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Filed Under Rule 433
Registration Statement No. 333-160487
Home Learn About Corporate Notes Discover GE Interest Plus Gel Started Solid InvestmentQpportunity GE Capital provides businesses and consumers with financial solutions that enable them to build a stronger, better future. The Flexibility your Business Needs Unlike certificates ofdeposit or bank money market accounts, you can redeem your investment when you need to without penalty. :allBB8 674 4138 Representatives are available Monday Friday 8:30 am 7:00 pm ET GE Interest PI us for Businesses is an investment in the sen iw. unsecured corporate de&t of the General Electric Capita I Corporation. voli should note that GE Intefest Plus idt Businesses Notes aie nc t a money maifcet fund. which isgeneially a diversified fund consisting cf investment in shc rt term debt securities of many companies. Unlike ban accounts and certificates sf deocsit. GE Int&n t Plusfm Business* is naten FDIC insujtd dtposit GE Interest Pluifot Husirresses is ct guBianieed unda the FDICTs Temonraij Liquidity Guarantee pi oqib™. It is pc ible to lose mn ney if GE Capital is unable to pay hsdeJrts. Please see the prospectus tw impotent inuestment ; : : The issuer has filed a registration statement {mduding a prospectus) JRecistiBtian Statement Ho. 333 1BC4E7I with the SEC for the offering id which this csmmunication relates. Before you invest, you. should read the pjospectus in that fegisfraiion statement and ether Occumenb the issuer has filed with the BECfw more complete information, about the isauef and this offering . You rruiy get these dc cuments tor free by visiting EDGAR on the SEC website at www.sec.gov oc of clicking here. Alternatively, the issuer, any underwrite*, h any dealer partictpating in the offering will awange to mail you the prospectus if you. request it by clicking here of calling tell free 1 BEB B74 413E. Vield reflects the annual rate of return on your investment. It assumes that interest acaued oaily and posted monthly, and that there a/e no additional investments of redemptions. “The portfon of youf investment that isgreater than £5 Million will earn a late of .2&5t anO a yield of .25%. GE.com GECepital onn Praspediii Privacy Policy SEC Filling Request a !cit Hate Histmy Site Map CcMiviioht 231 I General Elet&icCaDital CorDoia tion



Corporate Notes and Your Business A few companies, like GE Capital, offer businesses the ability’to directly invest in their unsecured debt through corporate bonds or notes. ‘Mien >our business invests in the corporate notes of GE Capital, you’ll receive the following benefits: Higher interest rates than many other cash alternatives like FDIC insured savings accounts, short term CDs. and money market mutual funds The flexibility to redeem at anytime without a penalty Free electronictransfers between linked bank accounts and the ability to wire funds 24 7 investment account access via internet and automated telephone service If this sounds like a flexible way to grow your company’s available cash, you can gel slart&d now. Why does my business get such terrific interest rates? Plain and simple, these short term investments are notFDIC insured. And unlike short term bond funds or money market mutual funds, they are the unsecured debt of a single company. So. your risk (and your return) is higher. Plus we service the investment online or by phone. That saves us money in operating costs because we don’t have a branch network. When you buy these notes, your company is joining over 120.000 individuals and businesses Some of them are current and former employees ofGEorGE Capital who believe in the strength, stability, and long term success of GE Capital. But please, read our prospectus first. GE Interest Fluiicf Businesses is an investment in the strict, unseated mrp Mate detl of the General ElecSic Capita I Crapraation. Ycu should note that GE Interest Plus far Businesses Nates Interest Pluslof Businesses is not en FCIC msured deposit GE I merest Plusfw Businesses is not Guaranteed under the FDIC’s Temporaiy Liquidity Guarantee. Program. It is possible to lose, money if GE Capita I ; unable to pay i.s : . ;. ; ; the : :::;:.,:: imp extant investment Information. The issuer has filed a regisffation statement (including s prespeciusHRegistfation Statement Mo. 333 1604E7J with the SEC few the offering to whidi this oommuniofltiDn relates. Before you invest, you should read the p roipedus in that legisbaiion latement and cthes dDcurnenls the issuer has filed wilh the SECfci mas tomplete infLjfrnatiLjn a bsut the i»ue> and this :’ , Ycu may g e t th se donjmenfe i w free by visiting EDGAR an the SEC website at wyjuit 5ec..gov rw by clinking here Alternative ly. the issuer, any underrtTit . w any dealer participaling in the ottering will anange tc mail you the wnspertus if you tequesl it by clicking here nt calling toll tree 1 BaS e7 413fi. ‘Yield reflect, the annual iBte c f leturn en your investment It aasurnes thai interest isaciiued da ily and pcsled monthly, and thai th s re axe ns additional investment 01 Tedemplions. The portion of your investment that is greater than 55 Million will earn arete of .25% 3~ a yield of .25*. GE ram GECHpital.com Prospectus Priu ar Policy SEC Fillings Request a lit Rale History Site Map Copjii&hi2C1 1. Genaa l ElediicCapitsI Coip stion!



Powerful Liquidity You can easily add or re deem funds by electronic transfer to your linked bank account. You can also wire funds in and out. And you can easily manage four investment through our eService website. Plus you’ll earn more on even/ penny you invest because there are no sales charges or maintenance fees Read our Prospectus 41GE Capital, we believe that an educated investor is a better investor. That’s why you are encouraged to read our prospectus. It contains everything you need to know about investing in GE Interest Plus S Download the full k>cj.ment (PDF formal) 1*sJ_ Questions? Contact us or call us at 1 833 674 4133 Representatives are available Monday Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET GE I merest Plus fw Businesses is an i investment in the senior, unseated cmporatedeot cf the Genes! ElectricCapital Corpofatittn. You should n Die that GEInteiesi Plus fcr Businesses Motes are not a money maifcet fund, which is generally a a i verified funa consisting sf investment in short term d ebt securities c f many corn pa nies. Unlite bank accounts and certificates of deposit, GE Interest Plusfw Businesses is not an FDIC insuiea depcsit. GE Interest Plus fcr Buiinesse i is not guarantees undei the FDICs Temporary Liquidity Guaiantee FTugiam. It is possible to lose money if GE Capita I is unable to pay iU debts. Please see the prcspectus fw important inueslment inlonnBtian. The i suH1 h&sfil J a r&gis1iHtion statement {including a pwBpectui) [RegistiatiDn Statement Mo. 333 1 fltl B7J with the SEC fix the cff&nng to which thi3 CDmmuniratian re letes Befoe you invest, you should reed the prospectus In that registration statement and nthef documents the is uef ha filed with the SEC fw more complete informatian about the issue* and this offering You ma/get these documents f rx free by visiting EC GAR on the SEC website Btwruirw.sen.gov or cy di riling here Alternatively, the issuer, any u nderAiite;, Many dealer participating in the offering will arrange to mail you the prospectus if you lequest it by dieting hece or calling toll free 1 8E B 374 41 3J3. 1Yiekf reflects the annual rate of retum on youi investment. It assumes that inte»est is acaueti daily and pcsted monthly, and that there are no adcfiticnal Investments m redemptions. The portion of your investment that is greater than Sc Mi I lion will cam a rate nf .2594 and a yield nt .25%. GE ccm GEQapital.com Prcspedus Riivacy Pn licy SEC Filling Request a Ht Rate History Site Map Coouiiaht 5.01 1. General ElectricGaoital CcfDnra tion



Apply Online in 3 Easy Steps To invest, simpl/: 1. Review our Prospectus and Privacy Policy. It contains more complete information on Tees, charges, and other expenses and should be read carefully before making an investment. 2. Fill out the application online. Once you are done, print, sign and return it with the appropriate Authorization Form for your entity type. You must also complete and return IRS Form W 9 and provide us with the appropriate documents substantiating the existence of your business (see table below Tor requirements}. Required Documentation Corporations . Articles OTIncorporation With Evidence Of State Filing * Bank Statement Copy Or Voided Check To Verity Linked Bank Account LLC Limited Liability Company Agreement Or Other Operating Document Certificate OTFormation With Evidence Of State Filing * Bank Statement Copy Or Voided Check To Verity Linked Bank Account Limited Partnerships , Certificate Of Partnership With Evidence Of State Filing * Bank Statement Copy Or Voided Check To Verity Linked Bank Account General Partnerships . copy Of Partnership Agreement With Evidence Of State Filing Bank Statement Copy Or Voided Check To Verity Linked Bank Account Sote Proprietorship . copy Of Business License With Evidence Of State Filing Bank Statement Copy Or Voided Check To Verify Linked Bank Account 3. Mail completed forms and supporting documentation to us at: GE Interest Plus P.O. Box 6295 Rantoul, IL 61866 6235 . Questions? Contact us or call us at 1 888 674 4138 Representatives are available Monday Friday, from 8 3D a.m. to 7 DO p m. ET GE I merest Plus for Businesses is an investment in the senior, unsecured corporate debt of the General Electri c Capital Corporation. You should note that GE Interest Plus f dc Businesses Notes Interest Plusfc* Businesses i; not an FDIC insuied deposit. GE Interest Plu; for Businesses is not guaranteed undei the FOIC“s Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program It is possible to lose money if GE Capital is unable to pay its debts. Please see the prospectus for important investment information. The ::. has filed a registration statement {including a prospectus) ; :: * : Statement Ha. 333 1 BlMflT] with the SEC for the ottering to which this com mum cation relates. Before you invest, you should read the prospectus in that registration statement and othef documents the issuer has filed with the SEC for mo re complete information about the issuer and this offering. You may get these documents fd free by visiting EDGAR an the S EC website at wvrw.5sc.gov 21 by didting here. Alternatively, the issuer, any underwriter. l* any dealer participating in the offering will arrange to mail you the prosperous if you lequesf it by dicing here or cal I i ng toll free 1 888 374 412.8. ‘Yield reflects the annual rate of return nn your investment. It assumes that interest is accrued daily and posted monthly, and that there are no additional investrnents or redemptions. The portion of your investment that is greater than So Million will earn a rate of         .2696 and a yield of .25ft. GE.com GECapital.com Piospectus Piivacy Policy SEC Fillings Request a lit Rate History Site Map Copyright 2011, General Electri c Capital Corporation



Save your Money. Not your Questions. AtGE Interest Plus for business, we take pride in going the extra mile to seme you. The good news is that your concerns may have already been addressed. Please read the FAQ, and ifyou have any other questions, our representatives are available Monday Friday. 8.30 am 7:00 pm Eastern Time at 888 674 4138 General Information *~ ‘/vhat is GE Interest Plus for Businesses? Hn w does GE Interest Plus lor Businesses set its rates7 How is yield calculated? *” Why does GE Interest Plus for Businesses pay a different rate than the consumer version? * Can I use checks, to access, my GE Interest Plus, tor Businesses investment7 > What is the minimum initial investment? What if my investment amount falls belov; the required minimum? Hnw is interest accrued and paid? * What if I have questions about my investment7 Establishing a GE Interest Plus far Businesses Investment What type of business entities can establish a GE Interest Plus for Businesses investment? How can I establish and investment for my business’ * What type of documentation is required to establish a GE Interest Plus for Business investment account? Ho w do I fund rny investment? Do I have to link my business, checking account to rny GE Interest Plus for Businesses investment7 * Can I establish an investment with an address outside uf the United Slates?



Investing and reedeining What types r>f checks will you accept far in vestment’ “ Can I redeem my investment at anytime? Are there any penalties for redeeming funds? Whsttyps of tank account can I link to my GE Interest Plus for Businesses investment? Can Mink mo re than one bank checking account to my GE Interest Plus for Businesses investment? When are invested funds available for redemption? Investment Quality How sale is my investment? * toGE Interest Plus for Businesses FDIC Insured? Is GE Interest Plus for Businesses covered under the FDIC’s Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program’ Fees Do I pay any sales or management tees? Arethere Maintenance Fees? Reporting, investor communications When will I Itntnvthst my investment has teen established? hdw often will I receive statements’ When will I receive my 10B& Int. Statement?1 How to contact us What are the mailing addresses, lor GE Interest Plus, for Businesses? Wheredo I wire money? Managing your investment online or aver the phone * How can I manage my investment via the Internet? How secure is my information online? What if I am having troutls logging in ta eEervice? ‘ Questions? Contact us or call us at 1 888 674 4138 Representatives are available Monday Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET GE i : ii Plus far Buiin ; ii an i n vestrnsnt i n iheseniw. unsecured cnpwBledebl afth Gen&ral Elscoic Capita I Coqxxaiion. You should note that GE lnce*st Plusfw Businc ss; Motes Hie nL>t b mL>ney marinet fund, which i gerrejally a divea ified fund nsistinfl af investment in Bhort lam dtfat aeLuiitiea cf many campanie . LTnlite bank accounts and certificates 2fdepLK.il. GE Internet Plus Fw Businesses is not an FDIC i r»uied deposit GE Interest PI us fa Businesses is net nnHMtnteed undeithe FDIC’s TempoiHiy Liquidity Guaianiee Program It is possible to lose money iFGE Capital is unable to pay it5 debts. Ple ase 5ee the p*D3pe rtu5 for i mprvrta n I investment infwmstinn. The i ue* has filed a registration statement tindudmg a ptuapectus JReaistiHtion Statement Me. 332 1K] 7t with the SEC f™ the affering tt>vrhii ± this rcmrnunicstian relates. Befrae you inuest. ysu should read the prospectus in that regi strati an statement and other donimenfe the issuer has filed with the SEC fa mote complete inf ram aticn about the issuer and this offering. Vsu may gel these dn cumentsfrK free by i/isitin g EDGAR an the SEC website et wnnniu.Bec gov w by didting here Alternatively, the isyj er. any underwriter, nr any deele* paTtiapvaiing in the cfferinfl will anBneetci mail you the prospectus if yea request it by clicking here c f celling toll free 1 3BB 574 513B. ‘Yiald reflect the annual fate of retuin en youi investment. It Brumes that intEreat is acaued daily and pn;ted monthly, and that th&e are no additional investments c r redemption ?. Theportinn af yaur investment that i? greater than SB Million will earn b late n f .255* and a yield of 25% HE.cofn GECapital.cc rn Pmspertus Pnvar 1 FDllr SEC. Fillings Requests fcit Rate Histrwy Site Map Coowioht 2011. General ElecuicCioital Conxxaticn



5_ Qu&stions? Corrtact us or call us at 1 888 674 4133 Representatives are available Monday Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET GE Interest Plusfa* Businesses is an investment in the senior, unsecuied rarpofate debt of the Gen al Elentri c Capital Ccrpafation. Ycu should note that GE Interest Plusfw Businesses Hates Interest Plus fa* Businesses is net an FGIC insuiEd deposit. GE Interest Plusfof Businesses is not Guaranteed under the FB ICs Temporary Liquidity Guarantee FVogfam. It ispossicle tc lose money if GE Capital i unable to pay it debG Ple ase s&e the p i&pedii5 for important inuestment information The issuer has filed a. refiisnaticn statement linduding a pfsspectus) [Registration Statement Ita. 333 I M4E7J with the SEC fw the offefine ib which this caminuniceticn relates. Befweyau may get these documents fa free ay visiting ED GAR on the SEC weosite at www. sec.gov en By clicking here. Alternatively, the issue*, any u naefhWritef. w any dea lei parti d pating in the offering will mange to mail you the praspedus if you request it by dirtinB here ar calling foil free 1 EBB 57 4 413S. Vfeld lefleds the annual rate of letum on youi investment. It assumes that interest is aoauerf daily anrt posted monthly. and that there are no additional inuestments m ledemptiarts. The portien of youi investment that issie&ler than S5 Millmn will earn a rate of .25ft and a yield of .25%. GE.cofti GECapltal.cofn Pi&spertus Privacy Policy &EC Fillings Renuest a lit Rate HIstMy Site Map Copvrioht 2011, Gerretel Ele ctjic Capital CcxDcratinn



. Questions? Contact us or call us at 1 888 674 4138 Representatives are available Monday Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET GE Interest Plus tcf Business; i; an Inu stment in the sen int. unsecured corpwste debt ol the General Eleefri c Capital Corporation. You should note that GE Interest Pluslw Businesses Notes ere not a money market fund1, which is generally b diversified fund consisting of investment in shcrt term debt securities of many companies. Unlifte bank accounts, and certificates, si deposit. GE Interest . : _»insa& i is net an FD IC i nsured deposit. GE Interest Plus fix Businesses is not guajanteed under the FDICs TempoiBry Liquidity Guarantee Prcgram. It is poiiible tc lose money if EE Capital is unatl s is ca? its dec t5. Please see the prospectus fct importanl investmerrt infonrHlion. The issuer has filed a r&gisfaticn statement linduding a pf usp ctuaj [Registration Statement Pte. 333 160437] with the SECfcithe c ffering to which In is communication relates. E f: . :. invert, you should reed the prospectus in that regisL atisn statement and othentocumenb the issuer has filed with the SEC fa* rmne complete information about the issue* and this offering Vc u may get these dccumenisfwltee by visiting EDGAR en the SEC website at itrwitr.sen.gav at h’y clicking here. Alternatively, the issuer, any underwriter, ex any dealer participating in ihe offering will anange tc mail you the prospectus if you reguest it by clicking here or calling foil free 1 B EE G74 41 3B. 1Yield reflects the annual rate af reium on your investment. It assumes thai interest is accrued daily and posted, monthly, and thot there ere no additional in vestments or redemptions. ‘Thepcrtion ul your investment that laureate* than 55 Million will earn a rate of .2E S4 and a yield of .25W. GE.com GECapital.com Pjnapectus Privacy Po\\qf SEC Fillings Request afrit Rate Hlstwy Site Mac CtMminhtZ011. General ElecfaicCapital Cocpcration



To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities. Federal Law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verity and record information that identifies each person who opens an account To verify your identity, we require information on each registered owner/co owner of the investment. As part of normal verification procedures, a credit bureau inquiry will be conducted. 2C11 General ElenricCac itsI CcMnorBtion Pfi a Policy GE Interest Flu; if an investment in the ssnicr. unsecured ccrpswte debt of the General Electric Capital Corporsti en. Ycu incLl: note that GE Interest Plus : : are not : money martlet fund, which is generally a diversified fund ccn.si.stin’g of investment in shc t term debt ecuTitie; cf many companies. Unlifce bank accounts and certificates, of deoo sit. GE Interest Plus is nnt an FDID insuferJ deposit GE Intefest Plus is not guaranteed un d e* the FDIC’s Tempwary Liquidity GuaTanlee PragjBjn. H is feasible tc lose mc ney if GE Capital is unable tc pay its detta. Please see the pfs spectus fa irnpcftant Investment InfonnBtiDn. The issuer has filed s fegistjati nn statement [including a. praspedu. [R&gistiHtian Statement Ma. 333 1EKWB7J with the SEC for the offering to which this cammuniratin n (elates. Befrwe you invest, ycu shculd read the prcspectus in that legistyBtlan statement and ether documenb the issuer has filed with the SEC frx mere complete inFormsti on about the Is uef and this offering. You may get these documents f wfree by visiting EDGAR en the SEC website Btww.v.secgpv w by dicfcin g here . Alternatively, the issuer, any underiwiter. sr any dealer participating in the cfleffng will fliiange to mail yau the Mcsoerfusirvcureaueat itbv dieting heie c* callinc toll free 1 BfJfl 33 44SO.



Corporation. GE Interest Plus for Business is avail able to businesses in the United States. You must designate a bank checking or operating account to link your investment. Check writing is not available for business accounts We will collect information about the Corporation and the person who is authorized to act with respect to the investment Required information for an authorized person includes their Social Security number, home address and date of birth. Applications cannot be processed unless this information is provided. An additional authorized person may be added after the investment is established. Once you enter in the information requested, you will be prompted to print the application, sign it. and mail it in with the following: o Executed copy of your Articles of Incorporation with evidence of state filing c Signed copyoflRS Form W 9 c Signed copy of an Authorization Form for Corp orations o A copy of a voided check or a bank statement to verify the linked bank checking or operating account 92011 General ElectricCapitBl Cmpm fiticr Privacy Policy GE Interest Plusfnf Businesses is an investment in the sen int. unsecured corporate debt of the General Electric Capital Corporation. You should note that GE Interest Plusfw Businesses Notes are: not a Business is not an F CMC in 5 u red deposit. GE Interest Plus for Busine**? is rot guaranteed urdeithe FDICs Tempntary Liquidity Guaiantee Program. It is possible to lose money if GE Capital is unable to The issuer has filed a registration statement (including a prospectus} [Reg i strati on Statement Ho. P22 1SD487 with the SEC fa the offering to which this communication relates. Before you invest, you documents for free b> visiting EDGAR on the SEC iiebsite at wivw.secgDV by diocirg here . Alternatively, the issuer any underwrite), 01 any deal ei parti apatm g in the/ affering will arrange to mail you the Mosoectusif raureouestit kirdiJtirra here a calling toll free 1 SB8 e7 1 413S.



By clicking “I Accept” you consent to electronically receive: [1} the GE Interest Plus prospectus; (2} an/ related prospectus supplement; (3) the pricing supplement or supplements that describe the terms of GE Interest Plus, before initiall/ investing: and r.4 } email notifications regarding /our electronic application to open and fund your GE Interest application. fou must instead contact a Service Representative at 1 888 674 4138 for assistance or you can request a free paper copy of any of these documents at our website wgvw.peinterestpluE.com . Your consent applies only to this particular request. For questions or more information, please call us at 1 888 674 4138 or send us an email. Electronic delivery is provided free of charge from GE Interest Plus; however, other online service provider charges may apply. To print or save a copy of the disclosures and other information you must have a printer and a browserwith print screen capability or be able to save files to your computer. To successful! send, receive and retain the information and disclosures related to GE Interest Plus, you will need the following hardware and software requirements ongoing A 32 bit operating system (Windows 98 orlaterversion). An Internet Browser o Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher Businesses is not an FDIC msured deposit. 6E Interest Plus fa Businesses is not guaranteed under the FOUTs Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program. It is possible to lose money if BE Capital is unable to should read the prosperius ir that registration statement and other documents the issuer has tiled with the SEC loi more complete information about the issuer and this offering. You may get these documents for free by visiting EDGAR on the SEC website at wiw.sccodvoi by didtirifl hae Altai natively, the issjei, cry underwriter, or any dealer perticipatirB in the offering will arrange to mail you the HC scectus if vmj request it bv did ina here or callina toll free 1 833 374 41M. GE Interest Plus for Businesses is offered to the general public b; prospectus onK In making an investment decision regarding GE Interest Plus for Businesses, you should rely only on the information contained in (1) the most recent GE Interest Plus for Businesses picsp itus. i.2: any related prospectus su|]plement and [3; the pricing supplement or supplements that describe the terms of GE Interest Plus for Businesses. All offerings are subject to delivery of the prospectus and the prospectus supplements. Eefaie .” dli invest /ou should read prospectus in that registration statement and the other documents that General Electric Capital Corporation has fled with the SEC for more information about General Electric Capital Corporation and this offering. Click on the link below to review the prospectus online B2011 General Elediic Capita I CmoorBtiDn Privacy Policy GE Interest Plus for BiEineiseE. is an investment in the senior, UTEeojted cnpacate deat of the Beneral Eledric Capital CorptKBtiop. You should note the! SE Interest Plus for Businesses Moles are nut b money market fund, which i generally a diversified fund casting of investment in shcrt term debt securities nf many companies. Unlike bank scccunu and certificates : deposit. GE Interest Plus far should reed the p*tKncrtj in thet legistration statement and athet documents the i;suef has filed .vith the SEC fw mwe ncmnle te infccmation sbnin the Issue and this cffefing. Ynu mey get these document; fcr fiee by visiting EDGAR an the SEC website Bt >v,v>v. ecgcv h by dieting h r . AlteniBtively, the issue”, any underwrite!, or anydealei p brticicating in the c ffefing will Brrangeto mail you the



3 2011 General Electee Capita I CwpwatiDn Privacy Policy GE . ‘. Pljsfcr BLsin ii 5 ie an investment in the verier, unse:ure:i CMpMBte cent of the General Electric Capital CtspMstion. You should note list GE Interest : ;: E i : :: : are net s mzney maffet fjnd. which is generally a dive ifiez fjnd ranrirting c f Investment in hori term dent rscuritiei cl many companies. Unlike Bank accounts anc certificates d! aspasit. GE Interest Plus fc~r Businesses is not an FDIC insu d deposit. GE Interest Plus fc r Businesses is net gjafanteed jndeithe ::: “~ ::: ..:. : . : s :: It is pcssibletD Inse money if GE Capital is unable to pay its debts. Please t the paspedLS for impadanl investment inlutmetion.



H You must link a banker operating account to your investment to be able to transfer funds to and from your investment You will be enrolled in our free Quick Trans actions service and our Wire Redemption Service. Please provide information on your Bank checking or Operating account Bank Name: * Bank Checking or Operating Account Number: * Does your bank use ttifferent routing numbers for ACH transactions and wires? C Yes P” No Routing Number for both ACH Transfers and Federal Fjrrfs Wire Transfers: GE Inteiest Plus fee Businesses is an investment in the senia, unsecured ouptuste efeM of the Gfenersl EledricCapitBl CciptHaticri You snoLld natethat SE Interest PlLsfor Businesei Mat s are not a pnapectus it ynu request it by did mg here a celling loll free 1 BSB S7 WI3B.



Your security is important to us. Please complete your online registration by selecting a personal security image and pass phrase. Each time you login you’ll know that you are at the genuine GE Interest Plus site when you seethe image and pass phraseyouVe selected. Hi 201 I General Electric Capital Ccfporatic n Privacy Policy GE Interest . ‘: Business Is an irv Mmert In the strict, unsecured cctcatBte debt of the General Electric Capital Cctpwatian. ycl :. : rote that GE Interest . . . » :: ; are net s money maiket fund, which is generally a diversified fund c r;irtir ; :f Investmert in hcd term debt M j’itiei cf many comoarier. Unlike bank accounts and certificates 4 deposit. GE Interest Plus for Businesses is not an FDIC insuied depmait. GE Interest PI us far Businesses is net gjaianteed jnderthe FDICs Temccrajy LinLiditj Buatartee Rrogiam. It is ocssicleto lose money if GE Capital is unable tc pay its debt. Please eetht pfospeiiuL fw important mve&trnent intcnnB.tian.



Name of the Corporation: Taxldentjfcaiion Number State ol Incorporation: Dale of Formation: Type of Business: Specif c Category: Business Phone Number: P&rm an en I Address: I Have a Different Mailing Address: Busin&ss Title: Office Email Acklress: Primary Phone: Social Secunty Number: Dale of Birth: HomeAcklress: Tine at Address: Username: Password: S&curity Imaps: Pass Phrase: Secunty Question 1: Security Answer: Secunty Question 2: Security Answer: Security Question 3: Security Answer: §2311 General Electric Capita I Captation Privacy Falicy Businesses is rmt an FDIC msuced deposit GE Interest Plus fee Businesses is not pjaranteed undei the FDItTs Temporaiy Liquidity Guarantee Program. It is possible to lose money if GE Capital is unable to The issuer has filed a registration statement {including a prospectus) [Registration Statement Ho 333.160437] with ihe SEC lot the offering to which this communication relates Before yoj invest, you should read the prospectus ir that registration statement end other documents the issuer has filed with the SEC far more complete information about the issuer and this offering. You may get these documents for free by visiting EDGAR on the 5EC website at vrrt rf.setgDV a by dieting here . Alternatively, the issuer, any underwriter, or any dealer partiripatine in the offering will arrange to mail you the prospectus if you request it by dicing here or calling tall free 1 BBB 574 413B.



Thank you. Now you are ready to download and print the forms weVe pre filled with your company s information. Forms th. will be printed include: a. The application b. IRS Form W 9 c A copy of the Authorization Form for Corporations Review the terms and ilyou are ready to invest: 1 Sign them 2. Enclose them with a copy of: An executed copy of your corporations Articles of In corporation with evidence of state filing Avoided check or bank statement to verify the linked bank checking or operating account 3 Mail th&se documents to us at our program ad dress, which appears in the paclags /cull downlead here1 Please note that it may take up to 2 weeks to receive and process the application. You will be mailed a confirmation statement and emailed a welcome letter after your initial investment has been accepted Questions? Call 1 880 674 4 178 R iMsS ntati s sre a.ailablste assist :ou on business da/s. from 0:30 a.rn to 7 p m ET. §2311 General Elertric Capital Corporation Privacy Policy GE Interest Pljsfc. Businesses is an investment in the senia, unsecured Dorpoiate debt of the Seneral EledriDCapital Coipoiation You should noteihat SE Interest Plus for Businesses Motes ere not a money martlet fund. which is generally a diversified fund consisting of investment in short term debt seojiiti K nf many cnrnpani Es. LlnlikE bank accounts and certificates of deposit. GE Interest Plus for :.: :: :::: FDIC insured deposit. GE Interest Plusf r Businesses is net gjaranteed jndeithe FDICs Temporary Liquidity GLarartee Prsgram. It is possible to lose money if GE Capital is unable to pay its debts. Please see the prospectus fcr important investment information. The issuer has filed a registration statement {including a. prospedusl [Registaation Statement Mo. 333 1&D4&7] with Ihe BEC foi the offering to which this communication relates. Before yoj invest, you ahojld read the prospectus in that registration statement and othei documents the issuer has filed with the S EC fpi more complete infcimation ecojt the issue and this offering. You may get these documents for free by visiting EDGAR on the SEC website at ww .secgDV a by dieting here . Alternatively, the issjH, any underwriter, or any dealer participating in the offering will arrange to mail you the