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(Mark One)


ACT OF 1934

For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008




For the transition period from                     to                    

Commission file number 1-2376


(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


Delaware   94-0479804

(State or other jurisdiction of

incorporation or organization)


(I.R.S. Employer

Identification No.)

1735 Market Street

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

(Address of principal executive offices)   (Zip Code)

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: 215/299-6000

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:


Title of each class


Name of each exchange

on which registered

Common Stock, $0.10 par value


New York Stock Exchange

Chicago Stock Exchange  

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None















Portions of Proxy Statement for

2009 Annual Meeting of Stockholders

   Part III



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FMC Corporation

2008 Form 10-K Annual Report

Table of Contents


Part 1   
Item 1   


Item 1A   

Risk Factors

Item 1B   

Unresolved Staff Comments

Item 2   


Item 3   

Legal Proceedings

Item 4   

Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

Item 4A   

Executive Officers of the Registrant

Part II   
Item 5   

Market for the Registrant’s Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities

Item 6   

Selected Financial Data

Item 7   

Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

Item 7A   

Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

Item 8   

Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

Item 9   

Changes in Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure

Item 9A   

Controls and Procedures

Item 9B   

Other Information

Part III   
Item 10   

Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance

Item 11   

Executive Compensation

Item 12   

Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters

Item 13   

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, and Director Independence

Item 14   

Principal Accountant Fees and Services

Part IV   
Item 15   

Exhibits and Financial Statement Schedules




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FMC Corporation (FMC) was incorporated in 1928 under Delaware law and has its principal executive offices at 1735 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103. Throughout this Annual Report on Form 10-K, except where otherwise stated or indicated by the context, “FMC”, “We,” “Us,” or “Our” means FMC Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries and their predecessors. Copies of the annual, quarterly and current reports we file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), and any amendments to those reports, are available on our website at www.FMC.com as soon as practicable after we furnish such materials to the SEC.




We are a diversified, global chemical company providing innovative solutions, applications and market leading products to a wide variety of markets. We operate in three distinct business segments: Agricultural Products, Specialty Chemicals and Industrial Chemicals. Our Agricultural Products segment focuses primarily on insecticides and herbicides, which are used in agriculture to enhance crop yield and quality by controlling a broad spectrum of insects and weeds as well as pest control in non-agricultural markets. Specialty Chemicals consists of our BioPolymer and lithium businesses and focuses on food ingredients that are used to enhance texture, structure and physical stability, pharmaceutical additives for binding, encapsulation and disintegrant applications, ultrapure biopolymers for medical devices and lithium specialties for pharmaceutical synthesis, specialty polymers and energy storage. Our Industrial Chemicals segment manufactures a wide range of inorganic materials, including soda ash, hydrogen peroxide, specialty peroxygens and phosphorus chemicals.

The following table shows the principal products produced by our three business segments and their raw materials and uses:






Raw Materials



Agricultural Products








Protection of crops, including cotton, maize, soybeans,

rice, sugarcane, cereals, fruits and vegetables from

insects and for non-agricultural applications including

pest control for home, garden and other specialty









Protection of crops, including cotton, maize, soybeans,

rice, sugarcane, cereals, fruits and vegetables from

weed growth and for non-agricultural applications

including turf and roadsides

Specialty Chemicals





Specialty pulp


Drug dry tablet binder and disintegrant, food





Refined seaweed


Food ingredient for thickening and stabilizing,

encapsulants for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical




Refined seaweed


Food ingredients, pharmaceutical excipient, wound

care, orthopedic uses and industrial uses




Mined lithium


Pharmaceuticals, polymers, batteries, greases and

lubricants, air conditioning and other industrial uses

Industrial Chemicals


Soda Ash


Mined trona ore


Glass, chemicals, detergents






Pulp & paper, chemical processing, detergents,

antimicrobial disinfectants, environmental

applications, electronics, and polymers





Mined phosphate



Detergents, cleaning compounds, animal feed



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We have operations in many areas around the world. With a worldwide manufacturing and distribution infrastructure, we are able to respond rapidly to global customer needs, offset downward economic trends in one region with positive trends in another and better match revenues to local costs to mitigate the impact of currency volatility. The charts below detail our sales and long-lived assets by major geographic region.


Revenues by Region - 2008    Long-lived Assets by Region - 2008
Revenue: $3,115.3 million    Long-lived Assets: $1,317.5 million

Our Strategy

Our corporate strategy is balanced between driving growth and innovation within our Specialty Chemicals and Agricultural Products segments and generating strong cash flow in our Industrial Chemicals segment. Our long-term objectives are as follows:

Realize the operating leverage inherent in our businesses.    We intend to maximize earnings growth and return on capital by maintaining or enhancing our market positions, reducing costs and prudently managing our asset base. In soda ash, we continually strive to optimize our proprietary and low-cost solution mining and longwall mining techniques, thereby reducing our production costs, which we believe are already the lowest in the industry. In Foret, which is part of our Industrial Chemicals segment, we have selectively shut down higher cost production capacity to improve profitability. In Agricultural Products, we completed the shutdown of operations at our Baltimore, Maryland facility as part of our ongoing program to reduce manufacturing costs by producing our products and/or intermediates in lower-cost locations.

Maintain strategic and financial flexibility.    Going forward, we expect continued, sustained growth in our operating profit and resulting cash provided by operating activities. Furthermore, our businesses will meet future expected demand growth through a combination of debottlenecking current production, restarting mothballed capacity and sourcing from third parties.

Focus the portfolio on higher growth businesses.    Our goal is to achieve the highest overall growth while continuing to generate returns above our cost of capital. In this regard, we intend to focus on building upon our core franchises in the food ingredient, pharmaceutical, energy storage, crop protection and non-agricultural pest control markets that exist within the Specialty Chemicals and Agricultural Products segments. Internal development will continue to be a core element of our growth strategy in both of these business segments. Our BioPolymer business is developing new pharmaceutical delivery systems and working closely with top global food companies in the development of new health and convenience foods. Our lithium business is developing applications for energy storage markets to serve the rapid growth in global demand for hand-held electronic devices. Our Agricultural Products business is testing proprietary product differentiating technologies which could improve the biological efficacy and/or the cost competitiveness of existing and new chemistries, thereby potentially enhancing those products’ market acceptance and value to end-users. In addition to internal



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development as discussed above, product or business acquisitions; in-licensing; alliances; and equity ventures are also strategic options we may consider to enhance our technology offerings, broaden our market access and extend our geographic footprint. Each growth opportunity will be evaluated in the context of continued value creation for our shareholders, including the degree to which the opportunity complements one of our existing franchises, generates substantial synergies and is accretive to earnings. Finally, we intend to divest any business that cannot sustain a return above its cost of capital.

Financial Information about Our Business Segments

See Note 19 to our consolidated financial statements included in this Form 10-K. Also see below for selected financial information related to our segments.

Agricultural Products

Financial Information (In Millions)


Agricultural Products:

Revenue and Operating Margin



Agricultural Products:

Capital Expenditures and Depreciation and

Amortization 2004-2008



Our Agricultural Products segment, which represents approximately 34 percent of our 2008 consolidated revenues, develops, manufactures and sells a portfolio of crop protection, professional pest control and lawn and garden products. Our innovation and growth efforts focus on developing environmentally compatible solutions that can effectively increase farmers’ yields and provide cost-effective alternatives to older chemistries to which insects or weeds may have developed resistance. Over the last several years, we restructured and redeployed our R&D resources to focus our innovation efforts towards accelerating the development of new products and productivity-enhancing technologies to our customers. Our goal is to shorten the innovation cycle and provide quicker payback on our investments in innovation.

We differentiate ourselves by our focused strategy in selected products, crops and markets coupled with our low-cost manufacturing strategy. We are continually working to gain access to proprietary chemistries and technologies from third parties which are complementary to our existing products and market focus. We are encouraged by our progress in licensing and partnering to create proprietary products, developing technically-advanced delivery systems and commercializing unique product premixes and combinations. We are optimistic that these efforts will continue to result in sales and profit growth over the next few years.



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Products and Markets


Agricultural Products:

2008 Sales Mix


Agricultural Products:

2008 Revenue by Region


Agricultural Products provides a wide range of proprietary, branded products—based on both patented and off-patent technologies—for global crop protection, professional pest control, and lawn and garden markets. Product branding is a prevalent industry practice used to help maintain and grow market share by promoting end-user recognition and product and supplier reputation. Agricultural Products enjoys relatively strong niche positions in crop and non-crop market segments in the Americas, Europe and other parts of the world and derived approximately 79 percent of its revenue from outside North America in 2008.

Insecticides represent the majority of our sales in the Agricultural Products segment, particularly pyrethroid and carbamate chemistries, in which we maintain leading market positions based on revenues. Our proprietary herbicides have grown significantly over the last several years. Our herbicide portfolio primarily targets niche uses and controls a wide variety of difficult-to-control weeds. We are also selectively evaluating opportunities to enhance our market position in fungicides, so that we can broaden our portfolio across the three major pesticide categories, i.e. insecticides, herbicides and fungicides.

The following table summarizes the principal product chemistries in Agricultural Products and the principal uses of each chemistry:


    Cotton   Corn   Rice   Cereals   Fruits,
  Soybeans   Sugar


  Tobacco   Oil


Home &



  Pyrethroids   permethrin   X   X   X   X   X   X       X       X
    cypermethrin   X   X   X   X   X   X       X       X
    bifenthrin   X   X       X   X   X   X   X   X   X
    zeta-cypermethrin   X   X   X   X   X   X   X       X   X
  Carbamates   carbofuran   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X        
    carbosulfan   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X        
  Other   cadusafos                   X           X        


  carfentrazone-ethyl   X   X   X   X   X   X   X           X
  clomazone   X       X       X   X   X   X   X    
  sulfentrazone                   X   X   X   X       X

Over the last several years, we have entered into a number of key agreements with third-party pesticide producers under which we work together to develop, market and/or distribute existing and new pesticide chemistries in various markets. These proprietary chemistries and technologies are complementary to our



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existing products and market strategies. The chemistries include flonicamid, a unique insecticide for controlling sucking pests, cyazofamid, a novel fungicide for crop and non-crop uses in the Americas, fluthiacet-methyl, a proprietary herbicide for controlling glyphosate-resistant weeds and acetamiprid for pest control markets in North America. We also have numerous supply and access agreements with third-party producers for other pesticide products including the commercialization of proprietary premixes and combinations.

We access the market in key Western European markets through the Belgian-based pesticide distribution company, Belchim Crop Protection N.V., in which we have an ownership interest. We also have joint venture arrangements with Nufarm Limited in several key countries in Eastern Europe, which allows us to capitalize on growth in this part of Europe. In North America, we access the market through several major national and regional distributors and strengthened our access capabilities by signing a long-term distribution agreement with Nufarm to market and sell a number of proprietary chemistries in Canada. In the large agricultural market of Brazil, we access the market in part through independent distributors and in part, we sell directly to large growers through our own skilled sales and marketing organization. Through these and other alliances, along with our own targeted marketing efforts, access to novel technologies and our internal development initiatives, we expect to enhance our access in key agricultural and non-crop markets and develop new products that will help us continue to compete effectively.

We maintain competitive manufacturing cost positions through our strategy of sourcing raw materials, intermediates and finished products from third parties in lower-cost manufacturing countries such as China, India and Mexico. We have been implementing this low-cost manufacturing strategy for more than ten years. This strategy has resulted in significant cost savings and lower capital spending, and has reduced the fixed capital intensity of the business. In May 2008, we completed the next stage of this strategy with the shutdown of operations of our Baltimore, Maryland manufacturing facility. This initiative is expected to produce additional annual cost savings of approximately $25 million to $30 million, which is expected to be fully realized in fiscal year 2009.


We plan to grow by obtaining new and approved uses for existing product lines and acquiring, accessing, developing, marketing, distributing and/or selling complementary chemistries and/or related technologies in order to enhance and expand our product portfolio and our capabilities to effectively service our target markets and customers. Our growth will depend on our ability to deliver unique innovative solutions to our customers. Over the next several years, growth is anticipated from our proprietary insecticides and herbicides, and recently-accessed third party chemistries and/or technologies. For our proprietary insecticides, we launched a number of new products, expanded labels and/or unique formulations that deliver value-adding solutions to our customers. The emergence and spread of herbicide-resistant weeds and shifts in weed populations, coupled with several recently launched product formulations, expanded labels, and premixes, provide growth opportunities for our proprietary herbicide chemistries.

Industry Overview

The three principal categories of agricultural chemicals are herbicides, representing approximately half of global industry revenue, insecticides, representing approximately a quarter of global industry revenue, and fungicides, representing most of the remaining portion of global industry revenue.

Insecticides are used to control a wide range of insects, including chewing pests (such as caterpillars) and sucking pests (such as aphids). Insecticides are applied as sprays, dusts or granules and are used on a wide variety of crops such as fruits, vegetables, cotton, soybean, maize and cereals. There are several major classes of insecticide chemistries, including organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids and neonicotinoids.



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Herbicides prevent or inhibit weed growth, thereby reducing or eliminating the need for manual or mechanical weeding. Herbicides can be selective (controlling only specific unwanted vegetation) or non-selective (controlling all vegetation), and are also segmented by their time of application: pre-planting, pre-emergent and post-emergent.

Fungicides prevent or inhibit the spread of plant disease which can adversely impact crop yields and quality. Fungicides are used on a wide variety of crops such as fruits, vegetables, soybean, cereals and rice.

The agrochemicals industry has undergone significant consolidation over the past ten years. Leading crop protection companies, Syngenta AG, Bayer AG, Monsanto Company, BASF AG, The Dow Chemical Company and E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (DuPont), currently represent approximately 70 percent of the industry’s global sales. Significant drivers for this consolidation have been the growth and grower acceptance of biotechnology employed in row crops, and the escalation of research and development and marketing costs.

The next tier of agrochemical producers, including FMC, Makhteshim-Agan Industries Ltd., Sumitomo Chemical Company Limited, Nufarm Limited, Arysta LifeScience, United Phosphorous and Cheminova A/S, employ various differentiated strategies and compete by (1) unique technologies, (2) focusing on certain crops, markets and geographies, and/or (3) competitive pricing based on low-cost manufacturing positions. Some of these producers are generic competitors with little or no investment in innovation. There is a growing trend among these producers to partner with one another to gain economies of scale and competitive market access more comparable to larger competitors. Additionally, a number of these companies have grown rapidly through acquisitions of other companies and/or product divestitures from the leading crop protection companies.

Specialty Chemicals

Financial Information (In Millions)


Specialty Chemicals:

Revenue and Operating Margin



Specialty Chemicals:

Capital Expenditures and Depreciation and

Amortization 2004-2008



Our Specialty Chemicals segment, which represents 25 percent of our 2008 consolidated revenues, is focused on high-performance food ingredients, pharmaceutical excipients and encapsulants, biomedical technologies and lithium specialty products, all of which enjoy solid customer bases and consistent, growing demand. The majority of Specialty Chemicals sales are to customers in non-cyclical end markets. We believe that our future growth in this segment will continue to be based on the value-added performance capabilities of these products and our research and development capabilities, as well as on the alliances and the close working relationships we have developed with key global customers.



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Products and Markets


Specialty Chemicals:

2008 Sales Mix


Specialty Chemicals:

2008 Revenue by Region



BioPolymer is organized around the food, pharmaceutical and medical device markets, and is a key supplier to many companies in these markets. Many of BioPolymer’s customers in the food and pharmaceutical markets have come to rely on us for the majority of their supply requirements for these product lines. We believe that such reliance is based on our innovative solutions and operational quality. The Health Care Ventures business of BioPolymer is leveraging this competency in innovation by developing new technologies for the pharmaceutical and medical device markets.

BioPolymer is a supplier of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), carrageenan and alginates—ingredients that have high value-added applications in the production of food, pharmaceutical and other specialty consumer and industrial products. MCC, processed from specialty grades of both hardwood pulp and softwood pulp, provides binding and disintegrant properties for dry tablets and capsules and has unique functionality that improves the texture and stability of many food products. Carrageenan and alginates, both processed from seaweed, are used in a wide variety of food, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and biomedical applications. In our Health Care Ventures business we are developing technology platforms within two major segments: Biomedical, which develops and provides ultrapure biopolymers and applications know-how for biomedical devices; and Biopharmaceutical, which provides alginate and carrageenan-based encapsulant technologies for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical uses. The following chart summarizes the markets for BioPolymer’s products and our chemistries in each market:




   Carrageenan    Alginates    Other
Food    Beverage    X    X    X     
   Dairy    X    X    X     
   Convenience foods    X    X    X    X
   Meat and poultry         X          
   Pet food and other    X    X    X     
Pharmaceutical    Tablet binding and coating    X    X    X    X
   Anti-reflux              X     
   Liquid suspension    X    X          
   Oral care         X          
   Cosmetic care    X    X    X    X
Health Care Ventures    Biomedical              X    X
   Oral dose forms         X    X    X



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Lithium is a vertically-integrated technology business, based on both inorganic and organic lithium chemistries. While lithium is sold into a variety of end-markets, we have focused our efforts on selected growth niches such as fine chemicals for pharmaceutical synthesis, specialty polymers and energy storage.

Organolithium products are sold to fine chemical and pharmaceutical customers who use lithium’s unique chemical properties to synthesize high value-added products. Organolithiums are also highly valued in the specialty polymer markets as initiators in the production of synthetic rubbers and elastomers.

The electrochemical properties of lithium make it an ideal material for portable energy storage in high performance applications, including heart pacemakers, cell phones, camcorders, personal computers and next-generation technologies that combine cellular and wireless capabilities into a single device. Lithium is also being developed as the enabling element in advanced batteries for use in hybrid electric, plug-in hybrids and all-electric vehicles.

The following chart summarizes the major markets for various lithium products:







Metal/Ion Battery


   Organometallics    Intermediates

Fine Chemicals


agricultural products

   X         X    X    X


Elastomers, synthetic

rubbers, industrial


             X    X    X

Energy Storage


batteries, lithium ion

batteries (rechargeable)

   X    X    X          


Glass & ceramics,

construction, greases

& lubricants, air


pool water treatment

   X    X               

Industry Overview

Food Ingredients

Our BioPolymer business serves the texture, structure and physical stability (TSPS) food ingredients market. TSPS ingredients impart physical properties to thicken and stabilize foods. There are many types of TSPS ingredients and a wide range of food groups served, including bakery, meats, dairy and convenience products. The industry is dispersed geographically, with the majority of our sales in Europe, North America and Asia.

Trends driving market growth include increasing consumer interest in healthier foods, greater convenience and growth in per capita consumption of processed foods in emerging markets. The trend toward health and convenience drives the need for more functional ingredients to impart desired food tastes and textures. We believe carrageenan and MCC, which address this need, are growing faster than the overall TSPS market. The



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global customer base for TSPS is relatively fragmented and includes large and small food processors. Consolidation among these customers has been a significant trend over the past several years. As a result, TSPS ingredient suppliers such as us have focused on establishing alliances with market leaders with the goal of reducing costs, leveraging technology and expanding product offerings with key accounts.

Within the entire food ingredients market, there are a relatively large number of suppliers, due principally to the broad spectrum of chemistries employed. Segment leadership, global position and investment in technology are key factors to sustaining profitability. In addition, larger suppliers may often provide a broader product line and a range of services to food companies including functional systems or blends. The top suppliers of TSPS ingredients include FMC, Danisco A/S, DuPont, JM Huber, Kerry Ingredients, Cargill Incorporated, DGF Stoess AG, and Tate & Lyle PLC.

Pharmaceutical Chemicals

Our BioPolymer business sells into the formulation chemicals segment of the pharmaceutical market. The major end markets for formulation chemicals include coatings and colors, fillers, binders, sweeteners and flavors, disintegrants and others.

Competitors tend to be grouped by chemistry. Our principal MCC competitors in pharmaceuticals include J. Rettenmaier & Sôhne GmbH, Ming Tai Chemical Co., Ltd., Asahi Kasei Corporation and Blanver Farmoquimica Ltda. While pricing pressure from low cost producers is a common competitive dynamic, companies like us offset that pressure by providing the most reliable and broadest range of products and services. Our customers are pharmaceutical firms who depend upon reliable therapeutic performance of their drug products.

We also supply alginates, MCC and carrageenan into oral care, cosmetics and health care markets. Highly refined extracts from selected seaweeds provide a broad range of alginate functionality, including uses in antireflux disorders, dental impressions, control release of drugs and wound dressings. Special grades of carrageenan extracts are used in liquid cough medicines, toothpaste and a variety of skin care products.


Lithium is a highly versatile metal with diverse end-use markets including glass/ceramics, aluminum production, pharmaceuticals, polymers and both rechargeable and disposable batteries. The markets for lithium chemicals are global with significant demand growth occurring in developing markets of China and India. We market a wide variety of lithium-based products ranging from upstream commodity lithium carbonate to highly specialized downstream products such as organolithium compounds and cathodic materials for batteries.

There are only three key producers of lithium: FMC, Rockwood Holdings, Inc., and Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile S.A., all of which produce lithium carbonate. FMC has a stronger presence in downstream lithium specialties where Rockwood is the primary competitor.



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Industrial Chemicals

Financial Information (In millions)


Industrial Chemicals:

Revenue and Operating Margin



Industrial Chemicals:

Capital Expenditures and Depreciation and

Amortization 2004-2008



Our Industrial Chemicals segment, which represents 41 percent of our 2008 consolidated revenues, has low-cost positions in high volume inorganic chemicals including soda ash and hydrogen peroxide, complemented by high value, niche positions in specialty alkali, phosphorus and peroxygen products.

Products and Markets


Industrial Chemicals:

2008 Sales Mix


Industrial Chemicals:

2008 Revenue by Region Mix


Industrial Chemicals serves a diverse group of markets, from economically-sensitive industrial sectors to technology-intensive specialty markets. We process and sell refined inorganic products that are sought by customers for their critical reactivity or specific functionality in markets such as glass, detergents and pulp and paper. In addition, we produce, purify and market higher value downstream derivatives into specialized and customer-specific applications. These applications include electronics, biocides and animal nutrition.


Our alkali chemical division produces natural soda ash. Soda ash is used by manufacturers in glass, chemical processing and detergent industries. To lesser degrees, we also produce sodium bicarbonate, caustic soda and sodium sesquicarbonate. The majority of our alkali sales are manufactured by and sold through FMC Wyoming Corporation, which we manage as an integral part of our alkali business and in which we own shares representing an 87.5 percent economic interest, with the remaining shares held by two Japanese companies.



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We mine and produce natural soda ash using proprietary, low-cost mining technologies, such as longwall and solution mining, which, we believe, give us the lowest cost position. Our two production sites in Green River, Wyoming have the capacity to produce approximately 4.85 million tons of soda ash annually, with approximately seven hundred thousand tons of this capacity currently mothballed at December 31, 2008. For the past several years, the U.S. soda ash industry was essentially sold out. As a result of this condition, during 2005 and 2006 we restarted 500,000 tons of previously mothballed capacity to meet the increase in demand driven by the growth in export markets. On February 8, 2008 we announced the recommissioning of the remaining mothballed capacity in Green River, Wyoming. Approximately 100,000 tons of this capacity was commissioned prior to the end of 2008. We expect the remaining capacity, approximately 700,000 tons per year, to be fully online by 2012 depending on export demand growth.


We produce hydrogen peroxide at production facilities in the United States, Canada and Mexico, and, as described below, through our wholly-owned Foret subsidiary, in Spain and the Netherlands. We also participate in a joint venture company in Thailand. We sell hydrogen peroxide into the pulp and paper industry, and to a lesser extent, in the chemical processing, environmental, electronics and food industries. We are a leading North American producer of hydrogen peroxide due in part to our broad product line, geographically-advantaged plant locations, state-of-the-art processing technology and superior customer service. Hydrogen peroxide represents approximately 70 percent of our peroxygens sales.

Our specialty peroxygens business supplies persulfate products primarily to polymer and printed circuit board markets and peracetic acid predominantly to the food industry for biocidal applications. Typically, we compete as a specialty player where we believe that we are differentiated by our strong technical expertise, unique process technology, intellectual property and geographic location.


Our European subsidiary, FMC Foret, S.A. (“Foret”), headquartered near Barcelona, Spain, is a leading provider of chemical products to the detergent, paper, textile, mining, and chemical industries. Foret operates six manufacturing facilities across Europe, with market positions in phosphates, hydrogen peroxide, percarbonates, sulfur derivatives, zeolites and silicates. Foret’s sales efforts are focused in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, and in South America mainly via Tripoliven, our Venezuelan joint-venture, in which Foret holds a minority participation.

Industry Overview

We primarily participate in three product areas: soda ash, peroxygens and phosphorus chemicals. These products are generally inorganic and are generally commodities that, in many cases, have few cost-effective substitutes. Growth is typically a function of GDP in developed markets or the rate of industrialization in key export markets. Pricing tends to reflect the supply and demand balance as producers add or reduce capacity in response to demand changes.

Soda Ash

Soda ash is a highly alkaline inorganic chemical essential in the production of glass and widely used in the production of chemicals, soaps and detergents, and many other products. Natural soda ash is typically produced from trona, a natural form of sodium sesquicarbonate, through mining and chemical processing. Soda ash may also be produced synthetically, but this process requires a significant amount of energy and produces large quantities of waste by-products, making it much less cost-effective than natural soda ash production.

Because of the processing cost advantages of trona and the large natural reserves of trona in the U.S., particularly in Green River, Wyoming, all U.S. soda ash is naturally produced. By contrast, due to a lack of trona,



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the majority of the soda ash that is manufactured in the rest of the world is produced synthetically. Other U.S. producers are OCI Chemical Corporation, Solvay S.A., The General Chemical Group Inc., in which a majority stake was acquired by Tata Chemicals Limited, and Searles Valley Minerals, which was acquired by Nirma Limited in November 2007.

Approximately 47 percent of U.S. soda ash production served export markets in 2008, with approximately 35 percent of U.S. soda ash production exported through the American Natural Soda Ash Corporation (“ANSAC”). ANSAC is the foreign sales association of the significant U.S. soda ash producers established in 1983 under the Webb-Pomerene Act and subsequent legislation. Since its creation, ANSAC has been successful in coordinating soda ash exports, exploiting the inherent cost benefits of U.S. produced natural soda ash and leveraging its large scale of operations to the benefit of its member companies. Consequently, U.S. exports of soda ash have risen significantly over the last 25 years.


Hydrogen peroxide is typically sold for use as a bleach or oxidizer. As such, it often competes with other chemicals capable of performing similar functions. Some of our specialty peroxygen derivatives (e.g., persulfates and percarbonates) also function as bleaching or oxidizing agents. Environmental regulations, regional cost differences primarily due to transportation costs, and technical differences in product performance factor into the decision to use hydrogen peroxide or one of its derivatives rather than another product. Since these considerations vary by region, the consumption patterns vary in different parts of the world. Hydrogen peroxide is sold in aqueous solutions, usually 35 percent, 50 percent or 70 percent by weight.

The North American pulp and paper industry represents approximately 70 percent of North American demand for hydrogen peroxide. In this market, hydrogen peroxide is used as an environmentally friendly bleaching agent to brighten chemical, mechanical, and recycled pulps, as well as treat a wide range of mill pollutants in the waste stream. The North American paper market is mature and new investment in pulp and paper capacity is largely focused in Asia and South America. The other North American hydrogen peroxide producers are EKA, a wholly owned subsidiary of Akzo Nobel N.V, Arkema Inc., Evonik Industries, Kemira Ovj, and Solvay S.A.

Phosphorous Chemicals

We participate in this business in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and South America through Foret. Major competitors include Thermphos International BV, Prayon Rupel, S.A. and various Chinese producers. Phosphorous chemicals are used in many industrial applications in a wide array of chemical compounds.

Overall growth in demand for phosphorous chemicals tends to correlate with GDP. Purified phosphoric acid (PPA) and phosphate salts (e.g., sodium phosphates and calcium phosphates) are sold into many markets including detergents, cleaning compounds and animal feed.

The basic input material for making phosphates is now produced using two processes. Most industrial applications use the cost-effective process that involves making PPA by the purification of fertilizer-grade phosphoric acid. Thermal phosphoric acid, long the industry standard, is produced from elemental phosphorus but is more costly due to energy and environmental compliance costs, and is now used in limited applications. Elemental phosphorus is still produced by Thermphos in the Netherlands and in several other countries, including China.

Over the next few years, industrial demand for phosphorous chemicals is expected to grow, driven by growing demand in the detergent industry in newly industrializing nations.



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Source and Availability of Raw Materials

Our raw material requirements vary by business segment and include mineral-related natural resources (trona ore and lithium brines), processed chemicals, seaweed, specialty wood pulps and energy sources such as oil, gas, coal and electricity. Raw materials represented approximately 32 percent of our 2008 costs of sales and services, and no one raw material represented more than 12 percent of our total raw material purchases.

Ores used in Industrial Chemicals’ manufacturing processes are extracted by us from mines (e.g. trona in North America) or are purchased from others (e.g. phosphorous rock). Raw materials used by Specialty Chemicals include lithium brines, various types of seaweed that are sourced on a global basis and specialty pulps which are purchased from selected global producers. Raw materials used by Agricultural Products, primarily processed chemicals, are obtained from a variety of suppliers worldwide.


We own a number of U.S. and foreign patents, trademarks and licenses that are cumulatively important to our business. We do not believe that the loss of any one or group of related patents, trademarks or licenses would have a material adverse effect on the overall business of FMC. The duration of our patents depends on their respective jurisdictions. Their expiration dates range through 2028.


The seasonal nature of the crop protection market and the geographic spread of the Agricultural Products business can result in significant variations in quarterly earnings. Agricultural products sold into the northern hemisphere (North America, Europe and parts of Asia) serve seasonal agricultural markets from March through September, generally resulting in earnings in the first, second and third quarters. Markets in the southern hemisphere (Latin America and parts of the Asia Pacific region, including Australia) are served from July through February, generally resulting in earnings in the third, fourth and first quarters. The remainder of our businesses are generally not subject to significant seasonal fluctuations.


We have a number one or number two market position in many of our product lines, based on revenue, either globally or in North America, largely as a result of our product offerings, proprietary technologies and our position as a low-cost producer. The following product lines accounted for the majority of our 2008 consolidated revenue. Market positions are based on the most recently available revenue data.


Agricultural Products


Specialty Chemicals


Industrial Chemicals

Product Line


Market Position


Product Line


Market Position


Product Line


Market Position

Pyrethroids    #2 in North America   

Microcrystalline cellulose

   #1 globally    Soda ash    #1 in North America
Carbofuran    #1 globally   


   #1 globally    Peroxygens    #1 in North America


   #1 globally      

Lithium specialties

   #1 globally (1)      


(1) Shared.

We encounter substantial competition in each of our three business segments. This competition is expected to continue in both the United States and markets outside of the United States. We market our products through our own sales organization and through alliance partners, independent distributors and sales representatives. The number of our principal competitors varies from segment to segment. In general, we compete by operating in a cost-efficient manner and by leveraging our industry experience to provide advanced technology, high product quality and reliability, and quality customer and technical service.

Our Agricultural Products segment competes primarily in the global chemical crop protection market for insecticides, herbicides and fungicides. The industry is characterized by a relatively small number of large



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competitors and a large number of smaller, often regional competitors. Industry products include crop protection chemicals and, for certain major competitors, genetically engineered (crop biotechnology) products. Competition from generic agrochemical producers has increased as a significant number of product patents held industry-wide have expired in the last decade. In general, we compete as an innovator by focusing on product development, including novel formulations, proprietary mixes, and advanced delivery systems and by acquiring or licensing (mostly) proprietary chemistries or technologies that complement our product and geographic focus. We also differentiate ourselves by our global cost-competitiveness via our manufacturing strategies, establishing effective product stewardship programs and developing strategic alliances that strengthen market access in key countries and regions.

With significant positions in markets that include alginate, carrageenan, microcrystalline cellulose and lithium-based products, Specialty Chemicals competes on the basis of product differentiation, market applications expertise, customer service and price. BioPolymer competes with both direct suppliers of cellulose and seaweed extract as well as suppliers of other hydrocolloids, which may provide similar functionality in specific applications. In microcrystalline cellulose, competitors are typically smaller than us, while in seaweed extracts (alginates), we compete with other broad-based chemical companies. We and each of our two most significant competitors in lithium extract the element from naturally occurring lithium-rich brines located in the Andes Mountains of Argentina and Chile which are believed to be the world’s most significant and lowest cost sources of lithium.

Industrial Chemicals serves the soda ash markets worldwide, the peroxygens markets predominantly in North America and Europe and the phosphorus markets in Europe, the Middle East and Latin America. In North America, our soda ash business competes with four domestic producers of natural soda ash, three of which operate in the vicinity of our mine and processing facilities in Green River, Wyoming. Outside of the U.S, Canada and Europe, we sell soda ash mainly through ANSAC. Internationally, our natural soda ash competes with synthetic soda ash manufactured by numerous producers, ranging from integrated multinational companies to smaller regional companies. We maintain a leading position in the North American market for peroxygens. There are currently five other firms competing in the peroxygens market in North America. The primary competitive factor affecting the sales of soda ash and peroxygens is price. We seek to maintain our competitive position by employing low cost processing technology. At Foret, we possess strong cost and market positions in phosphates, percarbonate, peroxygens, zeolites, silicates, and sulfur derivatives. In each of these markets we face significant competition from a range of multinational and regional chemical producers. Competition in phosphorus chemicals is based primarily on price and to a lesser degree product differentiation.

Research and Development Expense

We perform research and development in all of our segments with the majority of our efforts focused in the Agricultural Products segment. The development efforts in the Agricultural Products segment focus on developing environmentally sound solutions and new product formulations that cost-effectively increase farmers’ yields and provide alternatives to existing and new chemistries. Beginning in 2006, we redeployed our Agricultural Products innovation spending away from the discovery of new chemistry to focus our efforts on delivering value-adding solutions and new product formulations more quickly to our customers. This shift in strategy should result in a shorter innovation cycle for the segment. Our research and development expenses in the last three years are set forth below:


     Year Ended
December 31,
     2008    2007    2006
     (in Millions)

Agricultural Products

   $ 70.6    $ 69.7    $ 74.1

Specialty Chemicals

     14.9      17.0      15.0

Industrial Chemicals

     8.3      7.9      7.8


   $ 93.8    $ 94.6    $ 96.9



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Environmental Laws and Regulations

We are subject to various federal, state, local and foreign environmental laws and regulations that govern emissions of air pollutants, discharges of water pollutants, and the manufacture, storage, handling and disposal of hazardous substances, hazardous wastes and other toxic materials and remediation of contaminated sites. We are also subject to liabilities arising under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and similar state laws that impose responsibility on persons who arranged for the disposal of hazardous substances, and on current and previous owners and operators of a facility for the clean-up of hazardous substances released from the facility into the environment. In addition, we are subject to liabilities under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and analogous state laws that require owners and operators of facilities that treat, store or dispose of hazardous waste to follow certain waste management practices and to clean up releases of hazardous substances into the environment associated with past or present practices.

We have been named a Potentially Responsible Party (PRP) at 31 sites on the federal government’s National Priorities List (NPL) at which our potential liability has not yet been settled. In addition, we also have received notice from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or other regulatory agencies that we may be a PRP or PRP equivalent, at other sites, including 39 sites at which we have determined that it is reasonably possible that we have environmental liability. In cooperation with appropriate government agencies, we are currently participating in, or have participated in, a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) or its equivalent at most of the identified sites, with the status of each investigation varying from site to site. At certain sites, a RI/FS has only recently begun, providing limited information, if any, relating to cost estimates, timing, or the involvement of other PRPs; whereas, at other sites, the studies are complete, remedial action plans have been chosen, or a Record of Decision (ROD) has been issued.

Environmental liabilities include obligations relating to waste handling and the remediation and/or study of sites at which we are alleged to have released or disposed of hazardous substances. These sites include current operations, previously operated sites, and sites associated with discontinued operations. We have provided reserves for potential environmental obligations that we consider probable and for which a reasonable estimate of the obligation can be made. As of December 31, 2008, our net environmental reserve was $172.7 million compared to $169.8 million at December 31, 2007. We have recorded recoveries, representing probable realization of claims against insurance companies, U.S. government agencies and other third parties of $47.7 million and $35.4 million, respectively at December 31, 2008 and 2007. The recoveries at December 31, 2008 are recorded as either an offset to the “Environmental liabilities, continuing and discontinued” totaling $21.5 million or as “Other Assets” totaling $26.2 million in our consolidated balance sheets. The recoveries at December 31, 2007 are recorded as either an offset to the “Environmental liabilities, continuing and discontinued” totaling $18.8 million or as “Other Assets” totaling $16.6 million in our consolidated balance sheets. In addition, we have estimated that reasonably possible environmental loss contingencies may exceed amounts accrued by approximately $80 million at December 31, 2008.


We employ approximately 5,000 people, with approximately 2,500 people in our domestic operations and 2,500 people in our foreign operations. Approximately 33 percent of our U.S.-based employees and 38 percent of our foreign-based employees are represented by collective bargaining agreements. We have successfully concluded virtually all of our recent contract negotiations without a work stoppage. In those rare instances where a work stoppage has occurred, there has been no material effect on consolidated sales and earnings. We cannot predict, however, the outcome of future contract negotiations. In 2009, we have six collective-bargaining agreements expiring. These contracts affect approximately 26 percent of foreign-based employees and have no impact on U.S.-based employees.



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Securities and Exchange Commission Filings

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings are available free of charge on our website, www.fmc.com. Our annual reports on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, current reports on Form 8-K and amendments to those reports are posted as soon as practicable after we furnish such materials to the SEC.

In accordance with the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) rules, on May 15, 2008, the Company filed our certification by our Chief Executive Officer (CEO) that, as of the date of the certification, he was unaware of any violation by FMC of the NYSE’s corporate governance listing standards. We also file with each Form 10-Q and our Form 10-K certifications by the CEO and Chief Financial Officer under sections 302 and 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.



Among the factors that could have an impact on our ability to achieve operating results and meet our other goals are:

Worldwide Recession and Disruption of Financial Markets:



The recent worldwide financial and credit market disruptions have reduced the availability of liquidity and credit generally necessary to fund a continuation and expansion of global economic activity. The shortage of liquidity and credit combined with recent substantial losses in equity markets has led to a worldwide economic recession that could become prolonged. The general slowdown in economic activity caused by an extended recession could adversely affect our business. A continuation or worsening of the current difficult financial and economic conditions could adversely affect our customers’ ability to meet the terms of sale or our suppliers’ ability to fully perform their commitments to us.

Industry Risks:

Pricing and volumes in our markets are sensitive to a number of industry specific and global issues and events including:



Capacity utilization—Our businesses are sensitive to industry capacity utilization, particularly in our Industrial Chemicals business. As a result, pricing tends to fluctuate when capacity utilization changes occur within our industry.



Competition—All of our segments face competition, which could affect our ability to raise prices or successfully enter certain markets or retain our market position. Additionally, in Agricultural Products, competition from genetically modified products (GMO) as well as generic producers has increased. Generics are driven by the number of significant product patents that have expired in the last decade.



Changes in our customer base—Our customer base has the potential to change, especially when long-term supply contracts are renegotiated. Our Industrial Chemicals and Specialty Chemicals businesses are most sensitive to this risk.



Climatic conditions—Our Agricultural Products markets are affected by climatic conditions, which could adversely impact crop pricing and pest infestations. The nature of these events makes them difficult to predict.



Changing regulatory environment—Changes in the regulatory environment, particularly in the United States and the European Union, could adversely impact our ability to continue selling certain products in our domestic and foreign markets. Our Agricultural Products business is most sensitive to this general regulatory risk. In the European Union, the regulatory risk specifically includes the new chemicals regulation known as REACH (Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals), which will affect each of our business segments to varying degrees. The fundamental principle behind this regulation is that manufacturers must verify that their chemicals can be marketed safely through a special registration system.



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Climate change regulation—Changes in the regulation of greenhouse gases, depending on their nature and scope, could subject our manufacturing operations, particularly certain Industrial Chemicals operations in the United States, to additional costs or limits on operations.



Raw materials and energy costs—Our operating results are significantly affected by the cost of raw materials and energy, including natural gas. We may not be able to fully offset the impact of higher raw materials and energy costs through price increases or productivity improvements.



Supply arrangements and production hazards—Certain raw materials are critical to our production process, especially in our Agricultural Products and Specialty Chemicals segments. While we have made supply arrangements to meet planned operating requirements, an inability to obtain the critical raw materials or execute under the contract manufacturing arrangements would adversely impact our ability to produce certain products. We increasingly source critical intermediates and finished products from a number of suppliers, especially in Agricultural Products. An inability to obtain these products or execute under the contract sourcing arrangements would adversely impact our ability to sell products. Our facilities and those of our key contract manufacturers are subject to operating hazards, which may disrupt our business.



Economic and political change—Our business could be adversely affected by economic and political changes in the markets where we compete including: war, terrorism, civil unrest, inflation rates, recessions, trade restrictions, foreign ownership restrictions and economic embargoes imposed by the United States or any of the foreign countries in which we do business; change in governmental laws and regulations and the level of enforcement of these laws and regulations; other governmental actions; and other external factors over which we have no control.



Market access risk—Our results may be affected by changes in distribution channels, which could impact our ability to access the market. In certain Agricultural Products segments, we access the market through joint ventures in which we do not have majority control. Where we do not have a strong product portfolio or market access relationships, we may be vulnerable to changes in the distribution model or influence of competitors with stronger product portfolios.



Litigation and environmental risks—Current reserves relating to our ongoing litigation and environmental liabilities may ultimately prove to be inadequate.



Hazardous materials—We manufacture and transport certain materials that are inherently hazardous due to their toxic or volatile nature. While we take precautions to handle and transport these materials in a safe manner, if they are mishandled or released into the environment they could cause property damage or personal injury claims against us.

Technology Risks:



Failure to make continued improvements in our product technology and new product introductions could impede our competitive position, particularly in Agricultural Products and Specialty Chemicals.



Failure to continue to make process improvements to reduce costs could impede our competitive position.

Financial Risks:



We are an international company and therefore face foreign exchange rate risks. We are particularly sensitive to the euro, the Chinese yuan, and the Brazilian real. To a lesser extent, we are sensitive to other Asian currencies, particularly the Japanese yen.



In Brazil, our customers face a combination of economic factors that could result in cash flow pressures that lead to slower payments.



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We have significant deferred income tax assets. The carrying value of these assets is dependent upon, among other things, our future performance and our ability to successfully implement our future business plans.



We have significant investments in long-lived assets and continually review the carrying value of these assets for recoverability in light of changing market conditions and alternative product sourcing opportunities.



Our results incorporate the financial performance of our equity affiliates. As such, our influence, though significant, is exercised in concert with our partners; accordingly, the performance of these investments is not under our control.



Obligations related to our pension and postretirement plans reflect certain assumptions. To the extent our plans’ actual experience differs from these assumptions, our costs and funding obligations could increase or decrease significantly.






FMC leases executive offices in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and operates 35 manufacturing facilities and mines in 19 countries. Our major research and development facility is in Princeton, New Jersey. See Notes 6 and 8 to our consolidated financial statements included in this Form 10-K for further information on the Princeton facility.

Trona ore, used for soda ash production in Green River, Wyoming, is mined primarily from property held under long-term leases. We own the mineral rights to the Salar del Hombre Muerto lithium reserves in Argentina. A number of our chemical plants require the basic raw materials that are provided by these mines, without which other sources would have to be obtained. With regard to our mining properties operated under long-term leases, no single lease or related group of leases is material to our businesses or to our company as a whole.

We believe our facilities meet present requirements and are in good operating condition. The number and location of our owned or leased production properties for continuing operations are:



Agricultural Products

   2    1    —      3    6

Specialty Chemicals

   3    2    7    6    18

Industrial Chemicals

   3    2    6    —      11


   8    5    13    9    35



Like hundreds of other industrial companies, we have been named as one of many defendants in asbestos-related personal injury litigation. These cases (most cases involve between 25 and 200 defendants) allege personal injury or death resulting from exposure to asbestos in premises of FMC or to asbestos-containing components installed in machinery or equipment manufactured or sold by discontinued operations. The machinery and equipment businesses we owned or operated did not fabricate the asbestos-containing component parts at issue in the litigation, and to this day, neither the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration nor the EPA has banned the use of these components. Further, the asbestos-containing parts for this machinery and equipment were accessible only at the time of infrequent repair and maintenance. Therefore, we believe that,



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overall, the claims against FMC are without merit. Indeed, the bulk of the claims against us to date have been dismissed without payment.

As of December 31, 2008, there were approximately 29,000 premises and product asbestos claims pending against FMC in several jurisdictions. To date, we have had discharged approximately 77,000 asbestos claims against FMC, the overwhelming majority of which have been dismissed without any payment to the plaintiff. Settlements by us with claimants to date have totaled approximately $20.3 million.

We intend to continue managing these cases in accordance with our historical experience. We have established a reserve for this litigation and believe that the outcome of these cases will not have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position, results of operations or liquidity.

In late June 2004, we were served in a lawsuit captioned “Lewis et al v FMC Corporation” which was filed in United States District Court for the Western District of New York. The suit was brought by thirteen residents of Middleport, New York who allege that we violated certain state and federal environmental laws and seeks injunctive relief and monetary damages for personal injuries and property damage in connection with such alleged violations. We believe this suit is without merit.

We have certain other contingent liabilities arising from litigation, claims, performance guarantees and other commitments incident to the ordinary course of business. Based on information currently available and established reserves, the ultimate resolution of our known contingencies, including the matters described in Note 18 to the consolidated financial statements in this Form 10-K, is not expected to have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position or liquidity. However, there can be no assurance that the outcome of these contingencies will be favorable, and adverse results in certain of these contingencies could have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position, results of operations or liquidity.

See Note 1 “Principal Accounting Policies and Related Financial Information—Environmental Obligations,” Note 12 “Environmental” and Note 18 “Commitments, Guarantees and Contingent Liabilities” in the notes to our consolidated financial statements beginning on page 58, page 81 and page 98, respectively, included in this Form 10-K, the content of which are incorporated by reference to this Item 3.



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The executive officers of FMC Corporation, the offices currently held by them, their business experience since at least January 1, 1999 and earlier and their ages as of December 31, 2008, are as follows:




Age on



Office, year of election and other

William G. Walter


Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President (01-present); Executive Vice President (00); Vice President and General Manager—Specialty Chemicals Group (97); General Manager—Alkali Chemicals Division (92); General Manager, Defense Systems International (86); Board member, International Paper Company (05-present)

W. Kim Foster


Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (01-present); Vice President and General Manager—Agricultural Products Group (98); Director, International, Agricultural Products Group (96); General Manager, Airport Products and Systems Division (91); Board member, Hexcel Corporation (May 2007—present)

Andrea E. Utecht


Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary (01-present); Senior Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel, Atofina Chemicals, Inc. (96)

Theodore H. Butz


Vice President and General Manager—Specialty Chemicals Group (03-present); General Manager, BioPolymer Division (99); General Manager, Food Ingredients Division (96); Director BioProducts and Group Development, Specialty Chemicals (95)

Milton Steele


Vice President and General Manager Agricultural Products Group (01-present); International Director, Agricultural Products (99); General Manager Bio Product Division (98); General Manager, Asia Pacific (96); Area Manager, Asia Pacific (92)

D. Michael Wilson


Vice President and General Manager—Industrial Chemicals Group (03-present); General Manager Lithium Division (97); Vice President and General Manager, Technical Specialty Papers Division, Wausau Paper Corporation (96); Vice President Sales and Marketing, Rexam, Inc. (93)

Thomas C. Deas, Jr.


Vice President and Treasurer (01-present); Vice President, Treasurer and CFO, Applied Tech Products Corp. (98); Vice President, Treasurer and CFO, Airgas, Inc. (97); Vice President, Treasurer and CFO, Maritrans, Inc. (96); Vice President—Treasury and Assistant Treasurer, Scott Paper Company (88)

Graham R. Wood


Vice President, Corporate Controller (01-Present); Group Controller—Agricultural Products Group (99); Chief Financial Officer—European Region (97); Group Controller—FMC Foodtech (93)

No family relationships exist among any of the above-listed officers, and there are no arrangements or understandings between any of the above-listed officers and any other person pursuant to which they serve as an officer. All officers are elected to hold office for one year or until their successors are elected and qualified.



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FMC common stock of $0.10 par value is traded on the New York Stock Exchange and the Chicago Stock Exchange (Symbol: FMC). There were 4,844 registered common stockholders as of December 31, 2008. Presented below are the 2008 and 2007 quarterly summaries of the high and low prices of the company’s common stock. In April 2008, the Board of Directors approved a quarterly cash dividend of $0.125 per share. This represents an increase of $0.02 above our previous rate of $0.105 per share and dividends at this rate were paid in July and October 2008 and January 2009. Total cash dividends of $34.4 million, $29.7 million and $21.0 million were paid in 2008, 2007 and 2006, respectively. The following table sets forth, for the indicated periods, the high and low price ranges of our common stock.


     2008        2007

Common stock prices:



   $ 59.86    $ 80.23    $ 77.82    $ 51.71      $ 39.73    $ 44.96    $ 52.45    $ 59.00


   $ 46.36    $ 54.73    $ 49.19    $ 28.53      $ 35.63    $ 36.47    $ 41.56    $ 50.77

FMC’s annual meeting of stockholders will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 28, 2009, at Top of the Tower, 1717 Arch Street, 50th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Notice of the meeting, together with proxy materials, will be mailed approximately 30 days prior to the meeting to stockholders of record as of March 3, 2009.


Transfer Agent and Registrar of Stock:

  National City Bank
  Corporate Trust Operations
  P.O. Box 92301
  Cleveland, Ohio 44193-0900



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Stockholder Return Performance Presentation

The graph that follows shall not be deemed to be incorporated by reference into any filing made by FMC under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

The following Stockholder Performance Graph compares the five-year cumulative total return on FMC’s Common Stock for the period from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2008 with the S&P Midcap 400 Index and the S&P 400 Chemicals Index. The comparison assumes $100 was invested on December 31, 2003 in FMC’s Common Stock and in both of the indices, and the reinvestment of all dividends.



     2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008

FMC Corp

   100.00    141.52    155.79    224.28    319.65    262.11

S&P 400 Midcap Index

   100.00    115.16    128.14    139.66    149.00    93.45

S&P 400 Chemicals Index

   100.00    128.14    122.99    141.81    177.13    109.40



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For the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2008, we made the following share repurchases:





Total Number

of Shares





Per Share


Total Number of



As Part of





Total Dollars


under the




Dollar Value of

Shares that

May Yet be


Under the


Total 1Q 2008

   587,724    $ 53.88    557,664    $ 29,999,938    $ 130,000,133

Total 2Q 2008

   401,153    $ 75.01    399,915    $ 29,999,939    $ 100,000,194

Total 3Q 2008

   990,859    $ 65.67    989,941    $ 64,998,800    $ 35,001,394

October 1-31, 2008

   713,762    $ 38.15    710,100    $ 27,091,630    $ 257,909,764

November 1-30, 2008

   731,400    $ 38.92    731,400    $ 28,467,197    $ 229,442,567

December 1-31, 2008

   115,092    $ 40.34    114,894    $ 4,634,258    $ 224,808,309

Total 4Q 2008

   1,560,254    $ 38.67    1,556,394    $ 60,193,085    $ 224,808,309

Total 2008

   3,539,990    $ 52.87    3,503,914    $ 185,191,762    $ 224,808,309

In April 2007, the Board of Directors authorized the repurchase of up to $250 million of our common stock. In October 2008, the Board authorized the repurchase of up to an additional $250 million of our common stock. Although the repurchase program does not include a specific timetable or price targets and may be suspended or terminated at any time, we expect that the program will be accomplished over a two-year period. Shares may be purchased through open market or privately negotiated transactions at the discretion of management based on its evaluation of market conditions and other factors. We also reacquire shares from time to time in connection with the vesting and exercise of awards under our equity compensation plans. During the twelve months ended December 31, 2008, we repurchased 3,503,914 of our shares at an aggregate cost of $185.2 million under the publicly announced repurchase program.



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The selected consolidated financial and other data presented below for, and as of the end of, each of the years in the five-year period ended December 31, 2008, are derived from our consolidated financial statements. The selected consolidated financial data should be read in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2008.


     Year Ended December 31,  
     2008     2007     2006     2005      2004  
     (in Millions, except per share data and ratios)  

Income Statement Data:



   $ 3,115.3     $ 2,632.9     $ 2,345.9     $ 2,146.0      $ 2,055.6  

Income from continuing operations before equity in (earnings) loss of affiliates, investment gains, minority interests, interest income and expense, loss on extinguishment of debt, income taxes and cumulative effect of change in accounting principle

     500.7       228.0       250.8       235.3        229.7  

Income from continuing operations before income taxes and cumulative effect of change in accounting principle

     454.9       185.7       212.4       189.1        135.5  

Income from continuing operations before cumulative effect of change in accounting principle

     329.5       156.7       144.1       108.4        178.3  

Discontinued operations, net of income taxes (1)

     (24.9 )     (24.3 )     (12.8 )     6.1        (15.4 )

Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle, net of income taxes (2)

     —         —         —         (0.5 )      —    

Net income

   $ 304.6     $ 132.4     $ 131.3     $ 114.0      $ 162.9  

Basic earnings (loss) per common share:


Continuing operations

   $ 4.47     $ 2.08     $ 1.88     $ 1.44      $ 2.46  

Discontinued operations

     (0.34 )     (0.32 )     (0.17 )     0.08        (0.21 )

Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle

     —         —         —         (0.01 )      —    

Net earnings per common share

   $ 4.13     $ 1.76     $ 1.71     $ 1.51      $ 2.25  

Diluted earnings (loss) per common share:


Continuing operations

   $ 4.35     $ 2.02     $ 1.82     $ 1.38      $ 2.39  

Discontinued operations

     (0.33 )     (0.31 )     (0.16 )     0.08        (0.21 )

Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle

     —         —         —         (0.01 )      —    

Net earnings per common share

   $ 4.02     $ 1.71     $ 1.66     $ 1.45      $ 2.18  

Balance Sheet Data:


Total assets

   $ 2,993.9     $ 2,733.4     $ 2,740.7     $ 2,745.3      $ 2,982.1  

Long-term debt

   $ 595.0     $ 497.3     $ 576.0     $ 640.7      $ 893.0  

Other Data:


Ratio of earnings to fixed charges (3)

     11.6x       5.1x       5.3x       2.5x        2.4x  

Cash dividends declared per share

   $ 0.480     $ 0.405     $ 0.360     $ —        $ —    



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(1) Discontinued operations, net of income taxes includes the following items related to our discontinued businesses: gains and losses related to adjustments to our estimates of our liabilities for general liability, workers’ compensation, tax liabilities, postretirement benefit obligations, legal defense, property maintenance and other costs, losses for the settlement of litigation and environmental reserves and gains related to property sales.
(2) On December 31, 2005, we adopted FASB Interpretation No. 47 “Accounting for Conditional Asset Retirement Obligations”. The cumulative effect of adoption was an after-tax charge of $0.5 million.
(3) In calculating this ratio, earnings consist of income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes and cumulative effect of change in accounting principle plus minority interests, interest income and expense, amortization expense related to debt discounts, fees and expenses, amortization of capitalized interest, interest included in rental expenses (assumed to be one third of rent) and equity in (earnings) loss of affiliates. Fixed charges consists of interest expense, net, amortization of debt discounts, fees and expenses, interest capitalized as part of fixed assets and interest included in rental expenses.


Statement under the Safe Harbor Provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: We and our representatives may from time to time make written or oral statements that are “forward-looking” and provide other than historical information, including statements contained in Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations within, in our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or in reports to our stockholders.

In some cases, we have identified forward-looking statements by such words or phrases as “will likely result,” “is confident that,” “expect,” “expects,” “should,” “could,” “may,” “will continue to,” “believe,” “believes,” “anticipates,” “predicts,” “forecasts,” “estimates,” “projects,” “potential,” “intends” or similar expressions identifying “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including the negative of those words and phrases. Such forward-looking statements are based on our current views and assumptions regarding future events, future business conditions and the outlook for the company based on currently available information. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to be materially different from any results, levels of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by any forward-looking statement. These factors include, among other things, the risk factors listed in Item 1A of this Form 10-K. We wish to caution readers not to place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made.



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We are a diversified, global chemical company providing innovative solutions, applications and market leading products to a wide variety of markets. We operate in three distinct business segments: Agricultural Products, Specialty Chemicals and Industrial Chemicals. Our Agricultural Products segment primarily focuses on insecticides and herbicides, which are used in agriculture to enhance crop yield and quality by controlling a broad spectrum of insects and weeds as well as pest control in non-agricultural markets. Specialty Chemicals consists of our BioPolymer and lithium businesses and focuses on food ingredients that are used to enhance texture, structure and physical stability, pharmaceutical additives for binding, encapsulation and disintegrant applications, ultrapure biopolymers for medical devices and lithium specialties for pharmaceutical synthesis, specialty polymers and energy storage. Our Industrial Chemicals segment manufactures a wide range of inorganic materials, including soda ash, hydrogen peroxide, specialty peroxygens and phosphorus chemicals.

2008 Highlights

2008 was a year in which we experienced continued sales and earnings growth in all of our business segments. Consolidated revenue of $3,115.3 million was up 18 percent from the prior year. Agricultural Products, Specialty Chemicals and Industrial Chemicals had revenue increases of 19 percent, 16 percent and 19 percent, respectively and had segment operating profit increases of 18 percent, 7 percent and 118 percent, respectively compared to the prior year period. We continue to be impacted by increases to raw material costs across all of our businesses and, to a lesser extent, higher energy costs.

Our segment results for the year ended December 31, 2008 were driven by the following:



Agricultural Products’ segment operating profits increased significantly, driven by higher sales in all regions and across all product lines as well as continued global supply chain productivity improvements, which more than offset higher raw material and distribution costs.



Specialty Chemicals segment operating profits were driven by strong commercial performance in BioPolymer, the inclusion of the ISP acquisition and volume growth in lithium, partially offset by increases in raw material and energy costs and higher export taxes.



Industrial Chemicals segment operating profits increased significantly as a result of higher selling prices across the segment, particularly in soda ash and phosphates, coupled with improved power market conditions in Spain, where Foret operates electricity cogeneration facilities and sells excess electricity into the Spanish electrical grid. These increases more than offset higher raw material costs.

Included in our net income were various restructuring and other income and charges. There was a significant decrease in restructuring and other income and charges for the year ended December 31, 2008 compared to the prior period as a result of the gains on the Princeton and Foret asset sales described below, and reduced charges related to the phase out of operations at our Baltimore, Maryland agricultural chemicals facility. The Baltimore facility, which was part of our Agricultural Products segment, was closed in the second quarter of 2008. The announcement to phase out the facility was made in the second quarter of 2007.

On March 18, 2008, we completed the sale of our 158-acre Princeton research center to the Princeton HealthCare System. Gross proceeds from the sale were $62.5 million and net proceeds after offsets, commissions and fees totaled approximately $60 million. The gain on the sale was $29.0 million which is included in “Restructuring and other charges (income)” in the consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2008.



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In February 2008, we completed the sale of Foret’s sodium sulfate assets. Foret is part of our Industrial Chemicals segment. We recognized a gain on the sale of these assets of $3.6 million which is included in “Restructuring and other charges (income)” in the consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2008. Net proceeds from the transaction were $16.7 million.

In August 2008, we acquired the hydrocolloids ingredients business of International Specialty Products (ISP). This acquisition is intended to strengthen our position in hydrocolloids and enhance service to the global customers in food, pharmaceutical and specialty industries. Under the agreement, we acquired ISP’s alginates and food blends business (other than ISP’s Germinal blending business based in Brazil), including ISP’s Girvan, Scotland, manufacturing facility and employees. The results of operations of the ISP business are included in the Specialty Chemicals segment beginning on the acquisition date of August 18, 2008.

In September 2008, we acquired shares and assets comprising the food ingredients business of the Co-Living Group. The acquisition is intended to enhance our position in supplying specialty hydrocolloid products and services to the rapidly growing food ingredient market in China. The results of operations of the CoLiving business are included in the Specialty Chemicals segment beginning on the acquisition date of September 27, 2008.

2009 Outlook

In 2009, despite the challenging global economic conditions, we expect continued growth in our revenue and earnings. The increase in revenue is expected to be driven by higher volumes and selling prices across most regions in our Agricultural Products segment, strong commercial performance in BioPolymer and the full year inclusion of the ISP and CoLiving acquisitions in our Specialty Chemicals segment, as well as higher selling prices in our Industrial Chemicals segment. These revenue increases are expected to be partially offset by lower volumes and unfavorable currency translation in our Industrial Chemicals segment.

The increase in earnings is expected to be driven by higher sales and continued global supply chain productivity initiatives in our Agricultural Products segment, higher sales in our Specialty Chemicals segment and higher prices in our Industrial Chemicals segment. Our earnings growth is expected to be offset by higher raw material and energy costs in our Specialty Chemicals segment, increased spending on growth initiatives in our Agricultural Products segment, lower volumes and higher raw material and other input costs in our Industrial Chemicals segment, and higher pension expenses. We expect cash flow generation from our business segments to remain strong.



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Results of Operations—2008, 2007 and 2006


The following presents a reconciliation of our segment operating profit to net income as seen through the eyes of our management. For management purposes, we report the operating performance of each of our business segments based on earnings before interest and income taxes excluding corporate expenses, other income (expense), net and corporate special income/(charges).


      Year Ended December 31,  
     2008     2007     2006  
     (in Millions)  



Agricultural Products

   $ 1,058.7     $ 889.7     $ 765.9  

Specialty Chemicals

     764.5       659.5       592.8  

Industrial Chemicals

     1,296.9       1,087.1       990.9  


     (4.8 )     (3.4 )     (3.7 )


   $ 3,115.3     $ 2,632.9     $ 2,345.9  

Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes


Agricultural Products

   $ 245.2     $ 207.0     $ 149.9  

Specialty Chemicals

     152.0       142.7       118.8  

Industrial Chemicals

     201.4       92.5       96.7  


     (0.1 )     —         (0.1 )

Segment operating profit

     598.5       442.2       365.3  


     (49.8 )     (52.3 )     (46.2 )

Other income (expense), net

     (8.6 )     (12.0 )     3.0  

Interest expense, net

     (31.9 )     (34.9 )     (32.9 )

Corporate special income (charges):


Restructuring and other income (charges)

     (49.6 )     (164.9 )     (76.8 )

Impairment of Perorsa joint venture

     (1.4 )     —         —    

LIFO inventory correction adjustment

     —         6.1       —    

Purchase accounting inventory fair value impact

     (2.3 )     —         —    

Gain from Astaris joint venture

     —         0.4       —    

Minority interest associated with restructuring and other income

     —         1.4       —    

Loss on extinguishment of debt

     —         (0.3 )     —    

Income from continuing operations before income taxes

     454.9       185.7       212.4  

Provision for income taxes

     125.4       29.0       68.3  

Income from continuing operations

     329.5       156.7       144.1  

Discontinued operations, net of income taxes

     (24.9 )     (24.3 )     (12.8 )

Net income

     304.6       132.4       131.3  

The below chart, which is provided to assist readers of our financial statements, depicts certain after-tax charges (gains). These items are excluded by us in the measures we use to evaluate business performance and determine certain performance-based compensation. These items are discussed in detail within the “Other results of operations” section that follows.


      Year Ended December 31,
     2008     2007     2006
     (in Millions)

Net income includes the following after-tax charges (gains):


Corporate special charges (income)

   30.3     98.2     59.1

Loss on extinguishment of debt

   —       (0.2 )   —  

Discontinued operations

   24.9     24.3     12.8

Tax adjustments

   (8.7 )   (15.4 )   12.5



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Year Ended December 31, 2008 compared to December 31, 2007

In the following discussion, “year” refers to the year ended December 31, 2008 and “prior year” refers to the year ended December 31, 2007. Additionally, in the discussion below, please refer to our chart on page 30 under “Overview”. All comparisons are between the periods unless otherwise noted.

Segment Results

For management purposes, segment operating profit is defined as segment revenue less operating expenses (segment operating expenses consist of costs of sales and services, selling, general and administrative expenses and research and development expenses). We have excluded the following items from segment operating profit: corporate staff expense, interest income and expense associated with corporate debt facilities and investments, income taxes, gains (or losses) on divestitures on businesses, restructuring and other charges, investment gains and losses, loss on extinguishment of debt, asset impairments, LIFO inventory adjustments, amortization of inventory step-up from business acquisitions, and other income and expense items.

Information about how each of these items relates to our businesses at the segment level and results by segment are discussed below and in Note 19 to our consolidated financial statements included in this Form 10-K.

Agricultural Products


     Year Ended
December 31,
     2008    2007    $    %  
     (in Millions)  


   $ 1,058.7    $ 889.7    $ 169.0    19 %

Operating Profit

     245.2      207.0      38.2    18  

Revenue of $1,058.7 million increased 19 percent versus the prior year period. North America revenues grew by nine percent, Europe, Middle East and Africa by 33 percent, Asia by 12 percent and Latin America by 22 percent. Revenue benefited from favorable global agrochemical market conditions, increased planted acres in key crops, new product introductions and selective price increases to offset higher input costs.

Segment operating profit of $245.2 million was 18 percent higher than the prior year. The earnings from the higher revenue coupled with supply chain productivity improvements from the shutdown of the Baltimore manufacturing facility were partially offset by higher raw materials costs which had an unfavorable period over period impact on operating profit by $35.5 million. To a lesser extent, higher selling costs to support the higher revenues also impacted operating profit in 2008.

In 2009, full-year revenue growth in the mid-single digits is expected, driven by higher volumes and selling prices across most regions partially offset by unfavorable currency impacts. Full-year segment operating profit is expected to increase approximately 5—10 percent, as higher sales and continued global supply chain productivity initiatives are partially offset by spending on growth initiatives.

In our Agricultural Products segment, several products are undergoing re-registration in the U.S. and/or a comparable regulatory review by EU governmental authorities. In August 2006, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued its “Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision” (“IRED”) for our carbofuran insecticide. The IRED proposes cancellation of all carbofuran uses in the United States, subject to a phase out period for certain minor crop uses while maintaining tolerances for imported commodities (bananas, coffee, rice and sugarcane). The EPA reiterated its proposal in January 2008 with the issuance of a draft Notice of Intent to Cancel. In February 2008, the EPA convened a Scientific Advisory Panel meeting to evaluate scientific issues relevant to the draft Notice of Intent to Cancel carbofuran. At this meeting, the EPA and FMC presented their views on the relevant scientific assessments of carbofuran. Separately, the US Department of Agriculture issued



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its comments on the draft cancellation notice, stating that carbofuran should continue to be registered. On July 24, 2008, the EPA published a proposal to revoke all carbofuran tolerances under the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act in advance of any issuance of a final Notice of Intent to Cancel under the federal pesticide law. We have responded to that notice, expressing our strong disagreement with the EPA’s proposal to revoke tolerances and our belief that carbofuran residues on food do not pose a threat to human health. If the EPA chooses to revoke tolerances or issue a final Notice of Intent to Cancel which continues to eliminate all carbofuran uses, FMC plans to challenge such decision by requesting review by an administrative law judge. Meanwhile, FMC can continue to sell carbofuran in the United States at this time. Should the EPA issue a final decision to revoke tolerances, the EPA will also decide on when the revocation will take effect. If tolerances are revoked immediately and we cannot obtain a stay of such decision, sales of carbofuran into the relevant crops will be negatively impacted. We expect a final EPA decision on the tolerance revocation proposal in the first half of 2009. The conclusion of any subsequent administrative hearing(s) might take as long as a year from the issuance of a final revocation order. We do not know EPA’s timing on a final Notice of Intent to Cancel the carbofuran registration, though EPA has said it intends to issue such notice after the tolerance revocation decision.

In November 2006, the European Union (“EU”) Commission’s Standing Committee on Animal Health and Food Chain voted not to include our carbofuran, carbosulfan and cadusafos products on the official list of active ingredients approved for continued sale in the EU. We believe the Committee’s decision was based on a flawed underlying scientific review and a failure to take into account all available data. In June 2007, the European Commission published its decisions not to include carbofuran, carbosulfan and cadusafos on the official list of active ingredients approved for continued sale in the EU. The published decisions required EU Member States to de-register the products within six months, and so, FMC ceased its sales of these products in December 2007. We disagreed with the Commission and initiated litigation in the European Community courts, seeking annulment of the carbofuran and carbosulfan decisions; in February 2009, we withdrew those cases. We have also re-submitted cadusafos, carbofuran and carbosulfan for approval on the official list. The outcome of our regulatory resubmissions is uncertain. As expected, the lost sales attributable to the cancellation of EU registrations for carbofuran, carbosulfan and cadusafos had a modest negative impact in this region in 2008, but growth in other products, new registrations and/or label expansions more than offset the unfavorable impact.

We intend to defend vigorously all our products in the U.S. and EU regulatory processes. Several of FMC’s pesticide products will be reviewed in the ordinary course of regulatory programs during 2009 as part of the ongoing cycle of re-registration in countries around the world. In the EU, two of our pyrethroid insecticide products, bifenthrin and zeta-cypermethrin, will be considered for inclusion on the official list of EU-approved active ingredients in 2009. In January 2009, we were informed that the Standing Committee voted in favor of including zeta-cypermethrin on the official list; bifenthrin has not yet been put on the agenda for decision by the Standing Committee. We expect to have a final decision from the Commission on these products by the end of 2009.

Specialty Chemicals


     Year Ended
December 31,
     2008    2007    $    %  
     (in Millions)  


   $ 764.5    $ 659.5    $ 105.0    16 %

Operating Profit

     152.0      142.7      9.3    7  

Revenue of $764.5 million increased 16 percent versus the prior year period of which four percent was the result of revenue from the two acquisitions that closed in the third quarter of 2008. Excluding the effects of these acquisitions, BioPolymer revenues increased 14 percent on volume growth, particularly in food and personal care and price increases to partially offset rising input costs. Lithium revenues increased eight percent versus the prior period where volumes, particularly in primary compounds and specialty organics, have increased.



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Segment operating profit of $152.0 million was seven percent higher than the prior year. Price increases were offset by rising raw material and energy costs particularly for seaweed and wood pulp during the period of $41.3 million. To a lesser extent, the introduction of export taxes in Argentina in 2008 also reduced operating profits.

In 2009, we expect full-year revenue growth in the high single digits as result of strong commercial performance in BioPolymer and the full year inclusion of the ISP and CoLiving acquisitions. Full-year segment operating profit growth of approximately 5-10 percent is expected, driven by higher sales partially offset by higher raw material and energy costs.

Industrial Chemicals


     Year Ended
December 31,
     2008    2007    $    %  
     (in Millions)  


   $ 1,296.9    $ 1,087.1    $ 209.8    19 %

Operating Profit

     201.4      92.5      108.9    118  

Revenue of $1,296.9 million increased 19 percent versus the prior year period. Alkali revenues increased 16 percent period-over-period primarily due to higher pricing. Soda ash volumes were up marginally. Peroxygen revenues period-over-period were higher by six percent with higher pricing being partially offset by volume declines in the fourth quarter due to the economic downturn. Foret revenues period-over-period were higher by 31 percent due mainly to higher pricing for phosphates, the effect of a stronger euro and improved electricity selling prices. Foret operates electricity cogeneration facilities and sells excess electricity into the Spanish electrical grid.

Segment operating profit of $201.4 million was 118 percent higher than the prior period. Higher pricing in Alkali and Foret more than offset the increase in raw materials, particularly for phosphate rock for the segment of $54.6 million period over period.

For 2009, we expect full-year revenue to be level compared to prior year as higher selling prices are offset by lower volumes and unfavorable currency translation. Full-year segment operating profit is expected to be flat to down 10 percent, as the higher prices are more than offset by lower volumes and higher raw material and other input costs.

Other Results of Operations

Corporate Expenses

We recorded charges of $49.8 million in 2008 compared to $52.3 million in 2007. The decrease was primarily due to reduced legal costs associated with the legal settlement with Solutia that occurred in 2007. Corporate expenses are included as a component of the line item “Selling, general and administrative expenses” on our consolidated statements of income.

Other income (expense), net

Other income (expense), net is comprised primarily of LIFO inventory adjustments and pension expense. Other expense was $8.6 million in expense in 2008 compared to $12.0 million in expense in 2007. This decrease was primarily due to the mark to market impact of our deferred compensation liability, reduced incentive accruals, lower pension expense partially offset by a charge related to LIFO inventory reserves. Other Income (Expense), Net is included as a component of the line item “Costs of sales and services” on our consolidated statements of income.



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Interest Expense, net

The 2008 amount decreased to $31.9 million compared to $34.9 million in 2007 primarily due to the replacement of high-interest fixed-rate U.S. debt with lower interest floating-rate U.S. debt.

Corporate special income (charges)

Restructuring and other charges (income) were $49.6 million in 2008 compared to $164.9 million in 2007. Charges in this category for the year ended December 31, 2008 include the following:



A gain on the sale of the Princeton property of $29.0 million, completed on March 18, 2008.



A gain on the sale of Foret’s sodium sulfate assets of $3.6 million. Foret is part of our Industrial Chemicals segment.



A $31.5 million charge in our Agricultural Products segment due to our decision in 2007 to phase-out operations at our Baltimore, Maryland agricultural chemicals facility. These charges consisted of (i) accelerated depreciation on fixed assets of approximately $27.0 million, (ii) severance and employee benefits of $1.4 million, and (iii) other shutdown charges of $3.1 million. We ceased production at this facility in the second quarter of 2008.



A $5.6 million charge in our Agricultural Products segment due to our decision in 2008 to phase-out operations at our Jacksonville, Florida facility. The charge consisted of (i) accelerated depreciation on fixed assets of approximately $3.8 million, (ii) severance and employee benefits of $1.0 million and (iii) other shutdown charges of $0.8 million.



A $10.0 million charge related to an agreement in principle to settle a class action alleging violations of antitrust law involving our hydrogen peroxide product in our Industrial Chemicals segment.



A $1.0 million charge related to our Agricultural Products segment extending their rights associated with the collaboration and license agreement discussed below.



Severance costs due to workforce restructurings of $8.1 million, of which $3.2 million related to our Agricultural Products segment, $0.9 million related to our Specialty Chemicals segment and $4.0 million related to our Industrial Chemicals segment.



Asset abandonment charges of $7.0 million, of which $2.2 million related to our Agricultural Products segment, $1.5 million related to our Industrial Chemicals segment and $3.3 million related to our Specialty Chemicals segment. Asset abandonment charges were determined based upon our decision and related analysis to abandon these assets before the end of their previously estimated life.



Additionally, we recorded $2.8 million of other charges primarily related to our Industrial Chemicals segment and $16.2 million of charges relating to continuing environmental sites as a Corporate charge.

The restructuring and other charges (income) of $164.9 million recorded in 2007 were a result of the following:



Charges totaling $104.9 million for our phase-out of the Agricultural Products chemical facility in Baltimore, Maryland in our Agricultural Products segment. These charges consisted of (i) plant and equipment impairment charges and accelerated depreciation on fixed assets of approximately $98.7 million and (ii) severance and employee benefits of $6.2 million.



Solutia legal settlement of $22.5 million in our Industrial Chemicals segment. This settlement was approved by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Southern District of New York (where Solutia had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 2003) on May 1, 2007 without any appeal having been taken.



Asset abandonment charges of $12.2 million at Foret which is part of our Industrial Chemicals business. These charges include an impairment charge of $8.2 million related to a co-generation facility at Foret. This facility produced electric power and thermal energy by co-generation for use at one of Foret’s production properties. Additionally, we abandoned certain fixed assets also at Foret and recorded impairment charges of $4.0 million.



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We recorded $1.8 million of charges related to an agreement to settle state court cases alleging violations of antitrust law involving our microcrystalline cellulose product (“MCC”) in our Specialty Chemicals segment.



A $2.0 million charge related to our Agricultural Products segment acquiring the original rights under a collaboration and license agreement with a third-party company for the purpose of obtaining certain technology and intellectual property rights as well as acquiring the rights from a third-party company to develop their proprietary fungicide.



$6.8 million of severance costs, of which $5.6 million related to our Industrial Chemicals segment and $1.2 million related to our Agricultural Products segment.



$1.1 million of asset abandonment charges in our Industrial Chemicals segment and $3.4 million of other charges primarily in our Industrial Chemicals and Specialty Chemicals segments. Asset abandonment charges were determined based upon our decision and related analysis to abandon these assets before the end of their previously estimated life.



$10.2 million relating to continuing environmental sites as a Corporate charge.

Impairment of Perorsa joint venture represents a $1.4 million charge related to the impairment of our Perorsa joint venture in our Industrial Chemicals segment. On the consolidated statements of income this charge is included in “Equity in (earnings) loss of affiliates” for the year ended December 31, 2008.

LIFO inventory correction adjustment represents a non-cash gain of $6.1 million related to an adjustment to our last in, first out (LIFO) inventory reserves as a result of a correction in determining our initial LIFO inventory base year. This gain was recorded to “Costs of sales and services” for the year ended December 31, 2007 in the consolidated statements of income.

Purchase accounting inventory adjustment was a $2.3 million charge related to amortization of the inventory step-up resulting from purchase accounting associated with acquisitions that closed in the third quarter of 2008 in our Specialty Chemicals segment. In purchase accounting, inventory is stepped up from its cost value to estimated selling prices less costs to sell. On the consolidated statements of income, this charge is included in “Costs of sales and services” for the year ended December 31, 2008.

Gain from Astaris joint venture represents a gain of $0.4 million representing the difference between the carrying value of our remaining investment in the Astaris joint venture and cash received from the joint venture. This gain is included in “Equity in (earnings) of affiliates” in the consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2007. In 2005, Astaris sold substantially all of the assets of its businesses and the buyers also assumed certain of the liabilities of Astaris.

Minority interest associated with restructuring and other income (charges) represents $1.4 million associated with our decision to abandon a co-generation facility at Foret during the second quarter of 2007. This amount is shown in “Minority interests” on the consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2007.

Loss on extinguishment of debt

We recorded a loss of $0.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 which represented losses related to the write off of certain deferred financing fees related to our previous credit agreement which was replaced in the third quarter of 2007 with our new Domestic Credit Agreement. These fees were previously a component of “Other assets” in our consolidated balance sheets. We did not incur any comparable charge for the year ended December 31, 2008.



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Provision for income taxes

We recorded a provision of $125.4 million in 2008 compared with a provision of $29.0 million in 2007 resulting in effective tax rates of 27.6 percent and 15.6 percent, respectively. The change in the effective tax rate is primarily a result of a change in the mix of domestic income compared to income earned outside the U.S. Income we earn domestically in typically taxed at rates higher than income earned outside the U.S. The mix of domestic income was impacted by significantly lower Baltimore restructuring charges incurred during 2008 compared to 2007. The effective tax rates were also impacted by tax adjustments recorded during 2008 and 2007. These tax adjustments are described below.

2008 tax adjustments were favorable in the amount of $8.7 million and primarily result from a benefit to adjust our reserve for unrecognized tax benefits due to favorable conclusions to tax audits. Partially offsetting this benefit are charges associated with adjustments for prior years’ tax matters.

2007 tax adjustments were favorable in the amount of $15.4 million and primarily include tax benefits related to the reversal of certain tax valuation allowances. These valuation allowances were no longer necessary because of our expectation that the related deferred tax assets were likely to be realized. Partially offsetting these valuation adjustments were charges associated with adjustments for prior years’ tax matters.

Discontinued operations, net of income tax

Discontinued operations, net of income tax totaled a loss of $24.9 million in 2008 versus a loss of $24.3 million in 2007. The 2008 loss is primarily related to environmental charges associated with our Front Royal and Middleport sites and charges for legal reserves and expenses related to discontinued operations. Discontinued environmental and legal charges include environmental remediation costs at sites of discontinued businesses for which we are responsible for environmental compliance. The 2007 loss is primarily related to environmental charges associated with our Middleport, Front Royal and Modesto sites and charges for legal reserves and expenses related to discontinued operations.

Net income

Net income increased to $304.6 million in 2008 compared with $132.4 million in 2007 primarily due to higher profits in all three of our segments and significantly reduced restructuring and other charges (income).

Year Ended December 31, 2007 compared to December 31, 2006

In the following discussion, “year” refers to the year ended December 31, 2007 and “prior year” refers to the year ended December 31, 2006. Additionally, in the discussion below, please refer to our chart on page 30 under “Overview”. All comparisons are between the periods unless otherwise noted.

Segment Results

Agricultural Products


     Year Ended
December 31,
     2007    2006    $    %  
     (in Millions)  


   $ 889.7    $ 765.9    $ 123.8    16 %

Operating Profit

     207.0      149.9      57.1    38  



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Revenue in Agricultural Products was $889.7 million, an increase of 16 percent versus the prior year. Revenues in Latin America grew by 28 percent; Europe, Middle East and Africa grew by 12 percent; Asia grew by 18 percent; and North America revenues declined by two percent. All crop markets benefited from higher commodity prices and, in addition, Brazil benefited from increased planted acres. Sales growth in Europe was driven by increased demand for biofuels crops, new product introductions and the benefits of the stronger Euro. In Asia, sales increased due to better growing conditions in several countries. North America revenues declined due primarily to weak housing markets and increased competitiveness in non-crop markets.

Segment operating profit was $207.0 million, an increase of 38 percent from the year earlier, as a result of the higher revenue and favorable product mix. Selling and distribution costs increased $16.3 million to support the higher revenues. Additionally, higher energy and raw materials costs were offset by continued global supply chain productivity improvements.

Specialty Chemicals


     Year Ended
December 31,
     2007    2006    $    %  
     (in Millions)  


   $ 659.5    $ 592.8    $ 66.7    11 %

Operating Profit

     142.7      118.8      23.9    20  

Revenue in Specialty Chemicals was $659.5 million, an increase of 11 percent versus the prior year. BioPolymer revenues increased nine percent on strong commercial performance in both pharmaceutical and food markets. Lithium revenues increased 16 percent driven by higher selling prices for primary lithium compounds.

Segment operating profit of $142.7 million increased 20 percent versus the prior year due to higher sales, improved mix, which more than offset increased raw material and energy costs of $15.4 million.

Industrial Chemicals


     Year Ended
December 31,
     2007    2006    $     %  
     (in Millions)  


   $ 1,087.1    $ 990.9    $ 96.2     10 %

Operating Profit

     92.5      96.7      (4.2 )   (4 )

Revenue in Industrial Chemicals was $1,087.1 million, an increase of 10 percent versus the prior year. Alkali revenues increased nine percent period-over-period primarily due to higher pricing. Soda ash volumes were up marginally. Peroxygen revenues period-over-period were three percent higher due to higher volumes. Foret revenues period-over-period were higher by 13 percent with higher volumes being offset by lower prices for phosphates, hydrogen peroxide, bleachers and the sales of electricity. Foret operates electricity cogeneration facilities and excess electricity is sold into the Spanish electrical grid.

Segment operating profit of $92.5 million decreased four percent versus the prior year, due to higher energy and raw material costs across the segment of $24.9 million more than offset the positive impact of higher sales.

Other Results of Operations

Corporate Expenses

We recorded charges of $52.3 million in 2007 compared to $46.2 million in 2006, due to higher incentive compensation expenses. Corporate expenses are included as a component of the line item “Selling, general and administrative expenses” on our consolidated statements of income.



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Other income (expense), net

Other income (expense), net is comprised primarily of LIFO inventory adjustments and pension expense. Other expense increased to $12.0 million in the year ended December 31, 2007 compared to income of $3.0 million in the year ended December 31, 2006. During 2006 inventory balances were reduced in the U.S. due to liquidation of inventory quantities carried at lower costs as compared with the cost of 2006 purchases. This resulted in income recorded in 2006 related to a decrease in LIFO inventory reserves that did not repeat in 2007. Other Income (Expense), Net is included as a component of the line item “Costs of sales and services” on our consolidated statements of income.

Interest expense, net

The 2007 amount increased to $34.9 million compared to $32.9 million in 2006 primarily due to a reduction in interest income caused by lower cash balances.

Corporate special income (charges)

Restructuring and other charges (income) were $164.9 million in 2007 compared to $76.8 million in 2006. Charges in this category for the year ended December 31, 2007 include the following:



Charges totaling $104.9 million for our phase-out of the Agricultural Products chemical facility in Baltimore, Maryland in our Agricultural Products segment. These charges consisted of (i) plant and equipment impairment charges and accelerated depreciation on fixed assets of approximately $98.7 million and (ii) severance and employee benefits of $6.2 million.



Solutia legal settlement of $22.5 million in our Industrial Chemicals segment. This settlement was approved by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Southern District of New York (where Solutia had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 2003) on May 1, 2007 without any appeal having been taken.



Asset abandonment charges of $12.2 million at Foret which is part of our Industrial Chemicals business. These charges include an impairment charge of $8.2 million related to a co-generation facility at Foret. This facility produced electric power and thermal energy by co-generation for use at one of Foret’s production properties. Additionally, we abandoned certain fixed assets also at Foret and recorded impairment charges of $4.0 million.



We recorded $1.8 million of charges related to an agreement to settle state court cases alleging violations of antitrust law involving our microcrystalline cellulose product (“MCC) in our Specialty Chemicals segment.



A $2.0 million charge related to our Agricultural Products segment acquiring the original rights under the collaboration and license agreement with a third-party company for the purpose of obtaining certain technology and intellectual property rights and acquiring the rights from a third-party company to develop their proprietary fungicide.



$6.8 million of severance costs, of which $5.6 million related to our Industrial Chemicals segment and $1.2 million related to our Agricultural Products segment.



$1.1 million of asset abandonment charges in our Industrial Chemicals segment and $3.4 million of other charges primarily in our Industrial Chemicals and Specialty Chemicals segments. Asset abandonment charges were determined based upon our decision and related analysis to abandon these assets before the end of their previously estimated life.



$10.2 million relating to continuing environmental sites as a Corporate charge.

The restructuring and other charges (income) of $76.8 million recorded in 2006 were a result of the following:



We reached an agreement to settle a federal class action lawsuit, as well as other individual claims, alleging violations of antitrust laws involving our microcrystalline cellulose (“MCC”) product in our Specialty Chemicals business in the amount of $25.7 million.



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We committed to the abandonment of a plant building in our Agricultural Products segment and recorded a charge of $6.0 million.



The European Commission imposed a fine on us regarding alleged violations of competition law in the hydrogen peroxide business in Europe during the period 1997-1999 which we have appealed. This fine is associated with our Industrial Chemicals segment. We have recorded a charge of €25 million ($30 million at then-prevailing exchange rates) for this fine.



We announced a plan to redeploy our discovery research and development resources within our Agricultural Products segment to shorten the innovation cycle and accelerate the delivery of new product and technologies. We incurred $3.4 million of severance charges as a result of this decision. We also abandoned assets as a result of these decisions and recorded a charge of $1.9 million.



A charge of $2.0 million related to our Agricultural Products segment entering into development agreements with a third-party company whereby we were given the right to develop further one of such party’s products in certain geographic markets.



Additional restructuring charges for 2006 totaled $7.8 million. These charges included $1.2 million of asset abandonment charges in our Industrial Chemicals segment and $1.3 million of severance costs were recorded in our Specialty Chemicals segment due to a workforce restructuring. We also recorded $5.4 million relating to continuing environmental sites. Offsetting these charges was a gain of $0.6 million in our Specialty Chemicals segment from the completion of the sale of our previously disclosed assets held for sale related to our Copenhagen, Denmark carrageenan plant which we closed in 2005. The gain represented the difference between the asset held for sale balance and the final proceeds. The final proceeds from the sale totaled $9.6 million. Additional restructuring and other charges were recorded in Industrial Chemicals for $0.5 million.

LIFO inventory correction adjustment represents a non-cash gain of $6.1 million related to an adjustment to our last in, first out (LIFO) inventory reserves as a result of a correction in determining our initial LIFO inventory base year. This gain was recorded to “Costs of sales and services” for the year ended December 31, 2007 in the consolidated statements of income.

Gain from Astaris joint venture represents a gain of $0.4 million representing the difference between the carrying value of our remaining investment in the Astaris joint venture and cash received from the joint venture. This gain is included in “Equity in (earnings) of affiliates” in the consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2007. In 2005, Astaris sold substantially all of the assets of its businesses and the buyers also assumed certain of the liabilities of Astaris.

Minority interest associated with restructuring and other income (charges) represents $1.4 million associated with our decision to abandon the co-generation facility at Foret during the second quarter of 2007. This amount is shown in “Minority interests” on the consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2007.

Loss on extinguishment of debt

We recorded a loss of $0.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 which represented losses related to the write off of certain deferred financing fees related to our previous credit agreement which was replaced in the third quarter of 2007 with our new Domestic Credit Agreement. We did not incur any comparable charge for the year ended December 31, 2006.

Provision for income taxes

We recorded a provision of $29.0 million in 2007 compared with a provision of $68.3 million in 2006 reflecting effective tax rates of 15.6 percent and 32.2 percent, respectively. The change in effective tax rates is the result of tax adjustments resulting in a tax benefit in 2007 as opposed to tax adjustments resulting in a tax



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charge in 2006. These tax adjustments are described below. The change in effective rates is also a result of the mix of domestic income compared to income earned outside the U.S. and the European Commission fine of €25 million ($30 million at then-prevailing exchange rates) incurred in 2006 that was nondeductible for tax purposes in 2006.

2007 tax adjustments were favorable in the amount of $15.4 million and primarily include tax benefits related to the reversal of certain tax valuation allowances. These valuation allowances were no longer necessary because of our expectation that the related deferred tax assets were likely to be realized. Partially offsetting these valuation adjustments were charges associated with adjustments for prior years’ tax matters.

2006 tax adjustments were unfavorable in the amount of $12.5 million and primarily include charges associated with adjustments to deferred taxes.

Discontinued operations, net of income tax

Discontinued operations, net of income tax totaled a loss of $24.3 million in 2007 versus a loss of $12.8 million in 2006. The 2007 loss is primarily related to environmental charges associated with our Middleport, Front Royal and Modesto sites and charges for legal reserves and expenses related to discontinued operations.

The 2006 loss includes net charges of $27.3 million related to environmental issues and legal reserves and expenses related to previously discontinued operations. The charges in 2006 were primarily related to our Front Royal and Middleport sites as well as to increase reserves for operating and maintenance activities. Offsetting these charges was a gain of $14.0 million from the sale of 23 acres real estate property in San Jose, California related to our former Defense business. This completed the sale of land that was formerly used by FMC’s defense business, which was divested in 1997.

Net Income

Net income increased to $132.4 million in 2007 compared with $131.3 million in 2006 and was primarily attributable to higher earnings in our Agricultural Products and Specialty Chemicals segments mostly offset by higher restructuring and other charges (income) due to the Baltimore facility shut down.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Domestic Credit Agreement

On August 28, 2007, we executed a new credit agreement (the “Domestic Credit Agreement”) which provided for a five-year, $600 million revolving credit facility. The proceeds from this facility are available for general corporate purposes, including issuing letters of credit up to a $300 million sub-limit. The Domestic Credit Agreement also contains an option under which, subject to certain conditions, we may request an increase in the facility to $1 billion.

There were no borrowings under the new facility at inception, and our prior credit agreement dated as of June 21, 2005 was terminated. Obligations under the prior credit agreement and related transaction costs, fees, and expenses for the new Agreement were paid with available cash. Loans under the new facility bear interest at a floating rate, either a base rate as defined, or the applicable euro currency rate for the relevant term plus an applicable margin. The margin is 0.35 percent per year, subject to adjustment based on the credit rating assigned to our senior unsecured debt. At December 31, 2008, the applicable borrowing rates under our Domestic Credit Agreement ranged from 0.82 to 3.25 percent per annum.

European Credit Agreement

On December 16, 2005, our Dutch finance subsidiary executed a credit agreement (the “European Credit Agreement”) which provides for an unsecured revolving credit facility in the amount of €220 million. Borrowings may be denominated in euros or U.S. dollars. FMC and our Dutch finance subsidiary’s direct parent provide guarantees of amounts due under the European Credit Agreement.



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Loans under the European Credit Agreement bear interest at a euro currency base rate, which for loans denominated in euros is the Euro InterBank Offered Rate, and for loans denominated in dollars is London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”) in each case plus a margin. The applicable margin under our European Credit Agreement is subject to adjustment based on the rating assigned to FMC by each of Moody’s and S&P. At December 31, 2008 the applicable margin was 0.35 percent and the applicable borrowing rates under the European Credit Agreement ranged from 3.06 to 5.64 percent per annum.

Among other restrictions, the Domestic Credit Agreement and the European Credit Agreement contain financial covenants applicable to FMC and its consolidated subsidiaries related to leverage (measured as the ratio of debt to adjusted earnings) and interest coverage (measured as the ratio of adjusted earnings to interest expense). Our actual leverage for the year ended December 31, 2008 was 1.0 which is within the maximum leverage of 3.5. Our actual interest coverage for the year ended December 31, 2008 was 20.0 which is within the minimum interest coverage of 3.5. We were in compliance with all covenants at December 31, 2008.

At December 31, 2008 and 2007, we had $157.2 million and $171.7 million in U.S. dollar equivalent revolving credit facility borrowings under the European Credit Agreement, resulting in available funds of $150.2 million and $147.1 million, respectively.

We had $203.0 million in borrowings under our Domestic Credit Agreement at December 31, 2008 compared to no borrowings at December 31, 2007. Letters of credit outstanding under the Domestic Credit Agreement totaled $151.5 million and $146.9 million at December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively. Available funds under the Domestic Credit Agreement were $245.5 million at December 31, 2008 and $453.1 million at December 31, 2007.

Cash and cash equivalents at December 31, 2008 and 2007 were $52.4 million and $75.5 million, respectively. We had total debt of $623.6 million and $545.2 million at December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively. This included $592.9 million and $419.6 million of long-term debt (excluding current portions of $2.1 million and $77.7 million) at December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively. Short-term debt, which consists of foreign borrowings, decreased to $28.6 million at December 31, 2008 compared to $47.9 million at December 31, 2007. The $97.7 million increase in total long-term debt at December 31, 2008 from December 31, 2007 was primarily due to increased borrowing under the Domestic Credit Agreement.

Statement of Cash Flows

Cash provided by operating activities was $357.4 million for 2008 compared to $314.7 million for 2007 and $307.2 million for 2006. The increase in cash provided by operating activities in 2008 compared to 2007 reflected higher earnings from continuing operations excluding noncash items partially offset by an increase in working capital to support our higher trading activities. The more significant noncash items included with our earnings include depreciation and amortization, restructuring and other charges (income) and deferred income taxes. Receivables increased as a result of stronger year over year sales in all of our businesses and particularly in our Agricultural Products business in Brazil where payment terms are generally longer than in our other businesses. In addition, sales activity of the recent acquisition of ISP in the third quarter of 2008 added $12 million to our receivables at December 31, 2008. Our collections experience for all businesses during the year has, with limited exceptions, shown no deterioration year over year. Inventories increased to support the needs of our higher trading activities and as a result of the higher energy and raw material costs, particularly for phosphate rock. Accounts payable increased mainly as a result of the higher inventory levels and the increased cost of raw materials. The net remaining change in the other working capital items primarily represents timing associated with a number of miscellaneous accruals and prepaid expenses as well as higher spending for asset retirement obligations.

The increase in cash provided by operating activities in 2007 compared to 2006 reflected higher earnings from continuing operations excluding noncash items partially offset by an increase in working capital to support



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our higher trading activities. The more significant noncash items included with our earnings include depreciation and amortization, restructuring and other charges (income) and deferred income taxes. Receivables increased as a result of stronger year over year sales in all of our businesses and particularly in our Agricultural Products business in Brazil where terms are generally longer than in our other businesses. Inventories increased to support the needs of our higher trading activities and for temporary buffer stocks to manage the transition of the supply chain in Agricultural Products from our Baltimore plant, which was in the processes of being shutdown, to third party contract manufacturers. Accounts payable increased mainly as a result of the higher inventory levels.

Cash required by operating activities of discontinued operations was $49.8 million for 2008 compared to cash required of $45.1 million and $43.2 million in 2007 and 2006, respectively. The change in 2008 compared to 2007 was due to increased environmental spending for discontinued sites in 2008. The change in 2007 compared to 2006 was due to the absence of proceeds from the sale of land in San Jose, California partially offset by lower discontinued operations environmental spending. The majority of the spending for our discontinued operations was for environmental remediation on discontinued sites. Discontinued environmental spending was $32.2 million in 2008 compared to $22.4 million in 2007 and $44.1 million in 2006.

Cash required by investing activities for 2008 was $191.7 million compared to cash required by investing activities of $120.6 million in 2007 and cash required by investing activities of $109.8 in 2006. The increase in cash required in 2008 was driven primarily by our net acquisition spending of $90.6 million and an increase in our capital expenditure spending primarily in our Industrial Chemicals segment partially offset by proceeds from the sale of the Princeton property of $59.4 million and the sale of sodium sulfate assets of $16.7 million. The increase in cash required in 2007 was a result of lower proceeds from the sales of investments and assets held for sale and an increase in other investing activities which represents increases to long-term deferred costs.

Cash required by financing activities for 2008 was $137.5 million compared to cash required by financing activities of $243.4 million in 2007 and cash required by financing activities of $198.5 million in 2006. The change in 2008 compared to 2007 was due primarily to increased borrowings under our committed credit facilities partially offset by higher repayments of long-term debt and repurchases of common stock. The increase in 2007 compared to 2006 was primarily due to higher repurchases of common stock and lower proceeds from the issuances of common stock which primarily represent cash received from the exercise of stock options.

For the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006, we contributed approximately 2,000 and 470,000 shares of treasury stock to our employee benefit plans having a cost of $0.1 million and $17.3 million, respectively, which is considered a non-cash activity. We had no such comparable activity in the year ended December 31, 2008.

Other potential liquidity needs

Our cash needs for 2009 include operating cash requirements, capital expenditures, scheduled mandatory payments of long-term debt, dividend payments, contributions to our pension plans, environmental spending and restructuring. We plan to meet our liquidity needs through available cash, cash generated from operations and borrowings under our committed revolving credit facilities. We continually evaluate our options for divesting real estate holdings and property, plant and equipment that are no longer integral to any of our core operating businesses.

Projected 2009 capital expenditures are expected to be consistent with 2008 levels.

Projected 2009 spending includes approximately $31.2 million of net environmental remediation spending. This spending does not include expected spending of approximately $15.4 million in 2009 on capital projects relating to environmental control facilities. Also, we expect to spend approximately $24.5 million in 2009 for environmental compliance costs, which we will include as a component of costs of sales and services in our consolidated statements of income since these amounts are not covered by established reserves. Capital spending to expand, maintain or replace equipment at our production facilities may trigger requirements for upgrading our environmental controls, which may increase our spending for environmental controls above the foregoing projections.



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During 2008, the world equity markets were down significantly, exemplified by the S&P 500 index in the U.S. being down 37 percent. Our U.S. qualified defined benefit pension plan (“U.S. Plan”) assets fell from $829.4 million at December 31, 2007 to $ 563.9 million at December 31, 2008. Our U.S. Plan assets comprise approximately 93 percent of our total plan assets with the difference representing plan assets related to foreign pension plans. We have reduced our expected return on our U.S. Plan assets from 8.75 percent in 2008 to 8.5 percent in 2009. In developing the assumption for the long-term rate of return on assets for our U.S. Plan, we take into consideration the technical analysis performed by our outside actuaries, including historical market returns, information on the assumption for long-term real returns by asset class, inflation assumptions, and expectations for standard deviation related to these best estimates. We also consider the historical performance of our own plan’s trust, which has earned a compound annual rate of return of approximately 9.51 percent over the last 20 years (which is in excess of comparable market indices for the same period) as well as other factors. Given an actively managed investment portfolio, the expected annual rates of return by asset class for our portfolio, using geometric averaging, and after being adjusted for an estimated inflation rate of approximately 2.75 percent, is between 8.75 percent and 10.75 percent for equities, and between 4.25 percent and 7.75 percent for fixed-income investments, which generates a total expected portfolio return that is in line with our assumptions for the rate of return on assets. This lower expected return on plan assets, along with decreased assets and the amortization of actuarial losses primarily associated with the equity market decline in 2008 are estimated to increase our net periodic benefit costs by approximately $5.7 million during 2009 compared to 2008. Under The Pension Protection Act of 2006, we are not required to make a minimum level of funding into the U.S. Plan during 2009, however, in order to reduce future funding volatility we intend to contribute $75 million in 2009 versus $30 million contributed in 2008 and 2007. We do not believe that the additional contribution will have a significant negative impact on our current and future liquidity needs. However a continuation of the volatility of interest rates and negative equity returns under current market conditions may require greater contributions to the Plan in the future.

In April 2008, the Board of Directors approved a quarterly cash dividend of $0.125 per share. This represents an increase of $0.02 above our previous rate of $0.105 per share. We declared dividends aggregating $35.7 million to our shareholders of record during the year 2008, and $9.1 million of this amount is included in “Accrued and other liabilities” on the consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2008.

In April 2007, the Board of Directors authorized the repurchase of up to $250 million of our common stock. In October 2008, the Board authorized the repurchase of up to an additional $250 million of our common stock. Although the repurchase program does not include a specific timetable or price targets and may be suspended or terminated at any time, we expect that the program will be accomplished over a two-year period. Shares may be purchased through open market or privately negotiated transactions at the discretion of management based on its evaluation of market conditions and other factors. We also reacquire shares from time to time in connection with the vesting and exercise of awards under our equity compensation plans. During the twelve months ended December 31, 2008, we repurchased 3,503,914 of our shares at an aggregate cost of $185.2 million under the publicly announced program.


In 2001, we split FMC into separate chemical and machinery companies and we refer to the spun-off company, FMC Technologies, Inc. as “Technologies” throughout this Annual Report. We agreed to guarantee the performance by Technologies of a debt instrument (see Note 18 to the consolidated financial statements in this Form 10-K). As of December 31, 2008, these guaranteed obligations totaled $0.8 million compared to $1.6 million at December 31, 2007.

We guarantee repayment of some of the borrowings of certain foreign subsidiaries accounted for using the equity method. The other equity owners provide parallel agreements. We also guarantee the repayment of a borrowing of a minority equity holder in a foreign subsidiary that we consolidate in our financial statements. As of December 31, 2008 and 2007, these guarantees had maximum potential payments of $6.8 million and $6.9 million, respectively.



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We also provide guarantees to financial institutions on behalf of certain Agricultural Product customers, principally in Brazil, for their seasonal borrowing. The total of these guarantees was $20.3 million and $29.7 million at December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively, and are recorded on the consolidated balance sheets for each date as “Guarantees of vendor financing”.

Short-term debt consisted of foreign credit lines at December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007. We provide parent-company guarantees to lending institutions providing credit to our foreign subsidiaries.

In connection with our property and asset sales and divestitures, we have agreed to indemnify the buyer for certain liabilities, including environmental contamination and taxes that occurred prior to the date of sale. Our indemnification obligations with respect to these liabilities may be indefinite as to duration and may or may not be subject to a deductible, minimum claim amount or cap. As such, it is not possible for us to predict the likelihood that a claim will be made or to make a reasonable estimate of the maximum potential loss or range of loss. If triggered, we may be able to recover certain of the indemnity payments from third parties. We have not recorded any specific liabilities for these guarantees.

We spun off FMC Technologies, Inc. (“Technologies”) in 2001. At this time, we entered into a tax sharing agreement wherein each company is obligated for those taxes associated with its respective business, generally determined as if each company filed its own consolidated, combined or unitary tax returns for any period where Technologies is included in the consolidated, combined or unitary tax return of us or our subsidiaries. The statute of limitations for the 2001 U.S. federal income tax year has now closed and no questions regarding the spin-off were raised during the IRS audit for 2000-2001, therefore any liability for taxes if the spin-off of Technologies were not tax free due to an action taken by Technologies has been favorably concluded. The tax sharing agreement continues to be in force with respect to certain items, which we do not believe would have a material effect on our financial condition or results of operations.

Our total significant committed contracts that we believe will affect cash over the next four years and beyond are as follows:


Contractual Commitments

   Expected Cash Payments by Year
     2009    2010    2011    2012    2013 &
     (in Millions)

Debt maturities (1)

   $ 2.1    $ 157.7    $ 50.8    $ 203.0    $ 181.8    $ 595.4

Contractual interest (2)

     26.3      25.9      17.8      13.9      181.8      265.7

Lease obligations (3)

     30.2      28.4      26.1      23.2      111.0      218.9

Forward energy and foreign exchange contracts

     39.5      0.6      —        —        —        40.1

Purchase obligations (4)

     36.5      18.9      13.9      12.3      16.2      97.8

Total (5)

   $ 134.6    $ 231.5    $ 108.6    $ 252.4    $ 490.8    $ 1,217.9


(1) Excluding discounts.
(2) Contractual interest is the interest we are contracted to pay on our long-term debt obligations. We had $388.8 million of long-term debt subject to variable interest rates at December 31, 2008. The rate assumed for the variable interest component of the contractual interest obligation was the rate in effect at December 31, 2008. Variable rates are market determined and will fluctuate over time.
(3) Before recoveries. Includes payments related to our Princeton property discussed in Note 8 to our consolidated financial statements included in this Form 10-K.

Purchase obligations consist of agreements to purchase goods and services that are enforceable and legally binding on us and specify all significant terms, including fixed or minimum quantities to be purchased, price provisions and timing of the transaction. We have entered into a number of purchase obligations for the sourcing of materials and energy where take-or-pay arrangements apply. Since the majority of the minimum



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obligations under these contracts are take-or-pay commitments over the life of the contract as opposed to a year by year take-or-pay, the obligations in the table related to these types of contacts are presented in the earliest period in which the minimum obligation could be payable under these types of contracts.

(5) As of December 31, 2008 the liability for uncertain tax positions was $42.4 million and this liability is excluded from the table above. Due to the high degree of uncertainty regarding the timing of potential future cash flows associated with these liabilities, we are unable to make a reasonable reliable estimate of the amount and periods in which these liabilities might be paid.


On January 28, 2005, we and our wholly owned subsidiary Foret received a Statement of Objections from the European Commission concerning alleged violations of competition law in the hydrogen peroxide business in Europe during the period 1994 to 2001. All of the significant European hydrogen peroxide producers also received the Statement of Objections. We and Foret responded to the Statement of Objections in April 2005 and a hearing on the matter was held at the end of June 2005. On May 3, 2006, we received a notice from the European Commission indicating that the Commission had imposed a fine on us and Foret in the aggregate amount of €25.0 million as a result of alleged violations during the period 1997-1999. In connection with this fine, we recorded an expense of $30.0 million (reflecting then-prevailing exchange rates) in our consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2006. This expense was included as a component of restructuring and other charges (income). Since we are not required to make the payment during the appeal process, which may extend beyond one year, the liability has been classified as long-term in the consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2008 and 2007. Both we and Foret have appealed the decision of the Commission. During the appeal process, interest accrues on the fine at a rate, which as of December 31, 2008, was 4.0 percent per annum. We have provided a bank letter of credit in favor of the European Commission to guarantee our payment of the fine and accrued interest. At December 31, 2008, the amount of the letter of credit was €28.2 million (U.S. $39.4 million).

In 2004, we also received a subpoena for documents from a grand jury sitting in the Northern District of California, which is investigating anticompetitive conduct in the hydrogen peroxide business in the United States during the period 1994 through 2003. We have since learned that Degussa AG was a leniency applicant in the investigation and that Solvay, S.A. and Akzo Nobel Chemicals International B.V. have pled guilty to Sherman Act violations during the period July 1, 1998 through December 1, 2001. On December 29, 2008 we received notice from the Department of Justice that it has closed the investigation without filing charges against FMC.

In connection with these two matters, in February 2005 putative class action complaints were filed against six U.S. hydrogen peroxide producers (and certain of their foreign affiliates) in various federal courts alleging violations of antitrust laws. Federal law provides that persons who have been injured by violations of federal antitrust law may recover three times their actual damage plus attorney fees. Related cases were also filed in various state courts. All of the federal court cases were consolidated in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia). The District Court certified the class in January 2007. On December 30, 2008, the Court of Appeals vacated the class certification order and remanded the case for further proceedings in the District Court. Shortly thereafter, FMC reached an agreement in principle to settle with the class for $10 million, subject to final documentation and approval by the Court. This amount was included as a component of “Restructuring and other charges (income)” in our consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2008. The Court has already finally approved settlements with four of the six original defendant groups, who collectively paid approximately $90 million. Seventeen companies (predominantly paper producers) have opted out of certain of the settlements with other defendants. Certain of the defendants in the class action have settled those opt out claims for undisclosed amounts. Six of the 17 opt outs have filed suit against FMC and Foret in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and one has sued FMC as well as two other producers. These cases have been assigned to the same judge as the class action. Two other opt out cases have been pending for some time against FMC and other hydrogen peroxide producers, and in August of 2008, Foret was added as a defendant to these cases. The stay of all these actions entered by the



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District Court during the class certification appeal remains in place. Most of the state court cases have been dismissed, although some remain in California. In addition, putative class actions have been filed in provincial courts in Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia under the laws of Canada. A motion for class certification is pending.

Another antitrust class action previously brought in Federal Court in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania alleging violations of antitrust laws involving our microcrystalline cellulose product was settled for $25.0 million, the same amount paid by our codefendant Asahi Kasei Corporation. The Court approved this settlement in November 2006. The claims of plaintiffs who opted out of the class settlement were also settled late in 2006 for $0.7 million. The above amounts for 2006 have been reflected in “Restructuring and other charges” in our consolidated statement of income for the year ended December 31, 2006. The parties have also reached an agreement to settle a related state court case pending in California, for a total for $2.5 million, with the Company and Asahi Kasei each contributing $1.25 million. This settlement was approved by the California state court in November 2007. A third related state class action against FMC in Tennessee state court has been settled for $0.5 million. This settlement was approved by the Tennessee state court in November 2008. The above amounts for 2007 have been reflected in “Restructuring and other charges (income)” in our consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2007.

We have certain other contingent liabilities arising from litigation, claims, performance guarantees and other commitments incident to the ordinary course of business. Based on information currently available and established reserves the ultimate resolution of our known contingencies, including the matters described in Note 18 to our consolidated financial statements included in this Form 10-K, is not expected to have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position or liquidity. However, there can be no assurance that the outcome of these contingencies will be favorable, and adverse results in certain of these contingencies could have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position, results of operations or liquidity.

Recently Adopted and Issued Accounting Pronouncements and Regulatory Items

See Note 2 to our consolidated financial statements included in this Form 10-K.

Critical Accounting Policies

Our consolidated financial statements are prepared in conformity with U.S generally accepted accounting principles. The preparation of these financial statements requires us to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses. We have described our accounting policies in Note 1 to our consolidated financial statements included in this Form 10-K. We have reviewed these accounting policies, identifying those that we believe to be critical to the preparation and understanding of our consolidated financial statements. We have reviewed with the Audit Committee those accounting policies that we have deemed critical. These policies are central to our presentation of results of operations and financial condition and require management to make estimates and judgments on certain matters. We base our estimates and judgments on historical experience, current conditions and other reasonable factors.

Environmental obligations.

We provide for environmental-related obligations when they are probable and amounts can be reasonably estimated. Where the available information is sufficient to estimate the amount of liability, that estimate has been used. Where the information is only sufficient to establish a range of probable liability and no point within the range is more likely than any other, the lower end of the range has been used.

Estimated obligations to remediate sites that involve oversight by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), or similar government agencies, are generally accrued no later than when a Record of Decision (ROD), or equivalent, is issued, or upon completion of a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) that is submitted



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by us to the appropriate government agency or agencies. Estimates are reviewed quarterly by our environmental remediation management, as well as by financial and legal management and, if necessary, adjusted as additional information becomes available. The estimates can change substantially as additional information becomes available regarding the nature or extent of site contamination, required remediation methods, and other actions by or against governmental agencies or private parties.

Our environmental liabilities for continuing and discontinued operations are principally for costs associated with the remediation and/or study of sites at which we are alleged to have disposed of hazardous substances. Such costs principally include, among other items, RI/FS, site remediation, costs of operation and maintenance of the remediation plan, fees to outside law firms and consultants for work related to the environmental effort, and future monitoring costs. Estimated site liabilities are determined based upon existing remediation laws and technologies, specific site consultants’ engineering studies or by extrapolating experience with environmental issues at comparable sites.

Included in the environmental reserve balance, other assets and reasonably possible loss contingencies for 2008 are potentially recoverable amounts from third party insurance policies, and some of these amounts have been recognized as offsetting recoveries in 2008.

Provisions for environmental costs are reflected in income, net of probable and estimable recoveries from named Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs) or other third parties. Such provisions incorporate inflation and are not discounted to their present values.

In calculating and evaluating the adequacy of our environmental reserves, we have taken into account the joint and several liability imposed by Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the analogous state laws on all PRPs and have considered the identity and financial condition of each of the other PRPs at each site to the extent possible. We have also considered the identity and financial condition of other third parties from whom recovery is anticipated, as well as the status of our claims against such parties. Although we are unable to forecast the ultimate contributions of PRPs and other third parties with absolute certainty, the degree of uncertainty with respect to each party is taken into account when determining the environmental reserve by adjusting the reserve to reflect the facts and circumstances on a site-by-site basis. Our liability includes our best estimate of the costs expected to be paid before the consideration of any potential recoveries from third parties. We believe that any recorded recoveries related to PRPs are realizable in all material respects. Recoveries are recorded as either an offset in “Environmental liabilities, continuing and discontinued” or as “Other Assets” in our consolidated balance sheets.

Impairments and valuation of long-lived assets

Our long-lived assets include property, plant and equipment and long-term investments, goodwill and intangible assets. We test for impairment whenever events or circumstances indicate that the net book value of these assets may not be recoverable from the estimated undiscounted expected future cash flows expected to result from their use and eventual disposition. In cases where the estimated undiscounted expected future cash flows are less than net book value, an impairment loss is recognized equal to the amount by which the net book value exceeds the estimated fair value of assets, which is based on discounted cash flows at the lowest level determinable. The estimated cash flows reflect our assumptions about selling prices, volumes, costs and market conditions over a reasonable period of time.

We perform an annual impairment test of goodwill in the third quarter. The assumptions used to estimate fair value include our best estimate of future growth rates, discount rates and market conditions over a reasonable period. We performed this test in 2008 and determined that no impairment charge was required.



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Pensions and other postretirement benefits

We provide qualified and nonqualified defined benefit and defined contribution pension plans, as well as postretirement health care and life insurance benefit plans to our employees. The costs (benefits) and obligations related to these benefits reflect key assumptions related to general economic conditions, including interest (discount) rates, healthcare cost trend rates, expected rates of return on plan assets and the rates of compensation increases for employees. The costs (benefits) and obligations for these benefit programs are also affected by other assumptions, such as average retirement age, mortality, employee turnover, and plan participation. To the extent our plans’ actual experience, as influenced by changing economic and financial market conditions or by changes to our own plans’ demographics, differs from these assumptions, the costs and obligations for providing these benefits, as well as the plans’ funding requirements, could increase or decrease. When actual results differ from our assumptions, the difference is typically recognized over future periods. In addition, the unrealized gains and losses related to our pension and postretirement benefit obligations may also affect periodic benefit costs (benefits) in future periods.

We use certain calculated values of assets under methods both to estimate the expected rate of return on assets component of pension cost and to calculate our plans’ funding requirements. The expected rate of return on plan assets is based on a market-related value of assets that recognizes investment gains and losses over a five-year period. We use an actuarial value of assets to determine our plans’ funding requirements. The actuarial value of assets must be within a certain range, high or low, of the actual market value of assets, and is adjusted accordingly.

We recorded $6.9 million, $11.5 million and $15.1 million of net annual pension and other postretirement benefit cost in 2008, 2007 and 2006, respectively.

We are required to recognize in our consolidated balance sheet the total underfunded status of our defined benefit postretirement plans. The underfunded status is defined as the difference between the fair value of the plan assets and the projected benefit obligation. At December 31, 2008 and 2007, our net underfunded status recorded on our consolidated balance sheets was $376.2 million and $110.6 million, respectively.

We made voluntary cash contributions to our U.S. qualified pension plan of $30.0 million in both 2008 and 2007. In addition, we paid nonqualified pension benefits from company assets of $5.8 million and $3.0 million, for 2008 and 2007, respectively. We paid other postretirement benefits, net of participant contributions, of $4.7 million in both 2008 and 2007. Our estimated cash contributions for 2009 include approximately $6.1 million in nonqualified pension benefits, $4.1 million in other postretirement benefits, and we plan to make voluntary cash contributions to our U.S. qualified pension plan of approximately $75 million.

We select the discount rate used to calculate pension and other postretirement obligations based on a review of available yields on high-quality corporate bonds, including Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”) Aa-rated Corporate and Industrial bond indices. In selecting the discount rate for 2008, we placed particular emphasis on a yield-curve approach designed by our actuary to derive an appropriate discount rate for computing the present value of the future cash flows associated with our pension and other postretirement obligations taking into consideration both the timing and amount of the cash flows. The specific interest rates supporting the yield curve were derived from calculated returns (yields) from a portfolio of high-quality (Aa-graded or higher) bond investments constructed by our actuary.

In developing the assumption for the long-term rate of return on assets for our U.S. Plan, we take into consideration the technical analysis performed by our outside actuaries, including historical market returns, information on the assumption for long-term real returns by asset class, inflation assumptions, and expectations for standard deviation related to these best estimates. We also consider the historical performance of our own plan’s trust, which has earned a compound annual rate of return of approximately 9.51 percent over the last 20 years (which is in excess of comparable market indices for the same period) as well as other factors. Given an



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actively managed investment portfolio, the expected annual rates of return by asset class for our portfolio, using geometric averaging, and after being adjusted for an estimated inflation rate of approximately 2.75 percent, is between 8.75 percent and 10.75 percent for equities, and between 4.25 percent and 7.75 percent for fixed-income investments, which generates a total expected portfolio return that is in line with our assumption for the rate of return on assets. We continually monitor the appropriateness of this rate in light of current market conditions. For the sensitivity of our pension costs to incremental changes in assumptions see our discussion below.

Sensitivity analysis related to key pension and postretirement benefit assumptions.

A one-half percent increase in the assumed discount rate would have decreased pension and other postretirement benefit obligations by $45.4 million at December 31, 2008 and $52.5 million at December 31, 2007, and decreased pension and other postretirement benefit costs by $0.5 million, $3.7 million and $5.2 million for 2008, 2007 and 2006, respectively. A one-half percent decrease in the assumed discount rate would have increased pension and other postretirement benefit obligations by $49.7 million at December 31, 2008 and $57.7 million at December 31, 2007, and increased pension and other postretirement benefit net periodic benefit cost by $0.5 million, $6.1 million and $5.9 million for 2008, 2007 and 2006, respectively.

A one-half percent increase in the assumed expected long-term rate of return on plan assets would have decreased pension costs by $4.2 million, $4.0 million and $3.6 million for 2008, 2007 and 2006, respectively. A one-half percent decrease in the assumed long-term rate of return on plan assets would have increased pension costs by $4.2 million, $4.0 million and $3.6 million for 2008, 2007 and 2006, respectively.

Further details on our pension and other postretirement benefit obligations and net periodic benefit costs (benefits) are found in Note 13 to our consolidated financial statements in this Form 10-K.

Income taxes

We have recorded a valuation allowance to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount that we believe is more likely than not to be realized. In assessing the need for this allowance, we have considered a number of factors including future income, the jurisdictions in which such income is earned and our ongoing tax planning strategies. In the event that we determine that we would not be able to realize all or part of our net deferred tax assets in the future, an adjustment to the deferred tax assets would be charged to income in the period such determination was made. Similarly, should we conclude that we would be able to realize certain deferred tax assets in the future in excess of the net recorded amount, an adjustment to the deferred tax assets would increase income in the period such determination was made. At December 31, 2008 and 2007, the valuation allowance was $55.3 million and $65.1 million, respectively.

Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements

We do not have any significant off-balance sheet arrangements that have or are reasonably likely to have a current or future effect on our financial condition, changes in financial condition, revenues or expenses, results of operations, liquidity, capital expenditures or capital resources that is material to investors.


In April 2008, the Board of Directors approved a quarterly cash dividend of $0.125 per share. This represents an increase of $0.02 above our previous rate of $0.105 per share. We declared dividends aggregating $35.7 million to our shareholders of record during the year 2008, and $9.1 million of this amount is included in “Accrued and other liabilities” on the consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2008. Total cash dividends of $34.4 million, $29.7 million and $21.0 million were paid in 2008, 2007 and 2006, respectively.



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Our earnings, cash flows, and financial position are exposed to market risks relating to fluctuations in commodity prices, interest rates and foreign currency exchange rates. Our policy is to minimize exposure to our cash flow over time caused by changes in commodity, interest and currency exchange rates. To accomplish this we have implemented a controlled program of risk management consisting of appropriate derivative contracts entered into with major financial institutions.

The analysis below presents the sensitivity of the market value of our financial instruments to selected changes in market rates and prices. The range of changes chosen reflects our view of changes that are reasonably possible over a one-year period. Market-value estimates are based on the present value of projected future cash flows considering the market rates and prices chosen. We calculate the market value foreign currency risk using third-party software incorporating standard pricing models to determine the present value of the instruments based on market conditions (spot and forward foreign exchange rates) as of the valuation date. We obtain estimates of the market value energy price risk from calculations performed internally and by a third party.

At December 31, 2008, our net financial instrument position was a net liability of $39.9 million compared to a net liability of $3.2 million at December 31, 2007. The change in the net financial instrument position was primarily due to higher unrealized losses in our commodity and foreign exchange portfolios.

Commodity Price Risk

Energy costs are approximately 13 percent of our costs of sales and services and are well balanced among coal, electricity and natural gas. We attempt to mitigate our exposure to increasing energy costs by hedging the cost of future deliveries of natural gas and by entering into fixed-price contracts for the purchase of coal and fuel oil. To analyze the effect of changing energy prices, we have performed a sensitivity analysis in which we assume an instantaneous 10 percent change in energy market prices from their levels at December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007 with all other variables (including interest rates) held constant. A 10 percent increase in energy market prices would result in a decrease of the net liability position of $7.6 million at December 31, 2008 compared to a $9.7 million decrease in the net liability position at December 31, 2007. As a result, at December 31, 2007, the net liability position would have become a net asset position. A 10 percent decrease in energy market prices would result in an increase of $7.6 million in the net liability position at December 31, 2008 compared to an increase of $9.7 million in the net liability position at December 31, 2007.

Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Risk

The primary currencies for which we have exchange rate exposure are the U.S. dollar versus the euro, the U.S. dollar versus the Chinese yuan and the U.S. dollar versus the Brazilian real. Foreign currency debt and foreign exchange forward contracts are used in countries where we do business, thereby reducing our net asset exposure. Foreign exchange forward contracts are also used to hedge firm and highly anticipated foreign currency cash flows.

To analyze the effects of changing foreign currency rates, we have performed a sensitivity analysis in which we assume an instantaneous 10 percent change in the foreign currency exchange rates from their levels at December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, with all other variables (including interest rates) held constant. A 10 percent strengthening of hedged currencies versus our functional currencies would have resulted in an increase of $10.9 million in the net liability position at December 31, 2008. A 10 percent strengthening of hedged currencies versus our functional currencies would have resulted in an increase of $17.6 million in the net liability position at December 31, 2007. A 10 percent weakening of hedged currencies versus our functional currencies would have resulted in a decrease of $11.8 million in the net liability position at December 31, 2008, compared to a decrease of $17.6 million in the net liability position at December 31, 2007. As a result, at December 31, 2007, the net liability position would have become a net asset position.



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Interest Rate Risk

One of the strategies that we can use to manage interest rate exposure is to enter into interest rate swap agreements. In these agreements, we agree to exchange, at specified intervals, the difference between fixed and variable interest amounts calculated on an agreed-upon notional principal amount. As of December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, we had no interest rate swap agreements.

Our debt portfolio, at December 31, 2008, is composed of 33 percent fixed-rate debt and 67 percent variable-rate debt. The variable-rate component of our debt portfolio principally consists of borrowings under our Domestic and European Credit Agreements, variable-rate industrial and pollution control revenue bonds, and amounts outstanding under foreign subsidiary credit lines. Changes in interest rates affect different portions of our variable-rate debt portfolio in different ways.

Based on the variable-rate debt in our debt portfolio at December 31, 2008, a one percentage point increase or decrease in interest rates then in effect would have increased or decreased gross interest expense for 2008 by $4.2 million.



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The following are included herein:


(1)    Consolidated Statements of Income for the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006
(2)    Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2008 and 2007
(3)    Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006
(4)    Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders’ Equity for the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006
(5)    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
(6)    Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
(7)    Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting
(8)    Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm



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     Year Ended December 31,  
     2008     2007     2006  
     (in Millions, Except Per Share Data)  


   $ 3,115.3     $ 2,632.9     $ 2,345.9  

Costs and expenses


Costs of sales and services

     2,134.4       1,830.1       1,636.5  

Selling, general and administrative expenses

     336.8       315.3       284.9  

Research and development expenses

     93.8       94.6       96.9  

Restructuring and other charges (income)

     49.6       164.9       76.8  

Total costs and expenses

     2,614.6       2,404.9       2,095.1  

Income from continuing operations before equity in (earnings) loss of affiliates, minority interests, interest income and expense, loss on extinguishment of debt and income taxes

     500.7       228.0       250.8  

Equity in (earnings) loss of affiliates

     (3.1 )     (2.5 )     (2.3 )

Minority interests

     17.0       9.6       7.8  

Interest income

     (1.0 )     (2.3 )     (9.1 )

Interest expense

     32.9       37.2       42.0  

Loss on extinguishment of debt

     —         0.3       —    

Income from continuing operations before income taxes

     454.9       185.7       212.4  

Provision for income taxes

     125.4       29.0       68.3  

Income from continuing operations

     329.5       156.7       144.1  

Discontinued operations, net of income taxes

     (24.9 )     (24.3 )     (12.8 )

Net income

   $ 304.6     $ 132.4     $ 131.3  

Basic earnings (loss) per common share


Continuing operations

   $ 4.47     $ 2.08     $ 1.88  

Discontinued operations

     (0.34 )     (0.32 )     (0.17 )

Net income

   $ 4.13     $ 1.76     $ 1.71  

Diluted earnings (loss) per common share


Continuing operations

   $ 4.35     $ 2.02     $ 1.82  

Discontinued operations

     (0.33 )     (0.31 )     (0.16 )

Net income

   $ 4.02     $ 1.71     $ 1.66  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



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     December 31,  
         2008             2007      

(in Millions, Except Share

and Par Value Data)


Current assets


Cash and cash equivalents

   $ 52.4     $ 75.5  

Trade receivables, net of allowance of $16.3 in 2008 and $18.0 in 2007

     687.7       599.7  


     380.8       275.0  

Prepaid and other current assets

     135.0       126.9  

Deferred income taxes

     176.9       117.0  

Total current assets

     1,432.8       1,194.1  


     20.6       20.6  

Property, plant and equipment, net

     939.2       934.7  


     197.0       180.2  

Other assets

     160.7       144.8  

Deferred income taxes

     243.6       259.0  

Total assets

   $ 2,993.9     $ 2,733.4  

Current liabilities


Short-term debt

   $ 28.6     $ 47.9  

Current portion of long-term debt

     2.1       77.7  

Accounts payable, trade and other

     372.3       327.4  

Accrued and other liabilities

     188.8       136.7  

Accrued payroll

     58.6       57.9  

Accrued customer rebates

     53.6       55.4  

Guarantees of vendor financing

     20.3       29.7  

Accrued pension and other postretirement benefits, current

     10.2       10.6  

Income taxes

     24.6       8.1  

Total current liabilities

     759.1       751.4  

Long-term debt, less current portion

     592.9       419.6  

Accrued pension and other postretirement benefits, long-term

     366.1       100.2  

Environmental liabilities, continuing and discontinued

     158.8       160.1  

Reserve for discontinued operations

     37.5       33.5  

Other long-term liabilities

     113.1       145.9  

Minority interests in consolidated companies

     63.5       58.4  

Commitments and contingent liabilities (Note 18)


Stockholders’ equity


Preferred stock, no par value, authorized 5,000,000 shares; no shares issued or outstanding in 2008 or 2007

     —         —    

Common stock, $0.10 par value, authorized 130,000,000 shares in 2008 and 2007 92,991,896 issued in 2008 and 2007

     9.3       9.3  

Capital in excess of par value of common stock

     395.5       407.5  

Retained earnings

     1,524.7       1,255.8  

Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)

     (276.1 )     (9.9 )

Treasury stock, common, at cost; 20,481,937 shares in 2008 and 17,862,495 shares in 2007

     (750.5 )     (598.4 )

Total stockholders’ equity

     902.9       1,064.3  

Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity

   $ 2,993.9     $ 2,733.4  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



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     Year Ended December 31,  
     2008     2007     2006  
     (in Millions)  

Cash provided (required) by operating activities of continuing operations:


Net Income

   $ 304.6     $ 132.4     $ 131.3  

Discontinued operations

     24.9       24.3       12.8  

Income from continuing operations

   $ 329.5     $ 156.7     $ 144.1  

Adjustments to reconcile income from continuing operations to cash provided (required) by operating activities:


Depreciation and amortization

     124.2       133.7       131.8  

Restructuring and other charges (income)

     49.6       164.9       76.8  

Equity in (earnings) loss of affiliates

     (3.1 )     (2.5 )     (2.3 )

Deferred income taxes

     96.9       6.5       56.8  

Minority interests

     17.0       9.6       7.8  

Loss on extinguishment of debt

     —         0.3       —    


     25.8       6.8       10.9  

Changes in operating assets and liabilities, net of effect of acquisitions and divestitures:


Trade receivables, net

     (99.0 )     (48.6 )     (31.2 )

Guarantees of vendor financing

     (9.4 )     4.1       (4.8 )


     (91.6 )     (39.6 )     21.9  

Other current assets and other assets

     (43.0 )     (16.0 )     (23.1 )

Accounts payable

     52.0       10.5       (12.3 )

Accrued payroll, other current liabilities and other liabilities

     (10.4 )     (0.6 )     (3.1 )

Income taxes

     0.6       9.1       17.2  

Accrued pension and other postretirement benefits, net

     (46.8 )     (42.1 )     (40.1 )

Environmental spending, continuing

     (13.6 )     (8.3 )     (4.0 )

Restructuring and other spending

     (21.3 )     (29.8 )     (39.2 )

Cash provided (required) by operating activities

     357.4       314.7       307.2  

Cash provided (required) by operating activities of discontinued operations:


Environmental spending, discontinued

     (32.2 )     (22.4 )     (44.1 )

Proceeds from sale of formerly environmentally impaired property

     —         —         25.3  

Payments of other discontinued reserves

     (17.6 )     (22.7 )     (24.4 )

Cash provided (required) by operating activities of discontinued operations

     (49.8 )     (45.1 )     (43.2 )

Cash provided (required) by investing activities:


Capital expenditures

     (174.8 )     (115.4 )     (115.6 )

Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment

     5.7       5.6       5.3  

Proceeds from sale of Princeton property

     59.4       —         —    

Proceeds from sale of sodium sulfate assets

     16.7       —         —    

Proceeds from sale of investments and assets held for sale

     —         —         11.7  

Acquisitions, net of cash acquired

     (90.6 )     —         —    

Acquisition of mineral rights

     —         —         (9.0 )

Distributions from Astaris

     —         4.4       —    

Other investing activities

     (8.1 )     (15.2 )     (2.2 )

Cash provided (required) by investing activities

     (191.7 )     (120.6 )     (109.8 )

Cash provided (required) by financing activities:


Net borrowings (repayments) under committed credit facilities

     203.0       —         —    

Increase (decrease) in other short-term debt

     (17.7 )     (5.1 )     (27.1 )

Financing fees

     —         (0.7 )     —    

Repayment of long-term debt

     (102.1 )     (95.9 )     (91.5 )

Distributions to minority partners

     (12.5 )     (10.2 )     (7.3 )

Dividends paid

     (34.4 )     (29.7 )     (21.0 )

Issuances of common stock, net

     13.1       14.6       40.6  

Repurchases of common stock

     (186.9 )     (116.4 )     (92.2 )

Cash provided (required) by financing activities

     (137.5 )     (243.4 )     (198.5 )

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

     (1.5 )     4.4       3.4  

Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     (23.1 )     (90.0 )     (40.9 )

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year

     75.5       165.5       206.4  

Cash and cash equivalents, end of year

   $ 52.4     $ 75.5     $ 165.5  



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Cash paid for interest was $37.8 million, $31.3 million and $44.3 million, and income taxes paid, net of refunds was $24.0 million net payments, $16.4 million net payments and $4.3 million net refunds in 2008, 2007, and 2006. For the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006, we contributed approximately 2,000 and 470,000 shares, respectively, of treasury stock to our employee benefit plans having a cost of $0.1 million and $17.3 million, respectively, which is considered a non-cash activity. We had no such comparable activity in the year ended December 31, 2008.

See Note 8 regarding non-cash activity related to the Princeton lease.

See Note 15 regarding quarterly cash dividend.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



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In Excess
of Par
Income (loss)
Income (loss)
    (in Millions, Except Par Value)  

Balance December 31, 2005

  $ 9.3   $ 423.0     $ 1,053.6     $ (46.1 )   $ (489.1 )  

Net income

        131.3           131.3  

Stock compensation plans

      (8.6 )         36.3    

Shares for benefit plan trust


Reclassification adjustments for losses (gains) included in net income, net of income tax benefit of $10.7

          (17.6 )       (17.6 )

Minimum pension liability adjustment, net of income tax expense of $13.7

          21.9         21.9  

Adjustment to initially apply SFAS No, 158, net of income tax benefit of $21.3

          (27.8 )    

Net deferred loss on derivative contracts, net of income tax benefit of $9.5

          (16.1 )       (16.1 )

Foreign currency translation adjustments

          28.6         28.6  

Dividends ($0.36 per share)

        (27.8 )      

Repurchases of common stock

            (90.0 )  

Reclassification due to adoption of SFAS 123R


Balance December 31, 2006

    9.3     426.3       1,157.1       (57.1 )     (525.4 )     148.1  

Net income

        132.4           132.4  

Stock compensation plans

      (18.8 )         37.3    

Shares for benefit plan trust

            (0.3 )  

Reclassification adjustments for losses (gains) included in net income, net of income tax expense of $11.4

          17.6         17.6  

Change in pension and post-retirement benefit plans, net of income tax benefit of $2.7

          (2.6 )       (2.6 )

Net deferred gain on derivative contracts, net of income tax benefit of $1.2

          (1.4 )       (1.4 )

Foreign currency translation adjustments

          33.6         33.6  

Dividends ($0.405 per share)

        (30.9 )      

Adjustment to initially apply FIN 48 as of January 1, 2007

        (2.8 )      

Repurchases of common stock

            (110.0 )  

Balance December 31, 2007

    9.3     407.5       1,255.8       (9.9 )     (598.4 )     179.6  

Net income

        304.6           304.6  

Stock compensation plans

      (12.0 )         34.1    

Shares for benefit plan trust

            (1.0 )  

Reclassification adjustments for losses (gains) included in net income, net of income tax expense of $1.7

          0.9         0.9  

Change in pension and post-retirement benefit plans, net of income tax benefit of $116.6

          (190.9 )       (190.9 )

Net deferred gain (loss) on derivative contracts, net of income tax benefit of $17.8

          (31.7 )       (31.7 )

Foreign currency translation adjustments

          (44.5 )       (44.5 )

Dividends ($0.48 per share)

        (35.7 )      

Repurchases of common stock

            (185.2 )  

Balance December 31, 2008

  $ 9.3   $ 395.5     $ 1,524.7     $ (276.1 )   $ (750.5 )   $ 38.4  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



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Nature of operations.    We are a diversified chemical company serving agricultural, industrial and consumer markets globally with innovative solutions, applications and quality products. We operate in three business segments: Agricultural Products, Specialty Chemicals and Industrial Chemicals. Agricultural Products provides crop protection and pest control products for worldwide markets. Specialty Chemicals includes food ingredients that are used to enhance structure, texture and taste; pharmaceutical additives for binding and disintegrant use; and lithium specialties for pharmaceutical synthesis, specialty polymers and energy storage. Industrial Chemicals encompasses a wide range of inorganic materials in which we possess market and technology leadership, including soda ash, phosphorus and peroxygens (hydrogen peroxide and active oxidants) in both North America and in Europe through our subsidiary, FMC Foret, S.A. (“Foret”).

Basis of consolidation and basis of presentation.    The accompanying consolidated financial statements of FMC Corporation and its subsidiaries were prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Our consolidated financial statements include the accounts of FMC and all entities that we directly or indirectly control. All significant intercompany accounts and transactions are eliminated in consolidation.

Estimates and assumptions.    In preparing the financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles we are required to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results are likely to differ from those estimates, but we do not believe such differences will materially affect our financial position, results of operations or cash flows.

Cash equivalents.    We consider investments in all liquid debt instruments with original maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

Investments.    Investments in companies in which our ownership interest is 50 percent or less and in which we exercise significant influence over operating and financial policies are accounted for using the equity method. Under the equity method, original investments are recorded at cost and adjusted by our share of undistributed earnings and losses of these investments. Majority owned investments in which our control is restricted are also accounted for using the equity method. All other investments are carried at their fair values or at cost, as appropriate. We are party to several joint venture investments throughout the world, which individually and in the aggregate are not significant to our financial results.

Inventories.    Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market value. Inventory costs include those costs directly attributable to products before sale, including all manufacturing overhead but excluding distribution costs. All domestic inventories, excluding materials and supplies, are determined on a last-in, first-out (“LIFO”) basis and our remaining inventories are recorded on a first-in, first-out (“FIFO”) basis. See Note 7.

Property, plant and equipment.    We record property, plant and equipment, including capitalized interest, at cost. Depreciation is provided principally on the straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the assets (land improvements—20 years, buildings—20 to 40 years, and machinery and equipment—3 to 18 years). Gains and losses are reflected in income upon sale or retirement of assets. Expenditures that extend the useful lives of property, plant and equipment or increase productivity are capitalized. Ordinary repairs and maintenance are expensed as incurred through operating expense.



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Emerging Issues Task Force No. 97-10 (“EITF 97-10”), The Effect of Lessee Involvement in Asset Construction, is applied to entities involved with certain structural elements of the construction of an asset (such as air conditioning and electrical wiring) that will be leased when construction of the asset is completed. EITF 97-10 requires us to be considered the owner (for accounting purposes only) of these types of projects during the construction period. This is the case even though we are not obligated to guarantee the non-recourse mortgage obligation, nor are we involved in the management of the construction of the building or the management of the owner-lessor. See Note 8.

Impairments of long-lived assets.    We review the recovery of the net book value of long-lived assets whenever events and circumstances indicate that the net book value of an asset may not be recoverable from the estimated undiscounted future cash flows expected to result from its use and eventual disposition. In cases where undiscounted expected future cash flows are less than the net book value, we recognize an impairment loss equal to an amount by which the net book value exceeds the fair value of the asset. Long-lived assets to be disposed of are reported at the lower of carrying amount or fair value less cost to sell.

Asset Retirement Obligations.    We record asset retirement obligations at fair value at the time the liability is incurred. The associated asset retirement obligations are capitalized as part of the carrying amount of related long-lived assets. In future periods, the liability is accreted to its present value and the capitalized cost is depreciated over the useful life of the related asset. We also adjust the liability for changes resulting from the passage of time and/or revisions to the timing or the amount of the original estimate. Upon retirement of the long-lived asset, we either settle the obligation for its recorded amount or incur a gain or loss. See Note 9 for further discussion on our asset retirement obligations.

Restructuring and other charges.    We continually perform strategic reviews and assess the return on our businesses. This sometimes results in a plan to restructure the operations of a business. We record an accrual for severance and other exit costs under the provisions of the relevant accounting guidance.

Additionally, as part of these restructuring plans, write-downs of long-lived assets may occur. Two types of assets are impacted: assets to be disposed of by sale and assets to be abandoned. Assets to be disposed of by sale are measured at the lower of carrying amount or estimated net proceeds from the sale. Assets to be abandoned with no remaining future service potential are written down to amounts expected to be recovered. The useful life of assets to be abandoned that have a remaining future service potential are adjusted and accelerated depreciation is recorded over the adjusted useful life.

Capitalized interest.    We capitalized interest costs of $5.7 million in 2008, $4.2 million in 2007 and $3.7 million in 2006. These costs were associated with the construction of certain long-lived assets and have been capitalized as part of the cost of those assets. We amortize capitalized interest over the assets’ estimated useful lives.

Other assets.    Unamortized capitalized software costs totaling $13.7 million and $15.0 million at December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively, are components of other assets, which also include debt financing fees, advances to contract manufacturers, definite-lived intangibles assets (see Note 4), fair value of a deferred compensation arrangement (see note 17) and other deferred charges. We capitalize the costs of internal use software in accordance with accounting literature which generally permits the capitalization of certain costs incurred to develop or obtain internal use software. We assess the recoverability of deferred software costs on an ongoing basis and record write-downs to fair value as necessary. We amortize capitalized software costs over expected useful lives ranging from three to ten years.



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Goodwill and intangible assets.    Goodwill and other indefinite intangible assets (“intangibles”) are not subject to amortization. Instead, they are subject to at least an annual assessment for impairment by applying a fair value based test.

We test goodwill for impairment annually using the criteria prescribed by Statement of Financial Accounting Standard (‘SFAS”) No. 142 “Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets”. We did not record any goodwill impairments in 2008, 2007 and 2006.

Definite life intangible assets consist primarily of patents, access rights, customer relationships, industry licenses and other intangibles and are being amortized over periods of 5 to 20 years. See Note 4 for additional information on goodwill and intangible assets.

Revenue recognition.    We recognize revenue when the earnings process is complete, which is generally upon transfer of title. This transfer typically occurs either upon shipment to the customer or upon receipt by the customer. In all cases, we apply the following criteria in recognizing revenue: persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists, delivery has occurred, the selling price is fixed or determinable and collection is reasonably assured. Rebates due to customers are accrued in the same period that the related sales are recorded based on the contract terms.

We record amounts billed for shipping and handling fees as revenue. Costs incurred for shipping and handling are recorded as costs of sales and services.

Income and other taxes.    We provide current income taxes on income reported for financial statement purposes adjusted for transactions that do not enter into the computation of income taxes payable and recognize deferred tax liabilities and assets for the expected future tax consequences of temporary differences between the carrying amounts and the tax basis of assets and liabilities. We do not provide income taxes on the equity in undistributed earnings of foreign subsidiaries or affiliates when it is our intention that such earnings will remain invested in those companies. Investment tax credits or grants, which were immaterial to us in all years presented, are accounted for in the period earned (the flow-through method).

We record all taxes collected from customers to be remitted to governmental authorities on a net basis in our consolidated statements of income.

Foreign currency translation.    We translate the assets and liabilities of most of our foreign operations at exchange rates in effect at the balance sheet date. The foreign operations’ income statements are translated at the monthly exchange rates for the period. For operations where the local currency is the functional currency we record translation gains and losses as a component of accumulated other comprehensive income or loss in stockholders’ equity until the foreign entity is sold or liquidated. We did not have significant operations in any highly inflationary countries during 2008, 2007 and 2006. In countries where the local currency is not the functional currency, property, plant and equipment, and other non-current assets are converted to functional currencies at historical exchange rates, and all gains or losses from conversion are included in either net income or other comprehensive income. Net income (loss) for 2008, 2007 and 2006 included aggregate transactional foreign currency gains and losses. We recorded a net gain (loss) of $0.4 million, ($13.8) million and $1.0 million for the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007, and 2006 respectively. Other comprehensive income or loss for 2008, 2007 and 2006 included translation (losses) and gains of $(44.5) million, $33.6 million and $28.6 million, respectively.

The value of the U.S. dollar and other currencies in which we operate continually fluctuate. Results of operations and financial position for all the years presented have been affected by such fluctuations. We enter into certain foreign exchange contracts to mitigate the financial risk associated with this fluctuation as discussed in Note 17. These contracts typically qualify for hedge accounting. See “Derivative financial instruments” below and Note 17.



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Derivative financial instruments.    We mitigate certain financial exposures, including currency risk, interest rate risk, and energy purchase exposures, through a controlled program of risk management that includes the use of derivative financial instruments. We enter into foreign exchange contracts, including forward and purchased option contracts, to reduce the effects of fluctuating foreign currency exchange rates.

We recognize all derivatives on the balance sheet at fair value. On the date the derivative instrument is entered into, we generally designate the derivative as either a hedge of the variability of cash flows to be received or paid related to a forecasted transaction (cash flow hedge) or a hedge of the fair value of a recognized asset or liability or of an unrecognized firm commitment (fair value hedge). We record in accumulated other comprehensive income or loss changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated as and meet all the required criteria for a cash flow hedge. We then reclassify these amounts into earnings as the underlying hedged item affects earnings. We record immediately in earnings changes in the fair value of derivatives that are not designated as hedges.

We formally document all relationships between hedging instruments and hedged items, as well as the risk management objective and strategy for undertaking various hedge transactions. This process includes relating derivatives that are designated as fair value or cash flow hedges to specific assets and liabilities on the balance sheet or to specific firm commitments or forecasted transactions. We also formally assess, both at the inception of the hedge and on an ongoing basis, whether each derivative is highly effective in offsetting changes in fair values or cash flows of the hedged item. If we determine that a derivative is not highly effective as a hedge, or if a derivative ceases to be a highly effective hedge, we discontinue hedge accounting with respect to that derivative prospectively. We had $0.2 million and $0.1 million of ineffective losses related to our hedges for 2008 and 2007, respectively. We had no ineffective gains or losses in 2006.

Treasury stock.    We record shares of common stock repurchased at cost as treasury stock, resulting in a reduction of stockholders’ equity in the Consolidated Balance Sheets. When the treasury shares are contributed under our employee benefit plans, we use a first-in, first-out (“FIFO”) method for determining cost. The difference between the cost of the shares and the market price at the time of contribution to an employee benefit plan is added to or deducted from capital in excess of par value of common stock (see supplemental cash flow information described at the end of our Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows).

Segment information.    We determined our reportable segments based on our strategic business units, the commonalities among the products and services within each segment and the manner in which we review and evaluate operating performance.

We have identified Agricultural Products, Specialty Chemicals and Industrial Chemicals as our reportable segments. Segment disclosures are included in Note 19. Segment operating profit is defined as segment revenue less operating expenses (segment operating expenses consist of costs of sales and services, selling, general and administrative expenses and research and development expenses). We have excluded the following items from segment operating profit: corporate staff expense, interest income and expense associated with corporate debt facilities and investments, income taxes, gains (or losses) on divestitures of businesses, restructuring and other charges, investment gains and losses, loss on extinguishment of debt, asset impairments, LIFO inventory adjustments, amortization of inventory step-up from business acquisitions and other income and expense items. Information about how restructuring and other charges relate to our businesses at the segment level is discussed in Note 6.

Segment assets and liabilities are those assets and liabilities that are recorded and reported by segment operations. Segment operating capital employed represents segment assets less segment liabilities. Segment assets exclude corporate and other assets, which are principally cash equivalents, the impact of the LIFO reserve



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on inventory, deferred income tax benefits, eliminations of intercompany receivables and property and equipment not attributable to a specific segment. Segment liabilities exclude substantially all debt, income taxes, pension and other postretirement benefit liabilities, environmental reserves, restructuring reserves, deferred gains on sale and leaseback of equipment, fair value of currency contracts, intercompany eliminations, and reserves for discontinued operations.

Geographic segment revenue is based on the location of our customers. Geographic segment long-lived assets include investments, net property, plant and equipment, and other non-current assets. Geographic segment data is included in Note 19.

Stock compensation plans.    We adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (“SFAS”) No. 123 (revised 2004), “Share-Based Payment” (SFAS 123R) on January 1, 2006, which requires that compensation expense be recognized in the financial statements for all share options and other equity-based arrangements. Under the provisions of SFAS 123R, share-based compensation cost is measured at the date of grant, based on the fair value of the award, and is recognized over the employee’s requisite service period (See Note 14 for further discussion on our share-based compensation).

We adopted SFAS 123R using the modified prospective transition method as provided for by the Standard and therefore have not restated prior periods. Under this transition method, the amount of compensation cost recognized in 2007 and 2006 for stock option awards includes amortization relating to the remaining unvested portion of stock option awards granted prior to January 1, 2006, and amortization related to new stock option awards granted on January 1, 2006 and later. Prior to January 1, 2006, we accounted for our stock compensation plans under the recognition and measurement principles of Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25, “Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees”, and related interpretations. Accordingly, no compensation expense for stock option awards has been recognized in our financial statements in periods prior to January 1, 2006.

Environmental obligations.    We provide for environmental-related obligations when they are probable and amounts can be reasonably estimated. Where the available information is sufficient to estimate the amount of liability, that estimate has been used. Where the information is only sufficient to establish a range of probable liability and no point within the range is more likely than any other, the lower end of the range has been used.

Estimated obligations to remediate sites that involve oversight by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), or similar government agencies, are generally accrued no later than when a Record of Decision (ROD), or equivalent, is issued, or upon completion of a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) that is submitted by us and the appropriate government agency or agencies. Estimates are reviewed quarterly and, if necessary, adjusted as additional information becomes available. The estimates can change substantially as additional information becomes available regarding the nature or extent of site contamination, required remediation methods, and other actions by or against governmental agencies or private parties.

Included in the environmental reserve balance, other assets and reasonably possible loss contingencies are potentially recoverable amounts from third party insurance policies.

Our environmental liabilities for continuing and discontinued operations are principally for costs associated with the remediation and/or study of sites at which we are alleged to have disposed of hazardous substances. Such costs principally include, among other items, RI/FS, site remediation, costs of operation and maintenance of the remediation plan, fees to outside law firms and consultants for work related to the environmental effort, and future monitoring costs. Estimated site liabilities are determined based upon existing remediation laws and technologies, specific site consultants’ engineering studies or by extrapolating experience with environmental



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issues at comparable sites. Total reserves of $194.2 million and $188.6 million, respectively, before recoveries, were recorded at December 31, 2008 and 2007. In addition, we believe that it is reasonably possible that loss contingencies may exceed amounts accrued by approximately $80 million at December 31, 2008.

Provisions for environmental costs are reflected in income, net of probable and estimable recoveries from named Potentially Responsible Parties (“PRPs”) or other third parties. Such provisions incorporate inflation and are not discounted to their present values.

In calculating and evaluating the adequacy of our environmental reserves, we have taken into account the joint and several liability imposed by Comprehensive Environmental Remediation, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the analogous state laws on all PRPs and have considered the identity and financial condition of each of the other PRPs at each site to the extent possible. We have also considered the identity and financial condition of other third parties from whom recovery is anticipated, as well as the status of our claims against such parties. Although we are unable to forecast the ultimate contributions of PRPs and other third parties with absolute certainty, the degree of uncertainty with respect to each party is taken into account when determining the environmental reserve by adjusting the reserve to reflect the facts and circumstances on a site-by-site basis. Our liability includes our best estimate of the costs expected to be paid before the consideration of any potential recoveries from third parties. We believe that any recorded recoveries related to PRPs are realizable in all material respects. Recoveries are recorded as either an offset in “Environmental liabilities, continuing and discontinued” or as “Other Assets” in our consolidated balance sheets.

Pension and other postretirement benefits

We provide qualified and nonqualified defined benefit and defined contribution pension plans, as well as postretirement health care and life insurance benefit plans to our employees. Effective July 1, 2007, all of our newly hired and rehired salaried and nonunion hourly employees are no longer eligible for our defined benefit pension plans. The costs (or benefits) and obligations related to these benefits reflect key assumptions related to general economic conditions, including interest (discount) rates, healthcare cost trend rates, expected rates of return on plan assets and the rates of compensation increases for employees. The costs (or benefits) and obligations for these benefit programs are also affected by other assumptions, such as average retirement age, mortality, employee turnover, and plan participation. To the extent our plans’ actual experience, as influenced by changing economic and financial market conditions or by changes to our own plans’ demographics, differs from these assumptions, the costs and obligations for providing these benefits, as well as the plans’ funding requirements, could increase or decrease. When actual results differ from our assumptions, the difference is typically recognized over future periods. In addition, the unrealized gains and losses related to our pension and postretirement benefit obligations may also affect periodic benefit costs (or benefits) in future periods. See Note 13 for additional information relating to pension and other postretirement benefits.

Reclassification and adjustments.

Certain prior year amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current year’s presentation.

Adjustments recorded in 2007

Our results for the year ended December 31, 2007, were favorably impacted by a $6.1 million benefit ($3.8 million after-tax), or $0.05 per diluted share related to a correction of last in, first out (“LIFO”) inventory liquidations related to prior periods. The adjustment to our LIFO inventory reserves was recorded as a result of a correction in determining our initial LIFO inventory base year. The benefit of $6.1 million has been recorded as component of “Costs of sales and services” in the consolidated statement of income for the year ended December 31, 2007.



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Additionally, our results for the year ended December 31, 2007 were unfavorably impacted by $5.6 million, or $0.07 per diluted share, related to adjustments to income tax reserves related to prior periods. The $5.6 million adjustment was recorded to “Provision for income taxes” in the consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2007.

We believe that the effect of these adjustments was not material to our financial position or results of operations or liquidity for any period.

Adjustments recorded in 2006

Our results for the year ended December 31, 2006, were unfavorably impacted by $8.5 million or $0.11 per diluted share recorded to income taxes related to adjustments of deferred tax assets. The adjustment to our income taxes was recorded as a result of a review of our deferred taxes. We believe that the effect of this adjustment was not material to our financial position or results of operations or liquidity for any period.



New accounting standards

SFAS No. 141(R)

In December 2007, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (“SFAS”) No. 141(revised), “Business Combinations”. Statement No. 141(R) applies to all business combinations. Under SFAS No. 141(R) an entity is required to recognize the assets acquired, liabilities assumed, contractual contingencies, and contingent consideration at their fair values on the acquisition date. We are required to adopt this Statement starting in 2009 and it is to be applied to business combinations occurring in 2009 and thereafter. Early adoption of this Statement is prohibited.

SFAS No. 160

In December 2007, the FASB issued SFAS No. 160, “Noncontrolling Interests in Consolidated Financial Statements”. Statement No. 160 applies to the accounting for noncontrolling interests and transactions with noncontrolling interest holders in consolidated financial statements. SFAS No. 160 changes the accounting and reporting for minority interests, which will be recharacterized as noncontrolling interests and classified as a component of equity. We are required to adopt this Statement starting in 2009. Early adoption of this Statement is prohibited and we are currently in the process of evaluating the effect that this Statement will have on our consolidated financial statements.

SFAS No. 161

In March 2008, the FASB issued SFAS No. 161, “Disclosures about Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities”. Statement No. 161 applies to the disclosure requirements for all derivative instruments and hedged items accounted for under SFAS No. 133 and its related interpretations. This Statement amends and expands the disclosure requirements of Statement 133, requiring qualitative disclosures about objectives and strategies for using derivatives, quantitative disclosures about fair value amounts and gains and losses on derivative instruments, and disclosures about the credit risk related contingent features in derivative agreements. We are required to adopt this Statement starting in 2009. We are currently in the process of evaluating the effect that this Statement will have on the disclosures in our consolidated financial statements.



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FSP EITF 03-6-1

In June 2008, the FASB issued FASB Staff Position (“FSP”) EITF 03-6-1, “Determining Whether Instruments Granted in Share-Based Payment Transactions are Participating Securities”. This FSP requires unvested share-based payment awards that contain non-forfeitable rights to dividends or dividend equivalents to be treated as participating securities as defined in EITF Issue No. 03-6, “Participating Securities and the Two-Class Method under FASB Statement No. 128,” and, therefore, included in the earnings allocation in computing earnings per share under the two-class method described in FASB Statement No. 128, “Earnings per Share”. Upon adoption, all previously reported EPS data should be adjusted retrospectively to conform with the requirements of the FSP. We are required to adopt this FSP starting in 2009. Early adoption is prohibited. We are currently in the process of evaluating the effect that this FSP will have on our consolidated financial statements.

FSP FAS 132(R)-1

In December 2008, the FASB issued FSP FAS 132(R)-1, “Employers’ Disclosures about Postretirement Benefit Plan Assets”. This FSP amends FASB Statement No. 132 (revised 2003) “Employers’ Disclosures about Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits”, to provide guidance on an employer’s disclosures about plan assets of a defined benefit pension or other postretirement plan. The FSP requires additional disclosure regarding how investment allocation decisions are made, more information about major categories of plan assets, including concentrations of risk and fair-value measurements, and the fair-value techniques and inputs used to measure plan assets. We are required to adopt this Statement beginning with our 2009 Form 10-K.

EITF 08-6

In September 2008, the FASB ratified the consensus reached by the Emerging Issues Task Force (“EITF”) with respect to EITF Issue No. 08-6, “Equity Method Investment Accounting Considerations”. The consensus requires an equity-method investor to recognize its proportionate share of impairment charges recognized by the investee, adjusted for basis differences, if any, between the investee’s carrying amount for the impaired assets and the cost allocated to such assets by the investor. The investor is also required to perform an overall other-than-temporary impairment test of its investment in accordance with APB Opinion 18, “The Equity Method of Accounting for Investments in Common Stock”. We are required to adopt this EITF starting in 2009. Early adoption is prohibited. We are currently in the process of evaluating the effect that this EITF will have on our consolidated financial statements.

Adopted in 2008

SFAS No. 159

In February 2007, the FASB issued SFAS No. 159, “The Fair Value Option for Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities”. Statement No. 159 permits entities to choose to measure many financial instruments and certain warranty and insurance contracts at fair value on a contract-by-contract basis. We adopted SFAS No. 159 on January 1, 2008. Upon adoption, we did not elect the fair value measurement option for any of our financial assets or liabilities; therefore, the adopted Statement did not have an impact on our consolidated financial statements.

SFAS No. 157

In September 2006, the FASB issued SFAS No. 157, “Fair Value Measurements”. Statement No. 157 defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value under U.S. GAAP, and enhances disclosures about fair value measurements. The Statement applies when other accounting pronouncements require fair value



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measurements; it does not require new fair value measurements. On February 12, 2008, the FASB issued FASB Staff Position No. FAS 157-2, “Effective Date of FASB Statement No. 157”, which amends FAS No. 157 by delaying its effective date by one year for non-financial assets and non-financial liabilities, except for items that are recognized or disclosed at fair value in the financial statements on a recurring basis. We adopted SFAS No. 157 for financial assets and liabilities on January 1, 2008. Other than new disclosure, there was no impact to our consolidated financial statements upon adoption of SFAS No. 157. SFAS No. 157-2 for nonfinancial assets and liabilities is effective for us starting in 2009. We currently do not have any non-financial assets or non-financial liabilities that are required to be measured at fair value on a recurring basis. See Note 17 for additional information regarding the adoption of this Statement.



During the third quarter 2008, we acquired the two businesses described below for approximately $98 million. We paid $90.6 million in cash for these two businesses which represents the purchase price of approximately $98 million less cash acquired. The businesses will be integrated into our Specialty Chemicals segment’s BioPolymer Division. The purchase price is not considered final due to working capital adjustments expected to occur in the first quarter of 2009. These two businesses are discussed below.

In August 2008, we acquired the hydrocolloids ingredients business of International Specialty Products Inc. (“ISP”) based in Girvan, Scotland. This acquisition is intended to strengthen our position in hydrocolloids and enhance service to the global customers in food, pharmaceutical and specialty industries. Under the agreement, we acquired ISP’s alginates and food blends business (other than ISP’s Germinal blending business based in Brazil), including ISP’s Girvan, Scotland, manufacturing facility and employees. The results of operations of the ISP business are included in the Specialty Chemicals segment beginning on the acquisition date of August 18, 2008.

In September 2008, we acquired shares and assets comprising the food ingredients business of Co-Living Group. The acquisition is intended to enhance our position in supplying specialty hydrocolloid products and services to the rapidly growing food ingredients market in China. The results of operations of the CoLiving business are included in the Specialty Chemicals segment beginning on the acquisition date of September 29, 2008.

We are currently in the process of finalizing the purchase price allocation of the acquisitions. This may result in additional adjustments to the initial purchase price allocation. The following table presents the initial purchase price allocation of our Specialty Chemical segment acquisitions described above:


(in Millions)     

Current Assets (primarily inventory)

   $ 50.5

Property, Plant & Equipment


Intangible Assets (primarily customer relationships)




Deferred Tax Asset


Total Assets Acquired

   $ 120.4

Current Liabilities


Long-Term Liabilities (primarily deferred tax liability)


Net Assets

   $ 97.9



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As of the acquisition dates, we began to assess and formulate plans to restructure the acquired entities. These activities are accounted for in accordance with EITF 95-3, “Recognition of Liabilities in Connection with a Purchase Business Combination” (“EITF 95-3”). The estimated costs have been recognized as liabilities in the purchase price allocations above. As management finalizes its plans to integrate or restructure certain activities of the acquired entities, further liabilities may be recorded as part of the purchase price allocation.

The intangible assets that are subject to amortization, primarily customer relationships, have a weighted average useful life of 20 years. The $22.7 million of goodwill, which we expect to be deductible for income tax purposes, is included in our Specialty Chemicals segment.

Pro forma revenue results had the acquisitions of ISP and CoLiving occurred on January 1, 2007 and January 1, 2008, would have been $3,177.4 million and $2,714.7 million for the years ended December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, respectively. This information is based on historical results of operations, and, in the opinion of management, is not necessarily indicative of what the results would have been had we operated the entities acquired since such dates. Pro forma net income and earnings per share information related to these acquisitions is not presented because the impact of these acquisitions on these measures in our consolidated statements of income is not considered to be significant.



The changes in the carrying amount of goodwill by business segment for the years ended December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007 are presented in the table below:


(in Millions)


Balance, December 31, 2006

   $ 2.7    $ 160.3     $ 0.6    $ 163.6  

Foreign Currency Adjustments

     —        16.6       —        16.6  

Balance, December 31, 2007

   $ 2.7    $ 176.9     $ 0.6    $ 180.2  


     —        22.7       —        22.7  

Foreign Currency Adjustments

     —        (5.9 )     —        (5.9 )

Balance, December 31, 2008

   $ 2.7    $ 193.7     $ 0.6    $ 197.0  

Acquisitions for the year ended December 31, 2008 relate to the ISP and CoLiving acquisitions described in Note 3.

Our definite–life intangibles totaled $25.9 million and $11.2 million at December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, respectively. At December 31, 2008, these definite life intangibles were allocated among our business segments as follows: $7.5 million in Agricultural Products, $17.4 million in Specialty Chemicals and $1.0 million in Industrial Chemicals. Definite life intangible assets consist primarily of patents, customer relationships, access rights, industry licenses and other intangibles and are included in “Other assets” in the consolidated balance sheets. The increase in definite life intangibles during the year ended December 31, 2008 was due to the intangible assets acquired in connection with the acquisitions described in Note 3. Amortization was not significant in the periods presented. The estimated amortization expense for each of the five years ended December 31, 2009 to 2012 is also not significant.



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Our results of discontinued operations comprised the following:


     Year Ended December 31,  
     2008     2007     2006  
     (in Millions)  

Income from the sale of real estate property in San Jose (net of income tax expense of $10.0 million), respectively

   $ —       $ —       $ 14.0  

Adjustment for workers’ compensation, product liability, and other postretirement benefits related to previously discontinued operations (net of income tax expense of $0.2 million, $0.4 million and $0.3 million for 2008, 2007 and 2006, respectively)

     0.1       1.1       0.5  

Provision for environmental liabilities and legal reserves and expenses related to previously discontinued operations (net of income tax benefit of $15.2 million, $15.4 million, and $16.9 million in 2008, 2007 and 2006, respectively)

     (25.0 )     (25.4 )     (27.3 )

Discontinued operations, net of income taxes

   $ (24.9 )   $ (24.3 )   $ (12.8 )

Year Ended December 31, 2008

For the year ended December 31, 2008, we recorded a $40.2 million ($25.0 million after-tax) charge to discontinued operations related primarily to environmental issues and legal reserves and expenses. Environmental charges of $21.0 million ($13.0 million after-tax) relate primarily to a provision to increase reserves for environmental issues at our Front Royal and Middleport sites as well as operating and maintenance activity. See the table showing our environmental reserves in Note 12. We also recorded increases to legal reserves and expenses in the amount of $19.2 million ($12.0 million after-tax).

Year Ended December 31, 2007

During 2007, we recorded a $40.8 million ($25.4 million after-tax) charge to discontinued operations related primarily to environmental issues and legal reserves and expenses. Environmental charges of $21.1 million ($13.1 million after-tax) relate primarily to a provision to increase reserves for environmental issues at our Middleport, Front Royal and Modesto sites. We also recorded increases to legal reserves and expenses in the amount of $19.7 million ($12.3 million after-tax).

Year Ended December 31, 2006

On May 24, 2006, we completed the sale of 23 acres of land in San Jose, California to the City of San Jose for $25.3 million. This sale resulted in income of $24.0 million ($14.0 million after tax). This sale completes the sale of land that was formerly used by FMC’s defense business, which was divested in 1997. We sold an adjacent 52 acres to the City of San Jose in February 2005 for $56.1 million.

For the year ended December 31, 2006, we also recorded a $44.2 million ($27.3 million after tax) charge to discontinued operations primarily related to environmental issues and legal reserves and expenses. Environmental charges of $26.8 million ($16.6 million after-tax), net of recoveries included a provision to increase our reserves for environmental issues primarily related to our Front Royal and Middleport sites as well as to increase our reserve for operating and maintenance activities. Included in the environmental charges noted above are offsetting amounts totaling $19.6 million ($12.2 million after-tax) related to recognition of third-party



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environmental recoveries related primarily to our Front Royal site. For the year ended December 31, 2006, increases to legal reserves and expenses related to previously discontinued operations amounted to $17.4 million ($10.7 million after-tax).

Reserve for Discontinued Operations at December 31, 2008 and 2007

The reserve for discontinued operations totaled $37.5 million and $33.5 million at December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively. The liability at December 31, 2008 was comprised of $8.1 million for workers’ compensation and product liability, $12.3 million for other postretirement medical and life insurance benefits provided to former employees of discontinued businesses and $17.1 million of reserves for legal proceedings associated with discontinued operations. In connection with SFAS No. 158 (see Note 13) that we adopted in 2006, the discontinued postretirement medical and life insurance benefits liability equals the accumulated postretirement benefit obligation. Associated with this liability is a net pretax actuarial gain and prior service credit of approximately $17.6 million ($11.6 million after-tax) and $20.9 million ($14.2 million after-tax) at December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively. The estimated net actuarial gain and prior service credit that will be amortized from accumulated other comprehensive income into discontinued operations during 2009 are $2.0 million and $0.1 million, respectively.

The liability at December 31, 2007 was comprised of $7.9 million for workers’ compensation and product liability, $12.0 million for other postretirement medical and life insurance benefits provided to former employees of discontinued businesses and $13.6 million of reserves for legal proceedings associated with discontinued operations. At December 31, 2008 and 2007, substantially all other discontinued operations reserves recorded on our consolidated balance sheets related to operations discontinued between 1976 and 2001.

We use actuarial methods, to the extent practicable, to monitor the adequacy of product liability, workers’ compensation and other postretirement benefit reserves on an ongoing basis. While the amounts required to settle our liabilities for discontinued operations could ultimately differ materially from the estimates used as a basis for recording these liabilities, we believe that changes in estimates or required expenditures for any individual cost component will not have a material adverse effect on our liquidity or financial condition in any single year and that, in any event, such costs will be satisfied over the course of several years.

Spending in 2008, 2007 and 2006 was $0.6 million, $1.9 million and $2.0 million, respectively, for workers’ compensation, product liability and other claims; $1.5 million, $2.0 million and $2.2 million, respectively, for other postretirement benefits; and $15.5 million, $18.8 million and $20.2 million, respectively, related to reserves for legal proceedings associated with discontinued operations.



Year Ended December 31, 2008

Princeton Property Sale

On March 18, 2008, we completed the sale of our 158-acre Princeton research center to the Princeton HealthCare System. Gross proceeds from the sale were $62.5 million and net proceeds after offsets, commissions and fees totaled approximately $60 million. The gain on the sale was $29.0 million and is included in “Restructuring and other charges (income)” in the consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2008. The gain on sale was reduced by the sale-leaseback deferral described below.

We entered into a sale-leaseback as part of the sale under which certain of the buildings sold to the Princeton HealthCare System, a New Jersey based not-for-profit corporation, were leased back to us for a period up to approximately three years. The leaseback was accounted for as an operating lease and the present value of



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the lease payments was deferred as part of the gain on sale. We recorded a deferred gain on sale in the amount of $6.7 million. This is being recognized as a reduction of rent expense over the term of the lease. As of December 31, 2008, the remaining balance of the deferred gain is $4.5 million and is included in “Accrued and other liabilities” on the consolidated balance sheets.

Sodium Sulfate Assets Sale

In February 2008, we completed the sale of Foret’s non-cogeneration sodium sulfate assets. Foret is part of our Industrial Chemicals segment. We recognized a gain on sale of these assets of $3.6 million which is included in “Restructuring and other charges (income)” in the consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2008. These assets were reported as long-lived assets held for sale in accordance with SFAS No. 144, “Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets” at December 31, 2007. These assets held for sale in the amount of $15.3 million were included in “Prepaid and other current assets” on our December 31, 2007 consolidated balance sheets. Net proceeds from the transaction were $16.7 million.

We did not complete the sale of the sodium sulfate co-generation facility at the time we sold the other sodium sulfate assets noted above. We expect the sale of this asset to occur sometime in the first quarter of 2009. This asset is considered to be an asset held for sale and the amount of $3.7 million is included in “Prepaid and other current assets” on our December 31, 2008 consolidated balance sheets.

Baltimore Phase Out

In June 2007, we made the decision to phase out operations of our Baltimore, Maryland facility in our Agricultural Products segment. Our decision was consistent with our strategy to maintain globally cost-competitive manufacturing positions by sourcing raw materials, intermediates and finished products in lower-cost manufacturing locations. We ceased production at this facility in the second quarter of 2008.

We recorded charges totaling $31.5 million during the year ended December 31, 2008. These charges consisted of (i) accelerated depreciation on fixed assets of approximately $27.0 million, (ii) severance and employee benefits of $1.4 million, and (iii) other shutdown charges of $3.1 million.

Jacksonville Phase Out

In May 2008, we made the decision to phase out operations of our Jacksonville, Florida facility in our Agricultural Products segment by the third quarter of 2008. Our decision was consistent with our strategy to maintain globally cost-competitive manufacturing positions.

We recorded charges totaling $5.6 million during the year ended December 31, 2008 which consisted of (i) accelerated depreciation on fixed assets of approximately $3.8 million, (ii) severance and employee benefits of $1.0 million, and (iii) other shutdown charges of $0.8 million.

Hydrogen Peroxide Legal Settlement

We reached an agreement in principle to settle a federal class action lawsuit, alleging violations of antitrust laws involving our hydrogen peroxide product in our Industrial Chemicals segment in the amount of $10.0 million. This amount has been reflected in “Restructuring and other charges (income)” in our consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2008. See Note 18 for further details on this matter.



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Collaboration and License Agreement

In the third quarter of 2007, our Agricultural Products segment entered into a collaboration and license agreement with another third-party company for the purpose of obtaining certain technology and intellectual property rights. During the third quarter of 2008, our Agricultural Products segment extended our rights under this agreement. We paid an additional $1.0 million and have recorded this amount as a charge to “Restructuring and other charges (income)” in the consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2008.

Other Items

In addition to the Baltimore and Jacksonville phase out restructurings described above, we initiated certain other restructuring activities within all three of our segments during 2008 which resulted in severance and asset abandonment charges. These restructuring charges are expected to improve our global competitiveness through improved cost efficiencies. These activities which were included as part of restructuring and other charges (income) for the year ended December 31, 2008 included $8.1 million of severance costs due to workforce restructurings, of which $3.2 million related to our Agricultural Products segment, $4.0 million related to our Industrial Chemicals segment and $0.9 million related to our Specialty Chemicals segment. We recorded $7.0 million of asset abandonment charges, of which $2.2 million related to our Agricultural Products segment, $1.5 million related to our Industrial Chemicals segment and $3.3 million related to our Specialty Chemicals segment. Asset abandonment charges were determined based upon our decision and related analysis to abandon these assets before the end of their previously estimated life.

Restructuring and other charges (income) for the year-ended December 31, 2008, also included $2.8 million of other charges, primarily related to our Industrial Chemicals segment. Other charges primarily represent the accrual of interest associated with the European Commission fine recorded during the year ended December 31, 2006 as discussed further within this note. Additionally, we recorded $16.2 million of charges for the year ended December 31, 2008 relating to continuing environmental sites as a Corporate charge. Approximately $1.8 million of these continuing environmental charges was triggered as a result of the sale of our Princeton property discussed previously within this note.

Year Ended December 31, 2007

Baltimore Phase Out

We recorded charges totaling $104.9 million during the year ended December 31, 2007 which consisted of (i) plant and equipment impairment charges and accelerated depreciation on fixed assets of approximately $98.7 million, and (ii) severance and employee benefits of $6.2 million. The plant and equipment impairment charges were primarily the result of the abandonment of a significant amount of assets at this facility before the end of their previously estimated useful life.

Abandonment of Foret Co-Generation Facility, Other Foret Fixed Asset Abandonments and Assets Held for Sale

During the second quarter of 2007, we abandoned a co-generation facility at Foret and recorded an impairment charge of $8.2 million. This facility, which is part of our Industrial Chemicals segment, produced electrical power and thermal energy by co-generation for use at one of Foret’s production properties. Historically, excess electricity produced from this facility was sold into the Spanish market. We own 75 percent of this co-generation facility and have recorded minority interest associated with this charge of $1.4 million as part of “Minority interests” in the consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2007.



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During the third quarter of 2007, we abandoned certain fixed assets also at Foret and recorded impairment charges of $4.0 million. These fixed assets were at various facilities at Foret.

Solutia Legal Settlement

In 2003, Solutia Inc., our joint venture partner in Astaris, filed a lawsuit against us, which ultimately proceeded in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, claiming that, among other things, we had breached our joint venture agreement due to the alleged failure of the PPA technology we contributed to Astaris and also failed to disclose the information we had about the PPA technology. On April 2, 2007, the parties agreed to settle all claims relating to the litigation in return for a payment of $22.5 million by us. The settlement was approved by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Southern District of New York (where Solutia had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 2003) on May 1, 2007 without any appeal having been taken. This litigation is associated with our Industrial Chemicals business. The $22.5 million has been reflected in “Restructuring and other charges” in our consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2007.

Proprietary Fungicide Agreement

In the second quarter of 2006, our Agricultural Products segment entered into development agreements with a third-party company, whereby we were given the right to develop further one of the third party company’s products in certain geographic markets. In the first quarter of 2007, our Agricultural Products segment acquired further rights from this third-party company to develop their proprietary fungicide. In acquiring those further rights, we paid an additional $1.0 million and have recorded this amount as a charge to “Restructuring and other charges (income)” in the consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2007. This fungicide project was terminated by the Company during the second quarter of 2008.

Collaboration and License Agreement

In the third quarter of 2007, our Agricultural Products segment entered into a collaboration and license agreement with another third-party company for the purpose of obtaining certain technology and intellectual property rights. We paid an initial $1.0 million upon entering into this agreement and have recorded the amount as a charge to “Restructuring and other charges (income)” in the consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2007.

Other Items

We recorded $1.8 million of charges related to an agreement to settle state court cases alleging violations of antitrust law involving our microcrystalline cellulose product (“MCC”) in our Specialty Chemicals Business. See further disclosure under the “Year Ended December 31, 2006” caption and Note 18 for further details regarding the MCC legal settlement.

In addition to the Baltimore and Foret restructurings described above, we initiated certain restructuring activities primarily in our Industrial Chemicals and Agricultural Products segments during 2007 which resulted in severance and asset abandonment charges. The restructuring activities are expected to improve our global competitiveness through improved cost efficiencies. These activities for the year ended December 31, 2007 included $6.8 million of severance costs, of which $5.6 million related to our Industrial Chemicals segment and $1.2 million related to our Agricultural Products Segment. We also recorded $1.1 million of asset abandonment charges in our Industrial Chemicals segment. Asset abandonment charges were determined based upon our decision and related analysis to abandon these assets before the end of their previously estimated life.



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We also recorded $3.4 million of other charges primarily in our Industrial Chemicals and Specialty Chemicals segments, as well as $10.2 million relating to continuing environmental sites as a Corporate charge. Other charges primarily represent the accrual of interest associated with the European Commission fine recorded during the year ended December 31, 2006 as discussed further within this note.

Year Ended December 31, 2006

Plant Building Abandonment

We committed to the abandonment of a building in our Agricultural Products segment and recorded an impairment charge of $6.0 million.

Research and Development Redeployment

We announced a plan to redeploy our discovery research and development resources within our Agricultural Products segment to shorten the innovation cycle and accelerate the delivery of new products and technologies. We incurred $3.4 million of severance charges as a result of this decision. We also abandoned assets as a result of these decisions and recorded an impairment charge of $1.9 million.

MCC Legal Settlement

We reached an agreement to settle a federal class action lawsuit, as well as certain other individual claims, alleging violations of antitrust laws involving our microcrystalline cellulose (“MCC”) product in our Specialty Chemicals business in the amount of $25.7 million. This amount has been reflected in “Restructuring and other charges (income)” in our consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2006.

European Commission Fine

On April 26, 2006, the European Commission imposed a fine on us regarding alleged violations of competition law in the hydrogen peroxide business in Europe prior to the year 2000 which we have appealed. This fine is associated with our Industrial Chemicals segment. We have recorded a €25 million charge for this fine. The amount of $30 million (reflecting then-prevailing exchange rates) has been reflected in “Restructuring and other charges (income)” in our consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2006. See Note 18 for further details on this matter.

Proprietary Fungicide Agreement

In the second quarter of 2006, our Agricultural Products segment entered into development agreements with a third-party company, whereby we were given the right to develop further one of the third party company’s products in certain geographic markets. Under the agreements, we paid $2.0 million and have recorded this amount as a charge to “Restructuring and other charges (income)” in the consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2006.

Other Items

Additional restructuring and other charges for 2006 totaled $7.8 million. These charges included $1.2 million of asset abandonment charges in our Industrial Chemicals segment and $1.3 million of severance costs recorded in our Specialty Chemicals segment due to a workforce restructuring. Asset abandonment charges were



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determined based upon our decision and related analysis to abandon these assets before the end of their previously estimated life. We also recorded $5.4 million relating to continuing environmental sites as a Corporate charge and $0.5 million of other charges within our Industrial Chemicals segment.

Offsetting these charges was a gain of $0.6 million in our Specialty Chemicals segment from the completion of the sale of our previously disclosed assets held for sale related to our Copenhagen, Denmark carrageenan plant which we closed in 2005. The gain represented the difference between the asset held for sale balance and the final proceeds. The final proceeds from the sale totaled $9.6 million.

Rollforward of Restructuring and Other Reserves

The following table shows a rollforward of restructuring and other reserves and the related spending and other changes:


(in Millions)

   Baltimore and



Balance at 12/31/2006

   $ —       $ 3.7     $ 3.7  

Increase in reserves (2)

     6.2       8.2       14.4  

Cash payments

     —         (6.0 )     (6.0 )

Balance at 12/31/2007 (3)

   $ 6.2     $ 5.9     $ 12.1  

Increase in reserves (2)

     6.3       11.4       17.7  

Cash payments

     (9.1 )     (12.2 )     (21.3 )

Balance at 12/31/2008 (3)

   $ 3.4     $ 5.1     $ 8.5  


(1) Primarily severance costs related to workforce reductions and facility shutdowns described in the “Other Items” sections above.
(2) Primarily severance costs. The impairment charges noted above impacted our property, plant and equipment balances and are not included in the above tables. Additionally, in 2008, the deferred gain associated with the Princeton property sale, the hydrogen peroxide settlement and the payments associated with the Collaboration and License Agreement are not included in the above table. In 2007, the Solutia legal settlement, the state court case for the MCC legal settlement and the payments associated with the proprietary fungicide and collaboration and license agreements are not included in the above table.
(3) Included in “Accrued and other liabilities” and “Other long-term liabilities” on the Consolidated Balance Sheets.



The current replacement cost of inventories exceeded their recorded values by $150.0 million at December 31, 2008 and $142.2 million at December 31, 2007. During 2007 and 2006 inventory balances were reduced in the U.S. due to liquidation of inventory quantities carried at lower costs as compared with the cost of 2007 and 2006 purchases, resulting in a LIFO gain in “costs of sales and services”. See Note 1 for further details regarding the LIFO gain recorded for the year ended December 31, 2007. Approximately 34 percent of inventories in 2008 and approximately 39 percent of inventories in 2007 are recorded on the LIFO basis. In 2008 and 2007 approximately 66 percent and 61 percent, respectively of inventories are determined on a FIFO basis.



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Inventories consisted of the following:


     December 31,
     2008    2007
     (in Millions)

Finished goods and work in process

   $ 249.7    $ 201.1

Raw materials

     131.1      73.9

Net inventory

   $ 380.8    $ 275.0




Property, plant and equipment consisted of the following:


     December 31,
     2008    2007
     (in Millions)

Land and land improvements

   $ 136.8    $ 157.0

Mineral rights

     33.8      33.8


     313.5      361.2

Machinery and equipment

     2,037.6      2,217.9

Construction in progress

     119.8      74.0

Total cost

     2,641.5      2,843.9

Accumulated depreciation

     1,702.3      1,909.2

Property, plant and equipment, net

   $ 939.2    $ 934.7

Depreciation expense was $106.1 million, $113.8 million, and $116.4 million in 2008, 2007 and 2006, respectively.

The decrease in the gross property, plant and equipment and related accumulated depreciation balances during the year ended December 31, 2008, was primarily due to the retirement of assets at the Baltimore facility. See Note 6 for related information on the Baltimore shutdown.

In August 2008, we entered into an agreement with Princeton South Development, LLC to lease our new R&D facility (which was still under construction as of December 31, 2008) in Ewing Township, NJ. The facility is being developed, owned, and operated by a non-affiliated company. As discussed in Note 1, we are required to be treated, for accounting purposes only, as the “owner” of the Princeton facility, in accordance with EITF 97-10. At December 31, 2008, the cost of the asset is included in construction in progress in the amount of $3.1 million, with an offset to “Other long-term liabilities” on the consolidated balance sheets.



Effective December 31, 2005, we adopted FASB interpretation No. 47 “Accounting for Conditional Asset Retirement Obligations” (“FIN 47”). This interpretation clarified FASB Statement No. 143 “Asset Retirement Obligations” (“FASB 143”) in that an entity is required to recognize a liability for the fair value of a conditional asset retirement obligation when incurred if the liability’s fair value can be reasonably estimated. The interpretation states that when an existing law, regulation, or contract requires an entity to perform an asset retirement activity, an unambiguous requirement to perform the retirement activity exists, even if that activity can be deferred indefinitely.



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We have mining operations in Green River, Wyoming for our soda ash business as well as mining operations in our lithium operations. We have legal reclamation obligations related to these facilities upon closure of the mines. Additionally, we have obligations at the majority of our manufacturing facilities in the event of a permanent plant shutdown. Certain of these obligations are recorded in our environmental and restructuring liability reserves described in Notes 6 and 12. For those not already accrued, we have calculated the fair value of these asset retirement obligations (“ARO’s”) and concluded that the present value of the obligations was immaterial as of December 31, 2008.

The changes in the carrying amounts of ARO’s for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007 are as follows.


(in Millions)


Balance at December 31, 2006

   $ 6.3  

Acceleration due to facility shutdowns (1)


Accretion expense




Balance at December 31, 2007

   $ 15.1  

Acceleration due to facility shutdowns (1)


Additional ARO liability (2)


Accretion expense



     (16.6 )

Balance at December 31, 2008

   $ 7.7  


(1) This increase was primarily associated with our 2007 decision to phase out operations at our Baltimore facility and in 2008, our Jacksonville facility. As a result of these decisions, the estimated settlement dates associated with asset retirement obligations at the facilities were accelerated, resulting in an increase to the liability and an increase to capitalized asset retirement costs. The capitalized asset retirement costs were depreciated on an accelerated basis over the period that we operated the facilities. See Note 6 for further details on these phase outs.
(2) The additions to the ARO liability primarily related to the acquisitions in our Specialty Chemicals segment. Refer to Note 3.



Domestic and foreign components of income from continuing operations before income taxes are shown below:


     Year Ended December 31,
     2008    2007    2006
     (in Millions)


   $ 317.0    $ 124.4    $ 138.8


     137.9      61.3      73.6


   $ 454.9    $ 185.7    $ 212.4



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The provision (benefit) for income taxes attributable to income from continuing operations consisted of:


     Year Ended December 31,
     2008     2007    2006
     (in Millions)




   $ (1.2 )   $ —      $ —  


     29.7       22.5      11.5


     —         —        —  

Total current

     28.5       22.5      11.5


     96.9       6.5      56.8


   $ 125.4     $ 29.0    $ 68.3

Total income tax provisions (benefits) were allocated as follows:


     Year Ended December 31,  
     2008     2007     2006  
     (in Millions)  

Continuing operations

   $ 125.4     $ 29.0     $ 68.3  

Discontinued operations

     (15.0 )     (15.0 )     (6.8 )

Items charged directly to stockholders’ equity

     (132.7 )     10.2       (27.0 )


   $ (22.3 )   $ 24.2     $ 34.5  

Significant components of the deferred income tax provision (benefit) attributable to income from continuing operations before income taxes are as follows:


     Year Ended December 31,
     2008     2007     2006
     (in Millions)

Deferred tax (exclusive of valuation allowance)

   $ 97.8     $ 22.9     $ 47.9

Increase (decrease) in the valuation allowance for deferred tax assets

     (0.9 )     (16.4 )     8.9

Deferred income tax provision

   $ 96.9     $ 6.5     $ 56.8



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Significant components of our deferred tax assets and liabilities were attributable to:


     Year Ended December 31,  
             2008                     2007          
     (in Millions)  

Reserves for discontinued operations, environmental and restructuring

   $ 95.3     $ 96.3  

Accrued pension and other postretirement benefits

     103.0       14.4  

Other reserves

     55.4       45.5  

Alternative minimum and foreign tax credit carryforwards

     81.8       81.0  

Net operating loss carryforwards

     136.7       224.7  


     59.3       47.0  

Deferred tax assets

     531.5       508.9  

Valuation allowance

     (55.3 )     (65.1 )

Deferred tax assets, net of valuation allowance

   $ 476.2     $ 443.8  

Property, plant and equipment, net

   $ 55.7     $ 67.8  

Deferred tax liabilities

   $ 55.7     $ 67.8  

Net deferred tax assets

   $ 420.5     $ 376.0  

We have recognized that it is more likely than not that certain future tax benefits may or may not be realized as a result of current and future income. During the year ended December 31, 2008, the valuation allowance was decreased by $9.8 million. We believe that it is more likely than not that future earnings will generate sufficient taxable income to utilize the net deferred tax assets recorded as of December 31, 2008.

At December 31, 2008, we had net operating loss and tax credit carryforwards as follows: U.S. net operating loss carryforwards of $321.8 million expiring in varying amounts and years through 2028, state net operating loss carryforwards of $926.4 million expiring in various amounts and years through 2028, foreign net operating loss carryforwards of $113.5 million expiring in various years, U.S. foreign tax credit carryforwards of $36.9 million expiring in various amounts and years through 2018, and alternative minimum tax credit carryforwards of $44.9 million with no expiration date.

The effective income tax rate applicable to income from continuing operations before income taxes was different from the statutory U.S. federal income tax rate due to the factors listed in the following table:


     Year Ended December 31,  
     2008     2007     2006  

Statutory U.S. tax rate

   35 %   35 %   35 %

Net difference:


U.S. export sales benefit

   —       —       (1 )

Percentage depletion

   (4 )   (9 )   (8 )

State and local income taxes, less federal income tax benefit

   1     1     1  

Foreign earnings subject to different tax rates

   (4 )   (10 )   (7 )

Net operating loss carryforwards unbenefited (benefited)

   —       (1 )   1  

Tax on intercompany dividends and deemed dividend for tax purposes

   1     1     —    

Nondeductible expenses

   —       2     6  

Minority interests

   1     2     1  

Changes to unrecognized tax benefits

   (2 )   5     —    

Change in valuation allowance

   —       (10 )   4  

Total difference

   (7 )   (19 )   (3 )

Effective tax rate

   28 %   16 %   32 %



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As of December 31, 2008, our federal income tax returns for years through 2003 have been examined by the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) and all issues have been settled. We believe that adequate provision for both federal and foreign income taxes has been made for the open years 2000 and after. Income taxes have not been provided for the equity in undistributed earnings of foreign consolidated subsidiaries of $504.2 million or for foreign unconsolidated subsidiaries and affiliates of $9.1 million at December 31, 2008. Restrictions on the distribution of these earnings are not significant. It is not practical to estimate the amount of taxes that might be payable upon the remittance of such earnings. Foreign earnings taxable as dividends were $5.1 million, $4.4 million and $1.4 million in 2008, 2007 and 2006, respectively.

FASB Interpretation No. 48 (“FIN 48”)

FIN 48 prescribes a model for the recognition and measurement of a tax position taken or expected to be taken in a tax return, and provides guidance on derecognition, classification, interest and penalties, disclosure and transition. We adopted this Interpretation on January 1, 2007. As a result of the implementation of FIN 48, we recognized a net increase in our liability for unrecognized tax benefits which was accounted for as a $2.8 million decrease to the January 1, 2007 balance of retained earnings. After adoption of FIN 48, the liability for unrecognized tax benefits was $43.1 million as of January 1, 2007.

We file income tax returns in the U.S. federal jurisdiction, and various states and foreign jurisdictions. The income tax returns for FMC entities taxable in the U.S and significant foreign jurisdictions are open for examination and adjustment. As of December 31, 2008, the United States income tax returns are open for examination and adjustment for years 2004-2008. Our significant foreign jurisdictions, which total 16, are open for examination and adjustment during varying periods from 2000-2008.

The total amount of unrecognized tax benefits as of December 31, 2008 that, if recognized, would affect the effective tax rate is $42.4 million. We recognize accrued interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits as a component of income tax expense in the consolidated financial statements. Included in the $42.4 million liability for unrecognized tax benefits as of December 31, 2008 is $0.4 million associated with interest and penalties.

We reasonably expect reductions in the liability for unrecognized tax benefits of up to $29 million within the next 12 months on account of settlements and the expirations of statutes of limitations. See the reconciliation of the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits below:


     (in Millions)  

Balance, January 1, 2007

   $ 43.1  

Additions for tax positions of the current year


Additions for tax positions of prior years


Reductions for tax positions of prior years for:


Settlements during the period

     (3.6 )

Lapses of applicable statutes of limitations


Balance, December 31, 2007

   $ 49.4  

Additions for tax positions of the current year


Additions for tax positions of prior years


Reductions for tax positions of prior years for:


Settlements during the period

     (10.7 )

Lapses of applicable statutes of limitations


Balance, December 31, 2008

   $ 42.4  



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Debt maturing within one year:

Debt maturing within one year consists of the following:


     December 31,  
     2008     2007  
     (in Millions)  

Short-term debt

   $  28.6     $ 47.9  

Current portion of long-term debt

     2.1       77.7  

Total debt maturing within one year

   $ 30.7     $  125.6  

Weighted average interest rates for short-term debt outstanding at year-end

     17.0 %     13.2 %

Short-term debt consisted of foreign credit lines at December 31, 2008 and 2007. We provide parent-company guarantees to lending institutions providing credit to our foreign subsidiaries.

Long-term debt:

Long-term debt consists of the following:


     December 31, 2008    December 31,
     Interest Rate
         2008    2007
               (in Millions)

Pollution control and industrial revenue bonds (less unamortized discounts of $0.3 million and $0.3 million, at December 31, 2008 and 2007)

   1.15-7.05    2009-2035    $ 189.4    $ 202.8

Debentures (less unamortized discounts of $0.1 million and $0.1 million, at December 31, 2008 and 2007)

   7.75    2011      45.4      45.3

Medium-term notes (less unamortized discounts of $0.1 million, at December 31, 2007)

   —      —        —        77.5

European credit agreement

   3.06-5.64    2010      157.2      171.7

Domestic credit agreement

   0.82-3.25    2012      203.0      —  

Total debt

           595.0      497.3

Less: debt maturing within one year

           2.1      77.7

Total long-term debt

         $ 592.9    $ 419.6

At December 31, 2008 and 2007, we had $157.2 million and $171.7 million in U.S. dollar equivalent revolving credit facility borrowings under the European Credit Agreement, resulting in available funds of $150.2 million and $147.1 million, respectively.

We had $203.0 million of borrowings under our Domestic Credit Agreement at December 31, 2008 compared to no borrowings at December 31, 2007. Letters of credit outstanding under the Domestic Credit Agreement totaled $151.5 million and $146.9 million at December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively. Available funds under the Domestic Credit Agreement were $245.5 million at December 31, 2008 and $453.1 million at December 31, 2007.



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Maturities of long-term debt

Maturities of long-term debt outstanding, excluding discounts, at December 31, 2008 are $2.1 million in 2009, $157.7 million in 2010, $50.8 million in 2011, $203.0 million in 2012, $2.7 million in 2013 and $179.1 million thereafter.


Among other restrictions, the Domestic Credit Agreement and the European Credit Agreement contain financial covenants applicable to FMC and its consolidated subsidiaries related to leverage (measured as the ratio of debt to adjusted earnings) and interest coverage (measured as the ratio of adjusted earnings to interest expense). Our actual leverage for the year ended December 31, 2008 was 1.0 which is within the maximum leverage 3.5. Our actual interest coverage for the year ended December 31, 2008 was 20.0 which is within the minimum interest coverage of 3.5. We were in compliance with all covenants at December 31, 2008.

Compensating Balance Agreements

We maintain informal credit arrangements in many foreign countries. Foreign lines of credit, which include overdraft facilities, typically do not require the maintenance of compensating balances, as credit extension is not guaranteed but is subject to the availability of funds.

2007 Domestic Credit Agreement Refinancing

On August 28, 2007, we executed a credit agreement (“the Domestic Credit Agreement”) which provided for a five-year, $600 million revolving credit facility. The proceeds from this facility are available for general corporate purposes, including issuing letters of credit up to a $300 million sub-limit. The Domestic Credit Agreement also contains an option under which, subject to certain conditions, we may request an increase in facility to $1 billion. There were no borrowings under the new facility at inception, and our prior credit agreement dated as of June 21, 2005 was terminated. Obligations under the prior credit agreement and related transaction costs, fees, and expenses for the new Agreement were paid with available cash.

Loans under the new facility bear interest at a floating rate, either a base rate as defined or the applicable euro currency rate for the relevant term plus an applicable margin. The margin is 0.35 percent per year, subject to adjustment based on the credit rating assigned to our senior unsecured debt. At December 31, 2008, the applicable borrowing rates under the Domestic Credit Agreement ranged from 0.82 to 3.25 percent per annum.

In connection with entering into the Domestic Credit Agreement, we wrote off $0.3 million of deferred financing fees associated with our previous credit agreement. These fees were previously a component of “Other assets” in our consolidated balance sheet and were recorded as “Loss on extinguishment of debt” in the consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2007.



We are subject to various federal, state, local and foreign environmental laws and regulations that govern emissions of air pollutants, discharges of water pollutants, and the manufacture, storage, handling and disposal of hazardous substances, hazardous wastes and other toxic materials and remediation of contaminated sites. We are also subject to liabilities arising under CERCLA and similar state laws that impose responsibility on persons who arranged for the disposal of hazardous substances, and on current and previous owners and operators of a facility for the clean-up of hazardous substances released from the facility into the environment. We are also subject to



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liabilities under RCRA and analogous state laws that require owners and operators of facilities that have treated, stored or disposed of hazardous waste pursuant to a RCRA permit to follow certain waste management practices and to clean up releases of hazardous substances into the environment associated with past or present practices. In addition, when deemed appropriate, we enter certain sites with potential liability into voluntary remediation compliance programs, which are also subject to guidelines that require owners and operators, current and previous, to clean up releases of hazardous substances into the environment associated with past or present practices.

We have been named a Potentially Responsible Party (PRP) at 31 sites on the federal government’s National Priorities List (NPL), at which our potential liability has not yet been settled. In addition, we received notice from the EPA or other regulatory agencies that we may be a PRP, or PRP equivalent, at other sites, including 39 sites at which we have determined that it is reasonably possible that we have an environmental liability. In cooperation with appropriate government agencies, we are currently participating in, or have participated in, a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) or its equivalent at most of the identified sites, with the status of each investigation varying from site to site. At certain sites, a RI/FS has only recently begun, providing limited information, if any, relating to cost estimates, timing, or the involvement of other PRPs; whereas, at other sites, the studies are complete, remedial action plans have been chosen, or a Record of Decision (ROD) has been issued.

Environmental liabilities consist of obligations relating to waste handling and the remediation and/or study of sites at which we are alleged to have released or disposed of hazardous substances. These sites include current operations, previously operated sites, and sites associated with discontinued operations. We have provided reserves for potential environmental obligations that we consider probable and for which a reasonable estimate of the obligation can be made. Accordingly, total reserves of $194.2 million and $188.6 million, respectively, before recoveries, were recorded at December 31, 2008 and 2007. The long-term portion of these reserves is included in “Environmental liabilities, continuing and discontinued” on the consolidated balance sheets, net of recoveries, and amounted to $158.8 million and $160.1 million at December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, respectively. The short-term portion of our continuing operations obligations is recorded in “Accrued and other liabilities.” In addition, we have estimated that reasonably possible environmental loss contingencies may exceed amounts accrued by approximately $80 million at December 31, 2008.

To ensure we are held responsible only for our equitable share of site remediation costs, we have initiated, and will continue to initiate, legal proceedings for contributions from other PRPs. We have recorded recoveries, representing probable realization of claims against insurance companies, U.S. government agencies and other third parties, of $47.7 million and $35.4 million, respectively, at December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007. The recoveries at December 31, 2008 are recorded as either an offset to the “Environmental liabilities, continuing and discontinued” totaling $21.5 million or as “Other assets” totaling $26.2 million in the consolidated balance sheets. The recoveries at December 31, 2007 are recorded as either an offset to the “Environmental liabilities, continuing and discontinued” totaling $18.8 million or as “Other assets” totaling $16.6 million in the consolidated balance sheets. Cash recoveries for the years 2008, 2007 and 2006 were $5.6 million, $6.1 million and $3.6 million, respectively.



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The table below is a rollforward of our environmental reserves, continuing and discontinued from December 31, 2005 to December 31, 2008.


Sites Total
     (in Millions)  

Total environmental reserves, net of recoveries at December 31, 2005

   $ 170.4  





Spending, net of recoveries

     (50.0 )

Net Change

     (3.2 )

Total environmental reserves, net of recoveries at December 31, 2006

   $ 167.2  

Environmental reserves, current, net of recoveries (1)

   $ 9.4  

Environmental reserves, long-term continuing and discontinued, net of recoveries


Total environmental reserves, net of recoveries at December 31, 2006

   $ 167.2  





Spending, net of recoveries

     (30.7 )

Net Change


Total environmental reserves, net of recoveries at December 31, 2007


Environmental reserves, current, net of recoveries (1)

   $ 9.7  

Environmental reserves, long-term continuing and discontinued, net of recoveries


Total environmental reserves, net of recoveries at December 31, 2007

   $ 169.8  





Spending, net of recoveries

     (45.8 )

Net Change


Total environmental reserves, net of recoveries at December 31, 2008

   $ 172.7  

Environmental reserves, current, net of recoveries (1)

   $ 13.9  

Environmental reserves, long-term continuing and discontinued, net of recoveries


Total environmental reserves, net of recoveries at December 31, 2008

   $ 172.7  


(1) “Current” includes only those reserves related to continuing operations.

Our total environmental reserves, before recoveries, include $179.6 million and $172.1 million for remediation activities and $14.6 million and $16.5 million for RI/FS costs at December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, respectively. For the years 2008, 2007 and 2006, we charged $39.5 million, $31.2 million, and $47.2 million, respectively, against established reserves for remediation spending, and $10.1 million, $5.6 million and $6.4 million, respectively, against reserves for spending on RI/FS. We anticipate that the remediation and RI/FS expenditures for current operating, previously operated and other sites will continue to be significant for the foreseeable future.



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In 2008, 2007 and 2006, we recorded environmental provisions totaling $37.2 million, $31.3 million and $32.2 million, respectively. The $37.2 million recorded in 2008 included $48.7 million recorded as an increase to our environmental reserves, $9.6 million recorded as a recovery in “Other assets” on our consolidated balance sheets and $1.9 million of recoveries recorded directly to “Discontinued operations, net of income taxes” on our consolidated statements of income. The $31.3 million recorded in 2007 included $33.3 million recorded as an increase to our environmental reserves and $2.0 million recorded as a recovery in “Other assets” on our consolidated balance sheets. The $32.2 million recorded in 2006 included $46.8 million recorded as an increase to our environmental reserves and $14.6 million recorded as a recovery in “Other assets” on our consolidated balance sheets. These provisions related to costs for the continued cleanup of both operating sites and for certain discontinued manufacturing operations from previous years.

Front Royal

On October 21, 1999, the Federal District Court for the Western District of Virginia approved a consent decree signed by us, the EPA (Region III) and the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) regarding past response costs and future clean-up work at the discontinued fiber-manufacturing site in Front Royal, Virginia. As part of a prior settlement, government agencies have reimbursed us for approximately one-third of the clean-up costs due to the government’s role at the site, and we expect reimbursement to continue in the future. The amount of the reserve for this site was $34.0 million at December 31, 2008 and $31.1 million at December 31, 2007.


We have successfully decommissioned the Pocatello plant, and formally requested that EPA acknowledge completion of work under a June 1999 RCRA Consent Decree. Future remediation costs include compliance with a 1998 CERCLA ROD which addresses ground water contamination and historic waste storage areas on the Pocatello plant portion of the Eastern Michaud Flats Superfund Site. FMC previously signed a CERCLA Consent Decree to implement this ROD, however, in August of 2000, the DOJ withdrew the Consent Decree to review the administrative record supporting the EPA’s remedy selection decision. Beginning in 2007 and throughout 2008, we performed supplemental investigative work pursuant to an October 2003 CERCLA Administrative Order to address areas triggered by plant shutdown. Upon completion of this supplemental investigation and feasibility study, we expect the EPA to issue an amended ROD. Additionally since its receipt, we also conducted work pursuant to a December 2006 CERCLA unilateral administrative order to FMC to address air emissions from vents beneath the cap of one of the closed RCRA ponds, Pond 16S. The amount of the reserve for this site was $36.8 million at December 31, 2008 and $34.6 million at December 31, 2007.


At our facility in Middleport, New York, we have constructed an engineered containment cover, closed RCRA regulated surface water impoundments and are collecting and treating both surface water runoff and ground water, and completed remediation of soil at 26 offsite residential properties and other offsite areas under a RCRA Corrective Action Order. Additional costs may result if additional remediation is required by regulatory agencies during the review and approval of the final RCRA corrective measures study. The amount of the reserve for this site is $27.5 million at December 31, 2008 and $31.4 million at December 31, 2007.


Although potential environmental remediation expenditures in excess of the reserves and estimated loss contingencies could be significant, the impact on our future consolidated financial results is not subject to reasonable estimation due to numerous uncertainties concerning the nature and scope of possible contamination



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at many sites, identification of remediation alternatives under constantly changing requirements, selection of new and diverse clean-up technologies to meet compliance standards, the timing of potential expenditures and the allocation of costs among PRPs as well as other third parties.

The liabilities arising from potential environmental obligations that have not been reserved for at this time may be material to any one quarter or year’s results of operations in the future. However, we believe any such liability arising from potential environmental obligations is not likely to have a material adverse effect on our liquidity or financial condition and may be satisfied over the next 20 years or longer.

Regarding current operating sites, we spent $16.4 million, $14.3 million and $8.9 million for the years 2008, 2007 and 2006, respectively, on capital projects relating to environmental control facilities. Additionally, in 2008, 2007 and 2006, we spent $26.4 million, $29.3 million and $25.9 million, respectively, for environmental compliance costs, which are operating costs not covered by established reserves.



The funded status of our U.S. qualified and nonqualified defined benefit pension plans, our United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway and Canada defined benefit pension plans, plus our U.S. other postretirement healthcare and life insurance benefit plans for continuing operations, together with the associated balances and net periodic benefit cost recognized in our consolidated financial statements as of December 31, are shown in the tables below.

SFAS No. 158

In September 2006, the FASB issued SFAS No. 158 “Employers’ Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement Plans-an amendment of FASB Statements No. 87, 88, 106 and 132”. We adopted SFAS No. 158 on December 31, 2006. Statement No. 158 required us to recognize in our consolidated balance sheets the overfunded and underfunded status of our defined benefit postretirement plans. The overfunded or underfunded status is defined as the difference between the fair value of plan assets and the benefit obligation. We are also required to recognize as a component of other comprehensive income the actuarial gains and losses and the prior service costs and credits that arise during the period. The adoption of SFAS No. 158 on December 31, 2006 had no impact on our earnings.



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The following table summarizes the weighted-average assumptions used and components of our defined benefit postretirement plans. The following tables also reflect a measurement date of December 31:


     Pensions     Other Benefits (1)  
     December 31,  
     2008     2007     2008     2007  
     (in Millions)  

Following are the weighted average assumptions used to determine the benefit obligations at December 31:


Discount Rate

     7.00 %     6.50 %     7.00 %     6.50 %

Rate of compensation increase

     4.20 %     4.20 %     —         —    

Accumulated benefit obligation:


Plans with unfunded accumulated benefit obligation

   $ 884.9     $ 910.0     $ —       $ —    

Change in projected benefit obligation


Projected benefit obligation at January 1

   $ 960.9     $ 982.2     $ 43.6     $ 44.8  

Service cost

     18.2       19.1       0.2       0.3  

Interest cost

     61.8       56.9       2.7       2.7  

Actuarial loss (gain)

     (27.5 )     (53.6 )     (1.8 )     0.6  


     —         1.3       —         (0.1 )

Foreign currency exchange rate changes

     (13.3 )     5.8       —         —    

Plan participants’ contributions

     0.5       0.5       4.7       6.0  


     (0.4 )     —         —         —    

Other benefits

     0.1       —         —         —    

Benefits paid

     (56.3 )     (51.3 )     (9.4 )     (10.7 )

Projected benefit obligation at December 31

     944.0       960.9       40.0       43.6  

Change in fair value of plan assets:


Fair value of plan assets at January 1

     893.9       886.8       —         —    

Actual return on plan assets

     (261.2 )     16.0       —         —    

Foreign currency exchange rate changes

     (10.8 )     4.5       —         —    

Company contributions

     42.1       37.4       4.7       4.7  

Plan participants’ contributions

     0.5       0.5       4.7       6.0  


     (0.4 )     —         —         —    

Benefits paid

     (56.3 )     (51.3 )     (9.4 )     (10.7 )

Fair value of plan assets at December 31

     607.8       893.9       —         —    

Funded status of the plan (liability)

   $ (336.2 )   $ (67.0 )   $ (40.0 )   $ (43.6 )

Amount recognized in the consolidated balance sheets:


Pension other asset

   $ 0.1     $ 0.2     $ —       $ —    

Accrued benefit liability

     (336.3 )     (67.2 )     (40.0 )     (43.6 )


   $ (336.2 )   $ (67.0 )   $ (40.0 )   $ (43.6 )

The amounts in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) that has not yet been recognized as components of net periodic benefit cost at December 31, 2008 and 2007 are as follows:


Net transition asset

   $ 0.4     $ 0.7     $ —       $ —    

Prior service (cost) credit

     (5.3 )     (6.5 )     1.4       2.7  

Net Actuarial (loss) gain

     (410.1 )     (105.9 )     11.4       10.4  

Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)—pretax

   $ (415.0 )   $ (111.7 )   $ 12.8     $ 13.1  

Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)—net of tax

   $ (260.4 )   $ (71.9 )   $ 11.1     $ 11.6  



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Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations for continuing operations recognized in other comprehensive loss (income) for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007 are as follows:



  Other Benefits (1)  

     Year ended December 31  
     2008     2007     2008     2007  

Current year net actuarial loss (gain)

   $ 311.7     $ 2.5     $ (1.8 )   $ 0.6  

Amortization of net actuarial loss (gain)

     (3.2 )     (7.2 )     0.8       0.8  

Current year prior service cost (credit)

     —         1.3       —         (0.2 )

Amortization of prior service cost (credit)

     (1.1 )     (1.8 )     1.3       1.3  

Amortization of transition obligation

     0.2       0.1       —         —    

Foreign currency exchange rate changes on the above line items

     (4.3 )     1.5       —         —    

Total recognized in other comprehensive (income) loss, before taxes

   $ 303.3     $ (3.6 )   $ 0.3     $ 2.5  

Total recognized in other comprehensive (income) loss, after taxes

   $ 188.5     $ (2.8 )   $ 0.5     $ 1.9  

The estimated net actuarial loss, prior service cost and net transition asset for our pension plans that will be amortized from accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) into our net annual benefit cost (income) during 2009 are $4.7 million, $0.8 million and $(0.1) million, respectively. The estimated net actuarial gain and prior service credit for our other benefits that will be amortized from accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) into net annual benefit cost during 2009 will be $0.8 million—income and $1.0 million—income, respectively.


(1) Refer to Note 5 for information on our discontinued postretirement benefit plans.

The following table summarizes the weighted-average assumptions used for and the components of net annual benefit cost (income) for the years ended December 31:


     Year Ended December 31  
     Pensions     Other Benefits  
     2008     2007     2006     2008     2007     2006  

Discount rate

     6.50 %     6.00 %     6.00 %     6.50 %     6.00 %     6.00 %

Expected return on plan assets

     8.75 %     8.75 %     8.75 %     —         —         —    

Rate of compensation increase

     4.20 %     4.20 %     4.20 %     —         —         —    

Components of net annual benefit cost (in millions):


Service cost

   $ 18.2     $ 19.1     $ 18.6     $ 0.2     $ 0.3     $ 0.2  

Interest cost

     61.8       56.9       54.8       2.7       2.7       2.6  

Expected return on plan assets

     (78.0 )     (72.1 )     (66.2 )     —         —         —    

Amortization of transition asset

     (0.1 )     (0.1 )     (0.1 )     —         —         —    

Amortization of prior service cost

     1.1       1.8       2.0       (1.3 )     (1.3 )     (1.3 )

Recognized net actuarial and other (gain) loss

     3.1       5.0       5.5       (0.8 )     (0.8 )     (1.0 )

Net annual benefit cost from continuing operations

   $ 6.1     $ 10.6     $ 14.6     $ 0.8     $ 0.9     $ 0.5  

The asset allocation for our U.S. qualified defined benefit pension plan (“U.S. Plan”), and the target asset allocation for 2008, by asset category, is shown in the table below. The fair value of plan assets for our U.S. Plan was $563.9 million and $829.4 million, at December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, respectively. The expected long-term rate of return on these plan assets was 8.75 percent for both 2008 and 2007. In developing the assumption for the long-term rate of return on assets for our U.S. Plan, we take into consideration the technical analysis performed by our outside actuaries, including historical market returns, information on the assumption for long-term real returns by asset class, inflation assumptions, and expectations for standard deviation related to



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these best estimates. We also consider the historical performance of our own plan’s trust, which has earned a compound annual rate of return of approximately 9.51 percent over the last 20 years (which is in excess of comparable market indices for the same period) as well as other factors. Given an actively managed investment portfolio, the expected annual rates of return by asset class for our portfolio, using geometric averaging, and after being adjusted for an estimated inflation rate of approximately 2.75 percent, is between 8.75 percent and 10.75 percent for equities, and between 4.25 percent and 7.75 percent for fixed-income investments, which generates a total expected portfolio return that is in line with our assumption for the rate of return on assets.



Target Asset Allocation


Percentage of Plan Assets

December 31,

Asset Category





Equity securities

  80 – 85%   67.8%   78.8%

Fixed income investments

  15 – 25%   26.8%   18.0%

Cash and other short-term investments

  0 – 5%   5.4 %   3.2 %


    100.0%   100.0%

The fair value of plan assets for our foreign pension plans totaled $44.0 million and $64.5 million at December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, respectively. These plan assets are invested primarily in either equity securities or fixed income investments.

Our U.S. qualified pension plan’s investment strategy consists of a total return investment management approach using a portfolio mix of equities and fixed income investments to maximize the long-term return of plan assets for an appropriate level of risk. The goal of this strategy is to minimize plan expenses by matching asset growth to the plan’s liabilities over the long run. Furthermore, equity investments are weighted towards value equities and diversified across U.S and non-U.S. stocks. Derivatives and hedging instruments may be used effectively to manage and balance risks associated with the plan’s investments. Investment performance and related risks are measured and monitored on an ongoing basis through annual liability measurements, periodic asset and liability studies, and quarterly investment portfolio reviews.

We made voluntary cash contributions to our U.S. qualified pension plan of $30.0 million in both 2008 and 2007. In addition, we paid nonqualified pension benefits from company assets of $5.8 million and $3.0 million, respectively for 2008 and 2007. We paid other postretirement benefits, net of participant contributions, of $4.7 million in both 2008 and 2007.

The following table reflects the estimated future benefit payments for our pension and other postretirement benefit plans. These amounts are reflected net of the annual Medicare Part D subsidy (see below) of approximately $1.5 million per year. These estimates take into consideration expected future service, as appropriate:


Estimated Net Future Benefit Payments

(in millions)     


   $ 62.7









2014 – 2018




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We completed our evaluation of the Medicare Act during 2005 and determined the estimated effects of the Medicare Act on our retiree medical plan and the other postretirement benefit liabilities and net periodic other postretirement benefit costs reported in our consolidated financial statements. Our retiree medical plan was determined to be actuarially equivalent to the Medicare Part D benefit and therefore, we began to collect the government subsidy in 2006, for those participants who elect to remain in our plan. As a result, the effect of the government subsidy and other related effects of the Medicare Act for each of the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007 was a benefit of $1.4 million, which is reflected as a reduction in our net periodic other postretirement benefit cost from continuing operations.

Assumed health care cost trend rates have an effect on the other postretirement benefit obligations and net periodic other postretirement benefit costs reported for the health care portion of the other postretirement plan. A one-percentage point change in the assumed health care cost trend rates would be immaterial to our net periodic other postretirement benefit costs for the year ended December 31, 2008 and our other postretirement benefit obligation at December 31, 2008.

The United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway and Canadian pension plans are included in our disclosures for all years presented. The financial impact of compliance with U.S. GAAP pension accounting literature for other non-U.S. pension plans is not substantially different from the locally reported pension expense. The cost of providing pension benefits for foreign employees covered by other non-U.S. plans was $4.0 million in 2008, $4.5 million in 2007, and $4.6 million in 2006.

FMC Corporation Savings and Investment Plan.    The FMC Corporation Savings and Investment Plan is a qualified salary-reduction plan under Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code in which substantially all of our U.S. employees may participate by contributing a portion of their compensation. We match contributions up to specified percentages of each employee’s compensation depending on how the employee allocates his or her contributions. Additionally, effective July 1, 2007, all newly hired and rehired salaried and nonunion hourly employees receive an employer contribution of five percent of the employee’s eligible compensation. Charges against income for both of these contributions were $6.9 million in 2008, $6.1 million in 2007, and $6.4 million in 2006.



Stock Compensation Plans

We have a share-based compensation plan, which has been approved by the stockholders, for certain employees, officers and directors. This plan is described below.

FMC Corporation Incentive Compensation and Stock Plan

The FMC Corporation Incentive Compensation and Stock Plan (the “Plan”) provides for the grant of a variety of cash and equity awards to officers, directors, employees and consultants, including stock options, restricted stock, performance units (including restricted stock units), stock appreciation rights, and multi-year management incentive awards payable partly in cash and partly in common stock. The Compensation and Organization Committee of the Board of Directors (the “Committee”), subject to the provisions of the Plan, approves financial targets, award grants, and the times and conditions for payment of awards to employees. The FMC Corporation Non-Employee Directors’ Compensation Policy (formerly the FMC Corporation Compensation Plan for Non-Employee Directors), administered by the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of the Board of Directors, sets forth the compensation to be paid to the directors, including awards (currently restricted stock units only) to be made to directors under the Plan.



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Stock options granted under the Plan may be incentive or nonqualified stock options. The exercise price for stock options may not be less than the fair market value of the stock at the date of grant. Awards granted under the Plan vest or become exercisable or payable at the time designated by the Committee, which has generally been three years from the date of grant. Incentive and nonqualified options granted under the Plan expire not later than 10 years from the grant date (15 years for grants prior to 1996).

Under the Plan, awards of restricted stock and restricted stock units may be made to selected employees. The awards vest over periods designated by the Committee, which has generally been three years, with payment conditional upon continued employment. Compensation cost is recognized over the vesting periods based on the market value of the stock on the date of the award. Restricted stock units granted to directors under the Plan vest immediately if granted as part of or in lieu of the annual retainer; other restricted stock units granted to directors vest at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders in the calendar year following the May 1 annual grant date.

The total number of shares of common stock under the Plan is 14.4 million, which is in addition to the shares available from predecessor plans. Cancellations (through expiration, forfeiture, tax withholding or otherwise) of outstanding awards increase the shares available for future awards or grants. As of December 31, 2008 we had a total of approximately 4.5 million shares available for future grants of share-based awards.

At December 31, 2008 and 2007, there were restricted stock units representing an aggregate of 165,009 shares and 185,057 shares of common stock, respectively, credited to the directors’ accounts. At December 31, 2007 common stock options for 4,576 shares were outstanding for directors at exercise prices ranging from $18.30 to $20.28. These stock options were exercised during the year ended December 31, 2008.

Stock Compensation

In accordance with SFAS 123R, we recognized a total of $10.6 million ($6.6 million after-tax), $10.3 million ($6.4 million after-tax) and $8.1 million ($5.3 million after-tax) in share-based compensation expense during the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006, respectively. This expense is classified as selling, general and administrative in our consolidated statements of income.

We received $13.1 million, $14.6 million and $25.6 million in cash related to stock option exercises for the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006, respectively. We did not recognize any excess tax benefit in our consolidated balance sheets at December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006 from the exercise of stock options and the vesting of restricted awards occurring during the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006, due to our net operating loss carryforward position. As a result, there were no tax-related cash inflows from financing activities tied to the exercise of stock options and the vesting of restricted awards occurring during the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006. In addition, the shares used for the exercise of stock options occurring during the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006 came from newly issued and treasury shares.

Stock Options

The grant-date fair values of the stock options we granted in the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006 were estimated using the Black-Scholes option valuation model, the key assumptions for which are listed in the table below. The expected volatility assumption is based on the actual historical experience of our common stock. The expected life represents the period of time that options granted are expected to be outstanding. The risk-free interest rate is based on U.S. Treasury securities with terms equal to the expected timing of stock option exercises as of the grant date. The dividend yield assumption reflects our announcement of the payment of a dividend on our common stock.



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Black Scholes valuation assumptions for 2008, 2007 and 2006 stock option grants:





Expected dividend yield (1)

   0.75 %   0.9-1.0 %   1.2 %

Expected volatility

   31.3 %   32.0 %   32.0 %

Expected life (in years)

   6.5     6.5     6.5  

Risk-free interest rate (1)

   3.26 %   4.46-4.72 %   4.6 %

The weighted-average grant-date fair value of options granted during the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006 was $19.53, $13.83 and $11.47 per share, respectively.


  (1) There were two separate grant dates for stock options in 2007 which resulted in the use of a different expected dividend yield and risk-free interest rate on each date.

The following summary shows stock option activity for employees under the Plan for the three years ended December 31, 2008:


     Number of
Options Granted
But Not
Contractual Life
(in Years)
Exercise Price

Per Share
     Number of Shares in Thousands    (In

December 31, 2005 (3,118 shares exercisable)

   5,226        $ 15.56   


   390        $ 31.26   


   (1,848 )      $ 13.45    $ 32.5


   (66 )      $ 23.01   

December 31, 2006 (2,444 shares exercisable)

   3,702     5.8    $ 18.14    $ 74.6


   330        $ 36.94   


   (918 )      $ 15.92    $ 24.4


   (41 )      $ 25.03   

December 31, 2007 (1,957 shares exercisable)

   3,073     5.7    $ 20.71    $ 104.0


   290        $ 55.74   


   (850 )      $ 15.25    $ 43.6


   (21 )      $ 39.10   

December 31, 2008 (1,528 shares exercisable and 2,472 shares expected to vest)

   2,492     5.4    $ 26.49    $ 45.4

The number of stock options indicated in the above table as being exercisable as of December 31, 2008 had an intrinsic value of $41.3 million, a weighted-average remaining contractual term of 3.8 years, and a weighted-average exercise price of $17.73.



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We recognized $4.7 million ($2.9 million after-tax), $4.6 million ($2.9 million after-tax) and $3.4 million ($2.2 million after-tax) in compensation expense related to stock options for the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006 respectively. We applied a forfeiture rate of two percent per stock option grant in the calculation of such expense.

As of December 31, 2008, we had total remaining unrecognized compensation cost related to unvested stock options of $4.5 million which will be amortized over the weighted-average remaining requisite service period of approximately 1.9 years.

Restricted Awards

The grant-date fair value of restricted stock awards and stock units under the Plan is based on the market price per share of our common stock on the date of grant, and the related compensation cost is amortized to expense on a straight-line basis over the vesting period during which the employees perform related services, which is typically three years except for those eligible for retirement prior to the stated vesting period.

The following table shows our employee restricted award activity for the three years ended December 31, 2008:


     Number of

Grant Date
Fair Value
     Number of Awards in Thousands

Nonvested at December 31, 2005

   726     $ 18.29


   152     $ 31.87


   (206 )   $ 19.97


   (20 )   $ 22.34

Nonvested at December 31, 2006

   652     $ 20.93


   180     $ 38.41


   (373 )   $ 12.68


   (5 )   $ 27.45

Nonvested at December 31, 2007

   454     $ 32.07


   102     $ 58.05


   (122 )   $ 24.10


   (5 )   $ 38.07

Nonvested at December 31, 2008

   429     $ 40.40

We recognized $5.9 million ($3.7 million after-tax) $5.7 million ($3.5 million after-tax) and $4.7 million ($3.1 million after-tax) in compensation expense related to restricted awards for the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006 respectively. We applied a forfeiture rate assumption of one percent of outstanding grants in the calculation of such expense. As of December 31, 2008, we had total remaining unrecognized compensation cost related to unvested restricted awards of $7.1 million which will be amortized over the weighted-average remaining requisite service period of approximately 2.3 years.



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The following is a summary of our capital stock activity over the past three years:


     (Number of Shares
in Thousands)

December 31, 2005

   91,946    14,914  

Stock options and awards

   1,046    (980 )

Stock for employee benefit trust, net

   —      (474 )

Repurchases of common stock, net

   —      2,896  

December 31, 2006

   92,992    16,356  

Stock options and awards

   —      (1,132 )

Stock for employee benefit trust, net

   —      (2 )

Repurchases of common stock, net

   —      2,640  

December 31, 2007

   92,992    17,862  

Stock options and awards

   —      (920 )

Repurchases of common stock, net

   —      3,540  

December 31, 2008

   92,992    20,482  

At December 31, 2008, 7.5 million shares of unissued FMC common stock were reserved for stock options and awards.

Accumulated other comprehensive gain (loss) consisted of the following:


     December 31,  
     2008     2007  
     (in Millions)  

Deferred (loss) gain on derivative contracts

   $ (31.7 )   $ (1.6 )

Pension and other postretirement liability adjustment

     (237.7 )     (46.1 )

Foreign currency translation adjustments

     (6.7 )     37.8  

Accumulated other comprehensive gain (loss)

   $ (276.1 )   $ (9.9 )

On January 15, 2009, we paid dividends aggregating $9.1 million to our stockholders of record as of December 31, 2008. This amount is included in “Accrued and other liabilities” on the consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2008. For the years ended December 31, 2008, December 31, 2007, and December 31, 2006 we paid $34.4 million, $29.7 million and $21.0 million in dividends, respectively. On April 22, 2008, our Board of Directors approved a quarterly cash dividend of $0.125 per share.

In April 2007, the Board of Directors authorized the repurchase of up to $250 million of our common stock. In October 2008, the Board authorized the repurchase of up to an additional $250 million of our common stock. Although the repurchase program does not include a specific timetable or price targets and may be suspended or terminated at any time, we expect that the program will be accomplished over a two-year period. Shares may be purchased through open market or privately negotiated transactions at the discretion of management based on its



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evaluation of market conditions and other factors. We also reacquire shares from time to time in connection with the vesting and exercise of awards under our equity compensation plans. During the twelve months ended December 31, 2008, we repurchased 3,503,914 of our shares at an aggregate cost of $185.2 million under the publicly announced repurchase program.

Shares of common stock repurchased and contributed to a trust for an employee benefit program (net of shares resold as needed to administer the plan) were 2,070 net shares contributed and 470,880 net shares contributed in 2007 and 2006, respectively, at a cost of approximately $0.1 million, and $17.3 million, respectively. We had no such comparable activity in the year ended December 31, 2008.



Earnings (loss) per common share (“EPS”) is computed by dividing net income (loss) by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the period on a basic and diluted basis.

Our potentially dilutive securities include potential common shares related to our stock options, restricted stock and restricted stock units. Diluted earnings per share (“Diluted EPS”) considers the impact of potentially dilutive securities except in periods in which there is a loss because the inclusion of the potential common shares would have an antidilutive effect. Diluted EPS excludes the impact of potential common shares related to our stock options in periods in which the option exercise price is greater than the average market price of our common stock for the period. There were no excluded potential common shares from Diluted EPS for the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006.

Earnings applicable to common stock and common stock shares used in the calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share are as follows:


     Year Ended December 31,  
     2008     2007     2006  
     (in Millions Except Share and Per
Share Data)



Income from continuing operations

   $ 329.5     $ 156.7     $ 144.1  

Discontinued operations, net of income taxes

     (24.9 )     (24.3 )     (12.8 )

Net income

   $ 304.6     $ 132.4     $ 131.3  

Basic earnings per common share


Continuing operations

   $ 4.47     $ 2.08     $ 1.88  

Discontinued operations

     (0.34 )     (0.32 )     (0.17 )

Net income

   $ 4.13     $ 1.76     $ 1.71  

Diluted earnings per common share


Continuing operations

   $ 4.35     $ 2.02     $ 1.82  

Discontinued operations

     (0.33 )     (0.31 )     (0.16 )

Net income

   $ 4.02     $ 1.71     $ 1.66  

Shares (in thousands):


Weighted average number of shares of common stock outstanding—Basic

     73,774       75,400       76,640  

Weighted average additional shares assuming conversion of potential common shares

     2,022       2,199       2,436  

Shares—diluted basis

     75,796       77,599       79,076  



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Fair Value of Financial Instruments

Our financial instruments include cash and cash equivalents, trade receivables, other current assets, accounts payable, and amounts included in investments and accruals meeting the definition of financial instruments. These financial instruments are stated at their carrying value, which is a reasonable estimate of fair value.


Financial Instrument


Valuation Method

Foreign Exchange Forward Contracts

  Estimated amounts that would be received or paid to terminate the contracts at the reporting date based on current market prices for applicable currencies.

Energy Forward and Option Contracts

  Estimated amounts that would be received or paid to terminate the contracts at the reporting date based on quoted market prices for applicable commodities.


  Our estimates and information obtained from independent third parties using market data, such as bid/ask spreads for the last business day of the year.

The following table of the estimated fair value of financial instruments is based on estimated fair-value amounts that have been determined using available market information and appropriate valuation methods. Accordingly, the estimates presented may not be indicative of the amounts that we would realize in a current market exchange and do not represent potential gains or losses on these agreements.


     December 31, 2008     December 31, 2007  

Assets (liabilities)

Fair Value
Fair Value
     (in Millions)  

Foreign Exchange Forward Contracts

   $ (16.4 )    $ (16.4 )   $ (1.2 )   $     (1.2 )

Energy Forward Contracts

     (23.7 )      (23.7 )     (2.0 )     (2.0 )

Energy Option Contracts

     0.2        0.2       —         —    


     (623.6 )      (566.0 )     (545.2 )     (548.4 )

Adoption of SFAS No. 157

We adopted SFAS No.157 on January 1, 2008. SFAS No. 157 defines fair value as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. Market participants are defined as buyers or sellers in the principle or most advantageous market for the asset or liability that are independent of the reporting entity, knowledgeable and able and willing to transact for the asset or liability. Other than new disclosure, there was no impact to our consolidated financial statements upon adoption of SFAS No. 157.

Fair Value Hierarchy

In accordance with SFAS No. 157, we have categorized our financial assets and liabilities, based on the priority of the inputs to the valuation technique, into a three-level fair value hierarchy. The fair value hierarchy gives the highest priority to quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3). If the inputs used to measure the financial assets and liabilities fall within different levels of the hierarchy, the categorization is based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement of the instrument.



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Our recurring financial assets and liabilities recorded on the consolidated balance sheets are categorized based on the inputs to the valuation techniques as follows:

Level 1. Financial assets and liabilities whose values are based on unadjusted quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities in an active market that we have the ability to access (examples include active exchange-traded equity securities, exchange-traded derivatives and most U.S. Government and agency securities).

Level 2. Financial assets and liabilities whose values are based on quoted prices in markets that are not active or model inputs that are observable either directly or indirectly for substantially the full term of the asset or liability. Examples of Level 2 inputs include quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in non-active markets and pricing models whose inputs are observable for substantially the full term of the asset or liability (examples include most over-the-counter derivatives, including interest rate, currency swaps and energy derivatives).

Level 3. Financial assets and liabilities whose values are based on prices or valuation techniques that require inputs that are both unobservable and significant to the overall fair value measurement. These inputs reflect management’s own assumptions about the assumptions a market participant would use in pricing the asset or liability.

The following table presents our fair value hierarchy for those financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis in our consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2008. We currently do not have non-financial assets and non-financial liabilities that are required to be measured at fair value on a recurring basis.


     12/31/2008    Quoted Prices
in Active
Markets for
(Level 1)
(Level 2)
(Level 3)
     (in Millions)



Available-for-sale securities (1)

   $ 0.2    $ 0.2    $ —      $ —  

Derivatives – Energy (2)

     3.4      —        3.4      —  

Derivatives – Foreign Exchange (2)

     8.3         8.3   

Other (3)

     15.9      15.9      —        —  

Total Assets

   $ 27.8    $ 16.1    $ 11.7    $ —  



Derivatives – Energy (4)

   $ 26.9    $ —      $ 26.9    $ —  

Derivatives – Foreign Exchange (4)

     24.7      —        24.7      —  

Other (5)

     23.7      23.7      —        —  

Total Liabilities

   $ 75.3    $ 23.7    $ 51.6    $ —  


(1) Amounts included in “Investments” in the consolidated balance sheets.
(2) Amounts included in “Prepaid and other current assets” in the consolidated balance sheets.
(3) Consists of a deferred compensation arrangement recognized on our balance sheet. Both the asset and liability are recorded at fair value. Asset amounts included in “Other assets” in the consolidated balance sheets.
(4) Amounts included in “Accrued and other liabilities” in the consolidated balance sheets.
(5) Consists of a deferred compensation arrangement recognized on our balance sheet. Both the asset and liability are recorded at fair value. Liability amounts included in “Other long-term liabilities” in the consolidated balance sheets.



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Use of Derivative Financial Instruments to Manage Risk

We record foreign currency and energy contracts at fair value as assets or liabilities and the related gains or losses for instruments designated as hedges are deferred in stockholders’ equity as a component of accumulated other comprehensive income or loss. At December 31, 2008 and 2007, the net deferred hedging loss in accumulated other comprehensive income was $(31.3) million and $(1.6) million respectively.

Approximately $(30.9) million of net losses are expected to be realized in earnings over the twelve months ending December 31, 2009, as the underlying hedged transactions are realized, and net losses of $(0.4) million are expected to be realized at various times, subsequent to December 31, 2009. We recognize derivative gains and losses in the “Costs of sales or services” line in the consolidated statements of income.

Foreign Currency Exchange Risk Management

We conduct business in many foreign countries, exposing earnings, cash flows, and our financial position to foreign currency risks. The majority of these risks arise as a result of foreign currency transactions. Our policy is to minimize exposure to adverse changes in currency exchange rates. This is accomplished through a controlled program of risk management that includes the use of foreign currency debt and forward foreign exchange contracts. We also use forward foreign exchange contracts to hedge firm and highly anticipated foreign currency cash flows, with an objective of balancing currency risk to provide adequate protection from significant fluctuations in the currency markets.

The primary currency movements for which we have exchange-rate exposure are the U.S. dollar versus the euro, the U.S. dollar versus the Chinese yuan and the U.S. dollar versus the Brazilian real.

There was no hedge ineffectiveness related to our outstanding foreign currency exchange cash flow hedges recorded to earnings during the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006.

We hold certain forward contracts that have not been designated as hedging instruments. Contracts used to hedge the exposure to foreign currency fluctuations associated with certain monetary assets and liabilities are not designated as hedging instruments, and changes in the fair value of these items are recorded in earnings. The net pre-tax gains (losses) recorded in earnings for contracts not designated as hedging instruments in 2008, 2007 and 2006 were $18.5 million, $(8.6) million and $0.3 million, respectively.

Commodity Price Risk

We are exposed to risks in energy costs due to fluctuations in energy prices, particularly natural gas. We attempt to mitigate our exposure to increasing energy costs by hedging the cost of future deliveries of natural gas and entering into fixed-price contracts for the purchase of coal and fuel oil.

Hedge ineffectiveness and the portion of derivative gains or (losses) excluded from assessments of hedge effectiveness, related to our outstanding commodity cash flow hedges recorded to earnings for the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006 were $(0.2) million, $(0.1) million and $0.0 million, respectively. The net pre-tax (loss) recorded in earnings for commodity contracts not designated as hedging instruments in 2008 was $(0.5) million. There was no such activity in 2007 and 2006 related to commodity contracts not designated as hedging instruments.

Interest Rate Risk

We use various strategies to manage our interest rate exposure, including entering into interest rate swap agreements to achieve a targeted mix of fixed- and variable-rate debt. In the agreements, we exchange, at specified intervals, the difference between fixed- and variable-interest amounts calculated on an agreed-upon notional principal amount. As of December 31, 2008, we have no such swap agreements in place.



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Concentration of Credit Risk

Financial instruments that subject us to concentration of credit risk consist primarily of short-term cash investments, trade receivables and derivative contracts. Our policy is to place short-term cash investments with major, highly creditworthy financial institutions. Counterparties to derivative contracts are also limited to major financial institutions and organized exchanges. We limit the dollar amount of contracts entered into with any one financial institution and monitor counterparties’ credit ratings. While we may be exposed to credit losses due to the nonperformance of counterparties, we consider this risk remote.

Financial guarantees and letter-of-credit commitments

We enter into various financial instruments with off-balance-sheet risk as part of the normal course of business. These off-balance sheet instruments include financial guarantees and contractual commitments to extend financial guarantees under letters of credit, and other assistance to customers (Notes 1 and 18). Decisions to extend financial guarantees to customers, and the amount of collateral required under these guarantees is based on our evaluation of creditworthiness on a case-by-case basis.



We lease office space, plants and facilities, and various types of manufacturing, data processing and transportation equipment. Leases of real estate generally provide for our payment of property taxes, insurance and repairs. Capital leases are not significant. See Note 8 for accounting related to the Princeton lease. Rent expense under operating leases amounted to $15.8 million, $15.1 million and $14.3 million in 2008, 2007 and 2006, respectively. Rent expense is net of credits (received for the use of leased transportation assets) of $24.3 million, $24.7 million and $23.6 million in 2008, 2007 and 2006, respectively.

Minimum future rentals under noncancelable leases are estimated to be payable as follows: $30.0 million in 2009, $26.3 million in 2010, $24.0 million in 2011, $21.1 million in 2012, $20.6 million in 2013 and $63.2 million thereafter. Minimum future rentals for transportation assets included above aggregated approximately $112.5 million, against which we expect to continue to receive credits to substantially defray our rental expense.

Our minimum commitments under our take-or-pay purchase obligations associated with the sourcing of materials and energy total approximately $97.8 million. Since the majority of our minimum obligations under these contracts are over the life of the contract as opposed to a year-by-year basis, we are unable to determine the periods in which these obligations could be payable under these contracts. However, we intend to fulfill the obligations associated with these contracts through our purchases associated with the normal course of business.

The following table provides the estimated undiscounted amount of potential future payments for each major group of guarantees:


     December 31, 2008
     (in Millions)



– Technologies performance guarantees

   $ 0.8

– Guarantees of vendor financing


– Foreign equity method investment and other debt guarantees



   $ 27.9

Other Commitments

We guarantee the performance by FMC Technologies, Inc. (“Technologies”) of a debt instrument outstanding in the principal amount of $0.8 million as of December 31, 2008 and $1.6 million as of December 31, 2007.



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We provide guarantees to financial institutions on behalf of certain Agricultural Products customers, principally in Brazil, for their seasonal borrowing. The total of these guarantees was $20.3 million and $29.7 million at December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, respectively, and are recorded on the consolidated balance sheets for each date as “Guarantees of vendor financing”.

We guarantee repayment of some of the borrowings of certain foreign affiliates accounted for using the equity method for investments. The other equity investors provide parallel agreements. We also guarantee the repayment of the borrowing of a minority partner in a foreign affiliate that we consolidate in our financial statements. As of December 31, 2008, these guarantees had maximum potential payments of $6.8 million, compared to $6.9 million at December 31, 2007.

In connection with our property and asset sales and divestitures, we have agreed to indemnify the buyer for certain liabilities, including environmental contamination and taxes that occurred prior to the date of sale. Our indemnification obligations with respect to these liabilities may be indefinite as to duration and may or may not be subject to a deductible, minimum claim amount or cap. As such, it is not possible for us to predict the likelihood that a claim will be made or to make a reasonable estimate of the maximum potential loss or range of loss. If triggered, we may be able to recover certain of the indemnity payments from third parties. We have not recorded any specific liabilities for these guarantees.

We spun off FMC Technologies, Inc. (“Technologies”) in 2001. At this time, we entered into a tax sharing agreement wherein each company is obligated for those taxes associated with its respective business, generally determined as if each company filed its own consolidated, combined or unitary tax returns for any period where Technologies is included in the consolidated, combined or unitary tax return of us or our subsidiaries. The statute of limitations for the 2001 U.S. federal income tax year has now closed and no questions regarding the spin-off were raised during the IRS audit for 2000-2001, therefore any liability for taxes if the spin-off of Technologies were not tax free due to an action taken by Technologies has been favorably concluded. The tax sharing agreement continues to be in force with respect to certain items, which we do not believe would have a material effect on our financial condition or results of operations.


On January 28, 2005, we and our wholly owned subsidiary Foret received a Statement of Objections from the European Commission concerning alleged violations of competition law in the hydrogen peroxide business in Europe during the period 1994 to 2001. All of the significant European hydrogen peroxide producers also received the Statement of Objections. We and Foret responded to the Statement of Objections in April 2005 and a hearing on the matter was held at the end of June 2005. On May 3, 2006, we received a notice from the European Commission indicating that the Commission had imposed a fine on us and Foret in the aggregate amount of €25.0 million as a result of alleged violations during the period 1997-1999. In connection with this fine, we recorded an expense of $30.0 million (reflecting then-prevailing exchange rates) in our consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2006. This expense was included as a component of restructuring and other charges (income). Since we are not required to make the payment during the appeal process, which may to extend beyond one year, the liability has been classified as long-term in the consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2008 and 2007. Both we and Foret have appealed the decision of the Commission. During the appeal process, interest accrues on the fine at a rate, which as of December 31, 2008, was 4.0 percent per annum. We have provided a bank letter of credit in favor of the European Commission to guarantee our payment of the fine and accrued interest. At December 31, 2008, the amount of the letter of credit was €28.2 million (U.S. $39.4 million).

In 2004, we also received a subpoena for documents from a grand jury sitting in the Northern District of California, which is investigating anticompetitive conduct in the hydrogen peroxide business in the United States



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during the period 1994 through 2003. We have since learned that Degussa AG was a leniency applicant in the investigation and that Solvay, S.A. and Akzo Nobel Chemicals International B.V. have pled guilty to Sherman Act violations during the period July 1, 1998 through December 1, 2001. On December 29, 2008 we received notice from the Department of Justice that it has closed the investigation without filing charges against FMC.

In connection with these two matters, in February 2005 putative class action complaints were filed against six U.S. hydrogen peroxide producers (and certain of their foreign affiliates) in various federal courts alleging violations of antitrust laws. Federal law provides that persons who have been injured by violations of federal antitrust law may recover three times their actual damage plus attorney fees. Related cases were also filed in various state courts. All of the federal court cases were consolidated in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia). The District Court certified the class in January 2007. On December 30, 2008, the Court of Appeals vacated the class certification order and remanded the case for further proceedings in the District Court. Shortly thereafter, FMC reached an agreement in principle to settle with the class for $10 million, subject to final documentation and approval by the Court. This amount was included as a component of “Restructuring and other charges (income)” in our consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2008. The Court has already finally approved settlements with four of the six original defendant groups, who collectively paid approximately $90 million. Seventeen companies (predominantly paper producers) have opted out of certain of the settlements with other defendants. Certain of the defendants in the class action have settled those opt out claims for undisclosed amounts. Six of the 17 opt outs have filed suit against FMC and Foret in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and one has sued FMC as well as two other producers. These cases have been assigned to the same judge as the class action. Two other opt out cases have been pending for some time against FMC and other hydrogen peroxide producers, and in August of 2008, Foret was added as a defendant to these cases. The stay of all these actions entered by the District Court during the class certification appeal remains in place. Most of the state court cases have been dismissed, although some remain in California. In addition, putative class actions have been filed in provincial courts in Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia under the laws of Canada, A motion for class certification is pending.

Another antitrust class action previously brought in Federal Court in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania alleging violations of antitrust laws involving our microcrystalline cellulose product was settled for $25.0 million, the same amount paid by our codefendant Asahi Kasei Corporation. The Court approved this settlement in November 2006. The claims of plaintiffs who opted out of the class settlement were also settled late in 2006 for $0.7 million. The above amounts for 2006 have been reflected in “Restructuring and other charges (income)” in our consolidated statement of income for the year ended December 31, 2006. The parties have also reached an agreement to settle a related state court case pending in California, for a total for $2.5 million, with the Company and Asahi Kasei each contributing $1.25 million. This settlement was approved by the California state court in November 2007. A third related state class action against FMC in Tennessee state court has been settled for $0.5 million. This settlement was approved by the Tennessee state court in November 2008. The above amounts for 2007 have been reflected in “Restructuring and other charges (income)” in our consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2007.

We have certain other contingent liabilities arising from litigation, claims, performance guarantees and other commitments incident to the ordinary course of business. Based on information currently available and established reserves the ultimate resolution of our known contingencies, including the matters described in this Note 18, is not expected to have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position or liquidity. However, there can be no assurance that the outcome of these contingencies will be favorable, and adverse results in certain of these contingencies could have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position, results of operations or liquidity.



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     Year Ended December 31,  
     2008     2007     2006  
     (in Millions)  



Agricultural Products

   $ 1,058.7     $ 889.7     $ 765.9  

Specialty Chemicals

     764.5       659.5       592.8  

Industrial Chemicals

     1,296.9       1,087.1       990.9  


     (4.8 )     (3.4 )     (3.7 )


   $ 3,115.3     $ 2,632.9     $ 2,345.9  

Income from continuing operations before income taxes


Agricultural Products

     245.2       207.0       149.9  

Specialty Chemicals

     152.0       142.7       118.8  

Industrial Chemicals

     201.4       92.5       96.7  


     (0.1 )     —         (0.1 )

Segment operating profit (1)

     598.5       442.2       365.3  


     (49.8 )     (52.3 )     (46.2 )

Other income and (expense), net

     (8.6 )     (12.0 )     3.0  

Operating profit before the items listed below

     540.1       377.9       322.1  

Interest expense, net

     (31.9 )     (34.9 )     (32.9 )

Restructuring and other income (charges) (2)

     (49.6 )     (164.9 )     (76.8 )

Impairment of Perorsa joint venture (3)

     (1.4 )     —         —    

Purchase accounting inventory fair value impact (4)

     (2.3 )     —         —    

LIFO inventory correction adjustment (5)

     —         6.1       —    

Gain from Astaris joint venture (6)

     —         0.4       —    

Minority interest associated with restructuring and other income
(charges) (7)

     —         1.4       —    

Loss on extinguishment of debt (8)

     —         (0.3 )     —    

Income from continuing operations before income taxes

   $ 454.9     $ 185.7     $ 212.4  

Business segment results are presented net of minority interests, reflecting only FMC’s share of earnings. The corporate line primarily includes staff expenses, while other income and expense, net consists of all other corporate items, including LIFO inventory adjustments and pension income or expense.


(1) Results for all segments are net of minority interests in 2008, 2007 and 2006 of $17.0 million, $11.0 million and $7.8 million, respectively, the majority of which pertain to Industrial Chemicals.
(2) See Note 6. Amounts in 2008 related to Agricultural Products ($43.9 million), Industrial Chemicals ($14.2 million), Specialty Chemicals ($4.4 million) and Corporate ($12.9 million-gain).

Amounts in 2007 related to Agricultural Products ($108.3 million), Industrial Chemicals ($43.3 million), Specialty Chemicals ($3.1 million) and Corporate ($10.2 million).

Amounts in 2006 related to Agricultural Products ($13.4 million), Industrial Chemicals ($31.9 million), Specialty Chemicals ($26.3 million) and Corporate ($5.2 million).

(3) A $1.4 million charge related to the impairment of our Perorsa joint venture. On the consolidated statements of income this charge is included in “Equity in (earnings) loss of affiliates” for the year ended December 31, 2008.



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(4) A $2.3 million charge related to amortization of the inventory step-up resulting from purchase accounting associated with acquisitions that closed in the third quarter of 2008 in our Specialty Chemicals segment. In purchase accounting, inventory is stepped up from its cost value to estimated selling prices less costs to sell. On the consolidated statements of income, this charge is included in “Costs of sales and services” for the year ended December 31, 2008.
(5) A non-cash gain of $6.1 million related to an adjustment to our last in, first out (LIFO) inventory reserves as a result of a correction in determining our initial LIFO inventory base year. This gain was recorded to “Costs of sales and services” for the year ended December 31, 2007 in the consolidated statements of income.
(6) A gain of $0.4 million representing the difference between the carrying value of our remaining investment in the Astaris joint venture and cash received from the joint venture. This gain is included in “Equity in (earnings) loss of affiliates” in the consolidated statement of operations for the year ended December 31, 2007. In 2005, Astaris sold substantially all of the assets of its businesses and the buyers also assumed certain of the liabilities of Astaris.
(7) Minority interest of $1.4 million associated with our decision to abandon the co-generation facility at Foret during the second quarter of 2007. This amount is shown in “Minority interests” on the consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2007
(8) See Note 11.


     December 31,  
     2008     2007     2006  
     (in Millions)  

Operating capital employed (1)


Agricultural Products

   $ 570.7     $ 486.4     $ 504.5  

Specialty Chemicals

     783.9       699.8       633.2  

Industrial Chemicals

     593.4       552.7       545.9  


     (0.4 )     (0.3 )     (0.3 )

Total operating capital employed

     1,947.6       1,738.6       1,683.3  

Segment liabilities included in total operating capital employed

     613.7       584.5       548.3  

Corporate items

     432.6       410.3       509.1  

Total assets

   $ 2,993.9     $ 2,733.4     $ 2,740.7  

Segment assets (2)


Agricultural Products

   $ 764.0     $ 689.9     $ 703.6  

Specialty Chemicals

     867.7       774.9       699.6  

Industrial Chemicals

     930.0       858.6       828.7  


     (0.4 )     (0.3 )     (0.3 )

Total segment assets

     2,561.3       2,323.1       2,231.6  

Corporate items

     432.6       410.3       509.1  

Total assets

   $ 2,993.9     $ 2,733.4     $ 2,740.7  


(1) We view operating capital employed, which consists of assets, net of liabilities, reported by our operations and excluding corporate items such as cash equivalents, debt, pension liabilities, income taxes and LIFO reserves, as our primary measure of segment capital.
(2) Segment assets are assets recorded and reported by the segments and are equal to segment operating capital employed plus segment liabilities. See Note 1.



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     Year Ended December 31,
     Capital Expenditures    Depreciation and
   Research and
Development Expense
     2008    2007    2006    2008    2007    2006    2008    2007    2006
     (in Millions)

Agricultural Products

   $ 16.8    $ 11.2    $ 14.5    $ 12.4    $ 27.2    $ 31.4    $ 70.6    $ 69.7    $ 74.1

Specialty Chemicals

     45.8      33.5      30.8      32.9      32.0      31.3      14.9      17.0      15.0

Industrial Chemicals

     105.6      65.1      63.0      67.6      69.0      64.5      8.3      7.9      7.8


     6.6      5.6      7.3      11.3      5.5      4.6      —        —        —  


   $ 174.8    $ 115.4    $ 115.6    $ 124.2    $ 133.7    $ 131.8    $ 93.8    $ 94.6    $ 96.9

Geographic Segment Information


     Year Ended December 31,
     2008    2007    2006
     (in Millions)

Revenue (by location of customer):


North America (1)

   $ 1,064.6    $ 962.1    $ 959.0

Europe/Middle East/Africa

     887.0      729.5      637.9

Latin America (1)

     741.7      573.9      457.3

Asia Pacific

     422.0      367.4      291.7


   $ 3,115.3    $ 2,632.9    $ 2,345.9


(1) In 2008, countries with sales in excess of 10 percent of consolidated revenue consisted of the U.S. and Brazil. Sales for the U.S. and Brazil totaled $996.2 million and $478.1 million respectively for the year ended December 31, 2008. For the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006 U.S. sales totaled $896.7 million and $907.1 million and Brazil sales totaled $365.3 million and $280.8 million respectively.


     December 31,
     2008    2007
     (in Millions)

Long-lived assets (1):


North America (2)

   $ 737.5    $ 710.6

Europe/Middle East/Africa (2)

     476.3      486.3

Latin America

     42.4      41.8

Asia Pacific

     61.3      41.6


   $ 1,317.5    $ 1,280.3


(1) Geographic segment long-lived assets exclude long-term deferred income taxes on the consolidated balance sheets.
(2) The countries with long-lived assets in excess of 10 percent of consolidated long-lived assets at December 31, 2008 are the U.S. and Norway and at December 31, 2007 were the U.S., Norway and Spain. Long-lived assets in the U.S. and Norway totaled $714.8 million and $214.5 million, as of December 31, 2008, respectively. As of December 31, 2007, U.S., Norway and Spain long-lived assets totaled $683.3 million, $220.7 million and $129.5 million respectively.



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    2008     2007  
    1Q     2Q     3Q     4Q     1Q     2Q     3Q     4Q  
    (in Millions, Except Share and Per Share Data)  


  $ 750.2     $ 806.6     $ 820.8     $ 737.7     $ 674.1     $ 657.9     $ 626.6     $ 674.3  

Gross Profit

    251.0       270.2       240.0       219.7       210.8       210.0       186.4       195.6  

Income from continuing operations before equity in (earnings) loss of affiliates, minority interests, net interest expense, loss on extinguishment of debt and income taxes

    153.8       146.5       119.1       81.3       84.9       15.7       68.1       59.3  

Income (loss) from continuing operations (1)

    100.3       92.2       85.9       51.1       55.1       14.3       41.4       45.9  

Discontinued operations, net of income taxes

    (6.4 )     (7.8 )     (5.9 )     (4.8 )     (9.3 )     (5.7 )     (4.3 )     (5.0 )

Net income (loss)

  $ 93.9     $ 84.4     $ 80.0     $ 46.3     $ 45.8     $ 8.6     $ 37.1     $ 40.9  

Basic earnings (loss) per common share


Continuing operations

  $ 1.35     $ 1.24     $ 1.16     $ 0.71     $ 0.73     $ 0.19     $ 0.55     $ 0.62  

Discontinued operations

    (0.09 )     (0.10 )     (0.08 )     (0.07 )     (0.13 )     (0.08 )     (0.06 )     (0.07 )

Basic net income (loss) per common share (2)

  $ 1.26     $ 1.14     $ 1.08     $ 0.64     $ 0.60     $ 0.11     $ 0.49     $ 0.55  

Diluted earnings (loss) per common share


Continuing operations

  $ 1.31     $ 1.20     $ 1.13     $ 0.69     $ 0.70     $ 0.18     $ 0.54     $ 0.59  

Discontinued operations

    (0.08 )     (0.10 )     (0.08 )     (0.06 )     (0.11 )     (0.07 )     (0.06 )     (0.06 )

Diluted net income (loss) per common share (2)

  $ 1.23     $ 1.10     $ 1.05     $ 0.63     $ 0.59     $ 0.11     $ 0.48     $ 0.53  

Weighted average shares outstanding:



    74.4       74.3       74.0       72.6       75.9       75.7       75.2       74.8  


    76.6       76.5       76.0       74.0       78.2       77.8       77.3       77.1  


1. In the fourth quarter of 2008, our results were unfavorably impacted by $31.6 million ($19.1 million after-tax) of restructuring and other charges (income). In the fourth quarter of 2007, our results were unfavorably impacted by $22.9 million ($14.4 million after-tax) of restructuring and other charges (See Note 6).
2. The sum of quarterly earnings per common share may differ from the full-year amount.



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The Board of Directors and Stockholders

FMC Corporation:

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of FMC Corporation and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2008 and 2007, and the related consolidated statements of income, changes in stockholders’ equity, and cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2008. In connection with our audits of the consolidated financial statements, we have also audited the related financial statement schedule. These consolidated financial statements and the financial statement schedule are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements and the financial statement schedule based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of FMC Corporation and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2008 and 2007, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2008, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Also in our opinion, the related financial statement schedule, when considered in relation to the basic consolidated financial statements taken as a whole, presents fairly, in all material respects, the information set forth therein.

As discussed in note 10 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company adopted Financial Accounting Standards Board Interpretation (FIN) No. 48, Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes—an Interpretation of FASB Statement No. 109, on January 1, 2007. As discussed in note 13 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 158, Employer’s Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement Plans, on December 31, 2006.

We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), FMC Corporation’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2008, based on the criteria established in Internal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), and our report dated February 23, 2009, expressed an unqualified opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

February 23, 2009



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Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting as defined in Exchange Act Rule 13a-15(f). FMC’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Internal control over financial reporting includes those written policies and procedures that:



pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of FMC;



provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles;



provide reasonable assurance that receipts and expenditures of FMC are being made only in accordance with authorization of management and directors of FMC; and



provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of assets that could have a material effect on the consolidated financial statements.

Internal control over financial reporting includes the controls themselves, monitoring and internal auditing practices and actions taken to correct deficiencies as identified.

Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

We assessed the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2008. We based this assessment on criteria for effective internal control over financial reporting described in “Internal Control—Integrated Framework” issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. Management’s assessment included an evaluation of the design of our internal control over financial reporting and testing of the operational effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting. We reviewed the results of our assessment with the Audit Committee of our Board of Directors.

Based on this assessment, we determined that, as of December 31, 2008, FMC has effective internal control over financial reporting.

KPMG LLP, has issued an audit report on the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting which appears on page 107.



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The Board of Directors and Stockholders

FMC Corporation:

We have audited FMC Corporation’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2008, based on the criteria established in Internal Control-Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). FMC Corporation’s management is responsible for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, included in the accompanying report titled “Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting”. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s internal control over financial reporting based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects. Our audit included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control, based on the assessed risk. Our audit also included performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

In our opinion, FMC Corporation maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2008, based on the criteria established in Internal Control-Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission.

We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the consolidated balance sheets of FMC Corporation and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2008 and 2007, and the related consolidated statements of income, changes in stockholders’ equity, and cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2008, and our report dated February 23, 2009 expressed an unqualified opinion on those consolidated financial statements.


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

February 23, 2009



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FOR YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006



of Year
   Provision     Write-
offs (1)
End of
     (in Millions)

December 31, 2008


Reserve for doubtful accounts

   $ 18.0    $ 3.1     $ (4.8 )   $ 16.3

Deferred tax valuation allowance

   $ 65.1    $ (0.9 )   $ (8.9 )   $ 55.3

December 31, 2007


Reserve for doubtful accounts

   $ 13.5    $ 4.9     $ (0.4 )   $ 18.0

Deferred tax valuation allowance

   $ 81.5    $ (16.4 )   $ —       $ 65.1

December 31, 2006


Reserve for doubtful accounts

   $ 11.0    $ 3.6     $ (1.1 )   $ 13.5

Deferred tax valuation allowance

   $ 72.6    $ 8.9     $ —       $ 81.5


1) Write-offs are net of recoveries.






(a) Evaluation of disclosure controls and procedures. Based on management’s evaluation (with the participation of the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer), the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer have concluded that, as of the end of the period covered by this report, the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) are effective to provide reasonable assurance that information required to be disclosed by the Company in reports filed or submitted under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rules and forms and is accumulated and communicated to management, including our principal executive officer and principal financial officer, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.

Management’s annual report on internal control over financial reporting. Refer to Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting which is included in Item 8 of Part II of this Annual Report on Form 10-K and is incorporated by reference to this Item 9A.

Audit report of the independent registered public accounting firm. Refer to Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm which is included in Item 8 of Part II of this Annual Report on Form 10-K and is incorporated by reference to this Item 9A.

(b) Change in Internal Controls. There have been no changes in internal controls over financial reporting that occurred during the quarter ended December 31, 2008 that materially affected or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.



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The Company’s By-Laws were revised effective February 20, 2009. Following is a brief summary of the major changes.


I. Advance Notice by Stockholder Bringing Business Before an Annual Meeting



The stockholder of the Company (the “Stockholder”) giving notice will be required to disclose all shares and derivatives “beneficially owned” by the Stockholder and its “Related Persons”.



A “Related Person” is an affiliate, associate, any person acting in concert with such person, and persons with whom such person or any of its affiliates or associates has an agreement, arrangement or understanding with respect to the acquisition, holding, voting or disposal of shares.



The Stockholder giving notice must update the information in the notice if, at the record date of such meeting, such information changes.


II. Nomination Questionnaire for Directors



Each nominee for election as a Director of the Company (“Nominee”) will be required to fill in and deliver a “questionnaire” to the Secretary.



The questionnaire must disclose the following information:



any shares or derivatives of the Company “beneficially owned” by the Nominee and any Related Person of the Nominee, including a list of all transactions by the Nominee or a Related Person of the Nominee related to any shares or derivatives of the Company within 60 days prior to the date of the questionnaire;



any agreement between the Nominee and any Stockholder as to how the Nominee will act or vote on any issue or question once a Director;



any agreement, arrangement or understanding with respect to the nomination between or among the Nominee and any Related Person of the Nominee; and



any other information that would have been required to be disclosed by the Nominee and all Related Persons of the Nominee under a Schedule 13D.



The Nominee must update the information in the notice if, at the record date, the information changes.


III. Other Matters Concerning Stockholders



A procedure has been provided to establish the record date for Stockholders entitled to notice of or to vote at any Stockholders’ meeting or receive dividends or any other distribution or allotment of rights:



The record date may be set by the Board of Directors of the Company (the “Board”). The record date must be between 10 to 60 days prior to the date of any Stockholder meeting or more than 60 days prior to any other action;



Any previously scheduled meeting of Stockholders may be postponed by the Board at any time prior to such Stockholders’ meeting; and



A Stockholders’ meeting may be adjourned by either the presiding officer at the Stockholders’ meeting or a majority of Stockholders entitled to vote at the meeting, whether or not a quorum is present.


IV. Conduct of Board Meetings



Notice of regular Board meetings or any adjourned meeting need not be given;



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Director/s may participate in any Board meeting or committee meeting by telephone or other communications equipment as long as all participants of the meeting can hear each other;



The Chairman will preside over Board meetings; and



The Board may act by written consent.


V. Indemnification of Officers and Directors



Clarification has been added that any person who was or is a director or officer of the Company may be entitled to indemnification or advancement of expenses;



The burden is on the Company to prove that the person seeking to enforce the right to indemnification or advancement of expenses is not entitled to such indemnification or advancement; and



The Company’s obligation to indemnify any person who was or is serving, at the Company’s request, as a director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, will be reduced by any amount such person may collect as indemnification from such other corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise



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Information concerning directors, appearing under the caption “III. Board of Directors” in our Proxy Statement to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission in connection with the Annual Meeting of Stockholders scheduled to be held on April 28, 2009 (the “Proxy Statement”), information concerning executive officers, appearing under the caption “Item 4A. Executive Officers of the Registrant” in Part I of this Form 10-K, information concerning the Audit Committee, appearing under the caption “IV. Information About the Board of Directors and Corporate Governance-Committees and Independence of Directors-Audit Committee” in the Proxy Statement, information concerning the Code of Ethics, appearing under the caption “IV. Information About the Board of Directors and Corporate Governance “—Corporate Governance-Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Policy” in the Proxy Statement, and information about compliance with Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 appearing under the caption “VII. Other Matters—Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance” in the Proxy Statement, is incorporated herein by reference in response to this Item 10.



The information contained in the Proxy Statement in the section titled “VI. Executive Compensation” with respect to executive compensation, in the section titled “IV. Information About the Board of Directors and Corporate Governance—Director Compensation” and “—Corporate Governance—Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation” is incorporated herein by reference in response to this Item 11.



The information contained in the section titled “V. Security Ownership of FMC Corporation” in the Proxy Statement, with respect to security ownership of certain beneficial owners and management, is incorporated herein by reference in response to this Item 12.

Equity Compensation Plan Information

The table below sets forth information with respect to compensation plans under which equity securities of FMC are authorized for issuance as of December 31, 2008. All of the equity compensation plans pursuant to which we are currently granting equity awards have been approved by stockholders.


Plan Category

   Number of Securities to
be issued upon exercise
of outstanding options
and restricted stock

exercise price of
outstanding options
and restricted stock

   Number of Securities
remaining available for
future issuance under
equity compensation
plans (excluding
securities reflected in
column (A))


Equity Compensation Plans approved by stockholders

   3,027,724 (2)   $ 21.80    4,461,593

Equity Compensation Plans not approved by stockholders

   58,342 (3)   $ —      —  


(1) Taking into account all outstanding stock options included in this table, the weighted-average exercise price of such stock options is $21.39, and the weighted-average term-to-expiration is 4.34 years.
(2) Includes 2,491,665 stock options and 429,392 restricted stock awards granted to employees and 106,667 Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) held by directors.
(3) Represents RSUs held by directors. For a number of years prior to 2003, a portion of the annual compensation for members of the Board of Directors was paid in the form of RSUs settled in treasury shares upon retirement or other termination of service on the Board. Since 2003, all RSUs issued to directors have been made under the FMC Corporation Incentive Compensation and Stock Plan, which was approved by stockholders in 2001.



Table of Contents

The information contained in the Proxy Statement concerning our independent directors under the caption “IV. Information About the Board of Directors and Corporate Governance,” and the information contained in the Proxy Statement concerning our related party transactions policy, appearing under the caption “IV. Information About the Board of Directors and Corporate Governance—Corporate Governance—Related Party Transactions Policy,” is incorporated herein by reference in response to this Item 13.



The information contained in the Proxy Statement in the section titled “II. The Proposals to be Voted On—Ratification of Appointment of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm” is incorporated herein by reference in response to this Item 14.



Table of Contents





(a) Documents filed with this Report


  1. Consolidated financial statements of FMC Corporation and its subsidiaries are incorporated under Item 8 of this Form 10-K.


  2. The following supplementary financial information is filed in this Form 10-K:



Financial Statements Schedule II – Valuation and qualifying accounts and reserves for the years 2008, 2007 and 2006


The schedules not included herein are omitted because they are not applicable or the required information is presented in the financial statements or related notes.


  3. Exhibits: See attached Index of Exhibits


(b) Exhibits


Exhibit No.


Exhibit Description

*3.1   Restated Certificate of Incorporation, as filed on June 23, 1998 (Exhibit 4.1 to FMC Corporation’s Form S-3 filed on July 21, 1998)
  3.2   Restated By-Laws of FMC Corporation as of February 20, 2009
*4.2   Succession Agreement, dated as of August 6, 2002, among FMC Corporation, BNY Midwest Trust Company as Trustee, and Wachovia Bank, National Association as Successor Trustee (Exhibit 10.1 to FMC Corporation’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed on November 14, 2002)
  4(iii)(A)   FMC Corporation undertakes to furnish to the Commission upon request, a copy of any instrument defining the rights of holders of long-term debt of FMC Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries and for any of its unconsolidated subsidiaries for which financial statements are required to be filed.
*10.1.a   Credit Agreement, dated as of August 28, 2007, among FMC Corporation and certain Foreign Subsidiaries, the Lenders and Issuing Banks Named Therein, Citibank, N.A., as Administrative Agent, Wachovia Bank, National Association, as Documentation Agent, Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., Banc of America Securities LLC and Wachovia Securities, Inc., as Joint Lead Arrangers and Co-Book Managers and Bank of America, N.A., as Syndication Agent (Exhibit 10.1 to FMC Corporation’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on August 29, 2007).
*10.1.b   Amendment No. 1, dated as of February 20, 2008, to Credit Agreement, dated as of August 28, 2007, among FMC Corporation and certain Foreign Subsidiaries, the Lenders and Issuing Bank Named Therein, Citibank, N.A., as Administrative Agent, Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., Banc of America Securities, LLC and Wachovia Securities, Inc., as Joint Lead Arrangers and Co-Book Managers and Bank of America, N.A., as Syndication Agent. (Exhibit 10.1b to FMC Corporation’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on February 25, 2008)
*10.2   Asset Purchase Agreement among FMC Corporation, Solutia Inc., Astaris LLC, Israel Chemicals Limited and ICL Performance Products Holding Inc., dated as of September 1, 2005 (Exhibit 10 to FMC Corporation’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q/A filed on November 8, 2005)



Table of Contents

Exhibit No.


Exhibit Description

  *10.3   Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, dated as of February 20, 2008, among FMC Finance, B.V., as borrower, FMC Corporation and FMC Chemicals Netherlands B.V., as guarantors, the Lenders party thereto, Citibank International plc, as agent for the Lenders, ABN Amro Bank, N.V., Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Agentaria S.A., National City Bank and Wachovia Bank, National Association, as mandated lead arrangers and Citigroup Global Markets Limited and Banc of America Securities, LLC, as mandated lead arrangers and bookrunners. (Exhibit 10.3.b to FMC Corporation’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on February 25, 2008)
  †10.4   FMC Corporation Compensation Plan for Non-Employee Directors As Amended and Restated Effective February 20, 2009
  †10.4.a   Non-Employee Director Restricted Stock Unit Award Agreement
  †10.4.b   Non-Employee Director Restricted Stock Unit Award Agreement
  †10.5   FMC Corporation Salaried Employees’ Equivalent Retirement Plan, as amended and restated effective as of January 1, 2009
†*10.6   FMC Corporation Salaried Employees’ Equivalent Retirement Plan Grantor Trust, as amended and restated effective as July 31, 2001 (Exhibit 10.6.a to FMC Corporation’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed on November 7, 2001)
  †10.7   FMC Corporation Non-Qualified Savings and Investment Plan, as adopted by the company on December 17, 2008
†*10.8   FMC Corporation Non-Qualified Savings and Investment Plan Trust, as amended and restated effective as of September 28, 2001 (Exhibit 10.7.a to FMC Corporation’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed on November 7, 2001)
†* 10.8.a   First Amendment to FMC Corporation Non-Qualified Savings and Investment Plan Trust between Fidelity Management Trust Company and FMC Corporation, effective as of October 1, 2003 (Exhibit 10.15.a to FMC Corporation’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on March 11, 2004)
†*10.8.b   Second Amendment to FMC Corporation Non-Qualified Savings and Investment Plan Trust, effective as of January 1, 2004 (Exhibit 10.12.b to FMC Corporation’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on March 14, 2005)
  †10.8.c   Third Amendment to FMC Corporation Non-Qualified Savings and Investment Plan Trust between Fidelity Management Trust Company and FMC Corporation, effective as of February 14, 2005
  †10.8.d   Fourth Amendment to FMC Corporation Non-Qualified Savings and Investment Plan Trust between Fidelity Management Trust Company and FMC Corporation, effective as of July 1, 2005
  †10.8.e   Fifth Amendment to FMC Corporation Non-Qualified Savings and Investment Plan Trust between Fidelity Management Trust Company and FMC Corporation, effective as of April 23, 2008
  †10.9   FMC Corporation Incentive Compensation and Stock Plan as amended and restated through January 1, 2009
†*10.9.a   Employee Restricted Stock Unit Award Agreement (Exhibit 10.1 to FMC Corporation’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed on May 2, 2008)
†10.10   FMC Corporation Executive Severance Plan, as amended and restated effective as of January 1, 2009



Table of Contents

Exhibit No.


Exhibit Description

†*10.11   FMC Corporation Executive Severance Grantor Trust Agreement, dated July 31, 2001 (Exhibit 10.10.a to FMC Corporation’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed on November 7, 2001)
  †10.12   Executive Severance Agreement, entered into as of December 31, 2008, by and between FMC Corporation and William G. Walter
  †10.13   Executive Severance Agreement, entered into as of December 31, 2008, by and between FMC Corporation and W. Kim Foster, with attached schedule
  †10.14   Executive Severance Agreement, entered into as of December 31, 2008, by and between FMC Corporation and Graham R. Wood, with attached schedule
  *10.15   Joint Venture Agreement between FMC Corporation and Solutia Inc., made as of April 29, 1999 (Exhibit 2.I to Solutia’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on April 27, 2000)
  *10.15.a   First Amendment to Joint Venture Agreement between FMC Corporation and Solutia Inc., effective as of December 29, 1999 (Exhibit 2.II to Solutia’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on April 27, 2000)
  *10.15.b   Second Amendment to Joint Venture Agreement between FMC Corporation and Solutia Inc., effective as of February 2, 2000 (Exhibit 2.III to Solutia’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on April 27, 2000)
  *10.15.c   Third Amendment to Joint Venture Agreement between FMC Corporation and Solutia Inc., effective as of March 31, 2000 (Exhibit 2.IV to Solutia’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on April 27, 2000)
  *10.15.d   Fourth Amendment to Joint Venture Agreement between FMC Corporation and Solutia Inc., dated November 4, 2005 (Exhibit 10 to FMC Corporation’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on November 9, 2005)
  *10.16   Separation and Distribution Agreement by and between FMC Corporation and FMC Technologies, Inc., dated as of May 31, 2001 (Exhibit 2.1 to Form S-1/A for FMC Technologies, Inc. (Registration No. 333-55920) filed on June 6, 2001)
  *10.17   Tax Sharing Agreement by and between FMC Corporation and FMC Technologies, Inc., dated as of May 31, 2001 (Exhibit 10.1 to Form S-1/A for FMC Technologies, Inc. (Registration No. 333-55920) filed on June 6, 2001)
    12   Statement of Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges
    21   FMC Corporation List of Significant Subsidiaries
    23.1   Consent of KPMG LLP
    31.1   Chief Executive Officer Certification
    31.2   Chief Financial Officer Certification
    32.1   Chief Executive Officer Certification of Annual Report
    32.2   Chief Financial Officer Certification of Annual Report


* Incorporated by reference
Management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement



Table of Contents


Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.





/s/ W. KIM FOSTER        


W. Kim Foster

Senior Vice President and

Chief Financial Officer

Date: February 23, 2009

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities and on the date indicated.








/s/ W. KIM FOSTER        

W. Kim Foster


Senior Vice President and

Chief Financial Officer

  February 23, 2009



Graham R. Wood


Vice President, Controller

(Principal Accounting Officer)

  February 23, 2009



William G. Walter


Chairman of the Board and

Chief Executive Officer

  February 23, 2009


/s/ G. PETER D’ALOIA        

G. Peter D’Aloia



  February 23, 2009



Patricia A. Buffler



  February 23, 2009


/s/ C. SCOTT GREER        

C. Scott Greer



  February 23, 2009



Edward J. Mooney



  February 23, 2009


/s/ PAUL J. NORRIS        

Paul J. Norris



  February 23, 2009



Table of Contents








Robert C. Pallash



  February 23, 2009


/s/ ENRIQUE J. SOSA        

Enrique J. Sosa

   Director   February 23, 2009


/s/ VINCENT R. VOLPE        

Vincent R. Volpe

   Director   February 23, 2009



Table of Contents




Exhibit No.


Exhibit Description

  3.2    Restated By-Laws of FMC Corporation as of February 20, 2009
10.4    FMC Corporation Compensation Plan for Non-Employee Directors As Amended and Restated Effective February 20, 2009
10.4.a    Non-Employee Director Restricted Stock Unit Award Agreement
10.4.b    Non-Employee Director Restricted Stock Unit Award Agreement
10.5    FMC Corporation Salaried Employees’ Equivalent Retirement Plan, as amended and restated effective as of January 1, 2009
10.7    FMC Corporation Non-Qualified Savings and Investment Plan, as adopted by the Company on December 17, 2008
10.8.c    Third Amendment to FMC Corporation Non-Qualified Savings and Investment Plan Trust between Fidelity Management Trust Company and FMC Corporation, effective as of February 14, 2005
10.8.d    Fourth Amendment to FMC Corporation Non-Qualified Savings and Investment Plan Trust between Fidelity Management Trust Company and FMC Corporation, effective as of July 1, 2005
10.8.e    Fifth Amendment to FMC Corporation Non-Qualified Savings and Investment Plan Trust between Fidelity Management Trust Company and FMC Corporation, effective as of April 23, 2008
10.9    FMC Corporation Incentive Compensation and Stock Plan as amended and restated through January 1, 2009
10.10    FMC Corporation Executive Severance Plan, as amended and restated effective as of January 1, 2009
10.12    Executive Severance Agreement, entered into as of December 31, 2008, by and between FMC Corporation and William G. Walter
10.13    Executive Severance Agreement, entered into as of December 31, 2008, by and between FMC Corporation and W. Kim Foster, with attached schedule
10.14    Executive Severance Agreement, entered into as of December 31, 2008, by and between FMC Corporation and Graham R. Wood, with attached schedule
12    Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges
21    FMC Corporation List of Significant Subsidiaries
23.1    Consent of KPMG LLP
31.1    Chief Executive Officer Certification
31.2    Chief Financial Officer Certification
32.1    Chief Executive Officer Certification of Annual Report
32.2    Chief Financial Officer Certification of Annual Report



EX-3.2 2 dex32.htm RESTATED BY-LAWS OF FMC CORPORATION Restated By-Laws of FMC Corporation

Exhibit 3.2





(as of February 20, 2009)


Location of Offices

SECTION 1. Principal Delaware Office. The principal office of the Corporation in the State of Delaware shall be in the City of Wilmington, County of New Castle, and the name and address of the Resident Agent in charge thereof shall be the Corporation Trust Company, 100 West Tenth Street, Wilmington, Delaware.

SECTION 2. Principal Pennsylvania Office. The Corporation shall also have and maintain an office or principal place of business in the State of Pennsylvania at 1735 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the location of such office to be subject to change by resolution of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 3. Other Offices. The Corporation may also have offices in such other places, both within and without the State of Delaware, as the Board of Directors from time to time may designate or the business of the Corporation require.


Corporate Seal

The corporate seal shall be circular in form and have inscribed thereon the following: “FMC Corporation, Incorporated Delaware 1928.”



SECTION 1. Meetings of Stockholders. (a) Annual Meetings. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Corporation shall be held on such date and at such time as may be fixed by resolution of the Board of Directors. At the annual meeting stockholders shall elect Directors and transact such other business as properly may be brought before the meeting.

(b) Special Meetings. Special meetings of stockholders of the Corporation may be called only by the Board of Directors pursuant to a resolution approved by a majority of the entire Board of Directors.

(c) Place of Meetings. Unless otherwise directed by the Board of Directors, all meetings of the stockholders shall be held at the office of the Corporation at 1735 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

(d) Notice of Meetings. Unless otherwise provided by statute, written notice of any meeting shall be given not less than ten nor more than sixty days before the date of the meeting to each stockholder of record entitled to vote at such meeting. If mailed, notice is given when deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, directed to the stockholder at his or her address as it appears on the records of the Corporation. Each such notice shall state the place, date and hour of the meeting and, in the case of a special meeting, the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called. Only such business shall be conducted at a special meeting of stockholders as shall have been brought before the meeting pursuant to the Corporation’s notice of meeting (or any supplement thereto) given by or at the direction of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 2. Quorum of Stockholders. The holders of a majority of the total number of shares issued and outstanding, and entitled to vote thereat, present in person or represented by proxy, shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the stockholders for the transaction of business, except as otherwise provided by law, by the certificate of incorporation, or by these By-Laws.

When a quorum is present at any meeting of stockholders, a majority of the number of shares of the stock entitled to vote which is represented thereat shall decide any question brought before such meeting, unless the question is one upon which by express provision of law or the certificate of incorporation or of these By-Laws a larger or different vote is required, in which case such express provision shall govern and control the decision of such question.

SECTION 3. Voting by Stockholders. Unless otherwise provided in the certificate of incorporation, each stockholder of record shall be entitled at each meeting of stockholders to one vote for each share of stock entitled to vote. Each stockholder of record entitled to vote at any meeting may do so in person or by proxy appointed by instrument in writing, subscribed by such stockholder or his duly authorized attorney, and filed with the Secretary at or prior to the time designated in the order of business for delivering such proxies. Any such proxy shall not be voted or acted upon after three years from its date, unless such proxy provides for a longer period.

SECTION 4. Certain Definitions. For the purposes of Section 5 of this Article III and Section 6 of Article IV, the shares of the Corporation “beneficially owned” by any person shall include (i) all shares of the Corporation beneficially owned (as defined in Rules 13d-3 and 13d-5 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), determined as if the reference to “sixty days” in Rule 13d-3(d)(1)(i) was a reference to “three years”) by such person, (ii) all shares of the Corporation beneficially owned (as defined in Rules 13d-3 and 13d-5 under the Exchange Act, determined as if the reference to “sixty days” in Rule 13d-3(d)(1)(i) was a reference to “three years”) by (A) all affiliates and associates of such person (determined in accordance with Rule 12b-2 under the Exchange Act), (B) all persons acting in concert with such person with respect to the acquisition, holding, voting or disposing of securities of the Corporation or with respect to the control of the Corporation, and (C) all persons with whom such person or any of its affiliates or associates has an agreement, arrangement or understanding with respect to the acquisition, holding, voting (except pursuant to a revocable proxy given in response to a public proxy or consent solicitation made generally to all holders of shares of the Corporation) or disposing of securities of



the Corporation or to cooperate in obtaining, changing or influencing the control of the Corporation (except independent financial, legal and other advisors acting in the ordinary course of their respective businesses) (each person described in clause (A), (B) or (C) being a “Related Person” of such person) and (iii) all shares of the Corporation that are the subject of or are the reference security for or underlie any derivative securities (as defined under Rule 16a-1 under the Exchange Act) or other derivatives, short positions, profit interests, options, hedging transactions, borrowed or loaned shares or similar arrangements relating to the shares of the Corporation entered into by or on behalf of such person and all Related Persons of such person.

SECTION 5. Business Brought Before a Meeting. At an annual meeting of the stockholders, only such business shall be conducted as shall have been properly brought before the meeting. To be properly brought before an annual meeting, business must be (a) specified in the notice of meeting (or any supplement thereto) given by or at the direction of the Board of Directors, (b) otherwise properly brought before the meeting by or at the direction of the Board of Directors, or (c) otherwise properly brought before the meeting by a stockholder. For business to be properly brought before an annual meeting by a stockholder, the stockholder must have given timely notice thereof in writing to the Secretary of the Corporation. To be timely, a stockholder’s notice must be delivered to or mailed and received at the principal executive offices of the Corporation, not less than sixty days nor more than ninety days prior to the meeting; provided, however, that in the event that less than seventy days’ notice or prior public disclosure of the date of the meeting is given or made to stockholders, notice by the stockholder to be timely must be so received not later than the close of business on the tenth day following the date on which such notice of the date of the annual meeting was mailed or such public disclosure was made. A stockholder’s notice to the Secretary shall set forth as to each matter the stockholder proposes to bring before the annual meeting (a) a brief description of the business desired to be brought before the annual meeting, (b) the name and address, as they appear on the Corporation’s books, of the stockholder proposing such business, (c) the class and number of shares of the Corporation which are beneficially owned by the stockholder, and (d) any material interest of the stockholder in such business. Notwithstanding anything in the By-Laws to the contrary, no business shall be conducted at an annual meeting except in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Section. If, after the stockholder has delivered the notice under this Section 5, any information required to be contained in such notice as described above changes as of the record date for such meeting, such notice shall be deemed to be not in compliance with this Section 5 and not effective unless such stockholder, no later than 5 business days following such record date, delivers to the Secretary at the principal executive offices of the Corporation a supplemental notice describing such updated information as of such record date. The presiding officer of an annual meeting shall, if the facts warrant, determine and declare to the meeting that business was not properly brought before the meeting and in accordance with the provisions of this Section; and if he should so determine, he shall so declare to the meeting and any such business not properly brought before the meeting shall not be transacted.



SECTION 6. Inspectors of Elections; Opening and Closing the Polls. The Board of Directors by resolution shall appoint one or more inspectors, which inspector or inspectors may include individuals who serve the Corporation in other capacities, including, without limitation, as officers, employees, agents or representatives, to act at the meetings of stockholders and make a written report thereof. One or more persons may be designated as alternate inspectors to replace any inspector who fails to act. If no inspector or alternate has been appointed to act or is able to act at a meeting of stockholders, the presiding officer of the meeting shall appoint one or more inspectors to act at the meeting. Each inspector, before discharging his or her duties, shall take and sign an oath faithfully to execute the duties of inspector with strict impartiality and according to the best of his or her ability. The inspector shall have the duties prescribed by law. The presiding officer of the meeting shall fix and announce at the meeting the date and time of the opening and the closing of the polls for each matter upon which the stockholders will vote at a meeting.

SECTION 7. Fixing Date for Determination of Stockholders of Record. In order that the Corporation may determine the stockholders entitled to notice of or to vote at any meeting of the stockholders or any adjournment thereof, or entitled to receive payment of any dividend or other distribution or allotment of any rights, or entitled to exercise any rights in respect of any change, conversion or exchange of stock or for the purpose of any other lawful action, the Board of Directors may fix, in advance, a record date, which shall not be more than sixty days nor less than ten days before the date of such meeting, nor more than sixty days prior to any other action. If no record date is fixed, the record date for determining stockholders entitled to notice of or to vote at a meeting of stockholders shall be at the close of business on the day next preceding the day on which the meeting is held and the record date for determining stockholders of record for any other purpose shall be the close of business on the day on which the Board of Directors adopts the resolution relating thereto. A determination of stockholders entitled to notice of or to vote at a meeting of the stockholders shall apply to any adjournment of the meeting; provided, however, that the Board of Directors may fix a new record date for the adjourned meeting.

SECTION 8. Adjournments; Postponements. The presiding officer of the meeting or a majority of the votes entitled to be cast by stockholders who are present in person or by proxy at any meeting of stockholders may adjourn the meeting from time to time, whether or not there is such a quorum, without notice other than by announcement at the meeting if the time and place of the adjourned meeting are announced at the meeting at which the adjournment is taken, unless the adjournment is for more than 30 days or, after adjournment, a new record date is fixed for the adjourned meeting. At any such adjourned meeting at which a quorum shall be present, any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally noticed. Any previously scheduled meeting of the stockholders may be postponed, and any special meeting of the stockholders may be cancelled, by resolution of the Board of Directors upon public notice given prior to the date previously scheduled for such meeting of stockholders.





SECTION 1. Election, Number and Term of Office. (a) Manner of Election. Except as provided in Section 7 of this Article, each Director shall be elected by the vote of the majority of the votes cast with respect to the Director at any meeting of the stockholders called for the purpose of the election of Directors at which a quorum is present, provided that if as of a date that is fourteen (14) days in advance of the date the Corporation files its definitive proxy statement (regardless of whether or not thereafter revised or supplemented) with the Securities and Exchange Commission the number of nominees exceeds the number of Directors to be elected, the Directors shall be elected by the vote of a plurality of the shares represented in person or by proxy at any such meeting and entitled to vote in the election of Directors generally. For purposes of this paragraph, a majority of the votes cast means that the number of shares voted “for” a Director must exceed the number of votes “withheld” with respect to that Director.

(b) Number of Directors. The number of Directors of the Corporation which shall constitute the whole Board shall be fixed by resolution adopted by affirmative vote of a majority of the whole Board except that such number shall not be less than three (3) nor more than fifteen (15) the exact number to be eleven (11) until otherwise determined by resolution adopted by affirmative vote of a majority of the whole Board.

(c) Term of Office. Each director shall hold office until his respective successor is elected and qualified or until the effectiveness of his or her earlier resignation or removal.

SECTION 2. Nomination of Directors. Subject to the rights of holders of any class or series of stock having a preference over the Common Stock as to dividends or upon liquidation, nominations for the election of Directors may be made by the Board of Directors or a committee appointed by the Board of Directors or by any stockholder entitled to vote in the election of Directors generally. However, any stockholder entitled to vote in the election of Directors generally may nominate one or more persons for election as Directors at a meeting only if written notice of such stockholder’s intent to make such nomination or nominations has been given, either by personal delivery or by United States mail, postage prepaid, to the Secretary of the Corporation not later than (i) with respect to an election to be held at an annual meeting of stockholders, ninety days prior to the anniversary date of the immediately preceding annual meeting, and (ii) with respect to an election to be held at a special meeting of stockholders for the election of Directors, the close of business on the tenth day following the date on which notice of such meeting is first given to stockholders. Each such notice shall set forth: (a) the name and address of the stockholder who intends to make the nomination and of the person or persons to be nominated; (b) a representation that the stockholder is a holder of record of stock of the in the notice; (c) a description of all arrangements or understandings between the stockholder and each nominee and any other person or persons (naming such person or persons) pursuant to which the nomination or nominations are to be made by the



stockholder; (d) such other information regarding each nominee proposed by such stockholder as would be required to be included in a proxy statement filed pursuant to the proxy rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission; and (e) the consent of each nominee to serve as a Director of the Corporation if so elected. The presiding officer of the meeting may refuse to acknowledge the nomination of any person not made in compliance with the foregoing procedure.

SECTION 3. Removal of Directors. Subject to the rights of any class or series of stock having a preference over the Common Stock as to dividends or upon liquidation to elect directors under specified circumstances, any director may be removed from office with or without cause and only by the affirmative vote of the holders of 80% of the combined voting power of the then outstanding shares of stock entitled to vote generally in the election of directors, voting together as a single class.

SECTION 4. Conditions for Nomination by the Board. The Board of Directors or a Committee of the Board of Directors shall not nominate for election or reelection as Director any candidate who has not agreed to tender, promptly following the meeting at which he or she is elected as Director, an irrevocable resignation that will be effective upon (a) the failure to receive the required number of votes for reelection at the next annual meeting of stockholders at which he or she faces reelection, and (b) acceptance of such resignation by the Board of Directors.

SECTION 5. Resignation Policy. If an incumbent Director nominee fails to receive the required number of votes for reelection, within ninety (90) days after certification of the election results, the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of the Board of Directors will recommend to the Board of Directors whether to accept or reject the resignation or whether other action should be taken and the Board of Directors will act on the Committee’s recommendation.

SECTION 6. Other Resignations. With respect to resignations other than in connection with a failure to receive the required number of votes for reelection, any director or member of a committee may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer or the Secretary. Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified therein, and if no time be specified, upon receipt thereof, and unless specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.

SECTION 7. Vacancies on Board. Vacancies on the Board of Directors may be filled by a majority of the Directors then in office, although less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining Director. At any special meeting of stockholders called for the purpose of removing Directors pursuant to Section 3 of this Article IV, the vacancy or vacancies on the Board caused by such removal may be filled by the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority in interest of the stockholders entitled to vote. Any Director elected to fill a vacancy resulting from an increase in the number of Directors shall hold office for a term that shall coincide with the remaining term of the class of Directors to which he is elected. A Director elected to fill a vacancy not resulting from an increase in the number of Directors shall have the same remaining term as that of his predecessor.



The Board of Directors shall not fill a Director vacancy or newly created Directorship with any candidate who has not agreed to tender, promptly following his or her appointment to the Board of Directors, the same form of resignation as is described under Section 4 of this Article.

SECTION 8. Nomination Questionnaire. Each nominee for election as a Director (“Nominee”) must deliver to the Secretary at the principal executive offices of the Corporation a written questionnaire (to be provided by the Secretary upon written request and approved from time to time by the Board of Directors or a committee thereof) (the “Questionnaire”), which Questionnaire shall provide the following information: (i) the class and number of shares of the Corporation which are beneficially owned, as of the date of the Questionnaire, by the Nominee, (ii) a description (including the name of any counterparties) of any agreement, arrangement or understanding between the Nominee and any stockholder of the Corporation as to how the Nominee, if the Nominee is at the time a Director or is subsequently elected as a Director, will act or vote on any issue or question, (iii) a description (including the name of any counterparties) of any agreement, arrangement or understanding (whether written or oral) to which the Nominee or any Related Person of the Nominee is party for the purpose of acquiring, holding, voting (except pursuant to a revocable proxy given in response to a public proxy or consent solicitation made generally to all holders of shares of the Corporation) or disposing of any shares of the Corporation or to cooperate in obtaining, changing or influencing the control of the Corporation (except independent financial, legal and other advisors acting in the ordinary course of their respective businesses), (iv) the description (including the name of any counterparties) of any derivative securities (as defined under Rule 16a-1 under the Exchange Act) or other derivatives, short positions, profit interests, options, hedging transactions, borrowed or loaned shares or similar arrangements relating to the common stock of the Corporation, entered into as of the date of the Questionnaire by, or on behalf of, the Nominee or any Related Person of the Nominee and a list of all transactions by the Nominee and all Related Persons of the Nominee involving any shares of the Corporation or any such derivative security or similar arrangement related to any shares of the Corporation within 60 days prior to the date of the Questionnaire, (v) a description (including the names of any counterparties) of any agreement, arrangement or understanding with respect to the nomination between or among the Nominee and any Related Person of the Nominee, and (vi) all other information that, as of the date of the Questionnaire, would be required to be included in a filing with respect to the Corporation on Schedule 13D (including the exhibits thereto) under the Exchange Act (or any successor provision thereto) by the Nominee and all Related Persons of the Nominee, regardless of whether such person has publicly filed or is required to file a Schedule 13D with respect to the Corporation containing such information. If, after the Nominee has delivered the Questionnaire pursuant to this Section 8, any information required to be contained in such Questionnaire as described above changes as of the record date for the relevant meeting, such Nominee, no later than five business days following such record date, must deliver to the Secretary at the principal executive offices of the Corporation a supplemental Questionnaire describing such updated information as of such record date.



SECTION 9. Powers of Directors. (a) General Powers. The Board of Directors shall have the entire management of the business of this Corporation. In addition to such powers as are herein and in the certificate of incorporation expressly conferred upon it, the Board of Directors shall have and may exercise all the powers of the Corporation, subject to the provisions of the laws of Delaware, the certificate of incorporation and these By-Laws.

(b) Appointment of Committees. The Board of Directors may designate two or more of their number to constitute an Executive Committee, which Committee shall have and may exercise, when the Board is not in session, all of the powers of the Board in the management of the business and affairs of the Corporation, including the power to appoint Assistant Secretaries and Assistant Treasurers, and to authorize the seal of the Corporation to be affixed to all papers which may require it. The Executive Committee may make rules for the calling, holding and conduct of its meetings and the keeping of records thereof.

The Board of Directors may also appoint other committees from their own number, the number (not less than two) composing such committees, and the powers conferred upon them, to be determined by such resolution or resolutions.

In the absence or disqualification of any member of the Executive Committee or any other committee, the member or members thereof present at any meeting and not disqualified from voting, whether or not he or they constitute a quorum, may unanimously appoint another member of the Board of Directors to act at the meeting in the place of any such absent or disqualified member.

Meetings of any Committee designated by the Board of Directors may be called by the Board of Directors or by the Chairman of the Committee at any time or place upon at least twenty-four (24) hours notice. One third of the members of a Committee, but not less than two members, shall constitute a quorum of a Committee for the transaction of business.

(c) Delegation of Duties of Directors. The Board of Directors may delegate for the time being the powers or duties of any officer of the Corporation, in case of his absence, disability, death or removal, or “for any other reason, to any other officer or to any Director.

SECTION 10. Meeting of Directors. (a) Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at such place within or without the State of Delaware, and at such times, as the Board by vote may determine from time to time, and if so determined no notice thereof need be given.

After each election of Directors the newly constituted Board shall meet without notice for the purpose of electing officers and transacting such other business as lawfully may come before it.

(b) Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at any time or place, within or without the State of Delaware, whenever called by the Chairman of the Board, the President, the Chief Financial Officer, the Secretary or a majority of the whole Board of Directors.



(c) Notice of Meetings. Notice of regular meetings of the Board of Directors or any adjourned meeting thereof need not be given. Notice of any special meeting of directors shall be given to each director at his or her business or residence in writing by hand delivery, first-class or overnight mail or courier service, telegram or facsimile transmission, or orally by telephone. If mailed by first-class mail, such notice shall be deemed adequately delivered when deposited in the United States mails so addressed, with postage thereon prepaid, at least five (5) days before such meeting. If by telegram, overnight mail or courier service, such notice shall be deemed adequately delivered when the telegram is delivered to the telegraph company or the notice is delivered to the overnight mail or courier service company at least twenty-four (24) hours before such meeting. If by facsimile transmission, such notice shall be deemed adequately delivered when the notice is transmitted at least twelve (12) hours before such meeting. If by telephone or by hand delivery, the notice shall be given at least twelve (12) hours prior to the time set for the meeting. Such notice need not state the purposes of such meeting.

(d) Telephonic and Electronic Meetings Permitted. Any one or more members of the Board of Directors or any committee thereof may participate in any meeting thereof by means of conference telephone or other communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other or as otherwise permitted by law, and such participation in a meeting shall constitute presence in person at such meeting.

(e) Organization. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be presided over by the Chairman of the Board, if any, or in his or her absence, by a chairman chosen at the meeting, the Secretary shall act as secretary of the meeting, but in his or her absence, the chairman of the meeting may appoint any person to act as secretary of the meeting.

(f) Action Without Meeting. Any action required or permitted to be taken at any meeting of the Board of Directors or any committee thereof may be taken without a meeting if all the members of the Board of Directors or any such committee consent thereto in writing or as otherwise permitted by law and, if required by law, the writing or writings are filed with the minutes or proceedings of the Board of Directors or of such committee.

SECTION 11. Quorum of Directors. Subject to Section 7 of this Article IV, a whole number of directors equal to a majority of the whole Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum of the Board for the transaction of business. The chairman of the meeting or a majority of directors present may adjourn the meeting from time to time, whether or not a quorum is present. At any adjourned meeting at which a quorum is present, any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally called.

When a quorum is present at any meeting of Directors, a majority of the members present thereat shall decide any question brought before such meeting, except as otherwise provided by law, the certificate of incorporation or these By-Laws.



SECTION 12. Compensation of Directors. Directors other than those who are full-time salaried officers or other employees of the Corporation may be paid compensation for their services as Directors and may also be paid additional compensation for their services as members of any committee appointed by the Board of Directors, in such amounts as the Board of Directors by resolution shall from time to time determine to be appropriate. Directors may be paid their expenses, if any, incurred for attendance at each meeting of the Board of Directors or of any committee of which they may be members. No Director shall be precluded from serving the Corporation in any other capacity and receiving compensation therefore.


Books and Records

Unless otherwise required by the laws of Delaware, the books and records of the Corporation may be kept at the office of the Corporation in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, or at any other place or places outside the State of Delaware, as the Board of Directors from time to time may designate.



SECTION 1. Number and Titles. The officers of the Corporation shall be a Chairman of the Board, a Chief Executive Officer, a President, one or more Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Controller, all of whom shall be elected by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors or the Chief Executive Officer may appoint such other officers, including one or more Assistant Secretaries, Assistant Treasurers and Assistant Controllers as either of them shall deem necessary, who shall have such authority and perform such duties as may be prescribed in such appointment. The Chairman of the Board, the Vice Chairman of the Board and the President shall be members of the Board of Directors, but the other officers need not be members of such Board.

Any two or more offices, other than the offices of President and Secretary, may be held by the same person.

SECTION 2. Tenure of Office. Officers of the Corporation shall hold their respective offices at the pleasure of the Board of Directors and, in the case of officers who were appointed by the Executive Committee or by the Chief Executive Officer, also at the pleasure of such appointing authority. Each officer shall serve from the time of his or her appointment until a successor shall be chosen and qualified or until his or her death, resignation, removal or otherwise.



SECTION 3. Resignations. Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer or the Secretary. Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified therein, and if no time be specified, upon receipt thereof, and unless specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.

SECTION 4. Removal. The Board of Directors may remove any officer with or without cause at any time, but such removal shall be without prejudice to the contractual rights of such officer, if any, with the Corporation.

SECTION 5. Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring in any office of the Corporation by death, resignation, removal or otherwise may be filled for the unexpired portion of the term by the Board of Directors at any regular or special meeting.

SECTION 6. Duties of Officers. (a) Chairman of the Board. The Chairman of the Board shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, of the Executive Committee and of the stockholders of the Corporation. He shall perform such other duties as may from time-to-time be assigned to him by the Board of Directors.

(b) Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation shall be in general charge and supervision of the affairs of the Corporation.

(c) President. The President shall perform such duties as from time-to-time may be assigned to him by the Board of Directors or the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation.

(d) Vice Presidents. Each Vice President shall have such powers and shall perform such duties as may be assigned to him by the senior officers of the Corporation or by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may designate one or more Vice Presidents as Executive Vice Presidents or Senior Vice Presidents, or make such other designations of Vice Presidents as it may deem appropriate.

(e) Secretary. The Secretary shall attend and record all proceedings of the meetings of the Board of Directors, the stockholders, and the Executive Committee; shall be custodian of the corporate seal and affix such seal to all documents requiring the same; shall cause to be maintained a stock transfer book, and a stock ledger, and such other books as the Board of Directors may direct; shall serve all notices required by law, or by these By-Laws, or by resolution of the Board of Directors; and shall perform such other duties as pertain to the office of Secretary, subject to the control of the Board of Directors.

(f) Assistant Secretaries. The Assistant Secretaries shall assist the Secretary in the performance of his duties, and shall perform such other duties as the Board of Directors or the Chief Executive Officer from time to time may prescribe. If at any time the Secretary shall be unable to act, an Assistant Secretary may perform his duties.

(g) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall perform all duties commonly incident to that office (including, but without limitation, the care and custody of the funds and securities of the Corporation which from time to time may come into his hands and the deposit of the funds of the Corporation in such banks or trust companies as the Board of Directors may authorize or direct) and, in addition, such other duties as the Board of Directors from time to time may prescribe.



(h) Assistant Treasurers. Assistant Treasurers shall assist the Treasurer in the performance of his duties, and shall discharge such other duties as the Board of Directors or the Chief Executive Officer from time to time may prescribe.

(i) Controller. The Controller shall be the principal accounting officer of the Corporation, and shall maintain adequate records of all assets, liabilities and transactions of the Corporation; and shall cause adequate audits of the Corporation’s accounting records to be currently and regularly made; and shall perform such other duties as the Board of Directors from time to time may prescribe.

(j) Assistant Controllers. Assistant Controllers shall assist the Controller in performance of his duties, and shall discharge such other duties as the Board of Directors or the Chief Executive Officer from time to time may prescribe.


Stock Certificates

SECTION 1. Stock Certificates. Every holder of stock shall be entitled to have a certificate or certificates duly numbered, certifying the number and class of shares in the Corporation owned by him, in such form as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors. Each such certificate shall be signed in the name of the Corporation by the Chairman of the Board, the President or a Vice President, and by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary or the Treasurer or an Assistant Treasurer. If any such certificate is countersigned (1) by a transfer agent other than the Corporation or its employee, or (2) by a registrar other than the Corporation or its employee, any other signature on the certificate may be a facsimile. In case any officer, transfer agent or registrar who has signed or whose facsimile signature has been placed upon a certificate shall have ceased to be such officer, transfer agent or registrar before such certificate is issued, it may be issued by the Corporation with the same effect as if he were such officer, transfer agent or registrar at the date of issue. All certificates shall be countersigned and registered in such manner as the Board of Directors may from time to time prescribe and there shall be impressed thereon the seal of the Corporation or imprinted thereon a facsimile of such seal. Any transfer agent may countersign by facsimile signature.

No registrar of any stock of the Corporation appointed pursuant to this Section 1 shall be the Corporation or its employee.

SECTION 2. Lost Certificates. In the case of the loss, mutilation or destruction of a stock certificate, a duplicate certificate may be issued upon such terms and conditions as the Board of Directors from time to time may prescribe.



SECTION 3. Transfers of Stock. Transfer of shares of stock of the Corporation shall be made on the books of the Corporation only by the person named in the certificate evidencing such stock or by any attorney lawfully constituted in writing, and upon surrender and cancellation of such certificate, with duly executed assignment and power of transfer endorsed thereon or attached thereto, and with such proof of authenticity of the signatures and authority of the signatories as the Corporation or its agents may reasonably require, except that a new certificate may be issued in the name of an-appropriate state officer or office, without the surrender of the former certificate for shares presumed abandoned under the provisions of applicable state escheat or abandoned property laws. The Corporation shall be entitled to treat the holder of record of any share or shares of stock as the holder in fact thereof, and accordingly is not bound to recognize any equitable or other claim or interest in such share or shares on the part of any other person, whether or not it shall have express or other notice thereof, save as expressly otherwise provided by the laws of the state of Delaware.

SECTION 4. Uncertificated Stock. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, any and all classes and series of shares, or any part thereof, may be represented by uncertificated stock, except that shares represented by a certificate that is issued and outstanding shall continue to be represented thereby until the certificate is surrendered to the Corporation. Within a reasonable time after the issuance or transfer of uncertificated stock, the Corporation shall send to the registered owner thereof, a written notice containing the information required to be set forth or stated on certificates. The rights and obligation of the holders of shares represented by certificates and the rights and obligations of the holder of uncertificated shares of the same class or series shall be identical. The provisions of Sections 2 and 3 of this Article VII shall be inapplicable to uncertificated stock and in lieu thereof the Corporation shall adopt alternative procedures for the registration of transfers.


Depositaries and Checks

Depositaries of the funds of the Corporation shall be designated by the Board of Directors; and all checks on such funds shall be signed by such officers or other employees of the Corporation as the Board of Directors from time to time may designate.


Waiver of Notice

Any notice required to be given by law, by the certificate of incorporation, or by these By-Laws, may be waived by the person entitled thereto, either before or after the time stated in such notice.




Amendment of By-Laws

Subject to Section (c) of Article EIGHTH and Section (a) of Article TENTH of the Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation these By-Laws may be amended, repealed or added to at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors or of the stockholders, by the affirmative vote of a majority of the whole Board of Directors, or by the affirmative vote of a majority of the stock issued and outstanding and entitled to vote, as the case may be.


Indemnification of Officers, Directors and Employees

(a) Each person who was or is a director or officer of the Corporation and who was or is made a party or is threatened to be made a party to or is involved in any action, suit, or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative (hereinafter a “Proceeding”), by reason of the fact that he or she or a person of whom he or she is the legal representative is or was a director or officer of the Corporation or is or was serving at the request of the Corporation as a director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, including service with respect to employee benefit plans maintained or sponsored by the Corporation, whether the basis of such Proceeding is alleged action in an official capacity as a director, officer, employee or agent or in any other capacity while serving as a director, officer, employee or agent, shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Corporation to the fullest extent authorized by the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware as the same exists or may hereafter be amended (but, in the case of any such amendment and unless applicable law otherwise requires, only to the extent that such amendment permits the Corporation to provide broader indemnification rights than said law permitted the Corporation to provide prior to such amendment), against all expense, liability and loss (including attorneys’ fees, judgments, fines, ERISA excise taxes or penalties and amounts paid or to be paid in settlement) reasonably incurred or suffered by such person in connection therewith and such indemnification shall continue as to a person who has ceased to be a director, officer, employee or agent and shall inure to the benefit of his or her heirs, executors and administrators; provided, however, that except as provided in Paragraph (d) of this Article XI, the Corporation shall indemnify any such person seeking indemnification in connection with a Proceeding (or part thereof) initiated by such person only if such Proceeding (or part thereof) was authorized by the whole Board of Directors. The right to indemnification conferred in this Article XI shall be a contract right and shall include the right to be paid by the Corporation the expenses incurred in defending any such Proceeding in advance of its final disposition, consistent with the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware as the same exists or may hereafter be amended (but, in the case of any such amendment and unless applicable law otherwise requires, only to the extent that such amendment permits the Corporation to provide broader indemnification rights than said law permitted the Corporation to provide prior to



such amendment), such advances to be paid by the Corporation within 30 days after the receipt by the Corporation of a statement or statements from the claimant requesting such advance or advances from time to time; provided, however, the payment of such expenses incurred by a director or officer in his or her capacity as a director or officer (and not in any other capacity in which service was or is rendered by such person while a director or officer, including, without limitation, service to an employee benefit plan) in advance of the final disposition of a Proceeding, shall be made only upon delivery to the Corporation of an undertaking by or on behalf of such director or officer, to repay all amounts so advanced if it shall ultimately be determined that such director or officer is not entitled to be indemnified under this Article XI or otherwise. Such expenses (including attorneys’ fees) incurred by former directors and officers or other employees and agents may be so paid upon such terms and conditions, if any, as the Board of Directors deems appropriate.

(b) To obtain indemnification under this Article XI, a claimant shall submit to the Corporation a written request, including therein or therewith such documentation and information as is reasonably available to the claimant and is reasonably necessary to determine whether and to what extent the claimant is entitled to indemnification. Upon written request by a claimant for indemnification pursuant to the first sentence of this Paragraph (b), a determination, if required by applicable law, with respect to the claimant’s entitlement thereto shall be made as follows: (1) if requested by the claimant, by Independent Counsel (as hereinafter defined), or (2) if no request is made by the claimant for a determination by Independent Counsel, (i) by the Board of Directors by a majority vote of a quorum consisting of Disinterested Directors (as hereinafter defined), or (ii) if a quorum of the Board of Directors consisting of Disinterested Directors is not obtainable or, even if obtainable, such quorum of Disinterested Directors so directs, by Independent Counsel in a written opinion to the Board of Directors, a copy of which shall be delivered to the claimant, or (iii) if a quorum of Disinterested Directors so directs, by the stockholders of the Corporation. In the event the determination of entitlement to indemnification is to be made by Independent Counsel at the request of the claimant, the Independent Counsel shall be selected by the Board of Directors unless there shall have occurred within two years prior to the date of the commencement of the Proceeding for which indemnification is claimed a “Change of Control” as defined in the Executive Severance Plan of FMC Corporation (as amended as of April 18, 1997), in which case the Independent Counsel shall be selected by the claimant unless the claimant shall request that such selection be made by the Board of Directors. If it is so determined that the claimant is entitled to indemnification, payment to the claimant shall be made within 10 days after such determination.

(c) Except as provided for in Paragraph (d) of this Article XI, no person shall be entitled to indemnification or advancement of expenses under this Article XI with respect to any Proceeding, or any claim therein, brought or made by him against the Corporation.

(d) If a claim under Paragraph (a) of this Article XI is not paid in full by the Corporation within thirty days after a written claim pursuant to Paragraph (b) of this Article XI has been received by the Corporation, the claimant may at any time thereafter



bring suit against the Corporation to recover the unpaid amount of the claim and, if successful in whole or in part, the claimant shall be entitled to be paid also the expense of prosecuting such claim. It shall be a defense to any such action (other than an action brought to enforce a claim for expenses incurred in defending any Proceeding in advance of its final disposition whether the required undertaking, if any is required, has been tendered to the Corporation) that the claimant has not met the standard of conduct which makes it permissible under the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware for the Corporation to indemnify the claimant for the amount claimed. With respect to any suit brought by a person seeking to enforce a right of indemnification or a right to advancement of expenses, neither the failure of the Corporation (including its Board of Directors, Independent Counsel or stockholders) to have made a determination prior to the commencement of such action that indemnification of the claimant is proper in the circumstances because he or she has met the applicable standard of conduct set forth under applicable law, nor an actual determination by the Corporation (including its Board of Directors, Independent Counsel or stockholders) that the claimant has not met such applicable standard of conduct, shall be a defense to the action or create a presumption that the claimant has not met the applicable standard of conduct.

(e) In any suit brought by a person seeking to enforce a right to indemnification or to an advancement of expenses or by the Corporation to recover an advancement of expenses, the burden shall be on the Corporation to prove that the person seeking to enforce a right to indemnification or to an advancement of expenses or the person from whom the Corporation seeks to recover an advancement of expenses is not entitled to be indemnified, or to such an advancement of expenses, under this Article XI or otherwise.

(f) If a determination shall have been made pursuant to Paragraph (b) of this Article XI that the claimant is entitled to indemnification, the Corporation shall be bound by such determination in any judicial Proceeding commenced pursuant to Paragraph (d) of this Article XI.

(g) The Corporation shall be precluded from asserting in any judicial Proceeding commenced pursuant to Paragraph (d) of this Article XI that the procedures and presumptions of this Article XI are not valid, binding and enforceable and shall stipulate in such Proceeding that the Corporation is bound by all the provisions of this Article XI.

(h) The right to indemnification and the payment of expenses incurred in defending a Proceeding in advance of its final disposition conferred in this Article XI shall not be exclusive of any other right which any person may have or hereafter acquire under any statute, provision of the Certificate of Incorporation, By-Laws, agreement, vote of stockholders or Disinterested Directors or otherwise. No repeal or modification of this Article XI shall in any way diminish or adversely affect the rights of any director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation to indemnification and to advancement of expenses that any person may have at the time of such repeal or modification with respect to any acts or omissions occurring prior to such repeal or modification.



(i) The Corporation’s obligation, if any, to indemnify any person who was or is serving at the request of the Corporation as a director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, shall be reduced by any amount such person may collect as indemnification from such other corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise.

(j) The Corporation may, but shall not be obligated to, purchase and maintain insurance, at its expense, to protect itself and any director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation against any liability, cost or expense. The Corporation may enter into contracts with any director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation or of any corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise where a director or officer of the Corporation was serving at the request of the Corporation as a director, officer, employee or agent in furtherance of this Article XI and may create a trust fund, grant a security interest or use other means (including, without limitation, a letter of credit) to ensure the payment of such amounts as may be necessary to effect indemnification as provided or authorized in this Article XI.

(k) The Corporation may, to the extent authorized from time to time by the Board of Directors, grant rights to indemnification, and rights to be paid by the Corporation the expenses incurred in defending any Proceeding in advance of its final disposition, to any employee or agent or class of employees or agents of the Corporation (including the heirs, executors, administrators or estate of each such person) to the fullest extent of the provisions of this Article XI with respect to the indemnification and advancement of expenses of directors and officers of the Corporation.

(l) If any provisions or provision of this Article XI shall be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever: (1) the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Article XI (including, without limitation, each provision of any paragraph of this Article XI containing any such provision held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that is not itself held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable) shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby; and (2) to the fullest extent possible, the provisions of this Article XI including, without limitation, each such portion of any paragraph of this Article XI containing any such provision held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable) shall be construed so as to give effect to the intent manifested by the provision held invalid, illegal or unenforceable.

(m) For purposes of this Article XI:

(1) “Disinterested Director” means a director of the Corporation who is not and was not a party to the matter in respect of which indemnification is sought by the claimant.

(2) “Independent Counsel” means a law firm, a member of a law firm, or an independent practitioner, that is experienced in matters of Corporation law and shall include any person who, under the applicable standards of professional conduct then prevailing, would not have a conflict of interest in representing either the Corporation or the claimant in an action to determine the claimant’s rights under this Article XI.



(n) Any notice, request or other communication required or permitted to be given to the Corporation under this Article XI shall be in writing and either delivered in person or sent by telecopy, telex, telegram, overnight mail or courier service, or certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the Secretary of the Corporation and shall be effective only upon receipt by the Secretary.


Emergency By-Laws

The Emergency By-Laws provided in this Article XII shall be operative during any emergency in the conduct of the business of the Corporation resulting from an attack on the United States or on a locality in which the Corporation does business or customarily holds meetings of its board of directors or stockholders or during any nuclear or atomic disaster or during the existence of any catastrophe or other similar emergency condition as a result of which a quorum of the board of directors or a standing committee thereof cannot readily be convened for action notwithstanding any different provision in the preceding Articles of these By-Laws or in the Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation or in the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware. To the extent not inconsistent with the provisions of this Article, the By-Laws provided in the preceding Articles shall remain in effect during such emergency and upon its termination the Emergency By-Laws shall cease to be operative.

During any such emergency:

(a) A meeting of the Board of Directors or a committee thereof may be called by any officer or director of the Corporation. Notice of the time and place of the meeting shall be given by the person calling the meeting to such of the directors as it may be feasible to reach by any available means of communication. Such notice shall be given at such time in advance of the meeting as circumstances permit in the judgment of the person calling the meeting.

(b) At any such meeting of the Board of Directors, a quorum shall consist of the director or directors in attendance at the meeting.

(c) The Board of Directors, either before or during any such emergency, may provide, and from time to time modify, lines of succession in the event that during such an emergency any or all officers or agents of the Corporation shall for any reason be rendered incapable of discharging their duties.

(d) To the extent required to constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board of Directors during such an emergency, the officers of the Corporation who are present shall, unless otherwise provided in Emergency By-Laws, be deemed, in order of rank and within the same rank in order of seniority, directors for such meeting.



(e) The Board of Directors, either before or during any such emergency, may, effective in the emergency, change the head office or designate several alternative head offices or regional offices or authorize the officers so to do.

No officer, director or employee acting in accordance with these Emergency By-Laws shall be liable except for willful misconduct.

These Emergency By-Laws shall be subject to repeal or change by further action of the Board of Directors or by action of the stockholders, but no such repeal or change shall modify the provisions of the next preceding paragraph with regard to action taken prior to the time of such repeal or change. Any amendment of these Emergency By-Laws may make any further or different provision that may be practical and necessary for the circumstances of the emergency.



EX-10.4 3 dex104.htm COMPENSATION PLAN FOR NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTORS Compensation Plan for Non-Employee Directors

Exhibit 10.4





1. Purpose. The purpose of the Policy is to provide a compensation program to attract and retain qualified individuals not employed by the Company or its subsidiaries or affiliates to serve on the Board and to further align the interests of those directors with those of stockholders by providing that a substantial portion of compensation will be linked directly to increases in stockholder value.

2. Definitions. Except as otherwise defined herein or in the FMC Corporation Incentive Compensation and Stock Plan, terms used herein in capitalized form will have the meanings attributed to them below:

a. “Annual Retainer” means the retainer fee established by the Board and paid to a director for services on the Board for a year.

b. A “Change in Control” of the Company will be deemed to have occurred as of the first day that any one or more of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) the “beneficial ownership” (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act) of securities representing more than 20% of the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities of the Company entitled to vote generally in the election of directors (the “Company Voting Securities”) is acquired by a “Person” as defined in Sections 13(d) and 14(d) of the Exchange Act (other than the Company, any trustee or other fiduciary holding securities under an employee benefit plan of the Company or an affiliate thereof, any corporation owned, directly or indirectly, by the stockholders of the Company in substantially the same proportions as their ownership of stock of the Company); provided, however that any acquisition from the Company or any acquisition pursuant to a transaction that complies with Subsections (i), (ii) and (iii) of Subsection (3) of this definition will not be a Change in Control under this Subsection (1); or

(2) individuals who, as of the date hereof, constitute the Board (the “Incumbent Board”) cease for any reason to constitute at least a majority of the Board; provided, however, that any individual becoming a director subsequent to the date hereof whose election, or nomination for election by the Company’s stockholders, was approved by a vote of at least a majority of the directors then comprising the Incumbent Board will be considered as though such individual were a member of the Incumbent Board, but excluding, for this purpose, any such individual whose initial assumption of office occurs as a result of an actual or threatened election contest with respect to the election or removal of directors or other actual or threatened solicitation of proxies or consents by or on behalf of a Person other than the Board; or

(3) consummation by the Company of a reorganization, merger or consolidation, or sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company or the acquisition of assets or stock of another entity (a “Business Combination”), in each case, unless immediately following such Business Combination: (i) more than 60% of the combined voting power of then outstanding voting securities entitled to vote generally in the election of directors of (x) the corporation resulting from such Business Combination (the “Surviving Corporation”), or (y) if applicable, a corporation which as a result of such transaction owns the Company or all or substantially all of the Company’s assets either directly or through one or more subsidiaries (the “Parent Corporation”), is represented, directly or indirectly by Company Voting Securities outstanding immediately prior to such Business Combination (or, if applicable, is represented by shares into which such Company Voting Securities were converted pursuant to such Business Combination), and such voting power among the holders thereof is in substantially the same proportions as their ownership, immediately prior to such Business Combination, of the Company Voting Securities, (ii) no Person (excluding any employee benefit plan (or related trust) of the Company or such corporation resulting from such Business Combination) beneficially owns, directly or indirectly, 20% or more of the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities eligible to elect directors of the Parent Corporation (or, if there is no Parent Corporation, the Surviving Corporation) except to the extent that such ownership of the Company existed prior to the Business Combination and (iii) at least a majority of the members of the Board of the Parent Corporation (or, if there is no Parent Corporation, the Surviving Corporation) were members of the Incumbent Board at the time of the execution of the initial agreement, or of the action of the Board, providing for such Business Combination; or

(4) approval by the stockholders of the Company of a complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company.

However, in no event will a Change in Control be deemed to have occurred, with respect to the Participant, if the Participant is part of a purchasing group which consummates the Change in Control transaction. The Participant will be deemed “part of a purchasing group” for purposes of the preceding sentence if the Participant is an equity participant in the purchasing company or group (except for: (i) passive ownership of less than 3% of the stock of the purchasing company; or (ii) ownership of equity participation in the purchasing company or group which is otherwise not significant, as determined prior to the Change in Control by a majority of the non-employee continuing directors).

In addition, solely for purposes of Subsection 5a. of Part III, no event or transaction will constitute a Change in Control unless that event or transaction also constitutes a “change in ownership” of the Company, a “change in effective control” of the Company or a “change in the ownership of a substantial portion of the assets” of the Company, as those terms are used in Section 409A(a)(2)(v) of the Code and defined in regulations issued thereunder.

c. “Change in Control Price” means the higher of (i) if applicable, the price paid for the Common Stock in the transaction constituting Change in Control and (ii) the closing price per share of Common Stock as reported in the New York Stock Exchange Composite Transactions on the last trading day preceding the date of the Change in Control.



d. “Committee Chairman Fee” means the fee established by the Board and paid to a director for service as chairman of any committee of the Board.

e. “Company” means FMC Corporation.

f. “Deferral Period” means the time during which a Participant is a non-employee director of the Company.

g. “Deferred Amount” means, with respect to each Participant, an annual amount equal to $25,000 plus such amount as the Participant elects to defer in accordance with Section 1 of Part II of the Policy.

h. “Meeting Fees” means the fees, established by the Board, paid to a director for attending a meeting of the Board or a committee of the Board, including extraordinary or special Board and/or committee meetings.

i. “Participant” or “Participants” means all members of the Board who are not employees of the Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates.

j. “Policy” means the FMC Corporation Compensation Policy for Non-Employee Directors, as amended and restated effective on February 20, 2008, as may be further amended from time to time.

k. “Restricted Stock Unit” means a right to receive on a specified date one share of Common Stock or the Fair Market Value thereof.

l. “Rule 16b-3” means Rule 16b-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act.

m. “Separation Date” means the date a Participant’s service on the Board terminates for any reason; provided, however, that solely for purposes of Section 5 of Part III, “Separation Date” will mean a “Separation from Service” as that term is used in Section 409A(a)(2)(i) of the Code and defined in regulations issued thereunder.

3. Effective Date. This Policy is an amendment and restatement of the FMC Compensation Plan for Non-Employee Directors, effective as of February 20, 2009.


1. Annual Retainer. Each Participant will be entitled to receive an Annual Retainer in such amount as will be determined from time to time by the Board. Until changed by resolution of the Board, the Annual Retainer will be $70,000 (for grants prior to May 1, 2009, $42,000), $25,000 of which will be paid in the form of Restricted Stock Units as set forth in Section 1 of Part III and, except as otherwise provided below, the remainder of which will be paid in cash in quarterly installments at the end of each calendar year quarter.



a. Not less than 60 days prior to the close of any calendar year, a Participant may elect that any portion of the Annual Retainer otherwise payable in cash in the following calendar year instead be paid in the form of Restricted Stock Units, as set forth in Section 1 of Part III, by providing written notice of such election to the Company. Any such election will be effective on the first day of the next calendar year beginning after the date of such election.

b. Notwithstanding Subsection a, above, a Participant who is a newly elected or appointed to the Board may elect, by written notice to the Company within 30 days after joining the Board, to receive in the form of Restricted Stock Units (as set forth in Section 1 of Part III) that portion of the Annual Retainer (i) that is payable with respect to the remainder of the first calendar year of his or her service, and (ii) that is otherwise payable in cash.

c. If and to the extent the Company, in its sole discretion, determines that the approval by the Board of an election made under this Section 1 is necessary to assure that such election conforms with Rule 16b-3, the effectiveness of such election will be deferred until such later date, if any, as such approval has been obtained.

d. Meeting Fees. Each Participant will be entitled to receive a Meeting Fee, in such amount as will be determined from time to time by the Board, for attending each meeting of the Board or a committee of the Board, including extraordinary and/or special Board and committee meetings. Until changed by resolution of the Board, (i) the Meeting Fee will be $1,500 per committee meeting, payable in cash at the end of each calendar quarter, and (ii) no Meeting Fees will be paid to Participants with respect to meetings of the Board. (For Board meetings occurring prior to May 1, 2009, the Meeting Fee will be $1,500 per meeting, payable in cash at the end of each calendar quarter.)

2. Committee Chairman Fees. Each Participant who serves as chairman of a committee of the Board will be entitled to receive a Committee Chairman Fee in such amount as will be determined from time to time by the Board, for the tenure of such service. Until changed by resolution of the Board, the Committee Chairman Fee will be paid in cash at an annualized rate of $8,000 ($10,000 for the Chairman of the Compensation Committee and $12,500 for the Chairman of the Audit Committee) in equal installments at the end of each calendar quarter. (For periods prior to May 1, 2009, the Committee Chairman Fee will be paid in cash at an annualized rate of $7,000 ($9,000 for the Chairman of the Compensation Committee and $10,000 for the Chairman of the Audit Committee) in equal installments at the end of each calendar quarter.)

3. Audit Committee Fee. Each Participant who serves as a member of the Audit Committee of the Board will be entitled to receive additional fees in respect of such service in such amount as will be determined from time to time by the Board (other than the Chairman of the Audit Committee, who will instead be entitled to the Committee Chairman Fee described in Section 2, above). Until changed by resolution of the Board, this additional Audit Committee fee will be paid in cash at an annualized rate of $5,000 in equal installments at the end of each calendar quarter.




1. Retainer Grant.

a. Grant Size. Effective upon completion of each annual meeting of the Company’s stockholders, each Participant will receive a number of Restricted Stock Units determined by dividing $25,000, plus the portion of the Participant’s Annual Retainer(s) otherwise payable in cash in that calendar year that the Participant elected to defer in accordance with Section 1 of Part II, by the Fair Market Value on the date of such annual meeting. Restricted Stock Units granted under this Section 2 are hereinafter referred to as “Retainer Units.”

b. Divestiture. If the Participant’s service to the Company ceases prior to a Change in Control for any reason other than his or her death or Disability, the Participant will cease automatically to have any further rights with a fraction of the Retainer Units subject to his or her most recent grant of Retainer Units (including any additional Retainer Units credited under that grant pursuant to Section 1(c), below), which fraction will be (i) the number of days then remaining until the first anniversary of the date of grant for that award, divided by (B) 365.

c. Dividend Equivalent Rights. If a cash dividend or distribution is paid with respect to outstanding shares of Common Stock, then effective as of the dividend or distribution payment date, each grant of Retainer Units then outstanding will increased by a number of additional Retainer Units determined by dividing (a) the total dividend or distribution that would then be payable with respect to a number of shares of Common Stock equal to the number of Retainer Units subject to that grant on the dividend or distribution record date (including any additional Retainer Units previously credited pursuant to this Section 1(c)), divided by (b) the Fair Market Value on the dividend or distribution record date.

2. Annual Grant.

a. Grant Size. Effective upon completion of each annual meeting of the Company’s stockholders, each Participant will be granted a number of Restricted Stock Units determined by dividing $70,000 (for grants prior to May 1, 2009, $60,000) by the Fair Market Value on the date of such annual meeting. Restricted Stock Units granted under this Section 2 are hereinafter referred to as “Annual Units.”

b. Vesting. Restricted Stock Units granted under this Section 2 will vest on the earlier of (i) the date of the next annual stockholders’ meeting, or (ii) the time immediately prior to (but contingent upon the occurrence of) a Change in Control, provided in each case that the Participant has remained in service to the Company through the applicable time. However, if a Participant dies while serving as a director of the Company, a portion of his or her otherwise unvested Restricted Stock Units granted under this Section 2 will vest and become payable in a proportionate amount, based on the portion of the vesting period that transpires prior to his or her death. Any of a Participant’s Restricted Stock Units that have not vested on or prior to his or her Separation Date will then be forfeited and all rights of the Participant to or with respect to such Restricted Stock Units will then terminate.



c. Dividend Equivalent Rights. If a cash dividend or distribution is paid with respect to outstanding shares of Common Stock, a Participant holding vested Annual Units will be credited, effective as of the dividend or distribution payment date, with an additional number of vested Annual Units determined by dividing (a) the total dividend or distribution that would then be payable with respect to a number of shares of Common Stock equal to the number of vested Annual Units held by the Participant on the dividend or distribution record date (including any additional vested Annual Units previously credited pursuant to this Section 2(c)), divided by (b) the Fair Market Value on the dividend or distribution record date.

3. [Reserved]

4. Fractional Units. All Restricted Stock Units, as well as Dividend Equivalent Rights on the foregoing, credited on or after August 17, 2007 will be credited in whole units, with any fractional unit being rounded up to the nearest whole number. Further, with respect to Participants as of August 17, 2007 with accounts containing previously credited Restricted Stock Units (including Restricted Stock Units attributable to previously credited Dividend Equivalent Rights), each such previously credited amount shall be separately rounded up to the nearest whole number of units.

5. Form and Time of Payment.

a. Payments with respect to vested Restricted Stock Units will be made upon the earlier of (i) the Participant’s Separation Date, (ii) the time immediately prior to (but contingent upon the occurrence of) a Change in Control, or (iii) such other date elected by the Participant in a form and manner specified by the Company.

b. Payments made upon the occurrence of a Separation Date or a specified date elected by the Participant will be made in shares of Common Stock.

c. Payments made in connection with a Change in Control will be made in a single lump sum cash payment. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the amount of cash delivered in payment for Restricted Stock Units will equal the Change in Control Price multiplied by the number of Restricted Stock Units with respect to which such cash payment is being made.

6. Rights. Except to the extent otherwise set forth herein, Participants will not have any of the rights of a stockholder with respect to Restricted Stock Units.

7. Payments of Stock Upon Death. In the event of a Participant’s death, payments with respect to any vested Restricted Stock Units will be made in Common Stock to the beneficiary designated by the Participant or, in the absence of a duly executed and filed beneficiary designation form, to the person(s) legally entitled thereto, as designated under his or her will or determined under the laws of intestacy for the jurisdiction of his or her domicile.

8. Non-Qualified Stock Options.

a. Grant of Options. The Board retains the right to grant Options to Participants in its sole discretion. All such Options will be subject to the terms set forth in this Section and will be non-statutory options not entitled to special tax treatment under Section 422 of the Code.



b. Option Exercise Price. The per share price to be paid by each Participant at the time an Option is exercised will be 100% of the Fair Market Value on the date of the grant of the Option.

c. Term of Option. Subject to Subsection d., each Option will expire on the earlier of the (i) 10th anniversary of the date of grant or (ii) 5th anniversary of the Participant’s Separation Date.

d. Exercise and Vesting of Option. Each Option will vest on the earlier of (i) the date of the annual stockholder’s meeting next following the date of grant, or (ii) the time immediately prior to (but contingent upon the occurrence of) a Change in Control, provided in each case that the Participant has remained in service to the Company through the applicable time. If a Participant dies while serving as a director of the Company, any unvested Option held by him or her will vest and become exercisable in a proportionate amount, based on the full months of service completed during the vesting period of the Option from the date of grant to the date of death. Any vested Option held by a Participant at the time of his or her death (determined after application of the preceding sentence) may be exercised during the remainder of its term by the beneficiary designated by the Participant, or in the absence of a duly executed and filed beneficiary designation form, by the person(s) designated in the Participant’s will or determined under the laws of intestacy for the jurisdiction of his or her domicile. Any of a Participant’s Options that have not vested on or prior to his or her Separation Date will then be forfeited and all rights of the Participant to or with respect to such Options will then terminate.


1. Administration. The Board administers the Policy. The Board has full power to interpret the Policy, formulate additional details and regulations for carrying out the Policy and amend or terminate the Policy as from time to time it deems proper and in the best interest of the Company. Any decision or interpretation of the Board is final and conclusive.

2. Statement of Account. Each Participant will receive an annual statement showing the number and status of and essential terms applicable to Options and Restricted Stock Units that have been awarded to the Participant.

3. Unsegregated Funds. The Company will not segregate any funds or securities during the Deferral Period and service as a non-employee Director of the Company is the Participant’s acknowledgment and agreement that any interests of the Participant remain a part of the Company’s general funds and are subject to the claims of the Company’s general creditors during the Deferral Period. Nothing in this Policy will be construed as creating any trust, express or implied, for the benefit of any Participant.

4. Awards Issued Pursuant to the Policy. Equity based awards described herein will be issued under the FMC Corporation Incentive Compensation and Stock Plan or such other plan designated by the Board from time to time.



5. Payment of Certain Costs of the Participant. If a dispute arises regarding the interpretation or enforcement of this Policy and the Participant (or in the event of his or her death, his beneficiary) obtains a final judgment in his or her favor from a court of competent jurisdiction from which no appeal may be taken, whether because the time to do so has expired or otherwise, or his or her claim is settled by the Company prior to the rendering of such a judgment, all reasonable legal and other professional fees and expenses incurred by the Participant in contesting or disputing any such claim or in seeking to obtain or enforce any right or benefit provided for in this Policy or in otherwise pursuing his or her claim will be promptly paid by the Company with interest thereon at the highest Delaware statutory rate for interest on judgments against private parties from the date of payment thereof by the Participant to the date of reimbursement by the Company.

6. Reservation of Rights. Nothing in this Policy will be construed to (a) give any Participant any right to defer compensation received for services as a director of the Company other than as expressly authorized and permitted in this Policy or in any other plan or arrangement approved by the Board, (b) create any obligation on the part of the Board to nominate any Participant for reelection by the Company’s stockholders or (c) limit in any way the right of the Board to remove a Participant as a director of the Company.

7. Amendment or Termination. The Board may, at any time by resolution, terminate or amend this Policy provided that no such termination or amendment will adversely affect the rights of Participants or beneficiaries of Participants, including rights with respect to cash, Options or Restricted Stock Units granted prior to such termination or amendment, without the consent of the Participant or, if applicable, the Participant’s beneficiaries.

8. Withholding. The Company will have the right to deduct or withhold from all payments of compensation any taxes required by law to be withheld with respect to such payments.

9. Change in Law. If, for any reason, the anticipated benefits of the deferral of any Deferred Amount pursuant to this Policy or any provision hereof are frustrated by reason of any interpretation of or change in law, policy or regulation, the Board may, in its discretion, terminate the deferral arrangement or delete or suspend the operation of such provision.

10. Directors Elected Between Annual Stockholders’ Meetings. Unless otherwise determined by the Board, the compensation hereunder (excluding Meeting Fees) of an individual who becomes a Participant as a result of his or her election to the Board other than at an annual meeting of the Company’s stockholders will be pro-rated for the period of service commencing with his or her initial election and ending on the next annual stockholders’ meeting.

11. Section 409A. This Policy and any compensation granted hereunder is intended to comply with, or be exempt from, the provisions of Section 409A of the Code. In accordance with Section 409A of the Code, on or before December 31, 2008 Participants shall be entitled to make certain one-time elections with respect to the payment timing of any vested Restricted Stock Units held by such Participants. Any such election shall override any conflicting provision in this Policy or any agreement entered into between the Participant and the Company with respect to such Restricted Stock Units.



EX-10.4.A 4 dex104a.htm NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTOR RESTRICTED STOCK UNIT AWARD AGREEMENT Non-Employee Director Restricted Stock Unit Award Agreement

Exhibit 10.4.a

Non-Employee Director Annual Grant Form




THIS RESTRICTED STOCK UNIT AWARD AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is made by and between FMC Corporation (the “Company”) and [                    ] (the “Participant”).

WHEREAS, the Company maintains the FMC Corporation Compensation Policy for Non-Employee Directors (the “Policy”), which contemplates the grant of awards to non-employee directors of the Company under the FMC Corporation Incentive Compensation and Stock Plan (the “Plan”); and

WHEREAS, Section 13 of the Plan authorizes the grant of Awards payable in, and valued with reference to, Common Stock; and

WHEREAS, to compensate the Participant for his or her past and anticipated future contributions to the Company and to further align the Participant’s personal financial interests with those of the Company’s stockholders, the Policy provides for the grant of restricted stock units to the Participant on the terms described below, effective [                    ] (the “Grant Date”).

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1. Grant of Restricted Stock Units.

(a) Pursuant to the Policy and the Plan, the Company hereby awards to the Participant [            ] restricted stock units on the terms and conditions set forth herein (the “Units”). The terms of the Plan are incorporated herein by this reference and made a part of this Agreement. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein will have the same meanings as in the Plan.

(b) Each Unit, once vested, represents an unfunded, unsecured right of the Participant to receive one share of Common Stock (each a “Share”) at a specified time. The Units will become vested, and Shares will be issued in respect of vested Units, as set forth in this Agreement.

2. Vesting.

(a) Subject to the Participant’s continued service to the Company through the applicable date or event, 100% of the Units shall become vested on the earliest of:

(i) the date of the annual stockholders’ meeting that next follows the Grant Date (the “Vesting Date”);

Non-Employee Director Annual Grant Form


(ii) immediately prior to, but contingent upon the occurrence of, a Change in Control (which, solely for purposes of this Agreement, will have the meaning defined in the Policy); or

(iii) the Company’s termination of this arrangement in a manner consistent with the requirements of Treas. Reg. § 1.409A-3(j)(4)(ix).

(b) In addition, if the Participant dies while in service to the Company and prior to the date the Units otherwise vest, a pro-rata portion of the Units (based on the number of days the Participant served the Company from and after the Grant Date relative to the total number of days in the period beginning on the Grant Date and ending on the Vesting Date) will become vested on the date of the Participant’s death.

(c) Upon the cessation of the Participant’s service to the Company, any Unit that has not become vested on or prior to the effective date of such cessation will then be forfeited immediately and automatically and the Participant will have no further rights with respect thereto.

3. Settlement.

(a) Subject to Section 3(b), Shares will be issued in respect of all vested Units upon the earlier of (i) the Participant’s “separation from service” (as that term is defined in Treas. Reg. § 1.409A-1(h)), (ii) the Company’s termination of this arrangement in a manner consistent with the requirements of Treas. Reg. § 1.409A-3(j)(4)(ix), or (iii) the specified date elected by the Participant (if any) by submitting an election form to the Company in the form provided by the Company no later than the earlier of the last date allowable without incurring an additional tax under Section 409A of the Code or the date prescribed by the Company.

(b) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary:

(i) to the extent the requirements of Treas. Reg. § 1.409A-2(b)(7)(ii) are met, the issuance of Shares hereunder will be delayed to the extent the Company reasonably anticipates that the issuance will violate Federal securities laws or other applicable laws;

(ii) to the extent compliance with the requirements of Treas. Reg. § 1.409A-3(i)(2) is necessary to avoid the application of an additional tax under Section 409A of the Code, Shares that are otherwise issuable upon the Participant’s “separation from service” (as that term is defined in Treas. Reg. § 1.409A-1(h)) will be deferred (without interest) and issued to the Participant immediately following that six month period;



Non-Employee Director Annual Grant Form


(iii) upon the occurrence of a Change in Control that also constitutes a “change in ownership” of the Company, a “change in effective control” of the Company or a “change in the ownership of a substantial portion of the Company’s assets” (as those terms are defined in Treas. Reg. §§ 1.409A-3(i)(5)), the Participant will receive a cash payment equal to the number of Units he or she held immediately prior to such Change in Control multiplied by the Change in Control Price (as that term is defined in the Policy). Such cash payment will be in lieu of the issuance of Shares pursuant to Section 3(a) and will constitute a full settlement of all the Participant’s rights in respect of the Units.

4. Non-Transferability. Neither the Units nor any right with respect thereto may be assigned, alienated, pledged, attached, sold or otherwise transferred or encumbered by the Participant other than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution, and any purported assignment, alienation, pledge, attachment, sale, transfer or encumbrance will be void and unenforceable.

5. Stockholder Rights.

(a) The Participant will not have any stockholder rights or privileges, including voting or dividend rights, with respect to the Shares subject to Units until such Shares are actually issued and registered in the Participant’s name in the Company’s books and records.

(b) The foregoing notwithstanding, if the Company declares and pays a cash dividend or distribution with respect to its Common Stock while Units are outstanding hereunder, additional vested restricted stock units will be credited to the Participant in the manner described in the Policy, and such additional restricted stock units will constitute “Units” subject to all the terms of this Agreement.

6. No Limitation on Rights of the Company. The granting of Units will not in any way affect the right or power of the Company to make adjustments, reclassifications or changes in its capital or business structure or to merge, consolidate, reincorporate, dissolve, liquidate or sell or transfer all or any part of its business or assets.



Non-Employee Director Annual Grant Form


7. Reservation of Rights. Nothing in this Agreement or the Plan will be construed to (a) create any obligation on the part of the Board to nominate the Participant for reelection by the Company’s stockholders, or (b) limit in any way the right of the Board to remove the Participant as a director of the Company.

8. Tax Treatment and Withholding.

(a) The Participant has had the opportunity to review with his or her own tax advisors the federal, state and local tax consequences of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. The Participant is relying solely on such advisors and not on any statements or representations of the Company or any of its agents.

(b) It is a condition to the Company’s obligation to issue Shares hereunder that the Participant pay to the Company such amount as may be required to satisfy any tax withholding obligations arising in connection with this Award (or otherwise make arrangements acceptable to the Company for the satisfaction of such tax withholding obligations). If the required withholding amount required is not timely paid or satisfied, the Participant’s right to receive such Shares will be permanently forfeited. The Company, in its discretion, may withhold Shares otherwise issuable hereunder in satisfaction of the minimum amount required to be withheld in connection with this Award (based on the Fair Market Value of such Shares on the date of such withholding).

9. Notices.

(a) Any notice required to be given or delivered to the Company under the terms of this Agreement will be addressed to it in care of its Secretary, FMC Corporation, 1735 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103, and any notice to the Participant will be addressed to his or her address indicated on the last page of this Agreement, or to such other address as may hereafter be designated in writing in accordance with this paragraph. Except as otherwise provided below in Section 9(b), any notice will be deemed to be duly given when enclosed in a properly sealed envelope addressed as stated above and deposited, postage paid, in a post office or branch post office regularly maintained by the United States government.

(b) The Participant hereby authorizes the Company to deliver electronically any prospectuses or other documentation related to this Award, the Plan and any other compensation or benefit plan or arrangement in effect from time to time (including, without limitation, reports, proxy statements or other documents that are required to be delivered to participants in such plans or arrangements pursuant to federal or state laws, rules or regulations). For this purpose, electronic delivery will include, without limitation, delivery by means of e-mail or e-mail notification that such documentation is available on the Company’s Intranet site. Upon written request, the Company will provide to the Participant a paper copy of any document also delivered to the Participant electronically. The authorization described in this paragraph may be revoked by the Participant at any time by written notice to the Company.



Non-Employee Director Annual Grant Form


10. Beneficiaries. In the event of the death of the Participant, the issuance of Shares under Section 3 shall be made in accordance with the Participant’s written beneficiary designation on file with the Company (provided such a designation has been duly filed with the Company, in the form prescribed by the Company and in accordance with the notice provisions of Section 9(a)). In the absence of any such beneficiary designation, the delivery of Shares under Section 3 will be made to the person or persons to whom the Participant’s rights pass by will or by the applicable laws of intestacy.

11. Administration. By entering into this Agreement, the Participant agrees and acknowledges that (a) the Company has provided or made available to the Participant a copy of the Plan, (b) he or she has read the Plan, (c) all Units are subject to the Plan, (d) in the event of a conflict between any term or provision contained herein and a term or provision of the Plan, the applicable terms and provisions of the Plan will govern, and (e) pursuant to the Plan, the Board is authorized to interpret the Plan and to adopt rules and regulations not inconsistent with the Plan as it deems appropriate. The Participant hereby agrees to accept as binding, conclusive and final all decisions or interpretations of the Board with respect to questions arising under the Plan, the Policy or this Agreement.

12. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with the Plan, represents the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior agreement, written or otherwise, relating to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may only be amended by a writing signed by each of the parties hereto.

13. Governing Law. The interpretation, performance and enforcement of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Delaware without regard to the principles of conflicts-of-laws.

14. Privacy. By signing this Agreement, the Participant hereby acknowledges and agrees to the Company’s transfer of certain personal data of such Participant to the Company’s agents for purposes of implementing, performing or administering the Plan, this Award or any related benefit. Participant expressly gives his or her consent to the Company to process such personal data.

15. Section Headings. The headings of sections and paragraphs of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and shall not in any way affect the meaning or construction of any provision of this Agreement.

16. Counterparts; Facsimile. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts (including by facsimile signature), each of which will be deemed to be an original, but all of which together will constitute but one and the same instrument.



Non-Employee Director Annual Grant Form


[Signature Page Follows.]



Non-Employee Director Annual Grant Form


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company’s duly authorized representative and the Participant have each executed this Agreement on the respective date below indicated.







EX-10.4.B 5 dex104b.htm NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTOR RESTRICTED STOCK UNIT AWARD AGREEMENT Non-Employee Director Restricted Stock Unit Award Agreement

Exhibit 10.4.b

Non-Employee Director Retainer Form




THIS RESTRICTED STOCK UNIT AWARD AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is made by and between FMC Corporation (the “Company”) and [                    ] (the “Participant”).

WHEREAS, the Company maintains the FMC Corporation Compensation Policy for Non-Employee Directors (the “Policy”), which contemplates the grant of awards to non-employee directors of the Company under the FMC Corporation Incentive Compensation and Stock Plan (the “Plan”); and

WHEREAS, Section 13 of the Plan authorizes the grant of Awards payable in, and valued with reference to, Common Stock; and

WHEREAS, to compensate the Participant for his or her past and anticipated future contributions to the Company and to further align the Participant’s personal financial interests with those of the Company’s stockholders, the Policy provides for the grant of restricted stock units to the Participant on the terms described below, effective [                    ] (the “Grant Date”).

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1. Grant of Restricted Stock Units.

(a) Pursuant to the Policy and the Plan, the Company hereby awards to the Participant [            ] restricted stock units on the terms and conditions set forth herein (the “Units”). The terms of the Plan are incorporated herein by this reference and made a part of this Agreement. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein will have the same meanings as in the Plan.

(b) Subject to the terms set forth in this Agreement, each Unit represents an unfunded, unsecured right of the Participant to receive one share of Common Stock (each a “Share”) at a specified time.

2. Divestiture. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, if the Participant’s service to the Company ceases prior to a Change in Control (which, solely for purposes of this Agreement, will have the meaning defined in the Policy) for any reason other than the Participant’s death or Disability, the Participant’s will cease automatically to have any further rights with respect to a number of the Units equal to (a) the total number of Units (including any additional Units credited in accordance with Section 5(b), below), multiplied by (b) (i) the number of days (if any) then remaining until the first anniversary of the Grant Date, divided by (ii) 365.

3. Settlement.

(a) Subject to Sections 2 and 3(b), Shares will be issued in respect of the Units upon the earlier of (i) the Participant’s “separation from service” (as that term is defined in Treas. Reg. § 1.409A-1(h)), (ii) the Company’s termination of this arrangement in a manner consistent with the requirements of Treas. Reg. § 1.409A-3(j)(4)(ix), or (iii) the specified date elected by the Participant (if any) by submitting an election form to the Company in the form provided by the Company no later than the earlier of the last date allowable without incurring an additional tax under Section 409A of the Code or the date prescribed by the Company.

(b) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary:

(i) to the extent the requirements of Treas. Reg. § 1.409A-2(b)(7)(ii) are met, the issuance of Shares hereunder will be delayed to the extent the Company reasonably anticipates that the issuance will violate Federal securities laws or other applicable laws;

(ii) to the extent compliance with the requirements of Treas. Reg. § 1.409A-3(i)(2) is necessary to avoid the application of an additional tax under Section 409A of the Code, Shares that are otherwise issuable upon the Participant’s “separation from service” (as that term is defined in Treas. Reg. § 1.409A-1(h)) will be deferred (without interest) and issued to the Participant immediately following that six month period;

(iii) upon the occurrence of a Change in Control that also constitutes a “change in ownership” of the Company, a “change in effective control” of the Company or a “change in the ownership of a substantial portion of the Company’s assets” (as those terms are defined in Treas. Reg. § 1.409A-3(i)(5)), the Participant will receive a cash payment equal to the number of Units he or she held immediately prior to such Change in Control multiplied by the Change in Control Price (as that term is defined in the Policy). Such cash payment will be in lieu of the issuance of Shares pursuant to Section 3(a) and will constitute a full settlement of all the Participant’s rights in respect of the Units.

4. Non-Transferability. Neither the Units nor any right with respect thereto may be assigned, alienated, pledged, attached, sold or otherwise transferred or encumbered by the Participant other than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution, and any purported assignment, alienation, pledge, attachment, sale, transfer or encumbrance will be void and unenforceable.



5. Stockholder Rights.

(a) The Participant will not have any stockholder rights or privileges, including voting or dividend rights, with respect to the Shares subject to Units until such Shares are actually issued and registered in the Participant’s name in the Company’s books and records.

(b) The foregoing notwithstanding, if the Company declares and pays a cash dividend or distribution with respect to its Common Stock while Units are outstanding hereunder, additional restricted stock units will be credited to the Participant in the manner described in the Policy, and such additional restricted stock units will constitute “Units” subject to all the terms of this Agreement.

6. No Limitation on Rights of the Company. The granting of Units will not in any way affect the right or power of the Company to make adjustments, reclassifications or changes in its capital or business structure or to merge, consolidate, reincorporate, dissolve, liquidate or sell or transfer all or any part of its business or assets.

7. Reservation of Rights. Nothing in this Agreement or the Plan will be construed to (a) create any obligation on the part of the Board to nominate the Participant for reelection by the Company’s stockholders, or (b) limit in any way the right of the Board to remove the Participant as a director of the Company.

8. Tax Treatment and Withholding.

(a) The Participant has had the opportunity to review with his or her own tax advisors the federal, state and local tax consequences of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. The Participant is relying solely on such advisors and not on any statements or representations of the Company or any of its agents.

(b) It is a condition to the Company’s obligation to issue Shares hereunder that the Participant pay to the Company such amount as may be required to satisfy any tax withholding obligations arising in connection with this Award (or otherwise make arrangements acceptable to the Company for the satisfaction of such tax withholding obligations). If the required withholding amount required is not timely paid or satisfied, the Participant’s right to receive such Shares will be permanently forfeited. The Company, in its discretion, may withhold Shares otherwise issuable hereunder in satisfaction of the minimum amount required to be withheld in connection with this Award (based on the Fair Market Value of such Shares on the date of such withholding).

9. Notices.

(a) Any notice required to be given or delivered to the Company under the terms of this Agreement will be addressed to it in care of its Secretary, FMC Corporation, 1735 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103, and any notice to the Participant will be addressed to his or her address indicated on the last page of this



Agreement, or to such other address as may hereafter be designated in writing in accordance with this paragraph. Except as otherwise provided below in Section 9(b), any notice will be deemed to be duly given when enclosed in a properly sealed envelope addressed as stated above and deposited, postage paid, in a post office or branch post office regularly maintained by the United States government.

(b) The Participant hereby authorizes the Company to deliver electronically any prospectuses or other documentation related to this Award, the Plan and any other compensation or benefit plan or arrangement in effect from time to time (including, without limitation, reports, proxy statements or other documents that are required to be delivered to participants in such plans or arrangements pursuant to federal or state laws, rules or regulations). For this purpose, electronic delivery will include, without limitation, delivery by means of e-mail or e-mail notification that such documentation is available on the Company’s Intranet site. Upon written request, the Company will provide to the Participant a paper copy of any document also delivered to the Participant electronically. The authorization described in this paragraph may be revoked by the Participant at any time by written notice to the Company.

10. Beneficiaries. In the event of the death of the Participant, the issuance of Shares under Section 3 shall be made in accordance with the Participant’s written beneficiary designation on file with the Company (provided such a designation has been duly filed with the Company, in the form prescribed by the Company and in accordance with the notice provisions of Section 9(a)). In the absence of any such beneficiary designation, the delivery of Shares under Section 3 will be made to the person or persons to whom the Participant’s rights pass by will or by the applicable laws of intestacy.

11. Administration. By entering into this Agreement, the Participant agrees and acknowledges that (a) the Company has provided or made available to the Participant a copy of the Plan, (b) he or she has read the Plan, (c) all Units are subject to the Plan, (d) in the event of a conflict between any term or provision contained herein and a term or provision of the Plan, the applicable terms and provisions of the Plan will govern, and (e) pursuant to the Plan, the Board is authorized to interpret the Plan and to adopt rules and regulations not inconsistent with the Plan as it deems appropriate. The Participant hereby agrees to accept as binding, conclusive and final all decisions or interpretations of the Board with respect to questions arising under the Plan, the Policy or this Agreement.

12. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with the Plan, represents the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior agreement, written or otherwise, relating to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may only be amended by a writing signed by each of the parties hereto.



13. Governing Law. The interpretation, performance and enforcement of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Delaware without regard to the principles of conflicts-of-laws.

14. Privacy. By signing this Agreement, the Participant hereby acknowledges and agrees to the Company’s transfer of certain personal data of such Participant to the Company’s agents for purposes of implementing, performing or administering the Plan, this Award or any related benefit. Participant expressly gives his or her consent to the Company to process such personal data.

15. Section Headings. The headings of sections and paragraphs of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and shall not in any way affect the meaning or construction of any provision of this Agreement.

16. Counterparts; Facsimile. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts (including by facsimile signature), each of which will be deemed to be an original, but all of which together will constitute but one and the same instrument.

[Signature Page Follows.]



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company’s duly authorized representative and the Participant have each executed this Agreement on the respective date below indicated.







EX-10.5 6 dex105.htm SALARIED EMPLOYEES' EQUIVALENT RETIREMENT PLAN Salaried Employees' Equivalent Retirement Plan

Exhibit 10.5

FMC Corporation Salaried Employees’ Equivalent Retirement Plan

(As amended and restated effective as of January 1, 2009)

Section 1. Establishment and Purposes of the Plan. The FMC Salaried Employees’ Equivalent Retirement Plan (the “Plan”) was established effective January 1, 1976 by FMC Corporation, a Delaware corporation (“Company”). The purpose of the Plan is to provide employees of the Company and its affiliated companies that have adopted the Plan (collectively, the “Employer”) with the retirement benefits they would have received under Part I - Salaried and Non-Union Hourly Employees’ Retirement Plan of the FMC Corporation Employees’ Retirement Program (the “Salaried Retirement Plan”), but for the limitations of Sections 401(a)(17) and 415 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), and but for the fact that amounts an employee defers under the FMC Corporation Non-Qualified Savings and Investment Plan are not pensionable earnings under the Salaried Retirement Plan. The Plan is now being amended and restated, effective as of January 1, 2009 in order to comply with Section 409A of the Code.

Section 2. Participants. An employee of any Employer who is an active participant in the Salaried Retirement Plan will become a “Participant” in the Plan on the day he or she becomes entitled to an Excess Benefit under Section 3 of the Plan. Once an individual is a Participant, he or she will remain a Participant until his or her entire Excess Benefit, if any, has been paid.

Section 3. Excess Benefit. Each employee of an Employer who is an active participant in the Salaried Retirement Plan will be entitled to receive an “Excess Benefit” under this Plan equal to the amount, if any, by which his or her accrued benefit under the Salaried Retirement Plan would be reduced for items (a) through (c) below if such benefit under the Salaried Retirement Plan were to commence on the Benefit Payment Date (as defined in Section 6 herein):


  (a) to comply with the limitations of Section 415 of the Code;


  (b) because his or her pensionable earnings exceed the annual compensation limit under Section 401(a)(17) of the Code, as adjusted (for 2009, $245,000); and


  (c) because deferred compensation is not included in the definition of pensionable earnings under the Salaried Retirement Plan.

Section 4. Funding. Neither the Company nor any Employer is required to segregate on its books or elsewhere any amount to be used to pay Excess Benefits, and no accounts will be maintained for Participants under the Plan. This Plan will be unfunded, and Plan benefits will be payable only from the general assets of the Company or any Employer. Each Participant has only the rights of an unsecured creditor of the Company or any Employer, as to his or her Excess Benefit.

Section 5. Establishment of Trust. The Company may, in its sole discretion, establish a domestic grantor trust in order to accumulate assets to pay Plan obligations. The assets and income of any trust established under this Plan will be subject to the claims of the Company’s creditors (and those of any Employer, but only to the extent they are attributable to the contributions of such Employer or required by law) in the event of the Company’s (or any Employer’s) bankruptcy or insolvency, and the trust document will specifically contain language to that effect, and language specifying the mandatory procedure for the Company to notify the trustee of bankruptcy or insolvency. The establishment or maintenance of a domestic trust will not affect the Company’s (or any Employer’s) liability to pay Plan benefits, except as and to the extent amounts from the trust are actually used to pay a Participant’s Plan benefits. If the Company does establish a trust under the Plan, the Company will determine how much will be contributed to the trust and when, and trust assets will be invested in accordance with the terms of the trust.

A Participant will have no direct or secured claim in any asset of the trust, or in specific assets of the Company or any Employer, and will have the status of a general unsecured creditor for any amounts due under this Plan.

Section 6. Payment of Excess Benefit.



Time of Payment. A Participant’s Excess Benefit will be paid on the first day of the month following the later of (i) the date that the Participant has a Separation from Service and (ii) the date the Participant attains age 55 (the “Benefit Payment Date”); provided that if a Participant’s Benefit Payment Date is the first day of the month following the Participant’s Separation from Service (because the Participant Separated from Service after attaining age 55), the payment shall be deferred and made on the first day of the seventh month following the Participant’s Separation from Service (the “Deferred Payment Date”) and the Participant shall receive on the Deferred Payment Date an amount equal to the Participant’s Excess Benefit plus interest that accrues on the Participant’s Excess Benefit between the Benefit Payment Date and the Deferred Payment Date. Simple interest shall be credited during the deferral period at one half of the annual rate specified in Section 6(b). In the event that a Participant’s Benefit Payment Date is the first day of the month following the date that the Participant attains age 55 (because the Participant attained age 55 after Separating from Service), payment will be made as soon as practicable after the Benefit Payment Date, but in no event more than 90 days after the Benefit Payment Date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that a Participant had a Separation from Service before January 1, 2009 and attained age 55 prior to January 1, 2009, and such Participant’s benefit has not already been paid, then (i) if the Participant Separated from Service on or after July 1, 2008 and the Participant had attained age 55 prior to July 1, 2008, then the Benefit Payment Date for such Participant shall be the date that is the first day of the seventh month following the




Participant’s Separation from Service; (ii) in all other cases, the Participant’s Benefit Payment Date shall be January 1, 2009 or as soon as practicable after such date, but in no event later than 90 days after such date.


  (b) Form of Payment. A Participant’s Excess Benefit will be paid in a lump sum, the value of which will be determined using the Participant’s age as of his or her Benefit Payment Date and reflecting the following assumptions: (i) the annual interest rate on 30-year Treasury securities for the November preceding the Plan Year that contains the Benefit Payment Date (or such other interest rate as determined by the Committee from time to time in its sole discretion) and (ii) the applicable mortality table prescribed under Section 417(e)(3) of the Code for the Plan Year that contains the Benefit Payment Date, as published by the IRS.


  (c) Separation from Service. “Separation from Service” or “Separating from Service” shall mean the Participant’s termination of employment with the Company, its subsidiaries and with each member of the controlled group (within the meaning of Section 414 of the Code) of which the Company is a member. A Participant will not be treated as having a Separation from Service during any period the Participant’s employment relationship continues, such as a result of a leave of absence, and whether a Separation from Service has occurred shall be determined by the Vice President, Human Resources of the Company (on a basis consistent with rules under Section 409A of the Code) after consideration of all the facts and circumstances.

Section 7. Beneficiaries. A Participant’s beneficiary under this Plan will be the same person or persons as his or her beneficiary under the Salaried Retirement Plan.

Section 8. Administration of the Plan. This Plan will be administered by the FMC Corporation Compensation and Organization Committee (the “Committee”). The Committee has all necessary power to administer the Plan, including the authority and duty to interpret and apply the Plan’s terms, adopt any rules or regulations the Committee deems necessary or desirable to operate the Plan, make whatever determinations are permitted or required to maintain or administer the Plan and take any other actions that prove necessary to administer the Plan properly, in accordance with its terms. Any decision of the Committee as to any matter within its authority will be final, binding and conclusive upon the Company, each Employer, and each Participant, former Participant, beneficiary or other person claiming under or through any Participant or beneficiary. An action of the Committee regarding a particular Participant will not be binding on the Committee regarding an action to be taken as to any other Participant. A member of the Committee may be a Participant, but he or she may not participate in any decision that directly affects his or her rights under the Plan, or the computation of his or her Excess Benefit. Each determination required or permitted under the Plan will be made by the Committee in its sole and absolute discretion. The Committee may delegate some or all of its Plan duties or responsibilities.



Section 9. Amendment and Termination. The Company may amend or terminate the Plan by action of its Board of Directors, or by action of an officer or Company employee or committee authorized by the Company’s Board of Directors to amend the Plan. Any Employer may terminate its participation in the Plan at any time by appropriate action, in its discretion. The Plan will automatically terminate as to any Employer upon termination of the Employer’s participation in the Salaried Retirement Plan. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no Plan amendment or termination may adversely affect the right of a Participant (or of his or her beneficiary) to a benefit accrued under this Plan before the date the amendment is adopted or effective, whichever is later.

Section 10. Employment. Nothing in this Plan will be deemed to give any person the right to remain in the employ of the Company, any Employer or any of its affiliates, or affect the right of the Company, any Employer or any of its affiliates to terminate or change the terms of any Participant’s employment, with or without cause. By accepting any payment under this Plan, each Participant, former Participant and designated beneficiary and each person claiming under or through a Participant, former Participant or designated beneficiary, is conclusively bound by any action or decision taken or made under the Plan by the Committee, the Company or any Employer.

Section 11. Withholding for Taxes. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Plan to the contrary, any Employer will withhold from any distribution or deferral under the Plan whatever amount or amounts it reasonably believes is required to be withheld to comply with the tax withholding provisions of the Code or any state income tax act for purposes of paying any income, estate, inheritance, employment or other tax attributable to any amounts distributable under the Plan.

Section 12. Immunity of Committee Members. The members of the Committee may rely upon any information, report or opinion supplied to them by any officer of an Employer or any legal counsel, independent public accountant or actuary, and will be fully protected in relying on any such information, report or opinion. No member of the Committee will have any liability to the Company, any Employer or any Participant, former Participant, beneficiary, person claiming under or through any Participant or beneficiary, or other person interested or concerned in connection with any Plan decision made by that member of the Committee, so long as the decision was based on any such information, report or opinion, and the Committee member relied on it in good faith.

Section 13. Effect on Other Employee Benefit Plans. Compensation accrued under this Plan will not be included in the Participant’s compensation or earnings for purposes of computing benefits under any other employee benefit plan maintained or contributed to by the Company or any Employer.

Section 14. Non-Alienation of Benefits. A Participant’s rights to Excess Benefits under the Plan cannot be granted, transferred, pledged or otherwise assigned, in whole or in part, by the voluntary or involuntary acts of any person, or by operation of law, and will not be liable or taken for any obligation of the Participant. Any attempted grant, transfer, pledge or assignment of a Participant’s rights to Plan benefits will be null and void and without any legal effect.



Section 15. Employer Liability. Each Employer is liable to pay the Plan benefits earned or accrued for its eligible employees who are Participants. With the consent of the Company’s Board of Directors (or of a duly appointed delegate of the Board of Directors), any Employer may assume any other Employer’s Plan liabilities and obligations. To the extent that an Employer assumes another Employer’s Plan liabilities or obligations, the second Employer will be released from any continuing obligation under the Plan. At the Company’s request, a Participant, former Participant or designated beneficiary will sign any documents reasonably required by the Company to effectuate the purposes of this Section 15.

Section 16. Notices. Any notice required to be given by the Company, an Employer or the Committee must be in writing and must be delivered in person, by registered mail, return receipt requested, or by regular mail, telecopy or electronic mail. Any notice given by mail will be deemed to have been given on the date it was mailed, correctly addressed to the last known address of the person to whom the notice is to be given.

Section 17. Gender, Number and Headings. Except where the context otherwise requires, in this Plan the masculine gender includes the feminine, the feminine includes the masculine, the singular includes the plural, and the plural includes the singular. Headings are inserted for convenience only, are not part of the Plan, and are not to be considered in the Plan’s construction.

Section 18. Controlling Law. The Plan will be construed according to the internal laws of Delaware to the extent they are not preempted by any applicable federal law.

Section 19. Successors. The Plan is binding on all persons entitled to benefits under it, on their respective heirs and legal representatives, on the Committee and its successor, and on any Employer and its successor, whether by way of merger, consolidation, purchase or otherwise.

Section 20. Severability. If any provision of the Plan is held to be illegal or invalid for any reason, that illegality or invalidity will not affect the remaining provisions of the Plan, and the Plan will be enforced and administered, from that point forward, as if the invalid provisions had never been part of it.

Section 21. Subsequent Changes. All benefits to which any Participant, beneficiary or other person is entitled under this Plan will be determined according to the terms of the Plan as in effect when the Participant ceases to be an employee for purposes of the Plan, and will not be affected by any subsequent changes in Plan provisions, unless the Participant again becomes an employee, or unless and to the extent the subsequent change expressly applies to the Participant, his or her beneficiary, or other person claiming through or on behalf of the Participant or beneficiary.

Section 22. Benefits Payable to Minors, Incompetents and Others. If any benefit is payable to a minor, an incompetent, or a person otherwise under a legal disability, or to a person the Committee reasonably believes to be physically or mentally incapable of handling and disposing of his or her property, the Committee has the power to apply all or any part of the benefit directly to the care, comfort, maintenance, support, education or use of the person, or to



pay all or any part of the benefit to the person’s parent, guardian, committee, conservator or other legal representative, to the individual with whom the person is living, or to any other individual or entity having the care and control of the person. The Plan, the Committee, the Company and any Employer and their employees and agents will have fully discharged their responsibilities to the Participant or beneficiary entitled to a payment by making payment under this Section 22.

Section 23. Compliance with Section 409A of the Code. The Plan is intended to be operated in compliance with Section 409A of the Code. If any provision of the Plan is subject to more than one interpretation, then the Plan shall be interpreted in a manner that is consistent with Section 409A of the Code.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Plan to be amended and restated in its name and behalf as of this 17th day of December , 2008.



/s/ Kenneth R. Garrett

  Kenneth R. Garrett
  Vice-President of Human Resources
Its:   & Corporate Communications



EX-10.7 7 dex107.htm NON-QUALIFIED SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT PLAN Non-Qualified Savings and Investment Plan

Exhibit 10.7

FMC Corporation Non-Qualified

Savings & Investment Plan


This document has not been approved by the Department of Labor, Internal Revenue Service or any other governmental entity. An adopting Employer must determine whether the Plan is subject to the Federal securities laws and the securities laws of the various states. An adopting Employer may not rely on this document to ensure any particular tax consequences or to ensure that the Plan is “unfunded and maintained primarily for the purpose of providing deferred compensation to a select group of management or highly compensated employees” under Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, with respect to the Employer’s particular situation. Fidelity Employer Services Company, its affiliates and employees cannot provide you with legal advice in connection with the execution of this document. This document should be reviewed by the Employer’s attorney prior to execution.



1.1   Plan
1.2   Effective Dates
1.3   Amounts Not Subject to Code Section 409A
2.1   Account
2.2   Administrator
2.3   Adoption Agreement
2.4   Beneficiary
2.5   Board or Board of Directors
2.6   Bonus
2.7   Change in Control
2.8   Code
2.9   Compensation
2.10   Disabled
2.11   Eligible Employee
2.12   Employer
2.13   ERISA
2.14   Identification Date
2.15   Key Employee
2.16   Participant
2.17   Plan
2.18   Plan Sponsor
2.19   Plan Year
2.20   Related Employer
2.21   Retirement
2.22   Separation from Service
2.23   Unforeseeable Emergency
2.24   Valuation Date
2.25   Years of Service
3.1   Participation
3.2   Termination of Participation



4.1   Deferral Agreement
4.2   Amount of Deferral
4.3   Timing of Election to Defer
4.4   Election of Payment Schedule and Form of Payment
5.1   Matching Contributions
5.2   Other Contributions
6.1   Establishment of Account
6.2   Credits to Account
7.1   Investment Options
7.2   Adjustment of Accounts
8.1   Vesting
8.2   Death
8.3   Disability
9.1   Amount of Benefits
9.2   Method and Timing of Distributions
9.3   Unforeseeable Emergency
9.4   Payment Election Overrides
9.5   Cashouts of Amounts Not Exceeding Stated Limit
9.6   Required Delay in Payment to Key Employees
9.7   Change in Control
9.8   Permissible Delays in Payment



10.1   Amendment by Plan Sponsor
10.2   Plan Termination Following Change in Control or Corporate Dissolution
10.3   Other Plan Terminations
11.1   Establishment of Trust
11.2   Grantor Trust
11.3   Investment of Trust Funds
12.1   Powers and Responsibilities of the Administrator
12.2   Claims and Review Procedures
12.3   Plan Administrative Costs
13.1   Unsecured General Creditor of the Employer
13.2   Employer’s Liability
13.3   Limitation of Rights
13.4   Anti-Assignment
13.5   Facility of Payment
13.6   Notices
13.7   Tax Withholding
13.8   Indemnification
13.9   Permitted Acceleration of Payment
13.10   Governing Law




The Plan is intended to be a “plan which is unfunded and is maintained by an employer primarily for the purpose of providing deferred compensation for a select group of management or highly compensated employees” within the meaning of Sections 201(2), 301(a)(3) and 401(a)(1) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, or an “excess benefit plan” within the meaning of Section 3(36) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, or a combination of both. The Plan is further intended to conform with the requirements of Internal Revenue Code Section 409A and the final regulations issued thereunder and shall be implemented and administered in a manner consistent therewith.



1.1 Plan. The Plan will be referred to by the name specified in the Adoption Agreement.


1.2 Effective Dates.


  (a) Original Effective Date. The Original Effective Date is the date as of which the Plan was initially adopted.


  (b) Amendment Effective Date. The Amendment Effective Date is the date specified in the Adoption Agreement as of which the Plan is amended and restated. Except to the extent otherwise provided herein or in the Adoption Agreement, the Plan shall apply to amounts deferred and benefit payments made on or after the Amendment Effective Date.


  (c) Special Effective Date. A Special Effective Date may apply to any given provision if so specified in Appendix A of the Adoption Agreement. A Special Effective Date will control over the Original Effective Date or Amendment Effective Date, whichever is applicable, with respect to such provision of the Plan.


1.3 Amounts Not Subject to Code Section 409A

Except as otherwise indicated by the Plan Sponsor in Section 1.01 of the Adoption Agreement, amounts deferred before January 1, 2005 that are earned and vested on December 31, 2004 will be separately accounted for and administered in accordance with the terms of the Plan as in effect on October 3, 2004


Pronouns used in the Plan are in the masculine gender but include the feminine gender unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. Wherever used herein, the following terms have the meanings set forth below, unless a different meaning is clearly required by the context:


2.1 “Account” means an account established for the purpose of recording amounts credited on behalf of a Participant and any income, expenses, gains, losses or distributions included thereon. The Account shall be a bookkeeping entry only and shall be utilized solely as a device for the measurement and determination of the amounts to be paid to a Participant or to the Participant’s Beneficiary pursuant to the Plan.


2.2 “Administrator” means the person or persons designated by the Plan Sponsor in Section 1.05 of the Adoption Agreement to be responsible for the administration of the Plan. If no Administrator is designated in the Adoption Agreement, the Administrator is the Plan Sponsor.


2.3 “Adoption Agreement” means the agreement adopted by the Plan Sponsor that establishes the Plan.


2.4 “Beneficiary” means the persons, trusts, estates or other entities entitled under Section 8.2 to receive benefits under the Plan upon the death of a Participant.


2.5 “Board” or “Board of Directors” means the Board of Directors of the Plan Sponsor.


2.6 “Bonus” means an amount of incentive remuneration payable by the Employer to a Participant.


2.7 “Change in Control” means the occurrence of an event involving the Plan Sponsor that is described in Section 9.7.


2.8 “Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.


2.9 “Compensation” has the meaning specified in Section 3.01 of the Adoption Agreement.



“Disabled” means a determination by the Administrator that the Participant is either (a) unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or can be expected to last for a


continuous period of not less than 12 months, or (b) is, by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or last for a continuous period of not less than twelve months, receiving income replacement benefits for a period of not less than three months under an accident and health plan covering employees of the Employer. A Participant will be considered Disabled if he is determined to be totally disabled by the Social Security Administration or the Railroad Retirement Board.


2.11 “Eligible Employee” means an employee of the Employer who satisfies the requirements in Section 2.01 of the Adoption Agreement.


2.12 “Employer” means the Plan Sponsor and any other entity which is authorized by the Plan Sponsor to participate in and, in fact, does adopt the Plan.


2.13 “ERISA” means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended.


2.14 “Identification Date” means the date as of which Key Employees are determined which is specified in Section 1.06 of the Adoption Agreement.


2.15 “Key Employee” means an employee who satisfies the conditions set forth in Section 9.6.


2.16 “Participant” means an Eligible Employee who commences participation in the Plan in accordance with Article 3.


2.17 “Plan” means the unfunded plan of deferred compensation set forth herein, including the Adoption Agreement and any trust agreement, as adopted by the Plan Sponsor and as amended from time to time.


2.18 “Plan Sponsor” means the entity identified in Section 1.03 of the Adoption Agreement or any successor by merger, consolidation or otherwise.


2.19 “Plan Year” means the period identified in Section 1.02 of the Adoption Agreement.


2.20 “Related Employer” means the Employer and (a) any corporation that is a member of a controlled group of corporations as defined in Code Section 414(b) that includes the Employer and (b) any trade or business that is under common control as defined in Code Section 414(c) that includes the Employer.


2.21 “Retirement” has the meaning specified in 6.01(f) of the Adoption Agreement.

2.22 “Separation from Service” means the date that the Participant dies, retires or otherwise has a termination of employment with respect to all entities comprising the Related Employer. A Separation from Service does not occur if the Participant is on military leave, sick leave or other bona fide leave of absence if the period of leave does not exceed six months or such longer period during which the Participant’s right to reemployment is provided by statute or contract. If the period of leave exceeds six months and the Participant’s right to re-employment is not provided either by statute or contract, a Separation from Service will be deemed to have occurred on the first day following the six-month period. If the period of leave is due to any medically determinable physical or mental impairment that can be expected to result in death or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than six months, where the impairment causes the Participant to be unable to perform the duties of his or her position of employment or any substantially similar position of employment, a 29 month period of absence may be substituted for the six month period.

Whether a termination of employment has occurred is based on whether the facts and circumstances, indicate that the Related Employer and the Participant reasonably anticipated that no further services would be performed after a certain date or that the level of bona fide services the Participant would perform after such date (whether as an employee or as an independent contractor) would permanently decrease to no more than 20 percent of the average level of bona fide services performed (whether as an employee or an independent contractor) over the immediately preceding 36 month period (or the full period of services to the Related Employer if the employee has been providing services to the Related Employer for less than 36 months).

An independent contractor is considered to have experienced a Separation from Service with the Related Employer upon the expiration of the contract (or, in the case of more than one contract all contracts) under which services are performed for the Related Employer if the expiration constitutes a good-faith and complete termination of the contractual relationship.

If a Participant provides services as both an employee and an independent contractor of the Related Employer, the Participant must separate from service both as an employee and as an independent contractor to be treated as having incurred a Separation from Service. If a Participant ceases providing services as an independent contractor and begins providing services as an employee, or ceases providing services as an employee and begins providing services as an independent contractor, the Participant will not be considered to have experienced a Separation from Service until the Participant has ceased providing services in both capacities.

If a Participant provides services both as an employee and as a member of the board of directors of a corporate Related Employer (or an analogous position with respect to a noncorporate Related Employer), the services provided as a director are not taken into account in determining whether the Participant has incurred a Separation from Service as an employee for purposes of a nonqualified deferred compensation plan in which the Participant participates as an employee that is not aggregated under Code Section 409A with any plan in which the Participant participates as a director.

If a Participant provides services both as an employee and as a member of board of directors of a corporate related Employer (or an analogous position with respect to a noncorporate Related Employer), the services provided as an employee are not taken into account in determining whether the Participant has experienced a Separation from Service as a director for purposes of a nonqualified deferred compensation plan in which the Participant participates as a director that is not aggregated under Code Section 409A with any plan in which the Participant participates as an employee.

All determinations of whether a Separation from Service has occurred will be made in a manner consistent with Code Section 409A and the final regulations thereunder.


2.23 “Unforeseeable Emergency” means a severe financial hardship to the Participant resulting from an illness or accident of the Participant, the Participant’s spouse, the Participant’s Beneficiary, or the Participant’s dependent (as defined in Code Section 152, without regard to Code section 1 52(b)(1), (b)(2) and (d)(1 )(B); loss of the Participant’s property due to casualty; or other similar extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances arising as a result of events beyond the control of the Participant.


2.24 “Valuation Date” means each business day of the Plan Year.


2.25 “Years of Service” means each one year period for which the Participant receives service credit in accordance with the provisions of Section 7.01(d) of the Adoption Agreement.



3.1 Participation. The Participants in the Plan shall be those employees of the Employer who satisfy the requirements of Section 2.01 of the Adoption Agreement.



4.1 Deferral Agreement. If permitted by the Plan Sponsor in accordance with Section 4.01 of the Adoption Agreement, each Eligible Employee may elect to defer his Compensation within the meaning of Section 3.01 of the Adoption Agreement by executing in writing or electronically, a deferral agreement in accordance with rules and procedures established by the Administrator and the provisions of this Article 4.

A new deferral agreement must be timely executed for each Plan Year during which the Eligible Employee desires to defer Compensation. An Eligible Employee who does not timely execute a deferral agreement shall be deemed to have elected zero deferrals of Compensation for such Plan Year.

A deferral agreement may be changed or revoked during the period specified by the Administrator. Except as provided in Section 9.3 or in Section 4.01(c) of the Adoption Agreement, a deferral agreement becomes irrevocable at the close of the specified period.


4.2 Amount of Deferral. An Eligible Employee may elect to defer Compensation in any amount permitted by Section 4.01(a) of the Adoption Agreement.


4.3 Timing of Election to Defer. Each Eligible Employee who desires to defer Compensation otherwise payable during a Plan Year must execute a deferral agreement within the period preceding the Plan Year specified by the Administrator. Each Eligible Employee who desires to defer Compensation that is a Bonus must execute a deferral agreement within the period preceding the Plan Year during which the Bonus is earned that is specified by the Administrator, except that if the Bonus can be treated as performance based compensation as described in Code Section 409A(a)(4)(B)(iii), the deferral agreement may be executed within the period specified by the Administrator, which period, in no event, shall end after the date which is six months prior to the end of the period during which the Bonus is earned. In addition, if the Compensation qualifies as ‘fiscal year compensation’ within the meaning of Reg. Sec. 1.409A - 2(a)(6), the deferral agreement may be made not later than the end of the Employer’s taxable year immediately preceding the first taxable year of the Employer in which any services are performed for which such Compensation is payable.

Except as otherwise provided below, an employee who is classified or designated as an Eligible Employee during a Plan Year who is designated as eligible to participate during a Plan Year may elect to defer Compensation otherwise payable during the remainder of such Plan Year in accordance with the rules of this Section 4.3 by executing a deferral agreement within the thirty (30) day period beginning on the date the employee is classified or designated as an Eligible Employee, if permitted by Section 2.01 of the Adoption Agreement. If Compensation is based on a specified performance period that begins before the Eligible Employee executes his deferral agreement, the election will be deemed to apply to the portion of such Compensation equal to the total amount of Compensation for the performance period multiplied by the ratio of the number of days remaining in the performance period after the election over the total number of days in the performance period. The rules of this paragraph shall not apply unless the Eligible Employee can be treated as initially eligible in accordance with Reg. Sec. 1.409A-2(a)(7).


4.4 Election of Payment Schedule and Form of Payment.

All elections of a payment schedule and a form of payment will be made in accordance with rules and procedures established by the Administrator and the provisions of this Section 4.4.

(a) If the Plan Sponsor has elected to permit annual distribution elections in accordance with Section 6.01(h) of the Adoption Agreement the following rules apply. At the time an Eligible Employee completes a deferral agreement, the Eligible Employee must elect a distribution event (which includes a specified time) and a form of payment for the Compensation subject to the deferral agreement and for any Employer contributions that may be credited to the Participant’s Account during the Plan Year from among the options the Plan Sponsor has made available for this purpose and which are specified in 6.01(b) of the Adoption Agreement. If an Eligible Employee fails to elect a distribution event, he shall be deemed to have elected Separation from Service as the distribution event. If he fails to elect a form of payment, he shall be deemed to have elected a lump sum form of payment.

(b) If the Plan Sponsor has elected not to permit annual distribution elections in accordance with Section 6.01(h) of the Adoption Agreement the following rules apply. At the time an Eligible Employee first completes a deferral agreement, the Eligible Employee must elect a distribution event (which includes a specified time) and a form of payment for amounts credited to his Account from among the options the Plan Sponsor has made available for this purpose and which are specified in Section 6.01(b) of the Adoption Agreement. If an Eligible Employee fails to elect a distribution event, he shall be deemed to have elected Separation from Service in the distribution event. If the fails to elect a form of payment, he shall be deemed to have elected a lump sum form of payment.



5.1 Matching Contributions. If elected by the Plan Sponsor in Section 5.01(a) of the Adoption Agreement, the Employer will credit the Participant’s Account with a matching contribution determined in accordance with the formula specified in Section 5.01(a) of the Adoption Agreement. The matching contribution will be treated as allocated to the Participant’s Account at the time specified in Section 5.01(a)(iii) of the Adoption Agreement.


5.2 Other Contributions. If elected by the Plan Sponsor in Section 5.01(b) of the Adoption Agreement, the Employer will credit the Participant’s Account with a contribution determined in accordance with the formula or method specified in Section 5.01(b) of the Adoption Agreement. The contribution will be treated as allocated to the Participant’s Account at the time specified in Section 5.01(b)(iii) of the Adoption Agreement.



6.1 Establishment of Account. For accounting and computational purposes only, the Administrator will establish and maintain an Account on behalf of each Participant which will reflect the credits made pursuant to Section 6.2, distributions or withdrawals, along with the earnings, expenses, gains and losses allocated thereto, attributable to the hypothetical investments made with the amounts in the Account as provided in Article 7. The Administrator will establish and maintain such other records and accounts, as it decides in its discretion to be reasonably required or appropriate to discharge its duties under the Plan.


6.2 Credits to Account. A Participant’s Account will be credited for each Plan Year with the amount of his elective deferrals under Section 4.1 at the time the amount subject to the deferral election would otherwise have been payable to the Participant and the amount of Employer contributions treated as allocated on his behalf under Article 5.



7.1 Investment Options. The amount credited to each Account shall be treated as invested in the investment options designated for this purpose by the Administrator.


7.2 Adjustment of Accounts. The amount credited to each Account shall be adjusted for hypothetical investment earnings, expenses, gains or losses in an amount equal to the earnings, expenses, gains or losses attributable to the investment options selected by the party designated in Section 9.01 of the Adoption Agreement from among the investment options provided in Section 7.1. If permitted by Section 9.01 of the Adoption Agreement, a Participant (or the Participant’s Beneficiary after the death of the Participant) may, in accordance with rules and procedures established by the Administrator, select the investments from among the options provided in Section 7.1 to be used for the purpose of calculating future hypothetical investment adjustments to the Account or to future credits to the Account under Section 6.2 effective as the Valuation Date coincident with or next following notice to the Administrator. Each Account shall be adjusted as of each Valuation Date to reflect: (a) the hypothetical earnings, expenses, gains and losses described above; (b) amounts credited pursuant to Section 6.2; and (c) distributions or withdrawals. In addition, each Account may be adjusted for its allocable share of the hypothetical costs and expenses associated with the maintenance of the hypothetical investments provided in Section 7.1.



8.1 Vesting. A Participant, at all times, has the 100% nonforfeitable interest in the amounts credited to his Account attributable to his elective deferrals made in accordance with Section 4.1.

A Participant’s right to the amounts credited to his Account attributable to Employer contributions made in accordance with Article 5 shall be determined in accordance with the relevant schedule and provisions in Section 7.01 of the Adoption Agreement.


8.2 Death. The Plan Sponsor may elect to accelerate vesting upon the death of the Participant in accordance with Section 7.01(c) of the Adoption Agreement and/or to permit distributions upon Death in accordance with Section 6.01(b) or Section 6.01(d) of the Adoption Agreement. If the Plan Sponsor does not elect to permit distributions upon death in accordance with Section 6.01(b) or Section 6.01(d) of the Adoption Agreement, the vested amount credited to the Participant’s Account will be paid in accordance with the provisions of Article 9.

A Participant may designate a Beneficiary or Beneficiaries, or change any prior designation of Beneficiary or Beneficiaries in accordance with rules and procedures established by the Administrator.

A copy of the death notice or other sufficient documentation must be filed with and approved by the Administrator. If upon the death of the Participant there is, in the opinion of the Administrator, no designated Beneficiary for part or all of the Participant’s vested Account, such amount will be paid to his estate (such estate shall be deemed to be the Beneficiary for purposes of the Plan) in accordance with the provisions of Article 9.


8.3 Disability. If the Plan Sponsor has elected to accelerate vesting upon the occurrence of a Disability in accordance with Section 7.01(c) of the Adoption Agreement and/or to permit distributions upon Disability in accordance with Section 6.01(b) or Section 6.01(d) of the Adoption Agreement, the determination of whether a Participant has incurred a Disability shall be made by the Administrator in its sole discretion.



9.1 Amount of Benefits. The vested amount credited to a Participant’s Account as determined under Articles 6, 7 and 8 shall determine and constitute the basis for the value of benefits payable to the Participant under the Plan.


9.2 Method and Timing of Distributions. Except as otherwise provided in this Article 9, distributions under the Plan shall be made in accordance with the elections made or deemed made by the Participant under Article 4. Subject to the provisions of Section 9.6 requiring a six month delay for certain distributions to Key Employees, distributions following a payment event shall commence at the time specified in Section 6.0 1(a) of the Adoption Agreement. If permitted by Section 6.01(g) of the Adoption Agreement, a Participant may elect, at least twelve months before a scheduled distribution event, to delay the payment date for a minimum period of sixty months from the originally scheduled date of payment. The distribution election change must be made in accordance with procedures and rules established by the Administrator. The Participant may, at the same time the date of payment is deferred, change the form of payment but such change in the form of payment may not effect an acceleration of payment in violation of Code Section 409A or the provisions of Reg. Sec.1.409A-2(b). For purposes of this Section 9.2, a series of installment payments is always treated as a single payment and not as a series of separate payments.



Unforeseeable Emergency. A Participant may request a distribution due to an Unforeseeable Emergency if the Plan Sponsor has elected to permit Unforeseeable Emergency withdrawals under Section 8.01(a) of the Adoption Agreement. The request must be in writing and must be submitted to the Administrator along with evidence that the circumstances constitute an Unforeseeable Emergency. The Administrator has the discretion to require whatever evidence it deems necessary to determine whether a distribution is warranted. Whether a Participant has incurred an Unforeseeable Emergency will be determined by the Administrator on the basis of the relevant facts and circumstances in its sole discretion, but, in no event, will an Unforeseeable Emergency be deemed to exist if the hardship can be relieved: (a) through reimbursement or compensation by insurance or otherwise, (b) by liquidation of the Participant’s assets to the extent such liquidation would not itself cause severe financial hardship, or (c) by cessation of deferrals under the Plan. A distribution due to an Unforeseeable Emergency must be limited to the amount reasonably necessary to satisfy the emergency need and may include any amounts necessary to pay any federal, state or local income tax penalties


reasonably anticipated to result from the distribution. The distribution will be made in the form of a single lump sum cash payment. If permitted by Section 8.01(b) of the Adoption Agreement, a Participant’s deferral elections for the remainder of the Plan Year will be cancelled upon a withdrawal due to Unforeseeable Emergency. If the payment of all or any portion of the Participant’s vested Account is being delayed in accordance with Section 9.6 at the time he experiences an Unforeseeable Emergency, the amount being delayed shall not be subject to the provisions of this Section 9.3 until the expiration of the six month period of delay required by section 9.6.


9.4 Payment Election Overrides. If the Plan Sponsor has elected one or more payment election overrides in accordance with Section 6.01(d) of the Adoption Agreement, the following provisions apply. Upon the occurrence of the first event selected by the Plan Sponsor, the remaining vested amount credited to the Participant’s Account shall be paid in the form designated to the Participant or his Beneficiary regardless of whether the Participant had made different elections of time and/or form of payment or whether the Participant was receiving installment payments at the time of the event.


9.5 Cashouts Of Amounts Not Exceeding Stated Limit. If the vested amount credited to the Participant’s Account does not exceed the limit established for this purpose by the Plan Sponsor in Section 6.01(e) of the Adoption Agreement at the time he separates from service with the Related Employer for any reason, the Employer shall distribute such amount to the Participant at the time specified in Section 6.01(a) of the Adoption Agreement in a single lump sum cash payment following such termination regardless of whether the Participant had made different elections of time or form of payment as to the vested amount credited to his Account or whether the Participant was receiving installments at the time of such termination. A Participant’s Account, for purposes of this Section 9.5, shall include any amounts described in Section 1.3.


9.6 Required Delay in Payment to Key Employees. Except as otherwise provided in this Section 9.6, a distribution made on account of Separation from Service (or Retirement, if applicable) to a Participant who is a Key Employee as of the date of his Separation from Service (or Retirement, if applicable) shall not be made before the date which is six months after the Separation from Service (or Retirement, if applicable).

(a) A Participant is treated as a Key Employee if (i) he is employed by a Related Employer any of whose stock is publicly traded on an established securities market, and (ii) he satisfies the requirements of Code Section 416(i)(1)(A)(i), (ii) or (iii), determined without regard to Code Section 41 6(i)(5), at any time during the twelve month period ending on the Identification Date.

(b) A Participant who is a Key Employee on an Identification Date shall be treated as a Key Employee for purposes of the six month delay in distributions for the twelve month period beginning on the first day of a month no later than the fourth month following the Identification Date. The Identification Date and the effective date of the delay in distributions shall be determined in accordance with Section 1.06 of the Adoption Agreement.

(c) The Plan Sponsor may elect to apply an alternative method to identify Participants who will be treated as Key Employees for purposes of the six month delay in distributions if the method satisfies each of the following requirements. The alternative method is reasonably designed to include all Key Employees, is an objectively determinable standard providing no direct or indirect election to any Participant regarding its application, and results in either all Key Employees or no more than 200 Key Employees being identified in the class as of any date. Use of an alternative method that satisfies the requirements of this Section 9.6(c ) will not be treated as a change in the time and form of payment for purposes of Reg. Sec.1.409A-2(b).

(d) The six month delay does not apply to payments described in Section 13.9 or to payments that occur after the death of the Participant. If the payment of all or any portion of the Participant’s vested Account is being delayed in accordance with this Section 9.6 at the time he incurs a Disability which would otherwise require a distribution under the terms of the Plan, no amount shall be paid until the expiration of the six month period of delay required by this Section 9.6.



Change in Control. If the Plan Sponsor has elected to permit distributions upon a Change in Control, the following provisions shall apply. A distribution made upon a Change in Control will be made at the time specified in Section 6.01(a) of the Adoption Agreement in the form elected by the Participant in accordance with the procedures described in Article 4. Alternatively, if the Plan Sponsor has elected in accordance with Section 11.02 of the Adoption Agreement to require distributions upon a Change in Control, the Participant’s remaining vested Account shall be paid to the Participant or the Participant’s Beneficiary at the time specified in Section 6.01(a) of the Adoption Agreement as a single lump sum payment. A Change in Control, for purposes of the Plan, will occur upon a change in the ownership of the Plan Sponsor, a change in the effective control of the Plan Sponsor or a change in the ownership of a substantial portion of the assets of the Plan Sponsor, but only if elected by the Plan


Sponsor in Section 11.03 of the Adoption Agreement. The Plan Sponsor, for this purpose, includes any corporation identified in this Section 9.7. All distributions made in accordance with this Section 9.7 are subject to the provisions of Section 9.6.

If a Participant continues to make deferrals in accordance with Article 4 after he has received a distribution due to a Change in Control, the residual amount payable to the Participant shall be paid at the time and in the form specified in the elections he makes in accordance with Article 4 or upon his death or Disability as provided in Article 8.


  (a) Relevant Corporations. To constitute a Change in Control for purposes of the Plan, the event must relate to (i) the corporation for whom the Participant is performing services at the time of the Change in Control, (ii) the corporation that is liable for the payment of the Participant’s benefits under the Plan (or all corporations liable if more than one corporation is liable) but only if either the deferred compensation is attributable to the performance of services by the Participant for such corporation (or corporations) or there is a bona fide business purpose for such corporation (or corporations) to be liable for such payment and, in either case, no significant purpose of making such corporation (or corporations) liable for such payment is the avoidance of federal income tax, or (iii) a corporation that is a majority shareholder of a corporation identified in (i) or (ii), or any corporation in a chain of corporations in which each corporation is a majority shareholder of another corporation in the chain, ending in a corporation identified in (i) or (ii). A majority shareholder is defined as a shareholder owning more than fifty percent (50%) of the total fair market value and voting power of such corporation.


  (b) Stock Ownership. Code Section 318(a) applies for purposes of determining stock ownership. Stock underlying a vested option is considered owned by the individual who owns the vested option (and the stock underlying an unvested option is not considered owned by the individual who holds the unvested option). If, however, a vested option is exercisable for stock that is not substantially vested (as defined by Treasury Regulation Section 1.83-3(b) and (j)) the stock underlying the option is not treated as owned by the individual who holds the option.



Change in the Ownership of a Corporation. A change in the ownership of a corporation occurs on the date that any one person or more than one person acting as a group, acquires ownership of stock of the corporation that, together with stock held by such person


or group, constitutes more than fifty percent (50%) of the total fair market value or total voting power of the stock of such corporation. If any one person or more than one person acting as a proxy is considered to own more than fifty percent (50%) of the total fair market value or total voting power of the stock of a corporation, the acquisition of additional stock by the same person or persons is not considered to cause a change in the ownership of the corporation (or to cause a change in the effective control of the corporation as discussed below in Section 9.7(d)). An increase in the percentage of stock owned by any one person, or persons acting as a group, as a result of a transaction in which the corporation acquires its stock in exchange for property will be treated as an acquisition of stock. Section 9.7(c) applies only when there is a transfer of stock of a corporation (or issuance of stock of a corporation) and stock in such corporation remains outstanding after the transaction. For purposes of this Section 9.7(c), persons will not be considered to be acting as a group solely because they purchase or own stock of the same corporation at the same time or as a result of a public offering. Persons will, however, be considered to be acting as a group if they are owners of a corporation that enters into a merger, consolidation, purchase or acquisition of stock, or similar business transaction with the corporation. If a person, including an entity, owns stock in both corporations that enter into a merger, consolidation, purchase or acquisition of stock, or similar transaction, such shareholder is considered to be acting as a group with other shareholders in a corporation prior to the transaction giving rise to the change and not with respect to the ownership interest in the other corporation.



Change in the effective control of a corporation. A change in the effective control of a corporation occurs on the date that either (i) any one person, or more than one person acting as a group, acquires (or has acquired during the twelve month period ending on the date of the most recent acquisition by such person or persons) ownership of stock of the corporation possessing thirty (30%) or more of the total voting power of the stock of such corporation, or (ii) a majority of members of the corporation’s board of directors is replaced during any twelve month period by directors whose appointment or election is not endorsed by a majority of the members of the corporation’s board of directors prior to the date of the appointment or election, provided that for purposes of this paragraph (ii), the term corporation refers solely to the relevant corporation identified in Section 9.7(a) for which no other corporation is a majority shareholder for purposes of Section 9.7(a). In the absence of an event described in Section 9.7(d)(i) or (ii), a change in the effective control of a corporation will not have occurred. A change in effective control may also occur in any transaction in which either of the two corporations involved in the


transaction has a change in the ownership of such corporation as described in Section 9.7(c) or a change in the ownership of a substantial portion of the assets of such corporation as described in Section 9.7(e). If any one person, or more than one person acting as a group, is considered to effectively control a corporation within the meaning of this Section 9.7(d), the acquisition of additional control of the corporation by the same person or persons is not considered to cause a change in the effective control of the corporation or to cause a change in the ownership of the corporation within the meaning of Section 9.7(c). For purposes of this Section 9.7(d), persons will or will not be considered to be acting as a group in accordance with rules similar to those set forth in Section 9.7(c) with the following exception. If a person, including an entity, owns stock in both corporations that enter into a merger, consolidation, purchase or acquisition of stock, or similar transaction, such shareholder is considered to be acting as a group with other shareholders in a corporation only with respect to the ownership in that corporation prior to the transaction giving rise to the change and not with respect to the ownership interest in the other corporation.



Change in the ownership of a substantial portion of a corporation’s assets. A change in the ownership of a substantial portion of a corporation’s assets occurs on the date that any one person, or more than one person acting as a group (as determined in accordance with rules similar to those set forth in Section 9.7(d)), acquires (or has acquired during the twelve month period ending on the date of the most recent acquisition by such person or persons) assets from the corporation that have a total gross fair market value equal to or more than forty percent (40%) of the total gross fair market value of all of the assets of the corporation immediately prior to such acquisition or acquisitions. For this purpose, gross fair market value means the value of the assets of the corporation of the value of the assets being disposed of determined without regard to any liabilities associated with such assets. There is no Change in Control event under this Section 9.7(e) when there is a transfer to an entity that is controlled by the shareholders of the transferring corporation immediately after the transfer. A transfer of assets by a corporation is not treated as a change in ownership of such assets if the assets are transferred to (i) a shareholder of the corporation (immediately before the asset transfer) in exchange for or with respect to its stock, (ii) an entity, fifty percent (50%) or more of the total value or voting power of which is owned, directly or indirectly, by the corporation, (iii) a person, or more than one person acting as a group, that owns, directly or indirectly, fifty percent (50%) or more of the total value or voting power of all the outstanding stock of the corporation, or (iv) an entity, at least fifty (50%) of the total value or voting power of which is owned, directly or indirectly, by a person


described in Section 9.7(e)(iii). For purposes of the foregoing, and except as otherwise provided, a person’s status is determined immediately after the transfer of assets.


9.8 Permissible Delays in Payment. Distributions may be delayed beyond the date payment would otherwise occur in accordance with the provisions of Articles 8 and 9 in any of the following circumstances as long as the Employer treats all payments to similarly situated Participants on a reasonably consistent basis.


  (a) The Employer may delay payment if it reasonably anticipates that its deduction with respect to such payment would be limited or eliminated by the application of Code Section 162(m). Payment must be made during the Participant’s first taxable year in which the Employer reasonably anticipates, or should reasonably anticipate, that if the payment is made during such year the deduction of such payment will not be barred by the application of Code Section 162(m) or during the period beginning with the Participant’s Separation from Service and ending on the later of the last day of the Employer’s taxable year in which the Participant separates from service or the 15th day of the third month following the Participant’s Separation from Service. If a scheduled payment to a Participant is delayed in accordance with this Section 9.8(a), all scheduled payments to the Participant that could be delayed in accordance with this Section 9.8(a) will also be delayed.


  (b) The Employer may also delay payment if it reasonably anticipates that the making of the payment will violate federal securities laws or other applicable laws provided payment is made at the earliest date on which the Employer reasonably anticipates that the making of the payment will not cause such violation.


  (c) The Employer reserves the right to amend the Plan to provide for a delay in payment upon such other events and conditions as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe in generally applicable guidance published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin.



10.1 Amendment by Plan Sponsor. The Plan Sponsor reserves the right to amend the Plan (for itself and each Employer) through action of its Board of Directors or an officer or Plan Sponsor employee or committee authorized by the Board of Directors to amend the Plan. No amendment can directly or indirectly deprive any current or former Participant or Beneficiary of all or any portion of his Account which had accrued prior to the amendment.


10.2 Plan Termination. The Employer retains the right to terminate the Plan at any time and for any reason.



11.1 Establishment of Trust. The Plan Sponsor may but is not required to establish a trust to hold amounts which the Plan Sponsor may contribute from time to time to correspond to some or all amounts credited to Participants under Section 6.2. If the Plan Sponsor elects to establish a trust in accordance with Section 10.01 of the Adoption Agreement, the provisions of Sections 11.2 and 11.3 shall become operative.


11.2 Grantor Trust. Any trust established by the Plan Sponsor shall be between the Plan Sponsor and a trustee pursuant to a separate written agreement under which assets are held, administered and managed, subject to the claims of the Plan Sponsor’s creditors in the event of the Plan Sponsor’s insolvency. The trust is intended to be treated as a grantor trust under the Code, and the establishment of the trust shall not cause the Participant to realize current income on amounts contributed thereto. The Plan Sponsor must notify the trustee in the event of a bankruptcy or insolvency.


11.3 Investment of Trust Funds. Any amounts contributed to the trust by the Plan Sponsor shall be invested by the trustee in accordance with the provisions of the trust and the instructions of the Administrator. Trust investments need not reflect the hypothetical investments selected by Participants under Section 7.1 for the purpose of adjusting Accounts and the earnings or investment results of the trust need not affect the hypothetical investment adjustments to Participant Accounts under the Plan.



12.1 Powers and Responsibilities of the Administrator. The Administrator has the full power and the full responsibility to administer the Plan in all of its details, subject, however, to the applicable requirements of ERISA. The Administrator’s powers and responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:


  (a) To make and enforce such rules and procedures as it deems necessary or proper for the efficient administration of the Plan;


  (b) To interpret the Plan, its interpretation thereof to be final, except as provided in Section 12.2, on all persons claiming benefits under the Plan;


  (c) To decide all questions concerning the Plan and the eligibility of any person to participate in the Plan;


  (d) To administer the claims and review procedures specified in Section 12.2;


  (e) To compute the amount of benefits which will be payable to any Participant, former Participant or Beneficiary in accordance with the provisions of the Plan;


  (f) To determine the person or persons to whom such benefits will be paid;


  (g) To authorize the payment of benefits;


  (h) To comply with the reporting and disclosure requirements of Part I of Subtitle B of Title I of ERISA;


  (i) To appoint such agents, counsel, accountants, and consultants as may be required to assist in administering the Plan;


  (j) By written instrument, to allocate and delegate its responsibilities, including the formation of an Administrative Committee to administer the Plan.

12.2 Claims and Review Procedures.


  (a) Initial Claim.

A Participant or Beneficiary (“Claimant”) who believes he is entitled to benefits under the Plan, or the Claimant’s authorized representative acting on behalf of such Claimant, must make a claim for those benefits by submitting a written notification of his claim of right to such benefits. Such notification must be on the form and in accordance with the procedures established by the Administrator. Except for small benefits paid pursuant to Section 9.5, no benefit will be paid under the Plan until a proper claim for benefits has been submitted.


  (b) Procedure for Review.

The Administrator shall establish administrative processes and safeguards to ensure that all claims for benefits are reviewed in accordance with the Plan document and that, where appropriate, Plan provisions have been applied consistently to similarly situated Claimants. Any notification to a Claimant required hereunder may be provided in writing or by electronic media, provided that any electronic notification will comply with the applicable standards imposed under DOL Reg. §2520.104b-1(c). A Participant or Beneficiary may designate another individual to act as his authorized representative with respect to a claim for benefits under the Plan by providing a written notice of such authorization to the Administrator. Such designation must provide reasonable detail regarding the identity of the authorized representative. A Participant or Beneficiary may have only one authorized representative at any time.


  (c) Claim Denial Procedure.

If a claim is wholly or partially denied, the Administrator will notify the Claimant within a reasonable period of time, but not later than 90 days after receipt of the claim, unless the Administrator determines that special circumstances require an extension of time for processing the claim. If the Administrator determines that an extension of time for processing is required, written notice of the extension shall be furnished to the Claimant prior to the termination of the initial 90-day period. In no event will such extension exceed a period of 180 days from receipt of the claim. The extension notice will indicate: (i) the special circumstances necessitating the

extension and (ii) the date by which the Administrator expects to render a benefit determination. A benefit denial notice will be written in a manner calculated to be understood by the Claimant and will set forth: (i) specific reason or reasons for the denial, (ii) specific reference to pertinent Plan provisions on which the denial is based, (iii) a description of any additional material or information necessary for the Claimant to perfect such claim, with reasons therefor,, and (iv) a description of the Plan’s review procedures and the time limits applicable to such procedures, including a statement of the Claimant’s right to bring a legal action under §502(a) of ERISA following an adverse benefit determination on review.


  (d) Appeal Procedure.

In the case of an adverse benefit determination, the Claimant or his representative will have the opportunity to appeal to the Administrator for review thereof by requesting such review in writing to the Administrator within 60 days of receipt of notification of the denial. Failure to submit a proper application for appeal within such 60 day period will cause such claim to be permanently denied. The Claimant or his representative will be provided, upon request and free of charge, reasonable access to, and copies of, all documents, records and other information relevant to the claim. A document, record or other information will be deemed “relevant” to a claim in accordance with DOL Reg. §2560-503-1 (m)(8). The Claimant or his representative will also be provided the opportunity to submit written comments, documents, records and other information relating to the claim for benefits. The Administrator will review the appeal taking into account all comments, documents, records and other information submitted by the Claimant or his representative relating to the claim, without regard to whether such information was submitted or considered in the initial benefit determination.


  (e) Decision on Appeal.

The Administrator will notify a Claimant of its decision on appeal within a reasonable period of time, but not later than 60 days after receipt of the Claimant’s request for review, unless the Administrator determines that special circumstances require an extension of time for processing the appeal. If the Administrator determines that an extension of time for processing is required, written notice of the extension shall be furnished to the Claimant prior to the termination of the initial 60-day period. In no event will such extension exceed a period of 60 days from the end of the initial period. The extension notice will indicate: (i) the special circumstances necessitating the extension and (ii) the date by

which the Administrator expects to render a benefit determination. An adverse benefit decision on appeal will be written in a manner calculated to be understood by the Claimant and will set forth: (i) the specific reason or reasons for the adverse determination, (ii) the specific reference to the Plan provisions on which the denial is based, (iii) a statement that the Claimant is entitled to receive, upon request and free of charge, reasonable access to and copies of all documents, records, and other information relevant to the Claimant’s claim (the relevance of a document, record or other information will be determined in accordance with DOL Reg. §2560- 503-1 (m)(8)) and (iv) a statement of the Claimant’s right to bring a legal action under §502(a) of ERISA.


  (e) Litigation.

In order to operate and administer the claims procedure in a timely and efficient manner, any Claimant whose appeal with respect to a claim for benefits has been denied, and who desires to commence a legal action with respect to such claim, must commence such action in a court of competent jurisdiction within 90 days of receipt of notification of such denial. Failure to file such action by the prescribed time will forever bar the commencement of such action.


12.3 Plan Administrative Costs. All reasonable costs and expenses (including legal, accounting, and employee communication fees) incurred by the Administrator in administering the Plan shall be paid by Plan to the extent not paid by the Employer.



13.1 Unsecured General Creditor of the Employer. Participants and their Beneficiaries, heirs, successors and assigns shall have no legal or equitable rights, interests or claims in any property or assets of the Employer. For purposes of the payment of benefits under the Plan, any and all of the Employer’s assets shall be, and shall remain, the general, unpledged, unrestricted assets of the Employer. Each Employer’s obligation under the Plan shall be merely that of an unfunded and unsecured promise to pay money in the future.


13.2 Employer’s Liability. Each Employer’s liability for the payment of benefits under the Plan shall be defined only by the Plan and by the deferral agreements entered into between a Participant and the Employer. An Employer shall have no obligation or liability to a Participant under the Plan except as provided by the Plan and a deferral agreement or agreements. An Employer shall have no liability to Participants employed by other Employers.


13.3 Limitation of Rights. Neither the establishment of the Plan, nor any amendment thereof, nor the creation of any fund or account, nor the payment of any benefits, will be construed as giving to the Participant or any other person any legal or equitable right against the Employer, the Plan or the Administrator, except as provided herein; and in no event will the terms of employment or service of the Participant be modified or in any way affected hereby.


13.4 Anti-Assignment. Except as may be necessary to fulfill a domestic relations order within the meaning of Code Section 414(p), none of the benefits or rights of a Participant or any Beneficiary of a Participant shall be subject to the claim of any creditor. In particular, to the fullest extent permitted by law, all such benefits and rights shall be free from attachment, garnishment, or any other legal or equitable process available to any creditor of the Participant and his or her Beneficiary. Neither the Participant nor his or her Beneficiary shall have the right to alienate, anticipate, commute, pledge, encumber, or assign any of the payments which he or she may expect to receive, contingently or otherwise, under the Plan, except the right to designate a Beneficiary to receive death benefits provided hereunder. Notwithstanding the preceding, the benefit payable from a Participant’s Account may be reduced, at the discretion of the administrator, to satisfy any debt or liability to the Employer.



Facility of Payment. If the Administrator determines, on the basis of medical reports or other evidence satisfactory to the Administrator, that the recipient of any benefit payments under the Plan is incapable of handling his affairs by reason of minority, illness, infirmity or other incapacity, the Administrator may


direct the Employer to disburse such payments to a person or institution designated by a court which has jurisdiction over such recipient or a person or institution otherwise having the legal authority under State law for the care and control of such recipient. The receipt by such person or institution of any such payments therefore, and any such payment to the extent thereof, shall discharge the liability of the Employer, the Plan and the Administrator for the payment of benefits hereunder to such recipient.


13.6 Notices. Any notice or other communication to the Employer or Administrator in connection with the Plan shall be deemed delivered in writing if addressed to the Plan Sponsor at the address specified in Section 1.03 of the Adoption Agreement and if either actually delivered at said address or, in the case or a letter, 5 business days shall have elapsed after the same shall have been deposited in the United States mails, first-class postage prepaid and registered or certified.


13.7 Tax Withholding. If the Employer concludes that tax is owing with respect to any deferral or payment hereunder, the Employer shall withhold such amounts from any payments due the Participant, as permitted by law, or otherwise make appropriate arrangements with the Participant or his Beneficiary for satisfaction of such obligation. Tax, for purposes of this Section 13.7 means any federal, state, local or any other governmental income tax, employment or payroll tax, excise tax, or any other tax or assessment owing with respect to amounts deferred, any earnings thereon, and any payments made to Participants under the Plan.


13.8 Indemnification. Each Employer shall indemnify and hold harmless each employee, officer, or director of an Employer to whom is delegated duties, responsibilities, and authority with respect to the Plan against all claims, liabilities, fines and penalties, and all expenses reasonably incurred by or imposed upon him (including but not limited to reasonable attorney fees) which arise as a result of his actions or failure to act in connection with the operation and administration of the Plan to the extent lawfully allowable and to the extent that such claim, liability, fine, penalty, or expense is not paid for by liability insurance purchased or paid for by an Employer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an Employer shall not indemnify any person for any such amount incurred through any settlement or compromise of any action unless the Employer consents in writing to such settlement or compromise. Indemnification under this Section 13.8 shall not be applicable to any person if the cost, loss, liability, or expense is due to the person’s gross negligence, fraud or willful misconduct or if the person refuses to assist in the defense of the claim against him.

13.9 Permitted Acceleration of Payment. The Plan may permit acceleration of the time or schedule of any payment or amount scheduled to be paid pursuant to a payment under the Plan provided such acceleration would be permitted by the provisions of Reg. Sec. 1.409A-3(j)(4).


13.10 Governing Law. The Plan will be construed, administered and enforced according to the laws of the State specified by the Plan Sponsor in Section 12.01 of the Adoption Agreement.

To record the amendment and restatement of the Plan to read as set forth herein, the Company has caused its authorized officer to execute the same this 17th day of December, 2008.


FMC Corporation

/s/ Kenneth R. Garrett

Name:   Kenneth R. Garrett
Title:   Vice-President of Human Resources & Corporate Communications
EX-10.8.C 8 dex108c.htm THIRD AMENDMENT TO NON-QUALIFIED SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT PLAN Third Amendment to Non-Qualified Savings and Investment Plan

Exhibit 10.8.C




THIS THIRD AMENDMENT, effective as of the fourteenth day of February, 2005, except as otherwise stated herein, by and between Fidelity Management Trust Company (the “Trustee”) and FMC Corporation (the “Sponsor”);


WHEREAS, the Trustee and the Sponsor heretofore entered into a Trust Agreement dated and restated September 28, 2001, with regard to the FMC Corporation Nonqualified Savings and Investment Plan (the “Plan”); and

WHEREAS, the Trustee and the Sponsor now desire to amend said Trust Agreement as provided for in Section 16 thereof;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above premises, the Trustee and the Sponsor hereby amend the Trust Agreement by:


  (1) Amending the “investment options” section of Schedule “A” to add the following:



Fidelity Spartan International Index Fund

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee and the Sponsor have caused this Third Amendment to be executed by their duly authorized officers effective as of the day and year first above written.





/s/ Kenneth R. Garrett

  2/10/05     By:   /s/ Rebecca Hayes Ethier   3/7/05
  Kenneth R. Garrett   Date       FMTC Authorized Signatory   Date

FMC Corporation

Core –NQSvgs&InvestTrust

Third Amendment

EX-10.8.D 9 dex108d.htm FOURTH AMENDMENT TO NON-QUALIFIED SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT PLAN Fourth Amendment to Non-Qualified Savings and Investment Plan

Exhibit 10.8.d




THIS FOURTH AMENDMENT, effective as of the first day of July, 2005, except as otherwise stated herein, by and between Fidelity Management Trust Company (the “Trustee”) and FMC Corporation (the “Sponsor”);


WHEREAS, the Trustee and the Sponsor heretofore entered into a Trust Agreement dated and restated September 28, 2001, with regard to the FMC Corporation Nonqualified Savings and Investment Plan (the “Plan”); and

WHEREAS, the Sponsor hereby directs the Trustee, in accordance with Section 8(b) of the Trust Agreement, as follows: (i) on July 1, 2005, to liquidate all participant balances held in the PIMCO Total Return Fund - Administrative Class at its net asset value on such day, and to invest the proceeds in the PIMCO Total Return Fund - Institutional Class at its net asset value on such day; (ii) to redirect all participant contributions directed to the PIMCO Total Return Fund - Administrative Class after July 1, 2005 to be invested in the PIMCO Total Return Fund - Institutional Class; and (iii) to permit no further investments in the PIMCO Total Return Fund - Administrative Class as an investment option for the Plan after July 1, 2005; and

WHEREAS, the Sponsor hereby directs the Trustee, in accordance with Section 8(b) of the Trust Agreement, as follows: (i) on July 1, 2005, to liquidate all participant balances held in the Morgan Stanley Institutional Fund Trust Mid Cap Growth Portfolio - Adviser Class at its net asset value on such day, and to invest the proceeds in the Morgan Stanley Institutional Fund Trust: Mid Cap Growth Portfolio - Institutional Class at its net asset value on such day; (ii) to redirect all participant contributions directed to the Morgan Stanley Institutional Fund Trust Mid Cap Growth Portfolio - Adviser Class after July 1, 2005 to be invested in the Morgan Stanley Institutional Fund Trust: Mid Cap Growth Portfolio - Institutional Class; (iii) to permit no further investments in the Morgan Stanley Institutional Fund Trust Mid Cap Growth Portfolio - Adviser Class as an investment option for the Plan after July 1, 2005; and

WHEREAS, the Sponsor hereby directs the Trustee, in accordance with Section 8(b) of the Trust Agreement, as follows: (i) on July 1, 2005, to liquidate all participant balances held in the Royce Special Equity - Investor Class at its net asset value on such day, and to invest the proceeds in the Royce Special Equity - Institutional Class at its net asset value on such day; (ii) to redirect all participant contributions directed to the Royce Special Equity - Investor Class after July 1, 2005 to be invested in the Royce Special Equity - Institutional Class; (iii) to permit no further investments in the Royce Special Equity - Investor Class as an investment option for the Plan after July 1, 2005; and

WHEREAS, the parties hereto agree that the Trustee shall have no discretionary authority with respect to this sale and transfer directed by the Sponsor. Any variation from the procedure described herein may be instituted only at the express written direction of the Sponsor; and

WHEREAS, the Trustee and the Sponsor now desire to amend said Trust Agreement as provided for in Section 16 thereof;


FMC Corporation    1   
Fourth Amendment      

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above premises, the Trustee and the Sponsor hereby amend the Trust Agreement by:


  (1) Amending and restating Schedule “A”, in its entirety, as attached hereto.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee and the Sponsor have caused this Fourth Amendment to be executed by their duly authorized officers effective as of the day and year first above written.



/s/ Kenneth R. Garrett


July 8, 2005


/s/ Rebecca Hayes Ethier



    Kenneth R. Garrett   Date       FMTC Authorized Signatory   Date


FMC Corporation    2   
Fourth Amendment      

Schedule “A”



* The Trustee will provide only the recordkeeping and administrative services set forth on this Schedule “A” and no others.



* Establishment and maintenance of Participant account and election percentages.



Maintenance of the following Plan investment options:



Allianz CCM Emerging Companies Fund - Institutional Class (Formally known as PIMCO CCM Emerging Companies Fund)



Clipper Fund



Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund



Fidelity Capital & Income Fund



Fidelity Diversified International Fund




Fidelity Freedom 2000 Fund®




Fidelity Freedom 2010 Fund®




Fidelity Freedom 2020 Fund®




Fidelity Freedom 2030 Fund®




Fidelity Freedom 2040 Fund®




Fidelity Freedom Income Fund®



Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund




Fidelity Magellan® Fund




Fidelity Puritan® Fund



Fidelity Retirement Government Money Market Portfolio



Fidelity U.S. Equity Index Commingled Pool



FMC Stock Fund



Managed Income Portfolio II - Class 2



Morgan Stanley Institutional Fund Trust: Mid Cap Growth Portfolio - Institutional Class



Mutual Qualified Fund - Class Z



PIMCO Total Return Fund - Institutional Class



Royce Special Equity - Institutional Class



Sequoia Fund, Inc.




Spartan® International Index Fund


* Maintenance of the following money classifications:









Co Match-Deferred Comp.



Basic pre-tax



Supplemental pre-tax



Company Match


FMC Corporation    3   
Fourth Amendment      


Supplemental Base Sal. (class year accounting)



Supplemental Bonus (class year accounting)



* Processing of Mutual Fund trades and Sponsor Stock.


* Maintain and process changes to Participants’ prospective investment mix elections.


* Process exchanges between investment options on a daily basis.


* Provide monthly processing consolidated payroll contribution data via a consolidated magnetic tape.


* Provide monthly reconciliation and processing of Participant withdrawal requests as approved and directed by the Sponsor.



* Prepare, reconcile and deliver a monthly Trial Balance Report presenting all money classes and investments. This report is based on the market value as of the last business day of the month. The report will be delivered not later than thirty (30) days after the end of each month in the absence of unusual circumstances.


* Prepare, reconcile and deliver a Quarterly Administrative Report presenting both on a Participant and a total plan basis all money classes, investment positions and a summary of all activity of the Participant and plan as of the last business day of the quarter. The report will be delivered not later than thirty (30) days after the end of each quarter in the absence of unusual circumstances.


* Provide such other reports as mutually agreed upon by the parties.


* Provide Participants with the opportunity to generate electronic statements via NetBenefits for activity during the requested time period. Upon Participant request, Fidelity will provide paper statements via first class mail.


* Provide monthly trial balance.


* Prepare and mail to the Participant, a confirmation of the transactions exchanges and changes to investment mix elections within five (5) business days of the Participants instructions.


* Provide access to Plan Sponsor Webstation (PSW). PSW is a graphical, Windows-based application that provides current Plan and Participant-level information, including indicative data, account balances, activity and history.


* Provide Mutual Fund tax reporting (Forms 1099 Div. and 1099-B) to the Sponsor.


* Provide federal and state tax reporting and withholding on benefit payments made to Participants and beneficiaries in accordance with Section 4 of this Agreement.

Communication Services.


* Provide employee communications describing available investment options, including multimedia informational materials and group presentations.


* Fidelity PortfolioPlanner (SM), an internet-based educational service for Participants that generates target asset allocations and model portfolios customized to investment options in the Plan(s) based upon methodology provided by Strategic Advisers, Inc., an affiliate of the Trustee. The Sponsor acknowledges that it has received the ADV Part II for Strategic Advisers, Inc. more than 48 hours prior to executing the Trust.


FMC Corporation    4   
Fourth Amendment      
EX-10.8.E 10 dex108e.htm FIFTH AMENDMENT TO NON-QUALIFIED SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT PLAN Fifth Amendment to Non-Qualified Savings and Investment Plan

Exhibit 10.8.e





THIS FIFTH AMENDMENT, dated and effective as of the twenty-third day of April, 2008, unless otherwise stated herein, by and between Fidelity Management Trust Company (the “Trustee”) and FMC Corporation (the “Sponsor”);


WHEREAS, the Trustee and the Sponsor heretofore entered into a Trust Agreement dated and restated September 28, 2001, with regard to the FMC Corporation Nonqualified Savings and Investment Plan (the “Plan”); and

WHEREAS, the Sponsor has informed the Trustee that, as a result of the conversion of the FMC Stock Fund from a unitized fund to a real-time traded fund, all transactions in the FMC Stock Fund (unitized) will be frozen as of the close of business on April 23, 2008; and

WHEREAS, the Sponsor desires and directs the Trustee, in accordance with Section 8(b) of the Agreement, to commence liquidating all Participant balances held in the FMC Stock Fund (unitized) on April 24, 2008, in accordance with Fidelity’s best practices in the marketplace. The Sponsor is aware that market conditions may dictate that the trading occurs until April 30, 2008. The Sponsor directs that upon completion of the liquidation and settlement of the last trade, expected to be by April 30, 2008, the Trustee shall invest the proceeds in the new FMC Stock Fund (real-time). The parties hereto agree that the Trustee shall have no discretionary authority with respect to this sale and transfer directed by the Sponsor. Any variation from the procedure described herein may be instituted only at the express written direction of the Sponsor; and

WHEREAS, the Trustee and the Sponsor now desire to amend said Trust Agreement as provided for in Section 16 thereof;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above premises, the Trustee and the Sponsor hereby amend the Trust Agreement by:

(1) Effective at the close of business on April 23, 2008, amending Schedule “A” by removing the reference to the “FMC Stock Fund” and replacing it with “FMC Stock Fund (frozen to all participant activity)”.

(2) Effective April 23, 2008, restating Section 5(e)(i), FMC Stock Fund in its entirety, as follows:

(e) FMC Stock Fund. Trust investments in FMC Stock (“Sponsor Stock”) shall be made via the FMC Stock Fund (the “Stock Fund”). The Stock Fund shall be composed solely of Sponsor Stock, and no other securities or cash component. Dividends received on shares of Sponsor Stock shall be reinvested in additional shares of Sponsor Stock and allocated to Participants’ accounts.


FMC Corporation - MCM    1   
Fifth Amendment - NQ Trust      

(i) Acquisition Limit.

Pursuant to the Plan, the Trust may be invested in Sponsor Stock to the extent necessary to comply with investment directions under this Agreement. The Sponsor shall be responsible for providing specific direction on any acquisition limits required by the Plan or applicable law.

(ii) Liability.

The Trustee shall have no responsibility to monitor the suitability of acquiring and holding Sponsor Stock. The Trustee shall not be liable for any loss, or expense, which arises from the directions of the Sponsor with respect to the acquisition and holding of Sponsor Stock, unless it is clear on their face that the actions to be taken under those directions would be prohibited by any applicable law or would be contrary to the terms of this Agreement.

(iii) Purchases and Sales of Sponsor Stock for Batch Activity.

Unless otherwise directed by the Sponsor in writing pursuant to directions that are in accordance with this Agreement, the following provisions shall govern purchases and sales of Sponsor Stock for contributions, distributions, or any other purchase or sale of Sponsor Stock related to a transaction that the Sponsor has directed the Trustee in writing to implement on a batch basis (“batch activity”). Batch activity shall include all purchases or sales of shares by Sponsor-directed means, including the types of transactions listed above.

(A) Open Market Purchases and Sales. Purchases and sales of Sponsor Stock shall be made on the open market in accordance with the Trustee’s standard trading guidelines, as they may be amended from time to time, as necessary to honor batch activity. Such general rules shall not apply in the following circumstances:

(1) If the Trustee is unable to purchase or sell the total number of shares required to be purchased or sold on such day as a result of market conditions (such as the absence of an active or liquid market for the Sponsor Stock, an unexpected early market close, orders placed immediately before market close which do not find a buyer, or day limit orders whose conditions are not met); or

(2) If the Trustee is prohibited by the SEC, the NYSE or principal exchange on which the Sponsor Stock is traded, or any other regulatory or judicial body from purchasing or selling any or all of the shares required to be purchased or sold on such day.

In the event of the occurrence of a circumstance described in (1) or (2) above, the Trustee shall purchase or sell such shares as soon thereafter as administratively feasible, and shall determine the price of such purchases or sales to be the average purchase or sales price of all such shares purchased or sold, respectively. The Trustee may follow written directions from the Sponsor to deviate from the above purchase and sale procedures.

(B) Purchases and Sales from or to Sponsor. If directed by the Sponsor in writing prior to the trading date, the Trustee may purchase or sell Sponsor Stock from or to the Sponsor if the purchase or sale is for adequate consideration and no commission is charged. If Sponsor contributions (employer) or contributions made by the Sponsor on behalf of the Participants (employee) under the Plan are directed to be invested in Sponsor Stock, the Sponsor may transfer Sponsor Stock in lieu of cash to the Trust.


FMC Corporation - MCM    2   
Fifth Amendment - NQ Trust      

(iv) Purchases and Sales of Sponsor Stock for Participant-Initiated Exchanges (“Real Time” Trading)

Unless otherwise directed by the Sponsor in writing pursuant to directions that are in accordance with this Agreement, the following provisions shall govern purchases and sales of Sponsor Stock for Participant-initiated exchanges of hypothetical investment in Sponsor Stock (“Real Time Trading”).

(A) Purchases and Sales of Sponsor Stock. Purchases and sales of Sponsor Stock associated with individual Participant-initiated exchanges into or out of a Participant’s hypothetical interest in the Stock Fund shall be made on the open market pursuant to order types selected by the Participant in accordance with the Trustee’s procedures for “Real Time Trading.” The Sponsor may instruct the Trustee to limit the order types available to Participants.

(1) Automated Order Entry. Sponsor Stock trades associated with Participant-initiated exchanges of a Participant’s hypothetical interest in the Stock Fund shall be sent to market as soon as administratively feasible during regular trading hours via an electronic order entry system, unless such trade is treated as a block trade. A block trade is typically defined as a trade which involves 10,000 or more shares of Sponsor Stock. If a trade is treated as a block trade it may not execute immediately; it will be sent to a block-trading desk to determine the best available process for execution. Such electronic order entry system shall be deemed an Electronic Service for purposes of Section 15 of this Agreement.

(2) Limitations on Trades: Cancellation of Exchange Requests. Trades rejected under rules of the applicable securities exchange will not be executed. The Trustee will not submit orders (or will cancel orders) for stock trades that violate the Trustee’s procedures for “Real Time Trading”. The Trustee shall not submit any trade order associated with a Participant-initiated exchange of a Participant’s hypothetical interest in the Stock Fund at any time when the Stock Fund has been closed to such activity. Trades associated with Participant-initiated exchanges of a Participant’s hypothetical interest in the Stock Fund shall not be transacted at any time when the regular market is closed, or when the SEC, the NYSE or principal exchange on which the Sponsor Stock is traded, or any other regulatory or judicial body has prohibited purchases or sales of any or all of the shares requested to be traded pursuant to the Participant-initiated exchange of a Participant’s hypothetical interest in the Stock Fund. An exchange requested by the Participant in a Participant’s hypothetical interest in the Stock Fund shall be rejected or cancelled, as the case may be, to the extent any accompanying hypothetical trade is not submitted, not executed or cancelled.

(B) Reserve Requirements for Exchanges Into Stock Fund and Corrective Sales. The Participant’s ability to initiate hypothetical exchanges into the Stock Fund shall be subject to standard reserve requirements applicable to the investment options used to fund the exchange, as established by the Trustee from time to time (or such higher reserve requirements as may be established by the Sponsor in written direction to the Trustee). Requests to exchange into the Stock Fund that exceed such reserves, and accompanying trade orders, may be rejected or cancelled. In the event that a buy trade associated with a request to exchange into Sponsor Stock is executed, and the Participant does not have sufficient hypothetical interest in assets in the designated investment option to fund the trade, the Trustee will liquidate the hypothetical interest in the investment options (including those held in other sources eligible for liquidation) in the affected Participant’s account pro rata. In the event that the Participant does not have sufficient hypothetical interest in assets in any other investment option, the Trustee shall initiate a corrective sale, and shall debit the costs of such corrective trade from the Participant’s hypothetical account.


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Fifth Amendment - NQ Trust      

(C) Fractional Shares. Participants will be entitled make hypothetical exchanges out of hypothetical interests in fractional shares in the Stock Fund only in connection with a request to exchange out the entire hypothetical balance of their Stock Fund (or the entire hypothetical balance in a particular source, as applicable). Fractional shares will be transacted at the price determined by the stock trade order selected by the Participant.

(v) Use of an Affiliated Broker.

For all purchases and sales of Sponsor Stock on the open market, whether Participant-initiated or otherwise, the Sponsor hereby directs the Trustee to use Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC (“FBSLLC”) to provide brokerage services. Subject to the provisions of this agreement, FBSLLC shall execute such trades directly or through any of its affiliates. The provision of brokerage services shall be subject to the following:

(1) With notice to the Sponsor, any successor organization of FBSLLC, through reorganization, consolidation, merger or similar transactions, shall, upon consummation of such transaction, become the successor broker in accordance with the terms of this direction provision. With notice to the Sponsor, FBSLLC may assign its rights and obligations under this agreement to any affiliate, provided that the assignee is bound by the terms hereof, including the provisions concerning remuneration.

(2) The Trustee and FBSLLC shall continue to rely on this direction provision until notified to the contrary. The Sponsor reserves the right to terminate this direction upon written notice to FBSLLC (or its successors or assigns) and the Trustee, in accordance with Section 11 of this Agreement.

(3) The Sponsor acknowledges that FBSLLC (and its successors and assigns) may rely upon this Agreement in establishing an account in the name of the Trustee for the Plan, and in allowing each Participant to exercise trading authorization over such account, to the extent his or her individual account balance in the Stock Fund is subject to Participant direction.

(vi) Securities Law Reports.

The Sponsor shall be responsible for filing all reports required under Federal or state securities laws with respect to the Trust’s ownership of Sponsor Stock, including, without limitation, any reports required under section 13 or 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and shall immediately notify the Trustee in writing of any requirement to stop purchases or sales of Sponsor Stock pending the filing of any report. The Sponsor shall be responsible for the registration of any Plan interests to the extent required under Federal or state securities law. The Trustee shall provide to the Sponsor such information on the Trust’s ownership of Sponsor Stock as the Sponsor may reasonably request in order to comply with Federal or state securities laws.

(vii) Voting and Tender Offers.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the provisions of this Section shall govern the voting and tendering of Sponsor Stock. The Sponsor shall pay for all printing, mailing, tabulation and other costs associated with the voting and tendering of Sponsor Stock. The Trustee, after consultation with the Sponsor, shall prepare the necessary documents associated with the voting and tendering of Sponsor Stock.


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(A) Voting.

(1) When the issuer of Sponsor Stock prepares for any annual or special meeting, the Sponsor shall notify the Trustee at least thirty (30) days in advance of the intended record date and shall cause a copy of all proxy solicitation materials to be sent to the Trustee. If requested by the Trustee, the Sponsor shall certify to the Trustee that the aforementioned materials represent the same information distributed to shareholders of Sponsor Stock. The Sponsor may direct the Trustee to vote the shares of Sponsor Stock held in the Trust in the same manner as directed by the Participants for the corresponding hypothetical shares of Sponsor Stock credited to the Participant’s account under the Plan. Based on the aforementioned materials and the Sponsor’s direction, the Trustee shall prepare a voting instruction form and shall provide a copy of all proxy solicitation materials to be sent to each Participant with a hypothetical interest in shares of Sponsor Stock under the Plan, together with the foregoing voting instruction form to be returned to the Trustee or its designee. The form shall show the number of full and fractional hypothetical shares of Sponsor Stock credited to the Participant’s account (both vested and unvested).

(2) As directed by the Sponsor under this Agreement, each Participant with a hypothetical interest in shares of Sponsor Stock held in the Trust shall have the right to direct the manner in which the corresponding shares of Sponsor Stock credited to the Participant’s account (both vested and unvested) shall be voted. Directions from a Participant to the Trustee concerning the voting of Sponsor Stock shall be communicated in writing, or other means as agreed upon by the Trustee and the Sponsor. These directions shall be held in confidence by the Trustee and shall not be divulged to the Sponsor, or any officer or employee thereof, or any other person except to the extent that the consequences of such directions are reflected in reports regularly communicated to any such person in the ordinary course of the performance of the Trustee’s services hereunder. Upon its receipt of the directions, the Trustee shall vote the shares of Sponsor Stock held in the Trust to correspond to the directions provided by the Participant with respect to the Participant’s proportional hypothetical investment in the Stock Fund under the Plan. Except as otherwise required by law, the Trustee shall not vote shares of Sponsor Stock reflecting a Participant’s hypothetical investment in the Stock Fund for which it has received no directions from the Participant.

(3) Except as otherwise required by law, the Trustee shall vote that number of shares of Sponsor Stock not credited to Participants’ accounts under the Plan in the same proportion on each issue as it votes those shares corresponding to shares credited to Participants’ accounts under the Plan for which it received voting directions from Participants.

(B) Tender Offers.

(1) Upon commencement of a tender offer for any securities held in the Trust that are Sponsor Stock, the Sponsor shall timely notify the Trustee in advance of the intended tender date and shall cause a copy of all materials to be sent to the Trustee. The Sponsor shall certify to the Trustee that the aforementioned materials represent the same information distributed to shareholders of Sponsor Stock. The Sponsor may direct the Trustee to tender the shares of Sponsor Stock held in the Trust in the same manner as directed by the Participants for their hypothetical interest in the corresponding shares of Sponsor Stock credited to the Participants’ Plan accounts. Based on the aforementioned materials and after consultation with the Sponsor, the Trustee shall prepare a tender instruction form and shall provide a copy of all tender materials to be sent to each Participant with a hypothetical interest in the Stock Fund, together with the foregoing tender instruction form, to be returned to the Trustee or its designee. The tender instruction form shall show the hypothetical number of full and fractional shares of Sponsor Stock credited to the Participant’s account (both vested and unvested) under the Plan.


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(2) As directed by the Sponsor under this Agreement, each Participant with a hypothetical interest in the Stock Fund shall have the right to direct to the manner in which that number of shares of Sponsor Stock credited to the Participant’s account (both vested and unvested) under the Plan shall be tendered or not tendered. Directions from a Participant to the Trustee concerning the tender of Sponsor Stock shall be communicated in writing, or such other means as agreed upon by the Trustee and the Sponsor. These directions shall be held in confidence by the Trustee and shall not be divulged to the Sponsor, or any officer or employee thereof, or any other person except to the extent that the consequences of such directions are reflected in reports regularly communicated to any such persons in the ordinary course of the performance of the Trustee’s services hereunder. The Trustee shall tender or not tender shares of Sponsor Stock held in the Trust to correspond to directions provided by the Participants under their Plan accounts. Except as otherwise required by law, the Trustee shall not tender shares of Sponsor Stock for which it has received no corresponding directions from the Participant under the Plan.

(3) Except as otherwise required by law, the Trustee shall tender that number of shares of Sponsor Stock held in the Trust which exceeds the number of shares credited to Participants’ accounts, in the same proportion as the total number of shares of Sponsor Stock credited to Participants’ accounts for which it received instructions from Participants.

(4) A Participant who has directed the Trustee to tender some or all of the hypothetical shares of Sponsor Stock credited to the Participant’s account may, at any time prior to the tender offer withdrawal date, direct the Trustee to withdraw some or all of the tendered shares reflecting the Participant’s hypothetical investment in Sponsor Stock, and the Trustee shall withdraw the corresponding number of shares from the tender offer prior to the tender offer withdrawal deadline. A Participant shall not be limited as to the number of directions to tender or withdraw that the Participant may give to the Trustee.

(5) A direction by a Participant to the Trustee to tender shares of Sponsor Stock reflecting the Participant’s hypothetical investment in Sponsor Stock shall not be considered a written election under the Plan by the Participant to withdraw, or have distributed, any or all of his withdrawable shares. The Trustee shall credit to each account of the Participant from which the tendered shares were taken the proceeds received by the Trustee in exchange for the corresponding shares of Sponsor Stock tendered from the Trust. Pending receipt of directions (through the Administrator) from the Participant or the Sponsor, as provided in the Plan, as to which of the remaining investment options the proceeds should be invested, the Trustee shall invest the proceeds in the investment option described in Schedule “A”.

(viii) General.

Any shareholder rights other than the right to vote, the right to tender, and the right to withdraw shares previously tendered, in the case of Sponsor Stock, shall be administered in the same manner as a proxy is administered, as described in Section 5(e)(vii)(A), above.

(ix) Conversion.

All provisions in this Section 5(e) shall also apply to any securities received as a result of a conversion of Sponsor Stock.


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(3) Effective April 23, 2008, amending Schedule “E”, Exchange Guidelines, by restating the section titled “FMC Stock Fund” in its entirety, as follows:

FMC Stock Fund

Exchanges in the FMC Stock Fund shall be processed in accordance with the terms of the Plan Administration Manual, which is the set of written guidelines developed by the Trustee and the Sponsor with respect to the details of the Plan’s administration, which shall be deemed to be a direction to and an obligation of the Trustee under this Agreement.

(4) Effective April 23, 3008, deleting Schedule “G”, Available Liquidity Procedures for the FMC Stock Fund, in its entirety.

(5) Effective May 1, 2008, or upon settlement of the last trade, amending Schedule “A” by removing the reference to the “FMC Stock Fund (frozen to all participant activity)” and replacing it with “FMC Stock Fund”.

(6) Effective May 1, 2008, amending Schedule “B” by restating the section titled “Stock Administration Fee”, in its entirety, as follows:


Stock Administration Fee:    To the extent that assets are invested in the FMC Stock Fund, 10 basis points (0.10%) of such assets in the Trust payable by the Sponsor to the Trustee pro rata quarterly on the basis of such assets as of the calendar quarter’s last valuation date, but no less than $10,000 and no greater than $20,000 per year.

(7) Effective May 1, 2008, amending Schedule “B” by adding the following section at the end thereof:


FBSLLC shall be entitled to remuneration in the amount of no more than $0.029 commission on each share of Sponsor Stock. Any increase in such remuneration may be made only by written agreement between the Sponsor and the Trustee.


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(8) Effective May 1, 2008, replacing the definition of FMC Stock Fund in Section 1(o) as follows:

“shall mean the investment option consisting of shares of FMC Corporation Stock (as defined herein “FMC Stock”).”

(9) Effective July 1, 2007, amending the “Administration” section of Schedule “A” to add the following under the bullet point entitled “Maintenance of the following money classifications:”

“FMC Core Contribution”

(10) Effective July 1, 2007, amending the “investment options” section of Schedule “A” to add the following:



John Hancock Classic Value Fund



John Hancock International Value Fund

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee and the Sponsor have caused this Fifth Amendment to be executed by their duly authorized officers effective as of the day and year first above written. By signing below, the undersigned represent that they are authorized to execute this document on behalf of the respective parties. Notwithstanding any contradictory provision of the agreement that this document amends, each party may rely without duty of inquiry on the foregoing representation.



/s/ Kenneth R. Garrett


/s/ Rebecca Hayes Ethier

  Authorized Signatory       FMTC Authorized Signatory


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EX-10.9 11 dex109.htm INCENTIVE COMPENSATION AND STOCK PLAN Incentive Compensation and Stock Plan

Exhibit 10.9



(As Amended and Restated Through January 1, 2009)


1.1. History. In 1995 the Company’s stockholders approved the adoption of the FMC 1995 Stock Option Plan and the FMC 1995 Management Incentive Plan with 3,000,000 shares of Common Stock available for issuance under the two plans combined. Effective as of February 16, 2001, the Board merged the FMC 1995 Management Incentive Plan with and into the FMC 1995 Stock Option Plan, and the FMC 1995 Stock Option Plan was restated as provided herein, and renamed the FMC Corporation Incentive Compensation and Stock Plan. Also effective as of February 16, 2001, the Board approved an addition to the authorization of shares available for issuance under the Plan of 800,000 shares of Common Stock, making the total shares available for issuance under the Plan 3,800,000 as of that date.

In 2000, the Committee adopted the FMC Corporation Stock Appreciation Rights and Phantom Stock Plan to provide equity-based cash compensation to foreign employees in an effort to reduce the foreign income taxes that would otherwise be payable by such foreign employees if they received traditional grants under the Plan. The FMC Corporation Stock Appreciation Rights and Phantom Stock Plan was merged with and into the Plan effective as of February 16, 2001.

In June 2001, the Company distributed substantially all of the net assets relative to its machinery business into a separate company. FMC Technologies, Inc. (“Technologies”). Seventeen percent of FMC’s ownership in Technologies was sold to the public in June 2001, and the remainder was distributed to FMC shareholders on December 31, 2001 (the “Spin-off). As a result of the Spin-off, each unit of FMC Common Stock was adjusted by a factor of 1.9064045. Therefore, effective as of December 31, 2001, the total number of shares available for issuance under the Plan was adjusted to 7,244,377, in accordance with Section 4.1 of the Plan. Similarly, the Option Price per share of Common Stock under Stock Options outstanding under the Plan as of December 31, 2001 was adjusted by a factor of .5245476. Further amendments were approved on February 23, 2006. The Plan was restated as of February 23, 2006 to reflect the foregoing changes.

On August 17, 2007 the Board of Directors of the Company approved a two-for-one split of the Common Stock, to be effected in the form of a distribution payable on September 13, 2007 to the holders of the Common Stock of record as of the close of business on August 31, 2007, of one additional share of Common Stock for every share of Common Stock outstanding as of that date (the “Stock Split”). Therefore, effective as of September 13, 2007, the total number of shares reserved for issuance under the Plan was adjusted to 14,448,674 in accordance with Section 4.1 of the Plan, and the total number of shares subject to outstanding Awards granted under the Plan as of September 13, 2007 was doubled. Similarly, the Option Price per share of Common Stock under Stock Options outstanding under the Plan as of September 13, 2007 was adjusted by a factor of .5. The plan was restated as of September 13, 2007 to reflect the foregoing changes.

The Plan is being amended and restated as of January 1, 2009 to comply with Section 409A of the Code.

1.2. Purpose. The purpose of the Plan is to give the Company a competitive advantage in attracting, retaining and motivating officers, employees, directors and consultants of the Company and its Affiliates.


2.1. General. For purposes of the Plan, the following terms are defined as set forth below:


  (a) Affiliate” means a corporation or other entity controlled by, controlling or under common control with the Company, including, without limitation any corporation, partnership, joint venture or other entity during any period in which at least a fifty percent (50%) voting or profits interest is owned, directly or indirectly, by the Company or any successor to the Company.


  (b) Award” means a Management Incentive Award, Stock Option, Stock Appreciation Right, Performance Unit, Restricted Stock or other award authorized under the Plan.


  (c) Award Cycle” means a period of consecutive fiscal years or portions thereof designated by the Committee over which Awards are to be earned.


  (d) Board” means the Board of Directors of the Company.


  (e) Business Unit” means a unit of the business of the Company or its Affiliates as determined by the Committee and the CEO.


  (f) Capital Employed” means operating working capital plus net property, plant and equipment.



Cause” means (1) “Cause” as defined in any Individual Agreement to which the participant is a party, or (2) if there is no such Individual Agreement, or, if it does not define “Cause”: (A) the participant having been convicted of, or pleading guilty or nolo contendere to, a felony under federal or state law; (B) the Willful and continued failure on the part of the participant to substantially perform his or her employment duties in any material respect (other than such failure resulting from Disability), after a written demand for substantial performance is delivered to the participant that specifically identifies the manner in which the Company believes the participant has failed to perform his or her duties, and after the participant has failed to resume substantial performance of his or her duties within thirty (30) days of such demand; or (C) Willful and deliberate conduct on the part of the participant that is materially injurious to the Company or an Affiliate; or




(D) prior to a Change in Control, such other events as will be determined by the Committee. The Committee will, unless otherwise provided in an Individual Agreement with the participant, determine whether “Cause” exists.


  (h) CEO” means the Company’s chief executive officer.


  (i) Change in Control” has the meanings set forth in Sections 14.2 Definition of Change in Control and 14.3 Special Definition of Change in Control.


  (j) Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and any successor thereto.


  (k) Committee” means the Compensation and Organization Committee of the Board, or such other committee as the Board may from time to time designate.


  (1) Common Stock” means (1) the common stock of the Company, par value $.10 per share, subject to adjustment as provided in Section 4.1 Shares Available for Issuance; or (2) if there is a merger or consolidation and the Company is not the surviving corporation, the capital stock of the surviving corporation given in exchange for such common stock of the Company.


  (m) Company” means FMC Corporation, a Delaware corporation.


  (n) Covered Employee” means a participant who has received a Management Incentive Award, Restricted Stock or Performance Units, who has been designated as such by the Committee and who is or may be a “covered employee” within the meaning of Section 162(m)(3) of the Code in the year in which the Management Incentive Award, Restricted Stock or Performance Units are expected to be taxable to such participant.


  (o) Disability” means, unless otherwise provided by the Committee, (1) “Disability” as defined in any individual agreement to which the participant is a party, or (2) if there is no such individual agreement, or, if such agreement does not define “Disability,” then “Disability” shall be determined in accordance with the Company’s long-term disability plan.



Dividend Equivalent Rights” means the right to receive cash, Stock Options, Stock Appreciation Rights or Performance Units, as determined by the Committee, in an amount equal to any dividends that would have been paid on a Stock Option, Stock Appreciation Right or a Performance Unit, as applicable, with Dividend Equivalent Rights if such Stock Option, Stock Appreciation Right or Performance Unit, as applicable, was a share of Common Stock held by the participant on the dividend payment date. Unless the Committee determines that Dividend Equivalent Rights will be paid in cash as of the dividend payment date, such Dividend Equivalent Rights, once credited, will be converted into an equivalent number of Stock Options, Stock Appreciation Rights or Performance Units, as applicable; provided, however, that the number of shares subject to any




Award will always be a whole number. Unless otherwise determined by the Committee as of the dividend payment date, if a dividend is paid in cash, the number of Stock Options, Stock Appreciation Rights or Performance Units into which a Dividend Equivalent Right will be converted will be calculated as of the dividend payment date, in accordance with the following formula:

(A x B)/C

in which “A” equals the number of Stock Options, Stock Appreciation Rights or Performance Units with Dividend Equivalent Rights held by the participant on the dividend payment date, “B” equals the cash dividend per share and “C” equals the Fair Market Value per share of Common Stock on the dividend payment date. Unless otherwise determined by the Committee as of the dividend payment date, if a dividend is paid in property other than cash, the number of Stock Options, Stock Appreciation Rights or Performance Units, as applicable into which a Dividend Equivalent Right will be converted will be calculated, as of the dividend payment date, in accordance with the formula set forth above, except that “B” will equal the fair market value per share of the property which the participant would have received if the Stock Option, Stock Appreciation Right or Performance Unit, as applicable, with Dividend Equivalent Rights held by the participant on the dividend payment date was a share of Common Stock. Notwithstanding any other provision in the Plan, Dividend Equivalent Rights may not be accumulated and paid on the date of exercise of the Stock Option or Stock Appreciation Right giving rise to the Dividend Equivalent Right.


  (q) Effective Date” means February 16, 2001, the date the Plan was adopted by the Board. The Board’s adoption of the increase of 800,000 shares (later adjusted to be an additional 1,525,123 shares as a result of the Spin-off) of Common Stock reserved for issuance under the Plan is also effective as of February 16, 2001.


  (r) Eligible Individuals” means officers, employees, directors and consultants of the Company or any of its Affiliates, and prospective employees, directors and consultants who have accepted offers of employment, membership on a board or consultancy from the Company or its Affiliates, who are or will be responsible for or contribute to the management, growth or profitability of the business of the Company or its Affiliates, as determined by the Committee.


  (s) Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to time, and any successor thereto.


  (t) Expiration Date” means the date on which an Award becomes unexercisable and/or not payable by reason of lapse of time or otherwise as provided in Section 6.2 Expiration Date.



Fair Market Value” means, except as otherwise provided by the Committee, as of any given date, the closing price for shares of Common Stock on the New York




Stock Exchange for the specified date (as of 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Daylight Savings Time, whichever is then in effect), or, if the shares were not traded on the New York Stock Exchange on such date, then on the next preceding date on which the shares were traded, all as reported by such source as the Committee may select.


  (v) Grant Date” means the date designated by the Committee as the date of grant of an Award.


  (w) Incentive Stock Option” means any Stock Option designated as, and qualified as, an “incentive stock option” within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code.


  (x) Individual Agreement” means a severance, employment, consulting or similar agreement between a participant and the Company or one of its Affiliates.


  (y) Management Incentive Award” means an Award of cash, Common Stock, Restricted Stock or a combination of cash, Common Stock and Restricted Stock, as determined by the Committee.


  (z) Net Contribution” means for a Business Unit, its operating profit after-tax, less the product of (1) a percentage as determined by the Committee; and (2) the Business Unit’s Capital Employed.


  (aa) Nonqualified Stock Option” means any Stock Option that is not an Incentive Stock Option.


  (bb) Notice” means the written evidence of an Award granted under the Plan in such form as the Committee will from time to time determine.


  (cc) Performance Goals” means the performance goals established by the Committee in connection with the grant of Management Incentive Awards, Restricted Stock or Performance Units as set forth in the Notice. In the case of Qualified Performance-Based Awards, Performance Goals will be set by the Committee within the time period prescribed by Section 162(m) of the Code and related regulations, and will be based on Net Contribution, or such other performance criteria selected by the Committee, including, without limitation, the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock, the Company’s or a Business Unit’s market share, sales, earnings, costs, productivity, return on equity or return on Capital Employed.


  (dd) Performance Units” means an Award granted under Section 12 Performance Units.


  (ee) Plan” means the FMC Corporation Incentive Compensation and Stock Plan, as set forth herein and as hereinafter amended from time to time.



Qualified Performance-Based Award” means a Management Incentive Award, an Award of Restricted Stock or an Award of Performance Units designated as




such by the Committee, based upon a determination that (1) the recipient is or may be a Covered Employee; and (2) the Committee wishes such Award to qualify for the Section 162(m) Exemption.


  (gg) Restricted Stock” means an Award granted under Section 11 Restricted Stock.


  (hh) Section 162(m) Exemption” means the exemption from the limitation on deductibility imposed by Section 162(m) of the Code that is set forth in Section 162(m)(4)(C) of the Code.


  (ii) Stock Appreciation Right” means an Award granted under Section 10 Stock Appreciation Rights.


  (jj) Stock Option” means an Award granted under Section 9 Stock Options.


  (kk) Termination of Employment” means the termination of the participant’s employment with, or performance of services for, the Company and any of its Affiliates. Temporary absences from employment because of illness, vacation or leave of absence and transfers among the Company and its Affiliates will not be considered Terminations of Employment.


  (ll) Vesting Date” means the date on which an Award becomes vested, and, if applicable, fully exercisable and/or payable by or to the participant as provided in Section 6.3 Vesting.


  (mm) Willful” means any action or omission by the participant that was not in good faith and without a reasonable belief that the action or omission was in the best interests of the Company or its Affiliates. Any act or omission based upon authority given pursuant to a duly adopted resolution of the Board, or, upon the instructions of the CEO or any other senior officer of the Company, or, based upon the advice of counsel for the Company will be conclusively presumed to be taken or omitted by the participant in good faith and in the best interests of the Company and/or its Affiliates.

2.2. Other Definitions. In addition, certain other terms used herein have definitions given to them in the first place in which they are used.


3.1. Committee Administration. The Committee is the administrator of the Plan. Among other things, the Committee has the authority, subject to the terms of the Plan:


  (a) To select the Eligible Individuals to whom Awards are granted;


  (b) To determine whether and to what extent Awards are granted;


  (c) To determine the amount of each Award;



  (d) To determine the terms and conditions of any Award, including, but not limited to, the option price, any vesting condition, restriction or limitation regarding any Award and the shares of Common Stock relating thereto, based on such factors as the Committee will determine;


  (e) To modify, amend or adjust the terms and conditions of any Award, at any time or from time to time; and


  (f) To determine under what circumstances an Award may be settled in cash or Common Stock or a combination of cash and Common Stock.

The Committee has the authority to adopt, alter and repeal administrative rules, guidelines and practices governing the Plan, to interpret the terms and provisions of the Plan, any Award, any Notice and any other agreement relating to any Award and to take any action it deems appropriate for the administration of the Plan.

3.2. Committee Action. The Committee may act only by a majority of its members then in office unless it allocates or delegates its authority to a Committee member or other person to act on its behalf. Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law or applicable rules of a stock exchange, the Committee may allocate all or any portion of its responsibilities and powers to any one or more of its members and may delegate all or any part of its responsibilities and powers to any other person or persons. Any such allocation or delegation may be revoked by the Committee at any time.

Any determination made by the Committee or its delegate with respect to any Award will be made in the sole discretion of the Committee or such delegate. All decisions of the Committee or its delegate are final, conclusive and binding on all parties.

3.3. Board Authority. Any authority granted to the Committee may also be exercised by the full Board. To the extent that any permitted action taken by the Board conflicts with action taken by the Committee, the Board action will control.


4.1. Shares Available For Issuance. The maximum number of shares of Common Stock that may be delivered to participants and their beneficiaries under the Plan will be 14,488,674 (after giving effect to the Stock Split). Shares subject to an Award under the Plan may be authorized and unissued shares or may be treasury shares.

The maximum number of shares of Common Stock that may be subject to Management Incentive Awards, Restricted Stock and Performance Units is 3,510,124 shares of Common Stock (after giving effect to the Stock Split). [Note that (after giving effect to the Stock Split) this number includes 910,124 shares subject to Management Incentive Awards, Restricted Stock and Performance Units awarded prior to February 23, 2006, as well as 2,600,000 shares that are available for future grant as Management Incentive Awards, Restricted Stock and Performance Units awarded on or after February 23, 2006.]



No Award will be counted against the shares available for delivery under the Plan if the Award is payable to the participant only in the form of cash, or if the Award is paid to the participant in cash.

To the extent any Award is forfeited, any Stock Option (or Stock Appreciation Right) terminates, expires or lapses without being exercised or any Stock Appreciation Right is exercised for cash, the shares of Common Stock subject to such Award will again become available for delivery in connection with new Awards under the Plan. To the extent any shares of Common Stock subject to an Award are tendered back prior to April 20, 2011 (or, if later, the 10th anniversary of the latest re-approval of this clause by the Company’s stockholders) or not delivered because such shares are (in either case) used to satisfy an applicable tax-withholding obligation, such shares will again become available for delivery in connection with new Awards under the Plan.

In the event of a stock dividend, stock split, merger, consolidation, separation or other change in capitalization, spin-off, extraordinary dividend or distribution, reorganization (whether or not such reorganization comes within the definition of such term in Section 368 of the Code), reclassification, recapitalization, partial or complete liquidation of the Company or other similar event or transaction, the Committee shall make such equitable substitutions or adjustments in the number, kind, and price of shares, or the identity of the issuer of shares, reserved for issuance under the Plan or subject to outstanding Awards granted under the Plan, and the maximum limitation upon any Awards to be granted to any participant, as the Committee determines to be necessary or appropriate to fulfill the purposes for which the Plan was adopted and the Awards were granted; provided, however, that no such substitution or adjustment will be made if such substitution or adjustment would give rise to any tax under Section 409A of the Code; and provided further, that the number of shares subject to any Award will always be a whole number. Any such adjusted price will be used to determine the amount payable in cash or shares, as applicable, by the Company upon the exercise of any Award. [Note that as a result of the Spin-off, for any Stock Options granted on or before December 31, 2001, the Option Prices for such Stock Options have been adjusted by a factor of .5245476 pursuant to this Section 4.1. and further, as a result of the Stock Split, for any Stock Options granted on or prior to September 13, 2007, the number of shares subject to such Stock Options has been doubled and the Option Prices for such Stock Options have been adjusted by a factor of .5 pursuant to this Section 4.1.

4.2. Individual Limits. No participant may be granted Stock Options and Stock Appreciation Rights covering in excess of 500,000 shares of Common Stock in any calendar year, provided, however that this prohibition shall not apply to the extent Common Stock subject to a Stock Option granted prior to December 31, 2001, when adjusted as a result of the Spin-off, exceeded 500,000 shares for an individual participant in a calendar year. The maximum aggregate amount with respect to each Management Incentive Award, Award of Performance Units or Award of Restricted Stock that may be granted, or, that may vest, as applicable, in any calendar year for any individual participant is 500,000 shares of Common Stock, or the dollar equivalent of 500,000 shares of Common Stock, provided, however that this prohibition shall not apply: (i) to awards granted prior to December 31, 2001, to the extent that when adjusted as a result of the Spin-off, the limits in this sentence are exceeded, or (ii) to awards granted on or prior to September 13, 2007, to the extent when adjusted as a result of the Stock Split, the limits in this sentence are exceeded.




Awards maybe granted under the Plan to Eligible Individuals. Incentive Stock Options maybe granted only to employees of the Company and its subsidiaries or parent corporation (within the meaning of Section 424(f) of the Code).


6.1. General. Awards will be in the form and upon the terms and conditions as determined by the Committee, subject to the terms of the Plan. The Committee is authorized to grant Awards independent of, or in addition to other Awards granted under the Plan. The terms and conditions of each Award may vary from other Awards. Awards will be evidenced by Notices, the terms and conditions of which will be consistent with the terms of the Plan and will apply only to such Award.

6.2. Expiration Date. Unless otherwise provided in the Notice, the Expiration Date of an Award will be the earlier of the date that is ten (10) years after the Grant Date or the date of the participant’s Termination of Employment.

6.3. Vesting. Each Award vests and becomes fully payable, exercisable and/or released of any restriction on the Vesting Date. The Vesting Date of each Award, as determined by the Committee, will be set forth in the Notice.


7.1. The Committee may designate a Management Incentive Award, or an Award of Restricted Stock or an Award of Performance Units as a Qualified Performance-Based Award, in which case, the Award is contingent upon, and may not vest until, the attainment of Performance Goals has been certified by the Committee. The amount of the Qualifying Performance-Based Award actually paid to a Participant at the discretion of the Committee may be less, but shall not be more, than the amount determined by the applicable Performance Goals.


8.1. Management Incentive Awards. The Committee is authorized to grant Management Incentive Awards, subject to the terms of the Plan. Notices for Management Incentive Awards will indicate the Award Cycle, any applicable Performance Goals, any applicable designation of the Award as a Qualified Performance-Based Award, the Vesting Date of the Award and the form of payment of the Award. Unless otherwise provided in a Notice, in order to be eligible to receive payment in respect of a Management Incentive Award, a participant must be an employee of the Company during the entire Award Cycle applicable to the Management Incentive Award.

8.2. Settlement. As soon as practicable after the Vesting Date, but no later than the 15th day of the third calendar month following the Vesting Date of any Management Incentive Award, payment in respect of the Management Incentive Award will be made to the participant



in cash, Common Stock, Restricted Stock or a combination of cash, Common Stock and Restricted Stock, as determined by the Committee. The number of shares of Common Stock payable under the stock portion of a Management Incentive Award will equal the amount of such portion of the award divided by the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock on the date of payment. The foregoing notwithstanding, Management Incentive Awards payable in cash may be deferred in accordance with the FMC Corporation Nonqualified Savings and Investment Plan, as it may be amended from time to time.


9.1. Stock Options. The Committee is authorized to grant Stock Options, including both Incentive Stock Options and Nonqualified Stock Options, subject to the terms of the Plan. Notices will indicate whether the Stock Option is intended to be an Incentive Stock Option or a Nonqualified Stock Option, the option price, the term and the number of shares to which it pertains. To the extent that any Stock Option is not designated as an Incentive Stock Option, or, even if so designated does not qualify as an Incentive Stock Option on or subsequent to its Grant Date, it will constitute a Nonqualified Stock Option. No Incentive Stock Option will be granted hereunder on or after the 10th anniversary of the date of stockholder approval of the Plan (or, if the stockholders approve an amendment that increases the number of shares subject to the Plan, the 10th anniversary of the date of such approval); provided, however, that Incentive Stock Options granted prior to such 10th anniversary may extend beyond that date.

9.2. Option Price. The option price per share of Common Stock purchasable under a Stock Option will be determined by the Committee and will not be less than the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock subject to the Stock Option on the Grant Date.

9.3. Incentive Stock Options. The terms of the Plan addressing Incentive Stock Options and each Incentive Stock Option will be interpreted in a manner consistent with Section 422 of the Code and all valid regulations issued thereunder.

9.4. Exercise. Stock Options will be exercisable at such time or times and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Notice. A participant can exercise a Stock Option, in whole or in part, at any time on or after the Vesting Date and before the Expiration Date by giving written notice of exercise to the Company specifying the number of shares of Common Stock subject to the Stock Option to be purchased. Such notice will be accompanied by payment in full to the Company of the option price by certified or bank check or such other cash equivalent instrument as the Company may accept. If approved by the Committee, payment in full or in part may also be made in the form of Common Stock (by delivery of such shares or by attestation) already owned by the optionee of the same class as the Common Stock subject to the Stock Option, based on the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock on the date the Stock Option is exercised. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the right to make payment in the form of already owned shares of Common Stock applies only to shares that have been held by the optionee for at least six (6) months at the time of exercise or that were purchased on the open market.

If approved by the Committee, payment in full or in part may also be made by delivering a properly executed exercise notice to the Company, together with a copy of



irrevocable instructions to a broker to deliver promptly to the Company the amount of sale or broker loan proceeds necessary to pay the option price, and, if requested, by the amount of any federal, state, local or foreign withholding taxes. To facilitate the foregoing, the Company may enter into agreements for coordinated procedures with one or more brokerage firms, but any loans by a broker in connection with an exercise shall be arranged between the broker and the employee, and not by the Company.

In addition, if approved by the Committee, a Stock Option may be exercised by a “net cashless exercise” procedure whereby all or any portion of the option price and/or any required tax withholding may be satisfied by a reduction in the number of shares issued upon exercise. In that case, the number of shares of Common Stock issued upon exercise will be equal to: (a) the product of (i) the number of shares as to which the Stock Option is then being exercised on a net cashless basis, and (ii) the excess of (A) the Fair Market Value on the date of exercise, over (B) the option price and/or any required tax withholding associated with the net cashless exercise (expressed on a per share basis), divided by (b) the Fair Market Value on the date of exercise. A number of shares of Common Stock equal to the difference between the number of shares as to which the Stock Option is then being exercised and the number of shares actually issued upon such exercise will be deemed to have been retained by the Company in satisfaction of the option price and/or any required tax withholding.

9.5. Settlement. As soon as practicable after the exercise of a Stock Option, the Company will deliver to or on behalf of the optionee certificates of Common Stock for the number of shares purchased. No shares of Common Stock will be issued until full payment therefor has been made. An optionee will have all of the rights of a stockholder of the Company holding Common Stock, including, but not limited to, the right to vote the shares and the right to receive dividends, when the optionee has given written notice of exercise, has paid in full for such shares and, if requested, has given the representation described in Section 18 General Provisions. The Committee may give optionees Dividend Equivalent Rights.

9.6. Nontransferability. No Stock Option will be transferable by the optionee other than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution. All Stock Options will be exercisable, subject to the terms of the Plan, only by the optionee, the guardian or legal representative of the optionee, or any person to whom such Stock Option is transferred pursuant to this paragraph, it being understood that the term “holder” and “optionee” include such guardian, legal representative and other transferee. No Stock Option will be subject to execution, attachment or other similar process.

Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Committee may permit a participant at any time prior to his or her death to assign all or any portion without consideration therefor of a Nonqualified Stock Option to:


  (a) The participant’s spouse or lineal descendants;


  (b) The trustee of a trust for the primary benefit of the participant and his or her spouse or lineal descendants, or any combination thereof;



  (c) A partnership of which the participant, his or her spouse and/or lineal descendants are the only partners;


  (d) Custodianships under the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act or any other similar statute; or


  (e) Upon the termination of a trust by the custodian or trustee thereof, or the dissolution or other termination of the family partnership or the termination of a custodianship under the Uniform Transfers to Minor Act or any other similar statute, to the person or persons who, in accordance with the terms of such trust, partnership or custodianship are entitled to receive the Nonqualified Stock Option held in trust, partnership or custody.

In such event, the spouse, lineal descendant, trustee, partnership or custodianship will be entitled to all of the participant’s rights with respect to the assigned portion of the Nonqualified Stock Option, and such portion will continue to be subject to all of the terms, conditions and restrictions applicable to the Nonqualified Stock Option.

9.7. Cashing Out. On receipt of written notice of exercise, the Committee may elect to cash out all or part of the portion of the shares of Common Stock for which a Stock Option is being exercised by paying the optionee an amount, in cash or Common Stock, equal to the excess of the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock over the option price times the number of shares of Common Stock for which the Stock Option is being exercised on the effective date of such cash-out.


10.1. Stock Appreciation Rights. The Committee is authorized to grant Stock Appreciation Rights, subject to the terms of the Plan. Stock Appreciation Rights granted with a Nonqualified Stock Option may be granted either on or after the Grant Date. Stock Appreciation Rights granted with an Incentive Stock Option may be granted only on the Grant Date of such Stock Option. Notices of Stock Appreciation Rights granted with Stock Options may be incorporated into the Notice of the Stock Option. Notices of Stock Appreciation Rights will indicate whether the Stock Appreciation Right is independent of any Award or granted with a Stock Option, the price, the term, the method of exercise and the form of payment. The Committee may also grant Dividend Equivalent Rights in association with any Stock Appreciation Right. A Stock Appreciation Right exercise price may never be less than the Fair Market Value of the underlying Common Stock on the Grant Date of such Stock Appreciation Right.

10.2. Exercise. A participant can exercise Stock Appreciation Rights, in whole or in part, at any time after the Vesting Date and before the Expiration Date, or, with respect to Stock Appreciation Rights granted in connection with any Stock Option, at such time or times and to the extent that the Stock Options to which they relate are exercisable, by giving written notice of exercise to the Company specifying the number of Stock Appreciation Rights to be exercised. A Stock Appreciation Right granted with a Stock Option may be exercised by an optionee by surrendering any applicable portion of the related Stock Option in accordance with procedures



established by the Committee. To the extent provided by the Committee, Stock Options which have been so surrendered will no longer be exercisable to the extent the related Stock Appreciation Rights have been exercised.

10.3. Settlement. As soon as practicable after the exercise of a Stock Appreciation Right, an optionee will be entitled to receive an amount in cash, shares of Common Stock or a combination of cash and shares of Common Stock, as determined by the Committee, in value equal to the excess of the Fair Market Value on the date of exercise of one share of Common Stock over the Stock Appreciation Right price per share multiplied by the number of shares in respect of which the Stock Appreciation Right is being exercised.

Upon the exercise of a Stock Appreciation Right granted with any Stock Option, the Stock Option or part thereof to which such Stock Appreciation Right is related will be deemed to have been exercised for the purpose of the limitation set forth in Section 4 Shares on the number of shares of Common Stock to be issued under the Plan, but only to the extent of the number of shares delivered upon the exercise of the Stock Appreciation Right.

10.4. Nontransferability. Stock Appreciation Rights will be transferable only to the extent they are granted with any Stock Option, and only to permitted transferees of such underlying Stock Option in accordance with the Nontransferability provisions of Section 9.


11.1. Restricted Stock. The Committee is authorized to grant Restricted Stock, subject to the terms of the Plan. Notices for Restricted Stock may be in the form of a Notice and book-entry registration or issuance of one or more stock certificates. Any certificate issued in respect of shares of Restricted Stock will be registered in the name of such participant and will bear an appropriate legend referring to the terms, conditions, and restrictions applicable to such Award, substantially in the following form:

“The transferability of this certificate and the shares of stock represented hereby are subject to the terms and conditions, including, but not limited to, forfeiture of the FMC Corporation Incentive Compensation and Stock Plan and a Restricted Stock Notice. Copies of such Plan and Notice are on file at the offices of FMC Corporation.”

The Committee may require that the certificates evidencing such shares be held in custody by the Company until the restrictions thereon will have lapsed and that, as a condition of any Award of Restricted Stock, the participant will have delivered a stock power, endorsed in blank, relating to the Common Stock covered by such Award. The Notice or certificates will indicate any applicable Performance Goals and any applicable designation of the Restricted Stock as a Qualified Performance-Based Award. Unless otherwise provided in a Notice, in order to be eligible to vest in an Award of Restricted Stock, a participant must be an employee of the Company during the entire Award Cycle applicable to the Restricted Stock.

11.2. Participant Rights. Subject to the terms of the Plan and the Notice or certificate of Restricted Stock, the participant will not be permitted to sell, assign, transfer, pledge or



otherwise encumber shares of Restricted Stock until the Vesting Date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if approved by the Committee, a participant may pledge Restricted Stock as security for a loan to obtain funds to pay the option price for Stock Options. Except as provided in the Plan and the Notice or certificate of the Restricted Stock, the participant will have, with respect to the shares of Restricted Stock, all of the rights of a stockholder of the Company holding Common Stock, including, but not limited to, the right to vote the shares and to receive dividends with respect to the shares; provided that, in the discretion of the Committee, cash or property payable as a dividend on Restricted Stock may be subjected to the same vesting conditions as the Restricted Stock giving rise to the payment or may be converted into a number of additional shares of Restricted Stock (again, having the same vesting conditions as the Restricted Stock giving rise to the payment) determined by dividing the amount of the cash or the fair market value of the property otherwise distributable (as determined by the Committee) by the Fair Market Value on the dividend payment date.

11.3. Settlement. As soon as practicable after the Vesting Date and prior to the Expiration Date, unlegended certificates for such shares of Common Stock will be delivered to the participant upon surrender of any legended certificates, if applicable.


12.1. Performance Units. The Committee is authorized to grant Performance Units, subject to the terms of the Plan. Notices of Performance Units will indicate any applicable Performance Goals, any applicable designation of the Award as a Qualified Performance-Based Award, the Vesting Date of the Performance Units and the form of payment. Unless otherwise provided in a Notice, in order to be eligible to receive payment in respect of a Performance Unit, a participant must be an employee of the Company during the entire Award Cycle applicable to the Performance Unit.

12.2. Settlement. As soon as practicable after the Vesting Date, but no later than the March 15th of the year following the year in which the Vesting Date of a Performance Unit occurs, payment will be made in respect of the Performance Unit. Payment in respect of Performance Units will be made in an amount of cash equal to the Fair Market Value of one share of Common Stock multiplied by the number of Performance Units earned or, if applicable, in a number of shares of Common Stock equal to the number of Performance Units earned, each as determined by the Committee. Payment in respect of Performance Units may not be deferred (other than payment in respect of Performance Units granted to directors prior to January 1, 2009).


The Committee is authorized to make, either alone or in conjunction with other Awards, Awards of cash or Common Stock and Awards that are valued in whole or in part by reference to, or are otherwise based upon, Common Stock, including, without limitation, convertible debentures.




14.1. Impact of Change in Control. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan to the contrary, in the event of a Change in Control, as of the date such Change in Control is determined to have occurred, any outstanding:


  (a) Stock Options and Stock Appreciation Rights become fully exercisable and vested to the full extent of the original grant;


  (b) Restricted Stock becomes free of all restrictions and becomes fully vested and transferable to the full extent of all or a portion of the maximum amount of the original grant as provided in the Notice, or, if not provided in the Notice, as determined by the Committee;


  (c) Performance Units become vested to the extent provided in the Notice, or if not provided in the Notice, as determined by the Committee; and


  (d) Management Incentive Awards become fully vested to the full extent of all or a portion of the maximum amount of the original grant as provided in the Notice, or, if not provided in the Notice, as determined by the Committee, and such Management Incentive Awards will be settled in cash or Common Stock, as determined by the Committee, as promptly as is practicable following the Change in Control (except for Management Incentive Awards deferred under the FMC Corporation Nonqualified Savings and Investment Plan which awards will be settled at the time specified in accordance with the FMC Corporation Nonqualified Savings and Investment Plan).

The Committee may also make additional substitutions, adjustments and/or settlements of outstanding Awards as it deems appropriate and consistent with the Plan’s purposes.

14.2. Definition of Change in Control. For purposes of the Plan other than with respect to the acceleration of Management Incentive Awards in accordance with Section 14.1, a “Change in Control” will mean the happening of any of the following events:



An acquisition by any individual, entity or group (within the meaning of Section 13(d)(3) or 14(d)(2) of the Exchange Act) (a “Person”) of beneficial ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act) of twenty percent (20%) or more of either (1) the then outstanding shares of common stock of the Company (the “Outstanding Company Common Stock”) or (2) the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities of the Company entitled to vote generally in the election of directors (the “Outstanding Company Voting Securities”); excluding, however, the following: (A) any acquisition directly from the Company, other than an acquisition by virtue of the exercise of a conversion privilege unless the security being so converted was itself acquired directly from the Company, (B) any acquisition by the Company, (C) any acquisition by any employee benefit plan (or related trust) sponsored or




maintained by the Company or any entity controlled by the Company, or (D) any acquisition pursuant to a transaction which complies with Subsections (1), (2) and (3) of Subsection (c) of this Section 14.2;


  (b) A change in the composition of the Board such that the individuals who, as of the Effective Date, constitute the Board (such Board will be hereinafter referred to as the “Incumbent Board”) cease for any reason to constitute at least a majority of the Board; provided, however, for purposes of this Section 14.2, that any individual who becomes a member of the Board subsequent to the Effective Date, whose election, or nomination for election by the Company’s stockholders, was approved by a vote of at least a majority of those individuals who are members of the Board and who were also members of the Incumbent Board (or deemed to be such pursuant to this proviso) will be considered as though such individual were a member of the Incumbent Board; but, provided further, that any such individual whose initial assumption of office occurs as a result of either an actual or threatened election contest (as such terms are used in Rule 14a-11 of Regulation 14A promulgated under the Exchange Act) or other actual or threatened solicitation of proxies or consents by or on behalf of a Person other than the Board will not be so considered as a member of the Incumbent Board;


  (c) Consummation of a reorganization, merger or consolidation, sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company, or acquisition by the Company of the assets or stock of another entity (“Corporate Transaction”); excluding, however, such a Corporate Transaction pursuant to which (1) all or substantially all of the individuals and entities who are the beneficial owners, respectively, of the Outstanding Company Common Stock and Outstanding Company Voting Securities immediately prior to such Corporate Transaction will beneficially own, directly or indirectly, more than sixty percent (60%) of, respectively, the outstanding shares of common stock, and the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities entitled to vote generally in the election of directors, as the case may be, of the corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction (including, without limitation, a corporation which as a result of such transaction owns the Company or all or substantially all of the Company’s assets either directly or through one or more subsidiaries) in substantially the same proportions as their ownership, immediately prior to such Corporate Transaction, of the Outstanding Company Common Stock and Outstanding Company Voting Securities, as the case may be, (2) no Person (other than the Company, any employee benefit plan (or related trust) of the Company or such corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction) will beneficially own, directly or indirectly, twenty percent (20%) or more of, respectively, the outstanding shares of common stock of the corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction or the combined voting power of the outstanding voting securities of such corporation entitled to vote generally in the election of directors except to the extent that such ownership existed prior to the Corporate Transaction, and (3) individuals who were members of the Incumbent Board will constitute at least a majority of the members of the board of directors of the corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction; or



  (d) The approval by the stockholders of the Company of a complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company.

14.3. Special Definition of Change in Control. For purposes of the Plan, only with respect to the acceleration of Management Incentive Awards in accordance with Section 14.1, a “Change in Control” will mean the happening of any of the following events:


  (a) A Person acquires (or has acquired over the 12-month period ending on the date of the most recent acquisition by such Person) stock of the Company possessing thirty percent (30%) or more of the total voting power of the then outstanding voting securities of the Company; excluding, however, the following: (A) any acquisition directly from the Company, other than an acquisition by virtue of the exercise of a conversion privilege unless the security being so converted was itself acquired directly from the Company, (B) any acquisition by the Company or (C) any acquisition by any employee benefit plan (or related trust) sponsored or maintained by the Company or any entity controlled by the Company;


  (b) The date that a majority of the members of the Board is replaced during any 12-month period by directors whose appointment or election is not endorsed by a majority of the members of the Board before the date of appointment or election;


  (c) A Person acquires (or has acquired over the 12-month period ending on the date of the most recent acquisition by such Person) assets from the Company that have a total gross fair market value equal to more than forty percent (40%) of the total gross fair market value of all of the assets of the Company immediately before such acquisition or acquisitions.


Notwithstanding anything in the Plan to the contrary, the Committee may, in the event of serious misconduct by a participant (including, without limitation, any misconduct prejudicial to or in conflict with the Company or its Affiliates, or any Termination of Employment for Cause), or any activity of a participant in competition with the business of the Company or any Affiliate, (a) cancel any outstanding Award granted to such participant, in whole or in part, whether or not vested or deferred, and/or (b) if such conduct or activity occurs within one year following the exercise or payment of an Award, require such participant to repay to the Company any gain realized or payment received upon the exercise or payment of such Award (with such gain or payment valued as of the date of exercise or payment). Such cancellation or repayment obligation will be effective as of the date specified by the Committee. Any repayment obligation may be satisfied in Common Stock or cash or a combination thereof (based upon the Fair Market Value of Common Stock on the day of payment), and the Committee may provide for an offset to any future payments owed by the Company or any Affiliate to the participant if necessary to satisfy the repayment obligation. The determination of whether a participant has engaged in a serious breach of conduct or any activity in competition with the business of the Company or any Affiliate will be made by the Committee in good faith. This Section 15 will have no application following a Change in Control.




The Committee may amend, alter, or discontinue the Plan or any Award, prospectively or retroactively, but no amendment, alteration or discontinuation may impair the rights of a recipient of any Award without the recipient’s consent, except such an amendment made to comply with applicable law, stock exchange rules or accounting rules.

No amendment will be made without the approval of the Company’s stockholders to the extent such approval is required by applicable law or stock exchange rules, or to the extent such amendment increases the number of shares available for delivery under the Plan. Without the approval of the Company’s stockholders, the Committee will not reduce the option price of a Stock Option after the Grant Date or cancel an outstanding Stock Option and grant a new Stock Option with a lower exercise price in substitution therefor (other than, in either case, in accordance with the adjustment provisions in the last paragraph of Section 4.1).


It is presently intended that the Plan constitute an “unfunded” plan for incentive and deferred compensation. The Committee may authorize the creation of trusts or other arrangements to meet the obligations created under the Plan to deliver Common Stock or make payments; provided, however, that unless the Committee otherwise determines, the existence of such trusts or other arrangements is consistent with the “unfunded” status of the Plan.


18.1. General Provisions. The Plan will be administered in accordance with the following provisions and any other rule, guideline and practice determined by the Committee:


  (a) Each person purchasing or receiving shares pursuant to an Award may be required to represent to and agree with the Company in writing that he or she is acquiring the shares without a view to the distribution of the shares.


  (b) The certificates for shares issued under an Award may include any legend which the Committee deems appropriate to reflect any restrictions on transfer.


  (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan, any Award, any Notice or any other agreements made pursuant thereto, the Company is not required to issue or deliver any shares of Common Stock prior to fulfillment of all of the following conditions:


  (i) Listing or approval for listing upon notice of issuance, of such shares on the New York Stock Exchange, or such other securities exchange as may at the time be the principal market for the Common Stock;


  (ii) Any registration or other qualification of such shares of the Company under any state or federal law or regulation, or the maintaining in effect of any such registration or other qualification which the Committee deems necessary or advisable; and



  (iii) Obtaining any other consent, approval, or permit from any state or federal governmental agency which the Committee deems necessary or advisable.


  (d) The Company will not issue fractions of shares. Whenever, under the terms of the Plan, the aggregate number of shares required to be issued to a participant at a particular time includes a fractional share, one additional whole share will be issued to the participant in lieu of and in satisfaction for that fractional share.


  (e) In the case of a grant of an Award to any Eligible Individual of an Affiliate, the Company may, if the Committee so directs, issue or transfer the shares of Common Stock, if any, covered by the Award to the Affiliate, for such lawful consideration as the Committee may specify, upon the condition or understanding that the Affiliate will transfer the shares of Common Stock to the Eligible Individual in accordance with the terms of the Award specified by the Committee pursuant to the provisions of the Plan. All shares of Common Stock underlying Awards that are forfeited or canceled revert to the Company.

18.2. Employment. The Plan will not constitute a contract of employment, and adoption of the Plan will not confer upon any employee any right to continued employment, nor will it interfere in any way with the right of the Company or an Affiliate to terminate at any time the employment of any employee or the membership of any director on a board of directors or any consulting arrangement with any Eligible Individual.

18.3. Tax Withholding Obligations. No later than the date as of which the Company reasonably believes an amount first becomes includible in the gross income of the participant for federal income tax purposes with respect to any Award under the Plan, the participant will pay to the Company, or make arrangements satisfactory to the Company regarding the payment of, any federal, state, local or foreign taxes of any kind required by law to be withheld with respect to such amount. Unless otherwise determined by the Company, withholding obligations may be settled with Common Stock, including Common Stock that is part of the Award that gives rise to the withholding requirement; provided, that not more than the legally required minimum withholding may be settled with Common Stock. The obligations of the Company under the Plan will be conditional on such payment or arrangements, and the Company and its Affiliates will, to the extent permitted by law, have the right to deduct any such taxes from any payment otherwise due to the participant. The Committee may establish such procedures as it deems appropriate, including making irrevocable elections, for the settlement of withholding obligations with Common Stock.

18.4. Beneficiaries. The Committee will establish such procedures as it deems appropriate for a participant to designate a beneficiary to whom any amounts payable in the event of the participant’s death are to be paid or by whom any rights of the participant, after the participant’s death, may be exercised.

18.5. Governing Law. The Plan and all Awards made and actions taken thereunder will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware, without reference to principles of conflict of laws. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, in the event an Award is granted to an Eligible Individual who is employed or providing services



outside the United States and who is not compensated from a payroll maintained in the United States, the Committee may modify the provisions of the Plan and/or any such Award as they pertain to such individual to comply with and account for the tax and accounting rules of the applicable foreign law so as to maintain the benefit intended to be provided to such participant under the Award.

18.6. Nontransferability. Except as otherwise provided in Section 9 Stock Options and Section 10 Stock Appreciation Rights, or by the Committee, Awards under the Plan are not transferable except by will or by laws of descent and distribution.

18.7. Severability. Wherever possible, each provision of the Plan and of each Award and of each Notice will be interpreted in such a manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law. If any provision of the Plan, any Award or any Notice is found to be prohibited by or invalid under applicable law, then (a) such provision will be deemed amended to and to have contained from the outset such language as will be necessary to accomplish the objectives of the provision as originally written to the fullest extent permitted by law; and (b) all other provisions of the Plan and any Award will remain in full force and effect.

18.8. Strict Construction. No rule of strict construction will be applied against the Company, the Committee or any other person in the interpretation of the terms of the Plan, any Award, any Notice, any other agreement or any rule or procedure established by the Committee.

18.9. Stockholder Rights. Except as otherwise provided herein, no participant will have dividend, voting or other stockholder rights by reason of a grant of an Award or a settlement of an Award in cash.



To record the amendment and restatement of the Plan to read as set forth herein, the Company has caused its authorized officer to execute the same this 17th day of December, 2008.


FMC Corporation


/s/ Kenneth R. Garrett

Name:   Kenneth R. Garrett
Title:   Vice-President Human Resources & Corporate Communications
EX-10.10 12 dex1010.htm EXECUTIVE SEVERANCE PLAN Executive Severance Plan

Exhibit 10.10

FMC Corporation

Executive Severance Plan

(As Amended and Restated Effective as of January 1, 2009)

1. History and Purpose. The Company adopted the Plan in 1983 and amended and restated the Plan in 1997, 2000 and 2001. The Plan is hereby amended and restated as of January 1, 2009 in order to comply with Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The purpose of the Plan is to assure the Company that it will have the continued dedication and the availability of objective advice and counsel from key executives of the Company, notwithstanding the possibility, threat or occurrence of a bid to take over control of the Company.

The Board believes it is imperative that, if the Company receives any proposals from a third person concerning a possible business combination with the Company or the acquisition of the Company’s equity securities, both the Company and the Board be able to rely upon key executives to continue in their positions and to be available for advice, without concern that those individuals might be distracted by their own personal financial situations and the risks to themselves created by the proposal.

If the Company receives any such proposal, key executives will be called upon to assist in assessing the proposal, to advise management and the Board regarding whether the proposal is in the best interest of the Company and its stockholders, and to take such other actions as the Board might deem appropriate.

2. Eligible Executives. The following individuals will be Participants:


  a. the Chairman of the Board;


  b. the President, the Executive Vice Presidents, and the Senior Vice Presidents of the Company;


  c. the Group and Regional Managers of the Company;


  d. other officers of the Company, except Assistant Secretaries and Assistant Treasurers;


  e. Division Managers of the Company; and


  f. other key executives of the Company and its Affiliates who are from time to time named as Participants by the Committee in its sole discretion.

A Participant will cease to be a Participant if and when the Committee determines he or she should no longer be a Participant. The Committee will not determine that a Participant has ceased to be a Participant during any period that the Company knows a Person has taken steps reasonably calculated to effect a Change in Control, and before the Board has determined that

that Person has abandoned or terminated its efforts to effect a Change in Control. The decision of the Board that a Person has abandoned or terminated its efforts to effect a Change in Control will be conclusive and binding on all Participants.

3. Terms of the Plan. The terms of the Plan are as set forth in the forms of Agreement attached to this Plan, with Form IA applicable to Tier IA Participants, Form I applicable to Tier I Participants, Form II applicable to Tier II Participants and Form III applicable to Tier III Participants. The Company will enter into Agreements with each Participant containing the terms set forth in the applicable form. Once an individual becomes a Participant, for periods prior to the date the Company and the Participant execute an Agreement, the Participant will be entitled to participate in the Plan on the terms and conditions set forth in the form of Agreement applicable to the Participant.

4. Certain Definitions. Capitalized terms used in this Plan will have the meanings set forth below.


  a. Affiliate means a corporation or other entity controlled by, controlling or under common control with the Company, including, without limitation, any corporation partnership, joint venture or other entity during any period in which at least a fifty percent (50%) voting or profits interest is owned, directly or indirectly, by the Company or any successor to the Company.


  b. Agreement means the executive severance agreements, in the forms attached to the Plan, that the Company enters into with Participants to memorialize the terms of their entitlement to executive severance benefits.


  c. Board means the Board of Directors of the Company, as it is constituted from time to time.


  d. Change in Control means the happening of any of the following events:

(1) An acquisition by any Person of beneficial ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act) of twenty percent (20%) or more of either (A) the then outstanding shares of common stock of the Company (the “Outstanding Company Common Stock”) or (B) the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities of the Company entitled to vote generally in the election of directors (the “Outstanding Company Voting Securities”); excluding, however, the following: (i) any acquisition directly from the Company, other than an acquisition by virtue of the exercise of a conversion privilege unless the security being so converted was itself acquired directly from the Company, (ii) any acquisition by the Company, (iii) any acquisition by any employee benefit plan (or related trust) sponsored or maintained by the Company or any entity controlled by the Company, or (iv) any acquisition pursuant to a transaction which complies with Subsections (A), (B) and (C) of Subsection (3) of this Section 4(d);



(2) A change in the composition of the Board such that the individuals who, as of the Effective Date, constitute the Board (such Board will be hereinafter referred to as the “Incumbent Board”) cease for any reason to constitute at least a majority of the Board; provided, however, for purposes of this Section 4(d), that any individual who becomes a member of the Board subsequent to the Effective Date, whose election, or nomination for election by the Company’s stockholders, was approved by a vote of at least a majority of those individuals who are members of the Board and who were also members of the Incumbent Board (or deemed to be such pursuant to this proviso) will be considered as though such individual were a member of the Incumbent Board; but, provided further, that any such individual whose initial assumption of office occurs as a result of either an actual or threatened election contest (as such terms are used in Rule 14a-11 of Regulation 14A promulgated under the Exchange Act) or other actual or threatened solicitation of proxies or consents by or on behalf of a Person other than the Board will not be so considered as a member of the Incumbent Board;

(3) Consummation of a reorganization, merger or consolidation, sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company or acquisition by the Company of the assets or stock of another entity (“Corporate Transaction”); excluding, however, such a Corporate Transaction pursuant to which (A) all or substantially all of the individuals and entities who are the beneficial owners, respectively, of the Outstanding Company Common Stock and Outstanding Company Voting Securities immediately prior to such Corporate Transaction will beneficially own, directly or indirectly, more than sixty percent (60%) of, respectively, the outstanding shares of common stock, and the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities entitled to vote generally in the election of directors, as the case may be, of the corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction (including, without limitation, a corporation which as a result of such transaction owns the Company or all or substantially all of the Company’s assets either directly or through one or more subsidiaries) in substantially the same proportions as their ownership, immediately prior to such Corporate Transaction, of the Outstanding Company Common Stock and Outstanding Company Voting Securities, as the case may be, (B) no Person (other than the Company, any employee benefit plan (or related trust) of the Company or such corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction) will beneficially own, directly or indirectly, twenty percent (20%) or more of, respectively, the outstanding shares of common stock of the corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction or the combined voting power of the outstanding voting securities of such corporation entitled to vote generally in the election of directors except to the extent that such ownership existed prior to the Corporate Transaction, and (C) individuals who were members of the Incumbent Board will constitute at least a majority of the members of the board of directors of the corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction; or



(4) The approval by the stockholders of the Company of a complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company.


  e. Committee means the Compensation and Organization Committee of the Board, or any other committee of the Board that has, on the date of determination, the duties and responsibilities delegated to the Compensation and Organization Committee as of the Effective Date.


  f. Company means FMC Corporation, a Delaware Corporation, or any successor thereto.


  g. Effective Date means May 1, 2001, the date the Plan was adopted by the Board.


  h. Exchange Act means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or any successor thereto.


  i. FMC means FMC Corporation, a Delaware corporation.


  j. Participant means one of the Tier IA Participants, Tier I Participants, Tier II Participants or Tier III Participants.


  k. Person has the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 3(a)(9) of the Exchange Act and used in Sections B(d) and 14(d) thereof, including a “group” as provided in Section B(d) thereof.


  1. Plan means the FMC Corporation Executive Severance Plan, as set forth herein and as hereinafter amended from time to time.


  m. Tier IA Participants means the Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer and the President of the Company, and any other employees of the Company or an Affiliate designated by the Committee as Tier IA Participants.


  n. Tier I Participants means the Executive Vice Presidents, Senior Vice Presidents, Group Managers, and International Regional Managers of the Company, and any other employees of the Company or an Affiliate designated by the Committee as Tier I Participants.


  o. Tier II Participants means all officers of the Company other than Tier IA Participants, Tier I Participants, Tier III Participants, Assistant Secretaries and Assistant Treasurers, and any other employees of the Company or an Affiliate designated by the Committee to be Tier II Participants.


  p. Tier III Participants means Division Managers of the Company and any other employees of the Company or an Affiliate designated by the Committee to be Tier III Participants.



5. Trust. The Company will create a domestic trust in accordance with the terms of the forms of Agreement. The trust will have such assets as the forms of Agreement provide. Any assets contained in the trust will, at all times, be specifically subject to the claims of the Company’s general creditors in the event of bankruptcy or insolvency. The trust document must specifically state that any assets held under it will be subject to the claims of the Company’s general creditors in the event of bankruptcy or insolvency, and must detail the required procedure for notifying the trustee of the Company’s bankruptcy or insolvency.

6. Termination and Amendment of the Plan. The Board or the Committee will have the power at any time, in its discretion, to amend, abandon or terminate the Plan, in whole or in part. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no amendment, abandonment or termination may modify, waive or discharge any provisions of the Agreements, unless each affected Participant agrees in writing, signed by the Participant and an authorized member of the Board or the Committee (or by either or both parties’ legal representatives or successors), to the modification, waiver or discharge.

7. Governing Law. The validity, interpretation, construction and enforcement of this Plan will be governed by the laws of the State of Delaware, without giving effect to that state’s conflicts of laws principles. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent state laws are preempted by the laws of the United States, the laws of the United States will control the validity, interpretation, construction and enforcement of this Plan.

8. Administration by the Committee. The Committee is the administrator of the Plan, and has all powers necessary to carry out the Plan’s provisions. Among other things, the Committee has the authority, subject to the terms of the Plan and the Agreements, to adopt, alter and replace administrative rules, guidelines and practices governing the Plan, to interpret the terms and provisions of the Plan and any Agreements and to take any action it deems appropriate for the administration of the Plan. The Committee may act only by a majority of its members then in office unless it allocates or delegates its authority to a Committee member or other person to act on its behalf. The Committee may allocate all or any portion of its responsibilities and powers to anyone or more of its members and may delegate all or any part of its responsibilities and powers to any other person or persons. Any such allocation or delegation may be revoked by the Committee at any time. The regularly kept records of the Company and its Affiliates will be final, conclusive and binding on all persons regarding a Participant’s date and length of service, amount of compensation and the manner of its payment, type and length of absences from work and all other matters contained in those records. Any authority granted to the Committee may also be exercised by the Board. To the extent that any permitted action taken by the Board conflicts with action taken by the Committee, the Board action will control.

9. Incapacity. If any person entitled to a distribution under the Plan is deemed by the Company or the Committee or their delegates to be incapable of personally receiving and giving a valid receipt for the distribution, then, unless and until a duly appointed guardian or other representative of the person claims the distribution, the Company or its delegate may pay the distribution or any part of it to any other person or institution then contributing toward or



providing for the care and maintenance of the person entitled to the distribution. Any payment pursuant to the preceding payment will be a payment for the account of the person entitled to it, and a complete discharge of the Company, the Board, the Committee, their delegates and the Plan from any liability for the payment.

10. Indemnification. The Company and each Affiliate will indemnify and hold harmless each member of the Board and the Committee, or any employee of the Company or any Affiliate (to the extent not indemnified or saved harmless under any liability insurance or any other indemnification arrangement) from any and all claims, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) arising out of any actual or alleged act or failure to act made in good faith pursuant to the provisions of the Plan or the trust, including expenses reasonably incurred in the defense of any claim regarding the administration of the Plan or the trust. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no indemnification or defense will be provided under this Plan or trust to any person, regarding any conduct that has been judicially determined, or agreed by the parties, either to have constituted willful misconduct by that person, or to have resulted in his or her receipt of personal profit or advantage to which he or she was not entitled.

11. Limitations on Liability. Notwithstanding any of the preceding provisions of this Plan, neither the Company, the Board, the Committee nor any individual acting as an employee or agent of the Company will be liable to any Participant, former Participant or other person for any claim, loss, liability or expense incurred in connection with the Plan, other than claims for benefits payable under any Agreement.

12. Unclaimed Benefit. If all or any portion of a distribution payable to a Participant cannot be timely paid because the Committee is unable to locate the Participant, after sending a registered letter, return receipt requested, to the last known address of the Participant, then the amount payable to the Participant will become a forfeiture, and will be retained by the Company as part of its general assets.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Plan to be executed in its name and behalf on this November 19, 2008.



/s/ Kenneth R. Garrett


Vice-President of Human Resources

& Corporate Communications



EX-10.12 13 dex1012.htm EXECUTIVE SEVERANCE AGREEMENT - WILLIAM G. WALTER Executive Severance Agreement - William G. Walter

Exhibit 10.12


FMC Corporation

Executive Severance Agreement

THIS AMENDED AND RESTATED AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the 31st day of December, 2008, by and between FMC Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and William G. Walter (hereinafter referred to as the “Executive”) (the “Agreement”).

WHEREAS, the Executive is currently a party to an Executive Severance Agreement with the Company dated October 1, 2001 (the “Prior Agreement”);

WHEREAS, as a result of the enactment of Section 409A of the Code of 1986, as amended (“Section 409A”), certain amounts that may be paid under the Prior Agreement could subject the Executive to adverse tax consequences unless the Prior Agreement is amended to comply with Section 409A; and

WHEREAS, the Executive and the Company desire that the Prior Agreement be amended and that the terms of this Agreement will completely replace and supersede the provisions of the Prior Agreement and any other prior executive severance agreement with the Company.

NOW THEREFORE, to assure the Company that it will have the continued dedication of the Executive and the availability of the Executive’s advice and counsel notwithstanding the possibility, threat, or occurrence of a Change in Control of the Company, and to induce the Executive to remain in the employ of the Company, and for other good and valuable consideration, the Company and Executive agree to the amendment and restatement of the Prior Agreement as follows:

Article 1. Establishment, Term, and Purpose

This Agreement is effective from the Effective Date and will continue in effect for a three (3) year term, until the third anniversary of the Effective Date. Upon each anniversary of the Effective Date, the term of this Agreement will be extended automatically for one (1) additional year, unless the Committee delivers written notice six (6) months prior to such anniversary to the Executive that this Agreement will not be extended. In such case, this Agreement will terminate at the end of the term, or extended term, then in progress.

However, in the event a Change in Control occurs during the original or any extended term, this Agreement will remain in effect for the longer of: (i) twenty-four (24) months beyond the end of the month in which such Change in Control occurred; and (ii) until all obligations of the Company hereunder have been fulfilled, and until all benefits required hereunder have been paid to the Executive.

Article 2. Definitions

Whenever used in this Agreement, the following terms will have the meanings set forth below and, when the meaning is intended, the initial letter of the word is capitalized.

2.1. Affiliate means a corporation or other entity controlled by, controlling or under common control with the Company, including, without limitation, any corporation partnership, joint venture or other entity during any period in which at least a fifty percent (50%) voting or profits interest is owned, directly or indirectly, by the Company or any successor to the Company.

2.2. Base Salary means the salary of record paid to an Executive as annual salary, excluding amounts received under incentive or other bonus plans, whether or not deferred.

2.3. Beneficiary means the persons or entities designated or deemed designated by the Executive pursuant to Section 11.2 herein.

2.4. Board means the Board of Directors of the Company.

2.5. Cause means:

(a) the Executive’s Willful and continued failure to substantially perform the Executive’s employment duties in any material respect (other than any such failure resulting from physical or mental incapacity (that could be reasonably expected to result in Disability) or occurring after issuance by the Executive of a Notice of Termination for Good Reason), after a written demand for substantial performance is delivered to the Executive that specifically identifies the manner in which the Company believes the Executive has failed to perform the Executive’s duties, and after the Executive has failed to resume substantial performance of the Executive’s duties on a continuous basis within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving such demand;

(b) the Executive’s Willfully engaging in conduct (other than conduct covered under (a) above) which is demonstrably and materially injurious to the Company or an Affiliate; or

(c) the Executive’s having been convicted of, or pleading guilty or nolo contendere to, a felony under federal or state law.

2.6. Change in Control means the happening of any of the following events:

(a) An acquisition by any Person of beneficial ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act) of twenty percent (20%) or more of either (i) the then outstanding shares of common stock of the Company (the “Outstanding Company Common Stock”) or (ii) the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities of the Company entitled to vote generally in the election of directors (the “Outstanding Company Voting Securities”); excluding, however, the following: (A) any acquisition directly from the Company, other than an acquisition by virtue of the exercise of a conversion privilege unless the security being so converted was itself acquired directly from the Company, (B) any acquisition by the Company, (C) any acquisition by any employee benefit plan (or related trust) sponsored or maintained by the Company or any entity controlled by the Company, or (D) any acquisition pursuant to a transaction which complies with Subsections (i), (ii) and (iii) of Subsection (C) of this Section 2.6;

(b) A change in the composition of the Board such that the individuals who, as of the Effective Date, constitute the Board (such Board will be hereinafter referred to as the “Incumbent Board”) cease for any reason to constitute at least a majority of the Board; provided, however, for purposes of this Section 2.6, that any individual who becomes a member of the Board subsequent to the Effective Date, whose election, or nomination for election by the Company’s stockholders, was approved by a vote of at least a majority of those individuals who are members of the Board and who were also members of the Incumbent Board (or deemed to be such pursuant to this proviso) will be considered as though such individual were a member of the Incumbent Board; but, provided further, that any such individual whose initial assumption of office occurs as a result of either an actual or threatened election contest (as such terms are used in Rule 14a-11 of Regulation 14A promulgated under the Exchange Act) or other actual or threatened solicitation of proxies or consents by or on behalf of a Person other than the Board will not be so considered as a member of the Incumbent Board;

(c) Consummation of a reorganization, merger or consolidation, sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company, or acquisition by the Company of the assets or stock of another entity (“Corporate Transaction”); excluding, however, such a Corporate Transaction pursuant to which (i) all or substantially all of the individuals and entities who are the beneficial owners, respectively, of the Outstanding Company Common Stock and Outstanding Company Voting Securities immediately prior to such Corporate Transaction will beneficially own, directly or indirectly, more than sixty percent (60%) of, respectively, the outstanding shares of common stock, and the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities entitled to vote generally in the election of directors, as the case may be, of the corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction (including, without limitation, a corporation which as a result of such transaction owns the Company or all or substantially all of the Company’s assets either directly or through one or more subsidiaries) in substantially the same proportions as their ownership, immediately prior to such Corporate Transaction, of the Outstanding Company Common Stock and Outstanding Company Voting Securities, as the case may be, (ii) no Person (other than the Company, any employee benefit plan (or related trust) of the Company or such corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction) will beneficially own, directly or indirectly, twenty percent (20%) or more of, respectively, the outstanding shares of common stock of the corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction or the combined voting power of the outstanding voting securities of such corporation entitled to vote generally in the election of directors except to the extent that such ownership existed prior to the Corporate Transaction, and (iii) individuals who were members of the Incumbent Board will constitute at least a majority of the members of the board of directors of the corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction; or

(d) The approval by the stockholders of the Company of a complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company.

2.7. Code means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and any successor thereto.

2.8. Committee means the Compensation and Organization Committee of the Board or any other committee of the Board appointed to perform the functions of the Compensation and Organization Committee.

2.9. Company means FMC Corporation, a Delaware corporation, or any successor thereto as provided in Article 10 herein.

2.10. Date of Separation from Service means the date on which a Qualifying Termination occurs.

2.11. Disability means complete and permanent inability by reason of illness or accident to perform the duties of the occupation at which the Executive was employed when such disability commenced.

2.12. Effective Date means the date of the Prior Agreement, but for purposes of the definition of Change in Control means May 1, 2001.

2.13. Exchange Act means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to time, and any successor thereto.

2.14. Good Reason means, without the Executive’s express written consent, the occurrence of any one or more of the following:

(a) The assignment of the Executive to duties materially inconsistent with the Executive’s authorities, duties, responsibilities, and status (including, without limitation, offices, titles and reporting requirements) as an employee of the Company (including, without limitation, any material change in duties or status as a result of the stock of the Company ceasing to be publicly traded or of the Company becoming a subsidiary of another entity), or a reduction or alteration in the nature or status of the Executive’s authorities, duties, or responsibilities from the greatest of (i) those in effect on the Effective Date; (ii) those in effect during the fiscal year immediately preceding the year of the Change in Control; and (iii) those in effect immediately preceding the Change in Control;

(b) The Company’s requiring the Executive to be based at a location which is at least fifty (50) miles further from the Executive’s then current primary residence than is such residence from the office where the Executive is located at the time of the Change in Control, except for required travel on the Company’s business to an extent substantially consistent with the Executive’s business obligations as of the Effective Date or as the same may be changed from time to time prior to a Change in Control;

(c) A reduction by the Company in the Executive’s Base Salary as in effect on the Effective Date or as the same may be increased from time to time;

(d) A material reduction in the Executive’s level of participation in any of the Company’s short- and/or long-term incentive compensation plans, or employee benefit or retirement plans, policies, practices, or arrangements in which the Executive participates from the greatest of the levels in place: (i) on the Effective Date; (ii) during the fiscal year immediately preceding the fiscal year of the Change in Control; and (iii) on the date immediately preceding the date of the Change in Control;

(e) The failure of the Company to obtain a satisfactory agreement from any successor to the Company to assume and agree to perform this Agreement, as contemplated in Article 10 herein; or

(f) Any termination of Executive’s employment by the Company that is not effected pursuant to a Notice of Termination.

The existence of Good Reason will not be affected by the Executive’s temporary incapacity due to physical or mental illness not constituting a Disability. The Executive’s continued employment will not constitute a waiver of the Executive’s rights with respect to any circumstance constituting Good Reason.

2.15. Notice of Termination means a written notice which indicates the specific termination provision in this Agreement relied upon, and sets forth in reasonable detail the facts and circumstances claimed to provide a basis for termination of the Executive’s employment under the provision so indicated.

2.16. Person has the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 3(a)(9) of the Exchange Act and used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d) thereof, including a “group” as provided in Section 13(d).

2.17. Qualifying Termination means any of the events described in Section 3.2 herein, the occurrence of which triggers the payment of Severance Benefits hereunder.

2.18. Separation from Service means the Executive’s termination of employment with the Company, its Affiliates and with each member of the controlled group (within the meaning of Sections 414(b) or (c) of the Code) of which the Company is a member. An Executive will not be treated as having a Separation from Service during any period the Executive’s employment relationship continues, such as a result of a leave of absence, and whether a Separation from Service has occurred shall be determined by the Committee (on a basis consistent with rules under Section 409A) after consideration of all the facts and circumstances, including whether either no further services are to be performed or there is a reasonably anticipated permanent and substantial decrease (e.g., 80% or more) in the level of services to be performed (and the related amount of compensation to be received for such services) below the level of services previously performed (and compensation previously received).

2.19. Severance Benefits means the payment of severance compensation as provided in Section 3.3 herein.

2.20. Trust means the Company grantor trust to be created pursuant to Article 6 of this Agreement.

2.21. Willful means any act or omission by the Executive that was in good faith and without a reasonable belief that the action or omission was in the best interests of the Company or its affiliates. Any act or omission based upon authority given pursuant to a duly adopted Board resolution, or, upon the instructions of any senior officer of the Company, or based upon the advice of counsel for the Company will be conclusively presumed to be taken or omitted by the Executive in good faith and in the best interests of the Company and/or its affiliates.

Article 3. Severance Benefits

3.1. Right to Severance Benefits. The Executive will be entitled to receive from the Company Severance Benefits, as described in Section 3.3 herein, if there has been a Change in Control of the Company and if, by the end of the twenty-fourth (24th) calendar month following the end of the month in which the Change in Control occurs, a Qualifying Termination of the Executive has occurred.

The Executive will not be entitled to receive Severance Benefits if the Executive’s employment is terminated (i) for Cause, (ii) due to a voluntary termination without Good Reason other than during the thirteenth (13th) calendar month following the end of the month in which a Change in Control occurs, or (iii) due to death or Disability other than death or Disability that occurs prior to the end of the thirteenth (13th) calendar month following the end of the month in which a Change in Control occurs.

3.2. Qualifying Termination. A Qualifying Termination shall occur if:

(a) The Executive incurs a Separation from Service because of an involuntary termination of the Executive’s employment by the Company for reasons other than Cause, Disability or death; or

(b) The Executive incurs a Separation from Service because of a voluntary termination by the Executive for Good Reason pursuant to a Notice of Termination delivered to the Company by the Executive;

(c) The Executive incurs a Separation from Service because of a voluntary termination by the Executive without Good Reason within the thirteenth (13th) calendar month following the end of the month in which a Change in Control occurs pursuant to a Notice of Termination delivered to the Company by the Executive; or

(d) The Executive incurs a Separation from Service due to Disability or death by the end of the thirteenth (13th) calendar month following the end of the month in which the Change in Control occurs.

3.3. Description of Severance Benefits. In the event the Executive becomes entitled to receive Severance Benefits, as provided in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 herein, the Company will pay to the Executive (or in the event of the Executive’s death, the Executive’s Beneficiary) and provide him with the following at the time or times provided in this Section 3.3 and Section 4.1 herein:

(a) An amount equal to three (3) times the highest rate of the Executive’s annualized Base Salary in effect at any time up to and including the Date of Separation from Service.

(b) An amount equal to three (3) times the greater of (i) the Executive’s highest annualized target total Management Incentive Award granted under the FMC Corporation Incentive Compensation and Stock Plan for any plan year up to and including the plan year in which the Executive’s Date of Separation from Service occurs, and (ii) the average of the actual total Management Incentive Awards paid (or payable) to the Executive for the two plan years completed immediately preceding the Date of Separation from Service, or for such lesser number of such plan years for which the Executive was eligible to earn a Management Incentive Award, annualized for any year that the Executive was not employed by the Company for the entire plan year. For purposes of determining actual total Management Incentive Awards under the preceding sentence, any amounts the Executive deferred will be treated as if they had been paid to the Executive, rather than deferred.

(c) An amount equal to the Executive’s unpaid Base Salary, and unused and accrued vacation pay, earned or accrued through the Date of Separation from Service.

(d) An amount equal to the target total Management Incentive Award established for the plan year in which the Executive’s Date of Separation from Service occurred, prorated through the Date of Separation from Service.

(e) A continuation of the Company’s welfare benefits of life and accidental death and dismemberment, and disability insurance coverage for three (3) full years after the Date of Separation from Service. These benefits will be provided to the Executive (and to the Executive’s covered spouse and dependents) at the same premium cost, and at the same coverage level, as in effect as of the date of the Change in Control. The continuation of these welfare benefits will be discontinued prior to the end of the three (3) year period if the Executive has available substantially similar benefits at a comparable cost from a subsequent employer, as determined by the Committee.

(f) For a period of three (3) full years following the Date of Separation from Service, the Company shall provide medical insurance for the Executive (and the Executive’s covered spouse and dependents) at the same premium cost, and at the same coverage level, as in effect as of the date of the Change in Control. The continuation of this medical insurance will be discontinued prior to the end of the three (3) year period if the Executive has available substantially similar medical insurance at a comparable cost from a subsequent employer, as determined by the Committee. The date that medical benefits provided in this paragraph cease to be provided under this paragraph will be the date of the Executive’s qualifying event for continuation coverage purposes under Code Section 4980B(f)(3)(B). The right to medical insurance pursuant to this Section 3.3(f) in a calendar year shall not affect the Executive’s right to any benefits in another calendar year.

Awards granted under the FMC Corporation Incentive Compensation and Stock Plan, and other incentive arrangements adopted by the Company will be treated pursuant to the terms of the applicable plan.

The aggregate benefits accrued by the Executive as of the Date of Separation from Service under the FMC Corporation Salaried Employees’ Retirement Program, the FMC Corporation Savings and Investment Plan, the FMC Corporation Salaried Employees’ Equivalent Retirement Plan, the FMC Corporation Non-Qualified Savings and Investment Plan and other savings and retirement plans sponsored by the Company will be distributed pursuant to the terms of the applicable plan.

Following a Change in Control, for purposes of benefit calculation only under the Company’s nonqualified retirement plans with respect to benefits that have not been paid prior to such Change in Control, it will be assumed that the Executive’s employment continued following the Date of Separation from Service for three (3) full years (i.e., three (3) additional years of age and service credits will be added); provided, however, that for purposes of determining “final average pay” under such programs, the Executive’s actual pay history as of the Date of Separation from Service will be used.

3.4. Termination for Disability. If the Executive’s employment is terminated due to Disability, the Executive will receive the Executive’s Base Salary through the Date of Separation from Service; the Executive’s benefits will be determined in accordance with the Company’s disability, retirement, survivor’s benefits, insurance and other applicable plans and programs then in effect; and, if such termination occurs after a Change in Control and prior to the thirteenth (13th) calendar month following the month in which the Change in Control occurs, the Executive will receive the Severance Benefits described in Section 3.3. If the Executive’s employment is terminated due to Disability after the thirteenth (13th) calendar month following the month in which a Change in Control occurs, he will not be entitled to the Severance Benefits described in Section 3.3.

3.5. Termination upon Death. If the Executive’s employment is terminated due to death, the Executive’s benefits will be determined in accordance with the Company’s retirement, survivor’s benefits, insurance and other applicable programs of the Company then in effect; and, if such termination occurs after a Change in Control and prior to the thirteenth (13th) calendar month following the month in which the Change in Control occurs, Executive will receive the Severance Benefits described in Section 3.3. If the Executive’s employment is terminated due to death after the thirteenth (13th) calendar month following the month in which a Change in Control occurs, neither the Executive’s estate nor the Executive’s Beneficiary will be entitled to the Severance Benefits described in Section 3.3.

3.6. Termination for Cause, or Other Than for Good Reason. Following a Change in Control of the Company, if the Executive’s employment is terminated either: (a) by the Company for Cause; or (b) by the Executive (other than for Good Reason), the Company will pay the Executive an amount equal to the Executive’s Base Salary and accrued vacation through the Date of Separation from Service, at the rate then in effect, plus all other amounts to which the Executive is entitled under any plans of the Company, at the time such payments are due and the Company will have no further obligations to the Executive under this Agreement.

3.7. Notice of Termination. Any termination of employment by the Company or by the Executive for Good Reason or during the thirteenth (13th) calendar month following the month in which a Change in Control occurs will be communicated by a Notice of Termination.

Article 4. Form and Timing of Severance Benefits

4.1. Form and Timing of Severance Benefits. Subject to Section 4.3, the Severance Benefits described in this Agreement shall be paid in a lump sum or shall commence, as applicable, as soon as practicable following, but in no event beyond thirty (30) days after, the Executive’s Separation from Service.

4.2. Withholding of Taxes. The Company will be entitled to withhold from any amounts payable under this Agreement all taxes as it may believe are reasonably required to be withheld (including, without limitation, any United States federal taxes and any other state, city, or local taxes).

4.3. Mandatory Deferral Rule. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, any payment that constitutes the deferral of compensation (within the meaning of Treasury Regulation Section 1.409A-1(b)) that is otherwise required to be made to the Executive prior to the day after the date that is six months from the Date of Separation from Service shall be accumulated, deferred and paid in a lump sum to the Executive (with interest on the amount deferred from the Date of Separation from Service until the day prior to the actual payment at the federal short-term rate on the Date of Separation from Service) on the day after the date that is six months from the Date of Separation from Service; provided, however, if Executive dies prior to the expiration of such six month period, payment to the Executive’s Beneficiary shall be made as soon as practicable following the Executive’s death.

Article 5. Excise Tax Equalization Payment

5.1. Excise Tax Equalization Payment. In the event that the Executive (or the Executive’s Beneficiary, if applicable) becomes entitled to Severance Benefits or any other payment or benefit under this Agreement, or under any other agreement with or plan of the Company as a result of the Executive’s Separation from Service (in the aggregate, the “Total Payments”), if all or any part of the Total Payments will be subject to the tax imposed by Section 4999 of the Code (or any similar tax that may hereafter be imposed), (the “Excise Tax”) the Company will pay to the Executive in cash an additional amount (the “Gross-Up Payment”) such that the net amount retained by the Executive after deduction of any Excise Tax upon the Total Payments and any federal, state, and local income taxes, penalties, interest, and Excise Tax upon the Gross-Up Payment provided for by this Section 5.1 (including FICA and FUTA), will be equal to the Total Payments.

5.2. Tax Computation. All determinations of whether any of the Total Payments will be subject to the Excise Tax, the amounts of such Excise Tax, whether and when a Gross-Up Payment is required, the amount of such Gross-Up Payment and the assumptions to be used in arriving at such determinations, shall be made by a nationally recognized certified public accounting firm that does not serve as an accountant or auditor for any individual, entity or group effecting the Change in Control as designated by the Company (the “Accounting Firm”). The

Accounting Firm will provide detailed supporting calculations to the Company and the Executive within fifteen (15) business days of the receipt of notice from the Executive or the Company requesting a calculation hereunder. Subject to Section 4.3, the Gross-Up Payment will be made by the Company to the Executive as soon as practical following the Accounting Firm’s determination of the Gross-Up Payment, but in no event beyond thirty (30) days from the Date of Separation from Service. All fees and expenses of the Accounting Firm will be paid by the Company.

For purposes of determining the amount of the Gross-Up Payment, the Executive will be deemed to pay federal income taxes at the highest marginal rate of federal income taxation in the calendar year in which the Gross-Up Payment is to be made, and state and local income taxes at the highest marginal rate of taxation in the state and locality of the Executive’s residence on the Date of Separation from Service, net of the maximum reduction in federal income taxes which could be obtained from deduction of such state and local taxes.

5.3. Subsequent Recalculation. In the event the Internal Revenue Service adjusts the computations to be made pursuant to Section 5.2 herein, and as a result of such adjustment the Gross-Up Payment made to the Executive is less than the greatest Gross-Up Payment that the Executive is entitled to receive under Section 5.2, the Company will pay to the Executive an amount equal to the difference between the greatest Gross-Up Payment the Executive is entitled to receive, and the Gross-Up Payment initially made to the Executive, plus interest at the federal short-term rate, compounded annually, on the date the first Gross-Up Payment is made, for the period commencing on the date the first Gross-Up Payment is made, and ending on the day immediately preceding the date the subsequent Gross-Up Payment is made (the “Excess Payment”). The Excess Payment must be made by the end of the year in which the Internal Revenue Service adjusts the computations made pursuant to Section 5.2.

Article 6. Establishment of Trust

As soon as practicable following the Effective Date hereof, the Company will create a domestic Trust (which will be a grantor trust within the meaning of Sections 671-678 of the Code) for the benefit of the Executive and Beneficiaries, as appropriate. The Trust will have a Trustee as selected by the Company, and will have certain restrictions as to the Company’s ability to amend the Trust or cancel benefits provided thereunder. Any assets contained in the Trust will, at all times, be specifically subject to the claims of the Company’s general creditors in the event of bankruptcy or insolvency; such terms to be specifically defined within the provisions of the Trust, along with the required procedure for notifying the Trustee of any bankruptcy or insolvency.

At any time following the Effective Date hereof, the Company may, but is not obligated to, deposit assets in the Trust in an amount equal to or less than the aggregate Severance Benefits which may become due to the Executive under Sections 3.3 (a), (b), (c) and (d) and 5.1 of this Agreement.

As soon as practicable after the Company has knowledge that a Change in Control is imminent, but no later than the day immediately preceding the date of the Change in Control, the Company will deposit assets in such Trust in an amount equal to the estimated aggregate Severance

Benefits which may become due to the Executive under Sections 3.3 (a), (b), (c) and (d), 5.1 and 8.1 of this Agreement. Such deposited amounts will be reviewed and increased, if necessary, every six (6) months following a Change in Control to reflect the Executive’s estimated aggregate Severance Benefits at such time.

Article 7. The Company’s Payment Obligation

The Company’s obligation to make the payments and the arrangements provided for herein will be absolute and unconditional, and will not be affected by any circumstances, including, without limitation, any offset, counterclaim, recoupment, defense, or other right which the Company may have against the Executive or anyone else. All amounts payable by the Company hereunder will be paid without notice or demand. Each and every payment made hereunder by the Company will be final, and the Company will not seek to recover all or any part of such payment from the Executive or from whomsoever may be entitled thereto, for any reasons whatsoever.

The Executive will not be obligated to seek other employment in mitigation of the amounts payable or arrangements made under any provision of this Agreement, and the obtaining of any such other employment will in no event effect any reduction of the Company’s obligations to make the payments and arrangements required to be made under this Agreement, except to the extent provided in Sections 3.3(e) and (f) herein. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, if Severance Benefits are paid under this Agreement, no severance benefits under any program of the Company, other than benefits described in this Agreement, will be paid to the Executive.

Article 8. Fees and Expenses

To the extent permitted by law, the Company will pay as incurred (within ten (10) days following receipt of an invoice from the Executive) all legal fees, costs of litigation, prejudgment interest, and other expenses incurred in good faith by the Executive as a result of the Company’s refusal to provide the Severance Benefits to which the Executive becomes entitled under this Agreement, or as a result of the Company’s contesting the validity, enforceability, or interpretation of this Agreement, or as a result of any conflict (including, without limitation, conflicts related to the calculations under Section 5 hereof) between the parties pertaining to this Agreement; provided, however, that the Company will reimburse the Executive only for such expenses arising out of litigation commenced within three years following the Executive’s Separation from Service. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Article 8, the Company will reimburse the Executive only for expenses incurred prior to the end of the fifth year following the Executive’s Separation from Service and any reimbursement must be made on or before the last day of the year following the year in which the expense was incurred.

Article 9. Outplacement Assistance

Following a Qualifying Termination, other than a voluntary termination by the Executive during the thirteenth (13 th) calendar month following the month in which a Change in Control occurs (as described in Section 3.2 herein), the Executive will be reimbursed by the Company for the costs of all outplacement services obtained by the Executive within the two (2) year period after the Date of Separation from Service; provided, however, that reimbursements must be made by the end of the third year following the Date of Separation from Service and the total reimbursement for such outplacement services will be limited to an amount equal to fifteen percent (15%) of the Executive’s Base Salary as of the Date of Separation from Service.

Article 10. Successors and Assignment

10.1. Successors to the Company. The Company will require any successor (whether direct or indirect, by purchase, merger, consolidation, or otherwise) of all or substantially all of the business and/or assets of the Company or of any division or subsidiary thereof to expressly assume and agree to perform the Company’s obligations under this Agreement in the same manner and to the same extent that the Company would be required to perform them if no such succession had taken place.

10.2. Assignment by the Executive. This Agreement will inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Executive’s personal or legal representatives, executors, administrators, successors, heirs, distributees, devisees, and legatees. If the Executive dies while any amount would still be payable to him hereunder had he continued to live, all such amounts, unless otherwise provided herein, will be paid in accordance with the terms of this Agreement to the Executive’s Beneficiary. If the Executive has not named a Beneficiary, then such amounts will be paid to the Executive’s devisee, legatee, or other designee, or if there is no such designee, to the Executive’s estate, and such designee, or the Executive’s estate will be treated as the Beneficiary hereunder.

Article 11. Miscellaneous

11.1. Employment Status. Except as may be provided under any other agreement between the Executive and the Company, the employment of the Executive by the Company is “at will,” and may be terminated by either the Executive or the Company at any time, subject to applicable law.

11.2. Beneficiaries. The Executive may designate one or more persons or entities as the primary and/or contingent Beneficiaries of any Severance Benefits, including, without limitation, payments under Section 5 hereof, owing to the Executive under this Agreement. Such designation must be in the form of a signed writing acceptable to the Committee. The Executive may make or change such designations at any time.

11.3. Severability. In the event any provision of this Agreement will be held illegal or invalid for any reason, the illegality or invalidity will not affect the remaining parts of the Agreement, and the Agreement will be construed and enforced as if the illegal or invalid provision had not been included. Further, the captions of this Agreement are not part of the provisions hereof and will have no force and effect.

11.4. Modification. No provision of this Agreement may be modified, waived, or discharged unless such modification, waiver, or discharge is agreed to in writing and signed by the Executive and by an authorized member of the Committee, or by the respective parties’ legal representatives and successors.

11.5. Applicable Law. To the extent not preempted by the laws of the United States, the laws of the state of Delaware will be the controlling law in all matters relating to this Agreement.

11.6. Indemnification. To the full extent permitted by law, the Company will, both during and after the period of the Executive’s employment, indemnify the Executive (including by advancing him expenses) for any judgments, fines, amounts paid in settlement and reasonable expenses, including any attorneys’ fees, incurred by the Executive in connection with the defense of any lawsuit or other claim to which he is made a party by reason of being (or having been) an officer, director or employee of the Company or any of its subsidiaries. The Executive will be covered by director and officer liability insurance to the maximum extent that that insurance covers any officer or director (or former officer or director) of the Company.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this amended and restated Agreement on this 1st day of November, 2008.


FMC Corporation   Executive:  

/S/    KENNETH R. GARRETT         


/S/    WILLIAM G. WALTER         

  Kenneth R. Garrett        
Its:   Vice President Human Resources & Corporate Communications        

/S/    THERESA M. KLAISS         

EX-10.13 14 dex1013.htm EXECUTIVE SEVERANCE AGREEMENT - W. KIM FOSTER Executive Severance Agreement - W. Kim Foster

Exhibit 10.13


FMC Corporation

Executive Severance Agreement

THIS AMENDED AND RESTATED AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the 31st day of December, 2008, by and between FMC Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and William K. Foster (hereinafter referred to as the “Executive”) (the “Agreement”).

WHEREAS, the Executive is currently a party to an Executive Severance Agreement with the Company dated December 31, 2001 (the “Prior Agreement”);

WHEREAS, as a result of the enactment of Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (“Section 409A”), certain amounts that may be paid under the Prior Agreement could subject the Executive to adverse tax consequences unless the Prior Agreement is amended to comply with Section 409A; and

WHEREAS, the Executive and the Company desire that the Prior Agreement be amended and that the terms of this Agreement will completely replace and supersede the provisions of the Prior Agreement and any other prior executive severance agreement with the Company.

NOW THEREFORE, to assure the Company that it will have the continued dedication of the Executive and the availability of the Executive’s advice and counsel notwithstanding the possibility, threat, or occurrence of a Change in Control of the Company, and to induce the Executive to remain in the employ of the Company, and for other good and valuable consideration, the Company and Executive agree to the amendment and restatement of the Prior Agreement as follows:

Article 1. Establishment, Term, and Purpose

This Agreement is effective from the Effective Date and will continue in effect for a three (3) year term, until the third anniversary of the Effective Date. Upon each anniversary of the Effective Date, the term of this Agreement will be extended automatically for one (1) additional year, unless the Committee delivers written notice six (6) months prior to such anniversary to the Executive that this Agreement will not be extended. In such case, this Agreement will terminate at the end of the term, or extended term, then in progress.

However, in the event a Change in Control occurs during the original or any extended term, this Agreement will remain in effect for the longer of: (i) twenty-four (24) months beyond the end of the month in which such Change in Control occurred; and (ii) until all obligations of the Company hereunder have been fulfilled, and until all benefits required hereunder have been paid to the Executive.


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Article 2. Definitions

Whenever used in this Agreement, the following terms will have the meanings set forth below and, when the meaning is intended, the initial letter of the word is capitalized.

2.1. Affiliate means a corporation or other entity controlled by, controlling or under common control with the Company, including, without limitation, any corporation partnership, joint venture or other entity during any period in which at least a fifty percent (50%) voting or profits interest is owned, directly or indirectly, by the Company or any successor to the Company.

2.2. Base Salary means the salary of record paid to an Executive as annual salary, excluding amounts received under incentive or other bonus plans, whether or not deferred.

2.3. Beneficiary means the persons or entities designated or deemed designated by the Executive pursuant to Section 11.2 herein.

2.4. Board means the Board of Directors of the Company.

2.5. Cause means:

(a) the Executive’s Willful and continued failure to substantially perform the Executive’s employment duties in any material respect (other than any such failure resulting from physical or mental incapacity or occurring after issuance by the Executive of a Notice of Termination for Good Reason), after a written demand for substantial performance is delivered to the Executive that specifically identifies the manner in which the Company believes the Executive has failed to perform the Executive’s duties, and after the Executive has failed to resume substantial performance of the Executive’s duties on a continuous basis within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving such demand;

(b) the Executive’s Willfully engaging in conduct (other than conduct covered under (a) above) which is demonstrably and materially injurious to the Company or an Affiliate; or

(c) the Executive’s having been convicted of, or pleading guilty or nolo contendere to, a felony under federal or state law on or prior to a Change in Control.

2.6. Change in Control means the happening of any of the following events:

(a) An acquisition by any Person of beneficial ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act) of twenty percent (20%) or more of either (i) the then outstanding shares of common stock of the Company (the “Outstanding Company Common Stock”) or (ii) the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities of the Company entitled to vote generally in the election of directors (the “Outstanding Company Voting Securities”); excluding, however, the following: (A) any acquisition directly from the Company, other than an acquisition by virtue of the exercise of a conversion privilege unless the security being so converted was itself acquired directly from the Company, (B) any acquisition by the Company, (C) any acquisition by any employee benefit plan (or related trust) sponsored or maintained by the Company or any entity controlled by the Company, or (D) any acquisition pursuant to a transaction which complies with Subsections (i), (ii) and (iii) of Subsection (C) of this Section 2.6;


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(b) A change in the composition of the Board such that the individuals who, as of the Effective Date, constitute the Board (such Board will be hereinafter referred to as the “Incumbent Board”) cease for any reason to constitute at least a majority of the Board; provided, however, for purposes of this Section 2.6, that any individual who becomes a member of the Board subsequent to the Effective Date, whose election, or nomination for election by the Company’s stockholders, was approved by a vote of at least a majority of those individuals who are members of the Board and who were also members of the Incumbent Board (or deemed to be such pursuant to this proviso) will be considered as though such individual were a member of the Incumbent Board; but, provided further, that any such individual whose initial assumption of office occurs as a result of either an actual or threatened election contest (as such terms are used in Rule 14a-11 of Regulation 14A promulgated under the Exchange Act) or other actual or threatened solicitation of proxies or consents by or on behalf of a Person other than the Board will not be so considered as a member of the Incumbent Board;

(c) Consummation of a reorganization, merger or consolidation, sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company, or acquisition by the Company of the assets or stock of another entity (“Corporate Transaction”); excluding, however, such a Corporate Transaction pursuant to which (i) all or substantially all of the individuals and entities who are the beneficial owners, respectively, of the Outstanding Company Common Stock and Outstanding Company Voting Securities immediately prior to such Corporate Transaction will beneficially own, directly or indirectly, more than sixty percent (60%) of, respectively, the outstanding shares of common stock, and the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities entitled to vote generally in the election of directors, as the case may be, of the corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction (including, without limitation, a corporation which as a result of such transaction owns the Company or all or substantially all of the Company’s assets either directly or through one or more subsidiaries) in substantially the same proportions as their ownership, immediately prior to such Corporate Transaction, of the Outstanding Company Common Stock and Outstanding Company Voting Securities, as the case may be, (ii) no Person (other than the Company, any employee benefit plan (or related trust) of the Company or such corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction) will beneficially own, directly or indirectly, twenty percent (20%) or more of, respectively, the outstanding shares of common stock of the corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction or the combined voting power of the outstanding voting securities of such corporation entitled to vote generally in the election of directors except to the extent that such ownership existed prior to the Corporate Transaction, and (iii) individuals who were members of the Incumbent Board will constitute at least a majority of the members of the board of directors of the corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction; or

(d) The approval by the stockholders of the Company of a complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company.


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2.7. Code means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and any successor thereto.

2.8. Committee means the Compensation and Organization Committee of the Board or any other committee of the Board appointed to perform the functions of the Compensation and Organization Committee.

2.9. Company means FMC Corporation, a Delaware corporation, or any successor thereto as provided in Article 10 herein.

2.10. Date of Separation from Service means the date on which a Qualifying Termination occurs.

2.11. Disability means complete and permanent inability by reason of illness or accident to perform the duties of the occupation at which the Executive was employed when such disability commenced.

2.12. Effective Date means the date of the Prior Agreement, but for purposes of the definition of Change in Control means May 1, 2001.

2.13. Exchange Act means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to time, and any successor thereto.

2.14. Good Reason means, without the Executive’s express written consent, the occurrence of any one or more of the following:

(a) The assignment of the Executive to duties materially inconsistent with the Executive’s authorities, duties, responsibilities, and status (including, without limitation, offices, titles and reporting requirements) as an employee of the Company (including, without limitation, any material change in duties or status as a result of the stock of the Company ceasing to be publicly traded or of the Company becoming a subsidiary of another entity), or a reduction or alteration in the nature or status of the Executive’s authorities, duties, or responsibilities from the greatest of (i) those in effect on the Effective Date; (ii) those in effect during the fiscal year immediately preceding the year of the Change in Control; and (iii) those in effect immediately preceding the Change in Control;

(b) The Company’s requiring the Executive to be based at a location which is at least fifty (50) miles further from the Executive’s then current primary residence than is such residence from the office where the Executive is located at the time of the Change in Control, except for required travel on the Company’s business to an extent substantially consistent with the Executive’s business obligations as of the Effective Date or as the same may be changed from time to time prior to a Change in Control;

(c) A reduction by the Company in the Executive’s Base Salary as in effect on the Effective Date or as the same may be increased from time to time;


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(d) A material reduction in the Executive’s level of participation in any of the Company’s short- and/or long-term incentive compensation plans, or employee benefit or retirement plans, policies, practices, or arrangements in which the Executive participates from the greatest of the levels in place: (i) on the Effective Date; (ii) during the fiscal year immediately preceding the fiscal year of the Change in Control; and (iii) on the date immediately preceding the date of the Change in Control;

(e) The failure of the Company to obtain a satisfactory agreement from any successor to the Company to assume and agree to perform this Agreement, as contemplated in Article 10 herein; or

(f) Any termination of Executive’s employment by the Company that is not effected pursuant to a Notice of Termination.

The existence of Good Reason will not be affected by the Executive’s temporary incapacity due to physical or mental illness not constituting a Disability. The Executive’s continued employment will not constitute a waiver of the Executive’s rights with respect to any circumstance constituting Good Reason.

2.15. Notice of Termination means a written notice which indicates the specific termination provision in this Agreement relied upon, and sets forth in reasonable detail the facts and circumstances claimed to provide a basis for termination of the Executive’s employment under the provision so indicated.

2.16. Person has the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 3(a)(9) of the Exchange Act and used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d) thereof, including a “group” as provided in Section 13(d).

2.17. Qualifying Termination means any of the events described in Section 3.2 herein, the occurrence of which triggers the payment of Severance Benefits hereunder.

2.18. Separation from Service means the Executive’s termination of employment with the Company, its Affiliates and with each member of the controlled group (within the meaning of Sections 414(b) or (c) of the Code) of which the Company is a member. An Executive will not be treated as having a Separation from Service during any period the Executive’s employment relationship continues, such as a result of a leave of absence, and whether a Separation from Service has occurred shall be determined by the Committee (on a basis consistent with rules under Section 409A) after consideration of all the facts and circumstances, including whether either no further services are to be performed or there is a reasonably anticipated permanent and substantial decrease (e.g., 80% or more) in the level of services to be performed (and the related amount of compensation to be received for such services) below the level of services previously performed (and compensation previously received).

2.19. Severance Benefits means the payment of severance compensation as provided in Section 3.3 herein.

2.20. Trust means the Company grantor trust to be created pursuant to Article 6 of this Agreement.


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2.21. Willful means any act or omission by the Executive that was in good faith and without a reasonable belief that the action or omission was in the best interests of the Company or its affiliates. Any act or omission based upon authority given pursuant to a duly adopted Board resolution, or, upon the instructions of any senior officer of the Company, or based upon the advice of counsel for the Company will be conclusively presumed to be taken or omitted by the Executive in good faith and in the best interests of the Company and/or its affiliates.

Article 3. Severance Benefits

3.1. Right to Severance Benefits. The Executive will be entitled to receive from the Company Severance Benefits, as described in Section 3.3 herein, if there has been a Change in Control of the Company and if, by the end of the twenty-fourth (24th) calendar month following the end of the month in which the Change in Control occurs, a Qualifying Termination of the Executive has occurred.

The Executive will not be entitled to receive Severance Benefits if the Executive’s employment is terminated (i) for Cause, (ii) due to a voluntary termination without Good Reason, or (iii) due to death or Disability.

3.2. Qualifying Termination. A Qualifying Termination shall occur if:

(a) The Executive incurs a Separation from Service because of an involuntary termination of the Executive’s employment by the Company for reasons other than Cause, Disability or death ; or

(b) The Executive incurs a Separation from Service because of a voluntary termination by the Executive for Good Reason pursuant to a Notice of Termination delivered to the Company by the Executive.

3.3. Description of Severance Benefits. In the event the Executive becomes entitled to receive Severance Benefits, as provided in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 herein, the Company will pay to the Executive (or in the event of the Executive’s death, the Executive’s Beneficiary) and provide him with the following at the time or times provided in this Section 3.3 and Section 4.1 herein:

(a) An amount equal to three (3) times the highest rate of the Executive’s annualized Base Salary in effect at any time up to and including the Date of Separation from Service.

(b) An amount equal to three (3) times the greater of (i) the Executive’s highest annualized target total Management Incentive Award granted under the FMC Corporation Incentive Compensation and Stock Plan for any plan year up to and including the plan year in which the Executive’s Date of Separation from Service occurs, and (ii) the average of the actual total Management Incentive Awards paid (or payable) to the Executive for the two plan years completed immediately preceding the Date of Separation from Service, or for such lesser number of such plan years for which the Executive was eligible to earn a Management Incentive Award, annualized for any year that the Executive was not employed by the Company for the entire plan year. For purposes of determining actual total Management Incentive Awards under the preceding sentence, any amounts the Executive deferred will be treated as if they had been paid to the Executive, rather than deferred.


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(c) An amount equal to the Executive’s unpaid Base Salary, and unused and accrued vacation pay, earned or accrued through the Date of Separation from Service.

(d) An amount equal to the target total Management Incentive Award established for the plan year in which the Executive’s Date of Separation from Service occurred, prorated through the Date of Separation from Service.

(e) A continuation of the Company’s welfare benefits of life and accidental death and dismemberment, and disability insurance coverage for three (3) full years after the Date of Separation from Service. These benefits will be provided to the Executive (and to the Executive’s covered spouse and dependents) at the same premium cost, and at the same coverage level, as in effect as of the date of the Change in Control. The continuation of these welfare benefits will be discontinued prior to the end of the three (3) year period if the Executive has available substantially similar benefits at a comparable cost from a subsequent employer, as determined by the Committee.

(f) For a period of three (3) full years following the Date of Separation from Service, the Company shall provide medical insurance for the Executive (and the Executive’s covered spouse and dependents) at the same premium cost, and at the same coverage level, as in effect as of the date of the Change in Control. The continuation of this medical insurance will be discontinued prior to the end of the three (3) year period if the Executive has available substantially similar medical insurance at a comparable cost from a subsequent employer, as determined by the Committee. The date that medical benefits provided in this paragraph cease to be provided under this paragraph will be the date of the Executive’s qualifying event for continuation coverage purposes under Code Section 4980B(f)(3)(B). The right to medical insurance pursuant to this Section 3.3(f) in a calendar year shall not affect the Executive’s right to any benefits in another calendar year.

Awards granted under the FMC Corporation Incentive Compensation and Stock Plan, and other incentive arrangements adopted by the Company will be treated pursuant to the terms of the applicable plan.

The aggregate benefits accrued by the Executive as of the Date of Separation from Service under the FMC Corporation Salaried Employees’ Retirement Program, the FMC Corporation Savings and Investment Plan, the FMC Corporation Salaried Employees’ Equivalent Retirement Plan, the FMC Corporation Non-Qualified Savings and Investment Plan and other savings and retirement plans sponsored by the Company will be distributed pursuant to the terms of the applicable plan.

Following a Change in Control, for purposes of benefit calculation only under the Company’s nonqualified retirement plans with respect to benefits that have not been paid prior to such Change in Control, it will be assumed that the Executive’s employment continued following the Date of Separation from Service for three (3) full years (i.e., three (3) additional years of age and service credits will be added); provided, however, that for purposes of determining “final average pay” under such programs, the Executive’s actual pay history as of the Date of Separation from Service will be used.


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3.4. Termination for Disability. If the Executive’s employment is terminated due to Disability, the Executive will receive the Executive’s Base Salary through the Date of Separation from Service, and the Executive’s benefits will be determined in accordance with the Company’s disability, retirement, survivor’s benefits, insurance and other applicable plans and programs then in effect. If the Executive’s employment is terminated due to Disability, he will not be entitled to the Severance Benefits described in Section 3.3.

3.5. Termination upon Death. If the Executive’s employment is terminated due to death, the Executive’s benefits will be determined in accordance with the Company’s retirement, survivor’s benefits, insurance and other applicable programs of the Company then in effect. If the Executive’s employment is terminated due to death, neither the Executive’s estate nor the Executive’s Beneficiary will be entitled to the Severance Benefits described in Section 3.3.

3.6. Termination for Cause, or Other Than for Good Reason. Following a Change in Control of the Company, if the Executive’s employment is terminated either: (a) by the Company for Cause; or (b) by the Executive (other than for Good Reason), the Company will pay the Executive an amount equal to the Executive’s Base Salary and accrued vacation through the Date of Separation from Service, at the rate then in effect, plus all other amounts to which the Executive is entitled under any plans of the Company, at the time such payments are due and the Company will have no further obligations to the Executive under this Agreement.

3.7. Notice of Termination. Any termination of employment by the Company or by the Executive for Good Reason will be communicated by a Notice of Termination.

Article 4. Form and Timing of Severance Benefits

4.1. Form and Timing of Severance Benefits. Subject to Section 4.3, the Severance Benefits described in this Agreement shall be paid in a lump sum or shall commence, as applicable, as soon as practicable following, but in no event beyond thirty (30) days after, the Executive’s Separation from Service.

4.2. Withholding of Taxes. The Company will be entitled to withhold from any amounts payable under this Agreement all taxes as it may believe are reasonably required to be withheld (including, without limitation, any United States federal taxes and any other state, city, or local taxes).

4.3. Mandatory Deferral Rule. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, any payment that constitutes the deferral of compensation (within the meaning of Treasury Regulation Section 1.409A-1(b)) that is otherwise required to be made to the Executive prior to the day after the date that is six months from the Date of Separation from Service shall be accumulated, deferred and paid in a lump sum to the Executive (with interest on the amount deferred from the Date of Separation from Service until the day prior to the actual payment at the federal short-term rate on the Date of Separation from Service) on the day after the date that is six months from the Date of Separation from Service; provided, however, if Executive dies prior to the expiration of such six month period, payment to the Executive’s Beneficiary shall be made as soon as practicable following the Executive’s death.


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Article 5. Excise Tax Equalization Payment

5.1. Excise Tax Equalization Payment. In the event that the Executive (or the Executive’s Beneficiary, if applicable) becomes entitled to Severance Benefits or any other payment or benefit under this Agreement, or under any other agreement with or plan of the Company as a result of the Executive’s Separation from Service (in the aggregate, the “Total Payments”), if all or any part of the Total Payments will be subject to the tax imposed by Section 4999 of the Code (or any similar tax that may hereafter be imposed), (the “Excise Tax”) the Company will pay to the Executive in cash an additional amount (the “Gross-Up Payment”) such that the net amount retained by the Executive after deduction of any Excise Tax upon the Total Payments and any federal, state, and local income taxes, penalties, interest, and Excise Tax upon the Gross-Up Payment provided for by this Section 5.1 (including FICA and FUTA), will be equal to the Total Payments.

5.2. Tax Computation. All determinations of whether any of the Total Payments will be subject to the Excise Tax, the amounts of such Excise Tax, whether and when a Gross-Up Payment is required, the amount of such Gross-Up Payment and the assumptions to be used in arriving at such determinations, shall be made by a nationally recognized certified public accounting firm that does not serve as an accountant or auditor for any individual, entity or group effecting the Change in Control as designated by the Company (the “Accounting Firm”). The Accounting Firm will provide detailed supporting calculations to the Company and the Executive within fifteen (15) business days of the receipt of notice from the Executive or the Company requesting a calculation hereunder. Subject the Section 4.3, the Gross-Up Payment will be made by the Company to the Executive as soon as practical following the Accounting Firm’s determination of the Gross-Up Payment, but in no event beyond thirty (30) days from the Date of Separation from Service. All fees and expenses of the Accounting Firm will be paid by the Company.

For purposes of determining the amount of the Gross-Up Payment, the Executive will be deemed to pay federal income taxes at the highest marginal rate of federal income taxation in the calendar year in which the Gross-Up Payment is to be made, and state and local income taxes at the highest marginal rate of taxation in the state and locality of the Executive’s residence on the Date of Separation from Service, net of the maximum reduction in federal income taxes which could be obtained from deduction of such state and local taxes.

5.3. Subsequent Recalculation. In the event the Internal Revenue Service adjusts the computations to be made pursuant to Section 5.2 herein, and as a result of such adjustment the Gross-Up Payment made to the Executive is less than the greatest Gross-Up Payment that the Executive is entitled to receive under Section 5.2, the Company will pay to the Executive an amount equal to the difference between the greatest Gross-Up Payment the Executive is entitled to receive, and the Gross-Up Payment initially made to the Executive, plus interest at the federal short-term rate, compounded annually, on the date the first Gross-Up Payment is made, for the period commencing on the date the first Gross-Up Payment is made, and ending on the day immediately preceding the date the subsequent Gross-Up Payment is made (the “Excess Payment”). The Excess Payment must be made by the end of the year in which the Internal Revenue Service adjusts the computations made pursuant to Section 5.2.


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Article 6. Establishment of Trust

As soon as practicable following the Effective Date hereof, the Company will create a domestic Trust (which will be a grantor trust within the meaning of Sections 671-678 of the Code) for the benefit of the Executive and Beneficiaries, as appropriate. The Trust will have a Trustee as selected by the Company, and will have certain restrictions as to the Company’s ability to amend the Trust or cancel benefits provided thereunder. Any assets contained in the Trust will, at all times, be specifically subject to the claims of the Company’s general creditors in the event of bankruptcy or insolvency; such terms to be specifically defined within the provisions of the Trust, along with the required procedure for notifying the Trustee of any bankruptcy or insolvency.

At any time following the Effective Date hereof, the Company may, but is not obligated to, deposit assets in the Trust in an amount equal to or less than the aggregate Severance Benefits which may become due to the Executive under Sections 3.3 (a), (b), (c) and (d) and 5.1 of this Agreement.

As soon as practicable after the Company has knowledge that a Change in Control is imminent, but no later than the day immediately preceding the date of the Change in Control, the Company will deposit assets in such Trust in an amount equal to the estimated aggregate Severance Benefits which may become due to the Executive under Sections 3.3 (a), (b), (c) and (d) and 5.1 of this Agreement. Such deposited amounts will be reviewed and increased, if necessary, every six (6) months following a Change in Control to reflect the Executive’s estimated aggregate Severance Benefits at such time.

Article 7. The Company’s Payment Obligation

The Company’s obligation to make the payments and the arrangements provided for herein will be absolute and unconditional, and will not be affected by any circumstances, including, without limitation, any offset, counterclaim, recoupment, defense, or other right which the Company may have against the Executive or anyone else. All amounts payable by the Company hereunder will be paid without notice or demand. Each and every payment made hereunder by the Company will be final, and the Company will not seek to recover all or any part of such payment from the Executive or from whomsoever may be entitled thereto, for any reasons whatsoever.

The Executive will not be obligated to seek other employment in mitigation of the amounts payable or arrangements made under any provision of this Agreement, and the obtaining of any such other employment will in no event effect any reduction of the Company’s obligations to make the payments and arrangements required to be made under this Agreement, except to the extent provided in Sections 3.3(e) and (f) herein. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, if Severance Benefits are paid under this Agreement, no severance benefits under any program of the Company, other than benefits described in this Agreement, will be paid to the Executive.


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Article 8. Fees and Expenses

To the extent permitted by law, the Company will pay as incurred (within ten (10) days following receipt of an invoice from the Executive) all legal fees, costs of litigation, prejudgment interest, and other expenses incurred in good faith by the Executive as a result of the Company’s refusal to provide the Severance Benefits to which the Executive becomes entitled under this Agreement, or as a result of the Company’s contesting the validity, enforceability, or interpretation of this Agreement, or as a result of any conflict (including, without limitation, conflicts related to the calculations under Section 5 hereof) between the parties pertaining to this Agreement; provided, however, that the Company will reimburse the Executive only for such expenses arising out of litigation commenced within three years following the Executive’s Separation from Service. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Article 8, the Company will reimburse the Executive only for expenses incurred prior to the end of the fifth year following the Executive’s Separation from Service and any reimbursement must be made on or before the last day of the year following the year in which the expense was incurred.

Article 9. Outplacement Assistance

Following a Qualifying Termination (as described in Section 3.2 herein), the Executive will be reimbursed by the Company for the costs of all outplacement services obtained by the Executive within the two (2) year period after the Date of Separation from Service; provided, however, that reimbursements must be made by the end of the third year following the Date of Separation from Service and the total reimbursement for such outplacement services will be limited to an amount equal to fifteen percent (15%) of the Executive’s Base Salary as of the Date of Separation from Service.

Article 10. Successors and Assignment

10.1. Successors to the Company. The Company will require any successor (whether direct or indirect, by purchase, merger, consolidation, or otherwise) of all or substantially all of the business and/or assets of the Company or of any division or subsidiary thereof to expressly assume and agree to perform the Company’s obligations under this Agreement in the same manner and to the same extent that the Company would be required to perform them if no such succession had taken place.

10.2. Assignment by the Executive. This Agreement will inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Executive’s personal or legal representatives, executors, administrators, successors, heirs, distributees, devisees, and legatees. If the Executive dies while any amount would still be payable to him hereunder had he continued to live, all such amounts, unless otherwise provided herein, will be paid in accordance with the terms of this Agreement to the Executive’s Beneficiary. If the Executive has not named a Beneficiary, then such amounts will be paid to the Executive’s devisee, legatee, or other designee, or if there is no such designee, to the Executive’s estate, and such designee, or the Executive’s estate will be treated as the Beneficiary hereunder.


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Article 11. Miscellaneous

11.1. Employment Status. Except as may be provided under any other agreement between the Executive and the Company, the employment of the Executive by the Company is “at will,” and may be terminated by either the Executive or the Company at any time, subject to applicable law.

11.2. Beneficiaries. The Executive may designate one or more persons or entities as the primary and/or contingent Beneficiaries of any Severance Benefits, including, without limitation, payments under Section 5 hereof, owing to the Executive under this Agreement. Such designation must be in the form of a signed writing acceptable to the Committee. The Executive may make or change such designations at any time.

11.3. Severability. In the event any provision of this Agreement will be held illegal or invalid for any reason, the illegality or invalidity will not affect the remaining parts of the Agreement, and the Agreement will be construed and enforced as if the illegal or invalid provision had not been included. Further, the captions of this Agreement are not part of the provisions hereof and will have no force and effect.

11.4. Modification. No provision of this Agreement may be modified, waived, or discharged unless such modification, waiver, or discharge is agreed to in writing and signed by the Executive and by an authorized member of the Committee, or by the respective parties’ legal representatives and successors.

11.5. Applicable Law. To the extent not preempted by the laws of the United States, the laws of the state of Delaware will be the controlling law in all matters relating to this Agreement.

11.6. Indemnification. To the full extent permitted by law, the Company will, both during and after the period of the Executive’s employment, indemnify the Executive (including by advancing him expenses) for any judgments, fines, amounts paid in settlement and reasonable expenses, including any attorneys’ fees, incurred by the Executive in connection with the defense of any lawsuit or other claim to which he is made a party by reason of being (or having been) an officer, director or employee of the Company or any of its subsidiaries. The Executive will be covered by director and officer liability insurance to the maximum extent that that insurance covers any officer or director (or former officer or director) of the Company.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this amended and restated Agreement on this 24th day of November, 2008.


FMC Corporation     Executive:  

/S/    KENNETH R. GARRETT         


/S/    W. KIM FOSTER         

  Kenneth R. Garrett      
Its:   Vice President Human Resources & Corporate Communications      

/S/    THERESA M. KLAISS         



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EX-10.14 15 dex1014.htm EXECUTIVE SEVERANCE AGREEMENT - GRAHAM R. WOOD Executive Severance Agreement - Graham R. Wood

Exhibit 10.14


FMC Corporation

Executive Severance Agreement

THIS AMENDED AND RESTATED AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the 31st day of December, 2008, by and between FMC Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and Graham R. Wood (hereinafter referred to as the “Executive”) (the “Agreement”).

WHEREAS, the Executive is currently a party to an Executive Severance Agreement with the Company dated December 31, 2001 (the “Prior Agreement”);

WHEREAS, as a result of the enactment of Section 409A of the Code of 1986, as amended (“Section 409A”), certain amounts that may be paid under the Prior Agreement could subject the Executive to adverse tax consequences unless the Prior Agreement is amended to comply with Section 409A; and

WHEREAS, the Executive and the Company desire that the Prior Agreement be amended and that the terms of this Agreement will completely replace and supersede the provisions of the Prior Agreement and any other prior executive severance agreement with the Company.

NOW THEREFORE, to assure the Company that it will have the continued dedication of the Executive and the availability of the Executive’s advice and counsel notwithstanding the possibility, threat, or occurrence of a Change in Control of the Company, and to induce the Executive to remain in the employ of the Company, and for other good and valuable consideration, the Company and Executive agree to the amendment and restatement of the Prior Agreement as follows:

Article 1. Establishment, Term, and Purpose

This Agreement is effective from the Effective Date and will continue in effect for a three (3) year term, until the third anniversary of the Effective Date. Upon each anniversary of the Effective Date, the term of this Agreement will be extended automatically for one (1) additional year, unless the Committee delivers written notice six (6) months prior to such anniversary to the Executive that this Agreement will not be extended. In such case, this Agreement will terminate at the end of the term, or extended term, then in progress.

However, in the event a Change in Control occurs during the original or any extended term, this Agreement will remain in effect for the longer of: (i) twenty-four (24) months beyond the end of the month in which such Change in Control occurred; and (ii) until all obligations of the Company hereunder have been fulfilled, and until all benefits required hereunder have been paid to the Executive.



Article 2. Definitions

Whenever used in this Agreement, the following terms will have the meanings set forth below and, when the meaning is intended, the initial letter of the word is capitalized.

2.1. Affiliate means a corporation or other entity controlled by, controlling or under common control with the Company, including, without limitation, any corporation partnership, joint venture or other entity during any period in which at least a fifty percent (50%) voting or profits interest is owned, directly or indirectly, by the Company or any successor to the Company.

2.2. Base Salary means the salary of record paid to an Executive as annual salary, excluding amounts received under incentive or other bonus plans, whether or not deferred.

2.3. Beneficiary means the persons or entities designated or deemed designated by the Executive pursuant to Section 11.2 herein.

2.4. Board means the Board of Directors of the Company.

2.5. Cause means:

(a) the Executive’s Willful and continued failure to substantially perform the Executive’s employment duties in any material respect (other than any such failure resulting from physical or mental incapacity or occurring after issuance by the Executive of a Notice of Termination for Good Reason), after a written demand for substantial performance is delivered to the Executive that specifically identifies the manner in which the Company believes the Executive has failed to perform the Executive’s duties, and after the Executive has failed to resume substantial performance of the Executive’s duties on a continuous basis within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving such demand;

(b) the Executive’s Willfully engaging in conduct (other than conduct covered under (a) above) which is demonstrably and materially injurious to the Company or an Affiliate; or

(c) the Executive’s having been convicted of, or pleading guilty or nolo contendere to, a felony under federal or state law on or prior to a Change in Control.

2.6. Change in Control means the happening of any of the following events:

(a) An acquisition by any Person of beneficial ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act) of twenty percent (20%) or more of either (i) the then outstanding shares of common stock of the Company (the “Outstanding Company Common Stock”) or (ii) the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities of the Company entitled to vote generally in the election of directors (the “Outstanding Company Voting Securities”); excluding, however, the following: (A) any acquisition directly from the Company, other than an acquisition by virtue of the exercise of a conversion privilege unless the security being so converted was itself acquired directly from the Company, (B) any acquisition by the Company, (C) any acquisition by any employee benefit plan (or related trust) sponsored or maintained by



the Company or any entity controlled by the Company, or (D) any acquisition pursuant to a transaction which complies with Subsections (i), (ii) and (iii) of Subsection (C) of this Section 2.6;

(b) A change in the composition of the Board such that the individuals who, as of the Effective Date, constitute the Board (such Board will be hereinafter referred to as the “Incumbent Board”) cease for any reason to constitute at least a majority of the Board; provided, however, for purposes of this Section 2.6, that any individual who becomes a member of the Board subsequent to the Effective Date, whose election, or nomination for election by the Company’s stockholders, was approved by a vote of at least a majority of those individuals who are members of the Board and who were also members of the Incumbent Board (or deemed to be such pursuant to this proviso) will be considered as though such individual were a member of the Incumbent Board; but, provided further, that any such individual whose initial assumption of office occurs as a result of either an actual or threatened election contest (as such terms are used in Rule 14a-11 of Regulation 14A promulgated under the Exchange Act) or other actual or threatened solicitation of proxies or consents by or on behalf of a Person other than the Board will not be so considered as a member of the Incumbent Board;

(c) Consummation of a reorganization, merger or consolidation, sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company, or acquisition by the Company of the assets or stock of another entity (“Corporate Transaction”); excluding, however, such a Corporate Transaction pursuant to which (i) all or substantially all of the individuals and entities who are the beneficial owners, respectively, of the Outstanding Company Common Stock and Outstanding Company Voting Securities immediately prior to such Corporate Transaction will beneficially own, directly or indirectly, more than sixty percent (60%) of, respectively, the outstanding shares of common stock, and the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities entitled to vote generally in the election of directors, as the case may be, of the corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction (including, without limitation, a corporation which as a result of such transaction owns the Company or all or substantially all of the Company’s assets either directly or through one or more subsidiaries) in substantially the same proportions as their ownership, immediately prior to such Corporate Transaction, of the Outstanding Company Common Stock and Outstanding Company Voting Securities, as the case may be, (ii) no Person (other than the Company, any employee benefit plan (or related trust) of the Company or such corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction) will beneficially own, directly or indirectly, twenty percent (20%) or more of, respectively, the outstanding shares of common stock of the corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction or the combined voting power of the outstanding voting securities of such corporation entitled to vote generally in the election of directors except to the extent that such ownership existed prior to the Corporate Transaction, and (iii) individuals who were members of the Incumbent Board will constitute at least a majority of the members of the board of directors of the corporation resulting from such Corporate Transaction; or

(d) The approval by the stockholders of the Company of a complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company.



2.7. Code means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and any successor thereto.

2.8. Committee means the Compensation and Organization Committee of the Board or any other committee of the Board appointed to perform the functions of the Compensation and Organization Committee.

2.9. Company means FMC Corporation, a Delaware corporation, or any successor thereto as provided in Article 10 herein.

2.10. Date of Separation from Service means the date on which a Qualifying Termination occurs.

2.11. Disability means complete and permanent inability by reason of illness or accident to perform the duties of the occupation at which the Executive was employed when such disability commenced.

2.12. Effective Date means the date of the Prior Agreement, but for purposes of the definition of Change in Control means May 1, 2001.

2.13. Exchange Act means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to time, and any successor thereto.

2.14. Good Reason means, without the Executive’s express written consent, the occurrence of any one or more of the following:

(a) The assignment of the Executive to duties materially inconsistent with the Executive’s authorities, duties, responsibilities, and status (including, without limitation, offices, titles and reporting requirements) as an employee of the Company (including, without limitation, any material change in duties or status as a result of the stock of the Company ceasing to be publicly traded or of the Company becoming a subsidiary of another entity), or a reduction or alteration in the nature or status of the Executive’s authorities, duties, or responsibilities from the greatest of (i) those in effect on the Effective Date; (ii) those in effect during the fiscal year immediately preceding the year of the Change in Control; and (iii) those in effect immediately preceding the Change in Control;

(b) The Company’s requiring the Executive to be based at a location which is at least fifty (50) miles further from the Executive’s then current primary residence than is such residence from the office where the Executive is located at the time of the Change in Control, except for required travel on the Company’s business to an extent substantially consistent with the Executive’s business obligations as of the Effective Date or as the same may be changed from time to time prior to a Change in Control;

(c) A reduction by the Company in the Executive’s Base Salary as in effect on the Effective Date or as the same may be increased from time to time;



(d) A material reduction in the Executive’s level of participation in any of the Company’s short- and/or long-term incentive compensation plans, or employee benefit or retirement plans, policies, practices, or arrangements in which the Executive participates from the greatest of the levels in place: (i) on the Effective Date; (ii) during the fiscal year immediately preceding the fiscal year of the Change in Control; and (iii) on the date immediately preceding the date of the Change in Control;

(e) The failure of the Company to obtain a satisfactory agreement from any successor to the Company to assume and agree to perform this Agreement, as contemplated in Article 10 herein; or

(f) Any termination of Executive’s employment by the Company that is not effected pursuant to a Notice of Termination.

The existence of Good Reason will not be affected by the Executive’s temporary incapacity due to physical or mental illness not constituting a Disability. The Executive’s continued employment will not constitute a waiver of the Executive’s rights with respect to any circumstance constituting Good Reason.

2.15. Notice of Termination means a written notice which indicates the specific termination provision in this Agreement relied upon, and sets forth in reasonable detail the facts and circumstances claimed to provide a basis for termination of the Executive’s employment under the provision so indicated.

2.16. Person has the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 3(a)(9) of the Exchange Act and used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d) thereof, including a “group” as provided in Section 13(d).

2.17. Qualifying Termination means any of the events described in Section 3.2 herein, the occurrence of which triggers the payment of Severance Benefits hereunder.

2.18. Separation from Service means the Executive’s termination of employment with the Company, its Affiliates and with each member of the controlled group (within the meaning of Sections 414(b) or (c) of the Code) of which the Company is a member. An Executive will not be treated as having a Separation from Service during any period the Executive’s employment relationship continues, such as a result of a leave of absence, and whether a Separation from Service has occurred shall be determined by the Committee (on a basis consistent with rules under Section 409A) after consideration of all the facts and circumstances, including whether either no further services are to be performed or there is a reasonably anticipated permanent and substantial decrease (e.g., 80% or more) in the level of services to be performed (and the related amount of compensation to be received for such services) below the level of services previously performed (and compensation previously received).

2.19. Severance Benefits means the payment of severance compensation as provided in Section 3.3 herein.

2.20. Trust means the Company grantor trust to be created pursuant to Article 6 of this Agreement.



2.21. Willful means any act or omission by the Executive that was in good faith and without a reasonable belief that the action or omission was in the best interests of the Company or its affiliates. Any act or omission based upon authority given pursuant to a duly adopted Board resolution, or, upon the instructions of any senior officer of the Company, or based upon the advice of counsel for the Company will be conclusively presumed to be taken or omitted by the Executive in good faith and in the best interests of the Company and/or its affiliates.

Article 3. Severance Benefits

3.1. Right to Severance Benefits. The Executive will be entitled to receive from the Company Severance Benefits, as described in Section 3.3 herein, if there has been a Change in Control of the Company and if, by the end of the twenty-fourth (24th) calendar month following end of the month in which the Change in Control occurs, a Qualifying Termination of the Executive has occurred.

The Executive will not be entitled to receive Severance Benefits if the Executive’s employment is terminated (i) for Cause, (ii) due to a voluntary termination without Good Reason, or (iii) due to death or Disability.

3.2. Qualifying Termination. A Qualifying Termination shall occur if:

(a) The Executive incurs a Separation from Service because of an involuntary termination of the Executive’s employment by the Company for reasons other than Cause, Disability or death; or

(b) The Executive incurs a Separation from Service because of a voluntary termination by the Executive for Good Reason pursuant to a Notice of Termination delivered to the Company by the Executive.

3.3. Description of Severance Benefits. In the event the Executive becomes entitled to receive Severance Benefits, as provided in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 herein, the Company will pay to the Executive (or in the event of the Executive’s death, the Executive’s Beneficiary) and provide him with the following at the time or times provided in this Section 3.3 and Section 4.1 herein:

(a) An amount equal to two (2) times the highest rate of the Executive’s annualized Base Salary in effect at any time up to and including the Date of Separation from Service.

(b) An amount equal to two (2) times the greater of (i) the Executive’s highest annualized target total Management Incentive Award granted under the FMC Corporation Incentive Compensation and Stock Plan for any plan year up to and including the plan year in which the Executive’s Date of Separation from Service occurs, and (ii) the average of the actual total Management Incentive Awards paid (or payable) to the Executive for the two plan years completed immediately preceding the Date of Separation from Service, or for such lesser number of such plan years for which the Executive was eligible to earn a Management Incentive Award, annualized for any year that the Executive was not employed by the Company for the entire plan year. For purposes of determining actual total Management Incentive Awards under the preceding sentence, any amounts the Executive deferred will be treated as if they had been paid to the Executive, rather than deferred.



(c) An amount equal to the Executive’s unpaid Base Salary, and unused and accrued vacation pay, earned or accrued through the Date of Separation from Service.

(d) An amount equal to the target total Management Incentive Award established for the plan year in which the Executive’s Date of Separation from Service occurred, prorated through the Date of Separation from Service.

(e) A continuation of the Company’s welfare benefits of life and accidental death and dismemberment, and disability insurance coverage for two (2) full years after the Date of Separation from Service. These benefits will be provided to the Executive (and to the Executive’s covered spouse and dependents) at the same premium cost, and at the same coverage level, as in effect as of the date of the Change in Control. The continuation of these welfare benefits will be discontinued prior to the end of the two (2) year period if the Executive has available substantially similar benefits at a comparable cost from a subsequent employer, as determined by the Committee.

(f) For a period of two (2) full years following the Date of Separation from Service, the Company shall provide medical insurance for the Executive (and the Executive’s covered spouse and dependents) at the same premium cost, and at the same coverage level, as in effect as of the date of the Change in Control. The continuation of this medical insurance will be discontinued prior to the end of the two (2) year period if the Executive has available substantially similar medical insurance at a comparable cost from a subsequent employer, as determined by the Committee. The date that medical benefits provided in this paragraph cease to be provided under this paragraph will be the date of the Executive’s qualifying event for continuation coverage purposes under Code Section 4980B(f)(3)(B). The right to medical insurance pursuant to this Section 3.3(f) in a calendar year shall not affect the Executive’s right to any benefits in another calendar year.

Awards granted under the FMC Corporation Incentive Compensation and Stock Plan, and other incentive arrangements adopted by the Company will be treated pursuant to the terms of the applicable plan.

The aggregate benefits accrued by the Executive as of the Date of Separation from Service under the FMC Corporation Salaried Employees’ Retirement Program, the FMC Corporation Savings and Investment Plan, the FMC Corporation Salaried Employees’ Equivalent Retirement Plan, the FMC Corporation Non-Qualified Savings and Investment Plan and other savings and retirement plans sponsored by the Company will be distributed pursuant to the terms of the applicable plan.

Following a Change in Control, for purposes of benefit calculation only under the Company’s nonqualified retirement plans with respect to benefits that have not been paid prior to such Change in Control, it will be assumed that the Executive’s employment continued following the Date of Separation from Service for two (2) full years (i.e., two (2) additional years of age and service credits will be added); provided, however, that for purposes of determining “final average pay” under such programs, the Executive’s actual pay history as of the Date of Separation from Service will be used.



3.4. Termination for Disability. If the Executive’s employment is terminated due to Disability, the Executive will receive the Executive’s Base Salary through the Date of Separation from Service, and the Executive’s benefits will be determined in accordance with the Company’s disability, retirement, survivor’s benefits, insurance and other applicable plans and programs then in effect. If the Executive’s employment is terminated due to Disability, he will not be entitled to the Severance Benefits described in Section 3.3.

3.5. Termination upon Death. If the Executive’s employment is terminated due to death, the Executive’s benefits will be determined in accordance with the Company’s retirement, survivor’s benefits, insurance and other applicable programs of the Company then in effect. If the Executive’s employment is terminated due to death, neither the Executive’s estate nor the Executive’s Beneficiary will be entitled to the Severance Benefits described in Section 3.3.

3.6. Termination for Cause, or Other Than for Good Reason. Following a Change in Control of the Company, if the Executive’s employment is terminated either: (a) by the Company for Cause; or (b) by the Executive (other than for Good Reason), the Company will pay the Executive an amount equal to the Executive’s Base Salary and accrued vacation through the Date of Separation from Service, at the rate then in effect, plus all other amounts to which the Executive is entitled under any plans of the Company, at the time such payments are due and the Company will have no further obligations to the Executive under this Agreement.

3.7. Notice of Termination. Any termination of employment by the Company or by the Executive for Good Reason will be communicated by a Notice of Termination.

Article 4. Form and Timing of Severance Benefits

4.1. Form and Timing of Severance Benefits. Subject to Section 4.3, the Severance Benefits described in this Agreement shall be paid in a lump sum or shall commence, as applicable, as soon as practicable following, but in no event beyond thirty (30) days after, the Executive’s Separation from Service.

4.2. Withholding of Taxes. The Company will be entitled to withhold from any amounts payable under this Agreement all taxes as it may believe are reasonably required to be withheld (including, without limitation, any United States federal taxes and any other state, city, or local taxes).

4.3. Mandatory Deferral Rule. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, any payment that constitutes the deferral of compensation (within the meaning of Treasury Regulation Section 1.409A-1(b)) that is otherwise required to be made to the Executive prior to the day after the date that is six months from the Date of Separation from Service shall be accumulated, deferred and paid in a lump sum to the Executive (with interest on the amount deferred from the Date of Separation from Service until the day prior to the actual payment at the federal short-term rate on the Date of Separation from Service) on the day after the date that is six months from the Date of Separation from Service; provided, however, if Executive dies prior to the expiration of such six month period, payment to the Executive’s Beneficiary shall be made as soon as practicable following the Executive’s death.



Article 5. Excise Tax Equalization Payment

5.1. Excise Tax Equalization Payment. In the event that the Executive (or the Executive’s Beneficiary, if applicable) becomes entitled to Severance Benefits or any other payment or benefit under this Agreement, or under any other agreement with or plan of the Company as a result of the Executive’s Separation from Service (in the aggregate, the “Total Payments”), if all or any part of the Total Payments will be subject to the tax imposed by Section 4999 of the Code (or any similar tax that may hereafter be imposed), (the “Excise Tax”) the Company will pay to the Executive in cash an additional amount (the “Gross-Up Payment”) such that the net amount retained by the Executive after deduction of any Excise Tax upon the Total Payments and any federal, state, and local income taxes, penalties, interest, and Excise Tax upon the Gross-Up Payment provided for by this Section 5.1 (including FICA and FUTA), will be equal to the Total Payments.

5.2. Tax Computation. All determinations of whether any of the Total Payments will be subject to the Excise Tax, the amounts of such Excise Tax, whether and when a Gross-Up Payment is required, the amount of such Gross-Up Payment and the assumptions to be used in arriving at such determinations, shall be made by a nationally recognized certified public accounting firm that does not serve as an accountant or auditor for any individual, entity or group effecting the Change in Control as designated by the Company (the “Accounting Firm”). The Accounting Firm will provide detailed supporting calculations to the Company and the Executive within fifteen (15) business days of the receipt of notice from the Executive or the Company requesting a calculation hereunder. Subject to Section 4.3, the Gross-Up Payment will be made by the Company to the Executive as soon as practical following the Accounting Firm’s determination of the Gross-Up Payment, but in no event beyond thirty (30) days from the Date of Separation from Service. All fees and expenses of the Accounting Firm will be paid by the Company.

For purposes of determining the amount of the Gross-Up Payment, the Executive will be deemed to pay federal income taxes at the highest marginal rate of federal income taxation in the calendar year in which the Gross-Up Payment is to be made, and state and local income taxes at the highest marginal rate of taxation in the state and locality of the Executive’s residence on the Date of Separation from Service, net of the maximum reduction in federal income taxes which could be obtained from deduction of such state and local taxes.

5.3. Subsequent Recalculation. In the event the Internal Revenue Service adjusts the computations to be made pursuant to Section 5.2 herein, and as a result of such adjustment the Gross-Up Payment made to the Executive is less than the greatest Gross-Up Payment that the Executive is entitled to receive under Section 5.2, the Company will pay to the Executive an amount equal to the difference between the greatest Gross-Up Payment the Executive is entitled to receive, and the Gross-Up Payment initially made to the Executive, plus interest at the federal short-term rate, compounded annually, on the date the first Gross-Up payment is made, for the period commencing on the date the first Gross-Up Payment is made, and ending on the day immediately preceding the date the subsequent Gross-Up Payment is made (the “Excess Payment”). The Excess Payment must be made by the end of the year in which the Internal Revenue Service adjusts the computations made pursuant to Section 5.2.



Article 6. Establishment of Trust

As soon as practicable following the Effective Date hereof, the Company will create a domestic Trust (which will be a grantor trust within the meaning of Sections 671-678 of the Code) for the benefit of the Executive and Beneficiaries, as appropriate. The Trust will have a Trustee as selected by the Company, and will have certain restrictions as to the Company’s ability to amend the Trust or cancel benefits provided thereunder. Any assets contained in the Trust will, at all times, be specifically subject to the claims of the Company’s general creditors in the event of bankruptcy or insolvency; such terms to be specifically defined within the provisions of the Trust, along with the required procedure for notifying the Trustee of any bankruptcy or insolvency.

At any time following the Effective Date hereof, the Company may, but is not obligated to, deposit assets in the Trust in an amount equal to or less than the aggregate Severance Benefits which may become due to the Executive under Sections 3.3 (a), (b), (c) and (d) and 5.1 of this Agreement.

As soon as practicable after the Company has knowledge that a Change in Control is imminent, but no later than the day immediately preceding the date of the Change in Control, the Company will deposit assets in such Trust in an amount equal to the estimated aggregate Severance Benefits which may become due to the Executive under Sections 3.3 (a), (b), (c), (d) and 5.1 of this Agreement. Such deposited amounts will be reviewed and increased, if necessary, every six (6) months following a Change in Control to reflect the Executive’s estimated aggregate Severance Benefits at such time.

Article 7. The Company’s Payment Obligation

The Company’s obligation to make the payments and the arrangements provided for herein will be absolute and unconditional, and will not be affected by any circumstances, including, without limitation, any offset, counterclaim, recoupment, defense, or other right which the Company may have against the Executive or anyone else. All amounts payable by the Company hereunder will be paid without notice or demand. Each and every payment made hereunder by the Company will be final, and the Company will not seek to recover all or any part of such payment from the Executive or from whomsoever may be entitled thereto, for any reasons whatsoever.

The Executive will not be obligated to seek other employment in mitigation of the amounts payable or arrangements made under any provision of this Agreement, and the obtaining of any such other employment will in no event effect any reduction of the Company’s obligations to make the payments and arrangements required to be made under this Agreement, except to the extent provided in Sections 3.3(e) and (f) herein.

Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, if Severance Benefits are paid under this Agreement, no severance benefits under any program of the Company, other than benefits described in this Agreement. will be paid to the Executive.



Article 8. Fees and Expenses

To the extent permitted by law, the Company will pay as incurred (within ten (10) days following receipt of an invoice from the Executive) all legal fees, costs of litigation, prejudgment interest, and other expenses incurred in good faith by the Executive as a result of the Company’s refusal to provide the Severance Benefits to which the Executive becomes entitled under this Agreement, or as a result of the Company’s contesting the validity, enforceability, or interpretation of this Agreement, or as a result of any conflict (including, without limitation, conflicts related to the calculations under Section 5 hereof) between the parties pertaining to this Agreement; provided, however, that the Company will reimburse the Executive only for such expenses arising out of litigation commenced within three years following the Executive’s Separation from Service. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Article 8, the Company will reimburse the Executive only for expenses incurred prior to the end of the fifth year following the Executive’s Separation from Service and any reimbursement must be made on or before the last day of the year following the year in which the expense was incurred.

Article 9. Outplacement Assistance

Following a Qualifying Termination (as described in Section 3.2 herein), the Executive will be reimbursed by the Company for the costs of all outplacement services obtained by the Executive within the two (2) year period after the Date of Separation from Service; provided, however, that reimbursements must be made by the end of the third year following the Date of Separation from Service and the total reimbursement for such outplacement services will be limited to an amount equal to fifteen percent (15%) of the Executive’s Base Salary as of the Date of Separation from Service.

Article 10. Successors and Assignment

10.1. Successors to the Company. The Company will require any successor (whether direct or indirect, by purchase, merger, consolidation, or otherwise) of all or substantially all of the business and/or assets of the Company or of any division or subsidiary thereof to expressly assume and agree to perform the Company’s obligations under this Agreement in the same manner and to the same extent that the Company would be required to perform them if no such succession had taken place.

10.2. Assignment by the Executive. This Agreement will inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Executive’s personal or legal representatives, executors, administrators, successors, heirs, distributees, devisees, and legatees. If the Executive dies while any amount would still be payable to him hereunder had he continued to live, all such amounts, unless otherwise provided herein, will be paid in accordance with the terms of this Agreement to the Executive’s Beneficiary. If the Executive has not named a Beneficiary, then such amounts will be paid to the Executive’s devisee, legatee, or other designee, or if there is no such designee, to the Executive’s estate, and such designee, or the Executive’s estate will be treated as the Beneficiary hereunder.



Article 11. Miscellaneous

11.1. Employment Status. Except as may be provided under any other agreement between the Executive and the Company, the employment of the Executive by the Company is “at will,” and may be terminated by either the Executive or the Company at any time, subject to applicable law.

11.2. Beneficiaries. The Executive may designate one or more persons or entities as the primary and/or contingent Beneficiaries of any Severance Benefits, including, without limitation, payments under Section 5 hereof, owing to the Executive under this Agreement. Such designation must be in the form of a signed writing acceptable to the Committee. The Executive may make or change such designations at any time.

11.3. Severability. In the event any provision of this Agreement will be held illegal or invalid for any reason, the illegality or invalidity will not affect the remaining parts of the Agreement, and the Agreement will be construed and enforced as if the illegal or invalid provision had not been included. Further, the captions of this Agreement are not part of the provisions hereof and will have no force and effect.

11.4. Modification. No provision of this Agreement may be modified, waived, or discharged unless such modification, waiver, or discharge is agreed to in writing and signed by the Executive and by an authorized member of the Committee, or by the respective parties’ legal representatives and successors.

11.5. Applicable Law. To the extent not preempted by the laws of the United States, the laws of the state of Delaware will be the controlling law in all matters relating to this Agreement.

11.6. Indemnification. To the full extent permitted by law, the Company will, both during and after the period of the Executive’s employment, indemnify the Executive (including by advancing him expenses) for any judgments, fines, amounts paid in settlement and reasonable expenses, including any attorneys’ fees, incurred by the Executive in connection with the defense of any lawsuit or other claim to which he is made a party by reason of being (or having been) an officer, director or employee of the Company or any of its subsidiaries. The Executive will be covered by director and officer liability insurance to the maximum extent that insurance covers any officer or director (or former officer or director) of the Company.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this amended and restated Agreement on this 25th day of November, 2008.


FMC Corporation   Executive:

/s/ Kenneth R. Garrett


/s/ Graham R. Wood

Its:   Vice President Human Resources & Corporate Communications      

/s/ Theresa M. Klaiss




EX-12 16 dex12.htm COMPUTATION OF RATIOS OF EARNINGS TO FIXED CHARGES Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges

Exhibit 12



     Year ended December 31
     2008     2007     2006     2005      2004
     (in Millions, Except Ratios)



Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes and cumulative effect of change in accounting principle

   $ 454.9     $ 185.7     $ 212.4     $ 189.1      $ 135.5

Minority interests

     17.0       9.6       7.8       7.5        3.8

Equity in (earnings) loss of affiliates

     (3.1 )     (2.5 )     (2.3 )     (70.6 )      2.1

Interest expense and amortization of debt discount, fees and expenses

     32.9       37.5       42.0       75.6        90.8

Amortization of capitalized interest

     4.1       3.9       3.9       3.9        3.8

Interest included in rental expense

     5.3       5.0       4.8       4.6        3.4

Total earnings

   $ 511.1     $ 239.2     $ 268.6     $ 210.1      $ 239.4

Fixed charges:


Interest expense and amortization of debt discount, fees and expenses

   $ 32.9     $ 37.5     $ 42.0     $ 75.6      $ 90.8

Interest capitalized as part of fixed assets

     5.7       4.2       3.7       3.8        5.3

Interest included in rental expense

     5.3       5.0       4.8       4.6        3.4

Total fixed charges

   $ 43.9     $ 46.7     $ 50.5     $ 84.0      $ 99.5

Ratio of earnings to fixed charges (1)

     11.6       5.1       5.3       2.5        2.4


(1) In calculating this ratio, earnings consist of income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes and cumulative effect of change in accounting principle plus minority interests, interest income and expense, amortization expense related to debt discounts, fees and expenses, amortization of capitalized interest, interest included in rental expenses (assumed to be one-third of rent) and Equity in (earnings) loss of affiliates. Fixed charges consist of interest expense, amortization of debt discounts, fees and expenses, interest capitalized as part of fixed assets and interest included in rental expenses.
EX-21 17 dex21.htm FMC COPROPATION LIST OF SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES FMC Copropation List of Significant Subsidiaries

Exhibit 21



Name of Subsidiary


State or Country of Incorporation

FMC Corporation (the Registrant)


Electro Quimica Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.


Energias de Villarrubia, S.L.


FMC Agricultural Products International, AG


FMC Agroquimica de Mexico S.A. de C.V.


FMC Asia Pacific Inc.


FMC BioPolymer AS


FMC BioPolymer Germany G.m.b.H.


FMC BioPolymer France SAS


FMC BioPolymer UK Limited

   United Kingdom

FMC Chemicals Netherlands BV


FMC Chemical International, AG


FMC Chemicals (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.


FMC Australasia Pty. Ltd.


FMC Chemicals (Thailand) Limited


FMC Chemicals Italy srl.


FMC Chemicals KK


FMC Chemicals Limited

   United Kingdom

FMC Chemical S.p.r.l.


FMC de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.


FMC Defense Corporation


FMC Finance B.V.


FMC Foret, S.A.


FMC France SAS


FMC Funding Corporation


FMC India Private Limited


FMC Korea Ltd.


FMC Manufacturing Limited


FMC of Canada Limited


FMC Overseas, Ltd.


FMC Quimica do Brasil Limitada


FMC (Shanghai) Chemical Technology Co. Ltd.


FMC (Shanghai) Commercial Enterprise


FMC Specialty Chemicals (Zhangjiagang) Co., Ltd.


FMC (Suzhou) Crop Care Co., Ltd.


FMC United (Private) Ltd.






FMC Wyoming Corporation


Foraneto, S.L.


Forel, S.L.


Forsean, S.L.


Guangzhou Co-Living International Biology Technology Co., Ltd.


Kelp Industries


Minera Del Altiplano S.A.


P.T Bina Guna Kimia


Thorungaverksmidjam hf


NOTE: All subsidiaries listed are greater than 50 percent owned, directly or indirectly, by FMC Corporation as of December 31, 2008. The names of various active and inactive subsidiaries have been omitted. Such subsidiaries, considered in the aggregate as a single subsidiary, would not constitute a significant subsidiary.

EX-23.1 18 dex231.htm CONSENT OF KPMG LLP Consent of KPMG LLP

Exhibit 23.1


The Board of Directors

FMC Corporation:

We consent to incorporation by reference in the Registration Statements on Form S-8 (Nos. 333-18383, 333-69805, 333-69714 and 333-111456) and the Registration Statement on Form S-3 (Nos. 333-154824 and 333-59543) of FMC Corporation of our reports dated February 23, 2009 relating to the consolidated balance sheets of FMC Corporation and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2008 and 2007, and the related consolidated statements of income, changes in stockholders’ equity, and cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2008, and the related financial statement schedule, and the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2008, which reports appear in the December 31, 2008 annual report on Form 10-K of FMC Corporation.

Our report on the consolidated financial statements refers to the Company’s adoption of Financial Accounting Standards Board Interpretation (FIN) No. 48, Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes — an Interpretation of FASB Statement No. 109, on January 1, 2007 and the adoption of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 158, Employer’s Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement Plans, on December 31, 2006.


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

February 23, 2009

EX-31.1 19 dex311.htm SECTION 302 CERTIFICATION OF CEO Section 302 Certification of CEO

Exhibit 31.1


I, William G. Walter, certify that:


  1. I have reviewed this annual report on Form 10-K of FMC Corporation;


  2. Based on my knowledge, this annual report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this annual report;


  3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this annual report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this annual report;


  4. The registrant’s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and have:


  a. Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this annual report is being prepared;


  b. Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;


  c. Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and


  d. Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant’s most recent fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and


  5. The registrant’s other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


  a. All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


  b. Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Date: February 23, 2009


/s/    William G. Walter

William G. Walter

President and Chief Executive Officer

EX-31.2 20 dex312.htm SECTION 302 CERTIFICATION OF CFO Section 302 Certification of CFO

Exhibit 31.2


I, W. Kim Foster, certify that:


  1. I have reviewed this annual report on Form 10-K of FMC Corporation;


  2. Based on my knowledge, this annual report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this annual report;


  3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this annual report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this annual report;


  4. The registrant’s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and have:


  a. Designed such disclosure controls and procedures or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this annual report is being prepared;


  b. Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;


  c. Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and


  d. Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant’s most recent fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and


  5. The registrant’s other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


  a. All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


  b. Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Date: February 23, 2009


/s/    W. Kim Foster        

W. Kim Foster

Senior Vice President and

Chief Financial Officer

EX-32.1 21 dex321.htm CEO CERTIFICATION OF ANNUAL REPORT CEO Certification of Annual Report

Exhibit 32.1


I, William G. Walter, President and Chief Executive Officer of FMC (“the Company”), certify, pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, based on my knowledge that:

(1) the Annual Report on Form 10-K of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2008 (the “Report”) fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and

(2) the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company.

Dated: February 23, 2009


/s/    William G. Walter        

William G. Walter

President and Chief Executive Officer

EX-32.2 22 dex322.htm CFO CERTIFICATION OF ANNUAL REPORT CFO Certification of Annual Report

Exhibit 32.2


I, W. Kim Foster, Senior Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer of FMC (the “Company”), certify, pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, based on my knowledge that:

(1) the Annual Report on Form 10-K of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2008 (the “Report”) fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and

(2) the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company.

Dated: February 23, 2009


/s/    W. Kim Foster        

W. Kim Foster

Senior Vice President and

Chief Financial Officer

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