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12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2012
Loans [Abstract]  

Note 4Loans

The following table provides the balance of loans by portfolio segment as of December 31, 2012 and 2011:
(Dollars in thousands)   2012 2011  
 Commercial, financial, and industrial  $8,796,956 $8,014,927  
 Commercial real estate         
  Income CRE 1,109,930  1,257,497  
  Residential CRE 58,305  120,913  
 Consumer real estate   5,286,279  5,291,364  
 Permanent mortgage 752,412  787,597  
 Credit card & other 289,105  284,051  
 Restricted real estate loans and secured borrowings (a) 415,595  640,778  
Loans, net of unearned income$16,708,582 $16,397,127  
Allowance for loan losses 276,963  384,351  
Total net loans  $16,431,619 $16,012,776  

  • Balances as of December 31, 2012 and 2011,include $402.4 million and $600.2 million of consumer real estate loans and $13.2 million and $40.6 million of permanent mortgage loans, respectively.

Components of the Loan Portfolio

For purposes of this disclosure, the loan portfolio was disaggregated into segments and then further disaggregated into classes for certain disclosures. A portfolio segment is defined as the level at which an entity develops and documents a systematic method for determining its allowance for credit losses. A class is generally determined based on the initial measurement attribute (i.e., amortized cost or purchased credit impaired), risk characteristics of the loan, and an entity's method for monitoring and assessing credit risk. Commercial loan portfolio segments include commercial, financial, and industrial (“C&I”) and commercial real estate (“CRE”). Commercial classes within C&I include general C&I, loans to mortgage companies, and the trust preferred loans (“TRUPs”)(i.e., loans to bank and insurance-related businesses) portfolio. Loans to mortgage companies includes commercial lines of credit to qualified mortgage companies exclusively for the temporary warehousing of eligible mortgage loans prior to the borrower's sale of those mortgage loans to third party investors. Commercial classes within commercial real estate include income CRE and residential CRE. Retail loan portfolio segments include consumer real estate, permanent mortgage, and the credit card and other portfolio. Retail classes include HELOC and real estate (“R/E”) installment loans within the consumer real estate segment, permanent mortgage (which is both a segment and a class), and credit card and other. Restricted real estate loans and secured borrowings include residential real estate loans in both consolidated and nonconsolidated variable interest entities. Restricted real estate loans relate to consolidated securitization trusts and are discussed in Note 24 – Variable Interest Entities. Other real estate loans secure borrowings related to nonconsolidated VIEs and remain on FHN's balance sheet as the securitizations do not qualify for sale treatment.


FHN has a concentration of loans secured by residential real estate (39 percent of total loans), the majority of which is in the consumer real estate portfolio (32 percent of total loans). FHN had loans to mortgage companies totaling $1.8 billion (21 percent of the C&I portfolio, or 11 percent of total loans) as of December 31, 2012. Additionally, FHN had a sizeable portfolio of bank-related loans (including TRUPs) totaling $.6 billion (6 percent of the C&I portfolio, or 3 percent of total loans).


On December 31, 2012, $5.0 billion of commercial loans were pledged to secure potential discount window borrowings from the Federal Reserve Bank. Additionally, as of December 31, 2012, FHN pledged all of its held-to-maturity first and second lien mortgages and HELOCs, excluding restricted real estate loans and secured borrowings, to secure potential borrowings from the FHLB-Cincinnati. Loans included in the restricted and secured borrowings line secure borrowings associated with both consolidated and nonconsolidated VIEs. See Note 24 – Variable Interest Entities for additional discussion.

Regulatory Focus on Consumer Loan Accounting and Reporting

In first quarter 2012, the Office of the Comptroller of Currency ("OCC") issued interagency guidance related to ALLL estimation and nonaccrual practices and risk management policies related to junior lien loans. As a result, FHN modified its nonaccrual policies to place current second liens on nonaccrual if the first lien is owned or serviced by FHN and that first lien is 90 or more days past due. Additionally, FHN enhanced its ALLL methodology to qualitatively  estimate probable incurred losses for all current second liens in the home equity portfolio that are behind first liens with performance issues. During 2012 and continuing into early 2013, FHN has been and is continuing to evaluate data on first liens provided by third parties, including vendors, to determine if it may be reasonably relied upon in order to predict performance of the associated second liens. FHN is working to have a vendor selected in the first half of 2013. Therefore, methodologies, policies, and practices related to the ALLL and/or nonaccrual accounting and reporting may be revised in the future to incorporate usage of such data if deemed predictive of loan performance. It is possible that if FHN determines that third party data may reasonably be relied upon, future additions to NPLs may be material.

Additionally, in third quarter 2012, the OCC clarified that residential real estate loans in which personal liability has been discharged through bankruptcy and not reaffirmed by the borrower are collateral dependent and should be reported as nonaccruing TDRs. As a result, FHN charged-down such loans to the net realizable value of the collateral and the remaining balances were reported as nonaccruing TDRs regardless of the loan's delinquency status.  As of December 31, 2012, approximately 80 percent of these loans that were reported as nonperforming were current. Incremental provision expense associated with this change was approximately $23 million and the related net charge-offs were approximately $33 million in 2012. The incremental impacts to nonperforming loan and TDR levels cannot be directly linked as certain of the discharged bankruptcies in which charge-offs were recognized were either already reported as nonaccrual loans or TDRs, neither, or both in prior periods for other reasons.

Because of the composition of FHN's residential real estate portfolios, these changes most significantly impacted the consumer real estate portfolio segment.

Loan Sales

In third quarter 2011, FHN executed bulk sales of certain consumer and commercial loans, a significant majority of which were nonperforming. The largest transaction was a sale of permanent mortgages with an unpaid principal balance of approximately $188 million, or $126 million after consideration of partial charge-offs and LOCOM adjustments previously taken on the loans. FHN recognized a loss on sale of $29.8 million which is recognized within the loan loss provision and $40.2 million of net charge-offs associated with this sale. FHN also sold nonperforming commercial loans with unpaid principal balance ("UPB") of approximately $32 million and $23 million after consideration of amounts already charged off. FHN recognized a loss which is reflected in the loan loss provision of $6.0 million and $7.3 million of net charge-offs related to this commercial loan bulk sale.

Allowance for Loan Losses       

The ALLL includes the following components: reserves for commercial loans evaluated based on pools of credit graded loans and reserves for pools of smaller-balance homogeneous retail loans, both determined in accordance with ASC 450-20-50. The reserve factors applied to these pools are an estimate of probable incurred losses based on management's evaluation of historical net losses from loans with similar characteristics and are subject to qualitative adjustments by management to reflect current events, trends, and conditions (including economic considerations and trends). The slow economic recovery, weak housing market, elevated unemployment levels, regulatory guidance, and both positive and negative portfolio segment-specific trends, are examples of additional factors considered by management in determining the ALLL. Also included are reserves, determined in accordance with the ASC 310-10-35, for loans determined by management to be individually impaired.



For commercial loans, reserves are established using historical net loss factors by grade level, loan product, and business segment. An assessment of the quality of individual commercial loans is made utilizing credit grades assigned internally based on a dual grading system which estimates both the probability of default (“PD”) and loss severity in the event of default. PD grades range from 1-16 while estimated loss severities, or loss given default (“LGD”) grades, range from 1-12. This credit grading system is intended to identify and measure the credit quality of the loan portfolio by analyzing the migration of loans between grading categories. It is also integral to the estimation methodology utilized in determining the allowance for loan losses since an allowance is established for pools of commercial loans based on the credit grade assigned. The appropriate relationship team performs the process of categorizing commercial loans into the appropriate credit grades, initially as a component of the approval of the loan, and subsequently throughout the life of the loan as part of the servicing regimen. The proper loan grade for larger exposures is confirmed by a senior credit officer in the approval process. To determine the most appropriate credit grade for each loan, the credit risk grading system employs scorecards for particular categories of loans that consist of a number of objective and subjective measures that are weighted in a manner that produces a rank ordering of risk within pass-graded credits. Loan grading discipline is regularly reviewed by Credit Risk Assurance to determine if the process continues to result in accurate loan grading across the portfolio. FHN may utilize availability of guarantors/sponsors to support lending decisions during the credit underwriting process and when determining the assignment of internal loan grades.


The ALLL for smaller-balance homogenous retail loans is determined based on pools of similar loan types that have similar credit risk characteristics. FHN manages retail loan credit risk on a class basis. Reserves by portfolio are determined using segmented roll-rate models that incorporate various factors including historical delinquency trends, experienced loss frequencies, and experienced loss severities. Generally, reserves for retail loans reflect inherent losses in the portfolio that are expected to be recognized over the following twelve months.

Individually Impaired

Generally, classified nonaccrual commercial loans over $1 million and all commercial and consumer loans classified TDRs are deemed to be impaired and are individually assessed for impairment measurement in accordance with ASC 310-10-35. For all commercial portfolio segments, commercial TDRs and other individually impaired commercial loans are measured based on the present value of expected future payments discounted at the loan's effective interest rate (“the DCF method”), observable market prices, or for loans that are solely dependent on the collateral for repayment, the net realizable value. For loans measured using the DCF method or by observable market prices, if the recorded investment in the impaired loan exceeds this amount, a specific allowance is established as a component of the ALLL until such time as a loss is expected and recognized; however, for impaired collateral-dependent loans, including discharged bankruptcies, FHN will charge off the full difference between the book value and the best estimate of net realizable value. 

Generally, the allowance for TDRs in all consumer portfolio segments is determined by estimating the expected future cash flows using the modified interest rate (if an interest rate concession), incorporating payoff and net charge-off rates specific to the TDRs within the portfolio segment being assessed, and discounted using the pre-modification interest rate. The discount rates of variable rate TDRs are adjusted to reflect changes in the interest rate index in which the rates are tied. The discounted cash flows are then compared to the outstanding principal balance in order to determine required reserves. Residential real estate loans discharged through bankruptcy are collateral-dependent and are charged down to net realizable value.

In 2011, FHN estimated TDR reserves for the permanent mortgage portfolio segment by using roll-rate models that estimated reserves for the permanent mortgage portfolio both with and without TDRs. Additionally, a qualitative factor representing the incremental inherent loss for such TDRs was applied to estimate the total required reserves for permanent mortgage TDRs. In first quarter 2012, FHN began utilizing a DCF model for estimating such reserves consistent with all other retail portfolio segments.

The following table provides a rollforward of the allowance for loan losses by portfolio segment for 2012, 2011 and 2010:  
     Commercial Consumer Permanent Credit Card    
(Dollars in thousands)C&I Real Estate Real Estate Mortgage and Other Total 
Balance as of January 1, 2010  $ 276,648 $ 205,725 $ 215,088 $ 123,896 $ 75,557 $ 896,914 
Adjustment due to amendments of ASC 810  -   -   16,106   8,472   -   24,578 
Charge-offs  (97,272)   (127,323)   (233,269)   (71,113)   (47,564)   (576,541) 
Recoveries    11,630   13,030   16,300   1,658   7,230   49,848 
Provision    48,463   63,653   178,125   2,096   (22,337)   270,000 
Balance as of December 31, 2010 (a) (b)  239,469   155,085   192,350   65,009   12,886   664,799 
Allowance - individually evaluated for impairment    61,327   17,395   19,691   16,678   267   115,358 
Allowance - collectively evaluated for impairment    178,142   137,690   172,659   48,331   12,619   549,441 
Loans, net of unearned as of December 31, 2010:                    
 Individually evaluated for impairment    208,077   242,143   67,350   99,190   764   617,524 
 Collectively evaluated for impairment    7,130,078   1,428,381   6,252,062   1,043,367   311,160   16,165,048 
Total loans, net of unearned (a) (b)  7,338,155   1,670,524   6,319,412   1,142,557   311,924   16,782,572 
Balance as of January 1, 2011    239,469   155,085   192,350   65,009   12,886   664,799 
Charge-offs (c)  (76,728)   (41,147)   (164,922)   (75,218)   (19,253)   (377,268) 
Recoveries    16,562   11,047   16,019   5,375   3,817   52,820 
Provision    (48,890)   (69,399)   121,630   31,028   9,631   44,000 
Balance as of December 31, 2011 (a) (b)  130,413   55,586   165,077   26,194   7,081   384,351 
Allowance - individually evaluated for impairment    28,973   8,214   44,606   6,015   333   88,141 
Allowance - collectively evaluated for impairment    101,440   47,372   120,471   20,179   6,748   296,210 
Loans, net of unearned as of December 31, 2011:                    
 Individually evaluated for impairment    164,217   115,319   112,231   80,960   1,117   473,844 
 Collectively evaluated for impairment    7,850,710   1,263,091   5,779,315   747,233   282,934   15,923,283 
Total loans, net of unearned (a) (b)  8,014,927   1,378,410   5,891,546   828,193   284,051   16,397,127 
Balance as of January 1, 2012    130,413   55,586   165,077   26,194   7,081   384,351 
Charge-offs (d)  (30,887)   (19,977)   (147,918)   (13,604)   (12,624)   (225,010) 
Recoveries    11,151   4,475   17,770   3,024   3,202   39,622 
Provision (e)  (14,486)   (20,087)   94,020   9,314   9,239   78,000 
Balance as of December 31, 2012 (a) (b)  96,191   19,997   128,949   24,928   6,898   276,963 
Allowance - individually evaluated for impairment    17,799   156   35,289   21,713   203   75,160 
Allowance - collectively evaluated for impairment    78,392   19,841   93,660   3,215   6,695   201,803 
Loans, net of unearned as of December 31, 2012:                    
 Individually evaluated for impairment    123,636   49,517   160,000   135,307   818   469,278 
 Collectively evaluated for impairment    8,673,320   1,118,718   5,528,703   630,276   288,287   16,239,304 
Total loans, net of unearned (a) (b)$ 8,796,956 $ 1,168,235 $ 5,688,703 $ 765,583 $ 289,105 $ 16,708,582 
Certain previously reported amounts have been reclassified to agree with current presentation. 

  • Consumer real estate includes $13.3 million, $25.7 million and $42.1 million of reserves, respectively, and $402.4 million, $600.2 million and $701.8 million of balances in restricted loans and secured borrowings as of December 31, 2012, 2011, and 2010, respectively.
  • Permanent mortgage includes $0.8 million, $6.1 million and $5.4 million of reserves, respectively, and $13.2 million, $40.6 million and $55.7 million of balances in restricted loans and secured borrowings as of December 31, 2012, 2011, and 2010, respectively.
  • 2011 includes $40.2 million of charge-offs associated with loan sales, a majority of which were nonperforming permanent mortgages.
  • 2012 includes approximately $33 million of charge-offs associated with discharged bankruptcies, largely included in the consumer real estate portfolio segment.
  • 2012 includes approximately $23 million of loan loss provision related to discharged bankruptcies.

Impaired Loans               
The following tables provide information at December 31, 2012 and 2011, by class related to individually impaired loans and consumer TDR's. Recorded investment is defined as the amount of the investment in a loan, before valuation allowance but which does reflect any direct write-down of the investment. For purposes of this disclosure, LOCOM has been excluded.  
     Unpaid    Average Interest 
  RecordedPrincipalRelatedRecorded Income 
(Dollars in thousands)InvestmentBalanceAllowanceInvestment Recognized 
Impaired loans with no related allowance recorded:             
 General C&I$60,313 $78,287 $ - $63,145 $ 669 
 TRUPs 24,000  24,000   -  43,848   - 
 Income CRE 33,800  45,876   -  52,812   324 
 Residential CRE 14,639  22,045   -  21,502   268 
 Total$132,752 $170,208 $0 $181,307 $ 1,261 
 HELOC (a)$20,338 $37,884 $ - $4,214 $ - 
 R/E installment loans (a) 10,322  12,917   -  2,401   - 
 Permanent mortgage (a) 11,616  11,616   -  3,148   - 
 Total$42,276 $62,417 $0 $9,763 $ - 
Impaired loans with related allowance recorded:             
 General C&I$10,301 $10,301 $1,991 $16,182 $ 100 
 TRUPs 33,700  33,700  15,808  33,700   - 
 Income CRE 1,078  1,078  156  1,699   54 
 Residential CRE 0  0  0  11,873   - 
 Total$45,079 $45,079 $17,955 $63,454 $ 154 
 HELOC$59,650 $59,650 $15,372 $55,348 $ 1,597 
 R/E installment loans 69,690  69,690  19,917  67,409   1,136 
 Permanent mortgage 123,691  123,691  21,713  108,942   2,818 
 Credit card & other 818  818  203  960   32 
 Total$253,849 $253,849 $57,205 $232,659 $ 5,583 
Total commercial$177,831 $215,287 $17,955 $244,761 $ 1,415 
Total retail$296,125 $316,266 $57,205 $242,422 $ 5,583 
Total impaired loans$473,956 $531,553 $75,160 $487,183 $ 6,998 

  • All discharged bankruptcy loans are charged down to an estimate of net realizable value and do not carry any allowance.

     Unpaid    Average Interest 
(Dollars in thousands)InvestmentBalanceAllowanceInvestmentRecognized 
Impaired loans with no related allowance recorded:             
 General C&I$74,981 $95,468 $ - $58,423 $ 1,099 
 TRUPs 47,000  47,000   -  37,500   - 
 Income CRE 67,653  122,183   -  87,771   821 
 Residential CRE 24,290  40,546   -  41,846   507 
 Total$213,924 $305,197 $ - $225,540 $ 2,427 
Impaired loans with related allowance recorded:             
 General C&I$14,444 $20,778 $5,148 $63,992 $ 210 
 TRUPs 33,700  33,700  23,825  31,850   - 
 Income CRE 2,222  2,222  243  18,381   41 
 Residential CRE 21,153  21,153  7,971  30,733   - 
 Total$71,519 $77,853 $37,187 $144,956 $ 251 
 HELOC$49,919 $49,919 $21,548 $37,647 $ 891 
 R/E installment loans 62,312  62,312  23,058  53,356   860 
 Permanent mortgage 80,960  80,960  6,015  88,863   2,066 
 Credit card & other 1,117  1,117  333  941   48 
 Total$194,308 $194,308 $ 50,954 $180,807 $ 3,865 
Total commercial$285,443 $383,050 $37,187 $370,496 $ 2,678 
Total retail$194,308 $194,308 $50,954 $180,807 $ 3,865 
Total impaired loans$479,751 $577,358 $88,141 $551,303 $ 6,543 
Certain previously reported amounts have been reclassified to agree with current presentation. 

Asset Quality Indicators

As previously discussed, FHN employs a dual grade commercial risk grading methodology to assign an estimate for PD and the LGD for each commercial loan, factors specific to various industry, portfolio, or product segments that result in a rank ordering of risk and the assignment of grades PD 1 to PD 16. Each PD grade corresponds to an estimated one-year default probability percentage; a PD 1 has the lowest expected default probability, and probabilities increase as grades progress down the scale. PD 1 through PD 12 are “pass” grades. PD grades 13-16 correspond to the regulatory-defined categories of special mention (13), substandard (14), doubtful (15), and loss (16). Pass loan grades are required to be reassessed no less frequently than annually or whenever there has been a material change in the financial condition of the borrower or risk characteristics of the relationship. All commercial loans over $1 million and certain commercial loans over $500,000 that are graded 13 or worse are reassessed on a quarterly basis. LGD grades are assigned based on a scale of 1-12 and represent FHN's expected recovery based on collateral type in the event a loan defaults.

The following tables provide the balances of commercial loan portfolio classes with associated allowance, disaggregated by PD grade as of December 31, 2012 and 2011:  
 December 31, 2012 
    Loans to               Allowance 
 General Mortgage    IncomeResidential  Percentage for Loan
(Dollars in thousands)C&I Companies TRUPS (a) CRECRETotalof Total Losses
PD Grade:                       
1$ 223,753 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 223,753 2 $ 68 
2  138,496   -   -   2,538   -   141,034 1     94 
3  182,611   -   -   6,300   -   188,911 2     113 
4  272,054   -   -   5,640   21   277,715 3     325 
5  636,316   -   -   51,342   329   687,987 7     1,712 
6  904,504   135,403   -   172,890   6,348   1,219,145 12     3,736 
7  1,033,442   500,936   -   162,352   2,069   1,698,799 17     4,379 
8  1,022,304   720,352   -   178,995   192   1,921,843 20     7,899 
9  586,753   386,751   -   154,323   814   1,128,641 11     10,231 
10  479,752   80,543   -   116,512   1,529   678,336 7     8,938 
11  468,761   -   -   58,432   1,558   528,751 5     10,457 
12  168,556   -   -   21,674   190   190,420 2     3,337 
13  124,950   -   338,177   50,353   13,147   526,627 5     9,814 
14,15,16  248,026   362   20,518   93,701   17,469   380,076 4     37,130 
Collectively evaluated for impairment  6,490,278   1,824,347   358,695   1,075,052   43,666   9,792,038 98     98,233 
Individually evaluated for impairment  70,614   -   53,022   34,878   14,639   173,153 2     17,955 
Total commercial loans$ 6,560,892 $ 1,824,347 $ 411,717 $ 1,109,930 $ 58,305 $ 9,965,191 100 $ 116,188 

 December 31, 2011 
    Loans to               Allowance 
 GeneralMortgage  IncomeResidential  Percent offor Loan
(Dollars in thousands)C&ICompaniesTRUPS (a)CRECRETotalTotalLosses
PD Grade:                       
1$ 171,599 $ - $0 $ - $ - $ 171,599 2$ 17 
2  155,954   -  0   2,620   -   158,574 2   37 
3  161,802   -  0   19,487   -   181,289 2   143 
4  220,874   -  0   6,796   95   227,765 2   507 
5  384,731   -  0   25,383   120   410,234 4   1,290 
6  892,790   156,599  0   115,155   4,175   1,168,719 12   5,388 
7  892,122   663,592  0   174,938   5,707   1,736,359 19   9,394 
8  978,387   391,075  0   144,159   862   1,514,483 16   14,506 
9  634,339   155,152  0   152,338   2,830   944,659 10   14,599 
10  476,705   27,282  0   108,205   1,284   613,476 7   10,925 
11  432,244   -  0   122,898   1,614   556,756 6   13,763 
12  157,120   -   -   15,012   4,370   176,502 2   5,330 
13  264,109   -   334,099   75,226   7,437   680,871 7   15,331 
14,15,16  295,563   491   4,081   225,405   46,975   572,515 6   57,582 
Collectively evaluated for impairment 6,118,339   1,394,191   338,180   1,187,622   75,469  9,113,801 97   148,812 
Individually evaluated for impairment  89,424  0   74,793   69,875   45,444   279,536 3   37,187 
Total commercial loans$6,207,763 $ 1,394,191 $ 412,973 $1,257,497 $ 120,913 $9,393,337 100$ 185,999 
Certain previously reported amounts have been reclassified to agree with current presentation. 

  • Balances as of December 31, 2012 and 2011, presented net of $34.2 million in LOCOM. Based on the underlying structure of the notes, the highest possible internal grade is "13".

The retail portfolio is comprised primarily of smaller-balance loans which are very similar in nature in that most are standard products and are backed by residential real estate. Because of the similarities of retail loan-types, FHN is able to utilize the Fair Isaac Corporation (“FICO”) score, among other attributes, to assess the quality of consumer borrowers. FICO scores are refreshed on a quarterly basis in an attempt to reflect the recent risk profile of the borrowers. Accruing delinquency amounts are indicators of asset quality within the credit card and other retail portfolio.

The following tables reflect period-end balances and average FICO scores by origination vintage for the HELOC, real estate installment, and permanent mortgage classes of loans as of December 31, 2012 and 2011:
(Dollars in thousands) December 31, 2012 December 31, 2011 
     Average Average    Average Average 
  Period End OriginationRefreshedPeriod EndOriginationRefreshed
Origination VintageBalance (a) FICOFICOBalance (a)FICOFICO
pre-2003$ 121,429  716  708 $ 182,448  723  719 
2003  224,840  733  724   273,277  733  726 
2004  492,482  727  718   588,016  728  720 
2005  616,956  734  719   731,689  734  722 
2006  455,425  741  727   543,944  741  726 
2007  480,057  745  728   565,192  746  732 
2008  259,298  755  748   293,168  755  749 
2009  142,069  752  747   179,120  754  755 
2010  141,286  754  751   174,151  755  757 
2011  137,966  760  758   159,030  760  758 
2012  154,883  761  759  N/A  N/A  N/A 
Total$3,226,691  741  730 $3,690,035  740  731 

(a)        Balances as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 include $402.4 million and $600.2 million of restricted loan and secured borrowing balances, respectively.


R/E Installment LoansDecember 31, 2012December 31, 2011
(Dollars in thousands)    Average Average    Average Average 
  Period End Origination Refreshed Period End Origination Refreshed 
Origination VintageBalance  FICO FICO Balance FICO FICO 
pre-2003$ 36,982  686  684 $ 56,306  689  687 
2003  111,571  720  728   162,598  722  732 
2004  72,280  705  705   97,313  710  708 
2005  209,290  718  712   271,551  720  714 
2006  224,722  718  704   295,365  721  706 
2007  317,846  727  711   415,471  730  714 
2008  113,279  727  722   152,820  734  729 
2009  59,800  746  743   93,583  751  751 
2010  153,172  746  753   195,772  747  753 
2011  409,574  760  762   460,732  760  759 
2012  753,496  764  761  N/A  N/A  N/A 
Total$2,462,012  743  738 $2,201,511  734  729 

Permanent MortgageDecember 31, 2012December 31, 2011
(Dollars in thousands)    Average Average    Average Average 
  Period EndOriginationRefreshedPeriod EndOriginationRefreshed
Origination VintageBalance (a) FICOFICOBalance (a)FICOFICO
pre-2004 (b)$ 200,999  725  728 $ 166,104  726  739 
2004  29,948  714  691   32,350  719  690 
2005  49,055  740  713   60,966  740  733 
2006  92,863  733  713   112,158  735  710 
2007  267,367  734  711   306,776  734  706 
2008  125,351  741  712   149,839  742  718 
Total$ 765,583  732  711 $828,193  734  717 
Certain previously reported amounts have been reclassified to agree with current presentations. 

  • Balances as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 include $13.2 million and $40.6 million of restricted loans and secured borrowing balances, respectively.
  • Increase in 2012 balance within the 2003 vintage reflected the impact of clean-up calls exercised by FHN during 2012.


The following table reflects accruing delinquency amounts for the credit card and other portfolio classes as of December 31:
 Credit Card Other 
(Dollars in thousands)2012 2011 2012 2011 
Accruing delinquent balances:            
30-89 days past due$ 1,731 $ 1,868 $626 $405 
90+ days past due  1,707   1,422  126  80 
Total$ 3,438 $ 3,290 $ 752 $485 

Nonaccrual and Past Due Loans

The following table reflects accruing and non-accruing loans by class on December 31, 2012: 
  Accruing Non-Accruing   
     30-89 90 +       30-89 90 + Total    
     Days Past Days Total    Days Days Non- Total 
(Dollars in thousands) Current Due Past Due Accruing Current  Past Due Past Due Accruing Loans 
Commercial (C&I):                           
General C&I$ 6,473,770 $ 17,484 $ 422 $ 6,491,676 $ 28,553 $ 3,631 $ 37,032 $ 69,216 $ 6,560,892 
Loans to mortgage companies  1,822,471   1,514   -   1,823,985   -   -   362   362   1,824,347 
TRUPs (a)  358,695   -   -   358,695   -   -   53,022   53,022   411,717 
Total commercial C&I  8,654,936   18,998   422   8,674,356   28,553   3,631   90,416   122,600   8,796,956 
Commercial real estate:                           
Income CRE  1,072,436   4,535   -   1,076,971   8,336   920   23,703   32,959   1,109,930 
Residential CRE  45,694   -   -   45,694   1,531   -   11,080   12,611   58,305 
  commercial real estate  1,118,130   4,535   -  1,122,665 9,867  920  34,783  45,570  1,168,235
Consumer real estate:                           
HELOC (b)  3,137,361   29,704   21,446   3,188,511   25,254   2,263   10,663   38,180   3,226,691 
R/E installment loans  2,409,336   17,454   8,957   2,435,747   17,272   2,394   6,599   26,265   2,462,012 
Total consumer real estate  5,546,697   47,158   30,403   5,624,258   42,526   4,657   17,262   64,445   5,688,703 
Permanent mortgage (b)  715,425   7,845   9,592   732,862   11,426   2,542   18,753   32,721   765,583 
Credit card & other                           
Credit card  179,171   1,731   1,707   182,609   -   -   -   -   182,609 
Other  104,046   626   126   104,798   1,698   -   -   1,698   106,496 
Total credit card & other  283,217   2,357   1,833   287,407   1,698   -   -   1,698   289,105 
Total loans, net of unearned (c)$ 16,318,405 $ 80,893 $ 42,250 $ 16,441,548 $ 94,070 $ 11,750 $ 161,214 $ 267,034 $ 16,708,582 

  • Total TRUPs includes LOCOM valuation allowance of $34.2 million.
  • Includes restricted real estate loans and secured borrowings.
  • The non-accruing balance as of December 31, 2012 includes $30.7 million of HELOC and R/E installment nonperforming loans, and $11.6 million of permanent mortgage nonperforming loans related to discharged bankruptcies. Approximately 80 percent of these nonperforming loans are current.

The following table reflects accruing and non-accruing loans by class on December 31, 2011:
  Accruing Non-Accruing   
     30-89 Days 90 + Days Total    30-89 Days 90 + Days Total Non-   
(Dollars in thousands) CurrentPast DuePast DueAccruingCurrentPast DuePast DueAccruingTotal Loans
Commercial (C&I) :                           
General C&I$6,109,008 $11,576 $234 $6,120,818 $42,396 $12,938 $31,611 $86,945 $6,207,763 
Loans to mortgage companies 1,393,660  40  0  1,393,700  0   -  491  491  1,394,191 
TRUPs (a) 338,180  0  0  338,180  0   -  74,793  74,793  412,973 
Total commercial C&I 7,840,848  11,616  234  7,852,698  42,396  12,938  106,895  162,229  8,014,927 
Commercial real estate:                           
Income CRE 1,178,708  9,610  0  1,188,318  20,272  2,125  46,782  69,179  1,257,497 
Residential CRE 74,252  875  0  75,127  25,149  7,359  13,278  45,786  120,913 
Total commercial real estate 1,252,960  10,485  0  1,263,445  45,421  9,484  60,060  114,965  1,378,410 
Consumer real estate:                           
HELOC (b) 3,598,926  44,728  25,978  3,669,632  10,446  1,079  8,878  20,403  3,690,035 
R/E installment loans 2,145,181  26,310  11,647  2,183,138  11,781  1,358  5,234  18,373  2,201,511 
Total consumer real estate 5,744,107  71,038  37,625  5,852,770  22,227  2,437  14,112  38,776  5,891,546 
Permanent mortgage (b) 764,388  15,401  12,415  792,204  15,066  342  20,581  35,989  828,193 
Credit card & other                           
Credit card 188,702  1,868  1,422  191,992  0  0  0  0  191,992 
Other 89,433  405  80  89,918  5  0  2,136  2,141  92,059 
Total credit card & other 278,135  2,273  1,502  281,910  5  0  2,136  2,141  284,051 
Total loans, net of unearned$15,880,438 $110,813 $51,776 $16,043,027 $125,115 $25,201 $203,784 $354,100 $16,397,127 

  • Total TRUPs includes LOCOM valuation allowance of $34.2 million.
  • Includes restricted real estate loans and secured borrowings.


Troubled Debt Restructurings

As part of FHN's ongoing risk management practices, FHN attempts to work with borrowers when necessary to extend or modify loan terms to better align with their current ability to repay. Extensions and modifications to loans are made in accordance with internal policies and guidelines which conform to regulatory guidance. Each occurrence is unique to the borrower and is evaluated separately. FHN considers regulatory guidelines when restructuring loans to ensure that prudent lending practices are followed. As such, qualification criteria and payment terms consider the borrower's current and prospective ability to comply with the modified terms of the loan.

A modification is classified as a TDR if the borrower is experiencing financial difficulty and it is determined that FHN has granted a concession to the borrower. FHN may determine that a borrower is experiencing financial difficulty if the borrower is currently in default on any of its debt, or if it is probable that a borrower may default in the foreseeable future. Many aspects of a borrower's financial situation are assessed when determining whether they are experiencing financial difficulty, particularly as it relates to commercial borrowers due to the complex nature of loan structures, business/industry risk, and borrower/guarantor structures. Concessions could include reductions of interest rates, extension of the maturity date at a rate lower than current market rate for a new loan with similar risk, reduction of accrued interest, or principal forgiveness. When evaluating whether a concession has been granted, FHN also considers whether the borrower has provided additional collateral or guarantors and whether such additions adequately compensate FHN for the restructured terms. The assessments of whether a borrower is experiencing (or is likely to experience) financial difficulty and whether a concession has been granted is subjective in nature and management's judgment is required when determining whether a modification is classified as a TDR.

For all classes within the commercial portfolio segment, TDRs are typically modified through forbearance agreements (generally 3 to 6 months). Forbearance agreements could include reduced interest rates, reduced payments, release of guarantor, or entering into short sale agreements. FHN's proprietary modification programs for consumer loans are generally structured using parameters of U.S. government-sponsored programs such as Home Affordable Modification Programs (“HAMP”). Within the HELOC, R/E installment loans, and permanent mortgage classes of the consumer portfolio segment, TDRs are typically modified by reducing the interest rate (in increments of 25 basis points to a minimum of 1 percent for up to 5 years) and a possible maturity date extension to reach an affordable housing debt ratio. Contractual maturities may be extended to 40 years on permanent mortgages and to 30 years for consumer real estate loans. Within the credit card class of the consumer portfolio segment, TDRs are typically modified through either a short-term credit card hardship program or a longer-term credit card workout program. In the credit card hardship program, borrowers may be granted rate and payment reductions for 6 months to 1 year. In the credit card workout program, customers are granted a rate reduction to 0 percent and term extensions for up to 5 years to pay off the remaining balance.

In 2012, the OCC clarified that the discharge of personal liability through bankruptcy proceedings should be considered a concession. As a result, FHN classified all non-reaffirmed residential real estate loans after bankruptcy as nonaccruing TDRs in third quarter 2012.

On December 31, 2012 and 2011, FHN had $372.4 million and $284.2 million portfolio loans classified as TDRs, respectively. For TDRs in the loan portfolio, FHN had loan loss reserves of $58.9 million and $52.7 million, or 16 percent and 19 percent of TDR balances, as of December 31, 2012 and 2011, respectively. Additionally, FHN had restructured $178.2 million and $98.0 million of loans-held-for-sale as of December 31, 2012 and 2011, respectively. Loans held for sale are presented at UPB before fair value adjustments and do not carry reserves.


The following tables reflect portfolio loans that were classified as TDRs during the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011: 
 2012 2011 
    Pre-Modification Post-Modification   Pre-Modification Post-Modification 
    Outstanding Outstanding   Outstanding Outstanding 
(Dollars in thousands) Number Recorded Investment Recorded Investment Number Recorded Investment Recorded Investment 
Commercial (C&I):                 
General C&I  25 $ 24,451 $ 24,620  18 $ 15,960 $ 15,524 
Total commercial (C&I)  25   24,451   24,620  18   15,960   15,524 
Commercial real estate:                 
Income CRE  10   13,381   12,836  13   13,630   13,155 
Residential CRE  2   88   87  6   2,257   2,735 
Total commercial real estate  12   13,469   12,923  19   15,887   15,890 
Consumer real estate:                 
HELOC   901   35,078   34,852  169   21,093   20,992 
R/E installment loans  738   31,870   30,993  147   21,044   21,249 
Total consumer real estate  1,639   66,948   65,845  316   42,137   42,241 
Permanent mortgage   140   74,245   74,055  129   79,776   82,633 
Credit card & other  201   1,121   1,081  102   451   590 
Total troubled debt restructurings  2,017 $ 180,234 $ 178,524  584 $ 154,211 $ 156,878 

The following table presents TDRs which re-defaulted during 2012 and 2011 and as to which the modification occurred 12 months or less prior to the re-default. Financing receivables that became classified as TDRs within the previous 12 months and for which there was a payment default during the period are calculated by first identifying TDRs that defaulted during the period and then determining whether they were modified within the 12 months prior to the default. For purposes of this disclosure, FHN defines payment default as generally 30 plus days past due.

 2012 2011
    Recorded    Recorded
(Dollars in thousands)Number Investment Number Investment
Commercial (C&I):           
General C&I  38 $ 29,295   43 $ 31,663
Total commercial (C&I)  38   29,295   43   31,663
Commercial real estate:           
Income CRE  23   20,172   24   26,563
Residential CRE  4   292   15   18,512
Total commercial real estate  27   20,464   39   45,075
Consumer real estate:           
HELOC  34   3,722   35   6,041
R/E installment loans  36   3,619   26   2,421
Total consumer real estate  70   7,341   61   8,462
Permanent mortgage  15   6,014   37   37,976
Credit card & other  20   72   51   3,842
Total troubled debt restructurings  170 $ 63,186   231 $ 127,018

The determination of whether a TDR is placed on nonaccrual status generally follows the same internal policies and procedures as other portfolio loans. However, FHN will typically place a consumer real estate loan on nonaccrual status if it is 30 or more days delinquent upon modification into a TDR. For commercial loans, nonaccrual TDRs that are reasonably assured of repayment according to their modified terms may be returned to accrual status by FHN upon a detailed credit evaluation of the borrower's financial condition and prospects for repayment under the revised terms. For consumer loans, FHN's evaluation supporting the decision to return a modified loan to accrual status includes consideration of the borrower's sustained historical repayment performance for a reasonable period prior to the date on which the loan is returned to accrual status, which is generally a minimum of six months. For all discharged bankruptcies, loans must be placed on nonaccrual, regardless of delinquency status. FHN may also consider a borrower's sustained historical repayment performance for a reasonable time prior to the restructuring in assessing whether the borrower can meet the restructured terms, as it may indicate that the borrower is capable of servicing the level of debt under the modified terms. Otherwise, FHN will continue to classify restructured loans as nonaccrual. Consistent with regulatory guidance, upon sustained performance and classification as a TDR over FHN's year-end, the loan will be removed from TDR status as long as the modified terms were market-based at the time of modification.