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Pension and Other Post Retirement Benefit Plans - Schedule of Changes in Benefit Obligation, and Plan Assets, Funded Status of the Plan, Assets and Liabilities Recognized in the Balance Sheets (Details) (USD $)
In Thousands, unless otherwise specified
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2013
Dec. 31, 2012
Change in benefit obligation    
Benefit obligation at beginning of year $ 69,166 $ 68,769
Service Cost 131 161
Interest Cost 2,670 2,990
Actuarial Loss (Gain) (5,597) 3,168
Benefits paid (4,100) (5,922)
Benefit obligation at end of year 62,270 69,166
Change in plan assets    
Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year 62,865 62,078
Actual return on plan assets 10,610 6,141
Employer contributions 496 568
Benefits paid (4,100) (5,922)
End of Year 69,871 62,865
Funded Status at End of Year 7,601 (6,301)
Assets and Liabilities Recognized in the Balance Sheets:    
Deferred Tax Asset 4,266 9,200
Assets 12,383  
Liabilities 4,782 6,301
Amounts Recognized in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income Not Yet Recognized as Components of Net Periodic Benefit Cost Consist of:    
Accumulated Loss (7,922) (17,085)
Prior Service Credit (28) (41)
Total $ (7,950) $ (17,126)