of the error in the first quarter 2012 could have been material to the 2012 results of operations of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and, therefore, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana is revising its prior period financial statements to correct the errors.  The corrections affect the prior period financial statements as shown in the tables below:


December 31, 2011



previously reported





(In Thousands)





Balance Sheet




Regulatory asset for income taxes - net




Accumulated deferred income taxes - current




Accumulated deferred income taxes and taxes accrued




Member's equity





Six Months Ended

June 30, 2011


Member's Equity


Total Equity










(In Thousands)









Statement of Changes in Equity




Balance at December 31, 2010








Net income








Balance at June 30, 2011









Fuel and Purchased Power Cost Recovery


Entergy Texas


In December 2011, Entergy Texas filed with the PUCT a request to refund approximately $43 million, including interest, of fuel cost recovery over-collections through October 2011. Entergy Texas and the parties to the proceeding reached an agreement that Entergy Texas will refund $67 million, including interest and additional over-recoveries through December 2011, over a three-month period. Entergy Texas and the parties requested that interim rates consistent with the settlement be approved effective with the March 2012 billing month, and the PUCT approved the application in March 2012.


Retail Rate Proceedings


See Note 2 to the financial statements in the Form 10-K for detailed information regarding retail rate proceedings involving the Utility operating companies. The following are updates to the Form 10-K.


Filings with the LPSC


(Entergy Gulf States Louisiana)


            In January 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana filed with the LPSC its gas rate stabilization plan for the test year ended September 30, 2011.  The filing showed an earned return on common equity of 10.48%, which is within the earnings bandwidth of 10.5%, plus or minus fifty basis points.  In April 2012, the LPSC Staff filed its findings, suggesting adjustments that will produce an 11.54% earned return on common equity for the test year and a $0.1 million rate reduction.  Entergy Gulf States Louisiana accepted the LPSC Staff's recommendations, and the rate reduction was effective with the first billing cycle of May 2012.


            In May 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana made its formula rate plan filing with the LPSC for the 2011 test year.  The filing reflects an 11.94% earned return on common equity, which is above the earnings bandwidth and indicates a $6.5 million cost of service rate change is necessary under the formula rate plan.  The filing also reflects a $22.9 million rate decrease for incremental capacity costs.  The filing is currently subject to LPSC review.


(Entergy Louisiana)


            In May 2012, Entergy Louisiana made its formula rate plan filing with the LPSC for the 2011 test year.  The filing reflects a 9.63% earned return on common equity, which is within the earnings bandwidth and results in no cost of service rate change under the formula rate plan.  The filing also reflects an $18.1 million rate increase for incremental capacity costs.  Subsequently, in June 2012, Entergy Louisiana supplemented the filing to estimate the first year revenue requirement associated with the Waterford 3 replacement steam generator project.  The filing is currently subject to LPSC review.


Filings with the MPSC


            In March 2012, Entergy Mississippi submitted its formula rate plan filing for the 2011 test year.  The filing shows an earned return on common equity of 10.92% for the test year, which is within the earnings bandwidth and results in no change in rates.  The filing is currently subject to MPSC review.


Filings with the City Council


            On May 31, 2012, Entergy New Orleans filed its electric and gas formula rate plan evaluation reports for the 2011 test year.  The filings request a $3.0 million electric base revenue increase and a $1.0 million gas base revenue increase.  As part of the filing, Entergy New Orleans is also requesting to increase annual funding for its storm reserve by approximately $5.7 million for the next five years.  The new rates would be effective with the first billing cycle in October 2012.  The City Council's and its Advisors' review of these filings is pending.


Filings with the PUCT and Texas Cities


            See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the rate case that Entergy Texas filed in November 2011 requesting a $112 million base rate increase reflecting a 10.6% return on common equity based on an adjusted June 2011 test year. In April  2012 the PUCT Staff filed direct testimony recommending a base rate increase of $66 million and a 9.6% return on common equity.  The PUCT Staff, however, subsequently filed a statement of position in the proceeding indicating that it was still evaluating the position it would ultimately take in the case regarding Entergy Texas's recovery of purchased power capacity costs and Entergy Texas's proposal to defer its MISO transition expenses.  In April 2012, Entergy Texas filed rebuttal testimony indicating a revised request for a $105 million base rate increase.  A hearing was held in late-April through early-May 2012.  During the hearing and in its post-hearing brief the PUCT Staff revised its recommendation to a base rate increase of $27 million.  Additionally, the PUCT Staff recommended rejection of Entergy Texas's request to defer MISO transition expenses.


The ALJs issued a proposal for decision in July 2012 recommending a $16 million rate increase; however, the workpapers supporting the proposal for decision indicated that the result of the ALJs' recommendation was instead a $28.3 million rate increase.  The ALJs' proposal for decision includes recommendations for: a 9.80% return on common equity; a reduction in proposed purchased power capacity costs, stating that they are not known and measureable; a reduction in Entergy Texas's regulatory assets associated with Hurricane Rita; the exclusion from rate recovery of capitalized financially-based incentive compensation; and amortization of $2.4 million annually of MISO transition expense for five years.  Entergy Texas and other parties filed exceptions to the proposal for decision on July 23, 2012.  The PUCT is scheduled to consider the proposal for decision at its August 17, 2012 open meeting.


System Agreement Cost Equalization Proceedings


            See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceedings regarding the System Agreement, including the FERC's October 2011 order, Entergy's December 2011 compliance filing in response to that order, and Entergy Arkansas's February 2012 filing for an interim adjustment to its production cost allocation rider requesting that the $156 million payment be collected from customers over the 22-month period from March 2012 through December 2013.  In March 2012 the APSC issued an order stating that the payment can be recovered from retail customers through the production cost allocation rider, subject to refund.  The LPSC and the APSC have requested rehearing of the FERC's October 2011 order.  The APSC, LPSC, the PUCT, and other parties intervened in the December 2011 compliance filing proceeding, and the APSC and the LPSC also filed protests.


On May 7, 2012, the FERC issued orders in several System Agreement proceedings, including an order on rehearing in the 2007 rate filing based on 2006 production costs proceeding, an order on the ALJ's initial decision in the 2009 rate filing based on 2008 production costs proceeding, and orders in other proceedings regarding the method of calculating the production costs used in the determination of the rough production cost equalization payments and receipts.  The May 7, 2012 FERC orders may result in the reallocation of costs among the Utility operating companies, although there are still FERC decisions pending in other System Agreement proceedings that could affect the rough production cost equalization payments and receipts, including for the 2007 rate filing.  The FERC directed Entergy, within 45 days of the issuance of a pending FERC order on rehearing regarding the functionalization of costs in the 2007 rate filing, to file a comprehensive bandwidth recalculation report showing updated payments and receipts in the 2007 rate filing proceeding.  In the order in the 2007 rate filing proceeding, the FERC also denied Entergy's request for rehearing regarding the AmerenUE contract and ordered Entergy Arkansas to refund to AmerenUE the rough production cost equalization payments collected from AmerenUE.  Under the terms of the FERC's order the refund of $30.6 million, including interest, was made in June 2012.  Entergy Arkansas had previously recorded a regulatory provision for the potential refund to AmerenUE. Entergy has appealed the FERC's decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.


Rough Production Cost Equalization Rates


2012 Rate Filing Based on Calendar Year 2011 Production Costs

            In May 2012, Entergy filed with the FERC the 2012 rates in accordance with the FERC's orders in the System Agreement proceeding.  The filing shows the following payments/receipts among the Utility operating companies for 2012, based on calendar year 2011 production costs, commencing for service in June 2012, are necessary to achieve rough production cost equalization under the FERC's orders:




Several parties intervened in the proceeding at the FERC, including the LPSC, which filed a protest as well.


Interruptible Load Proceeding


See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceeding regarding the treatment under the System Agreement of the Utility operating companies' interruptible loads.  Entergy Arkansas filed an application in November 2010 with the APSC for recovery of the refund that it paid.  The APSC denied Entergy Arkansas's application, and also denied Entergy Arkansas's petition for rehearing.  If the FERC were to order Entergy Arkansas to pay refunds on rehearing in the interruptible load proceeding the APSC's decision would trap FERC-approved costs at Entergy Arkansas with no regulatory-approved mechanism to recover them.  In August 2011, Entergy Arkansas filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas asking for a declaratory judgment that the rejection of Entergy Arkansas's application by the APSC is preempted by the Federal Power Act.  The APSC filed a motion to dismiss the complaint.  In April 2012 the United States district court dismissed Entergy Arkansas's complaint without prejudice stating that Entergy Arkansas's claim is not ripe for adjudication and that Entergy Arkansas did not have standing to bring suit at this time.


Entergy Arkansas Opportunity Sales Proceeding


In June 2009, the LPSC filed a complaint requesting that the FERC determine that certain of Entergy Arkansas's sales of electric energy to third parties: (a) violated the provisions of the System Agreement that allocate the energy generated by Entergy System resources, (b) imprudently denied the Entergy System and its ultimate consumers the benefits of low-cost Entergy System generating capacity, and (c) violated the provision of the System Agreement that prohibits sales to third parties by individual companies absent an offer of a right-of-first-refusal to other Utility operating companies.   The LPSC's complaint challenges sales made beginning in 2002 and requests refunds.  In their response to the complaint, the Utility operating companies explained that the System Agreement clearly contemplates that the Utility operating companies may make sales to third parties for their own account, subject to the requirement that those sales be included in the load (or load shape) for the applicable Utility operating company.  The response further explains that the FERC already has determined that Entergy Arkansas's short-term wholesale sales did not trigger the "right-of-first-refusal" provision of the System Agreement.  In addition the response argued that while the D.C. Circuit had determined that the "right-of-first-refusal" issue was not properly before the FERC at the time of its earlier decision on the issue, the LPSC raised no additional claims or facts that would warrant the FERC reaching a different conclusion.


            In December 2010 the ALJ issued an initial decision.  The ALJ found that the System Agreement allowed for Entergy Arkansas to make the sales to third parties but concluded that the sales should be accounted for in the same manner as joint account sales.  The ALJ concluded that "shareholders" should make refunds of the damages to the Utility operating companies, along with interest.  Entergy disagrees with several aspects of the ALJ's initial decision and in January 2011 filed with the FERC exceptions to the decision.


The FERC issued a decision in June 2012 and held that, while the System Agreement is ambiguous, it does provide authority for individual Utility operating companies to make opportunity sales for their own account and Entergy Arkansas made and priced these sales in good faith.  The FERC found, however, that the System Agreement does not provide authority for an individual Utility operating company to allocate the energy associated with such opportunity sales as part of its load, but provides a different allocation authority.  The FERC further found that the after-the-fact accounting methodology used to allocate the energy used to supply the sales was inconsistent with the System Agreement.  Quantifying the effect of FERC's decision will require re-running intra-system bills, and Entergy is unable to estimate the potential effects at this time because in its decision the FERC established further hearing procedures to determine the calculation of the effects. On July 23, 2012, Entergy and the LPSC filed requests for rehearing, which will be pending with the FERC while the calculation hearing procedures move forward before the ALJ appointed to hear that matter.


Storm Cost Recovery Filings with Retail Regulators

Entergy Gulf States Louisiana

Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita

See the Form 10-K for a discussion of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana's Act 55 financing of its Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita storm costs. In February 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana sold 500,000 of its Class A preferred membership units in Entergy Holdings Company LLC, a wholly-owned Entergy subsidiary, to a third party in exchange for $51 million plus accrued but unpaid distributions on the units. The 500,000 preferred membership units are mandatorily redeemable in January 2112.


New Nuclear Generation Development Costs (Entergy Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana)


Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana are developing a project option for new nuclear generation at River Bend.  In March 2010, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana filed with the LPSC seeking approval to continue the limited development activities necessary to preserve an option to construct a new unit at River Bend.  The testimony and legal briefs of the LPSC staff generally support the request of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana, although other parties filed briefs, without supporting testimony, in opposition to the request.  At an evidentiary hearing in October 2011, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, Entergy Louisiana, and the LPSC staff presented testimony in support of certification of activities to preserve an option for a new nuclear plant at River Bend.  The ALJ recommended, however, that the LPSC decline the request of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana on the basis that the LPSC's rule on new nuclear development does not apply to activities to preserve an option to develop and on the further grounds that the companies improperly engaged in advanced preparation activities prior to certification.  There has been no suggestion that the planning activities or costs incurred were imprudent.  At its June 28, 2012 meeting the LPSC voted to uphold the ALJ's decision and directed that Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana be permitted to seek recovery of these costs in the rate case filings that are anticipated in January 2013, fully reserving the LPSC's right to determine the recoverability of such costs in rates.


Texas Power Price Lawsuit

In August 2003, a lawsuit was filed in the district court of Chambers County, Texas by Texas residents on behalf of a purported class apparently of the Texas retail customers of Entergy Gulf States, Inc. who were billed and paid for electric power from January 1, 1994 to the present. The named defendants include Entergy Corporation, Entergy Services, Entergy Power, Entergy Power Marketing Corp., and Entergy Arkansas. Entergy Gulf States, Inc. was not a named defendant, but is alleged to be a co-conspirator. The court granted the request of Entergy Gulf States, Inc. to intervene in the lawsuit to protect its interests.

Plaintiffs allege that the defendants implemented a "price gouging accounting scheme" to sell to plaintiffs and similarly situated utility customers higher priced power generated by the defendants while rejecting and/or reselling to off-system utilities less expensive power offered and/or purchased from off-system suppliers and/or generated by the Entergy system. In particular, plaintiffs allege that the defendants manipulated and continue to manipulate the dispatch of generation so that power is purchased from affiliated expensive resources instead of buying cheaper off-system power.

Plaintiffs stated in their pleadings that customers in Texas were charged at least $57 million above prevailing market prices for power. Plaintiffs seek actual, consequential and exemplary damages, costs and attorneys' fees, and disgorgement of profits. The plaintiffs' experts have tendered a report calculating damages in a large range, from $153 million to $972 million in present value, under various scenarios. The Entergy defendants have tendered expert reports challenging the assumptions, methodologies, and conclusions of the plaintiffs' expert reports.

The case is pending in state district court, and in March 2012 the court found that the case met the requirements to be maintained as a class action under Texas law. On April 30, 2012, the court entered an order certifying the class. The defendants have appealed the order to the Texas Court of Appeals – First District.

Entergy Arkansas [Member]
Rate And Regulatory Matters

NOTE 2. RATE AND REGULATORY MATTERS (Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy)


Regulatory Assets


            See Note 2 to the financial statements in the Form 10-K for information regarding regulatory assets in the Utility business presented on the balance sheets of Entergy and the Registrant Subsidiaries.  Following are updates to that information.


Correction of Regulatory Asset for Income Taxes


In the first quarter 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana determined that its regulatory asset for income taxes was overstated because of a difference between the regulatory treatment of the income taxes associated with certain items (primarily pension expense) and the financial accounting treatment of those taxes. Beginning with Louisiana retail rate filings using the 1994 test year, retail rates were developed using the normalization method of accounting for income taxes. With respect to these items, however, the financial accounting for income taxes was computed using the flow-through method of accounting. As a result, over the years Entergy Gulf States Louisiana accumulated a regulatory asset representing the expected future recovery of tax expense for the affected items even though the tax expense was being collected currently in rates from customers and would not be recovered in the future.


The effect was immaterial to the consolidated balance sheets, results of operations, and cash flows of Entergy for all prior reporting periods and on a cumulative basis. Therefore, a cumulative adjustment was recorded in the first quarter 2012 to remove the regulatory asset previously recorded. This adjustment increased 2012 income tax expense by $46.3 million, decreased the regulatory asset for income taxes by $75.3 million, and decreased accumulated deferred income taxes by $29 million.


            The effect was also immaterial to the balance sheets, results of operations, and cash flows of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana for all prior reporting periods.  Correcting the cumulative effect of the error in the first quarter 2012 could have been material to the 2012 results of operations of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and, therefore, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana is revising its prior period financial statements to correct the errors.  The corrections affect the prior period financial statements as shown in the tables below:



Three Months Ended

June 30, 2011






(In Thousands)





Income Statement




Income taxes




Net income




Earnings applicable to common equity











Six Months Ended

June 30, 2011






(In Thousands)





Income Statement




Income taxes




Net income




Earnings applicable to common equity








Statement of Cash Flows




Net income




Deferred income taxes, investment tax credits,
  and non-current taxes accrued




Changes in other regulatory assets




Other operating activities







December 31, 2011






(In Thousands)





Balance Sheet




Regulatory asset for income taxes - net




Accumulated deferred income taxes - current




Accumulated deferred income taxes and taxes accrued




Member's equity






Six Months Ended

June 30, 2011


Member's Equity


Total Equity










(In Thousands)









Statement of Changes in Equity




Balance at December 31, 2010








Net income








Balance at June 30, 2011









Fuel and Purchased Power Cost Recovery


Entergy Texas


            In December 2011, Entergy Texas filed with the PUCT a request to refund approximately $43 million, including interest, of fuel cost recovery over-collections through October 2011.  Entergy Texas and the parties to the proceeding reached an agreement that Entergy Texas will refund $67 million, including interest and additional over-recoveries through December 2011, over a three-month period.  Entergy Texas and the parties requested that interim rates consistent with the settlement be approved effective with the March 2012 billing month, and the PUCT approved the application in March 2012.


Retail Rate Proceedings


            See Note 2 to the financial statements in the Form 10-K for detailed information regarding retail rate proceedings involving the Utility operating companies.  The following are updates to the Form 10-K.


Filings with the LPSC


(Entergy Gulf States Louisiana)


            In January 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana filed with the LPSC its gas rate stabilization plan for the test year ended September 30, 2011.  The filing showed an earned return on common equity of 10.48%, which is within the earnings bandwidth of 10.5%, plus or minus fifty basis points.  In April 2012, the LPSC Staff filed its findings, suggesting adjustments that will produce an 11.54% earned return on common equity for the test year and a $0.1 million rate reduction.  Entergy Gulf States Louisiana accepted the LPSC Staff's recommendations, and the rate reduction was effective with the first billing cycle of May 2012.


            In May 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana made its formula rate plan filing with the LPSC for the 2011 test year.  The filing reflects an 11.94% earned return on common equity, which is above the earnings bandwidth and indicates a $6.5 million cost of service rate change is necessary under the formula rate plan.  The filing also reflects a $22.9 million rate decrease for incremental capacity costs.  The filing is currently subject to LPSC review.


(Entergy Louisiana)


            In May 2012, Entergy Louisiana made its formula rate plan filing with the LPSC for the 2011 test year.  The filing reflects a 9.63% earned return on common equity, which is within the earnings bandwidth and results in no cost of service rate change under the formula rate plan.  The filing also reflects an $18.1 million rate increase for incremental capacity costs.  Subsequently, in June 2012, Entergy Louisiana supplemented the filing to estimate the first year revenue requirement associated with the Waterford 3 replacement steam generator projectThe filing is currently subject to LPSC review.


Filings with the MPSC


            In March 2012, Entergy Mississippi submitted its formula rate plan filing for the 2011 test year.  The filing shows an earned return on common equity of 10.92% for the test year, which is within the earnings bandwidth and results in no change in rates.  The filing is currently subject to MPSC review.


Filings with the City Council


On May 31, 2012, Entergy New Orleans filed its electric and gas formula rate plan evaluation reports for the 2011 test year.  The filings request a $3.0 million electric base revenue increase and a $1.0 million gas base revenue increase.  As part of the filing, Entergy New Orleans is also requesting to increase annual funding for its storm reserve by approximately $5.7 million for the next five years.  The new rates would be effective with the first billing cycle in October 2012.  The City Council's and its Advisors' review of these filings is pending.


Filings with the PUCT and Texas Cities


See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the rate case that Entergy Texas filed in November 2011 requesting a $112 million base rate increase reflecting a 10.6% return on common equity based on an adjusted June 2011 test year. In April 2012 the PUCT Staff filed direct testimony recommending a base rate increase of $66 million and a 9.6% return on common equity.  The PUCT Staff, however, subsequently filed a statement of position in the proceeding indicating that it was still evaluating the position it would ultimately take in the case regarding Entergy Texas's recovery of purchased power capacity costs and Entergy Texas's proposal to defer its MISO transition expenses.  In April 2012, Entergy Texas filed rebuttal testimony indicating a revised request for a $105 million base rate increase.  A hearing was held in late-April through early-May 2012.  During the hearing and in its post-hearing brief the PUCT Staff revised its recommendation to a base rate increase of $27 million.  Additionally, the PUCT Staff recommended rejection of Entergy Texas's request to defer MISO transition expenses.


The ALJs issued a proposal for decision in July 2012 recommending a $16 million rate increase; however, the workpapers supporting the proposal for decision indicated that the result of the ALJs' recommendation was instead a $28.3 million rate increase.  The ALJs' proposal for decision includes recommendations for: a 9.80% return on common equity; a reduction in proposed purchased power capacity costs, stating that they are not known and measureable; a reduction in Entergy Texas's regulatory assets associated with Hurricane Rita; the exclusion from rate recovery of capitalized financially-based incentive compensation; and amortization of $2.4 million annually of MISO transition expense for five years.  Entergy Texas and other parties filed exceptions to the proposal for decision on July 23, 2012.  The PUCT is scheduled to consider the proposal for decision at its August 17, 2012 open meeting.


System Agreement Cost Equalization Proceedings


            See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceedings regarding the System Agreement, including the FERC's October 2011 order, Entergy's December 2011 compliance filing in response to that order, and Entergy Arkansas's February 2012 filing for an interim adjustment to its production cost allocation rider requesting that the $156 million payment be collected from customers over the 22-month period from March 2012 through December 2013.  In March 2012 the APSC issued an order stating that the payment can be recovered from retail customers through the production cost allocation rider, subject to refund.  The LPSC and the APSC have requested rehearing of the FERC's October 2011 order.  The APSC, LPSC, the PUCT, and other parties intervened in the December 2011 compliance filing proceeding, and the APSC and the LPSC also filed protests.


            On May 7, 2012, the FERC issued orders in several System Agreement proceedings, including an order on rehearing in the 2007 rate filing based on 2006 production costs proceeding, an order on the ALJ's initial decision in the 2009 rate filing based on 2008 production costs proceeding, and orders in other proceedings regarding the method of calculating the production costs used in the determination of the rough production cost equalization payments and receipts.  The May 7, 2012 FERC orders may result in the reallocation of costs among the Utility operating companies, although there are still FERC decisions pending in other System Agreement proceedings that could affect the rough production cost equalization payments and receipts, including for the 2007 rate filing.  The FERC directed Entergy, within 45 days of the issuance of a pending FERC order on rehearing regarding the functionalization of costs in the 2007 rate filing, to file a comprehensive bandwidth recalculation report showing updated payments and receipts in the 2007 rate filing proceeding.  In the order in the 2007 rate filing proceeding, the FERC also denied Entergy's request for rehearing regarding the AmerenUE contract and ordered Entergy Arkansas to refund to AmerenUE the rough production cost equalization payments collected from AmerenUE.  Under the terms of the FERC's order the refund of $30.6 million, including interest, was made in June 2012.  Entergy Arkansas had previously recorded a regulatory provision for the potential refund to AmerenUE.  Entergy has appealed the FERC's decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.


Rough Production Cost Equalization Rates


2012 Rate Filing Based on Calendar Year 2011 Production Costs


            In May 2012, Entergy filed with the FERC the 2012 rates in accordance with the FERC's orders in the System Agreement proceeding.  The filing shows the following payments/receipts among the Utility operating companies for 2012, based on calendar year 2011 production costs, commencing for service in June 2012, are necessary to achieve rough production cost equalization under the FERC's orders:




Several parties intervened in the proceeding at the FERC, including the LPSC, which filed a protest as well.


Interruptible Load Proceeding


            See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceeding regarding the treatment under the System Agreement of the Utility operating companies' interruptible loads.  Entergy Arkansas filed an application in November 2010 with the APSC for recovery of the refund that it paid.  The APSC denied Entergy Arkansas's application, and also denied Entergy Arkansas's petition for rehearing.  If the FERC were to order Entergy Arkansas to pay refunds on rehearing in the interruptible load proceeding the APSC's decision would trap FERC-approved costs at Entergy Arkansas with no regulatory-approved mechanism to recover them.  In August 2011, Entergy Arkansas filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas asking for a declaratory judgment that the rejection of Entergy Arkansas's application by the APSC is preempted by the Federal Power Act.  The APSC filed a motion to dismiss the complaint.  In April 2012 the United States district court dismissed Entergy Arkansas's complaint without prejudice stating that Entergy Arkansas's claim is not ripe for adjudication and that Entergy Arkansas did not have standing to bring suit at this time.


Entergy Arkansas Opportunity Sales Proceeding


            In June 2009, the LPSC filed a complaint requesting that the FERC determine that certain of Entergy Arkansas's sales of electric energy to third parties: (a) violated the provisions of the System Agreement that allocate the energy generated by Entergy System resources, (b) imprudently denied the Entergy System and its ultimate consumers the benefits of low-cost Entergy System generating capacity, and (c) violated the provision of the System Agreement that prohibits sales to third parties by individual companies absent an offer of a right-of-first-refusal to other Utility operating companies.   The LPSC's complaint challenges sales made beginning in 2002 and requests refunds.  In their response to the complaint, the Utility operating companies explained that the System Agreement clearly contemplates that the Utility operating companies may make sales to third parties for their own account, subject to the requirement that those sales be included in the load (or load shape) for the applicable Utility operating company.  The response further explains that the FERC already has determined that Entergy Arkansas's short-term wholesale sales did not trigger the "right-of-first-refusal" provision of the System Agreement.  In addition the response argued that while the D.C. Circuit had determined that the "right-of-first-refusal" issue was not properly before the FERC at the time of its earlier decision on the issue, the LPSC  raised no additional claims or facts that would warrant the FERC reaching a different conclusion.


            In December 2010 the ALJ issued an initial decision.  The ALJ found that the System Agreement allowed for Entergy Arkansas to make the sales to third parties but concluded that the sales should be accounted for in the same manner as joint account sales.  The ALJ concluded that "shareholders" should make refunds of the damages to the Utility operating companies, along with interest.  Entergy disagrees with several aspects of the ALJ's initial decision and in January 2011 filed with the FERC exceptions to the decision.


            The FERC issued a decision in June 2012 and held that, while the System Agreement is ambiguous, it does provide authority for individual Utility operating companies to make opportunity sales for their own account and Entergy Arkansas made and priced these sales in good faith.  The FERC found, however, that the System Agreement does not provide authority for an individual Utility operating company to allocate the energy associated with such opportunity sales as part of its load, but provides a different allocation authority.  The FERC further found that the after-the-fact accounting methodology used to allocate the energy used to supply the sales was inconsistent with the System Agreement.  Quantifying the effect of FERC's decision will require re-running intra-system bills, and Entergy is unable to estimate the potential effects at this time because in its decision the FERC established further hearing procedures to determine the calculation of the effects. On July 23, 2012, Entergy and the LPSC filed requests for rehearing, which will be pending with the FERC while the calculation hearing procedures move forward before the ALJ appointed to hear that matter.


Storm Cost Recovery Filings with Retail Regulators


Entergy Gulf States Louisiana


Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita


See the Form 10-K for a discussion of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana's Act 55 financing of its Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita storm costs. In February 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana sold 500,000 of its Class A preferred membership units in Entergy Holdings Company LLC, a wholly-owned Entergy subsidiary, to a third party in exchange for $51 million plus accrued but unpaid distributions on the units. The 500,000 preferred membership units are mandatorily redeemable in January 2112.


New Nuclear Generation Development Costs (Entergy Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana)


            Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana are developing a project option for new nuclear generation at River Bend.  In March 2010, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana filed with the LPSC seeking approval to continue the limited development activities necessary to preserve an option to construct a new unit at River Bend.  The testimony and legal briefs of the LPSC staff generally support the request of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana, although other parties filed briefs, without supporting testimony, in opposition to the request.  At an evidentiary hearing in October 2011, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, Entergy Louisiana, and the LPSC staff presented testimony in support of certification of activities to preserve an option for a new nuclear plant at River Bend.  The ALJ recommended, however, that the LPSC decline the request of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana on the basis that the LPSC's rule on new nuclear development does not apply to activities to preserve an option to develop and on the further grounds that the companies improperly engaged in advanced preparation activities prior to certification.  There has been no suggestion that the planning activities or costs incurred were imprudent.  At its June 28, 2012 meeting the LPSC voted to uphold the ALJ's decision and directed that Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana be permitted to seek recovery of these costs in the rate case filings that are anticipated in January 2013, fully reserving the LPSC's right to determine the recoverability of such costs in rates.


Texas Power Price Lawsuit


In August 2003, a lawsuit was filed in the district court of Chambers County, Texas by Texas residents on behalf of a purported class apparently of the Texas retail customers of Entergy Gulf States, Inc. who were billed and paid for electric power from January 1, 1994 to the present. The named defendants include Entergy Corporation, Entergy Services, Entergy Power, Entergy Power Marketing Corp., and Entergy Arkansas. Entergy Gulf States, Inc. was not a named defendant, but was alleged to be a co-conspirator. The court granted the request of Entergy Gulf States, Inc. to intervene in the lawsuit to protect its interests.


Plaintiffs allege that the defendants implemented a "price gouging accounting scheme" to sell to plaintiffs and similarly situated utility customers higher priced power generated by the defendants while rejecting and/or reselling to off-system utilities less expensive power offered and/or purchased from off-system suppliers and/or generated by the Entergy system. In particular, plaintiffs allege that the defendants manipulated and continue to manipulate the dispatch of generation so that power is purchased from affiliated expensive resources instead of buying cheaper off-system power.


Plaintiffs stated in their pleadings that customers in Texas were charged at least $57 million above prevailing market prices for power. Plaintiffs seek actual, consequential and exemplary damages, costs and attorneys' fees, and disgorgement of profits. The plaintiffs' experts have tendered a report calculating damages in a large range, from $153 million to $972 million in present value, under various scenarios. The Entergy defendants have tendered expert reports challenging the assumptions, methodologies, and conclusions of the plaintiffs' expert reports.


The case is pending in state district court, and in March 2012 the court found that the case met the requirements to be maintained as a class action under Texas law. On April 30, 2012, the court entered an order certifying the class. The defendants have appealed the order to the Texas Court of Appeals – First District.

Entergy Gulf States Louisiana [Member]
Rate And Regulatory Matters

NOTE 2. RATE AND REGULATORY MATTERS (Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy)


Regulatory Assets


            See Note 2 to the financial statements in the Form 10-K for information regarding regulatory assets in the Utility business presented on the balance sheets of Entergy and the Registrant Subsidiaries.  Following are updates to that information.


Correction of Regulatory Asset for Income Taxes


In the first quarter 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana determined that its regulatory asset for income taxes was overstated because of a difference between the regulatory treatment of the income taxes associated with certain items (primarily pension expense) and the financial accounting treatment of those taxes. Beginning with Louisiana retail rate filings using the 1994 test year, retail rates were developed using the normalization method of accounting for income taxes. With respect to these items, however, the financial accounting for income taxes was computed using the flow-through method of accounting. As a result, over the years Entergy Gulf States Louisiana accumulated a regulatory asset representing the expected future recovery of tax expense for the affected items even though the tax expense was being collected currently in rates from customers and would not be recovered in the future.


The effect was immaterial to the consolidated balance sheets, results of operations, and cash flows of Entergy for all prior reporting periods and on a cumulative basis. Therefore, a cumulative adjustment was recorded in the first quarter 2012 to remove the regulatory asset previously recorded. This adjustment increased 2012 income tax expense by $46.3 million, decreased the regulatory asset for income taxes by $75.3 million, and decreased accumulated deferred income taxes by $29 million.


            The effect was also immaterial to the balance sheets, results of operations, and cash flows of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana for all prior reporting periods.  Correcting the cumulative effect of the error in the first quarter 2012 could have been material to the 2012 results of operations of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and, therefore, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana is revising its prior period financial statements to correct the errors.  The corrections affect the prior period financial statements as shown in the tables below:



Three Months Ended

June 30, 2011






(In Thousands)





Income Statement




Income taxes




Net income




Earnings applicable to common equity











Six Months Ended

June 30, 2011






(In Thousands)





Income Statement




Income taxes




Net income




Earnings applicable to common equity








Statement of Cash Flows




Net income




Deferred income taxes, investment tax credits,
  and non-current taxes accrued




Changes in other regulatory assets




Other operating activities







December 31, 2011






(In Thousands)





Balance Sheet




Regulatory asset for income taxes - net




Accumulated deferred income taxes - current




Accumulated deferred income taxes and taxes accrued




Member's equity






Six Months Ended

June 30, 2011


Member's Equity


Total Equity










(In Thousands)









Statement of Changes in Equity




Balance at December 31, 2010








Net income








Balance at June 30, 2011









Fuel and Purchased Power Cost Recovery


Entergy Texas


            In December 2011, Entergy Texas filed with the PUCT a request to refund approximately $43 million, including interest, of fuel cost recovery over-collections through October 2011.  Entergy Texas and the parties to the proceeding reached an agreement that Entergy Texas will refund $67 million, including interest and additional over-recoveries through December 2011, over a three-month period.  Entergy Texas and the parties requested that interim rates consistent with the settlement be approved effective with the March 2012 billing month, and the PUCT approved the application in March 2012.


Retail Rate Proceedings


            See Note 2 to the financial statements in the Form 10-K for detailed information regarding retail rate proceedings involving the Utility operating companies.  The following are updates to the Form 10-K.


Filings with the LPSC


(Entergy Gulf States Louisiana)


            In January 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana filed with the LPSC its gas rate stabilization plan for the test year ended September 30, 2011.  The filing showed an earned return on common equity of 10.48%, which is within the earnings bandwidth of 10.5%, plus or minus fifty basis points.  In April 2012, the LPSC Staff filed its findings, suggesting adjustments that will produce an 11.54% earned return on common equity for the test year and a $0.1 million rate reduction.  Entergy Gulf States Louisiana accepted the LPSC Staff's recommendations, and the rate reduction was effective with the first billing cycle of May 2012.


            In May 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana made its formula rate plan filing with the LPSC for the 2011 test year.  The filing reflects an 11.94% earned return on common equity, which is above the earnings bandwidth and indicates a $6.5 million cost of service rate change is necessary under the formula rate plan.  The filing also reflects a $22.9 million rate decrease for incremental capacity costs.  The filing is currently subject to LPSC review.


(Entergy Louisiana)


            In May 2012, Entergy Louisiana made its formula rate plan filing with the LPSC for the 2011 test year.  The filing reflects a 9.63% earned return on common equity, which is within the earnings bandwidth and results in no cost of service rate change under the formula rate plan.  The filing also reflects an $18.1 million rate increase for incremental capacity costs.  Subsequently, in June 2012, Entergy Louisiana supplemented the filing to estimate the first year revenue requirement associated with the Waterford 3 replacement steam generator projectThe filing is currently subject to LPSC review.


Filings with the MPSC


            In March 2012, Entergy Mississippi submitted its formula rate plan filing for the 2011 test year.  The filing shows an earned return on common equity of 10.92% for the test year, which is within the earnings bandwidth and results in no change in rates.  The filing is currently subject to MPSC review.


Filings with the City Council


On May 31, 2012, Entergy New Orleans filed its electric and gas formula rate plan evaluation reports for the 2011 test year.  The filings request a $3.0 million electric base revenue increase and a $1.0 million gas base revenue increase.  As part of the filing, Entergy New Orleans is also requesting to increase annual funding for its storm reserve by approximately $5.7 million for the next five years.  The new rates would be effective with the first billing cycle in October 2012.  The City Council's and its Advisors' review of these filings is pending.


Filings with the PUCT and Texas Cities


See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the rate case that Entergy Texas filed in November 2011 requesting a $112 million base rate increase reflecting a 10.6% return on common equity based on an adjusted June 2011 test year. In April 2012 the PUCT Staff filed direct testimony recommending a base rate increase of $66 million and a 9.6% return on common equity.  The PUCT Staff, however, subsequently filed a statement of position in the proceeding indicating that it was still evaluating the position it would ultimately take in the case regarding Entergy Texas's recovery of purchased power capacity costs and Entergy Texas's proposal to defer its MISO transition expenses.  In April 2012, Entergy Texas filed rebuttal testimony indicating a revised request for a $105 million base rate increase.  A hearing was held in late-April through early-May 2012.  During the hearing and in its post-hearing brief the PUCT Staff revised its recommendation to a base rate increase of $27 million.  Additionally, the PUCT Staff recommended rejection of Entergy Texas's request to defer MISO transition expenses.


The ALJs issued a proposal for decision in July 2012 recommending a $16 million rate increase; however, the workpapers supporting the proposal for decision indicated that the result of the ALJs' recommendation was instead a $28.3 million rate increase.  The ALJs' proposal for decision includes recommendations for: a 9.80% return on common equity; a reduction in proposed purchased power capacity costs, stating that they are not known and measureable; a reduction in Entergy Texas's regulatory assets associated with Hurricane Rita; the exclusion from rate recovery of capitalized financially-based incentive compensation; and amortization of $2.4 million annually of MISO transition expense for five years.  Entergy Texas and other parties filed exceptions to the proposal for decision on July 23, 2012.  The PUCT is scheduled to consider the proposal for decision at its August 17, 2012 open meeting.


System Agreement Cost Equalization Proceedings


            See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceedings regarding the System Agreement, including the FERC's October 2011 order, Entergy's December 2011 compliance filing in response to that order, and Entergy Arkansas's February 2012 filing for an interim adjustment to its production cost allocation rider requesting that the $156 million payment be collected from customers over the 22-month period from March 2012 through December 2013.  In March 2012 the APSC issued an order stating that the payment can be recovered from retail customers through the production cost allocation rider, subject to refund.  The LPSC and the APSC have requested rehearing of the FERC's October 2011 order.  The APSC, LPSC, the PUCT, and other parties intervened in the December 2011 compliance filing proceeding, and the APSC and the LPSC also filed protests.


            On May 7, 2012, the FERC issued orders in several System Agreement proceedings, including an order on rehearing in the 2007 rate filing based on 2006 production costs proceeding, an order on the ALJ's initial decision in the 2009 rate filing based on 2008 production costs proceeding, and orders in other proceedings regarding the method of calculating the production costs used in the determination of the rough production cost equalization payments and receipts.  The May 7, 2012 FERC orders may result in the reallocation of costs among the Utility operating companies, although there are still FERC decisions pending in other System Agreement proceedings that could affect the rough production cost equalization payments and receipts, including for the 2007 rate filing.  The FERC directed Entergy, within 45 days of the issuance of a pending FERC order on rehearing regarding the functionalization of costs in the 2007 rate filing, to file a comprehensive bandwidth recalculation report showing updated payments and receipts in the 2007 rate filing proceeding.  In the order in the 2007 rate filing proceeding, the FERC also denied Entergy's request for rehearing regarding the AmerenUE contract and ordered Entergy Arkansas to refund to AmerenUE the rough production cost equalization payments collected from AmerenUE.  Under the terms of the FERC's order the refund of $30.6 million, including interest, was made in June 2012.  Entergy Arkansas had previously recorded a regulatory provision for the potential refund to AmerenUE.  Entergy has appealed the FERC's decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.


Rough Production Cost Equalization Rates


2012 Rate Filing Based on Calendar Year 2011 Production Costs


            In May 2012, Entergy filed with the FERC the 2012 rates in accordance with the FERC's orders in the System Agreement proceeding.  The filing shows the following payments/receipts among the Utility operating companies for 2012, based on calendar year 2011 production costs, commencing for service in June 2012, are necessary to achieve rough production cost equalization under the FERC's orders:




Several parties intervened in the proceeding at the FERC, including the LPSC, which filed a protest as well.


Interruptible Load Proceeding


            See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceeding regarding the treatment under the System Agreement of the Utility operating companies' interruptible loads.  Entergy Arkansas filed an application in November 2010 with the APSC for recovery of the refund that it paid.  The APSC denied Entergy Arkansas's application, and also denied Entergy Arkansas's petition for rehearing.  If the FERC were to order Entergy Arkansas to pay refunds on rehearing in the interruptible load proceeding the APSC's decision would trap FERC-approved costs at Entergy Arkansas with no regulatory-approved mechanism to recover them.  In August 2011, Entergy Arkansas filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas asking for a declaratory judgment that the rejection of Entergy Arkansas's application by the APSC is preempted by the Federal Power Act.  The APSC filed a motion to dismiss the complaint.  In April 2012 the United States district court dismissed Entergy Arkansas's complaint without prejudice stating that Entergy Arkansas's claim is not ripe for adjudication and that Entergy Arkansas did not have standing to bring suit at this time.


Entergy Arkansas Opportunity Sales Proceeding


            In June 2009, the LPSC filed a complaint requesting that the FERC determine that certain of Entergy Arkansas's sales of electric energy to third parties: (a) violated the provisions of the System Agreement that allocate the energy generated by Entergy System resources, (b) imprudently denied the Entergy System and its ultimate consumers the benefits of low-cost Entergy System generating capacity, and (c) violated the provision of the System Agreement that prohibits sales to third parties by individual companies absent an offer of a right-of-first-refusal to other Utility operating companies.   The LPSC's complaint challenges sales made beginning in 2002 and requests refunds.  In their response to the complaint, the Utility operating companies explained that the System Agreement clearly contemplates that the Utility operating companies may make sales to third parties for their own account, subject to the requirement that those sales be included in the load (or load shape) for the applicable Utility operating company.  The response further explains that the FERC already has determined that Entergy Arkansas's short-term wholesale sales did not trigger the "right-of-first-refusal" provision of the System Agreement.  In addition the response argued that while the D.C. Circuit had determined that the "right-of-first-refusal" issue was not properly before the FERC at the time of its earlier decision on the issue, the LPSC raised no additional claims or facts that would warrant the FERC reaching a different conclusion.


            In December 2010 the ALJ issued an initial decision.  The ALJ found that the System Agreement allowed for Entergy Arkansas to make the sales to third parties but concluded that the sales should be accounted for in the same manner as joint account sales.  The ALJ concluded that "shareholders" should make refunds of the damages to the Utility operating companies, along with interest.  Entergy disagrees with several aspects of the ALJ's initial decision and in January 2011 filed with the FERC exceptions to the decision.


            The FERC issued a decision in June 2012 and held that, while the System Agreement is ambiguous, it does provide authority for individual Utility operating companies to make opportunity sales for their own account and Entergy Arkansas made and priced these sales in good faith.  The FERC found, however, that the System Agreement does not provide authority for an individual Utility operating company to allocate the energy associated with such opportunity sales as part of its load, but provides a different allocation authority.  The FERC further found that the after-the-fact accounting methodology used to allocate the energy used to supply the sales was inconsistent with the System Agreement.  Quantifying the effect of FERC's decision will require re-running intra-system bills, and Entergy is unable to estimate the potential effects at this time because in its decision the FERC established further hearing procedures to determine the calculation of the effects. On July 23, 2012, Entergy and the LPSC filed requests for rehearing, which will be pending with the FERC while the calculation hearing procedures move forward before the ALJ appointed to hear that matter.


Storm Cost Recovery Filings with Retail Regulators


Entergy Gulf States Louisiana


Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita


See the Form 10-K for a discussion of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana's Act 55 financing of its Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita storm costs. In February 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana sold 500,000 of its Class A preferred membership units in Entergy Holdings Company LLC, a wholly-owned Entergy subsidiary, to a third party in exchange for $51 million plus accrued but unpaid distributions on the units. The 500,000 preferred membership units are mandatorily redeemable in January 2112.


New Nuclear Generation Development Costs (Entergy Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana)


            Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana are developing a project option for new nuclear generation at River Bend.  In March 2010, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana filed with the LPSC seeking approval to continue the limited development activities necessary to preserve an option to construct a new unit at River Bend.  The testimony and legal briefs of the LPSC staff generally support the request of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana, although other parties filed briefs, without supporting testimony, in opposition to the request.  At an evidentiary hearing in October 2011, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, Entergy Louisiana, and the LPSC staff presented testimony in support of certification of activities to preserve an option for a new nuclear plant at River Bend.  The ALJ recommended, however, that the LPSC decline the request of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana on the basis that the LPSC's rule on new nuclear development does not apply to activities to preserve an option to develop and on the further grounds that the companies improperly engaged in advanced preparation activities prior to certification.  There has been no suggestion that the planning activities or costs incurred were imprudent.  At its June 28, 2012 meeting the LPSC voted to uphold the ALJ's decision and directed that Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana be permitted to seek recovery of these costs in the rate case filings that are anticipated in January 2013, fully reserving the LPSC's right to determine the recoverability of such costs in rates.


Texas Power Price Lawsuit


In August 2003, a lawsuit was filed in the district court of Chambers County, Texas by Texas residents on behalf of a purported class apparently of the Texas retail customers of Entergy Gulf States, Inc. who were billed and paid for electric power from January 1, 1994 to the present. The named defendants include Entergy Corporation, Entergy Services, Entergy Power, Entergy Power Marketing Corp., and Entergy Arkansas. Entergy Gulf States, Inc. was not a named defendant, but was alleged to be a co-conspirator. The court granted the request of Entergy Gulf States, Inc. to intervene in the lawsuit to protect its interests.


Plaintiffs allege that the defendants implemented a "price gouging accounting scheme" to sell to plaintiffs and similarly situated utility customers higher priced power generated by the defendants while rejecting and/or reselling to off-system utilities less expensive power offered and/or purchased from off-system suppliers and/or generated by the Entergy system. In particular, plaintiffs allege that the defendants manipulated and continue to manipulate the dispatch of generation so that power is purchased from affiliated expensive resources instead of buying cheaper off-system power.


Plaintiffs stated in their pleadings that customers in Texas were charged at least $57 million above prevailing market prices for power. Plaintiffs seek actual, consequential and exemplary damages, costs and attorneys' fees, and disgorgement of profits. The plaintiffs' experts have tendered a report calculating damages in a large range, from $153 million to $972 million in present value, under various scenarios. The Entergy defendants have tendered expert reports challenging the assumptions, methodologies, and conclusions of the plaintiffs' expert reports.


The case is pending in state district court, and in March 2012 the court found that the case met the requirements to be maintained as a class action under Texas law. On April 30, 2012, the court entered an order certifying the class. The defendants have appealed the order to the Texas Court of Appeals – First District.

Entergy Louisiana [Member]
Rate And Regulatory Matters

NOTE 2. RATE AND REGULATORY MATTERS (Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy)


Regulatory Assets


            See Note 2 to the financial statements in the Form 10-K for information regarding regulatory assets in the Utility business presented on the balance sheets of Entergy and the Registrant Subsidiaries.  Following are updates to that information.


Correction of Regulatory Asset for Income Taxes


In the first quarter 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana determined that its regulatory asset for income taxes was overstated because of a difference between the regulatory treatment of the income taxes associated with certain items (primarily pension expense) and the financial accounting treatment of those taxes. Beginning with Louisiana retail rate filings using the 1994 test year, retail rates were developed using the normalization method of accounting for income taxes. With respect to these items, however, the financial accounting for income taxes was computed using the flow-through method of accounting. As a result, over the years Entergy Gulf States Louisiana accumulated a regulatory asset representing the expected future recovery of tax expense for the affected items even though the tax expense was being collected currently in rates from customers and would not be recovered in the future.


The effect was immaterial to the consolidated balance sheets, results of operations, and cash flows of Entergy for all prior reporting periods and on a cumulative basis. Therefore, a cumulative adjustment was recorded in the first quarter 2012 to remove the regulatory asset previously recorded. This adjustment increased 2012 income tax expense by $46.3 million, decreased the regulatory asset for income taxes by $75.3 million, and decreased accumulated deferred income taxes by $29 million.


            The effect was also immaterial to the balance sheets, results of operations, and cash flows of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana for all prior reporting periods.  Correcting the cumulative effect of the error in the first quarter 2012 could have been material to the 2012 results of operations of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and, therefore, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana is revising its prior period financial statements to correct the errors.  The corrections affect the prior period financial statements as shown in the tables below:



Three Months Ended

June 30, 2011






(In Thousands)





Income Statement




Income taxes




Net income




Earnings applicable to common equity











Six Months Ended

June 30, 2011






(In Thousands)





Income Statement




Income taxes




Net income




Earnings applicable to common equity








Statement of Cash Flows




Net income




Deferred income taxes, investment tax credits,
  and non-current taxes accrued




Changes in other regulatory assets




Other operating activities







December 31, 2011






(In Thousands)





Balance Sheet




Regulatory asset for income taxes - net




Accumulated deferred income taxes - current




Accumulated deferred income taxes and taxes accrued




Member's equity






Six Months Ended

June 30, 2011


Member's Equity


Total Equity










(In Thousands)









Statement of Changes in Equity




Balance at December 31, 2010








Net income








Balance at June 30, 2011









Fuel and Purchased Power Cost Recovery


Entergy Texas


            In December 2011, Entergy Texas filed with the PUCT a request to refund approximately $43 million, including interest, of fuel cost recovery over-collections through October 2011.  Entergy Texas and the parties to the proceeding reached an agreement that Entergy Texas will refund $67 million, including interest and additional over-recoveries through December 2011, over a three-month period.  Entergy Texas and the parties requested that interim rates consistent with the settlement be approved effective with the March 2012 billing month, and the PUCT approved the application in March 2012.


Retail Rate Proceedings


            See Note 2 to the financial statements in the Form 10-K for detailed information regarding retail rate proceedings involving the Utility operating companies.  The following are updates to the Form 10-K.


Filings with the LPSC


(Entergy Gulf States Louisiana)


            In January 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana filed with the LPSC its gas rate stabilization plan for the test year ended September 30, 2011.  The filing showed an earned return on common equity of 10.48%, which is within the earnings bandwidth of 10.5%, plus or minus fifty basis points.  In April 2012, the LPSC Staff filed its findings, suggesting adjustments that will produce an 11.54% earned return on common equity for the test year and a $0.1 million rate reduction.  Entergy Gulf States Louisiana accepted the LPSC Staff's recommendations, and the rate reduction was effective with the first billing cycle of May 2012.


            In May 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana made its formula rate plan filing with the LPSC for the 2011 test year.  The filing reflects an 11.94% earned return on common equity, which is above the earnings bandwidth and indicates a $6.5 million cost of service rate change is necessary under the formula rate plan.  The filing also reflects a $22.9 million rate decrease for incremental capacity costs.  The filing is currently subject to LPSC review.


(Entergy Louisiana)


            In May 2012, Entergy Louisiana made its formula rate plan filing with the LPSC for the 2011 test year.  The filing reflects a 9.63% earned return on common equity, which is within the earnings bandwidth and results in no cost of service rate change under the formula rate plan.  The filing also reflects an $18.1 million rate increase for incremental capacity costs.  Subsequently, in June 2012, Entergy Louisiana supplemented the filing to estimate the first year revenue requirement associated with the Waterford 3 replacement steam generator projectThe filing is currently subject to LPSC review.


Filings with the MPSC


            In March 2012, Entergy Mississippi submitted its formula rate plan filing for the 2011 test year.  The filing shows an earned return on common equity of 10.92% for the test year, which is within the earnings bandwidth and results in no change in rates.  The filing is currently subject to MPSC review.


Filings with the City Council


On May 31, 2012, Entergy New Orleans filed its electric and gas formula rate plan evaluation reports for the 2011 test year.  The filings request a $3.0 million electric base revenue increase and a $1.0 million gas base revenue increase.  As part of the filing, Entergy New Orleans is also requesting to increase annual funding for its storm reserve by approximately $5.7 million for the next five years.  The new rates would be effective with the first billing cycle in October 2012.  The City Council's and its Advisors' review of these filings is pending.


Filings with the PUCT and Texas Cities


See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the rate case that Entergy Texas filed in November 2011 requesting a $112 million base rate increase reflecting a 10.6% return on common equity based on an adjusted June 2011 test year. In April 2012 the PUCT Staff filed direct testimony recommending a base rate increase of $66 million and a 9.6% return on common equity.  The PUCT Staff, however, subsequently filed a statement of position in the proceeding indicating that it was still evaluating the position it would ultimately take in the case regarding Entergy Texas's recovery of purchased power capacity costs and Entergy Texas's proposal to defer its MISO transition expenses.  In April 2012, Entergy Texas filed rebuttal testimony indicating a revised request for a $105 million base rate increase.  A hearing was held in late-April through early-May 2012.  During the hearing and in its post-hearing brief the PUCT Staff revised its recommendation to a base rate increase of $27 million.  Additionally, the PUCT Staff recommended rejection of Entergy Texas's request to defer MISO transition expenses.


The ALJs issued a proposal for decision in July 2012 recommending a $16 million rate increase; however, the workpapers supporting the proposal for decision indicated that the result of the ALJs' recommendation was instead a $28.3 million rate increase.  The ALJs' proposal for decision includes recommendations for: a 9.80% return on common equity; a reduction in proposed purchased power capacity costs, stating that they are not known and measureable; a reduction in Entergy Texas's regulatory assets associated with Hurricane Rita; the exclusion from rate recovery of capitalized financially-based incentive compensation; and amortization of $2.4 million annually of MISO transition expense for five years.  Entergy Texas and other parties filed exceptions to the proposal for decision on July 23, 2012.  The PUCT is scheduled to consider the proposal for decision at its August 17, 2012 open meeting.


System Agreement Cost Equalization Proceedings


            See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceedings regarding the System Agreement, including the FERC's October 2011 order, Entergy's December 2011 compliance filing in response to that order, and Entergy Arkansas's February 2012 filing for an interim adjustment to its production cost allocation rider requesting that the $156 million payment be collected from customers over the 22-month period from March 2012 through December 2013.  In March 2012 the APSC issued an order stating that the payment can be recovered from retail customers through the production cost allocation rider, subject to refund.  The LPSC and the APSC have requested rehearing of the FERC's October 2011 order.  The APSC, LPSC, the PUCT, and other parties intervened in the December 2011 compliance filing proceeding, and the APSC and the LPSC also filed protests.


            On May 7, 2012, the FERC issued orders in several System Agreement proceedings, including an order on rehearing in the 2007 rate filing based on 2006 production costs proceeding, an order on the ALJ's initial decision in the 2009 rate filing based on 2008 production costs proceeding, and orders in other proceedings regarding the method of calculating the production costs used in the determination of the rough production cost equalization payments and receipts.  The May 7, 2012 FERC orders may result in the reallocation of costs among the Utility operating companies, although there are still FERC decisions pending in other System Agreement proceedings that could affect the rough production cost equalization payments and receipts, including for the 2007 rate filing.  The FERC directed Entergy, within 45 days of the issuance of a pending FERC order on rehearing regarding the functionalization of costs in the 2007 rate filing, to file a comprehensive bandwidth recalculation report showing updated payments and receipts in the 2007 rate filing proceeding.  In the order in the 2007 rate filing proceeding, the FERC also denied Entergy's request for rehearing regarding the AmerenUE contract and ordered Entergy Arkansas to refund to AmerenUE the rough production cost equalization payments collected from AmerenUE.  Under the terms of the FERC's order the refund of $30.6 million, including interest, was made in June 2012.  Entergy Arkansas had previously recorded a regulatory provision for the potential refund to AmerenUE.  Entergy has appealed the FERC's decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.


Rough Production Cost Equalization Rates


2012 Rate Filing Based on Calendar Year 2011 Production Costs


            In May 2012, Entergy filed with the FERC the 2012 rates in accordance with the FERC's orders in the System Agreement proceeding.  The filing shows the following payments/receipts among the Utility operating companies for 2012, based on calendar year 2011 production costs, commencing for service in June 2012, are necessary to achieve rough production cost equalization under the FERC's orders:




Several parties intervened in the proceeding at the FERC, including the LPSC, which filed a protest as well.


Interruptible Load Proceeding


            See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceeding regarding the treatment under the System Agreement of the Utility operating companies' interruptible loads.  Entergy Arkansas filed an application in November 2010 with the APSC for recovery of the refund that it paid.  The APSC denied Entergy Arkansas's application, and also denied Entergy Arkansas's petition for rehearing.  If the FERC were to order Entergy Arkansas to pay refunds on rehearing in the interruptible load proceeding the APSC's decision would trap FERC-approved costs at Entergy Arkansas with no regulatory-approved mechanism to recover them.  In August 2011, Entergy Arkansas filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas asking for a declaratory judgment that the rejection of Entergy Arkansas's application by the APSC is preempted by the Federal Power Act.  The APSC filed a motion to dismiss the complaint.  In April 2012 the United States district court dismissed Entergy Arkansas's complaint without prejudice stating that Entergy Arkansas's claim is not ripe for adjudication and that Entergy Arkansas did not have standing to bring suit at this time.


Entergy Arkansas Opportunity Sales Proceeding


            In June 2009, the LPSC filed a complaint requesting that the FERC determine that certain of Entergy Arkansas's sales of electric energy to third parties: (a) violated the provisions of the System Agreement that allocate the energy generated by Entergy System resources, (b) imprudently denied the Entergy System and its ultimate consumers the benefits of low-cost Entergy System generating capacity, and (c) violated the provision of the System Agreement that prohibits sales to third parties by individual companies absent an offer of a right-of-first-refusal to other Utility operating companies.   The LPSC's complaint challenges sales made beginning in 2002 and requests refunds.  In their response to the complaint, the Utility operating companies explained that the System Agreement clearly contemplates that the Utility operating companies may make sales to third parties for their own account, subject to the requirement that those sales be included in the load (or load shape) for the applicable Utility operating company.  The response further explains that the FERC already has determined that Entergy Arkansas's short-term wholesale sales did not trigger the "right-of-first-refusal" provision of the System Agreement.  In addition the response argued that while the D.C. Circuit had determined that the "right-of-first-refusal" issue was not properly before the FERC at the time of its earlier decision on the issue, the LPSC  raised no additional claims or facts that would warrant the FERC reaching a different conclusion.


            In December 2010 the ALJ issued an initial decision.  The ALJ found that the System Agreement allowed for Entergy Arkansas to make the sales to third parties but concluded that the sales should be accounted for in the same manner as joint account sales.  The ALJ concluded that "shareholders" should make refunds of the damages to the Utility operating companies, along with interest.  Entergy disagrees with several aspects of the ALJ's initial decision and in January 2011 filed with the FERC exceptions to the decision.


            The FERC issued a decision in June 2012 and held that, while the System Agreement is ambiguous, it does provide authority for individual Utility operating companies to make opportunity sales for their own account and Entergy Arkansas made and priced these sales in good faith.  The FERC found, however, that the System Agreement does not provide authority for an individual Utility operating company to allocate the energy associated with such opportunity sales as part of its load, but provides a different allocation authority.  The FERC further found that the after-the-fact accounting methodology used to allocate the energy used to supply the sales was inconsistent with the System Agreement.  Quantifying the effect of FERC's decision will require re-running intra-system bills, and Entergy is unable to estimate the potential effects at this time because in its decision the FERC established further hearing procedures to determine the calculation of the effects.  On July 23, 2012, Entergy and the LPSC filed requests for rehearing, which will be pending with the FERC while the calculation hearing procedures move forward before the ALJ appointed to hear that matter.


Storm Cost Recovery Filings with Retail Regulators


Entergy Gulf States Louisiana


Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita


See the Form 10-K for a discussion of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana's Act 55 financing of its Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita storm costs. In February 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana sold 500,000 of its Class A preferred membership units in Entergy Holdings Company LLC, a wholly-owned Entergy subsidiary, to a third party in exchange for $51 million plus accrued but unpaid distributions on the units. The 500,000 preferred membership units are mandatorily redeemable in January 2112.


New Nuclear Generation Development Costs (Entergy Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana)


            Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana are developing a project option for new nuclear generation at River Bend.  In March 2010, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana filed with the LPSC seeking approval to continue the limited development activities necessary to preserve an option to construct a new unit at River Bend.  The testimony and legal briefs of the LPSC staff generally support the request of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana, although other parties filed briefs, without supporting testimony, in opposition to the request.  At an evidentiary hearing in October 2011, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, Entergy Louisiana, and the LPSC staff presented testimony in support of certification of activities to preserve an option for a new nuclear plant at River Bend.  The ALJ recommended, however, that the LPSC decline the request of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana on the basis that the LPSC's rule on new nuclear development does not apply to activities to preserve an option to develop and on the further grounds that the companies improperly engaged in advanced preparation activities prior to certification.  There has been no suggestion that the planning activities or costs incurred were imprudent.  At its June 28, 2012 meeting the LPSC voted to uphold the ALJ's decision and directed that Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana be permitted to seek recovery of these costs in the rate case filings that are anticipated in January 2013, fully reserving the LPSC's right to determine the recoverability of such costs in rates.


Texas Power Price Lawsuit


In August 2003, a lawsuit was filed in the district court of Chambers County, Texas by Texas residents on behalf of a purported class apparently of the Texas retail customers of Entergy Gulf States, Inc. who were billed and paid for electric power from January 1, 1994 to the present. The named defendants include Entergy Corporation, Entergy Services, Entergy Power, Entergy Power Marketing Corp., and Entergy Arkansas. Entergy Gulf States, Inc. was not a named defendant, but was alleged to be a co-conspirator. The court granted the request of Entergy Gulf States, Inc. to intervene in the lawsuit to protect its interests.


Plaintiffs allege that the defendants implemented a "price gouging accounting scheme" to sell to plaintiffs and similarly situated utility customers higher priced power generated by the defendants while rejecting and/or reselling to off-system utilities less expensive power offered and/or purchased from off-system suppliers and/or generated by the Entergy system. In particular, plaintiffs allege that the defendants manipulated and continue to manipulate the dispatch of generation so that power is purchased from affiliated expensive resources instead of buying cheaper off-system power.


Plaintiffs stated in their pleadings that customers in Texas were charged at least $57 million above prevailing market prices for power. Plaintiffs seek actual, consequential and exemplary damages, costs and attorneys' fees, and disgorgement of profits. The plaintiffs' experts have tendered a report calculating damages in a large range, from $153 million to $972 million in present value, under various scenarios. The Entergy defendants have tendered expert reports challenging the assumptions, methodologies, and conclusions of the plaintiffs' expert reports.


The case is pending in state district court, and in March 2012 the court found that the case met the requirements to be maintained as a class action under Texas law. On April 30, 2012, the court entered an order certifying the class. The defendants have appealed the order to the Texas Court of Appeals – First District.

Entergy Mississippi [Member]
Rate And Regulatory Matters

NOTE 2. RATE AND REGULATORY MATTERS (Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy)


Regulatory Assets


            See Note 2 to the financial statements in the Form 10-K for information regarding regulatory assets in the Utility business presented on the balance sheets of Entergy and the Registrant Subsidiaries.  Following are updates to that information.


Correction of Regulatory Asset for Income Taxes


In the first quarter 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana determined that its regulatory asset for income taxes was overstated because of a difference between the regulatory treatment of the income taxes associated with certain items (primarily pension expense) and the financial accounting treatment of those taxes. Beginning with Louisiana retail rate filings using the 1994 test year, retail rates were developed using the normalization method of accounting for income taxes. With respect to these items, however, the financial accounting for income taxes was computed using the flow-through method of accounting. As a result, over the years Entergy Gulf States Louisiana accumulated a regulatory asset representing the expected future recovery of tax expense for the affected items even though the tax expense was being collected currently in rates from customers and would not be recovered in the future.


The effect was immaterial to the consolidated balance sheets, results of operations, and cash flows of Entergy for all prior reporting periods and on a cumulative basis. Therefore, a cumulative adjustment was recorded in the first quarter 2012 to remove the regulatory asset previously recorded. This adjustment increased 2012 income tax expense by $46.3 million, decreased the regulatory asset for income taxes by $75.3 million, and decreased accumulated deferred income taxes by $29 million.


            The effect was also immaterial to the balance sheets, results of operations, and cash flows of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana for all prior reporting periods.  Correcting the cumulative effect of the error in the first quarter 2012 could have been material to the 2012 results of operations of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and, therefore, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana is revising its prior period financial statements to correct the errors.  The corrections affect the prior period financial statements as shown in the tables below:



Three Months Ended

June 30, 2011






(In Thousands)





Income Statement




Income taxes




Net income




Earnings applicable to common equity











Six Months Ended

June 30, 2011






(In Thousands)





Income Statement




Income taxes




Net income




Earnings applicable to common equity








Statement of Cash Flows




Net income




Deferred income taxes, investment tax credits,
  and non-current taxes accrued




Changes in other regulatory assets




Other operating activities







December 31, 2011






(In Thousands)





Balance Sheet




Regulatory asset for income taxes - net




Accumulated deferred income taxes - current




Accumulated deferred income taxes and taxes accrued




Member's equity






Six Months Ended

June 30, 2011


Member's Equity


Total Equity










(In Thousands)









Statement of Changes in Equity




Balance at December 31, 2010








Net income








Balance at June 30, 2011









Fuel and Purchased Power Cost Recovery


Entergy Texas


            In December 2011, Entergy Texas filed with the PUCT a request to refund approximately $43 million, including interest, of fuel cost recovery over-collections through October 2011.  Entergy Texas and the parties to the proceeding reached an agreement that Entergy Texas will refund $67 million, including interest and additional over-recoveries through December 2011, over a three-month period.  Entergy Texas and the parties requested that interim rates consistent with the settlement be approved effective with the March 2012 billing month, and the PUCT approved the application in March 2012.


Retail Rate Proceedings


            See Note 2 to the financial statements in the Form 10-K for detailed information regarding retail rate proceedings involving the Utility operating companies.  The following are updates to the Form 10-K.


Filings with the LPSC


(Entergy Gulf States Louisiana)


            In January 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana filed with the LPSC its gas rate stabilization plan for the test year ended September 30, 2011.  The filing showed an earned return on common equity of 10.48%, which is within the earnings bandwidth of 10.5%, plus or minus fifty basis points.  In April 2012, the LPSC Staff filed its findings, suggesting adjustments that will produce an 11.54% earned return on common equity for the test year and a $0.1 million rate reduction.  Entergy Gulf States Louisiana accepted the LPSC Staff's recommendations, and the rate reduction was effective with the first billing cycle of May 2012.


            In May 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana made its formula rate plan filing with the LPSC for the 2011 test year.  The filing reflects an 11.94% earned return on common equity, which is above the earnings bandwidth and indicates a $6.5 million cost of service rate change is necessary under the formula rate plan.  The filing also reflects a $22.9 million rate decrease for incremental capacity costs.  The filing is currently subject to LPSC review.


(Entergy Louisiana)


            In May 2012, Entergy Louisiana made its formula rate plan filing with the LPSC for the 2011 test year.  The filing reflects a 9.63% earned return on common equity, which is within the earnings bandwidth and results in no cost of service rate change under the formula rate plan.  The filing also reflects an $18.1 million rate increase for incremental capacity costs.  Subsequently, in June 2012, Entergy Louisiana supplemented the filing to estimate the first year revenue requirement associated with the Waterford 3 replacement steam generator projectThe filing is currently subject to LPSC review.


Filings with the MPSC


            In March 2012, Entergy Mississippi submitted its formula rate plan filing for the 2011 test year.  The filing shows an earned return on common equity of 10.92% for the test year, which is within the earnings bandwidth and results in no change in rates.  The filing is currently subject to MPSC review.


Filings with the City Council


On May 31, 2012, Entergy New Orleans filed its electric and gas formula rate plan evaluation reports for the 2011 test year.  The filings request a $3.0 million electric base revenue increase and a $1.0 million gas base revenue increase.  As part of the filing, Entergy New Orleans is also requesting to increase annual funding for its storm reserve by approximately $5.7 million for the next five years.  The new rates would be effective with the first billing cycle in October 2012.  The City Council's and its Advisors' review of these filings is pending.


Filings with the PUCT and Texas Cities


See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the rate case that Entergy Texas filed in November 2011 requesting a $112 million base rate increase reflecting a 10.6% return on common equity based on an adjusted June 2011 test year. In April 2012 the PUCT Staff filed direct testimony recommending a base rate increase of $66 million and a 9.6% return on common equity.  The PUCT Staff, however, subsequently filed a statement of position in the proceeding indicating that it was still evaluating the position it would ultimately take in the case regarding Entergy Texas's recovery of purchased power capacity costs and Entergy Texas's proposal to defer its MISO transition expenses.  In April 2012, Entergy Texas filed rebuttal testimony indicating a revised request for a $105 million base rate increase.  A hearing was held in late-April through early-May 2012.  During the hearing and in its post-hearing brief the PUCT Staff revised its recommendation to a base rate increase of $27 million.  Additionally, the PUCT Staff recommended rejection of Entergy Texas's request to defer MISO transition expenses.


The ALJs issued a proposal for decision in July 2012 recommending a $16 million rate increase; however, the workpapers supporting the proposal for decision indicated that the result of the ALJs' recommendation was instead a $28.3 million rate increase.  The ALJs' proposal for decision includes recommendations for: a 9.80% return on common equity; a reduction in proposed purchased power capacity costs, stating that they are not known and measureable; a reduction in Entergy Texas's regulatory assets associated with Hurricane Rita; the exclusion from rate recovery of capitalized financially-based incentive compensation; and amortization of $2.4 million annually of MISO transition expense for five years.  Entergy Texas and other parties filed exceptions to the proposal for decision on July 23, 2012.  The PUCT is scheduled to consider the proposal for decision at its August 17, 2012 open meeting.


System Agreement Cost Equalization Proceedings


            See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceedings regarding the System Agreement, including the FERC's October 2011 order, Entergy's December 2011 compliance filing in response to that order, and Entergy Arkansas's February 2012 filing for an interim adjustment to its production cost allocation rider requesting that the $156 million payment be collected from customers over the 22-month period from March 2012 through December 2013.  In March 2012 the APSC issued an order stating that the payment can be recovered from retail customers through the production cost allocation rider, subject to refund.  The LPSC and the APSC have requested rehearing of the FERC's October 2011 order.  The APSC, LPSC, the PUCT, and other parties intervened in the December 2011 compliance filing proceeding, and the APSC and the LPSC also filed protests.


            On May 7, 2012, the FERC issued orders in several System Agreement proceedings, including an order on rehearing in the 2007 rate filing based on 2006 production costs proceeding, an order on the ALJ's initial decision in the 2009 rate filing based on 2008 production costs proceeding, and orders in other proceedings regarding the method of calculating the production costs used in the determination of the rough production cost equalization payments and receipts.  The May 7, 2012 FERC orders may result in the reallocation of costs among the Utility operating companies, although there are still FERC decisions pending in other System Agreement proceedings that could affect the rough production cost equalization payments and receipts, including for the 2007 rate filing.  The FERC directed Entergy, within 45 days of the issuance of a pending FERC order on rehearing regarding the functionalization of costs in the 2007 rate filing, to file a comprehensive bandwidth recalculation report showing updated payments and receipts in the 2007 rate filing proceeding.  In the order in the 2007 rate filing proceeding, the FERC also denied Entergy's request for rehearing regarding the AmerenUE contract and ordered Entergy Arkansas to refund to AmerenUE the rough production cost equalization payments collected from AmerenUE.  Under the terms of the FERC's order the refund of $30.6 million, including interest, was made in June 2012.  Entergy Arkansas had previously recorded a regulatory provision for the potential refund to AmerenUE.  Entergy has appealed the FERC's decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.


Rough Production Cost Equalization Rates


2012 Rate Filing Based on Calendar Year 2011 Production Costs


            In May 2012, Entergy filed with the FERC the 2012 rates in accordance with the FERC's orders in the System Agreement proceeding.  The filing shows the following payments/receipts among the Utility operating companies for 2012, based on calendar year 2011 production costs, commencing for service in June 2012, are necessary to achieve rough production cost equalization under the FERC's orders:




Several parties intervened in the proceeding at the FERC, including the LPSC, which filed a protest as well.


Interruptible Load Proceeding


            See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceeding regarding the treatment under the System Agreement of the Utility operating companies' interruptible loads.  Entergy Arkansas filed an application in November 2010 with the APSC for recovery of the refund that it paid.  The APSC denied Entergy Arkansas's application, and also denied Entergy Arkansas's petition for rehearing.  If the FERC were to order Entergy Arkansas to pay refunds on rehearing in the interruptible load proceeding the APSC's decision would trap FERC-approved costs at Entergy Arkansas with no regulatory-approved mechanism to recover them.  In August 2011, Entergy Arkansas filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas asking for a declaratory judgment that the rejection of Entergy Arkansas's application by the APSC is preempted by the Federal Power Act.  The APSC filed a motion to dismiss the complaint.  In April 2012 the United States district court dismissed Entergy Arkansas's complaint without prejudice stating that Entergy Arkansas's claim is not ripe for adjudication and that Entergy Arkansas did not have standing to bring suit at this time.


Entergy Arkansas Opportunity Sales Proceeding


            In June 2009, the LPSC filed a complaint requesting that the FERC determine that certain of Entergy Arkansas's sales of electric energy to third parties: (a) violated the provisions of the System Agreement that allocate the energy generated by Entergy System resources, (b) imprudently denied the Entergy System and its ultimate consumers the benefits of low-cost Entergy System generating capacity, and (c) violated the provision of the System Agreement that prohibits sales to third parties by individual companies absent an offer of a right-of-first-refusal to other Utility operating companies.   The LPSC's complaint challenges sales made beginning in 2002 and requests refunds.  In their response to the complaint, the Utility operating companies explained that the System Agreement clearly contemplates that the Utility operating companies may make sales to third parties for their own account, subject to the requirement that those sales be included in the load (or load shape) for the applicable Utility operating company.  The response further explains that the FERC already has determined that Entergy Arkansas's short-term wholesale sales did not trigger the "right-of-first-refusal" provision of the System Agreement.  In addition the response argued that while the D.C. Circuit had determined that the "right-of-first-refusal" issue was not properly before the FERC at the time of its earlier decision on the issue, the LPSC  raised no additional claims or facts that would warrant the FERC reaching a different conclusion.


            In December 2010 the ALJ issued an initial decision.  The ALJ found that the System Agreement allowed for Entergy Arkansas to make the sales to third parties but concluded that the sales should be accounted for in the same manner as joint account sales.  The ALJ concluded that "shareholders" should make refunds of the damages to the Utility operating companies, along with interest.  Entergy disagrees with several aspects of the ALJ's initial decision and in January 2011 filed with the FERC exceptions to the decision.


            The FERC issued a decision in June 2012 and held that, while the System Agreement is ambiguous, it does provide authority for individual Utility operating companies to make opportunity sales for their own account and Entergy Arkansas made and priced these sales in good faith.  The FERC found, however, that the System Agreement does not provide authority for an individual Utility operating company to allocate the energy associated with such opportunity sales as part of its load, but provides a different allocation authority.  The FERC further found that the after-the-fact accounting methodology used to allocate the energy used to supply the sales was inconsistent with the System Agreement.  Quantifying the effect of FERC's decision will require re-running intra-system bills, and Entergy is unable to estimate the potential effects at this time because in its decision the FERC established further hearing procedures to determine the calculation of the effects. On July 23, 2012, Entergy and the LPSC filed requests for rehearing, which will be pending with the FERC while the calculation hearing procedures move forward before the ALJ appointed to hear that matter.


Storm Cost Recovery Filings with Retail Regulators


Entergy Gulf States Louisiana


Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita


See the Form 10-K for a discussion of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana's Act 55 financing of its Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita storm costs. In February 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana sold 500,000 of its Class A preferred membership units in Entergy Holdings Company LLC, a wholly-owned Entergy subsidiary, to a third party in exchange for $51 million plus accrued but unpaid distributions on the units. The 500,000 preferred membership units are mandatorily redeemable in January 2112.


New Nuclear Generation Development Costs (Entergy Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana)


            Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana are developing a project option for new nuclear generation at River Bend.  In March 2010, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana filed with the LPSC seeking approval to continue the limited development activities necessary to preserve an option to construct a new unit at River Bend.  The testimony and legal briefs of the LPSC staff generally support the request of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana, although other parties filed briefs, without supporting testimony, in opposition to the request.  At an evidentiary hearing in October 2011, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, Entergy Louisiana, and the LPSC staff presented testimony in support of certification of activities to preserve an option for a new nuclear plant at River Bend.  The ALJ recommended, however, that the LPSC decline the request of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana on the basis that the LPSC's rule on new nuclear development does not apply to activities to preserve an option to develop and on the further grounds that the companies improperly engaged in advanced preparation activities prior to certification.  There has been no suggestion that the planning activities or costs incurred were imprudent.  At its June 28, 2012 meeting the LPSC voted to uphold the ALJ's decision and directed that Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana be permitted to seek recovery of these costs in the rate case filings that are anticipated in January 2013, fully reserving the LPSC's right to determine the recoverability of such costs in rates.


Texas Power Price Lawsuit


In August 2003, a lawsuit was filed in the district court of Chambers County, Texas by Texas residents on behalf of a purported class apparently of the Texas retail customers of Entergy Gulf States, Inc. who were billed and paid for electric power from January 1, 1994 to the present. The named defendants include Entergy Corporation, Entergy Services, Entergy Power, Entergy Power Marketing Corp., and Entergy Arkansas. Entergy Gulf States, Inc. was not a named defendant, but was alleged to be a co-conspirator. The court granted the request of Entergy Gulf States, Inc. to intervene in the lawsuit to protect its interests.


Plaintiffs allege that the defendants implemented a "price gouging accounting scheme" to sell to plaintiffs and similarly situated utility customers higher priced power generated by the defendants while rejecting and/or reselling to off-system utilities less expensive power offered and/or purchased from off-system suppliers and/or generated by the Entergy system. In particular, plaintiffs allege that the defendants manipulated and continue to manipulate the dispatch of generation so that power is purchased from affiliated expensive resources instead of buying cheaper off-system power.


Plaintiffs stated in their pleadings that customers in Texas were charged at least $57 million above prevailing market prices for power. Plaintiffs seek actual, consequential and exemplary damages, costs and attorneys' fees, and disgorgement of profits. The plaintiffs' experts have tendered a report calculating damages in a large range, from $153 million to $972 million in present value, under various scenarios. The Entergy defendants have tendered expert reports challenging the assumptions, methodologies, and conclusions of the plaintiffs' expert reports.


The case is pending in state district court, and in March 2012 the court found that the case met the requirements to be maintained as a class action under Texas law. On April 30, 2012, the court entered an order certifying the class. The defendants have appealed the order to the Texas Court of Appeals – First District.

Entergy New Orleans
Rate And Regulatory Matters

NOTE 2. RATE AND REGULATORY MATTERS (Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy)


Regulatory Assets


            See Note 2 to the financial statements in the Form 10-K for information regarding regulatory assets in the Utility business presented on the balance sheets of Entergy and the Registrant Subsidiaries.  Following are updates to that information.


Correction of Regulatory Asset for Income Taxes


In the first quarter 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana determined that its regulatory asset for income taxes was overstated because of a difference between the regulatory treatment of the income taxes associated with certain items (primarily pension expense) and the financial accounting treatment of those taxes. Beginning with Louisiana retail rate filings using the 1994 test year, retail rates were developed using the normalization method of accounting for income taxes. With respect to these items, however, the financial accounting for income taxes was computed using the flow-through method of accounting. As a result, over the years Entergy Gulf States Louisiana accumulated a regulatory asset representing the expected future recovery of tax expense for the affected items even though the tax expense was being collected currently in rates from customers and would not be recovered in the future.


The effect was immaterial to the consolidated balance sheets, results of operations, and cash flows of Entergy for all prior reporting periods and on a cumulative basis. Therefore, a cumulative adjustment was recorded in the first quarter 2012 to remove the regulatory asset previously recorded. This adjustment increased 2012 income tax expense by $46.3 million, decreased the regulatory asset for income taxes by $75.3 million, and decreased accumulated deferred income taxes by $29 million.


            The effect was also immaterial to the balance sheets, results of operations, and cash flows of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana for all prior reporting periods.  Correcting the cumulative effect of the error in the first quarter 2012 could have been material to the 2012 results of operations of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and, therefore, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana is revising its prior period financial statements to correct the errors.  The corrections affect the prior period financial statements as shown in the tables below:



Three Months Ended

June 30, 2011






(In Thousands)





Income Statement




Income taxes




Net income




Earnings applicable to common equity











Six Months Ended

June 30, 2011






(In Thousands)





Income Statement




Income taxes




Net income




Earnings applicable to common equity








Statement of Cash Flows




Net income




Deferred income taxes, investment tax credits,
  and non-current taxes accrued




Changes in other regulatory assets




Other operating activities







December 31, 2011






(In Thousands)





Balance Sheet




Regulatory asset for income taxes - net




Accumulated deferred income taxes - current




Accumulated deferred income taxes and taxes accrued




Member's equity






Six Months Ended

June 30, 2011


Member's Equity


Total Equity










(In Thousands)









Statement of Changes in Equity




Balance at December 31, 2010








Net income








Balance at June 30, 2011









Fuel and Purchased Power Cost Recovery


Entergy Texas


            In December 2011, Entergy Texas filed with the PUCT a request to refund approximately $43 million, including interest, of fuel cost recovery over-collections through October 2011.  Entergy Texas and the parties to the proceeding reached an agreement that Entergy Texas will refund $67 million, including interest and additional over-recoveries through December 2011, over a three-month period.  Entergy Texas and the parties requested that interim rates consistent with the settlement be approved effective with the March 2012 billing month, and the PUCT approved the application in March 2012.


Retail Rate Proceedings


            See Note 2 to the financial statements in the Form 10-K for detailed information regarding retail rate proceedings involving the Utility operating companies.  The following are updates to the Form 10-K.


Filings with the LPSC


(Entergy Gulf States Louisiana)


            In January 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana filed with the LPSC its gas rate stabilization plan for the test year ended September 30, 2011.  The filing showed an earned return on common equity of 10.48%, which is within the earnings bandwidth of 10.5%, plus or minus fifty basis points.  In April 2012, the LPSC Staff filed its findings, suggesting adjustments that will produce an 11.54% earned return on common equity for the test year and a $0.1 million rate reduction.  Entergy Gulf States Louisiana accepted the LPSC Staff's recommendations, and the rate reduction was effective with the first billing cycle of May 2012.


            In May 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana made its formula rate plan filing with the LPSC for the 2011 test year.  The filing reflects an 11.94% earned return on common equity, which is above the earnings bandwidth and indicates a $6.5 million cost of service rate change is necessary under the formula rate plan.  The filing also reflects a $22.9 million rate decrease for incremental capacity costs.  The filing is currently subject to LPSC review.


(Entergy Louisiana)


            In May 2012, Entergy Louisiana made its formula rate plan filing with the LPSC for the 2011 test year.  The filing reflects a 9.63% earned return on common equity, which is within the earnings bandwidth and results in no cost of service rate change under the formula rate plan.  The filing also reflects an $18.1 million rate increase for incremental capacity costs.  Subsequently, in June 2012, Entergy Louisiana supplemented the filing to estimate the first year revenue requirement associated with the Waterford 3 replacement steam generator projectThe filing is currently subject to LPSC review.


Filings with the MPSC


            In March 2012, Entergy Mississippi submitted its formula rate plan filing for the 2011 test year.  The filing shows an earned return on common equity of 10.92% for the test year, which is within the earnings bandwidth and results in no change in rates.  The filing is currently subject to MPSC review.


Filings with the City Council


On May 31, 2012, Entergy New Orleans filed its electric and gas formula rate plan evaluation reports for the 2011 test year.  The filings request a $3.0 million electric base revenue increase and a $1.0 million gas base revenue increase.  As part of the filing, Entergy New Orleans is also requesting to increase annual funding for its storm reserve by approximately $5.7 million for the next five years.  The new rates would be effective with the first billing cycle in October 2012.  The City Council's and its Advisors' review of these filings is pending.


Filings with the PUCT and Texas Cities


See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the rate case that Entergy Texas filed in November 2011 requesting a $112 million base rate increase reflecting a 10.6% return on common equity based on an adjusted June 2011 test year. In April 2012 the PUCT Staff filed direct testimony recommending a base rate increase of $66 million and a 9.6% return on common equity.  The PUCT Staff, however, subsequently filed a statement of position in the proceeding indicating that it was still evaluating the position it would ultimately take in the case regarding Entergy Texas's recovery of purchased power capacity costs and Entergy Texas's proposal to defer its MISO transition expenses.  In April 2012, Entergy Texas filed rebuttal testimony indicating a revised request for a $105 million base rate increase.  A hearing was held in late-April through early-May 2012.  During the hearing and in its post-hearing brief the PUCT Staff revised its recommendation to a base rate increase of $27 million.  Additionally, the PUCT Staff recommended rejection of Entergy Texas's request to defer MISO transition expenses.


The ALJs issued a proposal for decision in July 2012 recommending a $16 million rate increase; however, the workpapers supporting the proposal for decision indicated that the result of the ALJs' recommendation was instead a $28.3 million rate increase.  The ALJs' proposal for decision includes recommendations for: a 9.80% return on common equity; a reduction in proposed purchased power capacity costs, stating that they are not known and measureable; a reduction in Entergy Texas's regulatory assets associated with Hurricane Rita; the exclusion from rate recovery of capitalized financially-based incentive compensation; and amortization of $2.4 million annually of MISO transition expense for five years.  Entergy Texas and other parties filed exceptions to the proposal for decision on July 23, 2012.  The PUCT is scheduled to consider the proposal for decision at its August 17, 2012 open meeting.


System Agreement Cost Equalization Proceedings


            See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceedings regarding the System Agreement, including the FERC's October 2011 order, Entergy's December 2011 compliance filing in response to that order, and Entergy Arkansas's February 2012 filing for an interim adjustment to its production cost allocation rider requesting that the $156 million payment be collected from customers over the 22-month period from March 2012 through December 2013.  In March 2012 the APSC issued an order stating that the payment can be recovered from retail customers through the production cost allocation rider, subject to refund.  The LPSC and the APSC have requested rehearing of the FERC's October 2011 order.  The APSC, LPSC, the PUCT, and other parties intervened in the December 2011 compliance filing proceeding, and the APSC and the LPSC also filed protests.


            On May 7, 2012, the FERC issued orders in several System Agreement proceedings, including an order on rehearing in the 2007 rate filing based on 2006 production costs proceeding, an order on the ALJ's initial decision in the 2009 rate filing based on 2008 production costs proceeding, and orders in other proceedings regarding the method of calculating the production costs used in the determination of the rough production cost equalization payments and receipts.  The May 7, 2012 FERC orders may result in the reallocation of costs among the Utility operating companies, although there are still FERC decisions pending in other System Agreement proceedings that could affect the rough production cost equalization payments and receipts, including for the 2007 rate filing.  The FERC directed Entergy, within 45 days of the issuance of a pending FERC order on rehearing regarding the functionalization of costs in the 2007 rate filing, to file a comprehensive bandwidth recalculation report showing updated payments and receipts in the 2007 rate filing proceeding.  In the order in the 2007 rate filing proceeding, the FERC also denied Entergy's request for rehearing regarding the AmerenUE contract and ordered Entergy Arkansas to refund to AmerenUE the rough production cost equalization payments collected from AmerenUE.  Under the terms of the FERC's order the refund of $30.6 million, including interest, was made in June 2012.  Entergy Arkansas had previously recorded a regulatory provision for the potential refund to AmerenUE.  Entergy has appealed the FERC's decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.


Rough Production Cost Equalization Rates


2012 Rate Filing Based on Calendar Year 2011 Production Costs


            In May 2012, Entergy filed with the FERC the 2012 rates in accordance with the FERC's orders in the System Agreement proceeding.  The filing shows the following payments/receipts among the Utility operating companies for 2012, based on calendar year 2011 production costs, commencing for service in June 2012, are necessary to achieve rough production cost equalization under the FERC's orders:




Several parties intervened in the proceeding at the FERC, including the LPSC, which filed a protest as well.


Interruptible Load Proceeding


            See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceeding regarding the treatment under the System Agreement of the Utility operating companies' interruptible loads.  Entergy Arkansas filed an application in November 2010 with the APSC for recovery of the refund that it paid.  The APSC denied Entergy Arkansas's application, and also denied Entergy Arkansas's petition for rehearing.  If the FERC were to order Entergy Arkansas to pay refunds on rehearing in the interruptible load proceeding the APSC's decision would trap FERC-approved costs at Entergy Arkansas with no regulatory-approved mechanism to recover them.  In August 2011, Entergy Arkansas filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas asking for a declaratory judgment that the rejection of Entergy Arkansas's application by the APSC is preempted by the Federal Power Act.  The APSC filed a motion to dismiss the complaint.  In April 2012 the United States district court dismissed Entergy Arkansas's complaint without prejudice stating that Entergy Arkansas's claim is not ripe for adjudication and that Entergy Arkansas did not have standing to bring suit at this time.


Entergy Arkansas Opportunity Sales Proceeding


            In June 2009, the LPSC filed a complaint requesting that the FERC determine that certain of Entergy Arkansas's sales of electric energy to third parties: (a) violated the provisions of the System Agreement that allocate the energy generated by Entergy System resources, (b) imprudently denied the Entergy System and its ultimate consumers the benefits of low-cost Entergy System generating capacity, and (c) violated the provision of the System Agreement that prohibits sales to third parties by individual companies absent an offer of a right-of-first-refusal to other Utility operating companies.   The LPSC's complaint challenges sales made beginning in 2002 and requests refunds.  In their response to the complaint, the Utility operating companies explained that the System Agreement clearly contemplates that the Utility operating companies may make sales to third parties for their own account, subject to the requirement that those sales be included in the load (or load shape) for the applicable Utility operating company.  The response further explains that the FERC already has determined that Entergy Arkansas's short-term wholesale sales did not trigger the "right-of-first-refusal" provision of the System Agreement.  In addition the response argued that while the D.C. Circuit had determined that the "right-of-first-refusal" issue was not properly before the FERC at the time of its earlier decision on the issue, the LPSC raised no additional claims or facts that would warrant the FERC reaching a different conclusion.


            In December 2010 the ALJ issued an initial decision.  The ALJ found that the System Agreement allowed for Entergy Arkansas to make the sales to third parties but concluded that the sales should be accounted for in the same manner as joint account sales.  The ALJ concluded that "shareholders" should make refunds of the damages to the Utility operating companies, along with interest.  Entergy disagrees with several aspects of the ALJ's initial decision and in January 2011 filed with the FERC exceptions to the decision.


            The FERC issued a decision in June 2012 and held that, while the System Agreement is ambiguous, it does provide authority for individual Utility operating companies to make opportunity sales for their own account and Entergy Arkansas made and priced these sales in good faith.  The FERC found, however, that the System Agreement does not provide authority for an individual Utility operating company to allocate the energy associated with such opportunity sales as part of its load, but provides a different allocation authority.  The FERC further found that the after-the-fact accounting methodology used to allocate the energy used to supply the sales was inconsistent with the System Agreement.  Quantifying the effect of FERC's decision will require re-running intra-system bills, and Entergy is unable to estimate the potential effects at this time because in its decision the FERC established further hearing procedures to determine the calculation of the effects. On July 23, 2012, Entergy and the LPSC filed requests for rehearing, which will be pending with the FERC while the calculation hearing procedures move forward before the ALJ appointed to hear that matter.


Storm Cost Recovery Filings with Retail Regulators


Entergy Gulf States Louisiana


Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita


See the Form 10-K for a discussion of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana's Act 55 financing of its Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita storm costs. In February 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana sold 500,000 of its Class A preferred membership units in Entergy Holdings Company LLC, a wholly-owned Entergy subsidiary, to a third party in exchange for $51 million plus accrued but unpaid distributions on the units. The 500,000 preferred membership units are mandatorily redeemable in January 2112.


New Nuclear Generation Development Costs (Entergy Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana)


            Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana are developing a project option for new nuclear generation at River Bend.  In March 2010, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana filed with the LPSC seeking approval to continue the limited development activities necessary to preserve an option to construct a new unit at River Bend.  The testimony and legal briefs of the LPSC staff generally support the request of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana, although other parties filed briefs, without supporting testimony, in opposition to the request.  At an evidentiary hearing in October 2011, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, Entergy Louisiana, and the LPSC staff presented testimony in support of certification of activities to preserve an option for a new nuclear plant at River Bend.  The ALJ recommended, however, that the LPSC decline the request of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana on the basis that the LPSC's rule on new nuclear development does not apply to activities to preserve an option to develop and on the further grounds that the companies improperly engaged in advanced preparation activities prior to certification.  There has been no suggestion that the planning activities or costs incurred were imprudent.  At its June 28, 2012 meeting the LPSC voted to uphold the ALJ's decision and directed that Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana be permitted to seek recovery of these costs in the rate case filings that are anticipated in January 2013, fully reserving the LPSC's right to determine the recoverability of such costs in rates.


Texas Power Price Lawsuit


In August 2003, a lawsuit was filed in the district court of Chambers County, Texas by Texas residents on behalf of a purported class apparently of the Texas retail customers of Entergy Gulf States, Inc. who were billed and paid for electric power from January 1, 1994 to the present. The named defendants include Entergy Corporation, Entergy Services, Entergy Power, Entergy Power Marketing Corp., and Entergy Arkansas. Entergy Gulf States, Inc. was not a named defendant, but was alleged to be a co-conspirator. The court granted the request of Entergy Gulf States, Inc. to intervene in the lawsuit to protect its interests.


Plaintiffs allege that the defendants implemented a "price gouging accounting scheme" to sell to plaintiffs and similarly situated utility customers higher priced power generated by the defendants while rejecting and/or reselling to off-system utilities less expensive power offered and/or purchased from off-system suppliers and/or generated by the Entergy system. In particular, plaintiffs allege that the defendants manipulated and continue to manipulate the dispatch of generation so that power is purchased from affiliated expensive resources instead of buying cheaper off-system power.


Plaintiffs stated in their pleadings that customers in Texas were charged at least $57 million above prevailing market prices for power. Plaintiffs seek actual, consequential and exemplary damages, costs and attorneys' fees, and disgorgement of profits. The plaintiffs' experts have tendered a report calculating damages in a large range, from $153 million to $972 million in present value, under various scenarios. The Entergy defendants have tendered expert reports challenging the assumptions, methodologies, and conclusions of the plaintiffs' expert reports.


The case is pending in state district court, and in March 2012 the court found that the case met the requirements to be maintained as a class action under Texas law. On April 30, 2012, the court entered an order certifying the class. The defendants have appealed the order to the Texas Court of Appeals – First District.

Entergy Texas [Member]
Rate And Regulatory Matters

NOTE 2. RATE AND REGULATORY MATTERS (Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy)


Regulatory Assets


            See Note 2 to the financial statements in the Form 10-K for information regarding regulatory assets in the Utility business presented on the balance sheets of Entergy and the Registrant Subsidiaries.  Following are updates to that information.


Correction of Regulatory Asset for Income Taxes


In the first quarter 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana determined that its regulatory asset for income taxes was overstated because of a difference between the regulatory treatment of the income taxes associated with certain items (primarily pension expense) and the financial accounting treatment of those taxes. Beginning with Louisiana retail rate filings using the 1994 test year, retail rates were developed using the normalization method of accounting for income taxes. With respect to these items, however, the financial accounting for income taxes was computed using the flow-through method of accounting. As a result, over the years Entergy Gulf States Louisiana accumulated a regulatory asset representing the expected future recovery of tax expense for the affected items even though the tax expense was being collected currently in rates from customers and would not be recovered in the future.


The effect was immaterial to the consolidated balance sheets, results of operations, and cash flows of Entergy for all prior reporting periods and on a cumulative basis. Therefore, a cumulative adjustment was recorded in the first quarter 2012 to remove the regulatory asset previously recorded. This adjustment increased 2012 income tax expense by $46.3 million, decreased the regulatory asset for income taxes by $75.3 million, and decreased accumulated deferred income taxes by $29 million.


            The effect was also immaterial to the balance sheets, results of operations, and cash flows of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana for all prior reporting periods.  Correcting the cumulative effect of the error in the first quarter 2012 could have been material to the 2012 results of operations of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and, therefore, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana is revising its prior period financial statements to correct the errors.  The corrections affect the prior period financial statements as shown in the tables below:



Three Months Ended

June 30, 2011






(In Thousands)





Income Statement




Income taxes




Net income




Earnings applicable to common equity











Six Months Ended

June 30, 2011






(In Thousands)





Income Statement




Income taxes




Net income




Earnings applicable to common equity








Statement of Cash Flows




Net income




Deferred income taxes, investment tax credits,
  and non-current taxes accrued




Changes in other regulatory assets




Other operating activities







December 31, 2011






(In Thousands)





Balance Sheet




Regulatory asset for income taxes - net




Accumulated deferred income taxes - current




Accumulated deferred income taxes and taxes accrued




Member's equity






Six Months Ended

June 30, 2011


Member's Equity


Total Equity










(In Thousands)









Statement of Changes in Equity




Balance at December 31, 2010








Net income








Balance at June 30, 2011









Fuel and Purchased Power Cost Recovery


Entergy Texas


            In December 2011, Entergy Texas filed with the PUCT a request to refund approximately $43 million, including interest, of fuel cost recovery over-collections through October 2011.  Entergy Texas and the parties to the proceeding reached an agreement that Entergy Texas will refund $67 million, including interest and additional over-recoveries through December 2011, over a three-month period.  Entergy Texas and the parties requested that interim rates consistent with the settlement be approved effective with the March 2012 billing month, and the PUCT approved the application in March 2012.


Retail Rate Proceedings


            See Note 2 to the financial statements in the Form 10-K for detailed information regarding retail rate proceedings involving the Utility operating companies.  The following are updates to the Form 10-K.


Filings with the LPSC


(Entergy Gulf States Louisiana)


            In January 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana filed with the LPSC its gas rate stabilization plan for the test year ended September 30, 2011.  The filing showed an earned return on common equity of 10.48%, which is within the earnings bandwidth of 10.5%, plus or minus fifty basis points.  In April 2012, the LPSC Staff filed its findings, suggesting adjustments that will produce an 11.54% earned return on common equity for the test year and a $0.1 million rate reduction.  Entergy Gulf States Louisiana accepted the LPSC Staff's recommendations, and the rate reduction was effective with the first billing cycle of May 2012.


            In May 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana made its formula rate plan filing with the LPSC for the 2011 test year.  The filing reflects an 11.94% earned return on common equity, which is above the earnings bandwidth and indicates a $6.5 million cost of service rate change is necessary under the formula rate plan.  The filing also reflects a $22.9 million rate decrease for incremental capacity costs.  The filing is currently subject to LPSC review.


(Entergy Louisiana)


            In May 2012, Entergy Louisiana made its formula rate plan filing with the LPSC for the 2011 test year.  The filing reflects a 9.63% earned return on common equity, which is within the earnings bandwidth and results in no cost of service rate change under the formula rate plan.  The filing also reflects an $18.1 million rate increase for incremental capacity costs.  Subsequently, in June 2012, Entergy Louisiana supplemented the filing to estimate the first year revenue requirement associated with the Waterford 3 replacement steam generator projectThe filing is currently subject to LPSC review.


Filings with the MPSC


            In March 2012, Entergy Mississippi submitted its formula rate plan filing for the 2011 test year.  The filing shows an earned return on common equity of 10.92% for the test year, which is within the earnings bandwidth and results in no change in rates.  The filing is currently subject to MPSC review.


Filings with the City Council


On May 31, 2012, Entergy New Orleans filed its electric and gas formula rate plan evaluation reports for the 2011 test year.  The filings request a $3.0 million electric base revenue increase and a $1.0 million gas base revenue increase.  As part of the filing, Entergy New Orleans is also requesting to increase annual funding for its storm reserve by approximately $5.7 million for the next five years.  The new rates would be effective with the first billing cycle in October 2012.  The City Council's and its Advisors' review of these filings is pending.


Filings with the PUCT and Texas Cities


See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the rate case that Entergy Texas filed in November 2011 requesting a $112 million base rate increase reflecting a 10.6% return on common equity based on an adjusted June 2011 test year. In April 2012 the PUCT Staff filed direct testimony recommending a base rate increase of $66 million and a 9.6% return on common equity.  The PUCT Staff, however, subsequently filed a statement of position in the proceeding indicating that it was still evaluating the position it would ultimately take in the case regarding Entergy Texas's recovery of purchased power capacity costs and Entergy Texas's proposal to defer its MISO transition expenses.  In April 2012, Entergy Texas filed rebuttal testimony indicating a revised request for a $105 million base rate increase.  A hearing was held in late-April through early-May 2012.  During the hearing and in its post-hearing brief the PUCT Staff revised its recommendation to a base rate increase of $27 million.  Additionally, the PUCT Staff recommended rejection of Entergy Texas's request to defer MISO transition expenses.


The ALJs issued a proposal for decision in July 2012 recommending a $16 million rate increase; however, the workpapers supporting the proposal for decision indicated that the result of the ALJs' recommendation was instead a $28.3 million rate increase.  The ALJs' proposal for decision includes recommendations for: a 9.80% return on common equity; a reduction in proposed purchased power capacity costs, stating that they are not known and measureable; a reduction in Entergy Texas's regulatory assets associated with Hurricane Rita; the exclusion from rate recovery of capitalized financially-based incentive compensation; and amortization of $2.4 million annually of MISO transition expense for five years.  Entergy Texas and other parties filed exceptions to the proposal for decision on July 23, 2012.  The PUCT is scheduled to consider the proposal for decision at its August 17, 2012 open meeting.


System Agreement Cost Equalization Proceedings


            See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceedings regarding the System Agreement, including the FERC's October 2011 order, Entergy's December 2011 compliance filing in response to that order, and Entergy Arkansas's February 2012 filing for an interim adjustment to its production cost allocation rider requesting that the $156 million payment be collected from customers over the 22-month period from March 2012 through December 2013.  In March 2012 the APSC issued an order stating that the payment can be recovered from retail customers through the production cost allocation rider, subject to refund.  The LPSC and the APSC have requested rehearing of the FERC's October 2011 order.  The APSC, LPSC, the PUCT, and other parties intervened in the December 2011 compliance filing proceeding, and the APSC and the LPSC also filed protests.


            On May 7, 2012, the FERC issued orders in several System Agreement proceedings, including an order on rehearing in the 2007 rate filing based on 2006 production costs proceeding, an order on the ALJ's initial decision in the 2009 rate filing based on 2008 production costs proceeding, and orders in other proceedings regarding the method of calculating the production costs used in the determination of the rough production cost equalization payments and receipts.  The May 7, 2012 FERC orders may result in the reallocation of costs among the Utility operating companies, although there are still FERC decisions pending in other System Agreement proceedings that could affect the rough production cost equalization payments and receipts, including for the 2007 rate filing.  The FERC directed Entergy, within 45 days of the issuance of a pending FERC order on rehearing regarding the functionalization of costs in the 2007 rate filing, to file a comprehensive bandwidth recalculation report showing updated payments and receipts in the 2007 rate filing proceeding.  In the order in the 2007 rate filing proceeding, the FERC also denied Entergy's request for rehearing regarding the AmerenUE contract and ordered Entergy Arkansas to refund to AmerenUE the rough production cost equalization payments collected from AmerenUE.  Under the terms of the FERC's order the refund of $30.6 million, including interest, was made in June 2012.  Entergy Arkansas had previously recorded a regulatory provision for the potential refund to AmerenUE.  Entergy has appealed the FERC's decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.


Rough Production Cost Equalization Rates


2012 Rate Filing Based on Calendar Year 2011 Production Costs


            In May 2012, Entergy filed with the FERC the 2012 rates in accordance with the FERC's orders in the System Agreement proceeding.  The filing shows the following payments/receipts among the Utility operating companies for 2012, based on calendar year 2011 production costs, commencing for service in June 2012, are necessary to achieve rough production cost equalization under the FERC's orders:




Several parties intervened in the proceeding at the FERC, including the LPSC, which filed a protest as well.


Interruptible Load Proceeding


            See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceeding regarding the treatment under the System Agreement of the Utility operating companies' interruptible loads.  Entergy Arkansas filed an application in November 2010 with the APSC for recovery of the refund that it paid.  The APSC denied Entergy Arkansas's application, and also denied Entergy Arkansas's petition for rehearing.  If the FERC were to order Entergy Arkansas to pay refunds on rehearing in the interruptible load proceeding the APSC's decision would trap FERC-approved costs at Entergy Arkansas with no regulatory-approved mechanism to recover them.  In August 2011, Entergy Arkansas filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas asking for a declaratory judgment that the rejection of Entergy Arkansas's application by the APSC is preempted by the Federal Power Act.  The APSC filed a motion to dismiss the complaint.  In April 2012 the United States district court dismissed Entergy Arkansas's complaint without prejudice stating that Entergy Arkansas's claim is not ripe for adjudication and that Entergy Arkansas did not have standing to bring suit at this time.


Entergy Arkansas Opportunity Sales Proceeding


            In June 2009, the LPSC filed a complaint requesting that the FERC determine that certain of Entergy Arkansas's sales of electric energy to third parties: (a) violated the provisions of the System Agreement that allocate the energy generated by Entergy System resources, (b) imprudently denied the Entergy System and its ultimate consumers the benefits of low-cost Entergy System generating capacity, and (c) violated the provision of the System Agreement that prohibits sales to third parties by individual companies absent an offer of a right-of-first-refusal to other Utility operating companies.   The LPSC's complaint challenges sales made beginning in 2002 and requests refunds.  In their response to the complaint, the Utility operating companies explained that the System Agreement clearly contemplates that the Utility operating companies may make sales to third parties for their own account, subject to the requirement that those sales be included in the load (or load shape) for the applicable Utility operating company.  The response further explains that the FERC already has determined that Entergy Arkansas's short-term wholesale sales did not trigger the "right-of-first-refusal" provision of the System Agreement.  In addition the response argued that while the D.C. Circuit had determined that the "right-of-first-refusal" issue was not properly before the FERC at the time of its earlier decision on the issue, the LPSC raised no additional claims or facts that would warrant the FERC reaching a different conclusion.


            In December 2010 the ALJ issued an initial decision.  The ALJ found that the System Agreement allowed for Entergy Arkansas to make the sales to third parties but concluded that the sales should be accounted for in the same manner as joint account sales.  The ALJ concluded that "shareholders" should make refunds of the damages to the Utility operating companies, along with interest.  Entergy disagrees with several aspects of the ALJ's initial decision and in January 2011 filed with the FERC exceptions to the decision.


            The FERC issued a decision in June 2012 and held that, while the System Agreement is ambiguous, it does provide authority for individual Utility operating companies to make opportunity sales for their own account and Entergy Arkansas made and priced these sales in good faith.  The FERC found, however, that the System Agreement does not provide authority for an individual Utility operating company to allocate the energy associated with such opportunity sales as part of its load, but provides a different allocation authority.  The FERC further found that the after-the-fact accounting methodology used to allocate the energy used to supply the sales was inconsistent with the System Agreement.  Quantifying the effect of FERC's decision will require re-running intra-system bills, and Entergy is unable to estimate the potential effects at this time because in its decision the FERC established further hearing procedures to determine the calculation of the effects. On July 23, 2012, Entergy and the LPSC filed requests for rehearing, which will be pending with the FERC while the calculation hearing procedures move forward before the ALJ appointed to hear that matter.


Storm Cost Recovery Filings with Retail Regulators


Entergy Gulf States Louisiana


Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita


See the Form 10-K for a discussion of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana's Act 55 financing of its Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita storm costs. In February 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana sold 500,000 of its Class A preferred membership units in Entergy Holdings Company LLC, a wholly-owned Entergy subsidiary, to a third party in exchange for $51 million plus accrued but unpaid distributions on the units. The 500,000 preferred membership units are mandatorily redeemable in January 2112.


New Nuclear Generation Development Costs (Entergy Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana)


            Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana are developing a project option for new nuclear generation at River Bend.  In March 2010, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana filed with the LPSC seeking approval to continue the limited development activities necessary to preserve an option to construct a new unit at River Bend.  The testimony and legal briefs of the LPSC staff generally support the request of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana, although other parties filed briefs, without supporting testimony, in opposition to the request.  At an evidentiary hearing in October 2011, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, Entergy Louisiana, and the LPSC staff presented testimony in support of certification of activities to preserve an option for a new nuclear plant at River Bend.  The ALJ recommended, however, that the LPSC decline the request of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana on the basis that the LPSC's rule on new nuclear development does not apply to activities to preserve an option to develop and on the further grounds that the companies improperly engaged in advanced preparation activities prior to certification.  There has been no suggestion that the planning activities or costs incurred were imprudent.  At its June 28, 2012 meeting the LPSC voted to uphold the ALJ's decision and directed that Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana be permitted to seek recovery of these costs in the rate case filings that are anticipated in January 2013, fully reserving the LPSC's right to determine the recoverability of such costs in rates.


Texas Power Price Lawsuit


In August 2003, a lawsuit was filed in the district court of Chambers County, Texas by Texas residents on behalf of a purported class apparently of the Texas retail customers of Entergy Gulf States, Inc. who were billed and paid for electric power from January 1, 1994 to the present. The named defendants include Entergy Corporation, Entergy Services, Entergy Power, Entergy Power Marketing Corp., and Entergy Arkansas. Entergy Gulf States, Inc. was not a named defendant, but was alleged to be a co-conspirator. The court granted the request of Entergy Gulf States, Inc. to intervene in the lawsuit to protect its interests.


Plaintiffs allege that the defendants implemented a "price gouging accounting scheme" to sell to plaintiffs and similarly situated utility customers higher priced power generated by the defendants while rejecting and/or reselling to off-system utilities less expensive power offered and/or purchased from off-system suppliers and/or generated by the Entergy system. In particular, plaintiffs allege that the defendants manipulated and continue to manipulate the dispatch of generation so that power is purchased from affiliated expensive resources instead of buying cheaper off-system power.


Plaintiffs stated in their pleadings that customers in Texas were charged at least $57 million above prevailing market prices for power. Plaintiffs seek actual, consequential and exemplary damages, costs and attorneys' fees, and disgorgement of profits. The plaintiffs' experts have tendered a report calculating damages in a large range, from $153 million to $972 million in present value, under various scenarios. The Entergy defendants have tendered expert reports challenging the assumptions, methodologies, and conclusions of the plaintiffs' expert reports.


The case is pending in state district court, and in March 2012 the court found that the case met the requirements to be maintained as a class action under Texas law. On April 30, 2012, the court entered an order certifying the class. The defendants have appealed the order to the Texas Court of Appeals – First District.

System Energy [Member]
Rate And Regulatory Matters

NOTE 2. RATE AND REGULATORY MATTERS (Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy)


Regulatory Assets


            See Note 2 to the financial statements in the Form 10-K for information regarding regulatory assets in the Utility business presented on the balance sheets of Entergy and the Registrant Subsidiaries.  Following are updates to that information.


Correction of Regulatory Asset for Income Taxes


In the first quarter 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana determined that its regulatory asset for income taxes was overstated because of a difference between the regulatory treatment of the income taxes associated with certain items (primarily pension expense) and the financial accounting treatment of those taxes. Beginning with Louisiana retail rate filings using the 1994 test year, retail rates were developed using the normalization method of accounting for income taxes. With respect to these items, however, the financial accounting for income taxes was computed using the flow-through method of accounting. As a result, over the years Entergy Gulf States Louisiana accumulated a regulatory asset representing the expected future recovery of tax expense for the affected items even though the tax expense was being collected currently in rates from customers and would not be recovered in the future.


The effect was immaterial to the consolidated balance sheets, results of operations, and cash flows of Entergy for all prior reporting periods and on a cumulative basis. Therefore, a cumulative adjustment was recorded in the first quarter 2012 to remove the regulatory asset previously recorded. This adjustment increased 2012 income tax expense by $46.3 million, decreased the regulatory asset for income taxes by $75.3 million, and decreased accumulated deferred income taxes by $29 million.


            The effect was also immaterial to the balance sheets, results of operations, and cash flows of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana for all prior reporting periods.  Correcting the cumulative effect of the error in the first quarter 2012 could have been material to the 2012 results of operations of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and, therefore, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana is revising its prior period financial statements to correct the errors.  The corrections affect the prior period financial statements as shown in the tables below:



Three Months Ended

June 30, 2011






(In Thousands)





Income Statement




Income taxes




Net income




Earnings applicable to common equity











Six Months Ended

June 30, 2011






(In Thousands)





Income Statement




Income taxes




Net income




Earnings applicable to common equity








Statement of Cash Flows




Net income




Deferred income taxes, investment tax credits,
  and non-current taxes accrued




Changes in other regulatory assets




Other operating activities







December 31, 2011






(In Thousands)





Balance Sheet




Regulatory asset for income taxes - net




Accumulated deferred income taxes - current




Accumulated deferred income taxes and taxes accrued




Member's equity






Six Months Ended

June 30, 2011


Member's Equity


Total Equity










(In Thousands)









Statement of Changes in Equity




Balance at December 31, 2010








Net income








Balance at June 30, 2011









Fuel and Purchased Power Cost Recovery


Entergy Texas


            In December 2011, Entergy Texas filed with the PUCT a request to refund approximately $43 million, including interest, of fuel cost recovery over-collections through October 2011.  Entergy Texas and the parties to the proceeding reached an agreement that Entergy Texas will refund $67 million, including interest and additional over-recoveries through December 2011, over a three-month period.  Entergy Texas and the parties requested that interim rates consistent with the settlement be approved effective with the March 2012 billing month, and the PUCT approved the application in March 2012.


Retail Rate Proceedings


            See Note 2 to the financial statements in the Form 10-K for detailed information regarding retail rate proceedings involving the Utility operating companies.  The following are updates to the Form 10-K.


Filings with the LPSC


(Entergy Gulf States Louisiana)


            In January 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana filed with the LPSC its gas rate stabilization plan for the test year ended September 30, 2011.  The filing showed an earned return on common equity of 10.48%, which is within the earnings bandwidth of 10.5%, plus or minus fifty basis points.  In April 2012, the LPSC Staff filed its findings, suggesting adjustments that will produce an 11.54% earned return on common equity for the test year and a $0.1 million rate reduction.  Entergy Gulf States Louisiana accepted the LPSC Staff's recommendations, and the rate reduction was effective with the first billing cycle of May 2012.


            In May 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana made its formula rate plan filing with the LPSC for the 2011 test year.  The filing reflects an 11.94% earned return on common equity, which is above the earnings bandwidth and indicates a $6.5 million cost of service rate change is necessary under the formula rate plan.  The filing also reflects a $22.9 million rate decrease for incremental capacity costs.  The filing is currently subject to LPSC review.


(Entergy Louisiana)


            In May 2012, Entergy Louisiana made its formula rate plan filing with the LPSC for the 2011 test year.  The filing reflects a 9.63% earned return on common equity, which is within the earnings bandwidth and results in no cost of service rate change under the formula rate plan.  The filing also reflects an $18.1 million rate increase for incremental capacity costs.  Subsequently, in June 2012, Entergy Louisiana supplemented the filing to estimate the first year revenue requirement associated with the Waterford 3 replacement steam generator projectThe filing is currently subject to LPSC review.


Filings with the MPSC


            In March 2012, Entergy Mississippi submitted its formula rate plan filing for the 2011 test year.  The filing shows an earned return on common equity of 10.92% for the test year, which is within the earnings bandwidth and results in no change in rates.  The filing is currently subject to MPSC review.


Filings with the City Council


On May 31, 2012, Entergy New Orleans filed its electric and gas formula rate plan evaluation reports for the 2011 test year.  The filings request a $3.0 million electric base revenue increase and a $1.0 million gas base revenue increase.  As part of the filing, Entergy New Orleans is also requesting to increase annual funding for its storm reserve by approximately $5.7 million for the next five years.  The new rates would be effective with the first billing cycle in October 2012.  The City Council's and its Advisors' review of these filings is pending.


Filings with the PUCT and Texas Cities


See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the rate case that Entergy Texas filed in November 2011 requesting a $112 million base rate increase reflecting a 10.6% return on common equity based on an adjusted June 2011 test year. In April 2012 the PUCT Staff filed direct testimony recommending a base rate increase of $66 million and a 9.6% return on common equity.  The PUCT Staff, however, subsequently filed a statement of position in the proceeding indicating that it was still evaluating the position it would ultimately take in the case regarding Entergy Texas's recovery of purchased power capacity costs and Entergy Texas's proposal to defer its MISO transition expenses.  In April 2012, Entergy Texas filed rebuttal testimony indicating a revised request for a $105 million base rate increase.  A hearing was held in late-April through early-May 2012.  During the hearing and in its post-hearing brief the PUCT Staff revised its recommendation to a base rate increase of $27 million.  Additionally, the PUCT Staff recommended rejection of Entergy Texas's request to defer MISO transition expenses.


The ALJs issued a proposal for decision in July 2012 recommending a $16 million rate increase; however, the  workpapers supporting the proposal for decision indicated that the result of the ALJs' recommendation was instead a $28.3 million rate increase.  The ALJs' proposal for decision includes recommendations for: a 9.80% return on common equity; a reduction in proposed purchased power capacity costs, stating that they are not known and measureable; a reduction in Entergy Texas's regulatory assets associated with Hurricane Rita; the exclusion from rate recovery of capitalized financially-based incentive compensation; and amortization of $2.4 million annually of MISO transition expense for five years.  Entergy Texas and other parties filed exceptions to the proposal for decision on July 23, 2012.  The PUCT is scheduled to consider the proposal for decision at its August 17, 2012 open meeting.


System Agreement Cost Equalization Proceedings


            See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceedings regarding the System Agreement, including the FERC's October 2011 order, Entergy's December 2011 compliance filing in response to that order, and Entergy Arkansas's February 2012 filing for an interim adjustment to its production cost allocation rider requesting that the $156 million payment be collected from customers over the 22-month period from March 2012 through December 2013.  In March 2012 the APSC issued an order stating that the payment can be recovered from retail customers through the production cost allocation rider, subject to refund.  The LPSC and the APSC have requested rehearing of the FERC's October 2011 order.  The APSC, LPSC, the PUCT, and other parties intervened in the December 2011 compliance filing proceeding, and the APSC and the LPSC also filed protests.


            On May 7, 2012, the FERC issued orders in several System Agreement proceedings, including an order on rehearing in the 2007 rate filing based on 2006 production costs proceeding, an order on the ALJ's initial decision in the 2009 rate filing based on 2008 production costs proceeding, and orders in other proceedings regarding the method of calculating the production costs used in the determination of the rough production cost equalization payments and receipts.  The May 7, 2012 FERC orders may result in the reallocation of costs among the Utility operating companies, although there are still FERC decisions pending in other System Agreement proceedings that could affect the rough production cost equalization payments and receipts, including for the 2007 rate filing.  The FERC directed Entergy, within 45 days of the issuance of a pending FERC order on rehearing regarding the functionalization of costs in the 2007 rate filing, to file a comprehensive bandwidth recalculation report showing updated payments and receipts in the 2007 rate filing proceeding.  In the order in the 2007 rate filing proceeding, the FERC also denied Entergy's request for rehearing regarding the AmerenUE contract and ordered Entergy Arkansas to refund to AmerenUE the rough production cost equalization payments collected from AmerenUE.  Under the terms of the FERC's order the refund of $30.6 million, including interest, was made in June 2012.  Entergy Arkansas had previously recorded a regulatory provision for the potential refund to AmerenUE.  Entergy has appealed the FERC's decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.


Rough Production Cost Equalization Rates


2012 Rate Filing Based on Calendar Year 2011 Production Costs


            In May 2012, Entergy filed with the FERC the 2012 rates in accordance with the FERC's orders in the System Agreement proceeding.  The filing shows the following payments/receipts among the Utility operating companies for 2012, based on calendar year 2011 production costs, commencing for service in June 2012, are necessary to achieve rough production cost equalization under the FERC's orders:




 Payments or


(In Millions)

Entergy Arkansas


Entergy Gulf States Louisiana


Entergy Louisiana


Entergy Mississippi


Entergy New Orleans


Entergy Texas



Several parties intervened in the proceeding at the FERC, including the LPSC, which filed a protest as well.


Interruptible Load Proceeding


            See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceeding regarding the treatment under the System Agreement of the Utility operating companies' interruptible loads.  Entergy Arkansas filed an application in November 2010 with the APSC for recovery of the refund that it paid.  The APSC denied Entergy Arkansas's application, and also denied Entergy Arkansas's petition for rehearing.  If the FERC were to order Entergy Arkansas to pay refunds on rehearing in the interruptible load proceeding the APSC's decision would trap FERC-approved costs at Entergy Arkansas with no regulatory-approved mechanism to recover them.  In August 2011, Entergy Arkansas filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas asking for a declaratory judgment that the rejection of Entergy Arkansas's application by the APSC is preempted by the Federal Power Act.  The APSC filed a motion to dismiss the complaint.  In April 2012 the United States district court dismissed Entergy Arkansas's complaint without prejudice stating that Entergy Arkansas's claim is not ripe for adjudication and that Entergy Arkansas did not have standing to bring suit at this time.


Entergy Arkansas Opportunity Sales Proceeding


            In June 2009, the LPSC filed a complaint requesting that the FERC determine that certain of Entergy Arkansas's sales of electric energy to third parties: (a) violated the provisions of the System Agreement that allocate the energy generated by Entergy System resources, (b) imprudently denied the Entergy System and its ultimate consumers the benefits of low-cost Entergy System generating capacity, and (c) violated the provision of the System Agreement that prohibits sales to third parties by individual companies absent an offer of a right-of-first-refusal to other Utility operating companies.   The LPSC's complaint challenges sales made beginning in 2002 and requests refunds.  In their response to the complaint, the Utility operating companies explained that the System Agreement clearly contemplates that the Utility operating companies may make sales to third parties for their own account, subject to the requirement that those sales be included in the load (or load shape) for the applicable Utility operating company.  The response further explains that the FERC already has determined that Entergy Arkansas's short-term wholesale sales did not trigger the "right-of-first-refusal" provision of the System Agreement.  In addition the response argued that while the D.C. Circuit had determined that the "right-of-first-refusal" issue was not properly before the FERC at the time of its earlier decision on the issue, the LPSC raised no additional claims or facts that would warrant the FERC reaching a different conclusion.


            In December 2010 the ALJ issued an initial decision.  The ALJ found that the System Agreement allowed for Entergy Arkansas to make the sales to third parties but concluded that the sales should be accounted for in the same manner as joint account sales.  The ALJ concluded that "shareholders" should make refunds of the damages to the Utility operating companies, along with interest.  Entergy disagrees with several aspects of the ALJ's initial decision and in January 2011 filed with the FERC exceptions to the decision.


            The FERC issued a decision in June 2012 and held that, while the System Agreement is ambiguous, it does provide authority for individual Utility operating companies to make opportunity sales for their own account and Entergy Arkansas made and priced these sales in good faith.  The FERC found, however, that the System Agreement does not provide authority for an individual Utility operating company to allocate the energy associated with such opportunity sales as part of its load, but provides a different allocation authority.  The FERC further found that the after-the-fact accounting methodology used to allocate the energy used to supply the sales was inconsistent with the System Agreement.  Quantifying the effect of FERC's decision will require re-running intra-system bills, and Entergy is unable to estimate the potential effects at this time because in its decision the FERC established further hearing procedures to determine the calculation of the effects. On July 23, 2012, Entergy and the LPSC filed requests for rehearing, which will be pending with the FERC while the calculation hearing procedures move forward before the ALJ appointed to hear that matter.


Storm Cost Recovery Filings with Retail Regulators


Entergy Gulf States Louisiana


Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita


See the Form 10-K for a discussion of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana's Act 55 financing of its Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita storm costs. In February 2012, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana sold 500,000 of its Class A preferred membership units in Entergy Holdings Company LLC, a wholly-owned Entergy subsidiary, to a third party in exchange for $51 million plus accrued but unpaid distributions on the units. The 500,000 preferred membership units are mandatorily redeemable in January 2112.


New Nuclear Generation Development Costs (Entergy Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana)


            Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana are developing a project option for new nuclear generation at River Bend.  In March 2010, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana filed with the LPSC seeking approval to continue the limited development activities necessary to preserve an option to construct a new unit at River Bend.  The testimony and legal briefs of the LPSC staff generally support the request of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana, although other parties filed briefs, without supporting testimony, in opposition to the request.  At an evidentiary hearing in October 2011, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, Entergy Louisiana, and the LPSC staff presented testimony in support of certification of activities to preserve an option for a new nuclear plant at River Bend.  The ALJ recommended, however, that the LPSC decline the request of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana on the basis that the LPSC's rule on new nuclear development does not apply to activities to preserve an option to develop and on the further grounds that the companies improperly engaged in advanced preparation activities prior to certification.  There has been no suggestion that the planning activities or costs incurred were imprudent.  At its June 28, 2012 meeting the LPSC voted to uphold the ALJ's decision and directed that Entergy Gulf States Louisiana and Entergy Louisiana be permitted to seek recovery of these costs in the rate case filings that are anticipated in January 2013, fully reserving the LPSC's right to determine the recoverability of such costs in rates.


Texas Power Price Lawsuit


In August 2003, a lawsuit was filed in the district court of Chambers County, Texas by Texas residents on behalf of a purported class apparently of the Texas retail customers of Entergy Gulf States, Inc. who were billed and paid for electric power from January 1, 1994 to the present. The named defendants include Entergy Corporation, Entergy Services, Entergy Power, Entergy Power Marketing Corp., and Entergy Arkansas. Entergy Gulf States, Inc. was not a named defendant, but was alleged to be a co-conspirator. The court granted the request of Entergy Gulf States, Inc. to intervene in the lawsuit to protect its interests.


Plaintiffs allege that the defendants implemented a "price gouging accounting scheme" to sell to plaintiffs and similarly situated utility customers higher priced power generated by the defendants while rejecting and/or reselling to off-system utilities less expensive power offered and/or purchased from off-system suppliers and/or generated by the Entergy system. In particular, plaintiffs allege that the defendants manipulated and continue to manipulate the dispatch of generation so that power is purchased from affiliated expensive resources instead of buying cheaper off-system power.


Plaintiffs stated in their pleadings that customers in Texas were charged at least $57 million above prevailing market prices for power. Plaintiffs seek actual, consequential and exemplary damages, costs and attorneys' fees, and disgorgement of profits. The plaintiffs' experts have tendered a report calculating damages in a large range, from $153 million to $972 million in present value, under various scenarios. The Entergy defendants have tendered expert reports challenging the assumptions, methodologies, and conclusions of the plaintiffs' expert reports.


The case is pending in state district court, and in March 2012 the court found that the case met the requirements to be maintained as a class action under Texas law. On April 30, 2012, the court entered an order certifying the class. The defendants have appealed the order to the Texas Court of Appeals – First District.