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Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.          )

Filed by the Registrant ý

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o

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Preliminary Proxy Statement



Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))



Definitive Proxy Statement



Definitive Additional Materials



Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12


Allied Capital Corporation

(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)


(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):



No fee required.



Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.
    (1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
    (2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
    (3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
    (4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
    (5)   Total fee paid:



Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.



Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.





Amount Previously Paid:
    (2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
    (3)   Filing Party:
    (4)   Date Filed:


Dear Fellow Stockholder:

        We are writing to ask you to vote to approve the merger between Allied Capital and Ares Capital. If approved, Allied Capital stockholders will become Ares Capital stockholders and will receive 0.325 shares of Ares Capital common stock for each share of Allied Capital stock owned immediately prior to the merger.

        On March 3, 2010, Allied Capital and Ares Capital announced Allied Capital's intention to declare a special dividend of $0.20 per share to Allied Capital stockholders in connection with the merger. On the date the merger is approved by the affirmative vote of the holders of two-thirds of the shares of Allied Capital common stock outstanding and entitled to vote thereon, Allied Capital's board of directors intends to declare a dividend to Allied Capital stockholders of record on such date. The dividend would be funded upon the closing of the merger. While there can be no assurance as to the exact timing, or that the merger will be completed at all, we are working to complete the merger around the end of the first quarter of 2010.

        The expected benefits of the merger include:

      Resumption of dividend payments;

      Improved access to the debt capital markets;

      Improved access to the equity capital markets;

      Increased portfolio diversity;

      Strategic and business considerations;

      Increased liquidity and flexibility; and

      Value creation.

        On or about February 16, 2010, we mailed to you a detailed joint proxy statement/prospectus that contains a description of the proposed merger and other important information for you to consider in connection with the Allied Capital special meeting. The attached supplement contains information that supplements the joint proxy statement/prospectus. I urge you to read the enclosed materials carefully together with the joint proxy statement/prospectus.

        After careful consideration, the board of directors of Allied Capital, including its independent directors, unanimously recommends that its stockholders vote "FOR" approval of the merger and the merger agreement and "FOR" approval of the proposal to adjourn the Allied Capital special meeting, if necessary or appropriate, to solicit additional proxies if there are not sufficient votes at the time of the Allied Capital special meeting to approve the foregoing proposal.

        Your vote is extremely important. The majority of Allied Capital's approximately 180 million shares outstanding are held by individual investors. It is crucial that all of our stockholders participate in this vote, and we ask that you read the enclosed materials and vote your shares.

Whether or not you expect to attend the Allied Capital special meeting in person, Allied Capital urges you to submit your proxy as promptly as possible.



William L. Walton
Chairman of the Board of Directors


        This document supplements the joint proxy statement/prospectus, dated February 11, 2010 (the "Proxy Statement"), provided to you in connection with the proposed merger (the "merger") of ARCC Odyssey Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Ares Capital Corporation ("Ares Capital"), with and into Allied Capital Corporation ("Allied Capital") pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Merger, as such agreement may be amended from time to time (the "merger agreement"), dated as of October 26, 2009, among Ares Capital, Allied Capital and ARCC Odyssey Corp.

        Except as described in this document, the information provided in the Proxy Statement continues to apply. To the extent that information in this document differs from, updates or conflicts with information contained in the Proxy Statement, the information in this document is more current. This is the case even if such section of the Proxy Statement is not specifically referenced in this document. Terms used but not defined in this document shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Proxy Statement.

        This document is dated March 9, 2010 and is first being mailed to stockholders on or about March 11, 2010.


        The following supplemental information should be read in conjunction with the Proxy Statement, which you are urged to read in its entirety.

Special Dividend

        On March 3, 2010, Ares Capital and Allied Capital announced Allied Capital's intention to declare a special dividend of $0.20 per share to Allied Capital stockholders in the circumstances described below (the "Distribution").

        On the date the merger is approved by the affirmative vote of the holders of two-thirds of the shares of Allied Capital common stock outstanding and entitled to vote thereon, Allied Capital's board of directors intends to declare a dividend to Allied Capital stockholders of record on such date. The dividend would be funded to the dividend paying agent on the closing of the merger with instructions to disburse such amounts to Allied Capital stockholders as of the record date as promptly as practicable after the effective time. Allied Capital has received consent from Ares Capital pursuant to the merger agreement in order to declare and pay this dividend. Allied Capital has also received consent under the senior secured term loan (the "Term Loan") to declare and pay this dividend.

Certain Material U.S. Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Distribution

        The following information supplements the information provided in (1) the cover page of the Proxy Statement, (2) the third question on page 8 of "Question and Answers about the Special Meetings and the Merger" in the Proxy Statement, (3) "Summary—The Merger Is Intended to Be Tax-Free to Allied Capital Common Stockholders as to the Shares of Ares Capital Common Stock They Receive" on page 17 of the Proxy Statement, (4) "Summary—Reasons for the Merger—Allied Capital—Tax Free Treatment of Merger" on page 18 of the Proxy Statement, (5) "The Merger—


Reasons for the Merger—Allied Capital—Tax Free Treatment of Merger" on page 131 of the Proxy Statement and (6) "Certain Material U.S. Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Merger" on pages 174 through 184 of the Proxy Statement:

        The treatment of the Distribution for U.S. federal income tax purposes is uncertain. If the Distribution is not viewed as part of the consideration received by the stockholders of Allied Capital in the merger, then such stockholders will be taxed on the Distribution pursuant to Section 301 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. In that event, because Allied Capital does not believe that it has any "accumulated earnings and profits" and the management of Allied Capital does not expect that Allied Capital will have any current year earnings and profits as of the effective time, the Distribution will be applied against and reduce the adjusted tax basis of each share of the stockholder's Allied Capital stock and, to the extent the amount of the Distribution exceeds such adjusted tax basis, generally will be treated as a capital gain from the sale or exchange of each such share. For a discussion of the taxation of capital gains, please see the discussion in the Proxy Statement under the heading "Certain Material U.S. Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Merger."

        Alternatively, if the Distribution is viewed as part of the consideration received by the stockholders of Allied Capital in the merger, then each stockholder will be treated as if it exchanged Allied Capital shares for a combination of cash and Ares Capital shares. In that event, each stockholder of Allied Capital generally will recognize capital gain in an amount equal to the lesser of (a) the amount of cash received (excluding any cash received in lieu of a fractional Ares Capital share) or (b) the sum of the fair market value of the Ares Capital shares received plus the amount of cash received (including any cash received in lieu of a fractional Ares Capital share), less the stockholder's adjusted tax basis in the Allied Capital shares exchanged. However, if the receipt of the Distribution has the effect of a distribution of a dividend for U.S. federal income tax purposes, each stockholder of Allied Capital could be treated as having received ordinary dividend income.

        In determining whether the exchange described above has the effect of a distribution of a dividend, each stockholder of Allied Capital will be treated as if Ares Capital shares having a fair market value equal to the amount of the Distribution had been distributed to the stockholder as part of the merger, with such Ares Capital shares then being redeemed by Ares Capital in return for the cash actually received by the stockholder in the Distribution. The exchange will not have the effect of a distribution of a dividend if the deemed redemption is "substantially disproportionate" or "not essentially equivalent to a dividend." In general, the deemed redemption will be "substantially disproportionate" with respect to a stockholder of Allied Capital if such stockholder experiences a more than 20% reduction in its interest in Ares Capital (both by vote and value) as a result of the deemed redemption. In order for the hypothetical redemption to be "not essentially equivalent to a dividend," it must result in a "meaningful reduction" in the stockholder's deemed percentage ownership of Ares Capital shares.

        The Internal Revenue Service has ruled that a minority shareholder in a publicly traded corporation whose relative stock interest is minimal and who exercises no control with respect to corporate affairs is considered to have a "meaningful reduction" generally if such shareholder has some reduction in its deemed percentage stock ownership. In applying the foregoing tests, a stockholder of Allied Capital will, under the constructive ownership rules, be deemed to own Ares Capital shares that are owned by certain related persons or entities or with respect to which the stockholder of Allied Capital owns options, in addition to the Ares Capital shares actually owned by the stockholder.

        Although the issue is not free from doubt, Allied Capital intends to treat the Distribution for U.S. federal income tax reporting purposes as a distribution that is not part of the consideration received by the stockholders of Allied Capital in the merger. Because of the complex nature of this issue, however, stockholders of Allied Capital should consult their tax advisors regarding their treatment of the Distribution.


        The foregoing discussion is for general information only and does not purport to be a complete analysis or listing of all potential tax effects that may apply to a stockholder of Allied Capital with respect to the Distribution. We strongly encourage all stockholders of Allied Capital to consult their tax advisors to determine the particular tax consequences to them of the merger and the Distribution, including the application and effect of federal, state, local, foreign and other tax laws.

Amendment to Allied Capital Term Loan

        On March 2, 2010, Allied Capital amended its Term Loan by entering into Amendment No. 1 to the Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement dated as of January 29, 2010 (the "Amendment"). Pursuant to the Amendment, Allied Capital is permitted to declare a one-time special cash dividend upon approval of the merger by the affirmative vote of the holders of two-thirds of the outstanding shares of Allied Capital common stock, so long as no default or event of default has occurred and is continuing or would result from the declaration and payment of the special dividend. Pursuant to the Amendment, the payment of the special dividend is contingent on the consummation of the merger and may not exceed the lesser of $0.20 per share or $40 million.

        In addition, the Amendment makes modifications to certain of the mandatory repayment requirements under the Term Loan. The Amendment requires the use of a minimum of 75%, an increase from 56%, of all net cash proceeds from asset dispositions, subject to certain conditions and exclusions, to be used to repay the Term Loan prior to the consummation of the merger. Prior to the Amendment, Allied Capital was required to use 100% of available cash in excess of a $125 million cash floor at any month end (the "Cash Floor") to repay the Term Loan, and on April 30, 2010, the Cash Floor decreases to $100 million. In addition, the Amendment also includes a new prepayment provision, which requires Allied Capital to use 75% of principal collections (other than net cash proceeds from asset dispositions) received as of the 15th and last day of each month to repay the Term Loan, beginning with the period from March 1, 2010 to March 15, 2010. Upon consummation of the merger, the Cash Floor decreases to $0 and the percentage of principal collections and net cash proceeds from asset dispositions required to repay the Term Loan increases to 100%.

Annual Reports of Ares Capital and Allied Capital

        Enclosed with this document, and incorporated herein by reference, are the Annual Report of Ares Capital on Form 10-K, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") on February 25, 2010 (the "Ares Capital 10-K"), and the Annual Report of Allied Capital on Form 10-K, filed with the SEC on February 26, 2010 (the "Allied Capital 10-K").

Comparative Fees and Expenses

        The following information supplements the information provided in "Comparative Fees and Expenses" on pages 68 through 72 of the Proxy Statement, the second full question on page 7 of "Question and Answers about the Special Meetings and the Merger" in the Proxy Statement and "Risk Factors—Risks Relating to the Merger—Ares Capital may be unable to realize the benefits anticipated by the merger and subsequent combination, including estimated cost savings and synergies, or it may take longer than anticipated to achieve such benefits" on page 61 of the Proxy Statement:


        The following tables are intended to assist you in understanding the costs and expenses that an investor in the common stock of Allied Capital and Ares Capital bears directly or indirectly and, based on the assumptions set forth below, the pro forma costs and expenses estimated to be incurred by the combined company in the first year following the merger. Allied Capital and Ares Capital caution you that some of the percentages indicated in the table below are estimates and may vary. Except where


the context suggests otherwise, whenever this document or the Proxy Statement contains a reference to fees or expenses paid or to be paid by "you," "Allied Capital" or "Ares Capital," stockholders will indirectly bear such fees or expenses as investors in Allied Capital or Ares Capital, as applicable.

  Pro Forma

Stockholder transaction expenses (as a percentage of offering price)


Sales load paid by Allied Capital and Ares Capital

  None (1) None (1) None (1)

Offering expenses borne by Allied Capital and Ares Capital

  None (1) None (1) None (1)

Dividend reinvestment plan expenses

  None (2) None (2) None (2)

Total stockholder transaction expenses paid by Allied Capital and Ares Capital

  None   None   None  


  Pro Forma

Estimated annual expenses (as a percentage of consolidated net assets attributable to common stock):(3)(4)


Management fees(5)

    2.76 % 2.74 %

Incentive fees(6)

    2.65 % 1.44 %

Interest payments on borrowed funds(7)

  14.27 % 1.93 % 8.44 %(8)

Other expenses(9)

  6.98 % 1.85 % 2.95 %

Acquired fund fees and expenses(10)

  0.22 % 0.03 % 0.13 %

Total annual expenses (estimated)(11)

  21.47 % 9.22 % 15.70 %

Purchases of shares of common stock of Allied Capital or Ares Capital on the secondary market are not subject to sales charges, but may be subject to brokerage commissions or other charges. The table does not include any sales load (underwriting discount or commission) that stockholders may have paid in connection with their purchase of shares of Allied Capital or Ares Capital common stock.

The expenses of the dividend reinvestment plan are included in "Other expenses."

"Consolidated net assets attributable to common stock" equals stockholders' equity at December 31, 2009. For Pro Forma Combined, the stockholders' equity for Ares Capital Pro Forma Combined as of December 31, 2009 was used from the pro forma information beginning on page 11 of this document.

Allied Capital does not have an investment adviser and is internally managed by its management team under the supervision of its board of directors. Therefore, Allied Capital pays operating costs associated with employing a management team and investment professionals instead of paying investment advisory fees. As a result, the estimate of the annual expenses Allied Capital incurs in connection with the employment of such employees is included in the line item "Other expenses" and, accordingly, any comparison of the individual items of Allied Capital and Ares Capital set forth under "Estimated annual expenses" above may not be informative because Allied Capital is internally managed and Ares Capital is externally managed. The pro forma combined company estimated annual expenses are consistent with the information presented in the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial statements included in this document. See "Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial Data" in this document and in the Proxy Statement.

Ares Capital is externally managed by its investment adviser, Ares Capital Management. Following completion of the merger, the combined company will continue to be externally managed by Ares


    Capital Management and the pro forma combined company management fee has been calculated in a manner consistent with Ares Capital's investment advisory and management agreement. Ares Capital's management fee is currently 1.5% of its total assets other than cash and cash equivalents (which includes assets purchased with borrowed amounts). For the purposes of this table, Ares Capital has assumed that it maintains no cash or cash equivalents and that the management fee remains at 1.5% as set forth in its current investment advisory and management agreement. Ares Capital may from time to time decide it is appropriate to change the terms of such agreement. Under the Investment Company Act, any material change to its investment advisory and management agreement must be submitted to its stockholders for approval. The 2.76% reflected for Ares Capital in the table is calculated on Ares Capital's net assets (rather than its total assets). The 2.74% reflected for the pro forma combined company in the table is calculated on its net assets (rather than its total assets). Net assets is defined as total assets less indebtedness and before taking into account any incentive fees payable during the period. See "Management of Ares Capital—Investment Advisory and Management Agreement" in the Proxy Statement.

This item represents Ares Capital's investment adviser's incentive fees based on actual amounts earned for the year ended December 31, 2009. It also assumes that this fee will remain constant although it is based on Ares Capital's performance and will not be paid unless Ares Capital achieves certain goals. The combined company may have capital gains and interest income that could result in the payment of an incentive fee to its investment adviser in the first year after completion of the merger. Since its inception, the average quarterly incentive fee payable to its investment adviser has been approximately 0.63% of its weighted net assets (2.54% on an annualized basis). The pro forma combined company incentive fees have been calculated in a manner consistent with Ares Capital's investment advisory and management agreement. For more detailed information about incentive fees previously incurred by Ares Capital, please see Note 3 to its consolidated financial statements for the period ended December 31, 2009 in the Ares Capital 10-K.

    The incentive fee consists of two parts:

    The first, payable quarterly in arrears, equals 20% of Ares Capital's pre-incentive fee net investment income (including interest that is accrued but not yet received in cash), subject to a 2.00% quarterly (8% annualized) hurdle rate and a "catch-up" provision measured as of the end of each calendar quarter. Under this provision, in any calendar quarter, Ares Capital's investment adviser receives no incentive fee until Ares Capital's net investment income equals the hurdle rate of 2.00% but then receives, as a "catch-up," 100% of its pre-incentive fee net investment income with respect to that portion of such pre-incentive fee net investment income, if any, that exceeds the hurdle rate but is less than 2.50%. The effect of this provision is that, if pre-incentive fee net investment income exceeds 2.50% in any calendar quarter, Ares Capital's investment adviser will receive 20% of its pre-incentive fee net investment income as if a hurdle rate did not apply.

    The second part, payable annually in arrears for each calendar year, equals 20% of Ares Capital's realized capital gains on a cumulative basis from inception through the end of the year, if any, computed net of all realized capital losses and unrealized capital depreciation on a cumulative basis, less the aggregate amount of any previously paid capital gain incentive fees.

    Ares Capital will defer cash payment of any incentive fee otherwise earned by its investment adviser if, during the most recent four full calendar quarter period ending on or prior to the date such payment is to be made, the sum of (1) its aggregate distributions to its stockholders and (2) its change in net assets (defined as total assets less indebtedness and before taking into account any incentive fees payable during the period) is less than 8.0% of its net assets at the beginning of such period. These calculations will be adjusted for any share issuances or repurchases. See


    "Management of Ares Capital—Investment Advisory and Management Agreement" in the Proxy Statement.

"Interest payments on borrowed funds" represents interest expenses and credit facility expenses incurred for the year ended December 31, 2009. During the year ended December 31, 2009, Allied Capital's average borrowings were $1.8 billion and cash paid for interest expense was $158 million and Ares Capital's average borrowings were $870 million and cash paid for interest expense was $20 million. Allied Capital had outstanding borrowings of $1.6 billion at December 31, 2009. Ares Capital had outstanding borrowings of $767.9 million at December 31, 2009. The amount of leverage that Allied Capital or Ares Capital may employ at any particular time will depend on, among other things, Allied Capital and Ares Capital's boards of directors' and, in the case of Ares Capital, its investment adviser's assessment of market and other factors at the time of any proposed borrowing. See "Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Ares Capital—Ares Capital borrows money, which magnifies the potential for gain or loss on amounts invested and may increase the risk of investing with Ares Capital" in the Proxy Statement. See "Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Allied Capital—Allied Capital's use of leverage magnifies the potential for gain or loss on amounts invested and may increase the risk of investing in Allied Capital" in the Proxy Statement.

This is based on the assumption that borrowings and interest costs after the merger will remain the same as those costs prior to the merger. Ares Capital and Allied Capital expect that as a result of completed asset sales, debt repayments and refinancings the combined company's interest payments on borrowed funds in the first year following the merger will be less than the amounts used in the pro forma combined estimate and, accordingly, that estimated total expenses will be lower than as reflected in the pro forma combined estimate as of December 31, 2009.

Includes overhead expenses, including, in the case of Ares Capital, payments under its administration agreement based on its allocable portion of overhead and other expenses incurred by Ares Operations in performing its obligations under such administration agreement. In the case of Allied Capital, such expenses are based on employee, employee stock options and administrative expenses for the year ended December 31, 2009. In the case of Ares Capital, such expenses are based on "Other expenses" for the year ended December 31, 2009. See "Management of Ares Capital—Administration Agreement" in the Proxy Statement. For the pro forma combined company, "Other expenses" were based on the amount indicated in the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2009. The holders of shares of Allied Capital and Ares Capital common stock (and not the holders of their debt securities or preferred stock, if any) indirectly bear the cost associated with their annual expenses.

With respect to "Acquired fund fees and expenses," Allied Capital and Ares Capital stockholders indirectly bear the expenses of underlying investment companies managed by third parties in which Allied Capital and Ares Capital invest. This amount includes the fees and expenses of investment companies in which Allied Capital or Ares Capital is invested as of December 31, 2009. Certain of these investment companies are subject to management fees, which generally range from 1% to 2.5% of total net assets, or incentive fees, which generally range between 15% to 25% of net profits. When applicable, fees and expenses are based on historic fees and expenses for the investment companies. For those investment companies with little or no operating history, fees and expenses are based on expected fees and expenses stated in the investment companies' offering memorandum, private placement memorandum or other similar communication without giving effect to any performance. Future fees and expenses for these investment companies may be substantially higher or lower because certain fees and expenses are based on the performance of the investment companies, which may fluctuate over time. The amount of Allied Capital's average net assets used in calculating this percentage was based on average net assets of $1.3 billion for the year ended December 31, 2009. The amount of Ares Capital's average net assets used in


    calculating this percentage was based on average net assets of $1.1 billion for the year ended December 31, 2009.

"Total annual expenses" as a percentage of consolidated net assets attributable to common stock are higher than the total annual expenses percentage would be for a company that is not leveraged. Allied Capital and Ares Capital borrow money to leverage and increase their total assets. The SEC requires that the "Total annual expenses" percentage be calculated as a percentage of net assets (defined as total assets less indebtedness and before taking into account any incentive fees payable during the period), rather than the total assets, including assets that have been funded with borrowed monies.


        The following example demonstrates the projected dollar amount of total cumulative expenses over various periods with respect to a hypothetical investment in Allied Capital, Ares Capital or, following the merger, the combined company's common stock. In calculating the following expense amounts, each of Allied Capital and Ares Capital has assumed that it would have no additional leverage, that none of its assets are cash or cash equivalents and that its annual operating expenses would remain at the levels set forth in the table above. Transaction expenses related to the merger are not included in the following example.

  1 year   3 years   5 years   10 years  

You would pay the following expenses on a $1,000 investment, assuming a 5% annual return in(1):


Allied Capital

  $ 208   $ 595   $ 948   $ 1,699  

Ares Capital

  $ 67   $ 199   $ 325   $ 628  

The pro forma combined company following the merger

  $ 146   $ 398   $ 603   $ 967  

The above illustration assumes that Allied Capital, Ares Capital and, following the merger, the combined company will not realize any net capital gains computed net of all realized capital losses and unrealized capital depreciation. In the case of Ares Capital, the expenses you would pay, based on a $1,000 investment and assuming a 5% annual return resulting entirely from net realized capital gains (and therefore subject to the capital gain incentive fee), and otherwise making the same assumptions in the example above, would be: 1 year, $77; 3 years, $227; 5 years, $370; and 10 years, $699. In the case of the pro forma combined company following the merger, the expenses you would pay, based on a $1,000 investment and assuming a 5% annual return resulting entirely from net realized capital gains (and therefore subject to the capital gain incentive fee), and otherwise making the same assumptions in the example above, would be: 1 year, $156; 3 years, $424; 5 years, $641; and 10 years, $1,019. However, cash payment of the capital incentive fee would be deferred if, during the most recent four full calendar quarter period ending on or prior to the date the payment set forth in the example is to be made, the sum of (a) Ares Capital's aggregate distributions to its stockholders and (b) its change in net assets (defined as total assets less indebtedness and before taking into account any incentive fees payable during the period) was less than 8.0% of its net assets at the beginning of such period (as adjusted for any share issuances or repurchases).

        The foregoing table is to assist you in understanding the various costs and expenses that an investor in Allied Capital, Ares Capital or, following the merger, the combined company's common stock will bear directly or indirectly. While the example assumes, as required by the SEC, a 5% annual return, performance will vary and may result in a return greater or less than 5%. In the case of Ares Capital, the incentive fee under the investment advisory and management agreement, which, assuming a 5% annual return, would either not be payable or have an insignificant impact on the expense amounts


shown above, is not included in the example. If Ares Capital were to achieve sufficient returns on its investments, including through the realization of capital gains, to trigger an incentive fee of a material amount, its expenses, and returns to its investors, would be higher.

        In addition, while the example assumes reinvestment of all dividends and distributions at net asset value, if Ares Capital's board of directors authorizes and Ares Capital declares a cash dividend, participants in its dividend reinvestment plan who have not otherwise elected to receive cash will receive a number of shares of its common stock determined by dividing the total dollar amount of the dividend payable to a participant by the market price per share of Ares Capital common stock at the close of trading on the valuation date for the dividend. See "Ares Capital Dividend Reinvestment Plan" in the Proxy Statement for additional information regarding Ares Capital's dividend reinvestment plan.

This example and the expenses in the table above should not be considered a representation of Allied Capital, Ares Capital or, following the merger, the combined company's future expenses as actual expenses (including the cost of debt, if any, and other expenses) may be greater or less than those shown.


Unaudited Selected Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Data

        The following information supplements the information provided in "Unaudited Selected Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Data" on page 79 of the Proxy Statement:

        The following tables set forth unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial data for Ares Capital and Allied Capital as a consolidated entity. The information as of December 31, 2009 is presented as if the merger had been completed on December 31, 2009 and after giving effect to certain transactions that occurred subsequent to December 31, 2009. The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated operating data for the year ended December 31, 2009 is presented as if the merger had been completed on January 1, 2009. In the opinion of management, all adjustments necessary to reflect the effect of these transactions have been made. The merger will be accounted for under the acquisition method of accounting as provided by Accounting Standards Codification ("ASC") 805-10 (previously Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 141(R)), Business Combinations.

        The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial data should be read together with the respective historical audited and unaudited consolidated financial statements and financial statement notes of Allied Capital and Ares Capital in the Allied Capital 10-K and the Ares Capital 10-K, respectively, and the Proxy Statement. The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial data is presented for comparative purposes only and does not necessarily indicate what the future operating results or financial position of Ares Capital will be following completion of the merger. The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial data does not include adjustments to reflect any cost savings or other operational efficiencies that may be realized as a result of the merger or any future merger related restructuring or integration expenses.

(dollar amounts in thousands, except per share data and as otherwise indicated)

  For the Year
December 31,

Total Investment Income

  $ 563,958  

Total Expenses


Net Investment Income Before Income Taxes


Income Tax Expense


Net Investment Income


Net Realized and Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Investments, Foreign Currencies and Extinguishment of Debt

    (507,774 )

Net Increase (Decrease) in Stockholders' Equity Resulting from Operations

  $ (323,132 )


  As of
December 31,

Total Assets

  $ 4,245,361  

Total Debt

  $ 1,758,097  

Total Stockholders' Equity

  $ 2,321,128  


Unaudited Pro Forma Per Share Data

        The following information supplements the information provided in "Unaudited Pro Forma Per Share Data" on page 80 of the Proxy Statement:

        The following selected unaudited pro forma combined per share information for the year ended December 31, 2009 reflects the merger and related transactions as if they had occurred on January 1, 2009. The unaudited pro forma combined net asset value per common share outstanding reflects the merger and related transactions as if they had occurred on December 31, 2009 and certain other transactions that occurred subsequent to December 31, 2009.

        Such unaudited pro forma combined per share information is based on the historical financial statements of Ares Capital and Allied Capital and on publicly available information and certain assumptions and adjustments as discussed in the section entitled "Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements." This unaudited pro forma combined per share information is provided for illustrative purposes only and is not necessarily indicative of what the operating results or financial position of Ares Capital or Allied Capital would have been had the merger and related transactions been completed at the beginning of the periods or on the dates indicated, nor are they necessarily indicative of any future operating results or financial position.

        The following should be read in connection with the section entitled "Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements" in this document and in the Proxy Statement and other information included in or incorporated by reference into the Proxy Statement.

  As of and For the Year Ended December 31, 2009  
  Ares Capital   Allied Capital   Pro forma
  Per Equivalent
Allied Share(3)

Net Increase (Decrease) in Stockholders' Equity Resulting from Operations:



  $ 1.99   $ (2.91 ) $ (2.02 ) $ (0.66 )


  $ 1.99   $ (2.91 ) $ (2.02 ) $ (0.66 )

Cash Dividends Declared(1)

  $ 1.47   $   $ 1.47   $ 0.48  

Net Asset Value per Share(2)

  $ 11.44   $ 6.68   $ 13.78   $ 4.48  

The cash dividends declared per share represent the actual dividends declared per share for the period presented. The pro forma combined dividends declared is the dividends per share as declared by Ares Capital.

The pro forma combined net asset value per share is computed by dividing the pro forma combined net assets as of December 31, 2009 by the pro forma combined number of shares outstanding.

The Allied Capital equivalent pro forma per share amount is calculated by multiplying the pro forma combined per share amounts by the common stock exchange ratio of 0.325.


Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

        The following information supplements the information provided in "Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements" on pages 89 through 116 of the Proxy Statement and in "Accounting Treatment" on page 173 of the Proxy Statement:

        The merger agreement provides that the holders of Allied Capital common stock will be entitled to receive 0.325 shares of Ares Capital common stock for each share of Allied Capital common stock held by them immediately prior to the effective time. This is estimated to result in approximately 58.5 million shares of Ares Capital common stock being issued in connection with the merger (assuming that holders of all "in-the-money" Allied Capital stock options elect to be cashed out). The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial information has been derived from and should be read in conjunction with the historical consolidated financial statements and the related notes of both Allied Capital and Ares Capital, which are included in the Allied Capital 10-K and the Ares Capital 10-K, respectively, and the Proxy Statement. See "Financial Statements and Supplementary Data" in the Allied Capital 10-K, "Index to Consolidated Financial Statements" in the Ares Capital 10-K and "Index to Financial Statements" in the Proxy Statement.

        The following unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial information and explanatory notes illustrate the effect of the merger on Ares Capital's financial position and results of operations based upon the companies' respective historical financial positions and results of operations under the acquisition method of accounting with Ares Capital treated as the acquirer.

        In accordance with GAAP, the assets and liabilities of Allied Capital will be recorded by Ares Capital at their estimated fair values as of the date the merger is completed. The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial information of Ares Capital and Allied Capital reflects the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2009 and the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated income statement for the year ended December 31, 2009. The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2009 assumes the acquisition took place on that date. The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated income statement for the year ended December 31, 2009 assumes the acquisition took place on January 1, 2009. The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheet also reflects the impact of certain transactions that occurred subsequent to December 31, 2009.

        The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial information is presented for illustrative purposes only and does not necessarily indicate the results of operations or the combined financial position that would have resulted had the merger and subsequent combination been completed at the beginning of the applicable period presented, nor the impact of expense efficiencies, asset dispositions, share repurchases and other factors. In addition, as explained in more detail in the accompanying notes to the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial information, the allocation of the pro forma purchase price reflected in the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial information involves estimates, is subject to adjustment and may vary significantly from the actual purchase price allocation that will be recorded upon completion of the merger.


Ares Capital Corporation and Subsidiaries

Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet

As of December 31, 2009


(in thousands, except share and per share data)

Capital (A)*
  Pro Forma
Capital Pro

Assets and Liabilities Data:



  $ 2,171,814         $ 1,975,046         $ (140,587 ) B*   $ 4,006,273  

Cash and cash equivalents

    99,227           138,418           (45,086 ) C     85,546  

                            (107,013 ) B        

Other assets

    42,474           124,698           (13,630 ) B     153,542  

Total assets

  $ 2,313,515         $ 2,238,162         $ (306,316 )     $ 4,245,361  


  $ 969,465         $ 995,544         $ (111,115 ) B   $ 1,758,097  

                            (95,797 ) B        

Other liabilities

    86,162           41,284           38,690   B     166,136  

Total liabilities

    1,055,627           1,036,828           (168,222 )       1,924,233  

Stockholders' equity

    1,257,888           1,201,334           (140,587 ) B     2,321,128  

                            (45,086 ) C        

                            (49,906 ) B        

                            (13,630 ) B        

                            111,115   B        

Total liabilities and stockholders' equity

  $ 2,313,515         $ 2,238,162         $ (306,316 )     $ 4,245,361  

Total shares outstanding

    109,944,674           179,940,040           58,480,513   I     168,425,187  

Net assets per share

  $ 11.44         $ 6.68         $ (2.40 )     $ 13.78  

Please see Note 3 of the accompanying notes to pro forma condensed consolidated financial statements on page 33.


Ares Capital Corporation and Subsidiaries

Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Income Statement

For the Year Ended December 31, 2009


(in thousands, except share and per share data)

  Actual Ares
  Actual Allied
  Pro Forma
  Ares Capital Pro

Performance Data:


Interest and dividend income

  $ 229,169   $ 290,986   $   D*   $ 520,155  

Fees and other income

    16,103     27,700             43,803  

Total investment income

    245,272     318,686             563,958  

Interest and credit facility fees

    24,262     171,068       E     195,330  

Base management fees

    30,409         43,039   F     73,448  

Incentive management fees

    33,332           G     33,332  

Other expenses

    23,287     86,479     (38,711 ) H     71,055  

Total expenses

    111,290     257,547     4,327         373,164  

Net investment income before taxes

    133,982     61,139     (4,327 )       190,794  

Income tax expense

    576     5,576             6,152  

Net investment income

    133,406     55,563     (4,327 )       184,642  

Net realized gains (losses)

    (45,963 )   (361,128 )           (407,091 )

Net unrealized gains (losses)

    88,707     (176,689 )           (87,982 )

Net realized and unrealized gains (losses)

    42,744     (537,817 )           (495,073 )

Gain on extinguishment of debt

    26,543     83,532             110,075  

Loss on extinguishment of debt

        (122,776 )           (122,776 )

Net increase (decrease) in stockholders' equity

  $ 202,693   $ (521,498 ) $ (4,327 )     $ (323,132 )

Weighted average shares outstanding

    101,719,800     178,994,228     58,480,513   I     160,200,313  

Earnings (loss) per share

  $ 1.99   $ (2.91 ) $ (0.07 )     $ (2.02 )

Please see Note 3 of the accompanying notes to pro forma condensed consolidated financial statements on page 33.


Ares Capital Corporation

Pro Forma Schedule of Investments

As of December 31, 2009


(Dollar Amounts in Thousands)

  Ares Capital   Allied Capital   Pro Forma Ares Capital  
  Description   Investment   Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair
AGILE Fund I, LLC(4)   Investment company   Member interest               $ 637   $ 449   $ 637   $ 449  

AllBridge Financial, LLC(4)   Investment company   Senior secured loan (6.3%, due 4/10)                 1,500     1,500     1,500     1,500  
        Common equity                 40,118     15,805     40,118     15,805  

BB&T Capital Partners/Windsor Mezzanine Fund, LLC(5)   Investment company   Member interest                 11,789     10,379     11,789     10,379  

Callidus Capital Corporation(4)   Investment company   Senior subordinated note (18.0%, due 8/13)(2)                 21,782     19,108     21,782     19,108  
        Common stock (100 shares)                              
        Guaranty ($3,189)                              

Callidus Debt Partners CDO Fund I, Ltd.   Investment company   Class C notes (12.9%, due 12/13)(3)                 19,527     2,163     19,527     2,163  
        Class D notes (17.0%, due 12/13)(3)                 9,454         9,454      

Callidus Debt Partners CLO Fund III, Ltd.   Investment company   Preferred stock (23,600,000 shares)                 20,138     4,112     20,138     4,112  

Callidus Debt Partners CLO   Investment company   Class D notes (4.8%, due 4/20)                 2,206     1,710     2,206     1,710  
Fund IV, Ltd.       Income notes (0.0%)                 14,859     5,433     14,859     5,433  

Callidus Debt Partners CLO Fund V, Ltd.   Investment company   Income notes (1.4%)                 13,432     5,012     13,432     5,012  

Callidus Debt Partners CLO   Investment company   Class D notes (6.3%, due 10/21)                 7,809     4,256     7,809     4,256  
Fund VI, Ltd.       Income notes (0.0%)                 29,144     4,978     29,144     4,978  

Callidus Debt Partners CLO Fund VII, Ltd.   Investment company   Income notes (0.0%)                 24,824     7,148     24,824     7,148  

Callidus MAPS CLO   Investment company   Class E notes (5.8%, due 12/17)                 17,000     11,695     17,000     11,695  
Fund I LLC       Income notes (0.0%)                 38,509     14,119     38,509     14,119  

Callidus MAPS CLO   Investment company   Class D notes (4.5%, due 7/22)                 3,880     3,215     3,880     3,215  
Fund II, Ltd.       Income notes (2.5%)                 17,824     6,310     17,824     6,310  

Carador PLC(5)   Investment company   Ordinary shares (7,110,525 shares)   $ 9,033   $ 2,489                 9,033     2,489  

Catterton Partners VI, L.P.   Investment partnership   Limited partnership interest                 3,327     2,014     3,327     2,014  

CIC Flex, LP   Investment partnership   Limited partnership units (0.69 units)     41     41                 41     41  

Ciena Capital LLC(4)   Investment banking services   Senior secured loan (5.5%, due 3/09)(3)                 319,031     100,051     319,031     100,051  
        Class B equity interest                 119,436         119,436      
        Class C equity interest                 109,097         109,097      
        Guaranty ($5,000)                              


  Ares Capital   Allied Capital   Pro Forma Ares Capital  
  Description   Investment   Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair

Commercial Credit Group, Inc.   Commercial equipment finance and leasing   Senior subordinated note (15.0%, due 6/15)                 21,970     21,970     21,970     21,970  
    company   Preferred stock (64,679 shares)                 15,543     6,005     15,543     6,005  

Cortec Group Fund IV, L.P.   Investment partnership   Limited partnership interest                 6,390     3,917     6,390     3,917  

Covestia Capital Partners, LP   Investment partnership   Limited partnership units     1,059     1,059                 1,059     1,059  

Direct Capital Corporation(4)   Commercial equipment finance and leasing   Senior secured loan (8.0%, due 1/14)(3)                 8,175     8,744     8,175     8,744  
    company   Senior subordinated note (16.0%, due 3/13)(3)                 55,496     6,797     55,496     6,797  
        Common stock (2,317,020 shares)                 25,732         25,732      

Dryden XVIII Leveraged Loan 2007 Limited   Investment company   Class B notes (4.8%, due 10/19)(3)                 7,497     2,115     7,497     2,115  
        Income notes (0.0%)                 23,164     2,427     23,164     2,427  

Dynamic India Fund IV   Investment company   Common equity                 9,350     8,224     9,350     8,224  
eCentury Capital Partners, L.P.   Investment partnership   Limited partnership interest                 7,274         7,274      

Fidus Mezzanine Capital, L.P.   Investment partnership   Limited partnership interest                 14,720     9,921     14,720     9,921  

Financial Pacific Company(4)   Commercial property and   Senior subordinated loan (17.0%, due 2/12)(2)                 58,870     34,780     58,870     34,780  
    casualty insurance provider   Junior subordinated loan (20.0% due 8/12)(2)                 10,010         10,010      
        Preferred stock (9,458 shares)                 8,865         8,865      
        Common stock (12,711 shares)                 12,783         12,783      

Firstlight Financial Corporation(5)   Investment company   Senior subordinated note (1.0%, due 12/16)(2)     73,032     54,808                 73,032     54,808  
        Common stock (40,000 shares)     40,000                     40,000      

HCI Equity, LLC(4)   Investment company   Member interest                 1,100     877     1,100     877  

Ivy Hill Asset Management, L.P.(4)   Investment manager   Member interest     37,176     48,321                 37,176     48,321  

Ivy Hill Middle Market Credit Fund, Ltd.(4)   Investment company   Class B deferrable interest notes (6.3%, due 11/18)     40,000     36,800                 40,000     36,800  
        Subordinated notes (18.0%, due 11/18)     15,681     14,583                 15,681     14,583  

Imperial Capital Group, LLC and Imperial   Investment banking services   Limited partnership interest     6,094     5,663                 6,094     5,663  

Capital Private Opportunities, LP(5)       Common units (10,551 units)     15,000     18,403                 15,000     18,403  

Knightsbridge CLO   Investment company   Class E notes (9.3%, due 1/22)                 18,700     11,360     18,700     11,360  
2007-1 Ltd.(4)       Income notes (4.4%)                 39,174     16,220     39,174     16,220  

Knightsbridge CLO   Investment company   Class C notes (7.8%, due 6/18)                 12,800     12,289     12,800     12,289  
2008-1 Ltd.(4)       Class D notes (8.8%, due 6/18)                 8,000     7,160     8,000     7,160  
        Class E notes (5.3%, due 6/18)                 11,291     10,091     11,291     10,091  
        Income notes (20.8%)                 21,893     20,637     21,893     20,637  

Kodiak Fund LP   Investment partnership   Limited partnership interest                 9,323     1,917     9,323     1,917  

Novak Biddle Venture Partners III, L.P.   Investment partnership   Limited partnership interest                 2,018     1,070     2,018     1,070  

Pangaea CLO 2007-1 Ltd.   Investment company   Class D notes (5.0%, due 1/21)                 12,119     6,651     12,119     6,651  

Partnership Capital Growth Fund I, LP   Investment partnership   Limited partnership interest     3,045     3,045                 3,045     3,045  


  Ares Capital   Allied Capital   Pro Forma Ares Capital  
  Description   Investment   Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair

SPP Mezzanine Funding II, L.P.   Investment partnership   Limited partnership interest                 7,476     7,145     7,476     7,145  

Senior Secured Loan Fund LLC(4)   Investment partnership   Subordinated certificates (16.2%, due 12/15)     165,000     165,000                 165,000     165,000  

Trivergence Capital Partners, LP   Investment partnership   Limited partnership interest     2,016     2,016                 2,016     2,016  

VSC Investors LLC   Investment company   Member interest     648     648                 648     648  

Webster Capital II, L.P.   Investment partnership   Limited partnership interest                 1,742     1,235     1,742     1,235  
  Total             407,825     352,876     1,276,798     421,009     1,684,623     773,885  

Business Services                                              
BenefitMall Holdings, Inc.   Employee benefits broker services company   Senior subordinated note (18.0%, due 6/14)(2)                 40,254     40,254     40,254     40,254  
        Common stock (39,274,290 shares)                 39,274     68,822     39,274     68,822  

Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.   Strategy and technology consulting services   Senior secured loan (7.5%, due 7/15)     727     741                 727     741  
        Senior subordinated loan (13.0%, due 7/16)(2)     12,541     12,650                 12,541     12,650  

CitiPostal Inc.(4)   Document storage and management services   Senior secured revolving loan (3.7%, due 12/13)                 683     683     683     683  
        Senior secured loan (12.0%, due 12/13)(2)                 50,633     50,633     50,633     50,633  
        Senior subordinated note (16.0%, due 12/15)(2)                 10,685     10,685     10,685     10,685  
        Common stock (37,024 shares)                 12,726     1,432     12,726     1,432  

Cook Inlet Alternative Risk, LLC   Risk management services   Senior secured loan (13.0%, due 4/13)                 87,309     62,100     87,309     62,100  
        Member interest                 552         552      

Digital VideoStream, LLC   Media content supply chain services company   Senior secured loan (11.0%, due 2/12)(2)                 12,940     12,811     12,940     12,811  
        Convertible subordinated note (10.0%, due 2/16)(2)                 5,006     5,006     5,006     5,006  

Diversified Mercury Communications, LLC   Business media consulting services   Senior secured loan (6.8%, due 3/13)                 2,657     2,391     2,657     2,391  

Impact Innovations Group, LLC(4)   Management consulting services   Member interest                     215         215  

Investor Group Services, LLC(5)   Financial consulting services   Member interest         500                     500  

Market Track Holdings, LLC   Business media consulting services company   Senior secured revolving loan (8.0%, due 6/14)                 2,450     2,412     2,450     2,412  
        Junior subordinated loan (15.9%, due 6/14)(2)                 24,509     23,680     24,509     23,680  

Multi-Ad Services, Inc.(5)   Marketing services and software provider   Senior secured loan (11.3%, due 11/11)                 2,485     2,491     2,485     2,491  
        Preferred equity                 1,737     1,418     1,737     1,418  


  Ares Capital   Allied Capital   Pro Forma Ares Capital  
  Description   Investment   Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair

MVL Group, Inc.(4)   Marketing research provider   Senior secured loan (12.0%, due 7/12)                 25,256     25,260     25,256     25,260  
        Senior subordinated loan (14.5%, due 7/12)(2)                 35,578     34,306     35,578     34,306  
        Junior subordinated note (8.0%, due 7/12)(3)                 139         139      
        Common stock (560,716 shares)                 555         555      

PC Helps Support, LLC   Technology support provider   Senior secured loan (4.3%, due 12/13)                 8,092     7,756     8,092     7,756  
        Junior subordinated loan (12.8%, due 12/13)                 26,633     26,490     26,633     26,490  

Pendum Acquisition, Inc.(5)   Outsourced provider of ATM services   Common stock (8,872 shares)                     200         200  

Pillar Holdings LLC and PHL Holding Co.(5)   Mortgage services   Senior secured revolving loan (5.8%, due 11/13)     1,313     1,313                 1,313     1,313  
        Senior secured loan (14.5%, due 5/14)     7,375     7,375                 7,375     7,375  
        Senior secured loan (5.8%, due 11/13)     27,208     27,208                 27,208     27,208  
        Common stock (84.78 shares)     3,768     7,818                 3,768     7,818  

Primis Marketing Group, Inc. and Primis Holdings, LLC(5)   Database marketing services   Senior subordinated note (15.5%, due 2/13)(2)(3)     10,222     511                 10,222     511  
        Preferred units (4,000 units)     3,600                     3,600      
        Common units (4,000,000 units)     400                     400      

Prommis Solutions LLC, E-Default Statewide Tax and   Bankruptcy and foreclosure Services, LLC,   Senior subordinated note (13.5%, due 2/14)(2)     53,156     53,156                 53,156     53,156  
Title Services, LLC   and processing services   Preferred stock (30,000 shares)     3,000     6,221                 3,000     6,221  
Statewide Publishing Services, LLC (formerly known as MR Processing Holding Corp.)                                              

Promo Works, LLC   Marketing services   Senior secured loan (16.0%, due 12/12)                 19,859     12,557     19,859     12,557  

R2 Acquisition Corp.   Marketing services   Common stock (250,000 shares)     250     250                 250     250  

SGT India Private Limited(5)   Technology consulting services   Common stock (150,596 shares)                 4,161         4,161      

Summit Business Media, LLC   Business media consulting services   Junior secured loan (15.0%, due 7/14)(2)(3)     10,018     554                 10,018     554  

Summit Energy Services, Inc.   Energy management consulting services   Common stock (415,982 shares)                 1,861     2,200     1,861     2,200  

Venturehouse-Cibernet Investors, LLC   Financial settlement services for intercarrier wireless roaming   Equity interest                              

VSS-Tranzact Holdings, LLC(5)   Management consulting services   Member interest     10,000     7,850                 10,000     7,850  
  Total             143,578     126,147     416,034     393,802     559,612     519,949  

Air Medical Group Holdings LLC(5)   Medical escort services   Senior secured revolving loan (2.8%, due 3/11)                 6,056     5,845     6,056     5,845  
        Preferred stock                 2,993     19,500     2,993     19,500  


  Ares Capital   Allied Capital   Pro Forma Ares Capital  
  Description   Investment   Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair

American Renal Associates, Inc.   Dialysis provider   Senior secured loan (8.5%, due 12/10)     902     902                 902     902  
        Senior secured loan (8.5%, due 12/11)     10,389     10,389                 10,389     10,389  

Axium Healthcare Pharmacy, Inc.   Specialty pharmacy provider   Senior subordinated note (8.0%, due 3/15)(2)                 3,036     2,641     3,036     2,641  

Capella Healthcare, Inc.   Acute care hospital operator   Junior secured loan (13.0%, due 2/16)     42,500     42,500                 42,500     42,500  

CT Technologies Intermediate Holdings, Inc. and   Healthcare analysis services   Preferred stock (14.0%, 7,427 shares)(2)     8,467     8,043                 8,467     8,043  
CT Technologies Holdings, LLC(5)       Common stock (11,225 shares)     4,000     8,114                 4,000     8,114  

DSI Renal, Inc.   Dialysis provider   Senior secured revolving loan (7.3%, due 3/11)     7,668     7,285                 7,668     7,285  
        Senior secured loan (7.3%, due 3/13)     12,591     16,476                 12,591     16,476  
        Senior subordinated note (16.0%, due 4/14)(2)     80,426     76,791                 80,426     76,791  

GC Merger Sub I, Inc.   Drug testing services   Senior secured loan (4.3%, due 12/14)     22,379     20,997                 22,379     20,997  

HCP Acquisition Holdings, LLC(4)   Healthcare compliance advisory services   Class A units (10,044,176 units)     10,044     4,256                 10,044     4,256  

Heartland Dental Care, Inc.   Dental services   Senior subordinated note (14.3%, due 8/13)(2)     32,717     32,717                 32,717     32,717  

Insight Pharmaceuticals Corporation(4)   OTC drug products manufacturer   Senior subordinated note (15.0%, due 9/12)(2)                 54,385     54,023     54,385     54,023  
        Common stock (155,000 shares)                 40,413     9,400     40,413     9,400  

Magnacare Holdings, Inc., Magnacare Administrative Services, LLC, and Magnacare, LLC   Healthcare professional provider   Senior subordinated note (14.8%, due 1/13)(2)     3,363     4,670                 3,363     4,670  

MPBP Holdings, Inc., Cohr   Healthcare equipment   Senior secured loan (due 1/13)     489     628                 489     628  
Holdings, Inc., and MPBP Acquisition Co., Inc.   services   Junior secured loan (6.5%, due 1/14)     32,049     8,000                 32,049     8,000  
        Common stock (50,000 shares)     5,000                     5,000      

MWD Acquisition Sub, Inc.   Dental services   Junior secured loan (6.5%, due 5/12)     5,000     4,350                 5,000     4,350  

OnCURE Medical Corp.   Radiation oncology care provider   Senior secured loan (3.8%, due 6/12)     3,068     2,761                 3,068     2,761  
        Senior subordinated note (12.5%, due 8/13)(2)     32,664     29,378                 32,664     29,378  
        Common stock (857,143 shares)     3,000     3,000                 3,000     3,000  

Passport Health Communications, Inc.,   Healthcare technology provider   Senior secured loan (10.5%, due 5/14)     24,346     24,346                 24,346     24,346  
Passport Holding Corp, and Prism Holding Corp.       Series A preferred stock (1,594,457 shares)     9,900     9,900                 9,900     9,900  
        Common stock (16,106 shares)     100     100                 100     100  

PG Mergersub, Inc.   Provider of patient surveys, management   Senior subordinated note (12.5%, due 3/16)     3,938     4,000                 3,938     4,000  
    reports and national   Preferred stock (333 shares)     333     333                 333     333  
    databases for the   Common stock (16,667 shares)     167     167                 167     167  
    integrated healthcare                                          
    delivery system                                          


  Ares Capital   Allied Capital   Pro Forma Ares Capital  
  Description   Investment   Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair

Reed Group, Ltd.   Medical disability management   Senior secured loan (6.0%, due 12/13)                 11,903     10,186     11,903     10,186  
    services provider   Senior subordinated loan (15.8%, due 12/13)(2)                 19,199     15,260     19,199     15,260  
        Common equity                 1,800     28     1,800     28  

Regency Healthcare Group, LLC(5)   Hospice provider   Preferred member interest                 1,302     1,898     1,302     1,898  

The Schumacher Group of Delaware, Inc.   Outsourced physician service provider   Senior subordinated note (12.1%, due 7/13)(2)     36,172     36,138                 36,172     36,138  

Soteria Imaging Services, LLC(5)   Outpatient medical imaging provider   Junior secured loan (11.3%, due 11/10)                 4,216     4,210     4,216     4,210  
        Preferred member interest                 1,881     1,279     1,881     1,279  

Univita Health, Inc.   Outsourced services provider   Senior subordinated loan (15.0%, due 12/14)     20,500     20,500                 20,500     20,500  

VOTC Acquisition Corp.   Radiation oncology care provider   Senior secured loan (13.0%, due 7/12)(2)     17,417     17,417                 17,417     17,417  
        Preferred stock (3,888,222 shares)     8,748     3,800                 8,748     3,800  
  Total             438,337     397,958     147,184     124,270     585,521     522,228  

3SI Security Systems, Inc.   Cash protection systems provider   Senior subordinated note (16.0%, due 8/13)(3)                 20,443     9,542     20,443     9,542  
        Subordinated loan (18.0%, due 8/13)(2)(3)                 9,030         9,030      

American Residential Services, LLC   Plumbing, heating and air-conditioning services   Junior secured loan (12.0%, due 4/15)(2)     20,608     20,195                 20,608     20,195  

Avborne, Inc.(4)   Maintenance, repair and overhaul service provider   Common stock (27,500 shares)                     39         39  

Aviation Properties Corporation(4)   Aviation services   Common stock (100 shares)                 123         123      

Coverall North America, Inc.(4)   Commercial janitorial service provider   Senior secured loan (12.0%, due 7/11)                 31,573     31,573     31,573     31,573  
        Senior subordinated note (15.0%, due 7/11)(2)                 5,555     5,555     5,555     5,555  
        Common stock (763,333 shares)                 14,361     11,386     14,361     11,386  

Diversified Collection Services, Inc.   Collections services   Senior secured loan (9.50%, due 2/11)     13,027     14,276                 13,027     14,276  
        Senior secured loan (13.8%, due 8/11)     9,423     9,423                 9,423     9,423  
        Preferred stock (14,927 shares)     169     269                 169     269  
        Common stock (592,820 shares)     295     402     734     1,400     1,029     1,802  

Driven Brands, Inc.(5)(6)   Automotive aftermarket service provider   Junior subordinated notes (15.0%, due 7/15)                 42,848     43,024     42,848     43,024  
        Subordinated loan (18.0%, due 7/15)(2)                 48,799     48,875     48,799     48,875  
        Common stock (3,772,098 shares)                 9,516     3,000     9,516     3,000  

GCA Services Group, Inc.   Custodial services   Senior secured loan (12.0%, due 12/11)     37,802     37,889                 37,802     37,889  

Growing Family, Inc. and GFH   Photography services   Senior secured revolving loan (due 8/11)(2)(3)     1,513     303                 1,513     303  


  Ares Capital   Allied Capital   Pro Forma Ares Capital  
  Description   Investment   Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair

Holdings, LLC       Senior secured loan (due 8/11)(2)(3)     15,282     3,056                 15,282     3,056  
        Common stock (552,430 shares)     872                     872      

NPA Acquisition, LLC   Powersport vehicle auction operator   Junior secured loan (7.0%, due 2/13)     12,000     12,000                 12,000     12,000  
        Common units (1,709 shares)     1,000     2,570                 1,000     2,570  

PODS Funding Corp.   Storage and warehousing provider   Senior subordinated loan (15.0%, due 6/15)     25,125     25,125                 25,125     25,125  
        Subordinated loan (16.7%, due 12/15)     5,079     5,070                 5,079     5,070  

Tradesmen International, Inc.   Construction labor support   Junior secured loan (15.0%, due 12/12)                 39,793     11,532     39,793     11,532  

Trover Solutions, Inc.   Healthcare collections services   Junior subordinated loan (12.0%, due 11/12)(2)                 53,674     51,270     53,674     51,270  

United Road Towing, Inc.   Towing company   Junior secured loan (11.8%, due 1/14)                 18,993     18,367     18,993     18,367  

Web Services Company, LLC   Laundry service and equipment provider   Senior secured loan (7.0%, due 8/14)     4,607     4,938                 4,607     4,938  
        Senior subordinated loan (14.0%, due 8/16)(2)     44,023     41,821                 44,023     41,821  
  Total             190,825     177,337     295,442     235,563     486,267     412,900  

Consumer Products—Non-Durable                                              
Blacksmith Brands Holdings, Inc. and Blacksmith Brands, Inc.   Consumer products and Personal care manufacturer   Senior secured loan (12.5%, due 12/14)     32,500     32,500                 32,500     32,500  

Bushnell, Inc.   Sports optics manufacturer   Junior secured loan (6.8%, due 2/14)                 40,217     30,456     40,217     30,456  

Gilchrist & Soames, Inc.   Personal care manufacturer   Senior subordinated loan (13.4%, due 10/13)                 24,310     23,181     24,310     23,181  

The Homax Group, Inc.   Home improvement products manufacturer   Senior secured revolver (8.0% due 10/12)(2)                 653     648     653     648  
        Senior subordinated note (14.5%, due 4/14)(2)                 13,649     9,804     13,649     9,804  
        Preferred stock (76 shares)                 76         76      
        Common stock (24 shares)                 5         5      
        Warrants                 954         954      

Innovative Brands, LLC   Consumer products and personal care manufacturer   Senior secured loan (15.5%, due 9/11)     17,079     17,079                 17,079     17,079  

Making Memories Wholesale, Inc.(4)   Scrapbooking branded products manufacturer   Senior secured loan (10.0%, due 8/14)     7,770     9,750                 7,770     9,750  
        Senior secured loan (15.0%, due 8/14)(2)     4,062     514                 4,062     514  
        Common stock (100 shares)                              

The Step2 Company, LLC   Toy manufacturer   Senior secured loan (11.0%, due 4/12)(2)                 93,937     89,614     93,937     89,614  
        Equity interests                 2,156     705     2,156     705  

The Thymes, LLC(4)   Cosmetic products manufacturer   Preferred stock (8.0%, 6,283 shares)(2)     6,785     6,107                 6,785     6,107  
        Common stock (5,400 shares)                              


  Ares Capital   Allied Capital   Pro Forma Ares Capital  
  Description   Investment   Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair

Woodstream Corporation(6)   Pest control, wildlife caring and control   Senior subordinated note (12.0%, due 2/15)                 89,693     77,400     89,693     77,400  
    products manufacturer   Common stock (6,960 shares)                 6,961     2,700     6,961     2,700  
  Total             68,196     65,950     272,611     234,508     340,807     300,458  

Restaurants and Food Services                                              
ADF Capital, Inc. and ADF Restaurant Group, LLC   Restaurant owner and operator   Senior secured revolving loan(6.5%, due 11/12) (2)     3,418     3,418                 3,418     3,418  
        Senior secured loan (12.5%, due 11/13)(2)     34,629     34,623                 34,629     34,623  
        Promissory note (12.0%, due 11/16)(2)     13,093     13,105                 13,093     13,105  
        Warrants to purchase 0.61 shares         2,719                     2,719  

Encanto Restaurants, Inc.   Restaurant owner and operator   Junior secured loan (11.0%, due 8/13)(2)     24,996     23,746                 24,996     23,746  

Hot Light Brands, Inc.(4)   Restaurant owner and operator   Senior secured loan (9.0%, due 2/11)(3)                 29,257     9,116     29,257     9,116  
        Common stock (93,500 shares)                 5,151         5,151      

Hot Stuff Foods, LLC(4)   Convenience food service retailer   Senior secured loan (3.7%, due 2/12)                 44,602     44,697     44,602     44,697  
        Junior secured loan (7.2% due 8/12)(3)                 31,237     35,549     31,237     35,549  
        Senior subordinated note (15.0%, due 2/13)(2)(3)                 31,401     12,691     31,401     12,691  
        Subordinated note (16.0%, due 2/13)(2)(3)                 20,749         20,749      
        Common stock (1,147,453 shares)                 56,187         56,187      

Huddle House, Inc.(4)   Restaurant owner and operator   Senior subordinated note (15.0%, due 12/15)(2)                 19,646     19,646     19,646     19,646  
        Common stock (358,428 shares)                 36,348     3,919     36,348     3,919  

OTG Management, Inc.   Airport restaurant operator   Junior secured loan (20.5%, due 6/13)(2)     16,149     16,149                 16,149     16,149  
        Warrants to purchase 89,000 shares         1,102                     1,102  

S.B. Restaurant Company   Restaurant owner and operator   Senior secured loan (11.8%, due 4/11)                 38,207     32,693     38,207     32,693  
        Preferred stock (46,690 shares)                 117         117      
        Warrants                 534         534      

Vistar Corporation and Wellspring Distribution   Food service distributor   Senior subordinated note (13.5%, due 5/15)     73,625     69,944                 73,625     69,944  
Corporation       Class A non-voting common stock (1,366,120 shares)     7,500     4,050                 7,500     4,050  
  Total             173,410     168,856     313,436     158,311     486,846     327,167  

Beverage, Food and Tobacco                                              
3091779 Nova Scotia Inc.   Baked goods manufacturer   Senior secured revolving loan (8.0%, due 1/10)     2,401     2,463                 2,401     2,463  
        Junior secured loan (14.0%, due 1/10)(2)     15,147     10,292                 15,147     10,292  
        Warrants to purchase 57,545 shares                              


  Ares Capital   Allied Capital   Pro Forma Ares Capital  
  Description   Investment   Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair

Apple & Eve, LLC and US Juice Partners, LLC(5)   Juice manufacturer   Senior secured revolving loan (12.0%, due 10/13)     3,000     3,000                 3,000     3,000  
        Senior secured loan (12.0%, due 10/13)     33,900     33,900                 33,900     33,900  
        Senior units (50,000 units)     5,000     5,000                 5,000     5,000  

Best Brands Corporation   Baked goods manufacturer   Senior secured loan (7.5%, due 12/12)(2)     11,359     13,358                 11,359     13,358  
        Junior secured loan (16.0%, due 6/13)(2)     48,376     49,036                 48,376     49,036  

Border Foods, Inc.(4)   Green chile and jalapeno products manufacturer   Senior secured loan (12.9%, due 3/12)                 29,064     34,126     29,064     34,126  
        Preferred stock (100,000 shares)                 12,721     20,901     12,721     20,901  
        Common stock (260,467 shares)                 3,847     9,663     3,847     9,663  

Bumble Bee Foods, LLC and BB Co-Invest LP   Canned seafood manufacturer   Common stock (4,000 shares)     4,000     6,760                 4,000     6,760  

Charter Baking Company, Inc.   Baked goods manufacturer   Senior subordinated note (13.0%, due 2/13)(2)     5,883     5,883                 5,883     5,883  
        Preferred stock (6,258 shares)     2,500     1,725                 2,500     1,725  

Distant Lands Trading Co.   Coffee manufacturer   Senior secured revolving loan (8.3%, due 11/11)                 8,284     7,852     8,284     7,852  
        Senior secured loan (13.0%, due 11/11)                 43,509     43,026     43,509     43,026  
        Common stock (3,451 shares)                 3,451     1,046     3,451     1,046  

Ideal Snacks Corporation   Snacks manufacturer   Senior secured loan (8.5%, due 6/11)                 967     958     967     958  
  Total             131,566     131,417     101,843     117,572     233,409     248,989  

Campus Management Corp. and Campus Management   Education software developer   Senior secured loan (13.0%, due 8/13)(2)     42,486     42,486                 42,486     42,486  
Acquisition Corp.(5)       Preferred stock (8.0%, 493,147 shares)(2)     9,668     13,750                 9,668     13,750  

Community Education Centers, Inc.   Offender re-entry and in-prison treatment services provider   Senior subordinated loan (21.5%, due 11/13)(2)                 37,307     35,869     37,307     35,869  

eInstruction Corporation   Developer, manufacturer and retailer of   Junior secured loan (7.8%, due 7/14)                 16,942     15,475     16,942     15,475  
    educational products   Subordinated loan (16.0%, due 1/15)(2)                 19,795     18,699     19,795     18,699  
        Common stock (2,406 shares)                 2,500     1,050     2,500     1,050  

ELC Acquisition Corporation   Developer, manufacturer and retailer of   Senior secured loan (3.5%, due 11/12)     162     157                 162     157  
    educational products   Junior secured loan (7.2%, due 11/13)     8,333     8,167                 8,333     8,167  

Instituto de Banca y Comercio, Inc.   Private school operator   Senior secured loan (8.5%, due 3/14)     11,700     11,700                 11,700     11,700  
Leeds IV Advisors, Inc.       Senior subordinated loan (16.0%, due 6/14)(2)     30,877     30,877                 30,877     30,877  
        Preferred stock (306,388 shares)     1,456     3,925                 1,456     3,925  
        Common stock (354,863 shares)     89     4,546                 89     4,546  

JTC Education Holdings, Inc.   Postsecondary school operator   Senior secured loan (12.5%, due 12/14)     31,250     31,250                 31,250     31,250  


  Ares Capital   Allied Capital   Pro Forma Ares Capital  
  Description   Investment   Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair

Lakeland Finance, LLC   Private school operator   Junior secured loan (11.5%, due 12/12)     26,654     26,654                 26,654     26,654  

R3 Education, Inc.   Medical school operator   Senior secured loan (9.0%, due 6/10)     791     1,101                 791     1,101  
        Senior secured loan (9.0%, due 12/12)     21,388     29,773                 21,388     29,773  
        Senior secured loan (13.0%, due 4/13)(2)     1,244     3,186                 1,244     3,186  
        Preferred stock (8,800 shares)     2,200     1,100                 2,200     1,100  
        Warrants to purchase 27,890 shares                              
        Member interest     15,800     11,515                 15,800     11,515  
  Total             204,098     220,187     76,544     71,093     280,642     291,280  

Arrow Group Industries, Inc.   Residential and outdoor shed manufacturer   Senior secured loan (5.3%, due 4/10)     5,653     4,437                 5,653     4,437  

Component Hardware Group, Inc.   Commercial equipment manufacturer   Senior subordinated note (13.5%, due 1/13)(2)(3)                 18,947     16,695     18,947     16,695  

Emerald Performance Materials, LLC   Polymers and performance materials manufacturer   Senior secured loan (8.3%, due 5/11)     8,928     8,839                 8,928     8,839  
        Senior secured loan (8.5%, due 5/11)     626     620                 626     620  
        Senior secured loan (10.0%, due 5/11)     1,604     1,556                 1,604     1,556  
        Senior secured loan (16.0%, due 5/11)(2)     4,937     4,838                 4,937     4,838  

Jakel, Inc.(4)   Electric motor manufacturer   Senior subordinated loan (15.5%, due 3/08)(2)(3)                 748         748      

NetShape Technologies, Inc.   Metal precision engineered components manufacturer   Senior secured loan (4.0%, due 2/13)                 972     335     972     335  

Penn Detroit Diesel Allison, LLC(4)   Diesel engine manufacturer   Member interest                 20,081     15,258     20,081     15,258  

Postle Aluminum Company, LLC(5)   Aluminum distribution provider   Senior secured loan (6.0%, due 10/12)(2)(3)                 34,876     16,054     34,876     16,054  
        Senior subordinated loan (3.0%, due 10/12)(2)(3)                 23,868         23,868      
        Member interest                 2,174         2,174      

Reflexite Corporation(4)   Developer and manufacturer of   Senior subordinated loan (18.0%, due 11/14)(2)     16,785     16,785                 16,785     16,785  
    high-visibility reflective products   Common stock (1,821,860 shares)     27,435     24,595                 27,435     24,595  

Saw Mill PCG Partners LLC   Precision components   Common units (1,000 units)     1,000                     1,000      

Service Champ, Inc.(4)(6)   Automotive aftermarket components supplier   Senior subordinated loan (15.5%, due 4/12)(2)                 27,696     27,696     27,696     27,696  
        Common stock (55,112 shares)                 11,145     28,071     11,145     28,071  

Stag-Parkway, Inc.(4)   Automotive aftermarket components supplier   Junior subordinated loan (10.0%, due 7/12)                 19,004     19,004     19,004     19,004  
        Common stock (25,000 shares)                 32,686     14,226     32,686     14,226  

STS Operating, Inc.   Hydraulic systems equipment and supplies provider   Senior subordinated note (11.0%, due 1/13)                 30,318     28,695     30,318     28,695  


  Ares Capital   Allied Capital   Pro Forma Ares Capital  
  Description   Investment   Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair

Tappan Wire & Cable Inc.   Specialty wire and cable manufacturer   Senior secured loan (15.0%, due 8/14)(3)                 22,248     5,331     22,248     5,331  
        Common stock (12,940 shares)                 2,043         2,043      

UL Holding Co., LLC   Petroleum product manufacturer   Senior secured loan (9.2%, due 12/12)     13,896     13,200                 13,896     13,200  
        Senior secured loan (14.0%, due 12/12)     6,949     6,600                 6,949     6,600  
        Common units (100,000 units)     500     500                 500     500  

Universal Trailer Corporation   Livestock and specialty   Common stock (74,920 shares)     7,930                     7,930      
    trailer manufacturer                                          
  Total             96,243     81,970     246,806     171,365     343,049     253,335  

Apogee Retail, LLC   For-profit thrift retailer   Senior secured loan (5.2%, due 3/12)     43,168     40,578                 43,168     40,578  
        Senior secured loan (16.0%, due 9/12)(2)     22,480     22,480                 22,480     22,480  

Dufry AG   Retail newsstand operator   Common stock (39,056 shares)     3,000     2,638                 3,000     2,638  

Savers, Inc. and SAI Acquisition Corp.   For-profit thrift retailer   Senior subordinated note (12.0%, due 8/14)(2)     25,847     25,847                 25,847     25,847  
        Common stock (1,170,182 shares)     4,500     5,840                 4,500     5,840  

Things Remembered, Inc. and TRM Holdings Corporation   Personalized gift retailer   Senior secured loan (6.5%, due 9/12)(2)     39,409     31,544                 39,409     31,544  
        Preferred stock (153 shares)     1,800                     1,800      
        Common stock (800 shares)     200                     200      
        Warrants to purchase 859 common shares                              
  Total             140,404     128,927             140,404     128,927  

Consumer Products—Durable                                              
Carlisle Wide Plank Floors, Inc.   Hardwood floor manufacturer   Senior secured loan (12.0%, due 6/11)                 1,638     1,544     1,638     1,544  
        Common stock (345,056 shares)                 345         345      

Direct Buy Holdings, Inc. and Direct Buy Investors, LP(5)   Membership based buying club franchisor and   Senior secured loan (6.8%, due 11/12)     2,052     1,803                 2,052     1,803  
    operator   Senior subordinated note (16.0%, due 5/13)(2)                 78,181     71,856     78,181     71,856  
        Limited partnership interest                 8,000     1,500     8,000     1,500  
        Limited partnership interest     10,000     3,000                 10,000     3,000  

Havco Wood Products LLC   Laminated oak and fiber-reinforced composite flooring manufacturer for trailers   Member interest                 910         910      
  Total             12,052     4,803     89,074     74,900     101,126     79,703  

Computers and Electronics                                              
Network Hardware Resale, Inc.   Networking equipment resale provider   Senior secured loan (12.0%, due 12/11)(2)                 16,088     16,031     16,088     16,031  
        Convertible subordinated loan (9.8%, due 12/15)(2)                 15,998     15,998     15,998     15,998  

RedPrairie Corporation   Software manufacturer   Junior secured loan (6.8%, due 1/13)     15,300     14,535                 15,300     14,535  


  Ares Capital   Allied Capital   Pro Forma Ares Capital  
  Description   Investment   Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair

TZ Merger Sub, Inc.   Computers and electronics   Senior secured loan (7.5%, due 7/15)     4,711     4,818                 4,711     4,818  

X-rite, Incorporated   Artwork software manufacturer   Junior secured loan (14.4%, due 7/13)     10,906     10,906                 10,906     10,906  
  Total             30,917     30,259     32,086     32,029     63,003     62,288  

Printing, Publishing and Media                                              
Canon Communications LLC   Print publications services   Junior secured loan (13.8%, due 11/11)(2)     24,147     19,331                 24,147     19,331  

EarthColor, Inc.   Printing management services   Subordinated note (15.0%, due 11/13)(2)(3)                 123,385         123,385      
        Common stock (63,438 shares)                 63,438         63,438      

LVCG Holdings LLC(4)   Commercial printer   Member interest     6,600     330                 6,600     330  

National Print Group, Inc.   Printing management services   Senior secured revolving loan (9.0%, due 3/12)     1,611     870                 1,611     870  
        Senior secured loan (16.0%, due 3/12)(2)     8,095     4,422                 8,095     4,422  
        Preferred stock (9,344 shares)     2,000                     2,000      

The Teaching Company, LLC and The Teaching Company   Education publications provider   Senior secured loan (10.5%, due 9/12)     28,000     28,000                 28,000     28,000  
Holdings, Inc.       Preferred stock (29,969 shares)     2,997     3,872                 2,997     3,872  
        Common stock (15,393 shares)     3     4                 3     4  
  Total             73,453     56,829     186,823         260,276     56,829  

Aerospace & Defense                                              
AP Global Holdings, Inc.   Safety and security equipment manufacturer   Senior secured loan (4.8%, due 10/13)     7,295     6,969                 7,295     6,969  

ILC Industries, Inc.   Industrial products provider   Junior secured loan (11.5%, due 6/14)     12,000     12,000                 12,000     12,000  

Thermal Solutions LLC and TSI Group, Inc.   Thermal management and electronics packaging   Senior secured loan (4.0%, due 3/11)     462     444                 462     444  
    manufacturer   Senior secured loan (4.5%, due 3/12)     2,732     2,486                 2,732     2,486  
        Senior subordinated notes (14.0%, due 3/13)(2)     2,747     2,554                 2,747     2,554  
        Senior subordinated notes (14.3%, due 3/13)(2)     5,583     5,191                 5,583     5,191  
        Preferred stock (71,552 shares)     716     529                 716     529  
        Common stock (1,460,246 shares)     15     11                 15     11  

Wyle Laboratories, Inc. and Wyle Holdings, Inc.   Provider of specialized engineering, scientific and   Junior secured loan (15.0%, due 1/15)     28,000     28,000                 28,000     28,000  
    technical services   Senior preferred stock (8.0%, 775 shares)(2)     96     80                 96     80  
        Common stock (1,616,976 shares)     2,004     1,600                 2,004     1,600  
  Total             61,650     59,864             61,650     59,864  

American Broadband Communications, LLC   Broadband communication services   Senior subordinated loan (18.0%, due 11/14)(2)     39,952     39,952                 39,952     39,952  
and American Broadband Holding Co.       Warrants to purchase 166 shares                              


  Ares Capital   Allied Capital   Pro Forma Ares Capital  
  Description   Investment   Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair

Startec Equity, LLC (4)   Communication services   Member interest                 211     65     211     65  
Total Telecommunications             39,952     39,952     211     65     40,163     40,017  

Oil and Gas                                              
Geotrace Technologies, Inc.   Reservoir processing, development services, and data management services   Warrants                 2,027     2,075     2,027     2,075  

IAT Equity, LLC and Affiliates d/b/a Industrial Air Tool(4)   Industrial products distributor   Senior subordinated note (9.0%, due 6/14)                 6,000     6,000     6,000     6,000  
        Member interest                 7,500     5,485     7,500     5,485  
  Total                     15,527     13,560     15,527     13,560  

Environmental Services                                              
AWTP, LLC   Water treatment services   Junior secured loan (due 12/12)(3)     13,682     5,472                 13,682     5,472  

Mactec, Inc.   Engineering and   Class B-4 stock (16 shares)                              
    environmental   Class C stock (5,556 shares)         150                     150  

Sigma International Group, Inc.   Water treatment parts manufacturer   Junior secured loan (16.0%, due 10/13)     17,500     12,250                 17,500     12,250  

Universal Environmental Services, LLC(5)   Hydrocarbon recycling and related waste management services and products   Preferred member interest                 1,599         1,599      

Waste Pro USA, Inc.   Waste management services   Preferred Class A common stock (14.0%, 611,615 shares)(2)     12,263     13,263                 12,263     13,263  

Wastequip, Inc.(5)   Waste management equipment   Senior subordinated loan (12.5%, due 2/15)(2)     13,030     1,968                 13,030     1,968  
    manufacturer   Common stock (13,889 shares)     1,389                     1,389      
  Total             57,864     33,103     1,599         59,463     33,103  

Cargo Transport                                              
The Kenan Advantage Group, Inc.   Fuel transportation provider   Senior secured loan (3.0%, due 12/11)     2,400     2,304                 2,400     2,304  
        Senior subordinated note (13.0%, due 12/13)(2)     26,125     25,603                 26,125     25,603  
        Preferred stock (8.0%, 10,984 shares)(2)     1,454     1,932                 1,454     1,932  
        Common stock (30,575 shares)     31     41                 31     41  
  Total             30,010     29,880             30,010     29,880  

Health Clubs                                              
Athletic Club Holdings, Inc.   Premier health club operator   Senior secured loan (4.7%, due 10/13)     14,234     12,526                 14,234     12,526  
        Senior secured loan (6.8%, due 10/13)     12,516     11,014                 12,516     11,014  
  Total             26,750     23,540             26,750     23,540  

Buildings and Real Estate                                              
10th Street, LLC(5)   Document storage and management services   Senior subordinated note (13.0%, due 11/14)(2)                 22,234     22,325     22,234     22,325  
        Member interest                 422     475     422     475  
        Option                 25     25     25     25  
  Total                     22,681     22,825     22,681     22,825  


  Ares Capital   Allied Capital   Pro Forma Ares Capital  
  Description   Investment   Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair

Industrial Container Services, LLC (5)   Industrial container manufacturer   Senior secured revolving loan (5.8%, due 9/11)     950     922                 950     922  
    reconditioner and servicer   Senior secured loan (4.3%, due 9/11)     11,807     11,453                 11,807     11,453  
        Senior secured loan (5.8%, due 9/11)     437     424                 437     424  
        Common stock (1,800,000 shares)     1,800     8,550                 1,800     8,550  
  Total             14,994     21,349             14,994     21,349  

Planet Organic Health Corp.   Organic grocery store operator   Junior secured loan (15.0%, due 7/13)     11,291     10,746                 11,291     10,746  
        Senior subordinated loan (17.0%, due 7/12)(2)     12,572     9,416                 12,572     9,416  
  Total             23,863     20,162             23,863     20,162  

Hotels, Motels, Inns & Gaming                                              
Crescent Equity Corporation(4)   Hospitality management services   Senior secured loan (10.0%, due 6/10)                 433     433     433     433  
        Subordinated notes (11.0%, due 9/11)(3)                 2,107         2,107      
        Subordinated notes (11.0%, due 1/12)(3)                 7,189     1,020     7,189     1,020  
        Subordinated notes (11.0%, due 9/12)(3)                 10,769     1,434     10,769     1,434  
        Subordinated notes (11.0%, due 6/17)(3)                 12,007     1,678     12,007     1,678  
        Common stock (174 shares)                 82,818         82,818      
        Guaranty ($900)                              
  Total                     115,323     4,565     115,323     4,565  

Housing—Building Materials                                              
HB&G Building Products   Synthetic and wood product manufacturer   Senior subordinated loan (due 3/11)(2)(3)     8,991     448                 8,991     448  
        Common stock (2,743 shares)     753                     753      
        Warrants to purchase 4,464 shares     653                     653      
  Total             10,397     448             10,397     448  

Commercial Real Estate Finance                                              
Commercial Mortgage Loans   3 loans   Up to 6.99%                 29,660     28,372     29,660     28,372  
    2 loans   7.00% - 8.99%                 1,845     1,819     1,845     1,819  
    1 loan   9.00% - 10.99%                 6,480     3,281     6,480     3,281  
    2 loans   15.00% and above                 3,970     1,943     3,970     1,943  

Real Estate Owned                         5,962     6,405     5,962     6,405  

Real Estate Equity Interests                         27,263     13,987     27,263     13,987  
  Total                     75,180     55,807     75,180     55,807  

Other Companies       Other debt investments                 (130 )   (134 )   (130 )   (134 )
        Other equity investments                 41     8     41     8  
  Total                     (89 )   (126 )   (89 )   (126 )


  Ares Capital   Allied Capital   Pro Forma Ares Capital  
  Description   Investment   Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair
  Cost   Fair

Pro Forma Adjustments:                                              
  Actual sales of Allied Capital investments subsequent to December 31, 2009(6)                         (172,468 )   (156,072 )   (172,468 )   (156,072 )
  Estimated Purchase Price Allocation Adjustment(1)                                     (140,587 )
Total Investments           $ 2,376,384   $ 2,171,814   $ 3,512,645   $ 1,975,046   $ 5,889,029   $ 4,006,273  

Upon consumation of the merger and in accordance with ASC 805-10 (previously SFAS No. 141(r)), Business Combinations, Ares Capital will be required to allocate the purchase price of Allied Capital's assets based on Ares Capital's estimate of fair value and record such fair value as the cost basis and initial fair value of each such investment in Ares Capital's financial statements. In this regard, Ares Capital's management determined that the aggregate adjustment to Allied Capital's investments approximates $140.6 million. As a result, such adjustment has been reflected in a single line item entitled "Estimated Purchase Price Allocation Adjustment." However, a final determination of the fair value of Allied Capital's investments will be made after the merger is completed and, as a result, the actual amount of this adjustment may vary from the preliminary amount set forth herein. Thus, the information set forth in the columns reflect historical amounts and have not been individually adjusted to reflect the Estimated Purchase Price Allocation Adjustment.

Has a payment-in-kind (PIK) interest feature.

Loan is on non-accrual status at December 31, 2009.

As defined in the Investment Company Act, we are an "Affiliated Person" to this portfolio company because we own 5% or more of its outstanding voting securities and/or we have the power to exercise control over the management or policies of the portfolio company. In addition, as defined in the Investment Company Act, we "Control" this portfolio company because we own more than 25% of its outstanding voting securities and/or we have the power to exercise control over the management or policies of the portfolio company.

As defined in the Investment Company Act, we are an "Affiliated Person" to this portfolio company because we own 5% or more of its outstanding voting securities and/or we have the power to exercise control over the management or policies of the portfolio company.

Allied Capital's investment was fully or partially sold subsequent to December 31, 2009. Total realized losses on these sales were $16 million and the related reversal of net unrealized depreciation was $16 million. A portion of Allied Capital's investment in Woodstream Corporation was sold to Ares Capital and portions of Allied Capital's investments in Service Champ, Inc. and Driven Brands Inc. were sold to Ares Capital and Ivy Hill Middle Market Credit Fund, Ltd. ("Ivy Hill I") subsequent to December 31, 2009.

See accompanying notes to pro forma condensed consolidated financial statements on the next page.


Ares Capital Corporation and Subsidiaries

Notes to Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements


(In thousands, except share and per share data unless otherwise stated)


        The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial information related to the merger is included as of and for the year ended December 31, 2009. On October 26, 2009, Ares Capital and Allied Capital entered into the merger agreement. For the purposes of the pro forma condensed consolidated financial statements, the purchase price is currently estimated at approximately $817 million, which is based upon a price of $13.44 per share (closing price as of March 1, 2010) of Ares Capital common stock and an implied value per share of Allied Capital common stock of $4.37. The pro forma adjustments included herein reflect the conversion of Allied Capital common stock into Ares Capital common stock using an exchange ratio of 0.325 of a share of Ares Capital common stock for each of the approximately 179.9 million shares of Allied Capital common stock outstanding as of December 31, 2009.

        The merger will be accounted for as an acquisition of Allied Capital by Ares Capital in accordance with the acquisition method of accounting as detailed in ASC 805-10 (previously SFAS No. 141(R)), Business Combinations. The acquisition method of accounting requires an acquirer to recognize the assets acquired, the liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest in the acquiree based on their fair values as of the date of acquisition. As described in more detail in ASC 805-10, goodwill, if any, will be recognized as of the acquisition date, for the excess of the consideration transferred over the fair value of identifiable net assets acquired. If the total acquisition date fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired exceeds the fair value of the consideration transferred, the excess will be recognized as a gain. In connection with the merger and subsequent combination, the estimated fair value of the net assets to be acquired is currently anticipated to exceed the purchase price, and based on Ares Capital's preliminary purchase price allocation, a gain of approximately $291 million is currently expected to be recorded by Ares Capital in the period the merger and subsequent combination are completed.

        Under the Investment Company Act rules, the regulations pursuant to Article 6 of Regulation S-X and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants' Audit and Accounting Guide for Investment Companies, Ares Capital is precluded from consolidating any entity other than another investment company or an operating company that provides substantially all of its services and benefits to Ares Capital. Ares Capital's financial statements include its accounts and the accounts of all its consolidated subsidiaries. All intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.

        In determining the value of the assets to be acquired, Ares Capital uses ASC 820-10 (previously SFAS No. 157), Fair Value Measurements, which expands the application of fair value accounting. ASC 820-10 defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and expands disclosure of fair value measurements. ASC 820-10 determines fair value to be the price that would be received for an investment in a current sale, which assumes an orderly transaction between market participants on the measurement date. ASC 820-10 requires Ares Capital to assume that the portfolio investment is sold in a principal market to market participants, or in the absence of a principal market, the most advantageous market, which may be a hypothetical market. Market participants are defined as buyers and sellers in the principal or most advantageous market that are independent, knowledgeable, and willing and able to transact. In accordance with ASC 820-10, Ares Capital has considered its principal market as the market in which Ares Capital exits its portfolio investments with the greatest volume and level of activity. ASC 820-10


specifies a hierarchy of valuation techniques based on whether the inputs to those valuation techniques are observable or unobservable. In accordance with ASC 820-10, these inputs are summarized in the three broad levels listed below:

    Level 1—Valuations based on quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that Ares Capital has the ability to access.

    Level 2—Valuations based on quoted prices in markets that are not active or for which all significant inputs are observable, either directly or indirectly.

    Level 3—Valuations based on inputs that are unobservable and significant to the overall fair value measurement.

        In addition to using the above inputs in investment valuations, Ares Capital continues to employ the relevant provisions of its valuation policy, which policy is consistent with ASC 820-10. Consistent with Ares Capital's valuation policy, the source of inputs, including any markets in which Ares Capital's investments are trading (or any markets in which securities with similar attributes are trading), are evaluated in determining fair value. Ares Capital's valuation policy considers the fact that because there is not a readily available market value for most of the investments in Ares Capital's portfolio, the fair value of its investments must typically be determined using unobservable inputs.

        Due to the inherent uncertainty of determining the fair value of investments that do not have a readily available market value, the fair value of Ares Capital's investments may fluctuate from period to period. Additionally, the fair value of Ares Capital's investments may differ significantly from the values that would have been used had a ready market existed for such investments and may differ materially from the values that Ares Capital may ultimately realize. Further, such investments are generally subject to legal and other restrictions on resale or otherwise are less liquid than publicly traded securities. If Ares Capital were required to liquidate a portfolio investment in a forced or liquidation sale, Ares Capital may realize significantly less than the value at which Ares Capital has recorded it.

        The following table presents fair value measurements of investments for the pro forma combined company as of December 31, 2009:

  Fair Value
Measurements Using
  Total   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3  


  $ 4,006,273   $   $ 5,127   $ 4,001,146  

        The following tables present changes in investments that use Level 3 inputs between the actual December 31, 2009 amounts and those presented for the pro forma combined company as of December 31, 2009:

  Ares Capital   Allied Capital   Pro Forma
  Ares Capital
Pro Forma

Actual balance as of December 31, 2009

  $ 2,171,814   $ 2,131,118   $   $ 4,302,932  

Estimated purchase price allocation adjustment

            (140,587 )   (140,587 )

Actual sales of Allied Capital investments subsequent to December 31, 2009

        (156,072 )       (156,072 )

Net transfers in and/or out of Level 3


Pro Forma Balance as of December 31, 2009

  $ 2,171,814   $ 1,975,046   $ (140,587 ) $ 4,006,273  

        As of December 31, 2009, the net unrealized loss on the investments that use Level 3 inputs for the pro forma combined company was $1.8 billion.


        In addition, changes in the market environment and other events that may occur over the life of the investments may cause the gains or losses ultimately realized on these investments to be different than would be realized based on the valuations currently assigned.

        Certain other transactions that affect the purchase price that occurred subsequent to December 31, 2009 have been adjusted for in the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheet. These primarily include sales of investments and receivables of $157 million for Allied Capital, the paydown of Allied Capital's $714 million of senior secured private debt and the $250 million of proceeds obtained from the Term Loan.

        The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial information includes preliminary estimated purchase price allocation adjustments to record the assets and liabilities of Allied Capital at their respective estimated fair values and represents Ares Capital's management's estimates based on available information. The pro forma adjustments included herein may be revised as additional information becomes available and as additional analyses are performed. The final allocation of the purchase price will be determined after the merger and subsequent combination are completed and after completion of a final analysis to determine the estimated fair values of Allied Capital's assets and liabilities. Accordingly, the final purchase accounting adjustments and integration charges may be materially different from the pro forma adjustments presented in this document. Increases or decreases in the estimated fair values of the net assets, commitments, and other items of Allied Capital as compared to the information shown in this document may change the amount of the purchase price allocated to goodwill or recognized as income in accordance with ASC 805-10.

        Ares Capital has elected to be treated as a RIC under subchapter M of the Code and operates in a manner so as to qualify for the tax treatment applicable to RICs. In order to qualify as a RIC, among other things, Ares Capital is required to timely distribute to its stockholders generally at least 90% of its investment company taxable income, as defined by the Code, for each year. The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial information reflects that Ares Capital has made and intends to continue to make the requisite distributions to its stockholders, which will generally relieve Ares Capital from U.S. federal income taxes.

        The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial information presented in this document is for illustrative purposes only and does not necessarily indicate the results of operations or the combined financial position that would have resulted had the merger and subsequent combination been completed at the beginning of the applicable period presented, nor the impact of expense efficiencies, asset dispositions, share repurchases and other factors. The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial information is not indicative of the results of operations in future periods or the future financial position of the combined company.


        The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial information for the merger and subsequent combination includes the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2009 assuming the merger and subsequent combination were completed on December 31, 2009. The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated income statement for the year ended December 31, 2009 was prepared assuming the merger and subsequent combination were completed on January 1, 2009.

        The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial information reflects the issuance of approximately 58.5 million shares of Ares Capital common stock in connection with the merger but does not reflect (1) the issuance of approximately 23 million shares of common stock pursuant to Ares Capital's public add-on equity offering in February 2010 (the "February Add-on Offering") or (2) Ares Capital's dividend declared on February 25, 2010 to stockholders of record as of March 15, 2010 and to be distributed on March 31, 2010. The February Add-on Offering was completed at a price of $12.75


per share less an underwriting discount totaling approximately $0.6375 per share. Total proceeds received from the February Add-on Offering, net of underwriters' discount and offering costs, were approximately $277.5 million. The Ares Capital Pro Forma Combined net assets per share as of December 31, 2009 would have been $13.58 if the February Add-on Offering were reflected. Additionally, the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial information does not reflect Allied Capital's intention to declare a special dividend of $0.20 per share to Allied Capital stockholders on the date the merger is approved by the affirmative vote of the holders of two-thirds of the shares of Allied Capital common stock outstanding and entitled to vote thereon. Allied Capital will fund the payment of the special dividend to the dividend paying agent on the closing of the merger with instructions to disburse such amounts to Allied Capital stockholders as of the record date as promptly as practicable.

        The merger and subsequent combination will be accounted for using the purchase method of accounting; accordingly, Ares Capital's cost to acquire Allied Capital will be allocated to the assets and liabilities of Allied Capital at their respective fair values estimated by Ares Capital as of the acquisition date. The amount of the total acquisition date fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired that exceeds the total purchase price, if any, will be recognized as a gain. Accordingly, the pro forma purchase price has been allocated to the assets to be acquired and the liabilities to be assumed based on Ares Capital's currently estimated fair values as summarized in the following table:

Common stock issued

  $ 785,978  

Payment of "in-the-money" Allied Capital stock options

    31,405 (1)

Total purchase price

  $ 817,383  

Assets acquired:



  $ 1,834,459  

Cash and cash equivalents


Other assets


Total assets acquired


Debt and other liabilities assumed

    (868,606 )

Net assets acquired


Gain on acquisition of Allied Capital

    (290,943 )

  $ 817,383  

Holders of any "in-the-money" Allied Capital stock options have the right to either receive cash or stock. For the purposes of the pro forma condensed consolidated financial statements, it is assumed that the options will be paid in cash. As of March 1, 2010, no options had been exercised subsequent to December 31, 2009.



        The preliminary pro forma purchase accounting allocation included in the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial information is as follows:

To reflect Allied Capital's December 31, 2009 balance sheet, updated for changes subsequent to December 31, 2009:

  Allied Capital
December 31,
  Pro Forma
Allied Capital
December 31,


  $ 2,131,118   $ (156,072 ) $ 1,975,046  

Cash and cash equivalents

    401,702     (263,284 )   138,418  

Other assets

    132,677     (7,979 )   124,698  

Total assets

  $ 2,665,497   $ (427,335 ) $ 2,238,162  


  $ 1,426,011   $ (430,467 )   995,544  

Other liabilities

    41,284         41,284  

Total liabilities

    1,467,295     (430,467 )   1,036,828  

Net assets

    1,198,202     3,132     1,201,334  

Total liabilities and net assets

  $ 2,665,497   $ (427,335 ) $ 2,238,162  

Primarily the result of sales of $157 million of certain investments and receivables for Allied Capital subsequent to December 31, 2009, the paydown of Allied Capital's $714 million of senior secured private debt and the $250 million of proceeds received from the Term Loan. Included within the $156 million of sales of investments were the sales of a portion of the investment in Woodstream Corporation to Ares Capital and sales of portions of the investments in Driven Brands, Inc. and Service Champ, Inc. to Ares Capital and Ivy Hill I.
To reflect the acquisition of Allied Capital by the issuance of approximately 58.5 million shares of Ares Capital common stock. Below reflects the allocation of the purchase price on the basis of


    Ares Capital's current estimate of the fair value of assets to be acquired and liabilities to be assumed:

    Components of purchase price:

Allied Capital
December 31,
  Pro Forma
  Pro Forma  

Common stock issued

  $ 785,978   $   $ 785,978  

Payment of "in-the-money" Allied Capital stock options(4)

    31,405         31,405  

Total purchase price

  $ 817,383   $   $ 817,383  

Assets acquired:



  $ 1,975,046   $ (140,587 )(1) $ 1,834,459  

Cash and cash equivalents

    138,418     (107,013 )(2)(3)   31,405  

Other assets

    124,698     (13,630 )(1)   111,068  

Total assets acquired

    2,238,162     (261,230 )   1,976,932  

Debt and other liabilities assumed

    (1,036,828 )   168,222 (1)(2)(3)   (868,606 )

Net assets acquired

    1,201,334     (93,008 )(1)(2)   1,108,326  

Gain on acquisition of Allied Capital

    (383,951 )   93,008     (290,943 )


  $ 817,383   $   $ 817,383  

Primarily to reflect the allocation of purchase price to Allied Capital's assets and liabilities based on Ares Capital's current estimates of fair value. There is no single approach for determining fair value in good faith. As a result, determining fair value requires that judgment be applied to the specific facts and circumstances of each portfolio investment while employing a consistently applied valuation process. See "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Allied Capital—Results of Operations" in the Proxy Statement and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations—Results of Operations" in the Allied Capital 10-K. There were also adjustments made of $111.1 million and $13.6 million to Allied Capital's debt and other assets, respectively, to mark them to fair value. Allied Capital's debt is currently carried at amortized cost. The adjustment to other assets was primarily an adjustment to Allied Capital's capitalized debt costs, which are included in other assets and are also currently carried at amortized cost.

In addition to the net effect of the fair value adjustments to Allied Capital's assets and liabilities, the net assets of Allied Capital were decreased for various transaction costs expected to be incurred by Allied Capital related to the merger of approximately $49.9 million, including $35.4 million of other liabilities expected to be paid within the 12 months following the merger.

Excess available cash of $95.8 million from the Allied Capital transaction is assumed to be used to paydown certain outstanding Allied Capital debt.

Holders of any "in-the-money" Allied Capital stock options have the right to either receive cash or stock. For the purposes of the pro forma condensed consolidated financial statements, it is assumed that the options will be paid in cash. As of March 1, 2010, no options had been exercised subsequent to December 31, 2009.
The net assets of the pro forma combined company were decreased for various transaction costs expected to be incurred by Ares Capital related to the merger of approximately $13.7 million as


    well as the assumed cash payment of $31.4 million of the "in-the-money" Allied Capital stock options.

The purchase price of certain investments in debt securities being acquired from Allied Capital is estimated by Ares Capital to be less than the expected recovery value of such investments. In accordance with GAAP, subsequent to the effective time, Ares Capital will record the accretion to the expected recovery value in interest income over the remaining term of the investment. Interest income has not been adjusted to reflect the accretion to the expected recovery value for the period presented. The accretion for the first 12 months after the effective time is estimated to be approximately $13 million. However, there can be no assurance that such accretion will be more or less than such estimate.

The fair value of the outstanding debt assumed from Allied Capital is estimated by Ares Capital to be below the face amount of such debt. In accordance with GAAP, subsequent to the effective time, Ares Capital will record accretion to the face amount in interest expense over the remaining term of the debt. Interest expense has not been adjusted to reflect the accretion to the face value for the period presented. The accretion for the first 12 months after the effective time is estimated to be approximately $21 million. However, there can be no assurance that such accretion will be more or less than such estimate.

Base management fees were computed based on 1.5% of average total assets other than cash and cash equivalents but including assets purchased with borrowed funds per Ares Capital's investment advisory and management agreement with Ares Capital Management.

Incentive management fees were recomputed based on the formula in Ares Capital's investment advisory and management agreement with Ares Capital Management.

Adjustments to other expenses were made to reflect compensation costs for Allied Capital's employees that would have been covered by the base management fees paid to Ares Capital Management and therefore not incurred by Ares Capital. Additionally, all stock option costs were excluded as such costs would not exist at Ares Capital as there is no stock option plan maintained by Ares Capital. Payments of stock option costs to employees would have been similarly incurred by Ares Capital in the form of incentive management fees paid to Ares Capital Management. Lastly, any actual costs incurred related to the merger and subsequent combination, primarily various transaction costs, were also excluded.

Total shares outstanding as of December 31, 2009 have been adjusted to reflect the following:

Ares Capital shares outstanding as of December 31, 2009


Estimated shares issued in connection with the merger reflected as outstanding for the period presented


Ares Capital adjusted shares outstanding as of December 31, 2009

    168,425,187 *

Does not reflect 22,957,993 shares issued in the February Add-on Offering.

    Weighted average shares for the year ended December 31, 2009 have been adjusted to reflect the following:

  For the
Year Ended
December 31,

Ares Capital weighted average shares outstanding


Estimated shares issued in connection with the merger reflected as outstanding for the period presented


Ares Capital adjusted weighted average shares outstanding




        The following information supplements the information provided in the cover page of the Proxy Statement and "Capitalization" on page 117 of the Proxy Statement:

        The following table sets forth (1) Ares Capital's and Allied Capital's actual capitalization at December 31, 2009 and (2) Ares Capital's capitalization as adjusted to reflect the effects of the merger. You should read this table together with Ares Capital's and Allied Capital's balance sheets and the pro forma financial information included elsewhere in this document, in the Proxy Statement and in the Ares Capital 10-K and the Allied Capital 10-K, respectively.

  As of December 31, 2009  
  (dollar amounts in thousands except
share and per share data)
Ares Capital
Allied Capital
  As Adjusted
for the Merger

Cash and cash equivalents

  $ 99,227 (1) $ 20,682   $ 85,546 (2)



Total debt

    969,465     1,426,011     1,758,097  

Stockholders' Equity


Ares Capital common stock, par value $.001 per share, 300,000,000 common shares authorized, 109,944,674 common shares issued and outstanding, actual; 300,000,000 common shares authorized, 168,425,187 common shares issued and outstanding, as adjusted(1); Allied Capital common stock, $0.0001 par value, 400,000,000 shares authorized; 179,940,040 shares issued and outstanding

    110     18     168  

Capital in excess of par value

    1,490,458     3,037,513     2,553,640  

Accumulated undistributed net investment loss

    3,143     (159,250 )   3,143  

Accumulated net realized gain (loss) on investments, foreign currency transactions and extinguishment of debt

    (31,115 )       (31,115 )

Notes receivable from sale of common stock

        (301 )    

Net unrealized loss on investments and foreign currency transactions

    (204,708 )   (1,679,778 )   (204,708 )

Total stockholders' equity

    1,257,888     1,198,202     2,321,128  

Total capitalization

  $ 2,227,353   $ 2,624,213   $ 4,079,225  

Includes the issuance of approximately 58.5 million shares of Ares Capital common stock in connection with the merger. Does not include the effects of the February Add-on Offering or Ares Capital's dividend declared on February 25, 2010 to stockholders of record as of March 15, 2010 and to be distributed on March 31, 2010. The February Add-on Offering was completed at a price of $12.75 per share less an underwriting discount totaling approximately $0.6375 per share. Total proceeds received from the February Add-on Offering, net of underwriters' discount and offering costs, were approximately $277.5 million.

Does not reflect Allied Capital's intention to declare a special dividend of $0.20 per share to Allied Capital stockholders on the date of the merger is approved by the affirmative vote of the holders of two-thirds of the shares of Allied Capital common stock outstanding and entitled to vote thereon.


Litigation Relating to the Merger

        The following information supplements the information provided in (1) "Litigation Related to the Merger" on pages 153 and 154 of the Proxy Statement, (2) "Business of Ares Capital—Legal Proceedings" on page 204 of the Proxy Statement and (3) the first full paragraph of "Business of Allied Capital—Legal Proceedings" on page 278 of the Proxy Statement:

        A number of lawsuits have been filed by stockholders of Allied Capital challenging the merger. These include: (1) In re Allied Capital Corporation Litigation, Case No. 324584V (Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland); (2) Sandler v. Walton, et al., Case No. 2009 CA 008123 B (Superior Court for the District of Columbia); (3) Wienecki v. Allied Capital Corporation, et al., Case No. 2009 CA 008541 B (Superior Court for the District of Columbia); and (4) Ryan v. Walton, et al., Case No. 1:10-CV-000145-RMC (United States District Court for the District of Columbia). The suits were filed after the announcement of the merger on October 26, 2009 either as putative stockholder class actions, shareholder derivative actions or both. All of the actions assert similar claims against the members of Allied Capital's board of directors alleging that the merger agreement is the product of a flawed sales process and that Allied Capital's directors breached their fiduciary duties by agreeing to a structure that was not designed to maximize the value of Allied Capital's stockholders, by failing to adequately value and obtain fair consideration for Allied Capital's shares and by improperly rejecting competing offers by Prospect Capital. They also claim that Ares Capital (and, in several cases, Merger Sub, and, in several other cases, Allied Capital) aided and abetted the directors' alleged breaches of fiduciary duties. In addition, in Ryan v. Walton, et al., the plaintiffs also allege violations of Rule 14a-9(a) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All of the actions demand, among other things, a preliminary and permanent injunction enjoining the merger and rescinding the transaction or any part thereof that may be implemented.

        On March 2, 2010, the Maryland plaintiffs, Allied Capital and Ares Capital reached an agreement in principle to settle the consolidated Maryland action. Although Ares Capital and Allied Capital believe that the disclosures already provided were thorough and complete, in connection with the settlement Allied Capital and Ares Capital agreed to make certain additional disclosures that are contained in this document and pay plaintiffs' counsel for certain of their fees and expenses. The settlement is subject to final settlement documentation and approval by the court, after, among other things, notice is provided to the stockholders of Allied Capital. The terms of the merger agreement are not affected by the proposed settlement. As of the date of this document, the state and federal actions in the District of Columbia remain pending.

        There can be no assurance that the settlement will be finalized or that the Maryland court will approve the settlement. The settlement terms, which require court approval, provide that the Maryland suits will be dismissed with prejudice against all defendants.

        Allied Capital, Ares Capital, and the other defendants vigorously deny all liability with respect to the facts and claims alleged in the Maryland lawsuits and specifically deny that any further supplemental disclosure was required under any applicable law. The settlement is not, and should not be construed as, an admission of wrongdoing or liability by any defendant. However, to provide additional information to Allied Capital stockholders at a time and in a manner that would not cause any delay of the merger, Ares Capital and Allied Capital and its directors agreed to the settlement described above. The parties considered it desirable that the action be settled to avoid the expense, risk, inconvenience and distraction of continued litigation and to fully resolve the settled claims.


        The following information supplements the information provided in "The Merger—Background of the Merger" on pages 118 through 129 of the Proxy Statement:

    Investment Bankers

        Relationships between BofA Merrill Lynch, Allied Capital and Ares Capital are disclosed in detail in Annex B-1 (pages B-11- B-12) to the Proxy Statement. BofA Merrill Lynch and its affiliates in the past have provided investment banking, commercial banking and other financial services to Allied Capital and have received compensation for the rendering of these services, including (1) having acted as arranger, book manager and administrative agent for, and lender under, certain credit facilities of Allied Capital, (2) having acted as manager, agent and/or book runner for certain debt and equity offerings and trades by Allied Capital and (3) having provided certain foreign exchange and treasury management products and services to Allied Capital. In addition, BofA Merrill Lynch and its affiliates in the past have provided investment banking, commercial banking and other financial services to Ares Capital and its affiliates and have received compensation for the rendering of these services, including having acted as (1) underwriter or dealer manager for certain equity offerings of Ares Capital (including Ares Capital's initial public offering and Ares Capital's equity offering in February 2010), (2) syndication agent for, and lender under, certain credit facilities of Ares Capital and (3) financial advisor to certain of Ares Capital's affiliates in connection with certain mergers and acquisitions transactions. After BofA Merrill Lynch rendered its fairness opinion to Allied Capital's board of directors on October 25, 2009, two affiliates of BofA Merrill Lynch were engaged by Ares Capital to participate in and/or provide advice and services with respect to amendments to Ares Capital's credit facility that were implemented in January 2010. The affiliates of BofA Merrill Lynch received compensation from Ares Capital in respect of that engagement.

        Allied Capital and its board of directors decided to engage BofA Merrill Lynch to provide a fairness opinion in connection with the merger because of its experience in transactions similar to the merger, its reputation in the investment community and its familiarity with Allied Capital and its business. Allied Capital and its board of directors also decided to engage Sandler O'Neill to provide a fairness opinion to Allied Capital's board of directors in connection with the merger because unlike BofA Merrill Lynch, Sandler O'Neill did not have any past or current relationship to Allied Capital or Ares Capital prior to their engagement.

    Allied Capital's Exploration of Strategic Alternatives

        Allied Capital's board of directors carefully considered whether it was the appropriate time to engage in a business combination with Ares Capital and whether Allied Capital should pursue other alternatives simultaneously. As described in detail in the Proxy Statement (pages 118-129), both in 2008 and in early 2009, Allied Capital explored a variety of strategic alternatives and held various discussions regarding potential transactions. In reaching the determination to proceed with Ares Capital, Allied Capital's board of directors considered, with the assistance and advice of its external financial and legal advisors, whether it would be appropriate to run a process soliciting other potential buyers or merger partners. Based on the prior exploration of alternatives, Allied Capital's board of directors and its advisors were cognizant of the limited universe of capable, interested buyers for Allied Capital. Allied Capital's board of directors concluded that the risks and uncertainties associated with such a process outweighed the potential benefits and would have likely resulted in Ares Capital being unwilling to proceed with its proposal because of, among other things, the time and expense involved. In rendering its advice, Allied Capital's advisors at BofA Merrill Lynch noted that at the request of Allied Capital they had contacted several parties deemed most likely to be interested in and capable of acquiring Allied Capital, but none of the parties demonstrated serious interest in pursuing an acquisition.


    Exclusivity Period

        Allied Capital decided to enter into an exclusivity period for a limited period of time with Ares Capital in order to encourage both parties to negotiate a merger agreement that was agreeable to both parties.

    Fixed Exchange Ratio

        As described in detail in the Proxy Statement, Ares Capital's offer to Allied Capital included a fixed exchange ratio of the right to receive 0.325 shares of common stock of Ares Capital for each share of Allied Capital common stock. The agreement presented to Allied Capital did not include a collar and Allied Capital did not request a collar. Allied Capital's board of directors determined that a fixed exchange ratio was in the best interests of Allied Capital stockholders as it would permit them to benefit from any appreciation in the price of Ares Capital's common stock.

        The following information supplements the information provided in Annex C-1, "Sandler O'Neill & Partners, L.P.—Description of Process in Rendering Opinion," of the Proxy Statement:

        Sandler O'Neill did not draw any conclusions concerning its analysis of the relative contributions of the two companies, nor with respect to any of the other analyses they undertook in preparing their fairness opinion. Sandler O'Neill did not attribute any particular weight to any analysis or factor that it considered. Rather Sandler O'Neill made its own qualitative judgments as to the significance and relevance of each analysis and factor. Sandler O'Neill believes that its analyses and the summary of its analyses must be considered as a whole and that selecting portions of its analysis and factors or focusing on only some of the information presented, without considering all the analyses and factors or the full narrative description of the financial analyses, including methodologies and assumptions underlying the analyses, could create a misleading or incomplete view of the process underlying its analysis and opinion.

        In performing its analysis, Sandler O'Neill considered all BDCs that are publicly traded in the U.S. with a market capitalization in the excess of $100 million. Given that Allied Capital and Ares Capital both meet that qualification, the same group of companies was used for both Allied Capital and Ares Capital. Sandler O'Neill did not apply any multiples from the comparable companies to Allied Capital and therefore did not come up with any indicated values for Allied Capital.

        Sandler O'Neill used information from SNL Financial, a widely recognized data service, to provide the multiples. Sandler O'Neill selected only one transaction because only one transaction occurred in the last few years. Sandler O'Neill did not believe that other transactions in a different environment were applicable.

        With respect to the discounted cash flow analyses, Sandler O'Neill determined the terminal value multiple ranges based on its review of the historical trading multiples of the companies and their peers. Sandler O'Neill determined the discount rates based on its review of, and judgments concerning, the returns that a reasonable investor would expect from companies with similar financial characteristics in the current market environment.

        The following information supplements the information provided in Annex B-1, "Bank of America/Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated—Description of Process in Rendering Opinion," of the Proxy Statement:

        The relative contribution analysis prepared by BofA Merrill Lynch was one of many inputs into the overall financial analysis BofA Merrill Lynch provided to the Allied Capital board. No single input or model was determinative of the views and analysis performed by BofA Merrill Lynch.

        BofA Merrill Lynch performed a financial analysis of companies comparable to Allied Capital and Ares Capital by selecting the universe of companies that, in BofA Merrill Lynch's opinion, represented


the companies with the most similar financial, operating and regulatory governance attributes (including leverage and other limitations imposed through operation as a BDC).

        BofA Merrill Lynch performed an analysis of selected precedent transactions compared to the proposed Allied Capital/Ares Capital transaction. BofA Merill Lynch presented one precedent transaction in this analysis because only one transaction that is relevant, representing a target company operating as a BDC, with similar financial, operating and regulatory governance attributes, has occurred in the sector over the past five years.

        BofA Merrill Lynch performed a discounted cash flow analysis of the two companies. The methodology employed by BofA Merrill Lynch utilized projected cash flows and discounted these to present day values after applying a discount rate. Discount rates were selected following an analysis of historical dividend yields and spreads on corporate bonds, amongst other factors.

        The following information supplements the information provided in "The Merger—The Unsolicited Offer from Prospect Capital" on pages 137 through 146 of the Proxy Statement:

        On January 14, 2010, Allied Capital received an unsolicited non-binding offer from Prospect Capital to acquire all of the issued and outstanding shares of Allied Capital in a stock-for-stock merger with a proposed share exchange ratio of 0.385 Prospect Capital shares for each Allied Capital share. On January 19, 2010, Allied Capital's board of directors unanimously rejected the offer after determining that such offer did not constitute a Superior Proposal and reaffirmed its recommendation that Allied Capital's stockholders vote for the transaction with Ares Capital announced on October 26, 2009.

        On January 26, 2010, Prospect Capital renewed its unsolicited non-binding proposal and increased its proposed share exchange ratio from 0.385 Prospect Capital shares for each Allied Capital share to 0.40. On February 3, 2010, Allied Capital's board of directors unanimously rejected the offer after determining that such offer did not constitute, and was not reasonably likely to result in, a Superior Proposal and reaffirmed its recommendation that Allied Capital's stockholders vote for the transaction with Ares Capital announced on October 26, 2009.

        On February 9, 2010, Prospect Capital issued a third unsolicited non-binding proposal and increased its proposed share exchange ratio from 0.40 Prospect Capital shares for each Allied Capital share to 0.4416 Prospect Capital shares for each Allied Capital share which expired on February 17, 2010. On February 11, 2010, Allied Capital's board of directors unanimously rejected the offer after determining that such offer did not constitute, and was not reasonably likely to result in, a Superior Proposal and reaffirmed its recommendation that Allied Capital's stockholders vote for the transaction with Ares Capital announced on October 26, 2009.

        The reasons for the determination of Allied Capital's board are set forth in detail in its letters to Prospect Capital contained in the Proxy Statement.

        On March 5, 2010, Prospect Capital issued a press release announcing it had terminated its solicitation of Allied Capital stockholders in opposition to the proposed merger with Ares Capital.

Solicitation of Proxies

        The following information supplements the information provided on pages 85 and 88 of the Proxy Statement:

        Ares Capital, Allied Capital and their respective directors, executive officers and certain other members of management and employees, including employees of Ares Capital's investment adviser and its affiliates, without special compensation therefor, may be soliciting proxies (by telephone, by electronic mail or by facsimile, telegram or other electronic means or in person) from Ares Capital and


Allied Capital stockholders in favor of the proposals to be considered and voted upon at the Ares Capital special meeting and the Allied Capital special meeting.

Allied Capital Dividend Reinvestment Plan

        The following information supplements the information provided in "Allied Capital Dividend Reinvestment Plan" on page 405 of the Proxy Statement:

        Allied Capital's dividend reinvestment plan will be suspended in connection with the special dividend of $0.20 per share which Allied Capital's board of directors intends to declare to Allied Capital stockholders of record on the date the merger is approved by the affirmative vote of the holders of two-thirds of the shares of Allied Capital common stock outstanding and entitled to vote thereon. As a result, the dividend reinvestment plan will not apply this special dividend and Allied Capital stockholders who participate in the dividend reinvestment plan will receive the dividend in cash.

        Allied Capital's dividend reinvestment plan will be terminated immediately prior to the effective time.



        For those Allied Capital stockholders entitled to vote at the Allied Capital special meeting, a new white proxy card and postage-paid return envelope have been included with this document. There is no need to return the proxy card or grant your proxy authorization by telephone or the Internet if you have already done so; however, if you wish to, you can revoke any proxy you previously submitted, or change your vote, at any time before your proxy is exercised at the Allied Capital special meeting by submitting a later-dated, signed proxy card or a written revocation of your proxy or proxy authorization. Allied Capital has set out below instructions on how to vote or change your vote.


How You Can Vote

    If your shares are held in a bank or brokerage account:

    You can vote by mailing in your Voting Instruction Form.

    You can vote by contacting your broker, if your shares are held in "street name."

    You can vote by calling (800) 454-8683. You will need to have your Voting Instruction Form and control number accessible to be able to vote.

    You can vote by going on the Internet to Again, you will need your Voting Instruction Form and control number.

        If your shares are held in a bank or broker account and you plan on voting at the Allied Capital special meeting you must obtain a Legal Proxy from your bank or broker which will enable you to vote your shares in the correct manner. If you only have your Voting Instruction Form, it will not be sufficient for voting your shares. You must have a Legal Proxy provided by your bank or broker.

    If you are a Registered Holder:

    You can vote by mailing in your proxy card.

    You can vote by calling (866) 239-6856. You will need to have your proxy card and proxy control number accessible to be able to vote.

    You can vote by going on the Internet to Again, you will need your proxy card and proxy control number.

    You can vote by attending the Allied Capital special meeting instead of submitting a proxy. If you chose to attend the Allied Capital special meeting, please bring an identification and proof of your ownership of Allied Capital stock.

How to Revoke or Change Your Vote

        Submitting a proxy does not preclude a stockholder from voting in person at the Allied Capital special meeting. A stockholder may revoke a proxy at any time before it is voted by filing with Allied Capital a duly executed revocation of proxy, by submitting a duly executed proxy to Allied Capital with


a later date, by instructing the proxy solicitor to change their vote either by calling the proxy solicitor or via the Internet pursuant to the instructions shown on the proxy card or by appearing at the Allied Capital special meeting and voting in person. Stockholders may revoke a proxy by any of these methods, regardless of the method used to deliver a stockholder's previous proxy. Attendance at the Allied Capital special meeting without voting will not itself revoke a proxy.

Obtaining Additional Information

        If you would like additional copies, without charge, of this document or the Proxy Statement or if you have questions about the proposals, including the procedures for voting your shares, you should contact Georgeson, which is assisting Allied Capital in the solicitation of proxies, as follows:

199 Water Street, 26th Floor
New York, New York 10038
Banks and Brokers Call (212) 440-9800
All Others Call Toll-Free (866) 695-6072



        For those Ares Capital stockholders entitled to vote at the Ares Capital special meeting, a new proxy card and postage-paid return envelope have been included with this document. There is no need to return the proxy card or grant your proxy authorization by telephone or the Internet if you have already done so; however, if you wish to, you can revoke any proxy you previously submitted, or change your vote, at any time before your proxy is exercised at the Ares Capital special meeting by submitting a later-dated, signed proxy card or a written revocation of your proxy or proxy authorization. Ares Capital has set out below instructions on how to vote or change your vote.


How You Can Vote

    By Proxy: Complete, sign, date and promptly mail the enclosed proxy card in the postage-paid envelope provided;

    By Internet: Please follow the instructions on your enclosed proxy card; or

    By Phone: Please follow the instructions on your enclosed proxy card.

        You may also attend the Ares Capital special meeting and vote in person. If your broker holds your shares, please bring a letter from your broker identifying you as the beneficial owner of the shares and authorizing you to vote your shares at the Ares Capital special meeting.

How to Revoke or Change Your Vote

        Any Ares Capital stockholder "of record" (i.e., you hold shares directly in your name) giving a valid proxy for the Ares Capital special meeting may revoke it before it is exercised by giving a later-dated properly executed proxy, by giving notice of revocation to Ares Capital in writing before or at the Ares Capital special meeting, by instructing the proxy solicitor to change their vote either by calling the proxy solicitor or via the Internet pursuant to the instructions shown on the proxy card or by attending the Ares Capital special meeting and voting in person. However, the mere presence at the Ares Capital special meeting by the stockholder does not revoke the proxy.

Obtaining Additional Information

        If you would like additional copies, without charge, of this document or the Proxy Statement or if you have questions about the proposals, including the procedures for voting your shares, you should contact D. F. King & Co., Inc., which is assisting Ares Capital in the solicitation of proxies, as follows:

D. F. King & Co., Inc.
48 Wall Street, 22nd Floor
New York, New York 10005
Toll-Free: 1-800-967-7635
Call-Collect: 1-212-269-5550



        Statements included in this document and the Proxy Statement may constitute "forward-looking statements," which relate to future events or the future performance or financial condition of Ares Capital or Allied Capital or the combined company following the merger. Ares Capital and Allied Capital caution readers that any forward-looking information is not a guarantee of future performance, condition or results and involves a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results and condition may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements about the benefits of the merger, including, among others, future financial and operating results, plans, objectives, expectations and intentions and other statements that are not historical facts.

        Factors that may affect future results and condition are described in "Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements" in the Proxy Statement and in Ares Capital's and Allied Capital's other filings with the SEC, each of which are available at the SEC's web site or or, respectively. Ares Capital and Allied Capital disclaim any obligation to update and revise statements made herein or in the Proxy Statement based on new information or otherwise.

