497 1 file001.txt JOHN HANCOCK SOVEREIGN BOND FUND JOHN HANCOCK BOND FUND Class A, Class B and Class C Shares Statement of Additional Information September 1, 2001 This Statement of Additional Information provides information about John Hancock Bond Fund (the "Fund"), a diversified open-end investment company, in addition to the information that is contained in the combined Income Funds' current Prospectus (the "Prospectus"). This Statement of Additional Information is not a prospectus. It should be read in conjunction with the Prospectus, a copy of which can be obtained free of charge by writing or telephoning: John Hancock Signature Services, Inc. 1 John Hancock Way, Suite 1000 Boston, Massachusetts 02217-1000 1-800-225-5291 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Organization of the Fund.................................................. 2 Investment Objective and Policies......................................... 2 Investment Restrictions................................................... 14 Those Responsible for Management.......................................... 16 Investment Advisory and Other Services.................................... 21 Distribution Contracts.................................................... 23 Sales Compensation........................................................ 25 Net Asset Value........................................................... 27 Initial Sales Charge on Class A and Class C Shares........................ 27 Deferred Sales Charge on Class B and Class C Shares....................... 30 Special Redemptions....................................................... 34 Additional Services and Programs.......................................... 34 Purchases and Redemptions through Third Parties .......................... 36 Description of the Fund's Shares.......................................... 36 Tax Status................................................................ 37 Calculation of Performance................................................ 41 Brokerage Allocation...................................................... 43 Transfer Agent Services................................................... 45 Custody of Portfolio...................................................... 45 Independent Auditors...................................................... 45 Appendix A- Description of Investment Risk................................ A-1 Appendix B-Description of Bond Ratings.................................... B-1 Financial Statements...................................................... F-1 1 ORGANIZATION OF THE FUND The Fund is a diversified open-end investment management company organized as a Massachusetts business trust under the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Fund was organized in 1984. Prior to October 1, 1998, the Fund was called John Hancock Sovereign Bond Fund. John Hancock Advisers, Inc. (the "Adviser") is the Fund's investment adviser. The Adviser is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of John Hancock Life Insurance Company (formerly John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company) (the "Life Company"), a Massachusetts life insurance company chartered in 1862, with national headquarters at John Hancock Place, Boston, Massachusetts. The Life Company is a wholly owned by John Hancock Financial Services, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, organized in February, 2000. INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE AND POLICIES The following information supplements the discussion of the Fund's investment objective and policies discussed in the Prospectus. Appendix A contains further information describing investment risks. There is no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective. The investment objective is fundamental and may only be changed with shareholder approval. The Fund's investment objective is to generate a high level of current income, consistent with prudent investment risk, through investment in a diversified portfolio of freely marketable debt securities. The Adviser seeks high current income consistent with the moderate level of risk associated with a portfolio consisting primarily of investment grade debt securities. Under normal circumstances, at least 80% of the value of the Fund's Assets will be in bonds and/or debentures. With respect to the Fund's investment policy of investing at least 80% of its Assets in bonds and/or debentures, "Assets" means net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes. Also, with respect to this 80% investment policy, the Fund will notify shareholders at least 60 days prior to any change in this policy. In addition, the Fund contemplates at least 75% of the value of its total assets will be in (1) debt securities that have, at the time of purchase, a rating within the four highest grades as determined by Moody's Investors Service, Inc. ("Moody's") (Aaa, Aa, A or Baa) or Standard & Poor's ("S&P") (AAA, AA, A, or BBB); (2) debt securities of banks, the U.S. Government and its agencies or instrumentalities and other issuers which, although not rated as a matter of policy by either Moody's or S&P, are considered by the Fund to have investment quality comparable to securities receiving ratings within the four highest grades; and (3) cash and cash equivalents. Under normal conditions, the Fund may not invest more than 10% of total assets in cash and/or cash equivalents (except cash segregated in relation to futures, forward and options contracts). Debt securities rated Baa or BBB are considered medium-grade obligations with speculative characteristics and adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances may weaken the issuers' capacity to pay interest and repay principal. The Fund will, when feasible, purchase debt securities which are non-callable. It is anticipated that under normal conditions, the Fund will not invest more than 25% of its total assets in U.S. dollar-denominated foreign securities (excluding U.S. dollar-denominated Canadian securities). The Fund will diversify its investments among a number of industry groups without concentration in any particular industry. The Fund's investments, and consequently its net asset value, will be subject to the market fluctuations and risks inherent in all securities. 2 The Fund may purchase corporate debt securities bearing fixed or fixed and contingent interest as well as those which carry certain equity features, such as conversion or exchange rights or warrants for the acquisition of stock of the same or a different issuer, or participations based on revenues, sales or profits. The Fund may purchase preferred stock. The Fund will not exercise any such conversion, exchange or purchase rights if, at the time, the value of all equity interests so owned would exceed 10% of the Fund's total assets taken at market value. For liquidity and flexibility, the Fund may place up to 20% of Assets in investment-grade short-term securities. In abnormal circumstances, such as situations where the Fund experiences large cash inflows or anticipates unusually large redemptions, and in an abornormal market, economic, political or other conditions, the Fund may temporarily invest more than 20% of its Assets in investment-grade short-term securities, cash, and cash equivalents. The market value of debt securities which carry no equity participation usually reflects yields generally available on securities of similar quality and type. When such yields decline, the market value of a portfolio already invested at higher yields can be expected to rise if such securities are protected against early call. Similarly, when such yields increase, the market value of a portfolio already invested can be expected to decline. The Fund's portfolio may include debt securities which sell at substantial discounts from par. These securities are low coupon bonds which, during periods of high interest rates, because of their lower acquisition cost tend to sell on a yield basis approximating current interest rates. Ratings as Investment Criteria. In general, the ratings of Moody's and S&P represent the opinions of these agencies as to the quality of the securities which they rate. It should be emphasized, however, that such ratings are relative and subjective and are not absolute standards of quality. These ratings will be used by the Fund as initial criteria for the selection of portfolio securities. Among the factors which will be considered are the long-term ability of the issuer to pay principal and interest and general economic trends. Appendix B contains further information concerning the ratings of Moody's and S&P and their significance. Subsequent to its purchase by the Fund, an issue of securities may cease to be rated or its rating may be reduced below the minimum required for purchase by the Fund. Neither of these events will require the sale of the securities by the Fund Participation Interests. Participation interests, which may take the form of interests in, or assignments of certain loans, are acquired from banks who have made these loans or are members of a lending syndicate. The Fund's investments in participation interests may be subject to its 15% limitation on investments in illiquid securities. Structured Securities. The Fund may invest in structured securities including notes, bonds or debentures, the value of the principal of and/or interest on which is to be determined by reference to changes in the value of specific currencies, interest rates, commodities, indices or other financial indicators (the "Reference") or the relative change in two or more References. The interest rate or the principal amount payable upon maturity or redemption may be increased or decreased depending upon changes in the applicable Reference. The terms of the structured securities may provide that in certain circumstances no principal is due at maturity and, therefore, may result in the loss of the Fund's investment. Structured securities may be positively or negatively indexed, so that appreciation of the Reference may produce an increase or decrease in the interest rate or value of the security at maturity. In addition, the change in interest rate or the value of the security at maturity may be a multiple of the change in the value of the Reference. Consequently, structured securities entail a greater degree of market risk than other types of debt obligations. Structured securities may also be more volatile, less liquid and more difficult to accurately price than less complex fixed income investments. 3 Lower Rated High Yield Debt Obligations. The Fund may invest up to 25% of the value of its total assets in fixed income securities rated below Baa by Moody's, or below BBB by S&P, or in securities which are unrated. The Fund may invest in securities rated as low as Ca by Moody's or CC by S&P, which may indicate that the obligations are highly speculative and in default. Lower rated securities are generally referred to as junk bonds. See the Appendix attached to this Statement of Additional Information, for the distribution of securities in the various ratings categories and a description of the characteristics of the categories. The Fund is not obligated to dispose of securities whose issuers subsequently are in default or which are downgraded below the above-stated ratings. The Fund may invest in unrated securities which, in the opinion of the Adviser, offer comparable yields and risks to those securities which are rated. Debt obligations rated in the lower ratings categories, or which are unrated, involve greater volatility of price and risk of loss of principal and income. In addition, lower ratings reflect a greater possibility of an adverse change in financial condition affecting the ability of the issuer to make payments of interest and principal. The market price and liquidity of lower rated fixed income securities generally respond to short-term economic, corporate and market developments to a greater extent than do higher rated securities. In the case of lower-rated securities, these developments are perceived to have a more direct relationship to the ability of an issuer of lower rated securities to meet its ongoing debt obligations. Reduced volume and liquidity in the high yield bond market, or the reduced availability of market quotations, will make it more difficult to dispose of the bonds and value accurately the Fund's assets. The reduced availability of reliable, objective data may increase the Fund's reliance on management's judgment in valuing the high yield bonds. To the extent that the Fund invests in these securities, the achievement of the Fund's objective will depend more on the Adviser's judgment and analysis than would otherwise be the case. In addition, the Fund's investments in high yield securities may be susceptible to adverse publicity and investor perceptions, whether or not the perceptions are justified by fundamental factors. In the past, economic downturns and increases in interest rates have caused a higher incidence of default by the issuers of lower-rated securities and may do so in the future, particularly with respect to highly leveraged issuers. The market prices of zero coupon and payment-in-kind bonds are affected to a greater extent by interest rate changes, and thereby tend to be more volatile than securities that pay interest periodically and in cash. Increasing rate note securities are typically refinanced by the issuers within a short period of time. The Fund accrues income on these securities for tax and accounting purposes, which is required to be distributed to shareholders. Because no cash is received while income accrues on these securities, the Fund may be forced to liquidate other investments to make the distributions. The Fund may acquire individual securities of any maturity and is not subject to any limits as to the average maturity of its overall portfolio. The longer the Fund's average portfolio maturity, the more the value of the portfolio and the net asset value of the Fund's shares will fluctuate in response to changes in interest rates. An increase in interest rates will generally reduce the value of the Fund's portfolio securities and the Fund's shares, while a decline in interest rates will generally increase their value. Securities of Domestic and Foreign Issuers. The Fund may invest in U.S. dollar-denominated securities of foreign and United States issuers that are issued in or outside of the United States. Foreign companies may not be subject to accounting standards and government supervision comparable to U.S. companies, and there is often less publicly available information about their operations. Foreign markets generally provide less liquidity than U.S. markets (and thus 4 potentially greater price volatility) and typically provide fewer regulatory protections for investors. Foreign securities can also be affected by political or financial instability abroad. It is anticipated that under normal conditions, the Fund will not invest more than 25% of its total assets in U.S. dollar-denominated foreign securities (excluding U.S. dollar-denominated Canadian securities). Mortgage-backed and Derivative Securities. Mortgage-backed securities represent participation interests in pools of adjustable and fixed rate mortgage loans which are guaranteed by agencies or instrumentalities of the U.S. government. Unlike conventional debt obligations, mortgage-backed securities provide monthly payments derived from the monthly interest and principal payments (including any prepayments) made by the individual borrowers on the pooled mortgage loans. The mortgage loans underlying mortgage-backed securities are generally subject to a greater rate of principal prepayments in a declining interest rate environment and to a lesser rate of principal prepayments in an increasing interest rate environment. Under certain interest and prepayment scenarios, the Fund may fail to recover the full amount of its investment in mortgage-backed securities notwithstanding any direct or indirect governmental or agency guarantee. Since faster than expected prepayments must usually be invested in lower yielding securities, mortgage-backed securities are less effective than conventional bonds in "locking in" a specified interest rate. In a rising interest rate environment, a declining prepayment rate may extend the average life of many mortgage-backed securities. Extending the average life of a mortgage-backed security increases the risk of depreciation due to future increases in market interest rates. The Fund's investments in mortgage-backed securities may include conventional mortgage passthrough securities and certain classes of multiple class collateralized mortgage obligations ("CMOs"). In order to reduce the risk of prepayment for investors, CMOs are issued in multiple classes, each having different maturities, interest rates, payment schedules and allocations of principal and interest on the underlying mortgages. Senior CMO classes will typically have priority over residual CMO classes as to the receipt of principal and/or interest payments on the underlying mortgages. The CMO classes in which the Fund may invest include but are not limited to sequential and parallel pay CMOs, including planned amortization class ("PAC") and target amortization class ("TAC") securities. Different types of mortgage-backed securities are subject to different combinations of prepayment, extension, interest rate and/or other market risks. Conventional mortgage passthrough securities and sequential pay CMOs are subject to all of these risks, but are typically not leveraged. PACs, TACs and other senior classes of sequential and parallel pay CMOs involve less exposure to prepayment, extension and interest rate risk than other mortgage-backed securities, provided that prepayment rates remain within expected prepayment ranges or "collars." Repurchase Agreements. In a repurchase agreement the Fund would buys a security for a relatively short period (usually not more than 7 days) subject to the obligation to sell it back to the issuer at a fixed time and price plus accrued interest. The Fund will enter into repurchase agreements only with member banks of the Federal Reserve System and with "primary dealers" in U.S. Government securities. The Adviser will continuously monitor the creditworthiness of the parties with whom the Fund enters into repurchase agreements. The Fund has established a procedure providing that the securities serving as collateral for each repurchase agreement must be delivered to the Fund's custodian either physically or in book-entry form and that the collateral must be marked to market daily to ensure that each repurchase agreement is fully collateralized at all times. In the event of bankruptcy or other default by a seller of a repurchase agreement, the Fund could experience delays in liquidating the underlying securities during the period in which the Fund seeks to enforce its rights thereto, possible subnormal levels of income decline in value of the underlying securities or lack of access to income during this period as well as the expense of enforcing its rights. 5 Reverse Repurchase Agreements. The Fund may also enter into reverse purchase agreements which involve the sale of U.S. Government securities held in its portfolio to a bank with an agreement that the Fund will buy back the securities at a fixed future date at a fixed price plus an agreed amount of "interest" which may be reflected in the repurchase price. Reverse repurchase agreements are considered to be borrowings by the Fund. Reverse repurchase agreements involve the risk that the market value of securities purchased by the Fund with proceeds of the transaction may decline below the repurchase price of the securities sold by the Fund which it is obligated to repurchase. The Fund will also continue to be subject to the risk of a decline in the market value of the securities sold under the agreements because it will reacquire those securities upon effecting their repurchase. To minimize various risks associated with reverse repurchase agreements, the Fund will establish and maintain a separate account consisting of liquid securities, of any type or maturity, in an amount at least equal to the repurchase prices of the securities (plus any accrued interest thereon) under such agreements. In addition, the Fund will not enter into reverse repurchase agreements or borrow money, except from banks as a temporary measure for extraordinary emergency purposes in amounts not to exceed 33 1/3% of the Fund's total assets (including the amount borrowed) taken at market value. The Fund will not use leverage to attempt to increase income. The Fund will not purchase securities while outstanding borrowings exceed 5% of the Fund's total assets. The Fund will enter into reverse repurchase agreements only with federally insured banks which are approved in advance as being creditworthy by the Trustees. Under the procedures established by the of Trustees, the Adviser will monitor the creditworthiness of the banks involved. Restricted Securities. The Fund may purchase securities that are not registered ("restricted securities") under the Securities Act of the 1933 Act ("1933 Act"), including commercial paper issued in reliance on Section 4(2) of the 1933 Act. The Fund will not invest more than 15% limit on illiquid investments. If the Trustees determine, based upon a continuing review of the trading markets for specific Section 4(2) paper or Rule 144A securities, that they are liquid, they will not be subject to the 15% limit in illiquid investments. The Trustees may adopt guidelines and delegate to the Adviser the daily function of determining the monitoring and liquidity of restricted investments. The Trustees, however, will retain sufficient oversight and be ultimately responsible for the determinations. The Trustees will carefully monitor the Fund's liquidity and availability of information. This investment practice could have the effect of increasing the level of liquidity in the Fund if qualified institutional buyers become for a time uninterested in purchasing these restricted securities. Options on Securities and Securities Indices. The Fund may purchase and write (sell) call and put options on any securities in which it may invest or on any securities index based on securities in which it may invest. These options may be listed on national domestic securities exchanges or traded in the over-the-counter market. The Fund may write covered put and call options and purchase put and call options to enhance total return, as a substitute for the purchase or sale of securities, or to protect against declines in the value of portfolio securities and against increases in the cost of securities to be acquired. Writing Covered Options. A call option on securities written by the Fund obligates the Fund to sell specified securities to the holder of the option at a specified price if the option is exercised at any time before the expiration date. A put option on securities written by a Fund obligates the Fund to purchase specified securities from the option holder at a specified price if the option is exercised at any time before the expiration date. Options on securities indices are similar to options on securities, except that the exercise of securities index options requires cash settlement payments and does not involve the actual purchase or sale of securities. In addition, securities 6 index options are designed to reflect price fluctuations in a group of securities or segment of the securities market rather than price fluctuations in a single security. Writing covered call options may deprive the Fund of the opportunity to profit from an increase in the market price of the securities in its portfolio. Writing covered put options may deprive the Fund of the opportunity to profit from a decrease in the market price of the securities to be acquired for its portfolio. All call and put options written by the Funds are covered. A written call option or put option may be covered by (i) maintaining cash or liquid securities in a segregated account with a value at least equal to the Fund's obligation under the option, (ii) entering into an offsetting forward commitment and/or (iii) purchasing an offsetting option or any other option which, by virtue of its exercise price or otherwise, reduces the Fund's net exposure on its written option position. A written call option on securities is typically covered by maintaining the securities that are subject to the option in a segregated account. The Fund may cover call options on a securities index by owning securities whose price changes are expected to be similar to those of the underlying index. The Fund may terminate its obligations under an exchange traded call or put option by purchasing an option identical to the one it has written. Obligations under over-the-counter options may be terminated only by entering into an offsetting transaction with the counterparty to such option. Such purchases are referred to as "closing purchase transactions." Purchasing Options. The Fund would normally purchase call options in anticipation of an increase, or put options in anticipation of a decrease ("protective puts") in the market value of securities of the type in which it may invest. The Fund may also sell call and put options to close out its purchased options. The purchase of a call option would entitle the Fund, in return for the premium paid, to purchase specified securities at a specified price during the option period. The Fund would ordinarily realize a gain on the purchase of a call option if, during the option period, the value of such securities exceeded the sum of the exercise price, the premium paid and transaction costs; otherwise the Fund would realize either no gain or a loss on the purchase of the call option. The purchase of a put option would entitle the Fund, in exchange for the premium paid, to sell specified securities at a specified price during the option period. The purchase of protective puts is designed to offset or hedge against a decline in the market value of the Fund's portfolio securities. Put options may also be purchased by the Fund for the purpose of affirmatively benefiting from a decline in the price of securities which it does not own. The Fund would ordinarily realize a gain if, during the option period, the value of the underlying securities decreased below the exercise price sufficiently to cover the premium and transaction costs; otherwise the Fund would realize either no gain or a loss on the purchase of the put option. Gains and losses on the purchase of put options may be offset by countervailing changes in the value of the Fund's portfolio securities. The Fund's options transactions will be subject to limitations established by each of the exchanges, boards of trade or other trading facilities on which such options are traded. These limitations govern the maximum number of options in each class which may be written or purchased by a single investor or group of investors acting in concert, regardless of whether the options are written or purchased on the same or different exchanges, boards of trade or other trading facilities or are held or written in one or more accounts or through one or more brokers. Thus, the number of options which the Fund may write or purchase may be affected by options written or purchased by other investment advisory clients of the Adviser. An exchange, board of trade or other trading facility may order the liquidation of positions found to be in excess of these limits, and it may impose certain other sanctions. 7 Risks Associated with Options Transactions. There is no assurance that a liquid secondary market on a domestic or foreign options exchange will exist for any particular exchange-traded option or at any particular time. If the Fund is unable to effect a closing purchase transaction with respect to covered options it has written, the Fund will not be able to sell the underlying securities or dispose of assets held in a segregated account until the options expire or are exercised. Similarly, if the Fund is unable to effect a closing sale transaction with respect to options it has purchased, it would have to exercise the options in order to realize any profit and will incur transaction costs upon the purchase or sale of underlying securities. Reasons for the absence of a liquid secondary market on an exchange include the following: (i) there may be insufficient trading interest in certain options; (ii) restrictions may be imposed by an exchange on opening transactions or closing transactions or both; (iii) trading halts, suspensions or other restrictions may be imposed with respect to particular classes or series of options; (iv) unusual or unforeseen circumstances may interrupt normal operations on an exchange; (v) the facilities of an exchange or the Options Clearing Corporation may not at all times be adequate to handle current trading volume; or (vi) one or more exchanges could, for economic or other reasons, decide or be compelled at some future date to discontinue the trading of options (or a particular class or series of options). If trading were discontinued, the secondary market on that exchange (or in that class or series of options) would cease to exist. However, outstanding options on that exchange that had been issued by the Options Clearing Corporation as a result of trades on that exchange would continue to be exercisable in accordance with their terms. The Fund's ability to terminate over-the-counter options is more limited than with exchange-traded options and may involve the risk that broker-dealers participating in such transactions will not fulfill their obligations. The Adviser will determine the liquidity of each over-the-counter option in accordance with guidelines adopted by the Trustees. The writing and purchase of options is a highly specialized activity which involves investment techniques and risks different from those associated with ordinary portfolio securities transactions. The successful use of options depends in part on the Adviser's ability to predict future price fluctuations and, for hedging transactions, the degree of correlation between the options and securities markets. Futures Contracts and Options on Futures Contracts. To seek to increase total return or hedge against changes in interest rates or securities prices, the Fund may purchase and sell futures contracts, and purchase and write call and put options on these futures contracts. The Fund may also enter into closing purchase and sale transactions with respect to any of these contracts and options. The futures contracts may be based on various securities (such as U.S. Government securities), securities indices and any other financial instruments and indices. All futures contracts entered into by the Fund are traded on U.S. exchanges or boards of trade that are licensed, regulated or approved by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission ("CFTC"). Futures Contracts. A futures contract may generally be described as an agreement between two parties to buy and sell particular financial instruments for an agreed price during a designated month (or to deliver the final cash settlement price, in the case of a contract relating to an index or otherwise not calling for physical delivery at the end of trading in the contract). Positions taken in the futures markets are not normally held to maturity but are instead liquidated through offsetting transactions which may result in a profit or a loss. While futures contracts on securities will usually be liquidated in this manner, the Fund may instead make, or take, delivery of the underlying securities whenever it appears economically advantageous to do so. A clearing corporation associated with the exchange on which futures contracts are traded guarantees that, if still open, the sale or purchase will be performed on the settlement date. 8 Hedging and Other Strategies. Hedging is an attempt to establish with more certainty than would otherwise be possible the effective price or rate of return on portfolio securities or securities that the Fund proposes to acquire. When securities prices are falling, the Fund can seek to offset a decline in the value of its current portfolio securities through the sale of futures contracts. When securities prices are rising, the Fund, through the purchase of futures contracts, can attempt to secure better rates or prices than might later be available in the market when it effects anticipated purchases. The Fund may, for example, take a "short" position in the futures market by selling futures contracts in an attempt to hedge against an anticipated decline in market prices that would adversely affect the value of the Fund's portfolio securities. Such futures contracts may include contracts for the future delivery of securities held by the Fund or securities with characteristics similar to those of the Fund's portfolio securities. If, in the opinion of the Adviser, there is a sufficient degree of correlation between price trends for the Fund's portfolio securities and futures contracts based on other financial instruments, securities indices or other indices, the Fund may also enter into such futures contracts as part of its hedging strategy. Although under some circumstances prices of securities in the Fund's portfolio may be more or less volatile than prices of such futures contracts, the Adviser will attempt to estimate the extent of this volatility difference based on historical patterns and compensate for any differential by having the Fund enter into a greater or lesser number of futures contracts or by attempting to achieve only a partial hedge against price changes affecting the Fund's portfolio securities. When a short hedging position is successful, any depreciation in the value of portfolio securities will be substantially offset by appreciation in the value of the futures position. On the other hand, any unanticipated appreciation in the value of the Fund's portfolio securities would be substantially offset by a decline in the value of the futures position. On other occasions, the Fund may take a "long" position by purchasing futures contracts. This would be done, for example, when the Fund anticipates the subsequent purchase of particular securities when it has the necessary cash, but expects the prices then available in the applicable market to be less favorable than prices that are currently available. The Fund may also purchase futures contracts as a substitute for transactions in securities, to alter the investment characteristics of portfolio securities or to gain or increase its exposure to a particular securities market. Options on Futures Contracts. The Fund may purchase and write options on futures for the same purposes as its transactions in futures contracts. The purchase of put and call options on futures contracts will give the Fund the right (but not the obligation) for a specified price to sell or to purchase, respectively, the underlying futures contract at any time during the option period. As the purchaser of an option on a futures contract, the Fund obtains the benefit of the futures position if prices move in a favorable direction but limits its risk of loss in the event of an unfavorable price movement to the loss of the premium and transaction costs. The writing of a call option on a futures contract generates a premium which may partially offset a decline in the value of the Fund's assets. By writing a call option, the Fund becomes obligated, in exchange for the premium (upon exercise of the option) to sell a futures contract if the option is exercised, which may have a value higher than the exercise price. Conversely, the writing of a put option on a futures contract generates a premium which may partially offset an increase in the price of securities that the Fund intends to purchase. However, the Fund becomes obligated (upon exercise of the option) to purchase a futures contract if the option is exercised, which may have a value lower than the exercise price. The loss incurred by the Fund in writing options on futures is potentially unlimited and may exceed the amount of the premium received. 9 The holder or writer of an option on a futures contract may terminate its position by selling or purchasing an offsetting option of the same series. There is no guarantee that such closing transactions can be effected. The Fund's ability to establish and close out positions on such options will be subject to the development and maintenance of a liquid market. Other Considerations. The Fund will engage in futures and related options transactions either for bona fide hedging purposes or to seek to increase total return as permitted by the CFTC. To the extent that the Fund is using futures and related options for hedging purposes, futures contracts will be sold to protect against a decline in the price of securities that the Fund owns or futures contracts will be purchased to protect the Fund against an increase in the price of securities it intends to purchase. The Fund will determine that the price fluctuations in the futures contracts and options on futures used for hedging purposes are substantially related to price fluctuations in securities held by the Fund or securities or instruments which it expects to purchase. As evidence of its hedging intent, the Fund expects that on 75% or more of the occasions on which it takes a long futures or option position (involving the purchase of futures contracts), the Fund will have purchased, or will be in the process of purchasing, equivalent amounts of related securities in the cash market at the time when the futures or option position is closed out. However, in particular cases, when it is economically advantageous for the Fund to do so, a long futures position may be terminated or an option may expire without the corresponding purchase of securities or other assets. To the extent that the Fund engages in nonhedging transactions in futures contracts and options on futures, the aggregate initial margin and premiums required to establish these nonhedging positions will not exceed 5% of the net asset value of the Fund's portfolio, after taking into account unrealized profits and losses on any such positions and excluding the amount by which such options were in-the-money at the time of purchase. Transactions in futures contracts and options on futures involve brokerage costs, require margin deposits and, in the case of contracts and options obligating the Fund to purchase securities, require the Fund to establish a segregated account consisting of cash or liquid securities in an amount equal to the underlying value of such contracts and options. While transactions in futures contracts and options on futures may reduce certain risks, these transactions themselves entail certain other risks. For example, unanticipated changes in interest rates or securities prices may result in a poorer overall performance for the Fund than if it had not entered into any futures contracts or options transactions. Perfect correlation between the Fund's futures positions and portfolio positions will be impossible to achieve. In the event of an imperfect correlation between a futures position and a portfolio position which is intended to be protected, the desired protection may not be obtained and the Fund may be exposed to risk of loss. Some futures contracts or options on futures may become illiquid under adverse market conditions. In addition, during periods of market volatility, a commodity exchange may suspend or limit trading in a futures contract or related option, which may make the instrument temporarily illiquid and difficult to price. Commodity exchanges may also establish daily limits on the amount that the price of a futures contract or related option can vary from the previous day's settlement price. Once the daily limit is reached, no trades may be made that day at a price beyond the limit. This may prevent the Fund from closing out positions and limiting its losses. 10 Forward Commitment and When-Issued Securities. The Fund may purchase securities on a when-issued or forward commitment basis. "When-issued" refers to securities whose terms are available and for which a market exists, but which have not been issued. The Fund will engage in when-issued transactions with respect to securities purchased for its portfolio in order to obtain what is considered to be an advantageous price and yield at the time of the transaction. For when-issued transactions, no payment is made until delivery is due, often a month or more after the purchase. In a forward commitment transaction, the Fund contracts to purchase securities for a fixed price at a future date beyond customary settlement time. When the Fund engages in forward commitment and when-issued transactions, it relies on the seller to consummate the transaction. The failure of the issuer or seller to consummate the transaction may result in the Fund's losing the opportunity to obtain a price and yield considered to be advantageous. The purchase of securities on a when- issued or forward commitment basis also involves a risk of loss if the value of the security to be purchased declines prior to the settlement date. On the date the Fund enters into an agreement to purchase securities on a when-issued or forward commitment basis, the Fund will segregate in a separate account cash or liquid securities, of any type or maturity, equal in value to the Fund's commitment. These assets will be valued daily at market, and additional cash or securities will be segregated in a separate account to the extent that the total value of the assets in the account declines below the amount of the when-issued commitments. Alternatively, the Fund may enter into offsetting contracts for the forward sale of other securities that it owns. Mortgage "Dollar Roll" Transactions. The Fund may enter into mortgage "dollar roll" transactions with selected banks and broker-dealers pursuant to which the Fund sells mortgage-backed securities and simultaneously contracts to repurchase substantially similar (same type, coupon and maturity) securities on a specified future date. The Fund will only enter into covered rolls. A "covered roll" is a specific type of dollar roll for which there is an offsetting cash position or a cash equivalent security position which matures on or before the forward settlement date of the dollar roll transaction. Covered rolls are not treated as a borrowing or other senior security and will be excluded from the calculation of the Fund's borrowings and other senior securities. For financial reporting and tax purposes, the Fund treats mortgage dollar rolls as two separate transactions; one involving the purchase of a security and a separate transaction involving a sale. Asset-Backed Securities. The Fund may invest a portion of its assets in asset-backed securities. Asset-backed securities are often subject to more rapid repayment than their stated maturity date would indicate as a result of the pass-through of prepayments of principal on the underlying loans. During periods of declining interest rates, prepayment of loans underlying asset-backed securities can be expected to accelerate. Accordingly, the Fund's ability to maintain positions in these securities will be affected by reductions in the principal amount of such securities resulting from prepayments, and its ability to reinvest the returns of principal at comparable yields is subject to generally prevailing interest rates at that time. Credit card receivables are generally unsecured and the debtors on such receivables are entitled to the protection of a number of state and federal consumer credit laws, many of which give such debtors the right to set-off certain amounts owed on the credit cards, thereby reducing the balance due. Automobile receivables generally are secured, but by automobiles rather than residential real property. Most issuers of automobile receivables permit the loan servicers to retain possession of the underlying obligations. If the servicer were to sell these obligations to another party, there is a risk that 11 the purchaser would acquire an interest superior to that of the holders of the asset- backed securities. In addition, because of the large number of vehicles involved in a typical issuance and technical requirements under state laws, the trustee for the holders of the automobile receivables may not have a proper security interest in the underlying automobiles. Therefore, there is the possibility that, in some cases, recoveries on repossessed collateral may not be available to support payments on these securities. Swaps, Caps, Floors and Collars. As one way of managing its exposure to different types of investments, the Fund may enter into interest rate swaps, currency swaps, and other types of swap agreements such as caps, collars and floors. In a typical interest rate swap, one party agrees to make regular payments equal to a floating interest rate times a "notional principal amount," in return for payments equal to a fixed rate times the same amount, for a specified period of time. If a swap agreement provides for payment in different currencies, the parties might agree to exchange the notional principal amount as well. Swaps may also depend on other prices or rates, such as the value of an index or mortgage prepayment rates. In a typical cap or floor agreement, one party agrees to make payments only under specified circumstances, usually in return for payment of a fee by the other party. For example, the buyer of an interest rate cap obtains the right to receive payments to the extent that a specified interest rate exceeds an agreed-upon level, while the seller of an interest rate floor is obligated to make payments to the extent that a specified interest rate falls below an agreed-upon level. An interest rate collar combines elements of buying a cap and selling a floor. Swap agreements will tend to shift the Fund's investment exposure from one type of investment to another. For example, if the Fund agreed to exchange payments in dollars for payments in a foreign currency, the swap agreement would tend to decrease the Fund's exposure to U.S. interest rates and increase its exposure to foreign currency and interest rates. Caps and floors have an effect similar to buying or writing options. Depending on how they are used, swap agreements may increase or decrease the overall volatility of a Fund's investments and its share price and yield. Swap agreements are sophisticated hedging instruments that typically involve a small investment of cash relative to the magnitude of risks assumed. As a result, swaps can be highly volatile and may have a considerable impact on the Fund's performance. Swap agreements are subject to risks related to the counterparty's ability to perform, and may decline in value if the counterparty's creditworthiness deteriorates. The Fund may also suffer losses if it is unable to terminate outstanding swap agreements or reduce its exposure through offsetting transactions. The Fund will maintain in a segregated account with its custodian, cash or liquid, high grade debt securities equal to the net amount, if any, of the excess of the Fund's obligations over its entitlements with respect to swap, cap, collar or floor transactions. Pay-In-Kind, Delayed and Zero Coupon Bonds. The Fund may invest in pay-in- kind, delayed and zero coupon bonds. These are securities issued at a discount from their face value because interest payments are typically postponed until maturity. The amount of the discount rate varies depending on factors including the time remaining until maturity, prevailing interest rates, the security's liquidity and the issuer's credit quality. These securities also may take the form of debt securities that have been stripped of their interest payments. A portion of the discount with respect to stripped tax-exempt securities or their coupons may be taxable. The market prices in pay-in-kind, delayed and zero coupon bonds generally are more volatile than the market prices of interest-bearing securities and are likely to respond to a greater degree to changes in interest rates than interest-bearing securities having similar maturities and credit quality. The Fund's investments in pay-in-kind, delayed and zero coupon bonds may require the Fund to sell certain of its portfolio securities to generate sufficient cash to satisfy certain income distribution requirements. See "TAX STATUS." 12 Brady Bonds. The Fund may invest in Brady Bonds and other sovereign debt securities of countries that have restructured or are in the process of restructuring sovereign debt pursuant to the Brady Plan. Brady Bonds are debt securities described as part of a restructuring plan created by U.S. Treasury Secretary Nicholas F. Brady in 1989 as a mechanism for debtor nations to restructure their outstanding external indebtedness (generally, commercial bank debt). In restructuring its external debt under the Brady Plan framework, a debtor nation negotiates with its existing bank lenders as well as multilateral institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (the "IMF"). The Brady Plan facilitates the exchange of commercial bank debt for newly issued bonds (known as Brady Bonds). The World Bank and the IMF provide funds pursuant to loan agreements or other arrangements which enable the debtor nation to collateralize the new Brady Bonds or to repurchase outstanding bank debt at a discount. Under these arrangements the IMF debtor nations are required to implement domestic monetary and fiscal reforms. These reforms have included the liberalization of trade and foreign investment, the privatization of state-owned enterprises and the setting of targets for public spending and borrowing. These policies and programs seek to promote the debtor country's ability to service its external obligations and promote its economic growth and development. The Brady Plan only sets forth general guiding principles for economic reform and debt reduction, emphasizing that solutions must be negotiated on a case-by-case basis between debtor nations and their creditors. The Adviser believes that economic reforms undertaken by countries in connection with the issuance of Brady Bonds make the debt of countries which have issued or have announced plans to issue Brady Bonds an attractive opportunity for investment. Brady Bonds may involve a high degree of risk, may be in default or present the risk of default. Agreements implemented under the Brady Plan to date are designed to achieve debt and debt-service reduction through specific options negotiated by a debtor nation with its creditors. As a result, the financial packages offered by each country differ. The types of options have included the exchange of outstanding commercial bank debt for bonds issued at 100% of face value of such debt, bonds issued at a discount of face value of such debt, bonds bearing an interest rate which increases over time and bonds issued in exchange for the advancement of new money by existing lenders. Certain Brady Bonds have been collateralized as to principal due at maturity by U.S. Treasury zero coupon bonds with a maturity equal to the final maturity of such Brady Bonds, although the collateral is not available to investors until the final maturity of the Brady Bonds. Collateral purchases are financed by the IMF, the World Bank and the debtor nations' reserves. In addition, the first two or three interest payments on certain types of Brady Bonds may be collateralized by cash or securities agreed upon by creditors. Although Brady Bonds may be collateralized by U.S. Government securities, repayment of principal and interest is not guaranteed by the U.S. Government. Lending of Securities. The Fund may lend portfolio securities to brokers, dealers, and financial institutions if the loan is collateralized by cash or U.S. Government securities according to applicable regulatory requirements. The Fund may reinvest any cash collateral in short-term securities and money market funds. When the Fund lends portfolio securities, there is a risk that the borrower may fail to return the securities involved in the transaction. As a result, the Fund may incur a loss or, in the event of the borrower's bankruptcy, the Fund may be delayed in or prevented from liquidating the collateral. It is a fundamental policy of the Fund not to lend portfolio securities having a total value exceeding 33 1/3% of its total assets. Rights and Warrants. The Fund may purchase warrants and rights which are securities permitting, but not obligating, their holder to purchase the underlying securities at a predetermined price, subject to the Fund's Investment Restrictions. Generally, warrants and stock purchase rights do not carry with them the right to receive dividends or exercise voting rights with respect to the underlying securities, and they do not represent any rights in the assets of the issuer. As a result, an investment in warrants and rights may be considered 13 to entail greater investment risk than certain other types of investments. In addition, the value of warrants and rights does not necessarily change with the value of the underlying securities, and they cease to have value if they are not exercised on or prior to their expiration date. Investment in warrants and rights increases the potential profit or loss to be realized from the investment of a given amount of the Fund's assets as compared with investing the same amount in the underlying stock. Short-Term Trading and Portfolio Turnover. Short-term trading means the purchase and subsequent sale of a security after it has been held for a relatively brief period of time. The Fund may engage in short-term trading in response to stock market conditions, changes in interest rates or other economic trends and developments, or to take advantage of yield disparities between various fixed income securities in order to realize capital gains or improve income. Short term trading may have the effect of increasing portfolio turnover rate. A high rate of portfolio turnover (100% or greater) involves correspondingly greater brokerage expenses. The Fund's portfolio turnover rate is set forth in the table under the caption "Financial Highlights" in the Prospectus. The Fund intends to use short-term trading of securities as a means of managing its portfolio to achieve its investment objective. The Fund, in reaching a decision to sell one security and purchase another security at approximately the same time, will take into account a number of factors, including the quality ratings, interest rates, yields, maturity dates, call prices, and refunding and sinking fund provisions of the securities under consideration, as well as historical yield spreads and current economic information. The success of short-term trading will depend upon the ability of the Fund to evaluate particular securities, to anticipate relevant market factors, including trends of interest rates and earnings and variations from such trends, to obtain relevant information, to evaluate it promptly, and to take advantage of its evaluations by completing transactions on a favorable basis. It is expected that the expenses involved in short-term trading, which would not be incurred by an investment company which does not use this portfolio technique, will be significantly less than the profits and other benefits which will accrue to shareholders. The portfolio turnover rate will depend on a number of factors, including the fact that the Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"). Accordingly, the Fund intends to limit its short-term trading so that less than 30% of the Fund's gross annual income (including all dividend and interest income and gross realized capital gains, both short and long-term, without being offset for realized capital losses) will be derived from gross realized gains on the sale or other disposition of securities held for less than three months. This limitation, which must be met by all mutual funds in order to obtain such Federal tax treatment, at certain times may prevent the Fund from realizing capital gains on some securities held for less than three months. INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS Fundamental Investment Restrictions. The following investment restrictions will not be changed without approval of a majority of the Fund's outstanding voting securities which, as used in the Prospectus and this Statement of Additional Information, means approval by the lesser of (1) the holders of 67% or more of the Fund's shares represented at a meeting if more than 50% of the Fund's outstanding shares are present in person or by proxy at that meeting or (2) more than 50% of the Fund's outstanding shares. The Fund may not: (1) Issue senior securities, except as permitted by paragraphs (2), (6) and (7) below. For purposes of this restriction, the issuance of shares of beneficial interest in multiple classes or series, the purchase or sale of options, futures contracts and options on futures contracts, forward commitments, forward foreign exchange contracts and repurchase agreements entered into in accordance with the Fund's investment policy, and the pledge, mortgage or hypothecation of the Fund's assets within the meaning of paragraph (3) below are not deemed to be senior securities. 14 (2) Borrow money, except from banks as a temporary measure for extraordinary emergency purposes in amounts not to exceed 33 1/3% of the Fund's total assets (including the amount borrowed) taken at market value. The Fund will not use leverage to attempt to increase income. The Fund will not purchase securities while outstanding borrowings exceed 5% of the Fund's total assets. (3) Pledge, mortgage, or hypothecate its assets, except to secure indebtedness permitted by paragraph (2) above and then only if such pledging, mortgaging or hypothecating does not exceed 33 1/3% of the Fund's total assets taken at market value. (4) Act as an underwriter, except to the extent that, in connection with the disposition of portfolio securities, the Fund may be deemed to be an underwriter for purposes of the 1933 Act. (5) Purchase or sell real estate or any interest therein, except that the Fund may invest in securities of corporate or governmental entities secured by real estate or marketable interests therein or issued by companies that invest in real estate or interests therein. (6) Make loans, except that the Fund (1) may lend portfolio securities in accordance with the Fund's investment policies up to 33 1/3% of the Fund's total assets taken at market value, (2) enter into repurchase agreements, and (3) purchase all or a portion of an issue of publicly distributed debt securities, bank loan participation interests, bank certificates of deposit, bankers' acceptances, debentures or other securities, whether or not the purchase is made upon the original issuance of the securities. (7) Invest in commodities or commodity contracts or in puts, calls, or combinations of both, except interest rate futures contracts, options on securities, securities indices, currency and other financial instruments and options on such futures contracts, forward foreign currency exchange contracts, forward commitments, securities index put or call warrants and repurchase agreements entered into in accordance with the Fund's investment policies. (8) Purchase the securities of issuers conducting their principal business activity in the same industry if, immediately after such purchase, the value of its investments in such industry would exceed 25% of its total assets taken at market value at the time of each investment. This limitation does not apply to investments in obligations of the U.S. Government or any of its agencies or instrumentalities. (9) Purchase securities of an issuer, (other than the U.S. Government, its agencies or instrumentalities) if (a) Such purchase would cause more than 5% of the Fund's total assets taken at market value to be invested in the securities of such issuer, or (b) Such purchase would at the time result in more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities of such issuer being held by the Fund. In connection with the lending of portfolio securities under item (6) above, such loans must at all times be fully collateralized by cash or securities of the U.S. Government or its agencies or instrumentalities and the Fund's custodian must take possession of the collateral either physically or in book entry form. Any cash collateral will consist of short-term high quality debt instruments. Securities used as collateral must be marked to market daily. 15 Non-fundamental Investment Restrictions. The following investment restrictions are designated as non-fundamental and may be changed by the Trustees without shareholder approval: The Fund may not: (a) Participate on a joint or joint-and-several basis in any securities trading account. The "bunching" of orders for the sale or purchase of marketable portfolio securities with other accounts under the management of the Adviser to save commissions or to average prices among them is not deemed to result in a securities trading account. (b) Purchase securities on margin or make short sales, except margin deposits in connection with transactions in options, futures contracts, options on futures contracts and other arbitrage transactions or unless by virtue of its ownership of other securities, the Fund has the right to obtain securities equivalent in kind and amount to the securities sold and, if the right is conditional, the sale is made upon the same conditions, except that the Fund may obtain such short-term credits as may be necessary for the clearance of purchases and sales of securities and in connection with transactions involving forward foreign currency exchange transactions. (c) Invest for the purpose of exercising control over or management of any company. (d) Invest more than 15% of its net assets in illiquid securities. (e) Purchase a security if, as a result, (i) more than 10% of the Fund's total assets would be invested in the securities of other investment companies, (ii) the Fund would hold more than 3% of the total outstanding voting securities of any one investment company, or (iii) more than 5% of the Fund's total assets would be invested in the securities of any one investment company. These limitations do not apply to (a) the investment of cash collateral, received by the Fund in connection with lending the Fund's portfolio securities, in the securities of open-end investment companies or (b) the purchase of shares of any investment company in connection with a merger, consolidation, reorganization or purchase of substantially all of the assets of another investment company. Subject to the above percentage limitations, the Fund may, in connection with the John Hancock Group of Funds Deferred Compensation Plan for Independent Trustees/Directors, purchase securities of other investment companies within the John Hancock Group of Funds. If a percentage restriction on investment or utilization of assets as set forth above is adhered to at the time an investment is made, a later change in percentage resulting from changes in the value of the Fund's assets will not be considered a violation of the restriction. The Funds will invest only in countries on the Adviser's Approved Country Listing. The Approved Country Listing is a list maintained by the Adviser's investment department that outlines all countries, including the United States, that have been approved for investment by Funds managed by the Adviser. THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR MANAGEMENT The business of the Fund is managed by its Trustees of the Trust, who elect officers who are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Fund and who execute policies formulated by the Trustees. Several of the officers and Trustees of the Fund are also Officers and Directors of the Adviser or Officers and Directors of the Fund's principal distributor, John Hancock Funds, Inc. ("John Hancock Funds"). 16
Positions Held Principal Occupation(s) Name and Address With the Company During the Past Five Years ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------- Maureen R. Ford * Trustee, Chairman, President, Broker/Dealer 101 Huntington Avenue President and Chief Distributor, John Hancock Life Boston, MA 02199 Executive Officer Insurance Company; Chairman, March 1950 (1,2) Director, President and Chief Executive Officer, the Adviser and The Berkeley Group; Chairman, Director and Chief Executive Officer, John Hancock Funds; Chairman, Director and President, Insurance Agency, Inc.; Chairman, Director and Chief Executive Officer, Sovereign Asset Management Corporation (SAMCorp.); Senior Vice President, MassMutual Insurance Co. (until 1999); Senior Vice President, Connecticut Mutual Insurance Co. (until 1996). John M. DeCiccio* Trustee Executive Vice President and Chief John Hancock Place Investment Officer John Hancock P.O. Box 111 Financial Services, Inc.; Director, Boston, MA 02117 Executive Vice President and Chief July 1948 Investment Officer, John Hancock Life Insurance Company; Chairman of the Committee of Finance of John Hancock Life Insurance Company; Director, John Hancock Subsidiaries, Inc., Hancock Natural Resource Group, Independence Investment LLC, Independence Fixed Income LLC, The Berkeley Group, the Adviser, John Hancock Funds, Massachusetts Business Development Corporation; Director, Insurance Agency Inc. (until 1999) and John Hancock Signature Services, Inc. (until 1997). Dennis S. Aronowitz Trustee Professor of Law, Emeritus, Boston 101 Huntington Avenue University School of Law (as of Boston, MA 02199 1996); Director, Brookline Bancorp. June 1931 Richard P. Chapman, Jr. Trustee (1) Chairman, President, and Chief 101 Huntington Avenue Executive Officer, Brookline Boston, MA 02199 Bancorp. (lending); Trustee, February 1935 Northeastern University (education); Director, Depositors Insurance Fund, Inc. (insurance). ------------------- * Trustee may be deemed to be an "interested person" of the Fund as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940. (1) Member of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may generally exercise most of the powers of the Board of Trustees. (2) A member of the Investment Committee of the Adviser. 17 Positions Held Principal Occupation(s) Name and Address With the Company During the Past Five Years ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------- William J. Cosgrove Trustee Vice President, Senior Banker and 101 Huntington Avenue Senior Credit Officer, Citibank, Boston, MA 02199 N.A. (retired September 1991); January 1933 Executive Vice President, Citadel Group Representatives, Inc.; Trustee, the Hudson City Savings Bank (since 1995). Richard A. Farrell Trustee President of Farrell, Healer & Co., 101 Huntington Avenue (venture capital management firm) Boston, MA 02199 (since 1980); Prior to 1980, headed November 1932 the venture capital group at Bank of Boston Corporation. Gail D. Fosler Trustee Senior Vice President and Chief 101 Huntington Avenue Economist, The Conference Board Boston, MA 02199 (non-profit economic and business December 1947 research); Director, Unisys Corp.; Director H.B. Fuller Company; and DBS Holdings (Singapore) (Banking and Financial Services); Director, National Bureau of Economic Research (academic). William F. Glavin Trustee President Emeritus, Babson College 101 Huntington Avenue (as of 1997); Vice Chairman, Xerox Boston, MA 02199 Corporation (until June 1989); March 1932 Director, Reebok, Inc. (since 1994) and Inco Ltd. Dr. John A. Moore Trustee President and Chief Executive 101 Huntington Avenue Officer, Institute for Evaluating Boston, MA 02199 Health Risks, (nonprofit February 1939 institution) (since September 1989). Patti McGill Peterson Trustee Executive Director, Council for 101 Huntington Avenue International Exchange of Scholars Boston, MA 02199 (since January 1998), Vice May 1943 President, Institute of International Education (since January 1998); Senior Fellow, Cornell Institute of Public Affairs, Cornell University (until December 1997); President Emerita of Wells College and St. Lawrence University; Director, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation (electric utility). John W. Pratt Trustee Professor of Business 101 Huntington Avenue Administration Emeritus, Harvard Boston, MA 02199 University Graduate School of September 1931 Business Administration (as of June 1998). ------------------- * Trustee may be deemed to be an "interested person" of the Fund as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940. (1) Member of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may generally exercise most of the powers of the Board of Trustees. (2) A member of the Investment Committee of the Adviser. 18 Positions Held Principal Occupation(s) Name and Address With the Company During the Past Five Years ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------- William L. Braman Executive Vice Executive Vice President and Chief 101 Huntington Avenue President and Chief Investment Officer, the Adviser and Boston, MA 02199 Investment Officer (2) each of the John Hancock Funds; December 1953 Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Barring Asset Management, London UK (until May 2000). Richard A. Brown Senior Vice President Senior Vice President and Chief 101 Huntington Avenue and Chief Financial Financial Officer of the Adviser, Boston, MA 02199 Officer (2) John Hancock Funds, and The April 1949 Berkeley Group; Second Vice President and Senior Associate Controller, Corporate Tax Department, John Hancock Financial Services, Inc. (until January 2001). Susan S. Newton Senior Vice Senior Vice President and Chief 101 Huntington Avenue President, Secretary Legal Officer the Adviser; John Boston, MA 02199 and Chief Legal Hancock Funds; Vice President March 1950 Officer Signature Services (until May 2000), The Berkeley Group, NM Capital and SAMCorp. William H. King Vice President and Vice President and Treasurer, the 101 Huntington Avenue Treasurer Adviser. Boston, MA 02199 July 1952 Thomas H. Connors Vice President and Vice President and Compliance 101 Huntington Avenue Compliance Officer Officer, the Adviser; Vice Boston, MA 02199 President, John Hancock Funds. September 1959 ------------------- * Trustee may be deemed to be an "interested person" of the Fund as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940. (1) Member of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may generally exercise most of the powers of the Board of Trustees. (2) A member of the Investment Committee of the Adviser.
19 The following table provides information regarding the compensation paid by the Fund and the other investment companies in the John Hancock Fund Complex to the Independent Trustees for their services. Ms. Ford and Mr. DeCiccio, each a non-Independent Trustee, and each of the officers of the Fund are interested persons of the Adviser, are compensated by the Adviser and/or its affiliates and receive no compensation from the Fund for their services. Aggregate Total Compensation From Compensation the Fund and John Hancock Fund Independent Trustees From the Fund(1) Complex to Trustees(2) -------------------- ---------------- ------------------------------ Dennis S. Aronowitz $ 8,551 $ 75,000 Richard P. Chapman, Jr.* 8,973 78,000 William J. Cosgrove* 8,141 72,000 Leland O. Erdahl+ 3,216 72,100 Richard A. Farrell 8,385 75,000 Gail D. Fosler 8,307 68,000 William F. Glavin* 7,689 64,000 Dr. John A. Moore* 8,319 72,100 Patti McGill Peterson 7,849 70,350 John W. Pratt 8,141 72,000 ---------- --------- Total $77,571 $718,550 (1) Compensation is for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2001. (2) Total compensation paid by the John Hancock Funds Complex to the Independent Trustees is as of December 31, 2000. As of this date, there were sixty-nine funds in the John Hancock Fund Complex, with each of these Independent Trustees serving on thirty-one funds. +As of February 28, 2001, Mr. Erdahl resigned as Trustee of the Complex. * As of December 31, 2000, the value of the aggregate accrued deferred compensation amount from all funds in the John Hancock Funds Complex for Mr. Chapman was $85,948, Mr. Cosgrove was $218,258, Mr. Glavin was $317,363 and for Dr. Moore was $263,160 under the John Hancock Group of Funds Deferred Compensation Plan for Independent Trustees. All of the officers listed are officers or employees of the Adviser or affiliated companies. Some of the Trustees and officers may also be officers and/or directors and/or Trustees of one or more of the other funds for which the Adviser serves as investment adviser. As of August 1, 2001, the officers and Trustees of the Fund as a group beneficially owned less than 1% of the outstanding shares of the Fund. As of that date, the following shareholders beneficially owned 5% of or more of the outstanding shares of the Funds listed below: 20 Class of Percentage of Total Outstanding Name and Address of Shareholders Shares Shares of the Class of the Fund -------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------- MLPF&S For The Sole B 23.43% Benefit of Its Customers Attn Fund Administration 97C84 4800 Deer Lake Drive East Jacksonville FL 32246-6484 MLPF&S For The Sole C 46.39% Benefit of Its Customers Attn Fund Administration 4800 Deer Lake Drive East Jacksonville FL 32246-6484 INVESTMENT ADVISORY AND OTHER SERVICES The Adviser, located at 101 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02199-7603, was organized in 1968 and has more than $30 billion in assets under management in its capacity as investment adviser to the Fund and the other funds in the John Hancock group of funds as well as retail and institutional privately managed accounts. The Adviser is an affiliate of the Life Company, one of the most recognized and respected financial institutions in the nation. With total assets under management of more than $100 billion, the Life Company is one of the ten largest life insurance companies in the United States, and carries a high rating from Standard & Poor's and A. M. Best. Founded in 1862, the Life Company has been serving clients for over 130 years. The Fund has entered into an investment management contract (the "Advisory Agreement") with the Adviser which was approved by the Fund's shareholders. Pursuant to the Advisory Agreement, the Adviser will: (a) furnish continuously an investment program for the Fund and determine, subject to the overall supervision and review of the Trustees, which investments should be purchased, held, sold or exchanged and (b) provide supervision over all aspects of the Fund's operations except those which are delegated to a custodian, transfer agent or other agent. The Fund bears all costs of its organization and operation, including but not limited to expenses of preparing, printing and mailing all shareholders' reports, notices, prospectuses, proxy statements and reports to regulatory agencies; expenses relating to the issuance, registration and qualification of shares; government fees; interest charges; expenses of furnishing to shareholders their account statements; taxes; expenses of redeeming shares; brokerage and other expenses connected with the execution of portfolio securities transactions; expenses pursuant to the Fund's plan of distribution; fees and expenses of custodians including those for keeping books and accounts, maintaining a committed line of credit and calculating the net asset value of shares; fees and expenses of transfer agents and dividend disbursing agents; legal, accounting, financial, management, tax and auditing fees and expenses of the Fund (including an allocable portion of the cost of the Adviser's employees rendering such services to the Fund); the compensation and expenses of Trustees who are not otherwise affiliated with the Trust, the Adviser or any of their affiliates; expenses of Trustees' and shareholders' meetings; trade association memberships; insurance premiums; and any extraordinary expenses. 21 As compensation for its services under the Advisory Agreement, the Fund pays the Adviser monthly a fee based on a stated percentage of the average of the daily net assets of the Fund as follows: Average Daily Net Assets Annual Rate ------------------------ ----------- First $1,500,000,000 0.50% Next $500,000,000 0.45% Next $500,000,000 0.40% Amount Over $2,500,000,0000 0.35% From time to time, the Adviser may reduce its fee or make other arrangements to limit the Fund's expenses to a specified percentage of average daily net assets. The Adviser retains the right to re-impose a fee and recover any other payments to the extent that, at the end of any fiscal year, the Fund's annual expenses fall below this limit. For the fiscal years ended May 31, 1999, 2000 and 2001, the Adviser received fees of $7,686,223, $7,206,180 and $6,760,696, respectively. Securities held by the Fund may also be held by other funds or investment advisory clients for which the Adviser or its affiliates provides investment advice. Because of different investment objectives or other factors, a particular security may be bought for one or more funds or clients when one or more are selling the same security. If opportunities for the purchase or sale of securities by the Adviser for the Fund for other funds or clients, for which the Adviser renders investment advice, arise for consideration at or about the same time, transactions in such securities will be made, insofar as feasible, for the respective funds or clients in a manner deemed equitable to all of them. To the extent that transactions on behalf of more than one client of the Adviser or its affiliates may increase the demand for securities being purchased or the supply of securities being sold, there may be an adverse effect on price. Pursuant to the Advisory Agreement, the Adviser is not liable for any error of judgment or mistake of law or for any loss suffered by the Fund in connection with the matters to which its Advisory Agreement relates, except a loss resulting from willful misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence on the part of the Adviser in the performance of its duties or from reckless disregard of the obligations and duties under the Advisory Agreement. Under the Advisory Agreement, the Fund may use the name "John Hancock" or any name derived from or similar to it only for so long as the Advisory Agreement or any extension, renewal or amendment thereof remains in effect. If the Advisory Agreement is no longer in effect, the Fund (to the extent that it lawfully can) will cease to use such a name or any other name indicating that it is advised by or otherwise connected with the Adviser. In addition, the Adviser or the Life Company may grant the nonexclusive right to use the name "John Hancock" or any similar name to any other corporation or entity, including but not limited to any investment company of which the Life Company or any subsidiary or affiliate thereof or any successor to the business of any subsidiary or affiliate thereof shall be the investment adviser. The continuation of the Advisory Agreement and Distribution Agreement was approved by all of the Trustees. The Advisory Agreement, and the Distribution Agreement discussed below, will continue in effect from year to year, provided that its continuance is approved annually both (i) by the holders of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of the Trust or by the Trustees, and (ii) by a majority of the Trustees who are not parties to the Agreement or "interested persons" of any such parties. Both agreements may be terminated on 60 days written notice by any party or by a vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund and will terminate automatically if assigned. 22 Accounting and Legal Services Agreement. The Trust, on behalf of the Fund, is a party to an Accounting and Legal Services Agreement with the Adviser. Pursuant to this agreement, the Adviser provides the Fund with certain tax, accounting and legal services. For the fiscal years ended May 31, 1999, 2000 and 2001, the Fund paid the Adviser $226,136, $276,177 and $262,846, respectively, for services under this Agreement. Personnel of the Adviser and its affiliates may trade securities for their personal accounts. The Fund also may hold, or may be buying or selling, the same securities. To prevent the Fund from being disadvantaged, the adviser(s), principal underwriter and the Fund have adopted a code of ethics which restricts the trading activity of those personnel. DISTRIBUTION CONTRACTS The Fund has a Distribution Agreement with John Hancock Funds. Under the agreement, John Hancock Funds is obligated to use its best efforts to sell shares of each class of the Fund. Shares of the Fund are also sold by selected broker-dealers (the "Selling Brokers") which have entered into selling agency agreements with John Hancock Funds. These Selling Brokers are authorized to designate other intermediaries to receive purchase and redemption orders on behalf of the Fund. John Hancock Funds accepts orders for the purchase of the shares of the Fund which are continually offered at net asset value next determined, plus any applicable sales charge, if any. In connection with the sale of Fund shares, John Hancock Funds and Selling Brokers receive compensation from a sales charge imposed, in the case of Class A and Class C shares, at the time of sale. In the case of Class B or Class C shares, the broker receives compensation immediately but John Hancock Funds is compensated on a deferred basis. Total underwriting commissions for sales of the Fund's Class A shares for the fiscal years ended May 31, 1999, 2000 and 2001 was $1,782,697, $825,833 and $1,043,537, respectively. Of such amounts $137,960, $72,056 and $105,641, were retained by John Hancock Funds for 1999, 2000 and 2001. Total underwriting commissions for sales of the Fund's Class C shares for the period from May 1, 2000 to May 31, 2000 and for the fiscal year May 31, 2001 was $9,774 and $167,416, respectively. Of such amounts no commissions were retained by John Hancock Funds. The remainder of the underwriting commissions were reallowed to Selling Broker . The Fund's Trustees adopted Distribution Plans with respect to each class of shares (the "Plans") pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the "Investment Company Act"). Under the Plans, the Fund will pay distribution and service fees at an aggregate annual rate of up to 0.30% for Class A shares and 1.00% for Class B and Class C shares of the Fund's average daily net assets attributable to shares of that class. However, the service fee will not exceed 0.25% of the Fund's average daily net assets attributable to each class of shares. The distribution fees will be used to reimburse the John Hancock Funds for its distribution expenses, including but not limited to: (i) initial and ongoing sales compensation to Selling Brokers and others (including affiliates of the John Hancock Funds) engaged in the sale of Fund shares; (ii) marketing, promotional and overhead expenses incurred in connection with the distribution of Fund shares; and (iii) with respect to Class B and Class C shares only, interest expenses on unreimbursed distribution expenses. The service fees will be used to compensate Selling Brokers and others for providing personal and account maintenance services to shareholders. In the event that 23 John Hancock Funds is not fully reimbursed for payments or expenses they incur under the Class A Plan, these expenses will not be carried beyond twelve months from the date they were incurred. Unreimbursed expenses under the Class B and Class C Plans will be carried forward together with interest on the balance of these unreimbursed expenses. The Fund does not treat the unreimbursed expenses under the Class B and Class C Plans as a liability of the Fund because the Trustees may terminate the Class B and/or Class C Plan at any time with no additional liability for these expenses to the shareholders and the Fund. For the fiscal year ended May 31, 2001, an aggregate of $6,911,125 of distribution expenses or 3.38% of the average net assets of the Class B shares of the Fund, was not reimbursed or recovered by John Hancock Funds through the receipt of deferred sales charges or Rule 12b-1 fees in prior periods. For the fiscal year ended May 31, 2001, an aggregate of $0 of distribution expenses or 0% of the average net assets of the Class C shares of the Fund, was not reimbursed or recovered by John Hancock Funds through the receipt of deferred sales charges or Rule 12b-1 fees. The Plans and all amendments were approved by the Trustees, including a majority of the Trustees who are not interested persons of the Fund and who have no direct or indirect financial interest in the operation of the Plans (the "Independent Trustees"), by votes cast in person at meetings called for the purpose of voting on these Plans. Pursuant to the Plans, at least quarterly, John Hancock Funds provides the Fund with a written report of the amounts expended under the Plans and the purpose for which these expenditures were made. The Trustees review these reports on a quarterly basis to determine their continued appropriateness. The Plans provide that they will continue in effect only so long as their continuance is approved at least annually by a majority of both the Trustees and the Independent Trustees. The Plans provide that they may be terminated without penalty (a) by vote of a majority of the Independent Trustees, (b) by a vote of a majority of the Fund's outstanding shares of the applicable class in each case upon 60 days' written notice to John Hancock Funds, and (c) automatically in the event of assignment. The Plans further provide that they may not be amended to increase the maximum amount of the fees for the services described therein without the approval of a majority of the outstanding shares of the class of the Fund which has voting rights with respect to the Plan. Each Plan provides that no material amendment to the Plans will be effective unless it is approved by a vote of a majority of the Trustees and the Independent Trustees of the Fund. The holders of Class A, Class B and Class C shares have exclusive voting rights with respect to the Plan applicable to their respective class of shares. In adopting the Plans the Trustees concluded that, in their judgment, there is a reasonable likelihood that the Plans will benefit the holders of the applicable class of shares of the Fund. Amounts paid to John Hancock Funds by any class of shares of the Fund will not be used to pay the expenses incurred with respect to any other class of shares of the Fund; provided, however, that expenses attributable to the Fund as a whole will be allocated, to the extent permitted by law, according to a formula based upon gross sales dollars and/or average daily net assets of each such class, as may be approved from time to time by vote of a majority of the Trustees. From time to time, the Fund may participate in joint distribution activities with other Funds and the costs of those activities will be borne by each Fund in proportion to the relative net asset value of the participating Funds. During the fiscal year ended May 31, 2001, the Fund paid John Hancock Funds the following amounts of expenses in connection with their services for the Fund. 24
Expense Items ------------- Printing and Interest Mailing of Carrying or Prospectus to Compensation Expenses of John Other Finance Advertising New Shareholders to Selling Brokers Hancock Funds Charges ----------- ---------------- ------------------ --------------- ------------- Class A $ 332,612 $13,960 $2,048,678 $983,451 $ 0 Class B $ 287,154 $10,313 $ 980,297 $675,194 $18,468 Class C $ 24,735 $ 1,176 $ 112,976 $ 73,873 $ 0
SALES COMPENSATION As part of their business strategies, the Fund, along with John Hancock Funds, pay compensation to financial services firms that sell the fund's shares. These firms typically pass along a portion of this compensation to your broker or financial representative. The two primary sources of broker compensation payments are (1) the12b-1 fees that are paid out of the Fund's assets and (2) sales charges paid by investors. The sales charges and 12b-1 fees are detailed in the prospectus and under "Distribution Contracts" in this Statement of Additional Information. The portions of these expenses that are paid to financial services firms are shown on the next page. Whenever you make an investment in the fund, the financial services firm receives a reallowance/payment, as described below. The firm also receives the first year's 12b-1 service fee at this time. Beginning with the second year after an investment is made, the financial services firm receives an annual 12b-1 service fee of 0.25% of its total eligible fund net assets. This fee is paid quarterly in arrears by the Fund. In addition, from time to time, John Hancock Funds, at its expense, may provide significant additional compensation to financial services firms in connection with the sale of shares of the Fund. Such compensation provided by John Hancock Funds may include, for example, financial assistance to financial services firms in connection with their marketing and sales development programs for their registered representatives and other employees, as well as payment for travel expenses, including lodging, incurred by registered representatives and other employees for such marketing and sales development programs, seminars for the public, advertising and sales campaigns regarding one or more Funds, and/or other financial services firms-sponsored events or activities. From time to time, John Hancock Funds may make expense reimbursements for special training of a financial services firm's registered representatives and other employees in group meetings. Other compensation, such as asset retention fees, finder's fees and reimbursement for wire transfer fees, may be offered to the extent not prohibited by law or any self-regulatory agency, such as the NASD. 25
Broker Receives Broker Receives Sales charge Maximum 12b-1Service Total Broker Paid by investors Reallowance fee(% of net Compensation (1) Class A investments (% of offering price) (% of offering price) investment) (3) (% of offering price) ------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------- --------------------- Up to $99,999 4.50% 3.76% 0.25% 4.00% $100,000 - $249,999 3.75% 3.01% 0.25% 3.25% $250,000 - $499,999 2.75% 2.06% 0.25% 2.30% $500,000 - $999,999 2.00% 1.51% 0.25% 1.75% Investments of Class A shares of $1 million or more (4) -------------------------------- First $1M - $4,999,999 -- 0.75% 0.25% 1.00% Next $1M - $5M above that -- 0.25% 0.25% 0.50% (2) Next $1 or more above that -- 0.00% 0.25% 0.25% (2) Broker Receives Broker Receives 12b-1 Service Maximum fee Total Broker Reallowance (% of net Compensation (1) Class B investments (% of offering price) investment) (3) (% of offering price) ------------------- --------------------- --------------- -------------------- All investments 3.75% 0.25% 4.00% Broker Receives Broker Receives 12b-1 Maximum Service fee Total Broker Reallowance (% of net Compensation (1) Class C investments (% of offering price) investment) (3) (% of offering price) ------------------- --------------------- --------------- --------------------- Over $1,000,000 or amounts -- 0.75% 0.25% 1.00% purchased at NAV All other amounts 1.00% 1.75% 0.25% 2.00%
(1) Broker percentages and 12b-1 service fee percentages are calculated from different amounts, and therefore may not equal total broker compensation percentages if combined using simple addition. (2) For Group Investment Program sales, the maximum total broker compensation for investments of $1 million or more is 1.00% of the offering price (one year CDSC of 1.00% applies for each sale). (3) After first year broker receives 12b-1 service fees quarterly in arrears. (4) John Hancock Funds may reduce aggregate investments by the amount of recent redemptions. CDSC revenues collected by John Hancock Funds may be used to pay broker commissions when there is no initial sales charge. 26 NET ASSET VALUE For purposes of calculating the net asset value ("NAV") of the Fund's shares, the following procedures are utilized wherever applicable. Debt investment securities are valued on the basis of valuations furnished by a principal market maker or a pricing service, both of which generally utilize electronic data processing techniques to determine valuations for normal institutional size trading units of debt securities without exclusive reliance upon quoted prices. Short-term debt investments which have a remaining maturity of 60 days or less are generally valued at amortized cost which approximates market value. If market quotations are not readily available or if in the opinion of the Adviser any quotation or price is not representative of true market value, the fair value of the security may be determined in good faith in accordance with procedures approved by the Trustees. Foreign securities are valued on the basis of quotations from the primary market in which they are traded. Any assets or liabilities expressed in terms of foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars by the custodian bank based on London currency exchange quotations as of 5:00 p.m., London time (12:00 noon, New York time) on the date of any determination of a Fund's NAV. If quotations are not readily available, or the value has been materially affected by the events occurring after closing of a foreign market, assets are valued by a method that Trustees believe accurately reflects fair value. The NAV of each fund and class is determined each business day at the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange (typically 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time) by dividing a class's net assets by the number of its shares outstanding. On any day an international market is closed and the New York Stock Exchange is open, any foreign securities will be valued at the prior day's close with the current day's exchange rate. Trading of foreign securities may take place on Saturdays and U.S. business holidays on which a Fund's NAV is not calculated. Consequently, a Fund's portfolio securities may trade and the NAV of the Fund's redeemable securities may be significantly affected on days when a shareholder has no access to the Fund. INITIAL SALES CHARGE ON CLASS A AND CLASS C SHARES Shares of the Fund are offered at a price equal to their net asset value plus a sales charge which, at the option of the purchaser, may be imposed either at the time of purchase (the "initial sales charge alternative") or on a contingent deferred basis (the "deferred sales charge alternative"). The fund no longer issues share certificates. Shares are electronically recorded. The Trustees reserve the right to change or waive the Fund's minimum investment requirements and to reject any order to purchase shares (including purchase by exchange) when in the judgment of the Adviser such rejection is in the Fund's best interest. The sales charges applicable to purchases of Class A and Class C shares of the Fund are described in the Prospectus. Methods of obtaining reduced sales charges referred to generally in the Prospectus are described in detail below. In calculating the sales charge applicable to current purchases of Class A shares of the Fund, the investor is entitled to accumulate current purchases with the greater of the current value (at offering price) of the Class A shares of the Fund owned by the investor or, if John Hancock Signature Services, Inc. ("Signature Services") is notified by the investor's dealer or the investor at the time of the purchase, the cost of the Class A shares owned. 27 Without Sales Charges. Class A shares may be offered without a front-end sales charge or contingent deferred sales charge ("CDSC") to various individuals and institutions as follows: o A Trustee or officer of the Trust; a Director or officer of the Adviser and its affiliates, sub-adviser or Selling Brokers; employees or sales representatives of any of the foregoing; retired officers, employees or Directors of any of the foregoing; a member of the immediate family (spouse, children, grandchildren, mother, father, sister, brother, mother-in-law, father-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, niece, nephew and same-sex domestic partner) of any of the foregoing; or any fund, pension, profit sharing or other benefit plan for the individuals described above. o A broker, dealer, financial planner, consultant or registered investment advisor that has entered into a signed agreement with John Hancock Funds providing specifically for the use of Fund shares in fee-based investment products or services made available to their clients. o A former participant in an employee benefit plan with John Hancock funds, when he or she withdraws from his or her plan and transfers any or all of his or her plan distributions directly to the Fund. o A member of a class action lawsuit against insurance companies who is investing settlement proceeds. o Retirement plans participating in Merrill Lynch servicing programs, if the Plan has more than $3 million in assets or 500 eligible employees at the date the Plan Sponsor signs the Merrill Lynch Recordkeeping Service Agreement. See your Merrill Lynch financial consultant for further information. o Retirement plans investing through the PruArray Program sponsored by Prudential Securities. o Pension plans transferring assets from a John Hancock variable annuity contract to the Fund pursuant to an exemptive application approved by the Securities Exchange Commission. o Participant directed defined contribution plans with at least 100 eligible employees at the inception of the Fund account, may purchase Class A shares with no initial sales charge. However, if the shares are redeemed within 12 months after the end of the calendar year in which the purchase was made, a CDSC will be imposed at the following rate: Amount Invested CDSC Rate --------------- --------- $1 to $4,999,000 1.00% Next $5 million to $9,999,999 0.50% Amounts of $10 million and over 0.25% Class C shares may be offered without a front-end sales charge to: o Investments of redemption proceeds from a non-John Hancock mutual fund. o Group Retirement plan products for which John Hancock Signature Services performs recordkeeping and administrative services. (These plans include 403(b), Simple IRA, SEP and SARSEP plans.) Also included are plans formerly record kept by John Hancock Signature Services (including 401 (k)). o Group Retirement plan products sold through third party administrators under the John Hancock SELECT retirement plan program. (These plans include 401(k), Money Purchase and Profit Sharing plans.) o An investor who buys through a Merrill Lynch omnibus account. However, a CDSC may apply if the shares are sold within 12 months of purchase. 28 Class A and Class C shares may also be purchased without an initial sales charge in connection with certain liquidation, merger or acquisition transactions involving other investment companies or personal holding companies. Combination Privilege. In calculating the sales charge applicable to purchases of Class A shares made at one time, the purchases will be combined to reduce sales charges if made by (a) an individual, his or her spouse and their children under the age of 21, purchasing securities for his or their own account, (b) a trustee or other fiduciary purchasing for a single trust, estate or fiduciary account, and (c) groups which qualify for the Group Investment Program (see below). A company's (not an individual's) qualified and non-qualified retirement plan investments can be combined to take advantage of this privilege. Further information about combined purchases, including certain restrictions on combined group purchases, is available from Signature Services or a Selling Broker's representative. Accumulation Privilege. Investors (including investors combining purchases) who are already Class A shareholders may also obtain the benefit of the reduced sales charge by taking into account not only the amount being invested but also the investor's purchase price or current account value of the Class A shares of all John Hancock funds which carry a sales charge already held by such person. Class A shares of John Hancock money market funds will only be eligible for the accumulation privilege if the investor has previously paid a sales charge on the amount of those shares. Retirement plan investors may include the value of Class B shares if Class B shares held are greater than $1 million. Retirement plans must notify Signature Services to utilize. A company's (not an individual's) qualified and non-qualified retirement plan investments can be combined to take advantage of this privilege. Group Investment Program. Under the Combination and Accumulation Privileges, all members of a group may combine their individual purchases of Class A shares to potentially qualify for breakpoints in the sales charge schedule. This feature is provided to any group which (1) has been in existence for more than six months, (2) has a legitimate purpose other than the purchase of mutual fund shares at a discount for its members, (3) utilizes salary deduction or similar group methods of payment, and (4) agrees to allow sales materials of the fund in its mailings to members at a reduced or no cost to John Hancock Funds. Letter of Intention. Reduced sales charges are also applicable to investments in Class A shares made pursuant to a Letter of Intention (the "LOI"), which should be read carefully prior to its execution by an investor. The Fund offers two options regarding the specified period for making investments under the LOI. All investors have the option of making their investments over a specified period of thirteen (13) months. Investors who are using the Fund as a funding medium for a qualified retirement plan, however, may opt to make the necessary investments called for by the LOI over a forty-eight (48) month period. These retirement plans include traditional, Roth and Education IRAs, SEP, SARSEP, 401(k), 403(b) (including TSAs) SIMPLE IRA, SIMPLE 401(k), Money Purchase Pension, Profit Sharing and Section 457 plans. An individual's non-qualified and qualified retirement plans investments cannot be combined to satisfy an LOI of 48 months. Such an investment (including accumulations and combinations but not including reinvested dividends) must aggregate $100,000 or more invested during the specified period from the date of the LOI or from a date within ninety (90) days prior thereto, upon written request to Signature Services. The sales charge applicable to all amounts invested under the LOI is computed as if the aggregate amount intended to be invested had been invested immediately. If such aggregate amount is not actually invested, the difference in the sales charge actually paid and the sales charge payable had the LOI not been in effect is due from the investor. However, for the purchases actually made within the specified period (either 13 or 48 months) the sales charge applicable will not be higher than that which would have applied (including accumulations and combinations) had the LOI been for the amount actually invested. 29 The LOI authorizes Signature Services to hold in escrow sufficient Class A shares (approximately 5% of the aggregate) to make up any difference in sales charges on the amount intended to be invested and the amount actually invested, until such investment is completed within the specified period, at which time the escrow Class A shares will be released. If the total investment specified in the LOI is not completed, the Class A shares held in escrow may be redeemed and the proceeds used as required to pay such sales charge as may be due. By signing the LOI, the investor authorizes Signature Services to act as his or her attorney-in-fact to redeem any escrowed Class A shares and adjust the sales charge, if necessary. A LOI does not constitute a binding commitment by an investor to purchase, or by the Fund to sell, any additional Class A shares and may be terminated at any time. DEFERRED SALES CHARGE ON CLASS B and CLASS C SHARES Investments in Class B shares are purchased at net asset value per share without the imposition of an initial sales charge so the Fund will receive the full amount of the purchase payment. Contingent Deferred Sales Charge. Class B and Class C shares which are redeemed within six years or one year of purchase, respectively, will be subject to a CDSC at the rates set forth in the Prospectus as a percentage of the dollar amount subject to the CDSC. The charge will be assessed on an amount equal to the lesser of the current market value or the original purchase cost of the Class B or Class C shares being redeemed. No CDSC will be imposed on increases in account value above the initial purchase prices, including all shares derived from reinvestment of dividends or capital gains distributions. Class B shares are not available to retirement plans that had more than 100 eligible employees at the inception of the Fund account. The amount of the CDSC, if any, will vary depending on the number of years from the time of payment for the purchase of Class B shares until the time of redemption of such shares. Solely for purposes of determining the number of years from the time of any payment for the purchases of both Class B and Class C shares, all payments during a month will be aggregated and deemed to have been made on the first day of the month. In determining whether a CDSC applies to a redemption, the calculation will be determined in a manner that results in the lowest possible rate being charged. It will be assumed that your redemption comes first from shares you have held beyond the six-year CDSC redemption period for Class B or one year CDSC redemption period for Class C, or those you acquired through dividend and capital gain reinvestment, and next from the shares you have held the longest during the six-year period for Class B shares. For this purpose, the amount of any increase in a share's value above its initial purchase price is not regarded as a share exempt from CDSC. Thus, when a share that has appreciated in value is redeemed during the CDSC period, a CDSC is assessed only on its initial purchase price. When requesting a redemption for a specific dollar amount please indicate if you require the proceeds to equal the dollar amount requested. If not indicated, only the specified dollar amount will be redeemed from your account and the proceeds will be less any applicable CDSC. Example: You have purchased 100 Class B shares at $10 per share. The second year after your purchase, your investment's net asset value per share has increased by $2 to $12, and you have gained 10 additional shares through dividend reinvestment. If you redeem 50 shares at this time your CDSC will be calculated as follows: 30 oProceeds of 50 shares redeemed at $12 per share (50 x 12) $600.00 o*Minus Appreciation ($12 - $10) x 100 shares (200.00) o Minus proceeds of 10 shares not subject to CDSC (dividend reinvestment) (120.00) ------- oAmount subject to CDSC $280.00 *The appreciation is based on all 100 shares in the account not just the shares being redeemed. Proceeds from the CDSC are paid to John Hancock Funds and are used in whole or in part by John Hancock Funds to defray its expenses related to providing distribution-related services to the Funds in connection with the sale of the Class B and Class C shares, such as the payment of compensation to select Selling Brokers for selling Class B and Class C shares. The combination of the CDSC and the distribution and service fees facilitates the ability of the Fund to sell the Class B and Class C shares without a sales charge being deducted at the time of the purchase. Waiver of Contingent Deferred Sales Charge. The CDSC will be waived on redemptions of Class B and Class C shares and of Class A shares that are subject to CDSC, unless indicated otherwise, in the circumstances defined below: For all account types: * Redemptions made pursuant to the Funds' right to liquidate your account if you own shares worth less than $1,000. * Redemptions made under certain liquidation, merger or acquisition transactions involving other investment companies or personal holding companies. * Redemptions due to death or disability. (Does not apply to trust accounts unless trust is being dissolved.) * Redemptions made under the Reinstatement Privilege, as described in "Sales Charge Reductions and Waivers" of the Prospectus. * Redemptions of Class B (but not Class C) shares made under a periodic withdrawal plan or redemptions for fees charged by planners or advisors for advisory services, as long as your annual redemptions do not exceed 12% of your account value, including reinvested dividends, at the time you established your periodic withdrawal plan and 12% of the value of subsequent investments (less redemptions) in that account at the time you notify Signature Services. (Please note, this waiver does not apply to periodic withdrawal plan redemptions of Class A shares that are subject to a CDSC.) * Redemptions by Retirement plans participating in Merrill Lynch servicing programs, if the Plan has less than $3 million in assets or 500 eligible employees at the date the Plan Sponsor signs the Merrill Lynch Recordkeeping Service Agreement. See your Merrill Lynch financial consultant for further information. * Redemptions of Class A shares by retirement plans that invested through the PruArray Program sponsored by Prudential Securities. * Redemptions of Class A shares made after one year from the inception date of a retirement plan at John Hancock. 31 For retirement Accounts (such as traditional, Roth and Education IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs, SIMPLE 401(k), Rollover IRA, TSA, 457, 403(b), 401(k), Money Purchase Pension Plan, Profit-Sharing Plan and other plans as described in the Internal Revenue Code) unless otherwise noted. * Redemptions made to effect mandatory or life expectancy distributions under the Internal Revenue Code. (Waiver based on required, minimum distribution calculations for John Hancock Mutual Fund IRA assets only.) * Returns of excess contributions made to these plans. * Redemptions made to effect distributions to participants or beneficiaries from employer sponsored retirement plans under section 401(a) (such as Money Purchase Pension Plans and Profit-Sharing/401(k) Plans), 457 and 408 (SEPs and SIMPLE IRAs of the Internal Revenue Code * Redemptions from certain IRA and retirement plans that purchased shares prior to October 1, 1992 and certain IRA plans that purchased shares prior to May 15, 1995. Please see matrix for some examples. 32
----------------------- ------------------ ---------------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- Type of 401 (a) Plan 403 (b) 457 IRA, IRA Non-retirement Distribution (401 (k), MPP, Rollover PSP) 457 & 408 (SEPs & Simple IRAs) ----------------------- ------------------ ---------------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- Death or Disability Waived Waived Waived Waived Waived ----------------------- ------------------ ---------------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- Over 70 1/2 Waived Waived Waived Waived for 12% of account required value annually minimum in periodic distributions*or payments 12% of account value annually in periodic payments ----------------------- ------------------ ---------------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- Between 59 1/2 Waived Waived Waived Waived for Life 12% of account and 70 1/2 Expectancy or value annually 12% of account in periodic value annually payments in periodic payments ----------------------- ------------------ ---------------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- Under 59 1/2 Waived for Waived for Waived for Waived for 12% of account (Class B only) annuity payments annuity annuity annuity value annually (72t) or 12% of payments (72t) payments (72t) payments (72t) in periodic account value or 12% of or 12% of or 12% of payments annually in account value account value account value periodic payments annually in annually in annually in periodic periodic periodic payments payments payments ----------------------- ------------------ ---------------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- Loans Waived Waived N/A N/A N/A ----------------------- ------------------ ---------------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- Termination of Plan Not Waived Not Waived Not Waived Not Waived N/A ----------------------- ------------------ ---------------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- Hardships Waived Waived Waived N/A N/A ----------------------- ------------------ ---------------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- Qualified Domestic Waived Waived Waived N/A N/A Relations Orders ----------------------- ------------------ ---------------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- Termination of Waived Waived Waived N/A N/A Employment Before Normal Retirement Age ----------------------- ------------------ ---------------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- Return of Excess Waived Waived Waived Waived N/A ----------------------- ------------------ ---------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------
*Required minimum distributions based on John Hancock Mutual Fund IRA assets only. If you qualify for a CDSC waiver under one of these situations, you must notify Signature Services at the time you make your redemption. The waiver will be granted once Signature Services has confirmed that you are entitled to the waiver. 33 SPECIAL REDEMPTIONS Although it would not normally do so, the Fund has the right to pay the redemption price of shares of the Fund in whole or in part in portfolio securities as prescribed by the Trustees. When the shareholder sells portfolio securities received in this fashion, the shareholder will incur a brokerage charge. Any such securities would be valued for the purposes of making such payment at the same value as used in determining net asset value. The Fund has, however, elected to be governed by Rule 18f-1 under the Investment Company Act. Under that rule, the Fund must redeem its shares for cash except to the extent that the redemption payments to any shareholder during any 90-day period would exceed the lesser of $250,000 or 1% of the Fund's net asset value at the beginning of such period. ADDITIONAL SERVICES AND PROGRAMS Exchange Privilege. The Fund permits exchanges of shares of any class of a fund for shares of the same class in any other John Hancock fund offering that class. Exchanges between funds with shares that are not subject to a CDSC are based on their respective net asset values. No sales charge or transaction charge is imposed. Shares of the Fund which are subject to a CDSC may be exchanged into shares of any of the other John Hancock funds that are subject to a CDSC without incurring the CDSC; however, the shares acquired in an exchange will be subject to the CDSC schedule of the shares acquired if and when such shares are redeemed (except that shares exchanged into John Hancock 500 Index Fund and John Hancock Intermediate Government Fund will retain the exchanged fund's CDSC schedule). For purposes of computing the CDSC payable upon redemption of shares acquired in an exchange, the holding period of the original shares is added to the holding period of the shares acquired in an exchange. If a retirement plan exchanges the plan's Class A account in its entirety from the Fund to a non-John Hancock investment, the one-year CDSC applies. If a shareholder exchanges Class B shares purchased prior to January 1, 1994 for Class B shares of any other John Hancock fund, the acquired shares will continue to be subject to the CDSC schedule that was in effect when the exchanged shares were purchased. The Fund reserves the right to require that previously exchanged shares (and reinvested dividends) be in the Fund for 90 days before a shareholder is permitted a new exchange. The Fund may refuse any exchange order. The Fund may change or cancel its exchange policies at any time, upon 60 days' notice to its shareholders. An exchange of shares is treated as a redemption of shares of one fund and the purchase of shares of another for Federal Income Tax purposes. An exchange may result in a taxable gain or loss. See "TAX STATUS". Systematic Withdrawal Plan. The Fund permits the establishment of a Systematic Withdrawal Plan. Payments under this plan represent proceeds arising from the redemption of Fund shares. Since the redemption price of the Fund shares may be more or less than the shareholder's cost, which may result in realization of gain or loss for purposes of Federal, state and local income taxes. The maintenance of a Systematic Withdrawal Plan concurrently with purchases of additional shares of the Fund could be disadvantageous to a shareholder because of the initial sales charge payable on such purchases of Class A shares and the 34 CDSC imposed on redemptions of Class B and Class C shares and because redemptions are taxable events. Therefore, a shareholder should not purchase shares at the same time a Systematic Withdrawal Plan is in effect. The Fund reserves the right to modify or discontinue the Systematic Withdrawal Plan of any shareholder on 30 days' prior written notice to such shareholder, or to discontinue the availability of such plan in the future. The shareholder may terminate the plan at any time by giving proper notice to Signature Services. Monthly Automatic Accumulation Program ("MAAP"). The program is explained in the Prospectus. The program, as it relates to automatic investment checks, is subject to the following conditions: The investments will be drawn on or about the day of the month indicated. The privilege of making investments through the MAAP may be revoked by Signature Services without prior notice if any investment is not honored by the shareholder's bank. The bank shall be under no obligation to notify the shareholder as to the non-payment of any checks. The program may be discontinued by the shareholder either by calling Signature Services or upon written notice to Signature Services which is received at least five (5) business days prior to the order date of any investment. Reinstatement or Reinvestment Privilege. If Signature Services is notified prior to reinvestment, a shareholder who has redeemed Fund shares may, within 120 days after the date of redemption, reinvest without payment of a sales charge any part of the redemption proceeds in shares of the same class of the Fund or another John Hancock fund, subject to the minimum investment limit of that fund. The proceeds from the redemption of Class A shares may be reinvested at net asset value without paying a sales charge in Class A shares of the Fund or in Class A shares of any John Hancock fund. If a CDSC was paid upon a redemption, a shareholder may reinvest the proceeds from this redemption at net asset value in additional shares of the class from which the redemption was made. The shareholder's account will be credited with the amount of any CDSC charged upon the prior redemption and the new shares will continue to be subject to the CDSC. The holding period of the shares acquired through reinvestment will, for purposes of computing the CDSC payable upon a subsequent redemption, include the holding period of the redeemed shares. To protect the interests of other investors in the Fund, the Fund may cancel the reinvestment privilege of any parties that, in the opinion of the Fund, are using market timing strategies or making more than seven exchanges per owner or controlling party per calendar year. Also, the Fund may refuse any reinvestment request. The Fund may change or cancel its reinvestment policies at any time. A redemption or exchange of Fund shares is a taxable transaction for Federal income tax purposes even if the reinvestment privilege is exercised, and any gain or loss realized by a shareholder on the redemption or other disposition of Fund shares will be treated for tax purposes as described under the caption "TAX STATUS." Retirement plans participating in Merrill Lynch's servicing programs: Class A shares are available at net asset value for plans with $3 million in plan assets or 500 eligible employees at the date the Plan Sponsor signs the Merrill Lynch Recordkeeping Service Agreement. If the plan does not meet either of these limits, Class A shares are not available. 35 For participating retirement plans investing in Class B shares, shares will convert to Class A shares after eight years, or sooner if the plan attains assets of $5 million (by means of a CDSC-free redemption/purchase at net asset value). PURCHASES AND REDEMPTIONS THROUGH THIRD PARTIES Shares of the Fund may be purchased or redeemed through certain broker-dealers or Service Agents ("Brokers"). Brokers may charge for their services or place limitations on the extent to which you may use the services of the Fund. The Fund will be deemed to have received a purchase or redemption order when an authorized broker, or if applicable, a broker's authorized designee, receives the order. If a broker is an agent or designee of the Fund, orders are processed at the NAV next calculated after the broker receives the order. The broker must segregate any orders it receives after the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange and transmit those orders to the Fund for execution at NAV next determined. Some brokers that maintain nominee accounts with the Fund for their clients charge an annual fee on the average net assets held in such accounts for accounting, servicing, and distribution services they provide with respect to the underlying Fund shares. The Adviser, the Fund, and/or John Hancock Funds, Inc. (the Fund's principal distributor), share in the expense of these fees. DESCRIPTION OF THE FUND'S SHARES The Trustees of the Trust are responsible for the management and supervision of the Fund. The Declaration of Trust permits the Trustees to issue an unlimited number of full and fractional shares of beneficial interest of the Fund, without par value. Under the Declaration of Trust, the Trustees have the authority to create and classify shares of beneficial interest in separate series, without further action by shareholders. As of the date of this Statement of Additional Information, the Trustees have not authorized any additional series of the Fund, other than the Fund, although they may do so in the future. The Declaration of Trust also authorizes the Trustees to classify and reclassify the shares of the Fund, or any new series of the Trust, into one or more classes. The Trustees have authorized the issuance of four classes of shares of the Fund, designated as Class A, Class B, Class C and Class I. Class I shares are discussed in a separate Statement of Additional Information. The shares of each class of the Fund represent an equal proportionate interest in the aggregate net assets attributable to that class of the Fund. Holders of each class of shares have certain exclusive voting rights on matters relating to their respective distribution plans. The different classes of the Fund may bear different expenses relating to the cost of holding shareholder meetings necessitated by the exclusive voting rights of any class of shares. Dividends paid by the Fund, if any, with respect to each class of shares will be calculated in the same manner, at the same time and on the same day and will be in the same amount, except for differences resulting from the facts that (i) the distribution and service fees relating to each class shares will be borne exclusively by that class, (ii) Class B and Class C shares will pay higher distribution and service fees than Class A shares and (iii) each of class of shares will bear any class expenses properly allocable to that class of shares, subject to the conditions the Internal Revenue Service imposes with respect to the multiple-class structures. Similarly, the net asset value per share may vary depending on which class of shares are purchased. No interest will be paid on uncashed dividend or redemption checks. In the event of liquidation, shareholders of each class are entitled to share pro rata in the net assets of the Fund available for distribution to these shareholders. Shares entitle their holders to one vote per share, are freely transferable and have no preemptive, subscription or conversion rights. When issued, shares are fully paid and non-assessable, except as set forth below. 36 Unless otherwise required by the Investment Company Act or the Declaration of Trust, the Fund has no intention of holding annual meetings of shareholders. Fund shareholders may remove a Trustee by the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the Trust's outstanding shares and the Trustees shall promptly call a meeting for such purpose when requested to do so in writing by the record holders of not less than 10% of the outstanding shares of the Trust. Shareholders may, under certain circumstances, communicate with other shareholders in connection with requesting a special meeting of shareholders. However, at any time that less than a majority of the Trustees holding office were elected by the shareholders, the Trustees will call a special meeting of shareholders for the purpose of electing Trustees. Under Massachusetts law, shareholders of a Massachusetts business trust could, under certain circumstances, be held personally liable for acts or obligations of the Trust. However, the Declaration of Trust contains an express disclaimer of shareholder liability for acts, obligations or affairs of the Fund. The Declaration of Trust also provides for indemnification out of the Fund's assets for all losses and expenses of any shareholder held personally liable by reason of being or having been a shareholder. The Declaration of Trust also provides that no series of the Trust shall be liable for the liabilities of any other series. Furthermore, no fund included in this Fund's prospectus shall be liable for the liabilities of any other John Hancock Fund. Liability is therefore limited to circumstances in which the Fund itself would be unable to meet its obligations, and the possibility of this occurrence is remote. The Fund reserves the right to reject any application which conflicts with the Fund's internal policies or the policies of any regulatory authority. John Hancock Funds does not accept starter, credit card or third party checks. All checks returned by the post office as undeliverable will be reinvested at net asset value in the fund or funds from which a redemption was made or dividend paid. Information provided on the account application may be used by the Fund to verify the accuracy of the information or for background or financial history purposes. A joint account will be administered as a joint tenancy with right of survivorship, unless the joint owners notify Signature Services of a different intent. A shareholder's account is governed by the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For telephone transactions the transfer agent will take measures to verify the identity of the caller, such as asking for name, account number, Social Security or other taxpayer ID number and other relevant information. If appropriate measures are taken, the transfer agent is not responsible for any losses that may occur to any account due to an unauthorized telephone call. Also for your protection telephone transactions are not permitted on accounts whose names or addresses have changed within the past 30 days. Proceeds from telephone transactions can only be mailed to the address of record. Selling activities for the Fund may not take place outside the U.S. except with U.S. military bases, APO addresses and U.S. diplomats. Brokers of record on Non-U.S. investors' accounts with foreign mailing addresses are required to certify that all sales activities have occurred, and in the future will occur, only in the U.S. A foreign corporation may purchase shares of the Fund only if it has a U.S. mailing address. TAX STATUS The Fund is treated as a separate entity for accounting and tax purposes, has qualified as a "regulated investment company" under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and intends to continue to qualify for each taxable year. As such and by complying with the applicable provisions of the Code regarding the sources of its income, the timing of its distributions, and the diversification of its assets, the Fund will not be subject to Federal income tax on its taxable income (including net realized capital gains) which is distributed to shareholders in accordance with the timing requirements of the Code. 37 The Fund will be subject to a 4% non-deductible Federal excise tax on certain amounts not distributed (and not treated as having been distributed) on a timely basis in accordance with annual minimum distribution requirements. The Fund intends under normal circumstances to seek to avoid or minimize liability for such tax by satisfying such distribution requirements. Distributions from the Fund's current or accumulated earnings and profits ("E&P") will be taxable under the Code for investors who are subject to tax. If these distributions are paid from the Fund's "investment company taxable income," they will be taxable as ordinary income; and if they are paid from the Fund's "net capital gain," they will be taxable as capital gain. (Net capital gain is the excess (if any) of net long-term capital gain over net short-term capital loss, and investment company taxable income is all taxable income and capital gains, other than net capital gain, after reduction by deductible expenses.) Some distributions may be paid in January but may be taxable to shareholders as if they had been received on December 31 of the previous year. The tax treatment described above will apply without regard to whether distributions are received in cash or reinvested in additional shares of the Fund. Distributions, if any, in excess of E&P will constitute a return of capital under the Code, which will first reduce an investor's federal tax basis in Fund shares and then, to the extent such basis is exceeded, will generally give rise to capital gains. Shareholders who have chosen automatic reinvestment of their distributions will have a federal tax basis in each share received pursuant to such a reinvestment equal to the amount of cash they would have received had they elected to receive the distribution in cash, divided by the number of shares received in the reinvestment. The amount of the Funds net realized capital gains, if any, in any given year will vary depending upon the Adviser's current investment strategy and whether the Adviser believes it to be in the best interest of the Fund to dispose of portfolio securities and/or engage in option, futures or forward transactions that will generate capital gains or to enter into options or futures transactions. At the time of an investor's purchase of Fund shares, a portion of the purchase price is often attributable to realized or unrealized appreciation in the Fund's portfolio. Consequently, subsequent distributions on these shares from such appreciation may be taxable to such investor even if the net asset value of the investor's shares is, as a result of the distributions, reduced below the investor's cost for such shares, and the distributions in reality represent a return of a portion of the purchase price. Upon a redemption or other disposition of shares of the Fund (including by exercise of the exchange privilege) in a transaction that is treated as a sale for tax purposes, a shareholder will ordinarily realize a taxable gain or loss depending upon the amount of the proceeds and the investor's basis in his shares. Such gain or loss will be treated as capital gain or loss if the shares are capital assets in the shareholder's hands. A sales charge paid in purchasing shares of the Fund cannot be taken into account for purposes of determining gain or loss on the redemption or exchange of such shares within ninety (90) days after their purchase to the extent Class A shares of the Fund or another John Hancock fund are subsequently acquired without payment of a sales charge pursuant to the reinvestment or exchange privilege. This disregarded charge will result in an increase in the shareholder's tax basis in the shares subsequently acquired. Also, any loss realized on a redemption or exchange may be disallowed to the extent the shares disposed of are replaced with other shares of the Fund within a period of sixty- one (61) days beginning thirty (30) days before and ending thirty (30) days after the shares are disposed of, such as pursuant to automatic dividend reinvestments. In such a case, the basis of the shares acquired will be adjusted to reflect the disallowed loss. Any loss realized upon the redemption of shares with a tax holding period of six months or less will be treated as a long-term capital loss to the extent of any amounts treated as distributions of long-term capital gain with respect to such shares. Shareholders should consult their own tax advisers regarding their particular circumstances to determine whether a disposition of Fund shares is properly treated as a sale for tax purposes, as is assumed in the foregoing discussion. 38 Although its present intention is to distribute, at least annually, all net capital gain, if any, the Fund reserves the right to retain and reinvest all or any portion of the excess, as computed for Federal income tax purposes, of net long-term capital gain over net short-term capital loss in any year. The Fund will not in any event distribute net capital gain realized in any year to the extent that a capital loss is carried forward from prior years against such gain. To the extent such excess was retained and not exhausted by the carryforward of prior years' capital losses, it would be subject to Federal income tax in the hands of the Fund. Upon proper designation of this amount by the Fund, each shareholder would be treated for Federal income tax purposes as if the Fund had distributed to him on the last day of its taxable year his pro rata share of such excess, and he had paid his pro rata share of the taxes paid by the Fund and reinvested the remainder in the Fund. Accordingly, each shareholder would (a) include his pro rata share of such excess as capital gain in his return for his taxable year in which the last day of the Fund's taxable year falls, (b) be entitled either to a tax credit on his return for, or to a refund of, his pro rata share of the taxes paid by the Fund, and (c) be entitled to increase the adjusted tax basis for his shares in the Fund by the difference between his pro rata share of this excess and his pro rata share of these taxes. For Federal income tax purposes, the Fund is permitted to carry forward a net capital loss in any year to offset net capital gains, if any, during the eight years following the year of the loss. To the extent subsequent net capital gains are offset by such losses, they would not result in Federal income tax liability to the Fund and, as noted above, would not be distributed to shareholders. The Fund has $55,393,254 of capital loss carryforwards available, to the extent provided by regulations, to offset future net realized capital gains. These carryforwards expire at various times and amounts from 2002 through 2009. Dividends and capital gain distributions from the Fund will not qualify for the dividends-received deduction for corporations. Different tax treatment, including penalties on certain excess contributions and deferrals, certain pre-retirement and post-retirement distributions and certain prohibited transactions, is accorded to accounts maintained as qualified retirement plans. Shareholders should consult their tax advisers for more information. The Fund may be subject to withholding and other taxes imposed by foreign countries with respect to the Fund's investments in certain foreign securities, if any. Tax conventions between certain countries and the U.S. may reduce or eliminate such taxes in some cases. Because more than 50% of the Fund's assets at the close of any taxable year will generally not consist of stocks or securities of foreign corporations, the Fund will generally be unable to pass through such taxes to its shareholders, who will therefore generally not be entitled to any foreign tax credit or deduction with respect to their investment in the Fund. The Fund will deduct such taxes in determining the amount it has available for distribution to shareholders. The Fund is required to accrue income on any debt securities that have more than a de minimus amount of original issue discount (or debt securities acquired at a market discount, if the Fund elects to include market discount in income currently) prior to the receipt of the corresponding cash payments. The mark to market rules applicable to certain options and futures contracts may also require the Fund to recognize gain within a concurrent receipt of cash. However, the Fund must distribute to shareholders for each taxable year substantially all of its net income and net capital gains, including such income or gain, to qualify as a regulated investment company and avoid liability for any federal income or excise tax. Therefore, the Fund may have to dispose of its portfolio securities under disadvantageous circumstances to generate cash, or borrow cash, to satisfy these distribution requirements. 39 A state income (and possibly local income and/or intangible property) tax exemption is generally available to the extent the Fund's distributions are derived from interest on (or, in the case of intangibles property taxes, the value of its assets is attributable to) certain U.S. Government obligations, provided in some states that certain thresholds for holdings of such obligations and/or reporting requirements are satisfied. The Fund will not seek to satisfy any threshold or reporting requirements that may apply in particular taxing jurisdictions, although the Fund may in its sole discretion provide relevant information to shareholders. The Fund will be required to report to the Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS") all taxable distributions to shareholders, as well as gross proceeds from the redemption or exchange of Fund shares, except in the case of certain exempt recipients, i.e., corporations and certain other investors distributions to which are exempt from the information reporting provisions of the Code. Under the backup withholding provisions of Code Section 3406 and applicable Treasury regulations, all such reportable distributions and proceeds may be subject to backup withholding of federal income tax in the case of non-exempt shareholders who fail to furnish the Fund with their correct taxpayer identification number and certain certifications required by the IRS or if the IRS or a broker notifies the Fund that the number furnished by the shareholder is incorrect or that the shareholder is subject to backup withholding as a result of failure to report interest or dividend income. The Fund may refuse to accept an application that does not contain any required taxpayer identification number or certification that the number provided is correct. If the backup withholding provisions are applicable, any such distributions and proceeds, whether taken in cash or reinvested in shares, will be reduced by the amounts required to be withheld. Any amounts withheld may be credited against a shareholder's U.S. federal income tax liability. Investors should consult their tax advisers about the applicability of the backup withholding provisions. The Fund may be required to account for its transactions in forward rolls or swaps, caps, floors and collars in a manner that, under certain circumstances, may limit the extent of its participation in such transactions. Additionally, the Fund may be required to recognize gain, but not loss, if a swap or other transaction is treated as a constructive sale of an appreciated financial position in the Fund's portfolio. The Fund may have to sell portfolio securities under disadvantageous circumstances to generate cash, or borrow cash, to satisfy these distribution requirements. The Fund may invest in debt obligations that are in the lower rating categories or are unrated, including debt obligations of issuers not currently paying interest as well as issuers who are in default. Investments in debt obligations that are at risk of or in default present special tax issues for the Fund. Tax rules are not entirely clear about issues such as when the Fund may cease to accrue interest, original issue discount, or market discount, when and to what extent deductions may be taken for bad debts or worthless securities, how payments received on obligations in default should be allocated between principal and income, and whether exchanges of debt obligations in a workout context are taxable. These and other issues will be addressed by the Fund, in the event it invests in such securities, in order to reduce the risk of distributing insufficient income to preserve its status as a regulated investment company and seek to avoid becoming subject to Federal income or excise tax. Limitations imposed by the Code on regulated investment companies like the Fund may restrict the Fund's ability to enter into futures and options transactions. Certain options and futures transactions undertaken by the Fund may cause the Fund to recognize gains or losses from marking to market even though its positions have not been sold or terminated and affect the character as long-term or short-term and timing of some capital gains and losses realized by the Fund. Also, some of the Fund's losses on its transactions involving options and futures contracts and/or offsetting or successor portfolio positions may be deferred rather than being taken into account currently in calculating the 40 Fund's taxable income or gain. Certain of such transactions may also cause the Fund to dispose of investments sooner than would otherwise have occurred. These transactions may thereafter affect the amount, timing and character of the Fund's distributions to shareholders. Some of the applicable tax rules may be modified if the Fund is eligible and chooses to make one or more of certain tax elections that may be available. The Fund will take into account the special tax rules (including consideration of available elections) applicable to options and futures transactions in order to seek to minimize any potential adverse tax consequences. The foregoing discussion relates solely to U.S. Federal income tax law as applicable to U.S. persons (i.e., U.S. citizens or residents and U.S. domestic corporations, partnerships, trusts or estates) subject to tax under such law. The discussion does not address special tax rules applicable to certain types of investors, such as tax-exempt entities, insurance companies and financial institutions. Dividends, capital gain distributions and ownership of or gains realized on the redemption (including an exchange) of shares of the Fund may also be subject to state and local taxes. Shareholders should consult their own tax advisers as to the Federal, state or local tax consequences of ownership of shares of, and receipt of distributions from, the Fund in their particular circumstances. Non-U.S. investors not engaged in a U.S. trade or business with which their Fund investment in the Fund is effectively connected will be subject to U.S. Federal income tax treatment that is different from that described above. These investors may be subject to nonresident alien withholding tax at the rate of 30% (or a lower rate under an applicable tax treaty), on amounts treated as ordinary dividends from the Fund and, unless an effective IRS Form W-8, W-8BEN or other authorized withholding certificate is on file and backup withholding on certain other payments from the Fund. Non-U.S. investors should consult their tax advisors regarding such treatment and the application of foreign taxes to an investment in the Fund. The Fund is not subject to Massachusetts corporate excise or franchise taxes. The Fund anticipates that, provided that the Fund qualifies as a regulated investment company under the Code, it will also not be required to pay any Massachusetts income tax. CALCULATION OF PERFORMANCE For the 30-day period ending May 31, 2001, the yield on Class A, Class B and Class C shares of the Fund was 7.23%, 6.87% and 6.79%, respectively. The average annual total return of the Class A shares of the Fund for the 1 year, 5 year and 10 year periods ended May 31, 2001 was 7.30%, 6.13% and 7.32%, respectively. The average total return of Class B shares of the Fund for the 1 year and 5 years and since inception on November 23, 1993 was 6.64%, 6.07% and 5.81%, respectively. The average total return of Class C shares of the Fund for the 1 year period and since inception on October 1, 1998 was 9.50% and 3.15%, respectively. The Fund may advertise yield, where appropriate. The Fund's yield is computed by dividing net investment income per share determined for a 30-day period by the maximum offering price per share (which includes the full sales charge, where applicable) on the last day of the period, according to the following standard formula: 6 Yield = 2 ( [ ( a - b ) + 1 ] - 1 ) --------- cd 41 Where: a = dividends and interest earned during the period. b = net expenses accrued during the period. c = the average daily number of fund shares outstanding during the period that would be entitled to receive dividends. d = the maximum offering price per share on the last day of the period (NAV where applicable). Total return is computed by finding the average annual compounded rate of return over the 1 year, 5 year and 10 year periods that would equate the initial amount invested to the ending redeemable value according to the following formula: n ______ T = \ / ERV/P - 1 Where: P = a hypothetical initial investment of $1,000. T = average annual total return. n = number of years. ERV = ending redeemable value of hypothetical $1,000 investment made at the beginning of the 1 year, 5 year and 10 year periods. Because each class has its own sales charge and fee structure, the classes have different performance results. In the case of each class, this calculation assumes the maximum sales charge is included in the initial investment or the CDSC applied at the end of the period, respectively. This calculation assumes that all dividends and distributions are reinvested at net asset value on the reinvestment dates during the period. The "distribution rate" is determined by annualizing the result of dividing the declared dividends of the Fund during the period stated by the maximum offering price or net asset value at the end of the period. Excluding the Fund's sales charge from the distribution rate produces a higher rate. In addition to average annual total returns, the Fund may quote unaveraged or cumulative total returns reflecting the simple change in value of an investment over a stated period. Cumulative total returns may be quoted as a percentage or as a dollar amount, and may be calculated for a single investment, a series of investments, and/or a series of redemptions, over any time period. Total returns may be quoted with or without taking the Fund's sales charge on Class A shares or the CDSC on Class B or Class C shares into account. Excluding the Fund's sales charge on Class A shares and the CDSC on Class B or Class C shares from a total return calculation produces a higher total return figure. From time to time, in reports and promotional literature, the Fund's yield and total return will be compared to indices of mutual funds and bank deposit vehicles such as Lipper Analytical Services, Inc.'s "Lipper - Fixed Income Fund Performance Analysis," a monthly publication which tracks net assets, total return, and yield on fixed income mutual funds in the United States. Ibottson and Associates, CDA Weisenberger and F.C. Towers are also used for comparison purposes, as well as the Russell and Wilshire Indices. Comparisons may also be made to bank certificates of deposit ("CD's") which differ from mutual funds, such as the Fund, in several ways. The interest rate established by the sponsoring bank is fixed for the term of a CD. There are penalties for early withdrawal from CDs, and the principal on a CD is insured. 42 Performance rankings and ratings reported periodically in and excerpts from, national financial publications such as MONEY Magazine, FORBES, BUSINESS WEEK, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, MICROPAL, INC., MORNINGSTAR, STANGER'S and BARRON'S, etc. may also be utilized. The Fund's promotional and sales literature may make reference to the Fund's "beta." Beta reflects the market-related risk of the Fund by showing how responsive the Fund is to the market. The performance of the Fund is not fixed or guaranteed. Performance quotations should not be considered to be representations of performance of the Fund for any period in the future. The performance of the Fund is a function of many factors including its earnings, expenses and number of outstanding shares. Fluctuating market conditions; purchases, sales and maturities of portfolio securities; sales and redemptions of shares of beneficial interest; and changes in operating expenses are all examples of items that can increase or decrease the Fund's performance. BROKERAGE ALLOCATION Decisions concerning the purchase and sale of portfolio securities and the allocation of brokerage commissions are made by the Adviser pursuant to recommendations made by its investment committee of the Adviser, which consists of officers and directors of the Adviser and affiliates, and Trustees who are interested persons of the Fund. Orders for purchases and sales of securities are placed in a manner which, in the opinion of the Adviser, will offer the best price and market for the execution of each such transaction. Purchases from underwriters of portfolio securities may include a commission or commissions paid by the issuer and transactions with dealers serving as market makers reflect a "spread." Debt securities are generally traded on a net basis through dealers acting for their own account as principals and not as brokers; no brokerage commissions are payable on such transactions. In the U.S. Government securities market, securities are generally traded on a "net" basis with dealers acting as principal for their own account without a stated commission, although the price of the security usually includes a profit to the dealer. On occasion, certain money market instruments and agency securities may be purchased directly from the issuer, in which case no commissions or premiums are paid. In other countries, both debt and equity securities are traded on exchanges at fixed commission rates. Commissions on foreign transactions are generally higher than the negotiated commission rates available in the U.S. There is generally less government supervision and regulation of foreign stock exchanges and broker-dealers than in the U.S. The Fund's primary policy is to execute all purchases and sales of portfolio instruments at the most favorable prices consistent with best execution, considering all of the costs of the transaction including brokerage commissions. This policy governs the selection of brokers and dealers and the market in which a transaction is executed. Consistent with the foregoing primary policy, the Conduct Rules of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. and other policies as the Trustees may determine, the Adviser may consider sales of shares of the Fund as a factor in the selection of broker-dealers to execute the Fund's portfolio transactions. To the extent consistent with the foregoing, the Fund will be governed in the selection of brokers and dealers, and the negotiation of brokerage commission rates and dealer spreads, by the reliability and quality of the services, including primarily the availability and value of research information and to a lesser extent statistical assistance furnished to the Adviser of the Fund, and their value and expected contribution to the performance of the Fund. It is not possible to place a dollar value on information and services to be received from brokers and dealers, since it is only supplementary to the research efforts of the Adviser. The receipt of research information is not expected to reduce significantly the expenses of the Adviser. The research information and 43 statistical assistance furnished by brokers and dealers may benefit the Life Company or other advisory clients of the Adviser, and, conversely, brokerage commissions and spreads paid by other advisory clients of the Adviser may result in research information and statistical assistance beneficial to the Fund. The Fund will make no commitment to allocate portfolio transactions upon any prescribed basis. While the Adviser's officers will be primarily responsible for the allocation of the Fund's brokerage business, the policies in this regard must be consistent with the foregoing and will at all times be subject to review by the Trustees. For the fiscal years ended May 31, 1999, 2000 and 2001, negotiated brokerage commissions were $23,247, $24,185 and $1,232, respectively. As permitted by Section 28(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Fund may pay to a broker which provides brokerage and research services to the Fund an amount of disclosed commission in excess of the commission which another broker would have charged for effecting that transaction. This practice is subject to a good faith determination by the Trustees that such price is reasonable in light of the services provided and to such policies as the Trustees may adopt from time to time. During the fiscal year end May 31, 2001 the Fund did not pay commissions to compensate any brokers for research services such as industry, economic and company reviews and evaluations of securities. The Adviser's indirect parent, the Life Company, is the indirect sole shareholder of Signator Investors, Inc., a broker-dealer (until January 1, 1999, John Hancock Distributors, Inc.) "Signator" or "Affiliated Broker"). Pursuant to procedures determined by the Trustees and consistent with the above policy of obtaining best net results, the Fund may execute portfolio transactions with or through Affiliated Brokers. For the fiscal years ended May 31, 1999, 2000 and 2001, the Fund did not execute any portfolio transactions with Affiliated Brokers. Signator may act as broker for the Fund on exchange transactions, subject, however, to the general policy of the Fund set forth above and the procedures adopted by the Trustees pursuant to the Investment Company Act. Commissions paid to an Affiliated Broker must be at least as favorable as those which the Trustees believe to be contemporaneously charged by other brokers in connection with comparable transactions involving similar securities being purchased or sold. A transaction would not be placed with an Affiliated Broker if the Fund would have to pay a commission rate less favorable than the Affiliated Broker's contemporaneous charges for comparable transactions for its other most favored, but unaffiliated, customers except for accounts for which the Affiliated Broker acts as a clearing broker for another brokerage firm, and any customers of the Affiliated Broker not comparable to the Fund as determined by a majority of the Trustees who are not interested persons (as defined in the Investment Company Act) of the Fund, the Adviser or the Affiliated Broker. Because the Adviser, which is affiliated with the Affiliated Brokers, has, as an investment adviser to the Fund, the obligation to provide investment management services, which includes elements of research and related investment skills, such research and related skills will not be used by the Affiliated Brokers as a basis for negotiating commissions at a rate higher than that determined in accordance with the above criteria. Other investment advisory clients advised by the Adviser may also invest in the same securities as the Fund. When these clients buy or sell the same securities at substantially the same time, the Adviser may average the transactions as to price and allocate the amount of available investments in a manner which the Adviser believes to be equitable to each client, including the Fund. Because of this, client accounts in a particular style may sometimes not sell or acquire securities as quickly or at the same prices as they might if each were managed and traded individually. 44 For purchases of equity securities, when a complete order is not filled, a partial allocation will be made to each account pro rata based on the order size. For high demand issues (for example, initial public offerings), shares will be allocated pro rata by account size as well as on the basis of account objective, account size ( a small account's allocation may be increased to provide it with a meaningful position), and the account's other holdings. In addition, an account's allocation may be increased if that account's portfolio manager was responsible for generating the investment idea or the portfolio manager intends to buy more shares in the secondary market. For fixed income accounts, generally securities will be allocated when appropriate among accounts based on account size, except if the accounts have different objectives or if an account is too small to get a meaningful allocation. For new issues, when a complete order is not filled, a partial allocation will be made to each account pro rata based on the order size. However, if a partial allocation is too small to be meaningful, it may be reallocated based on such factors as account objectives, duration benchmarks and credit and sector exposure. For example, value funds will likely not participate in initial public offerings s frequently as growth funds. In some instances, this investment procedure may adversely affect the price paid or received by the Fund or the size of the position obtainable for it. On the other hand, to the extent permitted by law, the Adviser may aggregate securities to be sold or purchased for the Fund with those to be sold or purchased for other clients managed by it in order to obtain best execution. TRANSFER AGENT SERVICES John Hancock Signature Services, Inc., 1 John Hancock Way, Suite 1000, Boston, Massachusetts 02217-1000, a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of the Life Company, is the transfer and dividend paying agent for the Fund. The Fund pays Signature Services an annual fee of $21.00 for each Class A shareholder account, $23.50 for each Class B shareholder account and $22.50 for each Class C shareholder account. For Class A, B and C, the Fund also pays certain out-of-pocket expenses. These expenses are charged to the Fund by account, aggregated and allocated to each class on the basis of their relative net asset values. CUSTODY OF PORTFOLIO Portfolio securities of the Fund are held pursuant to a custodian agreement between the Fund and Investors Bank & Trust Company, 200 Clarendon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02116. Under the custodian agreement, Investors Bank & Trust Company performs custody, portfolio and fund accounting services. Effective November, 2001, the new custodian will be The Bank of New York, 100 Church Street, New York, New York 10286. Under the new custodian agreement The Bank of New York will perform custody, Foreign Custody Manager and fund accounting services. INDEPENDENT AUDITORS Ernst & Young LLP, 200 Clarendon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02116, has been selected as the independent auditors of the Fund. The financial statements of the Fund, incorporated by reference in the Prospectus and this Statement of Additional Information have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP for the periods indicated in their report thereon appearing elsewhere herein, and are included in reliance upon such report given upon the authority of such firm as experts in accounting and auditing. 45 APPENDIX A- Description of Investment Risk MORE ABOUT RISK A fund's risk profile is largely defined by the fund's principal securities and investment practices. You may find the most concise description of the fund's risk profile in the prospectus. A fund is permitted to utilize -- within limits established by the trustees -- certain other securities and investment practices that have higher risks and opportunities associated with them. To the extent that the fund utilizes these securities or practices, its overall performance may be affected, either positively or negatively. On the following pages are brief definitions of certain associated risks with them, with examples of related securities and investment practices included in brackets. See the "Investment Objectives and Policies" and "Investment Restrictions" sections of this Statement of Additional Information for a description of this Fund's investment policies. The fund follows certain policies that may reduce these risks. As with any mutual fund, there is no guarantee that the fund will earn income or show a positive total return over any period of time -- days, months or years. TYPES OF INVESTMENT RISK Correlation risk The risk that changes in the value of a hedging instrument will not match those of the asset being hedged (hedging is the use of one investment to offset the effects of another investment). Incomplete correlation can result in unanticipated risks. (e.g., currency contracts, futures and related options, options on securities and indices, swaps, caps, floors and collars). Credit risk The risk that the issuer of a security, or the counterparty to a contract, will default or otherwise become unable to honor a financial obligation. (e.g., non- investment-grade debt securities, borrowing; reverse repurchase agreements, covered mortgage dollar roll transactions, repurchase agreements, securities lending, brady bonds, foreign debt securities, in-kind, delayed and zero coupon debt securities, asset-backed securities, mortgage-backed securities, participation interest, options on securities, structured securities and swaps, caps floors and collars). Currency risk The risk that fluctuations in the exchange rates between the U.S. dollar and foreign currencies may negatively affect an investment. Adverse changes in exchange rates may erode or reverse any gains produced by foreign currency-denominated investments, and may widen any losses.(e.g., foreign debt securities, currency contracts, swaps, caps, floors and collars). Extension risk The risk that an unexpected rise in interest rates will extend the life of a mortgage-backed security beyond the expected prepayment time, typically reducing the security's value.(e.g. mortgage-backed securities and structured securities). Interest rate risk The risk of market losses attributable to changes in interest rates. With fixed-rate securities, a rise in interest rates typically causes a fall in values, while a fall in rates typically causes a rise in values. (e.g., non-investment-grade debt securities, covered mortgage dollar roll transactions, brady bonds, foreign debt securities, in-kind, delayed and zero coupon debt securities, asset-backed securities, mortgage-backed securities, participation interest, swaps, caps, floors and collars). Leverage risk Associated with securities or practices (such as borrowing) that multiply small index or market movements into large changes in value. (e.g. borrowing; reverse repurchase agreements, covered mortgage dollar roll transactions, when-issued securities and forward commitments, currency contracts, financial futures and options; securities and index options, structured securities, swaps, caps, floors and collars). A-1 o Hedged When a derivative (a security whose value is based on another security or index) is used as a hedge against an opposite position that the fund also holds, any loss generated by the derivative should be substantially offset by gains on the hedged investment, and vice versa. While hedging can reduce or eliminate losses, it can also reduce or eliminate gains. o Speculative To the extent that a derivative is not used as a hedge, the fund is directly exposed to the risks of that derivative. Gains or losses from speculative positions in a derivative may be substantially greater than the derivative's original cost. Liquidity risk The risk that certain securities may be difficult or impossible to sell at the time and the price that the seller would like. The seller may have to lower the price, sell other securities instead, or forego an investment opportunity, any of which could have a negative effect on fund management or performance. (e.g. non-investment-grade debt securities, restricted and illiquid securities, mortgage-backed securities, participation interest, currency contracts, futures and related options; securities and index options, structured securities, swaps, caps, floors and collars). Management risk The risk that a strategy used by a fund's management may fail to produce the intended result. Common to all mutual funds. Market risk The risk that the market value of a security may move up and down, sometimes rapidly and unpredictably. Market risk may affect a single issuer, an industry, a sector of the bond market or the market as a whole. Common to all stocks and bonds and the mutual funds that invest in them. (e.g. covered mortgage dollar roll transactions, short-term trading, when-issued securities and forward commitments, brady bonds, foreign debt securities, in-kind, delayed and zero coupon debt securities, restricted and illiquid securities, rights and warrants, financial futures and options; and securities and index options, structured securities). Natural event risk The risk of losses attributable to natural disasters, crop failures and similar events. Opportunity risk The risk of missing out on an investment opportunity because the assets necessary to take advantage of it are tied up in less advantageous investments.(e.g. covered mortgage dollar roll transactions, when-issued securities and forward commitments, currency contracts, financial futures and options; securities and securities and index options). Political risk The risk of losses attributable to government or political actions, from changes in tax or trade statutes to governmental collapse and war. (e.g., brady bonds and foreign debt securities). Prepayment risk The risk that unanticipated prepayments may occur during periods of falling interest rates, reducing the value of mortgage-backed securities. (e.g., mortgage backed securities). Valuation risk The risk that a fund has valued certain of its securities at a higher price than it can sell them for. (e.g., non-investment-grade debt securities, participation interest, structured securities, swaps, caps, floors and collars). A-2 APPENDIX B- Description of Bond Ratings Moody's describes its lower ratings for corporate bonds as follows: Bonds which are rated Baa are considered as medium grade obligations, i.e., they are neither highly protected nor poorly secured. Interest payments and principal security appear adequate for the present but certain protective elements may be lacking or may be characteristically unreliable over any great length of time. Such bonds lack outstanding investment characteristics and in fact have speculative characteristics as well. Bonds which are rated Ba are judged to have speculative elements; their future cannot be considered as well assured. Often the protection of interest and principal payments may be very moderate and thereby not well safeguarded during both good and bad times over the future. Uncertainty of position characterized bonds in this class. Bonds which are rated B generally lack characteristics of the desirable investment. Assurance of interest and principal payments or of maintenance of other terms of the contract over any long period of time may be small. Bonds which are rated Caa are of poor standing. Such issues may be in default or there may be present elements of danger with respect to principal or interest. Bonds which are rated Ca represented obligations which are speculative in a high degree. Such issues are often in default or have other marked shortcomings. Bonds which are rated C are the lowest rated class of bonds and issues so rated can be regarded as having extremely poor prospects of ever attaining any real investment standing. Moody's describes its three highest ratings for commercial paper as follows: Issuers rated P-1 (or related supporting institutions) have a superior capacity for repayment of short-term promissory obligations. P-1 repayment capacity will normally be evidenced by the following characteristics: (1) leading market positions in well- established industries; (2) high rates of return on funds employed; (3) conservative capitalization structures with moderate reliance on debt and ample asset protections; (4) broad margins in earnings coverage of fixed financial charges and high internal cash generation; and (5) well established access to a range of financial markets and assured sources of alternate liquidity. Issuers rated P-2 (or related supporting institutions) have a strong capacity for repayment of short-term promissory obligations. This will normally be evidenced by many of the characteristics cited above but to a lesser degree. Earnings trends and coverage ratios, while sound, will be more subject to variation. Capitalization characteristics, while still appropriate, may be more affected by external conditions. Ample alternate liquidity is maintained. Issuers rated P-3 (or supporting institutions) have an acceptable ability for repayment of senior short-term obligations. The effect of industry characteristics and market compositions may be more pronounced. Variability in earnings and profitability may result in changes in the level of debt protection measurements and may require relatively high financial leverage. Adequate alternate liquidity is maintained. B-1 Standard & Poor's describes its lower ratings for corporate bonds as follows: BBB Debt rated BBB is regarded as having an adequate capacity to pay interest and repay principal. Whereas it normally exhibits adequate protection parameters, adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to lead to a weakened capacity to pay interest and repay principal for debt in this category than in higher rated categories. BB, B, CCC, CC, C, D Debt rated 'BB', 'B', 'CCC', 'CC', 'C' and 'D' is regarded, on balance, as predominantly speculative with respect to capacity to pay interest and repay principal in accordance with the terms of the obligation. 'BB' indicates the lowest degree of speculation and 'C' the highest degree of speculation. While such debt will likely have some quality and protective characteristics, these are outweighed by large uncertainties or major risk exposures to adverse conditions. BB Debt rated 'BB' has less near-term vulnerability to default than other speculative issues. However, it faces major ongoing uncertainties or exposure to adverse business, financial, or economic conditions which could lead to inadequate capacity to meet timely interest and principal payments. The 'BB' rating category is also used for debt subordinated to senior debt that is assigned an actual or implied 'BBB-' rating. B Debt rated 'B' has a greater vulnerability to default but currently has the capacity to meet interest payments and principal repayments. Adverse business, financial or economic conditions will likely impair capacity or willingness to pay interest and repay principal. The 'B' rating category is also used for debt subordinated to senior debt that is assigned an actual or implied 'BB' or 'BB-' rating. CCC Debt rated 'CCC' has a currently identifiable vulnerability to default, and is dependent upon favorable business, financial, and economic conditions to meet timely payment of interest and repayment of principal. In the event of adverse business, financial or economic conditions, it is not likely to have the capacity to pay interest and repay principal. The 'CCC' rating category is also used for debt subordinated to senior debt that is assigned an actual or implied 'B' or 'B-' rating. CC The rating 'CC' is typically applied to debt subordinated to senior debt that is assigned an actual or implied 'CCC' rating. C The rating 'C' is typically applied to debt subordinated to senior debt which is assigned an actual or implied 'CCC-' debt rating. The 'C' rating may be used to cover a situation where a bankruptcy petition has been filed, but debt service payments are continued. D The rating 'D' is typically applied when payments on an obligation are not made on the date due even if the applicable grace period has not expired, unless Standard & Poor's believes that such payments will be made during such grace period. The 'D' rating also will be used upon the filing of a bankruptcy petition or the taking of a similar action if payments n an obligation are jeopardized. Standard & Poor's describes its three highest ratings for commercial paper as follows: A-1. This designation indicated that the degree of safety regarding timely payment is very strong. B-2 A-2. Capacity for timely payment on issues with this designation is strong. However, the relative degree of safety is not as overwhelming as for issues designated A-1. A-3. Issues carrying this designation have a satisfactory capacity for timely payment. They are, however, somewhat more vulnerable to the adverse effects of changes in circumstances than obligations carrying the higher designations. Issuers rated P-2 (or related supporting institutions) have a strong capacity for repayment of short-term promissory obligations. This will normally be evidenced by many of the characteristics cited above but to a lesser degree. Earnings trends and coverage ratios, while sound, will be more subject to variation. Capitalization characteristics, while still appropriate, may be more affected by external conditions. Ample alternate liquidity is maintained. Issuers rated P-3 (or supporting institutions) have an acceptable ability for repayment of senior short-term obligations. The effect of industry characteristics and market compositions may be more pronounced. Variability in earnings and profitability may result in changes in the level of debt protection measurements and may require relatively high financial leverage. Adequate alternate liquidity is maintained. B-3 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS F-1 JOHN HANCOCK BOND FUND Class I Shares Statement of Additional Information September 1, 2001 This Statement of Additional Information provides information about John Hancock Bond Fund (the "Fund"), in addition to the information in the Fund's current Prospectus for Class I shares (the "Prospectus"). The Fund is a diversified series of John Hancock Sovereign Bond Fund (the "Trust") This Statement of Additional Information is not a prospectus. It should be read in conjunction with the Prospectus, a copy of which can be obtained free of charge by writing or telephoning: John Hancock Signature Services, Inc. 1 John Hancock Way, Suite 1000 Boston, Massachusetts 02217-1000 1-800-225-5291 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Organization of the Fund.................................................. 2 Investment Objective and Policies......................................... 2 Investment Restrictions................................................... 14 Those Responsible for Management.......................................... 16 Investment Advisory and Other Services.................................... 20 Distribution Contracts.................................................... 22 Sales Compensation........................................................ 23 Net Asset Value........................................................... 23 Special Redemptions....................................................... 24 Additional Services and Programs.......................................... 24 Purchases and Redemptions through Third Parties .......................... 24 Description of the Fund's Shares.......................................... 24 Tax Status................................................................ 26 Calculation of Performance................................................ 30 Brokerage Allocation...................................................... 31 Transfer Agent Services................................................... 33 Custody of Portfolio...................................................... 34 Independent Auditors...................................................... 34 Appendix A- Description of Investment Risk................................ A-1 Appendix B-Description of Bond Ratings.................................... B-1 Financial Statements...................................................... F-1 1 ORGANIZATION OF THE FUND The Fund is a diversified open-end investment management company organized as a Massachusetts business trust under the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Fund was organized in 1984. Prior to October 1, 1998, the Fund was called John Hancock Sovereign Bond Fund. John Hancock Advisers, Inc. (the "Adviser") is the Fund's investment adviser. The Adviser is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of John Hancock Life Insurance Company (formerly John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company) (the "Life Company"), a Massachusetts life insurance company chartered in 1862, with national headquarters at John Hancock Place, Boston, Massachusetts. The Life Company is a wholly owned by John Hancock Financial Services, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, organized in February, 2000. INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE AND POLICIES The following information supplements the discussion of the Fund's investment objective and policies discussed in the Prospectus. Appendix A contains further information describing investment risks. There is no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective. The investment objective is fundamental and may only be changed with shareholder approval. Class A, Class B and Class C shares are discussed in a separate Statement of Additional Information. The Fund's investment objective is to generate a high level of current income, consistent with prudent investment risk, through investment in a diversified portfolio of freely marketable debt securities. The Adviser seeks high current income consistent with the moderate level of risk associated with a portfolio consisting primarily of investment grade debt securities. Under normal circumstances, at least 80% of the value of the Fund's Assets will be in bonds and/or debentures. With respect to the Fund's investment policy of investing at least 80% of its Assets in bonds and/or debentures, "Assets" means net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes. Also, with respect to this 80% investment policy, the Fund will notify shareholders at least 60 days prior to any change in this policy. In addition, the Fund contemplates at least 75% of the value of its total assets will be in (1) debt securities that have, at the time of purchase, a rating within the four highest grades as determined by Moody's Investors Service, Inc. ("Moody's") (Aaa, Aa, A or Baa) or Standard & Poor's ("S&P") (AAA, AA, A, or BBB); (2) debt securities of banks, the U.S. Government and its agencies or instrumentalities and other issuers which, although not rated as a matter of policy by either Moody's or S&P, are considered by the Fund to have investment quality comparable to securities receiving ratings within the four highest grades; and (3) cash and cash equivalents. Under normal conditions, the Fund may not invest more than 10% of total assets in cash and/or cash equivalents (except cash segregated in relation to futures, forward and options contracts). Debt securities rated Baa or BBB are considered medium-grade obligations with speculative characteristics and adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances may weaken the issuers' capacity to pay interest and repay principal. The Fund will, when feasible, purchase debt securities which are non-callable. It is anticipated that under normal conditions, the Fund will not invest more than 25% of its total assets in U.S. dollar-denominated foreign securities (excluding U.S. dollar-denominated Canadian securities). The Fund will diversify its investments among a number of industry groups without concentration in any particular industry. The Fund's investments, and consequently its net asset value, will be subject to the market fluctuations and risks inherent in all securities. 2 The Fund may purchase corporate debt securities bearing fixed or fixed and contingent interest as well as those which carry certain equity features, such as conversion or exchange rights or warrants for the acquisition of stock of the same or a different issuer, or participations based on revenues, sales or profits. The Fund may purchase preferred stock. The Fund will not exercise any such conversion, exchange or purchase rights if, at the time, the value of all equity interests so owned would exceed 10% of the Fund's total assets taken at market value. For liquidity and flexibility, the Fund may place up to 20% of Assets in investment-grade short-term securities. In abnormal circumstances, such as situations where the Fund experiences large cash inflows or anticipates unusually large redemptions, and in an abnormal market, economic, political, or other conditions, the Fund may temporarily invest more than 20% of its Assets in investment-grade short-term securities, cash and cash equivalents. The market value of debt securities which carry no equity participation usually reflects yields generally available on securities of similar quality and type. When such yields decline, the market value of a portfolio already invested at higher yields can be expected to rise if such securities are protected against early call. Similarly, when such yields increase, the market value of a portfolio already invested can be expected to decline. The Fund's portfolio may include debt securities which sell at substantial discounts from par. These securities are low coupon bonds which, during periods of high interest rates, because of their lower acquisition cost tend to sell on a yield basis approximating current interest rates. Ratings as Investment Criteria. In general, the ratings of Moody's and S&P represent the opinions of these agencies as to the quality of the securities which they rate. It should be emphasized, however, that such ratings are relative and subjective and are not absolute standards of quality. These ratings will be used by the Fund as initial criteria for the selection of portfolio securities. Among the factors which will be considered are the long-term ability of the issuer to pay principal and interest and general economic trends. Appendix B contains further information concerning the ratings of Moody's and S&P and their significance. Subsequent to its purchase by the Fund, an issue of securities may cease to be rated or its rating may be reduced below the minimum required for purchase by the Fund. Neither of these events will require the sale of the securities by the Fund Participation Interests. Participation interests, which may take the form of interests in, or assignments of certain loans, are acquired from banks who have made these loans or are members of a lending syndicate. The Fund's investments in participation interests may be subject to its 15% limitation on investments in illiquid securities. Structured Securities. The Fund may invest in structured securities including notes, bonds or debentures, the value of the principal of and/or interest on which is to be determined by reference to changes in the value of specific currencies, interest rates, commodities, indices or other financial indicators (the "Reference") or the relative change in two or more References. The interest rate or the principal amount payable upon maturity or redemption may be increased or decreased depending upon changes in the applicable Reference. The terms of the structured securities may provide that in certain circumstances no principal is due at maturity and, therefore, may result in the loss of the Fund's investment. Structured securities may be positively or negatively indexed, so that appreciation of the Reference may produce an increase or decrease in the interest rate or value of the security at maturity. In addition, the change in interest rate or the value of the security at maturity may be a multiple of the change in the value of the Reference. Consequently, structured securities entail a greater degree of market risk than other types of debt obligations. Structured securities may also be more volatile, less liquid and more difficult to accurately price than less complex fixed income investments. 3 Lower Rated High Yield Debt Obligations. The Fund may invest up to 25% of the value of its total assets in fixed income securities rated below Baa by Moody's, or below BBB by S&P, or in securities which are unrated. The Fund may invest in securities rated as low as Ca by Moody's or CC by S&P, which may indicate that the obligations are highly speculative and in default. Lower rated securities are generally referred to as junk bonds. See the Appendix attached to this Statement of Additional Information, for the distribution of securities in the various ratings categories and a description of the characteristics of the categories. The Fund is not obligated to dispose of securities whose issuers subsequently are in default or which are downgraded below the above-stated ratings. The Fund may invest in unrated securities which, in the opinion of the Adviser, offer comparable yields and risks to those securities which are rated. Debt obligations rated in the lower ratings categories, or which are unrated, involve greater volatility of price and risk of loss of principal and income. In addition, lower ratings reflect a greater possibility of an adverse change in financial condition affecting the ability of the issuer to make payments of interest and principal. The market price and liquidity of lower rated fixed income securities generally respond to short-term economic, corporate and market developments to a greater extent than do higher rated securities. In the case of lower-rated securities, these developments are perceived to have a more direct relationship to the ability of an issuer of lower rated securities to meet its ongoing debt obligations. Reduced volume and liquidity in the high yield bond market, or the reduced availability of market quotations, will make it more difficult to dispose of the bonds and value accurately the Fund's assets. The reduced availability of reliable, objective data may increase the Fund's reliance on management's judgment in valuing the high yield bonds. To the extent that the Fund invests in these securities, the achievement of the Fund's objective will depend more on the Adviser's judgment and analysis than would otherwise be the case. In addition, the Fund's investments in high yield securities may be susceptible to adverse publicity and investor perceptions, whether or not the perceptions are justified by fundamental factors. In the past, economic downturns and increases in interest rates have caused a higher incidence of default by the issuers of lower-rated securities and may do so in the future, particularly with respect to highly leveraged issuers. The market prices of zero coupon and payment-in-kind bonds are affected to a greater extent by interest rate changes, and thereby tend to be more volatile than securities that pay interest periodically and in cash. Increasing rate note securities are typically refinanced by the issuers within a short period of time. The Fund accrues income on these securities for tax and accounting purposes, which is required to be distributed to shareholders. Because no cash is received while income accrues on these securities, the Fund may be forced to liquidate other investments to make the distributions. The Fund may acquire individual securities of any maturity and is not subject to any limits as to the average maturity of its overall portfolio. The longer the Fund's average portfolio maturity, the more the value of the portfolio and the net asset value of the Fund's shares will fluctuate in response to changes in interest rates. An increase in interest rates will generally reduce the value of the Fund's portfolio securities and the Fund's shares, while a decline in interest rates will generally increase their value. Securities of Domestic and Foreign Issuers. The Fund may invest in U.S. dollar-denominated securities of foreign and United States issuers that are issued in or outside of the United States. Foreign companies may not be subject to accounting standards and government supervision comparable to U.S. companies, and there is often less publicly available information about their operations. Foreign markets generally provide less liquidity than U.S. markets (and thus potentially greater price volatility) and typically provide fewer regulatory protections for investors. Foreign securities can also be affected by political or financial instability abroad. It is anticipated that under normal conditions, the Fund will not invest more than 25% of its total assets in U.S. dollar-denominated foreign securities (excluding U.S. dollar-denominated Canadian securities). 4 Mortgage-backed and Derivative Securities. Mortgage-backed securities represent participation interests in pools of adjustable and fixed rate mortgage loans which are guaranteed by agencies or instrumentalities of the U.S. government. Unlike conventional debt obligations, mortgage-backed securities provide monthly payments derived from the monthly interest and principal payments (including any prepayments) made by the individual borrowers on the pooled mortgage loans. The mortgage loans underlying mortgage-backed securities are generally subject to a greater rate of principal prepayments in a declining interest rate environment and to a lesser rate of principal prepayments in an increasing interest rate environment. Under certain interest and prepayment scenarios, the Fund may fail to recover the full amount of its investment in mortgage-backed securities notwithstanding any direct or indirect governmental or agency guarantee. Since faster than expected prepayments must usually be invested in lower yielding securities, mortgage-backed securities are less effective than conventional bonds in "locking in" a specified interest rate. In a rising interest rate environment, a declining prepayment rate may extend the average life of many mortgage-backed securities. Extending the average life of a mortgage-backed security increases the risk of depreciation due to future increases in market interest rates. The Fund's investments in mortgage-backed securities may include conventional mortgage passthrough securities and certain classes of multiple class collateralized mortgage obligations ("CMOs"). In order to reduce the risk of prepayment for investors, CMOs are issued in multiple classes, each having different maturities, interest rates, payment schedules and allocations of principal and interest on the underlying mortgages. Senior CMO classes will typically have priority over residual CMO classes as to the receipt of principal and/or interest payments on the underlying mortgages. The CMO classes in which the Fund may invest include but are not limited to sequential and parallel pay CMOs, including planned amortization class ("PAC") and target amortization class ("TAC") securities. Different types of mortgage-backed securities are subject to different combinations of prepayment, extension, interest rate and/or other market risks. Conventional mortgage passthrough securities and sequential pay CMOs are subject to all of these risks, but are typically not leveraged. PACs, TACs and other senior classes of sequential and parallel pay CMOs involve less exposure to prepayment, extension and interest rate risk than other mortgage-backed securities, provided that prepayment rates remain within expected prepayment ranges or "collars." Repurchase Agreements. In a repurchase agreement the Fund would buys a security for a relatively short period (usually not more than 7 days) subject to the obligation to sell it back to the issuer at a fixed time and price plus accrued interest. The Fund will enter into repurchase agreements only with member banks of the Federal Reserve System and with "primary dealers" in U.S. Government securities. The Adviser will continuously monitor the creditworthiness of the parties with whom the Fund enters into repurchase agreements. The Fund has established a procedure providing that the securities serving as collateral for each repurchase agreement must be delivered to the Fund's custodian either physically or in book-entry form and that the collateral must be marked to market daily to ensure that each repurchase agreement is fully collateralized at all times. In the event of bankruptcy or other default by a seller of a repurchase agreement, the Fund could experience delays in liquidating the underlying securities during the period in which the Fund seeks to enforce its rights thereto, possible subnormal levels of income decline in value of the underlying securities or lack of access to income during this period as well as the expense of enforcing its rights. 5 Reverse Repurchase Agreements. The Fund may also enter into reverse purchase agreements which involve the sale of U.S. Government securities held in its portfolio to a bank with an agreement that the Fund will buy back the securities at a fixed future date at a fixed price plus an agreed amount of "interest" which may be reflected in the repurchase price. Reverse repurchase agreements are considered to be borrowings by the Fund. Reverse repurchase agreements involve the risk that the market value of securities purchased by the Fund with proceeds of the transaction may decline below the repurchase price of the securities sold by the Fund which it is obligated to repurchase. The Fund will also continue to be subject to the risk of a decline in the market value of the securities sold under the agreements because it will reacquire those securities upon effecting their repurchase. To minimize various risks associated with reverse repurchase agreements, the Fund will establish and maintain a separate account consisting of liquid securities, of any type or maturity, in an amount at least equal to the repurchase prices of the securities (plus any accrued interest thereon) under such agreements. In addition, the Fund will not enter into reverse repurchase agreements or borrow money, except from banks as a temporary measure for extraordinary emergency purposes in amounts not to exceed 33 1/3% of the Fund's total assets (including the amount borrowed) taken at market value. The Fund will not use leverage to attempt to increase income. The Fund will not purchase securities while outstanding borrowings exceed 5% of the Fund's total assets. The Fund will enter into reverse repurchase agreements only with federally insured banks which are approved in advance as being creditworthy by the Trustees. Under the procedures established by the of Trustees, the Adviser will monitor the creditworthiness of the banks involved. Restricted Securities. The Fund may purchase securities that are not registered ("restricted securities") under the Securities Act of the 1933 Act ("1933 Act"), including commercial paper issued in reliance on Section 4(2) of the 1933 Act. The Fund will not invest more than 15% limit on illiquid investments. If the Trustees determine, based upon a continuing review of the trading markets for specific Section 4(2) paper or Rule 144A securities, that they are liquid, they will not be subject to the 15% limit in illiquid investments. The Trustees may adopt guidelines and delegate to the Adviser the daily function of determining the monitoring and liquidity of restricted investments. The Trustees, however, will retain sufficient oversight and be ultimately responsible for the determinations. The Trustees will carefully monitor the Fund's liquidity and availability of information. This investment practice could have the effect of increasing the level of liquidity in the Fund if qualified institutional buyers become for a time uninterested in purchasing these restricted securities. Options on Securities and Securities Indices. The Fund may purchase and write (sell) call and put options on any securities in which it may invest or on any securities index based on securities in which it may invest. These options may be listed on national domestic securities exchanges or traded in the over-the-counter market. The Fund may write covered put and call options and purchase put and call options to enhance total return, as a substitute for the purchase or sale of securities, or to protect against declines in the value of portfolio securities and against increases in the cost of securities to be acquired. Writing Covered Options. A call option on securities written by the Fund obligates the Fund to sell specified securities to the holder of the option at a specified price if the option is exercised at any time before the expiration date. A put option on securities written by a Fund obligates the Fund to purchase specified securities from the option holder at a specified price if the option is exercised at any time before the expiration date. Options on securities indices are similar to options on securities, except that the exercise of securities index options requires cash settlement payments and does not involve the actual purchase or sale of securities. In addition, securities 6 index options are designed to reflect price fluctuations in a group of securities or segment of the securities market rather than price fluctuations in a single security. Writing covered call options may deprive the Fund of the opportunity to profit from an increase in the market price of the securities in its portfolio. Writing covered put options may deprive the Fund of the opportunity to profit from a decrease in the market price of the securities to be acquired for its portfolio. All call and put options written by the Funds are covered. A written call option or put option may be covered by (i) maintaining cash or liquid securities in a segregated account with a value at least equal to the Fund's obligation under the option, (ii) entering into an offsetting forward commitment and/or (iii) purchasing an offsetting option or any other option which, by virtue of its exercise price or otherwise, reduces the Fund's net exposure on its written option position. A written call option on securities is typically covered by maintaining the securities that are subject to the option in a segregated account. The Fund may cover call options on a securities index by owning securities whose price changes are expected to be similar to those of the underlying index. The Fund may terminate its obligations under an exchange traded call or put option by purchasing an option identical to the one it has written. Obligations under over-the-counter options may be terminated only by entering into an offsetting transaction with the counterparty to such option. Such purchases are referred to as "closing purchase transactions." Purchasing Options. The Fund would normally purchase call options in anticipation of an increase, or put options in anticipation of a decrease ("protective puts") in the market value of securities of the type in which it may invest. The Fund may also sell call and put options to close out its purchased options. The purchase of a call option would entitle the Fund, in return for the premium paid, to purchase specified securities at a specified price during the option period. The Fund would ordinarily realize a gain on the purchase of a call option if, during the option period, the value of such securities exceeded the sum of the exercise price, the premium paid and transaction costs; otherwise the Fund would realize either no gain or a loss on the purchase of the call option. The purchase of a put option would entitle the Fund, in exchange for the premium paid, to sell specified securities at a specified price during the option period. The purchase of protective puts is designed to offset or hedge against a decline in the market value of the Fund's portfolio securities. Put options may also be purchased by the Fund for the purpose of affirmatively benefiting from a decline in the price of securities which it does not own. The Fund would ordinarily realize a gain if, during the option period, the value of the underlying securities decreased below the exercise price sufficiently to cover the premium and transaction costs; otherwise the Fund would realize either no gain or a loss on the purchase of the put option. Gains and losses on the purchase of put options may be offset by countervailing changes in the value of the Fund's portfolio securities. The Fund's options transactions will be subject to limitations established by each of the exchanges, boards of trade or other trading facilities on which such options are traded. These limitations govern the maximum number of options in each class which may be written or purchased by a single investor or group of investors acting in concert, regardless of whether the options are written or purchased on the same or different exchanges, boards of trade or other trading facilities or are held or written in one or more accounts or through one or more brokers. Thus, the number of options which the Fund may write or purchase may be affected by options written or purchased by other investment advisory clients of the Adviser. An exchange, board of trade or other trading facility may order the liquidation of positions found to be in excess of these limits, and it may impose certain other sanctions. 7 Risks Associated with Options Transactions. There is no assurance that a liquid secondary market on a domestic or foreign options exchange will exist for any particular exchange-traded option or at any particular time. If the Fund is unable to effect a closing purchase transaction with respect to covered options it has written, the Fund will not be able to sell the underlying securities or dispose of assets held in a segregated account until the options expire or are exercised. Similarly, if the Fund is unable to effect a closing sale transaction with respect to options it has purchased, it would have to exercise the options in order to realize any profit and will incur transaction costs upon the purchase or sale of underlying securities. Reasons for the absence of a liquid secondary market on an exchange include the following: (i) there may be insufficient trading interest in certain options; (ii) restrictions may be imposed by an exchange on opening transactions or closing transactions or both; (iii) trading halts, suspensions or other restrictions may be imposed with respect to particular classes or series of options; (iv) unusual or unforeseen circumstances may interrupt normal operations on an exchange; (v) the facilities of an exchange or the Options Clearing Corporation may not at all times be adequate to handle current trading volume; or (vi) one or more exchanges could, for economic or other reasons, decide or be compelled at some future date to discontinue the trading of options (or a particular class or series of options). If trading were discontinued, the secondary market on that exchange (or in that class or series of options) would cease to exist. However, outstanding options on that exchange that had been issued by the Options Clearing Corporation as a result of trades on that exchange would continue to be exercisable in accordance with their terms. The Fund's ability to terminate over-the-counter options is more limited than with exchange-traded options and may involve the risk that broker-dealers participating in such transactions will not fulfill their obligations. The Adviser will determine the liquidity of each over-the-counter option in accordance with guidelines adopted by the Trustees. The writing and purchase of options is a highly specialized activity which involves investment techniques and risks different from those associated with ordinary portfolio securities transactions. The successful use of options depends in part on the Adviser's ability to predict future price fluctuations and, for hedging transactions, the degree of correlation between the options and securities markets. Futures Contracts and Options on Futures Contracts. To seek to increase total return or hedge against changes in interest rates or securities prices, the Fund may purchase and sell futures contracts, and purchase and write call and put options on these futures contracts. The Fund may also enter into closing purchase and sale transactions with respect to any of these contracts and options. The futures contracts may be based on various securities (such as U.S. Government securities), securities indices and any other financial instruments and indices. All futures contracts entered into by the Fund are traded on U.S. exchanges or boards of trade that are licensed, regulated or approved by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission ("CFTC"). Futures Contracts. A futures contract may generally be described as an agreement between two parties to buy and sell particular financial instruments for an agreed price during a designated month (or to deliver the final cash settlement price, in the case of a contract relating to an index or otherwise not calling for physical delivery at the end of trading in the contract). Positions taken in the futures markets are not normally held to maturity but are instead liquidated through offsetting transactions which may result in a profit or a loss. While futures contracts on securities will usually be liquidated in this manner, the Fund may instead make, or take, delivery of the underlying securities whenever it appears economically advantageous to do so. A clearing corporation associated with the exchange on which futures contracts are traded guarantees that, if still open, the sale or purchase will be performed on the settlement date. 8 Hedging and Other Strategies. Hedging is an attempt to establish with more certainty than would otherwise be possible the effective price or rate of return on portfolio securities or securities that the Fund proposes to acquire. When securities prices are falling, the Fund can seek to offset a decline in the value of its current portfolio securities through the sale of futures contracts. When securities prices are rising, the Fund, through the purchase of futures contracts, can attempt to secure better rates or prices than might later be available in the market when it effects anticipated purchases. The Fund may, for example, take a "short" position in the futures market by selling futures contracts in an attempt to hedge against an anticipated decline in market prices that would adversely affect the value of the Fund's portfolio securities. Such futures contracts may include contracts for the future delivery of securities held by the Fund or securities with characteristics similar to those of the Fund's portfolio securities. If, in the opinion of the Adviser, there is a sufficient degree of correlation between price trends for the Fund's portfolio securities and futures contracts based on other financial instruments, securities indices or other indices, the Fund may also enter into such futures contracts as part of its hedging strategy. Although under some circumstances prices of securities in the Fund's portfolio may be more or less volatile than prices of such futures contracts, the Adviser will attempt to estimate the extent of this volatility difference based on historical patterns and compensate for any differential by having the Fund enter into a greater or lesser number of futures contracts or by attempting to achieve only a partial hedge against price changes affecting the Fund's portfolio securities. When a short hedging position is successful, any depreciation in the value of portfolio securities will be substantially offset by appreciation in the value of the futures position. On the other hand, any unanticipated appreciation in the value of the Fund's portfolio securities would be substantially offset by a decline in the value of the futures position. On other occasions, the Fund may take a "long" position by purchasing futures contracts. This would be done, for example, when the Fund anticipates the subsequent purchase of particular securities when it has the necessary cash, but expects the prices then available in the applicable market to be less favorable than prices that are currently available. The Fund may also purchase futures contracts as a substitute for transactions in securities, to alter the investment characteristics of portfolio securities or to gain or increase its exposure to a particular securities market. Options on Futures Contracts. The Fund may purchase and write options on futures for the same purposes as its transactions in futures contracts. The purchase of put and call options on futures contracts will give the Fund the right (but not the obligation) for a specified price to sell or to purchase, respectively, the underlying futures contract at any time during the option period. As the purchaser of an option on a futures contract, the Fund obtains the benefit of the futures position if prices move in a favorable direction but limits its risk of loss in the event of an unfavorable price movement to the loss of the premium and transaction costs. The writing of a call option on a futures contract generates a premium which may partially offset a decline in the value of the Fund's assets. By writing a call option, the Fund becomes obligated, in exchange for the premium (upon exercise of the option) to sell a futures contract if the option is exercised, which may have a value higher than the exercise price. Conversely, the writing of a put option on a futures contract generates a premium which may partially offset an increase in the price of securities that the Fund intends to purchase. However, the Fund becomes obligated (upon exercise of the option) to purchase a futures contract if the option is exercised, which may have a value lower than the exercise price. The loss incurred by the Fund in writing options on futures is potentially unlimited and may exceed the amount of the premium received. 9 The holder or writer of an option on a futures contract may terminate its position by selling or purchasing an offsetting option of the same series. There is no guarantee that such closing transactions can be effected. The Fund's ability to establish and close out positions on such options will be subject to the development and maintenance of a liquid market. Other Considerations. The Fund will engage in futures and related options transactions either for bona fide hedging purposes or to seek to increase total return as permitted by the CFTC. To the extent that the Fund is using futures and related options for hedging purposes, futures contracts will be sold to protect against a decline in the price of securities that the Fund owns or futures contracts will be purchased to protect the Fund against an increase in the price of securities it intends to purchase. The Fund will determine that the price fluctuations in the futures contracts and options on futures used for hedging purposes are substantially related to price fluctuations in securities held by the Fund or securities or instruments which it expects to purchase. As evidence of its hedging intent, the Fund expects that on 75% or more of the occasions on which it takes a long futures or option position (involving the purchase of futures contracts), the Fund will have purchased, or will be in the process of purchasing, equivalent amounts of related securities in the cash market at the time when the futures or option position is closed out. However, in particular cases, when it is economically advantageous for the Fund to do so, a long futures position may be terminated or an option may expire without the corresponding purchase of securities or other assets. To the extent that the Fund engages in nonhedging transactions in futures contracts and options on futures, the aggregate initial margin and premiums required to establish these nonhedging positions will not exceed 5% of the net asset value of the Fund's portfolio, after taking into account unrealized profits and losses on any such positions and excluding the amount by which such options were in-the-money at the time of purchase. Transactions in futures contracts and options on futures involve brokerage costs, require margin deposits and, in the case of contracts and options obligating the Fund to purchase securities, require the Fund to establish a segregated account consisting of cash or liquid securities in an amount equal to the underlying value of such contracts and options. While transactions in futures contracts and options on futures may reduce certain risks, these transactions themselves entail certain other risks. For example, unanticipated changes in interest rates or securities prices may result in a poorer overall performance for the Fund than if it had not entered into any futures contracts or options transactions. Perfect correlation between the Fund's futures positions and portfolio positions will be impossible to achieve. In the event of an imperfect correlation between a futures position and a portfolio position which is intended to be protected, the desired protection may not be obtained and the Fund may be exposed to risk of loss. Some futures contracts or options on futures may become illiquid under adverse market conditions. In addition, during periods of market volatility, a commodity exchange may suspend or limit trading in a futures contract or related option, which may make the instrument temporarily illiquid and difficult to price. Commodity exchanges may also establish daily limits on the amount that the price of a futures contract or related option can vary from the previous day's settlement price. Once the daily limit is reached, no trades may be made that day at a price beyond the limit. This may prevent the Fund from closing out positions and limiting its losses. 10 Forward Commitment and When-Issued Securities. The Fund may purchase securities on a when-issued or forward commitment basis. "When-issued" refers to securities whose terms are available and for which a market exists, but which have not been issued. The Fund will engage in when-issued transactions with respect to securities purchased for its portfolio in order to obtain what is considered to be an advantageous price and yield at the time of the transaction. For when-issued transactions, no payment is made until delivery is due, often a month or more after the purchase. In a forward commitment transaction, the Fund contracts to purchase securities for a fixed price at a future date beyond customary settlement time. When the Fund engages in forward commitment and when-issued transactions, it relies on the seller to consummate the transaction. The failure of the issuer or seller to consummate the transaction may result in the Fund's losing the opportunity to obtain a price and yield considered to be advantageous. The purchase of securities on a when- issued or forward commitment basis also involves a risk of loss if the value of the security to be purchased declines prior to the settlement date. On the date the Fund enters into an agreement to purchase securities on a when-issued or forward commitment basis, the Fund will segregate in a separate account cash or liquid securities, of any type or maturity, equal in value to the Fund's commitment. These assets will be valued daily at market, and additional cash or securities will be segregated in a separate account to the extent that the total value of the assets in the account declines below the amount of the when-issued commitments. Alternatively, the Fund may enter into offsetting contracts for the forward sale of other securities that it owns. Mortgage "Dollar Roll" Transactions. The Fund may enter into mortgage "dollar roll" transactions with selected banks and broker-dealers pursuant to which the Fund sells mortgage-backed securities and simultaneously contracts to repurchase substantially similar (same type, coupon and maturity) securities on a specified future date. The Fund will only enter into covered rolls. A "covered roll" is a specific type of dollar roll for which there is an offsetting cash position or a cash equivalent security position which matures on or before the forward settlement date of the dollar roll transaction. Covered rolls are not treated as a borrowing or other senior security and will be excluded from the calculation of the Fund's borrowings and other senior securities. For financial reporting and tax purposes, the Fund treats mortgage dollar rolls as two separate transactions; one involving the purchase of a security and a separate transaction involving a sale. Asset-Backed Securities. The Fund may invest a portion of its assets in asset-backed securities. Asset-backed securities are often subject to more rapid repayment than their stated maturity date would indicate as a result of the pass-through of prepayments of principal on the underlying loans. During periods of declining interest rates, prepayment of loans underlying asset-backed securities can be expected to accelerate. Accordingly, the Fund's ability to maintain positions in these securities will be affected by reductions in the principal amount of such securities resulting from prepayments, and its ability to reinvest the returns of principal at comparable yields is subject to generally prevailing interest rates at that time. Credit card receivables are generally unsecured and the debtors on such receivables are entitled to the protection of a number of state and federal consumer credit laws, many of which give such debtors the right to set-off certain amounts owed on the credit cards, thereby reducing the balance due. Automobile receivables generally are secured, but by automobiles rather than residential real property. Most issuers of automobile receivables permit the loan servicers to retain possession of the underlying obligations. If the servicer were to sell these obligations to another party, there is a risk that 11 the purchaser would acquire an interest superior to that of the holders of the asset- backed securities. In addition, because of the large number of vehicles involved in a typical issuance and technical requirements under state laws, the trustee for the holders of the automobile receivables may not have a proper security interest in the underlying automobiles. Therefore, there is the possibility that, in some cases, recoveries on repossessed collateral may not be available to support payments on these securities. Swaps, Caps, Floors and Collars. As one way of managing its exposure to different types of investments, the Fund may enter into interest rate swaps, currency swaps, and other types of swap agreements such as caps, collars and floors. In a typical interest rate swap, one party agrees to make regular payments equal to a floating interest rate times a "notional principal amount," in return for payments equal to a fixed rate times the same amount, for a specified period of time. If a swap agreement provides for payment in different currencies, the parties might agree to exchange the notional principal amount as well. Swaps may also depend on other prices or rates, such as the value of an index or mortgage prepayment rates. In a typical cap or floor agreement, one party agrees to make payments only under specified circumstances, usually in return for payment of a fee by the other party. For example, the buyer of an interest rate cap obtains the right to receive payments to the extent that a specified interest rate exceeds an agreed-upon level, while the seller of an interest rate floor is obligated to make payments to the extent that a specified interest rate falls below an agreed-upon level. An interest rate collar combines elements of buying a cap and selling a floor. Swap agreements will tend to shift the Fund's investment exposure from one type of investment to another. For example, if the Fund agreed to exchange payments in dollars for payments in a foreign currency, the swap agreement would tend to decrease the Fund's exposure to U.S. interest rates and increase its exposure to foreign currency and interest rates. Caps and floors have an effect similar to buying or writing options. Depending on how they are used, swap agreements may increase or decrease the overall volatility of a Fund's investments and its share price and yield. Swap agreements are sophisticated hedging instruments that typically involve a small investment of cash relative to the magnitude of risks assumed. As a result, swaps can be highly volatile and may have a considerable impact on the Fund's performance. Swap agreements are subject to risks related to the counterparty's ability to perform, and may decline in value if the counterparty's creditworthiness deteriorates. The Fund may also suffer losses if it is unable to terminate outstanding swap agreements or reduce its exposure through offsetting transactions. The Fund will maintain in a segregated account with its custodian, cash or liquid, high grade debt securities equal to the net amount, if any, of the excess of the Fund's obligations over its entitlements with respect to swap, cap, collar or floor transactions. Pay-In-Kind, Delayed and Zero Coupon Bonds. The Fund may invest in pay-in- kind, delayed and zero coupon bonds. These are securities issued at a discount from their face value because interest payments are typically postponed until maturity. The amount of the discount rate varies depending on factors including the time remaining until maturity, prevailing interest rates, the security's liquidity and the issuer's credit quality. These securities also may take the form of debt securities that have been stripped of their interest payments. A portion of the discount with respect to stripped tax-exempt securities or their coupons may be taxable. The market prices in pay-in-kind, delayed and zero coupon bonds generally are more volatile than the market prices of interest-bearing securities and are likely to respond to a greater degree to changes in interest rates than interest-bearing securities having similar maturities and credit quality. The Fund's investments in pay-in-kind, delayed and zero coupon bonds may require the Fund to sell certain of its portfolio securities to generate sufficient cash to satisfy certain income distribution requirements. See "TAX STATUS." 12 Brady Bonds. The Fund may invest in Brady Bonds and other sovereign debt securities of countries that have restructured or are in the process of restructuring sovereign debt pursuant to the Brady Plan. Brady Bonds are debt securities described as part of a restructuring plan created by U.S. Treasury Secretary Nicholas F. Brady in 1989 as a mechanism for debtor nations to restructure their outstanding external indebtedness (generally, commercial bank debt). In restructuring its external debt under the Brady Plan framework, a debtor nation negotiates with its existing bank lenders as well as multilateral institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (the "IMF"). The Brady Plan facilitates the exchange of commercial bank debt for newly issued bonds (known as Brady Bonds). The World Bank and the IMF provide funds pursuant to loan agreements or other arrangements which enable the debtor nation to collateralize the new Brady Bonds or to repurchase outstanding bank debt at a discount. Under these arrangements the IMF debtor nations are required to implement domestic monetary and fiscal reforms. These reforms have included the liberalization of trade and foreign investment, the privatization of state-owned enterprises and the setting of targets for public spending and borrowing. These policies and programs seek to promote the debtor country's ability to service its external obligations and promote its economic growth and development. The Brady Plan only sets forth general guiding principles for economic reform and debt reduction, emphasizing that solutions must be negotiated on a case-by-case basis between debtor nations and their creditors. The Adviser believes that economic reforms undertaken by countries in connection with the issuance of Brady Bonds make the debt of countries which have issued or have announced plans to issue Brady Bonds an attractive opportunity for investment. Brady Bonds may involve a high degree of risk, may be in default or present the risk of default. Agreements implemented under the Brady Plan to date are designed to achieve debt and debt-service reduction through specific options negotiated by a debtor nation with its creditors. As a result, the financial packages offered by each country differ. The types of options have included the exchange of outstanding commercial bank debt for bonds issued at 100% of face value of such debt, bonds issued at a discount of face value of such debt, bonds bearing an interest rate which increases over time and bonds issued in exchange for the advancement of new money by existing lenders. Certain Brady Bonds have been collateralized as to principal due at maturity by U.S. Treasury zero coupon bonds with a maturity equal to the final maturity of such Brady Bonds, although the collateral is not available to investors until the final maturity of the Brady Bonds. Collateral purchases are financed by the IMF, the World Bank and the debtor nations' reserves. In addition, the first two or three interest payments on certain types of Brady Bonds may be collateralized by cash or securities agreed upon by creditors. Although Brady Bonds may be collateralized by U.S. Government securities, repayment of principal and interest is not guaranteed by the U.S. Government. Lending of Securities. The Fund may lend portfolio securities to brokers, dealers, and financial institutions if the loan is collateralized by cash or U.S. Government securities according to applicable regulatory requirements. The Fund may reinvest any cash collateral in short-term securities and money market funds. When the Fund lends portfolio securities, there is a risk that the borrower may fail to return the securities involved in the transaction. As a result, the Fund may incur a loss or, in the event of the borrower's bankruptcy, the Fund may be delayed in or prevented from liquidating the collateral. It is a fundamental policy of the Fund not to lend portfolio securities having a total value exceeding 33 1/3% of its total assets. Rights and Warrants. The Fund may purchase warrants and rights which are securities permitting, but not obligating, their holder to purchase the underlying securities at a predetermined price, subject to the Fund's Investment Restrictions. Generally, warrants and stock purchase rights do not carry with them the right to receive dividends or exercise voting rights with respect to the underlying securities, and they do not represent any rights in the assets of the issuer. As a result, an investment in warrants and rights may be considered to entail greater investment risk than certain other types of investments. In addition, the value of warrants and rights does not necessarily change with the 14 value of the underlying securities, and they cease to have value if they are not exercised on or prior to their expiration date. Investment in warrants and rights increases the potential profit or loss to be realized from the investment of a given amount of the Fund's assets as compared with investing the same amount in the underlying stock. Short-Term Trading and Portfolio Turnover. Short-term trading means the purchase and subsequent sale of a security after it has been held for a relatively brief period of time. The Fund may engage in short-term trading in response to stock market conditions, changes in interest rates or other economic trends and developments, or to take advantage of yield disparities between various fixed income securities in order to realize capital gains or improve income. Short term trading may have the effect of increasing portfolio turnover rate. A high rate of portfolio turnover (100% or greater) involves correspondingly greater brokerage expenses. The Fund's portfolio turnover rate is set forth in the table under the caption "Financial Highlights" in the Prospectus. The Fund intends to use short-term trading of securities as a means of managing its portfolio to achieve its investment objective. The Fund, in reaching a decision to sell one security and purchase another security at approximately the same time, will take into account a number of factors, including the quality ratings, interest rates, yields, maturity dates, call prices, and refunding and sinking fund provisions of the securities under consideration, as well as historical yield spreads and current economic information. The success of short-term trading will depend upon the ability of the Fund to evaluate particular securities, to anticipate relevant market factors, including trends of interest rates and earnings and variations from such trends, to obtain relevant information, to evaluate it promptly, and to take advantage of its evaluations by completing transactions on a favorable basis. It is expected that the expenses involved in short-term trading, which would not be incurred by an investment company which does not use this portfolio technique, will be significantly less than the profits and other benefits which will accrue to shareholders. The portfolio turnover rate will depend on a number of factors, including the fact that the Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"). Accordingly, the Fund intends to limit its short-term trading so that less than 30% of the Fund's gross annual income (including all dividend and interest income and gross realized capital gains, both short and long-term, without being offset for realized capital losses) will be derived from gross realized gains on the sale or other disposition of securities held for less than three months. This limitation, which must be met by all mutual funds in order to obtain such Federal tax treatment, at certain times may prevent the Fund from realizing capital gains on some securities held for less than three months. INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS Fundamental Investment Restrictions. The following investment restrictions will not be changed without approval of a majority of the Fund's outstanding voting securities which, as used in the Prospectus and this Statement of Additional Information, means approval by the lesser of (1) the holders of 67% or more of the Fund's shares represented at a meeting if more than 50% of the Fund's outstanding shares are present in person or by proxy at that meeting or (2) more than 50% of the Fund's outstanding shares. The Fund may not: (1) Issue senior securities, except as permitted by paragraphs (2), (6) and (7) below. For purposes of this restriction, the issuance of shares of beneficial interest in multiple classes or series, the purchase or sale of options, futures contracts and options on futures contracts, forward commitments, forward foreign exchange contracts and repurchase agreements entered into in accordance with the Fund's investment policy, and the pledge, mortgage or hypothecation of the Fund's assets within the meaning of paragraph (3) below are not deemed to be senior securities. 14 (2) Borrow money, except from banks as a temporary measure for extraordinary emergency purposes in amounts not to exceed 33 1/3% of the Fund's total assets (including the amount borrowed) taken at market value. The Fund will not use leverage to attempt to increase income. The Fund will not purchase securities while outstanding borrowings exceed 5% of the Fund's total assets. (3) Pledge, mortgage, or hypothecate its assets, except to secure indebtedness permitted by paragraph (2) above and then only if such pledging, mortgaging or hypothecating does not exceed 33 1/3% of the Fund's total assets taken at market value. (4) Act as an underwriter, except to the extent that, in connection with the disposition of portfolio securities, the Fund may be deemed to be an underwriter for purposes of the 1933 Act. (5) Purchase or sell real estate or any interest therein, except that the Fund may invest in securities of corporate or governmental entities secured by real estate or marketable interests therein or issued by companies that invest in real estate or interests therein. (6) Make loans, except that the Fund (1) may lend portfolio securities in accordance with the Fund's investment policies up to 33 1/3% of the Fund's total assets taken at market value, (2) enter into repurchase agreements, and (3) purchase all or a portion of an issue of publicly distributed debt securities, bank loan participation interests, bank certificates of deposit, bankers' acceptances, debentures or other securities, whether or not the purchase is made upon the original issuance of the securities. (7) Invest in commodities or commodity contracts or in puts, calls, or combinations of both, except interest rate futures contracts, options on securities, securities indices, currency and other financial instruments and options on such futures contracts, forward foreign currency exchange contracts, forward commitments, securities index put or call warrants and repurchase agreements entered into in accordance with the Fund's investment policies. (8) Purchase the securities of issuers conducting their principal business activity in the same industry if, immediately after such purchase, the value of its investments in such industry would exceed 25% of its total assets taken at market value at the time of each investment. This limitation does not apply to investments in obligations of the U.S. Government or any of its agencies or instrumentalities. (9) Purchase securities of an issuer, (other than the U.S. Government, its agencies or instrumentalities) if (a) Such purchase would cause more than 5% of the Fund's total assets taken at market value to be invested in the securities of such issuer, or (b) Such purchase would at the time result in more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities of such issuer being held by the Fund. In connection with the lending of portfolio securities under item (6) above, such loans must at all times be fully collateralized by cash or securities of the U.S. Government or its agencies or instrumentalities and the Fund's custodian must take possession of the collateral either physically or in book entry form. Any cash collateral will consist of short-term high quality debt instruments. Securities used as collateral must be marked to market daily. 15 Non-fundamental Investment Restrictions. The following investment restrictions are designated as non-fundamental and may be changed by the Trustees without shareholder approval: The Fund may not: (a) Participate on a joint or joint-and-several basis in any securities trading account. The "bunching" of orders for the sale or purchase of marketable portfolio securities with other accounts under the management of the Adviser to save commissions or to average prices among them is not deemed to result in a securities trading account. (b) Purchase securities on margin or make short sales, except margin deposits in connection with transactions in options, futures contracts, options on futures contracts and other arbitrage transactions or unless by virtue of its ownership of other securities, the Fund has the right to obtain securities equivalent in kind and amount to the securities sold and, if the right is conditional, the sale is made upon the same conditions, except that the Fund may obtain such short-term credits as may be necessary for the clearance of purchases and sales of securities and in connection with transactions involving forward foreign currency exchange transactions. (c) Invest for the purpose of exercising control over or management of any company. (d) Invest more than 15% of its net assets in illiquid securities. (e) Purchase a security if, as a result, (i) more than 10% of the Fund's total assets would be invested in the securities of other investment companies, (ii) the Fund would hold more than 3% of the total outstanding voting securities of any one investment company, or (iii) more than 5% of the Fund's total assets would be invested in the securities of any one investment company. These limitations do not apply to (a) the investment of cash collateral, received by the Fund in connection with lending the Fund's portfolio securities, in the securities of open-end investment companies or (b) the purchase of shares of any investment company in connection with a merger, consolidation, reorganization or purchase of substantially all of the assets of another investment company. Subject to the above percentage limitations, the Fund may, in connection with the John Hancock Group of Funds Deferred Compensation Plan for Independent Trustees/Directors, purchase securities of other investment companies within the John Hancock Group of Funds. If a percentage restriction on investment or utilization of assets as set forth above is adhered to at the time an investment is made, a later change in percentage resulting from changes in the value of the Fund's assets will not be considered a violation of the restriction. The Funds will invest only in countries on the Adviser's Approved Country Listing. The Approved Country Listing is a list maintained by the Adviser's investment department that outlines all countries, including the United States, that have been approved for investment by Funds managed by the Adviser. THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR MANAGEMENT The business of the Fund is managed by its Trustees of the Trust, who elect officers who are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Fund and who execute policies formulated by the Trustees. Several of the officers and Trustees of the Fund are also Officers and Directors of the Adviser or Officers and Directors of the Fund's principal distributor, John Hancock Funds, Inc. ("John Hancock Funds"). 16
Positions Held Principal Occupation(s) Name and Address With the Company During the Past Five Years ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------- Maureen R. Ford * Trustee, Chairman, President, Broker/Dealer 101 Huntington Avenue President and Chief Distributor, John Hancock Life Boston, MA 02199 Executive Officer Insurance Company; Chairman, March 1950 (1,2) Director, President and Chief Executive Officer, the Adviser and The Berkeley Group; Chairman, Director and Chief Executive Officer, John Hancock Funds; Chairman, Director and President, Insurance Agency, Inc.; Chairman, Director and Chief Executive Officer, Sovereign Asset Management Corporation (SAMCorp.); Senior Vice President, MassMutual Insurance Co. (until 1999); Senior Vice President, Connecticut Mutual Insurance Co. (until 1996). John M. DeCiccio* Trustee Executive Vice President and Chief John Hancock Place Investment Officer John Hancock P.O. Box 111 Financial Services, Inc.; Director, Boston, MA 02117 Executive Vice President and Chief July 1948 Investment Officer, John Hancock Life Insurance Company; Chairman of the Committee of Finance of John Hancock Life Insurance Company; Director, John Hancock Subsidiaries, Inc., Hancock Natural Resource Group, Independence Investment LLC, Independence Fixed Income LLC, The Berkeley Group, the Adviser, John Hancock Funds, Massachusetts Business Development Corporation; Director, Insurance Agency Inc. (until 1999) and John Hancock Signature Services, Inc. (until 1997). Dennis S. Aronowitz Trustee Professor of Law, Emeritus, Boston 101 Huntington Avenue University School of Law (as of Boston, MA 02199 1996); Director, Brookline Bancorp. June 1931 Richard P. Chapman, Jr. Trustee (1) Chairman, President, and Chief 101 Huntington Avenue Executive Officer, Brookline Boston, MA 02199 Bancorp. (lending); Trustee, February 1935 Northeastern University (education); Director, Depositors Insurance Fund, Inc. (insurance). ------------------- * Trustee may be deemed to be an "interested person" of the Fund as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940. (1) Member of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may generally exercise most of the powers of the Board of Trustees. (2) A member of the Investment Committee of the Adviser. 17 Positions Held Principal Occupation(s) Name and Address With the Company During the Past Five Years ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------- William J. Cosgrove Trustee Vice President, Senior Banker and 101 Huntington Avenue Senior Credit Officer, Citibank, Boston, MA 02199 N.A. (retired September 1991); January 1933 Executive Vice President, Citadel Group Representatives, Inc.; Trustee, the Hudson City Savings Bank (since 1995). Richard A. Farrell Trustee President of Farrell, Healer & Co., 101 Huntington Avenue (venture capital management firm) Boston, MA 02199 (since 1980); Prior to 1980, headed November 1932 the venture capital group at Bank of Boston Corporation. Gail D. Fosler Trustee Senior Vice President and Chief 101 Huntington Avenue Economist, The Conference Board Boston, MA 02199 (non-profit economic and business December 1947 research); Director, Unisys Corp.; Director H.B. Fuller Company; and DBS Holdings (Singapore) (Banking and Financial Services); Director, National Bureau of Economic Research (academic). William F. Glavin Trustee President Emeritus, Babson College 101 Huntington Avenue (as of 1997); Vice Chairman, Xerox Boston, MA 02199 Corporation (until June 1989); March 1932 Director, Reebok, Inc. (since 1994) and Inco Ltd. Dr. John A. Moore Trustee President and Chief Executive 101 Huntington Avenue Officer, Institute for Evaluating Boston, MA 02199 Health Risks, (nonprofit February 1939 institution) (since September 1989). Patti McGill Peterson Trustee Executive Director, Council for 101 Huntington Avenue International Exchange of Scholars Boston, MA 02199 (since January 1998), Vice May 1943 President, Institute of International Education (since January 1998); Senior Fellow, Cornell Institute of Public Affairs, Cornell University (until December 1997); President Emerita of Wells College and St. Lawrence University; Director, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation (electric utility). John W. Pratt Trustee Professor of Business 101 Huntington Avenue Administration Emeritus, Harvard Boston, MA 02199 University Graduate School of September 1931 Business Administration (as of June 1998). ------------------- * Trustee may be deemed to be an "interested person" of the Fund as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940. (1) Member of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may generally exercise most of the powers of the Board of Trustees. (2) A member of the Investment Committee of the Adviser. 18 Positions Held Principal Occupation(s) Name and Address With the Company During the Past Five Years ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------- William L. Braman Executive Vice Executive Vice President and Chief 101 Huntington Avenue President and Chief Investment Officer, the Adviser and Boston, MA 02199 Investment Officer (2) each of the John Hancock Funds; December 1953 Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Barring Asset Management, London UK (until May 2000). Richard A. Brown Senior Vice President Senior Vice President and Chief 101 Huntington Avenue and Chief Financial Financial Officer of the Adviser, Boston, MA 02199 Officer (2) John Hancock Funds, and The April 1949 Berkeley Group; Second Vice President and Senior Associate Controller, Corporate Tax Department, John Hancock Financial Services, Inc. (until January 2001). Susan S. Newton Senior Vice Senior Vice President and Chief 101 Huntington Avenue President, Secretary Legal Officer the Adviser; John Boston, MA 02199 and Chief Legal Hancock Funds; Vice President March 1950 Officer Signature Services (until May 2000), The Berkeley Group, NM Capital and SAMCorp. William H. King Vice President and Vice President and Treasurer, the 101 Huntington Avenue Treasurer Adviser. Boston, MA 02199 July 1952 Thomas H. Connors Vice President and Vice President and Compliance 101 Huntington Avenue Compliance Officer Officer, the Adviser; Vice Boston, MA 02199 President, John Hancock Funds. September 1959 ------------------- * Trustee may be deemed to be an "interested person" of the Fund as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940. (1) Member of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may generally exercise most of the powers of the Board of Trustees. (2) A member of the Investment Committee of the Adviser.
19 The following table provides information regarding the compensation paid by the Fund and the other investment companies in the John Hancock Fund Complex to the Independent Trustees for their services. Mr. DeCiccio and Ms. Ford, each a non-Independent Trustee, and each of the officers of the Fund are interested persons of the Adviser, are compensated by the Adviser and/or its affiliates and receive no compensation from the Fund for their services. Aggregate Total Compensation From the Compensation Fund and John Hancock Fund Independent Trustees From the Fund(1) Complex to Trustees(2) -------------------- ---------------- --------------------------- Dennis S. Aronowitz $ 8,551 $ 75,000 Richard P. Chapman, Jr.* 8,973 78,000 William J. Cosgrove* 8,141 72,000 Leland O. Erdahl + 3,216 72,100 Richard A. Farrell 8,385 75,000 Gail D. Fosler 8,307 68,000 William F. Glavin* 7,689 64,000 Dr. John A. Moore* 8,319 72,100 Patti McGill Peterson 7,849 70,350 John W. Pratt 8,141 72,000 -------- ---------- Total $77,571 $718,550 (1) Compensation is for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2001. (2) Total compensation paid by the John Hancock Funds Complex to the Independent Trustees is as of December 31, 2000. As of this date, there were sixty-nine funds in the John Hancock Fund Complex, with each of these Independent Trustees serving on thirty-one funds. + As of February 28, 2001, Mr. Erdahl resigned as Trustees of the Complex. *As of December 31, 2000, the value of the aggregate accrued deferred compensation amount from all funds in the John Hancock Funds Complex for Mr. Chapman was $85,948, Mr. Cosgrove was $218,258, Mr. Glavin was $317,363 and for Dr. Moore was $263,160 under the John Hancock Group of Funds Deferred Compensation Plan for Independent Trustees (the "Plan"). All of the officers listed are officers or employees of the Adviser or affiliated companies. Some of the Trustees and officers may also be officers and/or directors and/or Trustees of one or more of the other funds for which the Adviser serves as investment adviser. The officers and Trustees of the Fund as a group beneficially owned less than 1% of the outstanding shares of the Fund and no shareholders of record beneficially owned 5% or more of the outstanding Class I shares of the Fund. INVESTMENT ADVISORY AND OTHER SERVICES The Adviser, located at 101 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02199-7603, was organized in 1968 and has more than $30 billion in assets under management in its capacity as investment adviser to the Fund and the other funds in the John Hancock group of funds as well as retail and institutional privately managed accounts. The Adviser is an affiliate of the Life Company, one of the most recognized and respected financial institutions in the nation. With total assets under management of more than $100 billion, the Life Company is one of the ten largest life insurance companies in the United States, and carries a high rating from Standard & Poor's and A. M. Best. Founded in 1862, the Life Company has been serving clients for over 130 years. 20 The Fund has entered into an investment management contract (the "Advisory Agreement") with the Adviser which was approved by the Fund's shareholders. Pursuant to the Advisory Agreement, the Adviser will: (a) furnish continuously an investment program for the Fund and determine, subject to the overall supervision and review of the Trustees, which investments should be purchased, held, sold or exchanged and (b) provide supervision over all aspects of the Fund's operations except those which are delegated to a custodian, transfer agent or other agent. The Fund bears all costs of its organization and operation, including but not limited to expenses of preparing, printing and mailing all shareholders' reports, notices, prospectuses, proxy statements and reports to regulatory agencies; expenses relating to the issuance, registration and qualification of shares; government fees; interest charges; expenses of furnishing to shareholders their account statements; taxes; expenses of redeeming shares; brokerage and other expenses connected with the execution of portfolio securities transactions; expenses pursuant to the Fund's plan of distribution; fees and expenses of custodians including those for keeping books and accounts, maintaining a committed line of credit and calculating the net asset value of shares; fees and expenses of transfer agents and dividend disbursing agents; legal, accounting, financial, management, tax and auditing fees and expenses of the Fund (including an allocable portion of the cost of the Adviser's employees rendering such services to the Fund); the compensation and expenses of Trustees who are not otherwise affiliated with the Trust, the Adviser or any of their affiliates; expenses of Trustees' and shareholders' meetings; trade association memberships; insurance premiums; and any extraordinary expenses. As compensation for its services under the Advisory Agreement, the Fund pays the Adviser monthly a fee based on a stated percentage of the average of the daily net assets of the Fund as follows: Average Daily Net Assets Annual Rate ------------------------ ----------- First $1,500,000,000 0.50% Next $500,000,000 0.45% Next $500,000,000 0.40% Amount Over $2,500,000,0000 0.35% From time to time, the Adviser may reduce its fee or make other arrangements to limit the Fund's expenses to a specified percentage of average daily net assets. The Adviser retains the right to re-impose a fee and recover any other payments to the extent that, at the end of any fiscal year, the Fund's annual expenses fall below this limit. For the fiscal years ended May 31, 1999, 2000 and 2001, the Adviser received fees of $7,686,223, $7,206,180 and $6,760,696, respectively. Securities held by the Fund may also be held by other funds or investment advisory clients for which the Adviser or its affiliates provides investment advice. Because of different investment objectives or other factors, a particular security may be bought for one or more funds or clients when one or more are selling the same security. If opportunities for the purchase or sale of securities by the Adviser for the Fund for other funds or clients, for which the Adviser renders investment advice, arise for consideration at or about the same time, transactions in such securities will be made, insofar as feasible, for the respective funds or clients in a manner deemed equitable to all of them. To the extent that transactions on behalf of more than one client of the Adviser or its affiliates may increase the demand for securities being purchased or the supply of securities being sold, there may be an adverse effect on price. 21 Pursuant to the Advisory Agreement, the Adviser is not liable for any error of judgment or mistake of law or for any loss suffered by the Fund in connection with the matters to which its Advisory Agreement relates, except a loss resulting from willful misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence on the part of the Adviser in the performance of its duties or from reckless disregard of the obligations and duties under the Advisory Agreement. Under the Advisory Agreement, the Fund may use the name "John Hancock" or any name derived from or similar to it only for so long as the Advisory Agreement or any extension, renewal or amendment thereof remains in effect. If the Advisory Agreement is no longer in effect, the Fund (to the extent that it lawfully can) will cease to use such a name or any other name indicating that it is advised by or otherwise connected with the Adviser. In addition, the Adviser or the Life Company may grant the nonexclusive right to use the name "John Hancock" or any similar name to any other corporation or entity, including but not limited to any investment company of which the Life Company or any subsidiary or affiliate thereof or any successor to the business of any subsidiary or affiliate thereof shall be the investment adviser. The continuation of the Advisory Agreement and Distribution Agreement was approved by all of the Trustees. The Advisory Agreement, and the Distribution Agreement discussed below, will continue in effect from year to year, provided that its continuance is approved annually both (i) by the holders of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of the Trust or by the Trustees, and (ii) by a majority of the Trustees who are not parties to the Agreement or "interested persons" of any such parties. Both agreements may be terminated on 60 days written notice by any party or by a vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund and will terminate automatically if assigned. Accounting and Legal Services Agreement. The Trust, on behalf of the Fund, is a party to an Accounting and Legal Services Agreement with the Adviser. Pursuant to this agreement, the Adviser provides the Fund with certain tax, accounting and legal services. For the fiscal years ended May 31, 1999, 2000 and 2001, the Fund paid the Adviser $226,136, $276,177 and $262,846, respectively, for services under this agreement. Personnel of the Adviser and its affiliates may trade securities for their personal accounts. The Fund also may hold, or may be buying or selling, the same securities. To prevent the Fund from being disadvantaged, the adviser(s) principal underwriter and the Fund have adopted a code of ethics which restricts the trading activity of those personnel. DISTRIBUTION CONTRACTS The Fund has a Distribution Agreement with John Hancock Funds. Under the Agreement, John Hancock Funds is obligated to use its best efforts to sell shares of each Fund. Shares of the Fund are also sold by selected broker-dealers (the "Selling Brokers") which have entered into selling agency agreements with John Hancock Funds. These Selling Brokers are authorized to designate other intermediaries to receive purchase and redemption orders on behalf of the Fund. John Hancock Funds accepts orders for the purchase of the shares of the Funds which are continually offered at net asset value next determined. 22 SALES COMPENSATION As part of its business strategy, John Hancock Funds may pay compensation to financial services firms that sell the Fund's shares. These firms typically pass along a portion of this compensation to your broker or financial representative. John Hancock Funds may make a one-time payment at the time of initial purchase out of its own resources to a Selling Broker who sells shares of the Fund. This payment may not exceed 0.15% of the amount invested. In addition, from time to time, John Hancock Funds, at its expense, may provide significant additional compensation to financial services firms in connection with the sale of shares of the Fund. Such compensation provided by John Hancock Funds may include, for example, financial assistance to financial services firms in connection with their marketing and sales development programs for their registered representatives and other employees, as well as payment for travel expenses, including lodging, incurred by registered representatives and other employees for such marketing and sales development programs, seminars for the public, advertising and sales campaigns regarding one or more Funds, and/or other financial services firms-sponsored events or activities. From time to time, John Hancock Funds may make expense reimbursements for special training of a financial services firm's registered representatives and other employees in group meetings. Other compensation, such as asset retention fees, finder's fees and reimbursement for wire transfer fees, may be offered to the extent not prohibited by law or any self-regulatory agency, such as the NASD. NET ASSET VALUE For purposes of calculating the net asset value ("NAV") of the Fund's shares, the following procedures are utilized wherever applicable. Debt investment securities are valued on the basis of valuations furnished by a principal market maker or a pricing service, both of which generally utilize electronic data processing techniques to determine valuations for normal institutional size trading units of debt securities without exclusive reliance upon quoted prices. Short-term debt investments which have a remaining maturity of 60 days or less are generally valued at amortized cost which approximates market value. If market quotations are not readily available or if in the opinion of the Adviser any quotation or price is not representative of true market value, the fair value of the security may be determined in good faith in accordance with procedures approved by the Trustees. Foreign securities are valued on the basis of quotations from the primary market in which they are traded. Any assets or liabilities expressed in terms of foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars by the custodian bank based on London currency exchange quotations as of 5:00 p.m., London time (12:00 noon, New York time) on the date of any determination of a Fund's NAV. If quotations are not readily available, or the value has been materially affected by the events occurring after closing of a foreign market, assets are valued by a method that Trustees believe accurately reflects fair value. The NAV of each fund and class is determined each business day at the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange (typically 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time) by dividing a class's net assets by the number of its shares outstanding. On any day an international market is closed and the New York Stock Exchange is 23 open, any foreign securities will be valued at the prior day's close with the current day's exchange rate. Trading of foreign securities may take place on Saturdays and U.S. business holidays on which a Fund's NAV is not calculated. Consequently, a Fund's portfolio securities may trade and the NAV of the Fund's redeemable securities may be significantly affected on days when a shareholder has no access to the Fund. SPECIAL REDEMPTIONS Although it would not normally do so, the Fund has the right to pay the redemption price of shares of the Fund in whole or in part in portfolio securities as prescribed by the Trustees. When the shareholder sells portfolio securities received in this fashion, the shareholder will incur a brokerage charge. Any such securities would be valued for the purposes of making such payment at the same value as used in determining net asset value. The Fund has, however, elected to be governed by Rule 18f-1 under the Investment Company Act. Under that rule, the Fund must redeem its shares for cash except to the extent that the redemption payments to any shareholder during any 90-day period would exceed the lesser of $250,000 or 1% of the Fund's net asset value at the beginning of such period. ADDITIONAL SERVICES AND PROGRAMS Exchange Privilege. The Fund permits exchanges of shares of any class of a fund for shares of the same class in any other John Hancock fund offering that class. The Fund reserves the right to require that previously exchanged shares (and reinvested dividends) be in the Fund for 90 days before a shareholder is permitted a new exchange. The Fund may refuse any exchange order. The Fund may change or cancel its exchange policies at any time, upon 60 days' notice to its shareholders. An exchange of shares is treated as a redemption of shares of one fund and the purchase of shares of another for Federal Income Tax purposes. An exchange may result in a taxable gain or loss. See "TAX STATUS". PURCHASES AND REDEMPTIONS THROUGH THIRD PARTIES Shares of the Fund may be purchased or redeemed through certain broker-dealers or Service Agents ("Brokers"). Brokers may charge for their services or place limitations on the extent to which you may use the services of the Fund. The Fund will be deemed to have received a purchase or redemption order when an authorized broker, or if applicable, a broker's authorized designee, receives the order. If a broker is an agent or designee of the Fund, orders are processed at the NAV next calculated after the broker receives the order. The broker must segregate any orders it receives after the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange and transmit those orders to the Fund for execution at NAV next determined. Some brokers that maintain nominee accounts with the Fund for their clients charge an annual fee on the average net assets held in such accounts for accounting, servicing, and distribution services they provide with respect to the underlying Fund shares. The Adviser, the Fund, and/or John Hancock Funds, Inc. (the Fund's principal distributor), share in the expense of these fees. DESCRIPTION OF THE FUND'S SHARES The Trustees of the Trust are responsible for the management and supervision of the Fund. The Declaration of Trust permits the Trustees to issue an unlimited number of full and fractional shares of beneficial interest of the Fund, without par value. Under the Declaration of Trust, the Trustees have the authority to create and classify shares of beneficial interest in separate series, without further action by shareholders. As of the date of this Statement of Additional Information, the Trustees have not authorized any additional series of the Fund, other than the Fund, although they may do so in the future. The Declaration of 24 Trust also authorizes the Trustees to classify and reclassify the shares of the Fund, or any new series of the Trust, into one or more classes. The Trustees have authorized the issuance of four classes of shares of the Fund, designated as Class A, Class B, Class C and Class I. Class A, Class B and Class C shares are discussed in a separate Statement of Additional Information. The shares of each class of the Fund represent an equal proportionate interest in the aggregate net assets attributable to that class of the Fund. Holders of each class of shares have certain exclusive voting rights on matters relating to their respective distribution plans. The different classes of the Fund may bear different expenses relating to the cost of holding shareholder meetings necessitated by the exclusive voting rights of any class of shares. Dividends paid by the Fund, if any, with respect to each class of shares will be calculated in the same manner, at the same time and on the same day and will be in the same amount, except for differences resulting from the facts that (i) the distribution and service fees relating to each class shares will be borne exclusively by that class, (ii) Class B and Class C shares will pay higher distribution and service fees than Class A shares and (iii) each of class of shares will bear any class expenses properly allocable to that class of shares, subject to the conditions the Internal Revenue Service imposes with respect to the multiple-class structures. Similarly, the net asset value per share may vary depending on which class of shares are purchased. No interest will be paid on uncashed dividend or redemption checks. In the event of liquidation, shareholders of each class are entitled to share pro rata in the net assets of the Fund available for distribution to these shareholders. Shares entitle their holders to one vote per share, are freely transferable and have no preemptive, subscription or conversion rights. When issued, shares are fully paid and non-assessable, except as set forth below. Unless otherwise required by the Investment Company Act or the Declaration of Trust, the Fund has no intention of holding annual meetings of shareholders. Fund shareholders may remove a Trustee by the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the Trust's outstanding shares and the Trustees shall promptly call a meeting for such purpose when requested to do so in writing by the record holders of not less than 10% of the outstanding shares of the Trust. Shareholders may, under certain circumstances, communicate with other shareholders in connection with requesting a special meeting of shareholders. However, at any time that less than a majority of the Trustees holding office were elected by the shareholders, the Trustees will call a special meeting of shareholders for the purpose of electing Trustees. Under Massachusetts law, shareholders of a Massachusetts business trust could, under certain circumstances, be held personally liable for acts or obligations of the Trust. However, the Declaration of Trust contains an express disclaimer of shareholder liability for acts, obligations or affairs of the Fund. The Declaration of Trust also provides for indemnification out of the Fund's assets for all losses and expenses of any shareholder held personally liable by reason of being or having been a shareholder. The Declaration of Trust also provides that no series of the Trust shall be liable for the liabilities of any other series. Furthermore, no fund included in this Fund's prospectus shall be liable for the liabilities of any other John Hancock Fund. Liability is therefore limited to circumstances in which the Fund itself would be unable to meet its obligations, and the possibility of this occurrence is remote. The Fund reserves the right to reject any application which conflicts with the Fund's internal policies or the policies of any regulatory authority. John Hancock Funds does not accept starter, credit card or third party checks. All checks returned by the post office as undeliverable will be reinvested at net asset value in the fund or funds from which a redemption was made or dividend paid. Information provided on the account application may be used by the Fund to verify the accuracy of the information or for background or financial history purposes. A joint account will be administered as a joint tenancy with right of survivorship, unless the joint owners notify Signature Services of a different intent. A shareholder's account is governed by the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For telephone transactions the transfer agent will take measures 25 to verify the identity of the caller, such as asking for name, account number, Social Security or other taxpayer ID number and other relevant information. If appropriate measures are taken, the transfer agent is not responsible for any losses that may occur to any account due to an unauthorized telephone call. Also for your protection telephone transactions are not permitted on accounts whose names or addresses have changed within the past 30 days. Proceeds from telephone transactions can only be mailed to the address of record. Selling activities for the Fund may not take place outside the U.S. except with U.S. military bases, APO addresses and U.S. diplomats. Brokers of record on Non-U.S. investors' accounts with foreign mailing addresses are required to certify that all sales activities have occurred, and in the future will occur, only in the U.S. A foreign corporation may purchase shares of the Fund only if it has a U.S. mailing address. TAX STATUS The Fund is treated as a separate entity for accounting and tax purposes, has qualified as a "regulated investment company" under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and intends to continue to qualify for each taxable year. As such and by complying with the applicable provisions of the Code regarding the sources of its income, the timing of its distributions, and the diversification of its assets, the Fund will not be subject to Federal income tax on its taxable income (including net realized capital gains) which is distributed to shareholders in accordance with the timing requirements of the Code. The Fund will be subject to a 4% non-deductible Federal excise tax on certain amounts not distributed (and not treated as having been distributed) on a timely basis in accordance with annual minimum distribution requirements. The Fund intends under normal circumstances to seek to avoid or minimize liability for such tax by satisfying such distribution requirements. Distributions from the Fund's current or accumulated earnings and profits ("E&P") will be taxable under the Code for investors who are subject to tax. If these distributions are paid from the Fund's "investment company taxable income," they will be taxable as ordinary income; and if they are paid from the Fund's "net capital gain," they will be taxable as capital gain. (Net capital gain is the excess (if any) of net long-term capital gain over net short-term capital loss, and investment company taxable income is all taxable income and capital gains, other than net capital gain, after reduction by deductible expenses.) Some distributions may be paid in January but may be taxable to shareholders as if they had been received on December 31 of the previous year. The tax treatment described above will apply without regard to whether distributions are received in cash or reinvested in additional shares of the Fund. Distributions, if any, in excess of E&P will constitute a return of capital under the Code, which will first reduce an investor's federal tax basis in Fund shares and then, to the extent such basis is exceeded, will generally give rise to capital gains. Shareholders who have chosen automatic reinvestment of their distributions will have a federal tax basis in each share received pursuant to such a reinvestment equal to the amount of cash they would have received had they elected to receive the distribution in cash, divided by the number of shares received in the reinvestment. The amount of the Funds net realized capital gains, if any, in any given year will vary depending upon the Adviser's current investment strategy and whether the Adviser believes it to be in the best interest of the Fund to dispose of portfolio securities and/or engage in option, futures or forward transactions that will generate capital gains or to enter into options or futures transactions. At the time of an investor's purchase of Fund shares, a portion of 26 the purchase price is often attributable to realized or unrealized appreciation in the Fund's portfolio. Consequently, subsequent distributions on these shares from such appreciation may be taxable to such investor even if the net asset value of the investor's shares is, as a result of the distributions, reduced below the investor's cost for such shares, and the distributions in reality represent a return of a portion of the purchase price. Upon a redemption or other disposition of shares of the Fund (including by exercise of the exchange privilege) in a transaction that is treated as a sale for tax purposes, a shareholder will ordinarily realize a taxable gain or loss depending upon the amount of the proceeds and the investor's basis in his shares. Such gain or loss will be treated as capital gain or loss if the shares are capital assets in the shareholder's hands. A sales charge paid in purchasing shares of the Fund cannot be taken into account for purposes of determining gain or loss on the redemption or exchange of such shares within ninety (90) days after their purchase to the extent Class A shares of the Fund or another John Hancock fund are subsequently acquired without payment of a sales charge pursuant to the reinvestment or exchange privilege. This disregarded charge will result in an increase in the shareholder's tax basis in the shares subsequently acquired. Also, any loss realized on a redemption or exchange may be disallowed to the extent the shares disposed of are replaced with other shares of the Fund within a period of sixty- one (61) days beginning thirty (30) days before and ending thirty (30) days after the shares are disposed of, such as pursuant to automatic dividend reinvestments. In such a case, the basis of the shares acquired will be adjusted to reflect the disallowed loss. Any loss realized upon the redemption of shares with a tax holding period of six months or less will be treated as a long-term capital loss to the extent of any amounts treated as distributions of long-term capital gain with respect to such shares. Shareholders should consult their own tax advisers regarding their particular circumstances to determine whether a disposition of Fund shares is properly treated as a sale for tax purposes, as is assumed in the foregoing discussion. Although its present intention is to distribute, at least annually, all net capital gain, if any, the Fund reserves the right to retain and reinvest all or any portion of the excess, as computed for Federal income tax purposes, of net long-term capital gain over net short-term capital loss in any year. The Fund will not in any event distribute net capital gain realized in any year to the extent that a capital loss is carried forward from prior years against such gain. To the extent such excess was retained and not exhausted by the carryforward of prior years' capital losses, it would be subject to Federal income tax in the hands of the Fund. Upon proper designation of this amount by the Fund, each shareholder would be treated for Federal income tax purposes as if the Fund had distributed to him on the last day of its taxable year his pro rata share of such excess, and he had paid his pro rata share of the taxes paid by the Fund and reinvested the remainder in the Fund. Accordingly, each shareholder would (a) include his pro rata share of such excess as capital gain in his return for his taxable year in which the last day of the Fund's taxable year falls, (b) be entitled either to a tax credit on his return for, or to a refund of, his pro rata share of the taxes paid by the Fund, and (c) be entitled to increase the adjusted tax basis for his shares in the Fund by the difference between his pro rata share of this excess and his pro rata share of these taxes. For Federal income tax purposes, the Fund is permitted to carry forward a net capital loss in any year to offset net capital gains, if any, during the eight years following the year of the loss. To the extent subsequent net capital gains are offset by such losses, they would not result in Federal income tax liability to the Fund and, as noted above, would not be distributed to shareholders. The Fund has $55,393,254 of capital loss carryforwards available, to the extent provided by regulations, to offset future net realized capital gains. These carryforwards expire at various times and amounts from 2002 through 2009. 27 Dividends and capital gain distributions from the Fund will not qualify for the dividends-received deduction for corporations. Different tax treatment, including penalties on certain excess contributions and deferrals, certain pre-retirement and post-retirement distributions and certain prohibited transactions, is accorded to accounts maintained as qualified retirement plans. Shareholders should consult their tax advisers for more information. The Fund may be subject to withholding and other taxes imposed by foreign countries with respect to the Fund's investments in certain foreign securities, if any. Tax conventions between certain countries and the U.S. may reduce or eliminate such taxes in some cases. Because more than 50% of the Fund's assets at the close of any taxable year will generally not consist of stocks or securities of foreign corporations, the Fund will generally be unable to pass through such taxes to its shareholders, who will therefore generally not be entitled to any foreign tax credit or deduction with respect to their investment in the Fund. The Fund will deduct such taxes in determining the amount it has available for distribution to shareholders. The Fund is required to accrue income on any debt securities that have more than a de minimus amount of original issue discount (or debt securities acquired at a market discount, if the Fund elects to include market discount in income currently) prior to the receipt of the corresponding cash payments. The mark to market rules applicable to certain options and futures contracts may also require the Fund to recognize gain within a concurrent receipt of cash. However, the Fund must distribute to shareholders for each taxable year substantially all of its net income and net capital gains, including such income or gain, to qualify as a regulated investment company and avoid liability for any federal income or excise tax. Therefore, the Fund may have to dispose of its portfolio securities under disadvantageous circumstances to generate cash, or borrow cash, to satisfy these distribution requirements. A state income (and possibly local income and/or intangible property) tax exemption is generally available to the extent the Fund's distributions are derived from interest on (or, in the case of intangibles property taxes, the value of its assets is attributable to) certain U.S. Government obligations, provided in some states that certain thresholds for holdings of such obligations and/or reporting requirements are satisfied. The Fund will not seek to satisfy any threshold or reporting requirements that may apply in particular taxing jurisdictions, although the Fund may in its sole discretion provide relevant information to shareholders. The Fund will be required to report to the Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS") all taxable distributions to shareholders, as well as gross proceeds from the redemption or exchange of Fund shares, except in the case of certain exempt recipients, i.e., corporations and certain other investors distributions to which are exempt from the information reporting provisions of the Code. Under the backup withholding provisions of Code Section 3406 and applicable Treasury regulations, all such reportable distributions and proceeds may be subject to backup withholding of federal income tax in the case of non-exempt shareholders who fail to furnish the Fund with their correct taxpayer identification number and certain certifications required by the IRS or if the IRS or a broker notifies the Fund that the number furnished by the shareholder is incorrect or that the shareholder is subject to backup withholding as a result of failure to report interest or dividend income. The Fund may refuse to accept an application that does not contain any required taxpayer identification number or certification that the number provided is correct. If the backup withholding provisions are applicable, any such distributions and proceeds, whether taken in cash or reinvested in shares, will be reduced by the amounts required to be withheld. Any amounts withheld may be credited against a shareholder's U.S. federal income tax liability. Investors should consult their tax advisers about the applicability of the backup withholding provisions. 28 The Fund may be required to account for its transactions in forward rolls or swaps, caps, floors and collars in a manner that, under certain circumstances, may limit the extent of its participation in such transactions. Additionally, the Fund may be required to recognize gain, but not loss, if a swap or other transaction is treated as a constructive sale of an appreciated financial position in the Fund's portfolio. The Fund may have to sell portfolio securities under disadvantageous circumstances to generate cash, or borrow cash, to satisfy these distribution requirements. The Fund may invest in debt obligations that are in the lower rating categories or are unrated, including debt obligations of issuers not currently paying interest as well as issuers who are in default. Investments in debt obligations that are at risk of or in default present special tax issues for the Fund. Tax rules are not entirely clear about issues such as when the Fund may cease to accrue interest, original issue discount, or market discount, when and to what extent deductions may be taken for bad debts or worthless securities, how payments received on obligations in default should be allocated between principal and income, and whether exchanges of debt obligations in a workout context are taxable. These and other issues will be addressed by the Fund, in the event it invests in such securities, in order to reduce the risk of distributing insufficient income to preserve its status as a regulated investment company and seek to avoid becoming subject to Federal income or excise tax. Limitations imposed by the Code on regulated investment companies like the Fund may restrict the Fund's ability to enter into futures and options transactions. Certain options and futures transactions undertaken by the Fund may cause the Fund to recognize gains or losses from marking to market even though its positions have not been sold or terminated and affect the character as long-term or short-term and timing of some capital gains and losses realized by the Fund. Also, some of the Fund's losses on its transactions involving options and futures contracts and/or offsetting or successor portfolio positions may be deferred rather than being taken into account currently in calculating the Fund's taxable income or gain. Certain of such transactions may also cause the Fund to dispose of investments sooner than would otherwise have occurred. These transactions may thereafter affect the amount, timing and character of the Fund's distributions to shareholders. Some of the applicable tax rules may be modified if the Fund is eligible and chooses to make one or more of certain tax elections that may be available. The Fund will take into account the special tax rules (including consideration of available elections) applicable to options and futures transactions in order to seek to minimize any potential adverse tax consequences. The foregoing discussion relates solely to U.S. Federal income tax law as applicable to U.S. persons (i.e., U.S. citizens or residents and U.S. domestic corporations, partnerships, trusts or estates) subject to tax under such law. The discussion does not address special tax rules applicable to certain types of investors, such as tax-exempt entities, insurance companies and financial institutions. Dividends, capital gain distributions and ownership of or gains realized on the redemption (including an exchange) of shares of the Fund may also be subject to state and local taxes. Shareholders should consult their own tax advisers as to the Federal, state or local tax consequences of ownership of shares of, and receipt of distributions from, the Fund in their particular circumstances. Non-U.S. investors not engaged in a U.S. trade or business with which their Fund investment in the Fund is effectively connected will be subject to U.S. Federal income tax treatment that is different from that described above. These investors may be subject to nonresident alien withholding tax at the rate of 30% (or a lower rate under an applicable tax treaty), on amounts treated as ordinary dividends from the Fund and, unless an effective IRS Form W-8, W-8BEN or other authorized withholding certificate is on file and to backup withholding on certain other payments from the Fund. Non-U.S. investors should consult their tax advisors regarding such treatment and the application of foreign taxes to an investment in the Fund. 29 The Fund is not subject to Massachusetts corporate excise or franchise taxes. The Fund anticipates that, provided that the Fund qualifies as a regulated investment company under the Code, it will also not be required to pay any Massachusetts income tax. CALCULATION OF PERFORMANCE Because Class I shares are new, there is no performance to report. Class a performance is currently disclosed in the Fund's prospectus for Class I shares. For the 30-day period ending May 31, 2001, the yield on Class A shares of the Fund was 7.23%. The average annual total return of the Class A shares of the Fund for the 1 year, 5 year and 10 year periods ended May 31, 2001 was 7.30%, 6.13% and 7.32%, respectively. The Fund may advertise yield, where appropriate. The Fund's yield is computed by dividing net investment income per share determined for a 30-day period by the maximum offering price per share (which includes the full sales charge, where applicable) on the last day of the period, according to the following standard formula: 6 Yield = 2 ( [ ( a - b ) + 1 ] - 1 ) ------- cd Where: a = dividends and interest earned during the period. b = net expenses accrued during the period. c = the average daily number of fund shares outstanding during the period that would be entitled to receive dividends. d = the maximum offering price per share on the last day of the period (NAV where applicable). Total return is computed by finding the average annual compounded rate of return over the 1 year, 5 year and 10 year periods that would equate the initial amount invested to the ending redeemable value according to the following formula: n _____ T = \ /ERV/P - 1 Where: P = a hypothetical initial investment of $1,000. T = average annual total return. n = number of years. ERV = ending redeemable value of hypothetical $1,000 investment made at the beginning of the 1 year, 5 year and 10 year periods. Because each class has its own sales charge and fee structure, the classes have different performance results. In the case of each class, this calculation assumes the maximum sales charge is included in the initial investment or the CDSC applied at the end of the period, respectively. This calculation assumes that all dividends and distributions are reinvested at net asset value on the reinvestment dates during the period. The "distribution rate" is determined by 30 annualizing the result of dividing the declared dividends of the Fund during the period stated by the maximum offering price or net asset value at the end of the period. Excluding the Fund's sales charge from the distribution rate produces a higher rate. In addition to average annual total returns, the Fund may quote unaveraged or cumulative total returns reflecting the simple change in value of an investment over a stated period. Cumulative total returns may be quoted as a percentage or as a dollar amount, and may be calculated for a single investment, a series of investments, and/or a series of redemptions, over any time period. Total returns may be quoted with or without taking the Fund's sales charge on Class A shares or the CDSC on Class B or Class C shares into account. Excluding the Fund's sales charge on Class A shares and the CDSC on Class B or Class C shares from a total return calculation produces a higher total return figure. From time to time, in reports and promotional literature, the Fund's yield and total return will be compared to indices of mutual funds and bank deposit vehicles such as Lipper Analytical Services, Inc.'s "Lipper - Fixed Income Fund Performance Analysis," a monthly publication which tracks net assets, total return, and yield on fixed income mutual funds in the United States. Ibottson and Associates, CDA Weisenberger and F.C. Towers are also used for comparison purposes, as well as the Russell and Wilshire Indices. Comparisons may also be made to bank certificates of deposit ("CD's") which differ from mutual funds, such as the Fund, in several ways. The interest rate established by the sponsoring bank is fixed for the term of a CD. There are penalties for early withdrawal from CDs, and the principal on a CD is insured. Performance rankings and ratings reported periodically in and excerpts from, national financial publications such as MONEY Magazine, FORBES, BUSINESS WEEK, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, MICROPAL, INC., MORNINGSTAR, STANGER'S and BARRON'S, etc. may also be utilized. The Fund's promotional and sales literature may make reference to the Fund's "beta." Beta reflects the market-related risk of the Fund by showing how responsive the Fund is to the market. The performance of the Fund is not fixed or guaranteed. Performance quotations should not be considered to be representations of performance of the Fund for any period in the future. The performance of the Fund is a function of many factors including its earnings, expenses and number of outstanding shares. Fluctuating market conditions; purchases, sales and maturities of portfolio securities; sales and redemptions of shares of beneficial interest; and changes in operating expenses are all examples of items that can increase or decrease the Fund's performance. BROKERAGE ALLOCATION Decisions concerning the purchase and sale of portfolio securities and the allocation of brokerage commissions are made by the Adviser pursuant to recommendations made by its investment committee of the Adviser, which consists of officers and directors of the Adviser and affiliates, and Trustees who are interested persons of the Fund. Orders for purchases and sales of securities are placed in a manner which, in the opinion of the Adviser, will offer the best price and market for the execution of each such transaction. Purchases from underwriters of portfolio securities may include a commission or commissions paid by the issuer and transactions with dealers serving as market makers reflect a "spread." Debt securities are generally traded on a net basis through dealers acting for their own account as principals and not as brokers; no brokerage commissions are payable on such transactions. 31 In the U.S. Government securities market, securities are generally traded on a "net" basis with dealers acting as principal for their own account without a stated commission, although the price of the security usually includes a profit to the dealer. On occasion, certain money market instruments and agency securities may be purchased directly from the issuer, in which case no commissions or premiums are paid. In other countries, both debt and equity securities are traded on exchanges at fixed commission rates. Commissions on foreign transactions are generally higher than the negotiated commission rates available in the U.S. There is generally less government supervision and regulation of foreign stock exchanges and broker-dealers than in the U.S. The Fund's primary policy is to execute all purchases and sales of portfolio instruments at the most favorable prices consistent with best execution, considering all of the costs of the transaction including brokerage commissions. This policy governs the selection of brokers and dealers and the market in which a transaction is executed. Consistent with the foregoing primary policy, the Conduct Rules of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. and other policies as the Trustees may determine, the Adviser may consider sales of shares of the Fund as a factor in the selection of broker-dealers to execute the Fund's portfolio transactions. To the extent consistent with the foregoing, the Fund will be governed in the selection of brokers and dealers, and the negotiation of brokerage commission rates and dealer spreads, by the reliability and quality of the services, including primarily the availability and value of research information and to a lesser extent statistical assistance furnished to the Adviser of the Fund, and their value and expected contribution to the performance of the Fund. It is not possible to place a dollar value on information and services to be received from brokers and dealers, since it is only supplementary to the research efforts of the Adviser. The receipt of research information is not expected to reduce significantly the expenses of the Adviser. The research information and statistical assistance furnished by brokers and dealers may benefit the Life Company or other advisory clients of the Adviser, and, conversely, brokerage commissions and spreads paid by other advisory clients of the Adviser may result in research information and statistical assistance beneficial to the Fund. The Fund will make no commitment to allocate portfolio transactions upon any prescribed basis. While the Adviser's officers will be primarily responsible for the allocation of the Fund's brokerage business, the policies in this regard must be consistent with the foregoing and will at all times be subject to review by the Trustees. For the fiscal years ended May 31, 1999, 2000 and 2001, negotiated brokerage commissions were $23,247, $24,185 and $1,232, respectively. As permitted by Section 28(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Fund may pay to a broker which provides brokerage and research services to the Fund an amount of disclosed commission in excess of the commission which another broker would have charged for effecting that transaction. This practice is subject to a good faith determination by the Trustees that such price is reasonable in light of the services provided and to such policies as the Trustees may adopt from time to time. During the fiscal year end May 31, 2001, the Fund did not pay commissions to compensate any brokers for research services such as industry, economic and company reviews and evaluations of securities. The Adviser's indirect parent, the Life Company, is the indirect sole shareholder of Signator Investors, Inc., a broker-dealer (until January 1, 1999, John Hancock Distributors, Inc.) "Signator" or "Affiliated Broker"). Pursuant to procedures determined by the Trustees and consistent with the above policy of obtaining best net results, the Fund may execute portfolio transactions with or through Affiliated Brokers. During the fiscal years ended December 31, 1996, the Fund did not execute any portfolio transactions with Affiliated Brokers. For the fiscal years ended May 31, 1999, 2000 and 2001, the Fund did not execute any portfolio transactions with Affiliated Brokers. 32 Signator may act as broker for the Fund on exchange transactions, subject, however, to the general policy of the Fund set forth above and the procedures adopted by the Trustees pursuant to the Investment Company Act. Commissions paid to an Affiliated Broker must be at least as favorable as those which the Trustees believe to be contemporaneously charged by other brokers in connection with comparable transactions involving similar securities being purchased or sold. A transaction would not be placed with an Affiliated Broker if the Fund would have to pay a commission rate less favorable than the Affiliated Broker's contemporaneous charges for comparable transactions for its other most favored, but unaffiliated, customers except for accounts for which the Affiliated Broker acts as a clearing broker for another brokerage firm, and any customers of the Affiliated Broker not comparable to the Fund as determined by a majority of the Trustees who are not interested persons (as defined in the Investment Company Act) of the Fund, the Adviser or the Affiliated Broker. Because the Adviser, which is affiliated with the Affiliated Brokers, has, as an investment adviser to the Fund, the obligation to provide investment management services, which includes elements of research and related investment skills, such research and related skills will not be used by the Affiliated Brokers as a basis for negotiating commissions at a rate higher than that determined in accordance with the above criteria. Other investment advisory clients advised by the Adviser may also invest in the same securities as the Fund. When these clients buy or sell the same securities at substantially the same time, the Adviser may average the transactions as to price and allocate the amount of available investments in a manner which the Adviser believes to be equitable to each client, including the Fund. Because of this, client accounts in a particular style may sometimes not sell or acquire securities as quickly or at the same prices as they might if each were managed and traded individually. For purchases of equity securities, when a complete order is not filled, a partial allocation will be made to each account pro rata based on the order size. For high demand issues (for example, initial public offerings), shares will be allocated pro rata by account size as well as on the basis of account objective, account size ( a small account's allocation may be increased to provide it with a meaningful position), and the account's other holdings. In addition, an account's allocation may be increased if that account's portfolio manager was responsible for generating the investment idea or the portfolio manager intends to buy more shares in the secondary market. For fixed income accounts, generally securities will be allocated when appropriate among accounts based on account size, except if the accounts have different objectives or if an account is too small to get a meaningful allocation. For new issues, when a complete order is not filled, a partial allocation will be made to each account pro rata based on the order size. However, if a partial allocation is too small to be meaningful, it may be reallocated based on such factors as account objectives, duration benchmarks and credit and sector exposure. For example, value funds will likely not participate in initial public offerings s frequently as growth funds. In some instances, this investment procedure may adversely affect the price paid or received by the Fund or the size of the position obtainable for it. On the other hand, to the extent permitted by law, the Adviser may aggregate securities to be sold or purchased for the Fund with those to be sold or purchased for other clients managed by it in order to obtain best execution. TRANSFER AGENT SERVICES John Hancock Signature Services, Inc., John Hancock Way, Suite 1000, Boston, Massachusetts 02217-1000, a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of the Life Company is the transfer and dividend paying agent for each Fund. The Fund pays Signature Services a fee of 0.05% of its average daily net assets attributable to Class I shares plus certain out-of-pocket expenses. 33 CUSTODY OF PORTFOLIO Portfolio securities of the Fund are held pursuant to a custodian agreement between the Fund and Investors Bank & Trust Company, 200 Clarendon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02116. Under the custodian agreement, Investors Bank & Trust Company performs custody, portfolio and fund accounting services. Effective November, 2001, the new custodian will be The Bank of New York, 100 Church Street, New York, New York 10286. Under the new custodian agreement The Bank of New York will perform custody, Foreign Custody Manager and fund accounting services. INDEPENDENT AUDITORS Ernst & Young LLP, 200 Clarendon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02116, has been selected as the independent auditors of the Fund. The financial statements of the Fund, incorporated by reference in the Prospectus and this Statement of Additional Information have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP for the periods indicated in their report thereon appearing elsewhere herein, and are included in reliance upon such report given upon the authority of such firm as experts in accounting and auditing. 34 APPENDIX A- Description of Investment Risk MORE ABOUT RISK A fund's risk profile is largely defined by the fund's principal securities and investment practices. You may find the most concise description of the fund's risk profile in the prospectus. A fund is permitted to utilize -- within limits established by the trustees -- certain other securities and investment practices that have higher risks and opportunities associated with them. To the extent that the fund utilizes these securities or practices, its overall performance may be affected, either positively or negatively. On the following pages are brief definitions of certain associated risks with them, with examples of related securities and investment practices included in brackets. See the "Investment Objectives and Policies" and "Investment Restrictions" sections of this Statement of Additional Information for a description of this Fund's investment policies. The fund follows certain policies that may reduce these risks. As with any mutual fund, there is no guarantee that the fund will earn income or show a positive total return over any period of time -- days, months or years. TYPES OF INVESTMENT RISK Correlation risk The risk that changes in the value of a hedging instrument will not match those of the asset being hedged (hedging is the use of one investment to offset the effects of another investment). Incomplete correlation can result in unanticipated risks. (e.g., currency contracts, futures and related options, options on securities and indices, swaps, caps, floors and collars). Credit risk The risk that the issuer of a security, or the counterparty to a contract, will default or otherwise become unable to honor a financial obligation. (e.g., non- investment-grade debt securities, borrowing; reverse repurchase agreements, covered mortgage dollar roll transactions, repurchase agreements, securities lending, brady bonds, foreign debt securities, in-kind, delayed and zero coupon debt securities, asset-backed securities, mortgage-backed securities, participation interest, options on securities, structured securities and swaps, caps floors and collars). Currency risk The risk that fluctuations in the exchange rates between the U.S. dollar and foreign currencies may negatively affect an investment. Adverse changes in exchange rates may erode or reverse any gains produced by foreign currency-denominated investments, and may widen any losses.(e.g., foreign debt securities, currency contracts, swaps, caps, floors and collars). Extension risk The risk that an unexpected rise in interest rates will extend the life of a mortgage-backed security beyond the expected prepayment time, typically reducing the security's value.(e.g. mortgage-backed securities and structured securities). Interest rate risk The risk of market losses attributable to changes in interest rates. With fixed-rate securities, a rise in interest rates typically causes a fall in values, while a fall in rates typically causes a rise in values. (e.g., non-investment-grade debt securities, covered mortgage dollar roll transactions, brady bonds, foreign debt securities, in-kind, delayed and zero coupon debt securities, asset-backed securities, mortgage-backed securities, participation interest, swaps, caps, floors and collars). Leverage risk Associated with securities or practices (such as borrowing) that multiply small index or market movements into large changes in value. (e.g. borrowing; reverse repurchase agreements, covered mortgage dollar roll transactions, when-issued securities and forward commitments, currency contracts, financial futures and options; securities and index options, structured securities, swaps, caps, floors and collars). A-1 o Hedged When a derivative (a security whose value is based on another security or index) is used as a hedge against an opposite position that the fund also holds, any loss generated by the derivative should be substantially offset by gains on the hedged investment, and vice versa. While hedging can reduce or eliminate losses, it can also reduce or eliminate gains. o Speculative To the extent that a derivative is not used as a hedge, the fund is directly exposed to the risks of that derivative. Gains or losses from speculative positions in a derivative may be substantially greater than the derivative's original cost. Liquidity risk The risk that certain securities may be difficult or impossible to sell at the time and the price that the seller would like. The seller may have to lower the price, sell other securities instead, or forego an investment opportunity, any of which could have a negative effect on fund management or performance. (e.g. non-investment-grade debt securities, restricted and illiquid securities, mortgage-backed securities, participation interest, currency contracts, futures and related options; securities and index options, structured securities, swaps, caps, floors and collars). Management risk The risk that a strategy used by a fund's management may fail to produce the intended result. Common to all mutual funds. Market risk The risk that the market value of a security may move up and down, sometimes rapidly and unpredictably. Market risk may affect a single issuer, an industry, a sector of the bond market or the market as a whole. Common to all stocks and bonds and the mutual funds that invest in them. (e.g. covered mortgage dollar roll transactions, short-term trading, when-issued securities and forward commitments, brady bonds, foreign debt securities, in-kind, delayed and zero coupon debt securities, restricted and illiquid securities, rights and warrants, financial futures and options; and securities and index options, structured securities). Natural event risk The risk of losses attributable to natural disasters, crop failures and similar events. Opportunity risk The risk of missing out on an investment opportunity because the assets necessary to take advantage of it are tied up in less advantageous investments.(e.g. covered mortgage dollar roll transactions, when-issued securities and forward commitments, currency contracts, financial futures and options; securities and securities and index options). Political risk The risk of losses attributable to government or political actions, from changes in tax or trade statutes to governmental collapse and war. (e.g., brady bonds and foreign debt securities). Prepayment risk The risk that unanticipated prepayments may occur during periods of falling interest rates, reducing the value of mortgage-backed securities. (e.g., mortgage backed securities). Valuation risk The risk that a fund has valued certain of its securities at a higher price than it can sell them for. (e.g., non-investment-grade debt securities, participation interest, structured securities, swaps, caps, floors and collars). A-2 APPENDIX B- Description of Bond Ratings Moody's describes its lower ratings for corporate bonds as follows: Bonds which are rated Baa are considered as medium grade obligations, i.e., they are neither highly protected nor poorly secured. Interest payments and principal security appear adequate for the present but certain protective elements may be lacking or may be characteristically unreliable over any great length of time. Such bonds lack outstanding investment characteristics and in fact have speculative characteristics as well. Bonds which are rated Ba are judged to have speculative elements; their future cannot be considered as well assured. Often the protection of interest and principal payments may be very moderate and thereby not well safeguarded during both good and bad times over the future. Uncertainty of position characterized bonds in this class. Bonds which are rated B generally lack characteristics of the desirable investment. Assurance of interest and principal payments or of maintenance of other terms of the contract over any long period of time may be small. Bonds which are rated Caa are of poor standing. Such issues may be in default or there may be present elements of danger with respect to principal or interest. Bonds which are rated Ca represented obligations which are speculative in a high degree. Such issues are often in default or have other marked shortcomings. Bonds which are rated C are the lowest rated class of bonds and issues so rated can be regarded as having extremely poor prospects of ever attaining any real investment standing. Moody's describes its three highest ratings for commercial paper as follows: Issuers rated P-1 (or related supporting institutions) have a superior capacity for repayment of short-term promissory obligations. P-1 repayment capacity will normally be evidenced by the following characteristics: (1) leading market positions in well- established industries; (2) high rates of return on funds employed; (3) conservative capitalization structures with moderate reliance on debt and ample asset protections; (4) broad margins in earnings coverage of fixed financial charges and high internal cash generation; and (5) well established access to a range of financial markets and assured sources of alternate liquidity. Issuers rated P-2 (or related supporting institutions) have a strong capacity for repayment of short-term promissory obligations. This will normally be evidenced by many of the characteristics cited above but to a lesser degree. Earnings trends and coverage ratios, while sound, will be more subject to variation. Capitalization characteristics, while still appropriate, may be more affected by external conditions. Ample alternate liquidity is maintained. Issuers rated P-3 (or supporting institutions) have an acceptable ability for repayment of senior short-term obligations. The effect of industry characteristics and market compositions may be more pronounced. Variability in earnings and profitability may result in changes in the level of debt protection measurements and may require relatively high financial leverage. Adequate alternate liquidity is maintained. B-1 Standard & Poor's describes its lower ratings for corporate bonds as follows: BBB Debt rated BBB is regarded as having an adequate capacity to pay interest and repay principal. Whereas it normally exhibits adequate protection parameters, adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to lead to a weakened capacity to pay interest and repay principal for debt in this category than in higher rated categories. BB, B, CCC, CC, C, D Debt rated 'BB', 'B', 'CCC', 'CC', 'C' and 'D' is regarded, on balance, as predominantly speculative with respect to capacity to pay interest and repay principal in accordance with the terms of the obligation. 'BB' indicates the lowest degree of speculation and 'C' the highest degree of speculation. While such debt will likely have some quality and protective characteristics, these are outweighed by large uncertainties or major risk exposures to adverse conditions. BB Debt rated 'BB' has less near-term vulnerability to default than other speculative issues. However, it faces major ongoing uncertainties or exposure to adverse business, financial, or economic conditions which could lead to inadequate capacity to meet timely interest and principal payments. The 'BB' rating category is also used for debt subordinated to senior debt that is assigned an actual or implied 'BBB-' rating. B Debt rated 'B' has a greater vulnerability to default but currently has the capacity to meet interest payments and principal repayments. Adverse business, financial or economic conditions will likely impair capacity or willingness to pay interest and repay principal. The 'B' rating category is also used for debt subordinated to senior debt that is assigned an actual or implied 'BB' or 'BB-' rating. CCC Debt rated 'CCC' has a currently identifiable vulnerability to default, and is dependent upon favorable business, financial, and economic conditions to meet timely payment of interest and repayment of principal. In the event of adverse business, financial or economic conditions, it is not likely to have the capacity to pay interest and repay principal. The 'CCC' rating category is also used for debt subordinated to senior debt that is assigned an actual or implied 'B' or 'B-' rating. CC The rating 'CC' is typically applied to debt subordinated to senior debt that is assigned an actual or implied 'CCC' rating. C The rating 'C' is typically applied to debt subordinated to senior debt which is assigned an actual or implied 'CCC-' debt rating. The 'C' rating may be used to cover a situation where a bankruptcy petition has been filed, but debt service payments are continued. D The rating 'D' is typically applied when payments on an obligation are not made on the date due even if the applicable grace period has not expired, unless Standard & Poor's believes that such payments will be made during such grace period. The 'D' rating also will be used upon the filing of a bankruptcy petition or the taking of a similar action if payments n an obligation are jeopardized. Standard & Poor's describes its three highest ratings for commercial paper as follows: A-1. This designation indicated that the degree of safety regarding timely payment is very strong. B-2 A-2. Capacity for timely payment on issues with this designation is strong. However, the relative degree of safety is not as overwhelming as for issues designated A-1. A-3. Issues carrying this designation have a satisfactory capacity for timely payment. They are, however, somewhat more vulnerable to the adverse effects of changes in circumstances than obligations carrying the higher designations. Issuers rated P-2 (or related supporting institutions) have a strong capacity for repayment of short-term promissory obligations. This will normally be evidenced by many of the characteristics cited above but to a lesser degree. Earnings trends and coverage ratios, while sound, will be more subject to variation. Capitalization characteristics, while still appropriate, may be more affected by external conditions. Ample alternate liquidity is maintained. Issuers rated P-3 (or supporting institutions) have an acceptable ability for repayment of senior short-term obligations. The effect of industry characteristics and market compositions may be more pronounced. Variability in earnings and profitability may result in changes in the level of debt protection measurements and may require relatively high financial leverage. Adequate alternate liquidity is maintained. B-3 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS F-1