----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended June 30, 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investment Corporate (In millions) Banking Banking International Other Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL MARKETS Income statement data Net interest income $ 54 273 37 -- 364 Provision for loan losses 12 113 5 -- 130 Fee and other income 397 67 56 (32) 488 Noninterest expense 304 105 38 -- 447 Income tax expense 43 46 19 (32) 76 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 92 76 31 -- 199 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 19.91 % 8.72 21.14 -- 13.45 Average loans, net $ 6,796 33,522 5,143 -- 45,461 Average deposits 6,215 5,077 5,577 -- 16,869 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 1,857 3,493 591 -- 5,941 ============================================================================================================================= Retail Brokerage & Wealth Insurance & Trust Mutual CAP (In millions) Services Services Funds Account Other Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Income statement data $ Net interest income 41 59 2 58 -- 160 Provision for loan losses -- -- -- -- -- -- Fee and other income 448 177 130 41 (23) 773 Noninterest expense 404 141 64 37 -- 646 Income tax expense 33 36 26 24 (9) 110 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 52 59 42 38 (14) 177 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 37.80 % 50.53 71.60 85.00 -- 52.19 Average loans, net $ -- 4,429 -- -- -- 4,429 Average deposits -- 5,863 -- 13,868 -- 19,731 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 565 465 183 180 (30) 1,363 ============================================================================================================================= Home Equity & First The Retail Union Money Credit Branch (In millions) Mortgage Store Cards Products Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSUMER Income statement data Net interest income $ 12 135 49 638 834 Provision for loan losses -- 29 23 27 79 Fee and other income 47 16 67 218 348 Noninterest expense 56 173 63 600 892 Income tax expense 1 (20) 11 87 79 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 2 (31) 19 142 132 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 9.22 % (10.54) 15.35 29.71 14.04 Average loans, net $ 433 14,928 1,786 11,046 28,193 Average deposits 944 212 12 68,165 69,333 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 68 1,225 480 1,904 3,677 =============================================================================================================================
(Continued) 1 2 BUSINESS SEGMENTS (a)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended June 30, 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Small Real Cash Mgt. & Business Estate Deposit (In millions) Banking Lending Banking Services Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMERCIAL Income statement data Net interest income $ 19 66 43 206 334 Provision for loan losses 1 3 5 -- 9 Fee and other income -- -- -- 140 140 Noninterest expense 12 49 17 192 270 Income tax expense 2 4 8 59 73 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 4 10 13 95 122 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 9.52 % 4.97 13.66 57.80 24.42 Average loans, net $ 2,829 14,440 9,277 -- 26,546 Average deposits -- -- -- 21,900 21,900 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 160 802 385 663 2,010 =================================================================================================================================== Capital Capital Treasury/ (In millions) Markets Mgt. Consumer Commercial Nonbank Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLIDATED (c) Income statement data Net interest income $ 364 160 834 334 213 1,905 Provision for loan losses 130 -- 79 9 10 228 Fee and other income 488 773 348 140 (3) 1,746 Noninterest expense 447 646 892 270 111 2,366 Income tax expense 76 110 79 73 -- 343 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating earnings 199 177 132 122 89 714 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjustments from operating earnings to net income (loss) Restructuring and other charges Provision for loan losses -- -- -- -- (265) (265) Fee and other income (149) -- (1,008) -- (192) (1,349) Noninterest expense -- -- (27) -- (2,110) (2,137) Income tax benefit 55 -- 383 -- 400 838 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After-tax restructuring and other charges (94) -- (652) -- (2,167) (2,913) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income (loss) $ 105 177 (520) 122 (2,078) (2,199) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 13.45 % 52.19 14.04 24.42 9.88 17.74 Average loans, net $45,461 4,429 28,193 26,546 27,985 132,614 Average deposits 16,869 19,731 69,333 21,900 13,371 141,204 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 5,941 1,363 3,677 2,010 3,623 16,614 ===================================================================================================================================
(Continued) 2 3 BUSINESS SEGMENTS (a)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended March 31, 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investment Corporate (In millions) Banking Banking International Other Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL MARKETS Income statement data Net interest income $ 85 292 31 -- 408 Provision for loan losses 34 53 -- -- 87 Fee and other income 425 53 53 (31) 500 Noninterest expense 257 101 32 -- 390 Income tax expense 77 72 20 (31) 138 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 142 119 32 -- 293 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 31.80 % 13.79 21.08 -- 20.09 Average loans, net $ 6,912 31,453 4,887 -- 43,252 Average deposits 7,470 5,478 5,200 -- 18,148 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 1,795 3,436 612 -- 5,843 ============================================================================================================================= Retail Brokerage & Wealth Insurance & Trust Mutual CAP (In millions) Services Services Funds Account Other Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Income statement data $ Net interest income 44 56 2 59 -- 161 Provision for loan losses -- -- -- -- -- -- Fee and other income 546 183 130 38 (25) 872 Noninterest expense 483 143 67 38 -- 731 Income tax expense 41 37 25 23 (9) 117 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 66 59 40 36 (16) 185 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 38.80 % 51.78 64.69 72.49 -- 49.98 Average loans, net $ -- 4,145 -- 1 -- 4,146 Average deposits -- 5,941 -- 14,407 -- 20,348 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 683 462 184 203 (32) 1,500 ============================================================================================================================= Home Equity & First The Retail Union Money Credit Branch (In millions) Mortgage Store Cards Products Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSUMER Income statement data Net interest income $ 10 134 57 632 833 Provision for loan losses -- 23 28 22 73 Fee and other income 46 15 59 209 329 Noninterest expense 56 156 61 600 873 Income tax expense -- (12) 10 84 82 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ -- (18) 17 135 134 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 0.44 % (5.95) 13.24 28.90 14.44 Average loans, net $ 436 13,718 1,769 10,631 26,554 Average deposits 764 212 15 67,276 68,267 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 63 1,265 495 1,886 3,709 =============================================================================================================================
(Continued) 3 4 BUSINESS SEGMENTS (a)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended March 31, 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Small Real Cash Mgt. & Business Estate Deposit (In millions) Banking Lending Banking Services Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMERCIAL Income statement data Net interest income $ 20 71 45 202 338 Provision for loan losses 1 7 5 -- 13 Fee and other income -- -- -- 144 144 Noninterest expense 11 46 15 195 267 Income tax expense 3 6 9 58 76 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 5 12 16 93 126 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 11.40 % 5.99 15.82 56.86 24.91 Average loans, net $ 2,784 14,644 9,003 -- 26,431 Average deposits -- -- -- 21,533 21,533 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 159 816 389 661 2,025 ============================================================================================================================= Capital Capital Treasury/ (In millions) Markets Mgt. Consumer Commercial Nonbank Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLIDATED (C) Income statement data Net interest income $ 408 161 833 338 226 1,966 Provision for loan losses 87 -- 73 13 19 192 Fee and other income 500 872 329 144 (3) 1,842 Noninterest expense 390 731 873 267 121 2,382 Income tax expense 138 117 82 76 (19) 394 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income after merger-related and restructuring charges 293 185 134 126 102 840 After-tax merger-related and restructuring charges -- -- -- -- (2) (2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income before merger-related and restructuring charges $ 293 185 134 126 100 838 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 20.09 % 49.98 14.44 24.91 11.47 20.31 Average loans, net $43,252 4,146 26,554 26,431 31,098 131,481 Average deposits 18,148 20,348 68,267 21,533 12,125 140,421 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 5,843 1,500 3,709 2,025 3,506 16,583 =============================================================================================================================
(Continued) 4 5 BUSINESS SEGMENTS(a)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended December 31, 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Investment Corporate (In millions) Banking Banking International Other Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL MARKETS Income statement data Net interest income $ 54 301 34 -- 389 Provision for loan losses 5 64 -- -- 69 Fee and other income 447 51 52 (72) 478 Noninterest expense 245 104 53 -- 402 Income tax expense 89 70 13 (72) 100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 162 114 20 -- 296 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 38.41 % 12.99 12.25 -- 20.22 Average loans, net $ 6,720 31,579 4,904 -- 43,203 Average deposits 4,766 5,593 5,214 -- 15,573 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 1,675 3,484 667 -- 5,826 =================================================================================================================================== Retail Brokerage & Wealth Insurance & Trust Mutual CAP (In millions) Services Services Funds Account Other Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Income statement data Net interest income $ 38 56 (2) 62 -- 154 Provision for loan losses -- -- -- -- -- -- Fee and other income 452 188 125 34 (26) 773 Noninterest expense 401 135 50 35 -- 621 Income tax expense 34 41 28 23 (10) 116 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 55 68 45 38 (16) 190 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 35.75 % 58.75 86.87 73.96 -- 53.60 Average loans, net $ 1 3,913 -- -- -- 3,914 Average deposits -- 5,862 -- 14,245 -- 20,107 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 612 452 169 200 (33) 1,400 =================================================================================================================================== Home Equity & First The Retail Union Money Credit Branch (In millions) Mortgage Store Cards Products Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSUMER Income statement data Net interest income $ 13 136 45 626 820 Provision for loan losses -- 21 35 17 73 Fee and other income 44 30 83 213 370 Noninterest expense 55 196 59 620 930 Income tax expense 1 (19) 13 77 72 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 1 (32) 21 125 115 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 8.95 % (9.70) 17.02 26.30 12.48 Average loans, net $ 440 12,685 1,689 10,410 25,224 Average deposits 900 243 15 66,856 68,014 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 57 1,262 482 1,882 3,683 ===================================================================================================================================
(Continued) 5 6 BUSINESS SEGMENTS (a)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended December 31, 1999 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small Real Cash Mgt. & Business Estate Deposit (In millions) Banking Lending Banking Services Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMERCIAL Income statement data Net interest income $ 20 58 42 226 346 Provision for loan losses 1 12 5 -- 18 Fee and other income -- -- -- 140 140 Noninterest expense 12 53 17 190 272 Income tax expense 2 (7) 8 67 70 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 5 -- 12 109 126 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 9.95 % (0.18) 12.77 62.52 23.51 Average loans, net $ 2,742 14,603 8,741 -- 26,086 Average deposits -- -- -- 22,439 22,439 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 157 865 386 686 2,094 =================================================================================================================================== Capital Capital Treasury/ (In millions) Markets Mgt. Consumer Commercial Nonbank Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLIDATED Income statement data Net interest income $ 389 154 820 346 236 1,945 Provision for loan losses 69 -- 73 18 13 173 Fee and other income 478 773 370 140 76 1,837 Noninterest expense 402 621 930 272 135 2,360 Income tax expense 100 116 72 70 49 407 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income after merger-related and restructuring charges 296 190 115 126 115 842 After-tax merger-related and restructuring charges -- -- -- -- 4 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income before merger-related and restructuring charges $ 296 190 115 126 119 846 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 20.22 % 53.60 12.48 23.51 12.82 19.78 Average loans, net $ 43,203 3,914 25,224 26,086 32,792 131,219 Average deposits 15,573 20,107 68,014 22,439 10,847 136,980 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 5,826 1,400 3,683 2,094 3,683 16,686 ===================================================================================================================================
(Continued) 6 7 BUSINESS SEGMENTS (a)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended September 30, 1999 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Investment Corporate (In millions) Banking Banking International Other Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL MARKETS Income statement data Net interest income $ 59 288 26 -- 373 Provision for loan losses 20 47 -- -- 67 Fee and other income 330 33 54 (22) 395 Noninterest expense 217 90 40 -- 347 Income tax expense 52 69 15 (22) 114 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 100 115 25 -- 240 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 27.60 % 13.52 14.80 -- 17.42 Average loans, net $ 7,049 30,795 4,837 -- 42,681 Average deposits 4,550 5,297 4,838 -- 14,685 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 1,454 3,366 640 -- 5,460 =================================================================================================================================== Retail Brokerage & Wealth Insurance & Trust Mutual CAP (In millions) Services Services Funds Account Other Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Income statement data Net interest income $ 20 54 -- 53 -- 127 Provision for loan losses -- -- -- -- -- -- Fee and other income 229 171 117 30 (25) 522 Noninterest expense 198 120 53 32 -- 403 Income tax expense 20 41 25 20 (10) 96 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 31 64 39 31 (15) 150 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 38.87 % 61.11 74.66 74.77 -- 58.12 Average loans, net $ -- 3,784 -- -- -- 3,784 Average deposits -- 5,699 -- 14,302 -- 20,001 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 325 425 163 168 (31) 1,050 =================================================================================================================================== Home Equity & First The Retail Union Money Credit Branch (In millions) Mortgage Store Cards Products Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSUMER Income statement data Net interest income $ 18 143 53 620 834 Provision for loan losses 1 21 34 22 78 Fee and other income 42 (29) 99 212 324 Noninterest expense 55 149 52 557 813 Income tax expense 2 (22) 25 96 101 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 2 (34) 41 157 166 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 18.08 % (9.79) 33.62 33.38 17.12 Average loans, net $ 464 11,910 2,115 10,581 25,070 Average deposits 1,214 295 9 68,176 69,694 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 65 1,411 475 1,847 3,798 ===================================================================================================================================
(Continued) 7 8 BUSINESS SEGMENTS (a)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended September 30, 1999 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small Real Cash Mgt. & Business Estate Deposit (In millions) Banking Lending Banking Services Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMERCIAL Income statement data Net interest income $ 21 58 44 230 353 Provision for loan losses -- 8 6 -- 14 Fee and other income -- -- -- 144 144 Noninterest expense 10 47 14 179 250 Income tax expense 4 (4) 8 74 82 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 7 7 16 121 151 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 14.85 % 2.66 14.77 71.79 26.89 Average loans, net $ 2,776 15,142 8,629 -- 26,547 Average deposits -- -- -- 22,337 22,337 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 161 951 391 662 2,165 =================================================================================================================================== Capital Capital Treasury/ (In millions) Markets Mgt. Consumer Commercial Nonbank Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLIDATED Income statement data Net interest income $ 373 127 834 353 195 1,882 Provision for loan losses 67 -- 78 14 16 175 Fee and other income 395 522 324 144 55 1,440 Noninterest expense 347 403 813 250 127 1,940 Income tax expense 114 96 101 82 12 405 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income after merger-related and restructuring charges 240 150 166 151 95 802 After-tax merger-related and restructuring charges -- -- -- -- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income before merger-related and restructuring charges $ 240 150 166 151 95 802 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 17.42 % 58.12 17.12 26.89 13.34 20.47 Average loans, net $ 42,681 3,784 25,070 26,547 29,252 127,334 Average deposits 14,685 20,001 69,694 22,337 6,707 133,424 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 5,460 1,050 3,798 2,165 2,826 15,299 ===================================================================================================================================
(Continued) 8 9 BUSINESS SEGMENTS (a)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended June 30, 1999 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Investment Corporate (In millions) Banking Banking International Other Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL MARKETS Income statement data Net interest income $ 75 290 45 -- 410 Provision for loan losses 17 44 -- -- 61 Fee and other income 286 41 51 (27) 351 Noninterest expense 200 100 45 -- 345 Income tax expense 45 70 19 (27) 107 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 99 117 32 -- 248 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 29.03 % 13.62 19.04 -- 18.10 Average loans, net $ 7,262 31,477 4,516 -- 43,255 Average deposits 4,872 5,323 5,413 -- 15,608 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 1,360 3,450 657 -- 5,467 ===================================================================================================================================
Retail Brokerage & Wealth Insurance & Trust Mutual CAP (In millions) Services Services Funds Account Other Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Income statement data Net interest income $ 20 54 1 46 -- 121 Provision for loan losses -- (1) -- -- -- (1) Fee and other income 234 169 111 29 (22) 521 Noninterest expense 208 129 68 31 -- 436 Income tax expense 18 36 17 17 (8) 80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 28 59 27 27 (14) 127 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 34.06 % 56.29 41.62 72.23 -- 49.56 Average loans, net $ -- 3,776 -- -- -- 3,776 Average deposits -- 5,743 -- 14,096 -- 19,839 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 333 419 159 149 (28) 1,032 ===================================================================================================================================
Home Equity & First The Retail Union Money Credit Branch (In millions) Mortgage Store Cards Products Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSUMER Income statement data Net interest income $ 22 139 62 608 831 Provision for loan losses -- 17 40 20 77 Fee and other income 111 115 108 212 546 Noninterest expense 66 154 63 589 872 Income tax expense 25 32 26 81 164 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 42 51 41 130 264 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 132.56 % 14.66 35.73 29.12 28.01 Average loans, net $ 476 11,881 2,564 16,570 31,491 Average deposits 1,332 66 9 70,364 71,771 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 124 1,396 467 1,803 3,790 ===================================================================================================================================
(Continued) 9 10 BUSINESS SEGMENTS (a)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended June 30, 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small Real Cash Mgt. & Business Estate Deposit (In millions) Banking Lending Banking Services Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMERCIAL Income statement data Net interest income $ 22 62 44 210 338 Provision for loan losses 1 14 7 -- 22 Fee and other income -- -- -- 138 138 Noninterest expense 11 58 17 184 270 Income tax expense 4 (10) 8 63 65 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 6 -- 12 101 119 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 16.22 % 0.06 12.27 64.51 23.26 Average loans, net $ 2,735 14,344 8,529 -- 25,608 Average deposits -- -- -- 22,445 22,445 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 165 879 408 631 2,083 ===================================================================================================================================
Capital Capital Treasury/ (In millions) Markets Mgt. Consumer Commercial Nonbank Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLIDATED Income statement data Net interest income $ 410 121 831 338 145 1,845 Provision for loan losses 61 (1) 77 22 21 180 Fee and other income 351 521 546 138 150 1,706 Noninterest expense 345 436 872 270 130 2,053 Income tax expense 107 80 164 65 29 445 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income after merger-related and restructuring charges 248 127 264 119 115 873 After-tax merger-related and restructuring charges -- -- -- -- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income before merger-related and restructuring charges $ 248 127 264 119 115 873 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 18.10 % 49.56 28.01 23.26 13.86 21.94 Average loans, net $43,255 3,776 31,491 25,608 27,022 131,152 Average deposits 15,608 19,839 71,771 22,445 4,129 133,792 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 5,467 1,032 3,790 2,083 3,329 15,701 ===================================================================================================================================
(Continued) 10 11 BUSINESS SEGMENTS (a)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended March 31, 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Investment Corporate (In millions) Banking Banking International Other Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL MARKETS Income statement data Net interest income $ 59 274 46 -- 379 Provision for loan losses 21 34 -- -- 55 Fee and other income 405 59 48 (28) 484 Noninterest expense 223 108 46 -- 377 Income tax expense 76 72 19 (28) 139 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 144 119 29 -- 292 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 41.87 % 14.12 20.06 -- 21.87 Average loans, net $ 6,963 31,870 4,930 -- 43,763 Average deposits 5,012 5,487 5,753 -- 16,252 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 1,387 3,434 616 -- 5,437 ===================================================================================================================================
Retail Brokerage & Wealth Insurance & Trust Mutual CAP (In millions) Services Services Funds Account Other Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Income statement data Net interest income $ 17 58 1 45 -- 121 Provision for loan losses -- 1 -- -- -- 1 Fee and other income 222 167 107 26 (22) 500 Noninterest expense 199 137 59 31 -- 426 Income tax expense 15 33 18 15 (8) 73 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 25 54 31 25 (14) 121 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 32.21 % 50.96 53.11 69.43 -- 48.01 Average loans, net $ -- 3,742 -- -- -- 3,742 Average deposits -- 5,806 -- 14,161 -- 19,967 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 313 425 151 143 (28) 1,004 ===================================================================================================================================
Home Equity & First The Retail Union Money Credit Branch (In millions) Mortgage Store Cards Products Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSUMER Income statement data Net interest income $ 23 116 60 601 800 Provision for loan losses -- 10 46 23 79 Fee and other income 113 86 57 204 460 Noninterest expense 78 161 62 576 877 Income tax expense 22 12 4 79 117 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 36 19 5 127 187 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 120.20 % 5.80 5.33 27.80 20.15 Average loans, net $ 492 11,325 2,593 16,182 30,592 Average deposits 1,340 2 10 71,907 73,259 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 120 1,341 468 1,857 3,786 ===================================================================================================================================
(Continued) 11 12 BUSINESS SEGMENTS (a)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended March 31, 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small Real Cash Mgt. & Business Estate Deposit (In millions) Banking Lending Banking Services Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMERCIAL Income statement data Net interest income $ 20 60 45 218 343 Provision for loan losses 1 6 6 -- 13 Fee and other income -- -- -- 132 132 Noninterest expense 10 51 19 189 269 Income tax expense 4 (5) 8 62 69 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 5 8 12 99 124 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 15.09 % 3.85 12.23 59.56 23.79 Average loans, net $ 2,677 14,603 8,387 -- 25,667 Average deposits -- -- -- 23,455 23,455 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 162 908 413 679 2,162 ===================================================================================================================================
Capital Capital Treasury/ (In millions) Markets Mgt. Consumer Commercial Nonbank Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLIDATED Income statement data Net interest income $ 379 121 800 343 137 1,780 Provision for loan losses 55 1 79 13 16 164 Fee and other income 484 500 460 132 374 1,950 Noninterest expense 377 426 877 269 560 2,509 Income tax expense 139 73 117 69 (47) 351 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income after merger-related and restructuring charges 292 121 187 124 (18) 706 After-tax merger-related and restructuring charges -- -- -- -- 259 259 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income before merger-related and restructuring charges $ 292 121 187 124 241 965 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 21.87 % 48.01 20.15 23.79 26.76 24.32 Average loans, net $43,763 3,742 30,592 25,667 25,705 129,469 Average deposits 16,252 19,967 73,259 23,455 3,329 136,262 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 5,437 1,004 3,786 2,162 3,652 16,041 ===================================================================================================================================
(Continued) 12 13 BUSINESS SEGMENTS (a)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended December 31, 1998 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Investment Corporate (In millions) Banking Banking International Other Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL MARKETS Income statement data Net interest income $ 80 259 52 -- 391 Provision for loan losses (5) 34 10 -- 39 Fee and other income 261 66 48 (21) 354 Noninterest expense 218 117 48 -- 383 Income tax expense 43 65 16 (21) 103 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 85 109 26 -- 220 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 26.19 % 12.92 15.60 -- 16.52 Average loans, net $ 6,871 31,052 5,190 -- 43,113 Average deposits 5,095 5,608 5,923 -- 16,626 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 1,304 3,332 647 -- 5,283 =============================================================================================================================
Retail Brokerage & Wealth Insurance & Trust Mutual CAP (In millions) Services Services Funds Account Other Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Income statement data Net interest income $ 8 54 1 43 -- 106 Provision for loan losses -- 1 -- -- -- 1 Fee and other income 200 163 109 23 (21) 474 Noninterest expense 185 128 54 30 -- 397 Income tax expense 9 34 21 14 (8) 70 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 14 54 35 22 (13) 112 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 21.04 % 52.49 68.55 70.70 -- 48.01 Average loans, net $ -- 3,829 -- -- -- 3,829 Average deposits -- 5,377 -- 13,123 -- 18,500 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 271 415 153 126 (26) 939 =============================================================================================================================
Home Equity & First The Retail Union Money Credit Branch (In millions) Mortgage Store Cards Products Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSUMER Income statement data Net interest income $ 26 118 56 631 831 Provision for loan losses -- 3 59 23 85 Fee and other income 127 28 90 246 491 Noninterest expense 81 180 68 608 937 Income tax expense 28 (14) 7 94 115 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 44 (23) 12 152 185 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 116.13 % (7.17) 10.12 30.70 19.12 Average loans, net $ 424 8,092 2,647 16,004 27,167 Average deposits 1,407 65 9 73,332 74,813 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 152 1,267 464 1,962 3,845 =============================================================================================================================
(Continued) 13 14 BUSINESS SEGMENTS (a)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended December 31, 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Small Real Cash Mgt. & Business Estate Deposit (In millions) Banking Lending Banking Services Total -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMERCIAL Income statement data Net interest income $ 22 69 48 217 356 Provision for loan losses 1 13 6 -- 20 Fee and other income -- -- -- 127 127 Noninterest expense 11 52 18 195 276 Income tax expense 4 (4) 9 57 66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 6 8 15 92 121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 14.10 % 3.86 12.69 55.27 21.98 Average loans, net $ 2,638 15,073 8,651 -- 26,362 Average deposits -- -- -- 24,540 24,540 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 160 908 453 658 2,179 ==========================================================================================================================
Capital Capital Treasury/ (In millions) Markets Mgt. Consumer Commercial Nonbank Total -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLIDATED Income statement data Net interest income $ 391 106 831 356 114 1,798 Provision for loan losses 39 1 85 20 22 167 Fee and other income 354 474 491 127 296 1,742 Noninterest expense 383 397 937 276 494 2,487 Income tax expense 103 70 115 66 (325) 29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income after merger-related and restructuring charges 220 112 185 121 219 857 After-tax merger-related and restructuring charges -- -- -- -- 136 136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income before merger-related and restructuring charges $ 220 112 185 121 355 993 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 16.52 % 48.01 19.12 21.98 30.84 22.49 Average loans, net $43,113 3,829 27,167 26,362 32,522 132,993 Average deposits 16,626 18,500 74,813 24,540 2,981 137,460 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 5,283 939 3,845 2,179 4,567 16,813 ==========================================================================================================================
(Continued) 14 15 BUSINESS SEGMENTS (a)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended September 30, 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investment Corporate (In millions) Banking Banking International Other Total -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL MARKETS Income statement data Net interest income $ 46 263 52 -- 361 Provision for loan losses (1) 67 -- -- 66 Fee and other income 39 81 60 (21) 159 Noninterest expense 140 99 38 -- 277 Income tax expense (33) 67 29 (21) 42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ (21) 111 45 -- 135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity (6.90)% 13.48 34.70 -- 10.85 Average loans, net $ 5,736 30,363 4,910 -- 41,009 Average deposits 5,146 5,396 4,796 -- 15,338 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 1,198 3,278 530 -- 5,006 ==========================================================================================================================
Retail Brokerage & Wealth Insurance & Trust Mutual CAP (In millions) Services Services Funds Account Other Total -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Income statement data Net interest income $ 8 54 1 38 -- 101 Provision for loan losses -- 1 -- -- -- 1 Fee and other income 195 155 105 19 (21) 453 Noninterest expense 179 112 50 27 -- 368 Income tax expense 9 37 21 12 (8) 71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 15 59 35 18 (13) 114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 22.30 % 59.26 71.79 71.62 -- 51.27 Average loans, net $ -- 3,848 -- -- -- 3,848 Average deposits -- 5,134 -- 11,534 -- 16,668 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 268 400 146 103 (27) 890 ==========================================================================================================================
Home Equity & First The Retail Union Money Credit Branch (In millions) Mortgage Store Cards Products Total -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSUMER Income statement data Net interest income $ 24 110 94 659 887 Provision for loan losses -- 3 42 35 80 Fee and other income 69 179 160 209 617 Noninterest expense 77 180 70 529 856 Income tax expense 6 41 54 116 217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 10 65 88 188 351 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 34.05 % 18.83 74.06 37.64 35.28 Average loans, net $ 418 7,887 3,638 15,976 27,919 Average deposits 1,413 159 11 75,948 77,531 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 112 1,386 471 1,975 3,944 ==========================================================================================================================
(Continued) 15 16 BUSINESS SEGMENTS (a)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended September 30, 1998 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small Real Cash Mgt. & Business Estate Deposit (In millions) Banking Lending Banking Services Total -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMERCIAL Income statement data Net interest income $ 21 81 52 206 360 Provision for loan losses 1 12 6 -- 19 Fee and other income -- -- -- 127 127 Noninterest expense 9 45 13 171 238 Income tax expense 5 4 13 62 84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 6 20 20 100 146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 19.13 % 9.02 16.72 62.56 27.46 Average loans, net $2,626 15,524 9,048 -- 27,198 Average deposits -- -- -- 23,619 23,619 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 152 850 490 632 2,124 ==========================================================================================================================
Capital Capital Treasury/ (In millions) Markets Mgt. Consumer Commercial Nonbank Total -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLIDATED Income statement data Net interest income $ 361 101 887 360 134 1,843 Provision for loan losses 66 1 80 19 73 239 Fee and other income 159 453 617 127 457 1,813 Noninterest expense 277 368 856 238 183 1,922 Income tax expense 42 71 217 84 86 500 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income after merger-related and restructuring charges 135 114 351 146 249 995 After-tax merger-related and restructuring charges -- -- -- -- 16 16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income before merger-related and restructuring charges $ 135 114 351 146 265 1,011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 10.85 % 51.27 35.28 27.46 23.47 23.42 Average loans, net $41,009 3,848 27,919 27,198 33,712 133,686 Average deposits 15,338 16,668 77,531 23,619 3,058 136,214 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 5,006 890 3,944 2,124 4,480 16,444 ==========================================================================================================================
(Continued) 16 17 BUSINESS SEGMENTS (a)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended June 30, 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Investment Corporate (In millions) Banking Banking International Other Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL MARKETS Income statement data Net interest income $ 39 270 38 -- 347 Provision for loan losses 6 26 1 -- 33 Fee and other income 298 56 47 (21) 380 Noninterest expense 194 108 51 -- 353 Income tax expense 47 72 12 (21) 110 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 90 120 21 -- 231 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 33.20 % 15.46 14.92 -- 19.50 Average loans, net $ 5,246 29,512 5,088 -- 39,846 Average deposits 4,021 5,204 4,484 -- 13,709 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 1,087 3,089 530 -- 4,706 ===================================================================================================================================
Retail Brokerage & Wealth Insurance & Trust Mutual CAP (In millions) Services Services Funds Account Other Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Income statement data Net interest income $ 10 53 1 39 -- 103 Provision for loan losses -- 2 -- -- -- 2 Fee and other income 194 157 102 18 (23) 448 Noninterest expense 170 130 56 26 -- 382 Income tax expense 13 30 18 12 (9) 64 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 21 48 29 19 (14) 103 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 31.66 % 49.05 52.44 72.11 -- 46.99 Average loans, net $ 1 3,612 -- -- -- 3,613 Average deposits -- 4,787 -- 11,150 -- 15,937 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 267 396 145 105 (29) 884 ===================================================================================================================================
Home Equity & First The Retail Union Money Credit Branch (In millions) Mortgage Store Cards Products Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSUMER Income statement data Net interest income $ 23 41 82 673 819 Provision for loan losses -- 3 57 19 79 Fee and other income 100 11 74 222 407 Noninterest expense 79 26 62 566 733 Income tax expense 17 9 15 119 160 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 27 14 22 191 254 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 90.70 % 21.52 20.18 37.45 35.43 Average loans, net $ 531 6,062 3,635 16,217 26,445 Average deposits 1,428 105 13 77,895 79,441 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 120 265 465 2,050 2,900 ===================================================================================================================================
(Continued) 17 18 BUSINESS SEGMENTS (a)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended June 30, 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small Real Cash Mgt. & Business Estate Deposit (In millions) Banking Lending Banking Services Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMERCIAL Income statement data Net interest income $ 21 77 49 195 342 Provision for loan losses 1 9 5 -- 15 Fee and other income -- -- -- 132 132 Noninterest expense 10 51 14 191 266 Income tax expense 4 4 11 52 71 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 6 13 19 84 122 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 16.95 % 6.70 15.72 56.52 24.45 Average loans, net $ 2,569 15,476 8,850 -- 26,895 Average deposits -- -- -- 21,941 21,941 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 150 784 470 597 2,001 ===================================================================================================================================
Capital Capital Treasury/ (In millions) Markets Mgt. Consumer Commercial Nonbank Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLIDATED Income statement data Net interest income $ 347 103 819 342 194 1,805 Provision for loan losses 33 2 79 15 21 150 Fee and other income 380 448 407 132 164 1,531 Noninterest expense 353 382 733 266 1,075 2,809 Income tax expense 110 64 160 71 (277) 128 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income after merger-related and restructuring charges 231 103 254 122 (461) 249 After-tax merger-related and restructuring charges -- -- -- -- 634 634 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income before merger-related and restructuring charges $ 231 103 254 122 173 883 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 19.50 % 46.99 35.43 24.45 16.79 23.89 Average loans, net $39,846 3,613 26,445 26,895 34,237 131,036 Average deposits 13,709 15,937 79,441 21,941 6,013 137,041 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 4,706 884 2,900 2,001 4,134 14,625 ===================================================================================================================================
(Continued) 18 19 BUSINESS SEGMENTS (a)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended March 31, 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Investment Corporate (In millions) Banking Banking International Other Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL MARKETS Income statement data Net interest income $ 47 269 26 -- 342 Provision for loan losses 1 16 1 -- 18 Fee and other income 176 42 60 (20) 258 Noninterest expense 142 117 42 -- 301 Income tax expense 24 67 16 (20) 87 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 56 111 27 -- 194 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 18.21 % 14.25 24.30 -- 16.19 Average loans, net $ 4,561 29,716 4,168 -- 38,445 Average deposits 3,163 4,800 3,560 -- 11,523 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 1,239 3,150 443 -- 4,832 ===================================================================================================================================
Retail Brokerage & Wealth Insurance & Trust Mutual CAP (In millions) Services Services Funds Account Other Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income statement data Net interest income $ 12 51 -- 35 -- 98 Provision for loan losses -- 1 -- -- -- 1 Fee and other income 188 150 96 17 (20) 431 Noninterest expense 169 131 54 25 -- 379 Income tax expense 12 27 16 10 (8) 57 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 19 42 26 17 (12) 92 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 29.59 % 44.75 48.25 70.92 -- 43.48 Average loans, net $ -- 3,502 -- -- -- 3,502 Average deposits -- 4,872 -- 10,879 -- 15,751 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 264 390 135 97 (26) 860 ===================================================================================================================================
First Retail Union Home Credit Branch (In millions) Mortgage Equity Cards Products Total ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSUMER Income statement data Net interest income $ 19 39 94 641 793 Provision for loan losses 1 2 53 26 82 Fee and other income 51 10 69 242 372 Noninterest expense 72 28 62 555 717 Income tax expense (1) 7 19 116 141 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ (2) 12 29 186 225 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity (6.27)% 23.03 26.45 36.73 32.42 Average loans, net $ 531 5,057 3,883 16,868 26,339 Average deposits 1,109 -- 15 77,755 78,879 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 108 210 464 2,067 2,849 ===================================================================================================================================
(Continued) 19 20 BUSINESS SEGMENTS (a)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months Ended March 31, 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small Real Cash Mgt. & Business Estate Deposit (In millions) Banking Lending Banking Services Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMERCIAL Income statement data Net interest income $ 20 66 53 196 335 Provision for loan losses 1 7 2 -- 10 Fee and other income -- -- -- 145 145 Noninterest expense 10 53 15 190 268 Income tax expense 4 1 14 58 77 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 5 5 22 93 125 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 17.54 % 3.57 17.39 61.01 26.30 Average loans, net $ 2,532 13,310 9,530 -- 25,372 Average deposits -- -- -- 22,123 22,123 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 147 689 514 620 1,970 ===================================================================================================================================
Capital Capital Treasury/ (In millions) Markets Mgt. Consumer Commercial Nonbank Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLIDATED Income statement data Net interest income $ 342 98 793 335 263 1,831 Provision for loan losses 18 1 82 10 24 135 Fee and other income 258 431 372 145 143 1,349 Noninterest expense 301 379 717 268 173 1,838 Income tax expense 87 57 141 77 55 417 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income after merger-related and restructuring charges 194 92 225 125 154 790 After-tax merger-related and restructuring charges -- -- -- -- 19 19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income before merger-related and restructuring charges $ 194 92 225 125 173 809 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance and other data Return on average attributed stockholders' equity 16.19 % 43.48 32.42 26.30 13.75 21.01 Average loans, net $38,445 3,502 26,339 25,372 36,821 130,479 Average deposits 11,523 15,751 78,879 22,123 6,298 134,574 Average attributed stockholders' equity (b) $ 4,832 860 2,849 1,970 5,101 15,612 ===================================================================================================================================
(a) Business Segment information reflects the April 1998 pooling of interests merger with CoreStates. The information also reflects the 1998 divestiture of $3.4 billion of deposits, $2.2 billion of which related to the CoreStates merger. Information related to the purchase accounting acquisitions of The Money Store and EVEREN on June 30, 1998, and October 1, 1999, respectively, is included from the date the acquisitions occurred. See the "Business Segments" discussion in Management's Analysis of Operations for further information about the methodology and assumptions used in presenting this information. (b) Average attributed stockholders' equity excludes merger-related, restructuring and other charges. The return on average attributed stockholders' equity for the Capital Management Mutual Funds unit is net of the amount included in Other. 20