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Financial Derivatives
6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2015
Derivative Instruments And Hedging Activities Disclosure [Abstract]  
Financial Derivatives

Note 11 Financial Derivatives

We use derivative financial instruments (derivatives) primarily to help manage exposure to interest rate, market and credit risk and reduce the effects that changes in interest rates may have on net income, the fair value of assets and liabilities, and cash flows. We also enter into derivatives with customers to facilitate their risk management activities. Derivatives represent contracts between parties that usually require little or no initial net investment and result in one party delivering cash or another type of asset to the other party based on a notional amount and an underlying as specified in the contract.

For more information regarding derivatives see Note 1 Accounting Policies and Note 15 Financial Derivatives in our Notes To Consolidated Financial Statements under Item 8 of our 2014 Form 10-K.

The following table presents the notional amounts and gross fair values of all derivative assets and liabilities held by PNC:

Table 93: Total Gross Derivatives
June 30, 2015December 31, 2014
Notional/AssetLiabilityNotional/Asset Liability
ContractFairFairContractFair Fair
In millionsAmountValue (a) Value (b)AmountValue (a) Value (b)
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments under GAAP$53,342$1,172$225$49,061$1,261$186
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments under GAAP318,2073,6793,602291,2563,9733,841
Total gross derivatives$371,549$4,851$3,827$340,317$5,234$4,027
(a)Included in Other assets on our Consolidated Balance Sheet.
(b)Included in Other liabilities on our Consolidated Balance Sheet.

All derivatives are carried on our Consolidated Balance Sheet at fair value. Derivative balances are presented on the Consolidated Balance Sheet on a net basis taking into consideration the effects of legally enforceable master netting agreements and any related cash collateral exchanged with counterparties. Further discussion regarding the rights of setoff associated with these legally enforceable master netting agreements is included in the Offsetting, Counterparty Credit Risk, and Contingent Features section below. Our exposure related to risk participations where we sold protection is discussed in the Credit Derivatives section below. Any nonperformance risk, including credit risk, is included in the determination of the estimated net fair value of the derivatives.

Derivatives Designated As Hedging Instruments under GAAP

Certain derivatives used to manage interest rate and foreign exchange risk as part of our asset and liability risk management activities are designated as accounting hedges under GAAP. Derivatives hedging the risks associated with changes in the fair value of assets or liabilities are considered fair value hedges, derivatives hedging the variability of expected future cash flows are considered cash flow hedges, and derivatives hedging a net investment in a foreign subsidiary are considered net investment hedges. Designating derivatives as accounting hedges allows for gains and losses on those derivatives, to the extent effective, to be recognized in the income statement in the same period the hedged items affect earnings.

Further detail regarding the notional amounts and fair values related to derivatives designated in hedge relationships is presented in the following table:

Table 94: Derivatives Designated As Hedging Instruments under GAAP
June 30, 2015December 31, 2014
Notional/AssetLiabilityNotional/Asset Liability
ContractFairFairContractFair Fair
In millionsAmountValue (a) Value (b)AmountValue (a) Value (b)
Interest rate contracts:
Fair value hedges:
Receive-fixed swaps $23,713$733$59$20,930$827$38
Pay-fixed swaps (c) 3,99791254,2333138
Cash flow hedges:
Receive-fixed swaps $20,516$427$17$19,991$400$10
Forward purchase commitments3,9593192,77825
Foreign exchange contracts:
Net investment hedges$1,157 $5$1,129$6
Total derivatives designated as hedging instruments $53,342$1,172$225$49,061$1,261$186
(a)Included in Other assets on our Consolidated Balance Sheet.
(b)Included in Other liabilities on our Consolidated Balance Sheet.
(c)Includes zero-coupon swaps.

Fair Value Hedges

We enter into receive-fixed, pay-variable interest rate swaps to hedge changes in the fair value of outstanding fixed-rate debt and borrowings caused by fluctuations in market interest rates. We also enter into pay-fixed, receive-variable interest rate swaps and zero-coupon swaps to hedge changes in the fair value of fixed rate and zero-coupon investment securities caused by fluctuations in market interest rates. For these hedge relationships, we use statistical regression analysis to assess hedge effectiveness at both the inception of the hedge relationship and on an ongoing basis. There were no components of derivative gains or losses excluded from the assessment of hedge effectiveness.

Further detail regarding gains (losses) on fair value hedge derivatives and related hedged items is presented in the following table:

Table 95: Gains (Losses) on Derivatives and Related Hedged Items - Fair Value Hedges
Three months endedSix months ended
June 30, 2015June 30, 2014June 30, 2015June 30, 2014
Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss)
Gain on RelatedGain on RelatedGain on RelatedGain on Related
(Loss) onHedged(Loss) onHedged(Loss) onHedged(Loss) onHedged
Derivatives Items Derivatives Items Derivatives Items Derivatives Items
in Incomein Incomein Incomein Incomein Incomein Incomein Incomein Income
In millionsHedged ItemsLocationAmountAmountAmountAmountAmountAmountAmountAmount
Interest rate U.S. Treasury andInvestment
contractsGovernment securities
Agencies Securities(interest
income)$63$(65)$(53)$55 $12$(12)$(83)$86
Interest rate Other Debt Investment
income)1(1)(2)1 (1)1
Interest rate Subordinated debtBorrowed funds
expense)(138)13051(60) (84)6774(89)
Borrowed funds
Interest rate Bank notes and (interest
contractssenior debtexpense)(126)12950(52) (23)2059(62)
Total (a)$(200)$193$46$(56) $(95)$75$49$(64)
(a) The ineffective portion of the change in value of our fair value hedge derivatives resulted in net losses of $7 million for the three months ended June 30, 2015 and net losses of $20 million for the six months ended June 30, 2015 compared with net losses of $10 million for the three months ended June 30, 2014 and net losses of $15 million for the six months ended June 30, 2014.

Cash Flow Hedges

We enter into receive-fixed, pay-variable interest rate swaps to modify the interest rate characteristics of designated commercial loans from variable to fixed in order to reduce the impact of changes in future cash flows due to market interest rate changes. For these cash flow hedges, any changes in the fair value of the derivatives that are effective in offsetting changes in the forecasted interest cash flows are recorded in Accumulated other comprehensive income and are reclassified to interest income in conjunction with the recognition of interest received on the loans. In the 12 months that follow June 30, 2015, we expect to reclassify from the amount currently reported in Accumulated other comprehensive income, net derivative gains of $256 million pretax, or $167 million after-tax, in association with interest received on the hedged loans. This amount could differ from amounts actually recognized due to changes in interest rates, hedge de-designations, and the addition of other hedges subsequent to June 30, 2015. The maximum length of time over which forecasted loan cash flows are hedged is 10 years. We use statistical regression analysis to assess the effectiveness of these hedge relationships at both the inception of the hedge relationship and on an ongoing basis.

We also periodically enter into forward purchase and sale contracts to hedge the variability of the consideration that will be paid or received related to the purchase or sale of investment securities. The forecasted purchase or sale is consummated upon gross settlement of the forward contract itself. As a result, hedge ineffectiveness, if any, is typically minimal. Gains and losses on these forward contracts are recorded in Accumulated other comprehensive income and are recognized in earnings when the hedged cash flows affect earnings. In the 12 months that follow June 30, 2015, we expect to reclassify from the amount currently reported in Accumulated other comprehensive income, net derivative gains of $19 million pretax, or $12 million after-tax, as adjustments of yield on investment securities. As of June 30, 2015, the maximum length of time over which forecasted purchase contracts are hedged is three months.

There were no components of derivative gains or losses excluded from the assessment of hedge effectiveness related to either cash flow hedge strategy.

During the first six months of 2015 and 2014, there were no gains or losses from cash flow hedge derivatives reclassified to earnings because it became probable that the original forecasted transaction would not occur.

Further detail regarding gains (losses) on derivatives and related cash flows is presented in the following table:

Table 96: Gains (Losses) on Derivatives and Related Cash Flows - Cash Flow Hedges (a) (b)
Three months endedSix months ended
June 30June 30
In millions2015201420152014
Gains (losses) on derivatives recognized in OCI - (effective portion)$(102)$138$196$210
Less: Gains (losses) reclassified from accumulated OCI into income - (effective portion)
Interest income 72 64 140 136
Noninterest income (4) (7) (13) (2)
Total gains (losses) reclassified from accumulated OCI into income - (effective portion)6857127134
Net unrealized gains (losses) on cash flow hedge derivatives$(170)$81$69$76
(a)All cash flow hedge derivatives are interest rate contracts as of June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2014.
(b)The amount of cash flow hedge ineffectiveness recognized in income was not material for the periods presented.

Net Investment Hedges

We enter into foreign currency forward contracts to hedge non-U.S. Dollar (USD) net investments in foreign subsidiaries against adverse changes in foreign exchange rates. We assess whether the hedging relationship is highly effective in achieving offsetting changes in the value of the hedge and hedged item by qualitatively verifying that the critical terms of the hedge and hedged item match at the inception of the hedging relationship and on an ongoing basis. There were no components of derivative gains or losses excluded from the assessment of the hedge effectiveness.

For the first six months of 2015 and 2014, there was no net investment hedge ineffectiveness.

Further detail on gains (losses) on net investment hedge derivatives is presented in the following table:

Table 97: Gains (Losses) on Derivatives - Net Investment Hedges
Three months ended Six months ended
June 30 June 30
In millions20152014 20152014
Gains (losses) on derivatives recognized in OCI (effective portion)
Foreign exchange contracts$(65)$(26)$(11)$(33)

Derivatives Not Designated As Hedging Instruments under GAAP

We also enter into derivatives that are not designated as accounting hedges under GAAP.

For additional information on derivatives not designated as hedging instruments under GAAP see Note 15 Financial Derivatives in our 2014 Form 10-K.

Further detail regarding the notional amounts and fair values related to derivatives not designated in hedge relationships is presented in the following table:

Table 98: Derivatives Not Designated As Hedging Instruments under GAAP
June 30, 2015December 31, 2014
Notional/AssetLiabilityNotional/Asset Liability
ContractFairFairContractFair Fair
In millionsAmountValue (a) Value (b)AmountValue (a) Value (b)
Derivatives used for residential mortgage banking activities:
Residential mortgage servicing
Interest rate contracts:
Futures (c)19,177 22,084
Futures options30,0006312,2254
Mortgage-backed securities commitments2,390487104
Loan sales
Interest rate contracts:
Futures (c)4058
Bond options3004 300
Mortgage-backed securities commitments8,21039214,9161021
Residential mortgage loan commitments2,43721 1,85222
Derivatives used for commercial mortgage banking activities:
Interest rate contracts:
Futures (c)20,146 19,913
Commercial mortgage loan commitments1,2951062,0421610
Credit contracts:
Credit default swaps83 95
Derivatives used for customer-related activities:
Interest rate contracts:
Caps/floors - Sold5,142 154,84616
Caps/floors - Purchased6,46228 6,33934
Futures (c)2,433 3,112
Mortgage-backed securities commitments3,552652,13733
Foreign exchange contracts10,89521520212,547223240
Credit contracts:
Risk participation agreements5,076255,12424
Derivatives used for other risk management activities:
Interest rate contracts $833$1
Foreign exchange contracts$2,519$35$182,66185$1
Credit contracts:
Credit default swaps15 15
Other contracts (d)2,034 4851,881510
Total derivatives not designated as hedging instruments$318,207$3,679$3,602$291,256$3,973$3,841
(a)Included in Other assets on our Consolidated Balance Sheet.
(b)Included in Other liabilities on our Consolidated Balance Sheet.
(c)Futures contracts settle in cash daily and, therefore, no derivative asset or derivative liability is recognized on our Consolidated Balance Sheet.
(d)Includes PNC's obligation to fund a portion of certain BlackRock LTIP programs and the swaps entered into in connection with sales of a portion of Visa Class B common shares.

Further detail regarding the gains (losses) on derivatives not designated in hedging relationships is presented in the following table:

Table 99: Gains (Losses) on Derivatives Not Designated As Hedging Instruments under GAAP
Three months endedSix months ended
June 30June 30
In millions2015201420152014
Derivatives used for residential mortgage banking activities:
Residential mortgage servicing
Interest rate contracts$(83)$57$15$110
Loan sales
Interest rate contracts47(10)68(12)
Gains (losses) included in residential mortgage banking activities (a)$(36)$47$83$98
Derivatives used for commercial mortgage banking activities:
Interest rate contracts (b) (c)$(25)$23$5$43
Credit contracts (c)1(1)(1)
Gains (losses) from commercial mortgage banking activities $(24)$22$5$42
Derivatives used for customer-related activities:
Interest rate contracts$30$11$34$10
Foreign exchange contracts32223348
Credit contracts(1)
Gains (losses) from customer-related activities (c) $62$32$67$58
Derivatives used for other risk management activities:
Interest rate contracts$1$(11)$1$(15)
Foreign exchange contracts(69)(5)114(7)
Other contracts (d)14(19)7(27)
Gains (losses) from other risk management activities (c) $(54)$(35)$122$(49)
Total gains (losses) from derivatives not designated as hedging instruments$(52)$66$277$149
(a)Included in Residential mortgage noninterest income.
(b)Included in Corporate services noninterest income.
(c)Included in Other noninterest income.
(d)Includes BlackRock LTIP funding obligation and the swaps entered into in connection with sales of a portion of Visa Class B common shares.

Credit Derivatives

We enter into credit derivatives, specifically credit default swaps and risk participation agreements, as part of our commercial mortgage banking hedging activities and for customer and other risk management purposes. The credit derivative underlying is based on the credit risk of a specific entity, entities, or an index. Detail regarding credit default swaps purchased and risk participations sold follows.

Table 100: Credit Default Swaps (a)
June 30, 2015December 31, 2014
Notional MaturityNotional Maturity
Dollars in millionsAmount In YearsAmount In Years
Credit Default Swaps – Purchased (b)
Single name$505.2$505.7
Index traded4833.76034.2
(a)There were no credit default swaps sold as of June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014.
(b)The fair value of credit default swaps purchased was less than $1 million as of June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014.

The notional amount of these credit default swaps by credit rating is presented in the following table:

Table 101: Credit Ratings of Credit Default Swaps (a)
In millionsJune 30, 2015December 31, 2014
Credit Default Swaps – Purchased
Investment grade (b)$83$95
Subinvestment grade (c)1515
Total $98$110
(a)There were no credit default swaps sold as of June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014.
(b)Investment grade with a rating of BBB-/Baa3 or above based on published rating agency information.
(c)Subinvestment grade represents a rating below BBB-/Baa3 based on published rating agency information.

The referenced/underlying assets for these credit default swaps are presented in the following table:

Table 102: Referenced/Underlying Assets of Credit Default Swaps
June 30, 2015December 31, 2014
Corporate debt51%45%
Commercial mortgage-backed securities49%55%

Risk Participation Agreements

We also periodically enter into risk participation agreements to share some of the credit exposure with other counterparties related to interest rate derivative contracts or to take on credit exposure to generate revenue. We will make/receive payments under these agreements if a customer defaults on its obligation to perform under certain derivative swap contracts. Risk participation agreements purchased and sold are included in these derivative tables: Tables 98, 99, and 103.

Further detail regarding the notional amount, fair value and weighted-average remaining maturities in years for risk participation agreements sold is presented in the following table:

Table 103: Risk Participation Agreements Sold
June 30, 2015December 31, 2014
Notional FairMaturityNotional FairMaturity
Dollars in millionsAmountValue In YearsAmountValue In Years
Risk Participation Agreements Sold$ 2,669 $ (5)5.0$ 2,796 $(4)5.4

Based on our internal risk rating process of the underlying third party customers referenced in the swap contracts, all exposure related to risk participation agreements sold have an internal credit rating of pass, which indicates the expected risk of default is currently low.

We have sold risk participation agreements with terms ranging from less than 1 year to 22 years. We will be required to make payments under these agreements if a customer defaults on its obligation to perform under certain derivative swap contracts with third parties. Assuming all underlying third party customers referenced in the swap contracts defaulted at June 30, 2015, the exposure from these agreements would be $115 million based on the fair value of the underlying swaps, compared with $124 million at December 31, 2014.

Offsetting, Counterparty Credit Risk, and Contingent Features

We, generally, utilize a net presentation on the Consolidated Balance Sheet for those derivative financial instruments entered into with counterparties under legally enforceable master netting agreements. The master netting agreements reduce credit risk by permitting the closeout netting of various types of derivative instruments with the same counterparty upon the occurrence of an event of default.

For additional information on derivative offsetting, counterparty credit risk, and contingent features see Note 15 Financial Derivatives in our 2014 Form 10-K. Refer to Note 16 Commitments and Guarantees in this Report for additional information related to resale and repurchase agreements offsetting.

The following derivative Table 104 shows the impact legally enforceable master netting agreements had on our derivative assets and derivative liabilities as of June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014. The table also includes the fair value of any securities collateral held or pledged under legally enforceable master netting agreements. Cash and securities collateral amounts are included in the table only to the extent of the related net derivative fair values.

Table 104: Derivative Assets and Liabilities Offsetting
Amounts Securities
GrossOffset on the NetCollateral
Fair ValueConsolidated Balance SheetFair ValueHeld Under
June 30, 2015DerivativeFair Value CashDerivativeMaster NettingNet
In millionsAssets Offset AmountCollateral Assets Agreements Amounts
Derivative assets
Interest rate contracts$4,599$1,806$337$2,456$130$2,326
Foreign exchange contracts25013811101398
Credit contracts211
Total derivative assets (a) $4,851$1,945$349$2,557(b)$133$2,424
Amounts Securities
GrossOffset on the NetCollateral
Fair ValueConsolidated Balance SheetFair ValuePledged Under
June 30, 2015DerivativeFair Value CashDerivativeMaster NettingNet
In millionsLiabilitiesOffset AmountCollateral Liabilities Agreements Amounts
Derivative liabilities
Interest rate contracts$3,112$1,856$470$786$786
Foreign exchange contracts2258520120120
Credit contracts541
Other contracts485 485485
Total derivative liabilities (a) $3,827$1,945$491$1,391(c)$1,391
Amounts Securities
GrossOffset on the NetCollateral
Fair ValueConsolidated Balance SheetFair ValueHeld Under
December 31, 2014DerivativeFair Value CashDerivativeMaster NettingNet
In millionsAssets Offset AmountCollateral Assets Agreements Amounts
Derivative assets
Interest rate contracts$4,918$1,981$458$2,479$143$2,336
Foreign exchange contracts314159471081107
Credit contracts211
Total derivative assets (a) $5,234$2,141$506$2,587(b)$144$2,443
Amounts Securities
GrossOffset on the NetCollateral
Fair ValueConsolidated Balance SheetFair ValuePledged Under
December 31, 2014DerivativeFair Value CashDerivativeMaster NettingNet
In millionsLiabilitiesOffset AmountCollateral Liabilities Agreements Amounts
Derivative liabilities
Interest rate contracts$3,272$2,057$483$732 $732
Foreign exchange contracts2418020141141
Credit contracts44
Other contracts510 510510
Total derivative liabilities (a) $4,027$2,141$503$1,383(c)$1,383
(a) Included derivative assets and derivative liabilities as of June 30, 2015 totaling $889 million and $725 million, respectively, related to interest rate contracts executed bilaterally with counterparties in the U.S. over-the-counter market and novated to and cleared through a central clearing house. The comparable amounts as of December 31, 2014 totaled $807 million and $657 million, respectively. Derivative assets and liabilities as of June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014 related to exchange-traded interest rate contracts were not material. As of June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014, these contracts were not subject to offsetting. The remaining gross and net derivative assets and liabilities relate to contracts executed bilaterally with counterparties that are not settled through an organized exchange or central clearing house.
(b) Represents the net amount of derivative assets included in Other assets on our Consolidated Balance Sheet.
(c) Represents the net amount of derivative liabilities included in Other liabilities on our Consolidated Balance Sheet.

In addition to using master netting and related collateral agreements to reduce credit risk associated with derivative instruments, we also seek to manage credit risk by evaluating credit ratings of counterparties, by taking collateral and by using internal credit analysis, limits, and monitoring procedures. Collateral may also be exchanged under certain derivative agreements that are not considered master netting agreements.

At June 30, 2015, we held cash, U.S. government securities and mortgage-backed securities totaling $681 million under master netting and other collateral agreements to collateralize net derivative assets due from counterparties, and we have pledged cash totaling $555 million under these agreements to collateralize net derivative liabilities owed to counterparties. These totals may differ from the amounts presented in the preceding offsetting table because they may include collateral exchanged under an agreement that does not qualify as a master netting agreement or because the total amount of collateral held or pledged exceeds the net derivative fair value with the counterparty as of the balance sheet date due to timing or other factors. To the extent not netted against the derivative fair value under a master netting agreement, the receivable for cash pledged is included in Other assets and the obligation for cash held is included in Other borrowed funds on our Consolidated Balance Sheet. Securities held from counterparties are not recognized on our balance sheet. Likewise securities we have pledged to counterparties remain on our balance sheet.

Certain of the master netting agreements and certain other derivative agreements also contain provisions that require PNC’s debt to maintain an investment grade credit rating from each of the major credit rating agencies. If PNC’s debt ratings were to fall below investment grade, we would be in violation of these provisions and the counterparties to the derivative instruments could request immediate payment or demand immediate and ongoing full overnight collateralization on derivative instruments in net liability positions. The aggregate fair value of all derivative instruments with credit-risk-related contingent features that were in a net liability position on June 30, 2015 was $.6 billion for which PNC had posted collateral of $.5 billion in the normal course of business. The maximum additional amount of collateral PNC would have been required to post if the credit-risk-related contingent features underlying these agreements had been triggered on June 30, 2015 would be $.1 billion.