EX-3.5 6 deforganization.htm EXHIBIT 3.5 deforganization
ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION R)R FWRIDA LIMifED LIABILflY COMPANY ARTICLE I - Name The name of the Limed L:abtht) Company i Duke Ercrgv Florida LLC __________ _ _______________________ _ ARTICLE II- Addren: The mallng address and street address of the principal office of the Limited Liibihy Compy Principal OfflcAddress: ailing Address: 299 1st Avenue Noflh TonSet(DEC45A) St. PetersburgjL 33701 Charlotte, NC 2202 ARTICLE Ill RegLcred Ageat Registered Office, & Rgtsiered Agent’s Signture(ibe Linrcd Lisbility Conany cernot serve u its oi Rcêotered Agent You must eesiate an ftidit’idual or another buinen ruity with an. aetive Fkwida regIstren.) The name and the Florida street address of the registered agent are Name :200 South Pine Island Poad Florida street address (PO Box 2I acceptable) City Zip Having been named as registered agent and to accept service ofprocessfor the above stated kmted liability cotrparry at the place de3ignated in thés certlftsxzse, thereby accept the spointment as registered agent and agree to act in this capacity. lfirther agree to comply with the provisions ofall statutes relating to the proper and complete perform ance ofmy duties, and I amfamiliar with and accept the obligailons ofmy position as regszered agent asprovidedfor rn Chapter 605 FS Terneli Kearucv Mat, Seeretary Registered Agcnts Signature (REQUYRED) (CONTLNU FI) Pa1of2

ARTICLE IV.. The name and address of each person authorized to mane and control the Lm1L Company: Ike; ame and Address: AMBR Authorized Member MGR Manager MOR OsFEsaniani 550 south Tpn Sticet Chariutc, NC 22O2 t4QR LynniGood ______ _ 550 Soath TyonStreei Chr1oee, NC 28202 NGR DhiaaMlamiL 550 South Tryan Sttee: Chatiotte, NC 28202 MGR JuhaS Jartsoi 550 South Tryon Sticet - ChaIou, NC 28202 (SEE attaohman) (Use attachment if necessary) ARTICLE V: Effective date, ifother than the date of filing. 112015 at 000ajn. _, (OPTIONAL)(If an effectlv* date Li listed, the date must be specific and cannot be more than five busIness days prier to or 90 days after the date of fifing.) If the date ir.sericd tn this biock doe! not meet the appHabIe statutory filing requretnnts, this date wiJ not b tsted as thedocuments effecttva data on the Depttncm of State’s racord3, ART1CL Vt: Other provisions, if any REOIJIRJP SIGATURE; 2bk ____ — SignstSe of a mernber,6r an authorized represeatath’e of a member thtt documem s executed n accordancc wtth section 05 0203 (i (b), 1or:da Statutes all wbJc tna any faitC llfOflllatIOfl ubituttod Iti S dOcLuriclnt tO ttl D vUttefl of Stateonstitutas a thtrd degree kmy as provided for in s 8 7 155, FS ?ancy M Wright. Aátatu Sccreatv orprtedeo FWut Itees S12&Gfl Filing Fee for Articles of GrganLzation and I)eslgnatlon of Registered Agent S 30.00 Certified Copy (Optional) S 5.00 Certificate of Status (Optional) Page 2 of 2

ARTICLE IV ______ The name and nddres of each person authorized to manage and cornroi the Limited Libiht Company: NHme anA4dren: L[oyd M, Yates MGR 550 South Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28202