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Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Policy)
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2019
Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements [Abstract]  
Basis of Accounting

Basis of Accounting. The consolidated financial statements of First Horizon National Corporation (“FHN”), including its subsidiaries, have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and follow general practices within the industries in which it operates. This preparation requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying notes. These estimates and assumptions are based on information available as of the date of the financial statements and could differ from actual results.
Principles of Consolidation and Basis of Presentation
Principles of Consolidation and Basis of Presentation. The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of FHN and other entities in which it has a controlling financial interest. Variable Interest Entities (“VIEs”) for which FHN or a subsidiary has been determined to be the primary beneficiary are also consolidated. Affiliates for which FHN is not considered the primary beneficiary and in which FHN does not have a controlling financial interest are accounted for by the equity method. These investments are included in other assets, and FHN’s proportionate share of income or loss is included in noninterest income. All significant intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated. For purposes of comparability, certain prior period amounts have been reclassified to conform to current year presentation.
Business Combinations
Business Combinations. FHN accounts for acquisitions meeting the definition of a business combination in accordance with ASC 805, "Business Combinations," which requires acquired assets and liabilities (other than tax, certain benefit plan balances, and starting in 2019 certain lease-related assets and liabilities) to be recorded at fair value. Business combinations are included in the financial statements from the respective dates of acquisition. Acquisition related costs are expensed as incurred.
Revenues. Revenue is recognized when the performance obligations under the terms of a contract with a customer are satisfied in an amount that reflects the consideration FHN expects to be entitled. FHN derives a significant portion of its revenues from fee-based services. Noninterest income from transaction-based fees is generally recognized immediately upon completion of the transaction. Noninterest income from service-based fees is generally recognized over the period in which FHN provides the service. Any services performed over time generally require that FHN render services each period and therefore FHN measures progress in completing these services based upon the passage of time and recognizes revenue as invoiced.

Following is a discussion of FHN's key revenues within the scope of Accounting Standards Update ("ASU") 2014-09, "Revenue from Contracts with Customers", and all related amendments, except as noted.

Fixed Income. Fixed income includes fixed income securities sales, trading, and strategies, loan sales and derivative sales which are not within the scope of revenue from contracts with customers. Fixed income also includes investment banking fees earned for services related to underwriting debt securities and performing portfolio advisory services. FHN's performance obligation for underwriting services is satisfied on the trade date while advisory services is satisfied over time.

Deposit Transactions and Cash Management. Deposit transactions and cash management activities include fees for services related to consumer and commercial deposit products (such as service charges on checking accounts), cash management products and services such as electronic transaction processing (Automated Clearing House and Electronic Data Interchange), account reconciliation services, cash vault services, lockbox processing, and information reporting to large corporate clients. FHN's obligation for transaction-based services is satisfied at the time of the transaction when the service is delivered while FHN's obligation for service based fees is satisfied over the course of each month.

Brokerage, Management Fees and Commissions. Brokerage, management fees and commissions include fees for portfolio management, trade commissions, and annuity and mutual fund sales. Asset-based management fees are charged based on the market value of the client’s assets. The services associated with these revenues, which include investment advice and active management of client assets are generally performed and recognized over a month or quarter. Transactional revenues are based on the size and number of transactions executed at the client’s direction and are generally recognized on the trade date.
Trust Services and Investment Management. Trust services and investment management fees include investment management, personal trust, employee benefits, and custodial trust services. Obligations for trust services are generally satisfied over time but may be satisfied at points in time for certain activities that are transactional in nature.

Bankcard Income. Bankcard income includes credit interchange and network revenues and various card-related fees. Interchange income is recognized concurrently with the delivery of services on a daily basis. Card-related fees such as late fees, currency conversion, and cash advance fees are loan-related and excluded from the scope of ASU 2014-09.

Contract Balances. As of December 31, 2019, accounts receivable related to products and services on non-interest income were $8.7 million. For the year ended December 31, 2019, FHN had no material impairment losses on non-interest accounts receivable and there were no material contract assets, contract liabilities or deferred contract costs recorded on the Consolidated Statement of Condition as of December 31, 2019.

Transaction Price Allocated to Remaining Performance Obligations. For the year ended December 31, 2019, revenue recognized from performance obligations related to prior periods was not material. Revenue expected to be recognized in any future year related to remaining performance obligations, excluding revenue pertaining to contracts that have an original expected duration of one year or less and contracts where revenue is recognized as invoiced, is not material.
Debt and Equity Investment Securities
Debt Investment Securities. Available-for-sale ("AFS") and held-to-maturity (“HTM”) securities are reviewed quarterly for possible other-than-temporary impairment (“OTTI”). The review includes an analysis of the facts and circumstances of each individual investment such as the degree of loss, the length of time the fair value has been below cost, the expectation for that security’s performance, the creditworthiness of the issuer and FHN’s intent and ability to hold the security. Debt securities that may be sold prior to maturity are classified as AFS and are carried at fair value. The unrealized gains and losses on debt securities AFS, including securities for which no credit impairment exists, are excluded from earnings and are reported, net of tax, as a component of other comprehensive income within shareholders’ equity and the Statements of Comprehensive Income. Debt securities which management has the intent and ability to hold to maturity are reported at amortized cost. Interest-only strips that are classified as securities AFS are valued at elected fair value. See Note 24 - Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities for additional information.
Realized gains and losses for investment securities are determined by the specific identification method and reported in noninterest income. Declines in value judged to be other-than-temporary based on FHN’s analysis of the facts and circumstances related to an individual investment, including securities that FHN has the intent to sell, are also determined by the specific identification method. For HTM debt securities, OTTI recognized is typically credit-related and is reported in noninterest income. For impaired AFS debt securities that FHN does not intend to sell and will not be required to sell prior to recovery but for which credit losses exist, the OTTI recognized is separated between the total impairment related to credit losses which is reported in noninterest income, and the impairment related to all other factors which is excluded from earnings and reported, net of tax, as a component of other comprehensive income within shareholders’ equity and the Statements of Comprehensive Income.
Equity Investment Securities. Equity securities are classified in Other assets.
National banks chartered by the federal government are, and banks organized under state law may apply to be, members of the Federal Reserve System. Each member bank is required to own stock in its regional Federal Reserve Bank ("FRB"). Given this requirement, FRB stock may not be sold, traded, or pledged as collateral for loans. Membership in the Federal Home Loan Bank (“FHLB”) network requires ownership of capital stock. Member banks are entitled to borrow funds from the FHLB and are required to pledge mortgage loans as collateral. Investments in the FHLB are non-transferable and, generally, membership is maintained primarily to provide a source of liquidity as needed. FRB and FHLB stock are recorded at cost and are subject to impairment reviews. FHN's subsidiary, First Horizon Bank, was a member bank throughout 2019, initially as a national bank and later as a state member bank.
Other equity investments primarily consist of mutual funds which are marked to fair value through earnings. Smaller balances of equity investments without a readily determinable fair value are recorded at cost minus impairment with adjustments through earnings for observable price changes in orderly transactions for the identical or a similar investment of the same issuer.
Securities Purchased Under Agreements to Resell and Securities Sold Under Agreements to Repurchase
Securities Purchased Under Agreements to Resell and Securities Sold Under Agreements to Repurchase. FHN purchases short-term securities under agreements to resell which are accounted for as collateralized financings except where FHN does not have an agreement to sell the same or substantially the same securities before maturity at a fixed or determinable price. All of FHN’s securities purchased under agreements to resell are recognized as collateralized financings. Securities delivered under these transactions are delivered to either the dealer custody account at the FRB or to the applicable counterparty. Securities sold under agreements to repurchase are offered to cash management customers as an automated, collateralized investment account. Securities sold under agreements to repurchase are also used by the consumer/commercial bank to obtain favorable borrowing rates on its purchased funds. All of FHN's securities sold under agreements to repurchase are secured borrowings.
Collateral is valued daily and FHN may require counterparties to deposit additional securities or cash as collateral, or FHN may return cash or securities previously pledged by counterparties, or FHN may be required to post additional securities or cash as collateral, based on the contractual requirements for these transactions.
FHN’s fixed income business utilizes securities borrowing arrangements as part of its trading operations. Securities borrowing transactions generally require FHN to deposit cash with the securities lender. The amount of cash advanced is recorded within Securities purchased under agreements to resell in the Consolidated Statements of Condition. These transactions are not considered purchases and the securities borrowed are not recognized by FHN. FHN does not conduct securities lending transactions.
Loans Held-for-Sale
Loans Held-for-Sale. Loans originated or purchased for which management lacks the intent to hold are included in loans held-for-sale in the Consolidated Statements of Condition. FHN has elected the fair value option on a prospective basis for certain mortgage loans held-for-sale and repurchased loans that are not governmentally insured. Such loans are carried at fair value, with changes in the fair value recognized in the other income section of the Consolidated Statements of Income. For mortgage loans originated for sale for which the fair value option was elected, loan origination fees were recorded by FHN when earned and related direct loan origination costs are recognized when incurred. See Note 24 - Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities for additional information. FHN accounts for all other loans held-for-sale at the lower of cost or market value (“LOCOM”).
Loans Loans. Generally, loans are stated at principal amounts outstanding, net of unearned income. Interest on loans is recognized on an accrual basis at the applicable interest rate on the principal amount outstanding. Loan origination fees and direct costs as well as premiums and discounts are amortized as level yield adjustments over the respective loan terms. Unamortized net fees or costs, premiums and discounts are recognized in interest income upon early repayment of the loans. Cash collections from loans that were fully charged off prior to acquisition are recognized in noninterest income. Loan commitment fees are generally deferred and amortized on a straight-line basis over the commitment period.
Nonaccrual and Past Due Loans
Nonaccrual and Past Due Loans. Generally, loans are placed on nonaccrual status if it becomes evident that full collection of principal and interest is at risk, impairment has been recognized as a partial charge-off of principal balance due to insufficient collateral value and past due status, or on a case-by-case basis if FHN continues to receive payments, but there are other borrower-specific issues.
The accrual status policy for commercial troubled debt restructurings (“TDRs”) follows the same internal policies and procedures as other commercial portfolio loans.
Residential real estate secured loans discharged in bankruptcy that have not been reaffirmed by the borrower (“discharged bankruptcies”) are placed on nonaccrual regardless of delinquency status and are reported as TDRs.
Current second lien residential real estate loans that are junior to first liens are placed on nonaccrual status if the first lien is 90 or more days past due, is a bankruptcy, or is a troubled debt restructuring.
Consumer real estate (HELOC and residential real estate installment loans), if not already on nonaccrual per above situations, are placed on nonaccrual if the loan is 30 or more days delinquent at the time of modification and is also determined to be a TDR.
Government guaranteed/insured residential mortgage loans remain on accrual (even if the loan falls into one of the above categories) because the collection of principal and interest is reasonably assured.
For commercial and consumer loans within each portfolio segment and class that have been placed on nonaccrual status, accrued but uncollected interest is reversed and charged against interest income when the loan is placed on nonaccrual status. Management may elect to continue the accrual of interest when the estimated net realizable value of collateral is sufficient to recover the principal balance and accrued interest. Interest payments received on nonaccrual loans are normally applied to outstanding principal first. Once all principal has been received, additional interest payments are recognized on a cash basis as interest income.
Generally, commercial and consumer loans within each portfolio segment and class that have been placed on nonaccrual status can be returned to accrual status if all principal and interest is current and FHN expects full repayment of the remaining contractual principal and interest. This typically requires that a borrower make payments in accordance with the contractual terms for a sustained period of time (generally for a minimum of six months) before being returned to accrual status. For TDRs, FHN may also consider a borrower’s sustained historical repayment performance for a reasonable time prior to the restructuring in assessing whether the borrower can meet the restructured terms, as it may indicate whether the borrower is capable of servicing the level of debt under the modified terms.
Residential real estate loans discharged through Chapter 7 bankruptcy and not reaffirmed by the borrower are not returned to accrual status. For current second liens that have been placed on nonaccrual because the first lien is 90 or more days past due or is a TDR or bankruptcy, the second lien may be returned to accrual upon pay-off or cure of the first lien.
Charge-offs. For all commercial and consumer loan portfolio segments, all losses of principal are charged to the allowance for loan losses ("ALLL") in the period in which the loan is deemed to be uncollectible.
For consumer loans, the timing of a full or partial charge-off generally depends on the loan type and delinquency status. Generally, for the consumer real estate and permanent mortgage portfolio segments, a loan will be either partially or fully charged-off when it becomes 180 days past due. At this time, if the collateral value does not support foreclosure, balances are fully charged-off and other avenues of recovery are pursued. If the collateral value supports foreclosure, the loan is charged-down to net realizable value (collateral value less estimated costs to sell) and is placed on nonaccrual status. For residential real estate loans discharged in Chapter 7 bankruptcy and not reaffirmed by the borrower, the fair value of the collateral position is assessed at the time FHN is made aware of the discharge and the loan is charged down to the net realizable value (collateral value less estimated costs to sell). Within the credit card and other portfolio segment, credit cards and installment loans secured by automobiles are normally charged-off upon reaching 180 days past due while other non-real estate consumer loans are charged-off upon reaching 120 days past due.
Impaired Loans
Impaired Loans. Impaired loans include nonaccrual commercial loans greater than $1 million and modified consumer and commercial loans that have been classified as a TDR and are individually measured for impairment under the guidance of ASC 310. TDRs are always reported as such unless the TDR has exhibited sustained performance, was reported as a TDR over a year-end, and the modified terms were market-based at the time of modification.
Purchased Credit-Impaired Loans
Purchased Credit-Impaired Loans. ASC 310-30 “Accounting for Certain Loans or Debt Securities Acquired in a Transfer,” provides guidance for acquired loans that have exhibited deterioration of credit quality between origination and the time of acquisition and for which the timely collection of the interest and principal is not reasonably assured (“PCI loans”). PCI loans are initially recorded at fair value which is estimated by discounting expected cash flows at acquisition date. The expected cash flows include all contractually expected amounts (including interest) and incorporate an estimate for future expected credit losses, pre-payment assumptions, and yield requirement for a market participant, among other things. To the extent possible, certain PCI loans were aggregated into pools with composite interest rate and cash flows expected to be collected for the pool. Aggregation into loan pools is based upon common risk characteristics that include similar credit risk or risk ratings, and one or more predominant risk characteristics. Each PCI pool is accounted for as a single unit.

Accretable yield is initially established at acquisition and is the excess of cash flows expected at acquisition over the initial investment in the loan and is recognized in interest income over the remaining life of the loan, or pool of loans. Nonaccretable difference is initially established at acquisition and is the difference between the contractually required payments at acquisition and the cash flows expected to be collected at acquisition. FHN estimates expected cash flows for PCI loans on a quarterly basis. Increases in expected cash flows from the last measurement result in reversal of any nonaccretable difference (or allowance for loan losses to the extent any has previously been recorded) with a prospective positive impact on interest income. Decreases to the expected cash flows result in an increase in the allowance for loan losses through provision expense.

FHN does not report PCI loans as nonperforming loans due to the accretion of interest income. Additionally, PCI loans that have been pooled and subsequently modified will not be reported as troubled debt restructurings since the pool is the unit of measurement.
Allowance for Loan Losses
Allowance for Loan Losses. The ALLL is maintained at a level that management determines is sufficient to absorb estimated probable incurred losses in the loan portfolio. The ALLL is increased by the provision for loan losses and loan recoveries and is decreased by loan charge-offs. The ALLL is determined in accordance with ASC 450-20-50 "Contingencies - Accruals for Loss Contingencies" and is composed of reserves for commercial loans evaluated based on pools of credit graded loans and reserves for pools of smaller-balance homogeneous consumer and commercial loans. The reserve factors applied to these pools are an estimate of probable incurred losses based on management’s evaluation of historical net losses from loans with similar characteristics. Additionally, the ALLL includes specific reserves established in accordance with ASC 310-10-35 for loans determined by management to be individually impaired as well as reserves associated with PCI loans. Management uses analytical models to estimate probable incurred losses in the loan portfolio as of the balance sheet date. The models, which are primarily driven by historical losses, are carefully reviewed to identify trends that may not be captured in the historical loss factors used in the models. Management uses qualitative adjustments for those items not yet captured in the models like current events, recent trends in the portfolio, current underwriting guidelines, and local and macroeconomic trends, among other things.
The nature of the process by which FHN determines the appropriate ALLL requires the exercise of considerable judgment. See Note 5 - Allowance for Loan Losses for a discussion of FHN’s ALLL methodology and a description of the models utilized in the estimation process for the commercial and consumer loan portfolios.
Key components of the estimation process are as follows: (1) commercial loans determined by management to be individually impaired loans are evaluated individually and specific reserves are determined based on the difference between the outstanding loan amount and the estimated net realizable value of the collateral (if collateral dependent), the present value of expected future cash flows or by observable market prices; (2) individual commercial loans not considered to be individually impaired are segmented based on similar credit risk characteristics and evaluated on a pool basis; (3) reserve rates for the commercial segment are calculated based on historical net charge-offs and are subject to adjustment by management to reflect current events, trends, and conditions (including economic considerations and trends); (4) management’s estimate of probable incurred losses reflects the reserve rates applied against the balance of loans in the commercial segment of the loan portfolio; (5) consumer loans are generally segmented based on loan type; (6) reserve amounts for each consumer portfolio segment are calculated using analytical models based on delinquency trends and net loss experience and are subject to adjustment by management to reflect current events, trends, and conditions (including economic considerations and trends); and (7) the reserve amount for each consumer portfolio segment reflects management’s estimate of probable incurred losses in the consumer segment of the loan portfolio.
Impairment related to individually impaired loans is measured in accordance with ASC 310-10. For all commercial portfolio segments, commercial TDRs and other individually impaired commercial loans are measured based on the present value of expected future payments discounted at the loan’s effective interest rate (“the DCF method”), observable market prices, or for loans that are solely dependent on the collateral for repayment, the net realizable value (collateral value less estimated costs to sell). Impaired loans also include consumer TDRs.
Future adjustments to the ALLL may be necessary if economic or other conditions differ substantially from the assumptions used in making the estimates or, if required by regulators, based upon information at the time of their examinations or upon future regulatory guidance. Such adjustments to original estimates, as necessary, are made in the period in which these factors and other relevant considerations indicate that loss levels vary from previous estimates.
Premises and Equipment
Premises and Equipment. Premises and equipment are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and amortization and include additions that materially extend the useful lives of existing premises and equipment. All other maintenance and repair expenditures are expensed as incurred. Premises and equipment held-for-sale are generally valued at appraised values which reference recent disposition values for similar property types but also consider marketability discounts for vacant properties. The valuations of premises and equipment held-for-sale are reduced by estimated costs to sell. Impairments, and any subsequent recoveries, are recorded in noninterest expense. Gains and losses on dispositions are reflected in noninterest income and expense, respectively.
Depreciation and amortization are computed on the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets and are recorded as noninterest expense. Leasehold improvements are amortized over the lesser of the lease periods or the estimated useful lives using the straight-line method. Useful lives utilized in determining depreciation for furniture, fixtures and equipment and for buildings are three years to fifteen years and seven years to forty-five years, respectively.
Other Real Estate Owned (OREO)
Other Real Estate Owned ("OREO"). Real estate acquired by foreclosure or other real estate-owned consists of properties that have been acquired in satisfaction of debt. These properties are carried at the lower of the outstanding loan amount or estimated fair value less estimated costs to sell the real estate. At the time acquired, and in conjunction with the transfer from loans to OREO, there is a charge-off against the ALLL if the estimated fair value less costs to sell is less than the loan’s cost basis. Subsequent declines in fair value and gains or losses on dispositions, if any, are charged to All other expense on the Consolidated Statements of Income. Properties acquired by foreclosure in compliance with HUD servicing guidelines prior to January 1, 2015, are included in “OREO” and are carried at the estimated amount of the underlying government insurance or guarantee. On December 31, 2019, FHN had $2.2 million of these properties.
Required developmental costs associated with acquired property under construction are capitalized and included in determining the estimated net realizable value of the property, which is reviewed periodically, and any write-downs are charged against current earnings.
Intangible Assets
Intangible Assets. Intangible assets consist of “Other intangible assets” and “Goodwill.” Other intangible assets represent customer lists and relationships, acquired contracts, covenants not to compete and premium on purchased deposits, which are amortized over their estimated useful lives. Intangible assets related to acquired deposit bases are primarily amortized over 10 years using an accelerated method. Management evaluates whether events or circumstances have occurred that indicate the remaining useful life or carrying value of amortizing intangibles should be revised. Goodwill represents the excess of cost over net assets of acquired businesses less identifiable intangible assets. On an annual basis, FHN assesses goodwill for impairment.
Derivative Financial Instruments
Derivative Financial Instruments. FHN accounts for derivative financial instruments in accordance with ASC 815 which requires recognition of all derivative instruments on the balance sheet as either an asset or liability measured at fair value
through adjustments to either accumulated other comprehensive income within shareholders’ equity or current earnings. Fair value is defined as the price that would be received to sell a derivative asset or paid to transfer a derivative liability in an orderly transaction between market participants on the transaction date. Fair value is determined using available market information and appropriate valuation methodologies. FHN has elected to present its derivative assets and liabilities gross on the Consolidated Statements of Condition. Amounts of collateral posted or received have not been netted with the related derivatives unless the collateral amounts are considered legal settlements of the related derivative positions. See Note 22 - Derivatives for discussion on netting of derivatives.
FHN prepares written hedge documentation, identifying the risk management objective and designating the derivative instrument as a fair value hedge or cash flow hedge as applicable, or as a free-standing derivative instrument entered into as an economic hedge or to meet customers’ needs. All transactions designated as ASC 815 hedges must be assessed at inception and on an ongoing basis as to the effectiveness of the derivative instrument in offsetting changes in fair value or cash flows of the hedged item. For a fair value hedge, changes in the fair value of the derivative instrument and changes in the fair value of the hedged asset or liability attributable to the hedged risk are recognized currently in earnings. For a cash flow hedge, changes in the fair value of the derivative instrument are recorded in accumulated other comprehensive income and subsequently reclassified to earnings as the hedged transaction impacts net income. Prior to 2018, ineffectiveness in debt and cash flow hedges was recorded in noninterest expense. Starting in 2018, for fair value hedges, the entire change in the fair value of the hedging instrument included in the assessment of effectiveness is recorded to the same financial statement line item (e.g., interest expense) used to present the earnings effect of the hedged item. For cash flow hedges, the entire fair value change of the hedging instrument that is included in the assessment of hedge effectiveness is initially recorded in other comprehensive income and later recycled into earnings as the hedged transaction(s) affect net income with the income statement effects recorded in the same financial statement line item used to present the earnings effect of the hedged item (e.g., interest income). For free-standing derivative instruments, changes in fair values are recognized currently in earnings. See Note 22 - Derivatives for additional information.
Cash flows from derivative contracts are reported as operating activities on the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows.
Leases, Lessee
Leases. At inception, all arrangements are evaluated to determine if they contain a lease, which is defined as a contract, or part of a contract, that conveys the right to control the use of identified property, plant, or equipment for a period of time in exchange for consideration. Control is deemed to exist when a lessor has granted and a lessee has received both the right to obtain substantially all of the economic benefits from use of the identified asset and the right to direct the use of the identified asset throughout the period of use.
Lessee. As a lessee, FHN recognizes lease (right-of-use) assets and lease liabilities for all leasing arrangements with lease terms that are greater than one year. The lease asset and lease liability are recognized at the present value of estimated future lease payments, including estimated renewal periods, with the discount rate reflecting a fully-collateralized rate matching the estimated lease term. Renewal options are included in the estimated lease term if they are considered reasonably certain of exercise. Periods covered by termination options are included in the lease term if it is reasonably certain they will not be exercised. Additionally, prepaid or accrued lease payments, lease incentives and initial direct costs related to lease arrangements are recognized within the right-of-use asset. Each lease is classified as a financing or operating lease which depends on the relationship of the lessee’s rights to the economic value of the leased asset. For finance leases, interest on the lease liability is recognized separately from amortization of the right-of-use asset in earnings, resulting in higher expense in the earlier portion of the lease term. For operating leases, a single lease cost is calculated so that the cost of the lease is allocated over the lease term on a generally straight-line basis. Substantially all of FHN’s lessee arrangements are classified as operating leases. For leases with a term of 12 months or less, FHN does not to recognize lease assets and lease liabilities and expense is generally recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term.
Lease assumptions and classification are reassessed upon the occurrence of events that result in changes to the estimated lease term or consideration. Modifications to lease contracts are evaluated to determine 1) if a right to use an additional asset has been obtained, 2) if only the lease term and/or consideration have been revised or 3) if a full or partial termination has occurred. If an additional right-of use-asset has been obtained, the modification is treated as a separate contract and its classification is evaluated as a new lease arrangement. If only the lease term or consideration are changed, the lease liability is revalued with an offset to the lease asset and the lease classification is re-assessed. If a modification results in a full or partial termination of the lease, the lease liability is revalued through earnings along with a proportionate reduction in the value of the related lease asset and subsequent expense recognition is similar to a new lease arrangement.
Lease assets are evaluated for impairment when triggering events occur, such as a change in management intent regarding the continued occupation of the leased space. If a lease asset is impaired, it is written down to the present value of estimated future
cash flows and the prospective expense recognition for that lease follows the accelerated expense recognition methodology applicable to finance leases, even if it remains classified as an operating lease.
Sublease arrangements are accounted for consistent with the lessor accounting described below. Sublease arrangements are evaluated to determine if changes to estimates for the primary lease are warranted or if the sublease terms reflect impairment of the related lease asset.
Lease assets are recognized in Other assets and lease liabilities are recognized in Other liabilities in the Consolidated Statements of Condition. Since substantially all of its leasing arrangements relate to real estate, FHN records lease expense, and any related sublease income, within Occupancy expense in the Consolidated Statements of Income.
Leases, Lessor
Lessor. As a lessor, FHN also evaluates its lease arrangements to determine whether a finance lease or an operating lease exists and utilizes the rate implicit in the lease arrangement as the discount rate to calculate the present value of future cash flows. Depending upon the terms of the individual agreements, finance leases represent either sales-type or direct financing leases, both of which require de-recognition of the asset being leased with offsetting recognition of a lease receivable that is evaluated for impairment similar to loans. Currently, all of FHN’s lessor arrangements are considered operating leases.
Lease income for operating leases is recognized over the life of the lease, generally on a straight line basis. Lease incentives and initial direct costs are capitalized and amortized over the estimated life of the lease. Lease income is not significant for any reporting periods and is classified as a reduction of Occupancy expense in the Consolidated Statements of Income.
Advertising and Public Relations
Advertising and Public Relations. Advertising and public relations costs are generally expensed as incurred.
Income Taxes
Income Taxes. FHN accounts for income taxes using the asset and liability method pursuant to ASC 740, “Income Taxes,” which requires the recognition of deferred tax assets ("DTAs") and liabilities ("DTLs") for the expected future tax consequences of events that have been included in the financial statements. Under this method, FHN’s deferred tax assets and liabilities are determined based on differences between financial statement carrying amounts and the corresponding tax basis of certain assets and liabilities using enacted tax rates in effect for the year in which the differences are expected to reverse. The effect of a change in tax rates on DTAs and DTLs is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date.
Additionally, DTAs are subject to a “more likely than not” test to determine whether the full amount of the DTAs should be recognized in the financial statements. FHN evaluates the likelihood of realization of the DTA based on both positive and negative evidence available at the time, including (as appropriate) scheduled reversals of DTLs, projected future taxable income, tax planning strategies, and recent financial performance. If the “more likely than not” test is not met, a valuation allowance must be established against the DTA. In the event FHN determines that DTAs are realizable in the future in excess of their net recorded amount, FHN would make an adjustment to the valuation allowance, which would reduce the provision for income taxes.
FHN records uncertain tax positions in accordance with ASC 740 on the basis of a two-step process in which (1) it is determined whether it is more likely than not that the tax positions will be sustained on the basis of the technical merits of the position and (2) for those tax positions that meet the more-likely-than-not recognition threshold, the largest amount of tax benefit that is more than 50 percent likely to be realized upon ultimate settlement with the related tax authority is recognized. FHN's ASC 740 policy is to recognize interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits as a component of income tax expense. Accrued interest and penalties are included within the related tax asset/liability line in the consolidated balance sheet.
FHN and its eligible subsidiaries are included in a consolidated federal income tax return. FHN files separate returns for subsidiaries that are not eligible to be included in a consolidated federal income tax return. Based on the laws of the applicable state where it conducts business operations, FHN either files consolidated, combined, or separate returns. FHN’s federal consolidated tax returns are currently under audit for 2013 through 2015 and the statutes for those years have been extended through December 31, 2020. Federal tax refund claims for Capital Bank Financial Corporation for 2010 - 2012 are under examination by the IRS. Several of FHN’s state returns are currently under examination.
Earnings per Share
Earnings per Share. Earnings per share is computed by dividing net income or loss available to common shareholders by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for each period. Diluted earnings per share in net income periods is computed by dividing net income available to common shareholders by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding adjusted to include the number of additional common shares that would have been outstanding if the potential dilutive common shares resulting from performance shares and units, restricted shares and units, and options granted under FHN’s equity compensation plans and deferred compensation arrangements had been issued. FHN utilizes the treasury stock
method in this calculation. Diluted earnings per share does not reflect an adjustment for potentially dilutive shares in periods in which a net loss available to common shareholders exists.
Equity Compensation
Equity Compensation. FHN accounts for its employee stock-based compensation plans using the grant date fair value of an award to determine the expense to be recognized over the life of the award. Stock options are valued using an option-pricing model, such as Black-Scholes. Restricted and performance shares and share units are valued at the stock price on the grant date. Awards with post-vesting transfer restrictions are discounted using models that reflect market considerations for illiquidity. For awards with service vesting criteria, expense is recognized using the straight-line method over the requisite service period (generally the vesting period). Forfeitures are recognized when they occur. For awards vesting based on a performance measure, anticipated performance is projected to determine the number of awards expected to vest, and the corresponding aggregate expense is adjusted to reflect the elapsed portion of the performance period. If a performance period extends beyond the required service term, total expense is adjusted for changes in estimated achievement through the end of the performance period. Some performance awards include a total shareholder return modifier (“TSR Modifier”) that operates after determination of the performance criteria, affecting only the quantity of awards issued if the minimum performance threshold is attained. The effect of the TSR Modifier is included in the grant date fair value of the related performance awards using a Monte Carlo valuation technique. The fair value of equity awards with cash payout requirements, as well as awards for which fair value cannot be estimated at grant date, is remeasured each reporting period through vesting date. Performance awards with pre-grant date achievement criteria are expensed over the period from the start of the performance period through the end of the service vesting term. Awards are amortized using the nonsubstantive vesting methodology which requires that expense associated with awards having only service vesting criteria that continue vesting after retirement be recognized over a period ending no later than an employee’s retirement eligibility date.
Repurchase and Foreclosure Provision
Repurchase and Foreclosure Provision. The repurchase and foreclosure provision is the charge to earnings necessary to maintain the liability at a level that reflects management’s best estimate of losses associated with the repurchase of loans previously transferred in whole loans sales or securitizations, or make whole requests as of the balance sheet date. See Note 17 - Contingencies and Other Disclosures for discussion related to FHN’s obligations to repurchase such loans.
Legal Costs
Legal Costs. Generally, legal costs are expensed as incurred.Costs related to equity issuances are netted against Capital surplus. Costs related to debt issuances are included in debt issuance costs that are recorded within Term borrowings.
Contingency Accruals
Contingency Accruals. Contingent liabilities arise in the ordinary course of business, including those related to lawsuits, arbitration, mediation, and other forms of litigation. FHN establishes loss contingency liabilities for matters when loss is both probable and reasonably estimable in accordance with ASC 450-20-50 “Contingencies - Accruals for Loss Contingencies”. If loss for a matter is probable and a range of possible loss outcomes is the best estimate available, accounting guidance generally requires a liability to be established at the low end of the range. Expected recoveries from insurance and indemnification arrangements are recognized if they are considered equally as probable and reasonably estimable as the related loss contingency up to the recognized amount of the estimated loss. Gain contingencies and expected recoveries from insurance and indemnification arrangements in excess of the associated recorded estimated losses are generally recognized when received. Recognized recoveries are recorded as offsets to the related expense in the Consolidated Statements of Income. The favorable resolution of a gain contingency generally results in the recognition of other income in the Consolidated Statements of Income. Contingencies assumed in business combinations are evaluated through the end of the one-year post-closing measurement period.  If the acquisition-date fair value of the contingency can be determined during the measurement period, recognition occurs as part of the acquisition-date fair value of the acquired business. If the acquisition-date fair value of the contingency cannot be determined, but loss is considered probable as of the acquisition date and can be reasonably estimated within the measurement period, then the estimated amount is recorded within acquisition accounting. If the requirements for inclusion of the contingency as part of the acquisition are not met, subsequent recognition of the contingency is included in earnings.
Summary of Accounting Changes and Accounting Changes Issued but Not Currently Effective
Summary of Accounting Changes. Effective January 1, 2019, FHN adopted the provisions of ASU 2016-02, “Leases,” which requires a lessee to recognize in its statement of condition a liability to make lease payments (the lease liability) and a right-of-use asset representing its right to use the underlying asset for the lease term. ASU 2016-02 leaves lessor accounting largely unchanged from prior standards. For leases with a term of 12 months or less, a lessee is permitted to make an accounting policy election by class of underlying asset not to recognize lease assets and lease liabilities. If a lessee makes this election, it should recognize lease expense for such leases generally on a straight-line basis over the lease term. All other leases must be classified as financing or operating leases which depends on the relationship of the lessee’s rights to the economic value of the leased asset. For finance leases, interest on the lease liability is recognized separately from amortization of the right-of-use asset in earnings, resulting in higher expense in the earlier portion of the lease term. For operating leases, a single lease cost is calculated so that the cost of the lease is allocated over the lease term on a generally straight-line basis.
Effective January 1, 2019, FHN adopted the provisions of ASU 2018-11, “Leases - Targeted Improvements,” which provides an election for a cumulative effect adjustment to retained earnings upon initial adoption of ASU 2016-02. Alternatively, under the initial guidance of ASU 2016-02, lessees and lessors are required to recognize and measure leases at the beginning of the earliest comparative period presented using a modified retrospective approach. Both adoption alternatives include a number of optional practical expedients that entities may elect to apply, which would result in continuing to account for leases that commence before the effective date in accordance with previous requirements (unless the lease is modified) except that lessees are required to recognize a right-of-use asset and a lease liability for all operating leases at each reporting date based on the present value of the remaining minimum rental payments that were tracked and disclosed under previous requirements. ASU 2016-02 also requires expanded qualitative and quantitative disclosures to assess the amount, timing, and uncertainty of cash flows arising from lease arrangements. Upon adoption, FHN utilized the cumulative effect transition alternative provided by ASU 2018-11. FHN utilized the lease classification practical expedients and the short-term lease exemption upon adoption. FHN also has elected to determine the discount rate on leases as of the effective date and elected to use hindsight in determining lease terms as well as impairments of lease assets resulting from lease abandonments upon adoption. The table below summarizes the impact of adopting ASU 2016-02 as of January 1, 2019, for line items in the Consolidated Statements of Condition. Lease assets of approximately $185 million are included in Other Assets. Lease liabilities of approximately $204 million are included in Other Liabilities. The after-tax decrease in Undivided Profits reflects the recognition of deferred gains associated with prior sale-leaseback transactions, revisions to the estimated useful lives of leasehold improvements and adjustments of lease expense to reflect revised lease duration estimates.
(Dollars in thousands)
January 1, 2019
Loans, net of unearned income

Premises and equipment, net

Other assets

Other liabilities
Undivided profits

Effective January 1, 2019, FHN adopted the provisions of ASU 2018-15, “Customer’s Accounting for Implementation Costs Incurred in a Cloud Computing Arrangement That Is a Service Contract,” which aligns the requirements for capitalizing implementation costs incurred in a hosting arrangement that is a service contract with the requirements for capitalizing implementation costs incurred to develop or obtain internal-use software (and hosting arrangements that include an internal use software license). Capitalized implemented costs are required to be expensed over the term of the hosting arrangement which includes the non-cancellable period of the arrangement plus periods covered by (1) an option to extend the arrangement if the customer is reasonably certain to exercise that option, (2) an option to terminate the arrangement if the customer is reasonably certain not to exercise the termination option, and (3) an option to extend (or not to terminate) the arrangement in which exercise of the option is in the control of the vendor. ASU 2018-15 also requires application of the impairment guidance applicable to long-lived assets to the capitalized implementation costs. Amortization expense related to capitalized implementation costs must be presented in the same line item in the statement of income as the fees associated with the hosting element (service) of the arrangement and payments for capitalized implementation costs will be classified in the statement of cash flows in the same manner as payments made for fees associated with the hosting element. Capitalized implementation costs will be presented in the statement of financial position in the same line item that a prepayment for the fees of the associated hosting arrangement would be presented. FHN elected early adoption of ASU 2018-15 using the prospective transition method and the effects of adoption were not significant.

In April 2019, the FASB issued ASU 2019-04, “Codification Improvements to Topic 326, Financial Instruments-Credit Losses, Topic 815, Derivatives and Hedging, and Topic 825, Financial Instruments,” which makes several revisions and clarifications to the accounting for these items. The revisions related to ASU 2016-03 (Topic 326) are discussed below. ASU 2019-04 clarifies several aspects of fair hedge accounting, including the application to partial term fair value hedges. ASU 2019-04 provides an election regarding the timing for amortization of basis adjustments to hedged items in fair value hedges, indicating that amortization may, but is not required to, commence prior to the end of the hedge relationship. ASU 2019-04 also provides additional guidance related to the application of the hypothetical derivative method and first-payments-received method in cash flow hedges. Further, ASU 2019-04 indicates that remeasurement of an equity security without a readily determinable fair value when an orderly transaction is identified for an identical or similar investment of the same issuer represents a non-recurring fair value measurement and the related disclosure requirements apply to the remeasurement event. The hedging updates are effective at the beginning of the first annual reporting period after issuance with early adoption permitted. The financial instruments measurement and disclosure changes are effective for fiscal years and interim periods beginning after December
15, 2019 with early adoption permitted. FHN early adopted these portions of ASU 2019-04 in second quarter 2019 and the effects were not significant based on its existing accounting practices.
Accounting Changes Issued but Not Currently Effective

In June 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-13, “Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments,” which revises the measurement and recognition of credit losses for assets measured at amortized cost (e.g., held-to-maturity (“HTM”) loans and debt securities) and available-for-sale (“AFS”) debt securities. Under ASU 2016-13, for assets measured at amortized cost, the current expected credit loss (“CECL”) is measured as the difference between amortized cost and the net amount expected to be collected. This represents a departure from existing GAAP as the “incurred loss” methodology for recognizing credit losses delays recognition until it is probable a loss has been incurred. Under CECL the full amount of expected credit losses will be recognized at the time of loan origination. The measurement of current expected credit losses is based on relevant information about past events, including historical experience, current conditions, and reasonable and supportable forecasts that affect the collectability of the reported amount. Additionally, current disclosures of credit quality indicators in relation to the amortized cost of financing receivables will be further disaggregated by year of origination. ASU 2016-13 leaves the methodology for measuring credit losses on AFS debt securities largely unchanged, with the maximum credit loss representing the difference between amortized cost and fair value. However, such credit losses will be recognized through an allowance for credit losses, which permits recovery of previously recognized credit losses if circumstances change.

ASU 2016-13 also revises the recognition of credit losses for purchased financial assets with a more-than insignificant amount of credit deterioration since origination (“PCD assets”). For PCD assets, the initial allowance for credit losses is added to the purchase price. Only subsequent changes in the allowance for credit losses are recorded as a credit loss expense for PCD assets. Interest income for PCD assets will be recognized based on the effective interest rate, excluding the discount embedded in the purchase price that is attributable to the acquirer’s assessment of credit losses at acquisition. Currently, credit losses for purchased credit-impaired assets are included in the initial basis of the assets with subsequent declines in credit resulting in expense while subsequent improvements in credit are reflected as an increase in the future yield from the assets. For non-PCD assets, expected credit losses will be recognized through earnings upon acquisition and the entire premium or discount will be accreted to interest income over the remaining life of the loan.

The provisions of ASU 2016-13 will be generally adopted through a cumulative-effect adjustment to retained earnings as of the beginning of the first reporting period in the year of adoption. Prospective implementation is required for debt securities for which an other-than-temporary-impairment (“OTTI”) had been previously recognized. Amounts previously recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income (“AOCI”) as of the date of adoption that relate to improvements in cash flows expected to be collected will continue to be accreted into income over the remaining life of the asset. Recoveries of amounts previously written off relating to improvements in cash flows after the date of adoption will be recorded in earnings when received. A prospective transition approach will be used for existing PCD assets where, upon adoption, the amortized cost basis will be increased to offset the initial recognition of the allowance for credit losses. Thus, an entity will not be required to reassess its purchased financial assets that exist as of the date of adoption to determine whether they would have met at acquisition the new criteria of more-than-insignificant credit deterioration since origination. An entity will accrete the remaining noncredit discount (based on the revised amortized cost basis) into interest income at the effective interest rate at the adoption date.

ASU 2016-13 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, including interim periods within those fiscal years. FHN’s most significant implementation activities included review of loan portfolio segments and classes, identification and evaluation of collateral dependent loans and loans secured by collateral replenishment arrangements, selection of measurement methodologies and related model development, data accumulation and verification, development of loan life estimates, identification of reasonable and supportable forecast periods, selection of timelines and methods for reversion to unadjusted historical information, multiple preliminary analyses including parallel runs against existing loan loss estimation processes, and design and evaluation of internal controls over the new estimation processes. FHN will utilize undiscounted cash flow methods for loans except for troubled debt restructurings, which require use of discounted cash flow methodologies.

Based on implementation efforts, FHN expects to incur a decrease to Undivided profits of approximately $100 million as of January 1, 2020, related to an increase in the allowance for loan losses as well as an increase in the reserve for unfunded commitments. A significant portion of this impact relates to increased reserves within the consumer portfolios, given the longer contractual maturities associated with many of these products as well as reserves related to acquired loans. FHN expects the coverage ratio for total loans to be approximately 100 basis points at adoption but would expect future coverage to be affected by changes in economic forecasts, portfolio composition and loan terms. The total impact from adoption to FHN's regulatory
capital ratio CET1 is anticipated to be a decrease of approximately 7 basis points in 2020. Management is in the final stages of documenting the accounting, reporting and governance processes associated with the adoption of ASU 2016-13.

FHN also assessed several asset classes other than loans that are within the scope of CECL and determined that the adoption effects for the change in measurement of credit risk were minimal for these classes. This includes Fed funds sold which have no history of credit losses due to their short (typically overnight) duration and counterparty risk assessment processes. This also includes securities borrowed and securities purchased under agreements to resell which have collateral maintenance agreements that incorporate master netting provisions resulting in minimal uncollateralized positions as of any date as evidenced by the disclosures provided in Note 23 - Master Netting and Similar Agreements-Repurchase, Reverse Repurchase, and Securities Borrowing Transactions. Additionally, FHN has also evaluated the composition of its AFS securities and determined that the changes in ASU 2016-13 will not have a significant effect on the current portfolio.

ASU 2019-04 provides an election to either not measure or measure separately an allowance for credit losses for accrued interest receivable (“AIR"). Entities electing to not measure an allowance for AIR must write off uncollectible interest in a timely manner. Additionally, an election is provided for the write off of uncollectible interest to be recorded either as a reversal of interest income or a charge against the allowance for credit losses or a combination of both. Disclosures are required depending upon which elections are made.

ASU 2019-04 also clarifies that when loans and securities are transferred between balance sheet categories (e.g., loans from held-for-investment to held-for-sale or securities from held-to-maturity to available-for-sale) the associated allowance for credit losses should be reversed to income and prospective accounting follows the requirements for the new classification. Further, ASU 2019-04 clarifies that recoveries should be incorporated within the estimation of the allowance for credit losses. Expected recoveries should not exceed the aggregate amount of prior write offs and expected future write offs. The inclusion of expected recoveries in the measurement of expected credit losses may result in a negative credit allowance in certain circumstances. Additionally, for collateral dependent financial assets, the allowance for credit losses that is added to the amortized cost basis should not exceed amounts previously written off.

ASU 2019-04 also makes several changes when a discounted cash flow approach is used to measure expected credit losses. ASU 2019-04 removes ASU 2016-03’s prohibition of using projections of future interest rate environments when using a discounted cash flow method to measure expected credit losses on variable-rate financial instruments. If an entity uses projections or expectations of future interest rate environments in estimating expected cash flows, the same assumptions should be used in determining the effective interest rate used to discount those expected cash flows. The effective interest rate should also be adjusted to consider the effects of expected prepayments on the timing of expected future cash flows. ASU 2019-04 provides an election to adjust the effective interest rate used in discounting expected cash flows to isolate credit risk in measuring the allowance for credit losses. Further, the discount rate should not be adjusted for subsequent changes in expected prepayments if a financial asset is restructured in a troubled debt restructuring.

Related to collateral-dependent financial assets, ASU 2019-04 requires inclusion of estimated costs to sell in the measurement of expected credit losses in situations where the entity intends to sell rather than operate the collateral. Additionally, the estimated costs to sell should be undiscounted when the entity intends to sell rather than operate the collateral.

Finally, ASU 2019-04 specifies that contractual renewal or extension options, except those treated as derivatives, should be included in the determination of the contractual term for a financial asset when included in the original or modified contract as of the reporting date if they are not unconditionally cancellable by the entity.

The effective date and transition requirements for these components of ASU 2019-04 are consistent with the requirements for ASU 2016-13 and FHN incorporated these changes and revisions within its implementation efforts. Based on its previous existing practices for the timely write off uncollectible AIR, FHN elected to not measure an allowance for credit losses for AIR and to continue recognition of related write offs as a reversal of interest income.

In May 2019, the FASB issued ASU 2019-05, “Financial Instruments - Credit Losses, Targeted Transition Relief,” which provides an option to irrevocably elect the fair value option for certain financial assets previously measured at amortized cost basis that are in the scope of ASU 2016-13, applied on an instrument-by-instrument basis. The fair value option election does not apply to held-to-maturity debt securities. The effective date and transition requirements for ASU 2019-05 are consistent with the requirements for ASU 2016-13. FHN did not elect to apply the fair value option to any asset classes that are in scope for CECL.

In November 2019, the FASB issued ASU 2019-11, “Codification Improvements to Topic 326, Financial Instruments-Credit Losses” which clarifies that expected recoveries should be included in the amortized cost basis previously written off or expected to be written off in the valuation allowance for PCD assets. ASU 2019-11 also clarifies that recoveries or expected recoveries of the unamortized noncredit discount or premium should not be included in the allowance for credit losses. ASU 2019-11 provides specific transition relief for existing troubled debt restructurings and extends the disclosure relief of ASU 2019-04 for accrued interest receivable balances to additional relevant disclosures involving amortized cost basis. Related to the assessment of credit risk for collateralized assets, ASU 2019-11 indicates that an entity should assess whether it reasonably expects the borrower will be able to continually replenish collateral securing the financial asset to apply the practical expedient of ASU 2016-13 while also requiring an estimation of expected credit losses for any difference between the amount of the amortized cost basis that is greater than the fair value of the collateral securing the financial asset.

The effective date and transition requirements for ASU 2019-11 are consistent with the requirements for ASU 2016-13 and FHN incorporated these changes and revisions within its implementation efforts and the effects are embedded within the adoption effects of ASU 2016-13. Consistent with non-PCD assets, the effect of including recoveries and expected recoveries within the measurement of expected credit losses for PCD assets may result in a negative credit allowance in certain circumstances.