497 1 s6354-2a.txt AXP MUTUAL FUNDS-PROSPECTUS AND STATEMENT OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SUPPLEMENT Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information Supplement - January 10, 2003
Fund Name (Date) Prospectus Form # SAI Form # Retail Funds: AXP Blue Chip Advantage Fund (April 1, 2002) S-6025-99 U S-6025-20 U AXP Discovery Fund (Sept. 27, 2002) S-6457-99 X S-6457-20 X AXP Diversified Equity Income Fund (Nov. 29, 2002) S-6475-99 V S-6475-20 V AXP Emerging Markets Fund (Dec. 30, 2002) S-6354-99 K S-6354-20 K AXP Equity Select Fund (Jan. 29, 2002) S-6426-99 V S-6426-20 V AXP Equity Value Fund (May 30, 2002) S-6382-99 M S-6382-20 M AXP European Equity Fund (Dec. 30, 2002) S-6006-99 E S-6006-20 E AXP Focused Growth Fund (May 30, 2002) S-6003-99 D S-6003-20 D AXP Global Balanced Fund (Dec. 30, 2002) S-6352-99 J S- 6352-20 J AXP Global Growth Fund (Dec. 30, 2002) S-6334-99 V S-6334-20 V AXP Global Technology Fund (Dec. 30, 2002) S-6395-99 F S-6395-20 F AXP Growth Fund (Sept. 27, 2002) S-6455-99 W S-6455-20 W AXP Growth Dimensions Fund (Sept. 27, 2002) S-6004-99 E S-6004-20 E AXP International Fund (Dec. 30, 2002) S-6140-99 X S-6140-20 X AXP Large Cap Equity Fund (Sept. 27, 2002) S-6244-99 B S-6244-20 B AXP Large Cap Value Fund (Sept 27, 2002) S-6246-99 B S-6246-20 B AXP Managed Allocation Fund (Nov. 29, 2002) S-6141-99 W S-6141-20 W AXP Mid Cap Value Fund (Nov. 29, 2002) S-6241-99 C S-6241-20 C AXP Mutual (Nov. 29, 2002) S-6326-99 W S-6326-20 W AXP New Dimensions Fund (Sept. 27, 2002) S-6440-99 V S-6440-20 V AXP Partners Fundamental Value Fund (July 30, 2002) S-6236-99 D S-6236-20 D AXP Partners International Aggressive Growth Fund (Dec. 30, 2002) S-6243-99 E S-6243-20 E AXP Partners International Core Fund (Dec. 30, 2002) S-6259-99 C S-6259-20 C AXP Partners International Select Value Fund (Dec. 30, 2002) S-6242-99 E S-6242-20 E AXP Partners International Small Cap Fund (Dec. 30, 2002) S-6258-99 C S-6258-20 C AXP Partners Select Value Fund (July 30, 2002) S-6240-99 C S-6240-20 C AXP Partners Small Cap Core Fund (July 30, 2002) S-6237-99 D S-6237-20 D AXP Partners Small Cap Growth Fund (May 30, 2002) S-6301-99 D S-6301-20 D AXP Partners Small Cap Value Fund (July 30, 2002) S-6239-99 D S-6239-20 D AXP Partners Value Fund (July 30, 2002) S-6238-99 D S-6238-20 D AXP Precious Metals Fund (May 30, 2002) S-6142-99 W S-6142-20 W AXP Progressive Fund (Nov. 29, 2002) S-6449-99 W S-6449-20 W AXP Research Opportunities Fund (Sept. 27, 2002) S-6356-99 K S-6356-20 K AXP Small Cap Advantage Fund (May 30, 2002) S-6427-99 F S-6427-20 F AXP Small Company Index Fund (April 1, 2002) S-6357-99 K S-6357-20 K AXP Stock Fund (Nov. 29, 2002) S-6351-99 W S-6351-20 W AXP Strategy Aggressive Fund (May 30, 2002) S-6381-99 M S-6381-20 M AXP Utilities Fund (Aug. 29, 2002) S-6341-99 W S-6341-20 W
For the prospectus The "SALES CHARGE" information is revised as follows: SALES CHARGES Class A -- initial sales charge alternative When you purchase Class A shares, you pay a sales charge as shown in the following table: Sales charge as percentage of: Total market value Public offering price* Net amount invested Up to $49,999 5.75% 6.10% $50,000-$99,999 4.75 4.99 $100,000-$249,999 3.75 3.90 $250,000-$499,999 2.50 2.56 $500,000-$999,999 2.00** 2.04** $1,000,000 or more 0.00 0.00 * Offering price includes the sales charge. ** The sales charge will be waived until further notice. For the Statement of Additional Information The "Sales Charge" information is revised as follows: Class A -- Calculation of the Sales Charge Sales charges are determined as follows: Sales charge as a percentage of: Total market value Public offering price Net amount invested Up to $49,999 5.75% 6.10% $50,000-$99,999 4.75 4.99 $100,000-$249,999 3.75 3.90 $250,000-$499,999 2.50 2.56 $500,000-$999,999 2.00* 2.04* $1,000,000 or more 0.00 0.00 * The sales charge will be waived until further notice. S-6354-2 A (1/03) Valid until next prospectus and Statement of Additional Information update Destroy Dec. 31, 2003