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Contingencies and Regulatory Matters
6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2012
Contingencies and Regulatory Matters [Abstract]  

See Note 3 to the financial statements of the registrants in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for information relating to various lawsuits, other contingencies, and regulatory matters.

General Litigation Matters

Each registrant is subject to certain claims and legal actions arising in the ordinary course of business. In addition, business activities of Southern Company’s subsidiaries are subject to extensive governmental regulation related to public health and the environment, such as regulation of air emissions and water discharges. Litigation over environmental issues and claims of various types, including property damage, personal injury, common law nuisance, and citizen enforcement of environmental requirements such as air quality and water standards, has increased generally throughout the U.S. In particular, personal injury and other claims for damages caused by alleged exposure to hazardous materials, and common law nuisance claims for injunctive relief and property damage allegedly caused by greenhouse gas and other emissions, have become more frequent. The ultimate outcome of such pending or potential litigation against each registrant and any subsidiaries cannot be predicted at this time; however, for current proceedings not specifically reported herein or in Note 3 to the financial statements of each registrant in Item 8 of the Form 10-K, management does not anticipate that the ultimate liabilities, if any, arising from such current proceedings would have a material effect on such registrant’s financial statements.

Insurance Recovery

Mirant Corporation (Mirant) was an energy company with businesses that included independent power projects and energy trading and risk management companies in the U.S. and other countries. Mirant was a wholly-owned subsidiary of Southern Company until its initial public offering in 2000. In 2001, Southern Company completed a spin-off to its stockholders of its remaining ownership, and Mirant became an independent corporate entity.

In 2003, Mirant and certain of its affiliates filed voluntary petitions for relief under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. In 2005, Mirant, as a debtor in possession, and the unsecured creditors’ committee filed a complaint against Southern Company. Later in 2005, this complaint was transferred to MC Asset Recovery, LLC (MC Asset Recovery) as part of Mirant’s plan of reorganization. In 2009, Southern Company entered into a settlement agreement with MC Asset Recovery to resolve this action. The settlement included an agreement where Southern Company paid MC Asset Recovery $202 million. Southern Company filed an insurance claim in 2009 to recover a portion of this settlement and received a nontaxable $25 million payment from its insurance provider on June 14, 2012. Additionally, legal fees related to this insurance settlement totaled approximately $6 million. The net reduction to expense for this insurance settlement was approximately $19 million.

Environmental Matters

New Source Review Actions

In 1999, the EPA brought a civil action in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia against certain Southern Company subsidiaries, including Alabama Power and Georgia Power, alleging that these subsidiaries had violated the NSR provisions of the Clean Air Act and related state laws at certain coal-fired generating facilities. The EPA alleged NSR violations at five coal-fired generating facilities operated by Alabama Power, including a unit co-owned by Mississippi Power, and three coal-fired generating facilities operated by Georgia Power, including a unit co-owned by Gulf Power. The civil action sought penalties and injunctive relief, including an order requiring installation of the best available control technology at the affected units. The case against Georgia Power (including claims related to the unit co-owned by Gulf Power) was administratively closed in 2001 and has not been reopened. After Alabama Power was dismissed from the original action, the EPA filed a separate action in 2001 against Alabama Power (including claims related to the unit co-owned by Mississippi Power) in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama.

In 2006, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama entered a consent decree, resolving claims relating to the alleged NSR violations at Plant Miller. In September 2010, the EPA dismissed five of its eight remaining claims against Alabama Power, leaving only three claims, including one relating to the unit co-owned by Mississippi Power. In March 2011, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama granted Alabama Power summary judgment on all remaining claims and dismissed the case with prejudice. That judgment is on appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. On February 23, 2012, the EPA filed a motion in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama seeking vacatur of the judgment and recusal of the judge in the case involving Alabama Power (including claims related to a unit co-owned by Mississippi Power). The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama has not ruled on the EPA’s motion seeking vacatur of the judgment.

Southern Company and each traditional operating company believe each such traditional operating company complied with applicable laws and regulations in effect at the time the work in question took place. The Clean Air Act authorizes maximum civil penalties of $25,000 to $37,500 per day, per violation, depending on the date of the alleged violation. An adverse outcome could require substantial capital expenditures that cannot be determined at this time and could possibly require payment of substantial penalties. Such expenditures could affect future results of operations, cash flows, and financial condition if such costs are not recovered through regulated rates. The ultimate outcome of these matters cannot be determined at this time.

Climate Change Litigation

Kivalina Case

In 2008, the Native Village of Kivalina and the City of Kivalina filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California against several electric utilities (including Southern Company), several oil companies, and a coal company. The plaintiffs allege that the village is being destroyed by erosion allegedly caused by global warming that the plaintiffs attribute to emissions of greenhouse gases by the defendants. The plaintiffs assert claims for public and private nuisance and contend that some of the defendants (including Southern Company) acted in concert and are therefore jointly and severally liable for the plaintiffs’ damages. The suit seeks damages for lost property values and for the cost of relocating the village, which is alleged to be $95 million to $400 million. In 2009, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California granted the defendants’ motions to dismiss the case. The plaintiffs appealed the dismissal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Southern Company believes that these claims are without merit. While Southern Company believes the likelihood of loss is remote based on existing case law, it is not possible to predict with certainty whether Southern Company will incur any liability in connection with this matter. The ultimate outcome of this matter cannot be determined at this time.

Hurricane Katrina Case

In 2005, immediately following Hurricane Katrina, a lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi by Ned Comer on behalf of Mississippi residents seeking recovery for property damage and personal injuries caused by Hurricane Katrina. In 2006, the plaintiffs amended the complaint to include Southern Company and many other electric utilities, oil companies, chemical companies, and coal producers. The plaintiffs allege that the defendants contributed to climate change, which contributed to the intensity of Hurricane Katrina. In 2007, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi dismissed the case. On appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, a three-judge panel reversed the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi, holding that the case could proceed, but, on rehearing, the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit dismissed the plaintiffs’ appeal, resulting in reinstatement of the decision of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi in favor of the defendants. In May 2011, the plaintiffs filed an amended version of their class action complaint, arguing that the earlier dismissal was on procedural grounds and under Mississippi law the plaintiffs have a right to re-file. The amended complaint was also filed against numerous chemical, coal, oil, and utility companies, including Alabama Power, Georgia Power, Gulf Power, and Southern Power. On March 20, 2012, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of


Mississippi dismissed the plaintiffs’ amended complaint. On April 16, 2012, the plaintiffs appealed the case to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Each Southern Company entity named in the lawsuit believes that these claims are without merit. While each Southern Company entity named in the lawsuit believes the likelihood of loss is remote based on existing case law, it is not possible to predict with certainty whether any Southern Company entity named in the lawsuit will incur any liability in connection with this matter. The ultimate outcome of this matter cannot be determined at this time.

Environmental Remediation

The Southern Company system must comply with environmental laws and regulations that cover the handling and disposal of waste and releases of hazardous substances. Under these various laws and regulations, the Southern Company system could incur substantial costs to clean up properties. The traditional operating companies have each received authority from their respective state PSCs to recover approved environmental compliance costs through regulatory mechanisms. These rates are adjusted annually or as necessary within limits approved by the state PSCs.

Georgia Power’s environmental remediation liability as of June 30, 2012 was $20 million. Georgia Power has been designated or identified as a potentially responsible party (PRP) at sites governed by the Georgia Hazardous Site Response Act and/or by the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), including a large site in Brunswick, Georgia on the CERCLA National Priorities List (NPL). The parties have completed the removal of wastes from the Brunswick site as ordered by the EPA. Additional cleanup and claims for recovery of natural resource damages at this site or for the assessment and potential cleanup of other sites on the Georgia Hazardous Sites Inventory and the CERCLA NPL are anticipated.

In 2008, the EPA advised Georgia Power that it has been designated as a PRP at the Ward Transformer Superfund site located in Raleigh, North Carolina. Numerous other entities have also received notices regarding this site from the EPA. In September 2011, the EPA issued a unilateral administrative order (UAO) to Georgia Power and 22 other parties, ordering specific remedial action of certain areas at the Ward Transformer Superfund site. Georgia Power does not believe it is a liable party under CERCLA based on its alleged connection to the site. As a result, in November 2011, Georgia Power filed a response with the EPA indicating that Georgia Power is not willing to undertake the work set forth in the UAO because Georgia Power has sufficient cause to believe it is not a liable party. In November 2011, the EPA sent Georgia Power a letter stating that the EPA does not consider Georgia Power to be in compliance with the UAO. The EPA also stated that it is considering enforcement options against Georgia Power and other UAO recipients who are not complying with the UAO. The EPA may seek to enforce the UAO in court pursuant to its enforcement authority under CERCLA and may seek recovery of its costs in undertaking the UAO work. If the court determines that a respondent failed to comply with the UAO without sufficient cause, the EPA may also seek civil penalties of up to $37,500 per day for the violation and punitive damages of up to three times the costs incurred by the EPA as a result of the party’s failure to comply with the UAO.

In addition to the EPA’s action at the Ward Transformer Superfund site, in 2009, Georgia Power, along with many other parties, was sued by several existing PRPs for cost recovery for a removal action that is currently taking place. Georgia Power and numerous other defendants moved for a dismissal of these lawsuits. The court denied the dismissal of the lawsuits in March 2010 but granted Georgia Power’s motion regarding the dismissal of the claim pertaining to the plaintiffs’ joint and several liability.

The ultimate outcome of the Brunswick CERCLA NPL and Ward Transformer Superfund site matters will depend upon the success of defenses asserted, the ultimate number of PRPs participating in the cleanup, and numerous other factors and cannot be determined at this time; however, as a result of the regulatory treatment, it is not expected to have a material impact on Southern Company’s or Georgia Power’s financial statements.

Gulf Power’s environmental remediation liability includes estimated costs of environmental remediation projects of approximately $60 million as of June 30, 2012. These estimated costs relate to site closure criteria by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for potential impacts to soil and groundwater from herbicide applications at Gulf Power substations. The schedule for completion of the remediation projects will be subject to FDEP approval. The projects have been approved by the Florida PSC for recovery through Gulf Power’s environmental cost recovery clause; therefore, there was no impact on net income as a result of these estimates.


In 2003, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) designated Mississippi Power as a PRP at a site in Texas. The site was owned by an electric transformer company that handled Mississippi Power’s transformers as well as those of many other entities. The site owner is bankrupt and the State of Texas has entered into an agreement with Mississippi Power and several other utilities to investigate and remediate the site. The feasibility study/presumptive remedy document was originally filed with TCEQ in June 2011 and remains under consideration by the agency. Amounts expensed and accrued related to this work were not material. Hundreds of entities have received notices from the TCEQ requesting their participation in the anticipated site remediation. The final impact of this matter on Mississippi Power will depend upon further environmental assessment and the ultimate number of potentially responsible parties. The remediation expenses incurred by Mississippi Power are expected to be recovered through the ECO Plan.

The final outcome of these matters cannot be determined at this time. However, based on the currently known conditions at these sites and the nature and extent of activities relating to these sites, management of Southern Company, Georgia Power, Gulf Power, and Mississippi Power does not believe that additional liabilities, if any, at these sites would be material to their respective financial statements.

Nuclear Fuel Disposal Cost Litigation

Alabama Power and Georgia Power have contracts with the U.S., acting through the DOE, that provide for the permanent disposal of spent nuclear fuel. The DOE failed to begin disposing of spent nuclear fuel in 1998 as required by the contracts, and Alabama Power and Georgia Power are pursuing legal remedies against the government for breach of contract.

In 2007, the U.S. Court of Federal Claims awarded Georgia Power approximately $30 million, based on its ownership interests, and awarded Alabama Power approximately $17 million, representing substantially all of the Southern Company system’s direct costs of the expansion of spent nuclear fuel storage facilities at Plants Farley and Hatch and Plant Vogtle Units 1 and 2 from 1998 through 2004.

In 2008, the government filed an appeal and, in March 2011, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit issued an order in which it affirmed the damage award to Alabama Power, but remanded the Georgia Power portion of the proceeding back to the U.S. Court of Federal Claims for reconsideration of the damages amount in light of the spent nuclear fuel acceptance rates adopted in a separate proceeding by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. In July 2011, the court entered final judgment in favor of Alabama Power and awarded Alabama Power approximately $17 million. In April 2012, the award was credited to cost of service for the benefit of Alabama Power customers.

On April 5, 2012, Georgia Power and the government entered into a stipulation to conclude this litigation, which provided for judgment in favor of Georgia Power and awarded Georgia Power approximately $27 million in damages, based on its ownership interests. On April 5, 2012, the stipulation was approved by the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. The proceeds were received and credited to the Georgia Power accounts where the original costs were charged and were used to reduce rate base, fuel, and cost of service for the benefit of Georgia Power customers.

In 2008, a second claim against the government was filed for damages incurred after December 31, 2004 (the court-mandated cut-off in the original claim) due to the government’s alleged continuing breach of contract. The complaint does not contain any specific dollar amount for recovery of damages. Damages will continue to accumulate until the issue is resolved or the storage is provided. No amounts have been recognized in the financial statements as of June 30, 2012 for the second claim. The final outcome of this matter cannot be determined at this time.

Sufficient pool storage capacity for spent fuel is available at Plant Vogtle Units 1 and 2 to maintain full-core discharge capability for both units into 2014. Construction of an on-site dry storage facility at Plant Vogtle Units 1 and 2 has begun and is expected to be operational in sufficient time to maintain pool full-core discharge capability. At Plants Hatch and Farley, on-site dry spent fuel storage facilities are operational and can be expanded to accommodate spent fuel through the expected life of each plant.

FERC Matters

See Note 3 to the financial statements of Mississippi Power under “FERC Matters” in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for additional information regarding Mississippi Power’s request for revised rates related to the wholesale Municipal and Rural Associations (MRA) cost-based electric tariff. See Note 3 to the financial statements of Southern Company and of Mississippi Power under “Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle” in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for information regarding Mississippi Power’s construction of the Kemper IGCC.

On January 20, 2012, Mississippi Power reached a settlement agreement with its wholesale customers, which was executed by all parties on March 9, 2012. The settlement agreement provides that base rates under the cost-based electric tariff will increase by approximately $22.6 million over a 12-month period with revised rates effective April 1, 2012. In 2012, the amount of base rate revenues to be received from the agreed upon increase will be approximately $17.0 million. On March 12, 2012, Mississippi Power filed an unopposed motion to place wholesale MRA interim rates into effect pending approval of the settlement agreement between the parties by the FERC. On March 28, 2012, the FERC approved the motion to place interim rates into effect beginning in May 2012. Approval of the settlement agreement by the FERC has been delayed until later in 2012. The ultimate outcome of this matter cannot be determined at this time.

Retail Regulatory Matters

Alabama Power

Rate CNP

See Note 3 to the financial statements of Southern Company and Alabama Power under “Retail Regulatory Matters  — Alabama Power — Rate CNP” and “Retail Regulatory Matters — Rate CNP,” respectively, in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for additional information regarding Alabama Power’s recovery of retail costs through Rate Certificated New Plant Power Purchase Agreement (Rate CNP) and Rate Certificated New Plant Environmental (Rate CNP Environmental). Alabama Power’s under recovered Rate CNP balance as of June 30, 2012 was $2 million as compared to $6 million at December 31, 2011. Alabama Power’s under recovered Rate CNP Environmental balance as of June 30, 2012 was $26 million as compared to $11 million at December 31, 2011. These under recovered balances at June 30, 2012 are included in deferred under recovered regulatory clause revenues on Southern Company’s and Alabama Power’s Condensed Balance Sheets herein. For Rate CNP, this classification is based on an estimate, which includes such factors as purchased power capacity and energy demand. For Rate CNP Environmental, this classification is based on an estimate, which includes such factors as costs to comply with environmental mandates and energy demand. A change in any of these factors could have a material impact on the timing of any recovery of the under recovered retail costs.

Natural Disaster Cost Recovery

See Note 3 to the financial statements of Southern Company and Alabama Power under “Retail Regulatory Matters  — Alabama Power — Natural Disaster Reserve” and “Retail Regulatory Matters — Natural Disaster Reserve,” respectively, in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for additional information regarding natural disaster cost recovery. At June 30, 2012, the NDR had an accumulated balance of $105 million, which is included in Southern Company’s and Alabama Power’s Condensed Balance Sheets herein under other regulatory liabilities, deferred. The accruals are reflected as operations and maintenance expenses in Southern Company’s and Alabama Power’s Condensed Statements of Income herein.


Georgia Power

Fuel Cost Recovery

See Note 3 to the financial statements of Southern Company and Georgia Power under “Retail Regulatory Matters – Georgia Power – Fuel Cost Recovery” and “Retail Regulatory Matters – Fuel Cost Recovery,” respectively, in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for additional information.

On June 21, 2012, the Georgia PSC approved a decrease in Georgia Power’s fuel cost recovery rates of 19%, which reduced annual billings by $567 million effective June 1, 2012. The decrease in fuel costs resulted from lower natural gas prices as a result of increased natural gas supplies.

As of June 30, 2012, Georgia Power had a total over recovered fuel cost balance of approximately $99 million compared to an under recovered balance of $137 million at December 31, 2011. The over recovered fuel costs at June 30, 2012 are included in other current liabilities and other deferred credits and liabilities on Southern Company’s and Georgia Power’s Condensed Balance Sheets herein. The under recovered fuel costs at December 31, 2011 are included in current assets on Southern Company’s and Georgia Power’s Condensed Balance Sheets herein. Fuel cost recovery revenues as recorded on the financial statements are adjusted for differences in actual recoverable fuel costs and amounts billed in current regulated rates. Accordingly, any changes in the billing factor will not have a significant effect on Southern Company’s or Georgia Power’s revenues or net income, but will affect cash flow.

2011 Integrated Resource Plan Update

See Note 3 to the financial statements of Southern Company and Georgia Power under “Retail Regulatory Matters – Georgia Power – 2011 Integrated Resource Plan Update” and “Retail Regulatory Matters – 2011 Integrated Resource Plan Update,” respectively, in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for additional information.

On March 20, 2012, the Georgia PSC approved Georgia Power’s request to decertify and retire two coal-fired generation units at Plant Branch as of October 31, 2013 and December 31, 2013 and an oil-fired unit at Plant Mitchell as of March 26, 2012, which was included in Georgia Power’s 2011 IRP Update. The Georgia PSC also approved three PPAs totaling 998 MWs with Southern Power for capacity and energy that will commence in 2015 and end in 2030. The PPAs remain subject to FERC approval. The ultimate outcome of this matter cannot be determined at this time.

Nuclear Construction

See Note 3 to the financial statements of Southern Company and Georgia Power under “Retail Regulatory Matters – Georgia Power – Nuclear Construction” and “Construction – Nuclear,” respectively, in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for additional information regarding Georgia Power’s construction of Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4.

On February 16, 2012, a group of petitioners who had intervened in the NRC’s combined construction and operating licenses (COLs) proceedings for Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 filed a petition in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit seeking judicial review and a stay of the NRC’s issuance of the COLs. In addition, on February 16, 2012, another group of petitioners filed a petition with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit seeking judicial review of the NRC’s certification of the Westinghouse Design Certification Document, as amended (DCD). On April 3, 2012, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit granted a motion filed by these two groups of petitioners to consolidate their challenges. On April 18, 2012, another group of petitioners filed a motion to stay the effectiveness of the order issuing the COLs for Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. On July 11, 2012, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied the petitioners’ motion to stay the effectiveness of the COLs. Georgia Power has intervened in and intends to vigorously contest these petitions.


In 2009, the Georgia PSC voted to certify construction of Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4. In addition, the Georgia PSC voted to approve inclusion of the related CWIP accounts in rate base. Also in 2009, the Governor of the State of Georgia signed into law the Georgia Nuclear Energy Financing Act that allows Georgia Power to recover financing costs for nuclear construction projects by including the related CWIP accounts in rate base during the construction period. With respect to Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4, this legislation allows Georgia Power to recover projected financing costs of approximately $1.7 billion during the construction period beginning in 2011, which reduces the projected in-service cost to approximately $4.4 billion. The Georgia PSC has ordered Georgia Power to report against this total certified cost of approximately $6.1 billion. In addition, in December 2010, the Georgia PSC approved Georgia Power’s NCCR tariff. The NCCR tariff became effective January 1, 2011 and adjustments are filed with the Georgia PSC on November 1 of each year to become effective on January 1 of the following year. Georgia Power is collecting and amortizing to earnings approximately $91 million of financing costs, capitalized in 2009 and 2010, over the five-year period ending December 31, 2015, in addition to the ongoing financing costs. At June 30, 2012, approximately $64 million of these 2009 and 2010 costs remained in CWIP.

Georgia Power, Oglethorpe Power Corporation, the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, and the City of Dalton, Georgia, an incorporated municipality in the State of Georgia acting by and through its Board of Water, Light, and Sinking Fund Commissioners (collectively, Owners) and Westinghouse and Stone & Webster, Inc. (collectively, Contractor) have established both informal and formal dispute resolution procedures in accordance with the engineering, procurement, and construction agreement to design, engineer, procure, construct, and test two AP1000 nuclear units with electric generating capacity of approximately 1,100 MWs each and related facilities, structures, and improvements at Plant Vogtle entered into by the parties (Vogtle 3 and 4 Agreement) in order to resolve issues arising during the course of constructing a project of this magnitude. The Contractor and Georgia Power (on behalf of the Owners) have successfully initiated both formal and informal claims through these procedures, including ongoing claims, to resolve disputes. When matters are not resolved through these procedures, the parties may proceed to litigation. The Contractor and Georgia Power (on behalf of the Owners) are involved in litigation with respect to certain claims that have not been resolved through the formal dispute resolution process.

During the course of construction activities, issues have arisen that may impact the project budget and schedule. The most significant issues relate to costs associated with design changes to the DCD and costs associated with delays in the project schedule related to the timing of approval of the DCD and issuance of the COLs by the NRC. The Owners and the Contractor have begun negotiations regarding these issues, including the assertion by the Contractor that the Owners are responsible for these costs under the terms of the Vogtle 3 and 4 Agreement. Through correspondence sent to the Owners, the Contractor has provided its proposed adjustment to the contract price and has initiated the formal dispute resolution process. The Contractor’s estimated adjustment attributable to Georgia Power (based on Georgia Power’s ownership interest regarding these issues) is approximately $425 million (in 2008 dollars) with respect to these issues. Georgia Power has not agreed with the amount of these proposed adjustments or that the Owners have responsibility for any costs related to these issues. While the formal dispute resolution process has been initiated, Georgia Power expects negotiations with the Contractor to continue over the next several months with respect to cost and schedule during which time the parties will attempt to reach a mutually acceptable compromise of their positions. Georgia Power intends to vigorously defend its positions. If these costs ultimately are imposed upon the Owners, Georgia Power would seek an amendment to the certified cost of Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4, if necessary. In connection with these negotiations, the Owners are evaluating whether maintaining the currently scheduled commercial operation dates of 2016 and 2017 remains in the best interest of their customers. Additional claims by the Contractor or Georgia Power (on behalf of the Owners) are expected to arise throughout the construction of Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4.

In addition, there are processes in place to assure compliance with the design requirements specified in the DCD and the COLs, including rigorous inspection by Southern Nuclear and the NRC that occurs throughout construction. During a routine inspection in April 2012, the NRC identified that certain details of the rebar construction in the Plant Vogtle Unit 3 nuclear island were not consistent with the DCD. In May 2012, Southern Nuclear received an official notice of violation relating to these findings from the NRC. The design changes were determined to have minimal safety significance and, on August 1, 2012, Southern Nuclear filed a license amendment request with the NRC to clarify that the nuclear island concrete and rebar construction will conform to NRC requirements. Various inspection and other issues are expected to arise from time to time as construction proceeds, which may result in additional license amendments or require other resolution.


There are pending technical and procedural challenges to the construction and licensing of Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4, including legal challenges to the NRC issuance of the COLs and certification of the DCD. Similar additional challenges at the state and federal level are expected as construction proceeds.

The ultimate outcome of these matters cannot be determined at this time.

Other Construction

See Note 3 to the financial statements of Southern Company and Georgia Power under “Retail Regulatory Matters – Georgia Power – Other Construction” and “Construction – Other Construction,” respectively, in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for additional information.

Plant McDonough Unit 1 was retired on February 29, 2012. Georgia Power placed Plant McDonough-Atkinson Unit 5 into service on April 26, 2012. Plant McDonough-Atkinson Unit 6 is scheduled to be placed into service in November 2012.

Gulf Power

Retail Base Rate Case

See Note 3 to the financial statements of Gulf Power under “Retail Regulatory Matters – Retail Base Rate Case” in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for additional information.

On March 12, 2012, the Florida PSC approved a permanent increase in retail base rates and charges of $64 million effective April 11, 2012. The amount of the permanent increase includes the previously approved $38.5 million interim retail rate increase implemented in September 2011. The Florida PSC’s decision on the amount of the permanent increase also included a determination that none of the base rate revenues collected on an interim basis would be refunded. Gulf Power’s authorized retail ROE is a range of 9.25% to 11.25% with new retail base rates set at the midpoint retail ROE of 10.25%. In addition, the Florida PSC also approved a step increase to Gulf Power’s retail base rates and charges of $4 million to be effective in January 2013. On April 18, 2012, Gulf Power filed a motion to reconsider one aspect of the decision dealing with property acquired as a potential site for a future generating plant. On July 17, 2012, the Florida PSC denied Gulf Power’s motion and reaffirmed its earlier decision.

Cost Recovery Clauses

See Note 3 to the financial statements of Gulf Power under “Retail Regulatory Matters – Cost Recovery Clauses” in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for additional information.

Fuel Cost Recovery

See Notes 1 and 3 to the financial statements of Gulf Power under “Revenues” and “Retail Regulatory Matters – Fuel Cost Recovery,” respectively, in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for additional information.

On June 19, 2012, the Florida PSC approved a decrease in Gulf Power’s fuel rates of 7.8%, which will reduce annual billings by approximately $58.8 million effective July 2, 2012.

Over recovered fuel costs at June 30, 2012 totaled $41.6 million compared to $9.9 million at December 31, 2011. These amounts are included in other regulatory liabilities, current on Gulf Power’s Condensed Balance Sheets herein.


Purchased Power Capacity Recovery

See Notes 1 and 3 to the financial statements of Gulf Power under “Revenues” and “Retail Regulatory Matters — Purchased Power Capacity Recovery,” respectively, in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for additional information.

Over recovered purchased power capacity costs at June 30, 2012 totaled $7.9 million compared to $8.0 million at December 31, 2011. These amounts are included in other regulatory liabilities, current on Gulf Power’s Condensed Balance Sheets herein.

Environmental Cost Recovery

See Note 3 to the financial statements of Gulf Power under “Retail Regulatory Matters — Environmental Cost Recovery” in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for additional information.

On April 3, 2012, the Mississippi PSC approved Mississippi Power’s request for a CPCN to construct a flue gas desulfurization system (scrubber) on Plant Daniel Units 1 and 2. On May 3, 2012, the Sierra Club filed a notice of appeal of the order with the Chancery Court of Harrison County, Mississippi (Chancery Court). These units are jointly owned by Mississippi Power and Gulf Power, with 50% ownership each. The estimated total cost of the project is approximately $660 million, excluding AFUDC, and it is scheduled for completion in December 2015. Gulf Power’s portion of the cost is expected to be recovered through the environmental cost recovery clause. The ultimate outcome of this matter cannot be determined at this time.

Over recovered environmental costs at June 30, 2012 totaled $3.6 million compared to $10.0 million at December 31, 2011. These amounts are included in other regulatory liabilities, current on Gulf Power’s Condensed Balance Sheets herein.

Energy Conservation Cost Recovery

See Note 3 to the financial statements of Gulf Power under “Retail Regulatory Matters — Energy Conservation Cost Recovery” in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for additional information.

Under recovered energy conservation costs at June 30, 2012 totaled $1.6 million compared to $3.1 million at December 31, 2011. These amounts are included in under recovered regulatory clause revenues on Gulf Power’s Condensed Balance Sheets herein.

Mississippi Power

Performance Evaluation Plan

See Note 3 to the financial statements of Mississippi Power under “Retail Regulatory Matters — Performance Evaluation Plan” in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for additional information regarding Mississippi Power’s base rates.

On April 2, 2012, Mississippi Power filed a motion to suspend the 2011 PEP lookback filing. Unresolved matters related to certain costs included in the 2010 PEP lookback filing also impact the 2011 PEP lookback filing, making it impractical to determine Mississippi Power’s actual retail return on investment for 2011 for purposes of the 2011 PEP lookback filing. An order granting the suspension of the 2011 PEP lookback was signed by the Mississippi PSC on May 8, 2012. The ultimate outcome of these matters cannot be determined at this time.


System Restoration Rider

See Note 3 to the financial statements of Mississippi Power under “Retail Regulatory Matters — System Restoration Rider” in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for additional information.

On February 2, 2012, Mississippi Power submitted its 2012 System Restoration Rider (SRR) rate filing with the Mississippi PSC, which proposed that the 2012 SRR rate level remain at zero and Mississippi Power be allowed to accrue approximately $3.7 million to the property damage reserve in 2012. On April 3, 2012, the filing was approved by the Mississippi PSC.

Environmental Compliance Overview Plan

See Note 3 to the financial statements of Mississippi Power under “Retail Regulatory Matters — Environmental Compliance Overview Plan” in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for information on Mississippi Power’s annual environmental filing with the Mississippi PSC.

On February 14, 2012, Mississippi Power submitted its 2012 ECO Plan filing, which proposed a 0.3% increase in annual revenues for Mississippi Power. In compliance with the CPCN to construct a scrubber on Plant Daniel Units 1 and 2, Mississippi Power revised the 2012 ECO Plan filing to exclude scrubber expenditures from rate base, which resulted in a 0.16% decrease in annual revenues. On June 22, 2012, the 2012 ECO Plan filing, including the proposed rate decrease, was approved by the Mississippi PSC, effective on June 29, 2012.

On April 3, 2012, the Mississippi PSC approved Mississippi Power’s request for a CPCN to construct a scrubber on Plant Daniel Units 1 and 2. On May 3, 2012, the Sierra Club filed a notice of appeal of the order with the Chancery Court. These units are jointly owned by Mississippi Power and Gulf Power, with 50% ownership each. The estimated total cost of the project is approximately $660 million, with Mississippi Power’s portion being $330 million, excluding AFUDC. The project is scheduled for completion in December 2015. Mississippi Power’s portion of the cost is expected to be recovered through the ECO Plan. As of June 30, 2012, total project expenditures were $82.0 million, with Mississippi Power’s portion being $41.0 million. The ultimate outcome of this matter cannot be determined at this time.

Certificated New Plant

See Note 3 to the financial statements of Mississippi Power under “Retail Regulatory Matters — Certificated New Plant” in Item 8 of the Form 10-K and “Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle” herein for additional information.

On May 23, 2012, the Mississippi Public Utilities Staff signed a joint stipulation with Mississippi Power to establish a new rate schedule for Certificated New Plant-A (CNP-A), a proposed cost recovery mechanism designed specifically to recover financing costs during the construction phase of the Kemper IGCC. An amended and restated stipulation was subsequently executed and filed on June 1, 2012. On June 14, 2012, Mississippi Power submitted to the Mississippi PSC a proposed supplemental compliance filing to establish the new CNP-A rate schedule and a stipulated rate increase based upon the revenue request of between $55.3 million and $58.6 million to recover financing costs over the remainder of 2012.

On June 22, 2012, the Mississippi PSC denied the proposed CNP-A rate schedule and the 2012 rate recovery filings submitted by Mississippi Power, pending a final ruling from the Mississippi Supreme Court regarding the motion for stay and notice of appeal filed by the Sierra Club on April 26, 2012 relating to the Mississippi PSC’s issuance of the CPCN for the Kemper IGCC. On July 9, 2012, Mississippi Power appealed the Mississippi PSC’s June 22, 2012 decision to the Mississippi Supreme Court and requested interim rates under bond of $55.3 million while the Mississippi Supreme Court decides Mississippi Power’s appeal of the Mississippi PSC’s June 22, 2012 decision. On July 31, 2012, the Mississippi Supreme Court denied Mississippi Power’s request for interim rates under bond. The ultimate outcome of this matter cannot be determined at this time.


Fuel Cost Recovery

See Note 3 to the financial statements of Mississippi Power under “Retail Regulatory Matters – Fuel Cost Recovery” in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for information regarding Mississippi Power’s fuel cost recovery.

At June 30, 2012, the amount of over recovered retail fuel costs included in Mississippi Power’s Condensed Balance Sheets herein was $55.5 million compared to $42.4 million at December 31, 2011. Mississippi Power also has wholesale MRA and Market Based (MB) fuel cost recovery factors. At June 30, 2012, the amount of over recovered wholesale MRA and MB fuel costs included in Mississippi Power’s Condensed Balance Sheets herein was $17.4 million and $2.4 million, respectively, compared to $14.3 million and $2.2 million, respectively, at December 31, 2011. In addition, at June 30, 2012 and December 31, 2011, the amount of over recovered MRA emissions allowance cost included in Mississippi Power’s Condensed Balance Sheets herein was $1.0 million and $1.7 million, respectively. Mississippi Power’s operating revenues are adjusted for differences in actual recoverable fuel cost and amounts billed in accordance with the currently approved cost recovery rate. Accordingly, any changes in the billing factors will not have a significant effect on Mississippi Power’s revenues or net income, but will affect annual cash flow.

Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle

See Note 3 to the financial statements of Southern Company and Mississippi Power under “Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle” in Item 8 of the Form 10-K for information regarding Mississippi Power’s construction of the Kemper IGCC.

In May 2010, Mississippi Power filed a motion with the Mississippi PSC accepting the conditions contained in the Mississippi PSC order confirming Mississippi Power’s application for a CPCN authorizing the acquisition, construction, and operation of the Kemper IGCC. In June 2010, the Mississippi PSC issued the CPCN (2010 MPSC Order).

In June 2010, the Sierra Club filed an appeal of the Mississippi PSC’s June 2010 decision to grant the CPCN for the Kemper IGCC with the Chancery Court. Subsequently, in July 2010, the Sierra Club also filed an appeal directly with the Mississippi Supreme Court. In October 2010, the Mississippi Supreme Court dismissed the Sierra Club’s direct appeal. In February 2011, the Chancery Court issued a judgment affirming the 2010 MPSC Order and, in March 2011, the Sierra Club appealed the Chancery Court’s decision to the Mississippi Supreme Court. On March 15, 2012, the Mississippi Supreme Court reversed the Chancery Court’s decision and the 2010 MPSC Order and remanded the matter to the Mississippi PSC to correct the 2010 MPSC Order. The Mississippi Supreme Court concluded that the 2010 MPSC Order did not cite in sufficient detail substantial evidence upon which the Mississippi Supreme Court could determine the basis for the findings of the Mississippi PSC granting the CPCN.

On March 30, 2012, the Mississippi PSC issued temporary authorization for the continuation of construction of the Kemper IGCC. On April 24, 2012, the Mississippi PSC issued a detailed order on remand (2012 MPSC Order) confirming the CPCN for the Kemper IGCC subject to the same conditions set forth in the 2010 MPSC Order. On April 26, 2012, the Sierra Club filed a motion for stay and a notice of appeal of the 2012 MPSC Order with the Chancery Court. On May 18, 2012, Mississippi Power’s motion to join the appeal was approved.

The certificated cost estimate of the Kemper IGCC is $2.4 billion, net of $245.3 million of grants awarded to the project by the DOE under the Clean Coal Power Initiative Round 2 (CCPI2) and excluding the cost of the lignite mine and equipment and the carbon dioxide (CO 2) pipeline facilities. The 2012 MPSC Order, like the 2010 MPSC Order, (1) approved a construction cost cap of up to $2.88 billion (exemptions from the cost cap include the cost of the lignite mine and equipment and the CO2 pipeline facilities and certain general exceptions, including change of law, force majeure, and beneficial capital), (2) provided for the establishment of operational cost and revenue parameters based upon assumptions in Mississippi Power’s proposal, and (3) approved financing cost recovery on CWIP balances not to exceed the certificated cost estimate, which provided for the accrual of AFUDC in 2010 and 2011 and provides for the current recovery of financing costs on 100% of CWIP in 2012, 2013, and through May 1, 2014, (provided that the amount of CWIP allowed is (i) reduced by the amount of state and federal government construction cost incentives received by


Mississippi Power in excess of $296 million to the extent that such amount increases cash flow for the pertinent regulatory period and (ii) justified by a showing that such CWIP allowance will benefit customers over the life of the Kemper IGCC). The current cost estimate of the Kemper IGCC is $2.88 billion, including a $72 million contingency.

The Mississippi PSC order established periodic prudence reviews during the annual CWIP review process. Of the total costs incurred through March 2009, $46 million has been reviewed and approved by the Mississippi PSC. A decision regarding the remaining $5 million has been deferred to a later date. The timing of the review of the remaining Kemper IGCC costs has not been determined.

The Kemper IGCC, expected to begin commercial operation in May 2014, will use locally mined lignite (an abundant, lower heating value coal) from a mine adjacent to the Kemper IGCC as fuel. The mine is scheduled to be placed into service in June 2013. In conjunction with the Kemper IGCC, Mississippi Power will own the lignite mine and equipment and has acquired and will continue to acquire mineral reserves located around the Kemper IGCC site in Kemper County. The estimated capital cost of the mine is approximately $245 million, of which $99.9 million has been incurred through June 30, 2012.

In May 2010, Mississippi Power executed a 40-year management fee contract with Liberty Fuels Company, LLC, a subsidiary of The North American Coal Corporation (Liberty Fuels), which will develop, construct, and manage the mining operations. Due to the fact that Liberty Fuels conducts all of its activities on behalf of Mississippi Power, Liberty Fuels qualifies as a variable interest entity for which Mississippi Power is the primary beneficiary. The contract with Liberty Fuels is effective through the end of the mine reclamation. As the mining permit holder, Liberty Fuels has a legal obligation to perform mine reclamation and Mississippi Power has a contractual obligation to fund all reclamation activities. Consistent with the requirements of consolidation accounting, Liberty Fuels is consolidated in the financial statements of Mississippi Power and accordingly the asset retirement cost and the ARO have been recorded in Mississippi Power’s financial statements. In addition to the obligation to fund the reclamation activities, Mississippi Power currently provides working capital support to Liberty Fuels through cash advances for capital purchases, payroll, and other operating expenses.

In December 2011, the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) approved the surface coal mining and the water pollution control permits for the mining operations operated by Liberty Fuels. On January 12, 2012, two individuals each filed a notice of appeal and a request for evidentiary hearing with the MDEQ regarding the surface coal mining and water pollution control permits. On March 8, 2012, the MDEQ permit board affirmed its issuance of the surface coal mining and water pollution control permits.

In 2009, Mississippi Power received notification from the IRS formally certifying that the IRS allocated $133 million of Internal Revenue Code Section 48A tax credits (Phase I) to Mississippi Power. In April 2011, Mississippi Power received notification from the IRS formally certifying that the IRS allocated $279 million of Internal Revenue Code Section 48A tax credits (Phase II) to Mississippi Power. The utilization of Phase I and Phase II credits is dependent upon meeting the IRS certification requirements, including an in-service date no later than May 11, 2014 for the Phase I credits and April 19, 2016 for the Phase II credits. In order to remain eligible for the Phase II credits, Mississippi Power plans to capture and sequester (via enhanced oil recovery) at least 65% of the CO2 produced by the Kemper IGCC during operations in accordance with the recapture rules for Section 48A investment tax credits. Through June 30, 2012, Mississippi Power received or accrued tax benefits totaling $197 million for these tax credits, which will be amortized as a reduction to depreciation and amortization over the life of the Kemper IGCC. Based on current tax laws and regulations in effect, Mississippi Power expects to receive substantially all of the tax credits accrued through June 30, 2012 by June 30, 2013.

In July 2010, Mississippi Power and SMEPA entered into an asset purchase agreement whereby SMEPA agreed to purchase a 17.5% undivided interest in the Kemper IGCC. In December 2010, Mississippi Power and SMEPA filed a joint petition with the Mississippi PSC requesting regulatory approval of SMEPA’s 17.5% undivided interest in the Kemper IGCC. On February 28, 2012, the Mississippi PSC approved the joint petition for the sale and transfer of 17.5% of the Kemper IGCC to SMEPA. On June 29, 2012, Mississippi Power and SMEPA signed an amendment to the asset purchase agreement whereby SMEPA extended its option to purchase until December 31, 2012 and reduced its purchase

commitment percentage from a 17.5% to a 15% undivided interest in the Kemper IGCC, subject to approval by the Mississippi PSC. The closing of this transaction is conditioned upon execution of a joint ownership and operating agreement, receipt of all construction permits, appropriate regulatory approvals, financing, and other conditions.

On March 6, 2012, Mississippi Power received a $150 million interest-bearing refundable deposit from SMEPA to be applied to the purchase. While the expectation is that the amount will be applied to the purchase price at closing, Mississippi Power would be required to refund the deposit upon the termination of the asset purchase agreement, within 60 days of a request by SMEPA for a full or partial refund, or within 15 days at SMEPA’s discretion in the event that Mississippi Power is assigned a senior unsecured credit rating of BBB+ or lower by S&P or Baa1 or lower by Moody’s or ceases to be rated by either of these rating agencies. Given the interest-bearing nature of the deposit and SMEPA’s ability to request a refund, the deposit has been presented as a current liability in Mississippi Power’s Condensed Balance Sheet herein and as financing proceeds in Mississippi Power’s Condensed Statement of Cash Flows herein.

As of June 30, 2012, Mississippi Power had spent a total of $1.7 billion on the Kemper IGCC including the cost of the lignite mine and equipment, the CO 2 pipeline facilities, and regulatory filing costs. Of this total, $1.6 billion was included in CWIP (which is net of $245.3 million of CCPI2 grant funds), $29.0 million was recorded in other regulatory assets, $2.6 million was recorded in other deferred charges and assets, and $1.0 million was previously expensed.

See Note 3 to the financial statements of Mississippi Power under “Retail Regulatory Matters – Certificated New Plant” in Item 8 of the Form 10-K and “Retail Regulatory Matters – Certificated New Plant” herein for information on the proposed rate schedules related to the Kemper IGCC.

The ultimate outcome of these matters cannot be determined at this time.