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3 Months Ended
Mar. 31, 2024
Investments, Debt and Equity Securities [Abstract]  

The following table summarizes the amortized cost, gross unrealized gains and losses and approximate fair value of investment securities available for sale as of March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023.

Gross Unrealized
Gross Unrealized
Available for sale at March 31, 2024    
U.S. Government-sponsored agency securities$110,457 $— $17,325 $93,132 
State and municipal1,179,288 27 136,252 1,043,063 
U.S. Government-sponsored mortgage-backed securities565,177 336 93,469 472,044 
Corporate obligations12,950 — 976 11,974 
Total available for sale$1,867,872 $363 $248,022 $1,620,213 

Gross Unrealized
Gross Unrealized
Available for sale at December 31, 2023    
U.S. Government-sponsored agency securities$111,521 $— $16,214 $95,307 
State and municipal1,181,029 364 116,222 1,065,171 
U.S. Government-sponsored mortgage-backed securities541,343 462 86,990 454,815 
Corporate obligations12,947 — 1,128 11,819 
Total available for sale$1,846,840 $826 $220,554 $1,627,112 
The following table summarizes the amortized cost, gross unrealized gains and losses, approximate fair value and allowance for credit losses on investment securities held to maturity as of March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023.

Allowance for Credit LossesNet Carrying AmountGross Unrealized
Gross Unrealized
Held to maturity at March 31, 2024   
U.S. Government-sponsored agency securities$370,310 $— $370,310 $— $66,154 $304,156 
State and municipal1,097,848 245 1,097,603 691 171,353 927,186 
U.S. Government-sponsored mortgage-backed securities693,948 — 693,948 — 106,317 587,631 
Foreign investment1,500 — 1,500 — 22 1,478 
Total held to maturity$2,163,606 $245 $2,163,361 $691 $343,846 $1,820,451 

Allowance for Credit LossesNet Carrying AmountGross Unrealized
Gross Unrealized
Held to maturity at December 31, 2023    
U.S. Government-sponsored agency securities$374,002 $— $374,002 $— $64,159 $309,843 
State and municipal1,099,201 245 1,098,956 1,625 152,113 948,713 
U.S. Government-sponsored mortgage-backed securities709,794 — 709,794 — 99,448 610,346 
Foreign investment1,500 — 1,500 — 28 1,472 
Total held to maturity$2,184,497 $245 $2,184,252 $1,625 $315,748 $1,870,374 

Accrued interest on investment securities available for sale and held to maturity at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023 of $22.6 million and $25.2 million, respectively, are included in the Interest Receivable line on the Corporation's Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheets. The total amount of accrued interest is excluded from the amortized cost of available for sale and held to maturity securities presented above.

In determining the allowance for credit losses on investment securities available for sale that are in an unrealized loss position, the Corporation first assesses whether it intends to sell, or it is more likely than not that it will be required to sell the security before recovery of its amortized cost basis. If either of the criteria regarding intent or requirement to sell is met, the security’s amortized cost basis is written down to fair value through the income statement. For investment securities available for sale that do not meet the aforementioned criteria, the Corporation evaluates whether the decline in fair value has resulted from credit losses or other factors. In making this assessment, the Corporation considers the extent to which fair value is less than amortized cost, any changes to the rating of the security by a rating agency, and adverse conditions specifically related to the security, among other factors. If this assessment indicates that a credit loss exists, the present value of cash flows expected to be collected from the security are compared to the amortized cost basis of the security. If the present value of cash flows expected to be collected is less than the amortized cost basis, a credit loss exists and an allowance for credit losses is recorded for the credit loss, limited by the amount that the fair value is less than the amortized cost basis. Unrealized losses that have not been recorded through an allowance for credit losses is recognized in other comprehensive income. Adjustments to the allowance are reported in the income statement as a component of the provision for credit loss. The Corporation has made the accounting policy election to exclude accrued interest receivable on investment securities available for sale from the estimate of credit losses. Investment securities available for sale are charged off against the allowance or, in the absence of any allowance, written down through the income statement when deemed uncollectible or when either of the aforementioned criteria regarding intent or requirement to sell is met. The Corporation did not record an allowance for credit losses on its investment securities available for sale as the unrealized losses were attributable to changes in interest rates, not credit quality.

The allowance for credit losses on investment securities held to maturity is a contra asset-valuation account that is deducted from the amortized cost basis of investment securities held to maturity to present the net amount expected to be collected. Investment securities held to maturity are charged off against the allowance when deemed uncollectible. Adjustments to the allowance are reported in the income statement as a component of the provision for credit loss. The Corporation measures expected credit losses on investment securities held to maturity on a collective basis by major security type with each type sharing similar risk characteristics, and considers historical credit loss information that is adjusted for current conditions and reasonable and supportable forecasts. The Corporation has made the accounting policy election to exclude accrued interest receivable on investment securities held to maturity from the estimate of credit losses. With regard to U.S. Government-sponsored agency and mortgage-backed securities, all these securities are issued by a U.S. Government-sponsored entity and have an implicit or explicit government guarantee; therefore, no allowance for credit losses has been recorded for these securities. With regard to securities issued by states and municipalities and other investment securities held to maturity, management considers (1) issuer bond ratings, (2) historical loss rates for given bond ratings, (3) the financial condition of the issuer, and (4) whether issuers continue to make timely principal and interest payments under the contractual terms of the securities. Historical loss rates associated with securities having similar grades as those in the Corporation's portfolio have been insignificant. Furthermore, as of March 31, 2024, there were no past due principal and interest payments associated with these securities. At current expected credit loss ("CECL") adoption, an allowance for credit losses of $245,000 was recorded on the state and municipal securities classified as held to maturity based on applying the long-term historical credit loss rate, as published by Moody’s, for similarly rated securities. The balance of the allowance for credit losses remained unchanged at $245,000 as of March 31, 2024.
On a quarterly basis, the Corporation monitors the credit quality of investment securities held to maturity through the use of credit ratings. The following table summarizes the amortized cost of investment securities held to maturity at March 31, 2024, aggregated by credit quality indicator.
Held to Maturity
State and municipalOtherTotal
Credit Rating:
Aaa$114,449 $70,587 $185,036 
Aa1159,923 — 159,923 
Aa2169,157 — 169,157 
Aa3133,379 — 133,379 
A1131,318 — 131,318 
A216,837 — 16,837 
A33,468 — 3,468 
Non-rated369,317 995,171 1,364,488 
Total$1,097,848 $1,065,758 $2,163,606 

The following tables summarize, as of March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, investment securities available for sale in an unrealized loss position for which an allowance for credit losses has not been recorded, aggregated by security type and length of time in a continuous unrealized loss position.
Less than 12 Months12 Months or LongerTotal
Investment securities available for sale at March 31, 2024
U.S. Government-sponsored agency securities$— $— $93,132 $17,325 $93,132 $17,325 
State and municipal54,062 1,643 980,756 134,609 1,034,818 136,252 
U.S. Government-sponsored mortgage-backed securities43,251 499 408,518 92,970 451,769 93,469 
Corporate obligations— — 11,944 976 11,944 976 
Total investment securities available for sale$97,313 $2,142 $1,494,350 $245,880 $1,591,663 $248,022 

Less than 12 Months12 Months or LongerTotal
Investment securities available for sale at December 31, 2023
U.S. Government-sponsored agency securities$— $— $95,307 $16,214 $95,307 $16,214 
State and municipal55,514 1,076 963,584 115,146 1,019,098 116,222 
U.S. Government-sponsored mortgage-backed securities11,493 25 422,868 86,965 434,361 86,990 
Corporate obligations— — 11,788 1,128 11,788 1,128 
Total investment securities available for sale$67,007 $1,101 $1,493,547 $219,453 $1,560,554 $220,554 

The following table summarizes investment securities available for sale in an unrealized loss position for which an allowance for credit losses has not been recorded, aggregated by security type and the number of securities in the portfolio as of the dates indicated.

Number of Securities
Investment securities available for sale at March 31, 2024
U.S. Government-sponsored agency securities$17,325 14
State and municipal136,252 721
U.S. Government-sponsored mortgage-backed securities93,469 156
Corporate obligations976 10
Total investment securities available for sale$248,022 901 
Number of Securities
Investment securities available for sale at December 31, 2023
U.S. Government-sponsored agency securities$16,214 14
State and municipal116,222 691
U.S. Government-sponsored mortgage-backed securities86,990 150
Corporate obligations1,128 10
Total investment securities available for sale$220,554 865 

The unrealized losses in the Corporation’s investment portfolio were the result of changes in interest rates and not credit quality. As a result, the Corporation expects to recover the amortized cost basis over the term of the securities. The Corporation does not intend to sell the investments and it is not more likely than not that the Corporation will be required to sell the investments before recovery of their amortized cost basis, which may be maturity.

Certain investment securities available for sale are reported in the financial statements at an amount less than their historical cost as indicated in the table below.
March 31, 2024December 31, 2023
Investments available for sale reported at less than historical cost:  
Historical cost$1,839,685 $1,781,108 
Fair value1,591,663 1,560,554 
Gross unrealized losses$248,022 $220,554 
Percent of the Corporation's investments available for sale98.2 %95.9 %

In determining the fair value of the investment securities portfolio, the Corporation utilizes a third party for portfolio accounting services, including market value input, for those securities classified as Level 1 and Level 2 in the fair value hierarchy.  The Corporation has obtained an understanding of what inputs are being used by the vendor in pricing the portfolio and how the vendor classified these securities based upon these inputs.  From these discussions, the Corporation’s management is comfortable that the classifications are proper.  The Corporation has gained trust in the data for two reasons:  (a) independent spot testing of the data is conducted by the Corporation through obtaining market quotes from various brokers on a periodic basis; and (b) actual gains or losses resulting from the sale of certain securities has proven the data to be accurate over time.   Fair value of securities classified as Level 3 in the valuation hierarchy was determined using a discounted cash flow model that incorporated market estimates of interest rates and volatility in markets that have not been active.

The amortized cost and fair value of investment securities available for sale and held to maturity at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, by contractual maturity are shown below. Expected maturities will differ from contractual maturities because issuers may have the right to call or prepay obligations with or without call or prepayment penalties. Securities not due at a single maturity are shown separately.

 Available for SaleHeld to Maturity
 Amortized CostFair ValueAmortized CostFair Value
Maturity Distribution at March 31, 2024    
Due in one year or less$1,865 $1,855 $12,971 $12,831 
Due after one through five years24,392 22,654 112,676 105,283 
Due after five through ten years141,962 131,832 137,043 125,783 
Due after ten years1,134,476 991,828 1,206,968 988,923 
 1,302,695 1,148,169 1,469,658 1,232,820 
U.S. Government-sponsored mortgage-backed securities565,177 472,044 693,948 587,631 
Total investment securities$1,867,872 $1,620,213 $2,163,606 $1,820,451 

Available for SaleHeld to Maturity
Amortized CostFair ValueAmortized CostFair Value
Maturity Distribution at December 31, 2023    
Due in one year or less$1,390 $1,382 $3,041 $3,043 
Due after one through five years24,899 23,372 118,592 111,723 
Due after five through ten years127,948 120,385 135,805 126,461 
Due after ten years1,151,260 1,027,158 1,217,265 1,018,801 
 1,305,497 1,172,297 1,474,703 1,260,028 
U.S. Government-sponsored mortgage-backed securities541,343 454,815 709,794 610,346 
Total investment securities$1,846,840 $1,627,112 $2,184,497 $1,870,374 
Securities with a carrying value of approximately $1.7 billion and $1.8 billion were pledged at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, to secure certain deposits and securities sold under repurchase agreements, and for other purposes as permitted or required by law.

The book value of securities pledged and available under agreements to repurchase amounted to $152.0 million at March 31, 2024 and $181.4 million at December 31, 2023.

Gross gains and losses on the sales and redemptions of investment securities available for sale for the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023 are shown below.
Three Months Ended March 31,
Sales and redemptions of investment securities available for sale:  
Gross gains$— $12 
Gross losses(2)(1,583)
Net gains (losses) on sales and redemptions of investment securities available for sale$(2)$(1,571)