EX-99.3 4 dex993.htm AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF VOLKL SPORTS HOLDING AG Audited Financial Statements of Volkl Sports Holding AG



Report of the Group Auditor to the Annual Meeting of Shareholders




As basis of our audit, we examined the accounting records and the consolidated annual accounts (balance sheet, profit and loss statement, cash flow statement and notes to the financial statements) of Völkl Sports Holding AG for the financial year ended 03/31/2004.


The Board of Directors is responsible for preparing the consolidated annual accounts, while our task is to examine and express and opinion on these. We confirm our fulfilment of the legal requirements regarding professional qualification and independence in this regard.


Our audit was conducted according to the principles of the Swiss accounting profession, by which an audit is to be so planned and carried out that significant false statements in the consolidated annual report can be detected with reasonable certainty. We examined the items and statements contained in the consolidated annual report on the basis of analytical testing methods and collecting of representative samples. Furthermore, we have evaluated the significant accounting principles used, and consolidation and valuation decisions made, as well as the presentation of the entire financial statements as a whole. We believe that our audit provides a sufficient basis for our opinion.


In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements present an accurate picture of the asset, financial and earning situation in accordance with professional accounting standards (Swiss GAAP FER) and Swiss legal requirements.


We recommend the approval of these consolidated annual statements demonstrating a group profit of EUR 2,849,000.


Naters, June 09, 2004



Accountant in Charge


Albert Bass

   Mischa Imboden

dipl. Buchhalter

   lic. oec. HSG

& Controller

   dipl. Wirtschaftsprüfer


- Balance Sheet

- Profit and Loss Statement

- Cash Flow Statement

- Notes to the Financial Statements



Völkl Sports Holding AG

Consolidated balance sheet as of March 31, 2004


               March 31, 2004    March 31, 2003
          Notes    T-EUR    T-EUR    T-EUR    T-EUR


   Fixed assets                         


   Intangible assets    3.1                    
     Intangible assets         318         270     
     Formation and start-up costs            318       270


   Tangible assets    3.2                    
     Real estate, buildings         1,092         1,092     
     Technical equipment         2,452         2,983     
     Other equipment         2,500         2,203     
     Downpayment & plants under constr.         186    6,230    988    7,266


   Financial assets                         
     Other lendings    3.4    3,068         3,068     
     Reinsurance claims    3.5    919    3,987    1,157    4,225


   Shareholdings    3.3                    
     DNR Sportsystem AG                     
     BIL Grundstücksverw. GmbH+Co. KG         24         24     
     Völkl Sport America Corp.         1,901    1,925    2,065    2,089

Total fixed assets

             12,460         13,850


   Current assets                         


   Stocks on hand    3.6         25,198         24,969


     Goods and services    3.7    18,424         17,601     
     Affiliated companies    3.8    2,183         2,754     
     Other assets    3.9    2,250    22,857    2,058    22,413


   Liquid assets              153         132

Total current assets

             48,208         47,514


   Deferred items    3.10         2,306         1,975

Total assets

             62,974         63,339



Völkl Sports Holding AG

Consolidated balance sheet as of March 31, 2004


               March 31, 2004    March 31, 2003
          Notes    T-EUR    T-EUR    T-EUR    T-EUR




   Equity    3.11                    
     Group share              6,229         3,765

Total Equity

             6,229         3,765


   Silent partnership    3.12         205         256


   Special reserves with equity portion    3.13         1,776         2,114


     Provisions for pensions    3.14         3,753         3,809
     Tax provisions    3.15         4,104         3,878
     Other provisions    3.16         4,980         5,236

Total provisions

             12,837         12,923


   Debts    3.17                    
     Banks    3.18    14,674         12,726     
     Goods and services         4,398         7,438     
     Affiliated companies    3.19    145         199     
     Other liabilities    3.20    7,589    26,806    8,176    28,539
     Shareholder loan    3.21                    
     —  without letter of subordination         7,264         7,895     
     —  with letter of subordination         7,857    15,121    7,847    15,742

Total debts

             41,927         44,281

Total liabilities

             62,974         63,339



Völkl Sports Holding AG


Consolidated profit and loss account 2003/2004


          2003/2004    2002/2003
     Notes    T-EUR    T-EUR

Sales proceeds

   4.1    104,965    94,435

Increase/reduction in inventories


of finished and unfinished products

        1,428    153

Total output

        106,393    94,588

Other activated company-manufactured items

        324    365

Other operating income

   4.2    3,871    3,979

Material expenditure

        -51,226    -46,067

Raw materials and supplies

        -51,158    -45,972

Expenditure for services received

        -68    -95

Material expenditures as %age of total output

        -48.1%    -48.7%

Gross profit

        59,362    52,865

Gross profit as a %age of total output

        55.8%    55.9%

Personnel expenditure

        -23,864    -22,708


        -19,380    -18,472

Social security contributions

        -4,484    -4,236

Personnel expenditure as a %age of total output

        -22.4%    -24.0%


   4.3    -4,390    -3,803

On fixed assets

        -2,635    -2,806

On current assets

        -1,755    -997

Other operating expenditure

   4.4    -24,437    -20,940

Operational result

        6,671    5,414

Operating results as a %age of total output

        6.3%    5.7%

Result of companies not fully consolidated

        251    606

Other interest and similar income

        58    55

of which from affiliated companies

        49    43

Interest and similar expenditure

        -2,542    -2,534

of which to affiliated companies

        —      -288

Profit shares of silent partners

        -20    -24

Result of customary business activities

        4,418    3,517

Extraordinary income

   4.5    25    684

Extraordinary expenditure

   4.6    -321    -382

Extraordinary result

        -296    302

Taxes on income and profit

   4.7    -1,063    -728

Other taxes

        -210    -57

Surplus/deficit for the year

        2,849    3,034



Consolidated cash-flow statement


     2003 / 2004
     Source of
   Application of
     in thousands of EURO

Sales turnover (total output)


Material expenditure


Change in receivables from goods and services


Change in payables from goods and services


Change in stocks on hand (excl. Depreciation)


Activated company-manufactured items


Other operating income


Personnel expenditure


Other operating expenditure


Interest income


Interest expense


Extraordinary result




Changes in deferred charges to expense


Changes in other assets


Changes in other liabilities

     110,646    -110,595

Cash-flow from operations


Investment activity


Investment in fixed assets




Exch. rate differences in fixed assets

     1,542    -2,951

Cash-flow from investment activity


Financing activity


Change in claims against affiliated companies


Change in liabilities to affiliated companies


Change in shareholder's loan


Silent partner's share of profit


Result of companies not fully consolidated


Profit distribution by Völkl Sports Holding AG


Equity cons. Völkl Sports America


Exch. rate difference in consolidation of equity


Change in silent partnership


Change in special reserve with equity portion


Reduction of provisions

     986    -1,555

Cash-flow out of financial activity


Total source of funds/application of funds

   113,174    -115,101



Change in financial assets

   2003 / 2004    2002 / 2003

Liquid funds

   153    132


   -14,674    -12,726

Book value liquid funds

   -14,521    -12,594





Völkl Sports Holding AG

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of March 31, 2004


1. General


Reference can be made to the “Völkl Group Consolidated Financial Statements as of March 31, 2004” for the evaluation of the earning and asset situation of the Völkl Group companies. The presentation of the annual accounts is in accordance with German accounting standards. The classification in ordinary and extraordinary items was adopted from the audited financial statements without any changes needing to have been made. The individual financial statements were issued an unqualified audit opinion, with the exception of the note on the consolidation of BIL KG in accordance with 2.4.


2. Consolidation Principles


2.1 Consolidation Time Period


The time period for consolidation is the financial year commencing on April 1 and ending on March 31 of the subsequent year. The financial statements of all companies are in each case prepared as of March 31, with the following exceptions:


—  Völkl Sport America Corp.

   Calendar year

—  Zero Degree Manufacturing AG

   Calendar year


2.2 Accounting and Valuation


The individual financial statements included in consolidation were prepared and evaluated in accordance with uniform accounting standards. The financial statements of Swiss companies prepared in accordance with the laws of Switzerland were adjusted for undisclosed reserves in order that the financial statements included in consolidation would present a picture of the asset, financial and earnings situation corresponding to the actual situation of the companies.


2.3 Currency Conversion


For the Swiss companies, currency translation was performed for items contained in the balance sheets using the rates prevailing at the closing dates of March 31, 2004 and 2003, and for items contained in the profit and loss accounts using the average of the annual rates for internal accounting purposes (recorded rate of exchange). Differences arising from the use of different conversion rates for balance and profit and loss accounts were credited or offset against the balance contained in profit reserves. Since financial year 2000/01, the annual statements of German companies as well as the group have been prepared using EURO. The rates of exchange used for the conversion of Swiss financial statements are:


100 SFr. = EUR    Balance
   Profit and
Loss Account

Annual Accounts 2002/03

   68.02    68.52

Annual Accounts 2003/04

   63.81    68.01



2.4 Consolidated entities


The following companies were included in the group’s consolidated annual financial statements:


     Proportion of Group’s
Equity Participation
     3/31/2004    3/31/2003

Full consolidation


Völkl Sports Holding AG

   100%    100%

(until 4/1/1999 Benviro AG)


Zero Degree Manufacturing AG

   100%    100%

Rad Air Snowboards AG

   100%    100%

Völkl Groupp


—    Völkl Sports GmbH & Co. KG, Straubing

   100%    100%

(until 1/20/2000 Franz Völkl GmbH & Co. Ski and Tennis Sportartikelfabrik KG (sporting goods manufacturer)


—    Völkl GmbH, Straubing

   100%    100%

(until 1/20/2000 Franz Völkl GmbH)


—    Völkl Snowboard Verwaltungs-GmbH, Straubing

   100%    100%

—    Völkl-Vertriebs GmbH, Straubing

   100%    100%

—    Völkl (International) AG, Baar

   100%    100%

—    Marker Völkl Austria GmbH, Andorf

   100%    100%

Proportional Consolidation


Völkl Tennis GmbH, Baar

   50 %    50 %

Inclusion of the financial statement has been made on a proportional basis at 50%.

Equity Accounting


Völkl Sport America Corp. USA

   40 %    40 %
The difference between equity and purchase values is considered goodwill and reflected under participating interests.

Participating interests accounted by the purchase value


BIL Grundstückverwaltungs-GmbH & Co WEDA KG

   95 %    95 %


Immobiliengesellschaft BIL Grundstücksverwaltungs-GmbH & Co WEDA KG (referred to nore succinctly as BIL KG), in which Völkl KG holds 95% of investments, was not included in consolidation, since Völkl KG does not hold a voting majority in this company. The auditors, Fasselt & Partner, inserted a qualification in their report on the consolidated group financial statement of Völkl KG regarding this decision.


Völkl of America Ltd., which is held by Völkl KG, was not included in the financial statements as a consequence of its inactivity. This company is not to be confused with the company, Sport America Corp., actively engaged in commercial operations.


2.5 Affiliated Companies


Affiliated companies are those companies which are included in the consolidated group accounting of Völkl Sports Holding AG.


2.6 Capital Consolidation


Participating interests within the consolidated companies were eliminated according to 2.4.



2.7 Consolidation Adjustments


Internal turnover, expenses and income as well as trade debtors among the consolidated companies as well as interim profits arising due to transacting internally in goods and services were eliminated.


3. Notes to the Balance Sheet as of 3/31/2004


3.1 Intangible Assets


Mio. EUR    03/31/2004    03/31/2003

Supersport brand name trademark

   0.1    0,1


   0.2    0,2


   0.3    0,3


In financial year 2002 / 03, Völkl International AG purchased the “Supersport” brand name trademark, an acquisition valued at an amount of EUR 50,000.00. This brand name will be written off over a period of 5 years.


3.2 Tangible Assets


Tangible assets are principally valued according to purchase value, i.e. at the expense of purchase or production less any necessary depreciation.


The changes are shown in the Asset Movement Table contained in the Appendix.


3.3 Participating Interests


This item contains the following not fully consolidated participating interests:


Mio. EUR    03/31/2004    03/31/2003

BIL Grundstückverwaltungs-GmbH & Co WEDA KG (TEUR 24)

   0.0    0.0

Völkl Sport America Corp, USA

—    Proportional capital and reserves for 40 %

   1.9    2.1


   1.9    2.1


3.4 Other Lendings


These items, as in the prior year, contain a non-interest bearing loan in the amount of EUR 3,067,751.29 granted by Völkl KG to BIL KG This loan was granted in connection with the realisation of the new Straubing-Sand building.


Interest payments were dispensed with based on the agreed lower rent payments offered.


3.5 Reinsurance claims


The item relates to the capitalised value of an insurance policy covering the company’s pensions scheme costs purchased from the Berlinische Lebensversicherung AG to cover the pension commitments to employees of Völkl Sports GmbH & Co. KG and Völkl Vertriebs GmbH.


3.6 Stocks on hand


Inventories are valued at either the average purchase or production cost or the lower of cost or market taking into account market prices and inventory risks.



Mio. EUR    03/31/2004    03/31/2003

Raw materials and consumable

   3.8    3.8

Work in progress

   2.3    2.3

Finished goods and goods for resale

   19.1    18.9


   25.2    25.0


Unrealised interim profits on inventories are eliminated.


Völkl KG, Völkl Vertriebs GmbH and Völkl International AG have surrendered their entire warehouse as collateral for accounts payable to banks in accordance with the collateral pooling agreement entered into with the banking consortium consisting of Deutsche Bank AG, Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG and Commerzbank AG.


3.7 Trade Debtors


Mio. EUR    03/31/2004    03/31/2003

Trade debtors


—    gross

   19.4    18.5

—    adjustments

   -1.0    -0.9


   18.4    17.6


The amounts owed are recorded at nominal values less all necessary adjustments in value.


In accordance with the foregoing collateral pooling agreement, Völkl KG and Völkl Vertriebs GmbH have surrendered all present and future amounts owed to them from trade debtors to the heretofore mentioned German banking consortium.


3.8 Amounts owed by affiliated companies


Mio. EUR    03/31/2004    03/31/2003

Amounts owed:


—    Völkl Tennis GmbH (50%)

   0.7    0.8

—    Völkl Sport of America

   1.5    2.0


   2.2    2.8


3.9 Other Assets


The other assets item contains prepaid taxes, VAT credits, short term personnel loans, travel expense advances, cash security deposits, etc.


3.10 Prepayments and Accrued Income


The largest portion of this item is represented by capitalised advertising and development costs for the financial year 2004/05 incurred by Voelkl international and Voelkl Tennis with a total amount of TEUR 1,775 (TEUR 1,456).



3.11 Capital and Reserves


The consolidated capital and reserves were composed as follows during the financial year:


Mio. EUR    03/31/2004    03/31/2003

Capital and Reserves per 04/01

   3.765    0.917

Distribution of profits Völkl Sports Holding AG

   -0.191    -0.102

Exchange rate difference on consolidation of capital and reserves

   -0.194    -0.084

Profit for the year

   2.849    3.034

Capital and reserves per 03/31

   6.229    3.765


3.12 Silent partnership


Völkl KG possesses a silent partnership in the Kapitalbeteiligungsgesellschaft für mittelständige Wirtschaft Bayerns mbH, Munich, which was reduced as planned from TEUR 51 to TEUR 205 during the financial year.


3.13 Special Reserves with equity portion


Classified as special reserves is the income contribution provided in connection with the sale of the Straubing, Steinweg 62 property. The repayment is to be performed over a period of ten years. In accordance with the findings of the tax audit, the income contribution qualifies as taxable income. The special reserves as well as the amount of annual repayment have been adjusted to reflect this.


3.14 Pension Reserves


The reserves for pensions and other obligations encompass pension entitlements as well as current pensions in accordance with commitments made in the framework of employment agreements as well as on the basis of individual commitments. These are determined by the entry age normal method in accordance with § 6a EStG through actuarial calculations on the basis of an interest rate of 6%.


3.15 Tax Reserves


Mio. EUR    03/31/2004    03/31/2003

Reserves for:


—    Taxes

   3.0    3.0

—    Deferred taxes

   1.1    0.9


   4.1    3.9


3.16 Other Reserves


Mio. EUR    03/31/2004    03/31/2003

Guarantee obligations

   1.0    1.2

Vacation claims / overtime

   1.5    1.2

Outstanding invoices

   0.2    0.4

Fixed sum & premiums racing

   0.5    0.8

Currency reserve

   0.6    0.0


   0.0    0.1

Interest shareholder loan

   0.0    0.4


   1.2    1.1


   5.0    5.2



The reserves for guarantee obligations of Völkl KG amount to 0.667 Mio. EUR for still undetermined guarantee obligations, which are valued at 1.2% of average net turnover of the last two financial years, as well as 0.340 Mio. EUR for undetermined warranties.


The reserve for overtime and vacation entitlements increased due to the clear increase in output and expansion in production in financial year 2003 / 04 in comparison with the prior year.


3.17 Creditors—Durations


The remaining terms to maturity amount as of 3/31/2004 to:


Mio. EUR    Total    Up to 1
   Over 1

Banks loans and overdrafts

   14.7    14.4    0.3

Trade creditors

   4.4    4.4    0.0

Amounts owed to group undertakings

   0.1    0.1    0.0

Other creditors

   7.6    7.6    0.0


   26.8    26.5    0.3

Shareholder loan:


—    without subordination

   7.3    1.4    5.9

—    with subordination

   7.8    3.3    4.5

Overall total

   41.9    31.2    10.7


3.18 Bank Loans and Overdrafts


Mio. EUR    03/31/2004    03/31/2003

Bank loans and overdrafts of:


—    Marker Völkl Austria

   2.2    2.2

—    Völkl International

   2.3    3.0

—    Völkl Tennis GmbH

   0.2    0.1

—    Völkl KG

   10.0    7.4


   14.7    12.7


The provision of funds by banks was made on the basis of collateral pooling agreements of 09/24, 10/28, 10/30, 11/22, 12/23/2002 against transfer of ownership of the following items:


- All trade debtors of Völkl KG and Völkl Vertriebs GmbH

- Entire warehouse of Völkl KG, Völkl Vertriebs GmbH and Völkl International AG.


3.19 Amounts Owed to affiliated companies


Mio. EUR    03/31/2004    03/31/2003

Völkl Tennis GmbH 50% (TEUR 145)

   0.1    0.2

Total (TEUR 145)

   0.1    0.2



3.20 Other Creditors


Mio. EUR    03/31/2004    03/31/2003

Value added taxes

   0.5    1.6

Personnel, social security costs

   1.3    1.1

Berlinische Leben

   0.2    0.3

Bills of exchange Völkl KG

   4.4    4.6


   1.2    0.6


   7.6    8.2


3.21 Shareholder Loan


Mio. EUR    03/31/2004    03/31/2003

Loans from Mr. Hans-Dieter Cleven to:


—    Völkl KG, Straubing

   4.7    4.7

—    Völkl Sports Holding AG

   6.2    6.6

—    Völkl Tennis GmbH 50%

   0.4    0.4

—    Völkl International AG, Baar

   3.8    4.1


   15.1    15.8

Hereof subordinated loans

   7.9    7.8


A loan for 3.323 Mio. EUR was provided by Mr. Hans-Dieter Cleven to Völkl KG by agreement of April 01, 1997. The loan term was lengthend to March 31, 2005.


In connection with the sale of the property, Straubing, Steinweg 62, an additional loan in the amount of 1.4 Mio. EUR was granted by Mr. Hans-Dieter Cleven to Völkl KG.


Mr. Cleven’s loans amounting to 7.9 Mio. EUR (3.3 Mio. EUR to Völkl KG, 3.8 Mio. EUR to International AG, 0.3 Mio. EUR to Völkl Tennis GmbH and 0.5 Mio. EUR to Völkl Sports Holding) are subordinate to the existing and future credit sums granted by banks at which the companies respectively hold accounts.


Collateral for the loans by shareholders was granted in the form of:

  -   Right of lien to the”Völkl” trademark by International AG, Baar
  -   Right of lien to the participating interests in Völkl Sports Holding AG



4. Notes to the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account 2003/04


4.1 Sales


The turnover amounts to 105.0 Mio. EUR and lies, thereby, around 11.15 % over the previous year’s turnover. The gross turnover is attributable as follows to the individual companies:


Mio. EUR    2003/2004    2002/2003

Turnover Völkl KG

   62.8    51.1

Turnover Vertrieb

   25.1    26.6

Turnover Völkl International

   83.4    71.1

Turnover Marker Völkl Austria

   9.5    7.3

Turnover Völkl Tennis

   3.4    3.6

Turnover Rad Air

   0.0    1.3


   184.2    161.0

Elimination of intercompany turnover

   -79.2    -66.6


   105.0    94.4


4.2 Other Operating income


Mio. EUR    2003/2004    2002/2003

Disbursement from expired pension insurance

   0.3    0.5

Revenues from trade in goods and services

   0.6    0.6

Expense centre allocation/Licensing revenues

   1.2    0.4

Partial reversal of special reserves

   0.3    0.3

Reversal of reserves

   0.1    1.2


   1.4    1.0


   3.9    4.0


4.3 Depreciation


Mio. EUR    2003/2004    2002/2003



—    Tangible assets

   2.8    3.0

—    Reduction based on investment grants

   -0.2    -0.2

—    Subtotal tangible assets

   2.6    2.8

—    Inventories, if exceeding normal depreciation

   1.8    1.0


   4.4    3.8


4.4 Other Operating Expenditure


Mio. EUR    2003/2004    2002/2003

Operating expenses

   7.3    7.1

Administrative expenses

   3.6    3.8

Sales expenses

   9.2    7.3

Losses on debts

   0.1    0.1


   4.2    2.6


   24.4    20.9



4.5 Extraordinary income


Mio. EUR    2003/2004    2002/2003

Changes in del credere Völkl International AG

   0.0    0.6

Revenues relating to a period other than that which is covered by this financial statement / Sundry (TEUR 25)

   0.0    0.1


   0.0    0.7


4.6 Extraordinary expenditure


Mio. EUR    2003/2004    2002/2003

Extraordinary consulting expenses

   0.0    0.2

Liquidation expense Rad Air Snowboards

   0.1    0.0

Shareholder interest prior year / Covered capital and reserves

   0.0    0.1

Expenses relating to a period other than that which is covered by this financial statement

   0.1    0.1


   0.1    0.0


   0.3    0.4


4.7 Taxes


Tax expenses encompass asset income and property taxes for the current financial year, prior year tax adjustments and changes in deferred taxes. We make reference to 3.15 concerning the formation of tax reserves.


5. Other Information


5.1 Contingent Liabilities


According to the collateral pooling agreement of 09/24, 10/28, 10/30, 11/22, 12/23/2002 Völkl KG, Völkl Vertriebs GmbH and Völkl International AG are jointly and severally liable for bank and bill of exchange Liabilities (Balances per 03/31/2003):


Völkl Sports GmbH & Co. KG

   Accounts Payable to Banks
Bill of Exchange Liabilities

Völkl Vertriebs GmbH

   Accounts Payable to Banks    TEUR    0

Völkl International AG

   Accounts Payable to Banks    TEUR    2,323