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Significant Accounting Policies Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
12 Months Ended
Mar. 31, 2019
Accounting Policies [Abstract]  
Basis of Accounting, Policy [Policy Text Block]
Basis of Presentation
Legg Mason, Inc. ("Parent") and its subsidiaries (collectively, "Legg Mason") are principally engaged in providing asset management and related financial services to individuals, institutions, corporations and municipalities.

The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Parent and its subsidiaries in which it has a controlling financial interest. Generally, an entity is considered to have a controlling financial interest when it owns a majority of the voting interest in an entity. Legg Mason is also required to consolidate any variable interest entity ("VIE") in which it is considered to be the primary beneficiary. See "Consolidation" below and Note 19 for a further discussion of VIEs. All material intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated.

Certain amounts in prior year financial statements have been reclassified to conform to new guidance and/or the current year presentation, including the classification and presentation of restricted cash and certain distributions received from equity method investees in the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, as discussed below.

All references to fiscal 2019, 2018 or 2017, refer to Legg Mason's fiscal year ended March 31 of that year. Terms such as "we", "us", "our," and "Company" refer to Legg Mason.
Use of Estimates, Policy [Policy Text Block]
Use of Estimates
The consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), which require management to make assumptions and estimates that affect the amounts reported in the consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes, including revenue recognition, valuation of financial instruments, intangible assets and goodwill, stock-based compensation, and income taxes. Management believes that the estimates used are reasonable, although actual amounts could differ from the estimates and the differences could have a material impact on the consolidated financial statements.
Consolidation, Policy [Policy Text Block]
Legg Mason sponsors and manages various types of investment products. For its services, Legg Mason is entitled to receive management fees and may be eligible, under certain circumstances, to receive additional subordinated management fees or other incentive fees. Legg Mason's exposure to risk in these entities is generally limited to any equity investment it has made or is required to make, and any earned but uncollected management fees, except those for which total return swap arrangements have been executed, for which additional risks are discussed below. Legg Mason did not sell or transfer investment assets to any of these investment products. In accordance with financial accounting standards, Legg Mason consolidates certain sponsored investment products, some of which are designated and reported as consolidated investment vehicles ("CIVs"). The consolidation of sponsored investment products, including those designated as CIVs, has no impact on Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Legg Mason, Inc. and does not have a material impact on Legg Mason's consolidated operating results. The change in the value of all consolidated sponsored investment products is recorded in Non-Operating Income (Expense) and reflected in Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests. The financial information of certain consolidated sponsored investment products is included in the Company's consolidated financial statements on a three-month lag based upon the availability of the investment product's financial information.

Certain of the investment products Legg Mason sponsors and manages are considered to be VIEs (as further described below) while others are considered to be voting rights entities (“VREs”) subject to traditional consolidation concepts based on ownership rights. Legg Mason may fund the initial cash investment in certain VRE investment products to generate an investment performance track record in order to attract third-party investors in the product. Legg Mason's initial investment in a new product typically represents 100% of the ownership in that product. As further discussed in Note 3, the products with “seed capital investments” are consolidated as long as Legg Mason maintains a controlling financial interest in the product, but they are not designated as CIVs by Legg Mason unless the investment is longer-term. As of March 31, 2019, 2018, and 2017, no consolidated VREs were designated as CIVs.

A VIE is an entity which does not have adequate equity to finance its activities without additional subordinated financial support; or the equity investors, as a group, do not have the normal characteristics of equity investors for a potential controlling financial interest. Legg Mason must consolidate any VIE for which it is deemed to be the primary beneficiary.

Under consolidation accounting guidance, if limited partners or similar equity holders in a sponsored investment vehicle structured as a limited partnership or a similar entity do not have either substantive investor rights to replace the manager (kick-out rights) or substantive participation rights over the general partner, the entities are VIEs. As a sponsor and manager of an investment vehicle, Legg Mason may be deemed a decision maker under the accounting guidance. If the fees paid to a decision maker are market-based, such fees are not considered variable interests in a VIE. Market-based fees are those fees which are both customary and commensurate with the level of effort required for the services provided. Additionally, if employee interests in a sponsored investment vehicle are not made to circumvent the consolidation guidance and are not financed by the sponsor, they are not included in the variable interests assessment, and are not included in the primary beneficiary determination.

A decision maker is deemed to be a primary beneficiary of a VIE if it has the power to direct activities that most significantly impact the economic performance of the VIE and the obligation to absorb losses or receive benefits from variable interests that could be significant to the VIE. In determining whether it is the primary beneficiary of a VIE, Legg Mason considers both qualitative and quantitative factors such as the voting rights of the equity holders, guarantees, and implied relationships. If a fee paid to a decision maker is not market-based, it will be considered in the primary beneficiary determination.

As of March 31, 2019, 2018, and 2017, Legg Mason concluded it was the primary beneficiary of certain VIEs, which were consolidated and designated as CIVs, because it held significant financial interests in the funds. In addition, Legg Mason has entered into various total return swap arrangements with financial intermediaries with respect to certain Legg Mason sponsored exchange traded funds ("ETFs"). Under the terms of the total return swaps, Legg Mason absorbs all of the related gains and losses on the underlying ETF investments of these financial intermediaries, and therefore has variable interests in the related funds and, if significant, may be deemed the primary beneficiary. As of March 31, 2019 and 2018, Legg Mason consolidated the ETFs with significant open total return swap arrangements, which were designated as CIVs. See Note 19 for additional information.
Revenue Recognition, Policy [Policy Text Block]
Revenue Recognition
Effective April 1, 2018, Legg Mason adopted updated accounting guidance on revenue recognition which provides a single, comprehensive revenue recognition model for all contracts with customers, improves comparability and removes inconsistencies in revenue recognition practices across entities, industries, jurisdictions, and capital markets. The guidance also specifies the accounting for certain costs to obtain or fulfill a contract with a customer and revises the criteria for determining if an entity is acting as a principal or agent in certain arrangements. The adoption of the updated guidance did not result in significant changes to Legg Mason’s prior revenue recognition practices, except for the timing of the recognition of certain performance and incentive fees, the capitalization and amortization of certain sales commissions for separate accounts, and the net presentation of certain fund expense reimbursements which were previously presented on a gross basis. Each of these changes to Legg Mason’s previous revenue recognition practices is further discussed below.
Legg Mason adopted the updated guidance on a modified retrospective basis for any contracts that were not complete as of April 1, 2018 and recognized the cumulative effect of initially applying the updated guidance for certain sales commissions as an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings totaling $12,263. There was no cumulative effect for performance and incentive fees or fund expense reimbursement accounting. The comparative information for prior periods has not been restated and continues to be reported under the prior accounting guidance in effect for those periods. A summary of the cumulative-effect changes to Legg Mason’s Consolidated Balance Sheet as of April 1, 2018 is included below.
Legg Mason primarily earns revenues by providing investment management services and distribution and shareholder services for its customers, which are generally investment funds or the underlying investors in separately managed accounts. As further discussed below, revenues calculated based on the value of the investments under management determine the transaction price recognized when obligations under the terms of contracts with customers are satisfied, which is generally over time as the services are rendered.

Legg Mason also has responsibility for the valuation of assets under management ("AUM"), substantially all of which is based on observable market data from independent pricing services, fund accounting agents, custodians or brokers.

Investment Advisory Fees
Legg Mason earns investment advisory fees on assets in separately managed accounts, investment funds, and other products managed for Legg Mason's clients. Generally, investment management services are a single performance obligation, as they include a series of distinct services that are substantially the same and are transferred to the customer over time using the same time-based measure of progress. Investment management services are satisfied over time as the customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits as the advisory services are performed.

Separate Account and Funds Advisory Fees
Separate account and funds advisory fees are variable consideration which is primarily based on predetermined percentages of the daily, monthly or quarterly average market value of the AUM, as defined in the investment management agreements. The average market value of AUM is subject to change based on fluctuations and volatility in financial markets, and as such, separate account and funds advisory fees are constrained until the end of the month or quarter when the actual average market value of the AUM is known and a significant revenue reversal is no longer probable. Therefore, separate account and fund advisory fees are included in the transaction price and allocated to the investment management services performance obligation at the end of each monthly or quarterly reporting period, as specified in the investment management contract. Payment for services under investment management contracts is due once the variable consideration is allocated to the transaction price, and generally within 30 days. Recognition of separate account and funds advisory fee revenue under the updated guidance is consistent with Legg Mason’s prior revenue recognition process.

Performance and Incentive Fees
Performance and incentive fees are variable consideration that may be earned on certain investment management contracts for exceeding performance benchmarks on a relative or absolute basis or for exceeding contractual return thresholds. Performance and incentive fees are estimated at the inception of a contract; however, a range of outcomes is possible due to factors outside the control of the investment manager, particularly market conditions. Performance and incentive fees are therefore excluded from the transaction price until it becomes probable that a significant reversal in the cumulative amount of revenue recognized will not occur. A portion of Legg Mason's performance and incentive fees are earned based on 12-month performance periods that end in differing quarters during the year, with a portion also based on quarterly performance periods. Legg Mason also earns performance and incentive fees on alternative and certain other products that lock at the earlier of the investor’s termination date or the liquidation of the fund or contract, in multiple-year intervals, or upon the occurrence of specific events, such as the sale of assets. For certain of these products, performance and incentive fees may be recognized as revenue earlier under the updated guidance than under prior revenue recognition practices, which deferred recognition until all contingencies were resolved. Any such performance fees recognized prior to the resolution of all contingencies are recorded as a contract asset in Other current assets or Other non-current assets in the Consolidated Balance Sheet, depending on the length of time until the contingencies are resolved. Per the terms of certain acquisitions, performance fees earned on pre-close AUM of the acquired entities are fully passed through as compensation expense, and therefore have no impact on Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Legg Mason Inc.

Fee Waivers and Fund Expense Reimbursements
Legg Mason may waive certain fees for investors or may reimburse its investment funds for certain operating expenses when such expenses exceed a certain threshold. Fee waivers continue to be reported as a reduction in advisory fee revenue under the updated guidance. Under prior accounting guidance, fund expense reimbursements in excess of recognized revenue were recorded as Other expense in the Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss). Under the updated accounting guidance, these fund expense reimbursements that exceed the recognized revenue represent a change in the transaction price and are therefore reported as a reduction of Investment advisory fees - Funds in the Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss).

Distribution and Service Fees Revenue and Expense
Distribution and service fees represent fees earned from funds to reimburse the distributor for the costs of marketing and selling fund shares and are generally determined as a percentage of client assets. Reported amounts also include fees earned from providing client or shareholder servicing, including record keeping or administrative services to proprietary funds, and non-discretionary advisory services for assets under advisement. Distribution and service fees earned on company-sponsored investment funds are reported as revenue. Distribution services and marketing services are considered a single performance obligation as the success of selling the underlying shares is highly dependent upon the sales and marketing efforts. Ongoing shareholder servicing is a separate performance obligation as these services are not highly interrelated and interdependent on the sale of the shares. Fees earned related to distribution and shareholder serving are considered variable consideration because they are calculated based on the average market value of the fund. The average market value of the fund is subject to change based on fluctuations and volatility in financial markets, and as such, distribution and shareholder service fees are generally constrained until the end of the month or quarter when the actual market value of the fund is known and the related revenue is no longer subject to a significant reversal. Therefore, distribution and service fees are generally included in the transaction price at the end of each monthly or quarterly reporting period and are allocated to the two performance obligations based on the amount specified in each agreement. While distribution services are largely satisfied at the inception of an investment, the ultimate amounts of revenue are subject to the variable consideration constraint. Accordingly, a portion of distribution and service revenue will be recognized in periods subsequent to the satisfaction of the performance obligation.

Certain fund share classes only charge for distribution services at the inception of the investment based on a fixed percentage of the share price. This fixed price is allocated to the performance obligation, which is substantially satisfied at the time of the initial investment.

Recognition of distribution and service fee revenue under the updated guidance is consistent with Legg Mason’s prior revenue recognition process.

When Legg Mason enters into arrangements with broker-dealers or other third parties to sell or market proprietary fund shares, distribution and servicing expense is accrued for the amounts owed to third parties, including finders' fees and referral fees paid to unaffiliated broker-dealers or introducing parties and is recorded as Distribution and servicing expense in the Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss). Distribution and servicing expense also includes payments to third parties for certain shareholder administrative services and sub-advisory fees paid to unaffiliated asset managers.

Contract Costs and Deferred Sales Commissions
Legg Mason incurs ordinary costs to obtain investment management contracts and for services provided to customers in accordance with investment management agreements. These costs include commissions paid to wholesalers, employees and third-party broker dealers and administration and placement fees. Depending on the type of services provided, these fees may be paid at the time the contract is obtained or on an ongoing basis. Under the updated guidance, costs to obtain a contract should be capitalized if the costs are incremental and would not have been incurred if the contract had not been obtained, and costs to fulfill the contract should be capitalized if they relate directly to a contract, the costs will generate or enhance resources of the entity that will be used in satisfying performance obligations in the future, and the costs are expected to be recovered. Consistent with prior accounting procedures, fund launch costs, including organizational and underwriting costs, placement fees and commissions paid to employees, wholesalers and broker-dealers for sales of fund shares are expensed as incurred, as these costs would be incurred regardless of the investor. However, commissions paid to employees and retail wholesalers in connection with the sale of retail separate accounts are considered incremental, as these fees relate to obtaining a specific contract, are calculated based on specified rates and are recoverable through the management fees earned and are therefore capitalized under the updated accounting guidance. Such commissions were expensed as incurred under Legg Mason’s prior accounting practices. Capitalized sales commissions are amortized based on the transfer of services to which the assets relate, which averages four years. Legg Mason recorded a cumulative-effect adjustment on the Consolidated Balance Sheet as of April 1, 2018, as referenced below.

Commissions paid by Legg Mason to financial intermediaries in connection with sales of certain classes of company-sponsored mutual funds are generally capitalized as deferred sales commissions. The asset is amortized over periods not exceeding six years, which represent the periods during which commissions are generally recovered from distribution and service fee revenues and from contingent deferred sales charges ("CDSC") received from shareholders of those funds upon redemption of their shares. CDSC consideration is generally variable and is based on the timing of when investors redeem their investment. Therefore, the variable consideration is included in the transaction price once the investors redeem their shares and is satisfied at a point in time. CDSC receipts are recorded as distribution and service fee revenue when received and a reduction of the unamortized balance of deferred sales commissions, with a corresponding expense. Deferred sales commissions, included in Other non-current assets in the Consolidated Balance Sheets, were $1,419 and $4,047 at March 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively.

Under the updated accounting guidance, Legg Mason has elected to expense sales commissions related to certain fund share classes with amortization periods of one year or less as incurred. Legg Mason recorded a cumulative-effect adjustment on the Consolidated Balance Sheet as of April 1, 2018, as referenced below, to reflect the expense associated with such commissions, which had previously been capitalized under Legg Mason's prior accounting practices.

Impact of the Adoption of Updated Revenue Recognition Accounting Guidance
The cumulative effect of the changes made to Legg Mason’s Consolidated Balance Sheet as of April 1, 2018 for the adoption of the updated revenue recognition accounting guidance were as follows:
Adjustment due to Adoption of Updated Accounting Guidance
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Balance as of March 31, 2018
Capitalized Sales Commissions
Deferred Sales Commissions
Balance as of April 1, 2018
Other, current





Deferred income taxes



Other, non-current




Deferred income taxes





Stockholders' Equity
Retained Earnings




The impact of the adoption of the updated revenue recognition accounting guidance on the Consolidated Balance Sheet and the Consolidated Statement of Income (Loss) was as follows:
March 31, 2019
Impact of the Adoption of Updated Accounting Guidance
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Balances Excluding the Adoption of Updated Accounting Guidance
Capitalized Sales Commissions
Deferred Sales Commissions
As Reported
Other, current





Deferred income taxes



Other, non-current




Deferred income taxes





Stockholders' Equity
Retained Earnings




Consolidated Statement of Income (Loss)
Year ended March 31, 2019
Balances Excluding the Adoption of Updated Accounting Guidance
Impact of the Adoption of Updated Accounting Guidance
Capitalized Sales Commissions
Deferred Sales Commissions
Fund Expense Reimbursements
As Reported
Operating Revenues
Investment advisory fees:




Operating Expenses
Compensation and benefits






Distribution and servicing








Cash and Cash Equivalents, Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents, Policy [Policy Text Block]
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash equivalents are highly liquid investments with original maturities of 90 days or less.

Restricted Cash
Restricted cash represents cash collateral required for market hedge arrangements, total return swap arrangements, and other cash that is not available to Legg Mason for general corporate use, including cash of consolidated investment vehicles and affiliate benefit trust cash.

Cash Flow Reporting    
Effective April 1, 2018, Legg Mason adopted updated accounting guidance on a retrospective basis which clarifies the classification and presentation of restricted cash, investment activity and other items in the statements of cash flows. The updated guidance requires entities to include restricted cash and restricted cash equivalents in the cash and cash equivalents balances on the consolidated statements of cash flows and to disclose a reconciliation between the balances on the consolidated statements of cash flows and the consolidated balance sheets. The updated guidance also clarifies how distributions from equity method investees should be classified based on either the cumulative earnings or the nature of distribution approach. Legg Mason elected to apply the nature of distribution approach when classifying distributions received from equity method investees. As a result of adopting this aspect of the updated guidance, $5,717 and $5,308 was reclassified from Cash Provided by Operating Activities to Cash Used in Investing Activities in the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the years ended March 31, 2018 and 2017, respectively.
Investment, Policy [Policy Text Block]
Financial Instruments
Substantially all financial instruments are reflected in the financial statements at fair value or amounts that approximate fair value, except Legg Mason's long-term debt.

Effective April 1, 2018, Legg Mason adopted updated accounting guidance on a prospective basis which requires equity investments to be measured at fair value, with changes recognized in earnings. This guidance does not apply to investments accounted for under the equity method. The adoption of this guidance did not have a material impact on Legg Mason's consolidated financial statements.
As discussed above in "Consolidation," proprietary fund and other investment products with seed capital investments are initially consolidated and the individual securities within the portfolio are accounted for as equity investments. Legg Mason consolidates these products as long as it holds a controlling financial interest in the product. Upon deconsolidation, which typically occurs after several years, Legg Mason accounts for its seed capital investments in proprietary fund products as equity method investments (further described below) if its ownership is between 20% and 50%, or it otherwise has the ability to significantly influence the financial and operating policies of the fund or other product. For partnerships and LLCs, where third-party investors may have less ability to influence operations, the equity method of accounting is considered if Legg Mason's ownership is greater than 3%. Changes in the fair value of seed capital investments are recognized in Other non-operating income (expense), net, on the Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss).
Legg Mason generally redeems its seed capital investments when the related product establishes a sufficient track record, when third-party investments in the related product are sufficient to sustain the strategy, or when a decision is made to no longer pursue the strategy. The length of time Legg Mason holds a majority interest in a product varies based on a number of factors, such as market demand, market conditions and investment performance.
See Notes 3 and 19 for additional information regarding Legg Mason's seed capital investments and the determination of whether investments in proprietary fund and other investment products represent VIEs, respectively.
For equity investments in which Legg Mason does not control the investee and is not the primary beneficiary of a VIE, but can exert significant influence over the financial and operating policies of the investee, Legg Mason follows the equity method of accounting. The evaluation of whether Legg Mason can exert control or significant influence over the financial and operational policies of an investee requires significant judgment based on the facts and circumstances surrounding each individual investment. Factors considered in these evaluations may include investor voting or other rights, any influence Legg Mason may have on the governing board of the investee, the legal rights of other investors in the entity pursuant to the fund's operating documents and the relationship between Legg Mason and other investors in the entity. Legg Mason's equity method investees that are investment companies record their underlying investments at fair value. Therefore, under the equity method of accounting, Legg Mason's share of the investee's underlying net income or loss predominantly represents fair value adjustments in the investments held by the equity method investee. Legg Mason's share of the investee's net income or loss is based on the most current information available and is recorded as a net gain (loss) on investments within Other non-operating income (expense), net. A portion of earnings (losses) attributable to Legg Mason's equity method investments has offsetting compensation expense adjustments under revenue sharing arrangements and deferred compensation arrangements, therefore, fluctuations in the market value of investments with such offsets will not have a material impact on Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Legg Mason, Inc. Legg Mason evaluates its equity method investments for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value of the investment exceeds its fair value, and the decline in fair value is other than temporary.

Legg Mason also holds marketable equity securities and fixed income securities which are classified as equity investments under updated accounting guidance, and were classified as trading securities under prior accounting guidance. Certain investment securities, including those held by CIVs, are also now classified as equity investments, and were previously classified as trading securities. These investments are recorded at fair value and realized and unrealized gains and losses are included in current period earnings.

Equity and fixed income securities are valued using closing market prices for listed instruments or broker price quotations, when available. Fixed income securities may also be valued using valuation models and estimates based on spreads to actively traded benchmark debt instruments with readily available market prices.

For investments in illiquid or privately-held securities for which market prices or quotations may not be readily available, management estimates the value of the securities using a variety of methods and resources, including the most current available financial information for the investment and the industry. As a practical expedient, Legg Mason relies on the net asset value ("NAV") of certain investments in partnerships and limited liability company, as their fair value. The NAVs that have been provided by investees are derived from the fair values of the underlying investments as of the reporting date.

The updated accounting guidance adopted as of April 1, 2018, also provides entities the option to elect to measure equity investments that do not have readily determinable fair values and do not qualify for the NAV practical expedient at "adjusted cost." Under this adjusted cost method, investments are initially recorded at cost, and subsequently adjusted (increased or decreased) when there is an observable transaction involving the same investments, or similar investments from the same issuer. Adjusted cost investment carrying values are also reviewed and adjusted for impairment, if any. As of March 31, 2019, approximately $12,245 of investments in partnerships and limited liability companies were accounted for using the adjusted cost method. As of March 31, 2018, the carrying value of such investments totaled $9,578 and were accounted for using the cost method under prior accounting guidance.

In addition to the financial instruments described above and the derivative instruments described below, other financial instruments that are carried at fair value or amounts that approximate fair value include Cash and cash equivalents and Short-term borrowings. The fair value of long-term debt at March 31, 2019 and 2018, aggregated $2,270,964 and $2,316,154, respectively. These fair values were estimated using publicly quoted market prices and were classified as Level 2 in the fair value hierarchy, as described below.
Derivatives, Policy [Policy Text Block]
Derivative Instruments
The fair values of derivative instruments are recorded as Other assets or Other liabilities on the Consolidated Balance Sheets. Legg Mason uses futures contracts on index funds to hedge the market risk of certain seed capital investments and foreign exchange forwards to hedge the risk of movement in exchange rates on certain assets and liabilities. Legg Mason has also entered into various total return swap arrangements with financial intermediaries with respect to certain Legg Mason sponsored ETFs which resulted in investments in the ETFs by the financial intermediaries. In connection with the total return swap arrangements, Legg Mason executed futures contracts to partially hedge the related market risk. On a limited basis, Legg Mason has also used interest rate swaps to hedge the risks of movement in interest rates on certain financial liabilities.

With the exception of two interest rate swaps, as further discussed in Note 6, Legg Mason has not designated any financial instruments for hedge accounting, as defined in the accounting literature, during the periods presented. The gains or losses on derivative instruments not designated for hedge accounting are included as Other operating income (expense) or Other non-operating income (expense), net, in the Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss), depending on the strategy. See Note 16 for additional information regarding derivatives and hedging.

Fair Value Measurement, Policy [Policy Text Block]
Fair Value Measurements
Accounting guidance for fair value measurements defines fair value and establishes a framework for measuring fair value. Fair value is defined as the exchange price that would be received for an asset or paid to transfer a liability in the principal or most advantageous market for the asset or liability in an orderly transaction between market participants on the measurement date. Under accounting guidance, a fair value measurement should reflect all of the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability, including assumptions about the risk inherent in a particular valuation technique, the effect of a restriction on the sale or use of an asset, and the risk of non-performance.

The objective of fair value accounting measurements is to reflect, at the date of the financial statements, how much an asset would be sold for in an orderly transaction (as opposed to a distressed or forced transaction) under current market conditions. Specifically, it requires the use of judgment to ascertain if a formerly active market has become inactive and in determining fair values when markets have become inactive. The guidance also requires timely disclosures regarding expected cash flows, credit losses, and an aging of securities with unrealized losses.

Fair value accounting guidance also establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs for valuation techniques used to measure fair value. The fair value hierarchy gives the highest priority to quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs.

Legg Mason's financial instruments are measured and reported at fair value (except long-term debt) and are classified and disclosed in one of the following categories:

Level 1 - Financial instruments for which prices are quoted in active markets, which, for Legg Mason, include investments in publicly traded mutual funds with quoted market prices, equities listed in active markets, and certain derivative instruments.

Level 2 - Financial instruments for which prices are quoted for similar assets and liabilities in active markets, prices are quoted for identical or similar assets in inactive markets, or prices are based on observable inputs, other than quoted prices, such as models or other valuation methodologies. For Legg Mason, this category includes fixed income securities, certain proprietary fund and other investment products and certain long-term debt.

Level 3 - Financial instruments for which values are based on unobservable inputs, including those for which there is little or no market activity. For Legg Mason, this category includes investments in partnerships, limited liability companies, private equity funds, and real estate funds. This category may also include certain proprietary investment products with redemption restrictions and contingent consideration liabilities, if any.

The valuation of an asset or liability may involve inputs from more than one level of the hierarchy. The level in the fair value hierarchy in which a fair value measurement falls in its entirety is determined based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety.

Certain proprietary fund products and investments held by CIVs are valued at NAV determined by the applicable fund administrator. These funds are typically invested in exchange traded investments with observable market prices. Their valuations may be classified as Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or NAV practical expedient (further discussed below), based on whether the fund is exchange traded, the frequency of the related NAV determinations and the impact of redemption restrictions.

Futures contracts are valued at the last settlement price at the end of each day on the exchange upon which they are traded and are classified as Level 1.

For investments in illiquid and privately-held securities (private equity and investment partnerships) for which market prices or quotations may not be readily available, management must estimate the value of the securities using a variety of methods and resources, including the most current available financial information for the investment and the industry to which it applies in order to determine fair value. These valuation processes for illiquid and privately-held securities inherently require management's judgment and are therefore classified as Level 3. Legg Mason holds investments in real estate funds structured as partnerships and limited liability companies, which are classified as Level 3. The fair values of investments in real estate funds are prepared giving consideration to the income, cost and sales comparison approaches of estimating property value. The income approach estimates an income stream for a property and discounts this income plus a reversion (presumed sale) into a present value at a risk adjusted rate. Yield rates and growth assumptions utilized in this approach are derived from market transactions as well as other financial and industry data. The discount rate and the exit capitalization rate are significant inputs to these valuations. These rates are based on the location, type and nature of each property, and current and anticipated market conditions. The cost approach estimates the replacement cost of the building less physical depreciation plus the land value. The sales comparison approach compares recent transactions to the appraised property. Adjustments are made for dissimilarities which typically provide a range of value. Many factors are also considered in the determination of fair value including, but not limited to, the operating cash flows and financial performance of the properties, property types and geographic locations, the physical condition of the asset, prevailing market capitalization rates, prevailing market discount rates, general economic conditions, economic conditions specific to the market in which the assets are located, and any specific rights or terms associated with the investment. Because of the inherent uncertainties of valuation, the values may materially differ from the values that would be determined by negotiations held between parties in a sale transaction.

As a practical expedient, Legg Mason relies on the NAV of certain investments in partnerships and limited liability company, as their fair value. The NAVs that have been provided by investees are derived from the fair values of the underlying investments as of the reporting date. Investments for which fair value is measured using NAV as a practical expedient are not required to be categorized within the fair value hierarchy.

Any transfers between categories are measured at the beginning of the period.

See Note 3 for additional information regarding fair value measurements.
Property, Plant and Equipment, Policy [Policy Text Block]
Fixed Assets
Fixed assets primarily consist of software, leasehold improvements, and equipment. Capitalized software includes both purchased software and internally developed software. Equipment consists primarily of communications and technology hardware and furniture and fixtures. Fixed assets are reported at cost, net of accumulated depreciation and amortization. Depreciation and amortization are determined by use of the straight-line method. Software is amortized over the estimated useful lives of the assets, generally three to five years. Leasehold improvements are amortized or depreciated over the initial term of the lease unless options to extend are likely to be exercised. Equipment is depreciated over the estimated useful lives of the assets, generally ranging from three to eight years. The cost of software used under a service contract where Legg Mason does not own or control the software is expensed over the term of the contract. Maintenance and repair costs are expensed as incurred. Internally developed software is reviewed periodically to determine if there is a change in the useful life, or if its value has been impaired. If the value is impaired, the asset is written down to its fair value or is written off if the asset is determined to no longer have any value.
Goodwill and Intangible Assets, Policy [Policy Text Block]
Intangible Assets and Goodwill
Legg Mason's identifiable intangible assets consist principally of asset management contracts, contracts to manage proprietary mutual funds, hedge funds, real estate funds, or funds-of-hedge funds, and trade names resulting from acquisitions. Intangible assets are amortized over their estimated useful lives, using the straight-line method, unless the asset is determined to have an indefinite useful life. Asset management contracts are amortizable intangible assets that are capitalized at acquisition and amortized over the expected life of the contract. The value of contracts to manage assets in proprietary funds, hedge funds, real estate funds or funds-of-hedge funds and the value of trade names are classified as indefinite-life intangible assets. The assignment of indefinite lives to proprietary fund contracts is based upon the assumption that there is no foreseeable limit on the contract period to manage proprietary funds due to the likelihood of continued renewal at little or no cost. The assignment of indefinite lives to trade names is based on the assumption that they are expected to generate cash flows indefinitely.

Goodwill represents the residual amount of acquisition cost in excess of identified tangible and intangible assets and assumed liabilities. Indefinite-life intangible assets and goodwill are not amortized for financial statement purposes. Given the relative significance of intangible assets and goodwill to the Company's consolidated financial statements, on a quarterly basis Legg Mason considers if triggering events have occurred that may indicate that the fair values have declined below their respective carrying amounts. Triggering events may include significant adverse changes in the Company's business or the legal or regulatory environment, loss of key personnel, significant business dispositions, or other events, including changes in economic arrangements with our affiliates that will impact future operating results. If a triggering event has occurred, the Company will perform quantitative tests, which include critical reviews of all significant factors and assumptions, to determine if any intangible assets or goodwill are impaired. Legg Mason considers factors such as projected cash flows and revenue multiples, to determine whether the value of the assets is impaired and the indefinite-life assumptions are appropriate. If an asset is impaired, the difference between the value of the asset reflected on the consolidated financial statements and its current fair value is recognized as an expense in the period in which the impairment is determined. If a triggering event has not occurred, the Company performs quantitative tests annually for indefinite-life intangible assets and goodwill, unless the Company can qualitatively conclude that it is more likely than not that the respective fair values exceed the related carrying values. Historically, Legg Mason has performed its annual impairment test of goodwill and indefinite-life intangible assets as of December 31 each year. During the second quarter of fiscal 2019, Legg Mason voluntarily changed the date of its annual impairment test from December 31 to October 31 in order to better align the impairment testing process with existing long-term planning processes and earnings release timing. Legg Mason does not believe the change in accounting principle related to the annual impairment testing date has delayed, accelerated, or avoided an impairment charge relative to the test date. Legg Mason has determined that this change in accounting principle is preferable under the circumstances. The fair values of intangible assets subject to amortization are considered for impairment at each reporting period using an undiscounted cash flow analysis.

For intangible assets with indefinite lives, fair value is determined from a market participant's perspective based on projected discounted cash flows, which take into consideration estimates of future revenues, profit margins, growth rates, taxes, and discount rates. Proprietary fund contracts that are managed and operated as a single unit and meet other criteria may be aggregated for impairment testing. Goodwill is evaluated at the reporting unit level, and is considered for impairment when the carrying value of the reporting unit exceeds the implied fair value of the reporting unit. In estimating the implied fair value of the reporting unit, Legg Mason uses valuation techniques principally based on discounted projected cash flows and EBITDA multiples, similar to techniques employed in analyzing the purchase price of an acquisition. Goodwill is deemed to be recoverable at the reporting unit level, which is also the operating segment level that Legg Mason defines as the Global Asset Management segment. This results from the fact that the chief operating decision maker, Legg Mason's Chief Executive Officer, regularly receives discrete financial information at the consolidated Global Asset Management business level and does not regularly receive discrete financial information, such as operating results, at any lower level, such as the asset management affiliate level. Allocations of goodwill for management restructures, acquisitions, and dispositions are based on relative fair values of the respective businesses restructured, acquired, or divested.

See Note 5 for additional information regarding intangible assets and goodwill and Note 18 for additional business segment information.
Debt, Policy [Policy Text Block]
Long-term debt is recorded at amortized cost.  Unamortized premiums, discounts, debt issuance costs and fair value hedge adjustments related to long-term debt are presented in the balance sheet as direct adjustments to the carrying value of the associated long-term debt liability and amortized to Interest expense over the legal term of the associated debt.
Commitments and Contingencies, Policy [Policy Text Block]
Contingent Consideration Liabilities
In connection with business acquisitions, Legg Mason may be required to pay additional future consideration based on the achievement of certain designated financial metrics. Legg Mason estimates the fair value of these potential future obligations at the time a business combination is consummated and records a Contingent consideration liability in the Consolidated Balance Sheet.

Legg Mason accretes contingent consideration liabilities to the expected payment amounts over the related earn-out terms until the obligations are ultimately paid, resulting in Interest expense in the Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss). If the expected payment amounts subsequently change, the contingent consideration liabilities are (reduced) or increased in the current period, resulting in a (gain) or loss, which is reflected within Contingent consideration fair value adjustments in the Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss). See Note 2 for additional information regarding contingent consideration liabilities and related fair value adjustments.
Income Tax, Policy [Policy Text Block]
Income Taxes
Deferred income taxes are provided for the effects of temporary differences between the tax basis of an asset or liability and its reported amount in the financial statements. Deferred income tax assets are subject to a valuation allowance if, in management's opinion, it is more likely than not that these benefits will not be realized. Legg Mason's deferred income taxes principally relate to net operating loss and other carryforward benefits, business combinations, amortization of intangible assets and accrued compensation.

As further discussed in Note 7, on December 22, 2017, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (the "Tax Law") was enacted. The Tax Law is complex, materially changed the U.S. corporate income tax rate from 35% to 21% and included various other changes which impact Legg Mason. The reduction in the U.S. corporate tax rate resulted in a non-cash provisional tax benefit of $220,935 in the year ended March 31, 2018, due to the re-measurement of certain existing deferred tax assets and liabilities at the new income tax rate. Legg Mason's re-measurement of its deferred tax assets and liabilities was completed during fiscal 2019 and no further adjustments were necessary. The Tax Law has also created new taxes on international operations, including its Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income ("GILTI") provision. Legg Mason has made an accounting policy election to record tax expense on GILTI inclusions as a period cost if applicable, rather than recognizing deferred taxes for related basis differences expected to reverse.

Under applicable accounting guidance, a tax benefit should only be recognized if it is more likely than not that the position will be sustained based on its technical merits. A tax position that meets this threshold is measured as the largest amount of benefit that has a greater than 50% likelihood of being realized upon settlement by the appropriate taxing authority having full knowledge of all relevant information.

The Company's accounting policy is to classify interest related to tax matters as Interest expense and related penalties, if any, as Other operating expense.

See Note 7 for additional information regarding income taxes.
Foreign Currency Transactions and Translations Policy [Policy Text Block]
Translation of Foreign Currencies
Assets and liabilities of foreign subsidiaries that are denominated in non-U.S. dollar functional currencies are translated at exchange rates as of the Consolidated Balance Sheet dates. Revenues and expenses are translated at average exchange rates during the period. The gains or losses resulting from translating foreign currency financial statements into U.S. dollars are included in stockholders' equity and comprehensive income (loss). Gains or losses resulting from foreign currency transactions are included in Net Income (Loss).
Contingencies Disclosure [Text Block]
Loss Contingencies
Legg Mason accrues estimates for loss contingencies related to legal actions, investigations, and proceedings, exclusive of legal fees, when it is probable that a liability has been incurred and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated. Estimates for losses on matters that exist as of the reporting date may be adjusted prior to the related financial statement issuance for changes in likelihood of an outcome or estimable amounts. Related insurance recoveries are recorded separately when the underwriter has confirmed coverage of a specific claim amount. See Note 8 for additional information.
Share-based Compensation, Option and Incentive Plans Policy [Policy Text Block]
Stock-Based Compensation
Legg Mason's stock-based compensation includes restricted stock units, stock options, an employee stock purchase plan, market- and performance-based performance shares payable in common stock, management equity plans for certain affiliates and deferred compensation payable in stock. Under its stock compensation plans, Legg Mason issues equity awards to directors, officers, and other key employees.

In accordance with the applicable accounting guidance, compensation expense includes costs for all non-vested share-based awards classified as equity at their grant date fair value amortized over the respective vesting periods, which may be reduced for retirement-eligible recipients, on the straight-line method. The grant-date fair value of equity-classified share-based awards with immediate vesting is also included in Compensation and benefits expense. Effective April 1, 2017, Legg Mason adopted updated accounting guidance on stock-based compensation accounting. The updated guidance simplifies several aspects of accounting for stock-based compensation including the income tax consequences, and clarifies classification criteria for awards as either equity or liabilities, and the classification of related amounts in statements of cash flows. The updated guidance requires all excess tax benefits and deficiencies associated with stock-based compensation to be recognized as discrete items in the Income tax provision (benefit) in the Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss) in the reporting period in which they occur, thereby increasing the volatility of the Income tax provision (benefit) as a result of fluctuations in Legg Mason's stock price. Legg Mason adopted this amendment on a modified retrospective basis, and recorded a cumulative-effect adjustment of $24,327 as an increase to both deferred tax assets and Retained earnings on the Consolidated Balance Sheet as of April 1, 2017. These tax benefits were not previously recognized due to Legg Mason's cumulative tax loss position. Upon adoption of the updated guidance, Legg Mason elected to prospectively account for forfeitures as they occur, which did not have a material impact on the Consolidated Financial Statements. Also, cash flows related to income tax deductions in excess of or less than the related stock-based compensation expense will be classified as Cash Flows from Operating Activities in the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows.

Legg Mason determines the fair value of stock options using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model. Legg Mason also determines the fair value of option-like affiliate management equity plan grants using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model, subject to any post-vesting illiquidity discounts. Performance share units are valued using a Monte Carlo pricing model. See Note 11 for additional information regarding stock-based compensation.
Earnings Per Share, Policy [Policy Text Block]
Earnings Per Share
Basic earnings per share attributable to Legg Mason, Inc. shareholders ("EPS") is calculated by dividing Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Legg Mason, Inc. (adjusted by removing earnings allocated to participating securities) by the weighted-average number of shares outstanding, which excludes participating securities. Legg Mason has issued to employees restricted stock units that are deemed to be participating securities prior to vesting, because the related unvested restricted stock units entitle their holder to nonforfeitable dividend rights. In this circumstance, accounting guidance requires a “two-class method” for EPS calculations that excludes earnings (potentially both distributed and undistributed) allocated to participating securities and does not allocate losses to participating securities.

Diluted EPS is similar to basic EPS, but the effect of potential common shares is included in the calculation unless the potential common shares are antidilutive. For periods with a net loss, potential common shares other than participating securities, are considered antidilutive and are excluded from the calculation.

See Note 13 for additional discussion of EPS.
Costs Associated with Exit or Disposal Activities or Restructurings, Policy [Policy Text Block]
Restructuring Costs
As further discussed in Note 17, Legg Mason has initiated a strategic restructuring to reduce costs. The costs associated with the strategic restructuring will primarily relate to employee termination benefits, incentives to retain employees during the transition period, charges for consolidating leased office space, and other expenses, such as professional fees. Termination benefits, including severance and retention incentives, will be recorded as Compensation and benefits in the Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss). These compensation items require employees to provide future service and, therefore, will be expensed ratably over the required service period. Other costs are expensed when incurred. Charges for consolidating leased office space are recorded in Occupancy in the Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss) and other expenses are recorded in the appropriate operating expense classifications.

As further discussed in Note 2, Legg Mason restructured The Permal Group, Ltd. ("Permal") for the combination with EnTrust Capital ("EnTrust"). The costs associated with this restructuring primarily related to employee termination benefits, including severance and retention incentives, which were recorded as Transition-related compensation in the Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss), and charges for consolidating leased office space, which were recorded as Occupancy in the Consolidated Statement of Income (Loss).

Noncontrolling Interests [Policy Text Block]
Noncontrolling Interests
Noncontrolling interests include affiliate minority interests, third-party investor equity in consolidated sponsored investment products, and vested affiliate management equity plan interests. Affiliate minority interests for which the holder may at some point request settlement are classified as redeemable noncontrolling interests. For CIVs and other consolidated sponsored investment products with third-party investors, the related noncontrolling interests are classified as redeemable noncontrolling interests if investors in these funds may request withdrawals at any time. Also included in redeemable noncontrolling interests are vested affiliate management equity plan interests for which the holder may at some point request settlement of their interests. Redeemable noncontrolling interests are reported in the Consolidated Balance Sheets at their estimated settlement values, except that when such settlement values are less than the issuance value, the reported amount is the issuance value. Changes in the expected settlement values are recognized over the settlement period as adjustments to retained earnings. Nonredeemable noncontrolling interests include vested affiliate management equity plan interests that do not permit the holder to request settlement of their interests. Nonredeemable noncontrolling interests are reported in the Consolidated Balance Sheets at their issuance value, together with undistributed net income allocated to noncontrolling interests.

Legg Mason estimates the settlement value of noncontrolling interests as their fair value. If reported at fair value on the Consolidated Balance Sheets, amounts for affiliate noncontrolling interests and management equity plan interests reflect the related total business enterprise value, after appropriate discounts for lack of marketability and control. There may also be features of these equity interests, such as dividend subordination, that are contemplated in their valuations. The fair value of option-like management equity plan interests also relies on Black-Scholes option pricing model calculations. For affiliate noncontrolling interests, subsequent to acquisition, business enterprise values are derived using various methods, including discounted cash flows, guideline public company and guideline public transaction methods. Legg Mason may engage third-party valuation experts to perform independent determinations of fair value or to review internally prepared valuations, as appropriate, based on the relative significance of the related amounts and related contractual provisions and changes in valuation inputs. For consolidated sponsored investment products, where the investor may request withdrawal at any time, fair value is based on market quotes of the underlying securities held by the investment products.

Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests in the Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss) includes the share of net income (loss) of the respective subsidiary allocated to the minority interest holders.

See Note 15 for additional information regarding noncontrolling interests.
Related Parties [Policy Text Block]
Related Parties
For its services to sponsored investment funds, Legg Mason earns management fees, incentive fees, distribution and service fees, and other revenue and incurs distribution and servicing and other expenses, as disclosed in the Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss). Sponsored investment funds are deemed to be affiliated entities under the related party definition in relevant accounting guidance.
New Accounting Pronouncements, Policy [Policy Text Block]
Recent Accounting Developments
In August 2018, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") updated the guidance to clarify accounting for implementation costs incurred for a cloud computing arrangement that is a service contract. The update conforms the requirements for capitalizing implementation costs incurred in a cloud computing arrangement that is a service contract with the accounting guidance that provides for capitalization of costs incurred to develop or obtain internal-use-software.  The updated guidance is effective for Legg Mason in fiscal 2021, unless adopted earlier.  Legg Mason is evaluating its adoption.

In August 2018, the FASB also updated the guidance for fair value measurements. The updated guidance modifies disclosure requirements based on the revised FASB Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting finalized in August 2018 to improve effectiveness of financial statement disclosures. The updated guidance will be effective in fiscal 2021, unless adopted earlier. Legg Mason is evaluating its adoption.

In August 2017, the FASB updated the guidance on accounting for derivative hedging.  The updated guidance more closely aligns the results of cash flow and fair value hedging designations with risk management activities through changes to both the designation and measurement guidance for qualifying hedging relationships and the presentation of hedge results in the financial statements.  The new guidance also simplifies the application of hedge accounting.  The updated guidance is effective for Legg Mason in fiscal 2020, unless adopted earlier.  Legg Mason uses accounting hedge designation from time-to-time and would only potentially be impacted if derivative transactions were designated for hedging.

In January 2017, the FASB updated the guidance to simplify the test for goodwill impairment.  The updated guidance still requires entities to perform annual goodwill impairment tests by comparing the fair value of a reporting unit with its related carrying amount, but it eliminates the requirement to potentially calculate the implied fair value of goodwill to determine the amount of impairment, if any.  Under the new guidance, an entity should recognize an impairment charge if the reporting unit's carrying amount exceeds the reporting unit’s fair value, in the amount of such excess.  The guidance will be effective in fiscal 2020, unless adopted earlier. Legg Mason is evaluating its adoption.

In February 2016, the FASB updated the guidance on accounting for leases.  The updated guidance requires that a lessee shall recognize the assets and liabilities that arise from lease transactions.  A lessee will recognize a right-of-use asset to use the underlying asset and a liability for the lease payments.  The updated guidance also requires an evaluation at the inception of a service or other contract, to determine whether the contract is or contains a lease.  In July 2018, the FASB further updated the lease guidance to make certain targeted improvements, including allowing for the guidance to be adopted on a modified retrospective basis. 

Legg Mason will adopt this guidance on a modified retrospective basis on its effective date, April 1, 2019. This adoption will include the election of the related practical expedients and an accounting policy election not to capitalize leases with remaining terms of 12 months or less. Upon adoption, Legg Mason expects to record a right of use asset of approximately $340,000 and a lease liability of approximately $410,000 related to its real property operating leases and equipment financing leases, and does not expect the adoption of this guidance to have a material impact on the Consolidated Statement of Income (Loss) or Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows.