497K 1 b91303a1e497k.htm JOHN HANCOCK SOVEREIGN BOND FUND e497k


John Hancock
Bond Fund

 SUMMARY PROSPECTUS 10–1–12 (as revised 3–21–13)    
Before you invest, you may want to review the fund’s prospectus, which contains more information about the fund and its risks. You can find the fund’s prospectus and other information about the fund, including the statement of additional information and most recent reports, online at www.jhfunds.com/Forms/Prospectuses.aspx. You can also get this information at no cost by calling 1-888-972-8696 or by sending an e-mail request to info@jhfunds.com. The fund’s prospectus and statement of additional information, both dated 10-1-12, and most recent financial highlights information included in the shareholder report, dated 5-31-12, are incorporated by reference into this Summary Prospectus.    

 Class R6: JHBSX
Investment objective
To seek a high level of current income consistent with prudent investment risk.
Fees and expenses
This table describes the fees and expenses you may pay if you buy and hold shares of the fund.
 Shareholder fees (%) (fees paid directly from your investment)   Class R6      
Maximum front-end sales charge (load) on purchases as a % of purchase price     None      
Maximum deferred sales charge (load) as a % of purchase or sale price, whichever is less     None      
 Annual fund operating expenses (%)
(expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment)   Class R6      
Management fee     0.48      
Other expenses     0.11      
Total annual fund operating expenses     0.59      
Contractual expense reimbursement1     −0.05      
Total annual fund operating expenses after expense reimbursements     0.54      
  The adviser has contractually agreed to waive a portion of its management fee and/or reimburse or pay operating expenses of the fund in order to reduce the total annual fund operating expenses for Class R6 shares by 0.05% of the fund’s average daily net assets. These fee waivers and/or reimbursements expire on September 30, 2013, unless renewed by mutual agreement of the fund and the adviser based upon a determination that this is appropriate under the circumstances at that time.
Expense example
This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. Please see below a hypothetical example showing the expenses of a $10,000 investment at the end of the various time frames indicated. The example assumes a 5% average annual return. The example assumes fund expenses will not change over the periods. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions, your costs would be:
 Expenses ($)   Class R6      
1 Year     55      
3 Years     184      
5 Years     324      
10 Years     733      
Portfolio turnover
The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund’s performance. During its most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 76% of the average value of its portfolio.

An Income Fund


 John Hancock Bond Fund

Principal investment strategies
Under normal market conditions, the fund invests at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in a diversified portfolio of bonds. These may include, but are not limited to, corporate bonds and debentures, as well as U.S. government and agency securities. Most of these securities are investment grade, although the fund may invest up to 25% of its net assets in debt securities that are rated, at the time of acquisition, below investment-grade (i.e., “junk bonds”), as low as CC by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services (S&P) or Ca by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (Moody’s), or in unrated securities determined by the fund’s investment adviser or subadviser to be of comparable credit quality. There is no limit on the fund’s average maturity.
In managing the fund’s portfolio, the subadviser concentrates on sector allocation, industry allocation and security selection: deciding which types of bonds and industries to emphasize at a given time, and then which individual bonds to buy. When making sector and industry allocations, the subadviser tries to anticipate shifts in the business cycle, using top-down analysis to determine which sectors and industries may benefit over the next 12 months.
In choosing individual securities, the subadviser uses bottom-up research to find securities that appear comparatively undervalued. The subadviser looks at bonds of all quality levels and maturities from many different issuers, potentially including foreign governments and corporations denominated in U.S. dollars or foreign currencies. The fund will not invest more than 10% of its total assets in securities denominated in foreign currencies.
The fund intends to keep its exposure to interest-rate movements generally in line with those of its peers. The fund may invest in mortgage-related securities and derivatives, which include futures contracts on securities and indexes; options on futures contracts, securities and indexes; interest rate, foreign currency and credit default swaps; and foreign currency forward contracts, in each case, for the purposes of reducing risk, obtaining efficient market exposure and/or enhancing investment returns. The fund’s investments in U.S. government and agency securities may or may not be supported by the full faith and credit of the United States.
Under normal circumstances, the fund may not invest more than 10% of its assets in cash or cash equivalents.
Principal risks
An investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. The fund’s shares will go up and down in price, meaning that you could lose money by investing in the fund. Many factors influence a mutual fund’s performance.
Instability in the financial markets has led many governments, including the United States government, to take a number of unprecedented actions designed to support certain financial institutions and segments of the financial markets that have experienced extreme volatility and, in some cases, a lack of liquidity. Federal, state and other governments, and their regulatory agencies or self-regulatory organizations, may take actions that affect the regulation of the instruments in which the fund invests, or the issuers of such instruments, in ways that are unforeseeable. Legislation or regulation may also change the way in which the fund itself is regulated. Such legislation or regulation could limit or preclude the fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective.
Governments or their agencies may also acquire distressed assets from financial institutions and acquire ownership interests in those institutions. The implications of government ownership and disposition of these assets are unclear, and such a program may have positive or negative effects on the liquidity, valuation and performance of the fund’s portfolio holdings. Furthermore, volatile financial markets can expose the fund to greater market and liquidity risk and potential difficulty in valuing portfolio instruments held by the fund.
The fund’s main risk factors are listed below in alphabetical order. Before investing, be sure to read the additional descriptions of these risks beginning on page 6 of the prospectus.
Active management risk The subadviser’s investment strategy may fail to produce the intended result.
Changing distribution levels risk The distribution amounts paid by the fund generally depend on the amount of income and/or dividends paid by the fund’s investments.
Credit and counterparty risk The issuer or guarantor of a fixed-income security, the counterparty to an over-the-counter derivatives contract or a borrower of a fund’s securities may be unable or unwilling to make timely principal, interest or settlement payments, or otherwise honor its obligations. U.S. government securities are subject to varying degrees of credit risk depending upon the nature of their support. Funds that invest in fixed-income securities are subject to varying degrees of risk that the issuers of the securities will have their credit rating downgraded or will default, potentially reducing a fund’s share price and income level.
Fixed-income securities risk Fixed-income securities are affected by changes in interest rates and credit quality. A rise in interest rates typically causes bond prices to fall. The longer the average maturity of the bonds held by the fund, the more sensitive the fund is likely to be to interest-rate changes. There is the possibility that the issuer of the security will not repay all or a portion of the principal borrowed and will not make all interest payments.
Foreign securities risk As compared to U.S. companies, there may be less publicly available information relating to foreign companies. Foreign securities may be subject to foreign taxes. The value of foreign securities is subject to currency fluctuations and adverse political and economic developments.
Hedging, derivatives and other strategic transactions risk Hedging and other strategic transactions may increase the volatility of a fund and, if the transaction is not successful, could result in a significant loss to a fund. The use of derivative instruments could produce disproportionate gains or losses, more than the principal amount invested. Investing in derivative instruments involves risks different from, or possibly greater than, the risks



associated with investing directly in securities and other traditional investments and, in a down market, could become harder to value or sell at a fair price. The following is a list of certain derivatives and other strategic transactions in which the fund intends to invest and the main risks associated with each of them:
Credit default swaps Counterparty risk, liquidity risk (i.e., the inability to enter into closing transactions), interest-rate risk, risk of default of the underlying reference obligation and risk of disproportionate loss are the principal risks of engaging in transactions involving credit default swaps.
Foreign currency forward contracts Counterparty risk, liquidity risk (i.e., the inability to enter into closing transactions), foreign currency risk and risk of disproportionate loss are the principal risks of engaging in transactions involving foreign currency forward contracts.
Foreign currency swaps Counterparty risk, liquidity risk (i.e., the inability to enter into closing transactions), foreign currency risk and risk of disproportionate loss are the principal risks of engaging in transactions involving foreign currency swaps.
Futures contracts Counterparty risk, liquidity risk (i.e., the inability to enter into closing transactions) and risk of disproportionate loss are the principal risks of engaging in transactions involving futures contracts.
Interest-rate swaps Counterparty risk, liquidity risk (i.e., the inability to enter into closing transactions), interest-rate risk and risk of disproportionate loss are the principal risks of engaging in transactions involving interest-rate swaps.
Options Counterparty risk, liquidity risk (i.e., the inability to enter into closing transactions) and risk of disproportionate loss are the principal risks of engaging in transactions involving options. Counterparty risk does not apply to exchange-traded options.
Lower-rated fixed-income securities risk and high-yield securities risk Lower-rated fixed-income securities and high-yield fixed-income securities (commonly known as “junk bonds”) are subject to greater credit quality risk and risk of default than higher-rated fixed-income securities. These securities may be considered speculative and the value of these securities can be more volatile due to increased sensitivity to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market or economic developments and can be difficult to resell.
Mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities risk Different types of mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities are subject to different combinations of prepayment, extension, interest-rate and/or other market risks.
Sector investing risk Because the fund may focus on a single sector of the economy, its performance depends in large part on the performance of that sector. As a result, the value of your investment may fluctuate more widely than it would in a fund that is diversified across sectors.
Past performance
The following performance information in the bar chart and table below illustrates the variability of the fund’s returns and provides some indication of the risks of investing in the fund by showing changes in the fund’s performance from year to year. However, past performance (before and after taxes) does not indicate future results. All figures assume dividend reinvestment. Performance for the fund is updated daily, monthly and quarterly and may be obtained at our Web site: www.jhfunds.com/InstitutionalPerformance, or by calling 1-888-972-8696 between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on most business days.
Average annual total returns Performance of a broad-based market index is included for comparison.
After-tax returns These reflect the highest individual federal marginal income tax rates in effect as of the date provided and do not reflect any state or local taxes. Your actual after-tax returns may be different. After-tax returns are not relevant to shares held in an IRA, 401(k) or other tax-advantaged investment plan.
November 9, 1973 is the inception date for the oldest class of shares, Class A shares. Class R6 shares were first offered on September 1, 2011; the returns prior to this date are those of Class A shares that have been recalculated to apply the gross fees and expenses of Class R6 shares.
  Calendar year total returns — Class R6 (%)
Year-to-date total return The fund’s total return for the six months ended June 30, 2012 was 5.79%.
Best quarter: Q3 ’09, 11.14%
Worst quarter: Q4 ’08, -7.19%



 John Hancock Bond Fund

 Average annual total returns (%)   1 Year     5 Year     10 Year      
as of 12-31-11                            
Class R6 before tax     5.43       7.55       6.65      
After tax on distributions
    3.44       5.31       4.60      
After tax on distributions, with sale
    3.52       5.10       4.46      
Barclays Government/Credit Bond Index     8.74       6.55       5.85      

Investment management
Investment adviser John Hancock Advisers, LLC
Subadviser John Hancock Asset Management a division of Manulife Asset Management (US) LLC
Portfolio management
Barry H. Evans, CFA
President and chief fixed-income officer

Joined fund team in 2002
Jeffrey N. Given, CFA
Vice president and portfolio manager

Joined fund team in 2006
Howard C. Greene, CFA
Senior vice president and senior portfolio manager

Joined fund team in 2002
Purchase and sale of fund shares
The minimum initial investment requirement for Class R6 shares of the fund is $1 million for all investors other than certain qualified plan investors. There is no minimum initial investment requirement for such qualified plan investors. There are no subsequent investment requirements. You may redeem shares of the fund on any business day by mail: Mutual Fund Operations, John Hancock Signature Services, Inc., P.O. Box 55913, Boston, Massachusetts 02205-5913; or for most account types through our Web site: www.jhfunds.com or by telephone: 1-888-972-8696.
The fund’s distributions are taxable, and will be taxed as ordinary income and/or capital gains, unless you are investing through a tax-deferred arrangement, such as a 401(k) plan or individual retirement account. Withdrawals from such tax-deferred arrangements may be subject to tax at a later date.
© 2012 John Hancock Funds, LLC    21R6SP 10-1-12 (as revised 3-21-13)    SEC file number: 811-02402