497 1 s6246-21a.txt SAI SUPPLEMENT - AXP LARGE CAP VALUE FUND STATEMENT OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SUPPLEMENT -- Dec. 23, 2003* AXP(R) Growth Series, Inc. AXP(R) Large Cap Value Fund (Sept. 29, 2003) S-6246-20 D Effective Dec. 23, 2003, the subsection entitled "Class Y shares" on page 30 in the "Investing in the Fund - Sales Charge" section for the AXP Large Cap Value Fund is revised as follows: Class Y shares are offered to certain institutional investors. Class Y shares are sold without a front-end sales charge or a CDSC and are not subject to a distribution fee. The following investors are eligible to purchase Class Y shares: o Qualified employee benefit plans* if the plan: o uses a daily transfer recordkeeping service offering participants daily access to American Express mutual funds and has o at least $10 million in plan assets or o 500 or more participants; or o does not use daily transfer recordkeeping and has o at least $3 million invested in American Express mutual funds or o 500 or more participants. o Trust companies or similar institutions, and charitable organizations that meet the definition in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.* These institutions must have at least $10 million in American Express mutual funds. o Nonqualified deferred compensation plans* whose participants are included in a qualified employee benefit plan described above. * Eligibility must be determined in advance. To do so, contact your financial advisor. (Note: All other text in this section remains unchanged) S-6246-21 A (12/03) * Valid until next update Destroy Sept. 29, 2004