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Registrant Namedei_EntityRegistrantNameNatixis Funds Trust II
Prospectus Daterr_ProspectusDateSep. 30, 2011
Class A&C Shares | ASG Growth Markets Fund | Class A
Maximum sales charge (load) imposed on purchases (as a percentage of offering price)rr_MaximumSalesChargeImposedOnPurchasesOverOfferingPrice5.75%
Maximum deferred sales charge (load) (as a percentage of original purchase price or redemption proceeds, as applicable)rr_MaximumDeferredSalesChargeOverOther none
Redemption feesrr_RedemptionFeeOverRedemption none
Management feesrr_ManagementFeesOverAssets1.20%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) feesrr_DistributionAndService12b1FeesOverAssets0.25%
Other expenses (estimated for the current fiscal year)rr_OtherExpensesOverAssets2.75%
Total annual fund operating expensesrr_ExpensesOverAssets4.20%
Fee waiver and/or expense reimbursementrr_FeeWaiverOrReimbursementOverAssets2.50%[1]
Total annual fund operating expenses after fee waiver and/or expense reimbursementrr_NetExpensesOverAssets1.70%
1 yearrr_ExpenseExampleYear01 738
3 yearsrr_ExpenseExampleYear031,448
1 yearrr_ExpenseExampleNoRedemptionYear01738
3 yearsrr_ExpenseExampleNoRedemptionYear031,448
Class A&C Shares | ASG Growth Markets Fund | Class C
Maximum sales charge (load) imposed on purchases (as a percentage of offering price)rr_MaximumSalesChargeImposedOnPurchasesOverOfferingPrice none
Maximum deferred sales charge (load) (as a percentage of original purchase price or redemption proceeds, as applicable)rr_MaximumDeferredSalesChargeOverOther1.00%
Redemption feesrr_RedemptionFeeOverRedemption none
Management feesrr_ManagementFeesOverAssets1.20%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) feesrr_DistributionAndService12b1FeesOverAssets1.00%
Other expenses (estimated for the current fiscal year)rr_OtherExpensesOverAssets2.75%
Total annual fund operating expensesrr_ExpensesOverAssets4.95%
Fee waiver and/or expense reimbursementrr_FeeWaiverOrReimbursementOverAssets2.50%[1]
Total annual fund operating expenses after fee waiver and/or expense reimbursementrr_NetExpensesOverAssets2.45%
1 yearrr_ExpenseExampleYear01348
3 yearsrr_ExpenseExampleYear031,145
1 yearrr_ExpenseExampleNoRedemptionYear01248
3 yearsrr_ExpenseExampleNoRedemptionYear031,145
Class A&C Shares | ASG Growth Markets Fund
Risk/Return [Heading]rr_RiskReturnHeadingASG Growth Markets Fund
Objective [Heading]rr_ObjectiveHeadingInvestment Goal
Objective, Primary [Text Block]rr_ObjectivePrimaryTextBlock
Over the long term the Fund seeks to provide total return consistent with broad-based emerging market equity indexes while exposing investors to less risk than one or more such index.
Expense [Heading]rr_ExpenseHeadingFund Fees & Expenses
Expense Narrative [Text Block]rr_ExpenseNarrativeTextBlock
The following table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy and hold shares of the Fund. You may qualify for sales charge discounts if you and your family invest, or agree to invest in the future, at least $50,000 in the Natixis Fund Complex. More information about these and other discounts is available from your financial professional and in the section "How Sales Charges Are Calculated" on page 23 of the Prospectus and on page 85 in the section "Reduced Sales Charges" of the Statement of Additional Information ("SAI").
Shareholder Fees Caption [Text]rr_ShareholderFeesCaptionShareholder Fees(fees paid directly from your investment)
Operating Expenses Caption [Text]rr_OperatingExpensesCaption
Fee Waiver or Reimbursement over Assets, Date of Terminationrr_FeeWaiverOrReimbursementOverAssetsDateOfTerminationMarch 31, 2013
Portfolio Turnover [Heading]rr_PortfolioTurnoverHeadingPortfolio Turnover
Portfolio Turnover [Text Block]rr_PortfolioTurnoverTextBlock
The Fund will pay transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or "turns over" its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes for you if your Fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the Fund's performance.
Expense Breakpoint Discounts [Text]rr_ExpenseBreakpointDiscountsYou may qualify for sales charge discounts if you and your family invest, or agree to invest in the future, at least $50,000 in the Natixis Fund Complex.
Expense Breakpoint, Minimum Investment Required [Amount]rr_ExpenseBreakpointMinimumInvestmentRequiredAmount 50,000
Expense Example [Heading]rr_ExpenseExampleHeading
Expense Example Narrative [Text Block]rr_ExpenseExampleNarrativeTextBlock
This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the Fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the end of those periods (except where indicated). The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the Fund's operating expenses remain the same, except that the example is based on Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses After Fee Waiver and/or Expense Reimbursement for eighteen months and on the Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses for the remaining years. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:
Expense Example by, Year, Caption [Text]rr_ExpenseExampleByYearCaption
Expense Example, No Redemption, By Year, Caption [Text]rr_ExpenseExampleNoRedemptionByYearCaption
Strategy [Heading]rr_StrategyHeadingInvestments, Risks and Performance Principal Investment Strategies
Strategy Narrative [Text Block]rr_StrategyNarrativeTextBlock
Under normal circumstances, the Fund primarily invests in a portfolio of equity securities of companies located in emerging markets (such as common stocks, preferred stocks, depositary receipts and exchange-traded funds) and derivative instruments (primarily futures and forward contracts) that has risk and return characteristics similar to those of broad-based emerging market equity indexes. The equity portion of the Fund is managed by Westpeak Global Advisors, LLC ("Westpeak"). This portion of the Fund invests in a stock portfolio based on a proprietary emerging markets securities index developed by Westpeak, which primarily consists of a subset of stocks in a broad-based emerging market equity index and is designed to closely track the movements of the index while exposing investors to the long-term total return potential of emerging market equities. The Fund seeks to complement the equity portfolio with a portfolio of derivatives designed to enhance return and mitigate losses. In selecting derivative investments for the Fund, the Adviser uses quantitative models to estimate the market exposures, or factors, that drive the aggregate returns of one or more broad-based measures of emerging market equity index performance as well as identify the market exposures best suited to limit the volatility and risk of loss associated with the underlying equity portfolio. This will generally result in a derivative portfolio that includes exposures to the returns of global equity and fixed income securities, commodities and currencies, although these exposures will vary over time. The Fund may have both "short" and "long" exposures within an asset class. The Fund will benefit from a "short" exposure when the underlying asset class decreases in price, and will benefit from a "long" exposure when the underlying asset class increases in price. Under normal market conditions, it is expected that no more than 25% of the Fund's total assets will be dedicated to initial and variation margin payments relating to the Fund's derivative transactions. The notional value of the Fund's derivative investments, however, will generally exceed 25% of the Fund's assets. The Fund expects that under normal market conditions it will invest at least 10% of its total assets in money market and other short-term, high quality securities (the "Money Market Portion") managed by Reich & Tang Asset Management, LLC ("Reich & Tang"), although the Fund may invest more or less than this percentage. The Adviser will determine the percentage of the Fund's assets that will be invested in the Money Market Portion at any time. The assets allocated to the Money Market Portion will be used primarily to support the Fund's investments in derivatives and, secondarily, to provide the Fund with incremental income and liquidity. In addition to forward currency transactions as part of its derivatives strategy, the Fund may also engage in these transactions and other currency transactions as part of its cash management strategies. Although the Fund does not intend to invest in physical commodities directly, the Fund expects to obtain investment exposure to commodity-related derivatives through a wholly-owned subsidiary organized under the laws of the Cayman Islands that will make commodity-related investments (the "Commodity Subsidiary"). Under normal market conditions, it is expected that no more than 10% of the Fund's total assets will be dedicated to initial and variation margin payments relating to these transactions. The Fund is "non-diversified." As a non-diversified fund, the Fund may invest a greater percentage of its assets in a particular issuer and may invest in fewer issuers, as compared with other mutual funds that are diversified. When buying and selling securities and other instruments for the Fund, and in determining the amount of assets to be allocated to the Money Market Portion (as defined above), the Adviser will also consider the following factors: (i) the Fund's obligations under its various derivative positions; (ii) redemption requests; (iii) yield management; (iv) credit management; (v) the allocation to equity securities and (vi) volatility management. The Fund may engage in active and frequent trading of securities and other instruments. Effects of frequent trading include high transaction costs, which may lower the Fund's return, and realization of greater short-term capital gains, distributions of which are taxable to shareholders who are individuals as ordinary income. Trading costs and tax effects associated with frequent trading may adversely affect the Fund's performance. The Fund's trading in derivatives is active and frequent. Active and frequent trading of derivatives, like active and frequent trading of securities, will result in transaction costs which reduce fund returns. The percentage limitations set forth in this Fund summary are not investment restrictions and the Fund may exceed these limits from time to time.
Risk [Heading]rr_RiskHeadingPrincipal Risks
Risk Narrative [Text Block]rr_RiskNarrativeTextBlock
Risk Lose Money [Text]rr_RiskLoseMoneyYou may lose money by investing in the Fund.
Risk Nondiversified Status [Text]rr_RiskNondiversifiedStatusNon-Diversification Risk: Compared with other mutual funds, the Fund may invest a greater percentage of its assets in a particular issuer and may invest in fewer issuers. Therefore, the Fund may have more risk because changes in the value of a single security or the impact of a single economic, political or regulatory occurrence may have a greater adverse impact on the Fund's NAV.
Bar Chart and Performance Table [Heading]rr_BarChartAndPerformanceTableHeadingRisk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Performance Narrative [Text Block]rr_PerformanceNarrativeTextBlock
Because the Fund is new and has not yet completed a full calendar year, information related to Fund performance, including a bar chart showing annual returns, has not been included in this Prospectus. The performance information provided by the Fund in the future will give some indication of the risks of an investment in the Fund by showing changes in the Fund's performance from year to year and by showing how the Fund's average annual returns compare against those of a broad measure of market performance.
Performance One Year or Less [Text]rr_PerformanceOneYearOrLessBecause the Fund is new and has not yet completed a full calendar year, information related to Fund performance, including a bar chart showing annual returns, has not been included in this Prospectus.
[1] AlphaSimplex Group, LLC ("AlphaSimplex" or the "Adviser") has given a binding contractual undertaking to the Fund to limit the amount of the Fund's total annual fund operating expenses to 1.70% and 2.45% of the Fund's average daily net assets for Class A and C shares, respectively, exclusive of brokerage expenses, interest expense, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, organizational and extraordinary expenses, such as litigation and indemnification expenses. This undertaking is in effect through March 31, 2013 and may be terminated before then only with the consent of the Fund's Board of Trustees. The Fund's investment adviser will be permitted to recover, on a class by class basis, management fees waived and/or expenses reimbursed to the extent that expenses in later periods fall below 1.70% and 2.45% of the Fund's average daily net assets for Class A and C shares, respectively. The Fund will not be obligated to repay any such waived/reimbursed fees and expenses more than one year after the end of the fiscal year in which the fee/expense was waived/reimbursed.