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Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2022
Accounting Policies [Abstract]  
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Summary of Operations The Company provides payment and information services, which include processing and payment of transportation, energy, telecommunications and environmental invoices. These services include the acquisition and management of data, information delivery and financial exchange. The consolidated balance sheet captions, “Accounts and drafts payable” and “Payments in advance of funding,” represent the Company’s resulting financial position related to the payment services that are performed for customers. The Company also provides a full range of banking services to individual, corporate and institutional customers through the Bank, its wholly owned bank subsidiary.
Basis of Presentation The accounting and reporting policies of the Company and its subsidiaries conform to U.S. GAAP. The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries after elimination of intercompany transactions. Certain amounts in the 2021 and 2020 consolidated financial statements have been reclassified to conform to the 2022 presentation. Such reclassifications have no effect on previously reported net income or shareholders’ equity.
Use of Estimates In preparing the consolidated financial statements, Company management is required to make estimates and assumptions which significantly affect the reported amounts in the consolidated financial statements.
Cash and Cash Equivalents For purposes of the consolidated statements of cash flows, the Company considers cash and due from banks, interest-bearing deposits in other financial institutions, and federal funds sold and other short-term investments to be cash and cash equivalents.
Investment in Debt Securities The Company classifies its investment securities as available-for-sale. Securities classified as available-for-sale are carried at fair value. Unrealized gains and losses, net of the related tax effect, are excluded from earnings and reported in accumulated other comprehensive income, a component of shareholders’ equity. Securities are periodically evaluated for credit losses in accordance with the guidance provided in FASB ASC Topic 326, Financial Instruments – Credit Losses ("ASC 326").
For available for sale investment securities in an unrealized loss position, the entire loss in fair value is required to be recognized in current earnings if the Company intends to sell the securities or believes it likely that it will be required to sell the security before the anticipated recovery. If neither condition is met, and the Company does not expect to recover the amortized cost basis, the Company determines whether the decline in fair value resulted from credit losses or other factors. If the assessment indicates that a credit loss exists, the present value of cash flows expected to be collected is compared to the amortized cost basis of the security. If the present value of cash flows expected to be collected is less than the amortized cost basis, a credit loss has occurred, and an allowance for credit losses is recorded. The allowance for credit losses is limited by the amount that the fair value is less than the amortized cost basis. Any impairment not recorded through the provision for credit losses would be recognized in other comprehensive income.
Changes in the allowance for credit losses would be recorded as a provision for credit losses on the consolidated statements of income. Losses would be charged against the allowance for credit losses on securities when management believes the uncollectibility of an available-for-sale security is confirmed or when either of the conditions regarding intent or requirement to sell is met.
Premiums and discounts are amortized or accreted to interest income over the expected lives of the respective securities using the level-yield method. Interest income is recognized when earned. Gains and losses are calculated using the specific identification method.
Loans Interest on loans is recognized based upon the principal amounts outstanding. It is the Company’s policy to discontinue the accrual of interest when there is reasonable doubt as to the collectability of principal or interest. Subsequent payments received on such loans are applied to principal if there is any doubt as to the collectability of such principal; otherwise, these receipts are recorded as interest income. The accrual of interest on a loan is resumed when the loan is current as to payment of both principal and interest and/or the borrower demonstrates the ability to pay and remain current. Loan origination and commitment fees on originated loans, net of certain direct loan origination costs, are deferred and amortized to interest income using the level-yield method over the estimated lives of the related loans.
Allowance for Credit Losses The ACL is increased by provisions charged to expense and is available to absorb charge-offs, net of recoveries. Management utilizes a systematic, documented approach in determining the appropriate level of the ACL. Management’s approach provides for estimated current expected credit losses on loans in accordance with ASC 326. These estimates are based upon a number of factors, such as payment history, financial condition of the borrower, expected future cash flows and collateral exposure.
The ACL is a valuation account that is deducted from the amortized cost basis to present the net amount expected to be collected on the loans. Loans are charged off against the ACL when management believes the uncollectibility of a loan balance is confirmed. Expected recoveries for amounts previously charged off and expected to be charged off do not exceed the aggregate of amounts previously charged off and expected to be charged off.
Management estimated the allowance balance using relevant available information from internal and external sources, relating to past events, current conditions and reasonable and supportable forecasts based on economic factors, such as GDP. Historical credit loss experience, of both the Company and similar peer banks, provides the basis for the estimation of expected credit losses. Adjustments to historical loss information are made for concentration risk, asset quality trends, borrower’s ability to pay, collateral, and other environmental factors. It is difficult to estimate how potential changes in any one economic factor or input might affect the overall ACL because a wide variety of factors and inputs are considered in estimating the allowance and changes in those factors and inputs considered may not occur at the same rate and may not be consistent across all loan types. Additionally, changes in factors and inputs may be directionally inconsistent, such that improvement in one factor may offset deterioration in others. The ACL is measured on a collective pool basis when similar risk characteristics exist. Management believes the ACL is adequate to absorb expected losses in the loan portfolio.
The Company has identified the following portfolio segments:
Commercial & Industrial (“C&I”) – C&I loans consist of loans to small and medium-sized businesses in a wide variety of industries, franchise lending, and equipment financing to companies of all sizes. These loans are generally collateralized by inventory, accounts receivable, equipment, and other commercial assets, and may be supported by other credit enhancements such as personal guarantees. Risk arises primarily due to a difference between expected and actual cash flows of the borrower. However, the recoverability of these loans is also dependent on other factors primarily dictated by the type of collateral securing these loans. The fair value of the collateral securing these loans may fluctuate as market conditions change. Included within C&I are revolving loans supported by borrowing bases that fluctuate depending on the amount of underlying collateral.
Commercial Real Estate (“CRE”) – CRE loans include various types of loans for which the Company holds real property as collateral. Commercial real estate lending activity is typically restricted to owner-occupied properties or to investor properties that are owned by customers with a current banking relationship. The primary risks of CRE loans include the borrower’s inability to pay and material decreases in the value of the real estate being held as collateral.
Faith-based CRE – Faith-based CRE loans include loans to faith-based ministries for which the Company holds real property as collateral. The primary risks of faith-based CRE loans include the borrower’s inability to pay and material decreases in the value of the real estate being held as collateral.
Construction and Land Development – The Company originates loans to finance construction projects including faith-based and commercial projects. Construction loans are generally collateralized by first liens on the real estate and have floating interest rates. The primary risks of construction loans are construction completion and timing risk. Adverse economic conditions may negatively impact the borrowers’ ability to complete the project. Additionally, the fair value of the underlying collateral may fluctuate as market conditions change.
The ACL is calculated as the difference between the amortized cost basis of the loan portfolio and the projections from the weighted-average remaining maturity ("WARM") model that the Company developed. The WARM model utilizes an attrition analysis, including events such as payoffs, matured loans, and renewals in the borrowers’ control, to anticipate the length of time it would take for each portfolio segment to runoff. Management incorporates a one-year GDP forecast and an immediate reversion to peer historical loss rates to determine the annual charge off rates over the estimated life of the loans. After the reasonable and supportable forecast period, the model reverts to long-run historical average loss rates of its peers. However, for the faith-based CRE ACL, beyond the reasonable and supportable forecast period, loss rates are reverted immediately to the Company’s long-run historical averages, as this represents a unique loan segment to the peer portfolios. The economic forecast is based on management’s assessment of the length and pattern of the current economic
cycle. The resulting annual charge off rate determined for each year in the WARM model is applied to the loan balances estimated in the attrition analysis.
Management accounts for the inherent uncertainty of the underlying economic forecast by reviewing forecast scenarios. Additionally, the ACL calculation includes subjective adjustments for qualitative risk factors that are likely to cause estimated credit losses to differ from historical experience. These qualitative adjustments may increase or reduce reserve levels and include adjustments for lending management experience and risk tolerance, value of underlying collateral, loan review and audit results, asset quality and portfolio trends, loan portfolio growth and loan concentrations. The Company has elected to exclude accrued interest receivable ("AIR") from the allowance for credit losses calculation. When a loan is placed on non-accrual, any recorded AIR is reversed against interest income.
The determination and application of the ACL accounting policy involves judgments, estimates, and uncertainties that are subject to change. Changes in these assumptions, estimates or the conditions surrounding them may have a material impact on the Company’s financial condition, liquidity or results of operations. Various regulatory agencies, as an integral part of the examination process, periodically review the ACL. Such agencies may require the Company to recognize additions to the ACL or reserve increases to adversely graded classified loans based on information available to them at the time of their examinations.
The ACL is decreased by net charge-offs and is increased by provisions for credit losses that are charged to the consolidated statements of operations. Charge-offs, if any, are typically measured for each loan based on a thorough analysis of the most probable source of repayment, such as the present value of the loan’s expected future cash flows, the loan’s estimated fair value, or the estimated fair value of the underlying collateral less costs of disposition for collateral-dependent loans. When it is determined that specific loans, or portions thereof, are uncollectible, these amounts are charged off against the ACL.
Unfunded loan commitments
In addition to the ACL for funded loans, the Company maintains reserves to cover the risk of loss associated with off-balance sheet unfunded loan commitments. The allowance for off-balance sheet credit losses is maintained within other liabilities in the statements of financial condition. Under the CECL framework, adjustments to this liability are recorded as provision for credit losses in the consolidated statements of operations. Unfunded loan commitment balances are evaluated by loan segment. In order to establish the required level of reserve, the Company applies average historical utilization rates and ACL loan model loss rates for each loan segment to the outstanding unfunded commitment balances.
Investment securities
Management evaluates all investments in an unrealized loss position on a quarterly basis, and more frequently when economic or market conditions warrant such evaluation. If the Company has the intent to sell the security or it is more likely than not that the Company will be required to sell the security, the security is written down to fair value and the entire loss is recorded in earnings. If either of the above criteria is not met, the Company will evaluate whether the decline in fair value is the result of credit losses or other factors. In making the assessment, the Company may consider various factors including the extent to which fair value is less than amortized cost, performance on any underlying collateral, downgrades in the ratings of the security by a rating agency, the failure of the issuer to make scheduled interest or principal payments and adverse conditions specifically related to the security. If the assessment indicates that a credit loss exists, the present value of cash flows expected to be collected is compared to the amortized cost basis of the security and any excess is recorded as an allowance for credit loss. For U.S. agency-backed securities where the risk of nonpayment of the amortized cost basis is zero, the Company will not measure expected credit losses on these securities. When the loss is not considered a result of credit loss, the cost basis of the security is written down to fair value, with the loss charge recognized in AOCI. Credit losses are not estimated for AIR from investment securities as interest deemed uncollectible is written off through interest income.
Individually Evaluated Loans A loan is considered individually evaluated when it is probable that a creditor will be unable to collect all amounts due, both principal and interest, according to the contractual terms of the loan agreement. Individually evaluated loans are generally measured based on the expected future cash flows and discounted at the loan's effective interest rate. Alternatively, reference to an observable market price could be used to individually evaluate loans, if one exists, or the fair value of the collateral for a collateral-dependent loan. Regardless of the historical measurement method used, the Company measures individually evaluated loans based on the fair value of the collateral when the Company determines foreclosure is probable. Additionally, troubled debt restructurings are measured by discounting the total expected future cash flows at the loan's effective rate of interest as stated in the original loan agreement. The Company uses its methods as discussed above for recognizing interest on individually evaluated loans.
Foreclosed Assets Real estate acquired as a result of foreclosure is initially recorded at fair value less estimated selling costs. Fair value is generally determined through the receipt of appraisals. Any write down to fair value at the time the property is acquired is recorded as a charge-off to the allowance for credit losses. Any decline in the fair value of the property subsequent to acquisition is recorded as a charge to non-interest expense.
Premises and Equipment Premises and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and amortization. Depreciation is computed over the estimated useful lives of the assets, or the respective lease terms for leasehold improvements, using straight-line and accelerated methods. Estimated useful lives do not exceed 40 years for buildings, the lesser of 10 years or the life of the lease for leasehold improvements and range from 3 to 7 years for software, equipment, furniture and fixtures. Maintenance and repairs are charged to expense as incurred.
Intangible Assets Cost in excess of fair value of net assets acquired has resulted from business acquisitions. Goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite useful lives are not amortized, but instead are tested for impairment at least annually. Intangible assets with definite useful lives are amortized on a straight-line basis over their respective estimated useful lives.
Periodically, the Company reviews intangible assets for events or changes in circumstances that may indicate that the carrying amount of the assets may not be recoverable. Based on those reviews, adjustments of recorded amounts have not been required.
Non-marketable Equity Investments The Company accounts for non-marketable equity investments, in which it holds less than a 20% ownership, as equity investments without readily determinable fair values. As a result, the carrying value of the investment is determined under the measurement alternative of cost, less impairment (if any), adjusted for fair value changes when observable prices are available. The Company periodically evaluates for impairment of these investments. In performing this evaluation, the Company considers various factors including the investee's financial condition, results of operations, operating trends and other financial ratios. Non-marketable equity investments are included in other assets on the consolidated balance sheets.
Treasury Stock Purchases of the Company’s common stock are recorded at cost. Upon reissuance, treasury stock is reduced based upon the average cost basis of shares held.
Comprehensive Income Comprehensive income consists of net income, changes in net unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities and pension liability adjustments and is presented in the accompanying consolidated statements of shareholders' equity and consolidated statements of comprehensive income.
Processing Fees A majority of the Company’s fee revenue is attributable to providing services related to processing and payment of invoices. These services include invoice processing, transportation invoice rating, payment processing and services, auditing, and the generation of accounting and transportation information. The Company also processes, pays and generates management information from electric, gas, telecommunications, environmental, and other invoices. The specific payment and information processing services provided to each customer are developed individually to meet each customer’s specific requirements. The Company enters into service agreements with customers typically for fixed fees per transaction that are invoiced monthly. Revenues are recognized in the period services are rendered and earned under the service agreements, as long as collection is reasonably assured.
Financial fees The Company earns fees on a transaction level basis for invoice payment services when making customer payments. Fees are recognized at the point in time when the payment transactions are made, which is when the performance obligation is satisfied.
Income Taxes Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the estimated future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates in effect for the year in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. Deferred tax assets are reduced if necessary, by a deferred tax asset valuation allowance. In the event that management determines it is more likely than not that it will not be able to realize all or part of net deferred tax assets in the future, the Company adjusts the recorded value of deferred tax assets, which would result in a direct charge to income tax expense in the period that such determination is made. Likewise, the Company will reverse the valuation allowance when realization of the deferred tax asset is expected. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date. The Company and its subsidiaries file U.S. federal and certain state income tax returns on a consolidated basis. In addition, certain state jurisdictions are filed on a separate company basis by the Company or its subsidiaries.
The Company recognizes and measures income tax benefits using a two-step model: 1) a tax position must be more likely than not to be sustained based solely on its technical merits in order to be recognized; and 2) the benefit must be measured as the largest dollar amount of that position that is more likely than not to be sustained upon settlement. The difference between the benefit recognized for a tax position in this model and the tax benefit claimed on a tax return is treated as an unrecognized tax benefit. The Company recognizes income tax related interest and penalties in income tax expense.
Earnings Per Share Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing net income by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding. Diluted earnings per share is computed by dividing net income by the sum of the weighted average number of common shares outstanding and the weighted average number of potential common shares outstanding.
Stock-Based Compensation The Company follows FASB ASC 718, Accounting for Stock Options and Other Stock-based Compensation (“ASC 718”), which requires that all stock-based compensation be recognized as an expense in the financial statements and that such cost be measured at the fair value of the award. ASC 718 also requires that excess tax benefits related to stock option exercises and restricted stock awards be reflected as financing cash inflows instead of operating cash inflows.
Pension Plans The amounts recognized in the consolidated financial statements related to pension are determined from actuarial valuations. Inherent in these valuations are assumptions including expected return on plan assets, discount rates at which the liabilities could be settled at December 31, 2022, rate of increase in mortality rates. These assumptions are updated annually and are disclosed in Note 10. The Company follows FASB ASC 715, Compensation – Retirement Benefits (“ASC 715”), which requires companies to recognize the overfunded or underfunded status of a defined benefit postretirement plan as an asset or liability in its consolidated balance sheet and to recognize changes in that funded status in the year in which the changes occur through comprehensive income. The funded status is measured as the difference between the fair value of the plan assets and the projected benefit obligation as of the date of its fiscal year-end.
Fair Value Measurements The Company follows the provisions of FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures, which defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value in GAAP, and outlines disclosures about fair value measurements. Fair value is defined as the exchange price that would be received for an asset or paid to transfer a liability (an exit price) in the principal or most advantageous market for the asset or liability in an orderly transaction between market participants on the measurement date. A three-level hierarchy for valuation techniques is used to measure financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value. This hierarchy is based on whether the valuation inputs are observable or unobservable. Financial instrument valuations are considered Level 1 when they are based on quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. Level 2 financial instrument valuations use quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities, quoted prices in markets that are not active, or other inputs that are observable or can be corroborated by observable market data. Financial instrument valuations are considered Level 3 when they are determined using pricing models, discounted cash flow methodologies or similar techniques and at least one significant model assumption or input is unobservable, and when determination of the fair value requires significant management judgment or estimation. The Company records securities available for sale at their fair values on a recurring basis using Level 2 valuations. Additionally, the Company records individually evaluated credits and other real estate owned at their fair value on a nonrecurring basis. The nonrecurring fair value adjustments typically involve application of lower-of-cost-or-market accounting or impairment write-downs of individual assets.
Impact of New and Not Yet Adopted Accounting Pronouncements
In March 2022, the FASB issued 2022-02, Financial Instruments – Credit Losses (Topic 326): Troubled Debt Restructurings and Vintage Disclosures ("ASU 2022-02"). This ASU eliminates the accounting guidance for troubled debt restructurings by creditors that have adopted the CECL methodology for estimating allowances for credit losses and enhances the disclosure requirements for loan restructurings made with borrowers experiencing financial difficulty. In addition, the amendments require a public business entity to disclose current period gross charge-offs for financing receivables and net investment in leases by year of origination in the vintage disclosures. ASU 2022-02 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2022, including interim periods within those fiscal years. The Company does not expect implementation of this ASU to have a material impact on the consolidated financial statements.