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Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements (Policies)
6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Basis of Presentation Policy
Basis of presentation. The Consolidated Financial Statements of First Financial Bancorp., a financial holding company principally serving Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois, include the accounts and operations of First Financial and its wholly-owned subsidiary, First Financial Bank. All significant intercompany transactions and accounts have been eliminated in consolidation.  Certain reclassifications of prior periods' amounts have been made to conform to current year presentation. Such reclassifications had no effect on net earnings.

These interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the instructions to Form 10-Q and Article 10 of Regulation S-X. Accordingly, they may not include all of the information and accompanying notes necessary to constitute a complete set of financial statements required by GAAP and should be read in conjunction with the audited consolidated financial statements and related notes included in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022.  Management believes these unaudited consolidated financial statements reflect all adjustments of a normal recurring nature which are necessary for a fair presentation of the results for the interim periods presented.  The results of operations for the interim periods are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the full year or any other interim period.  The Consolidated Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2022 has been derived from the audited financial statements in the Company’s 2022 Form 10-K.
Use of Estimates, Policy Use of estimates. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates, assumptions and judgments that affect the amounts reported in the Consolidated Financial Statements and accompanying Notes.  Actual realized amounts could differ materially from these estimates.
Loans and Leases Receivable, Past Due Status, Policy Delinquency. Loans are considered past due or delinquent when the contractual principal or interest due in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement remains unpaid after the date of the scheduled payment.
Loans and Leases Receivable, Nonaccrual Loan and Lease Status, Policy Loans are classified as nonaccrual when, in the opinion of management, collection of principal or interest is doubtful or when principal or interest payments are 90 days or more past due. Generally, loans are classified as nonaccrual due to the continued failure to adhere to contractual payment terms by the borrower, coupled with other pertinent factors. When a loan is classified as nonaccrual, the accrual of interest income is discontinued and previously accrued but unpaid interest is reversed. Any payments received while a loan is on nonaccrual status are applied as a reduction to the carrying value of the loan. A loan classified as nonaccrual may return to accrual status if none of the principal and interest is past due, and the Bank expects repayment of the remaining contractual principal and interest.
Loans and Leases Receivable, Troubled Debt Restructuring Policy Effective January 1, 2023, First Financial prospectively adopted ASU 2022-02 which eliminated the accounting for TDRs while establishing a new standard for the treatment of modifications made to borrowers experiencing financial difficulties, defined by First Financial as FDMs. As such, effective with the adoption of the standard, the Company prospectively will not include FDMs in the calculation of nonperforming loans, nonperforming assets or classified assets. Prior period data, which included TDRs, has not been adjusted.FDM might result when a borrower is in financial distress, and may be in the form of principal forgiveness, an interest rate reduction, a term extension or an other-than-insignificant payment delay. In some cases, the Company might provide multiple types of modifications for a single loan. One type of modification, such as delay, may be granted initially, however, if the borrower continues to experience financial difficulty, another modification, such as term extension and/or interest rate reduction might be granted. Loans included in the "combination" column in the table that follows have more than one modification made to the same loan within the current reporting period. Additionally, modifications with a term extension or interest rate reduction are intended to reduce the borrower’s monthly payment, while modifications with a payment delay, which typically allow borrowers to make monthly payments, interest only payments for a period of time, are structured to cure the payment defaults by making delinquent payments due at maturity. Payment deferrals may be up to one year and have minimal financial impact since the deferred payments are paid at maturity.
Impaired Financing Receivable, Policy Effective January 1, 2023, loans classified as nonaccrual are considered nonperforming. Prior to the adoption of ASU 2022-02, nonperforming loans included nonaccrual loans as well as TDRs.First Financial individually reviews all nonperforming loan relationships greater than $250,000 to determine if a specific reserve is required based on the borrower’s overall financial condition, resources and payment record, support from guarantors and the realizable value of any collateral. Specific reserves are based on discounted cash flows using the loan's initial effective interest rate or the fair value of the collateral for certain collateral dependent loans.
Loans and Leases Receivable, Real Estate Acquired Through Foreclosure, Policy OREO consists of properties acquired by the Company primarily through the loan foreclosure or repossession process, that results in partial or total satisfaction of problem loans.
Loans and Leases Receivable, Allowance for Loan Losses Policy
Allowance for credit losses - loans and leases. The ACL is a valuation account that is deducted from the amortized cost basis of loans to present the net amount expected to be collected. The ACL is increased by provision expense and decreased by charge-offs, net of recoveries of amounts previously charged-off. First Financial's policy is to charge-off all or a portion of a loan when, in management's opinion, it is unlikely to collect the principal amount owed in full either through payments from the borrower or a guarantor or from the liquidation of collateral. Similarly, upon the Company's determination that a modified loan (or portion of a loan) has subsequently been deemed uncollectible, the loan (or portion of the loan) is written off. Therefore, the amortized cost basis of the loan is reduced by the uncollectible amount and the allowance for credit losses is adjusted by the same amount. Cumulative recovery payments credited to the ACL for any loan do not exceed the amount charged-off. Accrued interest receivable on loans and leases, which totaled $50.0 million and $47.5 million as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively, is excluded from the estimate of credit losses. 

Management estimates the allowance using relevant available information from both internal and external sources, relating to past events, current conditions and reasonable and supportable forecasts. Historical credit loss experience paired with economic forecasts provides the basis for the quantitatively modeled estimation of expected credit losses. First Financial adjusts its quantitative model, as necessary, to reflect conditions not already considered by the quantitative model. These adjustments are commonly known as the Qualitative Framework.

The ACL is measured on a collective (pool) basis when similar risk characteristics exist. The Company has identified the following portfolio segments and measures the ACL using the following methods:

Commercial and industrial C&I loans include revolving lines of credit and term loans to commercial customers for use in normal business operations to finance working capital needs, equipment purchases, leasehold improvements or other projects. C&I loans are generally underwritten individually and secured with the assets of the Company and/or the personal guarantee of the business owners. C&I loans also include ABL, equipment and leasehold improvement financing for franchisees in the quick service and casual dining restaurant sector and commission-based loans to insurance agents and brokers. ABL transactions typically involve larger commercial clients and are secured by specific assets, such as inventory, accounts receivable, machinery and equipment. In the franchise lending space, First Financial focuses on a limited number of restaurant concepts that have sound economics, low closure rates and strong brand awareness within specified local, regional or national
markets. Within the insurance lending platform, First Financial serves insurance agents and brokers that are looking to maximize their book-of-business value and grow their agency business.

Current period default rates are utilized in the modeling of the ACL for C&I loans, and are adjusted for forecasted changes in the treasury term spread and market volatility index. Changes in current period defaults or forecasted expectations for these economic variables could result in volatility in the Company's ACL in future periods.

Lease financing Lease financing consists of lease transactions for the acquisition of both new and used business equipment for commercial clients. Lease products may include tax leases, finance leases, lease lines of credit and interim funding. The credit underwriting for lease transactions includes detailed analysis of the lessee's industry and business model, nature of the equipment, equipment resale values, historical and projected cash flow analysis, secondary sources of repayment and guarantor support in addition to other considerations.

The ACL model for leases sources expected default rates from the C&I portfolio model. Therefore, changes in forecasted expectations for the treasury term spread and market volatility index could result in volatility in the Company's ACL in future periods.

Construction real estate Real estate construction loans are term loans to individuals, companies or developers used for the construction or development of a commercial or residential property for which repayment will be generated by the sale or permanent financing of the property. Generally, these loans are for construction projects that have been pre-sold, pre-leased or have secured permanent financing, as well as loans to real estate companies with significant equity invested in the project. An independent credit team underwrites construction real estate loans, which are managed by experienced lending officers and monitored through the construction phase by a centralized funding desk that manages loan disbursements.

The construction ACL model is adjusted for forecasted changes in rental vacancy rates in the Bank's geographic footprint and the housing price index. Changes in forecasted expectations for these economic variables could result in volatility in the Company's ACL in future periods.

Commercial real estate - owner & investor Commercial real estate loans consist of term loans secured by a mortgage lien on real estate properties such as apartment buildings, office and industrial buildings and retail shopping centers. Additionally, the Company's franchise lending activities discussed in the "Commercial and Industrial" section often include the financing of real estate in addition to equipment. The credit underwriting for both owner-occupied and investor income producing real estate loans includes detailed market analysis, historical and projected cash flow analysis, appropriate equity margins, assessment of lessees and lessors, environmental risks and the type, age, condition and location of real estate, among other factors.

First Financial models owner-occupied and investor CRE separately when determining the ACL. For owner occupied CRE, current period default rates are utilized in the modeling, and are adjusted for forecasted changes in the BAA bond spread, national rental vacancy rates and the consumer confidence index. Current period default rates are also utilized in the modeling of investor CRE loans, and are adjusted for forecasted changes in the BAA bond spread, multifamily building permits within the Bank’s geographic footprint and national rental vacancy rates. Changes in current period defaults and forecasted expectations for these economic variables could result in volatility in the Company's ACL in future periods.

Residential real estate Residential real estate loans represent loans to consumers for the financing of a residence. These loans generally have a 15 to 30 year term and a fixed interest rate, but may have a shorter term to maturity with an adjustable interest rate. In most cases, these loans are extended to borrowers to finance their primary residence. First Financial sells residential real estate loan originations into the secondary market on both servicing retained and servicing released bases. Residential real estate loans are generally underwritten to secondary market lending standards, utilizing underwriting processes that rely on empirical data to assess credit risk as well as analysis of the borrower's ability to repay their obligations, credit history, the amount of any down payment and the market value or other characteristics of the property. First Financial also offers a residential mortgage product that features similar borrower credit characteristics but a more streamlined underwriting process than typically required to sell to government-sponsored enterprises and thus is retained on the Consolidated Balance Sheets.

The residential real estate ACL model is adjusted for forecasted changes in the housing price index, housing starts within the Bank’s geographic footprint and national single-family existing home sales. Changes in forecasted expectations for these economic variables could result in volatility in the Company's ACL in future periods.

Home equity Home equity lending includes both term loans and revolving lines of credit secured by a first or second lien on the borrower’s residence. Home equity lending underwriting considerations include the borrower's credit history as well as to debt-to-income and loan-to-value policy limits.
The home equity ACL model is adjusted for forecasted changes in the consumer credit growth rate within the Bank’s geographic footprint and the working-age labor participation rate. Changes in forecasted expectations for these economic variables could result in volatility in the Company's ACL in future periods.

Installment – Installment lending consists of consumer loans not secured by real estate, including loans secured by automobiles and unsecured personal loans.

The ACL model for installment loans sources expected default rates from the residential real estate and home equity portfolio models and is paired with installment specific LGD rates. Changes in forecasted expectations for the consumer credit growth rate within the Bank’s geographic footprint, the working-age labor participation rate, the housing price index, housing starts within the Bank’s geographic footprint and national existing single-family existing home sales could result in volatility in the Company's ACL in future periods.

Credit card – Credit card lending consists of secured and unsecured revolving lines of credit to consumer and business customers. Credit card lines are generally available for an indefinite period of time as long as the borrower's credit characteristics do not materially or adversely change, but lines are unconditionally cancellable by the Company at any time.

The ACL model for credit card loans sources expected default rates from the residential real estate and home equity portfolio models and is paired with credit card specific LGD rates. Changes in forecasted expectations for the consumer credit growth rate within the Bank’s geographic footprint, the working-age labor participation rate, the housing price index, housing starts within the Bank’s geographic footprint and national existing single-family existing home sales could result in volatility in the Company's ACL in future periods.

The Company utilized the Moody's June baseline forecast as its R&S forecast in the quantitative model. For reasonableness, the Company also considered the impact to the model from alternative, more adverse economic forecasts, slower prepayment speeds and increased default rates. These alternative analyses were utilized to inform the Company's qualitative adjustments. Additionally, First Financial considered its credit exposure to certain industries believed to be at risk for future credit stress, such as franchise, hotel and investor commercial real estate lending when making qualitative adjustments to the ACL model.

First Financial's ACL is influenced by loan volumes, risk rating migration or delinquency status, and other conditions impacting loss expectations, such as reasonable and supportable forecasts of economic conditions. For the three months ended June 30, 2023, the ACL increased due to slower prepayment speeds and loan growth. For the six months ended June 30, 2023, the ACL increased due to slower prepayment speeds, changes in economic forecasts, and loan growth.
First Financial estimates expected credit losses over the contractual period in which the Company is exposed to credit risk via a contractual obligation to extend credit, unless that obligation is unconditionally cancellable by the Company. The estimate includes consideration of the likelihood that funding will occur and an estimate of expected credit losses on commitments expected to be funded over its estimated life consistent with the Company's ACL methodology for loans and leases.
Goodwill and Intangible Assets, Goodwill, Policy Assets and liabilities acquired in a business combination are recorded at their estimated fair values as of the acquisition date. The excess of the purchase price of the acquisition over the fair value of net assets acquired is recorded as goodwill.
Goodwill and Intangible Assets, Goodwill Impairment Policy Goodwill is evaluated for impairment on an annual basis as of October 1 of each year, or whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the fair value of a reporting unit may be below its carrying value. First Financial performed its most recent annual impairment test as of October 1, 2022 and no impairment was indicated. As of June 30, 2023, no events or changes in circumstances indicated that the fair value of the reporting unit was below its carrying value.
Lessee, Leases [Policy Text Block] A lease is defined as a contract, or part of a contract, that conveys the right to control the use of identified property, plant or equipment for a period of time in exchange for consideration. For contracts where First Financial is a lessee, the recipient of the right to control, substantially all of those agreements are for real estate property for branches, ATM locations and office space.
Commitments and Contingencies, Policy First Financial offers a variety of financial instruments including loan commitments and letters of credit to assist clients in meeting their requirement for liquidity and credit enhancement. GAAP does not require these financial instruments to be recorded in the Consolidated Financial Statements.First Financial utilizes the same credit policies in issuing commitments and conditional obligations as it does for credit instruments recorded on the Consolidated Balance Sheets. First Financial’s exposure to credit loss in the event of non-performance by the counterparty was represented by the contractual amounts of those instruments. First Financial adopted ASC 326 and therefore estimates expected credit losses over the contractual period in which the Company is exposed to credit risk via a contractual obligation to extend credit, unless that obligation is unconditionally cancellable by the Company. The estimate includes consideration of the likelihood that funding will occur and an estimate of expected credit losses on commitments expected to be funded over its estimated life consistent with the Company's ACL methodology for loans and leases. Adjustments to the reserve for unfunded commitments are recorded in Provision for credit losses - unfunded commitments in the Consolidated Statements of Income.
Off-Balance-Sheet Credit Exposure, Policy [Policy Text Block] Letters of credit are conditional commitments issued by First Financial to guarantee the performance of a client to a third party.  First Financial’s letters of credit consist of performance assurances made on behalf of clients who have a contractual commitment to produce or deliver goods or services.  The risk to First Financial arises from its obligation to make payment in the event of the client's contractual default to produce the contracted good or service to a third party.
Loan Commitments, Policy [Policy Text Block] Loan commitments are agreements to extend credit to a client, absent any violation of conditions established in the commitment agreement.  Commitments generally have fixed expiration dates or other termination clauses and may require payment of a fee.  Since many of the commitments will expire without being fully drawn upon, the total commitment amounts do not necessarily represent future cash requirements.  The amount of collateral obtained, if deemed necessary by First Financial upon extension of credit, is based on management’s credit evaluation of the client.  The collateral held varies, but may include securities, real estate, inventory, plant or equipment.
Income Tax, Policy The unrecognized tax benefits related to state income tax exposures where the Company believed it was likely that, upon examination, a state may have taken a position contrary to the position taken by First Financial.
Fair Value Measurement, Policy [Policy Text Block] The fair value framework as disclosed in the Fair Value Topic includes a hierarchy which focuses on prioritizing the inputs used in valuation techniques.  The fair value hierarchy gives the highest priority to quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1), a lower priority to observable inputs other than quoted prices in active markets for identical assets and liabilities (Level 2) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3).  When determining the fair value measurements for assets and liabilities, First Financial looks to active markets to price identical assets or liabilities whenever possible and classifies such items in Level 1.  When identical assets and liabilities are not traded in active markets, First Financial looks to observable market data for similar assets and liabilities and classifies such items as Level 2.  Certain assets and liabilities are not actively traded in observable markets and First Financial must use alternative techniques, based on unobservable inputs, to determine the fair value and classifies such items as Level 3. The level within the fair value hierarchy is based on the lowest level of input that is significant in the fair value measurement.
Fair Value of Financial Instruments, Policy
The following methods, assumptions and valuation techniques were used by First Financial to measure different financial assets and liabilities at fair value on a recurring or nonrecurring basis.

Investment securities. Investment securities classified as available-for-sale are recorded at fair value on a recurring basis.  Fair value measurement is based upon quoted market prices, when available (Level 1).  If quoted market prices are not available, fair values are measured utilizing independent valuation techniques of identical or similar investment securities.  First Financial compiles prices from various sources who may apply such techniques as matrix pricing to determine the value of identical or similar investment securities (Level 2).  Matrix pricing is a mathematical technique widely used in the banking industry to value investment securities without relying exclusively on quoted prices for the specific investment securities but rather relying on the investment securities’ relationship to other benchmark quoted investment securities.  Any investment securities not valued based upon the methods previously described are considered Level 3.

First Financial utilizes values provided by third-party pricing vendors to price the investment securities portfolio in accordance with the fair value hierarchy of the Fair Value Topic and reviews the pricing methodologies utilized by the pricing vendors to ensure that the fair value determination is consistent with the applicable accounting guidance.  First Financial’s pricing process includes a series of quality assurance activities where prices are compared to recent market conditions, historical prices and other independent pricing services.  Further, the Company periodically validates the fair value of a sample of securities in the
portfolio by comparing the fair values to prices from other independent sources for the same or similar securities.  First Financial analyzes unusual or significant variances, conducts additional research with the pricing vendor, and if necessary, takes appropriate action based on its findings.  The results of the quality assurance process are incorporated into the selection of pricing providers by the portfolio manager.

Loans held for sale. The fair value of the Company’s residential mortgage loans held for sale is determined on a recurring basis based on quoted prices for similar loans in active markets, and therefore, is classified as Level 2 the fair value hierarchy.

Derivatives. The fair values of derivative instruments are based primarily on a net present value calculation of the cash flows related to the interest rate swaps and foreign exchange contracts at the reporting date, using primarily observable market inputs such as interest rate yield curves which represents the cost to terminate the swap if First Financial should choose to do so. Additionally, First Financial utilizes an internally-developed model to value the credit risk component of derivative assets and liabilities, which is recorded as an adjustment to the fair value of the derivative asset or liability on the reporting date. Derivative instruments are classified as Level 2 in the fair value hierarchy.

Collateral dependent loans. Collateral dependent loans carried at fair value have been partially charged-off or receive specific allocations of the allowance for credit losses. For collateral dependent loans, fair value is generally based on real estate appraisals, a calculation of enterprise value or a valuation of business assets including equipment, inventory and accounts receivable. These loans had a principal amount of $13.2 million and $11.9 million at June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively, with a valuation allowance of $6.7 million and $3.7 million at June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively.

The value of real estate collateral is determined utilizing an income or market valuation approach based on an appraisal conducted by an independent, licensed third-party appraiser (Level 3). These appraisals may utilize a single valuation approach or a combination of approaches including the comparable sales approach and the income approach. Adjustments are routinely made in the appraisal process by the independent appraisers to adjust for differences between the comparable sales and income data available. Collateral is then adjusted or discounted based on management’s historical knowledge, changes in market conditions from the time of the valuation, and management’s expertise and knowledge of the client and the client’s business, resulting in a Level 3 fair value classification. Collateral dependent loans are evaluated on a quarterly basis for additional write-downs and are adjusted accordingly.

Enterprise value is defined as imputed value for the entire underlying business. To determine an appropriate range of enterprise value, FFB relies on a standardized set of valuation methodologies that take into account future projected cash flows, market based multiples as well as asset values. Valuations involve both quantitative and qualitative considerations and professional judgments concerning differences in financial and operating characteristics in addition to other factors that may impact values over time (Level 3).

The value of business equipment is based on an outside appraisal, if deemed significant, or the net book value on the applicable borrower financial statements.  Likewise, values for inventory and accounts receivable collateral are based on borrower financial statement balances or aging reports on a discounted basis as appropriate (Level 3).  

The fair value of collateral dependent loans is measured at fair value on a nonrecurring basis.  Any fair value adjustments are recorded in the period incurred as provision for credit losses on the Consolidated Statements of Income.

OREO. Assets acquired through loan foreclosure are recorded at fair value less costs to sell, with any difference between the fair value of the property and the carrying value of the loan recorded as a charge-off establishing a new cost basis. Subsequent changes in value are reported as adjustments to the carrying amount and are recorded in noninterest expense. The carrying value of OREO is not re-measured to fair value on a recurring basis, but is subject to fair value adjustments when the carrying value differs from the fair value, less estimated selling costs. Fair value is based on recent real estate appraisals and is updated at least annually. The Company classifies OREO in level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.

Operating leases. First Financial performs assessments of the recoverability of long-lived assets when events or changes in circumstances indicate that their carrying values may not be recoverable and therefore, the carrying value of Operating leases is re-measured at fair value on a nonrecurring basis. When evaluating whether an individual asset is impaired, First Financial considers the current fair value of the asset, the changes in overall market demand for the asset and the rate of change in advancements associated with technological improvements that impact the demand for the specific asset under review. First Financial determines whether the carrying values of certain operating leases are not recoverable and as a result, records an impairment loss equal to the amount by which the carrying value of the assets exceeds the fair value. The fair value amounts are generally based on appraised values of the assets, resulting in a classification within Level 3 of the valuation hierarchy.
Credit Risk  
Derivatives, Methods of Accounting, Hedging Derivatives, Policy First Financial manages market value credit risk through counterparty credit policies including a review of total derivative notional position to total assets, total credit exposure to total capital and counterparty credit exposure risk.
Credit Risk Contract [Member]  
Derivatives, Methods of Accounting, Hedging Derivatives, Policy In conjunction with participating interests in commercial loans, First Financial periodically enters into risk participation agreements with counterparties whereby First Financial either assumes or sells a portion of the credit exposure associated with an interest rate swap on the participated loan in exchange for a fee. Under these agreements, First Financial will either make a payment to or receive a payment from the counterparty if the loan customer defaults on its obligation to perform under the interest rate swap contract.
Other Contract-Mortgage  
Derivatives, Methods of Accounting, Hedging Derivatives, Policy First Financial enters into IRLCs and forward commitments for the future delivery of mortgage loans to third party investors, which are considered derivatives. When borrowers secure IRLCs with First Financial and the loans are intended to be sold, First Financial will enter into forward commitments for the future delivery of the loans to third party investors in order to hedge against the effect of changes in interest rates impacting IRLCs and loans held for sale.
Fair Value Hedges  
Derivatives, Methods of Accounting, Hedging Derivatives, Policy First Financial utilizes interest rate swaps as a means to offer commercial borrowers fixed rate funding while providing the Company with floating rate assets.
Foreign Exchange  
Derivatives, Methods of Accounting, Hedging Derivatives, Policy First Financial may enter into foreign exchange derivative contracts for the benefit of commercial customers to hedge their exposure to foreign currency fluctuations. Similar to the hedging of interest rate risk from interest rate derivative contracts, First Financial also enters into foreign exchange contracts with major financial institutions to economically hedge a substantial portion of the exposure from client driven foreign exchange activity. These derivatives are classified as free-standing instruments with the revaluation gain or loss recorded in Foreign exchange income in the Consolidated Statements of Income. The Company has risk limits and internal controls in place to help ensure excessive risk is not being taken in providing this service to customers.