EX-19 2 ex_690681.htm EXHIBIT 19 ex_690681.htm

Exhibit 19


National Beverage Corp. Insider Trading Policy


Effective April 26, 2024


This Insider Trading Policy (the “Policy”) provides guidelines with respect to transactions in the securities of National Beverage Corp. (the “Company”) to promote compliance with U.S. federal, state and foreign securities laws that prohibit certain persons who are aware of material nonpublic information about a company from: (i) engaging in transactions in the securities of that company; or (ii) providing material nonpublic information to other persons who may trade on the basis of that information.


Persons Subject to the Policy


This Policy applies to all officers of the Company and its subsidiaries, all members of the Company’s Board of Directors and all employees of the Company and its subsidiaries. The Company may also determine that other persons should be subject to this Policy, such as contractors or consultants who have access to material nonpublic information. This Policy also applies to family members, other members of a person’s household and entities controlled by a person covered by this Policy, as described below.


Transactions Subject to the Policy


This Policy applies to transactions in the Company’s securities (collectively referred to in this Policy as “Company Securities”), including the Company’s common stock, options to purchase common stock, or any other type of securities that the Company may issue, as well as derivative securities that are not issued by the Company, such as exchange-traded put or call options or swaps relating to the Company’s Securities. Transactions subject to this Policy include purchases, sales and gifts of Company Securities.


Individual Responsibility


Persons subject to this Policy must not engage in illegal trading and must avoid the appearance of improper trading. Each individual is responsible to ensure compliance with this Policy, and that any family member, household member or entity whose transactions are subject to this Policy, as discussed below, also comply with this Policy. In all cases, the responsibility for determining whether an individual is in possession of material nonpublic information rests with that individual, and any action on the part of the Company, the Compliance Officer or any other employee or director pursuant to this Policy (or otherwise) does not in any way constitute legal advice or insulate an individual from liability under applicable securities laws. Individuals could be subject to severe legal penalties and disciplinary action by the Company for any conduct prohibited by this Policy or applicable securities laws, as described below.




Administration of the Policy


The Company’s Legal Counsel shall serve as the Compliance Officer for the purposes of this Policy, and in his or her absence, another employee designated by the Compliance Officer shall be responsible for administration of this Policy. All determinations and interpretations by the Compliance Officer shall be final and not subject to further review.


Statement of Policy


It is the policy of the Company that no person subject to this Policy who is aware of material nonpublic information relating to the Company may, directly, or indirectly through family members or other persons or entities:




Engage in transactions in Company Securities;




Recommend that others engage in transactions in any Company Securities;




Disclose material nonpublic information to any persons, unless any such disclosure is made in accordance with the Company’s policies regarding the protection or authorized external disclosure of information regarding the Company; or




Assist anyone engaged in the above activities.


There are no exceptions to this Policy, except as specifically noted herein. Transactions that may be necessary or justifiable for independent reasons (such as the need to raise money for an emergency expenditure), or small transactions, are not excepted from this Policy. The securities laws do not recognize any mitigating circumstances, and, in any event, even the appearance of an improper transaction must be avoided to preserve the Company’s reputation for adhering to the highest standards of conduct.


Definition of Material Nonpublic Information


Material Information. Information is considered “material” if a reasonable investor would consider that information important in making a decision to buy, hold or sell securities. Any information that could be expected to affect a company’s stock price, whether it is positive or negative, should be considered material. There is no bright-line standard for assessing materiality; rather, materiality is based on an assessment of all of the facts and circumstances, and is often evaluated by enforcement authorities with the benefit of hindsight.


When Information is Considered Public. Information that has not been disclosed to the public is generally considered to be nonpublic information. To establish that information has been disclosed to the public, it may be necessary to demonstrate that the information has been widely disseminated. Information generally would be considered widely disseminated if it has been disclosed through the newswire services, a broadcast on widely-available radio or television programs, publication in a widely-available newspaper, magazine or news website, or public disclosure documents filed with the SEC that are available on the SEC’s website. By contrast, information would likely not be considered widely disseminated if it is available only to the Company’s employees, or if it is only available to a select group of analysts, brokers and institutional investors.




Once information is widely disseminated, it is still necessary to provide the investing public with sufficient time to absorb the information. As a general rule, information should not be considered fully absorbed by the marketplace until after the second full business day after the day on which the information is released. If, for example, the Company were to make an announcement on a Monday, you should not trade in Company Securities until Thursday. Depending on the particular circumstances, the Company may determine that a longer or shorter period should apply to the release of specific material nonpublic information.


Transactions Under Company Plans


This Policy does not apply in the case of the following transactions, except as specifically noted:


Stock Option Exercises. This Policy does not apply to the cash exercise of an employee stock option acquired pursuant to the Company’s plans. This Policy does apply, however, to any sale of stock as part of a broker-assisted cashless exercise of an option, or any other market sale for the purpose of generating the cash to pay the exercise price of an option.


Restricted Stock Awards. This Policy does not apply to the vesting of restricted stock, or the exercise of a tax withholding right pursuant to which you elect to have the Company withhold shares of stock to satisfy tax withholding requirements upon the vesting of any restricted stock. The Policy does apply, however, to any sale of restricted stock.


Special and Prohibited Transactions


The Company has determined that there is a heightened legal risk and/or the appearance of improper or inappropriate conduct if the persons subject to this Policy engage in certain types of transactions. It therefore is the Company’s policy that any persons covered by this Policy may not engage in any of the following transactions as described below:


Short-Term Trading. Any individual covered by this policy who purchases Company Securities in the open market may not sell any Company Securities of the same class during the six months following the purchase.


Short Sales. Short sales of Company Securities are prohibited. In addition, Section 16(c) of the Exchange Act prohibits officers and directors from engaging in short sales.


Publicly-Traded Options. Transactions in put options, call options or other derivative securities, on an exchange or in any other organized market, are prohibited by this Policy.


Margin Accounts and Pledged Securities. Officers of the Company and members of the Company’s Board of Directors and, unless approved by the Compliance Officer, all other individuals covered by this policy are prohibited from holding Company Securities in a margin account or otherwise pledging Company Securities as collateral for a loan.


Standing and Limit Orders. The Company discourages placing standing or limit orders on Company Securities. If a person subject to this Policy determines that they must use a standing order or limit order, the order should be limited to short duration and should otherwise comply with the restrictions and procedures outlined below under the heading “Additional Procedures.”




Additional Procedures


The Company has established additional procedures in order to assist the Company in the administration of this Policy, to facilitate compliance with laws prohibiting insider trading while in possession of material nonpublic information, and to avoid the appearance of any impropriety.


Pre-Clearance Procedures. Officers of the Company and members of the Company’s Board of Directors and persons designated by the Compliance Officer as being subject to these procedures, as well as the Family Members and Controlled Entities of such persons, may not engage in any transaction in Company Securities without first obtaining pre-clearance of the transaction from the Compliance Officer. A request for pre-clearance should be submitted to the Compliance Officer in advance of the proposed transaction. A grant of permission will normally remain valid until the close of trading two business days following the day on which it was granted. If the transaction does not occur during the two-day period, pre-clearance of the transaction must be re-requested. The Compliance Officer is under no obligation to approve a transaction submitted for pre-clearance, and may determine not to permit the transaction. If a person seeks pre-clearance and permission to engage in the transaction is denied, then he or she should refrain from initiating any transaction in Company Securities, and should not inform any other person of the restriction.


When a request for pre-clearance is made, the requestor should carefully consider whether he or she may be aware of any material nonpublic information about the Company, and should describe fully those circumstances to the Compliance Officer. The requestor should also indicate whether he or she has effected any non-exempt “opposite-way” transactions within the past six months, and should be prepared to report the proposed transaction on an appropriate Form 4 or Form 5. The requestor should also be prepared to comply with SEC Rule 144 and file a Form 144, if necessary, at the time of any sale.


Quarterly Trading Restrictions. All persons as well as their Family Members or Controlled Entities, may not conduct any transactions involving the Company’s Securities (other than as specified by this Policy) during a “Restricted Period” beginning at the end of each fiscal quarter and ending at the close of market on the second business day following the date of the public release of the Company’s earnings results for that quarter. In other words, these persons may only conduct transactions in Company Securities during the “Window Period” beginning on the close of market on the second business day following the public release of the Company’s quarterly earnings and ending on the last trading day of the next fiscal quarter.


Event-Specific Restricted Periods. From time to time, an event may occur that is material to the Company and is known by only a few directors, officers and/or employees. So long as the event remains material and nonpublic, persons designated by the Compliance Officer may not engage in transactions in Company Securities. In addition, the Company’s financial results may be sufficiently material in a particular fiscal quarter that, in the judgment of the Compliance Officer, designated persons should refrain from engaging in transactions in Company Securities even sooner than the quarterly Restricted Period described above. In that situation, the Compliance Officer may notify these persons that they should not trade in the Company’s Securities, without disclosing the reason for the restriction. The existence of an Event-Specific Restricted Period or the extension of a quarterly Restricted Period will not be announced to the Company as a whole and should not be communicated to any other person. Even if the Compliance Officer has not designated you as a person who should not engage in transactions in Company Securities due to an Event-Specific Restricted Period, you should not trade while aware of material nonpublic information. Exceptions will not be granted during an Event-Specific Restricted Period.




Post-Termination Transactions


This Policy continues to apply to transactions in Company Securities even after termination of service to the Company. If an individual is in possession of material nonpublic information when his or her service terminates, that individual may not engage in transactions in Company Securities until that information has become public or is no longer material. The pre-clearance procedures specified under the heading “Additional Procedures” above, however, will cease to apply to transactions in Company Securities upon the expiration of any Restricted Period or other Company-imposed trading restrictions applicable at the time of the termination of service.


Consequences of Violations


The purchase or sale of securities while aware of material nonpublic information, or the disclosure of material nonpublic information to others who then engage in transactions in the Company’s Securities, is prohibited by the federal and state laws. Insider trading violations are pursued vigorously by the SEC, U.S. Attorneys and state enforcement authorities, as well as enforcement authorities in foreign jurisdictions. Punishment for insider trading violations is severe, and could include significant fines and imprisonment. While the regulatory authorities concentrate their efforts on the individuals who trade, or who tip inside information to others who trade, the federal securities laws also impose potential liability on companies and other “controlling persons” if they fail to take reasonable steps to prevent insider trading by company personnel. In addition, an individual’s failure to comply with this Policy may subject the individual to Company-imposed sanctions, including dismissal for cause, whether or not the employee’s failure to comply results in a violation of law. Needless to say, a violation of law, or even an SEC investigation that does not result in prosecution, can tarnish a person’s reputation and irreparably damage a career.


Company Assistance


Any person who has a question about this Policy or its application to any proposed transaction may obtain additional guidance from the Compliance Officer.





All persons subject to this Policy must certify their understanding of, and intent to comply with, this Policy.






I certify that:





I have read and understand the Company’s Insider Trading Policy (the “Policy”).



I understand that the Compliance Officer is available to answer any questions I have regarding the Policy.




I will continue to comply with the Policy for as long as I am subject to the Policy. 


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