497 1 alfg0108501cmpedg.htm Federated American Leaders Fund, Inc.

Federated Investors
World-Class Investment Manager

Federated American Leaders Fund, Inc.





May 31, 2004 (Revised June 30, 2004)



A mutual fund seeking growth of capital and of income by investing in common stocks and other securities of high-quality companies.

As with all mutual funds, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has not approved or disapproved these securities or passed upon the adequacy of this prospectus. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.



Risk/Return Summary 1

What are the Fund's Fees and Expenses? 4

What are the Fund's Investment Strategies? 5

What are the Specific Risks of Investing in the Fund? 9

What Do Shares Cost? 10

How is the Fund Sold? 15

How to Purchase Shares 16

How to Redeem and Exchange Shares 18

Account and Share Information 22

Who Manages the Fund? 23

Legal Proceedings 24

Financial Information 26

Risk/Return Summary


The Fund's investment objective is to seek growth of capital and of income by concentrating the area of investment decision in the securities of high-quality companies. While there is no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective, it endeavors to do so by following the strategies and policies described in this prospectus.


The Fund pursues its investment objective by using the value style of investing to select primarily equity securities of large capitalization companies that are in the top 50% of their industry in terms of revenues, are characterized by sound management and have the ability to finance expected growth.


All mutual funds take investment risks. Therefore, it is possible to lose money by investing in the Fund. The primary factors that may reduce the Fund's returns include:

  • Stock Market Risks. The value of equity securities in the Fund's portfolio will fluctuate and, as a result, the Fund's Share price may decline suddenly or over a sustained period of time.
  • Risks Relating to Investing for Value. Due to the Fund's value style of investing, the Fund's Share price may lag that of other funds using a different investment style.
  • Sector Risks. Because the Fund may allocate relatively more of its assets to one or more industry sectors comprising the Standard & Poor's 500 Index (S&P 500) than to other sectors of the Index, the Fund's performance will be more susceptible to any developments which affect the sectors emphasized by the Fund.
  • Risks of Investing in American Depositary Receipts. Because the Fund may invest in American Depositary Receipts issued by foreign companies, the Fund's share price may be more affected by foreign economic and political conditions, taxation policies and accounting and auditing standards, than would otherwise be the case.

The Shares offered by this prospectus are not deposits or obligations of any bank, are not endorsed or guaranteed by any bank and are not insured or guaranteed by the U.S. government, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Reserve Board, or any other government agency.

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table

The performance information shown below will help you analyze the Fund's investment risks in light of its historical returns. The bar chart shows the variability of the Fund's Class A Shares total returns on a calendar year-by-year basis. The Average Annual Total Return table shows returns averaged over the stated periods, and includes comparative performance information. The Fund's performance will fluctuate, and past performance (before and after taxes) is no guarantee of future results.


The total returns shown in the bar chart for the Fund's Class A Shares do not reflect the payment of any sales charges or recurring shareholder account fees. If these charges or fees had been included, the returns shown would have been lower.

The Fund's Class A Shares total return for the three-month period from January 1, 2004 to March 31, 2004 was 2.48%.

Within the period shown in the bar chart, the Fund's Class A Share highest quarterly return was 16.83% (quarter ended June 30, 2003). Its lowest quarterly return was (19.72)% (quarter ended September 30, 2002).

Average Annual Total Return Table

The Average Annual Total Returns for the Fund's Class A, Class B, Class C and Class F Shares are reduced to reflect applicable sales charges. Return Before Taxes is shown for all classes. In addition, Return After Taxes is shown for Class A Shares to illustrate the effect of federal taxes on Fund returns. Actual after-tax returns depend on each investor's personal tax situation, and are likely to differ from those shown. The table also shows returns for Standard & Poor's 500/Barra Value Index ("S&P 500/Barra Value"), a broad-based market index, and the Lipper Large-Cap Value Average ("LLCVA"), an average of funds with similar investment objectives. Index returns do not reflect taxes, sales charges, expenses or other fees that the SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance. Indexes are unmanaged, and it is not possible to invest directly in an index or an average. Lipper averages represent the average of the total returns reported by all mutual funds as designate d by Lipper, Inc. as falling in the respective categories indicated.

(For the periods ended December 31, 2003)



1 Year


5 Years


10 Years


Start of

Class A Shares:

Return Before Taxes









Return After Taxes on Distributions2









Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares2









Class B Shares:

Return Before Taxes









Class C Shares:

Return Before Taxes









Class F Shares:









Return Before Taxes









S&P 500/Barra Value


















1 The Fund's Class B Share's start of performance date was July 26, 1994.

2 After-tax returns are calculated using a standard set of assumptions. The stated returns assume the highest historical federal income and capital gains tax rates. Return After Taxes on Distributions assumes a continued investment in the Fund and shows the effect of taxes on Fund distributions. Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares assumes all Shares were redeemed at the end of each measurement period, and shows the effect of any taxable gain (or offsetting loss) on redemption, as well as the effects of taxes on Fund distributions. These after-tax returns do not reflect the effect of any applicable state and local taxes. After-tax returns for Class B, Class C and Class F Shares will differ from those shown above for Class A Shares. After-tax returns are not relevant to investors holding Shares through tax-deferred programs, such as IRA or 401(k) plans.

What are the Fund's Fees and Expenses?



This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy and hold the Fund's Class A, Class B, Class C and Class F Shares.


Shareholder Fees


Class A


Class B


Class C


Class F

Fees Paid Directly From Your Investment









Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed on Purchases (as a percentage of offering price)









Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (Load) (as a percentage of original purchase price or redemption proceeds,
as applicable)









Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed on Reinvested Dividends (and other Distributions) (as a percentage of offering price)









Redemption Fee (as a percentage of amount redeemed, if applicable)









Exchange Fee









Annual Fund Operating Expenses1

Expenses That are Deducted From Fund Assets (as a percentage of average net assets)









Management Fee2









Distribution (12b-1) Fee









Shareholder Services Fee









Other Expenses









Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses


















1 The percentages shown are based on expenses for the entire fiscal year ended March 31, 2004. However, the rate at which expenses are accrued during the fiscal year may not be constant and, at any particular point, may be greater or less than the stated average percentage.

2 The management fee equals the sum of 0.55% of the Fund's average daily net assets plus 4.50% of the Fund's gross income.

3 After Class B Shares have been held for eight years from the date of purchase, they will automatically convert to Class A Shares on or about last day of the following month. Class A Shares pay lower operating expenses than the Class B Shares.


This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund's Class A, Class B, Class C and Class F Shares with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the Fund's Class A, Class B, Class C and Class F Shares for the time periods indicated and then redeem all of your Shares at the end of those periods. Expenses assuming no redemption are also shown. The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the Fund's Class A, Class B, Class C and Class F Shares operating expenses as shown in the table remain the same. Although your actual costs and returns may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:


Share Class


1 Year


3 Years


5 Years


10 Years

Class A:

Expenses assuming redemption




$  913





Expenses assuming no redemption




$  913





Class B:

Expenses assuming redemption









Expenses assuming no redemption




$  615





Class C:

Expenses assuming redemption




$  709





Expenses assuming no redemption




$  709





Class F:

Expenses assuming redemption




$  574


$  748



Expenses assuming no redemption




$  474


$  748



What are the Fund's Investment Strategies?

The Fund pursues its investment objective by investing primarily in equity securities companies that are generally leaders in their industries, are characterized by sound management and have the ability to finance expected growth. The Fund's investment adviser (Adviser) attempts to identify good long-term values through disciplined investing and careful fundamental research. The Fund's holdings ordinarily will be in large capitalization companies that are in the top 50% of their industries with regard to revenues. A description of the various types of securities in which the Fund principally invests, and their risks, immediately follows the strategy discussion.

Companies with similar characteristics may be grouped together in broad categories called sectors. The Adviser diversifies the Fund's investments, seeking to limit the Fund's risk exposure with respect to individual securities and industry sectors.

The Fund's Adviser performs traditional fundamental analysis to select securities for the Fund that exhibit the most promising long-term value for the Fund's portfolio. In selecting securities, the Adviser focuses on the current financial condition of the issuing company, in addition to examining each issuer's business and product strength, competitive position, and management expertise. Further, the Adviser considers current economic, financial market and industry factors, which may affect the issuing company. To determine the timing of purchases and sales of portfolio securities, the Adviser looks at recent stock price performance and the direction of current fiscal year earnings estimates of various companies.

The Adviser uses the value style of investing, selecting securities of companies which are trading at discounts to their historic relationship to the market as well as to their expected growth. Value stocks tend to pay higher dividends than other segments of the market. Because the Adviser uses the value style, the price of the securities held by the Fund may not, under certain market conditions, increase as rapidly as stocks selected primarily for their growth attributes.

The Adviser may invest in American Depositary Receipts (ADRs), which represent interests in underlying securities issued by a foreign company, but which are traded in the United States. The Adviser invests primarily in the ADRs of companies with significant operations within the United States. Securities of foreign companies may be more affected by foreign economic and political conditions, taxation policies, and accounting and auditing standards than those of U.S. companies.

Because the Fund refers to American investments in its name, it will notify shareholders at least 60 days in advance of any change in its investment policies that would enable the Fund to normally invest less than 80% of its assets in U.S. equity or fixed income investments.


The Fund may temporarily depart from its principal investment strategies by investing its assets in cash and shorter-term debt securities and similar obligations. It may do this to minimize potential losses and maintain liquidity to meet shareholder redemptions during adverse market conditions. This may cause the Fund to give up greater investment returns to maintain the safety of principal, that is, the original amount invested by shareholders. What are the Principal Securities in Which the Fund Invests?


Equity securities represent a share of an issuer's earnings and assets, after the issuer pays its liabilities. The Fund cannot predict the income it will receive from equity securities because issuers generally have discretion as to the payment of any dividends or distributions. However, equity securities offer greater potential for appreciation than many other types of securities, because in most instances, their value is tied more directly to the value of the issuer's business. The following describes the principal types of equity securities in which the Fund may invest:

Common Stocks

Common stocks are the most prevalent type of equity security. Common stocks receive the issuer's earnings after the issuer pays its creditors and any preferred stockholders. As a result, changes in an issuer's earnings directly influence the value of its common stock.

American Depositary Receipts

ADRs represent interests in underlying securities issued by a foreign company. Depositary receipts are not traded in the same market as the underlying security. The foreign securities underlying ADRs are not traded in the United States. ADRs provide a way to buy shares of foreign-based companies in the United States rather than in overseas markets. ADRs are also traded in U.S. dollars, eliminating the need for foreign exchange transactions. Moreover, the Fund invests primarily in the ADRs of companies with significant operations within the United States.


Derivative contracts are financial instruments that require payments based upon changes in the values of designated (or underlying) securities, commodities, currencies, financial indices or other assets or instruments. Some derivative contracts (such as futures, forwards and options) require payments relating to a future trade involving the underlying asset. Other derivative contracts (such as swaps) require payments relating to the income or returns from the underlying asset or instrument. The other party to a derivative contract is referred to as a counterparty.

Many derivative contracts are traded on securities or commodities exchanges. In this case, the exchange sets all the terms of the contract except for the price. Investors make payments due under their contracts through the exchange. Most exchanges require investors to maintain margin accounts through their brokers to cover their potential obligations to the exchange. Parties to the contract make (or collect) daily payments to the margin accounts to reflect losses (or gains) in the value of their contracts. This protects investors against potential defaults by the counterparty. Trading contracts on an exchange also allows investors to close out their contracts by entering into offsetting contracts.

Depending on how the Fund uses derivative contracts and the relationships between the market value of a derivative contract and the underlying asset or instrument, derivative contracts may increase or decrease the Fund's exposure to interest rate and stock market risks, and may also expose the fund to liquidity and leverage risks.

Futures Contracts

Futures contracts provide for the future sale by one party and purchase by another party of a specified amount of an underlying asset at a specified price, date, and time. Entering into a contract to buy an underlying asset is commonly referred to as buying a contract or holding a long position in the asset. Entering into a contract to sell an underlying asset is commonly referred to as selling a contract or holding a short position in the asset. Futures contracts are considered to be commodity contracts. The Fund has claimed an exclusion from the definition of the term "commodity pool operator" under the Commodity Exchange Act and, therefore, is not subject to registration or regulation as a commodity pool operator under that Act. Futures contracts traded OTC are frequently referred to as forward contracts. The Fund can buy or sell financial futures and index futures.


Options are rights to buy or sell an underlying asset or instrument for a specified price (the exercise price) during, or at the end of, a specified period. The seller (or writer) of the option receives a payment, or premium, from the buyer, which the writer keeps regardless of whether the buyer uses (or exercises) the option. A call option gives the holder (buyer) the right to buy the underlying asset from the seller (writer) of the option. A put option gives the holder the right to sell the underlying asset to the writer of the option. Options can trade on exchanges or in the OTC market and may be bought or sold on a wide variety of underlying assets or instruments, including financial indices, individual securities, and other derivative instruments, such as futures contracts.


Swaps are contracts in which two parties agree to pay each other (swap) the returns derived from underlying assets with differing characteristics. Most swaps do not involve the delivery of the underlying assets by either party, and the parties might not own the assets underlying the swap. The payments are usually made on a net basis so that, on any given day, the Fund would receive (or pay) only the amount by which its payment under the contract is less than (or exceeds) the amount of the other party's payment. Swap agreements are sophisticated instruments that can take many different forms. Common types of swaps in which the Fund may invest include interest rate swaps and total return swaps.

What are the Specific Risks of Investing in the Fund?


  • The value of equity securities in the Fund's portfolio will rise and fall. These fluctuations could be a sustained trend or a drastic movement. The Fund's portfolio will reflect changes in prices of individual portfolio stocks or general changes in stock valuations. Consequently, the Fund's Share price may decline.
  • The Adviser attempts to manage market risk by limiting the amount the Fund invests in each company's equity securities. However, diversification will not protect the Fund against widespread or prolonged declines in the stock market.


  • Companies with similar characteristics may be grouped together in broad categories called sectors. Sector risk is the possibility that a certain sector may underperform other sectors or the market as a whole. As the Adviser allocates more of the Fund's portfolio holdings to a particular sector, the Fund's performance will be more susceptible to any economic, business or other developments which generally affect the sector.


  • Due to their relatively low valuations, value stocks are typically less volatile than growth stocks. For instance, the price of a value stock may experience a smaller increase on a forecast of higher earnings, a positive fundamental development, or positive market development. Further, value stocks tend to have higher dividends than growth stocks. This means they depend less on price changes for returns and may lag behind growth stocks in an up market.


  • Because the Fund may invest in ADRs issued by foreign companies, the Fund's Share price may be more affected by foreign economic and political conditions, taxation policies, and accounting and auditing standards, than would otherwise be the case. Foreign companies may not provide information as frequently or to as great an extent as companies in the United States. Foreign companies may also receive less coverage than U.S. companies by market analysts and the financial press. In addition, foreign countries may lack uniform accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards or regulatory requirements comparable to those applicable to U.S. companies. These factors may prevent the Fund and its Adviser from obtaining information concerning foreign companies that is as frequent, extensive and reliable as the information available concerning companies in the United States.


  • The Fund's use of derivative contracts involves risks different from, or possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other traditional investments. First, changes in the value of the derivative contracts in which the Fund invests may not be correlated with changes in the value of the underlying asset or if they are correlated, may move in the opposite direction than originally anticipated. Second, while some strategies involving derivatives may reduce the risk of loss, they may also reduce potential gains or, in some cases, result in losses by offsetting favorable price movements in portfolio holdings. Third, there is a risk that derivatives contracts may be mispriced or improperly valued and, as a result, the Fund may need to make increased cash payments to the counterparty. Finally, derivative contracts may cause the Fund to realize increased ordinary income or short-term capital gains (which are treated as ordinary income for Federal income tax purposes) and, as a result, may increase taxable distributions to shareholders. Derivative contracts may also involve other risks described in this prospectus or the Fund's Statement of Additional Information, such as stock market, liquidity and leverage risks.

What Do Shares Cost?

You can purchase, redeem or exchange Shares any day the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is open. When the Fund receives your transaction request in proper form (as described in this prospectus), it is processed at the next calculated net asset value (NAV) plus any applicable front-end sales charge (public offering price). NAV is determined at the end of regular trading (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time) each day the NYSE is open. The Fund generally values equity securities according to the last sale price in the market in which they are primarily traded (either a national securities exchange or the over-the-counter market).

The Fund's current NAV and public offering price may be found in the mutual funds section of certain local newspapers under "Federated."

The following table summarizes the minimum required investment amount and the maximum sales charge, if any, that you will pay on an investment in the Fund. Keep in mind that investment professionals may charge you fees for their services in connection with your Share transactions.





Maximum Sales Charge

Shares Offered



Sales Charge2


Sales Charge3

Class A







Class B







Class C







Class F







1 The minimum initial and subsequent investment amounts for retirement plans are $250 and $100, respectively. The minimum subsequent investment amounts for Systematic Investment Programs (SIP) is $50. Investment professionals may impose higher or lower minimum investment requirements on their customers than those imposed by the Fund. Orders for $100,000 or more of Class B Shares (effective April 5, 2004) or $1 million or more of Class C Shares (effective June 14, 2004) will be invested in Class A Shares instead of Class B Shares or Class C Shares to maximize your return and minimize the sales charges and marketing fees. Accounts held in the name of an investment professional may be treated differently. After Class B Shares have been held for eight years from the date of purchase, they will automatically convert to Class A Shares on or about the last day of the following month. This conversion is a non-taxable event.

2 Front-End Sales Charge is expressed as a percentage of public offering price. See "Sales Charge When You Purchase."

3 See "Sales Charge When You Redeem."

As shown in the table above, each Class of Shares has a different sales charge structure. In addition, the ongoing annual operating expenses ("expense ratios"), as well as the compensation payable to investment professionals, also vary among the Classes. Before you decide which Class to purchase, you should review the different charges and expenses of each Class carefully, in light of your personal circumstances, and consult with your investment professional.

Among the important factors to consider are the amount you plan to invest and the length of time you expect to hold your investment. You should consider, for example, that it may be possible to reduce the front-end sales charges imposed on purchases of Class A Shares. Among other ways, Class A Shares have a series of "breakpoints," which means that the front-end sales charges decrease (and can be eliminated entirely) as the amount invested increases. (The breakpoint schedule is set out below under "Sales Charge When You Purchase.") On the other hand, Class B Shares do not have front-end sales charges, but the deferred sales charges imposed on redemptions of Class B Shares do not vary at all in relation to the amounts invested. Rather, these charges decrease with the passage of time (ultimately going to zero after seven years). Finally, Class C Shares bear a relatively low front-end sales load and a contingent deferred sales charge only if redeemed within one year after purchase; however, the asset-based 12b-1 fees charged to Class C Shares are greater than those charged to Class A Shares and comparable to those charged to Class B Shares.

You should also consider that the expense ratio for Class A Shares will be lower than that for Class B (or Class C) Shares. Thus, the fact that no front-end charges are ever imposed on purchases of Class B Shares (or that a relatively low front-end charge is imposed on purchases of Class C Shares) does not always make them preferable to Class A Shares.



Class A Shares:





Purchase Amount


Sales Charge
as a Percentage
of Public
Offering Price


Sales Charge
as a Percentage
of NAV

Less than $50,000





$50,000 but less than $100,000





$100,000 but less than $250,000





$250,000 but less than $500,000





$500,000 but less than $1 million





$1 million or greater1





Class C Shares:





All Purchases





Class F Shares:





Less than $1 million





$1 million or greater





1 A contingent deferred sales charge of 0.75% may apply. See "Sales Charge When You Redeem."

If your investment qualifies for a reduction or elimination of the sales charge as described below, you or your investment professional should notify the Fund's Distributor at the time of purchase. If the Distributor is not notified, you will receive the reduced sales charge only on additional purchases, and not retroactively on previous purchases.

The sales charge at purchase of Class A Shares and Class F Shares only, may be reduced or eliminated by:

  • purchasing Shares in greater quantities to reduce the applicable sales charge;
  • combining concurrent purchases of Shares:
    • by you, your spouse, and your children under age 21; or
    • of the same share class of two or more Federated funds (other than money market funds);
  • accumulating purchases (in calculating the sales charge on an additional purchase, include the current value of previous Share purchases still invested in the Fund); or
  • signing a letter of intent to purchase a specific dollar amount of Shares within 13 months. (Call your investment professional or the Fund for more information.)

The sales charge at purchase of Class A Shares will be eliminated when you purchase Shares:

  • within 120 days of redeeming Shares of an equal or greater amount;
  • by exchanging shares from the same share class of another Federated fund (other than a money market fund);
  • through wrap accounts or other investment programs where you pay the investment professional directly for services;
  • as a shareholder that originally became a shareholder of the Fund pursuant to the terms of an agreement and plan of reorganization which permits shareholders to acquire Shares at NAV;
  • through investment professionals that receive no portion of the sales charge;
  • as a Federated Life Member (Class A Shares only) and their immediate family members; or
  • as a Director or employee of the Fund, the Adviser, the Distributor and their affiliates, and the immediate family members of these individuals.

The sales charge at purchase of Class F Shares will be eliminated when you purchase Shares:

  • within 120 days of redeeming Shares of an equal or greater amount;
  • when the Fund's Distributor does not advance payment to the investment professional for your purchase;
  • by exchanging shares from the same share class of another Federated fund;
  • for trusts or pension or profit-sharing plans where the third-party administrator has an arrangement with the Fund's Distributor or its affiliates to purchase Shares without a sales charge; or
  • through investment professionals that receive no portion of the sales charge.


Your redemption proceeds may be reduced by a sales charge, commonly referred to as a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC).


Class A Shares (Purchase amount of $1 million or greater):

A CDSC of 0.75% of the redemption amount applies to Class A Shares redeemed up to 24 months after purchase under certain investment programs where an investment professional received an advance payment on the transaction.

Class B Shares:

Shares Held Up To:





1 Year





2 Years





3 Years





4 Years





5 Years





6 Years





7 Years or More





Class C Shares:

You will pay a 1% CDSC if you redeem Shares within one year of the purchase date.



Class F Shares:



Purchase Amount


Shares Held



Up to $2 million


4 years or less



$2 - $5 million


2 years or less



$5 million or more


1 year or less



If your investment qualifies for a reduction or elimination of the CDSC as described below, you or your investment professional should notify the Distributor at the time of redemption. If the Distributor is not notified, the CDSC will apply.

You will not be charged a CDSC when redeeming Shares:

  • purchased with reinvested dividends or capital gains;
  • purchased within 120 days of redeeming Shares of an equal or lesser amount;
  • that you exchanged into the same share class of another Federated fund if the shares were held for the applicable CDSC holding period (other than a money market fund);
  • purchased through investment professionals who did not receive advanced sales payments;
  • if, after you purchase Shares, you become disabled as defined by the IRS;
  • if the Fund redeems your Shares and closes your account for not meeting the minimum balance requirement;
  • if your redemption is a required retirement plan distribution; or
  • upon the death of the last surviving shareholder of the account. The beneficiary on an account with a Transfer on Death registration is deemed the last surviving shareholder of the account.

To keep the sales charge as low as possible, the Fund redeems your Shares in this order:

  • Shares that are not subject to a CDSC; and
  • Shares held the longest (to determine the number of years your Shares have been held, include the time you held shares of other Federated funds that have been exchanged for Shares of this Fund).

The CDSC is then calculated using the Share price at the time of purchase or redemption, whichever is lower.

How is the Fund Sold?

The Fund offers five Share classes: Class A Shares, Class B Shares, Class C Shares, Class F Shares and Class K Shares, each representing interests in a single portfolio of securities. This prospectus relates only to Class A Shares, Class B Shares, Class C Shares and Class F Shares. All Share classes have different sales charges and other expenses which affect their performance. Contact your investment professional or call 1-800-341-7400 for more information concerning the other class.

The Fund's Distributor, Federated Securities Corp., markets the Shares described in this prospectus to individuals, directly or through investment professionals, as a convenient means of accumulating an interest in a professionally managed, diversified portfolio of common stocks and other securities of high-quality companies.

When the Distributor receives marketing fees and sales charges, it may pay some or all of them to investment professionals. The Distributor and its affiliates may pay out of their assets other amounts (including items of material value) to investment professionals for marketing and servicing Shares. The Distributor is a subsidiary of Federated Investors, Inc. (Federated).


The Fund has adopted a Rule 12b-1 Plan, which allows it to pay marketing fees to the Distributor and investment professionals for the sale, distribution and customer servicing of the Fund's Class B Shares and Class C Shares. Because these Shares pay marketing fees on an ongoing basis, your investment cost may be higher over time than other shares with different sales charges and marketing fees.

How to Purchase Shares

You may purchase Shares through an investment professional, directly from the Fund, or through an exchange from another Federated fund. The Fund reserves the right to reject any request to purchase or exchange Shares.

Where the Fund offers more than one Share class and you do not specify the class choice on your New Account Form or form of payment (e.g., Federal Reserve wire or check) you automatically will receive Class A Shares.


  • Establish an account with the investment professional; and
  • Submit your purchase order to the investment professional before the end of regular trading on the NYSE (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time). You will receive the next calculated NAV if the investment professional forwards the order to the Fund on the same day and the Fund receives payment within three business days. You will become the owner of Shares and receive dividends when the Fund receives your payment.

Investment professionals should send payments according to the instructions in the sections "By Wire" or "By Check."


  • Establish your account with the Fund by submitting a completed New Account Form; and
  • Send your payment to the Fund by Federal Reserve wire or check.

You will become the owner of Shares and your Shares will be priced at the next calculated NAV after the Fund receives your wire or your check. If your check does not clear, your purchase will be canceled and you could be liable for any losses or fees incurred by the Fund or Federated Shareholder Services Company, the Fund's transfer agent.

An institution may establish an account and place an order by calling the Fund and the Shares will be priced at the next calculated NAV after the Fund receives the order.

By Wire

Send your wire to:

State Street Bank and Trust Company

Boston, MA

Dollar Amount of Wire

ABA Number 011000028

Attention: EDGEWIRE

Wire Order Number, Dealer Number or Group Number

Nominee/Institution Name

Fund Name and Number and Account Number

You cannot purchase Shares by wire on holidays when wire transfers are restricted.

By Check

Make your check payable to The Federated Funds, note your account number on the check, and send it to:

Federated Shareholder Services Company
P.O. Box 8600
Boston, MA 02266-8600

If you send your check by a private courier or overnight delivery service that requires a street address, send it to:

Federated Shareholder Services Company
1099 Hingham Street
Rockland, MA 02370-3317

Payment should be made in U.S. dollars and drawn on a U.S. bank. The Fund reserves the right to reject any purchase request. For example, to protect against check fraud the Fund may reject any purchase request involving a check that is not made payable to The Federated Funds (including, but not limited to, requests to purchase Shares using third-party checks), or involving temporary checks or credit card checks.


You may purchase Shares through an exchange from the same share class of another Federated fund. You must meet the minimum initial investment requirement for purchasing Shares and both accounts must have identical registrations.


Once you have opened an account, you may automatically purchase additional Shares on a regular basis by completing the SIP section of the New Account Form or by contacting the Fund or your investment professional.


Once you have opened an account, you may purchase additional Shares through a depository institution that is an ACH member. This purchase option can be established by completing the appropriate sections of the New Account Form.


You may purchase Shares as retirement investments (such as qualified plans and IRAs or transfer or rollover of assets). Call your investment professional or the Fund for information on retirement investments. We suggest that you discuss retirement investments with your tax adviser. You may be subject to an annual IRA account fee.

How to Redeem and Exchange Shares

You should redeem or exchange Shares:

  • through an investment professional if you purchased Shares through an investment professional; or
  • directly from the Fund if you purchased Shares directly from the Fund.




Submit your redemption or exchange request to your investment professional by the end of regular trading on the NYSE (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time). The redemption amount you will receive is based upon the next calculated NAV after the Fund receives the order from your investment professional.


By Telephone

You may redeem or exchange Shares by simply calling the Fund at 1-800-341-7400.

If you call before the end of regular trading on the NYSE (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time), you will receive a redemption amount based on that day's NAV.

By Mail

You may redeem or exchange Shares by sending a written request to the Fund.

You will receive a redemption amount based on the next calculated NAV after the Fund receives your written request in proper form.

Send requests by mail to:

Federated Shareholder Services Company
P.O. Box 8600
Boston, MA 02266-8600

Send requests by private courier or overnight delivery service to:

Federated Shareholder Services Company
1099 Hingham Street
Rockland, MA 02370-3317

All requests must include:

  • Fund Name and Share Class, account number and account registration;
  • amount to be redeemed or exchanged;
  • signatures of all shareholders exactly as registered; and
  • if exchanging, the Fund Name and Share Class, account number and account registration into which you are exchanging.

Call your investment professional or the Fund if you need special instructions.

Signature Guarantees

Signatures must be guaranteed if:

  • your redemption will be sent to an address other than the address of record;
  • your redemption will be sent to an address of record that was changed within the last 30 days;
  • a redemption is payable to someone other than the shareholder(s) of record; or
  • if exchanging (transferring) into another fund with a different shareholder registration.

A signature guarantee is designed to protect your account from fraud. Obtain a signature guarantee from a bank or trust company, savings association, credit union or broker, dealer, or securities exchange member. A notary public cannot provide a signature guarantee.


Your redemption proceeds will be mailed by check to your address of record. The following payment options are available if you complete the appropriate section of the New Account Form or an Account Service Options Form. These payment options require a signature guarantee if they were not established when the account was opened:

  • an electronic transfer to your account at a financial institution that is an ACH member; or
  • wire payment to your account at a domestic commercial bank that is a Federal Reserve System member.

Redemption in Kind

Although the Fund intends to pay Share redemptions in cash, it reserves the right to pay the redemption price in whole or in part by a distribution of the Fund's portfolio securities.


Redemption proceeds normally are wired or mailed within one business day after receiving a request in proper form. Payment may be delayed up to seven days:

  • to allow your purchase to clear;
  • during periods of market volatility; or
  • when a shareholder's trade activity or amount adversely impacts the Fund's ability to manage its assets.

You will not accrue interest or dividends on uncashed checks from the Fund if those checks are undeliverable and returned to the Fund.


In the absence of your specific instructions, 10% of the value of your redemption from a retirement account in the Fund may be withheld for taxes. This withholding only applies to certain types of retirement accounts.


You may exchange Shares of the Fund into shares of the same class of another Federated fund. To do this, you must:

  • ensure that the account registrations are identical;
  • meet any minimum initial investment requirements; and
  • receive a prospectus for the fund into which you wish to exchange.

An exchange is treated as a redemption and a subsequent purchase, and is a taxable transaction.

The Fund may modify or terminate the exchange privilege at any time. The Fund's management or Adviser may determine from the amount, frequency and pattern of exchanges that a shareholder is engaged in excessive trading that is detrimental to the Fund and other shareholders. If this occurs, the Fund may terminate the availability of exchanges to that shareholder and may bar that shareholder from purchasing other Federated Funds.


You may automatically redeem or exchange Shares in a minimum amount of $100 on a regular basis. Complete the appropriate section of the New Account Form or an Account Service Options Form or contact your investment professional or the Fund. Your account value must meet the minimum initial investment amount at the time the program is established. This program may reduce, and eventually deplete, your account. Payments should not be considered yield or income. Generally, it is not advisable to continue to purchase Class A Shares, Class C Shares and Class F Shares subject to a sales charge while redeeming Shares using this program.

Systematic Withdrawal Program (SWP) on Class B Shares

You will not be charged a CDSC on SWP redemptions if:

  • you redeem 12% or less of your account value in a single year;
  • you reinvest all dividends and capital gains distributions; and
  • your account has at least a $10,000 balance when you establish the SWP. (You cannot aggregate multiple Class B Share accounts to meet this minimum balance.)

You will be subject to a CDSC on redemption amounts that exceed the 12% annual limit. In measuring the redemption percentage, your account is valued when you establish the SWP and then annually at calendar year-end. You can redeem monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually.


Telephone Transactions

The Fund will record your telephone instructions. If the Fund does not follow reasonable procedures, it may be liable for losses due to unauthorized or fraudulent telephone instructions.

Share Certificates

The Fund no longer issues share certificates. If you are redeeming or exchanging Shares represented by certificates previously issued by the Fund, you must return the certificates with your written redemption or exchange request. For your protection, send your certificates by registered or certified mail, but do not endorse them.

Account and Share Information


You will receive confirmation of purchases, redemptions and exchanges (except for systematic transactions). In addition, you will receive periodic statements reporting all account activity, including systematic transactions, dividends and capital gains paid.


The Fund declares and pays any dividends quarterly to shareholders. Dividends are paid to all shareholders invested in the Fund on the record date. The record date is the date on which a shareholder must officially own Shares in order to earn a dividend.

In addition, the Fund pays any capital gains at least annually. Your dividends and capital gains distributions will be automatically reinvested in additional Shares without a sales charge, unless you elect cash payments.

If you purchase Shares just before the record date for a dividend or capital gain distribution, you will pay the full price for the Shares and then receive a portion of the price back in the form of a taxable distribution, whether or not you reinvest the distribution in Shares. Therefore, you should consider the tax implications of purchasing Shares shortly before the record date for a dividend or capital gain. Contact your investment professional or the Fund for information concerning when dividends and capital gains will be paid.


Due to the high cost of maintaining accounts with low balances, non-retirement accounts may be closed if redemptions or exchanges cause the account balance to fall below the minimum initial investment amount. Before an account is closed, you will be notified and allowed 30 days to purchase additional Shares to meet the minimum.


The Fund sends an annual statement of your account activity to assist you in completing your federal, state and local tax returns. Fund distributions of dividends and capital gains are taxable to you whether paid in cash or reinvested in the Fund. Dividends are taxable as ordinary income; capital gains are taxable at different rates depending upon the length of time the Fund holds its assets.

Fund distributions are expected to be both dividends and capital gains. Redemptions and exchanges are taxable sales. Please consult your tax adviser regarding your federal, state and local tax liability.

Who Manages the Fund?

The Board of Directors (the "Board") governs the Fund. The Board selects and oversees the Adviser, Federated Equity Management Company of Pennsylvania. The Adviser manages the Fund's assets, including buying and selling portfolio securities. Federated Advisory Services Company (FASC), an affiliate of the Adviser, provides research, quantitative analysis, equity trading and transaction settlement and certain support services to the Adviser. The fee for these services is paid by the Adviser and not by the Fund. The address of the Adviser and FASC is Federated Investors Tower, 1001 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3779.

The Adviser and other subsidiaries of Federated advise approximately 136 mutual funds and a variety of separate accounts, which totaled approximately $198 billion in assets as of December 31, 2003. Federated was established in 1955 and is one of the largest mutual fund investment managers in the United States with approximately 1,650 employees. More than 5,000 investment professionals make Federated funds available to their customers.


Kevin R. McCloskey

Kevin R. McCloskey was named a Portfolio Manager of the Fund in March 2001. Mr. McCloskey joined Federated in 1999 as a Portfolio Manager and is a Vice President of the Fund's Adviser. From September 1994 to July 1999, he served as a portfolio manager, and from January 1994 to September 1994, he served as an investment/quantitative analyst at Killian Asset Management Corporation. Mr. McCloskey is a Chartered Financial Analyst. He received his M.B.A. from the University of Dayton.

Steven J. Lehman

Steven J. Lehman has been the Fund's Portfolio Manager since December 2002. Mr. Lehman joined the Fund's Adviser in May 1997 as a Portfolio Manager and Vice President. He has been a Senior Portfolio Manager since 1998. From 1986 to May 1997, Mr. Lehman served as a Portfolio Manager, then Vice President/ Senior Portfolio Manager, at First Chicago NBD. Mr. Lehman is a Chartered Financial Analyst; he received his M.A. from the University of Chicago.

John L. Nichol

John L. Nichol has been the Fund's Portfolio Manager since December 2002. Mr. Nichol joined Federated in September 2000 as an Assistant Vice President/ Senior Investment Analyst. He has been a Portfolio Manager since December 2000 and was named a Vice President of the Fund's Adviser in July 2001. Mr. Nichol served as a portfolio manager and analyst for the Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio from 1992 through August 2000. Mr. Nichol is a Chartered Financial Analyst. He received his M.B.A. with an emphasis in Finance and Management and Information Science from the Ohio State University.


The Adviser receives an annual investment advisory fee of 0.55% of the Fund's average daily net assets plus 4.50% of the Fund's gross income. The Adviser may voluntarily waive a portion of its fee or reimburse the Fund for certain operating expenses.

Gross income includes, in general, discounts earned on U.S. Treasury bills and agency discount notes, interest earned on all interest-bearing obligations, and dividend income recorded on the ex-dividend date but does not include capital gains or losses or reduction for expenses.

Legal Proceedings

Like many other mutual fund companies, in September 2003, Federated Investors, Inc., the parent company of the Federated funds' advisers and distributor (collectively, "Federated"), received detailed requests for information on shareholder trading activities in the Federated funds ("Funds") from the Securities and Exchange Commission, the New York State Attorney General, and the National Association of Securities Dealers. Since that time, Federated has received additional inquiries from regulatory authorities on these and related matters, and more such inquiries may be received in the future.

As a result of these inquiries, Federated and the Funds have conducted an internal investigation of the matters raised, which revealed instances in which a few investors were granted exceptions to Federated's internal procedures for limiting frequent transactions and that one of these investors made an additional investment in another Federated fund. The investigation has also identified inadequate procedures which permitted a limited number of investors (including several employees) to engage in undetected frequent trading activities and/or the placement and acceptance of orders to purchase shares of fluctuating net asset value funds after the funds' closing times. Federated has issued a series of press releases describing these matters in greater detail and emphasizing that it is committed to compensating the Funds for any detrimental impact these transactions may have had on them. In that regard, on February 3, 2004, Federated and the independent directors of the Funds announced the establishment by Feder ated of a restoration fund that is intended to cover any such detrimental impact. The press releases and related communications are available in the "About Us" section of Federated's website www.federatedinvestors.com, and any future press releases on this subject will also be posted there.

Shortly after Federated's first public announcement concerning the foregoing matters, and notwithstanding Federated's commitment to taking remedial actions, Federated and various Funds were named as defendants in several class action lawsuits filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania seeking damages of unspecified amounts. The lawsuits were purportedly filed on behalf of people who purchased, owned and/or redeemed shares of Federated-sponsored mutual funds during specified periods beginning November 1, 1998. The suits are generally similar in alleging that Federated engaged in illegal and improper trading practices including market timing and late trading in concert with certain institutional traders, which allegedly caused financial injury to the mutual fund shareholders. The board of the Funds has retained the law firm of Dickstein, Shapiro Morin & Oshinsky LLP to represent the Funds in these lawsuits. Federated and the Funds, and their respective counsel, are r eviewing the allegations and will respond appropriately. Additional lawsuits based upon similar allegations have been filed, and others may be filed in the future. Although we do not believe that these lawsuits will have a material adverse effect on the Funds, there can be no assurance that these suits, the ongoing adverse publicity and/or other developments resulting from the regulatory investigations will not result in increased Fund redemptions, reduced sales of Fund shares, or other adverse consequences for the Funds.

Financial Information


The Financial Highlights will help you understand the Fund's financial performance for its past five fiscal years, or since inception, if the life of the Share Class is shorter. Some of the information is presented on a per Share basis. Total returns represent the rate an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the Fund, assuming reinvestment of any dividends and capital gains.

This information has been audited by Deloitte & Touche LLP, whose report, along with the Fund's audited financial statements, is included in the Annual Report.

Financial Highlights -- Class A Shares

(For a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period)


Year Ended March 31
















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period
















Income From Investment Operations:
















Net investment income
















Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments
































Less Distributions:
















Distributions from net investment income
















Distributions from net realized gain on investments
































Net Asset Value, End of Period
















Total Return1
































Ratios to Average Net Assets:
































Net investment income
















Expense waiver/reimbursement3
















Supplemental Data:
















Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)












Portfolio turnover
















1 Based on net asset value, which does not reflect the sales charge or contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable.

2 The expense ratio is calculated without reduction for fees paid indirectly for directed brokerage arrangements. The expense ratios for the years ended March 31, 2004 and March 31, 2003 are 1.19% and 1.17%, respectively, after taking into account these expense reductions.

3 This expense decrease is reflected in both the expense and the net investment income ratios shown above.

4 Represents less than 0.01%.

Further information about the Fund's performance is contained in the Fund's Annual Report, dated March 31, 2004, which can be obtained free of charge.

Financial Highlights -- Class B Shares

(For a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period)


Year Ended March 31
















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period
















Income From Investment Operations:
















Net investment income (loss)
















Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments
































Less Distributions:
















Distributions from net investment income
















Distributions from net realized gain on investments
































Net Asset Value, End of Period
















Total Return1
































Ratios to Average Net Assets:
































Net investment income (loss)
















Expense waiver/reimbursement3
















Supplemental Data:
















Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)












Portfolio turnover
















1 Based on net asset value, which does not reflect the sales charge or contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable.

2 The expense ratio is calculated without reduction for fees paid indirectly for directed brokerage arrangements. The expense ratios for the years ended March 31, 2004 and March 31, 2003 are 1.94% and 1.92%, respectively, after taking into account these expense reductions.

3 This expense decrease is reflected in both the expense and the net investment income (loss) ratios shown above.

4 Represents less than 0.01%.

Further information about the Fund's performance is contained in the Fund's Annual Report, dated March 31, 2004, which can be obtained free of charge.

Financial Highlights -- Class C Shares

(For a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period)


Year Ended March 31
















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period
















Income From Investment Operations:
















Net investment income (loss)
















Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments
































Less Distributions:
















Distributions from net investment income
















Distributions from net realized gain on investments
































Net Asset Value, End of Period
















Total Return1
































Ratios to Average Net Assets:
































Net investment income (loss)
















Expense waiver/reimbursement3
















Supplemental Data:
















Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)
















Portfolio turnover
















1 Based on net asset value, which does not reflect the sales charge or contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable.

2 The expense ratio is calculated without reduction for fees paid indirectly for directed brokerage arrangements. The expense ratios for the years ended March 31, 2004 and March 31, 2003 are 1.94% and 1.92%, respectively, after taking into account these expense reductions.

3 This expense decrease is reflected in both the expense and the net investment income (loss) ratios shown above.

4 Represents less than 0.01%.

Further information about the Fund's performance is contained in the Fund's Annual Report, dated March 31, 2004, which can be obtained free of charge.

Financial Highlights -- Class F Shares

(For a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period)


Year Ended March 31
















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period
















Income From Investment Operations:
















Net investment income
















Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments
































Less Distributions:
















Distributions from net investment income
















Distributions from net realized gain on investments
































Net Asset Value, End of Period
















Total Return1
































Ratios to Average Net Assets:
































Net investment income
















Expense waiver/reimbursement3
















Supplemental Data:
















Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)
















Portfolio turnover
















1 Based on net asset value, which does not reflect the sales charge or contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable.

2 The expense ratio is calculated without reduction for fees paid indirectly for directed brokerage arrangements. The expense ratios for the years ended March 31, 2004 and March 31, 2003 are 1.17% and 1.17%, respectively, after taking into account these expense reductions.

3 This expense decrease is reflected in both the expense and the net investment income ratios shown above.

4 Represents less than 0.01%.

Further information about the Fund's performance is contained in the Fund's Annual Report, dated March 31, 2004, which can be obtained free of charge.

A Statement of Additional Information (SAI) dated May 31, 2004, is incorporated by reference into this prospectus. Additional information about the Fund and its investments is contained in the Fund's SAI and Annual and Semi-Annual Reports to shareholders as they become available. The Annual Report's Management's Discussion of Fund Performance discusses market conditions and investment strategies that significantly affected the Fund's performance during its last fiscal year. To obtain the SAI, Annual Report, Semi-Annual Report and other information without charge, and to make inquiries, call your investment professional or the Fund at 1-800-341-7400.

These documents, as well as additional information about the Fund (including portfolio holdings, performance and distributions), are also available on Federated's Internet site at www.federatedinvestors.com.

You can obtain information about the Fund (including the SAI) by writing to or visiting the SEC's Public Reference Room in Washington, DC. You may also access Fund information from the EDGAR Database on the SEC's Internet site at http://www.sec.gov. You can purchase copies of this information by contacting the SEC by email at publicinfo@sec.gov or by writing to the SEC's Public Reference Section, Washington, DC 20549-0102. Call 1-202-942-8090 for information on the Public Reference Room's operations and copying fees.

Federated Investors
World-Class Investment Manager

Federated American Leaders Fund, Inc.
Federated Investors Funds
5800 Corporate Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15237-7000

Contact us at 1-800-341-7400 or

Federated Securities Corp., Distributor

Investment Company Act File No. 811-1704

Federated is a registered mark of Federated Investors, Inc. 2004 ©Federated Investors, Inc.

Cusip 313914103
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