Wachovia Bank National Association Statement of Financial Condition As of 09/30/2002 ASSETS ($000's) ASSETS Cash and balance due from depository institutions: Non-interest-bearing balances and currency and coin 13,236,000 Interest bearing balances 688,000 Securities: Hold-to-maturity securities 0 Available-for-sale securities 68,147,000 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 371,000 Securities Purchased under agreement to resale 3,487,000 Loans and lease financing receivables: Loan and leases held for sale 6,772,000 Loan and leases, net of unearned income 156,995,000 Less: Allowance for loan and lease losses 2,823,000 Loans and leases, net of unearned income, allowance 154,172,000 Trading Assets 26,499,000 Premises and fixed assets (including capitalized leases) 3,186,000 Other real estate owned 109,000 Investment in unconsolidated subsidiaries and associated companies 560,000 Customer's liability to this bank on acceptances outstanding 1,080,000 Intangible assets: Goodwill 9,421,000 Other intangible Assets 1,869,000 Other assets: 22,339,000 ----------- Total Assets: 311,936,000 =========== LIABILITIES Deposits: In domestic offices 180,446,000 Non-interest-bearing 32,701,000 Interest-bearing 147,745,000 In foreign offices, Edge and Agreement subsidiaries, and IBFs 14,915,000 Non-interest-bearing 58,000 Interest-bearing 14,857,000 Federal funds purchased in domestic offices 3,613,000 Securities sold under agreements to repurchase 19,850,000 Trading liabilities 19,670,000 Other borrowed money 18,365,000 Bank's liability on acceptances executed and outstanding 1,093,000 Subordinated notes and debentures 8,615,000 Other liabilities. 12,971,000 ----------- Total liabilities 279,583,000 ----------- Minority Interest in consolidated subsidiaries 859,000 EQUITY CAPITAL Perpetual preferred stock and related surplus 0 Common Stock 455,000 Surplus 24,930,000 Retained Earnings 4,071,000 Accumulated other comprehensive income 2,083,000 Other Equity Capital components 0 Total equity capital 31,539,000 Total liabilities and equity capital 311,936,000 ===========