FWP 1 y84079fwp.htm FWP fwp
  Filed Under Rule 433
  Registration Statement No. 333-160487
GE Interest Plus®’ Earn from 1.41% -1.71% on your available cash GE Interest Plus®’ With easy access when you need it GE Interest Plus®’ So you’re ready when you find your dream home



GE Interest Plus®’ Make more with your money GE Interest Plus®’ Earn from 1.41%-1.71% GE Interest Plus®* Earn from 1.41% — 1.71% INVEST NOW *GE Interest Phis 6 an Investment in the saner, unsecured corporate deal of Ihe General Eleclnc Capilal Corporation. You shnuld role 5ia1 GE Interest Plus Notes are ml a money market lurid, which is generally a dversified fund constsSng ol investmenl in short term debt secunbes ol many companies Unlike hank accounts and certificate of deposit GE Interest Plus is not an FDiC-tnsurod deposit GE Interest Plus S not guaranteed under the PDICs Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program II is possftte to lose money fl GE Capital is unable to pay As debts Please see Ihe QfflGDBrtUB falT



GE Interest Plus®* Earn from 1.41% -1.71% INVEST NOW Issuer has 1tad 3 topE-tr-gllnn sIslomDiit ImcJudlrhg a ptoSpeduSI [Regklfalnn Statement ho. 333-16048’] Wlh thi SEC bf t\c oflcdhd, 1o l»Wch 1hrS nmrpUnlcallOT nHates. Brtjrc you invest ^U should mad IhcpuSpcKllUs in lhat nsglseallcri s-latornFit and other drcuniDnrH IhciSsuor has Mud wlh ttc EEC far niDfc mmplclc rhrnabnn about flic Issuer and this alhrng ^xJ may pot Ihnsc cbcUirahls for A™ by Msibrtn. EDGAR on IhcSEC urebsllral Wwsccgo* nr by YisJlnpJ gDntotiKralu^.Hjir AllijfrialtwHy, Blc taster any Utidc^nliX c any 9 GE Interest Plus®* Earn from 1.41% — 1.71% INVEST NOW TOF&Wus Win AHelTliTiWy. n & **li*’ Sty UMHWW, 61 W dealt* pwnrjtj^iin!] in ihe offienriy wil nrrsi-gr tn nisi you tw Btrapeetus if you ieoye*l it by; veitm j jeinierwtpiya own of «riing till free t-eOO-SH-MSS, Vel* *s ml 3tfft2010 and may; be reset weekly. Yield leflKla the awiusl Fate tf return on your Investment h assumes trial iMftresl la anxued daily and pasted rnnrrrhly, am flmtHisearem) additional investments or redemptions Curort rates and yields 9* salable at gefiferegiplLis.cjip



GE Interest Plus®* Earn from 1.41%-1.71% on your available cash GE Interest Plus®* With easy access when you need it GE Interest Plus®” Comes in handy when your kids are in college



GE Interest Plus®’ Make more with your money GE Interest Plus®’ Earn from 1.41% -1.71% GE Interest Plus®* Earn from 1.41% — 1.71% INVEST NOW *GE Interest Phis 6 an investment in the saner, unsecured corporate deal of Ihe General Eleclnc Capilal Corporation. You shnuld role 5ia1 GE Irrieresl Plus Notes are ml a money market lurid, which is generally a dversified fund consisting ol investmenl in snort term debt secunbes ol many companies Unlike bank accounts and certificate of deposit. GE Interest Plus is not an FDiC-tnsurod deposit GE Interest Plus 6 not guaranteed under the FDICs Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program II is possible to lose money II GE Capital is unable to pay As debts Please see Ihe QfflBDBrtUB fal I



GE Interest Plus®* Earn from 1.41% -1.71% INVEST NOW nTlB Issuer hra tod 3 tngsltallali slalornmn undudng a (rttrtpeclHSI [Ftegislntrin &1ah5lni*ilKci. 333-16MBT] win lhfi SEC fefftctflciirfl toUtllchHiiS nmmUnlcallm triafcs. Bcfcrc you itivcSL ^U should mad Ihc pnspcKllJs in lhal ¦cjisfahm slafcnmL and n*ic drcumDnrs Ihc ‘ssun (135 MkI win ttc SEC tar mmi coirplclr ntannalinn abaJl Tire Issuer Brtd Ihta altartfg ^xJ may pel Ihnsc Amiiranls far tnx by Vishnu EDGAR an Ihc SEC websllr a1 WW scegm nr by YfiUng gnntorcSftiluS.ujiTi Alb*ia*rely, fie iSsuat any undc^Y-nltf, of Wy GE Interest Plus®* Earn from 1.41% -1.71% INVEST NOW fUWieNKpis Hifc Aneiniiiftiy. nt ¦s^ner jay lmhwiw, w sfly dealer pwtiQprtiiig in ihe (ferns wii arrange to mil you t» prwpwnB if yuu re<jj»i it by voting jpirflereslpiya com or wiling loll free 1-W&SB3-WS& Yields ss of J’?*2010 and msy be reser weekly. Meld lefleela the swiusl fate tf return tin yenr Investment h assumes Dial interest la actfiwl dairy and posted rnnthiy, ana flmf Htse jreriD additional mrestmervfi or redemptirxia Current rates and yields 3* SYateMe atgentenstpltjs.asn



GE Interest Plus®’ Earn from 1.41% — 1.71% on your available cash GE Interest Plus®’ With easy access when you need it GE Interest Plus®* So you can pop the question when the moment is right



GE Interest Plus®’ Make more with your money GE Interest Plus=- §Earn from 1.41% — 1.71% GE Interest Plus®* Earn from 1.41% — 1.71% INVEST NOW *GE Interest Phis 6 an investment in the saner, unsecured corporate deal of Ihe General Eleclnc Capilal Corporation. You shnuld role 5ia1 GE Irrieresl Plus Notes are ml a money market lurid, which is generally a dversified fund consisting ol investmenl in snort term debt secunbes ol many companies Unlike bank accounts and certificate of deposit. GE Interest Plus is not an FDiC-tnsurod deposit GE Interest Plus 6 not guaranteed under the FDICs Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program II is possible to lose money II GE Capital is unable to pay As debts Please see Ihe QfflBDBrtUB fal



GE Interest Plus®* Earn from 1.41% -1.71% INVEST NOW nTlB Issuer hra tod 3 tngsltallali slalornmn undudng a (rttrtpeclHSI [Ftegislntrin &1ah5lni*ilKci. 333-16MBT] win lhfi SEC fefftctflciirfl toUtllchHiiS nmmUnlcallm triafcs. Bcfcrc you itivcSL ^U should mad Ihc pnspcKllJs in lhal ¦cjisfahm slafcnmL and n*ic drcumDnrs Ihc ‘ssun (135 MkI win ttc SEC tar mmi coirplclr ntannalinn abaJl Tire Issuer Brtd Ihta altartfg ^xJ may pel Ihnsc Amiiranls far tnx by Vishnu EDGAR an Ihc SEC websllr a1 WW scegm nr by YfiUng gnntorcSftiluS.ujiTi Alb*ia*rely, fie iSsuat any undc^Y-nltf, of Wy GE Interest Plus®* Earn from 1.41% -1.71% INVEST NOW fUWieNKpis Hifc Aneiniiiftiy. nt ¦s^ner jay lmhwiw, w sfly dealer pwtiQprtiiig in ihe (ferns wii arrange to mil you t» prwpwnB if yuu re<jj»i it by voting jpirflereslpiya com or wiling loll free 1-W&SB3-WS& Yields ss of J’?*2010 and msy be reser weekly. Meld lefleela the swiusl fate tf return tin yenr Investment h assumes Dial interest la actfiwl dairy and posted rnnthiy, ana flmf Htse jreriD additional mrestmervfi or redemptirxia Current rates and yields 3* SYateMe atgentenstpltjs.asn