
Washington, D.C. 20549


(Mark One)





For the Quarterly Period Ended September 30, 2004






For the transition period from ____________ to ____________

File Number

Registrant, State of Incorporation,
Address of Principal Executive Offices and Telephone Number

I.R.S. Employer
Identification No.


(a Delaware corporation)
639 Loyola Avenue
New Orleans, Louisiana 70113
Telephone (504) 576-4000



(an Arkansas corporation)
425 West Capitol Avenue, 40th Floor
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
Telephone (501) 377-4000



(a Texas corporation)
350 Pine Street
Beaumont, Texas 77701
Telephone (409) 838-6631



(a Louisiana corporation)
4809 Jefferson Highway
Jefferson, Louisiana 70121
Telephone (504) 840-2734



(a Mississippi corporation)
308 East Pearl Street
Jackson, Mississippi 39201
Telephone (601) 368-5000



(a Louisiana corporation)
1600 Perdido Street, Building 505
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112
Telephone (504) 670-3674



(an Arkansas corporation)
Echelon One
1340 Echelon Parkway
Jackson, Mississippi 39213
Telephone (601) 368-5000



Indicate by check mark whether the registrants (1) have filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrants were required to file such reports), and (2) have been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.




Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is an accelerated filer (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934).




Entergy Corporation



Entergy Arkansas, Inc.



Entergy Gulf States, Inc.



Entergy Louisiana, Inc.



Entergy Mississippi, Inc.



Entergy New Orleans, Inc.



System Energy Resources, Inc.



Common Stock Outstanding


Outstanding at October 29, 2004

Entergy Corporation

($0.01 par value)


Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Inc., Entergy Gulf States, Inc., Entergy Louisiana, Inc., Entergy Mississippi, Inc., Entergy New Orleans, Inc., and System Energy Resources, Inc. separately file this combined Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Information contained herein relating to any individual company is filed by such company on its own behalf. Each company reports herein only as to itself and makes no other representations whatsoever as to any other company. This combined Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q supplements and updates the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the calendar year ended December 31, 2003, and the Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, 2004 and June 30, 2004, filed by the individual registrants with the SEC, and should be read in conjunction therewith.



September 30, 2004



Page Number




Entergy Corporation and Subsidiaries


Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis


Results of Operations



Liquidity and Capital Resources



Significant Factors and Known Trends



Critical Accounting Estimates



Consolidated Statements of Income



Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows



Consolidated Balance Sheets



Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings, Comprehensive Income, and
Paid-In Capital



Selected Operating Results



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Entergy Arkansas, Inc.


Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis


Results of Operations



Liquidity and Capital Resources



Significant Factors and Known Trends



Critical Accounting Estimates



Income Statements



Statements of Cash Flows



Balance Sheets



Selected Operating Results


Entergy Gulf States, Inc.


Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis


Results of Operations



Liquidity and Capital Resources



Significant Factors and Known Trends



Critical Accounting Estimates



Income Statements



Statements of Cash Flows



Balance Sheets



Statements of Retained Earnings and Comprehensive Income



Selected Operating Results


Entergy Louisiana, Inc.


Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis


Results of Operations



Liquidity and Capital Resources



Significant Factors and Known Trends



Critical Accounting Estimates



Income Statements



Statements of Cash Flows



Balance Sheets



Selected Operating Results


Entergy Mississippi, Inc.


Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis


Results of Operations



Liquidity and Capital Resources



Significant Factors and Known Trends


Critical Accounting Estimates



Income Statements


September 30, 2004



Page Number


Statements of Cash Flows



Balance Sheets



Selected Operating Results


Entergy New Orleans, Inc.


Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis


Results of Operations



Liquidity and Capital Resources



Significant Factors and Known Trends



Critical Accounting Estimates



Income Statements



Statements of Cash Flows



Balance Sheets



Selected Operating Results


System Energy Resources, Inc.


Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis


Results of Operations



Liquidity and Capital Resources



Significant Factors and Known Trends



Critical Accounting Estimates



Income Statements



Statements of Cash Flows



Balance Sheets


Notes to Respective Financial Statements


Item 4. Controls and Procedures


Part II. Other Information


Item 1. Legal Proceedings



Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use Of Proceeds



Item 5. Other Information



Item 6. Exhibits







In this filing and from time to time, Entergy makes statements concerning its expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, goals, strategies, and future events or performance. Such statements are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Although Entergy believes that these forward-looking statements and the underlying assumptions are reasonable, it cannot provide assurance that they will prove correct. Except to the extent required by the federal securities laws, Entergy undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties, and there are factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the statements. Some of those factors (in addition to others described elsewhere in this report and in subsequent securities filings) include:

  • resolution of pending and future rate cases and negotiations, including various performance-based rate discussions, and other regulatory decisions, including those related to Entergy's System Agreement and utility supply plan
  • Entergy's ability to reduce its operation and maintenance costs, particularly at its Non-Utility Nuclear generating facilities, including the uncertainty of negotiations with unions to agree to such reductions
  • the performance of Entergy's generating plants, and particularly the capacity factors at its nuclear generating facilities
  • prices for power generated by Entergy's unregulated generating facilities, the ability to extend or replace the existing purchased power agreements for those facilities, including the Non-Utility Nuclear plants, and the prices and availability of power Entergy must purchase for its utility customers
  • Entergy's ability to develop and execute on a point of view regarding prices of electricity, natural gas, and other energy-related commodities
  • the ability to sell Entergy-Koch's Gulf South Pipeline at an attractive price and the amount of cash that Entergy-Koch is able to distribute to Entergy as a result of Entergy-Koch business sales
  • changes in the number of participants in the energy trading market, and in their creditworthiness and risk profile
  • changes in the financial markets, particularly those affecting the availability of capital and Entergy's ability to refinance existing debt and to fund investments and acquisitions
  • actions of rating agencies, including changes in the ratings of debt and preferred stock, and changes in the rating agencies' ratings criteria
  • changes in inflation and interest rates
  • Entergy's ability to purchase and sell assets at attractive prices and on other attractive terms
  • volatility and changes in markets for electricity, natural gas, uranium, and other energy-related commodities
  • changes in utility regulation, including the beginning or end of retail and wholesale competition, the ability to recover net utility assets and other potential stranded costs, the establishment of a regional transmission organization that includes Entergy's utility service territory, and the establishment of market power criteria by the FERC
  • changes in regulation of nuclear generating facilities and nuclear materials and fuel, including possible shutdown of Indian Point or other nuclear generating facilities
  • uncertainty regarding the establishment of permanent sites for spent nuclear fuel storage and disposal
  • resolution of pending or future applications for license extensions of nuclear generating facilities
  • changes in law resulting from proposed energy legislation
  • changes in environmental, tax, and other laws, including requirements for reduced emissions of sulfur, nitrogen, carbon, mercury, and other substances
  • the economic climate, and particularly growth in Entergy's service territory
  • variations in weather, hurricanes, and other disasters
  • advances in technology
  • the potential effects of threatened or actual terrorism and war
  • the success of Entergy's strategies to reduce current tax payments
  • the effects of litigation and government investigations
  • changes in accounting standards, corporate governance, and securities law requirements
  • Entergy's ability to attract and retain talented management and directors.





























(Page left blank intentionally)


Certain abbreviations or acronyms used in the text are defined below:

Abbreviation or Acronym




Administrative Law Judge

ANO 1 and 2

Units 1 and 2 of Arkansas Nuclear One Steam Electric Generating Station (nuclear)


Arkansas Public Service Commission


One billion cubic feet of natural gas


One billion cubic feet of natural gas per day


Board of Directors of Entergy Corporation

capacity factor

Actual plant output divided by maximum potential plant output for the period

City Council or Council

Council of the City of New Orleans, Louisiana


United States Department of Energy

domestic utility companies

Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, and Entergy New Orleans, collectively


United States Environmental Protection Agency


Entergy Power Development Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Entergy Corporation

electricity marketed

Total physical volume marketed by Entergy-Koch in the U.S. and Europe during the period

electricity volatility

Measure of price fluctuation over time using standard deviation of daily price differences for into-Cinergy power prices for the upcoming month

Energy Commodity Services

Entergy's business segment that is focused almost exclusively on providing energy commodity trading and gas transportation and storage services through Entergy-Koch, LP and also includes Entergy's non-nuclear wholesale assets business


Entergy Corporation and its direct and indirect subsidiaries

Entergy Corporation

Entergy Corporation, a Delaware corporation


Entergy-Koch, L.P., a joint venture equally owned by subsidiaries of Entergy and Koch Industries, Inc.


Federal Emergency Management Agency


Federal Energy Regulatory Commission


James A. FitzPatrick nuclear power plant, 825 MW facility located near Oswego, New York, purchased in November 2000 from NYPA by Entergy's Non-Utility Nuclear business

Form 10-K

The combined Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2003 of Entergy, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, and System Energy

gain/loss days

Ratio of the number of days when Entergy-Koch recognized a net gain from commodity trading activities to the number of days when Entergy-Koch recognized a net loss from commodity trading activities

gas marketed

Total physical volume marketed by Entergy-Koch in the U.S. and Europe during the period

gas volatility

Measure of price fluctuation over time using standard deviation of daily price differences for Henry Hub natural gas prices for the upcoming month


Abbreviation or Acronym


Grand Gulf 1

Unit No. 1 of the Grand Gulf Nuclear Generating Station


Gigawatt hour(s), which equals one million kilowatt-hours

Indian Point 2

Indian Point Energy Center Unit 2 - nuclear power plant, 984 MW facility located in Westchester County, New York, purchased in September 2001 from Consolidated Edison by Entergy's Non-Utility Nuclear business

Indian Point 3

Indian Point Energy Center Unit 3 - nuclear power plant, 994 MW facility located in Westchester County, New York, purchased in November 2000 from NYPA by Entergy's Non-Utility Nuclear business






Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality


Louisiana Public Service Commission


1,000 cubic feet of gas

miles of pipeline

Total miles of transmission and gathering pipeline


One million British Thermal Units


Mississippi Public Service Commission


Megawatt(s), which equals one thousand kilowatt(s)



Net debt ratio

Gross debt less cash and cash equivalents divided by total capitalization less cash and cash equivalents

Net MW in operation

Installed capacity owned or operated

Net revenue

Operating revenue net of fuel, fuel-related, and purchased power expenses; other regulatory credits; and amortization of rate deferrals

Non-Utility Nuclear

Entergy's business segment that owns and operates five nuclear power plants and sells electric power produced by those plants to wholesale customers


Nuclear Regulatory Commission


New York Power Authority


Pilgrim Nuclear Station, 688 MW facility located in Plymouth, Massachusetts, purchased in July 1999 from Boston Edison by Entergy's Non-Utility Nuclear business

production cost

Cost in $/MMBtu associated with delivering gas, excluding the cost of the gas


Purchased power agreement


Potentially responsible party (a person or entity that may be responsible for remediation of environmental contamination)


Public Utility Commission of Texas


Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, as amended


Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978

River Bend

River Bend Steam Electric Generating Station (nuclear)


Regional transmission organization


Securities and Exchange Commission


Statement of Financial Accounting Standards as promulgated by the Financial Accounting Standards Board


South Mississippi Electric Power Agency, which owns a 10% interest in Grand Gulf 1


Abbreviation or Acronym



spark spread

The dollar difference between electricity prices per unit and natural gas prices after assuming a conversion ratio for the number of natural gas units necessary to generate one unit of electricity

System Agreement

Agreement, effective January 1, 1983, as modified, among the domestic utility companies relating to the sharing of generating capacity and other power resources

System Energy

System Energy Resources, Inc.

System Fuels

System Fuels, Inc.


Gas in BCF/D transported through a pipeline during the period


Terawatt-hour(s), which equals one billion kilowatt-hours

Unit Power Sales Agreement

Agreement, dated as of June 10, 1982, as amended and approved by FERC, among Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, and System Energy, relating to the sale of capacity and energy from System Energy's share of Grand Gulf 1


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

U.S. Utility

Entergy's business segment that generates, transmits, distributes, and sells electric power, with a small amount of natural gas distribution

Vermont Yankee

Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant, 510 MW facility located in Vernon, Vermont, purchased in July 2002 from Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation by Entergy's Non-Utility Nuclear business

Waterford 3

Unit No. 3 (nuclear) of the Waterford Steam Electric Generating Station, 100% owned or leased by Entergy Louisiana

weather-adjusted usage

Electric usage excluding the effects of deviations from normal weather




Results of Operations

Entergy's consolidated earnings applicable to common stock for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003 were as follows:

Third Quarter

Nine Months Ended

Operating Segment







(In Thousands)






U.S. Utility







Non-Utility Nuclear







Energy Commodity Services







Parent & Other














Entergy's income before taxes is discussed below according to the operating segments listed above. Earnings for the nine months ended September 30, 2003 include the $142.9 million net-of-tax cumulative effect of changes in accounting principle that increased earnings in the first quarter of 2003, almost entirely resulting from the implementation of SFAS 143. See Note 9 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K for further discussion of the implementation of SFAS 143. See Note 7 to the consolidated financial statements herein for more information concerning Entergy's operating segments and their financial results in 2004 and 2003.

Refer to SELECTED OPERATING RESULTS OF ENTERGY CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES for further information with respect to operating statistics.


The decrease in earnings for the U.S. Utility for the third quarter of 2004 compared to the third quarter of 2003 from $272.9 million to $258.0 million was primarily due to a decrease in net revenue, primarily caused by milder weather, and an increase in other operation and maintenance expenses, partially offset by decreased interest charges and an increase in miscellaneous income.

The increase in earnings for the U.S. Utility for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the same period in 2003 from $502.4 million to $568.7 million was primarily due to the $107.7 million ($65.6 million net-of-tax) accrual in 2003 of the loss that would be associated with a final, non-appealable decision disallowing abeyed River Bend plant costs. Also contributing to the increase was the $21.3 million net-of-tax cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle that reduced earnings at Entergy Gulf States in the first quarter of 2003 upon implementation of SFAS 143, an increase in miscellaneous income, and a decrease in interest charges. A decrease in net revenue and an increase in other operation and maintenance expenses partially offset the increase in earnings.

Net Revenue

Third Quarter 2004 Compared to Third Quarter 2003

Net revenue, which is Entergy's measure of gross margin, consists of operating revenues net of: 1) fuel, fuel-related, and purchased power expenses and 2) other regulatory charges (credits). Following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing the third quarter of 2004 to the third quarter of 2003.






(In Millions)




2003 net revenue






Price applied to unbilled sales



2004 deferrals






2004 net revenue



The volume/weather variance resulted primarily from the effect of milder weather on sales during the third quarter of 2004 compared to the third quarter of 2003, partially offset by an increase in billed usage of 481 GWh in the industrial sector.

The price applied to unbilled sales variance resulted primarily from an increase in the fuel price applied to unbilled sales.

The 2004 deferral variance is due to the deferral of fossil plant maintenance expenses and voluntary severance plan expenses in accordance with a stipulation approved by the City Council in August 2004 in connection with the Entergy New Orleans formula rate plans. The stipulation allows for the recovery of these costs through the amortization of a regulatory asset. The fossil plant maintenance and voluntary severance plan costs are being amortized over five-year periods that became effective January 2003 and January 2004, respectively. The Entergy New Orleans formula rate plans are discussed in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements.

Gross operating revenues, fuel and purchased power costs, and other regulatory credits

Gross operating revenues include an increase in fuel cost recovery revenues of $161.8 million primarily due to higher fuel rates resulting from increases in the market prices of non-associated purchased power and natural gas and collections of previous deferrals of fuel costs. As such, this revenue increase is offset by increased fuel and purchased power expenses.

The net increase in other regulatory credits was primarily due to the following:

    • the deferral of fossil plant maintenance and voluntary severance plan costs at Entergy New Orleans as a result of a stipulation approved by the City Council in August 2004, as discussed above;
    • cessation of the Grand Gulf Accelerated Recovery Tariff that was suspended in July 2003; and
    • the deferral in the third quarter of 2004 of $5.8 million of capacity charges at Entergy Louisiana related to generation resource planning as allowed by the LPSC.


Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

Following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing the nine months ended September 30, 2004 to the nine months ended September 30, 2003.






(In Millions)




2003 net revenue



Deferred fuel cost revisions



Price applied to unbilled sales



Summer capacity charges



Base rates






2004 net revenue



The deferred fuel cost revisions variance resulted primarily from a revision in 2003 to an unbilled sales pricing estimate to more closely align the fuel component of that pricing with expected recoverable fuel costs at Entergy Louisiana. Deferred fuel cost revisions also decreased net revenue due to a revision in 2004 to the estimate of fuel costs filed for recovery at Entergy Arkansas in the March 2004 energy cost recovery rider.

The price applied to unbilled sales variance resulted from a decrease in fuel price in 2004 caused primarily by the effect of nuclear plant outages in 2003 on average fuel costs.

The summer capacity charges variance was due to the amortization in 2003 at Entergy Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana of capacity charges for the summer of 2001 that had been deferred. Entergy Gulf States' amortization began in June 2002 and ended in May 2003. Entergy Louisiana's amortization began in August 2002 and ended in July 2003.

Base rates increased net revenue due to a base rate increase at Entergy New Orleans that became effective in June 2003.

Gross operating revenues, fuel and purchased power expenses, and other regulatory charges (credits)

Gross operating revenues include an increase in fuel cost recovery revenues of $318.3 million primarily due to higher fuel rates resulting from increases in the market prices of non-associated purchased power and natural gas and collections of previous deferrals of fuel costs. As such, this revenue increase is offset by increased fuel and purchased power expenses.

The net increase in other regulatory credits was primarily due to the following:

    • cessation of the Grand Gulf Accelerated Recovery Tariff that was suspended in July 2003;
    • the amortization in 2003 of deferred capacity charges for summer 2001 power purchases at Entergy Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana;
    • the deferral in 2004 of $11.6 million of capacity charges related to generation resource planning as allowed by the LPSC; and
    • the deferral of fossil plant maintenance and voluntary severance plan costs at Entergy New Orleans as a result of a stipulation approved by the City Council in August 2004, as discussed above.


Other Income Statement Variances

Third Quarter 2004 Compared to Third Quarter 2003

Other operation and maintenance expenses increased for the third quarter primarily due to an increase of $10.9 million in benefits costs in 2004.

Depreciation and amortization expenses increased for the third quarter primarily due to higher depreciation of Grand Gulf 1 in the third quarter of 2004 due to a higher scheduled sale-leaseback principal payment, in addition to an increase in plant in service.

Other income increased for the third quarter primarily due to a reduction in the decommissioning liability for River Bend, as discussed in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements.

Interest and other charges decreased for the third quarter primarily due to a decrease in interest on long-term debt as a result of the net retirement and refinancing of long-term debt in 2003 and the first six months of 2004. See Note 5 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K and Note 4 to the consolidated financial statements herein for detail of long-term debt.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

Other operation and maintenance expenses increased for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 primarily due to the following:

    • an increase of $27.6 million as a result of higher benefits costs in 2004;
    • an increase of $16.5 million as a result of higher customer service support costs in 2004; and
    • an increase of $12.0 million as a result of higher co-owner credits at certain plants in 2003.

Depreciation and amortization expenses increased for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 primarily due to higher depreciation of Grand Gulf 1 in the third quarter of 2004 due to a higher scheduled sale-leaseback principal payment, in addition to an increase in plant in service.

Other income increased for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 primarily due to the following:

    • a $107.7 million accrual in June 2003 for the loss that would be associated with a final, non-appealable decision disallowing abeyed River Bend plant costs. See Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements for more details regarding the River Bend abeyed plant costs;
    • a reduction in the decommissioning liability for River Bend, as discussed in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements; and
    • a reduction in the loss provision for an environmental clean-up site. During the second quarter of 2004, the provision was reduced by approximately $10 million based upon activities performed to date and the estimate of the remaining likely exposure associated with the ten-year groundwater monitoring study.

Interest and other charges decreased for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 primarily due to a decrease in interest on long-term debt as a result of the net retirement and refinancing of long-term debt in 2003 and the first six months of 2004. See Note 5 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K and Note 4 to the consolidated financial statements herein for detail of long-term debt.



Following are key performance measures for Non-Utility Nuclear for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003:



Third Quarter


Nine Months Ended



















Net MW in operation at September 30









Generation in GWh for the period









Capacity factor for the period









Average realized price per MWh









Third Quarter 2004 Compared to Third Quarter 2003

The increase in earnings for Non-Utility Nuclear from $59.6 million to $63.7 million was primarily due to miscellaneous income resulting from a reduction in the decommissioning liability for a plant, as discussed in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements. Also contributing to the increase were increased revenues due to higher contract pricing and the addition of a support services contract for the Cooper Nuclear Station, partially offset by lower generation due to planned and unplanned outages during the third quarter of 2004. Partially offsetting the increase in earnings were higher operation and maintenance expenses, which increased by $9 million, primarily due to higher benefits costs.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

The decrease in earnings for Non-Utility Nuclear from $301.5 million to $195.5 million was primarily due to the $160.3 million net-of-tax cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle that increased earnings in the first quarter of 2003 upon implementation of SFAS 143. See Note 9 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K for further discussion of the implementation of SFAS 143. Earnings before the cumulative effect of accounting change increased by $54.3 million. The increase was due to higher revenues, which increased by $94 million, resulting from increased generation in 2004 due to fewer planned and unplanned outages in 2004 and power uprates completed in 2003, higher contract pricing, and the addition of a support services contract for the Cooper Nuclear Station. Miscellaneous income from the reduction in decommissioning liability mentioned above and lower operation and maintenance expenses, which decreased by $17 million, also contributed to the in crease in earnings before the cumulative effect of accounting change. Partially offsetting this increase was higher depreciation expense, which increased by $9 million.


Sales of Entergy-Koch Businesses

On November 1, 2004, Entergy-Koch sold its energy trading business to Merrill Lynch & Co. The sale came after a review of strategic alternatives for enhancing the value of Entergy-Koch, LP. After the strategic review, Entergy concluded that Entergy-Koch's trading business would be more valuable if owned by a third party. Entergy and Koch Industries have also commenced a competitive process to sell the Gulf South Pipeline, which management expects to conclude in the first half of 2005.

Entergy expects to receive its share of sale proceeds from the Entergy-Koch energy trading business sale as well as the planned sale of Gulf South Pipeline as cash distributions from Entergy-Koch over a time period from the closings on such sales through 2006, with the majority of the distributions occurring in 2005. Entergy expects the Entergy-Koch business sales to ultimately result in net cash distributions to Entergy of approximately $1 billion, comprised of the after-tax cash from the distributions of the sale proceeds and the eventual liquidation of Entergy-Koch. Entergy will account for these cash distributions as reductions of Entergy's approximately $1 billion equity investment in Entergy-Koch, its unconsolidated affiliate. Entergy's equity investment includes its cash investments in Entergy-Koch, the value of its assets contributed to Entergy-Koch, the earnings and losses recorded from its investment in Entergy-Koch, including disproportionate income sharing, less di vidends received from Entergy-Koch.

The estimated amount of net cash distributions to Entergy may vary depending on the results of the competitive process to sell Gulf South Pipeline. When the results of this competitive process are determined, management will revise the estimated net cash distributions and will compare them to Entergy's equity investment to determine whether book gain or loss exists. If an impairment in Entergy's investment occurs, Entergy will record the impairment loss at that time. If management expects a net gain, Entergy will not record the gain until it is realized. Management does not currently expect Entergy to experience a significant gain or loss from the sales of Entergy-Koch's businesses and Entergy-Koch's subsequent liquidation.

Results of Operations

Following are key performance measures for Entergy-Koch's operations for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003:




Third Quarter


Nine Months Ended











Entergy-Koch Trading










  Gas volatility










  Electricity volatility










  Gas marketed (BCF/D)










  Electricity marketed (GWh)










  Gain/loss days










Gulf South Pipeline










  Throughput (BCF/D)










  Production cost ($/MMBtu)










Third Quarter 2004 Compared to Third Quarter 2003

The decrease for Energy Commodity Services from $36.3 million in earnings to a $38.9 million loss was primarily due to lower earnings from Entergy's investment in Entergy-Koch. Entergy's investment in Entergy-Koch generated a loss in the third quarter 2004 primarily as a result of the inability of Entergy-Koch Trading (EKT) to apply hedge accounting to certain contracts, as follows:

    • After entering into the agreement to sell its energy trading business, EKT was required to mark-to-market all of its derivative cash flow hedges of natural gas in storage through current earnings while the related physical natural gas is accounted for at cost. Prior to the sale agreement, EKT could use cash flow hedge accounting to defer certain of the derivative mark-to-market effects until the period in which the related physical natural gas was resold because the forecasted sale transactions were probable of occurring. This accounting treatment occurred because it was determined that EKT could no longer represent that the forecasted transactions were probable of occurring because of the pending sale of the energy trading business.
    • For derivative contracts that EKT was required to mark-to-market even before it entered into the energy trading business sale agreement, the mark-to-market value of certain contracts entered into to hedge physical gas storage positions decreased because of rising natural gas prices. These contracts do not meet the requirements under SFAS 133 for deferring the mark-to-market change in equity rather than recording it in income. The decrease in the mark-to-market value of the contracts was not offset by the gain in value of the physical gas storage positions, because the physical gas storage positions are accounted for at cost.

The effect of these two factors will reverse with the closing of the energy trading business sale because the sale agreement provides for the proceeds of the sale to reflect the fair value of all trading assets and liabilities transferred to the seller.

As discussed in the Form 10-K, Entergy accounts for its 50% share in Entergy-Koch under the equity method of accounting. Earnings from Entergy-Koch are reported as equity in earnings of unconsolidated equity affiliates in the financial statements. Certain terms of the partnership arrangement allocated income from various sources, and the taxes on that income, on a significantly disproportionate basis through 2003. Losses and distributions from operations are allocated to the partners equally. Substantially all of Entergy-Koch's profits were allocated to Entergy in 2003, 2002, and 2001. Effective January 1, 2004, a revaluation of Entergy-Koch's assets for legal capital account purposes occurred, and profit allocations changed after the revaluation. The profit allocations other than for weather trading and international trading became equal. Profit allocations for weather trading and international trading remain disproportionate to the ownership interests. The weather trading and int ernational trading allocations are unequal only within a specified range, such that the overall earnings allocation should not materially differ from 50/50. Earnings allocated under the terms of the partnership agreement constitute equity, not subject to reallocation, for the partners.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

The decrease for Energy Commodity Services from $178.7 million in earnings to a $19.6 million loss was primarily due to lower earnings from Entergy's investment in Entergy-Koch. The income from Entergy's investment in Entergy-Koch was lower primarily as a result of lower earnings at EKT, resulting primarily from the inability to apply hedge accounting discussed above and also from reduced volatility, which contributed to lower point-of-view trading profits.

Income Taxes

The effective income tax rates for the third quarters of 2004 and 2003 were 37.8% and 37.3%, respectively. The effective income tax rates for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003 were 36.7% and 37.6%, respectively. The decrease in the effective income tax rate for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 is primarily due to the favorable settlement of various tax audit issues and higher pre-tax income in 2003 decreasing the effect of flow-through and permanent differences. The favorable settlement is reported in Parent and Other and is the primary reason for the increase in earnings for that part of Entergy's business in 2004.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Liquidity and Capital Resources" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of Entergy's capital structure, capital expenditure plans and other uses of capital, and sources of capital. Following are updates to the information presented in the Form 10-K.

Capital Structure

In May 2004, Entergy Corporation renewed its 364-day bank credit facility with two separate facilities, a 364-day credit facility and a 3-year credit facility. The 364-day credit facility has a borrowing capacity of $485 million and expires in May 2005. As of September 30, 2004, no borrowings were outstanding on this facility. The 3-year credit facility has a borrowing capacity of $965 million and expires in May 2007. As of September 30, 2004, $100 million in borrowings were outstanding on this facility. Entergy also has the ability to issue letters of credit against the 3-year facility and its $965 million in borrowing capacity, and $40 million had been issued against this facility at September 30, 2004.

In April 2004, Entergy Arkansas renewed its 364-day credit facility, increasing the amount to $85 million, until April 2005. In May 2004, Entergy Mississippi renewed its credit facility for its then-existing amount, $25 million, and the renewed facility expires in May 2005. As of September 30, 2004, the amounts outstanding on the Entergy Arkansas and Entergy Mississippi credit facilities were $85 million and $25 million, respectively.

In July 2004, Entergy Louisiana renewed its credit facility and Entergy New Orleans entered into a separate credit facility with the same lender. Both facilities will expire in April 2005. Entergy Louisiana can borrow up to $15 million and Entergy New Orleans can borrow up to $14 million under their respective credit facilities, but at no time can the total amount borrowed under these facilities by the two companies combined exceed $15 million. As of September 30, 2004, no borrowings were outstanding under these facilities.

As discussed in the Form 10-K, Entergy guaranteed the obligations of EntergyShaw to construct a 550 MW electric power plant located in Harrison County, Texas. EntergyShaw is an unconsolidated joint venture in which Entergy owns a 50% member interest. The power plant commenced commercial operation in June 2003, the base warranty period for the construction expired in June 2004, and management does not expect any material liability on the warranty.

Capital Expenditure Plans and Other Uses of Capital

See the table in the Form 10-K under "Liquidity and Capital Resources - Capital Expenditure Plans and Other Uses of Capital," which sets forth the amounts of Entergy's planned construction and other capital investments by operating segment for 2004 through 2006. Entergy Louisiana now expects to complete the purchase of the Perryville plant in mid-2005 for $183.5 million. Therefore, Entergy now expects to spend approximately $385 million for Capital Commitments in the U.S. Utility segment in 2004 and approximately $479 million for Capital Commitments in the U.S. Utility segment in 2005-2006.

Dividends and Stock Repurchases

In late July 2004, the Board approved a program under which Entergy Corporation will repurchase up to $1.5 billion of its common stock. The program is effective immediately and extends through the end of 2006. This repurchase program is incremental to the existing authority discussed in the Form 10-K to repurchase shares to fund the exercise of employee stock options. The amount of repurchases under the program may vary as a result of material changes in business results or capital spending, or as a result of material new investment opportunities.

On October 20, 2004, the Board increased Entergy's quarterly dividend per share by 20%, to $0.54. Declarations of dividends on Entergy's common stock are made at the discretion of the Board. Among other things, the Board evaluates the level of Entergy's common stock dividends based upon Entergy's earnings, financial strength, and future investment opportunities.

Cash Flow Activity

As shown in Entergy's Statements of Cash Flows, cash flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003 were as follows:








(In Millions)






Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period










Cash flow provided by (used in):






Operating activities






Investing activities






Financing activities





Effect of exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents




Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents










Cash and cash equivalents at end of period





Operating Activities

Entergy's cash flow provided by operating activities increased by $538 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2003 primarily due to the following:

    • The U.S. Utility provided $1,295 million in cash from operating activities, compared to providing $1,177 million in 2003. The increase resulted primarily from improved recovery of fuel costs.
    • The Non-Utility Nuclear business provided $425 million in cash from operating activities, compared to providing $198 million in 2003. The increase resulted primarily from lower refueling outage cash costs and increases in generation and contract pricing that led to an increase in revenues.
    • Entergy's investment in Entergy-Koch, L.P. provided $9 million in cash from operating activities, compared to using $56 million in 2003. The Entergy-Koch investment provided more cash flow in 2004 even though dividends received from Entergy-Koch were $26 million in 2004 compared to $75 million in 2003, because tax payments related to the investment were higher in 2003 because of higher net income from the investment in 2003.
    • The non-nuclear wholesale asset business used $38 million in cash from operating activities, compared to using $75 million in 2003. The decrease in cash used resulted primarily from a one-time $33 million payment in 2003 related to a generation contract.
    • The parent company, Entergy Corporation, provided $28 million in cash from operating activities in 2004 compared to using $47 million in 2003 primarily due to lower tax payments.

Investing Activities

Net cash used in investing activities decreased by $470 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2003 primarily due to the following:

    • System Energy used approximately $193 million in March 2003 to provide cash collateral for letters of credit that secured certain of its obligations related to the sale-leaseback of a portion of Grand Gulf 1. (In December 2003, System Energy replaced the cash-backed letters of credit with syndicated bank letters of credit that expire in May 2007.)
    • Construction expenditures were $107 million lower in 2004 than in 2003, including decreases of $23 million in the U.S. Utility business, $37 million in the Non-Utility Nuclear business, and $42 million in the non-nuclear wholesale asset business.
    • Temporary investments of $50 million with initial maturities of greater than 90 days matured in the first quarter of 2004.
    • Entergy Arkansas used $15 million, Entergy Gulf States used $87 million, and Entergy Mississippi used $73 million for other regulatory investments in 2003 as a result of fuel cost under-recovery. In 2004, Entergy Arkansas used $17 million and Entergy Gulf States used $46 million for other regulatory investments related to fuel cost under-recovery. See Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K for discussion of the accounting treatment of these fuel cost under-recoveries.

Financing Activities

Net cash used in financing activities increased by $352 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2003 primarily due to the following:

    • Entergy Corporation issued $383 million of long-term notes in 2003.
    • Entergy Corporation repurchased $416 million of its common stock in 2004. In addition to the share repurchase program discussed above, and as discussed in the Form 10-K, in accordance with Entergy's stock option plans, Entergy periodically grants stock options to its employees, which may be exercised to obtain shares of Entergy's common stock. According to the plans, these shares can be newly issued shares, treasury stock, or shares purchased on the open market. Entergy's management has been authorized to repurchase on the open market shares up to an amount sufficient to fund the exercise of grants under the plans.
    • Entergy Corporation paid $45 million more in common stock dividends in 2004 than in 2003. As discussed in the Form 10-K, at its July 2003 meeting the Board increased Entergy's quarterly common stock dividend per share by 29%, to $0.45.

Offsetting the factors that caused an increase in cash used in financing activities in 2004 were the following:

    • Retirements of long-term debt net of issuances by the U.S. Utility segment used $334 million in 2004 and used $360 million in 2003. See Note 4 to the consolidated financial statements for the details of the long-term debt activity in 2004.
    • In 2004, Entergy Corporation borrowed $100 million on its 364-day credit facility, Entergy Arkansas borrowed $85 million on its credit facility, and Entergy Mississippi borrowed $25 million on its credit facility. In 2003, Entergy Corporation had decreased the net borrowings on its credit facility by $130 million.
    • The non-nuclear wholesale asset business retired the $79 million Top of Iowa wind project debt at its maturity in January 2003.

Significant Factors and Known Trends

See "MANAGEMENT'S FINANCIAL DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS - Significant Factors and Known Trends" in the Form 10-K for discussions of rate regulation and fuel-cost recovery, market and credit risks, utility restructuring, and nuclear matters. Following are updates to the information provided in the Form 10-K.

Rate Regulation and Fuel-Cost Recovery

See the Form 10-K for the chart summarizing material rate proceedings. Following are updates to that chart.

Base rates in Entergy Gulf States' Texas jurisdiction are currently set at rates approved by the PUCT in June 1999. As further discussed below in "Utility Restructuring, Retail-Texas," in July 2004 the PUCT issued a written order that continued the delay in retail open access in Entergy Gulf States' Texas service territory. Entergy Gulf States filed a rate case and a fuel reconciliation proceeding with the PUCT in August 2004. Entergy Gulf States' fuel reconciliation filing made in conjunction with the base rate case seeks to reconcile approximately $288 million in fuel and purchased power costs incurred during the period September 2003 through March 2004. In October 2004, the PUCT issued a written order in which it dismissed the rate case indicating that Entergy Gulf States is still subject to a rate freeze based on an agreement in 2001 stipulating that a rate freeze would remain in effect until retail open access commenced in Entergy Gulf States' service territory. Enterg y Gulf States intends to file a motion for rehearing and intends to pursue other available remedies. Refer to Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements for further information on the base rate and fuel reconciliation filings with the PUCT.

See the Form 10-K for discussion of Entergy Louisiana's rate filing with the LPSC requesting a base rate increase. In August 2004, the LPSC Staff filed testimony in which it recommended up to a $19.5 million rate increase for Entergy Louisiana, assuming that the Perryville acquisition is approved in time for the Perryville costs to be included in rates set in this proceeding. Additional issues and updates that will be evaluated in connection with this proceeding are likely to result in revisions to the LPSC Staff's recommendation.  These issues may reduce the amount of the recommended rate increase or cause it to become a recommendation for a rate decrease. Hearings are currently set for December 2004.

Entergy Mississippi made its formula rate plan filing with the MPSC in March 2004 based on a 2003 test year. In April 2004, the MPSC approved a joint stipulation between the Mississippi Public Utilities Staff and Entergy Mississippi that provides for no change in rates based on an adjusted return on common equity midpoint of 10.77%, establishing an allowed annual regulatory earnings range of 9.5% to 12.1%.

In April 2004, Entergy New Orleans made filings with the City Council as required by the earnings review process prescribed by the Gas and Electric Formula Rate Plans approved by the Council in 2003. In August 2004, the City Council approved an unopposed settlement among Entergy New Orleans, the Council Advisors, and the intervenors in connection with the Gas and Electric Formula Rate Plans. In accordance with the resolution approving the settlement agreement, Entergy New Orleans' gas and electric base rates remain unchanged from levels set in May 2003.

In June 2004, Entergy Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana filed a proposed settlement with the LPSC that would resolve, among other dockets, Entergy Gulf States' ninth post-merger analysis and dockets established to consider issues concerning the companies' power purchases for the summers of 2001, 2002, and 2003. The proposed settlement included an offer to refund approximately $64 million to Entergy Gulf States' Louisiana customers and $1 million to Entergy Louisiana's customers, with no change in either company's current base rates.  The settlement also proposed a formula rate plan for Entergy Gulf States' Louisiana operations. At its September 2004 Business and Executive Session, the LPSC consolidated various dockets that were the subject of the proposed settlement. The LPSC directed its staff to preside over settlement discussions and to submit any proposed settlement to the LPSC for its consideration.

System Agreement Litigation

See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceeding commenced at the FERC by the LPSC regarding production cost equalization under the System Agreement, the ALJ's Initial Decision in the proceeding, and the "Order of Investigation" issued by the APSC. Several parties, including Entergy, the LPSC, the APSC, the MPSC, the City Council, and the FERC Staff, filed briefs on exceptions in response to the ALJ's Initial Decision. Entergy's exceptions to the ALJ's Initial Decision include: the practical effect of the Initial Decision is full production cost equalization, which was rejected in the Initial Decision and previously has been rejected by the FERC; resource planning for the Entergy System would be impeded if the Initial Decision were adopted; the remedy in the Initial Decision is inconsistent with the history, structure, and precedent regarding the System Agreement; the Initial Decision's remedy ignores the historical pattern of production cost disparities o n the Entergy System and would result in substantial, sudden transfers of costs between groups of Entergy customers; the numerical standards proposed in the Initial Decision are arbitrary and are so complex that they will be difficult to implement; the Initial Decision improperly rejected Entergy's resource planning remedy; the Initial Decision erroneously determined that the full costs of the Vidalia project should be included in Entergy Louisiana's production costs for purposes of calculating relative production costs; and the Initial Decision erroneously adopted a new method of calculating reserve sharing costs rather than the current method.

As reported in the Form 10-K, if the FERC grants the relief requested by the LPSC in the proceeding, the relief may result in a material increase in the total production costs the FERC allocates to companies whose costs currently are projected to be less than the Entergy System average, and a material decrease in the total production costs the FERC allocates to companies whose costs currently are projected to exceed that average.   If the FERC adopts the ALJ's Initial Decision, the amount of production costs that would be reallocated among the domestic utility companies would be determined through consideration of each domestic utility company's relative total production cost expressed as a percentage of Entergy System average total production cost. The ALJ's Initial Decision would reallocate production costs of the domestic utility companies whose percent of Entergy System average production cost are outside an upper or lower bandwidth. This would be accomplished by payment s from domestic utility companies whose production costs are below Entergy System average production cost to domestic utility companies whose production costs are above Entergy System average production cost.

An assessment of the potential effects of the ALJ's Initial Decision requires assumptions regarding the future total production cost of each domestic utility company, which assumptions include the mix of solid fuel and gas-fired generation available to each company and the costs of natural gas and purchased power.  Entergy Louisiana and Entergy Gulf States are more dependent upon gas-fired generation than Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, or Entergy New Orleans. Of these, Entergy Arkansas is the least dependent upon gas-fired generation.  Therefore, increases in natural gas prices likely will increase the amount by which Entergy Arkansas' total production costs are below the average production costs of the domestic utility companies.  Considerable uncertainty exists regarding future gas prices. Annual average gas prices have varied significantly over recent years, ranging from $1.92/mmBtu to $5.48/mmBtu for the 1994-2003 period, and averaging $2.99/mmBtu during the ten - -year period 1994-2003 and $3.77/mmBtu during the five-year period 1999-2003.  Recent market conditions have resulted in gas prices that have averaged $5.58/MMBtu for the twelve months ended September 2004. Based upon analyses considering the effect on future production costs if the FERC adopts the ALJ's Initial Decision, the following potential annual production cost reallocations among the domestic utility companies could result assuming annual average gas prices range from $6.39/mmBtu in 2005 declining to $4.97/mmBtu by 2009:


Range of Annual Payments or (Receipts)


Average Annual Payments or (Receipts) for 2005-2009 Period


(In Millions)


(In Millions)


Entergy Arkansas

$154 to $281 



Entergy Gulf States

($130) to ($15)



Entergy Louisiana

($199) to ($98)



Entergy Mississippi

($16) to $8 



Entergy New Orleans

($17) to ($5)



Management believes that any changes in the allocation of production costs resulting from a FERC decision and related retail proceedings should result in similar rate changes for retail customers. Therefore, management does not believe that this proceeding at the FERC will have a material effect on the financial condition of any of the domestic utility companies, although the outcome of the FERC proceeding and related retail proceedings cannot be predicted at this time.

Entergy Arkansas filed its initial testimony in response to the APSC's February Order of Investigation discussed in the Form 10-K. The testimony emphasizes that the ALJ's Initial Decision is not a final order by the FERC; briefly discusses some of the aspects of the Initial Decision that are included in Entergy's exceptions filed with the FERC; emphasizes that Entergy will seek to reverse the production cost-related portions of the Initial Decision; and states that Entergy Arkansas believes that it is premature, before the FERC makes a decision, for Entergy Arkansas to determine whether its continued participation in the System Agreement is appropriate.

In addition, as discussed in the Form 10-K, the APSC had publicly announced its intention to initiate an inquiry into Entergy Louisiana's Vidalia purchased power contract. In April 2004, the APSC commenced the investigation and requested historical documents, records, and information from Entergy Arkansas, which Entergy Arkansas has provided to the APSC.

Also in April 2004, the APSC issued an order directing Entergy Arkansas to show cause why Entergy Arkansas should not have to indemnify and hold its customers harmless from any adverse financial effects related to Entergy Louisiana's pending acquisition of the Perryville power plant, or show that the Perryville unit will produce economic benefits for Entergy Arkansas' customers. Entergy Arkansas filed a response in May 2004 stating that Entergy will seek to reverse the production cost-related portions of the ALJ's Initial Decision in the System Agreement proceeding at the FERC, that the Perryville acquisition is part of Entergy's request for proposal generation planning process, that Entergy Arkansas is not in a position to indemnify its retail customers from actions taken by the FERC, and that the Perryville acquisition is expected to reduce the domestic utility companies' overall production costs. Procedural schedules have not been established in these APSC investigations.

Also in April 2004, the City Council issued a resolution directing Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana to notify the City Council and obtain prior approval for any action that would materially modify, amend, or terminate the System Agreement for one or more of the domestic utility companies. Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana appealed to state court the City Council's resolution on the basis that the imposition of this requirement with respect to the System Agreement, a FERC-approved tariff, exceeds the City Council's jurisdiction and authority. In July 2004, the City Council answered the appeal and filed a third party demand and counterclaim against Entergy, the domestic utility companies, Entergy Services, and System Energy, seeking a declaratory judgment that Entergy and its subsidiaries cannot terminate the System Agreement until obligations owed under the March 2003 Agreement in Principle are satisfied. In August 2004, Entergy New Orleans and En tergy Louisiana, as well as the named third party defendants, filed pleadings objecting to the City Council's third party demand and counterclaim on various grounds, including federal preemption.

Market and Credit Risks

Commodity Price Risk

Power Generation

As discussed more fully in the Form 10-K, the sale of electricity from the power generation plants owned by Entergy's Non-Utility Nuclear business and Energy Commodity Services, unless otherwise contracted, is subject to the fluctuation of market power prices. Following is an updated summary of the amount of Non-Utility Nuclear's output that is sold forward as of September 30, 2004 under physical or financial contracts at fixed prices (2004 represents the remainder of the year):












Non-Utility Nuclear:










% of planned generation sold forward










Planned generation (TWh)










Average contracted price per MWh










The Vermont Yankee acquisition included a 10-year PPA under which the former owners will buy the power produced by the plant, which is through the expiration in 2012 of the current operating license for the plant. The PPA includes an adjustment clause under which the prices specified in the PPA will be adjusted downward monthly, beginning in November 2005, if power market prices drop below PPA prices. Accordingly, because the price is not fixed, the table above does not report power from that plant as sold forward after October 2005. Approximately 2% of Non-Utility Nuclear's planned generation in 2005, 13% in 2006, 12% in 2007, and 12% in 2008 is under contract from Vermont Yankee after October 2005.

Some of the agreements to sell the power produced by Entergy's Non-Utility Nuclear power plants contain provisions that require an Entergy subsidiary to provide collateral to secure its obligations under the agreements. The Entergy subsidiary may be required to provide collateral based upon the difference between the current market and contracted power prices in the regions where the Non-Utility Nuclear business sells its power.  The primary form of the collateral to satisfy these requirements would be an Entergy Corporation guaranty. Cash and letters of credit are also acceptable forms of collateral. At September 30, 2004, based on power prices at that time, Entergy had in place as collateral $458 million of Entergy Corporation guarantees and $20 million of letters of credit. Upon a significant decrease in Entergy Corporation's credit rating to specified levels below investment grade, Entergy may be required to replace Entergy Corporation guarantees with cash or letters of credit under some of the agreements.


In addition to selling the power produced by its plants, the Non-Utility Nuclear business sells installed capacity to load-serving distribution companies in order for those companies to meet requirements placed on them by the Independent System Operators in their area. Following is an updated summary of the amount of the Non-Utility Nuclear business' installed capacity that is sold forward, and the blended amount of the Non-Utility Nuclear business' planned generation output and installed capacity that is currently sold forward, as of September 30, 2004:












Non-Utility Nuclear:











Percent of capacity sold forward:












Bundled capacity and energy contracts












Capacity contracts























Planned MW in operation











Average capacity contract price per kW per month











Blended Capacity and Energy (based on revenues)











% of planned energy and capacity sold forward











Average contract revenue per MWh











Utility Restructuring


See "MANAGEMENT'S FINANCIAL DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS - Significant Factors and Known Trends, Transmission" in the Form 10-K for discussion of Entergy's contemplated independent transmission entity proposal. In April 2004, Entergy filed a proposal with the FERC to commit voluntarily to retain an independent entity ("Independent Coordinator of Transmission" or "ICT") to oversee the granting of transmission or interconnection service on Entergy's transmission system, to implement a transmission pricing structure that ensures that Entergy's retail native load customers are required to pay for only those upgrades necessary to reliably serve their needs, and to have the ICT serve as the security coordinator for the Entergy region. Assuming applicable regulatory support and approvals can be obtained, Entergy proposes to contract with the ICT to oversee the granting of transmission service on the Entergy system as well as the imp lementation of the proposed weekly procurement process. The proposal was structured to not transfer control of Entergy's transmission system to the ICT, but rather to vest with the ICT broad oversight authority over transmission planning and operations.

Entergy proposes to have the ICT administer a transmission expansion pricing protocol that will increase the efficiency of transmission pricing on the Entergy system and that will be designed to protect Entergy's native load customers from bearing the cost of transmission upgrades not required to reliably serve these customers' needs. Entergy intends for the ICT to determine whether transmission upgrades associated with new requests for service should be funded directly by the party requesting such service or by a broader group of transmission customers, including Entergy's native load customers. This determination would be made in accordance with protocols approved by the FERC and any party contesting such determination, including Entergy, would be required to seek review at the FERC. Technical conferences regarding the ICT proposal, or various components thereof, were held in July, August, September, and October 2004. Entergy has also responded to discovery requests that resulted from these conferences.

Entergy has requested that the FERC provide its retail regulators sufficient time to review the proposal and provide their comments prior to the FERC ruling on the proposal. In March 2004, the APSC initiated a proceeding to review Entergy's proposal and compare the benefits of such a proposal to the alternative of Entergy joining the Southwest Power Pool RTO. The APSC sought comments from all interested parties on this issue, with initial comments due in May 2004 and reply comments due in June 2004. Various parties, including the APSC General Staff, filed comments opposing the ICT proposal. A public hearing has not been scheduled by the APSC at this time, although Entergy has responded to various APSC data requests. In May 2004, Entergy Mississippi filed a petition for review with the MPSC requesting MPSC support for the ICT proposal. A hearing in that proceeding was held in August. Additionally, Entergy Louisiana and Entergy Gulf States have filed an application with the LPSC r equesting that the LPSC find that the proposal is a prudent and appropriate course of action. No procedural schedule has been established for that proceeding; however, a meeting among Entergy, its retail regulators, and other market participants to discuss certain aspects of the ICT proposal is scheduled for November 2004.

FERC's Supply Margin Assessment

As discussed in the Form 10-K, in November 2001, FERC issued an order that established a new generation market power screen (called Supply Margin Assessment) for purposes of evaluating a utility's request for market-based rate authority, applied that new screen to the Entergy System (among others), determined that Entergy and the others failed the screen within their respective control areas, and ordered these utilities to implement certain mitigation measures as a condition to their continued ability to buy and sell at market-based rates. Among other things, the mitigation measures would require that Entergy transact at cost-based rates when it sells in the hourly wholesale market within its control area. Entergy requested rehearing of the order, and FERC delayed the implementation of certain mitigation measures until such time as it had the opportunity to consider the rehearing request. In June 2003, the FERC proposed and ultimately adopted new market behavior rules and tariff prov isions that would be applied to any market-based sale. Entergy modified its market-based rate tariffs to reflect the new provisions but requested rehearing of FERC's order.

In April 2004, the FERC issued its Order on Rehearing and Modifying Interim Generation Market Power Analysis and Mitigation Policy. In its Order on Rehearing, the FERC established a new interim generation market power analysis that will consider two indicative market power screens: (1) the pivotal supplier screen that is designed to measure an applicant's market power based on the applicant's share of uncommitted capacity at the time of the control area market's annual peak demand; and (2) the market share screen that is designed to evaluate an applicant's market share of uncommitted capacity on a seasonal basis. An integrated utility's native load obligation will be reflected in both screens; however, the proxy for native load obligation differs between the screens. For the uncommitted pivotal supplier screen, the proxy for native load is the average of the daily native load peaks during the month in which the annual peak load day occurs; for the uncommitted market share screen th e proxy for native load is the minimum peak load day for each season. In the event an applicant fails either of these screens, there will be a rebuttable presumption that market power exists. The applicant will then have the opportunity to either: (1) submit a more detailed market power analysis that reflects market prices and measures an applicant's "economic capacity" and "available economic capacity" under the "delivered price test;" or (2) propose case-specific mitigation tailored to the applicant's specific circumstances or adopt cost-based rates for sales within the applicant's control area. In its Order on Rehearing, the FERC also determined: (1) that transmission market power and the need to employ an independent entity to operate and administer an applicant's OASIS site is more properly considered in other proceedings, to the extent appropriate, and would not be considered in evaluating an applicant's generation market power for purposes of granting market-based rate authority; and (2) to elimina te the exemption from the generation market power analysis for sales within an RTO/ISO that had approved market monitoring. Several parties, including Entergy, filed for rehearing of the April 2004 Order. Among other things, Entergy argued that the market share screen is overly conservative and overstates vertically integrated utilities' ability to exercise market power. On July 8, 2004, the FERC issued an order on rehearing reaffirming the use of the pivotal supplier and market share screens and clarified certain instructions for performing such analysis. With regard to the delivered price test analysis, the FERC declined to make a determination on whether an applicant's native load obligations should be included in the delivered price analysis, but instead indicated that it would evaluate the arguments of both the applicant and intervenors as to which measure (one with or without native load obligations) more accurately reflects market conditions. Entergy appealed the April and July orders to the Unit ed States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Entergy filed with the FERC its generation market power analysis pursuant to the two indicative screens in August 2004. Entergy's analysis indicated that it passed the pivotal supplier screen for all relevant geographical regions, but failed the market share screen within its control area. At the same time, Entergy submitted the results of the delivered price test for Entergy, which indicate that Entergy does not have market power in any wholesale market when Entergy's native load obligations are reflected. In late October 2004, the FERC sent a letter to Entergy regarding its filing that requests more information from Entergy concerning the filing.

In a companion order, the FERC initiated a rulemaking proceeding to address, among other things, whether the FERC should retain or modify its existing four-prong test for evaluating market-based rate applications (i.e., whether the applicant has generation or transmission market power, whether the applicant can erect barriers to entry, and whether there are affiliate abuse or reciprocal dealing concerns), and whether the FERC should adopt different approaches for affiliate transactions. Initially, the FERC will hold a series of technical conferences to determine the issues that need to be considered and the procedural direction the rulemaking should take. The first of these technical conferences was held in June 2004. In October 2004, the FERC also issued a proposed rule to standardize and clarify the reporting requirements when a market-based rate seller has a change in status, such as changes in ownership or control of genera tion or transmission facilities or changes in certain affiliate relationships. Comments on the proposed rule are currently due in November 2004.

Interconnection Orders

See the Form 10-K for discussion of the order on rehearing issued by FERC on March 5, 2004 that modified Order 2003 to, among other things, eliminate the requirement that the generation owners receive their money back in no more than five years and to include a requirement that the generation owners receive credits only when transmission service is taken from the specific generating facility served by the interconnection or upgrade. In addition, the order on rehearing clarified that a transmission provider continues to have the option to charge a transmission rate that is the higher of the incremental cost rate for network upgrades required to interconnect a generating facility or an embedded cost rate so as to ensure that "other transmission customers, including a Transmission Provider's native load, will not subsidize Network Upgrades required to interconnect merchant generation." Consistent with the principles articulated in the order on rehearing, Entergy incorporated into its re cent ICT filing an approach to the pricing of transmission expansion that protects the transmission provider's native load customers from the effects of service requests by other transmission customers and provides more efficient price signals for resource procurement and siting decisions. In addition, the transmission expansion pricing protocol included in the ICT filing proposes that the ICT review all costs that were previously charged to interconnecting customers for interconnection facilities to determine whether, under the proposed pricing policy, such costs were properly classified as Supplemental Upgrades that are directly assigned to the interconnecting generator or whether such costs were properly Base Plan Upgrades that are rolled into transmission rates for all customers. Any payments made by an interconnecting generator that have not already been refunded to that customer through crediting for transmission service will be subject to the cost assignment by the ICT.

Also see the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceedings involving the interconnection agreements with certain generators interconnecting to the domestic utility companies' transmission system. In June 2004, a FERC ALJ issued an Initial Decision in a proceeding involving a complaint filed by one of the generators. In the complaint, the generator was seeking to modify its previous interconnection agreement in order to obtain more favorable transmission crediting provisions contained in Entergy's current pro forma interconnection and operating agreement. In the Initial Decision, the ALJ determined that the generator is entitled to obtain the benefits of Entergy's current pro forma interconnection and operating agreement. Entergy has filed a brief on exceptions with the FERC opposing the Initial Decision. In October 2004, Union Power Partners, L.P., the owner of a nominal 2,200 MW generating facility in Arkansas, filed a complaint with the FERC seeking to obtain transmission credit s for approximately $26 million of transmission upgrades that previously were directly assigned to Union Power. The case is pending before the FERC.


See Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the status of retail open access in Entergy Gulf States' Texas service territory and Entergy Gulf States' independent organization request. On March 15, 2004, the PUCT issued a preliminary order in Entergy Gulf States' independence proceeding in which the PUCT determined, among other things, that the ultimate question in the proceeding is whether Entergy Gulf States' proposed independent organization, Entergy Transmission Organization, is sufficiently independent of any producer or seller of electricity that its decisions will not be unduly influenced by any producer or seller. After a hearing held in June 2004 on the merits, in July 2004 the PUCT denied Entergy's application to certify Entergy's transmission organization as an independent organization under Texas law. In its order, the PUCT also ordered: the cessation of efforts to develop an interim solution for retail open access in Enterg y Gulf States' Texas service territory, termination of the pilot project in that territory, and a delay in retail open access in that territory until either a FERC-approved RTO is in place or some other independent transmission entity is certified under Texas law. Several parties filed motions for rehearing on the termination of the pilot program aspect of the order, claiming the issue was not properly a part of the proceeding. In September 2004, the PUCT denied these motions for rehearing.

Nuclear Matters

See the Form 10-K for the discussion of the review by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of the emergency evacuation plans for Indian Point, and Westchester County's appeal to FEMA of FEMA's notice of certification of the Indian Point Emergency Plan. In June 2004, FEMA issued letters rejecting Westchester County's appeal and reaffirming its certification.

Critical Accounting Estimates

See "MANAGEMENT'S FINANCIAL DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS - Critical Accounting Estimates" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the estimates and judgments necessary in Entergy's accounting for nuclear decommissioning costs, impairment of long-lived assets, mark-to-market derivative instruments, pension and other postretirement costs, and other contingencies.

New Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB's Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) recently issued EITF 03-1, "The Meaning of Other-Than-Temporary Impairment and Its Application to Certain Investments". EITF 03-1 provides guidance for determining whether an impairment is other than temporary for investments accounted for in accordance with SFAS 115, "Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities". EITF deliberations on the recognition and measurement guidance in EITF 03-1 continue. Entergy does not expect the current effect of EITF 03-1 to be material to Entergy because the majority of its' nuclear decommissioning trust investments, accounted for under SFAS 115, are in market index or mutual-type funds whose aggregate market value exceeds cost.


For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
    Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
    2004   2003   2004   2003
    (In Thousands, Except Share Data)
OPERATING REVENUES                
Domestic electric   $2,389,276    $2,235,618    $6,042,652    $5,763,298 
Natural gas   33,628    25,866    155,591    139,803 
Competitive businesses   540,677    438,641    1,501,985    1,188,659 
TOTAL   2,963,581    2,700,125    7,700,228    7,091,760 
OPERATING EXPENSES                
Operating and Maintenance:                
  Fuel, fuel-related expenses, and                
   gas purchased for resale   805,886    596,046    1,844,381    1,480,101 
  Purchased power   598,997    541,308    1,603,957    1,359,273 
  Nuclear refueling outage expenses   43,378    40,154    124,084    119,298 
  Provision for turbine commitments, asset impairments,                
   and restructuring charges         (7,743)
  Other operation and maintenance   582,240    542,601    1,651,239    1,629,716 
Decommissioning   37,747    35,929    113,192    107,787 
Taxes other than income taxes   112,568    105,360    313,153    303,601 
Depreciation and amortization   236,325    220,667    662,614    637,159 
Other regulatory charges (credits) - net   (25,032)   (945)   (57,009)   18,581 
TOTAL   2,392,109    2,081,120    6,255,611    5,647,773 
OPERATING INCOME   571,472    619,005    1,444,617    1,443,987 
OTHER INCOME                
Allowance for equity funds used during construction   13,093    9,936    28,572    26,962 
Interest and dividend income   20,993    24,040    75,067    83,792 
Equity in earnings (loss) of unconsolidated equity affiliates   (72,015)   60,099    (31,908)   258,451 
Miscellaneous - net   41,254    7,932    59,993    (83,904)
TOTAL   3,325    102,007    131,724    285,301 
Interest on long-term debt   113,489    123,169    349,160    367,550 
Other interest - net   6,879    13,345    26,657    42,636 
Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction   (8,394)   (7,968)   (18,519)   (21,136)
TOTAL   111,974    128,546    357,298    389,050 
CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF ACCOUNTING CHANGES   462,823    592,466    1,219,043    1,340,238 
Income taxes   174,776    220,816    446,968    499,068 
OF ACCOUNTING CHANGES   288,047    371,650    772,075    841,170 
CHANGES (net of income taxes of $93,754)         142,922 
CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME   288,047    371,650    772,075    984,092 
Preferred dividend requirements and other   5,803    5,876    17,488    17,669 
COMMON STOCK   $282,244    $365,774    $754,587    $966,423 
Earnings per average common share before cumulative                
effect of accounting changes:                
  Basic   $1.24    $1.60    $3.30    $3.64 
  Diluted   $1.22    $1.57    $3.24    $3.57 
Earnings per average common share:                
  Basic   $1.24    $1.60    $3.30    $4.27 
  Diluted   $1.22    $1.57    $3.24    $4.19 
Dividends declared per common share   $0.45    $0.45    $1.35    $1.15 
Average number of common shares outstanding:                
  Basic   226,882,474    228,105,505    228,614,245    226,145,567 
  Diluted   231,127,583    232,515,434    232,863,075    230,388,260 
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.                


For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
    2004   2003
    (In Thousands)
Consolidated net income   $772,075    $984,092 
Noncash items included in net income:        
  Reserve for regulatory adjustments   5,559    (9,806)
  Other regulatory charges (credits) - net   (57,009)   18,581 
  Depreciation, amortization, and decommissioning   775,806    744,946 
  Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits   146,636    999,496 
  Cumulative effect of accounting changes     (142,922)
  Equity in undistributed earnings (loss) of unconsolidated equity affiliates   58,191    (179,253)
  Provision for turbine commitments, asset impairments, and restructuring charges     (7,743)
Changes in working capital:        
  Receivables   (342,935)   (327,439)
  Fuel inventory   (20,709)   (28,101)
  Accounts payable   (14,785)   (282,127)
  Taxes accrued   314,741    (548,941)
  Interest accrued   14,024    (15,387)
  Deferred fuel   180,425    (58,505)
  Other working capital accounts   (7,383)   (20,785)
Provision for estimated losses and reserves   (14,921)   130,444 
Changes in other regulatory assets   8,354    23,460 
Other   (104,404)   (103,930)
Net cash flow provided by operating activities   1,713,665    1,176,080 
Construction/capital expenditures   (944,812)   (1,051,649)
Allowance for equity funds used during construction   28,572    26,962 
Nuclear fuel purchases   (152,082)   (190,243)
Proceeds from sale/leaseback of nuclear fuel   74,779    119,174 
Proceeds from sale of assets and businesses   21,978    25,987 
Investment in non-utility properties   (20,132)   (47,733)
Increase in other investments   (11,340)   (171,045)
Changes in other temporary investments   50,000    (15,602)
Decommissioning trust contributions and realized change in trust assets   (65,996)   (65,754)
Other regulatory investments   (62,531)   (174,163)
Other     (8,643)
Net cash flow used in investing activities   (1,081,564)   (1,552,709)
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.        
For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
    2004   2003
    (In Thousands)
Proceeds from the issuance of:        
  Long-term debt   345,356    2,067,393 
  Common stock and treasury stock   140,345    198,466 
Retirement of long-term debt   (689,266)   (2,238,430)
Repurchase of common stock   (416,269)  
Redemption of preferred stock   (3,450)   (3,450)
Changes in credit line borrowings - net   209,925    (130,000)
Dividends paid:        
  Common stock   (304,509)   (259,854)
  Preferred stock   (17,488)   (17,669)
Net cash flow used in financing activities   (735,356)   (383,544)
Effect of exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents   (1,137)   2,389 
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents   (104,392)   (757,784)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period   692,233    1,335,328 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period   $587,841    $577,544 
Cash paid during the period for:        
  Interest - net of amount capitalized   $346,138    $409,518 
  Income taxes   $32,802    $180,390 
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.        


September 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003
    2004   2003
    (In Thousands)
Cash and cash equivalents:        
  Cash   $124,346    $115,112 
  Temporary cash investments - at cost,        
   which approximates market   463,495    576,813 
  Special deposits   -    308 
     Total cash and cash equivalents   587,841    692,233 
Other temporary investments   -    50,000 
Notes receivable   2,110    1,730 
Accounts receivable:        
  Customer   614,717    398,091 
  Allowance for doubtful accounts   (24,983)   (25,976)
  Other   284,758    246,824 
  Accrued unbilled revenues   471,785    384,860 
    Total receivables   1,346,277    1,003,799 
Deferred fuel costs   128,079    245,973 
Accumulated deferred income taxes   53,422    - 
Fuel inventory - at average cost   131,191    110,482 
Materials and supplies - at average cost   567,001    548,921 
Deferred nuclear refueling outage costs   102,242    138,836 
Prepayments and other   171,097    127,270 
TOTAL   3,089,260    2,919,244 
Investment in affiliates - at equity   1,141,060    1,053,328 
Decommissioning trust funds   2,379,555    2,278,533 
Non-utility property - at cost (less accumulated depreciation)   222,942    262,384 
Other   97,153    152,681 
TOTAL   3,840,710    3,746,926 
Electric   28,761,055    28,035,899 
Property under capital lease   740,397    751,815 
Natural gas   255,280    236,622 
Construction work in progress   1,276,917    1,380,982 
Nuclear fuel under capital lease   262,840    278,683 
Nuclear fuel   281,706    234,421 
TOTAL PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT   31,578,195    30,918,422 
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization   13,099,440    12,619,625 
PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT - NET   18,478,755    18,298,797 
Regulatory assets:        
  SFAS 109 regulatory asset - net   804,336    830,539 
  Other regulatory assets   1,359,820    1,425,145 
Long-term receivables   41,536    20,886 
Goodwill   377,172    377,172 
Other   946,340    935,501 
TOTAL   3,529,204    3,589,243 
TOTAL ASSETS   $28,937,929    $28,554,210 
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.        
September 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003
    2004   2003
    (In Thousands)
Currently maturing long-term debt   $429,481    $524,372 
Notes payable   110,273    351 
Accounts payable   786,437    796,572 
Customer deposits   214,989    199,620 
Taxes accrued    231,326    224,926 
Accumulated deferred income taxes   -     22,963 
Nuclear refueling outage costs   18,126    8,238 
Interest accrued   153,233    139,603 
Obligations under capital leases   154,620    159,978 
Other    299,976    205,600 
TOTAL   2,398,461    2,282,223 
Accumulated deferred income taxes and taxes accrued   5,242,297    4,779,513 
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits   404,481    420,248 
Obligations under capital leases   138,296    153,898 
Other regulatory liabilities   334,716    291,239 
Decommissioning and retirement cost liabilities   2,064,542    2,242,312 
Transition to competition   79,101    79,098 
Regulatory reserves   75,087    69,528 
Accumulated provisions   492,434    506,960 
Long-term debt   7,219,611    7,322,940 
Preferred stock with sinking fund   17,402    20,852 
Other   1,296,575    1,347,404 
TOTAL   17,364,542    17,233,992 
Preferred stock without sinking fund   334,337    334,337 
Common stock, $.01 par value, authorized 500,000,000        
 shares; issued 248,174,087 shares in 2004 and in 2003   2,482    2,482 
Paid-in capital   4,818,848    4,767,615 
Retained earnings   4,948,690    4,502,508 
Accumulated other comprehensive loss   (68,337)   (7,795)
Less - treasury stock, at cost (22,928,539 shares in 2004 and        
 19,276,445 shares in 2003)   861,094    561,152 
TOTAL   8,840,589    8,703,658 
Commitments and Contingencies        
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.        


For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
        Three Months Ended
        2004   2003
        (In Thousands)
RETAINED EARNINGS                    
Retained Earnings - Beginning of period       $4,768,336        $4,382,757     
  Add - Earnings applicable to common stock       282,244    $282,244    365,774    $365,774 
    Dividends declared on common stock       102,196        102,611     
    Capital stock and other expenses       (306)       1,040     
      Total       101,890        103,651     
Retained Earnings - End of period       $4,948,690        $4,644,880     
INCOME (LOSS) (Net of Taxes):                    
Balance at beginning of period                    
  Accumulated derivative instrument fair value changes       ($119,541)       $17,490     
  Other accumulated comprehensive income (loss) items       24,340        (10,937)    
     Total       (95,201)       6,553     
Net derivative instrument fair value changes                    
 arising during the period       20,005    20,005    (874)   (874)
Foreign currency translation adjustments       (1,264)   (1,264)   1,539    1,539 
Net unrealized investment gains (losses)       8,123    8,123    (10,983)   (10,983)
Balance at end of period:                    
  Accumulated derivative instrument fair value changes       ($99,536)       $16,616     
  Other accumulated comprehensive income (loss) items       31,199        (20,381)    
     Total       ($68,337)       ($3,765)    
Comprehensive Income           $309,108        $355,456 
PAID-IN CAPITAL                    
Paid-in Capital - Beginning of period       $4,819,044        $4,690,152     
  Add: Common stock issuances related to stock plans       (196)       6,446     
Paid-in Capital - End of period       $4,818,848        $4,696,598     
        Nine Months Ended
        2004   2003
        (In Thousands)
RETAINED EARNINGS                    
Retained Earnings - Beginning of period       $4,502,508        $3,938,693     
  Add - Earnings applicable to common stock       754,587    $754,587    966,423    $966,423 
    Dividends declared on common stock       308,416        259,955     
    Capital stock and other expenses       (11)       281     
     Total       308,405        260,236     
Retained Earnings - End of period       $4,948,690        $4,644,880     
INCOME (LOSS) (Net of Taxes):                    
Balance at beginning of period                    
  Accumulated derivative instrument fair value changes       ($25,811)       $17,313     
  Other accumulated comprehensive income (loss) items       18,016        (39,673)    
     Total       (7,795)       (22,360)    
Net derivative instrument fair value changes                    
 arising during the period       (73,725)   (73,725)   (697)   (697)
Foreign currency translation adjustments       1,137    1,137    3,249    3,249 
Net unrealized investment gains (losses)       12,046    12,046    16,043    16,043 
Balance at end of period:                    
  Accumulated derivative instrument fair value changes       ($99,536)       $16,616     
  Other accumulated comprehensive income (loss) items       31,199        (20,381)    
     Total       ($68,337)       ($3,765)    
Comprehensive Income           $694,045        $985,018 
PAID-IN CAPITAL                    
Paid-in Capital - Beginning of period       $4,767,615        $4,666,753     
  Add: Common stock issuances related to stock plans       51,233        29,845     
Paid-in Capital - End of period       $4,818,848        $4,696,598     
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.                    


For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
    Three Months Ended   Increase/    
Description   2004   2003   (Decrease)   %
    (In Millions)    
Electric Operating Revenues:                
  Residential   $979    $928   $51    5 
  Commercial    616    561   55    10 
  Industrial   637    566   71    13 
  Governmental   57    56   1    2 
     Total retail   2,289    2,111   178    8 
  Sales for resale   102    102   -    - - 
  Other   (2)   23   (25)   (109)
     Total   $2,389    $2,236   $153    7 
Billed Electric Energy                
 Sales (GWh):                
  Residential   10,738    10,763   (25)   - - 
  Commercial   7,753    7,539   214    3 
  Industrial   10,456    9,975   481    5 
  Governmental   714    737   (23)   (3)
     Total retail   29,661    29,014   647    2 
  Sales for resale   2,040    2,093   (53)   (3)
     Total   31,701    31,107   594    2 
    Nine Months Ended   Increase/    
Description   2004   2003   (Decrease)   %
    (In Millions)    
Electric Operating Revenues:                
  Residential   $2,191   $2,111   $80    4 
  Commercial   1,530   1,427   103    7 
  Industrial   1,710   1,562   148    9 
  Governmental   150   152   (2)   (1)
     Total retail   5,581   5,252   329    6 
  Sales for resale   305   303   2    1 
  Other   157   208   (51)   (25)
     Total   $6,043   $5,763   $280    5 
Billed Electric Energy                
 Sales (GWh):                
  Residential   25,375   25,776   (401)   (2)
  Commercial   19,860   19,525   335    2 
  Industrial   29,868   28,855   1,013    4 
  Governmental   1,924   2,033   (109)   (5)
     Total retail   77,027   76,189   838    1 
  Sales for resale   6,825   7,196   (371)   (5)
     Total   83,852   83,385   467    1 






Sales Warranties and Indemnities

See Notes 9 and 14 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K for information on certain warranties made by Entergy or its subsidiaries in the Saltend sales transaction. Entergy has now reached an agreement with the purchasers that resolves its potential liability on the warranties.

Nuclear Insurance and Spent Nuclear Fuel

See Note 9 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K for information on nuclear liability, property and replacement power insurance, related NRC regulations, and the disposal of spent nuclear fuel associated with Entergy's nuclear power plants.

The Property Insurance Policy was renewed on April 1, 2004 with the following changes: 1) the deductibles for Indian Point 2 and 3 (each unit has a separate parameter), FitzPatrick, Pilgrim, and Vermont Yankee increased to $2.5 million per occurrence for other than turbine/generator damage; and 2) the deductibles for ANO 1 and 2, Grand Gulf 1, River Bend, and Waterford 3 increased to $5 million per occurrence for turbine/generator damage and $5 million per occurrence for other than turbine/generator damage.

Under Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited's (NEIL) Accidental Outage Coverage program, FitzPatrick's and Pilgrim's weekly indemnity decreased to $4 million and Vermont Yankee's weekly indemnity decreased to $3.5 million.

Under the property damage and accidental outage insurance programs, Entergy's nuclear plants could be subject to assessments should losses exceed the accumulated funds available from NEIL. As of September 30, 2004, the maximum amount of such possible assessments per occurrence was $68.9 million for the Non-Utility Nuclear plants and $50.8 million for the U.S. Utility plants.

Pending DOE acceptance and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, the owners of nuclear plants are responsible for their own spent fuel storage. Current on-site spent fuel storage capacity at Grand Gulf I, River Bend, and Waterford 3 is estimated to be sufficient until approximately 2007, 2005, and 2012, respectively, at which time dry cask storage facilities will be placed into service. An ANO storage facility using dry casks began operation in 1996, has been expanded since, and will be further expanded as needed. The spent fuel storage capacity at Pilgrim is licensed to provide enough storage capacity until approximately 2012. The first dry spent fuel storage casks were loaded at FitzPatrick in 2002, and further casks will be loaded there as needed. Indian Point and Vermont Yankee currently have sufficient spent fuel storage capacity until approximately 2006, at which time management expects planned dry cask storage capacity to begin operation.

Nuclear Decommissioning Costs

See Note 9 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K for information on nuclear decommissioning costs. SFAS 143, "Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations," which was implemented effective January 1, 2003, requires the recording of liabilities for all legal obligations associated with the retirement of long-lived assets that result from the normal operation of those assets. These liabilities are recorded at their fair values (which are likely to be the present values of the estimated future cash outflows) in the period in which they are incurred, with an accompanying addition to the recorded cost of the long-lived asset. The asset retirement obligation is accreted each year through a charge to expense, to reflect the time value of money for this present value obligation.

The amounts added to the carrying amounts of the long-lived assets are depreciated over the useful lives of the assets.  The net effect of implementing this standard for the rate-regulated business of the domestic utility companies and System Energy was recorded as a regulatory asset, with no resulting impact on Entergy's net income. Entergy recorded these regulatory assets because existing rate mechanisms in each jurisdiction are based on the principle that Entergy will recover all ultimate costs of decommissioning from customers. The implementation of SFAS 143 for the portion of River Bend not subject to cost-based ratemaking decreased earnings by approximately $21 million net-of-tax ($0.09 per share) as a result of a one-time cumulative effect of accounting change. For the Non-Utility Nuclear business, the implementation of SFAS 143 resulted in an increase in earnings in 2003 of approximately $155 million net-of-tax ($0.67 per share) as a result of a one-time cumulative effect o f accounting change.

In accordance with a new decommissioning cost study for ANO 1 and 2, in the first quarter of 2004 Entergy Arkansas recorded a revision to its estimated decommissioning cost liability. The revised estimate resulted in a $107.7 million reduction in its decommissioning liability, along with a $19.5 million reduction in utility plant and an $88.2 million reduction in the related regulatory asset.

In the third quarter of 2004, Entergy Gulf States recorded a revision to its estimated decommissioning cost liability in accordance with a new decommissioning cost study for River Bend that reflected a life extension for the plant. The revised estimate resulted in a $116.8 million reduction in decommissioning liability, along with a $31.3 million reduction in utility plant, a $40.1 million reduction in the related regulatory asset and a regulatory liability of $17.7 million. For the portion of River Bend not subject to cost-based ratemaking, the revised estimate resulted in the elimination of the asset retirement cost that had been recorded at the time of adoption of SFAS 143 with the remainder recorded as miscellaneous income of $27.7 million.

In the third quarter of 2004 Entergy's Non-Utility Nuclear business recorded a reduction of $20.3 million in decommissioning liability to reflect changes in assumptions regarding the timing of when decommissioning of a plant will begin. Entergy considered the assumptions as part of recent studies evaluating the economic effect of the plant in its region. The revised estimate resulted in miscellaneous income of $20.3 million, reflecting the excess of the reduction in the liability over the amount of undepreciated asset retirement cost recorded at the time of adoption of SFAS 143.

As discussed in the Form 10-K, the Energy Policy Act of 1992 contains a provision that assesses domestic nuclear utilities with fees for the decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) of the DOE's past uranium enrichment operations. The Energy Policy Act calls for cessation of annual D&D assessments no later than October 24, 2007. Entergy will oppose any attempts to extend the assessments past this date, but cannot state with certainty that an extension will not be made.

CashPoint Bankruptcy

The domestic utility companies entered an agreement with CashPoint Network Services (CashPoint) under which CashPoint was to manage a network of payment agents through which Entergy's utility customers could pay their bills. The payment agent system allows customers to pay their bills at various commercial or governmental locations, rather than sending payments by mail. Approximately one-third of Entergy's utility customers use payment agents.

On April 19, 2004, CashPoint failed to pay funds due to the domestic utility companies that had been collected through payment agents. The domestic utility companies then obtained a temporary restraining order from the Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana, enjoining CashPoint from distributing funds belonging to Entergy, except by paying those funds to Entergy. On April 22, 2004, a petition for involuntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy was filed against CashPoint by other creditors in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York. In response to these events, the domestic utility companies expanded an existing contract with another company to manage all of their payment agents. The domestic utility companies filed proofs of claim in the CashPoint bankruptcy proceeding in September 2004. Although Entergy cannot precisely determine at this time the amount that CashPoint owes to the domestic utility companies that may not be repaid, it has accrued an estimate of loss based on current information. If no cash is repaid to the domestic utility companies, an event Entergy does not believe is likely, the current estimate of maximum exposure to loss is approximately $25 million.

Employment Litigation

Entergy Corporation and certain subsidiaries are defendants in numerous lawsuits filed by former employees asserting that they were wrongfully terminated and/or discriminated against on the basis of age, race, sex, or other protected characteristics. The defendant companies deny any liability to the plaintiffs.



Electric Industry Restructuring and the Continued Application of SFAS 71

Previous developments and information related to electric industry restructuring are presented in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K.


See Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the status of retail open access in Entergy Gulf States' Texas service territory and Entergy Gulf States' independent organization request. On March 15, 2004, the PUCT issued a preliminary order in Entergy Gulf States' independence proceeding in which the PUCT determined, among other things, that the ultimate question in the proceeding is whether Entergy Gulf States' proposed independent organization, Entergy Transmission Organization, is sufficiently independent of any producer or seller of electricity that its decisions will not be unduly influenced by any producer or seller. After a hearing held in June 2004 on the merits, in July 2004 the PUCT denied Entergy's application to certify Entergy's transmission organization as an independent organization under Texas law. In its order, the PUCT also ordered: the cessation of efforts to develop an interim solution for retail open access in Entergy Gu lf States' Texas service territory, termination of the pilot project in that territory, and a delay in retail open access in that territory until either a FERC-approved RTO is in place or some other independent transmission entity is certified under Texas law. Several parties filed motions for rehearing on the termination of the pilot program aspect of the order, claiming the issue was not properly a part of the proceeding. The PUCT denied these motions for rehearing in September 2004.

In view of the PUCT order to delay retail open access in the Texas service territory, Entergy Gulf States filed a retail electric rate case and fuel reconciliation proceeding with the PUCT in August 2004 seeking the following:

  • approval of a base rate increase of $42.6 million annually for the Texas retail jurisdiction;
  • approval to implement a $14.1 million per year rider to recover, over a 15-year period, $110.9 million of incurred costs related to its efforts to transition to a competitive retail market in accordance with the Texas restructuring law;
  • proposed $11.3 million franchise fee rider to recover payments to municipalities charging such fees; and
  • a requested return on equity of 11.5%.

In addition, Entergy Gulf States' fuel reconciliation filing made in conjunction with the base rate case seeks to reconcile approximately $288 million in fuel and purchased power costs incurred during the period September 2003 through March 2004. The PUCT requested that the parties submit briefs addressing threshold issues related to whether Entergy Gulf States has the right to file a base rate case and what relief is available, if the PUCT were to determine that Entergy Gulf States' base rates are subject to the rate freeze imposed in December 2001 in connection with the market readiness docket initiated by the PUCT Staff. The PUCT considered these issues in September 2004. In October 2004, the PUCT issued a written order in which it dismissed the rate case indicating that Entergy Gulf States is still subject to a rate freeze based on an agreement in 2001 stipulating that a rate freeze would remain in effect until retail open access commenced in Entergy Gulf States' service territory. Entergy Gulf States intends to file a motion for rehearing and also intends to pursue other available remedies.

Deferred Fuel Costs

In September 2004, Entergy Gulf States filed an application with the PUCT to implement a $27. 8 million interim fuel surcharge, including interest, to collect under-recovered fuel and purchased power expenses incurred from September 2003 through July 2004. Entergy Gulf States proposes to collect the surcharge over a six-month period beginning January 2005. Hearings are expected to occur in November 2004. Amounts collected though the interim fuel surcharge are subject to final reconciliation in a future fuel reconciliation proceeding.

In March 2004, Entergy Arkansas filed with the APSC its energy cost recovery rider for the period April 2004 through March 2005. The filed energy cost rate, which accounts for 12 percent of a typical residential customer's bill using 1,000 kWh per month, increased 16 percent due primarily to the elimination of a credit contained in the prior year's rate to refund previously over-recovered fuel costs. Also included in this year's energy cost calculation is a decrease in rates of $3.9 million as a result of the operation of a revised energy allocation method between the retail and wholesale sectors resulting from the approval of a life-of-resources power purchase agreement with Entergy New Orleans.

In March 2004, Entergy Gulf States filed with the PUCT a fuel reconciliation case covering the period September 2000 through August 2003. Entergy Gulf States is reconciling $1.43 billion of fuel and purchased power costs on a Texas retail basis. The reconciliation includes $8.6 million of under-recovered costs that Entergy Gulf States is asking to roll into its fuel over/under-recovery balance to be addressed in the next appropriate fuel proceeding. This case involves imputed capacity and River Bend payment issues similar to those decided adversely in the January 2001 proceeding, discussed below, which is now on appeal. The PUCT Staff has quantified these issues at $11.2 million. Hearings occurred in October 2004 and a final PUCT decision is expected in the first quarter of 2005.

See Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K for a discussion of Entergy Gulf States' January 2001 fuel reconciliation case filed with the PUCT covering the period from March 1999 through August 2000 and subsequent proceedings at Travis County District Court and the Third District Court of Appeals. Entergy Gulf States appealed to the Court of Appeals the disallowance of approximately $4.2 million related to imputed capacity costs and the disallowance related to costs for energy delivered from the 30% non-regulated share of River Bend. Oral argument before the appellate court occurred in September 2004.

As discussed in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K, in August 2000, the LPSC authorized its staff to initiate a proceeding to audit the fuel adjustment clause filings of Entergy Louisiana pursuant to a November 1997 LPSC general order. The time period that is the subject of the audit is January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2001. In September 2003, the LPSC staff issued its audit report and recommended a disallowance with regard to one item. The issue relates to the alleged failure to uprate Waterford 3 in a timely manner, a claim that also has been raised in the summer 2001, 2002, and 2003 purchased power proceedings. The LPSC staff has quantified the possible disallowance as between $7.6 and $14 million. Entergy Louisiana notified the LPSC that it will contest the recommendation. The procedural schedule in the case has been suspended. A status conference for the purpose of establishing a new procedural schedule will be set when the current hearings in the Power Purchase Agreement proceedings at the FERC are concluded. The FERC hearings in that matter are expected to conclude in November 2004.

Retail Rate Proceedings

Filings with the PUCT and Texas Cities

Recovery of River Bend Costs

See Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the March 1998 PUCT disallowance of recovery of River Bend plant costs that had been held in abeyance since 1988, and subsequent proceedings at Travis County District Court and the Third District Court of Appeals that affirmed the PUCT disallowance. In September 2004, the Texas Supreme Court denied Entergy Gulf States' petition for review, and Entergy Gulf States filed a motion for rehearing. In October 2004, the Texas Supreme Court requested that the other parties file responses to Entergy Gulf States' motion, and the matter is pending.

Filings with the LPSC

Annual Earnings Reviews (Entergy Gulf States)

See Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K for a discussion of Entergy Gulf States' ninth and last required post-merger analysis filed with the LPSC in May 2002. In the LPSC staff's December 2003 testimony, the staff recommended an annual rate refund of approximately $30 million effective June 2002 and a prospective rate reduction of approximately $50 million. Hearings concluded in May 2004.

Proposed Settlement (Entergy Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana)

In June 2004, Entergy Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana filed a proposed settlement with the LPSC that would resolve, among other dockets, Entergy Gulf States' ninth post-merger analysis and dockets established to consider issues concerning the companies' power purchases for the summers of 2001, 2002, and 2003. The proposed settlement included an offer to refund approximately $64 million to Entergy Gulf States' Louisiana customers and $1 million to Entergy Louisiana's customers, with no change in either company's current base rates.  The settlement also proposed a formula rate plan for Entergy Gulf States' Louisiana operations. At its September 2004 Business and Executive Session, the LPSC consolidated various dockets that were the subject of proposed settlement. The LPSC directed its staff to preside over settlement discussions and to submit any proposed settlement to the LPSC for its consideration.

Retail Rates

(Entergy Gulf States)

In July 2004, Entergy Gulf States filed with the LPSC an application for a change in its rates and charges seeking an increase of $9.1 million in gas base rates in order to allow Entergy Gulf States an opportunity to earn a fair and reasonable rate of return. Entergy Gulf States is also seeking approval of certain proposed rate design, rate schedule, and policy changes. A procedural schedule has not been established.

(Entergy Louisiana)

See Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K for Entergy Louisiana's rate filing with the LPSC requesting a base rate increase. In August 2004, the LPSC Staff filed testimony in which it recommended up to a $19.5 million rate increase for Entergy Louisiana, assuming that the Perryville acquisition is approved in time for the Perryville costs to be included in rates set in this proceeding. Additional issues and updates that will be evaluated in connection with this proceeding are likely to result in revisions to the LPSC Staff's recommendation. These issues may reduce the amount of the recommended rate increase or cause it to become a recommendation for a rate decrease. Hearings are currently scheduled to begin in December 2004.

Filings with the City Council

Formula Rate Plan Filings

In April 2004, Entergy New Orleans made filings with the City Council as required by the earnings review process prescribed by the Gas and Electric Formula Rate Plans approved by the Council in 2003. The filings showed an increase in Entergy New Orleans' electric revenues of $1.15 million and an increase in Entergy New Orleans' gas revenues of $32,000 is warranted. The Council Advisors and intervenors reviewed the filings, and filed their recommendations in July 2004. In August 2004, in accordance with the City Council's requirements for the formula rate plans, Entergy New Orleans made a filing with the City Council reflecting the parties' concurrence that no change in Entergy New Orleans' electric or gas rates is warranted. Later in August 2004, the City Council approved an unopposed settlement among Entergy New Orleans, the Council Advisors, and the intervenors in connection with the Gas and Electric Formula Rate Plans. In accordance with the resolution approving the settlement agreement, Entergy New Orleans' gas and electric base rates remain unchanged from levels set in May 2003. The resolution ordered Entergy New Orleans to defer $5.96 million of fossil plant maintenance expense incurred in 2003 and to record on its books a regulatory asset in that amount to be amortized over a five-year period effective January 2003. Entergy New Orleans also w as ordered to defer $3.86 million relating to voluntary severance plan costs allocated to its electric operations and $0.99 million allocated to its gas operations, which amounts were accrued on its books in 2003, and to record on its books regulatory assets in those amounts to be amortized over five years effective January 2004.

Fuel Adjustment Clause Litigation

See "Fuel Adjustment Clause Litigation" in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the complaint filed by a group of ratepayers in state court in Orleans Parish and with the City Council regarding certain costs passed on to ratepayers in Entergy New Orleans' fuel adjustment filings with the City Council. In February 2004, the City Council approved a resolution that results in a refund to customers of $11.3 million, including interest, during the months of June through September 2004. The resolution concludes, among other things, that the record does not support an allegation that Entergy New Orleans' actions or inactions, either alone or in concert with Entergy or any of its affiliates, constituted a misrepresentation or a suppression of the truth made in order to obtain an unjust advantage of Entergy New Orleans, or to cause loss, inconvenience or harm to its ratepayers. Management believes that it has adequately provided for the liability associated with this proceeding. The plaintiffs have appealed the City Council resolution to the state court in Orleans Parish. Oral argument on the plaintiffs' appeal is scheduled for February 2005. In addition, in March 2004, the plaintiffs supplemented and amended the class action petition that had been filed in state court in April 1999. This proceeding has been stayed pending resolution of plaintiffs' appeal in the proceeding commenced with the City Council.



Common Stock

Earnings per Share

The following tables present Entergy's basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS) calculations included on the consolidated income statement:



For the Three Months Ended September 30,








(In Millions, Except Per Share Data)










Income before cumulative effect of accounting change less preferred dividends and Earnings applicable to common stock






Average number of common shares outstanding - basic









Average dilutive effect of:



Stock Options (1)










Deferred Units









Average number of common shares outstanding - diluted




















For the Nine Months Ended September 30,








(In Millions, Except Per Share Data)










Income before cumulative effect of accounting change less preferred dividends










Average number of common shares outstanding - basic









Average dilutive effect of:










Stock Options (1)










Deferred Units









Average number of common shares outstanding - diluted



























Earnings applicable to common stock










Average number of common shares outstanding - basic









Average dilutive effect of:










Stock Options (1)










Deferred Units









Average number of common shares outstanding - diluted



















Options to purchase 1,850,701 shares of common stock at various prices were outstanding at September 30, 2004 that were not included in the computation of diluted earnings per share because the exercise prices were greater than the average market price of the common shares at the end of the period. At September 30, 2003 all outstanding options, totaling 16,031,768, were included in the computation of diluted earnings per share as a result of the average market price of the common shares being greater than the exercise prices.

Entergy's stock option and other stock compensation plans are discussed in Note 8 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2004, Entergy Corporation issued 3,729,906 shares of its previously repurchased common stock to satisfy stock option exercises and other stock-based awards and repurchased 7,382,000 shares of common stock for a total purchase price of $416.3 million.

Retained Earnings

On October 20, 2004, Entergy Corporation's Board of Directors declared a common stock dividend of $0.54 per share, payable on December 1, 2004, to holders of record as of November 17, 2004.



In May 2004, Entergy Corporation renewed its 364-day bank credit facility into two separate facilities, a 364-day credit facility and a 3-year credit facility. The 364-day credit facility has a borrowing capacity of $485 million and expires in May 2005. As of September 30, 2004, no borrowings were outstanding on this facility. The 3-year credit facility has a borrowing capacity of $965 million and expires in May 2007. As of September 30, 2004, $100 million in borrowings were outstanding on this facility. Entergy also has the ability to issue letters of credit against the 3-year credit facility and its $965 million borrowing capacity, and $40 million had been issued against this facility at September 30, 2004. Although the Entergy Corporation 364-day credit facility expires in May 2005, Entergy has the discretionary option to extend the period to repay the amount then outstanding for an additional 364-day term. Because of this option, which Entergy intends to exercise if it does n ot renew the credit line or obtain an alternative source of financing, any debt outstanding under the credit facilities is reflected in long-term debt on the balance sheet. The average commitment fee for the facilities is currently 0.14% of the line amount. Commitment fees and interest rates on loans under the credit facilities can fluctuate depending on the senior debt ratings of the domestic utility companies.

The short-term borrowings of Entergy's subsidiaries are limited to amounts authorized by the SEC. The current limits authorized are effective through November 30, 2004. In addition to borrowing from commercial banks, Entergy's subsidiaries are authorized to borrow from the Entergy System Money Pool (money pool). The money pool is an inter-company borrowing arrangement designed to reduce Entergy's subsidiaries' dependence on external short-term borrowings. Borrowings from the money pool and external borrowings combined may not exceed the SEC authorized limits. As of September 30, 2004, Entergy's subsidiaries' authorized limit was $1.6 billion and the outstanding borrowing from the money pool was $239.4 million. In August 2004, Entergy filed with the SEC to extend the authorization period for the current short-term borrowing limits and the money pool borrowing arrangement.

Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, and Entergy New Orleans each have separate short-term credit facilities available as follows:



Expiration Date


Amount of


Amount Drawn as of
September 30, 2004








Entergy Arkansas


April 2005


$85 million


$85 million

Entergy Louisiana


April 2005


$15 million



Entergy Mississippi


May 2005


$25 million


$25 million

Entergy New Orleans


April 2005


$14 million



The combined amount borrowed by Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans under these facilities at any one time cannot exceed $15 million. The facilities have variable interest rates and the average commitment fee is 0.15%.

The following long-term debt has been issued by Entergy in 2004:


Issue Date






(In Thousands)

U.S. Utility




Mortgage Bonds:




5.50% Series due April 2019, Entergy Louisiana

March 2004



6.25% Series due April 2034, Entergy Mississippi

April 2004



4.65% Series due May 2011, Entergy Mississippi

April 2004



5.60% Series due September 2024, Entergy New Orleans

August 2004



5.65% Series due September 2029, Entergy New Orleans

August 2004



Issuances after balance sheet date:




6.40% Series due October 2034, Entergy Louisiana

October 2004



6.38% Series due November 2034, Entergy Arkansas

October 2004



5.09% Series due November 2014, Entergy Louisiana

October 2004



4.875% Series due November 2011, Entergy Gulf States

October 2004



Other Long-term Debt:




4.60% Series due April 2022, Entergy Mississippi

September 2004




The following long-term debt has been retired by Entergy in 2004:


Retirement Date






(In Thousands)

U.S. Utility




Mortgage Bonds:




8.25% Series due April 2004, Entergy Gulf States

April 2004



6.20% Series due May 2004, Entergy Mississippi

May 2004



6.45% Series due April 2008, Entergy Mississippi

May 2004



7.70% Series due July 2023, Entergy Mississippi

May 2004



8.0% Series due March 2023, Entergy New Orleans

September 2004



7.55% Series due September 2023, Entergy New Orleans

September 2004



Other Long-term Debt:




Grand Gulf Lease Obligation payment




Waterford 3 Lease Obligation payment




Retirements after balance sheet date:




7.0% Series due April 2022, Entergy Mississippi

October 2004



7.0% Series due April 2022, Entergy Mississippi

October 2004



In September 2004, Entergy Gulf States purchased its $62 million of 5.65% Series West Feliciana Parish bonds from the holders, pursuant to a mandatory tender provision, and has not remarketed the bonds at this time. Entergy Gulf States used a combination of cash on hand and short-term borrowings to buy-in the bonds.

In October 2004, Entergy Arkansas issued $60 million of 6.38% Series First Mortgage Bonds due November 1, 2034. In November 2004, Entergy Arkansas plans to use the proceeds to redeem the $61.9 million of 8.5% Series Junior Subordinated Deferrable Interest Debentures due 2045.

In October 2004, Entergy Gulf States issued $200 million of 4.875% Series of First Mortgage Bonds due November 1, 2011. Entergy Gulf States plans to use the proceeds to redeem, prior to maturity, $200 million of 5.2% Series of First Mortgage Bonds due December 3, 2007.

In October 2004, Entergy Louisiana issued $70 million of 6.40% Series of First Mortgage Bonds due October 1, 2034. In November 2004, Entergy Louisiana plans to use the proceeds to redeem $72.2 million of 9.0% Series Junior Subordinated Deferrable Interest Debentures due 2045.

In October 2004, Entergy Louisiana issued $115 million of 5.09% Series of First Mortgage Bonds due November 1, 2014. Entergy Louisiana plans to use the proceeds to redeem, prior to maturity, $115 million of 6.5% Series of First Mortgage Bonds due March 1, 2008.



As described more fully in Note 8 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K, Entergy grants stock options to key employees of the Entergy subsidiaries. Prior to 2003, Entergy applied the recognition and measurement principles of APB Opinion 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees," and related Interpretations in accounting for the stock option grants. Effective January 1, 2003, Entergy prospectively adopted the fair value based method of accounting for stock options prescribed by SFAS 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation." Awards under Entergy's stock-based compensation plans vest over three years. Therefore, the cost related to stock-based employee compensation included in the determination of net income for 2003 and 2004 is less than that which would have been recognized if the fair value based method had been applied to all awards since the original effective date of SFAS 123. The following table illustrates the effect on net income and earnings p er share if Entergy would have historically applied the fair value based method of accounting to stock-based employee compensation.


Three Months Ended September 30,


Nine Months Ended September 30,










(In Thousands, Except Per Share Data)


Earnings applicable to common stock









Add: Stock-based compensation expense included in earnings applicable to common stock, net of related tax effects









Deduct: Total stock-based employee
compensation expense determined under fair value method for all awards, net of related tax effects










Pro forma earnings applicable to common stock










Earnings per average common share:












Basic - pro forma




















Diluted - pro forma











Components of Net Pension Cost

Entergy's pension cost, including amounts capitalized, for the third quarters of 2004 and 2003 included the following components:








(In Thousands)






Service cost - benefits earned during the period





Interest cost on projected benefit obligation





Expected return on assets





Amortization of transition asset





Amortization of prior service cost





Amortization of loss





Net pension costs






Entergy's pension cost, including amounts capitalized, for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003, included the following components:








(In Thousands)






Service cost - benefits earned during the period





Interest cost on projected benefit obligation





Expected return on assets





Amortization of transition asset





Amortization of prior service cost





Amortization of loss





Net pension costs





Components of Net Other Postretirement Benefit Cost

Entergy's other postretirement benefit cost, including amounts capitalized, for the third quarters of 2004 and 2003 included the following components:








(In Thousands)






Service cost - benefits earned during the period





Interest cost on APBO





Expected return on assets





Amortization of transition obligation





Amortization of prior service cost





Amortization of loss





Net other postretirement benefit cost





Entergy's other postretirement benefit cost, including amounts capitalized, for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003, included the following components:








(In Thousands)






Service cost - benefits earned during the period





Interest cost on APBO





Expected return on assets





Amortization of transition obligation





Amortization of prior service cost





Amortization of loss





Net other postretirement benefit cost





Employer Contributions

Entergy previously disclosed in its 2003 Form 10-K that it expected to contribute $110 million to its pension plans in 2004. In April 2004, the President signed the Pension Funding Equity Act of 2004 into law, which reduced Entergy's estimated 2004 required pension contribution to $72.8 million. As of September 30, 2004, Entergy has contributed $69.0 million to its pension plans. Therefore, Entergy presently anticipates contributing an additional $3.8 million to fund its pension plans in 2004.


Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 (Medicare Act)

As disclosed in Note 11 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K, Entergy elected to record an estimate of the effects of the Medicare Act in December 2003. In August 2004, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued proposed regulations to implement the new Medicare law. Based on actuarial analysis at September 30, 2004, the estimated effect of future Medicare subsidies reduced the January 1, 2004 Accumulated Postretirement Benefit Obligation by $128 million and reduced the third quarter 2004 and nine months ended September 30, 2004 other postretirement benefit cost by $5.8 million and $12.8 million, respectively.



Entergy's reportable segments as of September 30, 2004 are U.S. Utility, Non-Utility Nuclear, and Energy Commodity Services. "All Other" includes the parent company, Entergy Corporation, and other business activity, including the Competitive Retail Services business, which has higher revenues in 2004 as its number of customers has increased, and earnings on the proceeds of sales of previously-owned businesses.

Entergy's segment financial information for the third quarters of 2004 and 2003 is as follows:


U. S. Utility




Services *


All Other*






(In Thousands)













Operating Revenues












Equity in earnings (loss) of












  unconsolidated equity affiliates









Income Taxes (Benefit)











Net Income (Loss)



































Operating Revenues












Equity in earnings of












  unconsolidated equity affiliates










Income Taxes (Benefit)











Net Income (Loss)











Entergy's segment financial information for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003 is as follows:


U. S. Utility




Services *


All Other*






(In Thousands)













Operating Revenues












Equity in earnings (loss) of












  unconsolidated equity affiliates









Income Taxes (Benefit)











Net Income (Loss)











Total Assets




































Operating Revenues












Equity in earnings of












  unconsolidated equity affiliates











Income Taxes (Benefit)











Cumulative effect of












  accounting changes, net of tax










Net Income (Loss)











Total Assets












Businesses marked with * are sometimes referred to as the "competitive businesses," with the exception of the parent company, Entergy Corporation. Eliminations are primarily intersegment activity.


In the opinion of the management of Entergy Corporation, the accompanying unaudited financial statements contain all adjustments (consisting primarily of normal recurring accruals and reclassification of previously reported amounts to conform to current classifications) necessary for a fair statement of the results for the interim periods presented. The business of the U.S. Utility segment, however, is subject to seasonal fluctuations with the peak periods occurring during the third quarter. The results for the interim periods presented should not be used as a basis for estimating results of operations for a full year.




Results of Operations

Net Income

Third Quarter 2004 Compared to Third Quarter 2003

Net income decreased $1.4 million primarily due to a decrease in net revenue, partially offset by a lower effective income tax rate.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

Net income decreased $13.5 million primarily due to a decrease in net revenue and an increase in other operation and maintenance expenses, partially offset by a decrease in interest charges and a lower effective income tax rate.

Net Revenue

Third Quarter 2004 Compared to Third Quarter 2003

Net revenue, which is Entergy's measure of gross margin, consists of operating revenues net of: 1) fuel, fuel-related, and purchased power expenses and 2) other regulatory credits. Following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing the third quarter of 2004 to the third quarter of 2003.






(In Millions)




2003 net revenue






Net wholesale revenue






2004 net revenue



The volume/weather variance primarily resulted from the effect of milder weather on sales during the third quarter of 2004 compared to the third quarter of 2003.

The net wholesale revenue variance resulted primarily from reduced losses associated with substitute energy provided to the co-owners of Entergy Arkansas' coal plants.

Fuel and purchased power expenses

Fuel and purchased power expenses increased primarily due to increased recovery of deferred fuel and purchased power costs.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

Following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing the nine months ended September 30, 2004 to the nine months ended September 30, 2003.






(In Millions)




2003 net revenue



Deferred fuel cost revisions






2004 net revenue



Deferred fuel cost revisions decreased net revenue due to a revised estimate of fuel costs filed for recovery at Entergy Arkansas in the March 2004 energy cost recovery rider, which reduced net revenue by $11.5 million. The remainder of the variance is due to the 2002 energy cost recovery true-up, made in the first quarter of 2003, which increased net revenue in 2003.

Fuel and purchased power expenses

Fuel and purchased power expenses increased primarily due to increased recovery of deferred fuel and purchased power costs primarily due to the true-ups to the 2003 and 2002 energy cost recovery rider filings.

Other Income Statement Variances

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

Other operation and maintenance expenses increased primarily due to:

    • an increase of $7.7 million in customer service support costs; and
    • an increase of $5.2 million in benefits costs.

Interest charges decreased primarily due to the refinancing of First Mortgage Bonds in mid-2003.

Income Taxes

The effective income tax rates for the third quarters of 2004 and 2003 were 36.4% and 41.0%, respectively. The effective income tax rates for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003 were 36.4% and 39.8%, respectively. The differences in the effective income tax rates for the third quarter of 2003 and the nine months ended September 30, 2003 versus the federal statutory rate of 35% are primarily due to book and tax differences related to utility plant items and state income taxes, partially offset by flow-through book and tax differences and the amortization of investment tax credits.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Cash Flow

Cash flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003 were as follows:








(In Thousands)






Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period










Cash flow provided by (used in):






Operating activities






Investing activities






Financing activities





Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents










Cash and cash equivalents at end of period





Operating Activities

Cash flow from operations decreased $132.8 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2003 primarily due to money pool activity. Money pool activity used $109.2 million of Entergy Arkansas' operating cash flows in the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and provided $46.9 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2003. This decrease was partially offset by increased recovery of deferred fuel costs.

Entergy Arkansas' receivables from or (payables to) the money pool were as follows:

September 30,


December 31,


September 30,


December 31,

(In Thousands)















See Note 4 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K for a description of the money pool.

Investing Activities

Net cash used in investing activities decreased $30.8 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2003 primarily due to a decrease in construction expenditures resulting from less independent power producer-related work performed in 2004 combined with lower spending on customer support projects in 2004.

Financing Activities

Financing activities provided $12.6 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to using $179.1 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2003 primarily due to the net retirement of $109.2 million of First Mortgage Bonds for the nine months ended September 30, 2003 and an $85 million borrowing made on Entergy Arkansas' 364-day credit facility during the nine months ended September 30, 2004.

Uses and Sources of Capital

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Liquidity and Capital Resources" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of Entergy Arkansas' uses and sources of capital. Following is an update to the information provided in the Form 10-K.

In April 2004, Entergy Arkansas renewed its 364-day credit facility through April 30, 2005 and increased the amount available to $85 million. The facility was fully drawn at September 30, 2004.

In October 2004, Entergy Arkansas issued $60 million of 6.38% Series First Mortgage Bonds due November 1, 2034. Entergy Arkansas plans to use the proceeds to redeem in November 2004 the $61.9 million of 8.5% Series Junior Subordinated Deferrable Interest Debentures due 2045.

Significant Factors and Known Trends

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Significant Factors and Known Trends" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of utility restructuring, System Agreement proceedings, market and credit risks, state and local regulatory risks, nuclear matters, and environmental risks. The following is an update to the Form 10-K.

System Agreement Proceedings

See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceeding commenced at the FERC by the LPSC regarding production cost equalization under the System Agreement, the ALJ's Initial Decision in the proceeding, and the "Order of Investigation" issued by the APSC. Several parties, including Entergy, the LPSC, the APSC, the MPSC, the City Council, and the FERC Staff, filed briefs on exceptions in response to the ALJ's Initial Decision. Entergy's exceptions to the ALJ's Initial Decision include: the practical effect of the Initial Decision is full production cost equalization, which was rejected in the Initial Decision and previously has been rejected by the FERC; resource planning for the Entergy System would be impeded if the Initial Decision were adopted; the remedy in the Initial Decision is inconsistent with the history, structure, and precedent regarding the System Agreement; the Initial Decision's remedy ignores the historical pattern of production cost disparities on the Entergy System and would result in substantial, sudden transfers of costs between groups of Entergy customers; the numerical standards proposed in the Initial Decision are arbitrary and are so complex that they will be difficult to implement; the Initial Decision improperly rejected Entergy's resource planning remedy; the Initial Decision erroneously determined that the full costs of the Vidalia project should be included in Entergy Louisiana's production costs for purposes of calculating relative production costs; and the Initial Decision erroneously adopted a new method of calculating reserve sharing costs rather than the current method.

As reported in the Form 10-K, if the FERC grants the relief requested by the LPSC in the proceeding, the relief may result in a material increase in the total production costs the FERC allocates to companies whose costs currently are projected to be less than the Entergy System average, and a material decrease in the total production costs the FERC allocates to companies whose costs currently are projected to exceed that average.   If the FERC adopts the ALJ's Initial Decision, the amount of production costs that would be reallocated among the domestic utility companies would be determined through consideration of each domestic utility company's relative total production cost expressed as a percentage of Entergy System average total production cost. The ALJ's Initial Decision would reallocate production costs of the domestic utility companies whose percent of Entergy System average production cost are outside an upper or lower bandwidth. This would be accomplished by payment s from domestic utility companies whose production costs are below Entergy System average production cost to domestic utility companies whose production costs are above Entergy System average production cost.

An assessment of the potential effects of the ALJ's Initial Decision requires assumptions regarding the future total production cost of each domestic utility company, which assumptions include the mix of solid fuel and gas-fired generation available to each company and the costs of natural gas and purchased power.  Entergy Louisiana and Entergy Gulf States are more dependent upon gas-fired generation than Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, or Entergy New Orleans. Of these, Entergy Arkansas is the least dependent upon gas-fired generation.  Therefore, increases in natural gas prices likely will increase the amount by which Entergy Arkansas' total production costs are below the average production costs of the domestic utility companies.  Considerable uncertainty exists regarding future gas prices. Annual average gas prices have varied significantly over recent years, ranging from $1.92/mmBtu to $5.48/mmBtu for the 1994-2003 period, and averaging $2.99/mmBtu during the ten - -year period 1994-2003 and $3.77/mmBtu during the five-year period 1999-2003.  Recent market conditions have resulted in gas prices that have averaged $5.58/MMBtu for the twelve months ended September 2004. Based upon analyses considering the effect on future production costs if the FERC adopts the ALJ's Initial Decision, the following potential annual production cost reallocations among the domestic utility companies could result assuming annual average gas prices range from $6.39/mmBtu in 2005 declining to $4.97/mmBtu by 2009:


Range of Annual Payments or (Receipts)


Average Annual Payments or (Receipts) for 2005-2009 Period


(In Millions)


(In Millions)


Entergy Arkansas

$154 to $281 



Entergy Gulf States

($130) to ($15)



Entergy Louisiana

($199) to ($98)



Entergy Mississippi

($16) to $8 



Entergy New Orleans

($17) to ($5)



Management believes that any changes in the allocation of production costs resulting from a FERC decision and related retail proceedings should result in similar rate changes for retail customers. Therefore, management does not believe that this proceeding at the FERC will have a material effect on the financial condition of any of the domestic utility companies, although the outcome of the FERC proceeding and related retail proceedings cannot be predicted at this time.

Entergy Arkansas filed its initial testimony in response to the APSC's February Order of Investigation discussed in the Form 10-K. The testimony emphasizes that the ALJ's Initial Decision is not a final order by the FERC; briefly discusses some of the aspects of the Initial Decision that are included in Entergy's exceptions filed with the FERC; emphasizes that Entergy will seek to reverse the production cost-related portions of the Initial Decision; and states that Entergy Arkansas believes that it is premature, before the FERC makes a decision, for Entergy Arkansas to determine whether its continued participation in the System Agreement is appropriate.

In addition, as discussed in the Form 10-K, the APSC had publicly announced its intention to initiate an inquiry into Entergy Louisiana's Vidalia purchased power contract. In April 2004, the APSC commenced the investigation and requested historical documents, records, and information from Entergy Arkansas, which Entergy Arkansas has provided to the APSC.

Also in April 2004, the APSC issued an order directing Entergy Arkansas to show cause why Entergy Arkansas should not have to indemnify and hold its customers harmless from any adverse financial effects related to Entergy Louisiana's pending acquisition of the Perryville power plant, or show that the Perryville unit will produce economic benefits for Entergy Arkansas' customers. Entergy Arkansas filed a response in May 2004 stating that Entergy will seek to reverse the production cost-related portions of the ALJ's Initial Decision in the System Agreement proceeding at the FERC, that the Perryville acquisition is part of Entergy's request for proposal generation planning process, that Entergy Arkansas is not in a position to indemnify its retail customers from actions taken by the FERC, and that the Perryville acquisition is expected to reduce the domestic utility companies' overall production costs. Procedural schedules have not been established in these APSC investigations.

Also in April 2004, the City Council issued a resolution directing Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana to notify the City Council and obtain prior approval for any action that would materially modify, amend, or terminate the System Agreement for one or more of the domestic utility companies. Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana appealed to state court the City Council's resolution on the basis that the imposition of this requirement with respect to the System Agreement, a FERC-approved tariff, exceeds the City Council's jurisdiction and authority. In July 2004, the City Council answered the appeal and filed a third party demand and counterclaim against Entergy, the domestic utility companies, Entergy Services, and System Energy, seeking a declaratory judgment that Entergy and its subsidiaries cannot terminate the System Agreement until obligations owed under the March 2003 Agreement in Principle are satisfied. In August 2004, Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana, as well as the named third party defendants, filed pleadings objecting to the City Council's third party demand and counterclaim on various grounds, including federal preemption.

Critical Accounting Estimates

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Critical Accounting Estimates" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the estimates and judgments necessary in Entergy Arkansas' accounting for nuclear decommissioning costs and pension and other retirement costs. Following is an update to the information provided in the Form 10-K.

Nuclear Decommissioning Costs

In the first quarter of 2004, in accordance with a new decommissioning cost study for ANO 1 and 2, Entergy Arkansas recorded a revision to its estimated decommissioning cost liability. The revised estimate resulted in a $107.7 million reduction in its decommissioning liability, along with a $19.5 million reduction in utility plant and an $88.2 million reduction in the related regulatory asset.


For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
    Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
    2004   2003   2004   2003
    (In Thousands)   (In Thousands)
OPERATING REVENUES                
Domestic electric   $481,103    $469,925    $1,250,072    $1,227,558 
OPERATING EXPENSES                
Operation and Maintenance:                
  Fuel, fuel-related expenses, and                
    gas purchased for resale   46,546    30,581    141,649    107,669 
  Purchased power   141,147    139,829    371,303    363,295 
  Nuclear refueling outage expenses   6,328    5,679    18,118    17,565 
  Other operation and maintenance   96,125    93,632    274,781    259,445 
Decommissioning   7,851    8,971    24,920    26,915 
Taxes other than income taxes   10,062    8,961    28,356    26,973 
Depreciation and amortization   53,081    50,846    153,018    150,733 
Other regulatory credits - net   (3,947)   (4,364)   (15,217)   (20,896)
TOTAL   357,193    334,135    996,928    931,699 
OPERATING INCOME   123,910    135,790    253,144    295,859 
OTHER INCOME                
Allowance for equity funds used during construction   3,781    2,047    8,428    6,276 
Interest and dividend income   1,718    2,551    6,729    7,178 
Miscellaneous - net   (3,631)   (871)   (5,178)   (3,384)
TOTAL   1,868    3,727    9,979    10,070 
Interest on long-term debt   19,818    22,740    59,335    67,918 
Other interest - net   1,162    613    3,211    2,743 
Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction   (1,988)   (1,347)   (4,568)   (3,973)
TOTAL   18,992    22,006    57,978    66,688 
INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES   106,786    117,511    205,145    239,241 
Income taxes   38,842    48,192    74,649    95,240 
NET INCOME   67,944    69,319    130,496    144,001 
Preferred dividend requirements and other   1,944    1,944    5,832    5,832 
COMMON STOCK   $66,000    $67,375    $124,664    $138,169 
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.                

















(Page left blank intentionally)


For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
    2004   2003
    (In Thousands)
Net income   $130,496    $144,001 
Noncash items included in net income:        
  Other regulatory credits - net   (15,217)   (20,896)
  Depreciation, amortization, and decommissioning   177,938    177,648 
  Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits   57,454    (8,501)
Changes in working capital:        
  Receivables   (78,342)   (52,150)
  Fuel inventory   (1,467)   542 
  Accounts payable   (76,547)   (5,032)
  Taxes accrued   18,226    115,992 
  Interest accrued   4,135    (1,514)
  Deferred fuel costs   5,629    (34,096)
  Other working capital accounts   (3,747)   7,296 
Provision for estimated losses and reserves   (8,540)   (559)
Changes in other regulatory assets   16,108    (11,425)
Other   (13,776)   33,810 
Net cash flow provided by operating activities   212,350    345,116 
Construction expenditures   (184,041)   (214,716)
Allowance for equity funds used during construction   8,428    6,276 
Nuclear fuel purchases   (8,101)   (39,007)
Proceeds from sale/leaseback of nuclear fuel   8,101    39,007 
Decommissioning trust contributions and realized        
  change in trust assets   (5,927)   (5,753)
Other regulatory investments   (16,605)   (14,739)
Net cash flow used in investing activities   (198,145)   (228,932)
Proceeds from the issuance of long-term debt   - -    361,819 
Retirement of long-term debt   - -    (471,040)
Changes in short-term borrowings   85,000    - - 
Dividends paid:        
  Common stock   (66,600)   (64,000)
  Preferred stock   (5,832)   (5,832)
Net cash flow provided by (used in) financing activities   12,568    (179,053)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents   26,773    (62,869)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period   8,834    95,513 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period   $35,607    $32,644 
Cash paid/(received) during the period for:        
  Interest - net of amount capitalized   $53,847    $67,240 
  Income taxes   ($5,400)   ($18,078)
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.        


September 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003
  2004   2003
  (In Thousands)
Cash and cash equivalents:        
  Cash   $6,921    $8,834 
  Temporary cash investments - at cost,        
   which approximates market   28,686    - - 
     Total cash and cash equivalents   35,607    8,834 
Accounts receivable:        
  Customer   111,609    69,036 
  Allowance for doubtful accounts   (9,270)   (9,020)
  Associated companies   78,705    50,390 
  Other   31,107    30,930 
  Accrued unbilled revenues   72,259    64,732 
     Total accounts receivable   284,410    206,068 
Deferred fuel costs   21,533    10,557 
Accumulated deferred income taxes   17,103    18,362 
Fuel inventory - at average cost   8,189    6,722 
Materials and supplies - at average cost   82,834    80,506 
Deferred nuclear refueling outage costs   23,098    19,793 
Prepayments and other   91,699    23,938 
TOTAL   564,473    374,780 
Investment in affiliates - at equity   11,212    11,212 
Decommissioning trust funds   371,653    360,485 
Non-utility property - at cost (less accumulated depreciation)   1,454    1,456 
Other   4,832    4,832 
TOTAL   389,151    377,985 
Electric   6,078,413    5,948,090 
Property under capital lease   21,811    24,047 
Construction work in progress   233,308    238,807 
Nuclear fuel under capital lease   75,372    102,691 
Nuclear fuel   13,441    7,466 
TOTAL UTILITY PLANT   6,422,345    6,321,101 
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization   2,749,541    2,627,441 
UTILITY PLANT - NET   3,672,804    3,693,660 
Regulatory assets:        
  SFAS 109 regulatory asset - net   120,930    128,311 
  Other regulatory assets   368,277    437,544 
Other   46,852    45,798 
TOTAL   536,059    611,653 
TOTAL ASSETS   $5,162,487    $5,058,078 
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.        
September 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003
  2004   2003
  (In Thousands)
Currently maturing long-term debt   $147,000   $ -
Notes payable   85,000   - -
Accounts payable:        
  Associated companies   33,550   106,958
  Other   89,499   92,638
Customer deposits   40,910   37,693
Interest accrued   25,559   21,424
Obligations under capital leases   59,365   59,089
Other   22,722   16,924
TOTAL   503,605   334,726
Accumulated deferred income taxes and taxes accrued   1,126,449   996,455
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits   69,659   73,280
Obligations under capital leases   37,818   67,648
Other regulatory liabilities   58,164   52,923
Decommissioning   484,763   567,546
Accumulated provisions   31,609   40,149
Long-term debt   1,192,916   1,338,378
Other   204,667   192,200
TOTAL   3,206,045   3,328,579
Preferred stock without sinking fund   116,350   116,350
Common stock, $0.01 par value, authorized 325,000,000        
  shares; issued and outstanding 46,980,196 shares in 2004        
  and 2003   470   470
Paid-in capital   591,127   591,127
Retained earnings   744,890   686,826
TOTAL   1,452,837   1,394,773
Commitments and Contingencies        
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.        


For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
    Three Months Ended   Increase/    
Description   2004   2003   (Decrease)   %
    (In Millions)        
Electric Operating Revenues:                
  Residential   $ 178   $ 182   ($ 4)   (2)
  Commercial   93   90   3    3 
  Industrial   92   88   4    5 
  Governmental   5   4   1    25 
    Total retail   368   364   4    1 
  Sales for resale                
    Associated companies   63   53   10    19 
    Non-associated companies   49   52   (3)   (6)
  Other   1   1   -    - - 
     Total   $ 481   $ 470   $ 11    2 
Billed Electric Energy                
 Sales (GWh):                
  Residential   2,188   2,306   (118)   (5)
  Commercial   1,615   1,609   6    - - 
  Industrial   1,831   1,875   (44)   (2)
  Governmental   79   77   2    3 
    Total retail   5,713   5,867   (154)   (3)
  Sales for resale                
    Associated companies   1,848   1,529   319    21 
    Non-associated companies   1,232   1,360   (128)   (9)
     Total   8,793   8,756   37    - - 
    Nine Months Ended   Increase/    
Description   2004   2003   (Decrease)   %
    (In Millions)        
Electric Operating Revenues:                
  Residential   $ 424   $ 419   $ 5    1 
  Commercial   231   223   8    4 
  Industrial   237   232   5    2 
  Governmental   13   11   2    18 
     Total retail   905   885   20    2 
  Sales for resale                
    Associated companies   172   169   3    2 
    Non-associated companies   141   146   (5)   (3)
  Other   32   28   4    14 
     Total   $ 1,250   $ 1,228   $ 22    2 
Billed Electric Energy                
 Sales (GWh):                
  Residential   5,508   5,617   (109)   (2)
  Commercial   4,101   4,065   36    1 
  Industrial   5,192   5,240   (48)   (1)
  Governmental   210   204   6    3 
     Total retail   15,011   15,126   (115)   (1)
  Sales for resale                
    Associated companies   5,033   5,283   (250)   (5)
    Non-associated companies   3,765   4,153   (388)   (9)
     Total   23,809   24,562   (753)   (3)





Results of Operations

Net Income

Third Quarter 2004 Compared to Third Quarter 2003

Net income of $82.5 million remained relatively unchanged. Increased miscellaneous income resulting from a revision of the decommissioning liability for River Bend, which is discussed below, and decreased interest charges on long-term debt were offset by increased other operation and maintenance expenses and a lower effective tax rate in 2003.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

Net income increased $105.8 million primarily due to:

    • a $107.7 million accrual ($65.6 million net-of-tax) in June 2003 for the loss that would be associated with a final, non-appealable decision disallowing abeyed River Bend plant costs. See Note 2 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements for more details regarding the River Bend abeyed plant costs;
    • a one-time $21.3 million net-of-tax cumulative effect of accounting change in 2003 due to the implementation of SFAS 143;
    • increased miscellaneous income resulting from a revision of the decommissioning liability for River Bend, as discussed below;
    • increased miscellaneous income resulting from a reduction in the loss provision for an environmental clean-up site; and
    • decreased interest charges on long-term debt.

The increase was partially offset by increased other operation and maintenance expenses.

Net Revenue

Third Quarter 2004 Compared to Third Quarter 2003

Net revenue, which is Entergy's measure of gross margin, consists of operating revenues net of: 1) fuel, fuel-related, and purchased power expenses and 2) other regulatory credits. Following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing the third quarter of 2004 to the third quarter of 2003.






(In Millions)




2003 net revenue



Fuel recovery revenues









2004 net revenue



Fuel recovery revenues represent an under-recovery of fuel charges that are recovered in base rates.

The volume/weather variance resulted from increased usage of 475 GWh in the industrial and commercial sectors and the effect of more favorable weather in the Texas jurisdiction compared to the same period in 2003.

Gross operating revenues and fuel and purchased power expenses

Gross operating revenues increased primarily due to an increase of $51.7 million in fuel cost recovery revenues due to higher fuel rates.

Fuel and purchased power expenses increased primarily due to an increase in the market price of natural gas and increases in electric generation and power purchases.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

Following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing the nine months ended September 30, 2004 to the nine months ended September 30, 2003.






(In Millions)




2003 net revenue



Net wholesale revenue






Fuel recovery revenues






2004 net revenue



The net wholesale revenue variance resulted from increased volume and higher pricing associated with sales to municipal and co-op customers and affiliated systems.

The volume/weather variance resulted from increased usage of 881 GWh in the industrial and commercial sectors, partially offset by decreased residential usage due to the effect of milder weather on billed sales as compared to the same period in 2003.

Fuel recovery revenues represent an under-recovery of fuel charges that are recovered in base rates.

Gross operating revenues, fuel and purchased power expenses, and other regulatory credits

Gross operating revenues increased primarily due to an increase of $92.7 million in fuel cost recovery revenues due to higher fuel rates.

Fuel and purchased power expenses increased primarily due to increased recovery of deferred fuel due to higher fuel rates, an increase in electric generation, and increases in the market prices of natural gas and purchased power.

Other regulatory credits increased primarily due to the amortization in 2003 of deferred capacity charges for the summer of 2001compared to the absence of amortization in 2004. The amortization of these charges began in June 2002 and ended in May 2003.


Other Income Statement Variances

Third Quarter 2004 Compared to Third Quarter 2003

Other operation and maintenance expenses increased primarily due to:

    • an increase of $4.4 million in benefits costs; and
    • an increase of $1.8 million due to uncollectible accounts expense.

Miscellaneous income - net increased $25.3 million primarily due to a revision to the estimated decommissioning cost liability for River Bend in accordance with a new decommissioning cost study that reflected a life extension for the plant. For the portion of River Bend not subject to cost-based ratemaking, the revised estimate resulted in the elimination of the asset retirement cost that had been recorded at the time of adoption of SFAS 143 with the remainder recorded as miscellaneous income of $27.7 million.

Interest on long-term debt decreased $10.1 million primarily due to the financing program and debt restructuring implemented in 2003, which resulted in extended maturities and lowered interest rates in Entergy Gulf States' debt portfolio.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

Other operation and maintenance expenses increased primarily due to:

    • an increase of $8.2 million in benefits costs; and
    • an increase of $3.9 million in customer service support costs.

This was partially offset by a decrease of $4.9 million in lower nuclear material and labor costs due to a reduction in staff in 2004.

Miscellaneous income - net increased $147.2 million primarily due to:

    • the $107.7 million accrual in June 2003 for the loss that would be associated with a final, non-appealable decision disallowing abeyed River Bend plant costs. See Note 2 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements for more details regarding the River Bend abeyed plant costs.
    • the River Bend decommissioning cost liability revision discussed above; and
    • a reduction in the loss provision of approximately $10 million related to an environmental clean-up site.

Interest on long-term debt decreased $19.3 million primarily due to the financing program and debt restructuring implemented in 2003, which resulted in extended maturities and lowered interest rates in Entergy Gulf States' debt portfolio.

Income Taxes

The effective income tax rates for the third quarters of 2004 and 2003 were 38.1% and 31.3%, respectively. The difference in the effective income tax rate for the third quarter of 2004 versus the federal statutory rate of 35% is primarily due to state income taxes and book and tax differences related to utility plant items, partially offset by the amortization of investment tax credits. The difference in the third quarter 2003 effective income tax rate versus the federal statutory rate of 35% is primarily due to a downward revision in the estimate of federal income tax expense and flow-through book and tax differences.

The effective income tax rates for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003 were 36.8% and 21.8%, respectively. The difference in the effective income tax rate for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 versus the federal statutory rate of 35% is primarily due to state income taxes, partially offset by the amortization of investment tax credits. The difference in the effective income tax rate for the nine months ended September 30, 2003 versus the federal statutory rate of 35% is primarily due to the flow-through effect of book and tax differences, investment tax credit amortization, and a downward revision in the estimate of federal income tax expense.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Cash Flow

Cash flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003 were as follows:








(In Thousands)






Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period










Cash flow provided by (used in):






Operating activities






Investing activities






Financing activities





Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents










Cash and cash equivalents at end of period





Operating Activities

Cash flow from operations increased $283.9 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the same period of 2003 primarily due to money pool activity which provided $170.1 million of Entergy Gulf States' operating cash flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to using $46.6 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2003. Also contributing to the increase was decreased vendor payments. Entergy Gulf States' receivables from or (payables to) the money pool were as follows:

September 30,


December 31,


September 30,


December 31,

(In Thousands)















See Note 4 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K for a description of the money pool.

Investing Activities

Net cash used in investing activities decreased $67.8 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the same period of 2003 primarily due to a $40.9 million decrease in under-recovered fuel and purchased power expenses in Texas that have been deferred and are being collected over a period greater than twelve months. See Note 1 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K for further discussion of the accounting for fuel costs. Also contributing to the decrease in cash used in investing activities was the net change in other temporary investments of $31.9 million.


Financing Activities

Net cash used in financing activities increased $355.9 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the same period of 2003 primarily due to the net redemption of $338.6 million more in long-term debt in 2004 as well as increased common stock dividend payments of $17.4 million.

Uses and Sources of Capital

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Liquidity and Capital Resources" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of Entergy Gulf States' uses and sources of capital. Following is an update to the information provided in the Form 10-K.

In April 2004, Entergy Gulf States retired, at maturity, $292 million of 8.25% Series First Mortgage Bonds due April 1, 2004, using cash on hand and internally generated funds.

In September 2004, Entergy Gulf States purchased its $62 million 5.65% Series tax-exempt bonds from the holders, pursuant to a mandatory tender provision, and has not remarketed the bonds at this time. Entergy Gulf States used a combination of cash on hand and short-term borrowing to buy-in the bonds.

In October 2004, Entergy Gulf States issued $200 million 4.875% Series of First Mortgage Bonds due November 1, 2011. Entergy Gulf States plans to use the proceeds to redeem, prior to maturity, $200 million 5.2% Series of First Mortgage Bonds due December 3, 2007.

Significant Factors and Known Trends

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Significant Factors and Known Trends" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of transition to retail competition, state and local regulatory risks, System Agreement proceedings, industrial, commercial, and wholesale customers, market and credit risks, nuclear matters, environmental risks, and litigation risks. Following are updates to the information provided in the Form 10-K.

Rate Proceedings

In June 2004, Entergy Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana filed a proposed settlement with the LPSC that would resolve, among other dockets, Entergy Gulf States' ninth post-merger analysis and dockets established to consider issues concerning the companies' power purchases for the summers of 2001, 2002, and 2003. The proposed settlement included an offer to refund approximately $64 million to Entergy Gulf States' Louisiana customers and $1 million to Entergy Louisiana's customers, with no change in either company's current base rates.  The settlement also proposed a formula rate plan for Entergy Gulf States' Louisiana operations. At its September 2004 Business and Executive Session, the LPSC consolidated various dockets that were the subject of proposed settlement. The LPSC directed its staff to preside over settlement discussions and to submit any proposed settlement to the LPSC for its consideration.

In July 2004, Entergy Gulf States filed with the LPSC an application for a change in its rates and charges seeking an increase of $9.1 million in gas base rates in order to allow Entergy Gulf States an opportunity to earn a fair and reasonable rate of return. Entergy Gulf States is also seeking approval of certain proposed rate design, rate schedule and policy changes. A procedural schedule has not been established.

Transition to Retail Competition

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Significant Factors and Known Trends" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the status of retail open access in Entergy Gulf States' Texas service territory and Entergy Gulf States' independent organization request. On March 15, 2004, the PUCT issued a preliminary order in Entergy Gulf States' independence proceeding in which the PUCT determined, among other things, that the ultimate question in the proceeding is whether Entergy Gulf States' proposed independent organization, Entergy Transmission Organization, is sufficiently independent of any producer or seller of electricity that its decisions will not be unduly influenced by any producer or seller. After a hearing held in June 2004 on the merits, in July 2004 the PUCT denied Entergy's application to certify Entergy's transmission organization as an independent organization under Texas law. In its order, the PUCT also ordered: the cessation of efforts t o develop an interim solution for retail open access in Entergy Gulf States' Texas service territory, termination of the pilot project in that territory, and a delay in retail open access in that territory until either a FERC-approved RTO is in place or some other independent transmission entity is certified under Texas law. Several parties filed motions for rehearing on the termination of the pilot program aspect of the order, claiming the issue was not properly a part of the proceeding. The PUCT denied the motions for rehearing in September 2004.

In view of the PUCT order of delay in retail open access in the Texas service territory, Entergy Gulf States filed a retail electric rate case and fuel reconciliation proceeding with the PUCT in August 2004 seeking the following:

  • approval of a base rate increase of $42.6 million annually for the Texas retail jurisdiction;
  • approval to implement a $14.1 million per year rider to recover, over a 15-year period, $110.9 million of incurred costs related to its efforts to transition to a competitive retail market in accordance with the Texas restructuring law;
  • proposed $11.3 million franchise fee rider to recover payments to municipalities charging such fees; and
  • a requested return on equity of 11.5%.

In addition, Entergy Gulf States' fuel reconciliation filing made in conjunction with the base rate case seeks to reconcile approximately $288 million in fuel and purchased power costs incurred during the period September 2003 through March 2004. Although the case was initially assigned to the State Office of Administrative Hearings, the PUCT ordered that the case be returned to the PUCT. The PUCT requested that the parties submit briefs addressing threshold issues related to whether Entergy Gulf States has the right to file a base rate case and what relief is available, if the PUCT were to determine that Entergy Gulf States' base rates are subject to the rate freeze imposed in December 2001 in connection with the market readiness docket initiated by the PUCT Staff. The PUCT considered these issues in September 2004. In October 2004, the PUCT issued a written order in which it dismissed the rate case indicating that Entergy Gulf States is still subject to a rate freeze based on an agre ement in 2001 stipulating that a rate freeze would remain in effect until retail open access commenced in Entergy Gulf States' service territory. Entergy Gulf States intends to file a motion for rehearing and intends to pursue other available remedies.

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Significant Factors and Known Trends" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the Entergy Gulf States business separation proceeding at the LPSC. In September 2004, a status conference was held before an ALJ in joint proceedings before the LPSC concerning the proposed jurisdictional separation of Entergy Gulf States. In the status conference, the LPSC staff asserted that uncertainty with respect to retail open access in Texas should not control whether or when the LPSC should require the jurisdictional separation of Entergy Gulf States and recommended that an investigation concerning the proposed jurisdictional separation proceed. A procedural schedule was established and hearings are expected to begin in June 2005. In October 2004, Entergy Gulf States filed a preliminary methodology that could be used to separate Entergy Gulf States into two vertically integrated companies, should its regulators determine that this is in the publi c interest.

System Agreement Proceedings

See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceeding commenced at the FERC by the LPSC regarding production cost equalization under the System Agreement, the ALJ's Initial Decision in the proceeding, and the "Order of Investigation" issued by the APSC. Several parties, including Entergy, the LPSC, the APSC, the MPSC, the City Council, and the FERC Staff, filed briefs on exceptions in response to the ALJ's Initial Decision. Entergy's exceptions to the ALJ's Initial Decision include: the practical effect of the Initial Decision is full production cost equalization, which was rejected in the Initial Decision and previously has been rejected by the FERC; resource planning for the Entergy System would be impeded if the Initial Decision were adopted; the remedy in the Initial Decision is inconsistent with the history, structure, and precedent regarding the System Agreement; the Initial Decision's remedy ignores the historical pattern of production cost disparities on the Entergy System and would result in substantial, sudden transfers of costs between groups of Entergy customers; the numerical standards proposed in the Initial Decision are arbitrary and are so complex that they will be difficult to implement; the Initial Decision improperly rejected Entergy's resource planning remedy; the Initial Decision erroneously determined that the full costs of the Vidalia project should be included in Entergy Louisiana's production costs for purposes of calculating relative production costs; and the Initial Decision erroneously adopted a new method of calculating reserve sharing costs rather than the current method.

As reported in the Form 10-K, if the FERC grants the relief requested by the LPSC in the proceeding, the relief may result in a material increase in the total production costs the FERC allocates to companies whose costs currently are projected to be less than the Entergy System average, and a material decrease in the total production costs the FERC allocates to companies whose costs currently are projected to exceed that average.   If the FERC adopts the ALJ's Initial Decision, the amount of production costs that would be reallocated among the domestic utility companies would be determined through consideration of each domestic utility company's relative total production cost expressed as a percentage of Entergy System average total production cost. The ALJ's Initial Decision would reallocate production costs of the domestic utility companies whose percent of Entergy System average production cost are outside an upper or lower bandwidth. This would be accomplished by payment s from domestic utility companies whose production costs are below Entergy System average production cost to domestic utility companies whose production costs are above Entergy System average production cost.

An assessment of the potential effects of the ALJ's Initial Decision requires assumptions regarding the future total production cost of each domestic utility company, which assumptions include the mix of solid fuel and gas-fired generation available to each company and the costs of natural gas and purchased power.  Entergy Louisiana and Entergy Gulf States are more dependent upon gas-fired generation than Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, or Entergy New Orleans. Of these, Entergy Arkansas is the least dependent upon gas-fired generation.  Therefore, increases in natural gas prices likely will increase the amount by which Entergy Arkansas' total production costs are below the average production costs of the domestic utility companies.  Considerable uncertainty exists regarding future gas prices. Annual average gas prices have varied significantly over recent years, ranging from $1.92/mmBtu to $5.48/mmBtu for the 1994-2003 period, and averaging $2.99/mmBtu during the ten - -year period 1994-2003 and $3.77/mmBtu during the five-year period 1999-2003.  Recent market conditions have resulted in gas prices that have averaged $5.58/MMBtu for the twelve months ended September 2004. Based upon analyses considering the effect on future production costs if the FERC adopts the ALJ's Initial Decision, the following potential annual production cost reallocations among the domestic utility companies could result assuming annual average gas prices range from $6.39/mmBtu in 2005 declining to $4.97/mmBtu by 2009:


Range of Annual Payments or (Receipts)


Average Annual Payments or (Receipts) for 2005-2009 Period


(In Millions)


(In Millions)


Entergy Arkansas

$154 to $281 



Entergy Gulf States

($130) to ($15)



Entergy Louisiana

($199) to ($98)



Entergy Mississippi

($16) to $8 



Entergy New Orleans

($17) to ($5)



Management believes that any changes in the allocation of production costs resulting from a FERC decision and related retail proceedings should result in similar rate changes for retail customers. Therefore, management does not believe that this proceeding at the FERC will have a material effect on the financial condition of any of the domestic utility companies, although the outcome of the FERC proceeding and related retail proceedings cannot be predicted at this time.

Entergy Arkansas filed its initial testimony in response to the APSC's February Order of Investigation discussed in the Form 10-K. The testimony emphasizes that the ALJ's Initial Decision is not a final order by the FERC; briefly discusses some of the aspects of the Initial Decision that are included in Entergy's exceptions filed with the FERC; emphasizes that Entergy will seek to reverse the production cost-related portions of the Initial Decision; and states that Entergy Arkansas believes that it is premature, before the FERC makes a decision, for Entergy Arkansas to determine whether its continued participation in the System Agreement is appropriate.

In addition, as discussed in the Form 10-K, the APSC had publicly announced its intention to initiate an inquiry into Entergy Louisiana's Vidalia purchased power contract. In April 2004, the APSC commenced the investigation and requested historical documents, records, and information from Entergy Arkansas, which Entergy Arkansas has provided to the APSC.

Also in April 2004, the APSC issued an order directing Entergy Arkansas to show cause why Entergy Arkansas should not have to indemnify and hold its customers harmless from any adverse financial effects related to Entergy Louisiana's pending acquisition of the Perryville power plant, or show that the Perryville unit will produce economic benefits for Entergy Arkansas' customers. Entergy Arkansas filed a response in May 2004 stating that Entergy will seek to reverse the production cost-related portions of the ALJ's Initial Decision in the System Agreement proceeding at the FERC, that the Perryville acquisition is part of Entergy's request for proposal generation planning process, that Entergy Arkansas is not in a position to indemnify its retail customers from actions taken by the FERC, and that the Perryville acquisition is expected to reduce the domestic utility companies' overall production costs. Procedural schedules have not been established in these APSC investigations.

Also in April 2004, the City Council issued a resolution directing Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana to notify the City Council and obtain prior approval for any action that would materially modify, amend, or terminate the System Agreement for one or more of the domestic utility companies. Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana appealed to state court the City Council's resolution on the basis that the imposition of this requirement with respect to the System Agreement, a FERC-approved tariff, exceeds the City Council's jurisdiction and authority. In July 2004, the City Council answered the appeal and filed a third party demand and counterclaim against Entergy, the domestic utility companies, Entergy Services, and System Energy, seeking a declaratory judgment that Entergy and its subsidiaries cannot terminate the System Agreement until obligations owed under the March 2003 Agreement in Principle are satisfied. In August 2004, Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana, as well as the named third party defendants, filed pleadings objecting to the City Council's third party demand and counterclaim on various grounds, including federal preemption.

Critical Accounting Estimates

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Critical Accounting Estimates" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the estimates and judgments necessary in Entergy Gulf States' accounting for nuclear decommissioning costs, the application of SFAS 71, and pension and other postretirement costs.

Nuclear Decommissioning Costs

In the third quarter of 2004, Entergy Gulf States recorded a revision to its estimated decommissioning cost liability in accordance with a new decommissioning cost study for River Bend that reflected a life extension for the plant. The revised estimate resulted in a $116.8 million reduction in decommissioning liability, along with a $31.3 million reduction in utility plant, a $40.1 million reduction in the related regulatory asset and a regulatory liability of $17.7 million. For the portion of River Bend not subject to cost-based ratemaking, the revised estimate resulted in the elimination of the asset retirement cost that had been recorded at the time of adoption of SFAS 143 with the remainder recorded as miscellaneous income of $27.7 million.

For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
  Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
    2004   2003   2004   2003
    (In Thousands)   (In Thousands)
OPERATING REVENUES                
Domestic electric   $831,377    $769,326    $2,118,031    $2,015,330 
Natural gas   9,253    7,856    46,908    46,841 
TOTAL   840,630    777,182    2,164,939    2,062,171 
OPERATING EXPENSES                
Operation and Maintenance:                
  Fuel, fuel-related expenses, and                
   gas purchased for resale   249,603    193,692    559,277    516,656 
  Purchased power   263,553    251,372    725,610    661,697 
  Nuclear refueling outage expenses   4,503    3,193    10,868    10,852 
  Other operation and maintenance   110,564    101,435    314,198    304,008 
Decommissioning   3,867    3,567    11,395    10,701 
Taxes other than income taxes   31,001    31,612    88,058    90,414 
Depreciation and amortization   51,924    50,039    146,253    147,941 
Other regulatory credits - net   (2,223)   (3,791)   (8,701)   (1,004)
TOTAL   712,792    631,119    1,846,958    1,741,265 
OPERATING INCOME   127,838    146,063    317,981    320,906 
OTHER INCOME                
Allowance for equity funds used during construction   4,140    4,084    9,187    10,258 
Interest and dividend income   3,058    6,215    10,079    15,182 
Miscellaneous - net   26,284    990    38,780    (108,380)
TOTAL   33,482    11,289    58,046    (82,940)
Interest on long-term debt   29,361    39,433    93,900    113,209 
Other interest - net   1,822    1,477    4,542    4,785 
Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction   (3,076)   (3,410)   (6,843)   (8,651)
TOTAL   28,107    37,500    91,599    109,343 
CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF ACCOUNTING CHANGE   133,213    119,852    284,428    128,623 
Income taxes   50,757    37,569    104,653    33,339 
OF ACCOUNTING CHANGE   82,456    82,283    179,775    95,284 
CHANGE (net of income taxes of $12,713)   - -    - -    - -    (21,333)
NET INCOME   82,456    82,283    179,775    73,951 
Preferred dividend requirements and other   1,097    1,170    3,370    3,551 
COMMON STOCK   $81,359    $81,113    $176,405    $70,400 
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.                


















(Page left blank intentionally)


For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
    2004   2003
    (In Thousands)
Net income   $179,775    $73,951 
Noncash items included in net income:        
  Reserve for regulatory adjustments   12,406    (9,806)
  Other regulatory credits   (8,701)   (1,004)
  Depreciation, amortization, and decommissioning   157,648    158,642 
  Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits   21,796    (18,240)
  Cumulative effect of accounting change    -    21,333 
Changes in working capital:        
  Receivables   (73,723)   (141,817)
  Fuel inventory   3,934    (5,058)
  Accounts payable   90,932    (88,109)
  Taxes accrued   117,049    72,234 
  Interest accrued   (4,386)   5,020 
  Deferred fuel costs   57,680    30,253 
  Other working capital accounts   5,852    12,353 
Provision for estimated losses and reserves   (12,253)   108,196 
Changes in other regulatory assets   (2,427)   27,253 
Other   (41,920)   (25,389)
Net cash flow provided by operating activities   503,662    219,812 
Construction expenditures   (241,828)   (234,689)
Allowance for equity funds used during construction   9,187    10,258 
Nuclear fuel purchases   (12,551)   (39,959)
Proceeds from sale/leaseback of nuclear fuel   12,549    38,029 
Decommissioning trust contributions and realized        
  change in trust assets   (8,700)   (9,862)
Changes in other temporary investments - net   23,579    (8,403)
Other regulatory investments   (45,926)   (86,854)
Net cash flow used in investing activities   (263,690)   (331,480)
Proceeds from the issuance of long-term debt   - -    1,032,778 
Retirement of long-term debt   (354,000)   (1,048,129)
Redemption of preferred stock   (3,450)   (3,450)
Dividends paid:        
  Common stock   (74,100)   (56,700)
  Preferred stock   (3,370)   (3,551)
Net cash flow used in financing activities   (434,920)   (79,052)
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents   (194,948)   (190,720)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period   206,030    318,404 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period   $11,082    $127,684 
Cash paid/(received) during the period for:        
  Interest - net of amount capitalized   $97,688    $108,423 
  Income taxes   - -    ($5,180)
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.        


September 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003
    2004   2003
  (In Thousands)
CURRENT ASSETS            
Cash and cash equivalents:            
  Cash       $10,139    $20,754 
  Temporary cash investments - at cost,            
   which approximates market       943    185,276 
     Total cash and cash equivalents       11,082    206,030 
  Other temporary investments       - -    23,579 
  Accounts receivable:            
    Customer       177,844    115,729 
    Allowance for doubtful accounts       (4,578)   (4,856)
    Associated companies       19,536    76,726 
    Other       65,202    27,243 
    Accrued unbilled revenues       145,003    114,442 
     Total accounts receivable       403,007    329,284 
Deferred fuel costs       106,695    118,449 
Accumulated deferred income taxes       10,952    6,116 
Fuel inventory - at average cost       46,929    50,863 
Materials and supplies - at average cost       107,262    99,357 
Prepayments and other       27,605    51,236 
TOTAL       713,532    884,914 
Decommissioning trust funds       281,745    267,917 
Non-utility property - at cost (less accumulated depreciation)       92,224    139,911 
Other       21,965    21,852 
TOTAL       395,934    429,680 
Electric       8,346,214    8,208,394 
Property under capital lease       1,858    11,009 
Natural gas       76,769    69,180 
Construction work in progress       311,628    325,888 
Nuclear fuel under capital lease       74,358    63,684 
TOTAL UTILITY PLANT       8,810,827    8,678,155 
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization       4,020,113    3,953,275 
UTILITY PLANT - NET       4,790,714    4,724,880 
Regulatory assets:            
  SFAS 109 regulatory asset - net       442,121    442,062 
  Other regulatory assets       281,745    320,363 
Long-term receivables       24,648    19,375 
Other       38,430    33,588 
TOTAL       786,944    815,388 
TOTAL ASSETS       $6,687,124    $6,854,862 
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.            
September 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003
    2004   2003
  (In Thousands)
Currently maturing long-term debt       $98,000   $354,000
Accounts payable:            
  Associated companies       179,872   84,000
  Other       151,620   156,166
Customer deposits       51,796   47,044
Taxes accrued       20,780   - -
Nuclear refueling outage costs       18,126   8,238
Interest accrued       32,190   36,970
Obligations under capital leases       28,446   34,075
Other       14,020   14,755
TOTAL       594,850   735,248
Accumulated deferred income taxes and taxes accrued       1,522,000   1,422,776
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits       140,043   144,323
Obligations under capital leases       54,002   40,618
Other regulatory liabilities       36,890   13,885
Decommissioning and retirement cost liabilities       148,816   298,785
Transition to competition       79,098   79,098
Regulatory reserves       69,749   57,343
Accumulated provisions       67,253   75,868
Long-term debt       1,891,435   1,989,613
Preferred stock with sinking fund       17,402   20,852
Other       224,013   233,985
TOTAL       4,250,701   4,377,146
Preferred stock without sinking fund       47,327   47,327
Common stock, no par value, authorized 200,000,000            
 shares; issued and outstanding 100 shares in 2004 and 2003       114,055   114,055
Paid-in capital       1,157,484   1,157,484
Retained earnings       521,995   419,690
Accumulated other comprehensive income       712   3,912
TOTAL       1,841,573   1,742,468
Commitments and Contingencies            
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.            


For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
        Three Months Ended
        2004   2003
        (In Thousands)
RETAINED EARNINGS                    
Retained Earnings - Beginning of period       $483,836        $422,116    
  Add: Net Income       82,456    $82,456   82,283   $82,283
    Dividends declared on common stock       43,200        39,600    
    Preferred dividend requirements and other       1,097    1,097    1,170   1,170
        44,297        40,770    
Retained Earnings - End of period       $521,995        $463,629    
INCOME (Net of Taxes):                    
Balance at beginning of period:                    
  Accumulated derivative instrument fair value changes       $4,168        $2,753    
Net derivative instrument fair value changes                    
 arising during the period       (3,456)   (3,456)   169   169
Balance at end of period:                    
  Accumulated derivative instrument fair value changes       $712        $2,922    
Comprehensive Income           $77,903        $81,282
        Nine Months Ended
        2004   2003
        (In Thousands)
RETAINED EARNINGS                    
Retained Earnings - Beginning of period       $419,690        $449,929     
  Add: Net Income       179,775    $179,775    73,951    $73,951 
    Dividends declared on common stock       74,100        56,700     
    Preferred dividend requirements and other       3,370    3,370    3,551    3,551 
        77,470        60,251     
Retained Earnings - End of period       $521,995       
INCOME (Net of Taxes):                    
Balance at beginning of period:                    
  Accumulated derivative instrument fair value changes       $3,912        $3,286     
Net derivative instrument fair value changes                    
 arising during the period       (3,200)   (3,200)   (364)   (364)
Balance at end of period:                    
  Accumulated derivative instrument fair value changes       $712        $2,922     
Comprehensive Income          
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.                    


For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
    Three Months Ended   Increase/    
Description   2004   2003   (Decrease)   %
    (In Millions)        
Electric Operating Revenues:                
  Residential   $297   $284   $13    5 
  Commercial   196   183   13    7 
  Industrial   263   228   35    15 
  Governmental   10   10   - -     - 
    Total retail   766   705   61    9 
  Sales for resale                
    Associated companies   18   19   (1)   (5)
    Non-associated companies   40   35   5    14 
  Other   7   10   (3)   (30)
     Total   $831   $769   $62    8 
Billed Electric Energy                
 Sales (GWh):                
  Residential   3,225   3,173   52    2 
  Commercial   2,443   2,333   110    5 
  Industrial   4,254   3,889   365    9 
  Governmental   111   115   (4)   (3)
    Total retail   10,033   9,510   523    5 
  Sales for resale                
    Associated companies   617   682   (65)   (10)
    Non-associated companies   653   564   89    16 
     Total   11,303   10,756   547    5 
    Nine Months Ended   Increase/    
Description   2004   2003   (Decrease)   %
    (In Millions)        
Electric Operating Revenues:                
  Residential   $666   $646   $20    3 
  Commercial   493   461   32    7 
  Industrial   708   640   68    11 
  Governmental   28   30   (2)   (7)
    Total retail   1,895   1,777   118    7 
  Sales for resale                
    Associated companies   39   34   5    15 
    Non-associated companies   132   122   10    8 
  Other   52   82   (30)   (37)
     Total   $2,118   $2,015   $103    5 
Billed Electric Energy                
 Sales (GWh):                
  Residential   7,481   7,599   (118)   (2)
  Commercial   6,290   6,147   143    2 
  Industrial   12,226   11,488   738    6 
  Governmental   325   363   (38)   (10)
    Total retail   26,322   25,597   725    3 
  Sales for resale                
    Associated companies   1,167   943   224    24 
    Non-associated companies   2,659   2,639   20    1 
    Total   30,148   29,179   969    3 





Results of Operations

Net Income

Third Quarter 2004 Compared to Third Quarter 2003

Net income decreased $12.4 million primarily due to decreased net revenue and increased other operation and maintenance expenses.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

Net income decreased $37.0 million primarily due to decreased net revenue and increased other operation and maintenance expenses, partially offset by decreased interest charges.

Net Revenue

Third Quarter 2004 Compared to Third Quarter 2003

Net revenue, which is Entergy's measure of gross margin, consists of operating revenues net of: 1) fuel, fuel-related, and purchased power expenses and 2) other regulatory charges (credits). Following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing the third quarter of 2004 to the third quarter of 2003.






(In Millions)




2003 net revenue









2004 net revenue



The volume/weather variance resulted primarily from the effect of milder weather on sales during the third quarter of 2004 compared to the third quarter of 2003, partially offset by increased usage of 104 GWh in the industrial sector.

Gross operating revenues, fuel and purchased power expenses, and other regulatory credits

Gross operating revenues increased primarily due to an increase of $28.8 million in fuel cost recovery revenues due to higher fuel rates, partially offset by a decrease of $8.9 million due to unfavorable weather/volume, as discussed above.

Fuel and purchased power expenses increased primarily due to:

    • increased recovery of deferred fuel and purchased power costs; and
    • an increase in the market prices of natural gas, oil, and purchased power.

Other regulatory credits increased primarily due to the deferral in the third quarter of 2004 of $5.8 million of capacity charges related to generation resource planning as allowed by the LPSC.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

Following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing the nine months ended September 30, 2004 to the nine months ended September 30, 2003.






(In Millions)




2003 net revenue



Price applied to unbilled sales



Deferred fuel cost revisions



Summer capacity charges






2004 net revenue



The price applied to the unbilled sales variance is due to a decrease in the fuel price included in unbilled sales in 2004 caused primarily by the effect of nuclear plant outages in 2003 on average fuel costs.

The deferred fuel cost revisions variance resulted from a revised unbilled sales pricing estimate made in the first quarter of 2003 to more closely align the fuel component of that pricing with expected recoverable fuel costs.

The summer capacity charges variance is due to the amortization in 2003 of deferred capacity charges for the summer of 2001 compared to the absence of the amortization in 2004. The amortization of these capacity charges began in August 2002 and ended in July 2003.

Gross operating revenues, fuel and purchased power expenses, and other regulatory charges (credits)

Gross operating revenues increased primarily due to an increase of $87.0 million in fuel cost recovery revenues due to higher fuel rates. The increase was partially offset by the following:

    • a decrease of $29.8 million in the price applied to unbilled sales, as discussed above; and
    • a decrease of $22.4 million in gross wholesale revenue due to decreased sales to affiliated systems.

Fuel and purchased power expenses increased primarily due to:

    • increased recovery of deferred fuel and purchased power costs; and
    • an increase in the market prices of natural gas and purchased power.

Other regulatory charges decreased primarily due to:

    • the amortization in 2003 of $11.8 million of deferred capacity charges, as discussed above; and
    • the deferral in 2004 of $11.6 million of capacity charges related to generation resource planning as allowed by the LPSC.

Other Income Statement Variances

Third Quarter 2004 Compared to Third Quarter 2003

Other operation and maintenance expenses increased primarily due to an increase in benefit costs.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

Other operation and maintenance expenses increased primarily due to:

    • an increase in customer service support costs; and
    • an increase in benefit costs.

Interest charges decreased primarily due to the redemption of $150 million of First Mortgage Bonds in June 2003, partially offset by the issuance of $100 million of First Mortgage Bonds in March 2004.

Income Taxes

The effective income tax rates for the third quarters of 2004 and 2003 were 38.6% and 39.4%, respectively. The effective income tax rates for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003 were 38.3% and 39.1%, respectively. The differences in the effective income tax rates for the third quarter of 2004 and the nine months ended September 30, 2004 versus the federal statutory rate of 35% are primarily due to book and tax differences related to utility plant items and state income taxes, partially offset by the amortization of investment tax credits. The differences in the effective income tax rates for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2003 are primarily due to book and tax differences related to utility plant items and state income taxes.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Cash Flow

Cash flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003 were as follows:








(In Thousands)






Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period










Cash flow provided by (used in):






Operating activities






Investing activities






Financing activities





Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents










Cash and cash equivalents at end of period





Operating Activities

Cash flow from operations decreased $46.1 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2003 primarily due to money pool activity, which used $107.1 million of Entergy Louisiana's operating cash flows in the first nine months of 2004 compared to using $15.4 million in the first nine months of 2003. The decrease was partially offset by the increased collection of deferred fuel costs. Entergy Louisiana's receivables from or (payables to) the money pool were as follows:

September 30,


December 31,


September 30,


December 31,

(In Thousands)















See Note 4 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K for a description of the money pool.

Investing Activities

Cash used by investing activities decreased $18.5 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2003 primarily due to decreased spending on distribution, transmission, and nuclear projects, partially offset by increased spending at certain fossil plants.

Financing Activities

Cash used by financing activities decreased $313.7 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2003 primarily due to:

    • the issuance of $100 million of 5.5% Series First Mortgage Bonds in March 2004;
    • the retirement of $150 million of 8.5% Series First Mortgage Bonds in June 2003;
    • a principal payment of $14.8 million in 2004 for the Waterford Lease Obligation compared to a principal payment of $35.4 million in 2003; and
    • a decrease of $43.9 million in common stock dividends paid.

Uses and Sources of Capital

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Liquidity and Capital Resources" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of Entergy Louisiana's uses and sources of capital. Following is an update to the information provided in the Form 10-K.

Entergy Louisiana now expects to complete the purchase of the Perryville plant in mid-2005 for $183.5 million. Therefore, Entergy Louisiana now expects to spend approximately $271 million for construction and capital investment in 2004 and approximately $559 million for construction and capital investment in 2005-2006.

In May 2004, Entergy Louisiana extended the maturity date of its 364-day credit facility from May 2004 to July 2004. In July 2004, Entergy Louisiana renewed the facility and Entergy New Orleans entered into a separate credit facility with the same lender. Both facilities will expire in April 2005. Entergy Louisiana can borrow up to $15 million and Entergy New Orleans can borrow up to $14 million under their respective credit facilities, but at no time can the total amount borrowed under these facilities by the two companies combined exceed $15 million. As of September 30, 2004, no borrowings were outstanding under these facilities.

In October 2004, Entergy Louisiana issued $70 million 6.40% Series of First Mortgage Bonds due October 1, 2034. Entergy Louisiana plans to use the proceeds to redeem in November 2004 $72.2 million 9.0% Series Junior Subordinated Deferrable Interest Debentures due 2045.

In October 2004, Entergy Louisiana issued $115 million 5.09% Series of First Mortgage Bonds due November 1, 2014. Entergy Louisiana plans to use the proceeds to redeem, prior to maturity, $115 million 6.5% Series of First Mortgage Bonds due March 1, 2008.

Significant Factors and Known Trends

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Significant Factors and Known Trends" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of utility restructuring, state rate regulation, System Agreement proceedings, industrial and commercial customers, market and credit risks, nuclear matters, environmental risks, and litigation risks. Following are updates to the Form 10-K.

Rate Proceedings

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Rate Proceedings" in the Form 10-K for discussion of Entergy Louisiana's rate filing with the LPSC requesting a base rate increase. In August 2004, the LPSC Staff filed testimony in which it recommended up to a $19.5 million rate increase for Entergy Louisiana, assuming that the Perryville acquisition is approved in time for the Perryville costs to be included in rates set in this proceeding. Additional issues and updates that will be evaluated in connection with this proceeding are likely to result in revisions to the LPSC Staff's recommendation.  These issues may reduce the amount of the recommended rate increase or cause it to become a recommendation for a rate decrease. Hearings are currently set for December 2004.

System Agreement Proceedings

See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceeding commenced at the FERC by the LPSC regarding production cost equalization under the System Agreement, the ALJ's Initial Decision in the proceeding, and the "Order of Investigation" issued by the APSC. Several parties, including Entergy, the LPSC, the APSC, the MPSC, the City Council, and the FERC Staff, filed briefs on exceptions in response to the ALJ's Initial Decision. Entergy's exceptions to the ALJ's Initial Decision include: the practical effect of the Initial Decision is full production cost equalization, which was rejected in the Initial Decision and previously has been rejected by the FERC; resource planning for the Entergy System would be impeded if the Initial Decision were adopted; the remedy in the Initial Decision is inconsistent with the history, structure, and precedent regarding the System Agreement; the Initial Decision's remedy ignores the historical pattern of production cost disparities on the Entergy System and would result in substantial, sudden transfers of costs between groups of Entergy customers; the numerical standards proposed in the Initial Decision are arbitrary and are so complex that they will be difficult to implement; the Initial Decision improperly rejected Entergy's resource planning remedy; the Initial Decision erroneously determined that the full costs of the Vidalia project should be included in Entergy Louisiana's production costs for purposes of calculating relative production costs; and the Initial Decision erroneously adopted a new method of calculating reserve sharing costs rather than the current method.

As reported in the Form 10-K, if the FERC grants the relief requested by the LPSC in the proceeding, the relief may result in a material increase in the total production costs the FERC allocates to companies whose costs currently are projected to be less than the Entergy System average, and a material decrease in the total production costs the FERC allocates to companies whose costs currently are projected to exceed that average.   If the FERC adopts the ALJ's Initial Decision, the amount of production costs that would be reallocated among the domestic utility companies would be determined through consideration of each domestic utility company's relative total production cost expressed as a percentage of Entergy System average total production cost. The ALJ's Initial Decision would reallocate production costs of the domestic utility companies whose percent of Entergy System average production cost are outside an upper or lower bandwidth. This would be accomplished by payment s from domestic utility companies whose production costs are below Entergy System average production cost to domestic utility companies whose production costs are above Entergy System average production cost.

An assessment of the potential effects of the ALJ's Initial Decision requires assumptions regarding the future total production cost of each domestic utility company, which assumptions include the mix of solid fuel and gas-fired generation available to each company and the costs of natural gas and purchased power.  Entergy Louisiana and Entergy Gulf States are more dependent upon gas-fired generation than Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, or Entergy New Orleans. Of these, Entergy Arkansas is the least dependent upon gas-fired generation.  Therefore, increases in natural gas prices likely will increase the amount by which Entergy Arkansas' total production costs are below the average production costs of the domestic utility companies.  Considerable uncertainty exists regarding future gas prices. Annual average gas prices have varied significantly over recent years, ranging from $1.92/mmBtu to $5.48/mmBtu for the 1994-2003 period, and averaging $2.99/mmBtu during the ten - -year period 1994-2003 and $3.77/mmBtu during the five-year period 1999-2003.  Recent market conditions have resulted in gas prices that have averaged $5.58/MMBtu for the twelve months ended September 2004. Based upon analyses considering the effect on future production costs if the FERC adopts the ALJ's Initial Decision, the following potential annual production cost reallocations among the domestic utility companies could result assuming annual average gas prices range from $6.39/mmBtu in 2005 declining to $4.97/mmBtu by 2009:


Range of Annual Payments or (Receipts)


Average Annual Payments or (Receipts) for 2005-2009 Period


(In Millions)


(In Millions)


Entergy Arkansas

$154 to $281 



Entergy Gulf States

($130) to ($15)



Entergy Louisiana

($199) to ($98)



Entergy Mississippi

($16) to $8 



Entergy New Orleans

($17) to ($5)



Management believes that any changes in the allocation of production costs resulting from a FERC decision and related retail proceedings should result in similar rate changes for retail customers. Therefore, management does not believe that this proceeding at the FERC will have a material effect on the financial condition of any of the domestic utility companies, although the outcome of the FERC proceeding and related retail proceedings cannot be predicted at this time.

Entergy Arkansas filed its initial testimony in response to the APSC's February Order of Investigation discussed in the Form 10-K. The testimony emphasizes that the ALJ's Initial Decision is not a final order by the FERC; briefly discusses some of the aspects of the Initial Decision that are included in Entergy's exceptions filed with the FERC; emphasizes that Entergy will seek to reverse the production cost-related portions of the Initial Decision; and states that Entergy Arkansas believes that it is premature, before the FERC makes a decision, for Entergy Arkansas to determine whether its continued participation in the System Agreement is appropriate.

In addition, as discussed in the Form 10-K, the APSC had publicly announced its intention to initiate an inquiry into Entergy Louisiana's Vidalia purchased power contract. In April 2004, the APSC commenced the investigation and requested historical documents, records, and information from Entergy Arkansas, which Entergy Arkansas has provided to the APSC.

Also in April 2004, the APSC issued an order directing Entergy Arkansas to show cause why Entergy Arkansas should not have to indemnify and hold its customers harmless from any adverse financial effects related to Entergy Louisiana's pending acquisition of the Perryville power plant, or show that the Perryville unit will produce economic benefits for Entergy Arkansas' customers. Entergy Arkansas filed a response in May 2004 stating that Entergy will seek to reverse the production cost-related portions of the ALJ's Initial Decision in the System Agreement proceeding at the FERC, that the Perryville acquisition is part of Entergy's request for proposal generation planning process, that Entergy Arkansas is not in a position to indemnify its retail customers from actions taken by the FERC, and that the Perryville acquisition is expected to reduce the domestic utility companies' overall production costs. Procedural schedules have not been established in these APSC investigations.

Also in April 2004, the City Council issued a resolution directing Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana to notify the City Council and obtain prior approval for any action that would materially modify, amend, or terminate the System Agreement for one or more of the domestic utility companies. Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana appealed to state court the City Council's resolution on the basis that the imposition of this requirement with respect to the System Agreement, a FERC-approved tariff, exceeds the City Council's jurisdiction and authority. In July 2004, the City Council answered the appeal and filed a third party demand and counterclaim against Entergy, the domestic utility companies, Entergy Services, and System Energy, seeking a declaratory judgment that Entergy and its subsidiaries cannot terminate the System Agreement until obligations owed under the March 2003 Agreement in Principle are satisfied. In August 2004, Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana, as well as the named third party defendants, filed pleadings objecting to the City Council's third party demand and counterclaim on various grounds, including federal preemption.

Critical Accounting Estimates

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Critical Accounting Estimates" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the estimates and judgments necessary in Entergy Louisiana's accounting for nuclear decommissioning costs and pension and other retirement costs.

For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
  Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
    2004   2003   2004   2003
    (In Thousands)   (In Thousands)
OPERATING REVENUES                
Domestic electric   $668,240    $646,503    $1,711,797    $1,678,444 
OPERATING EXPENSES                
Operation and Maintenance:                
  Fuel, fuel-related expenses, and                
   gas purchased for resale   249,879    198,955    517,543    417,953 
  Purchased power   173,732    184,250    509,564    500,152 
  Nuclear refueling outage expenses   3,500    2,745    10,132    8,235 
  Other operation and maintenance   90,703    85,626    262,072    250,198 
Decommissioning   5,534    5,142    16,333    15,427 
Taxes other than income taxes   19,262    18,240    53,595    52,754 
Depreciation and amortization   51,051    48,439    145,588    143,411 
Other regulatory charges (credits) - net   (12,551)   (5,126)   (22,835)   1,416 
TOTAL   581,110    538,271    1,491,992    1,389,546 
OPERATING INCOME   87,130    108,232    219,805    288,898 
OTHER INCOME                
Allowance for equity funds used during construction   2,606    1,962    5,475    5,095 
Interest and dividend income   1,831    1,333    5,489    6,865 
Miscellaneous - net   (531)   (871)   (387)   (2,746)
TOTAL   3,906    2,424    10,577    9,214 
Interest on long-term debt   17,655    16,036    51,991    57,686 
Other interest - net   894    831    2,952    2,497 
Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction   (1,569)   (1,629)   (3,450)   (3,970)
TOTAL   16,980    15,238    51,493    56,213 
INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES   74,056    95,418    178,889    241,899 
Income taxes   28,560    37,555    68,468    94,516 
NET INCOME   45,496    57,863    110,421    147,383 
Preferred dividend requirements and other   1,678    1,678    5,035    5,035 
COMMON STOCK   $43,818    $56,185    $105,386    $142,348 
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.                


For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
    2004   2003
    (In Thousands)
Net income   $110,421    $147,383 
Noncash items included in net income:        
  Other regulatory charges (credits) - net   (22,835)   1,416 
  Depreciation, amortization, and decommissioning   161,921    158,838 
  Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits   12,133    786,652 
Changes in working capital:        
  Receivables   (92,848)   (84,832)
  Accounts payable   (78,456)   (23,120)
  Taxes accrued   94,398    (658,113)
  Interest accrued   (3,258)   (10,646)
  Deferred fuel costs   35,725    (61,672)
  Other working capital accounts   (2,404)   19,514 
Provision for estimated losses and reserves   5,181    7,628 
Changes in other regulatory assets   (12,031)   16,174 
Other   6,851    (38,303)
Net cash flow provided by operating activities   214,798    260,919 
Construction expenditures   (149,184)   (162,944)
Allowance for equity funds used during construction   5,475    5,095 
Nuclear fuel purchases    -    (32,241)
Proceeds from the sale/leaseback of nuclear fuel   - -    32,241 
Decommissioning trust contributions and realized        
 change in trust assets   (11,219)   (11,118)
Changes in other temporary investments   - -    (4,444)
Net cash flow used in investing activities   (154,928)   (173,411)
Proceeds from the issuance of long-term debt   99,159    - - 
Retirement of long-term debt   (14,809)   (185,416)
Dividends paid:        
  Common stock   (96,700)   (140,600)
  Preferred stock   (5,035)   (5,035)
Net cash flow used in financing activities   (17,385)   (331,051)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents   42,485    (243,543)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period   8,787    311,800 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period   $51,272    $68,257 
Cash paid during the period for:        
  Interest - net of amount capitalized   $56,217    $47,234 
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.        


September 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003
    2004   2003
  (In Thousands)
Cash and cash equivalents:        
  Cash   $4,178    $8,787 
  Temporary cash investments - at cost,        
   which approximates market   47,094    - - 
     Total cash and cash equivalents   51,272    8,787 
Accounts receivable:        
  Customer   131,486    93,393 
  Allowance for doubtful accounts   (3,545)   (4,487)
  Associated companies   66,749    9,074 
  Other   6,038    12,334 
  Accrued unbilled revenues   140,598    138,164 
     Total accounts receivable   341,326    248,478 
Deferred fuel costs   - -    30,609 
Accumulated deferred income taxes   13,899    - - 
Materials and supplies - at average cost   79,215    74,349 
Deferred nuclear refueling outage costs   9,112    19,226 
Prepayments and other   45,411    67,623 
TOTAL   540,235    449,072 
Investment in affiliates - at equity   14,230    14,230 
Decommissioning trust funds   165,564    151,996 
Non-utility property - at cost (less accumulated depreciation)   21,208    21,307 
Other   2,169    2,177 
TOTAL   203,171    189,710 
Electric   5,967,419    5,836,914 
Property under capital lease   250,102    250,102 
Construction work in progress   150,273    172,405 
Nuclear fuel under capital lease   40,073    65,066 
TOTAL UTILITY PLANT   6,407,867    6,324,487 
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization   2,786,871    2,686,778 
UTILITY PLANT - NET   3,620,996    3,637,709 
Regulatory assets:        
  SFAS 109 regulatory asset - net   157,602    156,111 
  Other regulatory assets   234,659    217,689 
Long-term receivables   10,140    1,511 
Other   22,113    22,737 
TOTAL   424,514    398,048 
TOTAL ASSETS   $4,788,916    $4,674,539 
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.        
September 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003
    2004   2003
  (In Thousands)
Currently maturing long-term debt   $55,000    $14,809 
Accounts payable:        
  Associated companies   40,535    101,191 
  Other   104,075    121,875 
Customer deposits   63,909    61,215 
Accumulated deferred income taxes   - -    566 
Interest accrued   16,971    20,229 
Deferred fuel costs   5,116    - - 
Obligations under capital leases   35,506    35,506 
Other   6,987    5,110 
TOTAL   328,099    360,501 
Accumulated deferred income taxes and taxes accrued   1,818,503    1,728,156 
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits   97,412    101,258 
Obligations under capital leases   4,567    29,560 
Other regulatory liabilities   16,610    12,204 
Decommissioning and retirement cost liabilities   372,148    352,120 
Accumulated provisions   91,715    86,534 
Long-term debt   932,739    887,687 
Other   49,899    47,981 
TOTAL   3,383,593    3,245,500 
Preferred stock without sinking fund   100,500    100,500 
Common stock, no par value, authorized 250,000,000        
 shares; issued 165,173,180 shares in 2004 and 2003   1,088,900    1,088,900 
Capital stock expense and other   (1,718)   (1,718)
Retained earnings   9,542    856 
Less - treasury stock, at cost (18,202,573 shares in 2004 and 2003)   120,000    120,000 
TOTAL   1,077,224    1,068,538 
Commitments and Contingencies        
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.        


For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
    Three Months Ended   Increase/    
Description   2004   2003   (Decrease)   %
    (In Millions)        
Electric Operating Revenues:                
  Residential   $266    $251   $15   
  Commercial   149    138   11   
  Industrial   212    199   13   
  Governmental   10    12   (2)   (17)
     Total retail   637    600   37   
  Sales for resale                
    Associated companies   38    38    
    Non-associated companies     4   (1)   (25)
  Other   (10)   5   (15)   (300)
     Total   $668    $647   $21   
Billed Electric Energy                
 Sales (GWh):                
  Residential   2,907    2,811   96   
  Commercial   1,684    1,611   73   
  Industrial   3,430    3,326   104   
  Governmental   115    135   (20)   (15)
     Total retail   8,136    7,883   253   
  Sales for resale                
    Associated companies   483    533   (50)   (9)
    Non-associated companies   43    44   (1)   (2)
     Total   8,662    8,460   202   
    Nine Months Ended   Increase/    
Description   2004   2003   (Decrease)   %
    (In Millions)        
Electric Operating Revenues:                
  Residential   $598   $575   $23   
  Commercial   380   356   24   
  Industrial   589   541   48   
  Governmental   28   32   (4)   (13)
     Total retail   1,595   1,504   91   
  Sales for resale                
    Associated companies   75   98   (23)   (23)
    Non-associated companies   10   10     - - 
  Other   32   66   (34)   (52)
     Total   $1,712   $1,678   $34   
Billed Electric Energy                
 Sales (GWh):                
  Residential   6,802   6,847   (45)   (1)
  Commercial   4,324   4,230   94   
  Industrial   9,836   9,668   168   
  Governmental   328   390   (62)   (16)
     Total retail   21,290   21,135   155   
  Sales for resale                
    Associated companies   905   1,321   (416)   (31)
    Non-associated companies   147   113   34    30 
     Total   22,342   22,569   (227)   (1)




Results of Operations

Net Income

Third Quarter 2004 Compared to Third Quarter 2003

Net income increased $2.1 million primarily due to increased net revenue, partially offset by an increase in other operation and maintenance expenses.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

Net income decreased $3.2 million primarily due to increases in other operation and maintenance expenses and taxes other than income taxes, partially offset by increases in net revenue and interest and dividend income.

Net Revenue

Third Quarter 2004 Compared to Third Quarter 2003

Net revenue, which is Entergy's measure of gross margin, consists of operating revenues net of: 1) fuel, fuel-related, and purchased power expenses and 2) other regulatory charges. Following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing the third quarter of 2004 to the third quarter of 2003.




(In Millions)


2003 net revenue



Price applied to unbilled sales



Net wholesale revenue









2004 net revenue



The price applied to unbilled sales variance resulted primarily from an increase in Grand Gulf price applied to unbilled sales.

The net wholesale revenue variance resulted from increased net generation resulting in more energy available for resale sales, partially offset by a decrease in the average price of energy supplied to affiliated sales.

The volume/weather variance resulted primarily from decreased usage due to the effect of milder weather on sales as compared to the same period in 2003.

Gross operating revenues, fuel and purchased power expenses, and other regulatory charges

Gross operating revenues increased primarily due to an increase in fuel cost recovery revenues due to higher fuel rates, along with net revenue items described above. This increase was partially offset by a decrease of $6.3 million in Grand Gulf revenue as a result of the cessation of the Grand Gulf Accelerated Tariff in July 2003.

Fuel and purchased power expenses increased primarily due to increased recovery of fuel and purchased power costs.

Other regulatory charges decreased as a result of decreased recovery of deferred capacity charges related to the Grand Gulf rate rider.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

Following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing the nine months ended September 30, 2004 to the nine months ended September 30, 2003.




(In Millions)


2003 net revenue



Net wholesale revenue









2004 net revenue



The net wholesale revenue variance resulted from an increase in energy available for resale sales, partially offset by a decrease in the average price of energy supplied for affiliated sales.

The volume/weather variance resulted from an increase in weather-adjusted usage of 117 GWh, partially offset by the effect of milder weather on billed sales.

Gross operating revenues and fuel and purchased power expenses

Gross operating revenues increased primarily due to an increase of $130.4 million in fuel cost recovery revenues due to higher fuel rates, along with the net revenue items described above. This increase was partially offset by a decrease of $39.3 million in Grand Gulf revenue as a result of the cessation of the Grand Gulf Accelerated Tariff in July 2003.

Fuel and purchased power expenses increased primarily due to an increase in recovery of fuel and purchased power costs, an increase in electric net generation, and an increase in the market prices of natural gas, oil, and non-associated purchased power.

Other Income Statement Variances

Third Quarter 2004 Compared to Third Quarter 2003

Other operation and maintenance expenses increased primarily due to an increase of $1.4 million in plant maintenance expenses and an increase of $1.0 million in pension costs.

Taxes other than income taxes increased primarily due to a higher assessment of ad valorem and franchise taxes compared to the same period in 2003.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

Other operation and maintenance expenses increased primarily due to:

    • an increase of $6.0 million in customer service costs; and
    • an increase of $1.4 million in plant maintenance expenses.

Taxes other than income taxes increased primarily due to a higher assessment of ad valorem and franchise taxes compared to the same period in 2003.

Other income increased primarily due to increased interest income on the deferred fuel balance.

Interest and other charges decreased primarily due to redemption of $330 million of First Mortgage Bonds during the nine months ended September 30, 2003, partially offset by the issuance of $180 million of First Mortgage Bonds during the nine months ended September 30, 2004.

Income Taxes

The effective income tax rates for the third quarters of 2004 and 2003 were 36.7% and 39.5%, respectively. The effective income tax rates for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003 were 36.2% and 37.3%, respectively.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Cash Flow

Cash flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003 were as follows:








(In Thousands)






Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period










Cash flow provided by (used in):






Operating activities






Investing activities






Financing activities





Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents










Cash and cash equivalents at end of period





Operating Activities

Cash flow from operations decreased $8.8 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2003 primarily due to money pool activities, partially offset by increased recovery of deferred fuel and purchased power costs.

Entergy Mississippi's receivables from or (payables to) the money pool were as follows:

September 30,


December 31,


September 30,


December 31,

(In Thousands)















Money pool activity used $17.4 million of Entergy Mississippi's cash flow for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to providing $28 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2003. See Note 4 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K for a description of the money pool.

Investing Activities

Net cash used in investing activities decreased $95.5 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2003 primarily due to cash used in 2003 for other regulatory investments of $72.6 million as a result of under-recovered fuel and purchased power costs. Also contributing to the decrease in cash used was decreased capital expenditures of $15 million and other temporary investment of $7.5 million that provided cash upon maturity.

Financing Activities

Net cash used in financing activities decreased $14.9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2003 primarily due to a $25 million draw on Entergy Mississippi's short-term bank credit facility, partially offset by increased dividends paid.

Uses and Sources of Capital

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Liquidity and Capital Resources" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of Entergy Mississippi's uses and sources of capital. Following are updates to the information provided in the Form 10-K.

Entergy Mississippi issued $180 million of First Mortgage Bonds in 2004 as follows:

Issue Date








(In Thousands)








April 2004


6.25% Series


April 2034



April 2004


4.65% Series


May 2011










In September 2004, Entergy Mississippi issued $16 million of Mississippi Business Finance Corporation 4.60% Series Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds (Entergy Mississippi, Inc Project) Series 2004 due April 2022. The proceeds from this issuance were used to redeem, prior to maturity, $7.9 million of 7.0% Series Washington County Bonds due April 2022 and $8.1 million of 7.0% Series Warren County Bonds due April 2022. The issuance is not reported in the cash flow statement because the proceeds from the issuance were placed in trust and were never held as cash by Entergy Mississippi.

Together with other available funds, proceeds from the issuances in April 2004 were used to retire or redeem the following:

Retirement Date








(In Thousands)








May 2004


6.20% Series


May 2004



May 2004


6.45% Series


April 2008



May 2004


7.70% Series


July 2023











In May 2004, Entergy Mississippi renewed its credit facility for the same amount, $25 million, which is due to expire in May 2005. The facility was fully drawn at September 30, 2004.


Significant Factors and Known Trends

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Significant Factors and Known Trends" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of utility restructuring, state and local rate regulation, System Agreement proceedings, market and credit risks, state and local regulatory risks, and litigation risks. The following are updates to the Form 10-K.

State and Local Rate Regulation

As discussed in Note 2 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K, Entergy Mississippi made its anticipated formula rate plan filing with the MPSC in March 2004 based on a 2003 test year. In April 2004, the MPSC approved a joint stipulation entered into between the Mississippi Public Utilities Staff and Entergy Mississippi that provides for no change in rates based on an adjusted return on common equity midpoint of 10.77%, establishing an allowed annual regulatory earnings range of 9.5% to 12.1%.

System Agreement Proceedings

See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceeding commenced at the FERC by the LPSC regarding production cost equalization under the System Agreement, the ALJ's Initial Decision in the proceeding, and the "Order of Investigation" issued by the APSC. Several parties, including Entergy, the LPSC, the APSC, the MPSC, the City Council, and the FERC Staff, filed briefs on exceptions in response to the ALJ's Initial Decision. Entergy's exceptions to the ALJ's Initial Decision include: the practical effect of the Initial Decision is full production cost equalization, which was rejected in the Initial Decision and previously has been rejected by the FERC; resource planning for the Entergy System would be impeded if the Initial Decision were adopted; the remedy in the Initial Decision is inconsistent with the history, structure, and precedent regarding the System Agreement; the Initial Decision's remedy ignores the historical pattern of production cost disparities on the Entergy System and would result in substantial, sudden transfers of costs between groups of Entergy customers; the numerical standards proposed in the Initial Decision are arbitrary and are so complex that they will be difficult to implement; the Initial Decision improperly rejected Entergy's resource planning remedy; the Initial Decision erroneously determined that the full costs of the Vidalia project should be included in Entergy Louisiana's production costs for purposes of calculating relative production costs; and the Initial Decision erroneously adopted a new method of calculating reserve sharing costs rather than the current method.

As reported in the Form 10-K, if the FERC grants the relief requested by the LPSC in the proceeding, the relief may result in a material increase in the total production costs the FERC allocates to companies whose costs currently are projected to be less than the Entergy System average, and a material decrease in the total production costs the FERC allocates to companies whose costs currently are projected to exceed that average.   If the FERC adopts the ALJ's Initial Decision, the amount of production costs that would be reallocated among the domestic utility companies would be determined through consideration of each domestic utility company's relative total production cost expressed as a percentage of Entergy System average total production cost. The ALJ's Initial Decision would reallocate production costs of the domestic utility companies whose percent of Entergy System average production cost are outside an upper or lower bandwidth. This would be accomplished by payment s from domestic utility companies whose production costs are below Entergy System average production cost to domestic utility companies whose production costs are above Entergy System average production cost.

An assessment of the potential effects of the ALJ's Initial Decision requires assumptions regarding the future total production cost of each domestic utility company, which assumptions include the mix of solid fuel and gas-fired generation available to each company and the costs of natural gas and purchased power.  Entergy Louisiana and Entergy Gulf States are more dependent upon gas-fired generation than Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, or Entergy New Orleans. Of these, Entergy Arkansas is the least dependent upon gas-fired generation.  Therefore, increases in natural gas prices likely will increase the amount by which Entergy Arkansas' total production costs are below the average production costs of the domestic utility companies.  Considerable uncertainty exists regarding future gas prices. Annual average gas prices have varied significantly over recent years, ranging from $1.92/mmBtu to $5.48/mmBtu for the 1994-2003 period, and averaging $2.99/mmBtu during the ten - -year period 1994-2003 and $3.77/mmBtu during the five-year period 1999-2003.  Recent market conditions have resulted in gas prices that have averaged $5.58/MMBtu for the twelve months ended September 2004. Based upon analyses considering the effect on future production costs if the FERC adopts the ALJ's Initial Decision, the following potential annual production cost reallocations among the domestic utility companies could result assuming annual average gas prices range from $6.39/mmBtu in 2005 declining to $4.97/mmBtu by 2009:


Range of Annual Payments or (Receipts)


Average Annual Payments or (Receipts) for 2005-2009 Period


(In Millions)


(In Millions)


Entergy Arkansas

$154 to $281 



Entergy Gulf States

($130) to ($15)



Entergy Louisiana

($199) to ($98)



Entergy Mississippi

($16) to $8 



Entergy New Orleans

($17) to ($5)



Management believes that any changes in the allocation of production costs resulting from a FERC decision and related retail proceedings should result in similar rate changes for retail customers. Therefore, management does not believe that this proceeding at the FERC will have a material effect on the financial condition of any of the domestic utility companies, although the outcome of the FERC proceeding and related retail proceedings cannot be predicted at this time.

Entergy Arkansas filed its initial testimony in response to the APSC's February Order of Investigation discussed in the Form 10-K. The testimony emphasizes that the ALJ's Initial Decision is not a final order by the FERC; briefly discusses some of the aspects of the Initial Decision that are included in Entergy's exceptions filed with the FERC; emphasizes that Entergy will seek to reverse the production cost-related portions of the Initial Decision; and states that Entergy Arkansas believes that it is premature, before the FERC makes a decision, for Entergy Arkansas to determine whether its continued participation in the System Agreement is appropriate.

In addition, as discussed in the Form 10-K, the APSC had publicly announced its intention to initiate an inquiry into Entergy Louisiana's Vidalia purchased power contract. In April 2004, the APSC commenced the investigation and requested historical documents, records, and information from Entergy Arkansas, which Entergy Arkansas has provided to the APSC.

Also in April 2004, the APSC issued an order directing Entergy Arkansas to show cause why Entergy Arkansas should not have to indemnify and hold its customers harmless from any adverse financial effects related to Entergy Louisiana's pending acquisition of the Perryville power plant, or show that the Perryville unit will produce economic benefits for Entergy Arkansas' customers. Entergy Arkansas filed a response in May 2004 stating that Entergy will seek to reverse the production cost-related portions of the ALJ's Initial Decision in the System Agreement proceeding at the FERC, that the Perryville acquisition is part of Entergy's request for proposal generation planning process, that Entergy Arkansas is not in a position to indemnify its retail customers from actions taken by the FERC, and that the Perryville acquisition is expected to reduce the domestic utility companies' overall production costs. Procedural schedules have not been established in these APSC investigations.

Also in April 2004, the City Council issued a resolution directing Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana to notify the City Council and obtain prior approval for any action that would materially modify, amend, or terminate the System Agreement for one or more of the domestic utility companies. Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana appealed to state court the City Council's resolution on the basis that the imposition of this requirement with respect to the System Agreement, a FERC-approved tariff, exceeds the City Council's jurisdiction and authority. In July 2004, the City Council answered the appeal and filed a third party demand and counterclaim against Entergy, the domestic utility companies, Entergy Services, and System Energy, seeking a declaratory judgment that Entergy and its subsidiaries cannot terminate the System Agreement until obligations owed under the March 2003 Agreement in Principle are satisfied. In August 2004, Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana, as well as the named third party defendants, filed pleadings objecting to the City Council's third party demand and counterclaim on various grounds, including federal preemption.

Critical Accounting Estimates

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Critical Accounting Estimates" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the estimates and judgments necessary in Entergy Mississippi's accounting for pension and other retirement costs.

For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
    Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
    2004   2003     2004   2003
    (In Thousands)     (In Thousands)
OPERATING REVENUES                  
Domestic electric   $390,337    $309,739      $916,740    $799,007 
OPERATING EXPENSES                  
Operation and Maintenance:                  
  Fuel, fuel-related expenses, and                  
   gas purchased for resale   122,086    36,565      254,432    98,954 
  Purchased power   132,108    135,781      325,401    357,654 
  Other operation and maintenance   46,590    42,108      128,473    119,669 
Taxes other than income taxes   14,919    12,704      41,481    35,686 
Depreciation and amortization   17,388    16,619      48,013    46,230 
Other regulatory charges-net   5,243    12,789      2,055    12,920 
TOTAL   338,334    256,566      799,855    671,113 
OPERATING INCOME   52,003    53,173      116,885    127,894 
OTHER INCOME                  
Allowance for equity funds used during construction   1,503    978      3,137    2,785 
Interest and dividend income   459    70      2,004    641 
Miscellaneous - net   (568)   (610)     (1,044)   (1,962)
TOTAL   1,394    438      4,097    1,464 
Interest on long-term debt   9,855    10,984      31,831    32,940 
Other interest - net   573    791      1,513    2,425 
Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction   (1,043)   (832)     (2,245)   (2,435)
TOTAL   9,385    10,943      31,099    32,930 
INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES   44,012    42,668      89,883    96,428 
Income taxes   16,139    16,864      32,564    35,958 
NET INCOME   27,873    25,804      57,319    60,470 
Preferred dividend requirements and other   842    842      2,527    2,527 
EARNINGS APPLICABLE TO                  
COMMON STOCK   $27,031    $24,962      $54,792    $57,943 
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.                  


For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
    2004   2003
    (In Thousands)
Net income   57,319    $60,469 
Noncash items included in net income:        
  Other regulatory charges - net   2,055    12,920 
  Depreciation and amortization   48,013    46,230 
  Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits   42,127    31,035 
  Allowance for equity funds used during construction   (3,137)   (2,785)
Changes in working capital:        
  Receivables   (66,227)   (31,242)
  Fuel inventory   (727)   79 
  Accounts payable   (8,617)   (3,003)
  Taxes accrued   (15,385)   (26)
  Interest accrued   2,380    (3,933)
  Deferred fuel costs   72,173    9,856 
  Other working capital accounts   (15,115)   17,992 
Provision for estimated losses and reserves   (794)   1,251 
Changes in other regulatory assets   (138)   8,388 
Other   9,159    (15,299)
Net cash flow provided by operating activities   123,086    131,932 
Construction expenditures   (113,473)   (128,521)
Allowance for equity funds used during construction   3,137    2,785 
Changes in other temporary investments - net   7,506    - - 
Other regulatory investments   -    (72,570)
Net cash flow used in investing activities   (102,830)   (198,306)
Proceeds from the issuance of long-term debt   178,550    292,426 
Retirement of long-term debt   (218,136)   (330,000)
Changes in credit borrowings   25,000    - - 
Dividends paid:        
  Common stock   (34,700)   (26,600)
  Preferred stock   (2,527)   (2,527)
Net cash flow used in financing activities   (51,813)   (66,701)
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents   (31,557)   (133,075)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period   63,838    147,721 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period   $32,281    $14,646 
Cash paid/(received) during the period for:        
  Interest - net of amount capitalized   $31,765    $37,534 
  Income taxes   $2,950    ($2,169)


September 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003
  2004   2003
  (In Thousands)
Cash and cash equivalents:        
  Cash   $3,992    $6,381 
  Temporary cash investment - at cost,        
   which approximates market   28,289    57,457 
     Total cash and cash equivalents   32,281    63,838 
Other temporary investments   - -    7,506 
Accounts receivable:        
  Customer   105,576    59,729 
  Allowance for doubtful accounts   (1,592)   (1,375)
  Associated companies   41,195    25,935 
  Other   5,728    6,400 
  Accrued unbilled revenues   37,218    31,209 
     Total accounts receivable   188,125    121,898 
Deferred fuel costs   16,905    89,078 
Accumulated deferred income taxes   19,373    - - 
Fuel inventory - at average cost   5,804    5,077 
Materials and supplies - at average cost   18,660    17,682 
Prepayments and other   27,617    9,583 
TOTAL   308,765    314,662 
Investment in affiliates - at equity   5,531    5,531 
Non-utility property - at cost (less accumulated depreciation)   6,466    6,466 
TOTAL   11,997    11,997 
Electric   2,354,001    2,243,852  
Property under capital lease   105    136  
Construction work in progress   94,938    108,829  
TOTAL UTILITY PLANT   2,449,044    2,352,817  
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization   873,161    837,492  
UTILITY PLANT - NET   1,575,883    1,515,325  
Regulatory assets:        
  SFAS 109 regulatory asset - net   23,740    28,964  
  Other regulatory assets   68,893    58,287  
Long-term receivable   4,752    - -  
Other   24,224    20,064  
TOTAL   121,609    107,315  
TOTAL ASSETS   $2,018,254    $1,949,299  
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.        
September 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003
  2004   2003
  (In Thousands)
Currently maturing long-term debt   $ -      $75,000  
Notes payable   25,000     - -  
Accounts payable:        
  Associated companies   68,078     62,705  
  Other   14,222     28,212  
Customer deposits   36,110     33,861  
Taxes accrued   49,357     39,041  
Accumulated deferred income taxes   - -     7,120  
Interest accrued   16,152     13,772  
Obligations under capital leases   36     41  
Other   4,215     2,567  
TOTAL   213,170     262,319  
Accumulated deferred income taxes and taxes accrued   423,451     385,395  
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits   14,038     15,092  
Obligations under capital leases   69     95  
Accumulated provisions   6,082     6,876  
Long-term debt   711,085     654,956  
Other   65,783     60,082  
TOTAL   1,220,508     1,122,496  
Preferred stock without sinking fund   50,381     50,381  
Common stock, no par value, authorized 15,000,000        
 shares; issued and outstanding 8,666,357 shares in 2004 and 2003   199,326     199,326  
Capital stock expense and other   (59)   (59)
Retained earnings   334,928     314,836  
TOTAL   584,576     564,484  
Commitments and Contingencies        
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.        


For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
    Three Months Ended   Increase/    
Description   2004     2003   (Decrease)   %
    (In Millions)        
Electric Operating Revenues:                  
  Residential   $ 167     $ 143   $ 24    17 
  Commercial   124     100   24    24 
  Industrial   59     43   16    37 
  Governmental   11     9     22 
    Total retail   361     295   66    22 
  Sales for resale                  
    Associated companies   13     3   10    333 
    Non-associated companies   10     7     43 
  Other   6     5     20 
     Total   $ 390     $ 310   $80    26 
Billed Electric Energy                  
 Sales (GWh):                  
  Residential   1,658     1,731   (73)   (4)
  Commercial   1,330     1,341   (11)   (1)
  Industrial   773     779   (6)   (1)
  Governmental   114     112    
    Total retail   3,875     3,963   (88)   (2)
  Sales for resale                  
    Associated companies   107     -   107   
    Non-associated companies   132     117   15    13 
     Total   4,114     4,080   34   
    Nine Months Ended   Increase/    
Description   2004     2003   (Decrease)   %
    (In Millions)        
Electric Operating Revenues:                  
  Residential   $ 363     $ 327   $ 36     11 
  Commercial   297     260   37    14 
  Industrial   150     128   22    17 
  Governmental   29     24     21 
    Total retail   839     739   100    14 
  Sales for resale                  
    Associated companies   24     12   12    100 
    Non-associated companies   22     17     29 
  Other   32     31    
     Total   $ 917     $ 799   $ 118    15 
Billed Electric Energy                  
 Sales (GWh):                  
  Residential   3,956     4,047   (91)   (2)
  Commercial   3,395     3,385   10   
  Industrial   2,195     2,159   36   
  Governmental   295     302   (7)   (2)
    Total retail   9,841     9,893   (52)   (1)
  Sales for resale                  
    Associated companies   185     24   161    671 
    Non-associated companies   299     269   30    11 
     Total   10,325     10,186   139   





Results of Operations

Net Income

Third Quarter 2004 Compared to Third Quarter 2003

Net income decreased $0.9 million primarily due to a decrease in net revenue and an increase in other operation and maintenance expense.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

Net income increased $13.3 million primarily due to an increase in net revenue.

Net Revenue

Third Quarter 2004 Compared to Third Quarter 2003

Net revenue, which is Entergy's measure of gross margin, consists of operating revenues net of: 1) fuel, fuel-related, and purchased power expenses and 2) other regulatory charges (credits). Following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing the third quarter of 2004 to the third quarter of 2003.




(In Millions)


2003 net revenue






2004 deferrals






2004 net revenue



The volume/weather variance resulted primarily from less favorable weather on sales during the third quarter of 2004 compared to the third quarter of 2004.

The 2004 deferral variance is due to the deferral of fossil plant maintenance and voluntary severance plan expenses in accordance with a stipulation approved by the City Council in August 2004 in connection with the formula rate plan. The stipulation allows for the recovery of these costs through the amortization of a regulatory asset. The fossil plant maintenance and voluntary severance plan costs are being amortized over a five-year period that became effective January 2003 and January 2004, respectively. The formula rate plan is discussed in Note 2 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements.

Other regulatory credits

Other regulatory credits increased primarily due to a stipulation approved by the City Council in August 2004, as discussed above.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

Following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing the nine months ended September 30, 2004 to the nine months ended September 30, 2003.




(In Millions)


2003 net revenue



Base rates



2004 deferrals



2004 net revenue



The increase in base rates was effective June 2003. The rate increase is discussed in Note 2 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K.

The 2004 deferral variance is due to the deferral of fossil plant maintenance and voluntary severance plan expenses in accordance with a stipulation approved by the City Council in August 2004 in connection with the formula rate plan. The stipulation allows for the recovery of these costs through the amortization of a regulatory asset. The fossil plant maintenance and voluntary severance plan costs are being amortized over a five-year period that became effective January 2003 and January 2004, respectively. The formula rate plan is discussed in Note 2 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements.

Gross operating revenues, fuel and purchased power expenses, and other regulatory charges (credits)

Gross operating revenues increased primarily due to an increase of $40.4 million in gross wholesale revenue as a result of increased sales to affiliates. The increase is also attributable to the increase in base rates, as mentioned above.

Fuel and purchased power expenses increased primarily due to an increase in electricity generated and power purchases.

Other regulatory credits increased primarily due to a stipulation approved by the City Council in August 2004, as discussed above.

Other Income Statement Variances

Third Quarter 2004 Compared to Third Quarter 2003

Other operation and maintenance expenses increased primarily due to increases in customer service and outside services expenses.

Interest on long-term debt decreased primarily due to long-term debt refinancing in the third quarter of 2003.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

The increase in miscellaneous income is primarily due to an asbestos insurance settlement in April 2004.

Other interest increased primarily due to a true-up of potential rate actions and refunds in May 2003. The true-up decreased other interest charges in 2003.


Income Taxes

The effective income tax rates for the third quarters of 2004 and 2003 were 37.8% and 41.0%, respectively. The effective income tax rates for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003 were 38.3% and 41.4%, respectively. The differences in the effective income tax rates for the periods presented versus the federal statutory rate of 35% are primarily due to book and tax differences related to utility plant items and state income taxes.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Cash Flow

Cash flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003 were as follows:








(In Thousands)






Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period










Cash flow provided by (used in):






Operating activities






Investing activities






Financing activities





Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents










Cash and cash equivalents at end of period





Operating Activities

Entergy New Orleans provided $40.6 million of cash flow from operating activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to using $7.7 million of cash for the nine months ended September 30, 2003 primarily due to increased net income and the timing of receivable collections.

Entergy New Orleans' receivables from or (payables to) the money pool were as follows:

September 30,


December 31, 2003


September 30,


December 31,

(In Thousands)















Money pool activity provided $3.9 million of Entergy New Orleans' operating cash flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and provided $25.4 million of Entergy New Orleans' operating cash flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2003. See Note 4 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K for a description of the money pool.

Investing Activities

Net cash used in investing activities decreased $9.6 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2003 primarily due to decreased capital expenditures related to a turbine inspection project at a fossil plant in 2003 and decreased software project costs.

Financing Activities

Net cash used in financing activities increased $7.0 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2003 primarily due to:

    • the issuance of $35 million of 5.60% Series First Mortgage Bonds in August 2004.
    • the issuance of $40 million of 5.65% Series First Mortgage Bonds in August 2004.
    • the redemption of $30 million in principal amount of 7.55% series of General and Refunding Mortgage Bonds in September 2004.
    • the redemption of $45 million in principal amount of 8.00% series of General and Refunding Mortgage Bonds in September 2004.
    • an increase of $2.2 million in common stock dividends paid.

Uses and Sources of Capital

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Liquidity and Capital Resources" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of Entergy New Orleans' uses and sources of capital. Following is an update to the information provided in the Form 10-K.

In July 2004, Entergy New Orleans entered into a credit facility and Entergy Louisiana renewed its credit facility with the same lender. Both facilities will expire in April 2005. Entergy New Orleans can borrow up to $14 million and Entergy Louisiana can borrow up to $15 million under their respective credit facilities, but at no time can the total amount borrowed by the two companies combined exceed $15 million. As of September 30, 2004, no borrowings were outstanding under these facilities.

Significant Factors and Known Trends

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Significant Factors and Known Trends" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of System Agreement proceedings, market and credit risks, state and local regulatory risks, environmental risks, and litigation risks. The following is an update to the Form 10-K.

System Agreement Proceedings

See the Form 10-K for a discussion of the proceeding commenced at the FERC by the LPSC regarding production cost equalization under the System Agreement, the ALJ's Initial Decision in the proceeding, and the "Order of Investigation" issued by the APSC. Several parties, including Entergy, the LPSC, the APSC, the MPSC, the City Council, and the FERC Staff, filed briefs on exceptions in response to the ALJ's Initial Decision. Entergy's exceptions to the ALJ's Initial Decision include: the practical effect of the Initial Decision is full production cost equalization, which was rejected in the Initial Decision and previously has been rejected by the FERC; resource planning for the Entergy System would be impeded if the Initial Decision were adopted; the remedy in the Initial Decision is inconsistent with the history, structure, and precedent regarding the System Agreement; the Initial Decision's remedy ignores the historical pattern of production cost disparities on the Entergy System and would result in substantial, sudden transfers of costs between groups of Entergy customers; the numerical standards proposed in the Initial Decision are arbitrary and are so complex that they will be difficult to implement; the Initial Decision improperly rejected Entergy's resource planning remedy; the Initial Decision erroneously determined that the full costs of the Vidalia project should be included in Entergy Louisiana's production costs for purposes of calculating relative production costs; and the Initial Decision erroneously adopted a new method of calculating reserve sharing costs rather than the current method.

As reported in the Form 10-K, if the FERC grants the relief requested by the LPSC in the proceeding, the relief may result in a material increase in the total production costs the FERC allocates to companies whose costs currently are projected to be less than the Entergy System average, and a material decrease in the total production costs the FERC allocates to companies whose costs currently are projected to exceed that average.   If the FERC adopts the ALJ's Initial Decision, the amount of production costs that would be reallocated among the domestic utility companies would be determined through consideration of each domestic utility company's relative total production cost expressed as a percentage of Entergy System average total production cost. The ALJ's Initial Decision would reallocate production costs of the domestic utility companies whose percent of Entergy System average production cost are outside an upper or lower bandwidth. This would be accomplished by payment s from domestic utility companies whose production costs are below Entergy System average production cost to domestic utility companies whose production costs are above Entergy System average production cost.

An assessment of the potential effects of the ALJ's Initial Decision requires assumptions regarding the future total production cost of each domestic utility company, which assumptions include the mix of solid fuel and gas-fired generation available to each company and the costs of natural gas and purchased power.  Entergy Louisiana and Entergy Gulf States are more dependent upon gas-fired generation than Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, or Entergy New Orleans. Of these, Entergy Arkansas is the least dependent upon gas-fired generation.  Therefore, increases in natural gas prices likely will increase the amount by which Entergy Arkansas' total production costs are below the average production costs of the domestic utility companies.  Considerable uncertainty exists regarding future gas prices. Annual average gas prices have varied significantly over recent years, ranging from $1.92/mmBtu to $5.48/mmBtu for the 1994-2003 period, and averaging $2.99/mmBtu during the ten - -year period 1994-2003 and $3.77/mmBtu during the five-year period 1999-2003.  Recent market conditions have resulted in gas prices that have averaged $5.58/MMBtu for the twelve months ended September 2004. Based upon analyses considering the effect on future production costs if the FERC adopts the ALJ's Initial Decision, the following potential annual production cost reallocations among the domestic utility companies could result assuming annual average gas prices range from $6.39/mmBtu in 2005 declining to $4.97/mmBtu by 2009:


Range of Annual Payments or (Receipts)


Average Annual Payments or (Receipts) for 2005-2009 Period


(In Millions)


(In Millions)


Entergy Arkansas

$154 to $281 



Entergy Gulf States

($130) to ($15)



Entergy Louisiana

($199) to ($98)



Entergy Mississippi

($16) to $8 



Entergy New Orleans

($17) to ($5)



Management believes that any changes in the allocation of production costs resulting from a FERC decision and related retail proceedings should result in similar rate changes for retail customers. Therefore, management does not believe that this proceeding at the FERC will have a material effect on the financial condition of any of the domestic utility companies, although the outcome of the FERC proceeding and related retail proceedings cannot be predicted at this time.

Entergy Arkansas filed its initial testimony in response to the APSC's February Order of Investigation discussed in the Form 10-K. The testimony emphasizes that the ALJ's Initial Decision is not a final order by the FERC; briefly discusses some of the aspects of the Initial Decision that are included in Entergy's exceptions filed with the FERC; emphasizes that Entergy will seek to reverse the production cost-related portions of the Initial Decision; and states that Entergy Arkansas believes that it is premature, before the FERC makes a decision, for Entergy Arkansas to determine whether its continued participation in the System Agreement is appropriate.

In addition, as discussed in the Form 10-K, the APSC had publicly announced its intention to initiate an inquiry into Entergy Louisiana's Vidalia purchased power contract. In April 2004, the APSC commenced the investigation and requested historical documents, records, and information from Entergy Arkansas, which Entergy Arkansas has provided to the APSC.

Also in April 2004, the APSC issued an order directing Entergy Arkansas to show cause why Entergy Arkansas should not have to indemnify and hold its customers harmless from any adverse financial effects related to Entergy Louisiana's pending acquisition of the Perryville power plant, or show that the Perryville unit will produce economic benefits for Entergy Arkansas' customers. Entergy Arkansas filed a response in May 2004 stating that Entergy will seek to reverse the production cost-related portions of the ALJ's Initial Decision in the System Agreement proceeding at the FERC, that the Perryville acquisition is part of Entergy's request for proposal generation planning process, that Entergy Arkansas is not in a position to indemnify its retail customers from actions taken by the FERC, and that the Perryville acquisition is expected to reduce the domestic utility companies' overall production costs. Procedural schedules have not been established in these APSC investigations.

Also in April 2004, the City Council issued a resolution directing Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana to notify the City Council and obtain prior approval for any action that would materially modify, amend, or terminate the System Agreement for one or more of the domestic utility companies. Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana appealed to state court the City Council's resolution on the basis that the imposition of this requirement with respect to the System Agreement, a FERC-approved tariff, exceeds the City Council's jurisdiction and authority. In July 2004, the City Council answered the appeal and filed a third party demand and counterclaim against Entergy, the domestic utility companies, Entergy Services, and System Energy, seeking a declaratory judgment that Entergy and its subsidiaries cannot terminate the System Agreement until obligations owed under the March 2003 Agreement in Principle are satisfied. In August 2004, Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana, as well as the named third party defendants, filed pleadings objecting to the City Council's third party demand and counterclaim on various grounds, including federal preemption.

Formula Rate Plan Filings

In conformance with the City Council's May 2003 resolution discussed in the Form 10-K, in April 2004, Entergy New Orleans made filings with the City Council as required by the earnings review process prescribed by the Gas and Electric Formula Rate Plans approved by the Council. The filings showed an increase in Entergy New Orleans' electric revenues of $1.15 million and an increase in Entergy New Orleans gas revenues of $32,000 were warranted. The Council Advisors and intervenors reviewed the filings, and filed their recommendations in July 2004. In August 2004, in accordance with the City Council's requirements for the formula rate plans, Entergy New Orleans made a filing with the City Council reflecting the parties' concurrence that no change in Entergy New Orleans' electric or gas rates is warranted. Later in August 2004, the City Council approved an unopposed settlement among Entergy New Orleans, the Council Advisors, and the intervenors in connection with the Gas and Electric F ormula Rate Plans. In accordance with the resolution approving the settlement agreement, Entergy New Orleans' gas and electric base rates remain unchanged from levels set in May 2003. The resolution ordered Entergy New Orleans to defer $5.96 million of fossil plant maintenance expense incurred in 2003 and to record on its books a regulatory asset in that amount to be amortized over a five-year period effective January 2003. Entergy New Orleans also was ordered to defer $3.86 million relating to voluntary severance plan costs allocated to its electric operations and $0.99 million allocated to its gas operations, which amounts were accrued on its books in 2003, and to record on its books regulatory assets in those amounts to be amortized over five years effective January 2004.

Critical Accounting Estimates

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Critical Accounting Estimates" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the estimates and judgments necessary in Entergy New Orleans' accounting for pension and other retirement costs.


For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
  Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
    2004   2003   2004   2003
    (In Thousands)   (In Thousands)
OPERATING REVENUES                
Domestic electric   $175,661    $185,741    $447,458    $405,761 
Natural gas   24,375    18,010    108,682    92,961 
TOTAL   200,036    203,751    556,140    498,722 
OPERATING EXPENSES                
Operation and Maintenance:                
  Fuel, fuel-related expenses, and                
   gas purchased for resale   68,210    65,182    177,799    158,025 
  Purchased power   68,193    65,687    192,510    169,428 
  Other operation and maintenance   25,691    24,251    74,242    74,687 
Taxes other than income taxes   12,977    12,115    33,041    32,496 
Depreciation and amortization   7,803    7,578    21,603    21,985 
Other regulatory charges (credits) - net   (7,288)   708    (5,872)   (1,551)
TOTAL   175,586    175,521    493,323    455,070 
OPERATING INCOME   24,450    28,230    62,817    43,652 
OTHER INCOME                
Allowance for equity funds used during construction   735    554    1,150    1,706 
Interest and dividend income   214    152    541    506 
Miscellaneous - net   (204)   (522)   608    (1,071)
TOTAL   745    184    2,299    1,141 
Interest on long-term debt   4,161    4,621    11,871    13,571 
Other interest - net   426    447    1,381    (95)
Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction   (612)   (564)   (1,024)   (1,745)
TOTAL   3,975    4,504    12,228    11,731 
INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES   21,220    23,910    52,888    33,062 
Income taxes   8,031    9,792    20,266    13,691 
NET INCOME   13,189    14,118    32,622    19,371 
Preferred dividend requirements and other   241    241    724    724 
COMMON STOCK   $12,948    $13,877    $31,898    $18,647 
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.                















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For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
    2004   2003
    (In Thousands)
Net income   $32,622    $19,370 
Noncash items included in net income:        
  Other regulatory credits - net   (5,872)   (1,551)
  Depreciation and amortization   21,603    21,985 
  Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits   24,261    9,371 
Changes in working capital:        
  Receivables   (2,157)   (56,400)
  Fuel inventory   (370)   (2,243)
  Accounts payable   (18,859)   16,709 
  Taxes accrued   2,392    5,079 
  Interest accrued   (3,776)   (3,754)
  Deferred fuel costs   9,218    (2,845)
  Other working capital accounts   (7,017)   (3,658)
Provision for estimated losses and reserves   (820)   (2,163)
Changes in other regulatory assets   (5,990)   (4,524)
Other   (4,542)   (3,039)
Net cash flow provided by (used in) operating activities   40,693    (7,663)
Construction expenditures   (36,396)   (45,962)
Allowance for equity funds used during construction   1,150    1,706 
Changes in other temporary investments - net   606    - - 
Net cash flow used in investing activities   (34,640)   (44,256)
Proceeds from the issuance of long-term debt   72,725     - 
Retirement of long-term debt   (77,487)   - - 
Dividends paid:        
  Common stock   (5,200)   (3,001)
  Preferred stock   (724)   (724)
Net cash flow used in financing activities   (10,686)   (3,725)
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents   (4,633)   (55,644)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period   4,669    66,247 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period   $36    $10,603 
Cash paid/(received) during the period for:        
  Interest - net of amount capitalized   $16,577    $16,753 
  Income taxes   ($5,010)    - 
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.        


September 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003
  2004   2003
  (In Thousands)
Cash and cash equivalents:        
  Cash   $36    $28 
  Temporary cash investments - at cost,        
   which approximates market   - -    4,641 
     Total cash and cash equivalents   36    4,669 
  Other temporary investments   - -    606 
  Accounts receivable:        
    Customer   63,573    44,663 
    Allowance for doubtful accounts   (3,365)   (3,104)
    Associated companies   1,106    24,697 
    Other   5,950    10,057 
    Accrued unbilled revenues   32,319    21,113 
       Total accounts receivable   99,583    97,426 
Accumulated deferred income taxes   833    460 
Fuel inventory - at average cost   5,950    5,580 
Materials and supplies - at average cost   9,994    8,660 
Prepayments and other   10,356    8,050 
TOTAL   126,752    125,451 
Investment in affiliates - at equity   3,259    3,259 
Electric   694,428    666,122 
Natural gas


178,080    167,011 
Construction work in progress   36,223    45,061 
TOTAL UTILITY PLANT   908,731    878,194 
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization   436,492    420,745 
UTILITY PLANT - NET   472,239    457,449 
Regulatory assets:        
  Other regulatory assets   36,192    27,222 
Long term receivables   3,541    - 
Other   11,144    6,438 
TOTAL   50,877    33,660 
TOTAL ASSETS   $653,127    $619,819 
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.        
September 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003
  2004   2003
  (In Thousands)
Currently maturing long-term debt   $30,000   $-
Accounts payable:        
  Associated companies   28,685   35,008
  Other   30,182   42,718
Customer deposits   16,711   15,575
Taxes accrued   3,574   - -
Interest accrued   2,436   6,212
Deferred fuel costs   11,938   2,720
Energy Efficiency Program provision   6,538   6,356
Other   2,618   2,088
TOTAL   132,682   110,677
Accumulated deferred income taxes and taxes accrued   59,283   39,486
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits   4,107   4,441
SFAS 109 regulatory liability - net   38,875   40,543
Other regulatory liabilities   3,541   954
Accumulated provisions   - -   820
Long-term debt   199,892   229,217
Other   35,714   41,346
TOTAL   341,412   356,807
Preferred stock without sinking fund   19,780   19,780
Common stock, $4 par value, authorized 10,000,000        
  shares; issued and outstanding 8,435,900 shares in 2004        
  and 2003   33,744   33,744
Paid-in capital   36,294   36,294
Retained earnings   89,215   62,517
TOTAL   179,033   152,335
Commitments and Contingencies        
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.        


For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
    Three Months Ended   Increase/    
Description   2004   2003   (Decrease)   %
    (In Millions)    
Electric Operating Revenues:                
  Residential   $71    $68   $3    4 
  Commercial   54    50   4    8 
  Industrial   11    8   3    38 
  Governmental   22    22   -    - - 
     Total retail   158    148   10    7 
  Sales for resale                
    Associated companies   22    28   (6)   (21)
    Other   (4)   10   (14)   (140)
     Total   $176    $186   ($10)   (5)
Billed Electric Energy                
 Sales (GWh):                
  Residential   761    742   19    3 
  Commercial   681    646   35    5 
  Industrial   168    106   62    58 
  Governmental   296    298   (2)   (1)
    Total retail   1,906    1,792   114    6 
  Sales for resale                
    Associated companies   280    403   (123)   (31)
    Non-associated companies   7    9   (2)   (22)
     Total   2,193    2,204   (11)  

- - 

    Nine Months Ended   Increase/    
Description   2004   2003   (Decrease)   %
    (In Millions)    
Electric Operating Revenues:                
  Residential   $142   $144   ($2)   (2)
  Commercial   130   127   3    2 
  Industrial   25   21   4    19 
  Governmental   53   54   (1)   (2)
     Total retail   350   346   4    1 
  Sales for resale                
    Associated companies   79   38   41    108 
    Non-associated companies   1   1   -    - - 
  Other   18   21   (3)   (14)
     Total   $448   $406   $42    10 
Billed Electric Energy                
 Sales (GWh):                
  Residential   1,628   1,665   (37)   (2)
  Commercial   1,751   1,698   53    3 
  Industrial   418   299   119    40 
  Governmental   766   775   (9)   (1)
     Total retail   4,563   4,437   126    3 
  Sales for resale                
    Associated companies   1,030   527   503    95 
    Non-associated companies   22   23   (1)   (4)
     Total   5,615   4,987   628    13 





Results of Operations

System Energy's principal asset consists of a 90% ownership and leasehold interest in Grand Gulf 1. The capacity and energy from its 90% interest is sold under the Unit Power Sales Agreement to its only four customers, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, and Entergy New Orleans. System Energy's operating revenues are derived from the allocation of the capacity, energy, and related costs associated with its 90% interest in Grand Gulf 1 pursuant to the Unit Power Sales Agreement. Payments under the Unit Power Sales Agreement are System Energy's only source of operating revenues. Net income remained relatively unchanged for the third quarter, decreasing $1.0 million, and increased slightly by $2.6 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2004, compared to the same respective periods in 2003. The increase for the nine months ended is primarily due to an increase in rate base in 2004 resulting in higher operating income.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Cash Flow

Cash flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003 were as follows:








(In Thousands)






Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period










Cash flow provided by (used in):






Operating activities






Investing activities






Financing activities





Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents










Cash and cash equivalents at end of period





Operating Activities

Cash flow from operations decreased $88.1 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the same period in 2003 primarily due to money pool activity as explained below, the cessation of the Entergy Mississippi GGART, and income tax payments of $5 million. System Energy collected $21.7 million in 2003 from Entergy Mississippi in conjunction with the GGART, which provided for the acceleration of Entergy Mississippi's Grand Gulf purchased power obligations. The MPSC authorized the cessation of the GGART effective July 1, 2003, and System Energy has begun crediting Entergy Mississippi for the return of the prepayment. System Energy credited an additional $11.7 million in 2004 compared to 2003. See Note 2 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K for further discussion of the GGART. Partially offsetting the decrease in operating cash flows was a decrease in interest paid during 2004.

System Energy's receivables from the money pool were as follows:

September 30,


December 31,


September 30,


December 31,

(In Thousands)















Money pool activity used $66.6 million of System Energy's operating cash flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and used $17.7 million for the same period in 2003. See Note 4 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K for a description of the money pool.

Investing Activities

The decrease of $189.5 million in net cash used in investing activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the same period in 2003 was primarily due to cash collateral of $194 million provided in 2003. System Energy had three-year letters of credit in place that were scheduled to expire in March 2003 securing certain of its obligations related to the sale-leaseback of a portion of Grand Gulf 1. System Energy replaced the letters of credit with new three-year letters of credit totaling approximately $198 million that were backed by cash collateral. In December 2003, System Energy replaced the cash-backed letters of credit with syndicated bank letters of credit that expire in May 2007. Offsetting the cash collateral provided in 2003 was an increase in construction expenditures due to the reclassification of inventory items to capital in addition to facilities upgrades projects begun in late-2003.

Financing Activities

The increase of $13.3 million in net cash used by financing activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the same period in 2003 was primarily due to:

    • $13.3 million in bond premium and costs related to System Energy refunding the bonds associated with its Grand Gulf Lease Obligation in May 2004; and
    • $5 million of increased dividends paid.

The increase was partially offset by a decrease of $5 million in the January 2004 principal payment made on the Grand Gulf 1 sale-leaseback compared to the January 2003 principal payment.

Uses and Sources of Capital

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Liquidity and Capital Resources" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of System Energy's uses and sources of capital.

Significant Factors and Known Trends

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Significant Factors and Known Trends" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of market risks, nuclear matters, litigation risks, and environmental risks.

Critical Accounting Estimates

See "Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis - Critical Accounting Estimates" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the estimates and judgments necessary in System Energy's accounting for nuclear decommissioning costs and pension and other retirement costs.

For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
  Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
    2004   2003   2004   2003
    (In Thousands)   (In Thousands)








Domestic electric   $144,052    $141,239    $403,939    $427,988  
OPERATING EXPENSES                
Operation and Maintenance:                
  Fuel, fuel-related expenses, and                
    gas purchased for resale   10,411    11,180    27,935    31,364 
  Nuclear refueling outage expenses   3,087    3,264    9,604    9,430 
  Other operation and maintenance   26,677    22,196    71,315    68,140 
Decommissioning   5,911    5,450    17,416    16,350 
Taxes other than income taxes   6,504    6,203    18,660    18,887 
Depreciation and amortization   36,125    28,317    88,495    80,563 
Other regulatory charges (credits) - net   (4,264)   (1,162)   (6,439)   27,695 
TOTAL   84,451    75,448    226,986    252,429 
OPERATING INCOME   59,601    65,791    176,953    175,559 
OTHER INCOME                
Allowance for equity funds used during construction   328    310    1,196    842 
Interest and dividend income   1,536    1,505    4,461    5,123 
Miscellaneous - net   (136)   (210)   (508)   (952)
TOTAL   1,728    1,605    5,149    5,013 
Interest on long-term debt   14,361    16,799    45,550    45,873 
Other interest - net     371    362    1,481 
Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction   (107)   (184)   (387)   (361)
TOTAL   14,260    16,986    45,525    46,993 
INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES   47,069    50,410    136,577    133,579 
Income taxes   19,564    21,895    58,873    58,509 
NET INCOME   $27,505    $28,515    $77,704    $75,070 
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.                

























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For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
    2004   2003
    (In Thousands)
Net income   $77,704    $75,070 
Noncash items included in net income:        
  Other regulatory charges (credits) - net   (6,439)   27,695 
  Depreciation, amortization, and decommissioning   105,911    96,913 
  Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits   (169,859)   (24,557)
Changes in working capital:        
  Receivables   (61,512)   (7,870)
  Accounts payable   (14,736)   (9,038)
  Taxes accrued   217,522    77,814 
  Interest accrued   50    (20,608)
  Other working capital accounts   (1,570)   (2,676)
Provision for estimated losses and reserves   (2,341)   72 
Changes in other regulatory assets   21,589    29,382 
Other   (27,983)   (15,712)
Net cash flow provided by operating activities   138,336    226,485 
Construction expenditures   (25,078)   (9,705)
Allowance for equity funds used during construction   1,196    842 
Nuclear fuel purchases   (45,528)   - - 
Proceeds from sale/leaseback of nuclear fuel   45,709    - - 
Decommissioning trust contributions and realized        
  change in trust assets   (15,520)   (15,852)
Changes in other temporary investments - net   6,482    (3,216)
Increase in other cash investments   - -    (194,336)
Net cash flow used in investing activities   (32,739)   (222,267)
Retirement of long-term debt   (6,348)   (11,375)
Other financing activities   (13,301)   - - 
Dividends paid:        
  Common stock   (77,100)   (72,100)
Net cash flow used in financing activities   (96,749)   (83,475)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents   8,848    (79,257)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period   52,536    113,159 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period   $61,384    $33,902 
Cash paid during the period for:        
  Interest - net of amount capitalized   $41,531    $65,053 
  Income taxes   $5,250   
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.        


September 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003
    2004   2003
  (In Thousands)
CURRENT ASSETS            
Cash and cash equivalents:            
  Cash       $63   $2,918
  Temporary cash investments - at cost,            
   which approximates market       61,321   49,618
Total cash and cash equivalents       61,384   52,536
Other temporary investments       -   6,482
Accounts receivable:            
  Associated companies       133,627   72,477
  Other       2,139   1,777
    Total accounts receivable       135,766   74,254
Materials and supplies - at average cost       52,415   63,047
Deferred nuclear refueling outage costs       12,550   2,979
Prepayments and other       54,447   1,031
TOTAL       316,562   200,329
Decommissioning trust funds       191,937   172,916
Electric       3,237,006   3,205,895
Property under capital lease       466,521   466,521
Construction work in progress       24,873   31,344
Nuclear fuel under capital lease       73,036   47,242
TOTAL UTILITY PLANT       3,801,436   3,751,002
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization       1,755,559   1,672,658
UTILITY PLANT - NET       2,045,877   2,078,344
Regulatory assets:            
  SFAS 109 regulatory asset - net       98,819   115,633
  Other regulatory assets       305,776   301,233
Other       14,192   12,269
TOTAL       418,787   429,135
TOTAL ASSETS       $2,973,163   $2,880,724
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.            
September 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003
    2004   2003
  (In Thousands)
Currently maturing long-term debt       $25,266   $6,348
Accounts payable - other       15,519   30,255
Taxes accrued       -   55,585
Accumulated deferred income taxes       4,657   942
Interest accrued       29,673   29,623
Obligations under capital leases       31,266   31,266
Other       1,776   1,971
TOTAL       108,157   155,990
Accumulated deferred income taxes and taxes accrued       422,111   290,964
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits       76,481   79,088
Obligations under capital leases       41,770   15,976
Other regulatory liabilities       214,161   213,093
Decommissioning       329,875   312,459
Accumulated provisions       1,441   3,782
Long-term debt       857,197   882,401
Other       28,130   33,735
TOTAL       1,971,166   1,831,498
Common stock, no par value, authorized 1,000,000 shares;            
  issued and outstanding 789,350 shares in 2004 and 2003       789,350   789,350
Retained earnings       104,490   103,886
TOTAL       893,840   893,236
Commitments and Contingencies            
See Notes to Respective Financial Statements.            






Nuclear Insurance and Spent Nuclear Fuel (Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, and System Energy)

See Note 9 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K for information on nuclear liability, property and replacement power insurance, related NRC regulations, and the disposal of spent nuclear fuel associated with Entergy Arkansas', Entergy Gulf States', Entergy Louisiana's, and System Energy's nuclear power plants. The following are updates to the Form 10-K.

The Property Insurance Policy renewed on April 1, 2004 with the following changes: the deductibles for ANO 1 and 2, Grand Gulf 1, River Bend, and Waterford 3 increased to $5 million per occurrence for turbine/generator damage and $5 million per occurrence for other than turbine/generator damage.

Under the property damage and accidental outage insurance programs, Entergy nuclear plants could be subject to assessments should losses exceed the accumulated funds available from NEIL. As of September 30, 2004, the maximum amount of such possible assessments per occurrence were $15.1 million for Entergy Arkansas, $11.1 million for Entergy Gulf States, $13.0 million for Entergy Louisiana, $0.06 million for Entergy Mississippi, $0.06 million for Entergy New Orleans, and $11.5 million for System Energy.

Pending DOE acceptance and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, the owners of nuclear plants are responsible for their own spent fuel storage. Current on-site spent fuel storage capacity at Grand Gulf I, River Bend, and Waterford 3 is estimated to be sufficient until approximately 2007, 2005, and 2012, respectively, at which time dry cask storage facilities will be placed into service. An ANO storage facility using dry casks began operation in 1996, has been expanded since, and will be further expanded as needed.

Nuclear Decommissioning and Other Retirement Costs (Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, and System Energy)

See Note 9 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K for information on nuclear decommissioning costs. SFAS 143, "Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations," which was implemented effective January 1, 2003, requires the recording of liabilities for all legal obligations associated with the retirement of long-lived assets that result from the normal operation of those assets. These liabilities are recorded at their fair values (which are likely to be the present values of the estimated future cash outflows) in the period in which they are incurred, with an accompanying addition to the recorded cost of the long-lived asset. The asset retirement obligation is accreted each year through a charge to expense, to reflect the time value of money for this present value obligation. The amounts added to the carrying amounts of the long-lived assets are depreciated over the useful lives of the assets. The net effect of implementing this standard fo r the rate-regulated business of the domestic utility companies and System Energy was recorded as a regulatory asset, with no resulting impact on Entergy's net income. Entergy recorded these regulatory assets because existing rate mechanisms in each jurisdiction are based on the principle that Entergy will recover all ultimate costs of decommissioning from customers. The implementation of SFAS 143 for the portion of River Bend not subject to cost-based ratemaking decreased earnings in the first quarter of 2003 by approximately $21 million net-of-tax as a result of a one-time cumulative effect of accounting change.

In accordance with a new decommissioning cost study for ANO 1 and 2, in the first quarter of 2004 Entergy Arkansas recorded a revision to its estimated decommissioning cost liability. The revised estimate resulted in a $107.7 million reduction in its decommissioning liability, along with a $19.5 million reduction in utility plant and an $88.2 million reduction in the related regulatory asset.

In the third quarter of 2004, Entergy Gulf States recorded a revision to its estimated decommissioning cost liability in accordance with a new decommissioning cost study for River Bend that reflected a life extension for the plant. The revised estimate resulted in a $116.8 million reduction in decommissioning liability, along with a $31.3 million reduction in utility plant, a $40.1 million reduction in the related regulatory asset and a regulatory liability of $17.7 million. For the portion of River Bend not subject to cost-based ratemaking, the revised estimate resulted in the elimination of the asset retirement cost that had been recorded at the time of adoption of SFAS 143 with the remainder recorded as miscellaneous income of $27.7 million.

In accordance with ratemaking treatment and as required by SFAS 71, the depreciation provisions for the domestic utility companies and System Energy include a component for removal costs that are not asset retirement obligations under SFAS 143. In accordance with regulatory accounting principles, Entergy has recorded a regulatory asset (liability) to reflect its estimate of the difference between estimated incurred removal costs and estimated removal costs recovered in rates previously recorded as a component of accumulated depreciation.

As discussed in the Form 10-K, the Energy Policy Act of 1992 contains a provision that assesses domestic nuclear utilities with fees for the decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) of the DOE's past uranium enrichment operations. The Energy Policy Act calls for cessation of annual D&D assessments not later than October 24, 2007. Entergy will oppose any attempts to extend the assessments past this date, but cannot state with certainty that an extension will not be made.

CashPoint Bankruptcy (Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Gulf States, Entergy New Orleans, and Entergy Mississippi)

The domestic utility companies entered an agreement with CashPoint Network Services (CashPoint) under which CashPoint was to manage a network of payment agents through which Entergy's utility customers could pay their bills. The payment agent system allows customers to pay their bills at various commercial or governmental locations, rather than sending payments by mail. Approximately one-third of Entergy's utility customers use payment agents.

On April 19, 2004, CashPoint failed to pay funds due to the domestic utility companies that had been collected through payment agents. The domestic utility companies then obtained a temporary restraining order from the Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana, enjoining CashPoint from distributing funds belonging to Entergy, except by paying those funds to Entergy. On April 22, 2004, a petition for involuntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy was filed against CashPoint by other creditors in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York. In response to these events, the domestic utility companies expanded an existing contract with another company to manage all of their payment agents. The domestic utility companies filed proofs of claim in the CashPoint bankruptcy proceeding in September 2004. Although Entergy cannot precisely determine at this time the amount that CashPoint owes to the domestic utility companies that may not be repaid, it has accrued an estimate of loss based on current information. If no cash is repaid to the domestic utility companies, an event Entergy does not believe is likely, the current estimates of maximum exposure to loss are approximately as follows:






(In Millions)




Entergy Arkansas



Entergy Gulf States



Entergy Louisiana



Entergy Mississippi



Entergy New Orleans



Environmental Issues

(Entergy Gulf States)

See Note 9 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K for information related to the designation of Entergy Gulf States as a PRP for the cleanup of certain hazardous waste disposal sites. During the second quarter of 2004, the reserve balance previously recorded was reduced to approximately $1.5 million based upon activities performed to date and the best estimate of the remaining likely exposure associated with the ten-year groundwater monitoring study.

(Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans)

During 1993, the LDEQ issued new rules for solid waste regulation, including regulation of wastewater impoundments. Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans have determined that certain of their power plant wastewater impoundments were affected by these regulations and have chosen to upgrade or close them. Recorded liabilities in the amounts of $5.8 million for Entergy Louisiana and $0.5 million for Entergy New Orleans existed at September 30, 2004 for wastewater upgrades and closures. Completion of this work is awaiting LDEQ approval.

City Franchise Ordinances (Entergy New Orleans)

Entergy New Orleans provides electric and gas service in the City of New Orleans pursuant to franchise ordinances. These ordinances contain a continuing option for the City of New Orleans to purchase Entergy New Orleans' electric and gas utility properties.

Employment Litigation (Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, and System Energy)

Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, and System Energy are defendants in numerous lawsuits filed by former employees asserting that they were wrongfully terminated and/or discriminated against on the basis of age, race, sex, or other protected characteristics. The defendant companies deny any liability to the plaintiffs.

Asbestos and Hazardous Material Litigation (Entergy Gulf States, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, and Entergy New Orleans)

Numerous lawsuits have been filed in federal and state courts in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi primarily by contractor employees in the 1950-1980 timeframe against Entergy Gulf States, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy New Orleans, and Entergy Mississippi, as premises owners of power plants, for damages caused by alleged exposure to asbestos or other hazardous material. Generally, many other defendants are named in these lawsuits as well. Presently there are approximately 460 lawsuits involving approximately 10,000 claims. Reserves have been established that should be adequate to cover any exposure. Additionally, negotiations continue with insurers to recover more reimbursement, while new coverage is being secured to minimize anticipated future potential exposures. Management believes that loss exposure has been and will continue to be handled successfully so that the ultimate resolution of these matters will not be material, in the aggregate, to the financial position or results of operation of the domestic utility companies involved in these lawsuits.



Electric Industry Restructuring and the Continued Application of SFAS 71

Previous developments and information related to electric industry restructuring are presented in Note 2 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K.

Texas (Entergy Gulf States)

See Note 2 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the status of retail open access in Entergy Gulf States' Texas service territory and Entergy Gulf States' independent organization request. On March 15, 2004, the PUCT issued a preliminary order in Entergy Gulf States' independence proceeding in which the PUCT determined, among other things, that the ultimate question in the proceeding is whether Entergy Gulf States' proposed independent organization, Entergy Transmission Organization, is sufficiently independent of any producer or seller of electricity that its decisions will not be unduly influenced by any producer or seller. After a hearing held in June 2004 on the merits, in July 2004 the PUCT denied Entergy's application to certify Entergy's transmission organization as an independent organization under Texas law. In its order, the PUCT also ordered: the cessation of efforts to develop an interim solution for retail open access in Entergy Gulf States' Texas service territory, termination of the pilot project in that territory, and a delay in retail open access in that territory until either a FERC-approved RTO is in place or some other independent transmission entity is certified under Texas law. Several parties filed motions for rehearing on the termination of the pilot program aspect of the order, claiming the issue was not properly a part of the proceeding. The PUCT denied the motions for rehearing in September 2004.

In view of the PUCT order to delay retail open access in the Texas service territory, Entergy Gulf States filed a retail electric rate case and fuel reconciliation proceeding with the PUCT in August 2004 seeking the following:

  • approval of a base rate increase of $42.6 million annually for the Texas retail jurisdiction;
  • approval to implement a $14.1 million per year rider to recover, over a 15-year period, $110.9 million of incurred costs related to its efforts to transition to a competitive retail market in accordance with the Texas restructuring law;
  • proposed $11.3 million franchise fee rider to recover payments to municipalities charging such fees; and
  • a requested return on equity of 11.5%.

In addition, Entergy Gulf States' fuel reconciliation filing made in conjunction with the base rate case seeks to reconcile approximately $288 million in fuel and purchased power costs incurred during the period September 2003 through March 2004. The PUCT requested that the parties submit briefs addressing threshold issues related to whether Entergy Gulf States has the right to file a base rate case and what relief is available, if the PUCT were to determine that Entergy Gulf States' base rates are subject to the rate freeze imposed in December 2001 in connection with the market readiness docket initiated by the PUCT Staff. The PUCT considered these issues in September 2004. In October 2004, the PUCT issued a written order in which it dismissed the rate case indicating that Entergy Gulf States is still subject to a rate freeze based on an agreement in 2001 stipulating that a rate freeze would remain in effect until retail open access commenced in Entergy Gulf States' service territory. Entergy Gulf States intends to file a motion for rehearing and intends to pursue other available remedies.

Deferred Fuel Costs

(Entergy Arkansas)

In March 2004, Entergy Arkansas filed with the APSC its energy cost recovery rider for the period April 2004 through March 2005. The filed energy cost rate, which accounts for 12 percent of a typical residential customer's bill using 1,000 kWh per month, increased 16 percent due primarily to the elimination of a credit contained in the prior year's rate to refund previously over-recovered fuel costs. Also included in this year's energy cost calculation is a decrease in rates of $3.9 million as a result of the operation of a revised energy allocation method between the retail and wholesale sectors resulting from the approval of a life-of-resources power purchase agreement with Entergy New Orleans.

(Entergy Gulf States)

In September 2004, Entergy Gulf States filed an application with the PUCT to implement a $27. 8 million interim fuel surcharge, including interest, to collect under-recovered fuel and purchased power expenses incurred from September 2003 through July 2004. Entergy Gulf States proposes to collect the surcharge over a six-month period beginning January 2005. Hearings are expected to occur in November 2004. Amounts collected though the interim fuel surcharge are subject to final reconciliation in a future fuel reconciliation proceeding.

In March 2004, Entergy Gulf States filed with the PUCT a fuel reconciliation case covering the period September 2000 through August 2003. Entergy Gulf States is reconciling $1.43 billion of fuel and purchased power costs on a Texas retail basis. The reconciliation includes $8.6 million of under-recovered costs that Entergy Gulf States is asking to roll into its fuel over/under-recovery balance to be addressed in the next appropriate fuel proceeding. This case involves imputed capacity and River Bend payment issues similar to those decided adversely in the January 2001 proceeding, discussed below, which is now on appeal. The PUCT Staff has quantified these issues at $11.2 million. Hearings occurred in October 2004 and a final PUCT decision is expected in the first quarter of 2005.

See Note 2 to the domestic utility and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K for a discussion of Entergy Gulf States' January 2001 fuel reconciliation case filed with the PUCT covering the period from March 1999 through August 2000 and subsequent proceedings at Travis County District Court and the Third District Court of Appeals. Entergy Gulf States appealed to the Court of Appeals the disallowance of approximately $4.2 million related to imputed capacity costs and the disallowance related to costs for energy delivered from the 30% non-regulated share of River Bend. Oral argument before the appellate court occurred in September 2004.

(Entergy Louisiana)

As discussed in Note 2 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K, in August 2000, the LPSC authorized its staff to initiate a proceeding to audit the fuel adjustment clause filings of Entergy Louisiana pursuant to a November 1997 LPSC general order. The time period that is the subject of the audit is January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2001. In September 2003, the LPSC staff issued its audit report and recommended a disallowance with regard to one item. The issue relates to the alleged failure to uprate Waterford 3 in a timely manner, a claim that also has been raised in the summer 2001, 2002, and 2003 purchased power proceedings. The LPSC staff has quantified the possible disallowance as between $7.6 and $14 million. Entergy Louisiana notified the LPSC that it will contest the recommendation. The procedural schedule in the case has been suspended. A status conference for the purpose of establishing a new procedural schedule wi ll be set when the current hearings in the Power Purchase Agreement proceedings at the FERC are concluded. The FERC hearings in that matter are expected to conclude in November 2004.

Retail Rate Proceedings

Filings with the PUCT and Texas Cities (Entergy Gulf States)

Recovery of River Bend Costs

See Note 2 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the March 1998 PUCT disallowance of recovery of River Bend plant costs that had been held in abeyance since 1988, and subsequent proceedings at Travis County District Court and the Third District Court of Appeals that affirmed the PUCT disallowance. In September 2004, the Texas Supreme Court denied Entergy Gulf States' petition for review, and Entergy Gulf States filed a motion for rehearing. In October 2004, the Texas Supreme Court requested that the other parties file responses to Entergy Gulf States' motion, and the matter is pending.


Filings with the LPSC

Annual Earnings Reviews (Entergy Gulf States)

See Note 2 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K for a discussion of Entergy Gulf States' ninth and last required post-merger analysis filed with the LPSC in May 2002. In the LPSC staff's December 2003 testimony, the staff recommended an annual rate refund of approximately $30 million effective June 2002, and a prospective rate reduction of approximately $50 million. Hearings concluded in May 2004.

Proposed Settlement (Entergy Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana)

In June 2004, Entergy Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana filed a proposed settlement with the LPSC that would resolve, among other dockets, Entergy Gulf States' ninth post-merger analysis and dockets established to consider issues concerning the companies' power purchases for the summers of 2001, 2002, and 2003. The proposed settlement included an offer to refund approximately $64 million to Entergy Gulf States' Louisiana customers and $1 million to Entergy Louisiana's customers, with no change in either company's current base rates.  The settlement also proposed a formula rate plan for Entergy Gulf States' Louisiana operations. At its September 2004 Business and Executive Session, the LPSC consolidated various dockets that were the subject of proposed settlement. The LPSC directed its staff to preside over settlement discussions and to submit any proposed settlement to the LPSC for its consideration.

Retail Rates

(Entergy Gulf States)

In July 2004, Entergy Gulf States filed with the LPSC an application for a change in its rates and charges seeking an increase of $9.1 million in gas base rates in order to allow Entergy Gulf States an opportunity to earn a fair and reasonable rate of return. Entergy Gulf States is also seeking approval of certain proposed rate design, rate schedule, and policy changes. A procedural schedule has not been established.

(Entergy Louisiana)

See Note 2 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K for Entergy Louisiana's rate filing with the LPSC requesting a base rate increase. In August 2004, the LPSC Staff filed testimony in which it recommended a $19.5 million rate increase for Entergy Louisiana, assuming that the Perryville acquisition is approved in time for the Perryville costs to be included in rates set in this proceeding. Additional issues and updates that will be evaluated in connection with this proceeding are likely to result in revisions to the LPSC Staff's recommendation.  These issues may reduce the amount of the recommended rate increase or cause it to become a recommendation for a rate decrease. Hearings are currently set for December 2004.

Filings with the City Council (Entergy New Orleans)

Formula Rate Plan Filings

In conformance with the City Council's May 2003 resolution discussed in Note 2 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K, in April 2004, Entergy New Orleans made filings with the City Council as required by the earnings review process prescribed by the Gas and Electric Formula Rate Plans approved by the City Council in 2003. The filing showed an increase in Entergy New Orleans' electric revenues of $1.15 million and an increase in Entergy New Orleans' gas revenues of $32,000 is warranted. The Council Advisors and intervenors reviewed the filings, and filed their recommendations in July 2004. In August 2004, in accordance with the City Council's requirements for the formula rate plans, Entergy New Orleans made a filing with the City Council reflecting the parties' concurrence that no change in Entergy New Orleans' electric or gas rates is warranted. Later in August 2004, the City Council approved an unopposed settlement among Entergy New Orleans, the Council Advisors, and the intervenors in connection with the Gas and Electric Formula Rate Plans. In accordance with the resolution approving the settlement agreement, Entergy New Orleans' gas and electric base rates remain unchanged from levels set in May 2003. The resolution ordered Entergy New Orleans to defer $3.86 million relating to voluntary severance plan costs allocated to its electric operations and $0.99 million allocated to its gas operations, which amounts were accrued on its books in 2003, and to record on its book s regulatory assets in those amounts to be amortized over five years effective January 2004. Entergy New Orleans also was ordered to defer $5.96 million of fossil plant maintenance expense incurred in 2003 and to record on its books a regulatory asset in that amount to be amortized over a five-year period effective January 2003.

Fuel Adjustment Clause Litigation

See "Fuel Adjustment Clause Litigation" in Note 2 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy financial statements in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the complaint filed by a group of ratepayers in state court in Orleans Parish and with the City Council regarding certain costs passed on to ratepayers in Entergy New Orleans' fuel adjustment filings with the City Council. In February 2004, the City Council approved a resolution that results in a refund to customers of $11.3 million, including interest, during the months of June through September 2004. The resolution concludes, among other things, that the record does not support an allegation that Entergy New Orleans' actions or inactions, either alone or in concert with Entergy or any of its affiliates, constituted a misrepresentation or a suppression of the truth made in order to obtain an unjust advantage of Entergy New Orleans, or to cause loss, inconvenience or harm to its ratepayers. Management believes that it has adequately provided for the liability associated with this proceeding. The plaintiffs have appealed the City Council resolution to the state court in Orleans Parish. Oral argument on the plaintiffs' appeal is scheduled for February 2005. In addition, in March 2004, the plaintiffs supplemented and amended the class action petition that had been filed in state court in April 1999. This proceeding has been stayed pending resolution of plaintiffs' appeal in the proceeding commenced with the City Council.



The short-term borrowings of the domestic utility companies and System Energy are limited to amounts authorized by the SEC. The current limits authorized are effective through November 30, 2004. In addition to borrowing from commercial banks, the domestic utility companies and System Energy are authorized to borrow from the Entergy System Money Pool (money pool). The money pool is an inter-company borrowing arrangement designed to reduce the domestic utility companies' dependence on external short-term borrowings. Borrowings from the money pool and external borrowings combined may not exceed the SEC authorized limits. In August 2004, Entergy filed with the SEC to extend the authorization period for the current short-term borrowing limits and the money pool borrowing arrangement. The following are the combined short-term borrowings from the money pool and external borrowings, and the SEC-authorized limits for short-term borrowings for the domestic utility companies and System Energy as of September 30, 2004:








(In Millions)






Entergy Arkansas





Entergy Gulf States





Entergy Louisiana





Entergy Mississippi





Entergy New Orleans





System Energy






Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, and Entergy New Orleans each have separate short-term credit facilities available as follows:



Expiration Date


Amount of


Amount Drawn as of
September 30, 2004








Entergy Arkansas


April 2005


$85 million


$85 million

Entergy Louisiana


April 2005


$15 million



Entergy Mississippi


May 2005


$25 million


$25 million

Entergy New Orleans


April 2005


$14 million



The combined amount borrowed by Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans under these facilities at any one time cannot exceed $15 million. The facilities have variable interest rates and the average commitment fee is 0.15%.

The following long-term debt has been issued by the domestic utility companies and System Energy in 2004:


Issue Date






(In Thousands)

Mortgage Bonds and Other Long-Term Debt:








Entergy Arkansas




Issuance after balance sheet date:




6.38% Series due November 2034

October 2004







Entergy Gulf States




Issuance after balance sheet date:




4.875% Series due November 2011

October 2004







Entergy Louisiana




5.50% Series due April 2019

March 2004



Issuances after balance sheet date:




6.40% Series due October 2034

October 2004



5.09% Series due November 2014

October 2004



Entergy Mississippi      

6.25% Series due April 2034

April 2004



4.65% Series due May 2011

April 2004



4.60% Series due April 2022

September 2004



Entergy New Orleans      

5.60% Series due September 2024

August 2004



5.65% Series due September 2029

August 2004




The following long-term debt has been retired by the domestic utility companies and System Energy in 2004:


Retirement Date






(In Thousands)

Mortgage Bonds and Other Long-Term Debt :








Entergy Gulf States




8.25% Series due April 2004

April 2004







Entergy Louisiana




Waterford 3 Lease Obligation payment








Entergy Mississippi




6.20% Series due May 2004

May 2004



6.45% Series due April 2008

May 2004



7.70% Series due July 2023

May 2004



Retirements after balance sheet date:




7.0% Series due April 2022

October 2004



7.0% Series due April 2022

October 2004







Entergy New Orleans




8.0% Series due March 2023

September 2004



7.55% Series due September 2023

September 2004







System Energy




Grand Gulf Lease Obligation payment




In September 2004, Entergy Gulf States purchased its $62 million of 5.65% Series West Feliciana Parish bonds from the holders, pursuant to a mandatory tender provision, and has not remarketed the bonds at this time. Entergy Gulf States used a combination of cash on hand and short-term borrowings to buy-in the bonds.

In October 2004, Entergy Arkansas issued $60 million of 6.38% Series First Mortgage Bonds due November 1, 2034. In November 2004, Entergy Arkansas plans to use the proceeds to redeem the $61.9 million of 8.5% Series Junior Subordinated Deferrable Interest Debentures due 2045.

In October 2004, Entergy Gulf States issued $200 million of 4.875% Series of First Mortgage Bonds due November 1, 2011. Entergy Gulf States plans to use the proceeds to redeem, prior to maturity, $200 million of 5.2% Series of First Mortgage Bonds due December 3, 2007.

In October 2004, Entergy Louisiana issued $70 million of 6.40% Series of First Mortgage Bonds due October 1, 2034. In November 2004, Entergy Louisiana plans to use the proceeds to redeem $72.2 million of 9.0% Series Junior Subordinated Deferrable Interest Debentures due 2045.

In October 2004, Entergy Louisiana issued $115 million of 5.09% Series of First Mortgage Bonds due November 1, 2014. Entergy Louisiana plans to use the proceeds to redeem, prior to maturity, $115 million of 6.5% Series of First Mortgage Bonds due March 1, 2008.

Audit of Entergy Louisiana Governmental Bond 7.0% Series due 2022 (Entergy Louisiana)

The $24 million of 7.0% Series Governmental Bonds due 2022 listed in the Form 10-K were issued by St. Charles Parish, Louisiana in 1992 (the "Bonds"). The Bonds were issued to finance previously unfinanced costs of the acquisition by Entergy Louisiana of certain solid waste disposal facilities at Waterford 3. In November 2000, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), as part of its ongoing enforcement program, notified St. Charles Parish that an audit of the Bonds had been initiated. In January 2002, the IRS notified St. Charles Parish of a preliminary adverse determination that interest on the Bonds is not excludable from gross income under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The stated basis for this determination was that, because the waste that the facilities disposed of was radioactive, it did not constitute "solid waste" within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code and therefore the facilities did not qualify as solid waste disposal facilities within the mea ning of that provision. In October 2004, the IRS notified St. Charles Parish that the IRS Office of Chief Counsel had issued a "technical advice" that concurred with the preliminary adverse determination. St. Charles Parish and Entergy Louisiana continue to contest this matter before the IRS.



Components of Net Pension Cost

The domestic utility companies' and System Energy's pension cost/(income), including amounts capitalized, for the third quarters of 2004 and 2003, included the following components:


















Gulf States






New Orleans





(In Thousands)

Service cost - benefits earned













  during the period













Interest cost on projected













  benefit obligation













Expected return on assets













Amortization of transition asset








Amortization of prior service cost













Amortization of loss













Net pension cost/(income)






























Gulf States






New Orleans





(In Thousands)

Service cost - benefits earned













  during the period













Interest cost on projected













  benefit obligation













Expected return on assets













Amortization of transition asset








Amortization of prior service cost













Net pension cost/(income)















The domestic utility companies' and System Energy's pension cost/(income), including amounts capitalized, for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003, included the following components:


















Gulf States






New Orleans





(In Thousands)

Service cost - benefits earned













  during the period













Interest cost on projected













  benefit obligation













Expected return on assets













Amortization of transition asset








Amortization of prior service cost













Amortization of loss













Net pension cost































Gulf States






New Orleans





(In Thousands)

Service cost - benefits earned













  during the period













Interest cost on projected













  benefit obligation













Expected return on assets













Amortization of transition asset








Amortization of prior service cost













Net pension cost/(income)













Components of Net Other Postretirement Benefit Cost

The domestic utility companies' and System Energy's other postretirement benefit cost, including amounts capitalized, for the third quarters of 2004 and 2003, included the following components:


















Gulf States






New Orleans





(In Thousands)

Service cost - benefits earned













  during the period













Interest cost on APBO













Expected return on assets












Amortization of transition obligation












Amortization of prior service cost









Amortization of loss













Net other postretirement benefit cost































Gulf States






New Orleans





(In Thousands)

Service cost - benefits earned













  during the period













Interest cost on APBO













Expected return on assets












Amortization of transition obligation













Amortization of prior service cost












Amortization of loss













Net other postretirement benefit cost













The domestic utility companies' and System Energy's other postretirement benefit cost, including amounts capitalized, for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003, included the following components:


















Gulf States






New Orleans





(In Thousands)

Service cost - benefits earned













  during the period













Interest cost on APBO













Expected return on assets












Amortization of transition obligation













Amortization of prior service cost












Amortization of loss













Net other postretirement benefit cost






























Gulf States






New Orleans





(In Thousands)

Service cost - benefits earned













  during the period













Interest cost on APBO













Expected return on assets












Amortization of transition obligation













Amortization of prior service cost













Amortization of loss













Net other postretirement benefit cost













Employer Contributions

In April 2004, the President signed the Pension Funding Equity Act of 2004 into law, which reduced Entergy's estimated 2004 required pension contribution. The domestic utility companies and System Energy expect to contribute the following to pension plans in 2004:


















Gulf States






New Orleans





(In Thousands)

Expected 2004 pension contributions













  disclosed in Form 10-K













Revised expected 2004 pension


























Contributions made in the nine months
  ended September 30, 2004













Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 (Medicare Act)

As disclosed in Note 11 to the domestic utility companies and System Energy's financial statements in the Form 10-K, Entergy elected to record an estimate of the effects of the Medicare Act in December 2003. In August 2004, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued proposed regulations to implement the new Medicare law. Based on actuarial analysis at September 30, 2004, the estimated effect of future Medicare subsidies reduced the January 1, 2004 Accumulated Postretirement Benefit Obligation (APBO), third quarter 2004 other postretirement benefit cost, and nine months ended September 30, 2004 other postretirement benefit cost for the domestic utility companies and System Energy as follows:


















Gulf States






New Orleans





(In Thousands)














Reduction in 1/1/2004 APBO













Reduction in third quarter 2004













  other postretirement benefit cost













Reduction in nine months ended
  September 30, 2004 other
  postretirement benefit cost














In the opinion of the management of Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, and System Energy, the accompanying unaudited financial statements contain all adjustments (consisting primarily of normal recurring accruals and reclassification of previously reported amounts to conform to current classifications) necessary for a fair statement of the results for the interim periods presented. The business of the domestic utility companies and System Energy is subject to seasonal fluctuations, however, with the peak periods occurring during the third quarter. The results for the interim periods presented should not be used as a basis for estimating results of operations for a full year.


Item 4. Controls and Procedures

Disclosure Controls and Procedures

As of September 30, 2004, evaluations were performed under the supervision and with the participation of Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, and System Energy Resources (individually "Registrant" and collectively the "Registrants") management, including their respective Chief Executive Officers (CEO) and Chief Financial Officers (CFO). The evaluations assessed the effectiveness of the Registrants' disclosure controls and procedures. Based on the evaluations, each CEO and CFO has concluded that, as to the Registrant or Registrants for which they serve as CEO or CFO, the Registrants' disclosure controls and procedures are effective to ensure that information required to be disclosed by each Registrant in reports that it files or submits under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in Securities and Exchange Commission rules and forms.

Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

In management's evaluation of the Registrants' disclosure controls and procedures, management identified the following initiative as a change that is reasonably likely to affect the Registrants' internal control over financial reporting. Over the last two years, Entergy has been working on an initiative to streamline financial processes, automate and enhance internal controls, and implement or update the systems that support these processes.  During the first quarter 2004, the first phase of this effort was completed, the primary focus of which was an upgrade of the existing financial information systems, data warehouse, and financial reporting tools, as well as an update of Entergy's chart of accounts. The implemented product suite includes additional controls and edits that are applied to transactions at the point of entry. Entergy implemented the second phase of this project during the third quarter 2004, which resulted in new tools for managing intercompany cost allocation processes and the modification of transaction systems which interface to Entergy's financial systems to incorporate the updated chart of accounts.  These changes embed additional automated controls into Entergy's systems and processes. This completes the work contemplated for 2004. Entergy has implemented a moratorium on changes to information technology components during the fourth quarter 2004, other than emergency repairs.




Item 1. Legal Proceedings

See "PART I, Item 1, Litigation" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of legal proceedings affecting Entergy. Following are updates to that discussion.

Entergy New Orleans Rate of Return Lawsuit (Entergy Corporation and Entergy New Orleans)

See "PART I, Item 1, Entergy New Orleans Rate of Return Lawsuit" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the motion filed by the City Council Advisors to bifurcate the hearing for the motions filed by the plaintiffs. In April 2004, the City Council adopted a resolution granting the Advisors' motion to bifurcate and a hearing is set in April 2005 on the merits of the issue of the proper effect to be given to the 1922 Ordinance in setting lawful rates.

Texas Power Price Lawsuit (Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas and Entergy Gulf States)

See "Part I, Item 1, Texas Power Price Lawsuit" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the litigation pending in state court in Chambers County, Texas by Texas residents on behalf of a purported class apparently of the Texas retail customers of Entergy Gulf States who were billed and paid for electric power from January 1, 1994 to the present. Originally Entergy Gulf States was not a named defendant but was alleged to be a co-conspirator. The court has granted the request of Entergy Gulf States to intervene in the suit to protect its interests. In addition, the Entergy defendants have filed a motion seeking to have the court dismiss all claims due to lack of subject matter jurisdiction. A hearing was held on October 5, 2004.

Murphy Oil Lawsuit (Entergy Corporation)

See "Part I, Item 1, Murphy Oil Lawsuit" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the litigation commenced by residents located near the Murphy Oil Refinery in Meraux, Louisiana in which Murphy Oil filed a cross-claim against Entergy Louisiana seeking recovery of any damages Murphy Oil has paid to the plaintiffs. Claiborne P. Deming, who is a director of Entergy Corporation, is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Murphy Oil. Murphy Oil and other defendants settled with the plaintiffs for $8.8 million, but Entergy Louisiana did not participate in the settlement. After trial for the remaining parties in the proceeding, the judge issued a decision finding Entergy Louisiana 40% responsible and awarding monetary damages, which total approximately $11 million with interest against Entergy Louisiana. Entergy Louisiana intends to appeal the judgment. Entergy Louisiana has insurance in place for claims of this type, and management does not expect a material adverse financial effect from this decision.

Fiber Optic Cable Litigation (Entergy Corporation, Entergy Gulf States, Entergy Louisiana, and Entergy Mississippi)

See "PART I, Item 1, Fiber Optic Cable Litigation" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the litigation pending in the United States District Court in Beaumont, Texas pertaining to the alleged installment by defendants of fiber optic cable across plaintiffs' property without obtaining appropriate easements. In April 2004, the court entered an order denying the plaintiffs' request for class certification. The plaintiffs have appealed this decision to the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.

With respect to the lawsuit against Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Services, ETHC and Entergy Technology Company pending in state court in St. James Parish, Louisiana purportedly on behalf of all property owners in Louisiana who have conveyed easements to the defendants, the state district judge has entered an order certifying a class. Entergy is seeking appellate review of this order.

Several property owners filed a lawsuit in August 2004 against Entergy Mississippi in state court in Montgomery County, Mississippi alleging that Entergy Mississippi installed fiber optic cable across their properties without obtaining appropriate easements. The plaintiffs seek actual damages for the use of the land, a share of the profits made through use of the fiber optic cables, and $20 million in punitive damages. In addition, in August 2004, a separate lawsuit containing allegations similar to the lawsuit pending in Montgomery County, Mississippi was filed by several property owners in state court in Leflore County, Mississippi. The plaintiffs seek actual damages for the use of the land, a share of the profits made through use of the fiber optic cables, and an unspecified amount of punitive damages.

Michoud Plant Wildlife Inspection (Entergy New Orleans)

In March 2004, agents of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service conducted an inspection of Entergy New Orleans' Michoud power plant and found a number of dead brown pelicans near the facility's water intake structure and fish-return trough. Brown pelicans are an endangered species in Louisiana. The United States Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Louisiana (Attorney's Office) issued a grand jury subpoena to an Entergy New Orleans employee in May 2004 to give evidence regarding the cause of death of the pelicans. The Attorney's Office then agreed to meet with Entergy New Orleans rather than requiring the employee to testify. As a result of that meeting, Entergy New Orleans conducted an internal investigation of the matter and submitted a report to the Attorney's Office in August 2004. Entergy New Orleans also constructed an engineered walkway and cover over the intake structure and feeding trough to eliminate pelican access to the area. Entergy New Orleans continues neg otiations with the Attorney's Office regarding final resolution of this matter.

Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use Of Proceeds

Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities (1)



Total Number of
Shares Purchased


Average Price Paid
per Share


Total Number of
Shares Purchased as Part of a Publicly
Announced Plan


Maximum $ Amount
of Shares that May
Yet to be Purchased Under the Plan















































In accordance with Entergy's stock option plans, Entergy periodically grants stock options to its employees, which may be exercised to obtain shares of Entergy's common stock. According to the plans, these shares can be newly issued shares, treasury stock, or shares purchased on the open market. See Note 8 to the consolidated financial statements in the Form 10-K for additional discussion of the stock option plans. Entergy's management has been authorized to repurchase on the open market shares up to an amount sufficient to fund the exercise of grants under the plans, and this authorization does not have an expiration date. In August 2004, Entergy announced a program under which Entergy Corporation will repurchase up to $1.5 billion of its common stock. The program extends through the end of 2006. This repurchase program is incremental to the existing authority to repurchase shares to fund the exercise of employee stock options. The amount of repurchases under the progr am may vary as a result of material changes in business results or capital spending, or as a result of material new investment opportunities.


Item 5. Other Information

Property and Other Generation Resources

See "PART I, Item 1, Generating Stations" in the Form 10-K for discussion of the agreement that Entergy Louisiana signed in January 2004 to acquire the Perryville power plant from a subsidiary of Cleco Corporation. As reported in the Form 10-K, the plant's owner is in Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. In April 2004, the bankruptcy court approved Entergy Louisiana's agreement to acquire the plant. In March 2004, Entergy Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana filed with the LPSC for its approval of the acquisition and long-term cost-of-service power purchase agreement, and hearings were scheduled for November 2004, but the procedural schedule has been suspended. Entergy has proposed a new hearing date in the first quarter 2005. In October 2004, Entergy Louisiana signed an amendment to the acquisition agreement to remove certain interconnection facilities and address some other matters. None of these amendments changed the terms of the acquisition materially. The FERC issu ed an order in October 2004 disclaiming jurisdiction over the acquisition. Assuming regulatory approvals, Entergy Louisiana expects the Perryville acquisition to close in mid-2005.

In April 2004, the APSC issued an order directing Entergy Arkansas to show cause why Entergy Arkansas should not have to indemnify and hold its customers harmless from any adverse financial effects related to Entergy Louisiana's pending acquisition of the Perryville power plant, or show that the Perryville unit will produce economic benefits for Entergy Arkansas' customers. Entergy Arkansas filed a response in May 2004 stating that Entergy will seek to reverse the production cost-related portions of the ALJ's Initial Decision in the System Agreement proceeding at FERC, that the Perryville acquisition is part of Entergy's request for proposal generation planning process, that Entergy Arkansas is not in a position to indemnify its retail customers from actions taken by FERC, and that the Perryville acquisition is expected to reduce the domestic utility companies' overall production costs. A procedural schedule has not been established in the APSC investigation.

Also see "PART I, Item 1, Generating Stations" in the Form 10-K for discussion of the affiliate purchase transactions that resulted from Entergy's requests for proposals for supply-side resources. In the proceeding at the FERC to review the justness and reasonableness of the affiliate agreements, in March 2004 the FERC staff filed testimony that claims Entergy conveyed undue preference to its affiliates in the bidding process. Hearings in the proceeding commenced in June 2004 and are ongoing.

Wholesale Rate Matters

See "MANAGEMENT'S FINANCIAL DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS - Significant Factors and Known Trends" in this report for updates of the information contained in " PART I, Item 1, Wholesale Rate Matters" regarding the System Agreement, Transmission, FERC's Supply Margin Assessment, and Interconnection Orders.


FERC Reviews of Transmission

In August 2002, the FERC initiated audits and reviews of Entergy's compliance with Order Nos. 888 and 889 and its open access transmission tariff, and in March 2004 a separate audit was initiated concerning Entergy's administration of the Generator Operating Limits ("GOL") processes.  Entergy has responded to numerous FERC data requests and the FERC staff members have interviewed several employees.  The FERC staff has provided Entergy with preliminary draft reports of their findings and recommendations on the issues that they have been examining. The GOL draft audit report identifies and alleges certain input and modeling errors in the implementation of the GOL process (which was replaced in April 2004) and preliminarily recommends, among other things, that Entergy employ an independent third party to conduct certain transmission access modeling. Entergy believes that these recommendations are based on a number of inaccuracies and has and will continue to prov ide comments on the various findings and the recommendations.  Separately, the FERC investigation staff has provided to Entergy its preliminary findings in a non-public draft report identifying certain areas of concern related to Entergy's compliance with certain provisions of its open access transmission tariff, including the time it took for Entergy to process requests to interconnect generating facilities to Entergy's transmission system and the processing of system impact studies related to the granting of transmission service. Entergy has submitted a comprehensive response to the specific concerns identified by the investigation staff but, at this point, believes that it has complied with the provisions of its open access transmission tariff, including the interconnection and system impact study provisions. These draft reports are not final reports; they may be modified by the FERC staff based on Entergy's responses or otherwise.  In addition, Entergy has the ability to appeal the f inal reports to the full FERC.


FERC Review of Certain Wholesale Transactions

The FERC is currently reviewing certain wholesale sales and purchases involving EPMC that occurred during the 1998-2001 time period. EPMC was an Entergy subsidiary engaged in non-regulated wholesale marketing and trading activities prior to the formation of Entergy-Koch. Entergy is working with the FERC investigation staff to provide information regarding these transactions.


Regulation of the Nuclear Power Industry

Under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, the DOE is required, for a specified fee, to construct storage facilities for, and to dispose of, all spent nuclear fuel and other high-level radioactive waste generated by domestic nuclear power reactors. See "PART I, Item 1, Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982," for further discussion of this Act. The fees payable to the DOE may be adjusted in the future to assure full recovery of the DOE's costs, and Entergy cannot state with certainty that the fees will not be increased in the future.

The permanent spent fuel repository in the U.S. has been legislated to be Yucca Mountain, Nevada. DOE will now proceed with the licensing and, if the license is granted by the NRC and if Congress appropriates adequate funds to DOE to complete the project, eventual construction of the repository will begin and receipt of spent fuel may begin as early as approximately 2010, according to the DOE. Considerable uncertainty remains regarding the time frame under which the DOE will begin to accept spent fuel from Entergy's facilities for storage or disposal, and could be several years after 2015. Additional uncertainty was added on July 9, 2004, when the U.S. Court of Appeals vacated a portion of the EPA nuclear waste disposal standard regarding the required compliance period for the repository. It is not known what impact this will have on the Yucca Mountain schedule, but further delays are possible as the EPA and NRC work to reestablish a standard. As a result of the delays in establishing a permanent repository, future expenditures will be required to increase spent fuel storage capacity at Entergy's nuclear plant sites.

Environmental Regulation

See "PART I, Item 1, Clean Air Act and Subsequent Amendments, Ozone Non-attainment" in the Form 10-K for information related to Louisiana and Texas emission control strategies to address continued ozone non-attainment status of areas in and around Houston-Galveston, Texas; Beaumont-Port Arthur, Texas; and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The EPA has now reclassified the Beaumont-Port-Arthur area from "moderate" to "serious" and has reclassified the Baton Rouge area from "serious" to "severe". These actions require that Texas and Louisiana revise their respective plans to restrict the emission of certain air pollutants and to make progress toward eventual attainment of national standards. The Louisiana plan revisions were due in June 2004; however, because of legal and environmental regulatory disputes over a requirement for reformulated gasoline in the Baton Rouge area unrelated to Entergy's interests in the state implementation plan, the State has chosen to delay the submi ttal.  The Texas plan revisions must be submitted in April 2005. The content or effect of these developing plans is not fully known, but Entergy Gulf States continues to monitor events in these areas. If new NOx control equipment is required to be installed, the cost could be as much as $1.6 million for the facilities in Louisiana in 2004 and early 2005. Information recently published by the State of Texas in support of the state implementation plan indicates that new NOx control equipment will not be required at Entergy Gulf States' Texas facilities.

In April 2004, the EPA issued a final rule, effective June 15, 2005, stating that areas designated as non-attainment under a new "8-hour ozone standard" shall have one year to adjust to the new requirements. For Louisiana, the Baton Rouge area is to be classified as a marginal non-attainment area under the new standard with an attainment date of June 2007. For Texas, the Beaumont-Port Arthur area was designated as a marginal non-attainment area under the new standard with an attainment date of June 2007 and the Houston-Galveston area was designated as moderate non-attainment under the new standard with an attainment date of June 2010. Entergy continues to monitor these regulatory activities and to plan for necessary future action at its facilities.

See "PART I, Item 1, Clean Water Act, 316(b) Cooling Water Intake Structures" in the Form 10-K for information related to the draft permit issued by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYDEC) indicating that closed cycle cooling would be considered the "best technology available" for minimizing perceived adverse environmental impacts attributable to the intake and discharge of cooling water at large existing power plants. Entergy is currently in various stages of the discharge permitting process at two sites and has adopted a strategy for Pilgrim and Indian Point as a result of recent developments. Pilgrim expects to request from the EPA the full 3-1/2 year schedule for compliance demonstration as is outlined in the new 316(b) rule and will also pursue appropriate supplementation of the existing record regarding perceived impacts, options and costs. Indian Point is involved in an administrative permi tting process with the New York environmental authority for renewal of the Indian Point 2 and 3 discharge permits. In November 2003, NYDEC issued a draft permit indicating that closed cycle cooling would be considered the "best technology available" for minimizing perceived adverse environmental impacts attributable to the intake and discharge of cooling water at Indian Point 2 and 3. The draft permit would require Entergy to take certain steps to assess the feasibility of retrofitting the site to install cooling towers before re-licensing Indian Point 2 and 3, whose current licenses with the NRC expire in 2013 and 2015. The draft permit could also require, upon its becoming effective, the facilities to take an annual 42 unit-day outage and provide a payment into a NYDEC account until the start of cooling tower construction. Entergy is participating in the administrative process in order to have the draft permit modified prior to final issuance, and opposes any requirement to install cooling towers or be gin annual forced outages at Indian Point 2 and 3. The EPA finalized new 316(b) regulations in July 2004. Entergy Corporation, other industry members and industry groups, environmental groups, and a coalition of northeastern and mid-Atlantic states have challenged various aspects of the rule. This challenge currently is lodged in the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco, although a motion to transfer the case to the Second Circuit in New York City has been filed. Entergy will continue to participate in and monitor this proceeding.

Earnings Ratios (Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, and System Energy)

The domestic utility companies and System Energy have calculated ratios of earnings to fixed charges and ratios of earnings to combined fixed charges and preferred dividends pursuant to Item 503 of Regulation S-K of the SEC as follows:


Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges


Twelve Months Ended


December 31,


September 30,














Entergy Arkansas












Entergy Gulf States












Entergy Louisiana












Entergy Mississippi












Entergy New Orleans












System Energy













Ratios of Earnings to Combined Fixed Charges
and Preferred Dividends


Twelve Months Ended


December 31,


September 30,














Entergy Arkansas












Entergy Gulf States (a)












Entergy Louisiana












Entergy Mississippi












Entergy New Orleans













"Preferred Dividends" in the case of Entergy Gulf States also include dividends on preference stock for the twelve months ended December 31, 1999, which was redeemed in July 2000.


Earnings for the twelve months ended December 31, 2001, for Entergy New Orleans were not adequate to cover fixed charges and combined fixed charges and preferred dividends by $6.6 million and $9.5 million, respectively.


Earnings for the twelve months ended December 31, 2002, for Entergy New Orleans were not adequate to cover fixed charges and combined fixed charges and preferred dividends by $0.7 million and $3.4 million, respectively.

Item 6. Exhibits



4(a) -

Twelfth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of August 1, 2004, to Entergy New Orleans' Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of May 1, 1987.


4(b) -

Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of August 15, 2004, to Entergy New Orleans' Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of May 1, 1987.



4(c) -

Twenty-fourth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of September 1, 2004, to Entergy Mississippi's Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of February 1, 1988 (filed as Exhibit A-3(c) to Rule 24 Certificate dated October 4, 2004 in File No. 70-10157).



4(d) -

Fifty-eighth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of October 1, 2004, to Entergy Louisiana's Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of April 1, 1944 (filed as Exhibit A-3(b) to Rule 24 Certificate dated October 15, 2004 in File No. 70-10086).


4(e) -

Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture, dated as of October 1, 2004, to Entergy Arkansas' Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of October 1, 1944.



4(f) -

Fifty-ninth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of October 15, 2004, to Entergy Louisiana's Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of April 1, 1944 (filed as Exhibit A-3(c) to Rule 24 Certificate dated October 26, 2004 in File No. 70-10086).



4(g) -

Sixty-seventh Supplemental Indenture, dated as of October 1, 2004, to Entergy Gulf States' Indenture of Mortgage, dated as of September 1, 1926 (filed as Exhibit A-3(i) to Rule 24 Certificate dated November 4, 2004 in File No. 70-10158).


31(a) -

Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) Certification for Entergy Corporation.


31(b) -

Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) Certification for Entergy Corporation.


31(c) -

Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) Certification for Entergy Arkansas.


31(d) -

Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) Certification for Entergy Gulf States.


31(e) -

Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) Certification for Entergy Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana.


31(f) -

Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) Certification for Entergy Mississippi.


31(g) -

Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) Certification for Entergy New Orleans.


31(h) -

Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) Certification for System Energy.


31(i) -

Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) Certification for Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans.


31(j) -

Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) Certification for System Energy.


32(a) -

Section 1350 Certification for Entergy Corporation.


32(b) -

Section 1350 Certification for Entergy Corporation.


32(c) -

Section 1350 Certification for Entergy Arkansas.


32(d) -

Section 1350 Certification for Entergy Gulf States.


32(e) -

Section 1350 Certification for Entergy Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana.


32(f) -

Section 1350 Certification for Entergy Mississippi.


32(g) -

Section 1350 Certification for Entergy New Orleans.


32(h) -

Section 1350 Certification for System Energy.


32(i) -

Section 1350 Certification for Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans.


32(j) -

Section 1350 Certification for System Energy.


99(a) -

Entergy Arkansas' Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges and of Earnings to Combined Fixed Charges and Preferred Dividends, as defined.


99(b) -

Entergy Gulf States' Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges and of Earnings to Combined Fixed Charges and Preferred Dividends, as defined.


99(c) -

Entergy Louisiana's Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges and of Earnings to Combined Fixed Charges and Preferred Dividends, as defined.


99(d) -

Entergy Mississippi's Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges and of Earnings to Combined Fixed Charges and Preferred Dividends, as defined.


99(e) -

Entergy New Orleans' Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges and of Earnings to Combined Fixed Charges and Preferred Dividends, as defined.


99(f) -

System Energy's Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges, as defined.


Pursuant to Item 601(b)(4)(iii) of Regulation S-K, Entergy Corporation agrees to furnish to the Commission upon request any instrument with respect to long-term debt that is not registered or listed herein as an Exhibit because the total amount of securities authorized under such agreement does not exceed ten percent of the total assets of Entergy Corporation and its subsidiaries on a consolidated basis.


Reference is made to a duplicate list of exhibits being filed as a part of this report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2004, which list, prepared in accordance with Item 102 of Regulation S-T of the SEC, immediately precedes the exhibits being filed with this report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2004.



Incorporated herein by reference as indicated.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, each registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized. The signature for each undersigned company shall be deemed to relate only to matters having reference to such company or its subsidiaries.



/s/ Nathan E. Langston
Nathan E. Langston
Senior Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer
(For each Registrant and for each as
Principal Accounting Officer)


Date: November 5, 2004



EX-4 2 a4a.htm

Exhibit 4(a)




(successor to Harris Trust Company of New York and Bank of Montreal Trust Company)



(successor to Mark F. McLaughlin and Z. George Klodnicki)

As Trustees under the Mortgage and Deed of Trust,

dated as of May 1, 1987 of Entergy New Orleans, Inc.


Providing among other things for

Insured Quarterly First Mortgage Bonds,

5.65% Series due September 1, 2029

(Sixteenth Series)

Dated as of August 1, 2004


TWELFTH SUPPLEMENTAL INDENTURE, dated as of August 1, 2004, between ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC., a corporation of the State of Louisiana, whose post office address is 1600 Perdido Street, Building 505, New Orleans, Louisiana 70112 (the "Company") and THE BANK OF NEW YORK (successor to Harris Trust Company of New York and Bank of Montreal Trust Company), a New York banking corporation, whose principal corporate trust office is located at 101 Barclay Street, Floor 21 West, New York, New York 10286 and STEPHEN J. GIURLANDO (successor to Mark F. McLaughlin and Z. George Klodnicki), whose address is 63 Euclid Avenue, Massapequa, New York 11758, as trustees under the Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of May 1, 1987, executed and delivered by the Company (herein called the "Original Indenture"; the Original Indenture and any and all indentures and instruments supplemental thereto being herein called the "Indenture");

WHEREAS, the Original Indenture has been duly recorded and filed as required in the State of Louisiana simultaneously with the recording and filing of the First Supplemental Indenture thereto, dated as of May 1, 1987, between the Company and BANK OF MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY (The Bank of New York, successor) and Z. GEORGE KLODNICKI (Stephen J. Giurlando, successor), as trustees (herein called the "First Supplemental Indenture"); and

WHEREAS, the Original Indenture was recorded in various Parishes in the State of Louisiana; and

WHEREAS, the Company executed and delivered to the Trustees (such term and all other defined terms used herein and not defined herein having the respective definitions to which reference is made in Article I below) its Second Supplemental Indenture, dated as of January 1, 1988, its Third Supplemental Indenture, dated as of March 1, 1993, its Fourth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of September 1, 1993, its Fifth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of April 1, 1995, its Sixth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of March 1, 1996, its Seventh Supplemental Indenture, dated as of July 1, 1998 (the "Seventh Supplemental Indenture"), its Eighth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of July 1, 2000, its Ninth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of February 1, 2001, its Tenth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of October 1, 2002, and its Eleventh Supplemental Indenture, dated as of July 1, 2003 (the "Eleventh Supplemental Indenture"), each as a supplement to the Original Indenture, which Supple mental Indentures have been duly recorded in various Parishes in the State of Louisiana, which Parishes are the same Parishes in which this Twelfth Supplemental Indenture is to be recorded; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to an Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of March 18, 1999, Harris Trust Company of New York merged into Bank of Montreal Trust Company, Trustee under the Indenture, and effective July 1, 1999, the combined entity changed its name to Harris Trust Company of New York, and, by virtue of Section 9.03 of the Original Indenture, Harris Trust Company of New York became successor Trustee under the Indenture, without execution of any paper or the performance of any further act on the part of any other parties to the Indenture; and

WHEREAS, effective July 15, 2000, Harris Trust Company of New York and Mark F. McLaughlin resigned as Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, under the Indenture, and by the Eighth Supplemental Indenture, the Company appointed The Bank of New York and Stephen J. Giurlando as successor Trustee and successor Co-Trustee, respectively, effective July 15, 2000, and The Bank of New York and Stephen J. Giurlando accepted said respective appointments; and

WHEREAS, the Company has heretofore issued, in accordance with the provisions of the Indenture, the following series of bonds:


Principal Amount

Principal Amount

10.95% Series due May 1, 1997





13.20% Series due February 1, 1991





13.60% Series due February 1, 1993





13.90% Series due February 1, 1995





7% Series due March 1, 2003





8% Series due March 1, 2023





7.55% Series due September 1, 2023





8.67% Series due April 1, 2005





8% Series due March 1, 2006





7% Series due July 15, 2008





8.125% Series due July 15, 2005





6.65% Series due March 1, 2004





6.75% Series due October 15, 2017





3.875% Series due August 1, 2008





5.25% Series due August 1, 2013





; and

WHEREAS, Section 19.04 of the Original Indenture provides, among other things, that any power, privilege or right expressly or impliedly reserved to or in any way conferred upon the Company by any provision of the Indenture, whether such power, privilege or right is in any way restricted or is unrestricted, may be in whole or in part waived or surrendered or subjected to any restriction if at the time unrestricted, or to additional restriction if already restricted, and the Company may enter into any further covenants, limitations, restrictions or provisions for the benefit of any one or more series of bonds issued thereunder, or the Company may establish the terms and provisions of any series of bonds by an instrument in writing executed and acknowledged by the Company in such manner as would be necessary to entitle a conveyance of real estate to be recorded in all of the states in which any property at the time subject to the Lien of the Indenture shall be situated; and

WHEREAS, the Company desires to create a new series of bonds under the Indenture and to add to its covenants and agreements contained in the Indenture certain other covenants and agreements to be observed by it; and

WHEREAS, all things necessary to make this Twelfth Supplemental Indenture a valid, binding and legal instrument have been performed, and the issue of said series of bonds, subject to the terms of the Indenture, has been in all respects duly authorized;

NOW, THEREFORE, THIS TWELFTH SUPPLEMENTAL INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC., in consideration of the premises and of Ten Dollars ($10) to it duly paid by the Trustee at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in order to secure the payment of both the principal of and interest and premium, if any, on the bonds from time to time issued under the Indenture, according to their tenor and effect and the performance of all provisions of the Indenture (including any modification made as in the Indenture provided) and of said bonds, hath granted, bargained, sold, released, conveyed, assigned, transferred, mortgaged, hypothecated, affected, pledged, set over and confirmed and granted a security interest in, and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, release, convey, assign, transfer, mortgage, hypothecate, affect, pledge, set over and confirm and grant a security interest in (subject, however, to Excepted Encum brances as defined in Section 1.06 of the Original Indenture), unto STEPHEN J. GIURLANDO and (to the extent of its legal capacity to hold the same for the purpose hereof) to THE BANK OF NEW YORK, as Trustees under the Indenture, and to their successor or successors in said trust, and to said Trustees and their successors and assigns forever (1) all rights, legal and equitable, of the Company (whether in accordance with Paragraph 32 of that certain Resolution No. R-86-112, adopted by the Council of the City of New Orleans on March 20, 1986 and accepted by the Company on March 25, 1986, as superseded by Resolution No. R-91-157, effective October 4, 1991, or pursuant to other regulatory authorization or by operation of law or otherwise), in the event of the purchase and acquisition by the City of New Orleans (or any other governmental authority or instrumentality or designee thereof) of properties and assets of the Company, to recover and receive payment and compensation from the City (or from such other govern mental authority or instrumentality or designee thereof or any other person) of an amount equal to the aggregate uncollected balance of (A) the deferrals of Grand Gulf 1 Costs (as defined in the Original Indenture) and the deferred carrying charges accrued thereon that have accumulated prior to the City or such other entity providing official notice to the Company of the City's or such other entity's intent to effect such purchase and acquisition and (B) if and to the extent that the City or such other entity and the Company agree that the City or such other entity is liable for all or a portion of the aggregate uncollected balance of such deferrals accumulating thereafter or a court of final resort so holds, such deferrals that have accumulated subsequent to such notice (said rights of the Company, together with the proceeds and products thereof, being defined in the Original Indenture as the "Municipalization Interest"); and (2) all properties of the Company, real, personal and mixed, of the kind or nature described or mentioned in the Original Indenture; and (3) all properties of the Company specifically described in Article VI hereof and all other properties of the Company, real, personal and mixed, of the kind or nature specifically mentioned in the Original Indenture or of any other kind or nature acquired by the Company on or after the date of the execution and delivery of the Original Indenture (except any herein or in the Original Indenture, as heretofore supplemented, expressly excepted), now owned or, subject to the provisions of Section 15.03 of the Original Indenture, hereafter acquired by the Company (by purchase, consolidation, merger, donation, construction, erection or in any other way) and wheresoever situated, including (without in anywise limiting or impairing by the enumeration of the same, the scope and intent of the foregoing or of any general description contained herein or in the Original Indenture, as heretofore supplemented), all real estate, lands, easements, servitudes, li censes, permits, franchises, privileges, rights of way and other rights in or relating to real estate or the occupancy of the same; all power sites, flowage rights, water rights, water locations, water appropriations, ditches, flumes, reservoirs, reservoir sites, canals, raceways, waterways, dams, dam sites, aqueducts, and all other rights or means for appropriating, conveying, storing and supplying water; all rights of way and roads; all plants for the generation of electricity by steam, water and/or other power; all power houses, gas plants, street lighting systems, standards and other equipment incidental thereto; all telephone, radio and television systems, air-conditioning systems, and equipment incidental thereto, water wheels, water works, water systems, steam heat and hot water plants, substations, electric, gas and water lines, service and supply systems, bridges, culverts, tracks, ice or refrigeration plants and equipment, offices, buildings and other structures and the equipment thereof; all machi nery, engines, boilers, dynamos, turbines, electric, gas and other machines, prime movers, regulators, meters, transformers, generators (including, but not limited to, engine driven generators and turbogenerator units), motors, electrical, gas and mechanical appliances, conduits, cables, water, steam heat, gas or other pipes, gas mains and pipes, service pipes, fittings, valves and connections, pole and transmission lines, towers, overhead conductors and devices, underground conduits, underground conductors and devices, wires, cables, tools, implements, apparatus, storage battery equipment, and all other fixtures and presently; all municipal and other franchises, consents or permits; all lines for the transmission and distribution of electric current, gas, steam heat or water for any purpose including towers, poles, wires, cables, pipes, conduits, ducts and all apparatus for use in connection therewith and (except as herein or in the Original Indenture, as heretofore supplemented, expressly excepted) all the rights, title and interest of the Company in and to all other property of any kind or nature appertaining to and/or used and/or occupied and/or enjoyed in connection with any property herein or in the Original Indenture, as heretofore supplemented, described.

TOGETHER WITH all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, prescriptions, servitudes and appurtenances belonging or in anywise appertaining to the aforesaid property or any part thereof, with the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders and (subject to the provisions of Section 11.01 of the Original Indenture) the tolls, rents, revenues, issues, earnings, income, product and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title and interest and claim whatsoever, at law as well as in equity, which the Company now has or may hereafter acquire in and to the aforesaid property, rights and franchises and every part and parcel thereof.

IT IS HEREBY AGREED by the Company that, subject to the provisions of Section 15.03 of the Original Indenture, all the property, rights and franchises acquired by the Company (by purchase, consolidation, merger, donation, construction, erection or in any other way) after the date hereof, except any herein or in the Original Indenture, as heretofore supplemented, expressly excepted, shall be and are as fully granted and conveyed hereby and as fully embraced within the Lien of the Original Indenture and the Lien hereof as if such property, rights and franchises were now owned by the Company and were specifically described herein and granted and conveyed hereby.

PROVIDED that, except as provided herein and in the Original Indenture with respect to the Municipalization Interest, the following are not and are not intended to be now or hereafter granted, bargained, sold, released, conveyed, assigned, transferred, mortgaged, hypothecated, affected, pledged, set over or confirmed hereunder, nor is a security interest therein hereby or by the Original Indenture, as heretofore supplemented, granted or intended to be granted, and the same are hereby expressly excepted from the Lien of the Indenture and the operation of this Twelfth Supplemental Indenture, viz.: (1) cash, shares of stock, bonds, notes and other obligations and other securities not heretofore or hereafter specifically pledged, paid, deposited, delivered or held hereunder or covenanted so to be; (2) merchandise, equipment, apparatus, materials or supplies held for the purpose of sale or other disposition in the usual course of business or for the purpose of repairing or replacing (in whole or part) any rolling stock, buses, motor coaches, automobiles and other vehicles or aircraft or boats, ships, or other vessels and any fuel, oil and similar materials and supplies consumable in the operation of any of the properties of the Company; rolling stock, buses, motor coaches, automobiles and other vehicles and all aircraft; boats, ships and other vessels; all timber, minerals, mineral rights and royalties; (3) bills, notes and other instruments and accounts receivable, judgments, demands, general intangibles and chooses in action, and all contracts, leases and operating agreements not specifically pledged hereunder or under the Original Indenture or covenanted so to be; (4) the last day of the term of any lease or leasehold which may hereafter become subject to the Lien of the Indenture; (5) electric energy, gas, water, steam, ice, and other materials or products generated, manufactured, produced or purchased by the Company for sale, distribution or use in the ordinary course of its business; (6) an y natural gas wells or natural gas leases or natural gas transportation lines or other works or property used primarily and principally in the production of natural gas or its transportation, primarily for the purpose of sale to natural gas customers or to a natural gas distribution or pipeline company, up to the point of connection with any distribution system; and (7) the Company's franchise to be a corporation; provided, however, that the property and rights expressly excepted from the Lien and operation of the Indenture in the above subdivisions (2) and (3) shall (to the extent permitted by law) cease to be so excepted in the event and as of the date that either or both of the Trustees or a receiver or trustee shall enter upon and take possession of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property in the manner provided in Article XII of the Original Indenture by reason of the occurrence of a Default.

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all such properties, real, personal and mixed, granted, bargained, sold, released, conveyed, assigned, transferred, mortgaged, hypothecated, affected, pledged, set over or confirmed or in which a security interest has been granted by the Company as aforesaid, or intended so to be (subject, however, to Excepted Encumbrances as defined in Section 1.06 of the Original Indenture), unto STEPHEN J. GIURLANDO and (to the extent of its legal capacity to hold the same for the purposes hereof) to THE BANK OF NEW YORK, and their successors and assigns forever.

IN TRUST NEVERTHELESS, for the same purposes and upon the same terms, trusts and conditions and subject to and with the same provisos and covenants as are set forth in the Original Indenture, as heretofore supplemented, this Twelfth Supplemental Indenture being supplemental thereto.

AND IT IS HEREBY COVENANTED by the Company that all the terms, conditions, provisos, covenants and provisions contained in the Original Indenture, as heretofore supplemented, shall affect and apply to the property hereinbefore and hereinafter described and conveyed and to the estate, rights, obligations and duties of the Company and the Trustees and the beneficiaries of the trust with respect to said property, and to the Trustees and their successors as Trustees of said property in the same manner and with the same effect as if said property had been owned by the Company at the time of the execution of the Original Indenture and had been specifically and at length described in and conveyed to said Trustees by the Original Indenture as a part of the property therein stated to be conveyed.

The Company further covenants and agrees to and with the Trustees and their successor or successors in said trust under the Indenture, as follows:



  1. Terms From the Original Indenture and First through Eleventh Supplemental Indentures. Except as set forth in Section 1.02 below, all defined terms used in this Twelfth Supplemental Indenture and not otherwise defined herein shall have the respective meanings ascribed to them in the Original Indenture or the First through the Eleventh Supplemental Indentures, as the case may be.

  2. Certain Defined Terms. As used in this Twelfth Supplemental Indenture, the following defined terms shall have the respective meanings specified unless the context clearly requires otherwise:

    The term "Beneficial Owner" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.02(e).

    The term "Bonds of the Sixteenth Series" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.01.

    The term "Business Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday or a Sunday or a day on which banking institutions in The City of New York are authorized or required by law or executive order to remain closed or a day on which the Corporate Trust Office of the Trustee is closed for business.

    The term "Financial Guaranty" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.02(d).

    The term "Fiscal Agent" shall have the meaning specified in Section 5.04(a).

    The term "Insurance Agreement" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.02(d).

    The term "Insurance Event" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.02(d).

    The term "Participants" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.02(e).

    The term "Representative" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.02(e).

    The term "Surety Bond" shall mean the Surety Bond issued by Financial Guaranty that guarantees the payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series.

  3. References are to Twelfth Supplemental Indenture. Unless the context otherwise requires, all references herein to "Articles", "Sections" and other subdivisions refer to the corresponding Articles, Sections and other subdivisions of this Twelfth Supplemental Indenture, and the words "herein", "hereof", "hereby", "hereunder" and words of similar import refer to this Twelfth Supplemental Indenture as a whole and not to any particular Article, Section or other subdivision hereof or to the Original Indenture or any other supplemental indenture thereto.

  4. Number and Gender. Unless the context otherwise requires, defined terms in the singular include the plural, and in the plural include the singular. The use of a word of any gender shall include all genders.



  1. Bonds of the Sixteenth Series. Pursuant to Section 2.01 of the Original Indenture, there shall be a series of bonds designated 5.65% Series due September 1, 2029 (herein sometimes referred to as the "Sixteenth Series"), each of which shall also bear the descriptive title "Insured Quarterly First Mortgage Bond". The form of Bonds of the Sixteenth Series shall be substantially in the form of Exhibit A hereto. Bonds of the Sixteenth Series (which shall be issued in the aggregate principal amount of $40,000,000) shall mature on September 1, 2029 and shall be issued only as fully registered bonds in denominations of One Thousand Dollars and, at the option of the Company, in any multiple or multiples thereof (the exercise of such option to be evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof). Bonds of the Sixteenth Series shall bear interest at the rate of five and sixty-five one hundredths percent (5.65%) per annum (except as hereinafter provided), payable quar terly on March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1 of each year, and at maturity or earlier redemption, the first interest payment to be made on December 1, 2004 for the period from the date of original issuance of the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series to December 1, 2004; the principal and interest on each said bond to be payable at the office or agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, New York, payable in such coin or currency of the United States of America as at the time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. Interest on Bonds of the Sixteenth Series may at the option of the Company be paid by check mailed to the registered owners thereof. Overdue principal and (to the extent permitted by law) overdue interest in respect of Bonds of the Sixteenth Series shall bear interest (before and after judgment) at the rate of six and sixty-five one hundredths percent (6.65%) per annum. Interest on the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series shall be computed on the basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months. Interest on Bonds of the Sixteenth Series in respect of a portion of a month shall be calculated based on the actual number of days elapsed. In any case where any interest payment date, redemption date or maturity of any Bond of the Sixteenth Series shall not be a Business Day, then payment of interest or principal need not be made on such date, but may be made on the next succeeding Business Day, with the same force and effect, and in the same amount, as if made on the corresponding interest payment date or redemption date, or at maturity, as the case may be, and, if such payment is made or duly provided for on such Business Day, no interest shall accrue on the amounts so payable for the period from and after such interest payment date, redemption date or maturity, as the case may be, to such Business Day.

    The Company reserves the right to establish at any time, by Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company, a form of coupon bond, and of appurtenant coupons, for the Sixteenth Series and to provide for exchangeability of such coupon bonds with the bonds of said Series issued hereunder in fully registered form and to make all appropriate provisions for such purpose.

  2. Redemption of Bonds of the Sixteenth Series. (a) Bonds of the Sixteenth Series shall not be redeemable at the option of the Company prior to September 1, 2009. Bonds of the Sixteenth Series shall be redeemable, at the option of the Company, in whole or in part, at any time on or after September 1, 2009, upon notice mailed to each registered owner at his last address appearing on the registry books not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days prior to the date fixed for redemption, at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount of such Bonds of the Sixteenth Series being redeemed plus accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the redemption date; provided, however, that in the event that the taking, sale, transfer or other conveyance described in Section 2.02(c) hereof shall have occurred, during the period commencing on the occurrence of such event and ending on the day following the date that the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series are redeemable pursuant to Section 2.02(c) hereof, the redemption price for the redemption of the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series pursuant to this Section 2.02(a) shall be 101% of the principal amount of the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series being redeemed plus accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the redemption date.

(b) Bonds of the Sixteenth Series shall also be redeemable, at the option of the holders thereof, as provided in Section 3.04 of the First Supplemental Indenture, as heretofore and hereby amended.

(c) Bonds of the Sixteenth Series shall also be redeemable as follows:

Should all or substantially all of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property be taken by the City of New Orleans or any instrumentality or designee thereof by the exercise of the power of eminent domain or taken by the exercise by the City of New Orleans or any instrumentality or designee thereof of the right to purchase or otherwise acquire the same, or should such Mortgaged and Pledged Property be voluntarily sold, transferred or otherwise conveyed to the City of New Orleans or such instrumentality or designee thereof, then, in any such event, the Company shall, upon the consummation of such taking, sale, transfer or other conveyance (in any case whether or not the Lien of the Indenture is released with respect to such Mortgaged and Pledged Property), immediately request the Trustee to take, and upon receipt of such request the Trustee shall take, all requisite action to prepare (in consultation with the Company) and to mail written notice thereof to each registered holder of any Outstanding Bo nd of the Sixteenth Series, at his last address appearing upon the registry books, such notice (hereinafter referred to in this Section 2.02(c) as the "Trustee's Special Notice"), to state that it is given pursuant to this Section 2.02(c) of this Twelfth Supplemental Indenture and that the holder of any Bond or Bonds of the Sixteenth Series then Outstanding shall have the right to require the Company to redeem such Bond or Bonds of the Sixteenth Series, in whole or in part, on the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter in this Section 2.02(c) set forth.

Upon the mailing of the Trustee's Special Notice, the holder of any Bonds of the Sixteenth Series then Outstanding may, within forty-five (45) days from the date of the Trustee's Special Notice, give the Trustee written notice of such holder's intent to have his Bond or Bonds of the Sixteenth Series redeemed by the Company on the sixtieth (60th) day following the date of the Trustee's Special Notice, upon delivery and surrender of such Bond or Bonds of the Sixteenth Series accompanied by such documentation as the Trustee or the Company may require. Unless on or prior to the forty-fifth (45th) day following the date of the Trustee's Special Notice, such holder shall have, by further written notice to the Trustee, withdrawn or revoked such written notice of intent to have his Bond or Bonds of the Sixteenth Series so redeemed, the Company shall, on the sixtieth (60th) day following the date of the Trustee's Special Notice, redeem any such Bond or Bonds of the Sixteenth Series that are properly delivered and surrendered for that purpose at the special redemption price of 101% of the principal amount thereof plus accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the redemption date.

(d) The Company shall redeem the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series, in whole but not in part, prior to maturity, but in no event earlier than September 1, 2009, upon notice mailed to each registered owner at his last address appearing on the registry books not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days prior to the date fixed for redemption, at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount of such Bonds of the Sixteenth Series, plus accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the redemption date, pursuant to Section 4.02 of the Insurance Agreement dated as of August 17, 2004 ("Insurance Agreement") between the Company and Financial Guaranty Insurance Company, a New York stock insurance company, or any successor thereto ("Financial Guaranty"), if, and only if, (i) the Company shall fail to pay to Financial Guaranty any amount payable under Section 2.01 of the Insurance Agreement and such failure shall have continued for a period in excess of fifteen (15) days after receipt by the Company of written notice from Financial Guaranty thereof and the Trustee has received written notification from Financial Guaranty of such failure or (ii) the Company shall fail to comply with the provisions of Section 4.01 of the Insurance Agreement and such failure shall have continued for a period in excess of thirty (30) days after receipt by the Company of written notice from Financial Guaranty thereof and the Trustee has received written notification from Financial Guaranty of such failure (each of (i) and (ii), individually, an "Insurance Event") and, in each case, Financial Guaranty has not waived the Insurance Event. Subject to the notice to holders provisions provided in this Section 2.02(d), the Company shall redeem Bonds of the Sixteenth Series pursuant to the prior sentence as follows: (x) on September 1, 2009 if the Insurance Event specified in clause (ii) above occurs on or prior to July 3, 2009, or (y) if the Insurance Event specified in clause (i) or (ii) abo ve occurs on or after July 4, 2009, within 60 days of the occurrence of such Insurance Event, but in no event earlier than September 1, 2009.

(e) Unless the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series have been declared due and payable prior to their maturity by reason of a default under the Indenture, or have been previously redeemed or otherwise repaid, the Representative of a deceased Beneficial Owner has the right, on or after March 2, 2005, to request redemption prior to stated maturity of all or part of his interest in the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series, and the Company will be obligated to redeem such Bonds of the Sixteenth Series. However, during the period from March 2, 2005 through and including March 1, 2006 (the "initial period"), and during any twelve-month period that ends on and includes each March 1 thereafter (and during the period March 2, 2029 to and including August 31, 2029) (each of which, a "subsequent period"), the Company shall not be obligated to redeem (i) on behalf of a deceased Beneficial Owner any interest in Bonds of the Sixteenth Series which exceeds $25,000 principal amount or (ii) interests in Bonds of the Sixteenth Series exceeding $400,000 in aggregate principal amount. A request for redemption may be initiated by the Representative of a deceased Beneficial Owner at any time and in any principal amount, provided that the principal amount is in an integral multiple of $1,000.

The Company may, at its option, redeem interests of any deceased Beneficial Owner in the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series in the initial period or any subsequent period in excess of the $25,000 limitation. Any such redemption, to the extent that it exceeds the $25,000 limitation for any deceased Beneficial Owner, shall not be included in the computation of the $400,000 aggregate limitation for the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series for the initial period or the applicable subsequent period, as the case may be, or for any succeeding subsequent period. The Company may, at its option, redeem interests of deceased Beneficial Owners in the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series, in the initial period or any subsequent period in an aggregate principal amount exceeding the $400,000 aggregate limitation. Any such redemption, to the extent it exceeds the $400,000 aggregate limitation, shall not reduce the aggregate limitation for any subsequent period. Upon any determination by the Company to redeem Bonds o f the Sixteenth Series in excess of the $25,000 limitation or the $400,000 aggregate limitation, such Bonds of the Sixteenth Series will be redeemed in the order of the receipt of redemption requests by the Trustee.

A request for redemption of an interest in the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series may be initiated by the personal representative or other person authorized to represent the estate of the deceased Beneficial Owner or by a surviving joint tenant(s) or tenant(s) by the entirety or the trustee of a trust (each, a "Representative"). The Representative shall deliver a request to the Participant (hereinafter defined) through whom the deceased Beneficial Owner owned such interest, in form satisfactory to the Participant, together with evidence of the death of the Beneficial Owner, evidence of the authority of the Representative satisfactory to the Participant, such waivers, notices or certificates as may be required under applicable state or federal law and such other evidence of the right to such redemption as the Participant shall require. The request shall specify the principal amount of the interest in the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series to be redeemed. Subject to the rules and arra ngements applicable to the depository, the Participant will then deliver to the depository, which in this case initially will be The Depository Trust Company, a request for redemption substantially in the form attached as Exhibit B to this Twelfth Supplemental Indenture. The Trustee shall maintain records with respect to redemption requests received by it, including the date of receipt, the name of the Participant filing the redemption request and the status of each redemption request with respect to the $25,000 limitation and the $400,000 aggregate limitation. The Trustee will immediately file with the Company each redemption request it receives, together with the information regarding the eligibility of the redemption request with respect to the $25,000 limitation and the $400,000 aggregate limitation. The Company, the depository, and the Trustee:


  • may conclusively assume, without independent investigation, that the statements contained in each redemption request are true and correct; and
  • shall have no responsibility:

for reviewing any documents submitted to the Participant by the Representative or for determining whether the applicable decedent is in fact the Beneficial Owner of the interest in the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series to be redeemed or is in fact deceased; and

for determining whether the Representative is duly authorized to request redemption on behalf of the applicable Beneficial Owner.

Subject to the $25,000 limitation and the $400,000 aggregate limitation, the Company will, after the death of any Beneficial Owner, redeem the interest of such Beneficial Owner in the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series on the next interest payment date occurring not less than 30 days following the Company's receipt of a redemption request from the Trustee. If redemption requests exceed the aggregate principal amount of interests in Bonds of the Sixteenth Series required to be redeemed during the initial period or during any subsequent period, then excess redemption requests will be applied, in the order received by the Trustee, to successive subsequent periods, regardless of the number of subsequent periods required to redeem such interests, unless maturity occurs first. The Company may at any time notify the Trustee that it will redeem, on the next interest payment date occurring not less than 30 days thereafter, all or any lesser amount of Bonds of the Sixteenth Series for which redempt ion requests have been received but that are not then eligible for redemption by reason of the $25,000 limitation or the $400,000 aggregate limitation. Such Bonds of the Sixteenth Series will be redeemed in the order of receipt of redemption requests by the Trustee.

The Company will pay 100% of the principal amount plus any unpaid interest accrued to (but excluding) the redemption date for the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series it redeems pursuant to a redemption request of a Representative of a deceased Beneficial Owner. Subject to arrangements with the depository, payment for interests in the bonds to be redeemed shall be made to the depository in the aggregate principal amount specified in the redemption requests submitted to the Trustee by the depository that are to be fulfilled in connection with such payment upon presentation of the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series to the Trustee for redemption. The principal amount of any Bonds of the Sixteenth Series acquired or redeemed by the Company other than by redemption at the option of any Representative of a deceased Beneficial Owner under the procedures described in this Section 2.02(e) shall not be included in the computation of either the $25,000 limitation or the $400,000 aggregate limitation for the initial period or for any subsequent period.

For purposes of this Section 2.02(e), a "Beneficial Owner" means the person who has the right to sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of an interest in a Bond of the Sixteenth Series and the right to receive the proceeds therefrom, as well as the interest and principal payable to the holder thereof. In general, a determination of beneficial ownership in the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series will be subject to the rules, regulations and procedures governing the depository and institutions that have accounts with the depository or a nominee thereof ("Participants").

An interest in a Bond of the Sixteenth Series held in tenancy by the entirety, joint tenancy or by tenants in common will be deemed to be held by a single Beneficial Owner and the death of a tenant by the entirety, joint tenant or tenant in common will be deemed the death of a Beneficial Owner. The death of a person who, during his lifetime, was entitled to substantially all of the rights of a Beneficial Owner of an interest in the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series will be deemed the death of the Beneficial Owner, regardless of the recordation of such interest on the records of the Participant, if such rights can be established to the satisfaction of the Participant. Such interests shall be deemed to exist in typical cases of nominee ownership, ownership under the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act or the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act, community property or other similar joint ownership arrangements, including individual retirement accounts or Keogh [H.R. 10] plans maintained solely by or for the decedent or by or for the decedent and any spouse, and trust and certain other arrangements where the decedent has the right to receive all or a portion of the income and such person has substantially all of the rights of a Beneficial Owner during such person's lifetime.

In the case of a redemption request which is presented on behalf of a deceased Beneficial Owner and that has not been fulfilled at the time the Company gives notice of its election to redeem the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series, the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series that are the subject of such pending redemption request shall be redeemed prior to any other Bonds of the Sixteenth Series.

Any redemption request may be withdrawn by the person(s) presenting such request upon delivery of a written request for withdrawal given by the Participant on behalf of such person to the depository and by the depository to the Trustee not less than 60 days prior to the interest payment date on which such Bonds of the Sixteenth Series are eligible for redemption.

The Company may, at its option, purchase any Bonds of the Sixteenth Series for which redemption requests have been received in lieu of redeeming such bonds. Any Bonds of the Sixteenth Series so purchased by the Company shall either be reoffered for sale and sold within 180 days after the date of purchase or presented to the Trustee for redemption and cancellation.

During any time in which the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series are not represented by a global security and are issued in definitive form:

  • all references in this Section 2.02(e) to Participants and the depository, including the depository's governing rules, regulations and procedures shall be deemed deleted;

  • all determinations that the Participants are required to make as described in this Section 2.02(e) shall be made by the Company (including, without limitation, determining whether the applicable decedent is in fact the Beneficial Owner of the interest in the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series to be redeemed or is in fact deceased and whether the Representative is duly authorized to request redemption on behalf of the applicable Beneficial Owner); and

  • all redemption requests, to be effective, must
  • be delivered by the Representative to the Trustee, with a copy to the Company;

  • be in the form of a redemption request substantially in the form attached as Exhibit B (with appropriate changes to reflect the fact that such redemption request is being executed by a Representative); and

  • be accompanied by the Bond of the Sixteenth Series that is the subject of the redemption request, in addition to all documents that are otherwise required to accompany a redemption request.

Section 2.03. Certain Rights of Financial Guaranty. To the extent permitted by law and so long as Financial Guaranty is in compliance with its obligations under its Surety Bond (Policy No. 04010507):

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Indenture, Financial Guaranty shall be entitled to control and direct the enforcement of all rights and remedies with respect to the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series (including but not limited to any right to accelerate the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series), except for the rights described in Section 2.02(e) hereof, upon the occurrence and continuation of an event of default under the Indenture to the same extent as if it were the holder of the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series. In determining whether a payment default has occurred or whether a payment on the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series has been made, no effect shall be given to payments made by Financial Guaranty under the Surety Bond.

(b) No amendment, supplement or change to, or other modification of, the Indenture, requiring the consent of the holders of the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series, shall be effective without the prior written consent of Financial Guaranty. Any rating agency rating the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series shall receive notice of each amendment and a copy thereof at least 15 days in advance of its execution or adoption. Financial Guaranty shall be provided with a full transcript of all proceedings relating to the execution of any such amendment or supplement.

Section 2.04 Additional Provisions Relating to Defaults. So long as any Bonds of the Sixteenth Series remain outstanding, (a) Financial Guaranty shall receive immediate notice of any payment default and notice of any other default known to the Trustee or the Company within 30 days of the Trustee's or the Company's knowledge thereof; (b) Financial Guaranty shall be included as a party in interest and as a party entitled to (i) notify the Company, the Trustee, or any applicable receiver of the occurrence of a default and (ii) request the Trustee or any such receiver to intervene in judicial proceedings that affect the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series or the security therefor; and (c) any acceleration of the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series or any annulment thereof shall be subject to the prior written consent of Financial Guaranty (if it has not failed to comply with its obligations under the Surety Bond). The Trustee or such receiver shall be required to accept notice of default f rom Financial Guaranty.

Section 2.05 Transfer and Exchange. At the option of the registered owner, any Bonds of the Sixteenth Series, upon surrender thereof for cancellation at the office or agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, New York, shall be exchangeable for a like aggregate principal amount of bonds of the same series of other authorized denominations.

Bonds of the Sixteenth Series shall be transferable, upon the surrender thereof for cancellation, together with a written instrument of transfer in form approved by the registrar duly executed by the registered owner or by his duly authorized attorney, at the office or agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, New York.

Upon any such exchange or transfer of Bonds of the Sixteenth Series, the Company may make a charge therefor sufficient to reimburse it for any tax or taxes or other governmental charge, as provided in Section 2.05 of the Original Indenture, but the Company hereby waives any right to make a charge in addition thereto for any such exchange or transfer of Bonds of the Sixteenth Series.

Section 2.06. Dating of Bonds and Interest Payments. (a) Each Bond of the Sixteenth Series shall be dated as of the date of authentication and shall bear interest from the last preceding interest payment date to which interest shall have been paid (unless the date of such bond is an interest payment date to which interest is paid, in which case from the date of such bond); provided that each Bond of the Sixteenth Series dated prior to December 1, 2004 shall bear interest from the date of original issuance thereof; and provided, further, that if any Bond of the Sixteenth Series shall be authenticated and delivered upon a transfer of, or in exchange for or in lieu of, any other Bond or Bonds of the Sixteenth Series upon which interest is in default, it shall be dated so that such bond shall bear interest from the last preceding date to which interest shall have been paid on the bond or bonds in respect of which such bond shall have been delivered or from its date of original issua nce, if no interest shall have been paid on the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series.

(b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, Bonds of the Sixteenth Series shall be dated so that the person in whose name any Bond of the Sixteenth Series is registered at the close of business on the Business Day immediately preceding an interest payment date shall be entitled to receive the interest payable on the interest payment date notwithstanding the cancellation of such bond upon any transfer or exchange thereof subsequent to such close of business and prior to such interest payment date, except if, and to the extent that, the Company shall default in the payment of interest due on such interest payment date, in which case such defaulted interest shall be paid to the persons in whose names Outstanding Bonds of the Sixteenth Series are registered at the close of business on the Business Day immediately preceding the date of payment of such defaulted interest. Any Bond of the Sixteenth Series issued upon any transfer or exchange subsequent to such close of business and prior to such intere st payment date shall bear interest from such interest payment date. In the event there shall be more than one registered owner of Bonds of the Sixteenth Series, then the Company shall not be required to make transfers or exchanges of bonds of said series for a period of fifteen (15) days next preceding any interest payment date of said series.



    Section 3.01.  Exchange or Redemption upon Merger or Consolidation. The second sentence of subsection (a) of Section 3.04 of the First Supplemental Indenture, as amended and restated by the Seventh Supplemental Indenture, and as subsequently amended, is hereby further amended to insert the following words immediately after the words "the Twelfth Supplemental Indenture":

    ", shall (as to the New LP&L Bonds being exchanged for the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series) be subject to redemption at the option of the Company on terms similar to those provided in the Twelfth Supplemental Indenture,"

    Section 3.02 Redemption Price upon Merger or Consolidation. The redemption price for any Bonds of the Sixteenth Series redeemed pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 3.04 of the First Supplemental Indenture, as amended and restated by the Seventh Supplemental Indenture, and as subsequently amended, shall be equal to the principal amount of the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series to be redeemed, plus accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the redemption date.



    1. Maintenance of Paying Agency. So long as any bonds of the Sixteenth Series are Outstanding, the Company covenants that the office or agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, New York, where the principal of or interest on any bonds of the Sixteenth Series shall be payable, shall also be an office or agency where any such bonds may be transferred or exchanged and where notices, presentations or demands to or upon the Company in respect of such bonds or in respect of the Indenture may be given or made.

    2. Further Assurances. From time to time whenever reasonably requested by the Trustee or the holders of a majority in principal amount of bonds of the Sixteenth Series then Outstanding, the Company will make, execute and deliver or cause to be made, executed and delivered any and all such further and other instruments and assurances as may be reasonably necessary or proper to carry out the intention of or to facilitate the performance of the terms of the Indenture or to secure the rights and remedies of the holders of such bonds.

    3. Limitation on Restricted Payments. (a) So long as any bonds of the Sixteenth Series are Outstanding, the Company covenants that it will not declare any dividends on its common stock (other than (1) a dividend payable solely in shares of its common stock or (2) a dividend payable in cash in cases where, concurrently with the payment of such dividend, an amount in cash equal to such dividend is received by the Company as a capital contribution or as the proceeds of the issue and sale of shares of its common stock) or make any distribution on outstanding shares of its common stock or purchase or otherwise acquire for value any outstanding shares of its common stock (otherwise than in exchange for or out of the proceeds from the sale of other shares of its common stock) unless after such dividend, distribution, purchase or acquisition, the aggregate amount of such dividends, distributions, purchases and acquisitions paid or made subsequent to July 31, 2004 (other than any dividend declared by the Company on or before July 31, 2004) does not exceed (without giving effect to (1) any such dividends, distributions, purchases or acquisitions or (2) any net transfers from earned surplus to stated capital accounts) the sum of (A) the aggregate amount credited subsequent to July 31, 2004, to earned surplus, (B) $150,000,000 and (C) such additional amounts as shall be authorized or approved, upon application by the Company and, after notice, by the SEC under the Holding Company Act.

    For the purpose of this Section 4.03, the aggregate amount credited subsequent to July 31, 2004, to earned surplus shall be determined in accordance with applicable generally accepted accounting principles and practices (or, if in the opinion of the Company's independent public accountants (delivered to the Trustee) there is an absence of any such generally accepted accounting principles and practices as to the determination in question, then in accordance with sound accounting practices) and after making provision for dividends upon any preferred stock of the Company accumulated subsequent to such date, and in addition there shall be deducted from earned surplus all amounts (without duplication) of losses, write-offs, write-downs or amortization of property, whether extraordinary or otherwise, recorded in and applicable to a period or periods subsequent to July 31, 2004.



    1. Acceptance of Trusts. The Trustees hereby accept the trusts herein declared, provided, created or supplemented and agree to perform the same upon the terms and conditions herein and in the Original Indenture, as heretofore supplemented, set forth and upon the following terms and conditions:

      The Trustees shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever for or in respect of the validity or sufficiency of this Twelfth Supplemental Indenture or for or in respect of the recitals contained herein, all of which recitals are solely made by the Company. In general, each and every term and condition contained in Article XVI of the Original Indenture shall apply to and form part of this Twelfth Supplemental Indenture with the same force and effect as if the same were herein set forth in full with such omissions, variations and insertions, if any, as may be appropriate to make the same conform to the provisions of this Twelfth Supplemental Indenture.

    2. Effect of Twelfth Supplemental Indenture under Louisiana Law. It is the intention and it is hereby agreed that so far as concerns that portion of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property situated within the State of Louisiana, the general language of conveyance contained in this Twelfth Supplemental Indenture is intended and shall be construed as words of hypothecation and not of conveyance, and that so far as the said Louisiana property is concerned, this Twelfth Supplemental Indenture shall be considered as an act of mortgage and pledge and granting of a security interest under the laws of the State of Louisiana, and the Trustees herein named are named as mortgagee and pledge and secured parties in trust for the benefit of themselves and of all present and future holders of bonds issued under the Indenture and any coupons thereto issued hereunder, and are irrevocably appointed special agents and representatives of the holders of such bonds and coupons and vested with full power in their behalf to effect and enforce the mortgage and pledge and a security interest hereby constituted for their benefit, or otherwise to act as herein provided for.

    3. Record Date. The holders of the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series shall be deemed to have consented and agreed that the Company may, but shall not be obligated to, fix a record date for the purpose of determining the holders of the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series entitled to consent, if any such consent is required, to any amendment or supplement to the Indenture or the waiver of any provision thereof or any act to be performed thereunder. If a record date is fixed, those persons who were holders of the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series at such record date (or their duly designated proxies), and only those persons, shall be entitled to consent to such amendment, supplement or waiver or to revoke any consent previously given, whether or not such persons continue to be holders of the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series after such record date. No such consent shall be valid or effective for more than 90 days after such record date.

    4. Claim Procedures. (a) If, on the day any interest payment for the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series is due there is not on deposit with the Trustee sufficient moneys available to pay all principal of and interest on such Bonds of the Sixteenth Series due on such date, the Trustee shall immediately notify Financial Guaranty and U.S. Bank Trust National Association, New York, New York or its successor as its Fiscal Agent (the "Fiscal Agent") of the amount of such deficiency. If, by said interest payment date, the Company has not provided the amount of such deficiency, the Trustee shall simultaneously make available to Financial Guaranty and to the Fiscal Agent the registration books for the Bonds maintained by the Trustee. In addition:

      (i) The Trustee shall provide Financial Guaranty with a list of the holders of the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series entitled to receive principal or interest payments from Financial Guaranty under the terms of the Surety Bond and shall make arrangements for Financial Guaranty and its Fiscal Agent (1) to mail checks or drafts to such holders of the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series entitled to receive full or partial interest payments from Financial Guaranty and (2) to pay principal of the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series surrendered to the Fiscal Agent by the holders of such bonds entitled to receive full or partial principal payments from Financial Guaranty; and

      (ii) The Trustee shall, at the time it makes the registration books available to Financial Guaranty pursuant to (i) above, notify holders of the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series entitled to receive the payment of principal of or interest on the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series from Financial Guaranty (1) as to the fact of such entitlement, (2) that Financial Guaranty will remit to them all or part of the interest payments coming due subject to the terms of the Surety Bond, (3) that, except as provided in paragraph (b) below, in the event that any holder of the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series is entitled to receive full payment of principal from Financial Guaranty, such holder must tender his Bond of the Sixteenth Series with the instrument of transfer in the form provided on such bond executed in the name of Financial Guaranty, and (4) that, except as provided in paragraph (b) below, in the event that such holder is entitled to receive partial payment of principal from Financial Guaranty, such holder must tender his Bond of the Sixteenth Series for payment first to the Trustee, which shall note on such bond the portion of principal paid by the Trustee, and then, with an acceptable form of assignment executed in the name of Financial Guaranty, to the Fiscal Agent, which will then pay the unpaid portion of principal to the holder subject to the terms of the Surety Bond.

      (b) In the event that the Trustee has notice that any payment of principal of or interest on a Bond of the Sixteenth Series has been recovered from a holder of a Bond of the Sixteenth Series pursuant to the United States Bankruptcy Code by a trustee in bankruptcy in accordance with the final, nonappealable order of a court having competent jurisdiction, the Trustee shall, at the time it provides notice to Financial Guaranty, notify all holders of the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series that in the event that any such holder's payment is so recovered, such holder will be entitled to payment from Financial Guaranty to the extent of such recovery, and the Trustee shall furnish to Financial Guaranty its records evidencing the payments of principal of and interest on the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series which have been made by the Trustee and subsequently recovered from such holders, and the dates on which such payments were made.

      (c) Financial Guaranty shall, to the extent it makes payment of principal of or interest on the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series, become subrogated to the rights of the recipients of such payments in accordance with the terms of the Surety Bond and, to evidence such subrogation, (A) in the case of subrogation as to claims for past due interest, the Trustee shall note Financial Guaranty's rights as subrogee on the registration books maintained by the Trustee upon receipt from Financial Guaranty of proof of the payment of interest thereon to the holders of such Bonds of the Sixteenth Series and (B) in the case of subrogation as to claims for past due principal, the Trustee shall note Financial Guaranty's rights as subrogee on the registration books for the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series maintained by the Trustee upon receipt of proof of the payment of principal thereof to the holders of such Bonds of the Sixteenth Series. Notwithstanding anything herein or in the Bonds of the Sixteenth Serie s to the contrary, the Trustee shall make payment of such past due interest and past due principal directly to Financial Guaranty to the extent that Financial Guaranty is a subrogee with respect thereto.

      Section 5.05. Certain Notices. The addresses for notices to Financial Guaranty and the Fiscal Agent are:

      Financial Guaranty Insurance Company
      125 Park Avenue
      New York, New York 10017
      Attention: Risk Management

      U.S. Bank Trust National Association
      100 Wall Street, 19th floor
      New York, New York 10005
      Attention: Corporate Trust Department

      Section 5.06 Defeasance. To the extent not otherwise prohibited under the Indenture, only cash, direct non-callable obligations of the United States of America and securities fully and unconditionally guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by the United States of America, to which direct obligation or guarantee the full faith and credit of the United States of America has been pledged, Refcorp interest strips, CATS, TIGRS, STRPS, or defeased municipal bonds rated AAA by S&P or Aaa by Moody's (or any combination of the foregoing) shall be used to effect defeasance of the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series unless Financial Guaranty otherwise approves. In the event of an advance refunding, the Company shall cause to be delivered a verification report of an independent nationally recognized certified public accountant. If a forward supply contract is employed in connection with the refunding, (i) such verification report shall expressly state that the a dequacy of the escrow to accomplish the refunding relies solely on the initial escrowed investments and the maturing principal thereof and interest income thereon and does not assume performance under or compliance with the forward supply contract, and (ii) the applicable escrow agreement shall provide that in the event of any discrepancy or difference between the terms of the forward supply contract and the escrow agreement (or the authorizing document, if no separate escrow agreement is utilized), the terms of the escrow agreement or authorizing document, if applicable, shall be controlling.

      Section 5.07 Titles. The titles of the several Articles and Sections of this Twelfth Supplemental Indenture shall not be deemed to be any part hereof.

      Section 5.08 Counterparts. This Twelfth Supplemental Indenture may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument.

      Section 5.09 Governing Law. The laws of the State of New York shall govern this Twelfth Supplemental Indenture and the Bonds of the Sixteenth Series, except to the extent that the validity or perfection of the Lien of the Indenture, or remedies thereunder, are governed by the laws of a jurisdiction other than the State of New York.




      The Electric Generating Plants, Plant Sites and Stations of the Company, including all electric works, power houses, buildings, pipelines and structures owned by the Company and all land of the Company on which the same are situated and all of the Company's lands, together with the buildings and improvements thereon, and all rights, ways, servitudes, prescriptions, and easements, rights-of-way, permits, privileges, licenses, poles, wires, machinery, implements, switchyards, electric lines, equipment and appurtenances, forming a part of said plants, sites or stations, or any of them, or used or enjoyed, or capable of being used or enjoyed in conjunction with any of said power plants, sites, stations, lands and property.


      The Electric Substations, Switching Stations, Microwave installations and UHF-VHF installations of the Company, and the Sites therefor, including all buildings, structures, towers, poles, all equipment, appliances and devices for transforming, converting, switching, transmitting and distributing electric energy, and for communications, and the lands of the Company on which the same are situated, and all of the Company's lands, rights, ways, servitudes, prescriptions, easements, rights-of-way, machinery, equipment, appliances, devices, licenses and appurtenances forming a part of said substations, switching stations, microwave installations or UHF-VHF installations, or any of them, or used or enjoyed or capable of being used or enjoyed in conjunction with any of them.


      All and singular the Miscellaneous Lands and Real Estate or Rights and Interests therein of the Company, and buildings and improvements thereon, now owned, or, subject to the provisions of Section 15.03 of the Original Indenture, hereafter acquired during the existence of this trust.


      The Electric Transmission Lines of the Company, including the structures, towers, poles, wires, cables, switch racks, conductors, transformers, insulators, pipes, conduits, electric submarine cables, and all appliances, devices and equipment used or useful in connection with said transmission lines and systems, and all other property, real, personal or mixed, forming a part thereof or appertaining thereto, together with all rights-of-way, easements, prescriptions, servitudes, permits, privileges, licenses, consents, immunities and rights for or relating to the construction, maintenance or operation thereof, through, over, across, under or upon any public streets or highways or other lands, public or private.


      The Electric Distribution Lines and Systems of the Company, including the structures, towers, poles, wires, insulators and appurtenances, appliances, conductors, conduits, cables, transformers, meters, regulator stations and regulators, accessories, devices and equipment and all of the Company's other property, real, personal or mixed, forming a part of or used, occupied or enjoyed in connection with or in anywise appertaining to said distribution lines and systems, together with all of the Company's rights-of-way, easements, permits, prescriptions, privileges, municipal or other franchises, licenses, consents, immunities and rights for or relating to the construction, maintenance or operation thereof, through, over, across, under, or upon any public streets or highways or other lands or property, public or private.


      The Gas Distributing Systems of the Company, whether now owned or, subject to the provisions of Section 15.03 of the Original Indenture, hereafter acquired, including gas regulator stations, gas main crossings, odorizing equipment, gas metering stations, shops, service buildings, office buildings, expansion tanks, conduits, gas mains and pipes, mechanical storage sheds, boilers, service pipes, fittings, city gates, pipelines, booster stations, reducer stations, valves, valve platforms, connections, meters and all appurtenances, appliances, devices and equipment and all the Company's other property, real, personal or mixed forming a part of or used, occupied or enjoyed in connection with or in anywise appertaining to said distributing systems, or any of them, together with all of the Company's rights-of-way, easements, prescriptions, servitudes, privileges, immunities, permits and franchises, licenses, consents and rights for or relating to the construction, maintenance or operation thereo f, in, on, through, across or under any public streets or highways or other lands or property, public or private.


      All of the franchises, privileges, permits, grants and consents for the construction, operation and maintenance of electric and gas systems in, on and under streets, alleys, highways, roads, public grounds and rights-of-way and all rights incident thereto which were granted by the governing and regulatory bodies of the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana.

      Also all other franchises, privileges, permits, grants and consents owned or hereafter acquired by the Company for the construction, operation and maintenance of electric and gas systems in, on or under the streets, alleys, highways, roads, and public grounds, areas and rights-of-way and/or for the supply and sale of electricity or natural gas and all rights incident thereto, subject, however, to the provisions of Section 15.03 of the Original Indenture.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC. has caused its corporate name to be hereunto affixed, and this instrument to be signed and sealed by its President or one of its Vice Presidents, and its corporate seal to be attested by its Secretary or one of its Assistant Secretaries for and on its behalf, and THE BANK OF NEW YORK has caused its corporate name to be hereunto affixed, and this instrument to be signed and sealed by one of its Vice Presidents or Assistant Vice Presidents and its corporate seal to be attested by one of its Vice Presidents, Assistant Vice Presidents, Assistant Treasurers or Assistant Secretaries for and on its behalf, and STEPHEN J. GIURLANDO has hereunto set his hand, all as of the day and year first above written.


      By:/s/ Steven C. McNeal
      Steven C. McNeal
      Vice President and Treasurer


      /s/ Christopher T. Screen
      Christopher T. Screen
      Assistant Secretary

      Executed, sealed and delivered by
      in the presence of:

      /s/ Jennifer Favalora
      Jennifer Favalora

      /s/ Joan Cusimano
      Joan Cusimano



      As Trustee

      By:/s/ Kisha Holder
      Assistant Vice President


      Vice President

      /s/ Stephen J. Giurlando
      As Co-Trustee

      Executed, sealed and delivered by

      in the presence of:





                                               ) SS.:

      On this 13th day of August, 2004, before me appeared Steven C. McNeal, to me personally known, who, being duly sworn, did say that he is the Vice President and Treasurer of ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC., and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that the foregoing instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said Steven C. McNeal acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation.

      On the 13th day of August, 2004, before me personally came Steven C. McNeal, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at 8043 Winners Circle, Mandeville, Louisiana 70448; that he is the Vice President and Treasurer of ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC., one of the parties described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order.

      /s/ Jennifer Favalora
      Notary Public
      Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana
      Commission Expires: upon death


                                                        } ss.:

    On this 13th day of August, 2004, before me appeared Kisha A. holder to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that she is an Assistant Vice President of THE BANK OF NEW YORK, and that the seal affixed to the above instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said Kisha Holder acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation.

    On the 13th day of August, 2004, before me personally came Kisha A. Holder, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that she resides at 1079 East 43rd Street, Brooklyn, New York 11210; that she is an Assistant Vice President of THE BANK OF NEW YORK, one of the corporations described in and which executed the above instrument; that she knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal, that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that she signed her name thereto by like order.

    /s/ William J. Cassels
    Notary Public, State of New York
    No. 01CA5027729
    Qualified in Bronx County
    Commission Expires May 18, 2006


                                                        } ss.:

    On this 13th day of August, 2004, before me appeared STEPHEN J. GIURLANDO, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed.

    On the 13th day of August, 2004, before me personally came STEPHEN J. GIURLANDO, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same.

/s/ Robert Hirsch
Notary Public, State of New York
No. 01H16076679
Qualified in Rockland County
Commission Expires July 1, 2006



[(See legend at the end of this bond for
restrictions on transferability and change of form)]

5.65% Series due September 1, 2029

CUSIP No. 29364PAJ2

No. R- __                                                                                                                                                                       ;                                 $_________

ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC., a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Louisiana (the "Company"), for value received, hereby promises to pay to ____________, or registered assigns, at the office or agency of the Company in The City of New York, New York, the principal sum of $____________ on September 1, 2029, in such coin or currency of the United States of America as at the time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts, and to pay in like manner to the registered owner hereof interest thereon from the date of original issuance hereof, if the date of this bond is prior to December 1, 2004, or, if the date of this bond is on or after December 1, 2004, from the March 1, June 1, September 1 or December 1 next preceding the date of this bond to which interest has been paid (unless the date hereof is an interest payment date to which interest has been paid, in which case from the date hereof), at the rate of five and sixty-five one hundredt hs percent (5.65%) per annum in like coin or currency on March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1, commencing December 1, 2004, and at maturity or earlier redemption until the principal of this bond shall have become due and been duly paid or provided for, and to pay interest (before and after judgment) on any overdue principal, premium, if any, and (to the extent permitted by law) on any overdue interest at the rate of six and sixty-five one hundredths percent (6.65%) per annum. Interest on this bond shall be computed on the basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months. Interest on this bond in respect of a portion of a month shall be calculated based on the actual number of days elapsed.

The interest so payable on any interest payment date will, subject to certain exceptions provided in the Mortgage hereinafter referred to, be paid to the person in whose name this bond is registered at the close of business on the Business Day immediately preceding such interest payment date. At the option of the Company, interest may be paid by check mailed on or prior to such interest payment date to the address of the person entitled thereto as such address shall appear on the register of the Company.

This bond shall not become obligatory until The Bank of New York, the Trustee under the Mortgage, or its successor thereunder, shall have signed the form of authentication certificate endorsed hereon.

This bond is one of a series of bonds of the Company issuable in series and is one of a duly authorized series of Insured Quarterly First Mortgage Bonds, 5.65% Series due September 1, 2029 (herein called bonds of the Sixteenth Series), all bonds of all series issued under and equally secured by a Mortgage and Deed of Trust (herein, together with any indenture supplemental thereto, called the Mortgage), dated as of May 1, 1987, duly executed by the Company to Bank of Montreal Trust Company (The Bank of New York, successor) and Z. George Klodnicki (Stephen J. Giurlando, successor), as Trustees. Reference is made to the Mortgage for a description of the mortgaged and pledged property, assets and rights, the nature and extent of the lien and security, the respective rights, limitations of rights, covenants, obligations, duties and immunities thereunder of the Company, the holders of bonds and the Trustees and the terms and conditions upon which the bonds are, and are to be, secured, the circu mstances under which additional bonds may be issued and the definition of certain terms herein used, to all of which, by its acceptance of this bond, the holder of this bond agrees.

The principal hereof may be declared or may become due prior to the maturity date hereinbefore named on the conditions, in the manner and at the time set forth in the Mortgage, upon the occurrence of a Default as in the Mortgage provided. The Mortgage provides that in certain circumstances and upon certain conditions, such a declaration and its consequences or certain past defaults and the consequences thereof may be waived by such affirmative vote of holders of bonds as is specified in the Mortgage.

The Mortgage contains provisions permitting the Company and the Trustee to execute supplemental indentures amending the Mortgage for certain specified purposes without the consent of holders of bonds. With the consent of the Company and to the extent permitted by and as provided in the Mortgage, the rights and obligations of the Company and/or the rights of the holders of the bonds of the Sixteenth Series and/or the terms and provisions of the Mortgage may be modified or altered by such affirmative vote or votes of the holders of bonds then Outstanding as are specified in the Mortgage.

Any consent or waiver by the holder of this bond (unless effectively revoked as provided in the Mortgage) shall be conclusive and binding upon such holder and upon all future holders of this bond and of any bonds issued in exchange or substitution herefor, irrespective of whether or not any notation of such consent or waiver is made upon this bond or such other bond.

No reference herein to the Mortgage and no provision of this bond or of the Mortgage shall alter or impair the obligation of the Company, which is absolute and unconditional, to pay the principal of (and premium, if any) and interest on this bond in the manner, at the respective times, at the rate and in the currency herein prescribed.

The bonds are issuable as registered bonds without coupons in the denominations of $1,000 and integral multiples thereof. At the office or agency to be maintained by the Company in The City of New York, New York, and in the manner and subject to the provisions of the Mortgage, bonds may be exchanged for a like aggregate principal amount of bonds of other authorized denominations, without payment of any charge other than a sum sufficient to reimburse the Company for any tax or other governmental charge incident thereto. This bond is transferable as prescribed in the Mortgage by the registered owner hereof in person, or by his duly authorized attorney, at the office or agency of the Company in The City of New York, New York, upon surrender of this bond, and upon payment, if the Company shall require it, of the transfer charges provided for in the Mortgage, and, thereupon, a new fully registered bond of the same series for a like principal amount will be issued to the transferee in exchange hereof as provided in the Mortgage. The Company and the Trustees may deem and treat the person in whose name this bond is registered as the absolute owner hereof for the purpose of receiving payment and for all other purposes, and neither the Company nor the Trustees shall be affected by any notice to the contrary.

This bond is redeemable at the option of the Company under certain circumstances in the manner and at such redemption price as is provided in the Mortgage. This bond is also redeemable at the option of the owner and of the representative of any deceased owner of the bond upon the events and in the manner and at such redemption prices as are specified in the Mortgage. This bond is also mandatorily redeemable under certain circumstances in the manner and at such redemption price as is provided in the Mortgage.

No recourse shall be had for the payment of the principal of or interest on this bond against any incorporator or any past, present or future subscriber to the capital stock, stockholder, officer or director of the Company or of any predecessor or successor corporation, as such, either directly or through the Company or any predecessor or successor corporation, under any rule of law, statute or constitution or by the enforcement of any assessment or otherwise, all such liability of incorporators, subscribers, stockholders, officers and directors being released by the holder or owner hereof by the acceptance of this bond and being likewise waived and released by the terms of the Mortgage.

As provided in the Mortgage, this bond shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Entergy New Orleans, Inc. has caused this bond to be signed in its corporate name by its Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, President or one of its Vice Presidents by his or her signature or a facsimile thereof, and its corporate seal to be impressed or imprinted hereon and attested by its Secretary or one of its Assistant Secretaries by his or her signature or a facsimile thereof.








This bond is one of the bonds, of the series herein designated, described or provided for in the within-mentioned mortgage.

as Trustee,

Authorized Signatory


Unless and until this bond is exchanged in whole or in part for certificated bonds registered in the names of the various beneficial holders hereof as then certified to the Trustee by The Depository Trust Company or its successor (the "Depositary"), this bond may not be transferred except as a whole by the Depositary to a nominee of the Depositary or by a nominee of the Depositary to the Depositary or another nominee of the Depositary or by the Depositary or any such nominee to a successor Depositary or a nominee of such successor Depositary.

Unless this certificate is presented by an authorized representative of the Depositary to the Company or its agent for registration of transfer, exchange or payment, and any certificate to be issued is registered in the name of Cede & Co., or such other name as requested by an authorized representative of the Depositary, and any amount payable thereunder is made payable to Cede & Co., or such other name, ANY TRANSFER, PLEDGE OR OTHER USE HEREOF FOR VALUE OR OTHERWISE BY OR TO ANY PERSON IS WRONGFUL since the registered owner hereof, Cede & Co., has an interest herein.

This bond may be exchanged for certificated bonds registered in the names of the various beneficial owners hereof if (a) the Depositary is at any time unwilling or unable to continue as depositary and a successor depositary is not appointed by the Company within 90 days or (b) the Company elects to issue certificated bonds to beneficial owners (as certified to the Company by the Depositary).]



Financial Guaranty Insurance Company ("Financial Guaranty") has issued a surety bond containing the following provisions with respect to the Bonds, such surety bond being on file at the principal office of Trustee, as paying agent for the Bonds (the "Paying Agent"):

Financial Guaranty hereby unconditionally and irrevocably agrees to pay for disbursement to the Bondholders that portion of the principal of and interest on the Bonds which is then due for payment and which the issuer of the Bonds (the "Issuer") shall have failed to provide. Due for payment means, with respect to principal, the stated maturity date thereof, and does not refer to any earlier date on which the payment of principal or of the Bonds is due by reason of call for redemption, acceleration or other advancement of maturity, and with respect to interest, the stated date for payment of such interest.

Upon receipt of telephonic or telegraphic notice, subsequently confirmed in writing, or written notice by registered or certified mail, from a Bondholder or the Paying Agent to Financial Guaranty that the required payment of principal or interest has not been made by the Issuer to the Paying Agent, Financial Guaranty on the due date of such payment or within one business day after receipt of notice of such nonpayment, whichever is later, will make a deposit of funds, in an account with U.S. Bank Trust National Association, or its successor as its agent (the "Fiscal Agent"), sufficient to make the portion of such payment not paid by the Issuer. Upon presentation to the Fiscal Agent of evidence satisfactory to it of the Bondholder's right to receive such payment and any appropriate instruments of assignment required to vest all of such Bondholder's right to such payment in Financial Guaranty, the Fiscal Agent will disburse such amount to the Bondholder.

As used herein the term "Bondholder" means the person other than the Issuer or the borrower(s) of Bond proceeds who at the time of nonpayment of a Bond is entitled under the terms of such Bond to payment thereof.

The surety bond is non-cancellable for any reason.





5.65% Series due September 1, 2029
(the "Bonds")



The undersigned, ____________________ (the "Participant"), does hereby certify, pursuant to the provisions of that certain Mortgage and Deed of Trust granted by Entergy New Orleans, Inc. (the "Company") to Bank of Montreal Trust Company (The Bank of New York, successor), as corporate trustee, and Z. George Klodnicki (Stephen J. Giurlando, successor), as trustee, dated as of May 1, 1987, as supplemented (the "Mortgage"), to The Depository Trust Company (the "depository"), the Company and the corporate trustee that:

1. [Name of deceased Beneficial Owner] is deceased.

2. [Name of deceased Beneficial Owner] had a $__________ interest in the above referenced Bonds.

3. [Name of Representative] is [Beneficial Owner's personal representative/other person authorized to represent the estate of the Beneficial Owner/surviving joint tenant/surviving tenant by the entirety/trustee of a trust] of [Name of deceased Beneficial Owner] and has delivered to the undersigned a request for redemption in form satisfactory to the undersigned, requesting that $__________ principal amount of said Bonds be redeemed pursuant to said Mortgage. The documents accompanying such request, all of which are in proper form, are in all respects satisfactory to the undersigned and the [Name of Representative] is entitled to have the Bonds to which this Request relates redeemed.

4. The Participant holds the interest in the Bonds with respect to which this Request for Redemption is being made on behalf of [Name of deceased Beneficial Owner].

5. The Participant hereby certifies that it will indemnify and hold harmless the depository, the corporate trustee, and the Company (including their respective officers, directors, agents, attorneys and employees), against all damages, loss, cost, expense (including reasonable attorneys' and accountants' fees), obligations, claims or liability (collectively, the "Damages") incurred by the indemnified party or parties as a result of or in connection with the redemption of Bonds to which this Request relates. The Participant will, at the request of the Company, forward to the Company, a copy of the documents submitted by [Name of Representative] in support of the request for redemption.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Redemption Request as of ____________, _____.







EX-4 3 a4b.htm

Exhibit 4(b)




(successor to Harris Trust Company of New York and Bank of Montreal Trust Company)



(successor to Mark F. McLaughlin and Z. George Klodnicki)

As Trustees under the Mortgage and Deed of Trust,

dated as of May 1, 1987 of Entergy New Orleans, Inc.


Providing among other things for

Insured Quarterly First Mortgage Bonds,

5.60% Series due September 1, 2024

(Seventeenth Series)

Dated as of August 15, 2004


THIRTEENTH SUPPLEMENTAL INDENTURE, dated as of August 15, 2004, between ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC., a corporation of the State of Louisiana, whose post office address is 1600 Perdido Street, Building 505, New Orleans, Louisiana 70112 (the "Company") and THE BANK OF NEW YORK (successor to Harris Trust Company of New York and Bank of Montreal Trust Company), a New York banking corporation, whose principal corporate trust office is located at 101 Barclay Street, Floor 21 West, New York, New York 10286 and STEPHEN J. GIURLANDO (successor to Mark F. McLaughlin and Z. George Klodnicki), whose address is 63 Euclid Avenue, Massapequa, New York 11758, as trustees under the Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of May 1, 1987, executed and delivered by the Company (herein called the "Original Indenture"; the Original Indenture and any and all indentures and instruments supplemental thereto being herein called the "Indenture");

WHEREAS, the Original Indenture has been duly recorded and filed as required in the State of Louisiana simultaneously with the recording and filing of the First Supplemental Indenture thereto, dated as of May 1, 1987, between the Company and BANK OF MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY (The Bank of New York, successor) and Z. GEORGE KLODNICKI (Stephen J. Giurlando, successor), as trustees (herein called the "First Supplemental Indenture"); and

WHEREAS, the Original Indenture was recorded in various Parishes in the State of Louisiana; and

WHEREAS, the Company executed and delivered to the Trustees (such term and all other defined terms used herein and not defined herein having the respective definitions to which reference is made in Article I below) its Second Supplemental Indenture, dated as of January 1, 1988, its Third Supplemental Indenture, dated as of March 1, 1993, its Fourth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of September 1, 1993, its Fifth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of April 1, 1995, its Sixth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of March 1, 1996, its Seventh Supplemental Indenture, dated as of July 1, 1998 (the "Seventh Supplemental Indenture"), its Eighth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of July 1, 2000, its Ninth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of February 1, 2001, its Tenth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of October 1, 2002, its Eleventh Supplemental Indenture, dated as of July 1, 2003, and its Twelfth Supplemental Indenture dated as of August 1, 2004 (the "Twelfth Supplemental Indenture") , each as a supplement to the Original Indenture, which Supplemental Indentures have been duly recorded in various Parishes in the State of Louisiana, which Parishes are the same Parishes in which this Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture is to be recorded; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to an Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of March 18, 1999, Harris Trust Company of New York merged into Bank of Montreal Trust Company, Trustee under the Indenture, and effective July 1, 1999, the combined entity changed its name to Harris Trust Company of New York, and, by virtue of Section 9.03 of the Original Indenture, Harris Trust Company of New York became successor Trustee under the Indenture, without execution of any paper or the performance of any further act on the part of any other parties to the Indenture; and

WHEREAS, effective July 15, 2000, Harris Trust Company of New York and Mark F. McLaughlin resigned as Trustee and Co-Trustee, respectively, under the Indenture, and by the Eighth Supplemental Indenture, the Company appointed The Bank of New York and Stephen J. Giurlando as successor Trustee and successor Co-Trustee, respectively, effective July 15, 2000, and The Bank of New York and Stephen J. Giurlando accepted said respective appointments; and

WHEREAS, the Company has heretofore issued, in accordance with the provisions of the Indenture, the following series of bonds:


Principal Amount

Principal Amount

10.95% Series due May 1, 1997





13.20% Series due February 1, 1991





13.60% Series due February 1, 1993





13.90% Series due February 1, 1995





7% Series due March 1, 2003





8% Series due March 1, 2023





7.55% Series due September 1, 2023





8.67% Series due April 1, 2005





8% Series due March 1, 2006





7% Series due July 15, 2008





8.125% Series due July 15, 2005





6.65% Series due March 1, 2004





6.75% Series due October 15, 2017





3.875% Series due August 1, 2008





5.25% Series due August 1, 2013





5.65% Series due September 1, 2029





; and

WHEREAS, Section 19.04 of the Original Indenture provides, among other things, that any power, privilege or right expressly or impliedly reserved to or in any way conferred upon the Company by any provision of the Indenture, whether such power, privilege or right is in any way restricted or is unrestricted, may be in whole or in part waived or surrendered or subjected to any restriction if at the time unrestricted, or to additional restriction if already restricted, and the Company may enter into any further covenants, limitations, restrictions or provisions for the benefit of any one or more series of bonds issued thereunder, or the Company may establish the terms and provisions of any series of bonds by an instrument in writing executed and acknowledged by the Company in such manner as would be necessary to entitle a conveyance of real estate to be recorded in all of the states in which any property at the time subject to the Lien of the Indenture shall be situated; and

WHEREAS, the Company desires to create a new series of bonds under the Indenture and to add to its covenants and agreements contained in the Indenture certain other covenants and agreements to be observed by it; and

WHEREAS, all things necessary to make this Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture a valid, binding and legal instrument have been performed, and the issue of said series of bonds, subject to the terms of the Indenture, has been in all respects duly authorized;

NOW, THEREFORE, THIS THIRTEENTH SUPPLEMENTAL INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC., in consideration of the premises and of Ten Dollars ($10) to it duly paid by the Trustee at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in order to secure the payment of both the principal of and interest and premium, if any, on the bonds from time to time issued under the Indenture, according to their tenor and effect and the performance of all provisions of the Indenture (including any modification made as in the Indenture provided) and of said bonds, hath granted, bargained, sold, released, conveyed, assigned, transferred, mortgaged, hypothecated, affected, pledged, set over and confirmed and granted a security interest in, and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, release, convey, assign, transfer, mortgage, hypothecate, affect, pledge, set over and confirm and grant a security interest in (subject, however, to Excepted En cumbrances as defined in Section 1.06 of the Original Indenture), unto STEPHEN J. GIURLANDO and (to the extent of its legal capacity to hold the same for the purpose hereof) to THE BANK OF NEW YORK, as Trustees under the Indenture, and to their successor or successors in said trust, and to said Trustees and their successors and assigns forever (1) all rights, legal and equitable, of the Company (whether in accordance with Paragraph 32 of that certain Resolution No. R-86-112, adopted by the Council of the City of New Orleans on March 20, 1986 and accepted by the Company on March 25, 1986, as superseded by Resolution No. R-91-157, effective October 4, 1991, or pursuant to other regulatory authorization or by operation of law or otherwise), in the event of the purchase and acquisition by the City of New Orleans (or any other governmental authority or instrumentality or designee thereof) of properties and assets of the Company, to recover and receive payment and compensation from the City (or from such other gov ernmental authority or instrumentality or designee thereof or any other person) of an amount equal to the aggregate uncollected balance of (A) the deferrals of Grand Gulf 1 Costs (as defined in the Original Indenture) and the deferred carrying charges accrued thereon that have accumulated prior to the City or such other entity providing official notice to the Company of the City's or such other entity's intent to effect such purchase and acquisition and (B) if and to the extent that the City or such other entity and the Company agree that the City or such other entity is liable for all or a portion of the aggregate uncollected balance of such deferrals accumulating thereafter or a court of final resort so holds, such deferrals that have accumulated subsequent to such notice (said rights of the Company, together with the proceeds and products thereof, being defined in the Original Indenture as the "Municipalization Interest"); and (2) all properties of the Company, real, personal and mixed, of the k ind or nature described or mentioned in the Original Indenture; and (3) all properties of the Company specifically described in Article VI hereof and all other properties of the Company, real, personal and mixed, of the kind or nature specifically mentioned in the Original Indenture or of any other kind or nature acquired by the Company on or after the date of the execution and delivery of the Original Indenture (except any herein or in the Original Indenture, as heretofore supplemented, expressly excepted), now owned or, subject to the provisions of Section 15.03 of the Original Indenture, hereafter acquired by the Company (by purchase, consolidation, merger, donation, construction, erection or in any other way) and wheresoever situated, including (without in anywise limiting or impairing by the enumeration of the same, the scope and intent of the foregoing or of any general description contained herein or in the Original Indenture, as heretofore supplemented), all real estate, lands, easements, servitudes, licenses, permits, franchises, privileges, rights of way and other rights in or relating to real estate or the occupancy of the same; all power sites, flowage rights, water rights, water locations, water appropriations, ditches, flumes, reservoirs, reservoir sites, canals, raceways, waterways, dams, dam sites, aqueducts, and all other rights or means for appropriating, conveying, storing and supplying water; all rights of way and roads; all plants for the generation of electricity by steam, water and/or other power; all power houses, gas plants, street lighting systems, standards and other equipment incidental thereto; all telephone, radio and television systems, air-conditioning systems, and equipment incidental thereto, water wheels, water works, water systems, steam heat and hot water plants, substations, electric, gas and water lines, service and supply systems, bridges, culverts, tracks, ice or refrigeration plants and equipment, offices, buildings and other structures and the equipment thereof; all ma chinery, engines, boilers, dynamos, turbines, electric, gas and other machines, prime movers, regulators, meters, transformers, generators (including, but not limited to, engine driven generators and turbogenerator units), motors, electrical, gas and mechanical appliances, conduits, cables, water, steam heat, gas or other pipes, gas mains and pipes, service pipes, fittings, valves and connections, pole and transmission lines, towers, overhead conductors and devices, underground conduits, underground conductors and devices, wires, cables, tools, implements, apparatus, storage battery equipment, and all other fixtures and presently; all municipal and other franchises, consents or permits; all lines for the transmission and distribution of electric current, gas, steam heat or water for any purpose including towers, poles, wires, cables, pipes, conduits, ducts and all apparatus for use in connection therewith and (except as herein or in the Original Indenture, as heretofore supplemented, expressly excepted) all the rights, title and interest of the Company in and to all other property of any kind or nature appertaining to and/or used and/or occupied and/or enjoyed in connection with any property herein or in the Original Indenture, as heretofore supplemented, described.

TOGETHER WITH all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, prescriptions, servitudes and appurtenances belonging or in anywise appertaining to the aforesaid property or any part thereof, with the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders and (subject to the provisions of Section 11.01 of the Original Indenture) the tolls, rents, revenues, issues, earnings, income, product and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title and interest and claim whatsoever, at law as well as in equity, which the Company now has or may hereafter acquire in and to the aforesaid property, rights and franchises and every part and parcel thereof.

IT IS HEREBY AGREED by the Company that, subject to the provisions of Section 15.03 of the Original Indenture, all the property, rights and franchises acquired by the Company (by purchase, consolidation, merger, donation, construction, erection or in any other way) after the date hereof, except any herein or in the Original Indenture, as heretofore supplemented, expressly excepted, shall be and are as fully granted and conveyed hereby and as fully embraced within the Lien of the Original Indenture and the Lien hereof as if such property, rights and franchises were now owned by the Company and were specifically described herein and granted and conveyed hereby.

PROVIDED that, except as provided herein and in the Original Indenture with respect to the Municipalization Interest, the following are not and are not intended to be now or hereafter granted, bargained, sold, released, conveyed, assigned, transferred, mortgaged, hypothecated, affected, pledged, set over or confirmed hereunder, nor is a security interest therein hereby or by the Original Indenture, as heretofore supplemented, granted or intended to be granted, and the same are hereby expressly excepted from the Lien of the Indenture and the operation of this Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture, viz.: (1) cash, shares of stock, bonds, notes and other obligations and other securities not heretofore or hereafter specifically pledged, paid, deposited, delivered or held hereunder or covenanted so to be; (2) merchandise, equipment, apparatus, materials or supplies held for the purpose of sale or other disposition in the usual course of business or for the purpose of repairing or replacing (in who le or part) any rolling stock, buses, motor coaches, automobiles and other vehicles or aircraft or boats, ships, or other vessels and any fuel, oil and similar materials and supplies consumable in the operation of any of the properties of the Company; rolling stock, buses, motor coaches, automobiles and other vehicles and all aircraft; boats, ships and other vessels; all timber, minerals, mineral rights and royalties; (3) bills, notes and other instruments and accounts receivable, judgments, demands, general intangibles and chooses in action, and all contracts, leases and operating agreements not specifically pledged hereunder or under the Original Indenture or covenanted so to be; (4) the last day of the term of any lease or leasehold which may hereafter become subject to the Lien of the Indenture; (5) electric energy, gas, water, steam, ice, and other materials or products generated, manufactured, produced or purchased by the Company for sale, distribution or use in the ordinary course of its business; (6) any natural gas wells or natural gas leases or natural gas transportation lines or other works or property used primarily and principally in the production of natural gas or its transportation, primarily for the purpose of sale to natural gas customers or to a natural gas distribution or pipeline company, up to the point of connection with any distribution system; and (7) the Company's franchise to be a corporation; provided, however, that the property and rights expressly excepted from the Lien and operation of the Indenture in the above subdivisions (2) and (3) shall (to the extent permitted by law) cease to be so excepted in the event and as of the date that either or both of the Trustees or a receiver or trustee shall enter upon and take possession of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property in the manner provided in Article XII of the Original Indenture by reason of the occurrence of a Default.

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all such properties, real, personal and mixed, granted, bargained, sold, released, conveyed, assigned, transferred, mortgaged, hypothecated, affected, pledged, set over or confirmed or in which a security interest has been granted by the Company as aforesaid, or intended so to be (subject, however, to Excepted Encumbrances as defined in Section 1.06 of the Original Indenture), unto STEPHEN J. GIURLANDO and (to the extent of its legal capacity to hold the same for the purposes hereof) to THE BANK OF NEW YORK, and their successors and assigns forever.

IN TRUST NEVERTHELESS, for the same purposes and upon the same terms, trusts and conditions and subject to and with the same provisos and covenants as are set forth in the Original Indenture, as heretofore supplemented, this Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture being supplemental thereto.

AND IT IS HEREBY COVENANTED by the Company that all the terms, conditions, provisos, covenants and provisions contained in the Original Indenture, as heretofore supplemented, shall affect and apply to the property hereinbefore and hereinafter described and conveyed and to the estate, rights, obligations and duties of the Company and the Trustees and the beneficiaries of the trust with respect to said property, and to the Trustees and their successors as Trustees of said property in the same manner and with the same effect as if said property had been owned by the Company at the time of the execution of the Original Indenture and had been specifically and at length described in and conveyed to said Trustees by the Original Indenture as a part of the property therein stated to be conveyed.

The Company further covenants and agrees to and with the Trustees and their successor or successors in said trust under the Indenture, as follows:



  1. Terms From the Original Indenture and First through Twelfth Supplemental Indentures. Except as set forth in Section 1.02 below, all defined terms used in this Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture and not otherwise defined herein shall have the respective meanings ascribed to them in the Original Indenture or the First through the Twelfth Supplemental Indentures, as the case may be.

  2. Certain Defined Terms. As used in this Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture, the following defined terms shall have the respective meanings specified unless the context clearly requires otherwise:

    The term "Beneficial Owner" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.02(e).

    The term "Bonds of the Seventeenth Series" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.01.

    The term "Business Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday or a Sunday or a day on which banking institutions in The City of New York are authorized or required by law or executive order to remain closed or a day on which the Corporate Trust Office of the Trustee is closed for business.

    The term "Financial Guaranty" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.02(d).

    The term "Fiscal Agent" shall have the meaning specified in Section 5.04(a).

    The term "Insurance Agreement" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.02(d).

    The term "Insurance Event" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.02(d).

    The term "Participants" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.02(e).

    The term "Representative" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.02(e).

    The term "Surety Bond" shall mean the Surety Bond issued by Financial Guaranty that guarantees the payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series.

  3. References are to Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture. Unless the context otherwise requires, all references herein to "Articles", "Sections" and other subdivisions refer to the corresponding Articles, Sections and other subdivisions of this Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture, and the words "herein", "hereof", "hereby", "hereunder" and words of similar import refer to this Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture as a whole and not to any particular Article, Section or other subdivision hereof or to the Original Indenture or any other supplemental indenture thereto.

  4. Number and Gender. Unless the context otherwise requires, defined terms in the singular include the plural, and in the plural include the singular. The use of a word of any gender shall include all genders.



  1. Bonds of the Seventeenth Series. Pursuant to Section 2.01 of the Original Indenture, there shall be a series of bonds designated 5.60% Series due September 1, 2024 (herein sometimes referred to as the "Seventeenth Series"), each of which shall also bear the descriptive title "Insured Quarterly First Mortgage Bond". The form of Bonds of the Seventeenth Series shall be substantially in the form of Exhibit A hereto. Bonds of the Seventeenth Series (which shall be issued in the aggregate principal amount of $35,000,000) shall mature on September 1, 2024 and shall be issued only as fully registered bonds in denominations of One Thousand Dollars and, at the option of the Company, in any multiple or multiples thereof (the exercise of such option to be evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof). Bonds of the Seventeenth Series shall bear interest at the rate of five and sixty one hundredths percent (5.60%) per annum (except as hereinafter provided), payable quarterly on March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1 of each year, and at maturity or earlier redemption, the first interest payment to be made on December 1, 2004 for the period from the date of original issuance of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series to December 1, 2004; the principal and interest on each said bond to be payable at the office or agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, New York, payable in such coin or currency of the United States of America as at the time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. Interest on Bonds of the Seventeenth Series may at the option of the Company be paid by check mailed to the registered owners thereof. Overdue principal and (to the extent permitted by law) overdue interest in respect of Bonds of the Seventeenth Series shall bear interest (before and after judgment) at the rate of six and sixty one hundredths percent (6.60%) per annum. Interest on the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series shall be computed on the basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months. Interest on Bonds of the Seventeenth Series in respect of a portion of a month shall be calculated based on the actual number of days elapsed. In any case where any interest payment date, redemption date or maturity of any Bond of the Seventeenth Series shall not be a Business Day, then payment of interest or principal need not be made on such date, but may be made on the next succeeding Business Day, with the same force and effect, and in the same amount, as if made on the corresponding interest payment date or redemption date, or at maturity, as the case may be, and, if such payment is made or duly provided for on such Business Day, no interest shall accrue on the amounts so payable for the period from and after such interest payment date, redemption date or maturity, as the case may be, to such Business Day.

    The Company reserves the right to establish at any time, by Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company, a form of coupon bond, and of appurtenant coupons, for the Seventeenth Series and to provide for exchangeability of such coupon bonds with the bonds of said Series issued hereunder in fully registered form and to make all appropriate provisions for such purpose.

  2. Redemption of Bonds of the Seventeenth Series. (a) Bonds of the Seventeenth Series shall not be redeemable at the option of the Company prior to September 1, 2008. Bonds of the Seventeenth Series shall be redeemable, at the option of the Company, in whole or in part, at any time on or after September 1, 2008, upon notice mailed to each registered owner at his last address appearing on the registry books not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days prior to the date fixed for redemption, at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount of such Bonds of the Seventeenth Series being redeemed plus accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the redemption date; provided, however, that in the event that the taking, sale, transfer or other conveyance described in Section 2.02(c) hereof shall have occurred, during the period commencing on the occurrence of such event and ending on the day following the date that the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series are redeemable pursuant to Secti on 2.02(c) hereof, the redemption price for the redemption of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series pursuant to this Section 2.02(a) shall be 101% of the principal amount of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series being redeemed plus accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the redemption date.

(b) Bonds of the Seventeenth Series shall also be redeemable, at the option of the holders thereof, as provided in Section 3.04 of the First Supplemental Indenture, as heretofore and hereby amended.

(c) Bonds of the Seventeenth Series shall also be redeemable as follows:

Should all or substantially all of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property be taken by the City of New Orleans or any instrumentality or designee thereof by the exercise of the power of eminent domain or taken by the exercise by the City of New Orleans or any instrumentality or designee thereof of the right to purchase or otherwise acquire the same, or should such Mortgaged and Pledged Property be voluntarily sold, transferred or otherwise conveyed to the City of New Orleans or such instrumentality or designee thereof, then, in any such event, the Company shall, upon the consummation of such taking, sale, transfer or other conveyance (in any case whether or not the Lien of the Indenture is released with respect to such Mortgaged and Pledged Property), immediately request the Trustee to take, and upon receipt of such request the Trustee shall take, all requisite action to prepare (in consultation with the Company) and to mail written notice thereof to each registered holder of any Outstanding Bo nd of the Seventeenth Series, at his last address appearing upon the registry books, such notice (hereinafter referred to in this Section 2.02(c) as the "Trustee's Special Notice"), to state that it is given pursuant to this Section 2.02(c) of this Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture and that the holder of any Bond or Bonds of the Seventeenth Series then Outstanding shall have the right to require the Company to redeem such Bond or Bonds of the Seventeenth Series, in whole or in part, on the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter in this Section 2.02(c) set forth.

Upon the mailing of the Trustee's Special Notice, the holder of any Bonds of the Seventeenth Series then Outstanding may, within forty-five (45) days from the date of the Trustee's Special Notice, give the Trustee written notice of such holder's intent to have his Bond or Bonds of the Seventeenth Series redeemed by the Company on the sixtieth (60th) day following the date of the Trustee's Special Notice, upon delivery and surrender of such Bond or Bonds of the Seventeenth Series accompanied by such documentation as the Trustee or the Company may require. Unless on or prior to the forty-fifth (45th) day following the date of the Trustee's Special Notice, such holder shall have, by further written notice to the Trustee, withdrawn or revoked such written notice of intent to have his Bond or Bonds of the Seventeenth Series so redeemed, the Company shall, on the sixtieth (60th) day following the date of the Trustee's Special Notice, redeem any such Bond or Bond s of the Seventeenth Series that are properly delivered and surrendered for that purpose at the special redemption price of 101% of the principal amount thereof plus accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the redemption date.

(d) The Company shall redeem the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series, in whole but not in part, prior to maturity, but in no event earlier than September 1, 2008, upon notice mailed to each registered owner at his last address appearing on the registry books not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days prior to the date fixed for redemption, at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount of such Bonds of the Seventeenth Series, plus accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the redemption date, pursuant to Section 4.02 of the Insurance Agreement dated as of August 24, 2004 ("Insurance Agreement") between the Company and Financial Guaranty Insurance Company, a New York stock insurance company, or any successor thereto ("Financial Guaranty"), if, and only if, (i) the Company shall fail to pay to Financial Guaranty any amount payable under Section 2.01 of the Insurance Agreement and such failure shall have continued for a period in excess of fifteen (15) d ays after receipt by the Company of written notice from Financial Guaranty thereof and the Trustee has received written notification from Financial Guaranty of such failure or (ii) the Company shall fail to comply with the provisions of Section 4.01 of the Insurance Agreement and such failure shall have continued for a period in excess of thirty (30) days after receipt by the Company of written notice from Financial Guaranty thereof and the Trustee has received written notification from Financial Guaranty of such failure (each of (i) and (ii), individually, an "Insurance Event") and, in each case, Financial Guaranty has not waived the Insurance Event. Subject to the notice to holders provisions provided in this Section 2.02(d), the Company shall redeem Bonds of the Seventeenth Series pursuant to the prior sentence as follows: (x) on September 1, 2008 if the Insurance Event specified in clause (ii) above occurs on or prior to July 3, 2008, or (y) if the Insurance Event specified in clause (i) or (i i) above occurs on or after July 4, 2008, within 60 days of the occurrence of such Insurance Event, but in no event earlier than September 1, 2008.

(e) Unless the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series have been declared due and payable prior to their maturity by reason of a default under the Indenture, or have been previously redeemed or otherwise repaid, the Representative of a deceased Beneficial Owner has the right, on or after March 2, 2005, to request redemption prior to stated maturity of all or part of his interest in the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series, and the Company will be obligated to redeem such Bonds of the Seventeenth Series. However, during the period from March 2, 2005 through and including March 1, 2006 (the "initial period"), and during any twelve-month period that ends on and includes each March 1 thereafter (and during the period March 2, 2024 to and including August 31, 2024) (each of which, a "subsequent period"), the Company shall not be obligated to redeem (i) on behalf of a deceased Beneficial Owner any interest in Bonds of the Seventeenth Series which exceeds $25,000 principal amount or (ii) interests in Bonds of the Seventeenth Series exceeding $350,000 in aggregate principal amount. A request for redemption may be initiated by the Representative of a deceased Beneficial Owner at any time and in any principal amount, provided that the principal amount is in an integral multiple of $1,000.

The Company may, at its option, redeem interests of any deceased Beneficial Owner in the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series in the initial period or any subsequent period in excess of the $25,000 limitation. Any such redemption, to the extent that it exceeds the $25,000 limitation for any deceased Beneficial Owner, shall not be included in the computation of the $350,000 aggregate limitation for the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series for the initial period or the applicable subsequent period, as the case may be, or for any succeeding subsequent period. The Company may, at its option, redeem interests of deceased Beneficial Owners in the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series, in the initial period or any subsequent period in an aggregate principal amount exceeding the $350,000 aggregate limitation. Any such redemption, to the extent it exceeds the $350,000 aggregate limitation, shall not reduce the aggregate limitation for any subsequent period. Upon any determination by the Company to redeem B onds of the Seventeenth Series in excess of the $25,000 limitation or the $350,000 aggregate limitation, such Bonds of the Seventeenth Series will be redeemed in the order of the receipt of redemption requests by the Trustee.

A request for redemption of an interest in the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series may be initiated by the personal representative or other person authorized to represent the estate of the deceased Beneficial Owner or by a surviving joint tenant(s) or tenant(s) by the entirety or the trustee of a trust (each, a "Representative"). The Representative shall deliver a request to the Participant (hereinafter defined) through whom the deceased Beneficial Owner owned such interest, in form satisfactory to the Participant, together with evidence of the death of the Beneficial Owner, evidence of the authority of the Representative satisfactory to the Participant, such waivers, notices or certificates as may be required under applicable state or federal law and such other evidence of the right to such redemption as the Participant shall require. The request shall specify the principal amount of the interest in the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series to be redeemed. Subject to the rules and arrangements applicable to the depository, the Participant will then deliver to the depository, which in this case initially will be The Depository Trust Company, a request for redemption substantially in the form attached as Exhibit B to this Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture. The Trustee shall maintain records with respect to redemption requests received by it, including the date of receipt, the name of the Participant filing the redemption request and the status of each redemption request with respect to the $25,000 limitation and the $350,000 aggregate limitation. The Trustee will immediately file with the Company each redemption request it receives, together with the information regarding the eligibility of the redemption request with respect to the $25,000 limitation and the $350,000 aggregate limitation. The Company, the depository, and the Trustee:

  • may conclusively assume, without independent investigation, that the statements contained in each redemption request are true and correct; and
  • shall have no responsibility:
    • for reviewing any documents submitted to the Participant by the Representative or for determining whether the applicable decedent is in fact the Beneficial Owner of the interest in the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series to be redeemed or is in fact deceased; and

    • for determining whether the Representative is duly authorized to request redemption on behalf of the applicable Beneficial Owner.

Subject to the $25,000 limitation and the $350,000 aggregate limitation, the Company will, after the death of any Beneficial Owner, redeem the interest of such Beneficial Owner in the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series on the next interest payment date occurring not less than 30 days following the Company's receipt of a redemption request from the Trustee. If redemption requests exceed the aggregate principal amount of interests in Bonds of the Seventeenth Series required to be redeemed during the initial period or during any subsequent period, then excess redemption requests will be applied, in the order received by the Trustee, to successive subsequent periods, regardless of the number of subsequent periods required to redeem such interests, unless maturity occurs first. The Company may at any time notify the Trustee that it will redeem, on the next interest payment date occurring not less than 30 days thereafter, all or any lesser amount of Bonds of the Seventeenth Series for which r edemption requests have been received but that are not then eligible for redemption by reason of the $25,000 limitation or the $350,000 aggregate limitation. Such Bonds of the Seventeenth Series will be redeemed in the order of receipt of redemption requests by the Trustee.

The Company will pay 100% of the principal amount plus any unpaid interest accrued to (but excluding) the redemption date for the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series it redeems pursuant to a redemption request of a Representative of a deceased Beneficial Owner. Subject to arrangements with the depository, payment for interests in the bonds to be redeemed shall be made to the depository in the aggregate principal amount specified in the redemption requests submitted to the Trustee by the depository that are to be fulfilled in connection with such payment upon presentation of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series to the Trustee for redemption. The principal amount of any Bonds of the Seventeenth Series acquired or redeemed by the Company other than by redemption at the option of any Representative of a deceased Beneficial Owner under the procedures described in this Section 2.02(e) shall not be included in the computation of either the $25,000 limitation or the $350,000 aggregate limitation f or the initial period or for any subsequent period.

For purposes of this Section 2.02(e), a "Beneficial Owner" means the person who has the right to sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of an interest in a Bond of the Seventeenth Series and the right to receive the proceeds therefrom, as well as the interest and principal payable to the holder thereof. In general, a determination of beneficial ownership in the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series will be subject to the rules, regulations and procedures governing the depository and institutions that have accounts with the depository or a nominee thereof ("Participants").

An interest in a Bond of the Seventeenth Series held in tenancy by the entirety, joint tenancy or by tenants in common will be deemed to be held by a single Beneficial Owner and the death of a tenant by the entirety, joint tenant or tenant in common will be deemed the death of a Beneficial Owner. The death of a person who, during his lifetime, was entitled to substantially all of the rights of a Beneficial Owner of an interest in the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series will be deemed the death of the Beneficial Owner, regardless of the recordation of such interest on the records of the Participant, if such rights can be established to the satisfaction of the Participant. Such interests shall be deemed to exist in typical cases of nominee ownership, ownership under the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act or the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act, community property or other similar joint ownership arrangements, including individual retirement accounts or Keogh [H.R. 10] plans maintained solely by or for the decedent or by or for the decedent and any spouse, and trust and certain other arrangements where the decedent has the right to receive all or a portion of the income and such person has substantially all of the rights of a Beneficial Owner during such person's lifetime.

In the case of a redemption request which is presented on behalf of a deceased Beneficial Owner and that has not been fulfilled at the time the Company gives notice of its election to redeem the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series, the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series that are the subject of such pending redemption request shall be redeemed prior to any other Bonds of the Seventeenth Series.

Any redemption request may be withdrawn by the person(s) presenting such request upon delivery of a written request for withdrawal given by the Participant on behalf of such person to the depository and by the depository to the Trustee not less than 60 days prior to the interest payment date on which such Bonds of the Seventeenth Series are eligible for redemption.

The Company may, at its option, purchase any Bonds of the Seventeenth Series for which redemption requests have been received in lieu of redeeming such bonds. Any Bonds of the Seventeenth Series so purchased by the Company shall either be reoffered for sale and sold within 180 days after the date of purchase or presented to the Trustee for redemption and cancellation.

During any time in which the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series are not represented by a global security and are issued in definitive form:

  • all references in this Section 2.02(e) to Participants and the depository, including the depository's governing rules, regulations and procedures shall be deemed deleted;

  • all determinations that the Participants are required to make as described in this Section 2.02(e) shall be made by the Company (including, without limitation, determining whether the applicable decedent is in fact the Beneficial Owner of the interest in the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series to be redeemed or is in fact deceased and whether the Representative is duly authorized to request redemption on behalf of the applicable Beneficial Owner); and

  • all redemption requests, to be effective, must
    • be delivered by the Representative to the Trustee, with a copy to the Company;

    • be in the form of a redemption request substantially in the form attached as Exhibit B (with appropriate changes to reflect the fact that such redemption request is being executed by a Representative); and

    • be accompanied by the Bond of the Seventeenth Series that is the subject of the redemption request, in addition to all documents that are otherwise required to accompany a redemption request.

(f) The Company shall notify Financial Guaranty of the redemption of any of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series.

Section 2.03. Certain Rights of Financial Guaranty. To the extent permitted by law and so long as Financial Guaranty is in compliance with its obligations under its Surety Bond (Policy No. 04010544):

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Indenture, Financial Guaranty shall be entitled to control and direct the enforcement of all rights and remedies with respect to the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series (including but not limited to any right to accelerate the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series), except for the rights described in Section 2.02(e) hereof, upon the occurrence and continuation of an event of default under the Indenture to the same extent as if it were the holder of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series. In determining whether a payment default has occurred or whether a payment on the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series has been made, no effect shall be given to payments made by Financial Guaranty under the Surety Bond.

(b) No amendment, supplement or change to, or other modification of, the Indenture, requiring the consent of the holders of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series, shall be effective without the prior written consent of Financial Guaranty. Any rating agency rating the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series shall receive notice of each amendment and a copy thereof at least 15 days in advance of its execution or adoption. Financial Guaranty shall be provided with a full transcript of all proceedings relating to the execution of any such amendment or supplement.

Section 2.04 Additional Provisions Relating to Defaults. So long as any Bonds of the Seventeenth Series remain outstanding, (a) Financial Guaranty shall receive immediate notice of any payment default and notice of any other default known to the Trustee or the Company within 30 days of the Trustee's or the Company's knowledge thereof; (b) Financial Guaranty shall be included as a party in interest and as a party entitled to (i) notify the Company, the Trustee, or any applicable receiver of the occurrence of a default and (ii) request the Trustee or any such receiver to intervene in judicial proceedings that affect the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series or the security therefor; and (c) any acceleration of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series or any annulment thereof shall be subject to the prior written consent of Financial Guaranty (if it has not failed to comply with its obligations under the Surety Bond). The Trustee or such receiver shall be required to accept notice of def ault from Financial Guaranty.

Section 2.05 Transfer and Exchange. At the option of the registered owner, any Bonds of the Seventeenth Series, upon surrender thereof for cancellation at the office or agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, New York, shall be exchangeable for a like aggregate principal amount of bonds of the same series of other authorized denominations.

Bonds of the Seventeenth Series shall be transferable, upon the surrender thereof for cancellation, together with a written instrument of transfer in form approved by the registrar duly executed by the registered owner or by his duly authorized attorney, at the office or agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, New York.

Upon any such exchange or transfer of Bonds of the Seventeenth Series, the Company may make a charge therefor sufficient to reimburse it for any tax or taxes or other governmental charge, as provided in Section 2.05 of the Original Indenture, but the Company hereby waives any right to make a charge in addition thereto for any such exchange or transfer of Bonds of the Seventeenth Series.

Section 2.06. Dating of Bonds and Interest Payments. (a) Each Bond of the Seventeenth Series shall be dated as of the date of authentication and shall bear interest from the last preceding interest payment date to which interest shall have been paid (unless the date of such bond is an interest payment date to which interest is paid, in which case from the date of such bond); provided that each Bond of the Seventeenth Series dated prior to December 1, 2004 shall bear interest from the date of original issuance thereof; and provided, further, that if any Bond of the Seventeenth Series shall be authenticated and delivered upon a transfer of, or in exchange for or in lieu of, any other Bond or Bonds of the Seventeenth Series upon which interest is in default, it shall be dated so that such bond shall bear interest from the last preceding date to which interest shall have been paid on the bond or bonds in respect of which such bond shall have been delivered or from its date of origin al issuance, if no interest shall have been paid on the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series.

(b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, Bonds of the Seventeenth Series shall be dated so that the person in whose name any Bond of the Seventeenth Series is registered at the close of business on the Business Day immediately preceding an interest payment date shall be entitled to receive the interest payable on the interest payment date notwithstanding the cancellation of such bond upon any transfer or exchange thereof subsequent to such close of business and prior to such interest payment date, except if, and to the extent that, the Company shall default in the payment of interest due on such interest payment date, in which case such defaulted interest shall be paid to the persons in whose names Outstanding Bonds of the Seventeenth Series are registered at the close of business on the Business Day immediately preceding the date of payment of such defaulted interest. Any Bond of the Seventeenth Series issued upon any transfer or exchange subsequent to such close of business and prior to suc h interest payment date shall bear interest from such interest payment date. In the event there shall be more than one registered owner of Bonds of the Seventeenth Series, then the Company shall not be required to make transfers or exchanges of bonds of said series for a period of fifteen (15) days next preceding any interest payment date of said series.



Section 3.01  Exchange or Redemption upon Merger or Consolidation. The second sentence of subsection (a) of Section 3.04 of the First Supplemental Indenture, as amended and restated by the Seventh Supplemental Indenture, and as subsequently amended, is hereby further amended to insert the following words immediately after the words "the Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture":

", shall (as to the New LP&L Bonds being exchanged for the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series) be subject to redemption at the option of the Company on terms similar to those provided in the Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture,"

Section 3.02 Redemption Price upon Merger or Consolidation. The redemption price for any Bonds of the Seventeenth Series redeemed pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 3.04 of the First Supplemental Indenture, as amended and restated by the Seventh Supplemental Indenture, and as subsequently amended, shall be equal to the principal amount of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series to be redeemed, plus accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the redemption date.



  1. Maintenance of Paying Agency. So long as any bonds of the Seventeenth Series are Outstanding, the Company covenants that the office or agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, New York, where the principal of or interest on any bonds of the Seventeenth Series shall be payable, shall also be an office or agency where any such bonds may be transferred or exchanged and where notices, presentations or demands to or upon the Company in respect of such bonds or in respect of the Indenture may be given or made.

  2. Further Assurances. From time to time whenever reasonably requested by the Trustee or the holders of a majority in principal amount of bonds of the Seventeenth Series then Outstanding, the Company will make, execute and deliver or cause to be made, executed and delivered any and all such further and other instruments and assurances as may be reasonably necessary or proper to carry out the intention of or to facilitate the performance of the terms of the Indenture or to secure the rights and remedies of the holders of such bonds.

  3. Limitation on Restricted Payments. (a) So long as any bonds of the Seventeenth Series are Outstanding, the Company covenants that it will not declare any dividends on its common stock (other than (1) a dividend payable solely in shares of its common stock or (2) a dividend payable in cash in cases where, concurrently with the payment of such dividend, an amount in cash equal to such dividend is received by the Company as a capital contribution or as the proceeds of the issue and sale of shares of its common stock) or make any distribution on outstanding shares of its common stock or purchase or otherwise acquire for value any outstanding shares of its common stock (otherwise than in exchange for or out of the proceeds from the sale of other shares of its common stock) unless after such dividend, distribution, purchase or acquisition, the aggregate amount of such dividends, distributions, purchases and acquisitions paid or made subsequent to July 31, 2004 (other than any divide nd declared by the Company on or before July 31, 2004) does not exceed (without giving effect to (1) any such dividends, distributions, purchases or acquisitions or (2) any net transfers from earned surplus to stated capital accounts) the sum of (A) the aggregate amount credited subsequent to July 31, 2004, to earned surplus, (B) $150,000,000 and (C) such additional amounts as shall be authorized or approved, upon application by the Company and, after notice, by the SEC under the Holding Company Act.

For the purpose of this Section 4.03, the aggregate amount credited subsequent to July 31, 2004, to earned surplus shall be determined in accordance with applicable generally accepted accounting principles and practices (or, if in the opinion of the Company's independent public accountants (delivered to the Trustee) there is an absence of any such generally accepted accounting principles and practices as to the determination in question, then in accordance with sound accounting practices) and after making provision for dividends upon any preferred stock of the Company accumulated subsequent to such date, and in addition there shall be deducted from earned surplus all amounts (without duplication) of losses, write-offs, write-downs or amortization of property, whether extraordinary or otherwise, recorded in and applicable to a period or periods subsequent to July 31, 2004.



  1. Acceptance of Trusts. The Trustees hereby accept the trusts herein declared, provided, created or supplemented and agree to perform the same upon the terms and conditions herein and in the Original Indenture, as heretofore supplemented, set forth and upon the following terms and conditions:

    The Trustees shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever for or in respect of the validity or sufficiency of this Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture or for or in respect of the recitals contained herein, all of which recitals are solely made by the Company. In general, each and every term and condition contained in Article XVI of the Original Indenture shall apply to and form part of this Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture with the same force and effect as if the same were herein set forth in full with such omissions, variations and insertions, if any, as may be appropriate to make the same conform to the provisions of this Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture.

  2. Effect of Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture under Louisiana Law. It is the intention and it is hereby agreed that so far as concerns that portion of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property situated within the State of Louisiana, the general language of conveyance contained in this Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture is intended and shall be construed as words of hypothecation and not of conveyance, and that so far as the said Louisiana property is concerned, this Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture shall be considered as an act of mortgage and pledge and granting of a security interest under the laws of the State of Louisiana, and the Trustees herein named are named as mortgagee and pledge and secured parties in trust for the benefit of themselves and of all present and future holders of bonds issued under the Indenture and any coupons thereto issued hereunder, and are irrevocably appointed special agents and representatives of the holders of such bonds and coupons and vested with full power in their behalf to effect and enforce the mortgage and pledge and a security interest hereby constituted for their benefit, or otherwise to act as herein provided for.

  3. Record Date. The holders of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series shall be deemed to have consented and agreed that the Company may, but shall not be obligated to, fix a record date for the purpose of determining the holders of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series entitled to consent, if any such consent is required, to any amendment or supplement to the Indenture or the waiver of any provision thereof or any act to be performed thereunder. If a record date is fixed, those persons who were holders of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series at such record date (or their duly designated proxies), and only those persons, shall be entitled to consent to such amendment, supplement or waiver or to revoke any consent previously given, whether or not such persons continue to be holders of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series after such record date. No such consent shall be valid or effective for more than 90 days after such record date.

  4. Claim Procedures. (a) If, on the day any interest payment for the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series is due there is not on deposit with the Trustee sufficient moneys available to pay all principal of and interest on such Bonds of the Seventeenth Series due on such date, the Trustee shall immediately notify Financial Guaranty and U.S. Bank Trust National Association, New York, New York or its successor as its Fiscal Agent (the "Fiscal Agent") of the amount of such deficiency. If, by said interest payment date, the Company has not provided the amount of such deficiency, the Trustee shall simultaneously make available to Financial Guaranty and to the Fiscal Agent the registration books for the Bonds maintained by the Trustee. In addition:

(i) The Trustee shall provide Financial Guaranty with a list of the holders of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series entitled to receive principal or interest payments from Financial Guaranty under the terms of the Surety Bond and shall make arrangements for Financial Guaranty and its Fiscal Agent (1) to mail checks or drafts to such holders of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series entitled to receive full or partial interest payments from Financial Guaranty and (2) to pay principal of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series surrendered to the Fiscal Agent by the holders of such bonds entitled to receive full or partial principal payments from Financial Guaranty; and

(ii) The Trustee shall, at the time it makes the registration books available to Financial Guaranty pursuant to (i) above, notify holders of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series entitled to receive the payment of principal of or interest on the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series from Financial Guaranty (1) as to the fact of such entitlement, (2) that Financial Guaranty will remit to them all or part of the interest payments coming due subject to the terms of the Surety Bond, (3) that, except as provided in paragraph (b) below, in the event that any holder of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series is entitled to receive full payment of principal from Financial Guaranty, such holder must tender his Bond of the Seventeenth Series with the instrument of transfer in the form provided on such bond executed in the name of Financial Guaranty, and (4) that, except as provided in paragraph (b) below, in the event that such holder is entitled to receive partial payment of principal from Financial Guarant y, such holder must tender his Bond of the Seventeenth Series for payment first to the Trustee, which shall note on such bond the portion of principal paid by the Trustee, and then, with an acceptable form of assignment executed in the name of Financial Guaranty, to the Fiscal Agent, which will then pay the unpaid portion of principal to the holder subject to the terms of the Surety Bond.

(b) In the event that the Trustee has notice that any payment of principal of or interest on a Bond of the Seventeenth Series has been recovered from a holder of a Bond of the Seventeenth Series pursuant to the United States Bankruptcy Code by a trustee in bankruptcy in accordance with the final, nonappealable order of a court having competent jurisdiction, the Trustee shall, at the time it provides notice to Financial Guaranty, notify all holders of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series that in the event that any such holder's payment is so recovered, such holder will be entitled to payment from Financial Guaranty to the extent of such recovery, and the Trustee shall furnish to Financial Guaranty its records evidencing the payments of principal of and interest on the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series which have been made by the Trustee and subsequently recovered from such holders, and the dates on which such payments were made.

(c) Financial Guaranty shall, to the extent it makes payment of principal of or interest on the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series, become subrogated to the rights of the recipients of such payments in accordance with the terms of the Surety Bond and, to evidence such subrogation, (A) in the case of subrogation as to claims for past due interest, the Trustee shall note Financial Guaranty's rights as subrogee on the registration books maintained by the Trustee upon receipt from Financial Guaranty of proof of the payment of interest thereon to the holders of such Bonds of the Seventeenth Series and (B) in the case of subrogation as to claims for past due principal, the Trustee shall note Financial Guaranty's rights as subrogee on the registration books for the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series maintained by the Trustee upon receipt of proof of the payment of principal thereof to the holders of such Bonds of the Seventeenth Series. Notwithstanding anything herein or in the Bonds of the Sevente enth Series to the contrary, the Trustee shall make payment of such past due interest and past due principal directly to Financial Guaranty to the extent that Financial Guaranty is a subrogee with respect thereto.

Section 5.05. Certain Notices. The addresses for notices to Financial Guaranty and the Fiscal Agent are:

Financial Guaranty Insurance Company
125 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10017
Attention: Risk Management

U.S. Bank Trust National Association
100 Wall Street, 19th floor
New York, New York 10005
Attention: Corporate Trust Department

Section 5.06 Defeasance. To the extent not otherwise prohibited under the Indenture, only cash, direct non-callable obligations of the United States of America and securities fully and unconditionally guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by the United States of America, to which direct obligation or guarantee the full faith and credit of the United States of America has been pledged, Refcorp interest strips, CATS, TIGRS, STRPS, or defeased municipal bonds rated AAA by S&P or Aaa by Moody's (or any combination of the foregoing) shall be used to effect defeasance of the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series unless Financial Guaranty otherwise approves. In the event of an advance refunding, the Company shall cause to be delivered a verification report of an independent nationally recognized certified public accountant. If a forward supply contract is employed in connection with the refunding, (i) such verification report shall expressly state that the adequacy of the escrow to accomplish the refunding relies solely on the initial escrowed investments and the maturing principal thereof and interest income thereon and does not assume performance under or compliance with the forward supply contract, and (ii) the applicable escrow agreement shall provide that in the event of any discrepancy or difference between the terms of the forward supply contract and the escrow agreement (or the authorizing document, if no separate escrow agreement is utilized), the terms of the escrow agreement or authorizing document, if applicable, shall be controlling.

Section 5.07 Titles. The titles of the several Articles and Sections of this Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture shall not be deemed to be any part hereof.

Section 5.08 Counterparts. This Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument.

Section 5.09 Governing Law. The laws of the State of New York shall govern this Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture and the Bonds of the Seventeenth Series, except to the extent that the validity or perfection of the Lien of the Indenture, or remedies thereunder, are governed by the laws of a jurisdiction other than the State of New York.




The Electric Generating Plants, Plant Sites and Stations of the Company, including all electric works, power houses, buildings, pipelines and structures owned by the Company and all land of the Company on which the same are situated and all of the Company's lands, together with the buildings and improvements thereon, and all rights, ways, servitudes, prescriptions, and easements, rights-of-way, permits, privileges, licenses, poles, wires, machinery, implements, switchyards, electric lines, equipment and appurtenances, forming a part of said plants, sites or stations, or any of them, or used or enjoyed, or capable of being used or enjoyed in conjunction with any of said power plants, sites, stations, lands and property.


The Electric Substations, Switching Stations, Microwave installations and UHF-VHF installations of the Company, and the Sites therefor, including all buildings, structures, towers, poles, all equipment, appliances and devices for transforming, converting, switching, transmitting and distributing electric energy, and for communications, and the lands of the Company on which the same are situated, and all of the Company's lands, rights, ways, servitudes, prescriptions, easements, rights-of-way, machinery, equipment, appliances, devices, licenses and appurtenances forming a part of said substations, switching stations, microwave installations or UHF-VHF installations, or any of them, or used or enjoyed or capable of being used or enjoyed in conjunction with any of them.


All and singular the Miscellaneous Lands and Real Estate or Rights and Interests therein of the Company, and buildings and improvements thereon, now owned, or, subject to the provisions of Section 15.03 of the Original Indenture, hereafter acquired during the existence of this trust.


The Electric Transmission Lines of the Company, including the structures, towers, poles, wires, cables, switch racks, conductors, transformers, insulators, pipes, conduits, electric submarine cables, and all appliances, devices and equipment used or useful in connection with said transmission lines and systems, and all other property, real, personal or mixed, forming a part thereof or appertaining thereto, together with all rights-of-way, easements, prescriptions, servitudes, permits, privileges, licenses, consents, immunities and rights for or relating to the construction, maintenance or operation thereof, through, over, across, under or upon any public streets or highways or other lands, public or private.


The Electric Distribution Lines and Systems of the Company, including the structures, towers, poles, wires, insulators and appurtenances, appliances, conductors, conduits, cables, transformers, meters, regulator stations and regulators, accessories, devices and equipment and all of the Company's other property, real, personal or mixed, forming a part of or used, occupied or enjoyed in connection with or in anywise appertaining to said distribution lines and systems, together with all of the Company's rights-of-way, easements, permits, prescriptions, privileges, municipal or other franchises, licenses, consents, immunities and rights for or relating to the construction, maintenance or operation thereof, through, over, across, under, or upon any public streets or highways or other lands or property, public or private.


The Gas Distributing Systems of the Company, whether now owned or, subject to the provisions of Section 15.03 of the Original Indenture, hereafter acquired, including gas regulator stations, gas main crossings, odorizing equipment, gas metering stations, shops, service buildings, office buildings, expansion tanks, conduits, gas mains and pipes, mechanical storage sheds, boilers, service pipes, fittings, city gates, pipelines, booster stations, reducer stations, valves, valve platforms, connections, meters and all appurtenances, appliances, devices and equipment and all the Company's other property, real, personal or mixed forming a part of or used, occupied or enjoyed in connection with or in anywise appertaining to said distributing systems, or any of them, together with all of the Company's rights-of-way, easements, prescriptions, servitudes, privileges, immunities, permits and franchises, licenses, consents and rights for or relating to the construction, maintenance or operation thereo f, in, on, through, across or under any public streets or highways or other lands or property, public or private.


All of the franchises, privileges, permits, grants and consents for the construction, operation and maintenance of electric and gas systems in, on and under streets, alleys, highways, roads, public grounds and rights-of-way and all rights incident thereto which were granted by the governing and regulatory bodies of the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana.

Also all other franchises, privileges, permits, grants and consents owned or hereafter acquired by the Company for the construction, operation and maintenance of electric and gas systems in, on or under the streets, alleys, highways, roads, and public grounds, areas and rights-of-way and/or for the supply and sale of electricity or natural gas and all rights incident thereto, subject, however, to the provisions of Section 15.03 of the Original Indenture.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC. has caused its corporate name to be hereunto affixed, and this instrument to be signed and sealed by its President or one of its Vice Presidents, and its corporate seal to be attested by its Secretary or one of its Assistant Secretaries for and on its behalf, and THE BANK OF NEW YORK has caused its corporate name to be hereunto affixed, and this instrument to be signed and sealed by one of its Vice Presidents or Assistant Vice Presidents and its corporate seal to be attested by one of its Vice Presidents, Assistant Vice Presidents, Assistant Treasurers or Assistant Secretaries for and on its behalf, and STEPHEN J. GIURLANDO has hereunto set his hand, all as of the day and year first above written.


By:/s/ Steven C. McNeal
Steven C. McNeal
Vice President and Treasurer


/s/ Christopher T. Screen
Christopher T. Screen
Assistant Secretary

Executed, sealed and delivered by
in the presence of:

/s/ Myrna Romain
Myrna Romain

/s/ Joan Cusimano
Joan Cusimano

As Trustee


By: /s/ Robert A. Massimillo
Robert A. Massimillo

Vice President


Kisha Holder
Assistant Vice President

/s/ Stephen J. Giurlando
As Co-Trustee

Executed, sealed and delivered by
in the presence of:



/s/ Ada Li
Ada Li

/s/ Robert Hirsch
Robert Hirsch

                                         ) SS.:

On this 20th day of August, 2004, before me appeared Steven C. McNeal, to me personally known, who, being duly sworn, did say that he is the Vice President and Treasurer of ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC., and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that the foregoing instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said Steven C. McNeal acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation.

On the 20th day of August, 2004, before me personally came Steven C. McNeal, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at 8043 Winners Circle, Mandeville, Louisiana 70448; that he is the Vice President and Treasurer of ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC., one of the parties described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order.

/s/ Jennifer Favalora
Notary Public
Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana
Commission Expires: upon death

                                                } ss.:

On this 23rd day of August, 2004, before me appeared Robert a. massimillo to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is a Vice President of THE BANK OF NEW YORK, and that the seal affixed to the above instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said Robert A. Massimillo acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation.

On the 23rd day of August, 2004, before me personally came Robert A. Massimillo, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at 87 Brandis Avenue, Staten Island, New York 10312; that he is a Vice President of THE BANK OF NEW YORK, one of the corporations described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal, that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order.

/s/ William J. Cassels
Notary Public, State of New York
No. 01CA5027729
Qualified in Bronx County
Commission Expires May 18, 2006


                                                } ss.:

On this 23rd day of August, 2004, before me appeared STEPHEN J. GIURLANDO, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed.

On the 23rd day of August, 2004, before me personally came STEPHEN J. GIURLANDO, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same.

/s/ William J. Cassels
Notary Public, State of New York
No. 01CA5027729
Qualified in Bronx County
Commission Expires May 18, 2006


[(See legend at the end of this bond for
restrictions on transferability and change of form)]

5.60% Series due September 1, 2024




CUSIP No. 29364PAK9

No. R- __



ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC., a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Louisiana (the "Company"), for value received, hereby promises to pay to ____________, or registered assigns, at the office or agency of the Company in The City of New York, New York, the principal sum of $____________ on September 1, 2024, in such coin or currency of the United States of America as at the time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts, and to pay in like manner to the registered owner hereof interest thereon from the date of original issuance hereof, if the date of this bond is prior to December 1, 2004, or, if the date of this bond is on or after December 1, 2004, from the March 1, June 1, September 1 or December 1 next preceding the date of this bond to which interest has been paid (unless the date hereof is an interest payment date to which interest has been paid, in which case from the date hereof), at the rate of five and sixty one hundredths pe rcent (5.60%) per annum in like coin or currency on March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1, commencing December 1, 2004, and at maturity or earlier redemption until the principal of this bond shall have become due and been duly paid or provided for, and to pay interest (before and after judgment) on any overdue principal, premium, if any, and (to the extent permitted by law) on any overdue interest at the rate of six and sixty one hundredths percent (6.60%) per annum. Interest on this bond shall be computed on the basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months. Interest on this bond in respect of a portion of a month shall be calculated based on the actual number of days elapsed.

The interest so payable on any interest payment date will, subject to certain exceptions provided in the Mortgage hereinafter referred to, be paid to the person in whose name this bond is registered at the close of business on the Business Day immediately preceding such interest payment date. At the option of the Company, interest may be paid by check mailed on or prior to such interest payment date to the address of the person entitled thereto as such address shall appear on the register of the Company.

This bond shall not become obligatory until The Bank of New York, the Trustee under the Mortgage, or its successor thereunder, shall have signed the form of authentication certificate endorsed hereon.

This bond is one of a series of bonds of the Company issuable in series and is one of a duly authorized series of Insured Quarterly First Mortgage Bonds, 5.60% Series due September 1, 2024 (herein called bonds of the Seventeenth Series), all bonds of all series issued under and equally secured by a Mortgage and Deed of Trust (herein, together with any indenture supplemental thereto, called the Mortgage), dated as of May 1, 1987, duly executed by the Company to Bank of Montreal Trust Company (The Bank of New York, successor) and Z. George Klodnicki (Stephen J. Giurlando, successor), as Trustees. Reference is made to the Mortgage for a description of the mortgaged and pledged property, assets and rights, the nature and extent of the lien and security, the respective rights, limitations of rights, covenants, obligations, duties and immunities thereunder of the Company, the holders of bonds and the Trustees and the terms and conditions upon which the bonds are, and are to be, secured, the cir cumstances under which additional bonds may be issued and the definition of certain terms herein used, to all of which, by its acceptance of this bond, the holder of this bond agrees.

The principal hereof may be declared or may become due prior to the maturity date hereinbefore named on the conditions, in the manner and at the time set forth in the Mortgage, upon the occurrence of a Default as in the Mortgage provided. The Mortgage provides that in certain circumstances and upon certain conditions, such a declaration and its consequences or certain past defaults and the consequences thereof may be waived by such affirmative vote of holders of bonds as is specified in the Mortgage.

The Mortgage contains provisions permitting the Company and the Trustee to execute supplemental indentures amending the Mortgage for certain specified purposes without the consent of holders of bonds. With the consent of the Company and to the extent permitted by and as provided in the Mortgage, the rights and obligations of the Company and/or the rights of the holders of the bonds of the Seventeenth Series and/or the terms and provisions of the Mortgage may be modified or altered by such affirmative vote or votes of the holders of bonds then Outstanding as are specified in the Mortgage.

Any consent or waiver by the holder of this bond (unless effectively revoked as provided in the Mortgage) shall be conclusive and binding upon such holder and upon all future holders of this bond and of any bonds issued in exchange or substitution herefor, irrespective of whether or not any notation of such consent or waiver is made upon this bond or such other bond.

No reference herein to the Mortgage and no provision of this bond or of the Mortgage shall alter or impair the obligation of the Company, which is absolute and unconditional, to pay the principal of (and premium, if any) and interest on this bond in the manner, at the respective times, at the rate and in the currency herein prescribed.

The bonds are issuable as registered bonds without coupons in the denominations of $1,000 and integral multiples thereof. At the office or agency to be maintained by the Company in The City of New York, New York, and in the manner and subject to the provisions of the Mortgage, bonds may be exchanged for a like aggregate principal amount of bonds of other authorized denominations, without payment of any charge other than a sum sufficient to reimburse the Company for any tax or other governmental charge incident thereto. This bond is transferable as prescribed in the Mortgage by the registered owner hereof in person, or by his duly authorized attorney, at the office or agency of the Company in The City of New York, New York, upon surrender of this bond, and upon payment, if the Company shall require it, of the transfer charges provided for in the Mortgage, and, thereupon, a new fully registered bond of the same series for a like principal amount will be issued to the transferee in exchange hereof as provided in the Mortgage. The Company and the Trustees may deem and treat the person in whose name this bond is registered as the absolute owner hereof for the purpose of receiving payment and for all other purposes, and neither the Company nor the Trustees shall be affected by any notice to the contrary.

This bond is redeemable at the option of the Company under certain circumstances in the manner and at such redemption price as is provided in the Mortgage. This bond is also redeemable at the option of the owner and of the representative of any deceased owner of the bond upon the events and in the manner and at such redemption prices as are specified in the Mortgage. This bond is also mandatorily redeemable under certain circumstances in the manner and at such redemption price as is provided in the Mortgage.

No recourse shall be had for the payment of the principal of or interest on this bond against any incorporator or any past, present or future subscriber to the capital stock, stockholder, officer or director of the Company or of any predecessor or successor corporation, as such, either directly or through the Company or any predecessor or successor corporation, under any rule of law, statute or constitution or by the enforcement of any assessment or otherwise, all such liability of incorporators, subscribers, stockholders, officers and directors being released by the holder or owner hereof by the acceptance of this bond and being likewise waived and released by the terms of the Mortgage.

As provided in the Mortgage, this bond shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Entergy New Orleans, Inc. has caused this bond to be signed in its corporate name by its Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, President or one of its Vice Presidents by his or her signature or a facsimile thereof, and its corporate seal to be impressed or imprinted hereon and attested by its Secretary or one of its Assistant Secretaries by his or her signature or a facsimile thereof.








This bond is one of the bonds, of the series herein designated, described or provided for in the within-mentioned mortgage.

as Trustee,

Authorized Signatory


Unless and until this bond is exchanged in whole or in part for certificated bonds registered in the names of the various beneficial holders hereof as then certified to the Trustee by The Depository Trust Company or its successor (the "Depositary"), this bond may not be transferred except as a whole by the Depositary to a nominee of the Depositary or by a nominee of the Depositary to the Depositary or another nominee of the Depositary or by the Depositary or any such nominee to a successor Depositary or a nominee of such successor Depositary.

Unless this certificate is presented by an authorized representative of the Depositary to the Company or its agent for registration of transfer, exchange or payment, and any certificate to be issued is registered in the name of Cede & Co., or such other name as requested by an authorized representative of the Depositary, and any amount payable thereunder is made payable to Cede & Co., or such other name, ANY TRANSFER, PLEDGE OR OTHER USE HEREOF FOR VALUE OR OTHERWISE BY OR TO ANY PERSON IS WRONGFUL since the registered owner hereof, Cede & Co., has an interest herein.

This bond may be exchanged for certificated bonds registered in the names of the various beneficial owners hereof if (a) the Depositary is at any time unwilling or unable to continue as depositary and a successor depositary is not appointed by the Company within 90 days or (b) the Company elects to issue certificated bonds to beneficial owners (as certified to the Company by the Depositary).]



Financial Guaranty Insurance Company ("Financial Guaranty") has issued a surety bond containing the following provisions with respect to the Bonds, such surety bond being on file at the principal office of Trustee, as paying agent for the Bonds (the "Paying Agent"):

Financial Guaranty hereby unconditionally and irrevocably agrees to pay for disbursement to the Bondholders that portion of the principal of and interest on the Bonds which is then due for payment and which the issuer of the Bonds (the "Issuer") shall have failed to provide. Due for payment means, with respect to principal, the stated maturity date thereof, and does not refer to any earlier date on which the payment of principal or of the Bonds is due by reason of call for redemption, acceleration or other advancement of maturity, and with respect to interest, the stated date for payment of such interest.

Upon receipt of telephonic or telegraphic notice, subsequently confirmed in writing, or written notice by registered or certified mail, from a Bondholder or the Paying Agent to Financial Guaranty that the required payment of principal or interest has not been made by the Issuer to the Paying Agent, Financial Guaranty on the due date of such payment or within one business day after receipt of notice of such nonpayment, whichever is later, will make a deposit of funds, in an account with U.S. Bank Trust National Association, or its successor as its agent (the "Fiscal Agent"), sufficient to make the portion of such payment not paid by the Issuer. Upon presentation to the Fiscal Agent of evidence satisfactory to it of the Bondholder's right to receive such payment and any appropriate instruments of assignment required to vest all of such Bondholder's right to such payment in Financial Guaranty, the Fiscal Agent will disburse such amount to the Bondholder.

As used herein the term "Bondholder" means the person other than the Issuer or the borrower(s) of Bond proceeds who at the time of nonpayment of a Bond is entitled under the terms of such Bond to payment thereof.

The surety bond is non-cancellable for any reason.




5.60% Series due September 1, 2024
(the "Bonds")



The undersigned, ____________________ (the "Participant"), does hereby certify, pursuant to the provisions of that certain Mortgage and Deed of Trust granted by Entergy New Orleans, Inc. (the "Company") to Bank of Montreal Trust Company (The Bank of New York, successor), as corporate trustee, and Z. George Klodnicki (Stephen J. Giurlando, successor), as trustee, dated as of May 1, 1987, as supplemented (the "Mortgage"), to The Depository Trust Company (the "depository"), the Company and the corporate trustee that:

1. [Name of deceased Beneficial Owner] is deceased.

2. [Name of deceased Beneficial Owner] had a $__________ interest in the above referenced Bonds.

3. [Name of Representative] is [Beneficial Owner's personal representative/other person authorized to represent the estate of the Beneficial Owner/surviving joint tenant/surviving tenant by the entirety/trustee of a trust] of [Name of deceased Beneficial Owner] and has delivered to the undersigned a request for redemption in form satisfactory to the undersigned, requesting that $__________ principal amount of said Bonds be redeemed pursuant to said Mortgage. The documents accompanying such request, all of which are in proper form, are in all respects satisfactory to the undersigned and the [Name of Representative] is entitled to have the Bonds to which this Request relates redeemed.

4. The Participant holds the interest in the Bonds with respect to which this Request for Redemption is being made on behalf of [Name of deceased Beneficial Owner].

5. The Participant hereby certifies that it will indemnify and hold harmless the depository, the corporate trustee, and the Company (including their respective officers, directors, agents, attorneys and employees), against all damages, loss, cost, expense (including reasonable attorneys' and accountants' fees), obligations, claims or liability (collectively, the "Damages") incurred by the indemnified party or parties as a result of or in connection with the redemption of Bonds to which this Request relates. The Participant will, at the request of the Company, forward to the Company, a copy of the documents submitted by [Name of Representative] in support of the request for redemption.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Redemption Request as of ____________, _____.







EX-4 4 a4e.htm

Exhibit 4(e)




(successor to Guaranty Trust Company of New York)



(successor to Henry A. Theis)


(as to property, real or personal, situated or being in Missouri)


(successor to Marvin A. Mueller)

As Trustees under Entergy Arkansas, Inc.'s Mortgage and Deed of Trust,
Dated as of October 1, 1944



Providing among other things for
First Mortgage Bonds, 6.38% Series due November 1, 2034 (Sixty-ninth Series)


Dated as of October 1, 2004



INDENTURE, dated as of October 1, 2004, between ENTERGY ARKANSAS, INC., a corporation of the State of Arkansas, whose post office address is 425 West Capitol, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (hereinafter sometimes called the "Company"), and DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANY AMERICAS (successor to Guaranty Trust Company of New York), a New York banking corporation, whose post office address is 60 Wall Street, MS NYC 60-2710, New York, New York 10005 (hereinafter sometimes called the "Corporate Trustee"), and STANLEY BURG (successor to Henry A. Theis), and (as to property, real or personal, situated or being in Missouri) BNY TRUST COMPANY OF MISSOURI (successor to Marvin A. Mueller), whose mailing address is 911 Washington Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63101 (said Stanley Burg being hereinafter sometimes called the "Co-Trustee", and said BNY Trust Company of Missouri being hereinafter sometimes called the "Missouri Co-Trustee", and the Corporate Trustee, the C o-Trustee and the Missouri Co-Trustee being hereinafter together sometimes called the "Trustees"), as Trustees under the Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of October 1, 1944 (hereinafter sometimes called the "Mortgage"), which Mortgage was executed and delivered by the Company to secure the payment of bonds issued or to be issued under and in accordance with the provisions of the Mortgage, reference to which Mortgage is hereby made, this indenture (hereinafter called the "Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture") being supplemental thereto.

WHEREAS, the Mortgage was appropriately filed or recorded in various official records in the States of Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee and Wyoming; and

WHEREAS, an instrument, dated as of July 7, 1949, was executed by the Company appointing Herbert E. Twyeffort as Co-Trustee in succession to Henry A. Theis (resigned) under the Mortgage, and by Herbert E. Twyeffort accepting said appointment, and said instrument was appropriately filed or recorded in various official records in the States of Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee and Wyoming; and

WHEREAS, an instrument, dated as of March 1, 1960, was executed by the Company appointing Grainger S. Greene as Co-Trustee in succession to Herbert E. Twyeffort (resigned) under the Mortgage, and by Grainger S. Greene accepting said appointment, and said instrument was appropriately filed or recorded in various official records in the States of Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee and Wyoming; and

WHEREAS, by the Twenty-first Supplemental Indenture mentioned below, the Company, among other things, appointed John W. Flaherty as Co-Trustee in succession to Grainger S. Greene (resigned) under the Mortgage, and John W. Flaherty accepted said appointment; and

WHEREAS, by the Thirty-third Supplemental Indenture mentioned below, the Company, among other things, appointed Marvin A. Mueller as Missouri Co-Trustee under the Mortgage, and Marvin A. Mueller accepted said appointment; and

WHEREAS, by the Thirty-fifth Supplemental Indenture mentioned below, the Company, among other things, appointed The Boatmen's National Bank of St. Louis as Missouri Co-Trustee in succession to Marvin A. Mueller (resigned) under the Mortgage, and The Boatmen's National Bank of St. Louis accepted said appointment; and

WHEREAS, an instrument, dated as of September 1, 1994, was executed by the Company appointing Bankers Trust Company as Trustee, and Stanley Burg as Co-Trustee, in succession to Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York (resigned) and John W. Flaherty (resigned), respectively, under the Mortgage and Bankers Trust Company and Stanley Burg accepted said appointments, and said instrument was appropriately filed or recorded in various official records in the States of Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee and Wyoming; and

WHEREAS, by the Fifty-fifth Supplemental Indenture mentioned below, the Company, among other things, appointed Peter D. Van Cleve as Missouri Co-Trustee in succession to The Boatmen's National Bank of St. Louis (resigned) under the Mortgage, and Peter D. Van Cleve accepted said appointment; and

WHEREAS, by an instrument, dated as of May 31, 2000, the Company appointed BNY Trust Company of Missouri as Missouri Co-Trustee in succession to Peter D. Van Cleve (resigned) under the Mortgage, and BNY Trust Company of Missouri accepted said appointment, and said instrument was appropriately filed or recorded in various official records in the State of Missouri; and

WHEREAS, by an instrument, dated as of April 15, 2002, filed with the Banking Department of the State of New York, Bankers Trust Company, Trustee, effected a corporate name change pursuant to which, effective such date, it is known as Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas; and

WHEREAS, by the Mortgage the Company covenanted that it would execute and deliver such supplemental indenture or indentures and such further instruments and do such further acts as might be necessary or proper to carry out more effectually the purposes of the Mortgage and to make subject to the lien of the Mortgage any property thereafter acquired and intended to be subject to the lien thereof; and

WHEREAS, the Company executed and delivered to the Trustees the following supplemental indentures:


Dated as of

First Supplemental Indenture

July 1, 1947

Second Supplemental Indenture

August 1, 1948

Third Supplemental Indenture

October 1, 1949

Fourth Supplemental Indenture

June 1, 1950

Fifth Supplemental Indenture

October 1, 1951

Sixth Supplemental Indenture

September 1, 1952

Seventh Supplemental Indenture

June 1, 1953

Eighth Supplemental Indenture

August 1, 1954

Ninth Supplemental Indenture

April 1, 1955

Tenth Supplemental Indenture

December 1, 1959

Eleventh Supplemental Indenture

May 1, 1961

Twelfth Supplemental Indenture

February 1, 1963

Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture

April 1, 1965

Fourteenth Supplemental Indenture

March 1, 1966

Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture

March 1, 1967

Sixteenth Supplemental Indenture

April 1, 1968

Seventeenth Supplemental Indenture

June 1, 1968

Eighteenth Supplemental Indenture

December 1, 1969

Nineteenth Supplemental Indenture

August 1, 1970

Twentieth Supplemental Indenture

March 1, 1971

Twenty-first Supplemental Indenture

August 1, 1971

Twenty-second Supplemental Indenture

April 1, 1972

Twenty-third Supplemental Indenture

December 1, 1972

Twenty-fourth Supplemental Indenture

June 1, 1973

Twenty-fifth Supplemental Indenture

December 1, 1973

Twenty-sixth Supplemental Indenture

June 1, 1974

Twenty-seventh Supplemental Indenture

November 1, 1974

Twenty-eighth Supplemental Indenture

July 1, 1975

Twenty-ninth Supplemental Indenture

December 1, 1977

Thirtieth Supplemental Indenture

July 1, 1978

Thirty-first Supplemental Indenture

February 1, 1979

Thirty-second Supplemental Indenture

December 1, 1980

Thirty-third Supplemental Indenture

January 1, 1981

Thirty-fourth Supplemental Indenture

August 1, 1981

Thirty-fifth Supplemental Indenture

February 1, 1982

Thirty-sixth Supplemental Indenture

December 1, 1982

Thirty-seventh Supplemental Indenture

February 1, 1983

Thirty-eighth Supplemental Indenture

December 1, 1984

Thirty-ninth Supplemental Indenture

December 1, 1985

Fortieth Supplemental Indenture

July 1, 1986

Forty-first Supplemental Indenture

July 1, 1989

Forty-second Supplemental Indenture

February 1, 1990

Forty-third Supplemental Indenture

October 1, 1990

Forty-fourth Supplemental Indenture

November 1, 1990

Forty-fifth Supplemental Indenture

January 1, 1991

Forty-sixth Supplemental Indenture

August 1, 1992

Forty-seventh Supplemental Indenture

November 1, 1992

Forty-eighth Supplemental Indenture

June 15, 1993

Forty-ninth Supplemental Indenture

August 1, 1993

Fiftieth Supplemental Indenture

October 1, 1993

Fifty-first Supplemental Indenture

October 1, 1993

Fifty-second Supplemental Indenture

June 15, 1994

Fifty-third Supplemental Indenture

March 1, 1996

Fifty-fourth Supplemental Indenture

March 1, 1997

Fifty-fifth Supplemental Indenture

March 1, 2000

Fifty-sixth Supplemental Indenture

July 1, 2001

Fifty-seventh Supplemental Indenture

March 1, 2002

Fifty-eighth Supplemental Indenture

November 1, 2002

Fifty-ninth Supplemental Indenture

May 1, 2003

Sixtieth Supplemental Indenture

June 1, 2003

Sixty-first Supplemental Indenture

June 15, 2003

which supplemental indentures were appropriately filed or recorded in various official records in the States of Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee and Wyoming, as applicable; and

WHEREAS, in addition to the property described in the Mortgage, as heretofore supplemented, the Company has acquired certain other property, rights and interests in property; and

WHEREAS, the Company has heretofore issued, in accordance with the provisions of the Mortgage, as supplemented, the following series of First Mortgage Bonds:




3 1/8% Series due 1974



2 7/8% Series due 1977



3 1/8% Series due 1978



2 7/8% Series due 1979



2 7/8% Series due 1980



3 5/8% Series due 1981



3 1/2% Series due 1982



4 1/4% Series due 1983



3 1/4% Series due 1984



3 3/8% Series due 1985



5 5/8% Series due 1989



4 7/8% Series due 1991



4 3/8% Series due 1993



4 5/8% Series due 1995



5 3/4% Series due 1996



5 7/8% Series due 1997



7 3/8% Series due 1998



9 1/4% Series due 1999



9 5/8% Series due 2000



7 5/8% Series due 2001



8 % Series due August 1, 2001



7 3/4% Series due 2002



7 1/2% Series due December 1, 2002



8 % Series due 2003



8 1/8% Series due December 1, 2003



10 1/2% Series due 2004



9 1/4% Series due November 1, 1981



10 1/8% Series due July 1, 2005



9 1/8% Series due December 1, 2007



9 7/8% Series due July 1, 2008



10 1/4% Series due February 1, 2009



16 1/8% Series due December 1, 1986



4 1/2% Series due September 1, 1983



5 1/2% Series due January 1, 1988



5 5/8% Series due May 1, 1990



6 1/4% Series due December 1, 1996



9 3/4% Series due September 1, 2000



8 3/4% Series due March 1, 1998



17 3/8% Series due August 1, 1988



16 1/2% Series due February 1, 1991



13 3/8% Series due December 1, 2012



13 1/4% Series due February 1, 2013



14 1/8% Series due December 1, 2014



Pollution Control Series A



10 1/4% Series due July 1, 2016



9 3/4% Series due July 1, 2019



10% Series due February 1, 2020



10 3/8% Series due October 1, 2020



Solid Waste Disposal Series A



Solid Waste Disposal Series B



7 1/2% Series due August 1, 2007



7.90% Series due November 1, 2002



8.70% Series due November 1, 2022



Pollution Control Series B



6.65% Series due August 1, 2005



6 % Series due October 1, 2003



7 % Series due October 1, 2023



Pollution Control Series C



Pollution Control Series D



8 3/4% Series due March 1, 2026



7% Series due March 1, 2002



7.72 % Series due March 1, 2003



6 1/8 % Series due July 1, 2005



6.70% Series due April 1, 2032



6.00% Series due November 1, 2032



5.40% Series due May 1, 2018



5.90% Series due June 1, 2033



5% Series due July 1, 2018



which bonds are also hereinafter sometimes called bonds of the First through Sixty-eighth Series, respectively; and

WHEREAS, Section 8 of the Mortgage provides that the form of each series of bonds (other than the First Series) issued thereunder and of the coupons to be attached to coupon bonds of such series shall be established by Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company and that the form of such series, as established by said Board of Directors, shall specify the descriptive title of the bonds and various other terms thereof, and may also contain such provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of the Mortgage as the Board of Directors may, in its discretion, cause to be inserted therein expressing or referring to the terms and conditions upon which such bonds are to be issued and/or secured under the Mortgage; and

WHEREAS, Section 120 of the Mortgage provides, among other things, that any power, privilege or right expressly or impliedly reserved to or in any way conferred upon the Company by any provision of the Mortgage, whether such power, privilege or right is in any way restricted or is unrestricted, may be in whole or in part waived or surrendered or subjected to any restriction if at the time unrestricted or to additional restriction if already restricted, and the Company may enter into any further covenants, limitations or restrictions for the benefit of any one or more series of bonds issued thereunder, or the Company may cure any ambiguity contained therein or in any supplemental indenture, or may establish the terms and provisions of any series of bonds other than said First Series, by an instrument in writing executed and acknowledged by the Company in such manner as would be necessary to entitle a conveyance of real estate to record in all of the states in which any property at the time subject to the lien of the Mortgage shall be situated; and

WHEREAS, the Company now desires to create a new series of bonds, hereinafter referred to as bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series, unless the context otherwise requires, and (pursuant to the provisions of Section 120 of the Mortgage) to add to its covenants and agreements contained in the Mortgage, as heretofore supplemented, certain other covenants and agreements to be observed by it and to alter and amend in certain respects the covenants and provisions contained in the Mortgage, as heretofore supplemented; and

WHEREAS, the execution and delivery by the Company of this Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture, and the terms of the bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series, have been duly authorized by the Board of Directors of the Company by appropriate Resolutions of said Board of Directors.


That the Company, in consideration of the premises and of One Dollar to it duly paid by the Trustees at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in further evidence of assurance of the estate, title and rights of the Trustees and in order further to secure the payment of both the principal of and interest and premium, if any, on the bonds from time to time issued under the Mortgage, according to their tenor and effect and the performance of all the provisions of the Mortgage (including any instruments supplemental thereto and any modifications made as in the Mortgage provided) and of said bonds, hereby grants, bargains, sells, releases, conveys, assigns, transfers, mortgages, hypothecates, affects, pledges, sets over and confirms (subject, however, to Excepted Encumbrances as defined in Section 6 of the Mortgage) unto BNY Trust Company of Missouri (as to property, real or personal, situated or being in Missouri) and Stanley Bur g (but, as to property, real or personal, situated or being in Missouri, only to the extent of his legal capacity to hold the same for the purposes hereof) and (to the extent of its legal capacity to hold the same for the purposes hereof) to Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as Trustees under the Mortgage, and to their successor or successors in said trust, and to them and their successors and assigns forever, all property, real, personal or mixed, of any kind or nature acquired by the Company after the date of the execution and delivery of the Mortgage (except any herein or in the Mortgage, as heretofore supplemented, expressly excepted), now owned or, subject to the provisions of Section 87 of the Mortgage, hereafter acquired by the Company (by purchase, consolidation, merger, donation, construction, erection or in any other way) and wheresoever situated, including (without in anywise limiting or impairing by the enumeration of the same the scope and intent of the foregoing or of any general descriptio n contained in this Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture) all lands, power sites, flowage rights, water rights, water locations, water appropriations, ditches, flumes, reservoirs, reservoir sites, canals, raceways, dams, dam sites, aqueducts, and all other rights or means for appropriating, conveying, storing and supplying water; all rights of way and roads; all plants for the generation of electricity by steam, water and/or other power; all power houses, gas plants, street lighting systems, standards and other equipment incidental thereto; all street and interurban railway and transportation lines and systems, terminal systems and facilities; all bridges, culverts, tracks, railways, sidings, spurs, wyes, roadbeds, trestles and viaducts; all overground and underground trolleys and feeder wires; all telephone, radio and television systems, air-conditioning systems and equipment incidental thereto, water works, water systems, steam heat and hot water plants, substations, lines, service and supply systems, ice o r refrigeration plants and equipment, offices, buildings and other structures and the equipment thereof, all machinery, engines, boilers, dynamos, electric, gas and other machines, regulators, meters, transformers, generators, motors, electrical, gas and mechanical appliances, conduits, cables, water, steam heat, gas or other pipes, gas mains and pipes, service pipes, fittings, valves and connections, pole and transmission lines, wires, cables, tools, implements, apparatus, furniture and chattels; all municipal and other franchises, consents or permits; all lines for the transmission and distribution of electric current, gas, steam heat or water for any purpose including towers, poles, wires, cables, pipes, conduits, ducts and all apparatus for use in connection therewith; all real estate, lands, easements, servitudes, licenses, permits, franchises, privileges, rights of way and other rights in or relating to real estate or the occupancy of the same and (except as herein or in the Mortgage, as heretofore sup plemented, expressly excepted) all the right, title and interest of the Company in and to all other property of any kind or nature appertaining to and/or used and/or occupied and/or enjoyed in connection with any property hereinbefore or in the Mortgage, as heretofore supplemented, described.

TOGETHER WITH all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, prescriptions, servitudes and appurtenances belonging or in anywise appertaining to the aforesaid property or any part thereof, with the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders and (subject to the provisions of Section 57 of the Mortgage) the tolls, rents, revenues, issues, earnings, income, product and profits thereof and all the estate, right, title and interest and claim whatsoever, at law as well as in equity, which the Company now has or may hereafter acquire in and to the aforesaid property and franchises and every part and parcel thereof.

IT IS HEREBY AGREED by the Company that, subject to the provisions of Section 87 of the Mortgage, all the property, rights and franchises acquired by the Company (by purchase, consolidation, merger, donation, construction, erection or in any other way) after the date hereof, except any herein or in the Mortgage, as heretofore supplemented, expressly excepted, shall be and are as fully granted and conveyed hereby and by the Mortgage and as fully embraced within the lien hereof and the lien of the Mortgage, as heretofore supplemented, as if such property, rights and franchises were now owned by the Company and were specifically described herein or in the Mortgage and conveyed hereby or thereby.

PROVIDED THAT the following are not and are not intended to be now or hereafter granted, bargained, sold, released, conveyed, assigned, transferred, mortgaged, hypothecated, affected, pledged, set over or confirmed hereunder and are hereby expressly excepted from the lien and operation of this Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture and from the lien and operation of the Mortgage, as heretofore supplemented, viz: (1) cash, shares of stock, bonds, notes and other obligations and other securities not hereafter specifically pledged, paid, deposited, delivered or held under the Mortgage or covenanted so to be; (2) merchandise, equipment, materials or supplies held for the purpose of sale in the usual course of business or for the purpose of repairing or replacing (in whole or in part) any street cars, rolling stock, trolley coaches, motor coaches, buses, automobiles or other vehicles or aircraft, and fuel, oil and similar materials and supplies consumable in the operation of any properties of the Company; street cars, rolling stock, trolley coaches, motor coaches, buses, automobiles and other vehicles and all aircraft; (3) bills, notes and accounts receivable, judgments, demands and choses in action, and all contracts, leases and operating agreements not specifically pledged under the Mortgage, as heretofore supplemented, or covenanted so to be; the Company's contractual rights or other interest in or with respect to tires not owned by the Company; (4) the last day of the term of any lease or leasehold which may hereafter become subject to the lien of the Mortgage; (5) electric energy, gas, ice, and other materials or products generated, manufactured, produced or purchased by the Company for sale, distribution or use in the ordinary course of its business; all timber, minerals, mineral rights and royalties; (6) the Company's franchise to be a corporation; (7) the properties heretofore sold or in the process of being sold by the Company and heretofore released from the Mortgage and Deed of Trust dated as of October 1, 1926 from Arkansas Power & Light Company to Guaranty Trust Company of New York, trustee, and specifically described in a release instrument executed by Guaranty Trust Company of New York, as trustee, dated October 13, 1938, which release has heretofore been delivered by the said trustee to the Company and recorded by the Company in the office of the Recorder for Garland County, Arkansas, in Record Book 227, Page 1, all of said properties being located in Garland County, Arkansas; and (8) any property heretofore released pursuant to any provisions of the Mortgage and not heretofore disposed of by the Company; provided, however, that the property and rights expressly excepted from the lien and operation of the Mortgage, as heretofore supplemented, and this Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture in the above subdivisions (2) and (3) shall (to the extent permitted by law) cease to be so excepted in the event and as of the date that any or all of the Trustees or a receiver or trustee shall ente r upon and take possession of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property in the manner provided in Article XIII of the Mortgage by reason of the occurrence of a Default as defined in Section 65 thereof.

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all such properties, real, personal and mixed, granted, bargained, sold, released, conveyed, assigned, transferred, mortgaged, hypothecated, affected, pledged, set over or confirmed by the Company as aforesaid, or intended so to be, unto BNY Trust Company of Missouri (as to property, real or personal, situated or being in Missouri), and unto Stanley Burg (but, as to property, real or personal, situated or being in Missouri, only to the extent of his legal capacity to hold the same for the purposes hereof) and (to the extent of its legal capacity to hold the same for the purposes hereof) unto Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as Trustees, and their successors and assigns forever.

IN TRUST NEVERTHELESS, for the same purposes and upon the same terms, trusts and conditions and subject to and with the same provisos and covenants as are set forth in the Mortgage, as heretofore supplemented, this Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture being supplemental to the Mortgage.

AND IT IS HEREBY COVENANTED by the Company that all the terms, conditions, provisos, covenants and provisions contained in the Mortgage, as heretofore supplemented, shall affect and apply to the property hereinbefore described and conveyed and to the estate, rights, obligations and duties of the Company and Trustees and the beneficiaries of the trust with respect to said property, and to the Trustees and their successors in the trust in the same manner and with the same effect as if said property had been owned by the Company at the time of the execution of the Mortgage, and had been specifically and at length described in and conveyed to said Trustees, by the Mortgage as a part of the property therein stated to be conveyed.

The Company further covenants and agrees to and with the Trustees and their successors in said trust under the Mortgage, as follows:


    1. There shall be a series of bonds designated "6.38% Series due November 1, 2034" (herein sometimes called the "Sixty-ninth Series"), each of which shall also bear the descriptive title "First Mortgage Bond", and the form thereof, which shall be established by Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company, shall contain suitable provisions with respect to the matters hereinafter in this Section specified. Bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series (which shall be initially issued in the aggregate principal amount of $60,000,000) shall mature on November 1, 2034, shall be issued as fully registered bonds in the denomination of One Thousand Dollars and, at the option of the Company, in any multiple or multiples of One Thousand Dollars (the exercise of such option to be evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof), shall bear interest at the rate of 6.38% per annum, the first interest payment to be made on May 1, 2005, for the period from October 12, 2004 to Ma y 1, 2005 with subsequent interest payments payable semi-annually on May 1 and November 1 of each year (each an "Interest Payment Date"), shall be dated as in Section 10 of the Mortgage provided, and the principal of and interest on each said bond shall be payable at the office or agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, in such coin or currency of the United States of America as at the time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts.

Interest on the bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series will be computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months. In any case where any Interest Payment Date, redemption date or maturity of any bond of the Sixty-ninth Series shall not be a Business Day, then payment of interest or principal need not be made on such date, but may be made on the next succeeding Business Day, with the same force and effect, and in the same amount, as if made on the corresponding Interest Payment Date or redemption date, or at maturity, as the case may be, and, if such payment is made or duly provided for on such Business Day, no interest shall accrue on the amount so payable for the period from and after such Interest Payment Date, redemption date or maturity, as the case may be, to such Business Day. "Business Day" means any day, other than a Saturday or a Sunday, or a day on which banking institutions in The City of New York are authorized or required by law or executive order to remain cl osed or a day on which the corporate trust office of the Corporate Trustee is closed for business.

So long as all of the bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series are held by The Depository Trust Company or its nominee, or a successor thereof, the record date for the payment of interest on the bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series shall be the Business Day immediately preceding the corresponding Interest Payment Date; provided, however, that the record date for the payment of interest which is paid after such Interest Payment Date, shall be the Business Day immediately preceding the date on which such interest is paid. Interest on the bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series shall be paid to the Person in whose name such bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series are registered at the close of business on the record date for the corresponding Interest Payment Date.

(I) Form of Bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series.

The Bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series, and the Corporate Trustee's authentication certificate to be executed on the Bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series, shall be in substantially the following forms, respectively:


[depository legend]

Unless this Certificate is presented by an authorized representative of The Depository Trust Company, a New York corporation ("DTC"), to the Company or its agent for registration of transfer, exchange, or payment, and any certificate issued is registered in the name of Cede & Co. or in such other name as is requested by an authorized representative of DTC (and any payment is made to Cede & Co. or to such other entity as is requested by an authorized representative of DTC), ANY TRANSFER, PLEDGE, OR OTHER USE HEREOF FOR VALUE OR OTHERWISE BY OR TO ANY PERSON IS WRONGFUL inasmuch as the registered owner hereof, Cede & Co., has an interest herein.


No. TR-__

CUSIP 29364D AK 6


ENTERGY ARKANSAS, INC., a corporation of the State of Arkansas (hereinafter called the Company), for value received, hereby promises to pay to CEDE & CO. or registered assigns, on November 1, 2034 at the office or agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York,


in such coin or currency of the United States of America as at the time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts, and to pay to the registered owner hereof interest thereon from October 12, 2004, if the date of this bond is prior to May 1, 2005, or if the date of this bond is on or after May 1, 2005, from the May 1 or November 1 next preceding the date of this bond to which interest has been paid (unless the date hereof is an interest payment date to which interest has been paid, in which case from the date hereof), at the rate of 6.38% per annum in like coin or currency at said office or agency on May 1 and November 1 of each year, commencing May 1, 2005, until the principal of this bond shall have become due and payable, and to pay interest on any overdue principal and (to the extent that payment of such interest is enforceable under the applicable law) on any overdue installment of interest at the rate of 6% per annum. So long as this bond is held by The Depository Trust Company or its nominee, or a successor thereof, the record date for the payment of interest hereon shall be the Business Day (as defined in the Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture referred to below) immediately preceding the date on which interest is due; provided, however, that the record date for the payment of interest which is paid after the date on which such interest is due, shall be the Business Day immediately preceding the date on which such interest is paid. Interest hereon shall be paid to the Person in whose name this bond is registered at the close of business on the record date for the payment of such interest. If any interest payment date for this bond falls on a day that is not a Business Day, the payment of interest will be made on the next succeeding Business Day, and no interest on such payment shall accrue for the period from and after such interest payment date. If the maturity date or any redemption date of this bond falls on a day that is not a Business Day, the payment of principa l and interest (to the extent payable with respect to the principal being redeemed if on a redemption date) will be made on the next succeeding Business Day, and no interest on such payment shall accrue for the period from and after the maturity date or such redemption date.

This bond is a temporary bond and is one of an issue of bonds of the Company issuable in series and is one of a series known as its First Mortgage Bonds, 6.38% Series due November 1, 2034, all bonds of all series issued and to be issued under and equally secured (except insofar as any sinking or other fund, established in accordance with the provisions of the Mortgage hereinafter mentioned, may afford additional security for the bonds of any particular series) by a Mortgage and Deed of Trust (herein, together with any indenture supplemental thereto, including the Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture dated as of October 1, 2004, called the Mortgage), dated as of October 1, 1944, executed by the Company to Guaranty Trust Company of New York (Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, successor) and Henry A. Theis (Stanley Burg, successor) and, as to property, real or personal, situated or being in Missouri, Marvin A. Mueller (BNY Trust Company of Missouri, successor), as Trustees. Reference is ma de to the Mortgage for a description of the property mortgaged and pledged, the nature and extent of the security, the rights of the holders of the bonds and of the Trustees in respect thereof, the duties and immunities of the Trustees and the terms and conditions upon which the bonds are and are to be secured and the circumstances under which additional bonds may be issued. With the consent of the Company and to the extent permitted by and as provided in the Mortgage, the rights and obligations of the Company and/or the rights of the holders of the bonds and/or coupons and/or the terms and provisions of the Mortgage may be modified or altered by such affirmative vote or votes of the holders of bonds then outstanding as are specified in the Mortgage.

The principal hereof may be declared or may become due prior to the maturity date hereinbefore named on the conditions, in the manner and at the time set forth in the Mortgage, upon the occurrence of a default as in the Mortgage provided.

In the manner prescribed in the Mortgage, this bond is transferable by the registered owner hereof in person, or by his duly authorized attorney, at the office or agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, upon surrender and cancellation of this bond, together with a written instrument of transfer duly executed by the registered owner or by his duly authorized attorney, and thereupon a new fully registered temporary or definitive bond of the same series for a like principal amount will be issued to the transferee in exchange herefor as provided in the Mortgage. The Company and the Trustees may deem and treat the person in whose name this bond is registered as the absolute owner hereof for the purpose of receiving payment and for all other purposes and neither the Company nor the Trustees shall be affected by any notice to the contrary.

In the manner prescribed in the Mortgage, any bonds of this series, upon surrender thereof for cancellation at the office or agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, are exchangeable for a like aggregate principal amount of bonds of the same series of other authorized denominations.

In the manner prescribed in the Mortgage, this temporary bond is exchangeable at the office or agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, without charge, for a definitive bond or bonds of the same series of a like aggregate principal amount when such definitive bonds are prepared and ready for delivery.

As provided in the Mortgage, the Company shall not be required to make transfers or exchanges of bonds of any series for a period of ten days next preceding any interest payment date for bonds of said series, or next preceding any designation of bonds of said series to be redeemed, and the Company shall not be required to make transfers or exchanges of any bonds designated in whole or in part for redemption.

The bonds of this series are subject to redemption as provided in the Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture.

No recourse shall be had for the payment of the principal of or interest on this bond against any incorporator or any past, present or future subscriber to the capital stock, stockholder, officer or director of the Company or of any predecessor or successor corporation, as such, either directly or through the Company or any predecessor or successor corporation, under any rule of law, statute or constitution or by the enforcement of any assessment or otherwise, all such liability of incorporators, subscribers, stockholders, officers and directors being released by the holder or owner hereof by the acceptance of this bond and being likewise waived and released by the terms of the Mortgage.

This bond shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of New York.

This bond shall not become obligatory until Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, the Corporate Trustee under the Mortgage, or its successor thereunder, shall have signed the form of authentication certificate endorsed hereon.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ENTERGY ARKANSAS, INC. has caused this bond to be signed in its corporate name by its President or one of its Vice Presidents by his signature or a facsimile thereof, and its corporate seal to be impressed or imprinted hereon and attested by its Secretary or one of its Assistant Secretaries, by his signature or a facsimile thereof, on October 12, 2004.


Steven C. McNeal
Vice President and Treasurer


Christopher T. Screen
Assistant Secretary


This bond is one of the bonds, of the series herein designated, described or provided for in the within-mentioned Mortgage.


as Corporate Trustee

By ___________________________
Authorized Officer

(II) The bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series shall be redeemable at the option of the Company, in whole or in part, on not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days notice prior to the date fixed for redemption, (a) at any time prior to November 1, 2009, at a redemption price equal to the greater of (i) 100% of the principal amount of such bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series to be redeemed and (ii) as determined by the Independent Investment Banker, the sum of (x) the present value of the payment on November 1, 2009 of the principal amount of such bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series to be redeemed plus (y) the sum of the present values of the remaining scheduled payments of interest on such bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series to be redeemed to November 1, 2009 (excluding the portion of any such interest accrued to such redemption date), discounted (for purposes of determining such present values) to the redemption date on a semi-annual basis (assuming a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months ) at the Adjusted Treasury Rate plus 0.25%, and (b) at any time on or after November 1, 2009, prior to maturity of the bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series, at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount of such bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series to be redeemed, plus, in each case, accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the redemption date.

As used herein, the following defined terms shall have the respective meanings specified unless the context clearly requires otherwise:

The term "Adjusted Treasury Rate" shall mean, with respect to any redemption date:

(1) the yield, under the heading which represents the average for the immediately preceding week, appearing in the most recently published statistical release designated "H.15(519)" or any successor publication which is published weekly by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and which establishes yields on actively traded United States Treasury securities adjusted to constant maturity under the caption "Treasury Constant Maturities," for the maturity corresponding to the Comparable Treasury Issue (if no maturity is within three months before or after November 1, 2009, yields for the two published maturities most closely corresponding to the Comparable Treasury Issue shall be determined and the Adjusted Treasury Rate shall be interpolated or extrapolated from such yields on a straight line basis, rounding to the nearest month); or

(2) if such release (or any successor release) is not published during the week preceding the calculation date for the Adjusted Treasury Rate or does not contain such yields, the rate per annum equal to the semi-annual equivalent yield to maturity of the Comparable Treasury Issue, calculated using a price for the Comparable Treasury Issue (expressed as a percentage of its principal amount) equal to the Comparable Treasury Price for such redemption date.

The Adjusted Treasury Rate shall be calculated on the third Business Day preceding the redemption date.

The term "Comparable Treasury Issue" shall mean the United States Treasury security selected by the Independent Investment Banker as having a maturity comparable to November 1, 2009 that would be utilized, at the time of selection and in accordance with customary financial practice, in pricing new issues of corporate debt securities of comparable maturity to November 1, 2009.

The term "Comparable Treasury Price" shall mean, with respect to any redemption date, (i) the average of five Reference Treasury Dealer Quotations for such redemption date after excluding the highest and lowest such Reference Treasury Dealer Quotations or (ii) if the Independent Investment Banker obtains fewer than five such Reference Treasury Dealer Quotations, the average of all such Reference Treasury Dealer Quotations.

The term "Independent Investment Banker" shall mean one of the Reference Treasury Dealers that the Company appoints to act as the Independent Investment Banker from time to time, or, if any of such firms is unwilling or unable to select the Comparable Treasury Issue, an independent investment banking institution of national standing appointed by the Company.

The term "Reference Treasury Dealer" shall mean (i) Citigroup Global Markets Inc. and its successors; provided, however, that if any of the foregoing shall cease to be a primary U.S. Government securities dealer in New York City (a "Primary Treasury Dealer"), the Company shall substitute therefor another Primary Treasury Dealer, and (ii) any other Primary Treasury Dealer selected by the Independent Investment Banker after consultation with the Company.

The term "Reference Treasury Dealer Quotations" shall mean, with respect to each Reference Treasury Dealer and any redemption date, the average, as determined by the Independent Investment Banker, of the bid and asked prices for the Comparable Treasury Issue (expressed in each case as a percentage of its principal amount) quoted in writing to the Independent Investment Banker at 5:00 p.m. on the third Business Day preceding such redemption date.

(III) At the option of the registered owner, any bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series, upon surrender thereof for cancellation at the office or agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, shall be exchangeable for a like aggregate principal amount of bonds of the same series of other authorized denominations.

Bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series shall be transferable, upon the surrender thereof for cancellation, together with a written instrument of transfer in form approved by the registrar duly executed by the registered owner or by his duly authorized attorney, at the office or agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York.

Upon any exchange or transfer of bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series, the Company may make a charge therefor sufficient to reimburse it for any tax or taxes or other governmental charge, as provided in Section 12 of the Mortgage, but the Company hereby waives any right to make a charge in addition thereto for any exchange or transfer of bonds of said Series.

Upon the delivery of this Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture and upon compliance with the applicable provisions of the Mortgage, as heretofore supplemented, there shall be an initial issue of bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series for the aggregate principal amount of $60,000,000.


    1. The Company covenants that, so long as any of the bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series are Outstanding, it will not declare any dividends on its Common Stock (other than (a) a dividend payable solely in shares of its Common Stock, or (b) a dividend payable in cash in cases where, concurrently with the payment of such dividend, an amount in cash equal to such dividend is received by the Company as a capital contribution or as the proceeds of the issue and sale of shares of its Common Stock) or make any distribution on outstanding shares of its Common Stock or purchase or otherwise acquire for value any outstanding shares of its Common Stock (otherwise than in exchange for or out of the proceeds from the sale of other shares of its Common Stock) if, after such dividend, distribution, purchase or acquisition, the aggregate amount of such dividends, distributions, purchases and acquisitions paid or made subsequent to September 30, 2004 (other than any dividend declared by the Company on or befo re September 30, 2004) exceeds (without giving effect to (i) any of such dividends, distributions, purchases or acquisitions, or (ii) any net transfers from retained earnings to stated capital accounts) the sum of (a) the aggregate amount credited subsequent to September 30, 2004 to retained earnings, (b) $350,000,000 and (c) such additional amount as shall be authorized or approved, upon application by the Company, by the Securities and Exchange Commission, or by any successor commission thereto, under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935.

For the purposes of this Section 2 the aggregate amount credited subsequent to September 30, 2004 to retained earnings shall be determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices after making provision for dividends upon any preferred stock of the Company, accumulated subsequent to such date, but in such determination there shall not be considered charges to retained earnings applicable to the period prior to September 30, 2004, including, but not limited to, charges to retained earnings for write-offs or write-downs of book values of assets owned by the Company on September 30, 2004.


    1. The holders of the bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series shall be deemed to have consented and agreed that the Company may, but shall not be obligated to, fix a record date for the purpose of determining the holders of the bonds of the Sixty-ninth Series entitled to consent to any amendment or supplement to the Mortgage or the waiver of any provision thereof or any act to be performed thereunder. If a record date is fixed, those persons who were holders at such record date (or their duly designated proxies), and only those persons, shall be entitled to consent to such amendment, supplement or waiver or to revoke any consent previously given, whether or not such persons continue to be holders after such record date. No such consent shall be valid or effective for more than 90 days after such record date.

    2. Subject to the amendments provided for in this Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture, the terms defined in the Mortgage and the First through Sixty-first Supplemental Indentures shall, for all purposes of this Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture, have the meanings specified in the Mortgage and the First through Sixty-first Supplemental Indentures.

    3. The Trustees hereby accept the trusts herein declared, provided, created or supplemented and agree to perform the same upon the terms and conditions herein and in the Mortgage and in the First through Sixty-first Supplemental Indentures set forth and upon the following terms and conditions:

      The Trustees shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever for or in respect of the validity or sufficiency of this Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture or for or in respect of the recitals contained herein, all of which recitals are made by the Company solely. In general each and every term and condition contained in Article XVII of the Mortgage, as heretofore amended, shall apply to and form part of this Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture with the same force and effect as if the same were herein set forth in full with such omissions, variations and insertions, if any, as may be appropriate to make the same conform to the provisions of this Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture.

    4. Whenever in this Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture either of the parties hereto is named or referred to, this shall, subject to the provisions of Articles XVI and XVII of the Mortgage, as heretofore amended, be deemed to include the successors and assigns of such party, and all the covenants and agreements in this Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture contained by or on behalf of the Company, or by or on behalf of the Trustees, or any of them, shall, subject as aforesaid, bind and inure to the respective benefits of the respective successors and assigns of such parties, whether so expressed or not.

    5. Nothing in this Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture, expressed or implied, is intended, or shall be construed, to confer upon, or give to, any person, firm or corporation, other than the parties hereto and the holders of the bonds and coupons Outstanding under the Mortgage, any right, remedy or claim under or by reason of this Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture or any covenant, condition, stipulation, promise or agreement hereof, and all the covenants, conditions, stipulations, promises or agreements in this Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture contained by or on behalf of the Company shall be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the parties hereto, and of the holders of the bonds and of the coupons Outstanding under the Mortgage.

    6. This Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture shall be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument.

    7. This Sixty-second Supplemental Indenture shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of New York.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ENTERGY ARKANSAS, INC. has caused its corporate name to be hereunto affixed, and this instrument to be signed and sealed by its President or one of its Vice Presidents, and its corporate seal to be attested by its Secretary or one of its Assistant Secretaries for and in its behalf, and DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANY AMERICAS has caused its corporate name to be hereunto affixed, and this instrument to be signed and sealed by, one of its Vice Presidents or one of its Assistant Vice Presidents, and its corporate seal to be attested by one of its Associates for and in its behalf, and STANLEY BURG has hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal, and BNY TRUST COMPANY OF MISSOURI has caused its corporate name to be hereunto affixed, and this instrument to be signed and sealed by one of its Vice Presidents or one of its Assistant Vice Presidents, and its corporate seal to be attested by one of its Assistant Secretaries or one of its Assistant Treasurers or one of its Assistant Vic e Presidents for and in its behalf, as of the day and year first above written.


By: /s/ Steven C. McNeal
Steven C. McNeal
Vice President and Treasurer


/s/ Christopher T. Screen
Christopher T. Screen
Assistant Secretary

Executed, sealed and delivered by
in the presence of:

/s/ Myrna A. Romain
Myrna A. Romain

/s/ Jennifer B. Favalora
Jennifer B. Favalora


As Corporate Trustee

By: /s/ Susan Johnson____________
Susan Johnson
Vice President


/s/ Irina Golovashchuk
Irina Golovashchuk

As Co-Trustee


/s/ Stanley Burg [L.S.]

Executed, sealed and delivered by
in the presence of:

/s/ Yana Kalachikova
Yana Kalachikova

/s/ Victor Carneiro
Victor Carneiro

As Co-Trustee as to property, real or personal, situated or being in Missouri

By: /s/ Kent Schroeder
Kent Schroeder
Vice President


/s/ Mary E. Marler
Mary E. Marler
Assistant Vice President

Executed, sealed and delivered by
in the presence of:

/s/ Jeffrey Schroeder
Jeffrey Schroeder

/s/ Cheryl A. Rain
Cheryl A. Rain
Assistant Vice President

                                         ) SS.:

On this 8th day of October, 2004, before me, Lloyd L. Drury, III, a Notary Public duly commissioned, qualified and acting within and for said Parish and State, appeared in person the within named Steven C. McNeal and Christopher T. Screen, to me personally well known, who stated that they were the Vice President and Treasurer and Assistant Secretary, respectively, of ENTERGY ARKANSAS, INC., a corporation, and were duly authorized in their respective capacities to execute the foregoing instrument for and in the name and behalf of said corporation, and further stated and acknowledged that they had so signed, executed and delivered said foregoing instrument for the consideration, uses and purposes therein mentioned and set forth.

On the 8th day of October, 2004, before me personally came Steven C. McNeal, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at 7903 Winner's Circle, Mandeville, Louisiana 70448; that he is the Vice President and Treasurer of ENTERGY ARKANSAS, INC., one of the corporations described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order.

On the 8th day of October, 2004, before me appeared Christopher T. Screen, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the Assistant Secretary of ENTERGY ARKANSAS, INC., and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and he acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in said Parish and State the day and year last above written.

/s/ Lloyd L. Drury, III
Lloyd L. Drury, III
Notary Public
Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana
My Commission is Issued For Life

STATE OF New York        )
                                            ) SS.:
COUNTY OF New York    )

On this 8th day of October, 2004, before me, Annie Jaghatspanyan, a Notary Public duly commissioned, qualified and acting within and for said County and State, appeared Susan Johnson and Irina Golovashchuk, to me personally well known, who stated that they were a Vice President and an Associate, respectively, of DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANY AMERICAS, a corporation, and were duly authorized in their respective capacities to execute the foregoing instrument for and in the name and behalf of said corporation; and further stated and acknowledged that they had so signed, executed and delivered said foregoing instrument for the consideration, uses and purposes therein mentioned and set forth.

On the 8th day of October, 2004, before me personally came Susan Johnson, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that she resides at 153 E 46th Stree, Brooklyn, NY 11203; that she is a Vice President of DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANY AMERICAS, one of the corporations described in and which executed the above instrument; that she knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by authority of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that she signed her name thereto by like authority.

On the 8th day of October, 2004, before me appeared Irina Golovashchuk, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that she is an Associate of DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANY AMERICAS, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and she acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in said County and State the day and year last above written.


/s/ Annie Jaghatspanyan
Annie Jaghatspanyan
Notary Public, State of New York
No 01JA6062022

Qualified in New York County
Commission Expires July 30,2005

STATE OF New York      )
                                         ) SS.:
COUNTY OF New York )

On this 8th day of October, 2004, before me, Annie Jaghatspanyan, the undersigned, personally appeared, STANLEY BURG, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

On the 8th day of October, 2004, before me personally appeared STANLEY BURG, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.


/s/ Annie Jaghatspanyan
Annie Jaghatspanyan
Notary Public, State of New York
No 01JA6062022

Qualified in New York County
Commission Expires July 30,2005

                                            ) SS.:

On this 8th day of October, 2004, before me, Renee Beard, a Notary Public duly commissioned, qualified and acting within and for said county and state, appeared Kent Schroeder and Mary E. Marler, to me personally known, who stated that they were a Vice President and Assistant Vice President, respectively, of BNY TRUST COMPANY OF MISSOURI, a corporation, and were duly authorized in their respective capacities to execute the foregoing instrument for and in the name and on behalf of said Corporation; and further stated that they had so signed, executed and delivered the same for the consideration, uses and purposes therein mentioned and set forth.

On the 8th day of October, 2004, before me personally appeared Kent Schroeder, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resided at St. Louis, Missouri; that he is a Vice President of BNY TRUST COMPANY OF MISSOURI, one of the corporations described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by authority of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like authority.

On the 8th day of October, 2004, before me appeared Mary E. Marler, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that she is a Assistant Vice President of BNY TRUST COMPANY OF MISSOURI, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and he acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in said City and State the day and year last above written.

/s/ Renee Beard
Renee Beard
Notary Public, State of Missouri
Qualified in St. Louis County
Commission Expires 06-22-2006

EX-31 5 a31a.htm

Exhibit 31(a)



I, J. Wayne Leonard, certify that:



I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of Entergy Corporation;



Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;



Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;



The registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) for the registrant and have:


a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


b) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation;


c) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and



The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.



/s/ J. Wayne Leonard
J. Wayne Leonard
Chief Executive Officer of Entergy Corporation

Date: November 5, 2004

EX-31 6 a31b.htm

Exhibit 31(b)



I, Leo P. Denault, certify that:



I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of Entergy Corporation;



Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;



Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;



The registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) for the registrant and have:


a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


b) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation;


c) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and



The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.



/s/ Leo P. Denault
Leo P. Denault
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Entergy Corporation


Date: November 5, 2004

EX-31 7 a31c.htm

Exhibit 31(c)



I, Hugh T. McDonald, certify that:



I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of Entergy Arkansas, Inc.;



Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;



Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;



The registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) for the registrant and have:


a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


b) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation;


c) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and



The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.



/s/ Hugh T. McDonald
Hugh T. McDonald
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of
Entergy Arkansas, Inc.

Date: November 5, 2004

EX-31 8 a31d.htm

Exhibit 31(d)



I, Joseph F. Domino, certify that:



I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of Entergy Gulf States, Inc.;



Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;



Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;



The registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) for the registrant and have:


a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


b) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation;


c) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and



The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.



/s/ Joseph F. Domino
Joseph F. Domino
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer-Texas
of Entergy Gulf States, Inc.

Date: November 5, 2004

EX-31 9 a31e.htm

Exhibit 31(e)



I, E. Renae Conley, certify that:



I have reviewed these quarterly reports on Form 10-Q of Entergy Gulf States, Inc. and Entergy Louisiana, Inc.;



Based on my knowledge, these reports do not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by these reports;



Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in these reports, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrants as of, and for, the periods presented in these reports;



The registrants' other certifying officers and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) for the registrants and have:


a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrants, including their consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which these reports are being prepared;


b) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrants' disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by these reports based on such evaluation;


c) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrants' internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrants' most recent fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrants' internal control over financial reporting; and



The registrants' other certifying officers and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrants' auditors and the audit committee of the registrants' board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrants' ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrants' internal control over financial reporting.



/s/ E. Renae Conley
E. Renae Conley
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of
Entergy Louisiana, Inc.; President and Chief Executive
Officer-Louisiana of Entergy Gulf States, Inc.

Date: November 5, 2004

EX-31 10 a31f.htm

Exhibit 31(f)



I, Carolyn C. Shanks, certify that:



I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of Entergy Mississippi, Inc.;



Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;



Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;



The registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) for the registrant and have:


a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


b) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation;


c) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and



The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.



/s/ Carolyn C. Shanks
Carolyn C. Shanks
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of
Entergy Mississippi, Inc.

Date: November 5, 2004

EX-31 11 a31g.htm

Exhibit 31(g)



I, Daniel F. Packer, certify that:



I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of Entergy New Orleans, Inc.;



Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;



Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;



The registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) for the registrant and have:


a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


b) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation;


c) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and



The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.



/s/ Daniel F. Packer
Daniel F. Packer
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of
Entergy New Orleans, Inc.

Date: November 5, 2004

EX-31 12 a31h.htm

Exhibit 31(h)



I, Gary J. Taylor, certify that:



I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of System Energy Resources, Inc.;



Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;



Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;



The registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) for the registrant and have:


a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


b) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation;


c) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and



The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.



/s/ Gary J. Taylor
Gary J. Taylor
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of
System Energy Resources, Inc.

Date: November 5, 2004

EX-31 13 a31i.htm

Exhibit 31(i)



I, Jay A. Lewis, certify that:



I have reviewed these quarterly reports on Form 10-Q of Entergy Arkansas, Inc., Entergy Gulf States, Inc., Entergy Louisiana, Inc., Entergy Mississippi, Inc., and Entergy New Orleans, Inc.;



Based on my knowledge, these reports do not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by these reports;



Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in these reports, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrants as of, and for, the periods presented in these reports;



The registrants' other certifying officers and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) for the registrants and have:


a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrants, including their consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which these reports are being prepared;


b) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrants' disclosure controls and procedures and presented in these reports our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by these reports based on such evaluation;


c) Disclosed in these reports any change in the registrants' internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrants' fourth fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrants' internal control over financial reporting; and



The registrants' other certifying officers and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrants' auditors and the audit committee of the registrants' board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrants' ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrants' internal control over financial reporting.


/s/ Jay A. Lewis
Jay A. Lewis
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of
Entergy Arkansas, Inc., Entergy Gulf States, Inc.,
Entergy Louisiana, Inc., Entergy Mississippi, Inc.,
and Entergy New Orleans, Inc.

Date: November 5, 2004

EX-31 14 a31j.htm

Exhibit 31(j)



I, Theodore H. Bunting, Jr., certify that:



I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of System Energy Resources, Inc.;



Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;



Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;



The registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) for the registrant and have:


a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


b) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation;


c) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and



The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.



/s/ Theodore H. Bunting, Jr.
Theodore H. Bunting, Jr.
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
of System Energy Resources, Inc.


Date: November 5, 2004

EX-32 15 a32a.htm

Exhibit 32(a)



I, J. Wayne Leonard, Chief Executive Officer of Entergy Corporation (the "Company"), certify pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:


The Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of the Company for the quarter ended September 30, 2004 (the "Report") fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and



The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company as of the dates and for the periods presented in the Report.



/s/ J. Wayne Leonard
J. Wayne Leonard
Chief Executive Officer of Entergy Corporation

Date: November 5, 2004

EX-32 16 a32b.htm

Exhibit 32(b)



I, Leo P. Denault, Chief Financial Officer of Entergy Corporation (the "Company"), certify pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:


The Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of the Company for the quarter ended September 30, 2004 (the "Report") fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and



The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company as of the dates and for the periods presented in the Report.



/s/ Leo P. Denault
Leo P. Denault
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Entergy Corporation

Date: November 5, 2004

EX-32 17 a32c.htm

Exhibit 32(c)



I, Hugh T. McDonald, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Entergy Arkansas, Inc. (the "Company"), certify pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:


The Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of the Company for the quarter ended September 30, 2004 (the "Report") fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and



The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company as of the dates and for the periods presented in the Report.



__/s/ Hugh T. McDonald
Hugh T. McDonald
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer

Date: November 5, 2004

EX-32 18 a32d.htm

Exhibit 32(d)



I, Joseph F. Domino, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer-Texas of Entergy Gulf States, Inc. (the "Company"), certify pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:


The Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of the Company for the quarter ended September 30, 2004 (the "Report") fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and



The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company as of the dates and for the periods presented in the Report.



___/s/ Joseph F. Domino
Joseph F. Domino
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer-Texas of Entergy Gulf States, Inc.


Date: November 5, 2004

EX-32 19 a32e.htm

Exhibit 32(e)



I, E. Renae Conley, President and Chief Executive Officer-Louisiana of Entergy Gulf States, Inc. and Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Entergy Louisiana, Inc. (the "Companies"), certify pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:


The Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of each of the Companies for the quarter ended September 30, 2004 (the "Report") fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and



The information contained in each Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of each respective Company as of the dates and for the periods presented in each Report.



___/s/ E. Renae Conley
E. Renae Conley
President and Chief Executive Officer-Louisiana of
Entergy Gulf States, Inc. and Chairman, President, and Chief
Executive Officer of Entergy Louisiana, Inc.

Date: November 5, 2004

EX-32 20 a32f.htm

Exhibit 32(f)



I, Carolyn C. Shanks, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Entergy Mississippi, Inc. (the "Company"), certify pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:


The Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of the Company for the quarter ended September 30, 2004 (the "Report") fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and



The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company as of the dates and for the periods presented in the Report.



__/s/ Carolyn C. Shanks
Carolyn C. Shanks
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of
Entergy Mississippi, Inc.

Date: November 5, 2004

EX-32 21 a32g.htm

Exhibit 32(g)



I, Daniel F. Packer, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Entergy New Orleans, Inc. (the "Company"), certify pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:


The Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of the Company for the quarter ended September 30, 2004 (the "Report") fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and



The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company as of the dates and for the periods presented in the Report.



___/s/ Daniel F. Packer
Daniel F. Packer
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of
Entergy New Orleans, Inc.

Date: November 5, 2004

EX-32 22 a32h.htm

Exhibit 32(h)



I, Gary J. Taylor, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of System Energy Resources, Inc. (the "Company"), certify pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:


The Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of the Company for the quarter ended September 30, 2004 (the "Report") fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and



The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company as of the dates and for the periods presented in the Report.



___/s/ Gary J. Taylor
Gary J. Taylor
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of
System Energy Resources, Inc.

Date: November 5, 2004

EX-32 23 a32i.htm

Exhibit 32(i)



I, Jay A. Lewis, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Entergy Arkansas, Inc., Entergy Gulf States, Inc., Entergy Louisiana, Inc., Entergy Mississippi, Inc., and Entergy New Orleans, Inc. (the "Companies"), certify pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:


The Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of each of the Companies for the quarter ended September 30, 2004 (the "Report") fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and



The information contained in each Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of each respective Company as of the dates and for the periods presented in each Report.



_/s/ Jay A. Lewis
Jay A. Lewis
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of
Entergy Arkansas, Inc., Entergy Gulf States, Inc.,
Entergy Louisiana, Inc., Entergy Mississippi, Inc.,
and Entergy New Orleans, Inc.

Date: November 5, 2004

EX-32 24 a32j.htm

Exhibit 32(j)



I, Theodore H. Bunting, Jr., Chief Financial Officer of System Energy Resources, Inc. (the "Company"), certify pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:


The Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of the Company for the quarter ended September 30, 2004 (the "Report") fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and



The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company as of the dates and for the periods presented in the Report.



____/s/ Theodore H. Bunting, Jr.
Theodore H. Bunting, Jr.
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
of System Energy Resources, Inc.

Date: November 5, 2004

EX-99 25 a99a.htm

Exhibit 99(a)

Entergy Arkansas, Inc. 
Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges and 
Ratios of Earnings to Combined Fixed Charges and Preferred Dividends 
  Twelve Months Ended
  December 31, September 30,
  1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Fixed charges, as defined:            
  Total Interest Charges $97,023 $101,600 $109,523 $103,210 $91,221 $83,106
  Interest applicable to rentals 17,289 16,449 14,563 12,762 15,425 13,564
Total fixed charges, as defined 114,312 118,049 124,086 115,972 106,646 96,670
Preferred dividends, as defined (a) 17,836 13,479 12,348 11,869 14,274 13,646
Combined fixed charges and preferred dividends, as defined $132,148 $131,528 $136,434 $127,841 $120,920 $110,316
Earnings as defined:            
  Net Income $69,313 $137,047 $178,185 $135,643 $126,009 $112,504
      Provision for income taxes:            
        Total 54,012 100,512 105,933 71,404 105,296 84,705
    Fixed charges as above 114,312 118,049 124,086 115,972 106,646 96,670
Total earnings, as defined $237,637 $355,608 $408,204 $323,019 $337,951 $293,879
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges, as defined 2.08 3.01 3.29 2.79 3.17 3.04
Ratio of earnings to combined fixed charges and            
 preferred dividends, as defined 1.80 2.70 2.99 2.53 2.79 2.66
- ------------------------            
(a) "Preferred dividends," as defined by SEC regulation S-K, are computed by dividing the preferred dividend
     requirement by one hundred percent (100%) minus the income tax rate. 
EX-99 26 a99b.htm

Exhibit 99(b)

Entergy Gulf States, Inc. 
Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges and
Ratios of Earnings to Combined Fixed Charges and Preferred Dividends
  Twelve Months Ended
  December 31, September 30,
  1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Fixed charges, as defined:            
  Total Interest charges $153,034 $158,949 $174,368 $144,840 $157,343 $137,791
  Interest applicable to rentals 16,451 18,307 18,520 16,483 16,694 15,411
Total fixed charges, as defined 169,485 177,256 192,888 161,323 174,037 153,202
Preferred dividends, as defined (a) 29,355 15,742 13,017 6,190 6,485 7,024
Combined fixed charges and preferred dividends, as defined $198,840 $192,998 $205,905 $167,513 $180,522 $160,226
Earnings as defined:            
Income (loss) from continuing operations before extraordinary items and            
  the cumulative effect of accounting changes $125,000 $180,343 $179,444 $174,078 $63,895 $148,386
    Income Taxes 75,165 103,603 82,038 65,997 24,249 95,563
    Fixed charges as above 169,485 177,256 192,888 161,323 174,037 153,202
Total earnings, as defined (b) $369,650 $461,202 $454,370 $401,398 $262,181 $397,151
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges, as defined 2.18 2.60 2.36 2.49 1.51 2.59
Ratio of earnings to combined fixed charges and            
 preferred dividends, as defined 1.86 2.39 2.21 2.40 1.45 2.48
(a) "Preferred dividends," as defined by SEC regulation S-K, are computed by dividing the preferred dividend 
     requirement by one hundred percent (100%) minus the income tax rate. 
EX-99 27 a99c.htm

Exhibit 99(c)

Entergy Louisiana, Inc.  
Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges and  
Ratios of Earnings to Combined Fixed Charges and Preferred Dividends
  Twelve Months Ended
  December 31, September 30,
  1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Fixed charges, as defined:            
  Total Interest $117,247 $111,743 $116,076 $100,667 $76,756 $71,516
    Interest applicable to rentals 9,221 6,458 7,951 6,496 6,359 6,245
Total fixed charges, as defined 126,468 118,201 124,027 $107,163 $83,115 $77,761
Preferred dividends, as defined (a) 16,006 16,102 12,374 10,647 $11,189 $11,082
Combined fixed charges and preferred dividends, as defined $142,474 $134,303 $136,401 $117,810 $94,304 $88,843
Earnings as defined:            
  Net Income $191,770 $162,679 $132,550 $144,709 $146,154 $109,192
      Provision for income taxes:            
Total Taxes 122,368 112,645 86,287 84,765 97,408 71,360
  Fixed charges as above 126,468 118,201 124,027 107,163 83,115 77,761
Total earnings, as defined $440,606 $393,525 $342,864 $336,637 $326,677 $258,313
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges, as defined 3.48 3.33 2.76 3.14 3.93 3.32
Ratio of earnings to combined fixed charges and            
 preferred dividends, as defined 3.09 2.93 2.51 2.86 3.46 2.91
- ------------------------            
(a) "Preferred dividends," as defined by SEC regulation S-K, are computed by dividing the preferred dividend 
     requirement by one hundred percent (100%) minus the income tax rate. 
EX-99 28 a99d.htm
            Exhibit 99(d)
Entergy Mississippi, Inc. 
Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges and 
Ratios of Earnings to Combined Fixed Charges and Preferred Dividends
  Twelve Months Ended
  December 31, September 30,
  1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Fixed charges, as defined:            
  Total Interest $38,840 $44,877 $50,991 $45,464 $47,464 $45,443
  Interest applicable to rentals 2,261 1,596 1,849 1,916 1,880 1,407
Total fixed charges, as defined 41,101 46,473 52,840 $47,380 $49,344 $46,850
Preferred dividends, as defined (a) 4,878 5,347 4,674 4,490 5,099 5,032
Combined fixed charges and preferred dividends, as defined $45,979 $51,820 $57,514 $51,870 $54,443 $51,882
Earnings as defined:            
  Net Income $41,588 $38,973 $39,620 $52,408 $67,058 $63,907
      Provision for income taxes:            
      Total income taxes 17,537 22,868 20,464 17,846 34,431 31,037
      Fixed charges as above 41,101 46,473 52,840 47,380 49,344 46,850
Total earnings, as defined $100,226 $108,314 $112,924 $117,634 $150,833 $141,794
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges, as defined 2.44 2.33 2.14 2.48 3.06 3.03
Ratio of earnings to combined fixed charges and            
 preferred dividends, as defined 2.18 2.09 1.96 2.27 2.77 2.73
- ------------------------            
(a) "Preferred dividends," as defined by SEC regulation S-K, are computed by dividing the preferred dividend 
     requirement by one hundred percent (100%) minus the income tax rate. 
EX-99 29 a99e.htm

Exhibit 99(e)

Entergy New Orleans, Inc.
Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges and
Ratios of Earnings to Combined Fixed Charges and Preferred Dividends
  Twelve Months Ended
  December 31, September 30,
  1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Fixed charges, as defined:            
  Total Interest $14,680 $15,891 $19,661  $27,950  $17,786 $17,562
  Interest applicable to rentals 1,281 1,008 977  1,043  910 729
Total fixed charges, as defined 15,961 16,899 20,638  28,993  18,696 18,291
Preferred dividends, as defined (a) 1,566 1,643 2,898  2,736  1,686 2,361
Combined fixed charges and preferred dividends, as defined $17,527 $18,542 $23,536  $31,729  $20,382 $20,652
Earnings as defined:            
  Net Income $18,961 $16,518 ($2,195) ($230) $7,859 21,110
      Provision for income taxes:            
        Total 13,030 11,597 (4,396) (422) 5,875 12,450
      Fixed charges as above 15,961 16,899 20,638  28,993  18,696 18,291
Total earnings, as defined $47,952 $45,014 $14,047  $28,341  $32,430 $51,851
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges, as defined 3.00 2.66 0.68  0.98  1.73 2.83
Ratio of earnings to combined fixed charges and            
 preferred dividends, as defined 2.74 2.43 0.60  0.89  1.59 2.51
- ------------------------            
(a) "Preferred dividends," as defined by SEC regulation S-K, are computed by dividing the preferred dividend 
     requirement by one hundred percent (100%) minus the income tax rate. 
(b) For Entergy New Orleans, earnings for the twelve months ended December 31, 2001 were not adequate
     to cover fixed charges and combined fixed charges and preferred dividends by $6.6 million and $9.5 million,
(c) For Entergy New Orleans, earnings for the twelve months ended December 31, 2002 were not adequate to
     cover combined fixed charges and preferred dividends by $0.7 million and $3.4 million, respectively.
EX-99 30 a99f.htm

Exhibit 99(f)

System Energy Resources, Inc.
Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges and
Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges
  Twelve Months Ended
  December 31, September 30,
  1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Fixed charges, as defined:            
  Total Interest $147,982 $118,519 $138,018 $76,639 $64,620 $63,178
  Interest applicable to rentals 3,871 5,753 4,458 3,250 3,793 3,815
Total fixed charges, as defined $151,853 $124,272 $142,476 $79,889 $68,413 $66,993
Earnings as defined:            
  Net Income $82,375 $93,745 $116,355 $103,352 $106,003 108,637
      Provision for income taxes:            
        Total 53,851 81,263 43,761 76,177 75,845 76,209
      Fixed charges as above 151,853 124,272 142,476 79,889 68,413 66,993
Total earnings, as defined $288,079 $299,280 $302,592 $259,418 $250,261 $251,839
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges, as defined 1.90 2.41 2.12 3.25 3.66 3.76