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12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2018
Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements [Abstract]  
Description of Business
Aflac Incorporated (the Parent Company) and its subsidiaries (collectively, the Company) primarily sell supplemental health and life insurance in the United States and Japan. The Company's insurance business is marketed and administered through American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus (Aflac) in the United States (Aflac U.S.) and, effective April 1, 2018, through Aflac Life Insurance Japan Ltd. in Japan (Aflac Japan). Prior to April 1, 2018, the Company's insurance business was marketed in Japan as a branch of Aflac. American Family Life Assurance Company of New York (Aflac New York) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Aflac. Most of Aflac's policies are individually underwritten and marketed through independent agents. Additionally, Aflac U.S. markets and administers group products through Continental American Insurance Company (CAIC), branded as Aflac Group Insurance. The Company's insurance operations in the United States and Japan service the two markets for the Company's insurance business. Aflac Japan's revenues, including realized gains and losses on its investment portfolio, accounted for 70% of the Company's total revenues in 2018, compared with 70% in 2017 and 71% in 2016. The percentage of the Company's total assets attributable to Aflac Japan was 84% at December 31, 2018, compared with 83% at December 31, 2017.

Basis of Presentation
The Company prepares its financial statements in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (U.S. GAAP). These principles are established primarily by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). In these Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements, references to U.S. GAAP issued by the FASB are derived from the FASB Accounting Standards CodificationTM (ASC). The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires the Company to make estimates based on currently available information when recording transactions resulting from business operations. The most significant items on the Company's balance sheet that involve a greater degree of accounting estimates and actuarial determinations subject to changes in the future are the valuation of investments and derivatives, deferred policy acquisition costs (DAC), liabilities for future policy benefits and unpaid policy claims, and income taxes. These accounting estimates and actuarial determinations are sensitive to market conditions, investment yields, mortality, morbidity, commission and other acquisition expenses, and terminations by policyholders. As additional information becomes available, or actual amounts are determinable, the recorded estimates will be revised and reflected in operating results. Although some variability is inherent in these estimates, the Company believes the amounts provided are adequate.

The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Parent Company, its subsidiaries, and those entities required to be consolidated under applicable accounting standards. All material intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated.

Significant Accounting Policies

Foreign Currency Translation: The functional currency of Aflac Japan is the Japanese yen. The Company translates its yen-denominated financial statement accounts into U.S. dollars as follows. Assets and liabilities are translated at end-of-period exchange rates. Realized gains and losses on security transactions are translated at the exchange rate on the trade date of each transaction. Other revenues, expenses, and cash flows are translated using average exchange rates for the period. The resulting currency translation adjustments are reported in accumulated other comprehensive income. The Company includes in earnings the realized currency exchange gains and losses resulting from foreign currency transactions.

The Parent Company has designated a majority of its yen-denominated liabilities (notes payable and yen-denominated loans) as non-derivative hedges and from time-to-time may designate certain foreign currency forwards and options as derivative hedges of the foreign currency exposure of the Company's net investment in Aflac Japan. Outstanding principal and related accrued interest on these Parent Company liabilities and the fair value of these derivatives are translated into U.S. dollars at end-of-period exchange rates. Currency translation adjustments and changes in the fair value of these derivatives are recorded as unrealized foreign currency translation gains (losses) in other comprehensive income and are included in accumulated other comprehensive income.

Insurance Revenue and Expense Recognition: Substantially all of the supplemental health and life insurance policies the Company issues are classified as long-duration contracts. The contract provisions generally cannot be
changed or canceled during the contract period; however, the Company may adjust premiums for supplemental health policies issued in the United States within prescribed guidelines and with the approval of state insurance regulatory authorities.

Insurance premiums for most of the Company's health and life policies, including cancer, accident, hospital, critical illness, dental, vision, term life, whole life, long-term care and disability, are recognized as revenue over the premium-paying periods of the contracts when due from policyholders. When revenues are reported, the related amounts of benefits and expenses are charged against such revenues, so that profits are recognized in proportion to premium revenues during the period the policies are expected to remain in force. This association is accomplished by means of annual additions to the liability for future policy benefits and the deferral and subsequent amortization of policy acquisition costs.

Premiums from the Company's products with limited-pay features, including term life, whole life, WAYS, and child endowment, are collected over a significantly shorter period than the period over which benefits are provided. Premiums for these products are recognized as revenue over the premium-paying periods of the contracts when due from policyholders. Any gross premium in excess of the net premium is deferred and recorded in earnings, such that profits are recognized in a constant relationship with insurance in force. Benefits are recorded as an expense when they are incurred. A liability for future policy benefits is recorded when premiums are recognized using the net premium method.

At the policyholder's option, customers can also pay discounted advanced premiums for certain of the Company's products. Advanced premiums are deferred and recognized when due from policyholders over the regularly scheduled premium payment period.

The calculation of DAC and the liability for future policy benefits requires the use of estimates based on sound actuarial valuation techniques. For new policy issues, the Company reviews its actuarial assumptions and deferrable acquisition costs each year and revises them when necessary to more closely reflect recent experience and studies of actual acquisition costs. For policies in force, the Company evaluates DAC by major product groupings to determine that they are recoverable from future revenues, and any amounts determined not to be recoverable are charged against net earnings. The Company has not had any material charges to earnings for DAC that was determined not to be recoverable in any of the years presented in this Form 10-K.

Advertising expense is reported as incurred in insurance expenses in the consolidated statements of earnings.

Cash and Cash Equivalents: Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, money market instruments, and other debt instruments with a maturity of 90 days or less when purchased.

Investments: The Company's debt securities consist of fixed maturity securities, which are classified as either held to maturity or available for sale. Securities classified as held to maturity are securities that the Company has the ability and intent to hold to maturity or redemption and are carried at amortized cost. All other fixed maturity debt securities are classified as available for sale and are carried at fair value. If the fair value is higher than the amortized cost for debt securities, the excess is an unrealized gain, and if lower than cost, the difference is an unrealized loss. The net unrealized gains and losses on securities available for sale, less related deferred income taxes, are recorded through other comprehensive income and included in accumulated other comprehensive income.

Amortized cost of debt securities is based on the Company's purchase price adjusted for accrual of discount, or amortization of premium, and recognition of impairment charges, if any. The amortized cost of debt securities the Company purchases at a discount or premium will equal the face or par value at maturity or the call date, if applicable. Interest is reported as income when earned and is adjusted for amortization of any premium or discount.

The Company has investments in equity securities which are carried at fair value. Effective January 1, 2018 upon the adoption of new accounting guidance, changes in fair value of equity securities are recorded in earnings as a component of realized investment gains and losses. Prior to January 1, 2018, equity securities were carried at fair value with unrealized gains and losses, less related deferred income taxes, recorded in other comprehensive income and included in accumulated other comprehensive income.

The Company has investments in variable interest entities (VIEs). Criteria for evaluating VIEs for consolidation focuses on identifying which enterprise has the power to direct the activities of a variable interest entity that most significantly impact the entity's economic performance and (1) the obligation to absorb losses of the entity or (2) the right to receive benefits from the entity. The Company is the primary beneficiary of certain VIEs, and therefore consolidates these entities in its financial statements. While the consolidated VIEs generally operate within a defined set of contractual
terms, there are certain powers that are retained by the Company that are considered significant in the conclusion that the Company is the primary beneficiary. These powers vary by structure but generally include the initial selection of the underlying collateral; the ability to obtain the underlying collateral in the event of default; and, the ability to appoint or dismiss key parties in the structure. In particular, the Company's powers surrounding the underlying collateral were considered to be the most significant powers because those most significantly impact the economics of the VIE. The Company has no obligation to provide any continuing financial support to any of the entities in which it is the primary beneficiary. The Company's maximum loss is limited to its original investment. Neither the Company nor any of its creditors have the ability to obtain the underlying collateral, nor does the Company have control over the instruments held in the VIEs, unless there is an event of default. For those entities where the Company is the primary beneficiary, the consolidated entity's assets are segregated on the balance sheet by the caption "consolidated variable interest entities," and consist of fixed maturity securities, equity securities, loan receivables, limited partnerships and derivative instruments.

For the mortgage- and asset-backed securities held in the Company's fixed maturity portfolio, the Company recognizes income using a constant effective yield, which is based on anticipated prepayments and the estimated economic life of the securities. When estimates of prepayments change, the effective yield is recalculated to reflect actual payments to date and anticipated future payments. The net investment in mortgage- and asset-backed securities is adjusted to the amount that would have existed had the new effective yield been applied at the time of acquisition. This adjustment is reflected in net investment income.

The Company uses the specific identification method to determine the gain or loss from securities transactions and report the realized gain or loss in the consolidated statements of earnings. Securities transactions are accounted for based on values as of the trade date of the transaction.

An investment in a fixed maturity security is impaired if the fair value falls below amortized cost. The Company regularly reviews its fixed maturity security investments portfolio for declines in fair value. The Company's fixed maturity security investments are evaluated for other-than-temporary impairment using its debt impairment model. The Company's debt impairment model focuses on the ultimate collection of the cash flows from its investments and whether the Company has the intent to sell or if it is more likely than not the Company would be required to sell the security prior to recovery of its amortized cost. The determination of the amount of impairments under this model is based upon the Company's periodic evaluation and assessment of known and inherent risks associated with the respective securities. Such evaluations and assessments are revised as conditions change and new information becomes available.
When determining the Company's intention to sell a security prior to recovery of its fair value to amortized cost, the Company evaluates facts and circumstances such as, but not limited to, future cash flow needs, decisions to reposition its security portfolio, and risk profile of individual investment holdings. The Company performs ongoing analyses of its liquidity needs, which includes cash flow testing of its policy liabilities, debt maturities, projected dividend payments, and other cash flow and liquidity needs.

The determination of whether an impairment in value of the Company's fixed maturity securities is other than temporary is based largely on the Company's evaluation of the issuer's creditworthiness. The Company must apply considerable judgment in determining the likelihood of its fixed maturity securities recovering in value. Factors that may influence this include the overall level of interest rates, credit spreads, the credit quality of the underlying issuer, and other factors. This process requires consideration of risks which can be controlled to a certain extent, such as credit risk, and risks which cannot be controlled, such as interest rate risk and foreign currency risk.

If, after monitoring and analyses, management believes that fair value will not recover to amortized cost, the Company recognizes an other-than-temporary impairment of the security. Once a security is considered to be other-than-temporarily impaired, the impairment loss is separated into two components: the portion of the impairment related to credit and the portion of the impairment related to factors other than credit. The Company recognizes a charge to earnings for the credit-related portion of other-than-temporary impairments. Impairments related to factors other than credit are charged to earnings in the event the Company intends to sell the security prior to the recovery of its amortized cost or if it is more likely than not that the Company would be required to dispose of the security prior to recovery of its amortized cost; otherwise, non-credit-related other-than-temporary impairments are charged to other comprehensive income.

The Company lends fixed maturity and public equity securities to financial institutions in short-term security-lending transactions. These securities continue to be carried as investment assets on the Company's balance sheet during the terms of the loans and are not reported as sales. The Company receives cash or other securities as collateral for such loans. For loans involving unrestricted cash or securities as collateral, the collateral is reported as an asset with a corresponding liability for the return of the collateral. For loans where the Company receives as collateral securities that the Company is not permitted to sell or repledge, the collateral is not reported as an asset.

Other investments include transitional real estate loans (TREs), commercial mortgage loans (CMLs), middle market loans (MMLs), policy loans, limited partnerships, and short-term investments with maturities at the time of purchase of one year or less, but greater than 90 days. The Company's investments in TREs, CMLs, and MMLs are accounted for as loan receivables and are recorded at amortized cost on the acquisition date. The Company has the intent and ability to hold these loan receivables for the foreseeable future or until they mature and therefore, they are considered held for investment and are carried at amortized cost in the other investments line in its consolidated balance sheets. The amortized cost of the loan receivables reflects allowances for expected incurred losses estimated based on past events and current economic conditions as of each reporting date. Limited partnership investments are accounted for using the equity method of accounting. Under the equity method of accounting, the Company reports its portion of partnership earnings as a component of net investment income in its consolidated statements of earnings. The underlying investments held by the Company’s limited partnerships primarily consist of private equity and real estate. Short-term investments are stated at amortized cost, which approximates fair value.

Derivatives and Hedging: Freestanding derivative instruments are reported in the consolidated balance sheet at fair value and are reported in other assets and other liabilities, with changes in value reported in earnings and/or other comprehensive income. These freestanding derivatives are foreign currency forwards, foreign currency options, foreign currency swaps, interest rate swaps, interest rate swaptions, and, in prior year periods, credit default swaps (CDSs). Foreign currency forwards and options are used in hedging foreign exchange risk on U.S. dollar-denominated investments in Aflac Japan's portfolio. Foreign currency forwards and options are also used to economically hedge certain portions of forecasted cash flows denominated in yen and hedge the Company's long term exposure to a weakening yen. Cross-currency interest rate swaps, also referred to as foreign currency swaps, are used to economically convert certain U.S. dollar-denominated note obligations into yen-denominated principal and interest obligations. Foreign currency swaps are used within special-purpose entities, including VIEs where the Company is the primary beneficiary, to hedge the risk arising from interest rate and currency exchange risk. Interest rate swaps are used to economically hedge interest rate fluctuations in certain variable-rate investments. Interest rate swaptions, which are options to enter into interest rate swaps, are used to hedge interest rate fluctuations on certain U.S. dollar-denominated available-for-sale securities in Aflac Japan's portfolio. The Company does not use derivatives for trading purposes, nor does the Company engage in leveraged derivative transactions.

From time to time, the Company purchases certain investments that contain an embedded derivative. The Company assesses whether this embedded derivative is clearly and closely related to the asset that serves as its host contract. If the Company deems that the embedded derivative's terms are not clearly and closely related to the host contract, and a separate instrument with the same terms would qualify as a derivative instrument, the derivative is separated from that contract, held at fair value, and reported with the host instrument in the consolidated balance sheet, with changes in fair value reported in earnings. If the Company has elected the fair value option, the embedded derivative is not bifurcated, and the entire investment is held at fair value with changes in fair value reported in earnings.
See Note 5 for a discussion on how the Company determines the fair value of its derivatives. Accruals on derivatives are typically recorded in accrued investment income or within other liabilities in the consolidated balance sheets.

To qualify for hedge accounting treatment, a derivative must be highly effective in mitigating the designated risk attributable to the hedged item. At the inception of hedging relationships the Company formally documents all relationships between hedging instruments and hedged items, as well as its risk-management objectives and strategies for undertaking the respective hedging relationship, and the methodology that will be used to assess the effectiveness of the hedge relationship at and subsequent to hedge inception. The Company documents the designation of each hedge as either (i) a hedge of the variability of cash flows to be received or paid related to a recognized asset or liability or the hedge of a forecasted transaction ("cash flow hedge"); (ii) a hedge of the estimated fair value of a recognized asset or liability ("fair value hedge"); or (iii) a hedge of a net investment in a foreign operation. The documentation process includes linking derivatives and non-derivative financial instruments that are designated as hedges to specific assets or groups of assets or liabilities in the statement of financial position or to specific forecasted transactions and defining the effectiveness testing methods to be used. At the hedge inception and on an ongoing quarterly basis, the Company also formally assesses whether the derivatives and non-derivative financial instruments used in hedging activities have been, and are expected to continue to be, highly effective in offsetting their designated risk. Hedge effectiveness is assessed using qualitative and quantitative methods. The assessment of hedge effectiveness determines the accounting treatment of changes in fair value.
For assessing hedge effectiveness, qualitative methods may include the comparison of critical terms of the derivative to the hedged item, and quantitative methods may include regression, dollar offset, or other statistical analysis of changes in fair value or cash flows associated with the hedge relationship. For derivative instruments that are designated and
qualify as cash flow hedges, the gain or loss on the derivative is reported as a component of other comprehensive income (loss) and reclassified into earnings in the same period or periods during which the hedged transaction affects earnings. In cash flow hedges, all components of each derivative's gain or loss are included in the assessment of hedge effectiveness and are recorded in the line item of the consolidated statements of earnings in which the cash flows of the hedged item are recorded.
For derivative instruments that are designated and qualify as fair value hedges, the gain or loss on the hedged item and the portion of the hedging instrument included in the assessment of effectiveness are recorded in the line item of the consolidated statements of earnings in which gain or loss on the hedged item is recorded. When assessing the effectiveness of the Company's fair value hedges, the Company excludes the changes in fair value related to the difference between the spot and the forward rate on its foreign currency forwards and the time value of foreign exchange options and interest rate swaptions.
For hedges of the Company's net investment in Aflac Japan, the Company has designated the majority of the Parent Company's yen-denominated liabilities (notes payable and yen-denominated loans) as non-derivative hedging instruments and from time to time may designate certain foreign currency forwards and options as derivative hedging instruments. The Company makes its net investment hedge designation at the beginning of each quarter. For assessing hedge effectiveness of net investment hedges, if the total of the designated Parent Company non-derivative and derivatives notional is equal to or less than its net investment in Aflac Japan, the hedge is deemed to be effective. If the hedge is effective, the related exchange effect on the yen-denominated liabilities is reported in the unrealized foreign currency component of other comprehensive income. For derivative hedging instruments designated as net investment hedges, Aflac follows the forward-rate method. According to that method, all changes in fair value, including changes related to the forward-rate component of foreign currency forward contracts and the time value of foreign currency options, are reported in the unrealized foreign currency component of other comprehensive income. Should these designated net investment hedge positions exceed the Company's net investment in Aflac Japan, the foreign exchange effect on the portion that exceeds its investment in Aflac Japan would be recognized in current earnings within derivative and other gains (losses).
The Company discontinues hedge accounting prospectively when (1) it is determined that the derivative is no longer highly effective in offsetting changes in the estimated cash flows or fair value of a hedged item; (2) the derivative is de-designated as a hedging instrument; or (3) the derivative expires or is sold, terminated or exercised.
When hedge accounting is discontinued on a cash flow hedge or fair value hedge, the derivative is carried in the consolidated balance sheets at its estimated fair value, with changes in estimated fair value recognized in current period earnings. For discontinued cash flow hedges, including those where the derivative is sold, terminated or exercised, amounts previously deferred in other comprehensive income (loss) are reclassified into earnings when earnings are impacted by the cash flow of the hedged item.
If a derivative is not designated as an accounting hedge or its use in managing risk does not qualify for hedge accounting, changes in the estimated fair value of the derivative are generally reported within derivative and other gains (losses), which is a component of realized investment gains (losses). The fluctuations in estimated fair value of derivatives that have not been designated for hedge accounting can result in volatility in net earnings.

The Company receives and pledges cash or other securities as collateral on open derivative positions. Cash received as collateral is reported as an asset with a corresponding liability for the return of the collateral. Cash pledged as collateral is recorded as a reduction to cash, and a corresponding receivable is recognized for the return of the cash collateral. The Company generally can repledge or resell collateral obtained from counterparties, although the Company does not typically exercise such rights. Securities received as collateral are not recognized unless the Company was to exercise its right to sell that collateral or exercise remedies on that collateral upon a counterparty default. Securities that the Company has pledged as collateral continue to be carried as investment assets on its balance sheet.

Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs: Certain direct and incremental costs of acquiring new business are deferred and amortized with interest over the premium payment periods in proportion to the ratio of annual premium income to total anticipated premium income. Anticipated premium income is estimated by using the same mortality, persistency and interest assumptions used in computing liabilities for future policy benefits. In this manner, the related acquisition expenses are matched with revenues. Deferred costs include the excess of current-year commissions over ultimate renewal-year commissions and certain incremental direct policy issue, underwriting and sales expenses. All of these incremental costs are directly related to successful policy acquisition.

For some products, policyholders can elect to modify product benefits, features, rights or coverages by exchanging a contract for a new contract or by amendment, endorsement, or rider to a contract, or by the election of a feature or coverage within a contract. These transactions are known as internal replacements. The Company performs a two-stage analysis of the internal replacements to determine if the modification is substantive to the base policy. The stages of evaluation are as follows: 1) determine if the modification is integrated with the base policy, and 2) if it is integrated, determine if the resulting contract is substantially changed.
For internal replacement transactions where the resulting contract is substantially unchanged, the policy is accounted for as a continuation of the replaced contract. Unamortized deferred acquisition costs from the original policy continue to be amortized over the expected life of the new policy, and the costs of replacing the policy are accounted for as policy maintenance costs and expensed as incurred. Examples include conversions of same age bands, certain family coverage changes, pricing era changes (decrease), and ordinary life becomes reduced paid-up and certain reinstatements.
An internal replacement transaction that results in a policy that is substantially changed is accounted for as an extinguishment of the original policy and the issuance of a new policy. Unamortized deferred acquisition costs on the original policy are immediately expensed, and the costs of acquiring the new policy are capitalized and amortized in accordance with the Company's accounting policies for deferred acquisition costs. Further, the policy reserves are evaluated based on the new policy features, and any change (up or down) necessary is recognized at the date of contract change/modification. Examples include conversions to higher age bands, certain family coverage changes, pricing era changes (increase), lapse & re-issue, certain reinstatements and certain other contract conversions.
Riders can be considered internal replacements that are either integrated or non-integrated resulting in either substantially changed or substantially unchanged treatment. Riders are evaluated based on the specific facts and circumstances of the rider and are considered an expansion of the existing benefits with additional premium required. Non-integrated riders to existing contracts do not change the Company's profit expectations for the related products and are treated as a new policy establishment for incremental coverage.
The Company measures the recoverability of DAC and the adequacy of its policy reserves annually by performing gross premium valuations on its business. (See the following discussion for further information regarding policy reserves.)
Policy Liabilities: Future policy benefits represent claims that are expected to occur in the future and are computed following a net level premium method using estimated future investment yields, persistency and recognized morbidity and mortality tables modified to reflect the Company's experience, including a provision for adverse deviation. These assumptions are generally established and considered locked at policy inception. These assumptions may only be unlocked in certain circumstances based on the results of periodic DAC recoverability and premium deficiency testing.
Unpaid policy claims are estimates computed on an undiscounted basis using statistical analyses of historical claims experience adjusted for current trends and changed conditions. The ultimate liability may vary significantly from such estimates. The Company regularly adjusts these estimates as new claims experience emerges and reflects the changes in operating results in the year such adjustments are made.

Other policy liabilities consist primarily of discounted advance premiums on deposit from policyholders in conjunction with their purchase of certain Aflac Japan limited-pay insurance products. These advanced premiums are deferred upon collection and recognized as premium revenue over the contractual premium payment period.

For internal replacements that are determined to not be substantially unchanged, policy liabilities related to the original policy that was replaced are immediately released, and policy liabilities are established for the new insurance contract; however, for internal replacements that are considered substantially unchanged, no changes to the reserves are recognized.

Reinsurance: The Company enters into reinsurance agreements with other companies in the normal course of business. For each reinsurance agreement, the Company determines if the agreement provides indemnification against loss or liability relating to insurance risk in accordance with applicable accounting standards. Reinsurance premiums and benefits paid or provided are accounted for on bases consistent with those used in accounting for the original policies issued and the terms of the reinsurance contracts. Premiums, benefits and DAC are reported net of insurance ceded.

Income Taxes: Income tax provisions are generally based on pretax earnings reported for financial statement purposes, which differ from those amounts used in preparing the Company's income tax returns. Deferred income taxes are recognized for temporary differences between the financial reporting basis and income tax basis of assets and
liabilities, based on enacted tax laws and statutory tax rates applicable to the periods in which the Company expects the temporary differences to reverse. The Company records deferred tax assets for tax positions taken based on its assessment of whether the tax position is more likely than not to be sustained upon examination by taxing authorities. A valuation allowance is established for deferred tax assets when it is more likely than not that an amount will not be realized.

Policyholder Protection Corporation and State Guaranty Association Assessments: In Japan, the government has required the insurance industry to contribute to a policyholder protection corporation. The Company recognizes a charge for its estimated share of the industry's obligation once it is determinable. The Company reviews the estimated liability for policyholder protection corporation contributions on an annual basis and reports any adjustments in Aflac Japan's expenses.

In the United States, each state has a guaranty association that supports insolvent insurers operating in those states. See Note 15 of the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for further discussion of the guaranty fund assessments charged to the Company.

Treasury Stock: Treasury stock is reflected as a reduction of shareholders' equity at cost. The Company uses the weighted-average purchase cost to determine the cost of treasury stock that is reissued. The Company includes any gains and losses in additional paid-in capital when treasury stock is reissued.

Share-Based Compensation: The Company measures compensation cost related to its share-based payment transactions at fair value on the grant date, and the Company recognizes those costs in the financial statements over the vesting period during which the employee provides service in exchange for the award. The Company has formalized its entity-wide accounting policy election to estimate the number of awards that are expected to vest and the corresponding forfeitures.

Earnings Per Share: The Company computes basic earnings per share (EPS) by dividing net earnings by the weighted-average number of unrestricted shares outstanding for the period. Diluted EPS is computed by dividing net earnings by the weighted-average number of shares outstanding for the period plus the shares representing the dilutive effect of share-based awards.

Stock Split: On February 13, 2018, the Board of Directors of the Parent Company declared a two-for-one stock split of the Company’s common stock in the form of a 100% stock dividend payable on March 16, 2018 to shareholders of record at the close of business on March 2, 2018. The stock split was payable in the form of one additional common stock share for every share of common stock held. All equity and share-based data, including the number of shares outstanding and per share amounts, have been adjusted to reflect the stock split for all periods presented in this Annual Report on Form 10-K.

Reclassifications: Certain reclassifications have been made to prior-year amounts to conform to current-year reporting classifications. These reclassifications had no impact on net earnings or total shareholders' equity.

Perpetual securities have been reclassified in prior periods from a separate line item to fixed maturity securities to conform to current period reporting classifications. This reclassification had no impact on net earnings or total shareholder’s equity.

New Accounting Pronouncements

Recently Adopted Accounting Pronouncements
Date of Adoption
Effect on Financial Statements or Other Significant Matters
Accounting Standard Update (ASU) 2018-16 Derivatives and Hedging Inclusion of the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) Overnight Index Swap (OIS) Rate as a Benchmark Interest Rate for Hedge Accounting Purposes
In October 2018, the FASB issued amendments to permit use of the Overnight Index Swap (OIS) rate based on the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) as a U.S. benchmark interest rate for hedge accounting purposes under Topic 815 in addition to the Treasury obligations of the U.S. government (UST), the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) swap rate, the OIS rate based on the Fed Funds Effective Rate, and the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) Municipal Swap Rate.
Early adopted as of October 1, 2018
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company’s financial position, results of operations or disclosures.
ASU 2018-03
Technical Corrections and Improvements to Financial Instruments - Overall Recognition and Measurement of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities
In February 2018, the FASB issued amendments to clarify certain aspects of the guidance issued in the original Financial Instruments - Overall - Recognition and Measurement pronouncement summarized below. Specifically, for entities who have chosen the measurement alternative approach for equity securities without readily determinable fair values, the amendments clarify that entities may change from a measurement alternative approach to a fair value method through an irrevocable election that would apply to a specific equity security and all identical or similar investments of the same issuer; entities should use an observable price at the date of the transaction rather than reporting date for the measurement alternative calculation; and insurance companies should use a prospective transition method when applying the measurement alternative.
Early adopted as of January 1, 2018
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company’s financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.
ASU 2018-02 
Income Statement - Reporting Comprehensive Income: Reclassification of Certain Tax Effects from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income
In February 2018, the FASB issued amendments which allow a reclassification from accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI) to retained earnings of the effects of the change in the U.S. federal income tax rate resulting from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (Tax Act) on the gross deferred tax amounts and the corresponding valuation allowances related to items remaining in AOCI. The amendments eliminate the stranded tax effects resulting from the Tax Act and also require certain disclosures about the reclassified tax effects.
Early adopted as of January 1, 2018
The amounts reclassified from
AOCI to retained earnings include the income tax effects of the change in the federal corporate tax rate enacted by the Tax Act. The Company’s policy is to follow the portfolio approach for releasing income tax effects from AOCI. The adoption of this guidance resulted in an increase to beginning 2018 AOCI of $374 million with a corresponding decrease to beginning 2018 retained earnings as of January 1, 2018.
Date of Adoption
Effect on Financial Statements or Other Significant Matters
ASU 2017-12
Derivatives and Hedging: Targeted Improvements to Accounting for Hedging Activities
In August 2017, the FASB issued guidance which improves and simplifies the accounting rules around hedge accounting and creates more transparency around how economic results are presented in financial statements. Issues addressed in this new guidance include: 1) risk component hedging, 2) accounting for the hedged item in fair value hedges of interest rate risk, 3) recognition and presentation of the effects of hedging instruments, and 4) amounts excluded from the assessment of hedge effectiveness.
Early adopted as of October 1, 2018
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.
ASU 2017-09 Compensation - Stock Compensation: Scope of Modification Accounting
In May 2017, the FASB issued amendments to provide guidance clarifying when changes to the terms or conditions of a share-based payment award must be accounted for as modifications. An entity should apply modification accounting if the fair value, vesting conditions or classification of the award (as an equity instrument or liability instrument) changes as a result of the change in terms or conditions of the award.
January 1, 2018
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.
ASU 2017-08 
Receivables - Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs: Premium Amortization on Purchased Callable Debt Securities

In March 2017, the FASB issued amendments to shorten the amortization period for certain callable debt securities held at a premium. Specifically, the amendments require the premium to be amortized to the earliest call date. The amendments do not require an accounting change for securities held at a discount.
Early adopted as of July 1, 2018
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company’s financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.

ASU 2017-07 
Compensation - Retirement Benefits: Improving the Presentation of Net Periodic Pension Cost and Net Periodic Postretirement Benefit Cost
In March 2017, the FASB issued amendments requiring that an employer report the service cost component of net periodic pension cost and net periodic postretirement benefit cost in the same line item or items as other compensation costs arising from services rendered by the pertinent employees during the period. The other components of net periodic pension cost and net periodic postretirement benefit cost are required to be presented in the income statement separately from the service cost component and outside a subtotal of income from operations, if one is presented. If a separate line item or items are used to present the other components of net benefit cost, that line item or items must be appropriately described. If a separate line item or items are not used, the line item or items used in the income statement to present the other components of net benefit cost must be disclosed. The amendments in this update also allow only the service cost component to be eligible for capitalization when applicable.
January 1, 2018
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.
Date of Adoption
Effect on Financial Statements or Other Significant Matters
ASU 2017-05
Other Income - Gains and Losses from the Derecognition of Nonfinancial Assets: Clarifying the Scope of Asset Derecognition Guidance and Accounting for Partial Sales of Nonfinancial Assets
In February 2017, the FASB issued amendments that clarify the scope and accounting guidance for the derecognition of a nonfinancial asset or a financial asset that meets the definition of an "in substance nonfinancial asset." The amendments define an "in substance nonfinancial asset" and provide additional accounting guidance for partial sales of nonfinancial assets.
January 1, 2018
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.
ASU 2017-01
Business Combinations: Clarifying the Definition of a Business
In January 2017, the FASB issued amendments clarifying when a set of assets and activities is a business. The amendments provide a screen to exclude transactions where substantially all the fair value of the transferred set is concentrated in a single asset, or group of similar assets, from being evaluated as a business.
January 1, 2018
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.
ASU 2016-18 
Statement of Cash Flows: Restricted Cash
In November 2016, the FASB issued amendments requiring that a statement of cash flows explain the change during the period in the total of cash, cash equivalents, and amounts generally described as restricted cash or restricted cash equivalents.
January 1, 2018
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, statements of cash flows, or disclosures.
ASU 2016-17
Consolidation - Interests Held through Related Parties That Are under Common Control
In October 2016, the FASB issued amendments which clarify the consolidation guidance on how a reporting entity that is the single decision maker of a variable interest entity (VIE) should treat indirect interests in the entity held through related parties that are under common control with the reporting entity when determining whether it is the primary beneficiary of that VIE.
January 1, 2017
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.
ASU 2016-16 
Income Taxes: Intra-Entity Transfers of Assets Other Than Inventory
In October 2016, the FASB issued amendments that require an entity to recognize the income tax consequences of an intra-entity transfer of an asset other than inventory when the transfer occurs.
January 1, 2018
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.
ASU 2016-15 Statement of Cash Flows: Classification of Certain Cash Receipts and Cash Payments
In August 2016, the FASB issued amendments that provide guidance on eight specific statement of cash flow classification issues, including distributions received from equity method investees.
January 1, 2018
The Company elected nature of distribution for distributions received from equity method investees. The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, statement of cash flows, results of operations, or disclosures.
Date of Adoption
Effect on Financial Statements or Other Significant Matters
ASU 2016-09
Compensation - Stock Compensation: Improvements to Employee Share-Based Payment Accounting

In March 2016, the FASB issued amendments which simplify several aspects for share-based payment award transactions, including the income tax consequences, classification of awards as either liability or equity, classification of taxes paid on the statement of cash flows and treatment of forfeitures.

January 1, 2017
As a result of applying this requirement, the Company believes that recognition of excess tax benefits will increase volatility in its statement of operations and the Company made an entity-wide accounting policy election to estimate the number of awards that are expected to vest (consistent with the Company's prior policy), but the adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, statements of cash flows, or disclosures.
ASU 2016-07
Investments - Equity Method and Joint Ventures - Simplifying the Transition to the Equity Method of
In March 2016, the FASB issued amendments which eliminate the requirement that when an investment
qualifies for use of the equity method as a result of an increase in the level of ownership interest or degree of influence, an investor must adjust the investment, results of operations, and retained earnings retroactively on a step-by-step basis as if the equity method had been in effect during all previous periods that the investment had been held. Per the amendments, upon qualifying for the equity method of accounting, no retroactive adjustment of the investment is required.
January 1, 2017
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.
ASU 2016-06
Derivatives and Hedging - Contingent Put and Call Options in Debt Instruments
In March 2016, the FASB issued amendments which clarify what steps are required when assessing whether the economic characteristics and risks of call (put) options are clearly and closely related to the economic characteristics and risks of their debt hosts, which is one of the criteria for bifurcating an embedded derivative. Consequently, when a call (put) option is contingently exercisable, an entity does not have to assess whether the event that triggers the ability to exercise a call (put) option is related to interest rates or credit risks.
January 1, 2017
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.
ASU 2016-05
Derivatives and Hedging - Effect of Derivative Contract Novations on Existing Hedge Accounting
In March 2016, the FASB issued amendments which clarify that a change in the counterparty to a derivative instrument that has been designated as the hedging instrument does not, in and of itself, require dedesignation of that hedging relationship provided that all other hedge accounting criteria remain intact.
January 1, 2017
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.
Date of Adoption
Effect on Financial Statements or Other Significant Matters
ASU 2016-01 
Financial Instruments - Overall: Recognition and Measurement of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities
In January 2016, the FASB issued guidance to address certain aspects of recognition, measurement, presentation, and disclosure of financial instruments. The main provisions of this guidance require certain equity investments to be measured at fair value with changes in fair value recognized in net earnings; separate presentation in other comprehensive income for changes in fair value of financial liabilities measured under the fair value option that are due to instrument-specific credit risk; and changes in disclosures associated with the fair value of financial instruments. The guidance also clarifies that entities should evaluate the need for a valuation allowance on a deferred tax asset (DTA) related to available-for-sale (AFS) securities in combination with the entity's other DTAs.
January 1, 2018
The Company recorded a cumulative effect adjustment with an increase to beginning 2018 retained earnings and a decrease to beginning 2018 AOCI of $148 million, net of taxes.
ASU 2015-16
Business Combinations - Simplifying the Accounting for Measurement-Period Adjustments
In September 2015, the FASB issued guidance requiring that an acquirer recognize adjustments to estimated amounts that are identified during the measurement period in the reporting period in which the adjustments are determined. In the same period’s financial statements, the acquirer is required to record income effects of the adjustments as if the accounting had been completed at the acquisition date. The acquirer is also required to present separately on the face of the income statement or disclose in the notes the portion of the amount recorded in current-period earnings by line item that would have been recorded in previous reporting periods if the adjustment to the estimated amounts had been recognized as of the acquisition date.
January 1, 2016
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.
ASU 2015-09
Financial Services - Insurance - Disclosures about Short-Duration Contracts
In May 2015, the FASB issued updated guidance requiring enhanced disclosures by all insurance entities that issue short-duration contracts. The amendments require insurance entities to disclose for annual reporting periods information about the liability for unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses. The amendments also require insurance entities to disclose information about significant changes in methodologies and assumptions used to calculate the liability for unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses. In addition, the amendments require insurance entities to disclose for annual and interim reporting periods a roll-forward of the liability for unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses. For health insurance claims, the amendments require the disclosure of the total of incurred-but-not-reported liabilities and expected development on reported claims included in the liability for unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses.
December 31, 2016
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.
Date of Adoption
Effect on Financial Statements or Other Significant Matters
ASU 2015-07
Fair Value Measurement - Disclosures for Investments in Certain Entities That Calculate Net Asset Value per Share (or Its Equivalent)
In May 2015, the FASB issued updated guidance that removes the requirement to categorize within the fair value hierarchy all investments for which fair value is measured using the net asset value per share practical expedient. The amendments also remove the requirement to make certain disclosures for all investments that are eligible to be measured at fair value using the net asset value per share practical expedient. Rather, those disclosures are limited to investments for which the entity has elected to measure the fair value using that practical expedient.
January 1, 2016
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.
ASU 2015-03
Interest - Imputation of Interest - Simplifying the Presentation of Debt Issuance Costs
In April 2015, the FASB issued updated guidance to simplify presentation of debt issuance costs. The updated guidance requires that debt issuance costs related to a recognized debt liability be presented in the balance sheet as a direct deduction from the carrying amount of that debt liability, consistent with debt discounts. The recognition and measurement guidance for debt issuance costs are not affected by this amendment. In August 2015, the FASB issued updated Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Staff guidance pertaining to the presentation of debt issuance costs related to line-of-credit arrangements. The guidance states that an entity may defer and present debt issuance costs as an asset, subsequently amortizing the deferred debt issuance costs ratably over the term of the line-of-credit arrangement, regardless of whether there are any outstanding borrowings on the line-of-credit arrangement.
January 1, 2016
The retrospective adoption of this accounting standard resulted in a $40 million reduction to notes payable and other assets as of December 31, 2015, the earliest balance sheet date presented in the period of adoption, but did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.
Date of Adoption
Effect on Financial Statements or Other Significant Matters
ASU 2015-02
Consolidation - Amendments to the Consolidation Analysis
In February 2015, the FASB issued updated guidance that affects evaluation of whether limited partnerships and similar legal entities (limited liability corporations and securitization structures, etc.) are VIEs, evaluation of whether fees paid to a decision maker or a service provider are a variable interest, and evaluation of the effect of fee arrangements and the effect of related parties on the determination of the primary beneficiary under the VIE model for consolidation. The updated guidance eliminates the presumption that a general partner should consolidate a limited partnership. Limited partnership and similar legal entities that provide partners with either substantive kick-out rights or substantive participating rights over the general partner will now be evaluated under the voting interest model rather than the VIE model for consolidation. In situations where no single party has a controlling financial interest in a VIE, the related party relationships under common control should be considered in their entirety in determining whether that common control group has a controlling financial interest in the VIE.
January 1, 2016
The adoption of this guidance impacted the Company's footnote disclosures, but did not have a significant impact on its financial position or results of operations.

ASU 2014-16
Derivatives and Hedging - Determining Whether the Host Contract in a Hybrid Financial Instrument Issued in the Form of a Share Is More Akin to Debt or to Equity
In November 2014, the FASB issued guidance to clarify how to evaluate the economic characteristics and risks of a host contract in a hybrid financial instrument that is issued in the form of a share. The guidance also clarifies that an entity should assess the substance of the relevant terms and features when considering how to weight those terms and features.
January 1, 2016
The adoption of this guidance impacted the Company's footnote disclosures, but did not have a significant impact on its financial position or results of operations.

ASU 2014-15
Presentation of Financial Statements - Going Concern - Disclosure of Uncertainties about an Entity’s Ability to Continue as a Going Concern
In August 2014, the FASB issued this amendment that provides U.S. GAAP guidance on management’s responsibility in evaluating whether there is substantial doubt about a company’s ability to continue as a going concern and about related footnote disclosures. For each reporting period, management will be required to evaluate whether there are conditions or events that raise substantial doubt about a company’s ability to continue as a going concern within one year from the date the financial statements are issued. The new guidance requires a formal assessment of going concern by management based on criteria prescribed in the new guidance.
December 31, 2016
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations or disclosures and no substantial doubt currently exists about the Company's ability to continue as a going concern.
Date of Adoption
Effect on Financial Statements or Other Significant Matters
ASU 2014-12
Compensation - Stock Compensation - Accounting for Share-Based Payments When the Terms of an Award Provide That a Performance Target Could Be Achieved after the Requisite Service Period
In June 2014, the FASB issued this amendment that provides guidance on certain share-based payment awards that require a specific performance target that affects vesting and that could be achieved after the requisite service period be treated as a performance condition. A reporting entity should apply existing guidance to awards with performance conditions that affect vesting to account for such awards. Compensation cost should be recognized in the period in which it becomes probable that the performance target will be achieved and should represent the compensation cost attributable to the period(s) for which the requisite service has already been rendered. The total amount of compensation cost recognized during and after the requisite service period should reflect the number of awards that are expected to vest and should be adjusted to reflect those awards that ultimately vest.
January 1, 2016
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.
ASU 2014-09
Revenue from Contracts with Customers
In May 2014, the FASB issued updated guidance that affects any entity that either enters into contracts with customers to transfer goods or services or enters into contracts for the transfer of nonfinancial assets unless those contracts are within the scope of other standards (e.g., insurance contracts or lease contracts). The core principle of the guidance is that an entity should recognize revenue to depict the transfer of promised goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services.
January 1, 2018
The adoption of this guidance did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.

Accounting Pronouncements Pending Adoption
Effect on Financial Statements or Other Significant Matters
ASU 2018-20 Leases: Narrow-Scope Improvements for Lessors
In December 2018, the FASB issued narrow-scope improvements for lessors which 1) provide an accounting policy election for lessors to exclude amounts collected from customers for all sales (and other similar) taxes from the transaction price; 2) require lessors to exclude the costs from variable lease revenue and the associated expense when the amount of those costs is not readily determinable by the lessor; and 3) require lessors to allocate (rather than recognize) certain variable payments to the lease and nonlease components when the changes in facts and circumstances on which the variable payment is based occur. The amendments are effective for public business entities for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2018, including interim periods within those fiscal years. Early adoption is permitted.
The Company has made an accounting policy election to exclude amounts collected from customers for all sales (and other similar) taxes from the transaction price. The adoption of this guidance is not expected to have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.

Effect on Financial Statements or Other Significant Matters
ASU 2018-17 Consolidation: Targeted Improvements to Related Party Guidance for Variable Interest Entities
In October 2018, the FASB issued targeted improvements which provide that indirect interests held through related parties under common control should be considered on a proportional basis for determining whether fees paid to decision makers and service providers are variable interests. The amendments are effective for public business entities for fiscal years, and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2019. Early adoption is permitted.
The adoption of this guidance is not expected to have a significant impact on the Company’s financial position, results of operations or disclosures.
ASU 2018-15
Intangibles - Goodwill and Other - Internal-Use Software, Customer’s Accounting for Implementation Costs Incurred in a Cloud Computing Arrangement That Is a Service Contract
In August 2018, the FASB issued amendments to align the requirements for capitalizing implementation costs incurred in a hosting arrangement that is a service contract with the requirements for capitalizing implementation costs incurred to develop or obtain internal-use software. The amendments are effective for public business entities for fiscal years, and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2019. Early adoption is permitted.

The adoption of this guidance is not expected to have a significant impact on the Company’s financial position, results of operations or disclosures.

ASU 2018-14
Compensation - Retirement Benefits - Defined Benefit Plans - General, Disclosure Framework - Changes to the Disclosure Requirements for Defined Benefit Plans
In August 2018, the FASB issued amendments to modify the disclosure requirements for employers that sponsor defined benefit pension or other postretirement plans. Accordingly, six disclosure requirements were removed, two added and two clarified. The amendments are effective for public business entities for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2020. Early adoption is permitted.
The adoption of this guidance is not expected to have a significant impact on the Company’s financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.

ASU 2018-13
Fair Value Measurement, Disclosure Framework - Changes to the Disclosure Requirements for Fair Value Measurement
In August 2018, the FASB issued amendments to the disclosure requirements on fair value measurements in Topic 820, Fair Value Measurement. The amendments remove, modify, and add certain disclosures. The amendments are effective for all entities for fiscal years, and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2019. Early adoption is permitted upon issuance of this Update. An entity is permitted to early adopt any removed or modified disclosures upon issuance of this update and delay adoption of the additional disclosures until their effective date.
The adoption of this guidance is not expected to have a significant impact on the Company’s financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.

ASU 2018-12
Financial Services - Insurance, Targeted Improvements to the Accounting for Long-Duration Contracts

In August 2018, the FASB issued amendments that will significantly change how insurers account for long-duration contracts. The amendments will change existing recognition, measurement, presentation, and disclosure requirements. Issues addressed in the new guidance include: 1) a requirement to review and, if there is a change, update assumptions for the liability for future policy benefits at least annually, and to update the discount rate assumption quarterly, 2) accounting for market risk benefits at fair value, 3) simplified amortization for deferred acquisition costs, and 4) enhanced financial statement presentation and disclosures. The amendments are effective for public business entities for fiscal years, and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2020. Early application of the amendments is permitted.

The Company is thoroughly evaluating the impact of adoption and expects that the adoption will have a significant impact on the Company’s financial position, results of operations, and disclosures. The Company anticipates that the requirement to update assumptions for liability for future policy benefits will have a significant impact on its results of operations, systems, processes and controls while the requirement to update the discount rate will have a significant impact on its equity. The Company does not expect to early adopt the updated standard.

Effect on Financial Statements or Other Significant Matters
ASU 2018-11
Leases, Targeted Improvements

In July 2018, the FASB issued targeted improvements to Topic 842 Leases. The amendments in the update provide entities with an optional transition method to adopt the new leases standard by recording a cumulative effect adjustment to beginning retained earnings. Additionally, the amendments provide lessors with a practical expedient to not separate nonlease components from associated lease components and instead account for those components as a single component under certain conditions. The amendments are effective for public business entities for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2018, including interim periods within those fiscal years. Early adoption is permitted.
The Company has elected the optional transition method. The adoption of this guidance is not expected to have a significant impact on the Company’s financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.

ASU 2018-10
Codification Improvements to Topic 842, Leases

In July 2018, the FASB issued guidance which clarifies, corrects errors in, or makes minor improvements to the Codification related to ASU 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842). The amendments in this ASU affect narrow aspects of the guidance issued in the amendments to ASU 2016-02, including but not limited to, Residual Value Guarantees, Rate Implicit in the Lease, Lessee Reassessment of Lease Classification and Variable Lease Payments that Depend on an Index or a Rate. Amendments within this ASU follow the effective dates of Topic 842, which are effective for public business entities for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2018, and interim periods within those fiscal years.
The adoption of this guidance is not expected to have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.
ASU 2018-01
Leases: Land Easement Practical Expedient for Transition to Topic 842
In January 2018, the FASB issued guidance which provides an entity with the option to elect a transition practical expedient to not evaluate, under Topic 842, land easements that exist or expired before the entity's adoption of Topic 842 and that were not previously accounted for as leases under Topic 840. The amendments clarify that new or modified land easements should be evaluated under the new leases standard once an entity has adopted the new standard. The amendments are effective for public business entities for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2018, and interim periods within those fiscal years. Early adoption is permitted.
As of December 31, 2018, the Company did not have land easements, but has elected this practical expedient as a safe harbor. The adoption of this guidance is not expected to have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.
ASU 2017-04
Intangibles - Goodwill and Other: Simplifying the Test for Goodwill Impairment
In January 2017, the FASB issued amendments simplifying the subsequent measurement of goodwill. An entity is no longer required to perform a hypothetical purchase price allocation to measure goodwill impairment. Instead, the entity should perform its annual or interim goodwill impairment test by comparing the fair value of a reporting unit with its carrying amount. The amendments are effective for public business entities that are SEC filers for annual or any interim goodwill impairment tests in fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019. Early adoption is permitted for any goodwill impairment tests performed on testing dates after January 1, 2017.
The adoption of this guidance is not expected to have a significant impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.

Effect on Financial Statements or Other Significant Matters
ASU 2016-13
Financial Instruments - Credit Losses: Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments
In June 2016, the FASB issued amendments that require a financial asset (or a group of financial assets) measured on an amortized cost basis to be presented net of an allowance for credit losses in order to reflect the amount expected to be collected on the financial asset(s). The measurement of expected credit losses is amended by replacing the incurred loss impairment methodology in current U.S. GAAP with a methodology that reflects expected credit losses and requires consideration of a broader range of reasonable and supportable information to inform about a credit loss. Credit losses on available-for-sale debt securities will continue to be measured in a manner similar to current U.S. GAAP; however, the amendments require that credit losses be presented as an allowance rather than as a write-down. Other amendments include changes to the balance sheet presentation and interest income recognition of purchased financial assets with a more-than-insignificant amount of credit deterioration since origination (PCD financial assets). The amendments are effective for public companies for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, including interim periods within those fiscal years. Companies may early adopt this guidance as of the fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2018, including interim periods within those fiscal years. The amendments will be adopted following a modified-retrospective approach resulting in a cumulative effect adjustment in retained earnings as of the beginning of the year of adoption. Two exceptions to this adoption method are for PCD financial assets and debt securities for which other-than-temporary impairment (OTTI) will have been recognized before the effective date. Loans purchased with credit deterioration accounted for under current U.S. GAAP as "purchased credit impaired" (PCI) financial assets will be classified as PCD financial assets at transition and PCD guidance will be applied prospectively. Debt securities that have experienced OTTI before the effective date will follow a prospective adoption method which allows an entity to maintain the same amortized cost basis before and after the effective date.
The Company has identified certain financial instruments in scope of this guidance to include certain fixed maturity securities, loans and loan receivables and reinsurance recoverables (See Notes 3 and 7 for current balances of instruments in scope). The Company is continuing its progress towards updating its credit loss projection models and accounting systems in order to comply with the required changes in measurement of credit losses. The Company currently expects loans and loan receivables and held-to-maturity fixed maturity securities to be the asset classes most significantly impacted upon adoption of the guidance. The Company continues to evaluate the impact of adoption of this guidance on its financial position, results of operations, and disclosures.

Effect on Financial Statements or Other Significant Matters
ASU 2016-02
In February 2016, the FASB issued updated guidance for accounting for leases. Per the amendments, lessees will be required to recognize all leases on the balance sheet with the exception of short-term leases. A lease liability will be recorded for the obligation of a lessee to make lease payments arising from a lease. Leases will be classified as finance or operating, with classification affecting the pattern and classification of expense recognition in the income statement. The new standard is effective for the Company on January 1, 2019. A modified retrospective transition approach is required, applying the new standard to all leases existing at the date of initial application. The Company is electing to use its effective date as its date of initial application. Because the Company expects to adopt the new standard on January 1, 2019 and use the effective date as the date of initial application, financial information is not required to be updated and the disclosures required under the new standard are not required to be provided for dates and periods before January 1, 2019. The new standard provides a number of optional practical expedients. The Company has elected the "package of practical expedients," which permits the Company not to reassess under the new standard its prior conclusions about lease identification, lease classification and initial direct costs. Under the new guidance, lessor accounting is largely unchanged. The amendments are effective for public companies for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2018, including interim periods within those fiscal years. Early adoption is permitted, including adoption in an interim period.
The Company has identified certain operating leases in scope of this guidance to include office space and equipment leases (See Note 15). The leases within scope of this guidance will increase the Company's right-of-use assets and lease liabilities recorded on its statement of financial position by approximately $100 to $200 million. The Company estimates that the adoption of this guidance will not have a significant impact on its financial position, results of operations, or disclosures.

Recent accounting guidance not discussed above is not applicable, did not have, or is not expected to have a material impact to the Company's business.