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Washington, D.C. 20549






Investment Company Act file number 811-03651


Touchstone Strategic Trust-March Funds

(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)


303 Broadway, Suite 1100
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-4203

(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)


E. Blake Moore, Jr.

303 Broadway, Suite 1100
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-4203

(Name and address of agent for service)


Registrant's telephone number, including area code: 800-638-8194


Date of fiscal year end: March 31


Date of reporting period: March 31, 2021


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Item 1. Reports to Stockholders.


(a)The Report to Shareholders is attached herewith.




March 31, 2021
Annual Report
Touchstone Strategic Trust
Touchstone Flexible Income Fund
Touchstone Focused Fund
Touchstone Global ESG Equity Fund
Touchstone Growth Opportunities Fund
Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund
Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund

Table of Contents
Letter from the President 3
Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited) 4-22
Tabular Presentation of Portfolios of Investments (Unaudited) 23-24
Portfolios of Investments:  
Touchstone Flexible Income Fund 25-27
Touchstone Focused Fund 28
Touchstone Global ESG Equity Fund 29-30
Touchstone Growth Opportunities Fund 31
Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund 32
Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund 33-34
Statements of Assets and Liabilities 35-36
Statements of Operations 37
Statements of Changes in Net Assets 38-39
Statements of Changes in Net Assets - Capital Stock Activity 40-42
Financial Highlights 43-55
Notes to Financial Statements 56-68
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm 69
Other Items (Unaudited) 70-76
Management of the Trust (Unaudited) 77-78
Privacy Protection Policy 79
This report identifies the Funds' investments on March 31, 2021. These holdings are subject to change. Not all investments in each Fund performed the same, nor is there any guarantee that these investments will perform as well in the future. Market forecasts provided in this report may not occur.

Letter from the President
Dear Shareholder:
We are pleased to provide you with the Touchstone Strategic Trust Annual Report. Inside you will find key financial information, as well as manager commentaries for the Funds, for the 12 months ended March 31, 2021.
The Covid-19 pandemic, related restrictions on economic activity and massive government stimulus efforts to counter the pandemic's economic impacts were the primary market drivers throughout the past 12 months. While the disease’s human toll continued to climb, capital markets generally priced in expectations of higher growth of a post-pandemic world. This was particularly evident in much of the latter half of the period as progress on economic stimulus and vaccinations exceeded expectations. After suffering the worst GDP decline on record (-31.4%) in the second quarter 2020, third quarter GDP rebounded 33.4%. Fourth quarter U.S. GDP data released in March indicated another above trend growth rate (4.3% annualized), driven by economic reopening and a rebound in overall economic activity from the pandemic-induced lockdowns. U.S. employment also reflected the economic rebound as the unemployment rate declined to 6% in March 2021 from a high reading of 14.7% in April 2020. Outside the U.S., economic growth reported during the last 12 months generally followed the same path as the U.S. with severe contractions followed by strong rebounds. However, recent economic data releases have been mixed as the European Union (EU) economy actually contracted slightly in the fourth quarter while China, Japan and the U.K. posted positive growth rates. The central banks of major developed market countries and China kept interest rates unchanged while central banks in some emerging market countries, including Brazil, Russia and Turkey, were forced to raise rates to combat inflationary pressures.
U.S. equity markets generated strong positive returns during the period. From a market capitalization perspective, small capitalization stocks, which tend to be more tied to the U.S. economy, outperformed mid-caps while mid-caps in turn outperformed large-caps. Value equities outperformed growth in the small- and mid-cap segments, but large-cap growth equities outpaced their large-cap value counterparts. A style rotation was evident in the latter half of the period as value equities outperformed growth for two consecutive quarters for the first time since 2016. Cyclicals (e.g., Energy, Financials, Consumer Discretionary, Industrials and Materials) were expectedly among the leading U.S. equity sectors given their sensitivity to the economy. The Information Technology (IT) sector performed strongly during much of the 2020 COVID-induced lockdowns. However, as the market recovered in the second half of 2020, the IT sector quickly lagged the aforementioned cyclical sectors. Over the full period, the size of the IT sector in the S&P 500 Index resulted in the sector providing the largest contribution to total return, nearly one-third of the total return. Outside the U.S., non-U.S. developed equity markets trailed the U.S. over the past 12 months while emerging markets outperformed both U.S. and non-U.S. developed markets.
Within fixed income, U.S. Federal Reserve Board (Fed) continued near-zero overnight rates and direct purchases of various fixed income securities leading to overall low yields as a means of providing stimulus to the economy. Meanwhile, the announcement of Covid-19 vaccines in late 2020 served as an impetus for near-term economic re-opening and recovery. Investors sold Treasuries and bought investment grade and high yield corporates. This caused modest increases in the intermediate and longer ends of the yield curve. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index posted a relatively modest return which was primarily the result of investors adding risk by selling high quality intermediate and longer maturing government-related securities (both Treasuries and government agency bonds) resulting in the aforementioned yield curve steepening, a headwind for high quality bond returns. Yet the improved prospects for an economic rebound and an overall lower level of rates led investors to take on further credit risk in an effort to gain more yield. Investment grade and below investment grade corporate credit spreads continued to tighten, providing a performance tailwind.
We are reminded especially in periods such as these of the importance of the steady hands of financial professionals, commitment to your investment strategy, and awareness of the risks of trying to time the market. Furthermore, we believe that environments that are more volatile create more opportunity for active managers to add value, especially those managers that are Distinctively Active. We greatly value your continued support. Thank you for including Touchstone as part of your investment plan.
E. Blake Moore Jr.
Touchstone Strategic Trust

Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited)
Touchstone Flexible Income Fund
Sub-Advised by Bramshill Investments, LLC
Investment Philosophy
The Touchstone Flexible Income Fund seeks total return through a combination of income and capital appreciation by investing primarily in income producing securities. The Fund’s sub-advisor, Bramshill Investments, LLC, implements a tactical fixed-income strategy, actively managing the portfolio by rotating among asset classes and tactically hedging during various interest rate and market environments. The sub-advisor seeks to identify relative value across asset classes and capture opportunities primarily within the corporate, U.S. Treasury, municipal and preferred security markets. The Fund focuses on liquid securities with transparent pricing and actively-traded capital structures.
Fund Performance
The Touchstone Flexible Income Fund (Class A Shares) outperformed its benchmark, the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, for the 12-month period ended March 31, 2021. The Fund’s total return was 15.72% (calculated excluding the maximum sales charge) while the total return of the benchmark was 0.71%.
Market Environment
The 12-month period was an extremely bullish one for most credit-sensitive asset classes. From a day-to-day perspective, the market sentiment certainly did not feel bullish at the beginning of the period given most credit-sensitive asset classes experienced a severe dislocation in March 2020 when all investors digested the unprecedented economic damage from the business disruptions caused by COVID-19 related lockdowns. Many were skeptical of the recovery of the markets as the timeline to create vaccines to fight the virus and the true adverse effects to the economy, until it could get “back-to-normal,” were truly unknown. The most pivotal factor leading to the recovery of most credit-sensitive asset classes was the approximate $6 trillion of monetary and fiscal stimulus injected into the U.S. economy, in addition to all the other stimulus actions of world economies during the period. As a comparison, the unprecedented monetary and fiscal stimulus at the time of the Great Financial Crisis was only approximately $1.8 trillion. Furthermore, the U.S. Federal Reserve Board’s (Fed) balance sheet which finally had dropped to under $4 trillion in 2019, has now almost doubled and is back up to approximately $8 trillion. This increased money supply flowing throughout the system led to most of the above average total returns for most credit-sensitive asset classes including equities, high yield bonds and preferred stocks. Lastly, the most recent quarter of the period was a generally bearish market for many fixed income asset classes as a result of the primary headwind of “higher inflation/Fed taper sooner than anticipated” fears which caused risk free rates to rise. In our opinion inflationary sentiment was caused by the transition of both the U.S. Presidential administration and Congress to different agendas, various stimulus packages after the new year, as well as a sharp drop in COVID-19 cases, deaths and hospitalizations after the surges experienced throughout late fall and into early winter. Nevertheless, record all-time highs for U.S. stock indices continued to be reached on the hopes of a return to “normalcy” in 2021 of consumer demand on the heels of the stimulus injected into the economy. The recent increase of mutated variants of COVID-19 as well as historically high unemployment and low labor participation figures by the U.S. workforce could temper further steepening in long end rates for the remainder of 2021. An impending approximate $2.5 trillion infrastructure legislation coupled with massive issuance and a Fed committed to letting the economy run, may allow long term rates to gravitate slightly higher from here as well.
Throughout the period, U.S. Treasuries looked relatively undervalued to the universe of other global government debt. Bond yields all around the world ended 2020 at historic lows with approximately 27% of the world’s investment grade debt still trading at negative yields.
Credit spreads on the highest grade short duration assets tightened to near all-time lows in a rapid and somewhat unexpected move following such a sudden, dramatic market sell off in March 2020. Credit spreads on riskier asset classes generally all tightened albeit at a slower pace from the beginning of the period through the start of the fourth quarter of 2020. However, once the much anticipated COVID-19 vaccine trial results were released in early November 2020, these riskier asset classes started to tighten much more sharply into the start of 2021.
Portfolio Review
Our main tenets have been to emphasize investment opportunities with high current income, relatively short duration (generally inside 5 years) and those we believe have a low probability of default. We continue to be extremely focused on underlying fundamentals and credit quality. Credit spreads across the asset classes in which the Fund was invested generally tightened or were at relatively tight levels compared to historical ranges.
At the end of the period, the majority of the Fund was invested across preferred securities and Agency Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS). The preferred allocation is centered on securities whose coupons are fixed for 5 years and then reset at

Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited) (Continued)
a spread off U.S. Treasuries in an effort to mitigate interest rate risk. The Agency CMBS positions are generally backed by multi-family residential housing properties which have performed well fundamentally compared to other commercial sectors such as retail or lodging. We have actively avoided the retail and lodging sector because we do not like the fundamentals of those sub sectors, largely driven by the unknown pace of economic re-opening. The Fund’s preferred equities allocation was the largest asset class, representing approximately one third of the portfolio weight. At the beginning of the period, we found good opportunities to invest in preferred securities. As the period progressed and as long rates rose, we anticipated preferred securities to underperform as they are typically sensitive to higher long-term interest rates. However, they performed relatively well by historic standards and we were able to take advantage of the market by continuing to increase Fund exposure in securities we found attractive.
The Fund’s investment grade securities exposure decreased during the period. The Fund’s investment grade corporate bond exposure accounted for the largest decrease within the broader investment grade allocation. We strategically sold a majority of Fund investments in this asset class in an effort to take advantage of the pre-pandemic tight credit spreads reached during the period. We continued to like the positions held for their credit and interest coupon but determined the space to be overvalued. The majority of the Fund’s investment grade allocation remained in structured products exposure throughout the period. During the beginning of the period, the Fund was invested in shorter duration structured securities. However, by the third quarter of 2020, we began to reinvest the cash flows generated from these high grade, short duration structured securities into longer duration securities with good fundamentals. We believed this was the best course of action since we found the investment grade structured securities to be somewhat overvalued.
The Fund’s high yield allocation increased over the period as we identified attractive relative value opportunities in high yield structured securities and opportunistically added exposure in high yield corporate securities. Starting in the second quarter of 2020, we began to invest in this sector as we viewed the favorable risk/reward qualities of certain securities focused predominantly on housing related transactions that had good fundamentals which we believed provided for a low probability of default with relatively low duration and high current income. In the high yield corporate securities space we continued to favor high coupon first lien secured bonds that were trading to short call dates. These issues sit senior in the capital structure and are further secured by unencumbered collateral packages. Furthermore, we saw value in several high yield bond and bank loan closed-end funds which traded at discounts to NAV.
In terms of the Fund’s U.S. Treasury allocation, we entered into directional trades during the period, but recently exited all of the U.S. Treasury positions by the end of the first quarter of 2021. We believed that U.S. Treasuries yielded small returns in the shorter dated portion of the maturity curve and the sell-off in the longer dated portion of the maturity curve made it an unattractive place to invest.
Within the Fund’s municipal bond allocation, we increased Fund exposure over the period. As an asset class, we saw strong relative value opportunities in closed end funds which traded at discounts to NAV and offered attractive yields. Toward the latter portion of the period, the municipal bond space became overvalued which discouraged us from further increasing Fund exposure.
The Fund’s duration remained short versus its benchmark which was beneficial given the sell-off in long-term rates during the first quarter of 2021. This was done purposefully as we wanted to invest in shorter, solid credits to cushion spread volatility and/or large moves up in interest rates. The Fund’s duration throughout the quarter remained in the low 3-year area. Although this part of the yield curve experienced some volatility throughout the quarter, it remained relatively low from a historical basis. Throughout the last three quarters of 2020, the Fund’s performance was not adversely affected from the increase in the yields on the curve which started in the summer of 2020. Gradual increases in the yield curve were generally met with credit spread tightening, and any lowering of yields contributed to the Fund’s returns. On the other hand, the sharper increase in yields during the first quarter of 2021 wasn’t met with the same level of credit spread tightening experienced in 2020 for most of the assets in the Fund, mainly due to the fact that credit spreads were already relatively tight at the start of the first quarter of 2021. As a result, the Fund was impacted adversely by the effects from the higher yields in the last quarter of the period.
Inflation was a technical variable we began focusing on more during the first quarter of 2021 than at any time in 2020. We are constantly monitoring macroeconomic variables and note that oil, housing, construction costs and other commodities are experiencing some inflation due to supply chain issues and general shortages. We do not view “runaway inflation” and a parabolic increase in yields from where rates ended in the first quarter as an imminent risk. Nevertheless, as more stimulus is now expected to be injected into the economy, we will remain vigilant in focusing on inflation.
We added two hedges during the fourth quarter of 2020. One was a rate hedge and one was an equity hedge. The idea behind both was to mitigate market volatility as we were entering a rise in COVID-19 cases due to winter’s onset, experiencing political uncertainty with the presidential election being contested, and running the chance that typical year-end funding and other issues could bring volatility into the markets. We exited both hedges during the first quarter of 2021 and we did not enter into any new hedges.

Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited) (Continued)
Considering the credit spread tightening that occurred in the period, the Fund was fully invested and therefore maintained a smaller cash balance into the start of the fourth quarter of 2020. However, we stood patient aggregating the cash flows generated from Fund investments in preparation for any corrections and/or better entry points in the near future.
Considering the Fund is constructed as a long-only vehicle and although we like the Fed’s constant communication to the market that it will be fully accommodative for the foreseeable future, we are constantly monitoring rates as we are aware that the Fund’s largest allocations in preferred securities and Agency CMBS can be somewhat sensitive to them. We continue to be wary of credit sensitive asset classes, sectors that in our view that have a higher probability of default. As always, we remain diligent and patient as we are focused on avoiding positions that could potentially suffer from extreme illiquidity at the time another unforeseen event occurs. We don’t see any fundamental issues in the asset classes/sectors in which the Fund invests relative to the broader markets. Additionally, the Fund’s duration is shorter than its benchmark, so we believe it is relatively well positioned for an increase in rates. We believe that active portfolio management will be important going forward.

Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited) (Continued)
Comparison of the Change in Value of a $10,000 Investment in the Touchstone Flexible Income Fund - Class A* and the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index
Average Annual Total Returns**
Touchstone Flexible Income Fund 1 Year 5 Years 10 Years
Class A 13.35% 3.26% 3.93%
Class C 13.89% 3.73% 3.93%
Class Y 16.07% 4.77% 4.82%
Institutional Class* 16.19% 4.86% 4.89%
Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index 0.71% 3.10% 3.44%
* The chart above represents performance of Class A shares only, which will vary from the performance of Class C shares, Class Y shares and Institutional Class shares based on the differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders in the different classes. The inception date of Institutional Class shares was September 10, 2012. Institutional Class shares performance information was calculated using the historical performance of Class Y shares for the periods prior to September 10, 2012. The returns have been restated for sales loads and fees applicable to Institutional Class shares.
** The average annual total returns shown above are adjusted for maximum sales loads and fees, if applicable. Effective June 30, 2020, the maximum offering price per share of Class A shares is equal to the net asset value (“NAV”) per share plus a sales load equal to 3.36% of the NAV (or 3.25% of the offering price). Prior to June 30, 2020, the maximum offering price per share of Class A shares was equal to the NAV per share plus a sales load equal to 2.04% of the NAV (or 2.00% of the offering price). Class C shares are subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00%. The CDSC will be assessed on an amount equal to the lesser of (1) the NAV at the time of purchase of the shares being redeemed or (2) the NAV of such shares being redeemed, if redeemed within a one-year period from the date of purchase. Class Y shares and Institutional Class shares are not subject to sales charges.
The performance of the above Fund does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.
Note to Chart
Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index is an unmanaged index comprised of U.S. investment grade, fixed rate bond market securities, including government, government agency, corporate and mortgage-backed securities between one and ten years.

Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited)
Touchstone Focused Fund
Sub-Advised by Fort Washington Investment Advisors, Inc.
Investment Philosophy
The Touchstone Focused Fund seeks to invest in companies of all capitalizations that are trading below what is believed to be the estimate of their intrinsic value and have a sustainable competitive advantage or a high barrier to entry in place. The barrier(s) to entry can be created through a cost advantage, economies of scale, high customer loyalty or a government barrier (e.g. license or subsidy). Fort Washington believes that the strongest barrier to entry is the combination of economies of scale and high customer loyalty.
Fund Performance
The Touchstone Focused Fund (Class A Shares) outperformed its primary benchmark, the Russell 3000® Index, and its secondary benchmark, the S&P 500® Index, for the 12-month period ended March 31, 2021. The Fund’s total return was 69.38% (calculated excluding the maximum sales charge) while the total return of the Russell 3000® Index was 62.53% and the total return of the S&P 500® Index was 56.35%.
Market Environment
In the final three quarters of 2020, U.S. equities rallied off the lows primarily due to massive economic support by global governments and the anticipation related to vaccine deployment. In the first quarter of 2021, an improving economic outlook in the U.S. due to vaccine progress and supportive fiscal measures resulted in new highs for equity indices. Over the twelve-month period ending March 31, 2021, defensive, bond-proxy sectors including Utilities, Consumer Staples, and Real Estate underperformed within the benchmark. The Consumer Discretionary, Materials, and Energy sectors led results for the benchmark with an economic recovery tailwind.
Portfolio Review
Within the Fund, the sectors where holdings outperformed relative to the benchmark were Industrials, Health Care, Consumer Staples, Financials, Communication Services and Real Estate. Sectors that lagged relative to the benchmark included Utilities, Consumer Discretionary, and Information Technology. Stock selection was additive to relative performance led by stock picks within the Industrials, Financials, Communication Services and Materials sectors. Likewise, sector allocation decisions contributed primarily due to underweighting the Utilities and Consumer Staples sectors.
Among the stocks that contributed to performance were Signature Bank (Financials sector), Deere & Co. (Industrials sector), and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (Financials sector). Signature Bank outperformed with other commercial banks as interest rates rose during the period. Goldman Sachs outperformed for the year primarily due to elevated capital markets activity. Deere & Co. outperformed as company results surpassed expectations throughout the period due to disciplined cost management and improving fundamentals in the agriculture sector.
Among the stocks that detracted from performance were Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Class B (Financials sector), Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. (Consumer Discretionary sector), and Bristol Myers Squibb Company (Health Care sector). Berkshire Hathaway underperformed primarily due to the company’s large cash position during the market rally. Alibaba underperformed primarily due to investor concern over government intervention. Bristol Myers Squibb underperformed primarily due to investor concern over the Celgene Corp. acquisition and upcoming generic competition for cancer drug Revlimid.
From a market cap perspective, the Fund ended the period with no weight in smaller-cap stocks (companies with a market cap below $2 billion). The index weight for this segment is 2.7 percent. The Fund remained overweight to mid-cap businesses, which now comprise 14.2 percent of assets, compared to an index weight of 10.2 percent. Last, the Fund continues to maintain an underweight in larger-cap businesses (companies with a market cap above $10 billion). The weight in that segment is currently 83.8 percent, which is lower than the index weight of 87.1 percent. This allocation decision was positive to performance during the period as mid-cap stocks outperformed. The residual is in cash, which ended the period at 2.0 percent.
Investments made in international companies, which comprised 4.3 percent of assets at the end of the period, underperformed the benchmark.
During the period, the Fund added Allegiant Travel Co. (Industrials sector), Choice Hotels International Inc. (Consumer Discretionary sector), Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Inc. (Consumer Discretionary sector), Floor & Decor Holdings Inc. (Consumer Discretionary sector), Frontdoor Inc. (Consumer Discretionary sector), HCA Healthcare Inc. (Health Care sector), Hexcel Corp. (Industrials sector), Hilton (Consumer Discretionary sector), LPL Financial Holdings Inc. (Financials sector) and

Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited) (Continued)
SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc. (Information Technology sector). The Fund exited Baidu Inc. (Communication Services sector), Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc. (Health Care sector), The Walt Disney Co. (Communication Services sector), FedEx Corp. (Industrials sector), General Electric Co. (Industrials sector), Novartis AG (Health Care sector), Schlumberger Ltd. (Energy sector), Union Pacific Corp. (Industrials sector) and Yum China Holdings Inc. (Consumer Discretionary sector).
As the period came to a close, the Fund had an overweight to the Communication Services and Consumer Discretionary sectors and an underweight to the Information Technology, Health Care, Consumer Staples, Energy, and Material sectors. The weight in the Financials, Industrials, and Real Estate sectors was roughly in line with the benchmark. The Fund held no positions in the Utilities sector.
U.S. equity markets moved higher in the first quarter as investors responded favorably to vaccine deployment and additional government support. The first quarter brought a continuation of the market leadership that started with the November vaccine announcements. More cyclical and smaller cap segments with higher correlation to economic activity outperformed the broad market. With many U.S. equity indexes at or near all-time highs at the end of the quarter, many investors are shifting attention to portfolio positioning considerations as the pandemic wanes. We believe there are pockets of the market where valuations are stretched, but in aggregate, the market is around fair value. Importantly, this does not relinquish the possibility for reasonable returns going forward. We believe market breadth is healthy and the economy is likely to accelerate in 2021 due to stimulus, job gains, higher consumer savings and corporate cash on the balance sheet driving pent up demand. As the economy accelerates over the near term coming out of COVID-19, we will continue to monitor inflation as a key risk to what we view as a relatively favorable backdrop for U.S. equities.
Since the latter half of the first quarter 2020, we have been gradually shifting portfolio weight from COVID-19 beneficiaries to more economically sensitive opportunities while keeping the general focus on higher return on capital businesses that are mispriced. We added cyclical exposure to the Fund’s portfolio in what we believe are attractive business models that have high barriers to entry. We have shifted down in market cap over the past year. Many of the areas added to over the past year have been and will continue to be impacted by COVID-19 in the near term. In our view, the net result of this activity has been an upgrade to the Fund’s portfolio in terms of price to intrinsic value. We believe these shifts combined with continued disciplined execution of our process will benefit the Fund going forward.

Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited) (Continued)
Comparison of the Change in Value of a $10,000 Investment in the Touchstone Focused Fund - Class A*, the Russell 3000® Index and the S&P 500® Index
Average Annual Total Returns**
Touchstone Focused Fund 1 Year 5 Years 10 Years
Class A 60.90% 13.67% 12.85%
Class C* 67.10% 14.17% 12.96%
Class Y 69.89% 15.37% 13.83%
Institutional Class 70.00% 15.45% 13.95%
Russell 3000® Index 62.53% 16.64% 13.79%
S&P 500® Index 56.35% 16.29% 13.91%
* The chart above represents performance of Class A shares only, which will vary from the performance of Class C shares, Class Y shares and Institutional Class shares based on the differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders in the different classes. The inception date of Class C shares was April 12, 2012. Class C shares performance information was calculated using the historical performance of Class Y shares for the periods prior to April 12, 2012. The returns have been restated for sales loads and fees applicable to Class C shares.
** The average annual total returns shown above are adjusted for maximum sales loads and fees, if applicable. The maximum offering price per share of Class A shares is equal to the net asset value (“NAV”) per share plus a sales load equal to 5.26% of the NAV (or 5.00% of the offering price). Class C shares are subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00%. The CDSC will be assessed on an amount equal to the lesser of (1) the NAV at the time of purchase of the shares being redeemed or (2) the NAV of such shares being redeemed, if redeemed within a one-year period from the date of purchase. Class Y shares and Institutional Class shares are not subject to sales charges.
The performance of the above Fund does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.
Notes to Chart
Russell 3000® Index measures the performance of the 3,000 largest U.S. companies based on total market capitalization, which represents approximately 98% of the investable U.S. equity market.
S&P 500® Index is a group of 500 widely held stocks and is commonly regarded to be representative of the large capitalization stock universe.
The Frank Russell Company (FRC) is the source and owner of the Russell 3000® Index data contained or reflected in this material and all trademarks and copyrights related thereto. The material may contain confidential information and unauthorized use, disclosure, copying, dissemination or redistribution is strictly prohibited. This is a Touchstone Investments presentation of the data, and FRC is not responsible for the formatting or configuration of this material or for any inaccuracy in the presentation thereof.

Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited)
Touchstone Global ESG Equity Fund
Sub-Advised by Rockefeller & Co., LLC
Investment Philosophy
The Touchstone Global ESG Equity Fund seeks long-term growth of capital. The Fund primarily invests in equity securities of U.S. and non-U.S. companies and generally focuses on larger, more established companies. The Fund selects investments based on an evaluation of a company’s sustainability and impact practices which considers environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts and risks of a company, how well the company manages these impacts and risks and ascertains the company’s willingness and ability to take a leadership position in implementing best practices.
Fund Performance
The Touchstone Global ESG Equity Fund (Class A Shares) outperformed its benchmark, the MSCI All Country World Index, for the 12-month period ended March 31, 2021. The Fund’s total return was 55.86% (calculated excluding the maximum sales charge), while the total return of the benchmark was 54.60%.
Market Environment
The 12-month period ending March 31, 2021 started with lockdowns and the shutting down of large parts of the global economy due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This unprecedented economic crisis prompted many governments to respond with extremely aggressive monetary and fiscal stimulus. In the U.S., the combination of the Paycheck Protection Program, $600 of extra weekly unemployment benefits, and $1200 stimulus checks to many individuals, helped to stunt the negative impacts of the massive economic contraction. In Europe, the crisis galvanized governments into a proposal to jointly issue bonds to fund a 750-billion-euro economic recovery plan for the European Union. As the year progressed, despite a severe second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping across the Americas and Europe, global equity markets continued their strong performance to end the 2020 calendar year. Positive vaccine news was one catalyst as travel and “return to work” stocks performed well stemming from strong efficacy and safety data from Pfizer Inc. and Moderna Inc. (both Health Care sector). Even failure to pass a timely stimulus bill that had been expected in July, which was only completed just before year-end, did not shake market faithful.
As countries across the world then raced to distribute vaccines, investors pivoted with the same haste out of both ‘stay-at-home’ and less cyclical stocks in favor of more economically sensitive Energy and Financials sector stocks. The markets welcomed the results of the Georgia Senate run-off elections along with the outcome’s potential for enabling additional stimulus. Investors did not have to wait long as President Biden promptly delivered a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package and closed out the period with a proposed $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan. Sharp increases in U.S. Treasury yields seemed to foreshadow the inevitable inflation that one would expect as a result of the U.S. spending close to 20% of GDP in fiscal stimulus.
Portfolio Review
Both the Fund’s sector allocation and stock selection contributed to relative performance during the period while currency was a slight headwind. The Fund benefited from strong selection in the Industrials sector as the rebound in some of the more economically cyclical stocks offset negative selection in the Health Care sector. Agricultural equipment manufacturer Deere & Co. (Industrials sector) was the largest contributor as higher grain prices and replacement demand for agricultural equipment added to the company’s strong results. Telecommunications provider, Verizon Communications Inc. (Communication Services sector), was the largest detractor as the market rebound was led by stocks with higher economic cyclicality leading to the less cyclical Verizon underperforming on a relative basis. North America was the best performing region, followed by Europe, which more than offset the negative impact of stock selection in Japan.
The Fund made several changes during the volatile 12-month period. In the second quarter of 2020, we initiated multiple new positions including Discover Financial Services (Financials sector), Crown Holdings Inc. (Materials sector) and Svenska Handelsbanken AB (Financials sector). To fund these positions we exited several stocks including Comcast Corp. (Communication Services sector), Fifth Third Bancorp (Financials sector) and PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Financials sector). During the third quarter of 2020, we initiated positions including Reinsurance Group of America Inc. (Financials sector), Roche Holding AG (Health Care sector) and Tele2 AB (Communication Services sector) while also exiting positions including Total SA (Energy sector) and Alphabet Inc. (Communication Services sector). The Fund continued to take advantage of the market volatility and initiated several new positions during the fourth quarter of 2020, including in Globe Life Inc. (Financials sector), Medical Properties Trust Inc. (Real Estate sector) and Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. (Consumer Discretionary sector). To fund these purchases, we sold several positions including GlaxoSmithKline PLC (Health Care sector) and Crown Holdings Inc. Most recently, the Fund initiated several new positions during the first quarter of 2021, including Eli Lilly and Co. (Health Care sector), Hitachi Ltd. (Industrials

Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited) (Continued)
sector), and United Rentals Inc. (Industrials sector) while several positions including Verizon Communications Inc., KDDI Corp. (Communication Services sector) and Umicore SA (Materials sector), were sold to fund opportunities that we believed to be more attractive.
Eli Lilly is a U.S.-based pharmaceutical company that manufactures therapeutic solutions for diabetes, obesity, cancer and neurological disorders. We have an above-consensus outlook for Tirzepatide, Lilly’s new drug for treatment of obesity and diabetes. We believe positive datasets in the next several months coupled with the launch of Tirzepatide should lead to upward consensus revisions over time. We believe this drug has a chance to be among the world’s leading revenue generators. The company also has a robust oncology outlook thanks to Verzenio, a drug to treat breast cancer, and Loxo Oncology, a company they acquired in 2019. Our future ESG engagement activity with Eli Lilly will center on addressing the scrutiny of drug pricing verses actual costs. Hitachi is a Japanese multinational conglomerate operating in the IT, energy and industrial equipment industries. Within its energy segment, Hitachi's recent acquisition of ABB’s Power Grids business now makes the company the largest supplier of grid equipment and solutions. As such, we believe it will benefit from utility companies modernizing the grid to accommodate the transition to solar, wind and electric vehicles. While Hitachi's acquisitions have strained labor relations, specifically within its acquired firms and employees, the company has made considerable progress in addressing flexible work schedules and has typically kept senior management at the acquired companies intact. United Rentals, based in the U.S., is the world’s largest equipment rental company providing a full range of construction and industrial equipment. We believe the company has the potential to benefit from increases in U.S. infrastructure spending. Additionally, with the significant increase in commodity costs including steel, we believe United Rentals, as an owner of machinery equipment rather than a producer, should not only be shielded from this increase in costs, but will likely profit due to the value of its existing fleet increasing as new equipment prices rise to offset inflation. Material ESG issues for the company center around the environmental impact of transporting equipment to customers and the safety of its workers and customers. In efforts to reduce its impact, United Rentals has been utilizing route optimization software, along with more efficient vehicles to transport equipment to customers. As it relates to safety, despite recent acquisition and integration activity, the company’s total recordable incident rate remains below industry peers.
We believe the newly announced spending plans in the U.S. will likely create opportunities in the coming years for many companies, many of which we think are not being priced into earnings estimates. We continue to believe the opportunity in the market lies in identifying good companies that exist somewhere between the reopening themes that have enjoyed a large (and in some cases unjustified) recovery and the expensive growth names, especially those in Information Technology, that benefited from COVID-19 driven spending.
Sectors where we are seeing the biggest opportunities include Industrials, where we believe companies should see meaningful earnings growth from increased U.S. spending, as well as Financial Services, which may benefit from forthcoming inflation expectations and any resulting rise in interest rates.

Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited) (Continued)
Comparison of the Change in Value of a $10,000 Investment in the Touchstone Global ESG Equity Fund - Class A* and the MSCI All Country World Index
Average Annual Total Returns**
Touchstone Global ESG Equity Fund 1 Year 5 Years 10 Years
Class A 48.04% 10.75% 9.60%
Class C 53.55% 11.16% 9.57%
Class Y 56.22% 12.36% 10.53%
Institutional Class* 56.21% 12.40% 10.55%
MSCI All Country World Index 54.60% 13.21% 9.14%
* The chart above represents performance of Class A shares only, which will vary from the performance of Class C shares, Class Y shares and Institutional Class shares based on the differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders in the different classes. The inception date of Institutional Class shares was May 4, 2015. Institutional Class shares performance information was calculated using the historical performance of Class A shares for periods prior to May 4, 2015. The returns have been restated for sales loads and fees applicable to Institutional Class shares.
** The average annual total returns shown above are adjusted for maximum sales loads and fees, if applicable. The maximum offering price per share of Class A shares is equal to the net asset value (“NAV”) per share plus a sales load equal to 5.26% of the NAV (or 5.00% of the offering price). Class C shares are subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00%. The CDSC will be assessed on an amount equal to the lesser of (1) the NAV at the time of purchase of the shares being redeemed or (2) the NAV of such shares being redeemed, if redeemed within a one-year period from the date of purchase. Class Y shares and Institutional Class shares are not subject to sales charges.
The performance of the above Fund does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.
Notes to Chart
MSCI All Country World Index measures the equity market performance of developed and emerging markets.
MSCI makes no express or implied warranties or representations and shall have no liability whatsoever with respect to any MSCI data contained herein. The MSCI data may not be further redistributed or used to create indices or financial products. This report is not approved or produced by MSCI.

Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited)
Touchstone Growth Opportunities Fund
Sub-Advised by Westfield Capital Management Company, L.P.
Investment Philosophy
The Touchstone Growth Opportunities Fund seeks long-term growth of capital by primarily investing in stocks of U.S. companies with large, medium and small market capitalizations. The Fund’s portfolio managers place focus on companies they believe to have demonstrated records of achievement with excellent prospects for earnings growth over a 1- to 3-year period. Westfield looks for companies that it believes are reasonably priced with high forecasted earnings potential.
Fund Performance
The Touchstone Growth Opportunities Fund (Class A Shares) underperformed its benchmark, the Russell 3000® Growth Index, for the 12-month period ended March 31, 2021. The Fund’s total return was 62.56% (calculated excluding the maximum sales charge), while the total return of the benchmark was 64.31%.
Market Environment
The primary market drivers throughout the past 12 months were the COVID-19 pandemic, related restrictions on economic activity and massive government stimulus efforts to counter the pandemic's economic impacts. The macroeconomic backdrop was highly volatile. After suffering the worst GDP decline on record (-31.4%) in the second quarter 2020, third quarter GDP rebounded 33.4%. Fourth quarter U.S. GDP data released in March indicated another above trend growth rate (4.3% annualized), driven by economic reopening and a rebound in overall economic activity from the COVID-19 induced lockdowns. U.S. employment also reflected the economic rebound as the unemployment rate declined to 6.0% in March from a high reading of 14.7% in April 2020.
Within the Russell 3000® Growth Index, all sectors generated positive returns. Real Estate was the weakest sector, but only on a relative basis. From a style perspective, value equities outperformed growth in the small- and mid-cap segments, but large-cap growth equities continued to outpace their large-cap value counterparts.
Portfolio Review
The Fund’s relative underperformance was driven by stock selection within the Consumer Discretionary sector and drag from the Fund’s cash position also detracted. This was partially offset by positive selection contribution within the Financials and Industrials sectors and an underweight to the Consumer Staples sector.
The relative contribution from the Consumer Staples sector was mainly driven by the Fund’s strategic avoidance of many companies within this market-trailing segment. The Fund has maintained a structural underweight to the sector believing that stocks in the segment largely fail to meet our disciplined growth and valuation criteria. Additionally, many of the headwinds experienced from decreased demand and associated stockpiling provide a challenging comparative environment in relative terms. As a result, we believe stocks in this group, in general, will struggle relative to other pockets of the market where the fundamental backdrop is stronger.
Financials also contributed to relative returns during the period. LPL Financial Holdings Inc., a platform provider for brokerage and investment advisory services, was the largest contributor to relative results. The company’s stock lagged in early 2020 after the U.S. Federal Reserve Board (Fed) cut target interest rates to zero which directly impacted profits. However, the company’s continued success growing assets organically combined with a bounce in asset prices and, more recently, higher interest rates, resulted in renewed enthusiasm for the stock. Following the recent outperformance, we sold the Fund’s position on strength and used the capital to rotate into other ideas which had more relative upside, in our opinion. Also contributing to returns was the Fund’s investment in global financial services company, Morgan Stanley. Morgan Stanley has benefited from robust capital markets activity. Additionally, we believe investors have gained a new appreciation for the fact that a large portion of Morgan Stanley’s earnings now comes from less capital intensive businesses such as wealth management and asset management. Looking forward, we continue to have conviction in Morgan Stanley and think its excess capital should be returned to shareholders via increased share buybacks.
Industrials was also additive to relative results. Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc., a manufacturer of water drainage structures and supplies, was the largest contributor to relative results. The company continued to benefit from strong end-market performance and increased adoption of the plastic drainage pipes it sells in place of traditional materials like concrete. Its recent acquisition has been accretive and shows management competence in conducting mergers and acquisitions (M&A), and we remain confident in its continued strong execution. Also adding to relative results was the investment in ITT, Inc., a manufacturer of engineered components and customized technology. ITT’s outperformance was driven by strength in its auto braking business, and investor

Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited) (Continued)
expectations for improvement in its heavy industrial & aero franchise. We continue to have conviction in ITT given its quality management team with a solid track record of success, strong free cash flow conversion and quality balance sheet.
Consumer Discretionary was the primary source of relative weakness during the period. Strong stock selection within housing-related stocks that benefited from the pandemic and more recovery-oriented stocks within hotels restaurants & leisure was outweighed by lack of exposure to select speculative investments within Autos. Building and home improvement retailer Home Depot also detracted from relative results. Despite continued robust demand, Home Depot lost ground at the end of 2020 as investors rotated into harder hit segments of the consumer economy following positive vaccine news and elevated expectations for a post-pandemic environment. In March 2021, we sold the Fund’s position in Home Depot, rotating the capital into Costco Wholesale Corporation as we believe that Costco has more potential from here as the economy reopens and consumers return to in-person shopping.
Information Technology also detracted from relative results during the period. Fidelity National Information Services, Inc., a digital payments network provider, was the top source of weakness in the sector. The stock lagged during the second quarter of 2020 as more volatile stocks outperformed. In addition, the impact to the merchant segment from a COVID-19 related halt to travel spending also negatively impacted results. We continue to view Fidelity National as a high-quality company with a long runway for growth in all of its businesses including strong competitive advantages in global e-commerce and integrated payments. In addition, we think the market is not appreciating the positive momentum in Fidelity National’s legacy banking segment as the company has recently signed contracts to provide technology to multiple large banks.
The most notable theme in managing the Fund’s positioning has been the increase to cyclically sensitive areas of the market. This has been a focus for several months now as we continue to believe there is significant earnings upside potential in cyclicals and recovery-oriented stocks. As a result, we have added to the Fund’s cyclical/recovery exposure and it is currently overweight cyclicals (includes Industrials, Materials, Energy, Financials, Consumer Discretionary & Semiconductor). This overweight is most notable in the Fund’s overweight positioning to Industrials, Financials, and Materials.
The Fund’s largest sector change was in Health Care, as we rotated capital into more cyclically sensitive/recovery-oriented investments during the period. Despite these changes, the Fund continues to have a healthy absolute weight in Health Care and we believe the sector has a good secular backdrop and great innovation, especially within biopharma & medical devices, which we believe should continue to be rewarded.
It is important to remember that we take a bottom-up, fundamental approach when identifying securities for inclusion within the Fund and sector exposures are the result of our fundamental conviction in individual companies.
Moving forward, expectations for a robust economic recovery largely appear to be discounted into current valuations. With high expectations, only those companies best able to execute in months ahead will be able to retain their premium valuations. There is renewed investor focus on pricing power and durable earnings amidst tighter supply chains and the return of inflation, which play to our strengths as active managers focused intently on identifying those attributes in the companies in which we invest. To that end, we remain confident in the Fund’s positioning in high quality growth companies which trade at reasonable valuations.
We continue to believe there is significant earnings upside potential in cyclicals and recovery-oriented stocks. We believe having a barbell approach of both cyclicals and secular growth stocks trading at reasonable valuations should be an effective recipe in 2021 and the years to come. Over the last several years we witnessed the rise of growth-at-any-price as a leading investment strategy. With an explosive economic recovery immediately ahead, rising interest rates, and the return of inflation, we anticipate P/E multiple compression, and a major mean reversion for aggressive growth and momentum stocks. We are seeing investor focus returning to tried-and-true valuation criteria like free cash flow, earnings growth, and return of capital. We believe the recent gains of value indices relative to growth reflect this trend change and is likely just the start of a multi-year story. In this environment, Growth-At-A-Reasonable-Price as an investment strategy should be poised to substantiate its value once again to investors, over the long term.

Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited) (Continued)
Comparison of the Change in Value of a $10,000 Investment in the Touchstone Growth Opportunities Fund - Class A* and the Russell 3000® Growth Index
Average Annual Total Returns**
Touchstone Growth Opportunities Fund 1 Year 5 Years 10 Years
Class A 54.43% 18.40% 13.48%
Class C 60.29% 18.90% 13.48%
Class Y 62.93% 20.11% 14.44%
Institutional Class 63.13% 20.23% 14.56%
Russell 3000® Growth Index 64.31% 20.87% 16.35%
* The chart above represents performance of Class A shares only, which will vary from the performance of Class C shares, Class Y shares and Institutional Class shares based on the differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders in the different classes.
** The average annual total returns shown above are adjusted for maximum sales loads and fees, if applicable. The maximum offering price per share of Class A shares is equal to the net asset value (“NAV”) per share plus a sales load equal to 5.26% of the NAV (or 5.00% of the offering price). Class C shares are subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00%. The CDSC will be assessed on an amount equal to the lesser of (1) the NAV at the time of purchase of the shares being redeemed or (2) the NAV of such shares being redeemed, if redeemed within a one-year period from the date of purchase. Class Y shares and Institutional Class shares are not subject to sales charges.
The performance of the above Fund does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.
Notes to Chart
Russell 3000® Growth Index measures the performance of those Russell 3000® companies with higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values.
The Frank Russell Company (FRC) is the source and owner of the Index data contained or reflected in this material and all trademarks and copyrights related thereto. The material may contain confidential information and unauthorized use, disclosure, copying, dissemination or redistribution is strictly prohibited. This is a Touchstone Investments presentation of the data, and FRC is not responsible for the formatting or configuration of this material or for any inaccuracy in the presentation thereof.

Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited)
Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund
Sub-Advised by Westfield Capital Management Company, L.P.
Investment Philosophy
The Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund seeks to increase the value of Fund shares by primarily investing in stocks of mid-cap U.S. companies. The Fund’s portfolio managers place focus on companies that they believe to have a demonstrated record of achievement with excellent prospects for earnings growth over a 1-to-3-year period. Westfield looks for companies that it believes are reasonably priced with high forecasted earnings potential.
Fund Performance
The Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund (Class A Shares) underperformed its benchmark, the Russell Midcap® Growth Index, for the 12-month period ended March 31, 2021. The Fund’s total return was 61.98% (calculated excluding the maximum sales charge), while the total return of the benchmark was 68.61%.
Market Environment
The primary market drivers throughout the past 12 months were the COVID-19 pandemic, related restrictions on economic activity and massive government stimulus efforts to counter the pandemic's economic impacts. The macroeconomic backdrop was highly volatile. After suffering the worst GDP decline on record (-31.4%) in the second quarter 2020, third quarter GDP rebounded 33.4%. Fourth quarter U.S. GDP data released in March indicated another above trend growth rate (4.3% annualized), driven by economic reopening and a rebound in overall economic activity from the COVID-19 induced lockdowns. U.S. employment also reflected the economic rebound as the unemployment rate declined to 6.0% in March from a high reading of 14.7% in April 2020.
Within the Russell Midcap® Growth Index, all sectors generated positive returns. Consumer Staples was the weakest sector, but only on a relative basis. From a style perspective, value equities outperformed growth in the small- and mid-cap segments, but large-cap growth equities continued to outpace their large-cap value counterparts.
Portfolio Review
The Fund’s relative underperformance was driven by stock selection within the Health Care, Real Estate and Consumer Discretionary sectors. An underweight to the outperforming Communication Services sector and drag from the Fund’s cash position also detracted. These detractors were partially offset by strong stock selection in the Information Technology, Communication Services and Materials sectors.
Health Care was the top detractor from relative results over the period. Targeted therapeutics company Ascendis Pharma was one of the worst relative performers in the sector over the period. Poor sentiment weighed on Ascendis following a venture capital distribution of stock that was disliked by large shareholders and a sell-side ratings downgrade. Additionally, recent restrictive decisions from the FDA put additional downward pressure on the stock. Despite the transitory negative sentiment, we continue to favor the company’s catalyst-rich path for the remainder of the year and what we believe to be flawless product development.
Consumer Discretionary was also a source of weakness during the period. The second quarter of 2020 presented challenges for the group as consumer spending patterns shifted towards home-related categories and away from travel and entertainment. The adoption of ecommerce spending accelerated dramatically, and pent-up demand for certain categories was exhausted as the rolling economic re-opening progressed. These events resulted in a sharp recovery in many group segments after big declines in the first quarter of 2020, creating a market backdrop that was tough to keep pace with despite healthy portfolio representation in many of these key emerging themes. Off-priced retailer Ross Stores Inc., detracted from performance as overall retail store closures and the uncertain pace of sales recovery kept a lid on the group. We remain optimistic about Ross’ potential to benefit from a highly favorable buying environment for acquiring quality merchandise at compelling prices. Ross may also see intermediate and long-term benefits from industry consolidation as apparel retail bankruptcies result in additional store closures.
Information Technology was the top source of relative strength during the period. Twilio Inc., a developer of cloud-based communications software and services, was the top performer in the sector. Twilio reported strong results and it surfaced as a key COVID-19 beneficiary in a way that we believe most investors did not expect. The company has seen an acceleration in the adoption of certain products and experienced broadening of its total addressable market. We continue to like Twilio because it serves a large market opportunity and could emerge as a structurally stronger and faster-growing business on the other side of COVID-19. Additionally, a company that added to relative returns and has been a clear beneficiary of the COVID-19 environment has been Square Inc. The adoption of, and the demand for, the technology Square provides small businesses has dramatically increased as a result of the current environment. In addition, the resiliency of small businesses has been noteworthy and this

Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited) (Continued)
recognition of the durability of Square’s business drove strong relative returns. We sold the Fund’s position in the fourth quarter of 2020 as the stock had reached our price target and we believed the valuation was stretched.
Consumer Staples was another relative contributor to returns due to the Fund’s lack of exposure to this market-trailing segment. We have maintained a structural underweight to the sector believing that stocks in the segment largely fail to meet our disciplined growth and valuation criteria. Additionally, many of the headwinds experienced from decreased demand and associated stockpiling provide a challenging comparative environment in relative terms. As a result, we believe stocks in this group, in general, will struggle relative to other pockets of the market where the fundamental backdrop is stronger.
The most notable theme in managing the Fund’s positioning has been the increase to cyclically sensitive areas of the market. This has been a focus for several months now, as we continue to believe there is significant earnings potential in cyclicals and recovery-oriented stocks. As a result, we have added to the Fund’s cyclical/recovery exposure and it is currently overweight cyclicals (includes Industrials, Financials, Consumer Discretionary & Semiconductors).
The Fund’s largest sector weight change was in Communication Services, as we rotated capital into more recovery-oriented investments within the sector during the period. Despite the increase in absolute weight, the Fund is relatively underweight the sector as we believe many of the constituents are trading at excessive valuations that don’t fit our GARP philosophy.
It is important to remember that we take a bottom-up, fundamental approach when identifying securities for inclusion within the Fund and sector exposures are the result of our fundamental conviction in individual companies.
Moving forward, expectations for a robust economic recovery largely appear to be discounted into current valuations. With high expectations, we believe only those companies best able to execute in the months ahead will be able to retain their premium valuations. There is renewed investor focus on pricing power and durable earnings amidst tighter supply chains and the return of inflation, which play to our strengths as active managers focused intently on identifying those attributes in the companies in which we invest. To that end, we remain confident in the Fund’s positioning in high quality growth companies which trade at reasonable valuations.
We continue to believe there is significant earnings upside potential in cyclicals and recovery-oriented stocks. We believe having a barbell approach of both cyclicals and secular growth stocks trading at reasonable valuations should be an effective recipe in 2021 and the years to come. Over the last several years we witnessed the rise of growth-at-any-price as a leading investment strategy. With an explosive economic recovery immediately ahead, rising interest rates, and the return of inflation, we anticipate P/E multiple compression, and a major mean reversion for aggressive growth and momentum stocks. We are seeing investor focus returning to tried-and-true valuation criteria like free cash flow, earnings growth, and return of capital. We believe the recent gains of value indices relative to growth reflect this trend change and is likely just the start of a multi-year story. In this environment, we think Growth-At-A-Reasonable-Price as an investment strategy should be poised to substantiate its value once again to investors, over the long term.

Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited) (Continued)
Comparison of the Change in Value of a $10,000 Investment in the Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund - Class A* and the Russell Midcap® Growth Index
Average Annual Total Returns**
Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund 1 Year 5 Years 10 Years
Class A 53.88% 16.41% 12.18%
Class C 59.65% 16.88% 12.18%
Class Y 62.40% 18.09% 13.15%
Class R6* 62.58% 18.17% 13.24%
Institutional Class* 62.50% 18.16% 13.24%
Russell Midcap® Growth Index 68.61% 18.39% 14.11%
* The chart above represents performance of Class A shares only, which will vary from the performance of Class C shares, Class Y shares, Class R6 shares and Institutional Class shares based on the differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders in the different classes. The inception date of Class R6 shares and Institutional Class shares was February 10, 2020 and April 1, 2011, respectively. Institutional Class shares performance information was calculated using the historical performance of Class A shares for periods prior to April 1, 2011. Class R6 shares performance information was calculated using the historical performance of Institutional Class shares for periods prior to February 10, 2020. The returns have been restated for fees applicable to Class R6 and Institutional Class shares.
** The average annual total returns shown above are adjusted for maximum sales loads and fees, if applicable. The maximum offering price per share of Class A shares is equal to the net asset value (“NAV”) per share plus a sales load equal to 5.26% of the NAV (or 5.00% of the offering price). Class C shares are subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00%. The CDSC will be assessed on an amount equal to the lesser of (1) the NAV at the time of purchase of the shares being redeemed or (2) the NAV of such shares being redeemed, if redeemed within a one-year period from the date of purchase. Class Y shares, Class R6 shares, and Institutional Class shares are not subject to sales charges.
The performance of the above Fund does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.
Notes to Chart
Russell Midcap® Growth Index measures the performance of those Russell Midcap® companies with higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values.
The Frank Russell Company (FRC) is the source and owner of the Index data contained or reflected in this material and all trademarks and copyrights related thereto. The material may contain confidential information and unauthorized use, disclosure, copying, dissemination or redistribution is strictly prohibited. This is a Touchstone Investments presentation of the data, and FRC is not responsible for the formatting or configuration of this material or for any inaccuracy in the presentation thereof.

Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited)
Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund
Sub-Advised by Sands Capital Management, LLC
Investment Philosophy
The Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund seeks long-term capital appreciation. The Fund invests in equity and equity-related securities issued by companies located in Emerging or Frontier Markets countries. The Fund’s sub-advisor, Sands Capital Management, LLC, uses a “bottom-up” approach to investment selection that focuses on a company’s long-term business fundamentals, as opposed to sector or regional allocations. Sands Capital seeks companies that have: sustainable above-average earnings growth; a leadership position in a promising business space; significant competitive advantages such as profitability, superior quality or distribution relative to competitors or strong brand and consumer loyalty; a clear mission in an understandable business model; financial strength; and a rational valuation in relation to competitors, the market and business prospects.
Fund Performance
The Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund (Class A Shares) outperformed its benchmark, the MSCI Emerging Markets Index, for the 12-month period ended March 31, 2021. The Fund’s total return was 87.06% (calculated excluding the maximum sales charge), while the total return of the benchmark was 58.39%.
Market Environment
A number of fundamental and technical factors contributed to demand for the Emerging Markets equities asset class, including improving economic and earnings expectations, positioning, relative valuations, and weaker U.S. dollar.
The strength was broad-based, with almost every constituent country trading higher. Taiwan and Korea were among the top-performing countries while Argentina and the Philippines underperformed the benchmark. Argentina was the only negative returning constituent country.
All benchmark sectors appreciated during the period. The Information Technology and Materials sectors led results within the benchmark. Real Estate and Consumer Staples sectors, though positive, were the weakest performing within the benchmark during the strong rally.
Portfolio Review
The Fund outperformed its benchmark during the 12-month period due to positive stock selection that overcame negative allocation and currency effects. Digital stay-at-home beneficiaries drove the Fund’s results for the period, with positive selection effect overwhelming negative currency effect and muted allocation effect. From a regional perspective, Asia/Pacific ex-Japan contributed most to relative results. No regions detracted, but Mid-East & Africa contributed least. From a sector perspective, Communication Services and Health Care were the top contributors, while the Materials sector was the only detractor from a stock selection perspective.
Among the top relative individual contributors to investment results were Sea Ltd., MercadoLibre Inc. and Anta Sports Products Ltd. Sea was supported by strong results from its core gaming and ecommerce businesses. Sea’s flagship game Free Fire continued to deliver robust growth and engagement, and in 2020 it was again the most-downloaded mobile game globally. Ecommerce platform Shopee delivered $12 billion in gross merchandise volume in the quarter (113 % year-over-year growth) and was the third most-downloaded shopping app globally in 2020. Beyond gaming and ecommerce, SeaMoney (digital financial services) processed nearly $3 billion in total payment volume, reaching 23 million quarterly paying users for its mobile wallet. MercadoLibre rose during the period in response to strong ecommerce and payments volume growth on the platform. We believe growth-driving initiatives, such as logistics and first-party sales, remain in early stages, with ample room for continued optimization and scale. Anta Sports Products rose as the company continued to execute on its “multi-brand, omnichannel, full coverage” strategy. The recently announced direct-to-consumer strategy further bolstered the stock as the company continues to build on its success with the FILA brand and tailwind from growing sports participation in China.
Among the top relative detractors were CD Projekt SA, Tencent Music Entertainment Group, and Allegro.EU SA. CD Projekt declined following the release of its highly anticipated Cyberpunk 2077 game in December 2020. Despite initial stellar reviews and record-breaking presales, many consumers found the game to be nearly unplayable on current-generation consoles, due to glitches and bugs. Our research indicates this was more of a tactical issue—one of execution—rather than a structural issue that affects the business’ long-term earnings power. Tencent Music sold off in March 2021 mainly due to technical factors related to liquidations at a hedge fund. We believe this decline was unrelated to fundamentals. Tencent Music’s fourth-quarter 2020 results showed positive progress on all key elements of our investment case. Competition fears pressured Allegro as Amazon.com Inc. launched in Poland.

Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited) (Continued)
Notably, Amazon launched with little discounting or marketing, and remained behind Allegro in terms of daily app downloads. While we continue to closely monitor the competitive situation, we have high conviction that Allegro will remain Poland’s ecommerce winner long term.
During the period, we purchased XP Inc., ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company, Hangzhou Tigermed Consulting Co. Ltd., Allegro.EU SA, Kaspi.KZ JSC, CD Projekt SA, JD Health International Inc., and Tencent Music Entertainment Group. We sold SM Prime Holdings Inc., MakeMyTrip, Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste SAB de CV, Housing Development Finance Corp., NagaCorp Ltd., Baidu Inc., Mail.ru Group, Sunny Optical Technology Company Limited, and BeiGene.
The Fund’s regional and sector exposures are largely a byproduct of our bottom-up investment process. General portfolio positioning remained directionally unchanged. Emerging Asia remained the strategy’s largest absolute regional weight, largely due to the strategy’s China and India exposures. Latin America was the largest regional overweight. Mid-East & Africa was the smallest absolute regional weight, and Asia/Pacific ex-Japan was the smallest relative weight. From a sector perspective, Consumer Discretionary was the largest absolute and relative weight. The Fund had a 0% weight to the Energy and Utilities sectors. Information Technology was the largest underweight.
Change creates opportunity, and as growth investors, we are seeking to position the Fund on the right side of change. Within emerging markets, we believe the opportunity set is structurally shifting; what was once a “catch-up” story is now one of pro-growth reform and technology-driven innovation. This is resulting in an opportunity set that’s much larger and different than in the past.
Digitalization is one key driver of this change, and what we view as a decades-long secular trend. Today we see several areas where digitalization is transforming daily life:
•  Early ecommerce: Ecommerce penetration of retail sales remains under 10% in several highly populated regions of the world, with local leaders likely to capture much of the opportunity. These include Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Southeast Asia.
•  Enterprise transformation: Digital technologies are introducing new capabilities and disrupting the status quo in several industries, changing how consumers access services and interact with companies. IT and R&D spending continues to shift toward innovations that make processes more accurate, efficient, and safe.
•  Financial penetration: Approximately a third of the world’s adult population remains unbanked, and most live in emerging markets. New technologies are enabling access to basic financial products and services, including asset management, durable-goods financing, and insurance.
We continue to seek select businesses capable of delivering sustainable above-average earnings growth over several years. Within emerging markets, we believe that the Fund needs to be positioned to benefit from the key enablers and beneficiaries of the digital revolution that is transforming so many facets of everyday life.

Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (Unaudited) (Continued)
Comparison of the Change in Value of a $10,000 Investment in the Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund - Class A* and the MSCI Emerging Markets Index
Average Annual Total Returns**
Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund 1 Year 5 Years Since
Class A* 77.68% 16.49% 10.62%
Class C* 84.70% 16.81% 10.62%
Class Y* 87.71% 17.98% 11.74%
Institutional Class* 87.79% 18.09% 11.83%
MSCI Emerging Markets Index 58.39% 12.07% 6.44%
* The chart above represents performance of Class A shares only, which will vary from the performance of Class C shares, Class Y shares and Institutional Class shares based on the differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders in the different classes. The inception date of Class A shares, Class C shares, Class Y shares and Institutional Class shares was November 16, 2018, November 16, 2018, May 9, 2014 and May 9, 2014, respectively. Class A shares and Class C shares performance information was calculated using the historical performance of Class Y shares for periods prior to November 16, 2018. The returns have been restated for sales loads and fees applicable to Class A and Class C shares. The returns of the index listed above are based on the inception date of the Fund.
** The average annual total returns shown above are adjusted for maximum sales loads and fees, if applicable. The maximum offering price per share of Class A shares is equal to the net asset value (“NAV”) per share plus a sales load equal to 5.26% of the NAV (or 5.00% of the offering price). Class C shares are subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00%. The CDSC will be assessed on an amount equal to the lesser of (1) the NAV at the time of purchase of the shares being redeemed or (2) the NAV of such shares being redeemed, if redeemed within a one-year period from the date of purchase. Class Y shares and Institutional Class shares are not subject to sales charges.
The performance of the above Fund does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.
Notes to Chart
MSCI Emerging Markets Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization index that is designed to measure equity market performance of emerging markets.
MSCI makes no express or implied warranties or representations and shall have no liability whatsoever with respect to any MSCI data contained herein. The MSCI data may not be further redistributed or used to create indices or financial products. This report is not approved or produced by MSCI.

Tabular Presentation of Portfolio of Investments (Unaudited)
March 31, 2021
The tables below provide each Fund’s geographic allocation, sector allocation and/or credit quality. We hope it will be useful to shareholders as it summarizes key information about each Fund’s investments.
Touchstone Flexible Income Fund

Credit Quality*(% of Fixed Income Securities)
AAA/Aaa 47.0%
AA/Aa 0.1
A/A 5.2
BBB/Baa 8.3
BB/Ba 13.5
B/B 7.6
Not Rated 18.3
Credit Quality*(% of Preferred Stocks)
AA/Aa 1.8
BBB/Baa 54.8
BB/Ba 27.8
CCC 0.8
Not Rated 14.8
Sector Allocation**(% of Net Assets)
Fixed Income Securities 59.1%
Preferred Stocks  
Financials 10.7
Utilities 2.4
Energy 1.8
Communication Services 0.2
Investment Funds 9.1
Short-Term Investment Funds 13.1
Other Assets/Liabilities (Net) 3.6
Total 100.0%
Touchstone Focused Fund

Sector Allocation**(% of Net Assets)
Information Technology 21.8%
Consumer Discretionary 17.2
Communication Services 15.5
Financials 12.7
Industrials 10.6
Health Care 10.5
Real Estate 3.9
Consumer Staples 3.3
Materials 1.5
Energy 1.1
Short-Term Investment Fund 2.0
Other Assets/Liabilities (Net) (0.1)
Total 100.0%
Touchstone Global ESG Equity Fund

Geographic Allocation(% of Net Assets)
Common Stocks  
United States 54.3%
Germany 8.1
France 6.2
Japan 6.1
Sweden 4.4
South Korea 2.8
Italy 2.7
Canada 2.3
China 2.1
Switzerland 1.8
United Kingdom 1.7
India 1.7
Singapore 1.6
Netherlands 1.2
Thailand 0.8
Denmark 0.6
Exchange-Traded Funds 1.0
Short-Term Investment Fund 0.7
Other Assets/Liabilities (Net) (0.1)
Total 100.0%
* Credit quality ratings are from Standard & Poor's (“S&P”) and Moody's Investors Service (“Moody's”). If agency ratings differ, the higher rating will be used. Where no rating has been assigned, it may be for reasons unrelated to the creditworthiness of the issuer.
** Sector classifications are based upon the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®).

Tabular Presentation of Portfolio of Investments (Unaudited) (Continued)
Touchstone Growth Opportunities Fund

Sector Allocation*(% of Net Assets)
Information Technology 41.4%
Health Care 13.5
Consumer Discretionary 12.6
Industrials 11.6
Communication Services 11.4
Financials 4.3
Materials 1.7
Consumer Staples 1.6
Real Estate 1.6
Short-Term Investment Fund 0.4
Other Assets/Liabilities (Net) (0.1)
Total 100.0%
Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund

Sector Allocation*(% of Net Assets)
Information Technology 31.3%
Health Care 22.7
Industrials 16.8
Consumer Discretionary 13.0
Financials 5.5
Communication Services 4.7
Materials 2.0
Real Estate 1.7
Short-Term Investment Fund 2.5
Other Assets/Liabilities (Net) (0.2)
Total 100.0%
Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund

Geographic Allocation(% of Net Assets)
Common Stocks  
China 32.0%
India 21.3
Taiwan 15.6
Argentina 8.5
Brazil 6.4
Russia 4.0
Hong Kong 3.5
Indonesia 1.5
Kazakhstan 1.5
Thailand 1.3
Poland 1.1
Vietnam 0.5
Short-Term Investment Fund 3.0
Other Assets/Liabilities (Net) (0.2)
Total 100.0%
* Sector classifications are based upon the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®).

Portfolio of Investments
Touchstone Flexible Income Fund – March 31, 2021
  Corporate Bonds — 27.5%  
  Financials — 12.4%  
$  3,378,000 Bank of New York Mellon Corp. (The), Ser G, 4.700%(A) $  3,659,894
  16,003,000 Charles Schwab Corp. (The), Ser G, 5.375%(A)  17,739,325
   7,814,000 Citigroup, Inc., Ser Q, (3M LIBOR +4.095%), 4.289%(A)(B)   7,774,930
   1,179,000 Citigroup, Inc., Ser R, (3M LIBOR +4.478%), 4.672%(A)(B)   1,181,638
   4,775,000 Citigroup, Inc., Ser V, 4.700%(A)   4,808,425
   6,134,000 Citigroup, Inc., Ser W, 4.000%(A)   6,193,807
  12,391,000 Citizens Financial Group, Inc., Ser F, 5.650%(A)  13,661,077
   5,506,000 Fifth Third Bancorp, Ser L, 4.500%(A)   5,847,372
   4,423,000 Huntington Bancshares, Inc., Ser F, 5.625%(A)   4,916,165
  13,386,000 Regions Financial Corp., Ser D, 5.750%(A)  14,741,332
  11,043,000 Truist Financial Corp., Ser Q, 5.100%(A)  12,023,066
  5,172,000 Wells Fargo & Co., 3.900%(A)   5,223,203
  Energy — 5.6%  
  24,808,000 BP Capital Markets PLC (United Kingdom), 4.875%(A)  26,575,570
   4,302,000 Energy Transfer Operating LP, (3M LIBOR +3.018%), 3.223%, 11/1/66(B)   2,989,890
   3,121,000 Energy Transfer Operating LP, Ser G, 7.125%(A)   3,040,790
 11,421,000 MPLX LP, Ser B, 6.875%(A)  11,421,000
  Utilities — 5.0%  
  14,830,000 Edison International, 5.375%(A)  15,089,525
 23,090,000 Sempra Energy, 4.875%(A)  24,706,300
  Consumer Discretionary — 4.5%  
  24,491,000 Macy's, Inc., 144a, 8.375%, 6/15/25  27,116,680
  8,434,000 Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., 144a, 6.125%, 9/15/25   8,957,988
  Total Corporate Bonds $217,667,977
  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations — 22.2%
  27,757,128 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K104, Class X1, 1.127%, 1/25/30(B)(C)(D)       2,355,656
  47,450,320 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K109, Class X1, 1.583%, 4/25/30(B)(C)(D)       5,781,788
  34,563,933 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K110, Class X1, 1.698%, 4/25/30(B)(C)(D)       4,453,086
   7,005,157 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K110, Class X3, 3.404%, 6/25/48(B)(C)(D)       1,791,474
  28,800,000 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K110, Class XAM, 1.868%, 4/25/30(B)(C)(D)       4,346,640
  34,781,918 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K111, Class X1, 1.572%, 5/25/30(B)(C)(D)       4,268,079
  15,310,315 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K111, Class X3, 3.176%, 4/25/48(B)(C)(D)       3,715,778
  35,663,000 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K111, Class XAM, 1.796%, 5/25/30(B)(C)(D)       5,179,748
 66,962,427 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K112, Class X1, 1.433%, 5/25/30(B)(C)(D)       7,574,107
  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations — 22.2%
$ 15,300,000 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K112, Class X3, 3.001%, 7/25/48(B)(C)(D)     $  3,488,652
  10,630,000 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K112, Class XAM, 1.662%, 5/25/30(B)(C)(D)       1,448,597
  55,698,211 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K113, Class X1, 1.387%, 6/25/30(B)(C)(D)       6,090,143
  10,743,000 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K113, Class XAM, 1.590%, 6/25/30(B)(C)(D)       1,410,517
  19,500,000 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K114, Class X3, 2.736%, 8/25/48(B)(C)(D)       4,024,782
  21,702,896 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K115, Class X3, 2.958%, 9/25/48(B)(C)(D)       4,893,356
  26,000,000 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K116, Class X3, 3.021%, 9/25/47(B)(C)(D)       6,045,668
  39,700,000 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K117, Class XAM, 1.435%, 9/25/30(B)(C)(D)       4,780,499
  24,034,533 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K118, Class X3, 2.693%, 10/25/48(B)(C)(D)       5,036,033
  11,576,808 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K120, Class X3, 2.740%, 11/25/48(B)(C)(D)       2,483,563
  16,073,000 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K121, Class X3, 2.772%, 11/25/48(B)(C)(D)       3,544,498
   9,700,000 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K122, Class X3, 2.631%, 1/25/49(B)(C)(D)       2,010,003
   7,569,056 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K123, Class X3, 2.628%, 2/25/49(B)(C)(D)       1,550,903
   9,255,000 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K124, Class X3, 2.620%, 2/25/49(B)(C)(D)       1,924,077
  16,150,000 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K125, Class X3, 2.654%, 2/25/49(B)(C)(D)       3,433,505
  38,058,448 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K127, Class X3, 2.746%, 3/25/49(B)(C)(D)       7,983,981
  35,471,574 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K-1515, Class X1, 1.513%, 2/25/35(B)(C)(D)       5,542,671
   5,835,659 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K-1515, Class X3, 3.680%, 3/25/38(B)(C)(D)       2,180,570
  47,427,434 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K-1516, Class X1, 1.512%, 5/25/35(B)(C)(D)       7,827,049
  18,435,033 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K-1516, Class X3, 3.456%, 10/25/38(B)(C)(D)       6,657,864
 34,982,808 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K-1517, Class X1, 1.334%, 7/25/35(B)(C)(D)       5,077,506

Touchstone Flexible Income Fund (Continued)
  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations — 22.2%
$ 52,485,811 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K-1517, Class X3, 3.284%, 8/25/38(B)(C)(D)     $ 17,742,403
  11,201,391 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K-1519, Class X3, 2.800%, 12/25/38(B)(C)(D)       3,266,461
  15,100,238 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K739, Class X3, 2.849%, 11/25/48(B)(C)(D)       2,383,462
  16,196,664 FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates, Ser K741, Class X3, 2.533%, 3/25/49(B)(C)(D)       2,299,907
  53,425,761 FRESB 2020-SB81Mortgage Trust, Ser 2020-SB81, Class X1, 1.078%, 10/25/40(B)(C)(D)       4,228,751
  33,416,794 FRESB Mortgage Trust, Ser 2020-SB79, Class X1, 1.236%, 7/25/40(B)(C)(D)       2,305,562
  45,647,220 FRESB Mortgage Trust, Ser 2021-SB82, Class X1, 1.136%, 10/25/40(B)(C)(D)       3,226,254
  57,448,866 FRESB Mortgage Trust, Ser 2021-SB83, Class X1, 0.875%, 1/25/41(B)(C)(D)       4,202,810
  34,250,000 FRESB Mortgage Trust, Ser 2021-SB84, Class X1, 0.672%, 1/25/41(B)(C)(D)       1,722,641
   5,466,995 GNMA, Ser 2012-147, Class IO, 0.579%, 4/16/54(B)(C)(D)         112,871
  21,097,093 GNMA, Ser 2016-110, Class IO, 0.951%, 5/16/58(B)(C)(D)       1,178,650
  27,187,971 GNMA, Ser 2016-158, Class IO, 0.795%, 6/16/58(B)(C)(D)       1,338,048
  32,860,215 GNMA, Ser 2016-52, Class IO, 0.820%, 3/16/58(B)(C)(D)       1,538,282
  30,628,520 GNMA, Ser 2017-76, Class IO, 0.892%, 12/16/56(B)(C)(D)       1,719,427
 23,154,623 GNMA, Ser 2017-94, Class IO, 0.566%, 2/16/59(B)(C)(D)       1,028,012
  Total Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations $175,194,334
  Preferred Stocks — 15.1%  
  Financials — 10.7%  
    597,440 AGNC Investment Corp., Ser F, 6.125%(A)  14,135,430
    493,052 Annaly Capital Management, Inc., Ser I, 6.750%(A)  12,508,729
    446,648 Ares Management Corp., Ser A, 7.000%(A)  11,411,856
    217,122 Bank of America Corp., Ser EE, 6.000%(A)   5,428,050
    128,065 Bank of America Corp., Ser GG, 6.000%(A)   3,483,368
    307,420 GMAC Capital Trust I, Ser 2, (3M LIBOR +5.785%), 5.983%, 2/15/40(B)   7,833,062
    113,837 Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The), 7.875%, 4/15/42   3,055,385
     17,276 JPMorgan Chase & Co., Ser BB, 6.150%(A)     440,884
    124,252 JPMorgan Chase & Co., Ser JJ, 4.550%(A)   3,183,336
    254,594 National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp., Ser US, 5.500%, 5/15/64   6,728,920
     84,703 PartnerRe Ltd. (Bermuda), Ser H, 7.250%(A)   2,140,445
    144,582 Reinsurance Group of America, Inc., 6.200%, 9/15/42   3,884,918
    136,380 Stifel Financial Corp., 5.200%, 10/15/47   3,549,971
    190,829 Virtus AllianzGI Convertible & Income Fund, Ser A, 5.625%(A)   5,037,886
     70,650 Wells Fargo & Co., Ser Z, 4.750%(A)   1,803,695
Shares       MarketValue
  Utilities — 2.4%  
    349,698 Brookfield Renewable Partners LP (Canada), Ser 17, 5.250%(A) $  9,116,627
    241,181 Duke Energy Corp., Ser A, 5.750%(A)   6,668,655
    126,633 Entergy Louisiana LLC, 4.875%, 9/1/66   3,222,810
        670 Entergy New Orleans LLC, 5.000%, 12/1/52      17,089
  Energy — 1.8%  
     22,839 Enbridge, Inc. (Canada), Ser 1, 5.949%(A)     454,953
     90,996 Enbridge, Inc. (Canada), Ser 5, 5.375%(A)   1,742,573
     46,849 Enbridge, Inc. (Canada), Ser J, 4.887%(A)     871,391
     32,865 Enbridge, Inc. (Canada), Ser L, 4.959%(A)     628,708
    426,035 Energy Transfer Operating LP, Ser E, 7.600%(A)  10,186,497
  Communication Services — 0.2%  
     69,235 AT&T, Inc. , 5.350%, 11/1/66   1,812,572
  Total Preferred Stocks $119,347,810
  Investment Funds — 9.1%  
    631,461 BlackRock Corporate High Yield Fund, Inc.±   7,413,352
     73,745 BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust±   1,082,577
     85,719 BlackRock Debt Strategies Fund, Inc.±†     942,909
     94,038 BlackRock Ltd. Duration Income Trust±†   1,575,136
     62,062 BlackRock Municipal Income Trust±†     930,930
    444,552 BlackRock MuniVest Fund, Inc.±   4,134,334
     37,952 BlackRock MuniYield Quality Fund III, Inc.±†     541,196
     19,728 Cohen & Steers Ltd. Duration Preferred & Income Fund, Inc.±†     515,295
    117,689 Eaton Vance Municipal Bond Fund±   1,565,264
     99,219 First Trust High Income Long/Short Fund±   1,500,191
     26,692 First Trust Intermediate Duration Preferred & Income Fund±†     639,273
    482,714 Invesco Municipal Opportunity Trust±†   6,362,171
    117,978 Invesco Municipal Trust±†   1,557,310
  1,501,838 Invesco Senior Income Trust±†   6,307,720
    392,823 Invesco Trust for Investment Grade Municipals±†   5,295,254
    149,681 John Hancock Premium Dividend Fund±†   2,234,737
    308,005 Nuveen AMT-Free Quality Municipal Income Fund±†   4,564,634
  1,538,241 Nuveen Credit Strategies Income Fund±†   9,998,566
    104,375 Nuveen Preferred & Income Opportunities Fund±†     990,519
    115,860 Nuveen Preferred & Income Securities Fund±†   1,126,159
    247,936 Nuveen Quality Municipal Income Fund±†   3,753,751
    248,476 Wells Fargo Income Opportunities Fund±   2,097,137
    924,038 Western Asset High Income Opportunity Fund, Inc.±   4,694,113
    117,465 Western Asset High Yield Defined Opportunity Fund, Inc.±   1,812,485
  Total Investment Funds  $71,635,013
  Non-Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations — 4.0%
$     70,045 Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities Trust, Ser 2003-AC7, Class A2, 5.750%, 1/25/34(B)(D)          71,229
       5,581 Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Trust, Ser 2003-A1, Class 2A, (12M LIBOR +1.625%), 1.905%, 12/25/32(B)           5,553
     156,735 Morgan Stanley Mortgage Loan Trust, Ser 2004-7AR, Class 2A6, 2.568%, 9/25/34(B)(D)         159,850
   4,710,289 New Residential Mortgage Loan Trust, Ser 2020-RPL2, Class A1, 144a, 3.578%, 8/25/25(B)(D)       4,799,379
 12,187,254 Pretium Mortgage Credit Partners I LLC, Ser 2020-RPL1, Class A1, 144a, 3.819%, 5/27/60(B)(D)      12,266,673

Touchstone Flexible Income Fund (Continued)
  Non-Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations — 4.0%
$  2,763,818 PRPM LLC, Ser 2020-2, Class A1, 144a, 3.671%, 8/25/25(B)(D)     $  2,794,327
       9,771 RALI Series Trust, Ser 2004-QS6, Class A1, 5.000%, 5/25/19           9,206
 12,375,356 Redwood Funding Trust, Ser 2020-1, Class A, 144a, 4.750%, 7/27/59(B)(D)      11,444,414
  Total Non-Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations  $31,550,631
  Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities — 2.9%
  29,948,809 BANK, Ser 2020-BN26, Class XA, 1.237%, 3/15/63(B)(C)(D)       2,599,670
   3,020,640 Harvest Commercial Capital Loan Trust, Ser 2019-1, Class A, 144a, 3.290%, 9/25/46(B)(D)       3,038,228
   6,788,275 VCC Trust, Ser 2020-MC1, Class A, 144a, 4.500%, 6/25/45(B)(D)       6,806,217
   4,901,747 Velocity Commercial Capital Loan Trust, Ser 2019-2, Class A, 144a, 3.130%, 7/25/49(B)(D)       4,968,344
  5,401,996 Velocity Commercial Capital Loan Trust, Ser 2020-1, Class AFX, 144a, 2.610%, 2/25/50(B)(D)       5,463,438
  Total Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities  $22,875,897
  Asset-Backed Securities — 2.5%
     352,857 Arivo Acceptance Auto Loan Receivables Trust, Ser 2019-1, Class A, 144a, 2.990%, 7/15/24         357,210
      96,152 Conseco Finance Corp., Ser 1998-4, Class A7, 6.870%, 4/1/30(B)(D)          97,759
      21,657 JFIN CLO Ltd. (Cayman Islands), Ser 2014-1A, Class AR, 144a, (3M LIBOR +0.950%), 1.174%, 4/21/25(B)          21,660
     369,180 Mid-State Capital Corp. Trust, Ser 2005-1, Class M2, 7.079%, 1/15/40         410,642
   4,290,338 New Residential Mortgage Loan Trust, Ser 2020-NPL2, Class A1, 144a, 3.228%, 8/25/60(B)(D)       4,324,734
   3,000,000 Palmer Square Loan Funding Ltd. (Cayman Islands), Ser 2021-1A, Class D, 144a, (3M LIBOR +6.000%), 6.155%, 4/20/29(B)       3,015,084
   5,697,289 PRPM LLC, Ser 2020-1A, Class A1, 144a, 2.981%, 2/25/25(B)(D)       5,709,962
  5,592,581 VCAT LLC, Ser 2020-NPL1, Class A1, 144a, 3.671%, 8/25/50(B)(D)       5,648,173
  Total Asset-Backed Securities  $19,585,224
  Short-Term Investment Funds — 13.1%  
100,298,029 Dreyfus Government Cash Management, Institutional Shares, 0.03%∞Ω 100,298,029
  3,187,193 Invesco Government & Agency Portfolio, Institutional Class, 0.03%∞Ω**   3,187,193
  Total Short-Term Investment Funds $103,485,222
  Total Investment Securities—96.4%
(Cost $742,334,174)
  Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities — 3.6%  28,310,044
  Net Assets — 100.0% $789,652,152
(A) Perpetual Bond - A bond or preferred stock with no definite maturity date.
(B) Variable rate security - Rate reflected is the rate in effect as of March 31, 2021.
(C) Interest only security - This type of security represents the right to receive the monthly interest payments on an underlying pool of mortgages. Payments of principal on the pool reduce the value of the “interest only” holding.
(D) Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread but are determined by the issuer or agent and are based on current market conditions. These securities do not indicate a reference rate and spread in their description.
± Closed-end Fund.
** Represents collateral for securities loaned.
All or a portion of the security is on loan. The total market value of the securities on loan as of March 31, 2021 was $3,120,515.
Open-End Fund.
Ω Represents the 7-Day SEC yield as of March 31, 2021.
Portfolio Abbreviations:
CLO – Collateralized Loan Obligation
FHLMC – Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
FRESB – Freddie Mac Multifamily Securitization Small Balance Loan
GNMA – Government National Mortgage Association
IO – Interest Only
LIBOR – London Interbank Offered Rate
LLC – Limited Liability Company
LP – Limited Partnership
PLC – Public Limited Company
144a - This is a restricted security that was sold in a transaction qualifying for the exemption under Rule 144a of the Securities Act of 1933. This security may be sold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At March 31, 2021, these securities were valued at $106,732,511 or 13.5% of net assets. These securities were deemed liquid pursuant to procedures approved by the Board of Trustees.
Other Information:
The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities may not be an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. For more information on valuation inputs, and their aggregation into the levels used in the table below, please refer to the security valuation section in the accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.
Valuation Inputs at Reporting Date:
Description Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Corporate Bonds $$217,667,977 $— $217,667,977
Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations 175,194,334 175,194,334
Preferred Stocks 117,605,237 1,742,573 119,347,810
Investment Funds 71,635,013 71,635,013
Non-Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations 31,550,631 31,550,631
Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 22,875,897 22,875,897
Asset-Backed Securities 19,585,224 19,585,224
Short-Term Investment Funds 103,485,222 103,485,222
Total $292,725,472 $468,616,636 $— $761,342,108
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Portfolio of Investments
Touchstone Focused Fund – March 31, 2021
Shares       Market
  Common Stocks — 98.1%  
  Information Technology — 21.8%  
   433,946 Apple, Inc. $   53,006,504
   277,874 Avnet, Inc.    11,534,550
   115,125 International Business Machines Corp.    15,341,557
   300,854 Microsoft Corp.    70,932,348
   316,235 Oracle Corp.    22,190,210
   121,057 salesforce.com, Inc.*    25,648,347
   183,412 SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc.    12,814,996
   114,131 Texas Instruments, Inc.    21,569,618
    68,143 Workday, Inc. - Class A*    16,928,765
  Consumer Discretionary — 17.2%  
    68,036 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. (China) ADR*    15,425,802
    15,216 Amazon.com, Inc.*    47,079,521
   179,061 Choice Hotels International, Inc.    19,211,455
   117,183 Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc.    20,258,597
   141,827 Floor & Decor Holdings, Inc. - Class A*    13,541,642
   317,577 frontdoor, Inc.*    17,069,764
   149,926 Hilton Worldwide Holdings, Inc.    18,129,052
   198,186 JD.com, Inc. (China) ADR*    16,713,025
   115,893 Starbucks Corp.    12,663,628
   442,349 Trip.com Group Ltd. (China) ADR*    17,530,291
  Communication Services — 15.5%  
    30,247 Alphabet, Inc. - Class C*    62,569,852
   471,905 Comcast Corp. - Class A    25,534,779
   205,333 Facebook, Inc. - Class A*    60,476,728
   289,405 Fox Corp. - Class A    10,450,415
    36,942 Netflix, Inc.*    19,271,164
  Financials — 12.7%  
   861,071 Bank of America Corp.    33,314,837
   152,113 Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. - Class B*    38,860,308
   120,012 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The)    39,243,924
    81,656 LPL Financial Holdings, Inc.    11,608,217
   100,642 Signature Bank    22,755,156
  Industrials — 10.6%  
    77,798 Allegiant Travel Co.    18,987,380
    50,188 Deere & Co.    18,777,338
   307,793 Hexcel Corp.    17,236,408
   119,016 Hubbell, Inc.    22,242,900
    55,696 Parker-Hannifin Corp.    17,568,189
   344,391 Raytheon Technologies Corp.    26,611,093
  Health Care — 10.5%  
   114,291 AmerisourceBergen Corp.    13,494,339
   297,102 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.     18,756,049
Shares       Market
  Health Care — (Continued)  
   147,455 HCA Healthcare, Inc. $   27,771,675
   191,981 Johnson & Johnson    31,552,077
    76,711 UnitedHealth Group, Inc.    28,541,862
  Real Estate — 3.9%  
   314,841 Americold Realty Trust REIT    12,111,933
   181,925 Jones Lang LaSalle, Inc.*    32,571,852
  Consumer Staples — 3.3%  
   216,813 Monster Beverage Corp.*    19,749,496
   200,357 Philip Morris International, Inc.    17,779,680
  Materials — 1.5%  
   227,014 DuPont de Nemours, Inc.    17,543,642
  Energy — 1.1%  
   225,353 Exxon Mobil Corp.    12,581,458
  Total Common Stocks $1,125,552,423
  Short-Term Investment Fund — 2.0%  
23,166,103 Dreyfus Government Cash Management, Institutional Shares, 0.03%∞Ω    23,166,103
  Total Investment Securities—100.1%
(Cost $618,022,877)
  Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (0.1%)    (1,022,562)
  Net Assets — 100.0% $1,147,695,964
* Non-income producing security.
Open-End Fund.
Ω Represents the 7-Day SEC yield as of March 31, 2021.
Portfolio Abbreviations:
ADR – American Depositary Receipt
REIT – Real Estate Investment Trust
Other Information:
The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities may not be an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. For more information on valuation inputs, and their aggregation into the levels used in the table below, please refer to the security valuation section in the accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.
Valuation Inputs at Reporting Date:
Description Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Common Stocks $1,125,552,423 $— $— $1,125,552,423
Short-Term Investment Fund 23,166,103 23,166,103
Total $1,148,718,526 $— $— $1,148,718,526
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Portfolio of Investments
Touchstone Global ESG Equity Fund – March 31, 2021
Shares       Market
  Common Stocks — 98.4%  
  United States — 54.3%  
  Communication Services — 3.1%  
    74,571 Facebook, Inc. - Class A* $ 21,963,397
  Consumer Discretionary — 3.8%  
     3,270 Amazon.com, Inc.*  10,117,641
   145,660 Kohl's Corp.   8,682,793
    62,558 Ralph Lauren Corp.   7,704,643
  Financials — 13.7%  
   185,027 Aflac, Inc.   9,469,682
   237,871 Arch Capital Group Ltd.*   9,127,110
   219,571 Discover Financial Services  20,857,049
   651,224 First Horizon Corp.  11,012,198
   114,324 Globe Life, Inc.  11,047,128
    40,022 Progressive Corp. (The)   3,826,504
   140,176 Reinsurance Group of America, Inc.  17,669,185
    55,732 Willis Towers Watson PLC  12,755,940
  Health Care — 9.7%  
    56,313 Adaptive Biotechnologies Corp.*   2,267,161
    33,775 Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc.*   4,768,692
    70,870 Becton Dickinson & Co.  17,232,040
    63,154 BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc.*   4,768,759
    73,248 Bridgebio Pharma, Inc.*   4,512,077
    85,414 Cerner Corp.   6,139,558
    46,442 Eli Lilly & Co.   8,676,294
    62,282 Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.*   2,800,199
    72,858 Medtronic PLC   8,606,716
    51,799 Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.*   5,037,453
     6,607 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.*   3,126,036
  Industrials — 5.2%  
   227,112 Carrier Global Corp.   9,588,668
    50,857 Deere & Co.  19,027,638
    23,135 United Rentals, Inc.*   7,618,587
  Information Technology — 16.4%  
    95,320 Apple, Inc.  11,643,338
   103,489 Applied Materials, Inc.  13,826,130
    80,269 Fidelity National Information Services, Inc.  11,286,624
    44,284 First Solar, Inc.*   3,865,993
    42,355 Keysight Technologies, Inc.*   6,073,707
   149,994 Micron Technology, Inc.*  13,230,971
   134,103 Microsoft Corp.  31,617,464
    68,878 New Relic, Inc.*   4,234,620
    75,570 TE Connectivity Ltd.   9,756,843
    45,510 Visa, Inc. - Class A   9,635,832
  Materials — 1.2%  
    24,886 Martin Marietta Materials, Inc.   8,357,217
  Real Estate — 1.2%  
   405,956 Medical Properties Trust, Inc. REIT   8,638,744
  Total United States 380,570,631
  Germany — 8.1%  
  Consumer Discretionary — 1.4%  
    74,982 Continental AG*   9,925,707
  Industrials — 2.6%  
   326,356 Deutsche Post AG  17,904,174
  Materials — 2.2%  
   172,120 HeidelbergCement AG  15,638,472
  Real Estate — 1.9%  
   199,270 Vonovia SE  13,022,150
  Total Germany  56,490,503
Shares       Market
  France — 6.2%  
  Industrials — 5.4%  
   266,972 Cie de Saint-Gobain* $ 15,765,110
   147,348 Schneider Electric SE  22,446,283
  Materials — 0.8%  
    34,094 Air Liquide SA   5,566,730
  Total France  43,778,123
  Japan — 6.1%  
  Communication Services — 0.9%  
    10,900 Nintendo Co. Ltd.   6,143,627
  Consumer Discretionary — 4.1%  
    71,000 Denso Corp.   4,733,152
   674,600 Panasonic Corp.   8,735,704
   149,100 Sony Group Corp.  15,779,771
  Information Technology — 1.1%  
   161,700 Hitachi Ltd.   7,329,599
     4,700 Kyocera Corp.     299,061
  Total Japan  43,020,914
  Sweden — 4.4%  
  Communication Services — 1.4%  
   706,593 Tele2 AB - Class B   9,531,906
  Financials — 3.0%  
 1,110,557 Svenska Handelsbanken AB - Class A  12,073,089
   509,294 Swedbank AB - Class A   8,979,810
  Total Sweden  30,584,805
  South Korea — 2.8%  
  Communication Services — 1.7%  
   459,575 KT Corp. ADR*   5,717,113
   256,798 KT Corp.   6,421,675
  Financials — 1.1%  
   157,365 KB Financial Group, Inc.   7,756,138
  Total South Korea  19,894,926
  Italy — 2.7%  
  Utilities — 2.7%  
 1,936,362 Enel SpA  19,261,683
  Canada — 2.3%  
  Financials — 1.0%  
    58,337 Intact Financial Corp.   7,148,801
  Materials — 1.3%  
   149,536 Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd.   8,644,676
  Total Canada  15,793,477
  China — 2.1%  
  Consumer Discretionary — 2.1%  
    64,077 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. ADR*  14,528,178
  Switzerland — 1.8%  
  Health Care — 1.8%  
    37,880 Roche Holding AG  12,270,976
  United Kingdom — 1.7%  
  Financials — 1.7%  
19,840,517 Lloyds Banking Group PLC*  11,638,936
  India — 1.7%  
  Financials — 1.7%  
   721,569 ICICI Bank Ltd. ADR*  11,566,751

Touchstone Global ESG Equity Fund (Continued)
Shares       Market
  Common Stocks — 98.4% (Continued)  
  Singapore — 1.6%  
  Financials — 0.8%  
   599,200 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp. Ltd. $  5,242,405
  Real Estate — 0.8%  
 3,654,500 CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust REIT   5,913,341
  Total Singapore  11,155,746
  Netherlands — 1.2%  
  Health Care — 1.2%  
   147,080 Koninklijke Philips NV*   8,387,294
  Thailand — 0.8%  
  Industrials — 0.8%  
 2,481,300 Airports of Thailand PCL   5,496,383
  Denmark — 0.6%  
  Industrials — 0.6%  
    21,754 Vestas Wind Systems A/S   4,487,564
  Total Common Stocks $688,926,890
  Exchange-Traded Funds — 1.0%  
     8,944 iShares Core S&P 500 ETF   3,558,102
    48,159 iShares Core MSCI EAFE ETF   3,469,856
  Total Exchange-Traded Funds   $7,027,958
  Short-Term Investment Fund — 0.7%  
 4,832,912 Dreyfus Government Cash Management, Institutional Shares, 0.03%∞,Ω   4,832,912
  Total Investment Securities — 100.1%
(Cost $499,174,866)
  Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (0.1)%    (353,664)
  Net Assets — 100.0% $700,434,096
* Non-income producing security.
Open-End Fund.
Ω Represents the 7-Day SEC yield as of March 31, 2021.
Portfolio Abbreviations:
ADR – American Depositary Receipt
ETF – Exchange-Traded Fund
PCL – Public Company Limited
PLC – Public Limited Company
REIT – Real Estate Investment Trust
S&P – Standards & Poor's
Other Information:
The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities may not be an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. For more information on valuation inputs, and their aggregation into the levels used in the table below, please refer to the security valuation section in the accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.
Valuation inputs at Reporting Date:
Description Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Common Stocks        
United States $380,570,631 $$— $380,570,631
Germany 56,490,503 56,490,503
France 43,778,123 43,778,123
Japan 43,020,914 43,020,914
Sweden 30,584,805 30,584,805
South Korea 5,717,113 14,177,813 19,894,926
Italy 19,261,683 19,261,683
Canada 15,793,477 15,793,477
China 14,528,178 14,528,178
Switzerland 12,270,976 12,270,976
United Kingdom 11,638,936 11,638,936
India 11,566,751 11,566,751
Singapore 11,155,746 11,155,746
Netherlands 8,387,294 8,387,294
Thailand 5,496,383 5,496,383
Denmark 4,487,564 4,487,564
Exchange-Traded Funds 7,027,958 7,027,958
Short-Term Investment Fund 4,832,912 4,832,912
Total $440,037,020 $260,750,740 $— $700,787,760
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Portfolio of Investments
Touchstone Growth Opportunities Fund – March 31, 2021
Shares       Market
  Common Stocks — 99.7%  
  Information Technology — 41.4%  
 94,678 Apple, Inc. $ 11,564,918
 24,190 Applied Materials, Inc.   3,231,784
  5,980 Broadcom, Inc.   2,772,687
 50,180 Cisco Systems, Inc.   2,594,808
 22,399 Fidelity National Information Services, Inc.   3,149,523
 13,877 Global Payments, Inc.   2,797,326
 28,000 Lumentum Holdings, Inc.*   2,557,800
 37,159 Microsoft Corp.   8,760,977
  6,600 NVIDIA Corp.   3,523,938
 15,920 PayPal Holdings, Inc.*   3,866,013
 17,568 salesforce.com, Inc.*   3,722,132
  7,831 ServiceNow, Inc.*   3,916,361
  6,380 Twilio, Inc. - Class A*   2,174,049
 22,862 Visa, Inc. - Class A   4,840,571
 13,020 Workday, Inc. - Class A*   3,234,559
 29,818 Zendesk, Inc.*   3,954,463
  Health Care — 13.5%  
 40,460 AbbVie, Inc.   4,378,581
 18,165 Ascendis Pharma A/S (Denmark) ADR*   2,341,105
  3,915 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - Class A*   2,236,131
 68,950 Boston Scientific Corp.*   2,664,918
  5,410 DexCom, Inc.*   1,944,300
  7,610 Humana, Inc.   3,190,492
 13,670 ICON PLC (Ireland)*   2,684,378
  4,972 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.   2,269,121
  Consumer Discretionary — 12.6%  
  3,742 Amazon.com, Inc.*  11,578,047
 26,780 Darden Restaurants, Inc.   3,802,760
 60,720 MGM Resorts International   2,306,753
 59,281 National Vision Holdings, Inc.*   2,598,286
  Industrials — 11.6%  
 23,260 Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.   2,404,851
 20,711 AMETEK, Inc.   2,645,416
 32,759 ITT, Inc.   2,978,121
  7,430 Rockwell Automation, Inc.   1,972,219
 38,729 Sensata Technologies Holding PLC*   2,244,346
  4,813 TransDigm Group, Inc.*   2,829,659
 16,577 Union Pacific Corp.   3,653,737
  Communication Services — 11.4%  
  4,541 Alphabet, Inc. - Class A*   9,365,903
 25,419 Facebook, Inc. - Class A*   7,486,658
139,270 Zynga, Inc. - Class A*   1,421,947
Shares       Market
  Financials — 4.3%  
 18,207 American Financial Group, Inc. $  2,077,419
 32,370 Morgan Stanley   2,513,854
 58,880 Synchrony Financial   2,394,061
  Materials — 1.7%  
 17,810 Celanese Corp.   2,668,116
  Consumer Staples — 1.6%  
  7,430 Costco Wholesale Corp.   2,618,926
  Real Estate — 1.6%  
 59,940 Spirit Realty Capital, Inc. REIT   2,547,450
  Total Common Stocks $160,479,464
  Short-Term Investment Fund — 0.4%  
679,922 Dreyfus Government Cash Management, Institutional Shares, 0.03%∞Ω     679,922
  Total Investment Securities—100.1%
(Cost $91,592,033)
  Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (0.1%)    (226,512)
  Net Assets — 100.0% $160,932,874
* Non-income producing security.
Open-End Fund.
Ω Represents the 7-Day SEC yield as of March 31, 2021.
Portfolio Abbreviations:
ADR – American Depositary Receipt
PLC – Public Limited Company
REIT – Real Estate Investment Trust
Other Information:
The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities may not be an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. For more information on valuation inputs, and their aggregation into the levels used in the table below, please refer to the security valuation section in the accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.
Valuation Inputs at Reporting Date:
Description Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Common Stocks $160,479,464 $— $— $160,479,464
Short-Term Investment Fund 679,922 679,922
Total $161,159,386 $— $— $161,159,386
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Portfolio of Investments
Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund – March 31, 2021
Shares       Market
  Common Stocks — 97.7%  
  Information Technology — 31.3%  
   290,889 Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp. - Class A $   22,724,249
   106,151 FleetCor Technologies, Inc.*    28,515,343
   190,672 Fortinet, Inc.*    35,163,730
   165,827 Global Payments, Inc.    33,427,407
    48,020 HubSpot, Inc.*    21,811,164
   390,551 Lightspeed POS, Inc. (Canada)*    24,530,508
   194,856 Microchip Technology, Inc.    30,245,548
    46,342 MongoDB, Inc.*    12,393,241
   587,223 NCR Corp.*    22,285,113
   111,810 Nice Ltd. (Israel) ADR*    24,371,226
   678,365 Nutanix, Inc. - Class A*    18,017,374
    67,282 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.*    21,668,841
    57,227 RingCentral, Inc. - Class A*    17,046,779
   154,095 Splunk, Inc.*    20,876,791
    78,860 Twilio, Inc. - Class A*    26,872,333
   186,060 Xilinx, Inc.    23,052,834
   337,229 Zendesk, Inc.*    44,723,310
  Health Care — 22.7%  
   210,070 Ascendis Pharma A/S (Denmark) ADR*    27,073,822
   290,187 BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc.*    21,912,020
    72,300 Cooper Cos., Inc. (The)    27,769,707
    86,121 DexCom, Inc.*    30,951,026
   150,047 ICON PLC (Ireland)*    29,464,729
    79,776 IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.*    39,035,195
    91,004 Insulet Corp.*    23,744,764
    80,959 Masimo Corp.*    18,593,044
    29,834 Mettler-Toledo International, Inc.*    34,478,856
   163,870 Rocket Pharmaceuticals, Inc.*     7,270,912
   202,112 Seagen, Inc.*    28,065,272
   120,319 STERIS PLC    22,918,363
  Industrials — 16.8%  
   183,133 AMETEK, Inc.    23,391,578
   456,568 AZEK Co., Inc. (The)*    19,198,684
    27,913 CoStar Group, Inc.*    22,941,415
   101,896 IDEX Corp.    21,328,871
   105,106 Rockwell Automation, Inc.    27,899,337
    45,780 Teledyne Technologies, Inc.*    18,936,897
   171,546 Trane Technologies PLC    28,401,156
    49,695 TransDigm Group, Inc.*    29,216,684
   185,367 TransUnion    16,683,030
   204,065 Waste Connections, Inc.    22,034,939
  Consumer Discretionary — 13.0%  
    26,042 Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc.*    37,000,995
    67,281 Etsy, Inc.*    13,568,559
   114,600 Expedia Group, Inc.    19,724,952
   249,851 Ross Stores, Inc.    29,959,633
   678,922 Tapestry, Inc.     27,978,376
Shares       Market
  Consumer Discretionary — (Continued)  
    81,686 Ulta Beauty, Inc.* $   25,254,861
   139,722 Williams-Sonoma, Inc.    25,038,182
  Financials — 5.5%  
   202,119 Arthur J Gallagher & Co.    25,218,387
    61,138 MSCI, Inc.    25,633,941
   589,732 Synchrony Financial    23,978,503
  Communication Services — 4.7%  
   656,140 Fox Corp. - Class A    23,693,215
   266,738 Live Nation Entertainment, Inc.*    22,579,372
    54,859 Roku, Inc.*    17,871,417
  Materials — 2.0%  
   183,131 Celanese Corp.    27,434,855
  Real Estate — 1.7%  
    84,442 Essex Property Trust, Inc. REIT    22,954,713
  Total Common Stocks $1,336,926,053
  Short-Term Investment Fund — 2.5%  
34,619,315 Dreyfus Government Cash Management, Institutional Shares, 0.03%∞Ω    34,619,315
  Total Investment Securities—100.2%
(Cost $942,471,319)
  Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (0.2%)    (2,890,137)
  Net Assets — 100.0% $1,368,655,231
* Non-income producing security.
Open-End Fund.
Ω Represents the 7-Day SEC yield as of March 31, 2021.
Portfolio Abbreviations:
ADR – American Depositary Receipt
PLC – Public Limited Company
REIT – Real Estate Investment Trust
Other Information:
The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities may not be an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. For more information on valuation inputs, and their aggregation into the levels used in the table below, please refer to the security valuation section in the accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.
Valuation Inputs at Reporting Date:
Description Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Common Stocks $1,336,926,053 $— $— $1,336,926,053
Short-Term Investment Fund 34,619,315 34,619,315
Total $1,371,545,368 $— $— $1,371,545,368
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Portfolio of Investments
Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund – March 31, 2021
Shares       Market
  Common Stocks — 97.2%  
  China — 32.0%  
  Communication Services — 9.3%  
  4,218,900 Tencent Holdings Ltd. $  336,700,095
  3,383,520 Tencent Music Entertainment Group ADR*    69,328,325
  Consumer Discretionary — 16.7%  
  1,267,231 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. ADR*   287,319,285
  8,406,500 ANTA Sports Products Ltd.   137,882,373
  2,136,119 JD Health International, Inc., 144a*    31,073,869
  6,388,879 New Oriental Education & Technology Group, Inc. ADR*    89,444,306
    880,658 Prosus NV    97,998,523
  2,136,223 Trip.com Group Ltd. ADR*    84,658,517
  Consumer Staples — 1.5%  
  2,644,203 Foshan Haitian Flavouring & Food Co. Ltd. - Class A    64,718,659
  Health Care — 4.5%  
  3,461,650 Hangzhou Tigermed Consulting Co. Ltd., 144a*    68,937,375
 10,089,500 Wuxi Biologics Cayman, Inc., 144a*   127,236,226
  Total China 1,395,297,553
  India — 21.3%  
  Consumer Discretionary — 4.4%  
  2,930,503 Jubilant Foodworks Ltd.   117,056,295
  3,445,870 Titan Co. Ltd.    73,675,100
  Consumer Staples — 2.5%  
  2,201,931 Britannia Industries Ltd.   109,485,328
  Financials — 9.5%  
  2,082,702 Bajaj Finance Ltd.   147,447,794
 10,874,356 Bandhan Bank Ltd., 144a*    50,867,595
  6,528,602 HDFC Bank Ltd.*   133,638,805
 13,293,510 ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd., 144a*    81,167,256
  Health Care — 3.6%  
  3,978,454 Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd.   158,309,331
  Materials — 1.3%  
  1,594,022 Asian Paints Ltd.    55,460,660
  Total India   927,108,164
  Taiwan — 15.6%  
  Communication Services — 8.9%  
  1,732,927 Sea Ltd. ADR*   386,841,294
  Information Technology — 6.7%  
  2,469,028 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. ADR   292,036,632
  Total Taiwan   678,877,926
  Argentina — 8.5%  
  Consumer Discretionary — 6.8%  
    200,637 MercadoLibre, Inc.*   295,365,753
  Information Technology — 1.7%  
    371,661 Globant SA*    77,160,540
  Total Argentina   372,526,293
  Brazil — 6.4%  
  Consumer Staples — 0.9%  
  8,656,000 Raia Drogasil SA    38,692,219
  Financials — 2.3%  
  2,636,586 XP, Inc. - Class A*    99,320,194
  Industrials — 1.2%  
  4,736,015 Localiza Rent a Car SA    50,434,250
Shares       Market
  Brazil — (Continued)  
  Information Technology — 2.0%  
  1,908,430 Pagseguro Digital Ltd. - Class A* $   88,360,309
  Total Brazil   276,806,972
  Russia — 4.0%  
  Communication Services — 4.0%  
  2,737,121 Yandex NV - Class A*   175,339,971
  Hong Kong — 3.5%  
  Financials — 2.7%  
  9,627,200 AIA Group Ltd.   117,805,838
  Health Care — 0.8%  
  1,269,253 Hutchison China MediTech Ltd. ADR*    35,856,397
  Total Hong Kong   153,662,235
  Indonesia — 1.5%  
  Financials — 1.5%  
 31,380,900 Bank Central Asia Tbk PT    67,205,262
  Kazakhstan — 1.5%  
  Financials — 1.5%  
    906,774 Kaspi.KZ JSC GDR    64,380,954
  Thailand — 1.3%  
  Consumer Staples — 1.3%  
 25,797,000 CP ALL PCL*    56,959,776
  Poland — 1.1%  
  Communication Services — 0.5%  
    391,116 CD Projekt SA*    18,922,091
  Consumer Discretionary — 0.6%  
  1,934,491 Allegro.eu SA, 144a*    27,202,020
  Total Poland    46,124,111
  Vietnam — 0.5%  
  Real Estate — 0.5%  
 16,005,244 Vincom Retail JSC*    22,769,463
  Total Common Stocks $4,237,058,680
  Short-Term Investment Fund — 3.0%  
129,337,643 Dreyfus Government Cash Management, Institutional Shares, 0.03%∞,Ω   129,337,643
  Total Investment Securities — 100.2%
(Cost $3,144,417,202)
  Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (0.2)%    (8,544,446)
  Net Assets — 100.0% $4,357,851,877
* Non-income producing security.
Open-End Fund.
Ω Represents the 7-Day SEC yield as of March 31, 2021.
Portfolio Abbreviations:
ADR – American Depositary Receipt
GDR – Global Depositary Receipt
JSC – Joint Stock Company
PCL – Public Company Limited
144a - This is a restricted security that was sold in a transaction qualifying for the exemption under Rule 144a of the Securities Act of 1933. This security may be sold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At March 31, 2021, these securities were valued at $386,484,341 or 8.9% of net assets. These securities were deemed liquid pursuant to procedures approved by the Board of Trustees.

Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund (Continued)
Other Information:
The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities may not be an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. For more information on valuation inputs, and their aggregation into the levels used in the table below, please refer to the security valuation section in the accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.
Valuation inputs at Reporting Date:
Description Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Common Stocks        
China $530,750,433 $864,547,120 $— $1,395,297,553
India 927,108,164 927,108,164
Taiwan 678,877,926 678,877,926
Argentina 372,526,293 372,526,293
Brazil 276,806,972 276,806,972
Russia 175,339,971 175,339,971
Hong Kong 35,856,397 117,805,838 153,662,235
Indonesia 67,205,262 67,205,262
Kazakhstan 64,380,954 64,380,954
Thailand 56,959,776 56,959,776
Poland 27,202,020 18,922,091 46,124,111
Vietnam 22,769,463 22,769,463
Short-Term Investment Fund 129,337,643 129,337,643
Total $2,348,038,385 $2,018,357,938 $— $4,366,396,323
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Statements of Assets and Liabilities
March 31, 2021
Global ESG
Equity Fund
Mid Cap
Sands Capital
Growth Fund
Investments, at cost $742,334,174 $618,022,877 $499,174,866 $91,592,033 $942,471,319 $3,144,417,202
Investments, at market value * $761,342,108 $1,148,718,526 $700,787,760 $161,159,386 $1,371,545,368 $4,366,396,323
Cash 26,508,606
Cash deposits held at prime broker 4,608
Foreign currency 476,072 12,481,497
Dividends and interest receivable 4,985,643 567,006 1,052,840 56,437 333,398 2,827,972
Receivable for capital shares sold 1,825,877 518,582 270,405 29,629 1,960,309 51,979,111
Receivable for investments sold 293,045 4,266,259 27,274,060 19,312,006
Receivable for securities lending income 11,519 132 125
Tax reclaim receivable 440,916 3,914 54,032
Other assets 29,254 22,382 21,501 15,518 18,472 96,614
Total Assets 795,000,660 1,149,826,628 707,315,878 161,260,970 1,401,135,521 4,453,147,555
Bank overdrafts 1,056,235 1,191,388
Payable for return of collateral for securities on loan 3,187,193
Deferred foreign capital gains tax 25,569,857
Payable for capital shares redeemed 882,569 721,063 459,800 63,318 30,259,524 10,186,181
Payable for investments purchased 276,264 4,422,950 52,920,262
Payable to Investment Advisor 348,683 602,646 387,493 95,961 844,209 3,743,228
Payable to other affiliates 149,573 168,989 136,917 30,379 256,866 490,401
Payable to Trustees 14,770 14,770 14,770 14,770 14,770 14,770
Payable for professional services 44,185 42,663 39,718 26,222 51,385 142,971
Payable for reports to shareholders 22,256 21,466 18,756 10,297 62,141 43,874
Payable for transfer agent services 408,799 542,251 335,626 79,319 857,549 919,677
Other accrued expenses and liabilities 14,216 16,816 9,517 7,830 133,846 73,069
Total Liabilities 5,348,508 2,130,664 6,881,782 328,096 32,480,290 95,295,678
Net Assets $789,652,152 $1,147,695,964 $700,434,096 $160,932,874 $1,368,655,231 $4,357,851,877
Net assets consist of:            
Paid-in capital $774,491,783 $579,871,406 $464,609,552 $74,882,504 $832,918,811 $3,200,770,604
Distributable earnings (deficit) 15,160,369 567,824,558 235,824,544 86,050,370 535,736,420 1,157,081,273
Net Assets $789,652,152 $1,147,695,964 $700,434,096 $160,932,874 $1,368,655,231 $4,357,851,877
*Includes market value of securities on loan of: $3,120,515 $ $ $ $ $
Cost of foreign currency: $ $ $475,115 $ $ $12,480,362
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Statements of Assets and Liabilities  (Continued)
Global ESG
Equity Fund
Mid Cap
Sands Capital
Growth Fund
Pricing of Class A Shares            
Net assets applicable to Class A shares $121,317,217 $48,418,508 $496,574,099 $56,877,100 $322,432,232 $20,369,314
Shares of beneficial interest outstanding
(unlimited number of shares authorized, no par value)
10,915,058 828,690 18,984,157 1,384,747 8,550,880 958,664
Net asset value price per share* $11.11 $58.43 $26.16 $41.07 $37.71 $21.25
Maximum sales charge - Class A shares 3.25% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00%
Maximum offering price per share
(100%/(100%-maximum sales charge) of net asset value adjusted to the nearest cent) - Class A shares
$11.48 $61.51 $27.54 $43.23 $39.69 $22.37
Pricing of Class C Shares            
Net assets applicable to Class C shares $44,388,744 $25,241,105 $7,782,165 $1,853,113 $18,938,815 $9,637,043
Shares of beneficial interest outstanding
(unlimited number of shares authorized, no par value)
4,057,049 467,651 360,376 62,093 911,098 460,918
Net asset value and offering price per share** $10.94 $53.97 $21.59 $29.84 $20.79 $20.91
Pricing of Class Y Shares            
Net assets applicable to Class Y shares $587,810,124 $1,058,713,098 $182,806,380 $30,741,759 $641,217,800 $1,460,472,892
Shares of beneficial interest outstanding
(unlimited number of shares authorized, no par value)
52,718,992 17,914,581 6,730,072 713,561 16,161,376 68,389,334
Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per share $11.15 $59.10 $27.16 $43.08 $39.68 $21.36
Pricing of Institutional Class Shares            
Net assets applicable to Institutional Class shares $36,136,067 $15,323,253 $13,271,452 $71,460,902 $381,463,297 $2,867,372,628
Shares of beneficial interest outstanding
(unlimited number of shares authorized, no par value)
3,243,235 258,055 487,867 1,627,889 9,498,879 133,574,286
Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per share $11.14 $59.38 $27.20 $43.90 $40.16 $21.47
Pricing of Class R6 Shares            
Net assets applicable to Class R6 shares $ $ $ $ $4,603,087 $
Shares of beneficial interest outstanding
(unlimited number of shares authorized, no par value)
Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per share $ $ $ $ $40.18 $
* There is no sales load on subscriptions of $1 million or more for all funds except for Flexible Income Fund. There is no sales load on subscriptions of $500,000 or more for Flexible Income Fund. Redemptions that were part of a $500,000 or $1 million or more subscription, as applicable, may be subject to a contingent deferred sales load if redeemed within a one-year period from the date of purchase.
** Redemption price per share varies by length of time shares are held due to the terms of the contingent deferred sales charge.
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Statements of Operations
For the Year Ended March 31, 2021
Global ESG
Equity Fund
Mid Cap
Sands Capital
Growth Fund
Investment Income            
Dividends* $10,630,236 $11,239,856 $10,899,061 $1,140,135 $6,559,463 $10,294,222
Interest 24,079,000 246
Income from securities loaned 306,281 112,695 75,617 3,861 7,815
Total Investment Income 35,015,517 11,352,551 10,974,678 1,140,135 6,563,324 10,302,283
Investment advisory fees 4,125,675 6,116,896 4,066,691 1,231,724 9,524,765 26,924,253
Administration fees 1,027,327 1,372,103 885,977 233,139 1,930,478 3,786,754
Compliance fees and expenses 2,780 2,780 2,780 2,780 2,780 2,780
Custody fees 65,306 20,248 55,280 19,146 28,981 588,205
Professional fees 58,823 51,228 48,721 28,824 78,378 161,277
Transfer Agent fees, Class A 88,853 31,924 291,478 44,482 310,468 7,380
Transfer Agent fees, Class C 30,342 15,190 6,295 2,637 20,003 3,144
Transfer Agent fees, Class Y 415,554 651,505 108,549 31,977 607,842 679,805
Transfer Agent fees, Institutional Class 9,530 3,909 8,180 29,250 169,232 439,459
Registration Fees, Class A 16,185 15,685 20,441 14,173 22,396 18,456
Registration Fees, Class C 14,281 12,873 11,785 10,735 15,475 15,203
Registration Fees, Class Y 38,064 22,838 19,079 14,245 39,613 57,317
Registration Fees, Institutional Class 11,854 10,973 10,586 21,299 24,208 33,285
Registration Fees, Class R6 6,076
Interest expense on securities sold short 13,960
Reports to Shareholders, Class A 11,973 6,240 21,484 6,530 17,002 7,243
Reports to Shareholders, Class C 8,798 5,582 5,206 4,515 6,659 6,971
Reports to Shareholders, Class Y 35,836 35,568 19,211 5,751 83,881 65,061
Reports to Shareholders, Institutional Class 6,879 4,746 4,667 6,470 41,470 33,173
Reports to Shareholders, Class R6 3,930
Distribution expenses, Class A 285,242 93,224 922,490 127,737 782,148 23,819
Distribution and shareholder servicing expenses, Class C 482,670 242,918 77,886 24,094 211,296 38,840
Trustee fees 20,297 20,297 20,297 20,297 20,297 20,297
Other expenses 75,101 409,441 164,438 41,649 296,305 96,394
Total Expenses 6,845,330 9,146,168 6,771,521 1,921,454 14,243,683 33,009,116
Fees waived and/or reimbursed by the Advisor and/or Affiliates(A) (364,729) (16,065) (71,031) (223,763) (38,995) (34,654)
Fees recouped by the Advisor(A) 205,508
Net Expenses 6,480,601 9,130,103 6,700,490 1,697,691 14,204,688 33,179,970
Net Investment Income (Loss) 28,534,916 2,222,448 4,274,188 (557,556) (7,641,364) (22,877,687)
Realized and Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Investments            
Net realized gains (losses) on investments(B) (9,177,396) 113,770,654 66,473,953 33,445,786 272,551,221 35,112,713
Net realized losses on securities sold short (161,630)
Net realized gains on written options 5,930,667
Net realized losses on foreign currency transactions (81,739) (812,266)
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments 76,082,971 380,150,794 197,943,633 49,085,637 354,354,600 1,243,558,043
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on foreign currency transactions 60,295 (26,127)
Net Realized and Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Investments 72,674,612 493,921,448 264,396,142 82,531,423 626,905,821 1,277,832,363
Change in Net Assets Resulting from Operations $101,209,528 $496,143,896 $268,670,330 $81,973,867 $619,264,457 $1,254,954,676
*Net of foreign tax withholding of: $38,134 $ $931,330 $961 $55,281 $1,190,023
Includes increase in deferred foreign capital gains tax of: $ $ $ $ $ $(25,569,857)
(A) See Note 4 in Notes to Financial Statements.
(B) For the year ended March 31, 2021, the Focused Fund and the Mid Cap Growth Fund had a redemption-in-kind of securities in the amount of $83,852,328 and $95,367,046, respectively. Net realized gains (losses) on investments includes the realized gain on the transaction of $45,698,438 and $38,393,973, respectively, which will not be recognized by the Fund for tax purposes.
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets
Flexible Income
Focused Fund
Global ESG
Equity Fund
  For the
Year Ended
March 31,
For the
Year Ended
March 31,
For the
Year Ended
March 31,
For the
Year Ended
March 31,
For the
Year Ended
March 31,
For the
Year Ended
March 31,
From Operations            
Net investment income (loss) $28,534,916 $23,108,862 $2,222,448 $5,283,320 $4,274,188 $6,545,251
Net realized gains (losses) on investments, securities sold short, written options and foreign currency transactions (3,408,359) 20,295,405 113,770,654 60,441,510 66,392,214 (16,714,842)
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments and foreign currency transactions 76,082,971 (68,835,404) 380,150,794 (132,563,075) 198,003,928 (67,784,463)
Change in Net Assets from Operations 101,209,528 (25,431,137) 496,143,896 (66,838,245) 268,670,330 (77,954,054)
Distributions to Shareholders:            
Distributed earnings, Class A (5,278,794) (3,713,589) (2,153,855) (2,238,206) (1,587,449) (10,328,942)
Distributed earnings, Class C (1,865,099) (1,561,503) (1,430,957) (1,800,403) (254,893)
Distributed earnings, Class Y (26,122,141) (17,755,930) (53,264,171) (55,429,651) (940,684) (5,179,635)
Distributed earnings, Institutional Class (1,479,966) (1,621,646) (817,067) (1,430,465) (65,145) (1,003,582)
Distributed earnings, Class R6
Total Distributions (34,746,000) (24,652,668) (57,666,050) (60,898,725) (2,593,278) (16,767,052)
Change in Net Assets from Share Transactions(A) 82,253,829 (5,366,375) (36,832,260) (124,573,848) (78,741,029) (104,176,982)
Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets 148,717,357 (55,450,180) 401,645,586 (252,310,818) 187,336,023 (198,898,088)
Net Assets            
Beginning of period 640,934,795 696,384,975 746,050,378 998,361,196 513,098,073 711,996,161
End of period $789,652,152 $640,934,795 $1,147,695,964 $746,050,378 $700,434,096 $513,098,073
(A) For details on share transactions by class, see Statements of Changes in Net Assets - Capital Stock Activity on pages 40-42.
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets (Continued)
Growth Opportunities
Mid Cap
Growth Fund
Sands Capital Emerging
Markets Growth Fund
For the
Year Ended
March 31,
For the
Year Ended
March 31,
For the
Year Ended
March 31,
For the
Year Ended
March 31,
For the
Year Ended
March 31,
For the
Year Ended
March 31,
$(557,556) $125,712 $(7,641,364) $(750,687) $(22,877,687) $7,850,785
33,445,786 18,958,191 272,551,221 79,103,794 34,300,447 (34,852,669)
49,085,637 (24,993,169) 354,354,600 (175,573,455) 1,243,531,916 (183,848,648)
81,973,867 (5,909,266) 619,264,457 (97,220,348) 1,254,954,676 (210,850,532)
(5,299,262) (6,821,669) (21,913,745) (19,989,487) (9,873)
(276,553) (613,758) (2,351,555) (3,056,878) (2,577)
(2,983,605) (3,354,635) (39,864,933) (34,842,290) (2,799,865)
(6,264,896) (9,684,009) (28,507,143) (29,719,195) (6,684,482)
(14,824,316) (20,474,071) (92,749,221) (87,607,850) (9,496,797)
(69,060,834) 27,850,599 (195,258,516) 124,630,719 1,791,364,885 687,708,219
(1,911,283) 1,467,262 331,256,720 (60,197,479) 3,046,319,561 467,360,890
162,844,157 161,376,895 1,037,398,511 1,097,595,990 1,311,532,316 844,171,426
$160,932,874 $162,844,157 $1,368,655,231 $1,037,398,511 $4,357,851,877 $1,311,532,316

Statements of Changes in Net Assets - Capital Stock Activity
Flexible Income
Focused Fund
  For the Year
March 31, 2021
For the Year
March 31, 2020
For the Year
March 31, 2021
For the Year
March 31, 2020
  Shares Dollars Shares Dollars Shares Dollars Shares Dollars
Class A                
Proceeds from Shares issued 2,840,796 $31,345,303 1,969,290 $21,351,485 251,563 $12,943,588 123,655 $5,494,801
Reinvestment of distributions 403,612 4,461,293 292,070 3,150,421 35,107 1,821,706 44,106 1,944,038
Cost of Shares redeemed (2,228,003) (24,536,572) (2,639,515) (28,391,878) (223,201) (10,767,368) (700,697) (30,599,001)
Change from Class A Share Transactions 1,016,405 11,270,024 (378,155) (3,889,972) 63,469 3,997,926 (532,936) (23,160,162)
Class C                
Proceeds from Shares issued 735,883 7,973,288 1,208,385 12,893,719 11,317 524,313 41,324 1,692,900
Reinvestment of distributions 146,221 1,591,133 119,434 1,270,064 28,001 1,345,159 39,440 1,622,944
Cost of Shares redeemed (1,954,282) (21,048,203) (2,514,887) (26,729,797) (216,361) (9,639,449) (277,487) (11,261,327)
Change from Class C Share Transactions (1,072,178) (11,483,782) (1,187,068) (12,566,014) (177,043) (7,769,977) (196,723) (7,945,483)
Class Y                
Proceeds from Shares issued 19,864,583 220,062,508 20,459,737 222,117,191 396,405 19,966,667 600,464 26,350,973
Reinvestment of distributions 2,171,185 24,083,355 1,516,299 16,400,965 975,935 51,346,021 1,186,386 53,056,756
Cost of Shares redeemed (15,443,838) (169,306,158) (18,501,937) (195,714,021) (1,950,332) (95,698,599) (3,696,500) (160,703,579)
Change from Class Y Share Transactions 6,591,930 74,839,705 3,474,099 42,804,135 (577,992) (24,385,911) (1,909,650) (81,295,850)
Institutional Class                
Proceeds from Shares issued 1,396,030 15,517,816 1,723,705 18,730,017 1,838,766 89,867,250 161,940 7,140,567
Reinvestment of distributions 93,094 1,031,402 129,615 1,405,196 14,676 776,182 31,825 1,430,530
Cost of Shares redeemed (806,241) (8,921,336) (4,778,658) (51,849,737) (2,008,192) (99,317,730) (459,600) (20,743,450)
Change from Institutional Class Share Transactions 682,883 7,627,882 (2,925,338) (31,714,524) (154,750) (8,674,298) (265,835) (12,172,353)
Change from Share Transactions 7,219,040 $82,253,829 (1,016,462) $(5,366,375) (846,316) $(36,832,260) (2,905,144) $(124,573,848)
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets - Capital Stock Activity (Continued)
Global ESG
Equity Fund
Growth Opportunities
For the Year
March 31, 2021
For the Year
March 31, 2020
For the Year
March 31, 2021
For the Year
March 31, 2020
Shares Dollars Shares Dollars Shares Dollars Shares Dollars
396,735 $8,721,587 493,946 $10,169,304 87,918 $3,266,253 61,496 $2,058,524
60,977 1,507,353 454,776 9,783,738 130,107 5,057,274 201,139 6,464,623
(2,085,406) (46,097,121) (2,689,637) (54,785,146) (162,699) (6,232,248) (229,675) (7,684,999)
(1,627,694) (35,868,181) (1,740,915) (34,832,104) 55,326 2,091,279 32,960 838,148
26,993 529,386 39,062 670,788 2,453 68,989 15,450 391,648
12,459 220,907 9,531 269,741 20,275 495,111
(246,181) (4,330,629) (368,405) (6,248,381) (78,433) (2,196,413) (54,735) (1,451,229)
(219,188) (3,801,243) (316,884) (5,356,686) (66,449) (1,857,683) (19,010) (564,470)
1,187,900 26,934,242 2,590,628 54,554,611 225,691 7,953,280 445,257 15,830,929
34,565 886,951 215,559 4,821,697 71,950 2,931,242 98,237 3,286,034
(2,286,476) (50,260,030) (5,034,185) (106,875,253) (498,231) (18,257,698) (922,991) (32,183,620)
(1,064,011) (22,438,837) (2,227,998) (47,498,945) (200,590) (7,373,176) (379,497) (13,066,657)
219,555 5,270,130 369,505 7,892,739 290,108 10,798,698 1,759,821 61,464,438
1,577 40,541 42,505 951,605 150,998 6,264,896 284,991 9,684,009
(975,584) (21,943,439) (1,315,432) (25,333,591) (2,070,981) (78,984,848) (873,870) (30,504,869)
(754,452) (16,632,768) (903,422) (16,489,247) (1,629,875) (61,921,254) 1,170,942 40,643,578
(3,665,345) $(78,741,029) (5,189,219) $(104,176,982) (1,841,588) $(69,060,834) 805,395 $27,850,599

Statements of Changes in Net Assets - Capital Stock Activity (Continued)
Mid Cap
Growth Fund
Sands Capital Emerging
Markets Growth Fund
  For the Year
March 31, 2021
For the Year
March 31, 2020(A)
For the Year
March 31, 2021
For the Year
March 31, 2020
  Shares Dollars Shares Dollars Shares Dollars Shares Dollars
Class A                
Proceeds from Shares issued 1,067,011 $34,084,944 2,138,686 $65,838,474 1,005,659 $20,130,781 301,881 $4,037,079
Reinvestment of distributions 541,386 19,879,699 586,059 18,135,023 633 9,119
Cost of Shares redeemed (2,471,731) (85,865,487) (2,281,110) (69,290,691) (302,118) (5,795,374) (150,007) (1,979,207)
Change from Class A Share Transactions (863,334) (31,900,844) 443,635 14,682,806 703,541 14,335,407 152,507 2,066,991
Class C                
Proceeds from Shares issued 76,143 1,468,504 232,703 4,339,937 392,695 8,087,311 101,370 1,406,635
Reinvestment of distributions 111,664 2,265,668 155,736 2,823,487 153 2,194
Cost of Shares redeemed (713,332) (13,647,825) (768,088) (14,216,136) (32,579) (574,799) (5,214) (65,430)
Change from Class C Share Transactions (525,525) (9,913,653) (379,649) (7,052,712) 360,116 7,512,512 96,309 1,343,399
Class Y                
Proceeds from Shares issued 3,838,529 135,254,385 6,073,933 187,749,638 49,959,576 1,004,168,771 21,621,094 290,726,041
Reinvestment of distributions 967,681 37,362,145 998,794 32,392,481 167,769 2,422,593
Cost of Shares redeemed (4,940,786) (175,997,171) (5,609,694) (179,197,024) (18,838,544) (356,921,406) (8,698,323) (113,245,684)
Change from Class Y Share Transactions (134,576) (3,380,641) 1,463,033 40,945,095 31,121,032 647,247,365 13,090,540 179,902,950
Institutional Class                
Proceeds from Shares issued 7,022,230 257,938,408 6,573,558 212,452,733 76,112,190 1,483,255,179 47,823,401 639,645,558
Reinvestment of distributions 513,798 20,068,967 769,260 25,222,235 340,034 4,930,489
Cost of Shares redeemed (11,629,901) (432,407,355) (5,111,765) (161,621,938) (19,830,368) (360,985,578) (10,574,079) (140,181,168)
Change from Institutional Class Share Transactions (4,093,873) (154,399,980) 2,231,053 76,053,030 56,281,822 1,122,269,601 37,589,356 504,394,879
Class R6                
Proceeds from Shares issued 120,268 4,562,600 70 2,500
Reinvestment of distributions 2,862 111,845
Cost of Shares redeemed (8,652) (337,843)
Change from Class R6 Share Transactions 114,478 4,336,602 70 2,500
Change from Share Transactions (5,502,830) $(195,258,516) 3,758,142 $124,630,719 88,466,511 $1,791,364,885 50,928,712 $687,708,219
(A) Represents the period from commencement of operations (February 10, 2020) through March 31, 2020 for Class R6.
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Financial Highlights
Touchstone Flexible Income Fund—Class A
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $10.05 $10.75 $10.81 $10.71 $10.58
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment income 0.41 0.34 0.39 0.26 0.30
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 1.16 (0.68) (0.01) 0.11 0.11
Total from investment operations: 1.57 (0.34) 0.38 0.37 0.41
Distributions from:          
Net investment income (0.41) (0.36) (0.38) (0.27) (0.28)
Realized capital gains (0.10) (0.06)
Total distributions (0.51) (0.36) (0.44) (0.27) (0.28)
Net asset value at end of period $11.11 $10.05 $10.75 $10.81 $10.71
Total return(A) 15.72% (3.33%) 3.59% 3.46% 3.93%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $121,317 $99,460 $110,460 $136,609 $49,544
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses (including dividend and interest expense on securities sold short) 1.04% 1.05%(B) 1.04% 1.06%(B) 1.10%(B)
Gross expenses (including dividend and interest expense on securities sold short) 1.09% 1.14%(C) 1.11% 1.14%(C) 1.30%(C)
Net investment income 3.79% 3.12% 3.50% 2.60% 2.74%
Portfolio turnover rate 103% 136% 171% 100%(D) 127%
Touchstone Flexible Income Fund—Class C
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $9.90 $10.60 $10.67 $10.57 $10.44
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment income 0.32 0.24 0.30 0.20 0.20
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 1.15 (0.66) (0.01) 0.09 0.13
Total from investment operations: 1.47 (0.42) 0.29 0.29 0.33
Distributions from:          
Net investment income (0.33) (0.28) (0.30) (0.19) (0.20)
Realized capital gains (0.10) (0.06)
Total distributions (0.43) (0.28) (0.36) (0.19) (0.20)
Net asset value at end of period $10.94 $9.90 $10.60 $10.67 $10.57
Total return(A) 14.89% (4.09%) 2.77% 2.73% 3.22%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $44,389 $50,767 $66,926 $100,800 $55,043
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses (including dividend and interest expense on securities sold short) 1.79% 1.80%(B) 1.79% 1.81%(B) 1.85%(B)
Gross expenses (including dividend and interest expense on securities sold short) 1.85% 1.91%(C) 1.86% 1.89%(C) 2.00%(C)
Net investment income 3.04% 2.37% 2.75% 1.85% 1.99%
Portfolio turnover rate 103% 136% 171% 100%(D) 127%
(A) Total returns shown exclude the effect of applicable sales loads and fees. If these charges were included, the returns would be lower.
(B) The ratio of net expenses to average net assets excluding dividend and interest expense on securities sold short for Class A was 1.04%, 1.06% and 1.09% and for Class C was 1.79%, 1.81% and 1.84% for the years ended March 31, 2020, 2018 and 2017, respectively.
(C) The ratio of gross expenses to average net assets excluding dividend and interest expense on securities sold short for Class A was 1.13%, 1.14% and 1.29% and for Class C was 1.90%, 1.89% and 1.99% for the years ended March 31, 2020, 2018 and 2017, respectively.
(D) Portfolio turnover excludes the purchases and sales of securities of the Sentinel Multi-Asset Income Fund acquired on October 27, 2017. If these transactions were included, portfolio turnover would have been higher.
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Financial Highlights (Continued)
Touchstone Flexible Income Fund—Class Y
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $10.08 $10.78 $10.85 $10.75 $10.61
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment income 0.44 0.37 0.42 0.31 0.32
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 1.17 (0.68) (0.02) 0.09 0.13
Total from investment operations: 1.61 (0.31) 0.40 0.40 0.45
Distributions from:          
Net investment income (0.44) (0.39) (0.41) (0.30) (0.31)
Realized capital gains (0.10) (0.06)
Total distributions (0.54) (0.39) (0.47) (0.30) (0.31)
Net asset value at end of period $11.15 $10.08 $10.78 $10.85 $10.75
Total return 16.07% (3.07%) 3.75% 3.71% 4.28%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $587,810 $464,910 $459,861 $628,693 $464,002
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses (including dividend and interest expense on securities sold short) 0.79% 0.80%(A) 0.79% 0.82%(A) 0.85%(A)
Gross expenses (including dividend and interest expense on securities sold short) 0.83% 0.87%(B) 0.84% 0.90%(B) 1.00%(B)
Net investment income 4.04% 3.37% 3.75% 2.84% 2.99%
Portfolio turnover rate 103% 136% 171% 100%(C) 127%
Touchstone Flexible Income Fund—Institutional Class
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $10.08 $10.78 $10.84 $10.74 $10.60
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment income 0.45 0.40 0.44 0.33 0.33
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 1.16 (0.70) (0.02) 0.08 0.13
Total from investment operations: 1.61 (0.30) 0.42 0.41 0.46
Distributions from:          
Net investment income (0.45) (0.40) (0.42) (0.31) (0.32)
Realized capital gains (0.10) (0.06)
Total distributions (0.55) (0.40) (0.48) (0.31) (0.32)
Net asset value at end of period $11.14 $10.08 $10.78 $10.84 $10.74
Total return 16.19% (3.02%) 3.95% 3.81% 4.28%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $36,136 $25,798 $59,138 $86,578 $104,631
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses (including dividend and interest expense on securities sold short) 0.69% 0.70%(A) 0.69% 0.72%(A) 0.75%(A)
Gross expenses (including dividend and interest expense on securities sold short) 0.84% 0.88%(B) 0.82% 0.86%(B) 0.92%(B)
Net investment income 4.14% 3.47% 3.85% 2.94% 3.09%
Portfolio turnover rate 103% 136% 171% 100%(C) 127%
(A) The ratio of net expenses to average net assets excluding dividend and interest expense on securities sold short for Class Y was 0.79%, 0.82% and 0.84% and for Institutional Class was 0.69%, 0.72% and 0.74% for the years ended March 31, 2020, 2018 and 2017, respectively.
(B) The ratio of gross expenses to average net assets excluding dividend and interest expense on securities sold short for Class Y was 0.86%, 0.90% and 0.99% and for Institutional Class was 0.87%, 0.86% and 0.91% for the years ended March 31, 2020, 2018 and 2017, respectively.
(C) Portfolio turnover excludes the purchases and sales of securities of the Sentinel Multi-Asset Income Fund acquired on October 27, 2017. If these transactions were included, portfolio turnover would have been higher.
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Financial Highlights (Continued)
Touchstone Focused Fund—Class A
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $36.45 $42.68 $42.93 $41.47 $36.68
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment income (loss)(A) (0.02) 0.14 0.14 0.17 0.15
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 24.92 (3.56) 1.39 4.02 5.12
Total from investment operations: 24.90 (3.42) 1.53 4.19 5.27
Distributions from:          
Net investment income (0.10) (0.01) (0.14)
Realized capital gains (2.92) (2.71) (1.77) (2.73) (0.34)
Total distributions (2.92) (2.81) (1.78) (2.73) (0.48)
Net asset value at end of period $58.43 $36.45 $42.68 $42.93 $41.47
Total return(B) 69.38% (9.14%) 3.82% 10.13% 14.45%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $48,419 $27,889 $55,399 $167,354 $425,366
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 1.22%(C) 1.20%(D) 1.20% 1.20% 1.20%
Gross expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 1.22%(E) 1.19% 1.32% 1.29% 1.28%
Net investment income (loss) (0.05%) 0.31% 0.32% 0.40% 0.39%
Portfolio turnover rate 18%(F) 13% 12% 8%(F) 20%
Touchstone Focused Fund—Class C
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $34.06 $40.26 $40.89 $39.90 $35.54
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment loss(A) (0.36) (0.18) (0.18) (0.14) (0.13)
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 23.19 (3.31) 1.32 3.86 4.94
Total from investment operations: 22.83 (3.49) 1.14 3.72 4.81
Distributions from:          
Net investment income (0.11)
Realized capital gains (2.92) (2.71) (1.77) (2.73) (0.34)
Total distributions (2.92) (2.71) (1.77) (2.73) (0.45)
Net asset value at end of period $53.97 $34.06 $40.26 $40.89 $39.90
Total return(B) 68.10% (9.80%) 3.03% 9.34% 13.56%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $25,241 $21,961 $33,875 $41,635 $53,776
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 1.96%(C) 1.95% 1.95% 1.94% 1.95%
Gross expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 1.96%(E) 1.98% 1.95% 1.94% 1.97%
Net investment loss (0.79%) (0.44%) (0.43%) (0.34%) (0.36%)
Portfolio turnover rate 18%(F) 13% 12% 8%(F) 20%
(A) The net investment income (loss) per share was based on average shares outstanding for the period.
(B) Total returns shown exclude the effect of applicable sales loads and fees. If these charges were included, the returns would be lower.
(C) The ratio of net expenses to average net assets excluding liquidity provider expenses for Class A was 1.20% and for Class C was 1.94% for the year ended March 31, 2021.
(D) Net expenses include amounts recouped by the Advisor.
(E) The ratio of gross expenses to average net assets excluding liquidity provider expenses for Class A was 1.20% and for Class C was 1.94% for the year ended March 31, 2021.
(F) Portfolio turnover excludes securities delivered from processing a redemption-in-kind.
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Financial Highlights (Continued)
Touchstone Focused Fund—Class Y
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $36.82 $43.12 $43.50 $42.21 $37.29
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment income(A) 0.13 0.26 0.27 0.31 0.27
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 25.21 (3.58) 1.39 4.08 5.22
Total from investment operations: 25.34 (3.32) 1.66 4.39 5.49
Distributions from:          
Net investment income (0.14) (0.27) (0.27) (0.37) (0.23)
Realized capital gains (2.92) (2.71) (1.77) (2.73) (0.34)
Total distributions (3.06) (2.98) (2.04) (3.10) (0.57)
Net asset value at end of period $59.10 $36.82 $43.12 $43.50 $42.21
Total return 69.89% (8.86%) 4.13% 10.43% 14.77%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $1,058,713 $680,934 $879,704 $972,273 $974,660
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 0.91%(B) 0.91% 0.91% 0.91% 0.92%
Gross expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 0.91%(C) 0.91% 0.91% 0.91% 0.92%
Net investment income 0.27% 0.60% 0.61% 0.69% 0.68%
Portfolio turnover rate 18%(D) 13% 12% 8%(D) 20%
Touchstone Focused Fund—Institutional Class
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $36.98 $43.30 $43.68 $42.38 $37.45
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment income(A) 0.16 0.30 0.30 0.34 0.30
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 25.33 (3.60) 1.39 4.11 5.24
Total from investment operations: 25.49 (3.30) 1.69 4.45 5.54
Distributions from:          
Net investment income (0.17) (0.31) (0.30) (0.42) (0.27)
Realized capital gains (2.92) (2.71) (1.77) (2.73) (0.34)
Total distributions (3.09) (3.02) (2.07) (3.15) (0.61)
Net asset value at end of period $59.38 $36.98 $43.30 $43.68 $42.38
Total return 70.00% (8.79%) 4.20% 10.54% 14.84%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $15,323 $15,267 $29,382 $22,556 $41,389
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 0.85%(B) 0.83% 0.83% 0.83% 0.83%
Gross expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 0.94%(C) 0.92% 0.92% 0.92% 0.88%
Net investment income 0.32% 0.68% 0.69% 0.77% 0.76%
Portfolio turnover rate 18%(D) 13% 12% 8%(D) 20%
(A) The net investment income per share was based on average shares outstanding for the period.
(B) The ratio of net expenses to average net assets excluding liquidity provider expenses for Class Y was 0.89% and for Institutional Class was 0.83% for the year ended March 31, 2021.
(C) The ratio of gross expenses to average net assets excluding liquidity provider expenses for Class Y was 0.89% and for Institutional Class was 0.92% for the year ended March 31, 2021.
(D) Portfolio turnover excludes securities delivered from processing a redemption-in-kind.
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Financial Highlights (Continued)
Touchstone Global ESG Equity Fund—Class A
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $16.84 $19.94 $22.01 $21.52 $18.98
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment income 0.14(A) 0.17(A) 0.15 0.03 0.18
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 9.26 (2.78) (0.29) 3.37 2.47
Total from investment operations: 9.40 (2.61) (0.14) 3.40 2.65
Distributions from:          
Net investment income (0.08) (0.15) (0.17) (0.17) (0.11)
Realized capital gains (0.34) (1.76) (2.74)
Total distributions (0.08) (0.49) (1.93) (2.91) (0.11)
Net asset value at end of period $26.16 $16.84 $19.94 $22.01 $21.52
Total return(B) 55.86% 13.61% (0.37%) 15.57% 14.01%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $496,574 $347,021 $445,608 $485,413 $113,062
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses 1.12% 1.17% 1.17% 1.19% 1.24%
Gross expenses 1.12% 1.18% 1.17% 1.22% 1.36%
Net investment income 0.63% 0.84% 0.70% 0.58% 0.83%
Portfolio turnover rate 62% 60% 40% 72%(C) 53%
Touchstone Global ESG Equity Fund—Class C
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $13.97 $16.65 $18.68 $18.62 $16.47
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment income (loss) (0.04)(A) (A)(D) (0.06) (0.05) 0.01
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 7.66 (2.31) (0.21) 2.85 2.15
Total from investment operations: 7.62 (2.31) (0.27) 2.80 2.16
Distributions from:          
Net investment income (0.03) (0.01)
Realized capital gains (0.34) (1.76) (2.74)
Total distributions (0.37) (1.76) (2.74) (0.01)
Net asset value at end of period $21.59 $13.97 $16.65 $18.68 $18.62
Total return(B) 54.55% (14.34%) (1.18%) 14.75% 13.12%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $7,782 $8,099 $14,926 $37,513 $48,055
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses 1.99% 1.99% 1.99% 1.99% 1.99%
Gross expenses 2.14% 2.14% 2.03% 2.05% 2.12%
Net investment income (loss) (0.24%) 0.02% (0.12%) (0.23%) 0.08%
Portfolio turnover rate 62% 60% 40% 72%(C) 53%
(A) The net investment income (loss) per share was based on average shares outstanding for the period.
(B) Total returns shown exclude the effect of applicable sales loads and fees. If these charges were included, the returns would be lower.
(C) Portfolio turnover excludes the purchases and sales of securities of the Sentinel Sustainable Core Opportunities Fund acquired on October 27, 2017. If these transactions were included, portfolio turnover would have been higher.
(D) Less than $0.005 per share.
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Financial Highlights (Continued)
Touchstone Global ESG Equity Fund—Class Y
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $17.48 $20.66 $22.75 $22.11 $19.49
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment income 0.20(A) 0.24(A) 0.21 0.16 0.20
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 9.62 (2.88) (0.31) 3.41 2.58
Total from investment operations: 9.82 (2.64) (0.10) 3.57 2.78
Distributions from:          
Net investment income (0.14) (0.20) (0.23) (0.19) (0.16)
Realized capital gains (0.34) (1.76) (2.74)
Total distributions (0.14) (0.54) (1.99) (2.93) (0.16)
Net asset value at end of period $27.16 $17.48 $20.66 $22.75 $22.11
Total return 56.22% (13.37%) (0.09%) 15.90% 14.30%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $182,806 $136,239 $207,080 $189,837 $112,790
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses 0.90% 0.90% 0.90% 0.94% 0.99%
Gross expenses 0.93% 0.94% 0.93% 0.99% 1.09%
Net investment income 0.85% 1.11% 0.97% 0.82% 1.08%
Portfolio turnover rate 62% 60% 40% 72%(B) 53%
Touchstone Global ESG Equity Fund—Institutional Class
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $17.50 $20.68 $22.77 $22.13 $19.50
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment income 0.19(A) 0.24(A) 0.22 0.20 0.19
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 9.64 (2.88) (0.32) 3.38 2.61
Total from investment operations: 9.83 (2.64) (0.10) 3.58 2.80
Distributions from:          
Net investment income (0.13) (0.20) (0.23) (0.20) (0.17)
Realized capital gains (0.34) (1.76) (2.74)
Total distributions (0.13) (0.54) (1.99) (2.94) (0.17)
Net asset value at end of period $27.20 $17.50 $20.68 $22.77 $22.13
Total return 56.21% (13.35%) (0.10%) 15.95% 14.41%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $13,271 $21,739 $44,382 $42,196 $29,679
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses 0.89% 0.89% 0.89% 0.89% 0.89%
Gross expenses 0.97% 0.95% 0.93% 1.01% 1.11%
Net investment income 0.86% 1.12% 0.98% 0.87% 1.18%
Portfolio turnover rate 62% 60% 40% 72%(B) 53%
(A) The net investment income per share was based on average shares outstanding for the period.
(B) Portfolio turnover excludes the purchases and sales of securities of the Sentinel Sustainable Core Opportunities Fund acquired on October 27, 2017. If these transactions were included, portfolio turnover would have been higher.
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Financial Highlights (Continued)
Touchstone Growth Opportunities Fund—Class A
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $27.94 $32.71 $32.79 $30.20 $27.35
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment loss (0.20) (0.04) (0.05) (0.11) (—)(A)
Net realized and unrealized gains on investments 17.44 0.99 3.10 5.89 3.86
Total from investment operations: 17.24 0.95 3.05 5.78 3.86
Distributions from:          
Realized capital gains (4.11) (5.72) (3.13) (3.19) (1.01)
Net asset value at end of period $41.07 $27.94 $32.71 $32.79 $30.20
Total return(B) 62.56% 0.63% 10.40% 19.51% 14.38%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $56,877 $37,150 $42,404 $39,901 $38,752
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 1.24% 1.25%(C) 1.24% 1.24% 0.99%
Gross expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 1.34% 1.41%(D) 1.37% 1.38% 1.09%
Net investment income (loss) (0.55%) (0.12%) (0.17%) (0.32%) 1.08%
Portfolio turnover rate 65% 101%(E) 94%(E) 86% 53%
Touchstone Growth Opportunities Fund—Class C
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $21.19 $26.18 $27.08 $25.60 $23.51
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment loss (0.77) (0.23) (0.49) (0.29) (0.23)
Net realized and unrealized gains on investments 13.53 0.96 2.72 4.96 3.33
Total from investment operations: 12.76 0.73 2.23 4.67 3.10
Distributions from:          
Realized capital gains (4.11) (5.72) (3.13) (3.19) (1.01)
Net asset value at end of period $29.84 $21.19 $26.18 $27.08 $25.60
Total return(B) 61.29% (0.09%) 9.54% 18.65% 13.49%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $1,853 $2,724 $3,863 $8,680 $8,574
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 1.99% 2.00%(C) 1.99% 1.99% 1.99%
Gross expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 2.70% 2.61%(D) 2.32% 2.29% 2.26%
Net investment loss (1.30%) (0.87%) (0.92%) (1.07%) (0.76%)
Portfolio turnover rate 65% 101%(E) 94%(E) 86% 90%
(A) Less than $0.005 per share.
(B) Total returns shown exclude the effect of applicable sales loads and fees. If these charges were included, the returns would be lower.
(C) The ratio of net expenses to average net assets excluding liquidity provider expenses for Class A was 1.24% and for Class C was 1.99% for the year ended March 31, 2020.
(D) The ratio of gross expenses to average net assets excluding liquidity provider expenses for Class A was 1.40% and for Class C was 2.60% for the year ended March 31, 2020.
(E) Portfolio turnover excludes securities delivered from processing redemptions-in-kind.
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Financial Highlights (Continued)
Touchstone Growth Opportunities Fund—Class Y
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $29.11 $33.78 $33.69 $30.87 $27.90
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment income (loss) (0.12) 0.04 0.03 (0.02) 0.10
Net realized and unrealized gains on investments 18.20 1.01 3.19 6.03 3.91
Total from investment operations: 18.08 1.05 3.22 6.01 4.01
Distributions from:          
Net investment income (A) (0.03)
Realized capital gains (4.11) (5.72) (3.13) (3.19) (1.01)
Total distributions (4.11) (5.72) (3.13) (3.19) (1.04)
Net asset value at end of period $43.08 $29.11 $33.78 $33.69 $30.87
Total return 62.93% 0.92% 10.67% 19.80% 14.64%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $30,742 $26,610 $43,703 $47,554 $47,222
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 0.99% 1.00%(B) 0.99% 0.99% 0.99%
Gross expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 1.13% 1.14%(C) 1.08% 1.07% 1.07%
Net investment income (loss) (0.30%) 0.13% 0.08% (0.07%) 0.24%
Portfolio turnover rate 65% 101%(D) 94%(D) 86% 90%
Touchstone Growth Opportunities Fund—Institutional Class
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $29.58 $34.22 $34.08 $31.16 $28.15
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment income (loss) (0.06) 0.06 0.09 0.01 0.12
Net realized and unrealized gains on investments 18.49 1.02 3.21 6.10 3.96
Total from investment operations: 18.43 1.08 3.30 6.11 4.08
Distributions from:          
Net investment income (0.03) (0.06)
Realized capital gains (4.11) (5.72) (3.13) (3.19) (1.01)
Total distributions (4.11) (5.72) (3.16) (3.19) (1.07)
Net asset value at end of period $43.90 $29.58 $34.22 $34.08 $31.16
Total return 63.13% 1.00% 10.79% 19.94% 14.77%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $71,461 $96,361 $71,406 $185,831 $150,038
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 0.89% 0.90%(B) 0.89% 0.89% 0.89%
Gross expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 1.03% 1.05%(C) 1.01% 1.01% 1.00%
Net investment income (loss) (0.20%) 0.23% 0.18% 0.03% 0.34%
Portfolio turnover rate 65% 101%(D) 94%(D) 86% 90%
(A) Less than $0.005 per share.
(B) The ratio of net expenses to average net assets excluding liquidity provider expenses for Class Y was 0.99% and for Institutional Class was 0.89% for the year ended March 31, 2020.
(C) The ratio of gross expenses to average net assets excluding liquidity provider expenses for Class Y was 1.13% and for Institutional Class was 1.04% for the year ended March 31, 2020.
(D) Portfolio turnover excludes securities delivered from processing redemptions-in-kind.
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Financial Highlights (Continued)
Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund—Class A
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $24.89 $29.26 $28.05 $25.91 $23.28
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment loss (0.28) (0.07) (0.09) (0.08)(A) (0.06)
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 15.64 (2.06) 3.36 4.95 3.31
Total from investment operations: 15.36 (2.13) 3.27 4.87 3.25
Distributions from:          
Net investment income (0.01)
Realized capital gains (2.54) (2.23) (2.06) (2.73) (0.62)
Total distributions (2.54) (2.24) (2.06) (2.73) (0.62)
Net asset value at end of period $37.71 $24.89 $29.26 $28.05 $25.91
Total return(B) 61.98% (8.78%) 12.77% 19.28% 14.13%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $322,432 $234,307 $262,492 $218,727 $225,381
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 1.23%(C) 1.25% 1.27% 1.29% 1.30%
Gross expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 1.23%(D) 1.25% 1.27% 1.29% 1.30%
Net investment loss (0.75%) (0.24%) (0.35%) (0.29%) (0.26%)
Portfolio turnover rate 65%(E) 82% 71% 76% 95%
Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund—Class C
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $14.56 $18.08 $18.27 $17.84 $16.33
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment loss (0.78) (0.32) (0.49) (0.20)(A) (0.22)
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 9.55 (0.97) 2.36 3.36 2.35
Total from investment operations: 8.77 (1.29) 1.87 3.16 2.13
Distributions from:          
Realized capital gains (2.54) (2.23) (2.06) (2.73) (0.62)
Net asset value at end of period $20.79 $14.56 $18.08 $18.27 $17.84
Total return(B) 60.65% (9.55%) 11.91% 18.38% 13.28%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $18,939 $20,918 $32,831 $90,502 $113,153
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 2.07%(C) 2.07% 2.04% 2.04% 2.06%
Gross expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 2.07%(D) 2.07% 2.04% 2.04% 2.06%
Net investment loss (1.59%) (1.06%) (1.12%) (1.04%) (1.02%)
Portfolio turnover rate 65%(E) 82% 71% 76% 95%
(A) The net investment loss per share was based on average shares outstanding for the period.
(B) Total returns shown exclude the effect of applicable sales loads and fees. If these charges were included, the returns would be lower.
(C) The ratio of net expenses to average net assets excluding liquidity provider expenses for Class A was 1.22% and for Class C was 2.06% for the year ended March 31, 2021.
(D) The ratio of gross expenses to average net assets excluding liquidity provider expenses for Class A was 1.22% and for Class C was 2.06% for the year ended March 31, 2021.
(E) Portfolio turnover excludes securities delivered from processing redemptions-in-kind.
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Financial Highlights (Continued)
Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund—Class Y
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $26.04 $30.50 $29.07 $26.70 $23.92
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment loss (0.18) (—)(A) (0.03) (0.01)(B) (—)(A)
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 16.36 (2.17) 3.52 5.11 3.40
Total from investment operations: 16.18 (2.17) 3.49 5.10 3.40
Distributions from:          
Net investment income (0.06)
Realized capital gains (2.54) (2.23) (2.06) (2.73) (0.62)
Total distributions (2.54) (2.29) (2.06) (2.73) (0.62)
Net asset value at end of period $39.68 $26.04 $30.50 $29.07 $26.70
Total return 62.40% (8.58%) 13.05% 19.62% 14.38%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $641,218 $424,403 $452,407 $375,617 $311,865
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 0.99%(C) 1.01% 1.02% 1.02% 1.06%
Gross expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 0.99%(D) 1.01% 1.02% 1.02% 1.06%
Net investment loss (0.52%) (—%)(A) (0.10%) (0.02%) (0.02%)
Portfolio turnover rate 65%(E) 82% 71% 76% 95%
Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund—Institutional Class
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $26.32 $30.79 $29.32 $26.90 $24.07
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment income (loss) (0.20) 0.01 (0.01) (—)(A)(B) 0.10
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 16.58 (2.18) 3.54 5.15 3.35
Total from investment operations: 16.38 (2.17) 3.53 5.15 3.45
Distributions from:          
Net investment income (0.07)
Realized capital gains (2.54) (2.23) (2.06) (2.73) (0.62)
Total distributions (2.54) (2.30) (2.06) (2.73) (0.62)
Net asset value at end of period $40.16 $26.32 $30.79 $29.32 $26.90
Total return 62.50% (8.49%) 13.10% 19.62% 14.50%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $381,463 $357,769 $349,865 $95,176 $44,236
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 0.91%(C) 0.94% 0.97%(F) 0.99% 0.99%
Gross expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 0.92%(D) 0.94% 0.97% 0.99% 1.00%
Net investment income (loss) (0.44%) 0.06% (0.06%) 0.01% 0.05%
Portfolio turnover rate 65%(E) 82% 71% 76% 95%
(A) Less than $0.005 per share or 0.005%
(B) The net investment income per share was based on average shares outstanding for the period.
(C) The ratio of net expenses to average net assets excluding liquidity provider expenses for Class Y was 0.98% and for Institutional Class was 0.90% for the year ended March 31, 2021.
(D) The ratio of gross expenses to average net assets excluding liquidity provider expenses for Class Y was 0.98% and for Institutional Class was 0.91% for the year ended March 31, 2021.
(E) Portfolio turnover excludes securities delivered from processing redemptions-in-kind.
(F) Net expenses include amounts recouped by the Advisor.
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Financial Highlights (Continued)
Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund—Class R6
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
Period Ended
March 31,
Net asset value at beginning of period $26.32 $35.72(B)
Income (loss) from investment operations:    
Net investment loss (0.11) (—)(C)
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 16.51 (9.40)
Total from investment operations: 16.40 (9.40)
Distributions from:    
Realized capital gains (2.54)
Net asset value at end of period $40.18 $26.32
Total return 62.58% (26.32%)(D)
Ratios and supplemental data:    
Net assets at end of period (000's) $4,603 $2
Ratio to average net assets:    
Net expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 0.85%(E) 0.89%(F)
Gross expenses (including liquidity provider expenses) 1.47%(G) 1,279.20%(F)
Net investment loss (0.37%) (0.02%)(F)
Portfolio turnover rate 65%(H) 82%(D)
(A) Represents the period from commencement of operations (February 10, 2020) through March 31, 2020.
(B) Net asset value at the beginning of period is based on the net asset value of Institutional Class shares on February 10, 2020.
(C) Less than $0.0005 per share.
(D) Not annualized.
(E) The ratio of net expenses to average net assets excluding liquidity provider expenses for Class R6 was 0.84% for the year ended March 31, 2021.
(F) Annualized.
(G) The ratio of gross expenses to average net assets excluding liquidity provider expenses for Class R6 was 1.46% for the year ended March 31, 2021.
(H) Portfolio turnover excludes securities delivered from processing redemptions-in-kind.
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Financial Highlights (Continued)
Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund—Class A
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31, Period Ended
March 31,
  2021 2020
Net asset value at beginning of period $11.36 $13.15 $11.21(B)
Income (loss) from investment operations:      
Net investment income (loss) (0.13) 0.05(C) (0.01)
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 10.02 (1.77) 1.95
Total from investment operations: 9.89 (1.72) 1.94
Distributions from:      
Net investment income (0.07)
Net asset value at end of period $21.25 $11.36 $13.15
Total return(D) 87.06% (13.19%) 17.31%(E)
Ratios and supplemental data:      
Net assets at end of period (000's) $20,369 $2,897 $1,349
Ratio to average net assets:      
Net expenses 1.60% 1.60% 1.60%(F)
Gross expenses 1.77% 2.62% 4.89%(F)
Net investment income (loss) (1.22%) 0.35% (0.94%)(F)
Portfolio turnover rate 27% 20% 31%
Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund—Class C
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31, Period Ended
March 31,
  2021 2020
Net asset value at beginning of period $11.26 $13.11 $11.21(B)
Income (loss) from investment operations:      
Net investment loss (0.14) (0.05)(C) (0.04)
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 9.79 (1.75) 1.94
Total from investment operations: 9.65 (1.80) 1.90
Distributions from:      
Net investment income (0.05)
Net asset value at end of period $20.91 $11.26 $13.11
Total return(D) 85.70% (13.81%) 16.95%(E)
Ratios and supplemental data:      
Net assets at end of period (000's) $9,637 $1,135 $59
Ratio to average net assets:      
Net expenses 2.35% 2.35% 2.35%(F)
Gross expenses 2.82% 5.24% 57.88%(F)
Net investment loss (1.97%) (0.40%) (1.69%)(F)
Portfolio turnover rate 27% 20% 31%
(A) Represents the period from commencement of operations (November 16, 2018) through March 31, 2019.
(B) Net asset value at the beginning of period is based on the net asset value of Class Y shares on November 16, 2018.
(C) The net investment income (loss) per share was based on average shares outstanding for the period.
(D) Total returns shown exclude the effect of applicable sales loads and fees. If these charges were included, the returns would be lower.
(E) Not annualized.
(F) Annualized.
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Financial Highlights (Continued)
Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund—Class Y
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $11.38 $13.16 $13.56 $10.70 $9.40
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment income (loss) (0.11) 0.08(A) (0.03) (0.06) (0.03)
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 10.09 (1.77) (0.37) 2.92 1.33
Total from investment operations: 9.98 (1.69) (0.40) 2.86 1.30
Distributions from:          
Net investment income (0.09)
Net asset value at end of period $21.36 $11.38 $13.16 $13.56 $10.70
Total return 87.71% (12.96%) (3.02%) 26.82% 13.83%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $1,460,473 $423,992 $318,093 $207,209 $103,467
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses 1.26% 1.33%(B) 1.35%(B) 1.47% 1.49%
Gross expenses 1.26% 1.31% 1.35% 1.49% 1.55%
Net investment income (loss) (0.88%) 0.62% (0.45%) (0.73%) (0.49%)
Portfolio turnover rate 27% 20% 31% 27% 49%
Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund—Institutional Class
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
  Year Ended March 31,
  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net asset value at beginning of period $11.43 $13.21 $13.61 $10.73 $9.41
Income (loss) from investment operations:          
Net investment income (loss) (0.11) 0.09(A) (0.03) (0.06) (0.03)
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 10.15 (1.77) (0.37) 2.94 1.35
Total from investment operations: 10.04 (1.68) (0.40) 2.88 1.32
Distributions from:          
Net investment income (0.10)
Net asset value at end of period $21.47 $11.43 $13.21 $13.61 $10.73
Total return 87.79% (12.87%) (2.94%) 26.84% 14.03%
Ratios and supplemental data:          
Net assets at end of period (000's) $2,867,373 $883,508 $524,670 $374,452 $182,402
Ratio to average net assets:          
Net expenses 1.21%(B) 1.25%(B) 1.25% 1.37% 1.39%
Gross expenses 1.20% 1.24% 1.27% 1.41% 1.46%
Net investment income (loss) (0.83%) 0.70% (0.35%) (0.63%) (0.39%)
Portfolio turnover rate 27% 20% 31% 27% 49%
(A) The net investment income (loss) per share was based on average shares outstanding for the period.
(B) Net expenses include amounts recouped by the Advisor.
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Notes to Financial Statements
March 31, 2021
1. Organization
The Touchstone Strategic Trust (the “Trust”) is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company. The Trust was established as a Massachusetts business trust pursuant to an Agreement and Declaration of Trust dated November 18, 1982. The Trust consists of nineteen funds, including the following six funds (individually, a "Fund", and collectively, the “Funds”):
Touchstone Flexible Income Fund ("Flexible Income Fund”)
Touchstone Focused Fund ("Focused Fund”)
Touchstone Global ESG Equity Fund ("Global ESG Equity Fund”)
Touchstone Growth Opportunities Fund ("Growth Opportunities Fund”)
Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund ("Mid Cap Growth Fund”)
Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund ("Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund”)
Each Fund is diversified, with the exception of the Focused Fund, the Growth Opportunities Fund and the Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund, which are non-diversified.
The Agreement and Declaration of Trust permits the Trust to issue an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest of each Fund. The table below indicates the classes of shares that each Fund is registered to offer:
  Class A Class C Class Y Institutional
Class R6
Flexible Income Fund X X X X  
Focused Fund X X X X  
Global ESG Equity Fund X X X X  
Growth Opportunities Fund X X X X  
Mid Cap Growth Fund X X X X X
Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund X X X X  
The assets of each Fund are segregated, and a shareholder’s interest is limited to the Fund in which shares are held. The Funds’ prospectus provides a description of each Fund’s investment goal, policies, and strategies along with information on the classes of shares currently being offered.
2. Significant Accounting Policies
The following is a summary of the Funds’ significant accounting policies:
Each Fund is an investment company that follows the accounting and reporting guidance of Accounting Standards Codification Topic 946 applicable to investment companies.
Security valuation and fair value measurements — U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (“U.S. GAAP”) defines fair value as the price the Funds would receive to sell an asset or pay to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. All investments in securities are recorded at their fair value. The Funds define the term “market value”, as used throughout this report, as the estimated fair value. The Funds use various methods to measure fair value of their portfolio securities on a recurring basis. U.S. GAAP fair value measurement standards require disclosure of a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation methods. These inputs are summarized in the three broad levels listed below:
•  Level 1 − quoted prices in active markets for identical securities
•  Level 2 − other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.)
•  Level 3 − significant unobservable inputs (including a Fund’s own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments)
The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.
The aggregate value by input level, as of March 31, 2021, for each Fund’s investments, is included in each Fund’s Portfolio of Investments, which also includes a breakdown of the Fund’s investments by geographic, portfolio or sector allocation. The Funds did not hold or transfer any Level 3 categorized securities during the year ended March 31, 2021.
Changes in valuation techniques may result in transfers into or out of an investment’s assigned level within the hierarchy.
The Funds' portfolio securities are valued as of the close of the regular session of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) (currently 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time or at the time as of which the NYSE establishes official closing prices). Portfolio

Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
securities traded on stock exchanges are valued at the last reported sale price, official close price, or last bid price if no sales are reported. Portfolio securities quoted by NASDAQ are valued at the NASDAQ Official Closing Price (“NOCP”) or from the primary exchange on which the security trades. To the extent these securities are actively traded, they are categorized in Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy. Options and futures are valued at the last quoted sales price. If there is no such reported sale on the valuation date, long option positions are valued at the most recent bid price, and short option positions are valued at the most recent ask price on the valuation date and are categorized in Level 1. Shares of mutual funds in which the Funds invest are valued at their respective net asset value (“NAV”) as reported by the underlying funds (the “Underlying Funds”) and are categorized in Level 1.
Debt securities held by the Funds are valued at their evaluated bid by an independent pricing service or at their last broker-quoted bid prices as obtained from one or more of the major market makers for such securities. Independent pricing services use information provided by market makers or estimates of market values through accepted market modeling conventions. Observable inputs to the models may include prepayment speeds, pricing spread, yield, trade information, dealer quotes, market color, cash flow models, the securities’ terms and conditions, among others, and are generally categorized in Level 2. Investments in asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities are valued by independent pricing services using models that consider estimated cash flows of each tranche of the security, establish a benchmark yield and develop an estimated tranche specific spread to the benchmark yield based on the unique attributes of the tranche, and are generally categorized in Level 2. Debt securities with remaining maturities of 60 days or less may be valued at amortized cost, provided such amount approximates market value and are categorized in Level 2. While this method provides consistency in valuation (and may only be used if it approximates market value), it may result in periods during which fair value, as determined by amortized cost, is higher or lower than the price that would be received if the Fund sold the investment.
Securities mainly traded on a non-U.S. exchange or denominated in foreign currencies are generally valued according to the preceding closing values on that exchange, translated to U.S. dollars using currency exchange rates as of the close of regular trading on the NYSE, and are generally categorized in Level 1. However, if an event that may change the value of a security occurs after the time that the closing value on the non-U.S. exchange was determined, but before the close of regular trading on the NYSE, the security may be priced based on fair value and is generally categorized in Level 2. This may cause the value of the security, if held on the books of a Fund, to be different from the closing value on the non-U.S. exchange and may affect the calculation of that Fund’s NAV. The Funds may use fair value pricing under the following circumstances, among others:
•  If the value of a security has been materially affected by events occurring before the Funds’ pricing time but after the close of the primary markets on which the security is traded.
•  If the exchange on which a portfolio security is principally traded closes early or if trading in a particular portfolio security was halted during the day and did not resume prior to the Funds’ NAV calculation.
•  If a security is so thinly traded that reliable market quotations are unavailable due to infrequent trading.
•  If the validity of market quotations is not reliable.
Securities held by the Funds that do not have readily available market quotations, significant observable inputs, or securities for which the available market quotations are not reliable, are priced at their estimated fair value using procedures approved by the Funds’ Board of Trustees (the “Board”) and are generally categorized in Level 3.
Collateralized Loan Obligations – The Flexible Income Fund may invest in collateralized loan obligations (“CLOs”). CLOs are types of asset-backed securities. A CLO is an entity that is backed by syndicated bank loans. The cash flows of the CLO can be split into multiple segments, called “tranches,” which will vary in risk profile and yield. The riskiest segment is the subordinated or “equity” tranche. This tranche bears the greatest risk of defaults from the underlying assets in the CLO and serves to protect the other, more senior, tranches from default in all but the most severe circumstances. Since it is shielded from defaults by the more junior tranches, a “senior” tranche will typically have higher credit ratings and lower yields than their underlying securities, and often receive higher ratings from one or more of the nationally recognized rating agencies. Despite the protection from the more junior tranches, senior tranches can experience substantial losses due to actual defaults, increased sensitivity to future defaults and the disappearance of one or more protecting tranches as a result of changes in the credit profile of the underlying pool of assets.
Investment companies — The Funds may invest in securities of other investment companies, including exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”), open-end funds and closed-end funds. Open-end funds are investment companies that issue new shares continuously and redeem shares daily. Closed-end funds are investment companies that typically issue a fixed number of shares that trade on a securities exchange or over-the-counter (“OTC”). An ETF is an investment company that typically seeks to track the performance of an index by holding in its portfolio shares of all the companies, or a representative sample of the companies, that are components of a particular index. ETF shares are traded on a securities exchange based on their market value. The risks of investment in other investment companies typically reflect the risks of the types of securities in which the other investment companies invest. Investments in ETFs and closed-end funds are subject to the additional risk that their shares may trade at a premium or discount to their NAV. When a Fund invests in another investment company, shareholders of the Fund indirectly bear their proportionate share

Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
of the other investment company’s fees and expenses, including operating, registration, trustee, licensing, and marketing, as well as their share of the Fund’s fees and expenses.
Securities sold short —The Flexible Income Fund may engage in selling securities short, which obligates the Fund to replace a security borrowed by purchasing the same security at the current market value. The Fund would incur a loss if the price of the security increases between the date of the short sale and the date on which the Fund replaces the borrowed security. The Fund would realize a gain if the price of the security declines between those dates.
As of March 31, 2021, the Flexible Income Fund did not hold any securities sold short.
Options — The Flexible Income Fund may write or purchase financial option contracts primarily to hedge against changes in the value of equity securities (or securities that the Fund intends to purchase), against fluctuations in fair value caused by changes in prevailing market interest rates or foreign currency exchange rates and against changes in overall equity market volatility. In addition, the Fund may utilize options in an attempt to generate gains from option premiums or to reduce overall portfolio risk. The Fund’s option strategy primarily focuses on the use of writing and/or purchasing call or put options on equity indexes. When the Fund writes or purchases an option, an amount equal to the premium received or paid by the Fund is recorded as a liability or an asset and is subsequently adjusted to the current market value of the option written or purchased. Premiums received or paid from writing or purchasing options which expire unexercised are treated by the Fund on the expiration date as realized gains or losses. The difference between the premium and the amount paid or received on effecting a closing purchase or sale transaction, including brokerage commissions, is also treated as a realized gain or loss. If an option is exercised, the premium paid or received is added to the cost of the purchase or proceeds from the sale in determining whether the Fund has realized a gain or loss on investment transactions. The Fund, as writer of an option, may have no control over whether the underlying securities may be sold (call) or purchased (put) and as a result bears the market risk of an unfavorable change in the price of the security underlying the written option. The Fund, as purchaser of an option, bears the risk that the counterparties to the option may not have the ability to meet the terms of the option contracts. There is minimal counterparty credit risk involved in entering into option contracts since they are exchange-traded instruments and the exchange’s clearinghouse, as counterparty to all exchange-traded options, guarantees the options against default. The maximum risk of loss associated with writing put options is the notional amount as presented in the Portfolio of Investments. In certain circumstances, the maximum risk of loss amounts may be partially offset by recovery values of the respective referenced assets and upfront premium received upon entering into the contract. The maximum risk of loss associated with writing call options is potentially unlimited.
As of March 31, 2021, the Flexible Income Fund did not hold any options.
Foreign currency translation — The books and records of the Funds are maintained in U.S. dollars and translated into U.S. dollars on the following basis:
(1) market value of investment securities, assets and liabilities at the current rate of exchange on the valuation date; and
(2) purchases and sales of investment securities, income, and expenses at the relevant rates of exchange prevailing on the respective dates of such transactions.
The Funds do not isolate that portion of gains and losses on investments in equity securities that is due to changes in the foreign exchange rates from that which is due to changes in market prices of equity securities.
Real Estate Investment Trusts – The Funds may invest in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) that involve risks not associated with investing in stocks. Risks associated with investments in REITs include declines in the value of real estate, general and economic conditions, changes in the value of the underlying property and defaults by borrowers. The value of assets in the real estate industry may go through cycles of relative underperformance and outperformance in comparison to equity securities markets in general. Dividend income is recorded using management’s estimate of the income included in distributions received from REIT investments. The actual amounts of income, return of capital and capital gains are only determined by each REIT after its fiscal year-end and may differ from the estimated amount. Estimates of income are adjusted in the Funds to the actual amounts when the amounts are determined.
Derivative instruments and hedging activities — The Flexible Income Fund may enter into an International Swaps and Derivatives Associations, Inc. Master Agreement (“ISDA Master Agreement” or “MNA”) or similar agreement with certain counterparties. An ISDA Master Agreement is a bilateral agreement between a Fund and a counterparty that governs OTC derivatives and foreign exchange contracts, and typically contains, among other things, collateral posting terms and master netting provisions in the event of a default or termination. Under an ISDA Master Agreement, a party may, under certain circumstances, offset with the counterparty certain derivative financial instruments’ payables or receivables with collateral held or posted and create one single net payment. The provisions of the ISDA Master Agreement typically permit a single net payment in the event of default (close-out netting). These default events include bankruptcy or insolvency of the counterparty. Note, however, that bankruptcy or insolvency laws of a particular jurisdiction may impose restrictions on or prohibitions against the right of offset.

Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
When entering into a derivative transaction, a Fund may be required to post and maintain collateral or margin (including both initial and maintenance margin). Collateral and margin requirements differ by type of derivative. Margin requirements are established by the broker or clearing house for exchange-traded and centrally cleared derivatives (financial futures contracts, options, and centrally cleared swaps). Brokers can ask for margining in excess of the clearing house’s minimum in certain circumstances. Collateral terms are contract specific for OTC derivatives (forward foreign currency contracts, options, and swaps). For derivatives traded under an ISDA Master Agreement, the collateral requirements are typically calculated by netting the marked-to-market amount for each transaction under such agreement and comparing that amount to the value of any collateral currently pledged by the Fund and the counterparty. For financial reporting purposes, cash collateral that has been pledged to cover obligations of the Fund and cash collateral received from the counterparty, if any, are reported separately on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as cash deposits held at prime broker and due to prime broker, respectively. Non-cash collateral pledged by the Fund, if any, is noted in the Portfolio of Investments. To the extent amounts due to the Fund from its counterparties are not fully collateralized, contractually or otherwise, the Fund bears the risk of loss from counterparty non-performance.
Certain ISDA Master Agreements allow counterparties to OTC derivatives transactions to terminate derivative contracts prior to maturity in the event a Fund’s net assets decline by a stated percentage or the Fund fails to meet the terms of its ISDA Master Agreement, which would cause the Fund (counterparty) to accelerate payment of any net liability owed to the counterparty (Fund).
For financial reporting purposes, the Flexible Income Fund does not offset derivative assets and derivative liabilities that are subject to netting arrangements in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.
As of March 31, 2021, the Flexible Income Fund did not hold any assets and liabilities that were subject to a MNA in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.
The following table sets forth the effect of the Flexible Income Fund’s derivative financial instruments by primary risk exposure on the Statements of Operations for the year ended March 31, 2021:
Fund Derivatives not accounted for as hedging
instruments under ASC 815
Realized Gains
on Derivatives
Change in
on Derivatives
Flexible Income Fund
Purchased Options - Equity Contracts*
$(20,624,541) $573,496
Written Options - Equity Contracts**
* Statements of Operations Location: Net realized gains (losses) on investments and net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments, respectively.
** Statements of Operations Location: Net realized gains on written options.
For the year ended March 31, 2021, the average quarterly balances of outstanding derivative financial instruments for the Flexible Income Fund was as follows:
  Flexible Income Fund
Equity Contracts:  
Purchased Options - Cost $1,633,936
Written Options - Premiums received $119,518
Portfolio securities loaned — The Funds may lend their portfolio securities. Lending portfolio securities exposes the Funds to the risk that the borrower may fail to return the loaned securities or may not be able to provide additional collateral or that the Funds may experience delays in recovery of the loaned securities or loss of rights in the collateral if the borrower fails financially. To minimize these risks, the borrower must agree to maintain cash collateral with the Funds' custodian. The loaned securities are secured by collateral valued at least equal, at all times, to the market value of the loaned securities plus accrued interest, if any. When the collateral falls below specified amounts, the lending agent will use its best effort to obtain additional collateral on the next business day to meet required amounts under the security lending agreement. The cash collateral is reinvested by the Funds' custodian into an approved short-term investment vehicle. The approved short-term investment vehicle is subject to market risk.
As of March 31, 2021, the following Funds loaned securities and received collateral as follows:
Fund Security Type Market Value of
Securities Loaned*
Market Value of
Collateral Received**
Flexible Income Fund Common Stocks $3,120,515 $3,187,193 $66,678
* The remaining contractual maturity is overnight for all securities.
** Gross amount of recognized liabilities for securities lending included in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.
*** Net amount represents the net amount payable due to (receive from) the borrower in the event of default.

Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
All cash collateral is received, held, and administered by the Funds' custodian for the benefit of the lending Fund in its custody account or other account established for the purpose of holding collateral in cash equivalents.
Funds participating in securities lending receive compensation in the form of fees. Securities lending income is derived from lending long securities from the Funds to creditworthy approved borrowers at rates that are determined based on daily trading volumes, float, short-term interest rates and market liquidity and is shown net of fees on the Statements of Operations. When a Fund lends securities, it retains the interest or dividends on the investment of any cash received as collateral, and the Fund continues to receive interest or dividends on the loaned securities.
Unrealized gain or loss on the market value of the loaned securities that may occur during the term of the loan is recognized by the Fund. The Fund has the right under the lending agreement to recover any loaned securities from the borrower on demand.
Share valuation — The NAV per share of each class of shares of each Fund is calculated daily by dividing the total value of a Fund’s assets attributable to that class, less liabilities attributable to that class, by the number of outstanding shares of that class.
The maximum offering price per share of Class A shares of the equity funds (all funds except the Flexible Income Fund) is equal to the NAV per share plus a sales load equal to 5.26% of the NAV (or 5.00% of the offering price). Effective June 30, 2020, the maximum offering price per share of Class A shares of the Flexible Income Fund is equal to the NAV per share plus a sales load equal to 3.36% of the NAV (or 3.25% of the offering price). Prior to June 30, 2020 the maximum offering price per share of Class A shares of the Flexible Income Fund was equal to the NAV per share plus a sales load equal to 2.04% of the NAV (or 2.00% of the offering price). There is no sales load on equity or fixed income fund purchases when aggregate purchases in all Touchstone funds equal at least $1 million or $500,000, respectively or more of Class A. The maximum offering price per share of Class C, Class Y, Institutional Class and R6 shares of the Funds is equal to the NAV per share.
The redemption price per share of each class of shares of the Funds is generally equal to the NAV per share. However, Class A redemptions that were part of a no-load purchase due to the aggregate purchase amount in all Touchstone Funds equaling at least $1 million for equity funds or $500,000 for fixed income funds where a Finder’s Fee was paid may be subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of up to 1.00% or 0.50%, respectively, if redeemed within a one-year period from the date of purchase. Additionally, purchases of Class C shares of the Funds are subject to a CDSC of 1.00% if redeemed within a one-year period from the date of purchase. The CDSC will be assessed on an amount equal to the lesser of (1) the NAV at the time of purchase of the shares being redeemed or (2) the NAV of such shares being redeemed.
Investment income — Dividend income from securities is recognized on the ex-dividend date, net of foreign withholding taxes, if any, which are reduced by any amounts reclaimable by the Funds, where applicable. Interest income from securities is recorded on the basis of interest accrued, premium amortized and discount accreted. Realized gains and losses resulting from principal paydowns on mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities are included in interest income. Market discounts, original issue discounts and market premiums on debt securities are accreted/amortized to interest income over the life of the security, or to the appropriate call date, as applicable, with a corresponding adjustment in the cost basis of that security. In addition, it is the Funds’ policy to accrue for foreign capital gains taxes, if applicable, on certain foreign securities held by the Funds. An estimated foreign capital gains tax is recorded daily on net unrealized gains on these securities and is payable upon the sale of such securities when a gain is realized.
Distributions to shareholders — Each Fund intends to distribute to its shareholders substantially all of its income and capital gains. Each Fund, except for the Flexible Income Fund, declares and distributes net investment income, if any, annually, as a dividend to shareholders. The Flexible Income Fund declares and distributes net investment income, if any, monthly as a dividend to shareholders. Each Fund makes distributions of capital gains, if any, at least annually, net of applicable capital loss carryforwards. Income distributions and capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations. Recognition of the Funds' net investment income from investments in Underlying Funds is affected by the timing of dividend declarations by the Underlying Funds.
Allocations — Investment income earned, realized capital gains and losses, and unrealized appreciation and depreciation for a Fund are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon its proportionate share of total net assets of the Fund. Class-specific expenses are charged directly to the class incurring the expense. Common expenses, which are not attributable to a specific class, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon their proportionate share of total net assets of the Fund. Expenses not directly billed to a Fund are allocated proportionally among all Funds in the Trust, and, if applicable, Touchstone Funds Group Trust and Touchstone Variable Series Trust (collectively with the Trust, “Touchstone Fund Complex”), daily in relation to net assets of each Fund or another reasonable measure.
Security transactions — Security transactions are reflected for financial reporting purposes as of the trade date. Realized gains and losses on sales of portfolio securities are calculated using the identified cost basis.

Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
Estimates — The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
LIBOR Transition — Many debt securities, derivatives and other financial instruments in which the Funds may invest, as well as any borrowings made by the Funds from banks or from other lenders, utilize the London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”) as the reference or benchmark index for interest rate calculations. LIBOR is a measure of the average interest rate at which major global banks can borrow from one another. Plans are underway to phase out the use of LIBOR by June 30, 2023. The ICE Benchmark Administration Limited, the administrator of LIBOR, is expected to cease publishing most LIBOR maturities, including some US LIBOR maturities, on December 31, 2021, and the remaining and most liquid US LIBOR maturities on June 30, 2023. Before then, it is expected that market participants will transition to the use of different reference or benchmark indices. However, there is currently no definitive information regarding the future utilization of LIBOR or of any particular replacement index. As such, the potential effect of a transition away from LIBOR on the Funds’ investments cannot yet be determined.
3. Investment Transactions
Investment transactions (excluding short-term investments and U.S. Government securities) were as follows for the year ended March 31, 2021:
Global ESG
Equity Fund
Mid Cap
Sands Capital
Growth Fund
Purchases of investment securities $511,612,650 $168,236,128 $380,865,557 $104,621,098 $862,523,771 $2,379,279,999
Proceeds from sales and maturities $601,162,143 $199,174,202 $452,060,987 $186,377,313 $1,082,508,232 $694,829,727
* Focused Fund and Mid Cap Growth Fund had redemptions-in-kind out of the Fund of $88,549,838 and $98,927,080, respectively. The redemptions were comprised of securities of $83,852,328 and $95,367,046, which are excluded from the proceeds from sales and maturities and cash in the amount of $4,697,510 and $3,560,034, for the Focused Fund and Mid Cap Growth Fund, respectively.
For the year ended March 31, 2021, purchases and proceeds from sales and maturities in U.S. Government Securities were $244,460,572 and $70,538,237, respectively, for the Flexible Income Fund. There were no purchases or proceeds from sales and maturities of U.S. Government securities by the other Funds for the year ended March 31, 2021.
4. Transactions with Affiliates and Other Related Parties
Certain officers of the Trust are also officers of Touchstone Advisors, Inc. (the “Advisor”), Touchstone Securities, Inc. (the “Underwriter”), or The Bank of New York Mellon (“BNY Mellon”), the Sub-Administrator to the Funds. Such officers receive no compensation from the Trust. The Advisor and the Underwriter are each wholly-owned subsidiaries of Western & Southern Financial Group, Inc. (“Western & Southern”).
On behalf of the Funds, the Advisor pays each Independent Trustee a quarterly retainer plus additional retainers to the Lead Independent Trustee and the chairs of each standing committee. Interested Trustees do not receive compensation from the Funds. Each Independent Trustee also receives compensation for each Board meeting and committee meeting attended. Each standing committee chair receives additional compensation for each committee meeting that he or she oversees. The Advisor is reimbursed by the Funds for the Independent Trustees’ compensation and out-of-pocket expenses relating to their services. The Funds accrued Trustee-related expenses of $121,782 for the year ended March 31, 2021.
The Advisor provides general investment supervisory services for the Funds, under the terms of an advisory agreement (the “Advisory Agreement”). Under the Advisory Agreement, each Fund pays the Advisor a fee, which is computed and accrued daily and paid monthly, at an annual rate based on average daily net assets of each Fund as shown in the table below.
Flexible Income Fund 0.60% on the first $500 million
0.50% on such assets in excess of $500 million
Focused Fund 0.70% on the first $100 million
0.65% on the next $400 million
0.60% on such assets in excess of $500 million

Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
Global ESG Equity Fund 0.65% on the first $1 billion
0.60% on such assets in excess of $1 billion
Growth Opportunities Fund 0.75% on the first $500 million
0.70% on the next $500 million
0.65% on such assets in excess of $1 billion
Mid Cap Growth Fund 0.75% on the first $500 million
0.70% on the next $500 million
0.65% on the next $200 million
0.60% on such assets in excess of $1.2 billion
Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund 1.00%
The Advisor has entered into investment sub-advisory agreements with the following parties (each, a “Sub-Advisor”):
Bramshill Investments, LLC Sands Capital Management, LLC
Flexible Income Fund Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund
Fort Washington Investment Advisors, Inc.* Westfield Capital Management Company, L.P.
Focused Fund Growth Opportunities Fund
Rockefeller & Co., LLC Mid Cap Growth Fund
Global ESG Equity Fund  
* Affiliate of the Advisor and wholly-owned subsidiary of Western & Southern.
The Advisor pays sub-advisory fees to each Sub-Advisor from its advisory fee.
The Advisor entered into an expense limitation agreement (the “Expense Limitation Agreement”) to contractually limit the annual operating expenses of the Funds, excluding: dividend and interest expenses relating to short sales; interest; taxes; brokerage commissions and other transaction costs; portfolio transaction and investment related expenses, including expenses associated with the Funds’ liquidity providers; other expenditures which are capitalized in accordance with U.S. GAAP; the cost of “Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses”, if any; and other extraordinary expenses not incurred in the ordinary course of business. The maximum annual operating expense limit in any year with respect to the Funds is based on a percentage of the average daily net assets of the Funds. The Advisor has agreed to waive a portion of its fees, and to reimburse certain fund expenses in order to maintain the following expense limitations for the Funds:
  Class A Class C Class Y Institutional
Class R6 Termination Date
Flexible Income Fund 1.04% 1.79% 0.79% 0.69% July 29, 2021
Focused Fund 1.20% 1.95% 0.95% 0.83% July 29, 2021
Global ESG Equity Fund 1.17% 1.99% 0.90% 0.89% July 29, 2021
Growth Opportunities Fund 1.24% 1.99% 0.99% 0.89% July 29, 2021
Mid Cap Growth Fund* 1.39% 2.14% 1.14% 0.86% 0.77% January 29, 2022
Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund 1.60% 2.35% 1.35% 1.25% July 29, 2021
* Prior to January 1, 2021, the Expense Limitation Agreement for the Mid Cap Growth Fund Institutional Class and Class R6 was 0.99% and 0.89%, respectively.
The Expense Limitation Agreement can be terminated by a vote of the Funds’ Board if it deems the termination to be beneficial to the Funds’ shareholders.
During the year ended March 31, 2021, the Advisor or its affiliates waived investment advisory fees and administration fees or waived or reimbursed other operating expenses, including distribution fees of the Funds, as follows:
Fund Investment
Fees Waived
Fees Waived
Other Operating
Flexible Income Fund $— $124,726 $240,003 $364,729
Focused Fund 16,065 16,065
Global ESG Equity Fund 71,031 71,031
Growth Opportunities Fund 73,136 150,627 223,763
Mid Cap Growth Fund 281 38,714 38,995
Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund 34,654 34,654
Under the terms of the Expense Limitation Agreement, the Advisor is entitled to recover, subject to approval by the Funds’ Board, such amounts waived or reimbursed for a period of up to three years from the date on which the Advisor reduced its compensation

Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
or assumed expenses for the Funds. A Fund will make repayments to the Advisor only if such repayment does not cause the Fund's operating expenses (after the repayment is taken into account) to exceed the Fund's expense limit in place when such amounts were waived or reimbursed by the Advisor and the Fund's current expense limitation.
As of March 31, 2021, the Advisor may seek recoupment of previously waived fees and reimbursed expenses as follows:
Fund Expires on
or before
March 31, 2022
Expires on
or before
March 31, 2023
Expires on
or before
March 31, 2024
Flexible Income Fund $474,385 $557,404 $298,950 $1,330,739
Focused Fund 22,968 22,297 15,681 60,946
Global ESG Equity Fund 73,180 107,012 59,632 239,824
Growth Opportunities Fund 273,078 198,248 167,127 638,453
Mid Cap Growth Fund 3,760 38,995 42,755
Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund 10,153 25,128 3,514 38,795
For the year ended March 31, 2021, the Advisor recouped previously waived fees or reimbursed expenses from Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund of $205,508.
The Advisor entered into an Administration Agreement with the Trust, whereby the Advisor is responsible for: supplying executive and regulatory compliance services; supervising the preparation of tax returns; coordinating the preparation of reports to shareholders and reports to, and filings with, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and state securities authorities, as well as materials for meetings of the Board; calculating the daily NAV per share; and maintaining the financial books and records of each Fund.
For its services, the Advisor’s annual administrative fee is:
0.145% on the first $20 billion of the aggregate average daily net assets;
0.11% on the next $10 billion of aggregate average daily net assets;
0.09% on the next $10 billion of aggregate average daily net assets; and
0.07% on the aggregate average daily net assets over $40 billion.
The fee is computed and allocated among the Touchstone Fund Complex on the basis of relative daily net assets.
The Advisor has engaged BNY Mellon as the Sub-Administrator to the Trust. BNY Mellon provides administrative and accounting services to the Trust and is compensated directly by the Advisor, not the Trust.
Under the terms of the Transfer Agent Agreement between the Trust and BNY Mellon Investment Servicing (U.S.) Inc. (“Transfer Agent”), the Transfer Agent to the Funds, the Transfer Agent maintains the records of each shareholder’s account, answers shareholders’ inquiries concerning their accounts, processes purchases and redemptions of each Fund’s shares, acts as dividend and distribution disbursing agent, and performs other shareholder service functions. For these services, the Transfer Agent receives a monthly fee from each Fund. In addition, each Fund pays out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Transfer Agent, including, but not limited to, postage and supplies.
The Funds may reimburse the Advisor for fees paid to intermediaries such as banks, broker-dealers, financial advisors or other financial institutions for sub-transfer agency, sub-administration and other services provided to investors whose shares of record are held in omnibus, other group accounts, retirement plans or accounts traded through registered securities clearing agents. These fees, which are included in Transfer Agent fees in Statements of Operations, may vary based on, for example, the nature of services provided, but generally range up to 0.15% of the assets of the class serviced or maintained by the intermediary or up to $22 per sub-account maintained by the intermediary.
The Trust has adopted distribution plans pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act for each class of shares it offers that is subject to 12b-1 distribution fees. The plans allow each Fund to pay distribution and other fees for the sale and distribution of its shares and for services provided to shareholders. The fees charged to the Funds are limited to the actual expenses incurred. Under the Class A plan, each Fund offering Class A shares pays an annual fee not to exceed 0.25% of average daily net assets that are attributable to

Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
Class A shares. Under the Class C plan, each Fund offering Class C shares pays an annual fee not to exceed 1.00% of average daily net assets that are attributable to Class C shares (of which up to 0.75% is a distribution fee and up to 0.25% is a shareholder servicing fee).
The Underwriter is the Funds’ principal underwriter and, as such, acts as exclusive agent for distribution of the Funds’ shares. Under the terms of the Underwriting Agreement between the Trust and the Underwriter, the Underwriter earned underwriting and broker commissions on the sale of Class A shares of the Funds. W&S Brokerage Services, Inc., an affiliate of the Underwriter and the Advisor, also earned broker commissions on the sale of Class A shares of the Funds. Listed below are the total underwriting and broker commissions earned by the Underwriter and its affiliate during the year ended March 31, 2021:
Fund Amount
Flexible Income Fund $ 4,578
Focused Fund 8,378
Global ESG Equity Fund 9,564
Growth Opportunities Fund 4,727
Mid Cap Growth Fund 31,327
Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund 8,181
In addition, the Underwriter collected CDSC on the redemption of Class C shares of the Funds listed below during the year ended March 31, 2021:
Fund Class C
Flexible Income Fund $ 889
Growth Opportunities Fund 69
Mid Cap Growth Fund 81
Pursuant to Rule 17a-7 under the 1940 Act, the Funds may engage in purchase and sale transactions with funds that have a common investment advisor (or affiliated investment advisors), common Trustees and/or common Officers. During the year ended March 31, 2021, the Funds did not engage in any Rule 17a-7 transactions.
5. Liquidity
ReFlow Fund LLC — The Funds may participate in the ReFlow Fund LLC liquidity program (“ReFlow”), which is designed to provide an alternative liquidity source for funds experiencing redemptions. In order to pay cash to shareholders who redeem their shares on a given day, a fund typically must hold cash in its portfolio, liquidate portfolio securities, or borrow money. ReFlow provides participating funds with another source of cash by standing ready to purchase shares from a fund up to the amount of the fund’s net redemptions on a given day, cumulatively limited to 3% of the outstanding voting shares of a Fund. ReFlow then generally redeems those shares (in cash or in-kind) when the Fund experiences net sales, at the end of a maximum holding period determined by ReFlow, or at other times at ReFlow’s discretion. In return for this service, the Fund will pay a fee to ReFlow at a rate determined by a daily auction with other participating mutual funds.
During the year ended March 31, 2021, the following Funds utilized ReFlow. The shares ReFlow subscribed to and redemptions-in-kind were as follows:
Fund Shares ReFlow
Subscribed to
Focused Fund 1,787,992 $ 83,852,328
Mid Cap Growth Fund 2,603,073 95,367,046
Interfund Lending — Pursuant to an Exemptive Order issued by the SEC on March 28, 2017, the Funds, along with certain other funds in the Touchstone Fund Complex, may participate in an interfund lending program. The interfund lending program provides an alternate credit facility that allows the Funds to lend to or borrow from other participating funds in the Touchstone Fund Complex, subject to the conditions of the Exemptive Order. The Funds may not borrow under the facility for leverage purposes and the loans’ duration may be no more than 7 days.

Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
During the year ended March 31, 2021, the following Fund participated as a lender in the interfund lending program. The daily average amount loaned, weighted average interest rate and interest income were as follows:
Fund Daily Average
Amount Loaned
Weighted Average
Interest Rate
Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund $ 12,510,443 0.70% $ 246
* Included in Interest in the Statements of Operations.
During the year ended March 31, 2021, the following Funds participated as borrowers in the interfund lending program. The daily average amount borrowed, weighted average interest rate and interest expense were as follows:
Fund Daily Average
Amount Borrowed
Weighted Average
Interest Rate
Global ESG Equity Fund $ 2,178,050 0.71% $ 43
Growth Opportunities Fund $ 17,565,388 0.70% $ 336
Mid Cap Growth Fund $ 3,937,694 0.68% $ 74
* Included in Other expenses in the Statements of Operations.
6. Federal Tax Information
Federal Income Tax — It is each Fund’s policy to continue to comply with the special provisions of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies. As provided therein, in any fiscal year in which a Fund so qualifies and distributes at least 90% of its investment company taxable income, the Fund (but not the shareholders) will be relieved of federal income tax on the income distributed. It is each Fund’s policy to distribute all of its taxable income and accordingly, no provision for income taxes has been made.
In order to avoid imposition of the excise tax applicable to regulated investment companies, it is also each Fund’s intention to declare and pay as dividends in each calendar year at least 98% of its investment company taxable income (earned during the calendar year) and 98.2% of its net realized capital gains (earned during the twelve months ending October 31) plus undistributed amounts from prior years.
The tax character of distributions paid for the years ended March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020 are as follows:
  Flexible Income Fund Focused Fund Global ESG Equity Fund
  Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
From ordinary income $34,746,000 $24,652,668 $2,666,017 $5,500,849 $2,593,278 $5,563,150
From long-term capital gains 55,000,033 55,397,876 11,203,902
Total distributions $34,746,000 $24,652,668 $57,666,050 $60,898,725 $2,593,278 $16,767,052
  Growth Opportunities Fund Mid Cap Growth Fund Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund
  Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
From ordinary income $4,515,690 $8,130,533 $$20,234,815 $— $9,496,797
From long-term capital gains 10,308,626 12,343,538 92,749,221 67,373,035
Total distributions $14,824,316 $20,474,071 $92,749,221 $87,607,850 $— $9,496,797

Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
The following information is computed on a tax basis for each item as of March 31, 2021:
Income Fund
ESG Equity Fund
Tax cost of portfolio investments $742,516,776 $618,346,958 $504,237,667
Gross unrealized appreciation on investments 27,137,096 538,153,106 219,483,844
Gross unrealized depreciation on investments (8,311,764) (7,781,538) (22,933,751)
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments 18,825,332 530,371,568 196,550,093
Gross unrealized appreciation on foreign currency transactions 5,759
Gross unrealized depreciation on foreign currency transactions (11,843)
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on foreign currency transactions (6,084)
Capital loss carryforwards (4,468,859)
Undistributed ordinary income 803,896 4,199,079 7,961,194
Undistributed capital gains 33,253,911 31,319,341
Accumulated earnings (deficit) $15,160,369 $567,824,558 $235,824,544
Mid Cap
Sands Capital
Emerging Markets
Growth Fund
Tax cost of portfolio investments $92,231,897 $946,265,618 $3,156,686,646
Gross unrealized appreciation on investments 70,098,104 441,371,400 1,282,627,392
Gross unrealized depreciation on investments (1,170,615) (16,091,650) (72,917,715)
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments 68,927,489 425,279,750 1,209,709,677
Gross unrealized depreciation on foreign currency transactions and deferred foreign capital gains tax (25,626,170)
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on foreign currency transactions and deferred foreign capital gains tax (25,626,170)
Capital loss carryforwards (17,045,819)
Late year ordinary losses deferrals (9,956,415)
Undistributed ordinary income 6,364,461 55,250,316
Undistributed capital gains 10,758,420 55,206,354
Accumulated earnings (deficit) $86,050,370 $535,736,420 $1,157,081,273
The difference between the tax cost of portfolio investments and the financial statement cost is primarily due to wash sale loss deferrals, trust preferred securities, and investments in passive foreign investment company (“PFIC”) adjustments.
As of March 31, 2021, the Funds had the following capital loss carryforwards for federal income tax purposes:
Fund No Expiration
Short Term
No Expiration
Long Term
Flexible Income Fund $ — $ 4,468,859 $ 4,468,859
Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund 17,045,819 17,045,819
The capital loss carryforwards may be utilized in future years to offset net realized capital gains, if any, prior to distributing such gains to shareholders. Future utilization is subject to limitations under current tax law.
During the year ended March 31, 2021, the following Funds utilized capital loss carryforwards:
Fund Utilized
Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund $ 32,753,998
Under current laws, certain capital losses realized after October 31 and ordinary losses realized after December 31 may be deferred (and certain ordinary losses after October and/or December 31 may be deferred) and treated as occurring on the first day of the following fiscal year. For the year ended March 31, 2021, the following Funds elected to defer the following losses:
Fund Realized
Capital Losses
Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund $ — $ 9,956,415 $ 9,956,415
The Funds have analyzed their tax positions taken or to be taken on federal income tax returns for all open tax years (tax years ended March 31, 2018 through 2021) and have concluded that no provision for income tax is required in their financial statements.

Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
Certain reclassifications, the result of permanent differences between financial statement and income tax reporting requirements, have been made to the components of capital as presented on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. These reclassifications have no impact on the net assets or NAV per share of the Funds. The following reclassifications, which are primarily attributed to the tax treatment of net operating losses, in-kind distributions for shareholder redemptions, deemed distributions on shareholder redemptions have been made to the following Funds for the year ended March 31, 2021:
Fund Paid-In
Focused Fund $ 45,698,428 $ (45,698,428)
Mid Cap Growth Fund 58,806,367 (58,806,367)
Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund (14,830,200) 14,830,200
7. Commitments and Contingencies
The Funds indemnify the Trust’s officers and Trustees for certain liabilities that might arise from their performance of their duties to the Funds. Additionally, in the normal course of business, the Funds enter into contracts that contain a variety of representations and warranties and which provide general indemnifications. The Funds' maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, as this would involve future claims that may be made against the Funds.
8. Principal Risks
Risks Associated with Foreign Investments – Some of the Funds may invest in the securities of foreign issuers. Investing in securities issued by companies whose principal business activities are outside the U.S. may involve significant risks not present in domestic investments. For example, there is generally less publicly available information about foreign companies, particularly those not subject to the disclosure and reporting requirements of the U.S. securities laws. Foreign issuers are generally not bound by uniform accounting, auditing, and financial reporting requirements and standards of practice comparable to those applicable to domestic issuers. Investments in foreign securities also involve the risk of possible adverse changes in investment or exchange control regulations, expropriation or confiscatory taxation, limitations on the removal of funds or other assets of a Fund, political or financial instability or diplomatic and other developments which could affect such investments. Foreign stock markets, while growing in volume and sophistication, are generally not as developed as those in the U.S., and securities of some foreign issuers (particularly those located in developing countries) may be less liquid and more volatile than securities of comparable U.S. companies. In general, there is less overall governmental supervision and regulation of foreign securities markets, broker-dealers, and issuers than in the U.S.
Risks Associated with Sector Concentration – Certain Funds may invest a high percentage of their assets in specific sectors of the market in order to achieve a potentially greater investment return. As a result, these Funds may be more susceptible to economic, political, and regulatory developments in a particular sector of the market, positive or negative, and may experience increased volatility on the Funds' NAVs and magnified effect on the total return.
Risks Associated with Credit – An issuer may be unable to make timely payments of either principal or interest. This may cause the issuer’s securities to decline in value. Credit risk is particularly relevant to those Funds that invest a significant amount of their assets in junk bonds or lower-rated securities.
Risks Associated with Interest Rate Changes – The price of debt securities is generally linked to the prevailing market interest rates. In general, when interest rates rise, the price of debt securities falls, and when interest rates fall, the price of debt securities rises. The price volatility of a debt security also depends on its maturity. Longer-term securities are generally more volatile, so the longer the average maturity or duration of these securities, the greater their price risk. Duration is a measure of the expected life, taking into account any prepayment or call features of the security, that is used to determine the price sensitivity of the security for a given change in interest rates. Specifically, duration is the change in the value of a fixed-income security that will result from a 1% change in interest rates, and generally is stated in years. For example, as a general rule a 1% rise in interest rates means a 1% fall in value for every year of duration. Maturity, on the other hand, is the date on which a fixed-income security becomes due for payment of principal. The negative impact on fixed income securities if interest rates increase as a result could negatively impact a Fund’s NAV.
Risks Associated with Health Crises – An outbreak of respiratory disease caused by COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and subsequently spread internationally. As of the date of issuance of these financial statements, COVID-19 has resulted in closing borders, enhanced health screenings, healthcare service preparation and delivery, quarantines, cancellations, disruptions to supply chains and customer activity, as well as general concern and uncertainty. The impact of COVID-19 may be short term or may last for an extended period of time and result in a substantial economic downturn. The impact of this outbreak, and other epidemics and pandemics that may arise in the future, could negatively affect the worldwide economy, as well as the

Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
economies of individual countries, individual companies and the market in general in significant and unforeseen ways. Any such impact could adversely affect a Fund’s performance, the performance of the securities in which a Fund invests and may lead to losses on your investment in a Fund.
Please see the Funds’ prospectus for a complete discussion of these and other risks.
9. Subsequent Events
Subsequent events occurring after the date of this report have been evaluated for potential impact to this report through the date the financial statements were issued. There were no subsequent events that necessitated recognition or disclosure in the Funds’ financial statements.

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
To the Shareholders of Touchstone Flexible Income Fund, Touchstone Focused Fund, Touchstone Global ESG Equity Fund, Touchstone Growth Opportunities Fund, Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund, and Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund and the Board of Trustees of Touchstone Strategic Trust.
Opinion on the Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities of Touchstone Flexible Income Fund, Touchstone Focused Fund, Touchstone Global ESG Equity Fund, Touchstone Growth Opportunities Fund, Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund, and Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund (collectively referred to as the “Funds”) (six of the funds constituting the Touchstone Strategic Trust (the “Trust”)), including the portfolios of investments, as of March 31, 2021, and the related statements of operations for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended and the related notes (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of each of the Funds (six of the funds constituting the Touchstone Strategic Trust) at March 31, 2021, the results of their operations, the changes in their net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended and their financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.
Basis for Opinion
These financial statements are the responsibility of the Trust’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) ("PCAOB") and are required to be independent with respect to the Trust in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.
We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. The Trust is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of the Trust’s internal control over financial reporting. As part of our audits we are required to obtain an understanding of internal control over financial reporting but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Trust’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion.
Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of March 31, 2021, by correspondence with the custodian, transfer agent, and brokers or by other appropriate auditing procedures where replies from brokers were not received. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
We have served as the auditor of one or more Touchstone Investments’ investment companies since 1999.
Cincinnati, Ohio
May 21, 2021

Other Items (Unaudited)
Qualified Dividend Income
Under the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (the “Act”), the following percentages of ordinary dividends paid during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 are designated as “qualified dividend income,” as defined in the Act, and are subject to reduced tax rates. The Funds intend to pass through the maximum allowable percentage for Form 1099 Div.
Flexible Income Fund 24.36 %
Focused Fund 100.00 %
Global ESG Equity Fund 100.00 %
Growth Opportunities Fund 9.71 %
Mid Cap Growth Fund 8.44 %
Dividend Received Deduction
For corporate shareholders, the following ordinary distributions paid during the current fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 qualify for the corporate dividends received deduction. The Funds intend to pass through the maximum allowable percentage.
Flexible Income Fund 20.98 %
Focused Fund 100.00 %
Global ESG Equity Fund 37.16 %
Growth Opportunities Fund 9.55 %
Mid Cap Growth Fund 7.03 %
For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, the Funds designated long-term capital gains as follows:
Focused Fund $ 66,095,534
Global ESG Equity Fund $ 31,319,341
Growth Opportunities Fund $ 21,067,046
Mid Cap Growth Fund $ 142,585,014
Proxy Voting Guidelines and Proxy Voting Records
The Sub-Advisors are responsible for exercising the voting rights associated with the securities purchased and held by the Funds. A description of the policies and procedures that the Sub-Advisors use in fulfilling this responsibility is available as an appendix to the most recent Statement of Additional Information, which can be obtained without charge by calling toll free 1.800.543.0407 or by visiting the Touchstone website at TouchstoneInvestments.com or on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (the “Commission”) website sec.gov. Information regarding how those proxies were voted during the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30, which will be filed by August 31 of that year, is also available without charge by calling toll free 1.800.543.0407 or on the Commission’s website at sec.gov.
Quarterly Portfolio Disclosure
Each Fund’s holdings as of the end of the third month of every fiscal quarter will be disclosed on Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the fiscal quarter. The complete listing of each Fund’s portfolio holdings is available on the Commission’s website and will be made available to shareholders upon request by calling 1.800.543.0407.
Schedule of Shareholder Expenses
As a shareholder of the Funds, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) and (2) ongoing costs, including investment advisory fees; shareholder servicing fees; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Funds and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.
The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period (October 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021).
Actual Expenses
The first line for each share class of a Fund in the table below provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply

Other Items (Unaudited) (Continued)
the result by the number in the first line under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During the Six Months Ended March 31, 2021” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.
Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes
The second line for each share class of a Fund in the table below provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Funds’ actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Funds’ actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Funds and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.
Please note that the expenses shown in the table below are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads). Therefore, the second line for each share class of a Fund in the table below is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
    Net Expense
March 31,
October 1,
March 31,
Paid During
the Six Months
March 31,
Flexible Income Fund          
Class A Actual 1.04% $1,000.00 $1,040.90 $5.29
Class A Hypothetical 1.04% $1,000.00 $1,019.75 $5.24
Class C Actual 1.79% $1,000.00 $1,036.70 $9.09
Class C Hypothetical 1.79% $1,000.00 $1,016.01 $9.00
Class Y Actual 0.79% $1,000.00 $1,042.10 $4.02
Class Y Hypothetical 0.79% $1,000.00 $1,020.99 $3.98
Institutional Class Actual 0.69% $1,000.00 $1,042.10 $3.51
Institutional Class Hypothetical 0.69% $1,000.00 $1,021.49 $3.48
Focused Fund          
Class A Actual 1.22% $1,000.00 $1,260.90 $6.88**
Class A Hypothetical 1.22% $1,000.00 $1,018.85 $6.14**
Class C Actual 1.96% $1,000.00 $1,256.10 $11.02**
Class C Hypothetical 1.96% $1,000.00 $1,015.16 $9.85**
Class Y Actual 0.90% $1,000.00 $1,263.00 $5.08**
Class Y Hypothetical 0.90% $1,000.00 $1,020.44 $4.53**
Institutional Class Actual 0.85% $1,000.00 $1,263.10 $4.80**
Institutional Class Hypothetical 0.85% $1,000.00 $1,020.69 $4.28**
Global ESG Equity Fund          
Class A Actual 1.09% $1,000.00 $1,217.40 $6.03
Class A Hypothetical 1.09% $1,000.00 $1,019.50 $5.49
Class C Actual 1.99% $1,000.00 $1,211.60 $10.97
Class C Hypothetical 1.99% $1,000.00 $1,015.01 $10.00
Class Y Actual 0.90% $1,000.00 $1,218.00 $4.98
Class Y Hypothetical 0.90% $1,000.00 $1,020.44 $4.53
Institutional Class Actual 0.89% $1,000.00 $1,218.20 $4.92
Institutional Class Hypothetical 0.89% $1,000.00 $1,020.49 $4.48
Growth Opportunities Fund          
Class A Actual 1.24% $1,000.00 $1,146.00 $6.63
Class A Hypothetical 1.24% $1,000.00 $1,018.75 $6.24
Class C Actual 1.99% $1,000.00 $1,142.00 $10.63
Class C Hypothetical 1.99% $1,000.00 $1,015.01 $10.00
Class Y Actual 0.99% $1,000.00 $1,147.60 $5.30
Class Y Hypothetical 0.99% $1,000.00 $1,020.00 $4.99
Institutional Class Actual 0.89% $1,000.00 $1,148.30 $4.77
Institutional Class Hypothetical 0.89% $1,000.00 $1,020.49 $4.48
Mid Cap Growth Fund          
Class A Actual 1.23% $1,000.00 $1,184.10 $6.70***
Class A Hypothetical 1.23% $1,000.00 $1,018.80 $6.19***
Class C Actual 2.02% $1,000.00 $1,179.60 $10.98***

Other Items (Unaudited) (Continued)
    Net Expense
March 31,
October 1,
March 31,
Paid During
the Six Months
March 31,
Class C Hypothetical 2.02% $1,000.00 $1,014.86 $10.15***
Class Y Actual 1.00% $1,000.00 $1,185.60 $5.45***
Class Y Hypothetical 1.00% $1,000.00 $1,019.95 $5.04***
Institutional Class Actual 0.90% $1,000.00 $1,186.10 $4.91***
Institutional Class Hypothetical 0.90% $1,000.00 $1,020.44 $4.53***
Class R6 Actual 0.84% $1,000.00 $1,186.00 $4.58***
Class R6 Hypothetical 0.84% $1,000.00 $1,020.74 $4.23***
Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund          
Class A Actual 1.60% $1,000.00 $1,178.60 $8.69
Class A Hypothetical 1.60% $1,000.00 $1,016.95 $8.05
Class C Actual 2.35% $1,000.00 $1,174.10 $12.74
Class C Hypothetical 2.35% $1,000.00 $1,013.21 $11.80
Class Y Actual 1.26% $1,000.00 $1,180.20 $6.85
Class Y Hypothetical 1.26% $1,000.00 $1,018.65 $6.34
Institutional Class Actual 1.20% $1,000.00 $1,180.40 $6.52
Institutional Class Hypothetical 1.20% $1,000.00 $1,018.95 $6.04
* Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/365 (to reflect one-half year period).
** Excluding liquidity provider expenses, your actual cost of investment in Class A, Class C, Class Y and Institutional Class would be $6.76, $10.91, $4.96 and $4.68, respectively, and your hypothetical cost of investment in Class A, Class C, Class Y and Institutional Class would be $6.04, $9.75, $4.43 and $4.18, respectively.
*** Excluding liquidity provider expenses, your actual cost of investment in Class A, Class C, Class Y, Institutional Class and Class R6 would be $6.59, $10.87, $5.34, $4.80 and $4.47, respectively, and your hypothetical cost of investment in Class A, Class C, Class Y, Institutional Class and Class R6 would be $6.09, $10.05, $4.94, $4.43 and $4.13, respectively.
Liquidity Risk Management
The Funds have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRM Program”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940. Rule 22e-4 requires that each Fund adopt a program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage the Funds’ liquidity risk, which is the risk that a Fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interests in a Fund.
Assessment and management of a Fund’s liquidity risk under the LRM Program takes into consideration certain factors, such as a Fund’s investment strategy and the liquidity of its portfolio investments during normal and reasonably foreseeable stressed conditions, its short- and long-term cash-flow projections during both normal and reasonably foreseeable stressed conditions, and its cash and cash-equivalent holdings and access to other funding sources. As required by the rule, the LRM Program includes policies and procedures for classification of Fund portfolio holdings in four liquidity categories, maintaining certain levels of highly liquid investments, and limiting holdings of illiquid investments.
The Board of Trustees of the Trust approved the appointment of a LRM Program administrator responsible for administering the LRM Program and for carrying out the specific responsibilities set forth in the LRM Program, including reporting to the Board on at least an annual basis regarding the LRM Program’s operation, its adequacy, and the effectiveness of its implementation for the past year (the “Program Administrator Report”). The Board has reviewed the Program Administrator Report covering the period from May 15, 2020 through May 14, 2021 (the “Review Period”). The Program Administrator Report stated that during the Review Period the LRM Program operated and was implemented effectively to manage the Funds’ liquidity risk.
Advisory and Sub-Advisory Agreement Approval Disclosure
At a meeting held on November 19, 2020, the Board of Trustees (the “Board” or “Trustees”) of the Touchstone Strategic Trust (the “Trust”), and by a separate vote, the Independent Trustees of the Trust, approved the continuance of the Investment Advisory Agreement between the Trust and the Advisor with respect to each Fund of the Trust, and the continuance of the Sub-Advisory Agreement between the Advisor and each Fund’s respective Sub-Advisor.
In determining whether to approve the continuation of the Investment Advisory Agreement and the Sub-Advisory Agreements, the Advisor furnished information necessary for a majority of the Independent Trustees to make the determination that the continuance of the Investment Advisory Agreement and each Sub-Advisory Agreement was in the best interests of the respective Funds and their shareholders. The information provided to the Board included: (1) industry data comparing advisory fees and total expense ratios of comparable funds; (2) comparative performance information; (3) the Advisor’s and its affiliates’ revenues and costs of providing services to the Funds; and (4) information about the Advisor’s and Sub-Advisors’ personnel. Prior to voting, the

Other Items (Unaudited) (Continued)
Independent Trustees reviewed the proposed continuance of the Investment Advisory Agreement and the Sub-Advisory Agreements with management and experienced independent legal counsel and received materials from such counsel discussing the legal standards for their consideration of the proposed continuation of the Investment Advisory Agreement and each Sub-Advisory Agreement. The Independent Trustees also reviewed the proposed continuation of the Investment Advisory Agreement and each Sub-Advisory Agreement with independent legal counsel in private sessions at which no representatives of management were present.
In approving the Funds’ Investment Advisory Agreement, the Board considered various factors, among them: (1) the nature, extent and quality of services provided to the Funds, including the personnel providing such services; (2) the Advisor’s compensation and profitability; (3) a comparison of fees and performance with comparable funds; (4) economies of scale; and (5) the terms of the Investment Advisory Agreement. The Board’s analysis of these factors is set forth below. The Independent Trustees were advised by independent legal counsel throughout the process.
Nature, Extent and Quality of Advisor Services. The Board considered the level and depth of knowledge of the Advisor, including the professional experience and qualifications of senior personnel. In evaluating the quality of services provided by the Advisor, the Board took into account its familiarity with the Advisor’s senior management through Board meetings, discussions and reports during the preceding year. The Board also took into account the Advisor’s compliance policies and procedures. The quality of administrative and other services, including the Advisor’s role in coordinating the activities of the Funds’ other service providers, was also considered. The Board also considered the Advisor’s relationship with its affiliates and the resources available to them, as well as any potential conflicts of interest.
The Board discussed the Advisor’s effectiveness in monitoring the performance of each Sub-Advisor, including the Sub-Advisor that was an affiliate of the Advisor, and the Advisor’s timeliness in responding to performance issues. The Board considered the Advisor’s process for monitoring each of the Sub-Advisors, which includes an examination of both qualitative and quantitative elements of the Sub-Advisor’s organization, personnel, procedures, investment discipline, infrastructure and performance. The Board considered that the Advisor conducts periodic compliance due diligence of each Sub-Advisor, during which the Advisor examines a wide variety of factors, such as the financial condition of the Sub-Advisor, the quality of the Sub-Advisor’s systems, the effectiveness of the Sub-Advisor’s disaster recovery programs, trade allocation and execution procedures, compliance with the Sub-Advisor’s policies and procedures, results of regulatory examinations and any other factors that might affect the quality of services that the Sub-Advisor provides to the applicable Fund(s). The Board noted that the Advisor’s compliance monitoring processes also include quarterly reviews of compliance certifications, and that any issues arising from such certifications and the Advisor’s compliance visits to the Sub-Advisors are reported to the Board.
The Trustees concluded that they were satisfied with the nature, extent and quality of services provided to each Fund by the Advisor under the Investment Advisory Agreement.
Advisor’s Compensation and Profitability. The Board took into consideration the financial condition and profitability of the Advisor and its affiliates (including the Sub-Advisor to one of the Funds) and the direct and indirect benefits derived by the Advisor and its affiliates from the Advisor’s relationship with the Funds. The information considered by the Board included operating profit margin information for the Advisor’s business as a whole. The Board noted that the Advisor had waived a portion of advisory fees and administrative fees and/or reimbursed expenses in order to limit each of the Fund’s net operating expenses. The Board also noted that the Advisor pays the Sub-Advisors’ sub-advisory fees out of the advisory fees the Advisor receives from the Funds. The Board reviewed the profitability of the Advisor’s relationship with the Funds both before and after tax expenses, and also considered whether the Advisor has the financial wherewithal to continue to provide services to the Funds, noting the ongoing commitment of the Advisor’s parent company with respect to providing support and resources as needed. The Board considered that the Funds’ distributor, an affiliate of the Advisor, receives Rule 12b-1 distribution fees from the Funds and receives a portion of the sales charges on sales or redemptions of certain classes of shares. The Board also noted that the Advisor derives benefits to its reputation and other benefits from its association with the Funds.
The Board recognized that the Advisor should be entitled to earn a reasonable level of profits in exchange for the level of services it provides to each Fund and the entrepreneurial risk that it assumes as Advisor. Based upon their review, the Trustees concluded that the Advisor’s and its affiliates’ level of profitability, if any, from their relationship with each Fund was reasonable and not excessive.
Expenses and Performance. The Board compared the respective advisory fees and total expense ratios for each of the Funds with various comparative data, including the median and average advisory fees and total expense ratios of each Fund’s respective peer group. The Board also considered, among other data, the Funds’ respective performance results during the six-month, twelve-month, and thirty-six-month periods ended September 30, 2020 and noted that the Board reviews on a quarterly basis detailed information about each Fund’s performance results, portfolio composition and investment strategies. The Board also took into account current market conditions and their effect on the Funds’ performance.

Other Items (Unaudited) (Continued)
The Board also considered the effect of each Fund’s growth and size on its performance and expenses. The Board noted that the Advisor had waived a portion of the fees and/or reimbursed expenses of each of the Funds in order to reduce such Funds’ respective operating expenses to targeted levels. The Board noted that the sub-advisory fees under the Sub-Advisory Agreement with respect to each Fund were paid by the Advisor out of the advisory fees it receives from the Fund and considered the impact of such sub-advisory fees on the profitability of the Advisor. In reviewing the respective expense ratios and performance of each of the Funds, the Board also took into account the nature, extent and quality of the services provided to the Funds by the Advisor and its affiliates.
The Board considered, among other data, the specific factors and related conclusions set forth below with respect to each Fund:
Touchstone Flexible Income Fund. The Fund’s advisory fee and total expense ratio (net of applicable expense waivers and reimbursements) were each above the median, of its peer group. The Board noted that the Advisor was waiving a portion of the Fund’s fees and/or reimbursing a portion of the Fund’s operating expenses. The Fund’s performance for the six-month period ended September 30, 2020 was in the 3rd quintile of its peer group, while the Fund’s performance for the twelve- and thirty-six-month periods ended September 30, 2020 was in the 2nd quintile of its peer group. Based upon their review, the Trustees concluded that the overall performance of the Fund was satisfactory relative to the performance of funds with similar investment objectives and relevant indices, and that the advisory fee was reasonable in light of the services received by the Fund from the Advisor and the other factors considered.
Touchstone Focused Fund. The Fund’s advisory fee and total expense ratio (net of applicable expense waivers and reimbursements) were below the median and above the median, respectively, of its peer group. The Board noted that the Advisor was waiving a portion of the Fund’s fees and/or reimbursing a portion of the Fund’s operating expenses. The Fund’s performance for the six- and twelve month periods ended September 30, 2020 was in the 1st quintile, while the Fund’s performance for the thirty-six-month period ended September 30, 2020 was in the 3rd quintile of its peer group. Based upon their review, the Trustees concluded that the overall performance of the Fund was satisfactory relative to the performance of funds with similar investment objectives and relevant indices, and that the advisory fee was reasonable in light of the services received by the Fund from the Advisor and the other factors considered.
Touchstone Global ESG Equity Fund. The Fund’s advisory fee and total expense ratio (net of applicable expense waivers and reimbursements) were each below the median of its peer group. The Board noted that the Advisor was waiving a portion of the Fund’s fees and/or reimbursing a portion of the Fund’s operating expenses. The Fund’s performance for the six-, twelve- and thirty-six-month periods ended September 30, 2020 was in the 3rd quintile of its peer group. Based upon their review, the Trustees concluded that the overall performance of the Fund was satisfactory relative to the performance of funds with similar investment objectives and relevant indices, and that the advisory fee was reasonable in light of the services received by the Fund from the Advisor and the other factors considered.
Touchstone Growth Opportunities Fund. The Fund’s advisory fee and total expense ratio (net of applicable expense waivers and reimbursements) were at the median and above the median, respectively, of its peer group. The Board noted that the Advisor was waiving a portion of the Fund’s fees and/or reimbursing a portion of the Fund’s operating expenses. The Fund’s performance for the six- and thirty-six-month periods ended September 30, 2020 was in the 3rd quintile of its peer group, while the Fund’s performance for the twelve-month period ended September 30, 2020 was in the 2nd quintile of its peer group. Based upon their review, the Trustees concluded that the overall performance of the Fund was satisfactory relative to the performance of funds with similar investment objectives and relevant indices, and that the advisory fee was reasonable in light of the services received by the Fund from the Advisor and the other factors considered.
Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund. The Fund’s advisory fee and total expense ratio (net of applicable expense waivers and reimbursements) were below the median and above the median, respectively, of its peer group. The Board noted that the Advisor was waiving a portion of the Fund’s fees and/or reimbursing a portion of the Fund’s operating expenses. The Fund’s performance for the six-month period ended September 30, 2020 was in the 4th quintile of its peer group, while the Fund’s performance for the twelve- and thirty-six-month periods ended September 30, 2020 was in the 3rd quintile of its peer group. Based upon their review, the Trustees concluded that the overall performance of the Fund was satisfactory relative to the performance of funds with similar investment objectives and relevant indices, and that the advisory fee was reasonable in light of the services received by the Fund from the Advisor and the other factors considered.
Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund. The Fund’s advisory fee and total expense ratio (net of applicable expense waivers and reimbursements) were each above the median of its peer group. The Board noted that the Advisor was waiving a portion of the Fund’s fees and/or reimbursing a portion of the Fund’s operating expenses. The Fund’s performance for the six-, twelve- and thirty-six-month periods ended September 30, 2020 was in the 1st quintile of its peer group. Based upon their review, the Trustees concluded that the overall performance of the Fund was satisfactory relative to the performance of funds with similar investment objectives and relevant indices, and that the advisory fee was reasonable in light of the services received by the Fund from the Advisor and the other factors considered.

Other Items (Unaudited) (Continued)
Economies of Scale. The Board considered the effect of each Fund’s current size and potential growth on its performance and expenses. The Board took into account management’s discussion of the Funds’ advisory fee structure. The Board considered the effective advisory fees under the Investment Advisory Agreement as a percentage of assets at different asset levels and possible economies of scale that might be realized if the assets of each Fund increase. The Board noted that the advisory fee schedule for each Fund, except the Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund, contains breakpoints that would reduce the respective advisory fee rate on assets above specified levels as the applicable Fund’s assets increased and considered the necessity of adding breakpoints with respect to the Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund. The Board determined that adding breakpoints at specified levels to the advisory fee schedule of the Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund would not be appropriate at this time. The Board noted that if a Fund’s assets increase over time, the Fund might realize other economies of scale if assets increase proportionally more than certain other expenses. The Board also considered the fact that, under the Investment Advisory Agreement, the advisory fee payable to the Advisor by a Fund was reduced by the total sub-advisory fee paid by the Advisor to the Fund’s Sub-Advisor.
Conclusion. In considering the renewal of the Funds’ Investment Advisory Agreement, the Board, including the Independent Trustees, did not identify any single factor as controlling, and each Trustee may have attributed different weights to the various factors. The Trustees evaluated all information available to them on a Fund-by-Fund basis, and their determinations were made separately with respect to each Fund. The Board reached the following conclusions regarding the Funds’ Investment Advisory Agreement with the Advisor, among others: (a) the Advisor demonstrated that it possesses the capability and resources to perform the duties required of it under the Investment Advisory Agreement; (b) the Advisor maintains an appropriate compliance program; (c) the overall performance of each Fund is satisfactory relative to the performance of funds with similar investment objectives and relevant indices; and (d) each Fund’s advisory fee is reasonable in light of the services received by the Fund from the Advisor and other factors considered. Based on their conclusions, the Trustees determined with respect to each Fund that continuation of the Investment Advisory Agreement was in the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders.
In approving the Funds’ respective Sub-Advisory Agreements, the Board considered various factors with respect to each Fund and the applicable Sub-Advisory Agreement, among them: (1) the nature, extent and quality of services provided to the Fund, including the personnel providing such services; (2) the Sub-Advisor’s compensation; (3) a comparison of the sub-advisory fee and performance with comparable funds; and (4) the terms of the Sub-Advisory Agreement. The Board’s analysis of these factors is set forth below. The Independent Trustees were advised by independent legal counsel throughout the process.
Nature, Extent and Quality of Services Provided; Investment Personnel. The Board considered information provided by the Advisor regarding the services provided by each Sub-Advisor, including information presented periodically throughout the previous year. The Board noted the affiliation of one of the Sub-Advisors with the Advisor, noting any potential conflicts of interest. The Board also noted that, on a periodic basis, the Board meets with portfolio managers of the Sub-Advisors to discuss their respective performance and investment processes and strategies. The Board considered each Sub-Advisor’s level of knowledge and investment style. The Board reviewed the experience and credentials of the applicable investment personnel who are responsible for managing the investment of portfolio securities with respect to the Funds. The Board also noted each Sub-Advisor’s brokerage practices.
Sub-Advisor’s Compensation, Profitability and Economies of Scale. The Board also took into consideration the financial condition of each Sub-Advisor and any indirect benefits derived by each Sub-Advisor and its affiliates from the Sub-Advisor’s relationship with the Funds. In considering the profitability to each Sub-Advisor of its relationship with the Funds, the Board noted the undertaking of the Advisor to maintain expense limitations for the Funds and also noted that the sub-advisory fees under the Sub-Advisory Agreements were paid by the Advisor out of the advisory fees that it receives under the Investment Advisory Agreement and in addition, with respect to the unaffiliated Sub-Advisors, are negotiated at arm’s-length. As a consequence, the profitability to each Sub-Advisor of its relationship with a Fund was not a substantial factor in the Board’s deliberations. For similar reasons, the Board did not consider the potential economies of scale in each Sub-Advisor’s management of the applicable Fund to be a substantial factor in its consideration, although the Board noted that, with the exception of the Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund, the sub-advisory fee schedule for all of the Funds contained breakpoints that would reduce the sub-advisory fee rate on assets above specified levels as the applicable Fund’s assets increased.
Sub-Advisory Fees and Fund Performance. The Board considered that each Fund pays an advisory fee to the Advisor and that the Advisor pays the sub-advisory fee to the Sub-Advisor out of the advisory fee it receives from the respective Fund. The Board also compared the sub-advisory fees paid by the Advisor to fees charged by the Sub-Advisor to manage comparable institutional separate accounts. The Board considered the amount retained by the Advisor and the sub-advisory fee paid to each Sub-Advisor with respect to the various services provided by the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor. The Board also noted that the Advisor negotiated the sub-advisory fee with each of the unaffiliated Sub-Advisors at arm’s-length. The Board reviewed the sub-advisory fee for each Fund in relation to various comparative data, including the median and average sub-advisory fees of each Fund’s peer group, and considered the following information:

Other Items (Unaudited) (Continued)
Touchstone Flexible Income Fund. The Fund’s sub-advisory fee was above the median of its peer group. Based upon their review, the Trustees concluded that the Fund’s sub-advisory fee was reasonable in light of the services received by the Fund from the Sub-Advisor and the other factors considered.
Touchstone Focused Fund. The Fund’s sub-advisory fee was above the median of its peer group. Based upon their review, the Trustees concluded that the Fund’s sub-advisory fee was reasonable in light of the services received by the Fund from the Sub-Advisor and the other factors considered.
Touchstone Global ESG Equity Fund. The Fund’s sub-advisory fee was below the median of its peer group. Based upon their review, the Trustees concluded that the Fund’s sub-advisory fee was reasonable in light of the services received by the Fund from the Sub-Advisor and the other factors considered.
Touchstone Growth Opportunities Fund. The Fund’s sub-advisory fee was above the median of its peer group. Based upon their review, the Trustees concluded that the Fund’s sub-advisory fee was reasonable in light of the services received by the Fund from the Sub-Advisor and the other factors considered.
Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund. The Fund’s sub-advisory fee was at the median of its peer group. Based upon their review, the Trustees concluded that the Fund’s sub-advisory fee was reasonable in light of the services received by the Fund from the Sub-Advisor and the other factors considered.
Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund. The Fund’s sub-advisory fee was above the median of its peer group. Based upon their review, the Trustees concluded that the Fund’s sub-advisory fee was reasonable in light of the services received by the Fund from the Sub-Advisor and the other factors considered.
As noted above, the Board considered each Fund’s performance during the six-month, twelve-month, and thirty-six-month periods ended September 30, 2020 as compared to each Fund’s peer group and noted that the Board reviews on a quarterly basis detailed information about each Fund’s performance results, portfolio composition and investment strategies. The Board noted the Advisor’s expertise and resources in monitoring the performance, investment style and risk-adjusted performance of each Sub-Advisor. The Board also was mindful of the Advisor’s ongoing monitoring of each Sub-Advisor’s performance and the measures undertaken by the Advisor to address any underperformance.
Conclusion. In considering the renewal of the Sub-Advisory Agreement with respect to each Fund, the Board, including the Independent Trustees, did not identify any single factor as controlling, and each Trustee may have attributed different weights to the various factors. The Board reached the following conclusions regarding each Sub-Advisory Agreement, among others: (a) the Sub-Advisor is qualified to manage each Fund’s assets in accordance with the Fund’s investment goals and policies; (b) the Sub-Advisor maintains an appropriate compliance program; (c) the overall performance of each Fund is satisfactory relative to the performance of funds with similar investment objectives and relevant indices; (d) each Fund’s sub-advisory fees are reasonable in light of the services received by the Fund from the Sub-Advisor and the other factors considered; and (e) the Sub-Advisor’s investment strategies are appropriate for pursuing the investment goals of each Fund. Based on its conclusions, the Board determined that approval of the Sub-Advisory Agreement with respect to each Fund was in the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders.

Management of the Trust (Unaudited)
Listed below is required information regarding the Trustees and principal officers of the Trust. The Trust’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and is available, without charge, upon request by calling 1.800.543.0407 or by visiting the Touchstone website at TouchstoneInvestments.com.
Interested Trustee1:
Year of Birth
Held with
Term of
Office And
Length of
Time Served
Principal Occupation(s)
During Past 5 Years
of Funds
in the
Held During Past 5 Years3
Jill T. McGruder
Touchstone Advisors, Inc.
303 Broadway
Suite 1100
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Year of Birth: 1955
Trustee Until retirement at age 75 or until she resigns or is removed Trustee since 1999 President of Touchstone Funds from 1999 to 2020; President, Director and CEO of IFS Financial Services, Inc. (a holding company) since 1999; and Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of Western & Southern Financial Group, Inc. (a financial services company) since 2016. 38 Director, Integrity Life Insurance Co. and National Integrity Life Insurance Co. since 2005; Director, Touchstone Securities (the Distributor) since 1999; Director, Touchstone Advisors (the Advisor) since 1999; Director, W&S Brokerage Services, Inc. since 1999; Director, W&S Financial Group Distributors, Inc. since 1999; Director, Insurance Profillment Solutions LLC since 2014; Director, Columbus Life Insurance Co. since 2016; Director, The Lafayette Life Insurance Co. since 2016; Director, Gerber Life Insurance Company since 2019; Director, Western & Southern Agency, Inc. since 2018; and Director, LL Global, Inc. (not-for-profit trade organization with operating divisions LIMRA and LOMA) since 2016.
Independent Trustees:
Karen Carnahan
c/o Touchstone Advisors, Inc.
303 Broadway
Suite 1100
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Year of Birth: 1954
Trustee Until retirement at age 75 or until she resigns or is removed Trustee since 2019 Retired; formerly Chief Operating Officer of Shred-it (a business services company) from 2014 to 2015; formerly President & Chief Operating Officer of the document management division of Cintas Corporation (a business services company) from 2008 to 2014. 38 Director, Cintas Corporation since 2019; Director, Boys & Girls Club of West Chester/Liberty since 2016; and Board of Advisors, Best Upon Request since 2020.
William C. Gale
c/o Touchstone Advisors, Inc.
303 Broadway
Suite 1100
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Year of Birth: 1952
Trustee Until retirement at age 75 or until he resigns or is removed Trustee since 2013 Retired; formerly Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Cintas Corporation (a business services company) from 1995 to 2015. 38 None.
Susan J. Hickenlooper, CFA
c/o Touchstone Advisors, Inc.
303 Broadway
Suite 1100
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Year of Birth: 1946
Trustee Until retirement at age 75 or until she resigns or is removed Trustee since 2009 Retired from investment management. 38 Trustee, Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio from 2014 to 2018.
Kevin A. Robie
c/o Touchstone Advisors, Inc.
303 Broadway
Suite 1100
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Year of Birth: 1956
Trustee Until retirement at age 75 or until he resigns or is removed Trustee since 2013 Retired; formerly Vice President of Portfolio Management at Soin LLC (private multinational holding company and family office) from 2004 to 2020. 38 Director, SaverSystems, Inc. since 2015; Director, Buckeye EcoCare, Inc. from 2013 to 2018; Director, Turner Property Services Group, Inc. since 2017; Trustee, Dayton Region New Market Fund, LLC (private fund) since 2010; and Trustee, Entrepreneurs Center, Inc. (business incubator) since 2006.
William H. Zimmer III
c/o Touchstone Advisors, Inc.
303 Broadway
Suite 1100
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Year of Birth: 1953
Trustee Until retirement at age 75 or until he resigns or is removed Trustee since 2019 Independent Treasury Consultant since 2014. 38 Director, Deaconess Associations, Inc. (healthcare) since 2001; Trustee, Huntington Funds (mutual funds) from 2006 to 2015; and Director, National Association of Corporate Treasurers from 2011 to 2015.

Management of the Trust (Unaudited) (Continued)
1 Ms. McGruder, as a director of the Advisor and the Distributor, and an officer of affiliates of the Advisor and the Distributor, is an “interested person” of the Trust within the meaning of Section 2(a)(19) of the 1940 Act.
2 As of March 31, 2021, the Touchstone Fund Complex consisted of 19 series of the Trust, 12 series of Touchstone Funds Group Trust and 7 variable annuity series of Touchstone Variable Series Trust.
3 Each Trustee is also a Trustee of Touchstone Funds Group Trust and Touchstone Variable Series Trust.
Principal Officers:
Year of Birth
Held with
Term of
Office And
Length of
Time Served
Principal Occupation(s)
During Past 5 Years
E. Blake Moore, Jr.
Touchstone Advisors, Inc.
303 Broadway
Suite 1100
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Year of Birth: 1958
President Until resignation, removal or disqualification
President since January 2021
Chief Executive Officer of Touchstone Advisors, Inc. and Touchstone Securities Inc. (since 2020); President, Foresters Investment Management Company, Inc. (2018 to 2020); President, North American Asset Management at Foresters Financial (2018 to 2020); Managing Director, Head of Americas at UBS Asset Management (2015 to 2017); and Executive Vice President, Head of Distribution at Mackenzie Investments (2011 to 2014).
Timothy D. Paulin
Touchstone Advisors, Inc.
303 Broadway
Suite 1100
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Year of Birth: 1963
Vice President Until resignation, removal or disqualification
Vice President since 2010
Senior Vice President of Investment Research and Product Management of Touchstone Advisors, Inc.
Timothy S. Stearns
Touchstone Advisors, Inc.
303 Broadway
Suite 1100
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Year of Birth: 1963
Chief Compliance Officer Until resignation, removal or disqualification
Chief Compliance Officer since 2013
Chief Compliance Officer of Touchstone Advisors, Inc.
Terrie A. Wiedenheft
Touchstone Advisors, Inc.
303 Broadway
Suite 1100
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Year of Birth: 1962
Controller and Treasurer Until resignation, removal or disqualification
Controller and Treasurer since 2006
Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operations Officer, of IFS Financial Services, Inc. (a holding company) and Senior Vice President and Chief Administration Officer within the Office of the Chief Marketing Officer of Western & Southern Financial Group (2021 to Present).
Meredyth A. Whitford-Schultz
Western & Southern
Financial Group
400 Broadway
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Year of Birth: 1981
Secretary Until resignation, removal or disqualification
Secretary since 2018
Senior Counsel - Securities/Mutual Funds of Western & Southern Financial Group (2015 to present); Associate at Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP (law firm) (2014 to 2015); Associate at Bingham McCutchen LLP (law firm) (2008 to 2014).
1 Each officer also holds the same office with Touchstone Funds Group Trust and Touchstone Variable Series Trust.

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•  We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of your information.
We Collect the Following Nonpublic Personal Information About You:
•  Information we receive from you on or in applications or other forms, correspondence, or conversations, including, but not limited to, your name, address, phone number, social security number, assets, income and date of birth; and
•  Information about your transactions with us, our affiliates, or others, including, but not limited to, your account number and balance, payment history, parties to transactions, cost basis information, and other financial information.
Categories of Information We Disclose and Parties to Whom We Disclose
We do not disclose any nonpublic personal information about our current or former clients to nonaffiliated third parties, except as required or permitted by law.
We Place Strict Limits and Controls on the Use and Sharing of Your Information
•  We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to authorized employees who need the information to administer your business.
•  We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal standards to protect this information.
•  We do not disclose any nonpublic personal information about our current or former clients to anyone, except as required or permitted by law or as described in this document.
•  We will not sell your personal information to anyone.
We May Provide Information to Service Your Account
Sometimes it is necessary to provide information about you to various companies such as transfer agents, custodians, broker-dealers and marketing service firms to facilitate the servicing of your account. These organizations have a legitimate business need to see some of your personal information in order for us to provide service to you. We may disclose to these various companies the information that we collect as described above. We require that these companies, including our own subsidiaries and affiliates, strictly maintain the confidentiality of this information and abide by all applicable laws. Companies within our corporate family that may receive this information are financial service providers and insurance companies. We do not permit these associated companies to sell the information for their own purposes, and we never sell our customer information.
This policy is applicable to the following affiliated companies: Touchstone Funds Group Trust, Touchstone Strategic Trust, Touchstone Variable Series Trust, Touchstone Securities, Inc.,* and W&S Brokerage Services, Inc.
*Touchstone Securities, Inc. serves as the underwriter to the Touchstone Funds.
A Member of Western & Southern Financial Group®
The Privacy Protection Policy is not part of the Annual Report.

Touchstone Investments
Touchstone Securities, Inc.*
303 Broadway
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-4203
Investment Advisor
Touchstone Advisors, Inc.*
303 Broadway
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-4203
Transfer Agent
BNY Mellon Investment Servicing (US) Inc.
4400 Computer Drive
Westborough, Massachusetts 01581
Shareholder Service
* A Member of Western & Southern Financial Group



(b)   Not applicable.


Item 2. Code of Ethics.


(a)The registrant, as of the end of the period covered by this report, has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions, regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a third party.


(c)There have been no amendments, during the period covered by this report, to a provision of the code of ethics that applies to the registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions, regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a third party, and that relates to any element of the code of ethics description.


(d)The registrant has not granted any waivers, including an implicit waiver, from a provision of the code of ethics that applies to the registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions, regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a third party, that relates to one or more of the items set forth in paragraph (b) of this item’s instructions.


(e)Not applicable.


(f)A copy of the code of ethics is attached hereto as Exhibit 13(a)(1).


Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert.


The registrant’s Board of Trustees has determined that the registrant has at least one audit committee financial expert serving on its audit committee. Ms. Karen Carnahan is the registrant’s audit committee financial expert and is an independent trustee within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”).


Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services.


Audit Fees


(a)Audit fees for Touchstone Strategic Trust (March Funds) totaled $117,600 and $116,800 for the fiscal years ended March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020, respectively, including fees associated with the annual audits and filings of Form N-1A and Form N-CEN.




Audit-Related Fees


(b)The aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for assurance and related services by the principal accountant that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit of the registrant's financial statements and are not reported under paragraph (a) of this Item are $5,500 and $4,000 for the fiscal years ended March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020 respectively. The fees for 2021 relate to additional fees for valuation procedures and 2020 fees relate to the review of Form N-1A filings.


Tax Fees


(c)The aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for professional services rendered by the principal accountant for tax compliance, tax advice, and tax planning were $39,555 and $62,045 for the fiscal years ended March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020, respectively. The fees relate to the preparation of federal income and excise tax returns, review of capital gains distribution calculations and tax agent services.


All Other Fees


(d)The aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for products and services provided by the principal accountant, other than the services reported in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this Item are $18,354 and $20,756 for the fiscal years ended March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020, respectively. The fees relate to the PFIC analyzer and Global Withholding Tax Reporter subscriptions.


(e)(1)Disclose the audit committee's pre-approval policies and procedures described in paragraph (c)(7) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.


The Audit Committee’s pre-approval policies describe the types of audit, audit-related, tax and other services that have the general pre-approval of the Audit Committee.  The pre-approval policies provide that annual audit service fees, tax services not specifically granted pre-approval, services exceeding pre-approved cost levels and other services that have not received general pre-approval will be subject to specific pre-approval by the Audit Committee.  The pre-approval policies further provide that the Committee may grant general pre-approval to other audit services (statutory audits and services associated with SEC registration statements, periodic reports and other documents filed with the SEC or other documents issued in connection with securities offerings), audit-related services (accounting consultations related to accounting, financial reporting or disclosure matters not classified as “audit services,” assistance with understanding and implementing new accounting and financial reporting guidance from rulemaking authorities, agreed-upon or expanded audit procedures related to accounting and/or billing records required to respond to or comply with financial, accounting or regulatory reporting matters and assistance with internal control reporting requirements under Form N-CSR), tax services that have historically been provided by the auditor that the Committee believes would not impair the independence of the auditor and are consistent with the SEC’s rules on auditor independence and permissible non-audit services classified as “all other services” that are routine and recurring services.





(e)(2)All of the services described in paragraphs (b) through (d) of Item 4 were approved by the Audit Committee.


(f)The percentage of hours expended on the principal accountant's engagement to audit the registrant's financial statements for the most recent fiscal year that were attributed to work performed by persons other than the principal accountant's full-time, permanent employees was less than fifty percent.


(g)The aggregate non-audit fees for Touchstone Strategic Trust (March Funds) and certain entities*, totaled approximately $719,238 and $655,460 for the fiscal years ended March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020, respectively.


* These include the advisors (excluding non-affiliated sub-advisors) and any entity controlling, controlled by or under common control with the advisors that provides ongoing services to the registrant (Funds).


(h)The registrant's audit committee of the board of trustees has considered whether the provision of non-audit services that were rendered to the registrant's investment adviser (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser), and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the investment adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant that were not pre-approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X is compatible with maintaining the principal accountant's independence.


Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.


Not applicable.


Item 6. Investments.


(a)Schedule of Investments in securities of unaffiliated issuers as of the close of the reporting period is included as part of the report to shareholders filed under Item 1(a) of this form.


(b)Not applicable.



Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.


Not applicable.




Item 8. Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies.


Not applicable.


Item 9. Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers.


Not applicable.


Item 10. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.


There have been no material changes to the procedures by which the shareholders may recommend nominees to the registrant’s board of trustees, where those changes were implemented after the registrant last provided disclosure in response to the requirements of Item 407(c)(2)(iv) of Regulation S-K (17 CFR 229.407) (as required by Item 22(b)(15) of Schedule 14A (17 CFR 240.14a-101)), or this Item.


Item 11. Controls and Procedures.


(a)The registrant’s principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, have concluded that the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”) (17 CFR 270.30a-3(c))) are effective, as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of the report that includes the disclosure required by this paragraph, based on their evaluation of these controls and procedures required by Rule 30a-3(b) under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.30a-3(b)) and Rules 13a-15(b) or 15d-15(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (17 CFR 240.13a-15(b) or 240.15d-15(b)).


(b)There were no changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.30a-3(d))) that occurred during the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


Item 12. Disclosure of Securities Lending Activities for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.


Not applicable.


Item 13. Exhibits.


(a)(1)Code of ethics, and any amendment thereto, that is the subject of disclosure required by Item 2 is attached hereto.


(a)(2)Certifications pursuant to Rule 30a-2(a) under the 1940 Act and Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto.


(a)(3)Not applicable.


(a)(4)Not applicable.


(b)Certifications pursuant to Rule 30a-2(b) under the 1940 Act and Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto.





Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


(Registrant) Touchstone Strategic Trust  


By (Signature and Title)* /s/ E. Blake Moore, Jr.  
  E. Blake Moore, Jr., President
  (principal executive officer)


Date June 1, 2021  



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


By (Signature and Title)* /s/ E. Blake Moore, Jr.  
  E. Blake Moore, Jr., President
  (principal executive officer)


Date June 1, 2021  



By (Signature and Title)* /s/ Terrie A. Wiedenheft  
  Terrie A. Wiedenheft, Controller and Treasurer
  (principal financial officer)


Date June 1, 2021  



* Print the name and title of each signing officer under his or her signature.