4 1 april03-2form4.txt RE-ELECTED DIRECTOR 1. Name and Address of Reporting Person Alderson, Richard L. 8222 Lesourdsville-West Chester Road West Chester, OH 45069 2. Issuer Name and Ticker or Trading Symbol First Financial Bancorp (FFBC) 3. IRS or Social Security Number of Reporting Person (Voluntary) ###-##-#### 4. Statement for Month/Day/Year 04/22/2003 5. If Amendment, Date of Original (Month/Day/Year) 6. Relationship of Reporting Person(s) to Issuer (Check all applicable) (X) Director ( ) 10% Owner ( ) Officer (give title below) ( ) Other (specify below) 7. Individual or Joint/Group Filing (Check Applicable Line) (X) Form filed by One Reporting Person ( ) Form filed by More than One Reporting Person TABLE I -- Non-Derivative Securities Acquired, Disposed of, or Beneficially Owned
+------------------------------+----------+----------+---------+--------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------+ |1. Title of Security |2. Trans- |2A.Execu- |3. Trans-|4. Securities Acquired (A)|5. Amount of |6. Owner- |7. Nature | | | action | action | action| or Disposed of (D) |Securities | ship | of In- | | | Date | Date | Code | |Beneficially | Form: | direct | | | | | | |Owned | Direct | Bene- | | | (Month/ | (Month/ | | |Following | (D) or | ficial | | | Day/ | Day/ +-----+---+-----------+---+----------+Reported | Indirect| Owner- | | | Year) | Year) |Code |V |Amount |A/D|Price |Transaction(s)| (I) | ship | +------------------------------+----------+----------+-----+---+-----------+---+----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ Common Stock 677 D Common Stock 3950 I Advest Account FFBC (Directors Fee Stock Plan) 2440 D
TABLE II -- Derivative Securities Acquired, Disposed of, or Beneficially Owned
+----------+--------+-------+-------+---------+-----------+---------------------+----------------+----------+-------+-------+------+ |1. |2. |3. |3A. |4. |5. |6. |7. |8. |9. |10. |11. | | | | | | | | | | |Number |Owner- | | | | | | | | | | | |of |ship | | | | | | | | | | | |Deriv- |Form of| | | | | | | | | |Title and Amount| |ative |Deriv- | | | | | | | | | |of Underlying | |Secur- |ative |Nature| | |Conver- |Trans- |Execu- | |Number of | |Securities | |ities |Secur- |of | | |sion or |action |tion | |Derivative |Date Exercisable +-------+--------+ |Benefi-|ity: |In- | | |Exercise|Date |Date | |Securities |and Expiration Date | |Amount | |cially |Direct |direct| | |Price of| | |Transac- |Acquired(A)|(Month/Day/Year) | |or | |Owned |(D) or |Bene- | |Title of |Deriv- |(Month/|(Month/|tion Code|Disposed(D)+----------+----------+ |Number |Price of | |In- |ficial| |Derivative|ative | Day/ | Day/ +------+--+-----+-----+Date Exer-|Expira- | |of |Derivative| |direct |Owner-| |Security |Security|Year) |Year) |Code |V |(A) |(D) |cisable |tion Date |Title |Shares |Security | |(I) |ship | +----------+--------+-------+-------+------+--+-----+-----+----------+----------+-------+--------+----------+-------+-------+------+ 1997 (NQ) $12.4623 04/22/2007 Common 6195 D Stock Stock Option 2000 (NQ) $16.9048 05/25/2010 Common 8663 D Stock Stock Option 2003 (NQ) $15.68 04/22/2 A 8663 04/22/2004 04/22/2013 Common 8663 $15.6800 8663 D Stock 003 Stock Option Explanation of Responses:
SIGNATURE OF REPORTING PERSON /s/ Terri J. Ziepfel DATE 04/23/2003