35-CERT 1 0001.txt #18 2ND QTR 2000 STD UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION ---------------------------------------------- : In the Matter of : : AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY, INC. : CERTIFICATE OF AEP GENERATING COMPANY : NOTIFICATION APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY : NO. 18 COLUMBUS SOUTHERN POWER COMPANY : INDIANA MICHIGAN POWER COMPANY : KENTUCKY POWER COMPANY : KINGSPORT POWER COMPANY : OHIO POWER COMPANY : WHEELING POWER COMPANY : Columbus, Ohio : : (70-8693) : Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 : ----------------------------------------------: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY, INC., and certain of its electric utility subsidiaries, in accordance with the terms and conditions of, and for the purposes represented by, the Application or declaration herein, as amended, the orders of the Securities and Exchange Commission with respect thereto, dated December 8, 1995 and May 4, 1998, have carried out the transactions listed below: 1.American Electric Power Company, Inc., AEP Generating Company, Indiana Michigan Power Company, Kentucky Power Company, Kingsport Power Company, and Wheeling Power Company made short-term note borrowings from banks during the calendar quarter ended June 30, 2000; American Electric Power Company, Inc., Appalachian Power Company, Columbus Southern Power Company, Indiana Michigan Power Company and Ohio Power Company sold commercial paper to Lehman Brothers Commercial Paper, Incorporated; Appalachian Power Company sold commercial paper to Banc One Capital Markets; Columbus Southern Power Company sold commercial paper to Solomon Smith Barney; Indiana Michigan Power Company and Ohio Power Company sold commercial paper to Goldman Sachs Money Markets, L.P.; Kentucky Power Company sold commercial paper to Merrill Lynch Money Markets, Incorporated; and American Electric Power Company, Inc., Columbus Southern Power Company and Kentucky Power Company sold commercial paper to Morgan Stanley & Co. during the calendar quarter ended June 30, 2000. These note borrowings from banks and commercial paper transactions, if any, are summarized on the attached computer printouts for each company. Bank note borrowings are indicated as "BL" and Commercial Paper transactions by each company are indicated as "CP". The interest rate for each transaction involving note borrowings from banks in the report is calculated on an interest-bearing basis and a 360-day year. The interest rate for each commercial paper transaction is calculated on a discounted basis and a 360-day year. The actual prime rates in effect during the quarter are set forth in Exhibit A. Data for the Companies is reported through June 15, 2000, the date of the merger of American Electric Power Company, Inc. ("AEP") and Central and South West Corporation ("CSW"). From that date on, short-term borrowings of the AEP system companies will be reported in the CSW money pool files (HCAR 26697 and 26854). Appalachian Power Company and Wheeling Power Company borrowings will continue to be reported in this file until Virginia and West Virginia regulatory commission approval is granted for them to participate in the money pool. This Certificate of Notification is filed pursuant to the Commission's Order in this proceeding after the end of the calendar quarter during which the above-described transactions were consummated. AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY, INC. AEP GENERATING COMPANY APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY COLUMBUS SOUTHERN POWER COMPANY INDIANA MICHIGAN POWER COMPANY KENTUCKY POWER COMPANY KINGSPORT POWER COMPANY OHIO POWER COMPANY WHEELING POWER COMPANY By: /s/ A. A. Pena --------------------- Vice President and Treasurer Dated: July 17, 2000 EXHIBIT A AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM Schedule of Monthly Prime Rates Second Quarter of the Calendar Year 2000 Month Actual Prime Rates* Apr 1 - May 16 9.00% May 17 - Jun 30 9.50% * Represents the prime commercial lending rates of major New York City banks as reported in The Wall Street Journal.
AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY, INC. Debt Settlement Maturity Interest Principal Type Date Date Rate Amount ======================================================== BL 04/07/2000 04/13/2000 6.6000 $300,000 BL 04/04/2000 04/13/2000 6.5300 $200,000 BL 04/05/2000 04/13/2000 6.5000 $300,000 BL 05/01/2000 05/17/2000 6.4928 $500,000 BL 04/10/2000 04/13/2000 6.4661 $200,000 BL 04/03/2000 04/13/2000 6.5245 $200,000 BL 06/07/2000 06/12/2000 7.1400 $600,000 BL 05/26/2000 06/08/2000 7.1700 $200,000 CP 05/31/2000 06/01/2000 7.1000 $11,425,000 CP 06/13/2000 06/14/2000 6.7000 $50,000,000 CP 06/01/2000 06/09/2000 6.8500 $12,500,000 CP 06/13/2000 06/14/2000 6.7000 $48,100,000 CP 06/01/2000 06/02/2000 6.8500 $50,000,000 CP 06/08/2000 06/12/2000 6.7000 $2,200,000 CP 06/08/2000 06/12/2000 6.7000 $125,000 CP 06/01/2000 06/02/2000 6.8500 $4,500,000 CP 04/14/2000 04/25/2000 6.2800 $2,900,000 CP 05/15/2000 06/09/2000 6.8000 $1,400,000 CP 05/31/2000 06/01/2000 7.1000 $50,000,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/15/2000 6.7800 $50,000,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/15/2000 6.7800 $49,700,000 CP 06/12/2000 06/13/2000 6.7000 $50,000,000 CP 06/12/2000 06/13/2000 6.7000 $44,600,000 CP 06/09/2000 06/12/2000 6.6500 $33,800,000 CP 04/19/2000 05/25/2000 6.2700 $14,500,000 CP 04/17/2000 05/25/2000 6.2500 $3,100,000 CP 04/27/2000 05/17/2000 6.3000 $5,700,000 CP 05/04/2000 05/17/2000 6.4000 $400,000 CP 06/02/2000 06/12/2000 6.7500 $50,000,000 CP 06/15/2000 06/16/2000 6.8500 $4,300,000 CP 04/28/2000 05/17/2000 6.3500 $2,100,000 CP 06/15/2000 06/16/2000 6.8500 $50,000,000 CP 06/15/2000 06/16/2000 6.8500 $250,000 CP 06/15/2000 06/16/2000 6.8500 $50,000,000 CP 06/02/2000 06/12/2000 6.7500 $4,700,000 CP 05/17/2000 05/31/2000 6.7800 $50,000,000 CP 04/13/2000 04/19/2000 6.2100 $6,900,000 CP 05/17/2000 05/31/2000 6.7800 $11,700,000 CP 04/27/2000 05/17/2000 6.3000 $50,000,000 CP 04/25/2000 05/17/2000 6.2300 $2,850,000 CP 05/19/2000 06/05/2000 6.8200 $425,000 CP 05/25/2000 06/09/2000 6.8000 $18,000,000 AEP GENERATING COMPANY Debt Settlement Maturity Interest Principal Type Date Date Rate Amount ======================================================== BL 6/9/00 06/12/2000 7.2500 $1,075,000 BL 06/07/2000 06/14/2000 7.3700 $6,925,000 BL 04/03/2000 04/24/2000 6.8800 $600,000 BL 06/01/2000 06/14/2000 7.3800 $1,375,000 BL 05/31/2000 06/14/2000 7.3800 $3,325,000 BL 05/22/2000 05/31/2000 7.1000 $4,000,000 BL 06/14/2000 06/15/2000 7.1125 $25,000,000 BL 04/18/2000 04/24/2000 6.6300 $1,425,000 BL 05/01/2000 05/17/2000 6.7900 $1,000,000 BL 05/17/2000 05/22/2000 7.1600 $15,500,000 BL 06/13/2000 06/14/2000 7.1000 $3,800,000 BL 05/03/2000 05/17/2000 6.7900 $13,100,000 BL 06/07/2000 06/14/2000 7.2300 $30,000,000 BL 06/12/2000 06/13/2000 7.1600 $3,175,000 BL 04/13/2000 04/24/2000 6.4928 $4,500,000 BL 05/12/2000 05/22/2000 6.9363 $1,400,000 BL 05/31/2000 06/14/2000 6.9997 $5,500,000 BL 04/17/2000 04/24/2000 6.4928 $1,225,000 BL 04/11/2000 04/24/2000 6.4328 $1,500,000 BL 04/10/2000 04/24/2000 6.4328 $725,000 BL 04/14/2000 04/24/2000 6.4928 $575,000 BL 05/10/2000 05/22/2000 6.8096 $700,000 BL 04/28/2000 05/19/2000 6.6828 $375,000 BL 06/14/2000 06/15/2000 7.2300 $26,100,000 BL 05/19/2000 05/22/2000 7.0000 $3,200,000 BL 04/25/2000 05/19/2000 6.7000 $900,000 BL 05/05/2000 05/19/2000 6.8100 $1,800,000 BL 05/24/2000 05/31/2000 7.1400 $800,000 APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY Debt Settlement Maturity Interest Principal Type Date Date Rate Amount ======================================================== CP 06/05/2000 06/14/2000 6.7500 $34,650,000 CP 05/22/2000 05/26/2000 6.7800 $27,000,000 CP 06/05/2000 06/14/2000 6.7500 $50,000,000 CP 06/22/2000 06/27/2000 6.8000 $22,900,000 CP 06/29/2000 07/19/2000 7.0000 $20,025,000 CP 05/02/2000 05/03/2000 6.1800 $25,000,000 CP 05/05/2000 05/18/2000 6.4000 $31,550,000 CP 06/27/2000 06/29/2000 6.8500 $11,000,000 CP 06/06/2000 06/13/2000 6.7500 $14,000,000 CP 05/04/2000 05/11/2000 6.3300 $375,000 CP 06/28/2000 07/18/2000 7.0000 $38,775,000 CP 05/03/2000 05/12/2000 6.3500 $7,300,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/26/2000 6.7800 $9,100,000 CP 06/13/2000 06/23/2000 6.7800 $50,000,000 CP 05/26/2000 05/30/2000 6.8800 $6,000,000 CP 05/16/2000 05/24/2000 6.8500 $7,000,000 CP 05/26/2000 05/31/2000 6.8800 $20,500,000 CP 06/12/2000 06/22/2000 6.7800 $18,000,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/16/2000 6.7500 $21,000,000 CP 06/13/2000 06/23/2000 6.7800 $13,000,000 CP 05/25/2000 06/06/2000 6.8600 $20,000,000 CP 05/17/2000 06/05/2000 6.8500 $50,000,000 CP 05/17/2000 06/05/2000 6.8500 $19,000,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/26/2000 6.7800 $50,000,000 CP 06/07/2000 06/19/2000 6.7500 $5,000,000 CP 05/12/2000 05/16/2000 6.4500 $5,500,000 CP 05/31/2000 06/12/2000 6.9000 $19,500,000 CP 06/09/2000 06/20/2000 6.7500 $30,575,000 CP 06/07/2000 06/19/2000 6.7500 $100,000 CP 05/11/2000 05/30/2000 6.6500 $3,500,000 CP 06/15/2000 06/21/2000 6.8800 $23,500,000 CP 05/10/2000 05/11/2000 6.1000 $7,000,000 CP 06/16/2000 06/23/2000 6.7800 $6,000,000 CP 05/19/2000 05/23/2000 6.5800 $30,500,000 CP 06/21/2000 06/27/2000 6.7800 $15,700,000 CP 06/30/2000 07/05/2000 7.3000 $33,275,000 CP 04/05/2000 04/13/2000 6.2000 $9,000,000 CP 04/04/2000 04/05/2000 6.1500 $11,500,000 CP 04/14/2000 05/02/2000 6.2000 $27,000,000 CP 04/13/2000 04/26/2000 6.1800 $5,000,000 CP 04/24/2000 05/08/2000 6.2600 $10,200,000 CP 04/11/2000 04/27/2000 6.2000 $20,250,000 CP 04/04/2000 04/24/2000 6.2500 $15,000,000 CP 04/05/2000 04/06/2000 6.1500 $3,400,000 CP 04/28/2000 05/10/2000 6.2700 $26,775,000 CP 04/10/2000 04/19/2000 6.2000 $27,000,000 CP 04/07/2000 04/25/2000 6.2300 $3,225,000 CP 05/01/2000 05/17/2000 6.4000 $25,000,000 CP 05/01/2000 05/17/2000 6.4000 $50,000,000 CP 04/27/2000 04/28/2000 6.1400 $19,325,000 CP 04/20/2000 04/24/2000 6.1000 $18,225,000 CP 04/17/2000 05/01/2000 6.3000 $12,000,000 CP 04/25/2000 05/09/2000 6.2800 $5,800,000 CP 04/19/2000 05/01/2000 6.1800 $32,000,000 CP 05/10/2000 05/22/2000 6.6500 $20,000,000 CP 04/24/2000 04/25/2000 6.1000 $10,000,000 CP 05/08/2000 05/16/2000 6.4000 $10,000,000 CP 05/23/2000 05/25/2000 6.6500 $22,100,000 CP 05/30/2000 06/02/2000 6.9500 $9,000,000 CP 06/02/2000 06/07/2000 6.8300 $10,000,000 CP 05/18/2000 05/19/2000 6.6000 $29,000,000 CP 04/18/2000 05/01/2000 6.3000 $10,000,000 CP 06/08/2000 06/09/2000 6.6800 $1,000,000 CP 06/01/2000 06/13/2000 6.8700 $7,000,000 CP 06/02/2000 06/08/2000 6.8300 $3,500,000 CP 06/01/2000 06/13/2000 6.8700 $50,000,000 CP 04/24/2000 04/25/2000 6.1000 $350,000 CP 06/20/2000 06/27/2000 6.7800 $48,000,000 CP 06/26/2000 06/30/2000 6.6300 $25,000,000 CP 05/03/2000 05/05/2000 6.2500 $22,000,000 CP 06/23/2000 06/28/2000 6.8000 $40,000,000 CP 06/23/2000 07/14/2000 6.9300 $20,000,000 CP 06/19/2000 06/23/2000 6.8300 $1,100,000 CP 06/26/2000 07/10/2000 6.8200 $25,000,000 CP 06/26/2000 07/05/2000 6.8700 $8,600,000 CP 06/23/2000 06/26/2000 6.7000 $10,500,000 CP 06/20/2000 06/27/2000 6.7800 $1,000,000 CP 04/03/2000 04/04/2000 6.4500 $4,700,000 COLUMBUS SOUTHERN POWER COMPANY Debt Settlement Maturity Interest Principal Type Date Date Rate Amount ======================================================== CP 05/23/2000 05/30/2000 6.7500 $22,000,000 CP 05/30/2000 06/02/2000 6.7500 $19,000,000 CP 06/02/2000 06/12/2000 6.7000 $18,500,000 CP 04/26/2000 05/03/2000 6.1500 $6,600,000 CP 04/19/2000 05/01/2000 6.1700 $11,500,000 CP 05/11/2000 05/19/2000 6.3000 $9,000,000 CP 04/14/2000 04/25/2000 6.1500 $4,550,000 CP 05/03/2000 05/05/2000 6.1500 $4,850,000 CP 06/09/2000 06/12/2000 6.6200 $35,925,000 CP 04/04/2000 04/05/2000 6.1500 $3,400,000 CP 06/15/2000 06/16/2000 6.8000 $50,000,000 CP 06/15/2000 06/16/2000 6.8000 $26,000,000 CP 04/17/2000 04/26/2000 6.2300 $10,500,000 CP 05/12/2000 05/18/2000 6.5000 $4,000,000 CP 05/12/2000 05/16/2000 6.5000 $1,300,000 CP 05/02/2000 05/04/2000 6.1500 $2,000,000 CP 04/18/2000 04/27/2000 6.1700 $6,200,000 CP 04/20/2000 05/08/2000 6.2000 $18,500,000 CP 04/10/2000 04/13/2000 6.2000 $1,300,000 CP 05/22/2000 05/26/2000 6.6500 $18,500,000 CP 04/26/2000 05/03/2000 6.1500 $450,000 CP 05/08/2000 05/10/2000 6.1500 $1,600,000 CP 05/24/2000 05/25/2000 6.6000 $5,500,000 CP 04/10/2000 04/18/2000 6.2000 $11,500,000 CP 05/09/2000 05/11/2000 6.1500 $13,000,000 CP 05/08/2000 05/09/2000 6.1500 $16,000,000 CP 05/04/2000 05/09/2000 6.2300 $1,400,000 CP 04/03/2000 04/14/2000 6.1500 $8,000,000 CP 05/09/2000 05/16/2000 6.2500 $1,500,000 CP 04/24/2000 04/25/2000 6.1000 $1,600,000 CP 06/01/2000 06/06/2000 6.7500 $14,000,000 CP 04/04/2000 04/19/2000 6.2000 $14,000,000 CP 05/15/2000 05/22/2000 6.7000 $7,000,000 CP 06/06/2000 06/13/2000 6.7000 $1,500,000 CP 06/06/2000 06/13/2000 6.7000 $7,000,000 CP 04/27/2000 05/12/2000 6.2000 $3,500,000 CP 06/05/2000 06/07/2000 6.7000 $1,200,000 CP 06/05/2000 06/07/2000 6.7000 $2,500,000 CP 05/17/2000 05/23/2000 6.6500 $26,500,000 CP 04/28/2000 05/02/2000 6.2500 $5,500,000 CP 05/05/2000 05/15/2000 6.2000 $5,800,000 CP 06/12/2000 06/13/2000 6.6500 $50,000,000 CP 04/25/2000 04/28/2000 6.0500 $2,100,000 CP 04/05/2000 04/12/2000 6.1500 $2,000,000 CP 06/13/2000 06/14/2000 6.7000 $50,000,000 CP 06/13/2000 06/14/2000 6.7000 $8,000,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/15/2000 6.7000 $8,000,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/15/2000 6.7000 $50,000,000 CP 06/12/2000 06/13/2000 6.6500 $2,000,000 CP 05/25/2000 05/31/2000 6.7000 $3,000,000 CP 05/26/2000 06/09/2000 6.7000 $17,000,000 CP 05/19/2000 05/24/2000 6.6500 $7,500,000 CP 05/01/2000 05/17/2000 6.2500 $25,000,000 INDIANA MICHIGAN POWER COMPANY Debt Settlement Maturity Interest Principal Type Date Date Rate Amount ======================================================== BL 04/20/2000 04/24/2000 6.6000 $8,850,000 BL 06/08/2000 06/09/2000 7.1100 $375,000 CP 05/22/2000 05/23/2000 6.7300 $35,000,000 CP 05/24/2000 06/02/2000 6.9000 $1,670,000 CP 04/03/2000 04/14/2000 6.3200 $900,000 CP 04/12/2000 04/17/2000 6.2200 $639,000 CP 04/19/2000 05/01/2000 6.3000 $4,730,000 CP 04/20/2000 05/16/2000 6.3200 $44,300,000 CP 04/19/2000 05/01/2000 6.3000 $9,451,000 CP 04/19/2000 05/01/2000 6.3000 $3,819,000 CP 05/31/2000 06/14/2000 6.9300 $50,000,000 CP 05/30/2000 06/08/2000 6.8700 $25,500,000 CP 05/31/2000 06/14/2000 6.9300 $3,600,000 CP 05/31/2000 06/14/2000 6.9300 $50,000,000 CP 04/20/2000 05/16/2000 6.3200 $25,500,000 CP 05/24/2000 06/01/2000 6.9000 $23,330,000 CP 05/24/2000 06/09/2000 6.9000 $25,000,000 CP 05/31/2000 06/14/2000 6.9300 $50,000,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/19/2000 6.8200 $5,020,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/19/2000 6.8200 $50,000,000 CP 04/11/2000 05/02/2000 6.2800 $2,310,000 CP 04/11/2000 05/02/2000 6.2800 $5,040,000 CP 04/10/2000 04/11/2000 6.1700 $41,955,000 CP 04/10/2000 05/01/2000 6.2700 $4,045,000 CP 06/13/2000 06/14/2000 6.6800 $44,000,000 CP 06/13/2000 06/14/2000 6.6800 $50,000,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/19/2000 6.8200 $50,000,000 CP 06/13/2000 06/14/2000 6.6800 $1,000,000 CP 04/11/2000 04/12/2000 6.2000 $40,000,000 CP 04/07/2000 05/02/2000 6.3000 $36,300,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/19/2000 6.8200 $5,000,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/19/2000 6.8200 $36,836,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/19/2000 6.8200 $50,000,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/19/2000 6.8200 $50,000,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/19/2000 6.8200 $50,000,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/19/2000 6.8200 $50,000,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/19/2000 6.8200 $3,144,000 CP 04/17/2000 04/26/2000 6.3200 $3,500,000 CP 04/12/2000 05/02/2000 6.2800 $9,808,000 CP 06/02/2000 06/14/2000 6.8700 $50,000,000 CP 06/02/2000 06/14/2000 6.8700 $1,200,000 CP 06/02/2000 06/14/2000 6.8700 $27,500,000 CP 06/05/2000 06/14/2000 6.7800 $2,800,000 CP 06/05/2000 06/14/2000 6.7800 $21,000,000 CP 06/05/2000 06/14/2000 6.7800 $50,000,000 CP 04/13/2000 05/05/2000 6.3000 $19,000,000 CP 06/09/2000 06/12/2000 6.6500 $50,000,000 CP 04/12/2000 04/27/2000 6.2500 $5,970,000 CP 04/12/2000 04/24/2000 6.2500 $2,100,000 CP 04/12/2000 04/24/2000 6.2500 $3,450,000 CP 04/12/2000 04/20/2000 6.2200 $22,430,000 CP 04/12/2000 04/20/2000 6.2200 $3,853,000 CP 06/09/2000 06/13/2000 6.7000 $9,400,000 CP 06/09/2000 06/13/2000 6.7000 $3,160,000 CP 06/09/2000 06/12/2000 6.6500 $19,365,000 CP 04/03/2000 04/14/2000 6.3200 $20,000,000 CP 05/16/2000 05/23/2000 6.8500 $2,000,000 CP 05/09/2000 05/23/2000 6.5500 $11,000,000 CP 05/17/2000 05/31/2000 6.8500 $5,000,000 CP 05/17/2000 05/31/2000 6.8500 $50,000,000 CP 05/03/2000 05/10/2000 6.3300 $4,200,000 CP 05/09/2000 05/25/2000 6.5700 $2,300,000 CP 05/17/2000 05/31/2000 6.8500 $50,000,000 CP 05/16/2000 06/09/2000 6.8700 $25,000,000 CP 05/16/2000 06/08/2000 6.8700 $970,000 CP 05/16/2000 06/06/2000 6.8700 $2,000,000 CP 05/16/2000 06/02/2000 6.8700 $3,000,000 CP 05/16/2000 06/01/2000 6.8700 $39,030,000 CP 05/10/2000 05/24/2000 6.6000 $10,500,000 CP 05/01/2000 05/08/2000 6.3500 $25,000,000 CP 05/18/2000 05/31/2000 6.8700 $41,500,000 CP 05/05/2000 05/15/2000 6.3800 $20,000,000 CP 05/05/2000 05/15/2000 6.3800 $400,000 CP 05/01/2000 05/08/2000 6.3500 $682,000 CP 04/28/2000 05/01/2000 6.2500 $47,100,000 CP 05/01/2000 05/09/2000 6.3500 $10,900,000 CP 05/19/2000 06/05/2000 6.8500 $43,500,000 CP 05/08/2000 05/22/2000 6.6000 $39,000,000 CP 04/26/2000 05/08/2000 6.3000 $12,000,000 CP 05/04/2000 05/22/2000 6.5000 $10,000,000 CP 05/17/2000 05/31/2000 6.8500 $2,000,000 CP 05/01/2000 05/17/2000 6.4000 $28,850,000 CP 05/22/2000 06/05/2000 6.8800 $15,000,000 CP 04/25/2000 05/09/2000 6.3000 $8,300,000 CP 05/01/2000 05/11/2000 6.3500 $2,000,000 CP 05/01/2000 05/11/2000 6.3500 $12,000,000 CP 05/01/2000 05/11/2000 6.3500 $5,800,000 CP 05/02/2000 05/18/2000 6.3700 $35,000,000 CP 05/01/2000 05/17/2000 6.4000 $6,340,000 CP 05/01/2000 05/17/2000 6.4000 $25,000,000 CP 04/24/2000 05/08/2000 6.3200 $2,128,000 CP 05/01/2000 05/17/2000 6.4000 $5,528,000 CP 04/24/2000 05/12/2000 6.3200 $40,872,000 CP 04/24/2000 05/11/2000 6.3200 $25,000,000 CP 05/16/2000 05/26/2000 6.8500 $8,000,000 CP 04/27/2000 05/19/2000 6.3300 $41,000,000 CP 04/06/2000 04/07/2000 6.2000 $10,400,000 CP 06/08/2000 06/12/2000 6.7000 $100,000 CP 05/11/2000 05/12/2000 6.2500 $42,750,000 CP 05/12/2000 05/15/2000 6.4200 $15,550,000 CP 05/16/2000 06/09/2000 6.9000 $33,964,000 CP 05/12/2000 05/15/2000 6.4200 $50,000,000 CP 04/14/2000 04/20/2000 6.3000 $29,400,000 CP 06/01/2000 06/02/2000 6.8500 $21,400,000 CP 05/15/2000 05/16/2000 6.6000 $50,000,000 CP 06/12/2000 06/13/2000 6.7700 $50,000,000 CP 04/18/2000 05/01/2000 6.3000 $39,000,000 CP 05/16/2000 05/17/2000 6.8500 $36,036,000 CP 05/12/2000 06/05/2000 6.7800 $10,700,000 CP 06/12/2000 06/13/2000 6.7700 $38,325,000 CP 06/08/2000 06/12/2000 6.7000 $24,600,000 CP 05/15/2000 05/16/2000 6.6000 $40,500,000 CP 06/01/2000 06/02/2000 6.8500 $50,000,000 CP 06/07/2000 06/16/2000 6.8500 $30,775,000 CP 04/05/2000 04/06/2000 6.1500 $5,000,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/15/2000 6.7800 $48,000,000 CP 06/15/2000 06/16/2000 6.8800 $26,000,000 CP 05/24/2000 05/25/2000 6.6500 $8,000,000 CP 04/05/2000 04/06/2000 6.1500 $7,600,000 CP 05/24/2000 05/25/2000 6.6500 $1,550,000 CP 05/03/2000 05/04/2000 6.2500 $10,500,000 CP 05/25/2000 05/26/2000 6.7500 $13,000,000 CP 04/04/2000 04/05/2000 6.1600 $3,200,000 CP 04/04/2000 05/02/2000 6.3000 $7,000,000 CP 06/15/2000 06/16/2000 6.8800 $25,000,000 CP 06/15/2000 06/16/2000 6.8800 $1,050,000 CP 05/02/2000 05/03/2000 6.2000 $25,000,000 CP 05/26/2000 05/30/2000 6.7000 $24,500,000 CP 05/23/2000 05/24/2000 6.6800 $44,800,000 KINGSPORT POWER COMPANY Debt Settlement Maturity Interest Principal Type Date Date Rate Amount ======================================================== BL 05/19/2000 05/31/2000 7.3300 $3,300,000 BL 05/05/2000 05/17/2000 6.6928 $4,300,000 BL 04/13/2000 05/01/2000 6.4928 $350,000 BL 04/11/2000 04/28/2000 6.4328 $350,000 BL 04/19/2000 04/28/2000 6.4928 $2,000,000 BL 04/28/2000 05/09/2000 6.4928 $925,000 BL 04/17/2000 04/27/2000 6.4928 $150,000 BL 05/17/2000 05/19/2000 6.8429 $3,375,000 BL 04/24/2000 05/05/2000 6.4928 $4,550,000 BL 04/07/2000 04/19/2000 6.4928 $1,900,000 BL 05/31/2000 06/06/2000 6.9997 $12,100,000 BL 05/09/2000 05/19/2000 6.6195 $125,000 BL 06/13/2000 06/14/2000 6.9697 $10,600,000 BL 06/06/2000 06/13/2000 6.9997 $11,700,000 BL 05/01/2000 05/12/2000 6.4800 $5,500,000 BL 04/14/2000 05/01/2000 6.4400 $5,100,000 BL 05/12/2000 05/31/2000 6.9600 $5,125,000 BL 06/14/2000 06/15/2000 6.9600 $11,400,000 BL 04/05/2000 04/13/2000 6.6800 $225,000 BL 05/24/2000 05/31/2000 7.1400 $4,100,000 KENTUCKY POWER COMPANY Debt Settlement Maturity Interest Principal Type Date Date Rate Amount ======================================================== BL 06/08/2000 06/12/2000 7.0000 $875,000 BL 04/10/2000 04/12/2000 6.4661 $650,000 BL 05/23/2000 05/30/2000 7.1500 $675,000 CP 06/09/2000 06/13/2000 6.6300 $10,900,000 CP 05/16/2000 05/24/2000 6.8000 $2,925,000 CP 06/15/2000 06/16/2000 6.8500 $23,500,000 CP 06/15/2000 06/16/2000 6.8500 $50,000,000 CP 05/24/2000 05/25/2000 6.6500 $2,500,000 CP 04/14/2000 05/01/2000 6.2300 $4,950,000 CP 05/31/2000 06/14/2000 6.8800 $11,500,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/15/2000 6.7200 $22,550,000 CP 06/13/2000 06/14/2000 6.6500 $12,500,000 CP 05/30/2000 06/08/2000 6.8500 $1,100,000 CP 05/26/2000 06/09/2000 6.8500 $4,000,000 CP 04/07/2000 04/26/2000 6.2000 $4,000,000 CP 04/07/2000 04/26/2000 6.2000 $300,000 CP 04/28/2000 05/16/2000 6.3000 $7,350,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/15/2000 6.7200 $50,000,000 CP 05/09/2000 05/19/2000 6.3500 $2,000,000 CP 04/11/2000 04/27/2000 6.2300 $7,025,000 CP 06/12/2000 06/13/2000 6.6700 $2,100,000 CP 05/04/2000 05/05/2000 6.2500 $1,725,000 CP 05/01/2000 05/17/2000 6.3000 $10,000,000 CP 05/05/2000 05/17/2000 6.4000 $2,800,000 CP 04/03/2000 04/26/2000 6.2500 $29,000,000 CP 05/03/2000 05/04/2000 6.2000 $2,000,000 CP 05/11/2000 05/23/2000 6.6000 $1,700,000 CP 05/02/2000 05/03/2000 6.1500 $3,000,000 CP 04/04/2000 04/05/2000 6.2000 $1,100,000 CP 05/08/2000 05/18/2000 6.4500 $4,000,000 CP 04/05/2000 04/10/2000 6.2000 $1,425,000 CP 05/12/2000 06/05/2000 6.7500 $37,000,000 CP 06/06/2000 06/12/2000 6.7500 $2,500,000 CP 05/17/2000 05/31/2000 6.7800 $12,000,000 CP 06/01/2000 06/13/2000 6.8700 $1,325,000 CP 05/18/2000 05/26/2000 6.7500 $3,500,000 CP 04/25/2000 05/11/2000 6.2000 $2,500,000 CP 04/19/2000 05/01/2000 6.2200 $1,200,000 CP 04/26/2000 05/12/2000 6.2200 $38,000,000 CP 05/25/2000 06/06/2000 6.8000 $2,500,000 CP 06/05/2000 06/14/2000 6.7500 $48,000,000 CP 04/24/2000 05/09/2000 6.2000 $3,400,000 CP 04/18/2000 05/02/2000 6.2200 $2,300,000 CP 04/27/2000 04/28/2000 6.1700 $6,700,000 CP 05/22/2000 06/05/2000 6.7500 $8,500,000 CP 04/20/2000 05/08/2000 6.2500 $4,300,000 OHIO POWER COMPANY Debt Settlement Maturity Interest Principal Type Date Date Rate Amount ======================================================== CP 06/14/2000 06/16/2000 6.8500 $50,000,000 CP 05/05/2000 05/12/2000 6.3300 $28,000,000 CP 05/22/2000 05/30/2000 6.8700 $1,797,000 CP 05/18/2000 05/22/2000 6.8300 $26,400,000 CP 05/31/2000 06/12/2000 6.8600 $25,000,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/16/2000 6.8500 $38,000,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/16/2000 6.8500 $2,400,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/16/2000 6.8500 $50,000,000 CP 04/25/2000 05/08/2000 6.2700 $34,650,000 CP 05/30/2000 06/06/2000 6.8500 $11,850,000 CP 04/03/2000 04/12/2000 6.3000 $15,000,000 CP 05/31/2000 06/12/2000 6.8600 $2,550,000 CP 04/24/2000 05/05/2000 6.2000 $9,000,000 CP 05/31/2000 06/12/2000 6.8600 $50,000,000 CP 05/17/2000 05/18/2000 6.6000 $26,000,000 CP 04/18/2000 04/25/2000 6.2500 $16,500,000 CP 06/14/2000 06/19/2000 6.8300 $5,005,000 CP 04/18/2000 04/25/2000 6.2500 $20,000,000 CP 04/18/2000 04/25/2000 6.2500 $4,500,000 CP 04/18/2000 04/25/2000 6.2500 $4,000,000 CP 04/05/2000 04/13/2000 6.2000 $3,300,000 CP 05/01/2000 05/16/2000 6.3500 $15,000,000 CP 05/01/2000 05/22/2000 6.4000 $4,517,000 CP 05/19/2000 05/22/2000 6.6500 $50,000,000 CP 05/19/2000 05/22/2000 6.6500 $2,000,000 CP 05/22/2000 06/02/2000 6.8700 $3,608,000 CP 04/20/2000 04/27/2000 6.2000 $23,000,000 CP 05/22/2000 05/30/2000 6.8500 $1,203,000 CP 05/01/2000 05/16/2000 6.3500 $25,000,000 CP 04/20/2000 04/27/2000 6.2000 $50,000,000 CP 04/20/2000 05/01/2000 6.2000 $4,878,000 CP 04/20/2000 05/02/2000 6.2300 $14,622,000 CP 05/01/2000 05/16/2000 6.3500 $50,000,000 CP 05/19/2000 05/22/2000 6.6500 $50,000,000 CP 05/25/2000 05/26/2000 6.7500 $4,500,000 CP 04/19/2000 04/26/2000 6.2500 $4,840,000 CP 04/19/2000 04/26/2000 6.2500 $390,000 CP 04/05/2000 04/13/2000 6.2000 $12,500,000 CP 04/19/2000 04/26/2000 6.2500 $3,500,000 CP 04/19/2000 04/26/2000 6.2500 $16,270,000 CP 04/06/2000 04/19/2000 6.2200 $12,000,000 CP 04/06/2000 04/19/2000 6.2200 $23,325,000 CP 05/03/2000 05/09/2000 6.3000 $7,200,000 CP 05/22/2000 05/31/2000 6.8500 $47,000,000 CP 04/12/2000 04/18/2000 6.2200 $800,000 CP 04/10/2000 04/18/2000 6.2500 $6,500,000 CP 04/27/2000 05/01/2000 6.2200 $50,000,000 CP 06/06/2000 06/13/2000 6.7800 $18,000,000 CP 06/02/2000 06/14/2000 6.8500 $3,610,000 CP 04/27/2000 05/01/2000 6.2300 $3,800,000 CP 05/12/2000 05/19/2000 6.6300 $50,000,000 CP 04/27/2000 05/05/2000 6.2500 $5,700,000 CP 04/28/2000 05/08/2000 6.3000 $1,125,000 CP 04/27/2000 05/01/2000 6.2200 $25,000,000 CP 06/09/2000 06/13/2000 6.7000 $31,850,000 CP 05/10/2000 05/17/2000 6.4200 $4,100,000 CP 06/09/2000 06/13/2000 6.7000 $19,000,000 CP 06/09/2000 06/13/2000 6.7000 $2,550,000 CP 05/11/2000 05/17/2000 6.5000 $17,500,000 CP 04/28/2000 05/08/2000 6.3000 $43,000,000 CP 05/16/2000 05/23/2000 6.8000 $35,000,000 CP 06/09/2000 06/12/2000 6.7000 $850,000 CP 06/13/2000 06/14/2000 6.6800 $50,000,000 CP 05/08/2000 05/12/2000 6.2500 $26,000,000 CP 05/08/2000 05/12/2000 6.2500 $3,000,000 CP 06/13/2000 06/14/2000 6.6800 $1,500,000 CP 04/12/2000 04/18/2000 6.2200 $13,000,000 CP 06/13/2000 06/14/2000 6.6800 $46,000,000 CP 06/13/2000 06/14/2000 6.6800 $50,000,000 CP 05/08/2000 05/12/2000 6.2500 $50,000,000 CP 04/26/2000 05/11/2000 6.2700 $400,000 CP 04/17/2000 04/27/2000 6.3000 $16,000,000 CP 04/26/2000 05/11/2000 6.2700 $19,300,000 CP 04/13/2000 04/18/2000 6.2200 $16,500,000 CP 05/24/2000 05/25/2000 6.6500 $1,250,000 CP 05/24/2000 05/25/2000 6.6500 $4,000,000 CP 06/08/2000 06/12/2000 6.7000 $10,200,000 CP 06/05/2000 06/08/2000 6.7500 $14,400,000 CP 05/12/2000 05/19/2000 6.6000 $50,000,000 CP 04/04/2000 04/05/2000 6.1600 $14,225,000 CP 06/15/2000 06/16/2000 6.8800 $8,500,000 CP 05/23/2000 05/24/2000 6.6300 $6,600,000 CP 05/02/2000 05/03/2000 6.2000 $10,000,000 CP 05/15/2000 05/18/2000 6.7500 $3,000,000 CP 05/09/2000 05/10/2000 6.2000 $3,500,000 CP 04/07/2000 04/14/2000 6.2000 $15,000,000 CP 06/07/2000 06/09/2000 6.7000 $14,500,000 CP 06/07/2000 06/16/2000 6.8500 $4,150,000 CP 06/01/2000 06/07/2000 6.8500 $18,500,000 CP 05/12/2000 05/15/2000 6.4000 $5,100,000 CP 06/12/2000 06/13/2000 6.7500 $31,500,000 CP 06/12/2000 06/13/2000 6.7500 $875,000 CP 06/12/2000 06/13/2000 6.7500 $50,000,000 CP 05/25/2000 05/30/2000 6.8000 $6,500,000 CP 05/26/2000 05/30/2000 6.7000 $8,000,000 CP 04/14/2000 04/24/2000 6.2500 $12,000,000 CP 04/11/2000 04/18/2000 6.2500 $10,000,000 CP 04/14/2000 04/20/2000 6.2200 $50,000,000 CP 04/14/2000 04/20/2000 6.2200 $50,000,000 CP 04/14/2000 04/18/2000 6.2000 $50,000,000 WHEELING POWER COMPANY Debt Settlement Maturity Interest Principal Type Date Date Rate Amount ======================================================== BL 04/03/2000 04/05/2000 6.9800 $250,000 BL 05/23/2000 05/31/2000 7.0900 $3,725,000 BL 04/07/2000 04/13/2000 6.6000 $1,900,000 BL 05/03/2000 05/12/2000 6.7300 $3,225,000 BL 04/28/2000 05/03/2000 6.7900 $3,225,000 BL 04/25/2000 04/28/2000 6.6000 $3,325,000 BL 04/13/2000 04/19/2000 6.4928 $1,200,000 BL 05/17/2000 05/19/2000 6.8429 $1,025,000 BL 04/17/2000 04/28/2000 6.4928 $250,000 BL 04/19/2000 04/24/2000 6.4928 $100,000 BL 05/19/2000 05/31/2000 6.9997 $575,000 BL 06/26/2000 06/28/2000 7.4000 $1,750,000 BL 06/15/2000 06/30/2000 7.2100 $2,700,000 BL 06/23/2000 06/26/2000 7.1500 $1,900,000 BL 06/27/2000 06/28/2000 7.2800 $100,000 BL 06/30/2000 07/14/2000 7.2100 $2,775,000 BL 06/28/2000 07/07/2000 7.5300 $1,850,000 BL 06/13/2000 06/14/2000 6.9000 $2,725,000 BL 05/31/2000 06/06/2000 7.0200 $3,300,000 BL 06/14/2000 06/15/2000 6.9900 $2,600,000 BL 06/06/2000 06/13/2000 6.9900 $3,100,000 BL 05/12/2000 05/17/2000 6.8500 $2,400,000 BL 05/01/2000 05/05/2000 6.7000 $325,000