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Employee Benefit Plans
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2021
Retirement Benefits [Abstract]  
Employee Benefit Plans
The following summarizes retirement plan expense for the years ended December 31:
 (in thousands)
401(k) Retirement Plan$10,338 $9,853 $8,976 
Pension Plan217 660 2,484 
Total$10,555 $10,513 $11,460 

The 401(k) Retirement Plan is a defined contribution plan under which eligible employees may defer a portion of their pre-tax covered compensation on an annual basis, with employer matches of up to 5% of employee compensation. Employee and employer contributions under these features are 100% vested.

Contributions to the Defined Benefit Pension Plan ("Pension Plan") are actuarially determined and funded annually, if necessary. The Corporation recognizes the funded status of its Pension Plan on the consolidated balance sheets and recognizes the changes in that funded status through OCI. The Pension Plan has been curtailed, with no additional benefits accruing to participants.

Pension Plan

The net periodic pension cost for the Pension Plan, as determined by consulting actuaries, consisted of the following components for the years ended December 31:
 (in thousands)
Interest cost$2,244 $2,726 $3,257 
Expected return on assets(4,044)(3,925)(2,754)
Net amortization and deferral2,017 1,859 1,981 
Net periodic pension cost$217 $660 $2,484 

The following table summarizes the changes in the projected benefit obligation and fair value of plan assets for the plan years ended December 31:
 (in thousands)
Projected benefit obligation at beginning of year$92,292 $86,204 
Interest cost2,244 2,726 
Benefit payments(4,272)(4,104)
Change in assumptions(2,613)7,532 
Experience gain(121)(66)
Projected benefit obligation at end of year$87,530 $92,292 
Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year$87,177 $83,676 
Actual return on plan assets11,210 7,605 
Benefit payments(4,272)(4,104)
Fair value of plan assets at end of year$94,115 $87,177 

The following table presents the funded status of the Pension Plan, included in other assets and other liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets, as of December 31:
 (in thousands)
Projected benefit obligation$(87,530)$(92,292)
Fair value of plan assets94,115 87,177 
Funded status$6,585 $(5,115)

The following table summarizes the changes in the unrecognized net loss included as a component of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss):
 Unrecognized Net Loss 
 Before taxNet of tax
 (in thousands)
Balance as of December 31, 2019$23,546 $18,337 
Recognized as a component of 2020 periodic pension cost(1,859)(1,452)
Unrecognized gains arising in 20203,787 2,958 
Balance as of December 31, 202025,474 19,843 
Recognized as a component of 2021 periodic pension cost(2,017)(1,574)
Unrecognized losses arising in 2021(9,899)(7,724)
Balance as of December 31, 2021$13,558 $10,545 
The following rates were used to calculate the net periodic pension cost and the present value of benefit obligations as of December 31:
Discount rate-projected benefit obligation2.80 %2.50 %3.25 %
Expected long-term rate of return on plan assets5.00 %5.00 %5.00 %

The discount rates used were determined using the Citigroup Average Life discount rate table, as adjusted based on the Pension Plan's expected benefit payments.
The 5.00% long-term rate of return on plan assets used to calculate the net periodic pension cost was based on historical returns, adjusted for expectations of long-term asset returns based on the December 31, 2021 weighted average asset allocations. The expected long-term return is considered to be appropriate based on the asset mix and the historical returns realized.
The following table presents a summary of the fair values of the Pension Plan’s assets as of December 31:
Fair Value
% of Total
Fair Value
% of Total
 (dollars in thousands)
Equity mutual funds$35,752 $37,847 
Equity common trust funds19,824 12,450 
Equity securities55,576 59.1 %50,297 57.7 %
Cash and money market funds8,447 9,444 
Fixed income mutual funds15,566 16,134 
Corporate debt securities2,733 3,319 
U.S. Government agency securities9,524 6,257 
Fixed income securities and cash36,270 38.5 %35,154 40.3 %
Other alternative investment funds2,269 2.4 %1,726 2.0 %
Total$94,115 100.0 %$87,177 100.0 %

Investment allocation decisions are made by a retirement plan committee. The goal of the investment allocation strategy is to match certain benefit obligations with maturities of fixed income securities. Alternative investments may include managed futures, commodities, real estate investment trusts, master limited partnerships, and long-short strategies with traditional stocks and bonds. All alternative investments are in the form of mutual funds, not individual contracts, to enable daily liquidity.
The fair values for assets held by the Pension Plan are based on quoted prices for identical instruments and would be categorized as Level 1 assets under the fair value hierarchy.

Estimated future benefit payments are as follows (in thousands):

Postretirement Benefits

The Corporation provides medical benefits and life insurance benefits under a postretirement benefits plan ("Postretirement Plan") to certain retired full-time employees who were employees of the Corporation prior to January 1, 1998. Prior to February 1, 2014, certain full-time employees became eligible for these discretionary benefits if they reached retirement age while working for the Corporation. The Corporation recognizes the funded status of the postretirement plan on the consolidated balance sheets and recognizes the changes in that funded status through OCI.
The components of the net benefit for Postretirement Plan other than pensions are as follows:
 (in thousands)
Interest cost$32 $43 $61 
Net amortization and deferral(536)(548)(556)
Net postretirement benefit$(504)$(505)$(495)

This table summarizes the changes in the accumulated postretirement benefit obligation for the years ended December 31:
 (in thousands)
Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation at beginning of year$1,322 $1,450 
Interest cost32 43 
Benefit payments(167)(177)
Change in experience71 (32)
Change in assumptions(14)38 
Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation at end of year$1,244 $1,322 

The fair values of the plan assets were $0 as of both December 31, 2021 and 2020. The funded status of the Postretirement Plan, included in other liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2021 and 2020 was $1.2 million and $1.3 million, respectively. The following table summarizes the changes in items recognized as a component of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss):
 Before tax 
Prior Service
Net Loss (Gain)
TotalNet of tax
 (in thousands)
Balance as of December 31, 2019$(3,476)$(948)$(4,424)$(3,451)
Recognized as a component of 2020 postretirement cost464 84 548 428 
Unrecognized gains arising in 2020— 
Balance as of December 31, 2020(3,012)(858)(3,870)(3,018)
Recognized as a component of 2021 postretirement cost464 72 536 418 
Unrecognized gains arising in 2021 57 57 44 
Balance as of December 31, 2021$(2,548)$(729)$(3,277)$(2,556)

The following rates were used to calculate net periodic postretirement benefit cost and the present value of benefit obligations as of December 31:
Discount rate-projected benefit obligation2.80 %2.50 %3.25 %
Expected long-term rate of return on plan assets3.00 %3.00 %3.00 %
The discount rates used to calculate the accumulated postretirement benefit obligation were determined using the Citigroup Average Life discount rate table, as adjusted based on the Postretirement Plan's expected benefit payments.
Estimated future benefit payments under the Postretirement Plan are as follows (in thousands):
Total $1,078