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Significant Accounting Policies (Significant Accounting Policies)
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2011
Significant accounting policies  
Use of estimates and assumptions


In preparing consolidated financial statements that conform to GAAP, management must make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the consolidated financial statements, and amounts of revenues and expenses reflected during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


Federal grant


The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, signed into law in February 2009, contains provisions promoting energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy. On April 28, 2010, we accepted a grant from the United States Department of Energy (DOE) for $200 million in federal matching infrastructure funds in support of our smart grid initiatives. PEC and PEF each will receive up to $100 million over a three-year period as project work progresses. The DOE will provide reimbursement for 50 percent of allowable project costs, as incurred, up to the DOE's maximum obligation of $200 million. Projects funded by the grant must be completed by April 2013.

In accounting for the federal grant, we have elected to reduce the cost basis of select smart grid projects. As the select capital projects are placed into service, this will reduce depreciation expense over the life of the assets. Reimbursements by the DOE are deferred as a short-term or long-term liability on the Consolidated Balance Sheets based on their expected date of application to the select projects. Reimbursements related to capital projects are included in other investing activities in the Statement of Cash Flows when cash is received.


Revenue recognition


We recognize revenue when it is realized or realizable and earned when all of the following criteria are met: persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists; delivery has occurred or services have been rendered; our price to the buyer is fixed or determinable; and collectability is reasonably assured. We recognize electric utility revenues as service is rendered to customers. Operating revenues include unbilled electric utility base revenues earned when service has been delivered but not billed by the end of the accounting period. The amount of unbilled revenues can vary significantly from period to period as a result of numerous factors, including seasonality, weather, customer usage patterns and customer mix. Customer prepayments are recorded as deferred revenue and recognized as revenues as the services are provided.

Periodically, we are permitted to start charging customers for proposed rate increases prior to receiving final approval from our regulatory authorities. Such amounts charged are subject to refund upon issuance of the final rate order. In addition, we may be required to refund amounts to customers for previously recognized revenues, through approved orders or settlement agreements, which are not related to proposed rate increases. We recognize revenue subject to refund when it is earned, and separately establish a reserve for amounts that could be refunded when it is probable that revenue will be refunded to customers. See Note 8C for discussion of revenue to be refunded in connection with the 2012 settlement agreement.


Fuel cost deferrals


Fuel expense includes fuel costs and other recoveries that were previously deferred through fuel clauses established by the Utilities' regulators. These clauses allow the Utilities to recover fuel costs, fuel-related costs and portions of purchased power costs through surcharges on customer rates. These deferred fuel costs are recognized in revenues and fuel expenses as they are billable to customers.

Excise taxes


The Utilities collect from customers certain excise taxes levied by the state or local government upon the customers. The Utilities account for sales and use tax on a net basis and gross receipts tax, franchise taxes and other excise taxes on a gross basis.

Related party transactions


Our subsidiaries provide and receive services, at cost, to and from the Parent and its subsidiaries, in accordance with FERC regulations. The costs of the services are billed on a direct-charge basis, whenever possible, and on allocation factors for general costs that cannot be directly attributed. In the subsidiaries' financial statements, billings from affiliates are capitalized or expensed depending on the nature of the services rendered.


Utility plant


Utility plant in service is stated at historical cost less accumulated depreciation. We capitalize all construction-related direct labor and material costs of units of property as well as indirect construction costs. The cost of renewals and betterments is also capitalized. Maintenance and repairs of property (including planned major maintenance activities), and replacements and renewals of items determined to be less than units of property, are charged to maintenance expense as incurred, with the exception of nuclear outages at PEF. Pursuant to a regulatory order, PEF accrues for nuclear outage costs in advance of scheduled outages, which generally occur every two years. Maintenance activities under long-term service agreements with third parties are capitalized or expensed as appropriate as if the Utilities had performed the activities. Generally, the cost of units of property replaced or retired, less salvage, is charged to accumulated depreciation. For generating facilities to be retired or abandoned significantly before the end of their useful lives, the net carrying value is reclassified from plant in service, net to other utility plant, net when it becomes probable they will be retired or abandoned. When such facilities are removed from service, the remaining net carrying value is then reclassified to regulatory assets in accordance with the expected ratemaking treatment. Removal or disposal costs that do not represent asset retirement obligations (AROs) are charged to a regulatory liability.

Allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC) represents the estimated costs of capital funds necessary to finance the construction of new regulated assets. As prescribed in the regulatory uniform system of accounts, AFUDC is charged to the cost of the plant. Both the debt and equity components of AFUDC are noncash amounts within the Consolidated Statements of Income. The equity funds component of AFUDC is credited to other income, and the borrowed funds component is credited to interest charges.

Nuclear fuel is classified as a fixed asset and included in the utility plant section of the Consolidated Balance Sheets. Nuclear fuel in the front-end fuel processing phase is considered work in progress and not amortized until placed in service.


Depreciation and amortization - utility plant


Substantially all depreciation of utility plant other than nuclear fuel is computed on the straight-line method based on the estimated remaining useful life of the property, adjusted for estimated salvage (See Note 5A). Pursuant to their rate-setting authority, the NCUC, SCPSC and FPSC can also grant approval to accelerate or reduce depreciation and amortization rates of utility assets (See Note 8).

Amortization of nuclear fuel costs is computed primarily on the units-of-production method and included within fuel used in electric generation in the Consolidated Statements of Income.


Asset retirement obligations


AROs are legal obligations associated with the retirement of certain tangible long-lived assets. The present values of retirement costs for which we have a legal obligation are recorded as liabilities with an equivalent amount added to the asset cost and depreciated over the useful life of the associated asset. The liability is then accreted over time by applying an interest method of allocation to the liability. Accretion expense is included in depreciation, amortization and accretion in the Consolidated Statements of Income. AROs have no impact on the income of the Utilities as the effects are offset by the establishment of regulatory assets and regulatory liabilities in order to reflect the ratemaking treatment of the related costs.


Cash and cash equivalents


We consider cash and cash equivalents to include unrestricted cash on hand, cash in banks and temporary investments purchased with an original maturity of three months or less.


Receivables, net


We record accounts receivable at net realizable value. This value includes an allowance for estimated uncollectible accounts to reflect any loss anticipated on the accounts receivable balances. The allowance for uncollectible accounts reflects our estimate of probable losses inherent in the accounts receivable, unbilled revenue, and other receivables balances. We calculate this allowance based on our history of write-offs, level of past due accounts, prior rate of recovery experience and relationships with and economic status of our customers.




We account for inventory, including emission allowances, using the average cost method. We value inventory of the Utilities at historical cost consistent with ratemaking treatment. Materials and supplies are charged to inventory when purchased and then expensed or capitalized to plant, as appropriate, when installed. Materials reserves are established for excess and obsolete inventory.


Regulatory assets and liabilities


The Utilities' operations are subject to GAAP for regulated operations, which allows a regulated company to record costs that have been or are expected to be allowed in the ratemaking process in a period different from the period in which the costs would be charged to expense by a nonregulated enterprise. Accordingly, the Utilities record assets and liabilities that result from the regulated ratemaking process that would not be recorded under GAAP for nonregulated entities. These regulatory assets and liabilities represent expenses deferred for future recovery from customers or obligations to be refunded to customers and are primarily classified in the Consolidated Balance Sheets as regulatory assets and regulatory liabilities (See Note 8A). Management continually assesses whether regulatory assets are probable of future recovery by considering factors such as applicable regulatory changes and recent rate orders applicable to other regulated entities. Additionally, management continually assesses whether any regulatory liabilities have been incurred. The regulatory assets and liabilities are amortized consistent with the treatment of the related cost in the ratemaking process.


Nuclear cost deferrals


PEF accounts for costs incurred in connection with the proposed nuclear expansion in Florida in accordance with FPSC regulations, which establish an alternative cost-recovery mechanism. PEF is allowed to accelerate the recovery of prudently incurred siting, preconstruction costs, AFUDC and incremental operation and maintenance expenses resulting from the siting, licensing, design and construction of a nuclear plant through PEF's capacity cost-recovery clause. Nuclear costs are deemed to be recovered up to the amount of the FPSC-approved projections, and the deferral of unrecovered nuclear costs accrues a carrying charge equal to PEF's approved AFUDC rate. Unrecovered nuclear costs eligible for accelerated recovery are deferred and recorded as regulatory assets in the Consolidated Balance Sheets and are amortized in the period the costs are collected from customers.


Goodwill and intangible assets


Goodwill is subject to at least an annual assessment for impairment by applying a two-step, fair value-based test. This assessment could result in periodic impairment charges. We perform our annual goodwill impairment test as of October 31 each year and perform an interim test between annual tests if events or circumstances occur that would more likely than not reduce the fair value of a reporting unit below its carrying value. Intangible assets are amortized based on the economic benefit of their respective lives.


Unamortized debt premiums, discounts and expenses


Long-term debt premiums, discounts and issuance expenses are amortized over the terms of the debt issues. Any expenses or call premiums associated with the reacquisition of debt obligations by the Utilities are amortized over the applicable lives using the straight-line method consistent with ratemaking treatment (See Note 8A).


Income taxes


We and our affiliates file a consolidated federal income tax return. The consolidated income tax of Progress Energy is allocated to PEC and PEF in accordance with the Intercompany Income Tax Allocation Agreement (Tax Agreement). The Tax Agreement provides an allocation that recognizes positive and negative corporate taxable income. The Tax Agreement provides for an equitable method of apportioning the carryover of uncompensated tax benefits, which primarily relate to deferred synthetic fuels tax credits. Income taxes are provided for as if PEC and PEF filed separate returns.

Deferred income taxes have been provided for temporary differences. These occur when the book and tax carrying amounts of assets and liabilities differ. Investment tax credits related to regulated operations have been deferred and are being amortized over the estimated service life of the related properties. Credits for the production and sale of synthetic fuels are deferred credits to the extent they cannot be or have not been utilized in the annual consolidated federal income tax returns, and are included in income tax expense (benefit) of discontinued operations in the Consolidated Statements of Income. We accrue for uncertain tax positions when it is determined that it is more likely than not that the benefit will not be sustained on audit by the taxing authority, including resolutions of any related appeals or litigation processes, based solely on the technical merits of the associated tax position. If the recognition threshold is met, the tax benefit recognized is measured at the largest amount of the tax benefit that, in our judgment, is greater than 50 percent likely to be realized. Interest expense on tax deficiencies and uncertain tax positions is included in net interest charges, and tax penalties are included in other, net in the Consolidated Statements of Income.




GAAP requires that an entity recognize all derivatives as assets or liabilities on the balance sheet and measure those instruments at fair value, unless the derivatives meet the GAAP criteria for normal purchases or normal sales and are designated as such. We generally designate derivative instruments as normal purchases or normal sales whenever the criteria are met. If normal purchase or normal sale criteria are not met, we will generally designate the derivative instruments as cash flow or fair value hedges if the related hedge criteria are met. We have elected not to offset fair value amounts recognized for derivative instruments and related collateral assets and liabilities with the same counterparty under a master netting agreement. Certain economic derivative instruments (primarily fuel-related) receive regulatory accounting treatment, under which unrealized gains and losses are recorded as regulatory liabilities and assets, respectively, until the contracts are settled. Cash flows from derivative instruments are generally included in cash provided by operating activities on the Statements of Cash Flows. See Note 18 for additional information regarding risk management activities and derivative transactions.


Loss contingencies and environmental liabilities


We accrue for loss contingencies, such as unfavorable results of litigation, when it is probable that a loss has been incurred and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated. When a range of the probable loss exists and no amount within the range is a better estimate than any other amount, we record a loss contingency at the minimum amount in the range. With the exception of legal fees that are incremental direct costs of an environmental remediation effort, we do not accrue an estimate of legal fees when a contingent loss is initially recorded, but rather when the legal services are actually provided.

As discussed in Note 21, we accrue environmental remediation liabilities when the criteria for loss contingencies have been met. We record accruals for probable and estimable costs, including legal fees, related to environmental sites on an undiscounted basis. Environmental expenditures that relate to an existing condition caused by past operations and that have no future economic benefits are expensed. Accruals for estimated losses from environmental remediation obligations generally are recognized no later than completion of the remedial feasibility study. Such accruals are adjusted as additional information develops or circumstances change. Certain environmental expenses receive regulatory accounting treatment, under which the expenses are recorded as regulatory assets. Recoveries of environmental remediation costs from other parties are recognized when their receipt is deemed probable or on actual receipt of recovery. Environmental expenditures that have future economic benefits are capitalized in accordance with our asset capitalization policy.


Impairment of long-lived assets and investments


We review the recoverability of long-lived tangible and intangible assets whenever impairment indicators exist. Examples of these indicators include current period losses, combined with a history of losses or a projection of continuing losses, or a significant decrease in the market price of a long-lived asset group. If an impairment indicator exists for assets to be held and used, then the asset group is tested for recoverability by comparing the carrying value to the sum of undiscounted expected future cash flows directly attributable to the asset group. If the asset group is not recoverable through undiscounted cash flows or the asset group is to be disposed of, then an impairment loss is recognized for the difference between the carrying value and the fair value of the asset group.

We review our equity investments to evaluate whether or not a decline in fair value below the carrying value is an other-than-temporary decline. We consider various factors, such as the investee's cash position, earnings and revenue outlook, liquidity and management's ability to raise capital in determining whether the decline is other-than-temporary. If we determine that an other-than-temporary decline in value exists, the investments are written down to fair value with a new cost basis established.