497 1 PROSPECTUS SUPPLEMENT DATED MARCH 20, 1995 PAGE 1 Vermont Prospectus Supplement March 31, 1995* Prospectus Form # Publicly Offered Funds: IDS Global Bond Fund (Dec. 30, 1994**) S-6309 H IDS Global Growth Fund (Dec. 30, 1994**) S-6334 H IDS Insured Tax-Exempt Fund (Aug. 29, 1994**) S-6327 H IDS International Fund (Dec. 30, 1994**) S-6140 H *Valid until December 29, 1995. **As revised March 20, 1995. The following information modifies that found in the above- referenced prospectuses: The "Foreign investments" subsection of the "Investment policies and risks" section of the prospectuses for IDS Global Growth Fund and IDS International Fund is revised as follows: "Foreign investments are subject to currency fluctuations, and political and economic risks of the countries in which the investments are made, including the possibility of seizure or nationalization of companies, imposition of withholding taxes on income, establishment of exchange controls or adoption of other restrictions that might affect an investment adversely. The limited liquidity and price fluctuations in emerging markets could make investments in developing countries more volatile." The "Foreign investments" subsection of the "Investment policies and risks" section of the prospectus for IDS Global Bond Fund is supplemented as follows: "Foreign investments are subject to currency fluctuations, and political and economic risks of the countries in which the investments are made, including the possibility of seizure or nationalization of companies, imposition of withholding taxes on income, establishment of exchange controls or adoption of other restrictions that might affect an investment adversely. The limited liquidity and price fluctuations in emerging markets could make investments in developing countries more volatile. Investing in the debt obligations of emerging market nations (rated below investment grade) involves certain risks. Such nations are often dependent on external investment sources which can render a higher volatility to the performance of such obligations, including potential defaults, than is the case with developed nation debt. Payment of principal and interest on sovereign debt is dependent on the country's willingness to pay. The fund may have limited legal recourse in the event a sovereign government is unwilling or unable to pay its debt." The following policy is revised and moved from the "Foreign investments" section in IDS Global Bond Fund's prospectus, to the first paragraph of the "Investment policies and risks" section of the same fund's prospectus: PAGE 2 "Under normal market conditions, the fund will invest at least 65% of its total assets in investments located in at least three different countries." The "Investment policies and risks" section of the prospectuses for IDS Global Bond Fund and IDS Insured Tax-Exempt Fund is supplemented as follows: "The price of bonds generally declines as interest rates increase, and rises as interest rates decline." The "Investment policies and risks" section of the prospectus for IDS Insured Tax-Exempt Fund is supplemented as follows: "The fund's average maturity/duration of its portfolio is 6.89 years as of March 15, 1995." The "Investment policies and risks" section of the prospectus for IDS Insured Tax-Exempt Fund is supplemented as follows: "The types of municipal obligations in which the fund may invest include insured prerefunded bonds, general obligation bonds, and revenue bonds, such as airport, electric, pollution control and hospital bonds."