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Rate Matters
3 Months Ended
Mar. 31, 2014
Rate Matters



As discussed in the 2013 Annual Report, our subsidiaries are involved in rate and regulatory proceedings at the FERC and their state commissions. The Rate Matters note within our 2013 Annual Report should be read in conjunction with this report to gain a complete understanding of material rate matters still pending that could impact net income, cash flows and possibly financial condition. The following discusses ratemaking developments in 2014 and updates the 2013 Annual Report.

Regulatory Assets Not Yet Being Recovered      
     March 31, December 31,
     2014 2013
 Noncurrent Regulatory Assets (in millions)
 Regulatory assets not yet being recovered pending future proceedings:      
 Regulatory Assets Currently Earning a Return      
  Storm Related Costs $ 21 $ 22
  Ohio Economic Development Rider   -   14
  Other Regulatory Assets Not Yet Being Recovered   -   4
 Regulatory Assets Currently Not Earning a Return      
  Storm Related Costs   104   161
  Indiana Under-Recovered Capacity Costs   28   22
  IGCC Pre-Construction Costs   21   -
  Expanded Net Energy Charge - Coal Inventory   19   21
  Mountaineer Carbon Capture and Storage Product Validation Facility   13   13
  Ormet Special Rate Recovery Mechanism   10   36
  Other Regulatory Assets Not Yet Being Recovered   34   37
 Total Regulatory Assets Not Yet Being Recovered $ 250 $ 330

If these costs are ultimately determined not to be recoverable, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

OPCo Rate Matters


Ohio Electric Security Plan Filings


2009 – 2011 ESP


The PUCO issued an order in March 2009 that modified and approved the ESP which established rates at the start of the April 2009 billing cycle through 2011. OPCo collected the 2009 annualized revenue increase over the last nine months of 2009. The order also provided a phase-in FAC, which was authorized to be recovered through a non-bypassable surcharge over the period 2012 through 2018. The PUCO's March 2009 order was appealed to the Supreme Court of Ohio, which issued an opinion and remanded certain issues back to the PUCO.


In October 2011, the PUCO issued an order in the remand proceeding. As a result, OPCo ceased collection of POLR billings in November 2011 and recorded a write-off in 2011 related to POLR collections for the period June 2011 through October 2011. In February 2012, the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and the IEU filed appeals of that order with the Supreme Court of Ohio challenging various issues, including the PUCO's refusal to order retrospective relief concerning the POLR charges collected during 2009 – 2011 and various aspects of the approved environmental carrying charge, which, if ordered, could reduce OPCo's net deferred fuel costs up to the total balance. As of March 31, 2014, OPCo's net deferred fuel balance was $426 million, excluding unrecognized equity carrying costs. In February 2014, the Supreme Court of Ohio affirmed the PUCO's decision and rejected all appeals filed by the OCC and the IEU. In February 2014, the IEU filed for reconsideration of the Supreme Court of Ohio decision.


In August 2012, the PUCO issued an order in a separate proceeding which implemented a PIRR to recover deferred fuel costs in rates beginning September 2012. The PUCO ruled that carrying charges should be calculated without an offset for accumulated deferred income taxes and that a long-term debt rate should be applied when collections begin. In November 2012, OPCo filed an appeal at the Supreme Court of Ohio related to the PUCO decision in the PIRR proceeding claiming a long-term debt rate modified the previously adjudicated 2009 – 2011 ESP order, which granted a weighted average cost of capital rate. In November 2012, the IEU and the OCC filed appeals regarding the PUCO decision in the PIRR proceeding. These appeals principally argued that the PUCO should have reduced the deferred fuel balance to reflect the prior “improper” collection of POLR revenues which could reduce OPCo's net deferred fuel balance up to the total balance. These intervenors' appeals also argued that carrying costs should be reduced due to an accumulated deferred income tax credit which, as of March 31, 2014, could reduce carrying costs by $30 million including $16 million of unrecognized equity carrying costs. A decision from the Supreme Court of Ohio is pending.


Management is unable to predict the outcome of the unresolved litigation discussed above. Depending on the rulings in these proceedings, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.


June 2012 – May 2015 ESP Including Capacity Charge


In August 2012, the PUCO issued an order which adopted and modified a new ESP that establishes base generation rates through May 2015. This ruling was generally upheld in rehearing orders in January and March 2013.


In July 2012, the PUCO issued an order in a separate capacity proceeding which stated that OPCo must charge CRES providers the RPM price and authorized OPCo to defer a portion of its incurred capacity costs not recovered from CRES providers up to $188.88/MW day. The OPCo RPM price, which includes reserve margins, is approximately $33/MW day through May 2014 and $148/MW day from June 2014 through May 2015. In December 2012, various parties filed notices of appeal of the capacity costs decision with the Supreme Court of Ohio.

As part of the August 2012 ESP order, the PUCO established a non-bypassable RSR, effective September 2012. The RSR is being collected from customers at $3.50/MWh through May 2014 and will be collected at $4.00/MWh for the period June 2014 through May 2015, with $1.00/MWh applied to the recovery of deferred capacity costs. As of March 31, 2014, OPCo's incurred deferred capacity costs balance of $348 million, including debt carrying costs, was recorded in Regulatory Assets on the balance sheet.


In January and March 2013, the PUCO issued its Orders on Rehearing for the ESP which generally upheld its August 2012 order including the implementation of the RSR. The PUCO clarified that a final reconciliation of revenues and expenses would be permitted for any over- or under-recovery on several riders including fuel. In addition, the PUCO addressed certain issues around the energy auctions while other SSO issues related to the energy auctions were deferred to a separate docket related to the competitive bid process (CBP). In April and May 2013, OPCo and various intervenors filed appeals with the Supreme Court of Ohio challenging portions of the PUCO's ESP order, including the RSR.


In November 2013, the PUCO issued an order approving OPCo's CBP with modifications. The modifications include the delay of the energy auctions that were originally ordered in the ESP order. As ordered, in February 2014, OPCo conducted an energy-only auction for 10% of the SSO load with delivery beginning April 2014 through May 2015. The PUCO also ordered OPCo to conduct energy-only auctions for an additional 50% of the SSO load with delivery beginning November 2014 through May 2015 and for the remaining 40% of the SSO load for delivery from January 2015 through May 2015. OPCo will conduct energy and capacity auctions for its entire SSO load for delivery starting in June 2015. The PUCO also approved the unbundling of the FAC into fixed and energy-related components and an intervenor proposal to blend the $188.88/MW day capacity price in proportion to the percentage of energy planned to be auctioned. Additionally, the PUCO ordered that intervenor concerns related to the recovery of the fixed fuel costs through potentially both the FAC and the approved capacity charges be addressed in subsequent FAC proceedings. Management believes that these intervenor concerns are without merit. In January 2014, the PUCO denied all rehearing requests and agreed to issue a supplemental request for an independent auditor in the 20122013 FAC proceeding to separately examine the recovery of the fixed fuel costs, including OVEC. In March 2014, the PUCO approved OPCo's request to implement riders related to the unbundling of the FAC.


Proposed June 2015 – May 2018 ESP


In December 2013, OPCo filed an application with the PUCO to approve an ESP that includes proposed rate adjustments and the continuation and modification of certain existing riders, including the Distribution Investment Rider, effective June 2015 through May 2018. This filing is consistent with the PUCO's objective for a full transition from FAC and base generation rates to market. The proposal includes a recommended auction schedule, a return on common equity of 10.65% on capital costs for certain riders and estimates an average decrease in rates of 9% over the three-year term of the plan for customers who receive their RPM and energy auction-based generation through OPCo. Additionally, the application identifies OPCo's intention to submit a separate application to continue the RSR established in the June 2012 – May 2015 ESP in which the unrecovered portion of the deferred capacity costs will continue to be collected at the rate of $4.00/MWh until the balance of the capacity deferrals has been collected. Management intends to file this application in the second quarter of 2014. A hearing at the PUCO in the ESP case is scheduled for June 2014.


If OPCo is ultimately not permitted to fully collect its ESP rates, including the RSR, its deferred fuel balance and its deferred capacity cost, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.


Significantly Excessive Earnings Test (SEET) Filings


In January 2011, the PUCO issued an order on the 2009 SEET filing. The order gave consideration for a future commitment to invest $20 million to support the development of a large solar farm. In January 2013, the PUCO found there was not a need for the large solar farm. The PUCO noted that OPCo remains obligated to spend $20 million on this solar project or another project. In September 2013, a proposed second phase of OPCo's gridSMART® program was filed with the PUCO which included a proposed project to satisfy this PUCO directive. A decision from the PUCO is pending. In November 2013, OPCo filed its 2011 SEET filing with the PUCO. OPCo was required to file its 2011 SEET filing with the PUCO on a separate CSPCo and OPCo company basis. In March 2014, the PUCO approved a stipulation agreement between OPCo and the PUCO staff in which both parties agree that there were no significantly excessive earnings in 2011 for CSPCo or OPCo.


In November 2013, OPCo filed its 2012 SEET filing with the PUCO. In April 2014, OPCo entered into a stipulation agreement with the PUCO staff in which both parties agree that there were no significantly excessive earnings in 2012 for OPCo. A hearing at the PUCO related to the 2012 SEET filing is scheduled for April 2014. Management does not believe that there were significantly excessive earnings in 2013 for OPCo.

Corporate Separation


In October 2012, the PUCO issued an order which approved the corporate separation of OPCo's generation assets including the transfer of OPCo's generation assets and associated generation liabilities at net book value to AGR. In June 2013, the IEU filed an appeal with the Supreme Court of Ohio claiming the PUCO order approving the corporate separation was unlawful. A decision from the Supreme Court of Ohio is pending. In December 2013, corporate separation of OPCo's generation assets was completed. If any part of the PUCO order is overturned, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

Storm Damage Recovery Rider (SDRR)


In December 2012, OPCo submitted an application with the PUCO to establish initial SDRR rates to recover 2012 incremental storm distribution expenses over twelve months starting with the effective date as approved by the PUCO. In December 2013, a stipulation agreement was reached between OPCo, the PUCO staff and all intervenors except the OCC. The stipulation agreement recommended approval to recover $55 million related to 2012 storm costs over a 12-month period which included a $6 million reduction in the amount of 2012 storm expenses to be recovered. The agreement also provided that carrying charges using a long-term debt rate will be assessed from April 2013 until recovery begins, but no additional carrying charges will accrue during the actual recovery period. In April 2014, the PUCO approved the settlement agreement. Compliance tariffs were filed with the PUCO and new rates were implemented in April 2014.


2009 Fuel Adjustment Clause Audit


In January 2012, the PUCO issued an order in OPCo's 2009 FAC that the remaining $65 million in proceeds from a 2008 coal contract settlement agreement be applied against OPCo's under-recovered fuel balance. In April 2012, on rehearing, the PUCO ordered that the settlement credit only needed to reflect the Ohio retail jurisdictional share of the gain not already flowed through the FAC with carrying charges. As a result, OPCo recorded a $30 million net favorable adjustment on the statement of income in 2012. The January 2012 PUCO order also stated that a consultant should be hired to review the coal reserve valuation and recommend whether any additional value should benefit ratepayers. If the PUCO ultimately determines that additional amounts should benefit ratepayers as a result of the consultant's review of the coal reserve valuation, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.


In August 2012, intervenors filed an appeal with the Supreme Court of Ohio claiming the settlement credit ordered by the PUCO should have reflected the remaining gain not already flowed through the FAC with carrying charges, which, if ordered, would be $35 million plus carrying charges. If the Supreme Court of Ohio ultimately determines that additional amounts should benefit ratepayers, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

2010 and 2011 Fuel Adjustment Clause Audits


The PUCO-selected outside consultant issued its 2010 and 2011 FAC audit reports which included a recommendation that the PUCO reexamine the carrying costs on the deferred FAC balance and determine whether the carrying costs on the balance should be net of accumulated income taxes with the use of a weighted average cost of capital (WACC). The PUCO subsequently ruled in the PIRR proceeding that the fuel clause for these years was approved with a WACC carrying cost and that the carrying costs on the balance should not be net of accumulated income taxes. Hearings at the PUCO were held in November 2013. If the PUCO orders result in a reduction to the FAC deferral, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition. See the 20092011 ESP section of the “Ohio Electric Security Plan Filing” related to the PUCO order in the PIRR proceeding.

2012 – 2013 Fuel Adjustment Clause Audits


In April 2014, the PUCO-selected outside consultant provided its preliminary draft report related to their 2012 and 2013 FAC audit which included certain unfavorable recommendations related to the FAC recovery for 2012 and 2013. If the PUCO orders a reduction to the FAC deferral, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.



Ormet, a large aluminum company, had a contract to purchase power from OPCo through 2018. In February 2013, Ormet filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings in the state of Delaware. In October 2013, Ormet announced that it was unable to emerge from bankruptcy and shut down operations effective immediately. Based upon previous PUCO rulings providing rate assistance to Ormet, the PUCO is expected to permit OPCo to recover unpaid Ormet amounts through the Economic Development Rider (EDR), except where recovery from ratepayers is limited to $20 million related to previously deferred payments from Ormet's October and November 2012 power bills. OPCo expects that any additional unpaid generation usage by Ormet will be recoverable as a regulatory asset through the EDR. In February 2014, a stipulation agreement between OPCo and Ormet was filed with the PUCO. The stipulation recommends approval of OPCo's right to fully recover approximately $49 million of foregone revenues through the EDR which, as of March 31, 2014, is recorded in regulatory assets on the balance sheet. Also in February 2014, intervenor comments were filed objecting to full recovery of these foregone revenues. In March 2014, the PUCO issued an order in OPCo's EDR filing allowing OPCo to include $39 million of Ormet-related foregone revenues in the EDR effective April 2014. The order stated that if the stipulation agreement between OPCo and Ormet is subsequently adopted by the PUCO, OPCo could file an application to modify the EDR rate for the remainder of the period requesting recovery of the remaining $10 million of Ormet deferrals. In April 2014, an intervenor filed testimony objecting to $5 million of the remaining foregone revenues. A hearing at the PUCO related to the stipulation agreement is scheduled for May 2014.


In addition, in the 2009 – 2011 ESP proceeding, intervenors requested that OPCo be required to refund the Ormet-related revenues under a previous interim arrangement (effective from January 2009 through September 2009) and requested that the PUCO prevent OPCo from collecting Ormet-related revenues in the future. Through September 2009, the last month of the interim arrangement, OPCo had $64 million of deferred FAC costs related to the interim arrangement, excluding $2 million of unrecognized equity carrying costs. The PUCO did not take any action on this request. The intervenors raised this issue again in response to OPCo's November 2009 filing to approve recovery of the deferral under the interim agreement.


To the extent amounts discussed above are not recoverable, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

Ohio IGCC Plant


In March 2005, OPCo filed an application with the PUCO seeking authority to recover costs of building and operating an IGCC power plant. As of March 31, 2014, OPCo has collected $24 million in pre-construction costs authorized in a June 2006 PUCO order. Intervenors have filed motions with the PUCO requesting that OPCo refund all collected pre-construction costs to Ohio ratepayers with interest.


Management cannot predict the outcome of this proceeding concerning the Ohio IGCC plant or what effect, if any, this proceeding could have on future net income and cash flows. However, if OPCo is required to refund pre-construction costs collected, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

SWEPCo Rate Matters


2012 Texas Base Rate Case


In July 2012, SWEPCo filed a request with the PUCT to increase annual base rates primarily due to the completion of the Turk Plant. In October 2013, the PUCT issued an order affirming the prudence of the Turk Plant but determined that the Turk Plant's Texas jurisdictional capital cost cap established in a previous Certificate of Convenience and Necessity case also limited SWEPCo's recovery of AFUDC in addition to limits on its recovery of cash construction costs. Additionally, the PUCT deferred consideration of the requested increase in depreciation expense related to the change in the 2016 retirement date of the Welsh Plant, Unit 2. As of March 31, 2014, the net book value of Welsh Plant, Unit 2 was $86 million, before cost of removal, including materials and supplies inventory and CWIP.


Upon rehearing in January 2014, the PUCT reversed its initial ruling and determined that AFUDC was excluded from the Turk Plant's Texas jurisdictional capital cost cap. As a result, in the fourth quarter of 2013, SWEPCo reversed $114 million of previously recorded regulatory disallowances. The resulting annual base rate increase is approximately $52 million. In March 2014, the PUCT issued an order related to the January 2014 PUCT ruling. This order became final and appealable in April 2014.


If any part of the PUCT order is overturned or if SWEPCo cannot ultimately recover its Texas jurisdictional share of the Turk Plant investment, including AFUDC, or its retirement-related costs of Welsh Plant, Unit 2, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

2013 Texas Transmission Cost Recovery Factor Filing


In December 2013, SWEPCo filed an application to implement its initial transmission cost recovery factor (TCRF) requesting additional annual revenue of $10 million. The TCRF is designed to recover increases from the amounts included in SWEPCo's Texas retail base rates for transmission infrastructure improvement costs and wholesale transmission charges under a tariff approved by the FERC. SWEPCo's application included Turk Plant transmission-related costs. In March 2014, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) dismissed this case without prejudice. The ALJ concluded that SWEPCo's application was premature as the PUCT had not completed its ruling on the motions for rehearing of the order in the SWEPCo Texas Base Rate Case in which the baseline values to be used in the TCRF calculation would be established.


2012 Louisiana Formula Rate Filing


In 2012, SWEPCo initiated a proceeding to establish new formula base rates in Louisiana, including recovery of the Louisiana jurisdictional share (approximately 29%) of the Turk Plant. In February 2013, a settlement was filed and approved by the LPSC. The settlement increased Louisiana total rates by approximately $2 million annually, effective March 2013, which consisted of an increase in base rates of approximately $85 million annually offset by a decrease in fuel and other rates of approximately $83 million annually. The March 2013 base rates are based on a 10% return on common equity and cost recovery of the Louisiana jurisdictional share of the Turk Plant and Stall Unit. The rates are subject to refund based on the staff review of the cost of service and the prudency review of the Turk Plant. The settlement also provided that the LPSC will review base rates in 2014 and 2015 and that SWEPCo will recover non-fuel Turk Plant costs and a full weighted-average cost of capital return on the prudently incurred Turk Plant investment in jurisdictional rate base, effective January 2013. In May 2013, SWEPCo filed testimony in the prudence review of the Turk Plant. If the LPSC orders refunds based upon the pending staff review of the cost of service or the prudence review of the Turk Plant, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

2014 Louisiana Formula Rate Filing


In April 2014, SWEPCo filed its annual formula rate plan for test year 2013 with the LPSC.  The filing included a $5 million annual increase to be effective August 2014.  SWEPCo also proposed to increase rates by an additional $15 million annually, effective January 2015, for a total annual increase of $20 million. This additional increase reflects the cost of incremental generation to be used to serve Louisiana customers in 2015 due to the expiration of a purchase power agreement attributable to Louisiana customers.  These increases are subject to LPSC staff review.  If any of these costs are not recoverable, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.


APCo and WPCo Rate Matters

Plant Transfer


In March 2014, APCo and WPCo filed a request with the WVPSC for approval to transfer at net book value to WPCo a one-half interest in the Mitchell Plant, comprising 780 MW of average annual generating capacity presently owned by AGR. In April 2014, APCo and WPCo filed testimony that supported their request and proposed a base rate surcharge of $113 million, to be offset by an equal reduction in the ENEC revenues, to be effective upon the transfer of the Mitchell Plant to WPCo. In April 2014, APCo and WPCo also filed a request with the FERC for approval to transfer AGR's one-half interest in the Mitchell Plant to WPCo. Upon transfer of the Mitchell Plant to WPCo, WPCo will no longer purchase power from AGR.




As of March 31, 2014, APCo deferred for future recovery pre-construction IGCC costs of approximately $9 million applicable to its West Virginia jurisdiction, approximately $2 million applicable to its FERC jurisdiction and approximately $10 million applicable to its Virginia jurisdiction. In March 2014, APCo submitted a request to the Virginia SCC as part of the 2014 Virginia Biennial Base Rate Case to amortize the Virginia jurisdictional share of these costs over two years. If any of these costs are not recoverable, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

2013 Virginia Transmission Rate Adjustment Clause (transmission RAC)


In December 2013, APCo filed with the Virginia SCC to increase its transmission RAC revenues by $50 million annually to be effective May 2014. In March 2014, the Virginia SCC issued an order approving a stipulation agreement between APCo and the Virginia SCC staff increasing the transmission RAC revenues by $49 million annually, subject to true-up, effective May 2014. Pursuant to the order, the Virginia SCC staff will audit APCo's transmission RAC under-recoveries and report its findings and recommendations in testimony in APCo's next transmission RAC proceeding in 2015.


2014 Virginia Biennial Base Rate Case


In March 2014, APCo filed a generation and distribution base rate biennial review with the Virginia SCC. In accordance with a Virginia statute, APCo did not request a change in base rates as its Virginia retail combined rate of return on common equity for 2012 and 2013 is within the statutory range of the approved return on common equity of 10.9%. The filing included a request to decrease generation depreciation rates, effective February 2015, primarily due to changes in the expected service lives of various generating units and the extended recovery through 2040 of the net book value of certain planned 2015 plant retirements. Additionally, the filing included a request to amortize $7 million annually for two years, beginning February 2015, related to certain deferred costs. A hearing at the Virginia SCC is scheduled for September 2014. If any of these costs are not recoverable, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.


PSO Rate Matters


2014 Oklahoma Base Rate Case


In January 2014, PSO filed a request with the OCC to increase annual base rates by $38 million, based upon a 10.5% return on common equity. This revenue increase includes a proposed increase in depreciation rates of $29 million. In addition, the filing proposed recovery of advanced metering costs through a separate rider over a three-year deployment period requesting $7 million of revenues in year one, increasing to $28 million in year three. The filing also proposed expansion of an existing transmission rider currently recovered in base rates to include additional transmission-related costs that are expected to increase over the next several years.


In April 2014, OCC Staff and intervenors filed testimony with recommendations that included adjustments to annual base rates ranging from an increase of $16 million to a reduction of $22 million, primarily based upon the determination of depreciation rates and a return on common equity between 9.18% and 9.5%. Additionally, the recommendations did not support the advanced metering rider or the expansion of the transmission rider. A hearing at the OCC is scheduled for June 2014. If the OCC were to disallow any portion of this base rate request, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

I&M Rate Matters


2011 Indiana Base Rate Case


In February 2013, the IURC issued an order that granted an $85 million annual increase in base rates based upon a return on common equity of 10.2% and adjusted the authorized annual increase in base rates to $92 million in March 2013. In March 2013, the Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC) filed an appeal of the order with the Indiana Court of Appeals. In March 2014, the Indiana Court of Appeals upheld the February 2013 IURC order. In April 2014, the OUCC filed an appeal to the Indiana Supreme Court related to the inclusion of a prepaid pension asset in rate base. If any part of the IURC order is overturned by the Indiana Supreme Court, it could reduce future net income and cash flows.

Cook Plant Life Cycle Management Project (LCM Project)


In April and May 2012, I&M filed a petition with the IURC and the MPSC, respectively, for approval of the LCM Project, which consists of a group of capital projects to ensure the safe and reliable operations of the Cook Plant through its licensed life (2034 for Unit 1 and 2037 for Unit 2). The estimated cost of the LCM Project is $1.2 billion to be incurred through 2018, excluding AFUDC. As of March 31, 2014, I&M has incurred costs of $405 million related to the LCM Project, including AFUDC.


In July 2013, the IURC approved I&M's proposed project with the exception of an estimated $23 million related to certain items that might accommodate a future potential power uprate which the IURC stated I&M could seek recovery of in a subsequent base rate case. I&M will recover approved costs through an LCM rider which will be determined in semi-annual proceedings. The IURC authorized deferral accounting for costs incurred related to certain projects effective January 2012 to the extent such costs are not reflected in rates. In December 2013, the IURC issued an interim order authorizing the implementation of LCM rider rates effective January 2014, subject to reconciliation upon the issuance of a final order by the IURC.


In January 2013, the MPSC approved a Certificate of Need (CON) for the LCM Project and authorized deferral accounting for costs incurred related to the approved projects effective January 2013 until these costs are included in rates. In February 2013, intervenors filed appeals with the Michigan Court of Appeals objecting to the issuance of the CON as well as the amount of the CON related to the LCM Project.


If I&M is not ultimately permitted to recover its LCM Project costs, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

Tanners Creek Plant, Units 1 - 4


In 2011, I&M announced that it would retire Tanners Creek Plant, Units 1-3 by June 2015 to comply with proposed environmental regulations. In September 2013, I&M announced that Tanners Creek Plant, Unit 4 would also be retired in mid-2015 rather than being converted from coal to natural gas. I&M is currently recovering depreciation and a return on the net book value of the Tanners Creek Plant in base rates and plans to seek recovery of all of the plant's retirement related costs in its next Indiana and Michigan base rate cases.


In December 2013, I&M filed an application with the MPSC seeking approval of revised depreciation rates for Rockport Plant, Unit 1 and Tanners Creek Plant due to the retirement of the Tanners Creek Plant in 2015. Upon the retirement of the Tanners Creek Plant, I&M proposes that the net book value of the Tanners Creek Plant will be recovered over the remaining life of the Rockport Plant. I&M requested to have the impact of these new depreciation rates incorporated into the rates set in its next rate case. The new depreciation rates are expected to result in a decrease in I&M's Michigan jurisdictional electric depreciation expense which I&M proposes to implement in the month following a MPSC order in the revised depreciation case. A hearing at the MPSC is scheduled for September 2014.


As of March 31, 2014, the net book value of the Tanners Creek Plant was $334 million, before cost of removal, including materials and supplies inventory and CWIP. If I&M is ultimately not permitted to fully recover its net book value of the Tanners Creek Plant and its retirement-related costs, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

KPCo Rate Matters

Plant Transfer


In October 2012, the AEP East Companies submitted several filings with the FERC. In December 2012, KPCo filed a request with the KPSC for approval to transfer at net book value to KPCo a one-half interest in the Mitchell Plant, comprising 780 MW of average annual generating capacity. KPCo also requested that costs related to the Big Sandy Plant, Unit 2 FGD project be established as a regulatory asset. As of March 31, 2014, the net book value of Big Sandy Plant, Unit 2 was $247 million, before cost of removal, including materials and supplies inventory and CWIP.


In October 2013, the KPSC issued an order approving a modified settlement agreement between KPCo, Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers, Inc. and the Sierra Club. The modified settlement approved the transfer of a one-half interest in the Mitchell Plant to KPCo at net book value on December 31, 2013 with the limitation that the net book value of the Mitchell Plant transfer not exceed the amount to be determined by a WVPSC order. The WVPSC order was subsequently issued in December 2013, but the WVPSC deferred a decision on the transfer of the one-half interest in the Mitchell Plant to APCo. The settlement also included the implementation of an Asset Transfer Rider to collect $44 million annually effective January 2014, subject to true-up, and allowed KPCo to retain any off-system sales margins above the $15.3 million annual level in base rates. Additionally, the settlement allows for KPCo to file a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to convert Big Sandy Plant, Unit 1 to natural gas, provided the cost is approximately $60 million, and addressed potential greenhouse gas initiatives on the Mitchell Plant. The settlement also approved recovery, including a return, of coal-related retirement costs related to Big Sandy Plant over 25 years when base rates are set in the next base rate case (no earlier than June 2015), but rejected KPCo's request to defer FGD project costs for Big Sandy Plant, Unit 2. As a result of this order, in 2013, KPCo recorded a pretax regulatory disallowance of $33 million in Asset Impairments and Other Related Charges on the statement of income. In December 2013, the Attorney General filed an appeal with the Franklin County Circuit Court. In December 2013, KPCo filed motions with the Franklin County Circuit Court to dismiss the appeal. A hearing on the motions to dismiss was held in January 2014. In December 2013, the transfer of a one-half interest in the Mitchell Plant to KPCo was completed. If any part of the KPSC order is overturned, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

Appalachian Power Co [Member]
Rate Matters

Plant Transfer


In March 2014, APCo and WPCo filed a request with the WVPSC for approval to transfer at net book value to WPCo a one-half interest in the Mitchell Plant, comprising 780 MW of average annual generating capacity presently owned by AGR. In April 2014, APCo and WPCo filed testimony that supported their request and proposed a base rate surcharge of $113 million, to be offset by an equal reduction in the ENEC revenues, to be effective upon the transfer of the Mitchell Plant to WPCo. In April 2014, APCo and WPCo also filed a request with the FERC for approval to transfer AGR's one-half interest in the Mitchell Plant to WPCo. Upon transfer of the Mitchell Plant to WPCo, WPCo will no longer purchase power from AGR.




As of March 31, 2014, APCo deferred for future recovery pre-construction IGCC costs of approximately $9 million applicable to its West Virginia jurisdiction, approximately $2 million applicable to its FERC jurisdiction and approximately $10 million applicable to its Virginia jurisdiction. In March 2014, APCo submitted a request to the Virginia SCC as part of the 2014 Virginia Biennial Base Rate Case to amortize the Virginia jurisdictional share of these costs over two years. If any of these costs are not recoverable, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

2013 Virginia Transmission Rate Adjustment Clause (transmission RAC)


In December 2013, APCo filed with the Virginia SCC to increase its transmission RAC revenues by $50 million annually to be effective May 2014. In March 2014, the Virginia SCC issued an order approving a stipulation agreement between APCo and the Virginia SCC staff increasing the transmission RAC revenues by $49 million annually, subject to true-up, effective May 2014. Pursuant to the order, the Virginia SCC staff will audit APCo's transmission RAC under-recoveries and report its findings and recommendations in testimony in APCo's next transmission RAC proceeding in 2015.


2014 Virginia Biennial Base Rate Case


In March 2014, APCo filed a generation and distribution base rate biennial review with the Virginia SCC. In accordance with a Virginia statute, APCo did not request a change in base rates as its Virginia retail combined rate of return on common equity for 2012 and 2013 is within the statutory range of the approved return on common equity of 10.9%. The filing included a request to decrease generation depreciation rates, effective February 2015, primarily due to changes in the expected service lives of various generating units and the extended recovery through 2040 of the net book value of certain planned 2015 plant retirements. Additionally, the filing included a request to amortize $7 million annually for two years, beginning February 2015, related to certain deferred costs. A hearing at the Virginia SCC is scheduled for September 2014. If any of these costs are not recoverable, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.




As discussed in the 2013 Annual Report, the Registrant Subsidiaries are involved in rate and regulatory proceedings at the FERC and their state commissions. The Rate Matters note within the 2013 Annual Report should be read in conjunction with this report to gain a complete understanding of material rate matters still pending that could impact net income, cash flows and possibly financial condition. The following discusses ratemaking developments in 2014 and updates the 2013 Annual Report.


Regulatory Assets Not Yet Being Recovered

     March 31, December 31,
     2014 2013
 Noncurrent Regulatory Assets (in thousands)
 Regulatory assets not yet being recovered pending future proceedings:       
 Regulatory Assets Currently Not Earning a Return      
  Storm Related Costs $ 65,206 $ 65,206
  IGCC Pre-Construction Costs   20,528   -
  Expanded Net Energy Charge - Coal Inventory   18,818   20,528
  Mountaineer Carbon Capture and Storage      
   Product Validation Facility   13,264   13,264
  Virginia Demand Response Program Costs   5,897   5,012
  Transmission Agreement Phase-In   3,450   3,313
  Virginia Environmental Rate Adjustment Clause   1,941   2,440
  Mountaineer Carbon Capture and Storage      
   Commercial Scale Facility   1,287   1,287
  Other Regulatory Assets Not Yet Being Recovered   513   168
 Total Regulatory Assets Not Yet Being Recovered $ 130,904 $ 111,218

If these costs are ultimately determined not to be recoverable, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

APCo Rate Matters

WPCo Merger with APCo


In December 2011, APCo and WPCo filed an application with the WVPSC requesting authority to merge WPCo into APCo. In December 2012, APCo and WPCo filed merger applications with the Virginia SCC and the FERC. In April 2013, the FERC approved the merger. Also in December 2012, APCo and WPCo filed requests with the Virginia SCC and the WVPSC for approval to transfer at net book value to APCo a two-thirds interest in Amos Plant, Unit 3 and a one-half interest in the Mitchell Plant. In June 2013, the WVPSC issued an order consolidating the merger case with APCo's plant asset transfer case. In July 2013, the Virginia SCC approved the merger of WPCo into APCo and the transfer of the two-thirds interest in the Amos Plant, Unit 3 to APCo but denied the proposed transfer of the one-half interest in the Mitchell Plant to APCo. In December 2013, the WVPSC issued an order that deferred ruling on the merger of WPCo into APCo. The order also directed APCo and WPCo to submit a plan with the WVPSC identifying a course of action to serve the load of WPCo. See the “Plant Transfer” section of APCo Rate Matters. The feasibility of the merger remains under review.

Indiana Michigan Power Co [Member]
Rate Matters

I&M Rate Matters


2011 Indiana Base Rate Case


In February 2013, the IURC issued an order that granted an $85 million annual increase in base rates based upon a return on common equity of 10.2% and adjusted the authorized annual increase in base rates to $92 million in March 2013. In March 2013, the Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC) filed an appeal of the order with the Indiana Court of Appeals. In March 2014, the Indiana Court of Appeals upheld the February 2013 IURC order. In April 2014, the OUCC filed an appeal to the Indiana Supreme Court related to the inclusion of a prepaid pension asset in rate base. If any part of the IURC order is overturned by the Indiana Supreme Court, it could reduce future net income and cash flows.

Cook Plant Life Cycle Management Project (LCM Project)


In April and May 2012, I&M filed a petition with the IURC and the MPSC, respectively, for approval of the LCM Project, which consists of a group of capital projects to ensure the safe and reliable operations of the Cook Plant through its licensed life (2034 for Unit 1 and 2037 for Unit 2). The estimated cost of the LCM Project is $1.2 billion to be incurred through 2018, excluding AFUDC. As of March 31, 2014, I&M has incurred costs of $405 million related to the LCM Project, including AFUDC.


In July 2013, the IURC approved I&M's proposed project with the exception of an estimated $23 million related to certain items that might accommodate a future potential power uprate which the IURC stated I&M could seek recovery of in a subsequent base rate case. I&M will recover approved costs through an LCM rider which will be determined in semi-annual proceedings. The IURC authorized deferral accounting for costs incurred related to certain projects effective January 2012 to the extent such costs are not reflected in rates. In December 2013, the IURC issued an interim order authorizing the implementation of LCM rider rates effective January 2014, subject to reconciliation upon the issuance of a final order by the IURC.


In January 2013, the MPSC approved a Certificate of Need (CON) for the LCM Project and authorized deferral accounting for costs incurred related to the approved projects effective January 2013 until these costs are included in rates. In February 2013, intervenors filed appeals with the Michigan Court of Appeals objecting to the issuance of the CON as well as the amount of the CON related to the LCM Project.


If I&M is not ultimately permitted to recover its LCM Project costs, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

Tanners Creek Plant, Units 1 - 4


In 2011, I&M announced that it would retire Tanners Creek Plant, Units 1-3 by June 2015 to comply with proposed environmental regulations. In September 2013, I&M announced that Tanners Creek Plant, Unit 4 would also be retired in mid-2015 rather than being converted from coal to natural gas. I&M is currently recovering depreciation and a return on the net book value of the Tanners Creek Plant in base rates and plans to seek recovery of all of the plant's retirement related costs in its next Indiana and Michigan base rate cases.


In December 2013, I&M filed an application with the MPSC seeking approval of revised depreciation rates for Rockport Plant, Unit 1 and Tanners Creek Plant due to the retirement of the Tanners Creek Plant in 2015. Upon the retirement of the Tanners Creek Plant, I&M proposes that the net book value of the Tanners Creek Plant will be recovered over the remaining life of the Rockport Plant. I&M requested to have the impact of these new depreciation rates incorporated into the rates set in its next rate case. The new depreciation rates are expected to result in a decrease in I&M's Michigan jurisdictional electric depreciation expense which I&M proposes to implement in the month following a MPSC order in the revised depreciation case. A hearing at the MPSC is scheduled for September 2014.


As of March 31, 2014, the net book value of the Tanners Creek Plant was $334 million, before cost of removal, including materials and supplies inventory and CWIP. If I&M is ultimately not permitted to fully recover its net book value of the Tanners Creek Plant and its retirement-related costs, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.



As discussed in the 2013 Annual Report, the Registrant Subsidiaries are involved in rate and regulatory proceedings at the FERC and their state commissions. The Rate Matters note within the 2013 Annual Report should be read in conjunction with this report to gain a complete understanding of material rate matters still pending that could impact net income, cash flows and possibly financial condition. The following discusses ratemaking developments in 2014 and updates the 2013 Annual Report.


Regulatory Assets Not Yet Being Recovered

     March 31, December 31,
     2014 2013
 Noncurrent Regulatory Assets (in thousands)
 Regulatory assets not yet being recovered pending future proceedings:      
 Regulatory Assets Currently Not Earning a Return      
  Indiana Under-Recovered Capacity Costs $ 28,149 $ 21,945
  Cook Plant Turbine   4,238   3,452
  Stranded Costs on Abandoned Plants   3,897   3,896
  Storm Related Costs   751   1,836
  Indiana Deferred Cook Plant Life Cycle Management Project Costs   -   4,093
  Other Regulatory Assets Not Yet Being Recovered   694   164
 Total Regulatory Assets Not Yet Being Recovered $ 37,729 $ 35,386

If these costs are ultimately determined not to be recoverable, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

Ohio Power Co [Member]
Rate Matters

OPCo Rate Matters


Ohio Electric Security Plan Filings


2009 – 2011 ESP


The PUCO issued an order in March 2009 that modified and approved the ESP which established rates at the start of the April 2009 billing cycle through 2011. OPCo collected the 2009 annualized revenue increase over the last nine months of 2009. The order also provided a phase-in FAC, which was authorized to be recovered through a non-bypassable surcharge over the period 2012 through 2018. The PUCO's March 2009 order was appealed to the Supreme Court of Ohio, which issued an opinion and remanded certain issues back to the PUCO.


In October 2011, the PUCO issued an order in the remand proceeding. As a result, OPCo ceased collection of POLR billings in November 2011 and recorded a write-off in 2011 related to POLR collections for the period June 2011 through October 2011. In February 2012, the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and the IEU filed appeals of that order with the Supreme Court of Ohio challenging various issues, including the PUCO's refusal to order retrospective relief concerning the POLR charges collected during 2009 – 2011 and various aspects of the approved environmental carrying charge, which, if ordered, could reduce OPCo's net deferred fuel costs up to the total balance. As of March 31, 2014, OPCo's net deferred fuel balance was $426 million, excluding unrecognized equity carrying costs. In February 2014, the Supreme Court of Ohio affirmed the PUCO's decision and rejected all appeals filed by the OCC and the IEU. In February 2014, the IEU filed for reconsideration of the Supreme Court of Ohio decision.


In August 2012, the PUCO issued an order in a separate proceeding which implemented a PIRR to recover deferred fuel costs in rates beginning September 2012. The PUCO ruled that carrying charges should be calculated without an offset for accumulated deferred income taxes and that a long-term debt rate should be applied when collections begin. In November 2012, OPCo filed an appeal at the Supreme Court of Ohio related to the PUCO decision in the PIRR proceeding claiming a long-term debt rate modified the previously adjudicated 2009 – 2011 ESP order, which granted a weighted average cost of capital rate. In November 2012, the IEU and the OCC filed appeals regarding the PUCO decision in the PIRR proceeding. These appeals principally argued that the PUCO should have reduced the deferred fuel balance to reflect the prior “improper” collection of POLR revenues which could reduce OPCo's net deferred fuel balance up to the total balance. These intervenors' appeals also argued that carrying costs should be reduced due to an accumulated deferred income tax credit which, as of March 31, 2014, could reduce carrying costs by $30 million including $16 million of unrecognized equity carrying costs. A decision from the Supreme Court of Ohio is pending.


Management is unable to predict the outcome of the unresolved litigation discussed above. Depending on the rulings in these proceedings, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.


June 2012 – May 2015 ESP Including Capacity Charge


In August 2012, the PUCO issued an order which adopted and modified a new ESP that establishes base generation rates through May 2015. This ruling was generally upheld in rehearing orders in January and March 2013.


In July 2012, the PUCO issued an order in a separate capacity proceeding which stated that OPCo must charge CRES providers the RPM price and authorized OPCo to defer a portion of its incurred capacity costs not recovered from CRES providers up to $188.88/MW day. The OPCo RPM price, which includes reserve margins, is approximately $33/MW day through May 2014 and $148/MW day from June 2014 through May 2015. In December 2012, various parties filed notices of appeal of the capacity costs decision with the Supreme Court of Ohio.

As part of the August 2012 ESP order, the PUCO established a non-bypassable RSR, effective September 2012. The RSR is being collected from customers at $3.50/MWh through May 2014 and will be collected at $4.00/MWh for the period June 2014 through May 2015, with $1.00/MWh applied to the recovery of deferred capacity costs. As of March 31, 2014, OPCo's incurred deferred capacity costs balance of $348 million, including debt carrying costs, was recorded in Regulatory Assets on the balance sheet.


In January and March 2013, the PUCO issued its Orders on Rehearing for the ESP which generally upheld its August 2012 order including the implementation of the RSR. The PUCO clarified that a final reconciliation of revenues and expenses would be permitted for any over- or under-recovery on several riders including fuel. In addition, the PUCO addressed certain issues around the energy auctions while other SSO issues related to the energy auctions were deferred to a separate docket related to the competitive bid process (CBP). In April and May 2013, OPCo and various intervenors filed appeals with the Supreme Court of Ohio challenging portions of the PUCO's ESP order, including the RSR.


In November 2013, the PUCO issued an order approving OPCo's CBP with modifications. The modifications include the delay of the energy auctions that were originally ordered in the ESP order. As ordered, in February 2014, OPCo conducted an energy-only auction for 10% of the SSO load with delivery beginning April 2014 through May 2015. The PUCO also ordered OPCo to conduct energy-only auctions for an additional 50% of the SSO load with delivery beginning November 2014 through May 2015 and for the remaining 40% of the SSO load for delivery from January 2015 through May 2015. OPCo will conduct energy and capacity auctions for its entire SSO load for delivery starting in June 2015. The PUCO also approved the unbundling of the FAC into fixed and energy-related components and an intervenor proposal to blend the $188.88/MW day capacity price in proportion to the percentage of energy planned to be auctioned. Additionally, the PUCO ordered that intervenor concerns related to the recovery of the fixed fuel costs through potentially both the FAC and the approved capacity charges be addressed in subsequent FAC proceedings. Management believes that these intervenor concerns are without merit. In January 2014, the PUCO denied all rehearing requests and agreed to issue a supplemental request for an independent auditor in the 20122013 FAC proceeding to separately examine the recovery of the fixed fuel costs, including OVEC. In March 2014, the PUCO approved OPCo's request to implement riders related to the unbundling of the FAC.


Proposed June 2015 – May 2018 ESP


In December 2013, OPCo filed an application with the PUCO to approve an ESP that includes proposed rate adjustments and the continuation and modification of certain existing riders, including the Distribution Investment Rider, effective June 2015 through May 2018. This filing is consistent with the PUCO's objective for a full transition from FAC and base generation rates to market. The proposal includes a recommended auction schedule, a return on common equity of 10.65% on capital costs for certain riders and estimates an average decrease in rates of 9% over the three-year term of the plan for customers who receive their RPM and energy auction-based generation through OPCo. Additionally, the application identifies OPCo's intention to submit a separate application to continue the RSR established in the June 2012 – May 2015 ESP in which the unrecovered portion of the deferred capacity costs will continue to be collected at the rate of $4.00/MWh until the balance of the capacity deferrals has been collected. Management intends to file this application in the second quarter of 2014. A hearing at the PUCO in the ESP case is scheduled for June 2014.


If OPCo is ultimately not permitted to fully collect its ESP rates, including the RSR, its deferred fuel balance and its deferred capacity cost, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.


Significantly Excessive Earnings Test (SEET) Filings


In January 2011, the PUCO issued an order on the 2009 SEET filing. The order gave consideration for a future commitment to invest $20 million to support the development of a large solar farm. In January 2013, the PUCO found there was not a need for the large solar farm. The PUCO noted that OPCo remains obligated to spend $20 million on this solar project or another project. In September 2013, a proposed second phase of OPCo's gridSMART® program was filed with the PUCO which included a proposed project to satisfy this PUCO directive. A decision from the PUCO is pending. In November 2013, OPCo filed its 2011 SEET filing with the PUCO. OPCo was required to file its 2011 SEET filing with the PUCO on a separate CSPCo and OPCo company basis. In March 2014, the PUCO approved a stipulation agreement between OPCo and the PUCO staff in which both parties agree that there were no significantly excessive earnings in 2011 for CSPCo or OPCo.


In November 2013, OPCo filed its 2012 SEET filing with the PUCO. In April 2014, OPCo entered into a stipulation agreement with the PUCO staff in which both parties agree that there were no significantly excessive earnings in 2012 for OPCo. A hearing at the PUCO related to the 2012 SEET filing is scheduled for April 2014. Management does not believe that there were significantly excessive earnings in 2013 for OPCo.

Storm Damage Recovery Rider (SDRR)


In December 2012, OPCo submitted an application with the PUCO to establish initial SDRR rates to recover 2012 incremental storm distribution expenses over twelve months starting with the effective date as approved by the PUCO. In December 2013, a stipulation agreement was reached between OPCo, the PUCO staff and all intervenors except the OCC. The stipulation agreement recommended approval to recover $55 million related to 2012 storm costs over a 12-month period which included a $6 million reduction in the amount of 2012 storm expenses to be recovered. The agreement also provided that carrying charges using a long-term debt rate will be assessed from April 2013 until recovery begins, but no additional carrying charges will accrue during the actual recovery period. In April 2014, the PUCO approved the settlement agreement. Compliance tariffs were filed with the PUCO and new rates were implemented in April 2014.


2009 Fuel Adjustment Clause Audit


In January 2012, the PUCO issued an order in OPCo's 2009 FAC that the remaining $65 million in proceeds from a 2008 coal contract settlement agreement be applied against OPCo's under-recovered fuel balance. In April 2012, on rehearing, the PUCO ordered that the settlement credit only needed to reflect the Ohio retail jurisdictional share of the gain not already flowed through the FAC with carrying charges. As a result, OPCo recorded a $30 million net favorable adjustment on the statement of income in 2012. The January 2012 PUCO order also stated that a consultant should be hired to review the coal reserve valuation and recommend whether any additional value should benefit ratepayers. If the PUCO ultimately determines that additional amounts should benefit ratepayers as a result of the consultant's review of the coal reserve valuation, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.


In August 2012, intervenors filed an appeal with the Supreme Court of Ohio claiming the settlement credit ordered by the PUCO should have reflected the remaining gain not already flowed through the FAC with carrying charges, which, if ordered, would be $35 million plus carrying charges. If the Supreme Court of Ohio ultimately determines that additional amounts should benefit ratepayers, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

2010 and 2011 Fuel Adjustment Clause Audits


The PUCO-selected outside consultant issued its 2010 and 2011 FAC audit reports which included a recommendation that the PUCO reexamine the carrying costs on the deferred FAC balance and determine whether the carrying costs on the balance should be net of accumulated income taxes with the use of a weighted average cost of capital (WACC). The PUCO subsequently ruled in the PIRR proceeding that the fuel clause for these years was approved with a WACC carrying cost and that the carrying costs on the balance should not be net of accumulated income taxes. Hearings at the PUCO were held in November 2013. If the PUCO orders result in a reduction to the FAC deferral, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition. See the 20092011 ESP section of the “Ohio Electric Security Plan Filing” related to the PUCO order in the PIRR proceeding.

2012 – 2013 Fuel Adjustment Clause Audits


In April 2014, the PUCO-selected outside consultant provided its preliminary draft report related to their 2012 and 2013 FAC audit which included certain unfavorable recommendations related to the FAC recovery for 2012 and 2013. If the PUCO orders a reduction to the FAC deferral, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.



Ormet, a large aluminum company, had a contract to purchase power from OPCo through 2018. In February 2013, Ormet filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings in the state of Delaware. In October 2013, Ormet announced that it was unable to emerge from bankruptcy and shut down operations effective immediately. Based upon previous PUCO rulings providing rate assistance to Ormet, the PUCO is expected to permit OPCo to recover unpaid Ormet amounts through the Economic Development Rider (EDR), except where recovery from ratepayers is limited to $20 million related to previously deferred payments from Ormet's October and November 2012 power bills. OPCo expects that any additional unpaid generation usage by Ormet will be recoverable as a regulatory asset through the EDR. In February 2014, a stipulation agreement between OPCo and Ormet was filed with the PUCO. The stipulation recommends approval of OPCo's right to fully recover approximately $49 million of foregone revenues through the EDR which, as of March 31, 2014, is recorded in regulatory assets on the balance sheet. Also in February 2014, intervenor comments were filed objecting to full recovery of these foregone revenues. In March 2014, the PUCO issued an order in OPCo's EDR filing allowing OPCo to include $39 million of Ormet-related foregone revenues in the EDR effective April 2014. The order stated that if the stipulation agreement between OPCo and Ormet is subsequently adopted by the PUCO, OPCo could file an application to modify the EDR rate for the remainder of the period requesting recovery of the remaining $10 million of Ormet deferrals. In April 2014, an intervenor filed testimony objecting to $5 million of the remaining foregone revenues. A hearing at the PUCO related to the stipulation agreement is scheduled for May 2014.


In addition, in the 2009 – 2011 ESP proceeding, intervenors requested that OPCo be required to refund the Ormet-related revenues under a previous interim arrangement (effective from January 2009 through September 2009) and requested that the PUCO prevent OPCo from collecting Ormet-related revenues in the future. Through September 2009, the last month of the interim arrangement, OPCo had $64 million of deferred FAC costs related to the interim arrangement, excluding $2 million of unrecognized equity carrying costs. The PUCO did not take any action on this request. The intervenors raised this issue again in response to OPCo's November 2009 filing to approve recovery of the deferral under the interim agreement.


To the extent amounts discussed above are not recoverable, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

Ohio IGCC Plant


In March 2005, OPCo filed an application with the PUCO seeking authority to recover costs of building and operating an IGCC power plant. As of March 31, 2014, OPCo has collected $24 million in pre-construction costs authorized in a June 2006 PUCO order. Intervenors have filed motions with the PUCO requesting that OPCo refund all collected pre-construction costs to Ohio ratepayers with interest.


Management cannot predict the outcome of this proceeding concerning the Ohio IGCC plant or what effect, if any, this proceeding could have on future net income and cash flows. However, if OPCo is required to refund pre-construction costs collected, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.



As discussed in the 2013 Annual Report, the Registrant Subsidiaries are involved in rate and regulatory proceedings at the FERC and their state commissions. The Rate Matters note within the 2013 Annual Report should be read in conjunction with this report to gain a complete understanding of material rate matters still pending that could impact net income, cash flows and possibly financial condition. The following discusses ratemaking developments in 2014 and updates the 2013 Annual Report.


Regulatory Assets Not Yet Being Recovered

     March 31, December 31,
     2014 2013
 Noncurrent Regulatory Assets (in thousands)
 Regulatory assets not yet being recovered pending future proceedings:      
 Regulatory Assets Currently Earning a Return      
  Economic Development Rider $ - $ 13,854
 Regulatory Assets Currently Not Earning a Return      
  Ormet Special Rate Recovery Mechanism   10,483   35,631
  Storm Related Costs   1,635   57,589
 Total Regulatory Assets Not Yet Being Recovered $ 12,118 $ 107,074

If these costs are ultimately determined not to be recoverable, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

Corporate Separation


In October 2012, the PUCO issued an order which approved the corporate separation of OPCo's generation assets including the transfer of OPCo's generation assets and associated generation liabilities at net book value to AGR. In June 2013, the IEU filed an appeal with the Supreme Court of Ohio claiming the PUCO order approving the corporate separation was unlawful. A decision from the Supreme Court of Ohio is pending. In December 2013, corporate separation of OPCo's generation assets was completed. If any part of the PUCO order is overturned, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

Public Service Co Of Oklahoma [Member]
Rate Matters

PSO Rate Matters


2014 Oklahoma Base Rate Case


In January 2014, PSO filed a request with the OCC to increase annual base rates by $38 million, based upon a 10.5% return on common equity. This revenue increase includes a proposed increase in depreciation rates of $29 million. In addition, the filing proposed recovery of advanced metering costs through a separate rider over a three-year deployment period requesting $7 million of revenues in year one, increasing to $28 million in year three. The filing also proposed expansion of an existing transmission rider currently recovered in base rates to include additional transmission-related costs that are expected to increase over the next several years.


In April 2014, OCC Staff and intervenors filed testimony with recommendations that included adjustments to annual base rates ranging from an increase of $16 million to a reduction of $22 million, primarily based upon the determination of depreciation rates and a return on common equity between 9.18% and 9.5%. Additionally, the recommendations did not support the advanced metering rider or the expansion of the transmission rider. A hearing at the OCC is scheduled for June 2014. If the OCC were to disallow any portion of this base rate request, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.



As discussed in the 2013 Annual Report, the Registrant Subsidiaries are involved in rate and regulatory proceedings at the FERC and their state commissions. The Rate Matters note within the 2013 Annual Report should be read in conjunction with this report to gain a complete understanding of material rate matters still pending that could impact net income, cash flows and possibly financial condition. The following discusses ratemaking developments in 2014 and updates the 2013 Annual Report.


Regulatory Assets Not Yet Being Recovered

     March 31, December 31,
     2014 2013
 Noncurrent Regulatory Assets (in thousands)
 Regulatory assets not yet being recovered pending future proceedings:      
 Regulatory Assets Currently Not Earning a Return      
  Storm Related Costs $ 19,093 $ 18,743
  Other Regulatory Assets Not Yet Being Recovered   1,079   845
 Total Regulatory Assets Not Yet Being Recovered $ 20,172 $ 19,588

If these costs are ultimately determined not to be recoverable, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

Southwestern Electric Power Co [Member]
Rate Matters

SWEPCo Rate Matters


2012 Texas Base Rate Case


In July 2012, SWEPCo filed a request with the PUCT to increase annual base rates primarily due to the completion of the Turk Plant. In October 2013, the PUCT issued an order affirming the prudence of the Turk Plant but determined that the Turk Plant's Texas jurisdictional capital cost cap established in a previous Certificate of Convenience and Necessity case also limited SWEPCo's recovery of AFUDC in addition to limits on its recovery of cash construction costs. Additionally, the PUCT deferred consideration of the requested increase in depreciation expense related to the change in the 2016 retirement date of the Welsh Plant, Unit 2. As of March 31, 2014, the net book value of Welsh Plant, Unit 2 was $86 million, before cost of removal, including materials and supplies inventory and CWIP.


Upon rehearing in January 2014, the PUCT reversed its initial ruling and determined that AFUDC was excluded from the Turk Plant's Texas jurisdictional capital cost cap. As a result, in the fourth quarter of 2013, SWEPCo reversed $114 million of previously recorded regulatory disallowances. The resulting annual base rate increase is approximately $52 million. In March 2014, the PUCT issued an order related to the January 2014 PUCT ruling. This order became final and appealable in April 2014.


If any part of the PUCT order is overturned or if SWEPCo cannot ultimately recover its Texas jurisdictional share of the Turk Plant investment, including AFUDC, or its retirement-related costs of Welsh Plant, Unit 2, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

2013 Texas Transmission Cost Recovery Factor Filing


In December 2013, SWEPCo filed an application to implement its initial transmission cost recovery factor (TCRF) requesting additional annual revenue of $10 million. The TCRF is designed to recover increases from the amounts included in SWEPCo's Texas retail base rates for transmission infrastructure improvement costs and wholesale transmission charges under a tariff approved by the FERC. SWEPCo's application included Turk Plant transmission-related costs. In March 2014, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) dismissed this case without prejudice. The ALJ concluded that SWEPCo's application was premature as the PUCT had not completed its ruling on the motions for rehearing of the order in the SWEPCo Texas Base Rate Case in which the baseline values to be used in the TCRF calculation would be established.


2012 Louisiana Formula Rate Filing


In 2012, SWEPCo initiated a proceeding to establish new formula base rates in Louisiana, including recovery of the Louisiana jurisdictional share (approximately 29%) of the Turk Plant. In February 2013, a settlement was filed and approved by the LPSC. The settlement increased Louisiana total rates by approximately $2 million annually, effective March 2013, which consisted of an increase in base rates of approximately $85 million annually offset by a decrease in fuel and other rates of approximately $83 million annually. The March 2013 base rates are based on a 10% return on common equity and cost recovery of the Louisiana jurisdictional share of the Turk Plant and Stall Unit. The rates are subject to refund based on the staff review of the cost of service and the prudency review of the Turk Plant. The settlement also provided that the LPSC will review base rates in 2014 and 2015 and that SWEPCo will recover non-fuel Turk Plant costs and a full weighted-average cost of capital return on the prudently incurred Turk Plant investment in jurisdictional rate base, effective January 2013. In May 2013, SWEPCo filed testimony in the prudence review of the Turk Plant. If the LPSC orders refunds based upon the pending staff review of the cost of service or the prudence review of the Turk Plant, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.

2014 Louisiana Formula Rate Filing


In April 2014, SWEPCo filed its annual formula rate plan for test year 2013 with the LPSC.  The filing included a $5 million annual increase to be effective August 2014.  SWEPCo also proposed to increase rates by an additional $15 million annually, effective January 2015, for a total annual increase of $20 million. This additional increase reflects the cost of incremental generation to be used to serve Louisiana customers in 2015 due to the expiration of a purchase power agreement attributable to Louisiana customers.  These increases are subject to LPSC staff review.  If any of these costs are not recoverable, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.




As discussed in the 2013 Annual Report, the Registrant Subsidiaries are involved in rate and regulatory proceedings at the FERC and their state commissions. The Rate Matters note within the 2013 Annual Report should be read in conjunction with this report to gain a complete understanding of material rate matters still pending that could impact net income, cash flows and possibly financial condition. The following discusses ratemaking developments in 2014 and updates the 2013 Annual Report.


Regulatory Assets Not Yet Being Recovered

     March 31, December 31,
     2014 2013
 Noncurrent Regulatory Assets (in thousands)
 Regulatory assets not yet being recovered pending future proceedings:      
 Regulatory Assets Currently Not Earning a Return      
  Rate Case Expenses $ 7,930 $ 7,934
  Mountaineer Carbon Capture and Storage      
   Commercial Scale Facility   1,143   1,143
  Other Regulatory Assets Not Yet Being Recovered   2,025   1,951
 Total Regulatory Assets Not Yet Being Recovered $ 11,098 $ 11,028

If these costs are ultimately determined not to be recoverable, it could reduce future net income and cash flows and impact financial condition.