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Derivatives (Tables)
3 Months Ended
Mar. 31, 2013
Gain (loss) on derivative instruments designated as cash flow hedges
Three months ended March 31, 2013      
(Millions) Pretax Gain (Loss) Recognized in Other Comprehensive Income on Effective Portion of Derivative Pretax Gain (Loss) Recognized in Income on Effective Portion of Derivative as a Result of Reclassification from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income Ineffective Portion of Gain (Loss) on Derivative and Amount Excluded from Effectiveness Testing Recognized in Income
Derivatives in Cash Flow Hedging Relationships Amount Location Amount Location Amount
Foreign currency forward/option contracts  $ 31 Cost of sales $ (6) Cost of sales $
Foreign currency forward contracts    (103) Interest expense   (101) Interest expense  
Commodity price swap contracts    2 Cost of sales   (1) Cost of sales  
Total  $ (70)   $ (108)   $
Three months ended March 31, 2012      
(Millions) Pretax Gain (Loss) Recognized in Other Comprehensive Income on Effective Portion of Derivative Pretax Gain (Loss) Recognized in Income on Effective Portion of Derivative as a Result of Reclassification from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income Ineffective Portion of Gain (Loss) on Derivative and Amount Excluded from Effectiveness Testing Recognized in Income
Derivatives in Cash Flow Hedging Relationships Amount Location Amount Location Amount
Foreign currency forward/option contracts  $ (24) Cost of sales $ Cost of sales $
Foreign currency forward contracts    1 Interest expense   Interest expense  
Commodity price swap contracts    (5) Cost of sales   (4) Cost of sales  
Total  $ (28)   $ (4)   $
Gain (loss) on derivative instruments designated as fair value hedges
Three months ended March 31, 2013 Gain (Loss) on Derivative Gain (Loss) on Hedged Item
(Millions)Recognized in IncomeRecognized in Income
Derivatives in Fair Value Hedging Relationships Location Amount Location Amount
Interest rate swap contracts  Interest expense $ (5) Interest expense $ 5
Total    $ (5)   $ 5
Three months ended March 31, 2012 Gain (Loss) on Derivative Gain (Loss) on Hedged Item
(Millions)Recognized in IncomeRecognized in Income
Derivatives in Fair Value Hedging Relationships Location Amount Location Amount
Interest rate swap contracts  Interest expense $ (1) Interest expense $ 1
Total    $ (1)   $ 1
Gain (loss) on derivative and non-derivative instruments designated as net investment hedges
Three months ended March 31, 2013        
Derivative and Nonderivative Instruments in Net Investment Hedging RelationshipsPretax Gain (Loss) Recognized as Cumulative Translation within Other Comprehensive Income on Effective Portion of InstrumentIneffective Portion of Gain (Loss) on Instrument and Amount Excluded from Effectiveness Testing Recognized in Income
(Millions) Amount Location Amount
Foreign currency denominated debt  $ (41) N/A $
Total  $ (41)   $
Three months ended March 31, 2012    
Derivative and Nonderivative Instruments in Net Investment Hedging RelationshipsPretax Gain (Loss) Recognized as Cumulative Translation within Other Comprehensive Income on Effective Portion of InstrumentIneffective Portion of Gain (Loss) on Instrument and Amount Excluded from Effectiveness Testing Recognized in Income
(Millions) Amount Location Amount
Foreign currency denominated debt  $ (40) N/A $
Total  $ (40)   $
Gain (loss) on derivative instruments not designated as hedging instruments
  Three months ended March 31, 2013
Derivatives Not Designated as Hedging InstrumentsGain (Loss) on Derivative Recognized in Income
(Millions) Location Amount
Foreign currency forward/option contracts  Cost of sales $ 10
Foreign currency forward contracts  Interest expense   21
Total   $ 31
  Three months ended March 31, 2012
Derivatives Not Designated as Hedging InstrumentsGain (Loss) on Derivative Recognized in Income
(Millions) Location Amount
Foreign currency forward/option contracts  Cost of sales $ (15)
Foreign currency forward contracts  Interest expense   27
Commodity price swap contracts Cost of sales   1
Total   $ 13
Location and Fair Value of Derivative Instruments
March 31, 2013          
(Millions)Assets Liabilities
Fair Value of Derivative Instruments Location Amount Location Amount
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments      
Foreign currency forward/option contracts Other current assets $ 58 Other current liabilities $ 61
Commodity price swap contracts  Other current assets   2 Other current liabilities  
Interest rate swap contracts  Other assets   18 Other liabilities  
Total derivatives designated as          
 hedging instruments    $ 78   $ 61
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments        
Foreign currency forward/option contracts  Other current assets $ 15 Other current liabilities $ 25
Total derivatives not designated as          
 hedging instruments    $ 15   $ 25
Total derivative instruments    $ 93   $ 86
December 31, 2012          
(Millions)Assets Liabilities
Fair Value of Derivative Instruments Location Amount Location Amount
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments      
Foreign currency forward/option contracts Other current assets $ 39 Other current liabilities $ 85
Commodity price swap contracts  Other current assets   Other current liabilities   1
Interest rate swap contracts  Other assets   23 Other liabilities  
Total derivatives designated as          
 hedging instruments    $ 62   $ 86
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments        
Foreign currency forward/option contracts  Other current assets $ 10 Other current liabilities $ 20
Total derivatives not designated as          
 hedging instruments    $ 10   $ 20
Total derivative instruments    $ 72   $ 106
Offsetting Assets
Offsetting of Financial Assets/Liabilities under Master Netting Agreements with Derivative Counterparties
March 31, 2013            
      Gross Amounts not Offset in the Consolidated Balance Sheet that are Subject to Master Netting Agreements   
(Millions)  Gross Amount of Derivative Assets Presented in the Consolidated Balance Sheet  Gross Amount of Eligible Offsetting Recognized Derivative Liabilities  Cash Collateral Received  Net Amount of Derivative Assets
Derivatives subject to master netting agreements $ 91 $ 26 $ $ 65
Derivatives not subject to master netting agreements   2         2
Total $ 93       $ 67

December 31, 2012            
      Gross Amounts not Offset in the Consolidated Balance Sheet that are Subject to Master Netting Agreements   
(Millions)  Gross Amount of Derivative Assets Presented in the Consolidated Balance Sheet  Gross Amount of Eligible Offsetting Recognized Derivative Liabilities  Cash Collateral Received  Net Amount of Derivative Assets
Derivatives subject to master netting agreements $ 67 $ 25 $ $ 42
Derivatives not subject to master netting agreements   5         5
Total $ 72       $ 47
Offsetting Liabilities
March 31, 2013            
      Gross Amounts not Offset in the Consolidated Balance Sheet that are Subject to Master Netting Agreements   
(Millions)  Gross Amount of Derivative Liabilities Presented in the Consolidated Balance Sheet  Gross Amount of Eligible Offsetting Recognized Derivative Assets  Cash Collateral Pledged  Net Amount of Derivative Liabilities
Derivatives subject to master netting agreements $ 80 $ 26 $ $ 54
Derivatives not subject to master netting agreements   6         6
Total $ 86       $ 60

December 31, 2012            
      Gross Amounts not Offset in the Consolidated Balance Sheet that are Subject to Master Netting Agreements   
(Millions)  Gross Amount of Derivative Liabilities Presented in the Consolidated Balance Sheet  Gross Amount of Eligible Offsetting Recognized Derivative Assets  Cash Collateral Pledged  Net Amount of Derivative Liabilities
Derivatives subject to master netting agreements $ 106 $ 25 $ $ 81
Derivatives not subject to master netting agreements          
Total $ 106       $ 81